HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 01/07 - 1965 06/17DECEMBER 17, 1964 Regular Meetin~ SPECIAL ASSESMMENT DISTRICT 1964-1 BONDS: Bonds arrived in the County Treasurer's Office today~ according to ~r. Weidman. He will have to get a copple of documents yet and should have them available soon. The amount of the Bonds= $421,000.00. Mr. Callahan reported that the District owes Joe D. Miller, contractor for the Special Assessment District 1964-i, over $150,000.00 in progress payments, which the engineer - Clair A. Hill & Associates - have approved. MOTION: Director Kortes moved and Director Stewart seconded, unanimously carried that the District pay all pro~ess payments to date when and if the bond money has been received as approved by the engineer. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Acting General Manager David W. Callahan recommended the pa~h%"'~'f 'cla~s '~s presented in the amount of $111,751.02. Md~ion was made, seconded, unanimously carried, that the claims as presented by Acting Manager Callahan be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 9:00 P.M. DAVID W. CALLAHAN, CLERK OM BOARD & E'X-2 OFFICIO SECRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ROBERT WAKEMAN, CHAIRMAN PRO TEM SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 7, 1965 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met January 7, 1965, Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California, 8:00 P.M. RO~L ~ALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Stewart Fes!er, General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, Walt Little -Lake Tahoe News, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, t'~a'%"t'he minutes of December !7, 1964, be approved as written. ['~NAGER'S REPO?~: General Manager Priday read his report, which is as follows: "Manager's Report January 7, 1965 PLANT OPEP~TION: ~ai'plant flow for December 1964 Average daily flow for December 196~ Total Nevada flow for December 1964 Average daily flow for December 1964 47,540,000 ~allons 1,533,548 " 9,025,500 " 291~145 " Holding pond freeboard - 7 feet 4-1/2 inches - this is a Kain of 3 feet and 10-1/2 inches in 15 days. Unprecented rainfall caused considerable damage to ponding dikes at the new spray disposal field. Also a ereat deal of erosion on the slopes'was evident. Fortunately we had not sprayed effluent on the new area for about six (6) weeks prior to storm so any run-off did not create a pollution problem. We are now, however, taking advantage of thessnow and ice conditions to draw down our holding pond with the express permission of the Water Pollution Control Board. The same storm created problems for sewer construction in Assessment District 1964-1. The Contractor - Joe D. Miller - could not properly cope with the situation on Verdon Street nor private street East of Keller and North of Needle Peak where both trenches washed out leaving people marooned in their homes. The District took the situation in hand due to its emergency status and will retain the costs JANUARY 7, 1965 67 REGULAR ~EETING (co 'nued] involved from the c~ntractors payments. Recently the South Tahoe High School w as permitted to hook-up to the sewer system on Hwy. 50 at Cemetery Road. The grammar school connected to the Catholic Church line at M.H. 17 North of Lyon Road. No fees have been figured for either school, however, prior commitments from the District indicate that the Catholic Church be reimbursed for part of their costs should anyone use that sewer line. I can Ret together with Mr. Moyer and work out the details. · I wish to thank Mr. Earl Thouren and Mr, Paul Eastman for sending the District the check for $73,000.00 for partial payment on our P.L. 660 Grant. This was received December 22, 1964. I think congratulations are in order for the Planning committee in the way they pm/~sued our endeavours with top echelon officials recently; the professional manner in Which Mr. Callahan handled his responsibilities during my absence and particularly the staff and operations personnel during these hectic days of bad weather." Mr. Priday stated that the letter which was received from the U.S.Forest Service, Mr. Robert Rice, stated that because of structural failures, the District cease spray operations in Sec 9 and Sec 10, T12, R18E, until such time as repairs are made which will satisfy all the conditions of the Special Use Permit. General Manager Priday stated that the Water Pollution Control Board agreed that no critical contamination problem kexisted from rub-off from the spray disposal area on U.S.Forest lands in Sec 9 and 10, T12, R18E. Mr. Priday stated that he talked to Bob Rice and Mr. Rice stated that if approval was received from the Water Pollution Control Board he would not enforce his statements in his letter of Decehber 23, 1964. Mr. Priday write a letter to Mr. Jack Leggett, with copies to Mr. H. Moyer, Mr. John Weidman and Mr. R. Rice, confirming the telephone conversation with Mr. Jack Leggett. ' Mr. Priday stated that the Tertiary Treatment Plant is not progressing - the contractor i~ doing what he can. (Weather conditions ceased work,) Mr. Priday also mentioned that Ryan g Cope (Contractors for the Secondary Sludge) have requested an extension of time because of weather conditions. Joe D. Miller - contractor for Special Assessment District 1964-1 - also will request an extension of time because of weather conditions. Mr. Clarke stated ~hat he would llke to comment on the last paragraph of the ~nager's Report - he stated that he felt the Planning Committee has dgne an excellent job. ~r. Fesler stated that thanks should also go to Mr. Clarke because it was his idea and that Mr. Walt LiZtle should also be noticed for turning the d~rectors in this direction, as well as Mr. John Murphy with the Sacramento Bee.) Mr. Clarke also mentioned that before he went on vacation, he was impressed with Mr. Callahan's work and this indicates that the hirlnK group did a nice job, Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as given. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Easement: no report 2. Planning - Director Fesler stated that he felt the Plannine Committee had an eventful 1964 and they are planning on an outstanding 1965. 3. Public Info. No report. 4. Street Lighting: No report. OL? BUSIN~.S.:' 1~ ANNEXATION CHARGES - ORDINANCE 99: LeKal. etc: General ~ana~er Pridav stated that he' ~a~de~ed i~' t'h~ 'i~'d'i~'i'dual .... could have their own attorney to handle'the annexations; Attorney Holtom and Attorney Weldman stated that this would be agreeable to them as this is very time consuming and that the legal fee does not cover the work involved; however, Mr. Holtom stated that the annexation should lbe reviewed as to whether it is complete, etc., and Attorney Weidman stated that in cases of broad annexations, such as Meyers, he felt that he and Attorney Holtom should handle. January 7, 1965 REGULAR MEETING (CONTINUED) 2.... ~.XA.~?.L.~S. pr TY[..ICAL ANNEXATIONS (Financial): ~r. Callahan ~resanted the Directors with a b~eak~0wn o'f' h0w'"~nneXa'~i0ns a~e computed - - these were examples of parcels that have been excluded within the Distrist boundaries and parcels that are not within the boundaries of the District. MISCELLANEOUS: Attorney Holtom mentioned to the Board of Directors (infor only) t'h'a't when the original boundary was described, Tahoe Meadows was ~ncluded, and Tahoe Meadows requested exclusion from the Board of Supervisors and received exclusion from the District, and the district boundaries were redescribed. RES?~UTIpNS: Attorney Holtom recommended that the followin? Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 56~ A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO MAKE CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS SANiTA'R'~''S'E'WE'R~GE ~ROJEcT NO. 1964-1 )Hearing set for February 4, 1965, 8:00 P.~., Tahoe Valley Fire House( Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUT.!.ON.~O. ~_0be adopted as recommended by Attorney J. Holtom. STUDY SESSION: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously C~'rr~e'd" th~t-a Study Session be held January 1~, 1965, 2:00 P.~., District Office to review the Audit Report and any other business the Directors wish to discuss. Action cannot be taken at this Study Session. AGREEMENT - SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY:. General Manager Priday requested that t'~e" ~re~"id~nt' of"~e Board of D~rectors'-s'ign the a~reement which was received by the Sierra Pacific Power Company for plant lighting service. CONTRACT REQUEST - TOPS CHEMICAL COMPANY: General Manager Priday stated that a cont~adt' has 'b~e~"rec'e'iv'e'~ from'Tops chemical Company requesting that the District sign this for delivery of chlorine. Mr, Priday recommended that this contract not be signed and also stated that if Tops Chemical wants to go into contracts - that the District will have to go to bid for chlorine. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, that the Manager use his discretion as to the purchase of chlorine. Director Kortes amended his motion to read: the contract received from Tops Chemical Company not be signed, Director Wakeman seconded, and vote carried unanimously. PURCHASE (EMERGENCY) OF SNOW PLOW: General Manager Priday stated that the District has available a used snow plow that cost 627,000.00 new and this Company in Idaho gets this surplus item and they will sell this for $6,000.00. This is a rotm~y blower with an international motor, twelve spDeds forward and the mechanism is identical to that which was built by Marmon Harrin~ton since 1929. Ail gears that are now on the nnit can be replaced and nothing has to be made special for this piece of equipment. This will also be guaranteed. Mr. Priday stated that there are eight (8) areas which have to be maintained daily; since this last storm, the district has spent $849.00 as of 1/7/65 to keep the plant operable. This unit could also be made available to the public for emergency purposes. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the District make the emergency purchase of this snow plow,under Section 1.6504 of the Public Utilities Code and the following Resolution will cover same: RESOLUTION NO. 561: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH T~Rb~ PUBLIh bTI~ITy DISTRICT DETERMINING A GREAT E~fERGENCY AND CAUSE TO BE PURCHASED WITHOUT NOTICE EOUIP~ENT REQUIRED FOR REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE, OPERATION, WORK NECESSARY TO MEET. General Manager Priday also stated that we have an employee that is experienced in operating this type of equipment. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, that' t'h~ payment Of claims in the amount of ~52,793.25 be approved for payment. Director Fesler amended the motion to read that the payment of claims in the amount of $52,703.25 be approved for payment, Director Wakema~ seconded, vote carried unanimously. oanuary /, 1~55 ADJOURNMENT: 9:45 P.~. DAVID W:-0'ALLAHA~, ~-[~RK O-F B0~P~D- ~D' ~-X~ OFFICIO SECRETARY Pe~ular ~.fee±ir~ (cont) ! Dm . LD L. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR ~EETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILTY DISTRICT January 21, 1965 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utilty District met in reeular session January 21, 1965, 8:00 P.~f.,Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, Cal.{~fornia. ROLL CALL: Present were President Donald L. Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler and Stewsrt, 'Attorney J. Weldman, Engineer H, ~foyer, General ?ana~er Prlday, Clerk of Boar? Callahan, W.C. Taylor, John ~urphy, Walt Little, C. Wentworth, John Yaderas. ~ILUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carrie~ that the minutes of January 7, 1965, be approved as written. " ' ~ANAGER'.S REPORT: General ~anager Priday read.his report, which is as follows: "~fanager's Report January 21, 1965 PLANT OPERATION: Total Flow from Jan 1st throuf~h Jan 20, 1965 Average daily flow - same period Nevada flow - same period Average daily flow - same period Holding pond freeboard - - ,~ 9 feet ~2,1~6,000 gallons 1,606,000 ,' 5,841,800 ,, 292,090 " Pump was shut off to the new spray area as of 9:15 A.~,~., Wednesday, January 13, last, as the ~ond was down to 9 feet - 3-1/2 inches freebaard, thereby cutting down any possible runoff. We will continue using the new spray area only when the holding pond reeuires it. The District received the rotary snow plow ~onday, January !lth and ~ut it r.{eht to work It does a very satis'factory ~ob. ' ' Assessment District 1964-1 is continuing to eive the District some maintenance problems; however, the district is doing everythln~ possible to take care of the worst conditions. Director Stewart took time to go over the situation on Verdon and found a bad condition around a manhole that had developed in between inspections. The situation will be corrected as of today. The soft mud was removed and the hole refilled with eravel. A complete report has been filed with Yr. ~foyer. I had the pleasure of speaking before the Douglas Tahoe Rotary Club Friday, January 15. I gave them an up to the minute report on conditions in the area relatin~ to sewage and the Tertiary Treatment facilities soon to be a first in the world here at our local Utility District. It was also my pleasure to attend the General ~embership meeting and dinner of the Lake Tahoe Area Council on Friday, January 15th; ~.~r. and Mrs. Dave Callahan and Director and Mrs. D. Kortes attended the dinner with ~r. and. Mrs. Win Priday. We missed the congeniality of the other Directors and their wives." Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted. Regarding Special Assessment District 1964-1, ~r. Clarke stated that there is a sunken spot on Needle Peak Road. Director Stewart stated that he toured the Special Assessment Distr~ct 196~-1 with ~r Prlday and that all holes were filled. ' General ?anager Priday stated that this has been paved and if this had not been paved, the conditions would b~ much worse than they are now. Also, the holes on Wildwood or filled. (This was in answer to Director Wakeman's question.) REGULAR MEETING -2- January 21, [i965 General ~.~anager Priday stated that whenever there is difficulty on roads, the people immediately think that the Sewer District is responsible. ~r. Priday stated that he would like to mention that the sewer district is not responsible for these conditions- the contractor is. Yr. ¥oyer stated that he was going down Sierra Blvd.- and lost the front wheel on his car and this was not due to a sewer line or construction by a contractor. ~r. C].arke also stated that many are gettinK stuck in front of his building (clarke bd~.) an~ not a sewer line there or any construction goin~ on. COYMITTEE REPORTS: 1--. EASEMENT COMMITTEE: Director Stewa~ st~'~d that a meeting was not held; easements for the 196~-1 ~oecJal Assessment District are slow in arriving. Mr. Weidman stated that the eight (2) easements he received are completed a~5 that he is still working on easements for ~r. Nusz. .Yr. Weidman stated that the easement~or ~.~rs. Springmeyer will ~o to court. Also, that the District needs an appraisal on this easement and that the District should hire an appraiser and he does not have to be an M.A.I. as lonl as he has some ex- perience in appraising sewer lines and rieht-~f-ways. Director Stewart moved, seconded by D~mector 4~ortes, unanimously carried, that Director Stewart contact ~r. C,R.Frisbie and ask ~r, .rzsb~e if he will consider being hired as the appraiser for the District, and what his fee will be. Director Stewart also stated that this was discussed sometime eeo with ~r. Frisbie and Ur. Frisbie stated that if he was not involved in other pro~ects hthat he would be happy to be the appraiser for the District. 2. PLANNING COM~zITTEE: ~irector Fesler s'%a%e'~ that the Planning Committee did meet and discussed the application for 660 funds and how to approach Douglas County Sewer Improvement District the next time both boards meet. Director Wakeman asked Director Fesler if it could be arranged to have the next 4oint meeting here instead of in }~evada; Director Fesler stated that he did not ~ee! we could meet here- because facilities and accomodations are more plentiful in Nevada. 3. STREET LIGHTING: bir~'ctor Wakeman stated that the Lightine Committee did not meet. General ~.~anager Priday stated that what the Street Lighting Committee wanted to find out was if the Sierra Pacific Power Company could handle all street liehting at a lower rate than the South Tahoe Public Utility District. DirectOm Kortes stated that the Sierra Pacific Power Company does not have a way in which they can bill for street lighting; Yr. Priday suggested that Sierra Pacific Power Company could state on the lighting bill a street lighting charge and felt that this would still be cheaper to the public because when the District charges they add administrative charges to the bill, and felt that the people could save money by the District not billing them. ?r. Priday mentioned that the Chamber of Commerce requested the District to -,ake over the lighting on Highway 50 and the only thing that makes any reference to street lighting is Ordinance No. ~2 and another Ordinance setting the amount. According to the code, we must have a Resolution to take over this li?htlng and that 9eso!ution does not exist. Director Wa~eman will study this with the Commltteee and discuss this with the Sierra Pacific Power Company and report back to the board. 4. PUBLIC INFORMATION: 9ir'ecto'~ Kor'tes 'stated that the Public Information Committee did not meet but mentioned that KQED, Channel 9, had a film regarding the Tertiary Treatment Plant and that they returned the film as well as a film which they took of the facilities when they visited the District. OLD BUSINESS: ~ ~rmVTCE Mr. ~oyer stated that ~---~ ......... or~ PAVemENT FRO~-~ PUBLIC }~EALTH ~ ...... : ~f-or 90% payment at the m~me zne oro~ecx is completed and the final 10% after complete audit is made or (2) upon application they will make pay- ments of 25%, 50% or 75% of the grant depending on the progress of work completed; the District could request or apply for 50% payment of the estimated amount of the grant. Mr. Moyer stated that the project is well over 50% as far as progress payments are concerned. OLD BUSI!IESS (CO!.[TIh~UED) 2. AUDIT REPORT: Director Fes!er moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Audit Report prepared by Irvine and Duce for year ending 1961!, be approved, as presented, subject to ~'he following change: "The Directors of 'the South Tahoe Public Utility District are not in accord with the statements made in this Audit nor in prior Audits relating to fixed assets. Historical costs of property and equipment as fixed assets are available to the Public for their information. This information serves no purpose within an Audit Report for tax supported entities and could b~an unnecessary cost to the District in its compilation. It is, therefore, requested that this and future audits do not make reference to fixed assets." (This refers to page -2- of the audit report.) ~. JOINT ~.~EETING WITH DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER I~ ~ ~ ~ .... NO. 1: - PROVE~.ENT DISTRICT General ~ana~er ~id~y' S~'a't"ed'~hat~ ~e' ~'o'id'~'.w~i'i~ L~'er"~t he' ould '~'ry"to'~et a tentative date for a meeting with them. Mr. Ledbetter would have to notify ~r. John ~{arrah and ~ive him time to get here from Phoenix, Arizona, for the meeting. 4. EXTENSIOI; OF TI~ - SPECIAL ASSESS~ENT DISTRICT 196a-1: Genera! Wanager Priday 's'tated th'a~ Joe D'. ¥~lii'er ha~ r'e'~u~'ed' ~ ex't~'n's'ion' ~f' ~lme for Special Assessment District 196~-1. Letter from Mr. Joe D. ~ilter - as follows: "December 28, 196~4 %~ To: Clair A. ~{ill & Associates Re: SEkTR ASSESS_~E~[T DISTRICT 196~-1 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Gentlemen: In answer to your letter of IIovember 19, 196lt, regarding completion of the subject project, we feel it would be impossible to do any further work until Anrll or ~ay when the weather clears. We are, therefore, respectfully requesting that we b~ Kranted a time extension due to inclement weather. ' ~ ~ We are, however, firm in our belief that had all the easements been available to us at an earlier date, we coqld have had sufficient force on the ~ob to complete it before inclement weather made it impossible to continue. " In addition, not having the easements available caused ws a ~reat deal of expense on our rock shooting and clearing due to the many additional moves we had to make. There have been some problems with rain damage since we left the ~ob~ so arrangements have been made with James Watts to take care of any emergencies. Sincerely s/Joe D. Miller" Mr. Moyer stated that the District did admirably on the easements; however, that the fact remains that ~,~r. ~iller did not immediately have available to him all of the easements. Mr. Yoyer recommended that Mr. Joe D.Miller be ~iven an extension of time. (The ~ollcwinK letter was mailed to ~r. ~ill'er from Harlan E. ~oyer. ) ~ "January 7, 1965 Joe D. ?iller Co. Subj: Sewer Assessment District 1964-1 - - South Tahoe Public Utility District Dear Sir: Your request of December 28, 1964, for a contract time extension has been forwarded to the District. We have recommended that an extension be granted subject to a determination as to when weather conditions will permit constrnction to be~in again. There have been some maintenance problems occur with trenches that have washed out. In one case a condition occurred where a street was completely impassable. In this instance your maintenance man's efforts were inadequate and the District forces made emergency repairs necessary to open the streets. s/ Harlan E. ~oyer cc: South Tahoe P.~.D. w/cpy, ltr." It was mentioned that Mr. ~.~i~ler is now in default of his contract and if an extension is ~ranted to ~r. Miller, he will still be responsible for conditions which have haDDened weahter-wise. ,~ General Manager Priday stated ~r. Joe D.Mi!ler's responsibilities remain and it has been through the District's e~forts that people have been able to use the roads in 1964-1. REGULAR MEETI+..~G -4- Jganuar ?i, .iUb.5 Mr. Moyer stated that the District should be happy that ~r. Mil!er worked as di].iqent!y as he did prior to the weather conditions that hit him. Mr Moyer asked the Directors if they felt that Yr. Joe D."iller does have or does not have a valid reason for recuestin~ an extension of time? ~r. ~.'oyer stated %hat ~r ~'~ did have. Mr. Miller is not here and does not have adequate forces and ecuipment for failures that might occur. Mr. John ~,~aderas, employed by Harms Bros. Construction, stated that this same problem has come up many times and that the Engineer does have the right to hire anyone to do the job if the Contractor is not available. General Manager Priday stated that whenever he reads an article in the newsp~,p r in regards to road conditions, he always hopes that it is the Contractor's ~au!t and not the district's. In this case, the road conditions are the fault o~ the contractor - ?r. Joe D. ~itler - and not the fault of the District. Mr. Priday mentioned that Mr. Joe D. Miller is not performing within the terms o~ his contract. Also, that many complaints are continulne to arrive at the District office and men are sent out immediately from the District because we get no place with Yr. Miller regarding any complaints in the Special Assessment District 196a-!. Director Fesler stated that our Engineer has recommended that.~?. Joe D. 5~iller be given an extension of time. Mr. Fesler stated that he feels the District is waiving their rights to liquidate damages if ~r. Miller is granted an extension of time and also mentioned that he felt conditions should be set forth should we grant ~r. ~iller an extension of time. Director Kortes stated that he felt that by turning this request for an extension of time back to the Committee, the District would be safeKuardin~ their position rezardin~ any future litigation and also protecting the taxpayer's of this area~. Mr. Moyer stated that it is not the intent of the Contractor to eo into llti~ation. Attorney J. Weidman stated that if this extension is granted, he would like to have Yr. Joe D.Miller acknowledge the letter which the District would ~ite which will contain conditions set forth in lrantin~ the extension of time. Attorney Weidman~ General ~.~anaKer Priday and Engineer H. ,oyer will discuss this work on this request and brink it before the Board at the next regular meeting. 