HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 01/03 - 1963 07/05REGULAR ~4EETINC OF THE BOARD OF DIPECTOPS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 3, 1963 The Board of Directors met in r~gular session January 3, 1963, 8:00 P.~..~., at th~ Sewage Treatmept Plant. ROLL CALL: Director Fesler, Director Clarke, Director Stewart and Director Wakeman were nresent. Also present were General Manager Pr[day, Clerk of Board Mallory, Attorney J. Holtom, Attorney J. Weidman, Mr. Harlan Mover and Les Shoune - Clair A. Hill & Associates, ,~!r. [, ~rs. J. Taylor, Mr. D. Richardson, WaltLittle, Mr. John Murphy - Tahoe Tribune, ~.~r. W. Johnsom Andersen. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried that the minutes of Decmmber 6th, 1962, be approved. Director Clarke accented the report of the Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary dated December 20, 1962, (NO QUORUM PRESEIIT FOR A MEETINg OF THE BOARD DECEMBE9 20, 1967). MANAGER'S REPORT: General ~anager Pridav read his report, which is as follows: "MANAGER'S REPORT JANUARY 3, 1963 TREATMENT PLANT: Bill Taylor, Superintendent of Operations, has taken over the resoonsib~l¢+v and personnel for maintenance, formerly under Zee Miller who is on a three months' leave of absence. It is a pleasure to retract a statement made by me in the ManaEer's Report of December 6, iq6?, last, in reporting the installation of a control device on the barimutor would save 50q on oow~r costs. After a month's ooeration, we can make the following statememt: Saving Saving Daily average use (automatic) 1.2 hrs/24 hrs. Daily average use (previous) 24 hrs/24 hrs. ..... 95% running time. Power cost per month (automatic) estimate Power cost per month (Previous) ..... $150.O0/Month. 7.90 LETTER TO WATER POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD: (December 27, 1962) "Please refer to report from this District, dated December28, 1961, wherein a oroeram was outlined to you that would have effectivelv reduced the sewage problems existinK here, The orogram was turned down by a large majority of voters within the District, May 1st, 1962, for $2,510,000 bond issue. A lesser program was nresented to the electorates July 31, ].967, for a $920,000 bond issue and was defeated. Seotember 18, 1962, a similar nrogram and bond issue for $920,000 was again defeated. "During this time, everything possible was being done to forestall an overflow from an over- burdened disposal facility. Relief came when a 170 acre tract of land was rented near disposal area until October 15, 1962 for effluent disoosa!. "Every Congressman, Senator, Governor, and U.S.Forest agent reoresentlnK th~ States of California and Nevada were contacted for their help and/or influence in gett~ne federal lands for effluent disposal. September 24, 1962, an offer was made to the Distr~ct bv the. W.S. Forestry (enclosure). The land committee of the District Board is oresent]v studvln~ the nroposal and will make its recommendation if and when same means of finarc~ne the force- main and spray facilities can be worked out. "The one favorable situation at this time, in relation to the same time last year, is that the holding pond has aooroximatelv 11 ft. 6 in. of free-board. Weather conditions cooperation from the Nevada District have been a great asset in this re~ard. "At this time, we cannot make a prediction or set forth any nro~ram relative to eff!uept disoosal other than that which is presently bein~ utilized." REOUEST TO DEPORT EFFLUENT (JAN. ?, 1963) (?~r's Rot. Cont.) "California-Uevada Interstate Compact Commission, Sacramento, Califnrmia. "The South Tahoe Public Utility District does hereby make aool]cation to your body for permission to export highly treated sewage effluent out of the Lake Tahoe Bas{ri. "Since its inception, this District has worked dilieentlv toward a final so]ut~op to its disoosal problems. The oresent means of disposal is definltelv a temporary measure amd is getting closer to a major problem with each added connection. REGULAR REQUEST TO DEPORT EFFLUENT (cont.) (~grs. Rpt. Cont.)_ "The District's consulting engineers are continuin? their efforts toward other ~css[ble means of treatment and dlsmosal. This will take ~recious time to effect and could very well not be acceptable as a solution to the entire basin. We therefore impress on your body the need for a clear and concise answer to the California-Nevada Interstate Compact Commission, Sacramento, California. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the ?anaKer'~ Report be accepted. A~DOINTMEliT: - PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, that Director Clarke be a~Dointed President of the Board of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. U~T~.: 3 Aves - one Carried. AUDIT REPORT.:. Mr. John Ehlman was oresent from Irvine & Duce to discuss the audit reoort with the Di~%ctors and to answer any questions that they have rezardin~ same. The Directors and Mr. Ehlman studied the report oa~e by page. In reply to Director Fesler's ~uestion as to whether the auditor's felt this was a reoort which would comollment the district or not, Mr. Ehlman stated that this reDort is not intended to glorify the district, nor is it intended to tear down the district. This report states facts as the auditor's see it. Also, Mr. Eh]man stated that a re~ort is assumed to be a good reoort unless otherwise stated. Discussion was also held regarding a long form report and a short form renort. Mr. Eh]man stated this reoort is considered a short form reoort - - a lone form reoort would have been approximately 20% more in cost. However, Yr. Ehlman stated that a lon~ term renort was to bring out the weaknesses, discrenancies, etc., of the firm ~he reoort is made for. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimousl,~, carried, that the Audit Reoort be accented as written. CRESCENT "V" SUBDIVISION: Attorney J. Holtom nresented a ma~ to the Directors noint[ng out the Crescent "V" Subdivision and stated that a oetition for annexation will be sent to · the Boundary Commission for study and a re~ort. APPOINTEE TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Discussion was held regarding apoointment of a Director to the Board of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Clerk of Board Mallet? read a letter directed to the Board of Directors from Mr. Walt Nelson requestine an interview as a possible apoointee to the Board. President Clarke stated that Yr. Walt Nelson was not in the area at this time and requested the Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary to contact Mr. Walt Nelson ~V letter requesting his nresence at the next regular meeting, January 17, 1963, at 8:00 P.~., for an interview. A decision has not as vet been reached by the Directors and apolications are still being received. President Clarke stated that the newsoaoer had contained an articl~ stat[ne that the applications were no longer being accented and stated that this is not so. Anyone interested in the vacancy which now exists on the Board of Directors are ureed to send ~n their request for an interview. President Clarke also stated that the Directors wish to come to a unanimous decision as to the oossible future Director and as vet a un- animous decision has not been reached. Director Fesler also stated that because the Directors have not decided unanimously on an aooointee to the board it does not in any way reflect on the ones that are interested amd because a decision has not been reached - - -it does not mean that the ones that have expressed a desire to become a Director are not being considered. Director Wakeman stated, and Director Stewart agreed, that all candidates are be~n~ considered and none have been ruled out. P.~SOLUTIO~.,S: Attorney Holtom requested that the following resolution be adooted: RESOLUTION ~O. 417: A RESOLUTIOU OF INTENTION TO ~gAKE CHAUCES AND MODIFICATIONS SANITARY SEWERA~-E P~OJECT NO. 1960-1 (Parcel change from 31-~67 -a to 31 ~52 04) Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman that Resolution" 417 be aooroved Vote unanimously carried. MANAGER'S RECOMMEt~DATIONS: General ~anager Pridav requested that Clerk of Board a Ex- Officio Secretary Mallory be given a 5% salary increase effective January 1, 1965. Mr. Pridav stated that Mr. Mallory is also the Office ?anager, Accountant and Assistant Treasurer of the District. Mr. Pridav further stated that this request would bare to be approved by the Directors as an increase for the Manaeer and Clerk of Board is not included in the Resolution. RECULAP MEETIIIG JA}:UAPY 3, !9~3 Director Wakeman stated that the Auditors Renort shows that Mr. Mallerv has been doine an excellent job and fe~t that the District would have nothinF'to worry about bv grantinF General Manager Pridav's recuest. Director Stewart stated that the Directors should be aware of the salaries that the personnel of the District makes and General Manager Priday stated that all salaries are public information and that for the salary increases for the ~eneral Manager and the Office Manager the board must aDnrove. Director Wakeman moved that eeneral Manae~er Pridav's request for a 5% salary increase for Mr N.R Mallerv be accented Director Stewart seconded - unanimously carried. President Clarke stated that he has always felt that a man is worthy of his hire and if he is not worthy of his hire one does not keen him. STANDBY PAY FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS PERSONNEl,: general Manager Pr]day recommended that the oersonnel that are reeuested to be on standby duty et home be given two and one-half days pay ocr week for this duty. 2~en the men are on standby, they must be at their home 24 hours and by mavlng them two and one-half days ncr wee~ for tbls, they will have more of an incentive to do this. General Manager Pridav was requested to submit this reouest in writing and nresent to the Board for study. MEETIUG QUARTERS: General Manager Pridav was requested to check with the Fire Dent. (Tahoe ?alleY) and report back to the board at the next regular meeting regarding the use of the Fire House for the District's meetings. SERVICE CHARGES: Clerk of Board Mallerv read a letter from Edward L. Burton Co., Salt Lake City,' b~h, and from Haskins & Sells regarding billing orocedures. Discussion was held at a previous meeting of the Board regarding service charges to be billed in advance. Clerk of Board Maller~ followed through with this and the above mentioned letters were information regarding advance (each year) service charge billings. Wr. Mallerv wJll continue to obtain information regarding this and will remort to the Directors. LAND COMMITTEE REPORT: Director Stewart, Chairman of the Land Commi~ttee, read following reoort: "Since the last regular District Meeting of December 6th, the Land Committee has met twice - December llth and December 28th. Those nresent were Director Fesler, General Manager Pridav, Mr. Chaoman Wentworth - Tahoe Tribune, Mr. C.F.(Flio)Brandi - Lake Tahoe News. At the meeting of December llth, the fo]lowin~ business was d.[scussed and action taken: ITEM 1: Lake Tahoe Unified School District· Since we bad not receiv~ a formal request, so as to have a clear understanding as to their wa~ta, no action was taken. ITEM 2: ORDINANCE: An Ordinance nrohibiting the use of any ~ortion of the surface of sanitary sewer line easement oremlses for construction or location of improvement· It was the decision of the Committee to aoorove this Ordinance· ITEM 3: HAROOTUNIAN PROPERTY STUDY FOR E~ERGENCY US~: This item was referred back to our Manager for add'it'i"onal engineering information. ITEM 4: FOREST SERVICE LAND IN SECTION 10 FOR EFFLUENT DISPOSAl, SITE: This District received from the U. S. Forest Service an outline 'set't'i~g forth the terms and conditions required for use of additional Forest Service ].ands by this District in the form of an amendment to our ~resent use hermit. After considerable discussion, this Committee referred the Forest Service offer to our Manager for further study and recommendations and requested a reoort from him at the next Land Committee meeting. Another item on Sectio~ 10 was a discussion regarding the future construction of Highwav 5~ freeway possibly interferring with a disnosal sJte in that area; how- ever, it was 'decided that this item was a future oroblem and not a oresent one and will be handled at a future date· WITH THIS THE ~..~m~.~ ....... LAND COMMITTEE OF DECEMBER 78~, 1962: ITEM 1: SOUTH TAHOE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT: A formal reeuest had been received by this date and after due consideration by the Land Committee it [s recommended that: F,E~,ULAP. MEETIN2 JA:i ~. Y 3, .... LAND COMMITTEE REPORT (cont.) ITEM 1: SOUTH TAHOE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT: (cont.) The oresent plans of this District do not include usage at this time of lands Ivin~ east of the oresent boundaries of this Treatment Plant or our oresent Holdine Pond. ITEM 2: HAROOTUNIAN PROPERTY: STUDY FOR EYERGENCY USE. Engineerine information was no't a~ilable at this meeting so study was referred to next meeting. ITEM 3: FOREST SERVICE LAND IN SECTION 10 FOR EFFLUENT DISPOSAL SITE: Genera:l Manager Pri'~ ~'d~' ~'is'~'~ort in regards to the Forest Service offer of lands in Section 10 and considerable discussion followed. It was decided that further study would be necessary before a recommendation is made to the Board of Directors by the Land Committee." Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Feeler, unanimous!v carried, that the Ordinance recommeflded by the Land Committee Chairman be aooroved. However, following discussion - oaragraph two of this Ordinance needs to be clarified and Attorney J. Weidman will clarify same and~renort at the next regular meeting. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried that the Land Committee's recommendation, which is: "THE PRESENT PLANS O? THIS DISTPICT DO !lOT INCLUDE USAGE AT THIS TIME OF LANDS LYING EAST OF THE PRESENT BOUNDARIES Or THIS TREATMENT PLANT OR OUR PRESENT HOLDINg POND", be accepted and that a letter be written to the Lake Tahoe U~ified School District advising of the Board's action. UNASSESSED PROPERTIES: Mr. Harlan Mover stated that Clair A. Hill & Asseclates are in the orocess of preparing the 1962-1 Annexation Soecial Assessment Poll and nointed out that some parcels that were excluded and not assessed when a orior special assessmen+ district was formed of which they were a oart. Mr. Yover stated that in his ooinlon these unassessed orooerties shall be assessed in accordance with the latest calculations rather than an amount of any assessment from any or, or snecial assessment district. Attorney Holtom stated that rather than give. one parcel the benefit by an engineering ooint of view - - they should not be treated as an o~ershio from 1960-1 but included in the Assessment District 1967-1. Attorney J. Holtom will opeoare an OPDINANCE for the next regular meeting, January 17, 1963, and nresent to the board for anoroval. TOTAL FLOWS: Total Flow (Sparline Meter) and Daily Average from January through December of 1962 are as follows: ~.L~ste~. ~. iDforma~.[on only - ~p action taken) TOTAL FLOWS DAILY AVEPACE Jan. "~"1,347 ,000 g~llons 682,100 ~allons Feb. 30,173,000 "(Storm Water !nfil.) 1,077,600 " Mar. 29,683,000 957,510 Aor. 37,998,000 1,266,600 Mav 29,675,000 957,2~0 June 32,917,000 1,097,000 July 37,953,000 1,223,000 Aug. ~1,351,000 1,333,000 Sent. 31,368,000 1,046 Oct. 26,416,000 852,000 Nov. 27,193,000 906,~66 Dec. 27,295,000 880,~3 Total Flow for 1962 Monthly Average: Datlv Average: 374,369,000 3!,197,~16 !,025,666 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried that ~h'e'~hecks in the amount of..$.21,~05.73 be a~oroved for oavment. ADJOURNMENT: 11:00 P.M. N. R. I~ALLERY, CLERK OF BbARD- & ~X-OFFICIO SECRETARY OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DONALD L. CLARKE, PPESIDENT - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTPICT PECUI.,AP MEETINC OF THE BOAPP 0TM PI~ECTOPS O? THE SOUTH TAt!Oil PUBLIC UTILTTY DISTPIOT J~NUAPY 17,1963 The B-oard of Directors met in reeular session January 17, 1963, at the Sewage Treatmert Plant at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Fesler and Stewart. Aisc oresent were eeneral Manager Pridav, Clerk of Board Maller~,, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, Engineer Harlan Mover and Les Shouoe, Walt Nelson, Pore Woodcock, Melvin SorinKmever, James r. Smith, Mrs. Manuela LoDez, Donald Richardson, Chaoman Wentworth, Mr. Paloh Andersen, ~r. gll Keohler, Jr., Ed Hagertv, .... ABSENT: President Donald L. Clarke. APPOINTHENT OF CHAIRYAN PRO TEY:Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ste~ar~, unanimouslV carried that Director Wakeman be amoointed Chairman Pro Tam for the meeting of January 17, 1963. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried,, that the minutes of January 3, 1963, be aporoved. YANAGER'S REPORT: General Hana~er Pridav read his renort and Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Hanager's PeDort be a cceoted. Director Fesler asked General Manager Pridav ~f he felt that it was adv{sable for th~ Directors meetings to be held at the Tahoe Valley Fire House. Cenera] Manaeer Pridav stated that he did R~9 feel it was advisable and that the only drawback would be that the District files would not be on hand if information is needed for a meeting. Director Fesler moved that the Ordinance now in effect be amended to chamge the time and o!ace of the District Meeting's to be held at the Tahoe Valley ~{re House, Taho~ Valley, California. This will'be thirty-one (31) days after th[s meet[n? which will be the third (3rd) Thursday in February, 1963. Director Stewart seconded and the vote carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: Direc~r~esler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously cart{ed, t--~t ~'~~ON NO. ~%which is a : RESOLUTION ORDE~INn CHAN~ES & YODIFIOAT!ONS- SANITAP, Y SEWERACE PROJECT NO. lq60-1 be approved. ORDINANCE NO. 94: Director Stewart moved, seconded bv Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that ORDII'[ANCE 94, which is: AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PPOHIBITING THE USE OF ANY PORTION OF THE SURFACE OF SANITARY SEWEN I.INE EASEUENT PREYISES FOR CONSTRUCTION OR LOCATION OF IYPROVEYENTS, be approved. CRESCENT "V" SUBDIVISION: Attorney Holtom stated that the E-n~ineer has the Notice of Comnletion for the Crescent "V" Subdivision ready for aooroval by the Board orov~d[nK all funds due the District from the Crescent "V" Subdivision have been received. Hr. N.R. Hallerv stated that all funds have not been received from the Crescent "V" Subdivision. The Notice of Completion will be adopted and filed at the time funds are received by the District. NEW BUSINESS: SPLIT PAPCEL: Attorney Holtom stated that the County Assessor and Auditor's Off{ce, Placerville, California, advised him that there has been a split oarcel in lo~O-~ end requested the Board to accept a RESOLUTION BY TITI,E, which is: RESOLUTION NO. 418: A RESOLUTION DIRECTING ~.