HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 08-06-09i 8 s 0• rN v SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, August 6, 2009 2:00 P.M. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbri , General Manager Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager Mary Lou Mosbacher, President BOARD MEMBERS Dale Rise, Vice President James R. Jones, Director Eric W. Schafer, Director Ernie Claudio, Director 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. Five-minute limit. No action will be taken.) CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be discussed and considered separately upon request) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION / ACTION ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION a. Request to Appear Before the Board Pg. 59 Received from Joyce Blackstone (Randy Curtis) Consider Request for District to Reimburse $307.50 for Cleaning Roots from Sewer Line, and to Provide Continued Maintenance b. Liability Claim Against STPUD Received Pg. 67 from David Makovec C. Payment of Claims Pg. 87 Reject Claim in Accordance with Government Code Section 913 Approve Payment in the Amount of $3,796,757.37 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - AUGUST 6, 2009 PAGE - 2 7. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones / Rise) b. Finance Committee (Schafer / Claudio) C. Executive Committee (Mosbacher / Rise) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher / Schafer) 8. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPRESENTATIVES REPORT 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) 10. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. July 22 Board Workshop b. City Water MOU 11. ASSISTANT MANAGER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) 12. STAFF / ATTORNEY REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Water Meter and Other Grants (Lynn Nolan) b. State Budget Impacts (Paul Hughes) C. Board Elections (Kathy Sharp) d. Schedule Board Workshop and List Topics for Discussion (Kathy Sharp) 13. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS / EVENTS Past Meetings / Events Board Election Nomination Period Began (July 13 - August 7) 07/22/09 - Board Workshop 08/03/09 - Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting Future Meetinas / Events Board Election Nomination Period (July 13 - August 7) 08/12/09 - 9:00 a.m. - El Dorado County Water Agency Board Meeting at District 08/17/09 - 3:30 p.m. - Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting at District 08/18/09 - 9:00 a.m. - Alpine County Regular Board Meeting in Markleeville 08/20/09 -10:00 a.m. - Lake Tahoe Forum at Round Hill Pines, Zephyr Cove, NV 08/20/09 - 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at District 08/21/09 - CSDA Module 4 - Board's Role in Human Resources Conference in Oakland 14. CLOSED SESSION (Closed Sessions are not open to the public) a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)Conference with Legal Counsel - Pg. 107 Anticipated Litigation (one case) b. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel re: Liability Claim Pg. 109 Against STPUD Received from David Makovec C. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Pg. 111 Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of CA wer • 195x SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" ADDENDUM NO. 1 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, August 6, 2009 2:00 P.M. District Board, Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbri , General Manager Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager Mary Lou Mosbacher, President BOARD MEMBERS Dale Rise, Vice President James R. Jones, Director Eric W. Schafer, Director Ernie Claudio, Director 14. CLOSED SESSION (Closed Sessions are not open to the public) e. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957/Public Employee Release REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - AUGUST 6, 2009 PAGE - 3 d. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Pg. 113 Existing Litigation: Tahoe Asphalt, Inc. and Tahoe Asphalt Materials Company, LLC, vs. STPUD, Case No. SC20090104, El Dorado Superior Court 15. ACTION/ REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 16. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, August 20, 2009, 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after minutes of the meeting have been approved. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified, but may occur slightly later than the specified time. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during "Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting. Backup to any agenda item(s) not included with the Board packet will be made available when finalized at the District office, at the Board meeting, and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations for the disabled are needed (i.e., disability-related aids, or other services), please contact the Clerk of the Board at 530.544.6474, extension 6203, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. 11~ der 1950 CONSENT CALENDAR AUGUST 6, 2009 ITEMS REQUESTED ACTION a. 2009 Sonora Waterline Replacement Project pg. 1 (Jim Hoggatt) b. Unpaid Assessments pg. 5 (Lisa Coyner) C. InfraMap Software Purchase Pg. 17 (Carol Swain) d. GIS Maintenance and Development Pg. 29 (Wanda Stanley) e. 2009 Water Meter Installation Project Pg. 39 (John Thiel) f. Final and Secondary Effluent Pump Station Pg. 41 (Julie Ryan) g. Rocky Point Erosion Control Pg. 49 (Jim Hoggatt) h. Annual Software Support Costs for Financial/ Pg. 55 Payroll Software (Carol Swain) Approve Change Order No. 1 to Campbell Construction Co., Inc., in the Amount of $128,045.81 Adopt Resolution No. 2867-09, Authorizing Delinquent Accounts be Added to the 2009/10 El Dorado County Tax Assessor's Roll Authorize Purchase of Six Licenses of InfraMap Software from iWater, Inc., for $2,459 Each, for a Total of $14,754, Plus Tax Approve Task Order 10 Amendment to Arete Systems, to Provide Additional Consulting and Support Services, in the Estimated Amount of $49,000 Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids Approve Change Order No. 7 to Pacific Mechanical Corporation, in the Amount of $8,259.99 Authorize Staff to Pay Invoice Received from City of South Lake Tahoe for Water and Sewer Relocation, in the Amount of $10,890 Approve Payments to SunGard Public Sector for Annual Maintenance Costs in the Amount of $15,921.46, Plus Tax South Tahoe Public Utility District ■ 1274 Meadow Crest Drive ■ South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 ■ Facsimile 530.541.0614 • www.stpud.us 0"dral monow Richard K Sol" u !5oT-th Tahoc; Erie Gauai~o ,Jxmer R. JoKae Pudic Utility Pletn't UN" o tM M"dow Creist Orke • South Lmko Talift 0 CA 96150 Fhona 3 544-0474 • Fox 530 541+06% BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Hoggatt, Construction Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: August 6, 2009 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: 2009 Sonora Waterline Replacement Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order Number 1 to Campbell Construction Co. Inc., in the amount of $128,045.81. DISCUSSION: Part A, a deduction in the amount of <$3,200.00>, is for deleting Bid Item 35 which was for the intertie at Ski Run and Highway 50. Part B, in the amount of $72,191.72, is for equipment material and labor for installing the redesign interne. The asbuilt drawing for this intersection was incorrect. The redesign moved the intertie into the slow lane of Highway 50 along with removing the sand slurry that the existing waterline was encased in. This work was performed on time and material. Part C, in the amount of $27,128.88, is for lowering and relocating the 12 inch watermain on Ski Run and Paradise and Ski Run and Aspen. When the contractor pot holed the existing storm drain at Paradise and Ski Run it was higher than staff was led to believe and we had to lower the new 12 inch waterline to clear it. Again at Ski Run and Aspen the storm drain conflicted with the new 12 inch watermain. The result of this conflict resulted in a complete redesign of the intertie at Ski Run and Aspen, which required backfilling the trench line they had already excavated. All this work was performed on time and material. Part D, a deduction in the amount of <$6,200.00>, is for deletion of Bid Item 40 which was for the intertie at Ski Run and Aspen. Part E, in the amount of $38,125.21, is for equipment, labor and material to install the redesigned intertie at Ski Run and Aspen. This redesign included additional 12 and 6 inch pipe and fittings. This work was performed on time and material. -1- Jimmie Hoggatt August 6, 2009 Page 2 SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $128,045.81 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-7911 SONORA BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $495,179(2009/10) ATTACHMENTS: Change Order Number 1 CONCURRENCE WITH GENERAL MANAGER: NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES jff:~ NO : Water -2- o CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 1 Project: 2009 Sonora Waterline Replacement Protect i 11r. %It a.41i Contractor: Campbell Construction Co. Inc. Date: August 6. 2009 PO k _P21429 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: A. Delete Contract Bid Item 35, 12-inch Tie-in at Ski Run and Highway 50, Station 1 +00 for a deduction of <$3,200.00>. TOTAL FOR ITEM A IS <$3,200.00> B. Provide equipment, material and laborer to install the new intertie as directed in the field at Ski Run and Highway 50. Work performed on time and material not to exceed $72,191.72. See attachment B for breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM B IS $72,191.72 C. Relocate and Lower the new 12 inch watermain on Ski Run and Paradise and at Ski Run and Aspen to miss an existing storm drain. Work performed on time and material not to exceed $27,128.88. See attachment C for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM C IS $27,128.88 TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 1 IS A+B+C+D+E = $128,045.81 Contractor agrees to make the herein-described changes in accordance with the terms he .The change In contract price and/or contract time noted Is full settlement for costs Incurred as a result of the change(s) described, unless specifically noted in Individual description(s). Authorized By STPUD Board President Accepted By Contractor Reviewed By Original Contract $2,523,932.35 Previous Change Orders $0 Current Contract $2,523,932.35 THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 128,045.81 New Contract Total $29651,978.16 reof Date: Date: Date: -3- D. Delete Contract Bid Item 40, 12 inch intertie at station 12+42, Ski Run and Aspen for a deduction of <-$6,200.00>. TOTAL FOR ITEM D IS <-$6,200.00> E. Provide equipment, material and laborer to install the new intertie as directed in the field at Ski Run and Aspen. Work performed on time and material not to exceed $38,125.21. See attachment E for breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM C IS $38,125.21 TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 1 IS A+B+C+D+E = $128,045.81 -4- 2 om"I M*W W R.(chArd H. So" !5outh Tahoe &%I* CWW10 , JaWR.,JQnerr l D MsryLoumo*adw ietria ity FuHic, Uti 4 Moadrxv Cry 0rW is South laltto Tahoe # CA MW BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Lisa Coyner, Customer Service Manager MEETING DATE: August 6, 2009 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Unpaid Assessments REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2867-09, authorizing delinquent accounts be added to the 2009/10 El Dorado County Tax Assessor's Roll. DISCUSSION: Exhibit A is a list of the delinquent accounts (sewer and/or water and/or street lighting) to be added to the 2009/10 El Dorado County Tax Assessor's Roll as provided by Resolution No. 2867-09. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2867-09, Exhibit A CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer and Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO I -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 RESOLUTION NO. 2867-09 A RESOLUTION OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADDING TO AND MAKING A PART OF THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT LEVIED UPON THE LAND WHICH SEWER SERVICE AND/OR WATER SERVICE AND/OR STREET LIGHTING WAS USED AND CHARGES THEREFORE UNPAID AT THE TIME OF FIXING THE RATE OF TAXES FOR THE 2009-2010 FISCAL YEAR BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of El Dorado, State of California, as follows: 1. The District authorizes the Auditor-Controller of the County of El Dorado place on the Secured Property Tax Roll for FY 2009-2010, and for each and every year thereafter until rescinded by this Board, the special parcel tax for the purposes of sewer service and/or water service and/or street lighting per the standing agreement between the South Tahoe Public Utility District and the County of El Dorado based on the information delivered to the Auditor-Controller by the District by the statutory deadline of I August 10 of each year. 2. It is further declared that said unpaid charges set forth in Exhibit "A" are added to and made a part of the annual assessment levied upon said certain parcels of land therein referred to and shall become a lien upon said parcels of land. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a duly held Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District on the 6t" day of August, 2009, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: (ABSENT: Mary Lou Mosbacher, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board -7- FY 2009/10 ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF DIRECT CHARGE As agreed by South Tahoe Public Utility District, hereinafter referred to as "District", and El Dorado County, hereinafter referred to as "County", in paragraph 12 of the "Agreement for Collection of Special Taxes, Fees, and Assessments", the District hereby certifies that the special taxes, fees, or assessments listed below, to be placed on the County's Secured Property Tax bills by the District, meet the requirements of Proposition 218 that added Articles XIIIC and XIIID to the State Constitution. The District agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the County, the Board of Supervisors, the Auditor-Controller, its officers and employees, from litigation over whether the requirements of Proposition 218 were met and respect to such special taxes, fees, or assessments. If any judgment is entered against any indemnified party as a result of not meeting the requirements of Proposition 218 for such special taxes, fees, or assessments, the District agrees that the County may offset the amount of any judgment paid by an indemnified party from any monies collected by the County on the behalf of the District, including property taxes, special taxes, fees, or assessments. CITY COUNCIL/BOARD OF DIRECTORS/SCHOOL BOARD DATE FY 2007/08 Special Taxes, Fees, or Assessments to be Placed on Secured Property Tax Bills: TAX CLASS DESCRIPTION 660 Sewer service, water service, and/or street lighting 218 ANNUAL CERTIFICATION FORM- REVISED 7127107 -8- PAGE 1 OF 8 STPUD RESOLUTION Special Assessment Name ~ev i S4 6kck ve +0 1 cows 1-11 b ~~~aagb~-0~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT District Name DATE 08-06-2009 20660 Spec Asmt Code Assessor's Parcel Number Amount (10 digits 000-000-00-00) (None less than $1.00) 022-061-09-00 941.58 022-132-03-00 753.22 023-141-08-00 3186.62 023-151-03-00 5,053.28 023-151-20-00 1,851.72 023-161-05-00 1,880.28 023-161-06-00 1,334.38 023-181-45-00 1,942.84 023-201-67-00 1,524.10 023-221-39-00 7,843.94 023-231-18-00 2,050.62 023-271-19-00 1,011.76 023-351-04-00 605.04 023-372-13-00 1,558.06 023-381-15-00 826.04 023-442-02-00 894.58 023-442-09-00 694.58 023-451-05-00 627.76 023-471-18-00 1,218.30 023-502-21-00 893.74 023-602-03-00 1,058.48 023-602-14-00 1,468.88 023-613-12-00 627.66 023-632-07-00 798.98 023-625-16-00 616.06 023-686-05-00 606.18 023-691-31-00 718.48 023-732-21-00 650.52 023-732-26-00 644.86 023-741-11-00 627.76 023-753-05-00 897.08 023-753-10-00 636.18 Subtotal Page 1 $46,043.56 PAGE 2OF8 STPUD RESOLUTION Special Assessment Name SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT District Name Assessor's Parcel Number (10 digits 000-000-00-00) Amount (None less than $1.00) 023-761-04-00 830.26 023-761-06-00 602.70 023-761-08-00 691.54 023-763-06-00 914.72 023-902-10-00 796.34 023-911-03-00 1,114.72 025-032-18-00 1,023.38 025-803-13-00 765.80 025-233-07-00 660.90 025-225-07-00 1,997.28 025-225-12-00 627.16 025-312-07-00 671.28 025-372-01-00 1,561.10 025-394-08-00 695.00 025-401-11-00 1,062.18 025-413-15-00 1,023.38 025-481-52-00 835.00 025-552-01-00 1,189.00 025-553-02-00 950.42 025-601-07-00 1,115.58 025-632-04-00 703.40 025-670-17-00 830.26 025-681-07-00 860.26 025-682-07-00 1,213.22 025-702-15-00 916.96 025-724-05-00 1,097.68 025-735-09-00 926.24 025-743-13-00 1,023.38 025-763-10-00 985.44 025-763-15-00 1,212.38 025-805-04-00 1.033.40 DATE 08-06-2009 20660 Spec Asmt Code Subtotal Page 2 $29,930.36 PAGE 3 of 8 STPUD RESOLUTION Special Assessment Name SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT District Name Assessor's Parcel Number (10 digits 000-000-00-00) Amount (None less than $1.00) 025-812-23-00 1,295.95 025-822-01-00 765.80 025-822-03-00 938.34 026-025-13-00 1,244.22 026-039-17-00 1,732.02 026-045-08-00 1,337.55 026-048-13-00 1,449.60 026-065-12-00 1,196.42 026-075-22-00 897.08 026-077-04-00 826.06 026-077-05-00 826.06 026-083-05-00 1,300.64 026-084-04-00 1449.36 026-085-16-00 758.56 026-087-12-00 1,354.38 026-093-12-00 2,626.44 026-097-02-00 872.14 026-106-23-00 885.00 026-114-19-00 1,110.82 026-114-20-00 890.68 026-125-07-00 1,023.38 026-135-08-00 2,963.18 026-221-23-00 1115.58 026-221-25-00 897.08 026-221-35-00 1023.28 026-243-15-00 830.26 026-252-10-00 663.32 026-263-07-00 765.80 027-020-10-00 4,894.62 027-204-07-00 1,310.28 027-071-29-00 18,748.54 Subtotal Page 3 $57,992.44 DATE 08-06-2009 20660 Spec Asmt Code PAGE 4OF8 STPUD RESOLUTION Special Assessment Name SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT District Name Assessor's Parcel Number (10 digits 000-000-00-00) Amount (None less than $1.00) 027-083-06-00 2,262.04 027-101-32-00 628.10 027-113-24-00 830.26 027-123-03-00 2,118.18 027-131-03-00 1,166.96 027-134-18-00 785.40 027-143-13-00 860.34 027-145-14-00 1,828.40 027-152-20-00 1,198.08 027-161-18-00 1,882.40 027-225-09-00 1,014.76 027-225-15-00 830.26 027-232-01-00 1,823.00 027-235-03-00 762.42 027-290-08-00 1,497.12 027-312-14-00 1,288.74 027-313-08-00 1,244.72 027-343-04-00 1,611.84 027-355-11-00 1,241.44 027-343-16-00 918.34 027-356-05-00 921.47 028-042-17-00 1,681.58 028-082-01-00 1,633.84 028-121-30-00 6,031.28 028-121-31-00 6,031.28 029-041-02-00 2,849.25 029-051-03-00 2,193.48 029-051-04-00 4,690.28 029-051-10-00 1,521.88 029-052-02-00 1,059.56 029-052-13-00 4,813.12 029-052-18-00 7.404.82 DATE 08-06-2009 20660 Spec Asmt Code Subtotal Page 4 $66,624.64 PAGE 5 OF 8 STPUD RESOLUTION Special Assessment Name SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT District Name Assessor's Parcel Number (10 digits 000-000-00-00) Amount (None less than $1.00) 029-061-02-00 4,885.40 029-061-08-00 6,947.64 029-061-09-00 8,509.08 029-061-11-00 11,940.70 029-061-14-00 3,126.44 029-061-15-00 3,242.24 029-062-02-00 3,297.66 029-062-03-00 2,442.70 029-062-14-00 21,616.82 029-062-20-00 742.12 029-062-21-00 847.14 029-062-22-00 3,541.92 029-064-07-00 2,244.20 029-066-09-00 5,373.96 029-066-19-00 1,574.58 029-067-09-00 2,764.10 029-081-06-00 2,564.40 029-082-22-00 8,111.54 029-162-03-00 4,388.58 029-162-05-00 2,025.10 029-163-07-00 4,854.84 029-352-10-00 10,545.66 029-381-10-00 924.00 029-381-50-00 4,901.50 029-602-03-00 2,128.28 029-605-06-00 1,033.94 029-610-03-00 3,432.56 029-610-10-00 780.52 029-610-26-00 703.58 030-363-21-00 6,186.02 030-380-27-00 895.18 030-541-07-00 1,115.58 Subtotal Page 6 $137,687.98 DATE 08-06-2009 20660 Spec Asmt Code PAGE 6OF8 STPUD RESOLUTION Special Assessment Name SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT District Name Assessor's Parcel Number (10 digits 000-000-00-00) Amount (None less than $1.00) 031-081-08-00 15, 996.76 031-123-03-00 1,295.96 031-203-03-00 1,566.78 031-221-12-00 1,968.68 031-225-03-00 2,051.16 031-251-02-00 2,872.18 031-276-02-00 1,337.56 031-276-05-00 1,046.70 031-281-13-00 2,432.72 031-283-06-00 1,115.58 031-290-02-00 8,268.76 032-141-12-00 4,642.28 032-151-13-00 1,115.58 032-201-07-00 3,166.94 032-201-23-00 1,215.38 032-278-25-00 1,379.14 032-282-48-00 1,525.86 032-282-51-00 1,055.60 032-283-01-00 1,337.56 032-313-30-00 6,470.28 032-371-38-00 3,097.68 033-180-33-00 2,225.06 033-231-01-00 1,149.28 033-285-11-00 1,525.86 032-344-03-00 915.92 033-371-19-00 1,100.00 033-472-09-00 3,919.54 033-503-15-00 1,340.70 033-601-03-00 1,272.36 033-642-07-00 1,016.62 033-712-26-00 1,199.14 Subtotal Page 6 $80,623.62 DATE 08-06-2009 20660 Spec Asmt Code PAGE 7OF8 STPUD RESOLUTION Special Assessment Name SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT District Name Assessor's Parcel Number (10 digits 000-000-00-00) Amount (None less than $1.00) 033-792-04-00 033-841-12-00 033-855-10-00 033-856-05-00 033-862-05-00 033-873-24-00 033-875-04-00 034-081-06-00 034-083-13-00 034-095-08-00 034-122-07-00 034-123-01-00 034-132-09-00 034-153-13-00 034-162-26-00 034-191-02-00 034-202-04-00 034-221-07-00 034-221-19-00 034-242-01-00 034-242-09-00 034-253-10-00 034-265-16-00 034-294-05-00 034-294-26-00 034-321-03-00 034-332-07-00 034-342-11-00 034-581-01-00 034-593-02-00 034-601-09-00 034-652-01-00 1,115.58 835.96 1,287.92 921.80 955.18 897.08 1,115.58 897.08 1,100.58 1,069.44 897.08 1,979.62 1,143.00 887.08 916.96 778.08 1,181.68 897.08 1,190.92 924.98 1,290.44 1,304.86 888.16 1,203.96 897.08 765.80 942.56 1,225.88 1,272.64 921.02 1,179.62 706.14 DATE 08-06-2009 20660 Spec Asmt Code Subtotal Page 7 $33,590.84 PAGE 8OF8 STPUD RESOLUTION Special Assessment Name SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT District Name Assessor's Parcel Number (10 digits 000-000-00-00) Amount (None less than $1.00) 034-654-01-00 879.60 034-681-02-00 954.84 034-727-10-00 947.16 034-792-07-00 1,115.58 035-134-05-00 1,099.30 035-231-03-00 1,185.20 035-273-25-00 1,052.76 035-283-21-00 1,327.28 035-284-02-00 849.52 035-285-12-00 898.20 036-471-05-00 1,272.64 036-475-03-00 796.82 036-552-07-00 887.46 036-600-04-00 917.54 080-082-11-00 801.02 080-102-05-00 765.80 080-113-01-00 1,063.70 080-113-06-00 1,018.58 080-114-04-00 897.08 080-162-12-00 917.54 080-163-15-00 1,525.86 080-174-05-00 781.62 080-193-14-00 886.18 081-042-22-00 1,114.76 