HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-20-09 S0v-r H TA y0 NIP .off - - ewer • 1950 •'1'~s~e `G~ ~ (J rr' IRTY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Comp/ex World" Richard Solbri , General Manager Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager Mary Lou Mosbacher, President BOARD MEMBERS Dale Rise, Vice President James R. Jones, Director Eric W. Schafer, Director Ernie Claudio, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 20, 2009 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, August 20, 2009, 2:00 P.M., District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ROLL CALL President Mosbacher, Directors Rise, Claudio, Jones, Schafer STAFF: Solbrig, Sciuto, Sharp, Hughes, Henderson, Morse, Schrauben, Bergsohn, Cocking, R. Johnson, Hoggatt, Curtis, Coyner, Attorney Kvistad GUESTS: Peggy Cocores, John Runnels, John Adamski, Tod Williamson, Dan Gill, George Alm Dennis Cocking led the pledge to the flag. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Moved Schafer / Second Rise / Passed Unanimously CONSENT CALENDAR to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: a. Capital Outlay Accounts - Authorized staff to direct rollover funds budgeted in 2008/2009 Fiscal Year to the 2009/2010 Fiscal Year; b. Arsenic Treatment Funding and Water Meter Installation - Adopted Resolution No. 2868-09 and Resolution No. 2869-09 entering into agreements for funding with the California Department of Public Health; REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 20, 2009 PAGE - 2 c. Arrowhead Well No. 3 Arsenic Treatment Facility - CONSENT CALENDAR Approved Change Order No. 2 to KG Walters (continued) Construction, Inc., in the amount of $14,974.67; d. Sonora Waterline Replacement Project - Approved the $155,307.70 reimbursement agreement with the City of South Lake Tahoe for including the asphalt trench patch on Ski Run and Rocky Point waterline replacement project in the City's 2009 roadway rehabilitation project; e. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: July 16, 2009; f. Crane Operator Recertification - Authorized required recertification training in the amount of $15,255. (Note: This item was added by Addendum, which met all noticing requirements.) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION The District is planning to construct a standby power LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION generation facility for the LPPS (Luther Pass Pump GENSET Station). Construction of the facility will require fulfill- ment of Tahoe Regional Planning Agency permitting requirements. Should the District receive match grant funding for this project through the State Water Resources Control Board Revolving Fund, additional environmental permitting to satisfy the California Environmental Quality Act may also be required. Requests for Proposal was solicited to two consulting firms to assist District staff to prepare the applications and complete the environmental review documents needed to satisfy permitting requirements. After a careful review and comparison of both proposals, staff recommended Hauge Brueck Associates to provide the necessary services. Moved Claudio / Second Rise / Passed Unanimously to approve proposal from Hauge Brueck Associates, in the amount of $25,487, to provide permitting services for the LPPS standby power generation facility project in general accordance with the District request for proposal dated August 5, 2009. Moved Schafer / Second Jones / Passed Unanimously PAYMENT OF CLAIMS to approve payment in the amount of $1,421,578.94. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The BOARD MEMBER STANDING committee met August 17. Minutes of the meeting are COMMITTEE REPORTS are available upon request. The meeting included site visits to three projects: Angora Tank, Arsenic Treatment Facility, and the Twin Peak Booster Station. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 20, 2009 PAGE - 3 Heavenly Snowmaking Ad Hoc Committee: The BOARD MEMBER AD HOC committee met on August 19 to review the draft COMMITTEE REPORT report by Municipal Financial Services establishing a rate structure for any future agreement with Heavenly. Staff and legal counsel then met with Heavenly repre- sentatives, who were, in general, acceptable of the rate structure. Discussions must still take place concerning the connection capacity fee issue in order to calculate fairly and accurately. Before making a significant invest- ment in their facilities that they will need to deliver the higher rate of water our current system cannot provide, they want assurances that the District can supply a secure source of water for snowmaking for the future. Under the present agreement, the District can interrupt service at any time, however, after discussing contract terms and learning about the upgrades the District has made to its system, they feel secure that the District is a very reliable supplier of water, and is the most cost effective source. A presentation to the full Board has been tentatively scheduled for September 17, and the contract is ex- pected to be on the October Board meeting agenda for consideration. 