HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960 07/07 - 1960 12/15 1 , MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOA1tD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH T�HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT July 7, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in , regular session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on July 17 , 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:15 P.M. o'clock. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost, � Wall and Souza. ABSENT: Director Wakeman. Also present were Engineer and ' General Manager Robert Russell, Attorneys John Holtom and John C. Weidman, Ed �^--'� Steffani of Brown and Caldwell, Mrs. Arlene Thomas, Mr. Don Richardson of the Sacramento Bee, and Mr. Zane Miles of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune. ' MINUTES: The minutes of the following meetings were read and approved as corrected: Minutes of the Opening of Bids - June 9, 1960 , Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of June 2, 1960 - June 9, 1960. ° ; Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of June 2, 1960 - June 14, 1960. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 16, 1960. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of June 16, 1960- June 23, 1960. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of June 16, 1960- June 30, 1960. REPORTS: None. CORRESPONDENCE: None. PETITIONS: Petitions of the following properties for annexation were read: Lot 13, Block "C", Lakeshore Manor; Bijou, California Lots 9 and 10, Block 35, A1 Tahoe Tract Lot 11, Block 84, A1 Tahoe Tract Lots 15, 16,and 17 Harlow Acres i � � � Director Pankost moved that action on these petitions be tabled until a future date. ��) Director Wall seconded the motion which was unanimously carried. OLD BUSINESS: Director Pankost asked the representative of the E1 Rancho Estates , together with Mr. Ed Steffani of Brown and Caldwell, their Engineer, to present the sewerage problem of the E1 Rancho Estates to the Board of Directors. Mr. Steffani explained that the entire parcel, known as E1 Rancho Estates , was included in Assessment District 1959-1 and was assessed $5088.00 less $90.00 since there was no lateral. The entire parcel, of which E1 Rancho Estates was a part, was then divided and the Assessment split. Attorney John Holtom advised the Board that in the 1959-1 proceedings , the divided pareel known as Parcel "B", which now includes the subdivision of E1 Rancho Estates, was assessed six (6) units in the 1959-1 proceedings. Mrs. Thomas, as one of the owners of E1 Rancho Estates , was asked if the Board of Directors constructed a collection line in front of six (6) of the subdivision lots on said Parcel "B", whether the owners of the E1 Rancho Estates would install laterals from each of the sis lots to the collection line. Mrs. Thomas replied that the owners were willing to install the lateral connections providing the charges were not exhorbitant. She was advised that the charges for the connection of laterals was a matter between the contractor and the owner. iDirector Pankost moved that Attorney Holtom be instructed to prepare the necessary ' � assessment breaks, assigning the six lots of El Rancho Estates to the 1959-1 �._, Assessment District and the remaining lots in the 1960-1 Assessment District. As a part of the motion, Director Pankost called for a hearing on August 4, 1960 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. On second by Director Wall, the motion was carried unanimously. Director Pankost requested that, in connection with engineering work done for charitable organizations , that the engineering firm submit a bill to the said charitable organization and, if the services are to be contributed, then upon pay- ment by said organization, the engineering firm return the same as a contribution. Director Goeringer stated that, in his opinion, all that was required was a letter to the Directors and the charitable organization involved by the engineers that L� _ __ there would be no charge for services rendered in so far as the engineers were concerned. Attorney Holtom presented the following resolution relative to the Assessment District 1960-2: RESOLUTION N0. 196 - A RESOLUTION APpOINTING ENGINEERS AND ATTORNEYS was read. On motion of Director Wall, seconded by Director Souza and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION N0. 197 - A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSDNT OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO TO UNDERTAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS TO PROVIDE THAT THE COSTS SHALL BE ASSESSED UPON I THE DISTRICT BENEFITED, UNDER SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSNIENT BOND ACTS, was read. On motion of Director Wall, seconded by Director Souza and unanimously """''� carried, said Resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION N0. 198 - A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT THE COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER OF EL DORADO COUNTY RECOMNIEND PROCEEDINGS UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS, OR OTHER APPROPRIATE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM AND APPURTENANCES AS NECESSARY AS A HEALTH MEASURE, was read. On motion of Director Souza, seconded by Director Wall and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION N0. 199 - A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ACQUIRE AND CONSTRUCT IMPROVE- MENTS, was read. On motion of Director Wall, seconded by Director Souza and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION N0. 203 - A RESOLUTION DIRECTING OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT RE CERTAIN ASSESSMENT UNDER RESOLUTION OF INTENTION N0. 146 AS AMENDED -- SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT 1959-1, was read. On motion of Director Souza, seconded by Director Wa11 and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. Director Pankost presented a new form of Agenda as prepared by Mr. Russell who explained its purpose. The Directors were given copies for a further study and report at the next regular meeting. Mr. Russell advised the Board that C. Norman Peterson, Inc. , the contractor on the Sewage Treatment P1ant as advised that the plant will be ready for operation in September and that a Chief Operator should be available by August 1960. � Director Pankost moved that Mr. Russell be authorized to employ Mr. George Garrido as an inspector for the pumping plants at a salary of $575.00 per month, effective August 1, 1960. Mr. Steffani asked if Brown and Caldwell could be released from the inspection of the pumping plants. Director Wall stated that, at the next regular meeting, he intended to make a motion to rescind that portion of the contract with Brown and Caldwell which includes inspection of pump stations Nos. 4 and 5. NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Russell presented plans for the disposal site which were submitted by Brown and Caldwell on July 7, 1960. Mr. Russell was instructed to review the plans and report to the Board at his earliest opportunity. CLAIMS: The following claims were presented for approval and payment, with checks and Warrants issued as follows: Checks Nos. 121/+ - V 0 I D 1215 - Robert R. Russell 1216 - Frank C. Souza $ 395.47 1217 - V 0 I D 75.00 1218 - V 0 I D ---- 1219 - Robert Wakeman ---' I � 1220 - A. L. Miller 75.00 1221 - M. G. Hart 337.52 1...� 1222 - Mary Serpa 213. 10 1223 - Editha Beseler 127.00 1224 - Be11e Bender 113.32 1225 - Marjorie J. Thomas 88'�Z 1226 - Vernon J. Wall 181.90 1227 - Norman L. Goeringer 75.00 250.00 Warrants Nos. 792 - �7 0 I D 793 - Nev.Bk. of Commerce a/c Lagrange Constr.Inc. 794 - Geo. E. Miller Construction Co. , Inc. $25�344.90 795 - C. Norman Peterson, Inc. 6��770.00 796 - Spec.Constr,Spec. Asst. 60-1 Transfer 33,704.01 � ) 65,000.00 ��'� t� ADJOURNMENT: There being no objection, meeting was adjourned by the President at 9:45 P.M. o'clock until Thursday, July 14, 1960, at 8:00 P.M. Earle F. Pankost, Clerk & Ex-OFFICIO SECY. �r� i :- �, � �; . � i .,,._�.,�,_ -/ /� �;, -: _ �7�_.�-__-:_--� � � I �' Norman L. Goeringer, President l�I \ � .,;;�:;,,.,..;;�;::r; MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 7, 1960, OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT July 14, 1960 The Board of Direc�ors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session of the Regular Meeting of July 7, 1960, at the District Offices, ,,, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on July 14, 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:45 P.M. ROLL CALL: Upon call of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost, Souza, Wakeman, and Wall. ABSENT: None. Also present were Attorney John Weidman, Zane Miles of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune, Ed Steffani of Brown and Caldwell, Mr. C. Norman Peterson, and Mr. John Corsentino of C. Norman Peterson, Inc. , Mr. and Mrs. Milton Russo and Mr. Roger Capri. MINUTES: This being an ad}ourned meeting, no minutes were read. � � REPORTS: None. i President Goeringer asked Mr. and Mrs. Russo and Mr. Capri if they would like to state their business or if they were just visiting the District Board Meeting. They replied that they were present for the purpose of inquiring about the possi- bilities of connecting to the sewer in Lakeside Park. CORRESPONDENCE; Director Pankost stated that he had a communication from C. Norman Peterson, Inc. relative to the sale of a "Butler Building" at the Sewage Treatment Plant for which he would be willing to accept $8,500 if the District desired to purchase it. OLD BU�INESS: Director Pankost reported that, for sometime, the District has been trying to get an easement across the Johnson Meadows and that the State Highway Department recently required a resolution authorizing the President of the South Tahoe Public Utility District to execute an agreement holding the State free and ham less in closing of certain culverts along this easement. Director Pankost moved, seconded by Director Wall, that Resolution No. 201, A RESOLUTION AUTHORI�IN� PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY EMPLOYEES OF RESPONSIBILIT�' FOR LIABILITY IN CLOSING OF CULVERTS ACROSS ROAD III-EV-11-K IN THE VICINITY OF STATION 41+00 TO STATION 50+00 be adopted. Resolution No. 201 was adopted unanimously. + i NEW BUSINESS: DirectorPankost reported that Clair A. Hill & Associates advised � the boundaries of 1960-2 be somewhat enlarged. The Board instructed Clair Hill j i and Associates to present the proposed revised boundaries for further action. Mr. C. Norman Peterson reported on the progress of construction of the new Treatment Plant and stated that testing would start aboui: August 1, 1960. Director Goeringez reported that he, Director Pankost, and Engineer Russell would meet Mr. Peterson at the Disposal Area tomorrow, July 15, 1960, relative to problems in testing and pumpTng at the new Plant. Director Pankost moved, seconded by Director Wall, that the fees required for annexation in Paragraph 2 of Ordinance No. 51 not be applicable to the annexations in the Meyers Area. Motion was unanimously adopted. `� Manager Russell reported that the plans for the Disposal Site had been received. Director Wall moved that the Board approve the plans for the effluent disposal site and Force Main E-1. On second by Director Pankost, the motion was unani- mously carried. ADJOURNMENT: There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the President at 10:15 P.M. Earle F. Pankost,Clerk & Ex-Officio Secy. ��, - � _ _ . � --�;,��- / <�*�Z�'� t � _�-- - � �orman L. �Goeringer, President , � � ' ,.,.,;;��t!e;r:.:;r , MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT July 21, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular Session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on July 21, 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: Upon call of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost, Souza, Wakeman, and Wall. ABSENT: None. Also present were Attorney John Weidman, Accountant Dotti Russell, Mr. Gibson and Mr. Thuro representing California Life Insurance Co. , Arlene Thomas, Don Richardson of the Sacramento � Bee, and Mr. Madsen of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune, and Mr. Les Nagy, MINUTES: The minutes of the regular meeting of July 7, 1960 were read and approved as corrected. REPORTS: The Chairman of the Recreation Committee, Mr. Frank Souza, reported � that he had talked with Miss Alva Barton and explained to her the tentative I suggestions for a recreation area. Director Goeringer reported on the meeting of Tuesday, July 14, 1960, with Mr. Kenneth Brown of Brown and Caldwell, Engineers, to discuss the various phases of the projects on which Brown and Caldwell are engaged and in the employment of operators for the Sewage Treatment Plant. Applicants for the Treatment Plant operation will be interviewed shortly. . CORRESPONDENCE: Direc�or Pankost read a letter, dated July 17, 1960, from Mr. Aram Harootunian relative to sewer service in the cemetery and requesting assessments on this property be removed. Director Pankost also read a letter, dated July 18, 1960, from Mr. Aram Harootunian stating that Mrs. Harootunian is revoking an easement over her property. PETITIONS: The following petitions for annexation were presented by Director Pankost: Al Warren Lot 4, Block 86, A1 Tahoe Dorothy Dyke et al Lots 143 & 144 Bijou Pines George G. Anderson Lot 217 Bijou Pines Lucille Alves (Scaletto) Lot 220 Bijou Pines A1 Warren 1/2 L 5 & 1/2 L 6, B 86, Al Tahoe Director Pankost moved that, with the exception of the last one these eti ' � � p tions be tabled for future action. On second by Director Wall, the motion was unani- mously carried. Director Pankost moved that the petition for 1/2 Lot 5 and 1/2 of Lot 6, Block 86, Al Tahoe, be postponed indefinitely. On second by Director Wall, this motion was unanimously carried. OLD BUSINESS: Director Wall moved that the authorization for the firm of Brown and Caldwell to make the inspections on the two pumping plants be rescinded. Upon second by Director Wakeman, the motion was carried unanimously. � Director Wall moved that Attorney 'Weidman be directed to make a written request for an advisory opinion of the District Attorney relative to changes and modifica- tions in A1 Tahoe and Tahoe Keys Pumping Station contracts. Director Souza moved that Clair Hill & Associates be authorized to prepare modified plans and specifications for the Al Tahoe and Tahoe Keys Pumping Stations. Director Wall seconded the motion which was unanimously carried. Director Pankost read a letter a letter from Kirkbride, Wilson,Harzfeld & Wallace, dated July 13, 1960, relative to Resolution No. 200 - A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO MAKE CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS -- SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT N0. 1960-1. I � ON motion by Director Pankost, seconded by Director Wall, said REsolution was approved and adopted unanimously. i Director Wall recommended certain changes to be incorporated in the form of Agenda submitted by Engineer Russell. Director Wall moved that the form be approved and adopted by the Board as corrected. On second by Director Souza, the motion was unan.imously carried. Director Pankost presented Resolution No. 202, A RESOLUTION CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO , THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE:. �ISRRICT THE PROPOSITION OF ISSUING REVENUE BONDS UNDER " THE REVENUE BOND LAW OF 1941 TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION, IMPitOVING AND FII�IANCING OF A WATER WORKS SYSTEM, DECLARING THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF _: THE BONDS AND THE MAXIMUM RATE OF INTEREST TO BE PAID THEREON, AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE THEREOF--WATER PROJECT. Director Pankost moved that the above numbered numbered Resolution calling for the election be approved and adopted. Director Wall seconded the motion and Resolution 202 was unanimously adopted after insertion of the Polling Place, Election Officials, and hours for voting. Director Wakeman moved that Mr. Harootunian's letters be turned over to Attorney Weidman for reply. On second by Director Wall, motion was unanimously approved. � Transfers of the following amounts between named funds were approved: i FROM: AMOUNT T0: General Fund (10103) $ 2,682.91 STPUD Construction 59-1 (10200) STPUD Spec. Assess. Construction 59-1 (10201) 38,672.75 STPUD Construction 59-1 (10200) NEW BUSINESS: Director Souza moved that Ordinance No. 60, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 49 AND PROVIDING FOR EXPENSES OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS be adopted. Upon second by Director Pankost, Ordinance No. 60 was passed unanimously. Mr. Gi.�son of C. M. Gibson & Ass ociates reported on hissurvey of insurance for the District, specifically in regard to group and hospitalization insurance. President Goeringer then appointed Director Souza and Mr. Russell to work with Mr. Gibson to evaluate the insurance needs of the District and its employees. CLAIMS: The following claims were approved for payment and checks and warrants therefor were issued as listed: Checks Nos. 1228 - Clarke Building $ 260.00 1229 - Internal Revenue Service 504.86 1230 - Norman L. Goeringer 75.00 1231 - Department of Employment 285•9� � 1232 - V 0 I D "'- 1233 - Hughes, Maul & Fogerty 20.10 � 1234 - Tahoe Office Supply 723.07 1235 - Sanfax Corporation 170.47 1236 - Johnson's Service Center 5.20 1237 - Tahoe Sierra Tribune 40.56 1238 - Standard Dormac 36.80 1239 - Irvine and Duce 120.00 1240 - Bridgeford Flying Service 49.00 1241 - Lake Tahoe News 51.48 1242 - Pacific Telephone 15.71 � 1243 - South Tahoe Block Co. 1.6�a 1244 - Tahoe Valley Insurance Agency 109.50 1245 - V 0 I D ---- 1246 - Sierra Pacific Power Co. 336.00 � = Checks Nos. 1247 - $elle $ender 1248 - Mary Serpa $ 137.04 1249 - Editha Beseler 127.00 1250 - Robert R. Russell 113.32 1251 - M, G. Hart 325.47 1252 - A. L. Miller 182.89 1253 - V 0 I D 259.84 1254 - V 0 I D --- 1255 - Earle F. Pankost -- 1256 - Thermo-Fax Sales of Sacramento 290.00 1257 - Frank C. Souza 55.69 1258 - Vernon J. Wall 100.00 1259 - Norman L. Goeringer 50,00 1260 = Secretary of State 150.00 1261 - Sierra Pacific Power Co. 5.00 i 1262 - Robert Wakeman 932.03 � 1263 - Beverly and Weidman 25.00 674.83 Warrants Nos. 797 - V 0 I D 798 - V 0 I D ---- 799 - V 0 I D 800 - STPUD Construction 59-1 2,68 2.91 801 - STPUD Construction 59-1 38�6�2.�5 802 ' V 0 I D 803 - Carpenter's Typew�iter Service 640.94 804 - Lake Tahoe News 515.50 � 805 - Inter-County Title Co. 322.00 ADJOURNMENT: There being no objection, the President adjourned the meeting at 10:00 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. on Thursday, July 28, 1960. Earle F. Pankost, Clerk & Ex-Officio Secy. � � � � -�,;,;,��_;A � � .�� (� 7..� �� �Norman L. Goeringer, Pgesident � ' 9c:Y�F3c�F�?:�:Y::�� ' MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT July 28, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Pul3ic Utility District met in an adjourned session of the regular meeting of July 21, 1960, at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California. The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: On call of the roll, there were present: Directors Goeringer, Souza, Wakeman, and Wall. ABSENT: Director Pankost. Also present, were Attorney Weidman, Engineer Steffani, Don Richardson, of the Sacramenb Bee, Zane Miles of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune, David Pruett, H. M. Glock, R. C. Eldred, Earl Whitely, Mr, and Mrs. Glen Rock, Mrs, Sarah Kuhl, Mr. & Mrs. Russo,and Mr. Charles Klor. MINUTES:� The minutes of the adjourned meeting of July 14, 1960, were read and approved as corrected. REPORTS: Director Goeringer reported that all ;documents in connection with the Johnson Easementon Highway 50 would be executed by August 1, 1960. ; Director Goeringer further reported that, on Tuesday, July 26, Engineers _ Russell and Aberley, Attorney Wetedman, Ranger Al Mullen of the U.S.Forest Service, and Director Goeringer appeared before the Planning Commission and obtained a Special Use Permit for the Holding Pond Area for the temporary sewage disposal site. Director Goeringer further reported that he and Engineer Russel met with the U. S. Forest Service Regional Office in San Francisco on Thursday, July 28, 1960, and the Forest Service and the District executed the Use Permit for the District 's use of 280 acres of forest service land for temporary disposal of sewage effluent. NEW BUSINESS:_ Mr. Pruett inquired whether three (3) property owners (including himself, were within the boundaries of the District /on a �mall triangle of real 7 property bodering Stateline. Director Goeringer advised Mr. Pruett that the District will make inquiries to ascertain definitely if said property is within the District. Mr. Rock reported his property, described as Lo t 5, Block 29, A1 Tahoe, was excluded by Mr. Globin in 1958 without his consent and requested that said property be annexed to the District without penalty. Director Wall moved that all previously excluded parcels of property from the District, including Mr. Rocks, be included in a petition for annexation in proce�dings to be known as 1960-2 Annexations. Director Souza seconded the motion which was unanimously carried. � Director Goeringer requested a motion authorizing preparation of specifications for the Beach Trunk Lin e which would include proper sewage service for Lakeside i �ark. Director Wall moved that Clair A. Hill and Associates be authorized to prepare ape�ifications for the Beach Trunk Line. Upon second by Director Souza, the motion was unanimously adopted. Director Wall moved that Engineer Russell be authorized to appraise the Pinewood Water Company and that Engineer Russell be further authorized to hire Frank Kukuk or some other equally qualified appraiser on a consulting basis, at not to exceed ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($1,500.00) to assist Engineer Russell in appraising Pinewood Water Company. Director Souza seconded the motion which was unanimously adopted. � CLAIMS: None. ADJOURNMENT: There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the President at 10:30 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. Monday, August 1, 1960. � � ���0� ernon J. cting Clerk of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors � thereof. � _� ---' - � �� -� , , � � � ��r,�y _ � - Norman L. Goeringer, President of the � Board of Directors of South Tahoe �� I Public Utility District. ,..;;���%:ti;:�c MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT August 4, 1960 The Board of Directors of South Tahoe ':'Public Utility District at the District Offices , Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on August 4, 1960. The meeting was called to order by the Presiden t at 8:10 P.M. ROLL CALL: On call of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost, Souza, and Wakema.n. ABSENT: Director Wall. Also presen t were Attorney Weidman, Atto rney John Holtom, Engineers Russell, Aberley, and Rustigian; also Mr. Don Richardson of the Sacramento Bee, Zane Miles of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune, George Hart, District employee, J. T. Leggett and Engineer Vaughn of the Lahontan Water Pollution Control Board, Arlene Thomas and Mary Chase. MINUTES: The reading of the Minutes was postponed until the next meeting. ! i REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: Director Pankost, Chairman of the Annexation Committee, reported that he, together with Engineer Russell and Director Goeringer, met with property owners of Tahoe Meadows, who expressed no objections to sewerage service conditioned upon the Beach Trunk Line being constructed. COMMUNI�ATIONS: None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Director Pankost read a Certificate of Completion for portion of Force Main TV-22 , Tahoe Keys, and requested that a resolution be prepared autho- rizing Brown and Caldwell to accept and file the Notice of Completion. Director Pankost moved, seconded by Director Souza, that a resolution be prepared, authoriz- ing accepta.nce of the said portion of Force Main T.V.-22, Tahoe Keys, and authoriz- ing the filing of a Notice of Completion. The motion was unanimously carried. � Engineer Russell presented the Wygal Plans and Specifications for installation of lines in Wygal subdivision. Director Pankost moved that the Plans and Specifi- cations be accepted as corrected. Director Wakeman seconded the motion which was unanimously carried. Director Pankost moved and Director Souza seconded, that effective August l, 1960 the following employees be changed fsom an hourly to a monthly basis, with the following salary ranges ; Secretary, Bookkeeper, and Clerk Typist - Range 24 - Salary $286.00 - $343.00 Pump Station Operator - Range 32 - $411.00 to $493.00 � Pump Station Helper - Range 28 - $343.00 - $411.00 � Director Souza seconded the motion which was unanimously carried. Engineer Aberley advised that he would submit a letter to the Board of Directors clarifying unit charges in the 1960-1 Special Assessment District, particularly with regard to smaller lots. Directo r Souza moved that Change Orders Nos, l, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8,received by Engineer Russell,and filed with the District relative to moving of manholes by George E. Miller Construction Co. , Inc. in 1960-1 Special Assessment District Construction Plans and Specifications , be approved. Director Pankost seconded the motion which was unanimously adopted. NEW BUSINESS: Attcrney Holtom presented Resolution No. 205, entitled "A RESO- LUTION CALLING FOR BIDS ON SALE OF IMPROVEMENT BI�NDS, SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT 1960-1. Directo r Pankost moved and Director Wakeman seconded that Resolution No. 205 as proposed be approved and said Resolution was thereupon unanimously adopted. Director Wakeman moved and Director Pankost secnnded that RESOLUTION N0. 206 - entitled "RESOLUTION APPOINTING A DISTRICT ENGINEER FOR THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIS�RICT" be adopted providing for the appointment of Robert R. Russell as District Engineer, and Resolution wa's unanimously adopted, authorizing the � appointment of Robert R. Russell. � I Director Pankost moved that Resolution No. 207 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF NOTICE TO BIDDERS INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN E-1 AND EFFLUENT HOLDING POI�D" be adopted with opening of bids set for August 18, 1960, at 2:00 P.M, Director Wakeman seconded the motion which was unanzmously carried. PAYMENT OF WARR�1tNTS: The following claims were presented and approved as listed below: Checks Nos. 1264 - Ruth Lang, County Clerk $ 6.00 1265 - M. G. Hart 233. 10 1266 - Belle Bender 154.65 1267 - Editha Beseler 113.32 1268 - Mary Serpa 12�.00 1269 - Robert R. Russell 372.97 1270 - Frank C. Souza 100.00 1271 - Vernon J. Wall 50.00 1272 - Robert Wakeman 50.00 1273 - Norman L. Goeringer 686.75 1274 - Petty Cash Fund 100.00 1275 - A. L. Miller 260.82 1276 - Belle Bender 50.00 Warrants No.s. 806 - Inter-County Title Co. 80.00 � I 807 - lst Natl. Bank of Nev. a/c George E. Miller 39,377.72 � 808 - C. Norman Peterson, Inc. 33,922.91 809 - Nev. Bk.of Commerce a/c Lagrange Cons.Co. 37 ,381.00 810 - STPUD- Bank of America Bank Account 5,000.00 ADJOURNMENT: There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the President at 9:00 P.M, until Monday, August 8, 1960 at 8:00 P.M. Earle F. Pankost, Clerk of SoutH Ta�ioe __���- ' Public Utility District and Ex-Officio � `y� ' �'�-'�----L--�--�'- Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof. Norman L. Goeringer, President d� the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District. . 9 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT August 11, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District: met in an adjourned regu�ar session of the regular meeting of August 4, 1960, in the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on August 11, 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at, 8: 15 P.M. , ROLL CALL: On call of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer, Panko�t, ' Souza, Wakeman and Wall, ABSENT: None. Also present were District Engineer Russell, Attorney Weidman, Accountant Harold Duce, Engineers Aberley and Stefani, Ray Wygal, Ethel Clarke, John Lagrange, Don Richardson of the Sacramento Bee, and Zane Miles of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune. NEW BUSINESS: Director Wall moved that the Board authorize District Engineer Russell to make further investigations relative to the Wage Scale for a Plant Operator and present his recommendations to the Board at the regular meeting on August 18, 1960. After discussion, Director Wall amended his motion by inserting -, the words "at the end of this adjourned regular meeting" in lieu of "regular meeting - on August 18, 1960r" The amendment was seconded by Director Souza and the motion . , as amended unanimously adopted. - Director Pankost moved that Clair A. Hill and Associates be authorized to prepare `"" boundaries for Assessment Districts 1960-3 and 1960-4. The motion was seconded by Director Souza and unanimously carried. Attorney Weidman presented a contract agreement between Clair A. Hill and Associates and the District. Director Wall mo�d that the Board of Direc�ors adopt this agreement as a matter of Board Policy to be used as a guide when the District contracts with any engineering firm. The motion was seconded by Director Wakeman who also suggested that the words "to be used as a guide" be eliminated and that the contract be a ma.tter of Board policy. Director Wall amended his motion to eliminate the words "to be used as a guide". The amendment was seconded by Director Pankost I and the motion as amended unanimously passed. � Director Pankost moved that RESOLUTION N0. 207 -- A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CLAIR A. HILL AND ASSOCIATES be adopted. On second by Director Wakeman, Resolution No. 207 was unanimously carried. Director Wall moved that Resolution No. 208 -- A RESOLUTION ALTE&ING AND CHANGING CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF AL TAHOE AND TAHOE KEYS SEWAGE PUMPING STATIONS -- 1959 SEWER BOND B&OJECT - CONTRACT N0. 3, AND AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF 1��RECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO EXECUTE AN;:AGREEMENT WITH THE CONTRACTOR SPECIFYING THE CHANGES AND COSTS THEREOF be adopted. Director Souza seconded the motion which was unanimously carried. Mr. Zane Miles requested competitive bidding for legal publications of the District. Director Wall moved that the Board instruct its Attorney to prepare a call for bids of the legal advertising. On second by Director Wakema.n, the motion was unanimously carried. Di�trict Engineer Russell presented his recommended wage scale for treatment plant operators with the following classifications: Classification No. 3 $380.00 through $460.00 per ^�""" ; � month with $20.00 increments Classification No. 2 $440.00 through $525.00 per A I month with $20.00 and $25.00 increments. Classification No. 1 $480.00 through $575.00 per month with $20.00 and $25.00 increments. Supervising Plant Operator $525.00 through $630.00 per month with $20.00 and $25.00 increments. Director Wall moved that the Board adopt the wage scale as recommended by the � �� bistrict Engineer. Director Souza seconded the motion which was unanimously adopted. ADJOURNMENT; There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the President at 10:25 P.M. ATTEST: Earle F. Pankost, Clerk of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and Ex-Officio Secretary �� ' ' of the Board of Directors thereof, r` , = —.�;-- '�� �Norman L. Goeringer, President of t v � ° Board of Directors of the South Tali� Public Utility District. :�::'c::::�:s':;'c:Y::�s'c MINUTES OF THE OPENING OF BIDS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT August 18, 1960 p'ursuant to duly published Notice and Call for Bids for construction of Effluent Force Main E-1 and Effluent Holding Pond -- 1959 Sewer Bond Project Contract No. 5, the Clerk of South Tahoe Public Utility District publicly opened all bids received at 2:00 P.M. in the offices of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, The following bids were publicly opened and read by said Clerk: Valley Engineers, Inc. Fresno, California Carson Frazzini Reno, Nevada $193,450.00 Keith S encer 136,000.00 p Reno, Nevada 121,317.00 Harms Bro�. Sacramento, California Lagrange Construction, Inc. Reno, Nevada 181,000.00 _ 132,270.00 The engineering estimate for cost of construction for said contract number 5 was � � $158,000.00. After the opening and reading of the aforementioned bids, the low bid of Keith Spencer was turned over to Brown and Caldwell, Civil and Chemical Engineers, Project Engineers for said construction, for determination as to its sufficiency. Earle F. Pankost, Clerk of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and Ex-Officio Secretary ,� of the Board of Directors thereof. �_ %��^��'; ,�' � �i �;-, �,�'-�' . .-_ d �y-� _ _=�i-�'- �vorman L. Goeringer, Pres`ident of the° � � Board of Directors of the South Taho� Public Utility District. :::ti:::'c:e k„;4�:��c�::��::2:;:'r.:;'c MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT August 18, 196�0 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, on Thursday, August 18, 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at 8: 15 P.M. ROLL CALL: On call of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost � 1 Wakeman, Souza, and Wall. ABSENT: None. Also present were District Engineer and General Manager Robert Russell, Richard Aberley, Edward Steffani, and George Rustigian of Brown and Caldwell, Civil and Chemical Engineers, Attorney John Weidman, Harold Duce, and Mrs. Russell of Irvine and Duce, Accountants, together with the following visitors: King Monroe, C. F. Brandi and Walter Little of the Lake Tahoe News, Don Richardson of the Sacramento Bee, Zane Miles of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune, Arlene Thomas, Rudolph Gersick, Milt Kuraisa, Harlan Moyer of Clair A. Hill and Associates, Engineers, Richard McCarty of Design Associates, John ae Lagrange of Lagrange Construction, Inc. , Lee J. Elder, Robert McKnight, and Dick Matson of the Tahoe � Sierra Tribune. MINUTES: The Minutes of the following meetings were read and approved as corrected: Adjourned Regular Meeting of July 28, 1960 Regular Meeting of August 4, 1960 Adjourned Regular meeting of August 11, 1960. PRESIDENT'S REPORTS: Director Goeringer reported on the possibility of sewer service to Tahoe Meadows and stated that it is likely Tahoe Meadows Pro perty owners will petition for return to the District and form an Assessment District , for sewer service. v � COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. x COMNNNICATIONS: Director Pankost read a letter from Brown and Caldwell, Civil amd Chemical Engineers, dated August 6, 1960, relative to the salary scale for the superintendent of the new Sewage Treatment Plant. Director Pankost read a letter from Mr. Richard C. Aberley of Brown and Caldwell explaining the unit method of assessment in 1959-1 and 1960-1 Special Assessment Districts. Director Pankost read a letter of explanation from Brown and Caldwell, dated August 18, 1960, and the bill for services by J. H. Pomeroy & Co, relative to the � Tahoe Keys Sewers which letter explained the charges of $14,311.31 and additional i charge not previously estima.ted in the amount of $575 with respect to the installa- tion of the mai�hold. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Director Pankost advised B rown and Caldwell with respect to additional charge of $575 involving services in connection with the mai�hole at Tahoe Keys that these charges be explained by Mr. George Turner and the engineers at a future time. Payment of $14,311.31 to J. H. �omeroy & Co. for services rendered to the Tahoe Reys Sewers was approved. E ngineer Russell reported that he had received a letter fro m Pomeroy stating that they are closing their /office as of August 31, 1960, and requesting acceptance of work. Mr. E. J. Elder stated that he was the owner of Lots 18, 19, and 20 of the A1 Tahoe Tract and protested his sewer assessment on said lots. Director Wall moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, that this matter and other ma.tters concerning unit assessments be referred to the District Engineer and Brown and Caldwell for a further report at the next refular meeting. The motion carried. ' PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ANIENDED ASSESSMENT SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT 1959-1: President Goeringer called for the Public Hearing on the proposed amended assessment on Sanita.ry Sewerage Pr�ject 1959-1, notice of which public hearing was published twice in the Lake Tahoe News commencing July 30, 1960. Upon conclusion of the 1 public hearing, Director Pankost moved and Director Wakeman seconded that Resolution No. 203 -- A RESOLUTION DIRECTING MAKING OF ANLENDED ASSESSMENT RE CERTAIN ASSESSMENT - UNDER RESOLUTION OF INTENTION N0. 146 AS AMENDED--SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT 1959-1 be adopted. Resolution was thereupon unanimously adopted. Director Pankost further moved, seconded by Director Wall, thet RESOLUTION N0. 204 - A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING AMENDED ASSESSMENT--SANITARY SEWERAGH PROJECT 1959-1 be adopted and said Resolution was thereupon unanimously adopted. FURTHER UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Director Pankost reported that the District spent $1,520,54 for legal advertising during the precc�ding fiscal year. Director Souza moved, seconded by Director Wall, that RESOLUTION N0. 204-A--A RESOLUTION INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR ADVERTISING be adopted. The Resolution was thereupon adopted with all Directors except Director Pankost voting "AYE". Director Pankost voted "N0." Director Pankost reported that Brown and Caldwell, as Project Engineers, recommended �J. 1 �. the award of a co�tract for construction of Effluent Force Main E-1 and Effluent Holding Pond -- 1959 Sewer Bond Project Contract No. 5 -- to Keith Spencer as the lowest responsible bidder. Director Wall moved, seconded by Director Souza, that Ordinance No. 62, AN ORDINANCE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF EFF�UENT FORCE MAIN E-1 AND EFFLUENT HOLDING POND--19 59 SEWER PROJECT CONTRACT N0. 5, be adopted. Said Ordinance No. 62 was thereupon unanimously adopted. Director Pankost moved, seco�ded by Director Wall, that RESOLUTION N0. 208-A -- A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENGINEER TO ACCEPT WORK AND FILE 1�i9TICE OF COMPLETION-- PORTION OF FORCE MAIN TV-22 AT TAHOE KEYS be adopted. The Resolution was there- after unanimously adopted. Director Pankost moved, seconded by Di rector Wall, that the Engineers, Brown and Caldwell, prepare Change Orders for Lagrange Construction, Inc. , with i respect to certain manholes constructed by Lagrange and thereafter covered by I E1 Dorado County Street Pavement. The motion was unanimously carried. Director Pankost reported that cost estimates and further details of Street Lighting in Rancho Bi�au will probably be available on August 25, 1960. NEW BUSINESS: Rudolph Gersick presented to the Board a petition for recall of Director Earle F. Pankost. Director Goeringer read the petition. The petition was addressed to the Board of 9upervisors, E1 Dorado County, rather than the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District. Attorney Weidma.n advised the Board that the petition was not properly before the Board and advised Mr. Gersick and those seeking recall of Director Pankost that the petitionslaould be presented to the Board of Supervisors of El Dorado County for their consideration or be re-submitted and directed to the Board of Directors of this District. Director Pankost moved that Change Order No. 1, with respect to 1959 Sewer Project No. 4, concerning certain deletions in Force Main B-20 from Station 0+00 to Station 3+05 be approved. On second by Director Souza, the motion was carried unanimously. Director Pankost recommended the purchase of a portion of Lot 8, Block 79, A1 Tahoe Tract, from R. G. and Alice Greenwood at a price of $2,204.00 plus title insurance of $52.00 and recordation of $2.80, a total of $2258.80, as a site for the A1 Tahoe Pump Station. ', Director Wall moved, seconded by Director Pankost, that RESOLUTION 208-B -- A ' RESOLUTION DETERMINING IT IS IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY AND AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION THEREOF-- I959 SEWER BOND PROJECT CONTRACT No. 4, be adopted. Said resolution was adopted unanimously. Director Souza moved, seconded by Director Pankost, that the President of the Board of Directors select a committee of the Board to confer with Attorney Weidman and General Manager Russell and prepare a proposed outline of duties of the General Manager--District Engineer, Clerk and other District Personnel. Director Pankost moved, seoonded by Director Wall, that $3,218.54 of the $8,218.54 held by the District for payment to Lagrange Construction, Inc. , in connection with the construction of a portion of Force Main TV-22 and Trunk Sewers TV-7 and TV-8, U.S. Highway 50, First Street to Johnson Avenue -- 1959 Sewer Bond Project Contract No. 2, be released and payment of said sum of $3,218.54 be approved to Lagrange Construction, Inc. Release and payment of this money was recommended by Brown and Caldwell, Project Engineers. The motion and approval of payment was unanimously adopted. Director:.�ankost moved, seconded by Director Souza, that the proposed 1960-3 Special Assessment District include only Lakeshore Mannr, Tahoe Meadows, and Lakeside Park. The motion was unanimously carried. I Mr. Harold Duce, Auditor, presented a letter bearing the date of August 3, 1960, � with the following attached Exhibits: Exhibit A - Statement of Receipts and Expenditures -- General Fund-- Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1960. Schedule A-1 - Detailed Schedule of Expenditures -- General Fund-- Fiscal Year �nded June 30, 1960. Exhibit B - Statement of Receipts and Expenditures--General Fund-- Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1954�. Schedule B-1 - Detailed Schedule of Expenditures--General Fund-- Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1959 Exhibit C - Statement of Receipts and ExpendituresrConstruction Fund 59-1 -- Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1960. 4� 1 �� Exhibit D - Statement of Receipts and Expenditures--Special Assessment Construction Fund 59-1 - Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1960. Exhibit E - Statement of Receipts and Expenditures -- Bond Interest and Redemption Funds -- Fiscal year ended June 30, 1960. Exhibit F - Statement of Receipts and Expenditues -- Bond Interest and Redemption Funds - Fiscal year ended June 30, 1959. Schedule G - Schedule of Bond Interest and Redemption Fund Requirements for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1961. ; Mr. Duce explained all of the statements and schedules and his letter was thereupon filed by the District. Mr. Duce presented the proposed budget for the fiscal year 1960-61 which said proposed budget was ordered filed by the District and approved. Director Wall moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, tha tOrdinance No. 61 - AN ORDINANCE STATING THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH TAXES ARE NECESSARY AND FIXING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION 1960-61 FISCAL YEAR BY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT be adopted. Said Ordinance 61 was unanimously adopted. � ADJOURNMENT: There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the President � at 11:30 o'clock P.M, until Thursday, August 25, 1960, at 8:00 o'clock P.M, at the ' District Offices. Earle F. Pankost, Clerk of the South Tahoe �1 � _--;- , Public Utility District and Ex-Officio � � �'-�- -- --- Secretar of the Board of Directors thereof. � � ~� =��'- � , ����-�- �, =--- �r-� Y Norma.n L.yGoeringer, �resident of ,%/ r the Board of Direc;�ors of South Tahoe Public Utility District I :'.c�2�2-�-:'c;4;�; i ( MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT August 25, 1960 The Board of Directors of South Tahoe Publi� Utility District met in an adjourned session of the regular meeting of August 18, 1960, at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on August 25, 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:51 o'clock P.M. ROLL CALL: On call of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost, Souza, Wakeman, and Wall. ABSENT: None. Also present were General Manager and District Engineer, Robert Russell, Attorney Weidman, Attorney Holtom, Engineers Ric�iard C. Aberley and Edward Steffani of Brown and Caldwell, Engineers Clair A. Hill and Harlan Moyer of Clair A. Hill and Associates, Mr. Sampson, Mr. Ross, Mr. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Augulis, Mr. Gibson of C. M. Gibson & Associates, Mr. Walt Little of the Lake Tahoe News, and Zane Miles of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: President Goeringer offered the visitors an opportunity to be heard. Mr. Augulis stated that he had been approached by a sewer cont�actor, as had a friend, and the friend was persuaded to sign a contract for necessary work to connect collection sewer lines to real properties for which assessments have been made and that proposed contracted sum was $400 for one connection. President Goering�r advised Mr, and Mrs. Augulis and Mr. Newman that the District would do all in its power to correct this situation and that he felt the charge was excessive. Director Wakeman pointed out that he had checked withone of the local contractors with respect to the reasonable charges for connecting {iroperty owners to the collection lines of the various assessment districts and had received the following estima.te: Charge for pumping septic tank $17.00 Charge for filling tank with dirt 15.00 Charge for running existing line approximately 6 feet to collection line in the street 13. 50 Charge for two fittings 7.00 TOTAL CHARGE -- $ 62.50 � ��- President Goeringer appointed Director Wall and Director Wakeman, with Dire�tor Wall as Chairman, as a special committee to investigate the practices of contractors in connecting property owners to the sewage collection lines. Director Wall stated that the Chamber of Commerce may be of assistance in this matter and could possibly issue a certificate to contractors which would thereby inform property owners of reputable conttactors availa ble for this work, Mr. Newma.n stated that he lived in Bijou Pines and that residents there were desirous of having street lights, especially at the intersection of Bijou Pines Boulevard and U. S. Highway 50. President Goeringer referred the matter to Director Pankost, Chairma.n of the Street Lighting Committee. Mr. Sampson, owner of Lot 1, Block 4, A1 Tahoe, stated that he had not received � a 1959-1 Special Assessment billing and that the charges for his property have gone to bond. Mr. Sampson asked if there is any manner in which he can pay the assessment at this time. Attorney Holtom advised Mr. Sampson that notices were sent to the owners of record at the time of mailing. He �dvised Mr. Sampson that he could pay off his assessment by joining with other property owners and purchasing one of the 1959 Special Assessment Improvement Bonds in the amount of $1,000. Di=ector Pankost submitted a plan for nineteen street lights in Rancho Bijou. Director Souza moved that Director Pankost be authQrized to contact Sierra Pacific Power Company and authorize installation of the street lights in accordance with the plan and map submitted by Director Pankost. Director Wall seconddd the motion which was unanimously adopted. Director Pankost read a letter from Brown and Caldwell, dated August 25, 1960, requesting a thirty-day extension of time to George E. Miller Construction Co. , Inc. , for completion of 1960=1 Special Assessment District construction for the reason that the District had been unable to obtain necessary easements and that the delay in obtaining easements had caused the delay in construction. Director Pankost moved that the extension be granted. On second by Director Wa11, the motion was unanimously carried. Director Pankost read a letter dated August 24, 1960, from Brown and Caldwell, _ recommending adoption of Change Order No. 9 relocating MEI 2-62 39.0 feet north on ! William Street, Johnson Acres, and concerning construction of 160 feet of 6-inch line and flushing inlet with respect to 1960-1 Special Assessment District. Director Pankost thereupon moved that Change Order No. 9 be adopted. On second by Director Wakeman, the motion was unanimously carried. Director Pankost read a letter of protest from Mrs. Richard A. Codman, protest- ing the annexation of all excluded property, including the annexation of Mrs. Codman's property. Director Wall moved, seconded by Director Souza, that the President of the Board of Directo�s and the General Manager preparera letter for response to all inquiries concerning annexation of previously excluded property. The motion carried. Director Pankost read a letter from Clair A. Hill and Associates re 1960-2 Special Assessment District and in particular easements and Director Pankost further advised that Mr. H. R. Reeves, Right-of-Way Agent, will start securing easements on August 26, 1960. Atto rney Holtom presented the following resolutions with respect to 1960-2 Special Assessment District: RESOLUTION N0. 209 -- A RESOLUTION OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF ENGINEER'S REPORT-- ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-2. On motion of Director Pankost, seconded by Director Wall, said Reso3.ition was unanimously adopted. RESOLUTION N0. 210 -- A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PREV�ILING WAGE SCALE -- ASSESS- MENT DISTRICT 1960-2. On motion of Director Pankost, seconded by Director Souza, said Resolution was unanimously adopted. RESOLUTION N0. 