081-066-02-00 1,056.46 081-084-02-00 1,099.18 081-113-05-00 1,363.72 081-114-03-00 1,023.38 081-141-20-00 1,149.72 Subtotal Page 8 $29,648.50 DATE 08-06-2009 20660 Spec Asmt Code TOTALPARCEL COUNT 240 GRAND TOTAL $482,141.94 PAGE 1 OF 6 STPUD RESOLUTION Special Assessment Name SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT District Name Assessor's Parcel Number (10 digits 000-000-00-00) Amount (None less than $1.00) 022-061-09-00 941.58 023-141-08-00 3186.62 023-151-03-00 5,053.28 023-151-20-00 1,851.72 023-161-05-00 1,880.28 023-161-06-00 1,334.38 023-181-45-00 1,942.84 023-201-67-00 1,524.10 023-221-39-00 7,843.94 023-231-18-00 2,050.62 023-271-19-00 1,011.76 023-602-03-00 1,058.48 023-902-10-00 1,027.34 023-911-02-00 830.26 023-911-03-00 1,114.72 025-032-18-00 1,023.38 025-083-13-00 765.80 025-225-07-00 1,997.28 025-261-15-00 919.58 025-372-01-00 1,561.10 025-401-11-00 1,312.18 025-601-07-00 1,115.58 025-682-07-00 1,213.22 025-724-05-00 1,097.68 025-735-09-00 926.24 025-763-15-00 1,212.38 025-812-23-00 1,295.95 026-039-17-00 1,732.02 026-045-08-00 1,337.55 026-062-13-00 1,143.46 026-075-22-00 897.08 026-083-05-00 1,300.64 Subtotal Page 1 $53,503.04 DATE 08-06-2009 20660 Spec Asmt Code -9- PAGE 2 of 6 STPUD RESOLUTION Special Assessment Name SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT District Name Assessor's Parcel Number (10 digits 000-000-00-00) Amount (None less than $1.00) 026-087-12-00 1,354.38 026-092-27-00 1,390.54 026-093-12-00 2,626.44 026-114-20-00 890.68 026-125-07-00 1,023.38 026-135-08-00 2,963.18 026-211-23-00 1115.58 026-252-10-00 663.32 027-020-10-00 4,894.62 027-040-07-00 1,310.28 027-071-29-00 18,748.54 027-083-06-00 2,262.04 027-123-03-00 2,118.18 027-131-03-00 1,166.96 027-134-18-00 785.40 027-152-20-00 1,198.08 027-161-18-00 1,882.40 027-225-09-00 1,014.76 027-290-00-08 1,497.12 027-312-14-00 1,288.74 027-343-04-00 1,611.84 027-355-11-00 1,241.44 027-356-05-00 921.47 028-042-17-00 1,681.58 028-082-11-00 1,633.84 028-121-30-00 6,031.28 028-121-31-00 6,031.28 029-041-02-00 2,849.25 029-041-59-00 1,218.38 029-051-03-00 2,193.48 029-051-04-00 4,690.28 029-051-10-00 1.521.88 Subtotal Page 2 $81,820.62 DATE 08-06-2009 20660 Spec Asmt Code -10- PAGE 3 OF 6 STPUD RESOLUTION Special Assessment Name SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT District Name Assessor's Parcel Number (10 digits 000-000-00-00) Amount (None less than $1.00) 029-052-02-00 1,059.56 029-052-13-00 4,813.12 029-052-18-00 7,404.82 029-061-02-00 4,885.40 029-061-08-00 6,947.64 029-061-09-00 8,509.08 029-061-11-00 11, 940.70 029-061-14-00 3,126.44 029-061-15-00 3,242.24 029-062-02-00 3,297.66 029-062-03-00 2,442.70 029-062-14-00 21,616.82 029-062-20-00 742.12 029-062-21-00 847.14 029-062-22-00 3,541.92 029-064-04-00 3,432.56 029-064-07-00 2,244.20 029-066-09-00 5,373.96 029-066-19-00 1,574.58 029-067-09-00 2,764.10 029-081-06-00 2,564.40 029-082-22-00 8,111.54 029-162-03-00 4,388.58 029-162-05-00 2,025.10 029-163-07-00 4,854.84 029-352-10-00 10,545.66 029-381-50-00 4,901.50 029-602-03-00 2,128.28 029-605-06-00 1,033.94 029-610-10-00 780.52 029-610-26-00 703.58 030-363-21-00 6,186.02 Subtotal Page 3 $148,030.72 DATE 08-06-2009 20660 Spec Asmt Code -11- PAGE 4OF6 STPUD RESOLUTION Special Assessment Name SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT District Name Assessor's Parcel Number (10 digits 000-000-00-00) Amount (None less than $1.00) 030-541-07-00 1,115.58 031-081-08-00 15, 996.76 031-123-03-00 1,295.96 031-191-19-00 1,431.78 031-203-03-00 1,566.78 031-221-12-00 1,968.68 031-225-03-00 2,051.16 031-251-02-00 2,872.18 031-276-02-00 1,337.56 031-276-05-00 1,046.70 031-281-13-00 2,432.72 031-283-06-00 1,115.58 031-290-02-00 8,268.76 032-141-12-00 4,642.28 032-151-13-00 1,115.58 032-201-07-00 3,166.94 032-201-23-00 1,215.38 032-278-25-00 1,379.14 032-282-48-00 1,525.86 032-282-51-00 1,055.60 032-283-01-00 1,337.56 032-313-30-00 6,470.28 032-371-38-00 3,097.68 033-180-33-00 2,225.06 033-231-01-00 1,149.28 033-285-11-00 1,525.86 033-370-19-00 1,100.00 033-472-09-00 3,919.54 033-503-15-00 1,340.69 033-601-03-00 1,272.36 033-642-07-00 1,016.62 033-712-26-00 1,199.14 Subtotal Page 4 $82,255.05 DATE 08-06-2009 20660 Spec Asmt Code -12- PAGE 5OF6 STPUD RESOLUTION Special Assessment Name SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT District Name Assessor's Parcel Number (10 digits 000-000-00-00) 033-792-04-00 033-841-12-00 033-855-10-00 033-856-05-00 033-862-05-00 033-873-24-00 033-875-04-00 034-081-06-00 034-083-13-00 034-095-08-00 034-122-07-00 034-123-01-00 034-132-09-00 034-153-13-00 034-162-26-00 034-191-02-00 034-202-04-00 034-221-07-00 034-221-19-00 034-242-01-00 034-242-09-00 034-253-10-00 034-256-16-00 034-294-05-00 034-294-26-00 034-321-03-00 034-332-07-00 034-342-11-00 034-581-01-00 034-593-02-00 034-601-09-00 034-652-01-00 Subtotal Page 5 Amount (None less than $1.00) 1,115.58 835.96 1,287.92 921.80 955.18 897.08 1,115.58 897.08 1,100.58 1,069.44 897.08 1,979.62 1,143.00 887.08 916.96 778.08 1,181.68 897.08 1,190.92 924.98 1,290.44 1,304.86 888.16 1,203.96 897.08 765.80 942.56 1,225.87 1,272.64 921.02 1,179.62 706.14 $33,590.83 -13- DATE 08-06-2009 20660 Spec Asmt Code PAGE 6OF6 STPUD RESOLUTION Special Assessment Name SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT District Name Assessor's Parcel Number (10 digits 000-000-00-00) Amount (None less than $1.00) 034-654-01-00 879.60 034-681-02-00 954.84 034-727-10-00 947.16 034-792-07-00 1,115.58 035-135-05-00 1,099.30 035-231-03-00 1,185.20 035-273-25-00 1,052.76 035-283-21-00 1,327.28 035-284-02-00 849.52 035-285-12-00 898.20 036-471-05-00 1,272.64 036-475-03-00 796.82 036-552-07-00 887.46 036-600-04-00 917.54 080-082-11-00 801.02 080-102-05-00 765.80 080-113-01-00 1,063.70 080-113-06-00 1,018.58 080-114-04-00 897.08 080-162-12-00 917.54 080-163-15-00 1,525.86 080-174-05-00 781.62 080-193-14-00 886.18 081-042-22-00 1,114.76 081-066-02-00 1,056.46 081-084-02-00 1,099.18 081-113-05-00 1,363.72 081-114-03-00 1,023.38 081-141-20-00 1,149.72 Subtotal Page 6 $29,648.50 DATE 08-06-2009 20660 Spec Asmt Code -14- PAGE 6OF7 STPUD RESOLUTION Special Assessment Name SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT District Name TOTAL PARCEL COUNT 183 GRAND TOTAL $428,847.85 South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 530.543.6217 Contact Person: Lisa Coyner DATE 08-06-2009 20660 Spec Asmt Code -15- C-M" Mm"Or "and K S*rig o ut h Ta h o c .MR" V. lion" Public Utility Pletrict, MaryUM MwWw Cr> Ptive • Owth Lake Tahm • CA SM Mons 550 4-6474 • ft A SM-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Carol Swain, Information Systems Manager MEETING DATE: August 6, 2009 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: InfraMap Software Purchase REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize purchase of six licenses of InfraMap software from Water, Inc., for $2,459 each for a total of $14,754 plus tax. DISCUSSION: This software will enable crews to make redline corrections to our existing GIS database while working in the field. Upon completion, the corrections can be downloaded into our GIS database. The software is easy to use and would replace the task of paper mark-ups for corrections and, at the same time, give field workers the ability to view all attributes and images associated with our GIS database. SCHEDULE: Implementation to be completed by August 31, 2009. COSTS: $16,046.15, including tax. ACCOUNT NO: 1037-8080 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $16,800 ATTACHMENTS: Quote, Information Packet CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer & Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO 1 -17- iWater, Inc. 18 Goodyear, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92618 Office: 949-768-4549 Fax: 949-768-4155 CA Contractor License: A 783766 8111 to: South Tahoe PUD Carol Swain 1275 Meadow Crest Dr South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 t6 Water Estimate DA TIE ESTIM TE 7/22/09 207340 Ship To South Tahoe PUD Carol Swain 1275 Meadow Crest Dr South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 REP TERMS PROJECT I Please visit our website at: www. i Water. org KK Net 30 TrEM DESCRIPTION QTY COST TOTAL: infraMap St... infraMap Standard: Software system for viewing and analyzing 6 2,999.00 17,994.OOT Infrastructure data. Can be installed on a laptop/tablet PC as a mobile GPS system or on a desktop computer. Built on ESRI ArcGIS Engine 9 framework. Discount, So... Discount on InfraMAP software. -18.00% -3,238.92 Sales Tax 8.75% 1,291.07 TOTA L: 16046.15 NOTE: A separate charge will be Invoiced for each request for Additional Insured and Waiver of Subrogation. THERE IS A 25% RESTOCKING FEE ON RETURNED ITEMS fil inframAP Field Crew Software Uersion 6.0 a • infraMap is optimized for pen-based or touch-screen computers: o Tapping on the display and redlining is simple to learn and use. o Handwriting recognition eases the transition from paper to computers. • infraMap is the only mobile GIS system with the ability to directly connect with hydraulic valve machines: o Supports full integration with the Paclfic Tek PT 25. o Also supports the Wachs TM-7 valve machine interface. • ir*aMap is a fully functioning GPS navigation system: o Real-time vehicle location is displayed on the map. o Tum-by-turn directions can be generated for any asset in the system. • inkaMap functions in an office (Connected) and mobile (Disconnected) environment: o Connects d'rectly with an SIDE version on a desktop workstation. o Disconnected editing allows for GIS data to be validated and updated out in the field. o Retains all geodatobase functionality such as domains, subtypes, and geometric networks. Fleld Crew Units • InfraMap displays facility attributes and customer information: ,t-------------------- Engineering Y_--i------ o Uses an ArcMap MXD file to configure symbology and visible layers. o Any feature on the map can be displayed and identified. - - Department- - • infraMap features field specific quality assurance / quality control: o Required fields can be easily configured for all inspection forms. o Supports validation of valve turns based on gate valve diameter. o Input forms can guarantee numeric values and consistent data. o Automatically calculate Ffre Flow rates and volume. • infraMap includes intuitive Redline functionaly: o Redlines are organimed by My Redlines and Shoed Redrines. o Drawing interface is simple and straightforward. o Notes can be emailed to anyone directly from the field. • infraMap features advanced hyperlinking and document redlining: o As-builts and other documents can be pulled up quickly and easily o Intuitive document navigation allows for quick zooming and panning o Full redlining functionality allows markup and historic archiving o Measure tool allows you to calculate distances on the document o infraMap utilizes the most advanced line tracing technology available: o Designed to bypass inoperable or buried valves. o Traces the water source, then upstream and downstream to prevent closing unnecessary valves. o Clearly identifies the valves to close, hydrants affected, and customers out of water. o Outage reports can be automatically generated for customer or fire department notification. infraMap supports locked down functionality for field users: o Administrator can define user permissions on a per computer basis. • infraMap is certified to run on Microsoft Windows XP and Vista: o infraMap maintains upward compatibility with current ArcGIS releases. o Flexible configuration files make deploying access permissions easy. • infraMap is GIS-Centric: o The only database used in the application is the GIS database. o infraMap supports all ESRI data formats. • infraMap is compatible with ArcGIS 9.3 and earlier. o infraMap was developed using the ArcGIS Engine 9.3 framework. o Supports File, Access, and SIDE geodatobases. • infraMap supports any data model: o All database and application settings can be configured easily using XML o Implementations are extremely fast and simple to rollout. • infraMap Desktop Extension for ArcGIS allows central data management: o View checked-out replicas and version history. o Manage field redlines within ArcGIS. infraMap contains extensive one-click reports for instant answers: o Customimble quefies allow for simple display of critical information. o Reports can be generated on the fly in Word and Excel. C '.o iMWWW Richard H. 5oi" !5o uth Tahoe CWwft En* Janus K. Jdses F M U li M M"LouAlo U Ic ti ty aria *am S.L. 1M MewWw Cry I itm * South Laka T ae o CA %W Phone 541-8474 9 Fax W t~541-NM BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Wanda Stanley, Engineering Specialist MEETING DATE: August 6, 2009 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: GIS Maintenance and Development REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Task Order 10 amendment to Arete Systems, to provide additional consulting and support services, in the estimated amount of $49,900. DISCUSSION: This task order includes GIS support activities for on-call technical support and training, annual update of the El Dorado Co parcel layer; System Integration including InfoSewer and InfoWater modeling software, and Springbrook customer data; Data Maintenance including population of the subdivision data, updating the water meter layer, updating the sewer service point layer, updating permits, easements, and water connection tables, GPS surveys; System Enhancement including GIS Web Implementation, populate master address feature class, review ArcReader for deployment, etc. Anticipated tasks are outlined in the attached Scope of Work. SCHEDULE: July 1, 2009, through June 30, 2010 COSTS: $49,900 (estimated) ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8062 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $50,000 ATTACHMENTS: Arete Systems Task Order No. 10, Scope of Work, Budget CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -29- r ete T Ms. Wanda Stanley South Tahoe Public utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Dr. South Lake Tahoe CA 96150 28 July 2009 Dear Ms. Stanley: 220 Alamo Ave. Santa Cruz, CA 95060-3002 831-420-0772 As requested, please find attached a proposal for Geographic Information System consulting services for the 2009-2010 fiscal year. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please do not hesitate to call me at 831-420-0772. Sincerely, Alexander M. Johnson, P.E. Encl: Scope of Work Cost Estimate -31- South, Tahoe Public UU11ty Dist r.i t Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Geographic Information Systems Services Scope of Work Introduction The South Tahoe Public Utility District (STPUD) maintains a Geographic Information System (GIS) to assist in the management of its wastewater and water supply facilities. The intent of this task order is to provide consulting and support services in the continued use and development of the District's system. Anticipated tasks in this effort are outlined below: Task 1. GIS Support Activities Contractor will provide general support to District for the maintenance and modifications of its GIS systems. Anticipated tasks include. 1.1 ArcGIS Server Basic (ArG" mMW went mMpgrL This will include general system administration tasks such as managing user permissions and troubleshooting connection problems. 1.2 Map Book production stmnort. Provide support to the District during the annual. production of Sewer and Water grid map books. 1.3 On-call technical support and training. Services as requested by the GIS manager or the District System Administrator. These activities may be accomplished over the phone on on-site as requested by the GIS manager. 14 El Dorado County Parcel 14gbia. Assist the District during the annual update of the El Dorado County parcel base layer. 1.5 Basin-Md& Orthonhoto Fit. Assist the district in procuring a recent orthophoto covering the South Tahoe basin. Task 2. System Integration Activities Contractor will advise and assist District staff in the integration of third-party software with the GIS system. Anticipated integration activities include: 2.1 InfoWater Integration (water distribution system modeling). Contractor will research the third-party software for GIS its and techniques, to include documentation review, correspondence with software sales/techdOd staff, and hands-on work with the software components themselves. -32- 21 Info Sewer Integration sewer collection system modelipg). Contractor will research the third-party software for GIS requirements and techniques, to include documentation review, correspondence with software sales/technical staff, and hands-on work with the software components themselves. 2.3 El Dorado County-to-Spr#agb k parcel synchronization taol/p r=, Contractor will develop a tools and procedures to synchronize the annual El Dorado County Parcel base updates with the parcel list in the Springbrook customer management system. Task 3. Data Maintenance 3.1 Populate facility installed dates from subdivision dates. Contractor will populate the installed date attribute field for GIS features using the construction date of the subdivision within which that feature lies. These will be done for sewer mains, manholes, cleanouts, pressurized mains, and valves. 3.2 LW40 water meter layer. This task will use GPS data collected by the customer service department to place water meters on the wMeter layer in the GIS. The meters will be attributed to the customer accounts, and a procedure will be developed to keep the customer account attribute synod with the Springbrook account list" 3.3 Update sewer service point 1&yer. Sewer service connection points will be attributed with their corresponding customer account, and a procedure will be developed to keep the customer account attribute synced with the Springbrook account list. 3.4 Populate GIS table for customer accounts. The custom account table in the GIS will be populated from an export from the Springbrook system. A procedure will be developed to keep the customer account attribute synced with the Springbrook account list. 3.5 Q!kk permit table in GIS. Contractor will provide assistance to District as needed to keep the permit table updated for permits on file. 3.6 Update easement table in GIS. Contractor will provide assistance to District as needed to keep the easement table updated for permits on file. 3.7 Update water connection drawings table in GIS. Contractor will provide assistance to District as needed to keep the water connection drawings table updated for water connection drawings on file. 3.8 Train Eneineering Specialist to gwmaj= and enter as-bunts in GIS. Contractor will provide assistance and training to district staff for the geo-registradon and entry of as-built drawings into the GIS. 3.9 Train EnsineWa Specialist to update sewer lateral locations. Contractor will provide assistance and training to district staff in updating sewer lateral locations for spatial accuracy based on connection station values noted on the grid maps. 110. PS Surveys. Contractor will conduct GPS field surveys of district assets to assist in improving the accuracy of the features. Areas anticipated for survey include Fallen Leaf Lake and the Export line (A-Line, B-Line, and C-Line). The District will provide the GPS receiver/field computer for the survey activities, but the Contractor may be required to rent a laser rangefinder to augment the survey. -33- 3 ,11 Assist Eng'rrg Specialist with updating e..port system as-built geo-r trop for new GPS data. Contractor will provide assistance and training to district staff in updating the export line as-built drawing and features with the GPS data collected in task 3. 10, above. 3.12 -call GIS data edi e. Contractor will provide on-call GIS editing services as reuested by the district. 3.13 Update Hydrant Ew liWMs and features. Contractor will assist District staff in updating fire hydrant attributes and their locations based on data from the City of South Lake Tahoe. Activities will include review of City hydrant list and comparison to the GIS list; identification of hydrants from the City that don't appear in the GIS; identification of hydrants in, the GIS that don't appear in the City list; updates to the GIS FacilitylD based on City data; and assistance in resolving discrepancies found. Task 4. System Enhancement Contractor will assist the District with various system enhancements to improve the functionality and available of the system for users and administrators. 4.1 ArcGIS Server Standard (Web-enabled M ii.~plen 99&I:Lan. Contractor will assist the District in implementing a web-enabled ArcGIS Server system linked to the existing GeoDatabase. Contractor will assist with software selection, installation and configuration. The District will provide the hardware and software for the implementation. Contractor will set up the web viewer to display the existing Sewer and Water grid maps. The web-enabled GIS will be available from the District's internal network only, and will not be accessible from the Internet. 4.2 Populate master address FeatureClass from El Dorado County A Sp bmok data. Contractor will use an export for the Springbrook system to initially populate the master address point FeatuseClass. Any missing addresses will then be populated from the El Dorado County parcel base. 4.3 Create tooUprocedure to FeriodjW y upd9m puml easement, and water connection tables in GIS. Contractor will use the existing ESRI toolset to develop a procedure to update the permit, easement, and water connection tables in the GIS. The procedure will use a file listing from the server directories where these documents are stored update the table attribute fields for file type and location. 4.4 Review capabilities of ArcReader for pgssibk d loygrent. Contractor will review the advertised feature-set for the ESRI ArcReader product, and provide recommendations to the district for deployment as a low-cost GIS access tool. 4.5 Lateral location edit.-creation tool. Contractor will develop a custom edit tool for editing of service lateral lines. The tool will be developed using the ESRI ArcObjects framework, and will integrate with the existing STPUD toolset. It will be implemented as a custom dll (dynamic link library). The tool will allow a GIS editor to create a service lateral line by selecting a downstream cleanout or manhole and entering a distance on the computer keypad. The tool will use this distance to locate the initial point for lateral construction that is the appropriate distance upstream of the selected manhole. -34- STPLO FY 09-10 GIS Tasks Cost Istlaats, V 3uty 2809 F1/17 • . 