4 The August 12 Water Agency board meeting was held EL DORADO COUNTY WATER at the District. Policy 4 was signed (an annual grant AGENCY PURVEYOR from the EDCWA in a decreasing amount based on ad REPRESENTATIVE REPORT valorem taxes taken from the District's service area that is restricted to non-construction of works projects and for costs and expenses not considered normal for daily District operations). The Water Agency Act is outdated and will be reviewed and updated. George Alm spoke to the Board and offered to sell COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE additional time on the KRLT and KOWL radio stations to air brief announcements of upcoming Board meetings and a recap of the agenda items that will be discussed. He stated this was a better way to reach the public than television since 40% of the market does not receive local TV. It was the consensus of the Board to direct staff to work with Mr. Alm on this issue and bring back ideas and associated costs. Clerk of the Board: Kathy Sharp suggested that a STAFF REPORT committee be assigned to address the list of transparency issues raised at the August 6 Board meeting. President Mosbacher appointed the Executive Committee to research the suggestions, and to make recommendations to the full Board for direction. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES -AUGUST 20, 2009 PAGE - 4 Director Schafer reported CASA (California Association BOARD MEMBER REPORTS of Sanitation Agencies) was working on guidelines for its members pertaining to sewer laterals. Director Claudio reported Lahontan may allow the use of certain pesticides to treat algae. He also reported on topics of discussion at a meeting he attended, held by Assemblyman Ted Gaines. Director Rise stated a workshop is needed to develop the Board's policy regarding water metering. Lots of decisions need to be made, including public outreach, long-term planning, financing, etc. President Mosbacher reported on the following topics: her attendance at a Lake Valley Fire meeting, permitting problems related to fuel reduction projects, her attendance at the Alpine County Contracts Commission, an article in the Record Courier that will feature District employee Hal Bird and Alpine County facilities, and on her attendance at the meeting hosted by Assemblyman Ted Gaines. Director Schafer reported on the August 20 Lake Tahoe Forum. Staff added that they met with Congressman Tom McClintok and Senator Dianne Feinstein to request support for the reauthorized LTRA (Lake Tahoe Restoration Act). General Manager: Richard Solbrig requested a Board GENERAL MANAGER REPORT committee be appointed to discuss timing issues with management and union employee MOUs. President Mosbacher appointed Directors Schafer and Rise to serve as an Ad Hoc Committee. Legal Counsel: Attorney Kvistad provided guidance STAFF REPORTS for Board members to keep in mind when reporting on decisions made in closed session. It was the consensus of the Board to direct staff to send a letter to claimant, David Makovec, giving rational for denying his claim on August 6. 3:55 P.M. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED (There was noting to discuss in Closed Session.) SESSION AND RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (One Case) REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES -AUGUST 20, 2009 PAGE - 5 No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code ~ov Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: Tahoe Asphalt, Inc., and Tahoe Asphalt Materials Company, LLC, vs. STPUD, Case No. SC20090104, El Dorado Superior Court 3:55 P.M. ADJOURNMENT 1 Mary s a er, Board President South/Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST:. _ Katy Shqrpj Clerk of th Board South TaKod Public Utility District Rn tU k.~•r u Q yY k' R-`i L! I F - z ,~a1 G ° 0 Li» '1 0 ui ° Za ¢Z LU LL W U j Zo W =Z F- 0 i in OLL ° Z O Z ° A F, w w ~rr W Z C7 o a cn ~o p Q z C/) LL cn Z o O W 3: a J' ~0 Wo a F- O ~Q m wZ W J ZZ Q ' ° U a 1