5. RETURt~ SLUDGE PUMPING STATION - EXTENSIO}I OF TI?E: ~r. Harlan E. Moyer stated ~hat Ryan and C~pe have ~ecues~%'d' an extension of time due to weather conditions. Ryan and Cope completed their excavation to the point where the cement was to be poured when the storm hit. As a result of this hea~ rain storm~ the contractor has an additional amount of work to do to get back to the stake of the 4ob he was at when the storm hit. Letter requesting extension of time from Ryan and Cope as follows: December 28, 1964 To: CLAIR A. HILL & ASSOCIATES RE: SECONDARY SLUDGE PUMP STATION,SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY.DISTRICT,~IJOU. EXTENSION OF TIME Gentlemen: This is to advise you that because of the rain and snow storms our areas has been experiencing since December 18,1964, we have temporarily ceased all work under the above subject job. When we are able to proceed with this work we shall request an extension of time from that date tothe date of our return to work. s/ J.M.Ryan cc: So. Tahoe P~U.D. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that an extension of time be granted on the basis of the above letter from Ryan & Cope and that the District looks forward to a letter stating their final request. TERTIARY TREATMENT PROGRESS: ~{r. Harlan E. ~.~oyer ~tated that he has been in close c6ntact with the I'n'sPe'c'~oP' (for Clair A. Hill) and with ~r.R.Culp of CH2~' (Come!l, Howland, Hayes & Merryfield) Corvallis, Oregon, and that he is not at al! certain that the plant will be completed accordine to the original contract time or not. The original completion date was ~arch 15, 1965, but ~r. Yoyer stated that he doubts the plant will be completed at that time. Reasons for delay are (1) trying to obtain proper skilled help, (2) employee/contractor is bound by union rules as to what he can or cannot do, (3) this is the first plant of its kind. General ~anaeer Priday stated that he was watching men put a pipe in place and it took six (6) men to get the pipe in a specific spot; two to handle the pipe and two to put the pipe in place, and two to give orders. PFGULfP ~fEETII~G -5- January 21, ]965 ~ 7~ Yr. ~oyer also stated that these men are working out of the Reno Union Hall and one is from the local Union Uall. These men from Reno arrived at work one mornin~ and they were concerned that Spooner Summit might close and they turned around and went back to Reno just in case the road would close. That left one man here and as ~t turned out, the Union rules forbid one man to work alone. Fo a~l three men were paid~ ~or that day because they did arrive at the job site - but they d~d not stay to work because of weather conditions and the other could not work alone, so he could not stay. Presidmnt Clarke stated that he visited the site with ~fr. W. Taylor and while he was there he heard one of the men tell other men that thebeam they were ]ook[n~ for was found - - it was propped up against the side of a wall. and evidently was lost for aoDroximatetv one week NEW BUSINESS m--2' ~[~ODE CEFNCE (25 Years). Directo .... ~ at Attorney WoOdman be authorized to request ~R. Huzo Fisher to seek le~islatlve clarification of 25 year contractural limitations of Public Utility Code, Sec. 16877, on contracts between the District and a~other person or azency. CORRESPONDENCE: Genera]_ ~anaeer Prlday read the fol!owln~ letter: "'"CERTIFIED YAWL - RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED January 18, 1965 To: ~r. W. F. Priday Dear ~r. Priday: Subject: P-CALIF-3730 This refers to our letter of December 17, 196h, advisin~ that[if the requested additional information in connection with your application for an advance ~or Public Works Planning is not furnished by January 15 1965, your aDplicat6on would be considered withdrawn, ' Since this information has not been received, your application is bein~ classified in our records as~ithdrawn. ' The documents submitted with your application are returned herewith. We are retainln? The original copy of your application for our records. This action is without prejudice to your filin~ a complete application at a later date. s/ Paul Emmert" ~!.07E: The above request has been taken care of. ANNEXATION FORb~ LETTER: Director Fesler stated that Senator BeKogich, Senator Lunardi, and Assemblyman Cha~-pie indicated they were lookin~ into an"INTEREST FREE LOAN". Director Kortes stated that he spoke to Assembll~an Chappie about this DITEREST FREE LOAN and that ~.~r. Chappie suggested that t~e District request an audience with our State Senators and work out the information we would lf. ke to have included in the bill and present to the legislature. Director Fesler stated that he would llke to pursue th%s matter so that we can demonstrate that the local azencies are doin~ everything within their power, Wr. Pridsy w~ll set up a meetln~' ~{ARPER AND BAXTER TRIAL: Pendine. Attorney We~dman also stated that as long as the District is thinkfn~ o~ meetin~ with the Senators, we could request that they spell out to enforce our plumbing reKulations; we cannot do anythlne legally if one does not eo alone with cur plumbing regulations and it might be eood if they looked into this leeislatively regarding grease traps, oran~ebur pipe, etc. ' b~r. Clarke stated that when the letter is written requesting a meeting that ~ncluded in this letter will be items that we wish to discuss. PAY~ENT OF CLAII~S: ~4oved, seconded, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $}'01,'!1~.53 be approved for pas~m_ent. ADJOUPN~EHT: 10:30 P.~. DAVID W. CALI,AHAN, CLERK OF BOA-R'D' AND' EX'- OFFICIO SECRETARY - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DO~IALD' L. CLarKE,~ PPE,~IDE'~i5 ' ' ,,Ob,I-, TAFOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR YEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIPEC~'OPc OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC.~,;~m~r ~m,, ~.~.. DTc~mTOm~ ~., ...~. ~ FEBRUARY 4, 1965 Yr. David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary was present for the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South ~ahoe Public Utility District February 4, 1965, 8:00 P.~., Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. For lack of a quorum, ~r. Callahan adjourned the meetin~ at 8:10 P.?. DAVID W. CALLA~,, CLEPK O~-B~ARD & EX- OFFICIO SECRETARY FOR SOUTH TA}?OE PUBLIC UTILITv DISTRICT ~.EETI~,~ Or THE BO~.RD OF DIRECTOOF REGULAR " ~' OF THE SOUTH TAt[OE PUBLIC UTILIT~ PI..: ICT FEBRUARY 18, 1965 The Board. of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in relular session February 18, 1965, 8:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler and Stewart; Ceneral ?anager Priday, Clerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J. Holtom, Engineer H. Yoyer; Yr. Doug Taylor - County Sanitarian, Dr. Yr. R. Rice (U.S.Forestry Service), Harold Mozar - County Health Officer, Mr. Jack Leggett - Executive Director of the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board, D. Richardson, John ~urphy, Don Urquhart, George Baron. ABSENT: Donald L. Clarke and Attorney J. Weidman. APPOINTMENT OF C~-[AIR~AN PRO TE~: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously ~'ar~'ied-,'-t~hat Director Fesler be appointed Chairman Pro Tem for this meeting. '~ MINUTES: Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of January 21, 1965, be approved as written. MANAGER's REPORT: General ~.~ana~er Priday read his report, which is as follows: "MANAGER ' S REPORT FEBRUARY 18, 1965 PLANT OPERATIOn[: Total flow for Jan. 1965 Average daily flow Nevada flow from Feb 1 to 17, 1965 Average daily flow Total flow from Feb 1 to 17, 1965 Average daily flow (same period) Nevada flow for 2/1 through 2/17, 1965 Average daily flow (same period HoldinK Pond Freeboard Jan 1, 1965 Feb 1, 1965 Feb 17,!965 51,769,000 ~allons 1,669,969 " 9,2].~,100 " 297,197 " 28,76_1,000 " 1,691,765 " 6,306,600 " 370,976 " 5 ft 2 in 9 ft 3 in 9 ft 8 in. REGULAR MEET IL~G -?- February 18, 1965 (K~ANAGER ' S REPORT - continued) COMPARISOI'i OF ABOVE DATA FOR CORRESPONDING DATED 1964: Total flow for Jan 1964 Flow increase 3~,89~,000 ~allons Nevada flow for Jan 1964 Flow increase 9,679,000 g~l!ons Total flow fmom Feb ! to 17 196[~ Flow increase , 20,691,266 ~allons 39? Nevada flow from Feb 1 to 17, 1964 Flow increase Holding Pond Freeboard 4,213,100 ~allons 118% Jan 1,1964 Feb 1,196~t Feb !7,1964 10 ft 1-1/2 in 11 ft 6 in. 10 ft 5 in January 22nd last, the following telegram was sent to Senator Beeovich, Senator Lunardi and Assemblyman Chappie: "JA~ARY 22, 1965 AS PER CONFERENCE I}? SACRAME}ITO, CALIFORNIA, DECE~BER 9, 1964, TEE DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE ,PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DO HEREBY REQUEST TUAT ONE ~ILLIUN, EICHT HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,800,000) BE BUDGETED FOR TUE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR EXPORT OF SEWAGE EFFLUENT F~POY THE LAKE T~HOE BASIN. WE REQUEST THAT SAID ALLOCATION BE MADE TO SAID DISTRICT, !}ITERE.CT FREE, WITH PRINCIPAL PAYmeNTS DEFERRED FOR TEN (10) YEARS AS PER ~R. HUGO FIS}{ER'S STATE~EL~ ON THE ABOVE DATE. WE REOUEST THAT EARLY ACTION BE TAKEN IN ORDER TO SATISFY THE GOVERNORS ORDER FOR EXPORT BY OCTOBER 1965. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DONALD L. CLARKE, PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD" Th~s action was a follow up of the hiKh-level meeting in Sacramento on December 9, 1964. t Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, Consulting Engineer, has the map of the proposed annexation in the Meyers Area and is drawing up a boundary description tg be presented to the Local Agency Commission by the proponents for the annexation. The annexation will encompass approximately 3,000 acres. The roads in Assessment District 1964-1 are in reasonably Rood condition and are still being watched and maintained by the District. Ur. Joe D. ~iller, contractor, was again notified of the deficiencies by Mr. Harlan E. ~oyer. Mr. ~i!ler called me two weeks ago and said he wo~ld be here to go over the ~ob Friday, February 12th last, but did not show up. ~. Les Shoupe, resident engineer, and Wr. E. Eppler, District Inspector, made a complete inspection of the job. I would like to express my appreciation 'to Yr. Earl Hardie, Chief Operator', who has done an outstanding job substitutln~ for Wr. Bill ~ ~ ~ ~ay_or durin~ his convalescence at Barton Yemorial Hospital. ,~r. Taylor suffered a heart attack on January 31st and is recovering ~icely. The construction on the Tertiary Treatment Plant has shown a marked chan?e for the better during the past two weeks. With your permission, I would l~ke to show you a picture progress ~eport on the facility." General Manager Priday showed film of the new project. D~ector Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the }~anager's Report be accepted. RECOCNIT!O~I OF VISITORS: Mr. Dou~ Taylor introduced Dr. Harold ?ozar, Connty Health Officer, to the Board of Directors. ~ REGULAr February !a, 1965 Mr. J. LegKett asked the Beard if they have met with Do~:glas ........ ~, ~:ewe~ !m?rovement District ~'[o. 1 regardinf the export plan. ~r. Priday stated that there is no way to find a route if there is no money and that the most suitable thing to do would be to have this District go the export route alone. Mr. Moyer stated that this District is independent of Nevada and that if finances were available to this District, there is no reason why this District should not complete the process of treating the effluent. The only thing that has held this District from going ahead - to complete this project - is because of the flnanclnf. It was also mentioned that it should not be the local re$9onslbility of the money that is necessary. There is no question as to the solution - - reports have been written, costs have been determined; will the State force the t~x- payer's to assume this obligation for an entire area, or will there be some aid forthcoming from the State? Until these questions are answered, the District is at a stand-still. Mr. ~oyer stated that Douglas County Sewer IMprovement District No. ! rejected the proposal which the South Tahoe Public Utility District offered in June of 1963; they want to utilize their option until 1968 with the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Mr. Leggett asked if the State were to ~rant ~900,000 to assist in this export plan, could the District get $900,000 also? ~r. Priday stated that the District could not. Mr. Moyer stated that this District is asking the State for the actual profect cost to export. COMMITTEE REPSRTS: 1. EASEMENT COM~ITTEE: Director Stewart stated that the Easement Committee met on i'/'2'~/~5 '~o ~i~'S"s' ~'e' easement progress with Mr. C. Frisbie; many of the easements were returned and not notarized and others not properly signed; also, Mr. Frisbie was approached as to what his fee would be if he were to be the appraisor for ~,rs. Springmeyer's property. ~r. Stewart stated that Mr. Frlsbie -~uoted his fee wo~ld be $1,200.00 and Mr. Stewart stated that he felt that was ~uite high; Di~ector:'~' agreed with Mr. Stewart. ~r. Stewart also mentioned that the District does try to hire local help/talent but felt this was out of range. ~ D~ector Fesler asked General ~anager Priday to contact Attorney John Weidman to see what he could do to obtain an appraisor and what the fee would be. Nr. Holtom mentioned that Josephine E!more will not sign easements for 196[~-i Special Assessment District for her property until titles are checked and she has received the latest Assessor's Report. 2. PLANNING COMMITTE~;: Director Fesler stated that the Planning Committee met January 27, 1965 to discuss the future annexation. Mr. ~'oyer is working on the map which will show the boundaries; the Planning Committee also met as the Insurance Committee and studied the replacement cost report prepared by Harlan E. Moyer. Mr. Stewart stated that some of the. ilems were checked out and the figures on the report were correct. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION: Director Kortes stated that the Pu~llc Information Committee is wor~lng on a press release for the Annual Tribune Progress Issue; also, a dedication ceremony is being studied for the Tertiary Treatment Plant which will be completed sometime this summer; Cornell, Howland, Hayes and ~erryfield and the Engineer (Clair A. Hill & Associates) will assist with the program. 4. STREET LIGHTING: Director Wakeman stated that the Street Lighting Committee did not meet but that he visited the Plant at Corvallis, Oregon (CH2W) and mentioned that they are working diligently to explore the Pilot Plant in its entirety; this Pilot Plant works all of the time; there is no end to what this plant can do - - they will be able to do anything with sewage that they can do with water. Mr. Wakeman stated that when ~, Harlan E. Moyer recommended CH2M the recommendation was well founded. OLD BUSI~[ESS: Attorney Holtom recommended that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO 562: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIP~ECTORS ©RDE~IhG CHA~,GES AND ~.~ODIFICATIONS (SANITARY ,:E~¥ERAGE PROJECT }~0. 1964-1) Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried,that RESOLUTION no. 562, as recommended by Attorney Holtom, be approved. ........ v2 .C ......... NUSZ PROPERTY (SPECIAL ASS~i¢S~NT D~..,TRI~T 196.t~-!): Attorney Holtom stated that Dr. ,~usz is not pleased with the $t!82.10 assessment against 6~!-1-~46; ~r. ~lusz stated that this is a private roadway and that there is no benefit to th~s private roadway. At the time of the installation of the line, Yr. ~h~sz requeste~ that a llne be installed ~o service 64-1-261. AttorneyJ. Holtom recommended that the assessment for 64-1-2u6 be deleted in the amouht of $h82.!0 and that $1~030.83 be added to his Assessment No. 64-1-761 as this parcel will be subdivided. Mr. Holtom will write to Dr. Nusz explaining the situation regarding his property. ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS: General Manager Priday stated that three alternates were d'k's~[~'ssed 'f6r' annexation and the following (Alternate "C") is the one which has been agreed upon: "ALTERNATE "C": THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT WISHES TO HELP IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PLANNING FOR A MORE ORDERLY GROWTH OF AREAS WITHIN ITS SPHERE OF INFLUENCE, IN ORDER TO EXPEDITE THIS CONCLUSION, THE BOARD IS WILLING TO VARY FRO.~ THE RIGID INTERPRETATION OF 0~p!N_A._NCE- .N?._ ~9_9 AS REGARDS TO THE TIr~E ANNEXATION FEES SHOULD BE PAID. THE FOLLOWING ~.~IGHT BE A ~.'EANS BY WHICH SUCH FEES ~OULD BE DEFERRED UNTIL LARGE AREAS ACTUALLY DEVelOP BY SUBDIV!SIOh' STAL'DARDS. THIS IDEA WOULD COVER THE AREAS NOW UNDER CONSIDERATION FOR ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT. THE FOLLOWING COULD BE A SEOUENCE FOR DEVELOPING THE MEYERS AREA IN PARTICULAR. AFTER ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT, AN ASSESS~E}~T DISTRICT WOULD BE SET UP TO CONSTRUCT THE ~.~AIh~ TRUNK FACILITIES IN HIGHWAY '50' FROM THE EXISTING DISTRICT FACILITIES TO THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARIES OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION. THE ASSESS~ENT DISTRICT WOULD ENCOMPASS ALL PROPERTIES ADJACENT TO THE FACILITIES SO IM~EDIATE USE COULD BE MADE OF THE SEWER SERVICE AND/OR ANY ADDITIONAL LANDS COULD BE CLUDED IN THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT, PROVIDING THEY WOULD BE IN TPE ANNEXED AREA. THE COST OF THE SEWER FACILITIES WOULD IL~CLUDE A RIGHT-OF -SERVICE CHARGE EQUAL TO THE ANNEXATION FEE WHEPEIL~ THE TOTAL ASSESSMENT COULD BE PAID IN CASH OR GO TO BOND. ANY SUBSEQUENT DEVELOPMENTS WOULD INSTALL THE SEWER FACILITIES AS PART OF ANY IL'-TRACT IMPROVEMENTS: INCLUDING RIGHT-OF-SERVICE CHARGES IN LIEU OF ANNEXATION FEES THROUGH ASSESSMENT PROCEEDINGS CONDUCTED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF EL DORADO COUL~TY. ~ THE IN-LIEU FEES WOULD BE PAID DIREOTLY TO THE DIST~ICT OUT OF BOND PROCEEDS HELD BY THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO. THE SAME ARRANGEMENTS AS ABOVE COULD BE ~ADE WITti THE LAKE CHRISTOPPER DEVELOPMENT AS THEIR IN-TRACT I~¢PROVEMENTS WOULD CONNECT TO THE DISTRICT'S EXISTING FACILITIES." DIRECTOR Kortes moved,,seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that ALTERNATE "C" be approved. Attorney J. Holtom stated that he anticipates no difficulty with the Board of Supervisors regarding this Annexation. DonUrquhart stated that this is the first positive move to do the things that have been tried to bring this area standards up. Ur. Gaorge Baron stated that by annexing this way and having all improvements under one bond will kee~ any complaints from taxpayer's and agencies, etc. This will put everything under one clear deal and a buyer of a lot will know what he is gettinK and there will be no hidden charges. NEW BUSINESS: Mr. D. Taylor stated that he knew, as does the District, of the problems at the Spray Field and stated that the Public Health Department felt the Spray Area should not be operated unless it can be controlled and no run-off. ?r. Priday stated that the Spray Area has not been used since ~anuary 13, 1965. Mr. Taylor also asked if there will be routine inspections of the Spray Area and ~r. Moyer stated there will be around June or July when work can be done on the Spray Field, Director Fesler stated that "we are moving heaven and earth to keep from anything happening." REGULAR MEETI~G CORRESPONDE~!CE: -5- February ~.~ General ~anager Priday read the followinK letters: From: To: Douglas R. Leisz, Forest Supervisor W.F. Priday, South Tahoe Public Utility District Date: January 29, 1965 . "Dear Mr. Priday: Following the heavy storms of mid-December 1964, there were some failures in your new spray area which is under special use permit dated August 23, 1963, District Ranger Rice's letter of December 23, 1964, summarized conditions as of that time and requested that you cease spray operations in Sections 9 and 10 (the entire spray area under the August 23, 1963 permit) until such time as repairs were made which will satisfy all conditions of the special use permit. I have correspondence following Ranger Rice's letter which includes your letter to the Lahontan Regional Water Mollution Control Board of January 5, a letter addressed to me from the Water Pollution Control Board dated January 6, and finally, the E1 Dorado County Health Department letter addressed to me with copies sent to you and others. Yy association with the South Tahoe Public Utility District has indicated your sincere desire and truly herculean efforts to keep on tg~ of the tremendous demands that the expanding South Tahoe communities have brought to the Utility District. The Forest Service has responded to the limits of our ability in helping you to meet your needs consistent with our responsibility to the public in the administration of the National Forests. It was only after considerable preliminary investigation by your people and. upon your urging and assurance that a new land disposal spray area would be satisfactory that we agreed to make National Forest land available. I know that we both re- cognized the completely unsatisfactory condltlons in so far as water retention that exists in the old spray area in Section 2, T121.7, ~iSW, Y.D.B. and ~. The conditions that the new permit was based upon cannot'be met until such time as repairs are made in the new spray area. The conditions of the permit mnst be enforced in order that downstream watershed values in both the Upper Truckee and Trout Creek areas are not jeopardized. While the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board suggested it might be better to discharge "onto the new spray disposal area during cold weather, which will create mounds of ice, which in turn will ultimately melt slowly in the spring", past experience has shown that such ice mounds do not melt slowly but melt quite rapidly once thawing begins. The E1 Dorado County Health Department has stated that such spraying should be confined to the old disposal area. Thus, for the interim, until the dikes and repairs can be made in the new spray area and all conditions of the permit complied with, you are no longer authorized to continue spraying in Sections 9 and 10. I am sure what must concern the Utility District and is of grave concern to the Forest Service, is the suitability of the new site for spray disposal even without adverse storm conditions, I note the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board's letter of January 6 stated that the new site "is not nearly as satisfactory for the disposal of sewage effluent as had been first thought". I feel it is imperative to bring to the Board's attention at this time the absolute necessity of compliance with all conditions of the special use permit in the new spray area. If the permit is to continue, even for an interim period until the District is able to make export arrangements, it is inconsistent with the management objectives of the National Forest to place in jeopardy the extremely valuable downstream watershed below a disposal area which cannot be positively controlled. It would seem that the experience this winter again points up the need for vigorous action by the South Tahoe Public Utility District to establish a means of exporting sewage effluent from the Lake Tahoe Pasin. It is imperative that you keep me posted as to progress you are making towards exportation, s/ Douglas R. Leisz, Forest Supervisor" From: Date: To: Paul J. Lunardi January 27, 1965 ~fr. Donald L. Clarke, President "Dear Mr. Clarke: This is to inform you that I have requested from the Resources Agency the necessary data to initiate your request for 1.8 million to be used to export sewage effluent from the Tahoe Basin. I shall keep you informed. Sincerely yours, s/Paul J. Lunardi" REGULAR ME~TING CORRESPONDENCE f COI'STIIiUED): -6- February lg, 1965 3. General Manager Priday also read the answer from the District to Paul J. Lunardi, Senator, dated February !0, 1965 To: From: ~r. Donald L. Clarke, President Gene Chappie Da~e: January 28, 1965 "Dear Don: I have discussed the matter of your request for ~1,800,000 with the power that be and inasmuch as this will require an augmentation of the budget, it will undoubtedly take a bit of doing. However, I have also discussed the matter with Senator Bego~ich and you can be assured we will proceed with all due haste. Sincerely, s/Gene Chappie" 5. Yr. Priday read the letter from Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, dated January 27, 1965, signed by ~. E.H.Thouren, requesting the District furnish a copy of the agreement between our District and Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1. 6. ~.~r. Priday read the letter from Tahoe National Bank regarding their desire to have the District bank account with their bank· NOTE: THIS LETTER WILL BE TURNED OVER TO THE PLANNING COMMITTEE FOR STUDY. 7. General ~anager Priday read the letter from Governor Brown, dated February 11, 1965, regarding completing negotiations for a plan of .