1111NIFT • . • —11111PFT•rf-r71.7, • • ■11=111 11117 __________•MMIEFIMIN1111■111•11•11•111■11111=mmung " r T 11- 4 • .11■IFIrrIT''''',"";1•111111111.1MIENImmommoninummil il=.4fr. •,, • ■■•11.• n•-• 1 . • • xNNIN■N■mgm............. MFVFIr" M7E1 • • NIVr1r".77. 111= IIMINTrir 1•111E 1 IN1177771=111117.771 111=177 • 11=111 MIITIr Milr MIN177 Nilig 111• ,17'.77r.71 NM= MIIFT7T-1 MIN17.77 IIIIMIE Err ■1110 MINIF 17771ErTr7mirry MINN 11111. , ..1•11.7.771 ME11777:11111111577 MI•17777.411111117-777.1 111•17 ismr-173..-7—.--77.1=-7-7menr7 ==' MINIVT • IIIINE 1•11 INEVT Mi1771111•11=71...27 woe wow Norrn....ir-ri 111111INIMIIIIIIM NMI 111111117 3111111r7 MINIM IMIWY7, .r MIIVY77, =WM MIIMI MINVT7 MINIV iun mom M•11F!!7=1,7r7 imr..In rwirrolm 111• Totals 1111M7711 .M17 17 • 77 •11111r 1111111111■1 NMI $40,900.00 $411,1100.00 141430040 $1,662.00 $3,240.00 834,020.00 61.710.00 $ 24 . 8 0 334 .00 54 161.00 ARETE SYSTEMS TASK ORDER NO. 10 CONSULTING SERVICES This Agreement is made and entered into as of the 6th day of August 2009 by and between South Tahoe Public Utility District, hereinafter referred to as "DISTRICT" and ARETE SYSTEMS, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT". In consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and conditions as addressed in the Master Agreement dated July 1 S`, 2007 and as specifically hereinafter set forth, the parties do hereby agree as follows: 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Task Order is for GIS consulting services in the management of its wastewater and water supply facilities for the fiscal year 09-10. 2. SCOPE OF WORK The items of work include on-call technical support and training; water and sewer modeling integration; parcel data integration between El Dorado Co. and Springbrook; develop synchronization methods for the water meter and sewer service point layers between GIS and Springbrook; GPS surveys; Web enabled GIS implementation; populate master address layer from El Dorado Co and Springbrook; review ArcReader (free software from ESRI) capabilities for deployment. 3. STAFFING Staffing will be under the direction of Alexander Johnson, P.E., Principal. CONSULTANT shall not change staffing without approval by DISTRICT. Any changes shall provide for equivalent qualifications'as far as possible and practical. 4. TIME OF PERFORMANCE The work items will be performed between July 1, 2009, and June 30, 2010. 5. PAYMENT Payment to CONSULTANT for services performed under this Task Order shall be at a rate of $105.00 per hour for the GIS/Database Architect rate. Any other staff will be charged in accordance with CONSULTANT'S fee schedule for the person assigned to the project task. The cost ceiling for this Task Order is $49,900.00 and will not be exceeded except as provided in Article IV of the Master Agreement -36- 6. LABOR CODE REQUIREMENTS All State of California prevailing wage laws must be complied with in the performance of work related to this Task Order. These include, but are not limited to, Labor Code Sections 1720 through 1860. 7. EFFECTIVE DATE This Task Order No. 10 will become effective upon execution by both parties and shall serve as a Notice to Proceed upon execution by District. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed by the General Manager and Clerk of the Board of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, and CONSULTANT has caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. Richard Solbrig, General Manager SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT August 6, 2010 August 6, 2010 Alexander Johnson, P.E., Principal Arete Systems -37- 0onval MarmW Richard H. Sdbr{g Mmu" !5ou#h ; ahoc I Emb Ctwdb l P moryUM rr FuMic Uti ity letrict Owen Mm*w Cyst Dt+m a 1ritM bike Testae 0 CA f %one WO 5A+6474 # I= &W 541-0014 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4e TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Thiel, Principal Engineer MEETING DATE: August 6, 2009 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: 2009 Water Meter Installation Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to advertise for bids. DISCUSSION: The California Department of Health Services (CDHS) awarded STPUD a $4,387,500 grant for the installation of water meters. This funding is part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) which comes with stipulations about how the funding must be spent. One of those requirements is that awardees must obtain a Notice to Proceed on all construction projects within 60 days of the contract execution. CDHS expects contract execution to occur the second half of August. This means a Notice to Proceed will need to be executed by about October 15 . It was the intention of engineering staff to bid the entire metering project out by February 1, 2010, but this will no longer meet the requirements for the CDHS funding. Engineering staff now proposes to bid out the installation of approximately 160 meters on the Sonora Waterline Project which is now in progress. The remaining 1,340 meters will be bid out under a separate contract for construction beginning May 2010. The construction requirements of the funding (Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, Davis Bacon wage rates, Buy-American Certifications, etc., preclude utilizing STPUD staff for any construction or installation of the water meters. The plans and specifications will be completed by engineering staff with assistance from C2ME Engineering under the existing Task Order. Advertise 8/07/09 to 9/07/09; Open Bids 9/15/09; Board Approve Contract 9/17/09; Notice to Proceed 10/01/09. -39- John Thiel August 6, 2009 Page 2 SCHEDULE: As noted above COSTS: $ 70,000 Estimate ACCOUNT NO: 2029-7078/METERS BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: Approximately $4.4 million ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES- I NO NO CATEGORY: Water -40- cmwsl M&M1W Richard H. Sol" !5outh Tahoe P Hl U ili 0 R..7GM7lib MAY Lau f u t V ty 19trict S , CA- i Meadow Creed I' rKe • South LAke Tahoe w CA 8M Phow 550 -0474 # Inc 5W W0014 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4f TO: Board of Directors FROM: Julie Ryan, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: August 6, 2009 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Final and Secondary Effluent Pump Station REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order No. 7 to Pacific Mechanical Corporation, in the amount $8,259.99. DISCUSSION: Change Order No. 6 addresses 7 work items that are beyond the scope of the Contract, 2 reductions in work, and 1 change to the Contract Time. 1. The project bid item for excavation and off-haul provided an allowance (on a quantity basis) for unsuitable soils. Less unsuitable soil was encountered during the project than had been allowed in the bid item. Accordingly, the District is due a credit for 400 cubic yards of excavation and off-haul that was not performed by the Contractor, in the amount <$18,000.00>. 2. The project included an exterior secondary containment sump to collect PAC and/or hypo if there is a break in the underground tubing. The Contract Documents did not call for insulation or heat trace for this sump, but the exposed tubing was prone to freezing over the winter months. At staff's request, the Contractor installed heat trace and insulation on a Time & Materials Basis for an additional cost of $2,120.94. 3. At the start of the project, staff sought and obtained a Grading Season Exception from TRPA to allow demolition of the Chlorine Contact Basin prior to May 1. This scheduling change benefitted the Contractor, by consolidating the work effort. The cost- savings from this change was split between the Contractor and District, and resulted in a credit to the District in the amount of <$300.00>. 4. During installation of the plumbing from the Hypo Building to the new Sampler Building, the Contractor encountered an underground obstruction. The most cost effective alternative was to re-route the plumbing through existing conduit. This change in work was performed by the Contractor on a Time & Materials Basis for a net additional cost of $3,946.55. -41- Julie Ryan August 6, 2009 Page 2 5. During testing of the newly installed SCADA system, the Contractor found that the switches that had been called for and installed to connect the SCADA panels were inappropriate for the cabling. These single-mode switches were removed, provided to the District for our surplus, and replaced with the appropriate multi-mode switches. The installation of the multi-mode switches was performed on a Lump Sum Basis for the additional cost of $2,102.63. 6. At staffs request, the Contractor removed and disposed of the hazardous materials from the old Pump Station and Electrical Building, which had been identified in the Contract Documents, but not included in the Contract Work. This additional work was performed on a Lump Sum Basis for the additional cost of $3,225.75. 7. Shortly after installation of the new pumps in January 2009, staff discovered that the seals on the pumps were freezing when the pumps were not running, which could damage the pumps. At District request, the Contractor has installed space heaters and Lexan covers at each of the eight pumps to insulate the mechanical seals. This additional work was performed on a Time & Materials Basis for the additional cost of $12,149.58. 8. The design for the Electrical and Generator Building called for exposed metal decking on the underside of the canopies at each of the entrances. With the addition of soffits under all of the eaves, staff elected to add soffits at the canopies as well, for its insulating and aesthetic advantages. This additional work was performed on a Time & Materials Basis for the additional cost of $474.07. 9. To improve drainage around the new Electrical and Generator Building, staff directed the Contractor to install a drywell, perform fine grading away from the building and electrical vaults, and to eliminate some of the infiltration trenches around the building. This changed work was performed on a Time & Materials Basis and resulted in a net additional cost to the District in the amount $2,540.47. 10. The Contract work for this project is nearing completion, but the Contractor continues to work on items outside the original scope. All work for this project is expected to be substantially complete by September 11, 2009. Staff recommends that the Contract Time be extended by thirty-five (35) days to allow time for the completion of extra work. There is no cost impact associated with this time extension. Staff recommends that the Board approve the changes to the Contract (Items 1-10 listed above) in the amount $8,259.99, with a 35 day extension to the Contract Time. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $8,259.99 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8676/EFFLEV BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $936,374 (2008/09) ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No. 7 -42- CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 7 Project Final and Secondary Effluent Pump Station a'w°►•uso•~'``,~ Contractor PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORPORATION Date: August 6, 2009 PO # P19831 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: A. Amend Bid Item 3B, to reflect a 400 cy reduction in the Contract quantity for over- excavation of soils. This reduction in the Contract quantity results in a credit to the District in the amount $18,000.00 as detailed in Construction Memorandum #65, dated June 25, 2009. TOTAL FOR ITEM A IS <$18,000.00> TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER #7 IS A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I+J=$8,259.99 Original Contract $ 6,0119817.00 533 Previous Change Orders $ 247,569.82 30 Current Contract $ 61259,386.82 563 THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 81259.99 35 New Contract Total $ 6.267.646.81 598 Contractor agrees to make the herein-described changes In accordance with the terms hereof. The change In contract price and/or contract time noted is full settlement for costs incurred as a result of the change(s) described, unless specifically noted in Individual description(s). Date: Authorized By STPUD Board President Accepted By Contractor Date: Reviewed By -45- Date: 1 B. Amend Bid Item 12 to include all labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs necessary to install heat trace and insulation at the secondary containment sump, for an additional cost of $2,120.94 as detailed in Change Order Quote No. 00069 (attached). This item addresses in full the additional cost for the work requested by the District in the Response to RFI #135, dated February 26, 2009. This item does not address any impacts to Contract Time or intermediate deadlines resulting from this change in work. TOTAL FOR ITEM B IS $2,120.94 C. Add Bid Item 30 to include a credit to the District for half of the labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor savings resulting from the District acquiring an additional Grading Season Exception from TRPA, as detailed in the District's Supplemental Response to RFI No. 22, dated April 10, 2008. The to the District for this item is $300.00 as detailed in Change Order Quote No. 00071 (attached). This item does not address any impacts to Contract Time or intermediate deadlines resulting from this change in work. TOTAL FOR ITEM C IS <$300.00> D. Amend Bid Item 20 to include all labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs necessary to reroute the cold water and tempered water piping to the new Sampler Building due to unforeseen conditions. The additional cost for this item is $3,946.55 as detailed in Change Order Quote No. 00017 (attached). This item addresses in full the additional cost for the work requested in the District's Revised Response to RFI #67, dated October 6, 2008. This item does not address any impacts to Contract Time or intermediate deadlines resulting from this change in work. TOTAL FOR ITEM D IS $3,946.55 E. Amend Bid Item 22 to include all labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs necessary to provide the appropriate fiber optic switches for the connection between SCADA panels. The additional cost for this item is $2,102.63 as detailed in Change Order Quote No. 00060 (attached). This item addresses in full the additional cost for the work requested in District's Response to RFI No. 132, dated January 23, 2009. This item does not address any impacts to Contract Time or intermediate deadlines resulting from this change in work. TOTAL FOR ITEM E IS $2,102.63 F. Amend Bid Item 11 to include all labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs necessary to remove and properly dispose of hazardous materials identified during demolition of the old final and secondary pump station and electrical and generator building. The additional cost for this item is $3,225.75 as detailed in Change Order Quote No. 00070 (attached). This item addresses in full the additional cost for the work requested in Construction Memorandum #58, dated April 13, 2009. This item does not address any impacts to Contract Time or intermediate deadlines resulting from this change in work. TOTAL FOR ITEM F IS $3,225.75 G. Amend Bid Item 12 to include all labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs necessary to add space heaters and insulating covers to protect the seals at the new pumps. The additional cost for this item is $12,149.58 as detailed in Change Order -46- 2 Quote No. 00068 (attached). This item addresses in full the additional cost for the work requested in District's Response to RFI #134, dated February 18, 2009. This item does not address any impacts to Contract Time or intermediate deadlines resulting from this change in work. TOTAL FOR ITEM G IS $12,149.58 H. Amend Bid Item 16 to include all labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs necessary to stucco to the soffits on the canopies at the New Electrical and Generator Building. The additional cost for this item is $474.07 as detailed in Change Order Quote No. 00063 (attached). This item addresses in full the additional cost for the work requested in Construction Memorandum #39, dated November 18, 2008. This item does not address any impacts to Contract Time or intermediate deadlines resulting from this change in work. TOTAL FOR ITEM H IS $474.07 1. Amend Bid Item 6 to include all labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs necessary to modify the site grading around the New Electrical and Generator Building to promote drainage away from the building. The additional cost for this item is $2,540.47 as detailed in Change Order Quote No. 00043 (attached). This item addresses in full the additional cost for the work requested in District's Response to RFI #73, dated September 12, 2008. This item does not address any impacts to Contract Time or intermediate deadlines resulting from this change in work. TOTAL FOR ITEM I IS $2,540.47 J. Change the Contract Time, identified in Section 007200, Part 2.4, of the Contract Specifications, and modified in Change Order #6, from five hundred sixty-three (563) days to five hundred ninety-eight (598) days account for delays in completing project due to extra work. This item does not address any costs impacts associated with the changes in work. TOTAL FOR ITEM J IS $0.00 TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER #7 IS A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I+J=$8,259.99. -47- 3 GO W01 twin ar Richard H. gol" oc Em& Cl 10M .7aWasR..1one~s m UV " my M" PuHic Utility Dietrict Vi*ICbre . FdftAdug" WM I W Cry D*v * ftuM Lake Tahoe o CA BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4g TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Hoggatt, Construction Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: August 6, 2009 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Rocky Point Erosion Control REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to pay invoice received from the City of South Lake Tahoe for water and sewer relocation, in the amount of $10,890. DISCUSSION: The City of South Lake Tahoe has submitted an invoice for $10,890 for the relocation of water and sewer lines that conflicted with the erosion control measures they were installing for this project. District staff will in turn submit this expense to the U.S. Forest Service and should obtain a 2/3 reimbursement. SCHEDULE: COSTS: $10,890.00 ACCOUNT NO: 1001/6043 50%; 2001/6043 50% ECROCK BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $158,711 (2008/09); $105,000 (2009/10) ATTACHMENTS: City of South Lake Tahoe Invoice CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTIO : CATEGORY: Sewer & Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES W' NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -49- 1 ~19 65~ CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE 1901 Airport Road, Suite 210 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150-7004 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY 1275 MEADOWCREST DR SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 OAT ACCOUNT 91 NO: C00689 PAYMENT IS DUE UPON RECEIPT BALANCE DUE: 12, 580.00 AMOUNT PAID: S PLEASE RETURN THIS POR7M WITH YOUR PAYMENT STATEMENT DATE: 05/01/09 STATEMENT COVERS ACTIVITY FROM 04/01/09 THROUGH 05/01/09 Balance forward 3/31/09 MARCH 09 STREET CUTS JA4/07/09 Payment CRO67394 PAST DUE ~ k ( '04~~ 16 0.00 1,200.00 1,500.00 0.00 BALANCES UNPAID OVER 30 DAYS MAY BE CHARGED A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1 112% PER MONTH. REMIT PAYMENTTO: CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 51- 1901 AIRPORT ROAD, SUITE 210 - SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 98180-7004 TAX ID#. 94-1610868 BILLING INQUIRIES! (9301 642.RnR2 Pagel of 4 Jimmie Hoggatt From: Sarah Hussong-Johnson [shussong Johnson@cityofslt.us] Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 2:21 PM To: Jimmie Hoggatt Cc: Stan Hill; MaryAnne Brand Subject: RE: CSLT Rocky Pt. Invoice Attachments: 20080613 STPUD AddntWorkNotification.PDF; 2007 GLEN RD GARDNER MTN PP PLAN PAGE 1.PDF; C0402 Pioneer-Glen Report.pdf Jim, Sorry it has taken me awhile to get back to you on this. I had to do a fair amount of digging to come up with responses to your questions, as I wasn't involved with the project during 2007 when most of the utility charges were incurred. However, after going through the files and discussing this with the Contractor and JWA (design engineer), I've put together the following responses, which are embedded in your email below. Regarding your requests for dates/personnel involved, I'm not able to provide this info based on our records. Please note that based on my conversations with V&C, they did suggest that one conflict, Item # 12, was largely a telephone conflict, as opposed to a water line. This changes the total amount due to $10,890. I believe this is as much information as we can provide. If you have any further concerns please contact Stan or i, directly. Otherwise, please process payment for the amount of $10,890. Regards, Sarah A. Hussong Johnson, P.E. Associate Engineer -----Original Message----- From: Jimmie Hoggatt [mailto.jhoggatt@stpud.dst.ca.us] Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 5:28 PM To: MaryAnne Brand; Sarah Hussong-Johnson; Stan Hill Cc: Paul Sciuto; Randy Curtis; Lynn Nolan; Lisa Coyner Subject: RE: Invoice Sarah We have reviewed the Rocky Point phase 4 invoice the city has submitted to the District for reimbursement and -52- 7/28/2009 r ear . I~ Dt: October 24, 2008 CAY OfWL&T& ..making a positi/!L' rl;fler.-:ce nr.iir To: Jim Hoggatt, South Tahoe Public Utility District Fr: Sarah Hussong Johnson, Associate Civil Engineer Re: Rocky Point, Phase 4 Utility Reimbursement The City of South Lake Tahoe (City) is requesting reimbursement from the South Tahoe Public Utility District (STPUD) for additional work resulting from unforeseen utility conflicts encountered during construction of the City's Rocky Point Erosion Control Project, Phase 4, as detailed below. Supporting documentation from the City's contractor, V&C Construction, Inc. is attached. Utility Conflict Description (see attachment for backups Cost Q Intersection of Pioneer Trail and Glen: replace 30-inch RCP $492 ' with 18-inch HDPE storm drain and field re-design intersection due to new waterline, telephone, and gas line conflicts (split costs between utilities) (~7 Figueroa STA 6+00: down time for identification and repair of $13700- 2-inch steel water Intersection of Larch and Figueroa: mismarked water line $500 19. Midway STA 1+50: field re-design storm drain due to $460 unmarked 10-inch water. 