211 -- A RESOLUTION APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING PROTESTS IN RELATION TO PROPOSED ACQUISITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS, AND DIRECTING NOTICE -- ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-2. On motion of Director Pankost, seconded by Director Wall, said Resolution was unani�ously adopted. RESOLUTION N0. 212 -- A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR SEALED PROPOSALS--ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 1960-2. On motion of Director Pankost, seconded by Director Souza, said Resolution was unanimously adopted. Attorney Holtom presented the following resolutions with respect to 1960-3 Special Assessment District: � i � RESOLUTION N0. 213 - A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ACQUIRE AND CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS-- SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT N0. 1960-3. On motion of Director Pankost, seoanded by Director Wall, said Resolution was unanimously adopted, RESOLUTION No. 214 - A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT THE COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER OF EL DORADO COUNTY RECOMMEND g����EDINGS UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS, OR/APPROPRIATE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM AND APPURTENANCES, AS A NECESSARY HEALTH MEASURE--SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT N0. 1960-3. On motion of Director Pankost, seconded by Director Souza, said Resolution was unanimously adopted, � RESOLUTION N0. 215 -- A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSENT OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE � COUNTY OF EL DORADO, TO UNDERTAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF ' ' SANITARY SEWERS AND TO PROVIDE THAT THE COSTS SHALL BE ASSESSED UPON THE DISTRICT BENEFITED, UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BONDS ACTS--ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-3. On motion of Director Pankost, seconded by Director Souza, said Resolution was unanimously adopted. RESOLUTION N0. 216 -- A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ENGINEERS AND ATTORNEYS--ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-3. On motion of Director Pankost, seconded by Director Souza, said Resolution was unanimously adopted. -' Attorney Holtom was directed to prepare Resolution No. 217 with respect to granting of Extra-Territorial $ights by the E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors in connection with Assessment District 1960=3. Mr. C. M. Gibson,of C. M. Gibson & Associates, and Director Souza, Chairman of the Committee on Insurance, discussed a proposed insurance plan as submitted by letter of August 24, 1960, from C. M, Gibson & Associates. The letter of Mr. C. M. Gibson & Associates was ordered filed at the District. Director Wall moved, seoonded by Director Wakeman, that the insurance plan as submitted in said letter be approved and General Manager Russell and Director Souza, as � committee, authorized to take necessary steps to place the insurance plan in operation. The motion was adopted unanimously. _ ADJOURNMENT: There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the President 1 at 10:15 P.M. ATTEST: Earle F. Pankost, Clerk of South Tahoe Public UTILITY DISTRICT AND EX-OFFICIO SECRETARY OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS THEREOF, ,� ��- � orman L. Goeringer, resident of t �, Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. �`n?�c3nF3c��::4: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT September 1, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the district offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, on Thursday, September 1, , � 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:00 P.M. IROLL CALL: Upon call of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost, Souza, Wakema.n and Wa11, Absent: None. Also present were District Engineer and General Ma.nager Robert Russell, Attorneys John Weidma.n and John Holtom, Engineer Harlan Moyer of Clair A. Hill & Associates; Engineer Edward Steffani of Brown and Caldwell; Mr. Charles Klor, Manager of Alva Enterprises, Inc. , Art Trumbull, Realtor; Sherman Bliss; L. E. Nelson; George Turner; representatives of Stone and Youngberg, Boettcher and Company, and J. B. Hanauer & Co. ; Walter Little of LAKE TAHOE NEWS; Don Richardson of THE SACRAMENTO BEE, and Zane Miles of the TAHOE SIERRA TRIBUNE. The order of business was cha.nged to prmit opening of the bids on the sale of bonds � for Sanitary Sewerage Project 1960-1, Series D, (First Sale) . The following bids were opened and read by Director Pankost: GRANDE & CO. , INC. , $500,000 @ 100.09% Net Interest Rate Seattle, Washington of par value 4.7277% � Il J. B. HANAUER & CO. , $500,000 @ par value Net Interest Rate Beverly Hills, Calif. 4.8838% BOETTCHER AND COMPANY $500,000 @ par value Net Interest Rate Denver, Colorado 5,0397% STONE & YOUNGBERG $500,000 @ par value Net Interest Rate San Francisco, Calif. 5,3928�/ Director Wall moved, seconded by Director Souza, that Ordinance 63 -- AN ORDINANCE AWARDING SALE OF BONDS--FIRST SALE--$�00,000.00 -- SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT N0. 1960-1, be adopted. Said Ordinance was unanimously adopted and thereby the bonds were sold to Grande & Co. , Inc. , Seattle, Washington, at the net interest rate of 4.7277%. i The order of business was continued changed and Director Goeringer, as President, ' recognized the visitors Art Trumbull and Sherman Bliss. Mr. Trumbull stated his corporation--Lakeview Tahoe, Inc. , for developers of Lakeview Tahoe Unit No. 2 Subdivision, consisting of 75 residential lots, wished to be advised concerning the intentions of the Board with regard to getting into the water business. Mr. Sherman Bliss stated that the two corporations which he represented, namely, Heavenly Valley Homes, Inc, and Heavenly Valley Village, Inc. , were developers of a commercial subdivision bearing the same name, of approximately 70 acres, upon whicYi present plans called for 500 apartment units, a 200-room hotel, 120 dor�itory units, a shopping center, and some residential lots. Mr. Bliss further explained that both of the subdivisions were entirely within the boundaries of South Tahoe Public Utility District and that both of the subdivisions had water systems entineered. Mr. Bliss further explained that the subdividers would finance the water systems through the sale of improvement bonds, saving and excepting development of a source of supply, a 210,000-gallon storage ta.nk and a pump for distribution to the two systems. These latter items, Mr. Bliss and Mr. 'Yrumbull estima.ted, would not exceed the sum of $20,000.00 in cost. Mr. Bliss and Mr. Trumbull offered to turn over the entire water system of their respective subdivisions when completed in accordance with District requirements to the South Tahoe Public Utility District in return for the District paying the actual cost of development of a supply, storage tank, and a pump for distribution, not to exceed $20,000.00 and the District forthwith issuing a letter to the Division of Real Estate and other appropriate agencies, stating that the District will provide water service to the subdivisions when and as required by the inhabitants thereof. Both Mr. Bliss and Mr. Trumbull I stated that the letter to the Division of Real Estate was necessary prior to the f iling of the final map of each of their subdivisions. Director Wall moved, seconded by Director Pankost, that the President call a special meeting of the Board at the earliest possible time to have representatives or engineering firms of the two subdivisions further discuss the source of supply of . the water system, distribution system itself, with particular emphasis upon size of lines and fire protection, and the method by which the District could pay the monetary consideration to the developers. The motion was unanimously carried. Mr. Steffani was asked what work had been done and was available to the Board concerning a water survey by Brown and Caldwell, and ghether Brown and Caldwell had any data available which would assist the Board in evaluating Pinewood Water Co. Mr. Steffani replied that Brown and Caldwell had done some work with respect to Pinewood Water Co. but that any data available would, in his opinion, not be of assistance in evaluating the water company at this time. Mr. Goerge Turner, of Tahoe Keys, requested the District to accept the Tahoe Keys sanitary sewerage system. Mr. Russell reported that there has been a recommenda- tion by Mr. Richard Aberley of Brown and Caldwell, by letter, that the District accept said Tahoe Keys Sanitary Sewenage System. Director Panko�t moved, seconded by Director Wall, that the District accept the Tahoe Keys Sanitary Sewerage System, subject to Tahoe Keys satisfying the obligation for inspection. The motion was unanimously adopted. Director Pankost moved, seconded by Director Wall, that the District pay a claim in the amount of $575.00 resulting from the construction of a ma.nhole necessitated by the new s�.hool and not shown in the original plans and specifications folr the Tahoe Keys ' school system. The motion was unanimously adopted. President Goeringer instructed Director Pankost to further investigate the title to property upon which a pumping for the Tahoe Keys system is situate. � � PRESIDFNT!S TZEPOPTS: None COT�V4ITTEE REPOFtTS: None COh�SUNICATIOhTS: None PETITION.�i: Director Pankost read the following petitions for inclusion tivithin the District: Alva Barton� Fay I,edbetter� Donald L. '_4�artin� Gerald E. hiartin and B. Lawrence IIall for inclusion of 20Q acres; I.U. Itohanesian� Edward htoradian and Alice i���oradian for inclusion of Lot 43� i Lakeside Lodge Subdivision; ' G.�V. Culp �,nd L,.J. Culp for inclusion of Lots 35 and 36� Lakeside Lodge Sub— division; Jack Maggiore� h1rs. Jerry 1Ra�giore and lirs. Lewis Bothwell for inclusion of Lot 13� I31ock 20� A1 Tahoe; R.J. Doures� Inc. far inclusion of Lot 1� Block 45� A1 Tahoe �Subdivision. : Director Pankost moved and Director TV�,11 seconded that these petitions be accepted for annexation. The motion unanimously cariied. UI�TFINISHED BUSINESS: President Goeringer reported that on September 12� 1960� the Roard : of Supervisors will consider the petition for Extra—Territorial Ri�hts for service within 1960-3 Speci�l Assessment District. Director �9a11 moved that the proposed street light service to Ra,ncho Bijou Subdiviaion be referred to the street li�htinb cormnittee and that the coimnittee obtain another report from Sierra Pacific Power ComparYy with respect to the tvpe of lights previously ordered. Director Souza seconded the motion. Director Pankost moved and Hirector SVall seconded that the motion be amended to authorize the chairman of the street li�hting committee to cancel the previous order for iights with Sierra Pacific Po�rer Co. until a further report has been received from the power compa,ny on the type of lights avt�.ilable. The _ motion� as amended� �ras un�,nimouslp adopted. i ' � h-fr. Steffani explained an assessment on hir. Elder's property, subject of previous Bonrd � 'discussion� and reported tha,t any difficulties had been corEected and hir. Elder was satisified. Attorney �Neidm�,n stated that there was s�n error in the previous call for bids with respect to the columnage re�uirement and pa,id circulation. Director �Vakeman moved� seconded �y Director �ouza� that the previous call for bids for legal advertising be withdrawn and that Resolution No. 219� a resolution callin� for bid prpposals for advertising be adopted. The resolution was unanimously adopted. Director �Yall moved that Attorney gYeidman be instructed to prepare an ordinance for the next meeting authorizing the District Engineer and hianager to have authority to hire district personnel within a specified wage structure approved bp the Board and to dis— charge employees subject to �pplicable provisions of law. On seconci by Director Souza,� the motion was �na.nimously adopted. Director 1Va11 moved, seconded by Director Souza� that the salary for pump station operators be increased to �, range of $440.00 to �525.00 per month� and the assistant to a range of �380.00 to �460.00. The motion was carried by a 4�5 vote of the Board. The foregoing was upon the recomiaendation of General 147a,nager Russell. NEW BUSINESS: : General I�iana,ger Russell advised the Board that some change orders were bein� approved by bir. Caldwell of Bro�m & Caldwell. Attorney �Veidman stated that the safest policy from a legal point of view was to have all change orders approved bp the board of ' jdirectors. 1 ' � - Direator P�nko�t moved� seconded by l�irector ?Yall� that. f�eneral. h�ita,nager Russell be in— structed to investigate the 'constrnction of the bottom of the tank with respect to ariy cracks that have appeared. The motion was una,nimously carried. CLAIh4S: The following claims were presented and approved by the Board for payment by checks and warr�.nts as listed: ] Check No. 1320 Federal iteserve Bank S 664.15 1321 bt. G. Hart 254.19 1322 A. L. ASiller 301.03 1323 Belle Bender 157.54 1324 V 0 I D — — — — 1325 Editha Bese�er 126.83 � � 1326 ':tiary Serpa 133.43 1327 George Garrido 349.10 1328 Vernon J. "�Yall 50.00 1329 Robert �Vakeman 50.00 � 1330 Frank C. Souza 75.00 1331 Norman L. Goeringer 175.00 1332 �S►illiam C. Taylor 216.88 1333 Itobert Russell 372.91 1334 V 0 I D - - - 1335 �lmer T. Rovice 286.94 ; 1336 Edward �pler 283.10 , 1337 V 0 I D - - - '4VAFtF�ANT N0. 821 Floyd H. Hicks 377.00 ADJOURN!4'IENT: There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the President at 11:30 P.T�. to 8:00 P.h�. �t the District Offices on Thursdav� September 8, 1960. Earle F. Pa.nIiost� Clerk and E�-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTL'ST: -� , • �- � % � %"7�,� � �- �_ .,_�' a � � � orman L. Goeringer� Preaiden� ` :� �����*����*��� ' I L t�iINUTE5 OF TIiE Al)JOUftNED RI7GULA1� i hLEETING OF TIiE BOA£tD OF DI1tECTURS ' ' OF THE SOUTH TAIiOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTItICT SF�T�4ffiEI3. 8� 1960 The Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session of the regular meeting of September 1� 1960� at the District offices� Clarke Buildin�� Tahoe Valley� California� on September 8� 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at $:15 P.b2. ROLL CALL: Upon call of the roll there were present Directors Goeringer� Souza, Wakeman� and FYall. ABSENT: Director Pa,nIioat. Also present were District Engineer and General b4a,nager Itussell� Attorney �Yeidman and visitors Jolin Lowe� Fialph Kzngston� Arlene Thoma.s� Charles I{lor� L`rani{ Kukuk� Don Ii.ichardson� `Valt Little and Zane h�iles. The order ofi�usiness was changed to recognize visitors. !1ir. Lowe inquired of the Board as to whether or not the scheduled water bond election wa,s to acquire ariy definite water system. President Goeringer answe�ed Air. Lowe in the ne�ative. blr. Kingston questioned the advisability of the public �oing into the water business except in "very unusual circumstances". ICingston further atated that he was of the ; ' opinion that water� power and �as are better operated by private business under the Public Utilities Co�ission� rather than by Public corporations. � Director "tVall asked h4r. Kin�ston what alternatives were there to the public utility district entering into the wa.ter business to provide adequate fire protection� water supply and water service to the residents of Lake Valley? Mr. Ifingston replied that at this time he did not have arry su�gestions as to how private water companies under Public Utilities Co�nission regulat�ns could solve the problems raised bv Director �Ya,ll �s inquiry. � � President Goerin�er explained that ttie revemie bonds for acquisition of �, water system would be paid entirely and onlY by the revenues from tlie twater s,ystem and that in the event the rPvenues were insufficient� no resort could be had to the taxpa,yerq of the District. llir. Iaowe sug�ested that the �istric�, entering into the water business be postponed for a period of six or seven. months until it is determined whether or not incorporation will be effected. Director SV�,11 replied to ?4Sr. Lo�re that A�r. Kroe�er� who made the incorporation survey for L�,ke Valley� informed Director '4Ya11 that technict�.11y it would make no difference upon the proposed incorporation if the District entered into the ws�,ter business at this time. Director gVall asked the Press representatives present tirhether or not there wauld be ; �dequate time to inform the public about the facts of the proposed September 20! 19�0� ' water bond election� assuming tha.t the en;ineerin� report of Frank Kukuk wa.s f�,vorable to the acquisition of the Pinewood �Yater Company. All representatives of the press indicated that more than $ days �rere necesataiy to �.clequately inform the public about �,ny specific report on the Pinewood �rVa.ter Compa,ny. Zane 144i1es� Editor of the "Tahoe Sierra Tribune"� stated that if the water bond election was postponed his ne�rspa.per would donate a column per week relative to water informin� the people of the Di.strict�s action. Pr�sident Goerin�er accepted Edi t�r RIi les� proposal. Director 4Ya11 moved� seconded bv I3irector Souza� th<�.t the res-en��e hond el�ctiar: fc>r• �, flcqni�;ition of �v�t:��r sy��;t,eL�s� sc:iaeci�ile�] far �eptemla��r ��a �9�(?� ?3e pr�sd��onecl. The motion sras un�,nimously r�dopted. ; .., AtLornPv ?'lei.drx�,n �ras instructecl tc� repor� back at the next re�ular meetin� with �x propc�sed time schedule for the re�enue bond election. Upon the request of h�r. I{1or� ?�ir. Franii Ifi�IsuIc tiw�,s allowed another week� nntil �eptemher 19� 1960, to submit his report on the Pinewood SVater Comp�a,ny. The �ropasals of La.I�eview Tahoe� Inc. �,nd IIeavenly Valley IIomes� Inc. and I3eavenly Valley Village� Inc. � for acquisition l�y the District of their wr�,ter systems were read in full to the Directors. The Directors suti�;ested the fol3owin� chc�nbes: First� that the consideration be pai.d out of revemies �t the rate of 20o annually for � Period of ' t�renty yeu.rs� oz- unti 1 the m�netary consi derati on of 'not to e�ceed `�20�000.00 has been i paid in full. Secand, that acceptance of the zrater systens be further conditioned upon ' the District�s determinn,tion of the fact tku�,t an adequate supplv of water can fe�sibly be developed from available sources for service requirersents to the subdivisions. Third� th�t all fut,ure construction be subjec� to District inspection at developer�s cost. Four.t� thflt in �11 £utureconstruction developers require of their contractor t� bond ;uaranteein�; workma,nship of the construction for a period of one year in the �nount of 25a of the cost of construction. Art Trumhull indicta.ted that he would aceept on behalf of his corporation the ahove chan�es� as would the developers represented by Sherman Bliss. Director SYall than moved the adoption �f resolution No. 220 � a ItE50LTJTION AUTHORIZING THE PRF.SIDENT Or TIi� BOAI2D QF DIRECT(3RS OF SQUTH TAHOE PI7BLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO E.YECUTE 1. LETTIItS TO THE REAL ESTAT� C���iISSI0NE�2� DIVISION OF R.I'.EII� ESTATE� STATE OI' CALIFO�TIA� AGREFING ON BEFiALF OF SAID DISTI2ICT TO FURNISH 'YATER SEI�VICE TO HE.4VF.NLY VALZEY HOb�t�5,INC. AN►J IiF.AVENLY VALLEY VILLAGi� INC. sUBDNISi4NS AND I.AI{EVIE�Y TAHOE UNIT N0. 2 SUBDNISION, �YfiEN AND AS RE�UIRET) BY THE INF�ABITANTS TFiEREQF, providing' however� that the letters not be sit;ned by th� President until both Lo,Iceview Tahoe� Inc. and Heavenly Homes� Inc. and Hea�venly Valley Villa�e� Inc. execute letters containin; the suggested chs�,nges of the Board of Directors. Upon second by I)irector iSouza� Resolution No. 220 wa,s unanimously adopted. Di.rector �Nall moved that the District purchase certsin timber from United States Forest Service in connection with the holdinb pond and disposal site. Upon second � ' by Director �Yal�eman� the motion wa,s ununimously adopted. I '-- Director t9akeman requested t� report as to the status of the water survey co�tract �rith Brown and Caldwell. President Goeringer advised that he �ri.11 have � full report on this matter in the near future. ���� CLAI:�iS: The follotirin� claims were presented a,nd a�proved by the Boa,rd for payment by checks �nd warrants as listed belolr: Check No. 1338 Brown and Caldwell � 3�730.90 1339 Postmaster� Bijou� Calif. 90.68 1340 Forest Service� U.S.D.A. 1,530.22 1341 Recorder� E1 Dorado County �4.00 �1'arrant No. 822 C. Norma.n PetPrson� Inc. 24,952.99 823 I'orest Service� U.S.D.A. 2,160.00 824 L�,gran�e Construction� Inc. 5�193.00 825 A.�l. Van Valkenburgh & Co. 41�126.23 ! 826 V 0 I D - - - - I 827 STPI]D BanIc of Americ�z Acct. Transfer 10�000.00 ADJOURNIt�tII�iT: There bein� no objection� the meeting was adjourned by the President at 11:05 P.?��I. Vernon J. � Asst. Clerk & bc Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors� South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST j�',./� ;�-,�_� . - � `�,?-,,1_;� s — --�:, ` ._ ,� Nnrman L. Goerin.�er� President ,� �������� A3INUTES OF TI-I� FtEGULAIt ME.ETING d�' T1iE BOARD OF DIRECTOI?S OF THE SOUTH T�iOE ' � P[TF3LIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPT�3BEft 15� 19G0 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in rer�ular session at the District Offices� Calrke Buildina� Tahoe Valle�r, California� on Thursday, September 15� 1960. The meetin� was called to order by the President at 8:00 P;1i �OLL CALL: On call of the roll� there were present Directors Goeringer� Souza� tYakeman� and �-Nall. Absent: Director Pankost. Also present were General I�Sanager Russell� Attrarney Weidn�,n� Engineers Aberley� Lutge and Noregaard of Brown and Caldw�ell� Z�ne i;iiles and 1Var. Scales of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune� Don Richardson of the Sacramento Bee and C.F. Brandi of the Lake Tahoe News caane in late. OPENING Or BIDS: The followin� bids were received fnr the district's le�al advertising;l 1. La,ke Tahoe NeWs = from September 16� 1960 to SeptemUer 15� 1961� as requiredt First Publication - 90¢ per colwnn inch Each additional publication - (same ad) - 79¢ per colwmn inch 2. Tahoe 8i�rra Tribune: Legs�l Notices in 6-point type: lst insertion �1.50 per colinnn inch ' Additional insertions 1.00 per colwnn inch i Legal Notices in 8-point type: lst insertion �1.10 per column inch Additional insertions .80 per column inch Director �',�all moved and Director Souza seconded that all bids be re�ected ana that the legal advertising of the �istrict for the next year be divided equal?ly between tlie two newspapers. The motion was una,nimously adopted. Is4INUTES: The minutes of the renular meetin; of September 1� 1960� the special meeting of September G� 1960� and tlie adjourned re�ular meeting of September 8, 1960, rrere read and approved. PRESIDENT'S RF�ORTS: President Goeringer reported that Directors Souza and Goeringer� tobetlier with General I��ianager Russel l and Attorneys 6Vei dman and fIoltom appeared before � � the �1 �orado Coumty Board of Supervisors on ;iond�y� September 12� 1960� and that the Board of Supervisors consente� to the 1�60-2 Special Assessment Proceedings� the latter providin� for extra territori�l privile�es in the La.keside area. President Goerin;er also reported that a �ermit from the State of California� Division of Hi�hways in ��arysville for closin� culverts had been received. COr,�13ITTEE Ti,E,PORTS: Director Souza reported that Attorney yYei dman� Gener�.l 144a.nager Russell and Director Souza had prepared an Qrdinance defininh tk►e duties and powers of the General Rla.na,ger. The proposed ordinance w�as thereupon read by Director �Vall a,nd dis- cussed by the Directors. Upon motion of Dir�ctor Souza� seconded by Director TYall� Ortlinance No. 65� "�1n Ordinance of the South T�,hoe Public Utility District Defining the DUtl P,S and Powers of the General hfanager"� wa,s una.nimousl5 adopted. � A letter from Brown & Caldwell� dated September 14� 1960� was read� requestin� an � extension of time to January 16, 1961� for completion of the water survey report previously authorized. En�ineer Aberley explained the progress to date on the water report. Director :V�,11 moved and seconded by Director �Yakemt�.n� that the District ex- tend the time for completion of the water survey to January 1� 1961� provided proper financial arrangements for puyment of this survey be reached between Brown and Caldwell and the District. The motion was adopted upon the vote of Directors Goeringer� Wakeman� and 'Wall� with Director Souza not voting. REPORTS: Asr. Lut�e of Brotim and Caldwell reported tha.t the New Treatment Plant had been handling Nevada�s sewage since approximately September 13� 1960. Director - Goeringer asked A�Ir. _Lutge about the grease problem and hir. Lutge advised the Board - � that unless excessive grease is prevented from bein� carried to the treatment plant, � the collection system and force mains will ultimately lose capa�city. ` ' COMhiIJNICATIONS: A letter bearing the da,te September 8� 1960� addressed to the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District from La.keview Tahoe� Inc. and a further letter bearing the same da,te addressed to the Board £rom IIeavenly Valley Homes� I c. � were read and filed. „ NE4V BUSINESS: Director ZYall moved� seconded bv Director sVakema,n that Resolution No. 221� "A R.esolution cenceling the special election called fnr September 20� 1960� for the purpose of subcnitting to the qualified voters of the District the proposition of issuing revenue bonds under the revenue bond law of 1941 to provide funds for the acquisition� construction� improving and financing of a wa,ter works and system� declar- I ing the principa,l amount of the bonds and the maiimum rate of interest to be paid thereon � and providing for notice thereof"� be adopted. S�id Resolution No. 221� canceling the � ' special election was thereupon una.nimously adopted. Director Wakeman moved� seconded by Director Souza, tha,t a loan be requested from E1 Dorado County from the Contra Fund in the amonnt of TiYIIVTY-FIVE TIiOUSANU DOLLAl?,S (�25�000.00). The motion was unanimously adopted. :"LAIlNS: The following claims were presented for approval and authorized paid: Check Nos. 1344 h4ary Serpa, 123.03 1346 Editha Beseler 126.83 1347 Pacific Telephone 204.76 1348 Belle Bender 178.27 1349 Sierra Pacific Power Compa,ny 1�242.79 1350 Pitney-Bowes� Inc. 18.00 1351 Tahoe Supply Company 29.40 1352 Line and Letter Comparry 8.06 1353 Placer Gas Company of South Tahoe 881.6? 1354 Tidewater Oil Comparry 85.25 1355 Tahoe Sands� Food & Beverage 158.19 1356 Clarke Building 260.00 1357 A. Carlisle & Company 169.3? ' ' 1359 Acme Supply Compa,ny� Inc. 38.54 � 1360 George Hickey - Tidewa,ter Oil Co 56.84 1361 I�iunz Pwnps� Inc. 98.25 1363 Intercoast h4utua,l Life Ins. Co. 130.54 1364 Charles Bigson & Associates 129.61 1365 Robert 13isse1l 316.67 1366 George Garrido 243.80 1371 Lake Tahoe News 305.52 1372 �Y.E. T�tvlor 218.61 1373 Vernon J. TVall 59.11 1374 Iinbert �1'aIseman 59.11 1375 Rrank C. Souz�. 109.11 1377 Edw�ard �pler 213.41 1378 Edward Gast 220.99 1379 Federal Rsserve Bank 65T.52 Page missing from Original Scan. ;� a. t'NFINTSIIED �iUSI�'�SS: �:ir. j;�o��er reacl I?e,ol�.t,ion °;o. 221t� ��p Ft1�OLUTION �'�.PPi�OVING d"�' �'I:.1l.NS 1iND SP�CIF'ICATT0�1 i F0�' SS�'a.IL�.��i PROPQ�?1I�S - L�'�1Cki TRIJNIS LT�'L:, ". i1pon motion }:�y �%irector '.;'�.11, seconclec� by 1 irector ;o:�za, ?�esolutiQn No. 22].14 w�,s aciopte�� unanimously. L'irector '"la.11 moveci, secondecl by �iirector '�;al,eman, that F?esolution ?�To. 222� "A f�OLUTIQN r.ST�LI�HING PIt�V�II,I\TG x7AGE 5CAI�� - BEACII TTtUNK LIiVI:"� be adopted. Resolution Na. 222 was a.doptecl una,nimouslv. Y;irector X'��,11 movecl� seconded h3 Director Sotiza� t}iat I'esolution '�10. 223� "A RF'SOLUTION A?"�S�T�Ii,TG I?,��OLUTIpN OF I'JTII�ITTION N0. �i3 - �'i.SS�.SShl�''P DIST1tICT \Q. 1960-3"� be adopted. �a.i c� Resolution No. 223 �va,s adopted unanimously. John DeI.a�r�.nge reported th�.t some property owners are hookin�; into 1959-1 Special Assessment Collection Lines without a pern�it r�nd prior to completion and approval of the system. In one case '4"r. Lagrun�e reported floodin�; of a house as a result thereof. ' Director Souza moved� seconded by Director �lall� that the Attorney be instructed to prep��.re �n ordinance settin� a minim� firie of FIVE IIUNDRF.D DOLLARS (�500.00� for propert.y owners or their a.�ents� who connected to the �istrict's system or collection lines without prior a.pproval and permil;. The motion was unanimonslv carried. hir. hio3*er explainec� the pr�oposeu' assessment methods for 1960-2 Special Assessment District. Director "'nll moved� secondeci by Director TYaIteman that the assessment procedures as recou�ended be adopted. d The motion was unanimausly carried. .�; Upon reacli nm b,y Attorne� �Yei chn�,n and di scus si on by the �i rectors� Di rector '+la,l l moved �� seconded by Director jYakema,n� that Ordina,nce No. 66, ""AN OI�DINANC� OF THE S�UTIi TAIIOE - PUBLiC iJTILI�'Y 1)ISTRICT P�,OVIDING FOn TIi� PURCIIAaING OF �UPPT.I� ArTD A�VIItTISTNG"� be acl�ted. . The resoluti on wa.s unanimously adoptecl. x� NE4V F3USINL'S5: Director �Vall moved� seconded by Director Souza� that the District advertise for fina.nce officer whose dutiea will include that of Clerk and Office Administrator �t a salary in I�ange 36 - of FIVE HIJNDRED FIF'I'Y DOLLAF?S (�55Q.00) to SIX HUNDRED SIXTY DOLI,AR.S (�660.00) per month. The motion Yas una,nimously carried. Director Souza moved� seconded by Director OYall� that Change Order No. 8� - Sewage Treatment Plant� be approved. The change order approval wta,s unanimously adopted. CLAIR4S: The followir� claims w�ere presented� approved and paid: I ' CHECI{ NOS. � 1390 Brown and Caldwell � 271.22 ' 1391 Postmaster� Bijou� St�mped �nvelopes 49.60 '4VARRANTS NOS. 834 Brown and Caldwell 59�489.00 835 Brown and Caldwell 34�349.47 836 Tr�,nsfer of �nds GO 59-1 to SAD-59-1 T56.18 838 Transfer of �nds GQ 59-1 to SAD 59-1 3�218.54 839 Transfer of I'unds - General to BA STPUD a�c 10�000.00 840 Transfer of Funds - GO 59-1 to SAD 60-1 50�000.00 �djourrnnent; There being no objection� the meeting was adjourned until 8:00 P.�1. at the I}istrict Offices on :September 29� 1960. �: � - � , _ .� , -i r , . �� � ��,X ._� . � Norman L. Goeringer� Presi ent of the Board of �irectors of South TaT�oe Public Utility � Di stri ct � - Vernon J. '�Yall� sis `ant C erk of South Tahoe Public Utility District and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors lthereof. 1532 I�ohert �Y�.Iter��.n 42.05 4 A 1533 :�rrznI� �oi�za- 1534 x-�., „ 75.00 .�.rle . . P�ni�ost 53.30 v��l1T'S�4.h1T^'1 NO�i. 8�_~ A. C.�rlisle �: CptnPanY 539.76 8S'� ?%esi�;n �'�ssoci ai;es 8.9g 8R5 T�.hoe Tril�une c��7� ��� Clair A. IIi11 u Associat�es gg.79 ��� Cl�ir .1. Iii 11 ��z Elssoci�,tes 1�97��g� at�.TQLTI,N'tiI'1VT: There hein� no ohjection� the meetin� ;ras �,djourned by the PreSident nt 11:45 P.�;f. �� ' . .�_� , ' - � - - ` ,/��',i � `-<L� � .��,_`_ ` �.-, � fivorman L, Goerin�err Cleris of the ' ��� i0t�'I'ti TAFTOE Pi.TIiLIC U'I'ILI7'Y �ISTTtICT � and �r-Officio Secret�.ry of the Boa.rd of 37i rectors thereof. 11TTEST: /�, `�=�t_ , _.�<_�_. - %�� Vernon J. !lal l� Pr si dent of the Board of �i rectors of lthe South ��;�) T�,hoe Public Utility �istrict. '�� ������ac--x-�c-����� �� �:�iINU'I'� OF THT; A]C3�TOU�D � ` PROT'L;T HEt1�ING OF TIi�; -�. SQITPII TAiid� PUBLIC UTILITY DIST'�ICT t1SS�SSP,�NT �ISTR,ICT - 1960-3 November 17� 1960 The �c�journed meetin; for the purpose of hearinm protests a��,inst the South T�,hoe Puhlic Utility District� Assessment I3istrict 1�60-3� wa,s r.�,lled to order by the Presi dent of the Boz.rd of_ I3i rectors at 8:Q5 P.?tt. � hTovemher 17 a 19Fi0� �t t}ie �istrict Offices� ClarIce �uildin�� T�.hoe V�,lley� California. I�OLL CALI�: On call of the roll there were present �irectors cV�,ll � Souza, nnd � �9�Icem�n; fllso present vrere rn�ineers Ak�erley, Slioupe, and '�usti�ian� John De- La�rFa.n�e� John A,i�.dero� �,ir. Torko �.nd Cer�erc�l TM:��.n�ti�er F�ussell� `Yniter Little � of the Lr�.I�e T�,hoe Ne�rs Fznd 37on �tichardson of the S�,cr�-menta Bee. ThP President read �, protest received November 15� 196d� d�.ted 'Vov�mber 1� 196�� from A.O. itevens of 1S�cr�.mento� C�,li.fornia. As tiiere -rere no protestants present, the meetin� was adjourned ftt £�:15 P.I�:i. Ftobert s";�akema,n� Actin; Clerk of the South T�,hoe Public Utility I}istrict �ncd 1�c-Officio Secretarv af t,he Board of �irectors thereof. t1TT7s.r,T: / � �R_�,_ ,� Vernon J. r�b'a,l � President of the Bo�.rd of �irectors of the South T�hor Pizblic Utility nistrict. ������������ L,��1INtiJ'P?.;S OF TIi�' P�?OT�ST Fi?'.��INCx Oi� TII� SOUTFI ThII4� PLBI:IC LTTI'I,ITI' 1)ISTftI�T :1SST"'�S.`�,tC;hTT �ISTFtICT -1960-3 November 17� 1960 Pursu�nt to duly publishec� notice? the meetin� for the purpose of hearinn protcsts a�;�.inst tiie South T�,hoe Pu}�lic Utility �istrict �Lssessment nistrict 1960-t3 tiv�s c�,llecl to orrler by the President of the I3o�rd of Directors of ti�e SOlit�l Tahoe Pt2bli.c Uti l i ty I7istri ct �t ?:0�5 P.?:3. = Novemher 17, 19F0, t�,t t?ze �istrict Offices� Cl�,rke � liildin�;� `P�,hoe Vn,lley� Cnliforni;e.. �OLL Cri?:L: Un rr�l l of the rall� t��ere were present Di rector "'��l.l �ancl T)i rector Pn,nlcost �.ndGener�l ?��.'a�,n��er i�tiussell. f'lc no rrotest�nt,s �vere present. t,he :*ieeti.nm zv;�� r�c�,journec? at 2.:1<i P.'i. unti l �:00 P.'?. of the s;�ane day. , , / . , , / � %_- s �..� �" : , ��� -% �--- --�-.--�-t �� Normrn I.,. Goeri nber'� Clerlc of the SOtJTii 7','�FI(3'." YTJF;LIC iJrPIT�ITY �ISTP�IC`F/,1N17 ���-officio secret�ry of the hor�rd oF Dire�tors tliereof. ' September 29, 1960 Z4� A letter from Bro�m �,nd Caldwell, c�ated SPpte�nber 28, 1�1G0� was read� requ�stin� extensi.on of tiiiie for I,�.�ran�e Constr•uction� Inc. � to complete 195!� Seiver $ond Project Contr�ct No. 2� to October 2R, 1960. Director Pt�nTcost moved, seeonded by Director ':°1aIcemnn that La�r�,nge Constructian� Inc. 's time for completion of said contract No. 2 be extended to October 28� 1980. The motion. zr�.s un�nimouslv carTied. A letter bea,rin� the �ate of September 15� 1960� from the St�,te of C�,lifornia� Divi si on of FIi�hways� P,iarysvi l le I)i stri ct� was read i nformin� the TJi str.i ct that the Division af FIi�h�w�,vs �vas desirous of sewer service to their property near the "Y" in Tahoe Valley� California, and that upon proper a.uthorization� �, speci�,l �mreement allowin� the Division of IIi�hw�,ys to secure service, would k�e submitted. UIti'FINIStiTT�ID BUSINi:SS: Director �Uall moved� seconded by Director Pankost th�,t Change ! Order No. 25� Assegsment I)istrict 1959-1, authorizin� Lagr�,nae Construction, Inc. to raise certain manhole castin�;s to the mrade of street paving, be approved. `Phe motion was unanimouslv adopted. PFTITIONS: The petition of Vincent J. Stack� Jr. � et ux� for annexation to the District sras read, filed and approved. �1F'V �USINESS: llirector P�,nkost asked Ai.J. Baxter to expl�in contracts sent to property owners of the District by his p�,rtner� Carroll Fiarper� solicitin� sewer connec— tion contracts from the property owners. hir. Fiaxter stated that his bid in the 1.960-2 Special Assessment Construction with Carroll Itarper was � joint venture bid; ' that this w�,s the first business relationship with Air. Iiarper' and that 'tTr. Baxter : was unaw�.re of any activities of ?�4r. FIarper solicitinm sewer connection contracts. Attornev Ho�tom reportecl that he h�,d hs�d a telephone conversation with rtr. Iiarper '� on this day and 'dr. fIarper advised Attorney �loltom that all contracts for sezrer ' connections previously solicited by hir. I�Iarper would be rescinded. Director Prinkost read the followin� letter from the �1 Dorado County FIealth Officer: "September 1 � 1960 IIonorable }3oard of Tlirectors of the �outh Tahoe Public Utilitv District County of I;1 Dor�do, State of C�,lifornia Bijou� Californi�, I Gentlemen: i��;: St�nit�,rv Sewera�e Pro ject No. 1960-2 Yotir 1�esolution No. 198� entitled� "A R.esolution �teqiaestin� that the rounty IIealth OFficer of El Dora,do County T'ecommend Proceeciin�s �it�der ��ppropria,te Sg�er.z;,,l isse�sment -:n� �1�ct���;Ii7£I2t Fiond �cts? �r• othez• .� p}at�c���, � '. � z'r•actiyerlin:rs' �'�>z• t?tie ;.��3ui ci t E�n a.ncl t�'onstruction of a Sanit�,ry `�etve��R_ir� ,vGi;em r�nd ��zppnrtentances� �1s Necessr�ry as a Iiealth ?;1ea.sure� for Sani tary Sewer€z�;e Pro ject No. 1�3G0-2", has been received by the undersi�ned her�lth afficer of �1. Dorado County. Pursu�,nt to vour reqtiest� a se�rer survey has heen initia�ed b the El ��orado County IIealth Department and an evaluatiom m�de on the basis of (1� overflowin� sewera�e disposa�l systems (?� se�tic pumpin�; reports� (3� hioh ground wa�ter �,reas� (4� existing lots that r�re too sm�,ll for adequate sewerage disposal. The findiru;s of this survey indic�.te that health hazards do presently exist in the �bove project a,rea. Pursuant to Section 2808 of the Streets .�nd Iiirch`rays Codea in consideration of t11e serious he�lth h�,zards presently existent within the boundt�ries of your propoged s�nitary seweraye project No. 1960-2� the undersi�ned health officer of �1 Dor�,do County hereby urUes the construction of sanitary sesvers as �.n eznergency het�lth measure and recomcnends as necess�ry as a health measure� that your �istrict under— t�,Tce proceedin�s pursuant to c��propriate special assessment and assessment hond FI,CtS � of lthis State� or other �.ppropriate proceedin�;ss �s you shall determine� for the construction of sanitary sewers a,nd far etssessin� or taxing the properties to he benefited thereby. This rerotranendatian extends to such changes �nd modifications therein as you shr�ll find to be proper or r�dvis�.hle� in the m�.nner provided bv law. Respectfully ,y�urs. (S� Trii.lton �'. Parker, '�:1.D. hiilton r. P�rIfer� 1f.D. � �� IIealth �fficer of E1 Dor�zdo County" Director PanIcost Moved that the a:rttird �f the con�truction contruct for 1960-3 .4s�essment Jistrict be deferred until �Jctober 6� 19G0. The rnotion was seconded bv Director ��U�,11 and defeated. .� Director P�,nlcost moved� sec�nded hy Director Souzr� that an Ordin�,nce No. 67� "AN � . � � �r 1 , ,, �.,, �,�„ �;��r r ,-,, . ., . .. . . .'�.T .._., ,. . . T .. ._ rn T•�� ��� '7j ^l'!�' x'',�" .rm��X',�v �"� nx>"-� r,n.`.n �7, .y�"-� TYri1�27.7r. 7.T�1 t�.t.�l :r t1T�rr�Y;rnm 3-' ! 1 "` �''iOr.'(":l?;{'3' 1�'� � I' i`� ?'�tF� T�Of?Y'C' {)C iT Y'.^!`3:01"c (l f 1,':C', `>!�„t t V 'C';�'s3t)r! �?:1�1�1 C '''+l �1 t.�' 'll.S'f Y'1 C'f; ":��:� l'i Y'(.'�'''•.l�il.T' • „ . . ' q.('.SS1 0?l il.ki, �;�1C '�1;=��?^1 C�. 'j'�l (`2S� ��1i12"�i2 ��Ldl�(�1 YFt"� �tl':O�? lT,t�l��'� F�t�.1 �'<31"?12.3 y� n�a mt)?2T'5�3�!ti� '';(1�'!?^I�af?Y' �7 � l��i(}• �='�',E' !'!f?(?t:l.t'1! b'itC C`i)1]£'(i t.0 OY'f:Ct" �)z' e�ilE' �?"f':",1C'C''�l�i �{ c��1�.> P.'.t, " `)I:T; r•'�T.L: ??non c<tli or i.,��e roll Lli�re ��rF�ra �tire.;��t '`'� rer..t,orc '.,r�l? , soerin^�er'� �sl.?l�inSt,1 �iOLI.'/.;t:� ��?I:G'-Yi^.il? �rC'21f'i"iL� :;lYl£1,"'C7' " 1I,c_,SE'11 � ::"�t•C)T'IAPZ c ';'f?] {'??l�1Tl �11f� iTO�-t()'.TIq ':t1'%'1T7C'E'2'S :��lCI'�f?�'� T�11S1.`1�'liltlT -Cs�.lOUat7P? :',.O}'(?2'� cJOTl?2 TiE',�.fl`r]"�,Y1�'f?? :TO�'S71 ,_i�(�4.'Y'O, .'�i". '"or?co, "';r�l�,er I�it.#:1� of t'ae 7azT.e ?'z'io� '�?e��.�, ;�n<, Fion 1�ich:,rdson of t�',.ie �', �;n � - r c rr e;�to � "�e. I sT'�^.?T _`;: "'�i� mi�t�te�; o£ t'ie Protest "n^rinrr on txie ^ssessmei�t ':istrict 1�F;0-;3; '.`�r_�tteG of {,?ie I;ic! ()��.rnin��� tlssesscnent '�istrict 19i�-„ Se�r^r;e `;ollection `�'�cter.�� *.":iniat,es of the re�rlil��r ^��et.inr� of :i�ve>nt�er :'? 19('i0: r-�intat�e, of t��e .�d,jo�irnec2 ?'c�;;u7or ",'.cet,in,�; oF '+Iover.:her 4� l��iQ; �rnt? Speci�i Mleetin� of '�ovemi�er l5s ]���. j�rere read �;ncl tzpprovec� ,�� corrected. r\'GI'�T`:'.��'S 1?".:P�iiT: ',n�rineer i'�k�ex•]e�� s��tec! tlzs,{, [,ontr�ctor i;�encer i., :�i�F�.in�,• excellent pro��ress an Cantraci: 'vo. t�. T�ze meetin�• 1v�.s recessec� �:.t �?:50 P.'.?. �'or t}�e cont,inuec' Protest �iearin� - �:ssessmen#, �istrict 1952,-1. As there ��rere no protect,s, �4ritten or or•al � the rer;�.zlt�r nieet�in� �yr.s reslLmec? � �t• 8:�>.`i P.°s. r•r1�^'rj,T�rXC/�TIO?�;5: �)irect,or Goerin�*er rerbd t��e fo2lo�Yin� co��rn�anic�,ti.ons: �npy of � <s letter of ��over�l�er n� I��Os frorn "l�,ter Pollution Co:�trol Lo�rc'� �.:�?iontan };e�~i an �10. Gi, ?�i.s'.zop� t',�iliforni�., to '.,?r. ',l."1. "l�iite� .?irector of ':v?evac��� 5t,�,te of �)e�<�.rt•- ment of Iiealt,Ia� T�;ena, rlevadf� relative #,o t,�ie recent r�.eetin� of t�e Ca.lif�rni�- ?vTe���c;�z Int.erstnte CompaGt Cor!unission? �,ncl neri,�.inin� to r�uality of �v,:,ter. i?NI?'INI�i� FiT?;I"1I;i�: I)irector ioua,� reportec: furt��er nemoti�ztions �rit?i �;ierr�, Pacific Po`ver Compamr on street 1i�;11tinm for ��nc'io ?3i,iou. On motion hy �'irector !'roerinmer� seconc�ec i�y l)irector ra,kej,�an� ','.esoluti.on \'0.`?5�k� .1 I'?;`;ULL'TT�1�T J1'„3��:I'.INCT C'I1�NG';� �?�1:� ;:?01�3I:,�'ICATI�N� - S:iNTTA�'Y 5":'1;r;.t9.Gl". PROJ`:';CT N0. , 1���-3� � ��ras adopt�G' hy a ��;/5 vote? �ti�it.1 �7irector Pankost vot,insr "no". �I' i?':yOT:UTION �TC�. �55_1 - :: :.::5(?I�L1TI0'�T OV?�.T;.i'L�I�IrdG Pi��'�'��ST� ON �?x���I:t?T:[`}hT 0;^ I'��T�;'oTTiOhT 'tio. 213. C�n .`:1oti.on ot' �''irector �'xoerin!;ers seconclec� b�- ?)irector �ouzri , I'esoli�- tion ';�To. �?55:1 ,v�,.s ac?optec� b� �. ur2�,nimous vot-e. On �not,ion of ?�irect,or 'a';i,I�em�n� seconciec� b�- ':iirector Souza� liesolution No. `_?�56� i°� 1,T��pi:L?TION 11N� n,>�}T:i' A3.jOP`TT;`�1G �;iRTC�I:�r:'�?"S :�;,�(l�?T � CONE'I?�.�.1Ih7G T?iF: �1�5?.SS'i?;?t?'P �L�'�) OTt?;?;t'I'.VG T"1'.; �;�UI'�z :1I�TI) 11C.nUISITION, - S�l'�'TTs'�tY .�'i'.;''T";IL�,('.L P�'i.OJ1;CT N0. 19fi0-3, ev�i� ric':opted hy :� 4/5 vote� �7i rector P�nlsost not votin�*. T?pon recomrnenclati on of ;:n�i neer I:'o3 er of Cl�Li r A. ?�a l l Fi :lssoci�t,es i Urc�in�nce \To. 6R, A�T (�?iT�IlVANC`a' QF �Z`'�A?'�I) 0�� C;ON'f�tACT - S;INITAInI S�'",`1T.'i�.�lCrT PI?OJ':':CT N0. 19G0�� evas �dopted an�nimously upon motion by �)irector PanIcost� seconded. k�y �irector ("Ioerinmer� thereby �wardin� the contrar.t to La�ran,e �onstruction Co. � Inc. in the �rnotant of �JNE BI[..P,�IDREI� T.'III?TY-`�"'i0 T;iOUS_AlR�)� S3:VE?�' Iit�Tr?I7':�;� NIN?:T'E1�IvT �30LL:A??5 (;�133,71�.00�. �n moti on of Lirector 'Yakeman, seconc�ec? by I3i rect.or Souza� J�esolution No. �?57, �1 F'?�SOI:t?TIOh? :?�SIGNATING I?ISTI�TCT 0� �IC'? AS 0�'�'IC�; OF '�CxI�1'1:E�t ^�t� Y'v0I�3: rpT� �;T;- CORi)ING A�:S�:SS�'�;I��VT - SI�NITIIRY Sr`�'T:ILAG�^ I,PItOJ�:CT N0. 19F0-;� was Z�n�nimouslV a-clopt,sc�. On mation by Pirector P�nitost� seconded by 3iirector Y'I�,Iceman� ��esolution No.25R� A 1?a:SOLL!TI�JN P)ESIGNATING COLI:�CTION OF�'IC�13 - S�L�TITf13�,Y SF`9T'.Ibt1C�?�: P?�O�TLCT NO.1�F0-3, �r�,s un�.nimously �.ciopted. i iOn motion Y�y �iirPctor "'�a[{em,Lna seconc3ec: hy '�irer_.tor �oiiz� � I�esoltation No. 259� A R'^.�OI:U'CIO'!' C�J�VF'7R",iING r1?.!T.'!11I)T:1� ASST�:SS".�:]VT - SlLNITA?�Y Sr".4'������ PTt��7Y;CT l�)5�-1� tiras un�,nimoaisly adopted. :3irector P�lni�ost moveci that on arty future assess�nent splits� the En�ineer include lot �.nd bloci: nuriher i F the parcel w�s within a �ubdivision� but if the p�rcel �r�s not in �, subdivi�ion� no metes �.nd bounds descri.ptions be reqrlirec�� but t�le �les- cription be b� t�ze County :'�ssessor's P.�rcel n�unher, On seconc? by T;ir�ctor �o?iza� tlie ca�ation ���ns iananimonslv c�rried. On motion by :)irector uacrin!rer� seconued bv I)irector Souza' I?esolution \To. 2�19-A� � �t?:SOLVI'I�N Il,'�iF�i�T4�)ING I�L'�OI:UTIUN OF' INT?:'.VTI�N 239 - ASS�'':�Sn`�'::�TT I),IST??ICT N0. 19�i�-4, �,r�s un�nimously a,dopted. 27 Director ��Vakema,n moved� seconded by �irector tiYall, that the formula for assessin� public schools in special assessment districts be by a square of the a�crea�e and assess the fronta�e on one �1� side only. Tiie motion �vas unanimously carried. On motion of Director SYakeman� seconded by Director Souz�,� Itesolution No. 230� � RFSOLUTION DETF�k't.�iINING TO UNDEI�TA1{E P�,OC�DINGS PL�It,.SUANT T4 APPRQPI�IATE 5P'�CIAL ASSE.SS"M11ENT ANU ASSiASShiENT BOND ACTS Ql� OTHER 11PP�OP�dIAT�; PF�OGEEDINGS� FOY2 THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITAFiY SL�'�F�3AGE SYSTE.h� AND APPUR,TENANCES �VITHOUT PR.00.I�EDINGS UNDEFt DIVISION 4 OF TiIE STREETS AND I�IGfiTYAYS CODE—SANITARY SE51�EI�,AGE PROJECT N0. 1960-3� was unanimously adopted. On motion af I)irector Wull� seconded by birector 1"�aI�eman� Itesolution No. 231� A RFSOLUTION FSTABLISIIING PREVAILING t"IAGE SCAL'E — ASSESSR�1'ENT DIST�tICT 1960-3� was � unanimously adopted. � On motion of Director Pankost� seconded by Director Souza� Itesolution No. 233� A F�ESOLUTION APPOINTING TIh3E AND PLACE OF FIEt�RING PItOTESTS IN RII�ATION `PO PROPOS�D ACQUISITIONS AND I1iPItOV131�NTS, AND DII�ECTING NOTICE — ASSESS"47ENT DISTI�,ICT 196Q-3� wa.s unanimously adopted. On motion of Director Souza� seconded by I}irector �Wall� It,esolution No. 234� A 1�SOLUTI01� CALLING I'OT3. S�ALED EI�OPOSALS — ASSL'SS:4�!'�NT DISTRICT 1960-3� was unanimously adopted. � On motion of Director tVall� seconded by Director Souza� Resolution No. 235� A �,FS OLUTION : y, APEOINTING II�TGINEERS AND ATT01tN�'YS — ASSESS�IIIV'P DISTRICT 1960-4� was una.nimously adopted. � On motion of T�irector tiYakeman� seconded by Director tiYall� Ftesolution No. 236� A RESOLUTION ItE�iJES'�ING CONSENT OF BOARD OF SUPERUISOFiS OF THE COUNTY OF EL DOIt,ADO, TO iP.VDERTAI� PROC�I3INGS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITAF�Y SE!NEEtS ANI) PROVIDF TIiAT T�iE COSTS SFIALL BE ASSESSED UPON TIiE DISTRICT BENEFITED� UNDER APPI?,OP1fi.IATE SPFCIAL ASSES '!4iENT AND ASSESStti�ENT BOND ACTS — A,5SESSl01�NT DISTRICT� 1960-4� was una,nimously adopted. � , �/On motion of Director Pankost� seconded by Director �Vall, Resolution No. 237� a ItESOLUTION RE�UESTING CONSENT OF TIIE COUN'PY OF EG DOI?,ADO TO TFi� EXERCISE OF EXTRA TERF�,ITORIAL JURISDICTION F01� THE P'URPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION P[TBLIC Ill�PROVF�i�1TS �1�TD PROVIllING THAT TIiE COSTS THEREOF BE ASSESSED UPON A SPECIAL DISTRICT PURSUANT � TO SPECIAL ASSESSI��IEEN'T AND ASSES�iENT BOND ACTS — SANITARY SLSVERAGE PROJECT 1964-4, wr�s unanimously adopted. ��motion of Director Souza, seconded by I}irector P�„nkost Resolution No. 238� A Ft�SOLUTION REQUESTING TfIAT Tf� COUNTY FTEALTH OFFICER OF EL DORADO COUNTY RECOh�tiEND PROCEEDINGS UNDER APPROP�.IATF. SPECIAL ASSESSfaTENT AND ASSFSS�iE�TT BOND ACTS, OR OTF�ER APPR(3PRIATE PItOCEFDINGS, FOFt TIIE ACOUISITION AND CONSTTtUCTION OF A SANITAFtY SESYEd�GE SYST�Ii AND APP[Jf?,TENANCES� AS NECESSAItY AS A HEALTH A4EASUIiE — St�NITAF�I' SErVffiiAGE PR�JECT 1960-4� was unanimously adopted. �n motion of Director jYakemt�,n� seconded by Director Souza� Resolution No. 289� A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ACQUIRE AND CQNSTRUCT I�IPROVf�sSENTS — ASSESSNIENT DISTRICT 1960-4� was una,nimously adopted. Director �Vall moved� seconded by Director Souza, that �lttorney 19eidma,n he authorized to prepare sn Ordina,nce setting forth the procedures for submission� approval and pavment of claims. Director �11a11 moved� seconded by �irector �'Vakeman� that the motion be a.mended to authorize the Clerk to examine existing ordinances pertaining to the payment of claims and to report back at the next regular meeting. The motion as umPnded was unanimously adopted. Director Pankost reported that the �istrict fees� primtz.rily �,s a result of tkie Board holding meetings each week� has cost the District in excess of NINE THOUSAND DOLLAF3S (�9,000.00) durin� the year 1960� and reco�nended that the Board meet twice monthly without �,djourned sessions. Irirector 1Pankost sta.ted that Ordina,nce No. 65� definin� the duties and powers of the Generta,l h�,na,�er and Ordinance No. 66� prescribir� purchasir� proceedings, should be discussed further and certain amendments and changes made. � This subject was referred to the next re�ular meetin�. Ilirector Pankost moved that all annex�,tions be tabled with the exception of 1960-1� and that Attorney �Veidman secure the approval from the �l Dorado County Boundary Co�anission at the earliest possible date. Director S'Yall seconded the motion. Director 1Va11 then moved to amend the motion to authorize Attorney �Veidzban to compa,re the proposed boundaries of 1960-1 annexation with the proposed boundaries of a true city and report b�,ck at the next re�ular meetir�. The amendment was seconded by I}irector Souza. The motion as a.mended was adopted by all of the Directors except I}irector PanI�ost who did not vote on the a.mendment or ori�;inal motion. 1��� ��P.T'ilQ7l c.l• �����,�.1 ��.�� �� 1h6�� T'i��ln3t C. �'ot�a,a 1F7.OG 14,,5 '�'ar�nnn Z,. Goerin�*�r 1��2.0(� l�-C�6 '�iorman I�. Goeri.n�*er 31.fi8 14�7 Georme I"izrrido 7'3.9Q ]468 ":�;r;�rd Gzst: 1�9.59 14f�9 State Compen.s�.tion InsurtLnce 2�0.3`i 1470 Bellc� Bend�r �'i0.0(� ''1Ai?1�;1NTS R�iS Voicl 8fiF C. Nonn�,n Peterson' Inc. 13�30G.60 i�f� ;i.£�. ite eve s (6�-1} 4�00.00 870 H.�?., i?eeves (60-2� 100.00 i �71 Cl�,ir A. Rill � I_�ass�ci�tes 1�001.61 ; �72 Clair A. iiill �S Associntes 54.85 � F�7:3 !"..l�,ir .�'�. I�ill �� Associ�tes 94.27 87� FiirIchride� "�ilsin' II�rzfeld R ��+ilsan 1��160.13 S75 Beverl,y C L"�ei ch��.n (f 0-1� 2�SQO.OQ 87f� L�.�;ran�;e �onstruction� Inc. 16�830.00 879 Nevada BanI{ of Comnerce z�c L�inrange ConstruGti.on 2,880.40 880 lst Nrztional F�t�nIc of Nevad�, �./c Geor�;e �. '�ii 11 er 8���417.69 881 Kea.th Spencer 26,792.�9 �82 �1.TM.1. V�,n ValIceni�urnh <> Co. 16�721.7� 11DJUURN!�,.i�VT: There bei nT no oh jer,ti.on� th� meetin;; was t�d journed by the Preside�t �.t 11:5� A.?����i. �f. % j�j� � '`" , ` ��'�' ��/ / '�`,-;�-� --�'" ( Norrnan L. Goerinfiner� Cler�c of the � 5outh Tahoe Public L?tilitv �istrict and �c—Offacio SPcretary of the Board of�irectors thereof. ATT�ST: � ,---��;.�.