~B. KINe OF AU M4ENDED AoSEaSkENT 1960-~ Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried that P~SOLUTION NO. 418, be accepted by title. Mr. Ralph Andersen stated that he had telephoned Ur. N.P.Yallerv and requested information on sewage flows and salaries if these were available to the m:blic. Yr. Andersen stated that Hr. Mallory advised him this was confidential information and that he did not oersonallv have the sewage flow information and would have to discuss Yr. Anderson's request with Hr. W.F. Pridav, general Manager. Mr. Andersen asked Attorney J. Weidman if this information was confidential or avaitat~e to the public. Attorney Weidman stated to Mr. Andersen that there .is a Peso!uticn concernine salaries,that it is oublic;amd if a citizen oresents himself at the office, it will. be furnished to him. RECULAR MEETIN~ January 17, Iqa3 Mr. Harlan Mover, Engineer, stated that the sewaee flows for l~mn-~l are muh]~c amd that final sewaRe flow records for lg61-67 are not totally verified amd mot vet a Dart of the Board mroceedin~s and therefore not mub]~c. Mr. N.R. Mallory stated to theBoard that Mr. ~ndersen did ca!] h~m at the efface and asked if the information was available to him and stated that he m~nt[onmd to Mr. Andersen that before releas[ne any information reRard[nm salar~ms he would ~ave to discuss the sub~ect with Mr. W. F. mridav, meneral ~anaeer. ~r. Wa!]~r~, further stated to the Board that he did not have the sewame flows for ]~c0-ml, or ]~; also, that Mr. Andersen did not ammear at the office, at least not tm ~r. ~.~a]lerv's knowledFe. General Mona?er Pridav stated that any information the mubl[c desires from the District has been available and he did not think anyone had ever been remused information that a~eared at the District office and remuested such; howmver, as to an employee's salarv, Mr. Pridav stated that th[s should never be miven to one over the telemhone as he feels it is not their business. There is a resolution or an ordinance to cover salaries and if one desires to see this they will be shown the document at the District Office. As to the sewage flows, Mr. Pridav stated that no one has been turned down as to the fi?ures when they have ammeared at the office and requested such. INTERVIEWS: Clerk of Board Mallory read letters from ~r. Wa].t Nelson, ~r. James Smith, Mr. Pare Woodcock, Mr. Melvin SnrlnRmever and ~r. Horst Pemchel reouest~n~ an interview with the Board of Directors for the vacancy which now exists for a Director of the Board. Mr. Horst Paschal was notified that the regular meeting was to be held January 1963, at 8:00 P.M. at the Sewage Treatment Plant, and did not annear for the interview. '.'r., . Walt Nelson, Mr. James F. SmJth~ Mr. Pare Woodcock and ;.~r. ~,~elvln Snrinmme~,er. were interviewed by the Directors. The men stated their educational bache, round, what their motive for an~lvin? for the vacancy was, etc. Mr. ~{etvin Snrin~mever, however, could not be considered a nossihle ammointee to the Board because he does reside at MJnden, Nevada a Rood mart of the veer. The Directors thanked the interested men who ammeared for an interview amd Director Wakeman stated that a dec~sion has been reached and wil2 be anmou~ced at the next rezular meetinz when President Clarke will be mresent. LAND COMMITTEE REPORT: Director Stewart stated that the Land Committee met January 9, 1963, and discussed with Mr. R. Entzmln?er of the U.S. merest Service, uses of the land belonRing to the Forest Service which the Land Committee i~ now studvinR for effluent disoosal. Director Stewart stated that a definite decision was not made a~d the discussion held was re~ardin~ the contract the District would have wi. th the U.S. Forest Service. PAYFENT OF CLAIMS: Director Stewart moved, seconded bv Director Fas!er, unanimously carried, that the checks _~n the amount of $??,lIa. Sq be aooroved for na~ment ADJOURNYENT: Chairman Pro Tam Wakeman adqourned the meetine at 10:o0 O.M. ROBEPT WAKEMAN, CHAIN-MAN P~O TEM SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC HTILITY DISTOICT N.R.MALLERY, CLERK OF BOARD & EX-OFt. SEC. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REnULAP '.fEETINC 0r THE BOARD 0r DIrECTOrS THE SOUTH TAHOE mUBLIC fITILITY ~ ~ Om rEBIUARY 7, 1963 The Board of Dir actors met in regular session rebruar,* 7, ]Q~3, P:O0 P.M. ROLL CA[,[,: Present were President Clarke, Directors real,r, Stewart ar? Wakem~p. ,~Tso ~res¢~t were General ~anae~er Prldav, Clerk ofBoard ~allerv, EnEineer Har]8r ~c,*er,.. , ~ttorme** Job~ WoOdman, Attorney J. Holtom, Les Shou~e, "r. end Mrs. J. ~. Taylor, Wt. ~,~..V.D.Jobnso~,~r. James r. Smith, Mr. E. Haeertv, Mrs. Manuals Lomem, ~r. Walt Kambaha, .;. C. m[ksom, ~r , Kortes, Mr. D. Pichardson, Mr w I,ittle, Ur. Jo~n ~'r~,, Tahoe Tribute, Mr. ~ ~'~e~,.,~+~ . . ~ ~T =~ Wood~ Wry. Arl~me Mr. Walt U-elson, Mr John Pcberts, Ur P~]_~h Ander .... , ~r. .cfm .... , Thomas. MIUUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the minutes of January 17, 19~ be a~nroved as written. MA~ACER'S REPORT: General Yanaeer read his report which is as follows: "YanaKer's Re9ort February 7,1963 PLAI[T OPEPATIOU: The recent storms created considerable ~rob]ems and damaee to the fol].ow~n~ facilities: The berm around the ballast ~ond washed out in five ~!aces. Area around Snarlln~ meter washed away. Prlmarv sedimentation tank collect[pR mechanism ~ammdd due to excessive debris broke shear ~ins too fast to re,!ace. The tank is heine drained to locate trouble." (General ~anaeer Pridav stated this has been taken care of and back Sm service,) "~!eter transmitter blew out mercury seal on narshall flume ~l, ~robablv due to beavv surges of water and influent. This meant considerable time s~ent transferr~ne read[nOs from flume to #2 transmitter. Both sludge drvine beds had washed out harms. Ail numo stations oneratln~ well under the impact of infiltration (whlc~ was fn excess of 5 m.g.d, over normal) cominff into Treatment Plant. HOLDIN~ PO~ID AND SPRAY DISPOSAL: Considerable erosion has taken ~lace on berm, Eight (80) feet of interceptor ~itch filled with soil and debrfs; also, one s~ot washed out. A total of 20 control irri~atlon ditches at three different levels on h~l] hav~ to be re- paired due to washes. Flow back line from interceptor ditch to oond has to be repaired. Johnson road, north and south of ~lant, damaeed and made unsafe for travel and so indicated by barricades ~laced by District ~ersonnet." (General ~ana~er Prldav stated that this has been taken care of.) "Manhole No. 1-]2 on the Beach Trunk Line at Lakevlew and North Poads was almost washed out. This could have been a ma~or ~roblem resultin~ in serious consesuences. Many manholes were under water, includin~ those access holes to the u~dercround pumping stations. Director Stewart and I made a rather extensive survey durin? the stor~ and it was our opinion that the infiltr~tlon could not have come solely from manholes. Other factors, such as floor drains, Goon ends of sewer connections (after trailers and bul].d~.nes had been moved) and the nrobabilltv of someone removine manhole covers to relieve water ccnd[tlons were heavv contributors. Due to the extensive workload out on the Treatment Plant bv storm water intrus~om, ~t mi?bt well be a consideration br the Board (as expressed bv Director Stewart) to ~ost a ~ reward for any ~erson having information that would lead to the arrest and copvlct~on of anvone using the sewage collectJon system as a ~round water drainage s~stem." Director Fesler moved, seconded bv Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the ~ZanaFer's Re~ort be acce~ted. ]~.~SURANCE (MR. C. GIBSON): Mr. C. Gibson of C. M. Gibson & Associates brlef]v stated the coverage the District has rezardin~ insurance, tie also stated that the ]arffest policy the District has is the fire ~olicv. Also discussed were Genera] Liabilltv r[delitv Bonds Hosoltalization & Su~ica] /Coverage for employees. District Vehicle - Oollis~on and Comorehensive. legardlng the District Vehicles - Yr. ~fbson stated that there have beep nc bcd{Iv injury liability claims to em~lovees and verV little damaffe to the vehicles c-d that ~be District Maintenance is outstandinff in safety. Mr. O[bson stated that the Insurance fiqure for the District Coveraee for one year is aooroximatelv $5,000.00 mlus, exc]uslve of the Workmen's Commensat[on. Renular }'eot i~.n -2- _[~AP, D VA_~_q~iGy: Director hasler stated that at the last regular meetlne, Director Wakeman mentioned that a decision had been reached re?ardine the annolntment of another Director to fill the vacancy which now exists on the board. Director Pealer further atated that statement made by Director Wakeman was misunderstood and be moved t~at tko Directors to fill the vacancy on the bas~s of a s!m~le ma~orltv, Director Wa~ema~ seconded, vot~ carried unanimously. Director Stewart moved that Walt Nelson be aPnointed to fi]! the vacancy on t}'~ Boar~. }lo second - lost. Director Pesler moved that Ed Heeartv be considered to fill the vacancy, second - lost. Director Wakeman moved that James Smith be considered for the vacancy; Pirector r~l~r seconded. P{r. Smith was asked if he would accent the nesit~on if voted ~n and !'~r. Smith stated t~'at h~ would be honored to do so but mentioned that since his interview he moved ?~is ~!~c~ of residence to the Black Bart Area. This area is not within t?,e boundaries ef t~e D[str','ot; therefore, ?r. Smith was not eli~r, ible to be considered to fill t}~ vacancy on the Bear~~. Director Stewart reouested a~ain that Walt Nelson be considered for the vacancy. No second lost. Director Wakeman moved, seconded bv Director resler, that Don Kortes be annolnted to the Board. Discussion was held regardln~ this motion and it was decided that Hr. Kertes call Dr. Dou~hertv and eot his thoughts on Mr. Kortes servin~ on the Board of D~rectors for t~e South Tahoe nublic Uti!itv District. RECESS TEN ,~'~INUTES: Following the recess, ~r. D. Kortes mentioned that Ne contacted ~r. Dou~herev by t~l~nhone a~ Dr. Doughertv stated that it would be an honor to the School Distr{ct to ~ave eno of t~e~r teachers serve on the Board of Directors for the South Taho~ mubl~c Ut:lit- D:strlct. Dr. Doughertv further stated that the School District would be very willing te ass~t ~r. Kertes for snecial afternoon or other snecial meetings that do arise dur{nR t~e school Yours. Vote carried by maioritv - Mr. Stewart castlnR a "N~" vote that Mr. Don Kortes ~ anneint~d to the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. President ClarPe welcomed }~r. Kortes and Director Wakeman reouested of the President that Mr. Kort~s sit in for the remainder of the meeting. CAi.iCELLATION OF PER~{ITS: General Manager Prldav read a letter from Frs. Dorothy Hrones revues' ~ng cancellation of her ~ermit. This permit was obtained October 2, 1961, and at the time the three buildings should have been connected to the sewer; however, onl- eno was and Mrs. Hrones now reouested that the District cancel her ~ermit. There will be no refund due Mrs. }{rones. Director Wakeman moved that the District follow throuRh with Mrs. Hrones reeuest and cancel. her permit. Director hasler seconded. Director Stewart moved that the move be amended to table this request for further study; Director Wakeman seconded and vote carried unanimously. MEETING QUARTERS FOR THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBI,IC UTILITY DISTRICT MEETINCS: Hr. Norman Woods, Chairman of the Fire Bo~rd,'~a~ that the Fire Department is very ~].eas~d that the D~strlct will hold their meetings at the Fire House. }~r. N. Woods also stated that tables and chairs will be needed but the mlcronhones will not be needed. ANNEXATIONS: Attorney J. Holtom stated that the Van Sickle annexation (Crescent v. Subdivision) has been forwarded to the E1 Dorado County Board of Sunerv~sors. Attorney Holtom also mentioned to the Directors that 1961-1. ~nnexatlon }~as been f::!~d. LAND COMMITTEE REPORT: Director Stewart read the [,and Committee Report which is as fe!}ows: "The last land committee meetine renort was Dresented to the Board January Land Committee meeting of January 9th at which time we met with ~r. Pobert Nnt?mireer of the U.S. Forest Service at Meyers, in r~ards to U.S.rorest Service The last meetin~ of the [,and Committee was held ~ebruarv r-, ].og3, a~d t},ose nr~se?_t ~,.}er~ General Mans?er Prldav, Director Fas]er, Honorary m~mber- ,'r. C.=. }~rn~d'[, a~d ?~rector Stewart." LAN?~ CO~,{HITTEE rEPOrT (cont.) "The e · ee bu.,nh s on hand was the Harootunian Pronertv and After further study and discussion of the Harootunian nroDertv, ~t was moved ky Director Fesler, that this Committee discontinue any further consideration of th~ Hareotu~an nronertv for ~osslble effluent disposal use because of ~osslblv nollut~n? or contaminatin~ a water well in the immediate area used to sunnlv the nubllc. }'etlon was seconded by Brandi and carried unanimously. In regards to the U.S. Vorest Service Land Use Permit, all items within the ~ermit were studied and further discussion held after which time "r. Vlin Brand[, moved t~at the U.S.Forest Service Land use hermit coverine 200 acres of land sub~ect to the rental fee commencinR on the starting date of actual use of the ~ronert-. ~otion was seconded by Director ?esler and Carried unanimous!v. We would also llke to add to this renort some of our f~ndln~s and re~o%iat{oms eceomnllshed in re~ards to the U.S.norest Service I,and Use ~ermit. 1. This is a new ~ermit; it is not an amendment to the one we ~resent]v have and for th[s reason it was 6ossible to resolve many ob~ct~ons and nroblems ~t~ms outlined bv Land Committee dur[nz our course of study and we honest!v ?~]{~ve this land to be very suitable for effluent disnosal use. It was moved by Director Vesler that the Chairman of the [,and Committee re~ort and recommend to the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe ~ublie Ut~llt D~str[ct t~'o acceptance of the U.S.Forest Service Land use ~ermit as ~rev~ouslv outlined {n this re~ort. Hotlon was seconded by Hr. rli~ Brandl and carried unanlmousl~,." Director Stewart, Chairman of the Land Committee, moved that the U.o.; ,r .... Service Land Use Permit, coverlne 200 acres of land, subject te the rental fee commencinR on the startln~ date of actual use of the nronertv he annrcved; Director Wakeman seconded and the vote carried unanimously. General Hana£er Pridav will write a letter to P~r. A. Harootunian thankine himffor his offer and his interest regarding the District nroblem of land for effluent President Clarke thanked D~rector Stewart for the [,and Committee Renort and referred same to the Planning Committee Chairman, Director Fesler, for cost study. CORRESPONDENCE: FPOH: E. PEPPY TO: DIRECTORS O? THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC [!TILITY DIST=ICT "Dear Sirs: I wish you would give careful consideration before enterin~ into a new contract for sewerage disnosal for Nevada. I'm ou[te sure that such a contract to handle al! the sewerage would lead to very serious trouble in the near future for the CalJfornla residents. I think Nevada should solve their own nrob!ems by nutting in their own dlsnomal nlant. I would appreciate vour comments on this. Sincerely yours, s/ Ervln C. Perry, ~errv's ~ote!" Central ;{ana~er Pridav will acknowledge rece~mt of Hr. E.G. Perr~,,'s letter. General }~ana~er Pridav stated that ~eo~le sheu!d realize that Nevada nays of every dollar that the District is being taxed for. Should Nevada decided to humid facilities of their own, this District would have to absorb the ~0% er an 25 to 30 cents on their tax rate. PAYHENT OF CLAIHS: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried that the checks and warrants in the amount of $10,386.92 be annroved for navment: CHECKS:= $10,386.92 WARRANTS:= $50,000.00 (transfer of fund~ only) Hr. R. Andersen asked General ?ana~er Pridav if the insnectors are renuired to check all sentic tanks to see if they have been numbed and filled. Hr. }r!dav ~tated that the District res~onsibi!itv is malnlv to check the connection to the sewer ].in~s; however, if the nubl[c desires - this can be checked by District Inspectors. ADJO~ .~I,:E~IT: 10:15 D ,d,~,ALD L.CL,~Pi~(E, P~ESIDE~!T SOUTH TAHOE P[JBI,IC t?T~]i~Tv ~ c m~ ~ PEBNUAPY 7, 19~3 REnULP? t'EETINn O? THE BOA~? OPP,D!PECTOPS O? TItF SOUTH TAHOE n[JBT,IC UTILITY P,ISTPICT FEBRUAPY 21., 1962 The Board of Directors met in re?ular session at the Taboo Va!l,~v 1963, at 8:00 Fol!owln;! the salute to the flag, President Clarke stated that all ' ~ ~+ , attendlnR the meetinR are to Dark on the side facln~ the ~ire House and not in front or around the Church buildin?. POLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors WaPeman, Kortes, Stewart and rosier, General Yanager Pridav, Clerk of Board Vallerv, ~ttornev J. Yeidman, Jttorne',, J. Nol. tom, Engineer H, Mover, Walt L~ttle, John ~urnhv, P. Andersen, Wm. Taylor, W. Ka~haba, Norman Woods, D. R~chardson, Vr. and t,~rs. J.A. Taylor. .',TII,IUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seoonded by P,irector Pealer, unanimously carrier], that the minutes of February 7, 1.963, re?ular meetinn be ap~roved as corrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: Oeneral Hanager Oriday read bis renort which is as follows: "t~AIAGER'S PEPORT FEBRUARY 21, 1963 "PLANT OPERATION: Almost immediately after the storm subsided, the flow throueh the treat= ment nlant went back to normal. This tends to 4ustifv our theory that the infiltration is from surface run-off and not through the sub-surface collection s-stem. We are contlnuip~ our efforts to shut out surface infiltration by closer insoection on onen end lines, drains, and coverin~ additional manholes sub~ect to water run-off. We lost about three feet of freeboard in the holdin? nond due to excessive run-off. If favorable weather holds for the next two weeks, we can draw the nond donna aea~n. The oond now has 9'-5-1/2" of freeboard. CENEPAI. INFOPP~ATION: The office has had a number of neon]e object to extra insn~ction fees. These extra insnections are due to imorooer and imcomnlete installations. If the {nsta]l=r calls for an insnection with the intent of Rettin? bv with somethln?, or when the hook-un is not comolete, it necessitates an extra insnection and thus the additional cbaree. contractor knows this and the oeonle hiring the work done should not make final navment until any question of extra charges is cleared. It should not be the resnonslbi!