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1962 01/04 - 1962 12/20
142 ~Phe ~oard oF DiPeetor~ ~]e~:.. in pe,'~]nr ~essJ. on ,htnuavc ~],~nt,. ~I'osident Oouza callo.~ the n!eotin~ to oPclor [z.~, °:9~ ~.~[. Til]imn Jolmson l-]. But:.]e]..~ Sue i]mTood -Tahoe Trihu~e~ Dona1 d :~i ~ -, -- --- ,,m l ]n~bam. .... "~,,,-*: D/reeL, or Imba. cb moved, seconded hy Direc6or C]arl:e~ and una,pinlol!s]]- carried, that the minutes or December O1' IgB] be appPoved. ~:,~Ct, G~I,I0:~ 0F I.>!P0]~: ,~ lliam Johnson s~aied Lha, t his Association (!,r:e Tahoe t a,~zpayer s Associati~ has received ma, m, comments concerninrr t. be ~0UP"i TAHOE P!7[]I IC !TITY~z T~I',Tr+iC~_ ~ph~ +~ .... fo~ . ." . Lnc..r[es t'h~]l].ber.. IlO0 "XT" f4t .... + ~._ . . _ , ...... . .-~-- ,."~. Slffn annexa.~ion naners h~P~-..~ -t-~ :__.o_. .. - -.. , .. ]]]liber s~at, ed that she was trer~ted Pude!v by one at, the District office; al. so~ +, ~ cna~ she has no6 received .ne [n:Fomnation she requested. ~[r. ?[a]le~? sLa%ed thp& he believed ?,frs. l~ail!ibers re?rests h~,d oeen complied with and would checlc J<~ediate~v and see t-.ha-{; they were. (2) 7frs. P. Codman. P.0. Box 471 ' C .... :. ~ Fa.~r 0alcs~ Cal. ifornia: 5h-. Johnson slated Lhat ?Jrs. R. ~oc~an has not, ~eee]ved a reply to her five (5} let6e,s · - ......... , ......she has written to Dislrxct. Attorney Holt. om stat. ed that at tim t,i~:~e he was unable Lo answer Lbo questions Uts. I,:. Co&nan a.,qked in her lo'frets; ~ovever. nm~- that the petition for ,5nne-:a.t/on og %:clndod Pareels is filed~ Im can answer tho q-estions for ~[rs. ,9odman. letter st. ated lhat. be was nn miner o-P a parcel i. C~,-a .... ~ .... ~ ; ,. ..... .~ s lot<er was ...... Inb the Ioho anoo Taxpr?er~s ~ · .' '- ; 5tssoe'~a~-~on ~zbaL thai r Orqaniza,tion can do oP ia doing,' re'm. rdin~ sewers~ s~reets~ etc :~r. Lafer~z,- ~+.~-~ ........... - -" . ..... ~.u that Lhe Contrac~ora lei)!, (he ,~fireeLs in vmT poor eondifiion and L}mt he has never seen an Inspector on Lhe job. "~'r. Unr]an ?~oyer slaLed tba'l, ma.n~ of J:~r. P. LaferL~'s comments Jn his ]etLer were m~t,r,e - i,h~r~ bas ~lTn,ys ~,een an Insnector on t, ho joh~ als'~, that i:,here is !i~tlo douhl, t,'hat, in any consLr,.cl ~ o,, proT~eet ,~,tree~,,s cannot, be repaved as eo~nple-tely as ~he ori~jinal appoprance Dot boon accep't, oOc, nr! +' ~ · .... nat mono,- ~,s n.i~,-,-.Lid 'P*'om-~-,1)0 cnntr',c+or~ -nli l Johnson :"~,s n~=:'od b27 -U)e Loarr oF Direct, ors i P ::r. Paul Lafertv's let&er was 7~h-. Johnson si, at, ed t',mL ,4,-,8oc~aLlon a~!d f, llp~ '-* '¥raa ...... ' .......... [~orr:do ..,o .c,; P~o~i/J ~omlcissJo~o~ l"e(]--i~'es; t,!:e man-hoJes be !es;:; th,,, o,m-ipo~, (1"} a~l) 4%0 ........ and nol more than two inches ( below ,,,, e,risLin:Z o? -t;~e r:Ireet. This be r, nd "Tr P Drainer , .....t'yTM rl °o '.., -- ~(p ~,) ,' ..... ] P!oe~, %"i t,:l [!i S; cpi)rove ~ ' r. O~ ,.~ ~'i '~': q".~ .~r'r~ r,: - 1 /'i I; u .... t,'~ ~" +I..~ 'i~ "'{ ,.r ..~ ~ 1 I ~' ' nr"P~' ...... ~ -,.-,r4 .. ~ Nn~0 -I-~,~ _, '' ~roposnlf: .Poi- t. Ne Pel'x~ldin,-- off t!-m ?i?~,' ~ ..... ~i,r-- ~'i-('n~'~ ~, ~ ~ ~"' ........... ~..., and that. the ~ , ,, ....... ~ ~ · , ~.~. ,., ..... .~ .. o !:ax:tlr ~ _.~ .r~ r · .-., · u,n,..: .- - ~n!,al Poe? Utility 9isirie',:'s letter oP qe'.mr tmprove~:e:rt District ?'~o. 1, a des~r'e to ca,mc n con. tract/on t.o 'tho ~r ~mZc I, ino. ......... ann. ifo,'itic0iv,.ons~ qr, p~tnr'y ~' ............ ;'ew,-rase Proieet, Xo. 1~0-o~ and re- co.ended lhal the ~oard ,~,~n,+ ..lar~,e movod~ seconded ))v Dir'eni-,o- Imbach. and carried unanimous ]y t, hat, ~ *' ' - :.:esoluv~on No. 352~ bo approved. 0N!)IX:C,TrJEs: ~enera! './annSnr Prida~. reeos~mndnd t';mt aT, .... ',~ ..... -.~z.~z~..,;~,:. :fO. S4, which Ordincnce ~bnendip,,. Ordinance ~' o,.~ and Adopl :in~; l~y J,e~erence tim .,'estern Pl,Jmhins Official AssociatSon~ "*'pifom Plt~nl~inS Code" 1958 Erlitin. and ~rthor the ITso of P~fldic and Private Pl~nnhin~ Drainage and Sewer/n~ in t.he a ~' .... ~mct Director Imba, ch moved~ seconded 1)~-D i ~'~ Ctr O ~~Clarke~ anJ unani, movs 1~- ca. rr:~ od i,!m (, aT'T/T*r' ~rm", ~- _kLtorne-c ,,r - ~ .... t Im,granse release :}12,o.,o ~ · ., .,el c]Jt!aD r()conxllo~(!od 4 · ~ .~. O.l rJ~apTfs-. [oreo rlten rb.~,~ ~iorse m~pp!y L:~e stop-not/ce and the neeessnm-papers *toldJn,~ the c:arried~ tllair the chocks and warrants be paid - in the amount of '{}!4~13d.27. Included this arno,at are t,be two listed releases t:o claimants b~, Ha~er 8- ~ -- I. ~"'~ Brothers 82.]7'I.54 ~-(~T'-~- % r,~,,:~ o. Tony ~ ,., oe~n 8't.00 ~;~,-:,n~.~ ~o~+,-,,o~;~,,,. T~c ~TER C~BIITT~ ~TING: mhe ?.rater Cm~,nit, toe ..,.ut_L,: vri]l tahe place on the 24th of ,Jpntt(t?~r !0~o a{, the Serm,~e Treatment Plant 10:00 A.~. " ' .... ~ '-- - i~stend of ,fram:ar.- 17~ ori,~inal ly scheduled. ~ ' ,, The meeting was adjourned at 10:.'15 P.U. Fra~: C. Souza --~ Preside~ --~ - , ' - sow- ~ ....... -'~ / A:,O .... ,, Tx~0E P[~LiC T~TT. JTY DISTNICT ~le~I:~of Board ,om,.,a eallo ~hn ~tud7 Session i.o order l'fi I ~ ;~-, Johnson. ABSENT: rector ' DOUNT ~ ~ OOT~,~r ........ ~ ........... CO~'~'IT~%CT: General" · .*e,na~er Pti da,z' o f n + ~ ~ 'LhaL JammU' !SLh tho ~ .,. ~,o:~a:u~,~.ee For L'ne Do~:z!a~ eoun~L ~ , ,O~t'[iCY E20b ~71~,.:i ,..epresentc,/:~.ves oF ~uglgs Coungy ~o discuss commction in~o the ~oach True: lane. ~uglas Co',n+v ~- ... :..sreee %o the ].. ~Ol].d gnd Inf, ol'es~ o :'::,:,] ntonance and OperaLi cps 3. ~' ' of - _ _ ~ ;:uart, erly ,I. !:cans of use of Lbo Flo~;-'.[easuremen~ 5. Agreed to the adjustment oF the Capital Adjustment of ~81~Sg9.]5(Fi~wed erroneously on capacities) 6. Ad,rare to dm same rom,iren, e~ ~;qthin their District: as we do in our District regardi, n[f ~Trea. so traps. BOTfD !Sgl~: President Souza stated !.hat the Bond I~st?e is :mder stud~: and will be presented %0 the Board in Lbo near Fnl. uro when a. ll facts are gathered for-t, he addition Lo Lbe Ptr~ping Stations~ Laud Aequisition~ Anticipated Eiov:s v.-iLld, nE the ~oxt Five Ton (10~ years. I?.~5JPECTION ~Ogq, OF PU,~PLG 3TATIO>?S: Lm girectors~ General :,:anager Priday~ and Hat!an-goyer-~ng~.neer~ left Lo tour the P~imping S~:atJons after President Souza adjourned the meoti at, 2 ....0 P.?J ng N.~.~,.falle~ gterk ~ }~oard & Ex-otfief~ See. .............. D./, = PICT MI~ OF T~ ~~ ~TING OP T~ J~ 18~ 1962 The Board of ~rectors met in re~lar session Jan~ 18, 1962, at the Se~ge Treatment Plant1 ~esident Sou~ called the meti~ to order at 8:05 ~ ~ Present were ~rectors ~li~ and Im~ch. llso present were Gener~l ~i~7~ Clerk of Board ~11e~ It~rne7 Holtom~ lttom~ Wei~n~ ~rlan M~er and Lou Pelletier of Clair ~11 & Msociates, an~. Butler. ~= Directors Clarke ~d W~emn. MI~: Director I~ch moved~ seconded ~ ~rector B~li~ and ~nimously carried~ t~t the ~nutes of Jan~ 4~ 1962 and J~n~ 17, 1962~ be accepted. ~ B~I~: Discussion ~s held re~r~ letters rrm and %o l~s. C~s. ~illiber and to Mr. Willi~ V.D. ~o~on. Mr. William V.D. Johnson stated (January 4, 1962 - regula~neeting) that Mrs. Chas. Philliber had not received infornation she requested from the District. Mr. Priday, General Manager of the South Tahoe PUblic Utility District, produced evidence to the Board showing where Mrs. Philliber~s requests have been complied with. Letters are as follows (Excerpts): 1. N. ovember 27~ 196.1~ to Mrs. Philliber stating the costs to annex Lots 1,2,3,4,~,6,and 7, Block 11, A1 Tahoe, California. 2. November 29, 1961, letter from Mrs. Philliber thanking Mr. N.R.lg~llery for his "Prompt attention on the matter of our petition to annex Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6, and ?, Block 11 A1 Tahoe Tract." 3. December 5! 1961, letter from Mr. N.R.Mallery to Mrs. Chas. L.Philliber stating the year Mrs. Philliber*s property was excluded and a breai~down of the taxes, rates, assessed value and interest for the years 1959 through 1962. Also, Mr. Priday presented the letter which he wrote to Mr. William V.D.Johnson regarding the meeting of the Taxpayers Association on the evening of january 19, 1962. The letter to Mr. Johnson reads as follows: '~ou have asked me to appear before the Taxpayers Association on the evening of January 19, 1962. In view of the fact that so few members be present, I suggest that these eight interested members be invited to attend any meetings of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. I am sure much more can be gained as there will be the Directors, Engineer, and Attorney, as well as me, to discuss any questions you might have. If, however, a large majority of the Association would meet and wish us to discuss mutual problems we would be happy to oblige." Attorney Iloltom presented a draft of a letter which is to go to Mrs. Richard Co&nan. ~..L~NAGEBtS REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report which contained reports on the Pit-Con Water Reclamation Process, Treatment Plant and Collection System and information regarding expansion of facilities. Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director Imbach, and carried unanimously that the Managerts Report be accepted. .~.fl~0LUTION_- DOU~S COUNTY IMPR0~ DISTRICT N0. 1: Attorney Weidman presented a draft an A~dment to Agreement for Joint Disposal of Sanitary Sewage (Beach Trunk Sewer) and Providing for Further Definition and Clarification of Certain Terms and Conditions of Said Agreement and Declaring Certain Rights and Obligations of the Parties Under Said Agreement. Further action will be taken on this amendment January 24, 1962, at 9:00 A.M. General Manager Priday recoeznended that permit and inspection fees be waived for public school, cities, counties and state agencies of the State of California. Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Burlingham and unanimously carried that General ~anager Pridayts recommendation be accepted. NEW BUSI~SS: Attorney Holtom recommended that the Board adopt by title a Resolution of ~'nt'ention to make Changes in I{odifications for Assessment 59-1-887. This Assessment was originally $1,650.00 which was for five (5) units and two (2) laterals, whereas, there are three (3) Units and one (1) lateral, reducing the assessment to $972.00. Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director Imbach and carried unanimously that Attorney tloltom~s recommendation be accepted. WATER COMMITTEE REPORT: President Souza gave a brief report df the Water ~leeting which was held at Placerville, California, January 15, 1962, and reminded all present that the Board of Supervisors will be & the Sewage Treatment Plant, January 24, 1962, 10:00 A.M. and urged all that are interested to attend this meeting. PETITION F01I ANNE~?ION: Director Burlingl~un asked Attorney Holtom if there is going to be a time delay on the Petition for Annexation and Attorney Holtom stated that the property descriptions are being checked and this must be sut~nitted to the Boundary Commission and will not cause a time delay. RELEASE OF CL~I~: Attorney Weidman recon~nended that the District release $15,000.00 of funds to the Bank of C~erce (Lagrange) on 1960-~ Special Assessment upon receipt of a partial release of assignment from the Bank, approval of another assignment of Lagrange, and Home Indemnity, and consent by Lagrange Construction. Attorney Weidman also recommended to release the retention funds remaining less the liquidated &amages of $3,950.00 to the District and further, after providing for delays in construction and after provision for payments and provisions for any payments necessary to Sub-Contractors who have filed stop notices and whose claims against Happer and Ba~ter have not been settled. Attorney Weidman~s reco~endation was accepted. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director Imbach, and carried unanimously, that the checks and warrants in the amount of $158,807.70 be paid. ADJ0~: President Souza adjourned this meeting at 9:45 P.M. to January 24, 1962, 9:00 A.M. at the Sewage Treatment Plant. , si~l~t - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UT~ITY DISTRICT ry, ~ d 'and Ex-0f~cio Sec SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTKIC~/ /*************~ x ~*** ! 4¢; MINUTES OF T~IE ADJOUE~ED r~6UL~ MEETING JANUARY 24, 1962 (10:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M.) The meeting of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session and President Souza called the meeting to order at 9:15 A.M. ROLL CALL: Directors present were Wakeman, Burlingham, Souza, Imbach and Clarke. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board ~allery. Late arrivals were Attorney 'Jeidman and Engineer Harlan Moyer. A~IENIMENT TO AGREEMENT - DOL~LAS COUNT¥ I~ROV~ DISTRICT NO. 1: Director Wakeman moved that RESOLUTION NO. 353, which is a Resolution Authorizing The President of the South Tahoe Public Utility District to Execute an Agreement With Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, Conditional Upon Execution by the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, by Said Douglas County Sewer Improvement District NO. 1~ be adopted with the modification of item 9 as set forth by our Attorney and Engineer. Director Burlingham seconded and the vote was carried unanimously. BOARD RECESSED AT 9:40 A.M. President Souza called the meeting back to order at 10:35 A.M. ROLL CJIJl. FOR THE WATER ~ETING: Mr. E. Fischer, Ban Rose, George Baron, Glen Lukins, Art Trumbull, Carl Hoffman, E.R.Meixner, Les Shoupe, DOn Strand, Bill Charlton, Chuck Gibson, Mitchell Maddox, Ed Smith, Fred Estey, Harry Dunlap, Don Urquhardt~ Harlan Moyer~ Attorney J. Weidman, Bill Johnson, Ray Chism, Deene Seegar, E. Marsden, Dunkhorst, and Arnold Prucha. Directors Wakeman, Burlingham, Souza, Imbach and Clarke of the South Tahoe Public Utility District; also, Mr. W.F. Priday,.~:GeneraI Manager of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and Mr. NoRo Mallory - Clerk of Board and Ex- Officio Secretary and Office Manager of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. President Souza intrOduced all guests, Directors for the South Tahoe Public Utility District, General Manager and Clerk of Board for the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Attorney Weidman gave a brief resumet of the ~¥ater Con~nlttee activities which contained information regarding: 1. Needs of the Area I;l Fi re 2. Source of Supply 3. Ownership (Private and Public) 4. Financial Feasibility Aspects 5. Historical Records - - Reports 6. Insurance Rates Attorney Weidman stated that in the early stages we might have been concerned about ex- porting water but now the problem is for distribution and use of reclaimed water of highly treated water that we will use from this Plant. We want to purify this water and make it useable. President Souza stated that the Board of Supervisors, County Water Agency and Bureau of Reclamation were here today to have us acquaint them with our problems and ask them for advise, how~we can better improve the water sources, etc. President Souza turned the meeting over to the Water Conrflittee Chairman - Robert Wakeman. Director ~gakeman stated that he was very happy to see so many turn out for this meeting and mentioned to all that they were not only at the South Tahoe Public Utility District which is in the Sewage Business, but in the back room there is also a WATER I~ACT- URINGPLANTo ~. Ed Fischer presented a map and pointed out the water line layout and Mr. Fischer stated that by measuring the buildings, types of construction, etc., they reach the water needs. The amount of water needed in the areas:'~are as follows: AREAS WATER NE~._ AMOUNTS RECEIVING Stateline 3,000 gpm 1,500 ~ Bijou 2,000" 1,750" A1 Tahoe 2,000" 1,750" Tahoe Valley 2~000" 650" Camp Richardson 1,500" 900" Meyers 2,000 ' Receiving better than 2,000 Some residential areas are getting 1,000 gpm and others are receiving only 500 gpm. fm rm (am. r G. IEE I G) , an, V lOO ii 4 ? INSI. rP,.A.~C~: Mr. Chuck Gibson spoke of insurance rates as related to water and stated ghat the Insurance Rates are high because if a large fire were to come - it must be able to be controlled and if it cannot be controlled than we are strictly working and talking in re- gards to Life Insurance. The one deficiency here is water Mr. Gibson stated. As far as the Fire Department i,s concerned~ their facilities and abilities are more than satisfactory and more than meet the requirements of the InsuranceRates if we had more water - and the question of water depends on the distribution system and the administration of the water system that is here. Mr. Gibson stated that the main thing is to have a large supply of water that can be delivered by gravity. ~[r. Deane Seegar spoke of the importance of standards for water system construction and that he felt sewage~ fire protection and water supply is a municipal function~ we have not paid clse attention to the water supply and have been working with sewage and sewage disposal and must realize how closely associated these problems are and the matter of standards as far as water systems is concerned is very important. Predictions as to the growth of the area are on the conservative side. However~ ~ir. Seegar stated this co, unity approach is certainly a step in the right direction. Chairman Wakeman stated that the South Tahoe Public Utility District does not plan to go into the water business but has made a study and on the 1st of April the Water Committee will make a recommendation to the South Tahoe Public Utility District as to what they should do regarding water in the Lake Valley. Mr. Bill Charlton spoke of the Forest Service needs and program for water conservation. Mr. Charlton stated that around October of each year he would go into town and hear the remarks such as "with all that rain - you don~t have a thing to do" - - but there is Much to do and stated to the audience that the people should be looking "down our necks" all the time and find out just what the Forest Service does do because what they do has much to do with the type and amount of water the area gets. The consumptive use is very small - very few campers~ water is put into the streams for fishing~ dams have been built to control the water so the water can be released during the late season to be used for fishing~ Errosion control is the main problem~ the Forest Service has been working with the operators of the Ski Areas to prevent errosions~ errosion control is presently taking place at Fountain Place - - - errosion is a constant job. Most of the fires are where water is not available. The Forest Service job is to see that there is a good sufficiency of clear water in this area EL DORADO ~fATER COUNTY - - Mr. Ed Smith: Mr. Ed Smith stated that he has a great~ i, nterest and a great faith in the people of the area and stated that his Committee (El Dorado Water Committee) were glad'to have the problems brought to them. He further stated that he is interested in this area because it is the area which he participated in the administration of so many years ago. He presented a map and pointed out the six (6) different areas of the County and stated that there were 46 that use Forest Lands and'~52 elsewhere -making a total of 98 entities having permits to sell water. There is no study that can be made that can tell one everything and the basic thing is where are we going to get the water? For six" (6) years the Agency has been telling all there is a water shortage here. Cooperation is the main thing now to get water and that the Inter-State Compact Commission has been in existence for ten (10) years means nothing because they have not done one thing go help. MR. I.IAlqlr/ IJUNIdLP~ SECRETARY OF TI~E WATER COt~[flTTEE: Mr. Dunlap stated that studies ~re ~r,: of different areas and the Lake Valley Area definitely proved to be a water deficient area. Mr. Dunlap also stated that they are i~terested as to what is happening here and £f the Committee can be of any assistance to us they would surely like to help. Mr. Dunlap stated that a study of the area can be made and the County must contribute 50~ of the cost for this study and the Bureau of Reclamation another 50~. The study will be for E1 Dorado County~ Lake Area~ only ..... Nevada and Placer Counties were given the opportunity and they chose not to have this study at this time. The study cannot overlook any source of water. Mr. Dunlap was asked if he felt there was a water supply available and he stated yes ~ water could be and must be developed because of the growth of the;:mreao Director Vaughn Burlingham stated that the amter the South Tahoe l~blic Utility District iS now working on will beveryvaluable to us and Mr. Harlan Moyer stated that the Utility District is in the water business and they are also.in the waste water business and the product that comes into this plant is 99.9/10~water. ~. George Baron of the lIeyers Water Company stated that he was interested in the Water Committee and the Exchange of waters~ etc.~ because more water will have to be had. Mr. Baron stated that he regretted to report he was not able to accomplish what he had hoped to and did make appointments to meet with the other Water Companies but only one attended and others had other business. Mr. Don Strand -Angora Water Company - stated that they have installed a storage tank at the '~". Mr. E. Meixner stated that the Lakeside Park Association has put in another well and they are getting adequate water supply. 1 ,fm:rm (am. January 24, 1962 Mr. William Dunkhorst (Tahoe Southside Water Co.) stated that they have no problems and in case of a power failure - they will still have water. Also, they have installed a tank at Montgomery Estates and because it was not thick enough - they have not accepted it and"are installing another about 1/4" thick. They are also making negotiations to work out a 14-18" line to the Highway and through Pioneer Trail and stated thati:he does not feel the water problem~dll be to great in case of any emergency· ~. E. Marsden stated that we are interested in the Western area of the County and further stated that he would rather have:the ;~estern end of E1 Dorado County get the reclaimed water (Grass Lake) than to have Placer County get it and they are working quite bard to get it. We should take steps to retain this water ourselves· General ~nager Priday stated that he felt it was his responsibility to keep up to date on any new inovations that come up, and present to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors have always been very cooperative and interested and have worked willingly on any and all problems brought before them. Also, Mr. Priday invited the Bureau of Reclamation to use our facilities :for their work should they so desire· (WATER SURVEYWlLL START JULY 1, 1962, AND WILL BE C0~fl~rEDDURiNG THE FISCAL YEAR 1963-1964). President Souza thanked everyone for attending the meeting and takingpart in same and mentioned that the regular Water Meeting will be April 1, 1962. AIXIOUR~ffiNT: President Souza adjourned the meeting at 1:15 P.M. · SOUZA, Pi~gS~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC OTILITYOISTRICT MINUTES OF THE OPENING OF BII~ ON MODIFICATIONS OF THE BIJOU PUIt~P STATION SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 1, 1962 Pursuant to duly published Notice and Call for Bids for ~difications of the Bijou Pump Station, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary - N.R.Mallery, opened all bids received before 2:00 P.M.~ Feb~tar~ 1, !?~2~ ~t ~,he O£:?ice of ~e ,~:t:~ T~d~oe TM ' ' Utility District, Sewage Treatment Plant° The following bids were received and publicly opened and read by the Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary - N.R.~llery: Cordova Pump & Mfg. Co. 2751Kilgore Road Rancho Cordova, Califo Joe D.Miller & llnce Bros. 3333 Edison ttwy. Bakersfield, Calif. Valley Engineers, Inc. P.0.Box 992 Fresno, California Total Lump Sum price of base bid= 334,772.00 lA. Pump station Modification: ADD: 901.00 lB Pump station Modification: DEDUCT: 1,884.00 Total Lump Sum price of base bid:S59,800.00 lA Pump station Modification: ADD: 1,500.00 lB Pump station Modification: DEDUCT: No Bi d Total Lump Sum pri~e of Base Bid: 853,980.00 lA Pump Station M dification: ADD: 1,015.00 lB Pump Station Modification: DEDUCT: 1,205.00 lWEBRIrAHY 1, 1962 (Cont.) OPENING OF BIIB Engineer Ilarlan Moyer of Clair Ilill & Associates stated that the Engineer's estimate is $48,000.00 and that the above listed bids will be taken nnder advisement and awarded at the regular meeting this evening at 8:00 P.M. MINqJTES OF THE REGI~R H~ETING OF TI~ SOUTtI TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 1, 1962 The Board of Directors met in regular session February 1, 1962, at the Sewage Treatment Plant; President Souza called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.~!. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Burlingham, Imbach, Clarke, and Wakeman. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney J. Holtom, Attorney J. Weidman, Mr. Harlan Moyer, Mr. A.L.Miller, ~. & ~s. E. Marsden and Mr. Il. Butler. MINUTES: Director Burlinghammoved, seconded by Director Imbach, and carried unanimously, that the minutes of January 18, and January 24, 1962, be approved. MANAGER'S REPORT: Mr. Priday read his report which included a letter from Mr. Beane Seeger, Executive Director of the Lake Area Council, regarding an application to construct a sewerage system at Incline Village, Lake Tahoe; Also, stating that a meeting will be held at 10:00 A.M. on February 3, 1962, at the Edgewood Room - Harrah's, regarding this application. Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Burlingham, carried unanimously that the Manager's Report be accepted. (Dr. J.NcKee's Report regarding the sewerage system at Incline Village - under New Business). WATER COMMITTEE: Chairman Wakeman stated that unless some item of imp.ortance is to come before the Water Comittee, the next meeting will be March30, 1962, 7.00 A.M. Tahoe Sands. OLD BUSINESS: Harl~n Moyer stated that his report for future estimated sewage flows will be ready by next week and he will submit copies for all directors to review before the next Study session in. Order that this may be discussed with some familiarity. ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS: Attorney J. Holtom presented a map and pointed out the parcels that are within the District Boundaries. lie also stated that there were twelve (12) large parcels that are not within the District Boundaries and asked the Board of Directors if these shoulJd be considered or deleted.(Annexation Proceedings to be completed 6/1/62). Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Burlingham, carried unanimously, that the Annexation"~¥oceedings be confined within the District Boundaries only. General Manager Priday stated that there are petitions which are active and date back to last year and the individuals were told they would be able to annex to the District for $50.00 per ace. Even though the cost for 1962 has increased to $100o00 per ace, Mr. Priday stated that he would like to make it clear that these people that have petitioned for annexation in 1961 will still be able to annex to the District for $50.00 per acre. NEW BUSINESS: General ~tanager Priday presented a copy of Dr. Jack McKee's Report to all Directors and stated that the last paragraph of Dr. McKee's Report sums up his opinion of the sewerage system at Incline Village - which reads as follows: "Between the problems associated with land disposal of effluent and the hazards of overflow at the pumping station, I feel that the construction of the proposed sewerage facilities at Incline Village will greatly increase the possiblities of contamination and pollution of Lake Tahoe." AWARD OF CONTRACT - - BIJOUPtMPSTATION MODIFICATION: Engineer Harlan Moyer recmmnended that theaward of contract for the Bijou Pump Station Modification go to CORDOVA PU~ & K~G. CO., RANCHO CORDOVA, CALIFORNIA, WITH the Iow bid of $34,772.00. Other bids were: Joe D. ~ller & Ince Bros. $59,800.00 Valley Engineers, Inc. $53,980.00 It was moved, seconded, carried unanimously, that the Award of Contract for the Bijou Pump Station MOdification to to Cordova Pump& Mfg. Co., and that ItESOLUTIONN0. 354, which is A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR BIJOUPUHP STATION MODIFICATION, be accepted. 15 ) MINUTES Febaruary 1, 1962 (cent) P~]~ ML~ET IlqG Attorney Iloltom Recon~nended that RESOLUTION NO. 356, which is a RESOLUTION OF INTENTION. TO MAKE CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS - SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 1960-1, be approved. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Clarke, carried unanimously~ that RESOLUTION N0. 356, be approved. PAYMENT OF CLA~: It was moveds seconded, and carried unanimously~ that General MANager Priday's recommendation to have the checks approved for payment be accepted, in the , amount of $1,462.11. RECESS - - - 9:15 1~! through 9:25 PM The meeting was called back to order at 9:25 P.M. A1XIOUP~NT: President Souza adjourned the meeting at 9:30 P.M. FRANK C. SOUZAs PRI~ID~T <~' SOUTH TAIIOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N.R.MALLEIIYs CL~ OF BD. & EX. 0FFICK0 SEC. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. MI191.rPF..q OF TlC STUDY SESSION SOUTtI TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY, .9 t 1962 President Souza called the Study Session to order at 2!00 P.M. R_0LL CALL: Present were Directors Burlinghams Wakemans Imbach and Clarke. present were General Managdr Pridays Clerk of Board Mallerys Pete ~oodcock Donald Richardsons Mr. T. Stewart. Also Discussion washeld regarding calls received by the Directors ofthe Public contacting Directors for information. It was agreed that the Directors should refer the public to the General Manager of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and request that they be put on the agenda for the regular meeting. This way all records needed for a particular question will be available and presented to answer the questions. Regarding Mr. Pere Woodcock*s hire - - President Souza stated that Mr. Woodcock was hired to get information to the people as to what the District is doings what the future plans ares and what to expect. Mr. Pere Woodcock will continue to work for the District as long as they need him. Director Imbach stated that he has mentioned many times that an educational program should exist to get information to the people of the area; tell them the benefit of taxes; let them know what is actually taking place at the District; what the District is doing and what the future plans are; howevers Mr. Imbach stated that he was not aware that ~r. Pete Woodcock would be hired for this - and after the Ordinance was explained to him he is in full agreement x~th Mr. Pere Woodcock's hire. PRESS RELEASE: Any article to be released for the press will go to the Public Relations Comittee(a copy) and inihe event there is no word from the Directors within two (2) days, the articles that have nothing to do with the Directors or the Con~nittee will go to press without first sending copies. ROABS & DRAINAGE: Director Burlingham asked the Board if he should take any action or if there should be any activity on roads and drainage, President Souza stated that Director Burlingham check with General Manager Priday and if there shoUld be any activity to bring a recommendation before the board, LAND AC~UISITION: General ~nager Priday stated that along with the District's progran~ning~ word has not as yet been received regarding land and suggested some thought be ~iven to obtain lands by. ]~inent Domain Proceedings. President Souza stated that the Land Acquisition Con-n{ttee meet with Mr. Priday and check all means of available land and bring a recommendation before the board. PRF~S RELFASE: Board of Directors expressed their approval of a press release. MIN3YrES -2- February 9, 1962j ~ ~ ~fF~. TING - WATER POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD: General Manager Priday stated that he, Engineer I~rlan Moyer and Mr. R. Broderick will go to San Francisco to meet with Mr. Jack Leggett and Mr. P. Bonderson on the Pit-Con ~Tater Reclamation. (Meeting 2,/16/62;11:00 A~I S~ERAGE SYST~{-INCLINEVILI~G~: General ~Ianager Priday stated that he was asked what he thought of the meeting which was held February 10th regarding the sewerage system at Incline Village. Mr. Priday stated that nothing came about as far as he was concerned and all that he can say is that "we are furthering our efforts to make a better effluent". Director Clarke stated that the Lake Tahoe Area Council should know~ as well as others in the area~ that we are leaving no stone unturned to avail ourselves of the best possible method of sewerage treatment and we expect everyone to do no less than we are doing. UNIF0~{S: General Manager Priday suggested the District Inspectors and Plant Operators wear uniforms. President Souza asked General Manager Priday to check into this and bring all information back to the Board for consideration. Director Imbach asked the meaning of "CONFIDENTIAL" - - President Souza stated that information given to the Directors will eventually be brought before the Board at an Open Meeting and the reason for reports being sent to Directors is for study before being brought to a regular meeting. However~ Mr. Souza stated that any and all reports for study will be marked "FOR DIRF~TORS ONLY". GREASE TRAPS: General ~nager Priday stated that our Inspectors have been inspecting the grease traps in the commercial establishments and some of the commercial establishments are being asked to remove their grease traps as they are using same for everything - - including grease. NEVADA PAY~fl~T: Mention was made that the payment due the District from Nevada has not as yet arrived and General ~'~nager Priday was asked to contact Attorney J. Laxalt as to what their intention of the Board is regarding payment due California. A~qDEDAGRE~I~T (NEVADA,: The amended agreement has not been returned from Nevada as yet Mr. Priday stated. AI~IOUR~fENT: President Souza adjourned the Study Session at 3:45 P.M. Fa K souza, .... "' S0~H TMIOE ~IC ~ILI~ DISTRICT N.R.~I.I,E~,C~ 0F BB. & ~. S~~ S0~H TAHOE ~LIC ~ILI~ DISTRICT MI~ 0F Tt~ ~R ~TING S0~H T~i0E~IC ~ILI~ DISEICT - March 1~ 1962 NOTE: D~ T0 ~TI~ CONDITIONS .T:~ ~RU~Y 15~ 1962 regular meeting was cancelled. The Board of Directors met in re~lar session ~rch 1~ 1962~ at the Sewage Treatment Plan% and President Souza called the meeti~ to order at 8:00 P.M. ~ C~: Present were Directors Imbach~ B~li~ and Wake~n. Also present were Acti~ General %~ger and Clerk of Board ~lle~ Attorney Wei~n~ Attorney Holtom~ Mr. ~rlan Moyer~ Mr. Les Shoupe~ Mr. No~n Van Sickle - Clair Hill & Associat~s~ Mr. S. Meyers~ ~. W. Johnson~ Walt Little~ ~nald Richar~on and Mr. W. Taylor. ~: Director Clarke and General ~'~nager ~iday. MI~: ~rector Burlingh~ moved~ seconded ~ Director %Make~n~ and unanimously carried~ that the minutes of Febr~ 9~ 1962~ be approved. ~rec%or Imbach moved~ seconded ~ Director Burli~h~ and carried u~mously~ that the minutes of Feb~a~ 1~ 1962~ be approved. OLD B~I ~S: 1. R~0~ 0N S~gAGE ~0~: Mr. ~rlan M~er sub~tted an Interim ~po~ Concerni~ ~o~sed Sewage Flows for the South Tahoe ~blic Utility District. Mr. Moyer and the Directors briefly discussed this report and President Souza su~es~ed'the Directors stu~ this report and any questio~ regar~ng s~e will be brought up at the March Study Session at 1:30 P.M. 2. REPORT ON SPRAY DISPOSAL: ~. Harlan Moyer stated that it now appears to meet the flows - - expansion will have to take place; additional pipe and pumps~ construction of additional spray laterals~ headers~ etc. - Estimated cost of materials and pumps~ exclusive of labor~ will be approximately $23~000.00; total cost of project is estimated to be less than $50~000.00. ~.IINUTES -a- ~ arch 1, 1962 President Souza instructed Engineer ~ioyer to prepare the Specifications and Plans, also, the Inventory of ~terials needed, and present to the Board for study before submitting for bids. 3. ?tATER C0~IITTEE I~?AKE~fAN): Director ~Vakeman stated that he and President Souza attended meetings at Placerville once a month with the E1 Dorado County ~¥ater Agency and they have now realized that this area is water deficie~ area(E1 Dorado County ~ . -//f ~ ~s.~e~,~ $32,000.00 for the survey to locate water ~ter Agency has realized). ~ ~ave given a for this area. ~'fr. l'~akem~n further stated that we are going to be working closely with the E1 Dorado County l¥ater Agency and if water can be found and developed - - we viii be right there. 4. ~TION 1961-1: The Clerk presented to the Board a petition which has been signed by the required number of qualified electors within the area proposed to be annexed requesting tha~ the particular area designated "Annexation No. 1961-1" be annexed to the South Tahoe Public Utility District. The Clerk presented a certificate that the required number of signatures were on the petition and the certificate and the petition~mre ordered filed. Discussion was had concerning the advisability of annexing the property to the District at this time. Ail Directors present were of the opinion that it would be fore the advantage of the District and tlmt the area to be annexed would be greatly benefited by the annexation. ORDINANCE NO. 85: An 0rdinanee Describing Territory Proposed to be Annexed, Determinkng That No Terms and Conditions are Necessary, and Declaring Intention to Approve Such Annexation~ Annexation 1961-1, was presented. The Ordinance was read to the Board and discussion followed thereon. On motion of Director Imbach, seconded by Director Burlingham, and unanimously carried, said Ordinance No. 85 was adopted. The Clerk was directed to post three certified copies of the Ordinance within the boundaries of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, and alsoto post three certified copies of the Ordinance within the boundaries of the area proposed to be annexed and to publish and notice true copies of the Ordinance and notice once in a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the District. Itearing on the Ordinance was set for Thursday, the 3rd day of ~fay, 1962~ at the hour of 2:00 P.~i. at the regular meeting place of said Board, Treatment Plant~ South Tahoe, ~ir. S. ~feyers asked Attorney Iloltom how~any in the Annexation Proceedings are property owners and ~.fr. Holtom stated that there were 349 ownerships proposed to be annexed on the basis of the petition signed by 75. Besides the ~5 people that signed the petition, ~lr. Holtom stated that many other petitions were arriving quite rapidly and because of this we started this petition. The petition is on file at the South Tahoe Public Utility ~istrict Office and anyone that wishes to look at same may do so. 5. CHANGES IN ~IODIFICATIONS 1959-1 and 1960-1: Attorney Holtom recon~nended that RESOLUTION NO. 357~ A RESOL~ION ORDERING CILE{GES IN ~DIFICATIONS, SANITAI~ S~EP~GE PROJECT NO. 1959-1, be approved. (RE: 59-1-887) Attorney Holtom also recon~nended that ~ESOLUTION NO. 358, A RESOLUTION ORDERING CtlANGES IN ~f0DIFICATIONS, SANITAFff S~EP~GE PROJECT NO. 1960-1, be adopted. Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director ~?akeman, and carried unanimously, that RESOLUTION NO. 357 and RESOLUTION NO. 358~ be adopted. N~ BUSINESS: 1. Press Release: Acting General ~nager ~llerypresented the press release for approval. Director ~akeman moved, seconded by Director Burlingham, and carried unanimously~ that the press release beapproved. 2. l?ater Pollution Control Board ~leeting ~tt. ~oyer): Mr. I~rlan Moyer submitted a repor~ concerning the meeting held on Friday, February 16~ 1962~ at the Sacramento Office of the State ~ater Pollution Control Board. Topics discm~sed at this meeting were as follows: 1. Availability and cost of land 2. Difficulties of spray irrigating during winter months 3. Disposal of effluent (other than land irrigation, three alternatives remain; (1) removal from the Lake Tahoe Basin, (2) discharge to Lake Tahoe or a tributary stream, I~l injection into an underground aquifer. Alternative (1)was no~ o '' - c ns~cered, alternative briefly discussed and there ~as no unanimity of opinion regar~Hng disposal into the Lake. Alternative (3) was considered in some detail ~s a possible feasible scheme. In concluding the discussions relative to treatment and disposal of waste water within the Lake Tahne area~ it was agreed the primary consideration is protecting th~uality of the water of Lake Tahoe. L~arch 1, 1962 ~ 59 President Souza thanked ltr. I~.arlan ),[oyer for attending the n~eeting and bringing the report to the Board - - because of weather conditions~ the Directors were unable to attend the meeting. ~PPROVAL FOR AIAI~! PAN~IgL (?I. TAYLOR)~ ~,Ir. ~7. Taylor stated that there is one alarm at the Tahoe Valley Fire Station consisting ,o,f s~ix .units which covers each p,umping station and the Sewage Treatment Plant; however~ ~;.r. 'ray,or stated there are two (2) units short. The Alarm Panel was discussed with an electrical contractor that s~gested we enlarge the present panel - - for an eighteen (18) unit panel the cost would be ~1476.00~ in- cluding the installation. Director Burlingham moved~ seoonded by Director Uakeman and unanimously carried~ that the alarm panel expenditure be approved after the followin~ information is obtained: 1. Guarantee 2. State Approval 3. V/here isthe panel to be purchased~ make; etc. ' 4. Recove~ of old panel 0F INT~ION T0 ~ C ~ ~ ~: .... ,.I~u~,~ ' ~ ~ttm ri~Ud~UT 1960-2~b e approved ~ title. ~rector,Wak~n moved~ seconded by Director ~mbach~ that P~0L~ION N0. 359 be adopted ~ title. (Heari~ protests ~ill be 4/5/62 at 8.00 P.M. AY~: Three~ (3) N0~: None Not V~ING: One (1) ~ADA C0~CT: Attorney Weigh stated that Nevada has not as yet paid the ~22~227.75 which is past due, nor have they returned the agreement of Jan~ 29~ 1962~ regarding the Beach T~ Line. President Souza s~ted that Atto~ey Weigh will prepare a l~tter to go to Nevada giving them inst~ctions to be executed ~thin a ten (10) day period~ also~ the 1~ interest charges are to be comsidered in this letter to Nevada~ no further leniency can be given Nevada as the District definitely~eeds the money due from Nevada. Director Wake~n also suggested charging Nevada for the excess stoa water. President 'Souza stated that this should be brought to the attention of our General ~,~ger as to the over-flow due to stom water that we have had. COP~PONI~CE. Clerk of Board ~lle~ read the following listed correspondence to the Board of~irec~ors for their infomation: 1. ~0M: Mr. Phillip I~yes~ 409 ~sewood Ave~ San Jose 28~ California ~: Tha~i~ the ~strict for the letter re~rding expiration date of Mr. I~yes pemit. Also~ Mr. IIayes s~ted that he would like to tha~( the inspector for his courtesy and helpfulness. 2. ~0M: Iloseit and Luther: RE: Van Sickle property. A brief discussion was held regarding the Jack Van Sickle Nevada property which is adjacent to the state]inc. Cogent ~de ~as - if consideration were given to this request~ the District would eventually be deali~ ~th individual's in Nevada and this is not wanted - - howe~er~ President Souza stated that this ~11 be turned over to our General ~nager and will be discussed 1:30 P.M. at the Sewage Trea~ent Plant. 3. F~M: United States Dept. of the Interior - E.F. Sullivan. ~E: Power available - Trinity ~ver Division of the Central Valley Project and letter from M.W.F. Priday to be considered as an application. Also~ letter of Febr~ ~rd acknowledging receipt of Mr. Pri~y's letter. 4. ~0M: E1 Dorado County Ilealth ~rtment. RE: Co, ending the South Tahoe ~blic Utility District for their performance d~i~ the he~ rains and thawing conditions; also~ co~endi~ the District for the plans of sealing the ma~oles in low lying areas to reduce infilt~tion~ and ~ing high level ma~oles for venting. PIT CON PILOT PLANT: Mr. Harlan Moyer submitted a report on results of Pilot Plant Operations for providing added treatment~ South Tahoe Public Utility District~ Sewage Treatment Plant. This report contains information regarding: 1. Pilot Plant Equil~nent and Construction 2. Pilot Plant Operation 3. Results of Pilot Tests 4. Discussion and Conclusions 5. Reco~endati ons BRCqqN & CALI~Fl~L CLAI~! C0~(ITTEE: President Souza appointed the following to study the Brown & Caldwell claims: General Manager Priday~ Attorney Weidman~ President Souza~ Director Imbach and Director Burlingham. March 1, 1962 PAYmeNT OF CLAII~: Acting General Manager liallery reconm~ended that the checks and warrants in the amount of $45~474.36 be approved for payment. Director Burlingham moved~ seconded by Director Wakeman and carried unanimously that the checks and warrants in the amount of $45~474.36 be approved for payment. AIXIOURN~fENT: President Souza adjourned the meeting at 10:45 P.M. and reminded all present tl~t the Study Session will be held on !