20. Pioneer Trail STA 12+40: reset 36-inch RCP storm drain and $2160 FES, and re-dig inlet of pond due to water line conflict 21. Intersection of Pioneer Trail and Shepherds: relocate manhole $2740' and realign storm drain pipe due to sewer conflict 2008 Work - Figueroa STA 5+00: remove/replace collapsed $3168 pavement due to leaking water service Total Reimbursement = ~ ID~$9U Attachments: 2007 Rocky Point Addition and Deletions 'P&--'C-WrA4( > MUIL- c: S. Hill Akaw 0491 zV09'-- -53- General mansoo Kiachard H. SArle modws bou t-0'#h Tahoe. Mary UM V Q*MW ruwc Utility 0167trict X1'8 MsWov Crwt I + So Labs Tahoe * CA Phone 550 544-6474 # Fa 550 X41.0314 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4h TO: Board of Directors FROM: Carol Swain, Information Systems Manager MEETING DATE: August 6, 2009 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Annual Software Support Costs for Financial/Payroll Software. REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve payments to SunGard Public Sector for annual maintenance costs in the amount of $15,921.46 plus tax. DISCUSSION: The District's annual software support costs for the Integrated Financial and Administrative Solutions (IFAS) software application is increased annually by the change in the Consumer Price Index from the previous year, plus 2%. The result of this formula is $15,921.46 for the fiscal year of August 1, 2009, through July 31, 2010. These services are needed for daily phone support to resolve issues and for minor updates to fix any problems that may be encountered. In addition, this fee includes the cost of professional services for one major upgrade to the software, which is planned for the end of October, 2009. SCHEDULE: August 1, 2009 - July 31, 2010 COSTS: $15,921.46 plus tax ACCOUNT NO: 1037-6030,2037-6030 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $14,510 (2009/10) ATTACHMENTS: Invoice, including list of systems supported CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer & Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -55- SUNGAM PUBLIC SECTOR 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 800-727-8088 www.sungard.com/publicsector Bill To: South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 United States Attn: Ms. Carol Swain Invoice Company Document No Date page 100 893571 29/Jun/2009 1 of 2 Ship To- Zouifh Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 United States Attn: Ms. Carol Swain Customer GrpAVo. Customer Name Customer PO Number Currency Terms Due Date 1 6013 South Tahoe Public Utility District USD NET30 29/JuV2009 ro d;: f ~ 01/*4MW9, -SIXI: 34 10 $Wt TT ; `ft~`irFyatail -i, - ~ . ~ , . 14lk ~ 74e."r ` ~ ~t1t: 01,G~ag/iltl, , , > tl . #Celhralbiah:. r i.0 7~ffi . I~laltatll OM'/Au~. =mod; ~ _ . , . , - e Cl itt; Eltnd# "Alm, 140, 722.418 ~8 Qpt !lt}g 01 w,111 • - . 01/Aug/.8pg9, R 3 8 11 WAS - HvWAP ftmrom j"' 1,7X6.38 f 34 u a t g, ! - yam.,. p~ ±!~f~~gg yy 1•:Alt: tal~i3 T 1., ON, Eds1: ' i'ao,~.' • ^ ~ ~ ~ . 3~ ~'~~1i1' p ~~j~y~~y~y~ ~j,~.~ ~y~ ~ yg ..r '~t!lyl~~"pli+S~M`i'+ #a"~."'°~wj1i'!~uAY~,~1 , v4},ii9'~ ~ irt r rbr~iNet l~ql/, t2M, fn,d:Z~t i.., Page Total ,06 w V D0 888.21 21 SUNGARW PUBLIC SECTOR 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 800-727-8088 www.sungard.com/publicsector Bill To: South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 United States Attn: Ms. Carol Swain Invoice Company Document No Date Page 100 893571 29/Jun/2009 2 of 2 Ship To: South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 United States Attn: Ms. Carol Swain Customer GrplNo. Customer Name Customer PO Number Currency 1 6013 South Tahoe Public Utility District USD (y 7-7 'w•~+.r... ~ ~.r *yy id+ y w...a.a-......._...w... , ? - .YWL{wr!...a ~n..+.~r+ r- + . 5 . ~ . X j 01 ~ a • xi ~ e 4 'i k . t, x. ' „a - - x'yi' a a I A " , . d'.SM Terms Due Date NET30 29/JuV2009 1.t10 {7:~ 1.00 foo SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT • 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 • Phone 530.544.6474 • Facsimile 530.541.0614 Agenda Item 6a NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD (Use Separate Sheet if Necessary) 1. Name: Joyce Blackstone 2. Street Address: 2290 Montana Avenue 3. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 686. South Lake Tahoe. Ca 96156 4. Phone No: 530-544-2195 Date: 07-21-09 5. Date I wish to appear: Before committee: 08-03-09 Before full Board: 08-06-09 6. 1 have discussed this matter with a member of District staff: Yes X No If "Yes": Name/Department of District contact: Mike Adams 7. Staff Introduction: Mike Adams. UGR Sewer SLIDervisor notified Ms. Joyce Blackstone via mail that the sewer lateral from her property had a root growth problem. The roots were noticed during CCTVing of the main she is connected. CCTV indicate roots starting a couple feet up lateral from the main. 8. Customer Comments: I was advised by letter from sewer department staff of STPUD of roots discovered by main line (photo). Photos taken by Apollo confirmed roots in line by main sewer line and not on my property. Apollo marked area of roots on street. 9. Action I am requesting Board take: Approve reimbursement of $307.50 to Joyce Blackstone - amount incurred by customer to have sewer line cleaned of roots - off property of homeowner and on public property. Also, requesting continued maintenance by STPUD of this area so it does not reoccur. 10. Staff Comments / Recommendation: Customer is required to maintain sewer lateral from their property to the main. Roots are coming from the owners property not from the District's main line. Line will need to be cleared with root cutting eaubment. Recommended Dost treatment with Root-x type chemical control. Attachments: Letter written to Joyce Blackstone. STPUD CCTV photo. -59- Gz 3 South Tahoe Public Utility District GWWWMW,op vkvc r Enib Cb" .des IL im Miry Lou Ma** *4 Odom IM Meadow Crest DrW • South Lake TW=+ CA 9M Phone 550 544-6494 9 FkK 530 541-06 February 9. AVW Re; 2M Morba M. Joyce a-- - -orb; During wutk a blevbft of the sewer main k was nosed that yc*w has a root pmbism This p oblern should be addressed gedddy in order tD PWOrrt possible desraige 1D the irderiorof Yom house. It wotdd ba my rawror en I-don that you have your hdwrai televised in order tD kmb the area of the root k radon and hwe it repaired. if you have any • cW. Sinee". MWmd Adam URS Supervisor Cc; RoWtV File 14 LI L . GI -61- Q -62- s- .w ....o»~.,b...~w..w.~wwwl}n..-wc. A. «wvm-,-ti~.~.e.. a.r.... .___.~.w.....».. . Terry's Apollo Plumbing and Heating. Inc CA Lic#813437 PO Box 2535 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Ph 530 544 8404 / Fx 530 5421020 apol oplumbing@char tern et Bill To: JOYCE BLACKSTONE SLT, CA 96150 530 544 2195 Invoice June 25, 2009 Summary: Invoice Tech: Due Date: Job Date: PLUMBING 1394-60818 35 STEVE 3 7/13/2009 6125/2009 Job Name: 2290 MONTANA JOYCE SLT, CA 96150 530 544 2195 Item Code Description Hrs/Qty Price Amount Video inspect 4" sewer lateral from vent pipe to city sewer line locate & mark where roots have grown into lateral - Also locate & raise 4" cleanout access to ground level LABOR STEVE 1.00 105.00 105.00 LABOR TERRY 1.00 105.00 105.00 DISCOUNT OFFERED ON LABOR 1.00 -52.50 -52.50 EQUIPMENT - CAMRA 1.00 150.00 150.00 Labor Other Subtotal Total 210.00 97.50 307.50 $307.50 All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a professional manner according to standard practices. Arry alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon delays beyond our control. Purchaser agrees to pay as costs of collection, including attorneys fees. Terms: Net 30 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS -63- South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Dr. So. Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 PlpeNne Segment Ref: Project Name: TK275-274 Tahoe Keys Upstream manhole No: Downstream manhole No: TK275 TK274 Addrdonal Ado: Emp- SDUTN TAH F Start datp4tlme: weadw: 2/5/2009 1 12:59:57 PM Total length: 300.0 Surveyor's Name: Francisco Avina Observations Distance Length Code Reversed Clock Pos. Severity Comment 268.0 RFL No 3 / 2290 MONTANA AVE ROOTS COMING FROM LATERAL Observations with Large Images Monday, July 27, 2009 9:42 AM w. e Page 1 of 1 .dopikk 19:1 Mrft-t" 9"ds C o bout--h Tahou lawnas R. ,1~ FuRc Utility Pletroict; Mmd Cr + SmM L Tahm • CA III Mow 54+-0474,p Fret &W 41-O&A BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Lisa Coyner, Manager of Customer Service MEETING DATE: August 6, 2009 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Liability Claim against STPUD received from David Makovec REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Reject claim in accordance with Government Code section 913. DISCUSSION: See attached recommendation from Carl Warren & Company, Insurance Adjusters. The District does not have any responsibility for this claim as the sewer backup/overflow occurred in a private sewer lateral. The District, as well as El Dorado County Environmental Management, had previously notified the property owner that there was root intrusion in his private lateral and the sewer lateral must be replaced. Because of the overflow that occurred in April 2009, the property owner hired a contractor to repair/replace the sewer lateral. During the excavation, an active septic tank was discovered. The property owner stated that he was unaware of the septic tank, although the Grant Deed includes an easement for a leach field. The property owner feels that the District should have been aware of the septic tank on the private property and responsible for the costs associated with abandoning the septic tank. District records indicate that the tank abandonment was inspected in 1964. Should the Board desire to discuss the merits of this claim, a closed session item has been included on this agenda. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Recommendation from Carl Warren & Co., Claim, Correspondence -67- Lisa Coyner August 6, 2009 Page 2 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION- CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -68- South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • 5outh Lake Tahoe • CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 • Fax 530 541-0614 • www.stpud.ue July 21, 2009 David Makovec 4328 Acacia Lane Penngrove, CA 94952 Re: APN:27-290-09 1154 Bowers, South Lake Tahoe, California Dear Mr. Makovec: I am in receipt of your claim dated May 13, 2009 and received June 11, 2009 for loss of damage to your properly located at 1154 Bowers in South Lake Tahoe which you state occurred on April 29, 2009. The District's $oard of Directors will consider your claim at its August 6, 2009 Board meeting, which will be held -at tt SoUth Tahoe Elie Utlhty Vlo et Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, at 2:00pm. At the meeting, District staff will recommend rejecting your claim. You are certainly welcome to attend and express your views directly to the Board at that time, or communicate with the Board in writing prior to the meeting. Please contact Ms. Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board, at (530) 543-6203 if you intend to appear. I am happy to discuss this further with you if you wish. Please call me at any time at (530) 543-6221. Sin ly, Lisa M. Coyn Manager of Customer Service Cc: Carl Warren & Co., Insurance Adjusters Property file -69- t CARLWARREN&M AWfiMffWWAdju*m Claims Manageracid and Administration P.O. Box 3975 walnut Crock, CA 94598 (925) 6741660 (800) 9984763, ext. 234 Pax: 92S) 825-5964 South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Attention: Lisa M. Coyner July 20, 2009 Sent Via E-mail: lcoynerOa sVudAst.ca.us Manager of Customer Service Claimant: David Makovec Date of Loss: 04/29/2009 Loss Location: 1154 Bowers. South Lake Tahoe, CA OUR FILE 1495853 Dear Ms. Coyner: This will serve to request that the District take the following action in the captioned matter: ® CLAIM REJECTION: Reject claim in accordance with Government Code, section 913. ❑ LATE CLAIM: Do NOT reiect claim but RETURN it for failure to file within time limit prescribed in Government Code, section 911.2. Transmittal NOT to contain "WARNING" required by section 913 but should advice that the recourse is to file "Application for Leave to File Late Claim" as provided in Government Code, section 911.4. This must be returned within 45 days of the date claim mailed or delivered. ❑ INSUFFICIENT CLAIM: Send notice-of insufficiency for failure to comply with Government Code, section 910 and/or 910.2 and/or 910.4 and cite the following specific insufficiencies: AMEDRED CLAIM: Reject claim as set forth in first paragraph above, CLAIM REJECTION. ❑ APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO FILE LATE CLAIM: Reject the Application under Government Code, section 911.8. ❑ OPERATION OF LAW. Defer any written response to the claimant pending our further advice. Please provide as with a copy of any response to the claimant pursuant to the above. -70- South Tahoe Public Utility District Attn: Lisa Coyner Claimant: David Makovec D/L: 04/29/2009 July 20, 2009 BASIC FACTS: At approximately 8pm on April 29, 2009, a private line sewer backup / overflow occurred at 1154 Bowers in South Lake Tahoe, California. This property is owned by David Makovec. The Property Manager is Vicki Inferrera. The property Manager contacted Morris Builders to provide cleanup services. According to the claimant, the volume of this spill was approximately 7,500 gallons. According to the information available to us, 6,000 gallons was pumped out. The spill occurred in the parking lot and the driveway area. Surrounding / adjacent wetlands were threatened. The claimant alleges while his contractor was repairing the broken private sewer lateral line "it was discovered" there was an old (50+years) septic tank that "was creating a health and safety hazard". The claimant alleges he was instructed to stop all sewer repairs "Until the septic tank was cleaned, treated, collapsed, removed". Claimant David Makovec presented a claim to the District in the amount of $21,325.00, received by the District on or about June 11, 2009. His claim seeks reimbursement of this amount as additional and unexpected costs incurred by him as a result of the District "forcing" him to gull the driveway and remove the tank". The claimant alleges not to have been aware of the existence of the septic tank prior to this incident. He further alleges he has proof that the District previously signed off on the abandonment of this tank years ago. The District provided us with documentation that indicates there have been prior problems on this property that the owner and property manager were aware of. Had the property owner made the required repairs previously this incident would not have occurred. CLAIMANT The claimant is David Makovec with a mailing address of 4628 Acacia Lane, Penngrove, CA 94952; telephone number (707)953-0960. LOSS LOCATION: The loss location is 1154 Bowers, South Lake Tahoe, California This is an 8 unit complex owned by David Makovec. The complex is approximately 55 years old. Mr. Makovec purchased the property approximately July of 2006. FARMERS INSURANCE: It appears that the claimant presented a claim to Farmers Insurance, his homeowner's 2 r arl Warron A ra -71- South Tahoe Public Utility District Attn: Lisa Coyner Claimant: David Makovec D/L: 04/29!2009 July 20, 2009 insurance carrier. Their policy number is 95-0602457233. Their mailing address is P.O. Box 268994, Oklahoma City, OK 73126-8994 / telephone number (925)699-5939. The District received a phone call from a Sal Cox of Farmers approximately 05/22/09 regarding "Morris Builders". This was prior to the submission of a claim by Mr. Makovec. We returned Mr. Cox' phone call on behalf of the District. He was "wondering" if we had any code permits or regulations" relative to the repairs being done on the property. We redirected Mr. Cox to Morris Builders as the company doing the work / repairs. We have had no further contact from or with Farmers since that time. LIABILITY AND DISTRICT RECORDS: The District advises us that the property is a leach field for the "biggest septic tank" ever seen. It is estimated to be about 30+ feet long. Approximately 6,000 gallons of raw sewage was pumped out of the tank. District permit cards state it was capped and filled in although that was discovered not to be the case. At the time the tank was `abandoned' the City would have been responsible for inspecting and signing off on that abandonment. The District would not have taken over that responsibility until the late 1970's. Mike Adams of STPUD provided some historic data relative to prior problems on this property. In September of 2006, approximately two months after the claimant purchased the property, there was sewer overflow. Again on 04/02/07 another spill occurred at which time the property manager was advised repairs to the private lateral line were required. The District provided us with a copy of the Grant Deed inclusive of an easement for the leach field. This negates the claimant's allegation that he was unaware of the existence of the septic tank. The septic tank in question is the private property and responsibility of the claimant. There is no apparently liability on behalf of the District based on the information available to us to date. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is our recommendation that a Notice of Rejection be issued in this matter based on the 3 1"ar/ Warron A !'n. -72- South Tahoe Public Utility District Attn: Lisa Coyner Claimant: David Makovec D/L: 04/29/1009 July 20, 2009 following: • No apparent liability on behalf of the District. • The tank is question is owned by, and the responsibility of, the property owner. • The District was not responsible for the abandonment of the tank. • The property owner was previously advised that repairs to their private line were necessary . It is our understanding that had those repairs been made previously that this incident would not have occurred. REMARKS: This concludes our report prepared for the primary purpose of recommending rejection of this matter to the District. Should the District's Board approve rejection of this matter we request that a copy of the Notice of Rejection and Proof of service be provided to us for our records. In the interim, please do not hesitate to give me a call, at (707)732-6728, should you have any questions or need any additional information. Very Truly Yours, CART. WARREN & CO. -?aria C Tway Janice C. Yardley Claims Analyst CC: Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. 100 Pine Street, I Im Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 Attention: Dennis Mulqueeney Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District 1010 Chadbourne Road Fairfield, CA 94534-9700 Attention: Talyon Sortor, CSRMA PLC Chair 4 !'.arl Warnon A ("'n. -73- South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive - South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150-740, Phone, 5W 5W-4-6474 • Fax 530 341-0614 a www.staud.us CUSTOM WFORMATIClN RMAAMOG DAMAGE: CLAIM we spologize forte ine~nveneinc;e 93k bas caused ym We are cuff a dy con 8 an invea on Wo dire cause of the daQ ON Uporn &wvcftg dO cam, we will ccn u"-t you to dctemiae what futwe notion is Aacesasry. ,%ve are committed to resotdog your pmpeaty and to pe t dce h dth of those affmad duamg the rw dadm pmcess. The deadl eg cv r pmt dadVed to has been selected became of their affluxence, to rawbii ied protocala ensm all parties dwrovgh, cost-fie and expedit om seskwation son iom 111e oo y , tQ d>te aa~,e~acy otafg aad r wr afto is_ and you can retch 1 &mcdy at n- - x266 If at racy time you Gave any questions, please cal! Lisa C;oyncr, Ni wgw of Customer Service at (330) 343.6221. If you have my questkms riding your dacm, ple aw call our inematcoe adjustor, Janice Yardley at Carl warren and Company, at (707) 732-6728. X r- ex e14-0,fb&A---) ~r A- l f1-n -e 5A" - REED By LISA M COYNER JUN 1 1200g -74- FROM: Morris Builders PO BOX 20116 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151 TO: Dave Makovec RE: 1154 Bowers Sc%%= Emergency' on April 29.2009 Dear Mr. Makovec, May 13, 2009 Fax to: 707 766 9396 I was contacted by Vicki Inferrera on April 29, 2009 at 8:30 PM. Vicki requested I meet her at 1154 Bowers because she said the South Lake Tahoe Public Utilities District, Jim Hammond, URI Sewer Leadman and the County of El Dorado, Environmental Management Department, Virginia Huber,R.E.H.S. Tahoe Division Manager Health Department wen on site at 1154 Bowers for an environmental hazard sewage rupture and a responder truck was in route. Vicki told me the S.T.P.U.D agency, said a sewer leak was leaking on the property and also leaking into the next door meadow, a sensitive environmental zone. Tahoe is very on task when it comes to protection of Lake Tahoe there are many agencies involved. I met her at the rupture in the parking lot that evening. We were there until mid night with the agency people. Upon arrival 1 met with these agency people and Vicki and it was determined that an immediate call out of a vacuum/ pump truck to pump up the sewage from your property was necessary to protect the property and property of others and prevent further poQution damage to the meadow. These 2 agencies were in emergency mode and an emergency responder truck from the city was now on site. Virginia Huber was telling Vicki and I that all-the eight units would have the water shut off and the people would have to be moved to motels or else where to ensure their health and safety and since the building houses babies & pregnant women too, there was a concern for the health and safety of all especially the children and pregnant mothers. Additionally, the Manger from Accommodation Station, who is the manager of 27 units next door was called to the site at 9 PM . She was told to alert the people in that the 27 unit building located at 1160 Bowers - would be evacuated to motels at the owner, Dave Makovec's expense if we couldn't get this emergency under control. Kevin Meyer, Greeriac Homes Supervisor for 1160 Bowers was now on site too. The wind was howling and rain was on its way. Together an emergency, decision was made to try to resolve the rupture immediately. Alpine Sewer and Septic was contacted for a pump out and responded by 9 P1VI. Alpine pumped up 1000 gallons of sewage that had spilled that night, everyone stood around watching and supers ising, and at midnight it mss determined that nothing further could be done to repair it tonight. The tenants were woke up and told that the water was being -75- . r £'d 99z0•LV9 (0£9) eJsJ.)e;ul ! P.A doe:90 tD £L 4eYV shut off in 30 minuets by the city water dept. (STUPUD. Jim Hammonds We agreed that we would all meet at 8 AM the following morning, May 