~tv of prcnertv owner to Day for extra inspections due to mistakes made by contractors. A soecial meeting was called bv the California Water Comnact Commission yesterday,Wednesday, February 20, 1963, to discuss with the South Tahoe Public Utilltv District certain aspects relating to exportation of reclaimed water. It is ~uite aooarent that co~slderabte confusion arose when the two commissions tried to answer a recent request from this Distr~ct and the Nevada District to export effluent out of the Lake Tahoe Basin. As t~e Comnact now stands, it nrohibits any sewage effluent from ?oin~ into Lake Tahoe or its tributaries and, in turn, it makes it nracticall¥ imoossible to exoort same from the Basin. It is our contention that the comoact should be flexible enou?h to make allowances for cban~ne conditions and treatment methods during the years to come. After more than two hours of discussion, it was aRreed by the California Comnact Commission to bold in abeyance any action on our request until a study was made of the basin Surve~ Penort now heine made b,, the Lake Tahoe Area Council." Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the ,ana?er's Reoort be aporoved as read. ADVANCE BILLINg: A brief discussion was held re~ardinf advance bi]!in~ and President stated that this will be on the Agenda for the first meetin? in Varch. SE~R CO~.iECTIO,~ RE THE BAP-B-OUE KITCHEN t'~P WALT : ..... Walter Uixdorf ~respnt~ a letter to the Board of Directors reeue2tine connection of b~s restaurant only. ~ceord[n~ the the Ordinance, Mr. Walter Nixdorf was told that all buildings on one lot must he connected. Ceneral YanaKer Pridav read a letter from the District Inspector fn w~ch the Insnectcr mentioned that a seotic tank on the mrom~rtv (Yr. Walter Nixdorf'~) ]DCa+ed i~' +x~ r~ar of the Oastaldi Real Estate Office, was caved in and omen thereby ~resentln~ a health ~rok~]em as we].l as bein~ daneerous as a child or an animal could easily, fell ~ntc th~s t~,'. The letter also mentioned that no protection of any kind has been ~rovlded r~ t~`~ sent{c +enk. The insnector recommended that all of tb~ nrooertv he connected at th~ name time. Director Fesler stated that we have a mo!icy to cover this situation and "r. !'ixdcrf made this apmlication before our rule and moved that we allow ~r. Nixdorf the relief t~,=.t he asks and the other mrooertv be connected within a year. No second - motion ]DSt. Director Kortes moved, seconded bv ~' + Yes +~'~* this renuest next meet~nr - in which time the Uana~er will re~ort to thc Board a re~ort cf his f[~d;~.,~,,,.:, reeerdinr ccm~ect[o~ of the rostaurant or, not connect all the mrcmertv. -- ]!at carried. Director resler moved that a ~ermit be issued temmorarilv for the rasteuravt a~d ell other ~ronertv to be connected as of the dates we wilt nut on t~c m~rmit. Director Wakeman amended the motion of Director Fesler to read that this nerm{t be ~ssued to connect the restaurant and the motel unless the ~'ana?er's ReDort mroves that both cannot be connected at this time and if it is imnossible to mane both connections, then ~r. Nixdorf should be granted a nartlal hermit for his restaurant. Director Kortes seconded and the vote was three (3) aves and one (1) no. Carried. Yr. Ralnh Andersen stated to the Board that Yr. Nixdorf is trvir~ to do right but be- cause the ~otel business is not what it used to be - and finaneia!]v he cannot connect all at one time, as well as other reasons, and felt that some consideration should be given to Ur. Nixdorf re~ardin? his recuest. HARPER AUD BAYTEP LAW SUIT: Attorney J. We[dream briefly exmla~ned to the ~rectors what the Harmer and Baxter law suit consisted of, and that the District is in e safe mosit}om. However, he will see there are no loomholes. P, ESOLUTIOU~~ "BE IT HEREBY ~ESOLVED THAT ~PANK C. SOUZA WAS ~N UUTI~IU~ P, UD DEDICATED WORKER FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. TH~Or~aN HIS EFFOP, TS AND PERSONAL SACRIFICE Or TIr,~E, ~ANY THIN¢S WEPE ACCOVPLISHED. HE WAS A GUIDIN¢ FO¢CE IN ESTABLISHINC THE PILOT PLANT OPERATION ~F TIIE ~IT-COU PPOOESS FOR ?ECLAIUIN~ WATER, WHICH WILL EFFECT TREY. ENDOUS ECONOYIES IN THE EYmD'ffSIO~[ Ov OU? PLANT FACILITIES. HE WAS VERY INSTRUYENTAL IN ESTABI,ISHINa A BUILDIN~ CODE ~O¢ EL DORADO COUNTY THROU~,H THE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. fie WAS E×TREt/ELY HELPFUL AS A },"Et~BEP Or' THE COUHTY ~DVISOPY W~TE~ CO~,'YITTEE AS WEI,L .6S THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBEIC UTILITY DISTPICT WATEP STUDY n~OUP. IU T~IIS CAP~CITY, HIS ?AS ~PT OF A UNANI~{OUS VOTE TO RECO~WEND TO THE COUNTY SUPEPVISO~S THAT THE t:UPEAr' O~ PECL~'~TIO~ BE ASKED TO UAKE A FEASIBILITY STUDY OF WATER PESOUPCES IN THE TAHOE BASIU, WHICH THEY SUBSEOUENTLY DID. IT WAS WITH P~C~RET THE BOARD ACCEPTED HIS PESIaUATION AS g DIPECTO? FOP WE AL.[, K~'EW FRANK C. SOUZA WOULD BE DIFFICULT TO REPLACE. THE BOA?D WISHES HI5~ CO~XPLETE SUCCESS WITH ANY OTHER VENTURE IN WHICH HE UAY ENaASE." Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Yes!er, unanimous] .... carr{ed, that the above RESOLUTION ~be adopted. CORPESPONDENCE: TO: "W.F. Pridav, Fans.ear South Tahoe Public Utility Distrfct P.O. Box 825 Bi~ou, California RE: C?EASE TPAPS IN r'OOD ESTgBLI,~Ho u=,~;l,,,o~e Dear ~r. Pridav: This letter wi]] confirm eenera] between the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTII.ITY DISTPIOT amd t~e E1 Dorado County Health 'Deoartment reeard~.ng of 7rease trams ~n food esta~]{shments ut~]iz!n~ mublic sewers of the South Tahoe Pub!~c Uti]it,, As you ~now, the matter was d~scuss~d some length, with our demartment reasoning that trams were unnecessary ~n the smaller establishments ~ue to lack of maintenance and in some cases creetip~ er~ater sanitary ~roblems than any they mieht alleviate. In addition, their installation also eliminates the moss[btlltv of Karba~e disposals in most ~nstances. The results of tb{s reeuirement bv the So~th Tahoe Pt~bl~c Utility Distrlcm has therefore aided in the creation of some {haan[tory in said establishments. On the other hand, the reoresentatlves of SOUTH TAHOE oUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT reasope~ that due to mast sewer maintenance ~rohl~ms and low lfpe temperatures, aomroximatelv ~a decrees r'ahrenbo[+, +hat the installation of crease trams was indicated, Tbfs bas also resulted in the e]im[nat~om of gerbaeo ~[~o~a]s restaurants. It was further stated t~at t}? solids from ?arbaee dismosal un[ts wou].d [ncreasa CORPESPOUDENCE (COUT.) -3- of the in fluent end shorten th~ anticinated llf° of the sewage treatment nlant and that their ellmlnat[on was ~ust[fied. '['he resultant of these two diverpent natterms o~ think{n~ was the establishment of a mutually accentable melior between the SO~TH TABOR PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT and the El Dorado Counev Health Department. Tkis policy relates only to srease traps and is as follows: "The grease traps will continue to be reouired by the South Tahoe P~bllc Uti!itv Di~trlct for all restaurants, but hereafter shall not be located ~n the food storage or restroom areas. They shall be eitb~r located outside the bu~ldinp or in an ~r~e accentable to the Health Office~ e.s. such We want to thank you and the members of your staff who have cooperated in these matters. Nest assured that we continue working with your agency, whenever necessary, te find a solution te our liouid waste disnosal problems within your ~urisdiction. sincerel'', EL DO~ADO COI~NTY HEALTtt DEP~.RTMENT RALPH E. SCOVEL, U.D., HEALTH OFFICEr ~s/-D_. H. TAYLOR,_ p..~. County Sanitarian DHT/eb cc: E1 Der. Crv Ad. of Su~. }%r~an Stewart, Bureau of Sanitary En?~er." General ~anaRer Pr[day stated that we wanted crease trees installed b~t e~,, nistr[et ~i~ not state where they Should be installed - that is u~ to the Health Department. PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT: Director Fesler (Chairman of the Plann[nR £ommittee) re~d t~ ~-cJllowing report: "The Planning Committee consist[ne of Directors Fesler sn~ Stewart, Presi?emt of the South Tahoe P~blic Utility District Donald L. Clarke, and Wanaser Pr[day, met the afternoon of February 15, 1963 with Engineer Yover and Attorney Weidman. Pre}imimar~ discussions were held relative to oossib!e sources of funds for financier necessary additions to the existin~ effluent d[snosal facilities. Also under consideration were the'related sub,eats of makine annlication for public Law 660 Funds as welI as ~ second amendment to the existing aereement for ~oint disnosal of sanitary sewage. Further committee study is contemplated before any recommendations will. be made. ' Respectfully submitted, Robert W. Pealer, Chairman Plannln~ Committee" TERTIARY WASTE TREATWENT PLANT REPORT: Engineer Harlan Yover .nresented the nreliminarv design report on a Ter't'i'a~' '[;~'~'s't'e Treatment Plant Drenared for the South Tahoe Public Utility 'District in cooneration with Clair A. H~]i & Associates, Wedd~n~, and the Consult[hA Engineers - Cornell, Howland, Haves and ~errvfield, Corvallis, Ore,on. This re~ort brings to final form the results of research and n~]ot nlant ~tu~ies conducted at South Tahoe and elsewhere. The nurDose of the reeort is to nresent all ayah!able i.nforma~ion essential for the des{re, construction, amd o~erat~o~ of edva~ce~ waste treatment facilities. pAY}~ENT OF CLAIWS: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director =esl~r, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $1.6,680.20 be aDnroved ss recommended by the General wencher. President Clarge thanked ~'r. Norman Woods, Chairman of the n~re n[strict Beard, FoP nermitting the Distr~ct to conduct their meetinff at the ripe house. AE~ Ot t~ r~ ,T. 9: 30 P ~' }[.P'.}.,fALL~'R'Y, C'L~i~,K bF"'BO'A'PD' '& E×-{'.FFIClO SEC. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTP!CT o ~ident Donald L. ClarPe, ~r .... Sea,Tn TAttOE PUB.TIC UTII,ITY FISTPlCT February ?] 1963 PECULA? t"!EETIi'KI OF THE BOA?D DIRECTORS 0v THE . b.~ L SOUTH TAHOE p TM xr UTILITY The Board of Directors met in reeu!ar session Warch 7, ]963, at the Tahoe ~'a!!e', nlra t[ouse, President Clarke called the meetin? to order at 8:00 ~.}~. ROLL CAf, L: Present were President Clarke, Directors BaSeman, Feslor, Stewart and Kortes. Also ~resent were Ceneral ~{ana~,er Prldav, Clerk of Board ~a]ler~, Attorney J. WoOdman, A~tor. ev J. Holtom, Eneineer t!arlan Mover, W.C. Taylor, W Johnson, }~r. g Vrs. ~.Tav!or, John .Vurohv, Walt Little, Donald Richardson. ~,~I~U~ES: Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously csrrie~, that the minutes of Wehruarv 21, 1963, be annroved as written. MANAGER'S REPORT: Director resler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimous],., carried, that the Yana~er's Renort (typed below) be annroved as read: "- ~ nE~'S PE,~O~T ?APCN 7,1963 PLANT OPERATION: ttoldinR pond freeboard Total flow for rebruarv Average daily flow 9 ft 30,536,0~0 1,oqo,ooo The daily f6ow for Nevada District increased somewhat to r!P7,0oO es!lens. Chlorine use for February: Total = 4,590 lbs. Daily ~vera~e = 164 lbs. Chlorine use showed an extra heavv use due to heavy flows and the bv-massine of the secondary treatmemt while making re,airs to the secondary s]udee collector. Extensive remairs are being made to this unit due to immro~er installation. Two lubrication aoints had been omitted and ~lu~ged off causing the remlacement of the smur ~ear hushlme and pin assembly. These re~alrs could take at least 300 man hours mlus materials. The lubrication assembly clearly shows on drawinz No. }t-75~29-6 by the Chain Belt but for some unknown reason was not installed. The No. 2 blower is out of service and the motor is beinq renaired b~ Brown ~ Milberrv Company of Reno. The Unit developed a severe ~ibration recently and tko em~arent causes were the armature out of balance and rou?h bearinss. The Martin Brothers Construction Coronary of Tahoe Valley are in the ~rocesa of installinK a 48" oval culvert on Johnson road. The recent storm indicated thi~ to be ~ necessity as the existine culvert was inadeouate and the road was washed out. The Martin Bros. were low bidders at $1,000.00 rive (5) informal bids received. W. ~ . PPIDAY" OLD BUSINESS: RESOLUTIONS: !. RESOLUTION NO. 420: ~ttornev J. Holtom recommende~ that +he ~ w~ resolution be adomted as all funds have been received for the Crescent "V" Subd[vision: , ~, ~ ?T A RESOLUTION ACCEPTIN~ SANITARY SEWERACE ~YSTE~ r~ C~ ...... E~,T "V" SUBDIVISION, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT (1963-1) Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 420 be adonted. ORDINAUCE: Attorney J. Holtom recommended that the following, ORDIL~A.UCE be adonte~: ORDIUANCE NO. 96: AN ORDI}',~A~CE DESCPIBI_UC TERRITORY P~OPO. SED TO BE ANNEXED DETERHININa THAT NO TEPWS ~.k~? COWDITIO:?S ARE NECESSARY, AUD DECLAPI,UC INTE'JTIOU TO ,^~PR~VE SWC!{ (ANNE×ATIO}[ L~O. 1963-1 - CRESCENT "V" S[JBDIV.) Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanlmousl~ carried, +~,,~t O~DINAi~CE NO. 96 be ado~ted. Y. arch 7, 1963 OLD BUSI!:ESS (cont.) WALTEP UIXDORF - SE%'ZR COU~ECTION (Discussed~at 2/?1/~3 regular meetlne: ~ e ..... o ~ ct~o~ for General ~!ana~er ~ridav nresented a re~ort to ,.h.. Directors re~ardins sewer c_n~e and recommended that al! the RiP wa~ W~nkle ?otel, ~=~ B n~ Kitchen (all o~ one ~arcel) buildines on this one ~arcel be connected. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the ~'anaeer'~ recommendation be accented. LOROTHY t{ O_,E,_ (Reouest for cancellation of her nermlt)(Tabled from the 9/21/6 regular meeting) Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that M~s. Hrones re- quest to have her permit'cancelled be granted. ADVANCE BILLING PROCEDURE: Clerk of Board Mal!erv read the Drocedure for advance bil!inl and following a brief d'iscussion, Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanlmous!v carried, that the Attorney prepare an Ordinance for the advanced billing and prior to accemta=ce of this Ordinance, this will again be considered. RESOLUTION NO. 421 : Attorney J. Holtom recommended that RESOLUTION NO. ~21, which is a · RESOLUTION DIRECTING ISSUANCE OF A DUPLICATE BOND, SANITARY SEWERAGE PPOJECT NO. 1960-~, be approved. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanlmouslv carried that Attorney J. Holtom's recommendation be accepted. LAKE TAHOE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (CORRESPONDENCE) : Clerk of Board ~-~al!erv read a letter from the Lake'.~hoe Uni~i'~d' Scho'ol-~istr'i'~t i~' whic~ the~, request that the South Tahoe Public Utility District waive the annexation fees for 100 acres of Johnson Estate nroDertv which will b~ used for a future school site. Following a brief discussion, mention was made that there are people enmomDasslng the school district that are not within the boundaries of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and they should bear their nroDortlonate share of the annexation fees, as they will be benefiting from something in which they are not paying for. Because of this, Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewa~, unanimously carried, that the request to waive the annexation fees be denied. General Manager Pridav will advise the Lake Tahoe Unified School District of the board's action. REGIONAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD: (Correspondence) General Manager Prida~' read a letter from the Regional Water Pollution Control Board in which they requested a report stating damages of the recent storm. General N~anager Pridav stated to the Board that a report is being prepared of all damages, etc., and will be sent to the Reglona~ Water Pollution Control Board. COMMITTEE REPORT: PL.ANNING COMMITTEE "The planning committee met on Feb 25, 1963, and again on March 6, 1~6.3. Both of these meetings involved further study of the three general problem areas presentl? under considera- tion by the District, namely financing of additional facilities, advisability of construction of tertiary treatment facilities, and a prooosed second amendment to the agreement for ~oint disposal of sanitary sewage. A decision was reached by the planning committee relative to financing and this decision was expressed by a motion made by Director Stewart and seconded by Manager Priday as follows: "The planning committee recommends to the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District that immediate action be taken to make application for a Public Law 660 Grant." The motion was passed unanimously. The South Tahoe Public Utility District presently has a high priority based on financial need and pollution points such that favOrable action on our application is more than possible. The application tentatively is based on $900,000 Construction costs and a total pro~ect cost of $1,11B,500. of which ~0% or $3~4,050. may be available in 660 law funds. It is to be emphasized that application for a Public Law 660 Grant must be oostmarked no later than March 80, 1968 and this is the reason that immediate board action is necessary. B? making this application the district is not bound to proceed with the proposed construction or spend any particular amount of money. The application must be made now if it is going to be made at all this year, and once made and approved the financing for whatever future pro~ects are decided upon by the board will be materially resolved. Pesoectfully submitted, ROBERT W. rESLER, PLANNING COMMITTEE CHA!P~A~ Director Kortes moved, seconded bv Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. ~19 which is a RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD 0~ DIRECT0~S OF SOUTH TRMOE P'----'--UBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO EXECUTE AN APPLICATION FOR FEDEPAL GRANT FOR SEWAGE TREATMEN% WORKS UNDER 33 USC ~66 ETSEQ. MARCH 7 1963 -3- Regular Y~=*[ng PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Total Checks 54,116.76 Warrants 55,779.53 General Manager Priday recommended payment of $4,116.76 and that the warrant in the amount of $5,779.53 be released when waiver of interest has been received bv the District office. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the checks in the amount of $4,116.76 be approved for payment and that the warrant be released when waiver of interest has been received at the District office. (Waiver to be received from Geo. E. Miller, Contractors.) ADJOURNMENT: 9:15 P.M. 'D~nald L. Clark., Pres'ident SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIST¢ICT /ix' ~ / . , _~ iI'~R. 'Mal'iery, C'i%r~ of Bd. & Ex-~ffiCio' Se~reta¢~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 21, 1963 The Board of Directors met in regular session March 21, 1963, 8:00 P.M. at the Tahoe Valley Fire House. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler and Stewart. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, Engineer Harlan Moy~r, Mr, J. Taylor, Mr. W.C.Taylor, Ralph Andersen, Walt Little, John Murphy, E.C. Perry, K.H. Roberts, J.J. Gerken. MINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of March 7, 1963, be approved as written. MANAGER's REPORT: PLANT OPERATIONS: General Manager Priday read the following report: "Manager's Report ~,, _Mar~h ~,1963 _ Holding pond freeboard - 9 feet 7 inches Total flow to this date for March - 20,727,000 gallons Average daily flow - 1,036,350 gallons The secondary sludge collector is still out of operation awaiting parts. The No. 2 blower is inoperative waiting for shaft alignment and fan balancing by manufacturer. GENERAL ITEMS~. Mr. Mallery, Office Manager and Clerk of Board, called a meeting of our district auditors and the Nevada district auditor to study and clarify certain charges being billed to the Nevada district. The points in question appear to have been rssolved byvthose present at the meeting. A report will be forthcoming to the directors so they can take action on policy matters that will influence the final billing to be made. t would like to point out to those people who might be inclined to jump at conclusions that the aforementioned meeting was to clarify existing chmrges under the existing contract. There appears to be an upward trend in business possibilities in South Tahoe as indicated by the number of inquiries we have had from interested developers as to the capabilities of this district to handle their proposed sewage needs. In all cases, they have been advised that the district is in a position to service their requirements. Un- fortunately in some instances, the inquiry had to do with lands excluded from the district and this fact might very well deter development. An interested financier does not want to become entangled with a lot of conditions against a property. ~ They want a package all tied up neatly. This phase of the district problems will be resolved very shortly when the latest annexation of excluded parcels is completed. I believe it is most beneficial to the economy of this area to pursue our opportunity:es* with this positive approach, *WEBSTER(opportunity - a favorable juncture of c~rcumstances)" REGULAR MEETING March 21, 1963 (cont.) OLD BUSINESS: ORDINANCE NO. 97 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 34 AND PROVIDING FOR SEWER SERVICE CHARSES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ORDINANCE NO. 97 will take effect upon the expiration of thirty (30) days after its passage and shall be posted by the clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT at three (3) public places in said District at least one week before the expiration of said period after its passage. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried that o~D!~CE NO..9? be adopted. NEW BUS~NESS: Attorney Holtom recommended that the following resolutions be adopted: kES"O'LpTION NO. 422: A RESOLUTION DIRECTING MAKING OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT ' " ' ....... RE CERTAIN ASSESSMENT ~NDER RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 239, AS AMENDED-SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT 1960-4- RESOLUTIO!~..~O. ~: A RESOLUTION DIRECTING MAKING OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT RE CERTAIN ASSESSMENT UNDER RES OLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 239, AS AMENDED,-SANITARY SE--WERAGE PROJECT 1960-4 The District has received the fees from Mr. Sullivan and Inter County Title for Jiffy Car Wash to segregate the above parcels which are covered by RESOL.UT~ONS.~P....%22 and N~.3. Director Wakeman moved = seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried that RESOLUTIONS 422 and 423 be adopted. CORRESPONDENCE: Clerk of Board Mallery read the following to the Board of Directors: "19 March 1963 WE THE UNDERSIGNED, IT IS OUR INTENTION TO GIVE SOME PUBLICITY TO THESE FINANCIAL STATEMENT. WE WOULD MUCH PREFER THIS UTILITY DISTRICT TO PUBLISH THEFFACTS AND FIGURES REGARDING THIS SANITARY DISTRICT, AND THE AGREEMENT WITH THE NEVADA UTILITY DISTRICT. IF WE CAN HAVE THESE FIGURES BEFORE APRIL 1, 1963 IT WILL BE APPRECIATED. WE SOLICIT AND URGE YOUR COOPERATION IN THIS MATTER. WILLIAM JOHNSON JOHN J. GERKEN BOB CLARKE C.F. BRANDI LOUIS RUSSO" ERWIN C. PERRY DAVID A. DOWNER JAY CRAMER M.F. SPRINGMEYER Mr. E.C.Perry asked the Directors if some arrangement has been reached regarding the contract this District has with the Nevada district. President Clarke stated that the two District's are in the process of discussion and nothing definite has been decided at this time. Mr. Clarke further stated that this contract is discussed many times with the Nevada district. Mr. E.C. Perry also stated that the California side is going through and will continue to go through a surplus of rentals, etc., and Nevada will gain all by their building and renting for lower rents~ etc. Director Wakeman stated that he is not in agreement with Mr. E.C.Perry and that he expects to see a 'boom' here at the Lake (South Shore of Lake Tahoe - California) and that in his private business he has had may srequests for cost estimates on motel units and/or apartment units. President Clarke stated that we do have a contract with the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, and they are allowed to so much flow and for every gallon over the flow that is agreed to in the contract - Nevada does pay for. Regarding the building which Mr. Del Webb will construct and the one which Harrah's will possibly construct, President Clarke stated that this District will meet the problem when _ it arrives. Director Stewart stated that this District takes care of SANITARY CONDITIONS in this and the Directors are not in a position to take care of or to control the building which is going on or the surplus rentals that might be at the South Shore of Lake Tahoe. This will be handled through the Planning Commission or the State Legislature. This district has a contract with Nevada that allows them so much flow and they pay for any flow over which the contract states. Discussion was held with Mr. E.C. Perry and the Directors in which Mr. Perry stated that the contract will become void when amended. It was mentioned to Mr. Perry that the contract does not become void when amended. MARCH 21, 1963 REGULAR MEETING Clerk of Board Mallery will publish a statement showing revenue and expenditures of the last preceeding fiscal year and the source of such revenue and the purpose of such expenditures as certified to by the District's accountants and auditors - Irvine & Duce, Placerville, Calif. General Manager Priday recommended that the mike stand purchased by the District in the amount of $8.87 be sold to Mr. W.D.Isom for the same price as the District has no further use for this stand since the meetings are now held at the Tahoe Valley Fire House. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried that the mike stand be sold to Mr. W.D.Isom in the amount of $8,87. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: General Manager Priday recommended that the claims in the amount of $~i"8,854.36 be approved for payment. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims as recommended by General Manager Priday be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: President Clarke adjourned the meeting at 9:15 P.M. DONALD L. CLARKE, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N.R. MALLERY, CLERK OF BOARD &/EX-OFFICIO SEC. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 4, 1963 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was opened at 8:00 P.M. at the Tahoe Valley Fire House, by Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary, N.R. Mallery. There being no Directors present, no business was conducted, and the meeting was adjourned to April 11, 1963, 8:00 P.M. at the Tahoe Valley Fire House. N. R. MALLERY ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT The Board of Directors met in an adjourned regular session April 11, 1963, 8:00 P.?. at the Tahoe Vallev Fire House. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Fesler, Kortes, Stewart and Ge~['~a~ M~nager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney Weidman, Engineer Harlan ~over, Donald Richardson and Walt Little. Following the salute to the flag, President Clarke reminded all present to Dark their cars on the side facing the Fire House. MINUTES: The minutes of March 21, 1963, were approved as corrected. MANAGER,S RE~ORT_: General Manager Priday read his report which is as follows: ' " "MANAGER'S REPORT APRIL 11, 1963 PLANT OPERATION: Holding pond freeboard - 10 ft 6 in. Total flow through plant for March - 33,044,000 gallons Daily average for March - 1,065,000 gallons Total flow from Nevada District - 5,891,400 gallons Daily average from Nevada District - 190,036 gallons Chlorineeuse for March - 5,200 lbs. Daily average - 168 lbs. Propane use for March - 195,897 cu. ft. Daily average - 6,312 cu ft PERSONNEL: Mr. Lee Miller, Inspector and Maintenance Foreman for the District since December 6, 1956, has resigned as of April 1, 1963, serving the District well in this capacity for six and one-half years. I would like to ~ubticlv thank Lee for h~s untiring efforts during the trials and tribulations of this District."(Letter to be written to Mr. A.L. Miller). "Mr. George Hart, a maintenance man with the District since June 16, 1960, has been promoted to maintenance foreman and is well ~ualified for the position. GENERAL: Recently, action was taken bv the Board of Directors of this District to a~lv for a grant of funds from the Federal Government to construct certain facilities to alleviate the ever present ~roblem of effluent disposal. April 4th last, the Directors, Manager and Engineer were called to Sacramento to discuss the request with the State Water Pollution Control Board and the U.S.Public Health Service. Mr. Paul Bonderson, Executive Officer, of the State Water Pollution Control Board, conducted the meeting. He questioned the advisability of our including the Tertiary Treatment program in the application for funds. His preference appeared to be that a separate application should be made covering this phase only. He reasoned that the process needed further study and it might not be compatible with any solution the Lake Tahoe Area Council study would recommend. The South Tahoe Public Utility District countered with the fol6owing reasons for including the Tertiary Treatment in the program and request. The process is the lease expensive and best proven means of treating the effluent to a point of purity where the lands now available to the District for disposal could accept greater quantities of water than that method now being used. The big problem existing today is the inability of the land, now being sprayed upon, to accept any great quantity of water due to the suspended solids in the effluemt. The Water Pollution Control Board issued a 'Cease and Desist' order because the effluent ran off the spray area into an adjoining stream. As far as the Area Council studies are concerned, full consideration will bg given to whatever solution may be suggested; however, considerable time will elapse before any suggested solution becomes law bv both States involved. The solution might very well be the right one on paper, but in order to actuate it -monev will be the factor, and the ability of the taxpavers to support it. In the interim, sewage still has ~o be collected, treated and disposed of and the Directors of this District are doing everything within their power to fullfil that responsibility. Mr. Earl Thouren from the U.S.Public Health Service flatly said thev would not certify any grant of funds for any portion of the project that would be constructed on Forest Lands under the proposed land use agreement. He said the term of the use ~ermit is too short and we must get the Forest Service to agree to a renewable lease for the 'expected life of the project'. This particular question has already been fought out and we can only get a five- vear permit. Mr. Thouren has been asked if he would check with the U.S. Forest Service, who are in the same Federal Building, and come to some determination. Here again the Utility District is fighting an uphill battle - sandwiched between two Federal Agencies. We again might have to ask Congressman "Bizz" Johnson to intercede in our behalf. We hope that the ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -2- APRIL 1!, 1963 MANAGER' S REPORT (CON.T_.) two agencies can see the fact that if the U.S. Public Health Service grants any funds the District will pay it back in rent to the U.S.Forest Service. This certainly is not the full text of the meeting but only the principle noints of disucssion. Many important decisions for the growth of this area hang in the balance and can only be determined after some of these Herculean opportunities are overcome. I would like to thank Mr. Harlan Moyer, engineer for the District, for hisssincere efforts and fine dissertations in behalf of the District during the Sacramento meeting." Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. CO?RES~ONDEN~E: Clerk of Board Mallery read the following letter from the Santa Barbara Chamber of Commerce: --7' Gentlemen: The California Water Pollution Control Association invites your attendance to the 35th Annual Conference to be held at the Miramar Hotel in Santa Barbara on April 24-27, 1963. This Association has been in existence 6or 35 years, having been formed for the purpose of improving the oerformance of those who are responsible for the operation of sewers and the operation of sewage and waste treatment olant. We are enclosing a cody of the outline of the Technical pmogram and ask that you particularly note the Short School on Wednesday April 24 for Sewer Maintenance personnel and Treatment Plant Operators. These will be conducted by experts in their field. The General Conference which follows will cover a wide range of subjects by speakers who have had many years of experience in Water Pollution Control. It is not necessary to hold membership in the Association in order to attend and benefit from the Conference. You are therefore cordially invited to send one or more representatives to the meeting. s/ Fred G. Nelson, Publicity Chairman" General Manager Priday stated that Mr. W. C. Taylor will attend this conference, and if any of the Directors are interested to please notify him as he does not feel he can attend the conference. PLANNING COMMITTEE: Director Fesler, Chairman of the Planning Committee, stated that the co'm~i'~e' ~e't o~ March 25, 1963, and discussed the Special Use Permit. This permit is not completed and Director Fesler mentioned that originally this permit was based on 200 acres of land, (some of the land could not be used) and it is now based on 180 acres of land less a buffer strip of 35.4 acres or a total of 144.55 acres for which we will be charged. The original rent on this property was $12,000.00 and it is now $8,673.00. The effective date of this rent for the 144.55 useable acres will be July 1, 1963. Director Fesler further stated that approvals are needed from the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board and E1 Dorado County Health Department, U.S.Public Health Service and the State Department of Water Resources, before this permit is completed. Director Fesler also stated that the Planning Committee has been very active with the Nevada Amendments and stated that both the Douglas County Improvement District Board and the South Tahoe Public Utility District Board have reviewed an agreement drafted originally by the South Tahoe Public Utility District and re,rafted bv the Nevada District. In order to expedite the final drafting of this agreement, Director Fesler moved that the Attorneys and Engineers and the General Manager for the respective Districts compose the final draft, as a Committee, and present same to the two Boards for review and final action. Director Kortes seconded and the vote carried unanimously. EASEMENT COMMITTEE (Director Stewart) The following is the reoort as read by the 'C~airman"~'f' th~ 'Lan~d Committee and/or Easement Committee, - Director Stewart: "The easement committee met on March 27, 1963. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -3- APRIL 11, 1963 EASEMENT COMMI?T.E~E. P!E..p.0.RT (~con$. )~_ Those present were Director Fesler, Manager W. F. Pridav, Attorney Weidman, and T.L. Stewart as Chairman. This being the first meeting of the present easement committee, and due to the lack of knowledge of this subject matter on the part of Director Fesler and myself, the first course of action was a complete briefing given to us by the other two members of this committee. I It was first determined that past easement matters were handled by Attorney Hughes and Mr. H. Reeves, a Right=of-Way Agent, employed by this District, and after the employment of thes~ representatives expired, all easements matters and problems were delegated to our Attorney by board action, which brings us up to the present time. It was also concluded that over the past years the District has obtained some 200 easements, of which some twenty are still pending settlement. Approximately one-half are collection lines and the other one-half are force mains. We also found that there are monies being held in Trust by the Superior Court of this County, which were intended for use to settle pending easement claims, which were oosted for this District by Attorney Hughes in the event these claims had to be settled in court. Exactly how much money is being held in Trust is being determined and will be reoorted later. At this time, we know it is not a great amount, for only a minimum sum was required, but could be released by the court to settle pending claims out of court. It was further determined that a few of the pending easement claims are with individuals residing here at the Lake year around or part time and constitutes many of our larger easement cases still pending. From this information, we have compiled two recommendations, which we would like to present to this board. (1) Since the chore of settling all easement matters was delegated solely to our Attorney by past board action, we would like your approval, so as to allow us to openly assist Attorney Weidman on a local level. By this we mean to contact those individuals with claims still pending residing locally, and try to reach a settlement. If this is not possible, then to place this matter in the hands of the court, because several of these cases have been pending for too long a time and it appears to have everyone confused, which has lead to negative public relations." Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Director Stewa~t's recommendation (#1) be approved. " (2) That we make use of the money that is being held in trust by the Suo~rior Court for each one of the pending easement claims if we are able to settle these claims out of court. It is our understanding that this money can be used for this purpose. We further understand all settlements must be approved by this board." Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Director Stewart's recommendation (#2) be approved. Director Stewart stated "I would like to add a personal remark. I believe our Attorney and Management have done a pretty good job, considering they have had to shoulder this chore darn near single handed." TUNZ.IxCAPUT0 ~SEMEN~: Attorney Weidman requested approval of claim for $1,500.00 to settle the easement for Tunzi-Caputo. Attorney Weidman stated that the District does have the grant of easement and there is one exception included in this, which is as follows: "THE EASEMENT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR AN ADDITIONAL PIPE LINE OR FORCE MAIN." Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that this easement- claimm in the amonnt of $1,500.00 for Tunzi-Caputo be approved for payment providing the Title Company guarantees this grant is an insurable one. Following discussion regarding the 660 Application, General Manager Priday recommended the claims in the amount of $6,211.63 be approved for payment. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the checks in the amount of $6,211.63 be approved for payment as recommended bv the General Manager. ADJOUPd~ED REGULAR MEETING -4- APRIL 11, 1963 ADJOURNMENT: 9:30 P.~. N. R. Mallery, '~'le'r~"0~ Board & Ex-Off. Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTR%CT '5~hald L.' Cl'aCke, President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 18, 1963 The Board of Directors met in regular session at the Tahoe Valley Fire House, April 18, 1963, 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Fesler, Stewart~ Wakeman, and ~o~t~S'. ~so present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of B-oard Mallery, Attorney Holtom, Attorney Weidman, Engineer Harlan Moyer, W. C. Taylor, Walt Little, Donald Richardson, John Murphy, John J. Gerken, Wm. V.D. Johnson. President Clarke mentioned to all present that when they at~end the meetings at the Fire House to please park their cars facing the Fire House and not on the side where the church is. MINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded bv Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of April 11, 1963 be aooroved. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report which is as follows: "MANAGER'S REPORT April 18, 1963 HOLDING POND: Freeboard 11 ft - this is a gain of 6 inches over the orevious report of a week ago. I would like to commend the men "on the hill" for the fine job they are doing for the District in keeping the pond down this entire year. GENERAL: As reported last week, Mr. Earl Thouren - Chief of Construction Grants for the U. S. Public Health Service - was asked to talk with the U. S. Forest Service about Government policies concerning terms on Land Use Permits. I talked with Mr. Thouren Wednesday A.M. last, and he assured me he would make every effort to establish a mutual understanding between the two agencies. I also took the opportunity to discuss the tertiary treatment question he had as to its evaluation by their Advanced Waste Treatment Research Branch in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was brought to his attention that the Pit con Pilot Plant was in operation when two gentlemen, Dr. Stepha~ and ~r. Masse, from the Research Branch visited here April 25, 1962. It was brought to his attention that the process was not unfamiliar to them as Dr. Stephan and Mr. Masse had spent some time with Mr. Moyer going over the entire process. Mr. Thouren indicated this in- formation would be most helpful in the evaluation of the Tertiary Treatment request. We have been in contact with Mr. Manoukian, Attornev for Nevada District, in regard to the final draft of an amended agreement. A meeting of the committee will be set for next week. Mr. Bliss was notified Wednesday last that a sewer line on Saddle Road of his sub- division had stopped up and was running out of a man hole. He was notified of his responsibility to maintain the system until our District had accepted the installa- tion. He indicated he would take care of the situation immediately." Director Stewart moved, seoonded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Manager's report be approved. OLD BUSINESS: Attorney Holtom recommended approval of the following Resolutions: "(1')' ' 'kE..SOLU~.IpN N03_~: (VAN SICKLE - CRESCENT "V" SUBDIVISION) A Resolution and Order Approving Proposed Annexation and Changing Boundaries of District (Annexation No. 1963-1) Director Fesler moved, seconded bv Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 424 BE APPROVED. RDgULAR MEETING -2- APRIL 18, 1963 OLD BUSINESS (CONT..)' (2) RESOLUT!p~ NO.~ 425j (ASSESSMENT NUMBER 1960-4-950) A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment - Sanitary Sewerage Pro4ect 1960-4. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 4~5 be approved. ( 3 ) RESOLUTI ON NO~._ ~47~6: (Assessment No. 1960-4-2367) A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment- Sanitary Sewerage Project 1960-4. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 426 be approved. (4) R~SOLUTION. PP._~?Z: (HEARING FOR 1960-4) A Resolution Direct6ng Making of Amended Assessment Re Certain Assessment Under Resolution of Intention No. 239, as Amended, Sanitary Sewerage Project 1960-4 (NOTE:-HEARING SET FOR MAY 16, 1963, 8:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley Fire House) (5) RESpLUT!ON_NP~. ~?~: A Resolution Requesting Consent of the Board of Supervisors of the County of E1 Dorado, To Undertake Proceedings for the Acquisition and Construction of Sanitary Sewers and to Provide that the costs shall be assessed upon the District benefited, under Appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts ...... ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1962-1 Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 427 and 427 be approved. (6) RESOLUTION NO. 429: A Resolution Requesting that the Countv Health Officer of E1 Dorado County Recommend Proceedings Under Appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts, or Other Appropriate Proceedings, For the Aceuisition and Construction of a Sanitary Sewerage System and Appurtenances, am Necessary as a Health Measure - SANITARY SEWERACE PROJECT NO. 1962-1 Director Kortes moved, seconded bv Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 429 be apDDoved. 67) RESOLUTION NO. 430: A Resolution of Intention to Acquire and Construct Improvements - Assessment District 1962-1. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 430 be approved. Attorney Holtom also recommended that ORDINANCE NO. ~ which is AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 51, AN ORDINANCE REGULATI~'""TH~''ANI~EXATION OF TERRITORY TO SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AND ESTABLISHING FEES THEREFOR AND AMENDING AND SUPERSEDING ORDINANCES NOS. 23, 31 and 39. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that ORp~JNCE NO.- 98 be approved. This Amended Ordinance will contain the entire section which was amended. CO~REpPONDENCE: General Manager Priday read the following: (1) From the State Water Pollution Control Board to Mr. E.H.Thouren, U.S. Public Health-Service with copy to South Tahoe Publ[~c Utilitv District re: SOUTH T~HOE P.U.D. CONSTRUCTION GRANT APPLICATION. (2) A Notice of Fourteenth Special Meeting - Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board, April 30, 1963, to be held at the Bishop City Hall. President Clarke read the following letter which will be sent to Mr. A. L. Miller: "Mr. A. L. Miller P.O.Box 133 REGULAR MEETING -3- APRIL 18, 1963 C0RRESPpNPEN.CE ( cppy..)_ ...." "Mr. A.. L. Miller P. O. Box 133 A1 Tahoe, California Dear Lee: It is with sincere regrets that the South Tahoe Public Utility District accents your resignation. Your faithful performance of duties during the six and one half years you served the district has been outstanding. You never shirked a duty, be it small or large, or be it day Dr nieht. Your loyalty and devotion during the trials and tribulations of a growing community should be an inspiration to those who follow as employees of the district. We wish you health and happiness in your new found orofession as nomad. Sincerely, s/ Donald L. Clarke - President s/ Donald H. Kortes - Director s/ Bob Wakeman - Director s/ Thomas L. Stewart- Director s/ Robert Fesler - Director s/ W. F. Pridav - General Manager" C~MM ITT~E' ~EPO.R~..S..: (1) Easement C'ommittee Report .... Director Stewart Report as follows: "On Apr~'l 17', 1~'63, the Easement Committee consisting of Director Fesler, Manager Priday, and myself - Thomas L. Stewart, as Chairman, met with Mr. Penn Barklev in regards to a pending easement claim, Parcel No. 10151-No. 4, and explained to Mr. BarkleV the intentions of this Committee which he welcomed and appeared to be very much in favor of. The easement in question was explained, through the use of the joint data reoort, illustrating maps and specific information sheets. An offer was made for a Grant of Easement, subject to this board anproval, in the amount of $830.56 which is the amnunt now being held in Trust by th~ Sunerior Court of this County, for the settlement of claims. The amount specified appears to be a fair sum for the Granting of an Easement. The only question brought forth by Mr. Barkley was the matter of restrictions that would apply on behalf of this District and the question was answered by our Manager. The meeting was adjourned with the understanding and request that we forward to Mr. Barkley a Grand of Easement, stipulating restrictions for his consideration. Unless, there becomes a great difference of understanding, this Committee hopes to settle this claim in the not to distant future with Mr. Barklev. This Committee recommends that our Attorney draft a Grant of Easement, setting forth, as instructed by our Manager, restrictions he deems necessary and forward same to Mr. Barklev for his consideration." Director Stewart moved the above recommendation which was seconded by Director Wakeman and unanimously carried. ~A.YMENT pF CLAIMS: General Manager Priday recommended aooroval of claims in the amount of Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanlmouslv carried, that the checks in the amount of $12,300.26 be approved for payment. , 1963 REGULAR MEETING REGULAR MEETING -4- April 18, ].963 ADJOURNMENT: .... 9:30 P.M. President, Donald L. ClArke SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 2, 1963 President Clarke called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Stewart, Fesler, Wakema~, Kortes. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Ma!lery, Attorre¥ Weidman, ^ttorrey Holtcm, Engineer Harlan Moyer, Walt Little, John MurDhv and W. C. Taylor. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that +h~ minutes of April 18, 1963, be approved as written. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Pridav read his report which is attached and made part of ~he's% minutes. Also included in this report is a report by Mr. W.C. Taylor, Plant Suo't., covering his trip to Santa Barbara to attend the Claifornia Water Pollution Control Associa- tion Conference. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted. OLD BUSINESF~. General Manager Priday read a letter from the Chief Inspector regarding a ~ease'"%~Ap' ('30 lb) which he requested Joseph's Restaurant to fnstall. This was requested in March of 1962 and as of this date, the grease traD has not been installed. General Manager Pridav recommended to the Board of Directors that our Attormev +ak~ whatever action necessary to enforce the Grease Trap Ordinance. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried that General Manager Priday's recommendation to have our Attorney enforce the ~rease Trap Ordinarce be acceo*ed. General Manager Priday also recommended that all correspondence from our Attorrev regard[mg the above, copies should be sent to Gene Sodersten, Mr. D. Taylor or Dr. Scoff[~d of the Health Department and to Mr. Hill, who is the owner of this proDertv. NEW BUSINESS: General Manager Priday recommended that the fol!owine Resolut~or he adopted: ~" kEsOLu~"ION NO. 431: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUTHORIZING ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR FURNISHING OF EQUIPMENT TO SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that.~ESOLUTION ~0. ~1 be approved. A report was presented to Mr. W.F. Priday regarding a research ma4e by the Lake Valley Taxpayers Association, Inc. and a copy of same will be dls~rlbuted to all Directors. A co~v of this report was also sent to our Congressman. M~ Pridav stated that he fu!lv aonroves ct this report which the Taxpayers Association has made. Also included with th~s renort was a copy of the Bill No. S.1118 (regarding detergents). COMMITTEE REPORTS:(Director Stewart) "On April ~2, 1963, the Easement Committee consisting of Director Fesler, Manager Priday and myself, Thomas L. Stewart, as Chairmar, met with ~r. Elwood Johnson in regards to a pending easement claim, Parcel No. 10151, No. ? and expla[-~d to Mr. Jojnson just as we did to Mr. Barklev, the intentions of th~s Committee and *he ease- ment in question. An offer was made for a grant of easement, subject to this board a~roval [~ the amount cf $1,1~.84, which is higher than the amount now being held in trust by the Superior Court of this County, but within range of the allowable orlce. This Board can Day for force easements as set forth by past board action. REGULAR MEETING EASEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT (DIREQTOR STEWART - CONT.) The only questionsbrought forth by Mr. Johnson were in r~gards to trees that were removed and the restrictions that would apply on behalf of the District. The question was answered by our Manager. The meeting was adjourned with the understanding and request that we forward to Mt. Johnson a Grant of Easement for his consideration. At this time, this committee w~hes to recommend to this b6ard that our Attorney draft a Grant of Easement, setting forth, as instructed by our Manager, restrictions he deems necessary and forward same to Mr. Johnson for his consideration." Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried that the above recommendation made by the Easemnt Committee be approved. "April 25, 1963, the Easement Committee, consisting of Director Fesler, Manager Priday and myself - Thomas L. Stewart - as Chairman, met with Mr. Harvey Gross in regard to pending easement Parcel No. 10151 - No. 6, and stated our position and purpose. The eubject matter was discussed and this meeting was adjourned with the understanding and request that we forward to Mr. Gross a Grant of Easement setting forth restriction we deem necessary and an offer for this particular easement since no offer was made by this Committee. Because of the need to determine further facts in this case, which are not perfectly clear at this time, in the description and illustration of this particular ease- ment which we are or were not aware of prior to meeting with Mr. Gross, but are now in the process of clarifying which could very possiblely save this district a considerable amount of money. This is the end of this report and we have no recommendation at this time, but hope to have one for the next regular meeting of this board." PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $6,912.67 be approved for payment as recommended by General Manager Priday. / ADJOUmNMENT: 9:00 P.M. , ~ ~ ~' ' //z ~[ DONALD L. CLARKE, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY ~ISTRICT N.R.MABLERY, CLERK OF BD. g EX-'OFFICIO SEC. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTLLITY DISTRICT MAY 16, 1968 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by President Clarke. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler and Stewart. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Engineer H. Moyer and Les Shoupe, Attorney Weidman, Attorney Holtom, John Murphy - Tahoe Tribune, Walt Little - Lake Tahoe News, Donald Richardson - Sacramento Bee, Gene Black, Joseph Corrente, Jack Chastain, Melvin Springmeyer, W. C. Taylor. MINUTES~ Director Wakeman moved, secmnded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the mznutesoof May 2, 1963, be approved. MANAGER'S REPORT:General Manager Priday'read his report which is as follows: "PLANT OPERATION: All three blowers have now been completely serviced and repaired by factory personnel. Clarifier is still out of service. We are waiting for professional advice from Mr. Ken McCaslin from the Amer-Coat Company as to whether or not it would be adviseable to line the tank. We are of the opinion that the spalling of the concrete is causing the pins to b~eak. Mr. McCaslin will be at the treatment plant Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. LAND USE PERMIT: As of this date the District has not received letters from the following agencies relative to our request to wit: 'March 27, 1963 State of California Department of Public Health REGULAR MEETING May 16, 1963 MANAGER'S REPORT CONT. 631 "J" Street Sacramento 14, California Gentlemen: The South Tahoe Public Utility District is formulating an agreement with the United States Forest Service to rent certain lands for effluent spray disposal. As a condition of this Land Use Permit, it is necessary for this district to get your approval for this use inso- far as the effect of health and sanitation of the general area is concerned. This land is in addition to that which this district is now using under p~rmit for spray disposal of effluent. The enclosed map will serve to identify the land in question. Your early response will expedite our plans and arrangements for the subject Land Use Permit. Very truly yours, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT s/ W. F. PRIDAY General Manager cc: Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board E1 Dorado County Department of Health' These letters are necessary in order to comply with condition #16 of the permit, to wit: "16. Applicant shall furnish d6Cu~entaryevidence~'tha~ its pr6p6~al~ihJs' approval of the following agencies insofar as the effect of health and sanitation of the general area is concerned: a. Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board b. E1 Dorado County Department of Health c. Calioz~nia State Department of Health" I cannot see any reason for such delays on the part of agencies who on one hand insist on the district getting moee adequate lands for spray disposal and in turn appearing reluctant to do their part in helping us fulfill their own requirements. BEPTIC TANKS: A more restrictive proceedure has been put into effect regarding septic tank re- moval. No sewer connection will be passed by the District until the septic tank, on the property having such connection is properly emptied of sewage, filled with sand, limed or any other means found necessary by the inspector to completely obliterate the septic tank. Any final line inspection will include the tank inspection and no releases will be given unless both items are approved. EXTRA INSPECTION FEES: The Manager's Report of February 21 last brought out the reasons for extra inspection fees and that the property owner should not be penalized by a Contractors poor workmanship. We are instigating a new proceedure wherein the Contractor will be personally liable for extra inspections. If a Contractor or p~rson making an installation requires extra inspections, he will have to prepay the fee before the inspection is made. Release of the installation will not be made until all inspection fees are paid. If there appears to be any differences of opinions about this proceedure we can go back to our original requirement and get up to $100.00 deposit on the permit and then refund the difference when the work is complete. The property owner is the person we intend to protect, to the best of our ability, from poor workmanship and extra financial burdens." General Manager Priday stated that the Agencies mentioned they needed more time to study the district's request, and that he was also told that the one rgquiremsnt or restriction that would be placed on this would be that a fence must surround the area. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted. PARKING: President Clarke again reminded all present to please park on the side facing the Fire House. OPENING OF AUTOMOBILE BIDS: 1. Patterson Motors, 1963 Olds "88" 2. Eagle Ford Co.(1963 Ford Gala~ie) Stockton, Calif. 3. Thomas Lincoln-Mercury, Inc. (Monterey Mercury) Placerville, California $ 2,743.58 2,258.38 2,7 25.95 + 109.04 Sales Tax REGULAR MEETING May 16, 1963 4. Wa%ers Buick No Bid 5. Ken Collins, Motors, Placerville, Calif. $2,466.29 + 98.74 Sales T 6. Johnson Chev. Co., Reno, Nevada 2,889.99 SaRes tax not included 7. Ellsworth Harrold Co.(Ford 300 Fordor Sedan) Sacramento 18, Calif 2,889.99 Sales tax not included So Lutz Motors Placerville, California 2,394.57 95.78 Sales Tax Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the bid from Ealgle Ford Company, Stockton, California, be accepted subject to any discrepancies. NEVADA gGREEMENT: A discussion was held regarding the Nevada Agreementand Attorney Weidman briefly explained the contents included in this aontract. Attorney Weidman recommended that the fol6ow~ng be approved: (1) RESOLUTION N0.431: A Resolution Authorizing President of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District to Execute an Agreement with Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1. (2) Acknowledge receipt of the advance payment in the amount of $200,000.00 towards capital improvement, from Douglas County Improvement District No. 1 (3) Second Amendment to Agreement for Joint Disposal of Sanitary Sewage and Providing for Additional Disposal of Sewage and Increased Disposal Rights and Capital Costs therefore and further Declaring Certain Rights and Obligations of the Parties Under said agreement. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that Attorney Weidman's recommendation be approved. Director Wakeman stated that General Manager Priday, Attorney Weidman, Engineer Harlan Moyer, and all others that worked to bring the Nevada Agreement to completion should be highly complimented. Director Stewart stated that the Nevada Agreement as it now stands is not what it was originally drafted to read and he also thated that the California and Nevada residents cannot lose with an agreement such as this. General Manager Priday stated that this agreement is only a temporary solution; more work is to be done, etc., as the area grows. This Nevada ~~D~ has been studied for eight months and Attorney Weidman stated that the Directors have spent many hours and days during the past four months to bring this agree- ment to this point. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1962-1:= Attorney Holtom presented the map covering assessment district 1962-1 and pointe'd"oUt th~- parcels which have requested exclusion and further stated that this Assessment District is estimated at a total cost of $240,000.00 Attorney Holtom recommended that the following Resolutions be adopted: (1) RESOLUTION NO. 432 = A Resolution of Preliminary approval of Engineer's Report - Assessment DiS%~-ict 1962-1. (2) RESOLUTION NO. 433: = A Resolution Establishing Prevailing Wage Scale, Assessment Dist~i~t No. 16~62-1. (3) RESOLUTION NO. 434: = A Resolution Calling for Sealed Proposals, Assessment District 1~62-1. (4) RESOLUTION NO. 435: = A Resolution Appointing Time and Place of Hearing Protests in Relation' %0'-P~osed Acquisitions and Improvements, and Directing Notice, Assessment District 1962-1. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the above RESOLUTIONS (Nos. 432, 433, 434, 435) be accepted. June 20, 1963, 10:00 A.M. will be the Opening of Bids for Assessment District 1962-1 and will be at the Tahoe Valley Fire House. REGULAR MEETING May 16, 1963 June 20, 1963, 2:00 P.M. will be the Protest Hearing for Assessment District 1962-1 and will be at the Tahoe Valley Fire House. Director Stewart stated that in the past Contractors have left pieces of pipe, boxes, etc. in areas that they have worked in and did not clean up following completion of the job and stated that he felt they should be told (for future Assessment Districts) that the area must be left clean. ANTHONY ENTERPRISES, ANNEXATION FEE:_ __ = Clerk of Board Mallery read a letter from Anthony Enterprises requesting ~a~' ~he~ be allowed to make a deposit only to annex to the District and have it refunded when the bonds are sold. Following discussion the Board of Directors agreed that Anthony Enterprises could make a deposit of the total amount of the annexation fee in the amount of $2,211.38 or furnish a Surety Bond in the amount of $2,211.38. Clerk of Board Mallery will relay this information to Anthony Enterprises. CLEAN UP PROGRAM:+ Director Kortes stated that he was asked if the South Tahoe Public Utility District could ~'lp in the Clean-Up Program that is scheduled for the South Shore Area. General Manager Priday stated that the District will furnish a truck and a driver to assist in the Clean-up Program and that he will contact Mr. Sam Morrison. GENE BLACK PROPERTY: Attorney Holtom presented a map of the property owned by Gene Black, approximately 20'0' acres, near Meyers. Mr. Black requested annexation to the District. Attorney Holtom stated that this will depend on whether the District wants to expand or stay right where they are. Following discussion Director Wakeman stated that he felt a Committee should be appointed to study this request of Mr. Gene Black. General Manager Priday stated that he knew nothing of this request for annexation until this meeting and that he does not wish to make a suggestion regarding same until he has had the opportunity to study the map. President Clarke stated that this will be turned over to the Planning Committee for study. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Director Stewart stated that the report re Harvey Gross is not complet- ed. General Manager Priday stated that the easements for Mr. Barkley and Mr. E. Johnson are ready. PUBLIC RELATIONS: ~ President Clarke passed copies of an announcement to the press for release regarding the Nevada Contract and the Nevada Agreement. He also stated copies of both will be available at the District Office and there will also be a copy at the County Library. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the ~hecks in the amount of $12,997.54 be approved for payment. President Clarke stated that he does not expect to be present for the next regular m~et~ag of the Board of Directors and maybe the next two regular meetings that follow. Adjournment: 11:O0 P.M. 'D~al/d L. Clarke, President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILTY DISTRICT N. R. Mallery, Clerk, of lB°arid-'~' 'E'x'-~'ff'icio SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 6, 1963 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUB~.IC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 6, 1963 Following the salute to the flag, Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Director Wakeman be appointed Chairman Pro Tem. Chairman Pro Tem Wakeman called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. RO~L CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Fesler, Stewart and Kortes. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, Mr. L. Shoupe, Mr. Rnox Johnson, Mr. Wm. V.D. Johnson, Marjorie Springmeyer, Gene Black and two engineers from Spink Engineering, Mr. Doug Taylor, County Sanitarian, Walt Little, R~xmmgim Mr. Doug Taylor, County Sanitarian, D. Richardson, J. Murphy. ~B~T..: PRESIDENT DONALD L. CLARKE, ENGINEER HARLAN MOYER. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of May 16, 1963, be approved as amended. (Amendment - : June 20~ Opening of Bids will be held at the District Office, Sewage Treatment Plant .... Protest Hearing and Regular Meeting will be held at the Tahoe Valley Fire House). MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read the following report: "Manager's Report June 6, 1963 PLANT OPERATION: Total flow for May - Average flow for May - 41,736,000 gallons 1,346,350 gallons per day Nevada District - Average Flow - 11,630,600 gallons 375,183 gallons per day NOTE: The high flow from Nevada was brought about by seven days average of 781,700 g.~'.d, from May 20 through 26th of May. The Casinos had tmouble with sand in their water systems that held the automatic valves open thereby allowing excessive flows through the sewer system. Repairs have been made and the flow is back to normal. POND FREEBOARD: - q feet 9 inches, the gain in the pond was due to the shut down of the spray disposal system from May 8 to May 22. During this time interceptor ditches have been repaired and extended. Check dams have been built in the drainage area above Montgomery Estate Property. Some spray lines have been relocated as further protection to adjacent properties. The clarifier is back in service as of May 23 which brings the secondary treatment into operation. Samples taken for laboratory tests are showing 93.2% removal of impurities from the influent. I talked with Mr. Paul Bonderson about the meeting in Sacramento in which our 660 Fund Application would possibly be discussed. I asked him if we should be represented at that meeting. Mr. Bonderson advised me that it would not be necessary as it would be only routine as to setting priority, we have that by the action of the Regional Board.. He did indicate that a later meeting would be held with us to discuss our plans in de- tail." Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the Manager's report be accepted as read. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: .... (i') ........ Mr. Knox Johnson requested that the Board of Directors delete the Bijou Property (Bijou Golf Course)fmom the 1962-1 Annexation. Mr. Johnson stated that the property (approximately 30 to 50 acres) will be of no benefit to the District and that this property could not be serviced if it were to be included in the District. Attorney Holtom stated that this request should be presented at the June 20th, Protest Hearing, and recommended that Mr. Knox Johnson present a map of the property requested to be deleted and all information re same to the Directors prior to the June 20th Protest Hearing in order to have the Directors study this property of Mr. Johnson's. Mr. Knox Johnson stated he will present this map and information to General ~anager Priday and hoped to be able to get this information by Monday, June 10, x~=1963. Mr. Johnson will present this information in letter form to the Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary, Mr. N.R.Mallery. Mr. Wm. V.D.Johnson mentioned to the Directors that if they would like to see the land that they are requesting be deleted he would be willing to show them at their convenience. REGULAR MEETING -2- June 6, 1963 MR. DOUG TAYLOR, .Cp~NTY__S~NITARIAN:= Mr. Doug Taylor stated that he was present tonight to discuss the ~-0ssibility of arriving at a policy of sewering new areas. Mr. Doug Taylor stated that since there is no policy established by the District to bring areas in that are outside of the District Boundaries, he would like to work with the Planning Committee regarding problems such as this, Director Fesler stated that he felt much will be gained by the Health Department and the South Tahoe Public Utility District working together and stated that he would be pleased to have Mr. Doug Taylor work with the Planning Committee. MR. GENE BLACK (ANGORA HIGHLANDS SUBDIVISION) Mr'~ Gene B'l'a~ '~e~en~e~' a p~'i~i'on' t~' '~he B0~rd for Annexation of the Angora Highlands Subdivisions and requested a continuance of this subRivision to the next regular meeting. Chairman Pro Tem Wakeman stated that continuation of this request will be granted to Mr. Gene Black and will again be discussed at the June 20th regular meeting of the Board of Directors. APPROVAL OF LAND USE PERMIT - U.S. FORESTRY: D~irecto~ s~'~'r't mo~ed 't'~a't" ~he ~$p~ci'~i Term Use Permit be accepted for lands to be utilized by this district and that we approve General Manager Priday's recommendation that the purchase of a surety bond in the amount of $10,000,00 be approved to accompany the Special Term Use Permit for land to be leased by the District. (General Manager Priday will check into possiblities of obtaining a reduction in the present surety bond because of a reduction in acreage of the original use permit.) Included also in Director Stewart's motion is the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 436: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACTING PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO EXECUTE A TERM SPECIAL USE PERMIT WITH THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Director Fesler seconded and the vote carried unanimously. SPRAY AREA RESTRICTIONS - MONTGOMERY ESTATES: General Manager Priday recommended that the District put fence ~n aro~n'd the s'pray ~'rea as was requested by the Health Department. He stated that this material would be approximately $1,200.00 and this will not include the labor. Following discussion as to whether or notethe entire area would have to be fenced in, Mr. D. Taylor stated that he did not feel the entire area (spray area) would have to be fenced and stated that he would write a letter stating where the fence should be - also mentioned that in Some ameas~signs can be posted that would be sufficient instead of fencing the area. EASEMENT - CEDAR AVENUE EXTENSION: Mr. Les Shoupe stated that a survey is now being made ~e ~h'is~ easement on Cedar Avenue and a report should be available Monday, June 10, 1963. PLANNING COMMITTEE: Director Fesler read the following report: "The Planning Committee consisting of Director Stewart, Manager Priday, Attorney Weidman, Engineer Moyer and Chairman Fesler met May 29, 1963, at 1:00 P.M. to consider the matter of annexations and assessments in general and proposed amendments to annexation Ordinance #51 in particular. Discussion was held and consideration given to the following facets of the general problem area: 1. Responsibility fo South Tahoe Public Utility District for handling sewage in th, South Shore Area. 2. Impact on present system of annexing new areas, 3. Timing of annexations as provided by Ordinance. 4. Contiguity versus strip annexations. 5. Advance deposits of administrative, engineering and attorney fees on proposed ann exat ions. 6. Inadequacy of present annexation fees for areas outside of present service area It was felt that (by all present) the matters under discussion were involved enough and the ramifications far reaching enough to warrant further committee study before any action in- volving proposed ordinance amendments be taken. The engineer was requested to draw up a tentative schedule of annexation fees based on a service area zone basis and have it ready f the next committee meeting. The Attorney was authorized to draw up a letter to Mr. aene Black. r2spectf~ly submitted, Robert W. Fesler, Planning Committee Chairman." REGULAR MEETING June 6, 1963 The letter written to Mr. Gene Black is as follows: "Mr. Gene Black Re: Proposed annexation of territory to South Tahoe Public Utility DiStrict Dear Mr. Black: This will acknowledge your appearance on May 16, 1963, before the Board of Directors concerning the above matter. The annexation committee met and has made the following recommendation to the Board of Directors, which recommendation has been approved by the Board of Directors as to preliminary policy to be followed in your proposed annexation. The Board will not act until the formal petition for annexation is received. At the time a formal petition is received, the Board will determine the costs of administra- tive, legal and engineering processing and request that this amount be deposited with the District prior to the further action on the petition. ?After receiving the amount requested, the Board will further study and determine the costs to the District to provide service to the area proposed to be annexed and what the total annexation costs will be to you, including anV acreage fee and costs to the District to provide service to the area, etc. Yours very truly, s/JOHN C. WEIDMAN" Director Fesler moved that the above letter be given to Mr. Gene Black (Mr, Black was present for this meeting), Director Stewart seconded and the vote carried unanimously. EASEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT (Director Stewart): Director Stewart stated that as of this date ~he' Easement-~mmit~'~"had received ~Pant of Easement from Elwood Johnson and Fenn Barkley. Also, that the Committee is awaiting a Grant of Easement from Mr. Tunzi and have completed survey of the force main in regards to the Gross easement and are preparing to forward a Grand of Easement to Mr. Gross for his consideration. Director Stewart also stated that a meeting of the Easement Committee is scheduled to discuss the following easements: Johnson, Vance,.Barton, Rowland and Dr. Whitely. Also, that a meeting will be held with Mr. A. Harootunian to conclude negotiations with him. Attorney Weidman stated that all outstanding easements are being progressed as fast as it is practical. PA~ENT OF CLAIMS: General Manager Priday recommended the payment of claims in the amount of $~,"3'53.'3'2. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the claims be paid as recommended by our General Manager. STUDY SESSION: There will be a Study Session, June 19, 1963, 1:00 P.M., to discuss the C~ming 'Pro~'S~ Hearing which is to be held at 2:00 P.M. June 20, 1963. No other business will be discussed at this study session. (This study session will be a consultation with the Attorney's and Engineers re the Protest Hearing. AD.JOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. to June 20th, 1963, 2:00 P.M. at the Tahoe Valley Fire House. ROBERT WAKEMAN, CHAIRMAN PRO TEM SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N. R. MALLERY, CLERK OF BOARD & EX OFF.SEC SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY [ISTRIC T JUNE 19, 1963 STUDY SESSION Present for the Study Session were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney J. Holtom, Attorney J. Weidman, Engineer Harlan Moyer and Les Shouoe, Director Stewart, Director Wakeman, Director Kortes, John Murphy - Tahoe Tribune. ABSE___~: President Donald L. Clarke and Director R. Fesler. Discussion was held regarding the 1962-1 Annexation for which the Protest Hearing and the Opening Bids is scheduled for June 20, 1963. Attorney John Holtom pointed out on the District Map (which is now the existing map of the District) the parcels that had requested exclusion and are still excluded from the District. Discussion was also held regarding the Bijou Golf Course (property owned by Knox Johnson) and whether or not this property would benefit by being included in the District or not. Discussions were also held regarding fees that have been paid to the District enable property owners to connect, plus the listed fees that are now in the annexat ion proceedings. The overall cost of the Annexation is approximately $200,000.00, Attorney Holtom stated. FEES: Attorney J. Holtom stated that the owners of excluded parcels that have been to the District Office and have requested inclusion and have paid their fees were charged on the basis of the existing ordinance at the time their fees were computed. However, those that have not paid in cash, the assessment will go to bond. Computations were made on the present ordinance re 1962-1 Annexation. ADJOURNMENT: 4:3O P'.M. ROBERT WAKEMAN, CHAIRMAN PRO T'E'M SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTR%CT N.R.MALLERY, CLERKv EX OFFICIO SECRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT/' OPENING OF BIDS - June 20, 1963 (As.pe.s..s~e~.Dj.~s~.ic~_!962-1)_ Present for the Opening of Bids were Attorney J. Holtom, General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Engineer Harlan Moyer and Les Shoupe, Mr. J.A. Salmans. BIDS: One bid was received from Mr. J.A. Salmans in the amount of $48,747.00. Engineer Harlan Moyer stated this bid will be ~aken under advisement and action will be taken at the meeting this evening - REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, TAHOE VALLEY FIRE HOUSE, 8:00 P.M. N. R-, Maliemv, Cierk- ~f Board and Ex-Officio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PROTEST HEARING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1962-1 Director Wakeman called the Protest Hearing to order at 2:00 P.M. Present were Director Wakeman, Director Stewart, Director Feeler and Director Kortes. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney John Holtom, Engineer Harlan Moyer and Les Shoupe, Donald Richardson, Chapman Wentworth, George Leonardo, Marcelle Hensley, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brister, William V.D.Johnson, Mrs. J.C. Smith, Mr. J.A. Salmans, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Oser, Mr. K. Monroe, Mr. Nick Pandelis, Mr. W.J. Keefe, Mr. E. Silva, Mr. R. Upton, Mr. R. Maloff, Mr. Louis J. Prior, Mrs. Marie Barton. ABSENT: President Donald L. Clarke. Director Wakeman stated that all written protests will be read and following will be all verbal protests. Before Clerk of Board Mallery read the written protests, Attorney J. Holtom pointed out the parcels which are still excluded from the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT and also pointed out the area which covers Annexation 1962-1. Engineer Harlan Moyer explained the system service charges to those present and stated that this charge covers the properties which have had sewer lines laid in front of their property but have not paid because they have not been included in any assessment proceedings prior to this time. ENGINEER HARLAN MOYER stated that at the regular meeting scheduled for this evening at 8:00 P.M. he will recommend that based upon the revisions in quantities the system assessment in 1962-1 be reduced 20% for each parcel. Attorney Holtom also stated that he will also make a recommendation to the Board of Directors at the regular meeting scheduled for this evening at 8:00 P.M. that those people who made a deposit in cash based upon the Ordinance at that time be charged upon the formula at the time the assessment was computed rather than on the Ordinance that now exists. Clerk of Board Mallery read the following written protests: 1. Mrs. J.S.Faulkner 2, 2091 - 32nd Avenue San Francisco 16, Calif. 62-1-183; 29 041 45 Steve Roberto, 1650 Vineyard Avenue St. Helena, California 29 033 12 3. James D. Fears 4. 277 Gloria Drive Pleasant Hill, California 62-1-168; 29 041 17 Mr. Aram Harootunian P.O. Box 239 A1 Tahoe, California 5. J. W. Thurston 6. 3915 Norris Avenue Sacramento 21, California Mrs. Edna M Van Noate 1032 Leaf Avenue Stockton 7, California 7. Mr. William V. D. Johnson P.O. Box 368 Bijou, California Clerk of Board Mallery stated that he had received many calls regarding protests and stated [~t, he mentioned to all that were interested in protesting to appear at the Protest Hear- PROTEST HEARING June 20, 1963 ASSMT. DISTRICT 1962-1 VERBAL PROTESTS: (1) GEORGE LE~NARDO 62 1 .12j_;.2~ ..052_ 03 Mr. Leonardo asked if these improvements were going to be capital improvements and Mr. Harlan Moyer stated that this will benefit the property owner by b~inging public sewers to the property. The property owners are buying the right of service in the area. Mr. Leonardo stated that he was protesting the amount of $998.64 and that he had clear title to the property. Clerk of Board Mallery stated that the District records show ' no pro6f of having received any money covering annexation costs for the property owned by Mr. Leonardo. Director WaReman stated this could be another case where the Contractor has connected the property to the sewer line and did not obtain a permit and mentioned to Mr. George Leonardo that the District is asking for the Assessment in the amount of $998.64 and that his property has never been a part of the District. (2) WILLIAM V. D. JOHNSON - 62 1 362;_.3~ 29_p~:- Mr. Johnson stated that the property where "POOR P'~'E~"'S'"'['~'s~a~nt is located is an excluded parcel and that he ha~ asked Mr. Mallery last year to obtain the cost of having this parcel in the District. Mr. Mallery did obtain the figure for Mr. Johnson and Mr. Johnson stated that it was almost double the original figure. The records were checked and the assessment was listed at $1,198,06 which was agreeable to Mr. Johnson. (3) Mrs. J.C. Smith - 62 1 .9.9.;.~.7 124 01: Mrs. Smith stated that she had applied for inclusion i'n the Dis't~[c'~' sometime ago an~ that a bill was never received regarding her request. Also, Mrs. Smith stated that if she had known that back taxes would have to be paid, she would not have petitioned for annexation to the District. Mention was made that this petition could have been filed but %he annexation never was approved. This parcel of Mrs. Smith's was never included in the district and was definitely an excluded parcel. Mrs. Smith stated she wished to protest until she knew definitely what her charges would be for this assessment. Mr. Harlan Moyer stated that her charges will be as those on her notice, less approximately $100.00. This assessment will permit Mrs. Smith to conmect to the sewer line and the property is now a part of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. (4) S. H. OSER 62 1 126; 29 033 07: It was explained to Mr. S.H.Oser that the fee asked for by the District in~ the a-mount of $46.76 covers an annexation charge to bring this property into the District. These are taxes since 1963. Mr. Oser is not being charged a system charge - only district tax. (5) W. J. KEEFE~ 62 1 136; and. 62 1 122 - - 29 03~ 13: Mr. Moyer explained to Mr. meefe-lh~t the syStem char'~'e"'~r ~'[s ~r~p~'t~ ~a~ ~een paid and that his parcel was never a part of the district; his property has been annexed and this charge is for annexation fees. This fee covers back taxes that were not paid to the district - - this property is now a part of the district and Mr. Keefe can connect to the sewer line. (6) SILVA, E: DICK UPTON, ROBERt. ~LOFF (THUNDERBIRD MOTEL) 62 1 203; 29 061 08: Mr.' Silva stated there was a"~rmit gran~e~'' f0~' t~i-s ~'p~' an~' t~e~e"~a's' als0 a check for $530.00 and Mr. Silva stated he did not know if this was for annexation charge. Mr. Silva stated that the entire Escrow was held up to make certain this property would be in the District. Escrow stated that there was a check made out in the amount of $6~0.08 which was to have been turned over to the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT to have this property annexed. Engineer Harlan Moyer stated that this does need some study and that the Attorney and Clerk will study this matter. (7) MRS. H. BRISTER (Glorene Youn.g.)...62 [. 277; ?9..352 0!: MRS. Brister stated that she paid all fees requested t'o' ~e included in the South Tahoe Public Utility District and asked for an explanation of the notice sent to her regarding the same parcel she requested to be included. Mrs. Brister was told that her problem was taken care of as her assessment was computed according to the Ordinance that was in e~fe~t at the time she paid the fees and re- quested inclusion. (8) MR. LOUIS PRIOR, 62 1 277; 29 352 01: Mr. Prior stated that when he purchased his property he was told that the' pa'r~'ls wer~ in the District and after further checking he found that 4 parcels were in and two (2) were not. Mr. Prior also mentioned that on the two parcels that are not within the district he was told that he could not build any more units on this property. PROTEST HEARING (cont.) June 20, 1963 Assmt. Dist. 1962-1 Mr. Harlan Moyer mentioned to Mr. Prior that his property is now in the District and that his assessment ~ill be reduced approximately $100.00. ADJOURNMENT: 3:30 P.M. ROBERT WAKEMAN, CHAIRMAN PRO TE~- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIS[RICT ,, , A ~.~ ~,.~-:~' N.R.MALLERY, C~R~ ~& EX'OFFICIO SECRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT/f~ zJune 20, 1963 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTOS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 20.,..1.96.3 ............. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that Director Wakeman be appointed Chairman Pro Tem for this evening meeting. ROLL CALL: Present were Chairman Pro Tem Wakeman, Directors Fesler, Stewart, and Kortes. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Engineer Harlan Moyer, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, Les Shoupe, W. C. Taylor, William V.D. Johnson~ /~ene Black , Henrietta Lusher, Mrs. T. McNair, Donald Richardson, and Walt Little. ABSENT: President Donald L. Clarke. MINUTES: June 6~ 1963 - Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of June 6, 1963 be approved. JUNE 19 - Study Session;. June 2p.,. 0pen~Dg pf_ .B.i.d~.;. J_une 20,. ?~p.~.s~ ~.e~.ring.:' Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carri4d, that the above minutes be approved. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read the Manager's Report which is as follows: MANAGER's REPORT JUNE 20, 1963 PLANT OPERATION: Flow data for first 19 days of June: Total flow: 26,763,000 gallons Daily Average: 1,408,000 gallons Nevada flow - 5,253,000 gallons Daily Average - 276,470 gallons Holding pond freeboard - 5 feet 6 inches" Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. Attorney Holtom stated that the following letter is to be typed in full and made a part of thsse minutes: Honorable Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District County of E1 Dorado, State of California Bijou, California "June 20, 1963 Gentlemen: Re: Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1962-1 Your Resolution No. 429, entitled "A Resolution Requesting that the County Health Officer of E1 Dorado County Recommend Proceedings Under appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts, or Other Appropriate Proceedings, for the Acquisition and Construction of a Sanitary Sewerage System and Appurtenances, as JUNE 20, 1963, REGULAR MEETING Continued Necessary as a Health Measure", for Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1962-1, has been received by the undersigned Health Officer of E1 Dorado County. Pursuant to your request, a sewer survey has been initiated by the E1 Dorado County Health Department and an evaluation made on the basis of (1) overflowing sewerage disposal systems, (2) septic pumping reports, (3) high ground water areas, (4) existing lots that are too small for adequate sewerage disposal. The findings of this survey indicate that health hazards do presently exist in the above pro~ect area. Pursuant to Section 2808 of the Streets and Highways Code, in consideration of the serious health hazards presently existent within the boundaries of your proposed Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1962-1, the undersighed Health Officer of E1 Dorado County hereby urges the construction of sanitary sewers as an emergency health measure and recommends as necessary as a health measure, that your district undertake proceedings pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts of this St State, or other appropriate proceedings, as you shall determine, for the construction of sanitary sewers and for assessing or taxing the properties to be benefited thereby. This recommendation extends to such ~hanges and modifications therein as you shall find to be proper or advisable, in the mmmner provided by law. Respectfully yours, s./pu?pt..i% A.. Bonser Health Officer' o'f ~"D~rad~ d~hnty" Attorney Holtom also recommended the following resolutions be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 437: A RESOLUTION DETERMINING TO UNDERTAKE PROCEEDINGS PURSUANT TO APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS OR OTHER APPROPRIATE PROCEEDINGS, FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM AND APPURTENANCES WITHOUT PROCEEDINGS UNDER DIVISION 4 OF THE STREETS AND HIGH- ways code --- SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 1962-1. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 437 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 438: A RESOLUTION REJECTING BIDS, ORDERING CONTRACT NOT BE MADE AND ORDERING DISTRICT FORCES TO EXECUTE THE WORK Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 438 be approved. This Resolution was recommended for adoption fol6owing the report from Clerk of Board Mallery re the OPENING OF BIDS and the recommendation by Engineer Harlan Moyer. Clerk of Board Mallery stated that there was one bid received re Special Assessment District 1962-1 from J.A.Salmans - bid was $48,774.00 Engineer Harlan Moyer stated that this bid was quite high as the Engineer's estimate was $25,000.00 and recommended that this bid be rejected and have the work for Annexation 1962-1 done by force account and the District will hire the local contractors to complete same. There will be a 20% reductionc~on each parcel for this annexation Mr. Moyer stated and Attorney Holtom recommended that those people who made a deposit in cash based upon the Ordinance at that time be charged upon the formula at the time the assessment was computed rather than on the Ordinance that exists now. There will also be a possible deletion of approximately five (5) parcels from the Annexation proceedings, Attorney Holtom stated. RESOLUTION NO. 438: This RESOhUTION covered Engineer Harlan Moyer's recommenda- tion to the Board of Directors and Attorney Holtom's recommendation was also approved. (Moved, by Director Fesler, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried.) RESOLUTIOM. NO. 439: A RESOLUTION OVERRULING PROTESTS ON RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. b30, Assessment ~is~rict 1962-1. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 439 be approved. Jun.e 20,.., Regular Meetin~.,.(Cpn.t.inued) BESOLUTION NO. 440: A RESOLUTION ORDERING REDUCTION OF ASSESSMENTS - ASSESSMENT district 1962-1. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 440 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 441: A RESOLUTION AND ORDER ADOPTING ENGINEER'S REPORT, CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENT AND ORDERING THE WORK AND ACQUISITIONS, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1962-1. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 441 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 442: A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DISTRICT OFFICE AS OFFICE OF DISTRICT ENGINEER FOR RECORDING ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1962-1. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 442 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 443: 1962-1. A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING COLLECTION OFFICER, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 443 be approved. RECESS: 9:00 P.M. MEETING TO ORDER AT 9:05 P.M. (ANGORA SUBDIVISION-GENE BLACK-WITHDRAWN FROM AGENDA) U.S. FORESTRY SERVICE - S~.ECI~. ~E~M. U~.E PER~IT: General Manager Priday recommended approval of a check in the amount of $4,336.50 to be sent with the Term Special Use Permit. This will cover the period from July 1, 1963 to December 31, 1963. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the check in the amount of $4,336.50 be approved as recommended by General Manager Priday. Discussion followed regarding use of land as quickly as possible. It was mo~ed by Director Stewart, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that this meeting be adjourned to the STUDY SESSION SET [0R. JUNE 27,~ 1963, ?:.