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Resolution 2214
1 2 2 1 4 1 WOLUTION N0. 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ORDERING CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS IN AND INCORPORATED 4 INTO PROJECT 5 SOUTIJ TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 6 CC W,WNITY COLLEGE WELL PROJECT 7 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the South 8 Tahoe Public Utility District that: 9 1. The Final Project Report - South Tahoe Public Utility 10 District for College Well, dated January, 1981, has been presented 11 to the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District 12 2. The Final Environmental Impact Report - South Tahoe 13 Public Utility District - Community College Well Project has been 14 presented to and certified by the Board of Directors of the South 15 Tahoe Public Utility District. 16 3. The following changes or alterations are required in 17 or required to be incorporated into the South Tahoe Public Utility 18 District - Community College Well Project to avoid or reduce to an 19 acceptable level significant effects identified in the Final Envi- 20 ronmental Impact Report and are hereby ordered changed and in- 21 corporated into said project: 22 A. The maxima capacity of the new domestic well 23 will be 2.0 million gallons per day. 24 B. After the new domestic well is in operation, 25 South Tahoe Public Utility District shall take out of active service `fir. 26 8 small wells, Blackrock #1, Blackrock #2, Pine Avenue, Ralph, JOHN C. WEIDMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW 319 MAIN STREET PLACERVILLE, CA 96097 TELEPHONE 921.5290 %W I Fountain #1, Fountain #2, Chris and Helen #1, with a measured 2 capacity of 1.07 million gallons per day, except under an emergency 3 condition. The District will not further utilize the capacity of 4 these 8 small wells for determination of allowable connections until 5 completion of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency updated plan and 6 a recommended revised water allocation for South Tahoe Public 7 Utility District Is approved by the State Water Resources Control 8 Board. 9 C. South Tahoe Public Utility District will partici- 10 pate and implement a Water Conservation Plan currently being 11 developed by the South Shore Water Purveyors, which Conservation 12 Plan will eventually be adopted by said District as a part of its 13 Water Master Plan. 14 D. Establishment of a water service commitment 15 accounting system which will include the following items: 16 (1) listing of active water accounts: 17 (2) listing of "Will Serve" commitments; 18 (3) estimate of annual production with existing 19 active water accounts and "Will Serve" commitments; 20 (4) estimate of remaining capacity and allow- 21 able new connections. 22 E. Install a metering system to measure total 23 diversions to Nevada. 24 F. Monitoring of total, 'water; proddestiou by South 25 Tahoe Publid",Vtility-,~iatrict. 26 G. Adoption of U. S. Department of Agriculture Soil JOHN C. WEIDMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW aE6 MAIN tTREET - PLACERVILLE. CA 96067 TELEPHONE 622.6260 I Conservation Service recommendations dated December 4, 1980, a copy 2 of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, for temporary 3 erosion control, temporary vegetation protection, infiltration 4 facilities, infiltration storage pit, and re-vegetation. 