1It to re-evaluate what needed to be done. The tenants filed up pots of water and were told that Vicki would open a vacant apartment for showers and other water needs. Regardless of the attempts to repair the water was shut off and told that it was a health hazard and the removal of tenants was still up in the air. This satisfied the Envimnmentai Dept, Virginia Huber for the night, and they agreed to let the people stay put for die time being. Day 2 at S AM We met again with the( known as S.T.P.U.D.) We-ter Dept, Supervisor, aim Hammond and Virginia Huber, Environmental Department, and 2 men along with Jim. I was asked by Vicki to accompany her to Tahoe Regional Planning AMC WON (known as T.R.PAA). to get the needed emergency permit to dig the sewer to repair the line. South Lake Tahoe requires permits for all digging , tree cutting and any type of construction thru This TRPA agency. TRPA 's job is to oversee everything that might pollute the Lake Tahoe and protect Tahoe in any way . I met with Ga yS pgle of your TRPA, and his assistant who reviewed your (BMP) Best Manag property. An emergency peraut was issued and a fee of $285 for the permit was established. Julie Kolowith Associate, Environmental Specialist, was sent to the property Fom TRIM for her evaluation of the dig for TRPA's file. I met with her and walked the property and showed her the extent of what was being done to correct the problem. At this time an additional person Taylor B Z,enter Environmental Scientist, from Lahontan State Water resources Control Board was viere taking water samples from the meadow to determine damage from the rupture to the senstuve env ronmcnW zoned meadow. Vi eld and I met with him briefly. Taylor said the owner may be fined for the damage to the wetlands, or for the damage to the meadow, and the owner would receive a letter from the agency, if so. Determined. On this day Robert Tucker from the State Water Resources Control Board a Control Engineer was on site also surveying things. He is from California Environmental Protection Agency, Lahontan Region also. NOTE: In South Lake Tahoe. CA- one can not disturb any ground any digging or anything with out the supervision and approval of this TRPA Agency. Vicki, agreed to pay the $285 and an emergency permit was granted. (See rules and regulations at sA,ww.trna.ore TRPA's web site . (For Rather review of regulations) Returning to the property ( the water was still shut off for your tenants). all sub contractors were called to deal with this emery, including excavation machinery and pump trucks and labor needed. These were required to stay on site by TRPA during the grtire 'r as a condition of the emergency permit as weU as rutting up a Marift, a plastic edge fencing and straw bale waddle, absorbing" Contaminated Water" signs to be put up around the edge of the properties and I did put those up and she took a picture of it at the border to the meadow. -76- q'd S9Z0-'~49 (0£9) Baairojui ap,1 c0£,90 60 Cl EBil The process of repair to the rupture began with the onsite supervision of several agencies, mainly Jim Hammond, South Tahoe Public Utilities District and Virginia ,'-Tuber Environrnontal Dept. additionally, Lahontan water Quality, was taking water samples in the meadow to determine pollution Levels if any to the water from the ruptured sever. All agencies were remaining on site, all day. Everyone had digital cameras and uss taking photos so I bought 2 disposable cameras and took some photos of my own. In all I used two 27 photos cameras and had the photos developed for your needs and to provide a visual history of this repair. It was about 10 AM when the repair digging began at the parking lot exactly in front of unit 2. It was unknown to everyone, said Tim Hammond, that what was next found was in existence. The water company had no record of a 60 yr old septic system sitting in agreement with the city sewer line. The art removal had begun and it was discovered that this 25 ft long 15 ft wide and 3 fwp septic tank was directly under the ground in additionally: leaching in to your parking lot as the parking lot. It was found to be ful . well as the ruptured pipe in 2 plac*j! . which was located fiirther out in the parking lot / area. It additionally, was not kno " you the owm Dave Makoyee, by Aspen. Realty, in the sale of the property or in skg6port that any agency on site could find All repairs had to be stopped ate verbal directi SST:P.L1:D, Water Supencyisor, and Jim Hammond And ~'4niit Ruber, Environm z Dit ctior. A hash, meeting was held with many phone calls in :'vf this previously vs rwm septic tank sitting g feet away from the entrance to 91" t eats. It M;* determined that the tank was full of old sewage and gnrund was seeping i out of the tank to near by Mach fields creating a major be a d for the oc cup and the meadow. All original sewer re-000 were haft J: vAs informed that NOTHING would be allowed and that tky over rut gencjI dig permitted by TRP'A.; UN MIL- the removal of the old sew d water was pumped out the 4 xd refilled with dirt and fetid: was treated with litre and the tank was co compacted. This unexpected direction called three removal of asphalt and additional work in the parking area and,c s degmt~d necessary *+*p h- sensitive and the • e^Q;+.E•e environrtteatal zone next dour o---.= The pump truck then pumped out 7500 gallons of ground water a n& Ord sewage. The septic was collapsed, treated and filled. It had begun to rain, gd.W ed for 3 days, which hastened the need to ensure. no firther sewage was rupturing oti he ground. The decision for the tenants to move out to a hotel was sti 11 ul~ ist the-air and Vicki was bringing water to some people or the second day with out water. NOTE: The removal of this Wexpected health hazard vac N. OT an OPTIONT . These agencies were threatening the full extent of the law andVAre authority to move people out for as long as it tales.. This HAD to be done before the repair could continue. Arid so it wwq, the rain didn't help. The pump truck was on stand by all the time as required by the emergency permit issued by T RPA. All unexpected extra time and expense. -77- 8'd 99ZCKV9 (Deg) eJa~Je:Ul BRA dt£:90 60 £L 4814 INVOICE MORRIS BUILDERS PO BOX 20116 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96151 TO DAVE MAKOVEC Fax 707 766 93% Phone 707 9530960 INVOICE # [10D] DATE: MAY 13, 2009 RE: Farmers Insurance Salvatore J. Silcox CLAIM HUBER # 1 01 39 59 300 SALESPERSON JOB I PAYMENT TERMS DUE DATE PAUL MORRIS 1154 Sowers Sewer Check th:e on receipt ' Emergency 4/29/09 1 - ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAL ; Break down of ruptured sewer repair, NOTE: Weather I was rainirg for 3 days during this repair further complicating project repairs. 1 ' Cutting and removal of 405 square feet of asphalt it $25.00 $25 parking area. j 2 Pumping out the sewer line trench to repair the i ;1100.00 1,100.00 ruptured sewer tire, Site protection. ReWred by city agendas, install marafi fencing around property with bases of straw waddle to 3 prevent further leakage off property to sensitlve 375.00 375.00 environmental tone meadow and 27 unit apartments I next door as well as 1154 Bowers 8 units apartments. ; Repair and replace pipe due to the fact that existing 60 j yr aid pipe could not be repaired as is. Includes labor i ; I ' Digging the trench to repair sewer line. Removal of oval I 4 , orange bird pipe existing with rupture. No adapters are 3,200.00 ~ 3.200.00 In existence today to repair such pioe; therefore it was required to be necessary to replace with today's standards pipe (ABS pipe). r ! j -78- Z-d 9920-gig (0£9) SJO-Uslu1 OPIA d6Z50 60 £1, A811 6 7 ggauired by city agencies-before repairs could continue -the removal and pump out, and treatment with lime, of old sewage and ground water in the-- previously unknown 60 yr old septic tank,-- measuring 25 by 15 by 3 feet deep, which was leaching sewage on to property and near by properties creating major health hazards as determined by Virginia Huber ,R.E.H.S.,Tahoe Division Manager of the Environmental Health Dept and South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District, Jim Hammond Supervisor of this emergency. And Lahontan Regional Water Control Board, Robert Tucker, This project was stopped by these city agencies until this was completed. Includes pumping treatment with time, collapsing and compaction of old tank to satisfaction of city agencies on site. Repair of asphalt in parking area. Dump fees for concrete and asphalt, and dump truck time TRPA REQUIRED EMERGENCY PERMIT 4129109 Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, www.troa.0►a Environmental Specialists, requires a permit for everything regarding Tahoe and provided an emergency permit for this rupture to be repaired. Per Gary Waggle. Supervision and emergency call out and meeting time with all agencies and permits, by Morris Builders, over 6 day period . Profit and Overhead Signature Below Paul Morris, Morris Builders make all checks payable to Morris Builders THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS) 8,800.00 C8,150.00 I 8,150,DQ 900.00 C70,00 285.00 285.00 2650.00 2650.00 SUBTOTAL. 26,285.00 15% 3942.75 TOTAL 30,227.75 -79- South Tahoe Pub , Utigty District Sewer Backup/Water Damage First Responder Form crrl~7• AIV A DATE/ Z a9 L'B~ q T AG WCY ELTsPBESExU [ tSr~.' 0~+ A C1lEA' ~ PARCEL. : _ RESMT: PROPIATY ADDRESS: /may ~a x_06 Ant mess: { STREET m STAT& Zip PHONE' 0 7r E9, v CLEANM CONTRACTOR CALIM17 ME: ANCB AD3USTOR cA mnV6M CAUSE Or FLOODING: EJOCATKW48WM -STm 7 ,_,,,,r,REAREAs13}v16 m wNRxzd--- ----TO---_ MAINLINE S sE7tVK.te LM DAMA36: - SLACK W A I M - GREY WATM _FRESHWATER t70M1rIkIQ7S: SACKWAM VALVE'-RECOhSwENVM -NOT REfXJ?+tt+ MED _ REFUSED ,w. FORM ON OAAUD TO OWNER CLEAN>ctGl SERVICES: _ REQUIRED _ hOT RBOL RrEU ASSIGMM 8Y 3W.VER,,,_ ASK0NED BY AMNCY SMMOh B D LMAGE A:SSESSMM Door any toad" t brie a*"& or sdkrpfvtt -Yes - No «J tf list -MvkM Dow say roWea hove sarskh* to any OwWcaW? _Yes - No if so, place lint: Did sap mkkat cook in coarser with du ramp? Yz _ No 1't owe list Am thae any ax:dettts that sn wder the spa of 6 years old? ~Kyes No 1 ~L An thole wry teaidtats that at over rte W Of 6s yeasts O:.d? j t8 ~ No A' S es"' Is day resident eutt ncy a*da a dam's ow? Yes . Wo F ~ ~ Are that any mW-ts that have a&a reWi ttoty MMcw? Ye; No Are Om say reside M dim have s deSaiat hnrtwne swum? ~ ya ~ No b the resideno used as a ddidom or vacodcd care facility To Z No b Ificto arty twWeat dhst is pr*Vwir (VJ oor7 ,Yes Vo W Is Mae a ronctlm ft and aoacortasaiaated bn&mom a bble? Ya ~ QiV pud%~'GL s 51 4 ~h fNy i /vim ~iRLTl. is F , of foams Ax=eaxc~ o. bathrooens:_. . , bou:sldays Iloas Appsos~ Tune Sewage Has Bees S' mMM pi. , pP'tix 71FO AO or Filar? Humbar ofFL-Mms i ❑ S7Nt. t~ Does the Customer Have a Baddlow Preveu (BFD)? f~ Yes Yes 1`b W54-n--j- a'f" Yes No [f Yes. Was The BFD Opasatio~fal Al The Time of the Ov Or P eg Code Based On The Age Of'Llre~~ -{o /~v2 Is a BFD Requc ed For This Address Per D61rid Ordkmm When Ww The S=dw Of Line Wbere The Stoppa&e Ocastred Last Clued? tNK Bove ?'acre fiver Bees Asy Previous SPills At This Locadont? 0 Yes 9No Tvpc of Flooring lu the Rooms AM-cted: -PATt' N t OT ~ C} Tilt visible open spaw sie): Condition of ?}le aptdSem►is (cracdng carpet `y wooCondition 07Ftooring and loim (a~wba& vi5'We qM spaces etc): Are urn- Condition of Baseboards: -l door ❑ Baseboard"bas tiAE seal wall gwebaud bottom has d* S* aas d a~aH Baseboard bas spacatetweea bod m std do floor 13 Baseboard ' baseboards? ❑ Na Yes BasoboerdMdKial: t ~Qther S ( Q►~cuJ~n Flame Iderttj{1!'L! 4 q'd 99Zt)-m (00) "ASM WA 680-L0 60 LZ Aepi -81- FORM: TORT CLAIM FOR MONEY OR DAINUGES P00 Code-Nis f, Div. U, 51010 of seq j Claim of LT,~SERT NA1 C- OF CLAL%JA TI, j T SERT :NA.' IE OF CLAWANT] i VS. ; South Tahoe Public Utiliny District ) See attached Instructions ecti ve,c `o. TORT CLAIMI FOR NIONEY OR DAMAGES (GOVIEWI IEN7 CODE SEC. 810 et seq..) Mott Zc Claim n, gar[ on ►.n Is the. Claim on Behalf of a Minor? -Yes -~?-INNo If yes, please indicate: Relatlowhip to Minor: Date of Birth of Minor: Inc: dent Date: 49 h(onth, y ear -_70`7 - sS -Q Yea . umber (include area core) 40 v` e44- q State Zip Code Dollar Amount of Claim,: 2 If the Amount Exceeds $1 a'000, indicate Type of Civil Case: Explain Hrnv. The Dollar Amount Claimed Was Computed (Adach supporting documentauoafor the amotmt claimed) -82- Location of incident (if applicable, include street a.3dzmeess, city o, county, highway number, post mile number and d:: ecdon of ravel). &--plain the c_rcLurst races that led to the aliegsd damage or is4u y. Stzte all facts that support tees claim against the District and why you believe the District is responsible for the alleged awane, or in; ury. if Imown, provide the narr-.a(s) cf the Di sk ct employee(s) :30 allegedly gauped the injury, d.reage or joss. ,If more space is needed, please attach additional sheets.)/ sX t c wa s > an automob") Has the_cl-' for the alleged damageTrij--y been filed or will it be filed wit's your insurance carrier? 7`Yes No Name of kaur-,mce Carrier MLF- 0 ra. (A G e-- Amount of L`}ed ctible . ~2 - - - Policy.N insurer's Telephone I nmber (include area code .Q -6 ! Insurer's Mailing Address-r- I- ---City O_kLIAMM- Zip cede Are you the registered owner? Yes No Make:Model: Year: /Z~ SeMfka 4: ReRjngp adve Inkrzatio~ (Must be filled our if claira is being filed by an attorney as authorized representatit e) Name of Attosrney.'Representative: r AItomcN;Reprtser_`eti-,•e's Telephcne Number:_ - - - AttorneyrReprescn:ative s Madag Andress: -83- iF Je ~ f , I 15- y 3 t 0 qG I/ ; l ( 1 ?o ya~2P,~ D ~/nafp~Q/ n ~os~~ oN sf~ J -84- General Manag& Richard H. SMWo outh Taho ^vJ D7recton Ernie Claude James R. Jones vale Rim Fublic Utility district Mary lauMVAIC he Eric 5chafe 1275 Meadow Crest Drive - 5outh Lake Tahoe • CA 96150-74C Phone 530 54446474 - Fax 5,30 541-0614 - www.stpud.u October 27, 2008 Tahoe Regional Planning Agency 128 Market Street Stateline, Nevada 89449 Re: David Makovee 1154 Bowers Avenue South Lake Tahoe, CA APN: 027-290-09 The South Tahoe Public Utility District was infomwd by excavator Ray Olsen that the sewer lateral locked at 1154 Bowers Avenue in 9ouih Lake Tahoe must be rephood dire to excessive rout WW&% m This root boom has c d pla nt problems at this property and the owner wishes to repiw the, lall wal to avoid nay fm 0w issues. It is our understanding that the owner has requested an exemption to be allow od to perfom this work. Boca= this may be a matter ofpublic hod* aad suety, the District feels that the exemption is reasonable. Please contact me directly if you have any quad at (5 543-Q21. y= Lisa M. Coyner Manager of Customer Service cc: Property file -85- PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL August 6, 2009 Payroll 7/15/09 432,999.24 Payroll 7/29/09 435,091.57 Total Payroll 868,090.81 BNY Mellon Trust Co 705,131.88 CDS-health care payments 360,155.03 Brownstein/Hyatt/Farber/Schreck legal services 24,270.11 Bank of America 0.00 Union Bank 371,425.72 Total Vendor EFT 1,460,982.74 Accounts Payable Checks-Sewer Fund 898,413.18 Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund 504,687.90 Accounts Payable Checks-Self-funded Insurance 25,462.74 Accounts Payable Checks-Grants Fund 39,120.00 Total Accounts Payable 1,467,683.82 Grand Total 3, 796, 757.37 Payroll EFTs & Checks 7/15109 7/29/09 EFT AFLAC Medical & Dependent Care 1,257.75 1,882.87 EFT CA Employment Taxes & W/H 17,400.67 17,559.61 EFT Federal Employment Taxes & W/H 94,510.54 94,607.12 CHK CaIP,ERS Contributions 72,548.89 73,107.45 EFT Great West Deferred Comp 16,267.30 16,267.30 CHK Stationary Engineers Union Dues 2,440.14 0.00 EFT United Way Contributions 156.00 156.00 CHK CA State Disbursement Unit 460.15 460.15 CHK El Dorado County Sheriffs Dept 0.00 185.19 EFT Employee Direct Deposits 213,552.75 220,367.51 CHK Employee Paychecks 14,405.05 10,498.37 Total 432,999.24 435,091.57 -87- PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Prof Name Description Acct# / Prof Code Amount Check Num .U0 3T EQUIPMENT CO UNDERGROUND REP SMARTCOVER 1001 - 7575 978.75 Check Total: 978.75 AP- 00073260 MW ACWA HEALTH BENEFITS AUTHORITY GEN & ADMIN VISION INS 1000 - 2530 2,543.58 Check Total: 2,543.S8 AP- 00073261 MW AEAP ADMINISTRATION SUBSCRIPTIONS 1021 - 4830 20.50 AEAP ADMINISTRATION SUBSCRIPTIONS 2021 - 4830 20.50 Check Total: 41.00 AP- 00073262 MW AERVOE- PACIFIC UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 1001 - 6052 1,037.82 Check Total: 1.037.82 AP -00073263 MW AHERN RENTALS UNDERGROUND REP SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1001 - 6075 43,50 AHERN RENTALS HEAVY MAINT GROUNDS & MNTC 1004 - 6042 1,141.47 AHERN RENTALS DIAMOND VLY RNCH - HARVEY CHANNEL HARVEY CHANNEL 1028 - 8830 - HARVEY 1,627.60 Check Total: 2,812.57 AP- 00073264 MW ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC ELECTRICAL SHOP RBLD MIP LPPS 1003 - 8928 6,557.99 ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002 - 6051 766.87 Check Total: 7,324.86 AP-00073265 MW m ALPEtI SIERRA COFFEE GEN & ADMIN OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1000 - 6081 269.75 ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE FINANCE OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1039 - 6081 39.25 Check Total: 309.00 AP-00073266 MW ALPINE CARPET ONE HEAVY MAINTENANC BUILDINGS 2004 - 6041 240.00 Check Total: 240.00 AP- 00073267 MW ALPINE METALS HEAVY MAINT BIOSOL EQUP/BLbG 1004 - 6653 391.72 Check Total: 391.72 AP- 00073268 MW AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVICES GEN & ADMIN UNIFORM PAYABLE 1000 - 2518 1,391.01 Check Total: 1,391.01 AP-00073269 MW ANGIE'S SIGNS EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005 - 6011 341.50 ANGIE'S SIGNS EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005 - 6011 341.50 Check Total: 683.00 AP- 00073270 MW AT &T MOBILITY LABORATORY TELEPHONE 1007 - 6310 4.66 AT &T MOBILITY LABORATORY TELEPHONE 2007 - 6310 4.65 Check Total: 9.31 AP- 00073271 MW User: THERESA Page: 1 Current Date: 07/30/2009 Report: OH PMT CLAIMS BK Current Time: 08:55:38 Vendor Name AT &T/CALNET 2 AT &T /CALNET 2 AT &T /CALNET 2 AT &T /CALNET 2 AT &T /CALNET 2 AT &T/CALNET 2 AT &T /CALNET 2 AT &T /CALNET 2 AT &T /CALNET 2 AT &T /CALNET 2 AUERBACH ENGINEERING CORP AVINA, FRANCISCO AWADS OF TAHOE AWARDS OF TAHOE BAKER, SUSAN BARNES, SHELLY BENTLY AGROWDYNAMICS BING MATERIALS BING MATERIALS BLATNER, BOB BRAGG CRANE SERVICE INC User: THERESA Report OH PMT CLAIMS_BJC rtment / Proi NREHE GEN &ADMIN GEN & ADMIN PUMPS ELECTRICAL SHOP INFORMATION SYS CUSTOMER SERVICE GEN & ADMIN PUMPS INFORMATION SYS CUSTOMER SERVICE ENGINEERING - TWIN PEAKS BS UNDERGROUND REP ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION OPERATIONS DIAMOND VLY RNCH - UNDERGROUND REP CUSTOMER SERVICE DIAMOND VLY RNCH - PAY NT 9F CLAIMS ftlifstiRt92 TELEPHONE SIGNAL CHARGES TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE BSTR, TWN PEAKS TRAVEL/MEETINGS INCNTV & RCGNTN INCNTV & RCGNTN CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE SLUDGE DISPOSAL HARVEY CHANNEL HARVEY CHANNEL PIPE/CVRS/MHLS - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE HARVEY CHANNEL HARVEY CHANNEL Page: 2 Acct# / Pro' Code 1000 -6310 1000 - 6320 1002 -6310 1003 -6310 1037 - 6310 1038 -6310 2000 -6310 2002 -6310 2037 -6310 2038 -6310 2029 - 7070 - TPBSTR Check Total: 1001-6200 1021 - 6621 2021 - 6621 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 1006 - 6652 1028 - 8830 - HARVEY 2001 - 6052 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 1028 - 8830 - HARVEY Check Total: 1.539.27 AP- 00073272 MW 661.25 661.25 AP-00073273 MW 176.00 Check Total: 176.00 AP- 00073274 MW 61.01 61.01 Check Total: 122.02 AP -00073275 MW 800.00 Check Total: 800.00 AP-00073276 MW 25.00 Check Total: 25.00 AP -00073277 MW 2,545.06 Check Total: 2,545.06 AP- 00073278 MW 2,024.87 9,402.89 Check Total: 11,427.76 AP- 00073279 MW 800.00 Check Total: 800.00 AP 00073280 MW 3,040.00 Check Total: 3.040.00 AP- 00073281 MW Current Date: 07/30/2009 Current Time: 08:55:38 Amount Check Num I'm 491.40 32.12 181.11 30.29 82.75 7.13 491.39 133.22 82.74 7.12 Vendor Name BROWN & CALDWELL CONSULTANTS BROWN & CALDWELL CONSULTANTS BRUN, KARL R.A. BRUN, KARL R.A. C2ME ENGINEERING CALIF DEPT OF CONSUMER AFFAIR CALIF DEPT OF CONSUMER AFFAIR CALIF DEPT OF CONSUMER AFFAIR CAMPBELL CONSTRUCTION CO INC CAMPBELL CONSTRUCTION CO INC 'o 0 CAROLLO ENGINEERS CAROLLO ENGINEERS CARRION, PAUL CARRION, PAUL CASHMAN EQUIPMENT CDS GROUP HEALTH CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP CtTRIX ONLINE User. THERESA Report: OH_PMT De partment / Prol N ame ENGINEERING - COLL SYS MASTER ENGINEERING - ANGORA TNK REPL EQUIPMENT REP EQUIPMENT REPAIR CUSTOMER SERVICE - WT MTR MXU INST MTR RTFT MXU'S ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING GEN & ADMIN - SONORA AVE WTRLN ENGINEERING - SONORA AVE WTRLN ENGINEERING - TWIN PEAKS BS ENGINEERING - ARSENIC FACILITY EQUIPMENT REP EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REP SELF FUNDED INS INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Pincrintion COLL SYS MST PLN TANK, ANGORA SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS DUES/MEMB /CERT DUES/MEMB/CERT DUES/MEMB/CERT CONST RETAINAGE WTRLN,SNRA/SK RN BSTR, TWN PEAKS ARSNC TRTMNT TRAVEL/MEETINGS TRAVEL/MEETINGS AUTOMOTIVE ADMIN FEE DIST.COMP SPPLIS DIST.COMP SPPLIS NEW SAN ELEC DAT CONTRACT SERVICE Page: 3 Acct# / ProI Code Amount Check Num Tyr* 1029 - 8721 - CSMSPL 14,095.94 2029 - 7064 - ANGOTK 1,107.38 Check Total: 1005 - 6073 2005 - 6073 2029-6250 1029 - 6250 2029 - 6250 1005 - 6200 2005 - 6200 1005 -6011 3000 - 6741 1037 - 4840 2037 - 4840 2037 - 8896 1037 - 4405 Check Total: 2038 - 8074 - MTRMXU Check Total: 1000 - 2605 - SONORA 1029 - 7911 - SONORA Check Total: 2029 - 7070 - TPBSTR 2029 - 8864 - ARSNIC Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Current Date: 07/30/2009 Current Time: 08:55:38 15,203.32 AP- 00073282 MW 45.13 45.13 90.26 AP- 00073283 MW 10,712.50 10.712.50 AP- 00073284 MW 67.50 Check Total: 67.50 AP- 00073285 MW 135.00 135.00 Check Total: 270,00 AP- 00073286 MW - 54,199.42 541,99420 487,794.78 AP -00073287 MW 16,477.38 16,995.50 33,472.88 AP -00073288 MW 45.50 45.50 91.00 AP -00073289 MW 296.46 296.46 AP- 00073290 MW 2,330.20 2,330.20 AP- 00073291 MW 279.72 279.74 2,618.84 3.178.30 AP- 00073292 MW 1,182.48 Vendor Name CITRIX ONLINE CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE UNDERGROUND REP OPERATING PERMIT 2001 - 6650 3,900.00 Check Total: 3.900.00 AP- 00073294 MW CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE UNDERGROUND REP - ROCKY PT 3&4 EC CALTRANS /CTY /CO 1001 - 6043 - ECROCK 5,445.00 CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE UNDERGROUND REP - ROCKY PT 3&4 EC CALTRANSJCTY /CO 2001 - 6043 - ECROCK 5,445.00 Check Total: 10.890.00 AP- 00073295 MW CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENG INC ENGINEERING - TWIN PEAKS BS BSTR, TWN PEAKS 2029 - 7070 - TPBSTR 510.00 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENG INC ENGINEERING - SONORA AVE WTRLN WTRLN,SNRA/SK RN 2029 - 7911 - SONORA 720.00 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENG INC ENGINEERING - ARSENIC FACILITY ARSNC TRTMNT 2029 - 8864 - ARSNIC 75.00 Check Total: 1.305.00 AP- 00073296 MW CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS LABORATORY - DIESEL SPILL MONITORING 1007 - 6110 - DSPILL 160.00 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS LABORATORY MONITORING 2007 - 6110 1,757.50 Check Total: 1,917.50 AP-00073297 MW CROSNO CONSTRUCTION INC GEN & ADM - C CLUB TNK REPL CONST RETAINAGE 2000 - 2605 - CLUBTK 32,698.12 1 tc ., Check Total: 32,698.12 AP -00073298 MW CWE�1 HEAVY MAINT DUES/MEMB /CERT 1004 - 6250 264.00 CWEA UNDERGROUND REP DUES/MEMB /CERT 2001 - 6250 193.00 Check Total: 457.00 AP- 00073299 MW DAVI LABORATORIES LABORATORY MONITORING 2007 - 6110 1,913.00 Check Total: 1.913.00 AP-00073300 MW DELL MARKETING L P INFORMATION SYS DIST.COMP SPPLIS 1037 - 4840 65.23 DELL. MARKETING L P INFORMATION SYS DIST.COMP SPPLIS 2037 - 4840 65.22 DELL MARKETING L P CUSTOMER SERVICE - WT MTR MXU INST MTR RTFT MXU'S 2038 - 8074 - MTRMXU 31.42 Check Total: 161.87 AP -00073301 MW DIAMOND PRINTING INC. FINANCE PRINTING 1039 - 4920 104.40 DIAMOND PRINTING INC. FINANCE PRINTING 2039 - 4920 104.40 Check Total: 208,80 AP-00073302 MW DLT SOLUTIONS INC INFORMATION SYS SERVICE CONTRACT 1037 - 6030 3,190.50 DLT SOLUTIONS INC INFORMATION SYS SERVICE CONTRACT 2037 - 6030 3,190.46 User: THERESA Report: OH PMT CLAIMS BK PAYMENT OF GI,AIMS Npadrulantsusim Descrh tIon Agge / Pros cue INFORMATION SYS CONTRACT SERVICE 2037 - 4405 Check Total: Page: 4 Current Date: 07/30/2009 Current Time: 08:55:38 Amount Check Num Tie 1,182.48 2.364.96 AP- 00073293 MW Check Total: 6,380.96 AP -00073303 MW Vendor Nam E- FILLIATE CORP E- FILLIATE CORP ED COOK TREE SERVICE EDDY, LAVERNE EDDY, LAVERNE EL DORADO COUNTY EL DORADO COUNTY ENS RESOURCES INC ENS RESOURCES INC ENT1iX INC FEDEX FEDEX FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FISHER SCIENTIFIC User: THERESA Report: OH PMT CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS PUMPS FINANCE FINANCE ENGINEERING - ENGINEERING - D10 010 ENGINEERING - SUT WELL REDRILL PUMPS ENGINEERING - SONORA AVE WTRLN PUMPS ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP HEAVY MAINT HEAVY MAINT HEAVY MAINT PUMPS HEAVY MAINTENANC EQUIPMENT REPAIR LABORATORY TWIN PEAKS BS TWIN PEAKS BS PAYMpiT OF CLAIMS Qescriotion DIST.COMP SPPLIS DIST.COMP SPPLIS GROUNDS & MNTC TRAVEUMEETINGS TRAVELJMEETINGS BSTR, TWN PEAKS BSTR, TWN PEAKS CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE SUT WELL REDRILL OPERATING PERMIT WTRLN,SNRA/SK RN PUMP STATIONS BUILDINGS SHOP SUPPLIES FILTER EQ/BLDG GROUNDS & MNTC SHOP SUPPLIES WELLS BUILDINGS GENERATORS LAB SUPPLIES Page: 5 Acct# / Pro! Code 1037 - 4840 2037 - 4840 2002 - 6042 1039 - 6200 2039 - 6200 2029 - 7070 - TPBSTR 2029 - 7070 - TPBSTR 1027 - 4405 2027 - 4405 2029 - 8463 - RWSUTR 2002 - 6650 2029 - 7911 - SONORA Check Total: 1002 - 6051 1003 - 6041 1003 - 6071 1004 - 6023 1004 - 6042 1004 - 6071 2002 - 6050 2004 - 6041 2005 -6013 1007-4760 Amount Check Num Tvoe 144.62 144.75 289.37 AP-00073304 MW 550.00 550,00 AP -00073305 MW 59.13 59.12 118.25 AP -00073306 MW 68.00 Check Total: 68,00 AP- 00073307 MW 135.00 Check Total: 135.00 AP- 00073308 MW 3,349.05 3,349.05 Check Total: 6 . 10 AP- 00073309 MW 693.35 Check Total: 693,35 AP- 00073310 MW 6.28 18.05 24.33 AP -00073311 MW 5.10 - 124.46 46.61 1,873.77 19.80 18.45 7.63 52.35 49.98 Check Total: 1,949.23 AP -00073312 MW 308.19 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Current Date: 07/30/2009 Current Time: 08:55:38 vendor Name FISHER SCIENTIFIC G B GENERAL ENG CONTRACTOR INC GERBER LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY GILBERT, DENNIS GRAINGER GRANT THORNTON LLP FINANCE GRANT THORNTON LLP FINANCE GROVE MADSEN INDUSTRIES INC HARM DIAGNOSTICS HARDY DIAGNOSTICS HARTFORD, THE HARTFORD, THE HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES LLC ENGINEERING - DVR EIR HELPING HANDS OUTREACH HELPING HANDS OUTREACH HENDERSON, JOEL HERNANDEZ, LAZARO HOME DEPOT User: THERESA Report OH PMT CL.AIMS_BK Department / Prol Name LABORATORY UNDERGROUND REP SELF FUNDED INS GEN & ADMIN ELECTRICAL SHOP LABORATORY LABORATORY GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN UNDERGROUND REP DIAMOND VLY RNCH PAYMENT OF CLAIMS NRAIMERIL LAB SUPPLIES PIPE/CVRS/MHLS EXCESS INSURANCE UB SUSPENSE DIAMOND VLY RNCH - HARVEY CHANNEL HARVEY CHANNEL AUDITING AUDITING WELLS LAB SUPPLIES LAB SUPPLIES LIFE INS LTD, UNION DIAM VLY MP/EIR UB SUSPENSE UB SUSPENSE CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE TRAVEL/MEETINGS GROUNDS & MNTC Page: 6 Acctf / Proi Cksde 2007 - 4760 2001 - 6052 3000 - 6744 2000 - 2002 1039 - 4470 2039 - 4470 2003 - 6050 1007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 1000 - 2512 1000 - 2539 1000 - 2002 2000 - 2002 2001 - 6200 1028 - 6042 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 1028 - 8830 - HARVEY Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 1029 - 8725 - DVREIR Check Total: Check Total: 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG Check Total: Check Total: Current Date: 07/30/2009 Current Time: 08:55:38 Check Num 306.79 614.98 AP- 00073313 66,232.25 66232.25 AP -00073314 22,449.34 22,449.34 AP -00073315 2,000.00 2,000.00 AP-00073316 1,728.07 1,728.07 AP- 00073317 1,375.00 1,375.00 2,750.00 AP- 00073318 430.00 430.00 AP- 00073319 MW 66.84 66.84 133.68 AP -00073320 1,708.71 2,331.16 4.039.87 AP-00073321 7,812.67 7.812,67 AP-00073322 150.00 150.00 300.00 AP-00073323 786.00 786.00 AP- 00073324 MW 150.00 150.00 AP-00073325 462.36 ROI MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW Vendor Name HOME DEPOT IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP. IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP. INFOSEND INC. INFOSEND INC. ITT WATER & WASTEWATER J &L PRO KLEEN INC J &L PRO KLEEN INC JENSEN PRECAST KELL`XY EROSION CONTROL INC KG WALTERS CONSTRUCTION KG WALTERS CONSTRUCTION KG WALTERS CONSTRUCTION KG WALTERS CONSTRUCTION KIMBALL MIDWEST KORTGE, MARY KRLT & KOWL RADIO KRLT & KOWL RADIO User: THERESA Report: OH PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / ProI Name DIAMOND VLY RNCH - HARVEY CHANNEL HARVEY CHANNEL LABORATORY LABORATORY DIO DIO PUMPS FINANCE FINANCE EXPORT PIPELINE - B LINE REVEG GEN & ADMIN - ANGORA TNK REPL GEN & ADMIN - ARSENIC FACILITY ENGINEERING - ANGORA TNK REPL ENGINEERING - ARSENIC FACILITY HEAVY MAINT PAYMENT OF CLAIMS LAB SUPPLIES LAB SUPPLIES PRINTING PRINTING PUMP STATIONS JANITORIAL SERV JANITORIAL SERV DIAMOND VLY RNCH - HARVEY CHANNEL HARVEY CHANNEL BUNE REVEG CONST RETAINAGE CONST RETAINAGE TANK, ANGORA ARSNC TRTMNT SHOP SUPPLIES CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE Page: 7 Acct# / Prot Code 1028 - 8830 - HARVEY Check Total: 1007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 1027 - 4920 2027 - 4920 1002 - 6051 1039 - 6074 2039 - 6074 1028 - 8830 - HARVEY Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 9098 - 8736 - BLNVEG Check Total: 2000 - 2605 - ANGOTK 2000 - 2605 - ARSNIC 2029 - 7064 - ANGOTK 2029 - 8864 - ARSNIC Check Total: 1004 -6071 Check Total: 32,431.68 AP- 00073331 MW Check Total: 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG Check Total: 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG Check Total: Current Date: 07/30/2009 Current Time: 08:55:38 Amount Check Num Lan 215.76 678.12 AP- 00073326 MW 294.38 277.31 571.69 AP - 00073327 MW 1,302.90 1,302.89 2,605.79 AP-00073328 MW 553.97 553.97 AP -00073329 MW 1,678.50 1,678.50 3,357.00 AP- 00073330 MW 32,431.68 39,120.00 39,120.00 AP-09073332 MW - 3,006.00 - 11,240.37 30,060.00 112,403.75 128217.38 AP- 00073333 MW 145.55 145.55 AP -00073334 MW 800.00 800.00 AP- 00073335 MW 1,530.00 990.00 2,520.00 AP- 00073336 MW PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name D / PVO Nm* Row imilsza Acct# / Proi Corte Amount Check Num TyQg LAKE TAHOE PLUMBING INC UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRSIMHLS 1001 - 6052 595.50 Check Total: 595.50 AP- 00073338 MW Les Schwab Tires HEAVY MAINT MOBILE EQUIP 1004 - 6012 - 184.07 Les Schwab Tires EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005 - 6011 2,007.59 Les Schwab Tires EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005 - 6011 2,913.76 Check Total: 4,737.28 AP -00073339 MW LONG, WES DIAMOND VLY RNCH TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1028 - 6200 33.00 Check Total: 33.00 AP -00073340 MW LOOMIS FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 1039 - 4405 295.31 LOOMIS FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 2039 - 4405 295.31 Check Total: 890.62 AP- 00073341 MW MANNA CONSULTING FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 1039 - 4405 400.00 MANNA CONSULTING FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 2039 - 4405 400.00 Check Total: 800.00 AP- 00073342 MW MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002 - 6051 14.96 MC FASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 1002 - 6071 392.01 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO HEAVY MAINT SECONDARY EQUIP 1004 - 6022 124.60 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO HEAVY MAINT BUILDINGS 1004 - 6041 33.70 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO OPERATIONS GROUNDS & MNTC 1006 - 6042 660.52 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 2002 - 6071 392.07 Check Total: MEEKS BUILDING CENTER UNDERGROUND REP SHOP SUPPLIES 1001 - 6071 102.51 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS BUILDINGS 1002 - 6041 63.08 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002 - 6051 5.31 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAVY MAINT GROUNDS & MNTC 1004 - 6042 45.46 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004 - 6071 47.28 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS & MNTC 1028 - 6042 13.90 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER DIAMOND VLY RNCH - HARVEY CHANNEL HARVEY CHANNEL 1028 - 8830 - HARVEY 978.45 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRSIMHLS 2001 - 6052 36.14 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS BUILDINGS 2002 - 6041 63.08 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS WELLS 2002 - 6050 71.43 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002 - 6051 88.28 User. THERESA Page: 8 Current Date: 07/30/2009 Report: OH PMT CLAIMS BK Current Time: 08:55:38 1,617.86 AP -00073343 MW PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Prot Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Tvoe MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 2002 - 6071 3.50 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS UPGRADE SHOP EQ 2002 - 8706 476.33 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAVY MAINTENANC BUILDINGS 2004 - 6041 69.86 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER CUSTOMER SERVICE SHOP SUPPLIES 2038 - 6071 1.79 Check Total: 2.066.40 AP -00073344 MW MICROCHECK INC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 69.50 MICROCHECK INC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 124.16 Check Total: 103.68 AP- 00073345 MW MID MOUNTAIN COMMUNICATIONS UNDERGROUND REP RADIO- RPRS/RPLCM 1001 - 6056 113.00 Check Total: 113.00 AP -00073346 MW MIERAS, DEAN CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 1,023.65 Check Total: 1,023.65 AP- 00073347 MW MOSBACHER, MARY LOU BOARD OF DIR TELEPHONE 1019 - 6310 81.32 MOSBACHER, MARY LOU BOARD OF DIR TELEPHONE 2019 - 6310 81.32 Check Total: 162.64 AP -00073348 MW MURrY & ASSOCIATES PC ADMINISTRATION LEGAL- REGULAR 1021 - 4480 695.25 MURISITY & ASSOCIATES PC ADMINISTRATION LEGAL - REGULAR 2021 - 4480 695.25 Check Total: 1.390.50 AP- 00073349 MW MX LOGIC INC INFORMATION SYS CONTRACT SERVICE 1037 - 4405 514.05 MX LOGIC INC INFORMATION SYS CONTRACT SERVICE 2037 - 4405 514.05 MY OFFICE PRODUCTS CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1038 - 4820 83.47 MY OFFICE PRODUCTS FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1039 - 4820 13.99 MY OFFICE PRODUCTS CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2038 - 4820 83.46 MY OFFICE PRODUCTS FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2039 - 4820 14.03 NEW RESOURCES GROUP INC NORTHERN CA BACKFLOW PREV ASSO CUSTOMER SERVICE User: THERESA Check Total: 1.028.10 AP -00073350 MW Check Total: 194.95 AP- 00073351 MW CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 2,505.00 Check Total: 2,505.00 AP -00073352 MW NEWARK IN ONE ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS 1003 - 6051 271.29 Page: 9 Current Date: 07/30/2009 Report: OH PMT CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 08:55:38 Check Total: 271.29 AP- 00073353 MW DUES/MEMB /CERT 1038 - 6250 10.00 Vendor Nuns INeadmsaLemiliam NORTHERN CA BACKFLOW PREV ASSO CUSTOMER SERVICE NUROCK, DOUG OICORP OICORP O'ROURKE, OLIVE OFFICE MAX OFFICE MAX ONTRAC ONTRAC ONTRAC ONTRAC ONTI1AC ONTRAC ONTRAC OVERHEAD FIRE PROTECTION PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORP PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORP PANEL!, MARILYN PAPACHRISTOS, ZACK PARR, KEITH User: THERESA Report: OH PMT CLAIMS BK OPERATIONS LABORATORY LABORATORY GEN & ADMIN ENGINEERING ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERING - LABORATORY ENGINEERING - ENGINEERING - ENGINEERING - ENGINEERING - ENGINEERING EFFLUENT EVAL C CLUB TNK REPL ANGORA TNK REPL TWIN PEAKS BS ARSENIC FACILITY GEN & ADMIN - EFFLUENT EVAL ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL GEN & ADMIN UNDERGROUND REP PAYMENT OF CLAIMS 4Q DUES/MEMB/CERT DUES/MEMB/CERT LAB SUPPLIES LAB SUPPLIES UB SUSPENSE OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE EXPENSES REP EXP PUMPS POSTAGE EXPENSES TANK, COUNTRY CL TANK, ANGORA BSTR, TWN PEAKS ARSNC TRTMNT MISC LIAB CLAIMS CONST RETAINAGE REP EXP PUMPS UB SUSPENSE CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE TRAVEL/MEETINGS Page: 10 Act# 1 Prol Code 2038 - 6250 Check Total: 1006 - 6250 Check Total: 1007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 Check Total: 1000 - 2002 Check Total: 1029 - 4820 2029 - 4820 1007 -4810 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV 2007 -4810 2029 - 7063 - CWBTK 2029 - 7064 - ANGOTK 2029 - 7070 - TPBSTR 2029 - 8864 - ARSNIC Check Total: 2029 - 4520 Check Total: 1000 - 2605 - EFFLEV 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV Check Total: 1000 - 2002 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG Check Total: 1001 - 6200 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Current Date: 07/30/2009 Current Time: 08:55:38 Amount Check Num Tvoe 10.00 20.00 AP- 00073354 MW 259.00 259.00 AP- 00073355 MW 55.24 40.24 95.48 AP- 00073356 MW 3,688.51 3,688.51 AP- 00073357 MW 52.25 56.19 108.44 AP-00073358 MW 37.00 45.00 38.50 5.00 36.50 68.50 49.50 280.00 AP- 00073359 MW 963.00 963.00 AP -00073360 MW - 1,123.04 43,525.86 42,402.82 AP -00073361 MW 3,688.51 3,666.51 AP- 00073362 MW 800.00 800.00 AP- 00073363 MW 176.00 176.00 AP- 00073364 MW PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Prof Name Descrkaion Acct# 1 Prot Code Amount Check Num Tim PETTY CASH UNDERGROUND REP SHOP SUPPLIES 1001 - 6071 7.99 PETTY CASH PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002 - 6051 16.00 PETTY CASH LABORATORY LABORATORY EQUIP 1007 - 6025 11.50 PETTY CASH BOARD OF DIR TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1019 - 6200 2.15 PETTY CASH HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE SUPPLIES 1022 - 4820 22.82 PETTY CASH HUMAN RESOURCES SUPPLIES 1022 - 6520 14.21 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 1029 - 4820 13.75 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1029 - 6200 9.78 PETTY CASH INFORMATION SYS TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1037 - 6200 19.96 PETTY CASH FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1039 - 4820 15.95 PETTY CASH FINANCE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1039 - 6200 12.79 PETTY CASH FINANCE - WATER FUND BOND TRAVELJMEETINGS 1039 - 6200 - PROP84 8.00 PETTY CASH FINANCE MISC CORRECTIONS 1039 - 6510 0.89 PETTY CASH PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002 - 6051 16.00 PETTY CASH LABORATORY LABORATORY EQUIP 2007 - 6025 11.50 PETTN CASH BOARD OF DIR TRAVELJMEETINGS 2019 - 6200 2.14 �o PETIT CASH HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE SUPPLIES 2022 - 4820 22.82 PETTY CASH HUMAN RESOURCES SUPPLIES 2022 - 6520 14.21 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 2029 - 4820 13.74 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2029 - 6200 9.78 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING SUPPLIES 2029 - 6520 5.19 PETTY CASH INFORMATION SYS TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2037 - 6200 19.94 PETTY CASH CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 19.88 PETTY CASH FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2039 - 4820 15.95 PETTY CASH FINANCE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2039 - 6200 12.79 PETTY CASH FINANCE - WATER FUND BOND TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2039 - 6200 - PROP84 8.00 PETTY CASH FINANCE MC CORRECTIONS 2039 - 6510 0.88 Check Total: 328.61 AP -00073365 MW PILAR, JOAN CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 2,240.00 Check Total: 2,240.00 AP MW POTTER, JEANNE GEN & ADMIN - T &M CASH BRD MISC INCOME 2000 - 3540 - TMCB 812.42 User: THERESA Page 11 Current Date: 07/30/2009 Report: OH PMT CLAIMS BK Current Time: 08:55:38 Check Total: 812.42 AP- 00073367 MW PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Prof Name Acct# 1 Pro) Code Am unto Check Num Type PRAXAIR 174 HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004 - 6071 30606 PRAXAIR 174 LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 257.83 PRAXAIR 174 LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 257.82 Check Total: 821.71 AP-00073368 MW PRO LEISURE ADMINISTRATION INCNTV & RCGNTN 1021 - 6621 146.08 PRO LEISURE ADMINISTRATION INCNTV & RCGNTN 2021 - 6621 146.08 Check Total: 292.16 AP- 00073369 MW QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEMS INC OPERATIONS BIOSOL EQUPBLDG 1006 - 6653 1,813.00 Check Total: 1,813.00 AP- 00073370 MW RAIN FOR RENT PUMPS WELLS 2002 - 6050 892.90 Check Total: 892.90 AP- 00073371 MW RED WING SHOE STORE UNDERGROUND REP SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1001 - 6075 221.85 Check Total: 221.85 AP- 00073372 MW REED ELECTRIC & FIELD SERVICE ELECTRICAL SHOP SECONDARY EQUIP 1003 - 6022 664.11 Check Total: 664.11 AP-00073373 MW RENISR EQUIPMENT CO EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005 - 6011 199.11 Check Total: 199.11 AP- 00073374 MW RESORT SPORTS NETWORK CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 1,461.25 Check Total: 1,461.25 AP -00073375 MW RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT INC GEN & ADMIN - TWIN PEAKS BS CONST RETAINAGE 2000 - 2605 - TPBSTR - 6,247.74 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT INC ENGINEERING - TWIN PEAKS BS BSTR, TWN PEAKS 2029 - 7070 - TPBSTR 62,477.41 Chedk Total: 56,229.67 AP- 00073376 MW RICH'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE UNDERGROUND REP SHOP SUPPLIES 1001 - 6071 51.98 Check Total: 51.98 AP- 00073377 MW RISDON, MICHELLE CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 1,752.00 Check Total: 1,752.00 AP -00073378 MW ROSE ELECTRONICS ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS 2003 - 6051 288.98 Check Total: 288.98 AP- 00073379 MW SHARP, KATHY HUMAN RESOURCES SAFETY PROGRAMS 1022 - 6079 25.00 SHARP, KATHY HUMAN RESOURCES SAFETY PROGRAMS 2022 - 6079 25.00 User: THERESA Check Total: Page 12 Current Date: 07/30/2009 Report: OH PMT Current Time: 08:55:38 50.00 AP-00073380 MW Vendor Name SHERIDAN, JOHN SHIELDS HARPER & CO INC SHRED -IT SHRED -IT SIANO, CHRIS SIERRA CHEMICAL CO SIERRA CHEMICAL CO SIERRA FOOTHILL LABORATORY SIERI A PACIFIC POWER SIERRA PACIFIC POWER 0 SIERRA PACIFIC POWER SIERRA TAHOE READY MIX SIERRA TAHOE READY MIX SKELLY, CHRIS SKELLY, CHRIS SOUTHWEST GAS SOUTHWEST GAS SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & User: THERESA Report: OH PMT CLAIMS_BK Deoartm$nt / Proi Name OPERATIONS HEAVY MAINT FINANCE FINANCE OPERATIONS OPERATIONS PUMPS LABORATORY GEN &ADMIN GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN PUMPS PUMPS INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN UNDERGROUND REP LABORATORY ENGINEERING ENGINEERING - FILTER ASSMNT PAYMENT OF CLAIMS DeacrioHon DUES/MEMB/CERT GROUNDS & MNTC CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE TRAVELJMEETINGS HYPOCHLORITE HYPOCHLORITE MONITORING ELECTRICITY ST LIGHTING EXP ELECTRICITY BUILDINGS BUILDINGS TRAVEL/MEETINGS TRAVELMIEETINGS NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE REHAB FLTR 5 &6 Page: 13 Acct# ! Proi Code 1006 - 6250 1004 - 6042 1039 - 4405 2039 - 4405 1006 - 6200 1006 - 4755 2002 - 4755 2007-6110 1000 - 6330 1000 - 6740 2000 - 6330 1002 -6041 2002 - 6041 1037 - 6200 2037 - 6200 1000 - 6350 2000 - 6350 1001 - 4405 1007 - 4405 1029 - 4405 1029 - 8066 - FILTER Amount Check Num Tym 80.00 Check Total: 80.00 AP -00073381 MW 131.29 Check Total: 131.29 AP-00073382 MW 63.75 63.75 Check Total: 127.50 AP- 00073383 MW 290.00 Check Total: 290.00 AP -00073384 MW 7,522.86 2,725.86 Check Total: 10.248.72 AP- 00073385 MW 343.00 Check Total: 343.00 AP -00073386 MW 143,448.91 7.93 67,731.83 Check Total: 211,188.67 AP- 00073387 MW 213.70 213.69 Chedc Total: Check Total: Check Total: Current Date: 07/30/2009 Current Time: 08:55:38 427.39 AP- 00073388 800.00 800.00 MW 1.600.00 AP -00073389 MW 68.98 67.17 136.15 AP -00073390 MW 2,931.60 1,106.56 1,479.29 573.18 Vendor Name SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUNGARD PUBLIC SECTOR INC SUNGARD PUBLIC SECTOR INC 0 TAHOE BLUEPRINT TAHOE MOUNTAIN NEWS TAHOE MOUNTAIN NEWS TAHOE SAND & GRAVEL TAHOE TRADING POST TAHOE TRADING POST TAHOE WEB HOST TAHOE WEB HOST TERRY'S APOLLO PLUMBING & HTN TRI SIGNAL INTEGRATION INC User: THERESA Report OH PMT CLAIMS_BK DenartmRd02oI Name ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL CUSTOMER SERVICE UNDERGROUND REP LABORATORY ENGINEERING ENGINEERING - ANGORA TNK REPL ENGINEERING - WT METERING PRJ ENGINEERING - SONORA AVE WTRLN ENGINEERING - ARSENIC FACILITY CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG CUSTOMER SERVICE - WT MTR