HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 07/11 - 1963 12/19SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 11, 1963 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met for a Special Meeting, 3:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley Fire House. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Stewart and Fesler; also present Were General Manager Priday, Engineer H. Moyer, Attorney Weidman, D. Richardson, Walt Little, John Murphy, Mr. Fritz Perry. KBSENT: Director Kortes and Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary Mallery. PURPOSE OF MEETING: The purpose of this meeting was to adopt a RESOLUTION re Special Certification - 660 Funds. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager's Report is as follows: "Manager's Report - July 11, 1963: Report on flows for the month of July: July 1, 1963, Monday July 2, 1963, Tuesday July 3, 1963, Wednesday July 4, 1963, Thursday July 5, 1963, Friday July 6, 1963, Saturday July 7,1963, Sunday July 8, 1963, Monday Total flow to date Daily Average Flow 1,425,000 gallons 1,442,000 " 1,546,000 " 1,590,000 " 1,647,000 " 1,742,000 " 1,615,000 " 12,517,000 gallons 1,564,625 " Freeboard at the holding pond - July 9, 1963, 6 ft. 8 in. NEVADA FLOW FOR THE SAME PERIOD: Total Flow Daily Average 2,650,200 gallons by their meter. 331,275 " " " " Telephone Conversation with Mr. Paul Bonderson. Telephone Conversation with Mr. Earl Thourene - U.S. Public Health. Suggested Resolution urging the State Water Pollution Control Board in process priority certification of phase 1 and 2 of proposed construction reguested under 660 Fund Grant. General Manager Priday read letters from Engineer Harlan Moyer to Mr. Paul Bonderson, State Water Pollution Control Board; another letter from Mr. Paul Bonderson, and a letter from Engineer Moyer to the Lahontan Regional Water Poll ution Control Board. (Letters pertained to the 660 Application.) General Manager Priday stated that he had a discussion with Mr. E. Thourene and Mr. Thourene stated that Mr. P, Bonderson and the State Board were the only ones that could make Certification of this nature (Special Certification re 660 funds). Mr, Priday stated that it was not Mr. Thourene's perogative to override Mr. Bonderson. Mr. Priday presented a suggested Resolution indicating that it would answer Mr. Bonderson's statement regarding a Special Meeting by the State Board upon request by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District, Mr. Priday stated that we indicated what we wanted was ~priority on phases i and 2 of our grant. Mr, Bonderson stated that the Board would not make any priority certification on any part of a grant and they would only go into a total phase. Director Fesler stated that Mr. Bonderson suggests we reject the Tertiary Treatment. General Manager Priday stated that Mr. Bonderson's'knowledge re 'the Pit Con and Tertiary Treatment are not what they should be. Mr. Priday stated that he mentioned to Mr. Bonderson that a higher degree of treatment is needed here and that we should discuss this with their (State Board) Board. Mr. Moyer stated that the Certification has been made and priority has been established. On providing Tertiary Treatment and before this would be done, Mr. Bonderson stated SPECIAL MEETING -2- JULY ll, 1963 he requested the public Health Service to substantiate what ~as in our report. The Health Department mentioned in their report that the Tertiary Treatment would do what we wanted it to do. Mr. Bonderson cannot prohibit the District from going ahead with Tertiary Treatment nor can he prohibit the District from going ahead with the construction, Mr. Moyer stated --- they have no say over the amount of funds (State Water Pollution Control Board) --- they certify the need and they give priority points but they cannot distribute the mol Ry. Mr. Stewart asked if this is the first District to ask for funds to go for Tertiary Treatment and it was stated that this is so. Mr. Bonderson pointed out in his letter that he is holding this grant as a whole project. Mr. Priday stated that we have a letter in our files from Mr. R, Aberley to J. Leggett re the adequacy of our treatment plant and another letter from Mr. J. Leggett stated that they (LAHONTON REGIONAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD) are not concerned with the adequacy of our treatment plant ..... Mr. Priday stated that if the State Board is not concerned with the adequacy of our treatment plant, then this is none of their business. General Manager Priday stated that he would suggest this RESOLUTION be adopted, striking out the names of the Governor, Lt. Governor, etc. DIRECTOR WAKEMAN MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR FESLER, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, THAT RESOLUTION NO. 445, which is, A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TABLE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REQUESTING STATE WATER POLLUTION CON'T~'OL BOARD FOR PRIORITY CERTIFICATION OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT' O'F''~''Pb'BLI~ Mr. Moyer stated that he felt the proper course was to pursue this matter to the State Board and if they are not interested and cannot come up with something, then other authorities can be contacted. Regarding the paragraph in Mr. Bonderson's letter as to the District not meeting their requirements as they requested, Mr. Moyer stated that: (1) A report was sent to the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board (Also an open meeting was held here at the Tahoe Valley Fire House); (2) A letter was written (May 29, 1963) to the L.R.W.P.C.B. to modify their Resolution 60-4 to include additional lands; (3) Another letter was also written (July 9, 1963) to modify PZSOLUTION 60-4. President Clarke stated that our Governor is interested in our pollution problem and that he feels this request requires special handling. Mr. Clarke also stated that his request is something unique and that the District has a very high priority. SEPTIC TANK DUMPS: (Fritz Per.r~..) : Mr. Fritz Perry appeared at the meeting and questioned the cha~ges of the s~ptic ~umps for pickups within the district boundaries and the pickups that are not within the district boundaries. Director Wakeman stated that he felt a committee should be appointed to study this charge of septic dumps and President Clarke~ Director Wakeman, Mr. W. C. Taylor, and Mr. Fritz Perry will work onCe, is Committee. (DIRECTOR WAKEMAN - CHAIRMAN). (Mr. F. Perry represents all O~ Septic Tank Operations). General Manager Priday commended Mr. P~rry for his Septic Tank Operation. ' Director Wakeman asked if any information was received by the South Tahoe Public Utility District regarding the Angora Subidivision. (This subject will be brought up at the meeting of July 18, 1963.) COMMITTEE REPORTS: Director Fesler - Planning. Committee: Director Fesler mentioned that a meet'lng of the rivalling Committ'ee, consisting of Director Stewart, General Manager Priday and Director Fesler, was held 7/9/63, to discuss several subjects. (1) A letter was received from Mr. Malcolm T. Wordell relative to expansion plans of the South Tahoe Public Utility District as they relate to the Lake Tahoe Airport. Geneal Manager Priday was authorized to write a letter to Mr. Wordell regarding his inquiry. (2) Another letter was also received from Mr. Malcolm T. Wordell inquiring SPECIAL MEETING -3- JULY 11, 1963 (COMMITTEE REPORTS - PlanniDg ..Co~.mit3?? - Direct~F F~.sler (Cont.)) as to the effluent being used at the Lake Tahoe Airport. General Manager Prlday was authorized to answer Mr. Wordell's inquiry re the effluent on the Lake Tahoe Airport. Both Letters were approved by the Board. Director Fesler also mentioned that the Planning Committee is working on a study of the matter of the compensation of the District Manager. It has been two (2) years since the Manager has had any adjustment and Director Fesler stated that a report will be brought before the board concerning this matter. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Planning Committee report be accepted. ADJOURNMENT: 4:30 P.M. ·. D~ld L. Clarke, President ' ' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N. R. M~LERY, ! ~'~ /[ CLERK OF BOARD & EX OFFICIO SECRETly SO~3~H TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRI~ REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 18, 1963 President Clarke called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. Present were: President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Fesler, Stewart and Kortes. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, Engineer H. Moyer, John Murphy, W&lt Little, Donald Richardson, Gene Black, Arlene Thomas. MINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of June 27, 1963, be approved as corrected. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the minutes of July 5, 1963 be approved. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of July 11, 1963 be approved. MANAGER's REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report which is attached and made part of t'hese minutes. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted. OLD BUSINESS+ (1) MODIFICATION 1962-!.,..SPE.C.I~.L' AS~%SM~N7~ .~0~ RE~ NEL~p~,, g, .S.UTH.ERL~ND: RE THE ABOVE: - Attorney Holtom stated that Nelson & Sutherland were not included in the 1960-1 Assessment District and ~h~y have service and are connected to the lines. The costs have never been picked up and Attorney Holtom suggested that RESOLUTION NO. 4~..p., which is a RESOLUTION MAKING CHANGES IN MODIFICATION OF 1962-1, be adopted'. This will incorporate within the project of 1962-1 in the amount of $3,128.11 (This Resolution sets a hearing for August 15, 1963.) Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that RESOLU- TION NO. 446 be approved. (2) ORDINANCE NO. 99 Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 99, which is an ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 51 AND ~BE~_~L kMEE~ING -4- JULY 18, 1963 (ORD. NO. 99 - cont.) AMENDING FEES FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. (3) GENE BLACK - ANGORA SUBDIVISION: Mr. Gene Black read a letter to the Directors re the Angora Highlands Subdivision requesting annexation to the South Tahoe Public Utility District. (Letter dated7/18/63 attached and made a part of these minutes). Following discussion with Mr. Gene Black and Mrs. Arlene Thomas, both interested in the Angora Highlands, President Clarke stated that the Engineers for Gene Black should be present to discuss this matter with the Board of DirectOrs of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Mr. Gene Black also read another letter from the Health Department, Mr. D. Taylor - County Sanitarian, regarding the annexation of the Angora Subdivision to the South Tahoe Public Utility District. To sum up Mr. Taylor's letter, it was mentioned that to consummate any such arrangement (temoorary sewage disposal system) the first requisite is to obtain the approval of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, plus many other factors which must be considered and that were listed in this letter of July 17~ 1963, to Mr. Gene Black from Mr. D. Taylor, w/ a copy to the South Tahoe Public Utility District. (Note: Letter From Mr. D. Taylor also made a part of these minutes - attached) ST THERESA'S CHURCH EXCLUS!9N REQUESt: Clerk of Board Mallery read a letter from Sherman C. Wilke, Attorney, requesting that Lots 1, 2, 3, 14, 15, 16, Block 55, A1 Tahoe, be excluded from the District and the fee of assessment in the amount of $3,488.05 be waived. Following discussion re this request, Director Kortes stated that in the best interest of the Church - this request should be denied. Director Fesler stated that he did not feel any action was needed on this re- quest by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and it was stated that Attorney Weidman would reply to this request, explaining why this request cannot be granted. PHILLIBER'S ANNEXATION: Attorney H-oltom stated that prior to the Annexations proceedings and at the Protest Hearing, many requests were received and upon the Board's request were forwarded to the Board of Supervisors and these property owners were granted their request for exclusion. Recently, Mr. and Mrs. Philliber stated that at the time of the hearing, Mrs. Philliber was ill, and they did not pay to much attention to the petition which they signed and which was circulated by Mrs. Codman. Now they wish to be included in this proceedings of 1962-1, their assessment is in the amount of $3,311.56. Clerk of Board Mallery stated that he felt the Dieectors should consider this request and include the seven (7) lots of Mr. and ~rs. C. Philliber's. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, ' ' , that if there is someway that we can include the Philliber's in this assessment, we should. There were four (4) noes and no ayes. Motion lost. Attorney Holtom stated that there is no way to get extra-territorial jurisdiction on these properties now and the only way the can be included is to hold open the cash payn~nt period and defer selling of the bonds - this would delay selling of the bonds approximately thirty (30) days. Engineer Moyer stated that this problem (Pbilliber's) stems from the Governing Board of E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors that so readily granted these exclusions. Mr. Moyer further stated that he would suggest this matter be turned over to the Board of Supervisors - even though they have no jurisdiction over this - to make them aware of the difficulties that hasty grants can cause. Director Wakeman moved that the Philliber's should be included in the next regular annexation proceedings and that we should accept their petition for annexation. Director Stewart seconded and the vote was four (4) Noes - motion lost. It was stated that on the basis of inclusion of 1962-1, if the Philliber's wish to SPECIAL MEETING -$- July ~, 1963 (PHILLIBER'S ANREXATION - cont.) try to include them in the District. petition on a cash basis then theD'zstrzct' will Mr. and Mrs. Philliber will be advised of the boards decision by Clerk of Board Mallery. Clerk of Board Mallery mentioned a letter from Margaret Taylor and stated that he did verbally answer the questions asked by her. Margaret Taylor did send copies of he r letter to all members of the Board. Attorney J. Holtom volunteered to answer the letter. Director Fesler asked if arrangements have been made re the unffmrms for the District personnel and General Manager Priday stated that arrangements have been made. Director Fesler also asked if a Committee Meeting was held regarding the Septic Tank Dump charges. General Manager Priday stated that he is trying to obtain information from other district's prior to having a meeting. President Clarke stated that the meeting of August 1st will include the discussion for the proposed budget and asked all directors to study same for discussion at the meeting. ~AYMENT OF CLAIMS: General Manager Priday recommended that the claims in the amount of $21,505.77 be approved for payment. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried that the claims as recommended by the Manager in the amount of $21,505.77 be approved for pay~nt. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. by President Clarke. DonaZd L. Clarke, President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOLLOWING ARE ATTACHMENTS TO BE INCLUDED WITH THE MINUTES OF JULY 18, 1963 (1) MANAGER'S REPORT: .plant Operation: Flows for first 16 days of July Total Flow Average Daily 25,683,000 gallons 1,605,000 " N~VADA DISTRICT: To~Rl flow: Rverage Daily 7,440,000 gallons 465,000 " Holding pond f~e~board 7 feet, 5 inches. The District office received a Call from the Forestry Service in regard to an odor complaint. (Attached letter and report.) RESOLUTION No. 445: as passed by the Board of Directors at a Special Meeting July 11, 1963, was sent to Mr. Paul Bonderson, Executive Director of the State Water Pollution Control Board via certified mail, July 12, 1963. A letter was sent to Mr. Paul Bonderson referring to paragraph four (4) of his letter July 9th last. (Letter attached.) A letter was received from Mr. Bangsberg of the Forest Service in regard to the State Department of Public Health Letter of May 15, 1963, wherein certain conditions were to be applied on the new spray disposal area. (Letters attached.)." REGULAR MEETING -6- July 18, 1963 ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES. ~.F JULY ~8_,_ ~19~63 .(¢~on_t.) ~ (2) To. Mr. W. F. Priday, General Y~anager From. W.C. Taylor, Sup't of Plant Operations Subject: Re: Your request of yesterday, July 16, 1963, that we check out an odor complain from the Forest Service at the Spray Field. I sent Mr. George Hart our Maintenance Foreman to check on this complain. When Mr. Hart returned he gave me the following information: (A) He noticed three (3) distinct odors at three separate locations. 1. At location #1, he got a distinct odor from the riding stables located close to Lake Christopher. Nothing connection with our operation. (2) At location #2 - he got the odor of tar and oil coming from Montgomery Estates where they are black topping some of the driveways. (3) At location #3 - he got an odor of decaying animal flesh possible a dead cow or deer. This odor coming from an area where we have never had any spraylines. (B) There was no place in the area where he could get an odor that could be traced to our operation. He drove around the whole area where possible and where he could not drive the truck he walked the area. s/ William C. Taylor Sup't of Plant Operations. Special Note: - Mr. Hart also checked the streams in the area and found no foam~ (3) LETTER FROM W.F. PRIDAY, GENERAL MANAGER TO MR. ROBERT ENTSMINGER, DISTRICT RANGER, DATED July 17, 1963, "Mr. Robert Entzminger, District Ranger, Division of Forestry P.O. Box 701 Tahoe Valley, California July 17, 1963 Dear Bob: Mr. Peterson, of your office~ called July 16 last in regard to an odor complaint near the District's holding pond or spray area. We checked the complaint immediately and the enclosed report will indicate the results of the inspection. Very truly yours, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT s/ W, F. PRIDAY, GENERAL MANAGER (4) LETTER FROM HARLAN MOYER TO MR. PAUL BONDERSON: July 2, 1963 "Mr. Paul Bonderson, Executive Officer Calif. State Water Pollution Control Board 1227 "O" Street Sacramento, California Subject: South Tahoe Public Utility District, P.L. 660 Grant Application Dear Sir: The South Tahoe Public Utility District application for P.L. 660 grant has received a high priority, placing second on the statewi4e list. The grant request in the amount of $334,050 comprised several individual items: (1) Effluent disposal force main and pump (2) Holding ponds and spray irrigation system (3) Tertiary treatment plant. REGULAR MEETING ~ .... -7- July 18, 1963 ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF JUL.Y. 18, . ..(co_n..t. ).. Final plans and specifications for items (1) and (2) are essentially complete and can be ready for submittal to your office in a few days. Final plans for item (3) are in progress and will be completed and ready for submittal during November 1963. The estimated construction ocst of items (1) and (2) amounts to about $300,000 of the $900,000 total project construction shown in Section V.B. 1.(a) of the application, or approximately one-third of the total grant. The first two items will materially aid in temporarily relieving the conditions' which have resulted in a cease and desist order against the District. The construction of items (1) and (2) is also dependent to a considerable ~egree upon suitable weather conditions. Adverse winter conditions prevent underground construction and earthwork during several months of the year and site clearing must be accomplished during periods when fire dangem is low. ~ · The District therefore requests that consideration be given by the State Board and the Public Health Service to a priority certification on the portion of the requested grant attributable to parts (1) and (2) of the project. This would allow construction of these two needed portions during this year. The r~mainder of the project would be olaced under construction during early 196~ and would be completed prier to the winter season of 1964. The requested priority certification will result in the District having adequate land disposal facilities a full year ahead of the schedule which would otherwise prevail. Favorable consideration of this request will greatly aid the District in its continuing program to comply with the applicable waste discharge requirements. ~ jlm cc: Earl Thoureen Chief Const. Grants San Francisco, Calif. Very truly yours, s/ Harlan E. Moyer, Assistant Chief Engineer W. F. Priday S.T.P.U.D. Bijou, California" (5) From State Water Pollution Control Board, July 9, 1963 to Mr. H,E. Moyer: "July 9, 1963 Mr. Harlan E. Moyer Assistant Chief Engineer Clair A. Hill and Associates P.O. Box 558 Redding, California Dear Mr. Moyer: South Tahoe P.U.D. - P,L. 660 Grant. This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 2, in which you indicate you are ready to start construction on the effluent disposal force main and pump, and holding ponds and spray irrigation system phases, but will not be ready to proceed with the tertiary treatment plant portion until early in 1964. You request certification of the first two phases of the project so that construction can be undertaken immediately. You will recall that shortly after the District filed its application we advised you and Mr. Priday that the State Board's certification procedure did not provide for processing partial projects, and that if the District was not ready to proceed with all three phases the project should be broken down into two parts, and two applications filed. I made this recommendation as there was a question in my mind whether the District truly intended to proceed with the tertiary treatment facilities. I believe this recommendation was first made to Mr. Priday in April. The situation has not changed, and I therefore cannot certify the project to the Public Health Service until final plans and specifi6ations and necessary financing have been provided for the total project as applied for. The Board, on several occasions, has considered such situatinns and has determined that REGULAR MEETING -8- July 18, 1968 ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF JULY 18, 1963_, CoD~.... partial projects shall not be certified. Should the District feel the circumstances warrant special action, their case could be called to the attention of the Board for a specific ruling and this will be done upon receipt of such a request from the District. You will recall that on several occasions I have called your attention (and Mr. Priday's) to the fact that the project cannot be certified until requirements have been established by the regional board for the new disposal site. As of last week the District had not filed a report 'of proposed discharge for the new disposal area. I would urge the District to do this at the earliest possible date if they are desirous of having bhe project certified without delay. cc: Mr. W.F.Priday Mr. E.H.Thouren Lahontan Reg. Bd." Very truly yours, s/ Paul R. Bonderson, Executive Officer (6)LETTER FROM MR. W.F.PRIDAY TO MR. PAUL R. BONDERSON: "July 15, 1968v Mr. Paul R. Bonderson, Executive Officer State Water Pollution Control Board Room 316 - 1227 "O" Street Sacramento 14, California Dear Mr. Bonderson: Reference is made to paragraph four (4) of your letter of July 9th last. Please be advised that the subject was covered fully in a meeting with the Regional Board in addition to a written requested dated May 29, 1968, and July 12, 1968. It has been our understanding that an amendment to Resolution 60-4 covering the additional area would only be necessary. The conditions would remain as outlined as there is no change in the method of disposal. Very truly yours, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT S / W.F. Priday, General Manager WFP:mp cc: Letter from Clair A.Hill & Associates to Lahontan Regional W.P.C.Board - July 9, 1968) Letter from W.F.Priday, Gen. Mgr. So. Tahoe POD. (May 29, 1968)" (7) LETTER FROM HARLAN E. MOYER TO LAHONTAN REGIONAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD: "July 19, 1968, L-45.52 Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board 407 West Line Street Bishop, California Attention: Mr. J.T.Leggett, Executive Officer Subject: South Tahoe Public Utility District Dear Sir: The District requests the waste discharge requirements established by Resolutinn 60-4 be modified to permit effluent disposal at an additional location. The proposed additional land disposal site is located on U.S.Forest Service lands described as the SE1/4 SE 1/4 Section 9; W 1/2 SW 1/4, SE 1/4 SW 1/4, SW 1/4, SE 1/4 Section 10, T.12N., R.18E. This site is approximately 8000 feet south of the present site. Initially the District will use this area for Bpray irrigation and percolation ponds to dispose of conventionally treated sewage effluent from the present activated sludge sewage treatment plant. The District plans, ~n the near future, to add tertiary treatment facilities which will produce an effluent of superior biological and chemical properties. The tertiary treated effluent will also be disposed of on t~is site. Very truly yours, s/Harlan E.Moyer Assistant Chief Engineer REGULAR MEETING -9- July 18, 1963 ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF JULY 1.8.~ ~963, Harlan E. Moyer's Letter to Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board (cont.) cc: Mr. W. F. Priday, Mgr. South Tahoe PUD" (8) LETTER TO MR,. MORGAN E. STEWART FROM GEN MGR. PRIDAY "July 15, 1963 Mr. Morgan E. Stewart Supervising Sanitary Engineer Department of Public Health State of California 631 "J" Street Sacramento, California Dear Mr. Stewart: Your letter to the South Tahoe Public Utility District in reference to the use of Forest Lands for disposal of treated effluent apparently left a question in the minds of the Forestry Department. The enclosed letter from the Forest Service is asking for clarification of width of screening or buffer zone, would you kindly pursue this at your earliest possible opportunity. Very truly yours, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC TUTILITY DISTRICT WFP:mp S/ W.F. PRIDAY, GENERAL MANAGER cc: Copy of letter from U.S.Dept. of Agric." (9) LETTER FROM U.S, DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE DATED Jul 12 1963 "July 12, i963 Mr. W.F. Priday, General Manager South TRhoe Public Utility District P.O.Box 825 Bijou, California Dear Mr. Priday: We are deferring issuance of your Special Use Permit for the new disposal area until two questions are answered. 1. A letter from the State Department of Public Health to you dated May 15, 1963 states that screening will be necessary and studies should be made to determine the width of the buffer zone. Was such a study made? The buffer strip we suggested (100 feet) was based on the aesthetic needs, safety and such health benefits as might accrue. We assume that the State Department of Public Health requirements would be for a buffer based on mendical considerations to prevent spread of pathogons in the spray. 2. Since it may someday come to pass that the lands you propose to occupy may pass into private ownership, we believe the County Planning Commission should also approve. We a~e sure you are aware of this as Mr. Entzminger states he has discussed this with you. We will await the results of this hearing. Sincerely yours~ cc: Paul Brace, Planning Comm. H-erb Walters, " ,, Lake Valley s/Douglas R.Leisz Forest Supervisor By: R.C. Bangsberg" ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF JUL.y From Angora Highlands, dated 7/18/63 to: Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District Bijou, California "Gentlemen: We hereby respectfully request that this District at this time consider for annexation into the South T.hoe Public Utility District the above entitled subdivision We offer as a basis for this request one of several reasons: Specifically, it has been stated that one of the possible problems confronting the District would be the maintenance and operation of the proposed line. Should this line be installed and possibly only one or two homes be constructed in the tract that it would be necessary to pump these lines full of water; water tanks and the attendant expenses would be too great to bear for the amount of revenue anticipated from user service. Consequently, we have proposed an alternate plan to the E1 Dorado County Health Department, and now to you, whereby in the event we can be included into this District, assuming any and all costs involved in this inclusion, that we may be allowed by the Health Department to use temporary septic tanks, duly approved, for an interim period of two years, thereby relieving this District of the encumbent M & O problems and allowing us time to encourage sufficient building within the subdivision to off-set any loss of revenue to the District. We believe that this answers the main objection to our inclusion into the service district. We have developed a completely new method of merchandising homes, which is now proving to be very successful. We therefore feel that we are offering this District a proposition which will be a paying proposition within the two year date mentioned. According to the predicted population distribution in the Tahoe Valley-Meyers area for the year 2010, as set for%h in the Lake Tahoe Area Council Report, it shows a predicted total of approximately 125,000 persons residing in these areas. WHY NOT PLAN AHEAD? We sincerely urge you to keep an open mind regarding this request for annexation. We are ,minimizing the costs to the utility district and are establishing the most regid set of restrictions, comparable to the finest residential areas here in the basin. If this board is not willing to give an affirmative vote to this request for the annexation of Angora Highlands Subdivision at this time, we respectfully request that this matter be continued until a later date. At this time, however, in order to more fully understand the thoughts of the various members of this board, we would appreciate an expression from each opposin~ director as to his reasoning behind any refusal of this requested annexation. Respectfully submitted, ANGORA HIGHLANDS, s/ GENE BLACK, GEN. MGR." LETTER FROM COUNTY SANITARIAN,..MR. D'..Y.~PA TO.....MR.'..~..BL~C.K, A~GORA HIGHLANDS_: "Mr. Gene Black, General Manager Angora Highlands Subdivision P.O.Box AA Stateline, California Re: Temporary Sewage Disposal Systems - E1 Dorado County Dear Mr. Black: In answer to your letter received by this office July 11, 1963 wherein you request our office to give an expression of its approval or disapproval ofyour proposal to utilizm temporary sewage disposal systems, for a period not to exceed 2 years, to facilitate interceptor and in tract sewers for your proposed development, we would make the following statement. In order to consummate any such arrangement the first requisite is to obtain the approval of the S.T.P.U.D. There are, however, many other factors which must be considered, some of which are as follows: ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF JULY ~8.,..1~,~ (coD~..)- Letter to Gene Black from. ~?pnty .SaB.i~DAi~n.,' ~r. P... YgY~°r .)~0nt..(. : 1. The district must have the capacity to include said outlying subdivision in to their system. This takes a serious study. 2. Currently developed problem areas must be given priority over areas not presently in the district and problem developed areas outside the present district boundaries would seem to take second priority. 3. Areas in line with current developmental patters or within the region economic capability for sewering will have their proper placement in any overall sewerage plan. 4. Subdividers desiring inclusion with the S.T.P.U.D. boundaries must be willing to stand any and all costs of offsight sewers beyond the nearest available public sewer. In addition the presmnt district should not be financially responsible for enlargement of mains or interceptors involved and or for cost of additional treatment facilities necessary. 5. The Health Department of E1 Dorado County will approve temporary sewage disposal systems when the following conditions are met: a) That soils, topography and other factors indicate that such temporary sewage disposal systems will not present a health hazard during this temporary period of 2 years. b) That the prQposed subdivision is situated within the boundaries of an existing sewer district and that all requirements for the formation of special assessment districts have been completed, to the satisfaction of the district involved and the county of E1 Dorado. c)That appropriate bonding to insure the installation of all required structures and appurtenances has been provided to the satisfaction of the district involved and the county of E1 Dorado. Should these requirements be approved, with necessary amendments, by the legal representatives of the governmental agencies involved tha~ this department would approve such arrangements for the temporary disposal of sewage and set requirements for the rising of such systems on an individual basis. Should you have any questions regarding these matters, pie selves of our services. Sincerely, EL DORADO COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, Quentin Bonser, M.D., Health Officer. s/ D.H. TAYLOR, County Sanitarian DHT:eb cc: South Tahoe Public Utility District E1 Dorado County District Attorney John C. Weidman, Atty for S.T.P.U.D." REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRIC[ AUGUST 1, 1963 President Clarke called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakel A~so present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Engineer H. Moyer and L. Shoupe and Mr. Jensen - Clair A. Mr. Joseph Corrente, Mr. Walt Little, Mr. Donald Richards~ MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kor~ the mjb%tea of July 18, 1963 be approved as corrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report. ~~ a~-~ m---~e a part of these minutes: (Letter to Pau Quentin Bonser, M.D. - dated July 29, 1963.) Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unan Report be approved as read and made a part of these minut. General Manager Priday also mentioned that the meeting th Mr. E. Thou~ene, Bertram and Easeman - representing the U Donderson and Mr. J. Leggett from the State Water Polluti and Mr. Jensen from Clair A. Hill & Associates and Mr. Ro Howell, Mayes and Merryfield - Corvallis, Oregon.) Mr. Priday stated that the discussion was held re the Ter Bonderson mentioned that he felt this was premature for t if it was necessary to eliminate the phosphates, nitrates Priday stmted that he feels there will always be a questi ~se feel free to avail your- OF THE ~an, Kortes, Stewart and Fesler. [allery, Attorney J. Weidman, Hill & Associates, Mr. A1 Warren, .n, Mr. and Mrs. M. Springmeyer. es, unanimously carried, that md all letters which he read are Brace, Planning Director from mously carried, th~ttthe Manager' ~S, it was held this ffternoon with .S.Public Health SerVice, Mr. P. ~n Control Board, Mr. H.Moyer lerick from CHpM (Cornell, :iary Treatment and that Mr. P. ]e district; and he also wondered and ABS from the effluent. Mr. ~n in Mr. Bonderson's mind as REGUL~R MEETING -2- August 1, 1963 to whether this is the way to go or not. Mr. Earl Thourene is in agreement with the District, Mr. Priday stated. Director Wakeman stated that he was of the opinion that tertiary treatment would be less expensive to the District. Engineer H. Moyer stated that this wa~ true and this was also pointed out to Mr. Bonderson and others present at the meeting held this afternoon. Mr. Moyer also stated that Mr. P.Bonderson displays a very negative attitude towards the effluent being treated to any higher degree. ANGORA SUBDIVISION: The Engineer for Angora Subdivision presented maps to the Board of Directors covering the Angora Subdivision and stated also that if there are any questions they would like to have answered they would appreciate receiving a list and they will clear up any questionssasked. Regarding the Angora Subdivision, Mr. Moy~r stated that if this is to be accepted it will strictly be the policy of the Board. Director Wakeman Btated that the District does have a policy regarding annexations and that he feels the District should abide by this policy. If one subdivision is considered, there will be others wishing the same request. Director Fesler stated that he felt that in all fairness to the ones involved re the Angora Subdivision - - we should notify them that RESOLUTION NO. 444 sets the policy for annexations and this was adopted and passed by the Board of Directors which was recommended by the Planning Committee. President Clarke stated that we are in business for servicing the community and it is a little out of line to service an activity thRt is outside of our area. We are here to service anyone that comes into this community. Engineer H. Moyer stated that their office will analyze the map which was presented t~ the Board by the Angora Subdivision Engineers and will submit their ~Clair A.Hill) recommendation to the Board at the next regular meeting. JOHNSON EXCLUSION: Mrs. Marjorie Springmeyer presented a petition to exclude the land which is located in E1 Dorado County, StaGe of California, and now included within the boundaries of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and referred to as E1 Dorado County Assessor Parcel Nos. 27 18 08 and 25 01 11. This petition was signed by Knox Van Dyke Johnson, William Van Dyke Johnson and Marjorie Johnson Springmeyer. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the petition presented by Mrs. Springmeyer be accepted .... hearing will be held re this request. OLD BUSINESS: In answer to Director Fesler's question as to whether or not Mrs. Margaret Taylor's letter was answered - it was mentioned that Attorney J. Holtom was to answer this tettem but no copy of his reply has been received at the District office as of this date. ST. THERESA'S CHURCH EXCLUSION: General Manager Priday read.the letter which was written by Attorney J. Weidman to Sherman C. Wilke with a copy to St. Theresa's Church regarding the action taken at the July 18, 1963 meeting and stating the Board's decision. (Letter attached and made part of these minutes.) NELSON & SUTHERLAND: The hearing re the Nelson and Sutherland Assessment will be held August 15, 1963 ..... Clerk of Board Mallery stated the interested parties have been notified. PRELIMINARY BUDGET: Discussion was held regarding the proposed budget. Clerk of Board Mallery stated that there will be some changes made and this budget will be ready for discussion and approval the second meeting in August. Attorney Weidman stated (information only) that there are three (3) law suits against the District, namely, Harper and Baxter, Geo. E. Miller, and John Lagrange. Copies of the preliminary budget were given to Mr. A1 Warmen, Mr. Donald Richardson and Mr. Walt Little upon their request .... It was mentioned to the above that this preliminary budget is not in its final form; changes are to be made - PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT: Director Fesler stated that the Planning Committee met and studied the background and the salary for the General Manager. REGULAR MEETING -3- August 1, 1963 The General Manager has not had an increase in salary since July of 1961. He started work for the District in Febarury of 1961 at the salary of $10,500,00 and raised to $11,000.00 in July of 1961, General Manager Priday has not had an increase since that date, Director Fesler informed the Board of the comparison made re salaries for the County Sheriff, Barton Hospital Administrator, Supt, of Schools, Assistant Supt. of Schools, Fire Chief, etc. - ranging from $11,000.00 to $16,000.00. Director Fesler also stated that other District's were contacted for comparison in salaries and these salaries for the General Manager's ranged from $11,500.00 to $18,000.00. Director Fesler also pointed out that the Manager on the North Shome<~ is receiving $825.00 per month, plus an apartment with all utilities paid, which amounts to approximately $975.00 per month, $11,700.00 per year. Director Wakeman stated that he feels the Ordinance should be amended to enable our Manager to receive his raise to $12,500.00 per year. This will become effective thirty days following the acceptance of the Ordinance. Director Wakeman moved that our Attorney be authorized to draw up an Ordinance to cover the increase for th~ General Manager's salary from $11,000.00 to $12,500.00 annually. This was seconded by Director Stewart and carried unanimously.(ORDINANCE NO. 100 - adopted and approved August 1, 1963; Moved by Director Wakeman, Seconded by Feseler,unanimo% General Manager Priday thanked the Board for their consideration and stated that he has never asked for a raise in any position he held as he felt that a man was due a raise when the employer felt he was deserving of same. EASEMENT COMMITTEE (DIRECTOR STEWART):_ Director Stewart stated that the easement committee is progressing but no further easements have been settled; however, the Grant of Easement was forwarded to Mr. Harvey Gross and we have received a letter from his Attorney which is going to need some clarification from us in regards to Mr. Gross's easement. HAROOTUNIAN EASEMENTS: The easement claim is still pending - approximately six (6) all together. The engineer has the grnnt of easement ready but in further study there are a couple of easements that Mr. Harootunian did own at one time but does not own now. This will have to be checked to make certain these are or are not owned by Mr. A. ~arootunian. HONEY DUMPERS (DIRECTOR WAKEMAN): Director Wakeman stated that a meeting was held with Mr. Fritz Perry and Mr. Priday regarding the Honey Dumpers fee for septic dumps. Mr. Wakeman stated that the Committee has not come to a full understanding and that further information must be obtained and that he hopes to have a recommendation for the Board at the next regular meeting. CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Priday read the following correspondence (all are made a part of these minutes and attached): 1. To Paul Brace, from Quentin Bonser, M.D. dated 7/29/63 2. State of California, Department of Public Health, dated 7/30/63 3. State Water Pollution Control Board; dated 7/30/63 4. Lake Tahoe Area Council; dated 7/18/63 5. E1 Dorado County Airports 6. From Quentin Bonser to Douglas Taylor 7. From H. Moyer to Tahoe Meadow Resident's dated 2/1/61 8. From N.R.Mallery to Mr. Arthur Westlund; dated 4/17/63 ': 9. Letter from Mr. Arthur Westlund to So. Tahoe Public Utility District dated 4/12/63 10. To Sherman C. Wilke from Attorney J.C. Weidman re St. Theresa's Church exclusion. APPEAL TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FO.R..S?E~.~L,p~ PERMIT: Following discussion Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that Attorney J, Weidman make an APPEAL TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, AND REQUEST A HEARING AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATE. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried that the che~ks in the amount of $6,502.18 be approved for payment as recommended by General Manager Priday. Director Wakeman sdggested that the payroll checks be siBned by Mr. N.R.Mallery, Clerk of Board and Mr. W.F. Priday, General Manager, and this will eliminate the time lost by the office force by having to locate the Directors to s~gn the payroll checks. Attorney J. Weidman will check this request and report back to the board. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Prior to Mr. C. Spiva's recognition, General Manager Priday stated that notices are now being sent to the local Contractors for work needed accomplished by the District. Mr. c. Spiva stated that Mr. Priday's statement had taken care of most REGULAR MEETING -4- August 1, 1963 of what he wanted to say but that he was present this evening to represent the many contractors and stated that the remark made as to Mr. F. Galicia always being avail- able for an emergency might be so but that other Contractor's could also avail them- selves for any emergency; he further stated that he cannot oagree with this because he would be able to pull his machinery off any job for any emergency that the District would have...,.and that he cannot, nor can the other contractors, accept this reason for giving all work to one Contractor. Mr. Spiva also stated that this was due to a case of personalities more than anything else, General Manager Priday stated that the intention is to correct this situation and all notices for work needed to be accomplished for the District will be sent to the Con~ractors ander the Clerk of Board's signature and Mr, Priday also mentioned that there is a t~me limit on this notice for bids to be received at the District Officel ADJOURNMENT: 10:15 P.M. DONALD L. CLARKE, PRESIDENT .... SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N.R.MALLE~Y, CLERK ~F BOARD ~X-OFFICIO SEC. SOUTH TAUPE PUBLIC UTILITY D~TRICT FOLLOWING ARE ATTACHRENTS TO THE. .MIN_U.T.ES OF. AUG_U_ST_ ~1,.... "July 29, 1963 Paul Brace, Planning Director Quentin Bonser, M.D. County Health Officer SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT: PERCOLATION BEDS AND SPRAY IRRIGATION FOR SEWAGE EFFLUENT; U.S. FOREST SERVICE LAND BETWEEN PIONEER TRAIL AND THE AIRPORT, LAKE VALLEY This department has been interested for some time in the new proposed effluent disposal area utilizing portions of sections 9 and 10, R18E, T12N in the Lake Valley Area by the South Tahoe Public Utility District. We have been requested in conjunction with the Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, State Department of Public Health, to evaluate this proposed area and method of disposal to determine whether any public Health problems might be created. Subsequent investigation indicated the desirability for further study, and as a result studies are ~u~ently being conducted in the present area used for spraying sewage effluents. This study has not been under way long enough to determine what the zone of influence surrounding such an area is. Therefore the only information that can be utilized presently, is that which has been documented in other ereas. Information from these studies indicates that coliform organizims travel from then (10) feet to one thousand (1000) meters dependine, primarily, on the quality of final effluent and on the degree of disinfection. Renently this department in lieu of insufficient information recommended a buffer zone of approximately four hundred (400) feet for a proposed subdivision to be developed adjacent to the present spray irrigation effluent disposal site, of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. It was also recommended at that time that fencing and posting of the spray area be completed prior to any development to discnurage unauthorized persons from entering this area. Therefore, this department would make the following recommendations for this particular proposal: 1. The effluent receive both primary and secondary treatment and be disinfected to a degree satisfactory to both the %Deal and State Health departments. Tertiary Treatment would be part of secondary treatment. ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF AUGUST 1, 1963 (cont.) (1) LETTER TO PAUL BRACE FROM QUENTIN BONS~.,.?...D. (c.ont...) 2. The e~gi~eers for the District determine the percolation qualities of the soil to a high degree of accuracy so that no effluent run-off would occur to nearby streams, 3. The engineers take into consideration for the District, the prevailing meteortogical conditions and complete studies to determine what would be a sufficient buffer zone to prevent contamination of or nuisances to surrounding inhabitated areas. 4. Any development of this area by the South Tahoe Public Utility District for sewage disposal purposes would require complete fencing and posting to the satisfaction of the approving agencies. 5. Engineers for the District determine the underground zone of influence for this disposal area to facilitate the installation of adequate private sewage disposal systems in nearby developments. s/by: Douglas H. Taylor, R.S. County Sanitarian DHT: if cc: Morgan Stewart, Bureau of Sanitary Engineering Donald Helgren, Supervising Sanitarian South Tahoe Public Utility District U.S. Forest Service" (2) FROM: "Department of Public Health, State of California July 30, 1963 Douglas R. Leisz, Forest Supervisor Eldorado National Forest Forest Service, USDA Placerville~ California Re 2710 ~isposal Area Dear Mr. Leisz: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Your letter of July 12, 1963~ to the district requesting clarification of our comments on the width of the buffer zone has been referred to us for reply. We are aware that there is some migration of coliform organisms when a non=disinfected waste is being used for spray irrigation, Under these conditions mists have been detected as far as 105 feet downwind from the sprinkler, with winds up to 5-10 mph. (From Third Report on the Study of Waste Water Reclamation and Utilization, 1957, State Water Pollution Control Board Publication No. 18, pp75-86.) Recent tests made by our bureau at Golden Gate Park showed coliform bacteria could be detected only about 10 feet downwind from the disinfected effluent spray. In this case sewage treatment included activated sludge, chlorination and lagooning in lakes. The present treatment provided by the district includes activated sludge, chlorination and lagooning for up to 60 days. The district proposes to provide additional tertiary treatment in their present project~ which will increase the effectiveness of disinfection, W~th good operation the sewage effluent will be disinfected. Fortthese reasons the spray of sewage effluent upon Section 10 land as proposed will not create health hazards. For esthetic considerations a buffer strip should be provided to prevent disinfected sewage effluent sprays or mists from reaching property adjacent to the district's leased land. We do not have enough information to specify exact distances but a wooded area of from 300 to 500 feet should be satisfactory. This properly is a subject that the district or their engineers hhould investigate as part Of their disposal proposal. However, we have a vital interest in this subject and will start such a study next week in conjunction with the local health department. We hope that this letter will expedite the approval of the district's permit to use this land for disposal of their treated liquid wastes, Very truly yours, H.B. FOSTER, JR., ACTING CHIEF BUREAU OF SANITARY ENGINEERING s/ M.E. STEWART, SUPERVISING SANITARY ENGINEER MES/h cc: ELDORADO CO HD SO TAHOE PUD US FOREST SERV BSE BERKELEY" ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF AUGUST 1.,..!.963 .(c.o.n.t..,..).: (3) FROM STATE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD "July 30, 1963 Mr. Donald L. Clarke President of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District P.O.Box 825 Bijou, California Dear Mr. Clarke: Federa~l ~C~o_n~st?uqt ion, .,G,r,a~,t, .App,,1,ica,t ign By a letter dated July 2, 1963, Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, Assistant Chief Engineer of Clair A. Hill and Associates, informed us of the District's desire to proceed immediately with a portion of the project for which a federal construction grant had been requested under Public Law 84-660. My comments on this matter,particularly in regard to certification of the project for a grant, were sent to Mr. Moyer on July 9 with carbon copies to Mr. Priday and the U.S.Public Health Service. Immediate certification of a portion of the project (effluent disposal force main and pump, holding ponds and spray irrigation system, but postponing the tertiary treatment plant) was considered by the State Board at its meeting on July 19, 1968, in response to the District's Resolution No. 445. The Board authorized the staff to certify the initial portion of the project to the Public Health Service provided that the District meets all of the conditions specified in the Board's regulations. Before initial certification, the following conditions must be met: (a) The Lahontan Regional WPC Board prescribe waste discharge requirements for the new disposal site. (b) The District submit a statement of availability of funds to carry out the construction (with more detail than Attachment IV-A of the application). (c) Final approvable plans and specifications for the initial p'~rtion of the project. ~,d) Engineer's statement certifying adequacy of the plans for an operable part of a sewerage system which upon completion of th~ project will meet waste discharge requirements prescribed by the regional board." (e) Cost estimate breakdown of the fnitial portion of the project corresponding with Section V-B of the application form PHS-2654. This would be the basis for the grant amount in the initial certification. After submission and approval of the plans and specifications for the remainder of the project (scheduled for November, 1963) an increase in grant amount would be certified to the Public Health Service, Very truly yours, s/Paul R. Bonderson, Executive Officer cc: Clair A. Hill and Associates U.S.P~blic Health Service Lahontan Regional Board" (4) LAKE TAHOE AREA COUNCIL "July 18, 1963 To The President and Members Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District Bijou, California Gent lemen: The executive Committee of the Area Council at its regular meeting held July 12, 1963 took cognizance of your recent action in adopting Resolution No. 444,setting forth your policy on district annexations. The Committee asked that a letter be transmitted to your Board expressin~s its commendation for your support of sound objectives for the future orderly ~rowth and development of the Basin as outlined in the Preliminary Tahoe Regional Plan. It is our belief that the Board's action will prove a significant contribution to the success of a general plan for our area. Very truly yours, LAKE TAHOE AREA COUNCIL s/ DEANE SEEGER,EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR" ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF AUGUST 1, 1963 (cont.) (5) EL DORADO COUNTY AIRPORTS "July 16, 1963 Mr. W. F. Priday, General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District Bijou, E1 Dorado County, California Dear Win: Thank you for your letter of July 10 relative to the use of e6fluent on the Lake Tahoe Airport. The Board of Supervisors has authorized me to contact the Regional Water Pollution Control Board and the E1 Dorado County Health Department. Your Cooperation is appreciated. Sincerely yours, s/M.T. Wordell Manager of County Airports MTW:ls:" (6) FROM DOUGLAS TAYLOR TO QUENTIN BONSER "July 22, 1963 To: From: Quentin Bonser, M.D., County Health Officer DouglaskTaylor, R.S.,Connty Sanitarian Subject: MEETING WITH MR. ROESSLER AND MR. WESTLUND REPRESENTING THE TAHOE MEADOWS ASSOCIATION This meeting was arranged for the purpose of evaluating the existing problems related to present methods of sewage disposal in the Tahoe Meadows tract, also known as Lakeshore Manor. Mr. Westlund expressed the views of the association when he established the fact that there had been several efforts made by both the S.T.P.U.D. and the association to come to an agreement on the sewering of this area, the most recent of which was a verbal agreement approximately two years ago when the S.T.P.U.D. installed its main trunk line sewer through the Lakeshore Manor Subdivision. At that time, according to Mr. Westlund, the S.T.P.U.D. verbally agreed to provide a connection to the sewer main being installed for each lot adjacent, and when the district installed this sewer they stubbed out to each lot with this verbal agreement in mind. Since that time some of the directors on the S.T.P.U.D. board have resigned, moved or retired and the new directors of the district have not honored this verbal agreement. The district now maintains that since the Lakeshore Manor subdivision was totally excluded from the district that they cannot allow individual lots within this subdivision to be included on an individual basis. Therefore, it is not possible, at the present time, for the owner of individual lots within this subdivision to comply with the health department requirement of "no building without a sewer hookup". Since the health departmmnt has a policy of not approving any new sewage disposal ~ystems in this subdivision, persons desiring to build new homes on lots, not currently developed, are unable to do so. It is the health department's feeling that it would be remiss in performing its duty should it approve such sewage disposal systems where the following conditions do or may exist: 1. Exceedingly high ground water table, throughout the area, some of which terminate at the surface. 2. Improperly developed and poorly located domestic water wells in the same area. 3. Some of the lots appears to have insufficient room to develop both domestic water wells and individual sewage disposal systems. Our conclusion would be that an effort be made by all interested agencies and parties involved to work out an adequate program for the provision of public sewerage for each lot in this subdivision either indivually or intote. DHT/eb cc: S.T.P.U.D. " (7) FROM HARLAN E..MOYER re TAHOE MEADOWS LATERALS: "February 1, 1961 SUBJECT: TAHOE MEADOWS LATERALS...BEACH TRUNK LINE SEWER This is to notify you that the South Tahoe Public Utility District has received your payment of $70.00. This paymmnt is for the installation of a lateral on the Beach Trunk Line. The lateral will be 4-inch diameter sewer pipe and will extend 10 feet from trunk sewer towards your property. The installation of this lateral does not obligate the South Tahoe Public Utility Distri~ to allow you to connect to the Beach Trunk Line at the present time. It is expressly agree¢ that no connections will be made until the provisions of Ordinance No. 51, pertaining to ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF AUGUST 1, 1963: (7) LETTER FROM H. MOYER RE TAHOE ~pOyS LATERALS,(~ON~..) annexation, are complied with. It is further agreed that the location of said lateral will be determined by the caretaker of Tahoe Meadows and that the location will be marked by him and recorded on the plans of said line in the presence of the District Eneineer or his designated representative. Very trulV yours, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BY/HARLAN E. MOYER CLAIR A. HILL & ASSOCIATES, ACTING GENERAL MANAGER HEM: BB CC: ARTHUR WESTLUND, 4499 Piedmont Ave., Oakland Fred H.Webb,Los Altos, Calif. GRAHAM H.BARBER, Livermore, Calif. Stephen C. Pepper, Berkeley Louis Strait, San Francisco Wm. H. Gorrill, San Francisco J.W.Thomas,executor Louis Bartlett Estate,Berkeley Harvey E.West, Placerville Forrest L.Horner, Berkeley Cora B. Harding, Berkley gwen C.Dickson,Berkeley OtisAllen Sharpe,M.D.San Mateo, Mr. Wm.C.Bray,Be~keley H.E.Long, M.D.Berkeley J.R.Lusk, Jr., E1 Cerrito Col. Wm. E. Braley, USA Ret., Orinda Graham B.Moody, Berkeley" J.E~.MacGregor, San Francisco Ellen Brown,M.D.San Francisco F.F.Janney,Portland,Oregon Gordon A,Johnson,SanFrancisco Duncan A.Scott,Berkeley W.Newell Nelson,Mr. Berkeley G.P.Adams & Mary Adams, Berkeley (8) TO MR. ARTHUR WESTLUND FROM N.R.MALLERY, APRIL 17, 1963: "April 17, 1963 Mr. Arthur Westlund 4499 Piedmont Ave Oakland 11~ California Dear Sir: The Tahoe Meadows Association was asked in 1962 to become a part of the annexation proceedings that would have annexed all property within that area. At a protest hearing on May 3, 1962, the Association again asked to remain excluded. The request was granted. The only way in which any property owner belonging to the Association can be connected to our sewer lines is through the following: 1. The Association must petition the South Tahoe Public Utility District for annexation. 2. After annexation is approved, the South Tahoe Public Utility District must be petitioned to form a Special Assessment District for the purpose of constructing sewers within the area. No costs for the above can be furnished at this time. They will be dependent upon engineering surveys. Very truly yours, SOUTH TAHOE PUBIC UTILITY DISTRICT s/ N.R.Mallery, Clerk and Ex-Officio Sec. NRM:BB: " (9) FROM ARTHUR WESTLUND TO BOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT: "April 12, 1963 South Tahoe Public Utility District Bijou, California Gentlemen: When the Trunk Line for the sewer was installed through Tahoe Meadows, there was an arrangement entered into with the District to have "Y" connections installed along the line by those having adjoining property. Being one of the parties having paid the District ($70.00) for the "Y", I would like to find out if, upon payment of back taxes, etc., I can join the District and obtain service. Please notify me what this cost will be? Very truly yours, s/ Arthur Westlund AW:hl Return Address: 4499 Piedmont Ave., Oakland 11, California" ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF 8/1/63 - Cont.) (10). FROM JOHN C. ~EIDMAN TO SHERMAN C. WILKE: "July 23, 1963 Mr. Sherman C. Wilke, Attorney at Law Wilke, Fleury and Sapunor Suite 424, 926 J. Building Sacramento 14, California RE: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST. THERESA'S CHURCH Dear Mr. Wilke: This will acknowledge your letter of July 2, 1963, concerning the above matter. The matter was discussed at our Board of Directors meeting on July 18, 1963. The Board decided not to grant the releif you requested. There were several reasons for this action. One reason was that there is not a school or church on the property at the present time. Another reason was that if we opened the door by granting relief to St. Theresa's Church, other similar organizations and other organizations trying to claim relief that are not so deserving. The Board has asked me to remind you that even public agencies contribute to assessment district proceedings and help pay their share of the costs involved. This applied to the Tahoe Valley Elementary School to my specific recollection. The assessment is less than the amount which you mentioned in your letter. There is a $2400.00 system scharge $170.96 for right of service charge and $70.09 for administrative charges. Annual payment of the assessment will be approximately $300.00 for the first year and will diminish thereafter. I am sending a copy of this letter to Father Grace. The Board asked me to write it with the hope that all of you will realize the problems we face in deciding on the particular problem of St. Theresa's Church. Yours very truly, · s/ John C.Weidman JCW:jn cc: Father Grace St. Theresa's Church P.O.Box 218 A1 Tahoe, Calif. Mr. W.F.Priday General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District P.O.Box 825 Bijou, California" (11) PETITION TO EXCLUDE LAND: "TO: THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AND ITS BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Petitioners, Kno~ Van Dyke Johnson, W-illiam Van Dyke Johnson and Marjorie Johnson Springmeyer represent as follows: That they are the owners of the land outlined in red on Exhibit "A" which exhibit is attached hereto, incorporated herein and made a part of this petition; that said land is commonly described and referred to as E1 Dorado County Assessor parcel Nos. 27 18 08 and 25 01 11 and which land is located in E1 Dorado County, State of California and is now included within the boundaries of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, hereinafter referred to as the District; that said land is not now benefited nor will it be benefited in any manner in the future by its inclusion or continued inclusion in the District; that said land is meadow land which will not benefit from the sewer line or sewer facilities of said District; that said land is low land ~nd will not be used for building purposes in the future so as to benefit from sewers. WHEREFORE petitioners pray that their land described in Exhibit "A" be excluded from the District and that it be free from any assessments, liens or bonds of said District. Dated July 29, 1963. "Verified signatures as owners of record by telephone from the County Assessor's Office 8/6/63 s/ N.R.Mallery, Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT" s/ Knox Van Dyke Johnson s/ William Van Dyke Johnson s/ Marjorie Johnson Springmeyer" ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF AUGUST 1, 1963: (12) MANAGER'S REPORT .... AUGUST 1, 1963 "August 1, 1963 PLANT OPERATION: PLANT FLOW FOR JULY 1963: 1. Total Flow 2. Daily Average 51,061,000 gallons 1,647,000 gallons Nevada District Flow for July 1963 per the Nevada District Meter: 1. Total Flow 17,184,900 gallons 2. Daily Average 522,090 gallons C. Holding Pond Freeboard this date: 1. Freeboard 8 feet 4 inches. After checking with Mr. Earl Hardie, Chief Operator, we concluded that average daily use of chlorine was 135 pounds per day, in July - 1962, To date the use this month, July 1963, has been averaging 240 pounds per day, which represents an increase of 43.75%. The average daily f~ow for July, 1962 1,223,000 G.P.D. To date the average daily flow for July,1963] 1,600,000 G.P~D. This represents an increase in flow of 23.56%. SUMMARY: Although our daily average flow increased 23.56%, our chlorine was increased 43.75%. We show an increase of 20.19% chlorine use that cannot be charged a~ainst the increased daily average flow. Since this time last year, the septic tank pumpers have been dumping their loads directly into the Treatment Plant without any dilution factor. Since this material is usually extremely septic to start with, it requires more treatment than is required by normal sewage coming into the plant. This increases all Treatment costs including the amount of chlorine required to maintain a chlorine residual which the State Agencies require in our treated effluent. A recent installation of a 3" water line to connect to the septic tank trucks while unloading will dilute the material and help minimize the present problems of treatment. TAHOE MEADOWS SERVICE (EL DORADO COUNTY HEALTH (S,T.P.U.D.LETTER) Again the Utility District ran into a road block instigated by the E1 Dorado County Planning Commission. The same body requiring sewer facilities for subdivisions refuse to vote favorably for the facilities to provide for such requirements. (EL DORADO CO. HEALTH) (STATE DEPT. OF HEALTh) A meeting was held this p.m. for the review of certain aspects of our reques.t for P.L. 660 funds. Those in attendance were Mr. Thourene, Bertram and Eastman, representing U. S. Public Health Service; Mr. Bonderson and Leggett from the State Water Pollution Control Board; Mr. Moyer and Jensen from Clair A. Hill & Associates and Mr. Roderick from CH2M. The greatest portion of the meeting was a discussion of the Tertiary Treatment (Pit-Con) proposed for construction by the District." ALL THE ABOVE ARE ATTACHMENTS TO THE MINUTES OF 8/1/63. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT August 15, 1963 President Clarke called the meeting ~o order at 8:00 P.M. This was the second regular meeting of the month of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler and S~ewart. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, Mr. G. Sutherland, Mr. A.W-.Reber, Mr. & Mrs. M. Springmeyer, Mr. Walt Little, Wm. V.D.Johnson, A1 Warren, J. Corrente, John Murphy. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, the minutes of August 1, 1963, be approved. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report which is as follows: "Manager's Report August 1, 1963 PLANT OPERATION: Plant flow from August 1 to August 13 Average flow per day Nevada District flow (same period) Average Daily.flow Holding pond freeboard 24,817,000 1,909,000 5,101,100 392,392 8 feet 7 inches Most of the plant personnel have received and are wearing white uniforms as provided by recent action by the Board of Directors. It has visually upgraded the operations and as soon as all men are in uniform we would like to photograph them for a news item. Along with our upgrading program~ I would like to suggest to the Directors that the large sign at the entrance to the plant and all references to our operations be changed to "WATER RECLAMATION PLANT". To me, the basic reason for a treatment plant is to reclaim or treat water by removing impurities and not for the treatment of impurieties. A number of treatment plants have adopted the theme of "WATER RECLAMATION". Attorney Weidman brought Mr. A.E. Anderson to the plant August 5 last to investigate the problem we are having with the brick veneer falling off the digesters. Mr. Anderson is considered to be an expert in analayzing such problems. (A preliminary report from Mr. Taylor is attached for your information). Mr. Anderson will make a detailed report to the District of his findings. Mr. Taylor, Supt. of Operations, attended a hearing in Sacramento August 6, last, relative to an injury to a former employee, Stanford M. Carder. Mr. Carder has alleged that he Was injured while lifting a container of sludge while h~lping to clean the effluent pumps wet well. We have subsequently learned that Mr. Carder claimed a back injury during former employment prior to his coming to the District. This particular case prompted us to enforce a policy of a medical examination for any maintenance or operating personnel hired by the District. (Mr. Taylor's report to me attached for your information). (See minutes typed in rough draft in file re S. Carder). July 25 last an invitation to bid for certain street repair work was sent via U.S. Mail to following contractors: Weaks Equipment; D g L Paving; Harms Bros.; Lagrange Construction-Galicia. Twelve days were given for bids to be sent to the District. (One) reply (bid) was received --- that was from F. Galician (Lagrange). Copy of bid and reply attached for your informatioR." (See rough draft copy of minutes 6or this bid.) Director Wakeman stated that the Genral Manager's recommendation to have the sizn in front of the entrance of the plant changed to read "WATER RECLAMATION PLANT" was an excellent thought and moved that Genral Manager Priday's recommendation be accepted; director Kortes seconded and the vot~ carried unanimously. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried that the Manager' Repomt be approved. OLD BUSINESS: (1) NELSON & SUTHERLAND: Attorney Holtom stated that he talked to Mr. N.R. Mallery who informed h~ th~ 'Mr~.~'W. Nelson could not attend the meeting (hearing) this evening ..... Mr. Holtom stated that he called Mr. Sutherland who informed him he would be present this evening for discussion regarding their property(NELSON & SUTHERLAND). August 15, 1963 Page -2- (cont.) In March of 1960 Mr. Nelson and Mr. Sutherland requested an extension of the sewer~ being constructed under the 1960-1 Special Assessment District to their property, which is on Forest View Heights off Ski Run Blvd. At the time of their request, the cash payment p~riod for 1960-1 was closed and the bonds were sold, therefore, their request could not be in- cluded in the 1960-1 Special Assessment District. A change or,er was issued and approved to construct this entension under 1961-1 Special Assessment District as the Contractor for 1961-1 Special Assessment District w as in the vicinity. As this change order could not be made a part of 1961-1 Special Assessment proceedings, the cost of extending this line would have to be paid in cash. Mr. Nelson and Mr. Sutherland agreed to these terms that the line would be installed on a cash payment basis. The cost of the line extension was $3,398.11 and payment bas never been received from Nelson and Sutherland. Changes and Modifications of 1962-1 Specila Assessment District proceedings will include the amount of $3,398.11 and Mr. Nelson and Mr. Sutherland will have the privelege to pay the assessment in cash or let it go to bond. Attorney Holtom explained the breakdown of the charges to Mr. Sutherland. Mr. Sutherland stated that the sewer line does not benefit him at all and that he has had excellent drainage. Mr. Holtom stated that all transactions regarding this property were discussed with Mr. W. Nelson and nbt with Mr. G. Sutherland; however, Mr. Sutherland did sign a letter re- questing a service line be installed; the fact remains that there is service to this property and the fact also remains that the amount of $3,398.11 has been paid by the District to have the sewer line brought to this property at the request of Mr. W. Nelson. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 447, which is A RESOLUTION ORDERING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS, SANITARY SE'~kRA~k' ' PROJECT 1962-1, (NELSON & SUTHERLAND) be approved. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that this hearing re NELSON & SUTHERLAND be continued to the next regular meeting when Mr. Walt Nelson will be present. Date of next meeting is September 5, 1963, Tahoe Valley Fire House, 8:00 PM CASH PAYMENT PERIOD 1962-1: Attorney Holtom stated that the cash payment period, ex- cluding the changes & modifications resolution which was adopted this evening, closed August 14, 1~63. Mr. N. R. Mallery stated that the amount received in cash as of this date is $15,327.00 against the overall Assessment District proceedings amount to approximately $140,000.00 gross. The total amount of the Adjusted Assessment proceedings was $142,000.00 which was lowered approximately $4,000.00 Mr. Mallery further stated that it appears that approximately $122,000.00 will go to bo~d. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that Attorney Holtom's recommendation to have the cash payment period for 1962-1 Assessment proceedings be held open until the first meeting in September (September 5, 1963 ) CORRESPONDENCE - 1962-1 ASSESSMENTS: Mr. N. R. Mallery read a letter which was written to Mr. John Holtom from him regarding"reduction of system scharges for the following parcels: 27 01 04; 27 O1 10; 27 01 11; 27 01 12. B-ecause m~ these parcels are being serviced by SAFEWAY LINES, the charges for construction of this line (196201) has been eliminated from the plans and specifications of 1962-1. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Attorney J. Holtom's recommendation to adopt by title P~SOLU~IONmNO. 448., which is A RESOLUTION ORDERING REDUCTION IN ASSESSMENTS, be approved. Attorney Holtom read a letter (for Director's information only) from Mr. E. Blake re- garding his assessment charges and also read his anss~r to Mr. Blake. DOUGLAS COUNTY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1: Mr. N.R.Mallery stated that he has received no reply from the Douglas C~uht~ Im~rove~'e~"'~istrict regarding the letter which was written April 3, 1963, to settle the outstanding accounts receivable as of June 1962. The Douglas County Improvement District No. 1 seem to want to continue to negotiate their right to participate in interest earned on our 1959-1 G.O. Bond and Interest Fund, General Manager Priday stated that our Auditor attended a meeting with Douglas County and this item regarding the interest was discussed and our Auditor mentioned to them that they were not due any interest. Nevada has been rebilled and they still wish to neKotiate and Mr. Priday stated that he did not feel this was negotiating time. He felt the Nevada District should be rebilled and the statement from our Auditor should be sent in the letter that will be sent to Douglas County Improvement District No. 1. A copy of the letter which will be sent to Douglas County Improvement District No. 1 will also be sent to the 288 287 Page -'~- August 15, 1963 Douglas County Auditors. CERTIFICATION OF ANGORA HIGHLANDS: Clerk of Board Mallery stated that he checked with the Assessor's office and found that the petition that was signed for the Angora High~dds was not signed by the owner of record. The pe~i~ion 'which was submitted was not in order. Another petition has been presented for the Angora Highlands signed by Mr. Ziegler and this is to be certified before any consideration is given to this petition. Attorney Weidman stated that he received a letter from the U.S.Forest Service, signed by Mr. Bangberg, 8/13/63, regarding the Angora Highlands and that he stated in his letter that their office has not received any request for special Use from Mr. Black; Mr. Black did call Mr. Bangsberg, however, and asked if he had received an application re the Angora Highlands. Attorney Holtom recommended that the Angora Highlands request be tabled and General Manager Priday stated that unless everything is complied with concerning the Angora Highlands, he will not bring it before the Board again. SPRINGMEYER-LIFE ESTATE EASEMENT: Mrs. Marjorie Springmeyer presented an appraisal which was dr~wn up by Mr. A. Reber, her advisor, and asked the Directors to study same and advise her of their decision. Director Stewart, Chairman of the Easement Committee, mentioned to Mrs. Springmeyer that this will be studied and that she willbe contacted next week regarding a meeting with her and the Easement Committee. BUDGET: Following a brief discussion regarding the budget, Attorney J. Weidman presented ORDINANCE NO. 101: AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILTTY DISTRICT STATING THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH TAXES ARE NECESSARY, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION, FIXING OF RATE OF TAXES, AND ADDING TO AND MAKING A PART OF THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT LEVIED UPON %HE LAND UPON WHICH SEWER SERVICE WAS USED AND CHARGES THEREFORE UNRAID AT THE TIME OF FIXING THE RATE OF TAXES - - 1963/1964 FISCAL YEAR, Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that 9RDINANCE NO. 101'be accepted. NEW BUSINESS: Mention was made that a Mr. S. Borns is considering his own sewage treat- ment plant system. General Manager Priday stated that he also heard that rumor but knows nothing definite regarding it. Director Wakeman stated that this may be a portable sewage treatment plant, similar to a septic tank and many subdividers do have these. General Manager Priday will,Check into this. Attorney Holtom mentioned to the Directors that many requests for spI~.t assessments have been received and he will bring this up at the next regular meeting. EASEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT (DIR~TO~..S~EW~%[: "Those present for the @/1~/6~ meeting of the Easement Committee were Director Fesler, General Manager Priday and Chairman Stewart. The subject matter brought before this committee are as follows: (1) Barton Easement and claim (2) Gross easement (~) Harootunian easements (4) Springmeyer easement. As for the Boarton easement and claim - - this appears ready for settlement, subject to final approval by this Board of the f611~wing agreement. This committee has reached an agreement with Miss Barton. It is the Committee's recommendation that we pay Miss Barton the total sum of $780.00, $540,00 of which she has received and approved by this Board; and now we wish approval of an additional $240.00 of which she has received and approved by this Board; and now we wish approval of an additional $240.00 in settlement of conditions that were never corrected after entry Was made upon her meadow edge property for construction purposes." Director Fesler moved that Director Stewart's recommendation re Miss Barton's easement be approved. Director Kortes seconded and this carried unanimously. "GROSS EASEMENT: The Gross easement grant is still pending. An offer of $452.00 was made by this Committee, subject to Board approval, and through Mr. Gross's Attorney we have received a counter offer in the amount of $1,500.00. Since there is such a difference in our offer and their offer, we are of the opinion there must be some misunderstanding as to the wants and the needs of this District, so we desire to continue this issue before bringing forth a recommendation to the Board. 2 8 8 August 15, 1963 EASEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT (cont.) (3) HAROOTUNIAN EASEMENTS: The pending easements with Mr. Narootunian appear to be ready for settlement. In %'his pending easement, there are five separate claims with each claim consisting of one to three easements. Subject to the approval of the board, it is this Committee's recommendation that we pay Mr. Harootunian the total sum of $4,000 for grant of easements." Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Mr. Harootunian be paid the sum of $4,000 and this will clear all pending easements with Mr. Harootunlan and clear any claims he has against the District. "SPRINGMEYER EASEMENT: It is our understanding that Mrs. Spr%ngmeyer is to be here this evening in regards to her pending easement claim. She wishes to discuss this issue with the Board and we, as a Committee, wish her the opportunity to speak." Mrs. Springmeyer was heard the earlier part of the evening and action was taken per her request. PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT (DIRECTOR FESLER): Director Fesler stated that the planning committee is studying an area in Ski Run that is not sewer~d but that is in the District. This is being studied and discussed with the Engineer and the Committee is working with the engineer as to the cost for sewering the area on Ski Run. Director Fesler also stated that study is being made for financing for Tertiary Treamment. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: General Manager Priday recommended the payment of claims in the amount of $20,1~1.32. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Rakeman,unanimously carried, the claims as recommended by General Manager Priday be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. ~'onald L. Clarke, P~esldent .~~ South Tahoe Public Utility District N.R. ~allery, Cl~rk g Ex-O.f~n~io secreta~ry~ South ?Tahoe Public Utility/District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT September 5,1963 The B-oard of Directors of the South Tahee Public Utility District met in regular session Thursday, 8:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley Fire House. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman,Kortes,Fesler,Stewart. Also present were Gen. Mgr. Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery,Attorney J.Weidman & J. Holtom. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: None MINUTES:Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart,unanimously carried,that the minutes of August 15, 1963, be approved as written. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read the following letters (attached to these minutes) 1. 8/30/63 - From Malcolm M.Merrill, M.D. Director of Public Health, s/by Frank M. Stead, Chief Div. of Environmental Sanitation 2. Note which was dictated by Mr. Merrill 3. Letter from W.C.Taylor re a visit from Mr. D. Taylor and a conversation with Mr. F. Stead. ~. From M.E.Stewart, Sup. San. Eng. dated 8/30/63 5. From D.H. Taylor, County Sanitarian - 8/30/63 Following discussion regarding the above letters received, Attorney Weidman stated that a public health, hazard under the law is not a hardship. Also, Mr. Weidman stated that this order received does not absolutely mean the septic dumps must be accepted - if ones demand these dumps be accepted - they should obtain a court order asking the district to accept this. MANAGER'S REPORT: "Following is a brief resume of reasons leading up to the decision made by me to stop all "Honey Dumpers" from using the facilities of the Utility District for dumping of septic wastes. (Letter dated August 26, 1963) Evidence of problems with "Honey Dumpers" appeared in the minutes of the District dated September 3, 1959, to wit: 289 MANAGER,S REPORT (cont.) : 'September 3, 1959, Page 80: NEW BUSINESS: The matter of dumping of sewage into the District's sewerage systems was bro~ht' up and discussed. Director Pankost suggested that our Attorney prepare a resolution whereby the District may make a contract with the local "Honey Wagons", outlining the requirements that an affidavit be given to the South Tahoe Public Utility District sta{ing where each load was received. If the load was picked up from the property within the boundaries of the District, it may be dumped into our plant for the price of $2.00 per tank of 1500 gallons. Any sewerage picked up in excluded territory or territory outside of the District boundaries, the charge therefor will be $20.00 per 1500 gallons load. It was further suggested that a proper form be prepared, which the operators of the "Honey Wagons" would be required to sign stating from what parcel of property such load was pumped. In the event that it is discovered that any operator of a "Honey Wagon" gave the wrong information re- garding a pick-up, the operator in question would be barred from using any of the District facilities for a period of one year. Discussion followed, but no action was taken." Definite action was taken September 17, 1959, to wit: (September 17, 1959, Page 83): "OLD BUSINESS: At the last meeting, the matter of "Honey Dumpers" was brought up and Director P~nkost'stated he would like to make a motion that the District enter into a contract with them and have them supply us with an affidavit as to lot and block number of the subdivision from which the load was picked up. A charge of $2.00 would be levied per each 1500 gallons, except that, any load picked up on property outside of the District, or property which has been excluded from the District, the charge will be $20.00 for dumping into our lines, and, further, any ltank load of sewage on which it is found that the operator gives wrong information regarding the pickup so as to avoid payment of the higher fee, that operator's truck will be barred from dumping for a year. Motion was seconded by Director Gersick and unanimously carried." Rules and regulations were outlined by the Regional Water Pollution Control Board in Resolution 60-4 passed June 23, 1960: "3. The sewage effluent from the treatment plant discharged to the disposal area shall be sufficiently stable so that it will not create an odor or nuisance." M5. There shall be no adverse effect on the beneficial uses of ground or surface waters of the area." LETTER TO AL MUL~EN,. DISTRICT RANGER, JULY 25, 1960: "In accordance with your request I would like to inform you that '~h'i's' Bo~,' u~d~'the' State of California Water Pollution Control Laws, does not review the adequacy of sewage treatment plants. Our primary concern is in the effluent discharged from the plant and the subsequent protection of beneficial water uses where discharges take place. I can , however, inform you that the treatment facilities being constructed for the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT appear to be adequate and should, with proper maintenance and operation, conform to the requirements established by this Board under RESOLUTION 60-4." Ironically enough exactly one year ago in the Manager's Report the following was reported .... September 6, 1962: "PETITION-AL TAHOE PUMPING STATION: Director Fesler presented a petition to the Board of Directors for consideration which"reads as follows: 'August 31, 1962 Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District Tahoe Valley, California We, the undersigned taxpayers and property owners of Tahoe Valley, E1 Dorado County, request that the Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utilities District remedy the situation of an offensive odor coming from the A1 Tahoe sewerage pumping station This has not only been annoying to the people of the neighborhood but is an un- healthful situation and a detriment to business. We suggest that this open sewerage unit be sealed and not just perfumed up with chemicals which would leave the same filth and bacteria in the air. E. C. and Lucille Perry, Box 256, A1 Tahoe, California John R. and Patricia M. Swing, Box 120, A1 Tahoe, California Carl and Thaline Ecklund, Box 671, Tahoe Valley, California M.J. and Henryette Dezzoni, A1 Tahoe, California John O. Homer, P.O. Box 122, Tahoe Valley, California MANAGER'S REPORT (cont.) Mrs. J. L. Snipes, General Delivery, A1 Tahoe, California Mrs. J. L. Foster, General Delivery, A1 Tahoe, California John J. Gerken, Box 377, Gerkens Lodge J. C. Stephens, Tahoe Valley, California" "A lengthy discussion was held regarding the above petition and as stated in the Manager's Report on page three (3) last two paragraphs: 'It appears now that we have to ~ake another course of action and rgquire that no disposal from "Honey Dumpers" be made in any part of the collection system; that the tanks be fitted with a pressure pump and disposal be made at the treatment plant only," "At this point it appears that there is no need for septic tank maintenance within the District because a sewer collection system covers the entire area. It is not the responsibility of this District to accept and treat sewage from outside its boundaries. Director Clarke stated that he felt the situation required immediate action and that the recommendation as stated in the Manager's Report be approved. Director Wakeman seconded. Engineer Moyer stated that he agreed with the statement made by Mr. Priday in the Manager's Report and that from an engineering standpoint he felt it would be very poor tactics for the District to accept this, and furthermore, the purpose of this plant is to treat the sewage and it is not good for the district to accept septic sewage. Sometime ago there was cause for this because many areas were not sewered; however, all areas are now sewered in the district--this should be eliminated as quickly as possible. Mention was also made that there was no reason for the people not to consect to the sewer; they are paying their assessment and in the long run the service charge will be much less than what they must pay the "Honey Dumpers". It is getting to the point where there are no isolated areas for the Honey Dumpers to dump. Director Wakeman moved that this be tabled for further study, Director Fesler seconded and the vote carried unanimously. Director Fesler was appointed as Chairman of this Committee and asked that General Manager Priday take whatever action is necessary to keep this odor down. General Manager Priday stated that there will be a letter sent out prohibitinK any dumping in our system until such time as this can be analyzed by our Committee and he will take cape of this situation, (Report will be n~ade at the next regular meeting).)" MANAGER'S REP.ORT.,.._SEP~EMBE~7, 1962: "Mr. Edmunds, a board member, pointed out that he felt it necessary for certain legislation to be enacted that would provide a district board with power to act when a pollution problem appears critical. _He felt that a board of directors pi ~. d~yr.ict_.s.houl.d ~ave t.he power to curtail building activi~.s or se~e~, conne~tionp as a prey.ent~ve measure... The oh!y a'c~'i~n that can nowbe takeD~ by eithpK .the._Wa%.er_.Po,l~u~ipn- Cpn%ro! Board,.or State Depart- ment of P~blic Health,. is ~f%er_Z~e_ ~DfractioD, b~s,..0FF?K~..I' Excerpt from min~tes_o~ Octpbe~_!8,_.l~2: "SEPTIC TANK DUMPS: Mr. Ralph Andersen stated that he had conversed with Honey Dumpers regardin~ their septic tank dumps and mentioned that Meyers does not want to accept the septic tank dumps and that he felt it was quite unfair that this should have to be taken to Nevada. It was mentioned to Mr. Ralph Andersen that the "Honey Dumpers" are all~wed to dump at the Plant. (SEE MANAGER'S REPORT OF 9/6/62 and PUBLISHED IN LOCAL NEWSPAPER 9/7/62.)" MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 1, ~9.62: ("Hg~ DUMPERS: Mr. Frazier and Mr. Scofield were notified regarding the septic tank dumps as well as the honey dumpers. Mr. Fra~zier came to the office and asked what could be done re septic dumps. General Manager Priday stated that he mentioned to Mr. Frazier that the plant is handling the septic dumps but that he did not want them to use this if they could find another way to do it. Mr. Priday stated that we had no proOf the honey dumpers are dumping in the collection line, but felt that because of the compacted amounts Coming through the sludge felt that they were dumplnK in the collection system." Directive from Regional Water Pollution Control Board monitoring program, December 7, 1962: SEPTEMBER 5, 1963 2 9 1 "GROUND and surface water monitoring program - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT - REVISED December 20, 1962 Sampling. of efflueD~ from SecondaFy Clarifi~? and effl~p~.~rom the holding ppDd a) Sample to be taken monthly by State Health Department. b) Monthly determinations by a commercial laboratory to be made for ABS, C1, and Coliform, with a *Partial Analysis made semi-yearly, Commercial Laboratory to be paid by South Tahoe P.U.D." Copy of letter to Jack. Leggett from Ralph E. S~ove~., ~o.un~y..H~a~th. pffic.er.,, dat~ April 26, ~9.6.3.: "The pr'esent diSposal site is over loaded and continually fails, We are aware of the serious problems related to the ultimate disposal of effluents from this sewage treatment plant. ~e Fapid growth and increased recreational use of the Lake .Tahoe So~t~ ~_hore Area ppints to. the. ~rgency of provi~P~.~d~,i~i~n~.l..e.f.'.f~.t treatment as preven~ye_ heal%h m~.a.s~.e." Letter to District'from M.E.Stewart, Supervising Sanitary Engineer, Dept. of Public Health, State ~of Calif~nia~,-date® ~ ~ "The~ ~esen%~ di~g~a[ ~i%~~ is' gve~loaded and continually fails, The rapid continuing growth and increasing recreational use of the Lake Tahoe South Shore area points to the urgency of providing additional effluent treatment as preventive health measure." During this period we had at least a dozen complaints of odors from the spray area by adjacent property owners including the U. S. Forest Service. July 19, 1963, a survey was made by Bill Taylor, Supt. of Operations, as to what other District's were doing about septic tank wastes. In condensing the results of the survey all other districts in the area prohibit the use of their facilities for septic wastes. All receiving points such aas dumps have been closed to septic wastes. This meant the only point of disposal for the basin was at our treatment plant. August 6, 1963, a 3" water line was put in service at a considerable cost to this district to permit the septic tank pumpers to connect to in order to dilute the heavy material. August 23, 1963, I regeive.d..a report f~om operations: "A.A. - our idea of diluting down the septic tank p~mpings by having the septic tank pumpers discharge into a #3 water line is not working as we thought it would. 1. Plastic bags, rags, sticks and other debris is working through the bar screen in #3 channel and causing excessive man-hours of maintenance in keeping the grit eductor and grit washer in operation. The main trouble being that the lines and grit screw are plugging up continuously. 2. Yesterday, August 22, 1963~ we had a continouus run of trucks dumping septic material into our system. No. 3 channel is loaded with rags, four (4) grit buggy loads of grit had to be removed, and rags going through the whole plant plugged the secondary effluent, wier screen and almost caused the whole plant to flood out." August 26, 1963, the committee working on "Honey Dumper" problems was called to the plant to see first hand the conditions caused by the septic wastes. The results of this meeting is as follows: "VIA REGISTERED MAIL Dear Sir: Please be advised that the South Tahoe Public Utility District is prohibiting the disposal of septic tank wastes into its treatment plant or collection facilities. This prohibition is effective immediately for all persons, firms, or corporations outside of the boundaries of the Utility District. Those persons, firms or corporations within the District boundaries will be given until 5:00 P.M., August 30, 1963, to cease using the District facilities for the disposal of septic tank wastes. The above action has to be taken due to the adverse effects that the septic wastes are having on the treatment facilities. Very truly yours, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT s/ W.F. PRIDAY, GENERAL MANAGER WFP:bb cc: All Septic Tank Pumpers; Quentin Bonser, M.C., County Health Officer, Placerville, California; Douglas Taylor, R.S., County Sanitarian, A1 Tahoe; Harlan Moyer, Clair A. Hill & Associates - Redding, California; J.C.Weidman, Attorney, P!acerville, California; All Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District." 2 g 2 SEPTEMBER 5~ 1963 PLANT..L~ ~NT.RT.(...Jannary' ?~,_ 196.3_): "Replaced teeth in comb in barminutor due to debris from septic tanks (pictures). Sludge blanket in secondary clarifier due to heavy concentrmate of septic sludge-" Since this time almost everv day an entry was made that a sludge blanket was on the secondary clarifier. PLANT OPERATIONS: Total Nevada District flow using their meter Daily Average 12,576,300 gallons 405,707 " Total S.T.P.U.D.Flow into plant per Sparling Daily Average 58,298,000 gallons 1,880,584 " Total Pounds of Chlorine used during month: Daily Average Holding pond freeboard as of September 3, 1963, at 0830 hours: 8,315 pounds 268 pounds 8 feet, 3 inches. August 1, 1963: 8 feet 4 inches - a net gain of 1 inch which is very good considering the increase in flow for this month. General Manager Priday also read the letters which are listed under Correspondence. (Also, letters which are listed prior to the Manager's report are typed in full.) Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried that the Manager's Report be approved and a copy of the Manager's Report will be sent to Mr. Stead. Director Clarke stated that he noticed in the local newspaper that a meeting was held at the Clarke Buildihg and that representatives from the Public Utility District were to be present. Mr. Clarke stated that he was around the Clarke Building all that day and did not notice a meeting of any such kind and asked General Manager Priday if he was aware of this. General Manager Priday stated that he knew nothing re this meeting and was surprised that he was not notified, Regarding General Manager's Report and comments regardin~ the Septic Dumpers, he stated that after September 10, 1963, there will be no dumps accepted at the District; however, the property owners that are within the District and that do not have sewer lines in their area will be considered, Mr. Priday stated. In answer to Director Stewart's question as to whether this problem we now have is due to the Septic Dumpers or if it is the volume of septic dumps, Mr. Priday stated that this has been a constant problem and further stated that'the samples which were taken prior to the Honey Dumpers dumping at the plant were much clearer than the samples are now. Engineer Harlan Moyer stated that the plant is a treatment plant for sewage and that be accepting the dumps from the Honey Dumpers the District is not helping to prevent pollution; be accepting the dumps, the District is harming the treat- ment plant and Mr. Moyer stated that the District is w~ong by accepting th~se dumps. Director Clarke stated that we have a responsibility to protect our taxpayers and by accepting septic dumps we are not helping the taxpayers. Attorney J. Weidman stated that Mr. F. Stead cannot tell the District to accept the sewage dumps; if one wants the district to accept this then they can operate the plant or get a court order demanding that the district should accept the septic dumps. Engineer Moyer stated that Placerville has a new treatment plant and they will not accept sewage dumps and run it through their treatment plant; there is no health hazard involved by not accepting the raw sewage from the Honey Dumpers. General Manager Priday stated that Mr. Wally White will not allow the Honey Dumpers to dump in Nevada either. General Manager Priday stated that we will go along with the Health Department until September 10, 1963, and following this we will discuss damages, etc., caused to the treatment plant. ASSESSMENT SPL.ITS: (~y~orney Holtom) Attorney Holtom presented the following resolutions coverzng assessment splits for Assessment Districts 1952-1; 1956-1; 1959-1; 1960-1; 1960-2; 1960-3; 1960-4 and 1961-1 and 1962-1 and recommended same be approved: RESOLUTION~ ..... NO. 467: A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment Re Certain Assessment under Resolution of Intention No. 199; Sanitary Sewerage Project 1960-2. ml~UbA~ MEETING ASSESSMENT SPLITS (cont.) SEPTEMBER 5, 1963 RESOLUTION NO. 450: A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment re Certain Assessments under Resolution of Intention No. - Sanitary Sewerage Project 1952-1. RESOLUTION NO. 451: A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment - Sanitary Sewerage Project 1952-1. (To be adopted 10/3/63 - regular meeting) ~ RESOLUTION NO. 452: A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment, Sanitary Sewerage Projec~ No. 1956'-~. (To be adopted 10/3/63 - regular meeting) RESOLUTION NO..4~.3~ A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assesmment, Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1956-1. . RESOLUTION NO. 454: A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment re Certain Assessment Under Resolution of Intention No. 146, as Amended: Sanitary Sewerage Project 1959-1. - RESOLUTION NO. 455: A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment, Sanitary Sewerage Project 1959-1. (To be adopted 10/3/63 - Regular Meeting), RESOLUTION NO. 456: A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment, Re Certain Assessment Under'R--esolution of Intention No. 213: Sanitary Sewerage Project 1960-3. RESOLUTION NO. 457: A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment - Sanitary Sewerage Project 1960-3. (To be adopted 10/3/63 - r~gular meeting) ' RESOLUTION NO. 458: A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment Re Certain Assessment Under" R~solution of Intention No. 213; Sanitary Sewerage Project 1960-3. RESOLUTION NO. 459: A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment, Sanitary Sewerage Project 1960'-3. '' (To be adopted 10/3/63 - regular meeting) RESOLUTION NO. 460i A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment re Certain Assessment Under' Resolution of Intention No. 239, as Amended; Sanitary Sewerage Project 1960-4. ' RESOLUTION NO. 461= A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment; Sanitary Sewerage Project No'.~ 1'9~0-~'. (To be adopted regular meeting - 10/3/63) RESOLUTION N.q.. 46~.: A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment re Certain Assessment Under Resolution of Intention No. 287, as Amended - Sanitarv Sewerage Project 1961-1. ~ ' RESOLUTION NO. 463: A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment, Sanitary Sewerage Project 196~-'1. ' (To be adopted regular meetin~ - 10/3/63) RESOLUTION NO...4..6.4: A Resolution Ordering Reduction in Assessments - Project N,. 1962-1. RESOLUTION NO....465: A Resolution Directing Making of an Amended Assessment Re Certain Assessment Under kesolution of Intention No, 173; Sanitary Sewerage Project 1960-1. RESOLUTION NO. 466: ~ Project 1960-1. A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment - Sanitary Sewerage (To be adopted regular meeting - 10/3/63) ' Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the above Resolutions.be adopted as recommended by Attorney J. Holtom. NOTE: HEARING'S FOR THE ABOVE ADOPTED RESOLUTIONS WILL BE HELD OCTOBER 3, 1963, 8:00 P.M. TAHOE VALLEY FIRE HOUSE, TAHOE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA(Confirmed Resolutions as listed above will be adopted at the regular meeting scheduled for October 3, 1963.) NELSON-SUTHERLAND HEARING: President Clarke stated that Mr. Sutherland was called away to Denver and' that' ~r. '~lson called to notify that he could not attend the meeting at the Fire House this evening because the "BLUE ANGELS" arrived one day earlier than expected and asked for a postponement to the next regular meeting. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the NELSON-SUT}~RLAND hearing be postponed until the next regular meeting which is September 19, 1963, 8:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley Fire House. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that a waiver be prepared for the next regular meeting for NELSON & SUTHERLAND to include their property in the procedure of 1962-1; if they desire to pay on a cash basis this can be also accomplished or they have the privelege of letting this go to bond. Also, September 19, 1963, is the last postponement for the NELSON & SUTHERLAND hearinK. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1962-1: Clerk of Board Mallery stated that $138~178.96 is the total for Assessment D~s%~ict~l~62_l; $16,134.00 received; $122,030.62 to go to bond; however, if Nelson & Sutherland wish to have their assessment go to bond-the amount that will go to bond will be $125,428.73. REGULAR MEETING September 5, 1963 ANGORA HIGHLANDS: No further word received by the District Office. SPRINGMEYER & JOHNSON PETITION FOR EXCLUSION: The Notice of Filin~ of Petition was duly publi'sh'e'd" "f'o'r' 'e'x'c'l~sion of te~ritory pursuant to Sections 17501 through Section 17510 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California. Attorney Weidman recommended the followin~ Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 449: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DI'S~'~IC'T' ~'RDERING EXCLUSION OF TERRITORY PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 17501 THROUGH 17510 OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 449 be adopted, EASEMENT COMMITTEE (DIREC?O~Ri STEWART~)~: Director Stewart stated that the easement cbmmittee me't' A~'u's~' ~lst with Mrs. Springmeyer and Mr. Reber reKarding the Springmeyer easement. Further study is needed before this easement is settled and the engineer is obtaining information for the study. GROSS EASEMENT is still pending. BARTON EASEMENT is settled. HAROOTUNIAN easements are settled, papers signed. There are no outstanding ease- ments for Mr. A. Harootunian. Director Wakeman stated that the Easement Committee should be commended for the fine job they have done. Director Stewart stated that the Gtobin easements are not being studied by the Easement Committee. PLANNING COMMITTEE (DIRECTOR FESLER: Director Fesler stated that the Planning committee ~'t'"Au'g~'~'t 22~d an~d~ ~discussed financing of the additions to the plant and whether or not to recommend to the board authorization for preliminary engineering cost study for sewering the South East Section of the District which is in the District but is not sewered. This cost study will cost approximately $2,000.00, Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Engineer be authorized to make a preliminary cost study not to exceed $2,000.00 to sewer the South East Section of the District. (This section is within the boundaries of the District but is not sewered.). PUBLIC RELAT.IpNS ~q?.~7~ (P%R~gTPR KpRTES ): Committee Report: Following is the Public Relations "The Public Relations Committee met August 27, 196~, to discuss the distorted information printed in various Bay Area and Nevada papers. Present were Chairman Donald Kortes, Director Donald Clarke, General Manager W.F.Priday; Donald Richardson of the Sacramento Bee, Walt Little of the Lake Tahoe News and John Murphy of the Tahoe Tribune were invited to help the committee to determine the appropriate means of combating this situation, After much discussion and planning the following letters were preapred and mailed to the appropriate agencies and newspapers: 'Managing Editor San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, Calif. San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco, Calif. Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, Calif. Nevada State Journal, 401 W. 2nd Street, Reno, Nevada Dear Editor: The Lake Tahoe Area, and the Sou~h Tahoe Public Utility District in particular, recently have been the subject of much unfavorable publicity in several newspapers printed outside our area. It is evident that much of this unfavorable publicity has resulted from an inadequate first-hand knowledge of water p~llution control problems in general, and from reportage and editorial comment which reflect preconceived point of view rather than facts. We respectfully request your consideration of these facts: ~( ~ September 5, 1963 ~J~ Regular Meeting PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE R.EPORT (cont.) 1. Lake Tahoe is neither polluted nor contaminated. A recent water quality survey by the California State Health Department failed to find any evidence of pollution attributable to domestic sewage. The only areas in which degradation of water quality was discovered were in th~ vicinity of marinas and in locations subjected to a high usage for swimming and other water contact sports. 2. There is concern about the possible discoloration of the Lake if nutrient chemicals such as phosphates and nitrates stimulate the growth of algae. This is an aesthetic problem --and not a public health problem. 3. Effluent from the modern sewage treatment plants operated by the Tahoe City, North Tahoe and South Tahoe Public Utility Districts is not hazardous to public health. 4. Effluent from septic tanks is a clear and present danger to public health. Some 90 per cent of the residents of the Lake Tahoe Basin use septic tanks. Many of them are as close' as 100 feet to the lakeshore. The poorly treated effluent from these tanks contains more nutrient chemicals than the effluent from modern sewage treatment plant s. Ironocally, ~he utility districts are doing the most to prevent pollution, yet they get blamed for polluting the Lake. 5. The South Tahoe Public Utility District's modern treatment plant is acknowledged by experts to be one of the best desR~ned and most efficiently operated plants of its kind in the entire State of California. 6. The South Tahoe Public Utility District has plans for an even more advanced treatment plant which is scheduled for construction next year. 7. Discharge of sewage effluent on to land is the only legally approved method of disposal within the Lake Tahoe basin. Export of the effluent from the basin has been recommended by the Lake Tahoe Area Council's Board of Consultants but is apparent to all that this cannot be accomplished inexpensively nor soon. In the meantime, the South Tahoe Public Utility District and other public agencies of its kind bear the responsibility for the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage in the manner prescribed by law. If immediate transport of effluent from the basin could be arranged, the danger of discoloration of the Lake by algae growth still would remain until all septic tanks are eliminated. 8. There is nothing unusual about the South Tahoe Public Utility's application for a Use Permit to dispose of treated effluent on Forest Service Land near the Lake Tahoe Airport. The District has for several years used a 120-acre parcel of forest service land for that purpose. The new permit will give the district a total of 300 acres for effluent disposal. The district was directed by the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board to find additional land. 9. There is a possibility that treated sewage effluent may, at some future date be used to irrigate cleared land at the Lake Tahoe Airport. (Requested by Airport Manager and E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors). This would not be unusual either. The City of San Francisco uses sewage effluent to irrigate Golden Gate Park and many other municipalities use effluent on public parks and golf courses. Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District will continue their best efforts to prevent pollution. Our efforts to keep pace with the continued growth of the area will not preclude participation in any final solution to the effluent disposal problem which may be devised in years to come. In the meantime, we would appreciate your best efforts to keep the facts about our potential pollution problems in proper perspective and to avoid the use of inflammatory head]'ines, cartoons, and editorials, which do not reflect a true picture of our beautiful resort area. Yours very truly, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT s/ DONALD H. KORTES, CHAIRMAN - PUBLIC RE~TIONS COMMITTEE" "Mr. Harry Marks, President (Dated August 29, 1963) Lake Tahoe Area Council Box 475 A1 Tahoe, California September 5, 1963 PUBLIC RELATION.S .C..OMMI~TE~E- REPORT (cont.) Dear Mr. Marks: The Lake Tahoe Area, and the South Tahoe Public Utility District in particular, recently have been the subject of much unfavorable publicity in several newspapers printed outside the area. · It is evident that much of this unfavorable publicity has resulted from ill- informed comment on the Lake Tahoe Area Council's Comprehensive Study on Protection of Water Resources of the Lake Tahoe Basin. Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District are in accord with the stated objective of the Lake Tahoe Area Council to protect the purity and clarity of the waters of Lake Tahoe and its tributaries. ~ However, we wish to point out that words, such as pollution and contamina- tion, are charged with a great deal of emotional impact and should not be bandied about in a reckless manner. We respectfully urge your careful consideration of these facts: 1. Probably eutrophication of the Lake is an aesthetic problem, not a public health problem. 2. Effluent from the South Tahoe Public Utility District treatment plant is not a hazard to public health. Experts in the field of waste water treatment have acknowledged that the South Tahoe Public Utility District plant is one of the best designed and most efficiently operated plants of its kind in the entire State. The treatment plants operated by Tahoe City Public Utility District and the North Tahoe Public Utility District also meet the standards prescribed by State and REgional Water Pollution Control Agencies. · 3. Approximately 90 per cent of the residents of the Lake Tahoe Basin are not served by any of the above mentioned utility districts. The ~ffluent from thousands of septic tanks is being discharged into the soil--sometimes as close as 100 feet from the Lakeshore. This poorly treated effluent, which w£thout a doubt is a clear and present hazard to public health, carries more nutrients in relation to its volume than does effluent from properly operated sewage treatment plants. ' It seems ironic that the utility districts, which are doing the most to prevent pollution of the Lake, are being blamed for pollution of the Lake but the thousands of persons who use individual treatment plants in their own back yards escape their share of the blame. We respectfully request that your organization make the greatest possible effort to keep the facts regarding the so-called pollution problem at Lake Tahoe in proper perspective. The effort to maintain the pristine character of the waters of Lake Tahoe is commendable and is one we believe should be sold on its merits and not confused with the alleged pollution problem. There can be no doubt that there is a pp~ep~ pollution problem at Lake Tahoe, as there is in any urbanized area. The South Tahoe Public Utility District is doing its utmost to prevent the nroblem from occurring. We do not believe the problem will be eliminated untii all septic tanks in highly developed areas of the basin are eliminated. ~ The South Tahoe Public Utility District, which already has a modern waste water treatment plant of the most advanced design now in opemmtion, is in the process of planning a third stage in the treatment process which will remove a much higher percentage of dissolved solids and nutrient chemicals. The financing for this highly advanced water reclamation plant has been arranged and it is hoped construction will get underway next year. It should be evident to a.ll .t.hat export of sewage effluent from the ~asin, as recommended in Yhe L~ Tahoe ~rea' council 'sew~g~ ~gi'neerih.g' stud's,' Wil'l ' not be easily fi~a~'c~d n~'r"s~ arranged. In the' meantime, p'~blic ~g'en~ies "such as the S~th Tahoe 'PuD'I'lc b%ility-b'i~trict must continue to discharge their responsibility of collecting, treating, and disposing of domestic wastes in the manner prescribed by law. Rest assured that the Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District recognize their responsibility and intend to meet it squarely. It is our hope that our many critics will try to do the same. Very truly yours, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT s/DONALD H,KORTES, CHAIRMAN, DMK:BB PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE cc: Max C. Fleischmann Foundation of Nevada; Chamber of Commerce-SoUth Shore and North Shore; & Tahoe-Douglas; North Tahoe g Tahoe City P.U.D.; Cty. Health Dept - dPlacer & E1 Dorado; Regional & State Water Pollution Control Bds & Nevada State Health Dept." REGULAR MEETING Se ptember 5, 1963 PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT (cont.) "Mr. William UBriner, Chairman Tahoe Regional Planning Commission of California Mr. Willard Menely, Chairman Tahoe Regional Planning Commission of Nevada Douglas County Planning Commission Gardnerville, Nevada Dear Sirs: We respectfu'lly request the deletion or correction of a statement in the preliminary regional plan for the Lake Tahoe Basin relative to the alleged pollution problem at Lake Tahoe. A section in the text of the report, entitled "The Lake", contains the following statement which we do not believe is supported by facts: "Because the huge size of the Lake belies the mere trickle of water which runs through the Truckee River and out into the Washoe Valley, it is not generally realized that sewage disposal cannot depend upon dilution alone. The Lake could easily become turbid and polluted if measures are not taken soon to remove the impurities which now flow into it from creeks, sewer lines, and inadequate 'treatment' plants. In nearly eyery community in California, sewage effluent is discharged into streams or other bodies of water where dilution is depended upon for u~timate disposal. This method of disposal is expressly forbidden at Lake Tahoe by regulations of the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control B-pard and Nevada State Law. The only legal method of disposing of sewage effluent in the Lake Tahoe basin is by discharge on to land. The inference that impurities are flowing into the Lake through sewer lines is clearly inaccurate. The phrase "inadequate 'treatment' plants" is an unwarranted insult to the several public utility districts which serve the people of the basin and are en- gaged to the fullest extent of their ability in attempting to prevent pollution. No reference is made to the real source of pollution which comes from the thousands of individual septic tanks which line the lakeshore and discharge a poorly treated effluent into the ground, many of them within 100 feet of the lake shore. Experts in the field have acknowledged that the South Tahoe Public Utility District's modern'waste water treatment plant is one of the best designed and most efficiently operated plants of its kind in the entire state. The treatment plants of the Tahoe City and North Tahoe Public Utility Districts also meet the standards prescribed by state and regional pollution control agencies. We do not cuarrel with the contention that there is a potential threat of pollution at Lake ~Tahoe but we are at a loss to understand why the blame should be placed on the very agencies which are doing the most to prevent pollution. The widespread dissemination of misinformation such as contained in the paragraph quoted above can serve no useful purpose and can do nothing but harm. We submit that the review of existing and potential water pollution problems in the Lake Tahoe Basin were covered adequately in the Lake Tahoe Area Council sewage engineering survey and were beyond the scope or comprehension of the authors of the preliminary regional plan. It is our earnest hope tht such ill-advised and beseless allegations as contained in the statement referred to above will be deleted from the final draft of the regional plan. Very truly yours, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT s/CHAIRMAN,PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE DONALD H. KORTES. DHK:BB cc: Geo. Gates, WILSEY, HAM & BLAIR" Director Kortes also read ap ress release which is as follows: "The newly acquired Forestry Service property located in Section ten near the Lake Tahoe Airport will provide for an additional 140 acres of effluent disposal area. This will decrease from 29,000 gallons of effluent per acre to 8,000 gallons per acre. This reduction in the amount of effluent per acre means that the efficiency of the land used for disposal is increased. It also eliminates the possibilities of pollution or further utrification of Lake Tahoe. This is another step by the South Tahoe Public Utility District to meet the sanitation needs of South Lake Tahoe and still protect the beauty and clarity of Lake Tahoe." Engineer Harlan Moyer stated that the Public Relations Committee should be commended for the above l~tters that were written as these letters are very clear and state the problems in a very common sense fashion. REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 5, 1963 CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Priday read the following letters: (1) From E1 Dorado County, Board of Supervisors, signed by Barbara L Cook, Clerk of Board: ~- ' "South Tahoe Public Utility District P.O.Box 825 Bijou, California Gentlemen: Please be advised that at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, held Monday, August 19, 1963, your Special Use Permit for more land for disposal of effluent was granted subject to the following conditions: Conditioned upon maintenance and adequate buffer strip as set forth by the Forest Service with a minimum of 100 feet and Special Use Permit be stipulated to run concurrently with regulations imposed by J. S. Forest Service. If you have any questions, please contact us. Very truly yours, s/ Barbara L. Cook, cc: John Weidman: Clerk to the Board:" (2) From United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, California Region "Mr. Robert Wakeman, Act. President South Tmahoe Public Utility District P.O. Box 825 Bijou, California Dear Mr. Priday: Enclosed are two copies of RESOLUTION 60-4 which was amended by this Regional Board at a regular meeting held on August 22, 1963, at North Tahoe. The above resolution was revised to include additional disposal area described as follows: T.12 N., R. 18 E., M. D. M. Section 9, El/2, SE 1/4, SE 1/4 Section 10, W 1/2, SW 1/4 SE 1/4, SW 1/4 SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Very truly yours, s/Jack Leggett, Executive Officer cc: E1 Dorado Natl. Forest; E1 Dorado County Health Dept.; S~ate Dept. of Water Resources, Delta Branch; State Dept. of Public Health, Sacramento." Attorney J. Weidman mentioned to the Board of Directors that he will defend the case re KYBURZ. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the checks in the amount of $10,033.34 be approved. ~ ADJOURNMENT: 10:O0 P.M. DOMALD L". CLARKE, P'R'EsIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N. R. MALLDRY, CLERK/ & EX-OFFIC/~ SECRETARY TM SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY ~/~IRICT SEPTEMBER 5, 1963 REGULAR MEETING 298-A- ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF 9/5/63 - CORRESPONDENCE AS LISTED PRIOR TO MANAGER'S REPORT: From State of California Department of Public Health dated August 30, 1963 "Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utilities District P.O. Box 825 Bijou, California Attention: Mr. Wyn Priday, Manager Gentlemen: Confirming my telephone conversations today with Mr. Wyn Priday, Manager, Mr. Don Clark, President of the Board,'and Mr. Robert Wakeman, Member of your Board, we are herewith transmitting the following emergency order: "Because of the public health hazard threatened by the notice issued by your district on August 26 to cesspool pumping firms in the South Tahoe area that no further sewage will be received from them after 5:00 tonight, you are hereby ordered to stay this action until ?September 10, 1963". We are completely cognizant of the difficulties with which this order confronts your district and we very much appreciate your expressed willingness to comply with this order in the public interest. Our staff will immediately proceed to work with the cesspool pumping firms to make other arrangements for disposal of their sewage. Very sincerely yours, MALCOLM H. MERRILL, M.D. Director of Public Health s/By:Frank M.. Stead Di'v[s'i'°n' of EnVironmental Sanitation" (2) Dictated on the telephone by Mr. Merrill, State Health Department who will confirm by telegram: "BECAUSE OF A PUBLIC HEALTH HAZARD THREATENED BY THE NOTICE ISSUED BY YOUR DISTRICT TO THE CESS POOL PUMPING FIRMS THAT NO FURTHER SEWAGE WILL BE RECEIVED AFTER 5:00 8'Clock TONIGHT, YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED TO STAY THIS ORDER UNTIL SEPTEMBER 10, 1963. s/ MALCOLM B. MERRILL, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH, STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH" (3) From William C. Taylor, Sup't of Plant Operations to Mr. W. F. Priday, General Manager: Dated August 31, 1963: "Subject: Report on Honey Dumper Situation. Yesterday at approximately 1600 hours, 8/30/63, Mr. Frank Stead of the State Health Department called me about our Order cutting off the dumping of Septic Tank Material from our system and plant. I gave him a summary over the telephone of the District's reasons for this action. He then asked us to extend the Dead Line to September 10, 1963, and I told him that I did not have the authority to do so that he would have to get it from you. He then mentioned that he was putting the request in the form of the Direct Order from his Department and I told him it would make no difference to me because I could not go against your written orders. I then transfered him to Mr. Mallery at his request. After he finished ta.lking,~® Mr. Mallery and I discussed the situation when you called me with your message for Mr. Eppler. Mr. Mallery and I explained the situation to you and you authorized us to extend the Dead Line to September 10, 1963. Right after you hung up the telephone, Mr. Stead called me again and I informed him of your decision to extend the Dead Line. I also notified Mr. Doug Taylor, County Health Department, Mr. Fritz Perry - of Geranium Septic Tank Service, Mr. Jack Claar's answering Service, because I was unable to talk to Mr. Claar personally and after numerous efforts I was able to contact Mr. Radford of Radford's Septic Tank Service. I was unable to contact Mr. Radford yesterday but he was notified at 0900 this date. s/ William C. Taylor Supt. of Plant Operations" 2 9 8 - B September 5, 1963 (4) From William C. Taylor, Supt. of Plant Operations To: W. F. Priday, General Manager Dated August 31, 1963 "Subject: - Report on visit of Mr. Doug. Taylor, County Sanitarian, to our plant, yesterday- August 30, 1963. Mr. Doug. Taylor and another gentleman arrived at our plant yesterday at approximately 1030 hours to check into our reasons for the sudden notice to the honey dumpers that they wnuld not be allowed to dump into our system after August 30, 1963 at 5:00 P.M. I explained to Mr. Doug Taylor what our problems were trying to handle this material and that I had recommended to you that this practice be stopped asssoon as possible and the sooner the better. Furthermore, that I would continue to recommend that the District should not try to handle this material in the future. Also that all I could do was recommend and that any final policy decisions were the responsibility of the General Manager's Office and the Board of Directors. That since you had issued this order and the Board Members were aware of the situation the order would stand as written until it was changed by your order or by Board action. Mr. Doug Taylor also made the statement to me that at the next County Board of Supervisors meeting he would recommend to that Board that they revoke the Use Permit that they had given us for the new Spray area. Mr. Doug Taylor and the Gentleman with him tried to convine me that our rag and grit problems were not caused by Septic Tanks but I told them that regardless of where the honey dumpers were getting the rags and grit they were still dumping it into our system. I gave them the flow figures they requested for the month and our chlorine use figures for the month and they felt the plant at approximately 1300 hours. s/ William C. Taylor Supt. of Plant Operations." (5) From: Department of Public Health To: Board of Directors; South Tahoe Public Utility District, P.O. Box 825, Bijou 95705, California Gentlemen: Attn: Mr. W.F. Priday, General Manager Your report on the adverse effects caused by the discharge of septic tank pumpage into your system has been reviewed by this Bureau. It shows that this practice is causing odors, serious operational and maintenance problems, and has deteriorated the quality of the effluent to the point where disinfection by chlorination is at times ineffective. On the other hand the abrupt notice to discontinue receiving sludge from septic tank pumpers has created hardships in theaarea affected. We have been in touch with our headquarters and agree that the deadline for receiving these wastes should be extended to September 10 so that an alternate solution can be found. Please let us know if we can be of further help in your waste disposal problems. Very truly yours, H.B.FOSTER JR., ACTING CHIEF, BUREAU OF SANITARY ENGINEERING s/ M. E. STEWART(& initialed (BTK) Supervising Sanitary Engineer MES/h cc: E1 Dorado Co. HD; Lahontan RWPCB#6; Frank Stead; BSE Berkeley" ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 5, 1963 (cont.) 2 98-C From E1 Dorado County Health Department to: South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors Box 825 Bijou, California Attention: W. F. Priday, General Manager Gentlemen: It has been the policy of this department for some time, under the E1 Dorado County code to require that all septic tanks of existing buildings be pumped and backfilled prior to connection to a public sewer or a~ the same time that this is done. Therefore, in consideration of this policy, the E1 Dorado County Health Officer hereby directs you to discontinue connecting any existing line to the public sewer until such time as existing facilities can be properly cleaned and backfilled. This cannot be accomplished until such t~me as the septic tank cleaners have an adequate disposal area. Should there be any questions pertaining to these matters, please feel free to call on us at any time. Very truly yours, EL DORADO COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Quentin Bonser, M.D., Health Office L.E.Shortes, Acting Health Officer s/ D.H. Taylor, R.S. County Sanitarian DHT[eb cc: E1 Dorado County District Attorney E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors" REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 19,1963 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of ~he South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session, September 19, 1963, 8:~5 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Fesler, Stewart and Kortes. Also present were Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney J. Weidman, Harlan Moyer, A1 Waren, Walt Nelson, R. Seaton, W. Sachko, John Murphy-Sacramento Bee, J.Dobbs - Tahoe Tribune, Walt Little - Lake Tahoe News, Mr. & Mrs. M. Springmeyer. ABSENT: Attormey J. Hoitom and General Manager W. F. Priday. MINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of September 5, 1963, be approved. Clerk of Board Mallery read the following report from Mr. W. C. Taylor, Supt. of Operations: "September 18, 1963 Report on Plant for period 9/1/63 to 9/16 incl.: A. Nevada District Flows ~y their meter: Total Flow 6,336,100 gallons Daily average flow 396,000 " B. Plant flows by the Sparling Effluent Meter: Total Flow 2U,700,000 gallons Daily Average Flow 1,543,750 " C. Chlorine used this period: Total pounds used 3,720 pounds Daily Average pounds used 232 pounds per day. D. This date the plant is on Primary Treatment only. Both our sludge return pump and our excess slu4ge pumps had to be pulled and sent in for major repairs and modifications. This problem was caused by the excessive grit, rags, and other debris which amc in from the septic tank pumpers. Normally these pumps would not have required this work until approximately September 1964. In order to get these pumps out for service it is necessary to drain the Secondary Clarifier. This turned into quite a job because of the rags, grit, sand and other debris. In order to be sure that the withdrawal line to the pump sump is not plugged or damaged we are dropping the pick-up sweep so that we can rod and flush this line out. E. Quality of effluent. Horrible F. Holding Pond Freeboard - 6 feet 8 inches Two pumps plugged; will get to them when we get the plant back to normal. s/ William C. Taylor" The following letters were read by Clerk of Board Mallery: (1) "From W.C.Taylor to Mr. W.F.Priday, dated September 13, 1963: Subject: Telephone call from DelAval Turbine Co., representative on Yeomans Pumps, September 12, 1963, at approximately 1115 hours. Mr. Rodgers of DeLaval Turbine Co., Yeomans Pump representatives for the West Coast, and informed me that the Yeoman's Bros. Pump Co., was starting a crash production on a replacement for Bijou Pump #1 which fell apart recently. Date of delivery unknown at this time but will notify us as soon as he has more information from the factory. He also requested that we remove and ship to the factory all componet parts of the defective pump with the exception of the motor. This I agreed to do. Shipping charges collect to Yeoman's Bros. Co., Melrose Park, Illinois. Attn: Mr. Robert Krebs. Mr. Krebs, who, If I am not mistaken, is General Sales Manager for Yeomans, will be out on the West Coast sometime in October will come up here at that time and wants to have a conference with you, Mr. Moyer, myself and any other interested parties as to what procedure to follow on Bijou Pump #2,; they will notify us at a later date when they will be here definitely. s/ William C. Taylor" REGULAR MEETING September 19, 1963 FROM: Browm-Milbery, Inc., Reno, Nevada, Dated-September 6, 1963: Attn: Mr. W-illiam C. Taylor, Supt. Subject: Service call to treatment plant to inspect 5 H.P.U.S. Vari Drive on Pump Unit. Dear Mr. Taylor: After returning to our shop Mr. Hutton described the problem you are having with these 5 H.P.U.S. Varidrive operating slug pumps. We believe foreign matter such as rags, sticks and etc. are becoming lodged in the impeller opening and binding against the volute assemble overleading your mot ors 0 If the binding action is not great enough to overload your motors to the point where the overload heaters will trip and shut down the pumps until the problem is corrected the units remain in operation and burninf of the varibelt takes place causing excessive slippage on the varidiscs slowing down the operation of the pump. The unit we inspected this day (Serial 1200697) is operating under an overload condition causing slippage of the varibelt indicated by the excessive heat generated on the varidisc pulleys. We suggest this unit be pulled to determine what is causing the pump to bind, and when this unit is pulled we further suggest the couplings be drilled and tapped for set screws. The drilling and tapping of the couplings will prevent them from unscrewing when the motor is reversed to flush out the pump impeller. This is accomplished by installing a three pole double throw disconnect in the motor line circuit between the existing fused disconnect and magnetic switch. If we can be of further service you can please feel free to call on us at anytime. s/James R~Brown" (3) From W. C. Taylor to MR. N. R. Mallery, Acting Gen. Mgr., dated 9/18/63: Subject: Return Sludge Pump and Excess Sludge Pump A. Return Sludge Pump 1. This pump is in the shop for ma~or repairs and modifications. The firm doing the work is BDown & Milberry of Reno, Nevada. This pump needs all new drive shafts and bushings, a new impellor shaft and bushings and new grease seals. In my opinion and Mr. Brown of the firm doing the work, this problem was caused by sand, grit and rags. The sand and grit caused the oil seals to fail then the sand and grit worked up into the drive shaft housing causing excessive wear on the drive shaft and drive shaft bushings. When the drive shaft and drive shaft bushings got worn enoughtthe shaft started to whip thus causing the upper drive shaft housing to break. The impellor sh aft and bushings were badly worn for the same reasons as the reasons given for the excessive wear on the drive shaft assembly. The rags wrapped around the shaft and caused excessive drag on the motor and Vari-drive assembly. This pump runs continually while in service. B. Excess Sludge Pump. 1. Since this pump runs on an intermittant basis it did not show as much wear and tear on the mechanical parts of the pump as we had on the return sludge pump. The only thing that has to be replaced on this pump is the impellor shaft band bushings and the impellor shaft grease seals. Rags wrapped around the impellor shaft had put excessive drag on the motor and Vari-Drive unit so a new drive belt will have to be installed. C. Mr. Brown made a recommendation for a modification which I checked out with Mr. Priday and Mr. Moyer. They authorized me to have this modification made. Mr. Brown is making this modification when they reassemble these pumps. D. The modification consists of pinning the sections of the drive shaft together and pinning the drive shaft to the impellor shaft so the pumps can be run backward while flushing them out without tearing themselves apart. By doing this, we believ6 Page 3 0 1 ATTACHMENTS TO .MINUT.E.S...qF SE~y. EM~E.~. A.9,. 1963 (cont~.) : that if any rags gat wound around the impellor shaft, we will be able to get them unwound and flushed out of the pump. Mr. Brown has had to modify several Sewage pumps in the Reno, Nevada area this way and it cured the problem for them. s/ William C. Taylor" (4) Attention: Eric A. Rodgers Subject: South Tahoe Public Utility District, Bijou Pumping Station Dear Sir: This is to advise you that the Yeomans Bros. Sewage Pump, S.0.