~rch 8, 1962, at 1:30 P.lq.~ at the Sewage Treatment Plant. FP~L~II£ C. SO~ ~ID~' SO~}I T~IOE ~LIC ~ILITY DIST~CT N. ~, l~lle~ Clerk of Board a~d ~x~fficio ~ecreta~ SO.ti T~OE ~LIC ~ILITY DISTRICT MINUTES O? TIIE STUDY SESSION FOR SOUTIt TAtlOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 8~ 1962 The Study Session was called to order at 2:00 P.M. by President Souza. ROLL CAI~.: Present were Directors Wakeman~ Burlingham, Clarke, and Imbach. Also present were General Manager Priday,Clerk of Board ~11ery~ Attorney Weidman, Harlan Moyer~ Pete Woodcock and Mr. ~¥. Johnson. EDUCATION PROGRAM: Mr. Pere Woodcock suggested that a "Blue Ribbon"Co~ittee, consisting of not more than twelve (12) persons~ representing a good cross section of business and conmmnity life, be asked to serve as a steering group throughout the entire education program. This program will be to get information to the people of the area as to why expansion of the facilities are to take place or why expansion should take place; to furnish enough additional information and get this to people of the area showing what the history of the Sewage Disposal has been here; problems we are facing now and the problems we are to face. PRESS RELEASE: All Directors expressed their approval of the Press Release presented byMr. Pere Woodcock which is regarding inspections and grease traps. DIRECTOR Burlingham stated that he felt each individual property owner should be notified regarding annexation proceedings and Attorney ~¥eidman stated that he will make this a part of his service to notify all property owners of such. Mr. William Johnson stated that he agreed with Director Burlingham as to letters being sent to each o~ner advising them that they are to be annexed and that this is also a part of the Educational Program and that people should be informed. SERVICE CHARGES: General Manager Priday stated that the reason for this discussion was not to cause a hardship on several people in the area because of a few that have no intention of paying their service charges. Mr. Priday also stated that he has discussed the service charge prob]em with the Health Officer and the Health Officer stated that when the District writes a letter the the Health Department notifying them that a certain hotel, motel, etc. - has been disconnected from service due to refusal to pay their service charge - - they will issue a notice to vacate. Suggestions regarding service charges were as follows: l. To obtain a deposit from the owner when issuing a permit. 2. Charges payable in advance-should charges become delinquent they will be added to the tax roll. 3. Have mwner sign a paper, at the time a permit is purchased, for responsibility of unpaid service charges and collect an additional $2.00 to have this recorded at the Assessor's Office. 4. Ordinance change re street lights, service, agreement w/customer, penalty~ etc. Attorney Weidma.n will check as to the legality and type of action that can be taken regarding the collection of service charges; also, Mr. lqeidman will check as to the legality of revising our present Ordinance. VAN SICKLE PROPERTY: A lengthy discussion was held regarding the Jack Van Sickle Nevada property. Director Imbach stated that he feels in this case the District would be dealiag strictly 9ith an Individual outside of the District Boundaries and that. ttowever, anything to do with property within the boundaries of the District - - the Board will take care of. INFILTRATION OF STOI~I ~gATERS: General Manager Priday stated that last month during a Minut. es 2TLVI~ S ~ ~'y ~ f~mr (4) ho,.~ l.)erir, d four ~nd Lhr(~,~umr. tr~;. ;;!I~on r':~llons per day ran thrr)ugh the 'Ypntq i n&1 meters. This to*~a, lled out one *;~illion and ~e~'en~,y-se;.cn ~housand "v~llons pep day a~reco,~e got t.h~ month of February. e- l{r. Priday further s~,ated that in revie~nU ~he renults o$ bhe recen~ s~om inflie~in~ it, s hea~ burden on ~he sewer collection system of the Sou~h Tahoe ~blic Utility Disbrie~ it is ap~,ren~ ~ha~ ~,wo ~ajor ~ae~ors contributed ~o t, his over-burden, The most noSieeable factor is the inability of any s~om wa~ers bo drain from the s~ree~s, g~orm drains are an absolute necessiby ~,o pro~e~ tbe ~lue 0f property and ~or ~he proper movement of traffic~ as well. as elimiaati~ the infil~rati, on of wa~ers in~o ~he se~er syst~. The other eontvibu~i~ factor is the placing o~ man-holes below the stree$ ~rade~ thereby ereabing a funnel for bhe collection of wa~er. ~lr. Priday further sta~ed thab the first op~rtunity we have to work in ~he s~ree~s - -*ge are going bo black top over man-holes bhat are in low areas and sub~ee~ to flooding; ~his~ of course~ ~11 result in a more cos~ly situation when ~hese covered mn-holes have to be se~eed. ~aturally~ i~ will be bhe peoples choice whether they wish to ~y the exorbitan~ costs of t~ea~ing stem waters or a minimum cos~ of a drainage B0~ ISS[~ DISC~SION: General 5~nager Pridw stated that we should eoneem ourselves along with Ur. Pete ~goodeoek~s infection re~rdig the BOND IS~ as ~o what day should be considered for this as there are ma~ ~hi~s to consider. ~'~. Pti day further sta~ed ~hab regardless of any other election ~hat is due~ ~his mus~ bo s~av~ed and if this fails i~ will be the responsibility of the area to ~ake the consequences; if it does no~ fail~ it is our responsibility to ge~ ~he facilities in as soon as possible, Direebor Imbaeh suggested consideration for this BOND ISS~ ~ECTION and ~11 brig all in- fomation to the board ]&xrch 15~ 1962~ 8:00 BR0~ ~L~ C~).~ ACC0~T: At~orn~ Wei~an s~abed that he discussed ~he Bro~ & Caldwell account with Mr. Cal~ll and they wan~ed ~o start leal action regarding money due them from ~he South Tahoe P~lic UtilityDis[rict. ~ovor, Attorney We~dman stated that he felt the Board should settle for the $62,000.71 considered to be due Brown & Caldwell and close the matter. Attorney ~e~dman further stated that he asked Brown & Caldwell for a detailed ex- planation and report of a~26,000.00 and a ~24,000.00 amount. Attorney Weidman stated that Brown & Caldwell will contact him regarding the settlement of $62,000.71 and in the event they are not agreeable - then Mr. Weidman stated the District should be prepared for Breach of Contract defense. CORRESPONDENCE: Engineer Harlan Moyer requested the Board give him permission to write to the Lahontan Region Water Pollution Control Board stating that the District is considering effluent disposal through deep well injection. SPRAY DISPOSAL: Mr. Harlan Moyer stated that for the total project - Spray Disposal - the District could handle this for $38,000.00. If the District buys the pumps and the materials and have the electrical work done by the Contractor, it would be $25,000.00. Mr. Moyer suggested that the materials can be purchased in advance and his suggestion would be to put the bid out for the pump including installation and the District purchase all other materials; and he believes that with the District Forces this can be done. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS: Director Clarke stated that he has heard rumors to the effect that 28 meetings per month were held and he had not been notified of same, was not aware so many meetings were held, and wanted to know why. Director Imbach stated that he also was approached and called many times regarding so many meetings that were to have been held and he was not very happy with these rumors. President Souza stated that there has not been one meeting where the Board of Directors were not notified. Mr. William Johnson asked President Souza What constitutes a meeting. President Souza re- plied that the Board of LDirectors meet regularly twice a month - - the first and third Third of each month; study session is usually held the Wednesday before the second regular meeting of the month. President Souza also stated that Committee meetings are not Board of Directors meetings. The Committee is instructed to meet on a particular subject, project, etc. - - aid they set the time of their meeting; this is not a Board of Directors meeting. Any meetings, including Committee Meetings, Directors are paid on a Pro-Rata basis. ORDINANCE NO. 48 reads as follows: "Attendance at all regular, special and adjourned meetings, - $25.00 per meeting. Each full day of work for said District, - $25.00 per day; said amounts shalll be in full of all compensation for any office held by said Director for the said Director for the said District, but in any event shall not exceed that amount provided for by statue. A report regarding the meetings held for the calender year of 1961 will be presented to the Board of Directors at the March 15, 1962, meeting. MARCH 8, ~962 Study Session (Cont.) ELECTION: Clerk of Board Mallery suggested some thought be given to the Election Officers as the last day to appoint election Officers is March 30, 1962. President Souza stated that all information regarding election will be brought before the Board at the March 15, 1962, regular meeting. ADJOURNMEN T: The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 P.M. Frank C. Souza, President ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N.R. MALLERY, CLERK OF BOARD & EX-OFF. SECRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 15, 1962 President Souza called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. This was the second regular meeting of the Board of Directors for the South Tahoe Public Utility District. ROLL CALL: Directors present were Clarke, Imbach and Burlingham%~' Also present were General Manager Priday Clerk of Board Maltery, Attorney Weidman and AttornRy Holtom, Les Shoupe, Pere Woodcock, E. Marsden, Donald Richardson, Walt Little and Arlene Tomas, and Joseph Vila. MINUTESP Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Burlingham, and unanimously carried that the minutes of March 8, 1962, Study Session be approved. Director Imbach moved seconded by Director Clarke and carried unanimously, that the minutes of March 1, 1962, be approved,- - as c~rrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager ~rid~y read his report which contained information regarding the following: 1. Sewer S~zvic~= Van Sickle property (letter sent to Hoseit and LuthDv~ March 9~ !962) 2. Report on grease trap inspections Purchase of two generators ($50.00 each) and one ~00 amp. Welder ($375.00). These were obtained froTM Government Surplus. Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Clarke, and unanimously carried that the Manager's Report be accepted. General Manager P~iday read a letter from ACME ELECTRIC COMPANY which was in regards to information requested by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Answers to questions are as '~ollows: 1. "Supply and install a new 18 circuit alarm panel in the Tahoe Valley Fire House. This panel is to replace the existing 6circuit panel. 2.We shall retain the salvage right of the existing panel. This quotation is based upon a "trade-in" of the existing unit. 3.We shall perform all of the above work for the sum of $1,476.00 including sales tax. 4.Alarm panel shall be manufactured by the Sierra Switchboard Co. 5.Panel will carry one-year warranty against defects in material and'or workmanship. 6. Components used for construction of panel shall be new and of first grade quality. Ail components operating at 48 volts or more shall be listed, as approved~ by the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. 7. Entire installation shall be in accordance with all applicable State and National codes which govern communication class wiring." RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. J~eph Vila, COOP Apartments, appeared before the Board and stated his complaint. Mr. Vila stated that he received a bill ~om the South Tahoe Public,Utility District, which he paid in the amount of $66.00, for sewer service charge. Mr. Vila further stated that he did not feel this was a fair charge as the Apartments are not completed. He also stated that the plumber asked his son to go to the District to obtain a sewer permit to make connection Mr. Vila's com~ection was made (final inspection) on August l 1961. March 15, 1962 R~CULAR M~T%N~ ~ ~ 7 Mrs. Arlene Thomas stated that she does understand how Mr. Joseph Vila feels as she has a house which is still under construction - and they also are paying service charge even though the dwelling is not completed. She also stated that she was informed that upon final connection service charges will begin. Following the discussion regarding Mr. Vila's complaint, sewer service charges, etc. the Board of Directors agreed that Ordinance No. 34 will continue to he enforced. LAND COMMITTEE: Attorney Holtom recommended that RESOLUTION NO. 3613 a RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF OPTION AGREEMENT, be approved. Director Imbach moved~ seconded by Director Clarke and unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 361 be approved. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Mr. Donald Clarke read his statement whihh is in regards to a letter received by the Board of Directors and also which was published in the paper re= garding rescinding of Ordinance No. 65. Ordinance No. 65 is modeled after Ordinances~proved by the League of California Cities and, in essence, is the same type as is in general use throughout the State. Mr. Clarke further stated - "In any event, while this Board now approves the establishment of new positions, it does not interfere in the hiring and dismissal of employees, nor should it, in my opinion. In the interest and sound administration; compliance with the Public Utilities Code; and the prevention of a re~nrn to the "Spoils System" in employee relations, the Ordinance should not be rescinded by the Board". Mr. William Johnson stated that the reason the Taxpayer's Association objected to this Ordinance is not to be taken personal. Mr Johnson further stated that General Manager Priday has done a good job and he also feels that Mr. Pere Woodcock is an excellent Public Relations man - - but the Taxpayer's do object to the District spending money - he further stated that approval of hiring, etc., should be so stated in the minutes so the Taxpayer's can be aware of this and they can take recourse; this job pays $600.00 per month and the Taxpayer's should have a recourse as to the money the District spends. President Souza stated that when the Manager was hired - he was told that he would have the responsibility and authority to hire - and if the Manager does not do the ~ob which is satisfactory to the people of the area - andthe Directors, he will be dismissed. Mr. Souza further stated that, in the future, if there is a misunderstanding regarding hiring~ etc., - the District~ Directors and the Management would appreciate the individual or ~ individual's to ask the Directors or the Management for a full explanation and this way they will receive a complete answer and there will be no misund~rstandings~ Mr. William Johnson also stated that when the Study Sessions were started mention was made that these sessions would be held for a short time only; however, they are still in session. President Souza stated that the Study Sessions are still in session because of the in- creased flows and the plans for increasing expansion of the Sewage Treatment Plant. Mr. Souza further stated that the Study Session are necessary at the present time but when they do not serve a purpose, then Mr. Souza stated to Mr. Johnson that the could understand his feelings of the extra meetings. Regarding hiring of a Public Relations man - Director Clarke read the following from the minutes of October 11, 1961: "Mr. Imbach stated that he felt a Public Information Agency should be hired to explain our treatment plant, means, ways, etc. to the people. They are not aware of what is actually taking place at the treatment plant, nor do they understand the function of same, and for that reason Mr. Imbach suggested that it would be wise to have someone that can give this message to the people and make it completely and ~thoroughly understood - as it now stands, the people are misinformed in this area as well as other areas as to what. is really happening here at Lake Tahoe." BOND ELECTION: Attorney Holtom stated that if it is desired to consolidate the Bond Election with the Primary Election of June 5, 1961, from a time standpoint, under the election code we can consolidate and such should be requested at this meeting this evedng and the RESOLUTION be prepared for presentation to the Board for the amount of money to be involved for the Bond Issue. General Manager ~prida~ stated that all the information regarding the Bond Issue will be at the District within four (4) days. Director Imbach moved~ seconded by Director Clarke, and unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 362 , A RESOLUTION NECESSARY REQUESTING THAT THE PLANS AND ESTIMATES BE PREPARED FOR THE BOND ISSUE, be approved by title. Director Clarke moved that the Bond Election and the District Election be consolidated on May 1~. 1962. There was no second and motion was lost. Following discussion of lthe election date~ land opinions stated, reasons, etc. Director Clarke again moved that the Bond Election and the District Election be consolidated on May 1~ 19~2.. Dir~cto~,Wakeman s~¢on~d~andb~h~dyote was un~n~m~slv-~rr~(the reason- in hold-~ t~e e~ecuion ~or nne open sp us une a ,at the sa~ ~T~, ~r~ ~T1 ~e a g~t~ number oz voters turn out at the p$1es,which will result in those having a larger vote fo~g'eing elected. nMARCH 15, i96~ R~ULAR M~T%N~ d reason number two ~ the District will save mone~ Director Clarke stated. ~AT~R COMM~TT~ Director Wakeman stated that the Water Committee will meet on March ~30 1962, at 7:00 A.M., at the Tahoe Sands MOtel. Director Wakeman further stated that at this time - the Water Committee will make a recommendation to the Board ~f the South LTahoe Public Utility District as to what the Public Utility District should do as relates to the water problem in Lake Valley for both domestic land fire protection. NEVADA AGREEMENT: Attorney Weidman stated that he has not received word regarding the Nevada Agreement, nor has the balance of the ~ird quarter due us from Nevada been received. Director Clarke stated that, even though the Nevada District is working under a handicap - - with their Attorney being ill, Nevada should have advised the g~uth Tahoe Public Utility District as to what the Public Utility District should expect regarding Nevada's decisions, etc. This agreement is a very important factor and Mr. Clarke further stated that Nevada has a very poor method of doing business. President S ouza stated that he talked with one of the Directors of the Nevada District and the Nevada Director was not aware of our letter which was sent - and the Nevada Director stated that he was sincere and asked if we would reconsider the answer due from our letter and that he would do everything to cooperate with our District ~ - Mr. John Laxalt, Attorney for the Nevada District, is presently in the hospital, · ......... ~ General Manager Priday stated that it appears the Nevada District is aware of what is happening only from the newspapers; they have made many promises; they must come to some conclusion, especially when we are going into a Bond Issue Phase; if they wish to buy in - I suggest they add to and not buy our facilities. If they wish to use our facilities, they have the right to do so, but theym must add to - not buy in. Furthermore, Mr.Priday stated, that if Nevada wishes to add to we must have the money in our hands before ex- pansion of the Plant takes place. Director Wakeman stated that the facilities of the South Tahoe Public Utility D~strict are not for sale and if anything should be for sale it would be surplus capacity and that is all. Director Imbach stated that he does not feel the California Taxpayer s should let Nevada come into and use our facilities until we have the money needed, they must put up their money first and they will then get their share if it is available. President Souza instructed General Manager Priday to contact Mr. Ledbetter and the Board of Directors of Nevada by registered letterland to also advise Mr. Ledbetter that we are having another meeting March 22, 1962, at 8:00 P.M. at the Sewage Treatment Plant; also, to state that the South Tahoe Public Utility District must have all money from Nevada beforeconstructlon starts, if they are to be considered. CORRESPONDENCE:(SERVICE CHARGES) Attorney Weidman presented a copy of a letter to all Directors which he wrote to Mr. N.R.Mallery, 0 fice Manager, regarding ~ewer Service Charges (Ordinance No. 34)and Street Light Charges (Ordinance No. 36). Mr. Weidman stated that the ~dividual~s that are in good standing with the Distric~ pay their bills etc., should not be penalized but protected. This matter will be studied and Mr. Priday will bring a recommendation to the Board the first meeting in April of 1962. RECESS: 9:45 P.MM MEETING CALLED BACK TO ORDER AT 9:50 P.M. ELECTION: Attorney Weidman presented RESOLUTION NO. 360 which is a RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ORDERING APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF THE SEVERAL PRECINCT BOARDS AND DESIGNATING THE POLLING PLACE FOR THE GENERAL DISTRICT ELECTION OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Attorney Weidman suggested the American Legion Hall and Elks Hall be used for the election and have the A through K precinct in one section and the L through Z precinct in another part of the hall. Election officers will consist of one (1) Jude, two (2) clerks, and One (1) inspector for each section. Hours will be from 7:00 A.M. through 7:00 P.M. General Manager Priday asked the Board if they wished to have a committee to work with the Bond Issue. Director Clarke moved the Committee be formed, seconded by Director Imbach and unanimously carried. PAYmeNT OF CLAIMS: (1) Brown & Caldwell: Attorney Weidman stated that he has received no further word from Mr. Caldwell regarding claims by Brown & Caldwell. Director Clarke recommended that we await contact from Mr. Caldwell regarding settlement. Claims in the amount of $24,638.65 were approved for payment. 1960-3 ASSESSMENTS: Director Burlingham stated that Mr. ~cKee from Inter County Title Company told him that the charge for 1960-3 Assessments was sent to some property owners after the County Tax bills had been received. Attorney Holtom will check into this and bring a report to the Board at the March 22, 1962, meeting at 8:00 P.M. MEETING:~ A report was presented to all Directors for meetings held during the calendar year 1961. The 28 meetings that were held in one month was in January of 1961 and this was when we did not have a General Manager (Mr.Priday arrived in Feb. of 1961) and MroN.Goeringer was President of the Board and 17 of the meetings held during the month of January were for Mr. Goeringer only as he was acting as President of theBoard and ~arch ]_5~ 1962 REGULAR MEETING THE Manager until Mr. Priday's arrival. ADJOURNMENT: President Souza adjourned the meeting at 10:30 PM to March 22, 1962, 8:00 ~.M. at the Sewage Treatment Plant. FRANK C. ~ PRESIDENT SOUT~ TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N R Ma 11 e~r~v~i~k~f · . y ~ o~/~. & Ex.-O~?icio SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTR~CT Sec. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 22, 1962 The Board of Directors met in an adjourned session March 22, 1962, 8:00 P.M. at the Sewage Treatment Plant. ROLL CALL: Present were President Souza, Directors Imbach and Burlingham. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney Weidman, Attorney Holtom, Harlan Moyer, Les Shoupe, Pere Woodcock, William Johnson, William Ledbetter, Attorney John Laxalt, and Attorney M. Manoukian, John Harrah, Elmer D~Angelo. ABSENT: Directors Clarke and Wakeman. Minutes: Minutes of March 15, 1962, postponed to the first meeting in April, 1962. OLD BUSINESS: Special Use Permit Amendment: General Manager Priday recommended that the ~ 'Use Permit Amendment be approved. Amendment reads as follows: "1. The area covered by the permit is amended as follows: Delete T. 12 N. R. 18 E, M.D.M. Section 2: E~ Section 11: E~ NEL4 The remaining acraage, described as follows, is still covered by the permit: T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M.D.M. Section 2: N~ SW~ NW~ SE~, containing approx. 120 acres. 2. Item 33, as amedded, is deleted from the permit and replaced by the f~llowing clause: Effective January 1, 1962, and for the rest of the life of the permit the fee is $8,210.00 per year payable in advance." Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Burlingham and unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 363, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO A SPECIAL USE PERMIT AGREEMENT WITH THE UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE PROVIDING FOR REDUCTION IN RENTAL FOR REAL PROPERTY SUBJECT OF SAID MPECIAL USE PERMIT, be approved. NEVADA CONTRACT: Attorney John Laxalt, Attorney M. Manoukian, John Harrah, William Ledbetter were present at this meeting to discuss the Nevada Contract with the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Attorney John Laxalt stated that Nevada has had financial difficulties because of one client - Mr. O. Kahle, who owes the Nevada District a sum of $22,000.00 and the Nevada District has not been successful in obtaining this money from Mr. Kahle. Attorney Laxalt stated that they are ready to present the balance due California this evening and presented a check in the amount of $12,275.00 to President Souza who in turn turned this over to the Office Manager - Mr. N. R. Mallery. Attorney Laxalt stated that Mr. Pridayl s letter of March 16, 1962, was received and would like to discuss same with the Board of Directors. The first item which Mr. Laxalt presented was that the South Tahoe Public Utility District stated they did not hear from Douglas County Improvement District No. 1 re- garding their requests and or requirements by February 15, 1962. Mr. ~lmer D Angelo, ~ngineer for ~ouglas County %mprovement District No. 1, stated that he was asked by the Nevada Board (~anuary 1 5, 1962) to prepare a report as to what ~evada would require within the next twenty years. This report was completed on January 299,1962, and the Nevada Board met on February 1, 1962, and asked Mr. D~Angelo to present the report to the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Mr. D Angelo stated that he sent the report to Mr, Harlan Moyer and a copy was sent to Mr. Priday on February 2, 1962. Mr. D Angelo stated that he received a letter of February 28, 1962, from Mr. H. Moyer stating that he too estimated in his report approximately one million gallons per day for Nevada. Mr. D Angelo further stated that the Nevada Board was awaiting further word from the South Tahoe Public Utility District regarding co~t information to decide a cost figure for their Bond Issue. Director Imbach stated that he did not consider this report which Mr. iD Angelo is talking about a formal request to this District. Attorney Wiedman stated that we requested a formal letter to this Board from Nevada. Mr. H. Moyer stated that there appears to be some discrepancy. First, Mr. Moyer stated that this report was not considered by him to be a forma~!request to the South Tahoe Public Utility District. The report was sent to him personally~ c'o Clair Hill & Associates; Mr. Moyer further stated that there was to be a formal request from the Nevada District to the California District and his instructions were that we do not proceed with any information until a formal request from Nevada is received and upon receipt of this request - the Board of Directors for the South T~hoe Public Utility District would approve or disapprove same and this information would be transmitted to Nevada. This report that Mr. D Angelo sent to Mr. Moyer was treated strictly as a report from one Engineer to another, Mr. Moyer stated; also, that he cannot act on anything ~ only lmake recommendations to the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Mr. Moyer also stated that he had~ personally, at no time any indication from anyone that the Nevada Board had accepted any of the recommendations that the California District had made to them. Mr. D Angelo stated that he and his Board considered his report a formal request and assumed that Mr. Moyer had sent copies of all letters from him to the California District. Mr. D Angelo further stated that there is definitely some minunderstanding and that the California Board is not and has not been aware of the negotiations that have been outlined so far. Mr. Moyer stated he is not in a position to make decisions of any kind - ~t is 1 strictly up to the Board of Directors - he further stated that he can give re- commendations but in no way has the authority to correspond directly with anyone. President Souza stated that we are not fighting a decision or an agreement but that we are trying to reach one. Director Imbach stated that all future contacts with Nevada should be made strictly through the mail. Mr. W. Ledbetter stated that in the future all contacts, information, etac.~ will be handled throught the mail and that the past experience has been a very unfortunate misunderstanding. General Manager Priday stated that Public Entities must act with Resolutions. Also, Mr. Priday stated that Nevada has always been behind in their payments to this District - and this is the first time they have been up to date - even though this payment was received late, it does bring Nevada up to date. Mr. Priday further asked - what assurance does this District have that the payments in the future will be on time? Mr, J. Laxalt replied that the Nevada District needs sewage disposal and that the good faith of the individual-s responsible are assurance that the payments will be made on time. Mr. Priday stated that he would go so far as to reconnnend to the South Tahoe Public Utility Board of Directors that Nevada be given no additional capacity unless they can assure this District that all payments will be made on time. Mr. Ho Moyer will have the cost information prepared by the first meeting in April, 1962, to present to the South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors and after approval will be sent to Nevada District. Mr. W. Ledbetter stated that the amended agreement which was sent to the Nevada District was agreeable to the Directors of Nevada with the one exception and that is the credit that Nevada feels is due them regarding the State Highway Line. Nevada feels they are entitled to the credit and their Board will write to the South Tahoe Public Utility District stating their reasons as to why credit should be given them and they will await a reply from the California District. Mr. Ledbetter s reply to Mr. Burlingham s question (C~n we expect payment on time?) was that in the future~ the Nevada Dist. will pay the C~lif. Dist. on time as it is not their intent to be in arrears; steps will be taken to see that Calif. will get their payments on time. President Souza stated that when construction starts on the Bijou Trunk tine - ~ ~{ ~ we must have the money from our side as well as the Nevada side (if they so desire to come in) before construction actually starts. President Souza thanked the Nevada District for being present at this meeting and helping to clarify the past misunderstanding between the two Districts. Mr. W. Ledbetter thanked the Board for extending their invitation to Nevada so that the two Boards could get together and he also stated that the past two years have proved that both Boards have a good working relationship and that both have come a long way in solving problems and reaching agreements and the Nevada Board is very sorry that these misunderstandings have caused unpleasant correspondence between the two Boards. Mr. Ledbetter stated that he did not think the correspondence was necessary and this meeting this evening clarified most everything. Also, a large percentage of the employees that are hired by the Stateline Clubs reside in California and utilize the facilities of the California District. Mr. Ledbetter stated that he could not see why we cannot solve any problem we are faced ~ith. BOND ISSUE: Mr. Harlan Moyer, Engineer, stated that predicted sewage flows, based on the existing sewered area and connected properties, show that additional treatment capacity will soon be needed. Also, the existing effluent disposal facilities are inadequate and require immediate expansion. Mr. Moyer stated that the District should undertake further investigation of ground water disposal by deep well injection; the District should continue with land disposal for the interim; additional land sites must be acquired; initial acquisition should include the 120 acres on which the existing holding pond and irrigation system is located. In addition there should be not less than 200 acres of additional suitable land acquired. Mr. Moyer also stated that the following facilities for disposal, treatment and collection of sewage should be constructed within the near future: =1. Disposal: Additional disposal facilities will consist, of a pumping station and force main from the holding pond to the new disposal site. 2. Treatment: Present treatment should be expanded to twice its present capacity. 3. Collection: A new force main constructed from the Bijou Pumping Station to the treatment plant. Mr. Moyer stated the above recommendations will benefit the entire District and as such most logically would lbe financed by a general obligation Bond Issue. The total project cost, including indirect costs, amounts to $2,590,000.00; however, actual bond sales should be made only in increments necessary to pay for the proposed construction based on more detailed design information. The initial increments will logically fall in three stages as shown hereafter: 1. Land acquisition, effluent disposal and force mains 1,290,000 2. Conventional Treatment Facilities 750,000 3. Additional Treatment and Deep Well Disposal FaCILe. ties 550,000 Thesa :~o~:,2 amounts are subject to some modification depending upon the actual order of construction undertaken. Attorney Holtom recommended that if the Bond Issue is passed - that this be over a 30 year period and this will not put to much of a burden on the people. Also, the cost that would result on the total bond issue is approximately .37¢ per $100.00 if the Bonds are sold immediately. Mr. Holtom stated that he will prepare a report to show the exact impact at the first meeting in April as to what is being paid on the present bond issue and what will be paid on this one being discussed. If Nevada desires to use our facilities they must pay for same. Attorney Holtom recommended the following resolutions be approved: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 364: A resolution determining existing utilities for sewage disposa completed. South Tahoe Public Utility District, Sewer Project. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 365: A resolutimn directing preparation of plans and estimates - South Tahoe Public Utility District, Sewer Project. Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Burlingham, unanimously carried that above Reeohtions be approved. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 366: A resolution approving engineer's plans and estimates and determining insufficiency of revenues. South Tahoe Pub. Util. Dist. Sew. PPoject. Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director Imbach, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION No. 366 be approved. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 367: A Resolution formulating proposition for sewers for the South ~ahoe P blic Utility District for submission to the electors of said District, South Tahoe Public Utility District, Sewer Project. Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Burlingham, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 367 be accepted. Attorney Holtom recommended that ORDINANCE NO. 86, an ordinance calling and providing for a special district election to be held in South Tahoe Public Utility District for the purpose of submitting to the voters of said District the proposition of incurring a bonded indebtedness and providing for the giving of notice thereof, be adopted by title Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director Imbach, unanimously carried, that Ordinance No. 86 be adopted by title. _AMENDED TAX STaTEmENT: Attorney Holtom stated that he checked regarding tax statements (asse'ss'me~ts) th'at were received late. He stated that this was due to split parcels after sales and these were amended tax statements only. ~DucAT%0N PR0¢RAM: C%T%ZE~$ COMM%TT~Ey Mr. Pere Woodcock stated that there will be a meeting here at the Sewage Treatment Plant, Monday - March 26, 1962, 3:00 P.M. - - The Citizens Committee will meet to study the development of the Sewage Treatment Plant past, present and future, and the proposed Bond Issue with a view to making recommenda- tions in favor of the Bond Issue. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: General Manager Priday recommended that the checks and warrants in the amount of $38,803.83 be approved for Payment. APPROVED. ADJOURNMENT: President Souza adjourned the meeting at 11:15 P.M. Frank C. Souza, President ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N.R. MALL~.RY, CLER~ OF BO~%--~ EX-OFFICIO SEC. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 31, 1962 The Board of Directors met in a special meeting March 31, 1962 at the Sewage Treatment Plant at 8:00 A.M. ' ROLL CALL: Present were Pres ident Souza, Directors Clarke, Wakeman, Burlingham, and Imbach. Also present were General Manager Priday, Attorney Weidman, Clerk of Board Mallery, Pere Woodcock, Donald Richardson, William Johnson and George Cannon. PURPOSE OF MEETING: Re-evaluate the Bond Issue. President Souza stated that since the Land Acquisition is now $520,000.00 instead of $600,000.00, the bond issue has been reduced by $80,000.00, and the meeting today is to change the RESOLUTION NO. 367 to read $2,510,000.00 instead of the originil figure of $2,590,000.00 by adopting RESOLUTION NO. A lengthy discussion regarding the amount of the bond issue was held and sugges- tions made as to issuing the bond for only one-half of the amount. Director ~ Burlingham stated that this program for the present bond issue will be accomplished in about four (4) phases and it is not wise to go to the people four (4) different times and propose a bond issue. General Manager Priday stated that a dollar figure cannot be put on sanitation. It is our duty to convince the voters that this bond issue is a necessity, and much planning has been done by the Board of Directors and the Engineers. Director Burlingham stated that when the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board had the meeting in October - - he would like to know just how many dollars were lost to th~ area because of that meeting and the bad publicity the District received. He further stated that the people were so misinformed and that we want people to come here and to forget about sewage - and to come here without a worry in the world. President Souza stated that since he has been on the Board of Directors, the past meetings proved to be such ~here everything had to be passed on an emergency basis. In the event this bond issue does not pass, the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board will restrict any further developing in this area. The economic development and growth of this area is based on good sewage.and sanitation. Director Clarke stated that if the bond issue fails, we ~ail; if we fail the entire community fails, whether they know it or not. Director Clarke further stated that we have an obligation and we are deeply concerned and also that he would not be on this Board if he were not coneerned; the people of the area should be educated as to this basin; we must think of this from the entire area point of view and feel that as a matter of education of the people, give them the facts that are available and ask them if they wish to stop where they are or do they want to continue to develop. Director Clar~m stated that he feels we have respect as Directors with the aid of the community minded people and the development on the other hand" don't care where the chips fall, I want progress", Mr. Clarke stated. Director Imbach moved that RESOLUTION NO. ~ be approved with the figure of $2,495,000.00 for the bond issue. Director Clarke seconded - Vote not carried. Director Wakeman amended the motion to read for $2,510,000.00, DirectorBurlingham seconded and the vote carried unanimously that RESOLUTION NO ~ be approved. Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Clarke and unaimously carried that Ordinance No.87, which is an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 86, be approved. BROWN AND CALDWELL: Attorney J. Weidman requested that the Brown and Caldwell Committee meet Friday, April 6, 1962. ADJOURNMENT: President Souza adjourned the meetingaat 10:00 A.M. F~k C. SOUZA, PRESIDEN~ ~>~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N.R.MALI,I~.RY,/ CLERK OF BOARD AND F~-OFFICI© SEC. SOUTH TAHOE PHBLIC UTILITY DIST~[ICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SD~TH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 5, 1962 The Board of Directors met in regular session April 5, 1962, and Prmsident Souza called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL:Present were Directors Clarke, Imbach, Burlingham, and Wakeman. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney Weidman, Attorney Holtom and Mr. E. Wilson, Mr. Harlan Moyer, Mr. William Johnson, John Gerken, R. Dresser, Sue Imwood, Walt Little, Arlene Thomas, Bob Fester, Stone and Youngberg representatives (2). MINUTES:= Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director Imbach and unanimously carried, that the minutes of March 15, 1962 be approved as corrected. Director Bur,ingham moved, seconded by Director Clarke and unanimously carried that the minutes of March 22, 1962, be approved as corrected. Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Wakeman and unanimously carried that the minutes of March 31, 1962, be approved. CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Priday read a letter to the Directors from the Nevada Board concerning the credit Nevada feels is due them from the Highway Line in the amount of $9,605.75. President Souza stated that because our District is excNanging service from the Highway Line to the Beach Trunk Line, no credit is due Nevada. Attorney I~eidman stated that he has not been very happy with the attitude Nevada has taken from a policy point of view and that he would like to see the Board not grant the Nevada request ~or credit of the Highway Line. Mr. H. Moyer, Engineer, also stated that he should see no reason Nevada should be given a credit. Director Imbach moved that the request for $9,605.75 be denied Nevada for excNange of the Highway Line to the Beach Trunk Line. Director Clarke seconded and the vote carried unanimously. NEVADA SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ADDITIONAL CAPACITY - CAPITAL COSTS: Costs for Nevadfs increased capacity has been computed for two conditions: 1. Treatment and disposal capacity of 1.0 MGD average daily flow and a sewer capacity of 2.0 MGD peak flow rate. 2. A treatment and disposal capacity of 0.75 MGD average daily flow and a sewer capacity of 1.5 MGD peak flow rate. Based on Case 1, the total cost to Nevada would be $1,~83,978. This cost is comprised of $1,~05,759 for treatment and disposal and $278,219 for sewers and pumping stations. Based on Case 2, the total cost to Nevada would be $1,079,038. This cost is comprised of $904,320 for treatment and disposal and $174,718 for sewers and pumping stations. These costs are total costs computed on a pro-rata basis of reserved capacity for Nevada against the design capacity of the shared facilities. The costs include engineering, legal and a three percent charge for administrative expense. Complete cost tabulations are enclosed for both of the proposed conditions. If Nevada purchases at this time the 1.0 MGD average - 2.0 MGD peak, all reserve capacity in the C~lif~rnia system would be released. This would allow Nevada ample capacity for foreseeable future needs. %f Nevada capacity were limited to 0.75 MOD average - 1.5 MGD peak, some reserve capacity would be retained by California. The Nevada capacity in this case would be sufficient for predicted flows until 1965 or 1966. Since flow predictions for the Nevada system are predicated on some rather conservative assumptions, it is conceivable that this capacity would be sufficient for a somewhat greater time. It appears that the District should at this time offer a capacity of 0.75 MGD - 1.5 MGD to Nevada, with the provision that additional capacity be purchased by Nevada if future flow increases indicate that additional capacity is necessary. The additional capacity would be released to Nevada only if the C~lifornia system has existing reserve capacity available at that time. Otherwise, it would be necessary for Nevada to finance the necessary complete system expansion to obtain any additional capacity. Mr. H. Moyer stated that he feels the figures should be studied by the Board and action taken at a later date, and the Board's decision given to Nevada. Director Imbach moved that this cost inforamtion be held for study before su~nnitting to Nevada, Director Burlingham seconded and the vote carried unanimously. General Manager Priday recommended that a copy of these minutes be sent to Nevada. Mr. H. Moyer presented a Preliminary Report concerning Sewage Treatment and Disposal for South T hoe Public Utility District. This report is a complete report covering the following: 1. Basic Lake Tahoe Pollution Problem 2. Recommended Sewerage facilities for South Tahoe Public Utility District 3. Conclusions, recommendations and financial considerations. REPORT OF CITIZENS COMMITTEE: General Manager Priday read the report of the Citizens Committee which met at noon on Wednesday, April 4, 1962. A group of ten citizens met to discuss the bond issue. To sum up this report - - apl persons admitted the necessity of passing a bond issue, and the urgency of the matter at hand, but the difference of opinion was as to the amount the public should be asked to vote on. From an expression of the members present at this meeting, it can be stated thatpractically all these members would vote in favor of the bond issue, regardless of the amount decided upon by the Board of Directors. Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Clarke and unanimously carried, that the Citizens Committee Report be accepted with thanks. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS:Mr. J. Gerken asked the Board who picked the Citizens Committee; also, that he did not see any news regarding a citizens committee. Mr. Walt Little, Lake Tahoe News, stated that the names ~ of the Citizens Committee were published in the paper. Mr. J. Gerken also stated that he feels the Board of Directors are discussing Nevada's needs only. President Souza stated that what we are now working on is for the California side and we are only obligated (old contract) to Nevada for a flow of 300,000 GPD average flow. Mr. H. Moyer stated that the Citizens of the District have been misled in respect to the Nevada situation. The people should realize that Nevada is paying on the basis of what they actually used and they have, over the past two years, paid from 48% to 40% of the bond. They are actually paying a share of the bond, interest and principal which is based on the amount of flow they contribute and Nevada is definitely not getting something for nothing. Mr. Gerken also asked the Board if the Board of Directors for California were considering Nevada as to whatever they might wish or want and President Souza stated "absolutely not" Mr. Gerken stated that he is for what is needed here but he does not sew where we should be interexted in Nevada. Director Imbach stated that in the midst of this discussion Mr. Gerken has made some statements that were untrue and there was no basis for such remarks; that it was an insult to this Board, because Mr. Gerken is not aware of what has actually been taking place, nor does he ave the facts; Director Imbach stated that the minutes, records, etc., are availNble if Mr. Gerken would like to see them. Director Burlingham stated that Mr. Gerken is quite new on the scene and he would be happy to meet with Mr. Gerken and clarify any misunderstanding that he has. STONE AND YOUNGBERG(CONSULTANTS~: Two representatives from Stone & Youngberg were present for this meeting and presented samples of what their firm does regarding bond issues. Mr. E. Barnett, representative, stated that he recommends the Board of Directors look over this report(sample)and check with the other entities they have April 5, 1962 served, bankers, etc., regarding their service. Mr. Barnett also stated their full fee would be $5,000.00 and they require $1,5~0.00 initial payment and the rest is due upon the sale of the securities, if the bond passes. President Souza stated that this will be taken under consideration and they will be advised, as to the Board's decision. RESOLUTIONS: Attorney Holtom recommended that Resolution No. 368, a Resolution Ordering Changes and Modifications, Sanitary Sewerage Project No 1960-2 be approved. Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, and unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 368 b.e approved; = Also, RESOLUTION NO. 369, a Resolution declaring intent of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District for sale dates of General Obligation Bonds and times of expenditures of proceeds of said geneal obligations bonds; South Tahoe Public Utility 9ewer Project, be approved. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: General Manager Priday recommended that claims be paid in the amount of $17,569.23. Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director Imbach, unanimously carried, claims be paid. Mr. Priday mentioned that the claim for $8,210.00 is to the Forest Service for land for the claendar year of 1962. ADJOURNMENT: 8:45 PM Frank C. Souza, P~ident ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT E-~ ~ Sec N.R.Mallery,Clerk of Bd. & Off . SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY D TRI T STUDY SESSION April 11, 1962 President Souza called the meeting to order at 1:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Burlingham, Clarke and Imbach. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney J. Weidman, Mr. H. Moyer, Pete Woodcock, T. Stewart, Robert Fesler, Hal Pitt. BOND ELECTION CAMPAIGN: The Board of Directors discussed and reviewed their speaking assignments for the radio presentation. Also, the Directors will give an educational presentation at the below listed clubs and/or meetings: Director Clarke Director Burlingham Director Imbach Director Wakeman President Souza Gen. Mgr. Priday Gen. Mgr.Priday Kiwanis Club Lions Club Rotary Club Soroptomists Business & Professional Women Real Estate Board Rod and Gun Club Attorney J. Weidman explained the Nevada situation to the three visiting candidates - Robert Fesler, T. Stewart and H. Pitt, to clarify any misunderstanding that they might have. ADJOURNMENT: President Souza adjourned the meeting at 3:00 PM and all present toured the disposal facilities. Frank C. Sou~a~Pffesid~a/nt~ · :; SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT , ~ ~' ~ , N.R.Ma'l~er¥, Clefk of Bd. ~ ~x-Off. Sec. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ! / REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIST. April 19, 1962 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on April ]9, 1962, at the offices of the District, Sewage Treatment Plant. The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:00 PM. ROLL CALL: Present were President Souza, Directors Burlingham, Wakeman, Clarke, and Imbach. Also .present were acting General Manager and Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney Holtom, Attorney Weidman, Les Shoupe, Walt Little, Donald Richardson, Pete Woodcock, Thomas Stewart, Robert Fesler. Absent: General Manager Priday. MINUTES: Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director Clarke and unanimously carried that the minutes of April 5, 1962, be approved. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Burlingham, and unanimously carried, that the minutes of April 11, 1962, be approved. Director Burlingham suggested that a talk regarding the bond issue be given to the Boat Club. Also, suggestion was made that the Directors should try to attend the meetings or clubs at which one of our Directors will be the speaker. Director Imbach mentioned that the minutes should read that the Directors, and the manager, are attending the service clubs and giving talks without extra compensation. WATER COMMITTEE: Director Wakeman stated that at the water committee meeting held March 31, 1962, it became quite apparent that a recommenda- tion could not be made to the Public Utility District at that time and action was tabled for ninety (90) days. Director Wakeman stated that he will check with the water companies to see what action is taking place. EMERGENCY PURCHASE, SPRAY DISPOSAL: Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Burlingham, and unanimously carried, that the General Manager be authorized to instruct the Engineer to purchase the pump which is necessary for spray disposal - - this purchase price will not exceed $10,000.00 - - RESOLUTION NO. 3?0=== A resolution Determining a Great Emergency and Causing to be Done without Notice all Repair and Re- placement Work Necessary to Meet the Emergency - Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Burlingham, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 3?0 be adopted. (see minutes of 5/3/62 - RESOLUTION NO. 371) Director B~lingham ~ stated that a calibrating stake should be installed at the holding pond as a measuring device for the storage capacity. Mr. Les Shoupe, Engineer for Clair A.Hill & Associates, stated that will be taken care of. REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION - BARTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: Mr. Mallery read a letter from the Barton Memorial Hospit~'l - Finance Committee - regarding their annexation. This petition for annexation was approved May 4, 1961, and Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Burlingham, and unanimously carried, that action on this petition be deferred until May 3, 1962, and that the Description will be forwarded to the Boundary Commission for appropriate action. Mr. Mallery will send a letter to Barton Memorial Hospital advising them of the Board's decision regarding their annexation to the District. SEWER CONNECTIONS - SAFEWAY INSTALLTION: Mr. Mallery presentedaa map and pointed out the line which Mc Tavish and Safeway installed. Mr. Mallery also stated that requests for connections to this line have been made and the question is whether or not there has been a complete relinquishment to the district. Attorney Weidman will check into this and report at the May 3, i962, meeting. BROWN AND CALDWELL CLAIM: Attorney Weidman stated that the Committee for the Brown and Caldwell claim met April 6, 1962, and discussed this claim thoroughly. It was decided that Brown & Caldwell be paid $76,880.71 in full settlement of their claim and complete any and all engineering that has to be done on assessment Dist.60-1 up to the period of the re- 1 6 7 April 19, 1962 (cont.) lease of the bond. Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Burlingham and unanimously carried that the Brown & Caldwell report be accepted. UNIFIED PLUMBING CODE: - RE-ENACTMENT OF ORD. NO. 84: Director Wakeman stated that the 1961 editiOn- Of the Unlfied'p~%~b'ing' cOde -~s now he~% and moved to postpone enactment of Ord. No. 84 until the next regular meeting. (Ordinance No. 84 covers the 1958 edition of the Unified Plumbing Code.) Director Burlingham seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. President Souza appointed a Committee to work and check into the 1961 edition of the Unified Plumbing Code and present it at the next regular meeting. Con~nittee members are Director Wakeman, General Manager Priday and Attorney Weidman. MARTIN BROTH~S ANNEXATION ~- TAHOE VALLEY CENTER: Attorney Holtom presented a map showing ~he property which includes t'h'e"T~'e'Valley center (approximately 200 acres) and an Ordinance describing territory proposed to be annexed determining that no terms and coditions are necessary, and declaring intention to approve such annexation. Annexation No. 1962-1 was filed with the Clerk and action will be taken after the bond issue election. Attorney Holtom will notify the Martin Brothers of the Board's decision. APPOINTMENT OE A~SI_ST6NT..~.Sp~.: Attorney Weidman stated that Ordinance No. 2 will be modified and a new OrdinanCe ~resented to appoint Clerk of Board Mallery as Assistant Treasurer. Director Burlingham moved that Ordinance No. 88 be approved with the following addition: SUFFICIENT BOND AMOUNT TO COVER ANY MONIES HANDLED BY OUR CLERK. Director Imbach seconded and the vote carried unanimously. Attorney Weldman will notify the Directors of the amount of the bond needed. CONTRACT WITH ATTORNEY'S REGARDING THE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS: May 3, 1962. Postponed until Discussion was held regarding the bond issue and director Clarke moved that further discussion on this subject be ta~led until May 3, 1962. Director Imbach seconded and the vote carried unanimously. NEVADA AGREEMENT: The amended agreement which was sent to Nevada for signatures was returned and signed but further action will be taken at the next regular meeting, May 3, 1962. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Acting General Manager Mallery recommended that the checks and warrants in the amount of $102,694.88 be approved for payment. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Burlingham, and unanimously carried that the checks and warrants be approved for payment. EASEMENTS, RIGHT OF WAYS, E~C.: Director Clarke statRd that a complete analysis should be made' ~garding all e~sements, right of ways, etc., and any outstanding ones taken aare of imn~4iately. Attorney Weidman stated that we will have a report at the next regular meeting on the Eminent Doma~nTProceedings, Etc., as to whmt has been done and what is being done since last July, 1961. ADJOURNMENT: President Souza adjourned the meeting at 10:20 P.M. to May 3, 1962, 2:00 P.M. at the Sewage Treatment Plant. FRANK C. SOUZA,~j~RESIDENT ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY D~STRICT N.R~R'K OF/BDo & EX OFF '~'.' SOUT'H '~'AHOE PU~ APRIL 19, 1962 1 6 7 -A PROTEST HEARING May 3,1962 President Souza called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Directors present were Burlingham, Wa~eman, Imbach and Clarke, Also present were Attorney Weidman, Attorney Holtom, Harlan Moyer, Les Shoupe, Clerk of Board Mallery and Genral Manager Priday. Clerk of Board Mallery read all written protests, (Same are attached.) NOTE: Mr. Frank Globin sent in protests for the following listed parcels and he is not the owner of record for these parcels: 26 079 13 26 079 12 26 038 11 26 071 05 26 038 11 26 071 05 INCLUSIONS: Residents of the following listed parcels desired to be included in the Annexation: Lot 27, Country Cross Roads and Lot 2 and 5, Lakeside Park Also, a written protest was received from Mr. Henry Butler, Clerk of Board Mallery stated a number of letters (protests) were received from parties not within the boundaries of the District. Mrs. Winifred Codman stated that she received a letter from a Mr. Wilke regarding this annexation and Mrs. Codman read parts of Mr. Wilke's letter to the audience which referred to SEC 17302 of the Public Utility Code and SEC 45 of the election code. Mrs. Codman further stated that the owners of the excluded parcels were not aware of this annexation and she alerted them and was proud that she had. Also Mrs. Codman stated that technically the District can do as they are doing're- gardlng the annexation - bur morally - the District cannot and further stated that she felt this was a very unfair, dirty way to do it. Clerk of Board Mallery stated that notice regarding this annexation was published in the papers as required and was posted as required in three places. Mr. March asked questions regarding the excluded p~operties and asked who initiated the petition to be circulated inviting excluded parcels to be included in the district. Clerk Mallery stated that this letter was sent to the people of excluded parcels approximately one year ago. In answer to Mr. March's question as to the area or parcels being annexed - Attorney Holt~m stated that this annexation will contain the excluded parcels that are within the District Boundaries only . Mr. March was told that the property he is inquiring about - the sewer llne is in there and available for use and the District obtained extra-territorial rights to have this llne in. Mr. March asked if one wanted to be excluded could they continue to be and Attorney Holtom stated that they could, however, they will still have to pay their assessment'. Attorney Holtom recommended that these protests be referred to the Board of Supervisors and Director Imbach moved that Attorney Holtom's recommendation be accepted, Director Clarke seconded and vote carried unanimously. Mr. William Johnson asked if there is an assessed valuation on this annexation. Attorney Holtom stated there was none. The Board of Supervisors will be asked to notify the ones that have sent in protests regarding the.~, meeting re the written protests. ADJOURNMENT: 3:30 P.M. ~ FIC'Io'"'SE CR'ETA Ry SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY D~ICT Frank C. Souza~Preslde{rf SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 3, 1962 PROTEST HEARING ATTACH~ENTS FOR PROTEST HEARING OF ~,¥ 3~, 196,2 U~Lt~ D~t~lot - ~t%on gl-I Yee7 trul~ ~e,~,., for WlL~, ~, .~l~ap Riel. ~¢ OC ~tr%ot AC~%, 11 ~~ Bl~ou, CalAf~r~ta ~k~er~b].e Rembet~ r p~oper~y, bu-tlet~o I~otate of Lou~o II II II # # II Il Il Il II # II Il Il II btd4t®, PEr. dm. L. MmrM4Lo, J~. Jelm Property Descriptioq Tahoe Meadows 26-101-06 26-20-01 23-021-02 26-01-02 29 -320-03 29 -321-02 Owner Wescott, Mr. & Mrs. James A. Westlund, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur ~Whitney, Prof. & Mrs. Robert B. Weislander, Mrs. Grace H. Wilson , j. Dwight, Jr., William W., and James M. Ayers, Leo D. & Orleta L. Barton, Alva Barton, Alva Barton, Alva Benefield, Gledden R. & Erma Boring, Dorothy Paulson, Catherine M. 29-170-04 Bull, Kathryn I. 29-035-15 Carson, Jack and Mary H. 25-031-04 Collins, Ersel L. & Leah T. 26-45-01 Codman, Winnifred R. and Richard 26-045-08 ~ ,, 26-045-10 Donald, A. F. Jr. 30-390-17, 18 Elmore, Josephine E. and Ernest E. Lots 16, 17, 59 Ski ' Run Acres 1 1/4 Acres ,, Keller Tract #80 1 1/4 acres Keller Tract #78 1 1/4 acres Keller Tract #78A 29-041-19 29-041-19 Fears, Julia V. 26-136-14 Sikora, Marion F. & Geo. R. 29-26-8 Gilbert, Craig A. & Claire B. 26-075-03 Globin, Frank 26-078-15 ~ " 26-078-13 ,, 26-078-11 ,, 26-077-1 ,, 26-077-4 ,, 26-089-4 ,, 26-078-10 ,, 26-078-12 ,, 26-089-01 ,, 26-089-8 ,, 26-076-1 26-075-2 Globin, Frank and Esther 26-074-14 ,, 26-072 -9 ,, 26-072-3 ,, 26-072 -04 ,, 26-086-8 ,, 26-089 -5 ,, 26-089-6 ,, 26-089-7 ,, 26-154-9 ,, 26-038-13 ,, 26-038-05 ,, 26-038-10 ,, 26-035-05 ,, 26-032 -~)6 ,, 26-102-03 ,, 26 -111-03 ,, 26-088-06 ,, -3- ~RO~ERTY*DESCRIPTION 26 0~ 03 26 061 03 26 O23 O1 Por. of Sec. 2, 3, 10, 11 Township 12 N.R. 18 E 27 223 12, 13, Lots 1, 2, 6 12 Ski Run Acres 27 112 22 25 031 16 26 023 02 29 074 07 29 073 061 22 426A Sec. 25 and 36-13-13 31 290 11 26 073 07,10 g 11 26 039 01 26 026 14 27 06 02 27 03 01 27 02 10 27 225 02 27 225 02 26 044 01,02 29 074 02 29 032 02 29 034 15 25 031 10 29 310, 03 - 29 320 01 31 241 O1~ 31 290 15 31 290 04 27 241 19 26 022 03 29 083 11 29 083 O1 29 036 06 27 123 02 29 041 48 OWNERS Hitchcock, J.E. Harootunlan, Ann & Stella Ivey, Grover C. Johnson, Elwood Joens, A.E. and Rehena E. Kbbl, W.E. Ketels, Vivlan C. LaCoste, Vincent De and Hope I Lewis, Charles A. Makela, Penttl and Pearl V. March, Carol McGonagle, D., Baldwin Murphy, Howell B and Alma H. Myer, Stanton H. g Mellcent G. Marchant, Merle E. g Mrs. Ida McArdell, Lawrence and Marion Morrison, John Eugene g Irlene Morrlson, Daryl E. Morrlson *(Gay Eliz) Nash, Nellie Somers, Margaret J. Philliher, Chas. L. g Alta E. Pike, Harold V. g Marjorie J. Pusateri, Margaret D. Stevens, Beatrice and Athearn O. Smith, Gertrude V. Steininger, Alma H. Springmeyer, Marjorie J. ~ Melvin F. !! Thomas, W.A. g Carol M. Taya, Angelo and Lillian Taya, Angelo and Lillian Van Dover, H.E. ~ Josephine Ward, Harry P and Framces C. Whistler, Helen M. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITYDDISTRICT MAY 3, 1962 The Board of Directors met in an adjourned regular session and President Souza called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M. 80LL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Burlingham, Imbach and Clarke; also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney Holtom and Weidman, Engineer Harlan Moyer, Les Shoupe, C. Gibson~ Pete Woodcock, Donald Richardson, Walt Little, Sue Imwood. Mr. Ted Walker and Mrs. Elaine Kamp from Barton Memorial Hospital, Mr. March., Mrs. Winifred Codman, William V.D, Johnson and Mr. H. Butler. MINUTES: The minutes of April 19, 1962 - - Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Clarke and unanimously carried that the minutes of April 19, 1962, be approved with the RESOLUTION NO. 370 being changed to read RESOLUTION NO. 37~.. , stating "PURCHAS~RI~E-N~"~O'' EXCEED $25,000.00 - TOTAL'~NCLUDES" ' PIPE AND APPURTANCES WHICH IS NECESSARY FOR SPRAY DISPOSAL." BARTON MEMORI~.L..HO~.P.I.~.A.L: General Manager Priday stated that the Barton Memorial Hospital annexation was discussed at the 4/19/62 meeting - the check was received from Barton Memorial Hospital and Mr. Priday stated that consideration be given to any annexation by the new Directors so they will be aware of what is going on. Attorney Holtom stated that the description for Barton Memorial Hospital has been forwarded to the Boundary Commission and no action can be taken by this board until word is received from the Boundary Commission. The Boundary Commission will meet May 28, 1962. SAFEWAY INSTALLAT_ION: Attorney Weidman stated that he contacted Mr. McTavish the owner of the Safeway installation and Mr. McTavish agreed to turn this line over to the District and that he will execute a formal agreement this coming Monday. RE-ENACTMENT 0F ORP.IN6NCE Np....8.4.~ Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Clarke and unanimously carried that Re-Enactment of Ordinance No. 8~ be approved - Ordinance No. 84 is an ORDINANCE AMENDING NO. 24 AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE WESTERN PLUMBING OFFICIAL ASSOCIATION, "UNIFIED PLUMBING CODE" - 1958 edition and further regulating the use of public and private sewers, the installation of sewer laterals and public sewer main extentions, and regulating plumbing, drainage, and sewering in the South Tahoe Public Utility District -ORD.#8~, CONTRACT..-. AT~ORNEY.,S_ - GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS: Director Imbach moved, that any signing of cont~a~t~-'~hguid' ~e-ha~l~"by the new Directors that will be in office. Action deferred until a later date. ~ EASEMENTS, RIGHT OF WAYS;. outstanding easements, Attorney Weldman gave a brief re~ort regarding 59-1 2 outstanding 60-1 3 " 60-2 NONE 60-3 NONE 60-4 7 settled, and one outstanding Beach Trunk still pendinM General Manager Priday stated that he requested Mr. Johnson to send a letter to the South Tahoe Pubt~c Utility District regarding use of his land. NEVADA AGREEMENT: President Souza signed the agreement amending the existing Nevada Contract. The agreement was signed by Nevada with no changes or additions, 513162 ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS: The Martin Brothers Annexation was discussed and Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Clarke, and unanimously carrie¢ that the final action on this annexation be postponed until after the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board Hearing here on 5/9/62. The written protests that were read at the hearing at 2:00 PM on 5/3/62 will be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for their action with a recommenda- tion that they be denied. Atorney Holtom and Attorney Weidman will be presen for the hearing with the Bd. of Supervisors(Our attorney will request that the Bd. of Supervisors notify the people that have written protests of their decision). CANVASSING OF VOTES: Board of Directors will meet Monday, 5/7/62 at 9:00 AM USE OF LANDS: General Manager Priday stated that he received a letter from Mr. Knox Johnson regarding use of his land. Mr. Johnson stated that theuse of his land would be $400.00 per month, billed by Crocker-Anglo Bank and to continue for only three months. President Souza instructed General Manager Priday to write the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board regarding this letter so they will be aware of such before the May 9th meeting which is to be held at the Tahoe Valley Fire House. Director Imbach stated that he has heard rumors as to the Agencies that we could obtain funds from for additional land, etc.; Mr. Imbach further stated that all agencies known to the district were approached and he feels that the good citizens, if they so consider themselves this, should bring this information to the District. Mr. Harlan Moyer, engineer, stated that he does not subscribe tothe local · paper and he was quite surprised to read (when he arr~ved at Lake Tahoe) the articles in the paper regarding the District. Mr. Moyer further stated that allthe avenues known to the district to obtain land, etc., have been ~xhausted and if there is somthing that we have missed, we would surely like to know about it. President Souaa stated that any help that can be given to the district shoul¢ so be done and this was brought up at the iast meeting with the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board last October, 1961. At that meeting there was nothing available and the District was told that they had to look for land themselves and we would appreciate any help of getting this information so we could get help in this emergency crisis that we are now in. Director Burlingham stated that the letter sent out by "THINKING VOTERS" indicated that the board members were getting a commission regarding land and Mr. Burlingham stated that he would like to make it clear that Mr. Souza and Mr. Imbach were working on this committee and the only return they received from this was a compensation as for meetings attended and it certainly does not equal the work that went into it. Director B~rlingham also stated that it was indicated in this letter that there were three real estate men on this committee and further stated that "I want to make it clear that I was not on this committee". Director Clarke stated that during this campaign all was "Dirty Politics and I have never seen such Fellow journalism as I have seen during this campaign". Director Imbach stated that he was happy to s.ee so many people attending this meeting this evening and asked them to, "~hen they go home, think of the type of meeting that the district held this evening. Mrs. Arlene Thomas stated that Directors Burlingham and Imbach have done a great job for this district and to have an article on the front page of the Lake Tahoe News reading "VOTERS PULL THE CHAIN ON BURLINGHAM AND IMBACH" is an absolute disgrace and a great insult. Mr. Harlan Moyer stated that the firm of Clair Hill & Associates represent Many districts, etc., and stated that it has been a pleasure working with this district and that he was very sorry to see Mr. Imbach and Mr. Burlingham go as they have done a great and excellent job. So many people dc not realize the work and the need of each director. I do feel the five men · on the board of directors were right in the procedures that they followed and they should in no way feel any regret for presenting this program to this area. 170 May 3, 1962 Mr. Moyer also stated that he has had the opportunity to check this system and his concern reached the crescendo yesterday regarding the leaks in the Beach Trunk Line and rmarks regarding the engineers, inspectors, etc., and stated that he had checked to see what had happened and thought there was a big change and reported that the situation is not as bad as it was outlined - - the lines are ok and they are not drying Lake Tahoe dry. Also~ Mr. Moyer stated - the directors have not been misled and that he does not know where the information came from. Director Wakeman stated that the source of the letter sent out by "Thinking Voters" is being checked for the source and printing, and he further stated that he felt this was a very poor way to remark about a Director. Mr. Wakeman also stated that "To think these people can stand up and call themselves citizens after being a part of the printing = it is no wonder they did not sign this Thinking Voter's statement". The letter from Committee of Thinking Voters reads as follows: " PANIC, THREATS,HYSTERIA? Under the "Bungling" leadership of Chairman Frank Souza and his colleagues on the Sewer board, the residents of Lake Tahoe have just witnessed and been subjected to one of the cruelest forms of hysterical propeganda that has ever been developed in this area's history. In order to force their opinions on the voter and taxpayer, they have at the taxpayer's expense created a propaganda machine, a publicity agent, public relations man, a radio campaign, newspaper and direct mail campaign, all with one objective, Create a panic by threats and "dupe" the voter. In doing this they have created a monster that is far worse. The news media in the rest of the state have publicized articles that have started at Lake Tahoe, "Your children can't swim in Lake Tahoe if it is being contaminated by sewage, your beautiful streams are in danger from hmman waste, you are in danger of a complete disaster and shut down by the state health bureau, a cease and desist order will arrive the day following the bond election, threats to motel and business houses, vote our way or you face shut-down." Now, Mr. taxpayer, and businessman, would you invest money, build a home, start a business, buy a lot, or bring your family to Lake Tahoe for avacation after reading or hearing that Lake Tahoe was filthy with contamination and:facing disaster? Not on your life you wouldn't. Lake Tahoe has received a black eye from all this adverse publicity that will take many years to heal. This type of hysteria is not warranted at Lake Tahoe, the very idea is despicable, 'but thanks to Chairman Souza, the sewer board, and their advisoss it is an accomplJ~shed fact! The harm has been done. Let's look at this problem sensibly from here on, a cease and desist order doesn't shut anything down, it means to stop dumping treated or untreated water into a stream where it might find its way to the lake. m The answer, some additional land for another holding pond and enough pipe and spray equipment to handle the water. This is what the health authori~iesiare asking for. Last fall the pollution board met at ~Sou~h Tahoe and criticized the sewer district for opening a valve and relieving the holding pond, also for not using their available land for spray irrigation in a better manner. Chairman Souza, the sewer board, their engineer and manager advised those at the hearing that everything was serene, no contamination had taken place, the sewer plant was operating at only a fraction of its capacity, they were re-manufacturing water pure enough to drink and therefore nohting to be concerned about, further, that an employee of the plant had opened the valve dumping some water in error be- cause the stateiine clubs had an extra big weekend that had put an extra burden on the holding pond, but they had agreed by better practice not to do it again. They crtitcized the Forest Service not not allowing them addition- ai land at no charge. It was pointed out that plenty of Forest Service land was available, but that the federa~ people wouldn't give it to them. The fact still remains that NO formal request has been made to governmental agencies for emergency relief by the sewer bomrd. If there is an emergency involving health, and an economic- disaster, why hasthis not been done? The sewer board wants to buy mome land, 340 acres, where? who owns this land? who is negotiating the sale? what real estate firm or salesman is involved, what commission is involved? With three members of the sewer board in the real estate business, it is logical that some taxpayers are going to ask these questions, and are entitled to some forthright answers before making up their May 3, 1962 ~nds to sign a blank check. For the sake of Lake Tahoe and its future, let's top this "bungling" incompetent approach to a simple problem. One decisive solution would be to stop right in our tracks, examine what is needed now. What help we can receive from F~deral and State agencies, using the right approach to solve a problem involving two states and the federal government. And for the good of all, dispense with the t~reats, panic, hysteria, press agents and adverse publicity. To the sewer board we say: stop this carnival of errors, we don't need a circus atmosphere to solve a simple problem right here at home. Remember, to have the confidence of the voters, they must have confidence in you. COMMITTEE OF THINKING VOTERS" Mr. Wakeman statedthat this letter has been a shock to the Board and to have people twist the facts in such a matter continues to confuse the people and they are still asking questions regarding the bond issue, etc. Mrs. Arlene Thomas stated that she felt the Tahoe Tribune should be commended for their rightness of publication. Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Burlingham, unanimously carried, that general manager Priday send a letter to the Tahoe Trihsne thanking them for giving the correct information to the people and stating the true facts. CLAIMS: General Manager Priday recommended that a claim in the amount of $930.22 from the E1 Dorado County Road Department be denied for payment because of insufficient data. General Manager Priday stated that he will write a lo the Road Department stating the board's decision on their claim. General Manager Priday recommended that the claims in the amount of $5,591.84 be approved for payment. Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Clarke and unanimously carried that the che~ks and warrants be approved for payment. Director Imbach stated that "It has been a pleasure to serve on the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and to work with the manager, engineer, etc., and it has been an education to me to be here and get a better understanding of trying to solve problems in this area and I only wish the Lake Tahoe News felt the same". Director Burlingham stated that he felt as Director Imbach does. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Clarke, and unanimously carried that General Manager Priday write a letter of appreciation to Director Imbach and Director Burlingham for their time servedc'~on the Board of Directors. Director Clarke stated that he would like to tell both of the Directors that are going off the board that it has been a pleasure to him to serve with them. They have shown great effort towards the good of the community and commended:, both of them for their attitude towards community interests. Director Wakeman stated that he agreed with Mr. Clarke and his feelings were the same. Attorney Weidman stated that he enjoyed working with both directors, that ar going off the board, and even though they are going off the board - Attorney Weidman stated that he feels he still has two friends. Attorney Holtom stated that he appreciated having had the opportunity of working with these two members that are going off the board of directors. President Souza stated that it was a pleasure working with these men and also thathe has worked on may boards before coming to Lake tahoe and has never worked with anyone that is more sincere and that has worked any harder than these two men and was sorry that the people did not know how har~they did work and what they had. Uso, President Souza read his following statement: "It is my personal opinion that the vicious attack on me by my political opponents in the current campaign for 5th District Supervisor may have a affected the outcome of the recent P.U.D. bond election. The whisper and unsigned mail campaigns were timed to the bond election because of my close connection with t~is community problem. I believe that this demonstrates their lack of regard for the welfare of our community. May 3 , 1962 The defeat of the bond expresses the will of the people. We must continue to work to find a more acceptable solution for our community problems. I would like to commend the management, the Attorney's and the engineers, and especially the outgoing board members for their unselfish devotion to duty. I would also like to express my confidence that the newly elected directors will work with the same sincerity in the interest of the people of South Tahoe. The new board will be making a complete study of the problems as they exist today. The board will welcome any pertinent information from anyone in this community to help the directors come to a wise decision. I hope that all such informtion will be presented during the time that it will be useful to our Board. As a member of the Board of Directors, I will continue to work to the best of my ability for the solution of the District's problems." ADJOURNMENT: to May 7, 1962, at 9:00 A.M. iR ,CLER~ OF BD. & EX.OFF.SEC. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT President Souza adjourned the meeting at 10:00 P.M. Frank ¢. Souza, p.~esiden~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 7, 1962 President Souza called the meeting to order at 9:55 A.M. at the Sewage Treatment Plant and because of a lack of a quorum - President Souza adjourned the meeting until Wednesday morning May 9, 1962, at 9:00 AM President Souza also requested that all Directors be notified of the adjourned meeting May 9, 1962, including the new Directors. ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 A.M. N.R.Mall~ry, Clerk of Bd.& Ex,Off.Sec. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Frank C.Souza, P~zdent~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 9, 1962 The board of directors met in an adjourned regular session to canvass the votes. President Souza called the meeting to order at 9:05 A.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Souza, Directors Clarke, Wakeman, and Burlingham. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Harlan Moyer, Attorney Weidma~, Hartan Moyer, T. Stewart, R. Fesler, and William Johnson. ABSENT: Director Imbach. RESOLUTIONS: Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Burlingham that RESOLUTION NO. 372 , a Resolution of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District declaring the results of a general district election, and RESOLUTION NO. 37~, a Resolution canvassing returns and declaring the result of the special bond election held in South Tahoe Public Utility District on Tuesday, May 1, 1962, for the purpose of submitting to the electors of said District, a proposition of incurring a bonded indebtedness of a $2,510,000.00 bond issue. Vote carried unanimously. GENERAL BOND ELECTION:= There were 1,003 ballots cast and votes were as follows: YES 425 NO 578 DIRECTORS: Donald L. Clarke 651 Hal E, Pitt 285 Joseph Imbach 407 Robert W.Fesler 533 V. Burlingham 458 T.L.Stewart 485 ADJOURNMENT: President Souza adjourned the meeting at 9:35 A.M. Frank C, Souza' Pr/~ident SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N.R.Mallery,C~ of"Bd. & Ex-Off/icio Sec, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT .,..,..,..,. :% .,..,. :% :% :~..,..,o :% :% :% .,..,..,..,. 174 HAY 17~ 1962 J 75 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MAY 17. 1962 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MET IN REGULAR SESSION MAY 17, 1962, AT 8:00 PM ROLL CALL: PRESENT WERE PRESIDENT SOUZA, DIRECTORS CLARKE, WAKEMAN, STEWART, AND FESLER. ALSO PRESENT WERE GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY, CLERK OF BOARD MALLERY, ATTORNEY J. HOLTOM, ATTORNEY J. WEIDMAN, MR. HARLAN MOYER~ MR. LES SHOUPE, MR. DONALD RICHARDSON - SACRAMENTO BEE, SUE IMWOOD - TAHOE TRIBUNE~ WALT LITTLE - LAKE TAHOE NEWS~ MR. OLIVER KAHLE, MR. HENRY BUTLER, MR. C. GIBSON, MR. PERE WOODCOCK, MR. VAUGHN BURLINGHAM AND MR.JOSEPH IMBACH. MINUTES: DIRECTOR WAKEMAN MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR CLARKE AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED THAT THE MINUTES OF MAY 3~ 1962, PROTEST HEARING, AND THE MINUTES OF MAY 3~ 1962, REGULAR MEETING~ BE APPROVED. DIRECTOR CLARKE MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR WAKEMAN AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED THAT THE MINUTES OF MAY 7, 1962~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING BE APPROVED. DIRECTOR WAKEMAN MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR CLARKE AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED THAT THE MINUTES OF MAY 9, 1962, ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING, BE APPROVED. GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY RECOMMENDED THAT THE MINUTES FOR THE PAST SIX M~NTHS BE SENT TO DIRECTOR STEWART AND DIRECTOR FESLER. MANAGER'S REPORT:GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY READ HIS REPORT WHICH CONTAINED INFORMATION REGARDING: 1. PROGRESS REPORT, BIJOU PUMP STATION 2. EMERGENCY PURCHASES 3. PLANT OPERATION (FLOW) 4. INSPECTOR'S REPORT I 5. SPRAY DISPOSAL (EFFLUENT TURNED INTO JOHNSON DITCH AND JOHNSON MEADOWS) DIRECTOR CLARKE MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR FESLER, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED THAT THE MANAGER'S REPORT BE APPROVED. DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS: OFFICE MANAGER MALLERY STATED THAT THE COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS ARE 83% DELINQUENT AND THAT COLLECTION LETTERS, NOTICES, ETC., WERE SENT TO THE OWNERS REGARDING THEIR DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS. THE DELINQUENCY AMOUNT FOR COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS AS OF APRIL 30, 1962,AMOUNT TO $4,065.04 ATTORNEY d. WEIDMAN STATED THAT WE COULD (1) INSTITUTE A SUIT AGAINST THE PROPERTY OWNER FOR FAILURE TO PAY THEIR SERVICE CHARGES, OR (2) WE COULD TAKEN THE MATTER TO SMALL CLAIMS, OR (3) NOTICE CAN BE GIVEN TO THE PROPERTY OWNER THAT WITHIN THEN (10) DAYS THEY-WILL BE DISCONNECTED AND THEN IF THE BILL IS NOT PAID, DISCONNECT. BEFORE THE OWNERS CAN RECONNECT TO THE SEWER, THEY WILL HAVE TO PAY THE CHARGES FOR DISCONNECTION, PLUS THE PENALTIES~ AND THREE MONTH'S SERVICE CHARGE IN ADVANCE. OFFICE MANAGER MALLERY READ A ROUGH DRAFT LETTER WHICH WILL BE SENT TO OWNERS WITH DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS; ALL LETTERS WILL BE SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. DIRECTOR CLARKE MOVED THAT THE CHRONIC CASES (WHICH WILLBBE DETERMINED BY THE MANAGER AND OFFICE MANAGER) BE GIVEN NOTICE AS MENTIONED ABOVE AND THE OTHER ACCOUNTS THAT ARE M~MENTARILY DELINQUENT BE NOTIFIED BY CERTIFIED MA£L REGARDING THEIR DELINQUEN[Y. A SIX (6) MONTH'S DELINQUENT ACCOUNT WILL BE CONSIDERED AS A CHRONIC CASE. A ~-T NOTICE WILL BE SENT, THEN ANOTHER NOTICE IN 90 DAYS AND SIX MONTH'S WiLL BE A DEFINITE DISCONNECT. DIRECTOR STEWART SECONDED AND THE VOTE CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. N E W B U S I N E S S : BEACH TRUNK CONNECTIONt DOUGLAS COUNTY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 17 MR. HARLAN MOYER BRIEFLY EXPLAINED TO THE DIRECTORS THE METHODS THAT MIGHT BE EMPLOYED BY THIS DISTRICT REGARDING A DEVICE FOR THROTTLING OR REDUCING THE FLOW FROM THE NEVADA DISTRICT. THIS MEASURING DE- VICE WILL BE OWNED AND OPER~TEDCBY CALIFORNIA. GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY STATED THAT "BECAUSE OF THE FACILITIES NOW BEING OVER- TAXED, EVERYONE SHOULD COME UNDER THE SAME RESTRICTIONS AND WE HAVE NO ALTERNATIVE BUT TO CONTROL THE FLOW FROM NEVADA - WE WAN~ TO ASSURE THE PEOPLE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE DISTRICT THAT WE INTEND TO SEE THE CONTRACT CARRIED OUT TO THE LIMIT. 