~olnt exportation of treated sewage out of Tahoe Basin. NOTE: GENERAL MAL'AGER PRIDAY STATED THAT THIS LETTFR WILL BE ANSWERED TO GOVERNOR BROWN. PA_MEhT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the payment of claims, as recommended by General Manager Priday, be approved for payment in the amount of $79,259.18. Dr. Harold Mozar stated that the correspondence read this evening was encouraging and that he wants to pledge the continued cooperation of the Health Department. Also, Dr. Mozar congratulated the Directors on their work; he stated that he realized the District does have a problem of great magnitude and that he appreciates some of the things the Directors have faced; Dr. Mozar mentioned that he was happy to be able to attend the meeting and wished the Directors much success as they continue their work. ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. DAVID W. CALLAHA,[, CLERk OF BOARD &~'~ EX OFFICIO SECRETARY - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. ROBERT FESLER, CHAIRMAN PRO TE~., SOUTH TAHOE PUBL%C UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR ~EETIL ~ OF rt~ BOARD Or D~P~'CmO~e OF m~E SOUTh! TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT The Board of Oirectors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session March 4, 1965, 8:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. R~L CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Stewart, Kortes and Wakeman; General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Callahan, Walt Little, John Murphy, Frank Damson - California tilter Company ~eorge Williamson, Chet Parks - Calfilco; ABSENT: President Donald L. Clarke, Engineer H. Moyer, Attorney Holtom and Attorney Weidman. ~ o APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN PRO TEM: Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, a~a~'~'e'~'~'~a'~¥':that Dir~"~tor Fesler be appointed Chairman Pro Tem for this meeting: Vote as follows: AYES: NOES: Director Stewart and Director Wakeman Director Kortes Motion carried. MINUTES: Director Stewart mentioned that the percentaqe figure as listed in the Manager's Report of 2/18/65 is not correct. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously ca?ried, that the minutes of 2/18/65, be approved subject to correction of the Manager's Re~ort which was included in the minutes. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report, which is as follows: "Manager's Report March 4, 1965 PLANT OPERATION: Total plant flow for February, 1965 Daily average Total Nevada flow for February, 1965 Daily average flow for February, 1965 Chlorine used Propane used Holding pond freeboard 49,074,000 gallons 1,752,000 ~allons 8,760,000 " 314,000 " 11,086 lbs. 7,865 gallons o~ ft 4 inches All Spray Disposal operations have been confined to old spray field since January 13, 1965. Ryan & Cope, Contractors for Secondary Sludge, are making ~ood progress on the return sludge pumping station. Completion at an early date will depend on how soon equipment can be on the job site. California Filter Company, Contractor for the Tertiary Treatment Plant, have had Union Labor problems and are not progressing accordin~ to estimated time s~hedules. If there is any further unnecessary delays, the District will certainly discuss the possibility of cancelling any part of the Contract and continue the construction with our own forces. There has been no further word from Senator Lunardi in regards to our request for a State Loan." Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as read. M~ Frank Damson, Supt. for California Filter Co., stated that CALFILCO does have a problem and they are trying to solve it - these, o~ course, are labor ~roblems. G~eral Manager Priday stated that the Tertiary Treatment Plant is close to completion and he hoped that CALFILCO will be able to complete this plant. Director Fesler stated to Mr. Damson that the District is sympathetic with CALFILCO but on the other hand - the contract was filed with CALFILCO and the District has nothing to do with the Labor Union. General Manager Priday stated that the people belonging to the Un~n are also taxpayer's and that they should take an interest in completin~ the job as they also pay taxes. Rb.(;ULAR MEETING (continued) -2- March 4, 1965 COM$1TTEE REPORTS: I. Easement Committee: No report. 2. Planning. Committee: Director Fesler stated that the Planninq Committee met on 2/2'~/§5 'and present were Director Stewart, Director Fesler, General Manaqer Priday and Mr. Callahan and discussed was the channing of the bank for the District. Tt was suqgested that this not be changed until the end of the fiscal year; the following recommendation was moved by Director Stewart and seconded by General Manager Priday at the Committee Meeting for approval by the Board this eveninn: "TttAT THE FINAL ACT(])ON ONiTHE PROPOSED CHANGE OF BANKING SERVICES RE DELAYED PENDIN~ INCORPORA-- TION AND/OR DATE OF JUNE 30, 1965, WHICH IS THE PROPER DATE FOR ANY CHANGE IN THE UTILITY DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUSINESS ACTIVITIES. THE COM~41TTEE RECOMMENDS THAT THE GENERAL MANAGER ANSWER THE PROPOSAL FROM THE TAHOE NATIONAL BANK IN THE AROVE VEIN AND INDICATE THAT THIS PROPOSAL BE LEFT OPEN FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION." Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the above recommendation made by the Planning Committee be approved. Gfqeral *.~anager Priday will write to the Tahoe National Bank stating the Board's action. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMM, ITTEE: 4. STREET LIOtlTING COMMITTEE: No report. Ho report. PROGRESS RE SPECIAL ASSE?SSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1: general ~4ananer Priday stated that there is, 'no ~h a-n-q e-.- ........... STyE_ET HAINTENANCE: General Manager Priday stated that black-top is being put ~here it should be or needs to be and that the County Road Department is workinq with the District; the District is gettinp the material from the County and the County has also patched some spots. Director Kortes mentioned that he was in the Special Assessment District 1964-1 area the other day and noticed that a trench caved in on Needle Peak Road; Director Wakeman stated that he noticed that the berm that used to carry the flood waters now flow that a yard. General Manager Priday stated that some people complain hopinq that their complaints will ~et things done which they have wanted done prior to any construction settinq in; these are typical construction complaints. Director Fesler aeked General Manager Priday when Mr. Donald L. Clarke and Attorney J.We~dman will be able to attend a meeting; Mr. Priday stated that he does not know when Mr. Weidman will return as he is on a case in Georgetown and that he does not know when Mr.Clarke will return. Mr. Priday also stated that he spoke to Hr. Harlan E. Moyer and Mr. Hoyer mentioned that he could not attend the meetinq this evening due to eeather conditions. (Hr. Moyer flies to Tahoe.) In answer to Director Fesler's question, Mr. Priday stated that no further correspondence has been received regardinq the Spray Disposal Area. Also, Mr. Priday stated that as long as the Holding Pond is held down, there is no problem, but if the Holding Pond starts Iosin~ freeboard, we have no alternative but to use the Spray Field. TERTIARY TREATMENT -SWITCH OVER: Mr. Frank Damsonstated that Monday the Tertiary Treatment Plant will- switc'h'ov~r' the 'b'i~ effluent line and this process will take approximately 8 to 12 hours; this process could cause problems and the outlet effluent line will be turned off and f~c¢bere is anylback flow, it will back flow into the new plant; this will start Monday if the pipe arrives and if not, Tuesday. L~AL I. HARPER & BAXTER: No word. All briefs have been filed and now waitinq for Judme's decision. 2. SPRINGMEYER's EASE!~E.NT: Hr. Stewart stated that Mr. Sprinqmeyer cai led in renard to his wife's property; -he asked if the settlement offer the District made to Mrs. Springmeyer still holds. Mr. Stewart s~.ated that he mentioned to Mr. Springmeyer that when this was turned over to the Attorney, the settlement offer made by the District does not hold. G~eral Manager Priday stated that there is a settlement conference set for April I, 1965, 4:00 P.M.. (Mr. Stewart will attend this conference in behalf of the District.) BOUNDARY MAP - ANNEXATION OF MEYERS: Map is'not completed. REGULAR MEETING (continued) -3- ~4arch 4, 1965 NEW BUSINESS: General Manager Priday read the followino Nicth Letter which was sent to: "Dr. Harry P. Faber February 24, 1965 Chief Research and Training Grant Branch Director of Water Supply & Pollution Control 4th and C Street SW Washington 25, D.C. By copy of your letter dated November 19, 1964, we anticipate receivinm soon notification of the award of projects for Demonstration ~rant WPD 84 01, 85-01 and 86-01. This is to request that approval be qranted to chan~e the Pr~j~ect Director from Russell L. Culp to the undersigned - W.F. Priday. ~ Mr. Russell L. Culp should be identified in the Project as Technical Consultant and that title should be substituted for the original identification as Project Director. Further confirmation to follow. s/ W.F. Priday P.O. Box 825 Bijou, California" Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried that the above night letter be approved and that Mr. W. F. Priday be appointed as Project Director and ~r. Russell L. Cul? is the Technical Consultant. Director Fesler stated that Mr. H. Batchelder appeared at his o~fice today and alos talked with Director Stewart regarding annexation of a portion of the Morrison property. Director Stewart stated that Ordinance No. 99 and Ordinance No. 51 refertto annexations and that he is not too familiar with either ORDINANCE and su~qested that these ordinances be studied at a Committee (PlanninR) ~etinn before any decision is reached. Mr. Horace Batchelder stated that the property he is inquiring about is located in Lakeland Village and has been owned by Euqene Morrison and one-half interest to Betty and Daryl Morrison and now will be divided between Betty ~ay Morrison and Daryl Morrison. Betty Gay Morrison wishes to sell her portion of land and Daryl E. Morrison desires to develop his property; Mr. Batchelder stated that he was at the meeting this eveninn to find out just what has to be done to annex the Morrison property to the District. Director Stewart stated to Mr. Batchelder that the Committee wishes to study the Ordinances regarding annexation before a decision is reached re~ardin~ the.Morrison property; if the Committee feels that the present Ordinance is proper - the DiStrict will continue to go according to the Ordinance; if they feel the Ordinance is not proper, the committee will study to amend the Ordinance. Mr. Batchelder stated that 32 units and one restaurant are on septic tanks; there is a desire to install swim mina pools and before this can be done, the County Sanitarian mentioned that the owners would have to make arrangements to connect to the sewer; he also mentioned to the Directors that he would prepare a letter and necessary documents and a computation, which figures he will receive from the Assessor's office for this computation, for the next regular meeting of this Board of Directors and present same to the Directors. Director Kortes stated that instead of the Plannin~ Committee workinH on this annexation policy (Study Ordinance 51 and 99) he felt that this should be studied at a STUDY SESSION. AIl directors agreed that a STUDY SESSION will be held March I0~ 1965, 2:00 P.~.~.District Office. ~ BOND FOR GENERAL ~ANAGER: Director Fesler stated that since Attorney J.Weidman is not prese~'t ~'h'i'~'~ eveni'~'g~ n~' ~'ction can be taken on the Manager's Bond; this is a public official bond that is set forth by Resolution; this will be on the aqenda for the next regular meeting when Mr. Weidman is present. ~bGULaR MEET IHR(cont.inued) COTRESPONDENCE: -4- March 4, 1965 General Manaqer Priday read the following letters: I. From: Hugo Fisher, Administrator of Resources To: Honorable Paul J. Lunardi, SenatOr Seventh Senatorial District State Capital : Sacramento, California "Dear Paul: This ia in reply to your letter of January 27, regarding an appropriationoof $1,800,000 for a loan to South Tahoe Public Utility District. An allocation for this item has not been reinstated in the 1965 Budget Act. You raised the guestion of the possibility of obtaining a state loan, interest free, with payments on the principal deferred for I0 years. This is possible. I would suggest the best approach to obtain a state loan would be for you, or one of your fellow legislators, to author a BILL w~ich would amend the BudRet Act. The BILL should also spell out the terms and conditions of such a loan. I have been advised that there are no unallocated State Land Funds and, therefore, the funding would have to come from the General Fund. You pose the ouestion of.lwhether or not Federal Grant Funds would be deducted from the original balance of the loan. I believe the State Loan would be limited so that amount remaining after the Federal Grant has been dedocted from the total cost of the project. Please let me know if we can be of service to you in this matter. Sincerely yours, s/Hupo Fisher cc: Hon John Bego~ich ' Hon Gene Chappie South TAhoe Pub. Ut. Dist." 2. From: To: Date: "Centlemen: Paul W. Eastman South Tahoe Public Utility District March I, 1965 Thank you for your letter of February 17, and enclosures advising us of your proposed schedule for export of sewage from the Lake Tahoe Basin. We regret, however, we are unable to release any additional funds as part of the Federal share of your project until a contract has been let to provide facilities for the exportation of sewage effluent out of the Lake Tahoe Basin. This is in accordance with our offer and acceptance of grant increase for Tertiary Treatment facilities. Sincerely yours, s/Paul W. Eastman cc: Calif. SEOCB , Clair A.Hill & Associates." General Manager Priday stated that he recommends this District draft a very stronp letter to Congressman "Bizz" Johnson. Also, in the future, all correspondence and/or contact will be directed to the Washington Office, (Washington, D.C.). Engineer H.Moyer will draft this Resolution and will notify the Board when he can be present to go over same. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes,unanimously carried, that the c'l~i'ms" in the amount of $8,95~.98, as recommended by General Manager Priday be approve. approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: I0:00 P.M. DAV ID W.CALLAHAN,' CT_..ET'~K O"F' ~2ARD &' EX-OFFICIO SECRETARY FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ROBERT FESLER, H~'IRMAN PRO TEM ' ' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTIL1TY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTOR~ OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~ARCH 18, 1965 The Board of Directors met in regular session March 18, 1965, 8:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. R~L CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Stewart and Kortes, President Donald L. Clarke, General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, Engineer H. Moyer, Mr. John Denny-Public Relations man ~orking for Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield of Corvallis, Oreqon, Frank Souza, John Murphy, Georqe Williams and Mr. H.Batchelder. iM[~UTES: The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe PUblic Utility 'bistrict reviewed the m'i'nute's;'Director Kortes moved, seconded by Dire~tor Stewart, unanimously carried, that the minutes ~ March 4, 1965, be approved as corrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report, as follows: "Manager's Report March 18, 1965 ~LgNT OPERATION: ' 'F~om March Ist through March 18, 1965: Total plant flow Daily Average Total flow NEVADA - their meter Daily average Chlorine used at plant daily average Chlorine used at SPRAY FIELD 28,851,000 gallons 1,699,000 " 6,!32,300 " ~60,723 " 4,920 lbs. 289 lbs. 1,380 lbs. Daily average 81 lbs. Freeboard at Holding Pond at 0900 hours 3/18/65=== 9 ft 7-1/2 in. '~SSESSM~.N.T-D:I:~RtgTt1964~I : There has been no further progress in construction; maintenance on roads is 'be~'~'ming more of a problem as thawing conditions increase. I have discussed with Mr. Moyer, the feasibility of the Contractor getting back on the job to complete construction. Mr. Moyer is contacting Mr. Joe D.Miller, Contractor, urging him to comply. (SEE LETTER UNDER CORRESPONDENCE). TERTIARY TREATMENT PLANT is progressing normal and the main tie-in to the existing effluent pmmp station has been accomplished; this meant that all of the influent had to be held within the Plant facilities for a period of eight (8) hour~. The RETURN SLUDGE PUMP STATION is progressing in a favorable way; the local contractors, RYAN & COPE, are to be commended for their efforts during the inclement weather conditions. 'Just for the record' --- A recent news article in the local papers indicated that the Douglas '~ou'nty Se'w'~r Isprovement District No. I was alarmed over the estimated amount of money to be budgeted by them for cost of operations for the fiscal year 1965-66 as submitted by the South Tahoe Public Utility District. I would like to draw their attention, and more particularly to one of their Directors - Mr. Oliver Kahle, that someone is concerned and is watching the exp~enditure of funds very closely. Just a briefing, Mr. Kahle: The estimated budget is based on prior years experience, which shows that this District would be spending about 200% more time on maintenance of your sewer system. Possible maintenance of a pump station; new. facilities from Del E. Webb enterprises and added thereto sewage from the ~ahara-Tahoe Casino chargeable to Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. I. In addition to all this, an increase of sewage from the ~resent Nevada facilities is claculated at 17,000 - - so, Mr. Kahle, please consider these factors before jumping at conclusions. AND, as to the "bad-news" for the Tahoe Sahara Casino as to the use of garbage ~rinders, this was supposedly taken care of as far as we were concerned, prior to any construction being started. Our policy was discussed with thief Engineer - Mr. Charles Haver. There is no reason for any great concern as I have this evening discussed the situation with Jennings of the Del E. Webb Corporation. General Manager Priday stated that Mr. ~eorge Williams from the Tahoe Tribune called to inquire about the comments made by Mr. Kahle and Mr. Priday stated that the Tribune did try to write what happened but that the Chronicle did not. REGULAR MEETING -2- March 18, 1965 COMMITTEE REPORTS: I"."'Eas'ement Committee: Director Stewart stated that since the meeting (last reqular) the Ease~ent'~mittee has not met with Mr. Frisbie. A~orney Holtom stated that he has the easement which he took from the Morrison files; this was a great concern in 19§5; an easement was obtained and it was prepared by a Mr. John T.Kenwart; Mr. Reeves was contacted and he stated that the easement was superseded by any other and re- typed in Mr. Holtom's office and was signed by John & lrlene Morrison and sent to Al Young on September 26, 1955 and since then it has disappeared. M~ Holtom presented the original easement to the Board of Directors and the easement does not have a provision stating that they cannot build over a manhole; Mr. Holtom recommended that this easement be accepted by the board and recorded at Placerville, California, and that this easement does not include the exclusion of building over a manhole. FOLLOWIN~ IS THE RESOLU- TION TO BE ADOPTED, as recommended by Attorney John Holtom: RESOLUTION NO. 563: ~ RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE DEED OF EASEMENT FROM JOHN & IRLENE MORRISON. D~ctor'"Eortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, ~HAT~RESOb~ION..N~563 be adopted. Director Stewart amended the motion to read that the RESOLUTION be approved and recorded; Director Kortes seconded and the vote carried unanimously. Director Kortes moved that the Board reconsider the previous motion; Director ~akeman seconded; carried unanimously. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the Board of Directors accept the Deed of Easement ratifying RESOLUTION NO. 59 , ACCEPTING DEED OF EASEMENT ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ON OCTOBER 7, 1955. ON THE ORIGINAL MOTION AND AMENDMENT .... Carried unanimously. SPRINGMEYER'S EASEMENT: ~ttorney J. Weidman stated that he has made a request from Mrs. Springmeye'r'"s' Attor'ne~ - as to needing an answer regarding the easement; they do not want to go to Court. An appraiser will cost $100.00 per day, Mr. Weidman Stated, and recommended that a Mr. Donald C~odrich be obtained as the District's appraisor; Mr. ¢~odrich hashhad experience in this line of work for the DiviSion of Highways and the Sacrament M.U.T., U.S.Forest service and land exchange. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Donald C~odrich, as recommended by Attorney J. Weidman, be retained as the appraiser for the Springmeyer easement. Mr. Weidman also stated that this Board should set a hearing for ANNEXATION 1965-1, (TREATMENT PLANT AND A~PROXIMATELY 700 ACRES). This annexation '~'s been cleared through the Local Agency Formation and the petition has been filed. Mr. Weidman recommended that the following ordinance be adopted: .-ORDINANCE NO. 117: AN ORDINANCE DESCRIBING TERI~ITORY TO BE PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED, D~T'ERMINIkI'G"¥HAT' NO TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE NECESSARY, AND DECLARING INTENTION TO APPROVE SUCH~ANNEXATION. (Annexation 1965-1 - Johnson) Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE 117 be approved, as recommended by Attorney John Weidman. TAHOE MEADOWS - BEACH TRUNK: Attorney J. Weidman stated that Tahoe Meadows Association now has an Atfor~ey a~ oa~'l"a~'~'; many of the owners at Tahoe Meadows were present for a meeting called at Oakland and it seemed that they expressed their desire to proceed with an Assess- ment District; many of the oe~ers will pay cash and the others felt they would prefer to have it run as Assessment District 1962-1 - -etther pay cash or ret it go to bond. T~ cost figure given to the owners: $500.00 annexation fee per lot; $1~000 for collection system. Tahoe Meadows Association will be at the District Offiee to go over the Easements, etc., they will also meet March 25, 1965, and are in hopes of proceeding with the annexation of Taoe Tahoe Meadows and will approach the Local Formation Agency; Attorney Weidman stated that he felt Tahoe Meadows is very sincere in becoming part of the District; This assessment District will run approximately $108,000.00 DireCtor Wakeman asked if the remaining 90 parcels that are now excluded could be brouhht in with Tahoe Meadows; Attorney Weidman requested that this be delayed approximately 2 weeks; Attorney Holtom stated that this could become a disadvantage to Tahoe ~eadows if the ex- cluded parcels (now remaining in the District) were to come in. REGULAR MEETING (continued) Ma'rch 18, 1965 2. Planning Committee: Director Fesler stated that the Planning Committee did not meet; h'o~'ver, the Manager did reply to Tahoe National Banks letter and mentioned the Board's decision in regards to changing banks at this time. 3. Public Information Committee: Director Kortes stated that the Public Information C~mmittee did~m]eet"~n~3/~l'8/~'5 a~d present weffe Chairman Kortes, Donald L. Clarke, Manager Priday, J. Denny of Wagner and Scott~ Mr. Culp and Mr. Broderick of Cornell~ Howl. and, Hayes and Merryfield; this committee discussed the dedication program for the Tertiary Treatment Plant; also the guest list of visitors. Mr. Kortes introduced Mr. John Denny to the Board of Directors; Mr. Denny was hired by Cornell~ Howalnd, Hayes and Merryfield to assist with dedication pro~ram for the Tertiary Treatment Plant. 4.STREET LIGHTING COMMITTEE: No report. PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND - GENERAL MANAGER: Attorney Weidman stated that ~r. W.Ames ~'ont'ac~'e"d''hi~' ~ndmentioned that there was a duplication of bonds regarding the Manager's Bond; an ORDINANCE was adopted (No. 59) when the first general Manager was hired in 1960 as two directors agreed that the General Manager Should have the same bond as the Directors; Attorney Weidman stated that the Manager can be covered under the basic bond of the District and recommended that the Board of Directors eliminate the individual bond for the Manager. Attorney Weidman recommended ORDINANCE NO. 59be amended and that the Bond for the General Manager be added to the ove~'~ll bond of the District. VOTE AS FOLLOWS: ~YES: NOES: ABSTAINED: DIRECTOR STEWART, CLARKE AND KORTES DIRECTOR FESLER DIRECTOR WAKEMAN CARRIED. N~ BUSINESS: I."' RYAN' ~"gO~E: General Manager Priday read the following letter: Date: From: Subj: 3/9/65 Clair A. Hill & Associates SECONDARY SLUDGE PUMP STATION - EXTENSION OF TIME "Gentlemen: The Contractor on the above-referenced project has requested a 52 day calendar day extension of time due to severe weather conditions. ~ believe that this request is justified and recommend the District approve this extension. s/ Melvin P. Landis, Asst. Chief Ener. Sanitary" Dieector Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RYAN & COPE be granted an extension of time (52 calendar days). 