#54560-1, installed in the referenced station, suffered complete failure on Tuesday, August 27, 1963. The failure occurred due to breakage of the lock ring securing the thrust bearing lock nut. This allowed the impeller and shaft to drop and make contact with the bowl. The impeller, shaft, bearing and pump bowl were all damaged beyond repair. This is an extremely critical matter as failure has left the station without complete standby protection and the District is therefore exposed to possible severe consequences if any overflows of raw sewage should occur from this sfation. · Your prompt action is requested. cc: W.F.Priday s/Harlan E. Moyer, Assr.Chief Engineer Cordova Pump & Mfg. Co. (5) From Congress of the United States, Harold T. (Bizz) Johnson, To Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District: Gentlemen: I wanted you to know that I have gone on record in support of the application of the South ~ahoe Public Utility District for a Federal grant under the Water Pollution Control Board. - Enclosed is a copy of my letter from the Public Health Service, Your attention is specifically drawn to the last sentence in the second paragraph. I shall be pleased to notify you upon the receipt of any further pertinent information. · s/ Harold T. Johnson (6) Fromm Department of Health, Education and Welfare to Honorable Harold JOhnson "Dear Mr. Johnson: The Surgeon General has asked us to reply to your letter of Augustt30, 1963, re- questing careful consideration of applications~ from six communities in California for grants under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Our understanding of operations of the State Water Pollution Control Board is that the high priority list contains applications totalling 150 percent of the State allocation for Fiscal Year 1964. Applications listed are certified by the Board on a "first-come-first-served,, basis, as soon as they submit adequate evidence of project financing and approvable plans and specifications. The communities you list should, therefore, be advised to move as quickly as possible to provide the State Board with the required documents. You are assured that any of the applications you list which are certified to our San Francisco Regional Office by the State Board will be reviewed promptly and be given every consideration for grants. ~ If we can be of further assistance at any time, please let us know. s/ Thomas L.P. Ferry, (6) From State Water Pollution Control Board to Regional Health Director, San Francisco 2, California: Attentimn: Paul W, Eastman, Regional Program Direc~mr: Subject: wP~-C~-~.7.6..(Sou~..Ta~oe P.U.D.) Pursuant to federal rmgulations' f~r' '~r'6~essing Public Law 84-660 Grants, I am submitting the application of the South Tahoe Public Utility District for Project No. WPC-Cal-176. The amount of the initial "grant requested" is $90,000 as authorized by the State Board at its meeting on July 19, 1963, in allowing immediate certification of apportion of the original project (effluent disposal main and pump, holding ponds and spray irrigation system, but postponing the tertiary treatment plant). The amount of the total "grant requested" was $334,050 as authorized by the State Board on June 14, 1963, in establishing the priority rating list of 1963-64 fiscal year applications. Enclosed are copies of the following items: 1. State priority certification and Project Approval(Form PHS=2653)- two copies; 2. Application Form PHS-2654 which attachments including applicant's Resolution No. 419 authorizing its representative - one copy. ATtaiNTS TO MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 19, 1963 (cont.) Page 3 0 2 3. Lahontan Regional Board Resolution 60-q prescribing waste discharge requirements - two copies, and water pollution control need priority points worksheet - one copy. Applicant's statement dated September 6, 1963, certifying availability of funds for construction of the project - two copies. 5. Copy of U. S. Forest Service Term Special Use Permit for disposal site - two copies. 6. Engineer's statement dated September 9, 1963, certifying adequacy of the plans and specifications for a project which will comply with waste discharge requirements prescribed by the regional board - two copies. Two sets of the plans, specifications and design criteria were forwarded to your office on August 23 and one copy of the application was sent on March 28 for advance review. In accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 57-3 of the State 'Board, the applicant's construction plans and specification have been revLewed, and for the purpose of Public Law 84-660, these plans and specifications have been approved by the Executive Officer. s/ Paul R. Bonderson cc: South Tahoe PLU.D. Clair A. Hill & Assoc. Lahonton Regional Board. (7) From Douglas H. Taylor, County Sanitarian to Douglas Leisz, Forest Superintendent dated September 6, 1963: Subject: Septic Tank Wastes, Tahoe Valley Dear Mr. Leisz: This will confirm our telephone conversation of September 5, 1963, when we discussed the septic tank waste disposal problem at Lake Tahoe. This problem is one that may jeopardize the health of the community, if not solved prior to September 10, 1963. As you know, the County Health Officer advised the State Health Officer that recent action by the South Tahoe Public Utility District to discontinue receiving septic tank wastes into their sewerage system posed threat to the health of a considerable number of the residents in the Tahoe Valley area of Lake Tahoe, and requested that they act in the interest of preserving the public health. As a result, the State Health Officer issued an order for the South Tahoe Public Utility District to hold in obeyance such action until September 10, 1963 in the interest of community health. On Tuesday, September 3, 1963, the matter was reported to the E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors for their action. The Board, after hearing the report, voted to authorize the Health Department to take whatever action measures are necessary to solve the problem. Since the time is short, a temporary solution for the disposal of liquid wastes from the Tahoe Valley area appears necessary as an emergency health measure. An area for this waste has been selected at Mevers dump, after review by representatives of the U.S.Forest Service, County and State Health Departments and the septic tank haulers. We do not feel that this location will present any health or pollutional problems where it is not utilized over an extended period of time. The long term solution to the disposal of this particular type of liquid waste would be as follows: 1. Disposal at the sewage treatment plant in a manner that will provide for a minimum of maintenance problems at the plant. 2. The establishment of a special waste area located on existing lands under Special Use Permits from the County for the disposal of sewage effluents. An area of approximately five acres would be large enough to provide for long term use. We are cognizant of the fact that the U.S.Forest Service in this area has been extremely cooperative and have come to the aid of the community on many occasions. Therefore, we would request that your office give serious consideration, in the interest of preserving the community's health, to permitting the temporary disposal of liquid wastes at the Meyers dump, a dump currently under Special Use Permit from the U.S.Forest Service. Since the South Tahoe Public Utility District will no longer allow septic tank waste disposal, we would also appreciate any consideration that your agency might be able to render in designating a portion, approximately three to five ac~es in size of the Forest Servic land under Special Use Permit to the South Tahoe Public Utility District in Sections 9 and 10 T 12W; R18E; M.D.M. to provide for the long term solution to the problem of properly disposing of wastes from septic tank pumpings and other liquid was~es. It would probably be advisable to hold a pre- liminary meeting between all the interested parties prior to formulation of any definite plan of action. The Burea of Sanitary Engineering, State Department of Health concurs with general provisions of this letter. We would like to thank you for your interest and consideration in these matters. cc: Cty Bd of Supervisors; Dist. Attorney; s/ Douglas H. Taylor Bd.of Dr.-So.Tahoe P.U.D.; Burea Qf Sanitary Eng - Mm~gan Stewart" ATTACHMENTS TO MIN~T.ES OF SEPTEM,B,ER 1,9, 1963 (cont.) Page 3 0 3 NELSON & SUTHERLAND: Mr. Walt Nelson thanked the Board for excusing him from the last two meetings. President Clarke stated that because he was doing a worthwhile lob for this community he felt that his absence was justified. Director Wakeman asked if the question re Nelson & Suther!and was - - - are they going to let ~heir assessment go to bond or are they going to pay in cash? Mr. N. R. Mallery presented a waiver and a resolution to the Board of Directors. This is to cover the Nelson & Sutherland assessment in the event they let their assessment go to bond. Mr. Walt Nelson stated that this problem dates sometime back and that many things and ones memory change. Both Mr. Sutherland and Mr. Nelson own the corner of Link Road and Highway 50. The District needed an easement from Mr. Sutherland and Mr. Nelson. The easement was signed,as requested by the Right-of-Way Agent, and at that time they (Mr. Nelson & Sutherland) stated that they would like to have the sewer line to their property when the time comes to put the lines in. Nelson & Sutherland were eliminated from the District by 100 feet, Mr. Nelson stated that they did not wish money for the easemeJt but consideration of a sewer line going to their property. Mr. Nelson further stated that in 1961 they (Nelson g Sutherland) received an estimate of $2,259,50 to install the line to their property but recently a bill in the amount of $3,398.11 was received. The estimate of $2,259.50 was made by Brown & Caldwell by Mr. R. Aberley. Mr. Nelson stated that he and Mr, Sutherland would be willin~ to pay the $2,259,50 in cash but they would not be happy if they must pay the amount of $3,398.11. Mr. Nelson's property has a 200' frontage and Mr, Sutherland's isa 330' frontage but the line go~s~:, into Mr, Sutherland's property approximately 50 feet. Mr. Moyer stated that if they want this assessment to eo to bond so it can be paid over a 15 year period, they must sign the waiver because th~ cash payment period is closed. Mr. Moyer also stated that the line is in and it benefits the property on one side of the street as it does the property on the other. Also, Mr. Moyer stated that this line was installed by the District for Nelson & Sutherland - the district owns this and if any property owner across the street requests service on this line they should also pay their proportionate share of the cost of the line. Mr. Moyer further stated that the questions now are (1) how do you collect (2) how much do you collect (3) should it all be collected from Nelson and Sutherland. Director Fesler stated that (1) the estimate originally was $2,259.50 and later received a bill for $3,398.11; (2) Nelson & Sutherland were promised some consideration for this LINK ROAD easement. Could this be settled in the amount of $3,398.11 and turn the easement over to the easement committee? Mr. H. Moyer stated that these properties were intended to be included in 1960-1 Special Assessment District and they would have been assessed under 1960-1 but for some reason they were not included. It was decided later to put the line in as a change order to 1961-1 Special Assessment District. Two years later under 1961-1 work was being done close to the area by another Contractor - J. D. Miller g Ince, and at that time the owners came to someone and requested that this line be installed. The Contractor did install this line in front of the Nelson & Sutherland property and the line cost the District $3,398.11. At one time, however, the line would have been put in for $2,259.50. Mr. W. Nelson read a letter from Mr. Priday dated 6/10/61 and another letter dated 5 4/9/60 from Mr. Sutherland and another dated 4/4/60 from Mr. W. Nelson requesting their pmmperty being sewered under 1960-1 Special Assessment District. These three (3) letters contained no information regarding the LINK ROAD and HIGHWAY 50 easement. Director Stewart stated that if there had been any connection with the easement this should have been referred to in the letter from Mr. Priday and the letters from Mr. Nelson and Mr. Sutherland. An easement is one matter, Director Stewart stated, and an assessment is another. Mr. Stewart stated that there are othe~roDerty owners that have egree and ingrees rights on LINK ROAD & HIGHWAY 50. Director Wakeman suggested that we consider their share of the line would be what was agreed to which was $2,259.50 and have our Easement Committee figure out what the cost to the property across the street would be, Director Wakeman also s~ggested that this be turned over to a committee composed of Mr. H, Moyer and the Manager to investigate this situation and accept the $2,259.50 and attempt to make the additional charge on the other property after we receive a report from the committee. Director Wakeman made another suggestion, that the Planning Committee accept this situation as the next order of business with the Engineer and Attorney and come up with a solution and bring a recommendation back to the board at the next regular meeting and collect a check. September 19, 1963 (cont.) REGULAR MEETING Pane Mr. Sutherland will be paying more of the Assessment fees than Mr. Nelson as Mr. Sutherland has more footage. Director Fesler stated rather than send this problem back to a Committee, we should make an offer of: (1) The District is out $3,398.11 (2) These people (Nelson & Sutherland) are on one side of the street and we could make an offer for 50% of the $3,398.11 because we stand a change to recover the other half of this $3,398.11 from people on the other side of the street who might, in the future, request service. Mr. Moyer stated that he felt Dimector Fesler's offer was fair. Director Wakeman moved that we turn this matter over to the .~- 'i_ I ,L. of settinE assessments to analyze the situation and determine the possibility of t~e District re- covering the remainder of $3,398.11 from the other properties that might benefit from this line. Director Kort~s seconded and the vote was two (2) noes and three (3) ayes. Carried. President Clarke thanked Mr, W. Nelson for being heard and Mr. Nelson thanked the board for listening to him. PETITION FOR ANNEXATION: (BEAULIEU) Mr. N.R.Mallery presented a petition for annexa- tion from L.E.Beau'l~'~ and Dorothy E. Beaulieu to annex their property South East 1/4 of Lot 13, Block C, Lakeside Park Subdivision. The Beaulieu's are the owner of record Mr. Mallery stated and that a check in the amount of $250.00 to cover legal and administrative fees has been received by the District. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the petition for annexation from L.E, & Dorothy E. Beaulieu be accepted. FORESTRY SERVICE. MEETING: Attorney J. Weidman stated that the Forestry Service asked him, Supt. o~' Operations - W.C. Taylor, Clerk of Board Mallery, President Clarke and Director Wakeman to be present for a meeting with the Forestry Service, State Health Dept,, and the County Health Dept., to discuss the problem of septic dump and as to where and how these could be disposed of, Mr. Weidman stated that he mentioned to these agencies present that the District could take care of smaller dumps and they asked if we would consider taking pretreated sewage dumps. After much discussion it was stated that our engineer would be contacted regarding his opinion of pretreated septic dumps. W. C. Taylor stated that he mentioned at the meeting that if our engineer was agreeable and could come up with some solution that they put the plant in and we wou~d run it on a contract basis so as to have control of same and when they did not meet the quality standard swt we could turn the valve off. Director Clarke stated that our engineer stated that there is no criteria for this to his knowledge and because of that we do not feel we have the financial means to authorize a study to be made by our engineer. Director Stewart stated that it seems the health department is a qualified agency and they tell us what we can do ..... and he does not see how we can givetthem an answer. President Clarke stated that engineer Moyer will draft a letter outlining items pro and con on this subject and turn over to the Manager for study. CORRESPONDENCE: President Clarke read an invitation from the Lake Tahoe Area Counc'il dat~'d"'9'/~l/63 for a cocktail party to be held at Harvey's Wagon Wheel, Bonanza Room between 5:30 and 6:30 P.M. on 9/26/63 and a cruise scheduled for 9:30 A.M. aboard the Tahoe Queen and a meeting scheduled for 1:30 P.M. at Harrah's Edgewood Room to discuss the Lake Tahoe Sewage Disposal Problem. Clerk of Board Mallery also read a letter from ATWOOD INSURANCE, Placerville, regarding bond premiums. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the District pay ATWOOD INSURANCE $109.00 for the bond premium for 1961-62 and ask our Attorney to get the bond discharKed so we will not be charged for future premiums. (See minutp.s of. D~e? .1.9.,~.19.63.- OLD ~US~NESS~) Another letter was read by Clerk of Board Mallery from Daryl Morrison requesting a sewer connection permit for the property that is described as approximately .42 acres, SEC 33 13 18, parcel no. on tax bill 27 020 09, that has already been accepted in the sewer district. This connection permit is requested for construction of s restaurant, Construction will start immediately on receiving all permits, Letter was signed by Daryl Morrison. REGULAR MEETING September 19, 1963 Page 3 0 5 Attorney J. Weidman will answer the letter received from Mr. Daryl Morrison. COMMITTEE REPORTS: EASEMENT Director Stewart atated that the committee met on 9/17/63 and present were Director Fesler, Attorney J. Weidman and Mr. R. Reber, who is Mrs. Springmeyer's appraiser, on the Springmeyer Easement case. The meeting was adjourned to 9/19/63, 6:00 P.M. .7 Recommendation by the Easement Committee re the Sprlngmeyer easement is as follows: That the Board of Directors approve the sum of $1,950.00 in settlement of the Springmeye. r egsement plus up to a maximum of $200.00 for court approval cost and that the ~ will have the right to build over collection lines but not manholes; and that an agreement by the District with the property owners that if they petition for.annexation in the future same will be accepted providing the fees as set forth in the District schedule for annexation are paid at the time they request annexation. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried that the above recommendation by the Easement Committee be approved and that a letter be written to Mrs. Springmeyer stating the action of the board. Mrs. Springmeyer thanked the Board for their consideration and stated that she would like a week or two to think this over and to discuss it with her advisor. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT (Director Kortes) : "A public relations committee ~eetinE was called ~e~%emb'e~ "9' ; Win Priday, and Don Kortes were Dresent. Two news articles were discussed: - 1. History and Development of Sewage Treatment - This article would run for several weeks by installments. The source of information decided was a report prepared by the ZIP MFG. CO. 2. An article explaining the District's position on accepting Honey Dumpers. Both of these articles were prepared and released to the local newspapers. A committee meeting was held September 17. Two articles were prepared and are here for releasel 1. Explains how reclaimed treated water from sewage plants can be used for golf courses, 2. Is the second installment of the History and Development of Sewage Treatment. - s/ Donald H. Kortes Public Relations Committee, Chairman" The news releases ar~ filed intthe PUBLIC RELTIONS FILE, District Office. (Both dated September 18, 1963). PAYMENT .OF CLAIMS: Director Fesl~r moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the payment of claims in the amount of $27,475.59 be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 11:00 P.M. N'~IO" SEk'RkT~- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY ~STRICT Donald L. Clarke, President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 3 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 0 6 October 3, 1963 The Board of Directors met in regular session at the Tahoe Valley Fire House, October 3, 1963, 8:00 P.M. Chief E. Fischer stated to the Board and those in attendance that the regular meeting room was being used for a course given by the State Department of Education and the course is about over and Mr. Fischer stRted that this will not happen again. The meeting of the South Tahoe Public Utility District held their meeting downstairs at the Fire Department. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Fesler, Stewart and Kortes. Also present were Attorney J. Holtom, Attorney J. Weidman, Engineer H. Moyer, Mr. and Mrs. M. Springmeyer, Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor, Chapman Wentworth, Walt Little, John Dobbs, John Murphy, A1 Warren, Norman Woods, Mr. Hal Pitt. ABSENT: General Manager Priday. REPORT - SUPT. OF OPERATIONS - W.C. TAYLOR: This report contained information regarding the Nevada flows; the District flows per ~'he Sparling Meter; Barminutor Operation; Propane used for the month; chlorine used; also, the report stated that the olant is still on Primary treatment. Report also mentioned complaints regarding the odors at the Holding Pond; the pumps that are necessary for operating the Secondary Treatment process are still in the machine shop awaiting parts. One shipment of parts was received but would not fit the pumps. (Attached to minutes.) Mr. W.C. Taylor stated that he felt the parts would probably arrive Monday afternoon. Mention was made also that the District wanted to stop the Honey Dumpers in August but the Health Department ordered that the District continue to meceive these dumps. The Secondary Treatment trouble was caused by the septic dumps from the Honey Dumpers. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of September 19, 1963, be approved as corrected. OLD BUSINESS: Attorney J. Holtom recommended the following resolutions be adopted - these Resolutions cover the confirmation of amended assessments for the following assessment Districts: RESOLUTION NO. 468: A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment, Sanitary Sewerage Project 1960-2. RESOLUTION NO. 466: A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment, Sanitary Sewerage Project 1960-1. RESOLUTION NO. 463: A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment, Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 196i-1. RESOLUTION NO. 461: A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment; Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1960-4. RESOLUTION NO. 459: A Resolution Confirmzng Amended Assessment; Sanitary Sewerage Project 1960-3. RESOLUTION NO. 457: A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment; Sanitary Sewerage ~r'oject 1960-3. RESOLUTION NO. 455: A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment; Sanitary Sewerage Project 1969-1. RESOLUTION NO. 452: A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment; Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1956-1. RESOLUTION NO. 451: A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment; Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1952-1. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the above RESOLUTIONS be approved. MORRISON-TRAVELODGE _(At.t.o.r.ney. Holtom); Attorney Holtom stated that the Travelodge is not within the boundaries of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and was excluded at the time of the hearing by the Board of Supervisors. The Travelodge is connected to the sewer line. Mr. Holtom also presented a petition requesting annexation fram the Travelodge which was signed 5/29/61 and the person that did sign the petition had October 3, 1963 - REGULAR MEETING - Page -2- 3 0 7 307 no right to sign it as he was not record owner. This property was annexed by hhe District in good faith and was annexed in the name of Travelodge; Mr. Morrison leased the property to Travelodge, Mr. Mallery stated. A grant deed was recorded in the neme of the Travelodge and immediately after this was recorded, a petition was presented to the District from the Travelodge with a copy of the grant deed and the Board approved that petition and also annexation fees were accepted by the District from the Travelodge. (Approximately 1.15 acres). Following further discussion, Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Attorney J. Holtom notify the owners thaty they will have to annex to the District and emplain the situation to the owners.(See letter from Mr. J.Holtom re TRAVELODGE status - dated 9/30/63 to Directors - attached.) NELSON & SUTHERLAND: Engineer H. Mover stated that Clair A. Hill & Associates did make a study of the NELSON/SUTHERLAN~ case and stated that there are three (3) considerations: 1) the cost to the line (the property owners on the other side of the Nelson/Sutherland property could not be charged as they have already been assessed). 2) they (Nelson & Sutherland) could be assessed on an equivalent basis in the assessment district to which they could have been included, which was 1960-1 3) the Dire6tors could choose to make any such charge as they wish. Mr. Moyer stated that he would suggest these people (Nelson/Sutherland) be charged on the basis of Assessment District 1960-1 as they were to be included in that Assessment District but for some reason were not. This would amount to $2,365.00 which is based on the assessment units for 1960-1, Mr. Moyer stated. The balance of $3,398.11 which was the figure mentioned to include Nelson & Sutherland in the 1962-1 Assessment could not be recovered from the other property owners in the area of Nelson/Sutherland because these property owners have been assessed. Discussion was also held regarding the easement which Nelson & Sutherland gave to the District and it was mentioned that the easement should not enter into the Assessment figure as these are two separate items. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the NELSON/SUTHERLAND'propePty be assessed in the amount of $2,365.00. (This ~igure is based on 1960-1 Assessment District.) FOREST LANDS - EFFLUENT DISPOSAL: Director Fesler asked what the District was going to do to get the effluent out to the new Forest Lands. Mr. Moyer stated that the plans and specifications have been submitted to the State Water Pollution Control Board and they have appmoved same and sent the plans and specifications to the U. S. Public Health Department for a grant of 660 funds; the District is now waiting to receive the offer and acceptance from the U. S. Public Health Service, which has not to date been received. When this is received, the District will be free to advertise for bids on the project, Mr. Moyer stated. Attorney Weidman briefly stated the KYBURZ case to the Directors - nothing has been settled as yet, Attorney Weidman stated. TERTIARY TREATMEN~ PLANS g SPECIFICATIONS: Mr. H. Moyer stated that the plans and specifications f0~ ~h'e ~e'rt'iary Tr~%ment will be ready to submit in November. Mr. Moyer also stated that had the District had the Tertiary Treatment now - the odors thRt now exist would not be here. NEWS ARTICLE: President Clarke read a news item which was regarding the senate sub- committee on air and water pollution has approved anew four year, $80 million program to combat water pollution. Director Stewart stated that a meeting is ~cheduled for October 16th at the University of Berkely to begin study and work on this project. Mr. Stewart stated that this news item and the one which President Clarke read are undoubtedly related. CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. N. R. Mallery read a letter from Harold T. (BIZZ) Johnson, Member of Congress stating that on an interim basis the problem of sewage disposal has been resolved through the issuance of a new special use permit. Also, attached to Mr. Johnson's letter is a copy of a letter from the Uni%ed States Department of Agriculture to Mr. Harold T. Johnson granting the South Tahoe Public Utility District the Special 3 0 8 October 3, 1963 REGULAR MEETING (cont.) permit to use the 144 acres of Forest Land. (Letter from Harold T. BIZZ Johnson dated September 18, 1963, and a copy of the letter to Honorable Harold T. (BIZZ) Johnson from United States Department of Agriculture, dated 9/13/63 .) (Letters are attachments to these minutes.) MP~ N. R. Mallery read another letter from Supt. of Plant Operations, W.C. Taylor, dated 9/26/63. This letter was a report from Mr. Taylor covering a telephone conversation he had with Mrs. S-mith on Black Bart Road complaining of the odors in that area. (Letter attached) Another letter read by Mr. N.R.Mallery from W.C. Taylor was in regards to a complaint from Mrs. Marjorie Springmeyer re surface run-off at the Holding Pond and Spray F&eld. This letter dated 10/2/63 (Attached). Another letter read by Mr. N. R. Mallery from Marjorie T. Springmeyer, RFD~ Gardnerville, Nevada dated 10/3/63 reads as follows: "Directors ~ South Tahoe Public Utility District Bijou, California Gentlemen: Please consider this a billing for $10,000.00 (TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS) for my interest of the Johnson Lands which has been used by the South Tahoe Public Utility District for running their unauthorized effluent over. The South Tahoe Public Utility District pays the United States Forest Service for a "spray use permit". However, with verified proof, the spray from the Forest Service Property merely runs into Heavenly Valley Creek and Cold Creek, and thence finds its way to property which I own one-third interest. I do not feel it my private concern to solve the sewer problem for the South Tahoe Public Utility District, and also provide sewer effluent disposal for Nevada gambling interests without being compensRted. Sincerely yours, s/Marjorie J. SDringmeyer, RFD Gardnerville, Nevada" Attorney Weidman asked Mrs. Springmeyer if this was to be considered as a bill or as a matter of correspondence. Mrs. Springmeyer stated that she had not decided. Mrs. Springmeyer also mentioned to the Board that she contacted three (3) Directors and the Newspaper (Mr. C. Wentworth) to ask them to come to see the run-off on her property.m Following discussion, President Clarke stated that this matter will be turned over to the Engineer, Attorney and Plant Superintendent and a report will be brought back to the Board. EASEMENT COMMITTEE: Director Stewart presented a letter which was written by Attorney J. Weldman to Mrs. Marjorie Springmeyer re an easement. (Letter is typed in full in official minute book.) Made a part of these minutes. PUBLIC RELATIONS - Director Kortes: Director Kortes, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee thanked ~he newspapers for their cooperation re printing all press releases. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Claims in the amount of $10,567.71 were presented for approval by N. R. Mallery. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $10~567.71 be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF 10'/3/6-3 a~ aS foil~'~'s':' 309 ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF OCTOBER 3, 1963 (1) From Mr. William C. Taylor, Supt. of Plant Operations To: Mr. N.R.Mallery, Acting General Manager SUBJECT: A. PRELIMINA?~ REPORT ON 0PERATIONS....~OR SEPTEMBER 1963: Nevada Flows per their Meter. 1. Total flow for month 12,081,800 gallons 2. Daily average flow 402,393 " Our flows per our Sparling Effluent Meter 1. Total'flow for month 2. Daily avergge flow 43,151,000 gallons 1,438,366 " Barminutor Operation 1. Total Hours operated 2. Daily average hours 440.1 hours 14.6 " (2) Propane Used for month 1. Total cubic feet used 2. Daily average u4ed E. Chlorine Used 1. Total Pounds used 2. Daily average pounds used 3. Daily application in ppm NOTE: 80,368 cu. ft. 2,679 " " 7,430 pounds 274.6 " 20.6 ppm Normally we would use approximately 2,500 lbs./month. Application would be approximately 10 ppm. Page two of above report: F. The plant is still on Primary Treatment only and the Effluent going up to the spray field and holding pond is still of a very poor quality. Since the last report last meeting it has improved to some extent be- cause all of the accumulated solids in the final effluent wet well and ballast pond at the plant has to a large extent been cleared out and from now on we should notice some improvement in the quality of the effluent going up to the holding pond area. There have been numerous complaints about the odors at the holdin g pond. All these complaints are justified because we do have odors especially at the holding pond. In, an effort to control these odors, we are using heavy chlorination both at the plant and holding pond and also heavy application of deodorant at the same locations. Although there does not seem to be too much improvement in the odor situation, my opinion is that if we were not chlorinating and applying the deodorant in heavy concentrations the odors would be much worse than they are at the present time. Our two (2) pumps that are necessary for operating our Secondary Treatment Process are still in the Machine Shop w~iting for parts. Fairbanks-Morse sent in one shipment of parts and none of them would fit. So the telephone wires are getting hot from the Machine Shop People to the Fairbanks-Morse Supplier. At this time I can give no ideas as to when we will get these pumps backk in service. s/ William C. Taylor Supt. of Plant Operations" (3) From: Wilson, Harzfeld, Jones & Morton 630 North San Mateo Drive P.O.Box 152 San Mateo, California "Honorable Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District P,O. Box 825 Bijou, California Re: Travelodge Site Gent lmmen: The questio, n has been raised as to the status of the Travelodge site on U.S. Highway 50 and whether or not theaarea upon which the Travelodge is located is within the South Tahoe Public Utility District. The Travelodge is located upon a parcel of land 1,158 acres in size which bears Assessor's Parcel No. 27 020 10, this, together with Assessor's Parcel No. 27 020 09 Originally formed parcels of land under the ownership of John Eugene Morrison, 310 ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF OCTOBER 3, 1963 (cont.) Elizabeth Morrison Gay, Daryl E. Morrison and Irlene A. Morrison. Prior to the time that the transactions involving the Travelodge were undertaken, ownership rssted with the Morrison family and two parcels then bearing Assessor's Parcel No. 27 020 05 and 27 020 06. The aforementioned parcels 27 020 05 and 06 were split into parcels 27 020 09 and 27 020 10 in 1960 at a time when a discussion was held before the Board of D Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District as to whether or not the entire parcel should be annexed to the South Tahoe Public Utility District or only the Travelodge. Theoretically there was a severence of ownership entitling the Travelodge site to be annexed to the South Tahoe Public Utility District without the adjacent lands being annexed thereto. With specific ~eference to Parcel No. 27-020-10, which is the site upon which the Travelodge is erected, the following transactions are recorded in the Recorder's Office of E1 Dorado County: 1. On September 24, 1960 Elizabeth Morrison Gay, a married woman; and Daryl Eugene Morrison and Betty Joyce Morrison, husband and wife, granted the site to the Travelodge Corporation. This is recorded at page 583 of Book 552 of the Official Records of E1 Dorado County. However, it is to be noted that no Internal Revenue stamps appear on the Grant Deed. 2. On September 26, 1960 by Grant Deed the Travelodge Corporation, a California corporation, granted the site involved to Elizabeth Morrison Cay, a married woman, and Daryl Eugene Morrison, a married man, as a sole and separate property. This appemrs on page 589 of Book 552 of the Official Records of E1 Dorado County. This deed is signed on behalf of the Travelodge by Robert B. Lutes as Uice President and Kenneth E. Cooks as Assistant Secretary. 