1.76 REGULAR MEETING -2- MAY 17, 1962 GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY ALSO SUGGESTED THAT NOTIFICATION BE SENT TO THE DOUGLAS COUNTY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. I AND MR. WALLY WHITE STATING THAT WE INTEND TO STAY WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CONTRACT AND WE ARE CLOSING THE VALVE TO THAT POINT. GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY ALSO STATED THAT HE WOULD SUGGEST THE DISTRICT MAKE THIS INSTALLATION OF THE VALVE. DIRECTOR WAKEMAN MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR CLARKE, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, THAT THE MANAGER BE AUTHORIZED TO COMPLETE THE BEACH TRUNK CONNECTION WITH THE VALVE WHICH WILL LIMIT THE FLOW AND THIS COST IS NOT TO EXCEED $500.00. MR. C.GIBSON ASKED WHAT THE TERMS OF THE NEVADA CONTRACT CONSISTED OF REGARDING THE FLOW. GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY STATED THAT THIS DEVICE WILL BE SET AT THE PEAK FLOW RATE WHICH IS 500,000. MR. PRIDAY ALSO STATED THAT WE ARE TRYING TO FORCE NEVADA TO REALIZE THAT WE ARE DOING EVERYTHING TO KEEP THE FACILITIES GOING AND IT IS NE- ESSARY THAT THEY REALIZE THEIR RESPONSIBILITY IN HOLDING TO A CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT. WE DO NOT HAVE THE FACILITIES TO TAKE CARE OF THE EXCESS EFFLUENT WHICH THEY WILL HAVE. WE DO NOT WANT TO CUT NEVADA OFF FOR HEAt. TH REASONS. THE CONTRACT IS 300,000 GPD AVERAGE FLOW, AND 500,000 GPD PEAK FLOW. THIS IS THE LIMIT TO WHICH WE INTEND TO HOLD THEM. DIRECTOR CLARKE SUGGESTED THAT OUR ATTORNEY CONTACT THE DOUGLAS COUNTY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. I ATTORNEY AND GIVE A COMPLETE EXPLANATION OF OUR UNDERSTANDING OF THIS 500,000 GPD PEAK FLOW SO THEY WILL HAVE A FULL UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT WE CONSIDER THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT ARE. TRENCH FAILURES - CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY: MR.HARLAN MOYER STATED THAT HE AND MR. PRIDAY WERE AWARE OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE STREETS AND THESE CONDITIONS CAN BE PLACED IN THE FOELOWING FOUR (4) CATEGORIES: 1. ACCEPTANCE OF 1959-1 WAS ACCEPTED MORE THAN ONE YEAR AGO AND THE GUARANTEE BOND HAS EXPIRED AND THERE ARE DEFINITELY SOME TRENCH FAILURES. 2. ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 1960-2, 1960-3, 196L-1, THE DISTRICT IS STILL PROTECTED BY A GUARANTEE BOND. 3. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-4 IS INCOMPLETE AND NOT AS YET ACCEPTED. 4. STREET FAILURES WHICH ARE NOT RELATED TO THE SEWER DISTRICT AT ALL: ~) WATER SERVICE LINES, (B) GAS LIN6S(3) POOR DRAINAGE,ETC. .~SSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-2: MR.H.MOYER STATED THAT THIS PROJECT IN GENERAL IS IN GOOD CONDITION BUT SEVERAL STREETS HAVE SOME MAJOR SETTLE- MENT WHICH SHOULD BE CORRECTED. HARPER AND BAXTER, CONTRACTOR'S FOR THIS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT WERE NOTIFIED SOME THIRTY DAYS AGO ABOUT THE STREET FAILURES. THIS WORK CAN BE DONE BY THE DISTRICT AND THE COSTS RECOVERED FROM THE CONTRACTOR. THE DISTRICT WILL GIVE IMMEDIATE NOTICE TO THE CONTRACTOR AND THEIR BONDING COMPANY. MR. MOYER RECOMMENDED THAT THE DISTRICT GIVE WRITTEN NOTICE (CERTIFIED MAIL) TO THE CONTRACTOR AND IF HE DOES NOT APPEAR AT THE DISTRICT WITHIN A REASONABLE LENGTH OF TIME, WE SHOULD PROCEED WITH THE WORK, KEEP CORRECT RECORDS OF THE COSTS, AND BILL THE CONTRACTOR AND THEIR BONDING COMPANY FOR THIS WORK. PRESIDENT SOUZA INSTRUCTED THE MANAGER TO PROCEED WITH THIS PROJECT. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-3: MR. MOYER STATED THAT THE STREETS FOR THIS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CAME THROUGH THE WINTER VERY WELL, AND MR.LAGRANGE WILL CORRECT THE DIFFICULTIES AS SOON AS HE CAN AND THERE IS AT THE PRESENT TIME NO PAVING BATCH PLANT OPERATING IN THIS AREA AND THIS CANNOT BE DONE UNTIL APPROXIMATELY JUNE 1, 1962. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1961-1: IN GENERAL, THE STREETS WITHIN THIS AREA IN SOME LOCATIONS HAVE SUFFERED MAJOR DISTRESS AND THERE ARE MANY STREET FAILURES WHICH IN NO WAY IS THE FAULT OF THE CONTRACTOR, JOE D.MILLER. THE LATERALS, DRAINAGES, ETC., ARE THE CONTRACTOR'S FAULT AND MR. MILLER WAS NOTIFIED AND WHEN THE MATERIALS ARE AVAILABLE, MR. MILLER WILL ~ROCEED TO CORRECT THE STREETS. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-4: ROY PRICE-CONTRACTOR: THE CONTRACTOR HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO REPLACE PERMANENT PAVING AND IN GENERAL THE STREETS ARE IN GOOD CONDITION. HOWEVER, GARDNER MOUNTAIN AND TAHOE ISLAND PARK ARE IN BAD CONDITON AND STREETS IN THIS AREA WERE NOT PAVED BECAUSE OF BAD WEATHER. THEY WILL COMPLETE THE PAVING ASSOON AS MATERIALS ARE AVAILABLE. REGULAR MEETING -3- MAY 17, 1962 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 1960-1 AND 1959-1: RESPONSIBILITY WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE COUNTY AND THE DISTRICT, MR. MOYER STATED. ALSO, GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY WILL NEGOTIATE WiTH MR. LAGRANGE REGARDING1959-1. MR. MOYER STATED THAT AN INVENTORY WILL BE MADE AS TO WHAT HAS TO BE DONE AND ALL DEFICIENCES WILL BE CHECKED FOR 1960-4 AND 1961-1. GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY STATED THAT WiTH VERY LITTLE MONEY HE FEELS THESE STREETS CAN BE REPAIRED AND THIS WOULD BE FROM A POLICY DETERMINATION RATHER THAN A RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DISTRICT. DIRECTOR CLARKE STATED THAT BECAUSE THE BOARD MEETS ONLY TWICE A MONTH~ HE FEELS THAT THESE MATTERS SHOULD BE LEFT TO THE GENERAL MANAGER AND THE ENGINEER TO TAKE CARE OF. ALL AGREED WITH DIRECTOR CLARKE. CORRESPONDENCE: GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY READ THE FOLLOWING CORRESPONDENCE: 1. FROM: R~GIONAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD~ LAHONTAN REGION, RE- GARDING THE RESOLUTION 62-5, CEASE AND DESIST ORDER. 2. FROM: EL DORADO COUNTY REGARDING THAT ANNA ROGERS, SENIOR CLERK, PLACERVILLE, GO TO SAN MATEO TO CHECK DISCREPANCIES ON ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-4. DIRECTOR CLARKE MOVED THAT PERMISSION BE GIVEN TO MRS. A. ROGERS TO PROCEED TO SAN MATEO TO CHECK WITH ATTORNEY HOLTOM REGARDING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-4. DIRECTOR STEWART SECONDED AND VOTE CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. FROM: EL DORADO COUNTY REGARDING THE CLAIM FROM THE ROAD DEPARTMENT FOR $930.20 WHICH WAS DISCUSSED AT THE 5/3/62 MEETING AND GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY AGAIN RECOMMENDED DENIAL OF THIS CLAIM. PRESIDENT SOUZA INSTRUCTED GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY TO CONTACT THE ROAD DEPT. TO SEE IF THIS CAN BE WORKED OUT AS THE DISTRICT DOES NOT FEEL THIS IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY. MR. PRIDAY WILL ALSO KEEP MR. C. GIBSON POSTED AS TO WHAT IS TAKING PLACE REGARDING THIS CLAIM SENT FROM THE EL DORADO COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT. 4. FROM: MRS. MARJORIE SPRINGMEYER. ATTORNEY WEIDMAN STATDD THAT HE RECEIVED A DETAILED LETTER FROM MRS. SPRINGMEYER DEMANDING $11,613.00 FOR THE EASEMENT WHICH THE DISTRICT OFFERED $580.00 FOR. ATTORNEY WEIDMAN STATED THAT HE D~S NOT FEEL THIS PROPERTY IS WORTH THE AMOUNT MRS. SPRINGMEYER IS ASKING FOR AND SUGGESTED THAT THIS BE TAKEN INTO COURT. ALSO, ATTORNEY HOLTOM STATED THAT DURING THE 1960-4 PROCEEDINGS~ MRS. SPRINGMEYER STATED THAT THIS PROPERTY HAD NO VALUE AND THE DISTRICT GRANTED HER A RELIEF OF $7,200.00 FROM THE 1960-4 ASSESSMENT TAX ROLL. 5. FROM: STATE OF CALIFORNIA, GOVERNOR'S OFFICE - (THIS LETTER IS COPIED BELOW): "STATE OF CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR'S OFFICEW SACRAMENTO 14 MAY 14~ 1962' MR. JOHN C. WEIDMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW 325 MAIL STREET PLACERVILLE, CALIFORNIA DEAR MR. WEIDMAN: THIS IS IN REPLY TO YOUR RECENT QUESTION CONCERNING THE STATEMENT THAT WAS MADE IN THE LAKE TAHOE NEWS. AS YOU WILL RECALL~ THAT STATEMENT SAID IN PART THAT IF THE DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DESIRED TO OBTAIN RELIEF FROM THE CONTAMINATION PROBLEMS FACING THE DISTRICT "ALL THEY HAVE TO DO IS MAKE A FORMAL REQUEST FOR RELIEF AND THE STATE HEALTH DEPAPTMENT WILL SEE THAT LAND IS MADE AVAILABLE TO THEM IMMEDIATELY FOR SPRAYING." UNFORTUNATELY~ I BELIEVE THAT THERE IS A MISUNDERSTANDING OF THE PROBLEM WITH WHICH THE DISTRICT IS FACED, AND THAT THIS SUGGESTION IS BEYOND THE LEGAL AND FINANCIAL ABILITIES OF OUR DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH. FIRST LET ME SAY THAT THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE AND EVERY DEPARTMENT AND AGENCY OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THAT IS CONCERNED IN ANYWAY WITH THIS PROBLEM WILL HELP IN EVERY POSSIBLE WAY TO OBTAIN ITS SOLUTION. WE MUST POINT OUT~ HOWEVER, THAT THE ADMINISTRATION AND THE DEPARTMENTS CONCERNED CANNOT EXCEED THE LEGISLATIVE AUTHORIZATION WHICH THEY ~OSSESS, NOR CAN T~EY REGULAR MEETING -4- 5/11/62 MAKE ALLOTMENTS OF FUNDS WHERE NONE HAVE BEEN BUDGETED AND APPROVED BY THE LEGISLATURE. AS YOU WILL RECALL~ OUR HEALTH DEPARTMENT CONTACTED THE TWO U.S.SENATORS FROM CALIFORNIA AND ONE OF THE SENATORS FROM NEVADA TO CALL THIS PROBLEM TO THEIR ATTENTION. DURING THIS PERIOD, THE DISTRICT WAS ABLE TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE U.S.FOREST SERVICE FOR THE EXCHANGE OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND ONCE THE DISTRICT HAD ACQUIRED TITLE TO THE PROPERTY WHICH WAS TO BE EXCP~ANGED WITH THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION THAT WE HAVE RECEIVED, MANY AVENUES WERE EXPLORED IN ORDER TO DISCOVER A MEANS OF ACQUIRING THE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXCHANGE. HOWEVER~ NO MEANS WERE FEASIBLE SHORT OF A BOND ISSUE. AN ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM SHOWS THAT THERE IS NO PRACTICAL MEANS THROUGH WHICH THE NEEDED LAND AND EQUIPMENT CAN BE ACQUIRED EXCEPT FOR THE DISTRICT TO ARRANGE THE NECESSARY FINANCING. FURTHER, THE ONLY FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR THIS TYPE OF PRIMARY DEVELOPMENT AS A PRACTICAL MATTER WOULD BE FROM THE PROCEEDS OF A DISTRICT BOND ISSUE. AGAIN, IT WAS A PLEASURE TO MEET WITH YOU IN THE GOVERNORtS OFFICE. PLEASE BE ASSURED THAT WE WILL DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO AID YOU IN THE SOLUTION OF YOUR PROBLEM. SINCERELY~ S/PAUL D.WARD LEGISLATIVE SECRETARY" BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HEARING: ATTORNEY HOLTOM STATED THAT THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WILL MEET JUNE 11, 196~, 10:30 AM AT THEIR OFFICE. ALSO, ATTORNEY HOLTOM PRESENTED A RESOLUTION FOR CONSIDERATION TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGARDING TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED~ ANNEXATION NO. 1961=1, AND ASKED THE DIRECTORS TO PLEASE STUDY THIS RESOLUTION AND ACTION TAKEN AT THE 6/7/62 MEETING HELD AT THE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: DIRECTOR WAKEMAN MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR CLARKE AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED THAT THE CHECKS AND WARRANTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $56,154.67 BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DIBECTOR STEWART ASKED GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY TO EXPLAIN HIS STATEMENT REGARDING THE PIT CON PILOT PLANT THAT WAS MADE AT THE 5/3/62 MEETING. GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY STATED THAT THE PIT CON PILOT PLANT WAS DISMANTLED AND EXCESS MATERIAL WILL BE ADVERTISED FOR SALE. ALSO, MR.PRIDAY STATED THAT THIS WAS REMOVED BECAUSE IT HAD SERVED ITS PURPOSE; IT HAS DONE EVERYTHING THAT WE WANTED IT TO DO IN ONE-HUNDRED DIFFERENT WAYS AND ALL OF THE NECESSARY STUDIES HAVE BEEN COMPLETED WITH THE PILOT PLANT. DIRECTOR CLARKE ASKED WHAT WOULD PREVENT THE DISTRICT FROM USING THE PIT- CON ON A FULL SCALE PROCESS AND MR.MOYER STATED THAT NOTHING WOULD PRE~EMT THIS EXCEPT FINANCES. THE PIT CON WAS A TEST PLAN. PERMITS: DIRECTOR STEWART ASKED GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY WHEN THE PERMITS WOULD AGAIN BE ~SSUED AND GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY STATED THAT WE WILL NOT SEE ANY SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE OF DECREASING OUR PONDS UNTIL WEGET THE LARGE PUMP GOING AND THIS WILL BE THE END OF NEXT WEEK. WE HAVE ONLY TWO FEET OF FREE BOARD. DIRECTOR FESLER STATED THAT AT OUR NEXT REGULAR MEETING WE WILL HAVE THE REPORT AND STATED THAT HE FEELS THIS SUBJECT CAN BE STUDIED AT THAT TIME. DIRECTOR WAKEMAN STATED THAT THE OLDER MEMBERS ON THE BOARD WOULD BE VERY RELUCTANT TO DO THIS(REISSUE PERMITS)AND THAT LAST YEAR THE DIRECTORS WERE CRITICIZED FOR NOT USING DISCRETION AND JUDGEMENT REGARDING PROBLEMS THAT CAME ABOUT AND FURTHER STATED THAT HE WOULD BE VERY RELUCTANT TO DO ANYTHING UNTIL HE WAS CERTAIN THE RUN-OFF WAS ELIMINATED. REGULAR MEETING -5- 5/17/62 DIRECTOR CLARKE STATED THAT THE METERS INDICATE THAT WE ARE RECEIVING MORE EFFLUENT THAN WE CAN STORE SAFELY AND AS THE PUMP WILL ARRIVE WITHIN A WEEK, HE FELT THAT THE MANAGER AND THE ENGINEER'S JUDGEMENT WILL BE THE ANSWER BECAUSE ONE WEEK WILL NOT BE SO LONG AND ALSO ANYONE THAT WISHES TO CONTINUE WITH CONSTRUCTION AT THE PRESENT TIME WILL BE GIVEN A TEMPORARY SEPTIC TANK PERMIT AND THIS DOES NOT MEAN THEY HAVE TO BUILD A SEPTIC TANK. DIRECTOR CLARKE STATED THAT HE DOES NOT SEE HOW WE CAN ACCEPT ANY RECOMMENDA- TIONS FOR CONNECTIONS EXCEPT EMERGENCY CASES REFERRED TO THE DISTRICT BY THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT. ADJOURNMENT: ~ PRESIDENT SOUZA ADJOURNED THE MEETING AT 10:30 P.M. FRANK C. SOUZA~~- PRES~%I~ENT NoR.MALLERY,CLERK OF BD. & EX-OFF. SEC. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 7, 1962 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MET IN REGULAR SESSION JUNE 7, 1962, AND PRESIDENT SOUZA CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER AT 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: PRESENT WERE PRESIDENT SOUZA, DIRECTORS CLARKE, WAKEMAN STEWART, AND FESLER. ALSO PRESENT WERE GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY, CLERK OF BOARD MALLERY, ATTORNEY J. HI]LTOM, ATTORNEY J. WEIDMAN, MR. GEORGE KASPIAN, SUE IMWOOD - TAHOE TRIBUNE, DONALD RICHARDSON - SACRAMENTO BEE, WILLIAM JOHNSON, JERRY MARTIN, LARRY HALL, HENRY BUTLER AND GENE HALE. MINUTES: THE MINUTES OF MAY 17, 1962, WERE ACCEPTED. DIRECTOR WAKEMAN MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR CLARKE AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, THAT THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: MR. GENE HALE APPEARED BEFORE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND REQUESTED THAT THE BOARD GRANT HIM PERMISSION TO CONNECT ONLY HIS MAIN RESIDENCE AND NOT THE CABIN WHICH IS ON THE SAME LOT. MR. HALE STATED THAT IF THECABIN HAS TO BE CONNECTED AS WELL AS HIS RESIDENCE THIS WOULD MEAN DISTRUBING THE ENTIRE LOT AS HE WOULD HAVE TO REPLACE HIS LAWN, ETC., AND FINANCIALLY HE CANNOT DO THIS. GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY STATED THAT THE ORDINANCE STATES WHEN A BUILDING IS CONNECTED THE SEPTIC TANK SHOULD BE FILLED AND ANY AND ALL OTHER BUILDINGS ON THIS LOT SHOULD ALSO BE CONNECTED TO THE LINE. HOWEVER, MR. PRIDAY STATED THE DIRECTORS ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT CANDDEVIATE FROM THIS ORD I NANCE. DIRECTOR CLARKE STATED THAT AN ORDINANCE IS NOT SET UP TO CREATE A HARD- SHIP ON ANYONE; THE BOARD CAN MODIFY AN ORDINANCE AND MR. CLARKE STATED THAT HE FEELS CONSIDERATION SHOULD BE GIVEN TO MR. HALE'S REQUEST. GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY STATED THAT BECAUSE MR. HALE DID APPEAR AT THIS MEETING AND PRESENT HIS PROBLEM HE SHOWS THAT HIS INTENTIONS ARE GOOD. MR. HALE WILL CONTACT THE INSPECTORS AND THE MANAGER AND A RECOMMENDATION FROM THE MANAGER WILL BE PRESENTED AT THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING(~;/21/62). ! MR. WILLIAM JOHNSON, PRESIDENT OF THE TAXPAYER'S ASSOCIATION READ A LETTER TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM HIS ASSOCIATION. LETTER READS AS FOLLOWS: FROM THE TAXPAYER'S ASSOCIATION TO THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT' "THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THIS ASSOCIATION ARE COGNIZANT OF THE SITUATION BROUGHT ABOUT BY THE DEFEAT ON MAY 1OF THE PROPOSED $2,510,000 BOND ISSUE. THE DIRECTORS ItAVE NOTED THE PUBLICITY GIVEN THE RECENT STATEMENT BY ATTORNEY JOHN LAXALT REPRESENTING DOUGLAS COUNTY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. l, AND HAVE ALSO NOTED THAT NEWLY ELECTED SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DIRECTOR THOMAS STEWART HAS SUGGESTED A POSSIBLE SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM SO FAR AS THE NEVADA DISTRICT IS CONCERNED. IT IS THE CONCENSUS OF OPINION OF THE DIRECTORS OF THIS ASSOCIATION THAT THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SitOULD MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO CONCLUDE A WORKABLE AND BUSINESSLIKE CONTRACT WITH DOUGLAS COUNTY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, NO. l, TO REPLACE THE PRESENT OUTGROWN CONTRACT, AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE MOMENT. IT IS ABSOLUTELY UNREALISTIC TO TALK ABOUT INCREASED SEWAGE FLOWS FROM THE NEVADA DISTRICT, OVER AND ABOVE PRESENT CONTRACTUAL LIMITS, WITHOUT AT THE SAME TIME DISCUSSING THE MANNER OF PAYMENT FOR THE ADDITIONAL FLOWS. PRESENT CONTRACTUAL LIMITS MUST NOT BE EXCEEDED UNLESS AND UNTIL A NEW CONTRACT IS NEGOTIATED. THE EXPEDITIOUS CONCLUSION OF A NEW AND BUSINESSLIKE CONTRACT WITH DOUGLAS COUNTY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 WOULD DO MORE THAN ANY OTHER SINGLE THING TO BUILD PUBLIC CONFIDENCE IN THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, THE PRESENT LACK OF WHICH WAS DEMONSTRATED ON MAY 1 WHEN THE VOTERS OVERWHELMINGLY DEFEATED THE BOND PROPOSAL AND REFUSED TO RE-ELECT TWO INCUMBENT DIRECTORS. OUR DIRECTORS STRONGLY URGE THAT ALL SUGGESTIONS, SUCH AS THAT OF DIRECTOR THOMAS STEWART, BE CAREFULLY CON SIDERED, ALWAYS BEARING IN MIND THAT PROPER AGREEMENTS FOR PAYMENT OF ADDED COSTS MUST BE WORKED OUT IN ADVANCE. NO SUGGESTION ADVANCED IN GOOD FAITH SHOULD BE SUMMARILY DISMISSED. S/WILLIAM JOHNSON'~ MANAGER'S REPORT: GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY READ HIS MANAGER'S REPORT WHICH CONTAINED REPORTS ON THE FOLLOWING: 1. PROGRESS REPORT - BIJOU PUMP STATION MODIFICATION 2. SPRAY DISPOSAL SYSTEM 3. STREET REPAIR 4. DOUGLAS COUNTY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ~I,(SEWAGE PROBLEMS) ALSO, INCLUDED IN GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY'S REPORT ARE THE TWO FOLLOWING LETTER! 1. FROM"JOHN L. BOOKER, MANAGER OF MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT TO MR. WILLIAM LEDBETTER, MANAGER OF HARVEY'S WAGON WHEEL, STATELINE, NEVADA, REGARDING SANITARY SEWER RESTRICTIVE PROPOSAL: CONCURRING WITH ~OUR FEELINGS AT OUR LAST MEETING, THAT RESTRICTIVE MEASURES COULD POSSIBLY BE TAKEN TO CURTAIL THE USAGE OF WATER WITHOUT SUBJECTING OUR CUSTOMERS TO ANY UNCOMFORTABLE SITUATION AND WITHOUT INCREASING THE BURDEN ON OUR PERSONNEL TO PROVIDE GOOD SERVICE, WE FEEL THAT SOME PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE BY THE UNDERMENTIONED CORRECTIVE MEASURES. THIS ACTION SHOULD TEND, SOMEWHAT, TO ALLEVIATE THE SEWAGE FLOW FROM OUR PREMISES AND WHEN CONFIRMED, I SHALL REPORT TO YOU IMMEDIATELY. E-MPLOYEE'S REST TOOM: OLD BASEMENT - TERMINATED USE ENTIRELY. BAKERY: THROTTLED WATER ON SINK SLOT SHOP: THROTTLED WATER AT WASH SINK VEGETABLE PREPARATION AREA: THROTTLED POTATOE PEELER WASH WATER AND THROTTLED WATER AT WASH SINKS. ALL BARS: THROTTLED ALL SINKS; INSTRUCTED BARTENDERS THAT ABSOLUTELY NO WATER WILL BE RUN TO MELT ICE IN SINK FUNNELS. METER ROOM: CONVERTED WATER COOLED COMPRESSORS FROM SANITARY SEWER TO STORM DRAIN MEN'S RESTROOM: OLD BASEMENT: REPAIRED STICKING VALVES ON SINKS AND REGULATED SAME. MEN'S RESTBOOM: NEW CASINO, THROTTLED PORTER'S WASft SINK. WOMEN'S RESTROOM: NEW CASINO. THROTTLED WASH SINK MEN'S RESTROOM EXECUTIVE OFFICES. THROTTLED WATER SUPPLY VALVE. WOMEN'S RESTROOM: EXECUTIVE OFFICES. THROTTLED SINK SUPPLY AND THROTTLED WASH BASIN SUPPLY. MAIN ~ITCHEN: THROTTLED STEAM KETTLE WATER LINE; THROTTLED SUPPLY AT SAGE ROOM PANTRY (3 SINKS); THROTTLED POT WASHING SINK; THROTTLED WATER SUPPLY IN COOK'S RESTROOM. SECOND FLOOR RESTROOM - MEN'S: SHUT OFF URINALS AND PLACED DO NOT SUE SIGNS ON SAME. HOTEL MANAGER'S OFFICE: SHUT OFF WATER SUPPLY IN RESTROOM UNTIL OCCUPIED. S/ JOHN L. BOOKER" 2. TO WILLIAM LEDBETTER, GENERAL MANAGF.~, HARVEY'S WAGON.WHEEL.. P.O. BOX 128, STATELINE, NEVADA, FROM AUSTIN RAYMER, CLUB ENGINEER: "DEAR BILL: AS DISCUSSED DURING THE MEETING I ATTENDED WITH YOU AND JOHN BOOKER REGARDING THE SETTING UP OF A WATER CONSERVATION POLICY IN THE HARRAH'S BUILDING, WE HAVE TAKEN THE FOLLOWING STEPS: DISCHARGE VALVES HAVE BEEN THROTTLED ~OWN TO A BARE MINIMUM IN ALL WASH BASINS IN BOTH EMPLOYEE AND PUBLIC RESTROOMS, IN ALL SLOP SINKS, KITCHEN SINKS, BAR SINKS, ETC, THE FLOW OF URINAL FLUSH WATER HAS BEEN CUT DOWN, A MEMORANDUM HAS BEEN ISSUED TO ALL EMPLOYEES RE- GARDING THE SEWER PROBLEM, URGING THEM TO BE AS CONSERVATIVE OF WATER AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE. OUR OUTSIDE MAINTENANCE CREW/ HAS BEEN NOTIFIED TO CUT DOWN TO A BARE MINIMUM THEIR USE OF WATER IN THE WASHING OF PARKING LOTS, ETC, THE ABOVE, I REALIZE, HAS NO BEARING ON THE FLOW GOING INTO THE SEWER SYSTEM, BUT IT DOES CUT DOWN ON OUR WATER-METER READINGS THROUGHOUT THE BUILDINGS. S/ AUSTIN RAYME~" GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY ALSO READ A COPY OF A LETTER WHICH WAS SENT TO ALL CONTRACTOR'S REGARDING REPAIR OF THE STREETS AND MENTIONED THAT ALL CONTRACTOR'S RECEIVED THIS LETTER VIA CERTIFIED MAIL. DISCUSSION WAS HELD REGARDING THE THROTTLING DEVICE TO BE INSTALLED BY CALIFORNIA TO CHECK THE FLOW FROM NEVADA. MENTION WAS MADE THAT THE DEVICE SHOULD NOT BE INSTALLED AS NEVADA IS TRYING TO HELP OUR SITUATION. HOWEVER, THE DE~ISION WAS THAT THE DEVICE WILL BE INSTALLED AS VOTED ON AT THE MAY 17, 1962 ~EETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. ANNEXATION - HEARING BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: ATTORNEY HOLTOM STATED THAT THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WILL HOLD THE HEARING FOR THE ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS OF ALL EXCLUDED PARCELS - MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1962, AT 10:30 A.M. ATTORNEY HOLTOM ALSO CLARIFIED THE LETTER WHICH WAS SENT REGARDING THE VALIDITY OF THE PETITION FOR ANNEXATION, IT WAS STATED THAT THIS PETITION WAS NOT VALID BECAUSE THERE WERE ONLY BOX NUMBERS AND NOT STREET NUMBERS, THE LAW FIRM OF WILKE, FLURY AND SAPUNOR STATED THAT THIS WAS NOT THEIR LAW FIRMS OPINION BUT IT WAS THE OPINION OF THE TAXPAYER'S ASSOCIATION, ATTORNEY HOLTOM STATED THAT THE PETITION IS VALID AND WANTED THE DIRECTORS AND ALL PRESENT TO KNOW THERE IS NOTHING ILLEGAL ABOUT THE PETITION THAT WAS PRESENTED FOR ANNEXATION. ATTORNEY HOLTOM ALSO STATED THAT HE MADE A CHECK OF THE EXCLUSIONS FOR THIS ANNEXATION AND UPON CHECKING FOUND THAT MANY THAT HAVE PROTESTED HAVE BEEN PAYING THEIR TAXES RIGHT ALONG; AND THAT THE EXCLUSIONS ARE NOW DOWN TO 89 PARCELS FROM THE 500 PARCELS AND OF THE 89 PARCELS THERE ARE 40 OWNERS. MENTION WAS MADE THAT IF RECOMMENDATION IS MADE TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ALLOWING THE REQUEST FOR EXCLUSION BE GRANTED TO THE ONES THAT HAVE PROTESTED, IT WILL CAUSE A HARDSHIP ON INDIVIDUAL'S THAT LATER PURCHASE THE EXCLUDED PARCEL. THEY WILL HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING THAT ARE EXCLUDED FROM THE DISTRICT UNTIL THEY APPEAR AT THE DISTRICT OFFICE TO OBTAIN A SEWER PERMIT. THE BACK TAXES, ETC., WILL AMOUNT TO A VERY LARGE SUM. DIRECTOR FESLER RECOMMENDED TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS THAT THE REQUESTS FOR EXCLUSIONS BE ALLOWED. (THIS IS FOR THE ANNEXATION OF EXCLUDED PARCELS). DIRECTOR CLARKE SECONDED AND THEVOTE WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BARTON MEMORIAL H~SPITAL AND TAHOE VALLEY CENTER ANNEXATION: A LENGTHY DISCUSSION WAS HELD REGARDING THE ABOVE MENTIONED PETITIONS FOR ANNEXATION AND IT WAS MOVED BY DIRECTOR STEWART, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR FESLER, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED THAT THE DATE FOR THE HEARING ON BOTH ANNEXATIONS, BARTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1962=2 AND TAHOE VALLEY CENTER 1962-1, BE SET FOR JULY 19, 1962, 8:00 P.M., AT THE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT.~'~?. RECESS: 9:40 P.M. PRESIDENT SOUZA CALLED THE MEETING BACK TO ORDER AT 9:45 P.M. MR. WILLIAM JOHNSON ASKED ATTORNEY HOLTOM WHAT THE BACK TAXES, BACK ASSESS- MENTS AND ATTORNEY FEE'S ARE FOR THIS ANNEXATION. ATTORNEY HOLTOM STATED THAT PRIOR TO THE BOARD'S DECISION TONIGHT (RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS) THE TOTAL AMOUNT WAS APPROXIMATELY $150,000.~ AND SINCE THE ACTION TONigHT, THE TOAL AMOUNT IS APPROXIMATELY $120~000.00. THE ATTORNEY FE~S WILL BE 10% OF THE ANNEXATION AND AS AN EXAMPLE, ATTORNEY HOLTOM STATED THAT SO FAR $1,000.00 HAS BEEN SPENT FOR PUBLICATIONS AND ANOTHER $3,800.00 FOR MISCELLANEOUS HANDLINGS - - ALL EXPENSES INVOLVED IN THE ANNEXATION PROCEEDII'4GS WAS II'~CLUDED IN THE 10% FEE FOR THE ATTORNEY'S. BUDGET 1962-63: OFFICE t~ANAGER MALLERY BRIEFLY EXPLAI~.~ED THE ROUGH DRAFT COPY OF THE BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1962-63 WHICH WAS PRESENTED TO THE DIRECTORS FOR STUDY AND DISCUSSION ON THIS WILL BE HELD AT THE STUDY SESSION MEETING SCHEDULED FOR THRUSDAY EVEI.~II'~G, JUNE 14, 1962, AT THE TREATMEF.]T PLANT. MR. WILLIAM JOHNSON ASKED PERMISSION TO II~CLUDE THIS PROPC, SED BUDGET WITH OTHER PROPOSED BUDGETS THAT THE TAXPAYER'S ASSOCIATION WILL PUBLISH. PRESIDENT SOUZA STATED THAT MR. JOHNSO~ HAS PERMISSION TO INCLUDE THIS BUDGET WITH OTHER BUDGETS; HOWEVER, PRESIDENT SOUZA STATED THAT THIS IS A VERY ROUGH DRAFT AND NO CONCLUSIONS, DECISIONS, ETC., CAN BE MADE FROM THIS AS THERE ARE TO BE NUMEROUS CHANGES. DIRECTOR CLARKE STATED THAT MR. JOHNSON SHOULD ALSO BEAR IN HIt'.ID THAT THESE FIGURES'HAVE NOT SO MUCH AS BEEN LOOKED AT BY THE DIRECTORS AS THIS BUDGET WAS PRESENTED TO THEM ONLY THIS EVENING. PROPOSED PROPERTY PURCHASE - MR. GEORGE KASPIAN: MR. GEORGE KASPIAN iS THE PERSON THAT THE DISTRICT HAS THE OPTION WITH TO PURCHASE LAND FOR TRADE WITH THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND MR. KASPIAN PRESENTED A "CERTIFIED APPRAISAL" FROM MR. NOBLE MURRAY STATING THAT THE LAND IS APRRAISED AT $620,000.00 MR. KASPiAN STATED THAT HE APPEARED AT THIS MEETING TO FIND OUT WHAT IS GOING TO TAKE PLACE REGARDING THIS LAND. PRESIDENT SOUZA STATED TO MR. KASPIAN THAT THE DISTRICT WILL PRESENT ANOTHER BOND ISSUE TO THE PEOPLE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BECAUSE OF THE CONDITIONS NOW AND BECAUSE THE DISTRICT DEFINITELY NEEDS THE LAND. DIRECTOR CLARKE THANKED MR. GEORGE KASPIAN FOR HIS THOUGHTFULNESS AND HIS CONSIDERATION FOR PERMITTING THIS SITUATION TO BE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE AND THANKED HIM ALSO FOR HIS iNTEREST IN HELPING THE DISTRICT TO DEVELOP THE NEEDS IN THIS AREA. MR. CLARKE STATED THAT THE BOARD SHOULD STUDY ANOTHER BOND PROPOSAL AND THAT IN THE STUDY THE DIRECTORS SHOULD ARRIVE AT A FIGURE THAT WILL PASS. DIRECTOR CLARKE SUGGESTED THAT THE BOND PROPOSAL STUDY~ BE DISCUSSED AT THE JJNE 14, 1962, STUDY SESSION MEETING. DIRECTOR STEWART STATED THAT WE SHOULD NOTIFY THE DIRECTORS OF NEVADA OF OUR STUDY SESSION ON JULY 14~ 1962, AND GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY STATED THAT THE DIRECTORS OF NEVADA HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED THAT THERE WILL BE A STUDY SESSION BUT WHETHER THEY WILL BE ABLE TO ATTEND ON THRUSDAY EVENING IS NOT KNOWN AS YET. DIRECTOR CLARKE STATED THAT MR. PERE WOODCOCK HAS BEEN THROUGH A DIFFICULT HOSPITAL SEIGE AND THAT WE SHOULD CLOSE THE MEETING WITH A GOOD THOUGHT FOR HIM. ALSO, THAT ANYONE THAT HAS THE TIME SHOULD DROP IN TO SAY HELLO TO HIM. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: DIRECTOR CLARKE MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR WAKEMAN~. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY THAT THE CLAIMS IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,130.80 BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT AS RECOMMENDED [~Y GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY. ALSO, THAT A LIST OF CLAIMS WILL BE PRESENTED TO EACH DIRECTOR. ADJOURNMENT: 11:00- P.M. FRANK C.SOUZA~ P~IDEN~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT S,R.M~kLERY~CkERK OF ~D. ~ STUDY SESSION- JUNE 14, 1962 THE STUDY SESSION WAS CALLED TO ORDER BY PRESIDENT FRANK C. SOUZA AT 8:101:N~ ROLL CALL: PRESENT WERE PRESIDENT SOUZA, DIRECTORS WAKEMAN, CLARKE, FESLER, AND STEWART. ALSO PRESENT WERE GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY, CLERK OF BOARD MALLERY, ENGINEER HARLAN MOYER AND ATTORNEY WIEDMAN. ALSO PRESENT WERE MR. WILLIAM MOYER - PRESIDENT OF THE REAL ESTATE BOARD, SUE IMWOOD- TAHOE TRIBUNE, DONALD RICHARDSON - SACRAMENTO BEE, CHAS. W.BREWER, MANUELA LOPEZ, S. MEYERS, JIM MC CUTCHIN - FIELD REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE CALIFORNIA TAXPAYER'S ASSOCIATION AND MR. WILLIAM JOHNSON, PRESIDENT OF THE TAXPAYER'S ASSOCIATION AND MR. GEORGE CANNON. PERMITS: GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY STATED THAT BY NEXT MONDAY (JUNE 18, 1962) PERMITS WILL AGAIN BE ISSUED. AT THE PRESENT TIMEr THE HOLDING POND IS FIFTEEN FEET AND GIVES US A GUARANTEE OF A TEN DAY CAPACITY AND BY NEXT MONDAY, WE SHOULD HAVE A GUARANTEE OF A TWELVE DAY CAPACITY OF FREE-BOARD. NEVADA CONTRACT: GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY PRESENTED A LETTER FROM THE NEVAD/~ DISTRICT AND CLERK OF BOARD MALLERY READ SAME. LETTER READS AS FOLLOWS: FROM: LAXALT AND MANOUKIAN; - ATTORNEY FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1: "HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BIJOU, CALIFORNIA GENTLEMEN: THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. i WISHES TO INFORM YOU OF ACTION TAKEN BY THE BOARD WHICH IS OF MUTUAL INTEREST TO YOUR DISTRICT AND THE NEVADA DISTRICT. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS, INCLUDING YOUR ADVICE THAT YOUR DISTRICT IS UN- ABLE AT THIS TIME TO PROVIDE THE ADDITIONAL CAPACITY REQUIRED BY THE NEVADA DISTRICT~ HAVE BROUGHT THE GRAVITY OF TidE PROBLEM SHARPLY INTO FOCUS. ACCORDINGLY~ THE NEVADA BOARD HAS SINCE INVESTIGATED VARIOUS MEANS OF PERMANENTLY SOLVING ITS PROBLEM OF ADDITIONAL CAPACITY. THE DISTRICT'S ENGINEERS HAVE ADVISED THE BOARD THAT DISPOSAL CAPACITY IN THE AMOUNT OF 1.0 MILLION GALLONS PER DAY AVERAGE FLOW IS REQUIRED. THE BOARD ALSO HAS BEEN ADVISED THAT THIS AMOUNT OF CAPACITY CAN BE OBTAINED BY CONSTRUCTION OF THE DISTRICT'S OWN FACILITIES~ WHICH WOULD INVOLVE AN ANNUAL COST APPROXIMATING TidE ANNUAL AMOUNTS PRESENTLY EX- PENDED. BY REASON OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEVADA DISTRICT, TOGETHER WITH YOUR INABILITY TO GIVE A FIRM COMMITMENT FOR THE ADDITIONAL NEEDED CAPACITY, THE NEVADA BOARD HAS THIS DATE ADOPTED A RESOLUTION PROVIDING, IN EFFECT~ THAT ALL NECESSARY PRELIMINARY STEPS BE TAKEI'~ TO HOLD A BOND ISSUE ELECTION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, AND, FURTHER, THAT PRFLIMINARY ENGINEERING FOR THE DISTRICT'S OWN DISPOSAL FACILITIES BE INITIATED. APART FROM THE FOREGOING, THE NEVADA BOARD, RECOGNIZING AND APPRECIATING THAT YOU ARE STILL CONFRONTED WITH THE PRESSING PROBLEM OF EFFLUENT DISPOSAL~ WISHES TO INFORM YOU THAT THE NEVADA DISTRICT WILL CONTINUE TO COOPERATE IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE TO MINIMIZE ITS FLOW. IN THE EVENT THAT YOU SHOULD DESIRE TO DISCUSS ANY OF THE MATTERS CONTAINED HEREIN~ THE NEVADA BOARD WILL BE PLEASED TO MEET WITH YOU AT THE CONVENIENCE OF ALL PARTIES. SINCERELY, S/ JOHN M. LAXALT, ATTORNEY FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1" GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY STATED THAT IT IS NOW A MATTER OF WHAT ROAD TO TAKE. ALSO~ MR. PRIDAY STATED THAT HE CANNOT SEE WHY NEVADA SHOULD NOT CONCERN THEMSELVES WITH THIS PROBLEM; IF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CAN SEE THEIR WAY CLEAR TO GUARANTEE THEM A PERCENTAGE OF OUR FACILITIES WE ~OULD WRITE A NEW CONTRACT~ BUT MR. PRIDAY STATED THAT HE CANNOT SEE WHRE WE COULD GUARANTEE NEVADA ANY CAPACITY. MR. WILLIAM JOHNSON REQUESTED A LETTER WHICH WAS SENT FROM NEVADA RE- GARDING COSTS. THIS LETTER WAS NOT RECEIVED. THERE WAS, HOWEVER, CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN MR. E.D'ANGELO, ENGINEER FOR THE DOUGLAS COUNTY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1, AND MR. H.MOYER, ENGINEER FOR THE SOUTH TAHOEREQUEST PUBLIC TO THIS UTILITY DISTRICT. DISTRICT - BUT THAT WAS NOT CONSIDE~i~ED A FORMAL STUDY SESSION, 6/14/62 CAPACITY: MR. HARLAN MOYER STATED THAT UNDER THE EXISTING AGREEMENT NEVADA WOULD NOT BE ALLOWED ANY ADDITIONAL CAPACITY OUTSIDE OF WHAT IS STA]'ED IN THE CONTRACT(AMENDED AGREEMENT), AND NEV/~.DA HAS AGREED TO THIS. MR.H.MOYER ALSO STATED THAT UNDER THE PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCES THE SOUTH TAPIOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT HAS NO EXISTING CAPACITY AND UNTIL THE PLANT IS EXPANDED THERE WILL BE NO EXC:E'S.S: CAPACITY. MR. MOYER ALSO STATED THAT EVEN IF NEVADA WERE TO REMOVE THEMSELVES FROM. THIS DISTRICT, IT WOULD SERIOUSLY EFFECT THE FINANCES OF THIS DISTRICT AND THE POINT IS THAT WE MUST STILL OBTAIN LAND. I~A'~IIS':. MRS. MANUELA LOPEZ ASKED HOW MUCH LAND THE DISTRICT HAS AS SHE UNDERSTOOD IT TO BE 280 ACRES. MR. H. MOYER STATED THAT THE DISTRICT HAS 120 ACRES OF USEABLE LAND AND THROUGH GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY'S NEGOTIATIONS, WE OBTAINED THE 120 ACRES THAT WAS USEABLE AND ARE PAYING FOR THE 120 ACRES ONLY. THE DISTRICT DOES NOT OWFJ THIS LAND; THE LEASE IS UP IN JUNE OF 1966; THE LAND WILL HAVE TO BE RETURNED AND THE HOLDING POND REMOVED. LAND FIGURES: GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY STATED THAT WE h,IEGOTIATED WITH THE FORESTRY DEPARTMENT FOR A FIGURE OF $8,210.00 PER CALENDER YEAR FOR THE BALANCE OF THE LEASE - - TOTALLING $41,050.00 THROUGH 1966, WHEREAS, THE FIGURE $95,110.00 FOR THE SAME PERIOD, WAS THE ORIGINAL FIGURE. GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY STATED THAT MR. ROBERT ENTZMINGER, FOREST RANGER FOR THIS DISTRICT, WAS THE ONE THAT RENEGOTIATED THIS CONTRACT AND FOUND THAT WE COULD GET A 4% INTEREST RATE INSTEAD OF A 5% INTEREST RATE, AND HE IS STILL WORKING ON THE POSSIBILITIES OF GRASS LAKE AND SPRAY DISPOSAL. BOND ISSUE: A LENGTHY DISCUSSION REGARDING A FUTURE BOND ELECTION WAS HELD. THE VISITORS PRESENT VOICED THEIR OPINION AND ALL FELT THAT ANOTHER BOND ELECTION FOR $920,000 WOULD PASS. DIRECTOR CLARKE STATED THAT HE FELT THIS BOND ELECTION SHOULD NOT BE HELD UNTIL AFTER THE NOVEMBER ELECTION AS HE FEELS THERE ARE TOO MANY VICIOUS PEOPLE IN THE AREA LETTING POLITICS ENTER INTO THE PICTURE AND TRYING TO GET VOTES FOR AND AGAINST AND USING THE BOND ISSUES AS A HELPER FOR VOTES. MRS. MANUELA LOPEZ STATED THAT SHE FELT IF THE BOND ISSUES IS PRESENTED FOR $920,000 IT WILL PASS. SItE ALSO STATED THAT SHE FELT THERE ARE ENOUGH IN THIS VALLEY TO HELP PASS THE BOND ISSUE AND TO KEEP POLITICS OUT OF IT. DIRECTOR CLAR~]< STATED THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO BE PROVEN WRONG IN HIS THINKING OF NOT PRESENTING THE BOND ISSUE UNTIL AFTER THE NOVEMBER E LE CTI ON. MR. WILLIAM JOHNSON ALSO STATED THAT HE FEELS 100% SUPPORT WILL BE GIVEN TO THE $920,000 FIGURE. MR. WILLIAM MOYER STATED THAT ECONOMICALLY THE $2,510~000.00 FIGURE SHOULD BE PROPOSED; HOWEVER, HE FEELS THAT AT THE PRESENT TIME THE $920,000 FIGURE SHOULD BE PROPOSED. DIRECTOR FESLER ALSO STATED THAT HE FELT WE SttOULD APPROACH THE PEOPLE FOR $920,000.00. DIRECTOR CLARKE STATED THAT THE $920,000.00 FIGURE IS A GOOD ONE FOR THIS YEAR - - WHAT DO WE DO FOR 1963 AND 19647 IT TAKES TIME TO MAKE PLANS AND ALL ARRANGEMENTS. PRESIDENT SOUZA THANKED EVERYONE FOR ATTENDING AND VOICING THEIR OPINIONS AND STATED THAT THIS IS ONE PROJECT TO ASSIST US IN OUR OWN AREA. DIRECTOR CLARKE STATED THAT THESE PROBLEMS ARE NOT THE PROBLEMS OF THE FIVE MEN ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS - THESE ARE PRCBLEMS OF EVERYONE IN THE COMMUNITY AND THIS IS TEAMWOR,K OPERATION; WE HAVE TO WORK FOR THIS WHOLEHEARTEDLY AS EVERYONE MUST TRY TO PROt-IOTE OUR AREA. GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY STATED THAT TESTS RESULTS FOR THE LAKE AND PIT-CON ARE AS FOLLOWS: LAKE SAMPLE: SEEDED WITH AI~GAE SHOWS GROWTH PIT CON:-- NO GR(SWTH ADJOURNMENT: ll:0~ P.M. STUDY SESSION 6/1 4/62 FRANK C. SOUZA,, ~FE'~'S I DEI'~I' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N.R.MALLERY.~ CLERK OF BD. & EX-OFF.SEC SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF Tide BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 21, 1962 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MET IN REGULAR SESSION JUNE 21, 1962, SOUZA CA-LED THE MEETING TO ORDER AT 8:00 P.M. PRES I DENT ROLL CALL: PRESENT WERE PRESIDENT SOUZA, DIRECTORS WAKEMAN, CLARKE, FESLER AND STEWART. ALSO PRESENT WERE GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY, CLERK OF BOARD MALLERY, ATTORNEY HOLTOM, ATTORNEY WIEDMAN~ MR. HARLAN MOYER, MR. PAUL GERVAIS~ MR. $. SIMMONS~ MR. AND MRS. J. MADERO, P. GRUENER~ WILLIAM JOHNSON~ HENRY BUTLER, S.MEYERS, G.CANON, VAUGHN BURLINGHAM, WALT LITTLE, SUE IMWOOD, MRS. MANUELA LOPEZ, MR. EUGENE HALEr MR. ART TRUMBULL. MINUTES: DIRECTOR FESL£R MOVED~ SECONDED BY DIRECTOR CLARKE, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED THAT THE MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 1962, BE APPROVED. DIRECTOR CLARKE MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR WAKEMAN AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED THAT THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 14TH STUDY SESSION BE APPROVED AS CORRECTED. MANAGER'S REPORT: GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY READ HIS REPORT AND INCLUDED IN THE REPORT WAS A REQUEST FROM CORDOVA PUMP FOR AN EXTENSION AS THE ENGINE CONTROL PANEL NEEDED FOR THE BIJOU PUMP STATION MODIFICATION HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED AND THEY (CORDOVA PUMP) REQUESTED AN EXTENSION TO JUNE 30, 1962. DIRECTOR WAKEMAN MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR CLARKE AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED THAT THE MANAGER'S REPORT WITH THE CHANGES AND RECOMMENDATION BE ACCEPTED. NEVADA CONTRACT: DIRECTOR CLARKE STATED THAT IF THERE ARE TO BE ANY DISCUSSIONS OR MEETINGS WITH NEVADA HE WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND. PRESIDE~,IT SOUZA STATED THAT ALL DIRECTORS WILL BE NOTIFIED WHEN THERE ARE MEETINGS AND/OR DISCUSSIONS WITH NEVADA. JOHNSON LAND: GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY WILL CONTACT MR. KNOX JOHNSON REGARDING THE LAND OPTION. STREET REPAIRS: ATTORNEY WEIDMAN WILL CONTACT DISTRICT ATTORNEY WINKLER FOR A DETERMINATION AS TO WHAT POINT THE DISTRICT IS RELIEVED OF THE RESPONSIBILITY OF STREET MAINTENANCE AFTER THE CONTRACTORS AND THE DISTRIC HAVE MADE THE NECESSARY REPAIRS NOW BEING PROGRAMMED. ANNEXATION: ATTORNEY HOLTOM STATED THAT AT THE LAST REGULAR MEETING HE TRIED TO DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN THE ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS AND THE VALID OF THE PETITION; ALSO, DISCUSSION WAS HELD AS TO WHETHER THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SHOULD ACT FOR OR AGAINST THE WRITTEN PROTESTS. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DID MEET ON JUNE 11~ 1962~ AND ATTORNEY HOLTOM STATED THAT HE PRESENTED THE EXCERPTS FROM THE MIl'JUTES OF JUNE 7, 1962 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT~ AND REQUESTED THAT THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS GRANT OUR REQUEST. ATTORNEY HOLTOM STATED THAT THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DID NOT TAKE ACTION AT THE JUN 11, 1962 MEETING AS THEIR DISTRICT ATTORNEY WAS NOT AVAILABLE TO GIVE AN OPINION ON THIS ANNEXA.TION; THEREFORE, ANOTHER MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 25, 1962. MR. HOLTOM STATED THAT BECAUSE THE CONSIDERATION TO THI BOARD OF SUPERVISORS IS CONFINED TO ONLY THOSE REQUESTING EXCLUSIONS,. THERE SHOULD BE SOME EXPRESSIOI'~[ FROM PEOPLE THAT DESIRE ANNEXATION TO TIdE DISTRICT BEACAUSE SO FAR THIS HAS BEE.~,~ A ONE=SIDED BATTLE. DIRECTOR WAKEMAN STATED THAT HE VOTED FOR THE EXCLUSIOI'~ REQUESTS FOR THE ONES THAT HAD SENT I1'4 THEIR PROTESTS BECAUSE IF THESE PEOPLE COULD i',,~OT BE BENEFITED BY INCLUDING THEM IM THE DISTRICT THE~'-~ THEY SHOULD BE EXCLUDED. MR. HARLAN MOYER STATED THAT THERE IS NO PROPERTY WITHIN THE DISTRICT THAT IS NOT BENEFITED BY THE SEWER DISTRICT, AND THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MUST MAKE A DETERMINATION AS TO WHETHER THESE PROPERTIES WILL OR WILL NOT BE 6/21/62 BENEFITED BY THE SEWER DISTRICT. PRESIDENT SOUZA ASKED CLERK OF BOARD MALLERY TO CONTACT THEPPEOPLE THAT HAVE REQUESTED ANNEXATIO,~ AND ASK IF THEY COULD BE AT THE HEARI~JG TO EXPRESS THEMSELVES, BOND ISSUE: CORRESPONDENCE: 1. LAKE VALLEY TAXPAYER'S ASSOCIATION, INC. = AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING JUNE 15, 1962, EIGHT DIRECTORS (ONE ABSENT) VOTED UN- ANIMOUSLY FOR THE $950,000.00 BOND ISSUE. PLEASE NOTE: MR. S. MEYERS,STATED THAT HE ~'~ADE THE MOVE FOR THE $950,000.00 FIGURE BECAUSE HE FELT THIS AMOUNT WOULD COVER THE FIRST PHASE AND THAT HE DID NOT QUITE REMEMBER THE FIGURE BUT FELT THE AMOUNT OF $950,000.00 WAS CLOSE TO WHAT THE ENGINEER HAD ESTIMATED. 2. SOUTH LAKE TAHOE BOARD OF REALTORS: AT THEIR ~EGULAR MEETING JUNE 20, 1962~ APPROXIMATELY FOURTEEN BROKERS VOTED UNANIHOUSLY FOR THE $920,000.00 BOND ISSUE. 3. MR. GEORGE CANON MENTIONED THAT MRS. ARLENE THOMAS STATED THAT SHE WOULD WORK FOR THE BOND ISSUE REGARDLESS OF THE AMOUNT. 4. MR. GEORGE CANON WROTE THAT HE WILL PROMISE TO SUPPORT A BOND ISSUE IN THE AMOUNT OF $920,000.00, CAMPAIGN FOR AND URGE ALL THAT HE COMES IN CONTACT WITH TO VOTE FOR THIS. DIRECTOR CLARKE STATED THAT HE APPRECIATED THE INTEREST OF THE ABOVE TWO GROUPS AND MR. GEORGE CANON FOR CONSIDERING THE SITUATION AND EXPRESSING THEIR OPINIONS AND THEIR DESIRE TO WORK FOR THE PASSAGE OF THE BOND ISSUE. DIRECTOR FESLER STATED THAT ALL EXPRESSIONS INDICATE THE BOND ISSUE SHOULD BE PROPOSED IMMEDIATELY AND PRESIDENT SOUZA STATED THAT IF THE BOND ISSUE IS PASSED WITHIN THE NEXT MONTH, THE WORK NEEDED CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED. MR. VAUGHN BURLINGHAM ASKED IF ANY MEMBERS OF THE "THINKING VOTERS" GROUPS ARE PRESENT, AND IF SO, STAND AND GIVE THEIR OPINION AS TO WHETHER THEY WOULD OR WOULD NOT SUPPORT THIS BOND ISSUE. MR. ART TRUMBULL STATED THAT A NUMBER OF PEOPLE HAD MEETINGS WITH THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AND MANY OF THEM BY FAR WERE WILLING TO GO ALONG WITH THE $2,5~0,000.00 FIGURE AND THEIR DISCUSSIONS WERE NOT H~ATED WHEN THEY DISCUSSED THE BOND ISSUE. MR. TRUMBULL FURTHER STATED THAT HE FEELS THE SAME GROUP THAT WAS FOR THE $2,510,000.00 FIGURE WOULD BACK THIS ISSUE FOR $920,000.00. MR. TRUMBULL A~SO STATED THAT HE DOES NOT KNOW OF THE LETTER MR. BURLINGHAM SPOKE OF. DIRECTOR FESLER MOVED THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS BE ADOPTED FOR THE BOND ISSUE IN THE AMOUNT OF $920,000.00. DIRECTOR STEWART SECONDED. 1. RESOLUTION NO. 376: A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY OF THE DISTRICT DEMAND THE CONSTRUC- TION OF EXTENSIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO A SANITARY SEWERAGE COLLEC- TION, OUTFALL AND DISPOSAL WORKS AND THE ACQUISITION OF LANDS AND EASEMENTS THEREFOR. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEWER PROJECT. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 377: A RESOLUTION DETERMINING EXISTING UTILITIES FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL CANNOT BE OBTAINED AT AS LOW A COST AS SUCIt CAN BE ORIGINALLY ACQUIRED, CONSTR~JCTED AND COMPLETED. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEWER PROJECT. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 378: A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND ESTIMATES - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEWER PROJECT. 4. RESOLUTIOI~ NO. 379: A RESOLUTIO~ APPROVIt~G E~GINEER'S PLANS AND ESTIMATES AND DETERMINI~G INSUFFICIENCY OF REVENUES. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEWER PROJECT. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 380: A RESOI~I;TION FORMULATING PROPOSITION FOR SEWERS FOR THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR SUBMISSIOH TO THE ELECTORS OF SAID DISTRICT. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEWER PROJECT. 6/21/62 DIf~ECTOR CLARKE ASKED lip HARLAN H~ ~ ,. ~OYE~E IF THIS $920,000.00 WOLILD INCREASE OUR EFFLUENT FROM BIJOU TO THE PLA~JT A~ID MR. MOYER STATED TitAT IT WOULD NOT; HOWEVER, THERE WILL BE SUFFICIENT CAPACITY TO SERVICE CALIFORNIA FOR ANOTHER TWO OR THREE YEARS IF THE NEVADA FLOWS DO NOT GO BEYOND THEIR AMOUNT. DIRECTOR WAKEMAN ASKED IF THIS IN'CREASE WOULD TAKE CARE OF THE CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA PRObLEH AT THE PRESENT TIHE AND HOW LONG WOULD CALIFORNIA ttAVE TO USE THE THROTTLE VALVE, MR. HARLAN MOYER STATED THAT THE THROTTLING VALVE IS UP TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, BUT THE $920,000.00 WILL PROVIDE THE DISTRICT WITtt THE ORIGINALLY PLANNED FIRST PHASE - - THE LAND AND FACILITIES OH THE LAND. DIRECTOR CLARKE STATED THAT WE ARE ONE COMMUNITY AND WE SHOUL. D DO ALL WE CAN TO TAKE CARE OF NEVADA'S NEEDS. IT WAS RECOMMENDED BY OUR MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE A NEW CONTRACT WITH NEVADA AND DIRECTOR CLARKE STATED THAT HE FELT WE SHOULD POSTPONE THIS BOND ISSUE FOR $920,000.00 UNTIL WE CAN HAVE OUR MEETI~G WITH NEVADA SO WE WILL KNOW WHICH WAY WE ARE GOING AND WE SHOULD KNOW WHAT WE CAN DO FOR NEVADA BEFORE WE SET A FIGURE FOR THE BOND ISSUE, DIRECTOR CLARKE ALSO STATED THAT FROM A PUBLIC RELATIONS POINT, ANY ACTION THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MIGrJT TAKE SHOULD BE TOLD TO NEVADA BY US RATHER THAN FROM SOME OTHER SOURCE THAT MIGHT CAUSE A MISUNDERSTANDING. MR. HARLAN MOYER STATED THAT THE BOND ISSUE FOR $920,000.00 WOULD NOT TIE IN WITH NEVADA AT ALL AND DIRECTOR FESLER STATED THAT HE FEELS WE SHOULD TRY TO PASS THE BOND FOR $920,000.00 REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS WITH NEVADA. DIRECTOR CLARKE ASKED ENGINEER MOYER IF WE CAN BE ASSURED THAT IF WE GO ON WITH NEVADA THAT WE WILL BE ABLE TO KEEP NEVADA IN THE FAMILY AND MR.MOYER STATED THAT IF THIS DISTRICT IS SUCCESSFUL IN OBTAINING LAND ( WE HAVE A PLANT THAT WILL TAKE CARE OF TWO AND ONE-HALF MILLION GALLONS OF CAPACITY PER DAY, BUT WE DO NOT HAVE THE LAND TO PUT TI~O AND ONE-HALF MILLION GALLONS PER DAY ON) THERE IS NO REASON WHY WE CANNOT NEGOTIATE WITH THE NEVADA DISTRICT. DIRECTOR CLARKE STATED THAT NEVADA HAS INDICATED THEY ARE WANTING TO PUMP OVER DAGGETT PASS APPROXItlATELY ONE MILLION GALLONS PERDAY. THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($32,000.00) HAS BEEN ALLOWED TO MAKE A SURVEY TO SEE WHERE WE CAN GET WATER TO USE IN THIS VALLEY. DIRECTOR WAKEMAN STATED THAT IF THIS DISTRICT IS OPERATING LIKE A PUBLIC UTILITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS, THEY WOULD CONSIDER THE POINT OF NOT LIMITING THE FLOW FROM THE NEVADA SIDE BUT MAKING PROVISIONS TO TAKE CARE OF IT. MR. WAKEMAN FURTHER STATED "LET'S US SOLVE THIS PROBLEM SO A MAN CAN INVEST SAFELY IN PROPERTY AT LAKE TAHOE - I WOULD PERSONALLY VOTE NO FOR THE $920,000.00 AT THIS TIME". MR. HARLAN MOYER STATED THAT THE $920,000.00 IS WHAT CLAIR A. HILL & ASSOCIATES RECOMMENDED AND IT WAS NOT EXPECTED MORE THAN THAT WOULD BE SPENT FOR ADDITIONAL LAND AND THE FINAL PROBLEM ON THIS EFFLUENT. MR. MOYER ALSO STATED THAT HE DOES NOT THINK THERE WILL BE ANY EFFLUENT OUT OF THIS BASIN NEXT YEAR OR FOLLOWING AND FiR, MOYER FURTHER STATED ~l~ I PERSONALLY FEEL IT WILL NEVER BE PUMPED OUT OF THIS BASIN'~, DIRECTOR WAKEMAN MOVED THAT THE BOND ISSUE BE POSTPONED UNTIL (ONE WK) WE CAN MEET WITH NEVADA AND COME TO SOME SOLUTION AS TO THE NEEDS OF THE TWO DISTRICTS, DIRECTOR CLARKE SECONDED.(*) DIRECTOR FESLER STATED THAT WE REALIZE WE HAVE A PROBLEM WITH NEVADA AND OUR ENGINEER HAS INDICATED THAT WE NEED THE $920,000,00 AND THAT IS ALL THE VOTERS WISH TO GIVE AT THIS TIME - WE SHOULD PROPOSE THE $920,000.00 BOND ISSUE NOW AND HANDLE NEVADA'S PROBLEM AT A LATER DATE, (=)DIRECTOR STEWArt MOVEDTHE PReVIOus ,CONSLj:F__ %/D 'C3). (:2) NO. DIRECTOR FESLER MOVED THE BOND ISSUE FOR $920,000.00 BE ACCEPTED. DIRECTOR STEWART SECONDED AND THE VOTES WERE THREE /',,YES AND TWO h~()ES. DIRECTOR FESLER MOVED THE CONTRACT OF WILSON, HARZFELD, dONES 8 MORTON BE ACCEPTED; DIRECTOR STEWART SECONDED. DIRECTOR CLARKE AMENDED THE MOTION TO READ "TO COMPLETE THIS PARTICULAR BOND ISSUE OF $920,000.00". WAS UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. DIRECTOR STEWART SEC()I'IDE[) AND THE VOTE BUDGET: A LENGTHY DISCUSSION WAS WIELD REGARDING TitE BUDGET, QUESTIONS ANSWERED AND CLARIFICATIONS MADE. GEIqERAL P~ANAGER PRIDAY STATED THAT Tt~E TAXPAYER'S WILL SAVE ANOTHER .06¢ AS THE TAX RATE WILL GO FF.'OM $1.03 DOWN TO .97¢. DIRECTOR STEWART ASKED WHAT WOULD BECOME OF ANY SURPLUS FUNDS, AND OFFICE MANAGER MALLERY STATED THAT VERY LITTLE, IF ANY, FUNDS WOULD BE LEFT OVER. ATTORNEY HOLTOM STATED THAT AHY SURPLUS FUNDS IN ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS CAN BE USED TO BENEFIT THE PROPERTY ASSESSED ONLY. DIRECTOR STEWART RECOMMENDED THAT THE BUDGET DECISION BE POST- PONED UNTIL THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING. PRESIDENT SOUZA STATED THE BUDGET DECISION WILL BE POSTPONED UNTIL THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING AND IF FURTHER STUDY IS NEEDED - IT WILL AGAIN BE POSTPONED. SEWER CONNECTION: MR. EUGENE HALE APPEARED BEFORE THE BOARD AT THE 6/7/62 MEETING AND REQUESTED THE BOARD TO GRANT HIS REQUEST TO CONttECT THE MAIN HOUSE ONLY AND NOT THE CABIN. GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY READ THE LETTER FROM THE DISTRICT INSPECTOR WHICH STATES THE SEPTIC TANK IS GIVING HO TROUBLE TO MR. HALE. DIRECTOR FESLER AND DIRECTOR CLARKE BOTH FELT MR. HALE SHOULD BE GIVEN SOME RELIEF ~EGARDING HIS PROBLEM. DIRECTOR STEWART MOVED THAT MR. HALE BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE CABIN ON THE SEPTIC TANK AND CONNECT THE HOUSE TO THE SEWER ONLY FOR A PERIOD NOT EXCEEDING THREE YEARS. DIRECTOR CLARKE AMENDED THE MOTION TO READ THAT IN THE EVEHT THERE IS EVIDENCE AT ANY TIME OF DIFFICULTY WITH THE SEPTIC TANK THAT MR. HALE BE REQUIRED TO CONNECT TO THE SEWER LINE IMMEDIATELY. DIRECTOR STEWART SECONDED AND THE VOTE WAS FOUR (4) AYES AND ONE (~.) NO. DIRECTOR WAKEMAN MOVED THAT ALL THE PEOPLE THAT HAVE APPEARED BEFORE THE BOARD AND HAVE BEEN TURNED DOWN FOR SIMILAR CASES TO MR. HALE'S BE RECDNSIDERED. THERE WAS NO SECOND - MOTION LOST. RESOLUTION NO. 374: DIRECTOR FESLER MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR CLARKE, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, THAT RESOLUTION NO. 374, WHICH IS A RESOLUTION DIRECTING MAKING OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT RE CERTAIN ASSESSMENT UNDER RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 239, AS AMENDED. SANITARY SEWERAGE PROdECT 1960-4. ORDINANCE NO. 34,. SEC. 3.03: OFFICE MANAGER MALLERY STATED THAT ATTORNEY PAUL GERVAIS APPEARED AT THE OFFICE IN BEHALF OF MR. S. SIMMONS REGARDING A CAR WASH ESTABLISHMENT. MR. MALLERY RE- QUESTED OF THE BOARD THEIR DECISION REGARDING THE SERVICE CHARGES FOR THIS ESTABLISHMENT TO CONNECT TO THE SEWER LINES. ENGINEER HARLAN MOYER STATED THAT THIS SHOULD BE STUDIED AND GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY REQUESTED THAT MR. SIMMONS SUBMIT THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS CAR WASH. MR. PAUL GERVAIS STATED THAT THE CLARIFIER THAT WILL BE USED WILL REMOVE THE DIRT.,. OIL, ROAD TAR, BUT NOT ALL OF THE DETERGENT. A NON-CAUSTIC DETERGENT WILL BE USED; CLARIFIES WATER FOR REUSE. ALSO, THEY ARE PLANNING ON APPROXIMATELY 250 CARS PER DAY AND WILL USE APPROXIMATELY 25 GALLONS TO. ONE CAR. GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY WILL SEND A LETTER TO MR. S. SIMMONS STATING THAT A SEWER PERMIT CAN BE OBTAINED BY HII~M. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: DIRECTOR CLARKE MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR FESLER, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED THAT THE CHECKS AND WARRANTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $29,(]30.06 BE APPROVED. GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY WILL CONTACT NEVADA REGARDING A MEETING WITH THIS DISTRICT AND ALL DIRECTORS WILL BE NOTIFIED. ADJOURNMENT: PRESIDENT SOUZA ADJOURNED THE MEETING AT 11:14 P.N.. TO dUNE 28, 1962, 8:00 P.M. AT THE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT. 6/21/62 ~ FRAI']'K C. ~OUZA, SOUTH TAI-tOE PUBLI~ UTILITY DISTRICT N.R.MALLERY, CLERK OF BD. & EX-OFF.SEC. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 28.. 1962 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MET IN AN ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION AT THE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT, JUNE 28, 1962, AND PRESIDENT SOUZA CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER AT 8:00 P.I-1. ROLL CALL: PRESENT WERE PRESIDENT SOUZA, DIRECTORS WAKEMAN, CLARKE, FESLER, AND STEWART. ALSO PRESF~NT WERE GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY, CLERK OF BOARD MALLERY, ATTORNEY HOLTOM AND ATTORNEY WEIDMAN, A.L. MI LLER, LES SHOUPE, MR.AND MRS. H. BRISTER, WALT LITTLE, DONALD RICHARDSON, MRS. MANUELA LOPEZ, MR. K. JOHNSON AND HR. A. THOMAS. BOND ISSUE ORDINANCE: ATTORNEY HOLTOM RECOMMENDED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 91, WHICH IS AN ORDINANCE CALLING AND PROVIDING FOR A SPECIAL DISTRICT ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE VOTERS OF SAID DISTRICT THE PROPOSITION OF INCURRING A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS AND PROVIDING FOR THE GIVING OF NOTICE THE~E~F. BOND ELECTION' THE BOND ELECTION IS SCHEDULED FOR TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1962, AND THE POLLING PLACE WILL BE THE AMERICAN L. ECION HALL, U.S.HIGHWAY 50; THE POLLS SHALL BE OPENED AT SEVEN O'CLOCK A'.M. UNTIL SEVEN O'CLOCK P.M. DIRECTOR FESLER MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR STEWART, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED THAT ORDINANCE NO. 91 BE ADOPTED. ANNEXATION REPORT: ATTORNEY WEIDMAN STATED THAT HE WAS PRESENT FOR THE HEARING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REGARDING THE ANNEXATION, - THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PASSED A RE~OLUTION RECOMMENDING THAT THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ABANDON THE ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS BECAUSE OF APPARANT CONFUSION REGARDING PROPERTIES, DESCRIPTIONS, ETC. ATTORNEY WEIDMAN RECOMMENDED THAT THIS DISTRICT DISREGARD THIS RECOMMENDA- TION BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AS THEY HAVE NO JURISDICTION OVER THIS ANNEXATION, NO BASIS AND NO RIG?iT TO MAKE SUCH A RECOMMENDATION TO THIS BOARD OF DIRECTORS. PRESIDENT SOUZA STATE[) THAT THERE HAVE BEEN MANY PROPERTY OWNERS APPEAR AT THE DISTRICT OFFICE REQUESTING ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT AND MAN~Y OF THE OWNERS COULD NOT FINANCIALLY ANNEX TO THE DISTRICT; ON A CASH BASIS; THEREFORE, THIS ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS WAS STARTED TO ENABLE THEM TO FINANCE THEIR ANNEXATION COSTS THROUGH BONDS. PRESIDENT SOUZA ALSO STATED THAT HE FELT WE SHOULD CONTINUE WITH THIS ANNEXATION AND THE PROPERTY OWNERS THAT WISH TO BE EXCLUDED CAN BE EXCLUDED. DIRECTOR WAKE;lAN MOVED THAT WE ADOPT THE AMENDED RESOLUTION TO TAKE IN THE EXCLUDED PARCELS AND EXCLUDE THE PARCELS THAT WISH TO BE EXCLUDED. DIRECTOR CLARKE SECONDED AND THE VOTE CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DISCUSSION REGARDING FUTURE ANNEXATIONS WAS HELD AND MANY STATED THAT ANY FUTURE ANNEXATIONS WERE TO BE STRICTLY ON A CASH BASIS; HOWEVER , PRESIDENT SOUZA APPOINTED A COMMITTEE TO SET UP RULES AND REGULATIONS RE- GARDING FUTURE ANNEXATIONS TO THE DISTRICT. DIRECTO[~ WAKEMAN WILL [gE CHAIRMAN OF TItIS COMMITTEE AND OTHER MEMBERS WILL BE GENERAL b'.ANAGER PRIDAY, OUR ATTORNEY, AND DIRECTOR WAKEtlAN WILL APPOINT ANOTHEr,. DIRECTOR TO WORK WITH HIM ON THIS COMMITTEE (DIRECTOI~ FESLE[~ WAS APPOINTEF'). THIS COMMITTEE WILL BRING INFORMATION OR A PECOMMENDATIOr~ BEFORE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AT THE FIRST flEETING IN AU=UST~ g 1962. ATTORNEY HOLTOM STATED THAT THERE ARE SOME PROPERTY OWNERS THAT HAVE PAID THEIR ANNEXATION FEES AND THERE IS NO REASON THESE PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE TO WAIT TO CONNECT. GENERAL t,ANAGEP, PfqIDAY STATED THAT HE FELT AS LONG AS THEIR Af,il,iEXATION FEES ARE PAlP TitEY SHOULD ~;E ALLOWED TO COI.!i'iECT TO THE SEWER LillE, OFFICE MAi'qAGER FiALLERY ASKED THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WitAT IIIFOFqi'4/~TIOH CAN HE GIVE THE PEOPLE TftAT ARE INTERESTED IH THIS ANNEXATION AND WANT THEIR ASSESSMENT TO GO TO BOND. ATTORNEY HOLTOM STATED THAT BY dULY 1OTtt ALL THE INFORMATION SHOULD BE AVAILABLE - AND, EXCEPT FOR THE PEOPLE THAT HAVE PAID THEIR AI'iNEXATIOhl FEES, ALL OTHERS WILL HAVE TO WAIT APPROXIMATELY 30 DAYS, THE Q. UESTIOi'] WAS ASKED AS TO WHAT HAPPEI'~S IF THIS ASSESSt~!,EI',~T GOES TO BOND Al'ID THEN THE PROPERTY IS SOLD. ATTORNEY i'tOLTOM STATED THAT THIS BECOMES A LIEN THAT GOES RIGHT ALONG WITH THE PROPERTY. MR. KNOX JOHNSON APPEARED BEFORE THE BOAR[) OF DIRECTORS AND PRESENTED A MAP DESIGi',IATING LAND WHICH THE JOHi',ISON ESTATES IS INTERESTED IN SELLING TO THE DISTRICT. THIS LAND CONSISTS OF APPROXIMATELY 19,837 ACRES WEST OF ROAD KNOWN AS PIONEER TRAIL, APPROXIMATELY ONE AND ONE HALF MIl.ES SOUTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF PIOI4EER TRAIL AND SKI RUN BLVD. THE SELLING PRICE IS $47,500.00 - 50% DOWN AND THE BALANCE WILl_ BE DUE I~! 90 DAYS. PRESIDENT SOUZA STATED THAT THIS WILL BE STUDIED BY THE BOARD AND WHEN A DECISION IS REACHED, HR. KNOX JOHNSOH WILL BE NOTIFIED. PRESIDENT SOUZA ALSO ASKED MR. JOHNSON IF VIE WERE TO BI.E) ON THIS PROPERTY WOULD IT BE POSSIBLE TO GET AN EXTENSION ON THE LAND WE AP, E NOW LEASING FROM HIM AND MR. JOHNSON STATED THAT THEY MIGHT CONSIDER THIS EXTENSION, DISCUSSION WAS ALSO HELD REGARDING THE RIGHT=OF=WAY, FORCE I~iAIHS, ROADS ETC., THAT THE DISTRICT, AT THIS TIME,HAS NO RIGHT TO. MR. ALLEN THOMAS STATED THAT ME WILL GO THROUGH ALL THE FORMALITIES INVOLVED REGARDING RIGHT- OF-WAY, EASEMENTS, ETC., AND SUBMIT A PRICE TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ALONG WITH THE LIST OF ITEMS THAT NEED TO BE CLEARED LEGALLY. GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY ~ ENGINEER H. MOYER AND ATTORNEY WEIDMAN WILL WORK TOGETHER REGARDING THE JOHNSON PROPERTY AND WILL BRING A RECOMMENDA- TION TO THE BOARD AT THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING. DISCUSSION REGARDING TftE ROAD REPAIR WORK THAT IS NOW IN PROGRESS WAS HELD AND IT WAS SUGGESTED THAT PICTURES BE TAKEN OF EACH STOP OF WORK BEING DONE REGARDING THE STREET PATCH REPAIR. GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY STATED THAT IN 1959-1 ALONE WE HAVE SPENT IN EXCESS OF $5,000.00. MR. PRIDAY ALSO STATED THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THE DIRECTORS AND ANYONE ELSE THAT MIGHT BE INTERESTED GO WITH HIM TO SEE HOW THE DISTRICT PUTS IN A PATCH AND HOW THE COUNTY DOES IT. DISTRICT ATTORNEY J. WINKLER HAS NOT BEEN AVAILABLE TO DISCUSS THE STREET REPAIR WITH MR. WEIDMAN; HOWEVER, ATTORNEY WEIDMAN STATED THAT BY THE SECOND REGULAR MEETING IN JULY HE SHOULD HAVE A REPORT REGARDING THE STREET REPAIR AND A MEETING WITH MR. WINKLER. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: DIRECTOR CLARKE MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR WAKEMAN, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, THE CHECKS AND WARRANTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,902.3- BE APPROVED FOR PAYME~$T. A~}JOURNMENT: PRESIDENT SOUZA A~DJOURNED THE MEETING AT 10:00 P.M. FRANK C. SOUZ~,.~-~P~RESIDE~T' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N. R. MALL'ERY, CLERK OF BOARD AND EX-OFFICIO SECRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 5, 1962 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 5, 1962 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MET IN REGULAR SESSION JULY 5, 1962, AT THE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT AND PRESIDENT SOUZA CALLED THE MEETI~iG TO ORDER AT 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: PRESENT WERE PRESIDEI'~T SOUZA, DIRECTORS WAKEI-IAN, CLARKE,STEWART, FESLER. ALSO PRESEHT WERE GENERAl_ MANAGER PRIDAY, CLERK OF BOAPD. HALLERY, ATTORNEY WEIDHAN A~.~D ATTOf,~HEY HOLTO~., LES SHOUPE, ~RS. W.CODHAN, JO.HNSOI~, WALT LITTLE, SUE IMWOOD, DONALD RICHARDSON, HRS. ?I.SPRING~EYER. HIHUTES: DIRECTOR WAKEf'iA?'] MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR CLARKE, AND UNAN- IMOUSLY CARRIED THAT THE MINUTES OF JUI'IE 21, 1962, BE ACCEPTED ?'S CORRECTED. DIRECTOR WAKEF1AN MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR CLAP. KE, AND UNAI!IfiCUSLY CARRIED, THAT THE F~.INUTES OF JUNE 2~,, 1962, BE ACCEPTED AS AMEI!DED. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: f~PS. WI,'!IFRED CODMAN STATED THAT THE ~OARD OF DIRECTORS SHOULD HAVE RECEIVED A LETTER FROM. ATTORNEY SHERMA.~I WILKE R,E- GARDING ABANDOHMENT OF THE ANNEXATION. ATTORNEY WEIDHAN STATED THAT THIS LETTER WAS RECEIVED THE DAY FOLLOWING THE LAST REGULAR MEETING AND THAT SAME WAS TURNED OVER TO ATTORNEY HOLTOM FOR ANSWERING. ATTOR.~IEY WEIDMAN STATED THAT hiE WILL SEI~D A COPY OF MR. WILKE'S LETTER TO THE BO?~f~D OF DI RECTORS. F'.R. WILLIAM JOHNSON, PRESIDENT OF THE TAXPAYER'S ASSOCIATION, PRESENTED THE ANNUAL TAXPAYER'S REPORT TO THE DIRECTORS AND MR. JOHNSON STATED THAT hiE WANTED TO MENTION THAT THE TAXPAYER'S ASSOCIATION APPRECIATED THE COOPERATION THEY HAVE RECEIVED FROM THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. /',dR. JOHNSON FURTHER STATED THAT HIS TERM OF OFFICE WILL EXPIRE IN JULY AND HE EXPRESSED HIS APPRECIATIO.~I FOR THE COOPERATIOH RECEIVED FROM THE EMPLOYEES OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AND THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. MR. W. JOHNSON ALSO MENTIOHED THAT HE APPEARED AT THE DISTRICT OFFICE TODAY, (JULY 5, 1962) AND REQUESTED MR. MALLERY TO P, EVIEW THE PROPOSED BUDGET WITH HIM. MR. MALLERY AND HIS STAFF WERE VERY BUSY MR. JOHNSON STATED AND THAT MR. MALLERY HAD TOLD HIM THAT IF HE DESIRED ANYTHING RE- GARDING THE BUDGET tiE WOULD HAVE TO REQUEST THIS FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, AS MR. MALLERY HAD TOLD MR. JOHNSON THAT HE "GOT IN DUTCH" FOR GIVING THE BUDGET OUT BEFORE IT WAS DISCUSSED OR APPROVED. MR. JOHN- SON FURTHER STATED THAT IF HE MUST HE WILL BRING HIS ATTORNEY WITH HIM AND TOGETHER WITH THE SECRETARY THEY WILL GO OVER THE RECORDS THE NEXT TIME HE IS REFUSED ANYTHING. MENTION WAS MADE THAT UNTIL THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAVE APPROVED OR ACCEPTED ANYTHING IT IS STILL THE PROPERTY OF THE SOUTtt TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AND NOTHING SHOULD BE GIVEN OUT UNTIL ACCEPTANCE OR APR~OVAL HAS BEEN MADE. f'~AGER'S REPORT: GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY READ ~iIS REPORT WHICH CONTAINED //INFORMATION R~-GARDING THE STREET REPAIRS. GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY STATED b/ THAT HARPER ANDBAXTER, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-2, AND dOttN LAGRANGE - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960--, HAVE NOT MADE AN ATTEMPT TO REPAIR ANY STREET FAILURES AND AS SOON AS ~AVING CONTRACTORS CAN BE PUT ON THE JOB, THE DISTRICT WILL PROCEED TO MAKE THE NECESSARY REPAIRS. MR. PRIDAY ALSO MENTIONED IN HIS REPORT THAT JOE D. MILLER, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1961-1, DID START A RATHER POOR FACSIMILE OF STREET REPAIR AND WAS ABRUPTLY STOPPED BY THE DISTRICT INSPECTOR. (MR. PRIDAY PRESENTED PHOTOGRAPHS SHOWING WHY THE WORK WAS STOPPED.) GENERAL MANAGER PRIDAY ALSO STATED THAT ALL CONTRACTOR'S RECEIVED A CERTIFIED LETTER REGARDING WORK TO BE DONE ON THE STREETS AND ALSO GIVEN A TEN DAY NOTICE TO START REPAIRS ON THE STREETS. DIRECTOR FESLER MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR CLARKE, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, THAT THE MANAGER'S REPORT BE ACCEPTED. DIRECTOR STEWART STATED THAT THE BUDGET CONTAINS A FIGURE OF $35,000.00 AND THAT IT WAS EXPLAINED THAT SOME OF THIS MONEY IS INCLUDED IN THE AMOUNT OF $92¢,000.00 FOR THE BOND ELECTION. DIRECTOR STEWART STATED THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO SEE THIS AMOUNT SUBTRACTED FROM THE BUDGET IF THIS BOND ISSUE DOES MATERIALIZE. JULY 5, 1962 -2- REGULAR MEETING ATTORNEY HOLTOM STATED THAT IF THE BOND ISSUE DOES FAil_ THIS FIGURE BETTER BE IN THE BUDGET AND IF THE [~OND ISSUE DOES HOT FAIL, THEIq THIS CAN BE ELI HI,~iATED. DIRECTOR FESLER MOVED THE ADOPTION OF THIS PRELIMINARY BUPGET SUBJECT TO AN ORDINANCE THAT WILL BE VOTED O~I THE FIRST MEETING IN AUGUST IF THE BOND ISSUE PASSES ON TftE AMOUNT OF THE SPRAY AREA AND THE LAND ACQUISITION. ~)IRECTOR WAKEt1AII SECONDED AND THE VOTE CAR[~IED UNANIMOUSLY. TIHE EXTENSION - CORDOVA PUldP: GENER/~L MAIIAGER PRIDAY RECOI"~t'.!EfIDED THAT AN ADDITIONAL EXTENSION OF TI/'~iE TO JULY 6, 1962, BE GIVEN TO CORDOVA PUI'IP AND MFG. CO., AS THE ENGINE CONTROL PANEt_ FROf'I SYNCRO-START PRODUCTS, INC., WAS NOT RECEIVED BY THEM UNTIL LATE ON JUNE ~9, 1962. THIS P'UMP WILL BE INSTALLED MONDAY tfiORNIflG, 7/2/62, TOUCH-UP PAINTING, ETC., SHOULD BE COMPLETED BY 7/6/62. DIRECTOR CLAP, KC I-lOVED TitAT GENERAL /'~AI'IAGER PRIDAY'S RECOt~iMENDATION FOR EXB-.ENSIOf'J OF TIHE FOR CORDOVA PUMP BE ACCEPTED; DIRECTOR WAKEMAN SECONDED, VOTE CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. OFFICE I'iANAGER MALLERY ASKED PRESIDEI4T SOUZA AND THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS IF HE COULD NOW PASS OUT COPIES OF THE BUDGET. PRESIDENT SOUZA STATED THAT HR. MALLERY COULD NOW GIVE COPIES OF THE BDDGET AS THE BOAR[) OF DIRECTORS ttAVE ACCEPTED IT. SEGREGATION OF THE POST OFFICE SITE (TAHOE VALLEY):= ATTORNEY HOLTOM RECOMMENDED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 381, A RESOLUTION DIRECTING I'IAKING OF AMENDED ASSESSMEHT RE CERTAIN ASSESSMErJT UNDER RESOLUTION OF INTENTION [IO. 239, AS AMENDED, SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT 1960-4,(ASSMT.NOS. 60-4-898 AND 905)BE ACCEPTED. DIRECTOR CLARKE MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR FESLER, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, THAT RESOLUTION NO. 381 BE ACCEPTED. ATTORNEY HOLTOM ALSO RECOMMENED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 382= A RESOLUTION OF INTEI4TIOI~' TO MAKE CHAI4GES AND MODIFICATIONS, SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 1960-4(ASSMT. NO.60-4-875, PARCEL NO.23-182-02)BE APPROVED. DIRECTOR FESLER MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR STEWART, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, THAT RESOLUTION NO. 382 BE APPROVED. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: GENERAL MA.~dAGER PRIDAY RECOMMENDED THAT THE CHECKS AND WARRANTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $18,451,77 BE APPROVED FOR PAYMEHT. DIRECTOR CLARKE MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR WAKEMAN, AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, THAT THE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS AS RECOt4MENDED BY OUR MANAGER BE APPROVED. ADJOURNMENT: PRESIDENT SOUZA ADJOURNED THE MEETING AT 9:00 P.M. FRAPIK C. SOUZA, Pfi(,ESIDEI,t~M SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N.R.I'qALLERY, CLERK OF BOAP, D AND EX- OFFI CIO SECRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT I~[EGULA?. [-~EETING Ai~D PROTEST IiEARIiIG OF THE B 0 A !~[I) OF DI RECTO~S OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTt:tICT : 7/19/62 JULY 19 ~ 1962 The Board of Directors met in regular session at the Sewage Treatment Plant July 19, 1962, and President Souza called the meeting to order at fi:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Souza, Directors Wakeman, Clarke, Fesler and Stewart. Also present were General .~ianager Priday, Attorney J.itoltom, Attorney J. i'~eidman, .'.ir. A. Harootunian, ii. Johnson, V..Sprin~mever, i..~a!t Little, Les Shoupe, D.Wright, G. Canon, C. Link, FI.Butler. ABSENT: Clerk of Board Hallery. f-IINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Clarke, unanimously carried, that the minutes of July 5, 1962, be approved as written. HANAGER'S REPORT: reports on: General Manaser Priday read his report which contained 1. Progress Report - Bijou Pump Station 2. Progress on Spray Disposal 3. Progress on Street Repairs PLANT MAINTENANCE: Hr. Bill Taylor, Supt. of Operations, explained the new .. numbering system to the Board of Directors. The Plant Maintenance Record - System consists of four (4) basic units: 1. Inventory Card File 2. Work File 3. Haster Index 4. Maintenance Manual File The new system of numbers gives an indefinite range of numbers for 'the new equipment, pin-points the location of the equipment, gives a constant check on the status of all equipment and on the work that the men are doing. All equipment is scheduled for service at certain times - weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and annually. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Clarke, unanimously carrffed, that the Manager's Report be accepted. EASEMENTS: 1.) HAROOTUNIAN: Attorney Weidman stated that he, President Souza and General Manager Priday did discuss the Utility Easements with Mr. Harootunian and Attorn Attorney Weidman stated that he prepared a letter with an offer frcm the District for these easements. Mr. Harootunian stated that he was not happy with the offer made by the District. Mr. A. Harootunian also stated that he has not been able to vote because he is residing on excluded property and he requested that his property (where his house is only) be deleted from the protest list for the Annexation that is now in process. Attorney Holtom stated that Mr. A.Harrootunian contact 'the Board of Supervisors at Placerville and request that his parcel of land(for his house only) be deleted from the protest list. Attorney Weidman requested Mr.A.tlarootunian to review his letter and send an offer taking parcel by parcel to make this offer. Mr. Ilarootunian atated that he will submit his offer for each parcel, (2) JOHNSON EASEMENT: Attorney Weidman stated that he talked with Mr.A.Thomas, Executor for the Johnson Estate, regarding the Johnson Easements. President Souza instructed General ManaRer Priday to verify these Johnson easements with Attorney Weidman and bring a recommendation before the Board of Directors. Attorney Weidman did state, however, that he would like the Board to consider to offer the Johnson Estate $1,000.00 for two of the easements in question and to consider annexinE a 10' strip of property. This will be studied by General Manager Priday and Attorney Weidman and a recommen- dation will be brought before the Board of Directors. Director Wakeman moved that our Attornev clear up these easements as quicklV as possible, Director Clarke seconded and the vote carried unanimously. 3.) LINK ROAD EASEMENT: General Manager Priday presented a document which is for right of ingress and egress of a 20' wide piece of land purchased formally from Charles Link. This document was turned over to Attorney i'~eidman for recording as Mr.C.Link has sold his property. ~,.'.,~ULAR i:EETIi~G & PROTEST -2- Director Clarke moved, seconded ~,v,,~, i)irector_ Fesler, and unanimously carried, th. we comply and follow through with the easement. Attorney Weidman stated that at the second regular mee'tin~ in Au~,ust he will submit a written re~ott on all outstanding, and completed easements to the Board of Directors, Director Stewar~ reouested~ a 4~ive~ (5) minute recess, (9:25 P.;:," ) President Souza called the meeting back to order at 9:30 P ~ P,~.iSOLUTIONS: Attorney Holtom recommended the followinfl resolutions be approved and accepted as there were no protests: 1 RESOLUTION [JO. 383: -- A ~rcOL AN · -- r ~ UTIOi~ Il O~,,DER APPROVING PROPOSED A:'NEXATION AND CHANGING 130Ui~DARIES OF DISTRICT: Ai"iNEXAT!O~: NO. 1962-1 (NARTIN BROTHERS - TANOE VALLEY [)iPectoP Clarke moved~ seconded by [)iPectoP ['esler~ and unanimously caPried~ that Reselution no. 383 be approved, 2. RESOLUTION NO. 38H: = = A RESOEUTION AND ORDER APPROVING PROPOSED A':~ ~×A'I'ION AND CHANGIiiG BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICT (AUiIE,×ATIOi[ NO 1962-2 BAR'FOi: iIE?iORIAL HOSPITAL) Director, Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 384 be approved. 3. RESOLUTIOi,~ NO, 385: - - A I,~o~":'OLUTION ORDERI:,O" Ci~ANGES AND ?iODIFICATIONS - SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO, 1960-4. Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Resolution iIo. 385 be approved, 4. RESOLUTION NO. 375: - - A RESOLUTION C01~FIRHING AMENDEI) ASSESSHENT - SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO, 1960-4 (1960-4-2252) Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION I~'O, 3't5 be approved. CHANGE ORDER: CORDOVA PUMP & HFG. COMPANY, CIIANGE ORDER NO. 1 General ManaEer'"Priday requested that Change Order No. 1 for Cordova Pump and rtfg. Co, be approved. This change order is for improvement of station operation and will increase the contract time of two days and in- crease the a~ount by two-hundred and thirty-five d~!lars and seventy-five cents. This chancre will consist of (1) install tee andvalve for water service to adjacent building, (2) construct stand for water control unit, (3) add 3-way valves on bubble lines. Director Clarke stated that this does meet with General Hanager Priday's approval and he moved, seconde'd by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, {hat CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 for Cordova Pump & Hfg. Co. , be approved. CORRESPONDENCE: - General Hanager Priday read a letter which he ~ad ~.:i~ written to the Honorable Harold "Bizz" Johnson, Congressman, dated June 25, 1962, regarding reclaimed water and its use; (2) also, a newspaper clipping in which Senator Thomas H. Kuchel of California stated his reasons for in- creasing of federal funds for fire protection in national forests, (3) a letter from Senator Kuchel to Hr, Priday thanking him for a cop~ of the letter which Mr. Priday sent to Congressman Johnson; (4) a letter to Mr. Priday from Congressman Johnson acknowledging Hr. Priday's letter of June 25, 1962, C OI,1M i TTEE: Previously appointed Committee Chairman are as follows: 1, Water Director Wakeman 2. Public Relations Director Clarke 3, Annexations Director Wakeman The following committee Chairman's have been appointed as of this date= July 19, 1962: 1. Street Director Stewart 2, Planning Director Fesler 3, Financing Director Clarke 4.Land Easements Director Stewart The above listed Directors are the Chairman of each listed Committee and they will work with the Manager and, if needed, the Chairman will ask others in the District for assistance, The Chairman of each Committee will report to the Board of Directors, PAYHENT OF CLAiNS: General Manager Priday recommended that the checks and warrants in the amount of $18,888.02 be approved, Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Clarke, unanimously carried, that General ;ianager Priday's recommendation be approved. JULY 19, 1962 REGULAR iIEETING & PROTEST HEA?.IUG (3) [ ,()~-} APPOINTi.IENT: President Souza appointed [lary Parsley as Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary Pro Tam during the absence of I'Ir. N.R.Hallery. ANNEXATION I!IFOR[4ATION: Attorney [[oltom stated that the total amount of the ~ monies to be derived from the annexaZion is $106~59U,37 plus the 6% ==== $112,994.27. The exclusions which amounted to $33,S20.61 hasbeen deducted from the above total figure and the 10% Attorney fees have not been included in the above total figure, ,fiaorge Canon stated that since the Bond Eleczion is but two weeks away - some publication should be out to remind the voters to be at the polls. ?,r. W. Johnson stated 'that the Taxpayer'.? Association is to meet []ondav, July 23, 1962, S:00 P.H. at the South Tahoe Elementary School and requested thc Directors to be present to answer any ques-tior, s. Hr. Johnson also stated that the Taxpayer's Association will announce that they are supDortin;~ this ~ond Issue, ~ ' Pres;dent Souza adjourned the meetin2 at 10:00 P.J!. Frank C Souza,,~resid~t SOUTIi TAHOE PUB. UTIL. DISTRICT CLERK OF BD. & EX OFF' SEC, PRO TEI,i SOUTii TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR YEETINO & PROTEST HEAPIi, Ja SOUTH TAHOE PU~EIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 2,1962 The Board of Directors met in regular session at the sewage treatment ~lant, August 2, 1962, at 8:00 P.M. - ROLL CALL: Present were President Souza, Directors W~kemar, Clarke, Fesler amd Stewart. Also present were General Mane?er Pr~dav, Clerk of Board [fallerv, Attorney J. HoJtom, Attorney J. Weidman, D. Richardson, D. Laine, Mrs. M. Smr~n?meyer, Yr. A. Herootunfan, Mr. P. Harvey - San Francisco, Walt L~tIle, Norman Woods, Mrs. W.Codman, Mr. S. Yevers, Mr. Harlan Vover~. , , Mr. A,L. Miller. MINUTES: Director Clarke moved, seconded by Dfrector S ,.tewart, unanimously carried, that the minutes of July 19, 1962, be approved as written. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mrs. M. Sprinymeeer asked the Directors to look at her property before September'and this way they would probably be able to see why she is requesting the price she is askine for the easement. MANAGER'S REPORT: ~eneral Manager Pridav read his report. Director ~es]er moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted. "MANAGER'S REPOPT PROGRESS REPORT: BI.JOU.PUMP.. . STATION: The work under this contract is now complete amd the additionaz .~ ~pecified by the State Safety Inspector has a]so been comoleted. SPRAY DISPOSAL: Ail main piping complete, some laterals vet to be insta!Jed to allow better distribution of effluent. The spray operation will copt[ne for a time durin~ whlcb Engineering Science Field Engineers are making soil tests. At the completion of tests, we will again make use of Johnson land for disposal. The Pump House is being cmmpleted as rapidly as possible. The Holding Pond bas 7 ft. 4 in. of effluent. Total flow through the plant for July = 49,400,000 ~allons. Average daily flow - 1,561,000 gallons. Douglas County Improvement D~strict water conservation oro~ram is orcv[n~ very wmrthwhile - as indicated by comDaratlve flows with July 196] and July ]962. Average daily flows are 135,490 gallons less than correspondin~ month a year a.~o. STREET REPAIP: Assessment District 1960-4 is the only area not vet finished. Pro~ress is slow an'd' n'~t too satisfactory. AUGUST 2, 1962 PPOTEST g ?Ft~UI,,~p Ail other street repairs have been mad~ to the satisfaction of th~ local Enffineer - Mr. R. Adams. The followine point must be emphasized.' Tko Uti!Jtv' District is not resoonslble for complete street repair, such am Cas lines, water lines, sewer lateral installations by orlvate contractors, holes made by tire chains, breaPin~ up of pavin~ edges and normal breakln? u~ of ooor surface materla]. The pavin~ crew run by Mr. E. Eooler is now in the nrocess~ of oavi~ overaal] sewer man holes that are in low areas and sub~ect to water infiltration. Mr. W. Ledbetter, President of the Douglas County Improvement District, indicated that their Board wished to continue nego~iatlons for a new contract despite the resn~ts of the last bond issue. They wish to study in more detail some new ideas that have been suK~ested by Mr. Ledbetter and make a proposal to the D~rectcrs of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a ~oint meetine Jn September. Mr. Ledbetter stated that our working relationship between the two Districts ~s at the hi~hest level vet reached. May I add - I concur." Director Fesler stated that two residents contacted him reeardin? the odor from the A1 Tahoe pumpin~ station and asked General ~ana~er Pridav if this could be taken care of. General Manager Priday stated that if the residents would call the District and renort this - we would take care of it. However, Mr. Pr[day stated that now that we are aware of this, we will have [t taken care of. ANNEXATION FEES: Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Clarke, unamlmouslv carried, that the Barton Memorial Hospital and the Tahoe Valley Center be aN]owed to annex to the District to the sum of $50.00 Der acre. RESOLUTIONS: Director Fesler moved, seconded bv Director Clark~, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 386, a Resolution of Intention to Make Chan?es and ~odJficatJons - Sanitary Sewer Project 1959, be approved. Director Clarke moved, seconded bv Director Wakeman, unan[mous]v carried, that PESOLUTION NO. 387, A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment - Sanitary Sewer Pro4ect 1~60-'4 '(Tahoe' Valley Post Office) be approved. CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Priday read the letter from Laxalt and Manoukfan (Attorney'"s' ~or DouK!as County Improvement District No. 1) which accomnanied their check(Douglas County Improvement District's) in the amount of $32,636.0~ which was due August 1, 1962 and which was received Aueust 1, 1962. President Souza asked Mr. Priday to convey our thanks to Douelas county Improvement District No. 1 for their promptness. LAND OPTION: Attorney Weidman presented each Director with a copy of a letter written to Mr. George Kaspian refardinK th~ option Deriod. Director Stewart, Chairman of the Land Committee, stated that his opinion is that the option should be ex~ended. Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Fas]er, unanimouslV carried, that we move the exercise of our option as outlined in Attorney Weidman's letter of August 2, 1962. ~This will extend the notion a~reement to midnight on February 28, 1963) COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Director Wakeman) Director Wakeman stated that the committee (Director' Wakeman, Director Fesler an~ Attorney Holtom) met July ?0, 1962, and a~reed to adopt a procedure to follow for all future annexations to the Distrfct. Peport is as follows: "ANNEXATION P~OCEEDINGS TO SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1. The initial step f0~"an'nexation would be the presentation to the District by the person desirinK annexation of a legal de,~t~3~tion and five conies of a plat or diagram of the area desired to be annexed. There would be available at the District Office forms of petition for annexation which could be provided to tb~ person de- siring annexation, which ~ould be furnished at this time. The forms differ as to whether the area involved fs inhabited, which requires an electors' petition, or uninhabited, which is signed by the owner of the nroperty. At this time it should be explained that the fees involved for the annexation proceedings include the standard district annexation char~es (also back taxes for excluded oarcels), estimated oublication costs and a local fee of $250.00. Since the lc?al fee of $250.00 would remain the same whether one or a number of narcels were involved in the annexation, the orooonent should be advised of the economic advantaees for a ?roup of oersons desitin? annexation to ~oln to,ether in the proceed[nas. However, under any circumstances, the required fees ~hou]d be deooslted with the District nrior to any further proceedings bein~ undertaPen. 2. Thereafter, the District would forward the mans and descr~.ntion to the attorneys, who would then assume responsibility for conduct[n~ the entire annexat{om proceedings The next step would be the filin~ of the description of the area te be annexed to ~he E1 Dorado County Boundary CommiSsion for ~eck~].n~ aside .. After receipt of apDrova! by the Boundary Comm[ssJ. on, the ~et{t~on for annexation is filed with the Clerk of the District, who certifies as to tb~ sufficiency of tb sJgnatures to the petition. 4. The Board of Directors of the District then ado~ts an Ord[nanc~ of Int~nt[or tc Alter the Boundaries of the District to include the area to be annexed. Th~s Ord~rarc~ seas a date for a hearing on the annexation not less than thirty (30) days after the ado~tior of the Ordinance. This Ordinance is nublished and .~s oosted in both .h. D~str{ct and area proposed to be annexed. -' 5. At the time set for the hearing, the Board hears anyone interested ir th~ tion proceedings to be heard. Thereafter a Peso!ut[on annex[n~ territory to adopted. Tbls resolution includes a descrlpt]on of the area be[m~ a~exed as well as a description of the D]strict boundaries as they w]ll exist after apnexatlon. 6. The resolution altering the boundaries of the District ~s th~n forwarded to th~ Secretary of the State, the State Board of E~ual]zation, the County recorder and the County Assessor. Upon receipt of an acknowledgement of the filing from the Secretary of Stat~. the annexation is complete." ~'~ Director Wakeman moved, seconded b~-bir~to~'Cl'a~e, that' the above procedure be adooted wftb the onlv addition to be - the -- the inclusion of the dates or tfmes at which annexations will be considered. President Souza stated that he is referring this annexation procedure to general Wana~er Priday and Clerk of Board Mallery to obtain dates for future annexations before action ~s taken on this annexation procedure. Director Clarke stated that he felt action should be taken on this annexation orocedure tonight and refer the timing to the Manager and the C!er~. Director Stewart stated that he would like time to study this. Director Fas!er stated that at the Committee meeting nothing was cban~ed nor was a r~w system set up. This is the only procedure that has been followed for annexations and the Comm[tte~ is trying to formalize tbls procedure. The main motion (to accept the annexation orocedure and refer the timing to the general ~arag~r and the Clerk) unanimously carried. ~ · Immediate discussion followed and the months of May and Seot~mber were acceoted as the tim~ annexation petitions would be presented to the board. Further discussion included January also. PAY~ENT OF CLAIMS: General Manager Priday recommended that the checks and warrants in the amount of $~0',396.62 be approved for payment. Director Clarke moved, seconded by D~rector Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims be aporoved for oavment. ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS 1961-1: = Attorney J. Holtom stated that the Annexation Proceedfngs ~r 19~1-1' will be '?iled n~xt week and when acknowledgement is received from the Secretary of State, the ones that are now on excluded parcels will be offfclallv in the D~strf~ct. ~9~MENTS - BOND ISSUE: = Director Wakeman stated that be was sorry the Bond Issue was defeated and tha% h'e' 'feels so~ethi~ ha's %~ be dohe but does not know what. "I would deflnitelv lipa to hear from some groups or some people as to whether th~s board should consider another bond issue or should we wait until the wh61e Valley shuts down or ~ust what shall we do?" DIRECTOR FESLER stated that "We called on may groups the last t~me; we w~nt cut of our way to talk to individuals and organizations at the time and they all stated the bond fssue had their approval and full support. I was amazed and very dlsaoDolnted and I am at a loss ~ow as to know where we should go from here". DIRECTOR WAKEYAN asked what are we going to do with the effluent? President Souza stated that we will have to ask the group of DanDle in the Val!ev to help solve this mroblem amd general public will be able to held us be finding some solution. President Souza further stated that we are sill working under a 'Cease and Desist' order and we w~lt continue long as we can control the effluent that We are now DrocesslpK. DIRECTOR CLARKE stated that the number of votes turned in did not re,reset, ~he voters of communltv; manV forgot to vote; others felt the bond issue would mass and did re- bother vote. Mr. Clarke stated that he did not feel this expressed the feellnK of ~he meDDle in the community - and that until we can get the expressions from the meddle amd the orffar~zations, we cannot even think of another bond issue. Mr. Clarke also stated that if the vot~ turned out favorably instead of unfavorably, he would not be satisfied as it came from such a small majority of registered voters and Yr. Clarke stated that he feels this would ~ot hav~ come from the people of the community. AUGUST 2, 1962 PROTEST A~ID MR. S. MEYERS stated that the Lake Valley Taxmaver's Assoc[atJo? ~d su~er and they did all they possible could to hell this Bond Issue mass; e[se,.~'r. ~ev~rs stated that he was very sorry more did not turn out to ve~~,' and a.].