5 H. The portion of Johnson Road between the existing 6 wastewater treatment plant of South Tahoe Public Utility District 7 and the well access road from Johnson Road will be graveled. 8 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Board of 9 Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District held on the 10 7th day of May, 1981, by the following vote: 11 AYES: Directors Olson, Kashuba,Wynn, 12 Madden and Jones 13 NOES: None 14 ABSENT: None 15 16 17 President, Board of Directors SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 18 19 20 ATTEST: 21, 22 I ~ Clerk of the 23 30t1'rH OE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 24 25 26 JOHN C. WEIDMAN - - ATTORNEY AT LAW 3 326 MAIN STREET PLACERVILLE. CA 55667 TELEPHONE 622.5260 1 CERTIFICATE 2 3 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and 4 correct copy of Resolution No. 2 2 1 4 duly and regularly 5 adopted by the Hoard of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY 6 DISTRICT, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on May r, 1981. 7 Dated: May 7, 1981 8 9 10 S©UTH T QE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 JOHN C. WEIDMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW 326 MAIN STREET PLACERVILLE. CA 56667 4 TELEPHONE 622.6260 C' - L:,1r T. JrCA cg7~1 ~•cc r G )Sb0 L Mr, Jim Cofer, General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District So, Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 )tE: Col l eLe Well Conservation Plan - Dear Jim: On Dec'( tuber 2, )•;ark Parson ,let with e Eaer, Ruthie Hong, and Bill Ettlich for a field review of the new colleLe well sire, SCS staff offers the following T(-co-:,lcndations. 1, TENPOP„A1:Y EROSION CONTROL: Erosion control barriers should be installed at appropriate locations in the project area `'rainaLe s•~ales around the sediment and --aerstorage pit). We also Teco;,mend you keep extra m..aterial on hand for emer- 1, ncies, such as 8-10 straw bales or 20-25 feet of filter fabric fr-nce, 2. TE)IPORARY VEGETATIVE FROiECTION: £yisting ve,et.=tion s be protected from construction activities. Mould can be used to contain construction work and Tvoijdrdayagentotlg shrubs and trees. The California Departe~ent of Forestry can be contacted to determine which trees are diseased or da;,.aged, and suggest appropriate rc,,c--dies. Trenching operations should avoid da:;.age to tree roots. Paving and trenching should be kept out of the dripline area of nearby trees, or no closer than five feet. Damaged roots and limbs should be painted, 3. INFIL7RATION FACILITIES: Infiltration trenches should be placed along the paved driveway and dripline of the well house. SCS staff has calculated the proper size of these trenches (see attached drawinEs). Tile paved road should be sloped to::ards the gravel trench. Since the water rain ~.,ill be located on the north side of the road, the pavement should slope towards a trench on the south side. 4. INFILTRATION AND STORAGE PIT: The size of the infiltration pit should be designed to contain the naximum amount of water supplied. Permeability rates for this Elmira soil are: 0-39 in, depth = 6.3-20 in./hr.; > 39 in. depth 20 in. hr. As there are several trees (Lodgepole) which will be flooded we suggest not allowing water to stand longer than two to • t},rrr da)s; this _i)) ~voSd dor dratl, of t),c trr~ s, T),c t a r)' s t o Le T•1.,r~ d in tl,c •}raid c'., et- iLr -d to r;t.ure a stable structure. Scctir,n ));-I of -it- PA's Pa,,dLc,ok oI first `:anaLc•r..c•nt I'r.,ctices will provide },e]pful Luidelines for this. the dams s),ould fail, the sediment debris baIf r ay reason sinoandnculverts further down the swale on STPUD Pro ert to )candle an P y should be adcgF,ate any sediment and erosion problems. 