3. On September 26, 1960 Betty Joyce Morrison, wife of Daryl Eugene Morrison quitclaimed all her right title and interest in the site to Daryl Eugene Morrison, a married man, as a sole and separate property. This was recorded on page 590 of Book 552 of the Official Records of E1 Dorado County. 4. On July 10, 1962 by Grant Deed Elizabeth Morrison Gay, a married woman, and Daryl Eugene Morrison, a married man, as a sole and separate property, gramted tie sote tp tje Travelodge Corporation. This appears at page 340 of Book 601 of the Official Records of E1 Dorado County. 5. On July 12, 1962 by Grant Deed the Travelodge Corporation granted the site to Elizabeth Morrison Gay, a married woman, and Daryl Eugene Morrison, a married man, as his sole and separate property. This is recorded at page 349 of Book 601 of the Official Records of E1 Dorado County and signed by William Hirschy as Vice President and William R. Clark as Secretary of the Travelodge Corporation. ~ 6. On July 12, 1962 Betty Joyce Morrison, wife of Daryl Eugene Morrison, by quitclaim did release and demise all her right, title and interest in the site to her husband, Daryl Eugene Morrison, This appears at page 350 of Book 601 of the Official Records of E1 Dorado County. From the foregoing it would appear that the only periods of time that the parcel of land bearing Assessor's Parcel No. 27 020 10 was vested in the Travelodge was between September 24th and September 26, 1960 and between September 10th and September 12th of 1962. The balance of the time the owner- shop of the property was in Elizabeth Morrison Gay and Daryl Eugene Morrison with Betty Joyce Morrison quitclaiming all her interests to her husband. It is also to be noted that none of the transactions involved had Internal Revenue stamps attached to the deeds. In May 29, 1961 a petition for annexation of the territory upon which the Travelodge is located describing the parcel of land by metes and bounds and involving the 1.158 acres which bears Assessor's Parcel No. 27 020 10 was filed with the District. This was signed by Mr. Robert B. Lute~, Vice President. It is to be noted that this petition was signed at a time when the ownership of the property was in the Morrison family and, therefore, the petition was not signed by the owner of the property, despite the fact that the petition so recited. In response to the petition by letter of June 2, 1961 the South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors approved the annexation petition at their regular meeting held on June 1, 1961. However, since this is one of the excluded parcels, it was determined at that time to in- clude it with the other excluded parcels in the overall annexation to the South Tahoe Public Utility District known as Annex 1961-1. After as a part of the proceedings conducted by the Board of Directors for the annexation of the excluded parcels, protests to annexation of territory to the District were filed with the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Amongst these was a petition signed by John Eugene Morrison, Irlene A. Morrison, Elizabeth Morrison Gay and Daryl E. Morrlson, dated April 18, 1962, which described by metes and bounds all of the lands owned by the Morrison family. Included in this description were the two parcels known as Assessor's Parcel No. 27 020 09 and 27 020 10. This protest along with others was forwarded to the Board of Supervisors of the County of E1 Dorado which by its Resolution 126-62 ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF OCTOBER 3,_.19.6~, (coD.t...): adopted on June 25, 1962 approved the protests of territories from the South Tahoe Public Utility District to annexation and directed the exclusion of the parcels involved. Included amongst those inclusions was all of the lands owned by the Morrison family and Mrs. Gay. This action was taken at a time when the ownership of the property u~on which the Travelodge is located was in Betty Jovce Morrison, Elizabeth Morrison Gay and Daryl Eugene Morrison. ' Therefore the present status of all of the Morrison lands, including the parcel of land upon which the TravelOdge is situated, is that they are presently excluded from the South Tahoe Public Utility District. It is recommedded that the Travelodge be advised of the present status of the parcel property upon which the Lodge is located and be informed that it will be necessary that annexation proceedings to the South Tahoe Public Utility District be undertaken immediately. However, it is to be noted that the title to the property is presently in Elizabeth Morrison Gay and Daryl E. Morrison. I trust that this serves to clarify the status of the parcel of property involved. Very truly yours, JHH:amf s/John H. Holtom(f) cc: Mr.W.F.Priday Mr.N.R.Mallery Attny.J.C.Weidman Mr. Harlan E.Moyer" Crom: Congress of the United States, House of Representatives Washington, D.C. September 18, 1963 "Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District A1 Tahoe, California Gentlemen: Glad to have just received the enclosed indicating that at least on an interim basis the problem of sewage disposal has been resolved through the issuance of a new special use permit. ~ I hope that during this interim period we can find a permanent solution. Sincerely yours, J:Bc s/Harold T. Johnson Member of Congress" (4a)- Letter attached to Harold T. (BIZZ) Johnson's letter as mentioned above: From: United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, California Region 630 Sansome St, San Francisco, Calif. 94111 September 13, 1963 "Honorable Hartold T. Johnson House of Representatives Dear Mr. Johnson: In his letter of December 5, 1962, Acting Chief Clare Hendee replied to your inquiry concerning use of National Forest land by the South Tahoe Public Utility District for sewage disposal purposes. This is in further reply to Mr. Hendee's letter. The Utility District has recently been issued a special use permit to authorize disposal of treated sewage plant effluent on a lq4-acre parcel of National Forest land in addition to the 120 acres of National Forest presently used by the District at another location. Negotiations leading to issuance of this recent permit started many months ago. Approval of the project was granted by the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board, E1 Dorado County Health Department, California Division of Health, and E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors. 312 ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF OCTOBER 3, 1963 Other National Forest lands were considered but had to be rejected because of unsuitable subsoil structure, drainage, or gradient. The site selected proved the most suitable in these respects. The short term of five years for which this permit is to run indicates the interim nature of this permit to provide a temporary solution to a pressing public problem. The results of the recently completed "Comprehensive Study on Protection of Water Resources of Lake Tahoe Basin through Controlled Waste Disposal" by a board of consultants of nationwide renown indicate that ultimately disposal of effluent will be accomplished without the need for this area. It is recognized that issuance of this permit will delay the Forest Service landowner- ship adjustment program for Lake Tahoe Valley. However, in view of the urgent public need for the area as a temporary solution to a critical public health problem, the decision was reached to allow the temporary use. Upon accomplishment of an effluent disposal program along the lines recommended by the recent study, the area now under permit can be restored for other uses. Sincerely yours, CHAS.A.CONNAUG}~ON ReKional Forester by/E.R.Doman XC: att ac he d 2cc:Chief 2cc :El Dorado" (5) From Mr. W.C. Taylor, Plant Supt. to Mr. N.R.Mallery, Acting General ManaKer Dated 9/26/63 "Subject: My Telephone conversation with Mrs. Smith, a resident on Black Bart Roat cose to our Holding Pond. Mrs. Smith called yesterday, September 25, 1963; I was out at the time so when I returned to the plant at approximately 1400 hours I returned her call. I found that she wanted to complain about the odors in the area caused by our Holding Pond. I informed her that due to circumstances beyond our control this situation had started, that we were doing all that we could do to correct the situation and that we would continue to work on it until we did.correct the situation. She then'asked about a time limit and I told her that that was something that I had no way of predicting and that I could not commit myself to stating or suggesting a definite time limit as to when the Holding Pond would stop smelling. She then wanted to know why we didn't keep complete sets of spare parts for all of our pumps so that we could make immediate repairs, etc., when these units broke down. I informed her that the District could not afford to maintain a supply of spare parts that would amount to an investment of approximately $50,000.00 especially when these parts would under normal circumstances only be used possibly once in ten (10) Years. Mrs. Smith then asked about circulating a petition. I told her that circulating a petition was her privilege but that since we were already doing all we could to correct the situation and didn't like it any better than she did that I personally couldn't see what good a petition could do. She then asked about what other agency she could address a petition too and I referred her to the State Health Department in Sacramento. She then asked about having all her neighbors call me with complaints about the odor problem. I told her that ZMaZZ I would be glad to listen to any complaints directed to me but that since we were already aware of the problem and were trying to correct it I could see no point in me being tied up on the telephone when I was already aware of the situation. Mrs. Smith then asked about the terms of our lease with the U.S.Forest Service. I told her that any information on that Subject would have to come from Mr. Mallery our Office Manager and Acting General Manager. I gave her the Business Office telephone numbers and we terminated the conversation. s/ William C.Taylor Plant Sup't." (6) From W.C.Taylor, Plant Sup't to Mr. N.R.Mallery, Acting General Manager Dated 10/2/63 Subject: Mrs. Springmeyer's complaint about surface run-off on September 26, 1963, at our Holding Pond and Spray Field: ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF OCTOBER 3~ 1963 (cont.) 313 Mrs. Springmeyer came into the District Office on the above date with this complaint and at your request I investigated by sending our Senior Operator, Mr. Leslie Baker and one of our Maintenance Men with Mrs. Springmeyer to this area. There was some run-off from one (1) spray line which our men corrected by shutting off this particular line and by turning the flow from this line to another line in another area. There is also seepage all over the area. This we have no control over. After we spray the effluent and it sinks into the ground, if it comes out of the ground later at another location I do not know how we could control a situation of this type. s/William C. Taylor Supt.of Plant Operations" (7) From John C. Weidman, Attorney at Law to: Mrs. Marjorie Springmeyer, R.F.D., Gardnerville, Nevada dated 9/20/63 South Tahoe Public Utility District vs Marjorie Ann Springmeyer et al. E1 Dorado County Superior Court Action No. 10858 "RE: Dear Mrs. Springmeyer: The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District has authorized me to convey to you their offer in settlement of the above ac%ion in eminent domain for acquisition of certain easement rights. The offer of the District as follows: 1. Pay the sum of $1,950.00 2. Pay an additional sum up to $200.00 required for Court approval, or arrange for Court approval through the District's counsel. 3. Permit construction of improvements over the collection lines, but not over the manholes. 4. Enter into an agreement with you and your children as present owners of the property, to the effect that any petition for annexation by the property whether then owned by yourselves or others will be accepted by the District, and the property annexed upon payment of the fees for annexation of said property set forth in any fee schedule for .annexation applicable at the time theproperty is annexed. If this offer is satisfactory to you, I would suggest that the closing of the case be accomplished by an order in the guardianship proceedings approving a compromise and apportioning the award, and authorizing you to stipulate to judgment in the eminent domain proceeding in accordance with the terms of the above offer. Concerning the right of ingress and egress for sewer line maintenance through the manholes, or otherwise, any easement would give this rightto the District. Also, in connection with the permission to construct over the sewer lines, except the manholes, the District would want some access to the manhole itself for servicing, and not have the manhole built around with no access. This latter paragraph concerns the question of Director Wakeman at the meeting in connection with this offer and the committee's responses. Yours very truly, s/John C.Weidman, Attorney for South Tahoe Public Utility District JCW:id cc: W.F.Priday~ R.W. Fesler T.L.Stewart" DONALD L. CLARKE, PREfi"IDENT ..... SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N. R.~' S'EcRk~kRy'' ' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DI~RICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIreCTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT October 17, 1963 The Board of Directors met in regular msession October 17, 1963, Tahoe Valley Fire House, 8:-00 PM ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Kortes, Wakeman, Stewart and Fesler. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, C. Wentworth, J. Dobbs, Walt Little, John Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. M. Springmeyer, George Maderas, Lawrence Hall, A. E. Ericksen, E.L. Currier, D. Row, C.V. Burlingham, A. Warren, John Ehlman, Les Shoupe andHarlan Moyer. MINUTES: President Clarke stated that the minutes of October 3, 1963, will be approved as read. MANAGER'S REPORT: "Manager's Report October 16, 1963 General Manager Priday read his report which is as follows: Again the South Tahoe Public Utility District has been the target of much outside criticism without foundation. It is unfortunate that the Directors and Management have been criticized by a few people who refuse to understand the complexities of running a district of this kind where there are so many agencies insisting that they themselves be heard. I doubt if anyone has actually counted the number of agencies who have influence over the operation of this District. There are at least thirty- six (36) governmental agencies who either directly or indirectly influence our operations. The aforementioned does not include such organizations as the Lake Tahoe Area Council, the Taxpayer's Association and many other active organizations. We have not even mentioned the individual taxpayer's and residents who are paying the bills and have the most at stake right here at Lake Tahoe. There have been hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on surveys, reports, meetings, and general discussions over what to do with sewage at Lake Tahoe. Itwould take hours and reams of paper to recapitulate the work that this district had done to find a solution. I feel that the curtain is about to raise for the final act in this drama at Lake Tahoe, so I would like to propose to the Directors that we continue to play the leading role. I propose to you for consideration the following, to wit: THAT immediate action be taken to advertise for bids, let contracts, and get under way ~th the construction of pump station, force main,to, and spray disposal systems on, the land under special use permit from the U.S.F~rest Service in Sec. 10. The present disposal area has failed and has jeopardized the economy of the area. The quicker we can put to use the extra land the quicker we can relieve our present situation. We have a bonifide permit from the U,S.Forest Service, let us not concern ourselves with jurisdictional disputes but set a target date for completion. As far as I am concerned, they will have to plug the line with injunctions before we stop. THAT clearance be obtained from interested agencies in Nevada for the design and ~6nstruction of force main and appurtenances to export effluent out of the basin via Dagger Pass. We cannot, nor can any Californian say "export sewage into Nevada" without first getting permission from the proper authorities. However, I feel that Governor Sawyer with Wally White and the Douglas County Improvement District #1 will help solve a mutual problem. We welcome any Federal interest but we certainly don't welcome their intervention. I think the design can be flexible enough to use either force main over or thmDugh Daggett Pass. It seems unreasonable at this time to wait for a vehicular tunnel. We know that the present spray disposal method is unacceptable and should be considered for use as a temporary expediency only. Again let us not get too deeply entrenched with water replacement worries, our job is to solve the sewage problem. -2- October 17,1963 THAT the construction of the PIT CON Plant be expedited and pushed to completion. The PIT CON Plant or Tertiary Treatment Plant is necessary for the expansion of present treatment facilities. We are fast approaching the time when this facet of our operations will be inadequate. The new treatment method will double the capacity of our present plant at a lower capital cost than if we were to expand a like amount with the present activated sludge treatment process. It produces a reclaimed water that might very well be the standard required for exportation from the basin. Gentlemen, I am fully aware that the foregoing program will cost a lot of money. I feel you have done a Herculian job with the present tools with which you have had to work, now we can no longer continue to function without someone spending the necessary money to accomplish a workable solution to our problem." Director Stewart stated'that General Manager Priday and the men of the District should be highly commended for the wonderful job they have done. Director Wakeman stated that he felt he was being used by the State Departments and that through the directives the District received from the Health Department - trouble was caused at the Treatment Plant. Director Wakeman further stated that the State Agencies have put this community out of business by sending their directives telling the District what and what not to do and that this was done strictly for political reasons and not for practical reasons. Director Wakeman also stated that at a meeting that was held at the District with the U. S. Forest Service and the Health Department and the General Manager plus two Directors - - it was stated to the Health Department at that time that they had no right to tell the District what they should or should not do. Mention was made as to hhe damages caused to the plant - - Attorney Weidman stated that he did not feel this was the time to discuss this subject. Director Wakeman again stated that he did not feel this community should allow the State Agencies to use their authority to let every Finance Company know that they should not be interested in Lake Tahoe; we are operating Lake Tahoe for thebbenefit of California and the Agencies are turning this around - - the South Tahoe Public Utility District must stand up and make statements - - "I am sick and tired of the directives and statements made by the State Agencies, when my bread and butter is at stake", Mr. Wakeman stated. _~Director Fesler stated that since our Attorney. has the Resolutions to cover the recommenda- tions in the Manager's Report - - he moved that the Manager's Report be accepted - - as read - - Director Wakeman seconded and the vote carried unanimously. (PLANT FLOWS ARE PART OF THE MINUTES AND ATTACHED.) (Page two of Manager's Report containS~'the flows.) CONSTRUCTION OF PIONEER TRAIL FORCE MAIN~ MATERIALS FOR PIONEER TRAIL FORCE MAIN; CLEARING, EARTHWORK AND INSTALLATION OF sP~Y SYST'~'M E~LbENT-~sPOs~~ ~'I~'~' MATE~'I~LS FOR EFFLUE~ SPRAY SYSTEM, PUMPING UNIT AT ~'FFLUE~T PU'M'PIN~ STA¥Ib~:~ kn~'i~er '~a~i~ ~e~' briefly s~ated what the above would co~'S'~st"°~''- ~t~' loc~ti0~,~tc'.'' He also mentioned that the project would cost approximately $210,000.00 and that the District has received the $90,000.00 - 660 Grant .... this would make an estimated total of $300,000.00. RESOLUTION NO. 469: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO EXECUTE AN ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE OF FEDERAL GRANT FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS UNDER 33 U.S,C. 446 ET SEQ. (THIS COVERS THE 660 GRANT TOTALLING TO $90,000.00). Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. ~69, be accepted. - ...... .... Other Resolutions which were presented for approval are as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 469-a: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY OF THE DISTRICT DEMANDS THAT ACQUISITION OF A PUBLIC UTILITY WORKS (PIONEER TRAIL FORCE MAIN, EFFLUENT SPRAY SYSTEM AND DISPOSAL SITE, PUMPING UNIT AND EFFLUENT PUMPING STATION). RESOLUTION NO. 469-b: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APPROVING PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS PIONEER TRAIL FORCE MAIN, EFFLUENT DISPOSAL SITE, PUMPING UNIT AND EFFLUENT PUMPING s~kT~N. ORDINANCE N0. 102: AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO ACQUIRE A PUBLIC UTILITY WORKS .... PIONEER TRAIL FORCE MAIN, EFFLUENT SPRAY SYSTEM AND DISPOSAL SITE, PUMPING UNIT AND EFFLUENT PUMPING STATION. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 469-a and 469-b as well as 0R_DINAN.CE NO_._ _1.0..2..~.. be approved. Attorney Weidman presen, ted the following RESOLUTIONS FOR APPROVAL: RESOLUTION NO. 471: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ASCERTAINING THE GENERAL APPLICABLE PREVAILING WAGE RATE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PROJECT INVOLVING MATERIALS FOR PIONEER TRAIL FORCE MAIN,CONSTRUCTION OF PIONEER TRAIL FORCE MAIN, MATERIALS FOR EFFLUENT SPRAY SYSTEM, CLEAR EARTHWORKS AND INSTALLATION OF SPRAY SYSTEM EFFLUENT DT.qPn~AT. SITE. P~I~pTM~ [)NIT AND EFFLUEN~ PUMPING STATION. Regular Meetine - October !7, 1963 OLD BUSINESS: gl') TAHOE VALLEY CENTER-CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: Clerk of Board Mallery presented a letter from Clair A. Hill & Ass~i~t'es re~u~t'~g t~' ~oard of Directors accept the construction of t the TAHOE VALLEY CENTER sewerlllnes. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the TANOE VALLEY CENTER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION be accepted. PRESENTATION OF THE ANNUAL AUDIT REPORT: Mr. John Ehlman of Irvine & Duce presented the audit report to the Directors and reqneSte~'~hat they study same and at their convenience the representatives of Irvine & Duce will meet with the Direc%ors to go over any or all part of the audit. President Clarke stated that IRVINE & DUCE will be notified when the directors plan a STUDY SESSION to review the audit report. MR. LAWRENCE HALL- CLIENT FOR BECHTEL CORPORATION: Mr. Lawrence Hall stated thst he has three (-3) representat"i've's wit'h him' ~r~m ~he' '~e~tel Corporation and stated that they would like to help solve the sewer problem here in the Public Utility District. Mr. Hall introduced Mr. Dale Row, Mr. E.L. Currier and Mr. A. E. Ericksen (representatives from Bechtel Corporation.) It was stated that this activity will be directed to the study and evaluation of alternative processes to accomplish the removal of the principal constituents containing nitrogen and phosphorus from the sanitary effluent waters produced by the sewage disposal plants in the Lake Tahoe Basin, and investigate the potential commercial applications and products resulting therefrom. The study will include an appraisal of two fundamental approaches for the solution. The first cnnsists of an ecological system, and the second consists of chemical' systems. Discussion was also held as to setting up a small pilot plant. A detailed explanation of the Bechtel Corporation's plans was not discussed. The men requested to visit the ~lant and General Manager Priday stated h~at they are certainly welcome to see the plant and the facilities. CALLING FOR BIDS ON BONDS 1962-1: Resolution NO. 473: A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR BIDS ON SALE OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS - AS'SESSM~N~ ~Rb~EC~ NO. i96~-1. Attorney Holto~recommended that RESOLUTION NO. 473 be adopted. Also, Mr. Holtom stated that the Bon~Opening will be appr0x'imatei~ N~vember 21, 1963. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 473 be adopted. PETITIONS FOR DISCUSSION: Clerk of Board Mallery presented a plat book showing the property involved and mentioned that Mr. Walter Schultz purchased property from Mrs. Whitney who had same excluded by the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Mallery also pointed out to the Directors that there are two (2) parcels that are not within the District and ~ould have to be annexed udder separate proceedings, because these two parcels are not within the district boundaries.(Parties involved are Lola D.Bennett, S.Scuitto, L. Brown and W.J.Schulz) Attorney Holtom stated that any Annexation made to any district now is to be submitted to the (1) Boundary Commission (2) A statement of intention to ~he local agencies commission which consists of two (2) City Representatives and Two (2) County Representatives and a fifth (5) member which is elected. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Director Stewart - EASEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT) "October 11, 1963: Those present were Manager Pridav, Director Fesler and myself - Thomas L. Stewart as Chairman. ~ The first easement claim for discussion was the GROSS claim. As of this date said claim still pending since we have not been succes~fu~ in obtaining an appointment with MR. GROSS or his representative. The second item on the agenda was the Nelson/Sutherland easement as claimed by Mt. Nelson in respect to Link Road. It was the finding of this Committee that the District does have a grant of easement on Link Road and said grant was made July 29, 1960; however, said grant was made by Charles and Sarah Link and appears to be quite legal. However, it was found there is a grant of easement we must obtain from Mr. Nelson and Mr. Sutherland in respect to a collection line which runs parallel to a~d just inside the Highway 50 boundary line of their property---said easement size is 5'x60'. No offer for easement has been made as of this date." Regular Meeting - October 17, 1963 COMMITTEE REPORTS (EASEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT (cont.)): "One other easement claim in the same general area was found to be still pending; however, the previous owners of the property - Sa~rtell and Moore - at the time entry was made - - have since sold the property to Stevens and Serpa and it will be necessary for us to obtain this needed grant of easement from them. Said Easement size is 20' x 270' and consists of a collection line. As for the Globin easement claim, we are still in the process of obtaining needed information in regards to this claim; however, Mr. Globin has been contacted and has shown an interest in meeting with us. The last subject matter on our agenda for discussion was in referenseto the offer made to the heirs of the Stella Johnson Estate; as of this date the offer we made in regards to easement, annexation, etc., have not been accepted by all heirs and since this board has been more than considerate in keeping this offer open for quite sometime, it is our feeling a due date for acceptance be set and it is our ~.commen.~a~ign: THAT THE FIRST BOARD MEETING IN NOVEMBER OF THIS YEAR BE THE LAST DAY FOR ACCEPTANCE OF THE OFFER MADE AFTER WHICH TIME OUR OFFER IS TO BE NULL AND VOID." Director Kortes moved, s0econded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the EASEMENT COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION BE ACCEPTED. PLANNING COMMITTEE (Director Fesler): "Meetin~ - October 7, 1963: Manager Priday, Directors Stewart and Fesler met with De'he 'Seega~"~'~ ~h~ Lake Tahoe Area Council to request an invitation to a meeting set for October 16th at the University of California at Berkeley involving the Board of Consultants, Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board, California Department of Water Resources, Nevada Health Department and the Lake Tahoe Area Council. The AGENDA was discussed and it was made known to Mr. Seeger that our Board desired to be represented, since matters were to be discussed which would directly effect us. Following the meeting with Mr. Seegar, the directors and the Manager met with Plant Supt. Mr. W.C.Taylor - and made a tour of inspection of the damaged plant facilities and discussed the efforts being made to remedy the damage and get the facilities back in working order with the ~eas~ possible possible delay. ~EETING OF OCTOBER 10, 1963: Manager Priday, Attorney Weidman and Directors Fesler and Stewart travelled to Reno to meet with Mr. Landis representing the E1 Dorado County Water Agency to hear first-hand the results of their meeting concerning possibility of effluent export from the Lake Tahoe Basin and what replacement requirements would likely be imposed. From the discussions at this meeting it seems probable that the interested public agencies are going to take positive action in removing the obstacles to out of basin exportation of effluent. MEETING OF OCTOBER 16, 1963: Meeting took place at Hesse Hall, University of California at Berkeley. Present were Paul Bonderson, Water Resources Department - State of California; Jack Leggett, Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board; Wally White - Nevada Dept. of Environmental Health, Deane Seegar - Lake Tahoe Area Comncil; Harvey Ludwig, Engineering Science, Inc., and Professors McGauhey and Pearson ~rom the University of California; Professor Eliassen from Stanford and Professor Rohlich from the University of Wisconsin and Director~ Stewart and Fesler representing the So.Tahoe Public Utility District. 