~e ~ t~ ~6nd [ssu~ was defeated and"the ones ~hat h~!ped defeat this will find out that it will net bell them at all ~r. S. Meyers also stated that before another elect~on [$ held it would be wise to clear up the "confusion" as to who and who cannot vote. ~R. C. GIBSON stated that we have gone through two bond issue elections - both failed, and it would appear that the confidence in this Board ~s not with the meomle. ~r. C[bson stated that he does not believe this is true and that there is definitely some reason the bonds have been defeated. He also stated that he feels the board of directors should fJnd out ~ust what the people do want. "I do not feel that you should go to the Organizations or Groups again - this has been tried - but if you can find out from the oeoDle wbv this bond issug elect~on failed, then some other way can be found to enable another to MR DON URQUHART stated that in his dealings with may peoole they feel that District would repair the roads this would helD. MR JOHN MADERA stated that many people feel the District is amnexln~ to much ~ropertv. They feel thev should take care of What thev have now and not annex any more. MR. A. L. MILLER stated that the District is taking care of tb~se reads and he felt tha+ it should be understood that the District is ~ettlng blame for mary of the roads that the Count? is responsible for. "We are a sewer District - we have to ~eeo growing w~tb Taho~ and if we stop progress I do not feel it will benefit anyone at the Lap~ amd I would not like to see it stpD here". ADJOURNMENT: President Souza adjourned the meeting at 9:30 n.y to !0:On ~.u. ~ond~V. August 6, 1962. ran~ C. Souza,'.resf~ ~ So. Tahoe Public Utitltv District N. R. ~a'l'i'e~, Cler~ 'o'f ~o'a~d k' kx-b~f'ic~'o 'S'bc'.' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADJOURNED REGULAR ~EETINa OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 6,1962 The adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Directors met August g, lqr~, at ]0:3~ A.U. ROLL CAL.~: Present were President Souza, Directors Clarke, Fesler and Stewart. Also present were Gen. Manager Pridav, Clerk of Board Mallory, Attorney J. Weidman._ABSENT:~ D~r. Wa~ema~. 1962,PURPOSE Bond OF 'Iss'u'eMEETING:E~ection-Tbe purpose of this meeting was to canvass the votes for the July There were seventeen (17) absentee ballots applied for amd sfxteen (lg) bal]o*-s ~o*ed connection with said election. The Board canvassed said absentee ballots same personally, whereupon it was found that the result of the ballots cast hv said absentee voters was eleven (11) votes for and five (5) votes a~ainst the The total number of votes cast was 668, one ballot cancelled; 131~ ballots unused; number of votes cast at the Dreclnct ("A") in favor of the DroDos~tJon was UP5 and the number of votes cast against the mroposJtion was 263. The total number of votes cast, including absentee ballots, for and against said mrc~ositJor was as follows: ' FOR: ~16 AGAINST: 268 Director Fesler moved, seconded bv Director Clarke, unanimously carrJed that RESOLUTION NO. 389, which is a RESOLUTIO~ CANVASSIN~ RETURNS AND DECLARING THE ~ESULT 6F THE ~P~IA5' BOND ELECTION HELD IN SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ON TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1962, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTINg TO THE ELECTORS OF SAID DISTRICT, OF INCURRING A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. August 6, 1962 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING ADJOURNMENT: 11:05 A.M. N.R.Malle~y', Cier~ 'of' 'Board' an~ Ex-Offici~ Se'c'~e't ary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FRANK C. SOUZA, PRE~iff)ENT a> SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC'UTILITY DISTRICT Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1962 The Board of Directors met for a Special Meetin~ at the Sewage Treatment Plant, August 8, 1962, at 3:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Souza, Directors Clarke, Wakeman, Fesler and Stewart. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney J. Weidman, Engineer Harlan Moyer, Donald Richardson, Mrs. M. LDpez, Flip Brandi and Mr. William Johnson, and Mr. W. Kashaba. PURPOSE OF MEETING: This meeting was called to consider another bond issue election. President Souza asked the Chairman of the Planning Committee (Director Fesler) to give his report regarding their Committee Meeting and their recommendation Report reads as follows: "' ' "PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING AUGUST 6, 1962 Present were Chairman Fesler, Director Stewart, Manager Priday and Attorney Weidman. The meeting was called to consider planning as related to the future needs and requirements of the District's effluent disposal problem in view of the recent bond election defeat. All present were in agreement that the District would be involved in effluent overflows by early 1963 considering the present disposal site capacity. Any overflow very likely would result in action by the District Attorney's Office in the form of an in~unction which would force the District to take immediate action to stop the overflows-regardless of cost or long term best interests of the District. -' Our chief aim in this planning session was to examine the steps which could be taken now to head off an injunction and the resultant calamity. Possible courses of action: 1. Creation of a special assessment district to raise funds to be used for buying land and spray equipment; 2. Contracting with a private group to lease the land and ~quipment on a long term fixed cost basis. A lease figure of $100,000 per year has been mentioned; 3. Obtain a grant of Forest Service land for use for spray disposal purposes; 4. Call another bond election to get the funds for land acquisition and spray equipment. Course of action numbers 1 and 2 were deemed to be overly expensive. Numbe~ 3 was felt to be too indefinite to rely on in view of the need for immediate action and also would still result in the need for funds for spray equipment. It was the unanimous decision of the committee that the alternative which was in the best interests of the District was number 4. This alternative would cost the members of the District the least in the long run; would avoid the adverse publicity of the "Sewage into the Lake" nature, would permit exercise of the Kaspian option priDr to its expiration, Feb. 28, 1963, and would allow the District to proceed with the vitally important Nevada Contract negotiations. Consequently, this committee recommends that a bond election be set for September 18, 1962, with the canvass to be held on September 24, 1962, and that bids in four stages be called for so that immediate action could be taken in the event the bond election succeeds. Work could be started almost immediately and enough progress could be made to materially reduce the possibilities of the effluent overflows during the spring of 1963. A final recommendation was made that these voting precincts be established for the next bond election utilizing the Tahoe Valley, A1 Tahoe and Bijou Fire houses for the added convenience of the voters." August 8, 1962 (cont) SPECIAL MEETING · Director Wakeman stated that one of our newspapers in the Valley claims to know how our problem can be solved and maybe he can help the District to solve this by helping to explore the situation. Director Clarke stated that he felt the Planning Committee has arrived at the only logical solution. Also, the voters and the people in this community should see that this is their problem and not the problem oftthe District's. If they continue to short-chan~e them- selves, they will suffer as well as everyone. Director Clarke further stated that this is not a matter of life and death but it is vital to everyone in the area because it is the area's welfare that is at stake. President Souza stated that bad publicity which we have been receiving is beinM caused by the people living in the area and ones that have investments here. Many articles have done more to hurt us than to help us. General Manager Priday stated that he felt the Planning Committee's Report was a very good one. Mr. Priday also stated that he would like to mention that shortly after his arrival at the South Tahoe Public Utility District he contacted the United States Forest Service and requested eight (8) amendments to our land use permit. Ail were denied except one, which is the one regarding acreage and the cost to the District. Mr. Harlan Moyer, Engineer, stated that we have given (Clair Hill ~ Associates) a great deal of study to the problem facing the District and that they have again reviewed their figures and can see no other way but to go for the $920,000.00 figure. Anything less than this figure will not give the District any relief reKarding the effluent disposal problem. Mr. Moyer also stated that if the Board of Directors would authorize Clair Hill & Associates to prepare plans, specifications and design for the project before another bond issue election they will proceed. Mr. Walter Kashaba stated that he felt the publicity for the first bond issue was excellent and the information did get to the people; however, the people are now afraid of their taxes going up and this is the reason they are against it. Mr. Kashaba further stated that if this election could be held with the General Election in November, he feels that many more will turn out at the polls. Also, Mr. Kashaba mentioned that a Special Election, in his opinion, brings negative votes. Director Clarke stated that he felt the Fi~'~ing Committee covered the thoughts in their report and in regards to the overflow in 1963 - - if we wait for the thawing period in 1963 we will again have trouble. Also, he felt that another bond issue should be presented and if it again fails, we will be no worse off than we are now. Mr. Clarke further stated that if we balance %he few cents tax we would have to pay against the overflow in the spring, this would be a worthwhile campaign. Director Stewart stated that we do have a probem weather=wise, and if we hold out until November, we will have the time problem this fall; the overflow problem in the Spring of 1963, and if the bond issue does pass - - we will have the land. Mr. Stewart further stated that he feels the District should have another Bond Issue Election now and not wait. Mr. William Johnson stated that when the first bond issue was presented it was sugKested to hold same with the primary but Ruth LanK, County Clerk, suggested this not be done. Also, Mr. Johnson stRted that it would help to clear up the question as to who and who cannot vote. He further stated that the Directors of the Lake Valley Taxpayer's Association will continue to support the $920,000.00 Bond Issue and also that they will try to get the Chamber of Commerce and the Real Estate Board to give funds and they will make the direct mailing· General Manager Priday stated that we could also save money by sending letters re- garding the bond issue election with our bills that are sent out monthly. Mr. William Johnson stated that regardless of the Forest Servive - "I think we should have this land as an ace in the hole." Mr. William Johnson also stated that he talked to many people durinK the last bond issue election and wanted to mention that many of them had stated that if this land is obtained, the flow from Nevada will increase and this they do not want. Presidsnt Souza stated that this year the question as to who can and who cannot vote has come up at each District Election. Following the completion of the mnnexation which is now in process, all that are now on excluded parcels (ones that have not protested only) will be allowed to vote. Mr. N.R.Mallery, Office Manager, stated that we did our best to eliminate the ones from the register that we know are residing on excluded parcels~ also, Meeks Bay, Meyers, Etc. August 8, 1962 (cont.) SPECIAL MEETING but there are still many that we cannot check on. Many are tenants that live on excluded parcels; also, our listings do not have the up-to-date names of the property owners and because of this we do not know when to challenge one at the polls. Mr. William Johnson stated that it might help to go ~ver the Great Register and Director Wakeman stated that he spent much time working with the Great Register and was amazed to find approximately 750 to 1000 misre~istrations. Director Clarke stated that he felt t~ Citizens Committee should check the Great Register and do this job on short notice and maybe this can be cleared up before another Election. This way any trouble as to who~and who cannot vote will be eliminated at the polls. Attorney Weidman asked if it would help to have three precincts and Mr. William Johnson stated that when the school bond issue election was proposed there were separate precincts and he found that some voters would arrive at one precinct, were .vid to go to another, and as a result, many votes were lost. Mr. Johnson stated that because of this, he felt it would be best to leave it at the American Legion Hall. In answer to Mr. Flip Brandi's question as to how we determine who and who cannot vote, Attorney Weidman stated that (1) they must be residents of the community and (2) they must live within the District. Attorney Weidman also explained what takes place when a person is challenged (1) they take an oath stating they do reside in the District, (2) if they fail to take an oath and still wish to vote, (B) hearing is set. Director Fesler stated that he as a Board Member is ready to vote for another Bond Issue immediately and that he talked to many people that would provide funds for advertising. Mr. Flip Brandi asked if anyone in the District has made a formal request for land. It wa~ stated that government aagencies have been contacted and Congressman Johnson for an outright request of land or funds to purchase land. Also, as mentioned above, General Manager Priday contacted the Forest Service for eight (8) amendments and only one was granted - to reduce land. Mr. Harlan Moyer, Engineer, stated that it is of no value to this District to get land un- less it is pp~perly located and of the proper type. Also, when we talk about land, we must speak of it specifically and not generally. Mr. Flip Brandi asked the Board of Directors to put ia on record that he will obtain land for the District for free. Mention was made regarding the land recommendation from Br~wn and Caldwell. Mr. H. Moyer stated that Brown and Caldwell pointed out and recommended to thi~ District for disposal of effluent by land methods. The District acquired 300 acres of land to use as a disposal site. The 1959-1 General Obligation Bonds were not enough to build this plant and other items thRt were needed plus obtaining the 300 acres. When this happened, the District had to proceed with some emergency measure to provide land and, as a result, the Forest Service agreed to lease to the District for five (5) years, at $103,000.00 , this 240 acres of land. Brown & Caldwell stated in their report that land was not good land for effluent disposal. The figure of $920,000.00 was originally recommended but never obtained. This amount is needed now, Mr. Moyer stated, and will not be the last bond issue because later this plant will have to expand. Mr. H. Moyer also stated that he does not feel the effluent should be as highly treated as it is now but the Water Pollution Control Board does want this quality. This plant was designed to produce a high ~uality effluent but does not produce drinking water. Mrs. Manuela Lopez stated that she felt Mr. Flip Brandi greatly helped defeat the bond issue and that he should be convinced this is the only answer. Mrs. Lopez also stated that she discussed the bond issue with her Executive Board and they are still going to support the $920,000.00 Bond Issue. It was unanimously agreed by the Board of Directors, and agreeable to Mr. Flip Brandi at his suggestion, that he be a member of the Land Acquisition Committee. Director Clarke moved the adoption of the following Resolutions by title in order that if we do decide to ~kk~x take bond issue election action at the next regular meeting, we can do so legally. Director Wakeman seconded and the vote carried unanimously::::: AUGUST 8, 1962 SPECIAL MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 391: A Resolution DetermininK that the Public Interest and Necessity of the District Demand the Construction of Extensions and Improvements to a Sanitary Sewerage Collection, Outfall and Disposal Works and the Acquisition of Lands and Easements Therefore - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEWER PROJECT. RESOLUTION NO. 392! A Resolution Determining Existing Utilities for Sewage Disposal Cannot be Obtained at as Low a Cost as Such Be Originally Acquired, Constructed and Completed - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEWER PROJECT. RESOLUTION NO. 393:~ A Resolution Directing Preparation of Plans and Estimates - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEWER PROJECT. RESOLUTION NO. 394: ~ · A Res°lUt~ion Approving Engineer's Plans and Estimates and Determ[nine Insufficiency of Revenues - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTR%~T SEWER PROJECT RESOLUTION NO. 395: A Resolution Formulating Proposition for Sewers for the South Tahoe Public Utility District for Submission to the Electors of said District. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEWER PROJECT. These constitute the resolutions which must be adopted preliminary to initiating the proceedings. Thereafter, at the next regular meeting which presumably would be on the 16th of August the ordinance would be adopted, the title which is as follows: AN ORDINANCE CALLING AND PROVIDING FOR A SPECIAL DISTRICT ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE VOTERS OF SAID DISTRICT THE PROPOSITION OF INCURRING A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS AND RROVIDING FOR THE GIVING OF NOTICE THEREOF. Director Wakeman stated that this was the most productive meeting he has attended for this District. ADJOURNMENT: President Souza adjourned the meeting at 5:50 P.M. FRANK C. SOUZ~,/PRESI~NT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N.R~'AL'~E'FY, CLERK 6F BD. & EX-OFFICIO SECRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT regular Meeting of The Board of Directors of The SOUTH TAHOE PUBt,IC UTILITY DISTRICT Aueust 16, 1962 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in reeular session at the Sewage Treatment Plant, August 16, 1962, at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Souza, Directors Wakeman, Clarke, Fesler and Stewart. Also present were General Manazer Pridav, Clerk of Board Mallerv, Attorney ,7. Ho!tom, Attorney J. Weidman, Mr. F. Brandi, Mr. Walt Little, Donald Richardson, Del Laine, Yr. A.L. Miller, Mr. A. Harootunian, Mrs. M. Springmever, Mr. H. Butler, Les Shoune, Har!an Mover, Mr. Norman Woods. MINUTES: Director Clarke moved, seconded bv Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of August 2, 1962, be approved as corrected. Mirector Fesler moved, seconded by Director Clarke, unanimously carried, that the minutes of August 6, 1962, be approved as written. Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the minutes of August 8, 1962, be approved as corrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his Manager's Reoort which contained informa- tion regarding the spray disposal and the street repair. Mr. Pridav stated that the road repair work will be completed this coming week. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Reoort be accepted. RESOLUTION NO. 390: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 390 which is a RESOLUTION ORDERING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS, SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT 1959-1, be approved. ORDINANCE NO 92 -.BUDGET:.. . A brief discussion was held regarding the budget and followin~ t~e discussion, Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Clarke, unanimously! carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 92 which is an ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT STATING THE PURPOSE OF WHICH TAXES ARE NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION, FIXINC THE RATE OF TAXES AND ADDING TO AND MAKING A PART O~THE ANNUAL ~SSESS~ENT LEVIED UPON THE LAND UPON ~ICH SEWER SERVICE WAS USED AND CHARGES UNPAID AT THE TIME OF FIXING THE PATE OF TAXES, 1962-63 Fiscal Year (TAX RATE= .97¢) ANNEXATION REQUEST - PINE SHORE LODGE: Clerk of Board MMallery presented a request to the Board of Directors from the Pine"~h~r~ Lodge re~uestinz that a ~ermit be ~ranted in advance of the Annexation Proceedinzs completion which will allow their connection to Zo to bond. Director Clarke moved, seconded bv Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Pine Shore Lodge be allowed to connect and obtain a oermit as mentioned by Clerk of Board Mallerv. (This request was granted because the Pine Shore Lodge Owners had oresented a letter from the Health Deoartment st~tine their critical seotic tank situation.) Attorney Holtom explained to the Directors what RESOLUTION NO. 396 covers and Ceneral Manager Priday requested that it should be set f~'%h in the soecificatlons that any osrt of any street that must be cut - the entire width of the street must be reDaved. RESOLUTION NO. 396: A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ENGINEER AND ATTORNEY - 1962-1; Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Clarke, unanimously carried that Resolution No. 396 be accepted. (NOTE: FINAL REPORT RE THIS RESOLUTION COMPLETED WITHIN 60 days) RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: In answer to Mr. Harootunian's question as to whether be will be allowed to vote at the next election, Attorney Holtom stated that the Board of Suoervisors did take action regardin~ his request and stated to Mr.Harootunian that he will be all~wed to vote. Mrs. Marjorie SorinKmever requested to see the lease reeardine the Johnson Land and General Manaeer Pridav stated to Mrs. Snrinzmever that she does have a cony of that letter. Mr. S. Meyers stated that the land agreement letter was siened prior to ~he May !, 1962 Bond Issue Election and it was stated that this was brought before the Board of Directors at the 5/3/62 meeting. Also, reeardless of any dates - the date ~n which action was taken is the only date the District is concerned with. LAND ACOUISITION REPORT: Director Stewart read the Land Accuisition Committee reoort (all Directors were given cooies of same) and fo!lowine the reoort Director Clarke asked Director Stewart when Mr. Walt Little became a oart of this Committee. Director Stewart stated that his understanding was than an Observer should be at the meetinzs. Director Clarke further stated that Mr. Flio Brandi had stated at one of our regular meetings that he would secure the land and that Director Stewart's reoort stated that Mr. Little also, with assistance from this District and Douelas County, be oroposed as 8/16/62 -2- Peeu!ar */eet [r.¢ a deleeate to Washington. Mr. Clarke further stated that he would su%~es-~ ::r, Walt Little be a member of this Land Acnu[sition Committee and Mr. Flio Br~]ndi be eliminated. Director Clarke al~o stated that this report which Director St=wart read was not a Committee reoort. He further stated that he would like to sBeEest t~,at, in order to do this properly, this Committee meet in full force and make a oresentation so the P¢~d can act on the committee renort. Director Fester stated that he felt the Committees were to meet and report back to the Board. Mr. Fesler further stated that his recommendation which he made in,is report (Planning Committee) still stands and this Land Committee Meeting did not change his way o~ thinking. (Recommendation was to vote another bond issue immediately.) Director Clarke stated that in answer to Mr. Brandi's statement "That everyone is jumping" on Director Stewart was directed to him and stated that he is not ~umpin~ on Director Stewart for the work he did - but that he ~umped in the manner of which he presented his report. The Chairman is to present the reoort of the conclusions of the Committee and Mr. Clarke stated that he still too~ exception in the manner in which this reoort was oresented. Director Stewart stated that Mr. Flio Brandi was appointed to this Committee and asked if he had a vote; if the General Manager had a vote; and the answer wasy 'yes'. President Souza stated that anyone that is on a committee has a vote. Director Stewart further stated that he felt Mr. Brandi had the same right to vote as a Director and it was mentioned that a committee meets and the committees recommenRation, decision, etc., is presented to the Board of Directors for recommendation. Any final decision must come from the Board of Directors. Director Fesler stated that the Board does appreciate the reoort and the work that went into the report but the Directors wanted to know if this was the vote of the Committee. Director SteWart stated that this was a Committee Pemort. Director Fesler stated that at the time their Committee Meetings's were held it was not clear to them as to presenting their reoorts to the Board of Directors for action and he felt that this was a reasonable misunderstanding. President Souza stated that this reoort will be studied and reviewed b? the Directors and they will make a decision re~arding this report from Director Stewart. Director Clarke stated that as Director Stewart stated in his remort - we should give consideration to ones going to Washington, D.C. to secure land but we should also em ahead with our bond issue election because time is immortant. Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, that we carry on with our proposed Bond Issue, and the vote == four (4) AYES and one (L) NmE. Director Wakeman also moved that an amendment to the Planning Committees Report (which was accepted August6, 1962) read as follows: the ~ol!in~ olace be reduced to one instead of three with the two election boards. Director Fesler meconded and the vote unanimously carried. Director Wakeman stated that the taxes for a family, if the bond issue masses, will amount to approximately $4.00 per year. Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Fesler that ORDINANCE NO. 93, which is an ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CALLING AND PROVIDING A SPECIAL DISTRICT ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE VOTERS OF SAID DISTRICT THE PROPOSITION OF INCURRING A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS AND PROVIDING FOR THE GIVING OF NOTICE THEREOF. Vote = 4 AYES and 1 NOE. Mr. A.L. Miller stated that we have to do something to solve our mroblem as we are now working under a 'Cease and Desist' Order from the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board, and we could face the probability of beine closed down with the Cease and Desist Order this spring. We must look ahead and work ahead Mr. Miller stated - we cannot wait until the snow falls, we must solve our problems now. Director Wakeman asked if anyone felt that the economy of Lake Tahoe is hurtinz and Mr. Norman Woods stated that Placer County has been receiving requests for building permits to the number of three for Placer County to E1 Dorado's one oermit. RELIEF OF SEWER CONNECTION: Mr. Donald Clarke has recuested of the Board to ~ive him relief from connecting the Clarke Building to the sewer line. He stated that the Clarke Building does have an adequate s~ptic tank but the annex, located behind the buildinz, does have to be connected to the sewer llne. ~en this buildin~ was built they in- quired as to where the sewer line would be and were told that it would ~o down Highway 50 and their plumbing plans, etc., were made accordinelv. However, the line does not go down the Highway but in back of the Clarke Building and Mr. Clarke stated that presently it would be to expensive to connect the Clarke Buildin~ to the line. 8/16/62 -3- Renu!ar Meetin~ Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried that Mr. Clarke's request be granted and that the Ordinance be modified to take care of this. (Mr. D. Clarke not voting = there were four (4) AYES) COMMITTEE: Director Fesler was asked by Director Clarke to assist him on the Public Relations Committee ~.~ ~2~. ~..L~,~t~ ~ ~%~ BOND ELECTION QUARTERS: Mr. A. L. Miller stated that he inquired as to the American Legion Hall for the September 18, 1962, bond ~ssue election and stated that the District can use the American Legion Hall from ?:00 AM to 7:00 PM for this election. However, as there will be a meeting at the American Legion Hall at 8:00 P.M. that same evening, ~r. Miller stated that the counting mieht have to be done upstairs of the American Le~ion Hall. NOTICE OF COMPLETION: CORDOVA PUMP & MFG'. CO.: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Clark~, unanimously carried that the Notice of Comnletion for the Cordova Pumn and Manufacturin~ Comnanv be accented. (This was for the MODIFICATION O? THE BIJOU PV~P STATION) President Souza asked if there was anyone that would like to assist on this Land Committee and Del Laine stated that she felt the Tahoe Tribune wouRd like to be represented. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Genera]. Manaeer Pridav recommended that the checks and warrants in the amount of $~7,492.70 be approved for navment, plus the $8,000.00 claim to th~ Bank of Commerce for the La,range 1960-3 oro~ect. Director Clarke moved, seconded bv Director Wakeman, unanimously carried that General Manager Priday's recommendation be accented. CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Priday read the following letter to the Board of Directors: "Dated: August 15, 1962 To: The Board of Directors From: Jack Leggett, Executive Director of the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board Gentlemen: I have received word that the recent sewer bond issue voted onbbv your District failed to pass. It was the understandine of this Board that the money from this bond issue was to have been used for the ourchase of additional land for the disposal of sews?e, thus eliminatin~ the serious threat of accidental overflows from the existin~ area. Although I have not discussed this matter with my board members I feel certain they do not intend to lift the existing Cease and Desist Order that was issued earlier this summer. It is my opinion that the order will remain in effect until a more definite ~uaran~ guarantee and proposal can be submitted to give reasonable assurance that future over- flows of sewage will not occur. In light of this the B-nard would aporeciatea letter from your District explaining what will be your next step towards u~timate correction. I have noted during the past few months that some of the voters in your District are under the impression that State, Local, or Governmental Aeencies can, under certain circumstances, make available or otherwise obtain government land for local nublic use. I am familiar with this thinkine since the subject has arisen on numerous occasions within this Region in the past twelve years. Areas such as Bridgeport, June Lake, Lake Arrow- head, Crestline, to name but a few, have made considerable effort to obtain such lands but to no avail. This Board has explored every avenue in an attempt to assist them. You will recall that in your ares this Board, the State Denartment of Public Health, the Local Health Department, and the State of Nevada Health Department, wrote letters to California and Nevada StRte Senators in an effort to obtain lands. This effort was made to assist your District in cor~ect~ng a serious condition. The best we could do was to assist your District in getting the present disnosal site and even this was obtained only under a five year lease, at an extremely high rental charge, and the land must be returned to the Forest Service at the end of that period, which incidentally, will run out in about two years, as I recall. Unfortunately, the Department of Agriculture has a hard and fast policy as it relates to land use. They are of the opinion that the lands which they supervise belong to the people of the United States and that no land can be given to any Derson or group of persons. The only way, to my knowledee, that this oolicv can be circumvented is bva person or a group of persons ourchasinK orivate!V owned land and then exchanging that land for like land on the Forest Service property. Even in this case the Forest Service may or may not accept the land in question. I believe your District is very familiar with this since this is the procedure you are now oursuln~. 8/16/62 Fezular meeting. I feel that this is not the time nor the place to discuss or arzue the rights and wrongs of the policy of the Department of Aericulture. Perhaps this oollcv will be changed at some future date. This Board frankly hooes it will and when th~ time comes they have indicated they will exert every effort towards that end. The ooint at hand, however, is the dire need of your District obtainine sufficient Rand for ~ safe disposal. Your engineers have indicated that this is the answer to your problem. Thev have also explained to your Board the need for exned]encv. The well meaning citizens of your District have proposed that an a~oroach to the Federal Government relative to releasing lands for this use would be far more economical in the long run. Certainly, if lands could be obtained without charge it is obvious that economies to your District could be afforded. I believe, however, that these people have not taken into consideration the extensive red tape and drawn out negotiations that would be necessary before a policy of this magnitude could be changed by the Deoartment of Azriculture. I would euess conservatively that several years would elapse before any such policy is chan~ed. In the meantime what is your District going to do with the rapid increase in ~ooulat~on of that area? I would not suegest closing the door on workinK towards such a change in policy but I would advise your District to find some adequate and safe means for disposal and at the same time provide for increased population loads. Again I would like to ask that your District notify this Board of what your schedule will be for obtaining a oermanent correction to this very serious problem. s/ J.T. Leggett" ADJOURNMENT: 11:15 PM N.R.MALLER~,CLERK~'~D. & EX OF~.' SE'C'.' ' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY 5~DI~TRICT -- rank ~. Souza,.'Br~sident~.~~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIST. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 6, 1962 The Board of Directors met in regular session at the Sewage Treatment Plant, Seotember 6, 1962. President Souza called the meetin~ to order at 8:05 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Souza, Directors Wakeman, Clarke, Fesler, Stewart. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallerv, Attorney Weidman, Attorney Holtom, Engineer H. Moyer, William Johnson, Walt Little, Donald Richardson, Del Laine, Mr. Anderson of the Osborne Realty and a representative from K.O.W.L. MINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimouslv carried, that the minutes of August 16, 1962, be approved as corrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Prida¥ read his report containing information regarding: 1. Monies Daid out of ~istrlct funds for street repairs, 2. SpraF disposal (~'9" of effluent ~n the pond or 12'3" of freeboard, 3. Treatment Plant and Pump Stations (Safety factors throughout the plant and pump stations) 4. Plant flows for July and August 5. Line Maintenance 6. Offensive odors caused by the Septic Tank Trucks dumoing in the man-holes. A detailed report of the above six (6) items listed were given to all directors and part of the Manager's Report. Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried that the Manager's Report be approved. CORRESPONDENCE: The following letter written August 20, 1962, from Mr. Knox Johnson to the South Tahoe Public Utility District and tbe following letter written to Vincent Rodri~uez, Contractor, received bV the District, September 3, 1962, are as follows: h "South Tahoe Public Utility District, Attention: Board Chairman, Frank Souza, Bijou, California Gentlemen: I am writing this letter to inform the Board and to confirm my recent conversations with Mr. Winn Priday and Mr. Shoupe of Clair A. Hill and Associates, engineers for the District, in regard to the completion of work as promised. Regular Meeting SEPTEMBER 6, 1962 Last summer, in exchange and for compensation as pmr mv agreement with the District for a right-of-way for a gravity line to the Keys across what is known as the Truckee River Field opposite The Outdoorsman, a gravity line was laid and the land was to be put back to the original condition and elevations. As of this date, Messrs. Rodri~uez and Price, contractors on the fob, have not completed this work as promised and agreed to. These contractors are at the Lake now, and the month of August is the best month to have this done because of the wetness of the meadow. When this work is completed to my satisfaction, I will complete and sign their agreement for this right=of=way. I would like this letter on record in your Board minutes and your file should the contractor fall to complete this wor~. Sincerely, s/ Knox Johnson cc: Mr. Winn Priday Mr. Shoupe, c/o Clair A. Hill & Assoc." The following is the other letter mentioned above which was written to Vincent Rodri~uez, Contractor, from Mr. Knox Johnson: "Vincent Rodriquez, Contractor Dear Sir: This will confirm our agreement last Tuesday at the Lake in connection with work done for the South Tahoe Public Utility District on lands owned by me."(Knox Johnson) "Upon completion of building a level across one channel of the Truckee River and advancing $300.00 to me to comolete the balance of the work needed at my convenience, I will release you from any further obligation and accept the ~ob as satisfactory. This letter will also serve notice on STPUD and their engineers that you have completed this portion of the contract on my property to my satisfaction. Sincerely, s/Knox Johnson" RELIEF OF SEWER CONNECTION: Mr. W.N.McNaughten requested bv letter consldemation from the Board of Directors to relieve him of connecting to the Sewer System and requested this for the following reasons: "1. FREEWAY: I have written proof in the form of maps and letters from the division of highways that the proposed FREEWAY will cover both structrues described above and the lateral in ~uestion. 2. For this reason I had a second lateral insaalled that I intend to connect when I'm forced to relocate on the other corner of my lot. (See your receipt #1867, of 5/26/61, re:60-1-1883, 28-100-02). 3. I've already contributed financlallv to STPUD bv wav of a $1919.50 assessment for sewers plus $68.50 for the lateral I'll eventually connect to, plus $99.00 a year for the one arc light I have on my property. In view of this, the 50 cent per unit V~u'd collect if my house were connected to the sewer, seems a minor point. 4. I live in a virtually uninhabited area with no-one within 100 vards of me and snmrounded by 15-20 acres of bare land. Mv cesspool is ~uite adequate, and now has less that 50% of the demand oreviously made on it." Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried~ that any action necessary be taken to relieve Mr. W.N.McNaughten from connecting his house to the sewer. ENGINEERING SERVICES: General Manager Priday read the letter from Clair Hill & Associates re Engineering Services. Letter reads as follows: A. Proposed 1962 G. O. Bond Issue ' "('1")" ~'~'b'~. L-45.60 '- Topographic map at a scale of 1"=100' with 4' contour interval of approximately 300 acres in Section 9 and 10. The area is that proposed for acquisition by the District. (2) Job No. L-45.61 - Design and prepare plans and specifications for effluent disposal facilities on the above property. This will include all work contemplated by the preliminary report and will be accomplished in two sta~es. The first stage will be the design of spray irrigation facili- ties. The second stage will provide for construction of percolation oonds and clearing the site. (3) Job No. L-45.64 - Survey of the proposed effluent force main alone Pioneer Trail from the existing holding pond to the proposed disposal Site. This will include necessary field and office surveys to provide design information and required right-of-way for this force main. REGULAR MEETING Seotember 6, 1962 (4) Job No. L-45.65 - Prepare plans and specifications for the Pioneer Trail force main. Separate contracts will be provided for purchase and installation of materials for this force main. (5) Job No. L-45.68 - Design and prepare contract plans and specifi- cations for the new effluent oumping station to be located at the existing holding pond. The design of these projects is to be completed irrespective of the success of the bond issues. If the bond issue is unsuccessful the fees for these pro~ects will be paid in accordance with the provisions set forth in our letter to the District dated June 18, 1962. B. Assessment District 1962-1 (1) Job No. L-45.70 Surveys for the design of necessary sewers and laterals to serve parcels annexed in 1962. This will include preparation of right-of-way if any is required. (2) Job No. L-45.71 - Prepare plans and specifications for sewers and laterals required to serve above parcels. (3) Job No. L-45.72 - Prepare assessment roll and engineers report for the above parcels. The projects referenced above areaall new work and will be carried out in accordance with the existing agreement for engineering services between this firm and the District." President Souza stated that the Engineering Service letter will be discussed and studied at the Study Session, Thursday, September 13, 1962, 3:00 P.M., at the Sewage Treatment Plant. '- CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Pridav read the letter received from the Taxpayer's Association dated August 20, 1962, which stated that their Board of Directors recommended that the proposed bond election for $920,000.00 be delayed until not earlier than November 1, 1962; also, Gemeral Manager Pridav read the letter from the Taxoaver's Association dated September 1, 1962, which reaffirmed their letter of Augus% 20, 1962. Discussion was held regarding the future bond election scheduled for September 18, 1962. Mention was made by a visitor that he felt the bond issue election should be postponed because he did not feel enough information was released regarding the bond issue and that he talked with many property owners and businessmen and they all stated that their business has dropped from 25 to 30% this year - and they are worried about oaring more taxes. President Souza stated that every man on this Board of Directors has had to pay taxes and will be paying any increase in taxes as well as any property owner in this area. Great efforts have been made to get the information to the people; there have been press releases, radio broadcasts, talks were made at several group meetings in the area; the Board of Directors have offered to make talks to any group to ci~ar this situation. Director Clarke stated that many people have stated their business had dropped this year and that he felt that in all probability the business that is off is Lecause of the unfavorable publicity we have received this past year; also, because of the over-flow that happened last spring. This same problem is facing us at the moment and we must get as much work done as we possibly can before the thawing season is here. Mr. Clarke further stated that he would hate to think of what the business situation will be if we have another run-off this next spring. Director Wakeman stated that business in all areas that are not operatin~ under a Cease and Desist Order is very good. Placer County issues three times as many permits as E1 Dorado County does. Director Clarke stated that he knows of one restaurant business that is doing so much better this year than they did last year but they do not talk about it because they do not want to create hard feelings with those that are not doing well. PETITION - AL TAHOE PUMPING STATION: Director Fesler ~resented a petition to the Board of Directors for consideration which reads as follows: "August 31, 1962 Board ~f Directors South Tahoe Public Utilities District Tahoe Valley, California We, the undersigned taxpayers and property owners of Tahoe Valley, E1 Dorado County, request that the Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utilities District remedy the situation of an offensive odor coming from the A1 Tahoe sewerage pumping station. This has not only been annoying to the people of the neighborhood but is an unhealthful situation and a detriment to business. Regular Meeting September 6, 1962 We suggest that this open sewerage unit be sealed and not ~ust perfumed up with chemicals which would leave the same filth and bacteria in the air. E.C. and Lucille Perry, Box 256, A1 Tahoe John R. and Patricia M. Swing, Box 120, A1 Tahoe Carl an~ Thaline Ecklund, Box 671, Tahoe Vallev M.J. and Henryette Dezzoni, A1 Tahoe John O. Homer~ Box 122, Tahoe Valley, Mrs. J.L.Snipes~ Gen. Del.