� Vernon �J. '�V�.11Y�residen of � the Board of Directors of the I South Tahoe Puhlic Utilit-r District V �-���������� A�SINUTT'S 0?' TI� SP�CIAI, Rii'w'TING OF TtIE BOAR.3� OF llIitECTOI�i OF TI� SOUTH TA�IOE PiTBLIC TJTILiTY DISTRICT I'tOV�";I�3�� 15� 1960 The Bo�rd of Direct�rs of the South Tahoe Public Utility �7istrict met in speci�l session at the District 0£fi.ces� C1r�rIce I3uildin�' LTahoe Valley� C�.lifornia� at 12:10 p.m. on �Tovember 15� 1960� pzir.st:ftint to the cal l of the Presi dent. PUIiPOS� OF :�3EE`I':�NCx: The meetinn was c�.11ed for the purp�se of withdra.w�,l of c�.11 for se�.led proposals for oonstruction of the e�'fluent pum� station and spray system — 1959 Sesrer Iiond Pro ject Contract ?�To. 6 and adoption of Fiesolution for Condemna— t,i an, ItOI�I,, CAI,L: On cull of the roll� ttiere were present .�iirectors Goerinr�er� Pani�ost Souza and rY�,ll; ahsent — llirector �'��,Ifeman. �irector ��l�zll stat,ed th�.t� �.s �e sees the :natter� tirit�idrawal of call for bids wt�,s due to the follo�rin� reasons: (1} Possible insufficient funcis; (2� Construction coulcl not start until next Sprin�; (3� Time to explore the possibilities of more inexpensive metlhods. I On motion of Director Goerin�er� seconded by Director Pa.n?�ost� Resolution No.25� — ' A i�ESOLUTIOV OF IdOTICE TO BIDDERS OP ��VITIIDR�I�UAI� OF P�.IOF?. CB�LL FOFt SP�LED PROPOSAI:S — 1959 SLt1'ER BOND P1t0•JECT CONTRACT N0. 6 zras proposed for approvrzl hy t,itle. Said resolution was n,dopted un�,nimously. Director i�J�,ll �.ppointed Director Pan�cost a,s Chairman of a Committee composed of Director Goerin�er and Attorney "leidman to brinh bacIc �. report as to the disppsi— tion of effluent w�,ter into tributa,ries. � �� �_ , - �- �• � �, ;�=-�<,: �. � �' + Noxman L. oe�,i n�er� Pres�i cl'ent-of ���-� ' the B�arcl of il^ector•s of Sot:it}a T;�l,oe Publi c L�ti li t,y Di�tri ct. �-3E#�3E�f-aE��c-�3F��3E�E#�3E�E�3E�-�E�3E� ':iI?v'i7'I';�� OF TI�E OI'�;.'rTI�TG OF BIB� FOP. 5;:�'�',It PIPE �'fl� BI',ACII Tlt*JNIs S:.'!YER OCTQI3I?I'? F� 1960 R�rsuant to dul�' �U}J118�]QG� I�TOt7.C� and �a.11 for Bids for furni.shin�; of sewer pipe for ; t11e I�e�.ch TrunIc Setiver� the C1erI� of aouth Tahae Public Utility �istrict publicly opened all hi.ds receiver� at 3 o'cloeIc P.IF�. in the affices of the Sou�h Tahoe Public Utility I:istrict, C1�.rIie Fuild.in�;� Tahoe Valley� California. The followin�; bid W$.� receivecl and publicly opened P,nd read li3 said Cleriz: "Jbhrau',.�,nvi 11 e� 116 New 2.tontbomery Street� S�n �rancisco� C�,lifornit�, �`a' 24�763.65 T.t��TSITE SE�'r'1'.�? PIPE CON�'01�u^dING TO A,ST'�� SP�CIFICATI�N C-�28-59T �VITH OIVE F�ING-TITE COUPL,INC AND Tt'VO RUEiBER ItING.r, P�?t LEIITGTH. ` APPF'OXI�IATE nUllh'TITI�S: PII'� I'T. N�T _ 1 �160 ft. of 18" Class 3304 �- 5��7 3�525 ft.. of 18" C;�,ss 2�00 4.53 � �� 504 ft. of 12" Class 240Q `�3� F ,� 150 ft. of 8" CI.ass 2400 1��� 1�000 ft. of G" Ciass 2400 ��5 TI?�LNS ITE I�tTILi)ING SL'� �� PIP� 900 ft. of 4" x 10 ft with couplin�s and rir�s �0.40 per ft net FOB: F�,ctory �rith full freight alloK�ed on the above m�m�,terials to jobsite� near Lake T�,hoe� California. , PI'3�IV1;I�Y; Benin delivery witl�in one jreek after receipt of order at the factory. Complete as requested. Terms of p;iyment are net 30 d.ays or if extended terms desired deferred p�,yruent may be extencied not to exceed 3Fi5 days wi th 6°� si;�nple interest on unpa.id k�aln,nce to be�in 30 days after bi llin�;." �fter the openin� and readinb of the aforementioned bid� the lotiy bid of Johns- �.`ansvi l le was turneci over to Clai r A. Fii 11 R� Associates� Civi 1 En�ineers �.nd Proj�ct' Engineers for the Beach TrunIi Sewer construction� for determinn.tion as to its sufficiency� tivith instructions to report at the re�ular meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District at 8 o'clock P.h,i� � October fi� 1960. _ �, V n J. �9a11 Clerk of South Ta,hoe Public Utility District and Ex-officio Secretary of the Board of �irectors thereof ATTF;ST: I%`�'�'',� ;> �'_. �� -- � Norma,n L. 'Goer' er President of the Roard of �irectors of south Tahoe Public Utility District. (S � �l I, ) ',?I'�tUTr�.S QF Tti�: AT�TO'uI'..�I:� ItI:GL7.�lI� ?,��'�TTNG � � 0�' TIP�: I30�1i?�J OT' �IR�CTCti�� 0� TiT:� SbL�`Cii TAHO:: PUf3LIG UTII,ITY �ISTRICT NQV'_�,iIi3?R 4� 19�� The Bo�rd of Li.rectors of the South T�.hae Ptiblic Uti.lity '�}istrict met in an acl— ,journed rer*c.ilnr meetin� �.t the �istrict Offices� C1�,rke F3uildinn� T�.hoe Valle,yj Cali.fornia.� on T'riciaY? Nov�nher 4� 1�60. The meetin� �ras c�,lleci to order b� the President �.t lO:Ori r�.m. R�L,I C.lI�I,: On call of the roll� there srere present: Directax-s Goerinner� Souzs�� '�Ya,kemn,n� �.nd sYall. s'�R.S?�1T: Dir�ctor Panlcost. Also present tivere Gener�,l htanatier I;ztssell� Attorney Holtom� T�,r. Glen Smithi anc? 1)on Ricntirdson of the Sacramento Bee. j AtINLJTl�: The minutes of the re�ular meeting of Octob�r 20 a�nd of the adjourned � re.rcular meetin� of October 27� 19fi0� were read and ap�roved� subject to number— ' iny of resolutions �nd insertion of tl�,e na�nes of ?7irectors m�,Itin� �.nC secondin�; said resolutions. PIt�S IDENT'S T��'OT�,TS: None. COR�IITTI'.E REPORTS: Director Souz�, reported th�,t� �,t the meetinm of the Baard of Supervisors on October 31 � 1960� the matter of the k�ctra Territorial Ri�hts �ra.s t�pproved and that Director Pankost invited theSupervisors to attend the "Open IIouse" to be held at the neir aewt��;e Tre�,tment Plant at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesd�y� Novemk�er 29� 1960. P.irector S�uza reported th�.t Supervisor Chism asked if the Directors �vould give some cons'ider�tion to assessments on the Joh�;eon property if hardship developted. Director Souza s�id that the I}irectors present indicated they would �ive fa.vor�,ble consideration. 'ti�,na�er Russell reported on the pro�ress of construction. projects �s follows: (1) the two pump st�.tions were slowed down due to snow� but the one at Tahoe Keys w�,s havir►� concrete poured; (2� V�,n Valkenbur;h contract about 98� complete; (3� Keith Spencer is running a little behind schedule and has renuested an ex— tension of time; (4� Treatment plant is functionir� properly; (5� La�ran�e Construction is ne�,rly finished with Secti.on 1 of 1959-1 contract<; (Fi� George E. R4iller� 1960-1 Assessment Construc ion is pro�ressin; satisfactorilv; (7} .The LinIc property pun�p station will be readv prior to the end of the vear� �'` �v,ea�ther permitting; (8� Iia.rper �nd I3axter startecl work on 1960-2 �'�ssessment ; Di stri ct �,nd are trenching. P�ir. 2doyer reported they �,re avera�;in� about 400 f't per d�,y. COr;II;tUNICATIONS: None. UNFINISIII:D BUSINESS: Director Souz�, reported the insura.nce co�ranittee met with r�{r. Iiopkins of Tahoe V�,lley Insurance. Director Souz�, moved that the District reaffirr,i its approv�,l of the survey of C.hI. Cibson �,nd �ssociates. The motion wa.s seconded by Birector Goerir�?er and unanimously carried. �)irector Souza, and hf�,na�er Ttussell reported on Street Li�;htin; for I��.ncho Bi jou �,nd that a pifln for uniform r�tes for r�ll are�s is bein� considered. " Director '."dall appointed Director Goerinmer to �,ssist ���na;er �tussell in revie�r— in� Brown �.nd C�,ldwell char�;es. Director Goeringer stated that the District h�,s no bre�,kdown on the Brown and Cald�rell 1960-2 Assessment District bill. Director Goeringer maveci� seconded by �?irector �,YaIiem�,n� that IZesolution No. ?50� A RESOLUTION OI�' IiJT�I:NTION TO ";f�1I�E CII.A��TG�S AND ��i0�?IPICATIONS — S.t1NITAT�1' S�"1�i�1GE PR.OJT:CT N0. 19G0-3� be �.c�opted. The motion w�,s unanimouslv c�rried. Attorney tIoltom stated t}ua,t the cnsh payment period for Assessment ni strict 1960-2� elpires Nov�anber 7� 1960� and the cash pcj,yments h�.ve not been lar�e, thus �, bonc� sale af �,pproximately FOUIt INNI)Ft�.:� �'II�'TY THOUSI�ND DOLI�t1RS (;$450�000.00) �vill be necessary. Attorney Holtom further reported that he �.dvised Contractors ; Harper �,nd Iiaxter that there would be no promress �yments until bonds were I sol d �,nd del i.vered. t �irector !"Jall� �zfter no objection wag expressed� instructed Attorney IIoltom to proceed `rith the �ellin� of the honds for 1960-2 Assessment. rTL"`.Y BUSIN�.�S: �,Ian�.�;er Ftussell reported th�t the new elementary school of the LaI�e T�,lioe Uni fi ed School Di stri et i n l3i jou has 660 f eet f ront�.rye c�nd Superi ntPn— dent Smith requested thirteen �,ssessment units plus one later�,l �nd �vould liice to h��re the ch�.r�e he made pa,yable from his next fiscal year school budmet. The school will be serviced b1* 195Q-1 Assessment �istrict. Di rector Goeri.n�er tttOVP.t� t}lil't t,l�e �i jo�� �;l ementary School be perrni tted to connect� thnt the District construct �, l�tert�l for the school se�Yer connection� and tha.t the char�es therefor be deferred until their next school budbet is approved be— ca,use of s�ecial ci rcumstance:� and th�.t the assessment not be compiitted accordi.n� The President further reported tl�at �ou�l�s Cou.nty Sewer Improvement District had � � pt3,id T�YENTY THOU.�IND DOLLE1.ItS (�i20�000.0�� on account. Ite further reported that the ' United St�.tes He�.lth Depa,rtment had m�.de �. further pa.yment in the amount of NINETY- ONE THOI7SANb FOU:t f�RT'� bOL.I:�lI�S ��a91 Si�00.00� ;zs pa, t of the �a250�000.00 Federal Crant in aid. President Goeringer reported thttt Ken Brown of Brown and Caldwell agreed that pa,y- ment for the water survey report could be ma,de durin�; the fiscal year 19G1-62. COl:�tiITTEE REPO]�TS: NO!�T� C011�iUNIC�TIONS: The Clerk reaci and filed a letter from Brown and Caldwell, d�,ted September 2� 1960� reg�,rding extendinh af sewer lines to facilita.te the connection of property owners' laterals. ' The Clerk re�.d a letter from Bro�rn a.nd Ca.lchvell d�,ted Qctober 6' 1960� in which it was reconanended that no payment be m�.de to Lagran�e Construction Co. , Inc. for the month of September� 1960� under the 1959-1 Assessment Distri.ct Construction funds. Director Pa,nkost moved tha,t the Board �,clhere to the en�ineers plans ancl specifica- tions in connection with the loc�,tion of the sewer lines. Director 5ouz�+, seconded the motion. Director SVall amended the motion as follows: That the Bo�,rd will not in- cret�se its cost to change the position or location of service to �, parcel of property for the convenience of the property owner. I}irector 5ouza, seconded the - motion for arnenchnent� and the motion� as amended was unanimously approved. Director Pankost moved that the Board signify its intention that if the South - Tahoe �iblic Utility District purchases the Pinewood S9ater ComparYy, the llictrict �rould assume the obligation of Pinewood dYater Company to the Bartlett �state. : : Director 4Ya11 seconded the motion. The motionywas d.efeated by the follo`ring vote: Ayes: Directors PanIiost and Goeringer; NOES: Directors Souza and t'lakeman; Not Voting: Director �1�a11. UNFINISFIED BVSINESS: �irector Pankost requested permission to remove certain trees a,nd wood cut by the Tahoe Rechrood Compa.ny from both the new and old treatment sites. President Goerin�er stated that Director Pankost could remove the wood providin�; he obtain the permi.�sion of Tahoe Redwood Compa.rry�. Director Pankost objected to the use of road mix in surfacin� roads following trenchin� in the 1960-1 Assessment District. Iie stated tha.t the plans and specifications called for plant min. Engineer Russell explained that the decision to use road mix insteacl of Plant mix in some areas was ma.de after conferring with Brown and C�,ldtirell a,nd the El Dorado County T{oad Coum►issioner and recouanendations by them preferrir►g road mix where used. Director ;Yall moved� seconded by Director Souza tht�t the Street Lighting Co�nittee discuss lightin� in Ttancho Bijou with Sierra Pacific Power Compa,ny and report back to the Board. Director Goeringer read a letter from Sierra Pacific Power Compaary rel�,tive to the use of three hundred (300) cand].epolrP�- lights. Director �Ya,ll moved to amend the motion to authorize the street lightin� co�ittee to obtai.n a diagram from Sierra Pacific Power Compa.xYy showing the three hundred (300) watt incandescent lightin� in Rancho Bijou. Director �Yakema,n seconded the amendment. The �,mendment and motion was carried being a four-fifths (4�5� vote �rith Director Parlkost not voting. I}irector Pankost submitted his resi�nation as chairman of the 5treet Llghting Committee and President Goerin�er appointed Director 5ouza as Street Li�hting Coum►ittee Chairman. Attorney �S'eidman reported that the title compa.r�* liad furnished maps in connection with the proposed 1960-1 Annexati�n and compn,rinh tlie proposed annex�,tion zvith the proppsed bound�ries of a future city. He stated that the area to be annexed by the District is entirely within the bounda,ries of the proposed futnre city. President Goeringer reported that Iten Brown of Bro�m and Caldwell would confer with En�ineer Itussell and Presi.dent Goeringer re�t�rdin� Brown and Caldwell�s ch�rges aba,inst the Distr�ct and ar►y possible aredits due the District. Direct�or Pankost moved� seconded by Director �Vakeman� that at the time of a proposed annexation property otimers� whose property was previously eYcluded� be notifed. The motion was unanimoucly carried. ;}� Director p�,nkost moved� seconded bv �7irector �yall� that Ordinance No. 65 be amended to provide for a probationary period of ei�;hteen �15� rnonths for the General '�ian�.�er� durinm whicla time he could be terminated by �, ttivo-third C2/3 vote of the �ioard of �irectors� upon ttivo t2� �reeks wri.tten notice. �7irector 'Vall moved to amenci the motion to provide for a six (6� month probationary period in pl�,ce of ei�;hteen (18� months. The ori�i.n�,l motion �.s amended W�.s thereupon adoPted a.nd the Attornev was instructed to prepare �,n ordina.nce in conformit� therewith. NL�1' PUSIN?''„5S: Upon recorrnnendation of General ��iaru�.�er I�zssell pronress puyments as rea.d and filed for the month of September� 1960� for C. Norman Petersen� Keitli Spencer� George ?:. ?,filler Construction� Van ValIcenbur�;h and ch�,n�e orders were unr�nimously approved by motion of TJirector Souza� seconded by Director �Vf1,ISP1T1i�T1. Upon the recomnendation of �iarlan F.loyer of Clair A.Hill & Associates� the � followin� "resolutions were a,pproved: SR�SOLUTION N0. 240� A RTSOLUTION QF A?"J� OF CONTR,ACT POI3 SOUTtI TAtIO� PUBLIC UTII�ITY DISTItICT BEt1CII TF�UNTC SL'�9�RK TO LAGItANGE CONSTRUCTION CQ. � INC.� ItENO� NLVAUA' IN TIIl: A,�IOUNT OF SIXTY NI1VE THOUSAi�� SEVEN KUNDI�n FIFTY—PIVE I)()LI�AS�,S (�69�755.00}. Said resolution was unanimously adopted upon motion of I)irec.tor Y�Yall� after second bv Director ?Vakeman. RE50LUTI�N N0. 2�1� � 1i,ESOLiJTION OF ASYAl'�D OP CONTRACT FOR SOUTH T�iO� PUI3LIC LrPII�ITY DISTRICT — SE'YF,R. PIPr' — ;�F,ACH TRUnRC SE�E?2_ TO JJTI\TS ?,'f11.?V'S'VII,I:1?s SAN PT,�INCISCn� C'ALIF'0?�.SI7A1 I`: Tl�:? �1 tnL�+'i' ;��' '1'';'�;'�"C1'-^JL?^ `1'IIQtT;��`vTD �'.`V��T tIi"_`1�JP"�J SIXTY-TsiFt�P �)OLLAI3S, 65 cents� (��=�,7s�.s�). 5ai d I�esol��tion '�o. �?-41 w�,a unanimously adopted upon notion of �ireator Souza� a.fter sec�nd by Director Z'tall. CLAT°EtS; The follo3vin� claims and warrf�.nts :rere presented �nd approved for p�iyment: CI�CK NOS. 13!�5 — �Yilliam '��tortensen 209.06 1396 — ''1.�. Taylor 22C�.56 1397 — 'L�,ry aerptt 128.�3 1.3�8 — *,i.G. i3art l�i?.70 1399 — �:dward Gast 217�89 1400 — Eci�rard �ppl er ����97 1401 — P�,ul Costa 72.00 1�02 — �di tha 13eseler 12fi.??3 1403 — Belle Bender 186.51 1404 — fdobert }�ussell 3G2.57 1�05— Pwhert ?Yakeuu�,n r7��� 140G — FranIc C. Souza 92.06 1407 — Vernon J. j'�all 67.OF, 1408 — !�lormnn I�. roeringer ?���.OF 1409 — Norman L. Goeringer 131.0� 1�10 — �oor�;e Garri�o ������ 141I — L.P. Panicost ����5 1413 — La,granye Con.struction(Spec. Rei'und� 10.00 1414 — Geor e E. }.iiller Construction C�. � Inc. ��efund� 10.�JO 1415 — �,icGuire and F�ester (Specs.rte$und� 10.00 1416 — Ed`rard L. ��st 132.5� 1417 — �..L. �,ii 11 er 209.10 �'lAI�1 tt1NT i idOS. 8�Fi — A.�,i. Van Valkenbur�h 41�990.92 � 848 — lst. Na,tl. Bk. of hlevad�,� a/c Geor�e ' ?:�i 11 er — 5�k��94.21 �4�E9 — T,�,�ran�e Construction� inc. 18 657.00 R51 — I�ei th Spencer ' 17�Fi12.`?5 F352 — �.Norman Peterson� Inc. 15�410.25 .�T►TOUF,TVn:i�'�1'i'; There bein� no furtl�er business� tlie rneetinh was adjourned hv the President at 11:�0 P.r.i. until 8:00 P.�;1. Thursday� October 13� 19G0. � � � � Ternon � a 1, 1� the South Tahoe Public Utility �istr�ict ar� h�c—Officio 5ec— retary of the Board of Directors thereof. .;l � — . } ' -" -.-..r.. 9 - � ;._ . ._. - ���.,.'_.-�` e��J /� _ � i... : _. � � r .��__ .�„�.�.�.�'�'--' Nox�m�,nL. �xoerin�;er' Pres�dent ,- � of the �on rd of �i rectors of the � N Soiith Tn,}ioe 'E'uhii.c LTtilitv I)istrict ":SI?���'I'E�S ��' T'HE �i�;AR �i�'�N�'x dr TIi^ B01tIt�J �P �Z}�.�:CT�R� 0�' a0U'PiI TAIiOE PU3I.TG F�J'rIT_�I`PY D.I5TRICT OCTE�B^P 24� 19C0 The �oard of ,Directors of the Sotath Ta'�oe Publi_c Utilit�t �i5trict Lnet in renular ses�ion ;�t the District �ffices? Clarke ":�taildinry� T�,h.oe Va11ey� Californi�.� on Tliursda.v� Qcto�aer 20� 1960. The meetin� �ras ca.11ed to order t�y the President at 8:10 P.',�, , ROLL CALI1: Upon cal l of the rol l there �vc�re present, Di rectors Gaeri n�er, PanIcost� 5ouz�.� ?"l�,keman and `."'al l. Absent: hrone. A1 so present were C.eneral ?!f�.na;;er Russell� Attorneys XYeicimrzn �.nd Holtom� un�ineers Elberle� m.nd Lutme of T3rown and Caldwell' En�i.neer Iiarlt�n ?.io�er of Clr�ir A. IIill Rz Associt�tes� ��elvin Sprin�ne�er� Charles K�9�'� ','�alter Little of the IX�ke Tahoe News� �.nd %�,ne ',tiles of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune. Director ;Yakema.n rmoved that the order O� IUUSlri@SS be chan�ed to Permit change of officers of the Board of Directors and the District. The motion was seconded by ;,°; I}irector Souza and ca,rried with one dissenting vote by Director PanIzost. Director ` �h'akema,n then moved that effe�tive icrnnedi�tely the follo�vin� be thQ new offieers af : the Bo�rd of Directors and of the District: President of the �oard of !)irectors� -• Vernon J. �9a11; Clerk� Norm�,n L. Goerin�er; and Auditor� FrAnIc C. Sou2.a; On second 'yq by Director Souza the motinn was carried tirith one dissentin�; vote by Director Pankost. Director ��'a,ll stated that the only reason be accepted the Presidency af the Board �ras becriuse he has had some @�perience with pa,rliamentar� rules and procedures and Director C.oerinoer� as a director� can contribute more to the business of the �istrict, with which he is more experienced. President "Jall requested that if �ossible the attorney Iiave minutes sent to each di rect,or l�y Tuead�,y hefore each re;�ular meetinb so that tlie Di rectors w�i 11 have an opportunity to exa,mine the minutes before reo lar meetings. , '1iINUTEi: Tlie minutes of the ndjourned re�ular meeting of September 29� 1960� the ' minutes of tk�e O�enin� of Bids for the Construction of the Beach Triuik Sezrer on Oc,tober fi� 1g60� the minutes for Qpenin; of Bids for Se�rer Pipes for �each Trunk Sewer on October G� 19G0� and the minutes of the regular meetin� of the Boa,rd of Directors of October G� 1960� were read and a�proved. PR�SIll�. 'S REPQf�PS: Director G�erin�er reported that he and Attorney iYeichnan met with h�iessrs. •.Johnson� 'Vestlund and Slipoff in Concord la.st zreek re�.rdin� easements �'or the Be�ch TrunIc Sewer. f;4f,1�1ITTEE FtEPORTS: Director Pankost� Chairm�a,n of the SYater �oc�nittee� read and filed � letter from Pinewood �Yater Compu.ny dated October 14� 1960� w�iich acivised the Board that the previous offer of Pinewood'�ater Compairy for sale to the District would be revolced unless the Distriet tooIc aetion thereon �rithin the next ten (10� days. Director Pankost moved� seconded by Director Goeringer that a revenue bond electio�r be c�.11ed for the purpose of the voters of the i}istrict approvin� or dis�pprovinn the purchase and proposed fina,ncin; of the Pine�+*ood �Y�,ter Comparty. President S�all stated that if there were no objections he would call an adjourned meetin� for the purpose of the Board makin� a decision upon Director Pankost's motion. There were no objections. Director Pan�{ost moved that the i3istrict asIs Pinewood �Ya,ter Company for a short extension of time so that the decision to purchase could be made at an adjourned meetir�. The motion was seconded by Director Goeringer and unanimousl;,v carried. I ! I}irector Souza reported he has requested that five more li�hts be added to the � - proposed Sierra Pacific Power Compa,riy plans' for lights in Ttz�,ncho Bi.jou. Director Souza reported that the audit cocmnittee conferred �rith our �uditors concerning financial practices and procedures for the Distriet. Fie further reported that re— coumended modifications and improvements to insure sound financial control wonld be ma.de in the near future. '�`� I7irector Lsouza reported that the insura,nce committee met witti �eneral h�iana er Russell, ,,irector Goerin�er and r;ir. Gibsor, of Gibson a.nd Associ�tes srith respect to the survey of oomplete insur�,nce for t�le DistTict. �ach Director SYB,S tk�ere- upon provided with a, copy of the survey rnade by '�:ir. Gibson. After discussion, Director rt�7akem�,n moved that the Board �,dopt and effectu�,te the insurance survey of '��ir. Gibson� Provided� however� that if the a,mount for insuranae increases substanti�.11y the ma,tter a��,in be referred to the board. Upon second kry Director Sou��, the motion was unanimously carried. CO'�fl�iUNICATIONS: Director uoerinoer read and filed a letter from Brown and Caldwell da,ted October 10� 19G0� re�ardir� the sew�,ge treatment pl�.nt which stated that the plant is nearing oompletion but that the Board should decide as to responsiblity on two specific items before acceptance of the plant. Upon reco�nendation by Brown and Calchrell� Director PanIcast moved thut the District accept the asp�alt paving job at the sewa,ge treatment plant sub�ject to the defective muterials and � worIflnanship bond. Director Souza seconded the motion which was unanimously adopted. Upon the recor�end�tions of Brown and Cr�,ld�+rell� Director Pankost moved that the District� in future acceptance of the plant� relieve the contractor of the respon- sibility for disposal field erosion. The motion wA,s seconded by Director Souza �snd unanimously carried. General h�iia„na,ger Russell re�d and filed a letter from �ir. Taylor� Superintendent of the Tre�,tment Plant� recomnendir� �, one step adva.nce for Paul Costa� an employee at the plant. General �ian�,ger Russell concurred in this recommendation. Director Souza moved� seconded by Director Pankost� that Paul Costa be re- classified as reconanended by the General Rianager and Plant Superintendent� �,nd the motion unanimously carried. UNFINISFiED BUSINESS: Chan;e Orders previously filed for Sanitary Se�rerage Project 1959-1� necessit�.ted by State Highway Depa,rtment Construction� to�ether with a progress payment for Lagrange Construction Co. for said project in the amount of FIGHT THOU�SAND FIVE 3itJNDRED SIXTY SEVF..I�T DOLLAItS� 04 CENTS (�8�567.04� were �.pproved. I7irector Pankost moved that R.esolution No. 239 A� a resolution txmending Resolu- tion No. 196 �nd authorizir� engineer of work to perform inspection� Assessment District� 1960-2� be �.dopted. Upon second by Director Souza, the resolution wa.s unanimously adopted and Clair A. Hill & Associates were thereby authorized to inspect Sanita,ry Se�rerage Pro ject 1960-2. Director Panicost moved that Resolution No. 239 B� a resolution amendin� Resolution No. 216 and authorizing en;ineer of worIi to perfor� inspection� Assessment District� 1960-3� be adopted. Upon second by TJirector Souza the resolution tiras unanimously adopted t�nd Clair A. IIill & Associates were thereby authorized to inspect Sanitarv Se�+rera�e Project 1960-2. General A�anager I7.ussell presented �,n invoice dfl.ted September 18� 1960� from Alva Enterprises Incorporatecl� for services in con�nection with apprais�,l of PinejYood Water Compt�,ny in the amount of T�YO THOUS�IND SIX HUNDFiED SIXTY DOLLARS (�2�660.00). The amount previously authorized for this e�ependiture by the Board was ONE TIIOUSAND FIVE IIt1Nl)ItED DOLLAI�,S (�1�500.00). Director Souza movedlthat the question of pa,yment of the Alva Enterprises invoice be cieferred until the next meeting. Upon second by Director �Yakeman the motion was defeated with Directors "4Ua11 and 1Vakeman votin� in tlie affirm�,tive. Director Goeringer moved that payment of the ONE TFIOUSAND FIVE IIUNDiZED DOLLAI2S (�1�500.00)� to Alva Enterprises be authori zed without achaission by the District or Alva Enterprises of the correctness of the total invoice and the sub�ject of the correctness of the balance be deferred until the next meetin;. Charles Klor of Alva Enterprises was present when_this motion was made. Director �YakemA,n seconded the motion which was carried with one dissentin� vote }ry I}irector Souza. Director Goeringer reported on a meeting with General hianager iZussell� Kenneth Brown and Richard Aberley of Brown and Caldwell on Sa,turda,y� October 1Fi� 1960. I The subject of the meeting was some of Brown and Caldwells charges against the � District. Director Goeringer reported that he and General &fanager Itussell agreed ' as to the correctness of tlie amount heretofore pa,id for pwnp station pl�,ns on the 1959 Sanitary Sewerage Bond Pro ject Contr�,ct No. 3. He further reported th�,t Pvtr. Brown irill submit a detA,iled breakdown in connection with Assessment District Project 19G0-2. Upon motion of Director Panizost� seconded by Director ��aI�ema,n�� Resolution No. 242� A RFSOLUTION DIi�CTING RtAi{ING 0� AT�iENDg:D A1SSi'.SS1GiF.N'PS i� CET3.TAIN ASSESS�:fENTS UNDETt RESOLUTION OF INT�NTION NQ. 47 - SANITAI3Y SI{:!'r�ltAG� P1tOJ�CT N0. 1952-1� was una,n- imously. adopted. Upon motion of llirector Pankost� seconded by �ireetor �Vakeman� �?esolution No.243� A RE,.;OLUTION DIFiECTING CIiANG� IN TIIE AUDITORtS R.ECORD-SANITtLIZY SLCi'ET�LGE P7tOJECT N0. 195�-1, iro,s una�nimously rzdopted. QJ� Upon motion of Director Pa,nkost� seconded k7y Director ""J�.kerno,n Itesolution No. 244� A T�.ESOLUTION DIF?�CTING a;iAI{.I�,'G OF A;�i�PJ��D 1'�.SS�:SS?,.t�TTS P?� C�TtTATN E1SS'„����ATTS LNDI:rt T�?�SOLUTION t3]C' I?�rTfi.�.TIOiV' v0. 146 - S�'�.T�ITt1I'tY S�''lII?.E1G� Pi?O�T�CT Nd. 19�6-1� w�,s tm- anir.iouslv �.c'�opted. Upon motion of I7irector PanIcost� seconded by I3irector ��'IaIzeman� Ftesolution �`o. 245� A 1�'SOLTJTIOlvT �IR^CTIRTG CFIA.?�C�� IN TII� �1TT.hITOFt�� 1t�COPLD - /Sflnitary Sewerat;e Pro ject 1�J56-1 WEiS una.nimously adopted. Upon motion of Director PanI�ost� seconc3.ed bv Director �V�,keman' Reeolution No. 246� t� I�'..SOLUTION AI'�fEh1DING SIZT�'.SOI�UTION N0. 213 - S�nitarp Sewera.�e Pro ject 19Fi0-3� was unanimousl,y adopted. ', i��`,'� T3LJSINE�S:- It �+r�s r.ioved by 17irector Pankost� seconded by Director !'7a,keman and unanimouslv carried thflt the attorney be instructed to prepare an ordina,nce provid- in�; for election of officers e�,ch year. The matter of tlie compl.aint of ?�tiss Alva Brzrton re�ardino dr�ages in connection with ensements tl�rouhh h�r property were referrecl by the President to the Attorney� Director Pr�nI�ost �,nd Director cYaliernan For a report at tlie next re,;vla,r meeting. Upon motion by Director E►'�,Iceman� seconded by nirector PanIiost� Itesolution No.24G� A ReSOLUTION APPF�.OVING TIi1C DR,A�'JINGS AN� SP�CIPICATIDNS I'OIt CONSTPLUCTION QI' F.�UENT . PU�1P 5TATION .fIND SP�rAY SYST��i�- 195�1 Sewer I3ond Pro ject� Contr�,ct No. G� was .. approved. Upon motion by Director ";''IaI�eman� seeoncied bv �i.reetor Panlcost� I�esolution No. 248� ' A P?�SOLUTIDN �^'STIIBLISIIING P�.i.'VAILING :�'lAGI',S SC:1�L.�'�.. FOI�. CONSTF2UCTIC�; OF .���: ;U"i�?vTMS' �r�rF' � �. <;'P:�i'�l�,:l": ."�`,7:) S�'?�'.?Y SYSTu",1 - �959 Se��rer B�rac3 Px���t:t. Contrwct� P:o. ,� � F. ��as tan�,nimon.,l� �,�lc�pt:ec'i. ?Tpon motion h� Direetor ',`:�,ker�.��.n' tiec�ondeci by iireetor PanIcost� T?esol�:tion No. 249� �l I?ESOLL'TIC�'�I C�'.I,I.I�,TG POP ;�:�,I�Lfi P1�4POS�II�S FOFt CONSTILUCTION OF ��� ,IT'�..�T PL�:�' STATTQN AA??? SPP�.AY SYST��;i -.1�?5� Sewer Fon�l Project� Contr�,et No. E �rhich c�.11s for Fid Openi.nns on 1`;ovemher 1.0� 1960� at 2:@0 P.�,i. �s�as �2n�.ni.mously adoptec+.. Pi rector P�,nIcost movecl th�,t the Bowrd �o on recorcl. to reimburse Lar ranne Con.struction Co. for additional zYorTi c�,usec� }a,y connections� lenaZ or othervrise� mnde pri.or to inspection of 1959-Z Assessment 3�i�trict c�llection lines. The motion zra,s seconded hv iirectar Souza. L�irector PanIsost further movecl to �.mend the �otion to in- c�taile th:�t e�*ery conaection Lrz�;ran�e breaF�s be inspectecl by the �istriet Inspectar anc� i.f' it is c�eter4nineci tlit�t saic' connectian is not installeci in �,ccard�.nce wit�t� Ordinance ?�To. 24. �no reconnection be a].lo�rec�� �nc3 notice serve�� on the pr•oper�,y owners ti��reof pursu�,nt.. to Ordi nance ^ao. ��. The �endment �vas secondecd by Director Souzn. Tlie motion as funenclec� vras thereupon unanimot�sly aclopted. :??i rector Souz��. moved� secondeci b3 Director `,:'�,Icem�,n� th�,t General �.`�,na�,er �'z�ssell report inforn�,tion to the newspapers concerninr; ille��.l connections ancl proper procedures for connection to collecti�n lines. The r�otion tivas adopteci un�,nimously. �irector Goerin�er moved that the attorney prepare an amendment to the Street LimhtinU Ordinance settintrc t13e price for inca�ndescent li�htin� as reco�endect. On seconcl hy Director So��z�� the motion 1+r�,s unanimously ca,rriec�. Genera.l �:fln�,�er Rxissell presented �.nd reeor,anendec'1 Cl�an�e Orcler h'o. 1 to 1959 �ewer Eond Project� Contract No. 3� deletin�; electroc�es and installin�; vi�itrols a.s re- coufl*�endec'� by ttie �3irector of Incdustrial S�,fety. �irector Goeri.n�er moved sai d Ct►an�e Orcler No. 1 be approve�i. Upon second by Direct,or *,'s'aI>em�,n t3�e motion was unt�.nimously adopted. Llirector Souza rnovec< tY��.t the ','anar;er make wee1�13* prohress rep�rts a,ncl a �n�itten monthly re�ort to all of t�ie �iirectors of tlae Dist•rict. Director s4'akem�n seconc?ed ttie moti on tivhi ch �vas untini.mously a,dopter�. L:�1IP.�"�: The follosYiny cl.aims Kere �.rproved and paicl as follows: CIIECK 'v'OS. 1306 = Tahoe P.ecivrood Cor,�pariyn �'a lUQ.00 1418 - P�.cific Telephone 2G7.1�? 1419= Sierra Pacific Potirer 1�008.11. 1�120 = C1arIce �uildin� 2f�0.00 1421 = Irvine 8: Ihice 775.00 , 1�22 = Tal�oe Tribune 8�k.25 � 1�23 = Thermo-Pah of Sacramex�to 53.3`'i l���k = El ?iorado t?.ecorder �.00 14��5 = San Francisco �a,miner 62.92 142G = A:evac��. Lvriber Co. 5.38 1�}�7 � Si.erra Chemical Co. lg���� ;�f� 14�g = ',tine Safetv ,1p�liances ��?,17 1429 � �;thoe Of f i ce Supply 1 ri0.66 1�1�3�J = Tahoe Suppl.y CorJpany �1,�7 1431 = Carpenter's T�rpe�vri ter 5ervi ce 317.3� 1��32 = Iiu�;�ies� '.Iaul C ?�'o;erty ��,,9e 1433 - Gordon H. Fiuber Cor,ipazry 27.23 1434 = The Sacr�,rnento Bee 1g�47 1435 = La,Isesi cle Automotive 3�g� 143� = Ta.hoe hTe�s 312.61 1437 = A. Carlisle Fx Company �2��.� 1.�39 = I'esler Insurance Co. 5g.g0 1440 = Intercoast P,iutual Life� Inc. 556.13 1��2 = Los An�eles Times 91.20 1489 = Alvt� �nterprises Inc. 1 500 00 S- 6�025.31 P11YF',,OLI� 14�3 = Belle I3ender 149.85 14�4� = Lditha Beseler 127.33 14�5 = Paul Costt� 170.10 1�4G = �d�ra.rd �ppler 223.G5 1447 = George Garrido 251.75 144� _ �dtiward Gast 134.40 1�9 = �.i.G. Hart 162.70 1�50 = A.L. h:Tiller 209.10 ((hni tted 25 checks) 1�76 = Ftobert It. Russell 321.07 1�77 = k�,ry Serpo, 128.33 1478 = `"lilliam C. Ta�ylor 226.55 14'79 = 'uillia,m i;for�;ensen 165.10 1�80 = Yvonne P,T. Petersen 17.32 1481 - NormA.n L. Goerirager 142.05 1482 = ATorm�,n L. Goerin�er 50.40 1484 = Robert SYaIsemr�..n 17.05 1485 = Vernon J. FYall 67.05 14&6 = F'ranIc Souza g7�p,� 1488 = Earle Pankost 255.80 a- 2�8$6. 65 ;911F1�A1VTS NOS. 853 - Clt�i r A. Iti 11 Associ�,tes 241.13 $5�4 - Clair A. Ilill Associ.ates 674.00 855 - Clair A. Iiill Associates 2�1.01 856 - Clair A. Itill Associates 3�333.9Q 857 - Intei•-County Title Co. 50.00 858 = ICirkbride� Ii;�rzfeld� Y^lilson �t !'lalla.ce 1�108.69 859 - Geo. E. ;4!iller Constr. Co. 101.15 860 - t�t�Yooci Insura,nce Co. 100.00 861 - AtwooG Insurt�,nce Co. 10.00 862 - Atwood Insur�.nce Co. 50.00 �'10�889.88 AIkTOUTiN_",1Ef1T: There being no further business the meetin� was acljourned hv the I'resident at 11:15 P.2�i. until Thursday� Qctober 27� 29F�0� at 8:00 P.�.i. .;°i --. ,-- -- ; ,.,y �- � 7 r � , �� � j ' ,i `- . - . " / z �c. , _ � � . '� Norm�,n L. Goerin�er, �Clerk of th South Tahoe Public Utility District and �c- Officio Secretary of the Board of �irectors thereof. ATT�ST: Vernon J. all� President of the Boara of Directors of the South Tahoe Public L'tility District (S�'�L� ?,iI?dtl'I'ES OF I�'II� A]�IUOUR.NET� REGUI�AR It�ETING OF TFiE BOA�D OF DII2EECT013S OF SOUPH Tt'�IOE PLTf3LIC tTTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBIIt 27� 1960 The Boa,rd of �zirectors of the South Tahoe Public L'tility District met in an adjourned regular meeting at the District Offices, C1arIce Building� Tahoe Valley� California� on Thursday� October 27� 19�0. The meetin� was called to orcier by the Presi dent at 8;15 P.P;f. ��� ROLI: CALI:: On c�,ll of the roll there �rere present Directors Goerin�;er� pankost� Soi�za� r'�aTcemFtn �,nu� �1'all. Absent: I�Tone. Also presen�, were General hi�.na�;er T�ssell , Attorne,y 1'r'eidman� �n�ineers 1lberley and Rusti�ian= Ln�ineer LStefani. of Brawn ta,nd Ca,ldwell�John Corsit.ino of C. ?�Torman eterson� Inc.� Cecil Cap�e� I�.E. Nelson of Pi netirood �Yn,ter Comp��,rty� Jahn �PL,�,bran�e� �ir. �ti l ey of t,he Fi re �ep�.rtment� Charl es Gibson of G.`,is Gibson �� �lssociates� ?.�r. tlopIcins of the Ta,hoe Valley Insurance� �Yalter Little of the LaIce Tahoe I�Te�rs� Don Rich�.rdson of the Sacramento Eee and 7ane 'ctiles of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune. t,'-INUTES: Nane re�,d as t,his was �n adjourned meetin�. PT�F'STD�. �S REPOM'S: None i CORL'�ITT� i }tF�OT�TTS: None �, COh�'R�NICATIONS: A letter was read ancl filed by the C1erI{ from I�rown and Caldwell bearin� the date of October 26� 1960� re�urdin� the expir�tion of I,a,�range Construction Co. 's completion dute for 1lssessment District 1959-1 and recoirm►enc�in� a time eYtension of sixty (60� calendar days pursu�,nt to the provisions of the District contruct with Lagran�e. Director Pankost moved' seconded by Director Goeringer that since there wt�,s a delay in obtainir►g easements and difficulty with lega,l and illegta.l connections aausin�I�delay �,nd inconvenience to the Contractor� th�,t La�range Construction Co. 's time to complete this contr�,ct with the Di.strict be extended sixty (60) days und th�,t there be no inspection or en�ineerinm charges to the Contractor durin� this period of delay. The motion carried with one dissentin;� vote by Director Souza. A letter bea,rin� the date of Octoher 26� 1960� from Brown and Caldwell rega,rding , . 1959 Sewer Bond Project Contract No. 2 was read r�nd filed. by the Clerk. This letter reco�nenc�ed a thirty (30) calendar day extension under the terms of the District contr�et with the Contractor� Lahrange Construction. Director Pankost moved� seconded by Director Goerin�er that La,�ran�e Construction be given a thirty (30) da.y extension of time to complete this contract without pa,yir� a pena.lty for inspection or en�ineerin; charges during the delay. Director Pankost moved that the motion be amended to reaci fifteen (15) da,ys extension instead of thirty (30) davs extension. The amendment died for lack of a second. Thereupon the motion �s adopted with Director �V�,11 not votin�. - UNFINISIi� BUSINESS: Director Goeringer stated th�,t an article appeared lust ' weeIz in o�e of the loc�,l newspa.pers� stating that he had been "ousted" bv the Board of �irectors. Director Goerin�er stated tIu�t this was incorrect� that he agreed with the policy of the Board of �irectors in changinb officers� includin� the Presi dent� and Di rectors �Y�,kema.n� �+Jal l and. Souza concurred in thi s statement. Director !Yall further t�dded that he was of the apinion that Di.rector Goerir�er wa.s one of the most valuable members� if not the most valuable member of the Board of Directors and tl�,t the newspaper wa� incorrect in reportingI�hat Director Goerinher was ousted. Director �Yall called on h4r. Caple and P�Sr. Nelson of Pinewood S�rzter Company. Rir. ��elson stated tha.t Pinewood ��ater Compa,ny would like ta be religved of arry oblig�.— tion to the District for sale of the Fyater Compa,ny� unless the District indicates their intention to purchase Pinewood �Yater Compariy. , t,sr. Nelson added thr�t there wta.s no chan�;e in Pinewood 5'Vater Compt�.r�y's customers since the July discussion with the exception that part of Harrah's Clubs were no longer bein�; served� but that there were some other new connections. ���.��. � , ���� Russell reported he had reviewed the water appraisal of Alva, Enterprises on Pinewood �'�ater Compa,ny and recomnended purchase of the water system pursuant to the terms and conditions previously agreed upon. Director Pankost st�,ted that Pinelvood �'Tater Compa.ny ia a goinb business and its purcha,se would be beneficial to the people. Director Goeringer stated that in his opinion the people ought to decide at a revenue bond election whether ar not to �o into the 1rn.ter business. Director Souza concurred �rith the views of Director Goeringer. General ��4ana�er Russell stated that one of the reasons for the public �ettin� into the water business by the purclu�.se of Pine�rood yVater Comp�rry �rould be to get a start in preservinb �vater rights of the South Tahoe area. Attorne,y SYeidma,n concurred. i)irector �Yaker.n�,n stated that one of the originr�,l reasons for the District to consider the purchase of the water system lras to increase fire protection and decrease fire ra,tes throu�h eventua,l inner—connected �.ter systems in the La,ke Valley area �rith adequate stora;e and line sizes far fire protection. Director �9akeman moved that on the basis of eventua.l fire protection adva,nt��es and decreasin� fire insurance r�.tes that the 17istrict let the puhlic decide whether or not Pinewood S�later Compo,rry should be pu.rchased under the terms� conditions �na fino,ncial provisions c�dopted and that the attorney prep�re an appropriate resolution °�� to call for an election for LT�nuary 31� 19fi1. The motion w�,s seconded byDirector PanIcost. llirector '.°laI�em�.n moved to �,r�encl t:�e �otion to inclucle as a basis therefor� pro— tecti on of t1�e water xi�hts of SouthT�zhoe as a further re�,son for the public de— cidin� whether or not to purchsz�e i'inetirood �'�ater Compa,rry. Director Pa.nkost seconded the �rnenc�ment. Th� motion� �,s amended� �vas ua�,nimously c�,rried. Presi dent �'lal l referred to tlie corrani ttee 4n insurance� the matters rai aed by 1Sr. IIopkins of T�,hoe Vnlley Insurance� rela,tive to the pl�.cing of insurance� for a report at the next re�ular meetin�. P:Ir. Gibson stated that the new sewa�e treatment plant would he put uncier binder durin� the intgrim. �irectar Pankost questioned the use of road r:ii�c on certain streets of Assess— ment Uistri.ct 1960-1 where plant mix was c�,lled for in the specifications. I �n�ineer Rusti�ian reported that �tir. I3.obert Downer� rl Dorado County P�oad � Corcanissioner� approved road mix where used and that he would furnish the ' �istri ct srith a copv of a letter from �;Ir. Do�mer st�.ting that where road mix was used the L1 Dorado County Excavation Ordinance had been complied with. Ex�ineer Itusti�;i�.n further reported that in order to get an adequa,te re— serve over excav�.tion on certa.'r,.n roads where road mi.x wa,s used� road mix was rnuch preferred over plant mix. 3)i rector P�,nkost moved th�,t t'ilva �nterpri ses be pai d the bnl�nce of' t;hei r invoice c��,ted September 18, 19fi0� �,nd submi.�tted Uctober 20, 1960a in the �,mount of ON�;.�'FIOI7S11N13 O1V� TNU1713^�3 5I1TY �OLLl'ia�?S («1�1�d.OQ). '£�ie mot,ion clied for lack of n seconc3. I)irector PftinIcost moved that Alv�, rnterprises be rec�uested to iLemize their in— voice� settin� forth the specific items of �.11��ed e�:�r�, tiroric over• �,nd at�ove th�t �,nreed to be performed� the separ�,te charme claims t:ierefor and furtt�er� to be �uestionec3 zbout �Ln �.dministr�tive m�,nu�.l of oper�,tion of Pinewood °,'��ter Cornp�.ny mentionecl in one of tiieir proposals. fl7irector 5ouza seconded tlie moti on 1Yhi ch was iin�nimous ly acloptec?. N`;"."1 I2L'SI?�TI?�S: T�ie Cler3f read �,ncl filed �, letter be�ir•inm tlie r���,te of �7ctoY�er 27' 1960, fro�n 13rown �nd Caldwell reconmiendinr� p;L�ent of the finr�l �roposed estim�te to 6. Vorman Pet;erson� Inc. � in tiic �mount of TIFIF�i�,�T TIIOiJ�.'lN:")� �r'iIi2I..T� P�'N�I�Eli SI<': 1�0I.Iu1�Li, GO CT.ivT'I'S (;>13,30i.(i0) for corzstruc�tion of' the sewar;e treat,ment pinnt �tnci further recoi�nene�in�; the cicceptance by the Iii.strict,� suh,ject to previous �pprovec3 con�i i;i ons. a)irector P�nliost t:�ovec�� seconclec� h,y �ilrector Goerin;er th�t �'tesolution No. �<17� �1 I����OLUPION 1?LJ`I'IIOF�IZIrdCx '�iIa. �"s`1GI?,�C".�t 0:' '�TI", I�ISTIcI�T TO i1CC":PT '']0?�� :"�NN� �IL'� Iv'OTIC:s 0�' CO'.iPI�:�TI�P�� S��'f11G:; TT�^.",T'.�";'�,TT PL.�;TMi's �e z.clopteci under i,Pie terms and condi ti ons recommenaec: by t3ie �i stri ct� �nci �pprovec3 by the i3oarc�. �i�i d resalu— ti on ���s i�n�.xii�nous l�v a��o��.e<i, ;�j Y•p•,i.qt• � �'TiC):?f, `iI0"Sl�ti� ti(?C071(�Ct� �"1�,* a'7.Y•�'C,i-02' T.f:;l'.:i!Il� l�l ..�". �i1�.21�"e Crt3crs .� 5iT1f.' 1�J c>n t�,� ;;eir,«e t:rer�_tn�ent �lfzn� be approvec?. Ttie �;�ation �s��s un�,nirt�ousiy �ciopted. I'�irec�,or "`:;�,kern�n rnoved� seconc'ieci b�- �i.irector P�ntlost tlz�t finzl �j.p�z�/r�ent ;�s set fori�h a,bove to C. 1Torman Pet,crson, Fnc. be ,p��roved. '1'tie �notion rras un��,nimouslv adoptccl. . Preti;ic'en�: ",h'�,11 ��'�i.reetec�l �n�? I�ireetor•s ��r�10 irere ,:,v��ilahle to �ttpncl t��e 1�y1 :or,E�'o CoiintvT;oryrc? of Supervisor•s "teetin; in Pls�.cerville oii October �il � 19G0 ��t �:00 P.`:�.. s et i�;�ll(`�1 i,ime t,l�e 13o�r�l o!' Surervisors �vi.11 be form�113r �sicec� #;o consent. t,o !lssessment i>istrict, 19�i0-4 proceectin+r�. � Presic'ent ".':'��,11 c�irec:ted. t,l��t uniess there ��;ere ;.Ltiti ok�jections T�irert:or Pan?cc�st ]�e ��.tthorizec: {;o atten�l �'sie ?;ovemher 3� �nd �;oveml>er �4i 19�0� meetir:��s af t��.e Co�vp�ct, �ot:ur.ission in `;;�cramento� Califor•nia. Di r•ect.or "�'�'rt.I.ef�l�n nove�l� seconc?ec'_ b� �)i rector `'xoeri.nf,er� tlt��t ?)i rector P�nT,os�.� � hc� <^;.npoinLeca �:�, conu;�ittee oF one to ��rr2rirce fo7• deciic�.tiort of i���c� nevr sevr���e tre,,tment pl�nt. �Jpon seconcl k�y T7irector `�o��.za, the z-iotion �^r�.s una.nimously �c3opted. . PL��.ri;I�"P_Oi� CI,:iI":�i: T?Ie f�llo��,�inti clair::s were 4�rroved �.ncl p^ic3: r�l.i��i�7S:J �'til/� . J• 1''��� - ;t,.te of C;�lif. ' ';�pr�.rt:neno.; of "�;��loynerat, � %��4.,r,�.��; e�� 1=l-�?1- Int,ern�.l ?�even�te r�rvice Il1�)0.�30 1 ���" - ��`�:1 '•_"�or��c�o �',ot�3�t,v '�'<,corc'e.� GOt).00 1<1�3:, - Lci�r; r•r� ���,�. l��.�;7 ',;`n;,'�J�P "1t)�: ~_��i� - T3,n'� of ;u.eri cr� , ;'.�coxant, oF `;t)L?'�'IT '��:':s?t?� P�.'�iI.IC ?'TIr.ITY ?;I,,1'�,I{.m � � 1Q,0�0.00 `r;:7{)LJ�\ri'�'v7': There t�ein�� no oh;jection tlie n�cetins; w��s �,c�journeci hti tile Presid�nt at 10:35 P.,;. ., � ( � � �!��w �. �rr ��� �,_ — � :�Iorn��n I,. Goeriri�er��Clerir of t�he���� rOUi;� 'I'.1aIQ,' PI'TiI.�IC t�`I'Il:I'I'I' :;ISrnP_ICT rinc� ;?x-G'fficio Sc�cret;�ry of the �3o�,rd of �irector•s i,liereoF rn��r,v�fi i. t ,J 1 . � ,��,�r� ��� �� Ve rraon tT. "'�a.2 � .resi�ent of '� ttae Po�rd of 7�irectors of SoutIi 'I'�,hoe Public i?tility �istr•ict (S .� �. ,�. I,� _ �������-�ac-���c-�!-�-���t-��x- ?'iI'vTU'I'TS OF TII� 7'_.7;Cx?rL�.�".'� :�,�T�:?�:i'T�1G 0� TI:� �0,ItI3 0�' ;;I I`t�:CTUA:.� Or T's': SOL?'i;I � T�1iI0x' PL'T3LIC T?`TILITY I)TSTI�ICT - - - hTov�mber 3, 1960 T��e re+�nl.ar meetinm of i.t�e Sout�i `i'ahoe Public T?tilitv '�i stri et: ��r�s cF.l leri �t 8:00 P.'�f. at tlze :'7istrict Offices� C1�rIce �3�iildin,�-� 'I'n.hoe V�,lley� C�li��ni�, on T3iursc!r�y� ?vTovember 3? 19Fi0. i � :1: tliere �•ras no c�uorum present� the r,�cetinz* lvas r�,djournecl b1- i,lle Clerfc ,.nc' �s- Officio �>ecr•e�ary, until nricP�.�-� Noveinber 4� 19G0, �t 10 o�cioci. ,.;n. � �t tlie ' re�ul�.r r�eet,in�- pl�,ce� District OFfices� Cl�ri�e Pnildin�;� i�hoe :l�ll�y, C�liforni�. �-, i '. ,'� � � � �" .- / /,�. ��r �° ,.. -� � �� ,� _�,� i-- �->-�' __ ' ."�%rrti�n L. Croerin�er� rlerk of th. So ith 'i'ahoe 1'uhli c T_?t.i 1 i t�� �i ctri ct and '��;�- C�f'�'icio Secret�rz of thel3o�.,rd of �iirectors �t?�ereof. � �1 T`C'��:5 T: �-�_ � Vernon �. ','l�,1 , Presiclent of tlie ?io;�rc� of �irectors of �:he Sot2th 'I'n}ioe I'��blic Utility 17istrict a�������c��-x--�����x-�c�-��--�-� a.iINiJrt'I:S Q�' TI'L�'� OP��'NIi';G QF �iIJS Nover�ber 3� 19GC1 Rzrsu�.nt to„dt�ly publishec� :�Tot•icc �nd Ca.11 for rids for c�nstruction of Set�rer Collecti on �stem - ?Lssess�ent 7�istri ct 1960=3� tk�e C1erI� of the5outli Ta��oe Puhlic t?tility �istrict p�iblicly opened �,11 l�ids receivec?. at 11:00 o'clock :1".� in tF�e �ffices of the �oi�tl� Tahoe Public LTtilit}r I�istrict� Ci�,rice Iiuilc?inm� ' T�hoe jlr�.lZey� C,lifornia j t �- The fallo�Yinm bids 1r�re publiclz> openec? ana read by said ClerIi: I:;.��r�n;e I�onstr•ucti on? Inc. �terzo� Ney�cla <3 132�710.00 C�eorne '�;. :�,�i ller Constr. Co. �Inc. l�eno� Nev�,c�� 134,000.00 '_".J. ��,Yter :1 Ca jon� Ca,li.fornia. 135�332.00 � V�llev r�n�ineers� Inc. nresno� Californi�, 1�7�810.80 'u"1CrIhT'+�".':t'S' ':STI�:iI'.TI�� - ;;12d,5�9.0� :lfter tl�e openin�; ;�nc.? rea,c3in!; of the aforementioned bicl_s� the low hid of La�r�.n�e Construction� Inc. � N3S referre� to Clair 11. I�ill cY .Lssoci�,tes� Pro�iecu ;:�hineers for said construction� foi- detem�ination �s to its suffi ciency� tirith instructions to report to the re�ular board of directors meetin� �t 8:00 P.`�f. � November 3� 19�0. 4� ' : , , _ , , , � _.,�.x-� -_ -- �:tin��rm1nyl:. IGoerinmer� �lerTc anca �.�-Q ficio rec. � � � i Vernor_ �' . „'al l , Pr:sicier.L ��� ����t-�-��c-�-x�c-�t-�c�t-�c�c-�- '.1IiVL°PiaS OF TY�, PItOTT�T IIi.;11?,IVG OF i H� S�UTI�1 `I'�I=b.� PL�I�IC L�l'ILI'i'Y I3ISTI=ICT I�SS7:�;�";;�T:R'T Z7IST��ICT — 19f�—,3 '�'�vembe r 3, 1960 Rirsuant to dt�3y publisl�ec3. noti.ce, ti�e rr�eetin� for the purpose of lie�rinn protests ��*�,inct tlie South Tahoe Pu}�lic LTtility �3isl;rict L.�:ssessz:�ent �list,rict 1960—u \YiLS c�,lled to order by the President of the Por�.rd of Directors o�' the ro�th 'I'�tioe P�iblic Utilitv �istrict at �;15 p.';t� , `dovember 3� 19fi0' r�t the ?iistrict Of'fices� Cla.rTce Puil.din�� T;;hoe Valley? C�lifornia. ;'OLI, CALI:: Upon call of the roll there tivere present: :)irectors C�oerin�;er� 5ouza? "�aIrem�,n� and ':i��,ll. �1PS�:'Q'I': �irector PrznIcost. r'�lso present }vere: Gener�,l ',iana�er i'ussell , �lttornez Holtom, ;:n�ineer Fiarlan ','oyer, ;,irs. .Iuebener� :',fr. ��feiner? ?ifr. Oser, flir. Lonrcshore� ",irs. T.ral� and �:Ir. Lloyd Thurston. '1'he C1erIc reported wnd :�-e�zc3 protests from the folloisin� propertv olvners: 1. �.fr. ;t.C. Van P,over� Spt�rIts� ?v'ev�c�a� ':Yest 1 f2 I.,ot 6� �31ocIc B. � I,aiieside P,�,rk; � 2. t.ir. Jesse tl. CooIc� St�,teline� C�tili�rnii� I,:Z,kesicle P�ric; � 3. "�ir. �,nc� r:irs. T:arl It. l��eixner' Statelinea P�rt.I�ot.9a Blocis Tia L�,Isesic�e P�,rIcg 4. ''�:ir. �L.':i. S"�vart� Ttc�no� Nev�,d�; 5. J.`.1'. T?inrston� Sacr�,ruento� C�,liforni�.� Lots 8� 9� �,nd 10� IC.S. Fiill 5ubdivision; fi. Fir.tirol d J, znd rl orence ?.i. ',','�ii t locIc� Sacr�aento, Lot 3� I31 ocic r� Lr�lcesicle P�,i•Ii; 7. hirs. ?;.F. ';:'�iistler� C�unpbell� Cal.iforni;�� I,ot 13� B1ocIz C, L�I�esi de P�,rIc; 8. ��ir. ',Y.:�. L'e�rs, ,� illerton� C�,lifornia� I,aizeside P�,rk; 9. �ffie C. Ye�.w� C�,rrnichael� C�:llifornia� Lakeside P�,ric; � 10. ��4rs. J.S. 9(�.Ia,e� I'aulkner, ��,n Francisco� L�,Iceside Pa.rI�; 11. :�Trs. 1�vis �Vliitt}iaus� Carson Citv� Nevada� Lakeside P�,rIi; 12. `,Sr. �W�,lter Ii. Todd� I�indsay� California� Lots 4�3 and 49' Lakesic�e Park� 13. ?;irs. Tom rricNr�lley� Stateline� C�lifornia� L�Iieside P�,t•Tc; 14. ?;1nuc3 & John l�T. Tibess�rt� Orland� C�,lifornii� Por. Lot 5� Block Fi. � Lt�Icesi de ParIf; 15. Ii�ns Fi. Huebener� Stateline� California� Lot 25� Block ��. � I�TiS� F�a 1 e s i de Park; 16. ii�,ymond �,nd Ruth S. L�,�b� Pomona� Cal i f orni a� I�ot 11� �iS IIi 11 � Lake— si.de ParIc; 17. ?.1r. Gavi n Gui sipone� Lot 3� B1ocI� tL� KEiSS, I�akesi de P�,rIs; 18. ;1r. <Tulio Fe�,rs� �V� Lot 9� Block C� LaIieside Park; � 19. '..�rs. l3i cha,rd A. Codman� Fai r O�ks� Lots 1� 2� and 1F� 8-10� A1 Tahoe. After reaclin� the above `rritten pratests� the C1erIc �.sked if arYyone �resent desired to make protest or secnre further informa,tion concerning'this Assesscnent. Sozne ' questions were aske� relative to previously e$cluded properties. Attorney IIoltom stated tli�,t� rebardless of the rulin�� excluded properties will be assessed. The protest meetin�; was adjourned �,t 3:30 P.?��f. � > ,, . � �i'-, ��. °_�„�__.�,� : - - ;' � , ',.._.__ ' Norman L.� Goeringer� Clerk of the South Ta,hoe Public Utilitv District ! r�nd ��� —Officio Secretary of the i Lo�,rd of Directors thereof � ATT��3fi: _ ernon J Yall� President of the Board of I}irectors af the South T�,hoe Pubiic Utility L'istrict. ������� '�,:I'JL'T?�'�.� QI' T:I� t1I'hTOUI'.i+Ti's� I��;GL7��T� r,f?�',.�TING � � 0?' TII�, I30t�i� OP ?�IR�CTQ3�; OF TITr SOUTii TAHOL PLT�3LIC UTII;ITY �ISTT?ICT NQVT�;4�31?f� 4, 19�0 The Bosird of Vi.rectors of the South T�hae I'ublic Utility T}istrict met in a.n �c1— ,journed re�.il�,r meetin� �t the 1i'istrict Offices� Clflrke Bi.iildinrc� T.•tiaoe Va.11e,y� C�,lifornia.� on T�'ric3ay� Nov�nher 4� 19f0. ThP meeti.n�; was called to order bv the President �.t. 10:05 �.m. • ROLI� C.tiI.L: On cal l of the rol l � there were present: Di rectars Goeri n=mer� Souza.� Y'lakem�,n� nnd `Yall. t'�Ii.�?�'T: �Jirector Pankost. ;t.lso �resent were Genernl i,tanaher Rzissell, �lttorney Holtom� ?.ir. Glen Smith' �.nc� 1)an �ichardson of the Sacrrzmento Bee. I AIINLT'I`I�; T2ie minutes of tlle re�ular meetinh of Octoher 20 and of the �,d journed � re{rular meeting of October 27� 1960� �vere read and approved� suhject to number— inn of resolutions �,ncl insertion af the na,�nes of ?')iz-eetors m�,Iciny �,nu seeondin� sai.d resolutions. PR�:S I I)ENT�S P�'.�'OT�.TS: None. CO?t1�IITTT�;E REpOI'�TS: Director Souza reported th�,t� �.t the meetin�• of t�� I?oard of Supervisors on October 31 � 1960� the matter of the �:lctra Territarial Ri�hts `ras �,pproveci and t,hat Director Pankost invited theSvpervisors to attend the "Open FIouse" to be held �,t the ne�v Sew�,�;e Tres�tment Plant at 11:00 a.rn. on Tuesda,y� N�vember 29� 19F0. Director S�uza reported th�.t Supervisor Chism asked if the birectors wo�ild �ive some consider�tion to assessments on the Joh�an property if h�.rdship developted. Director Souza, s�,id that the �13irectors present indicated the,y lrould �;ive favorable consideration. �4�na�er 1?ussell reported on the progress of construction. projects �,s follows: (1� the two pump st�,tions were slowed down due to sno`r� but the one at Tahoe F�eys was havin� concrete poured; (2) V�,n Valkenburbh contr�,ct about 98f complete; (3) Keith Spencer a.s runnin� a little behind schedule and ha,s renuested an ex— tension of time; (4� Trerztment plant is functionirtg properly; (5� La�range Con'struction is nearly finished with Secti.on 1 of 195�-1 contra,ct<; �f,� George E. hliller� 1�60-1 Assessment Construc ion is pro�ressing s�.tisfactorily; (7� .The Li nIc property pump stati on wi 11 be ret�..clv pri or to the end of the vear� ��'�vea,ther permitting; (8� tia.rper �,nd Baxter startecl �rork on 1960-2 Assessment , � District and are trenchinb. r��r. P,ioyer reported they are averamin� r�bout 400 f't per day. COt;4,fUNIC�TIONS: None. UNFINISFIED BUSINESS: Director Souza reported the insuranee conanittee met with P,tr. :Iopkins of Tahoe V�,lley Insur�nce. Director Souza moved that the District reaffirm i.ts approval of the survey of C.hI. Gibson �.nd Associates. The motion was seconded by I3irector Goerin�er �.nd unanimously carried. Director Souza and hianager 1Zussell reported on Street Li�;htin� for x?��,ncho Bi jou and that a p��,n for uniform rfltes for all �,re�!s is being considerecl. Director `�`Jall a,ppointed Director Goerin�er to �.ssist r�ia.nager Ttussell in revie�r— in; 13rown �.nd C�,ldtirell char�es. Director Goerin�er stated that the District h�s no breaIcdown on the Brown and Cald1re11 1960-2 Assessment District bill. Director Goerin�er movecl� seconded by Director �.YaIiem�,n� that T2,esolution No. 250� A IZFSOLUTIOP�T OF INTENTION TO ':;[�1Ir.E CI1.t1I�TGES AN� �,iODII{'ICATION� — S.�NITAI�Y S�',`_J�1GE PROJT:CT N0. 19G0-3� be �dopted. The motion w�,s unanimou�ly c�.rri.ed. Attorney Iioltom stated tiv�,t the c�sh pavnient perioci for Assessment I3ist,rict 19Fi0-2� e?cpi res November 7� 1960� and the c�.sh pc�,yments have not been la�rge� thus � bonrl sale of approximately FOUIL �iUNI)£�;� FIF"1'Y THOUSI�ND T)OLI.,�LIZS (;$450�p00.00) will be necessa.rt-. Attorney Holtom further reported that he �.dviseci ConLractors i Harper �,nd Baxter that there wauld be no promress pt�,yments until bonds were � sold and deli.vered. � �a:rector �"lall� after no objection w�s expressed� instructed Attorney FioltQm to proceed lrith the �ellin{�; of the honds for 1960-2 .�.ssessment. N�"Y BUSIN��S: �,Iana.mer Ftussell reported tl�at the new elementary school of the L�.Ise T�.lioe tJni fi ed School Di stri ct i n 13i jou has fi60 f eet front�+�e �,nd Superi ntPn— dent Smith requested thirteen assessment units plus one l�,ter�.l �nd ivould litce to h�.�re the ch�rne he made pa�able from his neYt fiscal year school budmet. The school will be serviced bv 1959-1 Assessrnent bistrict. Director Goerinmer move�l tha�t the I�i jolx ��errientarv School �ie permitted to connect� th�t the bistrict construct �, latert�l fox- the schooi sewer connection� and th�.t the char�es therefor be deferred until their next school bud�et is approved be— ca,use of SZ'1PCltl:1 ci rciunst,ance: and th�,t the assesisment not be compi�ted aceordin� �� accorclin� to t�ie sc�iool fannul� prev:iatislv �,doptec3. 1n seconcl hy �irectc�r ;ouz�, the motion iv�,s unani.noiislv carrieci. '.�r. 5r�ith also reri�esteci tiizt ciia,rneG �'or tl�e T�.}ioe V�llev ?'le*nentax-�- Sc�iool be deferre�i unt,il tlie nest fi sc�l vea.r b�zc�net Of' ��1P. sc�iool cli stri ct. Di restor �'l�,ll i.nstriicted '-�c�,n�.�er Ftussell to �.sk ?Ir. 5mith t,o �,ttend tlie next re�;ul�ir meeti.n? for further consideration of this r:xa:tt,er. `.i�,naner d�zzssell rresented and filecl ch�n�e orders for Van V�.lkenbiar�li providin,�; for ditcl��s costinr�; �, total of S �I:VF:N TiLTMdI3I;T�} '_vTI:�1'P'Y.—FIVI�. iiiOLI.,A�iS (�795.00�. ,�i rector Souza. moved� seconded by I)i rector Goerinrcer� th�,t l.iis chr�,nne orcler be �,pproved." T��e moti on zra.s un�,niraouslv carri ed. 'ylan�.mer F�ssell reported th�.t� in ?�inrti.n Street� the contractor iounci �. water 1 ine whi cli liad to be removed �.nd repl.�.ced r�bove t3�e ei�litPen inch pressure � m�.in. tie recorimiended Ciian�-e Oraer No. 2� IsContr:�ct Wo. 4� be approved a�t s�n ; incre�se of ONT' IIIIN�It:;T) SI'�TY—FaIGIiT �OLLAi��� 87 C•`,�.^;J'�S �;ilE',8.R7� in cost for re�ov�tl �Lncl replacement o�' t�{� �����.t.�r li rae�. ('n 4,Tn�i csn. �,3' a i r•�ctor '�'t':e1�er:tr;..r�� , , . " r� ' r�'.�r 1 i:, ,anetinarnousl�a ap�ro�•ed. cf'!"('��1 . �q; '9�' .it 1 t:'G't��'•i' i0('Y f.3"i'''(.': , ��37 ( il7?dt�.f, t) i..� '{�n�ircer 2?zissell p��c1:,c�n�.ed tlxe �3ctoi�er I'ro�;ress P�E,�+nent. for V�,n V�tl�senbur�h� Contr��ct .No. 4� in tiie ��mount o� �I��'I'1:;�..'�T TI:OL'Sl�,'�??7 ��r•_;'�T IILTMZ�JF�.I7 7"�,'�N'!'X=ONE �OLLr1I�� 7�i C'�'v''f'S (F�1��7`�1.7��� stn,tin� thnt this tivall bringr the to��l pror;ress p�yments� less 4rithholds� i.ip to ;�hout NT���TX—a.I('xf�T PEP CE�1T ��£i o� af tFie joi�►. L�irec�ar �ouz��. moved 1,►1�,t the s�id pro�ress esti�nate be �p��roved for p�yrient. On secon� by 37irector Goerinrcer� the r:�otion was unani:nousl,y c�,rried. ',zan��*er iz.�sse11 preseuted the Oc�ol�er Pro;�ress Payment i'or Contr�et No. 5� T�.eit�i `7pencer� in t11e amount of T�7►� TTY�IX T�IOLn�t�'�TTJ SF.V';,'N IILTI�T�3R�l) NI?v''.�'TY—'�`:V� �70LIaAI2S� 49 CE;vTTS r�2f��792.49( and s�ated th�,t the cle2rinm is �.ppro-timatelv 0'SI: iIi.7h1�It�';3� Pi�Z (;F��1T �'100 0� conple�e a,nd the s�rippan� �hont SIs'Vi�';N'1'Y 1"��, C?^:'VT �70,`'�� complete. Director oerinmer moved that p�Lyr�Qnt o#' tl7is estim��,te be approved. On second hy c")i_rector �ouza� the no#,ion 1v�,s un�,na.�nously carriecl. Chanr�e Orders Nos. l i �nd 1� — .lssess_nenu T�i strict 1�F0-1� ('xeor�e E. T,ii.11er Constriiction Co.� Inc. � tiYere presented. Cia�,n�;e �Jrder No. 16� provirii na �or �,n �.dditional manhole �t no �,clditzon�,l cost to the �istrict �r�,s unaniznously rp�rowed, on motion hy Direct�r TYaIcernnn� seconc�ed }�r �irectar `iouza. Chn,n�e Order '�To. 19 providinm for the inst�,llatinn of ozze tinindred forty—three (1�3� �ryes a.nd elbos in lieu of tees in Scl�echile LIi in the month o� Uct�ober at an ; ��,ddi.tional cost of approxiru�tel3 TH:'� � T�LJ?rT?JT?�:ll PIi�TI' �i�:N ��LI�1?�5� 50 C�VTS (;�357.50� �v:is Un�,nimo�aslv �.pproved upon r�ot,ion h�,- Jirector Goerin�er� second— ec� h.� Di rector !YaIcer:�an. The Pro�ress Payment i n t�ie az*iount o f F7GFITY '�'I'{� T�IOUS 11VD :t�'OU� FIL'?�T�)I?�.'73 S.L'��i�T— T�T �JOLLARS� 69 `SC��'P5 (a85�417.69� for the Geor�;e ^. "tiller Construct,ion Co. � Inr,. � for t�ie month of October� 19G0 — �lssessment District 1960-1� was presented On moti on h� Di rector Goerin�;er� secondec? 1�; �i rec tor i�laIce�n�.n� s.ii cl pronress p.�,;?*ment irns un;znimously approved. ..n�-ineer '4oyer was instrucved to present a s�urnnarv o:E' the rules for assessin�- 19G0-4 1lssessr.lent ?}i.stri ct �,t the ne�t meetinn on Nove,-!ibez- 17 i 196Q. The prohress payment for the month of Octo3�er — I.�.�r�,nne ronstruction� Inc. Contract No. 3 (T�,hoe .�e�*s Pumpin� Sttz.tion�� in the :Lmount of SIXTI�N TFIOtTi�11eT�J ':IGjIT iIiTidDit::D TTIIIiI'Y ll0I�2.5 (t$1�i�830.00� �ras presented. Dlrector Goeringer moved� seconded 1� �irector �"Jt�Izeanr�n, ti�at said nroz�ress pa�yment he a,pproved. TYee motion was un�,nimousl,y carried. CI�'�I�.�: The follosvinrc claims Fnci warr�,nts sver� ap�roved rtnd p�,id as #'ollo�vs: -- i?inek �,'o.s 1�94 ��� Beverly & ':Yeidm�,n 1 �070.21 1495 V 0 I T7 1�96 Ldit?ia Beseler 126�g3 1�97 '�i�ry Sez��, 124.�E3 i 1�9R Pr�t.il �'osta 177.7F I 1�99 LdlYarci EpP].er 1Fi1.74 _� 1500 Geor�;e �arrido 251.76 1451 x.t.�x. ft�rt 162.'70 1452 �l.L. ��filler �09.10 1�453 I?.obert 1t. ���issell 353.51 1454 `.�'.C. Taylor 22�i.5F 1�`'i5 i?,�,yznond �ppler .145.22 14�6 Edward Cxast 119.F3� 1�57 T�elle �ender 161.87 1��5R Cl�.ir A. ?Iill & Ass�ci,ates 50.00 1459 t'�i lliam '::iortensen 165.10 1460 �lmer i'�. Joerher 165.10 1462 Itobert, �.'��,keman 42.06 14Fi3 Vernon J. ',','�.ill � o �� ��,.0(i 146�� ?'i�anit C. �'oi��� 167.0� 1�,:� ^Jor�nnn I„ Coerinm�r i42.Of� 1466 �Tor�nan T�. Goerinmez- 31.(iS 14�7 Geor�;e �rarric�o 7'3.90 14rR �;��r�+rd Gnst 1��.59 1469 State �;ompens�.tic�n In�ur�znce ����3r� 1470 �el1e Bender �,p.Qp `,VAF?I�:�NTS RF5 Void 4f� r. Nonn.�,n Peters4n' Inc. 1�3�30+i.�0 8Ei� g�T.it. Reeves (F�-1} 400.OQ 870 H.it. �?eeves (CO—?� 10�.00 � 871 Cl�ir 11. T�ill & I�Associ�tes 1�001.61 ' £i72 Cl�ir A. iIill �� �issocintes ��,85 ' �73 Cl�,ir .�.. Iiill <� Associfltes 98.97 874 F{irIibricle� "litsin' TI�rzfelci c2 '�ilson 1��160.13 875 �ieverl,y ��: L,'�ei ch�an (60-1) 2�500.OQ 87� L�,�-r�nrce �onstruction� Inc. 16�830.00 �79 '�'evada BanIt of Comnerce a/c .L��.Trange C�nstruction 2�8�30.00 �g0 l st Nr�tional Iia,nic of Nevada �/c Gear�;e E. '�iiller g,���}17��q 881 Iieith Spencer 2g�79`��g ' 8�2 h,r;I. V�,n Va.liceni�ur�h F� Co. 16�721.7� _'�DJULJ�t�i?„IT�1T; There beix��* no ohjer.ti.on� the meetin�; was �,djourneci by t>>e President at 11:5� �1.r��. � ; l '.:��•:-._._..�._� .=�.�:;, `.�C� � _ � y+ _ ,� ( Norman L. Goexir�mer� Cleric of the � South Tahoe I'�xUlic t?tilitv District �,nd �—Offi cio Secretrzxy of tl�e Board o�' S�irectors thereof. ATT�ST: �/� � � � ��-� —-�----��'';lG>��________._ Vernon �T. �Y�,11� r�esi�dent nf the Bo�,rd of Directors of the � South Tahoe Puhlic Utilitr �istrict � �-�-�-x��-��-���-�� `��INCJ`I"I'S 0?' TI� SP�C,It1I� AiI'u TING OF TtIE BDAFi.� Q�' �II�CTOF�S OP TrIE SOUTt� TAIIO� PUBLIC r�TILITY DISTRICT N�V�";ft3E�'L 15� 196p The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Pu.blic Utility Jistrict met in special session at the District Offices� Clr�rice I3uildin�;� LTahoe Valley, Californi.a� at 12:10 p.m. on �Tovember 15� 1960� pz�rs��int to the cal l of the Presi dent. PUi3POS� OF :!1EETING: The meetinn was ca.iled for tkie purpose of withdra�+a,l of c�ll for se�led proposals for oonstruction of the effluent pump station and spray system — 19�9 Se}rer Bond Project Contr�.ct uo. � a,nd ado�tion of Iiesolution for Condemna— tian, ROI�I., CALL: On call of the roll� there were present F�irectors Goerin�er� Pani�ost Souz�, and �'1a11; absent — llirector �'d�,keman. Lirector ��l�,ll stated that� as ?�e sees the ::n�,tter, ZYit�idrawal of ctzll for bids w�s due to the folloirin� reasons: (1} Possible insufficient funds; (2� Construr,tion coulcl not start until next Sprinrc; (�3� Time to e�:plore the possihilities of more inexpensive method5. I On motion of Director Goerinmer� seconded by Director Panf�ost� Resoluti.on No.25� — ' - A RESOLiJTION OF NOTICE TO BIDDEI'�5 OF �YITEIDRPit�l�: QI' PI�.IOF2 CBS,L POI� SI'.I�I,ED P?tOPOSALS — 1959 SL''YER BOND P�i3O.J'ECT CONTRACT N0. 6 iras proposed for �pproval �y t,itle. Said resolution was adopted un�.nimously. Direc�,or �Yall �ppointed Tlirector Pankost ac Chairm�,n of a Conmiittee composed of Director Goerin�;er and Attorney "�eic�rnan to brin� hacIc �. report as to the disppsi— tion of effluent �+r�,ter into tribut�.ries. �y�f �irector PanIcost movecl� seconded b�> �7irector LSouz�ti� t�iat Itesolution 1,io. 2c:�1 - il �,E>�LTJTTON 11IJ'I'I,Ox.I�ING t'�C'�UTSTTIOidS OF �L:'�S'�'.y���TS ��1N� AC'PIO�T I'� 9�;1IN�N`I' T)(J�L�:�TIN- �i�'�'�CII TRUhT.'4 yT:'�'IEP� }�e �.ppr•ovec� Uv tit,le. Saici Ttesolution wrLs im��,nirnously acdopted. ., � , t ' . , �� � � -�-, ��_ �a_�--�"t_- - -� r� 'Norm�,n L. Goerin�er� Clerk of ti�e:r South Tahoe Public Utilit�� �istrict �nd '�c-Officio Secret�rv of the Board of I)irectors thereof. �TTT;S'P: ' � �. Vernon J.-��, � Pr sirlent of tl�e ' Iioard of Dir•ectors of tlie South � �'ahoe Public Utility District. � ����-���������� �:�C�Iti''P OF I:fINtTi'�S OF �1T��TIPdG OF TFT� BO]�tt�ll 0� �3IIt£CTOR i OF TIIL SOUTFI T�'iIiOI: PtJBLIC UTILITY' DISTItICT NOV�`���'R 17� 1960 The I3oard of Directors of �;he Sout�i Talioe Public Utility D'istrict met in re�ular session this 17th day of i�Tovember � 1960� at the re�ular meetir� pl�,ce. On roll call there �rere present T3irectors '.'It�Jteman, "lal l� Goerin�;er� Souza and P�,ncost. �lso present were �lttornetis Iyoltom �,nd ":`?eiciman� �,3ananer i�ussell� and �n�ineer Fi�,rlan Aioyer. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SANITt?ItY SL''.t�,'�11Ggv PItOJ�CT N0. 19G0 - 3 T?ie President annoimced tliat tiiis �vas tlie time and pl�,ce for the lieariny on I?esolution ivTo. 250. TI�e President aslced if t�iere z+ras anyone present desirin� to be heard. �111 tl�ose desirinm to speak lvere Liven the opportunity. No lvritten or or�l proteats �rere presented an� the l�e�,rin; ordered closed. iiesolution �10. 254 �'Yiesolution Orderinm Ciiannes �,nd '.Todifications �v�,s react � n � ? • On rnotion hy 7iirector Goerinner� seconded by �irector ":'l;�t�emr;Ln� s�id '�esolution w�,s adopted� I)irector P�nkos� votin� T�O. On t�e b<zsis of t�ie hic�s the l.nhineer has recoz�ended that tiie zYorI: be a,zvarcled to I��,mranme Construction Co. � as the lo�rest responsihle biucler tlierefor. R.esolution hTo. �55� 1'� I;.esolution (?verrulinm Protests on .'�esolution of Intention �To. �13� t�as read. On motion of �irector Goerin�er� seconcled by �iireetor T.'k��,T�e- ���,n� �,nc3 im�nir.ionslv earrieds s�ici resolution was adopted. ��esolution iVo. �5e� a I�eSolution and Orc.er r'�doptinm i.n�rineer's 3?eport' Confirminrr tPie Assessment �,ncl Orderinn tlie '.'iordi �,nd ��ccqt�isitions� was re�.d. On moi�ion of �9irector '':'laI{em�,n� seconded by �Director �otaza� �.nd unanimouslti c�,rrieci� s�'�icl T��esoltition �r.s s;.doptec:c. Orclin�nce R?o. G8� °,,n Ordi.n�ince of :��r�rd oi ^ontrc�c#., w�.:: r•� ,,:1. '�r� an',i.">i �,;' :,i rc��:t:o�� I'��.zi?;ost;� seconc�eci 1�-: ��i.3-c*��c�r T:`1T:ei�a�n� 2nc� tiz2;inir:�ous1� c�.rri ec?, �,zi c' oa�r.`i r.,�nce 1;�r.Ls �,c3optec�, ''esolution ''•?o. 25?� .^� F�eeol��ti.on ;3esimn�,tin�; ?;istrict �ffice as ('ffic:e of' ?:n�iT�ec�z� of I_"'�orI� for I'.ccordinrr 1:ssessments� �r�s rezd. Qn motion of :�irector Pani;ost-� sc�condecl h�* b)irector• ':'?a.•:eman� �nc3 un�:xiimotasl� c��rr:ied.� s�.i.c' resolut.ion z�r�s �;do�te c?. I T'esolui,i.on rdo. 255, !1 itesolut,ian l�esi�;nr�.tinn Collection Of:icer� 1s.�,s r•e;,c�. C�YI I moti.on of' �)irector Pa,ni�.ost� secondecl h�r :��i z�ector ':'�UI�er��n� and un�.nir_�otzsl�, czt-riec? s��ic1 resolutior. v�<:�� �:�doptecl. There lieir�r no fnrtiaer b��siness� tlin rneet,in�* t�ras �.c�,jour�ieca. r/.'.=Tor::��n. L. C,oer•in�er � f,l.e ri= ____._._. 4�� �r'� -�'-� ',�'t ;n r�_=.rjrjY it �r7r^�' ��. . .. . . , ,f ;_�"� Y��?y�, ����„�� �1'°;, x��vT< ,wmilr-,�. �-r-, r;.r�*` , .�r.n as�w .•� . �� ..?i� , jn��T 7 n 7T-�7� �,�r ��T .ni�,�nm `!O?'f:'';.;{.,3' 1�. � 1' ;'� . .. '�'l�F� F�p�Y'C� t)� .J�.i ^C��.[�r'C (l��' 1i�1F ��O','t.��3 '�'n.l�t}f� �1:i���] C �''f,l ���;`� i.�. � s�s�ri<�f. :Pd, i n re�-�.tl��r �!?c:�.10?l i?.i �,''t(? . L:;f;�"lf',� ",�'E�':i {'f':i� '`.�1t?2"xiE' 3�?Z1�Cj1T1�`"• T"•,':O�' r.?.�l.i: r ��t.-�.1 !()1"I1Z;ly }�T� � n:l?2t'S!!t!V� A'!?�'f'"'I�?('Y' �1. 1��)�• �?](? !•`If?C'�:7.31 Fiic liil�.'ti t.0 OY'fsC'2"' �lt' i.':"�C? �?'('CIC�C';1� �t <�.1 .) P,'i. . ' .'3I:i f;,'�7.I_,: ??»on c��l l n1' i,aae rol l tl��re �:Tf�re �-�re;;�n', ''i rect,orc 'r;.l l , �oc�r�n�-era 1�1':1�:ng�,� �'iOtl!}l:� `�.�;(?:Tli�.11= �iC'Tlf'1"iL� ':t.27c`l.'�('7' i�17S5�'11 � :w�t,(?2'7l('Z'c (�7 {��;LitTT ,^.11f/ 'i0�.�(J"ny .R�?'lilCE']"C :���f.'T'1P�'� �'`llStl�lilT1� -�'s�20Ua1")C'� .°.�':O�'P.�'� :JOttTi rt�C'��il:rr'nF1'7'Q� ��0�"�71 ��_Tt1('�('T'O� .''T'. m�i'Tf7� ����tl�('.T' �,l.�f:�l� Q{' t.�3£? ,'�,%l�.k? rnii'10�' �`TCS'%r� �111(i '%nTl �il.!'�l.'1I"CrS!1Y1 Of' i,'1(' r�?CI"�!?:?(',:2t.0 iTi(�C�• .. . ,_ j iI;�''I' :;: `"�1� mi*�t�t.��, o#' t'i� Pr�test ° ��rin{� on t,11� ^ssessme��t ':istrict i��;�—:3; `�r=,it�s oI' 1�'le Pi cl rlpen:i n,',� .lssess:nent ;;i str•i c� 19z�:?—•3 ;e� ,��•e �ol lection ^i-cte�i• '.iniates of t?ie re�r,l.l.ar r�eetinrr of IvTove=��her ' �� �� + . . , < � 1y�0; �;�in���,es of the �.d,jo�irnecl 'c�^;ul�r ".'�et,i�;M of ;�Fove�::her �l� 1�?f;0; ,�nc' Speci.�l P;teetin� of '�over�i�er 25s 1�3f��, t•rere re�d �,nc3 appi�ovec� ��5 eorrer.teci. � r�,'GI�I'�',I?'� 1�`:1'0",ZT: ';n=rineer xberl.�» s��tec'. tiz;�i� t`ontr�zctor i���ncer is :��I..in,r excell�nt pro�rr•ess an Contr<�c� 'eo. r�. T��e meetin�• 1r2s recesse�? �t �Q:S�? P.''. :�'or t��e c.ont,i naie�' Protest Iiearin� — �:ssessmen#; �3)istric# 195�-1. " ; :1s #,liere vrer� no �rote�ts, i�rrii,ten or oral � tlie rer;ul�i.r r�ieet:in� 1y�:s reslLmec? �t• £�:c>5 P.'�. , r�`"'�t�NIC/:.�'IO�;S; ;ii.rc:ctor Goerin�-er rer�d the �'ol]o�s2n� co�miunic.�,t;ions: �ny��- of a letter ot '�:ovet:�ber �� l�?rOs frot� ''/zter Pollution �a:ztrol Lozrc?� �:�_;.3zont�n �?e;ion �;o. �i, �i.s�zop� C�li_forni<, to '.�:tr. "1."`1. '';'Fiite, ��.lirect,or of ;Wrevaci� 5t,a,te of ��)��art,— ment of ,�e�lth� ?teno� '�levaciz� rela,tive �o the recent rn.eetinm of tine C�,lifora�i�,— �.Te���c��� Int-erstat� ^omp�,ct Cor.unission? �.nc! perta.ininT t,o rquality of r,<ter. d''NIT'I�TI`3T.� FiTT`;I"7�':i�: T)i rec:tor io��z� reporte�; ftart4ier ne�-oti ati ons ,rit,�i ri erra Paci fic Potiver Com�amr on �treet limiltin� for ii�nc'rio I�i,iou. �n motion by Lirector Croerinmer� seconclec` hv Y)irector `��,Tfe:�2��n� ?tesolution No.`?5�� :L 1'��UI.t?TIbhT J1?.3��;�'I?�?Cr C"i1?�'vC.�'_;S G���} ;':i0T3I,��IC;�TT�)Ni — �:sNIT�1z?3'' .-��";`'�Y��Cr''; PPOJ`.':CT '�1f1, ln��-3� � 1;��s aclopt�u' hv � ��,�5 v�t�e� jti�it�i I)ir•ect,or P�,nIcoct votin�r "no", _. '�:;OT:UPI(�N '�TO. �55A — 1; fi�T�,l)LL?TI�J'�T {1VT�.i;?'?�I,I'�?G Pr?�'I'?,ST� C3N X�*s;�I.��'P�C�??�T (1,�,� I"dT�:'"1Ti�h� '��. �13. On `iotion of �'�irector �'roerin�;er� seronclecl bz� T)irector �otiza�� ?'eColi�— tion No. 2�5i1 �vr;.� ac?optec? kaz t� un�,nir�ous vote. On *notion of I�irc�ctor '�';i,i;em�n� seconc�ec' bv ':;irector Souza� Iiesolution No. :?5S� �� t'.rrOI.I.?TI�N ANI) 0".i}I;r' k13jOPTi�1G );i,�GI;1T":"1,�� T�'�'{}1'T � C�N?�'i'��,��,1IT�'G T�i"; /1SS?:SS'.�'h?T 1L\Tx) OTt?)EI'.I�G T'I'.� ";�OP�� :1�'`TI3 11CnL?ISITION� — 5i1?�TTT<'1:?Y i''.":+,";12�1Cxi; PI'tOJ7;CT Nt�. 1�G0-3� tivZs �c?optecl l�v � 4/5 vote, �i.rector Pankost not votinr�. '?pon recomrnendation of �n,�ineer i:'o�>er of Cl�Lir �'�. 'Ti.11 �S .lssocir�t,esz rJrc�inance \'o. Gt4. �'�'�T (�?'�'tIl�T�'1I1TC� OT' A``;A?��) 0'� C�",eT'C�tAC`f' — S:�NITAIdY S?:;'d'�'��,41Cr'� P�'OJ�:CT N0. 19GQ—.°,� wr�s �dopted una.nimously upon motion by I)irector PanI�ost� seconded bti �irector Goerin�;er� tliereb,y a�va,rdin� the contr�ct to L�.�ran;e Construction Co. � Inc. in the �.mount of �JNF, iIt,�dDR�P 'P'iII�TY—'�"`''l0 T:IOUS:'�I�?I)� rI;VI,'?�? IILn1rI�I?*;,;� NIIv'?:T'E1�11�T DOLLARS (�13`?,719.00�. �Jn motion nf �irector `'dakem�.n? seconc�ec� by Director iouzz� Resolution No ?57, �h I'T�SOI:LrPIO?'�' :)TaSI('xNATINCr I?ISTT�.TCT 0� �IC�� AS 0�'�'I4�'7�, d�' '.'NGIj�T:Ert ^dT; •'JOI?.i: r'UI� tiF;— CORI)ING ASS':SS1��I9�VT — �1�:'�TITAItY Si�`4'�;T�,�1,G�: I.,PItOJ�'CT N0. 19F0-3� �Y�s tin�nirnouslV a c?apte cl. . On motion by P,irector Pa.niiost� seconded by Iiirector "I�,kem�n� Ttesolution No.258� A T�1�.�OLL'TI�J�,T �)T,SIGNATING COLI!'�;CTION QF�'IC.E�? — r11RTTTttitl' SF"T:��',I�,.AG�; PI�OJECT N0.19f>�-3� vr�,s u��.nimously adopted. i � On motion }�y IiirPctor '`'I�,Tcem�Ln, se�:onded bv '�irertor Souza,� 1_?esoltition No. �59� A �rr�iI;UTIO'_V CD?�TI�'IR',TING rt.t:�T'?�,TI)ED A�SIeSS".!?':VT — SI�NITt1r�Y �iT'�",1'��t�1GT� PT3�JJ?,CT 195`�-1� �ras un:�n�imoiisly aciopted. � �3ireetor P�inIcost moveci that on �zriy future asses53nent splits� the EnYineer inclt�cle lot �,nci blocl. nur,iber if the pz.rcel �r�s svitni.n �, �ubdivision� but if the parcel ivas not in � sizbciivisian� no metes �,nd botznds de�criptions l�e requirec'� but tl�e cles— cription be by tlze Coi�nty ?�ssessor'S P.�trcnl namher. On seconc'; by 7;irector �o,iza, ti�e motion wr;s un�nimot�slv ct rried. On motion by I:�irector Uoerinmer� seconued hy T�irector S�nza� ??.esolution '�'o. ��9—�1� _1 }�FSOY�LT'I'10?� �1:'��V7)ING It��OI�i,'TIUN ��' INT:^NPIO'�T 239 — i1SS".S5"".�:�1'T liISTr?ICT N0. 1960-4, w�s un�nimouslv adopted. �� " h.. rv 1 n' � q / f,. �n motion b�.� ;i.rector ,,oi �;� , �econ.c,�c: h�• : irector ° 2i��ma.n. �:�soliction No.�60� :.+ l/ ����;�OT:TTTIt�:�' C^.LTI'.�tG �'0�; RI:yS OhT S�°�.L"� 0:' T_`1�'I?OVr�,TM:?ti�'P �OIv*"i.'S - S�l`JIT1'�l'.Y �L."I:}3.t1.G'�.^ P^,C�,r"=:CT 196�-2� enllinn; F'or i�icis on I7c�ceml�er l�ii 1�.�'i0a w��s z3n�,nin�otisly �clo�t�d. ?�i.rector P�inT�ost moved th�t action on ��.esoltition '.Qo. ?�3, _'# T":SOIsC�TIO'�T �I�' I"�'P�:?�- 'T.T7?�r Tn ?.'11F�'.� CI3�i'J�•x':^�� AN� ":t0?:Ii'IC:1TI��?5 - ,`-��1.NIT,^��:2Y 5',a"'r'?;I�:ti('x': Pi'E?J�:CT 1959-1� he w postponed� ??pon seconci bv �)irector aot�za� the motion �r�,s cn,rriecl by 1 three t,o t,zvo vote� ;?oreetors Goerinner �,nc? ".'i��Icem�,n votinr; "no". On motion bS 1�irector Pani�ost� seconneci b�� I:irector '•Va;�em�n� ?�esolution �'0.�62� ."� R'.;SOI�i7TI0N 7��:T:'T�'�.:I?�TIPJG TFii. PL�3I�IC INT�1ti�ST :��T?) �'CE:�SITY IZ�;�UIR� TII� 1�CnL1ISI- TI�°d ��' L4S�1tILNTS A.N� DIIt�CTING TI€T' FILII�G OF ';?,iI,�TT 170":L�tII�? P:ZOC��INGS� 1lSSES�- '.:"a;^Z`i' �ISTt?ICT 1959-1 an� 19fi0-1� 1Yas tinanir�ously ac�opted and the filinm of proceed- in�;s in erminent dom�,in hy �'lttorney Geoffre3 Iiu�hes lv�,s aut,horizec'. LTpon reco►rnnenc?�tion of �n�ineer hloyer� �irQctor �ouz�. moved that I,ots from � f�,000 to 8,999 sc�u�re feet be assessed 1 unit; lots from ��000 to 11 �999 � sc�uare feet be assessed 1-1�2 units; lots from 12�000 to 17�99� sc�u�re feet I be assessed 2 4anits; lots from 15,000 to 23,999 sqnare feet l�e �seessec� 3 units? inAssessment Distrirt 19F0-� proceec�tin�s. The motion w�.s seconded b,y 1)irector �tinT�eman anc? c�,rried by �, �/5 vote with Director Pnnkost votin� no. ,)IF��CTdIt Goerin er �resented t� request for refund by John Freit.as in the amount of NINI^,TY DOLI��'i,.i �,>90.00� for Assessment District 1�59-1. �7irector Pt�nkost moved that the Clerk determine b�,ck ch�,r�Ps osve� b4 '�ir. Preit�.s and bill itir. I'reit�s for these char�es. T)irector Sot�za seconded the motion. �irector PanIcost moveci to ,zmend the motion to bive him permission to checis the ch�,r;es. The �.mendment died for lack of � second. The ori�in.�l motion sras defeated �.s follows: AY?:S: Directors Goerin�er anc� P�nkost N0�5: Directors Souza. �v'QT VOTING: Directors �;Yall .and ',V�,kerua,n Director Pnnkost moved� seconded by �irector GoeringPr� that the C1erIc present i.�r. Freitas a bill for all back taxes and. char�es and show a credit of NINLTY IDOI:LAi� (;090.00� refund for tlssessment �)istrict 1959-1. The motion was �manimously carried. Director Pankost moved, seconded hy �irector Goerinmer� th�,t �Attorneys `�'eidin�n �nd tIoltom a,nd General �,iana,�er itussell ne�;oti�te �rith the Dougl�,s I�County Sewer Improve- ment District No. 1 rel�tive to b�,ck a,mounts due �nd ativing, anc� the 13e�.ch TrunIc Line pursiiznt to tlie �istrict Contract with The Dou.�las County I)istrict and , report b�,cii by �3ecember 15� 1960� tivith reco�rnnenc�ations. The mation was unan- imouslv carried. ' PAY?��I,NT OP CIu1IA.1S: L�irector Goerin�er moved� seconded hy �i.rector Soz�za� th�,t the follo�rinrc cl�ims be �,pproved and p�id: CIIFCIC NOS. 1471 �d�+r�,rd Gast . 201.�9 1�72 I'�1 Lora-da County I'�.oacl �)ept. 1H.50 14�3 reder�.l f{eserve i3;�nI� 1.,1�5.09 1�74 Itupert Crowl 1.72 1475 T,ntercoast• �:hitu�,l Ins. Co. 295.98 1501 !Yestern Truck I�ines 3.50 1502 I:ake Tahoe News 3F4.31 150� Pacific Telphone �G4.69 1505 l�iry Chemi.cnl Pacific 733.82 1ci06 Ch�s. '�1eeIi Lumk�er Co. 4.56 1507 A. Carl.isle & Co. 47.25 1508 T�,hoe Office Supply F5.00 1509 Sta,teline Pharm�c3* 12.24 1`"i10 Sierra Chemical Co. 156.00 1511 Bro�m`,1i lbery� Inc. 12.42 1512 Ta,!loe Supply Co. 16.65 1513 Texas 1Vnter �� Sewu.�e ":^lorks Assn. 13.00 1514 Sierra Pacific Power 1�267.43 1515 ��tinneapolis-Iigney�Yell 92.54 � 1516 Recorder, I:1 or�.do County 2.00 � 1517 Belle Bender ? 79.35 � 1518 �ditha Beseler 128.fi7 1519 Pr�ul Costa 177.75 152.0 Geor�;e Garri do 251.74 1521 �.t.G. IIart 162.'10 1522 A.L. ":�.tiller 209.10 1533 Itobert R. I�ussell 321.07 1524 '�,iary Serpa 128.6�3 1525 `Y.C. Taylor 226.55 152G t.+'illiam i•.iortensen 1G5.10 lr>27 �arle F. PLL7IT�OSt, ?JJ•80 1528 �:dw�,rd �pler 210.66 1529 Norman L. Goerin�er 67.05 1530 Vernon J, ':"T�,11 67.05 1531 I'ranIt Souz�, 67.05 153� l�tiobert "Tt�Ite�r�an 42.05 4 7` 1533 "�'r�tink ;�ouzn. 75.00 1i34 ?;��rle .�. P�nko�t ��3.30 "`�:1�3I�1.NT� '�TOS. _ �.�-_. A. C.�rlisle � Comparty �39.7(i ��'� t�esimn t'�ssoci�,tes ��gg 84�5 T�,hoe Trilnme �.75 886 Cl�,i r �1. iIi 11 �Q; Associat�es 96.79 ?87 Clair 1. Iii11 � �lscoci�.teg 1 �975.9� .�I�JQLTT?IV"'tifi!V`P; There hein� no objer_tion� t3ie meetin� ,ras ad,journed l�y the Pre�ident �t 11:45 p.":{. �} , If i � ` ' � ; _ � . •_ �, t � `LL .''� - .�-"- " t"� � � ( '�:orm�,n L, Coerin�ers Clerk of the ', 50UTFi TtlIiOE PT..Jf3LIC U'I'IIIITY 3�ISTitICT and u.z—Officio Secret�,ry of the Board of �irectors thereof. �1TTE5T: ��'" , � ; � ��-��--r. �— - �� Vernon J. ?1a11� Pr sident of the Board of llirectors of lthe Soizth C�°i T�,hoe Public Utilitv 17istrict. �� ���������a���� ':II?�1UI'ES OF TII^ 1t]C�TOUi?N�:D '= � PI2OTI�T ti�1�.ING OF TIiL �'" SOUTH TAIiO� PCTBLIC UPII�ITY DIST}?IC'[' hSS�SP,ILN�' �ISTR,ICT — 1960-3 November 17� 1960 The ndjourned meetina for 'the purpose of hearinm protests amainst the South T�,iioe Public Utility District� e'�ssessment I�istrict 1�60-3� wa,s c�,lled to order by tlle President of the Bo�.rd of_�.Directors at 8:05 P.':t. � I�Tnvember 17? 19fi0� �,t the �istrict Offices� ClarIie �uildin�;� T�,hoe Valley� California. I�OLL C11I,L: On cal l of the rol l there were present Di rectors �y�,l l, Souza. nnd � ';"l�keman; fllso present vrere l:r►�ineers Aberlez>� Shoupe, and Itusti�;i�,n� John De— La�r�,n�e� John '.�dero� '�.�r. �orko �.nd General TM:1�n��.�er Ftussell� ":Y�.lter Little ' of the Lri,I�e T�,hoe News rznd Don Ftich�,rdson of t��e S�.cra,�enta �3ee. The President re�d a prote�t received Novem}aer 15� 1960, d�,ted November 1� 1960� from t'1.0. Stevens of l�s�cramento� Californi�. �Ls tliere -rere no protest�,nts present, the meetint� �v�s adjourned t�t 8:15 P.hi. � Ftobert �"lakPm�n� Actin� Clerk of the Soi�th� T�,I�oe Public Utility i�istrict znc� ,: —Officia Secret�ry of the Board of �irectors thereof. ATT?�ST: � � ��/�_�_�._ � Vernon .J. ��1'a12 � President of the Bo�,rd of Directors of the South Ta}ioe P�ibli.c Utility District. ��-x�-�a������-��� L,11INU�y�S 0� TIi�' Pk�,OT�ST I�P'..ARINC� OI� TI1S�: SOITTII TAFIQ� PLT}3I,IC UTII.ITY �r�TRICT ASST�',S.`�',3L'1JT �ISTRIGT —1960-3 November 17� 1960 Pursu�nt t� duly publis�ied notice, the meetin� for the purpose of hearin,+; protests am�,inst the Sotith T�,hoe Publir, Utility T3istriat �lssessment Ilistrict 1960-�3 tir�,s c�,lleci to or�ler hy the Presi dent of the Bo�,rd of I7irectors of tlle Saut�i T�hoe Pbibl i c Uti�i,ty �i.stri ct s�:t 2:05 P.1,i. ? Novemher 17� 19fi0� �,t t�ie �i stri ct Ot'fices, Cl�.rke � ui.lc�in�� T�,hoe V�,lley� Cnlifornia. �,OI.I, C?iI:I,�: On rr�l l of t?Ze rall� tl�ere were present Tli rector "r';�l.l ;tnd T)i rector P�nIcogt �,ndGeners�l. '�un�,�;er i4ussel l. 11s no rrot,est�.nt,s �vere Present, t,he :neetin? �v;�� FLci,journe�? �t 2:15 P.',t. until 8:00 P.�.�. af the same �t�v, � � .. � �� � � �i- � -<� ` �' � ..; . ___-- ��, '� Nor�nz�n T.�. Croerin�er� C1erIc of the T- SOLPPIT 9'AFi(3*� PtJ13I_,IC U'I'II�ITY �ISTI�IC"f'�� k�i—officio sc�cretary of the hor�rd oF Directors thereof. 4� ��rT�:s�r: �_ _ ��L L Z �� �;;�-'f` , Vernon J. ''J.i, . Pr•esi��ent of' U:�e ?ior�rd of �)ir�c#;or� ot' the ;onf,ii '�';�iaoe l?r�lal i c ??ti l.i t��� :�?i stri c�,. ������-����-�-�� . ?.�.1:�Y1�2�.'',�n.) Qi, rl:�lli I'�.�.il.T��u'i�l ��.11'I.f_�'ari.L._VCI Or, TIi� B(��1i3,� fYP �yI1L1?CTC17� C�i '1'I€;: SOLttPi,". T1�I10�' PIJ�4I�IC TJTILI'TY �)TS'.CTtIGT ;�ecerilaer 1� 1960 � 'P}ie I�oa,rd o�' Li rectors of tli� Sout'� �P�,l�oe Rzl�l i c Uti 1 i.tv '�}i stri et me t i n re�ial�r �es�ion aLL the �iistrict Offices? C,l��rke I3uilriinr� `i'a��oe�ValleY� C�1i.forni�� on 'Chursci�.�r� I3ecFmher 1� 19fi0. `�'?�e t�e�tin�* �.�;Ls cr�.l leci to orc3er bv tlie President �,t 8:(�0 P.ht. IL011. CAI,I�: U�on c�,l.l af t;he r�ll tliere �vere nresent :�irectars !'�oerin^��r. Pa,nIcost� "�C1T1^�� •���il�.('�".f'.?l i'..I2C� '�`r�Fill� r.i�ll.fal't�. '`:''.+1Tli!,-''e+�r• T?Rlfi;:f,•�� } .�.tt,nY'IIf",'4 ��.'!?Z.(31T1i.'_}1 ilitC' 7�nIf;OT�i� �i.,f� ; 3���:-.���r3�:. t�rc�i•r� ,T��� ,a ";,,?<>�•r,� !'azrroll ':���•pes�, �`on T'ac�i�,rdso�a of til� ��,cr�imen�,o :+CC iLi14� �:!??1� ';1�('S {li' tt2(' �n:L�l4f' ilf?]"Y';t �'t'l})l2tlf?• 'T1'TJrT'�,� 'i'1_2e `,ii.mate� of' t�ie ?'t•ntest �Ie��i_n�r� :".:�:3c�s�en#, �'i.strict 1960-3� o� ?loverzl�e�� 17, lnli0, the ";'_in��t�es o" t'_ie <lcijottr�ieci Pro}„est IIezria-��; of Tv'ove��Ler 1.7� 1�E�Q� ,nci �fie '..°inni,es of tl�e .".e�;uZ�zr �:�eetin�; of the P,o�rd af I)irectors of Nover�i�cr 17� 1�1f�0� �rere re�L�i �a�cl �pprol�ec�. ac r,orre�t�c�. ?'n"�I:�)�IT�::> I'.'.�'Oi?�'>: �;ott�. r'��:^'�T.: ':t�',.'�T.:;"1t�i I,��P�,t'�":�: Se:+rer Bonci Projec�� 19Pi�-1� Con#,r�,ct zIc>. 9- ('�an jT�l.�:enbur�s'�� contrnrtnr� — �'orce ',€nin frorn '?'�aio� TCevs ta ?'reat•Me�t Plant b�� :vr!,�r o�F �'�1 Ts�hoe P��nn St�ti�n — complete. �etivc*r Po?id Pro ject 195�-1� Contra-c� T�7o. 5 (•ie;.�,ti ;pencer, rontrfictor} — ?told— in�r Ponc] Proiect is appro?:i;,ia.tely �,:V'_�?vT`�'Y.—�'I�I': F':�? Ct"':"rT`?' (75`,�� complete. irTM�,�r�?I�jII;�} �T?�;��rt;;�; ?�irector Sotiz�, re�or�ed that he h�r3 receivec? no fiirt�ier in— fo3��tion or fi.�i2-es from Sierr�, P��cific Po�yer �onp�,n�� relrt�322�r to street l i m?�i�ti_n� i n :�tincho �'� ,;ou. � � r)irector P�nIcost, reporteca on tiie �edic�,tion Cerer:�onies o�' the ne�v Se�r��e Treatr�ent Plrnt an Novernl�er 2�� 1960. The ?io;�rd rc�,ve �irect,or P�nicost � vo#�e o.f cor*unonc��tio*� �'or Z�is effor� i.n the ne�r treat,*�ent p�Znt dedication. `"Iic Port,es#, He��.rinm, Sfl.nitar�T �e�Yera�;e Pro,ject 1�5�3-1, c�lled pursuant to �iesoliition No. 244 znci ci�ily notieed� �vas c�zllecl at 8:L5 P.�,;. ?�To zrritten �rotest,s tvere received nor were an�� ora.l pro�,es#�s ente�ec�. iDn r�otioz► of Direct,or P�.nIcos#,� seco.�ded hy �irec#,or i,Cxoeri.n�;er, l�..esolution No. �G2� �'! I',.''.'�'iOLUTIO?v' C�i�II'I�urTIRTG .�1'�:TI.'J'A)�� ASS��S�'.1';RT�.� — S�1'�1ITA"'tI' S?�;'!��?4Cr� P:�t�.T`��T 1�59-2 � tirzs unanimonsly approved. N?�`'1 Bi?;I?�I?�'�,>; On ►�ot,ion of �')irector Goerin�er� ser,onded hy Jirector PanI�ost� ILe,olution No. ��3� A ?�7,a�LUTI�N U�' I?�'T"�v�'1''[0?�T TD ,',L�?C� CTL�t'itCx�i :L'��'1 T.iO�IFIC.".TI4N5 — S_1�TI'P«??Y S�:','::l'ulG.'-, Pi?OJ?.Ci td0. 19�9—i� �Yzs unanimo=asly �dopted. r.ener<�1 ?.�ani�;rr I?lassell re�ci ��cl fi lecl � letter from �3rotm and C�,ld`rell� cllteel �'over:3}�er 17� 19G0, rer�uestin�; e:�tensian of time -For Creorr;e ?:. ':?iller Constructio;� Co. � In�. � tlssessment �is*ri.ct 19G0-1. Upon recornrne�d��.tion hy Ge;�er�l '�:iana�er '.?tis; Russell� �nd r�ntion of �irector P�.nTcost� secondec? hy �irector Goerinner� an eY— +ensi on of' tir,ie ta Geor!_�e �:. '�iiller i anstr�iction ^�. � Inc. �r�,s �r�.nte� u�iti 1 J�nu�r-,� 15� 19G1, under the �rovi sions of 1lrticle �J-0� {�� � of tl�e contract �vit?� G�orme� ':. �.iiller Construction Co. � Inc. On reca;runenc3ation of Gener<il ����.n�L�er i�zsseli 4 nr1 mation i�y 1)irect.or P�,niLost� seoondeci h-T '3irer_tor r.'��LT;emnn� Resolution N�. 26�� 11 t'�50LUi'IO`J !1Uti�101?T7ING �TSTI'ICT .��:N{'xI!V'_�":}? �i'Q �'�CC'3''P �.'lOIL?: �L�T?J �'ILr �TOTICE 0!�' CO_'.?PL�TIO?VT — 1�59 S�"."ILT?, BOV� PI�U�.��.C�� COP�Tl�1CT ?J0. 4� �v�s t.►ntinimoiisly ac�apted anc� tlle ?3oard tl�erei�� �,c.r,n�tec� t}ie -vorlc on st_�i.G contrzet. On recoranend�tion of Gener�,l ).��n�.rcer �assell �.nd motion hy i�irector 5ouza� �econdec'. b�r �irector PnnI�ost� Cii�n7r_ Order hro. ? for ].9ti� �eiver I3ond Pro.je�ta C�nLr�tct ?'�io. 3, .�?1 Tahoe and `I'�hoe �e;,vs Pu►:�p Strzti.ons Rr�re .�,p�raved. On ree�rII*�enr�sttion of ('Ten�r�:l '�,tinz�;er ??ttssell ancl raotiot� }�y ;�ireetor P�,n�'cost� �,�� seco:�ded 1�� ;i.rector �ou�r�? Ch�nne �rc�er '�To. ��� ��.nitar� Seivera�;e pro,ject ` 19F�(?-1 �r�s ��nrov��3� provi c�in�- Far r�r�;�tinrc of 6-inch sezver l ine i.n BlocTc �?3. :1l T�'�oc. �FtPr reco:�enclati on bv C.ener;�l '1an�.ner l�us,�ell ane� r�ati.on hy�i rector yo�22,�,� seconde� hv �?irector P�n?cn�t� Cha.nme�Jrder �To. �1 ' Sanit�,a;- Se,Yer��*e Projec� 19fi�-1 , 1w�:� 1p�roved� delPtinm ��. 6-inc':i line on the �aresent I'itz�er�ld �rc�perty (';t��-�-27 t� '�1?�-2-?H�. C,ener�l �:tan:��er t�.�issell rQcotrn:ie�de� tli�.t the pairoll p�ri�d for t;he i7i.strict employceG be ch�,n?ed to ev�ry tgYo �YeeIcs inste�.d of t?Y1C@ a month. Qrt mati�n b�* �irect,or P�..nIcosts seconded bg> ➢irector "7�zi�e�n�,n� the �a�roll p�riod �ra.s c.��n��ed �.s reconanendecl. LTpon mo�ic�z� b� I)irector PznIcost� seconcied by ')irectar Goerin�er� the esi,im2ted pro�;ress plyment for the month of Vovemher� 1960� in the amount of ��'V'�:�I TfiOUSANT? STX HiJATDit!:17 S �. �� d`I'Y-�L'V�\T I)i}L�.4?iS� 38 �C��`['S (;�7�677.38) to Lar�r�.n�me ronstruction Inc. � Sa,nit�ry Se?ver��;e Pro ject 1959-1� 1v�,s unanimonsly apnroved. On iuot,ion of �irector Pankost, seconcied by i�irector Uoerinner� the hTovemher� 196f� estirn�.te� 1959 Se�ver Bond Project Contr�,ct, �To. 3 in the amount of SI�'V�T'PE'�' Tf�Ot?�:'��TD I'IVT: Ei�JV�?t?:D SI'�TY-NIN� DOLL�I�S� 80 C.T:�T'P� (y1r,569.80� to �La.rcrnn�e Constru�tion Tnc. � was un�nimouslv �.pproved. On r*ioti�n of �irer,tor Sozaz�i� seconded h� Director P�,nItost, the fin�l estim�ted Promress p�vment (excludin�* 10;>' retention�� 195� Se3Yer T3onc1 Projec.t� Contract � '� No. 4, in t11e a,r�ount of THR�_, �'fiOUSt�iVD �'IV� FIL?Nd7�t":I) aI:�T��.'I�� 70I�S�1F.S� 75 CEr.'hTTS ; (�73�516.75� to V�,n Vta,lkenhur�h� zras unanimously €�pproved. , � On rer_ommendation of Irvine �� Ihice� �uditors of t�i� District� �}irector P�nkost moved� seconded kry Director 'YaIcem�,n� tli�t Norris �.I��.11ery he ernployed a,s fin�.nce officer of the District in the ss�lt�ry r�,nme co:runencir� at FIVE IItJi_VDR.�.I� �"IFTY T)OLLL��JiS �:�550.00� per month� effective J�,nu�,ry 1�1961� or t�s reasonak�ly soon thereafter as ��1r. hlrzllery c�,n co:r�nence his emplo,yment. Attornevs Iioltom znd 4Veidm�,n stated th�,t the oFfice of the Iiistrict could be moved to the new treatment plant. �irector "Jall instructed the �.ttornevs to prep�.re �,n orc�inance e��n�in�; the place of ineetinh to the treatment plant. Director Pan'�ost ques�ioned the le�aliti* of movin� tl�e I3istrict �ffices to the tre�tment plant� �vhicli is not itself �rithin the Distr.ict. Di.rector P�,nItost moved� seconded by Director Souza� th�t the Clerk ZYrite a letter to C. Non��.n Peterson� expressinh the Board's a.ppreci�tion for the excellent construction job done �t the ne�Y treatrnent pl�nt. The ;notion w�,s unanir.iousl� adopted. CLAI';i5: After reco:imendation by Gener�,l _',iana�er Russell� and on motion of Jirector Panitost� seconded by I)irector Sotiz�,� the follo�rin� claims were �.pproved: CFi�CIC NOS. � 1535 ��,lph �'. I�.in�ston 2.00 153G Sundance C4mparry 175.00 1537 Belle Bender 152.�4 1538 Lditha �3eseler 125.00 1539 PAU1 COSt1. 11�.9ri 1540 Fdward L pler 2G4.73 15�1 Geortie Garrido �74.63 1542 Geor�e Garrido ('.filea;e� 65.50 15�3 '+t.G. I&tirt 164.80 15�1 !1.L.�d!i11er 209.10 15�45 f�obert I�. F�ssell 373.75 15�46 P.iarv Serp� 130.00 15h7 ''T.C. Taylor 229.31 1548 `."Jilli�un '°rtortensen 1fi7.10 1549 Yvonne Peters 8.23 1`'i50 N.T�. Goerin�er 1�2.06 1551 Fr�.nk C. So�zza �?.Of 1552 Vernon J. ".i��.11 67.Ofi 1553 .tobert S�aIcer�an 67.06 •,�A�ZI3hr11'S NdS. � �88 C. �Vorm�n Peterson� Inc. 157�5�7.05 88� Keith Spencer �7�425.10 49Q !'...'.i, V�,n Va,lIienbur!;h 3���1fi.75 891 Z.abran;;e Construction 17�569.80 892 La�ran�e Constriiction 1��015.00 893 La�rt�nme Cor�structi.on 7�677.35 894 Fi.lt. I'eeves 600.00 895 II.I;,. 1?e eve s �(�0.pp j(� :1�3Jf1tJP�.�IRq�TT: There bein�; no ohjection� the meetin� W�LS adjourned hy tlie Pre$ident a,t 9:05 P.�.,�. `a � -'o ;—, ` 4 - .� '� .�r._...._--�-��.=L, / P 1 .. i- �, �rorin�,n L, Goerinmer� Cler.-�c of the j� � S(}UTH T1'�ITOE PtIBLIC I�J'PII�ITY DISTPICT !� and �Y-Officio Secret��,r}- of the E�o�rd of l7irectors tziereof. <1T'P�,�;T: �- � ��i-2�-f=- ����� _ ernon J. "J�Th�3�dent of th � e Board of I}irectors of the South T�,hoe Puhlic Ljtility Districtl -�a������-x-x-���- n,�INUT� OF TIL': k,GULt1I?. ?,iL':,`T ING OF TIII: IiQA}�,D OF DII�.�C'P�13iS OI' TI3� SOUTgI TAHOF PL�f3LIC UTII�ITX �7ISTT�.ICT Decernber 15, 196Q The Bo<tird of T)irectors of the South �I'ahoe Public Utilit� District met in re�ular session t�t the �istrict Offices� Cla,rtce Building� Ta,hoe Vfllley� C,,lifornia� on Thursday� I7ecemher 15� 1960. Tlze meetin� tras calleci to order i�y the President �,t 8:05 P.?�q. 120LL CALL: Upon c�,ll of t�ie roll there were present Directors Goerin�er� Pan�ost� Souza- a.nd '�Vall. 1lbsent: l}irector ":V�Iiernan. �11so present were ('xener�,l �:kznn.�er �iussell� �Lttorneys �Yeiclman and IIoltom� John Del.amr�,n�e� Jolin P�fa.dero� P,ir. Goffm�,n, Les Na�y� Iiarl�n ���oyer� Cl�i r Hi 11� Less Shoupe� �d Steffani� Geortie Pustimi�,n� �9alter Little �,nd Don IZichardson. I3irector rYaIceman arrived at 9:00 P.�,i. ',BID OPI:NI� �1GS: The President c�,lled for the openin� of bids for the sale of � the ;�422�142.60 principal a,�nount of Improvement Bonds Series "n" for Sanitary Sewera�e Project 1960-2. The follo�rinh bids were received� opened and re�d h�* the C1erIc �.nd Ex- Offsicio Secretary: Gr�.nde 2 Co. � Inc. � Ilo�;e Buildin;� Seattle� ';Y�,sliin�ton� 5.0183� rate; Stone 8 Youn�;ber�;� San Frr�.ncisco� 5.37519;�; J.B. :Ianauer �Co.� Beverly IIi lls� Calif- ornia� 4.7340FiJ. ?,iINUT�5: The �,iinutes of the R.e�ular wieetin� of December 1� 1960, were approved on rnotion i7y Director Souz�� seconded l�y �7irector Pankost. P�',�:5I17ER1T'S I�I��'O1tT: None OLD BUSINZ55: Upon motion of Director P�.nkost� seconded b,y Director Souza� I2esolution No. 266� A I'{50LUTION D:'�'P�I�:SINIi�TG UVPI�ID �'�SSLS�:�1V'PS �1NI) Pf�OVIDING FOP ISSUl'�,'�TC"d; UF BONA� - SANITt1I;,Y S�.'';Y�;Ft��1GE PRO�IECT No. 1960-2, sv�,s unanimously c�,rri ed. A letter be�,rin� the dflte of I�ecemT�er 3� 1957� requesting pa.3nnent of ;�252.F>5 far c�amar;es suffered 1ry L.Y�. Nelson as a result of installation of collection lines wn,s read. �3irector P�,nI�ost moved that ':":ir. Nelson�s cl:�im be approved in tiie �,mount of ;�252.65 r�nc� tli�t l�ttorney ���leiciman be instructeci to �scertain the responsible pa.rt,y for tZie d�ma�;es. Upon second by �lirector Goerin�er� the claim was unanin7ously approvecl. The halance of requested payment by Alva Enterprieses for ttze Pine�vooc� "'J�,ter a�pprai s�,l wa,s postponed. Upon eioti on bti* Ui rector Pankost� seconded by 1)i rector Souz�,� �;esoluti on No. 267� A 1��ULUI'ION Oi�DEYtING C�IANG�S tL�TD h:f0➢I�'IC?1�i'IONS - SEINITAI2Y >�`.'TI:Tt�'�GL P1tOJ�,'CT �Jt). 1959-1� �vas unanimously adopted. ; Presi dent ',`J�,11 authori zed Gener�l :i�,na�er ��issell and �i rector P�,nItost to contact County S�,nit�tion Official� L'�r�,n ":i�,rsden� and inspect the BrooI�e' s r,�otel sewer svstem and char;;es. � _ bi rect�r Souza. re�orted tli�,t �.11 eqi.�ipment �ias been ordered for in— stzllati.on of street li.�*hts in zua�nc�io �i jou� �nd pr•esentea 1 praposecl rate sheet `� � for Fixin� service clilrmes to Gnnerr�l `,i�n�mer �"�issell. �i rect,or P�nlcost moveci th�,t t�ie Di stri ct �vri te �# 1 ett,er Lo +�:�e I)a2�:�-l�zs Count}, Sewer Improvement '!}}istrict ATo. 1� inforrninm them that Soutl� Tahoe Public T?tilitv �istrict s�.pproves t�ie prPsent contract for disnosal a�' se�ra�a t�y the C�liforni�, istrict. `Phe motion was lost for lacic of a sc�cond. � Director PznI�ost further r�oved th�t a letter be �rritten to ti�e i7ougl�.s County District statint� t�.iat Soutii T�,hoe Public Utility I)istrict approves the eYistin� contract �,ncl th�,t a nroper billinrc be st�bmittecl to the �oti�;las County �istrict tu�cler the terms of tl�e contract. �rl�e motion lost for lack of �, second. �irector Souz�. moved t�i:�,t the I�istrict tirrite tlie I�ou�l�.s County Sewer �istrict Baard �,dvisin,m them th�,t the �3istrict is satisfied witFi the existin; contract bet�reen the tiro di.stricts �.nd tirill submit qu,�.rterly st�.tements in accordance tivith the contract. Director Goerin�er seconded the motion. l�irector Goerin�er movec� to tunend the motion to strilse out anv reference to the procedure of p�.y— r:ient and bi 11 in,m� and th�,t the 1 etter read tliat t�ie Sauth Tahoe Publi r, Uti 1 i ty District is satisfi ed �rith the present contract �.nci rec�uests the Nev�c3a �istrict to �,bicie lnT tl�e terms �nd conciitions tFiereof. The ar.�endment ir�,s seconc3ed by TJ'irector x';aIcenan and unanir.aously c�,rried= ancl the ori�;in�.l motion� �.s t�.nended� irtLs tm�.ni.mously c�,z-ried. ,,, T)irector P�nIcost moved th�.t General F,��,n�.mer ��ssell cont�,ct Iirotim �,nc� Cald�rell ; to deternaine w�iere ir�ter �ras cominm into tlie collection lines� in 'ralioe I�c�ys „ construction. Upon second by Di�ector ','Taiteman the motion tv�,s unani.mously c�rried. � ; ,� The pollinm place lor tiie election� �ursu�,nt �o Itesoliition �vo. 2G5 on t?�e proposal ---� of i ssuinn revenue bonds for financin�; oi �r�,ter system was set at �,he ,'�nerican Len;iox� 13uilclinM anc� President i'Tall instructed the Clerk to a,ppoint eleetion ofCi cers. Generzl '.,,�,n��;er 1�issell presezitec? tivo r�o�t,hly p2yments estim�,tes for Genr�;e ::. ':iil.ler Construction Co. on Sanit�ry Sewer�,�;e Project 1�60-1. LTpon mation i��l �Jirector• Goerinmer� seconded l:�vl)irect,or Pani;.ost� ��,yinent of t�ie estir��te in tfie stun o�` �;;�50�40�4.32? was approveci. Upon r,iotion of :Jireetor Panlcost, seeoncieci by T)ireetor `.`l�,Tcei��nn� C�i�,nme Order :do. 22. — �anit�,ry Ne�rer�,�;e project 1�60-1 iY�,s �.�proveci tiiereupon provi.uin�r ior insi:.�,lla.tion of 1rv�s a�icr elbos,s ��,t zn �Lcic3itian�.l cost of' ��147.<i0. LTp�n recon�enc3a�ion of Genr.ral '..i��,n�'rP..Y� �'zis�ell anc� motion h<r �,irecLor P�,nIcos�,� secon<lec� l�y i)i.rector ",'ialceu-►�,n, T�esolution i��o. 2�i�� �'i ?;r:�t�LtT'"IO"d �'�i.�7":�:,T;!t\'Cr 1'_�"TZ^T— . 5 " T ,+ , ' r t � P: �i'�'.7,. � .. :TZr'r'f�7T �..)� titr�� � `.;'� \�.';:f �.i::; .�T2iT11S.'O�:�il ,� ;��:g}1t.r�f', ttl(�7'E'�?1T P�it�7�7 tFd(' ..,. _ . ._ �21'); . .;ictri_ct, to ol>tairr �;ttrCe L'n�.,a��lo�fien�, ro�TF,r, mc� for its �r*,p1c��-ees.., ?Tpon r�otion of s�irc�ctor• P�n':.o:;t� seconc�ec' k�t� i)i��ect�oi� �at�z�a� "_esoli-,tion `,'o.�?�;�?� :? 1"_;:S�I.,T1i IQ"d C_^,I�I.:I'�(, i�'0:'? I31�,:,`; 0"; iP.I.': 0'_' I."I'I'��T".,�;�' i��''?�`:;. '"f'!r�;T�_:rj' S�;,'�'�_'.Cr'; P':`��J';Cm '�t?. 19�iQ-1 — �^(:(7°?�? S',I,',� ;�r�s �tn��niFnousl�,r ;eclopteci, '�pn�i notion of :3irectoi- roer�n�*er� seconeiec% i��,- ';irector �ou�:�y (�rclin�s.rtce '�,o. i(}' <G`; �'�'�T tiT��r�lr, ^�:f;�T:)i�T % r•T,7��;�� f�- /� ` � . . 1\'�T �t,l/1�.�..i!'�'1..�.� ��TLP• `�:l �;�'.i PT���Y1��Si`TlI ?!�`/ii L-t.u��T`. 4i� �,TMi�l i.h�:�7� S}'i�.:3 �caop�,er"•. 1��,- r, fotir•—fif't�?,� VOt,C �:�it?I Director P:�n,T,ost not vot.i.�a�r. . . tTpon r�ot,ion of ':`ir•ec�or P;�;�I�ost� seconcler? i�y �7ir•ect.or �:o�;�t, t.l;e nr•o�rress erti::��.te for IT�i�,er �:nc? ??�,;;ter in constr�?cti �n �►f ��ni.tary ce�rer,^�;c� �'roject 19rp—�?? ir. t':ze �riot�nt. of :�F�;�G1�.11 �r�as a:pproveci �, recor�-�enc�ecl h�r Cl�i.r ;:. �Ti ll �.ric' ."..s�oci�#.er' pz•o.;�ct en�ineers. ener�l ',°r��1�.�er ?'�isscll rersd nric? filec,. ,, let,t,er �nd Cupp].ernen�;il teler-;ra.r:� frot�� II,.r�cr �nc' r,�xter rel�tive to SIlt1'f•�1i2�'' c3.a�,rn consl;r�iction for the tsinter se,,an on r:�nit�ry re�rera.^;c �'ro,je�rt l��Q—�. (�l.�ir <"y. iii�l and .lssocirwte� recor,�encleci nr�i ns t 1mr s?gzit clo�s�rn. LTpon moti an of �a r�ct,or PanI�ost� seconclec; kn �ii rector �ourr�, t?►e ?)istr2ct cleniecl I�I.:�rper r�.nci I3��ster's rec�a�est for t�. sizi�t c'oti,n of constr�*c— ti.on. ` Gener�*1 °.",n«,�er ;;�,ssell pr•esentec? Fro1m �:�nci CzlchYell �G rec;t�est For compens�.tinn of inspection on ��.nitarv ;e1�,er�^�e Project hTo. 1�5�J-1 fror� 'tia�rer,a��er 2� 19�'�Q� the c:ate tlse const:rzaction on sai�I project wtts oz•ircinall�r rerjuirec'{ to Y>e conipletf�c�� on t,?ae i��,sis oF the cornpens��t,ian rer_or.n:iende�z by Cldlir ",. 1Ti11 �nc1 �lssocizte, upon t�ieir contracL irith tlae r�istrict far inspection. �irector Pan?:osL r,iovec�� seconclec'� in- �Jirector �'oerin�;er� t�.�:�t con�pensation for inspection to Bra�vr� �,nc.': Cald;rel.l .-fro??t Noveml�er ?� 19G0� on Sanit�r�� Sevrera�;e Pro,ject No. 1.95A-1� be p�.id ��s req�lestec� k�z• proi;m �,nd C,.1c�srell. Gencr�:�l �,n-,,,���. �����cll nrc.�cnt,�,' "r�,�;,�� ;�,,1=? rr�lcli�r�l� �s letter ����;�,rin�; t?ae cl�z�e of �eceii�her �, 1�J60i relative to tl.e 1�59 Sc�rer Boncl �'xoject Cont�act ?eTo. � �,nd in p�rticul�r� Contractor Spencer's fai_lure to cor�plete the contr�,�¢t as reqi�irec� {� �� on or hefore �+ecemF�er �� 1.9�;0' anci tlae protaability tliri,t s�,ic^ contr�,ct �roulcl not be cor.�nletec: until Sprint;. Generzl '.:�rzn:?�;er ?:�assell iurt��er reportec' t�aa,t �fter �I:,,nz��r~� 25� l��l � the �istx•ict cot�lcl kae rer�iirec'_ �a p�zz� p�na,lties to ?;no�. �7olinson I'or• cor.tint�ec'. t�sr, af t�in old cbi snosal site. Pirect,or P�.n.g�,os+i, inovec'? seconclec' ��z- �irector Souz�,� tF�<^=t tlie 1':tanamPr znd ClerI_ cont:�ct Contr�,ctor Spercer �nc? recor_ru^end that �pencer enter into zn �,�;ree?::ent �ritli Iino�: <7oli;�son pr•o�-iclin�• for contimieci use of tlie olci se�r�.�;e ciispostil site until Contr�et No. K ic cor�plet,e�� rind reliez•in�; the �:�istrict of am pen�,ltieS ��}aic?a co��ld kie imposec? bz ISnoY Jo��nson ws �, result o!' Cont,ractor �pencer f�.i 1in�• to con�plete szi c� Contr�.ct Vo. 5 prior to Jan��:�.rv �5, 19F1� �,nd suh,ject to t•I�e e�cecvtion of t�iis amreement Contractor Spencer�s ti2r�e for con�pletion of Contr�ct No. 5 be extenclec'•,. T4�e motion was izn�.nimousl3� carri ed. /- �,-�General ':��,naner F�ussell presented a statement from Bro`v?i ann C;�,lc?si�ell For �vorIc c'.one on S�nitar�- Se`ver�,me Pro ject 19,�Q-2. T�irector `Yal l stated th�,t imless tliere iva,s nn objection� General ',f��,ntimer ��issell a.nc� the �.ttorney investig�te t1ie time spent by I3rown and Caldwell on this project and report bacI� �,t tiie net:t meetin�. CT.:AI'.'S: The folloirin; elaims were �,pprovec? anct pai.cl as follo`�*s: CTL�'.CZ� 1554 �3elle T3ender (^LefuncA} 7].��1 1555 Ldi.th�. I3eseler ��'Leftind� 53.5� 1556 A.iar;*Serp�, (F.efund) 19.11 1557 Nr�.nette Lovecchio (Refund� .80 1558 ?��arjorie Thomas .�� 1559 Edvr�rd Eppl er 6.34 1560 Georhe G�rrido 4.G3 1561 �dlvard Ga.st 2�77 1562 P.t.G. Ila.rt 3G.00 1563 A.L. A.':i.11er 123.30 15�4 �arle Pani�ost 76.20 1565 Itobert P�. I�ussell ���.39 156G Barbar� '�tcCarty 10.5� 15G7 YYilliam t:iortensen 39.95 156�3 '.:'illiam Beseler �.94 1569 Orville Chttndler .87 1570 rstel a.i. PiIse .14 1571 P.ierlin Hart 22.�1 157� �,!.C. ".fueller 12.6� 1573 I�,�,thleen C. I3�lc��+rin .�?�� 1�74 Clifford Ber�ren .2� 1575 ?l�t�ria �=q�r�ls .25 1.576 Fatricin hfcCreti 5.GO 1577 J��cIc Hotirarcl 2f3.00 157�3 FI.P,. f:liller .4;i 1579 Jean Turj� 5�85 15g0 �lmer T. I�o3*ce 1.�� 1581 �:��illi�,.*n C. TaS>lor 5.`3� 15R2 Iielle �3ender 1'i7.�9 1583 ?:c�itlia Beseler 118.2F 1588 Ed`varcl Gast (refunci.� 13.8� 15�0 i�,iar�� Serpa, 125.01 1591 Yvonne Peterson (refund� .23 1592 Pflttl Cost�, 1 i 3.81 1593 T�-�ymond Eppler (refund� 1.8C 159� Edzva,rd �ppler 215.84 1595 Geor�e G�rrido 2�"�.5(i 1�i96 t4,L. ':iiller 1�33.07 1597 Y�'illiam ',iortensen 163.�3 15�S Robert �ussell 330.33 15�9 ','l.C. T�,Slor 121.88 1600 ?.T.r. Iiart 1�58.12 1F01 �u,rle ��. Pa.nIcost 26�.30 1602 Fr�.nk Souz�. 1?.05 1G03 Ttobert �'lakeman 17.05 � 160� �usiness Systems? Inc. 228.50 1605 C1arIie_I3uidin� 20.00 1G06 IIu;o � he I,ocI�smith} 9�5� 1F07 Interco�.st ".sutu�,l Life Ins. 311.�7 1G08 L�,I�eside :liztomotive �O.Ffi 1609 I�Tevad�. LLunber Comp,�,ny U82.77 1610 Petrolane G�,s Service �378.97 1611 Pitney Bowes� Inc. 18.00 1Fi12 Sierr�. �l�emic�,l CompZ� 312.00 1�13 �ierri P<Lcific Po�Yer �,42G.31. l�il� P�.ci f i c Tel epl.one 2L1.flri 1G15 Tadioe Jznitorial Service 1��.71 161Fi Ix�,Iie T�,hoe News 135.15 1F17 Tnhoe Office Supply �;.�;7 161R T�iioe Supply lg�•�r t5�� lf 19 Talioe Tribune �3.60 lf,�?0 t�a;��;ran�;e C�nstruc+ior_, T.�c. 997.8!� 1G21 T'eL?erril �?escrve par.I� 1 ,130.3�i 1622 N.L. Goerinm�r 17.OS 16�?3 V�rnon J. '."�ll. 17��� 1G2�4 :�T.L. Goerin�;er �y,p� 1625 irvine �nc3 �ice 3igg��pt� 16�G C.�.S. Gibgon �: Associn.tes ��500.00 1F>27 Fr.�nlc C. Sot�z� 50.04 '�'�1RI�11I�1'I'S � �93 hTeva,cla Tiznk of Cozr¢nerce�a,�c Lamr�,n�e Construction 7�677�3g 89� II.Ii. I�.eeves G00.00 g95 II.�. P2eeves 2�0.00 �96 13nnlz of 1lmeri ca n�c STP�_TI) Banlc Acco��nt 20'000.00 R97 La�;rnr�,rce Constructi on 491,5� 898 U.S. Forest �ervi.ce 5�760.00 8.99 Cl�ir A. Iiill �`� Associa.tes 14�.80 900 Cl�.i r A. Iii 11 �rz tlssociates 2�107.14 901 Hi�mlies� ?��a.ul �.nd Fonertv 9.25 902 Inter—County `ritle Co. 35.00 903 Y'i rst Ns�ti onal B�.nIc �,,/c Geor*e ?:. ' P.iiller Construction 50��0�.32 �1I�TOUI?Nh.4.T�VT: There bein� no objection� the meetin� tivas ac�journed at 1�:30 P.";�. - by the President. ��� _���.� ,. Vernon J. � � resid nt of the I3oard of �irectors of the South Tal�oe Public L?tilitv District ATTi�'3': �j�, � .--� .. /i '`' ', , ,'�z"-Z.,'t...-__---:�1 .t �_-%T�� � Noi�►n�,n L. Goerin�er� C1erIc of �� Ttie Soizth Tahoe Publi c Uti 1 ity District �,nd Ex—Officio Secretarv of tlie I;oard of Direc�tors thereof. ��-�-���-����������-� ',1INU'T?�..�i OF THE P,�'riJI.Ai2 '�i:�;'TING OI' TFiE BOt1RD OT �I1'�CTOI�� OF T�i�:� SOUTIi TAI�Oi PUL'LIC UTTLi`PS' �?STRICT -