2. CALIFORNIA FILTER COMPANY: General Manager Pr:~day reed the following letter: From: Clair A. Hill & Associates Date: 3/4/65 Subj: WATER RECLAMATION PLANT - (EXTENSION OF TIME) "C~ntlemen: The California Filter Company has requested a contract time extension of 30 calenda~ days. The original contract called for completion in 300 calendar days. The contractor bases his request on additional work required by change orders, plus delays due to unusually severe weather condtions. tt is my opinion that the request is justified and accordingly it is recommended that the District grant a time extension of 30 calendar days. ' s/ Harlan E. ~yer" Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman~ unanimously carried, that CALFILCO be given an extension of 30 calendar days. MISCELLANEOUS: General Manager Priday stated that there will be a Lake Tahoe Area ~oun~'i~l "Meet"ing 3/19/65, Harvey's Wagon Wheel, El Dorado Room, 3:30 P.M., and dinner at 7:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING -4- March 18, 1965 ~7 RECOGNITION OF VISITORS= Mr. Horace Batchelder appeared at the meeting to discuss the Morris~" property and a possible annexation of same; Mr. Batchelder stated that Mr. DoEo Morrison is prepared to pay annexation fees and all other fees involved for that land now in his name only. Mr. Clarke was not present at the last Board meeting when the Morrison property was discussed. Director Fesler stated to him that Mr. Batchelder appeared before the Board and requested that a portion of the Morrison property be annexed t the District. Mr. Daryl Eugene Morrison supposedly owns a portion of the property and Betty Morrison Gay supposedly owns the other half of the property; Mr. D. E. ~rrison wishes to develop his portion of the property (which at one time belonged to John and Irlene Morrison) and Betty ~rrison Gay wishes to sell her portion. Mr. Batchelder is speaking for Mr. Daryl E. ~rrison's portion of this property to be brought into the District. Mr. 6esler stated to Mr. Clarke that Mr. Batchelder was asking l~hat the District bring in the D. E. Morrison portion of this property. M~ Batchelder stated to the Board that this property is now divided and recorded as such. This was recorded last week. Director Wakeman stated that a great amount of the Board's time has been Caken up by ex- cluded parcels granted by the Board of Supervisors on three different occasions. Six- hundred (600) parcels were excluded and we went into Assessment District 1962-1 to try to solve the problem and try to get all of the excluded parcels into the District and Mr. Mor¢ison did not want to come into the District. We went to get all of the excluded parcels into the District as quickly as possible. Mr. Wakeman stated that his intention is to disnegard this application unless the property is annexed in its entirety. This is the policy of the District, Mr. Wakeman stated. M~ John Ho ltom (Bondin§ Attorney for the South Tahoe Public Utility District) stated that all of the property owned by an individual,which is contiguous, will b~ annexed at one time, according to the present ¢oticy. M~ Batchelder asked Mr. Ho ltom if he had purchased that property instead of Betty Morrison Gay, would the same policy of the District apply? Mr. Holtom stated that it would. Director Wakeman stated that this Board is under no obligation to consider the property at this time under any conditions; that the Board hopes to get all of the excluded parcels into the District such as was done in Assessment District 1962-1. M~ Batchelder stated that the Morrison's do not want to wait; they want to make their move now. Director Fesler stated that Mr. Batchelder would have to go to the Local Formation Agency before he petitions t~e District. Mr. Clarke agreed that they would have to go through channels before approaching this District. M~ Batchelder stated that the District does not have a problem but he has the problem; he also mentioned that he appeared before the board two weeks ago and that it was stated to him that it was within the power of this Board to grant a connection and that this Board would go alon¢ and we could connect and that we would have to approach the other agencies involved. Attorney Weidman stated that a STUDY SESSION was held and that this was discussed; however~ no action can be taken at a Study Session. Attorney Holtom stated that it is the Board's determination as to whether this property can or cannot go into the District. M~ Batchelder stated ~hat they want t take in one-half of this property; they are prepared and ready to pay the fees involved and asked if the Board is willing to have them do this. ] Director Kortes stated that at the time Mr. Batchelder appeared before the Board (3/4/65) that he was not aware of what could or what could not happen if Mr. Batchelder were granted the permission to bring in only one-half of the property; Mr. Kortes stated that after a study of this, he saw where one-half of the property could be subdivided and this sub- division could contain 15 parcels that would be excluded from the District. Dieector Wakeman stated that this Board is faced with a problem created by the Board of Supervisors and that this District has worked for 8 years to try to eliminate all excluded parcels. Mr. Wakeman also stated that he did not want Mr. Batchelder to feel that the Board is picking on one piece of property but that the Board is thinking of all properties. Mr. Clarke asked if the Board were rightfully considering this at all; Mr. Batchelder wantsa a preliminary report;by this Board; this boards wants something concrete before we can even consider this. REGULAR MEETING (CONTINUED) -4- 3/I 8/65 Director ~akeman read the following from the minutes ~f March 4, 1965: "Mr. H. Batchelder stated that the property he is inquiring about is located in Lakeland Village and has been owned by Eugene Morrison and one-half interest to Betty and Daryl Morrison and now will be subdivided between Betty Morrison Gay and Daryl Morrison. Betty Gay Morrison wishes to sell her portion of land and Daryl E. Morrison desires to develop his property. Mr. Batchelder stated that he was at the meeting this evening to find out just what has to be done to annex the Morrison property to the District. Director Stewart stated to Mr. Batchelder that the Committee wishes to study the Ordinances regarding annexation before a decision is reached regarding the Morrison property; if the Committee feels that the present Ordinance ~s proper - the District will continue to go according to the ordinance; if they feel the ordinance is not proper, the committee will study to amend the Ordinaace.~ "Mr. Batchelder stated that he would preapre a letter and necessary documents and a computation, which figures he will receive from the Assessor's office for this computation, for the next regular meeting of this Board of Directors and present same to the Directors." M~ Batchelder stated to the Directors that he appeared this evening to receive informa- tion on this possible annexation. President Clarke asked the Board if they would like to consider this application tonight. Director Fesler stated there is nothing for the board to act on. If there was an application before us, we could consider it and then take action. Director Stewart stated "1 feel that we do not have direct control on any annexation any longer; the Local Formation Agency has this and if we were to be able to give Mr. Batchelder a statement as to the way we would act, we could be leading him astray when he goes before the Local Formation Agency because this Agency does not care about our thinking, they think for themselves." Mr. Stewart mentioned to Mr. Batchelder that if he were to go before the L.F.A., the petition should be signed by Skip Morrison and Betty Morrison Gay, and he could then petition this Board for annexation to the District. M~ Batchelder stated he appeared t~is evening to receive an answer regarding the annexation of the property in question; also, that he had the impression that the Board's response is a negative one. Dieector Wakeman stated that this board does not want to take this property into the District in bits - there is so much property involved; also, that he felt this should be taken in as one piece of property. A~orney J. Weidman stated that under the policy, it would not be to the advantage of the District to take this piece of property in - Director Stewart. agreed; Mr. We idman 81so stated that it is left up to the Directors and in their opinion as to whether it would be ~..benefit or an advantage to the District. Attorney Holtom stated that the question is to accept one- ~lf of the property or require that all property be annexed. Mr. Batchelder stated that this property has been divided; it has been recorded this week; the west section to Daryl Morrison and the east Section to Betty Morrison Gay. Director Wakeman stated all of the property should be annexed. President Clarke took a pole of the Directors as to the matters presented by Mr. Batchelder - - as follows: DR.ECTOR WAKEMAN: "No, take it all in; it is to the advantage ~f the district to take this in as one piece of property. DIRECTOR FESLER: "1 think the greatest benefit w~uld be for the entire property to be brought i~. DIRECTOR KORTES: Agreed with Director Wakeman stating that an application could be accepted for a'll of the property, not a portion. DIRECTOR STEWART: If the Board deviates from the policy they now have, they will deviate from it for many cases in the future and he thinks the District should 'stick' to the present policy. PRESIDENT CLARKE: Agreed with all four directors. Mr. Batchelder stated "1 came to get this answer and-this is what I got." Mr0Batchelder also asked if he could have a copy of the Deed of Easement. A copy will be mailed to Mr. Batchelder, ~.D. Box 89, Yuba City, California. REGULAR MEETING (continued) -~- ~/~/op ~.~ Mr. Batchelder thanked the Directors for their information and mentioned that he has been and is aware of the past history re the MORRISON property and that he has not been a party to the past history. He also stated that it seemed highly inconsistent to him (that with all of the trouble there is at Lake Tahoe regarding pollution) that his offer to take in one-half of the property was not accepted. He also stated that, according to the Health Department, 95% of the septic tanks are flowing into Lake Tahoe. P~sident Clarke stated that "we would like to do a better job than you are proposing; we would like to take it all in." The Directors and Manager commented on the Bond Issue which was recently passed at Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. I. All agreed that this was a step towards definite progress. Mr. Priday stated that it is too bad this District cannot participate right now to get the job done. Pmsident Clarke stated if the funds are not forthcoming from this State to carry their share of the lot; then we cannot say what has to be done. General Manager Priday stated we are fixed for everything else except money. P0 ~. 660 FUNDS: Mr. Harlan E. Moyer stated that this is the last regular meeting for th~' fi'"l"ing''fo~'P'.L. 660 Fund Application. If the District plans to have any construction carried out from 6/30/65 through 6/30/66, the District should file an application for P.L. 660 Funds, with the Regional Water Pollution Control Board. This Application would be to construct, operate, own and maintain an export facility over Dagget Summit. The District is to ask for a 660 Grant for the total estimated cost of the export facility which would be in the amoun~of approximately $1,600,000, exclusive of lands and right- of-ways. Mr. Moyer recommended that the application be prepared and that the Board of Directors adopt a RESOLUTION authorizing the President of the Board to sign the application and any other documents relating to. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the District make applieation to show their good faith and try to get this sewage over the hill. RESOLUTION NO. 564: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT OF THE' BO'~R~' OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLC UTILITY DISTRICT TO EXECUTE AN APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL GRANT FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT W~)RKS UNDER 33 USC466~ Et. Seq. CCLIRT AND LEGAL ACTIONS: I . '""Mo'n't'~o'~e~'y'" "'E'states case continued. MEYERS ANNEXATION: Attorney J. Holtom stated that signatures are bein¢ obtained for the Meyers Annexation and ~illlbe filed with the Local Formation Agency. CORRESPONDENCE: Following is a letter written to J.D.Miller from Harlan E. Moyer: To: From: Sub j: March 16, 1965 Harlan E. Moyer SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT~ ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1 "Dear Sir: The complete lack of adverse weather conditions during the past several weeks have changed the circumstances under which you ceased work. The work area now appears to be in such condition that normal construction operations can be carried on with no hindrance from snow or ice on the ground. Since the~e is only a small amount of.work remaining in order to complete the project, you are requested to make arrangements in the near future to begin work. The District is of course anxious to see.this job completed. If you wish to inspec~ the area please notify me, so that representative of the District and this firm can meet with you. s/ Harlan E. Moyer Assistant Chief Engineer" cc: South Tahoe ~UD Attn: W.F. Priday, Mgr." RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. D.L. Clarke introduced Mr. Frank Souza, past President of the E~o~"~'" to all present. REGULAR MEETING (continued) -6- 3/18/65 PAYMENT.. .. ..OF. CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, tha't the claims as recommended by General Manager Priday in the amount of $67,690.43, be approved for payment. Dieector Stewart and Director Fesler mentioned that they do not believe they will be in the area for the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors. ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. bO~A~'D L. C~LARKE, 'pRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLiCUTILITY DISTRICT DAVID W. %ALLAHAN, CLERK O'F BOARD'& EX OFFICIO SECRETARY, FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULARMEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL I, 1965 TM Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District were to hold their regular meeting April 4, 1965, 8:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. R[L.~. CAL~.: President Donald L. Clarke and Clerk of Board Callahan. ADJOURNED: Due to a lack of a quorum, President Clarke adjourned the meeting at 8:15 P.M. DON~AI]6 "L. CLAR'K¢, t~R'I~'IDEN'I" SOUTH TAHOE PUBL(]::C UTILITY DISTRICT DAVID W. CALLAHAN, CLERK OF 'BOARD AND EX-OFFICIO SECRETARY REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April 15], 1965 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session April 18, 1965, 8:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. ROLL CALL: Present were: President D.L. C~arke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes and Stewart, General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Callahan, Attorney Weidman and Attorney Holtom, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Mr. H. Ingwerson, M. Bond, W. Little, George Williamson, John Murphy, ABSENT: DIRECTOR FESLER. MINUTES: Director Kortes n~ved~ seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the minutes of March 18, 1965, be approved as written. REGULAR MEETING MANAGER's REPORT April 15, 1965 "Plant Operation: Inasmuch as there was no meeting April I, 1965, the report for that meeting is contained herein: Total flows for March 1965 Average daily flows Nevada District flow Average daily flow Chlorine used for March 1965 Propane used for March 1965 Electrical energy used Holding pond freeboard, April I, 1965 LINE MAINTENANCE:~ 53,066,000 gallons 1,711,806 " 11,486,200 370,522 gallons 13,455 lbs. 6,897 gallons 278~670 K.W. Hours I0 feet 3 inches. South TAhoe Public Utility District Feet of lin'e cleane~ Man hours Eguipment used 766 feet 17.7 hours 53.t hours DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO Feet of line c'le'aned " Man hours Equipment used Equipment rented (barricades) 4,100 feet 35 hours 95 hours $7.0O Total plant flow from April 1-14 Average daily - same period Nevada District -Isame period .~verage daily (same period) Holding pond freeboard I0 ft 5 inches 23,367,000 gallons 1~669,071 " 4~766,600 " 340,471 " Work related to the U.S. Public Health Service Demonstration Grants was started Monday, April 5, last, by Mr. Russell Culp and Mr. Gordon Culp from CH2M (Cornell, Howland~ Hayes and Merryfield) and Mr. Alfred Slechta from Clair A. Hill & Associates. Approximately $3,000 worth of materials have been purchased and most of it has been received. While we are on this subject of Demonstration Grants~ I would suggest than an account be set up with the Tahoe National Bank separating these funds from all others that the District has in order to keep a better accounting of the total operation. This will give a little business to the local bank and help our operations as well. G~rge Hart, Maintenance foreman, is being sent to the firm of Cook & Barletta in Anaheim, California, to study operation techniques in sewer line maintenance. Arrange= ments have been made for Mr. Hart to be on the job there for three (3) days beginning the 19th of April and then two (2) days at the Hyperion facilities in Los Angeles. The South Tahoe Public Utility District's inspection staff has assumed the responsibilit~ of sewer construction inspection of the additional facilities at the Tahoe Keys. Congra~ulations are in order for Mr. Earl Hardie of our staff, who recently passed the State of California examination for Sewage Plant Operator No. 2. This is a very complicated certification and takes considerable experience and study before one can qualify for even taking the written and oral examinations. This certificate is honored over the whole State of California. We have ordered all necessary materials for the operation of the Tertiary Treatment Plant~:,such as Granular Activated Carbon~ Purl-floc, and Liquid Alum. We hope to have a test on the plant about May Ist." Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart~ unanimously carried that the Manager's Report be approved as read. President Clarke stated that in regards to Mr. Earl P.Hardie's examination, in discussing the work that Mr. Hardie has been doing and especially in the absence of Mr. W.C.Taylor, the General Manager has stated that Mr.Hacdie has done an outstanding job and when you add the honor he had brought to this District be receiving this certification~ "1 think we should mention to Mr. Hardie our appreciation." General Manager Priday stated that Mr. Earl Hardie now carries the same classification as does Mr. William C. Taylor. President Clark~ will work on the letter to be sent to Mr. Earl Hardie. REGULAR MEETING (continued) -2- 4/15/65 RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. Howard! ~werson appeared before the Board of Directors w'i~h the fo'llowing: (Mr. Ingwerson also requested a copy of these minutes be mailed to him): Mr. Ingwerson stated that he resides on Verdon Lane (Special Assessment District 1964-1) and that he would like to take a few ~inutes to briefly tell the Directors of some of the major things that have happened in that area: WAs of December 22, 1964, due to the sewer line on our road, we walked to our house for six weeks and this was deep snow and this also included a 72 year old mother." Throughout the efforts of Bill Taylor and his crew, Mr. Ingwerson stated he could get all cars out of his driveway; he also wanted to know what is Going to be done about the situation on VERDON LANE and when~. ~ Mr. Ingwerson also stated that he was told the District was tryin~ to save the Contractor money and in his opinion the cost has been built up for the contractor and no money is being saved. They did travel down the middle of the road - the pipe is in the center of the road and is washed out; their creek was diverted, which caused most of this trouble and if it had been left alone as they asked, this trouble would not have started. Mr. Ingwerson stated that he did not know if he could receive an answer tonight, but would hope to have one; Mr. Priday stated he could not Rive him an answer; Mr. Moyer stated that the road will be restored upon completion of construction as to the condition prior to any construction; this is in the contract and Mr. Moyer stated that it will be done; as to drainage - - Mr. Moyer stated that he was not familiar with that but if this is a ~uestion of drainage due to construction, this will also be restored ~o its origim~al condition. As to the District saving the contractor money, you will recall, Mr. Moyer stated, that late in November when the storms came here and Mr. Miller stopped work be- cause of weather conditions, he did leave an individual here in this area to be in charge of the maintenance of these streets and in this case, the destruction was such that one man's efforts could not take care of this; there was no e~uip- ment to take care of this because ~r. Miller left no equipment here; outside help was called to do this work; no matter who does the work, it all comes out of the proceeds of Mr. Miller's contract money. Mr. Moyer stated that he could not get a specific date, but by next month, the work will be completed in the area which Mr.I ngwerson is complaining about. It was agreed that work needs to be done on Verdon Lane; Mr. Clarke stated that work was done on Verdon Lane by the South Tahoe Public Utility District; Mr. I £n~werson stated that during the time he has resided here, ~here was no difficulty getting to and from until this Assessment District started work there; it was also stated that during the months of December, January~ February, March - any w~rk that was done in that area was not done with the intention of restoring the road to its original condition but to provide access for the people that use this road; Mr. Moyer stated that he realizes there are problems in the area (VERDON LANE) and that he is very definitely aware of the problems and this will be fixed. Mr. lngwerson stated that the District did assist him but Mr. Miller's man did not; Mr. Miller's man refused at one time to do anything and this was in the presence of Edward Eppler, Chief Inspector for the District. Mr. Moyer stated that it was not within the capabilities of this individual (Mr. Miller's man) to do the work and Mr. Miller was contacted and told that the District would have to bring in outside help to correct conditions in the Special Assessment District 1964-1 and this was done. General Manager Priday stated that to correct this $ituation~ the trench would have to be filled and the Contractor would have to dig it all up again and the pipe wou~d have to be relaid; Mr. Ingwerson stated a backhoe will have to dig all of this out anyway because of a cave-in; when the pipe was laid, they did fill, but it was never packed; there are two holes on VERDON LANE and if one gets any larger, they will never get out - - the Fire Truck was ~tuck there; Mr. Ingwerson stated that immediate attention was needed~n~w - there are holes from the main line to the property line and one is starting to give away; these holes are on the road. ~~-~.'s~r!ct: Mr. Miller's man put blinkers on the road ~nd one lad fell into the ditch and broke his leg; these blin~ers were taken away by Jim Watt; two days after he took them away he stated that someone stole them; it cost .25¢ a day for the blinkers; trees were also cut from Mr. Ingwerson's property and when he told Mr. Miller that those trees were his, Mr. Mille~ stated they belonged to the Contractor and Mr. Miller hauled the trees away; Mr. Ingwerson stated that his car also slid into a bank because of the conditions on VERDON LANE that he had two estimates and each in the amount of $200~00 and further stated he -~- 4/15/65 ,5, ,965 does intend to push this a little further because he does not feel it is his fault this road is in the condition it is in. Mr. Ingwerson thanked the Board of Directors for their time and remuested that some action be taken to enable him to get in and out of his property. Mr. Moyer stated he will go there in the morning to look over the condition and also stated that ~he road is not going to be restored to its original condition at this time; when Miller arrives the trench will be re-excavated and pipe relaid. Mr. Ingwerson also asked about his easement and when this would be paid to him..Mr. Stewart stated that that was a right-of-way given by the court and that his name is more than likely ~n the next list that is beinm prepared now; easements have not been delivered to anyone as yet. '~ General Manager Priday stated, in answer to Director Stewart's muestion that the District, so far, has spent approximately $2,100.00 on the road (VERDON LANE); approximately 40 cubic yards of crushed rock was also put on Verdon Lane. Director Stewart asked if the District has encountered a~y other road with problems similar to the one on Verdon Lane and Mr. Moyer stated they had not but there are some damaged trenches. Mr. Ingwerson stated that there are no permanent residents on Regina, but when the snow melts there will be some damage there. Mr. Ingwerson asked for the Insurance Carrier (Mr. Miller's) so that he could write regarding t~e trees being cut and hauled from his property and the damage to his car; Mr. Priday suggested that Mr. Ingwerson compile the ~nformation and bring same to the District and the District will send the letter; Mr. Ingwerson stated that when he talked with the Insurance Carrier, they told him to go ahead and repair the damage as long as the cost was not too far out of line. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I. EASEMEN...~.T: Director Stewart stated that the Committee met with Mr. Frisbie, who is working on the 400 series easements in the Special Assessment District 1964-1 and that Mr. Frisbie is still trying to obtain the necessary easements and also keeping in contact with record owners of the property; Mr. Frisbie was told that if these were not obtained by the Ist of May, the District would take over. The committee also met with Mr. Weidman regarding other easements in the 100-2-- and 300 series and there~re quite a few problems - - the main thing, Mr. Stewart Stated, is to try to present something to the property owner that they will understand; these easements are needed and must be obtained, Mr. Stewart stated, MEYERS ANNEXATION: This annexation will be presented to the Boundary Commission Monday a~'~' to the Local Formation Agency Tuesday; hearing will be the third Tuesday in May and will be returned to this Board to adopt an ORDINANCE for the second meeting in May. TAHOE....... ..PARADISE: Assessed value of land as follows: $2~232.250 land; $257,500 ~mprovements; 6,525 s~uare miles; approximately to be $1,000.00 per acre (assessment charge). ELWOOD JOHNSON ANNEXATION: This will be before the Boundary Commission on Monday; Local Formation Agenc~' on Tuesday; this carries a~proximately 400 acres in the annexation, Mr. Holtom stated. Mr. Priday state~ that re the ELWOOD JOHNSON ANNEXATION - these men (owners) have been notified that if they put a trunk line in at the discretion of our engineer, there will be no reimburse~nt if anyone connects to that line. TAHOE MEADOWS: Mr. Weidman stated that the Association met after our last regular m~'ting and they also had a meetin~ with the Assessor; they have authorized to request for annexation and to file papers with the Local Formation A~ency and a signed letter is to be mailed to Mr. Weidman stating their desire to annex. (the Henry Butler's do not wish to be included in this annexation.) EASEMENTS FOR TAHOE MEADOWS: Ne~otiatinm for settlement of T~hoe Meadows easements~-- .... Mr. Moyer stated that a legal description will have to be written for this annexation; Mr. Weidman stated that Tahoe Meadows should stand the costs and if they use the District services, they will be responsible for all costs; Mr. Holtom stated that he thought he had a description (legal). EXCLUDED PARCELS: Director Wakeman asked if it could be possible to include the remaining 90 excluded parcels in the Tahoe Meadows annexation; Mr~ W~idman and Mr. Holtom agreed that it would not be advantageous to the District to do this. REGULAR MEETING April 15, 1965 PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: Director Kortes stated that this committee met /3/23/65 and present were Donald Clarke, General Manager Priday and Director Kortes, to draft a letter to Congressman Johnson regarding obtaining a high-rating Federal Official for our program in September. This was accomplished and mailed; no reply. The Committee also met 3/30/65 and present wereDonald L. Clarke, W.F. Priday and D.H. Kortes. The Guest list was brought up to date for the dedication program. Same were present for the meeting of 4/13/65 - conversations were held (telephone) with Mr. J. Denny and H. E. Moyer as to expedite information for the person we might have perform dedication ceremony. P~sident Clarke stated that re the report of names that might be considered for the dedication, we have set 6/I/65 for our "Key-Noter". STREET LI.GH.TING:.. No meeting. OLD BUSINESS: Attorney J. Weidman recommended that the Board of Directors re-adopt ORDINANCE N'O'. 117, changing the hearing date to Nay 20, 1965. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that ORD...I...N~NCE NO. 117, be re-adopted. RESOLUTION: C~neral Manager Priday recommended that a resolution be adopted opening an account with the TAHOE NATIONAL BANK. We could, by the last meeting in May,.have a check written by the Bank of America to make a deposit to TAHOE NATIONAL BANK. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried that the following resolution, as recommended by General Manager Priday, be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 565: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO ESTABLISH IN ITS NAME WITH TAHOE NATIONAL BANK A DEPOSIT ACCOUNT ENTITLED SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC'"'""UT'ILITY DISTRICT DEMONSTRATION PROJECT GRANT. NEW BUSINESS: be appr~v'6'd: General Manager Priday recommended that the following..~.hange Orders Change order No. 6: REMOVE UNSUI,TABLE MATERIAL FROM FOUNDATIONS AND FLOOR SLAB AREA AND REPLACE WITH APPROVED GRAVEL BASE MATERIAL TO RBSTORE EXCAVATION TO PLAN GRADE. WORK WAS CAUSED BY THE FLOODING OF THE PE£VIOUSLY EXCAVATED AREA DUE TO BREAKAGE OF THE EXISTING SLUDGE DRYING BED DIKE. TOTAL INCREASE...IN.CONTRACT PRICE:. $2.,979.21 Change Order No. 5: DELETE GRAVEL BASE MATERIAL UNDER BOTTOM SLAB OF NEW TERTIARY PUMP STATION. TOTAL DECREASE IN CONTRACT PRICE: $108.75 Chan~e Order No. 4: ITEM I: INSTALL STRAINER ON NEW NO. 3 WATER PUMP. REOUESTED BY DISTRICT. ITEM 2: CUT KEYWAYS AND INSTALL DOWELLS IN WALL OF EXISTING PUMP STATION TO PROVIDE PROPER CONNECTION FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION: DOWELLS SHOWN AS EXISTING ON "AS-BUILT" PLANS WERE NOT IN PLACE. ITEM 3: INSTALL WALL INSULATION BEHIND METAL FASCIA ON ALL SIDES OF WATER RECLAMATION PLANT BUILDING. REOUIRED TO PROVIDE COMPLETE INSULATION OF WALL PANELS. ITEM 4: RELOCATE AND CONSTRUCT NEW PAD FOR WASTE GAS BURNER, AS REOUESTED BY DISTRICT. TOTAL INCREASE IN ~NTRAC? PRICE:. $~.,178.35 Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart~ unanimously carried~ that the aSove CHANGE ORDERS~ as recommended by C~neral Manager Priday~ be approved. REGULAR MEETING -5- April 15, 1965 SCHOOL ASSESSMENT: General Manager Priday stated that he would recommend to allow the high ~ho~.l ~nd elementary school to connect to the sewer line, pending their assessment fee: HIGH SCHOOL .~ne RIGHT t3F SERVICE ASSESSMENT-Sewer Iine ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RIGHT OF SERVIC~ ASSESSMENT-Sewerline $5,150.00 none $5,150.00 ~ TOTAL ASSESSMENT DUE General Manager Priday stated that the School District had considerable expense for connection of the High School as no sewer line was immediately adjacent, therefore, no sewer line assessment. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman~ unanimously carried, that Mr. Priday's recommendation re School Assessment, be approved. ST THERESA'S SCHOOL/CONVENT: General Manager Priday stated that the Board of Directors ~n 1960 agree'~ if anyone connected to St. Theresa's Sewer Line, St. Theresa's would be reimbursed for a portion of the line; General Manager Priday sent the folbowing letter to Father Grace: - "March 26, 1965 St. Theresa's School Box 506 Al Tahoe, California Dear Father Grace: This is to advise you that we have tentatively determined, subject to the approval of our Board of Directors, the amount of money reimbursable to St. Theresa's Church for sewer facilities now being participated in by the adjacent Elementary School. The following is a breakdown of costs in determininq the monies to be paid: 900 lin. ft. 6" dia. Pipe @4.275 = 4 MoH. @ 304.00 = Elementary School to pay 50% of cost: 3,847.50 · 2 = ~,923.75 1,216.00 ~ 2 = 608.00 = 2,531.75 This amount to be reimbursed to St. Theresa's Church. s/ W.F.Priday" Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman~ unanimously carried, that St. Theresa's be reimbursed as recommended by General Manager Priday. ~.RRESPONDENCE: General Manager Priday presented to the Board a copy of filed application No. 47640 (South Tahoe Gas Company) received from the Public Utilities Commission which asks for any comments this Board wishes to make re this application. No comments were ma~le; no action taken. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman,unanimously carried", that 'payment of claims, as recommended by General Manager Priday, be approved in the amount of $66,040.69. ' A~oU,,R,N,MENT,,,: I0,:00 P.M. DAVID W. CALLAHAN, CI_'ERK OF BOARD AND EX OFFICIO SECRETARY FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILlliy DISTRICT DONALD L. CLARKF_/~ PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE EIUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT The Board of Dieectors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in reaular session, Thursday evening, May 6, 1965, Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California, 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Donald L. Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler, and §tewart. Also present were General Manager Priday., Clerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, Engineer H Moyer, A L. Shoupe, Walt Little. ° ' MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that th'e minutes of April 15, 1965, be approved as corrected. MANAGER'S RE~ORT: General Manager Priday read his report,as follows: "Plant O.~erations: '~' Tof'~'l f"lO~ for April Average daily flow Total Flow - Nevada for April Average daily flow Holding pond freeboard 51,179,000 gallons 1,706,000 " 10,052,900 " 335,096 " 8 feet 2 inches Tuesday, April 27, 1965, last, I, as well as Mr. Harlan E. and Mr Les Shoupe Moyer . made an inspection of Assessment District 1964-1; we outlined a plan for the Contractor to follow in order to not only expedite the repair of existing damaqes but to do extra work in certain areas to protect the sewer system from future washouts due to poor drainage control. : ~ As an example - Regina Street washed out at least I00 feet away from the nearest sewer trench but eventually washed out the sewer installation as well. We have determined that a culvert about 300 feet in length, along the North Side, and the proper crowning of the street will protect our facility. In other ~rds~ we are building a street that had no resemblance to one before the pipe was ever laid. This is a typical situation facing ~s on about roar (4) or five (5) unpaved, undeveloped country lanes; the pipe will be replaced where necessary and roads shaped as needed. Joe D. Miller was back on the job site workin~ Monday, Mary 3rd. (Contractor for Special Assessment District 1964-1.) The same group also made an inspection of the Spray Field ~nd as of this date Weaks Company is discing furrows between spray lines following the natural contours to control erosion; the easterly portion of the ponding area (Trout Creek drainage side) will need to have two dikes repaired; we hope to use this portion in about ten (10) days; the remainder of the spray area needs a little more repair but more time will be needed for drying out, maybe a month before work can begin. Friday, April 30th, I met with Mr. Frank Stead, Chief - Division of Environmental Health, California, Mr. Jack T. Leggett - Executive Officer of the Lah~ntan Regional Water Pollution Control Board, Mr. Donald L. Clarke - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, Mr. Harlan E. Moyer - Engineer for the South TAhoe Public Utility District, to discuss the status, if any, of the problems that Mr. Stead is to get answers for, as follows: I. Can a California entity spend money in another state for c ~acilities without complete ownership of same~ 2. Can a California entity get rights=of=ways and/or have the right of eminent domain in another state? 3. Would it be a possibility for the States of California and Nevada to construct an export facility on a joint ownership and lease to separate districts? Tuesday, May 4th last, Mr. Gordon Culp(Son of Mr. Russell Culp) gave a comprehensive development and operation symposium, with the operating personnel on the new Tertiary Treatment Plant. I would hope that a similar session can be enjoyed by the Board of Directors at a Study Session next week.~ REGULAR MEETING -2- MAY 1965 General Manager Priday stated that Mr. Frank Stead will discuss the above questions with the Attorney General. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted. General Manager Priday stated that he would like to mention to all present that Mr. Frank Stead did not meet with him and the others to discuss the Tertiary Treatment Plant - he was here to discuss the export. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. Walt Little of the Lake Tahoe News stated that a group k~wn as 'the "KERN COUNTY SELLING SAFARI" will be here May 13 and M~¥ 14, 1965, and that this group will want to tour the plant. Mr. Little also mentioned that a luncheon is being given by the Tahoe Douglas Rotary Club and the Chamber of Commerce. He did not know the date but will notify the Directors when he receives the date from Mr. L. Hardy. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I. Easement: Director Stewart stated that the Easement Committee met 4/30/65 with ~"~. Frisbie and received a final report regarding the 400 series easements. At that time, Mr. Frisbie did not receive any more easements but he did make contact the previous day with the individuals and told them as of May I, 1965, they would have to work with the District. Mr. Frisbie is no longer working for the District as an easement agent; all easements will be handled by the District through the Attorney, who has hired a local individual to prepare all necessary documents to acauire all easements. 2.. Planning: Director Fesler stated that the Planning Committee met as the Insurance Committee on several occasions and the blanket insurance program that the District is adopting and accepting looks like it will save the District about $4~000.00 in premiums and give much better coverage as well as a great saving to the taxpayers of the District. GROUP INSURANCE POLICY: Director Fesler stated that our Group insurance carrier re- quested a rafe'inc'~eas~ and "we did not think this was qu'i'te cricket". Mr. Fesler stated that a letter was mailed to our carrier. This policy was received last year and they now want an increase in the premium. Mr. Fesler stated that our Agent (Reed-Meneley Insurance Company) has sided with the District and objects to the in- crease in rate. LOCAL FORMATION AGENCY COMMISSION: This agency will meet 5/18/65 at 8:00 P.M., Board of Supervisors Offic~'~ Pla~ervi]le, California, regarding annexations to the District. The annexation requests will be for Montgomery Developers, Mel Beverly in behalf of William Ledbetter and Dr. Potter and another for Mr. D. Morrison. Mr. Fesler stated that any Directors that are interested in attending this hearing are invited to do so. Mr. Fesler and Mr. Stewart will attend this meeting. Mr. Holtom stated that Mr. D. ~rrison is reguesting the original parcel be annexed ex- cluding Betty Morrison Gay's portion; this was approved by the Boundary Commission and the Local Formation Agency will make their decision on May 18~ 1965. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: Director Kortes stated that he visited the Title c~Panies and 'pr'esenfe~ ~'he~ with lists of excluded parcels. The ~itle Companies were very cooperative and stated that they woutld notify the purchasers of the excluded parcels. President Clarke stated that we should also keep the title companies up to date regarding annexations, etc. ~ 4. STREET LIGHTING - PERSONNEL MEETING: Director Wakeman stated that the Street LiGhting ~mmittee did n'ot ~eet but 'that a 'Pe/"sonnel Meeting was held to discuss charges for legal services presented to the District. Mr. Wakeman stated that after reviewing the charges, the Committee felt the District was receiving a good service. ~'~ REGULAH M~_I~I lNG -3- May 6, i 965 OLD BUSINESS: I. SENATE BILL NO. 1149: Attorney J. Holtom stated that the Senate Bill No. 1149 regarding "t'he $1,800,000 loan is now in the hands of the finance committee. President Clarke stated that he noted the BILL read "treated effluent" but did not state what type of treatment. Director Fesler stated that this sum could be appropriated out of the State General Fund, but how does the District get it. Attorney Holtom stated that an a~reement has to be executed before the District can get the moneyl and that the District would agree to pay it back within ten (10) years and that an election would not have to be held. NEW BUSINESS: I. EXTENSION OF TIME - CALIFORNIA FILTER COMPANY (CALFILCO) General Manager Priday stated that CALFILCO has requested an extension of time from our Engineers and following is the letter which Harlan E. Moyer wrote to CALFILCO: "May 4, I 965 California Filter Co. 1300 Rollins Road Burlingame, California Attention: Mr. Edward Io Titlow Subject: South Tahoe Public Utility District Water Reclamation Plant Dear Sir: Your request for an additional 30 days time extension to May 21, 1965, will be considered by the District on May 6, 1965. The total change order amount at the present is approximately 1.8% of the original contract price. Included in this amount are some items which have no substantial effect on time of performance of the overall project. You are aware no doubt that the continuing delay in completion is adversely affecting the District's operations and is increasing the costs of District inspection and supervision. Very truly yours, s/HARLAN E. MOYER, ASS I STANT CH I EF ENGINEER cc: W.F.Priday So.Tahoe PUD Russ Culp, CH2M George Garrido, Inspector" Mr. ~yer stated that the original contract date was 3/21/65 ~Completion Date). and before this date, a request was received for a 30 day extension and was granted upon the recommendation of Clair A. Hill & Associates. CALFILO0 now requests an additional time extension based on changes in the work required additional time. There have been six (6) change orders to date amounting to approximately 1.8% of the total contract. Mr. ~yer also mentioned that there have been a number of factors that enter into the delay labor problems, adverse weather conditions, changes in plans, operating personnel, etc. The contrect does state that time is of the essence and if not completed the District could: I. Assess for damages 2. Not grant a time extension and ~ssess the Contractor for actual damages for inspections, inspectors, engineers, supervisors, administrative, etc. 3. Grant this request on the basis that no damages will be suffered by the District. Attorney Holtom stated that once the District accepts the work, an agreement can be negotiated between the District and the Contractor within 35 days. Mr. Moyer stated that the Contractor has, at this time, essentially completed the construction; there are corrections of some deficiencies in pipe connections, control work, wiring - minor changes, installation of manufacturers equipment and installed by the Contractor, etc. There has been an assurance from the Contractor REGULAR MEETING MANAGER's REPORT April 15, 1965 "Plant Operation: Inasmuch as there was no meeting April I, 1965, the report for that meeting is contained herein: Total flows for March 1965 Average daily flows Nevada District flow Average daily flow Chlorine used for March 1965 Propane used for March 1965 Electrical energy used Holding pond freeboard, April I, 1965 LINE MAINTENANCE:~ 53,066,000 gallons 1,711,806 " 11,486,200 370,522 gallons 13,455 lbs. 6,897 gallons 278,670 K.W. Hours I0 feet 3 inches. South TAhoe Public Utility District Feet of line cleaned Man hours Equipment used 766 feet 17.7 hours 53.1 hours DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER II~°ROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. £: .... Feet of line clean'ed' Man hours Equipment used Equipment rented (barricades) 4,100 feet 35 hours 95 hours $7.00 Total plant flow from April 1-14 Average daily - same period Nevada District -lsame period .~erage daily (same period) Holding pond freeboard I0 ft 5 inches 23,367,000 gallons 1,669,071 " 4,766,600 " 340,471 " Work related to the U.S. Public Health Service Demonstration Grants was started Monday, April 5, last, by Mr. Russell Culp and Mr. Gordon Culp from CH2M (Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield) and Mr. Alfred Slechta from Clair A. Hill & Associates. Approximately $3,000 worth of materials have been purchased and most of it has been rece i ved. While we are on this subject of Demonstration Grants, I would suggest than an account be set up with the Tahoe National Bank separating these funds from all others that the District has in order to keep a better accounting of the total operation. This will give a little business to the local bank and help our opec~tions as well. G~rge Hart, Maintenance foreman, is being sent to the firm of Cook & Barletta in Anaheim, California, to study operation techniques in sewer line maintenance. Arrange= ments have been made for Mr. Hart to be on the job there for three (3) days beginning the 19th of April and then two (2) days at the Hyperion facilities in Los Angeles. The South Tahoe Public Utility District's inspection staff has assumed the responsibilit~ of sewer construction inspection of the additional facilities at the Tahoe Keys. Congratulations are in order for Mr. Earl Hardie of our staff, who recently passed the State of California examination for Sewage Plant Operator No. 2. This is a very complicated certification and takes considerable experience and study before one can qualify for even taking the written and oral examinations. This certificate is honored over the whole State of California. We have ordered all necessary materials for the operation of the Tertiary Treatment Plant>,such as G~anular Activated Carbon, Puri-floc, and Liquid Alum. We hope to have a test on the plant about May Ist." Dieector ~ortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried that the Manager's Report be approved as read. President Clarke stated that in regards to Mr. Earl P.Hardie's examination, in discussing the work that Mr. Hardie has been doing and especially in the absence of Mr. W.C.Taylor, the General Manager has stated that Mr.Hacdie has done an outstanding job and when you add the honor he had brought to this District be receiving this certification, "1 think we should mention to Mr. Hardie our appreciation." General Manager Priday stated that Mr. Earl Hardie now carries the same classification as does Mr. William C. Taylor. President Clarke1 will work on the letter to be sent to Mr. Earl Hardie. REGULAR MEETING (continued) -2- 4/I 5/65 RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. Howard t ~werson appeared before the Board of Directors w'i~h the following: (Mr. Ingwerson also requested a copy of these minutes be mailed to him): Mr. Ingwerson stated that he resides on Verdon Lane (Special Assessment District 1964-1) and that he would like to take a few ~inutes to briefly tell the Directors of some of the major things that have happened in that area: ~As of December 22, 1964, due to the sewer line on our road, we walked to our house for six weeks and this was deep snow and this also included a 72 year old mother." Throughout the efforts of Bill Taylor and his crew, Mr. Ingwerson stated he could get all cars out of his driveway; he also wanted to know what is Going to be done about the situation on VERDON LANE and when~. ' Mr. Ingwerson also stated that he was told the District was trying to save the Contractor money and in his opinion the cost has been built up for the contractor and no money is being saved. They did travel down the middle of the road - the pipe is in the center of the road and is washed out; their creek was diverted, which caused most of this trouble and if it had been left alone as they asked, this trouble would not have started. Mr. Ingwerson stated that he did not know if he could receive an answer tonight, but would hope to have one; Mr. Priday stated he could not give him an answer; Mr. Moyer stated that the road will be restored upon completion of construction as to the condition prior to any construction; this is in the contract and Mr. Moyer stated that it will be done; as to drainage - - Mr. Moyer stated that he was not familiar with that but if this is a Question of drainage due to construction, this will also be restored ~o its origin.al condition. As to the District saving the contractor money, you will recall, Mr. Moyer stated, that late in November when the storms came here and Mr. Miller stopped work be- cause of weather conditions, he did leave an individual here in this area to be in charge of the maintenance of these streets and in this case, the destruction was such that one man's efforts could not take care of this; there was no equip- ment to take care of this because Mr. Miller left no equipment here; outside help was called to do this work; no matter who does the work, it all comes out of the proceeds of Mr. Miller's contract money. Mr. Moyer stated that he could not get a specific date, but by next month, the work will be completed in the area which Mr.I ngwerson is complaining about. It was agreed that work needs to be done on Verdon Lane; Mr. Clarke stated that work was done on Verdon Lane by the South Tahoe Public Utility District; Mr. I [n~werson stated that during the time he has resided here, .there was no difficulty getting to and from until this Assessment District started work there. ~ stated~that durin~ the mont~ ~ ..... ; 't was also ~ .