~0...?..M. AT THE TAHOE VALLEY FIRE HOUSE. (This meeting will be to discuss the future plans of th%'~'i'strict). EASEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT:(DIRECTOR STEWART) ~ollowing is the report by the Easement Committee Chairman: "Easement Committee Rep.or.t .o~. J.un~..lO.~ !.9.6.3.: Those present were Manager Priday, Attorney Weidman, Director Fesler and myself, Director Stewart, as Chairman. ~ The first subject on the Agenda was the final draft of the GROSS EASEMENT, which was approved and an offer of $452.20 is being made for this easement. It was the findings of this committee that the size of the GROSS EASEMENT could and should be reduced to approximately one-half of the original siz~~ ~or~ ~istance of 390' which would be and will save the District approximately $200.00 to $250.00. Dr...Whitel[ request: We have no recommendation to make at this time in regards to the re- quest of Dr. Whitely due to need of additional information fmmm the ElDorado County Road Dept. ROWLAND EASEMENT: We do have a grant of easement on the ROWLAND property, but according to our findings, this collection line is not within the easmment as granted. We hereby recommend that the District abandon this line since it serves only as a lateral." Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the ROWLAND EASEMENT be abandoned as recommended by the Easement Committee Chairman. "BAR~ON EASEMENT: This will require further study before a recommendation can be made. We are at the present trying to determine the cost for easements, VANCE EASEMENT: We do have a grant of easement on VANCE property but the owner claims damag~ to the property. The committee does not feel MR. VA~C'E' has a legal claim and the Attorney was requested to settle this problem. JOHNSON ESTATE EASEMENTS: Before this committee can make a recommendation concerning the Johnson Estate Easements,further study and consideration will be required, as well as a personal conference with the JOHNSON REPRESENTATIVES, JUNE 20, REGULAR MEETING (cont.) Page 2 6 1 C -(2-c( EASEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT (Cont.) Adjourned at 3:00 P.M.= s/Chairman, T.L.Stewart" PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT: (Director Fesler) "Meeting held June 14, 1963-1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. prior to the Lake Tahoe Area Council Meeting at Harvey's Wagon Wheel. Present were Director Stewart, Attorney Weidman, Engineer H.Moyer, Manager Priday, and Chair- man Fesler. Also present was Don Richardson of the press. Invited by mail andpersonal phone call was County Sanitarian Taylor but he did not attend. A report by Harlan Moyer was presented and discussed involving the following points: (1) Contiguous annexations should be accomplished in an orderly manner; (2) non=contiguous annexations of small isolated undeveloped subdivisions are not desirable both from a financial standpoint and from the problems of service;(3) present annexation fees are entirely inadequate;(4) contiguous areas annexation fees should range from $300 to $600 per acre, based on current capital investment. Ail coTnmittee members were in agreement that future annexations must be acoomplished with a view toward overall planning considering the Regional Planning Commission, E1 Dorado County Planning Commission and other affected public entities, such as Fire Distr~ct, etc. = ..... Attorney Weidman was requested to draw up a RESOLUTION tying in the matter of annexations with the overall master planning for the area." Attorney Weidman requested the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO, 444: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF THE DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBL'i'C-TOILi'TY' DI'STRI'CT DETERMINING THAT THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY WILL NOT FACILITATE THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION, COMPLETION, OR OPERATION OF ANY PUBLIC UTILITY WORKS OR WILL NOT BE FOR THE ADVANTAGE OF THE DISTRICT. "This committee recommends the adoption of the aforementioned resolution as presented by Attorney Weidman. The Committee further recommends that the Attorney be instructed by the Boadd to prepare an Ordinance amending Ordinance #51, increasing annexations fees, $200 an acre over the existing Ordinance structure. Fees to be: 1963 - $100 to $300 1964 - 1965 --- $200 to $400 ~ 1965 and after ...... $500 Rhairman Pro Tem Wakeman instructed Attorney Weidman to draw up the Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 51 as recommended by the Planning Committee. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the RESOLUTION NO. 444 be approved as recommended by the Planning Committee. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: General Manager Priday recommended the approval of the claims in the amount of $23,103.69. (Claim to Gordon Huber Company in the amount of $709.61 was not recommended for payment.) ADJOURNMENT: This meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. to June 27, 1963, 7:30 P.M, at the Tahoe Valley Fire HOuge. (June 27, 1963 meeting will be to discuss the future plans of the District.) R~BERT ~AKEMAN, CHAIRMAN PRO TEM SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N. R. MA~LERY, 'cL'~'RK 'OF BOARD AN~¢ EX-OFFICIO SECRETARY ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIS ICT JUNE 20, 1963 REGULAR MEETING ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 27, 1963 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session June 27, 1963, 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Fesler, Kortes and Stewart. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney J. Weidman, Engineer H. Moyer, W. C. Taylor, L. Shoupe, Donald Richardson. President Clarke called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. and he also complimented Director Wakeman for his manner in conducting the meetings during his absence. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report which is as follows: "Manager"s Repmrt June 27, 1968 PLANT OPERATION: Holding Pond freeboard 5'11". should get a special thanks for a job well done. the pond is gaining in freeboard. Again I think the 'men on the hill' Even though the flows are increasing The time delay mechanism, built by Mr. Taylor, Supt. of Plant Operations, and installed on the spray pumps is working as anticipated. The mechanism allows time for the spray system to drain before the pumps go on again after a power failure. Heretofore, the pumps were manually turned on after having to drain the lines. It has been necessary to drain the lines after the pumps shutoff so the piping will not fail, due to movement from pump pressure, because the lines are on top of ground and have a minimum of anchorage. I would like to recommend to the Board that Link Road be paved over to Mr. Perry's fence for the full length of the District's easement to the pump station. By so doing, it will benefit the District and the residents using the road as it is very narrow and particularly difficult to travel during inclement weather. The subject work would only involve the District right-of-way. Approximate cost - $400.00. I would like to recommend to the Board that the plant and inspection personnel be uniformed. I feel by putting uniforms on the plant personnel, it would upgrade the individual by keeping uniformity and cleanliness to a higher degree. In fact it has been suggested by the Industrial Accident Commission that it could be a safe guard against an employees family being subjected to impurities by having to change from his working clothes and showering before leaving plant. By putting the inspectors in uniforms it would help identify them as District personnel and make their entree to the public more official. We have investigated the uniform service and it is as follows: This concern furnishes seven (7) uniforms per man. The name is put on the shirts at no extra cost to the District. Any District insignia that we might want on the shirts would be an extra cost to the District. The cost per man for the uniform service would be approximately $2.70 per man per week. Seven (7) uniforms per week, per man, are furnished. Three (3) will be in the laundry at ail times. Three (3) will be worn by the man during the week (a clean uniform every other morning) and the fourth (4th) will be put on Friday morning when the laundry will exchange three (3) clean uniforms for three (3) dirty uniforms. They have a selection of approximately (8) eight colors to choose from or they can arrange any com~ination of colors from the basic colors supplied that the District might want. Uniforms needed: 11 - operating and maintenance ? ~- inspectors 13 Total @$2.70 per man - $35.10 per week." RDCOMMENDATIONS OF GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY: (1) ~[LI~K~0AD: Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that General Manager Priday's recommenda- tion be accepted. (2) RE UNIFORMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that General Manager Priday's recommendation to obtain theuniforms be approved. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted. Page 2 June 27, 1963 Adjourned Meeting Mention was made re the Lake Tahoe Area Council Report. It was stated that no report was received by the District. In answer to the question as to the District's opinion of the Lake Tahoe Area Council Report, Engineer ti. Moyer stated that the report did not state anything regarding cost or how it would affect the South Tahoe area, and it is not possible for the District to give an opinion at this time. Director Fesler stated that the intention of this meeting was to discuss the future plans of the District and that because it will be sometime ~efore the District can use the Forest Service land, he questioned the advisability of the entire U.S.Forest Service program. Engineer H. Moyer stated that land disposal or any other means is not their recommended answer to effluent disposal and the plan was to assure the protection of the Lake from pollution at the present time and near foreseeable future. After reviewing the files (re 660 Application) and what was said at the meeting which all Directors attended at Sacramento, Mr. Moyer stated that Mr. Bonderson stated the District application was: (1) a grant on effluent pump stations and force main; )2) land disposal system; (37 in addition to the treatment plant, provide a better effluent for land disposal as well as increasing the effluent from the plant which would be Tertiary Treatment. Mr. Moyer also stated that it would be to the District's advantage to provide a better treatment of effluent. Mr. Moyer stated that the Health Service stated they do approve the portion that relates to Tertiary Treatment and have not stated if they will approve the part that relates to the Forest Service Land Use. Also, Mr. Moyer stated that he understood the Health Service w~ould notify the district in time for the application to be changed if they will not approve the portion for the Forest Land Use. The District is still under the Cease and Desist Order issued by the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution ?Control Board and that the LRWPCB does not aare what type of treatment is given the effluent - - their concern is that the effluent be confined to the disposal site only. Also, Mr. Moyer stated that by Tertiary Treatment many of the nutrients would be removed, possibly eliminate the sewage disposal by land methods, eliminate the odors, and there will be no A.B.S. in the effluent. However, Mr. Moyer stated, land disposal is necessary and the District will have to abide by the request. In order to use land disposal and make it successful the effluent will be treated to a higher degree. Nutrients will be removed that could cause this disposal to the lake - - this is the entire program the grant was set up for. In order to get help, the grant had to be made be- case of the cause of the problem we have with land disposal. Engineer Moyer stated that the expansion project for the district will cover: (1) force main and pumping station Est. $150,000[ (2) additional holding ponds and spray disposal facilities ---Est $150,000; (3) Tertiary treatment plant - - - $600,000 Total costs ..... $1,113,500 Engineer Moyer presented the plans and specifications to the Board and stated that the plans are not in formal form but must be submitted describing the intended use. The plans and specifications for the Tertiary Treatment will be submitted in final form in approximately four (4) months. These plans are needed to accompany the Forest Service Use Permit Mr. Moyer stated and suggested that they are not submitted until all necessary documents are ready to be sent to the Forest Service. Mr. Moyer also stated that the Directors have to decide whether or not they want to plan for the Tertiary Treatment, and ..... if so, this will produce an effluent that is better than now. Also, if the District wishes to take advantage of the 30% Federal funds, the engineer should be authorized to go ahead with the plans and specifications for the Tertiary Treatment, which will take apprdximately four (4) months to prepare in final form. PAGE 3 June 27, 1963 - ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING Mr. Moyer also stated that if the District is going to continue with land disposal the same problems will be faced as are faced now. Right now, we have to continue with land disposal because it is the only form that is approved by the Lahontan Water Regional ~ollution Control Board, and they are the ones that have set the standards and require= ments. Mr. Moyer also stated that with proper treatment and dangers of pollution will be eliminated and this area will be an atDraction for the South Shore. The effluent will then be good, clear, pure water because it will meet the standards required for drinking water. Mr. Priday stated that Mr. Elwood Johnson stated he felt the Tertiary Treatment was an excellent idea and he is in hopes of being able to use this in Lake Christopher. Mr. Moyer stated the only reason this is being put on land is because there is no other place to put the effluent. General Manager Priday stated that many people will use the effluent if treated by the Tertiary Treatment and that the U.S.Forest Service would use it but cannot use it with the present treatment the effluent is given. Director Wakeman stated that by going Tertiary Treatment we will be doubling the capacity of the plant. He then asked if - "We are thinking of the development of Lake Tahoe? If so, why don't we think big enough about paying for the development of Lake Tahoe? Why don't we get outside help" Why don't we present our problem to a higher pgwer?" General Manager Priday stated that all authorities that could be contacted regarding our problem have been written to - such as Governor Brown, Governor Sawyer, Congreeman "Bizz" Johnson, etc. President Clarke stated that the outside world is not allowing us to solve our problem; they are telling us what we can or cannot do and I think they should pay for the privilege of apeaking their piece. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried that the Engineer be authorized to prepare and submit plans and specifications on the basis of the program as outlined re 660 Fund and our Use Permit, Pump Stations, Force Mains, Spray Disposal; also, the Tertiary Treatment Plans, which will take four (4) months to prepare. Upon receipt of these plans, submit to the agencies requesting them. Discussion was held as to requesting an audience with the U.S.Public Health Service. Director Stewart stated that he would like to have our Manager authorized to contact the heads of the agencies and set up a meeting in regards to the 660 Funds. President Clarke instructed our Manager to contact the agencies and set up a meeting with Mr. Bonderson, Thourene, and the Representative from the Forest Service. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Director Stewart stated that Tuesday, June 25, the committee - General Manager Priday, Director Fesler, and Director Stewart met. Discussed were: (1) ALVA BARTON EASEMENT: An offer was made to Alva Barton in the amount of $540.00 to settle th'is cla'i~'.'" ~i~'Ba~ton will accept this amount and Director Stewart recommended that this easement claim be settled in the amount of $540.00. Director Wakeman seconded, unanimously carried. (2) KNOX JOHNSON - ESTATE: Director Stewart stated that at the present time there is an easement that has been pending for a number of years which is in the Johnson acres - Lots 10 and 11. This was discussed with Mr. Knox Johnson and Mr. William V. D. Johnson. There are three different pipe lines that the District encroached on the property in front of the plant which is 40' by 100' long, and for which the District has a right-of- way. We discussed the outright purchase of this property, which is the lot in front of the plant(Johnson Road), at .10¢ square foot and we can make the purchase instead of procuring the granting of an easement. This purchase will give the District ownership of l~nd contiguous to the existing boundaries of the South Tahoe Public Utility District anda allow the annexation of the plant property to the District. This annexation will eliminate the assessing of the District property by the County. Total figure to settle this with the Johnson Estate is $7,100.00. - Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the District follow through with this and request the Johnson Estate to annex the 71 acres to the District in consideration of the settlement of this easement and have title to the land in PAGE 4 June 27, 1963, Adj. Regular Meeting. front of the plant. General Manager Priday stated that we will make a petition describing their land and ours and have them sign their portion of it and will sign our portion and have them t° petition · Attorney Weidman will enter into an arrangement for court approval. CITY AIRPORT: Discussion was held regarding effluent to be used at the Lake Tahoe Airport. This was turned over to the Planning Committee and Mr. Malmolm Wordell will be advised of the decision made. Being that July 4, 1963, is a regular meeting night and also is Independence Day - the Ordinance calls for a meeting the Friday following - which is July 5, 1963, 8:00 P.M., at the Tahoe Valley Fire House. ADJOURMENT: 10:30 P.M. /-"D~nald Lo Clarke~ President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N. R. Ma~llery, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 5, 1963 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was opened at 8:00 P.M. at the Tahoe Valley Fire House, by Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary, N. R. Mallerv. There being no Directors present, no business was conducted, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 P.M. No-R-~-M~-iler-v,'' Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT