HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 01/09 - 1964 12/17DECEMBER 19, 1963 ---ATTACHMENTS TO REGULAR MEETING (cont.) MANAGER'S REPORT (cont.) than exporting over Daggett Pass. We will already have a Force Main extending approximately two (2) miles in that directlonl The saving in the cost of some 35,000 feet of lesser class pipe due to topography means a considerable sum of money. Pressure pipe woul~ be needed for a much greater distance via the Daggett route, ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 9, 1964 President Clarke called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. and those present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Fesler, Stewart, Kortes, General Manager Priday, Clerk of B-oard Mallery, Attorney J. Weidman, Engineer H. Moyer, A. Shoupe. W.C.Taylor, Walt Little, John Murphy, C. Wentworth, John Madera. MINUTES: Minutes of December 19, 1963 - - Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fe~ler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of December 19, 1963 be approved as written. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report and same is as follows: "Manager's Report January 9, 1964 PLANT OPERATION: Sewage flows for December 1963: Nevada district total flow Average daily flow Plant total flow Average daily flow Chlorine used for December Propane used for December Holding pond freeboard 7,953,400 256,561 37,671,000 1,215,193 10,455 lbs. 4,477 gallons 10 feet, 1-1/2 inches GENERAL: Force Main to new disposal field about seveNty.five (75) percent complete - should be about ten (10) days away from completion. Disposal area cleared in preparation for diking and ditching. Construction of dikes around settling ponds to begin before end of this week About fifteen (15) days away from completion. ' Ail spray materials are on hand read, for installation. Pumping station complete and ready/or use. We are still hopeful that the new system will be in operation before Febmuary. It has been brought to our attention that certain monies might be made available to us as a construction loan at a very low interest rate through the State Water Pollution Control Board. It is necessary thRt we make a formal request to the Water Pollution Control Board to budget an amount of money presumed to be needed by this District. Itthink we should take immediate action by whatever means is necessary to have about $5,000,000 budgeted for the South Tahoe Public Utility District. We should also make a formal request to all agencies concerned for the exportation of reclaimed water into the South Fork of the American River watershed. These steps are necessary to comply with the recent directive from the U.S.Public Health Service wherein they want a schedule by our ~istrict for the export of effluent from the Basin as a condition for payment of $90,000 on our present construction program. We are going to need this money very shortly as the project is nearing completion. I presume the same condition for us having to export will be in the U.S.Public Health's approval on our advanced treatment program that was sent to Mr. Bonderson (Paul) Jan. 2 last. MINUTES (ADJOURNED RgGULAR MEETING) JANUARY 9, 1964 MAN~GER'~ REPORT CONTINUED: The Treatment Plant is still getting septic wastes periodically from somewhere within our collection system. We have reason to believe that someone is dumping septic wastes into the system in some isolated area. It is very difficult to police the situation so I would like to propose that a reward be offered to anyone finding such a violation and who would lead to the arrest and conviction of any person, firm, or corporation using the sewer system for disposing of septic wastes." Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. ACTION ON THE MANAGER"S REPORT: (1) General Manager Priday recommended that a formal request be made bF the South Tahoe Public Utility District to the State Water Pollution Control Board to budget an amount of money presumed to be needed by the District. Mr. Priday suggested that we make the formal request for the amount of $5,000,000. (THIS WILL BE MADE TO THE STATE WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD). Following discussion, Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried that the formal request by RESOLUTION be made to the State Water Quality Control Board to budget $5,000,000. (2) General Manager Priday recommended that a formal request to all agencies concerned be made for the exportation of reclaimed water into the South Fork of the American River watershed. Mr. Priday stated that this request should be made through Mr. Jack Leggett and Mr. Wallace White and the Water Pollution Control Board. Director Stewart stated that he would like to make it clear to all interested that the figure of $5,000,000 will not be the figure for exporting effluent. Mr. H. Moyer stated that the District make the application for a "Waste Discharge Requirement and the Regional Water Pollution Control Board will establish standards of quality for water that will be going into the South Fork of the American River - Mr. Moyer also stated that an application should also be made to the~ State of Nevada for "Waste Discharge Requirements". Mr. Moyer also stated that filing the application will not commit the District; however, if export were to take place the District would have to meet the require- ments standards. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the recommsndation of General Manager Priday to make application to all agencies ooncerned for exportation of reclaimed water into the South Fork of the American River and that an application also be made to the State of Nevada. (3) General Manager Priday recommended that a reward be offered to anyone finding someone dumping septic wastes into the system in isolated areas. The reward would be for $100.00. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that General Manager Priday's recommendation be approved. CORRESPONDENCE: Clerk of Board Mallery read a letter from Mr. Ellis Cline, Supt. of schools, Lake Tahoe Unified School District regarding annexation of the new school site located at Gardner Mountain. (Letter made a part of these minutes - - see under attachments) General Manager Priday will contact Mr. Cline personally to discuss th~annexation of the new school site. The District will also send the schedule to the School District for annexation and request a plot plan from the school district. COMMITTEE REPORTS:- EASEMENT COMMITTEE: Chairman Stewart stated that the NELSON/ SUTH~RLAND easement has-been ~ttled; ~lwood Johnson easement has not been settled - however, right of entry has been obtained .... when the piping is completed, Mr. Stewart stated that the easement committee will tour the Elwood Johnson property to check for damages, etc.; GROSS EASEMENT: still pending; JOHNSON ANNEXATION: still pending; SERPA/STEVENS EASEMENT: still pending. President Clarke thanked the EASEMENT COMMITTEE for the progress and stated that he felt they were doing a 'great' job. MINUTES (ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING) January 9, 1964 (cont. PLANNING COMMITTEE:' Director Fesler stated that on January 7, 1964, Mr. Stewart, Mr. Priday and Chairman Fesler toured the new site and were very impressed with the progress at the site. Director Stewart stated that when all construction is completed, the public should make an effort to see this site and what the District has done. PUBLIC RELTIONS: Director Kortes stated that he has received the information from Attorney J. Weidman as to the estimated time it would take to annex the property to the District and same will be sent to all interested parties such as the Real Estate Offices, County Building Inspectors, etc. Director Kortes also stated that he discussed school visits to the plant with the teachers and as the teachers were not covering district problems at the present time, stated thaat the visits would most likely start in the spring. President Clarke thanked the press for their considerate manner in which they are handling the reports on the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Dirge}or Wakeman mentioned for a matter of information that the Nevada State Journal predicted that on April 28, 1964, no Nevada paper will carry any article regarding sewage problems at Lake Tahoe. Director Fesler mentioned as a matter of information the news articles regarding the North Tahoe Public Utility District, which are (1) Nevada desires more capacity; (2) effluent export problems; (3) troubles with the contracts with the Casino owners, etc. Mr. H. Moyer stated that all submittals that were requested by the State Water Quality Control Board for the 660 grant fund request have been completed and are in the hands of the agency. Mr.' Moyer also mentioned that it was indicated that action would be taken in a reasonable tame on our request for 660 funds. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $35,960.43 be approved for payment. ADJOURNEMNT: 9:30 P.M. N. R. MALLERYI, CLERK OF/BOARD & EX-Q~F. SEC. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC' UTILITY DISTRICT DONALD L. CLARKE,' PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT A/TACHMENTS: (Minutes of January 9, 1964) (1) From Ellis W. Cline, Supt. of Lake Tahoe Unified School District Date: December 30, 1963 To: South Tahoe Public Utility District (Attn. Mr. Win Priday "Gent lemen: We are requesting that you consider annexation of the New High School Site described as the South 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 5, Township 12 North Range 18 East and located west of the Present Gardner Mountain Subdivisions. The Board of Education has taken final action to secure this property, through a property exchange with the U.S.Forest Service and a third party. We do not at this time know whether the final acreage acquired will be 60 or the entire 80 acres. We understand that your present annexation fee is three hundred dollars per acre. We would like to discuss this fee with you. One of our problems is that out of an 80 acre site, our buildings usually occupy less that 10 acres. The rest of the land area is usually assigned outdoor usage. About 8 or 10 separate lavatory units are about the limit of the sanitation requirements for a high school. We wonder if a policy modification could not be established for schools as governmental units, or at least we request your consideration of the problem of our very large (in regards to acreage) secondary plants"~. S/ Ellis W. Cline" REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIS TRICT JANUARY 16, 1964 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session, January 16, 1964, Thursday. Meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that Director Wakeman be appointed Chairman Pro Tem. ROLL CALL: Present were Chairman Pro Tem Wakeman, Directors Kortes, Fesler and Stewart; General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney J. Holtom, Attorney J. Weidman, Les Shoupe, J. Corrente, A1 Warren, John Murphy, Walt Little, Tom Bryan. ABSENT: President Donald L. Clarke, Engineer Harlan Moyer. MINUTES: Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of January 9, 1964, Adjourned Regular Meeting, be approved as written. MANAGER'S REPORT: Dir. Fesler moved, seconded Dir. Stewart, unan. carried & attached. OLD ~US'INESS: BONDS: Attorney J. Holtom stated that the delivery of the bonds in the amo-nt of $120,252.66 was effected today and that cash is now on deposit with the County Treasurer. This is a deposit in the funds of the District for Capital Improvement. AMENDED RESOLUTION NO. 479: General Manager Priday recommended that RESOLUTION NO. 479, which is a RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECLARING ITS INTENT TO EXPORT SEWAGE EFFLUENT OUT OF THE LAKE TAHOE BASIN, be amended by adding "BY THE FALL OF 1965" to the last sentence of RESOLUTION Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 479 be amended by adding to the last sentence: "BY THE FALL OF 1965". ('This is now Resolution No. 486). By W, fF. Priday, General Manager, TERTIARY TREATMENT DISCUSSION: Statement made/explaining our reason for going into Tertiary, Treatment is to meet the requirements necessary for the transportation of effluent. This would serve to satisfy the Public that there is no intention on the part of the District that the treated effluent will ever enter the Lake. He re- commended that the dispensing of this information be turned over to the Public Relations Committee. Director Stewart asked Mr. Weidman about the following easements, annexations, etc.: (1) GROSS EASEMENT: Still pending (2) JOHNSON ANNEXATION - first papers will be filed this coming Tuesday (3) Stoyonoff and Whitlock Law Suits: will be settled in the very near future. At this time the Directors receissed for fiwe (5) minutes to request the Fire Department to check on the gasoline odor which was quite strong throughout the building. In answer to Director Fesler's question, General Manager Priday stated that he had a meeting with Mr. Ellis Cline, Supt. of Schools, re. garding the new building site located in Gardner Mountain. Mr. Cline will send a topographical map to the District and when this is received, a committee (possibly the Planning Committee) will study it. In answer to Director~ Stewart's question as to whether this new school site land can be exchanged in the future, Mr. Priday stated that this will not happen The Forestry Service will furnish two letters stating this cannot take place.. NEW BUSINESS: ACTION ON MANAGER'S REPORT: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried,that the schedule presented in the Manager's Report, and which is as follows, be approved: "Preliminary studies and cost estimates for exportation be finished and presented to this Board prior to March l, 1964. Prior to Agril 1, 1964, that this Board make a determination as to the route to take for said export. (Providing the necessary clearances from responsible agencies have been obtained.) Prior to May.l, 1964, that this Board ascertain a means of financing the project for said exportation a, nd order plans and specifications be prepared by Clair A. Hill & Associates. REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 16, 1964 Providing that financing has been cleared, that construction of said export facilities be commenced in time to begin export of reclaimed water from the South Tahoe Public Utility District by October 1, 1965." Attorney J. Weidman presented the following resolutions for adoption and recommended that the Board of Directors do adopt the following: RESOLUTION NO. 484: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REQUESTING APPROPRIATION OF MONEY FOR THE STATE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL EUND. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION ~0¢ 484 as read by.Attmrney J. Weidman be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 485: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT R~QUESTING APPROPRIATION OF MONEY FOR THE STATE WATER P~LLUTION CONTROL FUND. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO, 485 as read by Attorney J. Weidman be adopted. -' ' ' U.S. FORESTRY LAND - ANNEXATION: Discussion was held regarding the property of the U. S. Forestry Service which will'include the area around Pope, Baldwin, and Kiva Beach. The U.S. Forestry desires to annex this property to the District. General Manager Priday stated that the District would act favorably if the U. S. Forestry Service 4esires to annex this property. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that when an application for annexation is received from the U. S. Forestry Service, we should notify them that their application will be favorably received and they should proceed with the preliminaries to file in the form of a petition. CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Priday read a letter from the State Water Quality ~ntr0~ B~ard, dated January 14, 1964, and same is attached and made a part of these minutes. Director Fesler moved that our office contact Mr. C. Gibson regarding the insurance policy for the employees. Clerk of Board Mallery stated that Mr. Gibson did write to the Insurance Company's main office and is waiting for a reply. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously C~rrie~, that the claims in the amount of $14~,38P.02 be approved fOr payment. ADJOURNMENT: 9:30 P.M. N.R. MALLERY, CLERK OT BOARD & EX- OFFICIO SECRETARY - SOUTH TAHOE/' PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT · SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF JAN.U.ARY 1.6,. 1_964: (1) MANAGER ' S REPORT: Regular Meeting 1/16/64 "Total flow from January 1 to January 14, 1964 Daily average " " ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Nevada flow from January 1 to January 14, 1964 Daily average " " ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Chlorine used from Jan. 1 to Jan. 14, 1964 Propane used " " ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Holding pond freeboard - 10 feet, 9 inches 16,145,000 1,153,214 3,788,700 270,000 2,510 lbs 3,146 gallons GENERAL: There has not been much progress on force main to new disposal area ~'in~e last report due to equipment breakdowns from frozen ground which is now about 3 feet deep. I propose that the following schedule for export of effluent from the Lake Basin be used by this district as a guide in our future planning. Preliminary studies and cost estimates for exportation be finished and presented to this Board prior to March 1, 1964. Prior to April 1, 1964, that this Board make a determination as to the route to take for said export. (Providing the necessary clearances from responsible agencies have been obtained. Prior to May 1, 1964, that this Board ascertain a means of financing the project for said exportation and order plans and specifications by prepared by Clair A. Hill & Associates. Providing that financing has been cleared, that construction of said export facilities be commenced in time to begin export of reclaimed water from the South Tahoe Public Utility District by October 1, 1965." (2) From: State Water Quality Control Board 1227 "0" Street Sacramento, California, 95814 To: Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District P.O. Box 825 Bijou, California Attn: Mr. Donald L. Clark, President "Gentlemen: A review of the proposed tertiary treatment additions to the South Tahoe Public Utility District sewage treatment facilities had been completed by the staff. The plant as modified should be capable of producing an effluent of high quality which will comply with articles 3 and 5 of the current waste discharge requirements set by the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board, and as such, the District is eligible for certification under the federal construction g~ant program. The State Board staff feels that the District should be fully aware that the proposed tertiary unit additions are not considered as conventional treatment units. The District should also recognize that adequate performance data of this process, w~th which to predict reliably the over-all performance of the plant and the annual costs of operation and ~intenance are not yet available. Moreover, the staff feels certain that the operating costs and levels of technical qualification of oDerRtors will be substantially higher than those indicated by the consulting*engineer. REGULAR MEETING (ATTACHMENTS) JANUARY 16, 1964 -4- ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES p? JA~X !6., .19.64,..~ont_in~e~..:' Letter from State Water Quality Control Board to Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, dated January 14, 1964, continued: "The proposed tertiary treatment unit additions will in no way increase the plant's hydraulic or flow capacity. Its role will be essentially that of improving the quality of the effluent. In all probability the District will be experiencing demands for increased sewage flows in immediate years, and it is necessary to consider in advance plans for increasing the plant's flow capacity in conjunction with effluent quality improvement. It is requested that the Directors acknowledge by return correspondence their recognition that the proposed tertiary treatment unit additions are not considered conventional treat- ment facilities, and as such the degree of performance of the modified plant, the operation and maintenance costs, and personnel qualififcations are not fully predictable at this time. Certification of the project for construction grant will be considered upon receipt of your response. Very truly yours, s/ Paul R. Bonderson, Executive Officer cc: J. T. Leggett, Lahontan RWPCB E. H. Thouren, Chief Cons. Grants, USPHS W.W. White, Dept. of Health, Nevada Clair A. Hill and Associates, Redding, California REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 6, 1964 The Board of Directors met in regular session Thursday evening, 8:00 P.M., February 6, 1964, at the Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. ROLL CAL~L:L Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Stewart and Fesler. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney J. Weidman, Engineer Harlan Moyer and A. L. Shoupe - Clair A. Hill & Associates, John Madera, Wait Little - Lake Tahoe News, Chapman Wentworth - Tahoe Daily Tribune, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee, and Mr. W. C. Taylor, South Tahoe Public Utility District Plant Superintendent. ABSENT: Attorney J. Holtom. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of the regular meeting of January 16, 1964, be approved as corrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report which is attached and made a part of these minutes. (ACTION ON MANAGER'S REPORT UNDER NEW BUSINESS..A~p. CORRE.,S~pN,D~CE)~ ...... ' ...... Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried that the Manager's Report be approved as read by General Manager Priday. In answer to Director Fesler's question as to whether Directors were asked to attend the January 24th meeting as mentioned in the Manager's Report, General Manager Priday stated that the Public Relations Committee was present and the meeting was scheduled for a meeting with Homer Vaughn of the WATER POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD. Others that attended this meeting outside of Mm. Vaughn and the Public Relations Committee were 'drop-ins~. General Manager Priday also stated that RESOLUTION NO. 487 is a recommendation for adoption from the ~U~li~-Rgiations Committee. (LISTED. U~D~R.~ ~U~.ES~S.) RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: None. President Clarke thanked all present for attending the meeting this evening. MINUTES -2- FEBRUARY 6, 1964 REGULAR MEETING OLD BUSINESS - ANNEXATIONS: As Attorney Holtom ~oar'd Mallery stated that Mr. Noltom wanted the was unable to attend this meeting, Clerk of Board to know that the JOHNSON ANNEXATION and the MORRISON ANNEXATION have been presented to the LOCAL ANNEXATION AGENCY at PLACERVILLE and a heaping is set fop this coming Tuesday. Attorney J. Weidn~n mentioned that the Local Annexation Agency has the power or authority to deny any annexation and this Agency is much s~ronger than the Boundary Commission; this Agency also will cut down the number of future and overlapping districts; they act strictly as a commission., ~NSURANCE: General Manager Pmiday stated that Ma-. Ted Colby, rep~esentatlve of an Insurance Agency, met with him and discussed a plan of insurance fop the employees. General Manager PPiday recommended that this be turned over to a committee for study and felt it will be helpful to the employees. The Planning Committee along with the District's Servicing Agent will study this plan suggested by Mr. Ted Colby. ACTION ON MANAGER'S REPORT: Director Kortes stated that RESOLUTION.. NO. 487 as-mentioned in the Manager's Report, w~s presented to the Public Relations' C~mmit%'ee, ~d it became apparent that there are people in the South Lake Tahoe Area who do not feel they are responsible regarding the sewage problem and for this reason this RESOLUTION was prepared as it was the thought of the Committee that the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission should be aware of this matter. RESOLUTION NO. 487: General Manager Priday recommended adoption of RESOLUTION. NO. 487, ~hich is a RESOLUTI0~ BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE ~BLI'C UTILi~' DISTRICT URGING THE EL DORADO COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION TO ADOPT STANDARDS FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL FOR ALL SUBDIVIDED LANDS WITHIN THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. This Resolution requests that all persons, firms or corporations, within the Lake Tahoe Basin, should be committed to the same obligations for the preservation of Lake Tahoe waters. Director Stewart mentioned that RESOLUTION NO. 487 states what our intentions are and we are also asking the support o~ the E1 Dor~d~ ~b~nty Planning Commission. General Manager Priday-stated that he feels all subdivided lands should be included in the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT; when a septic tank goes out - the County Sanitarian should not allow extra leach fields, etc. - - sewer facilities are available within the District boundaries and all should share the responsibtllty of these lines - if this is not enforced, Mr. Priday stated that he would recommend that the District not export effluent in t~e fall of 1965. Dimector Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried that_ RESOLUTION NO. 487 be adopted. ... RESOLUTION NO. 488: General Manager PPiday recommended the following RESOLUTION be adopted.(as mentioned in the MANAGER'S REPORT): · RESOLUTION NO. 488: A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AMENDING [EsoLUTION NO. 322, FI~ING THE HOURS OF LABOR AND SERVICE REQUIRED OF ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE DISTRICT AND THEIR COMPENSATION AND CLASSIFYING ALL PLACES OF EMPLOYMENT UNDER THE DISTRICT. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIO~ ~0. 488, be approved. President Clarke stated that loyalty cannot be bought and when you have a group of employees with high moral - - they are underpaid; when you have a group of employees with low moral - - they are overpaid. CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Priday read correspondence from the following and same ape attached' an~ made a part of these minutes: 1. Wallace W. White' 2. Col. J. Gorlinski- 3. P.R. Bonderson, 4. S. McKissock General Manager Priday stated that Mr. Wallace W. White, Nevada Health Dept., should be complimented for getting a job done and answering our letter so quickly. Harlan E. Moyer wi}l reply to Colonel J. Gorlinski's letter. INFO ONLY: Attorney Weidman stated that he has sent letters to the Honorable Senator ~ohn BegoVich; the Honorable Governor Edmund Brown; Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board; State Water Quality Control Board; re: STATE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FUND LOAN FOR THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. (copies of letters in District files) MINUTES -3- Regular Meet ing February 6, 1964 Mr. Moyer also stated that this Water Reclamation Plant will be a major attraction to this area and be the "showplace of the world"; this will also be the first Tertiary Treatment Plant' in the country. Regarding Mr. McKissock's letter, President Clarke stated that the Chamber of Commerce is fortunate to have a Chairman such as Mr. McKissock as he is very much interested in this area and will work for the betterment of this a~ea. Director Fesler moved that the letter from Clair A. Hill and Associates (in- cluded in the Manager's Report) and which was a recommendation by our General Manager, be approved and that the Engineers be authorized to proceed. Director Kortes seconded, carried unanimously. RE.THE FORESTRY SERVICE REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION, Mr. Moyer stated that he met with the Forest Servic'e re"thei~ pr0pos~d-de~Y'o'~t in this area. Mr. Moyer stated that there is a problem and how best to solve it he does not know at this time as there has been no study made so far; however, as to taking care of the Forestry future and immediate needs - Mr. Moyer stated that he could see no ~eason why this District could not take care of their needs. Mr. Moyer also stated that the Forestry Service is taking a great step forward by providing municipal sewers to this area and that this is the first positive step taken by the Forest Service and they are very anxious to proceed with the p~eliminary steps. General Manager Priday stated that presently the Forest Service are using the chemical toilets and that the dumps will be accepted at the district as these are not septic but chemical. EXPORT REPORT: Mr. Moyer stated that a ~eport regarding the exporting of effluent will be presented to the Board which ~ill also include an alternate for export. INFORMATION: Prior to March 31, 1964, an application will be prepared for a re- quest by the District for Public 660 funds. NEEDLE PEAK ROAD SURVEY: Report is not completed as of this date; will present at next meeting. EASEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT: "The'Easement Committee meeting of January 30, 1964. Those present were Director Fesler, Manager Priday and T.L. Stewart - Chairman. The E~.WOOD JOHNSON grant of easement has been received and Mr. Johnson has received payment in full. The SPRINGMEYER easement claim is still pending and at the present time the committee is w~'~ting a response from Mrs. Springmeyer. The DR. WHITELY easement claim is still pending; however, we do have a meeting scheduled with Dr. Whiteley for March 16th. AS REPORTED BY ATTORNEY WEIDMAN: The WHITLOCK claim can be closed upon payment of $442.25 to the E1 Dorado COunty Sup~'ior Cour~"w'hich will allow to be entered the final judgement of condemnation. The total amount of $500.00 requi~ed to settle this claim has already been approved by this Board and will also appear as part of the payment of claims for this evening. Progress on the SERPA/STEVENS easement has been very good; however, there is a need of the Board's asszstance at this time." MR. PRIDAY EXPLAINED THE FOLLOWING RE SERPA/STEVENS EASEMENT: An offer was made by the District a~d' 'se~a'""& S~even~ ~ad~' ~" coun~-offg'~ ~e this easement and they would like to give the District the easement if they can build over the line. This is a 24" line and 6' deep and"I checked with Serpa g Stevens and Mr. Mel Beverly and they will fill in when they build"and Mr. P~iday recommended that the counter offer of Serpa and Stevens be accepted with the stipulation that they do not build closer than six (6) feet to the line. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried. "GROSS EASEMENT: Attorney J. Weidman has scheduled a meeting with the Attorney for Mr. Gross re this easement." ~ VANCE EASEMENT: General Manager Priday stated ~hat the Vance Easement should again be reviewed - - this is located on Lot 28, Block 4, Pinewood Terrace. Easement Committee will handle this easement. REGULAR MEETING -4- FEBRUARY 6, 1964 PLANNING COMMITTEE: Director Fesler stated that the Planning ~ommittee' met 1/30'/64 and discussed RESOLUTIONS NO. 487 and 488, which the Board approved this evenin~~ lSCUssed ih~ur~n'~e'- another meeting is scheduled to study the plans that General Manager P1~iday discussed with a Mr. Ted Colby; also discnssed at the January 30, 1964 meeting was the Forest Service Annexation. PUBLIC RELATIONS: Director Kortes stated that the Public Realtions Committee met 1/28/64 and discussed and prepamed a report re the steps for annexation plus how best to a~vise the property owners re- garding annexing of property to the district and length of time involved to annex to the District. Clerk of Board Mallery presented a brief statement to the Directors regarding the damages, expenses, labor., etc., to the secondary clarifier, due to the directive received from the Health Department, demanding the South Tahoe Public Utility District accept septic dumps. This amounted to, as of this date, $12,986.26. This statement will be mailed to Dr. Merrill and a copy to Mr. Frank Stead. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: It was moved, seconded, unanimously carried, that the payment of claims in the amount of $12,877.02 as recommended by the General Manager be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:15 P.M. N.R.MALLERY, CL~RK OF BOAR~'& 'E'~'-O'F'F' SECRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DONALD L. CLARKE, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF .F~.RUA~y 6.,... ~964. AR~_A~' FO.LLpy~_:. (1) MANAGER'S REPORT ([EBRUAR~ ~, ~.969.),. PLANT O~ERATION: Total plant flow for January Average daily flow Nevada District total flow Nevada District average flow Holding Pond Freeboard GENERAL: 34,898,000 gallons 1,125,741 gallons 8,679,000 gallons 279,993 gallons 11 feet, 6 inches. January 23r'd the District received a letter from Mr. Douglas Leisz, Forest Supervisor, requesting consideration be given for the annexation of 3500 acres to the Utility District. We forwarded the letter to Attorney Weidman for processing through proper channels. January 23rd the District received a letter from Mr. Harlan Moyer and Mr. John Weidman advising us of a meeting held with Forestry officials January 21 - to wit: From: Clair A. Hill & Associates To: South Taho~ Public Utility District Date: January 22, 1964 SUBJECT: PROPOSED U.S. FO.R~T ~ERVI~.A.NNEXATipN -5- REGULAR MEETING FEB. 6, 1964 ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 6, 1964,(contlnued) "Dear Win: On Tuesday, January 21, I met in Placerville with Doug Lietz, Ralph Bangsberg, Stan Zeger, Jon Walker and other Forest Service personnel. John Weidman also attended the meeting part time. The Forest Service gave me a plan of their proposed facilities and the predicted use (visitor days) and some information concerning the predicted sewage flows. I discussed in some detail the proposed facilities and tried to determine which will require sewer service and when the service will be necessary. The most immediate need will be for the proposed visitor information center. After discussing the problems at some length, I told the Forest Service that upon receiving your approval the following items would be done. (1) Review Forest Service requirements relating to population use and expected sewage flows, Determine predicted flows from the various facilities to be cDnstructed as master planned by the Forest Service. (2) P~epare a preliminary design of major system components required to serve the entire area. The design would not be detailed insofar as sizing and locating of minor collector sewers, but will provide for immediate service, to the required facilities. Future extension to the collector system will be added as the need arises and financing is available. (3) Prepare cost estimates for all necessary facilities including collection lines required to provide immediate service. It appears the initial major item of cost will be a pumping station and force main. (4) Prepare estimated costs for operation, maintenance and for payments in lieu of taxes including costs for treatment and disposal. Upon completion of this work and approval by District, negotiations between the Forest Service and the District could be culminated and an agreement prepared which would formalize the action. One thing I did not discuss, and which we will have to think about, is the means that will be employed to asure that the Forest Service will pay their fair share of future facilities to be constructed by the District for effluent disposal. This would of course include any exportation facilities and also expenditnres for incmeasing the degree of treatment. I have made no attempt to determine the engineering cost involved for the services outlined above. I would suggest that we establish a separate account for the time spent on these matters. If the project goes beyond the discussion stage, the costs could be included in the charges paid by the Forest Service. If the project does not go, then the costs would either have to be recovered from the Forest Service or absorbed by the District. At this time I don't believe our preliminary work will be more than $1,000 or $1,500, but I do not yet have enough information to make a realistic estimate. Let me know what your thoughts are on this. s/ Harlan E. Moye~" I suggest that the Board give our engineers the approval to proceed with the necessary preliminary details. January 24th a meeting was held at the District with the following gentlemen: Homer Vaughn - Water Pollution Control Board, Arnold Prucha - Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, Bob Rice - District Ranger, Don Urquhart - County Planning, Doug Taylor - County Sanitarian, Bill Taylor - Supt. ~f Oper- ations for the District and W. F. Priday, District Manager. The subjects discussed were a monitoring program, in which we agreed to al limited participation, and setting policy for subdivided lands within the jurisdiction of E1 Dorado County Planning Commission. It appeared that the County Health Office is reluctant to enforce the program as set forth by the Governors of California and Nevada. Hence, the reason for asking this Board to consider passing RE~PLUTIO~_Np. ~.~? ~New Business) January 24th, President Donald L. Clarke sent the following letter to Mr. Paul B-onderson in response to a condition imposed by the State Water Pollution Control Officer: MINUTES (ATTACHEMENTS - continued) -6- FEBRUARY 6, 1964 REGULAR MEETING To: State Water Quality Control Board FROM:SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT (Donald L. Clarke) 349 Attn: Paul R. Bonderson, Executive Officer Date: January 24, 1964 "Dear Mr. Bonderson: In response to your letter of January 14, the South Tahoe Public Utility District states the following: (1) The water reclmmation plant is not considered to be conventional sewage treatment plant. (2) Effluent quality parameters, as showm in the design criteria, were established by means of extensive pilot plant operations. The parameters are considered realistic and will be attained in actual plant operation. (3) Operational costs are projected from extensive pilot plant studies on actual treatment of sewage by the proposed plant process. Although no full scale performance has been demonstrated on sewage treatment, the extrapolation of the pilot plant data is considered realistic. The District is prepared to assume the cost of treatment involved in the water reclamation plant. (4) The responsibility for technical competence of operating personnel will be fully assumed by the District and its consultants. In most respects, the operation of the water reclamation plant will be no more demanding than the proper operation of the activated sludge treatment plant. The District has available highly competent personnel who will be adequately trained in the operation of the water reclamation plant. (5) 'The treatment capacity will be doubled (increased from 2.5 MGD to 5.0 MGD) by construction of the second stage water reclamation plant and other necessary facilities including additional sludge digestors and effluent pumps. The second stage facility will be constructed in ample ti~ to meet growing demands for sewage treatment within the District. Expansion of the plant beyond 5.0 MGD will be accomplished by constructing additional conventional sewage treatment units (primary and secondary) and increasing the water reclarm~tion plant capacity in a like amount. This expansion will be accomplished whenever sufficient development occurs within the District to warrant the increased capacity. The directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District urgently requsst that serious consideration be given to the project and that certification for the construction grant be given, Your cooperation and assistance is most appreciated. s/ Donald L. Clarke, President" January 28th the District sent letters to Mr. W.W.Whlte, Chief of Environmental Health for the State of Nevada and Col. Joseph Gorlinski, Executive Officer, Central Valley Regional Water Pollution Control Board indicating the character of effluent that can be produced through our advanced treatment and asking for their approvals for export within their respective jurisdictions. Communications received February 5th -(~orrespg~d~ce.. AG~ND~ .) February 3rd, Attorney Weidman sent requests to Governor Brown, Senator Begovich, Paul Bonderson and Jack Leggett for implementation of Water Pollution Control Fund for $5,000,000. I would like to request this Board give consideration to an amendment of RESOLUTION NO. 322 wherein the basic salaries for District employees were approved August 17, 1961. For the past year and a half we have studied salary schedules with comparable districts. July 1, 1963, the budget as approved by this Board reflected a proposed salary increase for District personnel. We did not propose a salary increase until now because of personnel changes and somewhat lack of interest in accepting responsibilities. These factors have changed for the better. The plant employees are going to school, all personnel are accepting more responsibtli~es and can more aptly qualify within their respective classifications. (RESOLUTION NO. 488 - NEW BUSINESS) . ' ..... '" Work resumed on force main to new disposal area Tuesday, February 4th, 1964." ATTACHMENTS T.O M~I?..U.TES OF_ ~FE_BRUAR¥ 6_,_ !P~6~4.,. R?g~lar Mqeting (co.n%inued) __ (2) From: To: Date: W. W. White, Chief Bureau of Environmental Health Mr. W. F. Priday, General Manager, South Tahoe Public Utility District February 3, 1964 "Dear Mr. Priday: This will acknowledge your letter of January 28, 1964. The letter indicated a water quality standard for an effluent from the STPUD plant which you anticipate disposing of to Nevada. This quality effluent would be acceptable to Nevada and in the general location you indicate. When this same proposal was submitted several Meats ago, the 10 parts per million BOP and settleable solids could not then be produced by existing treatment procedures. I am most pleased to know'that a quality effluent of this kind can be producted. I n our previous review, we found that the right-of-ways to this location were jointly controlled by the forest service and Douglas County. There was no particular obstacle to this, but the forest service did ask that the volumes be controlled in such a way that a natural drainage channel would not be eroded. I don't believe this is a problem. The Mou~las County Commissioners at that time asked that the discharge route not be down that channel directly accessible to the Kingsbury Grade. I don't believe this is a problem. The reclaimed water described would be acceptable to Nevada. Some consideration should be made as to the exact point of discharge, which would probably reasonably be SE 1/4 of section 19 t 13 N, R 19 E. Such location to be reviewed with the Douglas County Commissioners. I might tell you that a meeting with joint committees of the legislature on Tuesday, where ali of these commissioners were present, Mr. Pruitt asked and wanted this effluent in Douglas County. I can assure you that this office will work with you in every manner possible to solve this problem and can see no obstacles to receiving this re~ claimed water in the area indicated. Very truly yours, s/ W. W. White, Chief Burea of Environmmmtal Health WWW:avg cc: E.V. ~hran Hugh A. Smaberger J.T. Leggett g Ivan Sack" (3) From: Joseph S. Gorlinski, Col., U.S.A. Regional Water Pollution Control Board Central Valley Region 1232 "F" Street Sacramento,~.alifornia 95814 To: South Tahoe Public Utility District Date: February 4, 1964 "Gentlemen: This will acknowledge receipt of your report of proposed waste discharge dated 28 January 1964. Although you provide information relative to the proposed point of disposal and the general characteristics of the proposed discharge there are no data in regard to the quantities of the waste discharge or on ~he nitrate concentration. It is requested that you supply this information as soon as possible in order that we may be able to comply with your request for tentative requirements by 1 March 1964 and avoid delay in meeting your schedule. P~eliminary contacts have already been made towards coordinating the interests of all agencies concerned ~ith waste discharges to the South Fork American River~ Very truly yours, s/Joseph S. Gorlinski Col. USA, (Ret.) Executive Officer" -8- ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTE~.. O.F...FEBRUAR~' 6.,. ~.64. ~on%_..) REgUlAR (4) From: State Water Quality Control Board (PAUL R, BONDERSON, EXECUTIVE OFFICER) 1227 "0" Street Sacramento, California 95814 To: Regional Health Director(with copy to SOUTH TAHOE P,U.D.) U.S. Public Health Service 447 Federal Office Building San Francisco 2, California ATTENTION OF: Paul W. Eastman, Regional Program Director Date: ' January 29, 1964 "Dear Sir:, WPC-CAL,i.V~.(SOUTH TAHPE~f..~..D....) With my letter dated September 11, 1963, the application of the South Tahoe Public Utility District relative to Project No. WPC-CAL-176 was submitted to you with approval of an initial portion of hhe project (effluent disposal main and pump, holding ponds and spray irrigation system) for an estimated grant amount of $90,000, The remainder of the project, tertiary waste t~eatment facilities with an estimated project cost of $567,000 and corresponding supplemental grant amount of $170,100, is now submitted to you. Enclosed are two copies each of the following items: 1. Supplemental State Priority Certification and Project Approval (Form PHS-2653). Engineer's letter dated January 2, 1964, providing information on the proposed tertiary waste treatment facilities, including estimated project costs and design data and engineer's statement dated January 3, 1964, certifying adequacy of the plans and specifications for a project which will comply with waste discharge requirements prescribed by the regional board. Applicant's letter dated January 24, 1964, recognizing that the tertiary waste treatment facilities are not considered to be conventional sewage treatment, and as such, the degree of performance, the operation and maintenance costs, and personnel qualifications are not fully predictable at this time, and additiona%l treatment capacity will be needed to meet growing demands, Two sets of the plans, specifications and engineer's "Preliminary Design Report on a Tertiary Waste Treatment Plant" were sent to your office previously for advance review. In accordance with the provisions of RESOLUTION NO. 57-3 of the State Board, the applicant's construction plans and specifications for the tertiary waste treat- ment facilities portion of Project No. WPC-CAL-176 have been reviewed, and for the purposes of Public Law 84-660, these plans have been approved by the Executive Officer. s/ PAUL R. BONDERSON EXECUTIVE OFFICER CC: SOUTH TAHOE P.U.D Clair A. Hill g Associates Lahontan Reg~ Bd. Nevada State Dept. of Health Extra copy" NOTE: ATTACHED TO THE COPY OF PAUL R. BONDERSON'S LETTER WAS A COPY OF SUPPLEMENTAL STATE PRIORITY CERTIFICATION AND PROJECT APPROVAL AND SIGNED BY PAUL R. BONDERSON, JANUARY 29, 1964. FROM: (5) Sherman W. McKissock, President Lake Tahoe So~th Shore Chamber of Commerce TO: Mr. John T. Wallace, Managing Editor San Francisco Examiner Third and Market Streets San Francisqo, Califora~ia cc: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DATE: January 17, 1964 -9- ATTA.CHMENT.S. TO MINUTES OF FEBR.UARy. 6, 19.6_~_,..REGULA.R _~_ _E.T.~N.G ~CON~T_INUED:_ "Dear Mr. Wallace: It was with extreme gratification that I read, and later discussed with members of this chamber, the Examiner story of December 30 - "Victory in Sight in Save- Tahoe Drive" and the editorial December 31, "Tahoe Alert". It was the first positive approach to be number one problem of this area ~hat I have had the pleasure of reading in a long, long time. The South Tahoe Public Utility District has long taken an affirmative position as have many individuals and organizations. The subject has seemed, however, to lend itself to the negative approach and there have been few indeed to report the true posture of this community. The reporting and editorial comment of the San Francisco Examiner is therefore most reassuring. Please accept this expression of appreciation from this chamber of com~rce and its 327 members ..... it would appear that we have a friend at court. Again, thank you very much. Sincerely yours, SHERMAN W. MCKISSOCK, PRESIDENT LAKE TAHOE SOUTH SHORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SWM/df" REGULAR M£ETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 20, 196~ The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session, February 20, 1964, at the Tahoe Valley Fire House. President Clarke called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: P~esent were President Clarke, DirectorsWakeman, Kortes, Stewart and Fesler; also present were General Manager Priday, Attorney J. Weidman, Clerk of Board Mallery, Walt Little, John Murphy, C. Wentworth, John Madera. ABSENT: Engineer H. Moyer and Attorney J. Holtom. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of February 6, 1964, be approved as corrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report which is attached and made part of these minutes. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as read. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: None OLD BUSINESS: Clerk~ of Board Mallery stated that Mr. Holtom was unable to attend this meeting and asked that he inform the board that Miss Cook did not publish the report (MORRISON ANNEXATION) in time for the hearing which was held last Tuesday and it will be published and will come up again the 18th of March. Mr. Holtom mentioned to Mr. Mallery that he could see no reason why a permit could not be issued to Mr. H. Pitt. There will be some additional funds involved. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that when all fees are paid to the District, Mr. H. Pitt will be issued a permit for the "Pancake House". FOREST SERVICE ANNEXATION: No further Word received. JOHNSON ANNEXATION: Will be presented in March. NEEDLE PEAK ROAD SEWER SURVEY: C~neral Manager Priday stated that this subject should be discussed at a Study Session and suggested the Study Session be scheduled for Wednesday, February 26, 1964, 2:30 P.M. at the District Office. Also, anyone interested is invited to attend this Study Session, NEW BUSINESS: Nqne Correspondence: General Manager Priday read a letter from Colonel Joseph S. Gorlinski, Central Valley Regional Water Pollution Control Board, dated 2/13/6~. This letter is attached and made part of these minutes, along with the TENTATIVE RESOLUTION WHICH IS ATTACHED TO COLONEL GORLINSKI'S LETTER. REGULAR MEETING -2- February 20, 1964 Director Fesler stated that he attended a meeting along with Engineer H. Moyer and Attorney J. We idman (Meeting at Hanford, California, February 21, 1964). This meeting was attended by the above mentioned to hear the opinions of the Central Valley RegiDnal Water Pollution Control Board and other interested agencies relative to export of effluent into the American River watershed. Director Fesler stated that he was quite amazed at the number of agencies that were opposed to exporting effluent into the American River watershed. To mention a few, Mr. Harry Dunlap, E1 Dorado County Water Agency, was very definitely opposed to the export; Mr. Jack Winkler - E1 Dorado Board of Supervisors and Morgan Stewart - Bureau of Sanitation - was very much against this. Director Fesler mentioned that the one that was very definitely backing the South Tahoe Public Utility District was the Forest Service; Mr. Jack Leggett stated that discharge into the American River would not harm anything and it would be one way to solve the problems at Lake Tahoe. In answer to President' Clarke's question as to whether the South Tahoe Public Utility District can meet the requirement standards set by the Central Valley Water Pollution Control Board, General Manager Priday stated these can be met by the District, in fact - - the District could surpass the requirement standards. Pmesident Clarke stated that he felt the people that are so against export do not understand the Third Traatment. General Manager Pr~day stated that there are six (6) cities that dump into the American River and also mentioned that they should be required to meet the same standards that the South Tahoe Public Utility District would have to adhere to. General Manager Priday also stated that in theory - as it stands now - the American River would pollute our effluent. Director Fesler stated that he would highly recommend that any other meetings where the South Tahoe Public Utility District is on the Agenda all Board members and staff should attend. General Manager Priday stated that a copy of the minutes of the meeting at HanforM~, California, February 21, 1964, should be requested by this District. EASEMENT COMMITTEE: Director Stewart stated that the Easement Committee was asked to go over the VANCE'EASEMENT but to date have not met; however, this will be on the Committee's agenda at their first meeting. GROSS EASEMENT: On February 18, 1964, Director Stewart and Attorney J. Weidman met with Mr. Peter Laxalt, Carson City, Nevada, to discuss the GROSS easement. Mr. Laxalt will try to settle this claim with Mr. Gross and will report to the easement committee of the South Tahoe Public Utility District . SPRINGMEYER: No word has been received from Mrs. Ma~jorie Sprihgmeyer. SERPA/STEVENS EA.S~M~.~T~ All completed except for the release Which the Attorney (Weidman) will prepare, / PLANNING COMMITTEE: Director Fesler stated that a meeting wa§ h~ld 2/18/64 with Engineer H. Moyer, Attorney J. Weidman, Director Stewart, Director Fesler, General Manager Priday, Mr. J. Leggett and Mr. Sweet (from Bonderson'S office) to discuss the progress made by the South Tahoe Public Utility District and the efforts by the South Tahoe Public Utility District and the Douglas County Improvement District No. 1 to solve the sewage problems at the Lake. Director Fesler stated that Mr. W. W. White was very much satisfied with the efforts of both Districts regarding the sewage problem. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE: "February 19~ 1964 - Don Clarke, Win Priday, two representatives from the realty board - Art Trumbull and Tom Stewart and myself. We discussed how to inform the responsible people of the steps to bring excluded parcels into the District, A letter and a list of all excluded parcels should be sent to all realtors. This list would be prepared and furnished to the district by the realty board. The same information should be sent to all of the local title insurance companies. Excluded parcels are listed by assessment number, owner, lot, block and tract. A large up-to-date map should be prepared, about the size of the Fisher map, showing REGULAR MEETING -3- February 20, 196~- PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT )cont.(' the boundaries of the district and all of the excluded parcels. These would also be made available to all realtors, title companies and interested people at a slight charge. Plans for the ground breaking ceremonies was discussed and a tentative date was decided for the new advanced water treatment plant. The program will be planned at our next committee meeting." Director Fesler stated that since we will undoubtedly have an election coming up soon, he felt the Chairman of the Board should give some thought to re- arranging the Committee's and getting this on a more workable basis. Mr. Wakeman stated that he would like to take a more active part in any committee work. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: General Manager Priday recommended the claims in the amount of $6~,195.66 be approved for payment. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried that the claims in the amount of $6~,195.66 be approved for payment as recommended by General Manager Priday. Attorney J. Weidman requested that N. R. Mallery sign the letter to Mrs. Ruth Lang re information concerning public agencies and members of governing board. This letter contained legal name of district, mailing address, names and addresses of each member of the governing board. ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. N. R. MALLERY, CLERK OF ~RD & f-X-OFF. SEC~.- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT D .... .' '"~ia~k'e, Pre's'~'d~nt SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF FEB~.U~RY. ?.0~ 1964: (1) MANAGER'S REPORT FEBRUARY 20, 196~ "PLANT OPERATIONS: Flows from February 1 to February 15: Treatment plant total Daily average Nevada District total Daily average Holding Pond Freeboard 18,257,000 gallons 1,217,133 " ~,023,100 " 286,206 " 10 feet, 5 inches The following flow data is for your information. It shows total and average daily flows for each month of 1963 for the treatment plant and the Nevada District: NEVADA DISTRICT FLOWS PER THEIR METER DAILY MONTH TOTAL MONTHLY FLOWS AVERAGE FLOWS 7,117,300 gall~h"S ............ ~27,590 ....... January February 5,~g3,000 " 19~,399 March 6,g73,500 " 208,806 April 6,366,900 " 212,263 May 11,630,600 " 37g,516 June 9,289,300 " 309,663 July 17,18~,900 " 55~,351 August 12,576,300 " b05,687 September 12,081,800 " ~02,726 October 10,269,g00 " 331,270 November 8,~76,800 " 282,560 December 7,953,~00 " TOTAL FOR YEAR ..... . ..... 11~,863,200 gallons 256,561 DAILY AVERAGE 314,638 gallons per day -4- REGULAR MEETING (ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF 2/20/64 MEETING - continued) FEB. 20, 1964 MANAGER'S REPORT: (cont.) Also , information that might be of interest is the comparison of total treatment plant flows for 1962 and 1963. COMPARISON OF 1962 and 1963 FLOWS: Total flows per Hersey-Sparling Effluent Meter: 1963 flows 1962 flows Increase over. 1962 477,427,000 gallons 374,369,000 gallons 103,058,000 gallons DAILY AVERAGE FLOWS: 1963 Daily averages 1962 daily averages Increase over 1962 1,308,000 gallons 1,027,000 gallons 281,000 gallons Most of the activities of the District will be covered by Committee Reports and a~e -not covered herein; however, the meeting held between representatives of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, Douglas County Improvement District, and the Govez~nor's Coordinators might be expounded on somewhat. On the surface, it appeared the meeting was somewhat unnecessary, but if the powers that be soaked up a little of the information given out by the South Tahoe District, they must admit t~at we are far ahead of their expectations. While everyone was trying to get on th~ band wagon, so to speak, our District has forged ahead with all aspects in preparation for export. I think we have confused many of the California agencies with our quick response to the Governor's orders. It has been interesting to see the comparison in government operations, as it reflects on us between the two states involved. Mr. W.W.White of Nevada has already approved our proposal more than two weeks ago in a one page letter. We have received a covering letter and a five page Resolution, only tentative, from his many counter parts from California. (Our Committee appearing in Hanford this date may enlighten us on this subject tonight.) The following information was sent to the U.S.Public Health Service as requested by them for expediting our advanced treatment program: "February 20, 1964 To: Mr. Wm. H. Bertram, Engineer for Public Health Service U.S.Department of Health, Education & Welfare 447 Federal Office Building, Room 257 San Francisco 2, California I understand from Mr. Harlan Moyer that certain information was needed by in in processing the recent request for funds to construct advanced treatment facilities at the South Tahoe Public Utility District. (1) Operatiz)n and Maintenance costs: The water reclamation plant will be operated by personnel presently employed by the District. At the present time, the District employes a Superintendenf of Operations, who is a certified operator, and two (2) other certified treatment plant operators. In addition, we have nine (9) qualified maintenance men of whom three (3) are studying for certification. The only additional labor that might be employed would b~ one man for operation of the carbon 'regeneration furnace. District personnel will be trained by hhe consulting engineers, who have designed the reclamation plant. Plant operation will be done by the consultants until the District personnel are completely trained and the plant is operating normally. The annual cost of operation, including all chemicals, power, fuel and labor, will be approximately $40 per million gallons. Operating expense will be less than $30,000 for the first years. The necessary funds for operation and maintenance will be included in the District's operating budget for the 1964-65 fiscal year and thereafter. The funds are paid from sewer service charges and from ad valorem taxes as required. (2) No other Federal agencies are contributing to the cost of the water reclamation plant. Should there be a need for further informationj please feel free to call." REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 20, 1964 ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 20,..1964.- REGULAR MEETING (continued) MANAGER'S REPORT (continued) Also sent to the U.S. Public Health Service is the certification, which is as follows: "I hereby certify that the South Tahoe Public Utility District has on deposit with the Bank of America, Lake Tahoe Branch, and the County Treasurer of E1 Dorado County - $396,900.00 for the cost of construction of advanced treat,mnt facilities at the South Tahoe Public Utility District Treatment Plant. s/ N. R. Mallery" Construction of force main and spray disposal system has been halted due to freezing conditions." (2) FROM: Joseph S. Gorlinski, Colonel USA, (Ret.) Executive Officer Regional Water Pollution Control Board Central Valley Region 1232 F Street, Sacramento 95814 DATE: February 13, 1964 TO: South Tahoe Public Utility District Post Office Box 825 Bijou, Califormia "Gent lemen: Reference your letter of January 28, 1964, relative to our opinion as to disposal of highly treated sewage to the South Fork of the American River, I am enclosing for your information a draft of a tentative resolution which is being furmished to the Regional Board for consideration at the meeting in Hanford, California, February 20, 1964, at the Veterans Memorial Hall, at 10:00 A.M. As your probably know the Regional Board has two alternatives in cases of this kind, (1) to prohibit a direct discharge of effluent or (2) to establish waste discharge requirements. Since your letter indicates that you are also requesting an opinion from the State of Nevada for possible discharge to the Carson River, I am ~ecommendlng to the Board that no formal action be taken at this time; except to forward this tentative resolution for your general information. Upon receipt of a formal report of discharge the Regional Board can arrange further consideration after suitable public hearings. Very truly yours, s/ Joseph S. Gorlinski enc." (3) FOLLOWING IS THE TENTATIVE RESOLUTION WHICH WAS ATTACHED TO COLONEL GORLINSKI'S LETTER ABOVE: " RESOLUTION WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT EL DORADO COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. ADOPTED: WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District proposes to discharge re- claimed waste water in E1 Dorado County, about one mile northwest of Echo Summit; and, WHEREAS, it is proposed to discharge into a tributary of the extreme upper South Fork of the American River; and, WHEREAS, the Central Valley Regional Water Pollution Control Board on 20 November 1952 adopted RESOLUTION NO, 170 (52-6), which specifies conditions to be maintained in the upper American River; and, WHEREAS, known water uses in the South Fork of the American River include domestic consumption, fishing and recreation, irrigation, and power production; and, -6- February 20, 196q0 -~ REGULAR MEETING ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF FE,B?~Y, ~, ,1,,9~.,-,, REGULAR MEETING (Continued). TENTATIVE RESOLUTION FROM CENTRAL VALLEY REGIONAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD continued: WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility DisPrict, in a letter to the office of the Central Valley Regional Water Pollution Control Board dated 28 January 1964, stated that the discharge will be reclaimed water utilizing the effluent of an ex- isting activated sludge sewage treatment plant, and that the reclaimed water is not recognizable as sewage~ and that the clarity, physical characteristics, and appear- ance compare favorably to the natural water in the area, and that the reclaimed water does not foam, has no odor, and, except for its origin, cannot be classed as sewage effluent, and that the South Tahoe Public Utility District believes that reclaimed water of this quality is completely inoffensive and will be harmless to any receiving water or land, and that the reclaimed water will have the following characteristics: QUALITY PARAMETER Biochemical oxygen demand Chemical Oxygen demand ~uspended solids Turbidity ABS Coliform Bacteria Chlorine demand Orthophosphates Color Odor MAXIMUM LIMIT ............ 10' "~MG/L) 15 (MO/L) 0.5(MG/L) 0.5 (Units) 0.5 (MG/L) 2 (MPN/iO0 MA) S (MG/L) 1.0(MG/L) 5 (Units) Odorless and, WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Central Valley Regional Water Pollution Control Board to protect the receiving waters for their established beneficial uses and to prevent the disposal from causing a nuisa~e or a pollution; therefor~ be it RESOLVED. that the following requirements shall govern the nature of the waste disposal from the South Tahoe Public Utility District: The Waste Discharge shall not: A. Cause the dissolved oxygen content of the receiving waters to fall below 90% of saturation at any time; B. Cause objectionable color in the receiving waters; C. Cause floating or suspended materials of recognizable waste origin in the receiving waters; D. Contain more than 0.1 ML/L of Settable solids; E. Cause sludge deposits in the receiving waters; F. Cause visible oil or grease slicks on the receiving waters; G. Cause unsightly fungus, slimes, or other growths in the receiving waters; H. Have a PH less than 6.5 nor greater than 8.5; I. Contain more than 10 ppm of 5-day 20°C B.O.D.; J. Cause detectable taste or odor in any domestic water supply; K. Cause a pollution of usable ground or surface waters; L. Cause concentrations of materials in the receiving waters which are deleterious to human, plant, animal, or aquatic life; M. Contain more than 0.5 units of turbidity. 2. Neither the waste discharge nor the disposal system shall cause a nuisance by reason of odors or unsightliness. 3. The waste discharge shall be adequately disinfected. While discharging to the South Fork of the American River, the discharge shall be continuous, and the rate of flow shall be regulated in such a manner that the volume of any given day is within 20% of the previous days volume, and the instantaneous rate of flow shall at no time vary more than 50% from the previous 30 day average rate of flow. -7- REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 20, 1964 ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 20., ~.964 (continued) : TENTATIVE RESOLUTION (continued) : The temperature of the waste discharge at any given time shall be within 5 fahrenheit degrees of the daily average temperature and shall at no time exceed 55°F. The waste discharge shall not cause unsightly foam in the receiving waters. RESOLVED, further, that if at any time the waste has not received the benefit of treatment by the full reclamation process, oP fails to meet any of the above requirements, the discharge is immediately prohibited. RESOLVED, further that the discharger will be required to submit technical reports relative to the waste discharge as provided under Section 13055 of Division 7, California Water Code. If, in the future, there is a change in the conditions of the discharge, use of the disposal area, it may be necessary for the Central Valley Regional Water Pollution Control Board to revise these requirements to conform to the new conditions or use. These requirements do not authorize the commission of any act resulting in injury to the property of another or pro~ect the discharger from his liabilities under Federal, State, or Local Laws. 2/7/64" ALSO ATTACHED TO THE TENTATIVE RESOLUTION IS AS FOLLOWS: "South Tahoe Public Utility District E1 Dorado County The South Tahoe Public Utility District, in a letter to the Central Valley Regional Water Pollution Control Board dated 28 January 1964, described a plan whereby the effluent from a waste water reclamation plant, utilizing the effluent from an existing activated sludge sewage treatment plant, would be discharged to a tributary of the extreme upper South Fork of the American River. The District requested the Board's opinion as to whether or not such a discharge would meet with ~eir approval. They-requested the opinion by 1 March 1964. They have not specifically requested waste discharge requi~e~ments, rather, in effect, whether or not the discharge would be allowed. In a telephone conversation with the General Manager of the District, it was found that the present average daily flow is about 1.2 MGD. He estimated that in 5 years the average would be 2.5 MGD. The temperature of the influent sewage at the present plant seldom if ever exceeds ~0oF. Effluent from a ballast tank, main- tained at a depth of 6 to 8 feet, is usually at a temperature of 35 to ~0°F. According to the General Manager, the plan to enter the South Fork of the American River would be accomplished by having a ballast tank near the bottom of the Meyers Grade, and pumping from this tank about once per week over the summit. It was determined from the State Department of Public Health that the effluent from the present plant contains less than 0.1 PPM nitrates. According to a report prepared for the Lake Tahoe Area Council, saturation population of the Tahoe Basin is expected to be reached by the year 2010. On this basis, sewage flows in the South Tahoe area might be in the vicinity of 40 MGD in 2010. Known water uses in the South Fork of the American River include domestic consumption, fishing and recreation, irrigation, and power production. Among users for domestic water supply are the communities of Pollock Pines and Placerville. The water is obtained from an E1 Dorado Irrigation District ditch, which diverts from the South Fork of the American River roughly 20 miles below the proposed point of discharge, the river parallels U.S.Highway 50 for many miles. There are many campgrounds, cabins, homes, commercial establishments, picnic grounds, and other recreational facilities which abut the river in this area." REGULAR MEETING -8- ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF FEBRUARY.~, 19.6~ .(~op~.~nued)__. ALSO ATTACHED TO THE TENTATIVE RE~p.L,UT!p~ ............ i~. as..fol~ows.: "Monitoring program SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT The following items concerning the effluent shall be recorded on a continuous basis: 1. flow 3. PH 2. Temperature 4. Electrical Conductivity The following Characteristics of the effluent shall be recorded on a daily basis: 1. Biochemical Oxygen Demand 2. Coliform Bacteria 3. Dissolved Oxygen 4. Turbidity 5. Suspended solids 6. Settleable solids 7. ABS 8. Nitrates 9. Phosphates 10. Chlorine residual The following characteristics of the South Fork of the American River shall be determined daily: 1. Dissolved Oxygen 2. Coliform Bacteria 3. Visual Observations for a. Fungus and slimes b. oil blicks C, color d. Damage to the Aquatic environment Sampling stations and methods of san~ling and testing are subject to the approval of the Central Valley Regional Water Pollution Control Board. Complete results of this monitoring program shall be submitted to the office of the Central Valley Regional Water Pollution Control Board on a regular basis, to be specified by the Board. Any violation of requirements as determined by this monitoring program shall be reported immediately to the office of the Central Valley Regional Water Pollution Control Board. This monitoring program can be revised at any time, when a revision is deemed necessary by the Central Valley Regional Water Pollution Control Board. 2/10/64" STUDY SESSION FEBRUARY 26, 1964 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met for a study session 2:30 P.M., February 26, 1964, District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Kortes, Stewart and Wakeman, Also present were General Manager Priday, Engineer H. Moyer, A.L. Shoupe, Attorney J. Weidman. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1 (PROPOSEp.): Engineer Harlan Moyer presented a map to the Directors which contained the areas to be sewered. The area is within the South Tahoe Public Utility District but has never been sewered. This area will include the South- easterly portion'of the present district --- Keller Road on North --- Heavenly Valley South and East --- Pioneer Trail West. Mr. Moyer stated that the total cost of this project, construction, engineering, legal fees and assessment proceedings, will be approximately $414,000.00. There are approximate ly 300 parcels involved and the cost per parcel is approximately $700.00 to $800.00 for a 70' or 80' lot; larger parcels, of course, will pay a larger assessment fee. Mr. Moyer also mentioned that this area proposed to be sewered is going to be a very difficult one as it is composed of about 99% rock. Lakeview subdivision will not be included in any portion of the proposed assessment district 1964-1. STUDY SESSION (cont.) -2- February 26~ 1964 Questions were asked regarding protests. Mr. Moyer stated that the majority of the protests will have to cmme from the assessed valuation before the assessment district can be dropped. Engineer Moyer suggested that a Right-Of-Way Agent should be procured by the Easement Committee in order to expedite the right-of-ways for constm~ction; also, adopt a RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO PROCEED WITH THE ASSESSMENT PROCEEDINGS. Director Stewart, Director Kortes and President Clarke all agreed that this proposed Assessment District 1964-1 should get under way immediately and the RESOLUTION OF INTENTION and the RIGHT OF WAY AGENT should be procured as quickly as possible. Construction could get under way by JUNE or ~ULY of this year. Mr. Moyer stated the RESOLUTION OF INTENTION will be presented either the 2nd meeting in March or the 1st meeting in April. FOREST SERVICE ANNEXATION: Engineer Moyer pointed out the area which the Forest Service wishes to have sewered. The New Ranger Station and the Administrative Headquarters near Lukins and the Visitor Information Center near Taylor Creek. Mr. Moyer stated that service to the Administrative Headquarters would be no problem; however the other areas - Visitor Information Center, Kiva Beach, Camp Richardson, etc., will be more difficult as a pump station would have to be built to service these areas. There are two lines at the TahoeKeys which the Administrative line could go to and this would be the best way to handle the New Ranger Station and the Administrative Headquarters. Mr. Moyer also stated that the Forest Service might want to have the construction to go in stages - as money is available - construction will take place. They (Forest Service) have very definitely stated that they want the District to own' and operate the facilities. There are many decisions which will have to be made - such as, how to charge the U.S.Government for service charges as these facilities will be used only 2 or 3 months of the year; also, an agreement should be written whereas if the District goes into additional treatment, etc., the Forest Service should also pay their share in lieu of taxes. Mr. Moyer stated the construction cost would be approximately $250,000.00 and the total project would be approximately three-quarter of a million dollars. Suggestion was made by Mr. Moyer that a meeting should be held with the Forestry Service so the District could explain their position and what would be involved to service the areas the Forest Service is interested in, Attorney J. Weidman will contact the Forest Service regarding a meeting with the District. President Clarke stated that he felt the District should go ahead with the Forest Service annexation; there would be no problem handling the facilities for the Forest Service as the plant will have the capacity. EXPORT - AMERICAN RIVER: Engineer Harlan Moyer stated that the report prepared by Clair A. Hill and Associates will be presented at the next regular meeting. A brief discussion was held regarding export and mention was made that letters should be sent to the Governor stating the District's intention and that they (the District) is going ahead with export. PUBLIC RELATIONS: Donald H. Kortes, Public Relations Chairman, mentioned that the Public Relations Committee planned a dinner meeting at the Tahoe Sands,March 5, 1964, 6:00 PM. The press will be invited to help lay the ground work for ground breaking ceremonies for the Construction of the District's Advanced Treatment Facilities. ADJOURNMENT: 5:00 PM N',R'.'M~L'LER~, CLERK ~OF BOARD" ,~ Ex-0'FF'.' 'S'Eh'." SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY ~ISTRICT DONALD L. CLARKE, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 5, 1964 The Board of Directo?s met in regular session March 5, 196N, at the Tahoe Valley Fire House and President Clarke called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Stewart and Fesler. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney J. Holtom, Attorney J. Weidman, Engineer H. Moyer, Mr. J. Jensen And Engineer H. Moyer - Clair A. Hill and Associates; Walt Little - Lake Tahoe News; C. Wentworth - Tahoe Daily Tribune; John Murphy - Sacramento Bee. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of February 20, 1964, be approved as written. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of the Study Session, February 26, 196N, be approved as w~itten. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his r~port, which is as follows: "Manager' s Report March 5, 196~ PLANT OPERATION: Total Plant flow for February Average Daily flow Total flow from Nevada for February Average daily flow 35,170,000 gallons 1,212,758 " 8,N26,N00 " 290,565 " The estimated budget participation for Douglas County Im~orovement District No. 1 has been calculated for the fiscal year 196N-1965. Their estimated payment to the South Tahoe Public Utility District will be $109,N~5.70. This was calculated on the basis of 26.04% of our operating expenses as outlined in the amended agreement wherein the percent of use is based on the months of June, July, August and September. This amount includes bond and interest redemption, rental of Beach Trunk (for extra capacity), payment on prior negotiated costs (to be paid in 3 installments) and their percentage of maintenance and operation. The District has received a communication from Dr. Merrill, Director Of Public Health for the State of California, in regards to recent billing sent to him because of extra costs incurred by the District during Honey Dumpers escapade. Our letter to him: "CERTIFIED MAIL Date: February 11, 196N Dr. Malcolm H. Herrill, Director of Public Health State of California 2151 Berkeley Way ' Berkeley ~, California Dear Dr. Merrill: You will recall a directive from your office dated August 30, 1963, wherein the South Tahoe Public Utility District was ordered to accept septic tank wastes into our treatment facilit. les. You will also recall that we were having considerable difficulty with our treatment facilities at that time. No other disposal area was open to the septic tank pumpers in the entire Lake Tahoe Basin, therefore, this facility was unduly burdened. Your directive multiplied this condition ten-fold and for two (2) weeks thereafter, we were getting from fifteen (15) to eighteen (18) loads of septic wastes per day because the tank operators took advantage of your order. In addition to upsetting the treatment and producing a low standard effluent, we were criticized by the County Health Department Officer who posted the adjoining and tha~ caused unfavorable publicity and hurt the building industry because no sewer connections were allowed. REGULAR MEETING -2- MARCH 5, 1964 (cont.) MANAGER'S REPORT (cont.) Letter to Dr. Merrill (cont.) During a telephone conversation between Mr. F. Stead and Mr. Donald Clarke, President of our Board, it was pointed out by Mr. Clarke that such a directive could cost this District considerable money. Mr. Stead's reply was "the District is to accept the honey dumpers until the lOth of September and that is an order." Mr. Clarke then asked Mr. Stead about the additional cost and who was going to pay for it. Mr. Stead stated "that would be something to think about and cost will be discussed at a later date. The District, therefore, contends that by your directive you created unnecessary hardships and costs toward the taxpayers of this area and we are sending herewith a bill in the amount of $12,986.26 which we expect reimbursement from the State of California. Very truly yours, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT s/ W.F. Priday, General Manager" His letter to us: "February 27, 1964 Mr. Wyn Priday, Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District P.O. Box 825 Bijou, E1 Dorado County, California Dear Mr. Priday: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of February 11, 1964, concerning the breakdown that occurred at your plant last Fall, and the enclosure of an itemized statement of the resulting costs to the District. We have noted your belief that the breakdown was, at least in part, attributable to my directive to the District of August 30, 1963. I believe that an informal discussion of all the circumstances involved in this episode would be of value. I would like, therefore, to invite you and any other representatives of your District you deem appropriate to meet with my staff and a representative of the Attorney General's Office for such an informal discussion on Thursday, March 12, 1964, in our Sacramento Office at 631 "J" Street, Starting at 1:30 P.M. Very sincerely yours, s/Malcolm H. Merrill, Director of Public Health" May I suggest that the following persons appear at the scheduled meeting and pursue the subject with due diligence - - - Mr. Donald Clarke, Attorney John Weidman, Mr. William Taylor - Supt. of Operations and General Manager W.F.Priday." Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. A brief discussion was held regarding the two letters included in the Manager's Report and it was agreed that all Directors will attend the meeting Thursday, March 12, 1964, at Sacramento, to discuss the damages caused to the district because of the directive received from Dr. Merrill and Mr. Frank Stead. All that will attend this meeting will meet at the Tahoe Marina Real Estate Office, Highway 50 and Keys Blvd., 10:30 A.M., Thursday morning, March 12, 1964, to proceed to Sacramento. General Manager Priday stated that the Spray Disposal is still down but hopes to have this in action again this coming Monday. Mr. Priday also mentioned there is eleven (11) feet freeboard at the holding pond. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1: Engineer Moyer stated that this proposed Assess- ment District 1964-1 was discussed at the Study Session held February 26, 1964, 2:30 P.M at the District Office. Director Fesler stated this proposed Assessment District was also discussed at the Planning Committee meeting held March 3, 1964, and the Committee recommends that a RESOLUTION OF INTENTION be adopted to create an Assessment District No. 1964-1. 063 -3- March 5, 1964 REGULAR MEETING PROPOSED ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1 (cont.) This proposed assessment district 1964-1 was discussed by the Board of Directors and Mr. H. Moyer stated that it would cost approximately $400,000.00 and the lots would be assessed from $800.00 to $900.00 per 80' lot (approxiamate estimates). This will be an expensive Assessment District because there is quite a bit of rock in the area; also the co~t of a septic tank system in the area is approximately the same as a sewer assessment, Mr. Moyer stated. General Manager Priday stated that a number of requests have been received from this area requesting sewer facilities (Heavenly Valley Area). Director Stewart mentioned that this area proposed to be sewered is within the boundaries of the district and owners have been paying maintenance and operation charges but have not had the benefit of sewerage lines and to have them,a special assessment district must be formed. Questions were asked as to payment of expense already incurred if the assessment district is not formed. Is the District responsible for the engineering costs for the work that has been done by the engineers? Engineer H. Moyer stated that if Clair A. Hill & Associates have accomplished the Engineering Survey relative to the 1964-1 Proposed Assessment District a they would expect to be paid. It was stated that eventually an Assessment District must be formed in the area discussed and the plans can be used either at this time or at some future date - and the cost will not be wasted. Mr. Moyer stated that in order for that area to be sewered, it requires a collection line to be installed and many rights-of-way will have to be obtained; the longer this assessment district is delayed, the more costly it will become. Attorney Holtom stated that all legal fees will be paid out of the proceeds of the bonds. Director Stewart stated that the proposed assessment district is divided into 4 areas and it could be that many from one area will protest this assessment district and that particular area can be dropped. This proposed assessment can be done in part or all four areas can be sewered. Lakeview Subdivision' will not be in Assessment District 1964-1. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, that Attorney J. Holtom be authorized to prepare all necessary papers to create 1964-1 Proposed Assessment District. VOTE: - 3 ayes .... 1 no ..... carried. AYES: Directors Wakema~m_ Kortes & Stewart. NO: Director Fesler. President Clarke stated that the Distr~6t ~a~ o~&-~rp6~ ~6r-bei~g~i~~existence and that is to sewer the area. When we have sewered an area, we have done so by forming an Assessment District and the people pay the costs, service charges, etc., and when the entire area is in the District, we have fulfilled our purpose. Mr. Clarke stated "I think it behooves us not to keep an area out of the sewer district that can be sewered". In answer to Director Fesler's question as to why this area was not sewered before, it was stated that when the 1961-1 Assessment District was formed, it was lower land and the Board at that time did not feel that the property owners in the low lands should help apay the excessive cost for the property owners in the higher levels where there is so much rock and it was recommended that the Heavenly Valley area and the.areas which are proposed in the 1964-1 Assessment District not be included in 1961-1. REPORT ON EXPORT STUDIES: Engineer Harlan Moyer presented the Engineering Report on Preliminary Investigation of Exportation of Reclaimed Water from South Shore of Lake Tahoe. The report reviews the physical features of two alternative routes for exportation; one by way of Echo Summit into the American River watershed, and the second by way of Daggett Pass into the Carson River watershed. The recommended route, based on economic considera- tion, is the Echo Summit Plan. This alternative offers the least capital cost and greatest flexibility for future growth and planning of the District. Mr. Moyer stated that three plans were investigated: one was the Echo Summit Plan; the other Daggett Pass and the third was the Daggett Tunnel. The Echo Summit Plan is relatively simple ~ith regard to difficulty of trenching and acquisition of right-of-way. Both Daggett Pass and Daggett Tunnel plans involve difficult trenching and will require the acquisition of considerable right-of-way. Estimated costs for each of the three plans are as follows: REGULAR MEETING -4- MARCH 5, 1964 REPORT ON EXPORT STUDIES (cont.) PLANS TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST: ECHO SUMMIT D^GGETT PASS DAGGETT TUNNEL First Stage Annual Cost, 1965 Annual Cost, 1995 $1,250,000 $1,650,000 $3,380,000 163,000 183,800 213,000 481,000 498,300 303,800 Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, that the District make the formal application immediately to the Central Valley Water Pollution Control Board for the export standards. Director Kortes amended Director Fesler's motion to read that the report as presented by the engineer be adopted and that we make formal application to the appropriate state agencies. ON THE AMENDMENT: .... Vote: - no ayes. ON THE ORIGINAL MOTION: Unanimously carried. President Clarke stated that the statements of the two Governor's has caused the District to have this export study made. They stated that we should export and this study was made; we have complied with their suggestion up to this point and we find the best route to take is over Echo Summit and we should decide this is the way w we are going to go. If we make application to the Central Valley Water Pollution Control Board for export requirements and if they should.send requirements that we cannot meet with our "good and sweet water" then we have no alternative but ~o put this problem back in the Governor's lap. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Engineer's Report be accepted. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that we have a STUDY SESSION March 10, 1964, 2:30 P.M., District Office, to study and analyze this report for export. President Clarke stated that this report should be studied by the Board Members and when we have reached a decision, we can invite anyone that is interested to attend to hear our decisions. Attorney Weidman stated that the Forestry Service will meet with the Board of Directors and the General Manager Priday and the Engineer to discuss the annexation of the Camp Richardson, Kiva Beach, Pope, Baldwin, etc., MARCH 13, lg64, at the TAHOE VALLEY FIRE HOUSE, 2:30 P.M. ELECTION INFORMATION (Candidate): Attorney Weidman stated that there was some question as to whether or not Frank R. Roberts was a registered voter. Mr. N. R. Mallery did go to the County Clerk's office to verify the signatures that were on the csndidates and incumbents papers and could not locate the signature of Frank R. Roberts or his wife. Attorney Weidman stated that due to a letter received by the County Clerk from Mr. Roberts, his name, as well as his wife's name, was crossed off the great register. Mr. Roberts was called for jury duty and wrote to the County Clerk stating that he was to move to Nevada, but his wife (as Mrs, Roberts told to Attorney Weidman) was still residing here and her name also was crossed off the great register. Attorney Weidman stated that he called Mr. Frank R. Roberts and asked him to register prior to 54 days before election. Mr. Roberts stated to Attorney Weidman that he will do this immediately. There will be an election. Mr. N.R.Mallery stated that he can only certify to what he saw at the County Clerk's office and cannot certify that he saw Frank R. Roberts or his wife's names on the records. Being that this is on the great register, Mr. N.R.Mallery will go to Placervile and certify that the names are there. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that Clerk of Board Mallery go to Placerville and re-examine the records to verify the names of Frank R. Roberts and his wife. NEW BUSINESS: Director Fesler stated that since he has been on the board he has not been awa~e of the duties of the Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary. General Manager Priday stated that he has the job sheet and will send copies to all Directors. REGULAR MEETING -5- March 5, 1964 CORRESPONDENCE: Clerk of Board Mallery read the following post card from Mrs. Codman: From: Mrs. Richard Codman P.O. Box 471 Fair Oaks, California Date: "February 28, 1964 Lake Tahoe News Feb. 26, p. 2, says you are eyeing dumping your sewage into the American River. Don't try it! You will have more trouble than you've seen yet' Stop this insane "development" for $$$$ for subdividers. s/ Mrs. Codman copy to C~rlinski, California Pollution Board" Clerk of Board Mallery will answer Mrs. Codman's Card and thank her for her interest. EASEMENT COMMITTEE: Director Stewart stated that the Easement Committee met with Mr. E.M. Vance 3/3/64 and discussed his easement. Mr. Stewart stated that the easement committee would recommend that the Board approve payment in the amount of $400.00 to Mr. Vance for this easement which he has agreed to accept in full settlement and for all and any damages. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried. S$EVENS/SERPA: Ail Necesaary papers are in the hands of Stevens/Serpa Attorney. SPRINGMEYER: Still pending. PLANNING COMMITTEE: Director Fesler stated that a meeting was held 3/3/64 in conjunction with the Easement Committee meeting and those present were General Manager Priday, Director Stewart and Director Fesler. Items discussed were: (1) Recommended that board adopt a resolution creating assessment district 1964-1 (2) Plan to meet with Forest Service in immediate future concerning their annexation and construction program; to (3) Insurance Committee consisting of Directors Clarke, Fesler~ meet March 10, 1964, to consider Employee Group Hospitalization situation. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE: The public relations committee met 2/2§/64 to discuss the advanced treatment facilities and the ground breaking we ar~ going to have in April or May. The dinner meeting was also discussed which was held this evening; Director Kortes stated that he was very pleased with the turnout and those present were as follows: Donald L. Clarke, President of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, W. F. Priday, General Manager of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, C.C.Bud Larsen, KTHO Sales Mgr; Stateline, California; Phillip C.gaisem-KO~L - Program Director - Stateline, Calif; L.W. Rasmussen - KOLO - Stateline, Calif; Scott E. Shaw - Tahoe Sands, Bijou, Calif; John Murphy - Sacramento Bee - A1 Tahoe; N.R. Mallory, Clerk of the Board- South Tahoe Public Utility District; Bob Wakeman, Bob Fesler, T.L. Stewart and D.H. Kortes - Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District; John C. Weidman, Attorney for the South Tahoe Public Utility District; John Holtom, Attorney (Bonding) for the South Tahoe Public Utility Distr£c C. Wentworth - Tahoe Daily Tribune; Walt Little - Lake Tahoe News; J. Jensen and Engineer H. Moyer - Clair A. Hill & Associates and the Engineers for the South Tahoe Public Utility District. President Clarke stated that the Public Relations Chairman - D.H. Kortes, handled the dinner meeting very well. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the 'claims in the amount of $7,898.86 as recommended by our General Manager be paid. ADJOURNMENT: 10;30 P.M. I~.R.MALLERY, CLERK OF BOARD & EX-OFFICIO sECRETArY SOUTH TAHO~ PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT[ Donald L. Cl'ark~, President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT STUDY SESSION MARCH 10, 1964 The Board of Directors held a Study Session, March 10, 1964, at the District Treatment Plant, 2:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: Those present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Stewart, Fesler and Kortes. Also present were General Manager Priday, Engineer H. Moyer, Attorney J. Weidman, A.N. Suverkrup - Nevada State Journal, Mr. C. Kirk - Cappenters Repres- entative, Steve Keusseff, John Murph~ - Sacramento Bee, Mr. M. Manoukian, Attorney for Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1. EXPORT REPORT: Engineer Moyer stated that he would answer any questions the Directors have in regard to the Engineering Report on Preliminary Investigation of Exportation of Reclaimed Water from South Shore, Lake Tahoe. Director Fesler stated %hat he felt Mr. Moyer should briefly go through each route as stated in the report. Mr. Moyer stated that the ECHO SUMMIT route was recommended because it would be the most economical route. There will be two (2) pumping stations - Pumping Station No. 1 will be located at the existing holding basin; Pumping Station #P will be located South on Hwy. 89 to a point east of Johnson Pass. Seven and one-half million gallons can be exported per day. Each pump will be 800 H.P. The existing 16" force main (7500) feet long will be used and 34,000 feet of 24" Class 150 pipe will be required to reach Pumping Station No. 2. Up to the summit, the Dipe will be laid underground under difficult trench conditions. Both Pumping Stations will contain two pumps. Engineer Moyer stated that in the event there would be a major breakdown, which is very unlikely to happen, the land disposal facilities should be retained. BOND ISSUE: In answer to questions as to whether a bond issue would have to be floated ..... Engineer Moyer stated that the district will have to study their finances to see if capital will be required to export over Echo Summit; the District has made application to the State of California for a loan; 660 Grant Funds have been looked into; every other area should be explored before a bond issue is ever mentioned. Director Wakeman asked if power generation would be adviseable and Mr. Moyer stated that this was looked into and is not practical. BACK TO THE BOND ISSUE: Director Fesler stated that if we are talking about exporting - - we are also talking about bond issue. Mr. Moyer stated that he assumed this is what the district would do; the only fair way to do it; these facilities are not being brought for the area now but also for future years. The District will be faced with some of this export cost. Discussion was held regarding the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 and it was stated that our Board of Directors should have a meeting with the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 and indicate to them what our plans are and what route the District has decided to go - - - In answer to a question - if this goes into the American River, can an agreement still be set up with Nevada. Attorney Manoukian stated that it could. Mr. Manoukian, Attorney for Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 stated that eventually Nevada will need more capacity and to get this extra capacity - - the Nevada District will have to go to bond to obtain funds. Mr. Moyer stated that he felt joint participation is the most feasible. Mr. Moyer also stated that Clair A. Hill & Associates do recommend export over ECHO SUMMIT and do not recommend export over Daggett Pass or Daggett Tunnel. ECHO SUMMIT is the least costly. In answer to Director Fesler's questions - - General Manager Priday stated that the District does have $396,900.00 as our participation for the first stage for tertiary treatment facilities. President Clarke stated that he felt a meeting should be set up with Douglas County so that we can state our decision to them and if they must prepare for a bond issue they can get started - - and this will take time. General Manager Priday suggested that A RESOLUTION be sent to Governor Brown with a copy to Joseph S. Gorlinski, Col. (Ret.), Central Valley Water Pollution Control Board, stating what we are going to do. Director Fesler stated that he also felt we should present the RESOLUTION to Governor -2- MINUTES STUDY SESSION March 10, 196~'~ ~ ~ Brown stating that we are going to export over ECHO SUMMIT, and also send the Engineers RepoDt with the Resolution and we should, request that Governor Brown take whatever steps are necessary to enable us to export over ECHO SUMMIT. Also, the application to the Central Valley Water Pollution Control Board should be sent to the Central Valley Water Pollution Control Board through Governor Brown. Following this, ~neral Manager Priday stated that he does not feel the District would have to do anymore; anything anyone would have to say, could be said to Governor Borwn, not to any other entity as it was his idea to export and he should line up his appointed representatives and make export possible. President Clarke stated that the main thing now is to meet with Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 and put our cards on the table, stating what we are going to do and see if they are willing to go into joint participation. Mr. Manoukian asked the directors to call Tuesday morning and in the meantime he will see when the Douglas County Board of Directors can meet with the South Tahoe Public Utility District. ADJOURNMENT: 4:35 P.M. .,.-" / , N.R. MALLERY, CLERK OF BO~/R~F~EC SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT~ ~onal~_. Clarke, President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 19, 1964 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session March 19, 1964, at the Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, Calif., 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Fesler, Kortes and Stewart. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney J. Weidman, Walt Little - Lake Tahoe News, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee, John Madera - Harms Bros., A.L. Shoupe - Clair A. Hill and Associates, W.C. Taylor - Supt. of Operations - South Tahoe Public Utility District. ABSENT: Attorney J. Holtom and Engineer H.E. Moyer. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the minutes of March 10, 1964 be approved as corrected. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the minutes of the regular meeting of March 5, 1964, be approved as corrected. 1964-1 ANNEXATION: (BENNETT/SCHULTZ): Clerk of Board Mallery presented ORDINANCE NO. 106 which is an ORDINANCE DESCRIBING TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED DETERM~NIN~ THAT Nb TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE NECESSARY AND DECLARING INTENTION TO APPROVE SUCH ANNEXATION - ANNEXATION 1964-1 (Bennett, Schultz, Brown, Scuitto, Jacobs). Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 106 be approved. 1964-2 ANNEXATION (MORRISON/TRAV~LpDGE..).: Clerk of Board Mallery presented ORDINANCE NO. 107 , which is. an ORDINANCE DESCRIBING TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED DETEPMINING THAT NO TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE NECESSARY AND DECLARING INTENTION TO APPROVE SUCH ANNEXATION. ANNEXATION NO. 1964-2 (Morrison). Mr. Mallery stated that this property (covered by Ordinance No. 107) is formally annexed to the district and will be on the tax roll. However, a permit cannot be issued for the "PANCAKE HOUSE" (which is intended to be put on this parcel) until the additional fee of $1,666.26 is paid. REGULAR MEETING -2- March 19, 1964 Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 107, effective upon the fees being paid, be approved. Clerk of Board Mallery also stated that the property mentioned above is owned by Daryl E. Morrison and his sister - Elizabeth Gay Morrison, and is not a part of the Lakeland Village. 