= u~ ~ecemDer, January, February~ March - any w~rk that was done in that area was not done with the intention of restoring the road to its original condition but to provide access for the people that use this road; Mr. Moyer stated that he realizes there are problems in the area (VERDON LANE) and that he is very definitely aware of the problems and this will be fixed. Mr. Ingwerson stated that the District did assist him but Mr. Miller's man did not; Mr. Miller's man refused at one time to do anything and this was in the presence of Edward Eppler, Chief Inspector for the District. Mr. Moyer stated that it was not within the capabilities of this individual (Mr. Miller's man) to do the work and Mr. Miller was contacted and told that the District would have to bring in outside help to correct conditions in the Special Assessment District 1964-1 and this was done. General Manager Priday stated that to correct this situation, the trench would have to be filled and the Contractor would have to dig it all up again and the pipe wou~d have to be relaid; Mr. Ingwerson stated a backhoe will have to dig all of this out anyway because of a cave-in; when the pipe was laid, they did fill, but it was never packed; there are two holes on VERDON LANE and if one gets any larger, they will never get out - - the Fire Truck was ~tuck there; Mr. Ingwerson stated that immediate attention was needed~n~w - there are holes from the main line to the property line and one is starting to give away; these holes are on the road. - ~ : Mr. Miller's man put blinkers on the road end one lad fell into the ditch and broke his leg; these blin~ers were taken away by Jim Watt; two days after he took them away he stated that someone stole them; it cost .25¢ a day for the blinkers; trees were also cut from Mr. Ingwerson's property and when he told Mr. Miller that those trees were his, Mr. Miller stated they belonged to the Contractor and Mr. Miller hauled the trees away; Mr. Ingwerson stated that his car also slid into a bank because of the conditions on VERDON LANE that he had two estimates and each in the amount of $200~00 and further stated he Al~ril 15, 1965 does intend to push this a little further because he does not feel it is his fault this road is in the condition it is in. Mr. Ingwerson thanked the Board of Directors for their time and requested that some action be taken to enable him to get in and out of his property. Mr. Moyer stated he will go there in the morning to look over the condition and also stated that ~he road is not going to be restored to its original condition at this time; when Miller arrives the trench will be re-excavated and pipe relaid. Mr. Ingwerson also asked about his easement and when this would be paid to him..Mr. Stewart stated that that was a right-of-way given by the court and that ~is name is more than likely ~n the next list that is being prepared now; easements have not been delivered to anyone as yet. General Manager Priday stated, in answer to Director Stewart's question that the District, so far, has spent approximately $2~100.00 on the road (VERDON LANE); approximately 40 cubic yards of crushed rock was also put on Verdon Lane. Director Stewart asked if the District has encountered a~y other road with problems similar to the one on Verdon Lane and Mr. Moyer stated they had not but there are some damaged trenches. Mr. Ingwerson stated that there are no permanent residents on Regina, but when the snow melts there will be some damage there. Mr. Ingwerson asked for the Insurance Carrier (Mr. Miller's) so that he could write regarding t~e trees being cut and hauled from his property and the damage to his car; Mr. Priday suggested that Mr. Ingwerson compile the ~nformation and bring same to the District and the District will send the letter; Mr. Ingwerson stated that when he talked with the Insurance Carrier, they told him to go ahead and repair the damage as long as the cost was not too far out of line. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I._ EASEMENT: Director Stewart stated that the Committee met with Mr. Frisbie, who is working on the 400 series easements in the Special Assessment District 1964-1 and that Mr. Frisbie is still trying to obtain the necessary easements and also keeping in contact with record owners of the property; Mr. Frisbie was told that if these were not obtained by the Ist of May~ the District would take over. The committee also met with Mr. Weidman regarding other easements in the 100-2-- and 300 series and therefre quite a few problems - - the main thing, Mr. Stewart Stated, is to try to present something to the property owner that they will understand; these easements are needed and must be obtained, Mr. Stewart stated. MEYERS ANNEXATION: This annexation will be presented to the Boundary Commission Monday 'a~8' t'o t'he Local Formation Agency Tuesday; hearing will be the third Tuesday in May and will be returned to this Board to adopt an ORDINANCE for the second meeting in May. TAHOE PARADISE: Assessed value of land as follows: $2~232.250 land; $257,500 im"~ovements; 6,525 square miles; approximately to be $1,000.00 per acre (assessment charge). ELWOOD JOHNSON ANNEXATION: This will be before the Boundary Commission on Monday; Local Formation Agency on Tuesday; this carries a~proximately 400 acres in the annexation, Mr. Holtom stated. Mr. Priday state~ that re the ELWOOD JOHNSON ANNEXATION - these men (owners) have been notified that if they put a trunk line in at the discretion of our engineer, there will be no reimbursement if anyone connects to that line. TAHOE MEADOWS: Mr. Weidman stated that the Association met after our last regular m~eting and they also had a meeting with the Assessor; they have authorized to request for annexatSon and to file papers with the Local Formation Aqency and a signed letter is to be mailed to Mr. Weidman stating their desire to annex. (the Henry Butler's do not wish to be included in this annexation.) EASEMENTS FOR TAHOE MEADOWS: Negotiating for settlement of TBhoe Meadows easements. Mr. Moyer stated that a legal description will have to be written for this annexation; Mr. Weidman stated that Tahoe Meadows should stand the costs and if they use the Distric services, they will be responsible for all costs; Mr. Holtom stated that he thought he had a description (legal). EXCLUDED PARCELS: Director Wakeman asked if it could be possible to include the r'e~i~ing 90 excluded parcels in the Tahoe Meadows annexation; Mr. W~idman and Mr. Holtom agreed that it would not be advantageous to the District to do this. REGULAR MEETING -4- April 15, 1965 PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: Director Kortes stated that this committee met /3/23/65 a"nd' pre"sent were Donald Clarke, General Manager Friday and Director Kortes, to draft a letter to Congressman Johnson regarding obtaining a high-rating Federal Official for our program in September. This was accomplished and mailed; no reply. The Committee also met 3/30/65 and present wereDonald L. Clarke, W,F. Friday and D.Ho Kortes. The Guest list was brought up to date for the dedication program. Same were present for the meeting of 4/13/65 - conversations were held (telephone) with Mr. J. Denny and H. E. Moyer as to expedite information for the person we might have perform dedication ceremony. P~sident Clarke stated that re the report of names that might be considered for the dedication, we have set 6/I/65 for our "Key-Noter". STREET LIGHTING: No meeting. OLD BUSINESS: Attorney J. Weidman recommended that the Board of Directors re-adopt ORDINANC'E ~. 112, changing the hearing date to Nay 20, 1965. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 117, be re-adopted. RESOLUTION:. General Manager Friday recommended that a resolution be adopted opening an account with the TAHOE NATIONAL BANK. We could, by the last meetinq in May,.have a check written by the Bank of America to make a deposit to TAHOE NATIONAL BANK. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried that the following resolution, as recommended by General Manager Friday, be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 565: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH ~AHO'E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO ESTABLISH IN ITS NAME WITH TAHOE NATIONAL BANK A DEPOSIT ACCOUNT ENTITLED SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC"UTILITY DISTRICTDEMONSTRATION PROJECT GRANT. NEW BUSINESS: 'De' approved: General Manager Friday recommended that the following..~.hange Orders Change order No. 6: REMOVE UNSULTABLE MATERIAL FROM FOUNDATIONS AND FLOOR SLAB AREA AND REPLACE WITH APPROVED GRAVEL BASE MATERIAL TO RBSTORE EXCAVATION TO PLAN GRADE. WORK WAS CAUSED BY THE FLOODING OF THE PE£VIOUSLY EXCAVATED AREA DUE TO BREAKAGE OF THE EXISTING SLUDGE DRYING BED DIKE. TOTAL INCREASE IN CONTRACT PRICE: $2,979.21 Change Order No. 5: DELETE GRAVEL BASE MATERIAL UNDER BOTTOM SLAB OF NEW TERTIARY PUMP STATION. TOTAL DECREASE IN CONTRACT PRICE: $108.75 Chan~e Order No. 4: ITEM I: INSTALL STRAINER ON NEW biO. 3 WATER PUMP. REOUESTED BY DISTRICT. ITEM 2: CUT KEYWAYS AND INSTALL DOWELLS IN WALL OF EXISTING PUMP STATION TO PROVIDE PROPER CONNECTION FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION: DOWELLS SHOWN AS EXISTING ON "AS-BUILT" PLANS WERE NOT IN PLACE. ITEM 3: INSTALL WALL INSULATION BEHIND METAL FASCIA ON ALL SIDES OF WATER RECLAMATION PLANT BUILDING. REOUIRED TO PROVIDE COMPLETE INSULATION OF WALL PANELS. ITEM 4: RELOCATE AND CONSTRUCT NEW PAD FOR WASTE GAS BURNER, AS REO[JESTED BY DISTRICT. . TOTAL INCREASE IN CONT~¢~Z ~ICE: $.4,..178.3~ Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart~ unanimously carried~ that the above CHANGE ORDERS~ as recommended by C~neral Manager Priday~ be approved. REGULAR MEET -5- April 15, 1965 SCHOOL ASSESSMENT: General Manager Priday stated that he would recommend to allow the high ~Ch~o~l ~nd elementary school to ~onnect to the sewer line, pending their assessment fee: H I GH SCHOOL RIGHT ~F SERVICE ASSESSMENT-Sewerline $5,150.00 none ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RIGHT OF SERVICE ASSESSMENT-Sewerline $5,150.00 .2~531.75 $ 2','83'1"'.75 TOTAL ASSESSMENT DUE ~ne General Manager Priday stated that the School District had considerable expense for connection of the High School as no sewer line was immediately adjacent, therefore, no sewer line assessment. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Mr. Priday's recommendation re School Assessment, be approved. ST THERESA'S SCHOOL/CONVENT: General Manager Priday stated that the Board of Directors in 1960 agreed if anyone connected to St. Theresa's Sewer Line, St. Theresa's would be reimbursed for a portion of the line; General Manager Priday sent the following letter to Father Grace: "March 26, 1965 St. Theresa's School Box 506 Al Tahoe, California Dear Father Grace: This is to advise you that we have tentatively determined, subject to the approval of our Board of Directors, the amount of money reimbursable to St. Theresa's Church for sewer facilities now being participated in by the adjacent Elementary School. The following is a breakdown of costs in determinin~ the monies to be paid: 900 lin. ft. 6" dia. Pipe ~4.275 = 4 M.H. @ 304.00 = 3,847.50 · 2 = ~,923.75 1,216.00 ~ 2 = 608.00 Elementary School to pay 50% of cost: = 2,531.75 This amount to be reimbursed to St. Theresa's Church. s/ W.F.Pri day" Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that St. Theresa's be reimbursed as recommended by General Manager Priday. CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Priday presented to the Board a copy of filed application No. 47640 (South Tahoe Gas Company) received from the Public Utilities Commission which asks for any comments this Board wishes to make re this application. No comments were ma~le; no action taken. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman,unanimously carried, that payment of claims, as recommended by General Manager Priday, be approved in the amount of $66,040.69. A~OURNMENT: I0:00 P.M. DAVID W. CALLAHAN, C["E~K O"F" 'BOARD AND EX OFFICIO SECRETARY FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DONALD L. CLARKF/, PRESIDENT' SOUTH TAHOE BUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITy DISTRICT 965 The Board of Dieectors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session, Thursday evening, May 6, 1965, Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California, 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Donald L. Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Fe"s'l~'r, and §tewart. Also present were General Manager Priday., Clerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, Engineer H Moyer, A~L. Shoupe, Walt Little. ' MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, th'at t"h'e minutes of April 15, 1965, be approved as corrected. MA~.AGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report,as follows: "Plant O~er.ations: '"' Tota f'l~ for April Average daily flow Total Flow - Nevada for April Average daily flow Holding pond freeboard 51,179,000 gallons 1,706,000 " 10,052,900 " 335,096 " 8 feet 2 inches Tuesday, April 27, 1965, last, I, as well as Mr. Harlan E. Moyer and Mr. Les Shoupe made an inspection of Assessment District 1964-1; we outlined a plan for the Contractor to follow in order to not only expedite the repair of existing damages but to do extra work in certain areas to protect the sewer, system from future washouts due to poor drainage control. : As an example - Regina Street washed out at least I00 feet away from the nearest sewer trench but eventually washed out the sewer installation as well. We have determined that a culvert about 300 feet in length, along the North Side, and the proper crowning of the street will protect our facility. In other words, we are building a street that had no resemblance to one before the pipe was ever laid. This is a typical situation facing os on about four (4) or five (5) unpaved, undeveloped country lanes; the pipe will be replaced where necessary and roads shaped as needed. Joe D. Miller was back on the job site working Monday, Mary 3rd. (Contractor for Special Assessment District 1964-1.) The same group also made an inspection of the Spray Field ~nd as of this date Weaks Company is discing furrows between spray lines following the natural contours to control erosion; the easterly portion of the ponding area (Trout Creek drainage side) will need to have two dikes repaired; we hope to use this portion in about ten (10) days; the remainder of the spray area needs a little more repair but more time will be needed for drying out, maybe a month before work can begin. Friday, April 30th, I met with Mr. Frank Stead, Chief - Division of Environmental Health, California, Mr. Jack T. Leggett - Executive Officer of the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board, Mr. Donald L. Clarke - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, Mr. Harlan E. Moyer - Engineer for the South TAhoe Public Utility District, to discuss the status, if any, of the problems that Mr. Stead is to get answers for, as follows: I. Can a California entity spend money in another state for c ~acilities without complete ownership of same? 2. Can a California entity get rights=of=ways and/or have the right of eminent domain in another state? 3. Would it be a possibility for the States of California and Nevada to construct an export facility on a joint ownership and lease to separate districts? Tuesday, May 4th last, Mr. Gordon Culp(Son of Mr. Russell Culp) gave a comprehensive development and operation symposium, with the operating personnel on the new Tertiary Treatment Plant. I would hope that a similar session can be enjoyed by the Board of Directors at a Study Session next week.~ REGULAR MEETING -2- MAY 1965 General Manager Priday stated that Mr. Frank Stead will discuss the above guestions with the Attorney General. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted. General Manager Priday stated that he would like to mention to all present that Mr. Frank Stead did not meet with him and the others to discuss the Tertiary Treatment Plant - he was here to discuss the export. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. Walt Little of the Lake Tahoe News stated that a ~roup kn6wn as 'the "'KERN Cd'UNTY SELLING SAFARI" will be here May 13 and M~y 14, 1965, and that this group will want to tour the plant. Mr. Little also mentioned that a luncheon is being given by the Tahoe Douglas Rotary Club and the Chamber of Commerce. He did not know the date but will notify the Directors when he receives the date from Mr. L. Hardy. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I. Easement: Director Stewart stated that the Easement Committee met 4/30/65 with M'~'". Frisbie and received a final report regarding the 400 series easements. At that time, Mr. Frisbie did not receive any more easements but he did make contact the previous day with the individuals and told them as of May I, 1965, they would have to work with the District. Mr. Frisbie is no longer working for the District as an easement agent; all easements will be handled by the District through the Attorney, who has hired a local individual to prepare all necessary documents to acquire all easements. 2.. Planning: Director Fesler stated that the Planning Committee met as the Insurance Co~iftee on several occasions and the blanket insurance program that the District is adopting and accepting looks like it will save the District about $4,000.00 in premiums and give much better coverage as well as a great saving to the taxpayers of the District. GROUP INSURANCE POLICY: Director Fesler stated that our group insurance carrier re- quested a rate increase and "we did not think this was guite cr~icket". Mr. Fesler stated that a letter was mailed to our carrier. This poi icy was received last year and they now want an increase in the premium. Mr. Fesler stated that our Agent (Reed-Meneley Insura~ace Company) has sided with the District and objects to the in- crease in rate. LOCAL FORMATION AGENCY COMMISSION: This agency will meet 5/18/65 at 8:00 P.M., Board of S'up~visors Off'" ~ce~ ~la~e'rville, California, regarding annexations to the District. The annexation requests will be for Montgomery Developers~ Mel Beverly in behalf of William Ledbetter and Dr. Potter and another for Mr. D. Morri$on. Mr. Fesler stated that any Directors that are interested in attendin~ this hearing are invited to do so. Mr. Fesler and Mr. Stewart will attend this meeting. Mr. Holtom stated that Mr. D. Morrison is requesting the original parcel be annexed ex- cluding Betty Morrison Gay's portion; this was approved by the Boundary Commission and the Local Formation Agency will make their decision on May 18, 1965. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: Director Kortes stated that he visited the Title c~m'panies and p'~e~enfed '~'~'em with' lists of excluded parcels. The ~itle Companies were very cooperative and stated that they would notify the purchasers of the excluded parcels. President Clarke stated that we should also keep the title companies up to date regarding annexations, etc. 4. STREET LIGHTING - PERSONNEL MEETING: Director Wakeman stated that the Street Lighting ~'~mmittee did ~'ot meet '6'~'tha~ a 'P'ersonnel Meetin~ was held to discuss charges for legal services presented to the District. Mr. Wakeman stated that after reviewing the charges~ the Committee felt the District was receiving a good service. 7~~ .... ~u~m~ ,'~c_c~ II~b -3- May 6, 1965 OLD BUSINESS: I. SENATE BILL NO. 1149: Attorney J. Holtom stated that the Senate Bill No. 1149 reqarding the $1,800,000 loan is now in the hands of the finance committee. President Clarke stated that he noted the BILL read "treated effluent" but did not state what type of treatment. Director Fesler stated that this sum could be appropriated out of the State General Fund, but how does the District Ret it. Attorney Holtom stated that an agreement has to be executed before the District can get the moneyl and that the District would agree to pay it back within ten (10) years and that an election would not have to be held. NEW BUSINESS: I. EXTENSION OF TIME - CALIFORNIA FILTER COMPANY (CALFILCO) General Manager Priday stated that CALFILCO has requested an extension of time from our Engineers and followin9 is the letter which Harlan E. Moyer wrote to CALFILCO: "May 4, I 965 Ca.lifornia Filter Co. 1300 Rollins Road Burlingame, California Attention: Mr. Edward I. Titlow Subject: South Tahoe Public Utility District Water Reclamation Plant Dear Sir: Your request for an additional 30 days time extension to May 21, 1965, will be considered by the District on May 6, 1965. The total change order amount at the present is approximately 1.8% of the original contract price. Included in this amount are some items which have no substantial effect on time of performance of the overall project. You are aware no doubt that the continuing delay in completion is adversely affecting the District's operations and is increasing the costs of District inspection and supervision. ' cc: W.F.Priday So.Tahoe PUD Russ Culp, CH2M George Garrido, Inspector" Very truly yours, s/HARLAN E. MOYER, ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER Mr. Moyer stated that the original contract date was 3/21/65 ~Completion Date)~ and before this date, a request was received for a 30 day extension and was granted upon the recommendation of Clair A. Hill & Associates. CALFILO0 now requests an additional time extension based on changes in the work required additional time. There have been six (6) change orders to date amounting to approximately 1.8% of the total contract. Mr. Moyer also mentioned that there have been a number of factors that enter into the delay labor problems, adverse weather conditions, changes in plans, operating personnel, etc. The contract does state that time is of the essence and if not completed the District could: I. Assess for damages 2. Not grant a time extension and ~ssess the Contractor for actual damages for inspections, inspectors, engineers, supervisors, administrative, etc. ~. Grant this request on the basis that no damages will be suffered by the District. Attorney Holtom stated that once the District accepts the work, an agreement can be negotiated between the District and the Contractor within 35 days. Mr. Moyer stated that the Contractor has, at this time, essentially completed the construction; there are corrections of some deficiencies in pipe connections, control work, wiring - minor changes, installation of manufacturers e~uipment and installed by the Contractor, etc. There has been an assurance from the Contractor -4- that these items will be ready for operational testing. Inspector stated this will take another 3-4 weeks. May 6, 1965 Mr. Moyer stated that the President Clarke asl~ed Mr. Moyer if there was anythinr~ the District has or has not done to cause this delay and to brinq this need for additional time. Mr. Moyer stated no. ~' General Manager Priday stated that CALFILCO Was given an extension of time. They are now using the District's tools and getting in "our" way. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes~ unanimously carried, that the District advise the Contractor that the Board will not grant any further time extension on the contract - - there is no valid reason for a time extension of contract and that the District is denying the request. C~neral Manager Priday and Engineer H. Moyer will outline the reasons to CALFILCO for ~CALFILCO'S REOUEST FOR AN EXT._...