5. }tE1rFGF_TAT)ON: All disturbr-d should be rc-vc-l;etat(•d , fertilized, areas, existing or newly ere-ated, rc-co;.,:F)rndation "A" and mulching jo},s}caeLn)c]ched (see nn r. slopes should be Lrvu ht to all cut and/or. fill a grade of 2:1 or less and stabilizr-d• The project site is located on ]o=)F•y coarse sends, 0 to S percent sloieeSfB soil type; Elmira-Gefo out4•;,shes• Drair,a is soy j ?lase soils are on alluvial erosion hazard is j;e is ,C-1-at excessive, runoff is ver , Y slog, and the ratir•Ls; Ro,id location - r,adc-rate,lty is rZpid' ]'`"d use limitation excavation - sliLht; dwellings - slil;ht• If you have any questions rel,ardinb our rc-co-c;,endations contact mark Parson. Please Serely, j~ D ict Conserv ationist - it F 1 { , 7. J { . • 9 ON CRYTACAIf_ARFAS FIC.i,deastiIIg -.~-e•d ar,d fcrtiISzcr F with a 'be'l ly Gri l,dex--. l,'~-. ♦ . ~ a ~ a ~1 •'i• RaY.ir,g seed into 1~ i.♦'.i 3` w seedbed to a 1/2 inch depth. f:- -a. f _ _ 1 1 ~ ..1 1 / ~ -14 . J • - - _ • Jam: = s - ~ + `L ~ _ a' 1 `J •1 x'11 t - a.~-^--~^y~_- --•~~•i.~ 'a.'~~ -J~ `.'•Lv y f1~^:i_;:~~= r- pan d spreading weed-free straw _ for mulch and erosion cont rol. - t:; 't tea. i--•;~"~- :f.'.1 ' J r( I 1.~.. / 1 r sCS ♦.c+e a•e: 21 _14 "Punching" straw into seedbed with - ~ I a shovel. = na.y-p1.•` ft- -Y t.ar a:r•~...~'~,~ r~l;~';1•r ii-~~~ - - r' •}F r`• /,t '.i:i'~.?' - ar"i~• ~~'~.:~:i~~.' 'fi't: `a':'l.,r'1a~ 4;a~,~ il_ _ • ~;Ii:_ f : -'r /.i+-!a• ~ ? ••9 r;_L.., t• ; ~:t)./:.~ yi;'+.. ~!a. f-•:~ ~'.ZT_ q~.a .Ti .•7 1 T1 - . ~:.'i •-S~.:T.~i.•;:.. ~•.a' ~7 t/ ~ Iti fit' f : ,:..C-T 7 • .J] •t~ j~d~ `LZ1~-'f^ ~r~_>'~-~y -_f• - s[s a.c+e a-a.sY_• The result - A well Protected slope. sea r-6111 3 _7316 a It irpcrtant to establish vcgctat ion on rc~d cuts and fills. croCtG arras, StwJelir.cs and strca, !.ants. and other areas disturt~t•d in construction .,I,rL. or r t orrt_n fur otl.t:r reasons. A yujd cc..,cr of vt•gctat ion a an hre.lrct IFhr Irea from cc, rveoce rointeno16CC0 f1 /i/CC :cdll t'r.t.+t l(in. a+•d pie, e fi•:lUn, Ire IC✓C :f(i•raf.+r. -iCe a lot-ger life for a cur•pletcd Nloject. It r•ay also ii.-prove the area for Idlife. Scedin or others antin should be done as soon as j~ossible and~ract practical after cor►struction is completed. The best means of providing for good stands of asses or other ground cover is to place topsoil on sterile areas. As little as 1 inch will be helpful, iiore is better. Seedbed and_P_lant in2: Roughen planting areas to a 4 to 6 inch depth in order to promote germination and stand growth. A harrow will leave the area in good con- dition for planting. If possible, seed should be drilled to a 1/2 inch depth. Broadcasted seed should be uniformly spread and ral.ed to the same depth. Seed Specifics: When planting legumes, be sure to innoculate the seed prior to seeding. Obtain seed from a reputable dealer to ensure viable sexed that will have a high percent of germination. Use recommended varieties only. . Mulch: !'seas other than those to be sodded will require mulching. A uniform cover of weed-free straw will reduce erosion until a stand can be established. A soil protected by mulch holds no isture and promotes germination and growth. Mulches will need to be anchored to prevent wind rer;,oval. "Punch" straw into ground with a shovel at intervals of 6 inches moving across the slope or use a straw crimping machine or sheepsfoot over the area t%,rice. See the enclosed jobsheet. ~rication: Irrigate the planting for one growing season or until grass is es= -y - - - ablished. Dry areas ray require occasional v:atering during su;+mer. SCS RECOMMENDS THE FOLLOW114G PLANTING MATERIAL G FERTILIZER Recommendation "A" - standard mixture Lbs/Acre Lbs/1000 sq. ft. Planting materials: 1. Tegrnar Intermediate %..heatgrass or Luna pubescent wheatgrass or Arriba western 2$ .57 wheatgrass 22 2. Durar hard fescue or Potomac orchardgrass 10 _ 3. White Dutch clover, yello:-r sweet clover, 22 or Lutana titer millcvetch 10 Fertilizer: Use 16-20-0, or other fast release fertilizer. Rate: 1. 250 lbs/acre (5.7 lbs/1000 sq. ft.) - first application 2. 150 lbs/acre (3.5 lbs/1000 sq. ft.) - supplemental spring applications as needed. • I i LV ~t I.l~ nJ1.'~'i f S t t.c rtisL j•r~ f~•rrl d r.( t 7 2,1 }.r~rt fl•r Y d in •.-a)) J,Tani r 1 Arc t, C C l r i n. L y- • n L I,C Ta }•CGc I, L 9] n. ~ L I'n v ~ 9 r P t)) qL. 1 'J I - r Inv .~r.d ~I•J•) 1 t .,t a url! f•1„ r. r •.t r.•v , In ►,c. ,I I,) i. rt 1 . J'nl c (,v, r 1 •y 1.,r.rj L'It in frr.n ~.~•l.ir.. 1 I'l.,rc l,y r, r,rr of tl,n (cJll.Jr•i..r .1 1 'r.. I •I I.I..wi lr 1 1.•..1 / I,r .'vl•111 11 t 111.• S, .•.ll1i 1 ' 1 MY ••I„Ir11 h),Ir1" rl, ..t 11.1 .11.1•' 1 Iu• •.t 1 1 r)F t Ire i t h ; rr.vl) .~I t nt r 1 vn)., c1 l ' ),ll)1•. r)r L.'it 11 X 111 Ill,'I11•.: i11.1•/rl,•t ..•1..•::. 11.1• .•/11.1..11/ J•)A:.tic o n~.~cl,.~nir.'a] crilnll~•l 2. Ill,l.lil,.l t t.• I 1 .w I•Y 1 r 1 j1.1•r it/:I t irrr). Ile Irl• Lrl irij,h lr 1111• )1.•1 I. itill ..I•:.,- tlre straw uitll tilunr+ l.itr•1 or I•-,r.viryitrl aii(I.t, t• r'r I8•11/1 If IryrlroJnulr:hil,r~, ,rs~ .3 woad fil.••r I.1u)cll ('1.1y .010 :11 1 1„: r c'onst>] t yr„Ir I .•r• i t i..i 1 .1 r•. or cr~t,tr:,r t n) for 1l•rt L` i nl.,r,n,t ir,n r'I,I,.:t r1r Ill~l 1 r1::i .rlltl the Special }n~k)rvil11 .1•I.•I.t:. Ittilrt in 11 r►rr,Jnlil. 1.••:. 'lot cost efrr•ctiv.? nil Jre.ls .1cre or,ll••:s; It f',t•IJJ!'"t1.'.I1it11,.1t )::ttl,w,lly . rnu)~}tiny) T,1! lit it j7lrr3 nil :.ui.ll )cr .Ir,~•IS. Itr•;n,•mLl'r 111.11 nnl l r-i, i ,Irl i.; ,,r, N,:] ] ln.l jilt., i 11••rl I jr •VI•,1 '1 It-ml ,r.) l'„ Un .1 :.11.• 111 I.1 111 111.1 J•.:I tn.Jn.-nt :,t t J O I 't .It I V/ .'..V. 1 1:. 1!..1•'11 1,...1 . 1 1 . t. kT.CO J;f IMYD I;Ill,r II I,I1n I:n'I'I; PUL•CIONG - All areas revegetated and/or fertili2erl should he mulched, using clean I:eed-free straw, at the following rate(s): a._2:1(50%) to 1.5:1 slopes - Apply the mulch at the rate of 2.5 ton 8cie(115 lbs./1000sq.ft.). Only on short lengths (10 ft. or less) s/ should the straw be punched in by hand-tucking or shovel. A tack- ifler or tletting should be used to tie down the mulch. Consult the enclosed job sheet, b. 2:1(50.) to 4:1(25%) slopes - Apply' the mulch at the rate of 2 tons/ acre (90 1 bs./l000sq. ft. The mulch should be crimped or punched into the soil, or held by netting or so.-ne tack i fying agent. Consult the enclosed job sheet. c. 4:1(25A) on flatter slopes - Apply the mulch at the rate of 1.51.ons/ arre(20 lbs./1000sq. ft. The mulch should be tripped or j)IJnched into the soil, or held by netting or some tachifying agent. Consult the enclosed job srieet.