1964-1 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: Clerk of Board Mallery presented the following RESOLUTIONS for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 494: A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ENGINEERS AND ATTORNEYS. ASSESSMJ~NT DISTRICT 1964-1. RESOLUTION NO. 495: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO TO UNDERTAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS AND TO PROVIDE THAT THE COSTS SHOULD BE ASSESSED UPON THE DISTRICT BENEFITED, UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1. RESOLUTION NO. 496: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO TO UNDERTAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS AND TO PROVIDE THAT THE COSTS SHOULD BE ASSESSED UPON THE DISTRICT BENEFITED, UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1. RESOLUTION NO. 496: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT THE COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER OF EL DORADO COUNTY RECOMMEND PROCEEDINGS UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSmeNT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS, OR OTHER APPROPRIATE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM AND APPURTENANCES, AS NECESSARY AS A'HEALTH MEASURE: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1. RESOLUTION NO. 497: A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ACQUIRE AND CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1. RESOLUTION NO. 498: A RESOLUTION DESCRIBING PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND DIRECTING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the above RESOLUTIONS (494 through 498) be adopted. Discussion followed acceptance of the above RESOLUTIONS regarding cost per parcel, construction cost, etc: President Clarke stated that a septic system would cost just as much as a sewer system in that area. Mr. A.L.Shoupe, Engineer for Clair A. Hill & Associates, stated that the estimated overall construction cost will be approximately $414,000; cost for each lot (a 70' x80') will be approximately $700.00-$900.00 per parcel. Cost estimates will be mailed to each property owner and the estimates will be based on the size of the individual lot. Mr. John Madera, Harms Bros. Construction, stated that Clair A. Hill & Associates will certainly do a good job on this Assessment District as they have on all other Assessment Districts and never has an Assessment District been more than Clair A. Hill & Associates estimate. ELECTION INFORMATION: Attorney J. We idman recommended that RESOLUTION NO. 499 be approved by title. This RESOLUTION will be a RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE POLLING PLACE FOR THE COMING ELECTION, ORDERING MEMBERS OF THE PRECINCT BOARD, ONE BOARD - COVERING A TO Z, AND CONSISTING OF FIVE OFFICERS: ONE INSPECTOR, TWO JUDGES, TWO CLERKS; ELECTION TO BE HELD AT THE AMERICAN LEGION HALL, MAY 5, 1964, from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 499 BE ADOPTED BY TITLE as recommended by Attorney J. Weidman. REGULAR MEETING -3- March 19, 1964 COMMITTEE REPORTS: '(~') EASEMENT COMMITTEE: Director Stewart stated that the necessary papers for the VANCE EASEMENT are ready for signatures and the check in the amount of $400.00 is to be si~ned this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Vance will appear at the District Office March 20, 1964, to sign the release for settlement of $400.00. This will release the South Tahoe Public Utility District from any and all claims for consideration for said Grant of Easement and any and all claims for damages to the VANCE'S propert~ arising out of constructing, reconstructing, repairing, maintaining, and operating by, and on behalf of South Tahoe Public UtilitV District of Sanitary Sewer Lines. GROSS EASEMENT: No word received. SPRINGMEYER'S EASEMENT: Pending. (2) PLANNING COMMITTEE: Director Fesler stated that the Insurance Committee met to discuss Group Insurance which has been under study and a recommendation will be made at the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors. Five (5) proposals have been received regarding the Group Insurance Policy for the employees of the District. The E1 Dorado Irrigation Co. Board of Directors, their Attorney and their Manager met with the Planning Committee and General Manager Priday and discussed the E1 Dorado Irrigation Co. objections to the South Tahoe Public Utility District exporting into the American River. Director Fesler stated they were very upset over the South Tahoe Public Utility District exporting. They invited the Directors to attend a meetin~ at Placerville, March 31, 1964, 8:00 P.~. President Clarke stated that under no circumstances is the South Tahoe Public Utility District on the defensive. This District is complyin~ with an order from the top executive of the State. Mr. Clarke also stated he attended a meeting at Sacramento and made a comment to some of the State men that the South Tahoe Public Utility District was going to export unless Governor Brown changed his orders. (3) PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Director Kortes stated that "The Public Relations Committee met March 9, 1964, and present were Don Clarke, Walt Little, Win Priday and myself. The Committee discussed the best ways to publicize the coming tertiary plant ground breakin~ ceremonies. The group also spent some time evaluating some of the su~gestions presented by various members of the radio and press the Thursday before. Walt Little presented some ideas for the committee for consideration regarding this project. The committee decided to contact other members of the press to see if they could give us some ideas also in order that we might have all of the thinking available before any decision was made." MEETING OF MARCH 16, 1964: "Present were Don Clarke, Win Pridav and myself. The Committee devoted most of the meeting preparing a release announcing the receipt of our 660 request approval from the U.S.Health Service for the construction of the Tertiary Waste Treatment Plant." Director Kortes also stated that Mr. Currier's sixth (6th) ~rade class toured the ~lant and thanked the South Tahoe Public Utility District for enabling the class to see this operation. Other classes are also planning a tour. Forty-Five (45) students are scheduled for a tour ABril 7, 1964. President Clarke stated that the students that took this tour seemed very much interested and took notes and asked many questions. President Clarke also stated that a Civil Engineer from Reno was in this area today and mentioned to Mr. Clarke that he was tryin~ to make arrangements with Mr. Lowe of the Sierra Pacific Power Company to enable him to tour the South Tahoe Public Utility District Plant and facilities. Mr. Clarke took this engineer to the Plant and Mr. W. C. Taylor took him on a tour. This engineer did not come to the Lake to tour the plant but was on other business and on his return mentioned to Mr. Clarke that he was very impressed and felt that he "really hit the jackpot". PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimous!v carried, that the claims in the amount of $18,311.69 be approved for pay~nt. REGULAR MEETING -4- March 19, 1964 RESIGNATION - MR. N. R. MALLERY: "March 19, 1964 Clerk of Board Mallery read the following letter: To the Board of Directors and Mr. Win Priday - General Manager: This is to tell you that I will resign as Accountant-Office Manager and Clerk of the Board of the South Tahoe Public Utility District as of May 31, 1964, or before. I believe that this will allow enough time from this date for a capable replace- ment to be selected and the financial affairs of the District transferred in an orderly and satisfactory manner. My reason for resigning is that I just want to stop working. s/ N. R. Mallery" Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, that Mr. N. R. Mallory's resignation be accepted. Director Wakeman amended the motion to read: Mr. N. R. Mallery's resignation be accepted with reluctance as a valued and trusted employee - and sincere thanks for all the splendid work that has been done in the District and making it a good concern book-wise and office-wise. Director Kortes seconded and vote carried unanimously and amended motion was accepted unanimously. Director Fesler suggested and all directors agreed'that Director~Wakeman should assist General Manager Priday in obtaining a replacement for Mr. N. R. Maller¥ since Mr. Wakeman has had experience previously in hiring and interviewing for this position. MANAGER'S REPORT: is as follows: "MANAGER'S REPORT MARCH 19, 1964 Clerk of Board Mallery read General Manager Priday's report, which PLANT OPERATION: Total plant flows from Marmh 1 to 15: Daily average flow Total flow for Nevada District: Daily Average Flow Chlorine used during this period: Daily Average Use: 17,480,000 1,165,000 3,914,300 262,953 6,070 lbs. 404 lbs. *Propane Used During this period: Daily Average 2,783 185 ~*The above figures are actually 60% of the total fuel used, the other 40% is sewer gas (Methane). During the summer months or from about June through October, the percentage is reversed. We have lost almost 2 feet of pond freeboard in the past month due to melting snow. The pond freeboard now stands at 9 feet 8 inches. A "Negotiation" meeting was held Thursday, March 12 last, at the request of the California State Health Department to discuss a $12,986.26 claim made to them by the Utility District. In attendance for the District were President Clarke, Directors Fesler, Stewart and Wakeman, Attorney John Weidman, S~pt. of Operations- South Tahoe Public Utility District, W.C. Taylor; and General Manager Pridav. Attending for the State Health were Frank Stead, Chief Div. of Environmental Sanita~ tion, Staff members Herbert Foster, Morgan Stewart, Arnold Prucha and Deputy Attorney General Jan Stevens. If we do not get the total amount claimed, I feel we have gained a great deal in prestige as this is a very unusual situation for the State Health Department to even concern themselves with such a claim. In their summary report, they admitted partial responsibility for certain costs incurred by the District during extended honey- dumper operations due to order issued by the State Health Department. March 13 last, the District received approval of an additional $170,000 for the REGULAR MEETING -5- March 19, 1964 MANAGER'S REPORT (continued) construction of a Tertiary Treatment Plant, from the U.S.Public Health Service; after almost three (3) years of hard work and many hurdles, the District is in a position to be the leader in waste water purification. P~esident Clarke has already officially accepted the offer of grant by signing the necessary documents on March 13th just a couple of hours after they were received here. I propose the Board of Directors approve the advertising for bids for the construction of Tertiary Treatment facilities this evening so we can set the date for bid opening for April 23rd next at 3:00 P.M. At the regular meeting of that date, the Board can then accept the bids and send them to the U.S. Public Health Service for approval. It appears that by the May 7th meeting we can have contract documents signed and be ready to go to work. I also recommend that the Board pass a resolution authorizing President Clarke to take whate~er steps are necessary for the procurement of additional P.L.660 funds for the construction of export facilities to the South Fork of the American River. I think at this time it would be a good idea to state my or our position in re- gard to this export plan. It is not my or our intention to debate the merit§ of the export idea. It is not my or our tintention to fight with anyone for the right to export from any particular point in the Lake Basin. If I were to make the choice, there would be no export of the reclaimed water as will be produced by the Tertiary Treatment Plant. As usual this District is in the middle of a controversial issue due to the recent order by the Governors of California and Nevada, to export sewage effluent by the fall of 1965. The verbal and written protests directed toward this District and the insinuations floating around makes it appear as though the South Tahoe Public Utility District is responsible for the export scheme. Our responsibility is confined to the choosing of the most feasible route to take, as to serving extended areas, costs of land acquisition, cost of construction and costs involved in operation. If the taxpayers on the South Shore of California and Nevada are to be aaddled with this responsiblity, it is their right to know which will be the least costly to them. It is about time that all those people that were too willing to step to the mike or write headlines ridiculing the South Shore or those that were seemingly planning the destiny of Lake Tahoe, either come to the aid of the District or step back and take another look at this whole confused situation." As recommended in the Manager's Report: - - - the following RESOLUTIONS WERE presented for adoption (TERTIARY TREATMENT) as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 489: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY OF THE DISTRICT DEMANDS THE ACQUISITION OF A PUBLIC UTILITY WORKB - WATER RECLAMATION PLANT, NEW PUMP STATION, AND YARD PIPING. RESOLUTION NO. 490: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR A PUBLIC UTILITY WORKS - WATER RECLAMATION PLANT, NEW PUMP STATION, AND YARD PIPING. RESOLUTION NO. 492: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ASCERTAINING THE GENERAL APPLICABLE PREVAILING WAGE RATE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A PUBLIC UTILITY WORKS WATER RECLAMATION PLANT, NEW PUMP STATION, AND YARD PIPING. RESOLUTION NO. 493: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CALLING FOR NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS FOR SEALED PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A PUBLIC UTILITY WORKS, WATER RECLAMATION PLANT, NEW PUMP STATION, AND YARD PIPING., and, the following ORDINANCE: ORDINANCE NO. 105: AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DETERMIN- ING THAT PUBLIC UTILITY WORKS SHALL BE ACQUIRED - WATER RECLAMATION PLANT, NEW PUMP STATION, AND YARD PIPING. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 489, 490, 492, 493 and ORDINANCE NO. 105, be adopted as recommended by the Manager in the Manager's Report. 372 REGULAR MEETING -6- March 19, 1964 Also, RESOLUTION NO. 491, was presented for adoption as recommended in the Manager's Report, and which is' ~'~ follows: RESOLUTION NO. 491: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO EXECUTE AN ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE OF FEDERAL GRANT FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS UNDER 33 U.S.C. 446 ET SEQ. (WATER RECLAMATION PLANT, NEW PUMP STATION, AND YARD PIPING PORTION). Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the above resolution, RESOLUTION_NO.,. ~9~,= be approved. Attorney Weidman also recommended that RESOLUTION NO. 500 be adppted by title. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 500~ which is a RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL GRANTS EXPORT FACILITIES FOR SOUTH FORK OF AMERICAN RIVER,be adopted by title. ~ ~ MONTGOMERY ESTATES: Brief discussion was held regarding a complaint from Montgomery Estates stating effluent was going on their land. General Manager Priday stated that MONTCOMERY ESTATES have tried time and again to prove that effluent has been running on their land but they cannot Drove this. Mr. Priday stated there is no way the effluent can run to that land. Tests have been taken in the past and it was not proven that it was effluent. General Manager Priday stated that he was late this eveninK for this meeting because he was the speaker for the Rod and Gun Club; also mentioned that the Rod and Gun Club was cencerned over the export into the American River. They had no complaints of exporting into the American River. DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1: General Manager Priday will contact Douglas County Se~er Improvement Dist~'ict No. 1 regarding a meeting to discuss the export of treated effluent. CENTRAL VALLEY WATER POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD MEETING: Scheduled for April 17, 1964, Tahoe Vall~'~ Fir~ House, Tahoe' ~l~e~,' ~l~fornia. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that General Manager Priday's recommendation to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 501, be title, be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 501: A RESOLUTION RJSQUESTING THAT REASONABLE STANDARDS ARE SET FOR THE EXPORT OF HIGHLY TREATED EFFLUENT INTO THE SOUTH FORK OF THE AMERICAN RIVER AND NOT THAT WHICH WILL BE ABNORMAL TO TAXPAYERS. ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. /N.R.'hA~LERYi CLERKSF BOARD & E'X',OFF.SEC. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC' UTILITY DISTRICT DONALD L. CLARKE, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 373 April 2, 1964 The Board of Directors met in regular session, April 2, 1964, Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California, and President Clarke called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present ~ere President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Fesler, Stewart and Kortes; also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Attorney J. We idman, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee, Chapman Wentworth - Tahoe Tribune; John Maderas - Harms Bros. Cons., and Vaughn Burlingham and William V.D.Johnson. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of March 19, 1964, be approved as corrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: "MANAGER'S REPORT April 2, 1964 General Manager Priday read his report which is as follows: PLANT OPERATION: Total flow for March Average daily flow Nevada flow for March Average daily flow Total pounds of chlorine Total gallons of propane Holding pond freeboard: 35,957,000 gallons 1,160,000 " 8,157,500 " 263,145 " 11,235 lbs 6,534 gallons 10 feet and 5 inches. I had a conference with Mr. Sterling Owens of Sterling Irrigation Construction Company Wednesday, April 1st. He had toured the force main area with the engineers and concluded that he would be back on the job next Monday, April 6th, to complete the force main. For the past six (6) months, we have been interested in purchasing some means of transportation to be used on the spray areas during snow conditions. Director Stewart has been lending his knowledge of snow navigation and through his recommendation we have found the vehicle that will do the job. It is called the "HUS-SKI", Model 200, and sells for $795.00 plus tax. Robert Wray of Tahoe City is the distributor. We tested others from the OUTDOORSMAN called the "SNO-GO" at $860.00, but the "HUS-SKI" is better for our operations. Also, in line of equipment, we have found a two (2) ton truck chassis, that will serve as a water tanker for line maintenance, flat bed and crane truck for plant and other maintenance. We have two (2) 1200 gallon tanks that were used for the Pit-Con Pilot Plant operations which will be adapted for use on the truck. The cost of the truck, which is a 1955 Chevrolet, is $550.00 from Sprlngmeyer's Garage. For the particular operations it will be used for, it does not have to be a new or late model vehicle. This truCk is'in ~ood operating condition. The District had a request from the E1 Dorado County Campgrounds last Tuesday to accept 50,000 gallohs of septic tank wastes. Mr. Smith, Campground Director, has been advised to connect the facility to the sewer system. We cannot take any such load of septic wastes into the plant or system. We are just now getting the plant back to normal from the recent breakdowns from septic wastes. The campgrounds are in the District and have paid the assessments. Other activities of the District will be covered in the Committee Reports." Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted as read. OLD BUSINESS: (1) the election board members will be as follows: Inspector ' Judge Clerk Clerk Clerk APPROVAL OF ELE.CTION BOARD AND NOTICE,..,O.F. ELECTIO~N: Clerk of Board Mallery stated Arlene Thomas William V. D. Johnson Denise Seegars Ruth Wardell Lucille Eppler REGULAR MEETING -2- April 2, 1964 RESOLUTION NO. 502: Attorney J. Weidman recommended that RESOLUTION NO. 502, which is a RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A GENERAL DISTRICT ELECTION, (~his" ~esoY'~i~n" ~11 be for preparing the ballots and expenditure of funds), be adopted by title. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 502, as recommended by Attorney J. Weidman, be approved by title. NEW BUSINESS: (1) Attor~e~ John C. Weidman also recommended that RESOLUTION NO. 503 be adopted by title, which is A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FILING O~ CLAIM W'~T~'~HE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN THE AMOUNT OF APPROXIMATELY $4,390.00. The total of the statement that was mailed to the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH, amounted to $12,989.26 and this RESOLUTION will cover approximately $~,390.00 of this amount only. Claim for the chlorinator and other items, remaining balance, will be filed at a later date. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 503, be approved by title. MEETING - PLACERVILLE: Director Fesler stated that there will be another meeting scheduled at Placerville regarding export into the South Fork of the American River and stated that he felt all interested should attend this meeting. He further stated that he plans to attend. Director Stewart stRted he plans to attend; Director Wakeman also stated that he plans to attend; Harlan E. Moyer and General Manager Priday will also attend. Attorney John C. Weidman will be available. This meeting is scheduled for April 6, 1964, 7:00 P.M., Board of Supervisors Quarters, County Offices, Placerville, California. NEW BUSINESS: Director Stewart stated that he received a statement for the District from Mr. Elwood Johnson for tow service and room rental. During Construction, Mr. Johnson's road to his house was left in poor condition and he could not get to and from his house. During one attempt, his car got stuck and he had to have it towed out - - this cost him $12.50. During Easter vacation, he planned to bring his family here and because they could not get to the house, they had to stay at a motel. He, therefore, sent this statement to the District for the in- convenience caused him. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the statement received from Mr. Elwood Johnson, in the amount of $48.50 be approved for pasnnent and the District will take this up with the Contractor that is working in that area. CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Priday read the following correspondence which was received from the Central Valley Region Water Pollution Control Board at the District Office March 31, 1964: "NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Central Valley Regional Water Pollution Control Board will hold a Public Hearing at the American Legion Hall on Highway 50 in A1 Tahoe, E1 Dorado County on 17 April 1964~ beginning at 9:00 a.m. This hearing is relative to the proposal of the South Tahoe Public Utility District for a disposal of reclaimed waste water into a tributary of the South Fork American River a~ a point approximately one mile northwest of Echo Summit in the Southwest 1/~ of Section 6, Township 11 North, Range 18 East, in E1 Dorado County. Ail individuals, organizations, public agencies, and others having interests in this matter as it pertains to water quality in the Somth Fork American River below the proposed point of discharge are invited to attend this hearing and to present their views and to provide the Regional Board with such data and informa- tion as may be pertinent to this matter. Those interested parties who may be unable to appear before the Regional Board at the public hearing to present their views may submit written statements. These statements should be submitted to the Regional Board Office, 1232 F Street, Sacramento, California, 95814, not later than 13 April 1964, in order that they may be considered at the heaping. Very truly yours, s/Joseph S. Gorlinski, Colonel USA, (ret.) Executive Officer" REGULAR MEETING .[. -3- April 2, 1964 COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) EASEMENT COMMITTEE: Director Stewart stated that the V~NCE EASEMENT is settled; the GROSS EASEMENT is settled; a meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 7, 1964, with Mrs. MARJORIE SPRINGMEYER, Minden, Nevada, regarding her claim. This meeting will be held at 2:00 P.M. at Minden, Nevada. WHITELY EASEMENT: still pending; STEVENS/SERPA EASEMENT: still pending. (2) PLANNING COMMITTEE: Director Fesler stated that the Planning Committee has been stud~'ing a plan for EmPloyee Group Insurance for the District and stated that five (5) proposals were received - namely, Traveler's Insurance Company, two (2) from Prudential Insurance Company, Intercoast Life Insurance Company (which is the Districts present insurance company) and from Connecticut General Insurance Company. Mr. Fesler stated that all five (5) proposals were studied at great length, and that after careful study by the committee, - - the Planning Committee recommends that the Connecticut General Insurance Company plan be accepted, as it rated 20% higher than any of the other proposals~ and the premium is less than our present one. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Connecticut General Insurance Company plan be accepted for the Employees Group Insurance. (3) PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE: - Director Kortes stated that KCRL Television (Channel 4), Reno, Nevada, requested that mepresentatives of the South Tahoe Public Utility District appear on Television regarding the recent release re the Tertiary Treatment and Export Plans. Present at this interview were General Manager Priday, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Directors Kortes and President Donald L. Clarke. Mr. Kortes stated that he has a recording of this interview and anyone interested is welcome to listen to it following adjournment of this meeting. Also, a letter was received from the Sierra Pacific Power Company requesting a tour of the plant and the facilities for Civil Engineering students from the University of Nevada. Director Fesler stated that he felt the board should be advised of any information re- ceived regarding the replacement of Mr. N. R. Mallery. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried that the claims and transfers in the amount of $233,095.81 be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. N. R. M~LLERY, /~/ CLERK OF BOARD AND E~-OFFICIO SECRETARY OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOU~ TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~ .~'~ONALD n. ~LARKE, PRESIDENT 6'~ THE" ~'OARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 16, 1964 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session April 16, 1964, 8:00 P.M. at the Tahoe Velley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Fesler, Stewart and Kort'es'; ~'~so present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, Engineer H. Moyer, A. L, Shoupe and J. Jensen - Clair A. Hill g Associates, John Madera - Harms Brothers Construction, Walt Little - Lake Tahoe News, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee, C. Wentworth - Tahoe Tribune, Vaughn Burlingham, H. Anderson and W.C. Taylor. MIN.UTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the minutes of April 2, 1964, be approved as corrected. (Correction was that there will now be three (3) Clerks instead of Two Clerks, One Judge and One Inspector for the election scheduled for May 5, 1964, American Legion Hall, 7:00 AM to 7:00 P,M.) ~' MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report which is as follows: "April 16, 1964 PLANT OPERATION: Total flows for 15 days in April Average daily flow Nevada district flow, same period Average daily flow Chlorine used for 15 days in April Average daily use 17,638,000 gallons 1,175,866 gallons 4,039,000 " 269,266 " 4,265 lbs. 284 lbs. The Chlorine information might appear to be repetitious in the reports and maybe nonconsequential but it is very important in the determination, by health authorities, as to the degree of contamination that could occur from spray disposal operations. You will find that lately the use of chlorine has been very high in order to maintain a safety factor in the spray areas. Contractor~ are on the job pushing completion of the force main and new disposal facilities. The use of the new facilities will eliminate the potential hazards now being encountered on the present site. Another very improtant item for consideration is the replacement of the excess sludge pump and the return sludge pump. This existing installation is a constant source of trouble. Every few weeks lately is spent draining the secondary clarifier and dismantling the pumps. During this time, the secondary treatment is not complete resulting in a lesser degree of effluent production. We have spent approximately $7,000 on maintenance to dRte. I propose that an urgency Ordinance be p@ssed for our engineers to prepare plans and specifications for the construction of proper pumping facilities. Time is most important. We have ordered fill dirt for raising the road bed from Black Bart Avenue to the plant so we can surface the road this summer. It will take about 500 yards at $1.25 per yard. The Tertiary Treatment Pilot Plant arrived and is being erected by CH2M (Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield) of Corvallis, Oregon. We hope the people interested in the future of Lake Tahoe will observe the process and learn about the functions of the new Tertiary Treatment Plant to be constructed here with the ground-breaking scheduled for June 4, 196,." Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved and the reeuest, which is as follows:- Have our engineers prepare the plans and specifications for the construction of proper pumping facilities - - be acted upon under New Business. Regular Meeting -2- April 16, 196N Director Wakeman stated that he looked over the resume's received from interested parties for the vacancy at the District Office for an accountant and clerk of the board. Mr. Wakeman stated that there were fourteen resume's received from the Los Angeles Area and suggested that he and General Manager Priday go to Los Angeles to interview these applicants. Director Fesler suggested that Director Wakeman and General Manager Prlday make any necessary trips they think necessary for interviewing applicants. NEW BUSINESS.: ACTION ON MANAGER'S REPORT: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that our engineers be authorized to prepare plans and specifications for the construction of proper pumping facil'ities, return and excess sludge pumps secondary clarifier. The cost of the plans will be on the actual hours spent by the engineers to prepare the plans and specifications, Mr. Moyer stated. CORRESPONDE.NC~_E: General Manager Priday read the following correspondence: (1) From Quentin Bonser, M.D., Acting County Health Officer, to Col. J.S. Gorlinski, Executive Officer re: DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO SOUTH FORK OF AMERICAN RIVER (2) From E1 Dorado County Water Agency stating that they have enclosed two RESOLUTIONS .... RESOLUTION No. 1-64 and RESOLUTION NO. 2-64 adopted bv the County Water Agency on April 6, 1964. ~ ABOVE CORRESPONDENCD ARE ATTACHED AND MADE PART OF THESE MINUTES, COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Easement Committee: Director Stewart stated that a meeting was held with Mrs. Marj~ie ' ' Sprzngmeyer regarding her easement - but not settled; WHITELEY EASEMENT: still pending; STEVENS/SERPA EASEMENT - still pending. (2) P!an~ing Committee: Director Fesler stated that the Planning Committee did not m~et since the 'las%' ~port presented to the board . Also, that the present group insurance will expire the 26th of April 1964 and the Connecticut General Insurance Company will carry the group insurance for the employees after 26th of April 1964. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Director Kortes stated that the Public Relations Committee met with Douglas County Sewer Improvement Distric~ No. 1 on April 4, 1964, Also that the Public Relations Committee is hoping to have complete coverage for the ground-breaking facilities on National and International Television; full reports will be presented to the Board of Directors as confirmations are received regarding the ground-breaking and when the scheduled program for same is completed. General Manager Priday stated that the Tahoe Tribune printed statements made by Mr. D. Seegar, Lake Tahoe Area Council, regarding the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Mr. Seegar stated that the Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District are reneging on their idea of export, as a $90,000.00 Government Grant was accepted by the District under such condition from the U. S. Public Health Service. Mr. Priday presented the following information in defense of the District: (1) Letter of 10/10/63 from Mr. William B. Schreeder, Acting Regional Program Director, Water Supply and Pollution Control - - offering the $90,000.00 with no conditions attached; (Mr. Donald L. Clarke made this acceptance with no conditions attached.) (2) Letter of 10/25/63 from George J. Putnicki, Acting Chief, Construction Grants, Water Supply and Pollution Control, with no conditions attached. (3) Letter from E. H. Thouren dated 11/1/63, Chief Construction Grants, Water Supply and Pollution Control, with no conditions attached. (4) Letter of 11/19/63 from E.H. Thouren, Chief Construction Grants, Water Supply & Pollution Control. This was the first indication of conditions relative to export and even then this letter already authorized award of contract. General Manager Priday will write to Mr. Harry Marks, and include copies of the above mentioned correspondence, providing clarification could not be made to Mr. D. Seegar. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1 (Proposed) : Engineers report no~ completed. REGULAR MEETING -3- April 16, 1964 BIDS: - TERTIARY TREATMENT PLANT: District Office. Bids to be opened April 23, 1964, 3:00 P.M., CENTRAL VALLEY WATER POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD HEARING: ........ ' ........ Al' Scheduled for April 17, 1964, ~":00 AIM.', American Legion Hall, T~hoe, ~al'~?0rn~a. Mr. H. Moyer, Engineer, stated that the only statement the District would have to make is to request that the CVWPB*set standards for a proposed waste discharge into the South Fork of the American River. President Clarke will make the statement. *CENTRAL VALLEY WATER POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, %h~t" th~ claims in the amount of $18,431.39 be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 9:45 P.M. N. R. MALLORY, / CLERK OF BOARD & EX-OFF~lzCIO SECRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DONALD L. CLARKE, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBL¢C UTILITY DISTRICT ATTACHMENTS TO. MINp.TE.S. 0E APRIL if,, ~9.64., ARE AS FOLLOWS: (1) To: Regional Water Pollution Control Board Date: From: Quentin Bonser, M.D. April 13, 1964 Attn: Subj: Col. J. S. Gorlinski, Executive Officer DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE UTILITY Th' i'M ICA SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC SOUTH FORK ER' N RIVER. EL DORADO COUNTY In response to your memo of January 1964, we are submitting our comments and recommendations regarding the public health and nuisance aspects of this proposed discharge: It is the proposal of the South Tahoe Public Utility District to export treated sewage from the Lake Tahoe Basin to the American River watershed and to discharge into the South Fork of the American River. The following conclusions represent the feelings of the E1 Dorado County Health Department regarding this proposal: 1. Despite the reported high quality of effluent sewage treatment plan failures do occur and therefore, we can anticipate periods of serious contamination and pollution of the South Fork of the American River in a highly populated recreational area. This statement is based on experience. e We doubt seriously if this plan of effluent disposal would be acceptable to the public presently utilizing the South Fork of the American River as a source for their domestic water supply, including the residents of Placerville, Pollock Pines and Camlno. The potential for contamination of this previously uncontaminated and unpolluted domestic water source is very real. 30 During the summer and fall months, the South Fork of the American River from the vicinity of Slab Creek easterly, at times has practically no flow, and therefore, no realistic dilution factors -4- ATTACHMENT.S..TO..~I.N.UTES_ 0.F.A.P.RIL. 16, .19.64 (.9.on~t.inued):~ exist during these periods. Therefore, it is the position of the E1 Dorado County Health Department that effluent disposal into the South Fork of the American River is a hazardous plan from the public health standpoint and is not a recommended site for discharge of sewage effluent. ' s/ Quentin Bonser, M.D. Acting County Health Officer QB:lf cc: Bureau of Sanitary Engineering District Attorney, Jack Winkler Donald Helgren, Supervising Sanitarian W. Priday, South Tahoe Public Jack Leggett, Lahontan Region, Utility District W.P.C.B." (2) FROM: TO: DATE: EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April 13, 1964 "South Tahoe Public Otility District P.O. Box 825 Bijou, California Gentlemen: Enclosed please find certified copies of Resolutions Nos. 1-64 and 2-64 adopted by the County Water Agency on April 6, 1964. ResolutiOn No. 1-64 opposes discharge of sewage effluent into the watershed of the American River, and Resolution No. 2-64 urges the Department of Health, Education and Welfare to withdraw conditions imposed upon federal grants assisting in construction of sewage treatment works by your District, until a basin-wide program is initiated. JMW:dn Encl." (3) RESOLUTION NO. 1-64: Very truly yours, s/Jack M. Wallace, Chairman WHEREAS, export of sewage effluent from South Lake Tahoe will deplete the water supplies of the Lake Tahoe Basin; and, WHEREAS, discharge of sewage effluent into the American River will impair the quality of the waters of said river and require the public districts using the American River as a source of its water supply to expend large amounts of funds in treatment of the water to maintain its present quality for domestic and recreational purposes, both present and future; RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the E1 DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY opposes discharge of sewage effluent in any form from the Lake Tahoe Basin into the watershed of the Am~rlcan River. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY this 6th day of April, 1964. ATTEST: s/Barbara L. Cook Clerk, Board of Directors, E1 Dorado County Water A~ency" s/ JACK M. WALLACE Chairman, Board ~f Directors, E1 Dorado County Water Agency (4) RES.OLUTIpN' N0..~_.64: WHEREAS, the maintenance of the clarity of Lake Tahoe from pollution by disposal of sewage effluent within the Lake Tahoe Basin concerns and benefits all of the people of California, Nevqda, and the Nation by preserving the beauty of Lake Tahoe for future generations; and WHEREAS, the costs of maintaining the clarity of Lake Tahoe should be bor~ by all the people 6f California, Nevada, and the Nation in the form of state and federal grants; and WHEREAS, any solution to the problem of maintaining the clarity of La~e Tahoe must be basin wide in scope, to be effective; and -5- ATTACHMENTS TO_~I.N.U~ES. O.F...AP.R.i~. !6_, ..!9.6.4., ~on~inue.d.:... ~ESOL.UTION ~.O..%?.-64 (continued): WHEREAS, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT is now constructing additional sewage treatment and disposal works upon lands within the Lake Tahoe Basin which will adequately meet the needs of the area for the next five years; RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the EL DORADO ~OUNTY WATER AGENCY urges the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare to withdraw any condition imposed upon federal grants assisting in the construction of sewage treatment and disposal works by the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT is now constructing additional sewage treatment and disposal works upon lands within the Lake Tahoe Basin which will adequately meet the needs of the area for the next five years; RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY urges the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare to withdraw any condition imposed upon federal grants assisting in the construction of sewage treatment and disposal works by the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT requiring export of sewage from the Lake Tahoe Basin by 1965, until a basin-wide program is initiated. PASSED AND AD'~'PTE'D at ~ ~'gular'meeting'o'f the' Board of Directors of the EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY this 6th day of April, 1964. ATTEST: s/ Barbara L. Cook, Clerk, Beard!of Directors, E1 Dorado County Water Agency" s / JACK M. WALLACE Chairman, Board of Directors, EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 7, 1964 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session May 7, 196~, 8:00 P.M. at the Tahoe Valley,Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler and Stewart. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, Engineer H. Moyer, Mr. E. Titlow - California Filter Company, Inc., Walt Little - Lake Tahoe News, Chapman Wentworth - Tahoe Tribune, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee, W. C. Taylor - Supt. of Operations, South Tahoe Public Utility District and Mr. A1 Warren. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of April 16, 1964, be approved. MANAGER'S REPORT: "May 7, 1964 General Manager Priday read his report which is as follows: PLANT OPERATION: Total flow through plant for April Average flow per day for April Nevada flow for April Average daily flow for April Chlorine used for April Propane used for April Holding pond freeboard May 1st Holding pond freeboard May 4th 35,720,000 gallons 1,190,666 gallons 8,642,000 gallons 288,066 gallons 10,655 lbs. 4,598 gallons 9 feet 11 inches 7 feet 11 inches We have lost two (2) feet of freeboard in the holding pond in four (4) days to melting snows and saturation by spraying. Saturday, May 2nd, at noon the spray system was shut down~ due to the excessive run back to the pond. Since the shut down the run back has subsided. REGULAR MEETING (cont,) -2- May 7, 1964 MANAGER'S REPORT (continued) We will not spray again until the receiving lands have had a chance to dry out and maybe in the meantime the new disposal facilities will be available. The following agencies were notified of our action; State Health, Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board, Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, and County Health Officer. The discontinuance of'the spray operations were also motivated by the continued harassment from the County Health Officer who objects to everything the District does so maybe he will have an answer if the holding pond fills up. Tuesday, April 28th last, Mr. Moyer and I met with Mr. Earl Thouren, Mr. Paul Eastman, and Mr. George Putnicki of the U. S. Public Health Service in San Francisco, We got a chance to discuss many of the Districts opportunities as well as getting preliminary sanction on the recent bids for the Tertiary Treatment Plant, (Maybe Mr. Moyer would like to discuss this meeting also). I personally would like to publicly thank the above mentioned gentlemen for their comDlete understanding and cooperation. - The clarifier is again in operation along with the troublesome return sludge pumps, We had to abandon the idea of a clean out line from the clarifier after two weeks of hard work by our crews. Dangerous working conditions were encountered about 16 feet under the pu~plng station. There is more need than ever to accelerate the new pump installation program discussed at the meeting of April 16th last. The Plant is being painted and cleaned up for our many distinguished visitors whom we hope will tour the operations in the year to come, particularly since the South Tahoe Public Utility District will be constructing the finest sewage treatment and water reclamation plant in exlstance today. Superintendent of Operations report attached and made part hereof," Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. SUPERINTENDENT OF O~.ERA~ION~ R~POR~.. AS..FOLLpWS.: (Report mentioned in Manager's Report): To: Mr. W. F. Priday and all Supervisors From:William C. Taylor Supt. of Plant Operations Date:May 2, 1964 Subj :WORK SCHEDULE. _FO.R M.A.Y..19.6.~ "Since our Ground Breaking Ceremony is scheduled for June 4, 1964, and from this date on we are expecting numerous visitors and Newspaper and Television Reporters, the work listed on the following sheets will have to be done with all possible speed even it it means numerous overtime hours. The deadline for all of this work is June 1, 196.4. Laboratory. Earl and Les and Bob. 1. Set up la'bo~atoP~ an~' start running daily tests. 2. Start picking up weekly composit samples and start running tests. 3. Spit and polish all the time and especially for June 4, 1964. Be SuperintendeDt's Office and Coffee Room. Bernie Montbriand, 1. Keep sp~t'' ~d' po'~'~s'h'e'd all %h'e ti'~ in¢~dih'g' ~'ii"glass and windows. 2. Wax panel boards, Hallway betweMn Superintendent's Office and Boiler Room~ 1. Install guage coc~s and sight glass on pressure tank. 2. Install pipe supports and brackets. 3. Paint new pipes, brackets, tank, tank base and conduit. (Do not paint switch boxes or electrical gear in boxes already painted at factory). 4. Fill holes in wall with matching concrete or mortor. 5. Spit and Polish as much as possible including any glass and windows. REGULAR MEETING SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT (continued): -3- M ay 7, 1964 Boiler Room. 1. Install pipe brackets on all new piping. 2. Paint new pipes, brackets and conduit, 3. Fill holes in walls with matching mortor or concrete. 4. Spit and polish as much as possible including all glass and windows. 5. Paint reservoir tank outside of boiler room, also, piping. Build concrete block room for reservoir tank. Blocks to match main building with a standard outside door with lock keyed to regular master keys and with a shake roof to match main building roof. Leave openings at the bottom so that in case of overflow the e~ess water can escape. Blower Room 1. Paint numbers on blowers. 2. Spit and polish including windows. 3. When No. 2 blower is repaired and in operation, get motor painted and touch up paint on blower. 4. Wax panel boards. F. Pit-Con Pilot Plant. Les Baker. C~t immediately. 1. Thorough cleanup, paint unit. Paint everything except bronze valves. 2. Make and paint shelf for Turbidity Meter. 3. Coil all hoses and power cords up neatly and out of sight as much as possible. 4. Check with CH_M(CORNELL, HOWLAND, HAYES & MERRYFIELD) about replacing broken rotime[er. Have them order and we will pay for it. G. Chlorinator Room. 1. Paint all brackets and metal piping grey. Rustoleum red for any priming necessary. 2. Paint bronze valves red. 3. Touch up color coding on all pipes. Thorough cleanup including cleaning and waxing P.V.C. pipes and chlorinators. Chlorine Storage Room 1. Nothing is to be stored in this room except chlorine tanks. 2. Paint iron pipes g~ey. Use Rustoleum red for any necessary priming. 3. Paint hoist red. 4. Paint hoist rail grey. Primary Sedimentation Tank 1. Paint all pipe railings grey. Use rustoleum red where priming is necessary or required. 2. Paint barminutor and bar screens grey. Rustoleum red for primer if necessary. 3. Paint all metal tanks, pipes, grit washer and piping above floor level. Use rustoleum red for primer where necessary. Paint all drive units of sludge collector and scum collector red, 5. Spit and polish all the time and especially morning of June 4th. 6. Touch up pipe color coding on pipes above floor level. 7. Straighten up mud pump and hose storage. Make it look neat. 8. Paint doors and door frames. 9. DO NOT PAINT ANY OF THE BUILDING METAL FRAMEWORK. 10. Repair any leaking valves, pipes,etc., so there will be no messy puddles on the floors. Pump and Equipment Room 1. Spit and polish continuously and especially the morning of June 4th. 2. Paint all metal work, pipes, tanks, etc., gmey. Prime with rustoleum red where necessary. 3. Paint pumps, air compressors, etc. - red. 4. Touch up color coding on pipes and paint equipment numbers on pumps,etc. 5. Repair any leaking vales, pipes, etc., so no messy puddles will form on floors. 6. Bronze valves are not to be painted unless badly corroded. If so, paint red. REGULAR MEETING SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT (continued). K. ge -4- May 7, 1964 Sludge Control Building and Digester Area. 1. Repair all leaking valves and pipes or arrange drain lines to either the drain trough or floor drains. This also includes all pumps. 2. Complete paint job in this building including color coding on all pipes painting of all p~mps and equipment numbers. Also bright yellow color indicators on rotating shafts, belts, etc. 3. Special indicating paint job on all plug valves using red and white paint. See me about this. 4. Remove scaffolding on No. 2 Digester. Pile all bricks neatly. Build safety fence around damaged area so there will be no posslbttity of visitors getting injured. 5. Continue spit and polish and especially the morning of June 4th. Effluent Sump 1. Paint all pipes, brackets, pumps, metal work,except PVC Chlorine piping. Touch color coding paint, paint equipment numbers ~n 'pumps 'i'n the 'sumo and also on the pump motors up above. Ail piping and metal work to be painted grey. Bronze valves not to be touched unless corroded. If corroded, paint red. Do not touch electrical ~asel.s. 2 Paint bright yellow an~ '~-'" . visible ~d/or exposed moving shafts, etc. 3. Continue to spit and polish, Shop 1. Store all trash cans, oil barrels, etc., behind primary building, out of sight. One (1) trash barrel and possibly the oil barrel for the pump oil will be allowed. I would prefer that the oil barrel be stored in the Supply Room~ if a space can be found for it. Repair any leaking valves, pipes, etc. 3. T~p~ough .spit and pplis.h .an~ keep it that way because of visitors for pit-con pilot Piant0 ......... 4. All tools to be kept either in the supply room, the work bench drawers or in the supply room. 5. If time allows, paint tool board yellow and start racking tools. Paint tool outline black. N. Supply Room 1. Clean and sort out shelves, if possible. 2. Keep. d.o.g~ ~l~.se.d ~t all ~ime.s,. 3. L0~k dop~. ~'~n' Vis~i~D~ are ~i~ the p.!ant., O. Outside. 1. Set ~maps and poison bait for gophers, ground squirrels, and moles. 2. Clean weeds and grass out of flower beds. $. Get all grass, weeds, etc., cut. Rake lawn and edge lawns. Pick up ay any debris around plant grounds and dispose of it by burning or hauling to the dump. 4. Hose down all drives, walks, etc, Keep clean from now on. 5. Paint all outside pumps and/or motors grey. Paint any exposed and/or visible shafts with bright yellow rotation indicators. 6. Paint equipment numbers on all units. Use bright yellow paint. 7. Paint s~condary clarifier drive unit with grey paint. Paint equipment number with bright yellow paint. Paint any exposed or visible shafts with bright yellow rotation indicators. 8. Cleand and paint,if necessary, all outside light standards. 9. Check and make sure that all outside lights are operating. 10. Store all trailer mounted equipment behind the primary buikding. 11. NEATLY stack all wood behind transformer fence. 12. Ail material now stacked at end of control building to be stored up on hill. Unless otherwise designated, all of the above work will be assigned by either George Hart or Earl Hardie. s/ William C. Taylor, Supt. of Plant Operations" REGULAR MEETING -4- May ?, 1964 ~ ~ ~ RECOGNITION OF yIS.I,T0.RS: President Clarke thanked the visitors for coming to the meeting. OLD BUSINESS: HEARINGS: ANNEXATIO.? 1964-1 a~d AN~E.XATION 1964-2: Attorney John Holtom recommended that ~'~ foi~0~ing 'Pc'aclu'%ions 'be' 'ad~p'te'd: ......... RESOLUTION NO. 504: A RESOLUTION AND ORDER APPROVING PROPOSED ANNEXATION A~b ~HA~GING BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICT (Annexation No. 1964-1 = Schultz, Brown, Bennett and Scuitto-Jacobs) RESOLUTION NO. 505: A RESOLUTION AND ORDER APPROVING PROPOSED ~N~E'~A~ION ~'~D' CHANGING BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICT (Annexation No, 1964-2 - Mormison/Travelodge). Mr. Holtom stRted that this is the final act by the District to annex the above properties into the District. All the necessary fees have been paid. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 504 and .RE.$.Q.LUT.ION...N~, 505 be approved. ~- .~ Mr. Holtom also mentioned that the State Board of Equalization now requests that all petitions for annexations be described by meets and bounds and not by lot, block and subd ivision. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1: Attorney Holtom stated that he wrote letters to Mr. Harlan E. MO~, E~"i'n~e~', and A~O~ney John C. Weidman, stating that a meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 11, 1964, 10:00 A.M. with the Board of Supervisors re the Special Assessment District 1964-1, Placerville, California. Attorney Holtom stated that the Plans and Specifications for the Special Assessment District 1964-1 will be ready to present to the Board by the end of this month and thirty (30) days fol&owing a hearing will be scheduled .... following the hearing, the District will call for bids . Mr, Holtom stated that he felt this proposed Special Assessment District 1964-1 would be ready to start construction approximately by the middle o~ July, Engineer H. Moyer stated that they hope the entire job will be completed this fall; it does depend on the weather however. ANNEXATIONS: Attorney John Weldman stated that he has a meeting with ~ox and William V.D. Johnso~ this coming Monday afternoon to discuss the JOHNSON A~N~XAT.IO~. U.S. FOREST,R,~ SERVICE ANNEXATION: Mr. Weidman stated that no further word has been received on this annexation but that he will have a report at the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors. regarding 'the TER~TIA,RY, iT,RE,A~MEN,T, P,LANT: 1. California Filter Company, Inc. 1300 Rollins Road Burllngame, California BIDS - TERTIAR~REATMENT: Mr. Harlan E. Moyer stated that five (5) bids were received Glanvillp Construction Company 844 Moorpark Street Oakland, California $568,392.00 S g 0 Construction Company ~8 South Linden Avenue South San Francisco, California Fullerton Construction Company P. O. Box 4216 Sacramento, Califorhia, 958~1 $705,539.80 $677,~55.00 $597,070,00 5. Fred J. Early, Inc. 369 Pine Street San Francisco, California, 94104 $628,300.00 NOTE: The CALIFORNIA F. ILTE.R Cp~P~NY~ .IN~., was the low bidder on the entire project. Mr. Moyer also stated that the District received Federal Grants on this project in the amount of $260,100 (30%); actual amount of project is $867,000.00. ~ REGULAR MEETING -5- May 7~ 196q. Engineer H. Moyer suggested that ORDINANCE NO. 108 be adopted awarding the Contract to California Filter Company, Inc., ~b~e~ to approval by the U S. Public Health Department. * . ORDINANCE NO. 108: AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AWARDING CONTRACT - WATER RECLAMATION PLANT, NEW PUMP STATION, AND YARD PIPING Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that ' ORDINANCE NO. 108, be adopted by title ..... awarding the contract to California ~ilter Company,-inc., subjec~ to approval by the U.S.Public Health Department. PETITION FOR ANNEXATION: ( WILLIAM M. AND FRANK R. SALVADOR- -~ Parcel #25 031 16) Clerk of Board Mallery presented a petition for annexation from William M. and Frank R. Salvador, parcel No. 25 031 16, Lot 16 (portion of), block 1, Lakeview Heights. Attorney Holtom stated that no formal action can be taken by this board at this time. This petition would have to be turned over to the Local Agency Formation Commission. Mr. Holtom will see that the Local Agency Formation Commission receives this petition. Mr. Mallery stated that the fees of $250.00 has been collected from Mr. Frank R. Salvador. These fees are paid by anyone filing a petition for annexation to cover legal and administrative handling of the petition. The annexation fees must be paid in full at the time the parcel is formally accepted into the District. Mr. Holtom stated' that' this petition (SALVADOR) will take approximately five (5) or six (6) months before it is concluded. M_ONTGOMERY ESTATES: A CLAIM FOR DAMAG~ was received at the District Office from Montgo~ Estates in" the %xce'ss $40,000.00. Mr. Clarke stated that the District has been spraying at this site since May of 1961 and Montgomery Estates did not purchase this land until 1963. At the time Montgomery Estates purchased this land, they were aware that the District was spraying on it. Director Feeler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that this CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FROM MONTGOMERY ESTATES be denied in every respect. ATTORNEY WEIDMAN will prepare RESOLUTION NO. 50~, which is A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TA~OE PU'BLI~ 'UTI'LIT_Y DISTRICT DENYING CLAIM FOR DAMAGES - MONTGOMERY DEVELOPERS, A CO-PARTNERS'~IP.(Thls Resolution was adopted by title). ATWOOD INSURANCE COMPANY: Attorney We idman stated that he called Atwood Insurance ~pany tod~'Y'~'n~ ~'i~cu~sed with Mr. Kurt the statements the District continues to receive regarding payment due for bond premium. T~is was to cover 1959-1bonds. This premium bond should have been released in September of 1961 and because it was not released, the District has been billed for 1962-1963 and 1963 and 1964. It appeared that the E1 Dorado County lost the number covered by this bond and because of this they have never been able to release'it. The County did, this date, locate the bond in their files and Mr. Kurt of Atwood Insurance Company will release this bond back to September of 1962 ..... this ~ill remove the bond premium payment f~om the Atwood Insu~nce Company, the American Insurance Company; will be dated back to 1962 and no chaPges are due from the District. APPOINTMENT - ACTING CLERK OF BOARD: Director Feeler moved seconded by Director Stewart, unan~mou'~' ' ............ ' carr~e~, that M~s. Mary Parsley be appointed Acting Clerk of Boamd commencing Tuesday,MAY 12, 1964, until the new hire arrives to replace Mr. N. R. Mallery. ' ~ORRESPONDENCE: . General Manager Priday read a letter from Mr. Jim Arden of the niversity of Nevada thanking the District for the tour of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT facilities given to the students of'the University of Nevada. REGULAR MEETING COMMITTEE REPORTS: (COLt inued ) -6- May 7, 1964 1) EASEMENT CO. MMI,T~EE: General Manager £riday, Director Fesler and Director Stewart met ~ith Mrs'."'Marjorie Springmeyer to discuss her easement. The Committee recommends that the Board approve an amount of 83,3750.00 in settlement of Mrs. Springmeyer's easement with the restrictions that this offer be held open for a period of thirty (30) days only, after which we would turn this over to our Attorney and Eminent Domain Proceedings be continued. General Manager Priday will write letter to Mrs. Springmeyer stating Boards action. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the EASEMENT COMMITTE'S RECOMMENDATION BE APPROVED. 2) PLANNING COMMITTEE9 Director Fesler stated that the Planning Committee have inte~v'iew'e'd' sever'al' applicants for the position which Mr. Mallery holds; more interviews next week and the Planning Committee hopes to have a report at the next regular meeting. 3) PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Director Kortes stated that the Public Relations Committee have m'et"~Pe~'"time~ since the last regular meeting. The Committee has been working on invitations, news kits, etc., regarding the ground-breaking ceremonies for the new TERTIARY TREATMENT facilities. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes mo~ed,.seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that' th~ claims in the amount of $8,831.50 be approved for payment, ADJOURNMENT: President Clarke adjoured the meeting at 9:30 P.M. to Monday, May 11, 1964, 3:00 P.M., District Office, to CANVASS THE VOTES OF THE ELECTION HELD MAY 5, 1964, at the AMERICAN LEGION HALL FOR DIRECTORS AT LARGE NO. 3 and NO. 4, b0~fal'd L'. cia~k~',' P~e'sldent of the Boa"rd 0'f irectors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District N. R. ~le~y, Cler~of Boar'd a~/~x- Offici~/Secretal~y o~ the Board [D~ Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District ADJOURNED MEETING FOR CANVASSING THE VOTES OF THE GENERAL ELECTION-May 5, 1964 Meetin~.pa~.---_ May 11.L. 1964 Minutss of the Adjourned meeting held at the Sewer Treatment Plant Monday, May 11, 1964, for the purpose of canvassing the votes of the General Election held Tuesday, May 5th, 1964, for Directors'at Large Nos. 3 and 4. The meeting was called to order at 3:15 P:M. b y Chairman Clarke; present were President Clarke, Directors Stewart, Fesler, Kortes, General Manager Priday and Clerk of Board Mallery. ABSENT: Director Wakeman. Sealed envelopes containing all results of the election were opened by the Clerk and verified by the Directors present. RESOLUTION NO. 507 setting forth the election results was presented for adoption and whdch reads' ~'s'~oilows: "RESOLUTION NO. 507: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ~"~ THE S0'UT'H T~Hb~. PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECLARING THE RESULTS OF A GENERAL DISTRICT ELECTION." 888 ADJOURNED MEETING CANVASSING THE VOTES -2- May 11, 1964 Results of the election are as follows: DIRECTOR AT.LARGE_ NO., 3:,, Donald H. Kortes Clarence Kirk (w~ite-in) Richard Cromwell (write-in) 277 1 1 DIRECTOR AT LARGE NO. 4 Robert Wakeman Frank R. Roberts 173 165 There were 8 absentee ballot requests filed; 8 absentee ballots returned; and no absentee ballots rejected, and the absentee ballots were counted in accordance with law and included in this declaration of result at said general district election, There were ~ ballots spoiled and not used. ' " Y Cc,' , I. N. R . M~%lery, Clerk~ff Board-an~/E~- ' officio ~ecretary of ~he Board oi~/ Directors thereof. It was moved by Director Fesler and seconded by Director Stewart that RESOLUTION NO. 507 be adopted. The adoption was unanimous, The meeting was adjourned at 3:~5 P.M. ~~~ ~~;~Ii~c~.~) Donald n. C~arke,' President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 21, 1864 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session May 21, 1964, at the Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley,.California, and President Clarke called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler 'an~' 'Stewart. Also present were General Manager Priday, Acting Clerk of Board Mrs. Parsley, Attorney J. Weidman, A.L. Shoupe, Walt Little, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee, Charles Johnson - Tahoe Daily Tribune, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Taylor. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of May 7, 1964, be approved as corrected. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of May 11, 1964, be approved as read. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report, which is as follows: "PLANT OPERATION Total plant flow from May let through 17th: Daily average flow from May 1st through 17th: Nevada District flow - same period Daily average flow - same period Chlorine used Daily average Holding pond freeboard 21,234,000 gallons 1,249,058 " 5,196,000 " 305,647 " 8,005 lbs. 470 lbs. 4 feet, 1/2 inch. REGULAR MEETING -2- May 21,'196~ ~ MANAGER ' S REPORT (continued): The spray system was put back in service at 2:30 P.M., May 16th. The two weeks shut down allowed the area good rest. Again I would like to compliment Mr. Bill Taylor and his staff for the extensive work program being accomplished at the Plant. At th~s writing, it is the first time in my experience with the District that everything is operating as it should. Many ~urs have been spent correcting deficiencies' in %he original treatment plant and pumping stations. ~ I would like to recommend that this Board, through our Attorney, take whatever steps are necessary to clarify the Districts position in regards to sewer line inspection, from building to main line. Two years ago, it was agreed by the building department and ourselves to inspect the sewer installation from any building to our main system for two reasons: ~ (1) First - it was our contention that we wanted to protect the sewer system by proper installations, and (2) Second - to help the then undermanned building department. Recently, our jurisdiction has been questioned by property owners (not the building department). Before this gets to be a debated question, I strongly urge that a policy be set, through pro,er authority, that this particular activity be placed where it belongs. I feel it should rest with the District, in order to protect our interests. The construction of the force main to the new disposal area is soon to be completed. The disposal area needs considerable more work for completion. (The engineer might comment on the status of these projects). I would like to recommend that a meeting be arranged between principals of our District and Douglas County District for a complete review of the export question and costs in- volved to each district should it be necessary to export via Daggett Pass." Discussion was held regarding the force main construction and Mr. Les Shoupe, resident engineer, stated that this project should be completed the first of next week; the contractor is having some difficulty in the spray area because of the excess moistume at the dam site and due to the high ground water, makes it almost impossible to place the material in for the dikes, however, when this site is dry enough the dikes will be put in. Mr. Stewart stated that Mr. Elwood Johnson wants to irrigate his land but thinks this might cause some trouble to the county road. Mr. A.L. Shoupe stated that three (3) culverts are open on county road and the fourth will be ready soon. When this is completed (all 4 culverts) there will be no problem for Mr. Johnson to irrigate and no damages to the County Road. Mr. A.L.Shoupe will talk to Mr Elwood Johnson. ' Re the fourth paragraph of Mr. Priday's Report: - Mr. Priday recommended that our Attorney discuss our Ordinance with the District Attorney, Mr. Jack Winkler, plus the Building Department's Ordinance, and determine who is responsible for what. Whose responsibility will it be to inspect from the lateral up to the house. President Clarke directed our Attorney to meet with Mr. Jack Winkler, District Attorney, and have a clarification in writinK of both Ordinances for our records. Mr. Priday gave oMe example: - One man ran a concrete footing over a pipe that was to have been cast iron. Mr. Priday stated that there are several cases such as this that have happened and, of course, new people are entering the area daily and do not realize that changes have been made or what the District requirements are. RECOMMENDATION NO. 2 OF THE MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday briefly explained why he would like to have a meeting between the principals of our District and Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1. ~ FIRST: To discuss the availability of mope capacity for Nevada; we have made a f'easibility report in regard to both Daggett Pass and Echo Summit in addition to a tunnel through Daggett; Douglas County is also making a study; now that the District was told they cannot dispose of the effluent into the American River, some people have the idea that we are going to stop thinking of export, but this is not the case. Further discussion will be: - Can Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 be allowed more capacity; what a~e the future plans of the South Tahoe Public Utility District; what costs will be involved for Nevada and what will (Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1) their share be in regards to export facilities. Mr. Priday stated that he feels Douglas County is interested in building this facility (Daggett Pass) and this Dis~rlct's concern is having total control of our plant and of the export facilities, and we should come to a definite conclusion on this because our RRESOLUTION states that we will export by the fall of 1965 - and 1965 is coming very soon, Mr. Priday stated. REGULAR MEETING -3- Hay 21, 1964 General Manager Priday will arrange for a meeting with Douglas County Sewer Improve- ment District No. 1. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Clarke thanked the visitors for their interest in being with the Board for this evening's meeting and also mentioned the Board's appreciation to the Fire Department for allowing the South Tahoe Public Utility District to hold their meetings at the Fire House. NEW BUSINESS: General Manager Priday stated that there is an employee of the District who is a very fine equipment mechanic and our RESOLUTION does not have a classification for this title. Pay scale for this classification will be the same as OPERATOR NO. 2. Also, another employee of the District is considered a CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE LEADMAN, and the RESOLUTION does not have a job ~lassification for this title. This will also have the same classification pay scale as OPERATOR NO. 2. Genral Manager Priday recommended that both classifications: EQUIPMENT MECHANIC and OONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE LEADMAN be included in our present RESOLUTION NO. 488. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the following RESOLUTION be adopted, as recommended by our General Manager: RESOLUTION NO. 508: A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 488 PROVIDING FOR ADDITIONAL CAASSIFICATIONS OF EMPLOYEES - EOUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION LEADMAN. General Manager Priday stated that this does not involve hiring anyone - - - the District does have the employees to fill the above mentioned classifications. Effective dates of these classifications for both jobs will be June 1, 1964. It was mentioned that an article was printed in the Tahoe Daily Tribune stating that the South Tahoe Public Utility District is to credit Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 an amount of $37,000.00. Mr. Priday asked Mr. Charles Johnson where he obtained that figure to base his newspaper article on and Mr. Johnson stated that figure was given to him by the Douglas County Engineer. General Manager Priday read the following letters: (1) FROM: CREEGAN AND D'ANGELO, DISTRICT ENGINEERS FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DIST. NO. 1 APRIL 13, 1964: To: ~ttn: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Win Priday, General Manager Subj: SEWAGE FLOW QUANTITIES FOR SUMMER 1963 "Dear Mr. Priday: Reference is made to your report submitted to the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 in connection with the schedule of sewage flow ratios. This schedule was handed to me by the District at its last meeting, March 17~ 1964. There appears to be a discrepancy in the total flows used by the South Tahoe Public Utility District in order to determine the ra~io of flow for each month. If you will refer to correspondence directed to the attention of Mr. Harlan Moyer, dated December 12, 1963 ( a copy of which was sent to you), you will note that our figures result in a percentage of 22.30 as the ratio of flow for the month of June through September 1963. In~ahecking figures submitted on your schedule~ we find that the discrepancy occurs in the month of July wherein you have shown a total flow of 17.184 MG and our records show a total flow of 10.843 MG. The other figures which you use for November differ slightly also, although the net effect would be minor. Evidently the 17.184 MG figure was taken directly from the totalizer readings. I believe our letter of December 12 satisfactorily explained the fact that the totalize~swas out of commission for a 12-day period in July, which can be easily seen when reading the graphs. It was therefore necessary to compute the total flow by a graphic computation. The resultant total flow was also checked against water usage and found to be in conformance with figures for other months. The correction of the ratio from 26.046 to 22.30 results in a difference of some REGULAR MEETING -4- May 21, 1964 $13,500.00. Insofar as the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District is concerned; it is, therefore, ~mportant that this matter be resolved at this time since the District is in the position of preparing assessments for the new fiscal year. We would be happy to meet with you at your convenience to discuss this matter. s/ Elmer M. D'Angelo cc: Narlan Moyer and Milton Manoukian" From: To: Date: Attn: Subj: Clair A. Hill & Associates South Tahoe Public Utility District April 29, 1964 W.F. Priday Douglas County Sewer Improvement District - 1963 Sewage Flow "Dear Sir: The sewage flow fqr the 1963 summer has been discussed with the Engineers for Douglas County Sewer Improvement District. It is apparent that the meter totalizer was improperly functioning during a portion of July. The flows for this period were computed from the charts and are correct, Therefore, I believe the correct ration for the 1963 summer is 22.30 percent as presented by the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District Engineers. s/ Harlan E. Moyer" General Manager Priday stated that both Engineers for each District are in agreement with the credit of $13,500.00 due Douglas County and both Districts are in agreement and where the figure of $37,000.00 came from, he does not know. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Easement. C~mmittee (Director Stewart ~ Chairman) Director Stewart asked General Manager Priday if any word has been received from Mrs. Marjorie Sp~ingmeyer regarding our offer. NO WORD RECEIVED. Re other Easements: Mrs. Sawtell. Dr. Whitely - not returned to area. No word received from Director Kortes asked the easement committee if plans have been made regarding the easements for the 1964-1 Special Assessment District. General Manager Priday stated that the plans are not complete as yet and we have to wait until the plans are completed before thinking of obtaining a Right-of-way-Agent. Attorney Weidman stated that if the Easement Committee is not too busy, it would be best to have the Easement Committee obtain the easements rather than hire a Right- of-Way-Agent. Director Kortes stated that from the past work of the Easemsnt Committee, it appears that this committee would be able to obtain the easements needed, thoroughly, efficiently, and leave nothing unfinished. President Clarke stated that if the Easement Committee does handle the easement for this Special Assessment District he would like to make sure that they will have the time to do this is a ver~y expedious manner; prior to the present Easement Committee, easements in the past were delayed, set aside - etc.; we want to make certain that the easements that must be obtained will be done effectively and promptly. · PLANNING COMMITTEE: Director Fesler stated that the PlanninK Committee met May 14, 1964, with Mr~ Moyer to study the export Possibilities - (Harlan Moyer - En~iner for the South Tahoe Public Utility District)~ also, interviews are still bein~ held for the position of Finance Officer for the District - and hope to have a recommendation for the Board of Directors vmry soon; an interview is scheduled for this Saturday morning, IO:O0,A.M., District office, and all Directors are welcome to attend for this interview. PUBLIC RE.ALTIONS: Director Kortes stated tha~ approximately 600 invitations were mailed to important figures, radio stations, T.V. stations, and many others that might be interested in viewing our new WATER RECLKMATION PLANT; approximately ten (10) acknowledgements have been received acceptinK the invitations; 250 press kits have been mailed - - there are two (2) press kits, one called Class "A" and the other Class "B". Class "A" contains more technical information that Class "B" kit. Ground- breaking ceremonies will be June 4, 1964, 3:00 P.M., District Plant. REGULAR MEETING -$- May 21, 1964 SCHEDULE FOR JUNE 4, 1964, GROUND BREAKING CEREMONIES: 9:00 A.M. to 12 Noon - Registration at the Chase Manhatten Room, Harvey's Resort Hotel. 10:00 AM -11:00 A.M. Boat Trip Noon Lunch 3:00 P.M. Ground breaking ceremonies and tour of plant facilities. Also, anyone interested in a scenic view of the Lake Area will be invited to take a Tram Ride at Heavely Valley. General Manager Priday stated that there has been a number of assumptions we should clarify and it was discussed again today. There has never been any intent by this Board to consider the disposal of effluent into the Lake or its tributaries. "I Think the Public Relations Committee is very concerned about the wrong thinking of this situation." This is the first opportunity we have had to export an effluent that has been acceptable. This is the firt part of the export schedule. Director Wakeman stated that he felt a public statement should be made as to just what the District is planning to do and Director Kortes stated that this will be done. President Clarke stated that a news release should be written where this ex- port intent should be covered very fully and copies sent to all radio stations, T.V. stations, the press, etc., and that way the same news will be released to everyone. General Manager Priday stated that we are going along on the original export basis as so stated in our RESOLUTION NO. 486. (THIS WILL BE PUBLISHED AGAIN.) Director Kortes also wanted to thank Mr. William C. Taylor, Suptl of Plant Opera~ions, for taking his time to make a speech at the High School. Mr. Taylor opened many students eyes as to this field of work - - which is a field that had never entered their mind before. Mr.=Kortes further stated that it was a pleasure to have Mr. Taylor as a speaker at the South Tahoe High School. NEW SUBDIVISIONS - SEPTIC TANKS: Director Fesler stated that he has heard that Mr. D. Taylor, CoUnty S'a'~itarian, has been approving subdivision with septic tanks. Mr. Clarke stated that Subdivisions can be approved to have septic tanks providing there is not a sewer line available. General Manager Priday stated that a certain individual is planning to build a motel in this area and there is a sewer system available but the individual was told by the County Sanitarian that he could put in a septic tank because he is 200' from the sewer system - - our ORDINANCE calls for connection to the sewer within 300' from the line. Mr. Priday also stated that the District knows of several individuals that were granted permission to have a septic tank put in when the stop order was put on the district, and the sewer line ran rightiin front of their property. Director Kortss stated that maybe the press should attend the County Health Dept. meeting so we would know just what is going on. Director Stewart stated that we have had communications between the E1 Dorado Planning Commission, etc., and felt that we cannot leave this right where it is now; if the Board of Directors would so approve, the Planning Committee would meet with Mr. Don Urquhart to discuss this situation regarding formation of subdivisions. President Clarke stated that he felt it would be best if the Planning Committee met with our Engineer to see if the subdivisions could be annexed. REGULAR MEETING -6- May 21, 1964 Director Fesler stated that the Planning Committee would meet with Mr. Don Urquhart, Planning Commissioner for E1 Dorado County, to see if the Planning Commission will aid us in preventing the spread of new unsewered subdivisions using septic tanks. Director Fesler also stated that he cannot understand why the County Sanitarian will not assist the area by refusing to approve new septic tank installation at the South Shore. Directors fees will be paid during each payroll period or meeting night when claims are paid, instead of once a month as has been done in the past. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried,that the claims in the amount of $29,213.88 be paid as recommended by General Manager Priday. ADJOURNMENT: 1964, at 8:00 P.M. at the District Office. President Clarke adjourned the meeting at 10:00 P.M. to June 3, D~nald' L'. Cia~k'e, President ~' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT acting C~k of Board, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTIL~ DISTRICT ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH T~HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 3, 1964 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned regular meeting, June 3, 1964, 8:00 P.M. at the District Plant. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler, Stewart{ also present were General Manager Prlday, Acting Clerk of Board, Attorney J. Weidman, Harlan E. Moyer, A.L. Shoupe, Edward Eppler, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee, Earl Hardie, L. Baker, J. L. Chada. ABSENT: Attorney J. Holtom and President Donald L. Calrke. NOTE: Mr. Clarke arrived at the meeting at 9:00 P.M. CHAIRMAN PRO TEM: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carrzed, that Director Wakeman be appointed Chairman Pro Tem for this meeting. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of May 21, be approved as corrected. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. William C. Taylor, Supt. of Plant Operations, introduced the Plant staff: Earl P. Hardie, J. L. Chada, L.H. Baker and Inspector Edward Eppler. MANAGER'S REPORT: "June 3, 1964 Manager's Report General Manager Priday read his report, which is as follows: PLANT OPERATION: Total Plant flow for May 1964 Daily average flow for May 1964 Daily Average flow for May 1964/Nevada Nevada District flow for May 1964 Chlorine used for May 1964 Propane used for May 1964 40,486,000 gallons 1,306,000 " 327,800 " 10,164,000 " 12.4 tons 2,662 gallons HOLDING POND FREEBOARD 4 feet and lOinches Wednesday night, May 27th last, the new spray area, in part, was utilized for spray disposal. This was due to complete cooperation from Mr. Sam Wendt, inspector for ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -2- June 3, 1964 Clair A. Hill & Associates, Harms Bros. Cons - Contractors on disposal field; Sterling Irri~ation Co. - Contractors on Force Main. We asked them to help us relieve a serious condition developing at the old disposal site and with herculean effort, the sprays were transferred to the new site and the pond has dropped 17 inches since May 27th. The disposal situation is better than normal now with no problems in sight. Mr. John Ehlman of Irvine and Duce started today preparing the budget for 1964- 1965 fiscal year for presentation to the Board for review prior to June 30th next. This action was taken due to the absence of our own accountant who normally prepares the budget." Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. Director Stewart stated that he attended a Real Estate Board Meeting in which there were two speakers - Mr. Doug Taylor and Dr. Q. Bonser. Mr. Stewart mentioned that Dr. Bonser made a very good speech but one thing caught his attention - - Dr. Bonser stated that Mr. Priday notified Mr. Jack Leggett of the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board regarding the capacity of the effluent in the Holding Pond. Dr. Bonser mentioned that the Holding Pond was full and that the pond could not hold any more and that there was going to be an overflow and that the District was going to have to dump. Mr. Stewart stated that since he was concerned, he discussed this with General Manager Priday and Mr. Priday stated that we are gaining freeboard and the District will not "dump" as was indicated by Dr. Bonser. General Manager Priday stated that everything is logged in the plant log book - (THE FOLLOWING IS QUOTED FROM THE LOG BOOK:) "May 26, 1964- At 0940 hours this date - Mr. Priday (General Manager) and I both called and talked personally to Mr. Jack Leggett of the Lahontan Water Pollution Control Board about our Spray Field and Holding Pond Problem: It rained here last night - 1-1/2", with more rain predicted for today, and tomorrow, and only 3.7 feet of pond freeboard left, so there is a small possiblity that we might have some surface run off. Mr. Leggett told us to increase our chlorination so that if run off did occur, there would be no contamination and that they would regard it as an unavoidable incident. Mr. Leggett also stated that he would contact the State and County Health Departments. Talked to Mr. Arnold Prucha of B.S.E. (Bureau of Sanitary Engineering) about Spray Field. Was told that if necessary to dump water, to take it out of the Interceptor Ditch." Mr. Priday stated that Mr. J. Leggett is notified when the District feels something is going to happen so we can put them on notice. On May 25, 9:40 A.M., (as quoted above) Mr. J. Leggett was called regarding the spray field and hold- ing pond problems. Mr. Leggett told us to increase the chlorination so run off will not contaminate and he would consider it as an unaboidable incident. DISCUSSION RE DISCONTINUATION OF SUBDIVISION~.,..ETC.: General Manager Priday stated that he did "not feel discussion with the Board of Supervisors is necessary re any District problems; the Board of Supervisors have no jurisdic- tion over this Board; this Board does not need anyone to tell them how to run this District;. we are being blamed for poor drainage, etc., which I do not like. I feel that our problems are well in hand." AFFIDAVITS FOR 560 LOAN: General Manager Priday stated that all of the necessary papers are ready to cover application for H.H.F.A. funds (Housing and Home Finance). This is an interest free loan and is in the amount of $79,700.00. Ail preliminary engineering has been completed and paid for by the District. H.H.F.A. is not interested in making grants to districts that do not have a bonafide project. This would help cover expenses for exporting to Carson Valley - - the actual project cost to export via Daggett Summit would amount to $1,700,000.00. This would be one method the District could use to finance engineering for the export of effluent through Daggett Summit. ADJOURNED REGULAR ~EETING -3- June 3, 1964 Ail Directors agreed that this Application should be held up. General Manager Priday stated that this District should let it be known to the public that we can make this application without waiting for Nevada because we are the ones that are on the spot re bad publicity and ~ecause of this, it should be made known that we are planning to do this. We are the exporters and we should let everyone know that we can apply for this 560 loan. General Manager Priday also stated that if Nevada does not go for this loan, the South Tahoe Public Utility District will. Chairman Pro Tem Wakeman mentioned that a public statement should be made as to what the District's intentions are. Director Kortes mentioned that RESOLUTION NO. 486, which is a RESOLUTION DECLARING THE DISTRICT'S INTENT TO EXPORT, w'a's"~ubl"i'shed the second time and h~ does not feel there is any other need to make any other statement. NEW BUSINESS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously C"~rried, that the Public Relations Committee be changed to PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE. , CORRESPONDENCE: None COMMITTEE REPORTS: Easement Committee (Director Stewart) No meetings - no report. PLANNING COMMITTEE: (Director Fesler) "The Planning Committee met May 23, 1964 at 10:00 A.M. at the Plant. There final interviews were held for the position of District Finance Officer. Mr. Leonhard Rzehak of Southern California (now employed by Menasco Mfg. Co.) was offered the position and he accepted. He will start to work for the District June 15, 1964. At the last regufar district meeting, the Planning Committee was instructed to make ~ra~ge~nts. to meet with the local representative of the County Planning Commission to explore areas of agreement concerning new subdivisions. The idea was to enlist the assistance of the County Planning Commission at the South Shore. Arrangements are being made for this first meeting and we are hopeful of mutually beneficial results." Attorney Weidman stated that he met with the Board of Supervisors at Placerville and the Board of Supervisors wanted a meeting with the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Mr. Weidman stated that he did not know why they wanted this meeting. General Manager Priday stated that this meeting could be called for several reasons: "We did not think that their road ordinance was of any value; we wrote them and told them this; we did not want to set any standards, but it was improtant that our Engineers and our Contractors know how to interpret their ordinance; a bond was kept with the County and I objected to one public entity bonding with another entity and we did not take out the necessary bonds they told us to; they do not realize that the Public Utility Code sets standards that this District can do anything a City can do and we rely on this in making our decisions because our decisions are made in the best interest of the taxpayers; also, re the policy on who is responsible in checking the sewer line from the house to our connection. Maybe they feel we are walking into their territory - - this is not the case, regulations must be kept u~ to date and improved with the times for the growing community of South Shore." Attorney Weidman mentioned for a matter of information to the Directors that Mr. R. Chism was misquoted in the paper - - the misquote was that Mr. Chism made a motion to have a meeting of the Board of Supervisors and the South Tahoe Public Utility District Board. This was not the motion - - Mr. Chism's motion was that Mr. Don Urquhart meet with the Planning Committee of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE REPORT WILL F~LLOW PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $6,520.85, as recommended by General Manager Priday, be approved for payment. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: (Director Kortes) Director Kortes stated that tomorrow w~ll be the start'~f the Ground-Breaking Ceremonies, June 4, 1964; the schedule is as follows: 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon Registration 10:00 A.M. Boat tour of Lake Tahoe (Bus transportation from Harvey's parking (lot via Harvey's Courtesy Buses.) 11:30 A.M. Cocktails . Top of the Wheel ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - 4 - June 3, 1964 12:30 P.M. Luncheon - Top of the Wheel (Master of Ceremonies - George Abbott) 3:00 P.M. Ground-Breaking Ceremonies (Bus tmansportation from Harvey's Parking Lot via ~rayline buses.) 4:00 Visual Tour of Lake Tahoe from Top of Heavenly Valley Tram. 5:00 P.M. Return to Harvey's. General Manager Priday read the list of visitors that will attend the ground- breaking ceremonies:(TYPED FROM RESERVATION LIST - ) FEDERAL: Mr. David H. Howells, Chief, Construction Grants Branch Div. of Water Supply and Pollution Control U.S. Public Health Service Washington, D.C. STATE: ~P. Hugh Shamberger, Director, (Nevada Dept. of Conservation) Mr. Elmo DeRicco, State Engr. (Dept. of Water Resources) Assemblyman Lawrence E.Jacobsen (Douglas County) Gene Empey, Planning Board, Nevada STATE (California): Assemblyman Harold E.Booth and Mrs. Booth, Assembly Committee on Natural Resources STATE)CALIFORNIA: Herbert Foster, Chief, (B~ureau of Sanitary Engr.) F.H. Raymond, State Forester Joseph S. Gorlinski, Exec.Officer (Central Valley Region, Water Quality Control Boamd) Lewis A. Moran, Chief Deputy State Forester Paul R. Bonderson, Exec. Officer State Water Quality Control Board Arthur Inerfield (Water Resources Division) Senator John Begovich(Governor Brown's Representative) Frank Berry, Chairman, Amador County, Republican Com. COUNTY OFFICIALS Raymond M. Smith, Planning Consultant Washoe County COUNTY OFFICIALS Arthur Cort, Co.Road Commissioner E1 Dorado County Ken Amundson, Planning Commission Douglas County Howard Squires, Ormsby Co. Engr. Willard S. Memeley, Chairman Douglas Connty Planning Commission Don Urquhart, (Planning Commission E1 Dorado County) Jim Rankin, Carson City Engineer Ed Francis, North Tahoe P.U.D. Robert Pruet, Douglas Co.Comm. Col. A.A. Hayman(Regional Planning Comm.) Harry A. Lemon, Planning Commission Washoe County Bill Bryner, Placer County Supervisor. Bruce Robinson, E1 Dorado Planning Director Edwin Bullis, Planning Comm. Ormsby County Harold Berger, Planning Comm. Ormsby County Mrs. Marie Wolf, Planning Comm. Ormsby County ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -5- June 3 1964 39? VISITORS THAT ATTENDED THE GROUND BREAKING .CEREMONIES (continued): CITY OFFICIALS (California) Thomas Murphy, Councilman (Sacramento) Dr. Austin W. Matthis, Health Officer (Sacramento) Vern Capell, City Engr.(Placerville) CITY OFFICIALS (Nevada) David B. Henry, City Manager (Sparks) Mayor Chester S. Christensen (Sparks) Mayor Hugo Ouillici (Reno) LOCAL George Abbott, Dean Seeger, Exec. Dir. (Lake Tahoe Area Council Lois Larson, Office Mgr. LTAC Marden Sims, Mgr. Crocker-Citizens Bank LOCAL Judge Harold Buchanan Robert Whyte, Mgr. Pacific T Ellsworth C. Chappell, Judge Frank Cook, Admin.(Barton Menorial Hospital) Del Ross, Mgr. Tahoe National Bank Carl Lowe(Lake Tahoe So.?Shore Chamber of Commerce) Thomas Regan MEt. Bank of America John Weidman, Attorney STPUD Donald Clarke, Pres, STPUD Robert Wakeman, Director STPUD Donald Kortes, Director STPUD Robert Fesler, Director, STPUD William Ledbetter, President (Douglas County Improv. Dist #1) Milton Manoukian, Attorney for DCSID#1 Joh~Harrah, Director, DCSID#1 Oliver Kahle, Director, DCSID#1 John Holtom, Attorney, STPUD Ken Hildebrand, Owner, Radio KOWL Ruby Suverkrup, Rec. Sec. (Tahoe Douglas Chamber of Commmrce) John Murphy, Sacramento Bee Harold Fart, Chief Operatior (PUD Tahoe City) Lloyd Dyer,(Tahoe Douglas Chamber of Commerce -Director) Bill Freeman, Assist. Gen. Mgr. (Tahoe Keys Marina) Henry W. Berrum, Senator (Tahoe Douglas Chamber of Commerce) Gordon Hewson, Director (South Shore Chamber of Commerce) Manuela Lopez, Director Lake Tahoe So. Shore Chamber of Commerce John E. Michelsen, Director Tahoe Douglas Chamber of Commerce Wayne Johnson, Radio KTHO Walt Little, Lake Tahoe News Chapman Wentworth, Tahoe Daily Tribune Sherman McKis$ock, President, Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce James A. Koch, President, Tahoe- Douglas Chamber of Commerce Ellis Cline, .~gupt. of Schools Everett Bull, Chairman, School Board Robert Rice, District Ranger, United States Forest Service Lucille Price, Tahoe Douglas Chamber of Commerce Howard Costa, Trans Sierra Title Lew Hardy, Public Relations Director Harvey's Wagon Wheel George Wolf, South Shore Chamber of Commerce Phil Gruener, South Tahoe Chamber of Commerce, Thomas L. Stewart, Director STPUD CORPORATIONS: Frank Caprotti 398 Page -6- CORPORATIONS (cont.) ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING (cont.) GUEST LIST FOR GROUND BREAKING CEREMONIES (continued) Karl Breckenridge Barney Barnewitz Edwart Titlow Dick Ash, Bill Lytle, Calif. Filter Co. Minneapolis-Honneywell Minneapolis Honneywell During the ceremonies - the Chairman of the Board of Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, Mr. William Ledbetter and the Chairman of the Board of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Mr. Donald L. Clarke, will use the one gold shovel to break ground. Mr. Don Brook's has donated the TAHOE QUEEN for the boat tour. There will be no financial obligations for guests.' John Gianotti stated that any visitor interested in seeing the show at Harrah's will be so invited to, at their own expense. Tables will be available for guests that are interested. President Clarke stated that a word of thanks should go to Mr. Lew Hardy and his staff for all of the work they have done; a word of appreciation should also to to Mrs. Grace Carriker, Secretarial Specialities, and her staff for her help; they have done a very good and effective job. At the registration desk, identification cards will be awaiting each individual. Also, a complete press kit will be given to each individutal that registers. Mr. Clarke stated that he wrote a pmrsonal letter to a newspaper and read the reply received. The reply stated that they would appreciate information regarding the ground-breaking ceremonies. Director Stewart also mentioned for a matter of information, that the June issue of the Leader's Digest carries an article re Water Reclamation, ' ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. ACTING CLEW lOt BOARD, SOUTH/ TAHOE PUBIC UTILITY DISTR~ ~ :': :': :': :': :': :': ~': :,~ :,: .~: .,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,.., .... SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 399 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 4, 1964 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District was opened at 8:00 P.M. by the ACTING CLERK OF BOARD. There being no Directors present, no business was conducted, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 P.M. ACTING CLip-OF BOARD, " /y SOUTH TAHO~ PUBLIC UTILITY D~'~RICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 18, 1964 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session June 18, 1964, Thursday evening at 8:00 P.M. at the Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler and Stewart; also present were General Manager Priday, Acting Clerk of Board, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer and A.L. Shoupe - Clair A. Hill & Associates, John Sullivan - Tahoe Chronicle, Walt Little - Lake Tahoe News, Chapwentworth - Tahoe Tribune, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee and W. C. Taylor - Supt. of Plant Operations. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of the Adjourned Ref~ular Meeting of June 3, 1964, be approved as read. '~ Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the minutes of June 4, 1964, be approved as written. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Prlday read his report, which is as follows: "Manager's Report June 18, 1964 PLANT OPERATION: Plant flow from June 1st through June 16th Average daily flow Nevada flow from June 1st through June 16th Average daily flow Chlorine used Holding pond freeboard - 5 feet 3 inches 23,954,000 gal. 1,497,125 " 6,862,000 " L~28,925 ,, 7,100 lbs (3.6 tons) In the Manager's Report of May 21st iast, I reported on the subject of inspection on sewer hook-ups from building to main line service. Our Attorney was asked to determine responsibility of said inspection b y checking with District Attorney. Mr. Weidman informs me that both the County Building Department and our District have responsibility. It was suggested, in the May 21st report, that the District have jurisdiction but in talking it over with the local building officials, they can inspect the installations from the building to the property line. The District will inspect the installation from and including the clean-out at the proDerty line to the main service, The aforementioned arrangement will save the District inspection time. Effective date July 1, 1964. 20 REGULAR MEETING Managers Report (continued) -2- June 18, 1964 A recent survey of service charges for avaried activities has indicated that the comparison of char~es between small restuarants, doughnut ~' shops and service stations have been more in keeping with the charge formula than have the drive-in eating stands and drive-in theaters and hard top theaters. I, therefore, recommend that we brin~ the charges of the latter up to the same comparative level of use of facilities making a flat r~te of eight (8) units per month instead of the present average of three (3). ~ ' March 23rd last - a street lighting survey was requested of the Sierra Pacific Power Company in the vicinity of the Tahoe Valley Center alon~ Mountain view Parkway and connecting streets West of Highway 50. The District made the request for Martin Bros., owners of adjacent properties. The survey was completed April 21st and approved for installation by the District. May 11, 1964, we requested a similar survey be conducted along Pioneer' Trail from Highway 50 southerly to Midway, thence Northerly along Midway to Highway 50. The survey is complete now and Mr. Niermberger has been advised to get signatures from property owners for acceptance. Now the question is - what procedure should be followed when less than 100% of property owners sign an agreement? What method is used for assessing the charges to the non-signers. The prospective office manager having been hired to come to work Monday, June 15th, was here i~ time but only to decline the position. Wednesday, June 17th, Mr. Willard R. Hutchings of Roseville was hired. Mr. Hutchings is presently Assistant Financial Director for the City of Roseville and is very well qualified for the position of Accountant and Office Manager for our District." General Manager Priday briefly explained to those present the District's position as to street lighting service. During 1959-60 many residents requested street lighting and it was agreed by the Sierra Pacific Power Company that they would install the lighting and the District would make the charges for same, as the Sierra Pacific P~wer Company had no way of billing for this. The District charges each resident, that has the privilege of the street lighting, .025¢ per front footage. Since that time, many requests have come to the District for street lighting. In regards to Mr. Priday's report (4th paragraph) - Attorney Weidman will check into Mr. Priday's question re signature requirements and report back to Mr. Priday prior to the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as read. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Clarke thanked the visitors for attending the meeting and mentioned that the Board of Directors appreciate the courtesy extended by the Tahoe Valley Fire District in allowing the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District to conduct their regular meetings at the Tahoe Valley Fire House. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Easement Committee (Director Stewart): Director Stewart stated that a settlement was reached with Yrs. Mabel Sawtell for easement and complete release and the easement committee recommended that the Board approve payment of $125.00 to Mrs. Sawtell. Director Kortes secomded and vote carried unanimously. (NOTE: Director Stewart's recommendation was in the form of a motion.) DR. WHITELY EASEMENT: General Manager Priday stated that a discussion was held with Dr. Whitely and the manholes are being covered as Dr. Whitely requested. Mr. Priday stated that this easement will be complete next week. MRS. MARJORIE SPRINGMEYER: Director Stewart stated that a reply was not received from Mrs. Springmeyer regarding her easement and when the District wrote to Mrs. Springmeyer she was asked to reply by a specific date or the Board would have to turn her easement over to the Attorney for settlement. Attorney Weidman will handle the easement for Mrs. Marjorie gpmingmeyer. Regarding the Springmeyer easement - - Attorney Weidman stated that this would take approximately seven (7) months to complete; also, that an appraiser will have to be hired by the District for a rebuttal to Mrs. Marjorie Springmey~'s statements. Regular Meeting -3- June 18, 1964 COMMITTEE REPORTS:(Plan~ing _ Director Fesler): Director Fesler read the following report: "Planning committee met with Don Urquhart of the Planning Commission and Bruce Robinson, Acting Planning Director. We agreed that there was a need for our two organizations to work more closely in connection ~ith applications for higher density use and also areas presently outside our district boundaries but within our service areas. The Planning Commission has suggested that the Planning Committee sit in with them to consider higher density applications. - · f ~-~.~-~ e weme- ~p~esen~e~l ....... , e~f~slurrs. A series of questions concerning sewer capacities both present and future were presented to us and subsequently assigned to our engineer for hi~,analysis and conclusions. This information is expected to be of help to the Planning Commission in knowing what to O.K. on the basis of what service the Utility District is able to render in various areas. The relation of the design capacity of the lines and facilities to proper zoning is ess%ntial to coordinated planning. A letter from the owners and developers of Country Club Heights and the Country Club Estates was considered and a reply to them authorized which outlines the steps necessary to annexation. Much thought is going to have to be ~iven to expansion of our district in the Meyers area to properly serve those residents. It is the feeling of this Committee that we are desireous of handling the sewer service needs of this entire area, but the problem is how best to go about annexing the area and financing the necessary improvements so that sewers can be made available, Angora Highlands subdividers has an application pending before the county Planning ~ommission. This District's position on the matter taken previously is bein~ conveyed to the Plannins Commission for their assistance." -~ Birector Fesler stated that Mr. Urquhart stated that they are very much in favor of working with the Planning Commfttee of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Pmsident Clarke stated that he appreciates the very favorable meetings that have been held with the many groups recently and the favorable reports from the press. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE (Director Kortes): LDirector Kortes thanked everyone that participated in helping to make the ground brea'kin~ ceremony a great success. Mr. Clarke stated that while he was having lunch today - the owner came to his table and said that he wanted to extend his congradulations to the District on the ~ood publicity that is now being received. He (the owner) also mentioned that he feels the people are now be- ginning to see the benefits available and are approvine what the district is doing and thanking everyone for their efforts. ' " Mr. Clarke also stated that "No matter how tought the ~oinK is, there is always some good that comes from it." . ~ General Manager Priday stated that the statement made by Mr. William E. Warne, which was "The $560,000.00 plant is a sophisticated approach that puts the community ahead of others", was also a very good statement in favor of this area. OLD BUSINESS: 1. STATUS OF BOND WITH ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE: Attorney Weidman stated that he was not aware this was not released. Mr. Weldman will check into this bond and report back to the Board. 2. STATUS OF PROPERTY TAXES FOR TREATMENT PLANT: Attorney Weidman stated that he talked to the tax collector and he was told that 80/85% of the taxes will be cancelled. They had no right to assess only for real property outside of the District and they will cancel the taxes for this year. Mr. Weidman stated that if the JOHNSON LAND is annexed, the District will not be liable for any county taxes on real property. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1: Engineer Harlan ~oyer briefly described the area to be assessed for the Special Assessment District 1964-1 and ~resented the Assessment Diagram, Assessment Roll, Specifications and Location map to the ~oard of Directors. Mr. Moyer stated that there are 349 parcels involved land the Engineer's Estfmate is $611,000.00. The Unit Charge for each parcel is $150.00; the lateral charge for each parcel is $150.00 and each parcel is charged a front footaqe of $9.26. REGULAR MEETING -3- June 18, 1964 LETTER FROM COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER READS AS FOLLOWS: "Honorable Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District County of E1 Dorado, State of California Bijou, California Gentlemen: RE: Sanitary Sewerage Pro~ect No. 1964-1 Your Resolution No. 496 entitled "A Resolution Requesting That the County Health Officer of E1 Dorado County REcommend Proceedings under Appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts, or Other Appropriate Proceedings for the Acquisition and Construction of a Sanitary Sewerage System and AppUrtenances, As Necessary as a Health Measure, for Sanitary Sewerage Project 1964-1", has been received by the undersigned health officer of E1 Dorado County. Pursuant to your request, a sewer survey has been initiated by the E1 Dorado Couhty Health O~partment and an evaluation made on the basis of (1) Overflowing sewerage disposal systems (2) Septic Pumping Reports, (3) High ground water areas, (4) existing lots that are too small for adequate sewerage disposal. The findings of this survey indicate what health hazards do presently exist in the above project area. Pursuant to Section 2808 of the streets and highways code, in consideration of the serious health hazards presently existent within the boundaries of your proposed sanitary sewerage project No. 1964-1, the undersigned Health Officer of E1 Dorado County hereby urges the construction of sanitary sewers as an emergency health measure and recommends as necessary as a health measure, that your district undertake proceedings pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts of this State, or other appropriate proceedings, as you shall determine, for the construction of sanitary sewers and for assessing or taxing the properties to be benefited thereby. This recommendation extends to such changes and modifications therein as you shall find to be proper or advisable, in the manner provided by law. Respectfully yours, s/HEALTH OFFICER OF EL DORADO COUNTY" Attorney Holtom recommended that the following RESOLUTIDNS BE ADOPTED: RESOLUTION NO. 509: A RESOLUTION DETERMINING TO UNDERTAKE PROCEEDINGS PURSUANT TO APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS OP OTHER APPROPRIATE PROCEEDINGS, FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SE~RAGE SYSTEM AND APPURTENANCES WITHOUT PROCEEDINGS UNDER DIVISION 4 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE. RESOLUTION NO. 510: A RESOLUTION OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF ENGINEER'S REPORT: RESOLUTION NO. 511: A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PREVAILING WAGE SCALE. RESOLUTION NO. 512: A RESOLUTION APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING PROTESTS IN RELATION TO PROPOSED ACQUISITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS, AND DIRECTING NOTICE. RESOLUTION NO. 513: A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR SEALED PROPOSALS. RESOLUTION NO. 514: A RESOLUTION DESCRIBING PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND DIRECTING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF ASSESSmeNT. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the above Resolutions (Nos. 509 through 514) be adopted. NEW BUSINESS: EXPORT DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1: It was mentioned that the Board of Directors of the Douglas County S'e~'"'Imp'rovement 'District No. 1 approved in fact all that was presented them by our Engineer - Harlan E. Moyer in a recent meeting. Mr. Moyer stated that the Nevada Board indicated their willingness to go along with this District regarding export. It was also mentioned that the most improtant thing now would be to have the staff of both Districts meet togeBher with full authority to enter into and outline the complete and major points of all the areas under a contract agreement that will have to be executed by both Districts. Director Stewart stated that there has to be an outline to even support a bond issue on the Nevada Side . Mr. Stewart moved that our engineer, manager and attorney enter into a general discussion with the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 and obtain some ty~e of a general outline to brinff back to this board. Director Kortes seconded. MOTION LOST - - no ayes. REGULA}~ t.vp -4- June 18, 1964 Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried that the Y. anager, Engineer and Attorney be appointed as a Committee from the South Tahoe Public Utility District to draft an agreement for the new Treatment and Export facilities to be jointly constructed and used by Douglas County Sewer Improvement District ~;o. 1 as outlined at a joint meeting of the two Boards June 11, 1964. This is necessary to comply with the South Tahoe Public Utility District's schedule for export by October of 1965. APPLICATION OF 560 LOAN: The epplication for the 560 loan was presented to the Board of Directors for approval. This is an interest free Federal Laon paid out of the proceeds used for a specific project. This is to cover engineering fees - amount of loan is ~79,700.00. In the event the project was to become a reality - the loan must be paid back; in the event the project was not a reality - there is no obligation to pay a loan back. ~r. Friday ~tated that Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 suggested that the South Tahoe Public Utility District apply for this 560 loan. Director Stewart stated that he felt the District should file an application for this loan. Director Wakeman stated that he will never advocate a bond issue to Lake Tahoe taxpayers to export sewage. He stated that if the district would get the export money, the district would ow $79,700.00 and would have to get the money from the taxpayers to repay this loan. General Manager Priday explained to Mr. Vakeman that we may not have the the amount of $79,700.00 for immediate use for engineering fees and statLd that he would like to have this application approved and get it under way - - he also stated that since it does not cost the District anything, we should make use of the money. Yr. Priday further stated that if we ~orrow this money, and this project does not-become a reality, we do not have to repay it. Director Stewart stated that he felt if the I{.H.F.A. (Housing and Home Finance Agency) did not think the District was worthy of the loan, they would not get it. Director Kortes 2tated ~j~ if this project does, go through, the District will have to come up with $79,700.00 for engineering fees with or without the loan. Wemd~,an stated that the income from Nevada will be used to pay back this Attorney ~ ' ~ obl~.gation if the project becomes a reality. Mr. ~(oyer stated that just because this application is made [.t does not mean the loan will have to be accepted or the application accepted by the H.H.F.A. ?r. Moyer also stated that no loans for a project will be made if it is not a public need; in this case, this is a project that has immediate public need to protect the waters of Lake Tahoe; also, if Nevada does apply for a 560 loan, this District will not be contributing to any part of repayinK it. Director Stewart amended his motion to read: APPLY FOP. APPLICATION FOR ADVANCE FO~. PUBLIC !~,,~OPKS PLANNIYG, and Director Kortes seconded. VOTES: AYES: Directors Kortes and Stewart NOES: Director Wakeman and Director Fesler The Chairman voted "AYE" to break the tie. CAPRIED. Director ;~akeman mentioned that the reason he did not vote for this loan is because he does not want our taxpayers to pay for it. Director Fesler mentioned that he voted no because he felt this loan is premature. Director Kortes stated that we are making an application - the money will be needed for engineerin~ costs - if the loan comes through, we have our choice of re~ecting or accepting it. By applying for this application does not obligate the District. CHANGE IN OUTLINE OF AGENDA: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler,unanimous- ly carried, that the agenda be changed to have the Committee ~eports follow Recognition of ~isitors. PAY~.~ENT OF CLAI~,~. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $73,886.82 be approved for payment, as re- commended by General Manager Priday. REGULAR 5~EET IIiG -5- June 18, 1964 ADJOUR}.?.[ENT: SOUTH TC.~OiE PU~LI~ ~T~LITY DISTRICT D__ONALD L. CLARKE, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT EGULAR [4EETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 2~ 1964 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session July 2, 1964, at the Tahoe Valiey Fire House, 8:00 P.P~., Tahoe Valley, California. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Fesler, Stewart and Kortes. Also present were General Hanager Priday, Clerk of Board Hutchings, Attorney J. Weidman, Walt Little, Chapman Wentwgrth,, John Murphy and W.C,Taylor. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of June 18, i96tt, be approved as corrected. I~NAGER'S REPORT: General Hanager Priday read his report which is attached and made a part of these minutes. (NOTE: The last two paragraphs of the ?anager's Report (recommendations) are listed for action under NEW BUSINESS.) RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Clarke thanked all visitors for attending this meeting. COP4}4ITTEE PEPORTS: (1) Easement Committee: Ail papers and documents for the Dr. Whitety easement are ready for Dr. Whiteley's signature and are in his possession. However, Dr. Whitely was called out of town and upon his return will sign the ~rant of easement. (2) Planning Committee: Director Fesler stated that the Planning Committee met June 30, 1964. (Present were Director Fesler, Stewart and General ?.~anager Priday.) Discussed at the Planning Committee meeting: - Present status of Nevada negotiations; ~,[r. ~'~oyer's meeting with D'Angelo. A report regarding this meeting is being prepared by Engineer Harlan E. ~oyer. Included in this report will be technical information which will be presented to the Planning C. ommissJon showing size of the District's sewer lines, areas, etc. I-,~hen this report is received from Engineer Harlan E. ~oyer, the Planning Committee of the South Tahoe Public Utility District will again meet with the Planning Commission. Also discussed was the progress of the Tertiary Treatment Plant. (The delay of the Tertiary Treatment Plant was due to hitting round water.) Also discussed was the connection fees for the South Tahoe Iiigh School. ~-~r. Fesler stated it was the decision of the Planning Committee that the schools be charged on a 12 months basis because the facilities are being used on a 12 month's basis. PUBLIC INFORI~'.ATION CO~?~ITTEE: Director Kortes stated that no meetings were held but mentioned the picture that was in the Tahoe Tribune - - this showed the excavation ground work taking place at the District. wt. Kortes stated that the Public Information Committee _{.ntends to keep the public informed as to what is taking place at the District. OLD BUSD, ESS. JOHNSON ANNEXATION: !~r. Knox Johnson requested that the District ~et a separate description of the lot to be annexed; when this is accomplished, ?~r. Knox Johnson is willing to give the District the deed to the property. OLD BUSINESS (continued): July 2~ 1964 ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE BOND: Director Fesler stated that Mr. Ames of Reed-Meneley contacted the Planning Committee and asked for a meeting so he can become more familiar with the District insurance. Reed-Meneley,purchased the insurance from Lund Associates, Inc., and C.M, Gibson, past carriers for the District insurance. This meeting will be Monday afternoon at the District office at 3:00 P.M. PRELIMINARY BUDGET: Director Fesler stated that he felt a study session should be held to go over the Preliminary Budget. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Study Session be held July 8, 1964, 3:00 P.M. at the District Office. MONTGOMERY ESTATES: Attorney Weidman stated that a complaint has been filed against ~he D'istmlct by Montgomery Estates in approximately the amount of $40,000.00. Also, Mr. Weidman stated that the preliminary trial is set for late July or early August for the Harper and Baxter Law suit; Geo. Miller preliminary trial is set for September and t~ial in October; A.D.Machinery vs LaGrange will be handled soon; Kyburz appeal time has expired. Mr. Priday stated that evidently the McCormick claim was dropped. NEW BUSINESS: General Manager Priday presented the following for approval: (1) CHANGE ORDER: From: Clair A. Hill g Associates, dated 6/25/64. For: California Filter Company for the WATER RECLAMATION PLANT- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "In lieu of relocating and reconstructing the existing waste gas burner as shown on Sheet 2 of the plans, we request the following change be accomplished: 1. Construct a 16' x 16' concrete slab located as directed at the site. 2. Mount the control valves, flame trap and burner assembly on the slab ~s directed, and reconnect all existing gas piping. At the conclusion of this work~ District forces will construct a new incinerator and cover for the control valves. A sketch showing the above changes is available at the project and George Garrido has all necessary information. s/ Harlan E. Moyer" Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the above change order be approved. (2) CHANGE ORDER (No. 1) : "Date": 6/30/64 -- Contractor: Harms Bros.~ General Contractor 5261 Stockton Blvd. Sacramento, California Description of work: A. Furnish and install 5 - 10" drainage culverts 15 feet in length for sprinkler pipe road crossings where shown on the plans. B. Areas behind pond dykes to be plowed or scarified to a minimum depth of six inches (6") upon completion of the excavation and embankment operations. Payment: Change Order to increase the contract amount by $625.00." D~ector Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the above change order be approved. DEMONSTRATION PROJECT GRANT: General Manager Priday presented three (3) applications for Demonstration Grants in Water Supply and Pollution Control. The applications for three projects are as follows: 1. Plant Scale Regeneration of Granular Activated Carbon. Public Health Service Funds $11,040.00 District funds 2,600.00 %% ~ ~EGULAR MEETING July 2, 1964 DEMONSTRATION PROJECT GRANT (continued) 2. Recover and re-use of coagulant from treated sewage. 1st year - PHS Funds $14,060.00 District funds 2,700.00 1st additional year. - PHS (1966) Construction of Alum recovery plant) District funds 22,520.00 32,500.00 Denitrification and Ion exchange for Nitrogen Removal from Sewage. PHS Funds 11,270.00 "District funds 1,900.00 (1) Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, that the District make application for the Demonstration Project Grant as outlined and submitted by General Manager Priday. (2) Director Stewart amended the motion to read that the District make applica- tion for the Demonstration Project Grant in its full content as presented by our Manager. Director Kortes seconded. (3) Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the General Manager be given permission to make application for the Public Health Service Grant as outlined by Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield. (CH2M letter made a partoof these minutes. V~ES ON ORIGINAL MOTION (#1) NO AYES VOTES ON SECOND AMENDMENT ~#2) NO AYES VOTES ON DIRECTOR FESLER'S MOTION - Unanimously carried (#3) SCHOOL SERVICE CHARGES: Director Wakeman suggested that the minutes be checked for the year of 1960 (June) and examine all information regarding the school connection and fees. General Manager Priday will check these minutes to see if same information will apply to connection fees for the schools. (Second to last paragraph of Manager's Report). STREET LIGHTING: President Clarke appointed Director Wakeman as Chairman of the stree't Lighting"d~mmittee and Director Kortes will work with Director Wakeman. (Last paragraph of Manager's Report). General Manager Priday stated that he did not know whether it is advantageous to the District to have this street lighting account. CORRESPONDENCE: Clerk of Board Hutchings read a letter from Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, dated June 17, 1964, signed by William B. Ledbetter, President. This letter stated that the two districts would jointly undertake the expansion of the existing treatment plant and construction of new disposal facilities, with a view towards out-of-basin disposal of treated sewerage effluent with the exportation of said effluent into the Carson Valley of Nevada. (NOTE: Attached to this letter is D.C.S.Improvement District No. 1 Resolution No. 1964-2 and letter and Resolution typed in full in official minute book.) A~OINTMENT OF CLERK OF BOARD & EX-OFFICIO SECRETARY: Director Fesler moved, seconded' by'Director Wakeman, unanim°us'ly carried, that Mr. Willard R. Hutchings be officially appointed Clerk of Board andEx-Officio Secretary and Assistant Treasurer. (Mrs. Mary Parsley will be Deputy Clerk in the Absence of the Clerk). PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the payment of claims as recommended by General Manager Priday in the amount of $20,244.48 be approved for payment. AD3OURNMENT: 10:30 PM. %LER'~' '~BOARD AND E~OFFICIO WILLAR~) R. HUTCHING~/by ACTING CLERK ~F BOARD Do R '". ' '[e", President ' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF JULY 2, 1964 (1) MANAGER'S REPORT: July 2, 1964: "Plant qp.era~.i.on: Total flow for June 1964 Average daily flow Total f~ow for Nevada, June 1964 Average daily flow Chlorine used for June 1964 Holding pond freeboard 8:30 A.M. 7/1/64 - 47,403,000 gallons 1,580,000 " 13,050,100 " 435,000 " 13,920 lbs. 7feet, 6 inches. June 25 last, I had the pleasure of attending the dedication ceremonies for the new Telephone Exchange Building here at the South Shore. Another step forward in modern technology, ~uch as we were privileged to contribute to a month ago with our Waste Water Reclamation Plant ground-breaking. During the day I had a chance to talk with Benator Begovich regarding our request for the Home Finance Agency, 560 loan, for engineering. The Senator assured me that had we not requested the loan that Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 would not have had a chance of getting their request approved. I was contemplated that this would be a joint undertaking by the two Districts and the loan would be approved accordingly. Senator Begovlch said he would expedite our request as well as the one from Douglas County Sewer Improvement District. No. 1. The subject of lateral inspection is again reqported on but this should be concluded at this time: "June 24, 1964 South Tahoe Public Utility District P.O. Box 825 ' Bijou, California Attn: W. F. Priday, General Manager Dear Mr. Priday: In regard to your letter of June 18, 1964, in regard to the inspection on sewer hook-ups from building to main line service, this department would appreciate it very much if your personnel would continue to provide this inspection service. At the present time our staff could not handle the additional work of a separate sewer inspection. We could handle it in conjunction with another called inspection but this would result in a great'deal of inconvenience and delay for the customer. We appreciate the cooperation and assistance received from your department in the past. Very truly yours, s/ C.G. GRUNWALD, CHIEF BUILDING INSEECTOR CGG:ab:" The following action appears to be necessary to conclude a two-year problem: "June 29, 1964 Heavenly Valley Homes, Inc M. Sherman Bti~s, and Associates 2751 Creekside Lane Sacramento 21, California Attention: M. Sherman Bti~s, Secretary Gentlemen: Considerable correspondence has been sent you regarding the District's need for the "AS BUILT" plans for the sewage collection system in the Heavenly Valley Homes Sub- division. As of this date, our requests have been ignored. The people in the area are needing service and we cannot give them location data as needed, nor can We service the system. You will, therefore, send us the "AS BUILT" plans before Friday, July 10th next or the District will discontinue service to said Heavenly Valley Homes Subdivision by shutting off any flows into our collection system. Very truly yours, c¢: John C. Wei~man; Harlan E.Moyer; s/W. F. PRIDAY, Dr. Ken Dufour, Arthur Trumbull GENERAL MANAGER" W. Rothgeb" ~ ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF JULY 2, 1964 (continued) (MANAGER'S REPORT-continued) The inspectors are still finding a number of properties that have been connected to the early assessment districts 1952-1. and 1956-1 without a permit and thereby getting a free ride from service charges. This can be a problem due to change of ow~ership during these years. Most of these have been worked out on a satisfactory basis; however, a few are still pending. Mr. Parmentier, a septic waste collector, inquired of the District as whether or not we would accept septic wastes from the U.S.Forest Service recreatiom areas. The following is a reply to his inquiry: "Earl M. Parmentier (June 29, 1964) Rt. 1, Box"10218 Shingle Springs, California Dear Mr. Parmentier: Per our conversation this afternoon, please note that the South Tahoe Public Utility District will not accept any septic dumps from the U. S. Forestry Service area, which you inquired about, until the U.S.Forestry Service has been formally annexed to the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Very truly yours, s/W.F.PRIDAY, GEN. MGR." The district is endeavoring to upgrade the pumping stations by fencing and land- scaping. In fencing the property at the A1 Tahoe Station, we found it would inconvenience the people at the end of Link Road as they have been using a small corner of our property for their continued use we would build the fence to suit. This gesture is for good public relations and will not affect our operations. Letter as follows: "June 29, 1964 South Tahoe Public Utility District Box 825 Bijou, California To Whom This May Concern: We hereby accept any responsibility for that portion of South Tahoe P6blic Utility District property used by us aa a continuation of our Circle driveway. Respectfully, s/JOHN O.HOMER, D.C. JOH/clr" The District has received a request from Mr. Robert Seaton, Assistant Supt. of the Lake Tahoe Unified School District, to annex the South Tahoe Elementary School and the South Tahoe High School to our District in order to have sewer facilities: "June 25, 1964 South Tahoe Public Utility District P.O.Box 852 Bijou, California Gentlemen: At this time we, Lake Tahoe Unified School District, would request permission to annex to the sewe~'~district for the purpose of connecting South Tahoe Elementary School and South Tahoe High School to the sewer. Sincerely, s/ROBERT L. SEATON, ED. D. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF JULY 2, 1964 (continued) MANAGER'S REPORT (continued) The properties involved were formerly owned by the U. S. Forest Service and were never actually excluded from the Utility District even though they were never on the tax rolls. The schools, have acquired the property, will also be tax exempt. The Board may consider alternate methods for the privilege of getting sewer facilities by the Schools. You may charge a cohnection fee as a systems charge based on a typical assessment. You may consider a sur-charge to be paid in addition to the monthly service charges, which by the way are for nine (9) months instead of twelve (12). Or - - you may disregard any additional fee for sewer connection. I feel that regardless of what decision is made regarding the connection fee, that the service charges should be made for a twelve (12) month period as the school facilities appear to be used for the entire year. The District is getting more and more into the street lighting business and it might be well to set up a committee to study the situation as to the economic value to the District and the benefit to the prpperty owner. Also to determine the proper procedures for charging uninterested property owners when a major portion of a lighted area is being char~ed." (2) "19 June 1964 Record No. 2910.7 Mr. Win Priday, Manager South Tahoe P.U.D. P.O. Box 825 Bijou, California Dear Win: Enclosed are applications for three Demonstration Grants in Water Supply and Pollution Control which we have prepared in the name of the South Tahoe P.U.D. These applications, are for your review. If you approve, please sign each in the space provided for "Official authorized to Sign for Applicant", add the name of your financial officer to receive grant funds in the space indicated, and forward, in the envelopes provided, to Harry A. Faber, Chief, Research and Training Grants Branch, Division of Water Supply g Pollution Control, Public Hmalth Service, Washington 25, D.C. Postage must be added. Marked copies of the pertinent parts of the applications are provided for your files, along with copies of the information from the Public Health Service regarding submission of applications. Please note under Item 9 of the Instructions that the "agreement is binding on all parties to itt both agency or institution officials and personnel participating in the demonstration project supported. It should be read carefully with this in mind." I believe that these projects have been prepared along the lines of our previous discussi¢ discussions, with ~odifications in accordance with my conversations with Dr. Harry A. Faber and Mr. R.H. Holtje of the Washington D.C. office which reviews the applications. Competition is keen for the demonstration grant funds, but I think we have three worth while projects and our chances for approval are good. More funds are available for research, but I doubt that these projects would qualify under the provisions for these grants. We have prepared applications for three projects: 1. "Plant-Scale Regeneration of Granular Activated Carbon" PHS Funds $11,040 District Funds - $2,600 "Recowery and Re-use of coagulant from Treated Sewage." 1st year : P.H.S. Funds - $14,060 District funds - $2,700 [st additienal year, 1966, P.H.S. Funds (construction of alum recovery plant) District funds - $22,5~0 32,500 "Denitrification and Ion Exchange for Nitrogen Removal from Sewage, "P.H.S. Funds 11,270 District funds 1.900 ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF JULY 2, 1964 (continued) (LETTER FROM CORNELL, HOWLAND, HAYES AND MERRYFIELD (continued) A fourth project would consist of data collection in the operation of the separation beds and carbon columns. However, this cannot be supported by Federal funds since a patent application has been filed covering this part of the treatment process. We can discuss methods of doing this work at some later time. Please note that we have tenatively requested funds to construct the plant- scale alum recovery plant in the year 1966 under the second year of project No.2. This is based on a 30 percent Federal grant for the construction work. They will go higher than 30 percent but the chances for approval are less. On the other applications, the amount of the Districts financial participation is based on assumption of items of expense which cannot be paid from Federal funds, and on the minimum participation which is looked upon with favor in review of the applications as best we could determine from the instructions and our conversations with the Washington staff. If you have any questions, please call me. If possible, these applications should be mailed so as to reach Washington, D.C. by July 1, 1964, in order to make funds available by January-April 1965. However, this is not absolutely necessary. There was some delay in receiving the forms, and the Public Health Service has indicated that they would grant a time extension for filing the applications, if we request it. Please let me know what action is taken. We are sending copies of all this material to Harlan. He suggested I mail the originals directly to you, to save time. Best regards, RLC/kf cc: Harlan E. Moyer Ecl (4)" Very truly yours, CORNELL, HOWLAND, HAYES & MERRYFIELD s/ Russell L. Culp (3) FROM DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 P.O, Box 55, Zephyr Cove, Nevada "June 17, 1964 Mr. Donald Clarke, Chairman Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District Post Office Box 825 Bijou, California Dear Mr. Clarke: This letter shall serve to confirm the sequence of events, and action based thereon, commencing with the informal study session of our combined boards held on Thursday, June 11, 1964. At that meeting, your Board advanced a proposal whereby our two Districts would, in furtherance of our Agreement dated May 15, 1968, jointly undertake the ex- pansion of the existing treatment plant and construction of new disposal fecilities, with a view towards out-of-basin disposal of treated sewerage effluent with the exportation of said effluent into the Carson Valley of Nevada. Basically, the capacity contemplated would be 7,500,000 gallons per day, allocable as follows: 5,000,000 gallons to your District; 2,500,000 gallons to the Nevada District, with provision to be made for increased capacity to each District as and when it is required. ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF July 2, 1964 (continued) (Attachment No. 3 continued) You should find enclosed herewith an executed copy of Resolution No. 1964-2, said Resolution passed by the Board of Directors of our District at its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 16th, 1964~ following extensive study and discussion of the above and foregoing. A reading of the Resolution should be self-explanatory~ as it is intended to manifest the acceptance by our Board of the proposal made at our last meeting, above referred to. It is hoped that your Board will take similar action at your next regularly scheduled meeting, including, but not limited to, the immediate instruction to your attorney and engineer to work in combination with our attorney and engineer, with a view towards reaching a formal written agreement implementing the proposal presently before the two boards, in order to bring about, without delay, a unified program of progress to be undertaken by the two Districts. Kindest regards. WBL:ms: Very truly yours, s/WILLIAM B. LEDBETTER, President (4) RESOLUTION NO. 1964-2 (DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 "RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, Douglas County, Nevada, that WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 is a duly constituted municipal governing body; and, WHEREAS, in the conduct of the business of said District in recent years, the problems of treatment of sewerage and disposal of the treated effluent has become extremely acute; and WHEREAS, by Agreement dated May 15th, 1964, the District is bound to do everything reasonably necessar~ to effect a permanent solution to said effluent disposal problem incombination with the South Tahoe Public Utility District; and WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District has, under said Agreement, submitted aproposal to the District, whereby said effluent disposal problem could be solved on the basis of a joint undertaking of a project by the two Districts; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED as follows: 1. That the District's engineer be immediately instructed to gather all data necessary to enable him to go fmrward with the planning and engineering of such a project, to include a projection of all costs to be incurred thereby. 2. That the District's attorney be immediately instructed to draft all documents and take all procedural steps necessary to bring about a contemplated bond issue electi6n. 3. That the Board of Directors of the District, and its agents and employees, do all and everything necessary or required of them to implement with all reasonable speed said proposal in a joint undertaking with South Tahoe Public Utility District if at all practicable.. 4. Generally, to do all and everything necessary and proper to enable the above and foregoing. Dated this 16th day of June, 1964. s/ William B. Ledbetter Oliver M. Kahle John Harrah Memb'~rs of the Boar~ ~f Di~cto~s'o'f Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. i of Douglas County, Nevada Attested: s/John Harrah , Secretary, of said Board STUDY SESSION July 8, 1964 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met at the District office at 3:00 P.M, ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Stewart and Fesler. "Also present were General Manager Priday and Clerk of Board Hutchings. PURPOSE OF MEETING: The purpose of this meeting was to discuss and study the bJdget for the 'coming fiscal year. General Manager Priday stated that at the time the District makes the Budget for the fiscal year, it must be annualized at 120% as this is figured on a ten month's basis, instead of twelve months. (Actual figures are available for 10 months). General Manager Priday stated that this preliminary budget is comparable to last years budget but the payment from Nevada is cut somewhat. Discussion was also held regarding the length of time a company retains one Auditing Firm.' Mr. Hutchings mentioned to the Directors that it is the usual procedure for a Company to retain an Auditing Firm for four (4) years and then change; however, this is not mandatory. General Manager Priday mentioned to the Directors, for their information, that the plant will begin a 24 hour shift as of August 1, 1964. Mr. Priday also mentioned that the exportation will not be included in this budget. The preparation of this budget is to establish a tax rate and the tax rate will be the same as last year - $.97¢. The budget will be presented at the next regular meeting (July 16, 1964) for approval. THE ABOVE STUDY SESSION IS A NON-ACTION MEETING. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE D SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 16~ 1964 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session July 16, 1964, 8:00 P.M. at the Tahoe Valley Fire House. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Kortes, Fesler, Stewart and General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Hutchings, Attorney J. Weidman and Attorney J. Holtom, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, A. L. Shoupe, John Madera, John Murphy, C. Wentworth, W. C. Taylor. ABSENT: Director Wakeman. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of July 2, 1964, be approved as read. Director Feslever moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of July 8, 1964, be approved as written. (PLEASE NOTE: This was a Study Session only and no action was taken at this meeting.) MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report - as follows: "Manager's Report July 16, 1964 PLANT OPERATION: Total plant flow 7/1/64 - 7/15/64 26,008,000 gallons Average daily flow 1,734,000 " Nevada flow from 7/1/64-7/15/64 7,377,900 " Average daily flow 526,993 " Holding pond freeboard 7 feet and 2 inches The new spray facilities, pumping station and force main, should be finished and accepted by the District. MINUTES OF July 16, 1964, REGULAR MEETING (continued) --2-- (MANAGER'S REPORT - continued) The new construction on the Tertiary Treatment Plant is about three weeks behind schedule, due to circumstances beyond the Contractor's control. Sub surface water has been a detering factor in addition to an overflow from our sludge beds into the excavated area. It is quite possible that this lost time can be made up when they get to the mechanical installations. Considerable cooperation was put forth by the District crews and Martin Bros. Contractors in repairing the berm of the effluent ballast pond July 5th last. A burrowing animal had made a hole in the berm causing a considerable break. Because of some of these recent developments occuring during off shift hours, we have instituted a twenty-four hour plant operation, hoping to prevent future problems that could be major in scope. BUDGET REQUIREMENTS FOR 1964-1965: A budget may be defined as "A comprehensive plan, expressed in financial terms, by which an operating program is effective for a given period of time. It includes estimates of: (a) the service, activities, and projects comprising the program; (b) the resultant expenditure requirements; and (c) the resources useable for their support." The 1963-64 budget reflects an unexpended balance of $37,000 which means we were very fortunate in our budget control. You will notice in some activities we spent slightly over the estimate and in others we spent less{ b~t as long as we do not overspend the total allocation, we are in a very sound financial position. The 1964-65 budget, as proposed, reflects variables in comparison. The more noticeable items are in the Nevada District's capital contribution, which they paid up last year. (This does not reflect any contributions to be made under a new contractural agreement.) Planning and Engineering has been reduced because most of our export planming, etc., has been accomplished. Further engineering will be included in total contract costs. Building and improvements is less due to contract on Tertiary Treatment Plant. Force main and spray disposal was account for last year. However, the 50,000.00 is a contingency to cover our portion of the total jnb after we rearranged our total financing with the U.S. Public Health and found we had only a $300.00 contingency. The $40,000.00 for machinery and equipment is for the new pumping plant, adjacent to the clarifier, that has been giving us so much trouble. It is again fortunate that no increase in the tax rate is foreseeable. The budget, as proposed, can be financed with the same..97¢ per hundred valuation as last year. I recommend that the Board adopt a .97¢ tax rate for 1964-65 fiscal year." Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as read. EASEMENT COMMITTEE,: (Director Fesler) Director Fesler stated that the Insurance Committee met July 14, 1964, at the District Office. Present were Directors Fesler, Stewart and Clarke. Also present were Mr. Ames from Reed-Menely Insurance - agent for the South Tahoe Public Utility District, General Manager Priday and Mr. W. R. Hutchings - Clerk of Board. This insurance for the District was discussed in great detail. Director Fesler also mentioned that the Planning Committee will meet with the E1 Dorado Planning Commission on July 21, 1964, to discuss the detailed information with Engineer Moyer submitted to the Planning Commission and the report is also in the hands of the Directors. (This report covered information on sewered areas, sewer collection systems, existing sewer systems - pipe sizes and lengths, connections to system, quantity of sewage, treatment capacity, etc.) CONVENTION: Genera~ Manager Priday stated that a convention is on at Harvey's Wagon Wheel and mentioned that everyone is invited to attend. Mr. Priday will be on the panel as well as Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer for the District. Also, Attorney Holtom stated that Mr. E. Wilson - from Wilson, Harzfeld, Jones and Morton, will make a speech Friday morning at 9:30 A.M. Also present will be Frank Stead, John Leggett, Paul Eastman. Mr. Donald L. Clarke will give a greeting to the visitors tomorrow morning. (Friday). PUBLIC IN8ORMATION (Director Komte$): Director Kort~s stated that on July 9, 1964, the End"nee'ring firm was 'sho'~i~g'~he" District personnel the new spray disposal area and taking pictures of same; also, Mr. Sam Wentz was showing how the equipment was to the used and more pictures taken and published. ~ ~ ~ 3- July 16, 1964 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Director Stewart stated that the STREET LIGHTING COMMITTEE Should be added to Agenda. BUDGET - APPROVAL : Clerk of Board Hutchings presented the 1964-65 fiscal year budget to the Direc'tors for approval. General Manager Priday stated that this is an operating budget only; special assess- ment districts do not enter into this budget. Mention was made that the district has operated for this entire past year and have been able to achieve improving the effluent, disposa% facilities and the export study and this has been done withaut any increase to our taxpayers. General Manager Priday stated that the directors have always seen to it that all bills are paid and cleared; Mr. Priday also mentioned that Nevada pays agreat percentage of the Maintenance and Operations; the district has allowed a fund to be built, even though a bond issues was turnmd down three times; the district was able to build a capital fund, especially for the spray area and force main and the Tertiary Treatment Plant at no cost to the taxpayer. The 660 Grant and other available funds to a Utility District were applied for in order to save the taxpayer's money. Mr. Priday stated that the tax rate will remain the same as last year - - .97¢. ORDINANCE NO. 109: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carrie~, that ORDINANCE NO. 109 be adopted by t~tle, as follows: ORDINANCE NO 109: AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT STATING THE PURPOSE FOR ~'HICH TAXES ARE NECESSARY, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION, FIXING OF RATE OF TAXES, AND ADDTNG TO AND MAKING A PART OF THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT LEVIED UPON THE LAND UPON WHICH THE SEWER WAS USED AND CHARGES THEREFORE UNAPID AT THE TIME OF FIXING THE RATE OF TAXES - 1964-1965 Fiscal Year (.97¢). SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1: Attorney Holtom stated that through a misunders'tanding', the notice to property owners were not mailed to the property owners but were published and posted. Mr. Holtom stated that because these notices were not mailed, the hearing will have to be changed and will not be held on July 23, 1964, 2:00 P.M., as originally scheduled. Mr. Holtom presented the following RESOLUTION FOR ADOPTION: RESOLUTION NO 515: A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 512 and APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE OF 'REARING PROTESTS IN RELATION TO PROPOSED ACQUISITIONL AND IMPROVEMENTS AND DIRECTING NOTICE - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION.2NO. 515 be approved. (THIS RESOLUTION SETS THE HEARING FOR AUGUST 10, 196'4, :00 P,R. at the TAHOE VALLEY FIRE HOUSE, TAHOE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA.) NOTICE OF COMPLETION: (Sterling Irrigation Construction Company, Inc., and Byron-Jackson Pumpi~'g, Inc.) 1. PUMPING UNIT AT EFFLUENT PUMPING STATION completed the 28th day of May 1964. The Work done consisted of the construction of Pumping Unit at Effluent Station by BYRON-JACKSON PUMPS, INC. 2. PIONEER TRAIL FORCE MAIN, completed on the 9th day of July 1964, bY Sterling Irrigation Construction Company, Inc. Engineer Harlan Moyer presented the above notice of completions to the Board of Directors for approval. Notice of Completion for both STERLING IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. and BYRON JACKSON PUMPING, INC., were filed and accepted. RETIREMENT PLANT~ Clerk of Board Hutchings stated that with the CHAIRMAN'S permission, he Would like to turn the file regarding Retirement for Employees over to the Planning Committee for study. President Clarke stated thattthis would be turned over to the Planning Committee. Attorney J. Weidman stated that Congressman Bizz Johnson would be in the South Shore area Saturday morning at the Tahoe Sands Motel and if any Directors are interested in discussing anything with him - he will be available. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING (Continued) -4- JULY 16, 1964 General Manager Priday stated that there was a discussion of the Housing and Home Finance loan between the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District and the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Both Districts have applied for the loan, Mr. Priday stated. (Letter from Housing and Home Finance typed under correspondence.) CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Priday read the following letters: (1) Prom Housing and Home Finance Agency "Mr. W. F. Priday General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District P. 0 Box 825 Bijou, California Dear Mr. Priday: This letter will acknowledge receipt of the application of the South Tahoe Public Utility District for an advance of $79,700 to assist in the planning of a project for the construction of a facility for the exportation of reclaimed water from the Lake Tahoe Basin. The application has been numbered P-Calif-3730 and all future correspondence should refer to such number. We have currently Under consideration an application from Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. l, for a Planning Advance for the construction of a project that very closely resembles the one you have also proposed. You and the Douglas Count~ Bistrict are aware, I am sure, of the apparent necessity for an agreement between the two Districts that will form the basis for the scope and the financing of a project to serve the south portion of the Lake Tahoe Basin. I would believe that each of you will be in agreement that duplicating facilities should not be undertaken. Consequently, it is my plan to call a meeting of the appropriate representatives of your District and of the Douglas County District, together with the representatives designated by the two Governors in connection with the Tahoe Basin problem. This meeting would be for the purpose of delineating whatever problems we may then have or believe that we have and, at least, reaching tentative agreement on the methods to be followed in (he solutiomof those and any other problems so that we can be effective in providing whatever assistance we are able to provide in the ultimate solution of this problem. I assume that the meeting would be more conveniently held in the south of Tahoe area and that a suitable place for the meeting can be arranged. I would like very much to have your comments and suggestions respecting this. I would propose that a week's notice be given of the time and place of the meeting, and, of 6ourse, that it be held as quickly as we are able to delineate problems. I would like also to suggest that this probably should be considered as a discussion and working meeting that I have called and that the attendance be limited to those who are immediately concerned and able to offer contributions to a solution of the problem. A press statement or statements could be issued at the conclusion of the meeting. I am making a similar suggestion to Mr. William B. Ledbetter, Presidmnt of the Douglas County DisDrict. I would be glad to hear from you at your convenience and will, in any event, be in touch with you again as soon as a meeting date can be offered. I hope that this will be within the next two weeks. Sincerely yours, s/ PAUL EMMERT REGIONAL DIRECTOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES" REGULAR MEET ING -5- July 16, 1964 CORRESPONDENCE (continued) (2)FROM DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES: "July 3, 1964 Item 397.6 Budget Act of 1964 Sewage Disposal Facilities South Tahoe Public Utility District County of E1 Dorado Mr. Donald L. Clarke, President Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District Post Office Box 825 Bijou, California Dear Mr. Clarke: Item 397.6 of the Budget Act of 196~, appropriated an amount not to exceed $1,800,000.00, as an allocation for a loan to a Local Agency to be used to finance construction of sewage facilities for the transportation of treated effluent out of the South Lake Tahoe Basin but which would not result in putting the effluent into the American River. The item provides that in order to be eligible to receive a loan, the District must furnish the State a clear declaration of intent to carry out the purposes of the item by October l, 196~. This could be accomplished by the District's Board of Directors adopting a resolution declaring the District's intention to proceed with the loan. The item also provides that the District must execute an agreement with the State Allocation Board by April l, 1965, under which it agrees to repay the amount of the loan, with interest, within 25 years. The amount of the State loan would be reduced~by the amount of a Federal grant of funds to assist in financing the facilities. If we may be of further assistance in this matter, please let us know. Very truly yours, s/ H.H. JAQUETH, CHIEF, OFFICE OF LOCAL ASSISTANCE RMK:vu cc: Senator John C. Begovich Paul Hoyenga:" PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: General Manager Priday recommended that the claims in the a~ount of $25,227.'17 be approved for payment .... Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the claims as recommended by General Manager Priday, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. DONALD L. CLARKE, PRESIDENT ~ ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT WiLLAR'D..~i'HUTCHINGS,,gLERK OF B AND EX O~ICIO SECRET~RY MINUTES BID OPENING July 23, 1964 .... SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTR¢CT 1964-1 417 Bids were received at the South Tahoe Public Utility District on July 23, 1964, at 10:00 A.M. Bids were opened and Engineer Harlan E. Moyer read the following: BIDDERS ASBESTOS CEMENT Joe D. Miller 3333 Edison Highway Bakersfield, California ADD.NO. 1 Bond VITRIFIED CLAY ATTACHED Tab Construction, Inc. P.O.Box 2367, Reno,'Nevada A & E Pipelines, Inc. P.O.Box 7186, Sacramento, Calif. Charles J. Dorfman 124 No. LaBrea Ave. Los Angeles, Calif. 90036 Sierra PaCific Cons. Co., Inc. P.O.Box 41197,Sacramento 41, Calif. Wiechmann Engineers 2545 Tacchino St.; Reno, Nevada Preston Constructioh Co., Inc. Box 1070, Sacramento, Calif. Kirkwood-Bly,Inc. P.O.Box 1625, Santa Rosa, Calif. Ernest E.Pesta na, Inc. 2225 Old Oakland Ave;San Jose, Calif. Robert L. Helms Cons. Co. 3025 Mill Street;Reno, Nevada $285,977.20 $281,823.50 Yes Yes 474,064.95 Yes Yes 370,051.75 Yes Yes 386,410.00 Yes Yes 478,948.90 Yes Yes 400,292.05 400,342.05 Yes Yes 413,149.00 Yes Yes 358,965.25 Yes Yes 508,733.20 511,233.20 Yes Yes 391,330.85 Yes Yes Valley Engineers, Inc. PO Box 992; Fresno, Calif. 326,130.10 326,230.50 Yes Engineer Harlan E..Moyer stated that the Engineer's estimate is $464,399.50. Mr. Moyer also stated that the bids will be taken under advisement and award will be made following apublic heaping on August 10, 1964. ADJOURNMENT: 10:15 A.M. Yes Deputy Cl~/l~~ - South Ta~e'Publlc Utility District NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 27, 1964 A Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District is called for Tuesday, 2:00 P.M. July 28, 196~, at the District plant. Business Go be transacted is consideration of terminating the services of Willard R. Hutah~ngs as Clerk, Assistant Treasurer and Office Manager, and necessary matters in connection therewith. ROBERT WAKE~AN~ ACTING PRESIDENT~F THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 28, 196~ A Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District was called to order by Acting President Robert Wakeman at 2:00 P.M., July 28, 196~, at the District Plant. The notice of the Special Meeting is attached and made a part of these minutes. (See Notice at top of this page). Those present were Directors Wakeman, Fesler, Stewart, and Kortes. General Manager Priday, Attorney J. We~man were also present. ABSENT: Donald L. Clarke. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the Board go into an executive session to consider dismissal of Mr. Willard R. Huteh~ngs. Mr. Willard R. Hutchings was present at the plant and did not request a public hearing. The Beamd returned to public session and the Attorney advised that the Clerk served at the pleasure of the Board and that all of his additional duties were at the pleasure of the Board. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the services of Willard R. Hutchings as Clerk of the South Tahoe Public Utility District be terminated effective immediately and his additional services as Assistant Treasurer and Office Manager of the District also be terminated effective immediately. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the prior suspension of Mr. Hutchings as Office Manager by General Manager W. F. Priday be ratified. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, uan~mously carried, that Miry Parsley be appointed Acting Clerk and Assistant Treasurer of the District. Acting President Wakeman instructed General Manager Priday to take preliminary steps to fill the Vacancy of Clerk, Office Manager and A~sistant Treasurer. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the claim in the amount of $79.26 made out to Willard R. Hutchings for salary due to date be approved, ADJOURNMENT: 3:05 P.M. ROBERT WAKEMAN, 77CTTNG PRESIDENT ~a~r~ D. P/~sley, Acting Clerk of~B~;~ard and~ Ex-~f lc io Secretary ~/ ****************** REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 6, 1964 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session August 6, 196~, 8:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley, - Tahee Valley Fire House. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler, Stewart - (Director Stewart arriving at 8:30 P.M.) Also present were General Manager Priday, Acting Clerk of Board, Attorney John Weidman, Attorney J. Ho~tom, Engineer H. Moyer, A.L.Shoupe, W.C. Taylor, John Madera, John Sullivan and C. Wentworth. ~ MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, that the minutes of July 16, 196~, be approved as corrected. AYES: Directors KORTES, Fesler, Wake~n & Clarke. NOES: NONE ABSENT: Director Stewart Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, that the mindtes of July 23, 196~, be approved. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Kortes, Fesler, Wakeman and Clarke. None Director Stewart Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, that the minutes of July 28, 1964, be approved. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Kortes, Fesler, Clarke and Wakeman. None Director Stewart MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report. (Attached and made a part of these minutes.) ' - Re - last paragraph of Manager's Report: The Board of Directors agreed that the District should continue with the past policy of not accepting septic pumps outside of the District Boundmries. Director Fesler stated that the District does want to cooperate with the Forest Service and if Mr. Douglas Leisz, Forest Supervisor, wishes to discuss disposal of septic dumps, pumps, etc. - he will be happy to meet with him. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Easement Committee (-Director Stewart-) : DR. WHITELEY: Grant of easement and release received. Marjorie S~ringme~er: Attorney Weldman stated that the papers have been forwarded to the Sheriff's Office to be served on Mrs. Marjorie Sprin~meyer. JOHNSON ESTATE: Land description requested by JOHNSON will be completed next week. TAHOE MEADOWS: Many requests have arrived regarding annexation of Tahoe Meadows; Mr. Moyer has written a letter in answer to one which a Mr. Bliss wrote regarding Tahoe Meadows. Mr. Stewart stated that when Tahoe Meadows makes their move to annex to the District, the Easement Committee will move to settle any easements. Mr. Priday stated that Tahoe Meadows very definitely wants to become a part of the District. EASEMENTS 196~-1 Special Assessment District: General Manager Priday stated that there are 117 easements to be obtained.(ll7 parcels and 89 separate owners.) (2) PLANNING COMMITTEE (Director Fesler): Director Fesler turned the first part of his report over to Director Stewart. Director Stewart stated that a study has been underway in regards to changing the name of the District. Suggested names are as follows: · · 1. Tahoe South Shore Public Utility District 2. Lake Tahoe South Shore Public Utility District -- 3. South Shore Public Utility District Attorney Holtom stated that the one way this could be done would be to have an election to change the name of the District. Following discussion, this matter was turned over to the Attorney for study. AUGUST 6, 1964 -2- Regular Meeting (continued) Genral Manager Priday also mentioned for a matter of information that during a conversation with Mr. Harry Marks - - Mr. Marks suggested that the District change their name. Mr. Priday also stated that the cost to change the name as far as the stationary was concerned would amount t6/and not exceed $500.00. It was also mentioned that in the future, the District request the telephone number be printed in the Telephone Book in bold print. (This will be requested). (2) PLANNING COMMITTEE (Director Fesler): Director Fesler read the second part of his report, which is attached and made a part of these minutes. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the PLANNING COMNITTEE report be approved. General Manager Priday stated that this Committee (Planning Committee) has done more than any other Committee to bring the facilities up to the point where they should be. "I am ready to say that I am certainly not ready to be able to start what the committee has done on this insurance." (3) PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: Director Kortes stated that an applica- tion has been received to participate in the SUN & FUN FIESTA acheduled for August 19th through August 23rd and stated that he felt this is the type of exhibition that does not warrant the District's participation and suggested that the Chamber of Commerce be notified of this and that because we are a Public Entity, we cannot join this activity. Director Fesler seconded, vote carried unanimously. Director Kortes read letters from the following: 1. Boy Scout Troop No. 456 2. California Sanitary & Sanitation Districts Association NOTE: Letters attached and made part of these minutes. President Clarke stated that General Manager Priday and Harlan E. Moyer were members of the panel at the recent convention of the California Sanitary and Sanitation Association held at Lake Tahoe. Mr. Clarke stated that the District can be justly proud of both Mr. Priday and Mr. Moyer. Membership dues for the CALIFORNIA SANITARY & SANITATION DISTRICT ASSOCIATION is $200.00 per year. There are many advantages to being a member of this Association, such as direction, management, administration of S-anitary Districts in California, l~terature regularly received, information on legislation re bills passed, voted on., etc. Director ~ortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the S-outh Tahoe Pmblic Utility District become a member of the California Sanitary and Sanitation Association. Dues are $200.00 a year and same will be paid upon approval of payment of claims August 20, 1964. Director Kortes also mentioned that the press kits which were prepared for the Ground-Breaking ceremonies are gone - - many have requested these kits. (4)-STREET LIGHTING (Director Wakeman): Director W-akeman stated that the Committee has not formally met and it appears that the Committee will not be able to meet until the audit is completed. OLD BUSINESS: (1) SALVADORE ANNEXATION: Attorney Holtom presented the following ORDINANCE for adoption: ORDINANCE NO. 111: An ordinance describing territory to be annexed, determining that no terms and conditions are necessary, and declaring intention to approve such annexation - Annexation No. 1964-3(Lot 16, B-lock 1, Lakeview Heights). Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried that ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE APPROVED. (2) MONTGOMERY ESTATES: A Brief discussion was held regarding the MontEomery Estate claim and it was moved by Director Fesler, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Attorney J. Weidman be authorized to sigh and answer any stipulation being made by Montgomery Estate Counsel - Attorney Weidman will act for the District. August 6, 1964 -3- Regular Meeting OLD BUSINESS (cont.) : Montgomery Estates - Continued: RESOLUTION NO. 516: A Resolution Authorizing the President of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District to Execute a Reservation of Rights Agreement with United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company. BIDS: SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1: bids submitted by contractors: Engineer Harlan E. Moyer read h~e following 1. Joe D. Miller 2. Tab Cons.' Inc. 3. A g E Pipelines, Inc. 4. Charles J. Dorfman 5. Sierra Pac. Cons. Co., Inc. 6. Wiechmann Engineers 7. P~eston Cons. Co., Inc. 8. Kirkwood-Bly, Inc. 9. Ernest E. Pestana, Inc. 10. Robert L. H-elms Cons.Co. 11. Valley Engineers, Inc. Engineer's Estimate: $464,399.50 285,977.20 474,064.75 370,051.75 386,410.00 478,948.90 400,292.05 413,149.00 358,965.25 508,733.20 391,300.85 326,130.10 Mr. Moyer stated that he talked with Mr. J. D. Miller and Mr. Miller stated that he!~s willing to proceed on the basis of his bid. Mr. Moyer also stated that the total assessment district will now be reduced 38-1/2% (Front footage charge originally was $9.26 per ft and will now be reduced to approximately $5.88 per foot.) ~ Contract will be awarded following the protest hearing August 10, 1964, 2:00 P.M. Thhoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. EASEMENTS - SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1: Director Stewart stated that he certainly appreciated the confidence of the Board for the Easement Committee of handling easement in the past; however, he felt that because there are a total of 117 easements in the Special Assessment District 1964-1~.that the Committee should be given the authority to obtain a Right-of-Way-Agent and that the Attorney obtain Right-of-Entry. (There are 117 parcels and 89 separate owners.) Re the~right-of~way.Agent and the Right-of'Entry - . this will be Obtained following the Portest Hearing,.8/10/64, 2:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. NEW BUSINESS: Attomney Holtom presented the following Resolutions for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 517 - Assessment Split - 1952-1 RESOLUTION NO. 518 - Assessment Sp6it - 1956-1 RESOLUTION NO. 519 - Assessment Split - 1959-1 Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the above RESOLUTIONS be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1964-5 (Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1: This Resolution received from Douglas c6~nty Sewer Impmo'vement District No. 1 is attached and made a part of these minutes. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the South Tahoe Public Utility District adopt a RESOLUTION similar to the above adopted by Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 - eliminating the notice of a Bond Issue, and have the RESOLUTION ap~ly stmlctly to the South Tahoe Public Utility District. esolutlon R ' title is as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE RES. 520: PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECLARING ITS INTENT TO EXPEDITE AGREEMENT FOR EXPORTATION OF TREATED EFFLUENT. Copies of R~SOLUTION NO. 520 will be mailed to the Planning Committee, E1 Dorado Health Department, Water Agency, State Agencies, etc. - also to Mr. Wallace W. White, Nevada. ORDINANCE NO. 110: AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION OF CLERK OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the above ordinance (ORDINANCE NO. 110) be adopted. AU~U~T~6, 1964 REGULAR MEETING CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Priday read the following letters, which are ag attached and made part of these minutes: 1. From Lake Tahoe Unified School District re application to connect South Tahoe High School and Elementary School to sewer facilities. 2. From Civil Defense re Matching Funds Program with the Federal Government and enter into a mutual aid agreement with the Civil Defense Department of E1 Dorado County. It was unanimously carried that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 521: A Resolution of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District authorizing the Execution of Mutual Aid Agreement - Office of Civil Defense. Payment of claims: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the payment of claims as recommended by General Manager Prlday be paid amounting to $73,188.86. General Manager Priday mentioned that the Workmen's Compensation Premium has decreased - - it was 112% and now is 94%. General Manager Priday suggested that Attorney Weidman write a letter to the County stating their liability for the drainage ditch on Lakeview Drive. This could wash out a manhole that handles much sewage. Local man has been talked to but we have received no satisfaction and Mr. Priday stated that the County should be put on "NOTICE OF LIABILITY". Director Clarke stated that thereis a manhole on Johnson road that many people have complianed about and stated that this particular manhole could cause damage to their cars. General Manager Priday stated that people should not drive over this road because this is a private road; in the event they do and damage is caused to their cars, they cannot bring the claim against the Distri c t. ADJOURNMENT: 10:45 P.M. to August 10, 1964, 2:00 P.M. Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tah0'e Valley, California. DONALD L. CLRRKE, Pr'esident, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT -MARY D//PARSLEY, Acting/~lerk SOUTH ~fAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF AUGUST 6, 1~.64~ as follows: 1. Manager's Report - August 6, 1964 Plant Operation: Reclamation plant flow for July Average daily flow for July Nevada District flow for July Average daily flow for July Total Chlorine used for July 57,506,000 gallons 1,855,000 gallons 16,430,000 gallons 530,000 gallons 7.24 tons. Holding pond freeboard - August 1, 1964 - - 9 feet 1 inch. The Manager's Report given July 16th last showed the pond freeboard at 7 feet 2 inches - this indicates a gain of approximately 2 feet by the use of the new disposal facilities. Monday, July 20th, I had the pleasure of speaking before the Lake Tahoe South Shore Lion's Club. There were many visitors there - particularly from the Bay Area nd it gave us a great opportunity to square away some of the misunderstandings that have developed through improper information. Tuesday, July 21st, I spoke before the Kiwanis club of Lake Tahoe and the same situation proved very valuable toward our cause. ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF AUGUST 6, 1964 (cont.) Manager's Report (continued) Thursday, July 23, the Utility District held a bid opening for the construction of sewer facilities in Assessment District 1964~1. A good representative group of eleven bids were received and ranged from a low of $281,823.50 to a high of $511,233.20. Should the low bid be responsible and acceptable by the Board it could realize an approximate 40% reduction in costs to the property owners involved. The Engineers estimate for construction was $464,399.50. (Details to be covered by Mr. Moyer under Old Business.) July 27, the Board of Directors were notified to be present at an executive session to hear an act on an employee discharge. July 28, the Board met and discharged the Clerk of the Board. July 31, August 1 and August 4th, I received inquires concerning the position of Office Manager - Accountant- Clerk. One applicant impressed me as being duly qualified. Following is his resume: "David W. Callahan P.O. Box 1671 Tahoe Valley, California Date of Birth: 10/1/34 Race: Caucasian (white) Religion: Protestant Education: Corning Un$on High School - graduated June 1952 Bethany Bible College - attended Sept. 1953*through Jan. 1955 Chico State College - Graduated June 1958 with B.A..in accounting. Military: U.S. Army, September 1958 through August 1960. Employment: Safeway Stores 10/51 to 9/58 - Grocery Clerk (U.S,Army - Acting Sergeant, Supply. Safeway Stores 9/60 to 8/61 - Head Clerk Chico, California - Duties - supervising store personnel. Safew ay Stores 8/61 through 3/64 - Assistant Manager Duties: Supervising store personnel weekly sales reports; control cash Safeway Stores 3/63 to present Tahoe Valley, qalif. Assistant Manager (same duties as at Susanville Store) During the past two months it has been readily apparent that the salary as heretofore set was not in keeping with the job qualifications. I therefore request that the following salary schedule be set. I can hire the aforementioned applicant on this basis, should the board approve: START: $650.00 - 6 MONTHS: - $700.00 - One Year: $735.00 Two Years: $775.00 Three Years: $815.00 . (ORDINANCE UNDER NEW BUSINESS) Friday-, July 31, a joint meeting with the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 was held to discuss policy in regard to export facilities over Daggett Pass. The following points were discussed and given preliminary approval: (1) That an agreement covering the proposal to Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 as outlined by Mr. Harlan Moyer at a joing meeting held June llth last and also the following: (2) That the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District will engineer and construct the export facilities f~om~the. State line ove~ Dagge~t Pass. (3) That the South Tahoe Public Utility District will engineer and construct all facilities within the State of California. (4) That the engineers for the South Tahoe Public Utility District will be consultRnts on the facilities constructed by the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1. Mr. Douglas Leisz, Forest Supervisor has again requested permission to dispose of septic tank wastes from recreation areas outside the District boundaries into our system. Does the Board wish to review these circumstances or stand on the past policy as approved in Manager's Report dated July 2, 1964~ ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF August 6, 1964 (2) PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT: "Present were Directors Clarke and Stewart, Manager Priday, Mr. Ames, Chairman Fesler.' The insurance committee met and consideredchhanges to the existing insurance program. Following are our recommendations for which we seek board ratification: i. Order $568,392.00 Fire Insurance 100% average clause for the ~ew tertiary facilities using the builders risk course of construction form. 2. Order Broad Form money and securities coverage in amounts of $5,000 inside and $5,000 outside, to include $1,000 money and $4,000 ~ecurities. 3. Add sewer construction classification to the comprehensive general liability policy and request removal of the x c and u exclusions. 4. Add personal injury coverages A B_& C to comprehensive general liability policy at full policy limits. 5. Add non owned aircraft liability coverage to liability policy. 6. Request earthquake quote on District improvements for consideration. 7. Request endorsement of District fire coverage to "Replacement Cost" basis. 8. Request accounts receiVable coverage quote based on a two month exposure. 9. Considered ail risk office contents coverage, separate valuable papers coverage, and umbrella liability coverage and recommend against purchase. 10. Put wheels in motion to work up new statement of valuses for rating purposes together with necessary detail to re-establish Public and Institutional Properties special rate. 11. Left basic fidelity bond coverage of $2500 intact, but request increase to $10,000 for position of general manager and also office manager-clerk. If the above changes are ratified by the Board, the insurance committee feels that the insurance program will be in order. Periodic meetings will be held by the insurance committee to keep abreast of changing conditions which might necessitate other action." (3) The following letter was received from Troop 456 of the B~yySMouts: (same was signed by members of troop 456: "Dear Mr. Priday and Mr. Taylor: I am the Troop Senior Patrol Leader. The boys of Troop 456 would like to thank you for letting our Scout Master off work so that we could attend Scout Camp. We are having a good time here. Sincerely - Troop 456" (4) From: California 'Sanitary and Sanitation Districts Association To: Mr. Winn Priday, General Manager, South Tahoe Public Utility District "Dear Mr. Priday: It was certainly a pleasure meeting you and we were honored to have you on our program Friday, July 17. Our Association will be most happy to have the South Tahoe Public Utility District join our membership. The Membership Dues are governed by the Assessed Valuation of your District and the enclosed Membership Application is to be used in determining the amount of remittance you should send, MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATE will be forwarded to you along with proper meceipt. Thanks again for your worthy contribution to our Convention Program. GLW/w Encl." s/ Gerald L. Worthley Secretary-Treasurer ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF AUGUST 6, 1964 (5) From: To: California Sanitary and Sanitation Districts Association Mr. Win Priday, Gen. Mgr., South Tahoe Public Utility District Dated: July 29, 1964 "Dear Win: ~ Califormia Sanitary Sanitation Districts Association - 1964 Annual Convention The officers and executive board of the California Sanitary and Sanitation Districts Association join me in expressing our sincere appreciation for your 9articipation at our recent convention at Lake Tahoe. Your contribution to the convention program helped to make the meeting one of the most worthwhile conventions ever held. s/ PAUL C. SOLTOW, JR. PCS/Er" CSSDA PROGRAM CHAIRMAN (6) RESOLUTION NO. 1964-5 (DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 RESOLUTION) "RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, Douglas County, Nevada, that WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 is a duly constituted municipal governing body; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, is also a duly constituted municipal governing body; and WHEREAS, in the conduct of the business of the two Districts in recent years, the problems of treatment of sewerage and disposal of the treated sewerage effluent has become extremely acute; and WHEREAS, by Agreement dated May 15th, 1963, the two Districts are bound to do everything reasonably necessary to effect a permanent solution to said effluent disposal problem; and WHEREAS, the ~outh Tahoe Public Utility District has under said Agreement submitted a proposal to the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, whereby said effluent disposal problem could be solved on the basis of a joing under- taking of a project by the two Districts; and · WHEREAS, the proposal as submitted advances the most feasible effluent disposal system resulting from the joint effort by the two Districts; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors for this District did, by RESOLUTION NO. 1964-4 dated July 28th, 1964, allocate the sum of $45,000.00 and authorized its engineer to proceed with the preparation of final plans and specifications for that segment of the Daggett Pass effluent disposal system lying wholly within the State of Nevada, same to be constructed by the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 on the basis of a joing undertaking with the South Tahoe Public Utility District. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the two Districts met in a joing session on Friday, July 31st, 1964; and ' WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board of Directors for the Douglas County Sewer Improvement.District No. 1, by adopting this Resolution, to swiftly move forward in a solution of said effluent disposal problem, NO~, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED as follows: 1. That a written agreement be reached, embracing in detail the understanding reached at the said joint meeting of Friday, July 31st, 1964. 2. That siad written agreement shall provide for the Nevada District to be responsible for all design, engineering, right-of-way acquisition and construction on that portion of the joint system which lies wholly within the State of Nevada, and to coordinate its efforts with all affected agencies and boards involved therewith. 3. That s~id written agreement shall provide for the California District to be responsible for all design, engineering, right-of-way acquisition and construction on that portion of the joint system which lies wholly within the State of California, and t~ coordinate its efforts with all affected agencies and boards involved therewith. 4. That each portion of the system to be constructed by the individual Districts shall c~oincide with the overall plan for the system to be built, each District reserving the right to review the design and engineering and construction of the other, provided, however, that CLAIR A. HILL & ASSOCIATES, Engineers for South Tahoe Public Utility District, shall be the consulting engineering firm on the overall project. 5. That said written agreement be entered into on or before September 15th, 1964, if at all prsctical to do so. ~ ATTACHMENTS TO M~NUTES OF August 6, 1964 RESOLUTION NO. 1964-5 (continued) 6. That the District do all and everything necessary to bring about a bond issue election to financially implement the above and foregoing on or before December 1st, 1964. ~ 7. That executed copies of this Resolution be sent to the South Tahoe Public Utility District; to the Honorable Grant Sawyer, Governor of the State of Nevada; to the Honorable Pat Brown, Governor of the State of California; to the Board of County Commissioners for Douglas County, Nevada; and to any other affected board or agency to be designated by the Board. DATED this 4th day of August, 1964. ATTESTED: s/ John Harrah Secretary of said Board" s/ William B. Ledbetter s/ Oliver M. Kahle s/ John Harrah Members of the Board of Directors of Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 of Douglas County, Nevada (7) FROM: TO: DATED: Lake Tahoe Unified School District South Tahoe Public Utility District August 4, 1964 "Gentlemen: This letter will serve as an application to your district for permission to connect to your facilities for our South Tahoe High School and South Tahoe Elementary School in A1 Tahoe, Califormia. It is our understanding that, in accordance with a telephone conversation of July 31, 1964, Mr. Priday stated there will be no annexation fee for this connection. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. s/ Robert L. Seaton, Ed.D. RLS/as" Assistant Superintendent (8) From: To: Dr: E1 Dorado County - Office of Civil Defense Mr. W. F. Priday, General Manger July 20, 1964 "Dear Mr. Priday: Under new regulations and in connection with our Matching Funds Program with the Federal Government, it is necessary for all Fire Districts, Volunteer Fire Departments and Utility Districts to enter into a Mutual Aid Agreement with the Civil Defense Department of E1 Dorado County. In checking through the records ~f this office, we find that the South Tahoe Public Utility District has not entered into a Mutual Aid Agreement with Civil Defense Department of this county. We are enclosing necessary documents and request that you have all 3 copies signed and returned to th~s office, I will then sign one copy and return same to you for your files. If there are any questions relative to this Mutual Aid Agreement, I will be glad to assist you in every way possible. If you feel that I should appear before your Board to explain more fully this procedure, please let me know the time and date of your next meeting and I will meet with you. Sincerely s/ NEAL D. SMITH, CD Coordinator NDS;mc ~Enclosure: " NOTE: MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT contained in RESOLUTION NO. 521." ATTACH MENTS TO MINUTES OF AUGUST 6, 1964 (continued- ~.9) From: E1 Dorado County Office of Civil Defense To: Mr. W. F. Priday Dated: July 28, 1964 "Dear Mr. Priday: Under new regulations and in connection with the Mutual Aid Agreement with the Federal Government concerning Surplus Property, it is necessary for all items over the cost of $25.00 Fair Value to have a CDO Form 44 processed from this office. If you will make a list of any articles that you may wish to purchase in the future and send it to us, we ~ill file a CDO Form 44, so your surplus property program will serve you better. It is our recommendation that you have one of your personnel visit t~e warehouse regularly in order to take advantage of the surplus available. If you do not have authorization for your district to visit the Surplus Warehouse, please give us the name of the person or persons you wish to send and we will write a letter giving this authorization. If at anytime we can help you or you have any questions on this subject, we will gladly assist you. Sincerely, s/ Neal D. Smith CD Coordinator ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PROTEST HEARING SPECI~-L ASsESSM'~NT DISTRICT 1964-1 August 10, 1964 President Clarke called the Adjourned Regular Meeting - Protest Hearing - to order at 2:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Clarke, Wakeman, Fesler, Stewart and Kortes. Also present were Attorney J. Holtom, Attorney J. Weidman, Engineer H. Moyer and A.L.Shoupe, General Manager Priday and Acting Clerk Parsley. (NOTE: Director Fesler was excused at 3:30 P.M. and Director Wakeman excused at 5:00 P.M-~. Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that the total amount of the Special Assessment District 1964-1 will be reduced to $435,408.54 from the original amount of $600,000.00 The individual assessments will also be reduced from $9.26 front foot to $6.0~ per front foot and this is slightly over 1/3% reduction. WRITTEN PROTESTS: (Read by General Manager Priday) 1. E. W. Bingham 2. R.H. Nybert (not read)* 3. H.M. Stiles (not read)* 4. Milo A. Browne 5 J.P. ° . Seagrave 6. M.D, Nielsen 7. Joseph W. Serpa 8. Joseph E. Kane 9. John G. Evans for Harry S. Moyer 10. W.E. Kuhl (not read)* 11. M.A. Rotermund 12. Paul R. Andrews (not read)* 13. Patrick Spooner - letter read and not a protest 14. Pete and Eileen Rieder (not a protest, desired information re bonds, interest, etc. - letter read. *Letters of protest for above not read as the people were present and were given an opportunity to be heard. VERBAL PROTESTS: 1. Mr. John McCollum (64-1-253) 3. Rev. Plumley protesting for the conference Board of the Methodist Church. (64-1-026) 2. Mrs. Tom J. Griffis(64-1-238/239) 4. Delmar L. Brandenburg (64-1-241) PROTEST HEARING -2- August 10, 1964 VERBAL PROTESTS (continued) 5. Paul Andrews (64-1-018) 7. Robert H. Nyberg etux (64-1-251) 9. Floyd A. Bowman (64-1-252) 11. H.M. Stiles (64-1-258) 6. G.L.Sutherland (64-1-046) 8. George M. Hayes (64-1-183) 10. C.E. Manchester (64-1-006) Others that were heard are as follows (Not protesting - desiring information re bonds, interests, easements, building permits, etc.) 1. Josephine Elmore 3. William Moyer 2. Capt. R.C. Thornburn 4. Mr. Frisby-Bijou Park Properties, Inc. Mr. Art Trumbull stated that his particular area is not even considered in this sewer assessment district and he would very much like to be part of it. His area was left out completely. Attorney J. Holtom took this matter up with Mr. Art Trumbull. RE: Milo A Browne's letter (64-1-46/) Mr. Brownne's letter stated that the Government would be using his property for the freeway. Attorney Holtom stated that if the government did use his property for the freeway, the Government will have to clear the bonds, Mr. Harlan E. Moyer s~ated to all present that Joe D. Miller, Contractor, did Special Assessment District 1961-1 and that Mr. Miller has surveyed this Special Assessment District 1964-1 area and Mr. Miller asmured Mr. Moyer that h he is willing to proceed on his bid. Mr. Moyer stated that Mr. Miller is a very reliable, reputable and bondable person. President Clarke called the open hearing to a close at 4:30 P.M. Following a five (5) minute recess the meeting was called back to order. Attorney Holtom presented the following RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCE for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 522: A Resolution Ordering Reduction of Assessments - Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1964-1. VOTES: Ayes: Director Kortes, Wakeman and Stewart PRESIDENT CLARKE DID NOT VOTE ABSENT: Director Fesler RESOLUTION NO. 523: A Resolution Ordering Reduction of Assessments - Sanitary Sewerage Project, No. 1964-1. VOTES: Ayes: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Clarke, Kortes, Wakeman and Stewart None Director Fesler RESOLUTION NO. 524: A Resolution and Order Adopting Engineers Report Confirming the Assessment and Ordering th~ Work and Acquisition w Sanitary Sewerage Project No, 1964-1. VOTES: Ayes: Directors Clarke, Kortes, Wakeman and Stewart NOES: None ABSENT: Director Fesler RESOLUTION NO. 525:A Resolution Designating District Office as Office of Engineer for Work for Recording Assessment - Special Assessment District 1964-1. VOTES: AYES: Directors Clarke, Kortes, Wakeman and Stewart NOES: None ABSENT: Director Fesler RESOLUTION no. 526: A Resolution Designating Collection Officer - Sanitary Sewerage Project Special Assessment District 1964-1 VOTES;1 AYES: Directors Clarke, Kortes, Wakeman and Stewart NOES: None ABSENT: Director Fesler ORDINANCE NO. 112: Project No. 1964-1. VOTESF AYES : NOES: ABSENT: An Ordinance of Award of Contract - Sanitary Sewerage Directors Clarke, Kortes, Wakeman, Stewart. NONE Director Fesler PROTEST HEARING SPEC. ASSMT. DISTRICT 1964-1 -3- August 10, 1964 MOTIONS AND SECONDS: RESOLUTION NO. 522: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried. (PRESIDENT CLARKE NOT VOTING) RESOLUTION NO. $23: Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes,~unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO.~ 524: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. ~25: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 526: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 527: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried. ORDINANCE NO. 112: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried. Attorney J. Holtom. will notify Mr. Joe D. Miller re Right-of-Entry. Director Stewart stated that he would like to recommend that the Easement Committee be given the authority to interview the Right of Way Agent for the easements to be obtained for the Special Assessment District. He stated that they had a Mr. Frlsby in mind, who is the President of the Bijou Park Properties, and that Mr. Frisby is familiar with the area and the properties involved. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Director Stewart's recommendation be accepted. VOTES: (AYES - DIRECTORS STEW~M~9 CLARKE AND KORTES; NOES: None - - ABSENT: Director Fesler.) MISCELLANEOUS: Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, that Attorney Weidman request the District Attorney on behalf of the District to secure an Attorney General's opinion on the legality of export requirements, water replacement, and joint ownership control. VOTES: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Clarke, Stewart and Kortes. None Director Wakeman and Director Fesler. ADJOURNMENT: 5:30 P.M. DbN~L~ E'. CLARKE, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ACTING CLE~g'OF BOARD AND E~FIClO SECRETARY ~z SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 20, 1964 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session August 20, 1964, 8:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley Fire House. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler and stewart. Also present were General Manger Priday, Clerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J. Weidman, A.L. Shoupe, Also present were J. Corrente, A. Warren, Mrs. M.Springmeyer, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the minutes of August 6, 1964, be approved as read. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of August 10, 1964, be approved as read. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report (attached and made a part of these minutes). Last paragraph of Manager's Report re Home Finance Agency applica- tion under New Business. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Easement Committee (Director Stewart): Director Stewart stated that the Easement C°m~ittee met Tuesday, Agust 18, 1964, 2:00 P.M. Present were General Manager Priday, Director Fesler, Les Shoupe, Attorney J. Weidman and Mr. Frisby.- Mr. Stewart stated that discussion was held regarding a Right-of-Way agent to obtain easements for the Special Assessment District 1964-1. Following a lengthy discussion, Mr. Robert Frisby was hired to obtain the 400 series easements. Mr. Frisby is a local resident and very interested in the community. Mr. Stewart also stated that a new form of Grant of Easement was discussed and Attorney Weidman was asked to draft a new form of Grant of Easement. President Clarke thanked the Easement Committee on getting the Right-of-Way Agent on such short notice. (2) Plaqning Committee: Director Fesler reported no meeting wash~.ld. (-3) Public Information: Director Kortes stated that a letter was received from the Californ'ia Legislature. The letter stated that a public hearing is to be held on September lOth and llth at 10:00 A.M. at Brockway Hot Springs }~Hotels, Brockway, Lake Tahoe, California; they requested that the District make a presentation to the Committee at the hearing which sets forth (1) the responsibilities, authority, policies, and plans, of the South Tahoe Public U~ility District which affect the administration and development of the Lake Tahoe Basin, and (2) the methods and procedures by which your responsibilities, authority, policies and administrative decisions, and plans are coordinated with the responsiblities, authority, and decisions of the various other governmental entities, districts~ and agencies in the Basin. (General Manager Priday will work on the report.) (3) Street Lighting Committee (Director Wakeman): No meeting until after the AUdit is completed. OLD BUSINESS: (1) Special Assessment District 1964g1: Mr. Les Shoupe stated tha~ approximately 1000 feet of sewer line is completed. General Manager Priday stated that he was pleased Mr. Joe D. Miller was using vitrified clay inste~d~,of cement. President Clarke stated that Mr. Joe D. Miller is going right along without fuss or ceremony. Director Stewart stated that the newspaper contained an article that Mr. Joe D. Miller's blasting mat was stolen. (2) MONTGOMERY ESTATE CLAIM: Attorney Weidman stated that the Resolution was mailed to Mon'tgo~'ery Estates and 'so far no word has been received. (3) Tahoe Meadows: Director Wakeman stated that Mr. Everett Bliss called him REGULAR MEETING -2- August 20, 1964 TAHOE MEADOWS (continued): regarding Tahoe Meadows. Mr. Bliss was inquiring as to Board action that was taken some- time ago regarding the Tahoe Meadows trunk line, etc. Mr. Wakeman stated that he re- commended to Mr. Bliss that he contact Mr. John Holtom's office for information regarding the easement, and any other information he might desire. A~orney Weidman stated that a map was made up and an offer was made to Tahoe Meadows k~ ,~_ but Mr. Weidman stated that he does not have the papers. Mr, Priday stated that he suggested to Mr, 'Bliss that he contact Mr. Hughes (Mr. Hughes is an appraiser). Mr. Weidman stated that the District made no committment to Tahoe Meadows along the lines of the tentative draft. Easement Committee will check the minutes re information of Tahoe Meadows. Mrs. Marjorie Springmeyer stated that she has some property - -(county road) - - that she excluded several years ago and wondered if the District would give her some financial consideration if she wanted to bring this property into the District because She has noticed seepage on this property. Mr. Priday stated that the seepage is not from the spray - -- it is not effluent; the State and County Health Departments have taken tests on that; it is very definitely not effluent. Mr. Priday further stated that the seepage which exists on Mrs. Springmeyers property is coming from the Johnson Ditch. The District has not sprayed within 200 feet of that area in the past six (6) months. Mrs. Springmeyerasked Attorney Weldun what "inverse condemnation" meant. Attorney Weidman stated that means the land is used without legal right or title to use it. NEW BUSINESS: (1) APPOINTMENT CLERK QF BOARD& ASSISTANT TREASURER: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that David W. Callahan be appointed Clerk of Board and Assistant Treasurer for the South Tahoe Public Utility District. (2) EL DORADO CAMPGROUNDS: Director Stewart stated that he read the article in the newspaper where the E1 Dorado County is going to deduct $20,000.00 from their budget. They are planning to enlarge their leech field and not connect to the sewer facilities. Last Spring the County wanted to have a collection line put in and have sewer~facilities. NOTE: A letter was received at the District Office April 8, 1964, from the County Board of Supervisors stating their intention to connect to the sewer facilities in the very near future. Mr. Stewart stated the District has set a policy whereby all residents must adhere too and now the County wants to cut $20,000.00 or more out of their budget. They are planning to enlarge t~eir leech field and not connect to the sewer facilities. Following discussion, Director Stewart moved that RESOLUTION NO. 528, which is: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECLARING ITS INTENT TO ACCEPT NO FURTHER SEPTIC PUMPINGS FROM EL DORADO CAMPGROUNDS. NOTE: No further pumps will be accepted after September 15, 1964~ at which time the campgrounds should connect to the sewer facilities. Director Wakeman seconded and the vote carried unanimously. Copies of RESOLUTION NO. 528 will be mailed to Mr. Frank Stead, Mr. Jack Leggett, Mr. Doug Taylor, Lake Tahoe Area Council and the E1 Dorado County Water Agency. HOUSING & HOME FINANCE APPLICATION: ()Re last paragraph of Manager's Report:) President Clarke stated that General Manager Priday will write a letter to Mr. Paul Emmert stating that the South Tahoe Public Utility District wishes to keep their application active. Attorney Weidman stated that he contacted Mr. Fisher, Resources Agency, regarding the opinion requested by the Directors from the Attorney General. Mr. Weidman stated that he will proceed informally throuKh Mr. Fisher's office with the Attorney General to obtain an opinion. General Manager Priday stated that Mr. Weidman is to be commended for this job on RESOLUTION NO. 520. (Copies of this memolution were mailed to Paul Eastman, Jack Leggett~ Wally White, Doug Taylor and Housing and Home Finance,) REGULAR MEETING -3- August 20, 1964 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Korte$, unanimously carried,that the claims in the amount of $44,757,58 be approved for payment as re- commended by General Manager Priday. ADJOURNMENT: 9:30 P.M. DONALD L. CLARKE, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CLERK OF BOARD g EX-OFFICIO SECR~CTARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF AUGUST 20, 1964: (1) MANAGER'S REPORT AUGUST 20, 1964 "PLANT OPERATION: Total flows through plant, August 1 through 18, 1964 Average daily flow - - same period Total flows for Nevada - - same period Average daily flow - - same period 36,165,000 gallons 2,009,066 " 10,165,000 " 568,000 " Tuesday, August 18, four (4) plant personnel attended a meeting in Sacramento for the purpose of learning to handle chlorine through modern safety techniques. A joint meeting of the Directors of the South Tahee Public Utility District and Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 was held Friday, August 14, last to continue the efforts directed t~ward an agreement for joint participation in a final disposition for effluent disposal from the South Shore of Lake Tahoe. Milton Manoukian, Attorney for Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, presented a draft of an agreement prepared by him, and I might say very well done for the shourt period of time he worked on it. Considerable discussion was held on certain points of the agreement, that it must be legally sound, administratively proper, and reasonable to the two Boards of Directors and the people they represent. The question of ownership of facilities or title to same outside of each districts jurisdiction must be legally clarified. The question as to whether a complete new agreement should be ratified or an amendment to the existing agreement, must be clear in each one of our minds. Are we going to sell capacity rights through an amended agreement or sell facilities for the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage wastes under an entirely new agreement? A most important point for consideration. The language of the document must be in such terms and conditions that can be readily interpreted for the most expeditious way of administering the total operation. We must keep in mind that this is again a pioneering venture for the South Tahoe Public Utit~ty District and the Douglas County Bewer Improvement District. We are taking on a Herculean task of accomplishing a compact between two (2) small entities of different states within less time than 18 months. Other compacts we could mention, but won't, that have not been accomplished in seven (7) years. There is not one bit of doubt that as the two boards now -exist that a workable agreement along with joint meetings could be a possible quick solution to the immediate problem. But are we not concerned with tomorrow and new directors and administrators for both districts and what might be the results that could burden the taxpayers in years to come. We have both indicated our unconcern over re- placement of water, but can this not be a big factor in the total prosperity of this community. Regular Meetings Attachment s -4- If the conditions as set forth recently for the South Shore to follow and carry out are to help guarantee the sanctity of Lake Tahoe, it is the responsibility of both boards to see that the taxpeyerss of the South Shore can afford this big step for now and in the future. The E1 Dorado County campground has apparently defaulted on its agreement to hook- up to the sewer'system of the S-outh Tahoe Public Utility District if we would accept the septic tank wastes during the engineering and consturction of the campground system. Now I understand the proposed allocation has been removed from the County budget for the construction of collection facilities with consideration for additional leaching lines to the present septic tank system. This action is certainly in conflict with the efforts being put forth by the people of the Tahoe Basin to try to control pollution of the Lake. The treatment plant started accepting septic tank pumpings from the County campground April 27th of this year. The complete septic system was pumped as of May 1st and since the opening of the camp, we have received pumpings intermittently at 2-1200 gallon loads per day. For the past 45 days the pumpings have averaged about 6 loads per week at 1200 gallons each (two loads today). This would lead me to believe that their private disposal system is inadequate to put it mildly. I would suggest to the County Board of Supervisors that they reconsider their recent action in regard to sewer facilities for the campground so the South Tahoe Public Utility District will not have to impose a hardship on them by shutting off the acceptance of any septic tank wastes into our system. Mr. Emmert of the Housing and Home Finance Agency called and reminded us that our re- quest for planning fur~ds was ~till active and was being considered should we care to have it acted upon. He said we qualified for the loan under the conditions set forth by his staff at a recent meeting held here. He would like the Board to take some action on the request - - to either pursue it or withdraw it. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 3, 1964 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session September 3, 1964, at the Tahoe Valley Fire House. President Clarke called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler and Stewart. Also present Were General Manager Priday, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, Engineer H. Moyer, Mrs. Gustav P. Myer, Mrs. Leona Matthews, A1 Warren, John Murphy. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the m'i'nutes of August 20, 1964, be approved as corrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report - - attached and made a part of these minutes. CCMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Easement (Direotor Stewart) Easement Committee met August 24, 1964, to study the Tahoe Meadows easement. Present were General Manager Priday, Director Fesler and Director Stewart. Past records were searched of minutes and correspondence and nothing could be found stating any action taken by this Board or anyone else. Mr. Stewart stated that a representative of Tahoe Meadows stated that an agreement was reached by this Board to do certain things for Tahoe Meadows - but nothing was found. Attorney Holtom stated that he will check his files for any information re Tahoe Meadows. Another Easement Committee meeting was held 8/25/64. Present were General Manager Priday, Les Shoupe, Director Fesler, Director Stewart and Mr. Frisbie and Attorney Weidman. Mr. Frisbie reported on the status of the easements for the 1964-1 Special Assessment District re the 400 series. The full appraisal was received and passed on to Attorney Weidman. Mr. Weidman will have all papers preapred to submit to the judge. Easement Committee Report (continued) Mr. Frisbie was given additional work to do re the 100 and 200 series (easements). The Easement Committee met again on 8/31/64. Present were General Manager Priday, Director Stewart and Fesler, Attorney Weidman and Mr. C. Frisbie. Frisbie reported on the progress of obtaining easements in the 100 and 200 series. Also discussed - - grants of easements. (2) PLANNING COMMITTEE (Director Fesler) Director Fesler stated that the Planning Committee met 9/1/64. Present were Ddn Urquhart, Mr. B. Robinsoh, Mr. Doug Taylor, Arnold Prucha, Director Stewart, Director Fesler and the following discussed: The approach to the Committee at Brockway 9/10 and 9/11/64. Mr. Fesler stated the County is not planning to take a definite position at this hearing. The only one that will represent the District at this hearing will be General Manager Priday. Placer County will participate and their report will be re high water and air pollution. Mr. Priday stated that his report is approximately 20 pages which will be in answer to the letter the District received which will contain a report of District responsibilities, influence by other agencies, authorities, policies, treatment facilities,plans, exportation, tertiary treatment, expanding areas, resolutions and contracts with other agencies. (NOTE: RESOLUTION NO. 444 is a good example.) Mr. Priday stated that copies of his report will be mailed to all directors. Other discussions held by the Planning Committee: Annexation of Meyers; also, Mr. Doug Taylor stated that a letter will be forthcoming expressing the County Health Departments satisfaction regarding the report they requested from our Engineer - Harlan E. Moyer. Director Wakeman asked if the Planning Committee would look into bringing all of the excluded parcels that are still remaining into the District. Attorney Holtom Stated that excluded parcels have to be handled differently than parcels not within the District. There are approximately 97 parcels remaining that are excluded. President Clarke stated that Mr. Doug Taylor is in favor of the Campground connecting to the sewer facilities. Director Stewart stated that there are 406 campgites at the E1 Dorado Camp- ground and suggested that our Ordinance read, connection must be made if property is at least 600 ft. from the sewer facilities instead of 300 feet. (3) PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE (Director Kortes) Director Kortes mentioned that Engineer Harlan E. Moyer gave a speech in behalf of the District to the Rotary Club. This was followed by a question and answer session and proved to be a very worthwhile meeting. Also, Mr. Kortes stated that Sparling Meter Company requested the District to send pictures taken at the District for their magazine. Mr. Kortes presented pictures that Will be'sent to Sparling Meter as they requested. (4) STREET LIGHTING COMMITTEE (Director Wakeman) No report until after the audit. OLD BUSINESS: Two visitors were present and inquired about the split assessments. Attorney Holtom explained what a split assessment was. Also, the visitors were under the impression the split assessments involved their property; however, Attorney Holtom assured them that it did not involve their property~which is located: Lots 17 and 18, Barton Track #2.) REGULAR MEETING Septe b .r 1964 ATTORNEY HOLTOM PRESENTED THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: RESOLUTION NO. 529: A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment - Sanitary Sewerage Pr'~]' ect 1952-1 RESOLUTION NO. 530: A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment - Sanitary Sewerage Project 1956-1 RESOLUTION NO. 531: A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment - Sanitary Sewerage Project 1959-1 Director Wakeman move~, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTISNS NOS. 529, 530 and 531 be approved as presented by Attorney Holtom. Other Resolutions presented by Attorney Holtom for adoption as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 532: A Resolution Directing Making of an amended Assessment re Certain Assessments under Supplemental Resolution of Intention No. 47 - Sanitary Sewerage Project 1952-1 RESOLUTION NO. 533: A Resolution Directing Making of an Amended Assessment re Certain Asse'ss~'e~ts Under Resolution of Intention No. 146, as amended. Sanitary Sewerage Project 1959-1 RESOLUTION NO. 534: A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment Re Certain Asse's'sment Under Resolution of Intention No. 173. Sanitary Sewerage Project 1960-1 RESOLUTION NO. 535: A Resolution Directing Making of an Amended Assessment Under . Resoi~'ti0n of Intention No. 199. Sanitary Sewerage Project 1960-2 RESOLUTION NO. 536: A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment Re Certain Assessment Under Resolution of Intention No. 213, Sanitary Sewerage Project 1960-3 RESOLUTION NO. 537: A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment Re Certain AsSessment Under Resolution of Intention No. 239, as Amended. Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1960-4 RESOLUTION NO. 538: A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment re Certain AsSessment Under Resolution of Intention No. 287, as Amended. Sanitary Sewerage Project 1961-1 RESOLUTION NO. 539: ~ Resolution Directing Making of an Amended Assessment Re Certain Assessment Under Resolution of Intention No. 430. Sanitary Sewerage Project = 1962-1 RESOLUTION NO. 540: A Resolution of Intention to Make Changes and Modifications - Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1959-1 RESOLUTION NO. 541: A Resolution of Intention to Make Changes and Modifications - Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1959-1 Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the above RESOLUTIONS as presented by Attorney Holtom be approved. Director Fesler asked Attorney Holtom who pays for preparing the Resolutions as were presented at this meeting. Attorney Holtom stated that last year he stated he will be charging the District for this. Mr. Holtom will prepare a Resolution regarding fees for split assessment resolutions. At~rney Weidman stated that $4,50~.00 will be added to the tax rolls (delinquent service charge~) and will require anothe~ublication. Attorney Weidman requested that the following ordinance be adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 113: An ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AMENDING ORDInaNCE NO. 109 AND EXHIBIT "A" OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 109. D~ector Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the ORDINANCE NO. 113, be approved as presented by Attorney Weidman. MONTGOMERY ESTATES: Attorney Weidman stated that the Attorney for Montgomery Estates is on vacation; however, when Montgomery Estates received Mr. Weidman's letters they agreed to the terms of RESQLUTION NO. 513. Mr. ~eidman stated that Mr. Clarke will sign the SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEY and copies will be sent to the District. EMPLOYMENT RETIREMENT PLAN: Directom Fesler stated that Mr. W. Richardson has called him re the Employees Retirement Plan and wishes to have a meeting to discuss this. REGULAR MEETING September 3, 1964 General Manager Priday stated that he did not wish to make a recommendation until a meeting ishheld with Mr. Richardson. Director Fesler will arrange for information re the Retirement Plan and report to the Board at a later date. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1: Attorney Holtom stated that the cash payment period for the 1964-1 Special Assessment District is up the 24th of September, 1964; anyone desiring any extra laterals and wanting the cost of same to go to bond, will have to request, in writing and a sketch, prior to the 24th of September. ACTION ON MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday recommended the following for adoption: "In order to motivate a generous and feasible annexation to the District that the strict interpretation of Ordinance No 99 be waived wherein in lieu of the annexation fee a connection fee could be substituted at the time a property was served with sewer facilities. This means that no immediate annexation fee would be paid but all properties would be subject to the District tax. Also, the connection fee could be part of any assessment proceedings. D~ector Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried that General Manager Priday's recommendation be approved as mentioned above. NEW BUSINESS: Director Stewart requested that the Land Committee (including C. Wentworth and C. Brandi) be reactivated. President Clarke stated that the land committee is reactivated. Director Wakeman requested that the Water Committee also be reactivated. President Clarke stated that the Water Committee is reactivated. CORRESPONDENCE: The following letters were read: Same typed in full in official minute book) 1. U. S. Public Health Service 2. State Division of Highways (This letter was turned over to Engineer Harlan E. Moyer and not included in these minutes). 3. E. Perry Re Mr. Perry's letter - Engineer H. Moyer stated that he would hesitate to make a statement regarding the odor which Mr. Perry wrote about. Mr. Priday stated that if Mr. Perry would contact the District, a man could be sent right out to check it. Now that the district staff is on 24 hours, a man could be there at anytime he is needed. D~POSAL AREAS is about 90% complete; WATER RECLAMATION PLANT is slightly behind schedule; JOE D. MILLER SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1 is about 12-1/2% complete. (Director Kortes will release information re extra laterals and end of cash payment period to the papers.) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: General Manager Priday recommended payment of claims in the amount of $5,570.83 for approval. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, the claims as recommended by General Manager Priday be approved for payment. A~OURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. - , " - FF. 'S'EC SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DONALD L. CLARKE, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 3, 1964 Regular meeting: "MANgGER's REPORT: September 3, 1964 Plant Operations: Total flows for August 1964 Average daily flows for August 1964 Total flows for Nevada District, Aug. 1964 Average daily flows for August Chlorine used for August Propane used for August Holding pon~ freeboard 64,077,000 gallons 2,002,483 gallons 16,664,200 gallons 537,554 per day 12,488 lbs. 1,452 gallons 8 feet 5 inches A joint meeting of the Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 was held Friday, August 28th. During this meeting great progress was made in finalizing questionable details brought out in the Manager's Report of August 20, 1964. "O~mership of facilities" does not appear to be a problem as it was determined that hereinafter we would consider the con~ractural arrangements on capacity rights basis. The question of the "option" in the existing agreement was clarified by Mr. William Ledbetter, President of the D.C.S.I.D.#i board, when he indicated that the proposed payment to the South Tahoe Public Utility District would include the price of the option for the one million gallon permanent capacity. "Terms and ¢ondition~! as questioned in the recent Manager's Report will, presumably, administratively proper, as Mr. Harlan Moyer has been commissioned to outline the new agreement on the basis of his original proposal to the Nevada District on behalf of the California District.' Considerable interest in annexation to the Utility District has recently been indicated by the following principals who have large land holdings and wish to develope them. Properties along Highway 50 and 89 in the vicinity of the Lake Tahoe Airport to the Country Club is under consideration by Mr, Larry Hall. Mr. Fred Gallo has expressed his desire to annex properties in the ~icinity of the Lake Tahoe Country Club. Mr. Jim Wilson, developer of Tahoe Paradise and his representative, Mr.. George,Baron, have requested details relative to annexation and sewer facilities. Mr. Doug Taylor, Administrative Head of the County Health Department, has indicated a need for sewer facilities in the Echo View Estates area. T~ most recent request has come from Mr. Roy McCune, land developer from Belmont, California, who is desirous-of having 200 acres of the Elwood Johnson Estate served by sewer facilities. We have suggested to all concerned that they send us a description of the lands involved so we can put an annexation together. In order to induce other large land owners, in between and adjacent to the interested parties, to participate, I suggest the Board of Directors adopt the following program that was suggested by Director Stewart and approved by Director Fesler. In order to motivate a generous and feasible annexation to the DistricC that the strict interpretation of ORDINANCE NO. 99 ~e waived wherein in lieu of the annexation fee a connection fee could be substituted at the time a property was served with sewer facilities. This means that no immediate annexation fee would be paid but all properties would be subject to the District tax. Also - - the connection fee could be part of any assessment proceedings. If such a policy would be adopted, we can call a meeting of all interested parties and outline the program to them. I would like to publicly thank Fire Chief Ed Fisher for his concerted efforts in trying to get the fire class lowered for the District. Should he be successful, it will make a considerable saving in our rate. ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 3, 1964 (continued) Froml Department of Health, Education and Welfare 406 Federal Office Building 50 Fulton Street San Francisco, California, 94102 To: W. F. Priday P. O. Box 825 Bijou, California WPC-CAL-176 South Tahoe P.U.D. "Dear Win: Confirming our telephone conversation thi~ date, I will need a preliminary draft of agreement between the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District and the South Tahoe Public Utility District before advising steps to be taken on filing an application for a Federal grant. Sincerely yours, s/ E.H. Thouren, Chief - Construction Grants Water Supply & Pollution Control" From: To: Date: Ervin C. Perry Robert Fesler, Director August 24, 1964 "Dear Sir: Concerning this A1 Tahoe pumping station, it gives off a very offensive odor, and is very annoying and unhealthful. Please do something about it. Seal it off or put a high vent on it. Putting a little vanilla in it does not help. Everyone in the neighborhood is very concerned about it as this odor from raw sewerage has been contaminating the air for some time. We have had many complaints, from customers at our motel, about this odor. I hope this situation can be remedied soon. Sincerely yours Ervin C. Perry" REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 17, 1964 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session September 17, 1964, 8:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Stewart, Fesler and Kortes; General Manager Priday, Engineer H. Moyer, Attorney J. Weidman, Clerk Callahan, Les Shoupe, John Murphy, C. Johnson, Walt Little, ~r. King and Mr. Cole - representatives of Alpine T.V. ABSENT: Donald L. Clarke, Presiden~and Attorney J. Holtom. Following Salute to the Flag, Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that Director Wakeman be appointed Chairman Pro Tem for this meeting. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the minutes of September 3, 1964, be approved as corrected. REGULAR MEETING (continued) September 17, 1964 MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report, which is as follows: "Manager's Report September 17, 1964 PLANT OPERATION: Total flows through plant Average daily flow Total flows through Nevada Average daily flows 26,131,000 gallons 1,742,066 " 6,610,600 " 440,706 " Holding pond freeboard is such that all spray disposal activity has beBn shut down for at least a week to allow spray areas to dry out a little. Even with the heavy flows, the pond is below pumping levels. A1 Tahoe, Tahoe Keys, Bijou and Belleview pumping stations are about to be put into service with propane instead of gasoline for the auxiliary power units. Some months ago my Manager's Repor~ carried an item wherein we were going to get proposals and make such a change - - this has now been made possible. The low bidder was South Tahoe Gas Company for a little over $600.00 for the four (4) units. They are furnishing the tanks rent free with no strings as to from where we purchase propane. We expect to amortize the cost in about one year, notwithstanding the convenience of ample fuel supply. Heretofore, the men have had to carry gasoline continually in order to keep 12 gallon tanks supplied. The fuel cost for gasoline has been .30 cents per gallon and the cost of propane will be between .08 and .09¢ per gallon. We use about 2,000 gallons a year. Bill Taylor, Supt. of Plant Operations, is trying a new device in the A1 Tahoe Pumping station to curb the odor. It is a new type of chemical that has an absorption characteristic and is replaced daily. We are also going to try a water curtain in the wet well with an injection of deodorant. The joint meeting of the Douglas County Sewer Board and our Board was called off last Friday because of the ~ssembly Committee hearing. It will be reset for a later date after Mr. Moyer returns from the East. The large land owners that have been interested in annexation to the District have been invited to attend a meeting with the Planning Committee, 3:00 P.M., September 24, 1964, at the District Office for a full discussion on sewer facilities and annexations procedures." Mr. H. Moyer stated that while he is East he plans to visit the United States Public Health Department to discuss the Demonstration grant program and the District application for same. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Easement Committee - Director Stewart D~ector Stewart stated that the Easement Committee met 9/8/64 and 9/15/64. Present were General Manager Priday, Attorney J. Weidman, Mr. C. Frisbie, Directors Fesler and Stewart. Ail appraisals have be~n received for easements in the 400 series; right-of-entry for 36 parcels, and mentioned that all right-of-way entry should be completed by the end of next week. A number of grants have been prepared and turned over to Mr. C. Frisbie to deliver and make contact with the property owners. Eighteen (18) title reports were received by Mr. Weidman this date; same will be prepared for grants. S~CIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1: 30% complete; Mr. Joe D. Miller should be ready to pave next week. TERTIARY TREATMENT PLANT: Completion date is March 1, 1965. Mr. Moyer stated that he is confident the Tertiary Treatment Plant will be in operation on that date. Mr. R. Culp is also confident that th~ plant will be in operation the 5th of March 1964. Mr. Culp has been on an inspection trip since last Monday. (2) PLANNING COMMITTEE: Director Fesler stated that the Planning Committee did not meet but an important meeting is to be held September 24, 1964, District Plant, 3:00 P.M., to discuss annexation of Property not within the District. Large land owners were invited by letter to attend this meeting. (3) PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: Director Kortes stated that the Public Information Committee did not meet but asked General Manager Priday to report on the meeting at Brockway which was held September' 10th and llth, 1964. REGULAR MEETING September 17, 1964 General Manager Priday stated that 95% of the meeting was devoted to freeways, highways, and parkways. Even though it was mentioned that sewage was the most critical item, general Manager Priday stated it was not mentioned at the meeting. Mr. Priday stated that the Assembly Committee did receive his report in writing but he was not given the chance to say anything. Mr. Priday also stated that the ones that are talked about are not given the opportunity to defend themselves - - the Committee did not talk about the District directly, nor, did the Committee accomplish anything at this meeting. Ergineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that he felt the meeting was an entire waste of time and he felt that the Assembly Committee missed a golden opportunity to ~.et some information from Mr. Priday, but information was not desired by this Committee. D~ector Fesler stated that the Assembly Committee did not accomplish their purpose- they now realize that they are ill-equipped to do anything at all so they backed up. Director Stewart stated that he learned about roads and highways and felt the committee meeting was "like two children arguing". An article which was in the September 16th, 1964, issue of the Sacramanto Bee was mentioned by Director Kortes. This article stated that Nevada had not had any contact with the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Attorney J. Weidman stated he has not received a call from Mr. Manoukian or a rough draft of an agreement. Mr. Weidman also stated he asked for the rough draft orally each time he and Mr. Manoukian met. Mr. Weidman mentioned that he does not plan to do anything until he received the rough draft copy of the Agreement from Nevada. General Manager Priday stated that he did not think this article would come out in the newspaper because Mr. Manoukian stated it was not Nevada's intention. Also, meetings were scheduled for Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of last week, but Nevada could not meet those days. Engineer H. Moyer stated that he has not received information from Douglas County Sewer Improvement District's attorney or engineer. (4) STREET LIGHTING COMMITTEE: (Director Wakeman) No meeting until after the audit is completed. OlD BUSINESS: Annexation 1964-3 (Salvadore): No protests were received for this annexation hearing, and' Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the foll6wing Resolution be adopted by title: R~OLUTION NO. 542: A RESOLUTION AND ORDER APPROVING PROPOSED ANNEXATION AND CHANGING BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT (ANNEXATION 1964-3 -- Salvadore) Director Fesler asked Engineer Moyer what are the necessary steps and timetable in connection with the revised Nevada agreement. Mr. Moyer stated that the last meeting of the two boards brought out three items re the disposition of effluent into the State of Nevada: (1) legality of this district disposing of its waste into another State and another water shed; (2) actual mechanics of the agreement between the two districts; what district is purchasing capacity or ownership rights (This was turned over to the Attorney); (3) execution of the actual agreement between the two districts to carry out the joint program of the two districts. Mn Moyer stated that Nevada felt that in the past they have been on the short end and they now feel their Engineer and Advisors should play a greater part in the preparation of this plan. This was turned over to Nevada's Attorney who was going to prepare a rough draft of the proposed agreement between the two districts. Mr. Moyer stated that we have been waiting to have this draft prepared by Nevada; to date~ no draft - rough or otherwise - has been received by Mr. Moyer or Attorney Weidman. Director Fesler stated that he was of the opinion that an export of this nsture is feasible only as long as it does not require something for water replacement. Mr. Moyer stated that if the question of water replacement should come up, and becomes a fact, someone is going to have to pay for it and this will be looked for from the people that are causing the shortage. General Manager Priday stated that he had on his afenda(for meeting of the Assembly Committee at Brockway) to talk about water arrangement, but he never had the chance. REGULAR MEETING (--September 17, t964---cont±nued) Director Wakeman suggested Mr. Moyer present his report re water replacement, export, etc., along with Mr. Weidman's report on the opinion from the Attorney Generalts Office at a study session. It was agreed by all directors that this not be classified as a STUDY SESSION but as an executive session, to be held 9/30/64, 2:30 P.M. at the District Office. D~ector Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that an Executive Session be set up for September 30, 1964, 2:30 P.M., at the District Office to confer with Attorney, Engineer and General Manager, on the contract (new) re legal and engineering features. Mr. Moyer stated that the September 1964 issue of the American City Magazine has an article re the District's "WORLDS MOST ADVANCED TREATMENT PLANT". R~IREMENT PLAN: Planning Committee will meet with Mr. W-. Richardson to discuss the retirement plan for employees. MONTGOMERY ESTATES: Default will be set aside; Montgomery Estates will accept terms as outlined by the District. COMPLAINT - re Mr. E~~ Perry (Perry's Motel): No further word received from Mr. E. Perry re the odor at the A1 Tahoe Pumping Stati'o~. CABLE - T.V.: Mr. Cole and Mr. King, representatives of Alpine T.V., presented a program to the Directors regarding purchase of the T.¥. Cable from Mr. Wygal. Mr. Cole also stated that he has corresponded with the Federal Government regarding this cabA~ and turned some correspondence over to Attorney Weidman to study. Attorney Weidman stated that the District can legally own a T.V. Cable. D~ector Fesler stated this proposal to purchase the T.V. Cable is very interestAng and moved that this be turned over to the Street Lighting Committee for study. Director Kortes seconded, and vote carried unanimously. PAVING BIDS: The three (3) following bids were received to pave Johnson Road to Plant Entrance: PAVING GRADING TOTAL 1. Weaks Company .20" .015 .2'2 (".'215) 2. D & L .20 .03 .23 3. Galicia .20 .0125 .2125 .215 .02 .235 4. Browne . General Manager Priday recommended the bid from P.F. Weaks at .21 and 1/2¢ per square foot be accepted. (Total amount of paving to be approximately $1,980.00) Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the bid from Mr. P.F. Weaks, as recommended by General Manager Priday, be approved and accepted. RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously ~arried, that RESOLUTION NO. 543, which is A RESOLUTION MAKING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS, SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT 1959-1 (for Mr. Ablen); and RESOLUTION NO. 54.~[.,which is a RESOLUTION MAKING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS, 1959-1 (10'fo6~ 'strip) be approved by title. CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Priday read the following letter from Housing, and Home Finance: From: Housing an~ Home Finance Agency 450 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco, California, 94102 Date: September 4, 1964 To: "Mr. W. F. Priday, General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District P.O. Box 825 Bijou, California Dear Mr. Priday: Subject: Project No. P-Calif-3730 REGULAR MEETING (September 17, 1964 - - continued) (LETTER FROM HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE, CONTINUED:) This will acknowledge receipt and thank you for your letter of August 24 which transmitted copies of Resolutions adopted by your Board and that of Douglas County Improvement District No. 1 respecting the agreement reached b~tween the two Districts to proceed independently on the planning and construction of the proposed sewage disposal project. We are indeed glad that the problems which confronted the processine of this applicat6on have been resolved. In line with out.recent telephone conversation, we were and are still ready to proceed with your application now that a decision has been reached. Accordingly, if it is the District's desire to proceed with this application utilizing our Advance Planning Program~ it will, of course~ be necessary to modify your original application to reflect the proposed planning to be accomplished. In this regard, we will require a new breakdown of the "Estimated cost of the public works," Item 4(e) of the application~ which, in effect, will reduce your request for final planning to a fee commensurate with the planning proposed for the given area. Item 6~ "Anticipated Method for financing the construction, "will therefore have to be revised to reflect the adjusted project costs. The revision to the application and supporting data can be furnished in letter form and we can then modify the application acoordingly. Please let us know of your intentions in proceeding with the application. We are prepared to process your application as rapidly as possible and will await your further advice. " Sincerely yours, s/ Paul Emmert, Regional Director Community Facilities" Mr. C. Johnson, Tahoe Tribune, requested a copy of the report which Mr. Harlan Moyer presented to the Attorney and the Directors. Director Wakeman stated that he will withhold the report from Mr. C. Johnson; AttOrney Weidman stated that there are possibilities that some actions might end up in litigation - also, when negotiations are being made, the District has only one thing in mind and that is to save the maximum amount of money for the people of the District and that is all the District is trying to accomplish. Mr. Johnson stated that he wanted the public to see and know what our public bodies are doing. D~ector Stewart stated that he would like to have the opportunity to go ~ver the report rather than to read it in a newspaper. Nothing is trying to be kept secret, Mr. Stewart stated. CLERK OF BOARD CALLAHAN stated that a Mr. Miller called him regarding dynamite blasting by Joe D. Miller (Contractor for Special Assessment District 1964-1) which has caused damage to his house. This should be turned over to Joe D. Miller to refer to his insurance company as he does carry liability damage coverage. ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. ROBERT~ MAKEMAN~ PRESIDENT Pro Tem SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DAVID W. CALLAHAN, CLERK & EX-OFF. SEC. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ' REGULAP ~EET Ii.~ G PAYUENT OF CLAI~,~S (continued): that the claims in the amount of $134,993,53, as recommended by General ."anager Priday be approved for payment. ©ctober 15, 1964 ,' ': 9:30 P.~,. ADJOURN~4EN'I David W. C'allahan, Cler'k of Bal.&Ex-Off. Sec. SOUTh{ TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Do~hld L. Clarke, President South T~hoe Public Utility District OPENING OF BIDS FOR THE SECONDARY SLUDGE PUMP STATION NOVEMBER 5, 1964 Bid opening for the Secondary Sludge Pump Station was held at the South Tahoe Public Utility District Office November 5, 1964, 2:00 P.M. Engine~ H. Moyer opened all bids, which are as follows: NAME 1. R'yan &' Cope $47,100.'00 General Contractors P.O.Box 381 Bijou, California BID AMOUNT 2. California Filter Company $54,792.00 1300 Rollins Road Burlingame, California 3. R.W. Johnson & Sons $47,768.00 16 Sleepy Hollow Avenue Orinda, California 4. COZAD Construction Co. $56,944.0~ P.O. Box 1462 Sacramento, California Engineers estimate: - $41,800.00 Engineer H. Moyer stated that the above bids will be under consideration and if any one of the above bids are accepted - the Contractor will be notified w~thin thirty (30) days. DAVID W0 CALLAHRN, CLERK OF BOARD g EX OFFICIO SECRETARY DECEMBER 3, 1964 Regular Meeting (continued) President Pro Tem Wakeman stated that this revised schedule be considered as Dart of the Study Session. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $8,266.62 as recommend by ,r. Callahan be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. DA~fID W. -C-ALLAHAN, CLERK OF BOARD AND EX-OFFICIO SECRETARY ~SBERT ~kE}iik~, PRE"~IbE'NT PRO ?E'M' SOUTH T~HUE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 17, 1964 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session, December 17, 1964, at the Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California, 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL~ Present were President Pro Tem Wakeman, Directors Kortes, Fesler, Stewart; Acting Manager Callahan, Attorney John Holtom, Frank Souza, Walt Little, Bob Oeffner, John Bergman and his client. ABSENT: Donald L. Clarke and W.F, Priday. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Korte~, unanimously carried, thA~ '%'h"e minutes of the December 3, 1964 regular meeting be approved as corrected: Page 2 - EASEMENTS NOT OBTAINED IN THE 1964-1 SPECIAL ASSESS~ENT DISTRICT TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Director Stewart stated that there are several easements in 1964-1 which have not been obtained. He requested that ~r. Callahan check this Special Assessment District before issuing any permits. Effort will be made to obtain the easements before issuing connection per~it in Special Assessment District 1964-1. MANAGER'S REPORT: Mr. Callahan, Acting General Manager, read the following report: Decpmbe~!7~,- 1964: PLANT OPERATION: Total flow for December 1, 1964 to 15th Average daily flow Total flow for Nevada Dec. 1, thru 15th, 1964 Average daily flow Holding pond freeboard ..... 3 feet 6 inches 19,816,000 gallons 1,321,066 " 4,460,500 " 293,361 " Ryan and Cope began work on Secondary Sludge Pump Station ~onday, December 14, 1964. We have had no correspondence from Joe D. ~iller in regard to completion of sewer facilities in the Assessment District 1964-1. MOTION: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Visitors Frank Souza and Bob Oeffner stated they were present to listen and learn the status of thin~s. Walt Little was present to report for the Lake Tahoe News. Mr. John Bergman, a real estate man from the area, presented his client who owned property in the Meyers area, and asked that they be informed as to the possibility of having the client's property annexed and served with sewers. Director Fesler stated that work was going forward toward mass annexation of the area and the board hoped to have the annexation finished in a year, but no promise could be made as to service for sometime. ~ANAGER ' S REPORT (continued) transmittal letter should be sent to the California State Water Ouality Control Board If you have any questions, please contact us. Enclosure Part A (copies -3) Sincerely yours, s/ WILLIA~ B. SCHPEEDEP, Acting Regionsl Program Director Water Supply & PollutSon Control cc: Calif. State Water Quality Control B-oard (w/cc of P~rt A) ClairaA. Hill & Associates DWS&PC, Washing, D.C," A letter indicating our concern has 6eon sent to Congressman U.T."Bizz" Johnson from our Attorney, John C. Weidman; I have asked for a meeting with the U.S.Pub!ic Health Service but have been advised that they will consider one at some future date." Re the letter which was contained in Ur. Priday's report from the U.£.Public Health Department, [~r. Priday stated that a letter was written by the DSstrict asking when the District could expect payment of $90,000.00. In addition, following the written request, Mr. Prid~y had a telephone conversation with ~r. E.H. Thouren smd his conversation indicated they were going to withdraw financial support from any facilities constructed that would not be used in the export plan. The original _letter, which was contained in the ~a~nager's Report, did not stipulate any conditions for acceptance by the South Tahoe Public Utility District. In later correspondence, the U.S.PuLlic Health Department requested a Resolution and Schedule of Export from the South Tahoe Public Utility District and the District sent this as they requested. They have also been notified of the progress of the District. Yz~ Priday also mentioned that he discussed the 5 year lease with Mr. E.H.Thouren and also mentioned to Mr. Thouren that since the U.S.?orestry Service Office was directly above his office that he was welcome to try to obtain a longer lease. M~ Priday stated this District does have a cause for concern because the $90,000.00 is a good amount of what has been already spent. M~ Jack Leggett, Executive Director of the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board, stated that Mr. Thouren's statement to the South Tahoe Public Utility District as to the money having to be spplied to a special project is somewhat of ~ surprise to him and he felt that thereiis a misunderstanding. Yr. Leggett will contact Paul Bonderson in the morning and ask him to talk to Mr. Thouren, and if ~ecessary Mr. Leggett will get Hugo Fisher to see what he can do about this. President Clarke stated that the South Tahoe Public Uti![ty District presented everything requested by the U,S.Pub!ic Health Department and that the District Plans and Specifications were approved by the U.S.Public Health Department. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1) Easement Committee (Director Stewart) Director Stewart stated that an Easement Committee was held October 8, 1964~ and present were Mr. C. Frisbie, Director Fesler, General Manager Priday and Director Stewart. Yr. ?risbie brought the Committee up to date regarding all easement in the Special Assess- ment ment District 1964-1. Mr. Frisbie had contacted the major part of the large land owners in the 400 series regarding easements. The land owners in the 400 series were agreeable to the easements with the exception of the ruling of not being able to build over the line. Mr. Stewart stated that these lines are buried 6' deep and that he could see no reason they could not build over this line if they bridge the line; Mr. Stewart recommended that this ruling be waived and allow these property owners in the 400 series to build over this line, providing they brid~e the line. D~ector Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried~ that the Easement Committee be given full authority to negotiate easements on these lots under conditions which Mr. Stewart mentioned above and to waive the condition of build[ng over the line. DECEMBER 3, 1.964 REGULAR MEETING (continued) NEW BUSINESS: 1. AUDIT REPORT: Mr. Callahan presented copies to the Directors and Attorney's of th~-~udit '~eport prepared by Irvine and Duce - Auditors. The Directors will study this and if a Study Session is desired, Mr. John Ehlman of Irvine & Duce will attend this Study Session to. explain or clarify anything the Directors wish. It was mentioned that the Directors would like to have Mr. Clarke - President of the 'Board, who is now on vacation, and Mr. W.F. Priday, General Manager, who is on vacation, look this audit report over also. ANNEXATIONS: (WILLIAM LEDBETTER AND FRANK GLOBIN/ED FISHER:) Mr. Callahan stated that Mr. Ledbetter and Mr. Fisher (purchasing from Mr. G6obin) have requested a permit beissued to them while their annexation is going through. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that Mr. Ledbetter and Mr. Globin/Fisher be given permission to connect to the sewer facilities while their annexation is beingprocessed and all fees are to be paid to the District including taxes for next year, These fees are to be oaid at the time the ~ermit is issued. CORR.ESPON.D..E~CE:.. Following letters were read: From: To: Subj: Clair A. Hill & Associates South Tahoe Public Utility District PIONEER TRAIL FORCE MAIN, EFFLUENT DISPOSAL SYSTEM "Dear Sir: The referenced projects, for which application has been made for P.L. 660 Funds, will be useable facilities regardless of whether or not effluent is exported into Nevada. The land disposal facilities will be rmtained for as long as permitted by the U.S.Forest Service, and will be used for standby emergency disposal facilities in the event of interruption in the export facilities. The force main will be used for the same purpose and can also be incorporated into the District's master sewage plan when service is extended to the Meyers region. s/Harlan E. Moyer" Mr. Callahan requested the Board of Directors approve the above letter as the same will be sent to the U.S.Public Health Department. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the above be approved and a copy mailed to the U.SPublic Health Department." 2. From: Milton Manoukian To: W.F. Priday "Dear Win: Please be advised that at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Dou?las County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, held on November 17th, 1964, action on Resolution No. 1964-6 was deferred until a full meeting of the Board of Directors. You will recall that the Board had earlier agreed to execute similar resolutions, calling for the formal application by each District to every possible affected agency - local, state and federal - relative to acquisition of additional monies other than PL=660 monies for the construction of an out-of-basin disposal system. At such time as further action is taken, you will be notified. Kindest personal regards. The above letter for information only. Very truly yours, s/Milton Manoukian, Attorney for Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No.l." Mr. Moyer mentioned that the contract that the District has now with Clair A. Hill & Associates, is outdated. A revised manual has now come out containin~ a revised schedule of fee curves, etc. Mr. Moyer also ~tated that Clair A.Hill g Associates are now writing new contracts on the revised fee schedule and stated that he will send a copy of the revised fee schedule along with the new manual for consideration by the Board. REGULAR MEETING October 1, 196~ For the Directors information, General ~!anager Priday stated that the County Poad Department has removed the earth down dangerously close to the sewer pipe(located at Station 6500 on Pioneer trail) and that there is less than a two foot cover over the a~anhole. The County is aware of where the district lines are buty they have not done anything about this situation.(The County has a print of the sewer lines.) NEU BUSINESS 1) General Uanager Priday recommended that the South Tahoe Public Utility District employ our Engineers - Clair A. Hill & Associates - to design the plans and specifica- tions for our export facilities from our holding pond to the Ststeline. (This would take about three months ~nd cost approximately $20,000.00). - Director Kortes moved, ~econded by Director Wakeman tht the above recommendatiom of General ~.[anager Priday be approved in the form of the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 554: A RESOLUTIOn[ OF THE BOARD Or DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTI! TAHOE PUBLIC UTILTY DISTRICT AUT~!ORIZING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND ESTIYATES OF THE COST OF ORIGINAL CONSTRUCTION AND CO~PLETION BY THE SOUTH T~HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRIC T OF CYLIFORNIA - FACILITY FOP SES.~AQE EFFLUENT EXPORT VOTES: Ayes: President Clarke, Directors Kortes & Stewart Noes: Directors Feslar and Wakeman Absent: None UOTION CARRIED 2. General Manager Priday recommended (in ~.~anager's Report) that ~'r. William C. Taylor and Gilbert T. Koehler, Jr., be sent to RichlAnd, W~shington, on or about November !, 1964, for an operations study of a WATER TRE~TL~ENT PLANT. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that General Manager Priday's recommendation be approved. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - PU~ STATION: Engineer H. Yoyer presented plans and sp~'cific~'~ions for the SECONDAP[Y'"SLUDGE PU~P STATION. Brief discussion followed and the following resolutions were approved: RESOLUTION 556: ~~R~am~~xx Resolution of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District ascer- taining the General Applicable Prevailing Wage Rate - Secondary Sludge Pump Station. RE~OLUTION NO. 555: A Resolution of the Board o~ Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility Distr~ct a~opting Plans and Specifications and Calling for Notice to Contractors for Sealed Proposals for Construction - Secondary Sludge Pump Station. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that Resolutions 555 and 556 be approved. Mr. William C. Taylor, Supt. of Plant Operations, stated that the pumps that are nov; used to pump sludge are not the right kind of pump and that since he has been employed by the District he has repeatedly requested these pumps be changed. LAW SUITS: Attorney Weidman stated that final trial is set for October 29, 1964, at Placerv~l!e, California, - George E. Yiller; Harper and Baxter trial is set for November 16, 1964; ~ontgomery Estates claim was turned over to the District's Insurance Company. ~r. Weidman requested that a Director be present for the trial October 29, 1964, and for the trial November 16, 1964, PAYMENT OF CLAIm, S: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by~ Director Fesler, unanimously carried,t~at the claims in the amount of $5,557.68 be approved for payment as recommended by General Manager Priday. AD,JOURNI'~ENT: 10:00 P.[,~. David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary Sohth Tahoe Public Utility District DONALD L. CLARKE, '~"RESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 3, 1964 REGULAR MEETING (CONTINI~ED) Room Tax (continued:) Attorney J. Holtom will investigate this 4% room tax and report back to the Board. Director Fesler stated that a STUDY SESSION was scheduled for 11/25/64 aubject to receiving the contract from Dougl~ 'C~u~'t~ Sewer Improvement district. No minutes were taken at this meetinK and Mr. Fesler wanted the public to know that the contract was received and the Study Session was held 11/25/64. The contract needs further study by this board - - a meeting is scheduled for 10:00 A.M. with Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. ! (12/4/64). MANAGER'S REPORT: Mr. D. Callahan, Acting General ~anager, read the following report: "becember'3~" /'964 Plant ~peration: Total flow for November Average daily flow Total flow for Nevada Average daily flow for Nevada Holding Pond Freeboard ...... 5 feet [~ inches 40,747,000 gallons 1,358,000 " 11,007,100 " 366,990 " Received bonds and insurance papers from Ryan & ~ope for Secondary Sludge Pump Station. Contract has been signed dated 11/24/64, Work to start within 15 days from same date. Tuesday, November 24, 1964, Supt. of Plant-Bill Taylor- and employees attended a safety meeting. At same meeting they received a safety award from ~r.H.Eldridge of State Compensation Insurance Fund. I, in the absence of Mr. Priday, congradulate our Plant employees for the fine job they are doing. On November 27, 1964, our office received a call for Mr. Priday from Mt.Harry Warks. His message was: "His sincere regrets for not being able to attend the meeting and wanted us to convey his sincere regmets to the Bomrd of Directors. He was in the hospital - Modesto, California - and wants to know if there is any way that he can make this up. MP~'.~arks stated that the Dr. would not release him until the day before Thanksgiving." President Pro Tem Wakeman thanked Mr. Callahan for his report and for ~is initiative in con~ra~iating the employees of the plant. CO~MITTEE REPORTS: 1. Easement- ..... No Repo~' 2._ p~anqiDKrr ..... ~Director Fesler stated that "The Planning Committee met as the Insurance Committee on 12/1/64 at the District Office. Present were Directors ~tewart and Fesler and Insurance Agent Ames of the firm of Reed-Meneley, the District's Servicing Agent. In an attempt to simplify the District's insurance program through consolidation of policies and also to reduce the overall cost to the District, the committee accepted a binder for a special multi peril package insurance policy, This package policy is with the same company who presently writes the insurance so the changes is more one of form than of substance. Necessary for a package policy or any other type as well is an up to date statement of re- placement costs and insurable values for the district's improvements and equipment. To this end, this committee recommends that the board authorize our engineer and instruct our engineer - Harlan E. Moyer - to work with the insurance agent and company to prepare this statement of values. Expenses incurred by Mr. Moyer for this service should be paid for by the District in the usual manner. We hope and expect that the insurance program should be finalized by mid February, and a further report will be made to this board concerning progress. The Plan~ing Committee met Dec. 2nd with Attorney Weidman in setting up a high level meeting with legislators concerning financing of the export facilities, At present, those expected to attend the meeting set for Dec. 9, 1964, 10:00 A.