~ A1 Tahoe, Calif. Mrs. J.L. Foster, Gen. Del, A1 Tahoe, Calif. John J. Gerken, Box 377, Gerkens Lodge J.C.Stephens~ Tahoe Valley, California." A lengthy discussion was held regarding the above petition and as stated in the Manager's Report on page three (3) last two paragraphs: "It appears now that we have to take another course of action and require that no disposal from "Honey-Dumpers" be made in any part of the collection system; that the tanks be fitted with a pressure Dump and disposal be made at the treatment plant only." "At this point it appears that there is no ne~d for seotic tank maintenance within the District because a sewer collection system covers the entire area. It is not the responsibility of this District to acceot and treat sewage from out- side its boundaries. ' Director Clarke stated that he felt the situation required immediate action and that the recommendation of the Manager as stated in the Manager's Reoort be aooroved. Director Wakeman seconded. ~ ' Engineer Moyer stated that he agreed with the statement made bv Mr. Pridav in the Manager's Report and that from an engineering standpoint he felt it would be very poor tactics for the District to accept this and, furthermore, the purpose of this plant is to treat the sewage and it is not good for the district to accept septic sewage. Sometime aeo there was cause for this because many areas were not sewered; however, all areas are now sewered in the district - this should be eliminated as quickly as possible. Mention was also made that there was no reason for the people not to connect to the sewere; they are paying their assessment and in the long-run the service charge will be much less than what they must pay the "Honev-Dumoers". It is gettinE to the point where there are no isolated areas for the "Honey-Dum~ers"~to dump. Director Wakeman moved that this be tabled for further study, Director Fesler seconded and the vote unanimously carried. Director Fesler was appointed Chairman of this committee and asked that General Manaeer Pridav take whatever action is necessary to keep this odor down. General Manager Priday stated that there will be a letter sent out prohibiting any dumping in our system until such time this can be analized by our Committee and be will take care of this situation. (Report will be made at the next reeular meeting) GORRESPONDENCE: The following letter was received by the District August 31, 1962: "Mr. W.F. Priday c/o South Tahoe Public Utilities District Bijou, California Subject: So. Tahoe Sewage Treatment Plant Dear Mr. Priday: .~ou, and your staff are to be complimented. After inspecting and servicing the boiler ~.~ .~...~rols at your Sewage Treatment Plant, South Tahoe, let me state that in all the years of our doing this type of work we have never found such an efficiently ooerated treatment plant as the one you operate. We have worked in various plants in California and yours is second to none. Your plant superintendent, Mr. W. Taylor, is also to be complimented on the systematic way, and orderly condition that he operates this plant. It was a pleasure to work under these conditions, Very truly yours, s/E.C. Williams" The above letter was received from A..~arper, Acme Venturi Gas Burners, 468 Third St. San Francisco 7, Calfornia~ dated August 29, 1962. REGULAR MEETING September 6) 1962 CP~SCENT_ V SUBDIVISION: Clerk of Board Mallory presented a man regardin~ the Crescent V Subdivision which will be an annexation alone. Discussion was held and president Souza stated that this be postponed until after the Bond Issue Election. PUBLIC INFORMATION: Director Clarke stated that many meetings have been held with representatives of many organizations and these groups assured the Public Relations Committee of their interest in passing this bond issue election and they have been added to the committee. Releases have been sent to the papers and information has been given out. A meeting will be held this Friday, September 7, 1962, at the Clarke Bldg., at 8:00 P.M. and anyone interested is invited to attend and their support will be welcomed. General Manager Priday stated that a new bell system for the office telphone number Kimball 4-3653 will be installed in the plant as many have called on Saturday's, Sunday's and Holiday's and mentioned that they could not contact anyone at the plant. The plant telephone is not listed; therefore, there will be another bell put on the office telephone so the men in the plant will know to answer when the office is closed. Also, the Tahoe Valley Fire House has a list of the ~ersonnel that can be contacted in case of an emergency. Director Clarke stated that the District does not have funds with which to finance advertising at this time and we are hoping to advertise or publish by subscription and we will receive any contributions with "OPEN TIN CUPS". PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Clarke, unanimously carried, that the checks and warrants in the amount of $T,004.28 be aporoved for payment. STUDY SESSION: President Souza reminded all present that the Study Session is scheduled for Thursday, September 13, 1962, 3:00 P.M. at the Sewage Treatment Plant. ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. N.R.Mallery,~Clerk'of Bd'~ & Ex-Officio Sec'.-' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~ FRANK C. SOUZA, P,RpE~DENT, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT STUDY SESSION SEPTEMBER ]3,1962 The Board of Directoms met for their study session Seotember ].3, 1962, Thursday afternoon at 3:10 P.M. ROLL CAI.,L: Present were President Souza, Directors Wakeman, Clarke, Fesler and Stewart. Also present were ~enera! Mana?er Pr[day, Clerk of Board Mailer,s, Engineer Hat!an Yover, A--ttornev We[dman, Mr. Norman Woods, Mr. Waiter Kashaba, Donald ~cbardson, Les Shouoe. Pres&dent Souza called the meeting to order at 3:10 P.M. and stated that the purpose of this meet[ng was to studv the promosed force main and land disposal. Mr. Harlan Mover presented a man to the directors and oointed out the orooertv that will be involved for the proposed force main and land disposal fac[lJt[es. Mr. Mo~er also stated that onlv a small oart of the Pioneer Trail is a ded[cated road; oart is also owned bv private indfviduals and easements must be obtained; and oart is government owned. (Attorney Weidman will, if gfven the authority by the board, obtain the easements) Discussion was held regarding the pumo that is now in use at the Holdin~ Pond. Mr,Mover stated that he would recommend the oresent oumo be a6tered so that it can be used to oumo effluent through the force main. Through this alteration, the capacity, of the Dumo will mracticallv be doubled. General Manager Pridav stated that time was our first cons[deratlon in th~s metter and it is better that the oumo be altered than to have or think of a new ~umn station. PRELIMINARY PLANS:Mr. Mover presented the nrelim[narv olans for the s~rav Jrr[~at{on and omrcolation beds. He stated, however, that many chanees of th~s~ n]ans undoubtedlv take olace. Also, ~r. Mover stated that unon the oassaee of t~e bomd ~ssue, the initial program will be to install the Pioneer Trail Force Main; remov~ athe existing spray laterals and placing them for immediate use on th~ newly acquired ]and, ~f STUDY SESSION September ]3, 1962 the weather oermits; and nurchas~n~ no more spray irr~ation e~u~Dment; construct percolation beds which will be less expensive and more satisfactory than the Durchase of additional spray eou[oment; D~rcolat[on beds will be installed in most of the area Droposed, disturbing the natural terrain as little as Doss[bio. Mr. Harlan Mover stated that he had talked to Cornell, Howland, Hav,s and 7errvfJeld of Corvallis, Oregon, and they would very much like to come to the District to show the Board and Engineering Science Firm their nro~ress. Thev stated that they bare 'whioned' the problem of ABS and stated chemical costs w]ll also be less than before. FIELD TRIP TO EXISTING SPRAY AREA AND NEW SPRAY AREA AT 3:~ P.Y. The Directors and cuesta returned from the field tr~o at 4:55 called the meetin~ back to order. P.W. and President Souza Director Stewart stated tha~ ~ ~s not in a~reement w~.th the Board when they orooosed the forthcominA bond issue for Seotember 18, 1962; however, he now fee].s that the Board is more riAht than wrone because of the problems the District is faced wJtb. Director Stewart further stated that he would l[ke to have on record that he will suonort this forthcoming bond issue election on September 18, 1962. President Souza stated that with Director Stewart's comment, ~t now makes ~t a unanimous decision of the Board of Directors to oronose the Bond Issue for Seotember ]8, ]962. Mr. Norman Woods stated that he is aware of the problems of the D[str~ct and felt that ff the oeople of the area would come to the District meetings's; look at the Hold[n~ Pond, land, etc., they would have a cIear ~[cture of what the oroblems are that the D~strfct is faced w~.th. President Souza turned the Favel over to Director Clarke and made the fo]!ow~nn statemmn+: "I have an announcement to make at th~s time which I do not oart~cu]ar].v en~ov makin¢, but it is one which I thin~ ~s necessary to make for the ¢ood of the district as well as myself. I have decided to res[?n from the Board of directors of this district effective immediately. First of all, I do not want the fact that I am runnin~ for an e].ect[ve office to influence in any way the outcome of the $920,000 bond election next Tuesday. I hope that removine myself from the board will make ~t ooss[ble for the voters of this distr~ct to make their decision Tuesday clearly and s{mglv om the merits of the proposed bond ~ssue. Second, being a director of the South T8boe Public Uti]Crv Distr~ct is a demandine and time consuming ~ob. In the months ahead I will not have the time to devote to th~s position which I feel it reou~res, because I intend to devote full time to my campaign for election to the board of supervisors of E1 Dorado County. The groundwork has been laid for the needed improvements to our sewage disposal system and there is nothing more I can do to further th~s work in the brief time re- maining members of the Board and whoever is apoo~nted to take mv place will carry on in a competent and responsible manner the oroeram we have worked so hard to develon. I sincerely hope the bond issue will be aooroved Tuesday because we need an adequate sewaEe disposal system so the economy of the area can continue to ~row and provide the new 1pbs and new business opportunities all of us are interested in. I would like at this time to thank the other members of the board, our manaeer Win Pridav, and other emolovees of the district for the help they bare ¢[ven me as Chairman of this Board. It has been a Dleasure workln~ with all of you and I will loo~ forward to working with you aeain in the future ~f there is anvthine I can do to helD." Director Wakeman stated that we should thank Mr. Souza for a fantastically great ~ob coming from the bottom of his heart and he has neglected his own bus,ness to work for the District. Mr. Wakeman further stated that it takes an outstandin~ man to do what Mr. Souza has done and th~s board will suffer a Croat loss. Director Fesler stated that he would like to thank Mr. Souza for his sincere efforts and the excellent ~ob he has done as President. Director Stewart stated that Director Wakeman covered his feelings towards Mr. Souza. Director Clarke stated that all the Directors feel the same about Pr-sldent Souza's resignation; however, this should be put on the agenda for action at the next regular meeting. Director Clarke also stated that under other circumstances much more would be ~a[d and meant none the less; also, that Mr. Souza has added so much to this program bore and anyone connected with this District will always ~x~ carry a high regard for h~m and for his efforts. STUDY SESSION SEPTEWBE? 13, !%? ADJOURNMENT: MeetinK adjourned at 5:15 Frank C, Souza, Pr~'ident SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N.R.MallePv, Clerk of" Bd. & Ex-O'fficio Sec. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Regular ~eeting of the Board of Directors SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 20,1962 Chairman Pro Tam Clarke called the meeting to order at 8:10 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Clarke, Fesler, Stewart and Wakeman. Also present were General Manager Pridav, Clerk of Board Hallerv, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, Mr. Harlan Hover, Mrs. R. Codman, Mr. M.J. Furlotte, R. Schmidt, H. Butler, Mrs. Manuela LoDez, ;{r. A.J. Lonez, Hr. Norman Woods, Alva Barton, S. ~evers, Mr. Anderson of Osborne Realty, Mr. M. Smile¥, Mr. J. Keller, Mr. ~. Cordav, Yr. David Wakeman, Mr. William Ames, Betty Wakeman, Laura Ames, Mr. ~. Entzminger, Hr. ~eo. Kaspian, De Del Laine, Donald Richardson, Walt L.ttle, Mr. W. Kashaba, Mr. C. Gibson. APPOINTMENT - CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: Director Wakeman stated that the Directors did snooint Mr. Clarke as Chairman Pro Tam of the Board and stated that he would like to see Mr. Clarke continue in that caoacity until a vote is made officially. D~rector Fesler stated that since legal action is not required on this, he felt that Mr. Clarke should continue as Chairman Pro=Tam. Director Clarke stated that he would be haonv to continue in that canacitv with the understanding that he is Pro Tam. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimouslv carried, that the minutes of 9/6/62, regular meeting and the minutes of 9/13/62, study session, be a~proved as written, s MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his renort which contained information reKarding plant maintenance; protective shots for personnel; spray dlsoosa]; water oollution board hearing which is set for 9/27/62, 9:00 A.M. at the Taboo Valley tire House. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, thet the Manager's Reoort be accepted. RESIdNATION: FRANK C. SOUZA = Director Wakeman stated that Mr. Souza bas out a great amount of time and effort into our Public Utility District and he has snent many hours at this iob that none of the other directors could; he has Out toeether the land transfer; dail~ trips to the plant; and he has done more than any of the other directors on this board. "I am sure that Mr. Souza would want us to accept his resi~natlon and I feel that we should accept this a~d also a letter th~nkine him for the accomolishments that he has been able to do", Mr. Wakeman stated. Also, Director Wakeman stated that before Mr. Souza was on this board, it was ~uite a nroblem to hold a first class ooeratine meeting, and through his work he has brought the board together and '~ot rhinos done'. Everyone should know of the time that Mr. Souza has given to the Public Utility District. Director Wakeman moved that it is with extreme regret to accent Mr. Souza's resignation. Director Fesler stated that he would second the regretful acceotance of the motion. Director Clarke stated that he would like to 'ditto' what Director Wakeman said; also, Mr. Clarke stated that he thinks Mr. Souza has done a ~ob on this Utility District of such magnitude that the ~eneral Public will never really annreciate it and bis efforts have been in the same category of those of Earle Pankost but he is leavin~ under a different picture because he is leavine on his own, and we will certain!v miss him, Ur. Clarke stated. The resienation was accented unanimously. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. Frank Souza made the followinR statemmnt: "I WANT TO THANK THE VOTERS OF LAKE TAHOE FOR THE FINE TURNOUT AT OUr BOND FLECTIO?} TUESDAY. SINCE THIS WAS THE LAST GREAT PROBLEM OF THE DISTRICT IN WHICH I WILL BE TAKI?~G A DIRECT PART, IT WAS GPATIFYINC TO HAVE SO ~{ANY TURN OUT TO ENDORSE THE PPOPOSITION ADVANCED FOR THE WELFARE OF OUR CO?~UHITY. AS PRESIDENT OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, I WORKED WITH THE OTHEP DIRECTORS TO DEVELOP REASONABLE AND WORKABLE SOLUTIONS TO OUR CRITICAL DISPOSAL PROBLEMS. ALL THE DIRECTORS TOOK PART IN THE EXTENSIVE STUDIES OF THE FACTS AVAILABLE TO THEY AND EVERY PECULAR ,~EETINe SEPTE~'BE? PO, .]gS,? ~;~!I J~ DIRECTOR MADE CONTRI..UTIONS TO THE SOLUTIONS OF THE WANY PPOBLE~(S wE H~VE F~CEP IT HAS BEEN A PRIVILEGE TO ~,,fOP. K WITH SUCH DEDICATED AND CAPABLE !~EN. ALTHOUGH OUR RECENT BOND PROPOSITION PECEIVEE. A MAJORITY O? AIS~OET TWO TO ONE, IT DID FAIL TO POLL THE REOUIRED 2/3 MAJORITY BE 33 VOTES. I WANT TO THANK THE ~ZORE THAN VOTERS ~0 SUPPORTED THE SINCERE OPINIONS OF THEIR DIPECTORS BY VOTINe YES OM THE BOND. THESE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO TOOK THE TROUBLE TO LOOK L~TO THE FACTS SURPOUNDING THF U~CENT PPOBLEM OF EFFLUENT DISPOSAL AND THE NEEDS OF THEIP COMMUNITY. I FEEL NO PESENTWENT AGAINST THOSE ~0 VOTED NO_m, BECAUSE I BELIEVE THAT THEY !~!ERE SINCEPE ALTHOUCH CONFUSED BY THE MISLEADING AND VICIOUS STATEMENTS FORCED UPON THEM BY A SMALL MAN WITH A MI,~D AND A YELLOW SCANDAL SHEET FLIP BRANDi IS A ~AN WHO IGNORED THE WELFARE OF HIS COMMUNITY, THE ENDOPSEMENT OF THE CHAMBER OF COM?ERCE, THE ENDORSEMENT OF THE SOUTH TAHOE REALTY BOARD, THE ENDOPSEMENT OF ALL OF THE SERVICE CLUBS AND OTHER COMMUNITY ORSANIZAT~ONS AND THE WISHES EXPRESSED BY OVER 800 vitally INTERESTED VOTERS, WITH HIS GROUNDLESS IDEAS, HALF TRUTHS, INNUENDOS, HE USED HIS DIRTY LITTLE SHEET TO DEFEAT AND INJURE ALL OF US. NOT ALONE ARE WE BADLY HURT BY THIS SHORT SIGHTED MAN, BUT GOING BEYOND OUR LOCAL BOUNDARIES, ALL THE TREMENDOUS ADVERSE PUBLICITY BEING WRITTEN IN THE METROPOLITAN NEWSPAPERS FROM THE BAY AREA TO LOS ANGELES STEMS FROM BRANDI AND HIS LAKE TAHOE NEWS. MY RESIGNATION HAS MADE ME A PRIVATE CITIZEN OF LAKE TAHOE AGAIN .... A MAN WHO CAN SPEAK HIS MIND WITHOUT DRAWING UPON A RESPECTED PUBLIC BODY THE VILE STATEMENTS OF IRRESPONSIBLE JOURNALISM THAT IS OOZIN~ OUT OF THE SEAMS OF ONE OF OUR LOCAL SO CALLED NEWSPAPERS. I MADE MY DECISION TO STEP DOWN FROM MY POST AFTER ~UCH CAREFUL THOUGHT. I ENDED ~Y OFFICIAL CONNECT~ .... tHE OTHER DIRECTORS BECAUSE THE IMMEDIATE PROJECT ON WHICH I WAS WORKING HAD BEEN COMPLETED AND BECAUSE I HAVE EVERY CONFIDENCE THAT THE PRESENT DIRECTORS AWE MY SUCCESSOR (WHOEVER HE MAY BE) WILL CONTINUE TO FACE THE PROBLEWS OF THIS DISTRICT AS CAPABLY AND WITH THE SAME DEVOTION TO DUTY AS BEFORE. I ONLY WISH THAT MY DEPARTURE FROM THE BOARD MIGHT ALSO GUARANTEE THE RE~AINING DIRECTORS AGAINST CONTINUED ATTACKS AND CHAPACTEP ASSASSINATION TECHNIQUES OF THE IRRESPONSIBLE LITTLE MAN WITH THE YELLOW SHEET. I REAP, HOWEVER, THAT THEY WILL HAVE TO CONTINUE TO STAND UP UNDER THOSE ATTACKS. I AM NOW FREE TO SPEAK MY MIND AND TO CALL MY SHOTS AS I SEE THEM. I INTEND TO PUPSUE MY CAMPAIGN FOR THE POSITION OF SUPERVISOR OF THE 5TH SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT. I AM IN THIS CAMPAIGN BECAUSE I AM CONCERNED ABOUT THE WELFARE OF OUR ENTIRE COMMUNITY AND I BELIEVE THAT MUCH CAN BE DONE TO IMPROVE OUR ECONOMY AND TO TAKE ADVANTAGE Or OUR OPPORTUNITIES AT LAKE TAHOE. WE NEED SINCERE AND EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP AT LAKE TAHOE. I PROMISE YOU THAT IF I AM ELECTED, I WILL GIVE YOU Aa2RESSIVE LEADEPSHIP. I WILL WORK HARD FOR THE GOOD OF THIS COMMUNITY. MY OPPONANT, THE INCUMBENT, IS THE STOOGE OF THE LITTLE MAN WITH THE YELLOW SHEET. HE WAS PUT INTO OFFICE THROUGH IRRESPONSIBLE JOURNALISM AND MAINTAINED IN OFFICE BY IRRESPONSIBLE JOURNALISM. TO BREAK THE POWER OF THIS STOOGE AND OTHERS LIKE HIM ON OTHER PUBLIC BOAPDS TAKES A MAN WHO IS A FIGHTER... A MAN WHO IS WILLING TO STAND UP UNDER VICIOUS AND UN- WARRANTED ATTACK. I AM SUCH A MAN AND I PROMISE YOU THAT COME WHAT MAY, I SHALL NEVER BECOME A STOOGE OF THE SMALL MAN WITH THE YELLOW SHEET. I BELIEVE THAT IF ~.~ CAN ONCE BREAK THE POWER OF THE EVIL LITTLE ~AN AND HIS YELLOW SHEET, IT WILL ONCE AGAIN BE POSSIBLE FOR THE DEDICATED, CAPABLE AND PESPONSIBLE ~EN AND WOMEN IN OUR COMMUNITY TO SERVE ON PUBLIC BOARDS WITHOUT DANGER OF ATTACK ON THEIP CHARACTER AND INTE2RITY. THEY WILL A~AIN BE ABLE TO SEPVE THEIR COMMUNITY WITH SINCERITY AND WITHOUT FEAR THAT THE RESPECT OF THEIR FPIENDS AND NEIGHBOPS MILL BE UNDERMINED AND THEIR BUSINESS REPUTATIONS MAY BE IMPAIRED THROUGH IRRESPONSIBLE JOURNALISTIC ATTACKS. I GIVE YOU A CHALLENGE, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN~. If YOU HAVE ANY DOUBT THAT WE NEED A CHANcrE. IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY ABSOLUTELY SURE THAT MY O~'P'~NANT AND HIS SPONSOR, THE EVIL LITTLE MAN, HAVE BEEN IN OFFICE TOO LONG, BAND TOGETHER ~ND FI?ID OUT WHY THERE APE SO MANY SERIOUS PROBLEMS AFFECTING YOUR WEL=ARE AT LAKE TAHOE. BAND TOaETHEP AND INVESTIGATE ~;HY WE HAVE NO FREEWAY TO RELIEVE THE TRAFFIC CONGESTION THAT IS STIFLINa OUR SUMMER ECb'N'OMY. FIND OUT WHY OUP SCHOOL DISTRICT IS BEING OFFERED LAND AT $6,000 PER ACRE WHEN NO MORE TH'A~ 1/4 OF A MILE A~-IAY THERE IS ACREAGE THAT WE COULD HAVE PURCHASED FOR $1,600 PER ACRE, IF OUR BOND HAD SUCCEEDED. ASK YOURSELF WHY THE WOULD-BE- SELLER OF THE $6,000 LAND WAS ONE OF THE BITTER OPPONANTS OF OUR BOND ISSUE. ASK YOUR- SELVES WHY WE MAY NOW LOSE THE MULTI=MILLION DOLLAR DEL WEBB DEVELOPMENT THAT COULD HAVE EMPLOYED ~UNDREDS OF OUR PEOPLE. ASK YOURSELVES WHY THE ZONING PLAN SUBMITTED BY OUR PEOPLE WAS CHANGED TO CREATE THE SETBACK PROBLEMS TO DESTROY THE INVESTMENT OF HUNDPEDS OF OUR INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY OWNERS. ASK YOURSELVES WHY THE NORTH END OF LAKE TAHOE IS NOW ISSUING MORE BUILDING PERMITS THAN OUR COMMUNITY, WHICH SHOULD HAVE THE F~P CREATER DEVELOPMENT. ASK YOURSELF WHY BUSINESS.~EN ARE LEAVIN2 LAKE TAHOE ..... WHY THERE ARE SO ~ANY BANKRUPTCIES AND BUSINESS FA'ILURES. REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 20, ~962 Ladies and gentlemen, ASK YOURSELVES YIIY A}~D W~{p CARRIED ON SUCH A LONe A~~,, ~, VICIOUS CAMPAIGN TO PLACE THE BLA[~E FOR ALL OF OUR ROAD PROBLE~,~S AT THE DOOR OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. ROAD PROBLEMS THAT YERE IN PART T~E RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DISTRICT AND IN PART THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ROAD DEPA~'ENT AND IN PA?T THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE''i4~TER COMPANIES, THE GAS COMPANIES AND THE SUBPIVIDEPS'.' ASK YOURSELVES WHY THE INCUMBENT BLOCKED THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICTS OFFER TO REPAVE THE ENTIRE ROAD SYSTEM WITH TOP QUALITY SURFACING IN COOPERATION WITH THE COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT. ASK YOURSELVES WHY THE DISTRICT WAS FORCED TO"PATCH" ROADS WITH HIGHER 0UALITY MATERIALS THAN ORIGINALLY USED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE POADS WHEN IT WAS KNOWN THAT THIS WORK COULD NOT STAND UP AS WELL AS UNDER THE PLAN PROPOSED BY THE UTILITY DISTRICT FOR EFFICIENT USE OF YOUR TAX DOLLARS COLLECTED BY THE ROAD DEPARTMENT AND THE UTILITY DISTRICT. ASK YOURSELVES WHY MY OPPONANT STOOD BY FOR FOUR YEARS SAYING THAT POAD DEPARTME)iT FUNDS COULD NOT LEGALLY BE USED TO CORRECT OUR PROBLEMS ..... FOUR YEARS WHILE YOU WERE DAMAGING YOUR CARS IN DESPAIR ..... AND THEN ASK YOURSELF WHY HE IS NOW USING THE SAME TAX DOLLARS TO PAVE THE SAME ROADS OVER THE COSTLY UTILI~' DISTPICT PAVI~G IMMEDIATELY BEFORE THIS ELECTION. I INTEND TO LOOK INTO ALL THESE MATTERS AND ~ORE AND AFTE?, THE ELECTION I I~ ..... D TO BRING STRONG, EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP TO LAKE TAHOE WITHOUT THE TACTICS OF THE VICIOUS LITTLE MAN WITH THE SMALL MIND AND THE YELLO~-I SHEET." Director Clarke stated that he was not aware the statement was also a oolitical s~eech but he felt that Mr. Frank Souza has earned the rieht to make the smeech. LAND OPTION - GEORGE KASPIAN: Mr George Kasoian stated that the Ut~.]it,~, D~strlct has tried once, twice, and now the third time, and the bond issue has fei]ed all three times. He requested of the board to release him of the land notion a~reeme~t. Attorney Weidman stated to the Directors that if notice is given to hold another bond election, or acceotance of other oroceeds that will orovide funds to ourchase this land from Mr. Kasoian bv 2/28/63, within 15 days of 9/18/62, then Mr. Kasnian is legally bound to his ontion for the remaining oeriod. Attorney Weidaan stated that he reviewed the land ontion agreement and he can see no other way, other than the District failin~ to eive notice 15 days from September 18, 1962, that Mr. ~eor~e Kasoian can be released of this agreement. Director Clarke asked Attorney Weidman if the District was under a moral obligation to Mr. George Kasoian. Attorney Weidman stated that be felt he should not be asked to give his ooinion regarding a moral ooinion. ~r. ClarRe withdrew his ~uemtion. Director Fesler asked if his thinkine of this was that if action is not taken by October 3, 1962, than the notion agreement expires. Attorney Weidman stated that his thinkln~ was correct. Attorney Weidman stated that if notice is given within 15 d~vs (from Sentember 18) than the District does have an obligation to Mr. GeorKe Kasoian and be must be orov[ded with the money by 2/28/63. Director Wakeman stated that he was pleased to see so many neoole turn out this evening for this meeting and he also stated that the district has a greet oroblem today; there is a newsoaoer here in this communitv that has actually hurt the community. This is not the first time - there is a long history behind this newsoaoer. The first was the bond issue for our school house = this man said he would back this bond ~.f we drooped it to a figure of $350,000.00 and this was done. The Contractor gave the community $6,000.00 for leaving the floor out of the school; another $6,000.00 for the corriders and this cost the community $18,000.00 ..... the taxoaver's naid as high as one-half million more than it sheuld have cost them. This man had a running camnaien to get the Supt. of schools discharged and necked the school board; he has defeated the school override tax again, and again, and he has now defeater our sewer bond issue. This newspaper wants us to believe in him; he did not want the two and one- half million dollar bond issue but would ~o for the $920,000.00. We went for the $920,000.00 bond issue; went for it the second time and the third time; he then stated he would go for the $920,000.00 bond issue but that it should be droooed to $500,000.00, and during the last (3rd) bond issue, he stated that a 4¢ stamo would eliminate a need for this bond issue. He has asked for the resignation of every person on every board that does not reoort directly to him and we are now faced with the hearing of the Water Pollution Conto! Board set for 9/27/62, at 9:00 A.M. at the Tahoe Valley Fire House. We are also heine asked bva man to release him of the land notion agreement that we could purchase land for $1,600.00 an acre that would solve ali. of our oroblems, and if we do this, we would later have to obtain land for $6,000.00 an acre. Director Wakeman stated that mavbe this is the reason behind evervthine. °rmTr~nr~ 1967 REGUL}~R MEETING ..... .... ?0, Mr. Anderson of Osborne Realty stated that ever since last spring this board has blamed everyone, especially opponents, and this newsnaoer, but they do not stop to think for one moment that the Kuilt is on them. When this Board decided to have a two and one-half million dollar bond issue, it showed that only one million dollars was needed, and the Dapple in the town could not swallow that. One week before the bond issue, the taxpayer's plea~ed with the board to nostnone this issue for another month. This - the board would not do. If the board had postponed this issue one month, the truth from the man on the street would have come to them. Mr. Anderson stated that he feels the board, through their stubborness~,- got themselves in this oredicament and that they should not blame anyone else - "They should ta~e a little blame them- selves". Director Fesler stated that there have been some inflamatorv statements made this~R~~/ evening and he did not feel this was a good climate for the board to consider and moved that we oostoone consideration of the land potion agreement to be held next Thursday evening, 9/27/62. Seconded bv Dimector Wakeman. Because of the Water Pollution Control Board Hearine scheduled for 9/77/67~ 9:00 A.Y., Director Stewart stated that he felt the meeting should be bald nrior to 9/27/62, and moved to amend the motion to read that we adjourn to Monday evening, 9/2~/62, at 7:00 ~.Y. at the Sewage Treatment Plant to Canvass the Votes and to discuss the land option agreement. Director Wakeman seconded and the vote carried unanimously. CORRESPONDENCE: Clerk of Board Mallory read the letter from the Lake Tahoe ~ews regarding materials for orinting and which requested that Lake Tahoe Business Printing Firms be given consideration on this printing. This letter was to request the District and management to submit bids on whatever orinting is contemplated. General Manager Priday stated that the only items printed locally are the Resolutions and the Ordinances (published) and the maos that were sent out with the samole ballots -were printed by the Lake Tahoe News. The only other printing by the district and management to sub~it bids on whatever printing is contemplated. General Manager Priday stated that the only items printed locally are the Resolu RELIEF OF SEWER CONNECTIONS: ALVA BARTON: Mrs. Alva Barton requested that she connect her home and one cabin only as she has a tenant that wishes to continue living there and would like to have only this one cabin and her house connected to the sewer. Director Fesler stated that upon the General Manager's recommendation, Mrs. Alva Barton's request be granted; Director Stewart seconded, vote carried unanimously. ADRIAN LOPEZ: Mr. A. Lopez requested that he be given relief from a sewer connection which will be a rental because at the present time he is not financially able to connect all of his buildings, but hopes to be able to in the near future. Director ?esler seconded the move by Director Stewart that Mr. A. Looez be eranted his request. Vote unanimously carried. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded bv Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the checks and warrants in the amount of $28,072.86 be approved for payment as recommended by General Manaeer Pridav. Chairman Pro Tem Donald Clarke stated that he would like to exnress for the ~oard their thanks to those who worked on the election board. General Manager Priday stated that Mr. Fred Callo and Yrs. Eve!vn Gallo called 75 people (re: election) and he felt they should be commended; also the taxi service which was offered free, and the committee of the "get out the vote". Director Wakeman stated that he would like to apologize in one way to the oeoo!e ............ that we can say what we want but in the end we do have to have some place to out this effluent. It all stems down to the point that we do need the bond issue to purchase this land for $1,600.00 an acre instead of $6,000.00 an acre and if there is anyone t,.. .n come forth with this answer - we would like to hear it. How can you overcome the opposition of one man to accomnlish this. ~rs. Richard Codman stated that she is not within the Sewer District but that she would like to mention that Mr. Brandi's naoer gave ~ribute to both sides and that she feels Mr. Brandi has not shown favoritism. Mr. Chapman Wentworth, Manager of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune, stated to Mrs. Codman that every letter that came in against and for the bond issue was oublished; the oaoer welcomes the oublic to soeak to the oress and on the humorous side, Mr. Wentworth stated that he was of the understandine that a nrivate graveyard was set aside for the newspaper bare. REGULAR MEETING SEPTEYBER 20, ]96? Mr. Frank C. Souza stated that these directors are trvln? to solve a ~roblem and he would like to see these ~eoole come to the district and take a field trio which was taken by many last Thursday, Seotember 13, and see for themselves ~ust what the district is faced with. Also, Mr. Souza stated that Director Stewart was not for hav~n~ the bond issue on 9/18/62, until he returned from this field tri~ and then he chanfed his mind and understood the ~roblem and wanted to have it on record that he is definitely for the bond ~ssue. We face disaster again this s~ring and the oeoole that are makin? comments do not realize these orobtems and he stated that he would like to have these same oeco].e that are making these comments take a field trio to see what the directors are real!v faced with. That is why the directors are stubborn as so many have out it this eve[ne, Mr. Souza stated. Mr. C. Gibson stated that he tried to have a word ear].ier this evenine durln~ the time that Mr. Anderson was talking. Mr. Gibson stated that he would like the entire communitV to realize we had ~ood directors before and that three of the directors out of the five were elected and I think it is entlrelv improper that they be called stubborn after they ~oined the board. "I know Mr. Fesler only am a hard competitor", Mr. ~[bson stated, and "I do not believe that~he or Tommy Stewart were hood-winked", Mr. Gibson stated, and "I would see Mr. Anderson on the street and he was conductinq a tirade and I could not get a word in edgewise - he wasn't gettinK oDin[ohS, he was conducting a tirade against the district". Mr. William Johnson stated that "I have come to the conclusion that ~eoDle do not rule with their minds, but with their hearts". Mr. Johnson also stated that he is in full a~reement with Mr. Frank Souza regarding his report on the roads, and asked the ~eonle where they were when all this was going on - no one was here to ~ush our supervisor at that time; we do have a ~roblem, Mr. Johnson stated, because he stated that he knew of this oroblem as he is one of the heirs to the land where this effluent is Dumped. Mr. Johnson also stated that he has received man~, calls as to what is the District going to do now; he also stated that he does not feel another Bond Issue Election w~l] DeSK but that he feels the issue of forest government land can be forced and he ~ro~osed that the sewer d~strict board have a ~etit[on statine that they want this land for a minimum fee and that this same ~et[t[on will be ta~em to the nec~!e of the Valley and when Coneressman Johnson comes to the Lake Valley Area we w[l! ~resent this petition to him and tell him that th~s is what we have to have and that w~ need it now. Mr. S. Meyers stated that he was in a~reement w~th Yr. William Johnson's ~tatement. Yr. ~eorge KasD[an stated that the board should let the land o~tlon a?reememt b~ re- leased and that they should Ko to the Corgressman an~ work with h~m. Mrs. Manuela LoDez asked if the airport and ?olf course would acce~t this effluent and ~t was exola[ned to Mrs. Looez that if this were to hamnen, the District would have to build a force main and ~ut the olde throuehout the areas. Wrs. I, on~z stated to the Board that Mr. Wordell stated that we could eot ~overnm~nt aide to ~um~ this effluent to these areas. Mr. Harlan Mover stated that land d[snosal is an interim measure; our nroblem is obtaining land; we must have it; also, if there is anyway that anvoDe can ?et free land, we ask them to please nroceed and obtain it for us. However, Mr. }{ar]an Mover stated, that when we soeak of land, we s~eak of it sDeclficallv and not eemeral]v, as all land is not useable for the district's ~ur~oses. Chairman Pro Tom Clarke stated that the directors have tried to ?et tb~s bond issue over and to obtain the man~ necessarv items that are actually needed; the ho].dJn~ nond is Eo[nK to be full before the winter ~s over; there w~ll be overflows; what ha~Dened last s~r[n~ is only a little ~roblem of what the dJstrJct will be faced wftb t~[m next sDr[.m~. D~rector Fesler stated that ~r. Clarke did an excellent qob as Chairman Pro Tom all Directors aereed with hJm. ADJOURNMENT: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 9:35 P.W. to Monday Even[r~?, September 74, ]9~2, 7:00 DONA H TE SOUTH T~TOE ~UBI,IC UTILITY DISTRICT ADJOURNED RECULAP MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIPECTOPS OF THE SOUTH Th}fOE PUBI,Ie UTILITY DISTRICT ---SEPT}}.'~BE? 2Lt,1962 Chairman Pro Tam Clarke called the adjourned reeu]ar meetine to order at 7:30 ~.~. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Clarke, Fesler and Stewart. Also mre~e~t were eeneral Manager Pridav, Clerk of Board ~allerv, Attorney Weidman, Harlan Mover, ~r. W. R. Entzmineer, Mr. J. Flvnn, ~r. Ban~sbure, Donald Richardson, Walt Little, Wentworth, ~rs. R. Codman, Bernice Ware, Norman Celio, Hazel Taylor. ABSENT:DIrECTOR WAKE~AN CANVASSINe TIlE VOTES: There were 13 absentee ballots ammli, ed for a~d 12 absentee ballots v voted in connection with said election. The Board canvassed sa~d absentee ballots and counted the same scraGs- ally, whereupon it was found that the result of the ballots cast b,, said absentee voters was7 votes for and 6 votes against the DroDosltion. The total number of votes cast in Precinct "A" was 1273; 3 hatlots were cancelled and 727 ballots unused. The number of votes ca~t at said mrec~nct in favor of the proposition was 808 and the number of votes cast a?ainst the nro~osition was 4a9. The total number of votes cast, includin~ absentee ballots, for and .against said Dronosition was as follows: For: 815; Aeainst ~55. Less than two-thirds of the votes cast at said election were in favor of the ~roDosition and incurrine a bonded indebtedness in the amount and for the murDoses set forth in the ~ro~osition submitted; said nronosition has not been accemted and aD,roved by the electors of said Distr~ct and bonds will not be issued to defray th~ costs of the improvements authorized by the ~romosition and to the amount stated therein. Director Fesler moved, seconded bv Director Stewart, unanlmouslv carried, that tYe RESOLUTION NO. 397 , which is A RESOLUTION CANVASSING RETURNS AND DECLAPINa T~E ~ESULT Or THE SPECIAL BOND ELECTION HELD IN SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ON m~ n ~,JES..AY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1962, FOP THE PURPOSE O~ SUB~ITTINa TO THE ELECTORS OF SAID DIST?ICT ~ PROPOSITION OF ~NCUPRINC A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, be a~nroved. L~ND OPTION AGREEMENT - GEORGE KASPIAN: ~r. J.Flvnn of the Forest Service asked the Board of Directors what their mlans are re~ard]ne the land ontlon a~reement w~th "r. Kas~ian. Thi~ land cf Wr. Kasmi~n's was to be exchanged with r~rest Service bond issue had ~assed. RECESS: 7:45 P.W. Chairman ProlTem Clarke called the meetin~ back to order at 7:55 Yr. J. Flvnn stated to the directors that they have land wbfch would be availabJe to the D[strlct at a nominal fee {n Sections 11 and 15, and that would be su[tabl~ for the District's use. Section 11 [s located east of Sect[on 10 (District now has Section and Sect[on 15 [s located South of Section ]1. Mr. Ceorge Kaspian stated that he would amDreciate the directors r~leas~n? t~im from Land O~ticn Agreement because the ~orest Service has come un w%th ]and that the D[str~ct might be able to use. Director Stewart moved that the Board of Directors do not notify ~r. neorze Kasoian of their intention to conduct another bond issue to Durchase his nro~ertv. Director Fesler seconded and the vote carried unanimously. Attorney J. Weldman stated that since the Board of Directors will not notify ~r. Kasn~an the Land O~tlcn AKreement will exoire. Director Fesler stated that he felt it should eo on record that the voters have turned down three bond issues which was to enable the District to obtain additional land. Now that we have the nossibtlitv of workin~ with the Forest Service and to investieate lands which were not available to us {n the oast, the reason for releaslne Wt. necrge Kasnlan at this date is reasonable. Director Stewart stated that he would second Director Fesler's statement and the vote carried unanimously. Mr. Harlan Mover asked Mr. J. Flynn what the restraictlon would be on the Forest Service Land in Section 11. Mr, Flvnn stated that the land could not be notlceablv disturbed. Mr. Flvnn also stated that the Forest Service would be more liberal with tb~ District reKarding the land within Section 15. ~r. J. Flvnn stated that the Forest Service would enter into a S~ecia] Us~ Permit w~th the District because they feel this is a hi~her ~ublic use than the other requests they have hand. Mr. J. Flvnn stated that the Forest Service had on file a letter from Ur. Flirt Brandl in which he stated that he was authorized to obtain land for the District and Chafrman Pro Tam Clarke stated that no action was taken at a meetln? by the Board of Directors and that Mr. Brandi's letter is not official action of the board. Mr. W. Friday will '2 ~ ?'~ADJOURNED PECULAR HEETINC, SEPTP,'BF~ pa ~o~o obtain a Soecial Use Permit Anol[cation and will be filed with the retest Service immediately. Director Fesler moved, seconded b~ Director Stewart, unanimously, cart{ed, that Sneclal Use Permit A~nllcation be filed immediately. ~Zr. J. Fl_rrm also requested of tho Directors to write a letter adv[sln? the Forest S~rvice that the D~strlct is no lon~er interested in the KasDian I,and. ~irector Stewart moved, seconded by Director Vesler, unanimously carried, that a letter be written to the Forest Service statin~ that the D[strlct is no loneer imterested in the land exchanpe. ADJOU~[MENT: 8:30 P.M. ACTING. PRESIDENT - DONALD CLARKE SOUT}{ TAHOE PUBLIO UTILITY DISTRICT N. R..~{ALLEPY, CLERK OF BOARD & EX-OFFICIO SEC. SOUTH TAMOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTBICT REaULAP MEETING OF THE BOARD O~ DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTII,ITY DIST~ICT October 2, ].962 The Board of Directors met in resular session at the Sewage Treatment P]a~t, October 1962, Acting President Clarke called the meet[ne to order at 9:~ P.~. ROLL CALL: Present were Act~n? President Clarke, Directors W. akeman, Stewart; eeneral ~ana~er Prlda~,, Clerk of Board ~aller~.~, Attorney J. We[dman Holtem, Mr. W. Johnson, ~r. W. Little, Mr. C. Bramd~, ~r. D. P[chsrdsor, Mrs. ~r]~m~ Thomas, ~r. ~. And~rson, ~r. J.S. ~am~n, ~r. John Bo~s~nore. ABSENT:D~recto~ reeler. ~!INUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewsrt, minutes of September ?0, 19~2, be a~roved as written. Director Stewart moved, seconded b,~ Director WaPeman, unanimously carr[e~,tFat th~ minutes of September 24, 1969, be a~mroved as written. PECOCNITION OF VISITORS: MANAGER'S REPOPT: General Manager Prldav read bis reoort which contained [nformatlon re?arding the Ws~er Poiiur~ion Control Board Hearin~ held Sentember 27, ]962, at the Tahoe Valley Fire Itouse; breakdown of merm[ts issued and inspections made. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried that the ?anaeer's Reoort be acceoted as nresented by General Yanaeer Pridav. General Manager Pridav stated that for the d~rectors information the total flow for Nevada for the month of Seotember was 7,238,000 and daily average flow for Nevada was ~allons. Total flow for the mlant - 31,368,000 and daily average flow was 1,Oag,DO© HOUSE N[JMBERING - EL DORADO CO?N~Y, DEPART~'ENT OF PLANNING: Genera]. Manager Pr~da,, read the letter from the E1 Dorado County, Demartment of Planmine, reeard[me house numherlne of the Tahoe area; also, Mr. Pridav stated that the Resolution adomted on the 3!st day of July, 1962, bv the Plannin~ Denartment and the man showin~ the ~enera]. ~lan of the building and oronertv numberinz was attached to this letter and ~assed to the Directors for their information. TAHOE REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION: General Manager PridaV read the meeting notice from the Tahoe Regional· Plannin~ Commission which is scheduled for October 10, lq~..,~ .~ the new Banquet Poem of Harvey's Wa~on Wheel Hotel, Statellne, Nevada at 3:30 P.M. REoOLUTIONo - CHANCES AND HODIFICATIONS: Director Stewart moved, seconded b~, Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 398, which is a RESOLUTION O? L~T~TIO.