~ENSION OF TIME. STUDY SESSION All ~irectors agreed that a study session will be held May 21, 1965, ~dnesday afternoon, 3:00 P.M., District Office. (Last paragraph of Manager's Report). MISCELLANEOUS: President Clarke stated that he will not be present for the next two r~gular meetings of the Board of Directors. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer stated that on the 12th, 13th and 14th of May he will be in Washington D.C. on business, and asked the Board if they would like to have him represent the District by visiting the United States Public Health Service regarding the $170,000.00 for P.L. 660 Fund~, which the District is entitled to. Mr. Moyer stated that he would be happy to talk to them and clear up any misinformation they might have and will also take the files with him. Director Stewart stated that he feels Mr. Moyer should do this; General Manager Priday highly recommended it; (Mr. Moyer will visit the U.S.P.H.S., Washington, D.C.). Director Stewart stated that a gentleman came to Tahoe and made the remark that when the snow melted the area looked like a junk yard and wondered if there was something the Distr~ct could do to clean-up the community. Director Stewart asked if the people could be notified to clean-up and if they do not, the District do it and charge a minimum of $25.00. Attorney Holtom stated that the District has no penal powers. Attorney Holtom and Attorney Weidman will check to see what the District can or cannot do. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1: Harlan E. Moyer stated that Joe D. Miller is in ~6~ area and proceeding with the work on this Special Assessment District; Mr. Les Shoupe, (Engineer - Clair A. Hill & Associates) has also been here since last Monday. President Clarke sta~ed that Mr. H. Ingwerson has to be apprised of for his own information because he mentioned to Mr. Clarke that the Contractor was filling in one of the trenches. I checking with Mr. Priday, Mr. Clarke stated that this was a necessary move because the equipment has to be used in that area and later the pipe will be relaid. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved~ seconded by Director Fesler~ unanimously carried, that the claims, as recommended by General Manamer Pridav, in the amount of $12,149.94 be approved for payment. · ~.DJO?RNMENT: I0:00 P.M. bAVlO W. CALLA~IAN, CLER'k' OF BOARD & EX-OFFICIO SECRETARY TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT b6NALD L. CLA~KE;'PRESID~NTOF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF D I RECTORS MAY 21), 1965 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session Thursday evening, May 20, 1965~ Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California, 8:00 P.M. RCLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler and Stewart; also present w'e're General Manamer Priday, Clerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, John M~rphy, Walt Little, Harlan E. Moyer, Les Shoupe, W.C. Taylor, Chas Johnson. .A.BSENT: Donald L. Clarke, Chairman. · CHAIRMAN PRO TEM: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that ThOmas L. Stewart be appointed Chairman Pro Tem for this meeting. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that '}h~ minutes be approved as corrected. MAN~ER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report which is attached and made ~ar~'of these minutes. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. Walt Little thanked the Manager and the Board of ~irec~or's and Mr'. Culp 'for taking the "Kern County Selling Safari" through the plant facilities. Mr. Little also mentioned that two articles appeared in the Bakersfield paper and that he will give copies to Mr. Kortes. He also received a letter from the group thanking all for the trip. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I. Easement: --Director Stewart stated that one easement has been received from the ~bO series of Special Assessment District 1964-1. This required four signatures and only three have been obtained. . Mr. Weidman stated that Arlene Thomas is preparing the cover letter, easements,, etc. a) JOHNSON-SPRINGMEYER: Easement no'prepared as yet. b) SPRINGMEYER EASEMENT has not been received as yet, Mr. Weidman Stated; Also, Mr. Goo~'rich was told tha~ the appraisal must be received by June 7, 1965 (Mr. C~odrich is the Appraiser hired by the District.) ' 2. Planning: Director Fesler stated that the original request for an increase in the ~roup Insurance, which was rejected by the District, was withdrawn by the Insurance Carrier for this year. 3. Public Information Committee: A Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Les Bake'r. 'Kern Coun~ 'Sell'lng 'Safari toured the plant. The committee met with John Denny and Mr. A. Blum regarding the dedication ceremony program. 4. Street Lighting: Director Wakeman stated that he has tried to meet with the Sierra P~'cific Powe~ Comp'any and now has a call in for the President of the Sierra Pacific Power Company to arrange a meeting. OLD BUSINESS: I. Attorney We idman remuested that the board readopt ORDINANCE NO. 117. A notice was not attached to the past ORDINANCE adopted. The h--earing will be set for the first meeting (Thursday) in July 1965. (l:]iirector Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman~ unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 117 be readopted. Altorney Holtom requested to file the petition for ELWOOD JOHNSON tonimht. The Secretary will verify the owner of record, etc. ( ANNEXATI~)-N 1965-4) ' Mr. Holtom a~lso stated that petitions for TAHOE,PARADISE, LARRY HALL AND FRED GALLO, will be filed with this Board at the next regular meeting. Director Fesler asked if water was being run through the Tertiary Treatment Plant. Mr. Priday stated it was done at 3:00 P.M. today and mentioned that it did not go throumh the carbon filters; the results were good. · REGULAR MEETING -2- May 2][?, 1965 Mr. Moyer stated the water that came out was everything hoped for, and next week there will be completely ~reated effluent coming out of the plant. Mr. Priday mentioned,for information purposes only, that if one wishes to take pictures, that they take color rather than black and white of this plant. MISCELLANEOUS: Mr. Moyer did visit Washington, D.C. and did visit the United States Public He~'lth 'S~srvice. (His report attached to these minutes). Mr. Moyer also stated that it would be wise to see what the District's legal ric~hts are. ]i'Di.r. ector Fesler asked ~if this Board should decide on what procedure to take at a Study Session or turn this over to the Planning Committee? Study Session was set for Thursday, May 27, 1965, I:00 P.M. at the Plant. CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Priday read a letter from Will iam Ledbetter requesting an additional amount of se~er capacity. (Attached and made part of these minutes.) This will also be studied at the Study Session. Director Wakeman stated that he feels the community needs a good clean-up of garbage, old cars, etc., and if the District could do this. A~orney Holtom and Attorney Weidman will have a report for the Study Session as to what the District could or could not do regarding Mr. Wakeman's statement. NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Pr~iday recommended that the Engineer prepare a map of the Meyers Annexation and of the entire District. Director Fesler moved that, as a Board, we authorize our Engineers of the District to prepare a map showing the Meyers Annexation as well as future proposed annexations to the District. Director Kortes seconded, unanimously carried. Attorney Holtom suggested that Montgomery Estates be included also. CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Priday read a letter thanking the District for openin~ an account with their bank and extended an open invitation to utilize any of their other services. PAYMENT OF CLAIM.~.~ Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, t'hat the claims the amount of $79,588.68 be approved for payment, as recommended by General Manager Priday. ADJOURNMENT: 9:30 P.M. ~AVID W. CALLAHAN, CLERK OF BOARD & E~'- OFFICIO SECRETARY - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT . THOMAS L. STEWART, "-CH/~ IF~MAN PRO TEM, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Manar~ers Report: 1965 ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF MAY 2~, 1965: YPlant Operations: Total flow from May I to 19 Average daily flow Nevada District flow from May t to 19 Average daily flow Holding pond freeboard = 3' I0" 33,266,000 gallons " 1,750,000 " ?,666,000 oallons 403,000 gallons TM foregoing is a progress report on Assessment District 1964-1 by'Mr~: Les Shoupe, Resident Engineer: "~y 20, 1965 Tc~ W.F. Pr iday, From: Les Shoupe Sub j: PROGRESS REPORT ON SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1 T~ Contractor, J.D. Miller, has been directing his forces on clean up and repair of damaged streets and sewer lines caused by the winter storms. T~ major damaged areas are nearly completed and the remainder will be taken care of as soon as the ground water conditions permit. In addition to the repair work he has been installing sewer lines in the uncompleted portion of the project. s/ Les Shoupe" Also, in regard to 1964-1 Assessment District, is an order for extra work outlined by Mr. Harlan E. Moyer to Joe D. Miller, Contractor, attached hereto and made a part of this t report. TM last Manager's Report indicated that the spray disposal field was being worked on by Wea Weaks Equipment Company. Since that t~ime, however, it has been necessary to ennage the Martin Bros. Cons. Co. because they have more adeguate eguipment for discing purposes. Due to the heavy use of the plant laboratory, it has been necessary to relocate the Superintendent's Office. He will now be located adjacent to the laboratory which will entail some construction costs in the amount of approximately $600.00. Ryan and Cope will do the work. As of this meeting, I cannot report any progress on etther the $1.8 State loan or the P.L. 660 Funds yet due." ~a Work on Sewer Assessment District 1964-1, South Tahoe Public Utility District To: Joe D. Miller From: Harlan E. Moyer Date: May I0, 1965 "~ar Sir: You are hereby authorized to do ~he following items of extra work in accordance with Article 16, Paragraph C, of the General Conditions. I. Line 222 - install additional erosion checks. 2. Line 202 - install concrete encasement and erosion checks. In addition install drainage culvert and junction box along north side of Regina Avenue from existing culvert to Iow point in road and a cross culvert at the Iow point in the road. Grade ditches along sides and crown at center of streets. 3. Line 204 - grade ditches along sides and crown center of street. 4. Line 205 - install erosion checks and grade easement. 5. Line 210 - install culvert for cross drainage and grade ditches along side and crown center of easement. 6. Line 211 - grade ditches along side and crown center of street. 7. Line 220 - install erosion checks. 8. Line 227 - install erosion checks. 9. Line 301 - grade ditches along side of road and crown center of street. I0. Line 308 - grade ditches along sides of road and crown center of street. II. Line 400 - regrade existing easement to divert runoff into natural drainaqe channel and install erosion checks. Install import where storm damage has removed backfill below natural ground. 12. Hne 401 - grade difches along sides of easement and crown center of easement. ...... ,,r~'r~,:) I',~ ~'I~'~'UIt:.S OF ~AY 20, 1965, (Continued) 115, 16. Line 402 and 408 - same as Line 401. Line 410 - grade ditches alonq center of road and crown street. to divert drainage from existinn spring. Line 412 - divert water to existing culvert. Line 407 - install erosion checks. Install culvert T~ installation of all concrete erosion checks, drains, culverts and drainage ditches shall be as designated by the Resident Engineer. s/ Harlan F. ~%yer cc: W.F. ~riday, ~qr.~ So. Tahoe ~.U.D." (3.) Dale: To: From: May 19, 1965 Board of Directors Harlan E. ~%yer Subj: P.L. 660 ~rant - Water Reclamation Plant "Centlemen: On Friday, ~ay 14, I met with ~r. Cuvier and ~r. Peed USPHS Construction Orants Division in Washington, D.C. ' ' Discussions with these men were fruitless insofar as obtaininm anv assurances that the grant amount now due the District would be paid in the immediate future. Their position, which was stated by ~r. Reed, has been established on direct orders from Mr. Ouigley, Assistant Secretary DHEW. The position is simply that the water reclamation plant is not a part of an "operable sewage treatment facility" (as defined by m.L. 660) until s--~c time as export facilities are constructed. Therefore no money may be released until the facility is completely operable. I pointed out that the mrant offer and acceptance when made, was based on a certification by the State Water mollution Control Board that the water reclamation plant was an operable part of a sewaqe treatment facility. This of course is a prerequisite for certification and was done on January 29, Ig64 by letter from the State Board Executive Officer. I further pointed out that the water reclamation plant was an increase to a previously certified qrant for land disposal facilities and that the anplication and certification was mad~ on the basis of a complete facility meetinm prescribed discharge standards and the applicable state requirements. Hr. Reed and Mr. Cuyler agreed that when the project was certified for a qrant it was a part of an operable treatment facility. But after certification the Assistant Secretary required that the phrase "No payment will be made on tertiary treatment facilities portion of your project until there is reasonable assurance that the schedule for exportation of treated effluent from the Lake Tahoe Basin - - - is being followed." ~r. Reed also said the phrase "reasonable assurance" means completed construction to the USPHS. Therefore, the payment will be made only when the export ~acilities are constructed. ~te did say that the money was reserved and would be held for a reasonable period of time. On the basis of this conversation it appears that the decision ~o withhold the funds was made at the DttEW Secretary level and that further discussions with USmHS emDloyees will be ~f little value. cc: WF Priday, Gen. I~q~. s/ Harlan E. ~oyer John C. Weidman, Attny. All Directors" (4.) From: To: Subj: Date: Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. I. Board of Directors, South Tahoe Public Utility District ADD ITIONAL SEWEP CAPACITY ~4ay 19, 1965 "Geqt Iemen: You will recall that on numerous occasions, when our two boards have met in joint session, suggestion has been made bv the Directors for our District that we enter into an agreement with your Dis~rict whereby/ we would ac~uire an additional amount of seweraqe capacity. This would be done in the form of an option agreement in order to accommodate ~'~'7'ATTACHLNEIiTS TO I!INUTES OF ~.!AY 20, 1965, (Continued) orowth recuirements within the boundaries of our District prior to t, he termination of the present anreement on November 15, I968. In recent months, the renuests for sewerage capacity by users within our District has becoee more demandinc!. Accordinr~ly, please consider this letter our formal request for our District to obtain an option to purchase up to an additional 250,000 nallons per day capacitv durin~ the remaining term of the present anreement with the South Tahoe Public Utility District as and when such capacity is required. The other terms and conditions of this option would be substantial I;/ the same as those contained in the ~%y 15th, 19~3 amendment to the original agreement. In doinn so, this would permit owners of property in our District to go forward with proposed developments even prior to the date when the Nevada treatment plant a~¢. outfall line will be operationable, estimated to be in the Spring of 1968. l'/e would be most appreciative if this matter would be piaced on your agenda at your next meeting, for discussion and action by your Board Kindest regards. · Very truly yours, s/WiLL~AM B. LEDBETTER~ PRESIDEI~IT, Douglas County Sewer Improvement WBL:ms" District No. I REnULAR I,~EETINm- OF THE BOARD OF D I~ECTOPS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 3~ 1965 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in renular session Thursday eveninq~ 8:00 P..~4 June 3~ 1965, Tahoe Valley Fire l~ouse, Tahoe Valley, Cai ifornia. - ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman~ Kortes, Stewart and Fesler. Aisc present ~'e're Ge.n~Fal Manaoer Priday~ Clerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J. Weidman~ Attorney J. Holtom, and Walt Little. ABSENT: Donald L. Clarke, Chairman of the NINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, ~"h'at"'brhe minutes of ~ay 20, 1965, be approved as presented. M~]AnER'~...~.EPORT: June 3, 1965 ".Pl..ant ,O. pera.t, ipn.!.. Total plant flow for ~ay Daily averane Total Nevada flow for ~ay 55,356,000 ~allons 1,785,677 " 12,650,700 " Daily average 408,087' " First nine (9) days of Nay the spray disposal facilities were shut down and the free- board in the pond raised from 9'-3" to 3'-3". I!onday, ~ay 24th, the new disposal field on the Trout Creek drainame side was put into operation. The discinn or sub- soiling of the spray area appears to be deterinq any runoff. The holdin~ pond freeboard is now 4 ft. I0 inches. ~CRE. SS REP~. SEWER ASSESS~ENT DPROJECT 1964-1~ CONTRACTOR: JOE D. ~II_LFR: The Contractor is presenf'l~' ~in~tal~l 'i~"~"h'e' -I i~e~ ~'ff '~'io'nee'r~ T'r~'i I an'd"' ha's"~p'p'roximatelv 3,000 ft. of line remaining to in~tall to finish the project. In addition to the main line installations~ he has been testin~ the ~ompleted portions in the built-up areas in order for the existinq home owners to hook-up to the sewer. The preventive maintenance proaram on the collection system has been accelerated during the past month. The followinq statistics might be of some interest. Total length of rods used - 33,968 it, 2-I/2 miles of line cleaned, using 504 man hours. Tuesday, Nay 25th, the new Tertiary Treatment Plant ran its first complete cycle of operation under a test procedure. The water produced was superior to that which had been produced throumh the pilot plant. ABS 0.025, Ortho-Phosphates, 2.2 mn.I. Further tests and chemical analysis are beinn run. The first impression of the run appears to be more than we had hoped for. Thursday evening, ~4ay 27th, I had the pleasure o~ meetin~ with and speakinq to the Placerville Rotary Club. This is one of the finest and most enthusiastic mroups that I have had the pleasure to meet. There were about ninety (90) men present and I feel they all shared this Districts enthusiasm in.the pro~ress we are making in the field of waste water treatment. As to the 1.8 million state loan, I think D.~ector Kortes, Attorney kle~dman and Engineer Noyer should he given a vote of thanks for their untiring pursuit of the loan and, I feel it in order that they make any timely comments~ RECULAR ~4EET June 3, 1965 (continued) A brief discussion w?s held reqardinq senate bill ~!o. 1149 ($1.8 million). It was stated that the bill moved from the committee to the floor and it was not in its initial form; Senator Lunardi wrote some amendments for the bill. lJr. Walt Little stated that the [?iii did pass the senate this afternoon _ _ 31 to zero. This was passed as amended, the vote was Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the ~anager's Report be approved. Attorne/ j. Holtom stated that there were many v one-hundred superviso~rs in the ~%ther [od~ areaiSit°rs in the area today, approximately - v ,. and that he attended the ~et-to~ether and represented the ,~outh Tahoe Publ ic Util itv District. F~Ok'~ I TTEE RE?RTS. I Ea semen t .. D ' · ~' .. ~ ~rector Stewart stated that the Easement Committee did not meet. a.) APPRA'ISAL . SPRINR~EYER EASE~4ENT. h Attorney Weidman stated that he ~ C~odrich yet but he does hope to have this before this ~onday. The pre-trial is set for this cominq ~4ondav, 4:00 P.~., Placervil le, Cai ifornia. b_.) JOHN. SOf~ ESTATE DEED not received as of this date. c.) EASE~E~ITS - 200 Series, S ecial Assessment District 1964-1: A I prepared. d.) Attorney Holtom presented a letter to the Board Realardinq EASE~ENT N0.3.04-5, for a Mr. O.~. Will is; this is in Special Assessment District 1~-64-1 will forward to the Easement Committee.· ?... PL..AN.NIHG: Director Fesler stated that we have been rer]uested by our Insurance Carrier T°~accept RIDER-COORDiNATION OF BENEFITS. He further stated that the Planninr~ Committee is in favor of acceptinq this rider and moved that this be completed and forwarded to the Insurance Carrier Director Kortes seconded, carried unan imous I y. · ?. PUBLIC INFOR~ATION CO~ITTEE: Last Tuesday ~r. Kortes spoke to third (3rd) ~rade lass explain'i'n9 't'h-e'l~-~ce-s~s in modern waste treatment facil ities and prepared them for their tour on ~av 26th. Fifty-f]ine (59) were shown the plant and a letter was re- ceived thanking the ~)istrict for this tour.( Letter as fol lows: To: S.T.P.U.D. Al Tahoe, (7, al if. "Dear Sirs: Thank you ve~v much for showinn us your plant. We enjoyed Iookinq and hearin~ about treatinq dirty wa+er. We all learned a lot about all you do to try to clean the water so it can be used aqain. We especially thank F~r. Les Baker FAr. Earl Hardy ~r. Lee Chada Yr. Bob Deyerberr~ and Far. Gil Koehler and f~r. Taylor. Sincerely yours~ Theresa F.~c Ennerney, Secretary 3rd Grade Room 17." Mr. Kortes also mentioned that a Mr. Hill from the Flew York Times visited the new Tert'iary Treatment Plant and the Spray Area; he toured the plant and was well informed. General F~anager nriday stated that this should prove to be a very interestinq article. 4. STREET LIGHTING COF~F.~ITTEE: Director Wakeman stated that a STREET LfP4!TIFI~ CO~'~ITTEF wil I' 'me'et'" June '9, i96'5; ...... ' OlD BUSI~ESS: . Wednesday afternoon, 1:30 P.~. at the District Office. I. BUDGET APPROVAL: General ~anar~er Pridav and the Directors reviewed the budget and I~'irector Kort'es' mo'v~d, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the budnet be approved as presented. 2. A~,If]EXATIO~ - E[.I?.OD ..JO.~tf~SOf.l: Attorney Holtom presented a map of the area ~ronosed to be annexed an~J a Ce'r'tificate Ve"r"i'~'yino the owner of record, an Ordinance Determininq the mropertv to be annexed. ' General ~ananer Priday stated that there should be a time limit as to how Ionq they can qo alonc~ with an annexation fee; what can be done when a time limit is set and the annexation fee is still not paid? Also, Yr. Priday stated~ that he felt': there are some details that RECULAR ~EETIrlC -2- June 3, 1965 (continued) should be worked out; somethinn should be set definitely in renard5 to the recreation area. Attorney t©ltom sumqested that this should be studied at a Study Session in detail; he also mentioned that this type of an annexation would be beneficial to the District. STUDY SESSION/ADJOURHED REP, ULAR MEETINC: It was decided by the Directors that this ~'"e'ti'nq' wo'uld''be-a'd']our-neU'-tU '~'~'ur's~d~'y"-June I0, 1965, 2:30 m.~. District Office, to discuss the Elwood Johnson Annexation. ' 3. TAHOE PARAB;1SE - MEYERS ANNEXATION: Mr Holtom has provided ~*r. Raron of Tahoe P'ara'd is.- t'h'e' 'fo'r~m's '"f~'r s'imnatures for "the Meyers area today. Fi fty-one (51) net- cent of the property owners must be obtained (signatures) to el'iminate an election, !4r. Holtom stated. Notices will be sent to all of the property owners reqardin~ the date of hearing. 4. REOUEST FOR 250,000 ADDITIONAL CALI_ONS CAPACITY TO DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWFR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. I: ' General Manar~er Priday stated that this request was discussed at the Last Study Session but no action could be taken at that time. He felt that some consideration shOuld be niven to this request by Dounlas County Sewer Improvement District No. I. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesier, unanimously carried, that we have our Engineer find out if we have this capacity available and work out all details, costs, etc., for Dounlas County Sewer Improvement District No. I. Mr. Moyer will try to have this report ready for the June It), 1965, adiourned remJlar meet i nq. . 5. HARPER & BAXTER (Leqal) : Attorney Weidman stated that the District has won two ('2)' ~'t of" ~h~e' '(3) ' ...... on the lame claims by Harper & Baxter and one and a half (I-I/2) out of three (3) of the smaller claims. The liability claim has'been reduced from $90,000.00 to $30,000.00. Mr. Weidman will have a report for the Board at a later date. NEW BUSINESS: i~' ~'PP~O'VA'L' '~ND ACCEPTANCE OF T~HOE KEYS SEWER IN PlHESTONE SUBDIVISION: ~eneral Manaqer Prid'a"y :s~a~'e~' ~hat' ~'h'i"S 'i'~ ~ ~e'~'e-r ...... "' extension 's'~s'tem' with ~h'e ~ahoe Keys that was approved by their ennineers and our enoineers, inseected the system and tested the system; ~4r. Priday recommended that this sewer system be accepted, with the provision, of course, that all inspection fees be paid. this amounts to approximately $8O0.00. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Tahoe Keys Sewer in Pinestone Subdivision be accepted subject to payment of inspection fees, as recommended by General Manager Priday. PROaERTY IN FRONT OF THE BIJOU PUMP STATION: Director Wakeman stated that the Fire ~e~artme'nt"is s.ti"l'i'-i'n~e-r~st'~d"in S~-ii-i-n~- property to the South Tahoe Public Utility District which is located in front of the Bijou Pump Station. This was turned over to the LAND &FASEMENT CO~ITTEE for study. A report will be available at the adjourned Pemular meetinm, June I0, 1965. '.' CORRESPONDENCE: General Manamer Priday read a letter from Division of Reaches and Parks, C'armi~'hael, California. This letter contained the followinm muestions: I. There are any plans for extension of your District Sewaqe Collection System beyond the Camp Richardson'Area. Assuminm that the a:rea was acquired and developed usin~ usin~ U.S. Forest Service vault type units, would the [Jtil ity District accept the pumpe~ out material at the Sewaqe Treatment Plant for treatment? Engineer Moyer stated that ~uestion number one could be answered with a ~ual ified "N~ and ~uestion number two with a fl~t "NO". ~eneral ~anager Priday will answer this letter and mention that the Directors are not in favor of chanq nq the present policy. REGULAR P~EETIIIO -3- June 3, 1965 (continued) General ~anager mriday also read two (2) letters from the Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce which were written to the Honorable Edmund C. Brown: I. Letter of !,!ay 27, 1965, urr~inq the ~overnor to endorse Senate P, ill 114g. 2. Letter of June I, 1965, thankinn the Covernor for his prompt and forthrir~ht action in speedinq the consideration of Senate Bill 1149. tfarlan E. Noyer stated that Senator Lunardi should be thanked for his Untirinq and . de~oted efforts, his vigor, ambition put forth reqarding this SB 1149; he is the one solely responsible for this. Attorney Weidman will d~aft a Resolution to Senator Lunardi expressinq the District's appreciation, which will be presented at the ad]ourred remular meetinq, June I0, 1965. ~r. Cai laban state(] that 3,200 bills have been mailed to owners o~ property; this amounts to approximately $130,000.00. Payment is expected by the Ist of August and no later than the 15th of Auqust. ~r. Callahan stated that he expects approximately $20,000.00 to be del inquent. mAYMENT OF CLAIPS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously ~-arri'ed, that "th'e claims in the amount of $10,784.40 be approved for payment as recommended by P, eneral Manaqer mriday. _A_DJOURNMFNT: Chairman Pro Tern Stewart adjourned this meetin~ at 10:30 ~.~.~. to June I0, 1965, Thu"rsd~y Afternoon, 2:30 P.~,~., District Office. H~,~-[. S~EWART, C~air'~'n Pro Tem. " ' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~VID W, CALLAHAN~ CleFk of Boa~'d & Ex'- Off ic i0 Secretary, SOUTH TAFtOE PUBL lC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE I0~ 1965 ADJ..~.JPNED RE~ULA'R-~E~T'iNn' "01F Yi.!'Z ~nARD OF D IRECTnRS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT The F~ard of Directors of the South Tahoe Publ ic Uti l ity District met in an Adjourned Reqular Session June I0, 1965, 2:30 P.N., District Office. ' ROLL CALL: mresent were Directors Stewart, Fesler, Wakeman and Kortes; ~eneral ~%naqer Priday, C]~rk of Board Cai lahan, Engineer H. ~oyer, Attorney J. Holtom and .Attorney J. Weidman, John Murphy of the Sacramento Bee. A?SENT~: Donald L. Clarke. OLD BUS INESS _!.. ANNEXA. AT.ION - ELWOOD JOHNSON: Attorney Holtom presented a map showinr~ the property to be annexed.'" ,~lf" ~'ou'r's~ ~i'""i'l""be'-]ncluded in this annexation. There will be a club house, bar, but no rest-room's on the club house proper. The ~uestion is - if this pronerty where the Club House and P. olf Course (recreation area) are located, should, in the future, be used for anything else, what proceedure will be taken renardina annexation fees. Harlan ~oyer stated that the annexation fees will be taaid on the basis of the area that is sewered at the time they are sewered. If 250 acres of the one-thousand acres were to be sewered, they would pay an annexation fee for the 250 acres alono with the cost of the sewerage collection system. ~eneral Mananer mridav stated that the District will have to come up with some type of a poi icy that would be ~ifferent for recreation areas. ' Mr. ~,~oyer stated that the policy should be flexible so the District will not bind itself to any one thing. The District is encourar~inn the annexation to r~et the nround into the District. What will you do with an area tt~at is strictly a recreation area? Should the fee be $400.00 an acre~ a portion of that, or nothina? It is on record that the areas to be developed and sewered will be payinq the annexation fee at the present rate. REGULAR ~!EETIhP -2_- June I0, 1965 General Mananer Pridav stated we should have some assurance from these people on a time- table basis as to when the subdivision is to be started and if they do not live up to the time table, de=annex them. All of the areas must be taken care of, ~r . nridav stated, but the District does need a time table as to what the owners expect to do~ Attorney l~oltom stated that these people would be very happy to present a time table on this as to what they will do and when they will develop. Conditions should be set forth if this property is to be annexed. Attorney Holtom stated that he would like to take this reouest for annexation back to the owners and ask them to prepare a time table so we could have an ideas as to what to do. Manamer Priday also mentioned that total expenses will be ~t the property owners expense. Mr. Noyer stated that the District will have to provide these people (JOt~NSON /~NHEXATION ELWOOD JOHNSON) with the necessary services and tell these people how lame these facilities hav~ to he. Ccnditions should be set forth for this annexation, such as: I. Collect annexation fees for the property to be developed at the time; 2. All fees to be paid before acceptance by the District; 3. Permits to be obtained to connect houses, etc., to sewer system; 4. Areas not to be serviced until conditions which are set forth, are complied with. Director Fesler moved that the Chairman of the Board authorize our Bondinm Attorney - ~,~r. John Holtom, to draw up the conditions of this annexation.and include same in the Ordinance. Director Wakeman seconded. Director Fesler amended the motion to include the names"ANNEX~TlOH 1965-4". Director Wakeman seconded, unanimously carried. ~,~r. ttoltom will mail a copy of the conditions to ~r. Pri~ay for study before the next Board Meetinc!. , , 2. DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER INPROVE~4ENT DISTR CT NO. I: Douelas County Sewer mprovement D-i~tr i'~' N~'.' I' r'e~'u'est'~';d' an -aUd i~:'i~-n'a'l- -c~-pa"c i'ty of~250,000 mai Ions per davl Director Fesler stated that this District is will inq to make an o~fer to Douelas County Sewer Improvement District Ho. I to extend them this additional .capacity - but what should this District charge so it will he eeuitable for our taxpayers?'. ~r. Moyer stated that if Doumlas County Improvement Disfrict Ho. I uses our facilities within the next tWo years for the additional capacity, this District would have to start construction to enlarne the Bijou Pump Station. ~r. ~over also stated that this District has to determine what a fair price is to charne ,He'ada for this additional capacity and f~h~s+~jhCleld be paid in one lump sum. Should this District increase their capacity from 300,000 gal Ions to 550,000 ~al Ions? The [nqineer will study this further and have a report for the next renular meetinq. 3.__ RYAN.E& COPE TIME EXTENSION: Ryan & I~ope have recluested a time extension of 52 days. Harlan _.' i,,4oyer:" recom~e'nd~-d- ~hat Ryan & Cope be ~iven a 45 day extension for completion of the Secondary Sludqe Pump Plant. " Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that P, van & Cone be f]iven a 45 day extension. 4. C~LIFORNIA FILTFR COMPANY: General ~.~anaeer Priday stated that CAI_IFORNIA FILTFR ~PANY '(CALFIL~b') i S ......... ' ..... cost~nq the District a considerable amount of money and that they should be put on notice that this District intends to do somethinn about this, This Board has denied any further extension of time to C~LFILCO and they are now in default of their contract. Inmection costs are amountinq up fast; damage costs a~e about $50.00 a day. !~r. ~oyer stated that he is concerned over windine! this project up - it has been stretchinq on and on. . r=u~vu~,~c~j r,u_t,ULm¢, ~,!b~.[ Ir,!(~ -3- June lO, 1965 general Manamer Prid~y stated that this District would be very lax in not notifyinm the Contractor that they are in default of their contract and that there are existinn costs and l io. uidated damanes are beinq assessed at the rate of $50.00 per day. !4r. ~*oyer stated that the contract speaks for itself - - once further extension is reouested, the Contractor is in default of the contract. Director Wakeman moved that the Manaqer notify the Contractor that he is in default of the contract; this District will assess damanes for the period of default Director Kortes seconded, unanimously carried. ' 4. TAHOE KEYS - PtHESTONE SUBDIVISION: general Mananer Priday read a letter from ~4r. P.A. Brazill,' Coun'ty 'E'nq'i'r{ee-r',"~'e'-T'ahoe"K~e~s Unit No. 4 - Pinestone Subdivision, in which ~r. Brazill stated the inspection fees amounting to $850.00 will be paid to the District. ~4r. Priday recommende~d' the followinq Resolution be approved. RESCLUTION ~0. 556: A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING SAHITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM FOR TAHOE KEYS UNIT ~0-" -4 AND P'IN~'S'~)N'[ SUBBIVISIONS - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIOI. J NO. 556 be approved NOTICE OF COMPLETIOH WAS ALSO ACCEPTED BY THE BOARD FOR TAHOE KEYS biO. 4 and PlHESTONE ~BD'~VlS'I'ON. '" ' Mr. Priday read the letter which he answered to ~r. Thorpe re_~A_SCABE LAKE ARFA DEVELOP~4EHT. PAYMENT O.F CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, t~a't 'brh~ claims, as recommended by General Manamer Pridav, in the amount of $6,204.68 be approved~or payment. ADJ~RNMENT: 4:55 P.~*. Thomas L. S~'¢art, gha"irm'a'n Rrb Te'm .... SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UT tLITV D ISTRtCT DaVid W. CaFlahan,' Clerk of Board &' E-x:Z~gf'f-i'~io Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PURLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETIHC OF THE BOARD OF DIOECTORS OF THF SOUTH TA~!OE PUBLIC UT I LITY DISTR.'fCT JUHE t7, 1965 The Board of Directors o~ the South Tahoe Public Utiltty District met in renular session June 17, 1965,Thursday evening, 8:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley tire House, Tahoe Valley, Cai ifornia. ROLL CALL: Present were mresident Donald L. Clarke, Directors Stewart, Fesler, Wakeman and Kortes; General Mananer mriday, Ennineer H. Moyer, Attorney J. Weidman, A.L.Shoupe, ~el Landis, W.C. Taylor, Charl ie Johnson from the Tahoe Daily Tribune, Clerk of Roard Cai l ahan. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that ~he minutes of June 3,~1965, be approved as corrected. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the minutes of June I0, 1965, Adjourned Renular ~eetinq be approved as corrected. MAN~E.R'S. REPORT: Ceneral ~anamer Priday read his report, as follows: "Plant Operation: ~'t'a'i'" p'l~nt flow from 6/I/65 through 6/17/65 Averaqe daily flow (same period) Nevada District flow (same period) 29,130,000 nallons 1,820,000 6,667,200 " Averane daily flow (same period) 416,700 " ASSESS~ENT DISTRICT 1964-1: The Contractor, Joe D. Miller, is installinq the last of the 'l'a'te'r'al'"s a'n'd main"-I i-ne O'~'~'the job and is placinq erosion checks and testin~ lines. ~%nhole adjustments and checkinq as well as neneral clean-up will fol Iow as soon as all lines are completed. The return slu~Jqe pumping station is complete and operatin~ very satisfactorily. Ryan & Cope, Contractors, have done a fine job. The total cost of the job ~aried less than REGULAR MEETINC -2- June 17, 1965 I/2 of I% from the bid price of $47,000. The variance included t~ree channe orders, Two (2) subdivisions within the District have been submitted for sewer plan approval. The Mount Tal lac subdivision, in P~eadow~len Tahoe of about 450 lots, has been checked and approved for construction by Clair A. Hill & Associates. The second sub- division consistinq of 20 lots will be an extension of ANCORA LAKE ROAD b~tween Tamarack and Woodland Areas. These plans were submitted to the Eneineers this date. The Waste Water Reclamation Plant is operatinn and produci~a ~ crystal clear effluent having characteristics acceptable by any watershed outside the basin. Dr. ~zar, County ~lealth Officer, Dour~ Taylor, Confract,-~ervices S~ate Health Department, and John Thompson, Local County Sanitarian, were amon~ many distinguished cu:~nt visitors this last week. I am submittin~ for your consideration under "NEW BUSINESS" a revised -~ salary plan. The budqet as approved al lowed a 10% increase in the total salary structure. It was felt, howev, that a more liberal consideration should be ~iven to the lesser classifications as outlined in the present Resolution. Step increases based on a 5% graduated scale is the logical basis for settin~ up a salary plan', however, I feel that about every three (3) to four (4) years a reappraisal should be made. If percentaqe increases are perpetual ly used, an extreme condition bee, ins to show in that there is a greater separation between the lower and upper classifications. With this in mind, a flat $50.00 was added to all steps in all classifications of empl,oyment. The end result a 9-1/2% total increase over last year." Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the Mana.qer's Report be accepted. General Manager Priday passed samples of the I^.~aste Water treated by Tertiary Treatment to all Directors and ~r. CharliesJohnson. Also, Mr. Priday stated, that this water riqht now is clearer than Lake Water. President Clarke thanked and congratulated all whose efforts were successful in obtain- inq the $1.8 million dollar loan which was passed at 4:00 P.M. t~is afternoon. RECOGN]T.I?~ .O.F. VIS_I_TORS: Mr. Gene Hale appeared before the Board of Directors and renuested a rul inr~ reqardinq his septic tank which a cabin is connected to. Mr. Hale stated that he had received a letter from an Inspector of the District renuestina the septic tank be pumped and filled. ~r. Hale stated that if he had to do this, he would have to di~ un a $500.00 lawn and that, furthermore, the cabin is not used but from six-weeks to two-months at the most out of the entire year. This is not a rental. It is a ~uest house. NO~E: The minutes of .June 21, 1~62, states that ~r. Hale was niven relief by not having to connect to the sewer line. Aisc, it was stated that the septic tank could be left the~ and the cabin could be connected to the septic tank for a period not exceeding three (3) years. Director Fesler sumnested that this be turned over to a Committee for study and that Committee have a recommendation ready for the Board of Directors at the next renular meeting. President Clarke asked ~r. Hale if this cabin, in the ~uture, would only be used two (2) weeks out of the year and ~r. Hale stated yes. Cr~ ITTEE REPORTS: I. EASEMENT: Director Stewart stated that the easement committee did not meet; however, he did mention that the local secretary for John C. Weidman, Attorney, is doinq a ~ood job preparinq all easement qrants. SPRINC, MEYER EASEMENT SETTLEMENT: ~onday, June 14, 1965, the pre-trial was held and the tri~l wi il- be'-d~3/-6~5]- ' '"" 2. ~ PLANNING: Director Fesler stated that the P anninq Committee did not meet. President Clarke commended the Planninq Committee on all past work accomplished. 3. PUBLIC IH.F.OR.M~T_ION: Director Kortes stated that the newspape~s, have been carryinq al'l 'action by the Public Information Committee. 4. STREET LIGHTING COMMITTEE: Director Wakeman stated that a meetinn was held with the' 'Si'~'r'r~' pa'c'ific Po~er~'m~any. The Power Company will do a Study on some areas, such as Tahoe Island No. 4 and Tahee Island No. I. General ~%naaer Priday stated that there would be no limhts in any area unless a District, County, or City were to take on the responsibility of installin~ the lights and collectin~ for the lights. REGULAR ~"EET lNG ~"'~J"'~ -3- June 17, 1965 r ~r. Ylakeman stated that the Sierra Pacific mower Company will have a report to us within ninety (90) days. ~A?~NEXATION NO. 1.9~65-~: Ceneral ?anaqer Priday read the conditions which were set forth for the 'Elwoo'd ~'oh'n'son An~nexation 1965-4; as follows: That no sewer service will be provided to any of the territory proposed to be annexed until the District has reviewed, sized, and approved all trunk sewers, pump stations and force mains to be installed in such territory; Annexation fees in effect at the time of the enactment of this Ordinance shall be paid to District for those areas to be served by the District prior to the time that connection to District's system is made. Director Stewart asked General Manager Priday and Engineer Harlan E. ~.~oyer if they were satisfied with the conditions set forth as listed above. Mr. Priday and Mr. Moyer stated that they were. D~CLAS COUNTY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. I - REOUEST FOR ADDITIONAL CAPACITY OF General Manager Priday stated that in dee respect to Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. I, he did not want to state the price that will be mentioned to Doualas County for the extra capacity. He felt that D.C.S.I.D.No.L should receive the informa- tion before they see it in the paper. Director Stewart stated that it might be wise to have a meetina with D.C.S.I.D.No. I and Director Wakeman stated that he felt a meeting was well overdue. General Manager Priday stated that we could write to D.C.S.I.D.No. L statina our decision re~ard~ng the extra capacity they desire. o Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that if this extra capacity were to be used by Dou~ as County Sewer Improvement District No. I, the Bijou Pump Station facilities would have to be expanded. It would not be eauitable for the South Tahoe Public Utility District to expand these facilities to serve Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. I for the next two years. If these facilities were to be expanded, Doualas County should bear the entire cost of any expansion. Director Fesler stated that he felt this subject was worthy of airing before the Board and Director Stewart agreed. H. E. Moyer stated that he does not feel the same formula can be used now that was used to negotiate the second amendment; Nevada does not have any intentions of executinm their option; should this District just establish a service charge for this capacity, and what would the cost be? G~eral Manager Prida~ stated that Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. I was getting $3,700.00 for 37,000 gallons used; he also stated that he does not intend to have D.C.S.I.D.#1 make money from our District on the capacity. Director Stewart asked Charlie Johnson (E~itor fOr Tahoe Daily Tribune) if he would delete any mention of this from the newspapers; Mr. Johnson stated that he would not as the South Tahoe Public Utility District is one public body making an offer to another public body and he felt everyone should know about it. Director Fesler stated that this Board asked our Engineer to arrive at a figure that would be e~uitable to our taxpayer's; Director Wakeman asked if there is any ~ossibility as to how we could make the decision. M~ Moyer stated that there are three approaches that this District could take and the Directors could make ~up their mind as to how to approach it; however, it should not be approached on the second amendment to the agreement - the need for added facilities would be used by Nevada and they should bear all of the costs. Director Fesler stated that there should be one flat figure we should have to make this additional capacity available to Nevada; Are we ~oinq to have to make some chan~es in existing facilities and what would the cost be? General ~anager Pridav stated that this is outlined and that thin~s have changed since the second amendment ~o the agreement was made; the entire cost of the Bijou ~umpin~ Station should be borne by the D.C.S. IoD. No. I, ~r. Priday stated. · RBULAR ~!EET -4- June 17, 1965 Pr. ~.4oyer stated that the cost of buildin~ new facilities, as ~ar as Douqlas County Sewer Improvement District I'lo. I is concerned, should be borne by Dounlas County Sewer improvement District No. I and that the minimum cost should be no lower than what is involved in new facilities. Oeneral ~.4anaqer Priday stated that the cost that is to be mentioned to Nevada is in the area of $170,000 t~ $250,000. Director Wakeman mentioned that he felt we should charqe Nevada $250,000 for the additional capacity and Director Fesler aqreed. N'r. Moyer stated that if the terms and conditions of the Second Amendment to the Anreement is to be chanr~ed, than the option price must be chanqed; any offer made to D.C.S.I.D.No. I should be made on the South Tahoe Public Uti l ity District terms-- the Bijou Pumpinr~ Station would only be expanded if Nevada wanted to purchase this extra capacitv. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the ~.4ana~er contact D.C.S.I.D.No. I statinq that our charne would bO $250,000 for 250,000 additional capacity. NOTICE OF CO.~.PLETION _ RYAN AND COPE: FOR: SECONDARY SLUDCE PU~p STATION : ~!.E. ~oyer presentec~'-th-e-N~)'T~F UF 'b"O'~¥'LET i0N -fo r" '"f"h'e" Const'rb'ctio'n ~¢' sFbh'NbX~ SLUDCE PUMP STATION. This was completed on the loth of June, 1965. ~r. ~'over stated that this was inspected by him and the Resident Enqineer and that he recommends the .Board of Directors accept this Notice of Completion. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director resler , unanimously carried, that the NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE SECONDARY SLUDGE, as recommended by ,the Enr~ineer, be accepted. President Clarke stated that it speaks well for the community that a local contractor can qet a contract such as Ryan & Cope did and do such a mood job. NEW BUSINESS: R_E_SOL.!JT_IO_N..._NO. 567: Gaqeral Manager Priday recommended that RESOLUTION NO. 567, which is a RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DII2ECTORS OF THE SOUTH TA~tOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT A~ENDING RESOLUTION NO. 508, PROVIDING FOR SALARY SCHEDULE OF EMPLF)VEES OF SAID DISTRICT, be approved. Mr. Priday stated that all classifications were raised $50.00; this is within the budmet and will be activated July 8, 1965. Director Wakeman stSted that this is a step in the riqht direction. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Dieector Stewart, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION...NO. ~6_7, as recommended by General Manamer Priday, be approved. ORDINANCE NO. 121: Oeneral ~.~.anaqer Priday recommended that the Board of Directors of +'"h"~ SOUTH 'TAHbE'P=UBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT adopt ORDINANCE NO. 121~ which is AN (~RDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PURLIC UTILITY DISTRICT A~ENDINn-OR'~)'I'NANCE kiO. I10 AND DROVIDINn FOR CO~PENSATION OF CLERK OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 1,21, be approved, as recommended by Oeneral Manamer Priday. Attorney Weidman recommended the roi Iow inq Ordinances be adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 119: Annexation No. IgF~5-5 ~- , ...... . . -Donald E. Potter, FTUX ,RDINANCE. ~l(].'..] I...20: Annexation No. 1~}6~i~6-- Wi l I lam B. Ledbette¢, FTUX Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried that ORDINANCE NOS. 119 and 120 be adopted, as recommended by Attorney J. Weidman. COTRESPONDENCE: General ~anaqer Priday stated that this District will be receivin.q ~h-e-ir revie'w'""r'e the P. L. 660 FUNDS from the STATE WATER r)UALITV CONTROL BOARD soon. Mr. Priday also mentioned that this District rates einht (Sth) on the ratinq list of applications for Federal Construction Orants Under P. L. 660,84th Congress, in the 1965-66 Fiscal Year. T~'EN]FY-FIVE YEAR LIFITATION: This was discussed at a prior meetinm. Attorney John Weidman 's'ta{e~' +'h~t' 't'his"w~s passed by the Lenislative Committee. REGULAR ~.~EETI!qG -5- June 17, 1965 PAYHENT OF CLAI~S~ Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimouslv ~'~rZied, th~'¥"~h~ ~laims, as recommended by General ~anaqer Priday, in the amount of $47,922.69~ be approved for payment. ADJOURN.kIENT: 9:30 P.~. D~'vID 'W. CALLAHAN, CLERK OF BOARD & EX-b'F'F-I-C'I'b ..... SECRETARY, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SOUTH TAffOE DUBL(['C UT 1 L I TY D I STP, I CT