MXU INST INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS ENGINEERING - ANGORA TNK REPL DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP HEAVY MAINT DIO DIO UNDERGROUND REP OPERATIONS Page: REP EXP PUMPS CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE TANK, ANGORA WTR METERING/NEW WTRLN,SNRA/SK RN ARSNC TRTMNT CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE MTR RIFT NUN'S CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE TANK, ANGORA PUB RELATIONS WTR CONS EXPENSE PIPE/CVRS/MHLS SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY SHOP SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE PIPE/CVRS/MHLS BUILDINGS 14 Acct# / Proi Code 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV 1038 - 4405 2001 - 4405 2007 - 4405 2029 - 4405 2029 - 7064 - ANGOTK 2029 - 7078 - METERS 2029 - 7911- SONORA 2029 - 8864 - ARSNIC 2038 - 4405 2038 - 4405 - WCPROG 2038 - 8074 - MTRMXU Check Total: 1037 - 4405 2037 - 4405 2029 - 7064 - ANGOTK Check Total: 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG Check Total: 2001 - 6052 1001 - 6075 1004 -6071 1027 - 4405 2027 - 4405 1001 - 6052 1006 -6041 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Current Date: 07/30/2009 Current Time: 08:55:38 Amourrt Check Num 1,278.78 624.51 2,442.90 844.93 1,479.28 712.98 1,738.81 1,029.33 46.26 3,147.86 3,166.80 1,460.40 24,063.47 AP- 00073392 MW 1,277.35 1,277.35 2,554.70 AP -00073393 1,768.09 1,768.09 AP- 00073394 700.00 200.00 900.00 AP- 00073395 1,700.70 1,700.70 AP -00073396 85.18 43.93 129.11 AP- 00073397 1,179.38 1,179.37 2,358.75 AP- 00073398 1,554.00 1,554.00 AP- 00073399 960.00 Type MW MW MW MW MW MW MW PAYNIF.XT OF CLAMS Vendor Name N tf / p Name 4 Aced / Prof Code Amount Check Num Iym Check Total: 960.00 AP- 00073400 MW TRI STATE SURVEYING LTD ENGINEERING - REPL GEN, LPPS REPL GEN LPPS 1029 - 8933 - RGLPPS 1,880.00 Check Total: 1,880.00 AP-00073401 MW TRPA ENGINEERING OPERATING PERMIT 1029 - 6650 2,060.00 TRPA ENGINEERING OPERATING PERMIT 2029 - 6650 2,060.00 Check Total: 4,120.00 AP- 00073402 MW TRPA ENGINEERING - ANGORA INK REPL TANK, ANGORA 2029 - 7064 - ANGOTK 1,800.00 Check Total: 1,800.00 AP -00073403 MW UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT CUSTOMER SERVICE DUES/MEMB /CERT 1038 - 6250 250.00 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT CUSTOMER SERVICE DUES/MEMB /CERT 2038 - 6250 250.00 Check Total: 500.00 AP- 00073404 MW UNDERWATER RESOURCES INC GEN & ADMIN - ICR TMDL CONST RETAINAGE 1000 - 2605 - ICTMDL 7,925.38 UNDERWATER RESOURCES INC GEN & ADMIN CONST RETAINAGE 1000 - 2605 700.00 Check Total: 8,625.38 AP- 00073405 MW UNIVERSAL HEALTH NETWORK SELF FUNDED INS PPO FEE 3000 - 6742 683.20 r o Check Total: 683.20 AP-00073406 MW N URIZ,' VICTOR CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 800.00 Check Total: 800.00 AP -00073407 MW USA BLUE BOOK UNDERGROUND REP SHOP SUPPLIES 1001 - 6071 2,041.13 USA BLUE BOOK PUMPS WELLS 2002 - 6050 1,949.56 Check Total: 3,990.69 AP-00073408 MW USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC ELECTRICAL SHOP TELEPHONE 1003 - 6310 219.84 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC HEAVY MAINT TELEPHONE 1004 - 6310 224.90 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC EQUIPMENT REP TELEPHONE 1005 - 6310 180.86 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC ENGINEERING TELEPHONE 1029 - 6310 57.49 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC ELECTRICAL SHOP TELEPHONE 2003 - 6310 219.84 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC EQUIPMENT REPAIR TELEPHONE 2005 - 6310 180.84 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC ENGINEERING TELEPHONE 2029 - 6310 57.49 Check Total: 1.141.26 AP-00073409 MW UTILITY TRAINING ACADEMY INC UNDERGROUND REP DUES/MEMB /CERT 1001 - 6250 450.00 Check Total: 450.00 AP-00073410 MW User: THERESA Page: 15 Current Date: 07/30/2009 Report: OH PMT CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 08:55:38 Vendor Jane VERIZON WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION WECO INDUSTRIES INC WEDCO INC WEDCO INC WEDCO INC WEDCO INC WEDCO INC WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WEgERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WHITE ROCK CONSTRUCTION WHITE ROCK CONSTRUCTION WINZLER & KELLY CONSULT ENGRS WINZLER & KELLY CONSULT ENGRS WOODS, JOHN XEROX CORP XEROX CORP User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT CLAIMS BK went i Pros Name DIAMOND VLY RNCH UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS HEAVY MAINT UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS PUMPS HEAVY MAINTENANC ENGINEERING - ANGORA TNK REPL ENGINEERING - SNOWSHOE DITCH R ENGINEERING - MILLICH REPAIR PAYMENT OF CLAIMS TELEPHONE DUES/MEMB /CERT INFILTRTN/INFLOW BUILDINGS SHOP SUPPLIES PUMP STATIONS RPR/MNTC WTR TKS SHOP SUPPLIES PIPE/CVRS/MHLS SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS SECONDARY EQUIP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS WELLS SMALL TOOLS BUILDINGS TANK, ANGORA SNOSHU REPAIR MILLICH REPAIR OPERATIONS - MAP UG UTILITIES PLANT GIS ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL REP EXP PUMPS CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT Page: 16 Acct 1 Proi Code 1028 -6310 1001 - 6250 1001 - 6055 1003 -6041 1003 -6071 2003 - 6051 2003 - 6054 2003 - 6071 1001 - 6030 2001 - 6030 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 1001 - 6052 1001 - 6071 1002 - 6073 1004 - 6022 2001 - 6052 2002 - 6050 2002 - 6073 2004 - 6041 2029 - 7064 - ANGOTK Check Total: 1029 - 7075 - SNOBLO 1029 - 7076 - MILBLO Check Total: 1006 - 8921 - GISMAP 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV Check Total: 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG Check Total: Current Date: 07/30/2009 Current Time: 08:55:38 Amount Check Num Inc 209.43 209.43 AP -00073411 MW 217.00 217.00 AP -00073412 MW 632.61 632.61 AP- 00073413 MW 366.99 164.82 198.36 10.41 440.58 1,181.16 AP -00073414 MW 443.27 259.27 125.64 389.17 3,048.54 334.60 125.64 87.96 17.27 4,831.36 AP- 00073415 MW 29,213.54 15,382.47 44,596.01 AP-00073416 MW 8,551.22 3,140.94 11,692.16 AP -00073417 MW 800.00 800.00 AP-00073418 MW 35.22 35.21 0 User: THERESA PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Deaartrne it / Proi Nana Acc / Proi Code Check Total: Grand Total: 1,476,314.25 Page: 17 Current Date: 07/30/2009 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 08:55:38 Amount Check Num lygg 70.43 AP- 00073419 MW South Mire P.U.D. 07/24/09 VOID, MED & REVS A/P CHECK RD LSDIR FRI, JCL 24, 2009, 11:26 PM - - -req: - --leg: GL JL- - -lco: - -- -job: 438609 #7032 - -- pan: FIR200 <1.19> Check Rayee ID. Payee Nate Date TAKE PTRE =XL 06/18/09 AP00072983 V23000 AP00073176 V14150 AP00073208 V48087 0 0 0 DICK'S RJEL R - M4i MET IIC GRAND TOTALS: Total Void Mad±± Written Total Vai.+d }taxi written 'Dotal Machine Written Total Hand Written Ttata1 Reveceals Total cancelled GRAND TOTAL 07/1 0 7 / 16/09 Check meant Type ate Ref Ito Note 2,342.17 RV TR 25.76 RV TR 6,262.50 RV TR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,630.43 0.00 8,630.43 Reversed Reveraed Reversed Nutter of Checks accessed: Natter of Checks Processed: N.nher of Checks Processed: Natter of Checks Processed: Nutter of Checks Pxcc s d: Dither of Checks Processed: apt id: - 0 0 0 0 3 0 General Wooer Richard H. S4r4 5 outh Tahoe Cat uvo Errata J*Nas R..kxW l V*AdW Wr►LWM ity Dietrict PuHio Uti owe fte 1 t aulow Cwt DrW * uM Uft Tahoe * CA 86M Phone 5 544.6474 « I 530 SM-0014 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager, Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: August 6, 2009 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (one case) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(b) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding anticipated litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -107- Ga""I monsw RichsM H. Sal ; h Ta h o u t Ermarn4s L o JOM# PuMic Utflltv Phone SA4-6474 + F Ste' "-0040 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Lisa Coyner, Customer Service Manager MEETING DATE: August 6, 2009 ITEM - PROJECT: Liability Claim Against STPUD received from David Makovec REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Reject Claim. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(b) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for a conference with legal counsel. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -109- c3m"l mw"er Rich rd H. Sol" 5outh Ertge Cfeudb .WM" R Jones PuHic Utility Diotrict UM MosA+w Cm et Oft • Soap Lake Wm • CA Sf3 Mow W -6474 is Fax S 50-0014 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: August 6, 2009 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference With Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Meyers Landfill Site - United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -111- girl wsn", ' fthiam H. 5ol" 5outh Wftt" Er* Qm&* ft R. Jr»W J M FuMic Utility Pietrict UN M"Mdw Mary DAk MW FA. OCIM&W WM Me*i►w Cost Mft * &&* I. TO=* CA MW Mwttd 5 44'* # 5W W0014 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: August 6, 2009 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Tahoe Asphalt, Inc., and Tahoe Asphalt Materials Company, LLC, vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District, Civil Action No. SC20090104, Superior Court, County of El Dorado, State of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES - NO NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES- 1191"- 1 -113- I WOULD LIKE MY STATEMENT TODAY TO BE IN THE RECORDED MINUTES OF THIS BOARD MEETING DATED AUGUST 5", 2009. A RECENT LETTER TO THE EDITOR IN THE TAHOE DAILY TRIBUNE BY A SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT EMPLOYEE HAS ALREADY LABELED ANY CANDIDATE FOR THE UPCOMING ELECTION " A GROUP OF POWER-HUNGRY FOLKS WITH AN AGENDA THAT BENEFITS A SMALL GROUP OF THEIR PALS" SHE HAS ALSO ACCUSED US AS BEING MR. DALE RISE'S STACKED DECK OF PERSONAL FRIENDS WHO WANT NOTHING MORE THAN TO GET ON THIS BOARD SO WE CAN ADD OUR VOTES TO HIS AND BE HIS PAL. SILLY SILLY WANDA, NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH, TRUTH WHICH SORLEY SEEMS TO BE LACKING IN YOUR LETTER. I ATTENDED THE QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION YOU HAD BEFORE THE LAST ELECTION AND YOU HAVE BEEN AGAINST ANYONE WHO IS WILLING TO TAKE A STAND AND THINK FOR THEMSELVES. THE EMPLOYEES HAD A QUESTIONAIRE THAT WAS NEVER MADE PUBLIC AND FOR THEIR SAKE THEY SHOULD BE GLAD IT WASN'T. THEY HAD OVER 25 QUESTIONS FOR DALE AND THE OTHER CANDIDATES BUT NONE FOR THEIR LACKEY INCUMBENTS. MOST OF THE QUESTIONS WERE PERSONAL, SLANDEROUS AND ANONYMOUS. I ENDED UP ASKING THE QUESTION OF ALL THE CANDIDATES IF THEY WERE IN THIS FOR PERSONAL GAIN AND NOT JUST DALE AS HIS QUESTION,WAS, ARE YOU GOING FOR PERSONAL GAIN IN GETTING ON THE BOARD BECAUSE YOU ARE AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY CONTRACTOR AND MAY GET A BREAK FROM THE DISTRICT. NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH AS DISTRICT EMPLOYEES HAVE ACTUALLY GONE OUT OF THEIR WAY TO HARRASS HIM THROUGH EXTRA INSPECTIONS ON HIS JOBS, OSHA COMPLAINTS AND NOW PUBLIC EDITORIALS. DALE IS ONE OF THE MOST SOLID INDIVIDUALS I KNOW AND HE WOULD NEVER STOOP SO LOW AS TO ASK FAVORS OF THE EMPLOYEES OR EXPECT ANY. I HAVE KNOWN DALE BOTH PERSONALLY AND PROFFESIONALLY AND I FIND YOUR STATEMENT INSULTING AS WELL AS YOUR ACCUSATIONS TOWARD ME INSULTING. LET THE MUD SLINGING BEGIN. ONE IF BY LAND, TWO IF BY SEA AND THREE IF BY LETTER TO THE EDITOR. DISTRICT EMPLOYEES HAVE HAD IT EASY WITH PAST WISE DECISIONS MADE BY THE BOARD THROUGH RECCOMMONDATIONS OF STAFF AS PUT BY YOUR CHIEF STEWARD IN HER LETTER. HOPEFULLY THE PUBLIC WILL SEE THAT FOR WHAT IT ACTUALLY SAY'S, THEY RUN THE BOARD AND WOE TO ANYONE WHO GETS IN THEIR WAY. I AM HERE TODAY TO LET YOU KNOW THAT I AM ONE OF THE POWER HUNGRY FOLKS THAT ARE LOOKING TO STACK DALES DECK YOU ARE REFERRING TO AND THAT YOU COULD NOT BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. I, AND ALTHOUGH I AM FRIENDS WITH MOST OF THE CANDIDATES, CAN ONLY SPEAK FOR MYSELF AS I WOULDN'T WANT TO BE SEEN AS FRIENDS OF ANY OTHER CANDIDATE AND SUFFER PUBLIC CONDEMNATION AS DALE HAS, AM GOING TO DO MY BEST TO GET ON THIS BOARD AS AN INDIVIDUAL, INDEPENDENT AND NON DALE AGENDA MEMBER. IN DOING SO, KNOWING, THAT I AM GOING TO OPEN MYSELF TO THE WRATH OF THE EMPLOYEES OR AT LEAST WANDA. I CAN ONLY HOPE THE VOTING PUBLIC IS WISE ENOUGH TO SEE THROUGH HER CHARADE. Kathy Sharp From: Richard Solbrig Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 9:18 AM To: Ernie Claudio Cc: ewschafercpa@sbcglobal.net; drise01 @charter.net; jrjones@etahoe.com; BAR-MAR@etahoe.com; Kathy Sharp Subject: Agenda Questions Attachments: ECQuestionsAug6BdMtg.doc; questions_ernie.doc Here are all of the responses in one email Yes. The contract on the Board agenda for approval today is only to install meters in the vaults already installed by our water line contractor this year. So there is no excavation work involved. A separate contract to install vaults and meters will be bid for next construction season. We are having to bid it in these two pieces in order to meet the schedule requirements of the grant. From: Ernie Claudio [mailto:ernieclaudio@)sbcglobal.net] Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 6:48 PM To: Richard Solbrig Subject: Water Meter Costs Thank you Richard, I am confused about the water meter costs. Originally I heard the price of the water meter plus the installation was about $2,700, not including the engineering. Are we talking about two different thing? Thanks again, Ernie ECQuestionsAug6B questions_ernie.do dMtg.doc (28 K... c (49 KB) STPUD Board Report from Director Claudio Agenda Item Questions Consent Calendar: 1. Item B - Unpaid Assessments: a. How often is this done? b. What percent of these monies are we expecting to recover? c. Can we end up in court because of a dispute over Prop.218? 2. Item D - GIS Maintenance and Development: . a. How is this mapping system different than the InfaMap system? InfraMap is a piece of software to compliment the GIS in the field for our field crews. It gives our field crew the ease of "redlining" grid information that can be uploaded to our GIS database after the changes have been reviewed by the Engineering Specialist. Currently, we are doing all of this by hand. b. Will the District need the services of this contractor next year? The District may use the services of this Contractor next year. This will, of course, depend on which direction the District intends to go with the continuing development of this program. c. How many "third-party" software purchases are needed? For Task 2, all software is already licensed by the District. An additional software upgrade is expected to support task 4.1 - an upgrade of the existing ArcGIS Server software from the Basic level to the Standard level. d. Is the development of the "synchronize" tool a one-time cost? Yes e. What advantage does a GPS location of waters meters have over the system the District presently uses? Most water meters are not shown on the maps, and those that are shown are approximate locations. Customer Service has recorded GPS coordinates for most of the water meters using a recreational-grade GPS. This task would use that existing GPS data to place meters on the maps. f. Who presently updates the GIS table for customer accounts? Page 1 Submitted to the South Tahoe Public Utility District on August 4, 2009 STPUD Board Report from Director Claudio The customer table in the GIS was created this last year during the modifications of the database to support the integration of Maintenance Connection, but it was not populated. As such, the table has never been updated. This task (3.4) would initially populate that table, and design an automated workflow for periodic updates to the table by District personnel. g. How many times is the permit table in GIS updated annually? Approximately once per year. Task 4.3 also designs a more automated workflow for periodic updates to this table, so that in the future it can be more frequently updated by District personnel (without the assistance of the Contractor). h. How many times is the easement table in GIS updated annually? Same as above - Approximately once per year. Task 4.3 also designs a more automated workflow for periodic updates to this table, so that in the future it can be more frequently updated by District personnel (without the assistance of the Contractor). i. After the Engineering Specialist are trained will the District need any future updating services from this contractor? For the tasks identified for training, no. This is assuming that the Engineering Specialist is the position responsible for this task. Some of the tasks that involve updates to tables are done by the I.S. Dept. j. Who will cover the costs of renting a laser rangefinder if the contractor needs one? The District has received a recommendation for the Contractor for purchase of GPS and Laser Rangefinder equipment. (It was part of last years' Task Oder.) If this purchase is made prior to the GPS survey, the Contractor will not need to rent the laser rangefinder, and district will not incur rental costs for this item. If the purchase is not completed prior to the surveys, the costs of rental are included in the Other Direct Costs item. k. How long will it take to complete the GPS Survey (item 3.10)? It is estimated that field work will take approximately 12 working days. After including mission preparation and data processing/compilation, 3-4 calendar weeks total is anticipated. 1. In the past, how has the District been updating hydrant locations and attributes? Page 2 Submitted to the South Tahoe Public Utility District on August 4, 2009 STPUD Board Report from Director Claudio All updates have been made manually (the technician manually moving hydrants on the map, and entering/editing attributes). Recently, the District received an electronic database of hydrants from the City of South Lake Tahoe. On comparing the list from the City with the GIS, significant discrepancies were found. Under Task 3.13, the Contractor will assist the District in resolving these discrepancies by creating database comparison queries for review by the District, and making recommendations on how most efficiently to update the GIS. The bulk of the updating work itself will be done by the Engineering Specialist. It should be noted that the County of El Dorado and the City of SLT Fire Departments are responsible for assigning numbers to each of the hydrants and unless they provide this attribute for the hydrants, the hydrants layer will not be updated. m. How much will it cost to deploy the ArcReader access tool? The ArcReader software itself is free. If it is determined that the features of ArcReader satisfy user requirements, deployment costs will include a license for ArcGIS Publisher (to publish maps for ArcReader - $2,500), and the time for IT personnel to install and configure the software. ArcReader is being investigated as an alternative to deploying ArcView on all field computers (at a cost of about $2,500 per computer). n. How often has the District needed to edit the service lateral line data? Lateral line locations are edited frequently. Currently, sewer laterals are shown on the map, along with an annotation displaying their distance from the downstream manhole. When the distance from the downstream manhole is scaled from the map, this distance frequently does not match the annotated distance. Currently, the process to correct these locations is to use a tool to measure the annotated distance along the main line upstream from the manhole, change tools, set an initial point, set the tool to draw a line perpendicular to the main line, draw the line, change tools, and finally add a service connection point at the end of the lateral. For thousands of laterals, this will take a long time. Task 3.9 and Task 4.5 work together to improve the efficiency of this editing process. Task 4.5 will create a single tool to do the editing operation in one step. Task 3.9 is to train the Engineering Specialist in using the tool, and to provide technical support during the editing efforts. Many laterals have not been drawn in the GIS or the distance from the downstream manhole is missing. These issues also have to be addressed. 3. Item E - 2009 Water Meter Installation Project a. What are the present estimated costs for: 1) meter purchase, 2) meter installation, 3) engineering? Page 3 Submitted to the South Tahoe Public Utility District on August 4, 2009 STPUD Board Report from Director Claudio Payment of Claims: Page Vendor Department Description Amount Question 10 Pacific Mechanical Engineer - Eff. Eval Rep. Exp. Pumps $43,525 What is being done here? 15 Underwater Resources Gen. Admin. - ICR TMDL Const Retainage $7,925 What are they doing? 16 Winzler & Kelly Consult. Operations - Map UG Utilities Plant GIS $8,551 How many more payments? Page 4 Submitted to the South Tahoe Public Utility District on August 4, 2009 1. Item B a. Annually b. A very high percentage, since these charges will be billed by the County as part of the property taxes. If the property tax bill is paid, the District gets paid. If the property taxes are not paid, eventually the property would be taken by the County, and sale proceeds used to pay off liens, which the District would be one. c. These are payments for past service charges, and so there is no Proposition 218 question in connection with any new or increased charges. 