HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961 01/05 - 1961 12/21~.IINUTES OF THE I~.GULAIt .'~TING OF TIlE BOARD OF DII~JCTOtLS OF TtIE SOUTH TMtOE PUBLIC UTILITY D!STriICT J~J~URAt{Y 5~ 1961 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in re~qmlar session at the District 0ffices~ CIarke'.Building~ Tahoe~Valley~ California, on Thursday~ January 5~ 1961. The meetin~ was called to order hry the President at 8:05 P.M. ROLL C~LL: Upon call of the roll there were present Directors Goeringer~ Pankost~ Souza, Wakeman, and Wall. Absent: None. Also present were Office ~,Ianager- Accountant N.R. Mallery~ Engineers tIarlan ].~oyer and L.E. Shoupe of Clair A.IIill ~ Associates~ John Dee Lagrange~ Charles Klor~ Donald Urq. uhart~ Walter Little of the Lake Tahoe News~ Zane ~Iiles of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune and Don Richardson of I~,he Sacramento Bee. !,.I. INUTF~: The minutes of the re,,~ular meetin?~ of December 15~ 1960~ were read and approved as corrected. UNFINISIIED BUSINF~S: Director Souza reported that the street light poles have been placed in i~ancho Bijou and the street lights are being installed. Director Pankost moved that Attorney Weidman be instructed to prepare a letter to the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1~ informing the District that their sewage flow exceeds that contracted for. The motion died for lack of a second. Director Goeringer moved that the Board instruct the Engineer to write and the Attorney to review a letter to the Douglas County Board~ directing their attention to the Douglas District's sewage flow exceeding that contracted for with South Tahoe tb~blic Utility District~ and further demanding that the Douglas County Board take in~nediate steps to either arrange for additional capacity or reduce the sewage flow to the capacity contracted for ~ June 30~ 1961. The motion was seconded ~ Director Wakeman. Director Goeringer muended the motion to provide that the Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District also review the letter prior to its being for~mrded to the Douglas District. The amendment was seconded by Director Pankost and defeated by the follm~ing vote: AYES: NOES: NOT VOTING: Directors Pa,nkost and Goeringer Directors Souza and ~lakeman Director ~?all The original motion of Director L}oeringer was then adopted by the following vote: AYF~S: Directors Goeringer, Souza, and ?~akeman NOF~: ~ rector Pankost NOT VOTING: Director ?fall }.LiNAGER'S t~0Fff: General :~,Ianager th]ssell read his letter of resignation as follows: "After serious consideration, I have reached the conclusion that the position I accepted with the District never existed and will not exist as long as present conditions exist. I feel that I am doing~the people of South Tahoe and the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe th~blic Utility District a discredit as long asethe present conditions exist. Therefore I am requesting that the Board of Directors accept my. resigna- tion as General Hanager and District I~gineer of the South Tahoe ~blic Utility District." Director Pa~rost moved that 51r. Russell's resi~nation be accepted. The motion died for lack of a second. Director Pad, est further moved that the Board accept Mr. ~]ssell's resignation effective January 31~ 1961. This motion also lost for lack of a second. Director ~?akeman requested an executive session on the reasons for ~{r. Russell's resignation. Attorney ~Teidman stated that in his opinion an executive session aras legal since the subject involved an officer and employee of the District. }~Ir. ,r~ssell did not request a public hearing on the matter and President rlall, ~vithout objection, called an executive session. The regular public meeting reconvened at 10:35 P.H. President ?fall's report on the executive session included the following statement: "This Board, several monthsa~,~o, made a decision to hire a general manager for the express purpose of placing the District on a firm business basis. Thereafter, four members of the Board adopted Ordinance No. 65, which provided the general manager with specific management authority. One Board member has questioned the propriety of Ordinance No. 65 on the grounds that }.Ir. Russell did not have sufficient experience to exercise the specific management authority granted by Ordinance No. 65. The opinion of this Board r~ember is still un- changed and it has motivated him to attempt to undo the action taken by the remainder of the Board in employing a general manager and providing for specific authority of the General Hanager." President ?{all stated that unless there Aras an objection he would accept the resignation of ~Jr. ~ssell effective at the regular meeting January 19, 1961. Attorney ~?eidman was asked by a representative of the press, if, in his opinion, as a result of his presence at the executive session~ ~ether the session ~ras legal. Attorney Weidman replied that in his opinion the executive session was ]e~lly conducted because the discussion related to officers and employees of the District and how the general manager could exercise the authority granted by the Board. Director Pankost stated that he had not at any time since }.Ir. Ih~ssell had been }Janager, made an attempt to interfere with L~r. Russell's authority as general manager, lYirector Pankost further stated that Ordinance No. 65 should be re- pealed. Director Pankost expressed his opinion that as a Director he did not think it wrong to talk with employees of the District. Director PanI{ost further stated that when he observed construction which, in his opinion ~ras questionable, he reported the spine to Hanager P~ssell, who sometimes differed with Director P,?nkost's opinion. Director Pankost finally observed that if it was against the law for an? member of the Board, or even a private citizen, to talk ~th employees of the District, he was not aware of ii,. President Wa.l] asked ~Jana.%rer ~lussell if he would have ar~z desire to leave the District's employ if it were not for one Board men]bet's lack of cooperation. .~,lana.ger Russell replied in the negative. L_rN-FINISI[]]D BUSI]~SS: Zane ?H les asked Attorney We:i~dr~an whe~;he~' he had asl~ed For .... ~ ~- +,l,r, ~ttorne-~ ~,enor~] :~s to the legality p ................ to !h~ 9o~trd Attorney Ueidnan replied theft he bad not r~one so, Presfde..~ "/al]~ w~thou% objection~ i nstr:mted the attorney to securt~ an npiniou fro~ the ')isirict lg~orney~ and if necessary~ the .it&orney C~eneral~ on iI~i.s :hatter. 55 Director Ooeriazer ?.eyed t. lmt the Board approve the claim of Brox,m and Cold- well for servieo;~ rendered in commotion with 1960-2 9peris! Asses:;mcnt 9isi, rict,~ resub'uit, ted after no~o't, ia~i on with Director qonri m?r and Uana~er Russell. The motion wa.~ seconded Im Biree~or ?rake, nan and carried by a four/ fifths votc~ Director Pnn!rost ~ot~ ~tinyT. liana,er., ~*h~os~]] ro;~d and filed ~ let~ter from Charles Klor o~, Alva '¢~.,n~e~,ms..s~ ~- ' ~ lnc.~ hearin,] the date oF December 7~ 1960~ reqnest, in~ pa.~n~n~ oF ~he balance appraisal oF Pinewood 'Voter Company.., ~*ana~r... ,:~_. Peruse] l recm~ended the balance he paid as claimed ?or '{:~he rer~son Lhat Alva. 2nterprises perfo~aed more ae~i. ces than contracted Cot or anticipated. Director Pankost moved that the balance of the cla. im he approved as presented. Upon second 1,y Director Goerin~.~er~ the mo-Lion ~ms unanimously carried. PETITIONS: Attorney ~)[eit~nan stated that he might have a conflict of interests vrith respect to the petition of Sashc., .~!aloff and Nic!,: Pandelis for annexation of Lts. 60 and 77~ Bijou Partc ~uhdivision, in that he had a pending private lefral matter with one of the petitioners as his client. President Ua]l~ without objection, authorized Directors Goerin~er and Ps,cost to report to the Board at the next regular ~,neeting on the chard, res, terms and conditions of annexation, pursuant to 0rdinanee No. -51~ required of the petit.ioners Pow ~eco:~'~no of their annexatio:~ petition by the Board. Upon reco,~endation Ir/ ~.bna~er Ihmsell, Director Panlcost moved, seconded by Director W~keman, that pa~ent for retention on the Van Yalkenlmr~h contract be approved. The motion was unanimously carried. b/q)irector Goeringer moved that the claim of CIair A. Hill & Associates for services rendered on !.~60,2 .Special Assessment I)istrict be approved a.s stJb- mitted. Upon second by Director ?!akeman~ the claim was unani,~.ously approved. Upon submission and recomendation b-~ :.reneger lh:ssell ~ Director fioeringer moved that the progress painnent to La:~range Construction Comps .nT. for work done by Lagrange Constmmtion Compare on the Beach Trunk Line project be approved. The motion was seconded by Director ?~akeman and was unanimously carried. -/~r~ !teflon ],~oyer requested approval of a letter directed to Harper and Baxter~ Contractors on 1900-2 Special Assessment District~ advising "the contractors of the time limit for performance provided in their contract ~ith the District, and further advising llarper and Baxter that they are in defanlt on said contract and this Board :rill seek drainages as a result thereof. ~,ir. ~ioyer also requested that a copy of this letter be sent to the surety company for Harper and Baxter. Director Pankost moved, seconded by Director Goeringer, that this letter be authorized as requested by Hr. !!oyer. The motion unanimously carried. l!r. Don Urquhart~ of the E1 Dorado County Planning Comission, advised the Board of the Planning Conanission's consideration of a proposed E1 Dorado County Ordinance relating to transmission lines and further stated that the definition of transmission lines may include sewer lines. },ir. Urquhart further informed the Board of a Planning Commission Ilearing on the proposed ordinance on tIanuary 31~ 196]. President ~.~all~ without objection~ instrncted Attorney 'ffeidman ~o re- search the legal definition of trnnsmission lines to see if it includes sewer lines and advised Attorney l~eidman to attend the Planning ConaMssion IIearing on · January 31, 1961. ).Ir. John Lagraage advised the Board that he had not been paid for certain constmm- tion on or in E1 P~ncho Estates. President :'~all~ ~ithout objection~ instructed Manager ~ssell to investigate this matter and report back to the Board. :5~r. Lagrange also stated that 1959-1 Special Assessment District construction of the sewage collection system should be completed by January. 6 or January 9, 1961. U. pon submission by and reco.~nendation of ~,~anager Russell, Director Souza moved that the progress payment for Lagran~e Construction Company on 1959-1 Special Assessment District be approved. Director Pankost seconded the motion which was unanimously ' ' ~ cctrrl e(1. CLAD. IS The follm.cing claims were approved and paid as listed: c~rgcl£~ 1628 Belie Bender 136.65 1629 Editha Beseler 119.43 1630 ?,ia~¢ Serpa 123.13 1631 Paul Costa 173.89 1632 Edward Eppl e r 163.76 1633 George Garri do 242.02 1634 H.G. !lart 142.22 1635 A.L. Miller 193 o07 1636 ~Yi lli~m ~.iortensen 154.88 1637 Robert R. Russell 316.45 1638 W.E. Taylor 218.83 1639 N.L. Goeringer 92.06 1640 N.L. Goeringer 15.84 1641 Robert R. thlssell 56.00 1642 Vernon J, Vial 1 ] 7,06 1643 Frank Souza 17.06 1644 Robert ~.~gakeman 17.06 1645 George Garri do 67.90 1646 Alva Enterprises ~ Inc. 1 ~160.00 904 STPUDBaMr Account (transfer) 20,000.00 905 C. Ilarper and H.J. Baxter 20,106.60/ 906 Clair A. tlill & Associates 26~394.00 907 Lagrange Construction~ Inc. 16,60~.80 909 Lagrange Construction, Inc. 11~053.35 910 A.M. Van Valkenburgh 11,483.71 911 Lagrange Construction~ Inc. ]8~771.30 ADJOUI'~.~: There being no objection~ the meeting was adjourned by the President at 11:55 P.~!., until 8:00 P.},.i. Thursday, January 12, 1961, at the ~istrict 0ffices~ Clarke Building,, Tahoe Valley, California. .~ ~ Vernon J.~W. alI, President of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe l~ablic Utility District. Norman L. Goeringer, Clerk of the South Tahoe Public I~ility District and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof. ~'~II.~.JTES OF THE SPE¢IM. },~R~ING OF TILE. BOARI) OF DI~qECTOIIS OF SOUTII TMI0E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 10~ 1961 The Board of ~irectors of the South Tahoe l~ublic Utility District met in special session at 2:00 P.M. on January 10, 1961~ at the District 0ffice~ Clark Building, Tahoe Valley~ California, pursuant to call by the President of the District~ by mailed notices on January 9~ 1961~ to ail of the Directors~ said notice reading as follows: "NOTICE is hereby given that a Special meeting is called by the President of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility IYistrict to be held on Tuesday~ January 10, 1961 at 2:00 P.M. o'clock in their offices at the Clarke Building~ U.S. itighway 50 and Beach Boulevard~ for the purpose of a discussion of relationships between the employees and the I)irectors of said Board." .*;DLL C;kLI,: On call of the roll, there were present Directors Wakeman~ '?all Goeringer~ Pankost and Souza. XBSEN~F: None. Also present were employees George Ilart~ Lee ,',!ilter~ George Garrido~ Editha Beseler~ }.fary Serpa~ Belle Bend'~r~ Paul Costa~ ~.Tilliam Taylor~ press representatives Joyce ,Johnson of the Nevada ,Journal~ '.'/alter I.,ittle of the Lake Tahoe News~ Don Richardson of the Sacramento Bee and Zane Miles of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune. President ~.~all called the meetin~ to order and turned the gaval over to Birector Goeringer. z,]rector ~Tal] moved, seconded by., Director <~o~TM3 ~,,~ that. ~ '~:nti ] the. emplo~ees~ are heard, the discussion remain between the employees and t.he chairman or by the press and the chairman~ ir ti,(, press made specific inquiries. The ,':~oLion ~,;-;~s carried by a four- fifths vote with Director Pankost voting no. ~ployees. George tIar't, Lee )Jiller'.. George,. Oarrido, Editha P, eseler~ W'.~ll~.am' Taylor, Paul Costa~ ?.Iary Serpa, Belle Bender~ answered inquiries and/or made statements throu~ll,.~, the chairman concernir~g employee· relationship~ with'~O~r.ctors' e or a Director of the District. There being no action, the meetinf was adjourned by the President at 5:00 ernon J..Iai ~l~16resxdent of the Board of Directors of the Sonth Tahoe ~fl:)l i c Uti 1 i ty ~i stri ct ATTEST: Norman I~. fioeringer~ Clerk of the South Tahoe ~]blic Utility gistrict and ~-Officio Secre~a~ of the Board of Directors thereo['. HIN~IT.,ES OF TIlE ADJOL~LN~iD }~GUL~klt ~TING OF THE BOAB. I) OF DIt/ECTORS OF S0lYrlI TMt0E PUBLIC IrrILI'ffg DISTD. ICT January 12, 196] The adjonrned meeting of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe l~blic Utility District was called, to order by President Wall at 8:10 P.M. on Thursday, January 12, 1961, at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California. P,()LL CALL:- On call of the roll there were present: Directors Wall, Souza, W~d,~eman, Pankost and. Goeringer. Also present were General ~Iana=er ~ussel]; Finance Officer Ma]lery; Attorney Wei~man; Engineer Edward Steffani of Bro~n and Ca]dwell; John }.iadera; C.},I. Gibson~ Don tlichardson of the Sacr~nento Bee; Zane Hiles of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune; Walt Little of the Lake Tahoe News; Joyce Johnson of the Nevadn State Journal; Luther },,iayo, and Arlene Thomas. ~,~. BUSIES: President ?fall gave any of the visitors present an opportunity to bring up their business so they need not stay ii, rough the entire session. Arlene Thomas asked Attorney ?tei~nan if he had conferred with the District Attorney on the validity of the previous recall petition against Director Pankost. Attorney Weidman stated thnt he and District Attorney Jack ?fin/der spent nearly- four hours discussing this problem, and legal research on it, and agreed on the following points: 1. A petition for recall does not have to be addressed to any specific body. 2. ]'~ere the person sought to be recalled is the Clerk of the Board, as well as a director, the petition should be presented to the Board of Directors. 3. That the specific matter at issue was whether a recall petition presented to the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Publ2c Utility District, but addressed to the Board of Supervisors, Connty of 1'21 Dorado, State of Califor- nia? was a mntter which the District Directors could properly consider. 4. That the question was moot since the dec~sion had already been made and an opinion was nnnecessary. .Ur. Weidman stated that on Point 3, that is, the question of whether or not the Directors could properly consider the previous recall petition, he and the District Attorney had researched the law but fonnd no applicable law in this field. ~'feidman's opinion remains that since the petition was addressed to the Board of Supervisors and not the Board of Directors, and that all of the si~ers were not present when the petition was presented to the Directors, that the Directors could not properly consider the petition. !Ie stated however~ thai, 'this opinion would be disputed by some attorneys. President "~fall stated that nnless there was an objection he would instruct the Attorney to proceed no further in requesting a formal I)istrict Attorney's opinion on ;~ttorn.v Genera]'s opinion. Director Souza. moved, seconded by Director ?fakeman, that the President appoint a co~nittee of himself and one other Board member to interview applicants for the ffeneral manager of the District, and :in addition authorize the committee necessary travel expense to conduct interviews. Director Pankost moved to a~end the motion to request travel expense be approved by the Board before any travel for interviews was made. The amendment died for lack of a second. The original motion carried Direc~ r Pc~cost not votins. hv a four-fifths vote~ ~ President, 17all informed tho !)irect, ors 'Nm, t, the fi n~meial st, aA,e:nent for the pre- cedinff fiscal year from the Auditors~ Irvine & ~hme~, vrould be available to the I)ireetors~ and that the Auditor. IIarold Ihme,. would attend the next reffular meetin~ in this rezard. Director Goeringer reported that the Bond Attorney~ John Iloltom, would be available next week as would the Brown and Cahhmll '",rater 2urvev Report to prepare a prospectus for the January 31~ 1961~ P, evenue .Bond Election for the acquisition of Pinewood ",,'ater Company. President, '7a11; without objeetion~ authorized Director 6oerinffer 6o coordinate and exeenLe necessary publicity in connection with this election. Upon reco:~nenda, tion of General }~ana, zer ]hmsell~ Chanffe Order No. 27~ 1959-1 Special Assessment J)istriet~ providing for an addiLional 150 feet of 6-inch linc~ costin,: approximately EIGHT IRJND}?.!)T';t'.~PY DOI,L,t,~$ (~820.00) vms unanimously approved~ on motion of' J)ireckor ~m,,za~ seconded by Director PanP. ost. General 7}anazer lh~ssell submitted and recon~nended p, farther progress palnneng for La,~ranse Cons6ruction Compa.ny~ Ine.~ 19~9-1 Special Assessment, Dis~ric~ (:)ll~]]4.0g). On motion of })ipeetor Pn~mst. seconded by Director Sonza~ 6he profwess paTynnen6 was approved. Goneral Dmazer Rnssell submitted and recommended further progress pa~,~ent for Geow~e E. Hiller Construction Company on 1960-1 Special Assessment l~istriet in th~ amount of ~p,',:'*v~ ~.~ .... ~-,, u,,~ ' '~' ~ .... !Nv}an !lover or Cia, ir A Iii1! e Issoc]pies .... · ..... ~ ,~,~ residen~ withon~ objeeSion~ to preach{ i.o the Board final, plans For lOfiO-4 gneeia,! :issessment Dial. ri. ct at 6he regular neetin,~ on Thursda~ Pebruam- 196!.. 'i'qrector Pan!-:ost noved~ seconded by Direckor 'Take,re, n; thai Clair i. Hill & Associn, tes be i. ns~mm~ed to proceed with snrveys on J{meho Bi,jou Addi Cion No. I prod adjacent {,errito~9,~ and the territocr bounded b? Sl:i !~m Bonlevard~ LaJ:eviow Terrace and Keller 5-Acre Tracts 8~ 9~ 10 and 46. '%~r. "foyer recot~rmnded preliminary surveys for %he purpose of selling preli:ninary hmmdarins for a geasible collection syst, em in the general !w'ea speeiFicatl, v b-5 ~'.'ithou~: li:n:it, inZ i, he area speeific~-ll7. l)ir,,etor Pya!rest, p.:nended the motion to in:;i, ruct C]:tir A. *Iii] and Associates Lo mr~lm prelininaC, sm'veys in the South East a, roa of the District to establish Por~sible bo,ndari, es for a sewage collection syskeIn. Vpon second by Director Som~r~ t, he mnendnent was mmnimously carried. Upon discussion of the oriffinal mo't3 on. 9irect, or "[a.~:eman asked '.tr. !to/er what was Lbo approximate cos± for t, he preliminacz s'arvey and 75". }',oyer replim] thai, the ?reft: s'.qonld be accomplished on a t, ime and maLerial basis for an amom~t not Lo e:.reeed FI??]i2,~ IFLINDtE]D DOLLAT¢,', (¢1~500.00). Tire original motion of Pi. rec*,or Pankosi~ as re:rended was thereupon unanimously adopted. Director Pankost submitted klm following stnte,:nen-t in writing for the record in ,,na!zin~ a conditional offer of resi?;nat, ion: "Please understand that tlre followini~ :is one complete state;nen~ - no part of it is to be accepted without, bein~ in its entirety: 'I do hereby mfl~mit ng~ resizna, tion as director of ~he South Tahoe Pnblie Utility District~ ~o take efrec~ i:~rmdiately~ upon reee/nt by me of proof %ha~ qualified au~hori~,i, es ha'ye received and accept, ed ~he res~zna~ion of ~he other four members of ' '~ Mn., board~ and bhei r s~atemen~ that, they will nob accepb reappointment ~o bhe boo, rd for a period of a*~ leasl one year. Underst. and~ pl. ease~ thaL ~tds. resi~nat, ion .,Co,,., .... noL become ,,.~eeect. ive~. . until the resiffnation of all the o~her meml:)ers of t, his hoard has been tendered and accepted ~o and by Lhe proper body. ~This expires pad is void 5 dn~-s from Lids date if ogher board members have not, Lendered ~heir resi~mtion.~" Pre,~ident !'k~ll remmated Director Panhost t,o file this writ, ten cond~-tional resx~aA, ion ~dth *ohe Clerk o? Board. The followinZ claims were approved and paid as list, ed: 16'17 - Belle Bender l!Vl,q - ?,di~hn ~nseler l(Diq - '~rv ~ 1650 - Paul Co~Ln ] aS1 - .'.~kh;'ard ]65° Ooor~m o 'do 1~53 - ~L~. Hart 1654- A.!. ~!iller 1~55 - N.P. 1.(~56 - Wi 1.1 into ~ !ortenson 1957 - l!ohort !~. l~5al- ~7.C. Taylor ]ll ,7'1 1~5,7,t 257 ,17 150,,30 185.9.? 211.08 1 5,1.70 3 O0. 210.64 59 912 - !:~l Dorado County Cleric 175.00 913 - ,a~r~n ~ Construction Inc 400.95 .';i t-~ VtlITT'~'~Tm'~¢,:. !',~.., ,:~, . ------ Ttlere. bei n,~ no farther, business ,. tho meeti n~ was.. adjourned the Prosiden~ at fl:3O P.U. >muth tahoe ~lbl~e Utility 9istrie{ ,.nt, IDc-Offieio Secretam, of tim Board of Directors thereof ATTT~T: Vernon~,~~" . Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Ihd~lic Utility I)istrict. ~,!INWT...~ 07 THE !~EGr_~rf~,,i~r! .'.,~ETING 0P TI~ BOARD 07 i)I![~CT0!~ 0F TILE, SOUPIt TAIIOE I~,~rBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 19, 1961 :,oard of .Directors of the South Tahoe Pul~lie Uti. lit-~ District met in re~,ular session on January.~ 19, 1961~ at the District Office, New Sewage Treatment Plant~ Bijou~ Califomfia. The meetin~ was called to order by the President at 8:10 ?_O_L_L__C=~J__:_- On call of the roll there were present: Directors ~?akeman, Souza, Wall, Pankost and Goeringer, 3nBS?~WT: None. Also present were Attorneys ¥'feidJn. an and Holtom~ l. lngineers Aber]ey~ Robert I~ussell~ Clair IIill~ Itarlan Moyert and Les Shoupe, Norris .".~qlleo,, ?f.F. Priday, Chas. Gibson~ Bill Johnson, Svend Pedersen, 'f Jovce Johnson of tlle Nevada Journal, Don i'~ochard- John Doe Lagran~e, John :.adero~ .. . son of the Sacramento Bee~ gane Hiles of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune and ~'falter ldttle of the Lake Tahoe News. !,,qN~WE,S:- The minutes of the re.slat meeting of Januar7 5, 1961, were read and approved as corrected. The minutes of the adjourned regular meetin~ of Janus,; 12, 1961~ were read and approved as written. C0.,[UNIC~?IONo:- The Clerk read and filed a letter bearing the date of JanuarT 10, 1901~ from Brown and Caldwell relative to 1959 Sewer Bond Contract No. 5. ~¥ BUSINESS: - Director Wall requested that Hr. ~me, of Irvi. ne and Pa, ce, be present at the regular meeting of FebruaC; 16, 1961, to explain the Financial P. eport for' the fiscal year ended June 30, 1960. On motion of Director Pankost, seconded by Director Souza, Resolntion No. 2?0, A I[ESOLIXPION 0PJ.)EP. ING CIL~XGF.~ IN ASSESS}..L~PS - SANITA~qY S~;~I~AGE PR0dECT NO. 1956-1~ was unanimously approved. On motion of Director Goeringer, seconded by Director Pankost, Resolution No.271, A PJ~SOLUt'ION ,~,'F';NDING RKSOLUTION NO. 164 I'~fTITLED "A R1~0LUTION DETEF{{INING L..rNPAID A~SiSSS),[E~PS :~NI) PROVIDING F0,q T[~ ISSLLLNCE OF BONIlq, J" - S~NITA.rIY S?~'/EttLGE PI'{0JECT 1959-1 ~ was unanimously approved. Director Pankost moved, seconded b'y Director Goeringer~ that the preliminary survey o£ area for op.cxal :kssessment District 1961-1 include the Lakeview Tahoe area of Arthur Trmnbnll. The motion was unanimously carried. Director Wall reported that the comaittee for employment of a new general manager had interviewed several applicants and that the committee recon, nended W~nder F. Priday. Director Wakeman moved~ seconded by Director Pankost, that Mr. Priday be employed in~nediately a.s general manager at a salary of ~{811.00 per month until Ordinance No. 71 effective. }dr. Priday was employed as General manager by a four-fifths vote with director .,,oe~xn:,er not retires. On motion of Director ~?akema. n~. seconded by Director Souza Ordinance No. 71. 0!~DINANCE :~E~r.'.)ING 0PJ)INANCE N0. 59 AND Pt!0VIDING ~R C0~SATION FOR Tile G~2P~J~ H;0fAGE~! 0F TIlE SOLWII TMIOE F~LIC ~ILI~f DISTRICT~ was unanimously approved and salaw of the general manaffer set at ~875.00 per month effective February 12~ 1961. On recommendation of General ?.~xnager PrJday, and on motion of Director Souza, seconded by Director Pankost~ Clair A. I!ill & Associates were named actin~ Distri et '~ fi' . ,m.,~neers until }5~.rch 2~ 1961 General Hanager Pri day requested a leave of absence until February 6~ 1961~ and that until February 6~ 1961~ the actin~ DistrictEngineer~ Clair A. Hill & Associates~ be appointed temporary General ?&%nager of the District. On motion of Director gouza~ seconded by Director Pankost: this recommendation was adopted. Director Wall~ without objection~ instructed that a co~nittee be appointed to report back on the disposition of the annexation petition presented to the Board on June 16~ 1960. The motion was unanimously carried and l~resident Wall appointed Directors Goerinff, er~ Pa~nkost and Souza on this co~ittee. Ens]ineer Aberley of Bro~m and Caldwell~ summarized the Broxm and Caldwell ?later Survey Report and presented and filed the same with the District. L.~. Nelson and C. Caples, Jr., owners of Pinewood Water Company~ who arrived at 9:10 p.m.~ extended their previous offer to the District to purchase Pinewood Water Company until an election was held on ~,!arch 7~ 1961. Attorney IIoltom reported that with respect to the purchase of Pinewood Water Company~ a Ilevenue Bond Issue in the amount of i;~3~5~000.00 was feasible. Director Goeringer moved~ seconded by Director Pankost, that the water survey report of Brmm and Caldwell be accepted. The motion was unanimously carried. On motion of Director Goerin~er~ seconded by Director Souza~ I~solution No. 272~ A P~SOLUTION C~,LING A SI~]CIAL ELECTION IN TI~ S01IPlt T.iHOE PL~LIC UTILITY DISTI!ICT FOIt TIlE PUIIPOSE OF SUB},{ITTING TO T}~ ~E~J~IFIED VOTE~ OF TI~ DISTRICT Tiff: PRO- POSITION OF ISSUING ILU~aJE BONIlS UNI)Ett Ti~ RLiVENL~ BOND I~U;' OF 1941 TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR TIlE ACf~UISITION~ CONST~CTION~ I}~I%0~,~IT ~ FINanCING 0F A WATER WOI"~ A~D SYST~d DEC~kRING TI~ PRINCIP~ ~,'IOLNT 0F TI~ B0~ ~%ND ~&tXI>~:i tb~TE 0F I~Ei~EST T0 BE PAID Ti~I~0N~ ~UfD PROVIDING FOR NOTICE T!IEI~0F - - WATER PR0~:~CT~ was unanimously approved. CI~YI}JS: Upon reco~endation of .qanager l~nssell and motion of Director Souza, seconded by Director Goeringer the following claims were approved and paid~ to- gether with accrued vacation time and expenses for :,,ir. ]h~ssell. Director Pankost did not vote on approval of the claims. CI~CICS NOS: 1659 - P~bert !~. Russell 1660 -Earle F. Pankost 1661 - Robert Wakeman 1662 - Robert Wakeman 1663 - Vernon J. Wall 1664 - N.L. Goerin~rer 1665 - N.L. Goeringer 1666 - Frank Souza 1667 - U.S. Forest Service 1668 - L.R. Nelson 1669 - Lakeside Automoti ye 1 )~0 - ltertz Corporation 1671 - California Liquid Gas 1672 - Sierra Pacific Power Co. 300.46 66,20 192.05 40. O0 192.05 267.05 150.00 167.05 5.00 252.65 1.00 11.55 809.16 16.93 1673 - Sierra Pacific Power Co. 2813.39 1674 - Pacific Telephone 199.81 1675 - Nevada Lumber Company 15.42 1676 - Tahoe Supply Company 84.41 1677 - Tahoe Office Supply 32.97 1678 - ~Teeks Industrial & Equip. 20.50 1679 - The Big '%P' 16.00 1680 - Brid~eford Flying Service 17.50 1681 - Tahoe Tribune 9.75 1682 -Lake Tahoe I~ws 70.96 1684 - Crocker-An~lo (,Johnson Estate) 1685 - ~a~ rba~cs-,,,~orse~ 1686 - Intercoast l~tual Ins. 1687 - Robert R. t~ssell 1688 -Auditor - E1 Dorado cry 2573.33 74.32 293.10 210.19 65.54 at 9'.40 ,q.O0 9.97 18.20 25.00 12.0~) ?L"JIPA~P NOS. 914 - Nevada Bank of Co~nerce Lagran~e Constr., Inc. 11,1!4.06 915 - ipirst National Bvnk of Nevadt~, a/c Georgia i: .qi] let. 916 - ,~hmd Transfer-~pec. Assr. Constr. 60-2 917 - First Natl.Ba~c of 919 - Bro~m and Caldwell 920 - Bro~m and Caldwell 921 - Broa~ and Caldwell OO 9~ Brmm and Caldwell 928 - Brown and Caldwell 924 - Inter-County Title Co. 925 - Auditor~E1 ~Drado County 928 - Clair k.Ilill & Assoc, 927 - Clair A.Ilill & Assoc. 928 - Clair A.IIill & Assoc. 929 Clair A. Iiill & Assoc. 930- Clair A.Hill ~" Assoc. 931 - Clair A.tlill & Assoc. 982 - Clair A.ltill & Assoc, 988 - Clair A,Ilill & &ssoc. 984 - Clair A.Ilill & issoc. 035 - Clair A.tlill & ASsoc. 936 - Clair A.Itill 8Jkssoc. 937 - Clair A,llill & Assoc. 938 - Clair A.Hill & Assoc. 989 - Clair A.tlill & Assoc. 9,10 - Clair A.Ilill & Assoc, 941 -E1 1)oracle County 20,298.42 1,500. O0 10,026.91 9,076.19 87,496.88 33,367.58 4,949.60 1,511.91 200.00 196. 626.12 1,531.25 8,002.95 5,670.00 2,65,1.38 840.07 55.32 3 07.49 1,136.43 888.73 108.49 450.83 162.28 264.01 159.03 65.00 There being no objection, the meeting' was adjourned bY the l~'esident Vernon J. lYa(lq/,'PBesident of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Ih~bli. c Utility District ATT'.;kST: , , ~, ~ ~/~ ,,o~an L. Goer]fi~er~ Clerk of , / the South Tahoe ~blic Utility District and ~c-Officio Secreta~ of the Boar(] of Directors thereoF. ...~L~UF~, iii. Ai~IOI~?}~D '~ ~ 0F TIIig 00:;t~,, t/I;~,:~Ci0}~ TIlE SOLVPI! m;~vmw.,.~,~., ~BLIC I~ILll .'W DISTI:~ICT Janua~ 26, 1961 The Board of Directors of tile South ?ghee thd)li.c Utility District met i.n an ad- journed session of the rep;ular meetin~ of January., 19, 1961, at the District OfFices, New Sewage ?reatment Plant, Bijou, Cnlifornia~ on Thursday, Januam- 2G, !.961. The meetin~ was called to order by tile President at 8:1.0 ?OI,L C.:JL: On call of the ro].l there were present: Directors Goerin~rer, and '.'hill. Director Pnnkost arrived at 8:50 P.}..I. :~,,,~,:.~T,~'~,~.: Director '',,Tm , . present were .,'Lctin~ General ::.5'manTel'~ l~arlan i~oyer~ of Clair A. ~!ill & /.ssocictes~ :~LLornev ...... ,~'.i(u.~n~', :J.?. Llalle~r~, lqnf~ineers~ Aberle~ ~ L~adero and Shoupe; rem'esenta- Lives of the press, "?a.]'ter Little of tho Lake Tahoe Yews ~ l')on T}i chardson o2 qacrm'ienCo Bee. ,loyce Johnson of the l¢evada ,lourna] and Zane :5.].es 07 Lhe Tahoe ,~terraC' '?rilxule. ";arcc~ors. ~ John~arrnh~" 3111' ~,oze~a and ~lill Ledbettor. to,~ether 62 7'iree~or' Ooerin,:ce~ reported tions s~l~r':~i~:~ ed .June ]g ~ !9(;0. U~>on. :tol. lon. o? T.:iuectof Coeri.~;?r~ seconded 1, policy recorr-~()nd~,-t, iona ~?ore adopted ~,t-iil~ c ~., r~specc to anno:y:ati_on :",.ttornex, 'Tei&',,n :ms au [:,hori zed to amoral vi-tit ~ "naucc ".,:o. 5! acCordin,,-lv: 1 '; ..... t..ho peri' ' , ,r~,:,o t. lO~lor almost, ])e ow~lor o!? rooor(~ . ~, t, ~he land propos_a to !m renew:ed st, include petitioner's entire parcel and/or all eonti~mous, . properly under the oxvnersh/p of p.t,~,:~oner.e '"' .... ,~: .... ~.- !¢irec~or aooringer ~noved~ seconded by Director ~o,za~ thai the petitions for anne>:ation presented on ,bee 16~ 19G0~ be accepted and filed For later action. The motion wr, s unanimousl-- c;~rried. '~'iscussion w::s held with the Hew~da iBoard with respect to the billing suN?.i-tged by South Tahoe Ih,J~lic [%ility ~istrict for :naintenance prod operption and bond pnd interest retirement for the year 1960-01. Director '7,'all~ without ob.jection~. a~sreed to appoint a con~iittee to meet wiC:. the Douglas Co,nty Sev,'er I~nprovement l)istriet, "~o. 1 Board of Directors on Tuesdpz,,., January 31~ 1961. Ur. ?alle~-? presented a letter directed to the 5;1 9credo County Auditor for transfer o:? fnnds requested as of the close of the fiscal year; June 30~ 19ri0. 0~ motion of 9irector PanI,:ost~ seconded by 5irector Souza~ a letter requestin5 transfer of funds,,;,;as a,~t, honzed to be executed by the President ~nci fort;staled to the ~1 Dorado ~ounty Auditor. Director Goeringer re~,d and file('., a letter 'from Attorney, Geoffrey !In~hes~ wi t, h respect to acquisition of easements~ 19(~0-3 Special Assessment District and P, each Trunk sewer line in the Tahoe ?~!eadows area. On motion of girector Goerinuer~ seconded by Director Pankost~ an offer not, to exceed :31~600.00 of the cost, of sewer extensions laid for acquisition of all easements through Tahoe .Ueadows for tim Beach '?ru~c Se:'rer line ~'r~s unanimously adopted. Director GoerinEer stat, od that he was requested by La,range Construction Company, Inc. to ~ccept for the Dis[rict~ construction on 1959-1 Special Assess~uent, 9istrict~ sub3ect to later completion by the contractor. .Attorney "leidman expressed his opinion that such an action was improper. Director OoerinEer moved~ seconded by Director Pankost~ thai, the l~resident, appoint a co~m~it, tee to establish liaison between the %uth Tahoe rmblie Utility District and the Tahoe area Council. The motion unanimously carried n, nd the President appointed himself and Attorney 'ffeidman pos members of the initial eouanittee. President ?',rail, without objection appointed Director Goerin,~er a.s n conw, fittee of one to locate a more suitable meeting.' place for the Board in the new ~ewa~e Treatment Plant~ and to report on the necesaary costs therefor. Upon reco~endation of ~nzineer I:/.oyer~ and motion of Director Souza, seconded by !)irector Ooeringer~ Chany;e Order Nos. 1 and 2~ Beach Trunk Sewer Line Contract~ were unanimously approved. CL'[I."~: Upon reco,m~.;~endation of the temporary. General },lanager anti motion by Director Panlcost~ seconded by Director Goerinpjer~ the followinu claims were approved and paid as follows: CI~C!{ NOS. 'i'6'0'5"'--'Interna, i ~mme :ierwc,.~ 1,q9a - N.R. L~allery 1697 -'Belle Bender ]698 - F, ditha Beseler 1699 - }.la.~T Serpa 1700 - George Oarrido 1701 - ;~d~mrd Eppler 1702 - A.L. ?.!iller 1703 - ~U.G. llart 1704 -'?illim C. Taylor 170,5 - Paul Costa 1706 - l?illiam ,~,lortensen 1708 - Tahoe Vel ley Insurance 1709 - [Jarjorie Thomas 1 ~433.0g 211.08 143.26 110.33 118.58 233.80 269.05 185.92 150.30 210.63 165.73 154.70 561.39 10.00 ?~P~PJ~rTS NOS. 942 - I(irkbride~ ~;Tilson~ llarzfeld & '?allaee 9't3 - Beverly & ~Teichnan 944 - Clair A.iHll & Associates 945 - Clair A.itill & Associates 946 - ~lair A.Ilill & Associates 047 - Clair A.Hill & 2[ssocia~es 9 ~584.60 2 ~384 ~ 02 1 ~ 789.05 126.31 521.18 1~230.17 at 9:30 P.LI. 042 -,e~Clair i. IIill & Associates 949 - Clair A.Nill ,% Associ:,,tes ~.~ 1 ] ..... ~LSSOC1 :~ O~ 951 - ClaJ," A.ili. lI o - ~'~ ~",S~OC~ ~LOS 952 - C.!Icrper and 3%J. Baxter 1 ..81G .53 19:1.94 203.31 1 7379.77 8~513.11 There being no ob.jection, the IYesident adjourned the meetinp; Vernon the Board of Eirectors of the .qm~th Tahoe Public Utility Di stri et. --:. /.,& .. f NOman L. Goeringer, Clerk of the South Tahoe ~blic Utility District and Ex-Officio Seereta~ of the Board of Directors thereof. MIL~LrFES OF TI~ I!EGL~tR :,92TING O? TI~ BOA[.LD OF DIIU~CTORg OF 2~It T)JIOE ~UILIC b~ILI~ DISTRICT Februau' 2~ 1961 The Board of Directors of the~outh Tahoe ~b]ie Utility District met in regular session on Pebruam- 2~ 1961~ at the Eistriet Offices~ New Sm,raze ~re,.tment Plant~ A1 Tahoe~ California. The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:05 ~.~ ROLL C3&L: Upon call of the roll Mmre were present: Directors Goerin~er~ Pa~ost~ S'ouza~ Wakeman and "fall. Also present were Attorneys 'Wei{k~an and lto]tom~ Acting General ~Znnager Ilarlan }*over of B ...., Clair A.llill & Associates~ John Dee Lagran~-e, Sheman liss~ Engineer Hartin~ Arlene Pho.~as~ ?,'alter Little of the LM~e T}[hoe News, Govce ,.lohnson of the Nevada JOurnal ~ Don Pd 1 · " c.mrason of the ~acramento Bee and Zane DJiles of t!~e Tahoe Sierra Tribune. ,,I~. OPTING: Bids wore opened and read by M~e Clerk for sale of Bond Assessement Distrie~ 1900-1. The low ~idder was S~one & Youngherg. Upon reeomenda~ion of Attorney Ilolto,n~ on motion of Director Goeri~er, seconded by ~ree~or Pad, est, Ordinance No. 72 , ,, , AN OP~I~hL~CE ..... ~ .... v~ 1960-1, SECOND S2&E~ (~207~690.50~ was unanimously approved. ~rJ%2FES: ~on ~otion of Director Sotlza~ seconded by ~ireetor ?/akeman~ the minutes of the re~lar meeting of Janua~ 19~ 1961 ~ were approved as corrected by four ayes and Director Pa,(est voting no. Upon motion of ~ireetor Wakeman~ seconded by. 3ireetor Goeringer~ the ~i~ntes the adjourned regular meeting of Janua.~ 26~ 1961~ were approved as corrected four ayes and 3ireetor Pankost voting no. Upon motion of 3Jreetor fioeri~er~ seconded by 3ireetor Wakeman~ the minutes of the special meeting of Janua~ 10~ 1961~ were approved as corrected b~, four and l~rector Pa.(est voting no. " ~ECMff~ ~;]TITION:-Arlene Thomas presented to the Clerk~ and the Clerk filed the s~e, a petition for recall of Director at Large No. Two~ Earle F. Pa~mst. Mrs. Thomas also read a letter with respect to recall proceedings directed to the Board of Directors and the s~e was filed. No action was taken on Mrs. Thomas' request that the previous srecall petition for recall of Director Pa~rost be de- clared legal and that a District Attorney,s and Attorney General's opinion ~6th respect to its legality be secured. ~' ' ?,/'LNAGER'S REPORT:'-Acting General '~ ~ ., nm,er },!oyer read - ' filed his , ,. ,~nc report wi th respec~ ~o progress on construction o~ the varioua assessmen~ districts. ]~rec~or Pankos~ ~oved~ seconded by Director Goerin~er~ ~hat the repor~ be accepted. The moti on unanimously ca. rried. ' 63 C011MUNICATI01~ - Director Goeringer read and filed a letter f~om Aram Har- tootuni an. OLD BUSIN]~SS:- A !e-iLar wa.s read a,n(l :Filed from the Dm~qlas County Sewer Improve- ment District No. I ~ and Director Goeringer reported on negotiations with said l)istrict. Upon motion of Director Pankost~ seconded by Director 'Takeman~ the report, of the conanittee's neaotiations with the Douglas County District was unanimously approved. President Wall reported that he and Attorney Weidman had met with the Tahoe Area Council Directors~ and without objection~ President, "f,%ll authorized an application for membership on the council by the District~ by pa?nent of ;~100.00 annual dues. W:f',.' BUSIS~]SS:- Bliss-Trmnbull ?later Syst_e_m: Sher~nan Bliss and his Civil Enf:~ineer~ ~,Ir. ?,~artin~ submitted plans and specifica- tions for approval b~- the Board of the Bliss-Trtrnbull water system. President ",rail authorized the request for approval of the water system to he referred to Actin,g General ~Janager },Ioyer and Attorney Weidman for their repor£ as to the District's position with respect to said water system. ~XTt~SION 07 TIIH~ FOR PEP~0I~,L~NCE:-_ Upon reco~endation of Acting General ~,~anager :~oyer~ and motion of Director ~ouza~ seconded by Director Goerin~er~ the time for completion of 1959 Sewer Bond Contract No. 5 was extended until }.!arch 1~1961~ for the A1 Tahoe r~p Station~ and ~.larch 15~ 19Gl~ for the Tahoe Keys P~np :qtati. on. /~~ respect to 1960-2 A.ssessment District construction contract with Ilarper and Ba,xter~ contractors~ Director Pankost moved~ thit any actionkby the Board in claiming damages against tIarper and Baxter for failing to complete portions of their work already required to he completed~ be deferred until the Tahoe Keys Pimp Stations is completed. The motion lost for lack of a second. Upon recon~endation of Acting General Manager }ioyer~ Director Gooringer moved~ seconded hy Director lTakeman~ that the Board extend the time for completion of the first street line to ~Jarch 15~ 1961. The motion unanimously carried. [~IGtlT-0F-WlY: Upon recommendation of Acting General ~,!anager ?.Ioyor~ on motion of Director Pankost~ seconded by Director Souza~ the General ~,Ianager and attorneys wore authorized to prepare a contract for employment of tI.R. Reeves as I~ight- of~','ay A~ent~ Assessment District 1960-4. The motion was unanimously carried. ~.~'," BUSI~IESSi Upon recommendation of Acting General ?.,b~na~er }~!oyer~ and motion of Director Uoerin~er~ seconded by Director ?Iakeman~ a~d by a four to one vote with Director Pamkost voting no~ }Ir. Taylor~ the Chief 0perator~ Sewage Treatment Plant~ was increased one step. AX~.~",Y..\TIONS: [rpon motion of Director Souza~ seconded by Director Goeringer, the petition by Sasha }.!aloff and Nick Pandelis for annexation of Lots 60 throuffh 63~ and 74 through 25, Bijou Park~ was unanimousl? accepted~, upon the further express condition that at the time of issuance of a connection pennit~ the petitioners pay all charges set forth in Ordinance No. 51. CH/LWGE 0P~I)F,I:,k~: Upon recorr~endation of Actin~ General Manager ,Hoyer~ and motion of Director Goeringer~ seconded by Director Pa~ost~ ChanKe Order No. 3~ deleting certain lines from manhole 1-22-to 1-23~ State]the Avenue,~ 1960~3 Special Assess- ment ])istrict~ was unanimously approved. CIAI!'.k~: Upon recon~endation of Actinff General Manager ~.foyer, the followin~ claims totaling :[~3 /to~ .. ~ ~ ~ ......fi6 ~.ore paid hv Checks Nos. 1710 through 1719~ and the follow- ,. , arran~s~ -.>o,)~238.23,were paid by Checks Nos. 953 throuzh 959 A~.JOU~.~2.1~RvI':- There beinff no objection, the meeting was adjonrned at 11:30 the President. Tahoe ~blie Utility District and Ex-Officio ~ocre'ttt~, of th~ Board oF Directors thereof. ~e-r~on [J. f--~Jlrl ,' Presi den't~ ~f the Board of ~irectors of the South Tahoe th~blic Utility Di stri ct ~ea~4 o~'~ ap the r'~'~,,l, vr ~:mei/n~ oc '" ' ~ lOgl r,~ JAm ,. , ~. ~PFi cos. ¥0 .... Y~OI,I: CLTJ~ ~on o,l] of the roll l~',,'rr~,-o.:.. Constr'uctio~. T~e.~ T'ro~e.,-~ T. Clarke.. ~nt~,~n. ,T. :?'ilson~ (l!j. Pford qZhoe Nows~ ,Tovee Johnson of the Nevada ,Tox~rna] ~ Don ~ehnrd~on of the %nerpmento and ~ane '~'i!e~ of the Tahoe ~ierra Tribune e,.nc~' Arlen~ Thonns. ¥'T'r B[T!~TN"~]S',%: OP',Si rets r, nd '[:4 reef, ors. General "?nnaffer Pr:idac: ~,nd Pi!ed his report or klm !)!stp!eL aetivit.,Jes. qenor~,l "an;~.%er Pti flair rend and filer') a letter of resi~nati on from %~orman I,. Goarin~er aa Ti!rector at l,nrze %To. One of the o , ~ ' ooaLn %~hoe ~hlic Utititv 7:,i. sf. ric~. x;JreeLor ~o-.z,~ moved~ seconded by J'Hrentor Pnnkost~ t. hnt 7)ireefor ~oerin,'~or~s Iii root. or Sonzn. . moved, seconded, by Directo-· Pnnkosk~ that !'~.l,.~ ' '~allerv be appointed Clerk of the ~ 1 ~ _ ,~ouLn T,!lo~ ~hlie t%ili+-,,,, ?i, sLriet ,nd r~x-Of~Jeio Seeve- t,c,~ of the Board of lGirectors thereof. 5'he ;notion carried unanimonsly. X~,'thnn ,l. wilson, Donald T,. Clarke~ Clifford Pebbles ,'md Les NaQ: reqneated appointment to the 1rac~tne¥- , created by. Norman, L. Goerinzer anti oach of the men spoke briefly to the Board of their qualifications and experience. Arlene Thomas proposed to the Board ,Joseph I..bncn, who was not, present. %CP':Ii CO?FrTTP,"?: - Director ?;ake,~nan.. vsa meml~er of the water eo:mdttee, reported on the need for water for fire protection with the resnlt,:in~ lower fire insnrance ~'in~ineer ~!oyer reported on the Bli ss-Trumbull water system and recovvnonded thai. the District send to Sherman glJss a letter relatin7 to water supply require- meets of the South Tahoe ~fl~lic ~Ttility THatrict for said water system before acceptance by the District. Director ~ouza moved, seconded ):)v DireeLor V[nkemnn. that the report, of Pi rector "fakeman and '~ ' "~ " ' ' " ,' ,nff~ neet ?~oyer be forwarded to ,:,l~;nnan BlJ ss. rTpon, . reeonraendati, on, of Attorney.. 'Tei(!mpn2 '3'L~reetor O.)ouza amended the moti. on~ seconded by Director 5takeman~ ~Imt Para~ranh 7 et tim Bliss-Tr,mbul] ronoa-I wherein the developers agreed to arrange for additional sites for sources of water and additional stor~*e. .:,, mites~ be included., in the. rocmmnended letter of r',n~inoer ;'.~over as a reqniremenL for accept, anco of the Bliss-m~r. umbul] ?rater system. 2h... amendment and the motion., respeeLively~ were t. herenpon passed adopted by the affimative vote of Directors "FoAl ~ %~ake:nnn and Sonza~ with Director Panko~t not votinc. ZPg& PZkqx'333:- General Manager vriday reported an inad~c,,,ac? of tools to make necossamy .... repairs at the new %ew~-o,~_ Trer, t,,n~n~... PInpL~ and. 'tha~. he had reauested bids from Lakeside Automotive, Tahoe ,mpply,° anti Now.n,,' ,'- I,aboratories. . ~ f~r snpplvi. ~ n?.., Mtese tools n, nd that Im. keside .,~.tomotivo' ~ ' wn,.s low bidder at PI~ S~O0 · W.~)P~]!) TwO Upon reco:mnendation of General !.[nnnqer Pridav, Director Pa. rffcost moved, seconded by ~)ireetor So.'.,za, that the neees~ar'~ ~ools ~ purchased from Lakeside, Antomo~ive at their low bid. The motion :'ms nna. n]mously carried. General ~hmager Pr!day reported, that a scaIe for the measurement of chlorine is required, n, nd that he had secured required bids from 'Pairbarfl~s-?2orse & Co.~ ~obert, h. Grzff~n Comp, my and I.C. Dzllon c~ Co. ~ with the low bid of FOil?. J~DltED FI~Y JGOI,Li/[S (~,150.00) received from l~bert II. Griffin Company rot a },lartin- Becket scale. Upon recomendation of General Hana. zer Priday~ Director Pankost moved~ seconded by Director ",rakema.n~ that the l[artin-Dec!cer scale be purchased from !{ohert i{. Griffin Company~ at their Iow bid. The motion unanimously carried. ACC!TFPANCE OF 1959-]. A.%~Z~S:[~4T D][STPICT:- '1;~gineer Aberley reported ~}m.t the 1959- 1 A~es.~ment District construction was completed with the exception o? minor street rep. irs~ and reconm~ended timt the District accept the wor'k subject to ONZ TJ{OU~AND ~'ql~'.r'~ .0()) Per mi treet repai o1 retention nor s . Upon motion of Director gouza~ seconded by Director Pa~rost~ 1~esolution No. 275 - :t REAOLfrPION AL~'!t0RIZING Ti~ ~GI~EII F0q TtF~ DISTRICT T0 ACCEFP '.70!g( AND FILY, NOTICE 0F ..0:,~,..,PION -SALNITAIW ~';T~v~p P~O~LCr 1959-1~ wr, s unanimouslx e;~rr/ CIL~GE ORDEI~S:- Upon reconmendation of Enzineer Zoyer and. motion of Director Pankost, seconded by Director Wakeman, Change Order No. 4, 1.9g0~B~ Special Assessment t)istriet., was unanimously adopted, therehy providin~ for installa- tion of 34 lateral connections, complete with saddles, at no cost to the District, the cost thereof to be paid by the individual property owners. :' ~¢ Clerk N.R. Mallerv presented his Certificate kof ~!J~C;'ff,I, PI,DC .... DINGS:_ . ~ ~nfficiencv~ attached to the ~.ec~ll Petition of Director Pankost and heretofore filed his Certificate of Sufficiency with the Board. Upon motion of Directors Pankost, seconded by Director Souza, a resolution by the Board of Directors, llesolution No. 274, A I~P~SOIJ_rPION BY Tile BOARD 0P DIRECTORS OF T!~ SOLWtI TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ORDERING A SPECIM, EI:]CTION t~D ON APRIL 24, 196], TO DETEI']..tIRr~ '?l .I~,T!~i{ T!~ VOTEF~ WILL !~EC~JL DIRECTOR AtP LAP~,E NO. TT;0, ~kI~f2 F. PXNJ(0ST~ ~kND PROVIDING P0T?~ NOTIC2 0F SPECIstL i~ECTION, INSTRUCTING THS CLEf'8( TO PI[EPAR?; F0!I SAID SPECIAI, !].2]CTION >aND AIYP[IORIZING ,,~:~P'!~DITL~.LES FOR !~ECTION J~P~V]ES, was unanimous ly adopted. APPOINT?,~]~r 0F h~? DIICs~TOR: - Director Souza moved that Donald I,. Clarke be appointed to the positions of Director at I,arue No. 0ne~ vacated by Norman L. Goeringer. Director Wakeman seconded the motion and Donald I~. Clarke was appointed Director at I,ar~e No. One nnanimously. Upon motion of Director Par~kost, seconded by Director Souza~ the Clerk was cancel the bond of Norman L. ~oeringer as Director of the instructed to Di stri ct. President Wall, without objection, instructed the Clerk to send a letter to each of the applicants for appointment to l)irector at Large No. One, thamk them on behal~ of the Board for their interest in the District, and advise them of the Directors' selection. Director Pankost complimented General :',fanager Priday upon the completeness of his report to the Directors and compliance with the Directors' wishes for p report by the General .Uanager. CLAI?[S:- Upon recon~nendation of General ~danazer Priday and special approval of Attorney ",teidman with respect to Directors' claims, on ,notion of Director Souza~ seconded by Director Wakeman, all Directors except Director Pa~Lkost, voted to approve the following el. aims paid by Checks Nos. 1726 through 1741, the total mnountinZ to ::~4,613.31. 3 Tr~ President at 10:00 P.1J. - There being no objection the meeting was adjourned by the 4f4rnon ~all, President of the Board of Directors, of the Sonth Tahoe ~blie Utility District ATT)ZST: / / ':'>'5' - :.Ti. :.fhllgrT, -glq~k of the / _oath Tahoe h~blic :tilitX 'istrict andF. x-0fficio Sedreta~ ~f the Board of Directors therebf. ~[C~,IPPT' 07 HI~.q{r?:,lq 0F ~F,]ETING OF TIIE BOA!;'2) 07 DIPECTOPS 0F TI-E~ SOI~tt TAIIOE PTFBI,IC t~II,ITY DISTi2ICT E'":P,.,'IUA~Y 1~; loG] The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe 1Nd)lie Utility District met in reffular lsession this 16th (lay of Pebrua~w~ 1961. at the regular ~,oe~n place. " ' On roll call there were present Directors ~'fakeman~ Ual ] ;. Souza. ~ and P~nkost. A. lso present were Attorneys Holtom and Teidman~ Hanaffer ~riday~ and ~Enffineer ttarl an Hoyer. ,- ~ 67 Sanita~, .~e'w'era~e Project No. 1960-4 The Clerk reported that the District had received a letter from the Count? Health 0fficer~ reco~endinq that proceedings be undertaken as necessary as a helath measure. The letter is as follows: tIonorable Board of ~irectors~ of the ~outb Tab. oe l~d~lic Utility District County of }Il Dorado~ ,~tate of Cn,]ifornia Bi, ,ion ? California "Ganua ~ry. 13~ 1961 Gent l emen: ..... ]w~ o · /'. .... Sam tary Sewera.qe ProJect No.~1960~[ Your resolution No o , ( ' ~ -. ~ · ~38~ entitled A [lC'solution Pem~stin~ That ~he County tIonltl~ Officer of 21 Do · . - o , , - , . ..... rado County Rec~mend Procoe~n~s under Appropriate 2pecial Assessment and Assessment' Bond /~ts, or 0thSr ~orooriate Proceed for Project No. 1960-,i'~has been received by the~nd4rsi~ed l{~41th ~f~r~ 'El Dorado County. ~ ~/ ~ v,, ~1,%~ ~rmmn ~'rat. er areas~ t,t-) :'b:~st, ink lots that are too sm~]l~ hazards do presently exist in ~e hbove '~rd~ect area. , ~ .' ~ ' PLrsuont to , ect~on O80S of th& ~r eta n~,~ 'rt~n~ .... o ..... '~_X. , , ~-- ~,no serious hem!tn hazards p~esently extsi, ent w~tlu, n the beaneries (,~t]r proposed scmta~ se~tora~e '2ro.jeeq No. ]Oa0~, the hnders'{~l Ul'[~cor o, .,1 )ora(.o Count~ here~ urge? the construction nm~,t.n,t?e2su,~, ~nnt {.,our ,~?tm[tx,.~i~rt~Jm proceedi~s p,,rs,,a~t to appropripto proceof~]n.;s, ,.s 5ou shall d{~omnne~ for ~he constru~jon of ~b:nitarv sowers nd ~or assess]hq or taxxnq ~he properties toibe benefited t~e~ebv, '~This reco,mendation extends to s,,~h chan~es and mo~ifications',the,~n shn]l find to be proper or ad~isable, in the ~q, nner provid'~l },v law.' ~ Respectfully yours ese]Ii,ion ~'{o 972 k l>oso ],~i , .. · . ~ r . 4 ,. ,, . .... . .... o,.e~ . ..... re...n. ~.n mot~..?f~ireci..or ~ou7a. seconded by ~;~roe~.or 'cl.:ormn~ and unanimously clirr'ied~ sa~'"~so] uti on vms adopt, ed. ............ ~ a ?esolution of P:'e!Jmin;:.rw. Approval of 'msuneer's ~:oport, was read. ,Sn motion of Director Pankosi~ seconded )')v ":,irecltor Souzr,, mud ~,nr'nirx)uslx. cn. rried~ said r'esol, ulion rra~ adopted. ?'.-$;o!u±ion 'Fo. 2Sl~a 7'esolution Appointinff Tinm oud PI;zee of 1Hev._rin;T Protests in Y:eI;vtion to Proposed Aeqnisi. tions and Improvements~ and i-SirectinZ 5,'otiee? was r'ec~,d. On mo-',,ion of Director PanIrost~ seconded by Direc-bor 'i;a,[;emv, n~ and unanimousl, v ea,rried~ s::id resolution was adopted. Pesolution No. ego Ik ~ · ..... ~ A osoluti, on ,oall~nq for .5foaled I¥oposals~ wes read. On moti°n Of Director PanJ:os't ~ s, eonaea by Bi. rector Souza ~ mud unani:nousl.5- earr~ ea ~ said resohttion was adopted. 'Febru,~r'v 1G ~, 19Gl i ne !,or'a-,, of Cirectors of the '~outh Tahoe lm.:~,i c Uti lii'v District .... et i.n res~]lar session on Pehrm,~T lg, 1961, at tho offices of the ~'~ist, ri ct~ Sewr.ge Treatment Pl:mt~ Johnson Yload~ Lake Valley,. C~]iFornia. Tho ~:~oetinF,;, rrna ca, lied to orcer the President at °.L)' 5 20!~L CI!,L:- On call of the roll, there were present 2irectors Clarke, Pad-:est, Souza, "hu'mman, and "fall. ,U]S~,7[: }[one. 21so present were :Lttorney John ~. lt. om~ Litorne7 John C. ~'Iei. dmnn~ General" ~,~ · C] :,~:,n,.~er Priday~ eric of l':he Board ~alle~-; 'Engineers Clair iii ll~ Harlan )loTer~ and Les Shoupe Prom fflair 2. Iri 11..,~ '.ssoci. asea :. En~.ineer,. ,,¢Lberlev. of Bro~'m &Cal. dwe!ll Auditor llarold !A~ee John Lazran~e and John 7adero 'Prom La~;ranffe ConstrueSion~ Inc.~ Representatives of the Press Joyee Johnson~ Don riehardson~ '.?alter Little~ andZane Viles; gozeMmr with visitors Gl1 l{oehler of the "lester'n Gillette Transpor~ Co.~ and ~'.,}ssrs. Don 'Tenzler ~nd John Caton from the local office of Clair A. I!ill & Associ o, tes. · :tNAGER's IU.~POPff: !!ann,get Priday stated that the construction oF the pu~npinz stations has picked ,ap as the contractors have added manpower and he called_ on Tr. ~oyer to ~ive ?note of the details. }.Ir. ?lo~,er reported that the A1 Tahoe p,m~p station was 85yi complete but he feels tha't action should be taken by La?;ran¢? Construction if the completion date is to be met. lie also feels that there are problems which can be met, and construction possibly com. pleted on time but he questions whether it will be in operation by the completion {late o'P .~!areh 1. !Ie feels~ however~ that it will be close. 7ans,ger priday then reported that ameet, inF; had been held on Februam~ 9 at 1..33 P ..... between ..:r. Aberley of Brown ant C~ldwe11~ ~tr. iIelms who represented the Contractor !(eith Spencer~ And himself~ ~o de~emine the status and approach to ConLraet No. B - - Effluen~ Holding Pond. He stated that it is his opinion and o:F ~.~r. &berley ~ho.t ?ir. Spencer should be assessed for llquida%ed damases to the .:nstmeL ~nd~ as it is his Eeelin~ ~l~a~ the Johnson Estate will undonb~edly raise ~he ren~ any additional expenses should be paid by !,tr. Spencer. In this eonneetion~ he reeomended ~hat~ in some we,y~ a provision for disposin~ of ex- cess sludze be made. Pelative to the mechanics for annexation to the District~ as suggested by him at, the prior meeti~ have been started ,,'md he recommen{Sed that Bro:'rn & LCaldwell's report on annexation fees~ dated January 19~ 1960, be adopted for those parcels lying without but conti~:ous to the boundaries of the District. /kttornev 'Veidman stated that it is possible that Ordinance No. 51 provides for this. In addition to this, ?tr. Priday continued, any new subdivisions x~shinz to annex to the District must first design and install its mm collection system under the direction of the District and then turn it over to theDistrict for main- tenance and operation~ free and clear to the District~ with the District's only obligation being responsibility for the constrnction of any additions for the benefit of expansion. ?,[ana,pjer Priday stated that lie had reviewed the plans and specifications for Assessment District 1960-4 as prepared by the ~n~zineers~ Cio.ir A.Hill £: Assoc- ia, tes, and it is his recommendation that they put out for bids. !~r. Priday further stated that he felt that a Pesolution should be set. up pro- vidin~ for salaries and ti'me for employees~ with said Resolution settinp; forth tl~e salaries in each classification~ certain pay increase steps ~nclmed~ benefi ts ,~ ' ,,.ns vacati eno. 2irector 'hlkeman moved ~ andI)irector Souza seconded ~ that the L'anager's l~eport. lm accepted. On the qnestion, Director Pankost pointed out that the words "liquidated Damages" should be clarified as it is a rather touchypoint. On the question,, th~ vote was unanimous for acceptance of the :aan~er s report. ann ..... t~on oC new snb(:ivisions. President V~ll said th?& he is certainly .l,m to na~e %hese ~'- ~ 's , -~ na .er P. eports ,~vcs this Boar, an idea o~ what has zone on and he thanks'the Uana~er for these complete roport~. ~ne President as!md if tImre were any visitors :dm desired to have any matter bron?ht up before the Board and,. as there was none~ he proceeded with the ATenda. OLD BUSI~SS:- Attorney ~Teidman requested that Resolution No. 276 mnendin~ resolntion No. °74 and ehanginff the date of the }~eall )~leetion to April 25~ 1961~ be approved by title. On ',notion of Director Souza~ seconded by t)ireetor R"a, keman~ the Resolution No.276 was approved for adoption by unanimous vote. :,fr. John Itoltom~ Attorney, stated that relative to Project 1960-3, he would like to call for bonds in the neighborhood of ~Jarch 10~ 1981~ the reason being that ~60-4 comingk~p is so large that he would Iike to have all the small ones cleared up. RESOLIYi'ION NO. 077 3. Resolutio · ~ --~ .,-w-- = - ~ - ' n eallxnff, for bids on sale of improvement ~onds - ~amtarv ~ewerage Project, lf}60-3 was read. On mot'o " ' " ' ~ n oi- irector Pankost seconded by Director ?~akeman and unanimonsl~- carried~ said Resolution was adopted. NU,~%~ BUSINESS: - Tentative bo(reda(les of :)~.~tmct 1961-1 ~ ,' ,, , · ~:ne~lneer :,;o~ er said that in accordance with the imstructions from the Board of Directors~ they have studied the probable boundaries for the southeastern portion of the District and would like to present them to the Board for discussion. He them produced a map showing the boundaries of the existin~ assessment districts and the proposed 61-1 District and explained their reasons for settin~ these boundaries. :,..~er also recommended that separate consideration should be ~iven to 61-1 r~ther than all of them - -Lakeview Tahoe~ Heavenly VAlley !!omes~ etc. Director Pa~mst brought ot~t the fact that the area near Ski Run be included in the 61-1 considering the cost in this area will be considerably more and the enzJneers lmve ~o fear inasmuch as the desi~ of the sewer installation has been i nvesti gated. ' P~esident ?.rail asked ?'~r. IIoltom if there is any reason that I,akeview Tahoe and Heavenly Valley Itomes should or should not be in the 61-1 District? Rn,~jneer }.'Ioyer said that it i.s perfectly feasible to install se~m~e lines in these subdivisions but he would recon~nend that these be clone under separate Assessment ~istricts than 61-1 which is outlined in orarf~e. Director Pankost moved that these difficult areas and the service areas Mdcb would be higher in cost to sewer be included in 61-1 assessment and the costs be distributed accordingly. ."'.!orion was lost for lack of a second. Director Souza moved that the District take in the area ontlined as 61-]. :Jotion was seconded by DirectorWakeman. On the discnssion~ Director Pankost stated that in the past it has been the policy of this Board to accept small portions of expensive areas into the less expensive in order to equalize the cost. In the discussion~ Director pointed out there are two opinions on this subject and one is that the addition- al cost should be distributed and the other is that 61-1 should be kept to itself. On the question~ the motion to take in the area outlined as 61-1 was carried by a 3./4 vote with Director Pankost voting "No". OLD BUSIN~]~$: - General LIanager stated that from time to time petitions have come into the office and have not been given disposition because of the cost of handling of individual petitions. I have investigated these and found that they all seem to be in proper~ order but there are a co!~ple we would -uestion th that were quetionable and were taken out as they did not ~eem to follow Distri;t fee policy. I asked TM ::,r. ~hultz to give me a letter" and he read a letter in reply statin~ that Betty Gay and D~rvl ~'or ' '~ ~:' .~ ,, ~. -,~ r~son were the miners of the property. Director Pard,:ost does not feel that this Board can accept this statement since when this property was excluded it was excluded on one petition - that of Betty Ga,.,,,. Other than that one~ I think the other petitions are in order. Director Souza moved that the Board accept all the petitions recommended and not hold up all. petitions because of this one. Director 7fakeman seconded. 9irector 7akeman amended the motion 't,o theo.~[hect" that if this property is all t!mt t. hese people eyre,, it, should be ~ '- - t,a.~en in but iF tJmv possess no eontis.?.ous property; vre c, eeept al! of these pet, iLions. Birector Pankost seconded the rm~endment which was carried unanimously. !ttorne;, Ilol~om rend the law that properly must be considered to be ovmed as or the time of the petition. motion was unanimously carried. Annexation of now subdivisions~ Director Pan!cost moved Mm, t the Attorney be in- structed to Lake the necessary action relative to new subdivisions. On second b,r director B"akeman, motion was carried mmnimou,qly. 'Engineer ;:!oyer presented the enzineers ' recon~nendati on ~ speci fi cations, plans; etc. for the 1960--t Assessment District and stated that all property excl,ded in this area is being assessed under extra-territorial jurisdiction~ and str,~ed that ~he total cost to be assessed is 81~771~188.75~ portion for total of house laterals 3268,920.00, portion of ~otal for balance of s~stem :~1~502~268.75, this results in a charge per system ungi assessed of with or plus a chn.r~m,: of 390.00 per lateral~ resultinZ: in a charge of :'o47o 50 per unit. * Director Pankost moved that t!~e plans and specifications be accepted as presenb- ed and recommended. On second by Director ".rakeman, motion was carried unan- i. 111Oll .q 1'r o Attorney !Ioltom stated that there is on file a ]error from the Dll Dorado County lle,-lth Office, I?.P. Parker, ?LD.~ dated Januam~ 15,, 1961, reco~endin~ the construeti, on of sewers as neeessam-,. ,, as a healk~ ma~sure and he prepared and ,~PPP0P~I~TE PROC~I)ING~ POP, T~ AC2UI~TTIONFJ A}O CONST~UCTION 0F A ~ '~ ~ '~ presented ~o the Board. On motion of Diroctor Souzrt~ seconded by ]'ti. c~ FO . LOt 'rakeman and unanimously carried~ s:aid Pe.qoIn~ion was ~,: ,,,:,:-;~:~ ..... ',.~ ..... 1960--1 was read. On ~notion of 9irector PanI:ost~ secom'l, ed by Director ,%onzp and -nonimo, sl,r, . carriad,~ said l{esolu~ion 280. vms adopted.. .....~,,:e" =~TOq'rTO,,.,, :=~,,. 19G0--4 WaS. rood. On motion of Birector. Pankost~ seconded }?irector C,>o.~za,, and nnanimousl=, carried, said '"e::.solu~on' 280 was adopted 'Direct, or 2ov. za said Llwt fha l[~ ' ~ oard v,'o. ld like ~o have that loccl labor be employed !Iowever, 2LLorn~ r~ -to tl~e ~:~L~]6os~ he does no~ see how tfm ~ ,- .... ,,.x~rt~ of con~raci, conld , Pc op~o(~ on the6 lmsi~ lm-t :iL c~ be reco]mnended to i!? con~';'~c~ors. Pire('Lor labor. Blt'ecl. or P::n!,:o:~',t, moved that }~eso!uLio,..~ No. Ral bo r, dopted bt:t Lhci, tho ,l~OO~jh,~ .:~t.r inspection ~nd disc,ssion~ i)irector PonkosL amended tho motion Lo read eorri od. l:ie ~t~O~lC' T,~n,~2 4x,la, en tpt:et1 0!~ t!~e orizinal motion :'rhich '.,ms unani::ously er~rried. l)irectorWall reported that the Water Bond Con~ittee met yesterday(February 15~ 1961) at noon. He stated that it is the opinion of this Con~n~ttee that the water systems of this Valley will have to be integrated under a Public Utility District before they can adequately serve the area with a water utility and fire protection and it was the unanimous opinion of the ~o~ttee that it must be done by a water bond election but due to the' public attitude~ they did not believe it should be attempted at this time. Director Souza moved that the Committeets report be accepted and that the Water Bond Election be cancelled. On second by Director Wakeman~ motion was carried unanimously. CHANGE OItDEI~- Mr. Priday presented Change Orders - five - on 1959 - 1 which had been brought in by Brown and Caldwell~ the total amount of which was $12~284o65~ and recommended that these be approved. Director Souza moved to accept the ~anager~s recmmnendation as to the Change Orders which were as follows: No. 26 - represents an increase of $4~719.75 No. 21 - an increase of $100.70 NOo 28 - A decrease of $904.00 No. 24 - an increase of $744.50 No. 28 - an increase of $5~815.68 Director Pankost moved that these be accepted on the Manager*s recommendation. On second by Director ~ouza~ the motion was carried unanimously. Director Wall changed the order of the meeting to permit Mr. Duce~ Auditory to present his report~ which was as follows: Mr. Duce stated that all Directors had received copies of the Report of F~-59 and 60. During the first of this exazrination (about January 1960) the books were not posted to date and they made some rather pointed criticisms~ some of which carried over to this year. This was mainly the handling of cash and illegal conaection~. As a result of their recommendations~ the Board saw fit to hire Mr. Mallery to ~'tighten up control~ etc. The Con~nittee and I went over the repor~ carefully and I believe that action has been taken on most of the reco~nendations and/or criticisms. Due to the fact that the District grew so very rapidly~ it was necessary in this fiscal year to make a lot of transfers. Steps are now being taken to obviate this necessity. On the whole~ I feel that appropriate action should be taken to consider depreciation on this plant. Due to the great amount of work necessary to get this audit done~ the current work was behind for several months. Mr. llallery has brought all postings up to date as of January31~ 1961~and I have reviewed his work very carefully and make a strong recommendation that the Board be appraised every month as to how it stands with regard to expenses. Mr. Mallery should make the report on the third Thursday of eahhmonth for the previous month, Director Wall instructed Mr. Mallery to present a written report on the third Thursday of March for the month of February. Director Wakeman moved that this audit report be approved, On second of the motion by Director Souza~ the motion was carried unanimously. Attorney Weidman was instructed by Director Wall to take the necessary legal procedures to publish this financial report. Director Wakeman asked if there is not some way in which this District can take action in connection with these illegal hook-ups. Manager Priday said that there is an ordinance but he would question the legality of acting on this. Director Wall appointed a Committee of Directors Wakeman~ Frank Souza~ and Don Clarke as a Research Con~alttee to begin research immediately to establish an integrated unit of all water systems of this Valley. CLAIMS:- Claims were presented and recommended for l~ent by the General Manager and checks and warrants totalling $27,927.~8~Check Nos.1742 through 1802 and Warrant Nos. 960-972. AIXIOURI~:- There being no objection~ the meeting was adjourned by the President at 10:45 P.M, until the next regular meeting on March~2, 1961..~ . ~ ~,~ i ~ ~ Vernon J.~Wail~ P~esident N.R. Mallery, CI~ and Ex~y~fficio Secretary vote: ,~ ~, A,t~,~.ehment >To. ]nT, r! mac':lo a y'~rt, o:r these t3ros~ rlo_nL ",tall st~tod that there on ~lm llet, Lv ~ ,} ,m .' n~d ~.czl ?Mrrison peri ti. on and +ho ,Tv. nos /teller petit i on. :tt, t, ornes' 'Tei(h.nan said ±,ha±,~ bolero zoin~ in5o ¢'¢qn..,o° ~ ho ..... ,a.,tec: to report that the nailtln-~, .......... and ~o~Tt yore turned over to the :~ssessor will he returned at tho nod of President, Wall then a~::z±,ed that the policy had been ~ot l:n, the fol!o~;dn~ :?~otion w'nieh was ne. tried Janua, m- oa 19gl: "Upon motion of Director 6oerinTer, seconded by Director qouza~ the t?ollo:'rin,7 reeo~,.endations :rote adopted with respect, to annexaLion pe~i+,ions and At±,ome7 !','et dragn was ~m%horJ. zec~ to amend Ordinance 7,To.51 n ecordi n~lzr: i l) T!m't the pe+.itioner must be miner of record; ~) That, the land proposed to be annexed most i nel. ude petitioner's entire parco! and/or pal eonLizuons property wader ghe mmership of petitioner." Tn ,", letter to ~!r. N.!!.',rallec.-~ Clerh of the Boa, rd~ from 7,ir. ~?eid:nan with respect ~o the Petition for )mnexakion of ¢!ai.s proper~y~ he states ~hat a chneTc oF the %sseasor~a and i~ecorder~s records wi~h Uts. ~ola~ i~pnty Assessor of ~1 J?orttdo County~ the foil. erin7 wns disclosed: "(1) On '.la.7 3~ 19,'1-5~ recorded on June aS~ 1945~ in Boole 21~ PaTe 10~ Umre vas a deed fro:n V,'.J2. J2v e¢ ux ~o ,John Euljene ?~orrison and Irlene A. '~orriao~l~ Ilia vife~ conveyin,~ lfi.80O acrns of lnl:eland Vi I laze property. deed dated Jul7 1(~ 1951 and recorded on ,ln]y 19~ !951~ in ('~,,: ~'-, deed d:-~t, ed. ,h;1--- I.C~ 1951t on~! recorded ,T. lv. 19~ ]95!~ sat. 4 !,akeland Vi llaff~ Property consistinC oF 16.20a acrea~ at i~,~ t,he date of J:mwtry !~ 195~ :md recorded ,lan~mCr 7~ !952~ in Boo!~ 202~ at P;t~e 594. (5) A supplemental a~reement amendin~ a2rem~ent for sale ~ real and personal property tbetween ,Yohn E,,~ene ~!orrison a~d lrlene A, Morrison~ ~n the one part~ and Elizabeth ?lorrison Gay and D~I 'Euffene Morrison on the et}mr part~ respectin~ said recorded on Dece,n~er fi2~ 1952~ in Boole 318 at Pn.~:e l~O. This ".zr~ement merely ~mended the borr'owin:~ rifflers and changed the -~ethod of pa~?mnt of the otis%ina] a.,'~raement between the parties~ For sale of l,akeland Villaze. ((;? lb.- deeJ dated J.ne 13~. 195G? from we~t'erq Title Parcels 5 r, nd a ~horm in El Dorado Cmmtv A~:easor~ ~ap qa;d property so purehasml is i~muer!iately adjacent to the I,ak~]a~d x,ri ]la~o property., i~ which said ~)i so, bath !!orrison Gay and Defy] '~nqene 'lorrison have a record m,merahip inLerest ~s se~ Forth ""'it.h respect to the ~:~,no-:r'.ti.o~'~ petition or ?.!izabeth q:,y :-~,)d ?~my] !~,c;nno ~orri~on for anne,ration o~ Parcel, 5 and adjaeent-~o La.kel*md Villaze~ ~.nd in partim.,lar ~he left. er of "'~alter J. ' Schulz to m~r District, hearin5 the date of ~ebruac: !5~ 19Gl~ T cannot aztec thct title is in t, he name of ~Jr. '%-risen of V~ba City. The record ownership discloses that it ;s~ in ~he same of Joh~ Ewreae Uorrisos and Irlene k.'!orrison a,~d lrlene A. Uorrison~ and Elizabeth !dorrison Ga-~ and · ri wo.l.d therefore ~ee~ ?ruder tlm anne~mtion policy hereto-Fore ndopted~ thai the petition of ~liza!mth ~orrison Gay sad TlarD.-1 va?Irene ~Torrison .*.hould be denied unless they .%lso petition and are joined therein hv ,Tohn ',:;~ffene Tforrison and [ri one .,5. ',lorrimo~. for anne~,m ti on of the v. djoi~inq I:akel and Vi 1 la ~e property.. ~)irr~ctor Psn':o.qt stated that. r~ a point o? lnw., , road or hiTh:'ray does ,not, ::'op'.~.rate a property. *;trotter ~o,~za said that tim ~-~,tent of the qo,,rd ha? been to ,,'et t,he PI,an+,, operntinZ properly opora",:inq properly and have ~rWfici. ent Funds to pay for its operation and asked are we tryin~ to help the area ~row or i..o **eep excluded property from bein~ annexed? ?irector Pankost stated that this i.$ p, little ridiculous - one cC the richest men in the Valle]- is d~mpin,~; 10~000 ?lions of ~ewa. fje into the !ai:e. ~oonor or Inter all of TaTceland Vt.!laze will have to co:ne in to tho District. If you ..coopt this pe~ition~ ye. are bi~derinff the qrov~,h oF this Valley. 9iroctor Wall stated that the lloe. rd bas c?c~pt~d n poi. icy that is not q?~ite clear and, if it can be done, he thinks it should be clarified. My first question in this connection is: What does "contiguous property" mean? What does "ownership really mean - is it the ownership of record in the County Offices?" Attorney Weigh replied that the determination was made as to ownership as required bylaw, but he could not answer the first question. President Wall said that the Board should take steps to clarify these two points - what do we mean by "contiguous" and what do we mean by "ownership"? He then instructed the Attorney to bring back the answer to these questions. Director Pankost objected and stated that, when a piece of property is re- corded in Your name, it is your property and you are the owner of record. President Wall said that, unless there was an objection, he would appoint Director Pankost, Attorney Weidman, and General Manager Priday to bring back a statement of policy for this Board to adopt concerning;these two- questinns - - the exact definition of Wtownership" and how rights-of-way and streets affect the "contiguity" of property. Director Souza asked "How soon do you think the Con~nittee can bring in a decision?" Director Pankost replied that he thought about the time of the next meeting. He will get a ruling fro~ the Attorney General and the Division of Real Estate. Director Souza said that he would like to be on that ~o~ttee and President Wall stated that, unless there is an obgection, he would appoint or include Director Souza in the Co~tteeo Director Pankost stated that he will get letters to the various officials and if he can get a reply back from them a week from today, he will try. President Wall said that if Mr. Pankost, as Chairman, will notify him in time to call a Special Meeting next, he will do so. If not, we will let the ~atter go until the next meeting. President Wall further instructed the Co~ittee of four - Earle FoPankost, Chairman, unless the Co~ttee objects, to hold a meeting tonight to decide how it is ~oing to proceed. President Wall asked Attorney Weidman about the motion to accept the Gay- Morrison petition and was told that the only report we can give these people is that the report of Mr. Schultz in not correct. President Wall asked if the ownership of both of theee parcels is exact. Director Pankost said: 'I ~ant it to be specifically understood, as I a~ fighting a lone battle re~arding the annexation of this piece of property to the District, tb~t the people ~re good friends of~ine and I have never had anything but ~ood relations with them. I, personally, as a Real Estate Broker, would not have sold this piece of property if I had known it was to be allowed to come into the District." President Wall stated that no decision could be made ~onight because of the differences of opinion. Director Waken said that, in order to Clairfy the recerd in his own~ind, when the Holiday Lodge wanted to bring in its l~rge piece of property, there was quite a lot of discussion, etc., and that is why he did not want such a situation to develop again and that is why we are going through all of this. Director Pan~ost moved that I~ESOLUTION NO. 283 -A~ESOLUTION OF TBE BOABD OF DII~ECTOP~ OF TI~ SOUTH TAHOE I~JBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUTHORIZING ADVERTISING FOR BIBS FOR FUR~ISHING OF E~UIPMEET TO SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, be approved. On second by Director Wakeman, Director Pankost amended his motion to read that the specifications state that the automobile be of USA manufacture. On the vote, the motion and the amendment hereto, was carried unanimously. President Wall asked if any one in the audience would like to bring up any business and Mr. James Keller stated that he is the owner of the Lots 1 and 2 for which he has petitioned for annexation but the others are not his as he sold them and he cannot bring them into the District without all of those buyers ~.ng':him. President Tall stated that he thought we would like to have this in the Minutes. Director Pankost asked if those lots were sold prior to exclusion and Mt.Keller replied that they were not but had been sold after they were excluded. The next item on the Agenda was the request for the purchase of a Friden Calculator (used) at a price of $340°00 including sales tax. General Manager Priday stated that, to duplicate this machine with one ~f today, new, would cost at least $820°00. Mr. Mallery has been using%he machine and agrees with this statemat. Director Pankost moved that the Manager be instructed to purchase the Friden Calculator in question and, on second by Director Wakeman, the motion was carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDERS:- General Manager Priday presented the following Change Orders which he recommended for approval: No. 4 - Reason for change required by realignment - $663.18 in favor of Lagrange. No.20 - Description of Change - ~nstall pavement on San Francisco Avenue and Glenwood Way~ clean flooded house on Moss Street, locate missing laterals~ and change unit price of 906 LF fromM IlK-1 to Mlt K-9 from $6.70 to $6.88 - increase of $1,782.63. Director Pankost moved that, on the reco~nendation of General Manager Priday, these Change Orders be approved. On second by Director Wakeman, motion was carried unanimously. CLAIMS:- Claims, as listed~ were recommended for payment by the General Manager~ with checks Nos. 1818 through 1860 in the amount of $2,457.51 and Warrants Nos. 973 through 982 in the total amount of $73,365.64 presented for signature. Director Souza moved that these claims be paid as recommended by the General Manager and, on second by Director Clarke, motion was carried unanimously. Director Pankost stated that a check Writer with signature attachment should be purchased and General Manager said that he requested Attorney Weidman to ascertain if it would be legal. President Wall stated that, as of now, all standing committees are cancelled and, at the next meeting, he will appoint new committees. He also stated that the Board nor the district has a flag and he would like to have one of the United States of America and one of the ~tate of California at these meetings. Director Pankost moved that Manager Priday~ together with himself, take the necessary steps to have a flagpole put in and that a suggestion be made to our Manager to cause a flagpole to be installed on the grounds of the Treat- ment Plant and purchase the necessary flags. On second by Director Wakeman, the motion was carried unanimously. Mr. John DeLagrange, Contractor, offered to donate a flag to this District for use in its Conference Room. Engineer Meyer read Change Order No. 5 - Beach Trunk, which calls for the removal of and replacement of existing MttNo. A-2 at an approximate cost(increase) of $450.00. He also requested approval of Pay Estimate No.3, Lagrange Construc- tion, Inc., Beach Trunk, in the amount of $15~601.70; Pay Estimate No. 1, Assessment District 1960-3 - Lagrange Construction, Inc., in the amount of $21,604.53. Director Pankost moved that these Progress Payments be made as recommended and on second by Director Wakeman, motion was carried unanimously. ADJOU~:- There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the President at 10:05 P.M. N.R. MallOry, ClerktandEx-0ff~cio Secretary / Vernon J~gl~, l~r~sident of the Board Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. 72 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL FiEET~NG OF THE BOARD OF I)IRECT01~S OF TIlE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT l%{arch 3, 1961 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a special session on March 8, 1961, at the offices of the District, ~ewage Treatment Plant~ Johnson Read, Lake Valley~ California. The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:40 P.M. ROLL C~TJ,: - On call of the roll, there were present Directors Clarke, Pankost, Souza, Wakeman, and Wall. Also present were General ~nager Priday, Clerk & Ex- Officio Secretary Mallery~ Mr. Walter Schultz, Realton, Mr. Dick Seaton and Mr. James Keller, Jr. PURPOSE 0FMEETING:- To hear and act on the Report of the Special Committee relative to the District's policy on annexation of previously excluded proper- ties and to consider two petitions which were postponed. Chairman Pankost read the report of the Co~nittee which was as follows: "In order to clarify certain words and phrases as set forth as Annexation Policy in the Minutes of January 26~ 1961~ the Comittee unanimously recon~nends to the Board for adoption: (~) That the petitioner must be owner of record (a "record owner" may be construed to be the person and~or persons in possession under recorded Contract of Sale). (2) That the land proposed to be annexed must include petitioners' entire parcel and/or all contiguous property under the ownership of petitioner not physically separated by a dedicated street or road". President Wall opened the meeting for discussion and Director Clarke and Director Souza asked for clarification of certain statements after which the Report of the Co,~nittee was unanimously approved. The President then asked if it was clear to all as to the following: 1. The annexation of a previously excluded parcel 2. Ownership is that at the time of the petition 3. In case of petition, the purchaser or owners of property must petition in all of the contiguous property under the same ownership. Director Pankost said that, also to further clarify this~ it was understood that~ as far as the petition is concerned~ "contiguous territory" means the property ad- joinin~ ~he petitioned property and owned by the petitioner. In this area, half or more of the property is under contract of sale. Thus, one person may hold the deed to a certain parcel of land but he may have sold it long before the holder of the contract of sale controls the said property. President Wall then said that the Board has two cases of questionable petitions. Director Souza asked that~ in the case of property~ say~ owned by Earle and him- self; next to that he and the Manager owned a lot~ would that be questioned or who would be considered to be the one Owner? President Wall said that unless there was an objection~ he would make it clear for the Minutes that this means "IDENTICAL ~EBSHIP". Director Pankost said "to better clarify that, the lots sold under Contracts of Sale were sold prior to exclusion and it is my understanding that the purchasers of these lots requested that they be excluded and~ as a person not owning property could not have it excluded, it was done byMr. Keller and Mr. Keller's only relief is to re- cord these contracts of sale". The President then said that he would like to talk of the case of Mr.James Keller, Jr. He has two(2) lots on petition and previously had several, of which many have been sold by him under Contracts of Sale. He is~ therefore, recording these Contracts of Sale and is presenting a newpetition. President Wall then brought up the case of Betty Morrison Gay and Daryl Morris- on who are represented by~r. Walter Schultz and read the last paragraph of Attorney Weidman's letter of March 2, 1961, which was stated as follows: "It would therefore seem, under the annexation policy heretofore adopted~ that the petition of Elizabeth Morrison Gay and Daryl ~orrison should be denied unless they also petition and are joined thereby by JolmEugene Morrison and Irlene A. Morrison for annexation of the adjoining Lakeland Village property." Mr. Schultz then presented a report from the Western Title and Guaranty to the Bijou Realty~ reading as follows: "Gentle,'uen: ~ , :~ In response to your inquiry and foI!o~,,An? an e'~anination of the Assessor's records and the ~! l)orado Comity ?~oorder's :[ndiees~ ~;'e N. nd ti.~t title to the l~r~or parcel of ]~n(; -.-o~ in(~uired ~,l,o.t -i_~ ;'pp~'entlv veiled iu the names of John '~]uf~(mo ~%rrison and Irlene 2. ~.!orriaon~ h. aband and ~dfe. L~ere appears of rocord~ in Book 303 of Official ~:;ocords at Pate 59,t (recorded Jan. a~ 7~ 1952) a,n a~re~;~ent ~'herein said property is sold Co "]lizabeth ~,L~rrison Gay and I}a~zl ~ene ':'_orrison~ daud~ter and son of said John ~Lk~ffene ~lorriaon et nx, subject (o the 5enus and ~rovisions of said. contract. ,~aid e.:amination f. rther discloses that title to t!~e t?zo parcels ae~joinimr to the "~ ~ :e~ and comprising approxk~ately 1.58 a.crea~ is apparently vested ~l~zabeth :Jettison Gay~ a married ~,mman. and Da~l .mgene '~ ' · ~ ~ : ;orrlson~ a married man~ hy deed defied &me 13~ 1958~ and recorded September 17~ 1956 in Book 389 of 0fhc~,.1 7k~corda at ~ ..... 556 If x'~e can be of any further assistance; please let us knmi. Very truly yours s/ John J. Byrnes~ Vi, ce Presi dent" ':r. Schultz questioned tt~e "possession of land", statinf~ that the point he ~,'eo.ld like to make is that the ~,~'ord "sale" or "contra~t of sale" does not mean title. In order to understand the rights of the tvo children in Lakeland Village, the important fact is that the children are prohibited from encumberin~ the'total property; and ~;qmt they are petitioning is the land to ~'zhich they have the le:~al right. This does not mean that all Contracts of .qo. le have the same stipulations. President 'Tall said that his reaction ',~ould be that the policy set by the Board should stand and it may be that the Board ~:.o. ld like to make an exception. Director Pankost said that all contracts carry,~ the sa,me stipnlation. The reason that this Board cane up vi. ih the policy is because there are more parcels sold under contract of sale in this area than in o,.ny other piece. To determine xdmt makes an enctmbrance.~ I do not believe even ! Superior Court could decide. 9irector 'Takeman said that :it is his understandinff that the Duke Valley arr;a ~.dll evidently have to do somethin~ to its septic systen~s but~ if they cannot encumber the property~ v!mt are they ffoin(~ to (to? D. rector ~onza said thct~ bein?,, the auditor of this !,!)istrict~ he ia n~terest.a' in zettinz service eharqos for the financinq and ia therefore interested in seein,q all property bron~ht into the ]as¢mct. President 5'all asked :d~eUmr it is le?l for n, person m~der a Centre, ct of Sale to petition into the l)istrict. If U~ev~ cannot lel',;allv, petition t,a, xelancr ' Villa~:e into ~i~e ')' '- ' , . ~s~rxct,. ~fe ~;'onl(1 have to fo]lev our policy. 7,¥. 7[~eller asked ~hv., not add to the policy "and has a le:'lal ri?'~ht to p.~,~e"-',~:ton' into the J)i strict?" i;~irector Souza read from Beverly and 7ei&~c~n's letter as follm'rs: "The record o:mership discloses It!mt it, is/in the naae of John '75~,~ene ~orrison and irlene L. ?orrison.. and 7]li. zal)eU.~ i!orrison Gay and !;a, ryl ~]u!rene ;:orrison." *;:irector Pankost moved thaC the petition Co~ .... ' '. ~ anne.',mblon })o denied. ., .:1. ;:lo'~:,i on ::as los~ ?or l~'~ck of a. second. President ':'/ail said: "! ~'ronld like the opinion of sor~eone on the !;o,Trd i? P, et, t- '7,.w.i~on Ga,,' :tnd ~Mr,:l '~o'.,'i:;~ ~.;~ pe':i'tian l,c~ke!:md Viii:.? i.to ~... 7)istric!~. l~ i:,'.~e~- (:an~ then xr'e rri]! !rove t.o Feller our po!icy., and deny then. IP [~',V ~': n.ot leza!ly peri!ion 1.7.ke!and Villr:-a ~nto t!~o~Sist, riet,, q'~.erl xre viii con- :;:ider !hat, t~e~, can t)e anne,:ed." ' 'irector. Oo:yzc ,~,.,'r:c,~.,, .... i r,, ::e are !:ore to :u:~si:;t l!,.e aror~ r,v,d qet connections ore xre !!ere to. fall lac.) ~' ?'.pon r: i, echnica!it,v') 74 ~p. I~ a clues!:.ion co~es ,,p~ it is passed v;he!her another l~!:o~ it or not. You do ~of ,~o into o-r 0rdinancos~ otc s ~a,.-:e ~mI~r~ tti n~ the ~q'on~ doc;i si on. I Director qouza said t!tat ot~r At!o?m','? .,la:t,e an opinJ, e~.~ ,)n ±he i nfnrr.~?.iion he ha4. !1~, did not ~ee ,*.,bo Alreenent. opinion o? Attorney Holbein cml when we do r'nccive tlm, t opiniont it ~ s his belief that the 9oard shou!f) '~'ix~e eo~nsiderai, ion to that opinion and it ~bould also uive consideration to t, he 0rdina~cea and Resolutions or~ ii we think that tho i. n6o~:mtfon received from the Attorney is ~fl:a{, we s!~o~ld Zo l~].,~ no{ the wordin~ of ltbe eontract~ as tl~ere are ~o ,:~anN ramifica- tions which could throw us into a "cocked hat". In this particular case~ z;-e should ~et an opinion from Attorney llollom and our llesolution modified to take care of such a case. Dirnctor ?."akeman said that it seems to him that a great portion of the qoard~s time is taken np by people who have been exclm!ed from the District. and some flay he hopes ]to see this l~oard set a policy and st~ck to it. lie ~.uld like to see us set a fi~.~ policy. President ?fall said that, at. the ne regular ~:~eetin~, he wo:~ld st',~ffest ~irector V,~akeman make a motion to have }.ir. Iloltom and }Ir. ?feidman st,~c~r this Resolntion to max_'o it more comprehensive. Director P. ap~mst stated that -~rector LSouza said that his opinion on a Contract of ,Sale recorded in the ~ecorder's Office. I lmve to agree that this Board has spent a Ireat deal of ti~o on annexations and each time one comes up~ this Board seems to feel thai elmn~o i,t~ poli President ?fall called for a vote on the motion to authorize Attorney Holtom to give us a ]e~]a] opinion statinff whether it is legal, for Betty Gay and ~,! Uorrison to petition into this 9istrict~ and thc vote ;~ms as fo 1 I. ows: A~2S: Directors Clarke ~ f~ouza ~ i',rakeman~ and "!al 1 NOE~: !)irector Pankost AI]S~,IT: None Director Pankost said that the motion is entirely out of order, and Director ClarI:e as[,:ed on what basis did he l~ind this motion out of order. Director ParLkost replied that it ~xs oct of order becanse the Board is asl:in~ for an opinion on one petition only. President Z'al] ~tated that this is the reason why he asked for this vote on one ~arcel - becat~se we are i.n a Special }.[eetin,~ and not a re,~lar meet,- in~. Therefore, I accept this motto.n, as in order at this time. All those who ~,p.hold the order of the motion~ please so si.~ify ~z saying "Aye". The decision of the Board upheld the motion with ~rector Pad, est votinf~ "No". '-~ana.~er Priday vw.s therefore instrncted to contact Attorney Noltom in this connection. }.'ir. Keller handed his Petition for Annexation to !'ir. ~.!allery who read same by which he requested that his Lots Nos. ] ,.md 2, Block 102, Bi jou Park Acres,s be annexed to the District. Director Pent-:est moved that this petition be approved and motion v~as seconded Irc Director Par~Tcost then asked ?Lt. Keller if the property petitioned is his personal property and if he had any contiguous property nnder his control to which q~estion Ur. Keller answered in the negative relative to contignous property. Director PanI~ost amended his motion to state that the property ~.~i]l be accepted for annexation when it is found that there is no conti~ous prl~perty under ~ir. Jim Keller's control. Director Clarke seconded thc motion as amended and it Ires therefore carried unanimously o AD.3OU:?~]~P: %~ere bein~ no objeetio.~? tho ~oeLin~ ~s adjourned bZ the ~esiden~ at 10:00 P.~,~. Vernon ~i. '?~ ~esident of the Eoard of ~Hrec~ors of Lbo go. ~aboe ~d~lie Utility ~i stri ct ~.!~. ?.~,allery, Cleric and Ex-Officio Secretary/ 75 B02C~.D OF DIV~ECTORS 07 :P'~ S0!YPl! TA!IOE P~.]]LIC UTILI'W DISTRICT :,!arch 18, 1961 The Board of 'qrectors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in ref;ular session on ~.~arch 1G, 1901~ at the offices of the District, Sewage ~-eatment Plant, Johnson Road, Lake Valley, CaliFornia. The meetin~ was cal]ed to order l~f the President Pro Tern at 8:15 P.~.I. o'clock !lOLL CAI%~ :- Upon call of the roll there were present: Directors Clarke, Pankost, Souza, and Wakeman; ABSEKvP: Director ?fall. Also present were~ General. ~'~anager Priday, Clerk L~al I cry, Attorneys Hol tom and Wei dinah; press representatives Little of the Lake Tahoe News, Zane ~,~iles of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune[~ and Don ~.chardson of the Sacramento Bee~ Project Engineers ilarlan l[oyer of Clair A. Hill and Associates and lq/chard Aberley of Brmm and Caldwell; John ?Jadera of Lagran~e Construction, Inc. President Pro Tern Souza stated that the first order of business was the approval of the }~[inutes of the last three me~tin~s. Director Pankost advised them he had just received the ~..~inutes at 5:00 P.}I. and had not had an opportunity to read them. Therefore, he desired to have the '.,Hnutes postponed until he had a chance to look them over. The readin~ of lthe ~.inutes was postponed until later in the meeting. BID 0PL~_4ING:- Bids were opened and read I'~ the Clerk for the sale of 1960-3 Special Assessment Bonds in the amount of ;::~153~729.00 and were as follows: (~158 Cruttendon~ Podesta 2: Co. ,729.00 Ave. Int. Cost 5.230~ Grande & Co. 153,729.00 Ave. Int. Cost 5.193~ J.B. Iianauer & Co. 153,729.00 Ave. Int. Cost 5.1033!f, Stone & ¥onngberff 153,729.00 Ave. Int Cost First California Compan,~ 153~729.00 Ave. Int. Cost 4.5547, Upon recon~endati, on of Attorney Holtom anti on motion lw :,arect r Cla, rke: seconded by Director Pa~d~ost~ Ordinance No. 7,~ ~hT n~T~T~},TO~ A?fA!~DING SAI,E 0F BON~ - SANITSC!Yo.,~'~'~r~,.;~.,'~.,, P~0,~CT. ..... ~T0., 1960~3 awardin~ the sale to the low bidder~ First California Company~ vms unanimously approved and adopted.. ;"~,~T'~G~W'S PEP0]:.!T~ General ..aha er Pridav read his report which-is attached hereto as A.ttaclrnent Uo. 1 and made a part of these ]:.[inures. President Pro Tern Souza reco~nended that the ~[ana~er's report be accepted and~ on motion 17 Director Clarke, seconded by Director ?[akeman~ report was unanimously accepted. 7h~ring di scussion of the report, ?~ianaffer Priday asked Attorney Wei~b~an to render an opinion as to the responsibilit? oC !:a~ra. nffe Construction, Inc. in relation to its unfinished contracts. After checkinff, Attorney 'Wei~tman stated that I,affranffe is still responsible to the District. !'~CPO?T OF C0'~[ITT~'] 07'? Itu%[PING STATI0:'¢ PtlOGP. Ef~S: Director ':fakeman~ as Chain~an~ read the Committee's report in which it ~ms 'the expressed opinion of t,he core,i tree that no further extension of time be f~ranted on this contract. On ,.~otion oF DirecLor "':%koma'n~ ,qecondo~ by l)'iroc-[.or Clarl:.~ Lhe 76 st,~ teQ ~,~ '~ " l,azran~e Construction~ Inc~ on the 1959-1 Contract in the amount of :)al ~791.00. 0D motio~ by ~'~irector Pan!~ost and seconded tw ~]irector ".'al~eman~ the ~:~ot, i on to pay that a~:munt was fmanimous]v ca]Ti C0::LI~flCATIONS: -General ?tnai:.;er Priday stated that he had received a verbal cor~mni cation from '.ir. ~ti ss re~uosti,u~: a letter fror~ the ]~oard stipul~tin,-:~ the acceptance hy the District of the ~e~'m::~e Collection System for lleavenly Valley llomes and iie~en]y R~alley Vi]lace. lie then reco::r:~ended that~ i.f tMs letter is written~ it definitely stipulate the acceptance of the plans and specificatSons of the installation h¥ the Tahoe ~Jdic l~tility District and that a cash bond to cover inspection fees be rorthmminf~ and he further stated tBat he Cid not Icnm;' if an ammmt of ,:.~ ~000 is Director Ps,cost moved that General HanafserP, mcay' ' be directed to write such a letter~ copy of which is to be incorporated in these minntes. On second l~z Director Clarke, the motion was nnanimonsly epprovedo The cleric read a letter from }:r. Arms Harootunian- no action was ta!,::en. !IEP0?.T ON ~T~T ~ ~n~,n ~'~;~r~,~ o-~:~am~. ..e~tm~,,n reported that char;es for street lightin.ff applicab].e to excluded property cannot, be collected throu,zh tax liens if they are in arrears, llowever~ they can be collected~ plus interest~ at the time of annexation. On motion }m Director Panlcost, seconded by Director Y,'akeman, the annexa- tion of the :.~orrison property, Lakeland ¥illa?;e, was denied. At previous meetings~ this matter had been discussed at lenzth. !,~otion was nnanimously carri ed. LU~';' BUSI)fESS: - The future recall election calemler :'fas presented by the Cleric r ~ '~' ~- e~:,a~t,~n~ the selection of a polling; place and election officials. Director Clarke was instructed to secure the use of the ,~merican Le[~ion i!a]l for the pollin2~ place. 0n motion of Director Clarke~ seconded by Director f~ouza~ the Board ordered the appointment of the fo]lmdng Election Officers for the April 25~ 1961 }'{eca].l Election of Director at Large No. 2: Inspector - l{omer Campbell, Box 802~ P, ijou, Calif. Jv, d~e--- Fred !!i~htmeier, Box 156, Bijou~ Calif. ,~lerx--- Ethel Clarke, P.O. Box 6,4.4, Tahoe Valley, Calif. The followin2; bids for the purchase of a compact car were opened and read L?7 the Clerk: J0tD,~ I!. T~kGY~I.~ CO., Stockton - }.,10~9~rAIN ~,i0T01'IS, Placerville - H!~C[! }.!0TOP~ INC. Sacramento PATTE!~0N !IOTOP~ PlacervilIe B!_XITON HOTORS~ INC. 2acr~ento ~I,S'70!'~T!t I~10LD CO. ~ Sacramento G~R CI~a~0L~' C0. ~ San Franci see LL~Z ?JOTOR S~ES, Place~il. le $1.693.13+ Sales'r,:.x. 1849.00 + Sales Tax 2099.00 + S.T. & Permit 1714.63 + Sales Tax 1781.a4 + Sales Tax 1762.90 + Sales Tax 1722.65 + ~a].es Tax 1795.31 + Sales Tax 1727.00 + Sales Tax After the bids were read, General :.,~anager Priday was instructed to purchase the Ford FALCON from the Lutz ,',lot, or Sales,sthere being not enouEh difference between their bid and the lowest to warrant buying out of the County. A resolution 2~overnin~ the deletion of laterals at the time of sewer line construction was discussed. On motion by Director Pankost~ seconded hy .Director Clarke~ that the same agreement nsed for lateral deletions under the 1959-1 and 1960-1 Assessments be in all futnre assessment districts, the motion was carried unanimously. 7? UI~.rfES: -The m~n,.tes of Fobr',:ar-z 1G? 10gl; were read nnd approved ns wr~tt, en and Ucrc.h 3~. 196]? wore npproved ~s corrected. P~L~P0IW OF C0~..!ITT~ 0M ?ZATF~:-Director v,rake;.nan,. Chairman of tho Co,'mnittee~ reported that he had called a moetin?; at, the Sands ."[otel on ?riday~ ?~arcb 17~ 1961~ at, 7:00 A.*L ¥£ith adjournment a~ 8:00 A.~. and report to be heard vt. next regular meeting~ April 6~ 19gl. o R~0![T ON dI,.H[,AY~:- Birector Clarke in reportin~ on the I!iffh,mys~ stated thai, this is no lonff, era local debate. The co_ncensus ~m.,q to a~mit develop- !nents and action was delayedo Attorney tlolLom presented the £ol!o,'rin~ 0rdi,,ance nnd Resolutions flor approval: 0PDIK5??CE NO. 73 - AN 0RDIST.?fCE .C,'SUIDING SALE 0F BONDS - SANITAP7 S~[',~LkGE P~0,~CT N0. 1960~3 A~SES~vP DIST]~ICT 19~1-1 PE~0LUTION N0. 285:- A F. ESOII~I05T PE2I~TING CONS~W 0F THE TI0ARD 0F gl~R VIS0~]S 0F T[~ C0!N~ 0F ~.: D0I%M)0~ TO I~DFJ!T?3(E RROC~DINGS FOi~ Tt~ AC2UISITION ASH3 CONSTRUCTION OF S:~NITA}]Y S~";~!IS A>TD T0 PROVIDE TTLiT T~ CO~TS E~LiI,I, BE ASSESSED %~ON T!~/~ DISTEICT B~FITED~ T~I~! i~ROP~IlATE S~]CI_~ ASSES~,~ AND ASSES~.~IT BOND ACTS -A~SES~IE>~ DISTE!CT lgfl]-]. ~ESOLUTION N0. 222:- A E!gSOL~.~ION RE[~!~STING TIL~T ~TE COI~ [~XJ,TII 0~TCET~ 0F ]~ DOPAD0 COIW~ ~hEC0}~,.~ PROC~INGS I~DT~l J~POPTIIATE g~CI~tL A~ES~.~ BO~.~ ACTS~ OP OTNET~ ?~PEOPTIIATE PPOCEEDINGS~ FOE TT~ AC2I!TSI- TION A~,U] CONSTkUCTION 0F A ~ANTT2J~Y g~'.U~PJ, GE ~ST~! .%MD /~.~T~,t~TCES~ AS )~CESSA!W M~ A T~,tLTII ~.~tgl~E - F~J~NITA~W S~',~AGE PEO~CT NO. 1.961-1 EESOIITTTON: 227:- A P, ESOLL~IOM 0F II~ION T0 AC~UTD~ AND CONSTRUCT E~I~0~WS m ASSEg~?~ DIgTRICT 19G]-I. T'~SOLI~ION: 228 - A RESOII~PTON DET~r~!NING Tg.~AID ASSESS~-~PS ~tN]) P~0VII)- Art, er all these were rend., the;? were adopted ,3nani. mously hy the t]oard of Directors. CTATq~;: - Claims in the total n. moma't, of :!'~19~,,q05.47 wero presented and n. pprov- ed For paynent and checks ?los. 1272 Lhrou,qh 1941 and "farrants Uos. 084 thrm~qh .026 were si.~n~d. ~,:!anaf?r Priday presented a re?mst for extensio~ of six (6} da,~,s to T,affran~re ~onst. ruction For the work on the Beach Trunk !.ine and reco~en'~!ed appr0val~ 0n mot, ion of 9J rector llTar:~man~ seconded b,r Director Clarbe. motion carri ed unanimously. of :19~079.0g~ held since last Docember~ was recor~nendod for paS~ont, General ~!ana,2'er Pti day. ~Tirector ?;a,keman moved~ seconded }r~ ¢)i rector Pr'nTroat Director PanTror~,t hro~,,qnt, up the c, uc, stion of off!rent di sposal and President ?$ rU~.i co ,. %.1 i f. ."_- 1:490 ~,q92.no "~ I ~ gn°.O0 A- 2 ~l 7fi,.9S1.50 ,~ o ~7o o.~0.50 q,,-ani to Cons t r',:etior, qo. ":"c, tsor:v5 ~, le ~ (?al i r.. B- ~., ~25.q ,5°0.00,,, ':?tot 17,~,o opening and ret,alit',7 of t,he bids~ th.e~-were all turned over' o? {he a~:gficiene'r ~-~d reco~:~n ndption for m~':,vd. The :-:motin;'~ of 5:00 P.77. ~ follmdnZ the close of the Prot, est T!earin ..... -' .......... 7-~- . ,., r, . · :<.T~. 'lr'~lec'~ (,lo~~9'gl ~.ei o i ':)irocLors of tho Zouth ?;,hoe ~hlic 7q:,ilit7 P::rs,?--+~ to d,,]-- p~;bli~hoa. ...... '::,otte*' e,~ Lbo meet. in,-_: PoP tho pnrpo:~o o-P hevrin?, President of '~ of Directors of the [;istri(% vi fi:05 P.U.~ 'P[ar'el~ 23~1901~ at, the l';ir;trict Of'fi cos~ Se:'rr, Te '['vestment ...... Plvnt~ ,fohnson l~oa(!~ t,aIre V,!Iox-,. -, . !:'/)TT O'TT' U,9on c.:,ll o-P t,~e ro!l~ there ~.reve ~ ........... : root, ors 1., "'/eidrnan ?nj ,John "~l~""l Engineers Clair A. llill i[arlen '~o-ror~ and , qh m~pe. '"" ' T t'hir't'7-three (33)which Cleric ,5~l!ec: read the vrrit, Len prot, esLs~ T;oI'o i~rnod oxrer t.o t, he qoere!.arj' for fi lin;7. Pre:;ident '","A.] t..hen stP,ted t. hnt~ he'Fore callin[r on m~eh of those pr'esent~ st,.te,.~..n~s vhich should he marlo ;md said , 'e !md somethin7 to say. March 2~, 1961 bon~ For pnp~nen-t aP a peri. od ~o )on:-,,. ~P!,c,~e l)ond~ :ire i~sued m'~dor tho !915 ~on(! Let. Pre,~;ident '%1! thnn. asked if r. nTrone present desired to proi,eat or to aacuro ?re'thor in'?or.,'?.qt:i on concerninZ tho proceedin,,w~. There Fo!lowed verlml protests ?ro;n the followinz property ovmers: 1. Jionneth ~o!')erts 5. 9".vid TI. ~cb:-fcr 2. J[i. nnie Tm'ncr g. ~Jra. 0live ~rmm ., ar: n ~,nd '[,'red;7 !~vi:on 7. ~,)~o~r Upton who bmv~ht from Chris 4. Ton 15mdt,-' Johnson. to whom tho/Assessment Notice was addressed 8. "[illicm Johnson who asked how the Assessment 9istricts were cloSed, mined and '3treat. or Prmkoat evcplained that it is studied by the 7~nzineers to aec what district can l)e sewered mosb economi cai ly. '.ir. Johnson asked is it determined when property i.s taken in under "e:;tra territorial jurisdiction". The Attorney replied tha~ the feasibility is considered on the basis of the recommendation ot? the ~nzineers and based on proeeedi, nzs of the consultation wiU.~ the Board of Snpervisors of '"3 9oracle County. Director Pankost stated t!m,t~in answer to 7.fr. Johnson,. :~11 of the people btwinZ property are payin,% taxes to pa.-,,: for this Treat- nent Plant. _~!r. Johnson then wanted to know ~d? the }~inutes of the ¢.[eetin~s are not published in the newspapers and also why does not ~he District publish its budget in the pp, pers. (~) "Luel?" T. Yfill:i~ms; (10) Jem? }Jar*in (Gardner '~o,mtain "3cter Company) pro~estin~[; assessment on a well site on Lo~ 20 of Gardner ?~ountain Addition No. O -.Assessment No. GOM-2891; Assessment g0--i-2162~ I,ot 1.~ Block 1 of ~he '7.D. lbrt, on Tract which is a piece 50' wide vrhieh is to be a road and tentative maps have been approved and by the end of the 7fear~ this w/II bo a dedicated road; Assessment No. 60~[- 1698 - a, 4 rtere parcel which he desires ~o have excluded Prom Che Dis~rie~ and imt into the 200 Acres in which they plan to install their eyre sewers; (101 Gaylord Wild. Director Par~cost stated that~ in an assessment district roll of some 2~000 p::rcels or individual p, ssessments~ you will ,.mdoubtedly find some mistakes. Some of the protests may have serif, lie thereupon moved that all Protests be denied :'rith the exception of the followinz: ~!rs. ~delvin Sprin?,neyer Lukins Brothers qarti n Brothers and any like protests re~arding assessments made in error or extra, la,tera!s and these protests to be ,qiven to t:.e }Ianazer and :,n~neers. D/rector ":Edge:nan seconded the motion and asked that he be told percen%age-wise~ on the basis of the number of pm. reels to be brouzht into this Assessment District,, hey many Protests would be neeessa~: to overrule the Assessment. Attorne? Holtom stated that it would require over o0/o. It is apparent that some corrections must be made and the Co:mnittee for this should be appointed b? the Board. The President Pro Tern called for the vote on the motion and it wa, s carried ,manimonsly, as the President was called awwy at 4:15 P.i:!. Director Pankost moved that the ,Ie,~mng be closed and the adjourned meetinZ of l[crch 1G,. 19gl~ be i~ediately remained. 0n second by Director Cla, rke~ motion was ,nanimously carried. The Protest, !IearinZ was closed at 5:00 P.H. l~ ...... z.~al~ cc; ,Cleric cf 'r,]x-0ffi c~6 / - Se c reta 79 i~{v. rch ~3 Board of Directors o? the ~o~.~th T:hoe ~,,blic Utfli{y DistrieL met in an .d-~ourned ~ession of the read!ar meet]n~ or :,.rc:t ]G~ 19Gl, a~ tho 9isfirict ~67i ce~ ~ Sm'm.~e Tren tmenL P1 an-6 ~ ,Johnson ;~oa.d ~ I,nke Va] Icy ~ C:. ] i 6ornia, on i,larch co ].9gl ~ne ~eei, in5 wns called to order ])~ lhe President Protem 5:20 ROIi, C)2,I,:- On ca. 1] of the roll. there s.cere present Directors Cla. r!m~Pard~ost~ Souza~ and ,re.kern, m, ABSINT: ~irector 'lall Also present: Attorney lTeidman~ iCgorney Ilol~om~ General l{anaffer Pti day ~ and i~n9}i ricers ~ Clair IIill ~ !larlan ~;loyor~ nn(~ A.L. Shoupe. The President Pro Tern stated thai, seven (7) bids had been received on the construction of SewaTe Collection l,ines -Assessment District 19~0-4 and upon the recon~nendation of the Nn;~ineers for the Assessment Distri. ct~ Clair A.Ilfll and Associates~ the bid was awn, rded to Po.7 Pricey Inc., of Fresno~ California~ the low bidder for the total amount of ;':1,329~982.50 - Alternate A.? ~d. tha total project cost of $1,028,000.25. The Engineers' Estimate for the project using Alternate A was $1,404,358.00. The Engineers stated that the difference between the two alternates - Alternate A and Alternate B - was in the construction of the two different pumping stations. CLAIMS:- Payroll in the amount of $1,993.60, including withholding for Barton Memorial Hospital - Checks Nos. 1945 through 1957. Warrant No.998 - i//C. Harper & M.J. Baxter, Contractors 1960-2 construction - - $11,072.66. On motion of Director Pankost that these claims be paid at the recommenda- tion of the General Manager, seconded by Director Clarke, motion was unan- imously carried. ADJ0~ffiNT:- There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the Preisdent Pro Tem at 5:30 P.M. ~ Frank C. aouza, PreSident l~d Tem N. R. M~llery, Clerk and Ex-~officio Secretary MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ~ETING OF THE BOARD 0F DIRECTOBS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE I'JBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 6, 1961 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session Thursday, April 6~ 1961. The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:12 P.M. ROLL CALL:- Board members present were: President Wall Director Pankost Director Wakeman Director Souza Director Clarke Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of the Board Mallery, AttorneyWeidman, Engineers Harlan ~ioyer, L.E. Shoupe of Clair A.Hill & Associates, Engineer Richard Aberley of Brown and Caldwell, John Madero of Lagrange Construction, Inc., Walter Little of the Lake Tahoe News, Donald M. Richardson of the Sacramento Bee, ~.Lyle Laughlin, Tahoe Tribune, Mr.tt. Reeves of STPUD. Director Pankost moved that the minutes of March 23rd be approved as written andthis was seconded by Director Souza. Director Souza moved that the minutes of ~rch 16, 1961, be approved and this was seconded by Director Pankost. Gener&l Manager Priday brought attention to paragraph's five through nine of his report. President Wall asked the Board of Directors to read the COmplete report and be ready to take action, if necessary, at the next regular meeting. (Manager's report is attached - approved by the Board) Clerk Mallery gave his explanation of the financial statement. General Manager Priday stated that a word of thanks is to go to Mr. Mallery and his Assistant for the wonderful job accomplished regarding the audit. Mr. Mallery read and filed a letter of resignation from Dr. Wall effective as of 12:00midnight, April 20, 1961. President Wallts reason for resigning was that his private practice does not allow him time to serve as a member of the Board. Director Pankost moved the resignation be accepted with regrets as of April 20, 1961, and Director Wakeman seconded. Regretfully the motion was un- animously carried. Following the acceptance of President Wallts letter of resignation, an attempt was made to elect a new President. Director Wakeman nominated Frank Souza. Being this was not seconded, the motion was lost. Director Souza lmo~ed that Director Wakeman be appointed as the new president.-President Wall turned the gavel over to Director Wakeman and President Wall seconded the motion. This motion was lost as there were two for and two against Director Wakeman. Director Clarke moved that a letter of appreciation and thanks should be sent to President Wall for the long hours and hard work he did as President of the Board. Director Souza seconded and the motion vas unanimously carried. General Manager Priday;stated that no claims are to be considered unless bubmitted by the Friday prior to each regular Thursday meeting. lit. Reeves suggested payment of five claims for easements in lieu of lateral. One in the amount of $150.00 and ~he other four claims in the amount of $100.00. It was agreed by the Board of Directors that these claims be paid. Director Pankost moved that the request for payment of $600.00 to Mr. Hughes for appraisal of land at Tahoe Meadows be accepted. This was seconded by Director Clarke and unanimously carried. Director Pankost moved that certain sections of the 1958 Plumbing code be adopted as part of Ord. //24. Ord. //24 is the Ordinance regulating the use of Public and Private sewers, the installations of sewer laterals and public sewer main exten- tions, providing for the employment of a sanitary iuspoctor, provides permits, and fixing fees, for the installation of sanitary sewer laterals, and regulating plumb- ing drainage and severing in the South Tahoe Public Utility District. -This was seconded by Director Souza and unanimously carried. Director Pankhst moved that as soon as the amendment to Ordinance No. 24 is ready that it be published as a paid advertisement in both newspapers and a copy of this Ordinance be sent to every licensed contractor operating in South Tahoe. Director Clarke seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. Director Pankost reco~nended that the Plant Superintendent attend the meeting of the California Sewer and Ifidustrial Waste Association on April 20th through April 26th at Santa Monica, California. Director Wakeman seconded and the motion was unanimously carried. General Manager Priday requested the i~znediate purchase and installation of two (2) Wempco Sludge Circulating Pumps which is of great emergency to replace the two existing pumps which are giving trouble. Director Souza motioned the purchase of the pumps be allowed and General Manager Pridayhe allowed to proceed with purchase. Director Pankost seconded and the motion was unanimously Carried. President Wall stated that a request was received by a committee from a Real Estate Board concerning the attitudes of the freeway. President ~all stated that,in as ~is opinion, as long as the freeway does not interfere with the District*s projects and functions - there is no comment. General Manager Priiay stated that four (4) petitions for annexation had been received from individual lots. ~o were not from proporty owners of record and the other two are in the names of Glenn E. Rock, Blk. 29~ Lot 5, - Brownie Perride, Blk. 20, Lt.12, A1 Tahoe. The latter two were recon~nended for approval and the other two lots which are in the name of Glbbin be denied. Director Pankost moved these two lots be approved for annexation and the other two be denied. Director Souza seconded. The motion was uanimously carried. 3erryMartin, DonMartin and Don Hall, owners of the Tahoe Valley Center, pe%itioned that 195.17 acres for aunexation to the District. Director Pankost moved that the petition be approved. Director Souza seconded the motion-it was unanimously carried. Director Pankost moved that Claire Hill &Associates investigate the cost of revamping Bijou Pump Station and report recomnendations. Director Pankost moved that the engineers - Claire Hill &Associates - be instructed to make a study for final effluent disposal operation and report an estimated cost at the earliest convenience. Also, that Cla~ Hill & Associates make a study of the plans and specifications of the Spray Operation. Director Souza seconded the motion as per General Manager Priday~s report. Motion unanimously carried. President Wall apppinted a Public Relations committee and named Director Clarke aa Chairman and Genral ~lanager Priday as a Member. President Wall was asked by the hospital to consider the sewer problem of the hospital. Director Souza was asked to contact Len Robinson and report at the next meeting. The m~gting w~ adjourned until 7=00 P.M., Tuesday, April l~s 1961. N.R.Yall'e~, C~e~ of Boar~ and ~ ~ '-:"-~ ~a~ c. Souza~esi~nt Officio Secreta~ MiNuI:~ ~-~i~ ~~ ~PiP;L-iN~ OF T~ BO~D OF DI~TO~ OF T~ SO~H T~OE ~IC ~ILI~ DI~RICT April 11, 1961 The Bosrd of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a special session on April 11, 1961. The meeting was called to order by Director Souza at 7:10 P.M. ROLL C3tIl,:- Board of Directors present were Director Souza~ Wakeman~ Clarke, and Pankost.. Also present were Mr. ~. Reeves of STPUD~ General Manager Priday, Attorney Weidman, Engineers ttarlan Moyer of Clair Hill &Associates~ Mr. Lyle Laughlin-Tahoe Tribune, Donald Ricl~rdson-Sacramento Bee, and Engineer Richard Aberley of Brown and Caldwell. Absent were President Wall and Clerk of the Board Malleryo Mr. l~yer reported that Clair ~ill & Associates have inspected the Beach Trunk Line as of April 10, 1961, and claimed that the work is completed in accordance with the plans and specifications with the exception that the Contractor cannot repave the county roads because of weather conditions. Mr. Moyer recommended the sewer lines be accepted by the Board of Directors and that the exact amount of $6,975.00 be withheld until the roads are accepted. Director Pankost moved that the Beach TrunkLine be accepted in accordance with the Engineers report and the s~ of $6,975.00 be withheld until the roads are accepted. Director Wakeman seconded and the motion was unanimously carried. Director Souza moved that a Resolution determining that the public interest and n~cessity requiring acquisition of easements and directing the filing of _~elnent domain proceedings be adopted. Director Wakeman seconded and the motion was unanimously carried. General Manager Priday recommended that a resolution be adopted to authorize the engineers for the District to accept work and file notice of completion-Sewage Collection System -Assessment District 1960-1, Schedule A. Director Souza moved that Schedule 'A' be accepted on the engineers recon~nendation. Director Pankost seconded and the motion vas unanimously approved. Director Pankost moved that Mr.R. Aberley's report regarding pumps be postponed until the next regular meeting, As there were two for and two against-the motion vas lost. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 P.M. ~rank C. Souza~ Pr~ident ~ Tem SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT O£fi~io Secretary'' ~{INUrEs OF THE KEG~ MEET I~ OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOIl THE SOUTH TAHOE t~tIC UTILITY DISTRICT APII~L 20, 1961 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session Thursday, April 20, 1961. The meeting was called to order by President Wall at 8:15 P.M. ROLL Present were Directors Souza, Pankost, Clarke and Wakoman and President Wall. Also present were General ~anager Priday, Clerk of BoardMallery, Attorney Weidman, Harold I.iiiller, Walt Little -Lake Tahoe News, Donald Richardson - Sacramento Bee, William Johnson, Less Na~y, ~r. Ilarper of Harper and I~er, Stan Carter and-I~arlan~oyer of Clair Hill &Associates. MANAGERtSREPORT General Manager Priday read his report~,whichwas approved and accepted by the Board of Directors. FINANCIAL IIEPO~T ~. Maller~' read and explained his financial report which was approved and accepted by the Directors. COh~IIT~~RTS Director Waken read the minutes of the Water Co~maittee meeting which took place at 7:00 A.M. at the Sands,-April 8, 1961. Director Wake~an also mentioned these meetings are held the first Friday of each month at the SANDS MOTl~and.everyone is invited to attend. Director Souza s~ated that he h~d cont~ctedMr. Len ~binson as ~esident W~11 inst~cted re~r~ the hospital sewer probl~, ~esident W~11 ~sked ~rector So~ to conti~e to ~rk~th Mr. L. ~bi~on ~til all ~obl~ ~re solved. C~~TIO~ General"~er ~i~y stated he ~d received word from ~bbins~ers stati~ t~t a ~presentative could not attend the'~eti~ but will be in the at.bout April 25th. ~INIS~~I~ ~esident Wall rec~ended a ~solution be ado~ed~otecting the South Tahoe ~blic Utility ~strict for a~ and all ~ges~ costs, incoherences, that might arise f~l-f~ctioni~ of M~o Slu~e Circulati~ ~ and probl~ crated there.. ~rector ~ost m~ed t~t this ~solution (attached) be ado~ed~th the c~e of one sentence to read p~s~ pipit, ~gesters - and the other c~e %o r~d frm one year to five y~rs agai~t ~ges resulti~ fr~ the~l-f~ctioni~ of these ~ps. ~rector Clarke seconded and the motion~s ~- animously carried. Director Wakeman moved that the word "supposedly":be deleted from the Resolution. Director Clarke seconded and the motion was unanimously carried. NL~BUSINESS: General Manager Priday suggested the "SILENT KNIGItT" man-hole covers which he found from past experience to he a good and safe type be considered. President Wall asked Mr. Moyer to check these man-hole covers and have his report at the next regular meetiug. President Wall also asked attorneyWeidman to check in regards to a patent material to protect STPUD should the Board of Directors de- cide to use this newman-hole cover, and have his report ready for the next regular meeting. Director Wakeman moved the~anager's Beport be adopted and Director Souza seconded. The vote ~as three to one and the motion~as carried. Director Souza moved that Schedule "D'-I, a part of 60-1, not be accepted upon the rec~endation of the Manager. Director Clarke seconded the motion and it ~as unanimously carried. R E C E S S A T 9:55 P.M. The meetin~was called baCk to order at 10:18 P.M. Director Pankost moved the~inutes of April 6, 1961, be approved as corrected. Director Souza seconded and the motion was un- animously carried. Director Wak~nan moved the minutes of April 11, 1961, be approved as corrected - Director Pankost seconded. It~was unanimously carried. Director Pankost moved that Director Souza be appointed as President to replace President Wall. Erector Clarke seconded and the motion was unanimously carried. Director Pankost moved that Les Na~y be appointed as Director of the Board -Director Clarke seconded to have Mr.Na~y fill the vacancy of Vernon Wall. Mr. Mallery read a letter fr~nMr. Warren E.Turpinwho seeks the job of a Board Member. Director Clarke moved that this matter be studied and ~abled and he brought up at another time. Director Wake~an seconded and the ~ote was three for tabliug - one against. ~lotion carried. A brief discussion took place regardiug the hours for the' c~ning election. Attorney Weidmanwas asked if there is a legal justification to e~tend thevotiughours - he could find none. ~.? CBECKS& W~S (Pa~nent of Claims).- General Manager Priday recommended that checks bo signed. Director Pankost moved the checks be si~ned and Director Clarke seconded. ~he motion was unanimously carried. Also, Director Pankost n~ved, seconded by Director Wak~aau that the warrants be paid. ~otio~carried u~animously. Director Wakeman moved that the letter which was written to President Wall showing appreciatio~./for his work while he served as a member~of the Board of Directors be given to the Press for publication. Director Clarke seconded and~he motion was unan- imously carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 P.M. 3~OH J. W~' President o'~" the BOard-- of Directors for the SOUTtl TAIIOE I~IC I~ILITY DISTRICT N,l~allei~y~ Clerk' of'Board and/Ex- Officio Secretary for the SOU~ TAHOE Irt~IC b~IL1T~ DISTRICT ~ - SPECIAL ~T~ ING OF ~ay 1, 1961, OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TI{E SOUTH TAI~0E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 1, 1961 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a special Meeting May 1, 1961. The meeting ~as called to order at 3:10 ROLL CALL:- Directors Wakeman~ Clarke, Imbach were present. Also present were General Manager Priday~ Office Manager Mallery, Attorney Weidman~ Mr. Bill Johnson and A1 Warren. ~ S~ ...... .~ · 1WJP~0SE OF ~rIN~:- This meeting was called for canvassing thevotes of the election held ~pril 25, 1961. President Souza recon~ended that the below listed Resolution No. 297 be adopted: "RESOLUTION NO. 297 A RESOLUTION OF TI{E BOARD OF DIRECTOP~ OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILIT~f DISTRICT, DECLARING THE llESDLTS OF THE SPECIAL RECAI~ E~.~ION ON THE ISSUE OF "SIL~I,T. EASE F. PANKOST BE BECAI.T.EB FROM THE OFFICE OF DIRECTOR AT LARGE NO. 2" AND "FOR DIRECTOR AT LARGE NO. 2 TO SUCCEE~ ~ F. PANKOST Stl0ULD BE BE KECALLED BY THIS SPEC~ RECALL ELECTION." I~IEKEAS, the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, duly called and ordered held in said District a special recall election on the 25th day of April, 1961, for the purpose of su~nitting to the qualified voters there- of the issue of "Shall Earle F. Pankost be Recalled from the Office of Director at Large No. 2" and "For LDirector at Large No. 2 to succeed Earle F.Pankost Should }Ie be Recalled by this Special Recall Election"; and ~IEREAS, said special recall election on said issue was held on Tuesday, April 25, 1961, in the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT in accordance with law and all the returns thereat having been received on this first Monday after said special recall election, and the Board'of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE I~JBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, at their usual place of meeting, to wit, the New Sewage Trea~nent Plant~ A1 Tahoe~ County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on this date, the first Monday after, said special recall election of said District, in public having canvassed the returns, by opening said returns md estimating the vote as required by law; now therefore: lie IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTOP~ OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AS FOLLOWS: as follows: 1o That the results of said spe&ial recall election are hereby declared (a) FARLE F. PANKOST shall be and he is hereby recalled from the office of Director at Large No. 2 of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT as a result of said special recall election, (b) That JOSEPI{ 6o IMBACH has been electe~d at said special recall election to succeed EARLE F. PANKOST as Director at Large No. 2 of the SOUT~! TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, and said JOSEPH G. IIIBACI{ is hereby declared elected to the office of Director at Large No. 2 of the SOUTH T~IOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT to serve the r~naining term of said EARLE F. PANKOST,until the ne~t biennial election in the Year 1962 and until said JOSEI~ G. IMBACH~S successor is elected and qualified. 2. The Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT be and he is hereby instructed to enter this Resolution in the recrods of the Board of Directors of said SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, this said resolution as a statement of the results of said special recall election sho~ing: (a) The whole n~ber of votes cast in the District and in each territorial unit thereof -as 8 1 8 . (b) The propo'sition Or issue or the names of the persons voted for was as follows: "Shall Earle F. Pankost be recalled from the Office of Director at Large No. "For Director at. Large No. 2 to succeed Earle F.Pankost Should he be recalled by. this Special Election" (c) The office voted upon at said special recall e~ections was Director at Large No. 2. (d) The number of votes given in each precinct to each person or for and against any proposition was as follows~ "Shall Earle F. Pankost be recalled from the Office of Director at Large No. 2. YES 458 NO 351 '*For Director at Large No. 2 to Succeed Earle F. Pankost Should He be Recalled by this Special Recall Election** JOSEP9 G. IMBACH 317 CLIFFOP~A. ROBBINS 212 That there was one ballot or ballots spo~led and 9 ballots'"~st but not cast in accordance with th~' applicable recall election law to be counted at said special District election. That there were 10 absentee applications filed; 8 absentee ballots returned; no ~bsentee ballots rejected, and 8 absentee ballots counted in accrodance with law and included in this said declaration of result at said Special Election. 3. The Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOEPUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT shall immediately make out and deliver to JOSEPHG. IMBACB a Certificate of Election executed by said Clerk and authenticated with the seal of the Board of Directors of said District, for the office of Director at Large No. 2, as the person having the highest nmnber of votes for said office after the recall thereof of said Director at Large No. 2, F~F. PANKOST PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 1961, by the following vote: AYES: Directors Souza, Wakeman and Clarke NOES: None ABSENT: None FR~N~ C. SOUZA, Pr~e~ident ~f the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOEPUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST ;= .... '7 /~ , , ,~ ,~. ~ ," ----r ~" ~ ~ ' ta N.B. M~T~.FJ~Y, ~lerk and Er.0ffici~ Secre ry of the SOUTtl TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Director Clarke moved that the above listed Resolution No. 29? be adopted and Director Wakeman seconded. The motion was unanimously carried. The meeting vas adjourned at 3:30 P.M. MINUTES OF TBE REG~ MEETING 0F TItE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 4, 1961 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session May 4, 1961. The meeting was called to order by President Souza at 8:07 P.M. ROLL CALL:- Directors Wakeman, Clarke, and Imbach were present. Also present were General Manager Priday, Office Manager Mallery~ Attorney Weidman~ Attorney Holtom, H.R. Reeves, Barlan Moyer~ AoL.Shoupe~ Donald Richardson-Sacramento Bee, Walt Little -Lake Tahoe News, Joyce Johnson - Nevada State Journal, John Lagrange, Alice Mortenson~ Bill Beseler, Don Showalter, Norman Woods, William Johnson, A1 Warren, Mr. Wo Turpin and Arlene Thomas. President Souza stated that Mr. Joseph Imhach is now legally a Director of the Board of Directors for the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. ~IINUTES: - The minutes of the regular meeting of April 20, 1961, were approved. I~AGERtS REPORT:- General ~lanager Priday read his report and the report was accepted by the Board of Directors. (Report Attached) OLD BUSINESS:- In a previous meeting it was voted that a change be made in the Resolution regarding Sludge Pumps to read from one (1) year to five (5)years. Mr. Priday stated he could not obtain a five (5) year guarantee and tusked that the Resolution be again changed to, read one (1) year. Director Wakeman moved that the Resolution be again changed to read one (1) year and Director Clarke seconded. The motion was unanimously carried. General Manager ~riday stated that the SILENT KNIGHT ~L~I-HOLE COVEI~S were accepted by the Engineerts _ Clair Hill & Associates, President Souza instructed Mr; Priday to follow through regarding the man-hole General Manager Priday stated that he received a request for Anaexation from L.S. Hobinson for the Barton Memorial Hospital. Director Wakeman moved that the Annexation be accepted and Director Clarke seeondedd The motion was unan- imously carried. General Manager Priday stated that another request was received~for Annexa- tion from Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ross and reco~nended that this be accepted. Director Clarke moved that the request be accepted and Director Imbach seconded. The motion was unanimously carried. Director Wakeman moved that the Managerts Recommendation to have the BROSNAN BROTHERS Lot - South half of N.E. portion, Lot No. 5, Block "C", Lakeside Park SubdiVision, be accepted, along with their Annexation fees. The motion was carried unanimously. Attorney Weidman recommended that ORDINANCE NO. 76 which is an 0/~DINANCE AMEND- ING ANY AND ALL PREVIOUS ORDINANCES ADOPTED PUI~S~ TO SECTION 16156 OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIF0~NIA AND PROVIDING THE HOUBS IN WHICH ALL ELECTIONS SHALL BE CONDUCTED AND FOR THE ELECTION OFFICERS AT ~LECTIONS OF THE SOUTH ?]iHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, be adopted. Director Imhach moved that 01~)INANCE NO. 76 be accepted. Director Clarke seconded and the motion was unanimously carried. Attorney Holtom suggested that I~ESOLUTION NO. 298 calling for BIDS ON SALE OF IMPR0V]~ BONES - SANITAI~[ SE~I~AGE PROJECT 1960-4 IN THE A~0UNT OF $500,000.00, be adopted. Director Wakeman moved this I?ESOLUTION be adopted and Director Clarke seconded. The motion was unanimously carried. CLAIMS:-General Manager Priday recon~ended that Mr. E. Corson, Paradise Motel, be paid $2600.00 for the sewer line which he installed. Director Wak_~m~__n moved that the Manager*s l~eee~nendation be accepted. Director Clarke seconded and the motion was unanimously carried. General Manager Priday stated that Mr. R. Wygal su~nitted a hill in the amount of $3,712.50 for the i~stallation of a ~ewer line within the area known as VIE~ TERRACE". Mr. ~riday reco~nended that Mr. ~,~.~al be paid ~3,000.00 and Director Clarke seconded~ the nm~e which Director Wake~an made upon the recommen- dation of the Manager. It was unanimously carried. .W..ARP4kNTS~- Mr. Priday stated that the warrants and d~nds are in the amount of $24,255.58 and recommended these be paid. Director Clarke moved the Managerts recon~nendation be accepted and Director Imbach seconded. The motion was unan- imously carri ed. THE BOARD OF DIHECTORS RECESSED AT 9:30 P.M. The meeting was called back to order by President Souza at 9:40 P.M. President Souza read the following listed names of persons desiring the position as a Director for the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT: 1. A1 Warren 2. Charles Vau~hn Burlingham 3 o Warren Turpin 4o Cliff Robbins 5. Norn~n Woods 6. Les Nagy Director Waken moved that Mr. Vaughn Burlingham be accepted to serve as a member of the Board of Directors to fulfill the vacancy of Director at Large No. 5. Director Wake_man stated that Mr. Burlinghamts educational background~ knowledge of E~gineering~ designing and planning, plus his interest in the area and the future growth of the District will be an asset to the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. All Directors agreed with Director Wakeman and the motion was unanimously carri ed. &ttorney Weidman stated that Mr° Burlinghams*s term will expire the first Tuesday of May in 1962° President Souza asked the Clerk of Board to send a letter of appreciation to all who showed an interest in becoming a member of the Board of Directors. The meeting ~as adjourned at 10:00 P.M. N.R.Ma}l~'ry, Clerk of Board gnd Officio Secretary for the ,SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Frank C. Souza, President iff the Board of ..:Directors for the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS STUDY SESSION FOR THE SOUTH TAIIOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 17, 1961 The Board of Directors held their first Study Session l~y 16, 1961, at the Sewage Treatment Plant, South Tahoe Public Utility District~at 1:20 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present'were President Souza~ Director Wakeman, Director Clarke, Director Imbach, Director Burlingham, General l~nager Priday, Office ~nager ~llery, Attorney Weidman, Ilarlan l{oyer - Clair Hill & Associates~ Donald Richardson -Sacramento Bee~ Absent - none. President Souza stated the reason for the Study SesSion was to become familiar ~ith and to Imow and understand all operations and functions of the Plant; to go over the history of the District; to study the Nevada Contract as to what has been done the last two weeks and what is being estimated now as far as flow is concerned. President Souza stated that having a knowledge of the above~ plans and decisions can be readily made ' by all Directors. General ~{anager Priday stated that the meter now reads two million which is a great increase from 400~000 - 600~000, in the past six (6) months. Mr. Priday mentioned that the brief s~ary of statistical information which h~'presented to the Board is an estimate only and the last line on page (1) - CONTRACT NO. 3 - should now show $168,000 instead of the original cost of $300,000. This figure was changed because of the change in the Engineering, Mr. Harlan ~ioyer presented a map and explained all sections of same. lie also stated that the map - 1961-1, will be ready to present to the Board of Direct- ors on June 1~ 1961. The cost estimated for 1961-1 is between $300~000 and $350,000. Director Imbach asked why some areas for sewer assessment were charged less than other areas. It was stated that at the time bids were being accepted for the earlier assessments the Contractor did not take into consideration the repaying, which is the Contractor's responsibility. This could have caused the increase in cost. President Souza stated that it would be helpful to all directors if they could secure a list with the following noted: 1. Office Hours 2. Hours to obtain permits. 3. Contractor or owner to obtain permit 4. Inspection hours (9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.) (Sa~e -Mon. thru Fri. ) (Either one) (If a telephone call is received before 10 A.M. Mort. Thru Fri. party can be assured of inspection the following day.) Director Imbach asked if a special service charge was made for motels and such which operate only three months of the year. It was clearly stated everyone is charged on a twelve (12) month's basis - regardless whether the motel~ business~ etc.~ is in operation for one~ two~ or three month's. l~esident Souza requested the Rules and Regulations regarding installations of Lines and Laterals. It was stated that a rough draft will be available for the meeting May 18~ 1961. (Same is attached) Director ~¥akeman asked if there was any way to get quicker inspections. The answer received was that the only way to get a quicker inspection was to hire more Inspectors. Attorney Weidman mentioned that many telephone calls are received by him and that it would be wise for all to refer any and all calls regarding the District to General ~nager Priday and this would eliminate all hearsay. The Study Session was brought to a close at 2:45 P.M. and the Board of Directors toured the Plant and the Pump Stations. After the Board of Directors and all persons in the audience participated in a Field Inspection trip - Treatment Plant~ Tahoe Keys Pump Station~ A1 Tahoe Pump Station~ BelleviewPump Station~ Stateline Pump Station and Measuring Devices~ they returned to the Treatment Plant and adjourned the meeting at 5:40 P.~. N.R. ~llery,~ferk of Board ~nd Ex- Officio Secretary for the South Tahoe Public Utility District ~ Frank Souza, PresLd~nt~ of ~he Board of Directors - SOUTH~ TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. ~INUTES OF THE REGULAR~ING OF Tt~ BOARD 0FDIRECTORS FOR THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 18~ 1961 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors for the South Tahoe Public Utility District was called to order by President Souza at 8:05 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were Director ~Takeman~ Director Clarke~ Director Imbach~ Director Burlingham~ General Manager Priday~ Clerk of Board Mallery~ Attorney ~¥eidman~ Richard Aberley of Brown and Caldwell~ ttarlan Moyer of Clair Hill & Associates~ Donald Richardson of the Sacramento Bee~ Walt Little of Lake~Tahoe News~ William Johnson~ ~. J. Gerkin~ Les Shoupe of Clair Hill & Associates~ Jack Jensen~ Dudley Western~ William Beseler~ ~gr. Harper of Harper and Baxter Joyce Johnson - Nevada Journal. (president Souza stated that Charles Yau hn ~ Burlingham is legally seated as Director at Large No. 5). g Mr. J. Gerkin~ Gerkin*s Motel~ presented a problem to the Board which was referred to General l~nager Priday and Engineer Harlan ]~oyer for further study. When more detailed information is obtained~ this problem will again be presented to the Board of Directors. MINUTES: The minutes of the regular meeting of May 4~ 1961~ were approved. Mr. William Johnson asked the Board if a decision had been made regarding the minutes of the meetings to be sent to the Press. President Souza stated that the Press will receive the minutes of each meeting. I, IANAGE~tS REPORT:. General ~nager Priday read his report and Director Clarke moved the report be accepted. Director Wakeman seconded and the motion was unanimously carried. (Report attached) OLD BUSIneSS: President Souza stated that the request to have a letter of appreciation sent to all who showed an interest in becoming a member of the Board of Directors for the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT had been fulfilled. Clerk of Board Mallory read and explained the financial report. Director ~¥akeman moved the report be accepted and Director Burlingh~n seconded. The motion was unanimously carried. (Report attached) kl~NEXATIONS: General ~anager Priday recommended that the below listed properties be accepted for Annexation: 1. Portion Block ,,j,t _ Lakeshore Manor 2. Lots 66 -67~ Lakeside Lodge Subdivision Director Clarke moved the above be accepted and Director Imbach seconded. The motion was carried unanimously. Director Wakeman moved that Lot 4 - Block 91, A1 Tahoe Subdivision be accepted for Annexation and Director Burlingham seconded. The motion carried unan- imously. General ~nager Priday recommended that Lot 3, Block 2~ Johnson Acres No. 2, in the mames of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lynch be accepted into the District along with their annexation fees of $124.80~ including hack taxes. Director Wakeman moved that the property owned by Mr. and Mrs. Lynch be accepted upon the recon~nendation of the Manager and Director Burlingham seconded. The motion was unanimously carried. Director ~¥akeman read the report of the Study Session which took place on May 17~ 1961~ at the Sewage Treatment Plant. President Souza stated that the Study Sessions held each Wednesday before the regular meetings at 1:30 P.M. will continue for the next three months. The Board of Directors will then decide whether to continue with the sessions, General ~nager Priday recommended the purchase of approximately 750 feet of line from Norman C. Peterson. The cost is approximately .85~ per foot or $637.00. Director Burlinghammoved the purchase be approved and Director Clarke seconded. It was carried unanimously. President Souza referred Brown & Caldwellts request for additional compensa- tion~1960-1~ to General ~nager Priday for further study and asked Mr. Priday to consider a recommendation. Mr. Priday recommended the Claims and Warrants in the amount of $222~610.80 be paid. Director Wakeman moved that the claims and~arrants be paid and Director Imhach seconded. The motion was carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. OFFICIO SECRETARY FOR THE~. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILIT~ DISTRICT FRAlqK C. SOUZA, I~IDEWr OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE SOUTH TAIt0E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~TS~JTF~E OF T~ ]I];GLT~II% H~,,~TING OF TI~ OF DIR~CTOL~ FOP. TIIE oOUT,I TYdIO~ lm,..W~L]'C r.:'T!LI.~,' DISTRICT June l~ 19~l The regular meeting of the Board of Directors for the South Tahoe Public Utility ~istrict~ was held at the Sewage Treatment Plant on June ]~ 1961 President Souza called the meeting to order at 8:10 P.?J. ' ,ROLL C~LL: Directors Clarke ' ~ Br.LrlJn~ham, .,akeman~ Imhach were present. Also present were General Manager Pr!day, Clerk of Board ;'~{allery~ Attorney tlolt~m~ Attorney- ' Weidman~ !Iarlan Moyer and Les Shoupe of Clair Hill & Associates, Jerry Barber~ William Johnson~ Walt Little - Lake Tahoe News~ Lyle Laughlin - Tahoe Sierra Tribune, Donald Richardson- Sacramento Bee~ John Lagrange, Eugene tIayes~ Luther ::~ayo and ~'~,Iarden Sims. The minutes of }.fay 18~ 1961, were approved with the follo~ria,~ corrections: }Jay 19~ 1961, changed to read May 18~ 1961. ' The Study Sessions will be held the Wednesday before the second regular meeting of the month instead of each Wednesday before each regular meeting. !~ECOGNITION OF VISITOP~: ~. Jerry Barber whose property has been excluded presented to the Board the problem facing him of the cost of reannexation before he can connect to the sewer. President Souza stated that it is the policy of the District that before and excluded parcels lcan be annexed - all back taxes due the District~ plus interest, must he paid on a cash basis. President Souza suggested that Mr. Barber discuss the problem with the Health Department. President Souza also stated that Attorney Holtom will make a study of Mr. Barber's problem and, if time permits, will make a recon~nenda- tion at the next regular meeting - June 15, 1961. Director Wakeman asked how many parcels are presently excluded. ~ir. ~Jallery stated that there are approximately 700-800 and that the information received from Placer- ville regarding exclusions are now being checked with our records in order to prepare a form letter which will be sent to the owners of excluded parcels. ~ny property owners are not aware of the fact that their parcels are excluded and this form letter will eliminate many future problems. IIANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Pr!day read his report. Director Imbach asked for a specific date in which the A1 Tahoe and Tahoe Keys Pumping Stations will he 100~ complete. Mr. John Lagrange stated that the l~m~ping Stations will be 100~ complete June 15~ 1961. President Souza stated that if the two (2) Pumping Stations are not completed by the 15th of June~ next regular meeti~g~ the Board will be responsible~ complete same~ and deduct the difference. Director Burlingham asked what the ~istrict's liability would be if an inspection of road conditions by the County is not accepted. President Souza stated that Mr. Pr!day has been working with Mr. Do~ner and has asked Mr. DoWner to furnish a letter of acceptance so that the District will not be liable. Director Wakeman moved the ~nager*s Report be accepted and Director Burlingham seconded. The vote was carried unanimously. Director Wakeman reminded all present that the Water Con~nittee will meet at the Tahoe Sands at 7:00 A.M., June 2, 1961. He also stated that the Water Cohen!tree meetings are held the First Friday of each Month. Office ~nager ~llery explained the Tentative Budget for 1961-62. The estimated total to be raised is $256,200.00. The tax rate will be $1.03 which is .01~ under what it was the last two years. This budget was presented to the Board for consideration and further study. CIIANGE ORDERS: General ~nager Pr!day rec~e~nended that Change Order No. 28 from Brown and Caldwell which is (1) install stubs in ~'s 4-81 and 4-3~ ($100.00); (~) interference with 18-inch sewage force main on ~rtin and 0'~'~lley Sts. ($1,806.80); (3) interference with 60-inch casing pipe for force main highway crossing at Link Rd. ($~20.25) be accepted. Also, that the extension of nine (9) days be granted. Director Clarke moved the change order and extension be accepted and Director Imbach seconded. The vote was unanimously carried. AN~[~ATIONS: ~M. Pr!day recommended that the Travel Lodge be accepted for annexation. Director Imbach moved this annexation be accepted and Director Wakeman seconded. The vote was unanimously carried. Director Imbach moved that Lots 30, 31, 32, of Lakeside Subdivision, owner of record - Jerry Barber~ assessed in 1960-3, be accepted for Annexation. Director Clarke seconded and the vote was carried unanimously. ASSESSt~-~r 1961-1: Mr. Ilarlan Moyer of Clair Ilill & Associates presented the Assessment 1961-1 ~p and explained all sections of same. Also - plans, specifications, Engineer's Report, and the Preliminary Assessment Rule was presented. Mr. Moyer stated that the Assessment Rules covering 1961-1 are similar to past Assessment Rules. There will be no exclusions in 1961-]; this assessment covers BIJOU PARK ACRES, BIJOU P~KADDN. NO. 1, P~MCtI0 BIJOU ADDN. NOS 1~ 2~ and 3. The estimated cost is $416,806.50. The estimated Assessment cost for one ~mit is $379.50 plus $90.00 for the lateral -making an estimated total of $469.50. Director Wakeman moved the Assessment Rules for 1961-1 be accepted as recon~nended by ~. ttarlan Moyer. Director Burlingham seconded and the vote was unanimously carried. Attorney Holtom presented a letter from E1 Dorado County regarding Sanitary Sewers within the District (Assessment 1961-1). Attorney ttoltom recon~nended the following Resolutions be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 299 - A Resolution Determining to Undertake Proceedings Pursuant to Appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts or Other Appropriate Pro- ceedings, for the Acquisition and Construction of a Sanitary Sewerage System and Appurtenances without Proceedings Under Division 4 of the Streets and tlighways Code~ was read. On motion of Director Wakeman~ seconded by Director Clarke~ and unanimously carried~ said resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 300: A Resolution of Preliminary Approval of Engineer's Report, was read. On Motion of Director I~bach~ seconded by Director Clarke, and unanimously carried, said Resolutionwas adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 301: A Resolution Establishing Prevailing Wage Scale, was read. motion of Director Clarke, seconded by Director Imbach~ and unanimously carried~ said Resolution was adopted. 0n RF~0LUTION No. 302: A Resolution Appointing Time and Place of Hearing Protests in Relation to Proposed Acquisitions and Improvements, and Directing Notice~ was read. On motion of Director Imbach~ seconded by Director Clarke~ and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. KESOLUTION NO. 303: A Resolution Calling for Sealed Proposals, was read. On motion of Director Wakeman, seconded by Director Burlingham, and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. PA~,[~qT OF CLA~: Mr. Priday read the request from Brown and Caldwell for additional monies re 60-1 Inspections amounting to approximately $15,000.00. General ~nager Priday stated that Brown & Caldwell contract was handled inefficiently. President Souza asked Attorney Holtom and Mr. Priday to study this problem and bring same up at a later date. Director Imbach moved that action on this claim be postponed until further details and information is obtained. Director Clarke seconded and the vote was carried three for and one against. Mr. Priday stated that a letter was on hand from ~s. E. Beseler requestion vacation pay. Director Imbach moved that the claim be paid in the amount of $147.54 and Director Clarke seconded with the comment that a detailed explanation be sent. (Mr. Priday's explanation of this claim which was presented to the Board will accompany payment). The vote was carried unanimously. General ~nager Priday recommended that the checks and warrants in the amount of $246~269.91 be paid. Director Clarke moved~ seconded by Director Imbach~ that the checks and warrants be paid. The vote was unanimously carried. Director Clarke asked Office ~nager ~llery to explain the procedure which is used for keeping_., the working time of the employees. Mr. ~.llery stated that time cards areused and every hour worked is accounted for on the time cards. The~e are exact and complete as far as the individual is concerned. President Souza reminded all present that the Tahoe Area Council is having a meeting at the Edgewood Room-t~rrah~s at 10:00 AM~ June 2, 1961. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P.~{. N.R.Mallery," ~erk of Board'~and Ex- Officio Secretary for the/SOL'ri! TMIOE PUBLIC L~rILITY DISTRICT Frank C.Souza,Preside~t of t~ Board of Directors~-SOUTH TAIIOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ?[I-NUTF~~ OF TIE STUDY ...... '~u~ - B0~t2D 0F DIRECTORS June ]4~ dent ~ oouza called ~he meeLin? fo order a% 1:35 ~esen~ were ~rc~* ...... · Associates and ~nald Ri~har,t .... ~ -- - ~ a3 ~ Aarlan ,oyer of Clair Ilill & ' .......... ,,,--oacrmnen%o lice. Also Dres~ Ano:~ Johnson. _ , eh_ were ..lr.H. Reeves and 91 BL~-?P.' ~.!r. Mallery explained, compared, and slated reasons for increases or decreases from last year's budget. Director Imbach asked what ~as considered an ~pense. It was stated that an -~xpense is oue in which an individual covers a specific job, trip, for the District only. All expenses regarding the job or the trip will be against the particular Expense Account. General Manager Priday stated the Budget was figured less this year than last year and that the ?'.iaintenance and Operating ~xpenses are down and also other expenses which were taken out of General Fund last year are now in proper accounts. Mr. Priday Stated that the proposed budget includes the salary raises that might come due. The request which }..Ir. Prid~y made to have the General .Manager's salary increased to an additional ~500.00 per year; Office :, hater from ~550.00 per mont, h to ~600.00; the Plant Supervisor from ~575.00 to ~,~62o.00 per month, is also figured into the budget. Mr. Priday stated that the proposed budget includes the salary fo~ '6he possible hiring of a Senior OperatGr. The Senior Operator will be available at all times in case of illness of the Plant Supervisor, vacations, etc. The salary is figured as $480.00 to 0575.00. The five steps listed below could be followed for the increases: l. Starting schedule, 2. three month's, 3. one year, 4. two years, 5. 3 years to reach the maximtnn amount quoted above. },ir. Malle~sy stated that the Postage Figure is e:'cpensive because of the Assessments. Also, mention was made that the possible increase of .01¢. for postage was not figured into this figure but should the increase become effective, the postage figure should cover same. The insurance figure was a rather difficult one to fi,~rure; however, Mr. ~llerv slated the figure on the proposed budget would be ,ample to cover same. ~ The Accounting figure will be less this year and the reason given ~as that the Auditors will be doing the Audit and possiblely some work in Placerville as far as Bonds and Interest are concerned. The figure set is .~2o00.00. ~IIscel]aneous covers expenses which are not specifically allocated. This year figq~es is $.55,~00.00 and last year fi~mare-~61,100.00. This is a cut of ~5600.00. Director Imbach asked what the election cost was. It was stated that the cost was be- tween ~l,000.00 and ~1,100.00 -'-Attorfaeyc.'Jei,dman stated also that the ?later Bonds which were called off cost $300.00 each. The Power Figure is $17,800.00.~:. Mr. Souza stated that a new meter device was installed at the Plant so full advantage can be had of the Power Industrial 2ate. }-,ir. ~ :.Iallery stated that since the Plant is new - the repairs were figured not to be much of an expense. Fire nsurance was checked ~ith Mr. Gibson and he stated the figure was high but it was best t6 leave it at that. The $10,000.00 figmre for Machinery and Equitraent covers the purchase of three (3) pick- up trucks. Two are for the Inspectors and one for the Plant Supervisor who will handle all of the Pumping Stations as well as the Sewage Treatment Plant. (Copy of Proposed Budget attached to Directors Study Session Hinutes). Discussion regarding a $20~000.00 5gater Survey which Brown and Caldwell was to prepare took place. General Manager Priday stated he had not received a bill from Brovm & Cald- well and this ,~vey was to have been completed around late sm,.aer-early fall of 1959. Mr. Harlan Moyer stated that Brown & Caldwell were engaged as a ".tater Consultant and this was not a project; it was a .~ster Plan for the Future Growth of the District. The ,~20,000.00 figure was to be for preparing an Engineering report which would contain feasibility studies for this District to go into the Water Business and if so - how so. Brown & Caldwell agreed to furnish this service and not to exceed $20,000.00. Attorney Itoltom stated the Preliminary Report was contracted for but based on the report a study was to be made and the proceeds of the ~gater Report Study would reimburse the District, Director Imbach asked where the ~20,000.00 is to come from and Mr. ~llery stated that if the assessed overall valuation is conservative - the ~20,000.00 could very well be figured in the budget. General ~ianager Priday suggested the S20~000.00 be put in the Budget for ~?ater Survey and increase the budget from S25,000.00 to $26,000.00.,~: It was agreed F~l~~t~x~g~~.that we increase the estimated assessed valuation for the compila- tion of the 1961-62 Budget to $26~000o00 ~Ir. Souza thanked Mro Mallery for the wonderful job he hasdoneo Mro Souza stated that this was the first time the books were completely up to date and told ~llery that his job is appreciated by everyone. Mr. Souza asked ~ir. Priday to briefly state what took place in the meeting this after- noon,~with Mr. Ikn~ner, ~,ir. Chism~ ~. Moyer and ~,ir. Souza. e - Harper and Baxter - A stop order was put on ttarperand Baxter on June 11, 1, ceasing all excavations until such time as paving is done and the paving is to the Satisfaction of the Engineer on the job. Mr. Souza stated that Itarper and Baxter are not doing the repaying and they have a time limit on their contract. In the event they do not do their paving, they cannot open any new trenches and the District will have to step in and do the job. Re: - GeqFge Miller - Streets are being redone for Tahoe Sierra Subdiv. ?23. They. have not completed mixing the surfacing but they will do it. The width will be 22 and will have the necessary coverage required by Mr. Downer. ~ir. Miller ~ solely responsible for the final street paving. Re: - .Roy Price -Agreed to start repaying the trenches only. For 60-3 and on 1st Street - 60-2; the County is contributing one dollar per lineal foot to complete those areas that will be necessitated by only one-half of a job. It was mentioned that the Utility DiStrict should know answers to many questions that will arise regarding the paving of streets~ type of paving~ widths, etc. Mr. Priday stated that he had a discussion with Mr. Downer and stated that Mr. Downer does have a list which he will try to obtain. Mr. Moyer stated that it would have been very helpful if the County would ~ave not been willing to obtain funds other than the limited amount on particular pavings of Streets and it would have been helpfull too if all the streets were paved in the same materials. Mr. ~yer stated~ however, that the Contractor can do the work in the way he so desires. Mr. Imbach asked if there was a letter written as to what Mr. Downer would accept regarding the streets~ etc. ~.-Priday read a paraooTaph regarding repaying and resurfacing and mentioned that no final money will be released to the Contractor on any project that has not been~cepted by the County. Mr. ~Takeman suggested a Committee be formed towork on the streets and that way all problems could be looked into and checked before presenting to the Board. Mr. Priday stated that at this time it would not be ~se to form a committee and that a Mro Fred Wheeler is being hired and he will take care of the problems, tlowever, when the roads are again in poor condition - Mr. Priday stated that~ould be the time to form a Committee. Mr. Moyer stated that the Contractors do no more than operate by their contract. All troubles on the repaying will have to fall back on the Contract. ~ge can only operate with the information that the County will give. The County Order is a part of the contract and we have to operate ~dthin that framework. The District cannot go by word of mouth from the County but must go by the Contract. Mr. Wakeman suggested a Committee be formed to handle such as Mosquito Control~ Street Lights, ~?ater, Power~ Heat~ Garbage, Transportation, Telephone, SeWage~ Drainage. Mr. Priday stated that if this could be worked to set up certain standards and have the County adhere to same it mk~ht prove to be good. ~. Souza stated a Chairman will be selected on June 15, 1961 - regular meeting. Mr. Clarke asked what legal authority the District has to stop the Contractors work. Mr. Moyer stated that the Engineer has the authority to stop work where it is necessary and to reject all work and materials that do not meet the requirements. NEVADA CONTRACT: Mr. Priday stated that at the last meeting of the Committee - new agreements were necessary. 1. Administer charges involved between California and Nevada. 2. Rough Draft had been made in 1959 by D'Angelo in regards to this new Agreement and in reading same it is an agreement in which is being considered. 3. The Douglas County Improvement District No. 1 was availabe to help out in the Capital Improvement of the Beach Tru~ Line,Bijou and Force ~ins. If Nevada were to buy the capacity of 500,000 gallons a day, they would buy the right to use the Treatment facilities up to 20%. However, they might only use 3007000 to 400~000 ands s long as they do not exceed the 500,000 they will pay the fixed amount. If they must have more capacity7 they should buy and pay for same and t~e~ Contract should so state this. ~ Provisions should be made for Additional Se~tge from Nevada and they again ~ill contribute towards the cost and how they will contribute should be definitely stated. .~fr. Burlingham stated that ~u~ny items regarding the Nevada Contract were not to clear to him. Mr. Clarke suggested a meeting should be held7 before the Directors meet with the Nevada Board, to fnrther discuss the Nevada Contract. It was agreed that a meeting will take place June 22, 11:00 A.~,!. at the Sewage Greatment Plant for further discussion regarding the Nevada Contract. President Souza asked that everyone have their questions ready for this discussion. LAND I,F~SE: ~,.lr. Priday stated that the rent paid for the land is an exorbitant one and suggested that since nothing can be done locally or in Sacramento, Attorney Weidman be given permission to go to Washington and check i~to this agreement. Check to see if an extension, at a nominal fee, can be had. Mr. Priday stated the thougt should be to purchase land rather than to rent. President Souza asked Attorney Weidman to prepare a letter and have it ready for the regular meeting regarding this land for a decrease in rent and to get either a refusal or referral, etc. Attorney tIoltom stated that the June 157 1961, meeting ~dll be adjourned to July 6,1961, 2:00 P.M. - hearing contract bids at 10:00 A'M. 7 and the Assessments will be actual figures instead of estimates. The Clerk will read all written protests at the hearing; after written protests - the Chairman will open the meeting to hear the oral protests. F~tSI~dENTS: Discussion regardir~g easements took place and President Souza stated that all easements held over from other Assessment Districts should be taken care of. Attorney ;Teidman stated that he and Mr. Reeves will check the ten (10) easements for 1960-1 Force .~Jains - and a letter will ~o to the individuals concerned stating what the cost is. Mr. I(~ox Johnson requested that the Board consider the 15 acres of the 30 acres which concerns about 1400 feet of line running through the meadow. This will involve figured at .05¢ square foot. This request will be further studied and presented to the Board for reco~uendation. Attorney Weidman stated that E1 Dorado Water ~ency has Alvin Landis to represent them at meetings. Attorney :'!eidman stated that he would like to be authorized to represent the District at same. President Souza stated that it would be appreciated if Attorney Weidman would represent the District and brino~ information for discussions. Attorney Weit~an also stated that 5ir. Jerry Barber's problem regarding installment for annexation was looI~ed into and that possibly an arrangement could be made. Ilowever, this was referred to ~Jr. Priday and ]~lr. ;\Iallery for further stucl~- and is to be presented to the Board at a later date. ~ President Souza asked that the Enginers7 Attorney's, :.,ir. Ileeves7 please bring in a report as to their duties7 what is expected regarding pay7 and xflmt the Board can expect of each so the Directors will know where to go andwhat to do for i~omation~ problems~ etc. The meeti~ ~s adjou~ed at 6:04 P.M. :~ .~ ~ . ~ /. /~. ~a~ C, Souza - ~iden~ ~ ~*R-~ 1 le~ ~Clerk-~'Of Board an~- Officio Secre~ ~ ~ ~R ~ briNG OF T~ BO~' OF" DI~CTO~ FOR T~E SO~H T~OE ~IC ~ILI~ DISTRICT June 15, 1961 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors for the South Tahoe Public Utility District met at the Sewage Treatment Plaint, June 15, 1961. President Souza called the meeting to order at 8:10 P.M. ROLL CATJ,: Directors present were Burlingham, ~¥akeman, Clarke, Imbach. Also present were Attorney Weidman, Attorney Holtom, General ~nager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Les Shoupe of Clair Hill & Associates, John Lagrange of Lagrange Construction Company, Joyce Johnson - Nevada State Journal, Donald Richardson of Sacramento Bee, and l~r. Lesley C. Oswald. OPENING OF BIDS FOR THE ~AI.E OF 1960~ SPECIAL ASSES._~gp BONII%' - Clerk of Board Mallery opened and read the following bids for the Special Assessment Bonds 196~4 in the amount of $750,000.00 and were as follows: (See pg.2, para.4 for selection) 94 Grande and Company, Seattle Washington Stone & Youngberg, San Francisco, Calif. Cruttenden~ Podesta & Co., San Francisco~ Calif. 750,000.00 AVE Int. 5.21~ 750,000.00" " 5-1/4~ 750,000.00" " 5.052~ MINUTES: The minutes of June 1, 1961, were approved. MANAGER'S P~RT: General ~nager Priday read his report and stated that in regards to 60-2, he and ~. Chism were with the Contractor and Mr. Chism stated that any~aving done will be the paving the Contractor does only. 60-~: Director Clarke stated that a property owner was present and desires to state a complaint. Mr. Lesley C. Oswald stated his complaint is in regards to the condition of his property since the street work has been in progress. He stated that dirt and rocks were thrown in his yard; the water runs into the garage and back yard; street is now higher than his property which caused the water to go into the garage and the Units. Mr. Oswald stated that he would like to see something done' about this. ~. John Lagrange statedt ht he had talked with ~. 0~wald regarding this problem and had suggested to ~. Oswald that the only way this drainage problem could be solved was to have a curb put in. ~. Lagrange also stated that this problem was present before the trench was dug. President Souza stated that the Board could not take official action at this time and that he will refer this problem to General ~nager Pridayfor further study and have the Manager bring a recommendation before the Board at a later date. General ~nager Priday stated that anything that has to do with the SE~EP~ we can correct, but if this has to do with drainage - Mr. Downer should take care of this. Mr. Priday mentioned to ~. Oswald that no money will be released to the Contracte ors unless the streets have been approved by Mr. Downer. President Souza asked ~. Oswald to either contact ~. Priday by telephone or, if he wishes, to remain until the meeting is adjourned and discuss an appointment time with Mr. Priday. Director Wakeman recommended the ~nager's Report be accepted and Director Clarke seconded. The motion was unanimously carried. President Souza asked Mr. John Lagrange when the Pump Stations would be ready and ~. LAGrange replied that both of the Pump Stations are ready and in operation now. President Souza thanked R~.Lagrange for his help and Mr. Lagrange~ in turn, thanked the Board of Directors for their help and consideration regarding the Stations. FINANCIAL REPORT: Office ~nager ~,~llery read and explained the Financial Report which he presents to the Board at the second regular meeting .of each month. Mr. Mallery also stated that the District is still operating under the 1960-61 Budget. Director Imbach moved that the Financial Report be accepted and Director Wakeman seconded. The motion was unanimously carried. OLD BUSINESS: Office ~nager'~llery stated that the changes which the Board re- quested regarding the 1961-62 Budget were made. Also, that with the changes made the tax rate will still be $1.03. Director Burlinghammoved that the 1961-62 Proposed Budget which will probably become effective in August be approved. Director Wakeman seconded and the motion was unanimously carried. President Souza stated that last year the Proposed Budget was still being worked on during August and stated that he and the Directors wish to thank Mr. Mallery for his excellent work regarding the books and the Budget. Attorney Weidman stated he will prepare a draft regarding the terms for the DOU~LAS County Improvement District No. 1 for the Director to Study. The Board of Directors will meet on June 22, 1961, 11:00 A.M., Sewage Treatment Plant, to discuss this draft. Mr. Donald l~chardson of the Sacramento Bee stated that some areas prohibit the use of garbage disposals and asked if the District also prohibits the use of same. Mr. Priday stated that the District does not prohibit the use of garbage disposals. ,95 BELLEVIE~V lrvlfP ~TATION - CONTRACT0P. ONLY - General Manager Priday stated that George Miller has done his job (as far as the Contractor is concerned) and recommends that 60-1, Schedule '~D' be complete. Director Burlingham moved that the Co~tractor be paid and Director Clarke seconded. The motion was carried unanimously. (SEE BELOW AWARDING OF BONDS AND 0RDINA~CE NO. 78 Attorney Holtom recommended that Ordinance No. 78, which is an ORDINANCE AWARDING S~I.E OF BONDS SANITARY SEVen. RAGE PROJECT NO. 1960-4, be adopted and the BONIB be awarded to CRUTT~, R)IIESTA AND C0., at 5.05226104 interest. Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Burlingham, that the Bonds be awarded to Cruttenden, Podesta & Co. and that Ordinance No. 78 be adopted. The motion was unanimously carried. NEW BUSINESS: WATER COMIIITTEE Director Wakeman read the minutes of the Water Committee Meeting which was held June 2, 1961, at the Sands Motel. Director Wakeman stated that another Water Meeting is coming up with Mr. R. Kniesly and Mr. Clarke and that he will secure more information as to the date time, and place. Attorney Weidmo.n stated that he had attended the Water Meeting mentioned during the Study Session, June 14, 1961, and that he will have a written report ready for the next regular meeting. Director Clarke read his report of the meeting which was held May 23~ 1961~ to Determine .Feasibility of Public or Private Ownership. Mr. Clarke stated that many items were discussed and the meeting was very encouraging. He also stated that another meeting is set for June 26~ 1961, 8:00 P.M., at the Tahoe Valley Fire House and invited anyone interested to attend. President Souza stated that Director Wakeman will keep all informed as to the Water Committee Meetings. Director Wakeman asked if there was anything the Public Utility District could do to help with the water situation. Attorney Holtom stated that unless the District goes into the Water Business, it would have to be on a voluntary basis. FOREST VIEW HEIGHTS ROAD 60-1: Attorney Holtom stated Forest View Heights Road could be handled on a cash basis only, as all Assessments have gone to bond. (Letter from Brown & Caldwell re:Pro.perties on Forest View .Heights Road). PAYMENT 0~ CLAIMS: General Manager Priday stated that a Progress Report from Brown & galdvell has not as yet been received. President Souza stated that if the request from Brown & Caldwell is turned down by the Board, and the suggestion by Attorney Weidman - to have Brown & Caldvell come up with another figure because of their errors and differences - be accepted, this 9resent request of Brown & .- Caldvell's be denied. Director Clarke moved that this request be denied because of the information given at the previous meeting by the Engineer and the Manager (paragraph 12, Page 2, Minutes of June 1, 1961), and the suggestion stated by Attorney ~eidman this evening. Director IMBAch seconded and the motion vas ~]~animous ly carried. Also, General Manager Priday recommended that the checks and warrants in the amount of $41,105.11 be paid. Mr. Priday's recommendation to have allchecks and warrants paid was accepted by'the Directors. PETITIONS.. General Manager Priday presented a petition for annexation for .395 acres, Elizabeth Morrison Gay and Daryl Eugene Morrison. Director Wakeman moved that this petition not be accepted as of now ~nd hold until more information is obtained DIF/ECTOR Clarke seconded and the vote was four (4)for and one .(1) again'st. Attorney Weidman recommended that Ordinance No. 77, which is an ORDINANCE AMEND- ING ORDINANCES NOS. 59 and 71, AND PROVIDING FOR COMPEN~TION OF THE GE~ERAL MANAGER OF THE ~0UTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, be adopted.' This Ordinance No. 77 was adopted by the Board. · Attorney Wei__d~n stated briefly to the Board what the letter regarding the reopening of the rent on the Forest Service Lands would consist of and mentioned that he will prepare this letter and present to the Board. President Souza asked Attorney Weidman to check and try to clear all outstanding easements. Bt'~0LUTION NO. 314~ a Rosolution Authorizing the Engineer for the District to'accept work and File Notice of Completion Sewage Collection System, Assessment District 1960-1, Schedule "D". Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director Clarke, and unanimously carried, said Resolution No. 314 was adopted. Mr. John Lagrange stated that on JUNE 9th, 7:00, the A & D Machinery Company entered the A1 Tahoe Pump Station to install-a pump and there was not an Inspect- or present and the buildin~ was locked. Mr. Lagrange stated that General Manager Priday had telephoned him at approximately. 5:30 A.M., Saturday morning, and told him that the Station blew up and was full of water. The mechanic was asked to look into this for damages and Mr. Lagrange stated that to date the Engineer, Owner of the P~np, and the Adjustor, have not been called or contacted regarding the damages. Mr. Lagrange stated that he felt this was unskilled workmanship and wished to have this statement noted in the Minutes. President Souza stated that he will not be present for the July 6th meetings and Director Wakemanwas nominated as Chairman. This meeting - Opening of Bids - is set for 10:00AM. President Souza appointed Director Burlingha~ as Chairman of Streets and Drainage. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 P.M. until July 6, 1961, at 2:00 P.M. (Pn~rEST ~) ~ C. SOUZA, Pr~si~dent ~' the Board of Directors -S01JTH TAtt0E PUBLIC b~ILT~ DISTRICT N.B. ~a~ery, Clerk/bf Board a~Ex-0f[~"cio Secretary - SOUTH TAtt0E PUBLIf UTILITY DISTRICT SPECIAL ~ETING OF THE BOARD OF DIHECTORS FOB THE SODTH TAtt0E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 29, 1961 The Board of Directors for the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Special Session at the Sewage Trea~nent Plant, 11:50 A.M., June 29, 1961. ~ OF MEETI~: The meeting was called to order by Chairnmn Wak~nan to consider and act~'upon a Resolution of conveyance and necessity for certain eminent domain proceedings. ROLL C~T~.:Directors Burlingham~ Imbach, Clarke, and Wakeman were present. Also present were General Manager Priday, Attorney Weidman,~ltarlan Moyer and Les Shoupe of Clair Hill &Associates, William Johnson, Lyle Laughlin - Tahoe Sierra Tribune, Donald Richardson - Sacramento Bee, William Johnson. Absent: - President Sou~. RESOLUTION NO. 305: Director Clarke moved that Resolution No. 305 which is a "RESOLUTION 0FTBE BOARDOF DII~ECT0~ 0FTHESOUTH TAHOEI~YBLIC UfILITY DISTRICT, COUl~fff 0FEL DORADO, STATE 0FCALIF01~IA, DETEI~ININGTHAT TBEPUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY F~UIBE THE AC~UISITION 0F EASEMENTS AND DIRECTING THE FILING OF EMIE]~NT DO, IN PROCEEDINGS, 1960-4, SPECIAL ASSESS~ENT DISTRICT (SANITAI~fSEWER~GE PROJECT 1960-4) be adopted and Director'Burlingham seconded. The vote was unan- imously carried. A brief discussion regarding EAS~Swas held and it was stated that (1) a number of appointments were made.to meet with the individuals concerned and it was impossible to contact the party, (2) reluctance on the part of the individual concerned. It was also mentioned that Mr. Reeves made a great attempt to contact the individuals concerned. CttECKS & WARRANTS: General ~anager Priday suggested that the checks and warrants in the amount of $4,281.83 be paid. Ail directors agreed to accept the Manager*s rec~nendation. ABJ0~: Chairman Wakeman adjourned the meetin~ at 12:50 P.M. N.R.~1~r, CI~RK OF BO~ ~ ~-O~IClO DISTRI~ UINtfffES OF TI~ OPENING OF Bills FOR TtIE SOUIH TAtIOE Ptr~IC UfILITY DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1961-1 Pursuant to duly published Notice and Call for Bids for construction of a Sewage Collection System for Assessment District 1961-1, the Board publicly opened all bids received at 10:02 A.Mo on July 6~ 1961~at the offices of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC b~ILITY DISTRICT~ Sewage Treatment Plant. The following bids were received and publicly opened and read by the Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary~ ~r. ~allery, of the District.. Keith Spencer Reno, Nevada $351~222.01 YalleyEngineers~ Inco Fresno~ California $268~171.75 Joe D. ~ller and Earl 0. Ince Bakersfield~ Calfornia $262,274.00 Colich Construction Co. "Donald Do Colich" $296~802.50 Harlan Uoyer of Clair Hill & Associates stated that the Engineerts estimate is $319~068.00. Mr. Marian Moyer stated that the above listed bids will be taken under advise- ment and awarded at the regular meeting this evening at 8~00 P.M. 97 N°R° MallerY, Clerk Ex-Officio Secretary - - SOUTH TAHOE PUBIC UTILITY DISTRICT Robert ~a~eman-Presiden't I~o'~ "Tern .... SOUTIt TA~t0E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT UINUrESOF THE PROTEST HEARING OF THE SOUTH TAHOE FOBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT July 6, 1961 Pursuant to duly published Not,ce, the meeting for the purpose of hearing protests against the Assessment District 1961-1 was called to order by Chairman Wakeman at 2~05 P.M., July 6, 1961,-at the Sewage Treatment Plant. ROLL CALL~ Directors present, were Burlinglu~n, Clarke and Wakehan. Also present were General Manager Priday~ Clerk of Board Mallery~ Attorney ~olt~n, Harlan Moyer and Les Shoupe of Clair Hill &Associates, Donald Richardson-~acramento Bee, Roy T. Jameson, and late arrivals Attorney ~eidman and Senator Begovitch. Absent was President Souza. Clerk Mallery read the following listed written protests: 1. Virginia Morten Willett - - Parcel 25 510 17 Bijou Park Enterprises Assmt. No. 61-1-011 4.94 Acres SEC 2 12 18 George I[. Lemon 25 192 04 Lot 4, Tract 126 Rte. 1~ Box 169 05 " 5 " " Lodi ~ California 06 " 6 " " ' 07 " 7 " " BIJOU PARE ACRES Mr. Marian Uoyer stated that the estimated assessment was in the amount of $469.50 for one (1} Unit~ including lateral and this can be reduced to $400.00 which is $69.50 lower for One {1) Unit. Also, Ur. Uoyer compared the following: 60-2 $414.00 60-3 $547.0O 60-4 $439.O0 61-1 $400.00 Regarding the written protest from Virginia Morton Willett, Mr. Moyer stated that 4.94 Acres is six and one-half Units (6~) which is based on a frontage Assessment Rule. It is over 12,000 sq~re feet and it is also over 120 feet deep, fronting only one street. 0nly one-half of the property is available for sewer and in the event the individual was to build on the other portion of this property~ arrange- ments must be made for a sewer. This can be done under another Assessment or on a Cash Basis. Mr. Roy T. Jameson, owner of nine (9) lots- Bijou Park Acres, was present for the hearing and stated that he did not wish to protest but attended the hearing for i nformati on. Mr. Jameson asked if it *as necessary that he connect to the sewer i~nediately and Mr. Priday stated that the only time he would be required to connect would be when the County and State Health Officers state the septic system cannot be replaced. Mr. Priday suggested to Mr. Jameson, however~ that it would be less expensive to have his laterals put in now. Prior to adjournment of the meeting, The President Pro Tom requested the photographer - ~. Donald Richardson from the Sacramento Bee, to take a picture of the audience that was not in attendance. The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 P.M. N..R..~llerY'~ glerk of IM. ~ JEx- officio Secreatry~- SOUTH ~Att0E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTI~ICT Robert Wakeman - l~resi'~ent ~'~o ~em' - P~GULAR HEETING OF TI~E BOARD OF DIt~ECTORS FOR TI~J SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT July 6~ 1961 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors for the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the Sewage Trea~nent Plant~ July 6, 1961. Chairman Wakeman called the meeting to order at 8:05 P.M. ROLL CALL: Directors present were Clarke~ Imbach and Burlingham. Also present were General h~nager Priday~ Clerk of Board Mallery~ AttorneyWeidman~ Attorney tIoltom~ Bruno G~letto~ Joe Neves~ Jr., Mrs. Richard Kuhl, John D. Mitchell of Aladdin Heating Corporation, John LAgrange from Lagrange Construction Company~ Lyle Laughlin - Tahoe Sierra Tribune~ l~lliam Johnson - President of the Taxp~yer*s Association~ Walt Little -Lake TahoeNews, Donald Richardson - Sacramento Beet Earl Ince and Floyd ~,~tthews. h. IANAGER*S REPORT: General ~nager Priday read his report and Director Burlingham moved~ seconded by Director Clarke that the ~nagerts Report be accepted. The vote was carried manimously. OLD BUSINESS: General ~nager Priday recon~nended that the Board consider when making an FASt~fENT request from an individual~ and if the line can serve the individual~ that a .05~ per square foot amount of money be considered for payment. If a force- main - that .10~ per square foot be used for negotiations. This way the Engineer's will be able to give the exact amount to the individual regarding their easement. Director Clarke moved~ seconded by Director Burlingham~ that General ~nager Priday*s recon~nendation be accepted. The~e was unanimously carried. NEW BUSINESS: Award of Contract - Mr. Harlan Moyer reco~nended that the bids for Assessment District 1961-1 be a~aeded to Joe D.~Hllerand Earl 0.Ince as they were Iow bidder: $262~274.00. Other bids were as follows: 1. Keith Spencer~ Reno,.......... 351~222.01 2. Valley Engineers~I ~c. Fresno..268~lT1.75 3. Colich Construction Co.........296~802.50 RESOLUTIONS: Attorney Holtem recomended the following l~solutions be adopted: 1. Resolution ~o. ~06~ A ~solution Overruling Protests on Resolution of Intention No. 287~ was read. On motion of Director Clarke~ seconded by Director Imbach~ and unanimously carried~ said Resolution was adopted. 2. Resolution No. 307~ A Resolution Ordering Reduction of Assessments~ was read. On motion of Director Burlingham~ seconded by Director Clarke~ and unanimously carried~ said Resolution was adopted.(~ 3. Resolution No. 308, A Resolution and Order Adopting Engineerts report, con- firming the Assessment and Ordering the Work and Acquisitions, was read. On motion of Director Imbach, seconded by Director Clarke, and unanimously carried, said Resolution~as adopted. 4. Ordinance No. 79, An l~rdinance of Award of Contract, was read. 0n motion of Director Imbach~ seconded by Director Clarke, said Ordinance was adopted. 5. Resolution No. 309, a Resolution Designating District Office as Office of Engineer of Work for ~ecordingAssessments, was read. 0n motion of Director Clarke, seconded by Director I~bach, and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. 6. Resolution No. 312, A Resolution Designating Collection Officer - Sanitary Sewage Project No. 1961-1. The Resolution was adopted by the Boardof Directors. Mr. Priday mentioned to the low bidders, Joe D. Miller and Earl 0. Ince, that he will insist the specifications for 1961-1 be followed very carefully. S"EWER LINE I~TENSIONHEADOW VIEW (G~T.ETT0) Attorney Holtom stated that ~. Bruno Galetto was assessed i~ 1939-1 for la'te~als and a line which was never installed. It went to BOND and his property is being charged for a Sewer Line never installed. It would be preferable that the work involved in the actual installation of the Sewer Line be included in the work of 1961-1 because of what has happened. To obtain the approval and express to the Board their agreement to be included in the 1961-1 preceedingwithout the necessary Publication of Notice, Attorney Holt~n stated that Mr. Galetto was asked to contact all parties involved regarding the property for their decision and consent to be included in the 1961-1 Assessment. ~r. Galetto stated that all parties were agreeable. Mr. John Lagrange, Lagrang~e Construction Company, stated that the 1959-1 Assessment District was his job and he was told by the Engineers to cut the project off at that area. He also stated that by having this in the 1961-1 Assessment, the District is saving money. Attorney ttoltom recon~nended approval of the Galetto petition which will be filed with the Board. Director Burlinghmnmoved, seconded by Director Clarke~ that Attorney ltoltom*s rec0n~nendation be accepted. The vote was unanimously carried. General l~nager Priday recon~nended that Resolution No. 310~ a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe lh~blic Utility District Authorizing Advertising For Bids For Furnishing Of Equipment To South Tahoe Public Utility District, be approved. Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director Clarke that Resolution No. 310 be approved. The vote was unanimously carried. General ~nager Priday also recommended that Resolution No. 311, a Resolution Authorizing the General ~nager of South Tahoe Public Utility District To Accept and Consent To Deeds or Grants Conveyed to South Tahoe Public Utility District, Title To, Interest In, Or Easements Upon Real Property, be adopted. Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director Clarke that Resolution No. 311~ be accepted. The vote was unanimously carried. E~CLUSIONS: Director Wakeman explained the problems confronting the District regarding excluded properties. He stated that starting from the beginning of the District in 1952 to the present time, we have had the problem of approximately 1,000 total exclusions and there are still approximately 940 exclusions left. Also, that two-thirds of the District is paying a disproportionate share of the Administra- tive cost of the District because of the great number of excluded properties. From l~y 5, 1961~ to July 5~ 1961, fourteen (14) parcels were serviced legally~ fees collected, and brought into the District~ which means approximately the District is able to annex five (5) parcels per month. Using the figure of 940 - Director Wakeman stated it would t~e sixteen (16) years to process all exclusions. Director Wakeman further stated that after sending out 940 letters explaining excluded parcels and petitions to annex to the District, which is a direct expense to th~ District, to date we have received ten (10) signed petitions in return° ' ith legal ad-flee to handle these exclusions and it should be made a Special Item on the Budget. Director Wakeman also explained the problem which confronts land owners and buyers in the Tahoe Area as far as back taxes due the District are concerned. Furthermore, there are many property owners that are not aware of the fact that their property is excluded and are faced with the problem of paying a very high tax bill when they are annexed. Many of these people cannot pay the back taxes on a cash basis and still wish to be included in the District and wish to pay on a time basis. It was mutually agreed that a Special Con~nittee should be formed to further study this proble~ and Director ~'Take,nan appointed Director Imbach as Chair~nan of the Con~nittee. Mr. Imhach will appoint two others to help him. Regarding the propesed extension of 1959-1 Sewer Line to service five (5) lots in blocks 20 and 29, A1 Tahoe, excluded.:~properties~ Mr. PridaY stated that these lots are all within the Globin tract and the people adjacent to the Street where the Sewer Line now ends do not have a line rnnning near their house and they are allw illing to willfng to pay for same. .Mr. Priday stated that we can contract for an additional mnount of line to connect these people. The parcels-involved are listed below: 1. .lack F. Mrs. Mary alaggxore, Mrs. Lewis Bothwell Lot 18, Blk 20, A1 Tahoe, (LApproved 9/1/60 ) 2. Brownie Parietti ' Lot 12, Blk 20 - A1 Tahoe, ( Approved 4/6/61/) 8. Glen E. & Ida May Rock, A1 Tahoe, ( Approved Lot 5~ Blk 29, A1 Tahoe 4. Mr. & Mrs. R.H. Kuhl Lot 3 and 4, Blk 29, A1 Tahoe Mrs. Kuhl stated that she had previously presented her problem regarding her and at that time she left tlie meeting with the understanding her property would be assessed for the Sewer and would go to Bond. Mrs. Kuhl stated that she was buying the property from ~,{r. 61obin and he excluded her property without her knowledge. Mrs. Kuhl also stated that she is representing five (5) individuals this evening and stated that all~ including herself, had signed petitions and asked for re- annexations; also~ that they have signed at least. Six (6) petitions. She was told that she had no problems and left the previous meeting mentioned and since that time has sent in other petitions and also signed a new one with Hr.Mallery just to make sure one was available. Mro Globin was (hmer of Record of Mrs. I£uhl*s lot and she stated that she has gone through a 'great deal of expemse to clear this lot with Mr. Globin. She also mentioned that the Board should have no alternative but to extend the S~.?ER down the street and the five (5) parcels involved should not be liable for a mistake from the Assessors Office. Mrs. K~I stated that she and the other property o'~ners cannot pay the money and do not feel that they should have to. Attorney Weidman stated that this problem ~ras brought before the Board approxi- mately in July of 1960 and at that time the Board of Directors had been accept- ing petitions of cases who needed SEWER service and if they needed immediate SEqgER service, they would compute the back taxes for~he parcels that were excluded and they would'2pay the taxes. Attorney Weidman also stated',.:that at that time~ it was agreed to informally accept these petitions and when they did ~ connect they would be liable for back taxes. The Policy still was to accept these petitions and'.when several petitions were in we would have an -Mmexation. In reviewing this problem~ Attorney Weidman stated that Ordinance No. 51was in effect at that time and in accepting some of these petitions we did not say how the people would pay their back taxes. With regard to how that would be connected, Attorney Weidman stated that he could not recall. Mrs. Kuhl stated they were not fighting paying back taxes but were unhappy about paying in cash. (Also, Mrs. Kuhl's stated that she and the other individual's would appreciate having Mr. Mallery compute the back taxes) Director Wakeman asked Mrs. Kuhl if there were houses on these properties. .Mrs. Kuhl answered there are eight (8) dwellings year around. Attorney Weidman stated that Mrs. Kuhl and the other owners involved were told they would be put in a future Assessment District. Attorney IIoltom stated that since the District is obligated to Mrs. Kuhl and the other property owners mentioned, they be included in the 1961-1 Assessment under "Change in Modification". Director Burlingham moved that Attorney Holtoms suggestion be accepted and Director Imbach seconded. The vote was mqanimously carried. General Manager Priday mentioned to Mrs. Kuhl that for her own information the 1959-1 Assessment District was $384.00. DirectorImbach moved that the District continue to receive petitions for annexations but the next action on these Annexation Petitions would be taken at the first meeting in October~ except action will be taken on any netitions for annexa- tions submitted which are accepted for payment in full of all'back chKrges xn accordance with Ordinance No. 51. unanimously carried. Director Clarke seconded the motion which was PETITIONS FOR .~TION: The followin~ petitions for annexations were presented 1. ~D. & Mrs. John Schlecht, Lot 12, Lakeside Lodge 2. Anthony Enterprises~ Inc. - 1.50 Acres SEC 27 13 18 Lakeshore l~nor 3. Nora T. Bray~ Lot lI7 Blk "P"~ Lakeshore X~nor 4. Paul & Helen Aub~naeua7 Lot 11~ Lakeside Lodge 5. Mr. & Mrs. GUST lHctor7 Lot 3~ Blk 39 A1 Tahoe and Lot 14, Blk 39~ Xl Tahoe (l~r. ~ictor stated that fees will be paid upon being advised of amount) 6. ~o & Mrs. A.E. ~Tarden~ Lots 7~ 8~ 97 10-Blk 27, and LOt 11, Blk 27~ A1 Tahoe - - (F~ PAID 7. ~[r. & ~.~s. Carl To Dixon~ Lot 35 and P or Lot 36~ I~atherine Smith Hill Resubdivision 8. Edward ~l. Polluck~ Jr.~ paid fees for Lot L~ Blk Er Lakeside Park to the Board: Also, a petition that ~as been tabled was again brought up by Director Wakeman and Mr. ~gakeman mentioned that a decision should be reached on same. This petition refers to Elizabeth Gay Morrison and Eugene Daryl ~orrison. Director Imbach moved that this petition of Morrison~s be included~rith the above listed eight (8) petitions for annexations and Director Burlingham seconded. The vote was lost as there were two against and one for the motion. Director Clarke moved that the eight (8) petitions be accepted for annexation7 ex- cluding the ~orrison property. Director Burlingham seconded and the vote was un- animously carried. ~(r. Priday stated the people who have paid their back taxes and all money due and if they are in in~nediate need of the S~ER~ we do allow them to connect even prior to their being annexed. A detailed discussion regarding the Morrison property was held and after many points had been clarified~ several opinions stated7 Director Imbach again moved that this property be accepted for annexation. Director Burlingham seconded and the vote was unanimously carried. ds General ~nager Priday recon~nended that Change Order No. 6 in the amount of $120.96 and Change Order No. 4 in the amount of $1~055o33 be accepted. Director Clarke moved the ~nager~s recommendation be accepted and Director Burlingham , seconded. The vote was unanimously carried. Mr. William Johnson asked General ~nager Priday if it were possible to have a map published showing the areas that can be serviced by the sewer and ~.~. Priday stated that it would be difficult to do so at the present time but possibly this can be accomplished in August. Office Manager ~llery presented a map and explained to all present the areas which were excluded. CI~CI~ & WARRANTS: General~.~anager Priday recommended that the checks and warrants in the amount of $267477.52. All DIRECTORS AGBEED TO ACCEPT THE'~t/kNAGER~S RE- C0~ffiNll~T I 0N. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 P.M. Frank Co Souza7 P~ident 6f the Board of Directors for the SOUTII TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N.R.h~llery, gler~"°f~Board and~LiC Officio Secretary - SOUTH TAIIOE UTILITY DISTRICT MINUTES 0F TIIE STUD~ SESSION - BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAtlOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT July 19, 1961 The Board of Directors for the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in July - 19, 1961, at the Sewage Treatment Plant for the monthly Study Session. President Souza called the meeting to order afl:45 ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Burlingham, Clarke and Imbach. Also present were General ~nager Priday, Attorney Weidman, Les Shoupe of Clair Hill & Associates~ Mr. D.Caldwell and ~.~. R.Aberley from Broom & Caldwell, Mr. R. Kniesley~ Mr. J. Winkler~ District Attorney - E1 Dorado CoUnty, Mr. H. Dunlap, Representative of the E1 Dorado County Water Agency~ Gordon Johnson and Arthur ~stlund from Tahoe Meadows Association, Donald Richardson from the Sacramento Bee. Absent were Director Wakeman and Clerk of Board ~hllery. President Souza stated that this session was held to secure information for action to be taken at the regular meeting~ July 20~ 1961~ 8:00 P.M. ANNEXATION OF TAHOE ~{EAD0WS: Director Imbach stated that he met with ~. Gordon Johnson~ President of Tahoe Meadows Association~ and Mr. Johnson had statedlthat gwice previously he had met vith the District regarding Tahoe Meadows and that an attempt ~as to be made to work out a solution to get S~qERS in the Meadows, but nothing was really formulated and that they were of the opinion~ at the time, a solution ~as worked out with ~. E.Pa~ost and Mr.N. Goeringer. Also~ Mr. Imbach stated that Mr. Johnsnn said in October of 1960knegotiations were going on but nothing really worked out and since then they do not feel they should pay any portion of the Beach Trunk Line~ also~ Mr. Johnson had mentioned that a hw suit ~as pending. Mr. Gordon Johnson and Mr. Arthur Westlund arrived at 2:10 P.M.and Mr. Gordon Johnson stated that there are 35-37 parcels along the Lake Frontage and these people have paid $70.00 cash each for a '~lrE,. into the Beach TrunkLine. Owners of these parcels would like to connect into the Beach Trunk Line and propose to pay the cost installation in cash. They wish to have an Assessment District formed and have agreed to go ahead with same if accepted. Mr. Johnson was interested as to what procedure they might take to get into the District and what the cost would be. Fie stated that an estimate had been made in the past of $110,000.00 Mr. Johnson presented a map and pointed out the area that is involved; mentioned thataapproximately 180 Units would be in the Assessment District and if the past estimated figure for the Assessment District were to be used, this would amount to approximately $800.00 plus per lot. ~. Johnson also stated that a contract was signed in 1952 with the District which has evidently been forgotten and not carried out. A Pumping Plant was to be put in. Mr. Johnson stated that he would like to see an arrangement made with the District for the lot o~mers that have already put their 'q~YE" in. Petitions could be signed by these people to be included in the District, pay their taxes, inspec- tion:fee, and service fees from the time they went into service and also pay an amount on account of the Assessment with the understanding that this would be an advance payment on account and the balance can become a lien against the Property. ~. Johnson stated that they wish to make a partial payment to get in this Assessment District. Mr. Priday stated that all additional costs are to be paid before clearance can be given. Mr. Johnson stated the estimated quoted cost of $110 , 000. 00 was for installing the Main Trunk Line and the Nevada District was required to pay 77~ of this~ South Tahoe Area to pay $23,000.00 and the .~11,000.00 was the California share from Stateline to the Pumping Plant. Mr. Johnson also stated that in Tahoe Meadows there are some lots that, cannot be built on and because of this sUggested these continue to be ex- cluded, with the exception of one lot ~ich has a residence~ until such time something can be done with this property. President Souza stated that he felt the eight blocks in Tahoe Meadows which cannot be built on be included also. Mr. Pridav was asked to inclu~,the eight blocks in his recon~nendation for the meeting of July 20~ 1961, 8:00 Mr. Johnson will prepare a letter regarding Tahoe Meadows problems for Priday to present to the Board for recomanendation. Also, Mr. Priday was asked to contact Mrs. Beverly Cola~ County Assessor's Office, Placerville, California, regarding the assessed value of Tahoe Meadows property as a Unit. BR0~ & C.;LILW~,L - IRWPECTION 1960-1 Hr. T!. ,\berley and ~r. t).~I. Caldwell - Bro~ & Caldwel] Consultim~ Engi~,' ~]~ed that they did not have more more to add other than was in the letter they sent to the Board o'F Directo;-s May 9, ]961~ with the attaclment of the cost anal?sis of the project concerned. Mr. Aberley stated that if the Board were to ~rant their reqnest for additional compensation - their Company would still be in the red for this job. ~rthem~ore~ Mr. Aber]ev and Mr. Caldwell both stated that they felt the job was handled in a sat~isfacto~ manner~ and they also feel that they are justified in asking for the additional compensation. Mr. Caldwell stated tha~ they liad not been notified regardi~ inefficient work for this particular job. '- ~Jr. Priday stated that. three (3) days after bis arrival 1959-1 was filed and accepted as completed and the word had to be taken from the Engineer, but since that time, Mr. Pti. day stated that he had taken a closer look and mentioned a few items such as (1~ Belleview Pump Station, (2) where is the installation set in regards to the property lines, (3) correspondence from Brown 2~ Ca]dwell to Lagrange regarding the poor .job in streets 1959-1~ etc. Mr. Aberley stated that he had recommended .~1,000.00 be withheld to complete the cost of road repairs. ~,~iention was made that .~1,000.00 would not cover repairs of two streets and that a guarantee is of no value if the people must continue to go over bad roads, streets, etc. Mr. Aberley stated and agreed that ~Jl,000.O0 was not sufficient to cover the repairs and also stated that when the Board had accepted the job as completed~ they were aware of the fact that the road work was not comibleted. ~{r. Priday stated that he feels plenty of time has passed and that the job should be completed immediately. A list of items found to be unsatisfactory for 1960-1 and 1959-1 were given to Mr. Aberley and Mr. Cal~ell. President Souza stated that they read this list and when the job is completed that they so advise the District and action will again be taken. In the meantime, Mr. Priday Will prepare a letter from Brown & Cal~(ell regarding 1959-1 and 1960-1. Mr. Aberley stated that some of the items of the list were not clear to him and President Souza suggested that he and Mr. Caldwell meet with Mr. Priday in regards to clarifying same. BUP-~'kU OF RECLA~,~TION: Mr. J. WiMder and Mr. H. Dunlap were present at the Study Session and President Souza stated they were there to assist the Board regarding Water Problems. Director Burlingham asked what possibility there might be in finding unclaimed water sources,(problems, etc.) and Mr. Dunlap stated that the water study would tell and show where these sources could be found. ~ Mr. Wi~(ler stated that the Water Study would inform all as to where the water would and could come from; whether rights could be had and where same are; what the possibilities and ri~ts are, etc. Mr. Imbach asked if any Water Studies have been made in this area and the answer was that Water Studies have been made but very little construction was actually done. The primary concern of this Study interest is this portion of the Lake Tahoe Basin. Mr. Dunlap stated that being a Federal Agency, they must work on the overall problem, and the E1 Dorado Portion is their main interest. 5ir. R. Kniesley stated that some ten (10) or twelve (12) years ago a Survey was made of this area; Washoe project designed; funds allocated;litigation passed, etc., and to now bring a Federal Agency in here would only be an insult to the people that have already made such a Survey; to over-ride all the work that has been done by a previous .Agency is not very complimentary; furthermore~ if the Federal Agency were to step in~ many of the present staff would resign; possible law suits and cause a great deal of unhappiness. Mr. Dunlap mentioned that the Bureau of Reclamation does not wish to interfere with the Inter-State Compact Commission and if -this does occur, they would rather not have the Study. Attorney Weidman called attention to Act 96-102 and mentioned that an error, oversight~ or - in regards to this particular paragraph was ~,omitted and asked the visitors, ~Ir. Dunlap and Mr. Wi~der~ if it would be possible to include in this clause a statement which would insnre the people of this area that joint control would still be. It was stated that this answer would have to come from the Agency; however, as to this being an error or an over-sight - they did not feel this could be either becanse at the time the Act was drafted, the Tahoe Area ~ss not considered. 104 Attorney Weidman e~sked if the Agency anticipates any future wholesaling of water. Hr. Dunlap stetted that the A~ency have these po~ers 'for the ~rholesaling at the present time but not for dist'ribution. Mr. R. Kniesley stated that nothing can really be gained by having a new Studyh here and to do a new study the present Compact will no lo~er be of any value. Mr. I(niesley also stated that there is very little water here in this area~ and if this is thrown into litigation~ which would cause only trouble~ the entire Compact is gone; however~ if this were limited to inquires on the other side of the ridge~ this ~ould not interfere with the Compact whatsoever. Mr. Dunlap stated that there is not sufficient water to satisfy everyone; when do tie start looking for more; where is it to come from. Also~ Mr. Dunlap stated that unless the people in the area wish this Study~ there is no one that can force such a Study on them. A decision must be made within the next week or two. Mr. Clarke asked if any thought could be given to specifically directing and asking the Bureau of Reclamation to consider this a problem especially from the point of view of Importation of ~ater. Our problem is Importation of Water and anything else they do in this area will be a duplication of an~ of the Other Surveys. ~ Director Burlingham asked ~fr. Kniesley if a Survey for other water sources could be obtained without bothering this present Compact. Mr. Kniesley stated that the Department of Water Resources have made this Survey. President Souza asked Mr. Winkler and Mr. Dunlap to check with the Bureau of Reclamation for further information requested during the Study Session and have ready to present to the Board for the regular meeting~ July 20~. 1961~ 8:00 P.M. ~ Sewage Treatment Plant. Mr. Kniesley stated that Colonel A.M. Barton be contacted regarding the Survey~ information, etc. ~ also. ~e ~ould The cost of the Survey will be a Study by the County and / ~' ' be a part of the County Expense. ~ The Study Session adjourned at 5:35 P.hi. The regular meeting will be held July 20~ 1961~ 8:00 P.M. at the Sewage Treat- ment Plant - SOUTtI TAtlOEPUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT *Frank C. Souza~ Presfdent oi~he Board of Dirs. SOUTH TAIIOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N'.R.Mal/IerY,' Clerk of Board a~d ~:- Officio Secretary = . SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY ~ISTRICT ItEGUL~R MEETING OF THE BOABD OF DII~ECTORS FOR THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 20, 19~1 The regular meetin~ of the Board of Directors for the South Tahoe Public Utility District met at the Sewage Treatment Plant, July 20, 1961. l~esident Souza called the meetin~ to order at 8:10 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Burlingham, Clarke, and Imbach. Also present were General ~nager Priday, Clerk of Board l~llery, Attorney Holtom and Attorney Wei~m~n, Gordon Johnson - Tahoe Meadows Association, Les ~houpe - Clair Hill &Associates, Donald Richardson - Sacramento Bee, Mr. H. Reeves - Right-of- Way Agent for the South Tahoe Public Utility District, and Mr. William Johnson - President of the Taxpayer's Association. MINUTES: General ~anager Priday recon~ended that the Resolution No. 313 which was retroactive to July 6, 1961, be adopted to read as follows: CERTIFICATE OF COMI~R~ION 1959 S~F~BOND PROJECT, CONTP~CT NO. 5, -EFFL~ FORCE~IN E-1 AND EFFLUENT HOLDING POND. Mr. Priday stated this Resolution was held back for reco~nendation because of discrepancies found and other work which had to be accomplished. Director Burlinghammoved, seconded by Director Wakeman, and unanimously carried, that the Resolution No. 313 be adopted, and the minutes of July 6, 1961, be approved. ~AGF~'S REPORT= General Manager Priday read his report and Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director Wakeman that the Manager*s Report be accepted. The vote was unanimously carried. OLD BUSINESS: General Manager Priday read a letter which was sent to Brown& Caldwell from Geo. E. Miller Construction Compau, Inc., July:12, 1961, re- questing extension of time for the Assessment District 1960-1. Mr. Priday recommended that the extension of time b~ granted to Geo. E. Miller and this would make the completion date July 7, 1961. Director ImbaCh asked why do the Contractors request extension of time. Mr. Priday stated that delay can be due to weather conditions, difficulties regarding proper clearance of easements, etc., which are not the fault of the contractor. Mention was made that the Assessment District's 1960-2, 3, and 4, are clear and there are no outstanding eas~nents. Director Burlingham asked if the District could expect all Special Assessments to be completed, black-topping, etc., this year. Director Burlingh~n ~as told that this could be expected. Other questions regarding easements such as - are easements acquired before or after a contract is let; what is the regular procedure on acquiring easements, etc. Attorney l~oltom stated that the Engineers advise the Board as to what easements are required for the Special Assessment District~, the Board in turn appoints a right~of-way Agent to follow through on the required easements. Director Imbach stated that once the specifications and engineering work is completed, and the easement requirements are known, why does the Board not take action inznediately to procure them. Attorney Holtom stated to Mr. Imbach that the Board takes imediate action, and where necessary, an Eminent Domain proceeding is filed; however, the Board is reluctant to file such a proceeding until it is sure that someone who hasthe authority from the District has checked thoroughly into all phases of any problem. Director Imbach stated the reason for his questions regarding easements was that the one in question was quite an old one and he would like to make'sure that a future easement will not take as long to clear. Mr. H.Reeves, South Tahoe Public Utility District's right-of-~ayAgent stated that the easement descriptions are now received prior to a Protest Hearing. Mr. Reeves also stated that prior to this time, the easements and documents were not received until possibly weeks later. Statement was made that the easement for 1960-1 is quite an old one and the Board cannot go back and clear that but they feel that in the future such a proble~ as this will not happen again. President Souza stated that there is definitely a change in theoperation of the District now and it was very hard to get together the cooperation that was asked for and thecoor dnation of some of our Contractors in the past; however, President Souza stated that because of the change - it is up to us and our General Manager to see the people in the area are getting thecooperation and coordination needed. 106 Director Burlingham moved~ seconded by Director Imbach that the Extension of Time to July 7, 1961~ be granted to Geo.E. Miller. The vote ~as unanimously carried. WATER COMMITTEE: Director Wakeman requested he be advised as to what happened at Placerville~ July 17~ 1961. Mr. Do Clarke stated that the E1 Dorado County Water Agency are considering inviting the Bureau of Reclamation into the Lake Tahoe Basin area for a Preliminary Study of the Water Situation in this Area. Attorney Weidman made a trip to Sacramento July 20~ 1961~ to further investigatethe Water Study Problem. A lengthy discussion regarding the water meeting which was held at Sacramento took place between Attorney Weidman and Board. Attorney Weidman stated that he was very impressed with the Bureau and he also stated that they are extremely interested in the fact that this is a water deficient area and also could become more deficient~ possibly an export problem. Attorney Weid~an stated that if this water study were to take placer it would in no way interfer with the present Compact. Attorney Weid~anwill draft a Resolution regarding this water study for presentation to the Board in~nediately as the .Bureau of Reclamation nmst have ~n answer soon as a meeting is due next weekin Denver and all proposed studies will come up at that meeting for budgeting. Director Burlingh~n stated that he met with Mr. EoF.Fischer re~arding the maps and lines showing the location of fire hydrants in the Valley. Mr. Fischer mentioned to Mro Burlingha~ that Tahoe Keys is the only area tha%does have adequate hydrants for fire protection. As far as increases in size of pipes and location of same~ the Brown & Caldwell Study covers this very well and if the District would want to go into such - the Brown& Caldwell Study would be a good starting point. Mr. Fischer had also stated that he will provide a copy of the Underwriters Report to anyone ~ho would like one. Director Burlingham also stated that until the Private Utilities present a UNITED FRONT and ask for something that viii help them, there is very little the District can do to help withWaterS~pply. Attorney Holtom recon~ended that Resolution No. 315, which is in regards to the problem Mrs. R.Ho Kuhl presented at the July 6, 1961, meeting - be adopted. Resolution No. 315 is a"RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSE~r OF THE C01~[I~ 0FEL DORADO TO THE E~ERCISE 0FESTiVA-territorial jurisdiction for the purpose of construct~.~. ing public i~provements and providing that the cost thereof be assessed upon a special district pursuant to a special district pursuant to a special assessment and Assessment Bond Acts - SANITAI~f SEWAGE PROJECT NO. 1961-1." The Board of Directors voted unanimously for the adoption of this Resolution. ~IEWBUSINESS: 0fficeManagerMallery read and explained the financial report whichhhe presents to the Board at the second regular meeting of each month. Mr. Mallery also stated that the books, as of June 30, 1961, are closed and ready for the Auditors. Director I~bach moved that the Office Manager*s Financial Report be accepted and Director Clarke seconded. The vote was unanimously carried. Director Imbach asked the Board where the District obtained the Auditors. It was stated that Irving & Duce were asked to come in for consulting p~rposes at first and that at that time several discrepancies and errors were found that~aved the District money. Suggestion as to having bids placed for auditors will be brought up at a later date. Statement was made that the audit will not exceed the ~nount of $2500.00 which is the figure set in the 1961-62 budget. General Manager Priday stated that Roy Price is making good progress and the District has a balance of $213~128.55 left in the Treasury for 1960-4. Mr. Priday stated that he would like to see that additional 1960-4 bonds are sold i~nediately. Attorney Holtom agreed that we should sell all remaining 1960-4 bonds which are approximately in the amount of $650,000.00 CORRESPONDENCE: General~na~er~priday read a letter from Clair Hill & Associates in regards to redesigning the Effluent Disposal in the Forest Area. Mr. Moyer stated in his letter that this would not exceed the figure of $1~3~000.00o President Souza asked Mr. Priday to have Mr. Harlan Moyer present an estimate, survey~ etco~ regarding the redesign of this Effluent Disposal and have it ready to present to the Board for the next regular meeting which is August 3~ 1961, 8~00 P.M. July 20~., 1961 Mr. Gordon Johnson, President of the Tahoe Meadows Association, presented a letter to the Board of Directors for consideration of an Assessment District in Tahoe Meadows. Mr. Johnson'letter reads as follows: "South Tahoe Public Utility District, Bijou, California Gentlemen: This letter is addressed to you, pursuant to the discussions at yesterday's afternoon meeting of your Board, concerning the inclusion of the Tahoe Meadows area in the District and the disposition of pendin~ matters between the District and Tahoe Meadows~ including the' pending eminent domain action, E1 Dorado County Civil Action No. 10346. This letter is written for the purpose of adjustin~ and disposing of all such matters in a spirit of compromise and friendly solution of matual problems. As indicated yesterday, it is proposed that the Tahoe Meadows area be included in the District and the eminent domain action be disposed of by judgement in accordance with the following ter~s and conditions: 1. A special assessment district shall be established, consisting of the Tahoe Meadows area (as described in the Tahoe Meadows Protective Covenant dated June 27, 1937 and recorded on or about September 16, 1944 in Book 207 of Official Records of El~Dorado County, at page 57) subject to the exclusions herein stated and such further exclusions as may be mutually agreed to. The District shall he created for the purpose of in- stalling lateral and connecting lines and other related facilities in order to ,~__ke the District's sewage facilities and services available to the Tahoe Meadows area and its property owners. 2. It is understood that by means of the assessment district the Property owners will be able to finance the cost of the foregoing installa- tions over a period of 15 years at interest not in excess of 6~per annum. However, any proper%y owner may pay up the charges against any parcel at any time. 3. The charges in connection with the assessment district shall be allocated among the Tahoe Meadows property owners using lots as laid out on the map of Lakeshore Manor as the units, except as it may be mutually agreed that a particular lot or lots shall, because of excess size or division., be considered as more than one u~it. 4. The costs and charges to be made against the assessment district shall be only those authorized by law and which conform to the District's present practices with respect to other special assessment districts. There shall not be charged against said special assessment district, or any of the property owners situated therein, any part of the cost bf installing the 18e trunk line and related facilities part of which are installed in the right-of-way throngh Tahoe Meadows referred to in the pending action. It is the intent that the charges against said assessment district shall relate to the installation of lateral and connecting lines and other facilities to connect the Tahoe Meadows area to said trunk line and its present facilities. 5. With respect to payment of back taxes for the District's general a~nistration and overhead charges, since the Tahoe Meadows area was excluded from the District in late 1958, it is understood that such taxes which c~ence with the fiscal year 1959,-60will be the earliest to be included. 6. The District shall ha~e a non-exclusive right-of-way 10 feet wide located as described in Exhibit A of the complaintin the pending action and for the purposes described in'said complaint. The present owners of the subject real property, and their grantees, transferrors and assignees, shall have and retain full right of use oftthe right-of-way. The District shall maintain its facilities ~in a good state of repair at all times, and in such condition as to avoid and prevent leakage and to eliminate offensive or other odors. In the ewent the District shall fail to operate and use the main tm~-~ line for a period of one year, the right-of-way herein provided for shall be deemed abandoned and at Tahoe Meadows' request, the District shall execute a quit-claim deed therefor. 7. Tahoe ~adows undertakes to grant or procure from the affected property owners all further rights-of-way required for the installation of the laterals and collecting lines and related facilities in the Tahoe Meadows area, without charge to the District. 8. The plan and design £or ghe lines and facilities to be installed shall be sul~nitted to Tahoe Meadows for review and co~nent,and the District and Tahoe Meadows shall cooperate to work out a mutually satisfact0ryplan and design to the end that the cost therefor may be kept to a mininnnn. It is the desire of Tahoe Meadows to minimize the number of trees to be removed and to preserve and restore the native condition of the area. Ail excav~tions shall be filled a~ad replaced and the ground levelled and tamped. Metually agree- able provisions fOr the restoration of all roads involved in the work shall be included in the plan. July 20~ 1961 9. Blocks D, E, I, L, U~ N., and Lots 25 and 26 of Block B of Lakeshore Manor shall remain excluded from the District so long as the existing provisions of the Tahoe Meadows Protective Covenant against building on said property remain in effect. Should said covenant be a~ended or' terminated with respect to any part of said property so as to make the s~ne available fOr building 'and occupancy~ Tahoe Meadows shall give tt~e District written notice thereof and join with the District in taking such steps as may be necessary to include the affected parcels in the District. 10. Tahoe ~[eadows agrees to solicit from the property owners in the Tahoe Meadows area the execution of Petitions and Consents for ~mnexation to the District, on forms furnished by the District~ and to deliver the executed forms to the District. District shall take the necessary steps to form the assessment district when the owners of such lots in Tahoe Meadows have executed and delivered such forms to the District. 11. Certain property owners whose lots are located in the in~nediate vicinity of the main trunk line have already paid $70.00 to the District as %he cost of installing connections on the main trunk line. Any lot as to which such a connection has been installed may be connected up to the trunk line for immediate use ~hen the lot ownerccomplies with the following conditions to the satisfaction of the Districtts General ~anager: (a) Pay all back taxes for District's general administration and overhead, commencing with the fiscal year 1959-60~ with interest at 6~. · (b) Executes and delivers to the District a Petition and Consent to Annexation as above referred to. (~) Pays District's current permit and inspection fees. (Permit fee and inspection -- $10~ additional required inspections --~5 each). (d) Advances to the District $~00 as a good faith payment on account of the charges of the special assessment district against the lot involved. It is understood that on the formation of the special assessment district and the levying of the assessment~the unpaid balance shall be a lien against the particular lot and payable as above provided. The Petition and consent shall ratify the foregoing provision. 12. It is ~mderstood that in fixing the costs of the assessment district~ there shall be included the cost of oonnections previously paid for~ at ~70 each~ and such amount shall be credited against the assessment on the particular lots involved. 1~. In consideration of the foregoing~ Tahoe Meadows agrees, on behalf of itself and the individual defendants in the pending action~ to stipulate te the entry of a judgment in accordance with thepprovisions hereof~ without payment or consideration for the right-of-way therein referred to other than performance of the terms and conditions hereof. Tahoe Meadows hopes that your Board of Directors will find this proposal to be an acceptable solution of our mutual problems. We assure you our cooperation to get these matters behind us. Sincerely yours~ TAHOE MEAI~ s, ,/,GORDON JOHNSON Presi dent" The only-action taken in regards to Mr. Johnson's letter was in regards to paragraph No. 11~ page 3~ and it was moved by.Director Clarke that General Manager Priday's suggestion that Mr. Johnson and his Organization bring into the District the 25 petitions with the back taxes in full and the $300.00 agreed upon by them; as soon as the 25minimum n~nber has been received - that they be permitted to go ahead with the hook-up. Director Burlingham seconded and the vote ~as three (3) AYES~ and two (2) not voting. ,Director Imbach asked if the Committee for excluded parcels will still be in existence on all future Annexations. President Souza stated that the Co~nittee will continue to exist. Director Imbach requested that Directors Wakeman and Burlingham also serve on this Committee andlthat At%o~neyts Holtom and Weidman serve as legal advisors. CLaiMS:General Manager Priday recommended that Geoo E. Miller's request for payment be denied because Ur. Miller did not comply with certain streets construction and repairs. Director Burlinghammoved, seconded by Director Imbach and unanimously carried that General Manager Priday*s recommendation be accepted. General Manager Priday recommended that the checks and warrants in the amount of $505~131.35 be paid.* Director Clarke moved~ seconded by Director Wakeman~ and unanimously carried that all checks and warrants be paid. Attorney Holtomwas asked to prepare the papers for the balance of the bonds for 1960-4 and have re~dy to present to the Board at the next regular meeting August 3, 1961, 8:00 P.M. Cash payments will be closed approximately August 15th and Notice will be published in the newspapers. The meeting was adjourned at 11:55 Frank C. Souza - President - ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N.R.Mallery,,'Clerk of Board and llfficio Secretary - / SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTIlI(~T MINUTES OF THE ~ULAR ~EETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGL~T 3, 1961 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on AUgust 3, 1961, at the Sewage.Trea~nent Plant. President Souza called the meeting to order at 8:05 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Burlingham, Wakem~_n, Clarke and Imbach. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallory, Attorney Weidman, Attorney Holtom, Harlan ldoyer and Les Shoupe of Clair Hill & Associates, Mr. H. Reeves - Right-of-Way Agent for the South Tahoe Public Utility District, John Lagrange, John Madero of Lagrange Construction Co., Donald Richardson from Sacramento Bee, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Strong - Mr. Strong a representative from Springmeyer Service, Henry Ro Butler, Mrs. Dean and Mrs° Jeanette Lee. MINUTI~ Director Burlinghammoved the minutes of the Study Session - July 19, 1961, and the minUtes of the regular meeting - July 20, 1961, be approved as corrected. Director Imhach seconded and the motion was tmanimously carried. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: l~s. Dean stated her complaint regarding the poor condition of streets in the area of Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 3. Mrs. Dean stated there are three blocks near Martin (Bertha, Charles, Carson) which are in very poor condition and she would like to see something done about this. President Souza stated that General Manager Priday will contact Paul Laing - Inspector for Brown and Caldwell, in regards to Mrs. Deants complaint and Mr° Priday will contact Mrs. Dean at Kimball 4-8308 regarding this meeting with Mr° Laing. Mrs. Jeanette Lee also asked Mr. Priday to contact her regarding this same problem at Kimball 4-3303° MANAGERtS REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report and mention was made that 1960-3 Assessment District is complete and was accepted by the Road Cmmissioner. Mr. Priday, read the letter of acceptance from Mr. Ro Donner accepting this AssessmentDistrict. Director Clarke asked when the pumping stations would be up to date. It was stated that the pumping stations are operating presently; however, the item holding up completion of the two stations are the pumps which will arrive very soon and this project should be completed within the next ten(10) days or two (2) weeks. Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Clarke, that the ~nager's Report be accepted. The vote unanimously carried. OLD BUSI~: Director Imbach commented on the meeting which was held July 28, 1961, at the Sewage Treatment Plant regarding Excluded Parcels. Committee members present at this meeting were Chairman Imbach, Directors Burlingham an&~¥akeman, Attorneyts Weidmanand Holtom, General Manager Priday and Clerk of Board Mallery. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss a method for bringing all excluded parcels into the District. It was agreed that Attorney J. Holtom is to prepare a petition encompassing present District Boundaries as a perimeter, enumerating all Assessment Districts, thus including~l presently excluded parcels; County Clerk to check the list of Owners-of-Record of all excluded parcels to determine who is registered (registered 11 0 voters status); County Assessorts Office to check the list of presently ex- cluded parcels to determine the Assessed valuation of sa~e; petition for sigamtures of inclusion in the District; inclusion for parcels to be handled as iffimbited area, or uninhabited areas. This will be determined after registration results are computed; acquire registered voters signatures innnediately; recon~nendation was made to remove past action for moratorium of acceptance of application for petitions of inclusion. Taxes to be computed as soon as assessed valuation figures are available. After the above is completed, endeavor to hold a public hearing on new Assessment District formation by August 17, 1961, meeting and adopt a prepared Ordinance for Assessment District at the same meeting, and proceed with Engineering studies. Attorneyes Weidman and Holtom will present a plan of expediting above mentioned Assessment District formation. (Method of handling same, costs, procedures, etc.). This is to be completed by February 2, 1962, with no exceptions. Director Clarke moved~ seconded by Director Wakeman, that the Board rescind the action taken (July 6, 1961 meeting) regarding the 90 day moratorium. The vote was unanimously carried. Director Burlingham stated that he would like to have the press be aware of the fact that the District is attempting to bring in all excluded parcels, at once. He further stated it is unfair to others in the District because they are paying some of the costs; also~ personnel and Directors spend a great deal of time accepting these individual petitions for annexation. Mr. Burlingham stated that~ should this program fail, further annexing into the District should be done on a cash basis only. President Souza stated that any further information regarding excluded parcels should be brought to Mr. Priday the Friday before the next Study Session, which is A_.ugust 16, 1961. The Annexation Con~nitteets report was accepted. EFFLUENT DISPOSAL: Mr. Harlan Moyer of Clair Hill &Associates stated that the Board had requested (July 20, 1961) he bring an estimate to this meeting in regards to the redesigning of the Effluent Disposal. Mr. Moyer stated that the cost of materials will be very little; the installation will be relatively minor - depending on the speed and the personnel -~most of the work will be done by the District rather than an outside Firm; very little work would be done by a Contractor. Mr. Moyer stated that his estimate is $5,000.00 and will definitely not exceed this figure for redesigning of the Effluent Disposal. S~LE OF B0hrl]~ 1960-4: Attorney Holtom recon~ended that Resolution No. 318, which is a RESOLUTION CALLrNG FOR BIBS ON SALE OF ~[PROVI~IENT BONIB - SANITAI~fSEWEItAGE PROJECT NO. 1960-4 SECOND SALE, be adopted. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Burlingham, that said Resolution be adopted. Vote carried unanimously. Attorney Holtom stated also that after August 15, 1961, no further cash payments will be received and the bonds will be sold as soon as possible after September 15, 1961. The balance of the bonds are approximately $700,000.00. TRUCK BIBS: Clerk of Board ~llery opened and read the following truck bids: 1. Richard~Lovelock, Inc No Bid John H. Eagal Co. 3. Capital Chevrolet Co. ~1) 1902, 1/2T Pickup $1,934.57 plus 4~ sales tax (FORD) (9.) 1962, 1/2T 4-wheel drive (FORD) $2,388.33 plus 4~ sales tax No Bid 4. Springmeyer Service (1) ~lodel Scout 80 (4x4) $2,308.75 plus tax (2) Model C-100, 1/2 T $2,437.75 plus tax Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, that the low bid of John Eagal be accepted. The votewas unanimously carried. RESOLUTIONS: Attorney Holtom recomuended that Certificate of Completion of 1960-3, which is 100~ complete, be filed ~dth the Clerk of Board, and I1ESOLUTION NO. 320, which is a Resolution Authorizing District Engineer To Accept ~14~:~and File Note of Completion - Sanitary Sewerage Project 1960-3, be accepted. Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Wakeman that said Resolution be accepted. The vote was unanimously carried. Attorney ~¥eidman presented Resolution No. 316, which was adopted. This is a ~0LUTION OF THE BOARD OF DiRECTOR~ OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, COUNTY OF EL D0tL~D0, STATE OF CALIF0riNIA, .~,UTHORIZING C00PEKITION ~¥ITIt THE EL D01lkD0 COUNTY WATER AGENCY IN INITIATING NEGOTIATIONS WITtt THE BURK~U OF ~ CLA~TION FOR A PRELI~IINARY SURVEY OF WATER PROJECTS IN THE LAKE TAIt0E BASIN. Attorney ttoltom also recommended that RESOLUTION NO. 319, a RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO A~fgND RESOLUTION NO. 287 - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1961-1~ be accepted. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Burlingham~ and un- animously carried~ that said Resolution be adopted. Attorney Weidman presented RESOLUTION NO. 321~ which is a RESOLUTION OF THE BOAI~D OF DItfl~CTOBS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT~ COUNTY OF EL DORAD0~ STATE OF CALIF01~NIA~ DETEI~tINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEHEST AND NECESSITY RE~IfIItE THE AC~UISITION OF EASI~fl~NTS AND DII~ECTING THE FILING OF ~fINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS~ 1961-1 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT(SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT 1961-1) - above Resolution No. 321 was adopted by the Board of Directors. CHANGE 0ttDEI1S: Director Clarke moved~ seconded by Director Imbach~that chan~e order No...7~ '(Lagrange) in the amount of ~361.65 be accepted. The vote was un- animous ly carrie d. WATER COMMITTEE: Director Wakeman reminded all present that the regular Water Study Co~nittee meeting will be held tomorrow morning~ Tahoe Sands ~lotel~ 7:00 A.M. CHECKS & W~S: General ~nager Priday recommended that the checks and warrants in the amount of $2~716.75 be approved. Director Burlinghammoved~ seconded by Director Wakeman~ and unanimously carried~ that all checks and warrants be accepted for payment. President Souza stated that a job description is to be presented for all employees and Directors for their next meeting August 17~ 1961. (List attached to copy of minutes for Directors). The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.~. Frank C. SOuza - President - ~ SOUTH TAHOE lrtJBLIC UTILITY DISTtlICT Ex-Officio Secretary for the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ItEGUL~R ~.q~.TING OF TIlE STUDY SESSION SOUTH TAIt0E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 16~ 1961 The regular meeting of the Study Session was called to order by President Souza at 2:00 P.M.~ August I6~ 1961~ at the Sewage Treatment Plant. ROLL C~TI.: Present were Directors Burlingham~ Clarke and Imbach. Also present were General l~nagerPriday~ Clerk of Board l~llery~ Attorney Weidman, ~. Harlan Moyer~ Mr. H.R. Reeves~ and Mr. William Johnson. ABSENT: Director Wakeman. NEVAIlk CONTRACT:- Subjects 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. discussed regarding Nevada Contract were as follows: Nevada*s Share Information contract should contain 'Costs (Nevada and California) Gallonage(per day) Enlargement of Bijou Pump Station Installation of a new Force Main Capacity Increase President Souza suggested that ~. Harlan Moyer further study the Nevada Contract~ taking into consideration all questions asked during discussion~ and again bring before the Board. Also, a letter is to be drafted by Mr. Priday for presentation to Nevada (~. E. D~Angelo) regarding the Nevada Contract. ATT01tNEY*S FEES-ANNEXATIONS- Attorney Weidman stated that the jobs he is now doing is much greater than before and that he will present a letter to the Board regarding fees and explaining the work being done. RE~0LUTION - CIVIL SERVICE {Personnel} - General Manager Priday read a procedure for personnel regarding their vacations~ sick leave~ hours~ holidays~ etc.~ and asked the Board to~:consider this as a Resolution. Mr, Priday also stated that he has job descriptions for each employees position, CLAIR HILL &ASSOCIATES - Job Breakdown: Barlan Moyer~ Engineer for Clair Hill &Associates~ stated briefly what their Company charges for work they do for the District. He mentioned that his Company works on the basis the American Society Civil Engineers set up regarding costs and that he will present a copy of this cost sheet to the Board for their information. The Study Session adjourned at 5:15 P.M. N.R.Mal~efy, Clerk of Board ~nd F~x- Officio Secretary for the i SOUTIt TAtlOE PUBLIC UTILITY/DISTRICT Frank c.S°uza~ presidefft cY' SOUTH TAtlOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR~ETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE SOUTH TMt0E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRTCT AUGUST 17~ 1961 The re~3~la.r meeting of ghe Board of Directors ~ac~ :,uwasL 17~ 1961~ at the Sewage Treatment, PlanLo President Souza called the meetin~ to order at 8:15 ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Imbach~ Clarke~ Burlingham and !¥aken~tn. Also present were General M~nager Prid~y~ Clerk of Board 3.lal. lery~Attorney ~,~eidman~ Attorney Holtom~ Harlan l,loyer and Les ~houpe from ~lair Hill & Associates~ Mr. tl. Butler~ ~,,lr. C. tlarper from ltarper and Baxter~ Mr. Emerson Yates - Consultant for CEA Services of San Francisco~ and ~,ir. J. ltolloran- Representative from Aetna Insurance Company. Also~ Mr. If. lleeves - Right- of-~gay Agent for the South Tahoe Public Utility District~ Donald Richardson- Sacramento Bee~ MINqJTES: August 3~ 1961~ minutes approved as corrected. ~L~AGER*S REPORT: General ~nager Priday read his report. Regarding the Lagrange Contract - Mr. It. Moyer ~as asked to contact ~. Lagrange regarding the discussion which took place at this meetingregardingMr. Lagrauge~s contract. ~[r. Moyer stated to the Board that the Peerless Pumps installed in both Pumping Stations are defective and two new pump pedestals which were shipped last week from Indianapolis should arrive any day. Mr. Moyer stated to the Board that he would contact Mr, J, Lagrange and discuss the two pumping stations and will bring this item up~ the next Board of Directors meeting which is September 7~ 1961, Director Imbach moved(~hat Mr. Moyer discuss the stations with Mr. Lagrange~ Director Burlinglm~ seconded and the vote was unanimously carried. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: g~. John Holloran~ Representative from Aetna Insurance Company had presented a letter to ]~r. Priday to present to the Board of Directors at this meeting, Mr. Holloran stated that he wished to withdraw the letter and the warrant to be issued to Mr. Harper, ~tr. II. Moyer mentioned three (3) claims that were against Mr. Harper and Mr. t~rper stated that he will clear these three claims. OLD BUSINESS: Nevada Contract: General ~nager Priday read the letter ~hich ~e drafted to be sent to ],ir. D*Angelo and the Board of Directors agreed the letter be sent, ATTORNE~S FEES -ANNEXATIONS: Attorney ttoltom stated briefly what the costs to the District would be if they are to bake over the work regarding the ex- cluded parcel. After explaining all phases of costs~ etc.~ the Board agreed that it would be advisable to have the Attorney's work on the excluded parcels~ allo~ing the District to do work that is needed by the area and the people. Attorney Holtom will prepare a Contract and present ~ame to the Board at the ~eptember 7 ~': 1961 meeting. RESOLUTIONS: Attorney~¥eidman recommended that Resolution No. 322, which is a Resolution of the South Tahoe Public Utility District fixing the hours of labor or service required of all employees of the District and their compensation, and classifying all places of employment under the District. Attorney tIoltom recommended that Resolution No. 323,which is a Resolution to Amend Resolution No. 287 - adopted on March 16, 1961, be approved. Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Clarke, that Resolutions No. 322 and ~2~3 be adopted. Vote carried unanimously. Attorney Holtom also recommended that Resolution No. 324, which is a Resolution Calling for Bids on Sale of Improvement Bonds, Sanitary Sewerage Project 1961-1 be approved. Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Imbach and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted~ unanimously. K4S~S: Director Clarke moved that Attorney ~eidman be given authority to associate and work with Mr. d. Hughes regarding easements. Director Wakeman seconded and the motion was carried unanimously. DELETION 0FASSESS~NT NO. 60-4-2526 (~349.00~: Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Imbach that Assessment No. 60-4-2526 be deleted from the Assessment Roll 1960-4. Vote carried unanimously. CHANGE ORDER: Generl ~lanager Priday recon~nended that Change Order No. 1 be accepted~ which is: CtlANGE 0RDERN0. 1 - JOE D. ~IILLER & INCE BROS.: (a) install 200 feet of pipe and one manhole in Pioneer Trail extending North from Ireel Peak Road. (b) omit manhole No. 1-4 and relocate Line No.2 from manhole No. 1-4 to manhole No. 1-3 increase amount of 6" pipe by approximately 94 feet and add one manhole. (This change Order No. 1 will increase the contract amount by $1,445.40). Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director Clarke, that Change Order No. 1 be accepted. Vote unanimously carried. PAYMENT OF CLAI~: General Manager Priday recommended that the checks and warrants in the amount of $296,811.83 (including t~rper ~ Baxter*s warrant) be paid. Directors agreed to pay warrants and checks. Attorney Weidman mentioned that he had received a letter from the Bureau of Reclamation - no action taken regarding this letter which was in regards to the Water Survey. TIlE BOARD RE, CESSED AT 10:30 The meeting was called back to order at 10:45 P.M. Attorney Weidman recommended that Ordinance No. 80, which is an ORDINANCE OF TI~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT STATING THE PUP~0SE FOR ~fltICIt TAXES ARE NECESSARY, FI~ING TIlE AMOUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION, FIXING THE RATE OF TAXES, AND ADDING TO AND MAKING A PART OF THE ANNUAL ASSES~IENT LEVIED UPON TIlE LAND UPON ~fllICH SE~R SERVICE WAS USED AND CIIARGES TItEREFOKE UNPAID AT TIIE TIME OF FIXING Tt~ RATE OF TAXES - 1961-62 FISCAL YEAR ~$1.03). Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director Wakeman that ORDINANCE NO. 80: which is an ORDINANCE OF TIlE ~ffJTII TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT STATING TIlE PUI~POSE FOR ~/[tICH T~L~ES ARE NECESSARY, FIXING TIlE ~h~IOUNT OF' MONEY NECESSARY TO BE R~ISED BY TAXATION, FIXING THE RATE OF TAXES AND Al)DING TO AND ~{AKING A PART OF TIlE ANNUAL ASSESS~IENT LEVIED UPON THE LAND UPON ~ttICH SEWER SERVICE WAS USED AND ClIABGES THEREF0~AID AT TIlE TIME OF FI~ING TIIE RATE OF TAXF_S- 1961-62 FISCAL YEAR ($1.03). The vote was carried unanimously. STUDY SE~SIONS: Mention was made that the Directors consider to hold their STUDY SESSIONS in the evenings. To be brought up at the September 7, 1961 meeting. ~Ieeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. , President ~ ~ ~ ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Officio Secretary for the [~ SOUTIt TAtlOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRI'CT R~GUL~R tv~JTING OF T~ BO~ OF Di~t~CToiiS FOR TH~ SOUTH T~L~OE ~UBLIC UTILITY DI~TRICT SEPTEMBER 7, 1961 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors met September 7, 1961 at the Sewage Treatment Plant. President Souza called the meeting to order at 8:15 ROLL CALL~ Present were Directors imbach, Clarke, Burlingham and Wakeman. ALSO PRESENT were General ~nager ~riday, Clerk of Board ~llery, Attorneys Weidman and Holtom, Les Shoupe and narlan ~oyer from Clair Hill & Associates, ~. Lagrange - Lagrange Construction Company, Cahrles Ebright, Per Knutsan, William ~ohnson and I~arjorie Springmeyer;~ and Sue Im0wood - Tahoe Tribune. M~NUTES: August 17, 1961, minutes approved. N~NAG~R'S RE, OAT: General ~n~ger. ~riday read his resort and asked I~M. Harlan l,ioyer to briefly state what his letter contained regarding the A1 Tahoe and Tahoe Keys Pumping Stations. (Letter typed in official minute book). Letter reads as follows: "September 7, 1961 South Tahoe ~ubtic Utility District ~.0. Box 825 Bijou, Cal_I'ornia Attention: W~F.Priday, General ~anager Subject: A1 Tahoe and Tahoe Keys Pump Stations Lagrange Construction Inc., 1959 SeWer Bond Contract #3 Dear Win: The work under this contract has been essentially completed by the contractor. Except for installing the new pedestals for the sewage pumps a nd replacing the ~efective water seal pumps, the stations ~re. ready for final inspections and acceptance. Work on the a0ove items is in procuress ~t this time and it is anticip~te~ that completion will ~e in a few days. Since the c~mpletion is far past the contract t~me allowed, the qucstion of d~mage to be assessed should be considered by the Board and I am t~:erefore presenting a sm~nary of the construction contract and pay- ments made to date: CoNTaCT ~odie~ied contract awarded Original contract completion date Extended contract com:~letion date A1 Tahoe ot~tion Tahoe Keys Station August 11, 1960 January 6, 1961 ~arch 1, 1961 ~larcn 15, t961 Item Excavation started Conorete started Building Complete Pumps installed Pipin, installed Pumps Operating ~ork Complete (a) K1 ~ai~oe Sept. 1, 1'960 ~ept. 19,1960 Jan. 8, 1961 Feb. 7, 1961 Feb. 21, 1961 Mar. 30, 1961 July 15, l~61 Tahoe Keys Oct. 4, 1960 0ct.28,1960 Jan.17, 1961 ~ar. l, 1961 Mar. 10, 1961 ~y 10, 1961 July 15, 1961 (a) With the exception of defective equipment and minor items of cleanup. Modified Contract Total kmount Change Order #'1 fi2 #6 #7 Total Contract to Date 168,000.00 20.00 900.O0 1,506-49 1,655-33 50.00 120.96 361.65 172,614-43 Total £ayments to date 142~899.50 Contract amount remaining $ 29,714.93 The above tauulations s~.ow the pertinent facts relating to construction under this contract. The Board of Directors on ~.~rch 16, 1961, decided that no further time extensions to the contract would be granted. There- fore, the contractor has been in default since date. The General Condi- tLons ~f the Contract (Paragraph 10-09) provide that if the Contractor does not perform within the time allotted the Contractor will pay to the District the sum of two hundred ($200.00) ~r day for each working day delay beyond the time prescribed. On the basis of the contract dates previously set forth it would appear that damages could be assessed up to July 15, 1961. However, the problem of the defective pumps was noted prior to this date and since this is ~eyond the Contractor's control, it is Oelieved that some consideration should be made on this 'behalf. Therefore, it is recommended that the Board consider damages only to June 15, 1961, which was the date when the stations were fully oper~01e an~ essentially complete. This is a period of 65 workin~ days and would result in damages of ~13,000. If these damages are assessed the remainin6 amoun% due would ~e de- creased to ~16,714.93. There restrains some minor items of work to ~e done, two of which are e~tra work beyond the contract. In order to complete the work it is recommended that the ~istrict have the wor~ done aha deduct the costs the.eof from any payment reu~ining under the contract. Very truly yours, CLaiR ~.HiLL ~ ~OCI~T~S s/by: Harlan E. iaoyer" &ction will ue taken on the A1 Tahoe and Tahoe Keys Pumping Szations when the ~ngineers file Notice of Completion° Director ~rlingham moved, seconded by Director Wakeman that the ~anager's Re :crt be accepted. Vote carried unanimously. GOF~,~UNICATiON: General Manager Friday read the letter to the Board from Mr.. E. D'Angelo which is in r~gards to the Nevada Contract. President Souza asked i~W. Friday to contact £~. D'Angelo to set a date and time for a meeting. If agreeable with I~. D'Angelo, the Directors agreed to meet Tuesday morning, September 12, 1961, 9:00 A.M. ANNEmkTION:. General l~lanager Friday stated that some annexing had gone on that the Board was not aware of. Fees were paid and the area was never annexed officially into the District.(Van Sickle Annexation; Crescent ".V" Su0division - Sturgis, Den-Dulk, Douglas and Anderson). President ~ouza asked ~ttorney ~,ei~man and ~ene:'al ~4anager ~riday to proceed to find out what the cost, taxes, etc. will be to officially have this property in the District. Recommendation and/or inforu~tion will be presented to the Board Tuesday, ~eptember 12,1961, 8:00 A.M. EkSE~NTS 60-4: ~iscussion regarding the easement for I~Ws. ~rjorie Springmeyer took place and Attorney ~'~eidman presented a copy of his letter to ~ir. Friday to each Director. This letter was dictated in the presence of ~Ws. Springmeyer and she is agreeable to its contents; however, she is not agreeable as far as the monetary value is concerned. The price quoted to l~s. 5pringmeyer for the easement is 8685.00 and she does not feel this is enought and mentioned that she should have between. $4000.00-$6000.00. ~rs. Springmeyer stated that this figure should also cover the damages caused to her property when the Contractor cut many of her trees. Action will be taken on this Easement Tuesday morning, September 12, 1961, 8:00 A.~. i !6 N~,~ ~U~IN~,S: General l~nagec criday presented a oroc.hure £rom the F~llen ~,ea£ La~e Protection Association which consists o£ a chart showing Pallen Leaf Lake gage heights compiled from their automatic recorder, letter from Walter Ruppel, Consulting Civil ~ngineer dated June 30,1961,eta. ~H~IqG~ O~cOER .i~0 2: General i~n~ger Priday reco~mnended that Change Order. No. 2, which is to (a) extend 6'" sewer line 800' in i~leadow View Road £rom M.~i. B 4-17 at Tamarack Road. Install 2 new manholes and make drop connection at existing M.H. B 4-17. Install 2 - 6'" services o££ existing 8" line. Install 5 - 6"services and 6-4" services £rom new line. This change order will increase the contract amount by approximately $5,000.O0. Director °urlingham moved, seconded by Director Clarke that Chan~e Order No. 2 be accepted. Vote carried unanimously. RESOLUTIOi~ ~i~NDING O~uOIN,~CE NO. 24: General FLanager Priday r econmlend- ed that an Ordinance amending Ordinance No .24, Article VIII, SEC 8.21 be adopted. Said Ordinance will read as £ollows: ORDi~ANCE NO. 81, AN O~DIN~CE A~,~t~DIi~G O±~DIN~NCE NO. 24 Ai~D PRO~IDIi~G TIt~ LIMITS ON EOR T~ INSTALI~TIO~ O~~ ~AEIT~RY OEWER L~RALS, SOUTH TAHOe.' ~-'UBLIC UTILITY DIoTRICT. Director imoach moved, seconded by Director Wakeman that Ordinance No. 81 be adopted. Vote c~rried unanimously. Attorney Holtom recommended that RESOLUTIO~ ~0. 325., which is k ~SOLUTION OF INTENTION TO l,~.K~ CH~lqG~S ~i~) MODIFIC~c~IONS ~'ITARY S~WE~G~ PROJECT NO. 1961-1, be adopted. Director imbach moved, seconded by ~irector Clarke that said Resolution be adopted. Vote carried unanimously. Attorney Holtom recommended also that twelve (12)~tesolutions (Nos. 326 through 337) be adopted. These Resolutions are all regarding annexations £or excluded parcels Director Im~ach moved, seconded by Director Wake- man that the twelve (12) Resolutions ce adopted. Vote unanimously carried. EASEi~NTS: Director Clarke asked £or an up-to-date status on all easements for all ~ssessment Districts: 1960-2 - easements completed ' ' t Domain) 1960-3 - easements completed( except 2-Emmnen 1960-4 - easements com~.eted Iexceptand onel~iCS'eminent~pringmeyerdomain) 1961-1 - easements completed(except one) 1960-1 - all easements £rom 60-1 and back have been secured by Eminent Doman Proceedings. For any information regar,~ing easements, it was stated that Attorney :~eidman ce contacted. Also, any easement which goes over .05¢ or .10¢ per foot will be brought before the board £or discussion or action. It was also stated that the a~praisals made should be reviewed by the District,.~s Attorneys. STUDY S£o~ION_: The next meeting £or the Study Session will be brought up at the meeting Thursday evening, September 21, Z961~ Meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. to Tuesday morning, September 12, 1961,~ 8:00 A.~M. - Sewage Treatment Plant. Prank C. Souza, P~r~sidmt~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIoTRIOT 'N..R.Mall ry,Cler'k of Boar~ and Ex- Officio Sec. - £~HOm PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICt: SOUTH ~'" MINUTES O~~ THE :~DJOURNED E~G~L~R ~J~TING OF Tt~ BO~4D OF DIRECTORS OF TH~ SOUTH T~H~ ~UBLIC UTILITY DISTRIC~I' SEPT~vLBER 12, 1961 The Board of OL. ectors for the South Tahoe ~'u~lic Utility District met in an adjourned regular meeting September 12, 1961, at the ~ewage Treatment Plant. President Souza called the meeting to order at 8:15 ROLL CALL: Present were Directors ~akeman, ~urlingham, Clarke, and Im~ach Also present were ~eneral ~nager Priday, Clerk of Board Mallery, Harlan b~oyer, Attorney ~'~eidman, William ~ohnson, Lyle Laughlin and Elmer D'~agelo. ~AN oICKL~ ~N~T~ON: Director Clarke suggested that Attorney Weidman proceed to take the necassary steps to officially have the 215 acres of property ~elonging to i~. ~ack Van Sickle brought into the District. Also, that ~. Van Sickle will pay taxes only from the time that he was to have been accepted in the District. The petition for annexation was accepted at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors on December 17, 1959~ E~C~RPTS FRO~ ~I~UT~S OF 12/17/59/"~irector Pankost re~d a petition from ~. ~ack ~an Oickle in which he requests that some 215 Acres, more or less, be annexed to the ~istrict. Director Pankost then made a motion that the petition be accepted as a whole. On second by Director Wall, motion was carried unanimously." The Board will be in- formed as to the charges, etc., for this property. HOLDING POND: General ~vianager Priday mentioned to the Directors the difficulties we have had with the holding ~ond. He also state~ that Nevada has used two-times the amount of flow agreed upon. ~e~eral b~anager Priday stated that the below listed figures is one of the main factors in creating the problems at the holding pond: As of Sept. 1, 1961 bept. 2, 1961 Oepte.3, 1961 sept.4 & 5,1961 Sept. 6, 1961 830,500 (three times amount agreed uDon) 520,000 641,000 1,135,500 (for two days) 575,000 DAILY FLO'~ FOR ~.~VADA PRESENTLY- 300,000, i','~XIMUt~'i Pm~K FLOW-500,O00~O Director Clarke asked ~ vhe liquid in the effluent contains anything that could become a serious health hazard. General ~nager Priday stated that he ha s inquired regarding this and that there is nothing in the effluent today, bacterially or otherwise, that is harmful to the human being. The A.B.~. count on the effluent ~ond now is 2.4; a sample of rain water was taken and this showed a count of 3~0~ State standard for drinking water is 2.0 or 2.10%o A report regarding the work which is being done on the purification and handling of water will be presented to the Board, Taursday, Oeptember 14, 1961, at l:O0 P.M. ~. Harlan Moyer stated that ~r. Ralph Oroderick from Cornell, ~ow~nd,~ Hayes and ~erryfield, Corvallis, Oregon, will be present Thursday after- noon at l:O0 P.M. Prior to this meeting, £~. Moyer and ~. Broderick will study the pessi~ilities of another method of effluent treatment and will ~ prepared to give an expression on the costs. A&so, ~. Moyer stated that the real problems here are: (a~) wh~t is the effluent disposal in the basin, tbt how many cor~nections can be made c District should be prepared i~' anything should ha?pen as far a s the effluent disposal isconcerned, as well as the holding ?pnd, (d) serious thought should be given to plant expansion and money will have to be spent for effluent disposal, (e) as for plant expansion - ~. Moyer stated he did not know just where this expansion will be. President Souza asked ~. Moyer ia have a report read regarding the above. This report will be presented at the January 4, 1962, meeting. llS LAND ~VAiL.~BILITY: Director Burlingham stated that ~'~r. Priday is asking for approval of the Board to approach the owner of Lake Christopher for the use of the lake for additional effluent holding area. President Souza suggested that General ~ianager Friday conduct the survey and bring a recommendation be- fore the Board on lands ~vaglable. E~E~,'~i~T - 5PRi~Gi¥~YER - .~50LUTiO~ ~. 338: Attorney ,~eidman recommended that RESOLUTIO~ NO. '~3~, which is a .~OL~TiOt~ OF Th~ BO~ O~~ DIReCTs-iS O~~ THE SOUTH TAHOE [FUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, COUNTY O~~ EL DO,DO, STATE. THE ACQUISITION O~~ E~SEf,'~NT~ AND Dit~CTiNG TiiE FILING OE ~I~NENT DOI~,IN PROGmmDIN~S 1960-4,~ SP~CIAL ASOESSi,~ET DiSTRiCT (S~IT~RY SE'~GE PROJECT 60-4,. ~'~R~ORIE A~. gOHNS~N SPRINGilY , .~[~INDER TO ~R I~SUE). Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director Clarke, that said Resolution be adopted. Vote carried unanimously. NEV~A CONTACT: F~. Elmer D'~ngelo was present at this meeting and a lengthy discussion was held regarding the Nevada Contract. F~. Ledbetter was contacted regarding this meeting and definitely stated he would be present; however, he did not attend. ~. D'Angelo stated that his preSence today was to have a contract signed for additional flow, and that he was not aware of the problems (holding pond, excessive gallonage, financial status) the District is now faced with, and this was the i'irst he heard about the capacity of the effluent disposal. F~. Moyer state~ that we can make our own flow estimate for effluent dis- posal in California, but we do not ~ow what will be needed for Nevada; also, ~'~. l~loyer stated that Nevada shomld make a reasonable est~ate of what they will need, a0ide by that, and not exceed it. President Souza stated that Attorney ~'eidman, Harlan i~loyer and Director Burlingham will I'urther study this Nevada Contract and will bring a draft of the contract before the board.. 1~ D'Angelo asked the ~oard how much money they wanted from Nevada. · to Nevada in the Gener 1 I~lanager friday stated a bill was presented amount of $103,.000-00- President Souza stated that the Contract to be drafted will be presented to the Board at the next regular meeting (September 21, 1961) and a copy will be sent to Mr. D'Angelo. Meeting adjourned at 11:.30 ~.M. to Thursday ~ftez~noon, September 14, 1961, 1:00 ff.l¥i, at the Sewage Treatment ~Plant. ~rank C. Souza, Pr~d~Snt / SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N~:i.~ll~ry, 'O~irk of Bo~ra and Ex- 0fl'icio Secretary for the sOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTI~I~Y DISTRICT ~JOURNED R~GULAR ff~TING OF THE. BOA~ O~~ DIR~CTOHS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIDTRICT ~EPTEF~ER 14, 1961 The Board of Directors for the South Tahoe ~>ublic Utility District met in an adjourned regular meeting September 14, 1961, at the Sewage Treatment Plant. President Souza called the meeting to order at 1:15 ~.i'I- ROLL CALL: Directors present were Burlingham, Wakeman, Clarke and Imbach Also present were General ~,'~n~.ger ~riday, Clerk of B.~ard ~llery, Attorney ~eidman, ttarlan Moyer - Clair Hill ~ Associates, ~. R. Roderick l'rom Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Pierryfield of Corvallis, Oregon, H. ~atler, William ~'ohnson, Donald Richardson - Sacramento Bee, Sue Imwood - Tahoe Tribune. The meeting of September 12, 1961, was adjourned to this date so the Board of Directors could hear the report on Water Reclamation £rom l~r. R. Roderick - a partner of the firm o£ Cornell, Howland, Hayes and .~erry£ield of Co~rvallis, Oregon~ ~ILOT ~L~NT - FIT ~. R. ~oderick spoke of the ~ilot ~lant o£ the ?it-Oon ~rocess to de- termine the feasibility o£ further improving the quality o£ our ~ewage Effluent. Either by making it a further step in the present process, or if feasible, to eliminate our present secondary treatment (activated sludge) and substitute the Pit-Con ?rocess which would, in this case,, result in a considerable saving of operation costs o£ the plant. ~,'~. R. ~oderick stated that his firm would like to set up a ~ilot ~lant Unit of the ?it-Con ~rocess here, take tests, etc. for a month or so, and he stated that by thisprocess 'the impurities in the ef£1uent will be reduced. The cost o~i' th~ Unit will be approximately $10~000.00 Director Clarke moved, seconded unanimously, vote carried unanimously, that upon General I~n~ger ~riday and ~ngineer Harlan ~oyer's recommen- dations - construct±on o£ this ~ilot ~lant Unit be started immediately. ~EV~D~ CO~'~CT: ~t~orney ~eidman read and explaine~ the rough dra£t copy o£ ~he ~evada Con'~ract w~ich will be presented to Nevada. A~ discussion was held regarding this contract and the Directors agreed that the contract was satis£aotory. However, in the event ~evada does not accept this new contract as written, it was agreed that the present contract will be used and Nevada will a~ide by that contract - £1ow capacity, payments, etc. Attorney ~eidman stated that when ~ngineer Harlan ~oyer has his esti~ates and £igures available - the contract will be ready £or presentation (thirty- days - six weeks), aad ~ttorney ~eidman will write a letter to ~evada in regards to this new contract. ~. Harlan ~oyer stated that before any more capacity is givento ~evada, or any ex?ansion is to take place, the California ~istrict must have money that~is due them from Nevada, plus money in advance £or expansion. DZTmRGE~TS: Director Wakeman suggested a letter be written to our Congressman regarding the use of detergents in this area. General Manage. r ~riday and Attorney Weidman will draft a letter regarding detergents, and when approved, General F~nager ~riday stated that a copy o£ this letter will be sent to each member of the Area Council. ~N ~IC~L~ ~E~TIO~ INk'CRemaTION: Information regarding the Van Sickle annexation was postponed until the next regular meeting - September 21, 1961, 8:~00 A~PP~ISORS: ~ttorney Weidman stated the appraisors were cancelled out as requested a t a previous meeting. OT~DY o~SiONS ~resident Souza statea that because of the additional m~etings held this week, a ~tudy Session will not be held this month. Director Clarke stated that the ~meric~n Legion will £urnish flags £or the South Tab:ce Public Utility District providing there be a public flag raising. President Souza asked l~. Clarke and ~. ~riday to work together to set this program up. i~. ~riday suggested t~at the public flag raising, installation of the Pilot ~lant Unit and Open House all be a t one time. Meeting adjourned at 4:15 ?.~1. to Thursday, ~eptember 21, 1961, 8:00 PM at the Sewa ge Treatment ~lant. · '~rank C. Souza~resid~nt , ~,. ~" ,. ~ ~' SOUTH T~HOE £UBLI 'UTILITY DISTRICT N.H.Mallery~Cle~k o~ Board an~ Ex- Officio Secretary SOUTH T~HOE FUBLIC UTILITY ~ISTRICT MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNF]) REGULAR 5{EETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPT~IBER 21~ 1961 The Boadd of Directors of the South Tahoe 1A~blic Utility District met in an ad- journed regular meeting on September 21, 1961. President Souza called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M. ROLL CAI.I,: Directors Burlingham7 Clarke7 and Imbach were present. Also present were ActingGeneral Manager Mallery, Attorney Iloltom7 Attorney Weidman, Harlan Moyer7 Les Shoupe, Willi~un Johnson, John Lagrange, Carl Hanover - Crut~enden, Podesta & Company, Sue Innrood - Tahoe Daily Tribune, Mrs. F. Sorenson - Lake Tahoe News. Absent - General Manager Priday and Director Wakeman. MINUTES: Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director Clarke that the minutes of September 77 19617 be approved. Vote carried unanimously. Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Burlingham and vote carried unanimously - minutes of September 127 19617 be approved. Director Imbaeh moved, seconded by Director Clarke, and unanimously carried, minutes of September 14, 1961, be approved. ~t~NAGERtS REPORT: Acting General Manager }~llery read the Manager's Report and President Souza stated that he and Director Imbach will work on the request which Mr. Priday asked for in regards to land acquisition. Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Clarke~ and unanimously carriedt that the 5,[anager*s Report be accepted. RECOGNITION 0F VISITORS: Mr. William Johnson, President ofthe Taxpayer~s Association~ stated that the Board of Directors for the Taxpayer's Association met and reviewed the rough draft of the Nevada Contract, and that they feel this Contract will do a great justice to the California Taxpayer's; also, that Mr. Vauglm Burlingham should have special recognition for his work on this project. President Souza stated that a great deal of thought and work has gone into the Nevada Contract and many meetings were had ,rith the Engineer, Legal Advisors, and our General ~nager, and he feels that this contract will be one which trill now be completely and thoroughly understood by Nevada and California. ~ OPENING OF BIDS: Acting Manager and Clerk of Board ~allery opened and read the following bids for the second sale of 1960-4 Bonds: 1. Stone & Youngberg 1814 Russ Building San Francisco, Calif. $373t365.00 Ave. Int. Cost 5.40716~ Grande & Company, Inc. Hoge Bldg. Seattle, Washington $353,302.50 " " " 5.125~ 3. Cruttenden, Podesta & Co. Russ Bldg. San Francisco, Califo. $362,456.24 " " " 5.24918~ Attorney Holtom recommended that RI~0LUTION NO. 339, which is a RESOLUTION DETEI%{INING UNPAID ASSESS%~NTS AND PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF BONDS - SANITARY S~ERAGE PROJECT NO. 1960-4, be adopted. Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Clarke, and said Resolution No. 3397 be adopted. Vote carried unanimously. Upon recommendation of Attorney Holtom and motion by Director Imbach, seconded by Director Clarke, ORDINANCE NO. 82_, which is an ORDINANCE AWARDING SALE OF BONDS~ SANITARY SEWEP&GE PRO~EC~ NO. 1.~0-4 ~-~ SECOND SALE "awarding the' ~ale '~o the lo~ bidder, 'GRANDE &"~AI~f, SEAT~''E, ~WASHINGTON, ~as unanimously approved and adolrted. Attorney Itoltom stated that the proofs are ready for the Bonds (1060-4)and Bond delivery will be in about ten (10) days; also, that the Bond Sale for 1961-1 Assessment District will be October 5, 1961. NEVADA CONTIL~CT: Attorney Weidman read the letter which will be sent to Nevada regarding the Nevada Contract and the Directors agreed the letter was satisfactory. President Souza stated that the letter will be sent to Nevada September 22, 1961, Friday A.M. CONTRACT FOR~TION PROGtL~I: Attorney !toltom presented the Contract for Annexation to the Board and Director Imbach moved~ seconded by Director Burlingham, and carried unan- imously that the contract be accepted. Contract reads as follows: "September 14, 1961 Board of Directors~ South Tahoe Public Utility District, South Tahoe~ California Gentlemen: In association with the law firm of Beverly, Weidman & Reilly, Placerville~ California~ we agree to represent you during the conduct of proceedings to be taken by you for the annexation of territory presently ~ithin the exterior boundaries of the South Tahoe Public Utility District but previously excluded from the District~ and to render the following services: 1. Prepare all necessary petitions~ resolutions, ordinances~ minutes and other legal documents necessary for the annexation of parcels previously excluded from the District to the South Tahoe Public Utility District~ such annexation proceedings to be conducted as expeditiously as possible. 2. Prepare all necessary petitions~ resolutions, ordinances~ minutes and other legal documents necessary for the creation of an assessment district consisting of all the parcels to be annexed to the South Tahoe Public Utility District~ the purpose of the assessment district being to enable the property owners included within the assessment district to acquire a right of sewage disposal in the facilities of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, the cost toeach parcel being the reasonable value thereof and to be in lieu of the ordinance requirements of the District for annexed areas to pay back taxes, said cost not to be in excess thereof. 3. Prepare all necessary petitions~ resolutions, ordinances, minutes and documents necessary to include within the assessment district described in Paragraph 2 above~ the cost of installing a sewer line to service all properties which do not face an existing sewer line, and to assess parcels facing thereo~ that have not paid the District and in lieu cost of construction. 4. Provide representation of this office and/or of the firm of Beverly~ Weidman and Reilly at all meetings of your Board during the period of the annexation and assessment proceedings or when Called upon by you, and have available personnel to answer questions regarding said annexation and assessment proceedings. 5. Consult with the districtts engineers and administrative personnel and coordinate all engineering~ legal and administrative work connected with the annexation and assessment proceedings. 6. Prepare the proper notices for and supervise the giving of notices inviting sealed proposals for the sale of bonds including assisting in the preparation of statistical information on supporting the assessment bonds. 7. Prepare and provide a receipt for thessale of bonds and bond register. 8. Prepare and provide transcripts of the conduct of the assessment proceedings to accompany the delivery of the bonds if necessary. 9. Provide you with our legal opinions approving in all regards the legality of all proceedings for the issuance and delivery of assessment bonds of your district. 10. Prosecute any actions deemed by us necessary for determining the validity of the assessment proceedings and the bonds connected therewith~ and defend any action brought to question the validity of said annexation proceedings. 11. Prepare all resolutions~ notices~ bonds and contracts and supervise the giving of notice inviting bids~ the .award of contracts~ and the execution of all contracts and bonds for the constructiqn.ofthe.~orks in~o'l~ed in: the installation and construction of sewer lines to properties included within the assessment district which do not face an existing line. 12. Prepare all legal papers relating to and assist the district engineer in obtaining any necessary encroachment permits across and along State highways or country roads. For such services to be rendered~ the total compensation shall be the sum of 10~ of that portion of the~sessment which is for right of service from facilities paid as, assessments be others~ out of which sum shall be paid by us all administrative~ engineering, and other costs directly attributable to annexation and to that portion of the assessment proceedings comprised of back taxes of the areas to be annexed. For services to be rendered in connection with that portion of the assessment pro- ceedings directly attributable to the cost):of installation and construction of sewer lines to properties included within the assessment district which do not presently face an ex- isting sewer line~ our compensation shall be 2½~ of the balance of the assessment, and shall not include any engineering or administrative costs. There is excepted from the services to be rendered for such fees, any services of the nature of a right of way agent~ provided that there will be included the services of drafting and examining any documents necessary for the conveyance of lands and easements to the district in said project. There is also excluded any services rendered in eminent domain proceedings directed by you to be undertaken by us~ or in any other litigation excepting as provided in Section 10. There is also excluded any clerical service of mailing notices of hearing or notices to pay or the preparation of any auditorts record in any assessment proceeding when assumed and performed by us, for which services we are to be paid a reasonable clerical fee. Very'.truly yours, for KIlt{BRIDE, IVILSON~ HARZFELD & EAW:sh 6 copies" Attorn~ Holtom recomended that RES~UTI~ NO. 840, a'RF~0LUTION 0RDE~NG CItANGES ~MODIFICATIONS FOR SANITARY S~RAGE PROJECT 1961-1, be approved. Director Imbach moved~ seconded by Director Clarke that R~0LUTION NO. 840, be adD,ed. Vote unanimous~ carried. C0~tESPON~ENCE: Acting Gene~l ~nager~lle~ presented a copy of a letter to each ~rector fromMr. John La~ange regarding the 1959-1 Sewer Bond Project -Co~ract No. 8, A1 Tahoe and Tahoe Keys pumping stations. ~. Souza stated the ~rectors will stu~ this letter and action will be taken at the next ~egular meeting (October 5, 1961) the E~gineer and General ~nager~11 bring a recommendation before the Board. /~tr. Harlan M~er stated that final inspection on 1960-2 could not be made because Mr. L/~wnerwas unable to be present. Because of this, Mr. Moyer recommended that Itarper and Baxter (1960-2) be granted a twenty (20) ~y extension ofcontract so final in- spection can be made when Mr. ~wner is present. f/'~irector Imb~ch moved, segonded by Director Burli~gh~m, and .un~n~mous~_ca~ri~_~ Harper and Baxter (1960-2) be ~anted the twenty (20) ~y ex~ensxon~nou~ preju to any claims by the ~strict. H~DING POND: Mr. Harlan ~,ioyer s~ted that pipe and sprinkler heads are needed immediately for the holding pond. Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Bur- lingham,andunanimously carried~ that Mr. M~er be authorized to purchase ~e pipe and sprinkler heads and not to exceed $2,000.00. PA~IENTOF CLA~: Acting General~n~ger~lle~ recommended that the che~s and warrants in the amount of $25~848.12 be approved for payment. Director Clarke moved, seconded by ~rector Burlingham, and unanimously carried, that said claims be paid. The meeting adjoined at 10:00 P.M. Franc C. Souza '-~e~sident~ SOUTH TAHOEPUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N~R.Mall'e-~, Clerk of Board and ExLOfficio Secretary for the SOUTtt TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MINqJTES OF THE REGULAR ~{EETING OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUf~LIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 5~,, 1961 Director Burlingham moved~ seconded by Director Clarke and unanimously carried that Director ~Vakeman be appointed President Pro Tern. Meeting called to order at 8:15 P.~i. by President Pro Tern %?akeman. ROLL CALL: Directors present were Directors Clarke~ t~akeman and Burlingham. Late arrivals were Director Imbach and President Souza. Also present were General ~!anager Priday~ Clerk of Board X~llery, Attorney Holtom and Attorney %¥eidman~ tlarlan Moyer, Les Shoupe, Mr. M. Harper~ John Lagrange~ A1%¥arren, %¥alt Little- Lake Tahoe News, Donald Richardson-Sacramento Bee~ Mr. ICuutson-Tahoe Reahiood Company. ~INVt~ES: Director Clarke moved~ seconded by Director Burlingham~ and unanimously ca,Tried, thattthe minutes of September 21, 1961, be approved. //~ANAGERtS REPORT..: General ~anager Priday read his report. Discussion was held re- ga'~ding Assessment District 1960-2, tlarper & Baxter. ~{r. Harper requested that he be issued a warrant in the amount of ~29~848.39. Mr. Harlan Moyer stated tt~t the pay estimate for Harper and Baxter was not presented th the Board because he was waiting for the County Road Commissioner - 5:r. R. Downer~ ~,'to be present for the final inspection of Assessment District 1960-2, and Mr. Moyer has not been able to contact Mr. Do~ner as he has been out of tram; however~ Mr. ~ioyer stated that he feels they should proceed with the final inspection and file "Notice of Completion" at the next regular meeting. ,'Mr. Il. also stated that sufficient money is being withheld to pay all liens and the eyer retention will not be paid until thirty-five (35) days following the "Notice of Completion". - - - Tile repaying work is generally satisfactory. Director Burlingham moved that a warrant in the amount of $23~348.39 be drawn in favor of '~. Mr. Harper of Harper & Baxter. Director Clarke seconded and the vote carried unanimously. PUMPING STATIONS (AL T~HOE ~kkrD TAHOE I(EVS) - Mr. H. Hoyer stated that all remaining work which was to be done on the pumping stati'ons has been completed; also~ Notice of Completion can be filed and accepted by the Board. The only question remaining is whether or not the Contractor ~fill be assessed any damaged for delay in completing the contract. President Souza stated that the Lagrange Contract has been discussed many times and since om Engineer has accepted the pumping stations as complete and a Notice of Completion is to be filed and presented at our next regular meeting~ he moved that ~. Lagrange be Paid accord- ing to the contract. Director Clarke seconded. General Manager Priday stated that no dmmages will be assessed the Contractor if time ex- tension is g~anted to Mr. Lagrange. President Souza amended the motion and moved that the Kktension of Time which will bring the ;i completion date of October 15~ 1961~ be granted. Director Clarke seconded and the vote was 5~:~ unanimously carri ed. Director Imbach stated that the District is not in the habit of extending contracts but due to the fact that Mr. Lagrange worked with the District and withheld construction of the project he was awarded because of changes in the Engineering design - which saved the District $86~000.00~ he feels that for this reason Mr. Lagrange should not be assessed damages. . Mr. H. Moyer stated that the Notice of Completion for 1960-2 will be filed and the Engineers Certificate of Completion br 1961-1 will be presented at the next regular meeting. PIT CON PROCESS: Mr. Moyer stated that the Engineers for the Pit- con Process are Cornell~ Howland~ Hayes and Merryfield of Corvallis~ Oregon. POLICY ON ANNEXATIONS: Attorney Weidman stated that the policy on annexations be postponed for a period of thirty (30) days or until the first meeting in November as the petition is not ready~ under any circumstances~ for presentation to the Board. Director Clarke moved~ seconded by Director Burlin ham a .', Ma~^_~_ ~ ........... g ~ nd nnammously carried~ that the · ,~- ~ ~epor~ oe accepted. {Manager*s Report reads as follows:) '~[ANAGEB~ S REPORT October 5~ 1961 Pro~ress Repot t~L /~ 1960-2 Contractor - Harper & Baxter / Ail work completed and streets ready for final in- · spection. The County was to inspect the Streets Tuesday~ September 19~ but postponed one week. After inspection by Mr. Downer on September 26 and making of suggested repairs~ have been unable to have County make two final inspections. 1960-4 Contractor - Roy Price~ Inc. / The total project is approximately 85~ complete~ with a bre&down by units as follows: Unit 5 99~ complete Unit 4 96~" Unit 3 96%" Unit 2 95%" Unit 1 95%" Unit 6 75%" 1961-1 Contractor - Joe D. Miller / The work on this project is approximately 98% complete at this time~ and will be ready for final inspection next week. PUMPING STATIONS: (H. Moyer)" See ~oyer~s statement above. "PIT CON PILOT PLANT (II.Moyer)"" ,, ,, ,, "In view of recent develoI~nents surrounding S.T.P.U.D. and because the complete answers to the problems incurred by these develolmnents~ I make the following suggestions to this ttonorable Board: 1. That an overall look be given to the recent program regarding annexations. Will whatever action you take have a bearing on the thinking of the Water Pollution Control Board when we are called before them to show cause w~ywe should not be issued a "Cease and Desist Order"? 2o That negotiations with Nevada District be given full deliberation with possible consideration as to whatever capital expenditure we might have to make~ that they bond their District for 509 of that amount. 3. That if Nevada District does not obligate itself for the 50~ we must~ therefore~ consider the question of whether to put before the people of this District~ the proposition of a One l,fillion Dollar ($1,000~000.00) bond issue for land acquisition for spray ~isposal. 0r~ as an alternate~ a Two ~{illion Dollars (82~000~000.00) bond issue for out-of-the- basin disposal. This subject should be given a priority as this area cannot afford to be stalemated by a disposal problem." NeW BUSINESS: l,{r. Priday read a letter from the Water Pollution Control Board and Director Burlingham stated that he would like to clarify the word "SE~¥AGE" which was referred to in this letter. Director Burlingham stated that it was not sewage which overflowed as stated in this letter. ~ir. ttarlan Moyer stated that the flow was not sewage but a material which meets all public health standards. The effluent discharged from here is completely sanitary and in no way damages public health. Also~ ~ir. ~foyer s~ated the Lake is not polluted and cannot be polluted insofar as public health and safety is concerned. This area is being advertised as the area being polluted and is due largely to newspapers mininforma- tion. President Souza suggested that a letter be written to the Water Pollution Control Board statin~ what we have flonnd out and what we know~ what we will do~ and if there is any- thing to be corrected before the scheduled meeting, to advise us so we can be a~re of such. ~ffe ~ant them to know that we ~ish to cooperate ~ith them~ Mr. Souza s~ated. Director Burlingham moved that our Attorney make a reply to this letter indicating that the sewage is not the thing which is in question. President Souza seconded. Director Clarke amended the motion that the letter writing be turned over to the Attorney~ Engineer~ and General l,~nager and phrase it in the manner in which },ir. Souza suggested. President Souza seconded and the vote carried unanimously. ~GENCY PURC~E (S?IL~ SYSTI~f),,- $20~000.00 - : General ~ianager Priday recommended that emergency purchase of approximately ninty-five (9'5) sprinklers to the spray system be granted. The figure of $20~000.00 ~ill include the materials~ installation~ and labor needed to install the additional sprinklers. ~r. ~oyer stated tlmt this should be in operation within one week after the materials arrive. Director Imbach moved that $20~000.00 be expended to purchase the additional materials for the spray system. Director Burlingham seconded and vote carried unanimously. EXTE~SION OF TI~E -~kSSESS~IENT DISTRICT 1960-1: General Manager Priday recommended that 6~orge.E. ~.filt~r ;be~iven 'an:Extension of Time for 196~-I. :,This will result in the Contractor being charged for the cost of engineering from July 2$th to the date of compl eti on. President Souza moved that the Extension of time (10/15/61) be granted to George E. ~{iller with no cost to the District~ Director Burlingham seconded and the vote was unanimously carried. C~L~GE 0RDEI~S: General ~nager Priday reco~nended that Chan~,e Order No. 5~ 1961-,1~ Joe D. Miller be approved. This is to remove existing rodhole and extend line 102 feet with 6 inch pipe; install five 4 inch laterals; add one rodhole. This will increase the contract by, three (3) days. President Souza moved that the recommeddation of the Manager - to accept Change Order No. 5 be granted for the three (8) day extension. Director Bur- lingham seconded and the vote was carried unanimously. (Ch~nMe Orders 80 and 31 - to be presented at a later date). Director Clarke stated that he was again approached regarding the paving of Ham Lane. General ~,Ianager Priday stated that he was informed by ~[r. Paul Laing tl~t the re- paving of Ilam Lane is completed. BONDS 1960-4:Attorney Holtom s~ated that the final sale of 1960-4 Bonds were sealed and signed and the Bond buyer will pick them up around the 19th of October. PAY~Yr OF CLkI~fS: General l{anager Priday recon~nended that the checks and warrants in the amount of $38~385.08 be approved for payment. President Souza moved~ seconded by Director Burlingham~ and unanimously carried~ that the checks and warrants be paid. ADJOUt~tENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.~I. r{OBEI~' [V~i.AJ~I~ ~ID~T PRO S0~H T~0E ~IC ~I~ DISTRICT ,~ , ,~,A~' Clerk' of Bo~rd_&.~fficio Sec. MIhCL~rF~ OF THE STUDY SESSION SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 11~ 1961 i25 The meeting ~ms called to order by President Souza at 3:10 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Burlingluun, Wakeman~ Clarke and Imbach. Also present were General ~,~nager Priday~ Clerk of Board Mallery~ Attorney Weidman~ ttarlan Monet/ - Clari Ilill & Associates~ Donald Richardson - Sacramento Bee. PURPOSE OF ~PING: - Report on the Pit-Con Process Mr. ttarlan Moyer stated that within one week the first operation should be ready to start. One pump has not arrived and some welding is to be done. By the middle of next week the first test runs will be ready. As to how successful this operation will be can be determin- ed within a thirty (30) day period~ Mr. Moyer stated. Within sixty days a report will be ready from the first and second stages and what results will be; also~ what the most economical process will be. Mr. Moyer also stated that money for expansion will be needed by late spring and whether expansion should be considered on the present basis or on the higher grade of treatment. Also~ that Clair tHll &Associates will be able to tell the District what costs will be for expansion of the plant to handle increasing flows. Director Wakeman stated that "It is our goal to turn out the finest effluent in America". Also~ that the effluent thatcccmes from our Treatment Plant at the present time meets the drinking water standards~ water is pure according to Public Health Standards~ and as a result of the PIT CON PROCESS this ~ter will be even more improved. ~. Imbach stated that he felt a Public Information Agency should be hired to explain our treatment plant, means~ ways~ etc.~ to the people. They are not aware of what is actually taking place at the treatment plant~ nor do they understand the function of same~ and for that reason Mr. Imbach suggested that it would be wise to have someone that can give this message to the people and make it completely and thoroughly understood - as it now stands~ the people are misinformed in this area as well as in other areas as to what is really happening here at Lake Tahoe. Another suggestion was made to have Public A~encies come here~ take tests and compare ~heir tests to any of the water in the State and t~is ~ay we will be giving the people and the A~encies facts to have and they can adjust their thinking and modify their ideas of water through their o~n test. We can take samples~ show them~ give them to the Agencies and ask them to prove otherwise - we can publish our findings~ they publish theirs~ etc. Director Imbach stated this would be a good time to get this information to the people and also to give the information regarding the Pit-Con Process to the people step by step. Mr. It. Moyer stated that when we are sure of our tests, process, etc. - thenwill be the time to hire Professionals to get this inform&lion over to the people. ~'~. Donald Richardson of the Sacramento Bee stated that the most talkative people presently are the ones that do not know to much about the Sewage Treatment} the ones that do know something of the sewage, effluent~ etc.~ are being very dogmatic. Discussion was held regarding a draft Resolution to be presented to the Board of Directors by AttorneyWeidman for presentation to the Water Pollution Control Board. Attorney Weidman s~ggested the October 19, 1961, meeting be adjourned to October 24, 1961, 9:00 A.M. to accept this Resolution. FOREST LAND: Mr. Harlan Moyer presented maps to General ~'~anager Priday and Attorn%v Weidman in regards to Forest Lands. Mr. John Laxalt will also receive a copy of this map. ~TERS: General Manager Priday stated that a meter will be included in the design of the Beech Trm~[ Line. ADJOURA%~T: .... allery, Clerk of Boar~ .-Ex Officio Sec. South Tahoe Public Utility District The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P.M. Frank C~ Souza, PreSident South Tahoe Public Utility District MINUTES OF T!lE REGULAR ]\~[EETING OF TIlE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR SOUTtI TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT - OCTOBER 19~ 1961 The Board of Directors met in regular session at the Sewage Treatment Plant~ October 19~ 1961~ and President Souza called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CAI3~: Directors present were Imbach~ Clarke~ Wakeman and Burlingh~n; also present were General ~nager Priday~ Clerk of Board Mallery~ Attorney IIoltom~ Attorney Weidman~ Harlan Moyer and Les Shoupe - Clair ttill& Associates~ ~alt Little-Lake Tahoe Newsy Donald ~ichardson - Sacramento Beer Sue Imwood-Tahoe Sierra Tribune~ Harold ~ce and John Elman - Irvine &]h~ce~ H. Butler~ William Johnson~ Attorney Wadell~ John Lagrange~ Mr. ~.~. Sax,age and Mr. P. Laiola. MIN~UTES: Director Clarke moved~ seconded by Director Imbach and m~animously carried~ that the minutes of October 5~ 1961~ be approved. Director Imbach moved~ seconded by Director Clarke~ and unanimously carried~ that the minutes of the Study Session~ October 11~ 1961~ be approved. MANAGER*S t~_20RT: General ~%nager Priday read his report. Also~ the followinc letters: 1. B ro~m& Caldwell~ 10/13/61~ Re: Assessment Dist.1959-1 (John Lagrange Construction Company) This letter was in regards to releasin~ the $1~000.00 deposit to Mr. J. Lagrange after the County U~ad Comissioner approved road repairs. General Manager Priday recommended that the ~1~000.00 be released. Director Imbach moved~ seconded by Director Clarke~ and unanimously carried~ that the ~1~000.00 be approved for release after receipt of letter from County Road Con~nissioner. 2. Robert C. Downer~ County Road Con~nissioner~ 10/18/61~ RE: 1960-2~ Harper & Baxter~ Inc.~ Contractor. This letter stated that the streets have been resurfaced in a fairly satisfactory manner. 3. Robert C. Downer~ Co~mty Road Con~issioner~ 10/11/6i~Re:1961-1. This letter stated that streets in this assessment district are satisfactory. 4. Robert C. Downer~ County Road Comissioner~ October 18~ 1961~ Re: 1960-1. This letter stated fha% there are a few deficiencies which can be corrected in a very short time and that~ in general~ the streets are resurfaced satisfactorily. CtI~NGE ORDERS: General Manager Priday reconm~ended that Change Order No. 30 for Assessment District 1960-1~ George E. Miller Company~ Inc.~ be accepted. This Change Order involves three (3) easements and called for 10 foot wide road cleared and graded and all trees and stumps removed; take away from property all debris~ limbs from cut trees and all s~umps; dig sewer trench from grantors d~elling to sewer lateral without charge or expense to grantor. Director Imbach moved~ seconded by Director Clarke and unanimously carried that Ch,~nr~e Order No. ~0 be approved. CtlANGE ORDER NO. 8~ General ~nagerPriday recon~nended that Change 0rdpr No. ,~ which is a request for the District to buy the extra tees from the Contractor be denied. Director Imbach moved~ seconded by Director Clarke~ and unanimously carried~ that Change Order No. 8 be denied. Director Imbach moved~ seconded by Director Calrke~ and unanimously carried~ that the ~nager*s P~port be accepted. ANNUAL STAT]~: ~. Harold Duce of Irvine & Duce presented the annual Audit report and briefly explained same to the Directors. President Souza suggested that the Directors study this report and any explanations or questions will be brought up at the next ~egular meeting. Action will be taken on the annual report at the next reg~lar meeting. Mr. ~I. Duce stated the District has expended ~3~288~000.00. AttorneyWeidman stated that following acceptance of the Annual report, same will be published ~iice in the newspapers. October 1.0 1, Cont. ~0TICE OF C0~.[PLETI05~ CERTIFICATE OF C0},IPLETION A~XU3 RESOLt~rION F0R 1960-2 : '~'Notice of Completion~ Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1960-2; Certificate of Completion~ Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1960-2; and iLESOLUrION N0. 340, which is a P~ESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DISTRICT ENGINEER T0 ACCEPT I't0PJ£ AND FILE NOTICE 0F C0~[PLETION - SANITARY S~EPAGE PROJECT N0. 1960-2~ was presented to the Board for approval. Director Imbach moved~ seconded by Director Clarke~ and unanimously carried that the above be approved. NOTICE OF C0~[PLETION~ CF~RTIFICATE OF C0}.~ETION AND RESOLUi, ION FOR 1961-1: Notice of Completion~ Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1961-1; Certificate of Completion~ Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1961-1~ and RESOLL~ION NO. 341 ~ which is a RESOLUTION AUTIIORIZING DISTRICT ~NGINEER TO ACCEPT WORK ~YD FILE NOTICE OF C0~fPLETION-SANITARY S~ERAGE PROJECT NO. 1961-1~ was presented to the Board for Approval. Director Clarke moved~ seconded by Director Imbach~ and unanimously carried~ that the ~ove be approved. /Mr. Moyer stated that final inspection for 1960-2~ as far as the streets are concerned~ >~/ was made by Mr. R. Do~ner and accepted, l~r. Les Shoupe was the engineer following this project~ which was a very long one~ and there was an area of dispute between the Contractor and the Engineer~ regarding a time of completion for a specific time of this project. 1fr. Moyer stated that a letter was written on January 17~ 1961~ in regards to failure to comply with the Contract and the Contractor was notified that he was being held in default and that the South Tahoe Public Utility District intends to assess damages. Since the letter was written~ a nmnber of items have come about and Mr. Moyer suggested that he and General Manager Priday~ Director Burlingham~ and Attorney Holtom study this matter of non-compliance and determine if action should be taken in the matter of damages and bring a report to the board at the next regular meeting. CERTIFICATE OF C05fPLETION-BOND PROJECT; CONTRACT NO. 2 ~ General Manager Priday recon~ended that Certificate of Completion-Bond Project~ Contract No. 2~ and RESOLUTION No. AUTHORIZING DISTriCT TO ACC AND r'.i~'Nu'rlc~: OF CO~LETION-1959 SEWER BOND PROJECT~ CONTRACT NO. 2~ PORTIONS OF FORCE MAIN TV-22 and TRUNK S~RS TV-7 and TV-8; be accepted and made a part of our records. Director Imbach moved~ seconded by Director Clarke~ and unanimously carried that the Manager's recon~nendation be accepted. NOTICE OF C0~IPLETION~ CERTIFICATE OF C0~fPLETION AND RESOLL~rION FOR Tt~ AL TAHOE AND · ~J40E IfEYS I~{PING STATIONS~ Notice of Completion~ Certificate of Competion and R]~0LUTION NO. 343~ ~s presented to the Board for approval and acceptance. Director Imbach moved~ seconded by Director Clarke and unanimously carried~ that the Notice of Completion~ Certificate of Completion and RESOLUTION NO. 343~ be approved and accepted for the AL TAHOE AND TAHOE KEYS PUMPING STATIONS. PAY~fl~r OF CLAIMS: General Manager Priday recon~nended that a warrant in the amount of $12~453.49 be approved (AL TAHOE iN]) TAHOE KEYS PU~ING STATIONS). Director Wakeman moved~ seconded by Director Clarke~ and unanimously carried~ that said warrant be approved. Director Burlingham moved~ seconded by Director Wakeman~ and unanimously carried~ that the claims in the amount of $587~140.98 be approved for payment. ADd0URNMENT: ' The meeting was adjourned ~% 9:30 P.~f. to 8:00 A.M.~ October 24~ 1961~ Tuesday morning. FmS C. S0 . TAHOE n LIC UTILI DISTRICT Boxed SECRETARY SOUTtt TAHOE lrtrBLIC UTILITY DISTPJCT ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING SOUTtt TAtIOE PUBLIC ~ITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 24~ 1961 The Board of Directors met in an adjourned regular meeting at 8:00 A.M, at the Sewage Treat~nent Plant. d ROLL CALL: Present were President Souza, DirectorsBtwlingham~ Wakeman~ Imbach and Clarke. Also present were General Manager Priday~ Clerk of Board Mallery, Attorney Weidman~ Engineer Harlan Moyer and Mr. Clair Hill & Associates. OCTOBER 24, 1961 (Cont, - ADJOU!{.~D ?~EGLIA!I Pb%~POSE OF ~..~ETING: The meeting ~was held for discussion of the presentation whibh will be presented to the Water Pollution Control Board at 9~00 A,M.~ October 24~ 1961~ at the Tahoe ValleyFire iIouse~ by Attorney Weidman, This presentation contained statements made by Attorney Weidman~ Mr, Harlan Moyer~ Engineer for Clair Hill & Associates~ and Mr, Frank C. Souza~ President of the Board of Directors for the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Attorney Weidman reco~nended that the Board of Directors approve President Souza~s statement which he will make to the Water Pollution Control Board, l~mident Souza's statement is as follows: "TESTD~i0NY OF FRANK C, SOUZA~ PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS~ SOUTIt TAHOE PLrB%IC UTILITY DISTRICT h.~. Chairman and members of the Lahontan Water Pollution Control Board.: As President of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District~ I would ~ike to present a statement approved this morning,fy the Directors at their adjourned regular meeting. The treatment of sewage in the manner~ now performed by the South Tahoe Public Utility District is a vital and necessary factor in the economy of the South Tahoe area. Recognizing this fact~ South Tahoe Public Utility District~ in order to prevent pollution~ contamination and nuisance sine 1959 has spent the following sums of money: New sewage treatment plant $ 1~575~000 Pump stations~ force mains~ trunk sewers~ holding ponds and additional disposal facilities 418~000 Sewage collection line systems~ in excess of 4~275.000 Total expenditures since 1959~in excess of.... ...... $ 6~268~000 The result of this sewage treatment and collection system is a high quality of effluent for disposal. The one release of this highly treated effluent was of a short duration~ under emergency circumstances and was a matter which all concerned with our District tried to avoid. This one release of effluent did not contaminate or pollute the waters of Lake Tahoe or its tributaries. It did not cause a nuisance to the co~nunity. One inference drawn by the public from the public information was that the South Tahoe Public Utility District was discharging untreated or improperly treated sewage directly into Lake Tahoe Waters thereby threatening the purity and beauty of the Lake. Another inference dra~n by the public from the public in- formation was that the District was causing a nuisance byway of odor and un- sightliness in discharging untreated or impropeely treated s~zage directly into Lake Tahoe waters. Your Board and our Board know that these infdrences are not the facts. We must recognize~ the effect upon the economy of the South Tahoe area through the inferences which have been dra~n by the public about the one recent release of sewage effluent. There is now a necessity for official bodies conceruedwith this matter such as your Regional Water Pollution Control Board to publicly declare that the South Tahoe Public Utility District has not contaminated or polluted the Lake Tahoe waters or cmused any unreasonable odors or unsightliness to detract from the surrounding atmosphere, ~at is needed is to avoid pollution of the minds of the people of the South Tahoe area by public statem~bs which can be misinterpreted from official bodies or health officials at any governmental level, In addition there should be a clarification of the record that the South Tahoe Public Utility District since the operation of its new ~reatment plant and collection system has not contaminated or polluted the Lake Tahoe waters or caused any nuisance ~ odors or unsightliness$ The public should for the record be aware of the efforts our District is making to prevent any pollution of the area in the foreseeable fut~e. Our Board~ the ~nagement and its professionalconsultants have taken ever~/ step possible in the past and will take every step necessary in the fut~e within the limits of our District to prevent any reoccurrence of this type of a release and to find a safe~ practical solution for the permanent disposal of our effluent." ~[r. Clair Hill of Clair Hill & Associates stated to the Directors that the quality of effluent here is much better to what can be put in any steams that he Imows of in the State of California and he fl~ther s~e, ted thatT.he could not see how anyone could consider this one release pollution. He stated this effluent is better than any he has ever seen, The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 A.~. to the hearing at the South Tahoe Valley Fire House for the 9:00 A.~,'!. }{earing. )40TES OF IW..k~{,IM(} ATTACt~D President SOuza adjourned the meeting at 12:15 P.~d. at the Tahoe Valley Fire House. October 24 1961 (Cont.) NOT~S OF TiM H~L. qlNG-,.~IATER P0IX[Wr0}; C0.~('I~0L BOAD_D OCTOBER 24~ 1961 (9:00A.~[.) The Chai~an of the ~¥ater Pollution Control Board called the ~emrinj to order at 9:15 A.M. The heari~ ~s ordered by the V/ater Pollution Control Board to consider bbc issuance of a Cease and Desist 0r~r a~inst the South Tahoe ~blic Utility ~strict. Ur, J.T.Le~*+ ~ecutive 0fficer~ read his report ~¢hich ~ms in regards to effluent disposal probl~s, Copies were distributed to the audience, Also attached to the report was !~solution No, 61-1S ~¢hich is a ~solution Pertainin~ to the Sewage Treat- ment and Disposal Facilities of the South Tahoe ~blic Utility District~ E1 Dorado County~ and a List of Sewage Failures (South Tahoe ~blic Utility District) and Resolution 59-7 which is a ~solution Setti~ ~mestic Waste Requirements~ South Tahoe ~ablic Utility District~ E1 Dorado Co~ty~ and ~solution 60~ Setting ~mestic ~?aste ~quirements~ South Tahoe ~blic Utility District~ E1 Dorado County. 0nvr 0 s Res. 61-18 - last ~ragraph~ page 1~ now reads: ~~ from testimony presented at the meeting held on September 27~ 1961~ it appeared that there was little remaining capacity for water storage in the holding ponds; ~. 61-18: last pa~graph~ page 2~ now reads: The South Tahoe ~blic Utility District ~ill submit a program of procedure to be submitted to the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board for appro~l of a schedule or program adopted and approved by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe ~blic Utility ~strict by which s~id District ~ill obtain the financing and plans~ and perfom such other functions as are necessa~ to comply with the revised waste discharge requirements adopted on June 29~ 1960~ said District shall a~ere to and comply ~th said schedule or program in all respects~ provided~ ho~ever~ that said schedule or program must be submitted to the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board on or before DEC~ER 31,1961~ and must ea~ formal Board approval~ and be it .... (This ~solution was adopted as changed by the Water Pollution Control Board). ~ 59-7~ ~ra~aph 1~ ~ge 2 - strike out para~aph of "Resolved that after review of the aforesaid finings of its staff~ etc...... ........ Attorney John Wei~an stated that before his presentation he would like to state that the list of sewage failures excepting one are failures that happened before the new Se~age Treatment Plant ~s constructed. He also stated that the ~?CB should not consider the past failures as many thousands of dollars have been spent to correct this. ~. J. Leggett stated that he was aware that the list referred to the past faihwes but he was %~ing to state to his Board Members t~at this problem could come up again. Mr. J. Weigh stated that the Board of the South Tahoe ~blic Utility District agrees and ~11 stipulate that this one release has been the only overflow of highly treated effluent from the treatment plant or disposal area since the operation of the new Sewage Treatment Plant - November 29~ 1960. Also~ that the tests taken and presented to the ~CB showed no proof of cont~ination or pollution and that this one release did not create a public heil th hazard. ~{r. H, Moyer~ engineer for Clair Hill & Associates~ employed by the South Tahoe Public Utility District stated his qualifications and educational background, Mr. Moyer also stated that the District comprises a land area within the Lake Valley of approximately 5~000 acres, Also~ the District at the present time has approximately 850 total connections to its systems. Mr. Moyer also explained the treatment facilities~ final disposal~ capacity of the holding pond~ and acquisition of possible future land disposal sites~ expansion of the treatment facilities. ~{r. R. Culp of Cornell~ Howell~ Hayes and Merryfield of Corvallis~ 0regon~ stated that the one release discussed did not contaminate~ pollute or cause a nuisance to the Lake Tahoe area~ from results of tests taken. Also~ ~{r. Culp stated that water of this type in other parts of the State is discharged both to land and to streams without damage. Mr. Clair Itill of Clair Hill & Associates stated briefly his qualifications and educational back~round and also stated that for the past fifteen years a large part of the work of his Company has been in water supply and sanitary engineering. Mr. Hill further stated that he has spent nine years as a member and later chairman of the California Water Con~nission and its predecessor~ the State Water Resources Board. He further stated that it was his privilege to hold hearings throughout the state and many other special studies that were conducted under the supervision and general direction of the Water Resources Board. Mr. Hill stated that the effluent from the Sewage Treatment Plant is of the highest quality discharged from any plant that he is familiar with and he stated that includes a good many. Also~ that the Sewage Treatment Plant is a very complete plant and the effluent is of a very high quality and compares very favorahly with the Criteria in Bulletin~'No.3 of the Department of Water Resources; also~ that their Company's concern and the Districtts concern has been and is the final disposal of the effluent; that the economy of California and the Tahoe Basin is based~ among other things~ on growth and g growth means problems~ and he further stated that no one can deny that the South Tahoe Public Utility District has not made tremendous progress in its work~ and in the disposal of its sewage effluent ~ has found an interim solution. Mr. Ilill also stated that he could not see what good a "Cease and Desist" order can accomplish and it can do tremendous damage and delay progress. Mr. J. Weidman stated that the District feels their testimony shows that there has been no contamination~ pollution~ or nuisance which created a public health hazard~ and the District feels no cause exists for the "Cease and Desist" order against the South Tahoe l~tblic Utility District. ~. Herbet Foster~ Bureau of Sanitary Engineers~ State Health Department stated that if their department thought that there was a contamination as indicated in the ~ater Pollution Control Law~ they would surely have taken some action and would have a great concern over this problem; however~ Mr. Foster stated that on September 17th he visited the South Tahoe Public Utility District and found sewage leaving the area of disposal and flowing into the road side ditch and he stated that no sewage was to leave forest service land~ get into ditches~ etc.; he further mentioned that the District is looking for land~ action should be helpful to the District - contact various Agencies~ present their case and all departments and agencies can help the District in obtaining land~ etc. Mr. Foster was asked by the WPCB if he had written letters~ notified theBoa rd as to the se~zage found at the roadside ditch. Mr. Foster replied that he did not write a letter or notify the Board hut] he did contact the operator and told him that sewage was overflowing and asked him to watch it. Mr. Foster said the sewage was flowing below Johnson Ditch along the road. Mr* W.F. Priday~ General Manager of the South Tahoe Public Utility District stated the area which Mr. Foster spoke of is a drainage area and that it was not overflow but over-saturation~ which is a great difference; furthermore~ that particular ditch is still forest land. NEVADA: The Board of Directors asked regarding the Nevada Contract - ~. W.F. Priday stated that until the District can obtain land there will not be a mew agreement with Nevada and the present one is being used - - Nevada is up to date on their financial payments~ and Nevada will also help finance for additional land. Mr. H. Moyer stated that since land disposal of effluent is the only answer and method to be used in the Valley~ additional land must be acquired and to do this~ necsssary funds are needed. One of the WPCB members stated the District has been in violation of the Boards re- quirements and that the meeting today was to discuss this. lie stated that positive action should be taken in handling this situation and that he would like to see the South Tahoe Public Utility District~ through its Board~ present to our Board (~PCB) written proposals as to what is going to be done in a specified time so the WPCB can have some follow-through. President Souza stated that there is definitely much thought given to this problem and the Board of Directors for the South Tahoe Public Utility District is doing everything possible to keep such an occurrance from happening again. Whatever the ~PCB asks for ~. Souza stated that the District will see they get and they will also be advised as to what the procedure of the South Tahoe tk~blic Utility District Board will bey construction~ etc. ~. Arthur L. Trumbull~a resident of the Lake Tahoe Area~ stated that he feels the South Tahoe Public Utility District is making great progress and that all should belp the District. The Plant is growing and there has been but one violation the past two years and if the ~PCB stops this plant from growing they will hurt this area; they are proving to the Board that they are making improvements and progress and if anyone or anything stops the district~-everything can go wrong. Mr. Dick Armstrong~ member of the ~PCB, stated that he feels out of the fifteen (15 offenses listed and in the past two and one-half years one violation (which was a man=made emergency release) appeared - and that the South Tahoe Public Utility District has shown in good faith that this was an emergency release~ he feels that the South Tahoe Public Utility District has certainly improved the area by not having problems in this length of time· ' Mr. J. Leggett stated that the ~PCB does not want sewage in the Lake~ and that he wanted his Board to Imow that he has received great cooperation from the South Tahoe Public Utility District in the past. Mr. J. Leggett mentioned that the Lake can be polluted with distilled water and }.{r. Perry ~%roodcock stated that he was certainly happy to hear Mr. Leggett's statement and that he was sorry more people could not have heard same as there has been a misunderstanding regarding the definition of the word 'pollution'; the people of tile area and elsewhere do not consider the pollution as a very highly treated water and the original publicity on this matter gave the impression that Lake Tahoe was polluted with sewage· Mt.Woodcock stated that he thinks the people of California that enjoy Lake Tahoe should be aware that the Lake was not and is not polluted with sewage. Mr. W.B. Schreeder~ Sanitary Engineer~ l~blic ltealth Service~ stated that the information they have to date on Lake Tahoe is that the Lake is not polluted; furthermore~ he feels that the ~PCB would have difficulty proving that this last release~ as defined by the California Code~ polluted Lake Tahoe or a portion of Lake Tahoe. He further stated that no studies have been made of this Area~ and if it continues to grow~ The South Tahoe Public Utility District will be faced with the problem of what to do with the treated effluent - and his Department would have no suggestions for the South Tahoe Public Utility District· Mr. Donald Clarke~ Director for the South Tahoe Public Utility District~ stated that great caution should be given to the terminology used - the Resolution of the WPCB did not state pollution ef Lake Tahoe~ the South Tahoe Public Utility District did not say that it did; the ~PCB members did not say so; however~ the minute the news hits the press and the wires~ Mr. Clarke stated that the impression is that Lake Tahoe is polluted - and noted for having raw sewage. Mr. Clarke further stated that all in this area are very much interested in the area and its growth~ the Board of Directors are all property owners and we are spending much time~ costly time~ on this problem. We should all definitely thin[( twice as to the terminology we use; it can be harmful rather than beneficial to th~s area~ Mr. Clarke stated. Mr. Jack Winkler stated to the ~rPCB that he would like proof of the kBS findings. A member of the ~PCB stated that because the Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District have shown extremely good faith and have interest in improving the District~ he felt that in the event of a reoccurrance of th~s same problem~ definite action should then be taken. lfr. Frank Souza thanked the Vlater Pollution Control Board for the hearing and stated that the South Tahoe l%~blic, Utility District is aware of the problems discussed and the in- formation which the Water Pollution Control Board requested will be presented by Harlan lfoyer by December 31~ 1961 The hearing adjourned at 12:15 P.M. N.P.).{allery~ Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary S0[WH TAIi0E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~rank C. Souza,~P~esiden~/ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGLIAR ~[EETING OF T}~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRIC~ November 2~1961 The Board of Directors for the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the Sewage Treatment Plant - President Souza called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. ~0LL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman~ Imbach and Clarke~ Also present were General Manager Priday~ Clerk of Board Mallery~ Attorney Holtom~ Attorney Weidman~ Harlan Moyer~ Les Shoupe~ H.Reeves~ Art Trumbul]~ Perry Woodcock~ Ian Cameron-Cruttenden ~: Podesto~ Jersey Namzitz and Mort Tannen-J.B John Creighton-Peer]ess Pump~ ~r.H.Butler~ · t!anauer ~ . ~ Walt Little-Lake Tahoe News~ Sue Imwood-Tahoe Daily Tribune~ Donald Richardson-Sacramento Bee. kBSE~NT: Director Burlingham. MINI~ES: Minutes of the Adjourned Regular k~eeting's of October 19 and October 24~1961~were approved]also~ the notes of thehearing at the Tahoe Valley Fire House October 24~1961~9:00 A.M. %~ith the Water Pollution Control Board were approved as corrected. 1:32 ~ANAGERIS REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report, which contained reports on the Pit-Con Pilot Plant~ Spray Bisposal~ Land Acquisitions~ and Director Imbach moved~ dseconded by Director Clarke and unanimously carried that the Managerls Report be accepted as read. President Souza, the Directors, and all present visited the Pit-Con Pilot Plant and its operation. 01~kTING OF BIBS: 1961-I.----Clerk of Board }~llery opened and read followiag bids: J.B. ttanauer & Co. 140 South Beverly Drive Beverly Ilills, Calif. Crhttenden, Podesta & Co. Russ Bldg. San Francisco 4, Calif. ~332,834.48 Average Net Int.Cost 5.187968 332,834.48 Average Net Int. Cost 5.30821 332,834.48 Average Net Int. Cost 5.1167768 Grande & Co., Inc. Doge Bldg. Seattle 4, Washington Attorney Iloltom recommended that Besolution No. 342, a RESOLUTION DETE~IINING L~gPAID ASSESS~ffiNTS AND PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF BONDS~ SANITARY S~EP&GE PROJECT NO. 1961-1, be accepted. Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Clarke, and unanimously carried~ that RESOLUTION NO. 842 beaccepted. Attorney Holtom also recommended that the Ordinance No. 8~ which is an 0P~IN3~CE ~gARDING SALE OF BONDS, SANITARY S~RAGE PROJECT NO. 1961-1, be approved and that the bonds be awarded to GRAkrDE & C0!,~NY, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. COP~SPOND~NCE: General Manager Priday presented a letter which is to be sent to C. Harper and M.S.Baxter Company, written by Clair X.Ilill and Associates and Clerk of Board Mallery read same to the Board of Directors. This letter is in regards to liquidated damages in the amount of Three Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty Dollars, ($3,950.00), for the period from January 12, 1961, the specified completion date~ to May 22, 1961, the Cate the specified work was actually completed. (Assessment District 1960-2) Letter reads as follows: "November 2, 1961 //"~. Itarper & MoS. Baxter Company. 311East Bradley E1Cajon, California Subject: South Tahoe Public Utility District Assessment District 1960-2 Gentlemen: Reference is made to your contract for the construction of a sewage collection system within the above assessment district. Your attention is directed to the Special Conditions~ paragraph D, Time of Completion, wherein it is stated that the Contractor shall complete the portion of the sewer line extending from M.tt. 1-1 to M.H. 24-3 within 45 working days from the date of beginning of the contract. By a previous letter dated January 17, 1961, you were notified that the time of completion for this portion of the work had expired on January 12~ 1961. kYou were also notified, by the same correspondence, that the South Tahoe Public Utility District intended to assess your company liquidated damages in accordance with the provisions of Article 55 of the General Conditions of the contract. Therefore, you are herewith notified that the South Tahoe Public Utility District is assessing liquidated damages in the amount of Three thousand, nine hundred and fifty dollars ($3,9~0.00). These damages are assessed for the period from January 12, 1961, the specified completion date, to ~Y 22, 196~ THE DATE THE SPECIFIED work was actually completed. The extra time required to complete the work amounts to 79 working days and damages are computed at Fifty dollars ($50.00) per working day, as provided in the contract. The amount of liquidated damages herein specified will be retained by the District from the final payment due your company. I~i:wa cc: South Tahoe John tloltom John Weidman A.L. Shoupe" Very truly yours, CLAIR ~. HILL &ASSOCIATES s/ By: Harlan E. ~yer The above letter from Clair Hill & Associates approved. to C.ttarper & ~{.S.Baxter Company was WATER C0.~9..fITTEE: Director Wakeman stated that after five (5) months of Water Committee Meetings~ the Private Water Companies were still unable to get together and present a united front. ~ir. Wakeman further stated that as a Public Utility District we would be unable to deal wit with these people individually~ and until such time as we can make a recongnendation to the Board~ which is becomming more appargnt each day~ Mr. Wakeman stated that the Water Committee Meetings will be cancelled until further notice. Mr. Wakeman was asked to continue working on this Water Committee and bring a report to the Board at a later date. LAGRANGE CLAIMS: Director Wakeman moved~ seconded by Director Clarke and unanimously carried~ that Attorney Weidman begiven the authority to file interpleader action (1960-3) if he cannot secure an extension of time in answer from Predonovich. POLICY FOR ANNEXATION: Attorney Holtom presented a document for annexation which will be presented to the Boundary Commission upon the completion of maps that are being drawn kregarding the parcels in this annexation. Mr. Ho Reeves is obtaining qualified electors residing in this area. Attorney tIoltom stated approximately 26 names have been obtained for the necessary 15~ to present the petition for consideration to the Board but not enough for an election. STUDY SESSION': President Souza stated that there will be a Study Session~ November 15~ 1961~ 1:30 P.M. at the Sewage Treatment Plant. PAlq{ENT OF CLAI~: Deneral Manager Priday recommended that the checks and warrants in the amount of $_317,187.27 be paid, General Manager's recommendation to have checks and warrants approved for payment was accepted. ADJOURN~T: The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 .. ~ .. ~ ~ ,~ ~ N.R.Mallery~Clerk of Board and F~x-0fficio Sec. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FRANK C. SOUZA~ PRESIDENT ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MINIJT]~ OF THE STUDY SESSION-NOVE~{BER 1~[, 1961 SOUTH TAHOE i~rBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT President Souza called the Study Session to order at 1:45 P.M. ROLL CALL: Direct'ors present were Burlingham~ Wakeman and Imbach. Also present were General ~anager Priday~ Clerk of Board Mallery~ tIarold Duce~ Attorney Weidman~ IIarlan Moyer-Clair Hill & Associates and Donald- Richardson from the Sacramento Bee: ABSENT: Director Clarke, RESOLUTION: - DOUGLAS COU~TI~I]~I20VE%[ENT DISTRICT NO. 1: A lengthy discussion was held regarding this resolution and it was agreed that no action would be taken until the total figures are computed as to what Nevada does owe the District - and what they will owe in the event they connect to the Beach Trunk Line. It was stated that Nevada will~ in the future~ state what capacity they will need~ average flow will be computed during the months of June 15th through September 15th, Attorney Weidman read a paragraph from a Bulletin regarding the District - the Directors felt that this contained statements which were not true and President Souza asked General ~[anager Priday to study same and be prepared to write a letter if necessary. AUDITOR*S LETTER: Mr. Harold Duce and the Directors~ General Manager and Office ~'~anager~ reviewed the letter which Irvine & Duce wrote to the District suggesting office procedures. In regards to the suggestion of filing -Mr, Mallery stated that a part time clerk was hired to work on the files only; also~ that a voucher statement system will be set up for Accounts Payable. PIT-CON PROCESS: Early this week the engineers transferred the intake for the Pit-Con System from the secondary clarifier to the primary effluent wier, Also~ Mr. R. Culp would like to bring all the information from the secondary through the primary where we can determine the amount of money it trill cost to produce an effluent from both secondary and primary processess. This is a very successful system and the The above letter from Clair Hill & Associates to C.Harper & .~{.S.Baxter Company was approved. WATER C0.~P,.iITTEE: Director Wakeman stated that after five (5) months of Water Committee Meetings~ the Private Water Companies were still unable to get together and present a united front. ~. Wakeman further stated that as a Public Utility District we would be unable to deal wit with these people individually~ and until such time as we can make a recon~nendation to the Board~ which is becomming more apparent each day~ ~, Wakeman stated that the Water Committee Meetings will be cancelled until further notice. ~. Wakeman was asked to continue working on this Water Committee and bring a report to the Board at a later date. LAGRANGE CLAI~: Director Wakeman moved~ seconded by Director Clarke and unanimously carried~ that Attorney Weidman begiven the authority to file interpleader action (1960-3) if he cannot secure an extension of time in answer from Predonovich. POLICY FOR ANNEXATION: Attorney Holtom presented a document for annexation which will be presented to the Boundary Commission upon the completion of maps that are being drawn kregarding the parcels in this annexation. Mr. H. Reeves is obtaining qualified electors residing in this area. Attorney tloltom stated approximately 26 names have been obtained for the necessary 15~ to present the petition for consideration to the Board but not enough for an election. STUDY SESSION: President Souza stated that there will be a Study Session~ November 15~ 1961~ 1:30 P.M. at the Sewage Treatment Plant. PAY~IT OF CLAI~: ~eneral ~nager Priday recommended that the checks and warrants in the amount of $317,187.27 be paid. General ~.~nager~s recommendation to have checks and~arrants approved for payment was accepted. AIMOURN~,~NT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 ~ C. SOUZA, P~ID~WT ' ~ ' ~" -- ~A~ SOUTH TAIIOE PZrt~IC UTILITY DISTRICT N.R.Malle~Cl~rk of Board and ~x~fficio Sec. S0~I-I T~0E ~LIC ~ILITY DISTRI~ MINUTES OF THE STUDY SESSION-NOVt~BER 1~ 1961 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT President Souza called the Study Session to order at 1:45 P.M. ROLL CM~.: Directors present were Burlingham~ Wakeman and Imbach. Also present were General Manager Priday~ Clerk of Board Mallery~ Harold Duce~ Attorney Weidman~ I~rlan Moyer-Clair Hill & Associates and Donald- Richardson from the Sacramento Bee: ABSENT: Director Clarke. RESOLUTION: - DOUGLAS C01I~.'/I~I~0V]~FNT DISTRICT NO. 1: A lengthy discussion was held regarding this resolution and trw as agreed that no action would be taken until the total figures are computed as to what Nevada does owe the District - and what they will owe in the event they connect to the Beach Trunk Line. It was stated that Nevada will~ in the future~ state what capacity they will need~ average flow will be computed during the months of June 15th through September 15th. Attorney Weidman read a paragTaph from a Bulletin regarding the District - the Directors felt that this contained statements which were not true and President Souza asked General l~nager Priday to stu¢~ same and be prepared to ~rite a letter if necessary. AUDITOR~S LETTER: Mr. Harold Duce and the Directors~ General ~nager and Office l~nager~ reviewed the letter which Irvine & Duce wrote to the District suggesting office procedures. In regards to the suggestion of filing - ~o ~llery stated that a part time clerk was hired to work on the files only; alao~ that a voucher statement system will be set up for Accounts Payable. PIT-CON PROCESS: Early this week the engineers transferred the intake for the Pit-Con System from the secondary clarifier to the primary effluent wier. Also~ Mr. R. Culp would like to bring all the information from the secondary through the primary where we can determine the amount of money it will cost to produce an effluent from both secondary and primary processess. This is a very successful system and the District is well s~.tisfied with the Pit-Con Process. .LA~rDACgUISITION~ Mr. J. Imbach stated that several meetings were held by the Land Acquisition Committee with land owners in the area and that the Committee is in the process of bringing a completed report to the Board for study. Also, injection into the ground is being considered. X~. Il. Meyer stated that all possibilities of land disposal is being investigated. AIIY0UR~,~NT: Study Session Meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.~i. ~ . ~ ,, , ~ ~ .~Z~i.,~'~£-. ~/ N.R.Mallery,,..~:CI~("o~' Boa~dl and 0ffi cio Secretary, SOUTH TAIIOE ~UBLIC UTILITY'DISTRICT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MINIYrEs OF Ti~ REGL~iR~.~ETING OF THE BOAPJ0 OF DIRECTORS FOR Tt~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVI~,IBER 16 ~ 1961 The Board of Directors [o~ :'the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the Sewage Treatment Plant. President Souza called the meeting to order at 8:00 }lOLL CALL: Present were Directors Burlingham, Wakeman~ Clarke and Imbach. LAlso present were General Manager Priday~ Clerk of Board !~llery~ Attorney J. ttoltom~ Attorney J. Weidman, Harlan Meyer, William C. Taylor~ Lee Miller, William Johnson, Dr. K. Smith, Donald Richardson from the Sacramento Bee, Walt Little-Lake Tahoe News. MINUTES: Director Burlinghammoved~ seconded by Director Imbach and unanimously c~rried that the minutes of the regular meeting - November 2~ 1961~ be approved as corrected - also~ the minutes of the Study Session - November 15~ 1961. ~LINAGER'S I{EPORT: General ~nagerl~iday read his report which contained informa- tion regarding the progTesson: 1960-4 Project approximately 98~ complete; Line testing 95~ complete~ and the three small pumping stations ready to test next week. 1960-1 Completed and said notice filed this date. PIT-CON WATER RECLA}~TIONPROCESS: Point of picI~p changed to primary treatment in order to evaluate differentials between primary and secondary treated effluent. These differentials will determine relative costs as to processing~ expansion of facilities and other factors t~ guide the District in its final determinations. These relative costs will be available in approximately thirty (30) days. The Pit-Con process appears to be producing an equally good product from either primary or secondary effluent. OFFICE PROCEDURES: Part time clerk hired to work on files and set up system to expedite the rapid finding of information that has heretofore cost many man hours and poor public relations. Mr. Mallery, Office )~! anager, is establishing a rigid system of accounting by proper identification of charges and accounts receivable. T he ledgers are being made up so daily computations and results will be put therein for immediate up to the minute information. A complete voucher system is being instituted in order to have a ready duplicate reference for ~]1 disbursements; a co~plet, e inventory is under way to ascertain the capital assets of the District. ~Jr. William Taylor, S,~perintendent of the Plant, has instituted a preventive maintenance procedure~ ~hich General ~fanager Prid~v asked kim to explain to the Board of Directors. ~{r. Taylor stated that this "poor man~s I.B.i~I. system" gives all the information regarding servicing of equi~nent - when it was serviced, when it ~fi].l again be serviced~ the operator that is responsible for the servicing~ time necessary to perform different service operations and indexed service ~nanuals for re- ference. General Manager Friday stated that the sewer lines, etc., will have 'the identical same system and ~]r. l.L.~iiller stated t'hat this syste~n is in the process of being set up. General Manager Priday also stated that everyone in the area should take advantage of the ~ewer syste~andconnect. Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Tmbach~ and unanimously carried~ that the Managerts Report be accepted. CIL/NGE IN MODIFICATION 1961-1: Attorney tloltom recon~nended that Resolution No. 344~ which is A RESOLUTI~N OF INTENTION TO MAKE CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS--SANITARY S~qF~qAGE PROJECT NO. 1961-1. Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Imbach and unanimously carried that said Resolution No. 344 be adopted. RESOLL~ION - DOUGLAS COUNTY ~ROV~NT DISTRICT NO. l==AttorneyWeidman reconm~ended that this Resolution received from the Douglas County Improvement District No. 1 not be considered until such time as we settle our account. Office ~'~nager Mallery prepared a statement which Attorney Weld man recon~ended be presented to Douglas County No. 1 before any request from Nevada is considered. Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Wakeman and unanimously carried that the Resolution from Nevada be tabled until we have an opportunity to assemble all informa- tion and discuss this further. Director Clarke moved that General Manager Priday be authorized by this Board to prepare the letter in question with the facts that have been compiled by Attorney Weidman~ ~{r. Harold Duce and Mr. N. R. Mallery. Director Imbach amended the motion to read - - the letter be drafted as o~lined in the Study Session. Director Clarke moved and the vote was unanimously carried. Eahh Director will be sent a copy of the letter for consideration and approval. L~D AC~UISITION: Director Imbach stated that the land acquisition committee has been meeting regularly and have found suitable land that informally meets the approval of the engineers for land disposal effluent and there is a tentative agreement where land can be acquired and the land acquisition committee would like to move that directbon. Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director Clarke, that the Land Committee be anthorized to proceed with negotiations for land acquisition. The vote was four (4) for and one temporarily absent. AUDIT REPORT: Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Clarke and unanimously carried that the Annual Audit Report be accepted and that Attorney Weidman be instructed to cause the necessary legal publication to be made of the Annual Report. ~gATER C0~2{ITTEE: Director W~eman stated that he and President Souza attended the Water Committee meeting at Placerville on November 6, 1961, and that they are working to help our area. The people of this area do not realize that Lake Tahoe has no water available; the Board of Supervisors have allowed $32~000.00 to make a Water Survey to find out where there is water at Lake Tahoe. The Bureau of Reclamation expects to come up with some reservoir system of making water available to this area and consideration has been given to purchasing water on the other side of the hill and pumping it over here. A meeting will be held at the South Tahoe Public Utility District the first Friday in Decanter - (December 1, 1961) at 10:00 k.~. and everyone is urged to attend. Director Wakeman further stated that he has never seen any ~oTeater cooperation or under- standing of any gTeater problem than we have seen at this meeting at Placerville on November 6, 1961. Director Wakeman and Director Clarke were instructed to contact all Water Companies and anyone that might be interested and advise all of the meeting to be held at the Sewage Treatment Plant, South Tahoe Public Utility District, December 1, 1961, at 10:00 A.M. PUBLIC FLAG RAISING: Director Clarke stated that there will be a public flag raising ceremony at the South Tahoe Public Utility District on November 29, 1961, at 2:00 P.M. and all interested are invited to attend. Also, General ~nager Priday stated that the public flag raising will be on this date because November 29~ 1961, the Sewage Treatment Plant will be one year old. There will also be a tour of th9 plant - and all are invited to attend the ~ur and see the PIT-CON PLANT in operation. CERTIFICATE OF C0~LETION 1960-1: General Manager Priday recommended that Assessment District 1960-1~ Certificate of Completion, 6eorge E. Miller - Contractor, not be accepted until such time that the County Road Commissioner indicates his acceptance of the streets. Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director Clarke that General ~nager Priday's 136 reco~nendation reg:arding 1960-1 be accepted. Vote carried unanimousl,,. ASSESS_~J~TT DISTRICT 1959-1; CONTP~kCTOR'S CLAIM FOR ~XT_rbk PAI%fi~fT: General .Manager Priday read a letter from Bro~n & Caldwellddated November 6~ 1961. This letter is in regards to a request by the Lagrange Construction Companyffmr consideration to their claim for $956.40 for extra pavement in connection with Assessment District 1959-1. Broom and Caldwell recommended in this letter that pa~nent not be made for the two reasons Iisted below: "1. This claim has previously been paid. Chan?]e Order 29 included an ofd..~544.00 for pavement on San Francisco and Glenwood Avenues~ amount while cban~e order ~8(item 4) included~'mn ~ount of ~8180.50 for re pavement of area. s ~ot paved ~-hen thc fi. The contractor has already accepted final paj~ent for this project. Any claims for extra paj,m~ent should have been made prior Lo prepara- tion of the final estimate." General Manager Pri day recormaended that Bro,,m & Caldwell's reco~.~.~endation re- gar(ting Lagrange ~onstruct~o~ Kbnpany~s request :for extra payment be accepted. Director Btwlingham moved~ seconded by Director Imbach and nnanimously carried that Lagrange request be denied as rec~mnended by our General and the recmmnendation from Bro.~n and. Ca]dwell. PAY~fff.~T OF CLAI!,iS: General ),~ana~er Priday recommended that the checks and warrants in the amount of 527~50S.85 be approved for pa,5~.nent. Director Clarke moved~ seconded by Director Wakeman , and carried unanimously that the checks and warrants be paid. qr. Wi~limn Johnson asked Attorney HolLos if the Annexation of F~:clnded Parcels ~vill entail an election. Attorney Holtom stated that at the present time he does not know to what degTee signatures have been obtained for petitions for annexation and that there must be !5~ of the signatures to have an election. ~ ~NT: AI)J0 UR~ .. ~ The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. t'JL~Y~q{ C. SOLWay, PP~ES~T 6~ South Tahoe Public Utility District N.R.~,Iall¢~-y, C'ierk of Board and Ex- Officio Secretary SOLrf!! TAtt0~ I~JBLIC ~ILITY DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SLEETING OF THE BOARD 0F DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAIt0E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DEC~ER .7t. 1961 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the Sewage Treatment Plant; President Souza called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. ROLL C~T~,: Directors present were Imbach~ Clarke, Wakeman and Burlingham. Also present were General ~nager Priday, Clerk of Board ~llery, AttorneyHoltom and Attorney Weidman~ Harlan Moyer, H. Reeves, Les Shoupe, Attorney Wadell~ Donald Richardson - Sacramento Bee, Sue Imwood - Tahoe Daily Tribune~ William Johnson~ Roy Price and Vincent Roderiquez. MI~RfTES: The minutes of November 16~ 1961, were approved. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Attorney Wadell asked the Board of Directors if any decision was reached regarding Lagrange~s claim. General 5.~nager Priday presented a copy of the NoveMber 16, 1961, minntes to Attorney Wadell, which was self- explanatory regarding LagTange~s claim.(Nov. 16~ 1961, Pg.3, paras.l~2~8,4). Mr. William Johnson, President of the Taxpayer's Association stated that the Association requested }~ letter the list of voucher~s paidsby the District. After consulting with our legal advisor, President Souza stated to Mr. William Johnson that anytime he desires to send someone to the office Lo copy the list of payments made, the General Manager will allow them to take whatever information they desire. 5~NAGER'S REPORT: General ~nager Priday read his ~nager's Report which contained information re- garding the Assessment District 1960-4, Y~y Price - Contractor; Spray Disposal~ Sperling Meter; Stateline Meter; Grease-trap violations. Mr. ttarlan Moyer stated that in regards to the Pit-Con Water Reclamation Process - the original expectations are satisfied insofar as degree of treatment is concerned and by the next regular meeting a complete report which will.~etail ~1~ ~ ~. . _..... ~ ~- / .-~. ~ · ~ . :L':k..~-~.-,~--.,_~.~:. and~i~e a full report as to what ~ne poss~o~z~].es areal ~conom~c zeas~oility is still under study. Discussion regarding the grease-traps was held and President Souza stated that this be studied and at the next re~ular meeting we will have a recommendation as to what is being done or what wi. Il be done. Director Burlingham moved~ seconded by Director Wakeman~ and unanimously carried, that the Manager ~s Report be accepted. ASSES~,~vr DISTRICT 1960-1 (Geo. E. Hiller~ Contractor) - General Manager Priday presented Certificate of Completio,~~ Sewage Co,l!.ection System~ Assessment District ]960-1~ Schedules B and CT AND RESOLUTION NO. 34.5~ which is a RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ENGI}rEER FOR THE DISTRICT TO ACCEPT WORK AND FILE NOTICE OF C0},fl~LETION - S~qAGE C0 .LLECTION SYST~,I~ 3~SESS~'[F~NT DISTRICT 1960-17 SCHEDULES B AND C? and the letter from }Ir. t~obert C. Do~rner, Countyj'Road Commissioner, accepting Assessment District 1960-1. Director Imbach moved, seconded by Director Clarke, and unanimously carried,that the Certificate of Completion and the Resolution No. 345, be accepted. General 5~nager Priday stated that in regards to Assessment District 1960-1, - we accept the work but deny any pajm~ent until the $77,855.98 has been cleared which is the total amount of claims against George E. 5{iller; Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Imbach, and unanimously carried, that General Manager Priday~s srecon~enda- tion be accepted. Attorney J. Holtom presented RESOLLFION NO. 346, which is a Resolution Ordering Changes and ~Mdifications, Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1961-1, for adoption. DJ. rector Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Burlingham and unanimorsly,'carried, that ~ESOLUTiON NO. 346 be accepted. C01~I'~ESPONDENCE: General Manager Priday read a letter from Dorothy tIrones stating that she did not want the extra sewer service charge for her cabin. President Souza stated that according to t~ules and Re~lations that. are set-up she would have to connect. ~irector Wake.man stated that it is the goal of the District to keep everything sanitary and eliminate the septic tanks and Director Imbach moved~ seconded by Director Wakeman, and unanimously carried, that the Ordinance be complied with and that the General .Manager notify Mrs. Hrones as to the estimated cost to connect her cabin to the sewer. General Manager Priday stated that a request for extra ~rk was received from Harper and Baxter amounting to approximately $80,000.00 (Assessment District 1960-2). Priday read the letter from Clair Hill & Associates, dated December 1, 1961, which is in answer to Monteleone, McCrory & Skjeie's letter dated November 18, 1961~ re- questing this claim for }iarper and Baxter. General Manager Priday recommended that this claim for extra work be denied as per letter from Clair Hill & Associates. Director Clarke moved~ seconded by Director Imbach and unanimously carried~ said request was denied. General Manager Priday also stated that regarding t~rper & Baxter, 1960-2, - the 10~ retention time is up and this will not be released until the ~20~908.00 in claims ha~ been cleared. The C.E.A. Services of San Francisco, have been notified and the break-do~n of claims given to them. General ~nager Priday stated that the final billing has been received from Bro~m and Caldwell for engineering services and he requested that the Board avail him the opport~mity to study this particular claim - as there are approximately ten (10) pages of information to segTegate. Director Clarke moved~ seconded by Director Burlingham and unanimously carried that this claim be tabled for further study by the ~nager. Correspondence from the Water Pollution Control Board was received regarding a meeting which is to take place at Apple Valley on December 15th. General ~nager Priday was authorized to write a letter to the Lahontan Water Pollution Control Board stating this meeting will not be attended. LiND ACQUISITION: Director Imbach stated that the Land Acquisition Committee presented an option to a land o~mer and word has been received with a counter offer and the conm]ittee is working on negotiation of land. V,,~TF~r~ CO ..... IT~V~E. Genera] ?,~ana~er Priday stated that he talked :dt, h Mr. It. DL'.%~-~_P ~o~.t~ Tahoe and that, }.Ir. ~.~nlap stated they would be ve~? haps' Lo meet with the ~ , ' ~blic Utility Directors around the 17th o:~ Januray~ 1962~ during the Study Session. President Souza instructed DirectorC larke, Attorney Weidman and. General .~,ianager Priday to write a letter to the Fleischmann Foundation and the Lake Tahoe Area Council thanking the Fleischmann Foundation for their help to the Lake Valley and. our Public Utility District. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Burlin~ham and unanimously carried that this letter be written. CI'~GE ORDER NO. 6 (1960-4) - General Manager Priday recon~uended that Change Order No. 6, Ro% Price, Inc., in the amount of ~11,454.96 be approved for payment. Director Burlingham moved, seconded by Director lVakeman, that Change Order No. 6 he arproved. The vote was four (4).iFS and one (1) not voting. Attorney tloltom reco~ended that tlESOLUTION NO. 347, which is a RESOL~fION AUTI~0RIZING' DISTRICT ENGINEER TO ACCEPT WOP~ ~ND FILE NOTICE OF 00MPLETION, SANIT~kRY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 1960-4, be approved. Director Wake~an moved, seconded by Director Burlingham and unanimously carried, that RESOLL~ION NO. 347, be approved Attorney Holtom also presented RESOLUTION NO. 348, which is a P~0LL~ION OF IN- TENTION TO MAKE CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS, SANITARY S~VERAGE PROJECT NO. 1960-4, for approval. DIRECTOR CI~LRKE MOVEI)~ SECONq)ED BY DIRECTOR WAI~,~kN, AND UNAN- I~.~0USLY CARRIED, T}bkT RESOLUTION NO. 348..~. be approved. General Manager Priday and President Souza commended Mr. Roy Price on the wonderful job he did and the great cooperation received by his Company. Mr. Roy Price thanked the General ~nager, and Board of Directors, fortthe con- sideration and cooperation received from the District. llr. Harlan Moyer, Clair Hill & Associates, expressed appreciation to the District for his firm, and thanked the District for the opportunity to do the work and hoped the District is well satisfied. Mr. Moyer also stated that Clair tlill & Associates have experienced a good relationship and are looking forward to a future relationship with the District. Attorney lloltom presented amp ofexcluded parcels to the Board of Directors and stated that possibly next week the signatures will be obtained and the petition will be filed with the Board in approximately ~o (2) weeks. Director Clarke stated that ~M. tt. Reeves should be commended on his work in relation to the excluded parcels; Director Imbach also stated that Mr. Reeves has done a good job and should also be commended for the professional manner in whid~ he handles himself when approaching the people. ~,ir. It. Reeves also thanked Director Clarke and Director Imbach for their help. PAY~T OF CLA~S: General ~,~nager Priday recon~nended that checks and warrants in the amount of $i'~,199.85 be approved for payment. Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Imbach, and unanimously carried that checks and warrants be paid. Director Clarke moved, seconded by Director Burlingham, that this meeting be adjourned to Thursday, December 14, 1961, 8:00 P.M. The move was defeated - two (2) _~LYF_S and three (3) NOES. ~ ADJOUR.k%~NT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. / OFFICIO SEC P~TAI~ SOUTH TAHOE I~JBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Fl~NI( C. SOUZi~ PRES~ENT ~/ SOUTH TAIt0E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT -H INrUT.F~ OF SOUTh The regular meeting of the Study Session was called to order by President Souza at ~ December 1961 at the Sewage Treatment Plant. 2:00 P ..... , 20, ~ ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Clarke, and Imbach. Also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board ~{allerv, Attorney ~ e~dm. an~ Mr. Harlan ~{oyer, 5Ir. E. Eppler, and~'~r. Perry Woodcock. ABSENT: Director Burlingham and Clerk of Board ~{alle~y. ~ CORP~SPONDI~CE: General ~nager Priday read a letter which he will send to the Lake Tahoe Taxpayer's Association regarding a meeting to be held January 19, 1962. This letter which ~{r. Priday read was inviting the Lake Tahoe Taxpayer's Association members to our regular meetings at the South Tahoe l~blic Utility District. PROGRESS P~0RT: ~{r. Harlan Moyer presented a brief resmne and progress report as to the status of the various engineering reports and designs which are presently under way. The report contained the following: 1. Modification to Bijou l~p Station (Job No. L 45.41) 2. Interim Report on Projected Sewage Flows (Job No. L 45.52) 3. Interim Report on Effluent Disposal Methods: (Job No. L 45.52) 4. Additions-to ~xisting Spray Disposal System: (lob No. L 45.53) 5. "Pit Con" Pilot Plant Studies. GREASE INTERCF~TORS: A lengthy discussion was held regarding the grease traps in this area. General Manager Priday stated that the grease trap problem is getting worse rather than better. A letter from Mr. }larry. E. Goss, Zurn Industries, Inc., was read to the board which was in regards to Grease Interceptors. General Manager Priday~ Inspector E. Eppler, and Attorney Weidman, will study the grease- interceptor problem and will bring a report to the Board of Directors for consideration. RECESS: 3:30 The meeting was called back to order at 3:35 P.M. LAND ACQUISITION: Director Imbach stated that an agreement has been reached with the Forest Service t~ obtain 320 acres of land. ' The Land Acquisition Co~nittee spent many hours, have had many meetings, to obtain land. Director Clarke stated that the Land Acquisition Co.~nittee ~hould be commended for their work on this troject, and President Souza stated that the con~nents are well received and appreciated. WATER C0~9:IITTEE: President Souza stated that the County Water Committee and the Supervisors will meet on January 17, 1961~ at 10:00 A'M. at the Sewage Treatment Plant, AI~IOURk%~NT: ~mY PAP4Z~. SmCa~TARY PRb-TE~ S0%~}I TA.rtOE PUBLIC I~ILITY DISTRICT The Study Session was adjourned at 5:15 P.M. Frank C. Souza, Presid~(. J/ ' SOUTH TAHOE PL~LIC UTILITY DISTRICT 140 MI~_,~ES OF TIIE REGUlAr2 ~JEETING OF T!~ BOA~D OF DII~ECTOIIS OF TIIE SOL~H TAHOE PI~LIC I~ILITY DISTRICT DEC~,IBER 21 ~ 1961 The Board of Directors met in regular session December 21~ 1961~ and President Souza called the meeting to order I~0LL C~L: Present were Directors Wakeman~ Clarke and Imbach. Also present were General ~ianager Priday~ Attorney Wei~nan~ Attorney Holtom~ Les Shoupe - Clair Iii. l] and Associates and ttenrT Butler. ABSE~W: Director Bur]ingham and Clerk of Board Ma]lery. ,~PPOIN~.f~qT OF SECRET~4Y PR0~J: Director Wakeman moved seconded l~ Director Clarke and unanimously carried~ that Mary Parsley be appointed as Secretary Pro-Tem in the absence of Clerk of Board Mallery. ~IIN~JTES: Director Imbach moved~ seconded by Director Clarke and unanimously carried that the minutes of the regular meetingoof December 7~ 1961~ and the minutes of the Study Session - December 20~ 1961~ be approved. ~NAGE~'S REPORT: Director Clarke moved~ seconded by Director Wakeman~ and unanimously carried~ that the ~nager~s Report be approved. (Manager's Report is as follows: "Thursday~ December 14~ last~ Directors Souza~ Clarke~ Imbach and Wakeman and ~nager Priday attended a California-NevadaWater Compact Con~nission meeting in Reno. Of particular interest to the South Tahoe Public Utility District was a Special Co~nittee Report of the Joint Co~nission appointed October 13~ 1961~ to consider ways of re- plac~ent water for sewage exported from Lake Tahoe Basin and how the costs of such export and replacement should be paid. No action was taken after considerable discussion and proposed amendments. ~fGINEERING PROGRF~S: 1. ~,Iodification to Bijou Pump Station: - Job No. L-45.41 Tho plans and specifications for this project are about 80~ complete. We ant:icipate that final plans will be ready for bidding purposes on January o 1962, If bids for construction are solicited shortly thereafter~ the project can be under const~ction by February 15th. Allowing 75 days for construction~ the anticipated co.,wpletion date will be April 30~ 1962. 2. Interim ~eport on Projected Sewage Flows -- Job No. L-45.52 This report is in preparation and will be completed by January 15~ 1962. The report will predict estimated po~lation~ sewer connections and growth rates ~ within the present district. Particular emphasis will be on gTowth expected and anticipated flows within the short term period through 1965. Estimates of flows will be extended to the year 1975~ based primarily on previous engineering reports. 3. Interim Report on Effluent Disposal Methods - - Job No. L-45.52 This report is in preparation and should be completed by January 80~ 1962. The report will consider available means of effluent disposal and will present a recon~uended progra~ for disposal. Requirements for permanent effluent disposal will be considered and estimated costs for construction and operation will be presented. Development of this report is concurrent with the studies and report being prepared on reclaiming water by means of the "Pit Con" process. 4. Additions to ~xisting Spray Disposal System: - - Job No. L-45.~3 The desiff, n of limited improvements to the present disposal system will be started in January 1962. These improvements will extend the system to utilize ali. available land and will increase the p~npi, ng capacity. "Pit Con" Pilot Plant Studies: The studies and report on this project are being prepared and will be completed in the near future. Results of recent tests are being tabulated and cost data is being prepared. GREASE INTERCIEF~0ES: Ordinance 2'47 Sec. 7.3. and 7.4~ provides for the installation of ffrease interceptors and maintenance thereof. In order to hctter a~2in]stcr sa~~ provisions~ ccria, i_~ ~e,,m.ont. s '- .... " es for non- ~_n~ orce. ,e~ interceptora~-.nd strict ~ ~ m ~ of mai~.tenance l~rovi, sion~ ~,iib penal, ii c ompli anc e. Installations in new ~onstm~ction or ~?hero a bui. ldi~c pe~ait is req~ired~ we will ....... "'P ..... ~ with Sierra Pacific Power Co. t.o work work with the Co, mt~ ,f.;il. din,r V,e ar~,,~mnt in order to ,~et the proper inspection. t~er Ano ~.. - of enforcement will he ~!iscus~e(: with us in t~:rn, ipg on electrical scmrico after release from our inspectors. The biggesl problem facinf~ us will be a complete survey of those establislm]ents needing grease-interceptors and setting up a maintenance program for them. All estahlisbment, s not now having the necessa~T grease-interceptors will have to in- stall same upon notice so to do. The language~ formula for sizes~ maintenance provisions and means for enforcement are being worked out and will be ready for adoption by Janua~ 18~ 1962. In the mean- time~ we will operate under the existing Ordinance No. 24 and continue our efforts to correct the grease-interceptor problem." ~,~%TION: Attorney Holtom filed a petition with the Board of Directors for This is a petition and consent for the annexation of nnincorporated territo~ to the South Tahoe h~blic Utility District~ A~nexation No. 1961-1. The petition will be sent i~nediately ~o the County Clerk at Piece,tile and further action will be taken on this at the Janna~ 4~ 1962~ meeting - a date ~dll be set (Jan6~ 4~ 1962) for the hearlm~. Attorney' l-loltom stated that he will present an 0r~nance for approa~l to the Board setting a hearing of the Annexation ?~o. 1961-1 This will be preseDted during the first meetin~ in January. .... +,~-~ m,'SOLI~I0~~ N0. 850- winch ~s a RESOL~FION ~a~.*~IONS' Attorne7 tloltom recm~enaeu ....... ~ '~,, -'__ ..... ,.~__ _ ,~ ~ESOL~ION N0. 351~ which ~s a t.~0LtTIO,, ut" ~.~ . Director Imbach moved~ seconded by ~rcctor Clarke and unanimously carried~ that ~SOLLFION N0. 35.9..~ and P~SOL~ION N0. 351_, be accepted. C~lI~.~: Attorney Weidman reco~mnded that Predono~ch~ Inc. be paid i~12~300.00 when Predono~ch~ Inc ~ Lagrange Constrnction~ Inc.~ and Home Indemnity~ have ecuted the necessa~ agreements releasing the District and holdJng thc ;.~str~ct hapless from making pasteur direct to Predonovich. Director Imbach moved~ seconded ~ Director Clarke~ and unanimously carried that Attorney Weidaan~s recommendation be accepted. PAk,kiT 0F CLAIS~: Director Clarke moved~ seconded ~ Director Imhach, and unanimously carried that the claims in the amount, of $30~649.62 be paid. that the County Water Con~ittee ,,,Ar~ C~2IITT~: ~esident Souza reminded all present and the Board of Supe~isors will meet at 10:00 A.l!. ~ Janua~ 17~ 1962~ at the Sewage Trea~ent Plant. ~01~N~,~}~: The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.II. ~ ~ Fra~¢ C. Souza~ Presi~t ? S0~II T~0E ~LIC U~ILI~~ DISTRICT ,4aU P~siey, Secretam'~r°-Tcm___ S0I~II TIHOE m~tIC WIL,I~ DISTRICT