~.,in Senator Begovich's office in Sacramento are Senator Begovlch, Congressman "Bizz" Johnson, Assemblyman Chappie, Senator Lunardi, Supervisor Chism, representatives of Senator Kuchel, the Tahoe Area Council, Administrative Resources Agency, and two water quality control boards together with appropriate representatives of the South Tahoe Public Utility Distric~ their Attorney and Engineer. A further report will be made concerning results of this meeting." Mr. Wink Ames, Insurance Agent for Reed-~eneley, presented the District with the Special Multi-Peril policy. Planning Committee Report accepted. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE : Director Kortes stated that on 11/23/64 Mr.H.Eldridge did award the safety award to the South Tahoe Public Utility District employees; the State REGULAR ~.-~EETING October 1, 19hq sewer line of 43% of the total amount. Of the 120 calendar days specified for completion of the contract, there are ~0 days remaining." Diz. ector Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report (recommendation re Pichland, Washington trip for ~fr. W.C. Taylor and G.T.Koehler, Jr. listed under new business) be accepted as presented. COMMITTEE REPOPTS: 1) EASEmeNT COM~ITTEE (DIRECTOR STEWART) The Easement Committee met September 22, 1964; present were General Manager Priday, Mr. R. Friable and Director Stewart. Easements in the Special Assessment District 1964-1 were discussed; all right-of- entry have been obtained for the easements in this Special Assessment District except five (5) which will be completed next week. . Mr. Stewart also stated that a letter was received from Ur, John Holtom~ Attorney, regarding Tahoe Meadows. ~r. Hughes (appraiser) was contacted in November of 1960 by our RESOLUTION NO. 251 which is A RESOLUTION DETER~INING THAT PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQUISITION OF EASEmeNTS AND DIRECTING THE FILING OF EMINENT DO~AIN PROCEEDINGS, BEACH TPUNK SEWER. Mr. Hughes was contacted and stated that he did not proceed beyond getting the right-of-entries as I:r. H. Reeves told him the matter was settled. Mr. Stewart stated that the Easement Committee will study this Tahoe ~.~eadows situation further. Another Easement Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday with Yr. P~.Frisbie. Pmsident Clarke stated that in view of the Yanager's Report re the progress of Joe D. Yiller - Contractor For Special Assessment District 1964-~, the Easement Committee has been ahead of the Contractor to enable him to rproceed with the work and not hold him up. 2) PLANNING CO~f~ITTEE (DIRECTOR FESLEP): Director Fesler stated that the Planning Committee met September 2~, 1964 with fourteen (14) large land owners and present were Gen. ~gr. Priday, Director Stewart and Director Fesler. ~'ass annexation of ~eyers was discussed.; maps were requested {rom the land owners; another meeting is scheduled (with land owners for mass annexation) October 9, 1964. General Manager Priday stated that the land owners were in favor of a mass annexation and want this to go through as they feel the County might want to start a Sanitary District and they want to be with the South Tahoe Public Utility District instead of someone else. Another meeting was held September 29, 1964, with the Planning Commission of the County and discussed: 1. Letter w~ich contained Engineer Yoyers report to Doug Taylor. 2. ~[ass annexation was mentioned and the County Planning Commission stated they would order maps which the District should have in plotting procedures. 3. District R~.~LU~.I~!~ N~.. 487., which is A PESOLUTI©N ©F THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TI~E SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT URGING THE EL DORADO COUNTY PLANNING CO~MISSION TO ADOPT STANDARDS FOR SEWAGE TREaTmeNT AND DISPOSAL FOR ALL SUBDIVIDED LANDS WITHIN THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT The Planning Commission is trying to set standards. They are working towards the same end the District is working. 4) PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: (Director Kortes) A letter was received from Hersey-Sparling Meter Company thanking the District for the pictures which they re- quested. Also, Director Kortes stated that he had a movie film with him this evening re Modern Sanitation Waste Treatment Plant which he will show following the meeting. RE NEWSPAPER ARTICLES: General ~anager Priday stated that this District has tried for two weeks to set up a meeting with Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 and Mr. Priday also stated that he was to have received a call today from Douglas County Sewer Improvement District regarding a meeting date but he did not receive a call. Also, a verbal proposal was given to Nevada by Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer for the South Tahoe Public Utility District, and Mr. Yoyer made three (3) trips to Creegan and D'Angelo's office; a contract was also w~itten and was given to Nevada to make changes and to be returned to Mr. Weidman and Mr. Moyer; this has not been received. Our proposal has gone to Nevada as they abed - - mentinn was also made that Mr. O.Kahle has made remarks with no foundation. NOVEMBER 19, 1964 REGULAR .~!EETING (continued) ATT.ACH?.EN.TS. ,TO CRE.EG_A.N &..D.'ANGE[~_O '.S L.ETT.E.R: "Daily ' Oliver Park Lift Station - Check oil and fuel supply - Wisconsin Engine Check operation of pump station Sewer System View surface conditions at manholes for possible overflow: Kahle Drive Highway 5Q Parking lots - Hwy. 50 to Stateline Avenue Mon3hly:. '" ui~ver Park Lift Station Change oil - Wisconsin Engine Oil and/or grease other equipment MAY AND NOVEMBER R~d s"e~er'~' between Highway 50 and Stateline Avenue A~S REQUIRED AND/OR REQUESTED: ' Remove 6'bs%'~'uc'%i'6n's "ih' 'sewers," 5. From: W.C. Taylor Supt. of Plant Operations (So. Tahoe Public Utility District) To: Mr. W. F. Priday General ~anager Date: 11/18/64 Subj: SUPPLE~.~E~TAL REPORT ON THE NEVADA DISTRICT PU~,[P STATION (SEE REPORT #1118640830 "As I mentioned in my previeus report, Mr. Chada and I went to the Nevada District Pump Station at the request of Mr, Oliver Kahle, This station is in very poor shape as far as maintenance is concerned. As near as I can determine, this unit is a Schone Ejector, double unit Expelsior station. The piping and the ejector tanks are badly rusted. They should be sandblasted and painted. Mr. Chada who worked with ~r~ Kahle's maintenance man on the ejector tanks told me he thought that the tanks were possible Dartially filled with sand, grit and/or debris and should be thoroughly cleaned out. The dry well should be thoroughly cleaned out. A safety ladder of some type should be provided for access to the dry well. The door window is~ broken out and should be replaced. A heater and thermostat control should be installed, The floor of the top deck is soaked with oil and ~rease in various places and which should be removed. Both the electric driven compressor and the gasoline driven emergency compressor should be checked for mechanical efficiency, cleaned, painted, etc, Ail top deck piping and metal work should be cleaned and painted. Maintenance and service manuals should be provided for both compressors also for the ejectors. A complete wiring di&~ram should also be provided, The items listed above are for your information in case the Nevada District should ask us again to take over the maintenance and operation of this station. s/William C, Taylor" General Manager Priday stated that there is no reason why this district could not take over the maintenance and operation of this station but stated that the pump station must be in good o~der before this district does take it over. 6. FROM: Subject: Charles J.Haver, P.E. Consulting Engineer 3820 East Colorado Blvd.(P.O.BOX 5398) Pasadena, California TEMPORARY SEWER CONNECTION - SAHARA/TAHOE SERVICE "Dear ~r. Priday: Enclosed ~erewith are two copies of our plan for the temporary sewer connection to your manhole 1-20 on Stateline Blvd, This line is to be constructed by the Del E.Webb Corporation as part of their facilities to serve the Sahara-Tahoe and will be available REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT November 5, 1964 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session, November 5, 1964, 8:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler and Stewart, G~'e~al ~a~'ager Priday, Clerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J. Weidman and Attorney J. Holtom Engineer H. Moyer, Les Shoupe, Walt Little, C. Wentworth, John Murphy, W.C. Taylor. MINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the m~utes of October 15, 1964, be approved as read. MAN~G~,.~.REP.ORT_:_.~ General Manager Priday read his report which is as follows: "Manager's Report November 5, 1964 PLANT OPERATION: '' Total flow for October Average daily flow Nevada District flow for Oct. Average daily flow Chlorine used for October Average daily use Holding pond freeboard 46,16g,000 gallons 1,489,000 " 16,058,400 " 518,012 gallons 14,240 lbs. 459 lbs. 9 feet Most of the general information of the District will be co~ered under Committee Repprts. Consideration must be given to a plan for payment of annexation fees to the District when and if the proposed M&yers area joins the District. Two alternates might be considered, keeping in mind that it is the intent to help the Meyers land owners get much needed sewer facilities without cost to the inhabitants of the existing utility District. One plan might be, after annexation, to set up a fee over and above the cost of sewers that would be constructed within each subdivision under theusual 1911 or 1913 improvement bonds. This extra amount would be paid directly to the District. Depending on the pattern of development in the area, and the need for a trunk system, we could set up Assessment Districts to construct the trunk system. This scheme would allow deferment of annexation fees of any undeveloped properties. This would not, however, entitle any subdivided parcel under single ownership to a sewer facility without payment of the annexation fee. This arrangement would be complicated and not facilitate a good development pattern. The other alternative, and one less likely to be cumbersome, and would allow immediate use of facilities, would be a large assessment district covering the entire annexation. This would also have a fcc'over and above the cost of construction that could be paid in cash or go to bond. The large undeveloped properties would only be assessed for the frontage adjacent to the sewer system. This again would allow deferment of the annexation fees as such until development of the remaining properties and that would be handled the same as in alternate number one. This scheme would allow an orderly development with adequate collection facilities. Assessment District 1964-1 is approximately 80% complete. Clean up work, cleaning and testing of lines is proceeding satisfactorily. Of the 120 calendar days set forth to complete the project, 54 days are remaining. Of major significance is that all major streets in the area have been completely paved rather than the usual patching of trenches. This was accomplished through the combined efforts of Mr. Joe D. Miller - Contractor, E1 Dorado County contributing $7,000.00 and the South Tahoe Public Utility District contribut- ing an additional $5,000.00 from the assessment fund. I talked with Mr. Paul Eastman of the U.S. Public Health Service in regard to their $90,000.00 participation on the force main and disposal facilities. He and Mr. Earl Thouren will be here Tuesday, November 10th at 9:30 A.M. to make an inspection for a possible payment. It was suggested that Mr. Clarke, President of the Board, be present." Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as read. REGULAR MEETING -2- November 5, 1964 COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Easement Commit~.e?,.(p.irector Stewart): The Easement Committee met 11/3/64 and thoseL pres~'were General Manager' ~r'i~'a~, Di~e'ctor Fesler, Mr. C. Frisbie and Director Stewart. Mr. Frisbie reported all of the 400 series Grant of Easements have been mailed or hand delivered to the property owners, However, these grants have not been re- turned and they cover large parcels which have been subdivided and lots sold and resold, D~ector SteWart stated that the Easement Committee recommends that Attorney John Weidman obtain the easements in the serie~ which Mr. Friable has not been able to get. (100 and 200 series and other ones.) Mr. Stewart stated that they are up to date on all easements pertaining to 1964-1 and the Contractor has not been held up because of easements, Mr. Priday congradulated Director Stewart for his efficiency in handling all easements. Pre,dent Clarke also stated that the Easement Committee is to be commended for their expedient manner in handling all easements. 2..,,,, ~la~.n.~g Comm~t~.ee (.Di.Aector. F~.s~er)-: Director Fesler reported on the following: a. RETIREMENT PLAN FOR EMPLOYEES: Director Fesler stated that he held two meetings with Wayn'e' R'i'ch~rd~Ln r'eg~d'in'~' re"~ir~ment plan for e6pi6yBes-- Mr, Richardson gave Mr. Fesler a contract ~hich he (Mr. Richardson) requested the District sign, This contract would give Mr. Richardson the exclusive right to handle this program. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the entire matter regarding the employee retirement plan be tabled indefinitely at this time, b....Export Financing: Director Fesler stated the cost of financing for export would be ap~rox~m~t'ely 'one-million dollars and recommended that the Board of Directors adopt a Resolution stating what percentage the District would have to bear for export. General Manager Priday stated that he was concerned about the percentage and stated that he felt it would be best to have a dollar figure in the Resolution instead of a percentage figure. It was agreed that this Resolution not be prepared until after the meeting with Nevada 11/6/64. c.. S~ray Area Condition.: Director Fesler stated that the U,S.Forestry Service mentioned that there Q'~"s ~ much erosion at the Spray Area site. Engineer Moyer stated he was not aware of this and that from his inspection there has been some minor erosion but not a great amount. (Mr. Moyer) has not noticed a great amount of er&sion from his inspections). d.. Me~er.~ ~nne.xa~...ion: General Manager Prlday presented a map and pointed out the areas ~hat are in favor of annexation. There are fourteen (14) interested people throughout the area and approximately 3,000 acres. (The Bor property will not be included). The Forest Service property is requested for annexation by the Paradise people. This property was to be exchanged but the Forest Service (Rainbow Tract) does not want to do anything right now - - the people have their summer homes on this public land. Mr. Priday stated that he felt these people should be forced to annex. Mr. Holtom mentioned that Forest Service property or any Federal Property cannot be assessed, however, a contribution can be requested. Engineer Moyer stated that three items must be considered in this Meyers Annexation: 1. Annexation fees as set by Board Policy. 2. If Meyer's is annexed, there will be a need for m immediate facilities to transport to plant facilities and this would have to be by means of a certain pump station or long force main. 3. The local collection system - - this could be installed at the tim~ the board and people think necessary and these could be financed over an assessment and paid for that way. Director Fesler will continue to study this annexation regarding cost and how this could be financed. In anser to Director Fesler's question, Mr. Moyer stated that he very definitely felt the District should proceed with the Meyer's annexation. e. Nevada Contract Neg.o%ia.t.ions: Will be discussed following the 11/6/64 meeting with Nevada. REGULAR MEETING Nov. 5, 1964 453 PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT (continued): f. Chism Proposal foz Cpu~y Semyice.,Ame~_: The Planning Committee met and the following discussed: 1. lands that are not within the boundaries of the District but within the Lake District. 2. Mr, Chism will set a date for the Planning Committee to meet With the Board of Supervisors to discuss the feasibility of having this area a service area. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION (Director Kortes): Mr. Kortes stated that two gentlemen from R°ber~' ~'.-T-a-ft Sa~i~ary E~in~in'g' ~enter, Advanced Waste Treatment, Cincinnati, Ohio, visited the plant last Saturday. They toured the primary, secondary, Tertiary Treatment, and new facilities. A story willlbe released on this tomorrow. General Manager Priday stated that these two gentlemen were very enthusiastic over our plant, Tertiary Treatment, new facilities, etc. Mr. ~rtes asked Mr. Taylor about the Water Treatment Plant he visited at Richland, Washington. Mr. Taylor stated that the plant is a beautiful plant, well operated and their maintenance and operations program is different from our plant - - they are strictly interested in the treatment of water. Mr. Taylor will have a full report on this for the District and the Directors. 4. ,,, Street .Lif~.h,t.,i.ng (Direct0r, ,W.ake. m,an,).,: No report, BID O.P..E.NING - .!.M.PR,OVEMENT..B.O.NDS r ,S.PE~ I_AL_ _ASSE,SSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1: bi'ds were received and read by Attorney J, Holtom: 1. Boettcher & Co. Denver, Colorado 4.3499 The following 2. Stone & Youngberg 4.4744 3. J.B.Hanauer & Company 4.45162 Attorney Holtom recommended that the bonds be awarded to low bidder: Boettcher & Company of Denver, Colorado, and recommended that the following Ordinance be adopted: ORDNANCE NO. ~_5_: --- AN ~RDINANCE AWARDING SALE OF BONDS - SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT N'~. 1'9'6'4"- 1 Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 115 be adopted as recommended by Attorney J. Holtom. Attorney Holtom also recommended that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 558: A Resolution Determining Unpaid Assessment and Providing for ~u~n'ce' ~' Bond~-- Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1964-1-- Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that Resolution No. 558 be adopted as recommended by Attorney Hol~om. BID bPENING - SECONDARY SLUDGE: Engineer H. Moyer stated that the Bid Opening for the SecOndary S~'~' was. h'e'i~ this` a~ternoon and the following were received. 1. Ryan and Cope $47,100.00 Gen. Cont. P.O.Box 381 Bijou, Calif. 2. California Filter Co. 1300 Rollins Rd. Burlingame, Calif. 3. R.W.Johnson & Sons 16 Sleepy Hollow Ave Orinda, Calif. 4. Cozad Cons. Co. P.0.Box 1462 Sacramento, Calif. Engineers estimate: $41,800.00. 54,792.00 47,768.00 56,944.00 [ ~ f~ Regular Meeting Nov. 5, 1964 L~ngineer H. Moyer recommended the contract be awarded to Ryan and Cope and the following Resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 559: A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT A--~iARDI~'~ CONT'~ACT-(SECONDARY SLUDGE) TO RYAN AND COPE, GENEP~L CONTRACTORS, BIJOU, CALIFORNIA. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the above Resolution be adopted. Attorney Weidman recommended the following Ordinance be adopted: 1. ORDINANCE NO. 114: AN ORDINANCE RESCINDING ORDINANCES 34, 42 and 97 and pROviDi~"G"F'O~ SE'WER A~D STREET LIGHTING SERVICE CHARGES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE 2. ORDINANCE NO. 115: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCES NOS, 48 and 60 PROV'I'D"I~G 'FOk EXPENSES OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCES NO.S 114 and 115 BE ADOPTED. CO?~.E..S?pNpEpCE: General Manager Priday read the following correspondence: From: CREEGAN & D'ANGELO DATED: OCTOBER 29, 1964 TO: MR. WIN PRIDAY SUBJECT: NEVADA BEACH TRUNK SEWER ~INE "Dear Mr. Priday: Subsequent to our letter of August 18, 1964, regarding the proposed Beach Trunk Sewer Line, Nevada District plans have changed to the extent that the Beach Trunk Line will not be constructed this year. It is intended that a temporary sewer line to serve the Sahara-Tahoe Property will be constructed to the intersection of Stateline Avenue and Pine Boulevard and connect to your system at this point. This line will have a measuring device and recorder. We would appreciate your approval of this connection. Very truly yours, CREEGAN AND D'ANGELO CIVIL ENGINEERS s/ JOHN M. STEWART JMS/slh cc: Milt Manoukian and Clair A. Hill & Associates Attn: Harlan Moyer" PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: General Manager Priday recommended the payment of claims in the A~o'u~'~ 0f~%','~11.'98 be approved for payment. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried,that the claims in the amount of $5,411.98 as recommended by General Manager Priday be approved for payment. General Manager Priday also stated that Mr. Callahan suggested that any invoices to be paid that carries a discount should be paid as soon as possible in order to receive the discount. This will be done. President Clarke stated that he would like to be relieved as Chairman of the Board and requested that a motion be made appointing another Chairman for the Board. Mr. Holtom stated that because Mr.Clarke's name will ~e printed on all bonds, that he will not be able to be relieved for another month. AD3OURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. DAVID W: CALLAHAN, CLERK OF BOARD & EX OFFICIO SECRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DONALD L. CLARKE, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR ~ETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTRRS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 19, 1964 The Board of Directors of theSouth Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session November 19, 1964, 8:00 P.M., at the Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakemsn, Kortes, Fesler and Stewart; G'eneral Manager Priday, D.W. Callahan, Attorney J. Weidman, W.C, Taylor, Walt L%ttle, John Murphy, J. Corrente and A1 Warren. ABSENT: Attorney J. Holtom & Engineer Moyer. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that th'~' minutes of November 5, 1964, be approved as corrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report, which is as follows: "Manager's Repgrt November 19, 1964 PLANT OPERATION: Total flow from 11/1 through 11/17/64 Average daily flow Total Nevada flow Average daily flow Holding pond freeboard 7 feet. 22,489,000 gallons 1,322,882 " 6,757,600 " 397,506 " Old Spray Field has been put back into service after approximately five weeks without disposal facilities being used. New disposal area has considerable runoff as freezing has not yet taken over to control same. Tuesday, November lOth, Mr. Earl Thouren, Chief of Construction Grants and Mr. Paul Eastman, Regional Program Directo¥, from the U.S.Public Health Service visited the South Tahoe Public Utility District facilities on a routing inspection trip. Their visit included a comprehen- sive inspection of our accounting relative to projects already complete and projects under construction having 660 Fund participation. I ~ot the impression that they were sincerely pleased with all faQits of our endeavors, even thou they insisted that we complete our responsibilities for export. In regard to the present $90,000 participation by the U.S.Public Health Service for projects already completed, there is a faint hope that this portion of the total grant might be forthcoming without further delay. The following is the substance of a telegram received by Attorney John Weidman: '11/13/64 - 9:10 A.M. - - Understand final approval of $90,000 grant should be coming late next week. Washington Office advised San Francisco to issue payment as soon as inspection of paper work is completed. Washington satisfied that District is meeting commitment to develop export plan. Bizz Johnson' The foregoing is thg result of considerable effort put forth by Attorney Weidman in getting these funds released. I am concerned over the completion of sewer facilities in Assessment District 1964-1. According to a report from our District Inspector-Edward Eppler-, the Contractor - Joe D. Miller - has ceased operations supposedly until spring. This- will create some hardships on individuals who have planned on sewer connections to their new homes. These certain people have been given building permits, without septic tanks, subject to their connecting to the sewer system since the completion date of sewer construction being December 29, i964, would coincide with their building schedule. I have not taken any action on this matter as my education has been greatly improved on such matters during the past three days in court under similar circumstances. I did talk to Harlan Moyer who also had conversation with the Contractor - Joe D. Miller - and according to Mr. Moyer, it is the Contractors intent to finish the job in the prescribed Rime under the contract. Mr. Moyer has written a letter to the Contractor outlining the need for completing the project and point out certain responsibilities that he must adhere to. REGULAR MEETING NOVE~BER 19, 1964 Letter to Joe D. Miller fro~ Arthur L,Shoupe as follows: "11/19/64 Dear Mr. Miller: With regard to your telephone call of November 12, 1964, with ~r. Harlan Moyer, it is our understanding that you intend to remove your work forces and a portion of your equipment from the job due to the inclement weather. As of the date you stopped work, there appears to be approximately two weeks work remaining to complete the main line installation and to complete the construction of the manholes and laterals. This agrees with your estimate as stated in the conversa- tion. Based on your remaining contract time, which from November 12~.1964, is forty seve seven calendar days, there is sufficient time for you to return and complete the project in the event the weather should clear up and working conditions again become satisfactory. In the event the weather conditions are such that you believe an extension of contract time will be required, please notify the DistriCt and the Engineer of your intention in this matter, s/Arthur L. Shoupe, Resident Engineer" The executive board of the Lake Tahoe Area Council invites the Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District to a dinner meeting Monday evening, November 23, 1964, 6:30 P,M. at the Tahoe Sands." General Manager Priday stated that a bit of thanks should go to Attorney Weidman for his work regarding the $90,000.00. Mr. Weidman has been extremely busy because of the trial with Harper and Baxter but still worked on the $90,000.00 as well as checking into the legality of the Ryan & Cope contract, which was awarded for the Secondary Sludge. General Manager Priday also stated that Joe D. Miller - Contractor for the Special Assessment District 1964-1 has not requested a time extension. Director Stewart asked Mr. Priday if Mr. Thouren stated that we would have to go ahead with the export scheme before funds were grBnted and Mr. Priday stated yes. D~ector Stewart also stated that there was an article in the local paper stating that Nevada sent the contract or the draft, and wanted to know if anyone received same, Attorney Weidman did not receive the contract; General Manager Priday did not receive the contract and Engineer Harlan E. Moyer did not receive the contract; Mr. Priday also stated that a telephone call was placed to Mr. M. Manoukian's Office, Attorney for Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 and his secretary was not aware of a contract. John Murphy, representative of the Sacramento Bee, attended the meeting in Nevada and stated that Mr. Manoukian did state the contract was to be mailed to Mr~ Weidman~ Tuesday.(Tuesday of this week). Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. CO.MMITTE.E.. ~EpORTS.:... 1, 2, 3, 4. Easement Committee - - No report. Planning Committee - - No report. Public Infor. - - No Report Street Lighting..,- - No Report Director Wakeman stated that he contacted the man that owns the translator and stated that everything is fine there and the people are satisfied with the system. OL? BUSINESS: 1. Ryan & Cope The following letter was received at the District Office 11/19/64: "November 19, 1964 Ryan & Cope P.O.Box 381 Bijou, California SUBJECT: NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT REGULAR MEETING NOVE~BER 19, 1964 (letter received at District Office (copy)twhich?~was written to Ryan g Cope) ( continued ) G~tlemen: This is to notify you that the Board of Directors, South Tahoe Public Utility District, has awarded you the Contract for construction of: SECONDARY SLUDGE PUMP STATION SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Enclosed are four copiss each of the Contract and nne copy each of the Performance Bond and the Labor and Materials Bond. In accordance with Article 31 of the General Conditions, the Performance Bond shall be in the amount of 100% of the contract amount and the Labor and Materials Bond shall be in the amount of 50% of the contract amount. In accordance with Article 54 of the General Conditions, you are allowed 10 days from the date of Notice of Award to sign and return the Contract with acceptable bonds. We re- quest that all copies of the enclosed documents, when completed by you, be sent to the South Tahoe Public Utility District for final execution. One copy of the contract will then be returned for your files. In accordance with Article 55 of the General Conditions, the work shall be started within 15 days after execution of the Contract and shall be completed within 90 calendar days. For staging of construction, see Article D of the Special Conditions. Before any work is commenced, certificates of insurance shall be filed in accordance with Article 28 of the General Conditions. Very truly yours, s/John A, Jensen - Chief Engineer fs cc: South Tahoe Public Utility District" NEW BUSINESS: Director Wakeman asked about the Resolution this board intends to adopt regardlnK the financing for export. General ~anager Priday stated that this will be discussed following the meeting with Nevada. Mr. Priday also stated that ~r, Clarke has a list of people to contact requesting that they attend a meeting to discuss the export scheme, ~r. Clarke stated that he will not be in the area. Mr. Weidman will contact the people on this list, namely: C. Wentworth, publisher of the Tahoe Tribune, Senator Begovich, Congressman "Bizz" ~ohnson, Harlan E. Moyer, General Manager Priday, President Clarke or another Board Representative, Jack Leggett, Attorney Weidman, Hugo Fisher, Paul Lunardi, Senator Kuechel, Attorney R. Little from Sacramento. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that a Study Session be held Wednesday, November 25, 1964, 2:30 P.M., District Office, to study the contract from Nevada. In the event the Contract is not received from Nevada by this date, the Study Session will be postponed. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. From: Date: Housing & Home Finance Agency 11/12/64~ "Mr. W.F.Priday, General Manager Dear Mr. Priday: Subject: Project No. P-Calif-3730F To date we have not received information requested in our letter of September 4~ 1964. We cRn take no action on your application until the requested information is received. Because we prefer not to hold applications indefinitely in abeyance, we would appreciate receiving the requested information no later than December 15, 1964. s/Samuel Weinstein for Paul Emmert" From: Dated: Subj: Housing ~ Home Finance Agency 11/12/64 PROJECT NO. P-CALIF-3730 November 19, 1964 Regular Yeeting (cont.) CORRESPONDENCE (continued) "This will aRknowledge receipt and thank you for your letter of August 24 which transmitted copies of Resolutions adopted by your Board and that of Douelas County Improvement District No. 1 respectin~ the ~reement reached between the two Districts to proceed independently on the planning and construction of the proposed sewage disposal project. We are indeed glad that the problems which confronted the processin~ of this application have been resolved. In line with our recent telephone conversation, we were and are still ready to proceed with your application now that a decision has been reached. Accordingly, if it is the~District's desire to proceed with this application utilizing our Advance Plannin~ Program, it will, of course, be necessary to modify your original application to reflect the proposed planning to be accomplished. In this regard~ we will require a new breakdown of the "Item 4 (e) of the application which, in "Estimated cost of the public works, effect, will reduce your request for final planning to a fee commensurate with the planning proposed for the given area. Item 6, "Anticipated Method for financing the construction", will therefore have to be revised to reflect the adjusted project costs. The revision to the application and supporting data can be furnished in letter form and we can then modify the application accordingly. Please let us know of your intentions in proceeding with the application. We are prepared to process your application as rapidly as possible and will await your further advice, s/Paul Emmert" From: Dated: To: South Tahoe Public Utility District September 1~ 1964 ~r. Paul Emmert (Housing & Home Finance AKency) "Dear Mr. Emmert: The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District expressed their desire to keep the application active. Excerpts from the minutes of August 20~ 1964, as follows: "HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY~APPLICATION: President Clarke stated that General ~anager "Pr'ida~ ~i'['l' w~i't'e a le~t~e~ to Mr. P~ul Emmert stating that the South Tahoe Public Utility District wishes to keep their application active." s/ W.F. Priday" From: Creegan and D'Angelo Dated: 11/16/64 To: Mr. Win Priday "Dear Win: You will recall some time ago that I asked if the South Tahoe Public Utility District would be willing to perform certain routine maintenance duties for the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District system~ and that yoBr reply was in the affirmative. I believe our contract actually provides for this service should it be requested. Because of some changes in personnel at the Wagon Wheel, the maintenance man that was taking care of some of the routine duties is not longer employed and we find that it is difficult to continue to train new men to do what must be done. We have made out a maintenance check list, two copies of which are enclosed. We would appreicate it if you could set this work up on your schedule so that it will be taken care of as re- quired in accordance with th,check list. If you will let me know who will be handling it, I will have Jack Stewart or Jer, Williams contact him the next time either one is at the Lake to go over the exact work to be done. We assume you will be billing the District for this as maintenance work on a quarterly basis. Thanks for your cooperation in this matter. s/Elmer Y. D'Aneelo" ~-' DE~EMBER 3, 1964 REGULAR MEETING (continued) PUBLIC INFO COMMITTEE P~EPORT (continued) Comp. Ins. Fund only awards approximately 100 awards avcar and this is the first time a Sewage Treatment Plant operation has received a safety award; there are some 70,000 firms covered by this State Compensation Fund. Yr. Kortes stated that he was very pleased this District received this award;that Mr, Taylor should be congradulated for his achievement as well as the employees. Dzstrict Office se r h t t r Callahan~ Mr. Kortes was also presented. Mr. Wakeman stated that there are ways to solve some of the Street Lighting Problems and that another meeting is scheduled for 10:00 A.M., December 8, 1964, with the Sierra Pacific Power Company to discuss street lighting. · HEAVENLY. ,VALLEY..SUB.DIVISION .(.B.LISS TRACT): Mr. Callahan stated that the AS BUILT PLANS fO~ ~the Heavenly ~lley Sub~ivis'i'o~ 'have been received and requested that the Boar~ of Directors formally accept the plans. Director Feeler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the AS BU_ILT MAPS be approved and accepted. CONNECTIONS --SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1: Mr, Callahan stated that several p'e'r~"its hav'e been zssued to property own'ers residing in the 1964-1 Special Assessment District and that many more requests are comin~ in for connections to the sewer llne. Mr. Callahan stated that some lines have been ~ested and can be used and presented a map submitted by our Engineers showing the lines that have been te~ted and can be used. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes~ unanimously carried, that connections be allowed in the Special Assessment District 1964-1 as shown en the map presented by Mr. Callahan, subject to the approval of Joe D. Miller - Contractor, Mr. H. Moyer stated that Mr. Joe D. Miller is anxious to complete this Assessment District and when weather permits he will continue. _EASEMENTS NO,T. OBTAINED IN THE 1964-1 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: Director Stewart stated that there are ~'ev'e~"al eas'em'ents 'in 196~'-'~ wh'ic'h have and requested that Mr, Callahan check into all easements in this Special Assessment District before issuin~ any permits. Every effort must be made to obtain the ease- ments before the issuance of a connection permit in Special Assessment District 1964-1. BONDS - SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1: Attorney J. Holtom stated that the bonds should' b'~' ready 'for' deii~'r~ .......... withzn the next two weeks. _J_O_HN~SON A.NNE.XATIpN: This petition is in the hands of the Local AKency Formation; new hearing set December 15, 1964. LEDBETTER: Notice of Annexation of Petition for Ledbetter's property filed SPRINGMEYER'S. EA..SE. MEN~: Requested an extension of time. TAHOE ~ADOWS: Attorney Weidman stated that he requested all information available from r. Hughes and so far has received no information, Mr. Weidman will check into this. MO~.TGOMERY ESTATES: Pre trial conference set around February 196~ and a tentative trail da~"ket '5~25/64. Montgomery~'Estates have demanded a jury trial. G....E.....MI~.~ER:. Trial set for 1/21/64. HARPER & BAXTER: Opinion brief not as yet received. JOINT MEETING: A meeting is scheduled for 12/4/64, 10:00 A.Y., Harvey's Wagon w~eel' ~i'%h D" ouglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 and this board. DECEMBER 3, 1964 REGULAR ,MEETING (continued) NEW BUSIHESS: 1. AUDIT REPORT: Mr. Callahan presented copies to the Directors and Attorney's of ~ ~[~ ~eport prepared by Irvine and Duce - Auditors. The Directors will study this and if a Study Session is desired, Mr. John Ehlman of Irvine & Duce will attend this Study Session to. explain or clarify anything the Directors wish. It was mentioned that the Directors would like to have Mr. Clarke - President of the Board, who is now on vacation, and Mr. W.F, Priday, General Manager, who is on vacation, look this audit report over also. ANNEXATIONS: (WILLIAM LEDBETTER AND FRANK GLOBIN/ED FISHER:) Mr. Callahan stated that Mr. Ledbetter and Mr. Fisher (purchasing from Mr. G~obin) have requested a permit beissued to them while their annexation is going throueh. Director Fester moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that Mr. Ledbetter and Mr. Globin/Fisher be given permission to connect to the sewer facilities while their annexation is beingprocessed and all fees are to be paid to the District including taxes for next year, These fees are to be paid at the time the oermit is issued, CORRESPONDENCE: Following letters were read: From: To: Subj: Clair A. Hill & Associates South Tahoe Public Utility District PIONEER TRAIL FORCE MAIN, EFFLUENT DISPOSAL SYSTEM "Dear Sir: The referenced projects, for which application has been made for P.L. 660 Funds, will be useable facilities regardless of whether or not effluent is exported into Nevada. The land disposal facilities will be retained for as long as permitted by the U.S.Forest Service, and will be used for standby emergency ~isposal facilities in the event of interruption in the export facilities. The force main will be used for the same purpose and can also be incorporated into the District's master sewage plan when service is extended to the Meyers region. s/Harlan E. Moyer" Mr. Callahan requested the Board of Directors approve the above letter as the same will be sent to the U.S.Public Health Department, Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the above be approved and a copy mailed to the U,SPublic Health Department," 2. From: Milton Manoukian To: W.F. Priday "Dear Win: Please be advised ~hat at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, held on November 17th, 1964, action on Resolution No. 1964-6 was deferred until a full meeting of the Board of Directors. You will recall that the Board had earlier agreed to execute similar resolutions, calling for the formal application by each District to every possible affected a?ency - local, state and federal - relative to acquisition of additional monies other than PL=660 monies for the construction of an out-of-basin disposal system. At such time as further action is taken, you will be notified. Kindest personal regards. The above letter for informaiion only. Very truly yours, s/Milton Manoukian, Attorney for Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No.l." Mr. Moyer mentioned that the contract that the District has now with Clair A. Hill & Associates, is outdated. A revised manual has now come out containing a revised schedule of fee curves, etc. Mr. Moyer also mtated that Clair A.Hill & Associates are now writing new contracts on the revised fee schedule and stated that he will send a copy of the revised fee schedule along with the new manual for consideration by the Board'. DECEMBER 3, 1964 Regular Meeting (continued President Pro Tem Wakeman stated that this revised schedule be considered as part of the Study Session. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried", ~'h'~%' th'e claims in the amount of $8,26~.62 as recommend by Mr. Callahan be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. DASD ~. -C-ALLAHAN, CLERK OF BOARD AND EX-OFFICIO SECRETARY POBERT W~k~AN, PRES'IbENT P~0'T'EM' SOUTH T~H~E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOBRD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 17, 1964 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session, December 17, 1964, at the Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California, 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Pro Tem Wakeman, Directors Kortes, Fesler, Stewart; Acting Manager Callahan, Attorney John Holtom, Frank Souza, Walt Little, Bob Oeffner, John Bergman and his client. ABSENT: Donald L. Clarke and W.F. Priday. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Korte~, unanimously carried, that the minutes of the December 3, 1964 regular meeting be approved as corrected: Page 2 - EASEMENTS NOT OBTAINED IN THE 1964-1 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Director Stewart stated that there are several easements in 1964-1 which have not been obtained. He requested that Mr. Callahan check this Special Assessment District before issuing any permits. Effort will be made to obtain the easements before issuing connection per~it in Special Assessment District 1964-1. MANAGER'S... REPORT:.... Mr. Callahan, Acting General ManaEer, read the following report: Decem~ ~,7,! 1964: PL6N% OPERATION: Total flow for Dece~er 1, 1964 to 15th Average daily flow Total flow for Nevada Dec. 1, thru 15th, 1964 Average daily flow Holding pond freeboard ..... 3 feet 6 inches 19,816,000 gallons 1,321,066 " 4,460,500 " 293,361 " Ryan and Cope began work on Secondary Sludge Pump Station Monday, December 14, 1964. We have had no correspondence from Joe D. ~iller in regard to completion of sewer facilities in the Assessment District 1964-1. .MpTIpN: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS:.. ., Visitors Frank Souza and Bob Oeffner stated they were present to listen and learn the status of things. Walt Little was present to report for the Lake Tahoe News. Mr. John Bergman, a real estate man from the area, presented his client who owned property in the Meyers area, and asked that they be informed as to the possibility of having the client's property annexed and served with sewers. Director Fesler stated that work was going forward toward mass annexation of the area and the board hoped to have the annexation finished in a year, but no promise could be made as to service for sometime. December 17, 196L~ Regular Meeting COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Easement: Director Stewart reported that the committee met on Tuesday, December 15, 1964, and received from 1964-1 eight (8) easements, the majority of which are in the 4~0 series. P~perty owners have signed and returned, and in all cases settled, for the appreised value posted in court. More are expected to be returned soon. On those not returned, the committee will keep on top an~ continue to investigate. Staff members also are keeping tab on those due in. ~... P~anning: Director Fesler reviewed the Committee's experience at the meeting with Federal and State Legislators in Sacramento, which was described as most rewarding. It was his first time to see eighteen people sit down and all be willing and interested in hearing about and helping to solve the problem being faced by the South Shore. The group included Supervisor Chism, Assemblyman Chappie and four members of t~e Board in addition to Congressman Johnson and State Legislators. It was gratifying that there was no criticism of the Board and everyone seemed to realize that much has been accomplished and it was time the State and Federal governments gave some assistance. The meeting was held to try to establish the amount of money needed and $1,800,00 was quoted with some additional amounts for maintenance, etc. There seemed to be considerable adjustment of thinking by these men, since concrete progress locally is evident and because the tax burden for what lies ahead is too great in comparison to what the rest of the state is doing. Constant growth and tremendous expansion seen for the future here makes some action necessary, The meeting was arranged by Mr. Clarke and Mr. Priday. The Planning Committee also attended the Douglas County Planning Commission meeting when the granting of a variance for the construction of a hotel and casino for the Bourne interests at Round Hill was under consideration. Director Fesler reported that since construction of a sewer plant and export facilities by Round Hill are unlikely in the event they do not receive permission to build the hotel and casino, the future direction of the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 sewage flows hinge on the out- come. The meeting which was a public hearing, and most enliEhtening, in that it proved ~ that much work must be done to inform and sell the people in the Carson Valley on our need to export effluent to their valley. Final decision on the application for variance was postponed until December'21, 1964, 2:00 P.M, The decision will have effect on the South Tahoe Public Utility District, since Bourne will construct a facility to handle effluent and this will affect the size of the plant needed by both Districts. 3.. Public._Informa~.i~D.: Director Kortes reported that representatives from Television Station KQED, Channel 9, were in the area filming conservation and nature studies and photographed the spray area and pit-con process. The program will be re- leased on January 18, 1965, at 8:00 P,M. The District is making plans to obtain duplicate footage of the film in exchange for some owned by the District. 4. Street Lighting: Director Wakeman stated that the committee met Decmmber 8, 196U, with Marshall Sobriea and the local representatives of Sierra Pacific Power Company to consider requests for street lighting. Sierra Pacific Ppwer Company is not interested in providin~ street light~n~ because rates are set and controlled by the Public Utility Commission, The committee's only interest at this point is to obtain information so staff can answer intelligently when people come into the office to inquire, If and when Sierra Pacific Power Company provides cost figures, these will be made available to people on individual basis. 5. STUDY COM~ITTEE - NEVADA CONTRACTURAL STATUS: It appears pointless for the t .... ' .......... anythmng on effluent or export to Douglas County District since they and Round Hill are still far apart on their planning and will have to come to some terms first before South Tahoe Public Utility District and they can bargain. Douglas County has need for immediate solvin~ of the problem where Round Hill's problem is not as urgent. According to Attorney ~eidman, there is need for some answers to the legal questions by the Attorney General. In the meantime, the District will be proceeding with all diligence as rapidly as possible. At present it would appear that Douglas County District would build a pipeline over the mountain if South Tahoe Public Utility District will provide the funds, since our need is so great. NEW BUSINESS: Frank Globi~' and Ed Fischer have presented a check for annexation fees. Yr. William Ledbetter is thinking over the annexation fee and wants to talk over these fees with ~r. Priday when he returns. Mr. Callahan, Acting General Manager, was directed to prepare a report on the annexation fee cost breakdown for parcels outside the District's boundaries and the excluded parcel~ within the District's boundaries. DECEMBER 17, 1964 ReFular Meeting SPECIAL ASSES~ENT DISTRICT 1964-1 BONDS: Bonds arrived in the County Treasurer's Office today~ according to Mr, Weidman. He will have to get a copple of documents yet and should have them available soon. The amount of the Bonds= $421,000,00. Mr, Callahan reported that the District owes Joe D. Miller, contractor for the Special Assessment District 1964-1, over $150,000.00 in progress payments, which the engineer - Clair A. Hill & Associates - have approved. MOTION: Director Kortes moved and Director Stewart seconded, unanimously carried that the District pay all pro~ress payments to date when and if the bond money has been received as approved by the engineer. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Acting General Manager David W, Callahan recommended the payment" ~'{'cla~ms as presented in the amount of $111,751.02. Mdtion was made, seconded, unanimously carried, that the claims as presented by Acting Manager Callahan be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 9:00 P.M. DAVID W. CALLAHAN, CLERK O~ BOARD & EX2~ OFFICIO SECRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ROBERT WAKEMAN, CHAIRMAN PRO TEM SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTII,ITY DISTRICT