2. Item D a. 3. Item E a. Meter purchase is $330 ea, incl OH&P x 160 = $52,800. Meter installation is $107.50 ea, incl OH&P x 160 = $17,200 Engineering costs are included in previously approved Task Order for C2ME Eng, or are District staff time. Payment of Claims Page 10 Progress payment for Pacific Mechanical on our Export PS Project, specifically for completing instrumentation items, fencing, and overtime differential for grading operation completion per approved change order. Page 15 Final payment of retainage for Underwater Resources, who installed the speece cone and under water conduits in ICR in Dec `08, and under water hydraulic lines to the ICR outlet valve in May `09. Page 16 Winzler & Kelly has approximately $32k left on their contract, probably to be completed in two more payments (monthly). Item # Source Description Amount Match / Int. Rate Funding Date Const. Start Date Grant Duration CEQA? Status Water 1 * *USFS Twin Peaks Booster $900,000 $900,000 NA July 1, 2009 Already contracted July 2009 -May 2011 Complete Open Grant 2 * *USFS Angora Tank Sitework $300,000 $300,000 NA July 1, 2009 Already contracted July 2009 -May 2011 Complete Open Grant 3 * *CDHS Arrowhead Arsenic TX $515,300 grant $515,300 loan 2.50% Pending Already contracted 10/2008- 12/2010 ( ?) Complete Pending 4 *CDHS Meter Installation/Water Cons $4,387,500 $o NA Pending Contract by 11/1/09 10/2008- 12/2010 ( ?) Complete Partial Pending Open Grant 5 SWRCB Al Tahoe Waterlines $150,000 $o NA March 20, 2007 May 2008 3/20/2007- 6/30/2011 6 USFS Utility Line Replacement $588,201 $297,817 NA July 1, 2007 NA Thru 6/30/2014 NA Open Grant 7 CTC EIP Planning $450,000 $0 NA May 21, 2007 Planning only 5/21/2007- 6/30/2012 NA Open Grant 8 USFS Cold Creek Filter Plant BMP $440,399 $440,399 NA July 1, 2009 Pending 07/1/2009 - 06/30/2014 Pending Open Grant Sewer 9 SWRCB Indian Creek TMDL $609,166 $203,055 NA Jan. 1, 2007 Jan. 1, 2007 1/1/2007- 02/01/2011 Complete Open grant 10 * *SWRCB C -Line Rerouting $2,000,000 $100,000 2.50% Sept. 15, 2009 STPUD to set 3/7/2009- 12/2011 ( ?) Draft Pending 11 * *SWRCB Irrigation Fields Installation $2,030,000 $100,000 2.50% Sept. 15, 2009 STPUD to set 3/7/2009- 12/2011 ( ?) Draft Pending 12 * *SWRCB ERB Pond Liner Replacement $3,000,000 $50,000 2.50% Sept. 15, 2009 STPUD to set 3/7/2009- 12/2011 ( ?) Complete Complete Pending Pending Pending 13 * *SWRCB LPPS Emergency Generators $2,467,200 $205,100 2.50/ Sept. 15, 2009 STPUD to set 3/7/2009- 12/2011 ( ?) 14 * *SWRCB Plant Headworks Demo $1,000,000 $100,000 2.50% Sept. 15, 2009 STPUD to set 3/7/2009- 12/2011 ( ?) Complete 15 * *SWRCB Plant Headworks Construct $12,000,000 $0 2.50% Sept. 15, 2010 STPUD to set 3/7/2009- 12/2011 ( ?) Pending Pending 16 OES Harvey Channel Culverts $94,176 $o NA Feb. 4, 2009 ASAP 2/4 /2009- 12/5/2009 Complete Open grant Pendin Grants: 17 *BofReclamatiorSnowshow Thompson/Dressler $1,008,256 $1,008,256 NA Sept. 1, 2009 Feb. 1, 2010 ( ?) 7/01/2009- 12/31/2010 Complete Notification 8/30/09 18 CDHS Airport Well Arsenic TX $1,005,000 $395,000 NA App submitted Not known Not known ? Not known 19 SNC Alpine Nutrient Mgt Plans $140,600 $46,900 NA On hold Not known Not known Complete waiting on Prop 84 Revised 8/1/2009 Grant/Loan Summary 2009 *Note: ARRA Funds (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) These projects are subject to Disadvantaged Business Enterprise construction procurement guidelines and Buy American guidelines **Note: These projects are required to implement Disadvantaged Business Enterprise construction procurement Turf Buy Back Program Staff Report 2006 Received grants under Prop 40: $325,168 Prop 50 : $499,954 -Replace lawn with water efficient landscaping. Modified for new water efficient landscaping in the Burn area. -Total projects completed at this time: 49 -2007: 13 projects 14,387 sqft $24,012 -2008: 26 projects 41,758sgft $53,834 -2009: 10 projects 8,598 sgft $8,096 -To date: 49 projects 64,743 sqft $85,942 -Total projects completed in the Angora Burn Area: 23 -Total projects waiting for checks: 13 -Projects yet to be complete: 57 Participation exponentially increased. Extremely popular due to increased education efforts and word of mouth. -Last week and a half or program received over 30 applications and performed over 10 site evaluations. -Each participant requires a pre-site evaluation (educate, provide resources, map, measure) and a post-site evaluation, along with being available for questions throughout the project Charging for meters starting January 2011 and everyone metered by 2025, the TBBP provides a great opportunity to decrease water consumption before rate structure changes. Water savings Spray irrigation: 1-5GPM or 60-300OPH 50% effective due to evaporation, wind transpiration, overspray, run-off Drip: 1-4GPH, decrease in water use by 59-296 GPH Fine spray misters: 15-45 GPH, decrease in water use by 14-255 GPH Water savings of 50% TBBP range from 800-3,000 square feet Average conversion 1,000 square feet = $2,000 rebate 1,000 gallons per week, 52,000 gallons per year Affects peak flows reported by pumps Save 52,000 g/year for every 1,000 sqft, TBBP to date has converted 64,743 sqft= 336 MG per year Education -Conservation Block Party: Saturday, August 8th- 10-1 at 1465 Fri ant -Conservation Landscape Tour: Sunday, August 16th- 2-6, maps at TRCD Letter to the Editor. August 7, 2009 Subject: Response to Wanda Stanley's "Letter to the Editor" on August 5, 2009 On July 22, 2009 S.T.P.U.D. Director Dale Rise was quoted in the Tahoe Daily Tribune saying, "The public needs to know the agency (S.T.P.U.D.) is the farthest thing from being transparent you would ever want to see in you life". Wanda Stanley disputed this statement in her Letter to the Editor on August 5, 2009 by say, "...the district has acted in the best interests of its customers..." The definition of "Transparency" has change a great deal since the election of our new president. Here are some quotes from a memorandum from President Obama to executive department heads and agencies: "My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. Transparency promotes accountability and provides information for citizens about what their Government is doing. My Administration will take appropriate action, consistent with law and policy, to disclose information rapidly in forms that the public can readily find and use." "Executive departments and agencies should harness new technologies to put information about their operations and decisions online and readily available to the public." Barack Obama (http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/TransparencyandOpenGovemment/) Director Rise is talking about "an unprecedented level of openness". It is fairly easy to imagine this level of transparency: 1) S.T.P.U.D. Board meetings would be televised. 2) Board Meetings would be broadcast live on the Internet (streaming video). 3) Downloadable videos of past Board meetings would be available on the S.T.P.U.D. web site. 4) Downloadable copies of the Board meeting minutes and agendas for the last three years (the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors do this). 5) Downloadable copies of past and present annual budgets. 6) Downloadable copies of past and present expenses. 7) Downloadable copies of the 10 year plan, 15 year plan and 25 year plan. 8) Online documents describing past and present projects. 9) Online documents explaining why important decisions of interest were made. 10) Online documents describing the District's lobbying efforts in Washington DC and Sacramento. I I)Online copies of letters sent to federal and state politicians. 12)Online documents describing new information acquired at conventions and conferences. 13)Regular update presentations for City Council and the Board of Supervisors. 14)Setup tours of the wastewater plant, Diamond Valley Ranch and other District facilities. 15) Solicit public feedback with an online comment box. 16) Solicit public feedback with telephone surveys. In closing I would like to mention Wanda Stanley's last comment, "Will the real Mr. Rise please stand up?" I have never seen a person do so much homework for his position as a Director. Truth be told, Dale is losing tons of money because he is working on S.T.P.U.D. matters instead of working on his own contracting business. It is an honor and a privilege to work along side such a dedicated individual. Ernie Claudio S.T.P.U.D. Director mWttit~iriM~tcr~ ca w une i e August 5, 2009 Board member has begun stirring the political pot Letter to the Editor: by Wanda Stanley (Chief Shop Steward at S.T.P.U.D.) I am both surprised and disappointed in the comments that South Tahoe Public Utility District board member Dale Rise made in the Tribune regarding the lack of transparency at STPUD. He alleges district staff would rather not have the public attend workshops, even though the district advertises in the Tribune whenever there is one. Is there a reason Mr. Rise appears to be stirring the political pot so soon before the November election? Is it to rouse the community into believing his ideas to get his personal friends elected to the three open seats on the board of directors? Isn't one vote enough for him, or does he need to stack the deck in his favor? Of all people to make this sort of remark, Mr. Rise has had the last year and a half to attend board meetings, workshops, conferences, meetings, and other staff functions to see for himself that the district has acted in the best interests of its customers all these years because of wise decisions made by the board on the recommendations of dedicated staff. It is apparent to me that Mr. Rise's intentions are to misconstrue comments made by staff to fit his agenda. When Mr. Rise was running for his seat he portrayed himself as just "one of the guys in an orange shirt." Instead he has aligned himself with a group of power-hungry folks with an agenda that benefits a small group of their pals. Speaking for the "guys in the orange shirts," we feel as if we have been sold a bill of goods. Did you just want to get on the board to get your friends on there, too? Will the real Mr. Rise please stand up? http://www.tahoedailytribune. com/article/2009O8O4/0Pl N lON/908049997/1023/NONE&parentprofil e=1059 MUkWMjW.CW w C= July 22, 2009 Utility district's openness questioned as election season starts By Adam Jensen, reporter for Tahoe Daily Tribune Three seats on the South Tahoe Public Utility District Board are up for grabs in November, but one current board member expressed concerns about the district's openness ahead of a Wednesday board workshop. Board member Dale Rise said he was criticized by district staff for inviting prospective board candidates to Wednesday's workshop, an event that is legally required to be open to the public. "The public needs to know the agency is the farthest thing from being transparent you would ever want to see in your life," Rise said Tuesday. At the workshop, the board is expected to discuss upcoming water meter requirements []in the district, ways to save money, solar energy, the district's use of consultants and a request for proposals for new legal representation. In an e-mail, Rise was told that workshops are mostly intended for the board to have a discussion "amongst themselves." Although Runnels Automotive owner John Runnels and incumbents Jim Jones, Eric Schafer and Ernie Claudio are the only people who have filed candidacy declarations so far, Rise says several other people have expressed an interest in running for board. Board members serve four year terms. The election is Nov. 3. In order to run, candidates must submit a candidacy declaration with El Dorado County by 5 p.m. on Aug. 7. Department spokesman Dennis Cocking defended the transparency of the agency on Tuesday, saying the district has always met legal requirements for holding public meetings. Wednesday's workshop is primarily a "brain-storming" session, but any member of the public is welcome at the workshop, Cocking said. Cocking also noted that as long as the toilets flush and faucets turn on, the public interest in water district board meetings is generally pretty low. "If the district was trying to be secretive about it, they would hold it at night at somebody's house or something," Cocking said. The workshop will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday at the District Board Room located at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. http://www.tahoedailytribune.com/article/2009O722/N EWS/907219986&parentprofile=search i 1 S.T. P. U. D. Board Report from Director Claudio Draft Board Workshop Notes Board Workshop Wednesday, July 22, 2009 at the District Boardroom. These notes were compiled by Richard Solbrig and Ernie Claudio Attendees: Richard Solbrig, Mary Lou Mosbacher, Dale Rise, Ernie Claudio, Jim Jones, Eric Schafer, John Runnels, Peggy Cocores, Ken Kurtzweiler, John Cefalu, Chris Cefalu, Todd Williams, Mary Jane Sanchez. 1. Solar Energy: a. Return on Investment (ROI): The District will continue to consider green projects, with an appropriate ROI required before pursuing them. b. Smaller Installations: It was mentioned that the District might invest in some smaller more cost effective solar units in order to gain experience with solar technology. c. Securi : Check on Homeland security grants for fencing to protect solar installations. d. Customer Survey: Director Schafer suggested a question be placed on the next customer survey about their willingness to invest in solar energy. e. Passive Solar: Passive solar should be considered for new District projects. f. Future Plans: It was suggested that a budget item for solar be included in the 10/15/25 year plans. g. Power Purchase Agreement (PPA): Check with companies offering PPA's on a regular basis to see if the deals are getting better. h. Energy Buy-Back Cap: The State will be requiring that local power providers buy back surplus solar energy from its customers. Check to see where the cap is. Page 1 Submitted to the South Tahoe Public Utility District Board on August 6, 2009 S.T.P.U.D. Board Report from Director Claudio 2. Water Meters: a. Water Auditor: Complete a detailed description of the duties of the Water Auditor and the associated costs. b. Future Plans: Include a budget items for water meter installations in the 10/15/25 year plans. c. Future Plans: Include a budget items for water line replacements in the 10/15/25 year plans. d. Public Outreach: Inform the District customers about the water meter law, the costs and the schedule. e. Water Rates: Complete at water rate study by January 2010. f. Water Audit: It was suggested that the District audit the current commercial users to see if any users are wasting water. 3. Budget Savings Cost Measures: a. Travel Costs: It was suggested that we look into the possibility of reducing some of the travel expensed associated with non-required training events and information seminars. b. Medical Costs: it was suggested the District examine different options to reduce medical costs when the current MOU's are doe to expire. For example, the possibility of raising the healthcare co-pay with the incentive of a $100 bonus for each employee who does not have a doctor's visit for that month. This is being done at the Lake Oroville Area PUD. c. Anenda Meetings: It was suggested that we look into the possibility of having some agenda meetings without attorney services. d. Chanaine Auditors: It was suggested that we look into the possible benefits of changing auditors every five years. 4 Page 2 Submitted to the South Tahoe Public Utility District Board on August 6, 2009 S.T.P.U.D. Board Report from Director Claudio 4. Use of Consultants: a. Limited Term Retirees: It was suggested that we look into the possibility of using the limited term hiring of a retiree instead of using a consultant. b. Consultant Pool: It was suggest that we look into the possibility of using a consultant pool with reduced rates. 5. Legal Services RFP: a. Legal Services RFP: It was suggested that we put out and RFP for legal services for non-special venues. b. Ad Hoc Committee: It was suggested that we create an ad-hoc committee to define the scope of services and the desired time period for these legal services. 6. Need for additional workshops was acknowledged. Agenda Item Questions Consent Calendar: 7. Item B - Unpaid Assessments: a. How often is this done? b. What percent of these monies are we expecting to recover? c. Can we end up in court because of a dispute over Prop.218? 8. Item D - GIS Maintenance and Development: a. How is this mapping system different than the InfaMap system? b. Will the District need the services of this contractor next year? c How many "third-party" software purchases are needed? d. Is the development of the "synchronize" tool a one-time cost? e. What advantage does a GPS location of waters meters have over the system the District presently uses? f. Who presently updates the GIS table for customer accounts? Page 3 Submitted to the South Tahoe Public Utility District Board on August 6, 2009 S.T.P.U.D. Board Report from Director Claudio g. How many times is the permit table in GIS updated annually? h. How many times is the easement table in GIS updated annually? i. After the Engineering Specialist are trained will the District need any future updating services from this contractor? j. Who will cover the costs of renting a laser rangefinder if the contractor needs one? k. How long will it take to complete the GPS Survey (item 3.10)? 1. In the past, how has the District been updating hydrant locations and attributes? m. How much will it cost to deploy the ArcReader access tool? n. How often has the District needed to edit the service lateral line data? 9. Item E - 2009 Water Meter Installation Project a. What are the present estimated costs for: 1) meter purchase, 2) meter installation, 3) engineering? Payment of Claims: Page Vendor Department Description Amount Question 10 Pacific Engineer - Eff Rep. Exp. $43 525 What is being done here? Mechanical Eval Pumps , 15 Underwater Gen. Admin. - Const Retainage $7 925 What are they doing? Resources ICR TMDL , 16 Winzler & Operations - Map Plant GIS $8,551 How many more payments? Kelly Consult. UG Utilities Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT The application and use of recycled water in the Tahoe Basin is forbidden because of the hazarders associated with this material. The use of sprinkler to apply recycled water in Alpine county is mentioned twice (see attachments) in EIR report. Applying recycled water to the ground is one thing, applying it to the atmosphere, where it can blow miles down-wind, is potentially dangerous. Does the District want to assume this liability? 4 Page 4 Submitted to the South Tahoe Public Utility District Board on August 6, 2009 Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Appendix A - Revised Notice of Preparation Table 6. Monthlv Average Tntal PrPrinitaFinn fnr M!%rlrlnozri11n 0A AAIIDt-d' WMQ\ Month Average P in January 3.72 February 3.14 March 2.10 April 1.29 May 0.99 June 0.60 July 0.39 August 0.46 September 0.47 October 0.93 November 2.11 December 3.01 Annual total= 19.20 Irrigation Method Efficiency Irrigation efficiency varies with the method chosen for distribution. For the initial development of this NMP, surface (flood/furrow) irrigation and spray irrigation (hand/wheel line or center-pivot sprinklers) were analyzed. The efficiency rates are listed in Table 7 (Metcalf and Eddy 1991). Table 7. irriwatinn Pffimcmd a, /Mn1-n~1F -A 17AA., 10011 Irrigation Method Efficiency Surface 65 Spray 70 4.1.6 Limiting Factor Determination The hydraulic loading rates based on irrigation water, nitrogen limits, and soil permeability were calculated for the following four combinations: • alfalfa/surface • alfalfa/spray • pasture grass/surface, and • pasture grass/spray. There were three loading rates (consumption, nitrogen, and permeability) calculated for each of the four combinations listed above. The comparison of the three hydraulic loading rates ensures that the quantity of recycled water applied to the crops will adequately fulfill specific crop requirements, safely percolate through the soil profile, and protect groundwater. In comparing these hydraulic loading rates, the lowest value of the three (maximum allowable application rate of recycled water) is the primary limiting factor. Please see Section 5.0 Hydraulic Loading for more in-depth discussion. STPU DISTRICT 8361.001 16 op, Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Appendix F Diamond Valley Ranch Nutrient Management Plan Harvey Channel is to direct Indian Creek flows (exceeding the conveyance capacity of the Upper Dressler Ditch) around the Harvey Place Reservoir. The Upper and Lower Harvey Channels carry freshwater only and enter Indian Creek below the dam of the Harvey Place Reservoir. IRRt t~ The configuration of the irrigation and associated minor grading will need to include t a means of continuing the ability to spill very high flow rates (induced by flood or u P snowmelt) out of the Harvey Channel. Alternatively, the Upper Harvey Channel could be enlarged to contain the peak flow rate induced by a 100-year storm event Q n ~6 R ? with berms to prevent recycled water from entering the channel. A variation on this VE {i S ND • project component will be to irrigate the District Pasture with freshwater if the 0r u R, Diamond Valley Ranch is irrigated with recycled water. In this case the water rights S Y from the District Pasture will be used to resume irrigating the District Pasture and a portion of the water rights of Diamond Valley Ranch will be used for storage in ICR. The basis of this variation is that the original water rights for irrigating the District Pasture were transferred to storage in ICR. Since the District Pasture is no longer irrigated, it may be desirable to resume irrigating to restore the land as a pasture. 30. Irrigate the "Jungle" with Recycled Water The District obtained land known as the "Jungle" with its purchase of the Diamond Valley Ranch. The jungle is located northwest of the Snowshoe Thompson No. 2 Ditch and north of the Millich Ditch. At its nearest point the jungle is approximately 1,100 feet from the West Fork of the Carson River. The jungle is not currently irrigated and is characterized as sloping and bottom valley land. There are approximately 150 acres that will be irrigated with recycled water once infrastructure is constructed to convey water to this area. The need for additional lands may arise from loss of lands currently irrigated with recycled water due to subdivision or some other cause, or by increased annual volume of recycled water • resulting from growth in the District's service territory. S ra ration methods will be utilized as the irrigation method. Water will be supplied under pressure from a pipeline branching off the existing C-Line or from the proposed pressurized line that would pump water back to Harvey Place Reservoir (Component 11). 31. Divert Storm water Flow Away from Harvey Place Reservoir to Indian Creek Reservoir This project component constructs a ditch near the southeast corner of the Harvey Place Reservoir to intercept stormwater and drainage flows that currently flow into the Harvey Place Reservoir and divert them to ICR. The purpose will be to reduce stormwater flow into the Harvey Place Reservoir thereby increasing the available recycled water storage volume of the Harvey Place Reservoir. Another benefit of this project component will be to increase the amount of freshwater entering ICR. A method of sediment control may be necessary to reduce sediment loading in ICR. This component will be implemented only if recycled water volume increases and additional storage volume for recycled water in Harvey Place Reservoir is needed, or if additional freshwater is needed in ICR to improve water quality and meet -2-