1. Sometime within the next two weeks the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board is going to meet to issue another cease and desist order to the South Tahoe Public Utility District because of odors and effluent overflows. Lahontan told us they considered turning the matter over to the County District Attorney for action, but that the only action could be a court order to accomplish certain things such as immediate action to acquire additional lands for disposal and replacement of damaged equipment to get the secondary process back into operation to abate the odor nuisance, and they know that we are already doing everything humanly possible to accomplish these ends. 2. Discussion was held as to the advisability of the Lake Tahoe Area Council retaining the Board of Consultants to embark on a two year $~30,000 study of Tertiary Treatment. It appears that both the State of California and the State of Nevada favor this approach but that nothing definite will be decided about it until after the Governors meeting which is due to take place shortly. Paul Bonderson, representing the State Water Pollution Control Board, pointed out that this study was not to be considered a substitute for an all out effort toward out of basin exDort. Indications were that if the study is approved by the two state heads, financing would be forthcoming." Regular Meeting PLAN~ING COMMITTEE REPORT (cont.) : -5- October 17, 1963 "Some further thoughts were expressed by representatives of both states that one possibility they were considering was creation of a separate compact or commission to hadle ~ust outfall. The jurisdiction and authority of the separate counties and states and the complications arising therefrom were the reasons given for the consideration of the outfall compact. It was obvious to Director Stewart and myself that problems and best solutions facing the group attending this meeting were not identical with those facing the South Tahoe Public Utility District and the reason was that they were concerned with solving the sewage problem for the entire Lake Basin whereas our interests lie in solving them for the immediate South Shore Are~. The meeting was worthwhile from the standpoint of keeping the South Tahoe Public Utility District more closely informed on the thinking of the various governmental agencies concerned and their future planning which will involve us." Mr. Harlan Moyer mentioned that Cornell, Howell,Hayes and Merryfield (CH2M), well known in this area, and Clair A. Hill & Associates have worked greatly with the U.S. Public Health Service and the Taft Research Center, Cincinnatti, Ohio. CH2M and the Taft Research Center were among the leaders on the Advanced Waste Treatment Methods and have been closely informed as to the work that is going on - - not only at South Tahoe but in other ereas as well. Mr. Moyer also stated that the Engineer of the Public Health Service is very interested in our problem here. General Manager Priday stated that Mr. Earl Thouren was the one that enabled the representatives from the Taft Research Center to visit SoUth Tahoe. CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Priday read a letter from the State of California, Department of Public Health, dated October 11, 1963, signed by Hamlet C. Pulley, M.D. and reads as follows: ~ "October 11, 1963 South Tahoe Public Utility District P.O.Box 825 Bijou, California Attention: Mr. W.F.Priday, General Manager Gentlemen: The recent sequence of events related to the operation of your sewage treatment and disposal works at South Tahoe have combined to produce a very grave and serious situation. We deem it to be a matter of utmost importance that no step be spared to bring your operation up to standard at the earliest possible moment. OUr immediate concern is that the effluent applied to the hillside be disinfected. Uhitl revised waste discharge requirements are developed by the Regional Water Pollution Control Board, and taking into account your present piant capability, we are herewith establishing the following emergency standard: Either the plant effluent reaching the pond or the pond effluent applied to hhe hillside shall: a. Contain a chlorine residual of at least 6 ppm, or b. Have a coliform content not exceeding 1000/100 ml You are directed to take all steps possible to achieve this standard forthwith. You are further directed to notify tSis department immediately of any further equip- ment or plant failure. -' ' - We will continue to assign an engineer to work with you plant operator and are today dispatching our mobile laboratory to your plant to reliably assess the total impact of your effluent disposal operations on the surface stream system in this area. Very sincerely yours, MALCOLM H. MERRILL, M.D. s/ HAMLET C. PULLEY, M.D., ASST.DIRECTOR CC: Dr. Quentin Bonzer; Mr. J. Leggett; Mr. P. Bonderson, Mr. Jan Stevens, Mr. Winslow Christian, Mr. Hugo Fisher, Mr. Abbot Goldberg" 3 1 9 -6- October 17, 1963 REGULAR MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 470:= General Manager Priday recommended to the Board that RESOLUTION No. 470 should be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 470: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE · PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CONFIRMING EMERGENCY PURCHASE OF CHLORINATOR AND SUPPLIES. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried that .R.ESO.L.UTI_O_N NO. 479., as recommended by 6eneral Manager Priday be adopted. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: General Manager Priday recommended that the Dayment of claims in the ~mount of $15,007'."67 be approved for payment. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $15,007.67 be approved for payment, as recommended by General Manager Priday. ADJOURNMENT: ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF OCTOBER 17, 1963 - - -0 (1) PART TWO OF THE MANAGER'S REPORT IS AS FOLLOWS: "PLANT OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE FOR PERIOD ENDING OCTOBER 15, 1963: FLOWS (1) Nevada flows per their meter - 14 days (-a-) Total flow for 14 days 4,410~900 gallons (-b-) Daily average flow for 14 days 315,064 " (2) Our plant flows per our Sparling effluent meter: (-a-) Total flow for 15 days 17,152,000 gallons (-b-) Daily average flows for 15 days 1,143,466 gallons B. Chlorine Used for 15 days. (1) Total used to date (2) Daily Average used (3) Application in ppm C. Holding Pond Freeboard 3,360 lbs 224 lbs. 23.4 ppm 7 feet D. General Comments. (1) For your information I received notice today that our pumps for the secondary Treatment process are to be brought up from Reno Tomorrow and I hope to have them installed and operating by the time the Board of Directors meet tomorrow night. (2) Yesterday, October 15, 1963, the following gentlemen visited our plant for an inspection tour of our facilities. Mr. John C. Merrill of the U.S.Public Health Service, Region IX San Diego, C~lifornia, Mr. T.W. Bendixson, Soil Scientist, U.S Public Health Service Research Center, Cincinnatti, Ohio, Mr. Ronald Hill, Public Health Engineer also with the Cincinnatti Research Center and Mr. Gordon G. Robeck, Sanitary Engineer of the same Research Center. After examining our facilities, particularly the holding pond and spray field areas, they suggested several possibilities for improving the use of our spray area. After explaining that Mr. Harlan Moyer and I had discussed these items but were unable to put them into effect because of the conditions of our Forest Service Permit, they suggested that we send a letter requesting an amendment to our present permit allowing us to make these changes in our operation. In the meantime, after they returned to their Research Center during the iGovernmental Interdepartmental Conferences, which are held quite frequently, they would ta'lk to Forest Service Officials about the matter to see if they could possibly help us - obtain this permit amendment. They were quite interested in obtaining information about our Tertiary Treatment Plans (PIT CON). If we do get the Tertiary Treatment Process in operation, they plan to be out here quite frequently for Research studies. If our Forest Service Amendment is granted, they will also have their Soil Engineers here to observe results of various items under full scale operation. They seemed quite favorably impressed by our operations" 3 2 0 -7- N.~R. 'M~AL~RY, ~~ EX-OFFICIO SECRETARY O~ THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY~ISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 17, 1963 DONALD L. CLARKE, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT STUDY SESSION November 4, 1963 A Study Session of the Directors of the South Tahoe Public ~ility District was held at the Clarke Building on Highway 50, on November 4, 1963, for the purpose of discussing the annual audit report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1963. The session was called to order at 3:10 P.M. by President of the Board - Director Clarke. PRESENT WERE: Directors Clarke, Fesler, Stewart and Kortes. Director Wakeman was absent. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery and Auditor - John Elman of Irvine & Duce, Placerville, Californie. The first topic discussed was the wording in paragraph three, page two, regarding fixed assets. It was agreed that in the future the wording would be changed, stating that beginning with the inception of the 1959 G.O. Construction Fund detailed records are and can be made available of the fixed assets of the District. A card file system will be set up cataloguing each piece of equipment that is not a part of the original plant. The plant and all components plus all collection lines will also be set up as to cost. A letter qualifying the wording of paragraph three to become a part of this current report is to be forthcoming. Mr. Elman suggested that a copy of the annual report of the Sacramento Municipal Public Utility be obtained as they carry all fixed assets in detail, The request will be made by letter. (Letter has been written.) Each exhibit of the report~was reviewed by the Directors and explanation of each item discussed was made by Mr. Elman. After a complete review a unanimous opinion of satisfaction was expressed by the Directors and it was agreed that the report would be presented for acceptance at the next regular meeting to be held November 7, 1963, 8:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley Fire House. The session was adjourned at 4:55 P.M. N.R. Malle~y, Clerk o~ Board a~'Ex-O~f~-c~0- - Secretary - SOUTH TAHOE PUBf UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 7, 1963 The Board of Directors of the South TRhoe Public Utility District met in regular session November 7, 1963; President Clarke called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Dir4ctors Stewart, Fesler, Wakeman and Kortes. Also present wereGeneral Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Engineer Harlan Moyer, Mr. W.C. Taylor, Attorney J. Weidman, A.L. Shoupe, "Wink"Ames, Frnak C. Souza, Chapman Wentworth, and Walt Little. ABSENT: ATTORNEY J. HOLTOM. MINUTES: The minutes of October 17, 1963 were approved as corrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report which is as follows: REGULAR MEETING - November 7, 1953 - Continued 321 (MANAGER'S REPORT:) "PLANT OPERATIONS: Total flow for October Average daily flow Nevada Dist. flow for October Average daily f6ow Percent contributed by Nevada Percent of Nevada's capacity 36,036,000 gallons 1,162,451 gallons 10,269,400 gallons 331,270 gallons 28.5% 33% The secondary treatment is in full operation again with all repairs .~' ' made thereto and is producing a very high standard of effluent The odor situation at the holding pond is diminishing each day, the application of chemicals, under the directors of Mr. Arnold Prucha from the Bureau of Sanitary Engineers for the State of California, and the producing of a better effluent will Rm in the very near future abate the nuisance. Holding pond freeboard is 7 ft. 11 in. The chlorinating station being constructed at the spray area will probably be operating by next Wednesday November 13. We have not received official word, but we believe that when we get the station in operation and can satisfy the Bureau of Sanitary Engineering,and the State Health Department, the restriction on sewer hook- ups will be lifted. We have been advised by Mr. Ledbetter, President of the Douglas Improvement District Board that they areproceeding with a study to determine cost factors with regard to export of sewage from the South Shore of Lake Tahoe, The South Tahoe Public Utility District is making a cost analysis of its part in the program. The contractural arrangements now existing between the two Districts allows both to use and participate in any final solution for sewage disposal. I have reason to believe that the two State Governors will only consider a means of financing of construction for exportation of sewage effluent from the basin. It is reasonable to assume that they will be considering Lake Tahoe as a whole. It will not be necessary for them to get into the how, why and where aspects, because these have already been reconciled, at least as far as the South Tahoe Lake 'is concerned. It is quite probable that a fund can be set aside by the States wherein Districts may borrow at a low interest rate and long term reimbursement. If the Governors can arrive at the financial solution they will have solved the Lake Tahoe sewage problem." Following Genral Manager's Report, President Clarke stated that he toured the plant with the Plant Supt. and found the condition of the effluent most satisfactory. Mr. Priday stated the present content of residual chlorene not yet up to standard mentioned in October 17th minutes. Amount of chlorene used in October was 6,940 lbs. Usage almost double that of last year. Cost of chlorene now $135.00 per ton. The B-oard of DirectOrs agreed that Genral Manager Priday should attend the Governors meeting on November 11, 1963 - - whether an invitation was issued or not. It is ex- pected that the Ar~a Council will host the meeting. He felt the Governors would consider the Lake as a whole. Press reported no word on arrangements nor invitation to at ten d. JOHNSON-Right-Of-Way: Letters were read from Knox and William V.D.Johnson and Marjorie J. Springmeyer, which supplied the signatures necessary and acceptance for proposed arrangement for land trade for annexation of 71 acres of Johnson property. This clears up the easement near Bijou Golf Course and the one near the treatment plant. It is actually a trade of papers with no money involved. This will bring the plant contiguous to the District. For this and any further annexations, occuring since September 19th when new legislation recommended by the Governor became effective, the same procedure will have to be followed for parcels both within and outside the District. This involves going through the County Boundaries, Commission and finally the Board of Supervisors. Director Stewart r~oved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Board instruct the Attorney to proceed with the annexation of the JOHNSON LAND as soon as possible and report to the Board at the next regular meeting. Attorney Weidman will prepare a schedule of time expected for processing annexations under both the old and new legislation. This will aid the staff and directors to answer questions more intelligently on the subject. REGULAR MEETING - NOVEMBER 7, 1963 (cont.) 322 ACCEPTANCE OF ANNUAL AUDIT. RE.Pp~.: A S~udy Session was held November 4, 1963, to discuss the Audit Report. Paragraph 3, page ~, of the report was discussed and the wording will be changed in the future reports as requested from Irvine g Duce. A letter was produced to the Directors from Irvine g Duce clarifying this paragraph. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Board of Directors accept the audit report as submitted by Irvine & Duce and that the letter from the audit firm dated 11/5/63 be made a part of the audit report. Director Fesler asked for a report on the ST6TUS OF THE BECHTEL CORPORATION REQUEST:. General Manager Priday reported that the Bechtel C0r~Or~ti~-~opie-me~"~it~"h~m and. Harlan Moyer the day after they met with the Board and discussed their prooosal, but did not disclose their method of procedure, and when told there was not sufficient land for what he supposed to be the method they planned to use, and that the effluent had to be up to a certain standard, they did not pursue the matter further. Since Bechtel Corporation is a client of L. Halls just requesting use of the plant for an e~periment, the next move will have to come from Mr. Hall. NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION NO. 474: This resolution states that the South Tahoe Public Utility District B-oard of Directors are in full support of the efforts now being made by the members of the Douglas Connty Sewer Improvement District No. 1 for the export of sewage effluent out of the Tahoe Basin via Daggett Pass. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanlmously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. ~7~ be adopted by title. The Directors felt that the fact that the two states are cooperating would leave good impressions with the Governors. This resolution will support whichever decision is made by the Douglas County District. DISCUSSION RE BIDS OPENED FOR NEW .......... FACILITIES: Engineer H. Moyer reported on bids for contracts for new facil'i'~s a's opened at 4:00 P.M., November 7, 1963. Bids can only be accepted after approval by the U. S. Public Health Service in San Francisco. Mr. Moyer is to ask for certification of the low bids. The bids are read as follows: Clearing and Installation of spray system: Martin Bros. Dev. Co. $1~1,950.00 Harms Bros. 116,730.00 Robert L. Helms 162,000.00 Souza Bros. 209,000.00 Construction of Pioneer Trail Force Main: Faulkner's Inc., Kings Beach, Calif. 35,600.00 Martin Bros., Tahoe Valley, Calif. 41,995.00 Sterling Irrigation Cons. Co. 34,750.00 Robert L. Helms 39,230.00 Salamans Cons. 35,~18.00 Pumping Unit at Effluent Pumping Station: Byron Jackson 5,590.00 Faulkner's Inc. 8,000.00 Robert L. Helms 10,500.00 Salamans Cons. 6,218.00 D. Materials for Spray System: Alsco Inc., Richmond, Calif. 14,930.00 Materials for force main: Johns-Mansville, Stockton, Calif. U. S. Industries, Inc. American Pipe & Cons.Co. Smith-Scott Co., Inc. Republic Supply Co. ,Inc. 50,156.36 40,839.80 47,336.05 40,723.40 48,777.61 Mr. Moyer stated that the total construction cost estimate was $254,350 and the total of the five low bids submitted was $212,839.93 or a total of 16% below the estimated figure. Notice to Bidders were mailed to all known trade journals and Builders Exchanges in the Area. Everything relative to the bids will be forewarded to the U.S.Public Health Service by Clair H~ll and it is anticipated it will take from 10 days to two weeks for an anwer aftem is met, ired there. Attorney Weldman recommended that if there was nothing against the regulation from the U.S.Public Health Serive, that the contracts under $100,000 be awarded immediately and a special meeting be called to approve and certify them. Regular Meeting Cont. November 7, 1963 Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the Board of Directors approve and adopt the following resolutions (by title) and the Or~4nan~e (by title) necessary to certify contract bids, as outlined by Attorney Weidman: RESOLUTION NO. 475: A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AWARDING CONTRACT ¥':OR CONSTRUCTION OF PIONEER TRAIL FORCE MAIN. THE RESOLUTION AWARDED THE CONTRACT TO LOW BIDDER STERLINgp.!RR~.GA.TION CON.$.TRU~T,I.ON. .coMp~A~Ny OF WOODLAND, CALIFORNIA, FOR THEIR BID 'PRI'CE $34,750.00, EFFECTIVE UPON APPROVAL OF THE U. S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. RESOLUTION NO. 476: A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AWARDING CONTRACT FOR PUMPING UNIT AT EFFLUENT PUMPING STATION. THE RESOLUTION AWARDED THE CONTRACT TO THE L0W.BIDDER - BYRON JACKSON PUMP CpMP~A~N~Y OF MARYSVILLE, CALIFORNIA, FOR THEIR BID PRICE' OF $5,590.00,''''''EF'F~''ECTI~E' ~ON APPROVAL OF THE U.S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. RESOLUTION NO..477: A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AWARDING CONTRACT FOR MATERIALS FOR EFFLUENT SPRAY SYSTEM. THE RESOLUTION AWARDED THE CONTRACT TO THE LOW BIDDER - ~. OF RICHMOND, CALIFORNIA, FOR THEIR BID PRICE OF $1~,930.00, EFFECTI~-~PUN THE APPROVAL OF THE U.S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. RESOLUTION NO. 478: A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AWARDING CONTR~CT ~'OR MATERIALS FOR PIONEER TRAIL FORCE MAIN. THE RESOLUTION AWARDED THE CONTRACT TO THE LOW BIDDER - SMITH SCOTT CO., OF RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA, FOR THEIR BID PRICE OF $40,723.40, effective upon a~'p~oVal of the U.S.Public Health Service · ORDINANCE NO. 103: AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AWARD- ING CONTRACT FOR CLEARING, EARTHWORK, AND INSTALLATION OF SPRAY SYSTEM - EFFLUENT DISPOSAL SITE. THE ORDINANCE WAS ENACTED WITH AN EMERGENCY CLAUSE, AND AWARDED CONTRACT TO THE LOW BIDDER - HARMS BROS_._, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, FOR THEIR BID OF $116,730.00, EFFECTIVE UPON' kpP-RoVAL OF THE U.S.PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. NEW SPRAY AREA: General Manager Priday reported that the District would have to purchase trees to be cut in the clearing project on the Forest Service Land;in turn would be able to sell them. The South Tahoe Public Utility District will proceed with the flagging of trees to be removed. The Forest Service will make an accurate survey of the value of the timber to be removed. COMMITTEE REPORTS (Easement Committee): Director Stewart reported that the committee recommended app'roval" 'of' t'he" 'p'Pbp'o'sed action be taken by the Board in the Treatment of two court cases, as recommended by Attorney Weidman: (1) JOHN g DOLORES STO~0_N~O~F?~ sued the district for force main easement on a lot in Sierra ~a'do'w's" 'in ig'g'0'. At that time they were record owners of only a portion of the lot and now own all of it. They have agreed to settle for $1,000.00; Mr. Weidman recommended pasrment of that amount. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Board of Directors approve settlement with the Stoyonoff's as recommended by the Attorney and the Easement Committee. (2) WHITLOCK: Mr. Whitlock had a 1960-3 easement on a lot zoned R-l, which is the only un'sett~'ed 1960-3 easement at present. The owner showed proof in court of trees cut off easement and trail is set for 11/18/63. Mr. Weidman recommended it be taken off the calender because the man will settle for $500.00 and he recommends the District pay this amount instead of going to court. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Board of Directors approve payment of the $500.00 to Mr. Whitlock as recommended by Mr. Weidman. CLAIMS: Dir.ector Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $5,774.83 be approved for payment as recommended by General Manager Priday. ADJOURNMENT: 9:55 P.M. /! ~' ' Donald L.' hli~ke", -Pr'esident ~f-'~'~-e--B-o-ap~' of Diredtors of the South Tahoe Public Utility Dist. }~.R.Malle~y, Clerk 'g~Ex-Officio~_ etary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT November 21, 1963 The Board of Directors met in regular session November 21, 1963,8:00 P.M. at the Tahoe Valley Fire House. President Clarke called the meeting to order and all present saluted the flag. Following the salute to the flag, President Clarke mentioned that the Board of Directors are very appreciative of the Fire District allowing the South Tahoe Public Utility District to conduct their meetings at the Tahoe Valley Fire House. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Fesler, Stewart, Kortes; also present were Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Mr. and Mrs. M. Springmeyer, Mrs. Mary A. McCormick, Mr. A.L. Miller, Joseph Corrente. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Minutes of NOVEMBER 4, 1963, and the MINUTES of NOVEMBER 7, 1963, be approved. General Manager Priday read his MANAGER'S REPORT WHICH is attached and made part of these minutes. Director kor~'s ~oved,-~econded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted as read. General Manager Priday read the following letter from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (re mention in the Manager's Report of part "B" of the proposed construction program.) FROM: Department of Health Education and Welfare, Regional Office 447 Federal Office Building San Francisco, California, 94102 TO: Date: South Tahoe Public Utility District Attn: Donald L. Clarke, President P.O. Box 825 Bijou, California November 19, 1963 (received at the District office November 20, 1963). Re: WPC-CAL-176; South Tahoe P.U.D. "Gentlemen: We have reviewed Part B of the Offer and Acceptance, together with supporting material, and find it to be satisfactory. You are authorized to award contracts to the lowest responsible bidders, in accordance with your recommendations, as follows: 1. Harms Bros. Site preparation $116,730.00 2. Sterling Irrigation Cons. Force Main 34,750.00 3. Byron Jackson Pumps Pump Station 5,590.00 4. Smith-Scott, CQ~PANY Materials 40,471.40 5. Alsco, Inc. Spray Fields 14,932%13 We would like to caution you that no Federal payment can be made on this project until we receive a firm assurance in the form of a resolution by the District as to plans to export the sewage from the basin. We will also need the District's proposed schedule for accomplishing this plan. This schedule should show that the plan will be implemented within a reasonable period of time. Two copies of the revised legal opinion and site description will have to be submitted prior to the expenditure of any Federal funds on this project. As soon as the contracts have been awarded, send two certified copies of the contract agreement to this office, and one copy directly to the California State Water Quality Control Board. Also, as they become available, please forward the documents checked on Enclosure 5. Enclosed are the following documents: Enclosure 1 - Labor Standards, Instructions " 2 - Weekly Statement o'f' 'cOmpliance " 3 - Fiscal Records to be Maintained " 4 - Procedure for Handling Change Order " 5 - Necessary Documents Should you have any questions, please contact us. Sincerely yours, E.H.Thouren, Chief, Cons.Grants, Encl. (5) cc: Calif. WQCB: Clair Hill ;DWS&PC ~ Wash. D. C." Water Supply & Pollut ion Control" November 21, 1963 -2- 325 RESOLUTION 479: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTR~CT DECLARING ITS INTENT TO EXPORT SEWAGE EFFLUENT OUT OF THE LAKE TAHOE ABASIN. General Manager Priday recommended that the above resolution be adopted. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that ~E~PbUTI9~_ NO. 47~, be adopted. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS~:_ Mrs. Mary A. McCormick stated that she owns 63 acres of land adjacent to the Forestry property upon which the District has a permit to spray effluent and appeared this evening to appeal to the Board for compensation for damages to her property from the overflow of effluent. Mrs. McCormick stated that she had an opportunity to lease the 63 acres for a campground sight. This cannot be accomplished now because a letter was received from Mr. Doug Taylor, County Sanitarian, (stating that a well could not be put on this property because the water would be contaminated. Mrs. McCormick stated that she ~hecked with the Forestry Service and mentioned that clause 20 states that no damage can be caused to any land from overflow of effluent. General Manager Priday asked Mrs. McCormick when this property was purchased and she stated she purchased it in 1961. Mr. Priday stated that the Spray Disposal was going on at that time. Mr. Priday also stated that the District had contracted to put effluent on ~he land(JOHNSON LAND) adjacent to the spray area. Mrs. McCormick stated that she would like to be included in the sewer district without fees and have a sewer line run to the lots without cost to her as compensation fo~ alleged damages. Discussion followed and it was agreed that this matter would be turned over to the Easement and Planning Committee for study. OLD BUSINESS: Opening of Bids - 1962-1: Clerk of Board Mallery read the following bids: 1. Grande & Co., Inc., Seattle 4, Washington Bonds maturing 1965-68 - 4-1/2% per annum 69-73 - 4-1/4% " " 74-79 - 4.40% " " First California Company, San Francisco, California Bonds maturing 1965-69 - 3-1/4% per annum · 70 -75- 3-3/4%" " 76-79 - 4% " " Walston & Co., San Francisco 4, California Bonds maturing 1965-67 -3-5/8% 68-73 - 3-3/4% 74-79 - 3-7/8% Stone & Youngberg, San Francisco, Calif. Bonds maturing 1965-68 - 5% 69-72 - 4-3/4% 73-79 - 4-1/4% Boettcher & Co., Denver, Colorado Bonds Maturing - 1965-68 -3-3/4% 69-74 -4% 75-79 -4-1/4% 6. J.B.Hanauer & Co., San Francisco, Calif. Bonds maturing - 1965-68 - 4-1/2% 69-73 - 4-1/4% 74-79 - 4% 7. S.C.Pbhlman Company, San Francisco 4, California Bonds maturing 1965-73 - 5% 74-79 - 5-1/4% 8. Ira Haupt & Co., 315 Mongromery Street, San Francosco 4, California: This bid was withdrawn and the information listed for this Company is for information purposes only. (This firm was suspended by the New York and American Stock Exchanges as they became enmeshed in multi-million dollar tnoubles dealing in vegetable oil futures.) INFO ONLY: Bonds maturing 1965-77 - 4%~ 1978-79 = 4-1/4%. THIS BID WILL BE RETURNED TO IRA HAUPT & CO., SAN FRANCISCO 4, CALIFORNIA. REGULAR MEETING -3- N 9ember 21,1963 BIDS (cont.) Attorney John Holtom recommended that the bid from FIRST CALIFORNIA COMPANY, 300 MONTGOMERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, be accepted. Covering acceptance of the bid recommended by Attorney J. Holtom are the following: ORDINANCE NO. 104: AN ORDINANCE AWARDING SALE OF BONDS, SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 1962-1; and RESOLUTION NO. 480: A RESOLUTION DETERMINING UNPAID ASSESSMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF BONDS; SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 1962-1. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Attorney Holtom's recommendation to accept the bid from FIRST CALIFORNIA COMPANY, 300 MDntgomery Street, San Francisco, California, be accepted and that ORDINANCE NO. 104 and RESOLUTION. NO., ~80, be approved.~ MEETING. DOUGLAS COUNTY. Director Wakeman stated that he attended, as did the other Directors and the General Manager, a meeting at the Douglas County District regarding the exportation of effluent out of the basin. Director Wakeman stated that he would like to have our Board of Directors and the General Manager meet with the Douglas County Commissioners and the Douglas County Sewer District No. 1 Board of Directors to study this further. President Clarke asked General Manager Priday to set a date for a round table discussion with the Commissioners of Douglas County and the Douglas County Sewer District No. 1 Board of Directors. ANNEXATIONS: Attorney J. Weidman stated that if the Board desired he would start proceedings on the JOHNSON ANNEXATION. As it now stands, Attorney Weidnman stated that for all future annexations ..... must be presented to the Board which consists of two County Officials, two (2) City Officials and the fifth member to be appointed . Mr. Weidman stated that there was a meeting this evening where the fifth member was to be considered to make up this Annexation Board of Directors. In the event the fifth member has not been appointed, The request for annexation must still go to the Boundary Commission, Men~ion was made that with this new Board for annexations going into effect -- will mean that an interested party will have a waiting period of approximately six (6) months before he or she can officially be annexed to the District. NOTE: PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE WILL ADVISE THE PUBLIC OF THE NEW ANNEXATION RULE. Mr. Weidman will proceed with the Johnson Annexation. CORRESPONDENCE: Clerk of Board Mallery read a letter which was ~eceived by the bistrict from G.L.Sutherland stating that Mr. Sutherland had mailed his check in the amount of $994.00 to Mr. A.W. Nelson on October 8, 1963, to forward to the District for the sewer line payment due the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Following discussion, it was stated that Clerk of Board Mallery will write a letter to Mr. A.W. Nelson regarding the due sewer line payment and will also mention to Mr. A.W.Nelson the letter the District received from Mr. G.L.Sutherland. NEW BUSINESS: Director Fesler briefly discussed the employee group insurance and stated that Barton Memorial Hospital will be opening very soon and that their rooms will range from $30.00 to $36.00($36.00 - private rooms) and that our present employee insurance poli~y does not cover but up to $15.00 for hospital room; whereas other policies will cover up to $30.00 for hospital rooms. Mr. Fesler also stated that we have only a $5,000.00 major medical coverage and other policies will cover up to $10,000.00 and he feels that this should be looked into. Mr. Fesler stated that he has contacted Mr. C. Gibson, agent for the Intercoast Life Insurance Co., and they will study th~s policy. Following their study, Mr. Fesler will report to the Board. General Manager Priday thanked Mr. Fesler for his interest in behalf of the employees of the district. REGULAR MEETING _~=. November 21, 1963 EASEMENT COMMITTEE: Director Stewart read the following report: "Meeting was hel~ in District Office starting at 2:00 P.M. Present were Director Fesler, Manager Priday and myself (T.L.Stewart) as Chairman. Pending easement claims discussed were as follows: Gross, Springmeyer, Globin, Nelson & $utherland, Serpa & Stevens and the needed easement on Pioneer Trail to reach the new spray area. Said property on Pioneer Trail is in the name of Elwood Johnson. (1) in reference to the GROSS EASEMENT it appears the Committee is at a standstill. After many tries we have ~ver ~en offered the opportunity to meet with Mr. Gross and it appemrs we never will; however, this claim must be settled. It is the recommendation of this committee that this particular case be submitted to our Attorney for settlement as follows: A COUNTER OFFER IN THE AMOUNT OF r. Gross, through his legal council. Director Kortes moved, $976.00 be made to M _ . · ........ ~m that this recommendation be seconded by Director ~esler, unanimously approved. (2) SPRINGMEYER: This claim is still pending; however, we do feel we will be re'citing and answer from Mrs. Springmeyer before long. (3) GLOBIN EASEMENT: From our findings, which was once a pending easement claim with M--r. Frank Globi~, has now been inherited by Dr. James Whitely, through a sale of this property to Dr. Whitely and it is the recommendation of this committee that this board approve the amount of $204.20 for this grant of easement. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that this re- commendation be approved. (~) NELSON/SUTHERLAND EASEMENT:~ This particular easement is very small - 5'x90' collection line easement - and' it is the recommendation of this committee that this board approve the amount of $92.50 for a grant of easement. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that this recommendation be approved. (5) SERPA/STEVENS ~RSEMENT: It is the recommendation of this committee that the bpard approve paymmm~ i'n t~e amount of $270.00 for grant of easement. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that this re- commendation be approved. (6) As for needed easement on PIONEER TRAIL, it was decidede~he committee should meet with MR. ELWOOD JOHNSON at the earliest possible date. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 P.M." m~ttee Meetin of 11/~9/63: Meeting was held in District Office, "Easement Com ' ¢ ...... · Elw~od Johnson and myself ~:45 P.M. Present were Director Fesler, Manager Prmday, (T.L.Stewart). The full contents of the meeting was based on the needed grant of easement oh PIONEER TRAIL. Mr. Johnson was given a complete briefing as to our interest and plans. Much discussion took place after which time a motion was made and seconded that this committee offer MR. ELWOOD JOHNSON the smm of $1,500.00 for · 'ect to the board approval. Said easement runs approximately grant of easement, sU~%ximatel.' 25,200 sq. ft. Director Kortes moved, seconded by 4,200 feel x.6 - app ....... ~-~=d that this recommendation be approveQ. Director ~es±er, unanimously This easement committee meeting was adjourned at 5:15 P.M." Following this easement committee report, ~iscussion ~as held regarding RESOLUTION that should be prepared for Eminent Domain Proceedings in the event that MR. ELWOOD JOHNSON does not wish to accept the offer of $1,500.00. Attorney Weidman will preapre the resolution for approval at the next regular board meeting. The resolution will read as follows: RESOLUTION NO. #481: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE ~UBLIC UTILITY DIsT'kICT DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQUISITION OF EASEMENTS AND DIRECTING THE FILING OF EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS. (PIONEER TRAIL FORCE MAIN.)" Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the abbve resolution be prepared by A~torney Weidman for adoption at the next regular meeting if needed. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimousl ~arried, that the recommendation of the General Manager to approve claims in the amount of $29,716.56 be approved for payment. REGULAR MEETING -5- November 21, 1963 ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. N.R. Mal~e~y, Clerk~ Bd. 'g ~-'O'ff Sec'. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY D~TRICT Donald L. ClarRe, Presidnet SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 5, 1963 The Board of Directors met in regular session December 5, 1963, at the Tahoe Valley Fire sHouse 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, DirecQors Fesler, Stewart, Ko,res and Wakeman. Also present wer~ Attorney J. Weidman, General Manager Priday, Cl~rk of Board Mallery, Harlan Moyer. Les Shoupe, W.C. Taylor, John Madera, F. Wine, Walt Little, John Murphy, Tom Bryan. ABSENT: Attorney J. Holtom. M~NUTES: The minutes of November 21, 1963, were approved as written. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of November 21, 1963, be approved as written. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report and same is attached and made a part of these minutes. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried,.that the Manager's Report be approved. Discussion was held regarding the propane tank and Director Wakeman ~tated that when the propane tank was installed at the plant, he was t01d that it would have to be filled only once and then the District would be able to use their own gas. General Manager Priday stated that this cannot be done because we would need a great amount of flow to enable us to use our own gas at the ~lant. Mr. Priday also stated that there are times the gas has to be burned as the District does not have storage facilities. Discussion was also held regarding the Chlorinator and Director Fesler asked what the value wo~ld be to the District to sell this chlorinator. Engineer Moyer stated that the Chlorinator would be sold for whatever the District could get for it - - there would be no value to it. NEW BUSINESS: Clerk of Board Mallery presented RESOLUTION N9 48~, which is a RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO MAKE CHANGES AND MO IFICATIONS, SANITARY SEWERAGE DISTRICT 1960-4., for approval. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 482, be approved. WATER POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD MEETING: General Manager P~iday briefly reported on the meeting that was held by %h~ Water Pollution Control Board and stated that he felt the Board paid tribute to the District. Mr. Priday also stated that he requested the Water Pollution Control Board as a body to pass a RESOLUTION in ~egards to the removal of all Septic Tank Pumping from the basin and they did pass this resolution. REGULAR MEETING -2- December 5, 1963 Director Feeler mentioned that there are a couple of reporters in the area from the Saturday Evening Post, and have interviewed some people here but Director Feeler mentioned that he did not feel these reporters wanted the facts. Director Feeler also stated that {f they do have a write up for the South Tahoe Public Utility District they will not give the true facts. He based this remark on the articles which the Saturday Evening Post publish, and did not feel that this magazine will give a favorable report for the District. Director Wakeman stated that he felt a letter should go to the Saturday Evening Post stating that they did not approach the right source for information (NO REPORTER APPEARED AT THE DISTRICT OFFICE TO REQUEST AN INTERVIEW). President Clarke stated that this would be turned over to the Public Relations Committee to take under advisement. Director Wa~eman also stated that while the "TAHOE QUEEN" was on a cruise, one man mentioned the pollution of Lake Tahoe and was willing to take the group to the site where the Lake was supposed to be po~uted but time did not allow this. President Clarke stated that last Monday visitors from Kings Beach were received by the District and they wanted to get some information on our operation here with the hope of improving their oWn. By the time they left, Mr. Clarke stated that they had information that would be valuable to them in setting their sights for the future. They knew that we did not have our situation under control but the information they received from us would be very helpful to them and to their board to help solve their problem at the North End. CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Priday read a letter which was received from a Mr. Gordon and letter is attached and made part of these minutes. Mr. Priday's answer to Mr. Gordon was also read and both letters are made a part of these minutes. Clerk of Board Mallery read a letter which was received from Mr. Walt Nelson; this was in answer to a letter which was written by Clerk of Board in regards to the sewer assessment which is due the District. Following discussion, it was agreed by the Board of Directors that Mr. Walt Nelson will be given notice to pay in accordance with our Ordinance. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (PLANNING. C.OM~ITTEE - - DIRECTOR FESLER) - Director Feeler stated that a meeting was held De~m'ber"3"'~ '1'963, Wi~h-Gener~i Ma~ger Priday, Director Stewart, Director Feeler and Mr. C. Gibson. The topic discussed was the insurance policy which the District now has for their employees. DirectorFesler stated that he will have a report at a later date to present to the board regarding the insurance. Direactor Feeler stated that the other topic discussed was Mrs. McCormick's claim for damages. A meeting is scheduled and a report will be presented to the Board at a later date. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT: This report was given by Donald Kortes, Chairman, Public Relations Committee and samesis made an attachment to these minutes. EASEMENT COMMITTEE: Director Stewart stated there was nothing to report for the Easement Committee. Mention was made that Mr. Elwood Johnson has not, as of this date, signed the Grant of Easement, and it was suggested that Attorney J. Weidman proceed with the Right-of- Way Entry. (Attorney Weidman requested a check be made in the amount of $500.00 payable to Ruth Lang, County Clerk.) (RE.Sq~pT.Ip~' NO.~ ~81, was adopted to cover the Eminent Domain Proceedings.) JOHNSON ESTATE: Attorney Weidman stated that the Annexation Committee has not been formed and that he hopes to z~port on this annexation at the next regular meeting. GROSS EASEMENT: Attorney Weidman stated no contact has been made. KYBURZ: No word. PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS - TERTIARY TREATMENT: Engineer Harlan Moyer stated that the plans and specificati0'ns"' 'a'~e" complete 'for the addition to the Water Reclamation Plant. Mr. Moyer also stated that an attempt has been made to set up meetings with the State Health Dept., Mr. P. Bondemson, Mr. Eastman and Mr. W. White to discuss the Tertiary Treatment. Mr. Moyer stated that when the District is ready to proceed with the construction - everything is in order. DECEMBER 5, 1963 -3- Regular Meeting. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $6,791.16 be approved for payment as recommended by the General Manager. Director Wakeman mo~ed, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that Mr. N.R. Mallery will act as Acting General Manager during General Manager Priday's absence next week. ADJOURNMENT: 9:30 P.M. ATTACHMENTS_ TO MINU~E~. OF DECEMBER 5,1 19,6,3,: (1) MANAGER'S REPORT: PLANT OPERATION: Report on flows, etc., for November 1963: A. Nevada district flows per their meter: 1. Total Flow 8,476,800 2. Average Daily flow 282,560 B. Treatment Plant flows per the Sparling Effluent meter: 1. Total flow 36,874,000 2. Daily average flow 1,229,133 C. Chlorine Used: 1. Total used at Treatment Plant 2. Daily Average for Treatment Plant 3. Calculated Use at Holding Pond: 4. Total Chlorine used in November: 10,972 lbs. 366 lbs, 750 lbs. 11,722 lbs. NQTE: We are maintaining the Chlorine residuals that are required by the State Bureau of Sanitary Engineering although all the modifications, etc., are not yet complete. We are still working under a handicap. Ail of this is done by manual operation and by sacrificing efficient operation in other phases of plant operation. Propane used: 1. Total gallons of propane used: 2. Daily average: 3,146 gallons 104 gallons Holding Pond Freeboard 9 feet 7 inches NOTE: Mr. Fine is doing an excellent job disposing of the effluent from the plant. F. Barminutor: 1. Total hours running time 2. Daily average running time 421 hours 14 hours GENERAL: Monday, Novem~,~r 25, last, I had the pleasure of speaking to a very distinguished group of Rotarians in Minden, Nevada. This honor was shared with Mr. Milton Manoukian, Attorney for Douglas County Improvement District No. 1. I briefed the group on the general make up of our District and its operation, particularly in regard to export. Mr. Manoukian briefed them on the contractural arrangements between the California and Nevada Districts. s Distinguished men in the audience were Senator Henry W. Berrum~ Assemblyman Lawrence E. Jacobsen; Commissioners Marvin Settelmeyer, Robert Pruett of Douglas County Nevada, and Robert Fesler Q who made it possible for me to appear before them. This a.m., Mr. William C. Taylor, Supt. of Operations, and I appeared before the Water Pollution Board. The following staff report was favorable toward the District and no action was taken: "To: Board Members From: Jack T. Leggett, Executive Officer December 5, 1963 Subject: Staff Report Relative to Reported Overflows by South Tahoe Public Utility District On October 6, 1963, the E1 Dorado County Health Department investigated and determined that drainage waters from the South Tahoe Public Utility District's spray disposal area was contaminated to the exten~ of causing a contamination of the adjacent streams into which it flows. The streams were promptly posted and the following day, October 7, 1963, the E1 Dorado County Health Department issued a preemptory order to the South Tahoe Public Utility District. The staff of this Board was not notified until after the order was issued. An Regular meet lng ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF 12/5/63: December 5, 1963 MANAGER'S REPORT (cont.) immediate investigation was made, which did not find evidence of a direct overflow of sewage to the surface waters at that time. However there were indications that overflows might have occurred previous to our investigation. This condition was no doubt the reason for the action taken by the Health Department. It was reported to the staff of the Board that on September 19, 1963, an unusual and unfortunate equipment failure occurred at the Treatment Facilities of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Both sludge retur~ pumps for the secondary clarified had failed. Since the oxidation process of their activated sludge operation is dependent upon a certain percentage of retur~ sludge, the secondary portion of the treatment process was no longer able to function. The holding pond, not having enough capacity, became septic in just three days. Despite odor control chemicals, heavy, offensive odbrs resulted, with a uumber of complaints made to the E1 Dorado County Health Department. Under normal operating procedures, any overflows which might occur would not result in a contamination since the effluent is normally adequately treated and disinfected. No portable pump was available which was large enough to efficiently remove the water from the clarifier, and as a result it was six days before the sludge return pumps could be removed. Parts were shipped promptly, only to discover they were not the correct parts, because shortly after the original installation, changes had been made in the type of pump bowl used, but the records were not corrected.. It was not until the week of October 21st that the pumps were back in operation. However, bp the end of October the treatment facilities were back in normal operation and the odors had disappeared. The discharge of poorly treated effluent upon an already saturated ground ~esulted in poor pemcolation, with numerous "springs" flowing waters of high coliform count. The State Health Department, in a letter dated October 11, 1963, asked the District to provide sufficient disinfection of the effluent being pumped to the spray disposal area, to limit the coliform count to 1000/100 ml, or a residual of 6 ppm of chlorine. The District took immediate steps to purchase and install a chlorinator, which is now in operation, to comply with the request of the State Department of Public Health. The preemptory order has been lifted by the E1 Dorado County Health Department and the signs removed. It is the opinion of the staff of the Board that there will be overflows of highly treated sewage from time to time during the ensuing winter months. If the sewage effluent meets the requirements of the State Health Department as it relates to bacteriological standards and chlorine residuals, a contamination will not exist. The overflows that may occur during the winter months, however, will of course contribute to the nutrients in the Lake and should be minimized wherever possible. The staff recommends that until such time as the new disposal area is in use, the South Tahoe Public Utility District be requi~ed to make a monthly report to the staff of the Board, and to in~nediately report, by telephone, any overflows that may occur, to the staff of the Board. In order that the Board may be brought up-to-date, the South Tahoe Public Utility District has been requested to make a brief report of their progress towards obtaining additional land for disposal and to further explain to the Board what the District is doing towards ultimate exportation of sewage from the basin. J. T. Leggett, Exedu~ive Officer JTL:el" I outlined the status of our present construction program and the Water Pollution Control B-oard complimented the District for its diligent efforts. S~ATUS OF CONSTRUCTION: All matemials have been ordered: Force Main 'Pi~...ing expected to be delivered by December 18 next. Installa~.ion o.f.. P..u.m~ .Facilities expected to begin with 10 days. Forest Service made their timber survey and Harms Bros. is on the job site this day with six (6) pieces of heavy equipment. We requested permission from the County Road Engineer, Art Cort, to close Pioneer Trail from Starlake Road to Osborne Subdivision to allow complete fPeedom of constmuction in that area. Mr. Cort got this approval for us through the County Board of Supervisors. This will be a great help in our program. P.S. We have had no word from the Bechtel Corporation on their treatment program." REGULAR MEETING -5- ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF 12/5/63 (cont.) December 5, 1963 (2) Letter from Mr. A.D. Gordon To: South Tahoe Public Utility District Dated: November 26, 1963 Gent lemen: We cursed you and we flayed you when the odor conditions were bad. Now we think it only proper to send you a little bouquet when our odor is once again only.the fragrance of the glorious pine. We have given up all thought of movzng and our chief concern now is not to eat t99 much turkey on Thursday. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and yours from A.E. Gordon and Wife Box 383, A1 Tahoe, California" (3) General Manager Priday's answer to Mr. and Mrs. A.E.Gordon is as follows: "Dear Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Gordon: Thank you very much for your very kind remarks in your recent letter to the South Tahoe Public Utility District. It is indeed gratifying to have citizens take time out from their trials and tribulations to recognize something favorable that public entities have done. It is this kind of effort by a few people that keeps human nature in balance. One such nice letter can more than equal fifty derogatory ones when we weigh our emotions on life's huge scale. I wish you and yours the best for the ensuing holiday's and all years to come. s/ W.F. Prlday (Dated 11/28/63" (3) PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT: "The Public Realtions C0mmi%%%e met Monday, November 25, at the District plant. Don Clarke, Win Priday, and I were present. The following program was worked out So inform the community of the existing excluded parcels within the district and the approximate time and steps necessary to annex them as well as new territory to the district: 1. A letter with the list of excluded parcels would be sent to all the local realtors, title companies, newspapers, radio stations, Chamber of Commerce and the Realty Board. 2. A list of realtors that received the letter and enclosure would be included with the ones sent to the title companies, and the realty board. 3. The South Tahoe Public Utility District office would have available for quick reference this information to advise owners or purchasers of excluded parcels the procedures to be follwed in order to acquire sewer service. s/ Don Kortes, Chairman" DONALD L. CLARKE, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~¢ S~E~RET' 'A'Ry SOU~H TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULARnMEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 19, 1963 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session,.December 19, 1963, and President Clarke called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Fesler, Stewart, Kortes. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, A. Shoupe, W.C. Taylor. A~T: Engineer Harlan Moyer. MINUTES: Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 12/5/63 be approved as written. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report which is attached and made a part of these minutes. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that General Manager Priday's recommendation to have a feasibility study for the exportation of effluent from the basin into the watershed of the American River, be accepted. Discussion was held regarding the cost of the feasibility study and it was mentioned that this study would be approximately $1,000.00; however, Mr. Priday will discuss this with the District Engineer - Clair A. Hill & Associates. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. Director Wakeman stated that he felt this Board through the Compact Commission and the other seventy-six (76) agencies is progressing "pretty fast". "We have tertiary treat- ment before anyone else has it; I feel this is another rung in th.ts latter of solving this problem. This Board has been working together as fast as any Board I have been on in taking positive action to solve a prbblem." Director Stewart stated that he drove to the construction project and mas amazed at the progress that is being made there. General Manager Priday stated that Mr. Wallace White should be commended for his interest in selling and educating all concerned at the meeting held December 18, 1963, at the Tahoe Valley Fire House regarding the Advanced Treatment. Director Fesler asked if Mr. Paul B-onderson's presence at the meeting was due to his interest in the District's request for 660 Grant Funds.--In answer to Director Fesle~'s question, Mr. Priday stated that Mr. Paul Bonderson was requested by the District to attend this meeting, December 18, 1963, as this was the date the Engineer was to present the plans and specifications for the advanced treatment. Being that Mr. Paul Bonderson was interested in what the Districts intent was for the use of the 660 Grant Funds, it was hhe hope of those present that this meeting would help expedite the Districts request for 660 Grant Funds without further hesitation; however, Mr. Priday stated that with or without the funds, the advanced treatment will proceed. OLD BUSINESS: The minutes of 9/19/63 state that the Board of Directors approved payment in the amount of $109.00 to Atwood Insurance Co., for bond premiums. Attorney Weidman settled this claim in the amount of $9.00 instead of the $109.00 and it was agreed by ali $irectors that the minutes of 9/19/63 be changed to read $9.00. RESOLUTION NO. 483: Attorney J. Holtom presented RESOL_U?ION N©. 483, which is a RESOLUTION ORDERING CHANGES AND MODIFICETIONS,SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 1960-4. As there were no protests, Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 483 be adopted. As a matter of information, Attorney Holtom mentioned that the Printing Company that is printing the bonds are very busy with Christmas and they will print the bonds after the New Year. Mr. Holtom also mentioned that a RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO MAKE CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS will be presented at the next regular meeting to cover 1959-1-1906 Assessment which was assessed for $386.00 and did not have a lateral or any building capacity. Attorney J. Weidman stated to the Board that taxes will be apaid by the District for real property only; Harper & ~axter trial is set for November 16, 1964 - - to be held at Placerville and further stated that Harper & Baxter admitted that the $2,642.00 withheld by the District was in order; also, Mr. R. Downer is the only one left that Mr. Weidman will have to take a deposition from. Clerk of Board Mallery stated that Mr. Roy Price called the office last April and said we had $5,000.00 of his money. We received a letter from his counselors 11/25/63 and they imply that we do owe them the money. Mr. Mallery also presented a statement which was also mailed to Mr. Roy Price - two items were paid out of the $5,000.00 and another to be paid to Lagrange Construction in the amount of $214.17 - this amount for installing a lateral and saddling the line as it was the only way connection could be made. This work was done in the 1960-4 Assessment District, Roy Price, Inc., Contractor. Mr. Mallery also mentioned that we are just now finding things that were left out and there will not be enough money to cover additional work that must be done on the 1960-4 Spec. Assmt. District. Mr. A. Shoupe, Engineer - Clair A. Hill & Associates - stated that the $5,000.00 was for new paving and any.additional work that was needed. Mr. Shoupe also mentioned that Mr. Roy Price had to give one year guarantee against sunken trenches - and there are several sunken trenches. Mr. Price was also aware that an inspection had to be made and the inspection figure was in the amount of $3,950.00 and he has invoices regarding the cost of $3,950.00. Attorney Weidman will write Roy Price Attorney and state that the Directors believe that the w~thholds are in order and that the $3,950.00 was withheld for inspection and that Clair A. Hill g Associates will send detailed proof of the charges. (Diseussion of this was informative only.) TAHOE LINEN SUPPLY SIRVICE CHARGE~_: This property is located in A1 Tahoe consisting of 3 lots in one block. One of the lots was an excluded parcel prior to 1962-1 Special Assessment District. In 1959, The Douvres (owners) were given permission to connect to our line by running their line down the street from their building because the 1959-1 Special Assessmsnt District line was not ready for use. Their 4" line was connected to a manhole and no one ever pressed them for service charges until this year when the one piece of property was brought into the 1962-1 Special Assessment District. Prior to July 1, 1963, we tried to get them to come to the office to agree on service charges but they never did come. Two (2) months ago a formuli was arrived at which we felt was fair to them. They objected to our formula claiming the charges are excessive. Mr. Mallery stated that Tahoe Lines Supply Attorney's called and he told them that the 20th of December was the deadline for !payment or the District would plug the 1 line. Mention was made that the annexation committee has now been formed and they meet the third Tuesday of every month. (Placerville) SCHOOL SITE - GARDNER MOUNTAIN AREA: Discussion was held regarding the annexing of the new school site to t~e' D'i's~'~ict. Mention was made that the owner would have to sign a petition requesting annexation and it wgs also suggested that this be done prior to 1964. Following discussion regarding the new school site, Mr. Wakeman stated that he would contact a School B-oard Member and mention the need for petitioning in 1963 if the School District is ~nterested and that way they will save from $8,000.00 or more. General Manager Priday was requested to write to Mr. Ellis W. Cline, Supt., and ask him to prepare a letter of intention to annex to the District and have it into the District Office prior to 1964. PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT (Director Fesler): Director Fesler stated that since the next regular meeting is following NEW YEAR'S DAY, and the Directors's will n~t be present, and there will not be a quorum, the next meeting should be held January 9, 196~. The Directors did mention that they would not be in the area; however, Clerk of Board Mallery will appear and if there is not a quorum will post the necessary notices. Director Fesler stated that Mrs. Mary A. McCormick's request was discussed during a Committee meeting and it was the recommendation of the Committee that Mrs. McCormick's request be denied. (Mrs. McCormick stated at one regular meeting that she would like to be compensated for damages caused to her property by the District spraying effluent onto her land.) Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Planning Committee's recommendation to deny Mrs. McCormick's request be approved. (Clerk of Board Mallery will write a letter stating the Boards action.) Director Fesler also stated that a study is underway regarding the financing of the treatment and export facilities and stated that the Committee feels they should know (l~ha exportation standards, (2)method of exportation, (3)cost, (4) future plans of Douglas County Improvement District No. 1 REGULAR MEETING Decembem 19, 1963 Another Planning Committee meeting was held with the Forestry Service with Mr. J. Walker and Mr. R. Entzminger regarding the request of annexing the area between Lukins and Ebrights including the Pope, Bladwin and Kiva Beach areas. This covers approximately 250 acres. The Committee is working with the Forestry Service on this study. Mr. R. Entzminger suggested that a letter be written to the new Forest Ranger replacing him stating the District's intention to purchase and request an appraisal for land. (Holding Pond property. ) EASEMENT COMMITTEE: Director Stewart stated that December 19, 1963, 1:30 P.M., General Manager Priday, Director Stewart and Mr. An. Nelson held a meeting regarding the easement on Link Road and Hwy. 50. Mr. Nelson presented a deed and right-of-entry (9/21/60) showing that he was fhe owner. The easement that the district has from the Link,Ps is of no value and the District obtained this easement as a quick claim which mentioned the full 220' but did not give us the right to pass over the NelsonfSutherland property. The district was in error because they did not have the easement over the Nelson/Sutherland property. Our previous offer of $92.50 was for parcel 31 and the committee now recommends that for parcel 32 we pay $322.50 for grant of easement for the Nelson/Sutherland property. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Nelson/ Sutherland easement be paid in the amount of $322.50 instead of the previous amount of $92.50. ELWOOD JOHNSON EASEMENT: General Manager Priday stated that Mr. Elwood Johnson called him this day and asked if it would be alright to come in after the first of the year to sign the papers on the easement and if the District would hold off payment until after the first of the year. Mr. Johnson also stated to Mr. Priday that he was aware of the right-of-entry- and that he stated it was alright. Si~ning and payment will be held over until after the first of the year. PUBLIC REALTIONS: Director Kortes stated that a group of students were taken for a tour of the plant facilities and that Mr. Clarke and Mr. Taylor took one group and plant employees took another group through the facilities and expRained the operation to the students. Mr. W.C. Taylor, Pmesident Clarke, both stated that they felt the students were very interested and Mr. Taylor suggested that ~n the future, smaller groups should be brought for tours. QBestion and answer session was also held. Mention was also made that students can come to the Plant Laboratory to practleee. President Clarke stated that he was impressed with the questions the students asked and also commended Mr. W. C. Taylor for his way in handling the students. Mr. Clarke stated that he mentioned to the students that in a few years they will be paying taxes on this operation and they should know wh~t they are paying for. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: General Manager recommended the claims in the.amount of $35,156.84 be approved for payment. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried the claims be paid. ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. N. R. MALUERY, CLERk/OF BOARD ANJY/ZX-OFFICIO SECRETARY - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC ~TILITY DISTRICT -.DONALD L. CLARKE, PRESIDENT OF THE 'BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY ~DISTRICT NOTE: Attachments to minutes of December 19, 1963 are as follows: DECEMBER 19, 1963 - - ATTACHMENTS TO REGULAR MEETING: "MANAGER'S REPORT - DECMBER 19, 1963: PLANT OPERATION: Total flow for 18 days Average daily flow Nevada flow for 18 days Average daily flow 20,626,000 1,145,888 4,262,000 236,222 Chlorine used for 18 days Holding pond freeboard 7,340 lbs 10 feet, 2 inches GENERAL: We have run a preliminary cost estimate for extra work and facilities required by ~he State Health Department to correct a condition created by their order to accept septic tank pumpings. As it now stands, with some bills yet to come in - plus our own labor, Workmen's Compensation Insurance and payroll taxes, the figure is between 9,000 and 10,000 dollars. This preliminary estimate does not in- clude extra chlorine used at the holding pond. As soon as the costs are ascertained, a bill will be sent forthwith to the State Department of Public Health. The new SPRAY DISPOSAL PROJECT is progressing favorably - approximately 4,000 feet of force main piping is on the job site. The pump installation should be completed by the first part of next week. The disposal site clearing is almost complete. Ail marketable tiber has been removed; the next phase, after complete clearing, will be the terracing for ponds and setting sprinkling system. Probably the most significant meeting ever held in relation to the Districts proposed activities, was held Wednesday, December 18th, at the Tahee Valley Fire Station. The following men were in attendance: W.W. White, Director of Environmental Health, State of Nevada; Paul Eastman representing Chief of Grants - U.S. Public Health; Paul Bonderson, Executive Director, State Water Pollution Control Board; Harlan Moyer and John Jensen from Clair A. Hill & Associat&s; Russell Culp and Ralph Roderick from CH2M (Cornell, Howell, Hayes and Merryfield), Corvallis, Oregon, and W.F.Priday, General Manager of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. A large portion of the meeting was devoted to the reasons for the District wanting to construct the first stage of advanced treatment of effluent. The South Tahee Public Utility District has been charged with the responsibility of exporting effluent from the basin· The present method of treatment will not be acceptable to health agencies, whoever they might be - California or Nevada. During the interim, before export, the present spray disposal system could not pollute or contaminate any adjacent waters. If, during export operations, a breakdown occurred in the system, no contamination or pollution would occur. Any holding ponds would not be offensive as far as clarity and odor are concerned. The cost of doubling the capacity of the treatment plant would be less than by existing methods· In so many words, this is the first stage in the plan to export highly treated effluent from the basin and safeguarding the Lake, as well as protecting the area from offensive odors · A detailed report was given by Mr. Russell Culp as to the operation of the advanced treatment facility. Many detailed questions were asked by Mr, White, Mr. Bonderson and Mr. Eastman. It was quite apparentthat they were satisfactorily answered, as it was concluded by all interested parties, that the South Tahoe Public Utility District is proposing a reasonable program and should be approved without difficulty. Mr. Moyer who made a very fine presentation on behalf of the District, is sub,mitring the plans with a covering letter immediately, as outlined by Mr. Eastman and Mr. Bonderson, as we indicated our proposed construction date to be sometime in April of 1964. I would like to propose the following to the Board of Directors for their consideration: THAT, our Engineers make a feasibility study for the exportation of effluent from the basin into the watershed of the American River. My reasons for this exploration are as follows: 1. It appears that certain political interests are using the sewage export as a crutch to expedite a vehicular tunnel under Daggett Pass. 2. It will keep all of our eggs in one basket as far as complete control is concerned. 3. If, in the future, a need for water replacement is indicated it could be accomplished via a trade from parties exporting now from Echo Lake. 4. If, in the future, expansion of the present District becomes necessary to the South in the Meyers area, it would be logical to locate a self-contained collection, treatment and disposal system that could be tied directly into the export facilities· 5. A quick look at the construction costs make it appear less costly DECEMBER 19, 1963 ---ATTACHMENTS TO REGULAR MEETING (cont.) MANAGER'S REPORT (cont.) than exporting over Daggett Pass. We will already have a Force Main extending approximately two (2) miles in that directionl The saving in the cost of some 35,000 feet of lesser class pipe due to topography means a considerable sum of money. Pressure pipe woul~ be needed for a much greater distance via the Daggett route.