~' r" . ~ TO MAKE CH~,WCES A AND MODIFICATIONS - SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 1959-1, be adonted. (59-1-1911~76 083 02; Laterals=2) Director Stewart moved, seconded bv Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that PESOLUTIO~ NO. 399 , which is A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO MAKE CHANCES & MODIPICATIONS - S^NITAWY October /~CTI)IC nENERAL ~,L~.}[AqEP: eeneral ?(and?er ?r~da:~ recommended t~at "r. .7.~."al]er- x~ ~o~nter] as ?.ct[ne Femoral ~ana?er durJn? h~s absence. Director Wa]<eman moved, seconded by D{rector Stewart, unan{mous]v carried, t~t e~m~r~] ~anaser Pr[da~'s recemmendat[op he acce~ted. A~PLIC~NTS =Or {".,I?~r~CTO~-~tlI~n-e ~: ClerP of Board ~{aller,? stated that a]~ ..... d~m~ctors w{]l r~ce~ve con,es of the letters from a~n!~cants and read the Follow~n~ name~ that have a~ni :~d ~cr +~'~ vacanc,, on the beard: ~at YcCrea~ Everett ~.. Blauvelt, Pslnb V. ~ndePs~P~ Pod~ev }{. Sutton~ hal E. Pitt, Donald H. Kortes. CO~ ...... O~,DE~}CE: (1) From: Harold T. (B~zz) Johnson, ConFressmap; re: Pe~u~mt{n.~ {~fermat~on as to what the South Taboo Public Ut.~l[tv D{str{ct desires to do '[n r~solv~ne the nreb]em. DJrector Clarke ,~tated that we should keen Con~ressmm. Johnson {nformed and t~t we should tell him that what the District wants is free land. Attorney Weldman stated that Coneressman Johnson w~ll be {~ the area October O] ]o~o a~d that he will see ~f he can contact Hr. Johnson to see when he can meet w~th tho board off Directors to discuss the District nroblems. (2) From United States Department of ~griculture, ~orest Service, El Dorado Placerville, California, dated October 2, 1962; Letter reads as follows: "South Tahoe Public Utility District P.O. Box 825 Bijou, California nentlemen: RecentlV Forest Off,cars from the E1 Dorado National Forest attended your board meeting and were asked bv its members to discuss the nosltion of the Forest Service relative to furn[shine land to solve the effluent disposal ~roblem. From the board's deliberations it was the imnression that the Utilltv District was ~oine to immediately ask the Forest Service for a S~ecial Use Permit which would be considered as soon as the District was able to nroduce the necessary engineer[n?, flnanc[~l and construction nlans from which to draft such a hermit. To keen the record clear, ~erha~s I should restate the noints d{scussed and clar[f,r their meaning to you. 1. SeetJon 10 lands (the 220 acres in the nronosed STPUD exchanee) w~l! be available to STPUD in a similar manner as the nresent STP[ID ~ermlt de~endin~ unon your en~ineerin~ requirements - - on a charge has~s, (4% of the market value of the land) and for a llmJted t~me. L~r~th of term to be determined. The Forest Service still ~lans to eo ahead w~th aP exchanFe of this land for other nrJvate lands whereby the DistrJct can ow~ the !and and relieve you of Covernment restrictions. The hermit w~l! h~ issued with sti~ulations that will allow the novernment to mroc~d with an exchange. Standard nrocedure for all s~eclal uses such as the one you now hold is to ascertain the financial ability of the ann]icant to fulfill contract and construct the facilities designed and a~nroved. The Forest Service will need to know these facts nrior to ~ssuJn? a sDecial use permit. Some modification w~ll be allowed in the nerm[tted area such as: Very limited tree removal, selective construction of ~ercolat~o~ 'Fonds, located in such a manner as to cause mlnJmum damage to veeetation. Such Fonds will be constructed to cause the least disfiKuration and soil disturbance. Very truly yours, s/R.C.BANnS~EP~, ACTINC fOrEST SUPErVISOr" Ceneral Hans.ear PPIDAY STATED TI{AT Item !fl should re~d 200 acres ~nstead cf ~,~r. PrJda,, will contact the District Engineer re~ard{n~ the abov~ letter Cram }'r.P. C. ~a~sbmr~. . EnqineerinF data and desien has been submitted to the rorest Serv{¢e as they bare ron~est~4, Fr. ?rJdav stated. October h, ]~? Attorney Noltom stated that money necessary to finance the additional effluent fac_~]~ti~s can [e raised by form[me a S~ec[al ~ssessmemt District cov~r~m¢ +?,~ emt~ E[st_~c*, ~d the om1,? cost in addition to the costs already estimated would be th~ ~r~ar~t{o~ e.~ ~ Assessment Re.II. -~ Also, ~,fr. I!oltom stated that furds kava ~enera] Obligation Bet. ds El. actions have Director Stewart stated to the ~oard that he wi1! also contact !'~r. A. Thomas, Crocker Amelo Ban~, 7th reeard[n? the leas[ne of ]end on the Johnson Estate. To differentiate between the committee and the Board of D[r~ctors Attorney Weidm~n stated that tb~ hoard ta~es action on the committee recommen~at;on. The committee studies e.~d recommends to the Board of Directors flor 3) DIVISION 0r ttICNWAYS: From Mr. Alan S. Hart, Assistant State HiFhwav Em?[near. A Public hearin~ w[tl ~e held on Tuesday, October 23, 1962, 10:00 A.M., American Le~ion Hall at Tahoe Vallev to nresent the studies and hermit interested marries to d~scuss the reconstruction and relocation of U.S.Hi~hwav 50. Ail D~rectors were invited to attend this hearln~ and Ceneral Manager Pridav stated that we should be concerned with this hearin~ as we could run the effluent on the shoulders of the N~Shwavs and ~een their ad'scent highway shoulders ereen. PAYI4ENT OF CLAIFS: eeneral Mans?er Pridav recommended the checks in the amount of ~h,~0.98 be a~nroved for mavment. Director Wa~eman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, Hanazer Pr[day, be a~nroved for ma,~ent. ADJOUP, N~{ENT: N.R.MALLERY, C EPK OF BOARD & EX-OFfICIO SECRETA?Y SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTPICT SOUTH TAHOE Pr~BLIC UTILITY DT~TPIOT P. eml~r ~eetin,~ of the Board of of SOUTH TAtION PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBE? 18,, 2969 THE P, EeULAP ~'rEETINe OF THE BOA?D Or' DI,~ECTO~S VAS (*/~LI,ED TO O~DE~ ,~T °:r~e ?.'4. BY ACTING PRESIDENT CLAPKE. R©LL CAI,L: Present were Actine ~resid~nt Clarke, Directors 7es]er, S+~wart ar,~ WaYema~. Also ~resent were Actine Fanaeer Wallerv, Attorney J. Holtom and ~,*tcrt~, J. V~id~a~, En~neer Harlan ~-'over and [.es Shou~, Jobm ."ur~h,, - Taboo S~erra Tr~?u~ ~o~4 P~char4. sc~- Sacramento Bee, Yr. !4air I,[ttle - [,aPe Tahoe !?ews, Yr. P. A~derse~, '/r. S. Fevers, ~'r. V-. Johnson, Arlene Thomas, amd *fr. and Frs. Rudolph Falles. FINUTES: Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakemam, unanimous],? carried, that the mfnutes of October a, 1962, be an~roved as wr[tter. SPLIT Ao,:~oo.-:EN7,:: The fol.lowine resolutions were. adopted re~ardi, n? snlit assessments .... ~nr 1952-1 and 1956-1::= EC ~ ~ R oOLUFION ;,.fO. 403: A Resolution Direct.imF ~,~akine of Amended J. ssessment re Certafp Assessments under Resolution of Intention No. 47- Sanitary Sewerage Pro~ect ].o~,,.,_]. ~ESOI,UTION NO 404: A resolution Direct[n? ~.;ak~n~ of Amerded ~ .... ' Assessments Under Resolution of Intention PESOLUTIO?{ NO. 405: A Reso].ution Direct[n? ~{aPin~ of }mended ~ssessme~ r~ Cer*a{n Assessments under Resolution of Intention :lo. 72 - Sanitary Sewera?e Pro~'ect ]o~,~_]. Attorney Holtom stated that the District should charee an advance fee to comn]e%e the legal work ~nvolved covere~ by such resolutions a~ the above. Director ¥!a~eman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carr{e~, that the above 9esolutions (403 throusb 405) be adonted. FECULAR ..... October ]9, !qe2 (cont.) Director Fesler moved, seconded Nv Director Wakeman, unanimously c~rr{ed, that No. 406 be adopted. GRANT OF PENMISSION - HR. RUDOLPH MALIES: Discussion was held reeardine ~r. Pu~clnh Hallos Dronertv located on lots 6 and 7, block 23 in Bi4ou Park Addition. A ~tructure was constructed over the sewer line and an a~reement was ~re~ared for Fr. and Mrs. Walles si?nature which states that Rudolph F. Malies and Barbara Malies a~ree to nay to the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT any additional installation and/or maintenance costs of sewer collection lines now or hereafter located in said easement which are caused by construction of any residential structures over said easement. This aKreement shall inure to the benefit of and be bindine u~on the he{rs, executors, administrators, successors and assiens of each of the oarties hereto. Mr. N.R.Mallerv stated that he talked to Mr. Malies reeardinF the relocation of the ].[ne if it becomes necessary and that Mr. Hallos does realize the financial status that would be involved should this line be relocated, and divert this ]{ne around the bui!din~. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that · P~SIDENT RESOLUTION NO. 402, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO EXECUTE AN AOPEEYENT DEFINING AND MAINTENANCE OF SEWER LINES. ATTORNEY Weidman will oreoare an ordinance reeardine similar s{tuatlonm ("alias) fc.r future use and will submit same to the Board of Directors for their BLUEJAY MOTEL: The matter of the Blue'ay Mote]. was discussed wblcb was r~=ardin~ cermet+in= two houses to the line servicin~ the Blue~av Uote. It was decided that th~ B~u~a,,~ Uo+e! had the right to make the connection in accordance with,.~,,c"c. 5.~. of OPP. No. on. . SEWER RELIEF CONNECTION: Actine Manaeer Mallory read a letter received from a Thomas Bankhead re~uestin~ that he be relieved of ccnnectin~ a cabin which is located on the back of his lot. This cabin has its own so,tlc tank and leach line. Yr. Bankhead also mentioned in hfs letter that the connection, at this time, would cause considerable expense and undue hardship. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carr{e~, that !.(r. Thomas Bankhead be ~ranted his request. Director Wakeman su~ested that Actin~ PreSident Clarke anno[nt a Committee to work all future sewer relief connections and Actinff President Clarke anoointed the followin~ to this committee: DIRECTOR WAKEMAN DIPECTO~ rESLEP SEPTIC TANK DUMPS: ~r. ~aloh Andersen stated that he had conversed w~th Honey-Dumpers re~ardine their septic tank dumos and mentioned that Wavers dce~ not wa~t to accent the septic tank dumos and that he felt it was m~ite unfair that this should have to be taken to Nevada· It was mentioned to Mr. Ralph Andersen that the Honey-Dumpers are a!]owe~ to ~um~ at th~ ~lant./SEE ~ANAGER'S REPORT OF 9/6/62 AND PU~LtS.~u IN LOCAL NEWSPAPER 9/7/6~3. ASPEN GROVE SEWER LINE: The Ashen Grove Collection Line was bre{f]~ dlscusse~ and Attorney J. Holtom wii1 procare the necessary legal ~aoer~ for the d~rectors to a~rove reeardinff acceotance of this system. These oa~ers wi].], be ava{lab!e at tee next renu!ar meetinK. SPECIAL MEETING - APPLICATIONS FOR D!PECTOPS: Anolication= for the vacant,, which now exists on the Board of Directors are still bein.e received and will continue se until November 8, 1962, 8:00 p.~x... , when a snecial meetin~ wili be held to interview all anD!icants. SPECIAL USE PERMIT - FORESTRY SERVICE: Dfrector Stewart, Chairman of the Lan~ Comm.~ttee, stated that no word has been received from the U. S. Forest Service re=ardlne the SPECIBL USE PEP~.!IT. Harlan Mover, Engineer, stated that he was requested to attend a meetin~ on the ?ath of October at the Meyers RanFer Stat{on with the Forestry Service, reeardlne the orooosed SPECIAL USE PERXIT. REGULA? !{EETINC OCTOBEr. 18, 1962 (cont.) PAY}fE.UT OF CLAI~/S: Director... ,7~,akeman moved, seconded by D.[rector Feeler, unanlmouslv carried, that tR~' checks and warrants in the amount of $19,000.16 b~ annroved for DavmeI] t. 10:00 ACTI[C ~ ...... 'IDEJT, DOi~L} L. CLARKE SOUTH T~HOE PUBLIC {ITILIT¥ DISTPICT N.R.FALLEPY, CLERK OF BOA?D SOUTIi TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REC-,ULAP MEETING OF THE BOAPD OF DIRECTOPS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTPlCT NOVEMBER,, , 1 ~, .19,6,2, The board of directors met in regular session November 1, 1962, at the Sewage Treatment Plant and Acting President Clarke called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: ~resent were acting President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Stewart and Feeler; General Manager Priday, Clerk of B-oard Mallery, mng~neer narlan zoyer, Attorney J. Weldman, Attorney J. Holtom, John Murphy - ~ahoe Tribune, Walt Little - Lake Tahoe News, William Johnson, Henry Butler, J.T. Taylor. MINUTES: Minutes of October 18, 1962, were amended to include the following statement: Mr. William V.D. Johnson objected to the Special Meeting of the Board of Directors scheduled for November 8, 1962, for interviewing appointees to the Board to fill the vacancy which now exists. He felt the directors should not call a special meeting for this and mentioned that same could be handled at a regular meeting. He did not see why the Taxpayer's should have to pay $375.00 for this special meeting. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Feeler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of October 18, 1962 be approved as amended. Note: Also, please note the change in the minutes of October 18, 1962, regarding the honey dumpers. HONEY DUMPERS: Mr. Frazier and Mr. Scofield were notified regarding the septic tank dumps as well as the honey dumpers. Mr. Frazier came to the office and asked what could be done re septic dumps. General Manager Priday stated that he mentioned to Mr. Franzier that the plant is handling the septic dumps but that he did not want them to use this if they could find another w~y ~_~_½~..~p. r&.~oay s~ated also that we have no pro6f the honey dumpers are dumpin~r~~~O~u%lP~lt that because of the compacted amounts coming through the sludge felt that they were dumping..~~Y~. in the collection system. MANAGER'S REpp~T: General Manager Priday read his report which is as follows: "Treatment Plant: A painting program is well under way to refurbish and orotect all surfaces' e~Po~'ed %o the elements. Both sewer line maintenance and plant maintenance personnel are working on this project. Protective shelters have been installed on all outside meters and pumps except the large effluent pumps and no. 3 water pumps. This will have to be done before inclement weather arrives. The brick facing is falling away from No. 2 digester and as of this date we have been unsuccessful in determining responsibility for failure. I propose to the board that Attorney Weidman take whatever course of action is proper to ascertain liability and pursue the case to the end. The repair will cost the District a considerable amount of money if we have to accept responsibility. We have received a calculation of sewage flows from Creegan and D'Angelo, engineers for Douglas County Improvement District, indicating that Nevada's contribution has been 25.5% of plants total flow. This means a reduction of $41,000.00 on the revenue side of thls years budget. Our budget was based on Nevada contributing 40% of total flow. The aforementioned calculations have not yet been reviewed by Mr. Harlan Moyer. Among many corrections and rebuild items made by Mr. Taylor, Supt. of Operations, was one installation worthy of mention due to its immediate savings. An automatic chlorine control was installed the latter part of September at a cost of approximately $450.00. A saving of 42.9% on chlorine use for the month of October was equal to $110.56. We can assume that the device will be paid for in approximately four (4) months PgGULAR MEETING November 1, 1962 with continued savings in the future. SPRAY DISPOSAL: Holding pond remains with approximately three (3) feet of effluent. Spray disposal is only being accomplished during the daylight hours due to icing conditions at night." Acting President Clarke asked Attorney Weidman to follow through with General Manager Priday's request as stated in Paragraph two of Manager's Report. Also, the ratio of 25.5% was arrived at by averaging the actual flow for the months of June, July, August and September. (fourth paragraph of Manager's report) DOUGLAS COUNTY IMPROVEMENT p.!.STRIC~ N~O. 1: The check in the amount of $32,636.02 was received by the District from the Douglas County Improvement District No. 1. (This was a quarterly payment due from Nevada.) General Manager Priday stated that he hopes the amount of money coming in for permits and the annexation will make up the difference in the $41,000.00 reduction. (Mentioned in paragraph four of Manager's report) General Manager Priday also stated that the holding pond is no higher than four feet and no lower than three feet. Acting President Clarke stated that Mr. William Taylor should be commended for his work as mentioned in paragraph five of the Manager's Report. Mr. Ralph Andersen asked what the California side gallonage is since the Nevada side was reduced so much. Mr. Priday stated that it was approximately 500,000 gallons. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted. ASPEN GROVE SEWER LINE: Engineer Harlan Moyer stated that all papers were ready for approval by' the Board; however, Mr. Moyer recommended that these papers should not be acted on tonight because all charges involved are not pald. The district is obligated to Clair A. Hill & Associates for inspection of the sewer system and the money has not been delivered from the subdivider to the District. Acting President Clarke stated that action will be deferred on the resolutions regarding the Aspen Grove Sewer Line until all necessary funds are received. Clerk of Board Mallery stated that the subdivider was notified by letter October 17, 1962, that we requested the money from them, out we have not heard from them. President Clarke asked Clerk of Board Mallery to write another letter to the subdivider and state the action that was taken at this meeting regarding Aspen Grove Sewer Line. General Manager Priday stated that he felt if one would want to connect to the Aspen Grove Sewer System in case of an emergency, they should be permitted to do so. The line is inspected and we know it is alright, but we must follow procedure and obtain our funds before we accept this line, General Manager Priday stated. RESOLUTIONS: The following resolutions were adopted: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 407 = A Resolution Ordering Changes and Modifications = Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1960-4 RESOLUTION NO. 408 - A Res61ution Directing Making of Amended Assessment Re Certain Assessment Under Resolution of Intention No. 146, as amended; Sanitary Sewerage Project 1959-1. RESOLUTION NO. 409 = A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment Re Certain Assessment Under Resolution of Intention No. 146 as Amended; Sanitary Sewerage Project 1959-1 Attorney Holtom stated that when people come into the District and request changes they should be notified that there will be a fee connected with the change and the Title Companies should also be notified. (There will be a $25.00 charge for each parcel - Owner will be charged.) Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the above Resolutions be adopted. P£GULAR MEETING November 1, 1962 ORDINANCE: RE EASEMENTS, RIGHT-O~'-WAYS, ETC.: Attorney J. Weidman stated that because the Ord'i'~ance' ~ h~s' prePa~e~' might' ef~'~me of our e~isting easements, he recommends that the Land Committe Chairman and the Committee study the Ordinance before action is taken. (Turned over to the Land Committee Chairman = Director Stewart) CORRESPONDENCE: Clerk of Board Mallery stated to the Board that another letter for a possible appointee to the vacancy on the board was received from Mr. Gil Koehler, Sr. Discussion was held as to how to interview the appointee to the board. Attorney Weidman stated that he will check re the "Brown ACT"; also, Attorney Weidman stated this meeting can De ne±~ provm~lng a ~eClSlOn is not ma~e; ]us% Yo ooraln ~nrorma~on. Acting President Clarke stated that every effort should be made to obtain as many interested people as possible and the papers should also state that we are still interested in an appointee for the board and will continue to receive requests for an - appointee through November 8, 1962, 8:00 P.M. EXPIRATION DATE ON PERMITS: When a permit is obtained, the owner or the contractor is ~o'ti'f'i~d' at the time ('or one that takes the permit out) that the permit is valid for only 60 days and in the event that weather does not permit the person to connect or for some reason they cannot complete their connection with the 60 days, an extension is given. Gemeral Manager Priday stated that we have extended some permits up to four (4) months. (However, the owner must notify the district prior to the expiration date on the permit for an extension.) LAND COMMITTEE: Chairman Stewart stated that the land committee met on October 2, 1962, to plan '~nd"0ut'line an approach to the problem the district now has; - - October 30, 1962, the Land Committee met with Mr.~ ~ram.~rpp~unian regarding his land for disposal and the outcome was that he would allow our Engineer to inspect this land for effluent use. Mr. Allen Thom.~.s was contacted regarding the Johnson Estate and a letter received 10/25/62 stated that further use of the Johnson Land is not recommended and they do not wish to rent same for effluent disposal. Elwood Johnson stated that he does not have land that would be suitable for effluent dispos~'l'.' ~ u~z,ecsoz, ~rewarT ~dTe~ [~dT for YUD£1C me±a~lons he recommends that the Dress release all information to the people regarding the land disposal problem and wha% has been done.' Director Wakeman stated that Chairman Stewart should be complimented on the great amount of work put forth re the land disposal problem and that he should continue working on this problem. Director Stewart stated that the members of the land committee have been very helpful and have also been a very congenial group. FORESTRY SERVICE MEETING - OCTOBER 24, 1962: Mr. Harlan Moyer stated that he attended the m'eet~g w'ith the' Fore~r~ se~v~ce' a~d a~s~in attendance were Mr. W. Johnson, Mr. Ralph Andersen, Mr. C. Wentworth. The purpose of the meeting was for the Forestry Service to obtain actual information from the District as to their intent for the use of the Forest Service property; what the changes to the property would be; what trees would be removed, grading, earth moving, etc., The forestry Si~vice had all of their questions answered, Mr. Moyer stated, and at the District's suggestion, the Forestry Service will agree to submit a draft form of the proposed use permit under which they ~ould be willing to let the District use the land. This is expected in approximately 30 days and it will contain all provisions and mest~i~ons that the Forestry Service want on that property and the amount of rent the Forestry Service will charge for the mroperty. Mr. Moyer stated that it was his feeling that the D~strict would be able t~ do what they must do with the Forestry Service Property. Mr. R. Andersen and Mr. W. Johnson stated that they felt the Forestry Service would be favorable in their recommendation. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: General Manager Priday recommended the payment of claims in the amount of '$'7,'0"~'0'.'45. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the checks and warrants in the amount of $7,020.45 be paid Acting President Clarke stated that all letters received from ones interested as an appointee to the Board of Directors should be notified by letter of the date and time for the interview. Clerk of Board Mallery stated this will be taken care of for all future letters - all others prior to this date have been so notified. ADJOURNMENT: 9:30 P M ACTING PRESIDENT DONALD CLARKE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N.R. MALLERY, CLERK OF BD'. %" EX'2OFF. SECRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTN TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER. !.5.,....1.9..6.2 The Board of Directors met in regular session November 15, 1962, at the Sewage Treatment Plant and Acting President Clarke called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Clarke, Wakeman, and Fesler. Also present were Engineer Harlan Moyer, Attorney J. Weidman, General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, V.U.do~msOn, mr. dnu m~'s. d. n. l'ay~or, bes Shoupe, Don Ko~,~es, ~es S~oupe, Ralph Anae~,se~, Gil Koehler, Sr., Ed Hegarty, ABSENT: Attorney J. Hoi~om and Director Stewart. INTERVIEW OF POSSIBLE APPOINTEE ........... TO THE BOARD OF ..DIRECTORS: ......... Mr. Gil Koehler, Sr., and Mr. E. H~gar~t~ wer~''int~rviewed by the Directors for the vacancy which now exists on the Board. MINUTES OF NO.V~M~E~ 1~,. 19¢2: Director Fesler stated that he would like the minutes to reflect that the Directors are aware of the erroneous figure which Mr. W. Johnson quoted as being $375.00 for a special meeting which was called for November 8, 1962. Director Fesler also stated that on November 8, 1962, he attended a meeting with Director Stewart during the afternoon and they did not request or put in for the evening meeting of November 8, 1962. ,.- Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes · of November 1, 1962, be approved as corrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Prida¥ read his report and Director Wakeman moved, seconded by D'i'~ctor Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. General Manager Priday's report reads as follows: ?MANAGER'S REPORT November 15,1962 TREATMENT PLANT: All outside painting is complete. Protective covers have been installed over all outside pumps except the large effluent pumps and No. 3 water pumps. The later installation is being considered as a concrete block building to harmonize with adjacent structure. We have been trying for some months to get a prefabricated metal building but recent information has eliminated this idea. Representatives from Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Company have recently completed the testing, calibrating and operation of all controls, meters and alarms at the Treatment Plant and Pumping Stations. This service is vital for the operation of this plant, it assures us that all intricate devices are working properly and meter readings so essential to the proper application of our contract with Nevada are correct. It is the first time since the plant opened that such a complete service has been done. Henceforth, it is our intent to have a p~riodic check every four (4) months. These will be of a much lesser degree. SPRAY DISPOSAL: The holding pond has 12'=6" freeboard, but the disposal area is slowly becomming saturated so the spraying has to be changed more often each succeeding day. NEW FACILITIES:+ After long discussions with Mr. Moyer, our consulting engineer, and Mr. Archie Rice of CH2M, it was decided to continue the work on the Pit-Con Process to the point of possible installation, should the directors so desire. The program will be to bring up to date all detailed information including analysis from State Agencies, plans and specifica- tions from Clair A. Hill and Associates so no time will be lost. We are confident that we are closer to a final solution and the foregoing program is necessary in order to arrive at a cost figure. The cost of engineering is included in the present budget." Director Fesler will work with Esgineer Harlan Moyer regarding possibilities of obtaining funds for land. RESOLUTIONS: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the following resolutions be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 410 : A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING AMENDED ASSESSMENT SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT 52-1 RESOLUTION NO. 411: A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING AMENDED ASSESSMENT SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT 52-1 RESOLUTION NO. 412: A P£SOLUTION CONFIRMING AMENDED AoSESoMENT SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 56-1 RELEASE OF CLAIM - LAGRANGE 1960-3: Discussion was held regarding the release of John Lagrange Claim and Attorney J. Weidman stated that this will come before the Board the first meeting of December for action. AUDIT REPORT: ~r. H. Duce and Mr. J. Ehlmett presented the audit report to the board of directors for their study and stated that they will appear at the first meeting in December REGULAR MEETING November 15, 1962 for any questions the directors have regarding the audit. Mr. J. Ehlmett also mentioned that Lake Tahoe has the lowest tax rate in the county for a Public Utility District. · MEETING QUARTERS: Director Fesler stated that he felt the room which the Directors now use for their meetings is not adequate ~nd suggestions were made as to renting other quarters or having a public address system. General Manager Priday will check into all possibilities. PLANNING COMMITTEE - CIVIL DEFENSE: Director Fesler stated that he met with Mr. E. Fischer, Fire Chief, and later with ~General Manager Priday, Mr. Taylor and Mr. Burning of Sierra Pacific Power Company, regarding the Plant Facilities in case of a Civil Defense emergency. Director Fesler stated that we, at the plant, are not in 'good shape'. The Plant can take care of raw sewage up to twelve hours, director Fesler stated, and after 12 hours there will be raw sewage coming through the plant and going out. Further consideration will be given to this and more study, Director Fesler stated. Acting President Clarke stated that we have been partially, informed of Director Stewart's condition and we are certainly hopeful of a speedy recovery. Director Stewart was in an automobile accident and Seriously injured. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried that the checks in the amount of $16,039.96 be approved for payment. ACTING !PRESIDENT DONALD L.' CLARKE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N"." "R. MAL~.E-R-Y, CLE'Rk' OF BD. & k~ 0FF'IC'I0' 'SkC'RETi~'y' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT December 6, 1962 Director Wakeman called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. Followin~ the salute to the fIag, Director Fesler moved, seconded bv Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that Director Wakeman be appointed as Chairman Pro Tem for the meetin~ of December 6, 1962. ROLL CALL: Directors Fesler, Wakeman and Stewart were nresent. AI8c, General Manager Pridav, Clerk of Board Mallory, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney J. Holtom, ?r. Harlan Wover - Engineer, Mr. L. Shoupe, J.g. Rankin, J. B~nsignore, Mr. Taylor, Walter Nixdorf - Pin Van Winkle Motel, Mr. John Murphy - Tahoe Sierra Tribune, Donald Rihhardson-kSacramento Bee, Mr. Walt Little - Lake Tahoe News, Mr. Raloh Andersen. ~ENT: Director Donald Clarke. ~4INUTES: Director Fesler moved that the minutes of November 21, 1962, be anoroved ss corrected. AUDIT REPORT: Clerk of Board Mallory stated that the accountants (IRVINE & DUCE) will be oresent at the next regular meeting to answer any ~uestions the Directors wi]] have re- garding the Audit. MANAGER'S REPORT: Ceneral Manager Pridav's reoort is as follows: "PLANT 2PERATIONS" = A control mechanism has been installed on the barmi~utor wherein cutter will operate automatically by head oressure against the screen when debris accumulates and builds up a head of influent. The device will extend the ][f~ of the cutter blades by 100% and cut the cower use by more than 50%. The control was orig~mallv used in the Pit-Con Pilot Plant, so the only exoense for this ~nstallation wes for a few fittings and tub'ine. This is another chase in our attemot to cut ooeratiom costs. The Movno Sludge Pumps are now receiving their first maintenance in twenty-one (?1) months of operation. One is disassembled and found to have considerable wear. Bearinqs and pins to be replaced and large screw-drive to be re-chromed. This preventive- maintenance program by Mr. Taylor, Supt. of Ooerations, again oroves most imDortant by correcting a condition before a ma~or breakdown. Sewage flows for November were 27,193,000 gallons or a daily average of 905,466 gallons. DECEMBER 6, 1962 REGULAR MEETINa Or THE BOARD DIPECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTPICT Mr, Miller is still maintaining a freeboard of 11'6" in the hold[n~ pond. SERVICE CHARGES: The District is encountering considerable difficulty in col]ectin? service charges from individuals building for resale. The office has no means of determin[ne if, when, and to whom such a sale is made. We have many instances where accounts become delinquent when an owner-builder connects to the sewer and mieht take as much as a year to complete the building; however, after the olumbine is hooked to the sewer, which is in the earlv stages of construction, it is conceivable that the lines could be used. I would like to propose to the Board that consideration be given that legislation be enacted where a one year's service charge be collected at the time a permit be taken out for sewer service. This would guarantee payment until the new owner is' identified and out on the billing roll. The idea would also have a tendency to ma~e owner-builder or owner hay[ne a building built realize that the final sewer hook-up could be made at time of bu[!din~ completion. The ormit could be so wmitten." Discussion was held regarding the delinquent accounts which now exist with the District and it was decided that Attorney Weidman will draft an Ordinance and ~resent to the Board of Directors for their study as proposed bv General Wanager Pridav in ~araera~h six of h~s report. Director Wakeman accepted General Manafer Pridav's report. SEWER RELIEF MR. WALTER NIXDORF, RIP VAN WINKLE MOT~L~ RESTAURANT, BEAUTY SHOP, BARBER SHOP AND MOTEL UNITS: Mr. Walter-Nixdorf requested of the Board to relieve him of having to connect all of the above to the sewer line except the restaurant. He stated that bis seotlc tank for all other buildings'are very satisfactory. Director Fesler moved, seconded bv Director Stewart that Mr. Nixdorf be eranted h~s request. The vote was two ~ and one ~. ~.~r. Nixdorf was not Eranted his request. General Manager Pridav stated that he would suggest to ~r. Walter Nixdorf to obtain a letter from the County Health Department reEarding his problem and along with a written report from Mr. Nixdorf again appear before the board regarding his request. COYMITTEE REPORT: Director Fesler read the report which the committee studie~ regarding connections to the sewer; provisions of Ordinance No. 24, etc. - The report reads as follows: "Ordinance 24 regulates the use of an~ connection to the District sewers. The Ordinance was adopted shortly after the formation of the District and has been in effect for many years. Recently the Board of Directors have received numerous reeuests for relief from certain provisions of this ordinance, specifically those provisions recuir[ng the connection of buildings on a parcel to the public sewer. Many of the requests have been granted and the Board is faced with the prosDect of continuing requests. If, therefore, seems best to adohr a oolicv relating to the relief of connections. This committee has studied the problem and after review of the aop].ication provisions wi].] recommend certain action bv the board. The provisions of Ordinance 24 relating to connections are the following: 1. ~ection 3.5 Sewer Required: This section requires that any buildine located the District connect to th~'~blic sew~ provided that the sewer is within ~00 feet of the building. The connection is to be made at the owner's expense within 90 days after date of official notice to do so. 2. Section 5.8 ~parate Sewers: This section requires that every buildine must be separately connected by individual laterals to the sewer. An exception to this require- ment is that when one or more buildings are located on property belonging to one owner such multiple buildings may be connected through the same lateral or side sewer. This excention is valid only as long as the property remains under one ownership and seoaratlon of the property requires that the buildings be reconnected by individual laterals. The above sections are the two which concern the board as these are where oractica!lv all requests for relief occur. The general case for relief as encountered to date ~oncerns the individual who wishes to connect to the public sewer but has two or more separate buildinqs on the proDertv. For example, an individual wishes to connect the residence which is used continually and not connect a cabin which is used only ~ntermittentlv. The reason given for not connecting the cabin is that the private disposal system is adequate to handle the wastes and considerable expense would be involved to ~xtend a sewer throufh the nropertv to reach the cabin. At first glance this appears to be a perfectly valid reason and m~v ~n~ deed warrant special consideration by the board. However, two important factors are i~nored which can place the matter in an entirely different light. First, is the matter of the ordinance as written. ~v the requirements for all buildings to be connected? This might best be answered bv those individuals who oreoared and adopted the Ordinance some 10 years ago. 0bviouslv the reasoning behind such restrictions DECEMBER 6, 1962 REaUI..AR I~[EETI~IQ OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTOPS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY P'ISTPICT is that the public good, the health of the community, demends on adeouate, safe measures of sewage disposal. This requires a public sewer system and the elimination of orivate sewage disposal, septic tanks and privvs, wherever nossible. Reeardless of the individuals satisfaction as to the worthiness and success of his ~ndividual system, the ever nresent danger of failure is present along with the attendant health hazard to the individual family and the community. ' Second the question of cost, or more Dronerlv economics, is neglected. The first cost of installing a sewer to serve the second house may seem apnreciable noW. However, this cost can onlv increase in the future. Added construction costs due to increased material a~ labor costs and also due to possible increases in ohvsical requirements, such as !andscan- ink and additional buildings, can all add to make the cost higher in the future and one thing is certain, the buildinK in question will eventually be connected to the nubl[c system. In conclusion, it is obvious the ordinance requirements were established for the benef! 6enefit of the community. As in any general requirement there are cases where the individual will object. However, the connection ordinance whould be maintained and enforced as it now exists to nrovide for the community welfare. Therefore, the committee recommends that the Board adopt a nolicv of ne waivers to the ordinance r~quirements except for special circumstances. These exceptions are not considered to include those based on claims of satisfactory private disposal svstems or individual cost consideration. One future note of interest is that Ordinance 24, Article VII, Sec.7.2 (~) specifically nrohibltis the disposal of sentic tank sludge into any public sewer. The intent of this provision is presently not enforced by the District. The committee further recommends that the District continue to work with the County Health Dent. to eliminate the oresent practice of septic tank sludge disposal into the treatment plant. It is further recommended that continued encouragement be given to residents of the area to connect to and utilize the public sewer to reduce the necessity for disposal of septic tank sludge." Director Stewart moved that the Committee Report above be accepted with the exception of the last two paragraphs of this report which are me~ardinK another matter. Director resler seconded and vote carried unanimously. Attorney Holtom recommended that the following be adopted: 1. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION, SANITARY SEWERAGE FACILITIES vOR ASPE!? ePOVE ESTATES SUBDIVISION, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 413: A RESOLUTION ACCEPTI~[G SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTE!~ FO~ ASPEN ~ROVE ESTATES SUBDIVISION. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTPICT Director Etewart moved, seconded bV Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that ~he Certificate of Completion and Resolution No. 413 re Asoen Grove Estates be apnroved. Attornev Holtom also recommended that the following resolutions be adooted: 1.RESOLUTION NO. 414: A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment, Sanitary Sewerage Pro~ect 1959-1 2.RESOLUTION NO. 415: A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment, Sanitary Sewerage Pro~ect 1959-1 Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimouslv carried that Resolutions No. 414 and 415 be adopted. Discussion was held regarding the Aspen Grove Sewer System and General Manager Pri~av asked Attornev Holtom if lines which were adjacent to this subdivision would be the resnonsibil~tv of the District also. Attorney Holtom stated that we do not accept the responsibility for any lines outside of the subdivision. REAEASE OF JOHN LAGPANGE CLAIY: Attorney Weidman stated that he had verified with Johms- Mansville regarding the John Lagrange claim and stated that Johns-Yansville will leave the District forever free, unon the receint of $23,309.37, and the District will retain $1,522.12 for the Daring (done by the District) and $1,457,89 will go to the John La,range trust fund. CRESCENT "V" SUBDIVISION: Clerk of Board ;~allerv oresented a rough draft letter to the Directors for their approval which will be sent to Hoseit and Luther, Attorney's for the Crescent "V" Subdivision. General Manager Pridav stated that these people have asked for annexation but they have not gone through the necessary procedures for annexation and this is the reason for the letter being sent to their Attorney's. Attorney Holtom stated that when these individuals for the Crescent "V" Subdivision sign the necessary Debars, the District can then acceot the lines and annex this orooertv. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the Manager be authorized to mail the letter, as read, to Hosiet & Luther, Attorney's for Crescent "V" subdivision, DECEMBER 6, 1.962 REGULAR MEETINe OF TtIE BOARD OF DIPECTOI~S OF THE SOUTH TAHOE 'PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT General Manager Pridav also stated that the check which was received by the District was not sent bv the individual's requesting annexation, nor is the person the owner of t~e ~ro~ertv. EASEMENT: General Manager Pridav recommended that an easement which goes across the golf course should be cleared up and requested the board anorove the check in the amount of $100.00 to Stella Van Dyke Johnson Deceased to settle and clear this easement for 1959-1. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried that the chec~ for $100.00 to Stella Van Dyke Johnson Deceased (ESTATE) be approved for payment. RECESS: 9:30 P.M. MEETING CALLED BACK TO ORDER AT 9:35 P.M. Attornev Weidman recommended the followinK Resolution be adooted: RESOLUTION NO, 416: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIPECTORS Or TttE SOUTH T~HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REOUESTING INCLUSION OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTPICT IN THE EL DORADO COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE OPERATIONS ~ASTER PLAN. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carrieS, PESOLUTION NO. be aonroved. Attorney Weidman briefly explained to the Directors what the Ceoree E. Wilier law suit consisted of. MEETING FOR DECEMBER 20~ 1962: Mention was made by the D~rectors that they d{d not thinP there would be a qu~ro~"f'~r the regular meetin~ of the Board of Directors fer Dec. ?O, lqS?. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded bv Director Stewart, unan~mous!v carried that the checks and warrants in the amount of $33,311.08 be aooroved. ADJOURNMENT: 10:45 P.M. .:,':i~ , ~':', ./ ~ ',.r , ' -, · ~ ~ '~ C}]AIRMAN PRO TEl.-ROBERT WAKEMA.J SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTP, ICT N. R. MALLERY, CLERK'OF BO"AR"D' ~.'ND' E'M_OFFICIO Sec. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETINa OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 20, 1962 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was opened at 8:00 P.M. by Clerk of Board and Ex-Offic[.o Secretary Mallerv. There being no directors present, no business was conducted, and the meetinK was adjourned by Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretarv Yallerv at 8:05 P.~. to the next regular meetinK which is January 3, 1963, at 8:00 P.M. ~LERK OF BOARD g EX OffiCIO SECPET~RY N. P. MALLERY, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT