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1960 01/07 - 1960 06/30
January- 121 -. ~is~..rici, met in reo'nlar session in 'the .3~sl, rict Offices C!nrxe .... ee~l. iv' !~-~:'~ called t,o order by '"' , ac.it 7lOLL o, - u~J~: Upon call o2 tlc roll~ there ~'ere present Directors Gersick~ Goerinser Pa~ff~osL, '//ai~e::ian~ ~mJ ,,'all /.1,so m-e,-,,--' · ~- ,,:, .....were -n::<lneers 2.berlev and 3teffani, .~ccount ul, Luco5~ ,kg'Lerner b:ei ', - ,Jou. z.n ~a;.oe ih' Jamisoli fVOLi tie S-'c}/o .~rvision or :;ousin~,, ih'. R:ichardson ~]"o;.i the Svcra:aento ~ ~:. c.~e Nevada Si. ate kosi,':n .lssoci ::'Les ~ fly. ~ ~.{~'",- ~ · .~:r,.':.- 02 "lin os!:::~n ..ssoc; ~:.Less a::d hi s w:i.?e ~ i irs '3~,r, nl"v ........ ,~ ~ ~uit:-irs. }iiJ_~2rej '",";;;,u o? ;," l~l::~ Tahoe ~I 1)lo:,-,a~r~ aem,'~ee. 77'lP,?,i"IU: .:]~'ecior ~ -.' ' ,',e:: '::':.~'_ ~' c ~:'o?lm:.e;.~ for ~:or:,~o:7' ','eiJ:,t?:-~ ~'Jpoi'tod <:}:.,-' t~: 77? si,:ned ~: ,7~):~e~-~ Tho Fe::ti-L [~;:~:O0 p- ' '4 - - "' '' P;R'!'Ti'37.3: ':c,,,c. Di recLor i,'-e :-a i ,.i~ .......... - .... -- ~ ~ ,, '.. C(, ~ :/:.,; '-il;i ,; fSOOi2G 'JCl .... ,'C 'RiO to :'[ '2-.- by s~:,,':iu':7 "'-,,' ..... Z ',,"; q,:' the 5'0[0 ...." ~ a Resolution to accept Lids '..,:iere2or .Disc issi on ensued aa 'oo +~ ......... of suc:i i;il'ec{,or P:uiJ{osL ::;,%,,io ; 1ObLOJl ~,(. i~Oitl'~i ;-~CO{}}i) i ',:ho re ..... ~=a,:c Lhe ~000 ,qatlo:i propa:ie ?:.s ,.,am:. On seco:iff ~ei-sicTi~ mo6ion was IHl~:Wl[LtOt:;:;1}~ carried. ~, ..... ~,~..o~ ..... :~. Relative i,o ,~_,ie ~}ills "~, * ..... ~ · ~t,,,, ~,.. Feels -". ..... .......... ,~ ~..,,~t. ~:ie ,~o~:J'a should inspect thom ..... ' ~lht Dil'OC~,or ue]'sicJc mado a ::~ot:[on to the: effect On seco:id b'x Director ak~:;:lan~ '"' , . carried with the ~tddendma that check be preparea Lireclor (]oerin:?r then anno~:nced that C~o ]]o,:rd ~:ts 7oin:.7 to hold an Zesslen be ;ins~ whereupon Lit. J~ison~ of the 2isLe Zo:.:sin;j Div~ton~ brou,dtL up [:[;:m back ~rl, the Lldversit}- of Illinois w[mre he (]aiued ~,t Lre~endous ~:~ount of info~aa~ion and several ?'co, rs a,:~o sene 708 bu[ldin-; codes were presented and he would like Lo work on U:ds phase of the question. Attorne'v 'tTei&:txn said that the problem does not seem to be a lethal one but wheCmr it ia ~ prackicai code. 7.h". Jtu':Ltsoa suzzested that they pick'"'up the Uniform Codes and Director Ya!l sta~ed that we should zo'L someLhin:-j which we could present to the Chm:f~er o2 Co:maerce for discussion. The i<Lt~ ssi4 ;ir. J~unison~ deals v:ith t~';o and three dwel]inf~s. As to the matter el' ready-built l,uilOnzs as mentioned by Director 7/a,keman~ A<torney :,7eiibnan asked if the Distric% adopted i, he Unifon2 Buildin7 Code, vhere would i k leave these rea,iv-built units? 7,h'. Jmaison replied that it would be entirely up to om' buildi~k7 inspector. Director '.Takeman said that if we can [{e'6 z~ore financinf throu~fh bbc Unifon:: ~uildin(~4 Code~ then I say let's adopt that. Attorney 'Tei~knan said that~ leffa!ly~ it does nob i. eJm a ahea~~ of papers to p;e-t this throuzh. Director ,Tail said thai, he 'thi~s if late should CO:ne up with somethin3 as a starter~ -Limn we could put it up to the public for discus- sion and we can get some more reaction. Lb'. J~;m~ison sugf~ested that the Press be empowered to state that the U'tilitv ""' ' ., ~str~c~ is considerin[j usin% standards similar to the }Jar[oma! Electric Code~ Unifonu" ' " ~m~lu~n~, Code~ etc. ,,c.~ornev,...eicm~an sw,,~estedo~, that .,Ir. Jmnison come up here with three brand new Buildi~7 Codes and he~ L!r. Jv~ison and Lit. Wakenan sit down" "~ oo~oo:lor t.ll(i ~0 ilr[O klm magi. er in de<~il. ~irector V/all said Xr. Chainnan~ i make a motion <ha~ we ,.,-ess~, .....e~a,,~ ,,m~,e,,,m .ns Jamison to fzet Los:ether and come up with ~:.~at they feel woul. be; vec; prac/~cal · · ' bmld~n~ code ])y the ne:ct meetin,'-. 0n second of Lbo motion by Direcffor Pa~ffms't~ motion was m~animously carried. Director 7/all ::lade a motion bhat the Press be authorized to nsc this aud~ on second ~lrector Oersick~ ,::~otion was unauimously carried. Zt this point~ Director Goeri,%wer slated that the ~' .... ' into executive session and hoped it would not be too loni~;~ after which 6hey will return to continue business. ,koborne~, ,Tei~nan then read the Law re?;ardiit7 the holdinZ of ~cecuLive Sessions. The ~,zecutive Session convened at 9:43 P.7.1. and at 10:55 P.;.2.~ the ~oar(l~ ~ett.rne~i~ - , to re.~ular session when the Attorney stated that matters were set forth in this Session according to Code delain;~ with persotmel~ employees~ etc. The purpose was to hear complaints acainsL an ~nployee and an of Cicer of the Board. Directo~ ~oeringer Said: "I might add that~ let the chins, lay wherever they land~ this Board fully feels that it as i,his happened because of the laxity of the Doard of DirecLors~ .... · ~ney will in the future be more fin:: and rir~id on operations of the District." ~' Director Gersick said that.~ as a Director~ he will have to asree.., with '~'bn.e President as to wh&t ' ~ · ,m said in essence and he feels that the decision of the Board will be unanimous and !,he pm'pose is to i,C; i.o 70'L the~ts~,rlc~-~' '" ' ~ operaLin~;~, ei,ic~enily~' ' and elf et Lively. Director '.;all addressed the President and said it was his opinion that~ ~dmn v;e have rm actinf~; manaf4er and as lonZ as we keep him as such~ we should s[and by him with re~ard to employees and he~ therefore~ made a motion that in tim matter of Lei Lucot~ ZccounLant ~ we authorize our Clerk and Zx-0fficio Secre .,. ~' ~' ,,akeman and~ in as he deems necessary- :.,etlon ~¢,s soco!l(]e~ 13). ~[rector ensuiu~< discnssion on Lbo question~ Attorney-/eidnan said ihat he feels this should be a Doard action on this particular ma-tter~ to which Zirector /all added ' ' °~° voite~ he will wit:draw his mo-Lion providings' P&!fzost a.s Acti~;: Zanafjer providing 2irector Patf2os't~ as Zc'ting 7.[anager~ would make a u~otion as he sees fit. Director ,Ta;zeman seconded ihe motion -to withdraw Lhe previous motion and the vote t, hereo!l was t'.11C,,llil Iolls. Upou reco7nition ',,),.~ , ~ ,,,,~ Cha:ir~ Direc-tor Pa:,,Losttsc~.t, ~::,,,'~ ~ in view of Lite he made a ~:~otion tint the "'" " ' -' " ' ' o ' ]ir. ?;e! L,:col. 0'n second of the ..... D:i re c t,o r './a 11 ~ mot i on wa s unanimous ly ca rrio d. " MIN~ OF TIlE AI)JODJLUED REGULAll ~[EETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF Tim SOUTtI TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 12~ 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session of the regular meeting of January 7~ 1960 at the District 0ffices~ Clarke Building~ Tahoe Valley~ California~ on January 12~ 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:05 P.M. ROLL CAIJJ: Upon call of the roll~ there were present Directors Goeringer~ Pankost~ Gersick~ Wakeman. ABSENT: Director Wall. Also present were Attorney Weidman~ Engineers Aberley, Steffani~ and Rustigian~ all of Brown and Caldwell. MINUTES: This being an adjourned meeting~ no minutes were read. REPORTS: Mone. C OP, RESPONDENCE: None OLD BUSINESS: Director Pankost stated that~ inasmuch as we had to make certain Progress Payments and payments for Right-of-Way (Easement) Acquisitions~ he made a motion that the Board approve the transfer of $100~000 from the 59-1 Special Assessment Fund to ConstruCtion 59-1 Fund. On second my Director Gersick~ motion was unanimously approved~ and Warrant No. 687 was issued in the amount of $100~000. Director Pankost made a motion that a Warrant be issued to the Langrange Construttion~ Inc. in the amount of $68~113.01 for December Progress Payment and one to C. Norman Peterson~ Inc. in the amount of $99~109.34 for December Progress Payment; also a Warrant to It. R. Reeves in the amount of $300.00 for Easement acquisition. Motion was seconded by Director Gersick and unanimously carried and Warrants Nos. 688~ 689~ and 690 written in the stated amounts. Director Panlost then stated that the first thing he would like to bring up was to authorize Brown and Caldwell to draw up plans and designs for the 1960-1 Assessment District. Engineer Abe~ley replied that the first thing he thought they should have answered is the question as to what the District has in mind for them to do and what will be done by the District Engineer. Director Pankost replied that Brown and Caldwell will do everything up to the date when construction begins at which time the District Engineer will take over the construction supervision~ etc. Mr. Aberley asked if the District Engineer will do this and never go to them for advice or assistance? Director Pankost stated that he did not say that he will not consult with you or ask for advice or assistance. Mr. Aberley said that he feels that they can save the District money by per- mitring Brown and Caldwell to do all the work. Excerpts from their Agree- ment with the District were read and Director Gersick asked where the District would save and discussion/ensued wherein Mr. Aberley stated that the designer has control of construction~ and errors are therefore sometimes prevented. Director Pankost suggested that this decision be held until we ascertain what we can get in the way of an Engineer and let this design business "hang fire" until that time. Discussion fokbwed as to the trouble with the contractors and engineers and Director Wakeman said: "This is what I want to know. Let Brown and Caldwell tell us how our engineer would fit in their plans. If we have him~ will we be able to use him and they be able to use him to the benefit of the District?" Engineer Aberley replied that, if the man is to be "Engineer-~nager", he directs and supervises all the operations of the DistriCt and day to day ta~ks, thereby relieving the Directors. Director Gersick stated that the District has been run very loosely. If we hire a qualified engineer~ he would~ in turn~ report to the Board. If Director Pankost had one job~ it would be finer but he is combining two businesses, lye must notify Brown and Cald~ell what they are going to do. Discussion continued ~th Engineer Aberley insisting that the District would save money by permitting Brown and Caldwell to have entire charge of the construction~ take all the responsibility~ and so relieve the Board of Directors of such re sponsi bi 1 i ti e s. Director Pankost stated that he reiterated that he would like to hold construc- tion in abeyance until the engineer is hired. Mr. Aberley said that Brown and Caldwell must have formal authorization to design the 60-1 Assessment District. tie further stated that there are several points involved in the District's taking over and employing an Engineer: 1. Engineer to oversee all inspection; 2. Hire all inspectors (at least 10); 3. Job of making decisions involved in relocations and determine just what it is~ monthly estimates~ stake-out by survey crews~ etc. 4. Inspect personally every manhole on the ~ob and the in~erior of sewers~ and measure final quantities~ etc. for the 'tas builtt* drawings. Director Gersick stated that he thinks it is foolish to bring in a newman to do this. Mr. Aberley stated that there were two additional publications to which he thinks the advertisement for an engineer should be mailed, viz.~ ~¥estern City~ San Francisco Daily Pacific Building~ San Francisco Director Pankost made a motion that the Board give Brown and Caldwell a letter authorizing them to proceed with the design of the 1960-1 Assessment District. On second by Director ~akeman~ motion was unanimously carried. En~neer Aberley pointed out and explained the map for the next Assessment District. After detailed surveys were made~ it was found that certain portions of the Tahoe Sierra Subdivision cannot go into the pump station as now being designed so the Board will have to make a decision as to whether they want to include or exclude it andy if included~ it will entail a lot of ~ther decisions and considerable more cost. How is this to be financed? There are advantages both ways. General Obligation bonds should pay for it. There are no provisions in this $2~500~000 for this. Director Pankost said that the Board is trying to see if the financing can be split between GO and Assessment proceedings. Something should be paid by those now out of the District for future annexation. Other Districts have annexation fees from ~50.00 to 31000.00 per acre. Mr. Aberley said that the alternatives~ if it is decided to include these por- tions~ are: 1. Obviously you are to finance by60-1 Assessments. 2. Bonds and Assessments. 3. Bonds and annexation fees and G. 0. Bonds. 4. 1~e could include a portion of the ~' Area in 60-1 and finance the trunk by assessment or assessment plus bonds or annexation fees. 5. ~ke a split assessment district and call it 60-2 and then finance by assessments on the other participating portions and by bonds. The District is m~ or less obligated to serve the school w~th sewers by this fall. ~e hope the pump station will be built by September. Anyone of the locations will be satisfactory. The best way to serve the school is by 8" lines for collection line. This cpuld be done in two ways which we zstimate at $1500.00 and require the school to put up the entire amount similar to 59-1o ~tionwas made by Director Gersick that 60-1 assessment include Cora I~rding and the Ski Run area up to about Forest View Heights. Motion died for lack of a second. Discussion by Attorney Wet.an as to bond bidding in relation to Assessment District and Bdvised waiting until next Thursday, January 14~ 1960. Director Gersick then made a motion that, if we get a favorable on the Bonds~ we go ahead with the line on Ski l~un Acres up to Lakeview Heights in the 60-1 Assessment. Motion was seconded by, Director Wakeman and Director Gersick called for a vote on the previous question which was unanimously carried. On the original motion~ vote was as follows: AYES: Directors Gersick~ Goeringer and Wakeman. NOES: Director Pankost. ABSENT:Director Wall. Director Gersick made a motion to include Cora I~rding Subdivision in 60-1 Assessment District. Motion was seconded by I)ire~tor Wakeman and carried by the following vote: AYES: DireCtors 6oeringer~ Gersick~ and Wakeman. NOES: Director Pankost. ABSENT: Director Wall. CLAIM~: The following warrants were approved and issued as listed: Warrant: 687 - STPUDConstructionFund ~ 688 - Ney. Bank of Co~.-Lagrange~ 689 - C. Norman Peterson, Inc.~ 690 - R. R. Reeves ~ $100~000.00 68~113.01 99~109.34 300.00 AI)J0~fl~: There being no objection~ meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. until 8:00 P.M.~ January 14~ 1960. ~Clerk and Ex-0fficio Secretary MINUTES OF Tt~. AI~JO~ P. EGULAR hIEETIN6 OF THE BOARD OF DI1LECTOP~ OF THE SOUTH TAtlOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 14~ 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session of the regular meeting of January 7~ 1960~ at the offices of the District~ Clarke Building~ Tahoe Valley~ California~ on January 14~ 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Upon call of the roll~ there were present Directors Goeringer~ Gersick~ Pankost~ Wakeman~ and Wall; Absent: None. Also present were Attorney John C. Weidman~ Mr. John I~ltom of the firm of Kirkbride, Wilson~ Harzfeld & Wallace~ Engineer R. C. Aberley~ Mr. Benedict of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune~ Mro Richardson of the Sacramento Bee~ and the following representatives of bidders; together with Mr. Nicholas G. Smith of the Edward L. Burton & Compa,ny~ Salt Lake City~ A1 Somerville~ Dave Hartley, Mr. Iluch ~. James Sorenson Bank of America Stone & Youngberg Schwabacher & First California Company representing Taylor · Co. 0PEKING OF BIBS: Bids on the 59-1 Special Assessment Bonds~ in the amount of $650~000~ opened first and were as follows: Grande & Co.~ Inc.~ Seattle~ 1¥ash. l~turing 1961-63 - rate of 5~ p.a. 1964-68 - ~ "5~ " 1969-71 -" 1972-75 -" "5~ " Payment of 100.02~ of Par Value, plus accrued interest from the date of bonds to date of delivery. NET EFFECTIVE INTEREST RATE -5.339~ Interest Cost $345,618.75 less Premiu~ - Net Interest Cost $345,483.75 STONE & YOUNGBEI~G~ San Francisco: Par(100~ of the principal amount thereof) plus accrued interest to date of delivery and plus premium of $69.00 at following interzst rates per annum: ~aturi ty: 7/2/61 to 7/2/65 incl 7/2/66 to 7/2/70 incl[ 7/2/71 to 7/2/75 incl · NET INTF21E~T COST 5.8944~ or $381~368.50 J. B. HANAUER& CO., Beverly Hills: Par plus accrued interest plus a total premium of $52.00: 1961 to 1971 - 5~ 1972 to 1974 - 5~ 1975 - Estimated Interest Cost m $346,048.00 Average Net Interest Cost - 5.3485~ Of the three bids received on the 59-1 Special Assessment Bonds, that of Grande & Co.~ Inc., Seattle~ Washington, was the lowest. Bids on the General Obligation Bonds -- $1,250,000, three bids as follows were received: SC~?ABACHER& CO. - Net Interest Cost = $1,349,000 -- Average Interest Rate 5.097~ TAYLOR & CO., Beverly Hills - " = $1,298~780 --Average Interest Rate 4.9075~ BANI( 0FA~{ERICA - Net Interest Cost = $1,320,636 --Average Interest Rate 4.990~ Director Pankost stated that, on the recon~nendation of our financial consultants, he moved that the bid of Taylor and Co.~ Beverly Hills, California~ be accepted. On second by Director Wall, motion was unanimously carried. Director Pankost declared a recess of whatever time necessary to determine the bid figures. After the recess, during which it was determined that Grande & Co., Seattle, Washington, was the Iow bidder with an average interest rate of 5.33968~ on the 1959-1 Special Assessment Bonds and Director Pad~ost made a motion tht the bid of Grande & Co. be accepted. On second by Director Gersick, motion was unanimously carried. C0~~ENCE: None. PETITIONS: Tahoe Sands. Halsey presented a petition asking for cancellation of the exclusion of his property. Also, petitions for annexation were presented by: Chuck Dwight and Stan Pdsley, Lakeside Subdivision Mary and Joseph R. Backus Isabel & ~nuel Senna, Harlow Acres If these petitions are approved by the Board tonight, said Director Pankost, they will all have to pay their fees in accordance with Ordinances Nos. 23 and 31. Director Pankost made a motion that these Petitions be approved and accepted into the District. Motion was seconded by Director Gersick. On the question~ discussion followed and Director PanCost stated that we have a strip 350' deep and 1100' long on tHghway 50, Truckee River l~rsh, which was petitioned to be excluded but did not get excluded in time to get on the tax roll. However, it is not in accordance with our policy to bring individual parcels back into the District but we are attempting to get in touch with the owner, kSss Alva Barton~ and her attorney so that we may acquire an easement as I brought before the Board about two weeks ago. Motion to approve the petitions was carried by a unanimous vote· Director Pankost said that he would like to bring up this matter in the Engineers' report. We have an ordinance providing for annexation but we have never had any rule for annexing persons not invited· ~ge did tell the people that~ prior to the first of the year and annexed Yan Sickle without penalty and I thinkwe should set up a fee for annexation~ to which ~. Aberley agreed~ and recon~ended a fee. Director Pankost suggested that the Board authorize the Attorney to prepare this Ordinance between now and next Thursday week (January 28) to come up with a reasonable figure as to what we should ask for annexation and he made a motion that the District have such an Ordinance prepared for the regular meeting on January 21~ 1960. On second by Director ~Vall~ the motion was unanimoukly carried. Director ~all made a motion that the Board authorize Engineer Aberley to come up with a suggested figure~ preferably with a sliding scale. On second by Director Pankost~ motion was unanimously carried. Attorney ~eidman reported on the Building Code to the effect that~ on January 12~ 1960~ hey Director Wall~ and Director ~akeman had considerable discussion rela- tive to the proposed Buildin~ Code andy prior to that timer Director Wakeman had considerable discussion as to what the necessity was. t~ further reported that he met with ~Xessrs. Jamison and Dryer and ~. Jamison will concentrate on larger conmmnities of counties so that his coverage will be lessened and the District*s greater in seeing that the standards are kept up from here out. Attorney Weidman further stated that the Countyy through this Agency~ can fill this need by Resolution and not by Ordinance andy because of this~ they can easily set up standards as may be required by Law. Attorne~ ~Veidman asked the Board if they went along with this plan and Director Pa~ost stated that he would like to have Attorney ~¥eidman present this to the Chamber of Con~nerce at its next meeting so that it can go on down the line fast. Director Pa~cost reported that~ at the present moment the District has one small submersible pump working on Park Avenue takin~ care of several motels and there is a potential question in that area. It is his opinion that the District should accept the maintenance of the pump . The motel p~np broke down and the District has a gas pump operating for which the people are paying the gas bill. After discussion~ Director Pa~ost made a motion that the District t~ce over the operation by having the Attorney draw up a contract for the Paradice Motel Pumping Station. On second by Director Gersick~ motion was voted on as follows: AYES: Directors: NOES: Directors: ABSENT: None. Pa~ost. Gersick~ Goeringer~ ~¥akemany and Wall. Director Gersick then made a motion that the Utility District not make repairs on nor maintain private lines and systems unless in an emergency in which case the District makes repairs and the property owners will be charged by the District for the cost of labor, equipment rental~ etc.~ plus 15~. On second by Director ~¥akeman~ the vote was as follows: NOES: ABSENT: Directors: Gersicky Wally Wakeman~ and Goeringer. Director Pa~ost. None. Director Pankost recommended that the District have the Auditors~ Irvine and Duce~ come up with a bill for Nevada from July Iy 1958 to July 1959. Direc~r~¥akeman seconded the motion but upon presentation of the question~ there was no vote in favor thereof. Director ~¥akemanmade a motion that the map as presented by the Engineers for the 1960-1 Assessment District boundaries be accepted. On second by Director Gersick~ the motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: Directors Gersick~ Goeringery ~akeman~ and ~11. NOES: Director Pankost. ABSENT:None. CLA~: ~. Lucotts bill as Accountant was presented and disapproved because of lack of information and the ~nager was directed to return the bill to ~ir. Lucot and request 'a breakdown of hours. ~pense accounts were discussed and it was resolved that~ beginning as of date~ all Expense Accounts were to be accompanied by vouchers for expenses listed. AIXIOUI~IENT: There being no objection~ meeting was adjourned at 11:15 P.~l. by the President until January 21~ 1960~ the regular meeting~ when the bids on the trucks. ~-/~(T ...... " ~ '~or~an ,,. uoerlnger, Presi~dent~ ~fINUTES 0F TIlE tLEGUI_~R HEETING 0F TIlE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF T~lE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 21~ 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular Session in the District 0ffices~ Clarke Building~ Tahoe Valley~ California~on January 21~ 1960. ~etingw~s called to order by the President at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: On call of the roll~ there were present Directors Goeringer~ Gersick~ Pankost~ Wakeman~ and Wall. ABSENT: None. Also present were Sanitarian ~rsden~ Hr. Duce and Mr. Ehlmann of Irvine and Duce~ Attorney Weidman~ Engineers Aberley and Steffani of Brown and Caldwell~ Mr. Richardson of the Sacramento Bee~ ~. Zane Miles of the Nevada State Journal~ and ~fr. Melvin F. (Buzz) Springmeyer. ~INUTES: ~finutes of the meetings of December 17~ 21~ and 30~ 1959~ January 7~ I2~ a~d 14~ 1960~ were read and approved as corrected. I_~EPORTS: ~. Duce read his report stating that it was a rough one and made tentative recommendations for the setting up~f the system. (Said report is attached to these ~finutes as Attachment No. 1 and made a part thereof by reference). Mr. Duce also said he saw no need for the ~! services in the foreseable future. ~)irector Wall made a motion to authorize ~.lessrs. Irvine and Duce to proceed to set up the bookkeeping system for the District. On second by Director Pa~cost~ motion~as unanimously carried. Director Wakemanmade a motion to return the IBL~ equipment which motion was reworded to state that a letter be written to the Service Bureau Corporation stating that we have no further use for the Card Punch ~chine and requesting their advice as to its disposition. On second by Director Wall~ motion was unanimously carried. ~. Duce called on ~. Ehlman and asked what recommendations or reports he would like to make to the Board~ to which Mr. Ehlman replied that there was no reason why the District should not have a monthly financial statement ~ that could see where they stood with regard to money. Director Pankost stated that he would like to report: 1. For the benefit of the Press~tlmt ~r. ~rsden is not employed by the South Tahoe Public Utility District but is an employee of the State of California. 2. That the District started out sometime in July of 1959 in an attempt to get an easement on the Truckee PAver Marsh and it was obtained just tonight. Director Wakeman reported that he presented the South Shore Chamber of Commerce with the report on the Building Code and it was very well received by them. Director Pankost stated that ~r. ~-~rsden had a few things to report; and 180 Marsden said: 1 - I think that I infomed this Board at the time this matter came up, that 99~ of the work done for this District is free, inasmuch as the State already pays me to do this work. If you need some information which I can obtain, it is yours, and if samples need to be run, that is part of my job. Dr. Wall said there is a motion recorded in the minutes that Mr. ~rsden is hired as a Sanitary Engineer on a part-time basis and this motion should be rescinded. Also~ since ~. Marsden does not know what can be presented, why do we not take it up at the next meeting when he can give us a wording. To this Mr. ~rsden replied that if any work was required of him which is not in his State duties, he can do it and for that work he would expect to be reimbursed by the District. Attorney Weidman asked Director Wakeman if the Chamber took any action on the Building Code lteport to which Director Wall replied that, as he remembers it, 1 - The Clmmber of Co~nerce accepted the report as made by Director Wakeman which vas: 1 - That the FHA~finimum Standards Code for one and two-family dwellings be accepted. They are recon~nending that this be presented to the Board of Supervisors of the County for them to extend the State Housing Act through the Lake Valley Fire Protection Area by Resolution. Then several other motions were made and approved as to the mechanics, the most i~portant of which ~as that the Chamber put out memoranda for other agencies and that this resolution be vetoed by Chismwho carry'it to the County. Director Pankost stated that, in the very near future~ we have an election coming up and he would like to have the authority of the Board to send to San Francisco for the necessary supplies which will cost in the neighborhood of $100o00. He then made a motion that he be instructed to write to Carliele & Co., San Francisco, to proceed with election preparations. On second by Director Wakeman, motion~as unanimously carried. Director Gersick reported that, last week, the Pacifica Motel called him and stated that sevage was runniflg down the street and he told them that the District had voted do~n taking over their private system and for them to report to the Board of ttealth and he would recon~end to the District Board to absorb past charges but future charges for any work would be billed to them. This happened on Sunday. Director Pankost said that he had advised the Paradice Motel that any moneys expended would hkve to be paid by them. Ite informed them on Saturday morning that the Board could not touch it and Director Gersick said that they called him on Sunday and he told them that they had all day Saturday to get it taken care of and it would have to be an emergency for the District to touch it. Then Director Pankost explained to the Board what had happened which was that the motor was taken to lleno for which Director Gersick said that we would have to charge them whatever the rate was, and reco~nended to the Board that, although he is against it.~ due to the fact that we did not charge them prior to last Sunday but that from that day on we would charge them for every bit of work and such notification should be made in writing. If any one calls for help in an emergency, we should tell them at once that there will be a charge. Director Wall made a motion that we absorb all previous costs. On second by Director Gersick~ motion was unanimously carried. Bids for the supplying of a truck, either 1/2 ton or 3/4 ton pickup~ were opened and read by Director Pankost. Seven bids were received and were as follows: BIDDER 1lAKE John H. Eagal Co. Ford ~ohn Drew ~tors Dodge Richardson-Lovelock Ford Waldron-Pontiac GMC Johnson-Chevrolet Chev. Sprin~neyer Service Internl. Ellsworth I~rrold Co. Ford LOCATION ~/2 Ton 3/4 Ton Stockton ~1864.'93+ 1988.83+ Sacramento 2315.68+- 2397.18+ - Reno 2201.42+ 2248.62+ Placerville 2298.00+ 2492.00+ Reno 2259.24 2417.96 Lake Tahoe 2189.80+ 2371.63+ ~acramento 2013.15+ No Bid + = Sales Tax and License to be added. - =Less 10~ discount for 15 days. Director Gersick made a motion tlat the award be made to the John H. Eagal Co. on,his bid for the 3/4 ton Pickup Truck, For, for ~1988.83 plus sales tax and license feet and reject all other bids received. On second by Director Wall, motion was unanimously carried. This was the lowest of all bids and the low- est of the three Ford bids. DirectrWall made a motion that we accept the above bid provided they furnish five (5) tirest 7.00 x 1Oo No second. Director Wall ~ade a motion that the Board delete the color of the cab and authorize the Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary to make whatever bargain he can. On second by Director Wakemant the motion was unanimously carried. REPORTS: Director Pankost stated tlmtt on the 10th day of Februaryt there will be delivered to this office 050 Bonds dated February 10t 1960t and they must be signed and delivered to the Wells Fargo Bank~ San Francisco, on Wednesdayt February 17t 1900. Mr. Aberley stated that he and Attorney Weidm~n have a report on Annexation Fees relative to which he has brought a letter setting forth the fees and the justi- fication therefor. (Letter from Brown and Caldwellt dated January 19t 1960t subject: "Report on Annexation Fees" attached and made a part of these ~n~tes as Attachment No. 2). Attorney Weidman reported that he has prepared Ordinance No. 51 (of which he had with him a rough copy) to be approved and made a part of these Minutes as Attachment No. 3, fixing the Annexation Fees. Director Oersick made a motion that the Board accept this recon~nendation by the Engineers and instruct the Attorney to have this Ordinance 51 for approval at the next meeting. On second by Director Pankostt motion was unanimously carried. Director Pankost read Resolution No. 1OT--A RESOLUTIONA~DING t~ESOLUTION NO. 104--SANITARY S~EI~AGE PBOJECTt said Resolution consenting to the change in the date of the Bonds from January 2t 1960t to February 10t 1900. On motion of Director Pankost~ seconded by Director Vtakemant said Ilesolution No. 167 was unanimously approved and adopted by the Board. Director Wall made a motion that the Board authorize Director Pankost to pro- ceedwith the petitions and that Attorney Weidman to include any petitions for annexation received by one week from today ort more specifically~ January 28~ 1960t and include them in the annexation. On second by Director Pankostt the motion was unanimously carried. C0~PONDE~CE: Director Pankost read a letter from the Service Bureau Corporation stating that they had received a checkt dated December 17, 1959t in the amount of $255.92 for which they had no outstanding invoice and asking if they should return same or credit on the outstanding balance. Director Goeringertthe Presidentt instructed the Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary to request the return of the aforementioned check. Engineer Aberley stated that they were authorized last week to make some studies on the boundaries of Assessment District 60-2 and presented their map. He further stated thatt if plan were approvedt they plan to get under way by October and they therefore need quick action. Howevert they did not have to get the Board's decision tonight but definitely need it within next two or three weeks. Director Gersick made a motion that the Board accept the boundaries as set forth on the map by Brown and Caldwello On second by Director Y/allt the vote was as follows: AYES: NOES: AI~ENT: Directors Goeringer, Gersick, Wakeman, and Wall. Director Pankosto ~one. Director Pankost stated that Brown and Caldwellw~s authorized to make inspec- tions of Tahoe Keys~ construction of sewer lines and that Tahoe Keys then informed him that they have authorized Riffe, Shipherd and Jones and that our inspection would be duplicating the cost of their inspection. Director Wall made a motion that we rescind both motions of January 7t 1960 authorizing Brown and Caldwell to make the inspection of Tahoe Keys' work pro- vided the Cashier's or Certified Check in the amount of $5t000 is forth-coming. This motion by Director Wall to authorize the inspection by Brown and Caldwell upon receiving the $5,000 was amended by a motion from Director Gersick that the Keys bear the expenses of this inspection and the District obtain a written acceptance agreeing to pay all inspections. The motion was seconded by Director Pankost and unanimously carried. CLAI~: The following claims were approved and checks issued as listed below: Check Nos. 878 - V 0 I D -- 879 - Belle Bender $ 82.78 880 - Editha Beseler 65.65 881 -Barbra McCarty 62.97 882 - M. G. Hart 216.28 883 - A. L. Miller 228.03 884 - V 0 I D -- 885 - V 0 I D ~ 886 - V 0 I D -- 887 - V 0 I D ~ 888 - Belle Bender 60.42 889 - V 0 I D ~ 890 - V. J. Wall 100.00 891 - R. S. Gersick 135.00 892 - N. L. Goeringer 125.00 893 - Robert Wakeman 135.00 894 - Inter-County Title Co. 45.00 895 - Munz Pumps, Inc. 282.07 896 - Carpenter's Typewriter Service 5.28 897 - Barbara McCarty 7.68 898-- Link's Photo Studio 12.48 899 - Pacific Telephone 163.41 900 - Nevada L~nber Co. 4.89 901 - Moore Business Forms, Inc. 251.59 902 - Sierra Pacific Power 1,496.71 9O3 - V 0 I D -- 904 - V 0 I D ~ 905 - Beverly and Weidman 725.35 906 - V 0 I D -- 907 -Lake Tahoe News 26.80 908 -Del Lucot 303.00 909 - Irvine and Duce 785.00 910 -Earle F. Pankost 290.83 911 - Earle F. Pankost 288.80 912 - Clarke Building 260.00 913 - ¥teaks Industrial & Equip. Sales 2.51 914 - Editha Beseler 52.04 915 - Mccurry Companies 781.06 916 - Beverly & Weidman 641.99 Check No. 906 was ordered to be "voided" and the bill be given to Mr. Lucot for him to pay for the books ordered by and retained by him. ADJ0~TT: There being no objection, meeting was adjourned by the President at 12:00 otclock midnight until Tuesday, Jan~uary 26, 1960 at 8:00 P.M. ~E~rle F. Pank~st, Clerk & Ex-Officio Secy. Noman Lo Goeringer, President~ MINUTES OF THEADJOURNEDREG~~ING OF THE BO~RD OF DIRECTOI~S OF TIIESOUTH TAHOE PUIJLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 26, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility Distritt met in an adjourned session of the Regular ~eeting of January 21, 1960, in the offices of the District, Clark Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on January 26, 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:05 R01~ CALL: On call of the rolly there were present Directors Goeringery Gersick and ~?all. ABSENT: Directors Pankost and 'Wakeman. Also present were Attorney Weidman~ Engineers Richard Aberley~ Ed Steffani~ and Mr. t~stigian. MINUT~I~: The ~Hnutes of the regular meeting of January 21y 1960y were held for reading aS the next regular meeting on February 4~ 1960. REPORTS: Attorney Weidman reported that he had talked with ~. Sprague and Mr. Smith and we have to the interest ~f 4.097~ and that money must come out/of Tax Money and not out.of the Fund. Ink'order to do thaty we have to get money either from Nevada or examine our Budget to see if we can find that amount. The budget was examined and it was determined that a sum of approximately ~lS~000.00might be used. There- fore~ at the next regular meeting on February 4y 1960~ the District will probably issue a ~arrant to Mr. Freyy E1 Dorado County Treasurer~ to transfer the money from the General Fund for interest payment on the G.0. Bonds. Attorney Weidman further reported that the Distri&t is obligated to deliver the Bonds at Placerville andy if requested th deliver them elsewherey the Buyer should pay the necessary expenses therefor. Taylor and Company will pay for the delivery of the Bonds to San Francisco Wells-Fargo Bank and have fixed the date of February 24~ 1960y as the delivery date. Is this acceptable to the Board~ Director Goeringer replied that~ since the Board is not obligated to make delivery~ther than to Placervilley it is his opinion that the B~er should pay the expense of delivery elsewhere° Director Goeringer reported that hey Attorney Weidman, and Engineer Aberley met with ~'~. Wally ~ite on January 20y 1960y in Carson Cityy relative to the possi- bility of taking the District's effluent out of the Tahoe Valley. Director Goeringer further reported that~ on Monday~ January 25~ 1960~ they met with Mr. Ledbetter and ~. John Harrah~ Directors of the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. ly concerning the same problem and relative to the Nolte Plan which is a plan to form another Sewer Improvement District in Nevaday embracing all the area within the area from Stateline to Cave Rock~ wherein they will erect a treatment plant right on the Lake and pump over Daggett Pass. Mr. Aber~ey stated that Brown and Caldwell are against a separate treatment plant as it will be so much more economical to have one embracing the entire basin. A lengthy discussion ensued relative to the possible formation of the second district and whether this District should join up with Nevada in an endeavor to dispose of its effluent over I~ggett Pass and the means whereby such a disposal could be arranged. Various suggestions were made as to t~avenly Creek interim disposaly definite efforts toward progress which would convince the Forest Service of the sincerety of the District for ultimate disposaly extension of the present disposal systemy e~c.~ and Director Goeringer stated that the Nevada Board has signified its willingness ~o cooperate in anyway they can--financially or otherwise, DirectOr Goeringer further stated that it is his feeli~g that Mr. Sherrod I)avisy of Kirkbridey Wilson~ Harzfeld and Wallacey should be brought up at the expense of Douglas County but that he had been unable to get Mr. John t~rrah to consider this. A hearing to form an Improvement District will be held in Minden on February 5y 1960 and it was Attorney Weidman~s suggestion that the Members of the Board should hold a dinner meeting on February 4 (prior to the regular Board Meeting at 8:00 P.~.) in order to discuss and work out the strategy at that Hearing. The question of considering the applications of Engineers was brought up but Director Goeringer advised that these were not available and in the enmHng discussion~ it was the consensus of the Board that these should be studied for the purpose of screening and selecting the most desirable who should then be notified to appear for a personal interview. Director Wall made a motion that the Board authorize Directors Goeringer and Pankost~ together with Engineer Aberleyy to screen the applications and invite :two or three applicants up to the Lake for a personal interview this weekend. On second by Director Gersick~ the motion was unanimously carried. Director Goering~r stated that Mr. Aberley had brought to his attention the rescinding o£ the Motion of January 7~ 1960~ which authorized Brown and Caldwell to inspect the construction of the Tahoe Keys sewer lines. Ite stated that this was quite a shock to them as it had always been the policy and feeling of the District in the past that all inspection of lines should be made by the District as a part of the construction. Engineer Aberley presented the Tentative Time Table for Assessment District 1960-1 procedure, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of these Minutes by reference as Attachment No. 1. Attorney ~Teidman then asked if the District is going along with the 60-2 Assessment and it was felt that this decision should be held in abeyance until the next regular meeting on February 4, 1960. Engineer Aberley stated that, if the District did not have its engineers inspect the work of the Tahoe Keys sewer construction, it would have no assurance that it was satisfactory and no recourse if the lines sagged, etc. ABJ0~IENT: at 11:20 Norman L.- 6oeri~ger, President There being no objection, Meeting was adjourned by the President 1% S. 6ersi~k, Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary, Pro Tem. ~.fINUrF~ OF TIM I1EGULAR ~.~TING OF THE BOARD OF DIIIECT0r~ OF TIlE SOUTtt TAIIOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTt~ICT February 4, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on February 4, 1960. Meeting was called to order by the President at 8:10 P.M. ROLL CAIs.: On call of the P~ll, there were present Directors 6oeringer, Gersick, Pankost, Wakeman, and Wall. ABSENT: Nnne. Also present were AttorneyWeidman; Engineers K. W. Brown, Aberley, Steffani, and t~ustigian, all of Brown and Caldwell; Sanitarian ~rsden; Mr. J. T. Leggett andDr. Hough of the California Water Pollution Board; Mr. Ilichargson of the Sacsamento Bee; Mr. Zane Miles of the Nevada State Journal; Mr. Benedict of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune; and Mr. M. G.Hart of this office. MINUTES: The minutes of the regular meeting of January 21, 1960 were read and approved as corrected; Minutes of the Adjourned Itegular Meeting of January_ 26, 1960, were read and approved as written, after which the President changed the Order of Business in order to permit Director Pankost to leave early to keep an important appointement. C0~'~ESPONDENCE: Letter from A. Carlisle & Co., dated February 3, stating that the 650 -$1,000 Serices C. Bonds, Assessment 1959-1, were shipped on February 2, 1960, via Western Truck Lines. Letter to Carlisle & Co. re preparation of Election ~terials. Director 6oeringer authorized Director Pankost to straighten out the matter of when and where the Bonds are to be delivered and to make all arrangements therefor. ~V BUSINESS: The matter of issuance of checks for Payroll and Bills Payable was taken up by Director Pankost who suggested that Payroll (Salaries of all Employees of the District and Directors* Fees) be met on the 5th and 20th of each month. Director ~all made a motion that Directors* Fees and Payroll of salaried employees be met on the 5th and 20th of each month and all other claims be paid on the 20th of each month as approved by the Board. On second by Director 6ersick, the motion was carried unanimously. Director Pankost stated that he believed the date of Payments of~ther claims (Accounts Payable) should be flexible rather than hard and fast. Director Wall made a motion that Director Pankost be authorized to buy stamped window envelopes for the 1960-1 Assessment mailing. On second By Director Gersick, the motion was unanimously carried. Attorney ~Teidman presented the matter of Water being handled by the South Tahoe l~blic Utility District as brought up at the meeting in Placerville, a~tended by Attorney ~Teidman and Director Goeringer on January 28, 1960. Ite stated that Mr. Paul Brace recommended an ultimate amount of 16,000+ acre-feet. (. ~xl. z~oleL~,t.,ll~ w[~ic}: ;lad existed ~e~ween Bx'o;;m and Caldwell and the Souah T~[hoe Public Utility LisCrict. The concensus was that a recom- :,~eudation to ¢he ,~ompac"~ .~ora:n~,ston be postponed untilm-o-wn*' aud Caldwell had an opporLuniLy Lo ):o Chrou:'~h with 'Lhe sm'w>-, and so ~he re eo::nuendati on Lo Lhe Compact Con~aissi on would be posLponed unLi 1 ~larch 10~ 19:10~ and Lhe CounLv 'inLet submitged Lo ~he Board of Supervisors. Director Pankost read L'esolution i~o. 1G8 A Xu(Jies, ;laul and 3o9;ertv. Director Pa.~f~ost made a ~otion that this ~tesolution be ~ ' '- Lhe motion was unanimously approved and adopted. 0n second by Director carrie d. Znffineer Almrley said tkat he would like to know i6 any tlli. n.~ had been done relative to the appl[c,tions For the Enf;ineer's position. The concensus was that Directors Goeringer and Pa~cost would screen the applications and request those selected to appear ~ol" interview by the Board. Director Pad, cost was excused at 9:25 Director ',Tall ~mde a motion that Brown and 2aldwell reinstate Sections A~ B~ C, F~ and G of their contract and have a report by i,[arch 10~ 1960. 0n second of the :notion by Director Gersick~ the motion was carried by the followin~ vote. NOES: Di rectors Goerinf~er ~ Gersick~ 7iakeman~ and ;al 1. None. Director Pa~ost. Director Gersick called the Board's attention to the Fact that the District is overdrawn in the ~nount of (~800.00 an(~ Attorney" .... ~ ' ~ .,elcanan said that l~e had this on his affenda to brin~ up under "OLD~r~,~l~ k',~o." OLD BU$Ilf'F£JS: .&ttorney '.':'ei&uan stated that the District had better transfer g6~009 and write a ";arrant to transfer that ~w3ount from the General ~dnd to the Ba~ of .,'~nerica Account and ~ive to Attorney '?lei{bream to take to Placerville for approval. Also~ the Distr ici will need .Jl2~6?G.1S transferred -to the Bond l'~und in order to take delivecz of Bonds and will need 'that in the form of a ?;arrant to L'r. A1 Frey~ Treasurer of 711 Dorado County~ to get to L!r. Sprague ahead o£ the due date. b~[rector ~/all made a motion to transfer fron~ 'the General Y~md to :dr. Albert ',7. Yrey~ County Treasurer~ the a:nount of 312~G76.18 to be used for retirement of interest pa?,nents on the second issue of the G. 0. Bonds 1959-1 For the peri or of 7ebrua~z 1930 to June 30~ 1960. Lrotion was seconded by Director Gersiek and carried by the followin?; vote: Directors Goerin,<er, Gersick, ;Take:nan, and "fall. None. Director Pankost. Director 'Jall made a ~notion that a ;Tarrant be drawn on the General l~nd in the sub- of ,56~000 and that said sm~ be deposited in the Bank .Account of the I)istrict at the local BanX of f~.terica. On second by Director Gersick~ the ~notion was carried by the following vote: Di rectors Goeringer, Gersi ck ~ L'akeman and ?Iai 1 None Di rector Paakost Ordinance ,No. 51 0,aJi;~,~,.u ....... _,~,~ TO .)i;J~I~ 0P~IN,~fC~ ' ~ 2B 81~ and 49 was presented by Attorney 7/eic~an and is as fol lows: :'4,,ACTc~.,~ by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe l%blic Utility District~ Cmmty of F,1 Dorado~ {'~ ~ oCaCe of California~ as follows: 1. PI/.'~OSZ: The purpose of this ordinance shall be equalizing the proportionate obli,ffations~ expenditures and costs of operation between the territory within the South Tahoe Public Utility District~ County of E1 Dorado~ State of Cali:rornia~ and the territory proposed to be annexed. o. ~,~,~I0, New Territor parcel or piece of ~'~- : The owner of aw~ lot, ~erritor,%-which was not petitioned for inclusion in the original boundaries of the South Tahoe Ih~bliC,.Utility ~istrict at the time of t~.e formation of said District~ or the owner of any lot~ parcel or piece of territory which has not been petitioned for inclusion by annexation to said District in a~r proceedings for annexation to i9 said !~istr:ic% shall~ prior to the time o[' anne ::a ~ i on oF s~:ci: territory~ pay to gouth Tahoe Public Utility District an anne:~aLion Fee e'd,:m_] Lo the s~rn o~: Per acre annexation fees: (1] If the petition for anne::ation is riled with said District dflring the calendar years 1960,~61~ ~5.00 per acre~ (2) IF the petition for amqexation is filed with said District durinz the calendar .years 1962-63~ ~100.00 per acre; (3) If the petition for annexation i.s riled with said ])istrict durin;,~ the calendar years 1964-05~ :~200.00 per acre; (4) If the petition for annexntion is filed with said District after 19(;5~ .5~00.00 per acre; (5) In the event that the territory, per acre annexation fee is less than ,~5().00, as coaputed in paragraphs ~a(1) thron~b 2a,(,l) hereof, the minimum parcel annexation fee shall be 350.0~ durint] the years 1960 through 1965; and b, (6) In the event that the territory per acre annexation fee is less than ~100.00, as computed ~.n paragraphs 2a(1) through 2a(4) hereof, the mininram parcel annexation fee shall be 3100.00 after the year 1965. All enzineering, legal, administrative and incidental costs of said anne:{at i on. Ce A stun equal to the assessment that would have been levied by the South ?ahoe Public Utility District for the construction of:the sanitary seweraf~e~, system of any. improvement or assessment district which ~lilI serve said territor?- had the proposed territor~.~ to be annexed been included in said assessment or improvement district at the time of fonua- tion of said asaessment or improvement district. d. The cost of a lateral or laterals to serve the individual lot~ parcel or piece of territory.- proposed to be annexed. The assmnption of said lot, parcel or piece of territory's proportionate share of all the existin~ ontstandim5 indebtedness of South Tahoe Public Utility..- District ut the time of annexation of said lofi~ parcel or piece o~' territory proposed to !)e annexed. 3 .... ~,r~r,~ ~'= (Previously Excluded Territo .fy): parcel · .~,~.~TION~ The owner of any lot~ or piece of territo~, which was petitioned to be included in the ori~ina] boundaries of the ~' Tahoe Public Utilit-,~ '"' * 'ct ;:,outh ~ns~r~ at the time of fomnation of said District and thereafter upon application by the then owner or miner's allent of said lot~ parcel or piece of territorT excluded fron the proposed boundaries of said ~istrict~ or the owner of a~ly lo(~ parcel or piece of territoq; which has been petitioned for in- clusion by a~e:.:ation to said ~istrict in any proceedings for anne::ation upon appli- cation by the then miner or owner'~s al~ent shall~ prior to the annexation of said lot~ parcel or piece of territow proposed to be annexed~ pffy to South Tahoe Public Utility District an annexation fee equal to the mun of the followinl~: a. All 'taxes for which said lot~ parc, el or piece oF territoC, proposed to be anne,:ed would have otherwise been liable from the time of the formation of sM.d District~ or' from the time said territor? ~:'ould have been annexed to said !)istrict in any annexation proceedings in which said territory was petitioned [or annexa~i, on~ whichever event first occurred; b. Interest upon said s~r:i~ as conputed bY paragraph 3a hereof~ at the rate of s~,~ pe~ cent ((,.~) pe~ annmn, compoanded frown tim respective ael~nquency (lares thereof; c. All engineerinz~ le~al~ a(hninistrative and incidental costs of said annexation. A s~.n~ equal to thec, ssess,:,en~* that would have been levied by. ~outh ~anoe' Pul)lic Utility District for the constr:mtion of the sanitary sev~era~e system of any inprae:aent or assessment district which will serve said territo~: had the proposed territoc¢ to be anne~;.ed been included in said i~nprovement or assessment district, at i. he ~ime oF ~onnation of said improve::mnt or assessment district; e. ?he cost of' tho installation of ;t la. tm-al or laterals to serve vi~u;,'J loL~ p~,.rcel or piece of' terrilo~w proposed to be ;tm.,;:ed; 137 The assumption of said lot~ parcel or piece of territory's proportionate share of all the existing outstanding ~ndebtedness of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at the effective date of a~nexation; and Other non-sewerage service charges for which said lot~ parcel or piece of territory proposed to be annexed would otherwise have been liable. 4. SEPARABILITY: If any section~ subsection~ Sentence~ clause or phrase of this ordinance~ or the application thereof to any person or circumstance~ is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances. The Board hereby declares that they would have passed this ordinance or any section~ subsection~ sentencer clause or phrase hereof irrespective of the fa~t that any one or more sections~ subsections, sentences~ clauses or phrases be declared to be unconstitutional. 5. .t~l~I~l~lT: This Ordinance ~9-' 51 mends and supersedes in total~ from the effective date hereof~ all of the provisions set forth in Ordinances Nos. 23, 31~ and 39~ heretofore enacted by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District~ County of E1Dorado~ State of California. 6. EFFECTIVE DATE: Upon adoption~ this ordinance shall be posted in three (3) public places at least seven (7) days prior to the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its passage~ and shall be published in the LAKE TAHOE I~WS~ a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the District~ at least seven (7) days prior to thirty (30) days from the date of its passage and shall take effect upon the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its adoption. DATES~ February 4th~ 1960." ATTEST: (S) Norman L. Goerin~er President of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District of E1 Dorado County~ State of California. Earle F. Pankost Clerk of South Tahoe Public Utility District and Ex'Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof. Director Wall moved that Ordinance No. 51 be approved and adopted. On second by Director Gersick, the motion was carried by the following vote: AYF.~: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Goeringer, Gersick, Wakeman,and Wall. None. Director Pankosto Attorney Weidman stated that he had a letter from the Chairman of the Board of Equalization re annexation of the Harootunian and Barton properties. REPORTS: Director Wall reported that the three other organizations had reported to the Chamber of Co~nerce in favor of theBnilding Code. Director Goeringer reported that he did not get around to seeing Mr. George Turner of Tahoe Keys. Discussion followed during which Director Goeringer stated that he would like to get together with the Engineer of the Tahoe Keys and get a look at the contract to see how it provided for inspection. Director Wall said that he should like to have come investigation made before the Board rescinds its action as to Brown and Caldwell's inspection of the Tahoe Keys. They are opening the bids on the 9th of February. Attorney Weidman stated that fhe District does not, now have the funds necessary to pay three claims for Progress Payments. Director Gersick requested that Miss Bender writer to Mr. H. R. Reeves and direct him to sul~nit an itemized bill for approval before the $300.00 requested by him is approved on February 18, 1960o Director Goeringer called upon Engineers Kenneth Brown and Richard Aberley to explain the agreement under which they work. Mr. Aberley replied that, relative to the 60-2 Assessment, they would need to know what is to be done by the Board for the School and the financing. Mr. Brou s~d it will not defer the construction a great deal and it will be O.K. to postpone the decision on this for a couple of weeks. Director Gersickmade a motion to ask Engineers Brown and Caldwell to defer any further work on the 60-2 Assessment until further notice by the Board. On second by Director Wall, the vote was carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Goeringer, Gersick, Wakeman & Wall. None. Pankost. Mr. J. T. Leggett, of the State Water Pollution Control Board, asked what action had been taken relative to the employment of an engineer? Also, has there been any further action in counectionwith the 40-Acre tract for disposal purposes? Director Goeringer replied "No", and Engineer Aberley reported that they had prepared several applications for~SE and they will be in the mail next week. It will be approxi- mately four weeks before the feasibility report will be ready. Dr. Hough and Mr. Leg~ett reported that they have received an allocation from the State to hire a disinterested engineer to review the report. CIAI~: The following claims were approved and paid as listed below: Checks Nos. 1000 - Editha Beseler 1001 - V 0 I B 1002 - Belle Bender 1003 - A. L. ~filler 1004 - M. G. Hart 1005 - R. S. Gersick 1006 - Norman L. Goeringer 1007 - Vernon J. Wall 1008 - R. Wakeman 1009 - Postmaster, Bijou, California 1010 - Beverly and Weid~an Warrants Nos.691 692 $ 61.04 91.37 306.61 237. O9 50.00 112.00 50.00 25.00 254. O0 1,185.00 - Albert W. Frey, E1 Dorado Co. Treasurer, 12,676.18 - STPUD Bank of America Account 6,000.00 ABJOURN~ffiNT: There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the President at 11:15 //F~le ~.'l~ank~st~ Clerk and Ex-Officio Se'cy. /~rman L. Goeri~er,~Pr~side~t ~ 1018 -V 0 I D 1019 - Earle F. Pankost (Salary) 1020- R. S. Gersick 1021 - Vernon J. ?~all 1022 - Norman L. Goeringer 1023 - Clarke Building 102,t - Federal l~eserve Bank 1025 - Tahoe Office Supply 1026 - Sierra Pacific Power Co. 3027 - Pacific Telephone 1028 - ~'lestern Truck Lines, Ltd. 1029 - Tahoe Supply Company, Inc. 1030 -Moore Business Form~, Inc. 1031 - Daily Pacific Builder 1032 - Charles Bruning Company, Inc. ~,~arrant Nos. 693 - VOID 694 - STPUD Cons truction Fund 59-1 695 - Nevada Bk. of Con~uerce a/c Lagrange 696 -V 0 I D 697 - V 0 I D 698 - V 0 I D 699 - Nevada Bk. of Commerce a/c Lagrange 700 - C. Norman Peterson, Inc. 701 -It. }{. P~eves 702 - Earle F. Pankost (refund on sewer) 703 - Manuel Senna 704 - Andrew Clausen 705 - Karl 0pperman 706 - Charles G. ~?edeking 707 - 708 - 709 VOID -- 710- G. ';'~'. Fuer~h-- 711 - Ruth E. Thayer -- 712 - ttarvey E. Gross 713 - Thunderchief ~lotel 290.00 25.00 25.00 125.00 260.00 270.46 82.61 537.79 139.35 9.44 49.32 231.54 99.00 1.27 ~125,000.00 8,749.41 3,157.24 115,655.31 600.00 1,771.75 2,268.02 2,288.00 4,482.00 1,291.00 1,865.00 700. O0 4,578.$0 3,177.75 ADJOUI~MFaNT: There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the President at 11:20 P.M. until 1:00 P.M. on }Jarch 3, 1960~ ./Earle F. Pankost,' Clerk & ~x-0~'~icio Se~ ~'NSman L. Goer~er, President /~ ~X · ~,'IIN~JT'I~S OF Tt~ ADJOUI~£D REGUI~kR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 13, 1960, OF TILE BOAI~D OF DIP~ECTORS OF TI~ SOUTIt TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~,[arch 3, 1960 The Board of Directors of tile South Tahoe Public Utility District ~net in an adjourned session of the rebular meeting of February 18, 1960~ in the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley~ on ~,~rch 3, 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at 1:90 ROLL CAI,L: On call of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer~ Gersick, Wall and Wakeman. Also present were the following applicants for the position of District Engineer: ~ir. Donald ~7. Logan~ Mr. Clifford Knox, Mr. John ~r. Clifford Ilolden, and Mr. Chester A. Kurtz. Also present was applicant John Carroll, Jr., seeking a position as Engineering Aide. ABSENq': Director Pankost. All applicants, with tile exception of ?dr. Z'tright, were interviewed and excused in order that they might return to their various residences. Mr. Wright did not remain for the interview nor (]id he give any reason for legving. APMOUIL\%[ENT: There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the President ~ f .-~ ~Vernon J. ~'~ali Acting Clerk & ~x-0fficio Sec. ...... ~.,-~ OF .... I~GUL,I{ ,.L~ETING OF Ti,q] BOAt~D OF Y,',II~CTOItS OF THE S0b'rlI TAIIOE PUBLIC UTILI2T DIST]{ICT March 3, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District Offices, ~larke Building, Tahoe Valley, ~alifornia, on ~darch 3, 1960. The Meeting was called to order by the ?resident at 8:25 I~0LL CAIn: On call of the ro11, there were present Directors Goeringer, Gersick~ Wakeman, and Wall. ABSENT: Director Pankost. Also present were Attorney n ~[ichardson of the Sacramento Bee and ~dr. Zane Miles of the Nevada State Journal. · ~INWJrES_: ,qinutes of the regular meeting of February 18, 1960, were read by the President and approved as corrected. The President requested that the Order of Business be changed to permit Engineer Aberley to make his report early in order to leave the Valley as early as possible. OLD BUSINESS: Engineer Aberley asked to whom he should submit the Water Survey Report and how many copies. They were instructed to submit ten (10) copies to the District Office. NIff; BUSINA~S: Director Pankost left word that the meeting of the Lake Tahoe Area Council at the Sands on Wednesday, ?,Iarch 9~ 1960, would be attended by Director Goeringer and Engineer Steffani while the meeting on the same day, when the Interstate Compact Commission would hold its meeting in Sacramento, would be attended by Attorney Weidman and Engineer Aberley. PETITIONS: None. CORRESPONDENCE: None. I~EPOI{TS: Engineer Aberley reported that there is a 21" line coming up which is not required by the Tahoe Keys but which he would like to have put in now as he has a very good bid on it. He also reported that the extra cost to the District for the p~m~ping station to be moved is about :~10,000 or ,~12,000 but he does not feel that any final action should be taken on this until final cost is made. This increase would be over and above the 12" in order to have the 2l" pipe. IIe also stated that there are several ways by which this may be financed~ viz., get Tahoe Keys to finance and the District repay out of Assessment 60-1 and 60-2 funds or by G. 0. funds, or both G.0. and Assessment Funds. Engineer Aberley then brought up the matter of the change in the Alarm System as requested and upon motion by Director Wakeman that the change order be accepted, it was seconded by Director Wall and unanimously carried. Director Goeringer reported that he~ Director Pankost and Attorney Weidman at- tended a public hearing in },~inden, Nevada, on February 22 to discuss the formation of a Lake Tahoe General Improvement District in Nevada at which time they stated that they would rather deal with one District as now. Mr. Miles remarked that this "General Improvement District" is not necessarily a Sanitary District. Mr. Duce, of Irvine and Duce, Auditors, was called upon to make his report. He stated that they may general reconm~endations and were authorized by the Board to do whatever was necessary and he was making only a report on what has been done up to this time and after a complete examination of records up to December 31, 1959 from July 1, 1959. Mr. Duce recommended that a competent boold~eeper be employed to bring these records up to date and start the ney system as of January 1, 1960. tls further stated that he had in mind an applicant whom he believed would be able to do this and recom- mended that, if the Board wished, she be hired on a temporary basis. Director Wall made a motion that the Board authorize Mr. Duce to employ this young woman, namely Mrs. Mary Serpa~ for a period of thirty (30) days to assist in bringing the records up to date~ with a further report as to the recommendation on this matter. Motion was seconded by Director Gersick and carried unanimously. The Secretary is to make a list of vouchers missing as sho~m by the checks issued. Director Wakeman made a motion to have the engineers look into and check the reliability of our metering systems or weirs and to make recommendations relative thereto. On second by Director Gersick, motion was unanimously carried. Attorney :Teidman recommended that the budget be brought up to date as of March 31, 1960,and presented at the April 7, meeting. Mr. Duce suggested that the audit report be studied by the Directors and questions, if any, be written do~m and presented at the next meeting. Director Gersick stated that this meeting should be or would be adjourned to Thursday, ~larch 10, 1960, at 1:00 P.M. in order to give an interview to more applicants for the position of Engineer, and the Secretary be instructed to write letters to eliminate the following: Messrs. Billingslee, Mr. Logan, ~'~ir. Trygg, Mr. Knox and Mr. Kunz. Mr. Ackernmn was eliminated try reason of his failure to appear after reporting that he would be present. Letters ~ere written and mailed to ,qessrs. Reecer and IIolden informing them that they are still under consideration and decision will be made in about a ~eek. Invitations were sent to Messrs. Dun Bell, Meacham~ and Pmssell to appear for interview on March 10, 1960~ at 1:00 P.M. CI~kI.~JS. The following claims were presented for approval and checks and ~.larrants issued therefor as follows: Checks Nos. 1033 - V 0 I D 1034 - Belle Bender 1035 - Editha Beseler 1036 - M. G. Itart 1037 - A. L. ~ller 10~8 - Norman L. Goeringer 1039 - R. S. Gersick 1040 -Vernon J. ?/all 1041 - Robert l?~eman 1042 - Federal I~serve Bank %Tarrants Nos. 714 - STPUD General Fund 715 - STPUDG0 Bond Fund 140.12 113.32 117.19 265.90 50.00 50.00 5O.O0 50.00 357.20 60,118.40 60,118.40 716- ti. R. Reeves :/~ ::~ ~? 3,175.00 R. S. Gersick~ Clerk & Ex-Officio Secret aw Pro Tem Noman L. Go'ringer, Presid~oj~ I.IINIYrEs OF TIlE AIXIOU!:~D ICEGUI~IR ?~[EETING OF TIE2 BOA.qD OF DIi~CT01kS OF TIE2 SOUTII TAIt0E PUBLIC Lq'ILITY DISTRICT March 10, 1960 The Board of Directors met in an adjourned session of the regular meeting of L~areh 3, 1960, at the District 0ffiees~ Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on :~areh 10, 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at 1:45 1~I. ROL1. CALL: On call of the roi1, there were present Directors Goeringer and Wall. ~LBS'ENT: Directors Gersiek, Pankost, and ?/akeman. Also present ~zere Engineer Aberley, :'~r. John T. Le~gett of the State }~ater Pollution Control Board, and the following applicants for the position of District Engineer: IJessrs. Yah. S Dun, ¥tarren E ~,{eacham~ and RObert As there ;~as not a quomun present, no business was considered at this meeting and only the interview of applicants was conducted. AIXIOUik~,E2N'r: There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the President at 3:30 P.M. Vernon ~ & ~-0fficio Sec. Pro Tem ~ mmn L. Goemn~er~ President ~ilN~ 0F Ti-~ P~GU~kR ~.~TING 0F TI~ BOAt~ 0P DI~CTO~ T~ SOUTH T~OE ~LIC ~ILITY DIST~CT March 17~ 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe ~hlic Utility ~str~.ct met in re~lar ~- · session in the ~st~ct 0ffices~ Clarke Building~ Tahoe Va]ley~ California~ on }Jarch 17~ 1960. The raeetini~ was called to order by the President at 8:15 t~0LL C:~.~LL: On c¢:11 of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer, Gersick, ',Takem~n, and ~Tall. 2d~S~ri': ~)ircctor Pankost. Also present were Attorr~eys ~';eidman~ and Itoltum~ E~ineer Aber]ey, .?,-~r. Glen Smith of the School Board~ ];ir. Zane ~,liles of the Nevada State Journal, and Mr. Don I'{ichardson of the Sacro~ento Bee. In the absence of Director Pankost, President Goeringer requested that Director ~,?all serve as Clerk and F~x-0fficio Secretary Pro T~m. MINIf£ES: The Clerk read the ~,finutes of the Adjourned Regular }?,eeting held on }~Larch 3'~ 1960; ti~e I~egulor ~'Jeeting of March 3~ 1960; and the Adjourned Regular Meeting held on March 10,~ 1960; all of which were approved with a minor c~rrection. IIEP01~'S: Attorney ~:/eidman reported that he anti Mr. ~kberley Attended the meeting of the Compact Conm~ission in Sacramento on }Jarch 9, 1960, at which Mr. Leggett,of the State ?,~ater Pollution Control Board, presented a letter to the Comnission in which he outlined what he would like and included a request that the Distr itt submit reports to him. On being asked for remarks, Attorney %?eidman stated that the District did not object to reporting to anyone and would be glad to do so but could not set up a timetable for such reports or to whom to report. The Attorney for the California Con~issi0n offered the District the opportunit~ to make remarks as to where effluent would go and Attorney ¥leidman stated that~ there were two possibilities and that the District was considering Kingsbury but had to consider the other. Also~ after the report of ~ir. Aberley~ the Con~nission stated that they would very much like to enter into a compact for 22,000 A.F. of water for Placerville and E1 Dorado County and 12,000 A.F. specifically for E1 Dorado County and apparently any action on this allocation was stalled by Attorney Landis as he was advised the figures were higher than those of Mr. Brace and he fom~arded the reported to E1 Dorado County. Another meeting will be held on Monday, March 21, 1960, which Mr. Aberley will attend. If the District accepts a compact of 12,000 A.F. when Engineer Aberley says we need 22,000 A.F., a delay is in order. The State prepared to recon~nend its own report which is nearl~ 13,000 A.F. Attorney l?eidman stated that the District has seven (7) days in which t~ convince them that the proposal is not adequate. Director Goeringer reported that he was in ~ffnden, Nevada~ on Monday evening with the Board of Commissioners and tried to get some members of this Board to attend the meeting in Pmno on the following day at 3:00 P.5f. but was unable to do so. IIe met with the Commission in P~no and Pat~l Raymer and they wanted him to bring this word back to the District and obtain its feeling towards the dual contract, the gist of which is as follows: ~Te have the problem of a joint venture in both States qualifying for "660 ~oney, which is one of the main reasons for this proposed idea. The other problem is coming up with a way of selling revenue bonds for Nevada as General 0blig~tion Bonds are out of the question because of the low assessed valuation in Nevada. The District has a contract with:Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 to receive its raw sewage and, if ~ially ~ite would say that Nevada can get "660 ~ioney", even though they intend to use it in another State, he thought that the Nevada plan has a lot of merit as financing is so difficult in that State. This brought up the question of further "660 Money" for the District and the subject was postponed for another meeting. COPJ~SPONDI~4CE: None. PETITIONS: Celia Brochier and ~?. It. Brochier petition for inclusion of Lot 2, Block C~ L~eside Park. No action was taken. OLD BUSIN~SS: ~?ater Report of Broom and Caldwell concerning ~zhich Engineer Aberley said he would stand by his figures as they are realistic in light of the ever- increasing population and he is continuing biz research in order to bring up to date and substantiate his population report. Director ~akeman asked the President if it would be possible to bring up ~ir. Smith's business so that he may be released if he so desired. Engineer Aberley stated that Mr. Smith's problem is that the Board has more or less agreed to provide sewers for the School by September and the 60-2 Assessment District was halted about six weeks ago and it appears that this line ~11 not be under construction by September as anticipated and~ in order to provide service to the school, a line must be constructed under the 60-1 Assessment and it boils~do~n to the fact that the school must provide the funds for construction and be reimbursed out of 60-2 Assessment Funds. Attorney Iloltum suggested that the District close out the 1959-1 Assessment before the 60-1 Assessment Notice is published. Director ~all made a motion that the pa~nent of 1959-1 Assessments be closed out as of March 31~ 1960. On second by Director Gersick~ motion was unanimously carried. Director Gersick asked if he ;night be excused and left at 9:35 P.M. On the question of the selection of an applicant for the position of District Engineer~ Director Goeringer suggested that someone go down and visit the area in which the selectee works to see what he had done but the Board decided that action should be t~(en and the chosen applicant be notified at once. Therefore, Director lTall made a motion that ~. Robert R. Russell~ of'Barstow~ be employed as of June 1~ 1960~ at his present sala~g of ~811.00 per month and he be allowed moritz expenses up to a maximum of $500.00. The motion was seconded by Director 17akeman and approved by the following vote: AYk~: NOES: Directors ¥!all~ ?takeman and Goeringer None. Directors GerSick and Pankost, The Secretary was then directed to write letters to the other applicants to the effect that a selection had been made to fill the position of Engineer. Action on the installation of a counter in the adjoining room was postponed until a check can be made on that one in the Sewage Treatment Plant. Director V/akem~n stated that he, Attorney ~idman, and ~. Jamison,of the State Housing Division~ attended the Chamber of Con~nerce Meeting and pre- sented the program re the Building Code as outlined. The Chamber asked the Co~nittee to help write a Resolution that would be legal and Attorney ~idman~ ~Ir. Jamison and Mr. ~akeman did so. The Chamber adopted the t~esolution as written with the provision that Supervisor Chism had the authority to reject or accept it. In the meantime~ the Chamber of Commerce went to the Realty Board and it was approved with the exception that they requested that we go to the National Code instead of the F.H.A. As pre- sented to the Chamber~ we would have enough money from Permits to t~(e care of one-and two-family dwellings but we do not have suffi6ient money to take care of major construction. Director ~gall said the Chamber of Commerce had authorized Attorney %Teidman to present this to the Supervisors and Attorney ~idman said that he would not do anything as he felt that Chism should be there. Director ~?akeman made a motion to issue a ~Varrant to transfer the sum of ~7~986.00 from the Special Assessment Fund'59-1 to the General Fund to correct the error made in transfer. On se~d by Director ~gall, the motion was unanimously carried. Attorney ttoltum presented the following t~solutions which were read by Director ~Yall: I~ESOLUTION N0. 170 - A P~r~0LUTION APPOINTING ENGINAq~RS A~¥D ATTOI~NEYS-- ASSF~qS~,~T DISTRICT 1960-1. On motion by Director ?;a11~ seconded by Director ¥lakeman~ above resolution was unanimously approved and adopted. t '~SOLUrIIION NO, 171 - A ttF~0LUTION REgU~TING CONSENT OF BOARD OF SUPEKWISORS OF TIlE COUNTY OF EL DOIL%D0, TO UNDERTAI~ PROCEEDINGS FOR TIlE ACQUISITION AND CONSTYIUCTION OF SANITAI{Y S~,',q~t~ AND T0 PROVIDE TIIAT TIlE COSTS SiLiI.I. BE ASSESSED UPON TI~ DISTRICT BENEFITTED~ UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSES~,~qT BONVD ACTS--ASSESS},~T DISTRICT 1960-1. On motion by Director Wall ~ seconded by Director ~gakeman~ said Resolution was unanimously approved and adopted. t~0LUTION NO. 172 - A RESOLUTION t'~.QUKSTING TtiAT TIlE C0UN~fY IIEALTH 0~ICER 0F ~ ~I:~ C0~ ~C0~5~ PROC~DINGS ~R ~PROPRIATE S~CL~ ~SES~T ~ ~S~S],~ B0~ ACTS~ 0R 0Tier ~PROPRIA~ PR0C~DINGS~ FOR TI~ ACQUISITION A~ C0NSTi~CTION 0F A S~ITA~ SE~'~GE ~ST~i ~D ~~C~ ~ ~C~SA~ ~ A t~TtI ),,~. S~%NITA~~ S~'~ElbkGE PR0~CT N0. 1960-1. 0n motion of Director ?;~eman~ seconded by Director ~gall~ said resolution was unanimously approved and adopted. RESOLUTION: NO. 173 - A I~SOLUTION 0F INT~NTION T0 AC~UIt~ AND CONSTRUCT IL~ROV~IEN~S --~LSSES~JENT DISTI~CT 1960-1. On motion of Director ~all~ seconded by Director ~M~eman~ said I~solution was unanimously approved and adopted. En~xneer Aberley said that he would like to have a Special Meeting of the Board to go over the &ssessment spread and the overall pro,ject~ the most important thing is the method of spreading the assessments on the odd-shaped and large properties. This meeting was set for 7:30 P.,~I. on Friday, },iarch 25, 1960. Engineer Aberley stated that the matter of the 21" line in Tahoe Keys, the cost of which would be an obligation to the District would be doubled if it is not put in during construction as it would necessitate tearing out. They gave a price of $10,624.20 for putting in and increasing another line from 12" to 18" and the cost of all items would be a total of ~14,311.31 as itemized on the },lap accompanying ]',Ir. Aberley's letter of }.larch 11, 1960. Financing is to befrom G. 0. Bonds. A motion was made by Director ?[all that the Board accept the changes as presented by Mr. Aberley. On second by Director ]Takeman, motion was carried unanimously, l{r. Aberley was authorized to write to Tahoe Keys advising them of the action of the Board. N~?! BUSINGS: Secretary authorized to have printing of inserts for the new billing done by the lowest bid obtained. Director Goeringer said that it was timely to bring up with the Nevada District the matter ofthe Beach Trunk Line. On motion by Director Vfall, seconded by Director ~fakeman and unanimously carried, Director Goeringer and Engineer Aberley were authorized to study the matter of the Beach Trunk Line and take any necessary steps without the necessity of any further Board action. -CI~kI}JS~ The following claims were presented and approved for payment with checks and Vlarrants issued as listed below: Checks Nos. 1043 - Belle Bender 1044 - ~ry Serpa 1045 - V 0 I D 1046 - Editha Beseler 1047 - ~I. 6. I~rt 1048 - Vernon J. ?fall 1049 - l~dolph S. Gersick 1050 - Robert ]Takeman 1051 - Norman L. Goeringer 1052 - A. L. Miller 1053 - Clarke Building 1054 - Irvine and Duce 1055 - Beverly and lTeidman 1056 - Los Angeles Examiner .,1057 - Los Angeles Times 1058 - ~gall Street Journal 1059 - San Francisco Examiner 1060 - V 0 I D 1061 - The Sacramento Bee 1062 - Z'ater and Sewage ~orks 1063 - VOID 1064 - San Francisco Chronicle 1065 - V/estern Plumbing Official Assn. 1066 - Tahoe Supply Co., Inc. 1067 - Pitney-Bowes, Inc. 1068 - Paymaster Sales & Service 1069 - Sierra Pacific Power 1070 - Pacific Telephone 1071 - Business Systems, Inc. 1072 - Earle F. Pa~{ost 1073 - L~e Tahoe News 1074 - Tahoe Office Supply 1075 - V 0 I D 1076 - Service Bureau, Inc. Warrants Nos. 717 - General Fnnd (Transfer) 718 - C. Norman Peterson, Inc. 719 - 0rrick, Dahlquist, Ilerrington & Sutcliffe 720 - Inter-County Title Co. 721 - STPUD Bank of America Acconnt 722 - Inter-County Title Co. 723 - Carpenter's Typewriter Service 724 - E. L. Burton & Co. 1725 ~ A. Carlisle & Co. 139.46 81.22 113.32 92.70 50.00 25.00 25.00 162.00 177.87 260.00 1~687.50 910.00 67.50 75.92 142.80 107.30 71.76 60.00 145.00 11.11 13.52 16.50 10.50 1,065.39 90.30 103.13 288.00 59.11 29.86 239.34 7,986.00 81,085.~3 2,500.00 114,886.50 5,000.00 636.10 11.61 16,250.00 682.49 ADJOUIkNMENT: There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the President at 12:00 Mid~ght.. ,/y~ _ ,~ )~ Vernon 3~all, Clerk a ~,-Orrieio See. Pro Te~ ~n ~; ~o~er~ ~resx~ent.~ -- MINUTES OF TILS SPECIAL ~.{F~TING OF TIE BOARD OF DII~CTQI'~ OF TIIE SOUTII TAII02 PL~]LIC LWILITY DISTRICT March 25, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in Special Session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valleyr Californiar on Fridayr ~rch 25r 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at 7:40 P.M. PURPOSE 0F MEETING: The Meeting was called by the President after the adjourn- ment of the Regular Meeting of ~rch 17, 1960r for the purpose of discussing the spread of the Unit Charges for the 60-1 Assessment District; for a report on the Building Code from Attorney Weld man; and the request of the St. Teresa's Catholic School for a sewer line. t[0LL CALL: On call of tile rollr there were present Directors Goeringer, !~takemanr and Wall. ABSENT: Directors Gersick and Pankost. Also present were Engineers Aberley and Steffani; Attorney Weidman; Mr. Jerry Calvert of Calvert Electric; Mr. Joe Imbach of the !~alty Board~ and Mr. Don ~iley of Sundance. Director ~Vall was appointed by the President to serve as Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary Pro Tem. Engineer Aberley reported that St. Tere&a's School is asking permission to install its mm sewer line and connect with tile 59-1 construction of the main line, for which they will pay all charges. Mr. Richardson, of tile Sacramento Bee, said that Father Grace had told him that the Forest Service has encouraged them to go ~ut and purchase property which the United States Forest Service wants and they will make a trade for the present site of the School and that they are now in the process of acquiring title to this property. /~ ~ngineer Aberley reported that ~lr. Aram Ilarootunian wants the District to eliminate the assessment on the Cemetery in A1 Tahoe. This was put on the Agenda for the Special Meeting called for March 31r 1960r for the purpose of submission and signing of the Engineers* claim for 59-1r the request from the Church Schoolr and to hear Attorney ]?eidman's proposal for some way of making it possible for builders to get relief on the installation of septic ta~s. Attorney !;'eidman reported thatr at a meeting which he had attendedr he met the Citizen's Con~nittee, whose sole purpose for formation was to defeat the Building Code in which they were successful in the lower end of the County. After talking with Attorney ?,'eidman, this group was willing to propose to the Board of Supervisors that they adopt the Building Coder using the FIt% ,~!inimum Standards for the Lake Valley Fire District. They also appear willing to go in ~ith the Chamber of Commerce and propose this. The only "sticker" is that some of the members of tile Realty Board want tile Uniform Building Code and the aforementioned group will not join in if the Uniform Building Code standards are used. .,r. Imbach stated that he thought he was present only as an observer but, since no other representative of the Realty Board was presentr he would say that tile Board has always been for some sort of Building Code in the Area and Mr. Calvert, as a representative from the Contractors of the Arear said that he had faced the group in question on several occasions and, if Mr. ~?ei~nan has been able to get them on our sider it is his feeling that it behooves all organizations to get behind tile move. Direc~r ~7all asked when Attorney ~eidman could meet with the Con~uittee of the i~alty Board and Monday afternoon at 4:00 or 4:30 P.5I. was set for this meeting. Engineer Aberley said that he would like the Board to give him a decision as to the assessments on the "odd-shaped" and very large lots in the proposed 1960-1 Assessment District. The Directors went over the p]em maps with the Engineers and Lirector 7/all made a motion that, after having gone over the plans and the method of assessing the parcels, the Board of Directors approve, in principle, the unit basis charge. On second by Director ~:;akeman, the motion was unanimously carried. AI)JOUt~TZNT: There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the President at 10:00 P.M. .~ ~orman L, Goeringerr Presider !.IIN~D~fES OF TIK~ SPECI~kL ~STING OF TIE BOA!{D OF DII~CTOikS 0F TiEq SOUPIi T.riHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ?:larch 31, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in Special Session at the District Offices, Clarke Building~ Tahoe Valley, California, on Thursday-, ~:Iarch 31, 1960, pursuant to written notice dated !~rch 29, 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at 7:50 P.~J. PUi~POSE OF Ti~ MEETING: The meeting was called for the purpose of considering the various subjects listed below: 1. P~quest by Ar,mm Harootunian for elimination of assessment on the cemetery in A1 Tahoe. 2. Submission of Engineers' !{,port on 1960-1 Assessment as per Tentative Timetable previously submitted. 3. Submission and discussion of Engineers' Claim for work on the 1959-1 Assessment District. ~{eqnest of the Catholic Church to install sewers for the Catholic School at its o~na expense with reimbursement to be made by the District at a later date. l:~port fron Attorney Weidman relative to some method for making it possible for Builders to obtain some relief on the installa- tion o£ Septic Tanks. 6. Burning Of rubbish at the Treatment Plant. 7. Closing of 1959-1 Assessment Cash Pa):nents. 8. !~quest of A. ~?. Nelson to be included in 1960-1 Assessment District. 9. Appointment of members of Election Board. ROLL CALL: On call of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer, Gersick, '.',;ak,man, and Wall, with Director Pankost arriving at 8:10 P.M. ABSENT: None. Also present were Engineers Caldwell~ Aberley, and Steffani of Brown and Caldwell; ).ir. John Holtum of ICirkbride, Wilson, et al, and Hr. John Weidman of Beverly and ?;e i dinah. The request of ~tr. Harootunian was tabled because of inadequate information which would enable the Board to act thereon. Submission of Engineers' l:~port on 60-1 Special Assessment District --.descriptions and assessment plans were examined and Engineer Aberley reported that the estimated cost of the project is ~1,062,000. IUkSOLUTION NO. 174 -- A I~0LUTION OF PP~LIMINAtUf APPROVAL OF ENGI~2~2S' [~.POI-L~ was read. On motion of Director Pankost, seconded by Director Wall and unanimously approved, it, solution No. 174 was adopted thereby giving preliminary approval of the I?~port. P~lative to the Engineers' Claim for payment of work done on 59-1 Special Assess- ment, Director Pankost made a motion that the District issue a ?'/arrant in the sum of ~73,717.51. }Jotion was seconded by Director VIakeman and unanimously carried. / 'dTith regard to the request of the Catholic Church -to be permitted to install sewer lines for the school at their own expense, Director Wall made a motion that the Engineers, Messrs. Aberley and Steffani~ be authorized to follow through on the matter and the possibility of the Unified School District and the lhnerican Legion Tract joining in on the installation, provided each pays taxes, and the District would refund their money when the line is taken over. On second by Director Gersick, motion was uaanimously carried. Attorney~reported.. that in arranging for the appointment to get 1960-1 Project approved, he got Dr..~.icKinnon and Mr. Taylor to go for the proposed temporary septic tank. En-ineer Aberley reported that he had received a telephone call from ),ir. Paul Brace stating that Lagrange Construction, Inc., must move its equil~nent from its present location back of the Ski !~un Lodge Director Pat~ost reminded the Directors that April 15 is the deadline in the area for burning rubbish. Director ~7all made a motion that Director Pankost be autho- rized to burn that which is necessary- before April 15. The motion was seconded by Director Pankost but on the question, the motion was defeated by the following vote: A¥~: ]~i rector Pankost. NOES: Directors Gersick and V~'akeman NOT VOTING: Director V~all. Director ~,~'all then made a motion that the District authorize Director Pankost to take care of the cleaning up on the old plant site, providing he get at least three competitive bids and the lowest be accepted. On second b,v Director Pankost, the motion was unanimously carried. " Director Pankost made a motion that the closing date oF the 1959-1 Assessment be moved to Friday, April 15, 1060. On second by Director ~all, the motion was unanimously carried and Attorney IIoltum added that there should be a Notice so stating placed in the paper. The request of },!r. A. ~'. Nelson to be included in the 1960--1 Assessment District was not acted upon. The coming election of Directors, to be held on Tuesday, ~.iay 3, 1960, and the necessity for the appointing of the Election oar~ was brought up. After the B ' various Directors had proposed nmnes, Director Pa~(ost made a motion that the following be selected: ~frs. Paul J. Zazzi, of A1 Tahoe Judge },irs. Norman J. I~amp, A1 Tahoe Inspector Mrs. G. R. ~nundson, A1 Tahoe ........ Clerk The motion was seconded by Director '.~all and unanimously carried. Director Pankost then made a motion that said Election be held on May 3, 1960, in the Fireplace P~om of the American Legion Hall. Director Pankost brought up the matter as to the refund of overpayments of Assess- ments on 1959-1 properties. It was the conscensus that no action by the Board was required to make refund of such overpa~nents made by misunderstanding of the property owners caused by the Notice of Assessment~ and '~'arrants should be issued to all who lmve such refunds due. Ordinance No. 52 --AN 0RDI~NCE PI~0VIDING FOR TKE tlOLq~S BE~:EN '~]{ICII ALL F~gfLq~ ELECTIONS 10F TtE~ SOLrrIt TAIIOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT I~ILL BE HELD ~q-D ~q{AT ELECTION OFFICERS ~ILL BE NECESSARY TO CONDUCT SAID ELI]CTION OR ELECTIONS AND ~DING ~L~D SUPEP~SEDING 0RDIN~2qCE NO. 5~ was read to the Board.. Director Pankost moved, seconded by Director ~Yall, that Ordinance No. 52 be adopted and motion was unanimously carried. R~SOLUTION NO. 175--A I~,{ESOL[~ION C~LLING tLND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF ELECTION OF DIt~ECT0~ AT LA~q~E NO. 3, NO. 4~ and NO. 5 FOR TKE SOUTH TAIt0E PUBLIC L~rILFFf DISTI~ICT, was authorized~ by ~,,'otion of Director Pankost, seconded by Director ~?akeman~ and unanimous ly carri ed. Director Pankost made a motion that the Board authorize the building of a counter, with a cash drawer, in the next room for the receiving of payments of bills and writing receipts therefor. On second by Director ~,?akeman, the voting was as follows: AY]~,S: Director Pankost NOES: Di~tors ?;all, Goeringer, ~¥akeman and Gersick. ABSENT: None. There being no objection, meeting was adjourned/by .the President at 10:00 / ~rle F.Pa~{ost~C{erk & Ex-~ffici~ Secreta~ N~man L. Goe~inge~ Presiden~ ~ ~ MINLWrzLS OF TI[Z llEGUIAR M~TING OF TtP~ BOARD OF I)I![ECTOI{S Tt. IE SOUTII TAH0~ PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April 7, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular ses- sion at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on Thursday April 7, 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at approximately 8: 00 P.~,I. I~OLL CAI,L: On call of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer, Gersick, Pankost, ~?akeman, and V/all. ABSENT: None. Also present were Attorneys ¥,'eidman, and IIoltum; Mr. IIarold Lh~ce, Auditor; Mr. Richard Aberley, Engineer; ~.ir. Zane · ~,Iiles of the Tahoe Sierra. Tribune; Mr. Don Richardson of the Sacramento Bee; Dr. and L~rs. }JauIc~ and Mr. V/arson, owners of property in Tahoe Meadows, and Right-of- '.i;ay 34~ent }4r. II. R. Reeves. MINL~ES: The minutes of the following meetings were read and approved as sho~m: Regular Leet~n~ of ~rch 17, 1960 approved as corrected. Special Meeting of March 25, 1960 -- approved as submitted. Special Meeting of ~rch 31, 1960 -- approved as corrected. II~PORTS: Attorney l?eidman reported that he and Director ~?akeman went to the E1 Dorado County t{ealth Department on Monday, April 4, 1960, to secure the approval of the IIealth Officer, Dr. McI~nnon, recon~nending South Tahoe Public Utility Dis- trict Special Assessment Proceedings 1960-1 as a necessary ttealth ~!easure and the approval would be forthcoming. Director Wakeman reported that he and Attorney %Teidman asked Mr. Taylor, of the E1 Dorado County Health Department, if the County would approve the installation of a temporary septic system for property o~mers in Assessment Districts 1959-1, 1960-1 and 1960-2, until such time as sewer lines are installed and further asked that the temporary systems installed have their drainage turned in the direction of the District's future collection lines. The Health Department agreed to prepare regulations permitting installation of temporary septic systems and requiring their lines to be turned in the direction of the District's future collection lines pursuant to authority granted in the existing E1 Dorado County Ordinance when engineers' drawings of the collection lines are prepared and submitted to the Health Department, the District is committed to finance the lines, and 'the District issues a letter to the Health Department that the collection lines will be installed within two years. , Director Pa~ost reported on his trip to San Francisco for ex~nination and approval of the drawings for the new pumping stations. Director Pankost moved that the Board authorize him to personally submit these plans to the new District Engineer, Mr. Robert Russell~ for his review. Director Gersick seconded the motion and, under the discussion, suggested that the plans be mailed to Mr. Russell. Director ]?all stated that he did not thi~ it necessary- to give Mr. t~ssell a job until he has been put on the payroll of the District. Director ']?akeman concurred in this opinion. Director Bersick moved the previous question. Director ~Tall seconded the motion which was defeated by the following vote: NOES: ~%BSENT: D~rector Pa~(ost Directors Goeringer, Gersick, ~?akeman, and None. Thereupon, the vote ~as taken on Director Pankost's motion which was defeated four to one--Director Pa~ost's being the one affirmative vote. Director Pankost moved that Brown and Cal~zell submit a report sho~dng the approxi- mate difference between the cost of installation of the Diesel and a comparable gasoline engine and the advantages of a Diesel installation in the new pump stations. Director Wall seconded the motion which was unanimously adopted. Director Pa~ost reported that the following bids were received for the clearing of the area around the new treatment plant: 1. Tahoe I~dwood Company 2. ~hnacker Construction Co.--Burning 3. Jer~ !:~eam -- haul away do. -- burn 3,900.00 4,075.00 9,000.00 5,000.00 Director Pankost further reported that there are many trees which will be cleared 151 by the Bidder awarded the contract. ~,!ore than 30 Tamaracks~ killed by seepage~ present an emergency fire hazard and C. Norman:~Peterson~ Inc.~ contract does not require the clearing of these trees. Director ?/all moved and Director Gersick seoonded that a ~finute !],esolution be adopted by the Board declaring that the repair work required at tile new Treatment Plant of clearing the trees in accordance with the bids above submitted was a great emergency and that the District award the bid to the low bidder~ the ?ttl~oe Redwood Company~ to do such clearing and repair as speci£ied in their bid of ~3,900.00. The ,'~Iinute 1~solution was passed ~manimously. Director Goeringer reported that, on March 29~ 1960~ he met with the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 Board~ accompanied by Attorney ?,"eidman~ .~,irs. Russel and Mr. Harold Duce of Irvine and Ih~ce~ and ~ ' ' ~ng~neer Aberley~ to discuss the Beach Trun/~ Line~ possible past due Nevada accounts for Maintenance and 0peration~ Construction and Capital Expense~ and 1959 Bond and Interest l~etirement due from the Nevada District as well as a proposed new contract between the South Tahoe Public Utility District and the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 for disposal of Nevada's effluent. Director Goering further stated that all these matters should be accomplished at the same time but~ due o the importance of the Beach Trunk Line~ perhaps tile Board should concentrate on that s~parately. Director Pankost stated that~ since Director Goeringerhas been working on the Beach Trunk Line since 1955 and is familiar with the problems involved~ he sliou!d continue negotiations. IIe moved that Director Goeringer be authorized to continue negotiations with the Nevada District l.o expedite construct/on of th~, "~ ' - I,ine. Director ;;'all secouded the motion which was unanimously passed.''('~c~ ,mink l:~ngineer Aberley reported that }:Ir. Smith~ Superintendent o£ the Lake Tahoe ttnified School District~ advised him that the septic ta~flr for the School District is working satisfactorily and that the School District is not interested in spending additional funds for the sewer connections. },Ir. Aberley further reported that St. Theresa's Church is willing to bear the entire expense of rm~ning the line to the South Tahoe Public Utility Bijou Pines collection lines and desires the Board's approval to obtain Forest Service ~asements. Itc fnrther stated that the Church is willing to turn over the easements to the District after the connection is made to its lines and that tile Church is also willin~r to pay~ as a ?axpayer~ all charges they co~ild be liable for if within'the l)ist~ict. ~ireetor ;Tall moved~ seconded by Director Gersick~ tha[ the Board give St. Theresa~s Church permission to acquire the necessary easements and connect to the District collection lines. ~ Director Pankost moved to mnend Director ~;'all's motion to state that the Church be permitted to connect to the Utility Dis~qrict lines when an agreement is reached between the Church and this Board. Director ~'lall seconded the amendment. After tile discussion which · ollo.~ed~ Director 5'all moved the previous question on the motion as mnended and the motion was pproved. Thereupn the motion as amended was defeated. Direc~o:, ~7all then moved that the Board approve the proposed plan of St. Theresa's Church in essence and authorize ,~kttorney Wei~nan to draft an agree:ment l~or presentation to this Board. Director Zrakeman seconded the motion which was unanimously adopted. Accountant ilarold Duce reported that tile financial records of the District are now up to date and the financial statement for the fiscal wear through" ~ ~ ~,~arcn 31~ 1960~ will be submitted at the next meeting. .~:[r. Duce further reported that the quarterly bills for the sewer and street lighting services were mailed to consumers on Friday~ April !, 1960. In this connecti6n~ he requested that the Board approve a c~an~e fund" 6~ ;~0.00 for use in the District Office to facilitate collection of service charges in the office. Director :'/all moved, seconded by Director ?/akeman, that a change fund of ~j50.00 be established for the purpose ~f making change for property owners who pay their bills in cash at the District Office. The motion was unanimously adopted. A preliminary financial stated for the i~eriod from July 1~ 1959 to ::larch 31, 1960 was read by .~,Ir. Duce. Director Goeringer announced a conference with the Engineers~ Acoountants~ Attorneys~ and one Director of the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 and the South Tahoe Public Utility District on April 20~ 1960. CORi:~SPOND2NC.~: Director Pan/cost read a letter of I]esignation of Director Gersick as a member of the Board of Directors of tile District and filed the resignation in the records of this District. - Director Pankost moved that Director Gersick's resignation be accepted with regret. On second }fy Director ;Tall~ the motion was unanimously passed. Director Pankost read letter from Director Gersick withdrawing hb candidacy for Election as Director at Large Nuutber Three at the forthcoming .'day 3, 1960 election, and filed the withdrawal request in the District records. DiPector Pankost moved that the withdrawal of candidacy be accepted with regret and, on second by Director 7;akeman, the motion was unanimously adopte~i. OLD BL~SIN~SS: In view of all Directors' offices being uncontested~ Director ?;all moved, and Director ?lakeman seconded, that Resolution No. 179 -- A RESOLUTION AUTIIORIZING CLE~ ~D r~[-0FFICI0 SF. CRETAI~' TO GIVE NOTIC~ TtbkT NO ELECTION IS TO BE I'~LD FOR DI~CTOi~-AT-LARGE NL%iBER TIIP~']~ NI3.fBER FOUi:'~, A2ffD NIf,.~3ER FIVE F01% THE SOUTtI T2dlOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT be pre- pared by Attorney ?/ei dman. Engineer Aberley stated that the United States Forest Service will not release its Use Permit for the Distri6%'s sewage disposal on the 280 Acres of Forest ~ervice land on an interim basis until they have received and approved the plans and specifications for disposal prepared ~ the District. Director %?akeman moves, and Director %~all seconded, and it was unanimously approved that Brown and Caldwell be authorized to prepare plans and speci- fications for South Tahoe Public Utility District's sewage disposal on Forest Service 280 Acres of land for submission to the Board and approval of the United States Forest Service. PETITIONS: None. ~?~; BUSINESS: The following Resolutions were presented by Attorney Iloltum and introduced by Director Pankost: I~ESOLU~FION NO. 176 -- A I~0LUTION ESTABLISHING PREVAILING T~5%GE SCALE ASSESS~EgN~ DISTRICT 1960-1. Director Pankost moved and Director ?/all seconded that this P~solution be approved as written. P~solution No. 176 was unanimously adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 177 -- A t~SOLUTIIJN APPOINTING TI}~E AND PI~kCE OF IIEARING PROTESTS IN Rm~TATION T0 PROPOSED ACQUISITIONS ~%ND I},fl~ROVE~',~rS AND DIP~CTING NOTICE--~'~SESSI~fENT DISTRICT 1960-1. On motion of Director Pankost~ seconded by Director ?,'akeman, Resolution No. 177 was unanimously approved and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 178 -- A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR SF~kLED PROPOSALS -- ASSESS%,[ENT DISTRICT 1960-1 . Director Pa~(ost moved that the Resolution No. 178 be approved and adopted. On second by DireCtor %'akeman, Resolution No. 178 was unanimously enacted. Attorney Holt~m explained the basic differences between the 1911 and 1915 l~nicipal Improvement Acts, statinf~ that the 1911 Act imposes a li~n against only the individual parcel of prvperty improved and delinquencies can be enforced by recourse just to the parcel in default. The 1915 Bond Act pro- vides for a lien on the property of the entire District for individual parcel delinquencies. In the event of delinquencies in payment by property o~ners, the District can sell the parcels of property in default. If the sales price is insufficient to discharge the delinquencies, the District can levy to a 10¢ tax for the deficiency. Attorney IIoltum further stated %hat,'in eonnec- +,ion with the District's 1960-1 Special Assessment proceedings, the taxpayer of the Assessment will save over ~100~000 in bond and interest retirement costs if the 1915 Act Bonds are approved. Directors Goeringer, Pa~ost~ and %Takeman said that they would attend the E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors' 5~eting at 3:30 P.M. on April 11, 1960, at which time the Supervisors will be requested to consent to the 1960-1 Assessment proceedings includi~ the use of the 1915 Act Bonds. Director Pankost moved that a Warrant be drawn in favor of C. Norman Peterson~ Inc., in the amount of $72~867.10 and charges against 1959-1 Construction Fund~ and a ?;arrant be dra%~n in favor of Lagrange Construction~ Inc., in the amount of $112,648.46 and charged against 1959-1 Special Assessment Construction Fund for }~rch 1960 Progress Payments due the respective contractors. Engineer Aberley approved the amounts for payment. Director %?all seconded the motion which was thereupon passed unanimously. Director Goeringer asked Mr. ?~atson and Dr. and ~lrs. Mau3{ if they had business ?]'~ f]~'~T T~7~ TIE "' .~o~-~,~'NTS A~fD DII~ECTING TI~ FILING 0F ~'~ DOL~%IN PROC~DINGS--~SESS~,S~T DISTI{ICT 1950-1. 0n motion of Director lTa]l~ seconded by Director PaM~ost~ I~solution No 188 was unanimously ap~ved and adopted. ' , ~r~Y~B~INF-SS: Director Pankost advised the Board that, as would be recalled by Director Goeringer~ sometime back a Thermo-Fax was purchased by him for the District when the District had no funds to acquire such equipment, the total price of which was ~)309.08 includi~p; tax. Director Wall moved that the District reimburse Director Pankost for the total burchase price of the Thermo-Fax. On second by Director ?fakeman~ the motion was approved by the following vote: A~S: L)irectors Goerin[ger, Wakeman, and '?fall NOES: None ' ABS~T: None NOT VOTING: Director Pankost. nng~neer Aberley stated that C. Nomnan Peterson~ Inc. ~ forsees operation of the Sewase Treatment Plant as of A~ust 1~ 1960 and~ therefore~ the matter of a Chief 0perator should be considered ~ the Board. Director ~;all moved that the Board authorize the Clerk~ with the assistance of E~ineer Aberley~ to employ a Chief 0perator for the Sewage Treatment Plant. 0n se~d by Director Pa~ost~ motion was unanimously carried. lit. Duce reported that the temporary appointment of ~ -;.rs. ),[ary Serpa was about to expir~ and Director ~Tall moved that the Board extend the appointment until" ~ 1960. On second by Director Pankost~the motion was unanimously carried. ~',~a~ 31 ~Jr. Marsden stated that between 50 and 70 requests for ter:porarx septic systems permits had been granted~ due to the efforts of the Board. IIe also reported that in one Nevada line~ there is at least a 3" infiltration of sand. [fr. Duce reported that he will submit the ,%r~ounts to be transferred to various funds in the E1 Dorado County Treasury at the next meeting. .C.I~IMS: The following claims were approved and checks and Warrants as~'tisted below were issued in payment thereof: Checks Nos. 1089 - t~dolph S. Gersick 1090 - Vernon J._ Wall 1091 - ]~bert Wakeman 1092 - Norman L. Goeringer 1093 - Clarke Building 1094 -Lake Tahoe News 1095 - II~o~ the Locksmith 1096 - V 0 I D 1097 - Beverly and Weidman 1098 - Sierra Pacific Power 1099 - Pacific Telephone 1100 - M. G. IIart 1101 - IIoward J. Fisher 1102 - Editha Beseler 1103 - V 0 I D 1104 - Belle Bender 1105 - Tahoe Sierra Tribune 1106 - Tahoe Office Supply 1107 - ~'ffary Serpa ]108 -A. L. ]~Iiller 1109 - Gordon tluber 1110 - Estate of Stella Van Dyke Johnson 1111 - Earle F.Pankost 1112 - Robert 7;. Waller 1113 -Earle F. Pankost (Thermofax) 1114 - V 0 I D 1115 - V 0 I D 1116 - Andrew T~-lor 1117 - Department of Employment 1118 - Internal Revenue Service 1119 - Count)- Recorder -- E1 Dorado County ?farrants Nos. 780 - IIarold }Lrabbenhoft~ CSt~ 781 -James R. Johnson 732 - Ude11 & IIelen Willim~s 25.00 37.40 64.95 186.00 260.00 14.56 40.80 672.20 961.15 160.40 212.50 10.40 113.32 135.84 G.00 107.73 126.98 167.99 26.85 600.00 290.00 13.00 309.08 250.00 199.67 266.04 24.00 63.70 288.00 192.00 733 - 'Tilli~un J. Young 734 - t{ichard Plut 735 - ?danuel Montaldo 736 - Charles Bovey 737 - Donald Shaw 738 - Veonia tlodgkins 739 - Blanche E. 6over 'Xortley 7,i0 - Jessie Stickney 741 - Iris Williamson Smith 742 .-J. C. Smith 743 - Alar &owans 744 - Eugene Hawkins 745 - J. Van Paddenburg 746 - ~dichael Conte 747 - !Iannah 0atman 748 - Lawrence Browninc 749 - Rollin },{eyer 750- L. F. lL~ndall 751 - Norma )Jathews Lauer 752- C. ~.l. Syar 753 - Lorain MC?lilliams 754 - Ernest Bucheli 755 - Harry Carne 756 - Keith ¥iaters 757 -Tahoe Redwood Co. 758 - Tahoe [~dwood Co. 759 - STPUD Bani( of America Fund 760 - Andrew Clausen 761 - V 0ID 762 - Scott E. Shaw ~96.00 96.00 96.00 96.00 96.00 96.00 96.00 96.00 288.00 288.00 96.00 96.00 96.00 96.00 96.00 96.00 96.00 192.00 96.00 96.00 96.00 192.00 96.00 96.00 3,900.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 544.60 1,063.00 AI)JOUlt~NT: There being no objection, meeting was adjourned at. 10:_~15 P.M. until 2:00 P.M. on Friday, April 22, 1960. /~ ~ ~ E~rl&F. Pankos~, Cl~-~k & ~x-0fficio Secy. Z~o~nan_ L. -~oe~in~e~,. President'. ~// ' ~,[INUTES OF T~ ADJOUR[~D REGULAR ~;ZETING OF APRIL 21, 1960 OF TI~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April 22, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an ad- journed session of the Regular ~,.[eeting of April 21~ 1960, at the District Offices~ Clarke Building~ Tahoe Valley, California~ on Friday, April 22, 1960. ~.[eeting was called to order by the President at 2:1[ P.M. ROLL CALL: On call of the roll~ there were present Directors Goeringer~ Pankost, and Wakeman. ABSENT: Director ~¥all. Also present: Accountants D. A. Russell and. John Elman. MINUTES: This being an adjourned meeting~ no minutes were read. OLD BUSINESS: Draft of Agreement -- Joint Conveyance, Treatment and Disposal of Sewage -- South Tahoe Public Utility District and Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 -- was read and discussed with recommendations and changes being made~ some of v~ich ~,~re as follows: Line [ of Sect. 1 (e) changed to read: "California District I~,~Y make any emergency i~rovements at its discretion. Other improvements costing more than ~3~0OO not deemed 'emergency' by the California District may be made upon thirty (30) days prior notice to the Nevada Ddstrict." After completion of the presentation and discussion thereof, Director Wakemsn moved that the Committee continue its negotiations with Nevada. On second by Director Pankost, motion was unanimously approved. There being no objection, meeting was adjourned by the President at 3:2~ P.M. ~A~LE F. PANKOS~y~E~ & ~[ OFFICIO SEC. "I~,~N L. C, OERI~©E~, PRESIDENT ~ MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL ~.~ETING OF T~fE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ?~,~ay 3, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in Special Session at the offices of Director Wall, Tahoe Valley, California, on .~,'~ay ~, 1960. ~,,?ee%ing was called to order by the President at 11:2[ A.M. PURPOSE OF ~,'~E.ING: To recommend the postponement of the opening of bids for the construction of A1 Tahoe and Tahoe ~eYS Se~+age Pumping Stations -- 1919 Sewer Bond Project - Contract No. 3, and was called pursuant to the reouest of Director Pank os t. ROLL CALL: Upon call of the roll, there ~re present Directors Goeringer, Pankost~ and Wall. ~.BSENT: Director Wakeman. Following the discussion of the plans and specifications, Director Pankost moved that the opening of the Bids for the Pumping Stations at A1 Tahoe and Tahoe Keys~ known as Pumping Stations Nos. ~ and [ respectively, be postponed mntil May 19, 1960~ at 11:O0 o'clock A.M. in the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California. On second by Director Wall, motion was unanimously carried. ~.'.~'~JTES OF T~ REGULAR MEETING OF T~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~fay ~, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District Offices, Clarke Building~ Tahoe Valley, California, on ~..~ay ~, 1960. The meeting ~as called to order by the President at 8:2~ P.M. ROLL CALL: Upon call of the roll, there ~re present Directors Goeringer~ Pankost, Wakeman, and Wall. ABSENT: None. Also present were Director Elect ~r. Frank C. Souza~ Attorney ¥~eidm~n~ Engineers Aberley and Steffani~ ?,ir. Don I~ichardson of The Sacramento Bee~ and ~,Ir. Bob ¥~oodmansee~ of the Tahoe Landscape Construction Co. ~[I~,qU~iZS: The minutes of the Regular I,[eeting of April 21~ 1960~ ~,~re read and ap- proved as corrected; ~inutes of the Adjourned Regular ~[eeting of April 22, 1960, and the [~,[inutes of the Special ~'Jeeting of ~[ay 3~ 1960~ ~re read and approved as submitted. Director Wakeman then made a request t)~at ±.be order ef ?~usin~ss bo cba,~gcc] to i~er- ~:ft him to suggest that the Board of Directors exercise more of the corporate powers granted a Public Utility District by law and especially in areas relating to ~,?ater~ Streets, Street Lighting~ Armexations~ Building Code~ Public Buildings~ Recreation~ Gas, Improvement Districts~ and Finance. Director Wall moved that "Reports" be confined to those reports reeuested at a previous meeting or othem/dse limited to the report of the President or of the Clerk and F~x-Officio Secretary. Director Wakeman seconded the motion, w~ch ~s unani- mously carried. P~,PORTS: ['[O?~E. CORRESPO?,DENCE: NO~. PE TI TI C[~S: NONE. OLD BUSINESS: Director Pankost stated that the landscaping at the Pum~ Stations had been brought to his attention and pointed out that the time element ~dll un- doubtedly mean that this part of the construction will not be started nrior to about SeptemLer, ~ich %~11 be too late for survival of most of the plants and shrubs set forth in the specifications and/or plans and~ therefore~ he would like to see an addendum prepared or the landscaping deleted. Director Pankost then called on I,.[r. Bob ~';oodmansee of the Tahoe Landscape Construction Co. ~ to inform the Board about the proposed landscaping. L~. Woodmansee stated that it would be difficult for a reputable landscaping firm to bid u~on the proposed plans and specifications since n~' of the plants and shrubs would not survive in the South Tahoe area~ and their failure to survive would reflect upon the successful bidder for landscaping. Mr. Aber!ey informed the Board that he would request a letter from the Landscape Architect in support of the proposed landscaping for the Pump Stations. ~r. Woodmansee stated, that he would be ¥dlling to submit to the Board and Engineers a list of comparable shrubs and plants suitable to this locale. Director Pankost moved that the Board request Mr. Woodmansee to submit his recommenda- tions for changes. ~,.[otion was seconded by Director Wall and unanimously passed. Director Pankost moved that the plans and snecifications %,~.th respect to landscaping at the Treatment Plant be changed by the Engineers to ~nclude those plants and shrubs recommended for survival in this locale by ~fr. Woodmansee. ~otion was seconded by Director Wakeman and unanimously adopted. Attorn~ ¥,;eidman presented Resolution 186--A RESOLUTION [~]Q[IESTIi~G T}~U,] BOARD OF SUPE~WISORS OF Ti~i COU~'$fY OF EL DO~DO~ STATE OF CALIFO25~IA, TO APPOINT TO POSITIO;~ OF DIRECTO~ OF T~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILII~ I)IST[-~ICT, EL DO,DO COU~TY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THOSE PERSO[~4S [~O¥~I~ATED FOR T~ D~FLV~[~[T POSITIO~[S OF DI~CTO~. ~ motion of Director Pamkost, seconded by Director Goeringer, Resolution No. 186 was approved and adopted by ~imous vote. Engineer Aberley reco~aended that the District contact a Personnel Consultant in con- nection with the e~?loyment of a Chief Operator for the h~ew Sewage Treatment Plant. Director Wall moved and Director Wakeman seconded that Broom and Caldwell report back to the Board their recommendation of~ and the cost of~ securing a Personnel Consultant and motion was passed unanimously. I,,~. Aberley ~rther reported that Brmm and Ca!d%~mlt had never been authorized to make the 60-1 inspections and requested a decision on these inspections for the reason that Bro~m and Caldwell would need time to employ the necessary personnel for the job if authorized to be done by them. Director Pankost suggested that the matter of these inspections be postponed until after the next meeting. 161 Director Pankost move~ that the nlans and soecifications submitted by BroYm and Caldwell be approved and that the aroDosed time for callin? and advertisin~ of bids for construction of Force ~fains be ~mroved. Director Wakeman seconded the motion which was unanimously carried. ~,.[r. Aberley nresented the statement of Brown and Caldwell for pine and fittings for the Sewer Col]~ection System. -~ CO~$~ITTEES: The Presj dent of the Board aspointed Chairmen for the following committees: ~ ~ATER~ ANlfEXATIONS~ AifD ST~'~]ET LIG~-~S: Director E. F. Pankost STREETS~ BUILDING CODE AND IMPROVE~,'~NT DIS?RICTS: Director Robert Wakeman GAS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS: Director Vernon J. Wall RECP~TION AND INANCE. Director Frank C. Souza Director Pankost reported on the possibility of a Water Utility which must be mur- chased within the next sixty days, and Director ;.;all moved that this matter be' re- ferred to the Water Committee to investigate, report and recommend to the Board, if possible~ on May 26, 1960, with regard to the purchase of this water utility. On second by Director Wakeman, motion was unanimously carried. Director Pankost made a motion that an Ordinance be ~repared setting the time of Directors, ~.4eetings as each Thursday at 8:O0 P.M., except that if any Thursday falls on a holiday, the Meeting be canceled. Director Wakeman seconded the motion, which was defeated by a three-fourths vote. ADJOURNmeNT: There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the President at 10:1~ P.M. ~ ~e F~. Vafik0st;~C~ & EM-bffici~ Secty. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 19, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a snecial session. Pursuant to duly published Notice and Calls for Bids for construction of A1 Tahoe and Tahoe Keys Sewage Pumping Stations--19~9 Sewer Bond Project Contract No. 3, the Clerk and F~-Officio Secretary opened and read the bids for said construc- tion. Meeting was called to order by the President at 2:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: On call of the roll, there were present Directors Goerincer, Pankost, Wakeman, Wall, and Director Elect Frank Souza. ABSENT: None. Also ~resent were: Engineer Steffani~ Attorney John Weidman, Attorneys E. A. Wilson and John Holtum of Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld and Wallace, and the following representatives of various contractors and sub-contractors: B. W. Gatie R. Apocato John De Lagrange John Madera Glen E. Greenamyer W. C. McCandliss E. V. Lane C. Norman Peterson, Inc. Day and Night Electric Lagrange Construction, Inc. Lagrange Construction, Inc. E. V. Lane Corp. E. V. Lane Corp. E. V. Lane Corp. Berkeley Tahoe Valley Tahoe Valley Tahoe Valley Palo Alto Palo Alto Palo Alto E. F. Crosby George H. Stalls Charles R. Leedham Joh~ Creighton North Bay Construction Co. Acme Electric Co. Leedham, Inc. A-D Machinery Co. Santa Rosa A1 Tahoe Sacramento Reno The Clerk re~orted that the follov~ng bids were ooened and read in the msnner pre- scribed in the Notice Inviting Bids for the Construction of A1 Tahoe and Tahoe Keys Pumping Stations--19~9 Sewer Contract No. 3, and the following sealed proposals were received: La,range Construction, Inc. North Bay Construction Co. E. V. Lane Corp. C. Norman Peterson, Inc. Charles Leedham, Inc. $26~,O00.00 287,5oo.oo 291,~60.00 309,171.00 3~3,12~.o0 The opened bids were turned over to the Engineers for examination and recommenda- tion of award. The President stated that this was the time and place for the hearing on Resolution of Intention No. 173 and the Engineers' report. Ail written protests ~re read by the Clerk and filed. The President asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. Ail those desiring to speak were given the opportunity. Ail written and oral protests were considered by the Board and the hearing ordered closed. ADJOURN[~]NT: There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the President at 3:30 P.M. until the Regular Meeting at 8:00 P.M., at which time the Protests would be acted upon. ~ar~e F. pank~gt~/~ie~rk and~ Ex~-OfficS. o Secty. //Norman L. Goeringer,<President //' MINUTES OF THE ~EGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TI~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 19, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session in the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on May 19, 1960. The meeting was cslled to order by the President at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: On call of the Roll, there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost, Wakeman, and Wall, together with Director Elect Frank C. Souza. ABSENT: None. Also present were: Mr. Charles L. Gunther of J. B. Hanauer & Co.; Messrs. Bob Miller, Don Costar, and G. M. Thompsen, all of the Geo. E. Miller Construction Co., Inc.; Mr. Svend Pedersen of Johns-Mansville; Mr. Don Richardson of The Sacramento Bee; and Mr. Zane Miles of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune; Attorney Weidman of Beverly and Weidman; and Attorneys E. A. Wilson and John Holtum of Kirkbride, F~ilson, Harzfeld and Wallace; Fmgineers R. C.-Aberley, Ed. Steffani, and George A. Rustigian, all of Brown and Caldwell. ~INUTES: The minutes of the Regular ~..~eeting of ~,~ay 5, 1960, were read and, on second of Director Wall, seconded by Director Wakeman, were unanimously approved as m resented. P~]PORTS: Director Pankost re~orted that the D~strict had received a letter from the County Health Officer, recommending that proceedings be undertaken as necessary as a health measure. The letter is as follows: Director Pankost asked if the ~ork on Ski Run Boulevard could be ~ost~oned until the coming fall, as requested by the residents. ~ Director Pankost asked ~.[r. Aberley to e~lain the Force ]..lain at Tahoe ?[eys bein~ installed to avoid ripping up the pave~mnt, saying that it would be advisable to get that main in no~,~ as an extra to the contract, and moved that the plans and speci- fications for the construction of a [~ortion of the Force ~:[ain TV-22 in Tahoe ~(eys be approved and Bro~m and Cald~'~ll be instructed to have the first notice for bids ~ncorPorating, by reference, the ~7age Scale of the Tri-Counties Building and Trades Council by Tuesday, ~.'.'ay 10, 1960, as set forth in Resolution No. 18[ approved and adopted this date. ~:[otion ~s seconded by Director ~%'all and unanimously carried. /,~. Aberley reported that they had a meeting ~rith ~r. Aram Harootunian relative to the District securing an easement over the ~roperties of ~[r. Haroottunian, but no agreement had been reached. - ~..~r. Aberley inquired as to the status of the financing the sewer lines for the new elementary school. Director Goeringer replied that the Lake Tahoe Unified School District would be required to finance the projec~ and I~.~r. Smith, Superintendent of the School District, has not informed the Board as to t[~.e ability of the School District to finance this project. ~,',; BUSII,,~]SS: Director PankOst moved~ seconded by Director Wakeman, that Brown and Caldwell submit a closin~ statement for services rendered in connection with 60-2 Special Assessment District and that the District inquire as to the feasibility of other engineering firms being enw~loyed to engineer a ,vortion or all of the 60-2 Assessment. .... ~ After discussion on the preceding motion, Director ~'fakeman moved that the action on said motion be postponed until action was taken on that ¥,4~ich he was about to make. Director Pankost seconded the motion, and it was carried. Director $'~'akeman moved that the Board of Directors declare its intention to annex new territory, particularly towards the ~,.[eyers Area, and other areas not now within the District and that Directors Pankost ~mqd W'akems~ be instructed to re~ort back to the BoarU at the earliest opportunity ~dth their recommendations as ~o the pro- posed boundary for annexations and that Attorneys E. A. Wilson and John C. Weidman be authorized to prepare the necessary/ annexation petitions. Director Pankost seconded the motion v,~ich vas unanimously adopted. Director Wakeman further moved that the President appoint separate co~v~r.~ttees, consisting of one Director as chairman and at least one other Director to investi- gate and report to the Board their reco~menc~tions for District action in connec- tion¥~th the following governmental activities: 1. ST~2EETS, including drainage of roads, construction of curbs, gutters and pavements. 2. STREET LIGHTI?.IG. 3. WATER. Ai'~$~EXATIONS~ BUILDING CODE~ PUBLIC BUILD_YNGS, RECREATION, GAS, Z~'dPROVE~..~.~T DISTif_CTS AND FINANCE. After a vote on the motion, Di~ctor ~Jakem~ f~ther moved that the Board of Directors meet once a week in order to facilitate this progr~ of investigation and enactment of reco~en~tions of the various co~ittees. !~qotion was seconded by Di~ctor P~kost ~d unanimo~ly approved. The matter of Director Pankost's preceding motion ~,dth regard to 1960-2 Special Assessment District ~s thereupon discussed~ ~d the motion ~,,~s ~m~imously c~ried. ~,'~. Aberley reported that Brovm ~d Cal~ell ~ad fo~ded a letter to the U. S. Public Health Ser~ce, requesting ins~ction of the Treatment Plant in order to e~e~te the sec~ing by the Dist~ct of ~other portion of the Federal Gr~t money. C~!MS: T~e following claims ~re considered and a~proved for ~a~ent as listed: Check Nos. 1120 - Editha Beseler 1121 - Mary Serpa 1122 - V 0 I D 1123 - M. G. Hart 112~ - A. L. Miller 112[ - Norman L. Goeringer 11~.]2 127.O0 18~.~0 2~9.76 5oo.oo 1126 - Robert Wakeman 1127 - Vernon J. Wall 1128 - Belle Bender 1129 - Federal Reserve Bank lhl.56 a06.ao Warrants 763 - Nevada Bank of Commerce a/c Lagrange ~136,722.57 762 - C. Norman Peterson, Inc. ~6,1~3.27 ?65 - Pacific Flush Tank Co. 1,720.00 ADJOURi~NT: There being no objection, meeting was adjourned by the President until next Thursday, May 12, 1960, at 8:O0 P.M. ~l~6r~.an L. Goerings'r, President MINUTES OF THE ADJOUP~ED M~TING OF THE BOAP~) OF DIRECTORS OF T}~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 12, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an ad- journed session of the Regular Meeting of May 5, 1960, at the offices of the District, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on May 12, 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: On call of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost, Wakeman, and Wall~ together with Director-Elect Frank Souza. ABSENT: None. Also present were Attorney Weidman, Engineer Aberley, Don Richardson of The Sacramento Bee, and Mr. William Mortensen. MINUTES: This being an adjourned session of the Regular ~.leeting of May 5, 1960, no minutes were read. REPO~rs: Director Pankost reported that all construction on 59-1 Sez~r Lines and Laterals had been stomped. Director Pankost reported that he and Director Goeringer have terminated negotia- tions w~th Yr. Aram ~arootunian with respect to the District acouiring easements over t?~ Narootunian ~roperty and referred the matter to Attorney Geoffrey Hughes for condemnation proceedings. BUSINESS: Mr. William Mortensen, a former emoloyee on leave of absence, pre- sented his application for reinstatement and no action was taken with regard thereto. Affidavit of Mailing of Notice of Sale of Improvement Bonds 59-I. from Kirkbride, Wilson, Hartzfeld and Wallace was read. Director Wakeman moved that the Clerk investigate the Comprehensive Insurance Policy or policies of the District and report back as to the cost of increasing the liability and also whether there is an "occurrence clause" in the policy or policies. Mr. Aberley of Broom and Caldwell presented the plans and specifications for the Tahoe Keys Force Main and the time schedule proposed for advertising and call for bids and recommended t~at bids be called for June 9, 1960, at 2:00 P.M. and first be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation on May 21, 1960. MINUTF. S OF Tt~ ')~' :~GL~R .~,~ET ING OF TIE BOAPJ3 OF DIF~CTOIkS 0F TttE SOUTII TAIIOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. February 18, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District Offices~ Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, on February 18~ 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:45 P.M. ROLL CAIJ.: On call of the P~ll, there were present Directors Gersick, Wall, Goeringer, and Pa~{ost. Also present were Attorney q~eidman, Attorney John Itoltmn of Kirkbride, Wi}son, Ilarzfeld~ and ~%qallace, Engineer Aberley, ~. and Mrs. Evan T. ~rsden, klr. J. T. Leggett, Mr. A1 ~iullen, 5ir. Don l~chardson of the Sacramento Bee, Mr. Zane ~Sles of the Nevada Journal, and Mr. Pillsbury. ABSEN'r. Director Wakeman. - Director Goeringer introduced ~. Pillsbury to those present and stated that he is an applicant for the position of Engineer for the District. Mr. Pillsbury then gave a brief resume to the Board as to his duties, responsibilities, and qualifications for the job. Director Goeringer than advised him that the Board would let him know at a later date as to their decision relative to his employ- ment with the District. MINIIrES: The minutes of the meeting of February 4, 1960, were read by Director Pankost and approved as submitted. _'R~ORTS: Director Pa~ost reported that the applications for Use Permits had been delivered to the United States Forest Service and copies mailed to other interested persons. ~{r. Mullen, of the Forest Service, stated that there were proponents for exchange for the 40-Acre tract requested and Director Pa~ost, who was unable to meet with them earlier today, would like authority to go down to Sacrament;to discuss the matter with the proponents for the exchange. Director Wall made a motion that Director Po~{ost go down and talk with the men but take no action and make no con~nitment. On second by Director Gersick, the motion was unanimously carried. Attorney ~7eidman reported that the District must again transfer some money from the Assessment Fund 59-1 to the 59-1 Construction Fund in order to meet the Contractors' payments. IIe requested that a ~?arrant in the amount of 3125,000 be written and signed and warrants be issued for the Contractors and signed so that Director Pa~(ost could take them to Placerville for approval tomorrow and mail from there to the Contractors. Director Pankost reported that the Bonds in the amount of $1,250,000 had been signed by Director Goeringer and he will pick them up from the Bank of America Vault and t~{e them to San Francisco for signing and delivery to the l~ells-Fargo Ba~ on February 24~ 1960. Director Pa~ost reported that there are a number of people to whom the District owes refunds for lines which they had installed themselves and he presented a list thereof. ~ Director Pa~(ost made a motion that the District transfer the sum of $125,000,as suggested by Attorney Weidman, from the 1959-1 Assessment Fund to the 1959-1 Construction Fund. On second by Director ~all, the motion was carried unanimously. Director Pamkost moved that ~;arrants be issued for Lagrange Construction~ Inc., in the amount of $8,749.41 in payment Of Progress Estimate on Contract No. 2~ and January Progress Payment on Assessment 59-1 contract in the amount of $3~157.24; also a ~?arrant to C. Norman Peterson, Inc., for January Progress Estimate payment in the mmount of $115,655.31 on the Sewage Treatment Plant construction. On second by Director Wall, the motion was carried unanimously. Attorney ?;eidman reported on Election Procedures as follows: The bi-annual District Election is the first Tuesday in May but the District needs to classify each Director-at-Large by number with succession to be determined by Directors Goeringer~ Pamkost, and Gersick, whose terms expire in 1962. Director Gersick stated that the Resolution determining the numbers should be re-examined~ and it was deten~ned that the following designations be made: rector , irector-at-Large No. and Resoluttion should be adopted so classifying tl~e Directors and their terms of office at this time. Director Pankost made a motion that this P~solution No. 169 - A I~SOLUTION OF TIlE BOARD OF DIRECT01~S OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CLASSIFYING DIRECTOI~ be adopted. Director Wall seconded the motion,.~hick .~.~_- '-'nnnimcur!y c~_rried. Attorney Weidman stated that, if no one files and fifty (50) Landowners do not come in within seven (7) days~ there is no election and the Supervisors are bound to make an appointment. The foregoing motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: Directors Goeringer~ Pankost~ Gersick, and Wall. NOES: None. ABSENT: Di re ctor ",?akeman. The following expiration dates were determined for the five directors: Directors Nos. 1 and 2 -- Terms expire in 1962; I~irector No. 3 Term expires in 1960; Directors Nos. 4 and 5 -- Terms expire in 1960. Attorney ~?eidman further stated that February 26, 1960 is the last day on which anyone may file for nomination. C 0 PJ~.F, SPOND~'qCE: None. PETITIONS: None. OLD BUSINESS: Engineer Aberley stated that the Tahoe Keys Inspection should be settled as the coonstr uction on the job would start on February 25~ 1960. Director %~all stated that Mr. Turner said that t~ffee~ Shippard and Jones* inspection is on a percentage of the cost. President Goeringer ruled that the motion made at the I~alar Meeting of January 21~ 1960, to rescind the motion authorizing Brown and Caldwell to make the inspection of the Tahoe I~ys construction and installations was out of order because proper notices had not been given to Brox~n and Caldwell of the intention to rescind. Engineer Aberley stated that relative to the Sewage Treatment Plant contract to make a change from a single alarm to multiple alamn, it would cost ~1,000 more. No action taken. N~,7 BUSIN-ESS: Director Gersick said that ~Ir. Vince Nemeth and Associates would like to grant an Easement to the District until such time as the road is dedicated to the County in order that they may obtain service of sewers. Director Pankost replied that it would be setting a precedent to se~er any subdivisions. Director Gersick made a motion that the District accept the Easement if the Engineers approve. On the question~ the vote was as follows: AYES: None N0~S: Directors Pankost, Goeringer, ABSENT: Director ?takeman. NOT VOTING: Director Gersi~ck. Director Gersick said he made the motion, but after the discussion, he realized it woud be setting a very bad precedent. The following claims were approved by Auditor Gersick and paid as listed: Checks Nos. 1011 - V 0 I D 1012 - V 0 ID 1013 - A. L. Miller 1014 - M. G. Ilart 1015 - V 0 I D 1016 - Editha Beseler 1017 - Belle Bender 234.14 187.89 113.32 138.71 for the Board. ?Jr. ',Tatson stated that they are o~,mers of property in Tahoe Meadows and, along with other owners, were quite shocked when they learned of their exclusion from the District. ?hey expressed a desire for sewers and asked if it were possible to individually petittion for annexation to the District if their Property ~rners' Association will not do so. ~,Ir. ~.Tatson further stated that, in 1958, one Director and Officer of their Association petitioned for exclusion of all the owners in the Tahoe ~,ieadows, including the ~Tatsons and tile Mauks, without their knowledge. Attorney ¥feiOnan stated that they were probably interested in their standing under Ordinance No. 51. IIe further stated that the Directors would have to determine if these o~mers themselves actually petitioned for exclusion and thereby would be required to pay higher annexation charges~ or whether other equitable grounds ~ere available for annexation of some of the Tahoe :XJeadows' o~zne rs. Director Goeringer inquired if other property owners in Tahoe ~leadows wanted to be annexed and ~Jr. Watson replied that many of them would. Director '/;all moved that Attorney ?/eidman be authorized to investigate the legal problems involved in the annexing of Tahoe Meadows and report back to the Board. On second by Director ~Takeman, the motion was unanimously approved. Director ~'all moved that the Zngineering firm of Brown and Caldwell be authorized to prepare preliminary plans and specifications for 1960-2 Assessment District. On second by Director ',Takeman, motion was unanimously adopted. CI~%IIIS: The fei{owing claims were approved and checks and warrants issued as listed below: Checks Nos. 1077 - Earle F. Pad, est ~ 1078 - V 0 I D 1079 - ],{ary A. Serpa 1080 - Editha Beseler 1081 - Vernon J. ~all 1082 - f~bert ~?akeman 1083 - ~tudolph Gersick 1084 - Norman L. Goeringer 1085 - Belle Bender 1086 - A. L. 5Iiller 1087 - M. G. Ilart 1088 - Cash - (for change fund) 338.23 126.98 113.32 75.00 75.00 50.00 75.00 162.66 279.49 125.29 50.00 ;Tarrants Nos. ,~6 Bro~rn and Call, ell t~, - C. Norman Peterson, Inc. 728 - Lagrange Construction, Inc. 729 - ti. R. i~eves 73,717.51 72,867.20 112~648.46 1,787.97 ~dXIOU~,~N~: There being no objection~ meeting was adjourned by the President at 10:30 ~rle i;.~PanI~o~t, Clerk & Ex-O~fieio Sec. Q~om~/'~ an L. Goeringer~"President :~fLqlyr~,s oF TI~ P~GUI~d~ ~TING 0F TI~ BOAiLD OF DIt~CTOP~ OF 'rife SOUTII TAiiOE PUBLIC UTILI'IT DISTRICT April 21, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on Thursday, April 21, 1960. The meeting was cal~ed to order by the President at 8:00 P.?~. ROLL CiLLL: On call of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost, ~'fakeman, and ?Jail. A~S~JT: None. ilso present were Attorneys 7;eidman, and Iloltum, Accountants Harold l~dce and }~,Irs. 5~ussell, Sanitarian E. A. ~:{arsden, r~n~neers Aberley and ~dward Steffani, ~,~. Zane ~.[iles o£ the Tahoe Sierra Tribune, ~..Ir. Don [}ichardson of the Sacramento Bee, and ~.!r. ~ranI~ Souza, Director Appointee. .,I~.,,~,~.?: LHnutes of the :'{e ular Lieetin~ of ~pr:ll 7~ ]960~ were approved as submitted. ?.EP0.~,I~: ilr. L~ace, of Irvine and Duce~ submitted %heir report and Director Pankost moved that said report be approved. On second by Director ?la11, the motion was unanimously carri ed. Director Pankost reported that the Treatment Plant had been cleaned and the the Tahoe L~dwood Company was to complete the job today. Engineer Aberley submitted the 60-2 Special Assessment District plans, based on pro l imi nary contour map showi rip; 1)oundaries. -n~xne:.r Steffani presented a letter from ~he St. Therosa~s Church confi~ing that they will pay their share of expenses for sewer se~ice ~o ~he school. A~torney Weida:.tn will have further i~ommtion an(l~ if possible~ an AgreemenL with Theresa's. Church by the next regular meeting. Engineer Aberley reported that the Water Pollution Control I;oard wanted a letter written relative to the disposal of sewage effluent into Ileaven]y Valley Creek and read a rough draft prepared by him for South Tahoe Ih~blic Utility District's si gnature. Director Goerin~_~er then inquired as to the status of the District's Permit for use of Forest Service land. ~ngineer Aberley reported that the permit is ready for issuance when the District's plans and specifications for disposal are submitted to and approved by the Forest Service. Director Pankost moved that our Attorney be instructed to write a letter ~o the U~ited States Forest Service inquiring of the terms and conditions required of the District for use of the 280 Acres of Forest Service land. The motion was seconded by Director :?all and unanimously passed. Director Pankost reported that~ as no petition was filed requesting an election for Directors~ Attorney 17eidman stated that !,~r. Souza~ Mr. ".Z~keman~ and ~.[r. ]?all would be appointed by the E1 ~orado County Board of Supervisors on ?Jay 9~ 1900. C0,~c, P0.,DENCE: Director Pankost stated that be had received the ~ng~neers' letter setting forth the comparative advantages of the ~iese] and Gasoline Engines for the proposed p~uping stations. PETITIONS: None. 0LI) BUSIRm~S: Attorney John Iloltmn~ stated that, in connection with closing/of the 1959-1 Special Assessment District~ the Board should adopt three (3) P~solutions and thereupon presented the l~esolutions as follows: ¥~ESOLIr?ION NO. 180 -- A I~SOL~ff?ION CALLING FOrt BIDS ON BONDS --~KSSES~,-.~T PROJECT 1959~1. On motion of Director Pa~cost, seconded by Director Wa]l~ P~solution No 1S0 was adopted unanimously. · ~SOLUxlOJ NO. 181 -- A I~OLUTION OISDEIIING CHJCfGES A!fD :,,ODIr ICArlONS -- ASSESS%,~NT DISTRICT 1959-1. On motion of Director ??all~ seconded by Director Pamkost~ Resolution No. 1S1 was unanimously approved and adopted, ~.=>0LIYFION N0. 182 -- A PJESOLIYflON ~U,~NDING I~0LUTION N0. 164 -- ASSES~,~T PR0~UCCT 1959-1. Director %?all moved that P,~solution N . 1S2 be adopted and on secnnd by Director Pankost, I~esolution No. 182 was unammOusly approved for adoption. Attorney Iloltum suggested that~ in order to close out 1959-1 Special Assessment District~ a date should be set after which no more laterals would be deleted. '~n~' ~ ~=~neer Aberley stated that was a contingency fund of approximately $20,000.00 and that if laterals were deleted after the final bond sale, the proceeds not used for laterals so deleted could be ~dded to the contingency fund. lie f~ther stated that the contingency fund coulR be used for maintenance and operation of the District or other purposes permitted byLaw. The Board expressed general agree- ment~ however~ that a date after which no more laterals could be deleted should be adopted. Attorney H01tum reported that the original total cost estimates of 1959-1 Special Assessment District was ~1~058~762~ but that this figure had now been reduced to about :)1~045~000, including contingencies. In connection with the acquisition of easements for 1960-1 Special Assessment District~ ~ineer Aberley stated that approiimately seventy (70) will be required and he felt that money could be saved by Brown and Caldwell attemptir~.~ to secure some of the easements by letter prepared by one of the Attorneys. At the suggestion of Director Pa~ost and the Attorney~ one further resolution was presented: t~SOLUTION NO. 183--A RESOLUI'ION DETEI~.IINING TIiAT PUBLIC INTEREST AND ~2CESSITY 163 "Honorable Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, Bijou, California. Gentlemen: Re: Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1960-1 Your resolution No. 172, entitled "A Resolution Reouesting That the County Health Officer of E1 Dorado County Recommend Proceedings under ApproDriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts, or Other Appropriate Proceedings, for the Acquisition and Construction of a Sanitary Sev~rage System and Appurtenances, As Necessary as a ~ealth Measure, for Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1960-1", has been received by the dndersi~ned Health Officer of E1 Dorado County. Pursuant to your request, a sewer survey has been initiated by the E1 Dorado County [Teatth Deoartment and an evaluation laade on the basis of (1) Overf!ov,dng sewerage disposal systems, (2) Septic Pumping Reports, (3) ~gh ground water areas, (~) Existing lots that are too small for adequate se~erage disposal. The findings of this Survey indicate that health hazards do presently exist in the above project area. Pursuant to Section 2808 of the Streets and ~ghways Code, in consideration of the serious health hazards presently existent ~,~dthin the boundaries of your proposed s~ita~ sewerage project No. 1960-1, the undersigned Health Officer of E1 Dorado County hereby urges the construction of sanitary sewers as an emergency health measure and recommends as necessary as a health measure, that your District undertake proceedings pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts of this State, or other appropriate proceedings, as you shall deters, ne, for the construction of sanitary severs and for assessing or taxing the properties to be benefited thereby. This recommendation extends to such changes and modifi- cations therein as you shall find to be proper or advisable, in the manner provided by law. Respectfully yours, /s/ A. A. Y. cKinnon~ M. D. Health Officer of E1 Dorado Cotunty" RESOLUTIO[~ NO. 188, A RESOLUTION DETE~INI[~G TO UNDERTA~] PROCEEDINGS PURSUANT TO APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSES~.~'~ENT AMD ASSESS~,~Mr BOND ACTS OR OT~]R APPROPRIATE PRO- CEEDINGS, FOR Ti-E ACQUISITION AlfD CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SE~'fERAGE SYSTEM AND A~PURTENANCES WITHOUT PROCEEDINGS U~fDER DIVISION [ OF THE STREETS AMD HIGH~¥AYS CODE, was read. On motion of Director ¥~akeman, seconded by Director Pankost and unani- mously carried, said resolution was adopted. Director Pankost reported to the Board that the following bids for the work in this project had been received, opened at 2:00 P.M. on May 16, 1960, and referred to the Project Engineers, Brown and Caldwell. N~ & LOCATION OF BIDDER TOTAL Ai.~OUNTS - SCHEDULES A thru D-1 A t,hru D-2 Leo Wieler & C. Harper, La ~,lesa, Calif. John H. ~,~cCosker, Berkeley, Calif. Lagrange Construction, Inc., Reno, Nevada Stockton Construction Co.~ Stockton, Calif. E. T. Hass Co., Belmont, California McGuire & Hester, Oakland, California Geo. E. Miller & Co.~ Inc., Reno, Nevada $780,777.77 $786,777.77 ~00,~6.50 779,193.30 786,~31.30 809,OI9.~0 819, O19.~0 9~1,160.7~ 9~,110.7~ 680,~6~.2~ 68~,O6~.2~ Above bids (not marked) are made on an "All or None" basis. Schedule "A" Only. Deduct 3 1/2% if awarded all schedules. If pumping station awarded ~dth any other schedule, deduct $21OO.00 from either alternate. On the basis of the bids for construction of 1960-1 Assessment D~.strict Sewage Collection System, the Engineer has recommended that the work be awarded to the George E. ~..~iller Construction Co.~ !nc.~ as the lmvest responsible bidder therefor. REPOTS: As Chairman of the ~'~ater Co~.~aittee, Director Pankost reported that he had appo~.nted ~,~r. Art Trumbull to assist him and they have made satisfactory progress ~d. th a local Water Company and would like authorization of' this Board to permit him to have Attorney Weidman and Attorney '~'~ilson complete negotiations to present to the Board a proposed lease-o~tion for the purchase of this ~','ater ~stem. Director ~all moved that the Board authorize the Chairman on Water Problems to hire legal advic~ as he sees fit, to bring in a proposal concernin~ the Water System which he has been studying. On second by D~rector Wakeman, the motion was unani- mously carrie d. ~r. Aberley made inquiry as to the reply from Kroeger & Co. relative to Personnel Services. Director Pankost reported that this was not brought to the attention of the Board because the new District Engineer said he did not feel it necessary to go to this expense. .~r. Aberley then added that the Chief Operator for the Plant should be on the job by June 1~, 1960. Attorney Weidman reported that the "Term Special Use Permit" from the U. S. Forest Service has been received and that they met with ~r. A1 I¥~ullen, Chief Ranger, this afternoon and went over some o£ the conditions of the permit. He advised the Board to execute the Permit but subject to certain modifications of the Forest Service Conditions as follows: Holding Pond of 17~ acre-feet capacity "of earth dyke constructed in accordance with requirements of the State of California Department of %~ater Resources" rather than a dyke of impervious core construc- tion and impervious blanket in pond area. 2. Pumping station located at the Holding Pond, approximately 20 feet square in plan. Paragraph. ~9. The approval of the State Department of Water Resources be eliminated ~dth respect to this clause. paragraph 2~. The tentative time table be adjusted as follows: a. June 1, 1960 - Acquisition by lease. b. August 1, 1960 - Commencement of construction. c. That the permanent installation need not be acceptable to the Lake Tahoe Compact Commission. Paragraph 30. That the word "reasonable" be inserted in this condition and that the condition 30 would read: "In the event that discharge of effluent in any portion of the area adversely affects coniferous forest growth, the permittee.~ll promptly plan and institute a pro- gram which will be satisfactory to the Forest Officer-in-Charge for alteration of the discharge area, or for any other RF~SONABLE means to prevent or minimize such damage." Paragraph 31. That the words "reasonably required and" be inserted in this condition so that Condition 31 would read as follows: "In the event there is a breach of any of the provisions of this Permit~ the Forest Service shall advise the permittee thereof in writing and the permittee shall have thirty (30) days from the date of such notice to cure the breach. If the breach is not cured by the per- mittee in this amount of time or any extension of time P~JASONABLY REQUIRED Ai~D granted by the Forest Service in writing, then this permit may be terminated by the Forest Service for the breach of its provisions, notwithstanding the above, however this permit v, dll terminate upon cessation of the use for the uurposes authorized." Paragraph 32. That the due date for initial payment of rent in the amount of ~2,160 be changed from July 1, 1960, to August 1, 1960, for budge- tary reasons of the District. The proposed fee schedule as set forth in Condition 33 vms read by Attorney Weidman: Year Fee 1960 ~ 2,160.00 1961 ~,760.00 1962 11,~30.O0 1963 17,300.00 196h 23,o5o.0o !96~ 2a,~2o.oo 1966 ... l~hlO.O0 TOTAL ~103,030.00 Ail Directors and the Attorney stated that t~m rent was excessive, considering the fact that the District is also a Public Agency; that it would work some hard- ship on the District because of the expense of construction of the disposal facili- ties, restoration of the site, and short term use;~'hov~ver, all present expressed the opinion that the permit should be executed subject to the conditions as set forth and subject to the further condition that the rental fees be subject to re- negotiation. Motion was ~mde by Director Wall that this be done, seconded by Director Pankost and unanimously carried. CORRESPO[~D~ENCE: Director Pankost read a letter from the Tahoe Valley Insurance Agency. PETITIONS: None. NEW BUSIN~.S~: Director Pankost reported that the bids for the construction of the A1 Tahoe and Tahoe Keys Pumping Stations were opened at 2:00 P.}~. on~.~ y 19~ !960, and ~the low bid o£ ~26~,000 was ~resented by Lagrar~ge Director Rankost read a letter from the Engineers, Brown and Caldwell, recommend- ing that this bid be accepted. Director Pankost stated that he would like further study as to the type of en- gines for .the stations and moved that the Board postpone the award until next week at the adjourned meeting of ~[ay 26, 1960. The motion was seconded by Director Wakeman. On the question, Director ~all asked for explanation as to how these changes ia the plans and specifications can be made. ~. Weidman stated the award could be made by Ordinance reserving the right to change the plans and s~ecifica- tions providing the change would not increase the cost and the contractor agree to the changes and specifications in writing. Director I'~all made a motion that the Board adopt Ordinance No. [6 -- AN ORDINANCE ~ AWARD OF COntRACT FOR CONSTRUCTIO>~ OF AL TAHOE AND TAHOE Y~YS SE¥~GE P~JPING STATIONS--19~9 SE¥~R BOND PROJECT CO~i~CT NO. 3, to LAGRA~.~E CONSTRUCTION, INC., for ~26h,000.00 but reserving the right to change plans ~nd specifications in regard to type of pmmps and engines, heating system and landsc~ving, provided that the Plans and Specifications may be changed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of said Board relating to type of pump and engines, heating system and landscaping, and providing further that any alteration or change shall be ~th the ~itten consent of the contractor and the cost agreed upon between the Board of Directors and that the change will not involve extra cost for extra work done and extra materials furnished. On second by Director Wakeman, motion was carried and Ordinance No. ~6 unanimously adopted. Director Pankost moved and Director Wall seconded that Resolution No. 193, A RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTP~tCT FOR PORTION OF TV-22 IN TAHOE KEYS, 1959 SEWER BOND~ PROJECT to Lagrange Construction, Inc., for $8,392.O0 as the lowest resoonsible bidder, be adopted. On the question, the motion was unanimously carried and [~solution 193 adopted. Director Wall moved that Brown and Ca!dwell be authorized to make insoections on 60-1 construction, and motion was seconded by Director Wakeman. After discussion, a vote was taken as follows: AYES: NEE S: ABSENT: Directors Goeringer, Wakeman and Wall. Director Pankost. None Mr. Steffani stated that about ten (10) persons have hooked up to the sewers without permit and suggested that a notice be inserted in the newspapers, stating that oer- mits for ALL hookups to the se~r lines must be obtained from the District Office. Resolution No. 187, A RESOLUTIOi~ ORDERING ~DUCTIO~,i ~ ASSESS~,~TS, was read. On motion of Director Pankost, seconded by Director Wall and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. Resolution No. 189, A RESOLUTION OVEf~ULI2G PROTESTS ON RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 173, was read. On motion of Director Wakeman, seconded by Director Pankost and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. Resolution No. 190, A RESOLUTIO[,~ Ai~9 ORDER ADOPTING ENGI~ERS' REPORT, CONFIPJ~[ING Tt~ ASSES'SI~.G~i'~r Ai'~D ORDERING T}~i }~'ORK A[,~ ACQUISITIONS, was read. On motion of Director Pankost, seconded by Director Wall and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. Resolution No. 191~ A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DISTRICT OFFICE AS OFFICE OF DISTRICT ENGINF~R FOR RECORDING ASSES,~,.I~}~TS, was read. On motion of Director Pankost, seconded by Director Wall and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adoDted. Resolution No. 192, A RESOLUTIOn{ DESIGNATING COLLECTION OFFICER, was read. On motion of Director Wall, seconded by Director Pankost and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. CLAIMS: The following claims were approved and checks as listed below were issued in payment thereof: Checks Nos. 1130 - Belle Bender 1131 - Mary Serpa 1132 - Editha Beseler 1133 - Norman L. Goeringer 1134 - Robert Wakeman 113~ - Vernon J. Wall 1136 - Earle F. Pankost 1137 - M. G. Hart 1138 - A. L. Miller 1139 - Beverly & Weidman 1140 - Clarke Building 1141 - County of E1 Dorado 1142 - V 0 I D 1143 - Tahoe Supply Company 1144 - Tahoe Sierra Tribune 114~ - A. Carlisle & Company 1146 - Pacific Telephone 1147 - Pozzi Motor Company 1148 - Sierra Pacific Power Company 1149 - Frank C. Souza 11~0 - Lake Tahoe News 11[1 - V 0 I D 1112 - gohn H. Ea~al Co. 11~3 - E1 Dorado County ~ 1[0.22 128.60 113.32 o.0o 0.oo o.oo 290.00 207.70 281.35 745.84 26O.OO 78.62 25.39 18.%0 9.69 16 .25 4. o 1,029.27 29.00 129.01 2,079.22 20~.00 Warrants Nos. ---- NO~ ISSUED. ADJOUR~.~I~: There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the President at 10:30 P.M. until Thursday, May 26, 1960, at 8:00 P.M. / 'li[o~man L. OderJ['nger; Cres:[dent MINUTES OE Ttgg ADJOURNED ~ETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF T~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Nay 26, 1960 The ~oard of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility Distrdct met in an ad- journed session of the Regular ~[eeting of l[a?? 19, 1960, at the offices of the 167 District, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, Californ~.a, on ~,~ay 26, 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:00 P.~i. ROLL CALL: On call of the roll~ there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost, ~'.akeman, and Wall, also Director Elect Souza. A SE~T: None. Also present were B ' Attorney 'V~eidman~ Engineer Aberley, ~.~r. Zane Miles of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune, and Mr. Don ~_chardson of The Sacramento Bee. MINUTES:- As this was an adjourned meetinff, no _V. inutes were read. REPORTS: Director Pankost, as Chairman of the Water Committee, reported that he had appointed D~rector Coeringer as his Assistant, and they are makin~ flood ~rogress ~dth the water and hope that within a short period they ~dll have a con- tract prepared regarding the Pinewood l. Vater Company. Attorney Weidman read a draft of the letter he ~11 send to ~r. A1 I',~ullen relative to the effluent disposal site granted by the U. S. Forest ,Service Term Use Permit and asked if the Board had any further reasons to be included, w~ th respect to negotiations of rental fees to a lesser sum than those submitted. Director Pankost moved, seconded by Director Wall, that Attorney Wei~man be in- structed to ~roceed ~th the letter as read, subject to final correction not in- volvi_ng the substance of the draft. On presentation of the ~uestion, the motion was unanimously carried. ~ Director Pankost moved that the President be authorized to s~gn the ~ecial Use Permit from the U. S. Forest Service. On second by Director Wakeman, motion was unanimously approved. ~ Director Pankost moved that Attorney Weidman be instructed to Drepare an applica- tion for a Use Permit to present to the E1 Dorado Planning Commission for ap- Droval. On second by Director Wall, the motion was unanimously carried. On being asked if they had the information required to mresent to the USFS~ Aberley stated that the Soils Engineers had been up today~ and the surveys are essentially complete, so that they should have something to show them in two or tlmre e weeks. ' CORRESPO['fDEi'.~CE: None. PETITIONS: None. OLD BUSINESS: Director Pankost asked the Board about the cost of connecting laterals which have been deleted and such deletion recorded at the time the Assessment District was set up and moved that the Board instruct Attorney Weidman to prepare an ordinance to take care of these "Deletion of Laterals" for 1919-1 and 1960-1, and all future assessment Districts and that a charge of ~2~0.00 be ~ade for future installation of such deleted laterals. ~.~otion was seconded by Director Wall and unanimously passed. Director Pankost moved that the bid for the construction of the Pumping Stations at A1 Tahoe and Tahoe Keys, approved at the last meeting for awarding to Lagrange Construction, Inc.~ be changed to show that the Caterpillar Diesel will be used for the engines and that the Landscaping will be deleted. On second by Director Wall, motion was unanimously carried. Director Pankost stated that he had discussed with the Engineers and the District Attorney and Miss Alva Barton's Attorney the matter of easements and one easement is down Link Road and Attorney Hughes has been instructed to file for condemnation thereon. Director Pankost stated that a representative of George E. ~,[iller Co.~ Inc.~ said he would never charge the District for being held um because of easements and asked Attorney Weidman for his opinion as to asking ~.~r. ~,,l~ller tosign a statement to this effect. ' D~rector Pankost brought up the matter of the District's insurance and read a memorandmm from the Tahoe Valley Insurance Agency in connection therewith. Upon being consulted, Attorney ~ei~aan suggested that an Insurance Appraiser or Consultant be called in for advice on this subject and the Boar~ authorized Director Pankost to contact an Insurance Consultant to advise as to the needs of the District in regard to coverage. NEW~ BUSI?fESS: Director Pankost asked the Board what they felt should be the charge for Wash Racks and stated that the City of Berkeley had put in meters at the Wash Racks in that City. No act±on was taken. CLAIMS: The following claims were a~proved by motion of Director Wall, seconded by Director Pankost, and payment was made by issuance of the following Warrants: No. 766 - Brovm and Caldwell, Engineering Fees - Construction -- $21,~3~.8~ 767 - Brow~ and Caldv~ll, Engineering Fees - Construction ~ 736.~0 ADJOUR~iENT: at 9:30 P.~. There being no objection, the meetin~y was adjourned by the President '/Norman ~. Goeringer~ President i~iINUTES OF THE ItEGULAR ~ETING OF Tt~ BOAPd3 OF DIP~]CTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY' DISTRICT June 2, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the I~=strict Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on June 2, 1960. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by the President. ROLL CALL: Upon call of the roll, there v~re present Directors Goeringer, Pankost, Wakeman, Wall, and Souza. Also present ~re l~r. Robert Russell, District Engineer, Engineer Aberley~ Engineer Steffani, Attorney Weidman, Mr. Don Richardson of The Sacramento Bee, Mrs. Arlene Thomas, and ~[r. R. M. Beilby. MINUTES: The minutes of previous meetings as follows were read and ~oproved as corrected: l~nutes of the Adjourned ~gular >.~eeting of }.fay 12, 1960 Minutes of the Special ~[eeting of ['fay 19, 1960 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 19, 1960, and Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of May 26, 1960. REPORTS: Director Pankost, as C?mirman of the Water Committee, reported that the Committee had a conference ~ith an engineer regarding appraisal of rater systems and had received a telegram from this engineer containing a proposal for engi- neering services in connection with the evaluation of the one ~ter system. Director Pmnkost reported that mn Order of Immediate Possession for Easements across Lots h~ and h6 of Rancho Bijou Subdivision, belonging to DeFrees and Springmeyer, had been obtained, effective june ~, 1960. In the matter of the Easements across the lands of Aram Harootunian, Stella Harootunian, and Barbara Harootmnian, Director Pankost reported that the Judge of the Superior Court will give an order of immediate possession upon the District's deposit of the sum of ~100.00 as security for the interest of each of the Harootunians. Director Pankost reported that negotiations with the Pinevmod Water Company are continuing. Director Pankost reoorted that Mr. Robert R..Russell commenced his duties as District Engineer and l[anager on June 1, 1960. C ORRESP0~'~DENC E: None. PETITIO[~S: None. OLD BUSINESS: Director Pankost repo~ted on the feasibility of other engineering firms to engineer all or a oortion of Special Assessment District 1960-2 and stated that he, Director Goeringer-and AttorneY/ 'fIeicLman conferred with Clair A. Hill & Associates, Civil Engineers, Redding, Californi% mud inspected some of the pump- ing stations, sewer design vmrk, m~d the facilities of Clair Hill & Associates. Director Wall moved, seconded by Director Pankost, that the Board v.dthdraw from the 1999-1 Special Assessment Fund the st~ms of money required by the Superior Court as a deposit to sectme an order of immediate possession of the necessar~ Easements and pay said sums to the Superior Court, and to further transfer from the 19~9-1 Construction Fund to the 1960-1 Special Assessment Account the sums of money speci- fied by the Superior Court. The Easements referred to are those ordered from De Frees and Springmeyer and from Aram Harootunian, Stella Harootunian, and Barbara ~{arootunian. The motion was unanimously carried. Director Psmkost moved t~mt f~esolution No. 19~ A RESOLUTION O~DERI~ifG I@;DUCTION OF AS '~ ..... ~ -- S.,.~S,%JtNTS __ SAi,~ITARY StK~RAGE P~IOJECT !IO. 1960-! be adopted. On second by Director ~'fakeman, above Resolution was approved and adopted unanimously. L'rs. Arlene Thomas requested that the E1 Rancho ~ = =orates be included in the 1960-1 Assessment District and, on motion by Director Pankost, seconded by Director Wall~ t~e E1 Rancho Estates v~re ordered to be included in tho District by appropriate location of the boundaries and change in cost. ' ~ i~,~. R. ?,[. Beilby requested that Street Lighting in Rancho Bijou be installed and Director Pankost stated that he would report on this matter at the next meeting. Director Wall moved that Engineer Russell~ Director Pankost and Director Goeringer and Engineer Aberley interview prospective operators for the new Sewage Treatment Plant and present their recoh~nendations for emoloyment of a Treatment Plant Operator to this Board. The motion ~was seconde~ by Director Wakeman and unanimously carried. Director Wall moved, seconded by Director Pankost, that Engineer Robert R. Russell be formally appointed DISTRICT E[~i~,~ER AND GEi,~JRAL I~NAGER, and motion w~s unani- mously carried. Director Pankost moved that the Engineering Firm of Clair A. Hill & Associates~ Civil Engineers of Redding, California, be employed by the District to design and engineer the 1960-2 Special Assessment District. There was no second to this motion. ' ' Director Wall then moved that the letter v,~itten to B~vm and Ca!dwell by the District on ~.fay 1~, 1960, be rendered null and void. Director Wakeman seconded this motion. Director Pankost then moved, seconded by Director Wall, that t~e motion be amended to read that Attorney Weidman vmite to Brovm and Caldv~ll and more specifically describe the intent of the Board by their action on ~[ay ~, 1960, with respect to engineering services for 1960-2 Special Assessment District. The amendment and the original motion were unanimously adooted. Director Pankost reported that the boundaries of the 1960-2 Special Assessment District are tentatively set. and that if the District annexes the territory to,wards l!eyers, there will be t~mee smaller assessment districts reouired, and in view of the expansion anticipated, another engineering firm should ~e employed~ to engineer some of the District Projects in addition to those projects now engineered by Brovm and Caldwell. Enf~ineer Aberley informed the Board that Mr. Kenneth W. Brovm~ of Brown and Caldwe!l, vmuld attend %he next meeting. Director Wall moved, seconded by Director Souza~ that %he Committee on -Improvement Districts secure from the Intercounty Title Company a descriotion of the property proposed to be armexed to the District, and mo%ion was unanimously passed. The subject of l~r. William E. Lortensen s application for employment by the District received by Director ','fall. No action was taken. Director Wakeman reported that temoorar~/ septic tank installation has now been reduced to ~[i;1~0.00. " c___L LAILS: The following claims v. ere presented and approved as follows: Checks Nos. ]I~ - l,~ornan L. Goeringer 11[~- Frank C. Souza 302.00 ?f. O0 11~6 - Vernon J. Wall 1157 - Robert Wakeman 11~8 - Belle Bender 1!~9 - Editha Beseler 1160 - ~v~ary Serpa 1161- Robert R. Russell 1162 - DepartMent ef Employment 1163 - A. L. Niiter 1164 - M. G. Hart 1].65' - Cash- Stamps (Postage) 7~.oo 75.oo lbO.g6 113.32 127.00 396.46 30.00 201.10 2O.OO Warrants Nos. 768 - Hughes, ?,[aul and Fogerty 769- C. Norman Peterson, Inc. 770- Lagran~e Construction, Inc. 771 - I~grange Construction, inc. S 2,~oo.oo 44,~74.8o 51,362.~1 7,268.23 ADJOURhT~fr: There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the President at 11:30 P.]'f. to V~dnesday at Noon, the place to be anno~mced at a later date. Minutes of the Opening of Bids June 9, 1960 Pursuant to duly published Notice and Calls for Bids for construction of a portion of Force Main TV-22, Tahoe Keys to U. S. ~ighway 50, Force Main TV-23, Pump Station No. 4 to Treatment Plant, Portion of Force Main B-20, Johnson Road, 1959 Sewer Bond Project, Contract No. 4, the Clerk and Ex-0fficio Secretary opened all bids re- ceived at 2:00 P.M. in the offices of the District, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California. ROLL CALL: On call of the roll, there were present Director Pankost and District Engineer~Rassell, together with Browa and Caldwell Engineers Aberley, Steffani, and Rnstigiano Also present were the following representatives of the Bidders: RepresentatiVe Company Rep,resented Mr. ~iechman Mr. Souza & Father Mr. ~. ~. McCue Mr. Don Hallgren Leo Steinhauer SvendPetersen ,~lmLagrange John Madero Faulkner, Inc., Kings Beach, California Souza Bros. and Don K. Jorgenson H. F. McCue, Yuba City, California Graven Construction Co., Sacramento Southern Pipe Co., Azusa, California Johns-ManFille, Co., Lagrange Construction Co., Inc. Lagrange Construction Co., Inc. 01~2~ING OF BIIB: The bids were opened by Director Pankost at 2:00 o'elock P.M. and were as follows~and included all items: Faulkner, Inc. Kings Beach, California Graven COnstruction Co. Sacramento, Calfornia H. F. McCue Yuba City, California Valley Engineers, Inc. Fresno, California A. M. Van Valkenburgh Sacramento, California Souza Bros. &Don K. Jor~enson Yuba City, California Lagrange Constrnction,Ihc. Reno, Nevada 8161,982.50 160,127.59 129,789.91 136,613.15 118,649.00 126,356.60 128,952.70 ENGINEEBS'ESTIMATE - $172,962.50 171 A~ter the opening and reading of the aforementioned bids, they were turned over to the Project Engineers, Brown and Caldwell, for determination as to sufficiency, etc. Meeting was adjourned at 3:00 P.M. Earffe ~'~ ~ankos~ C~l~r~ and Ex-Officio Secretary ~orman L. Goeringer, president ~//j MINUTES OF THE ADJ0~ REG~ ~fEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECT01~ OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 9, 1960 ~he Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an ad- journed session of the regular meeting of June 2, 1960, at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Yalley~ California, on June 9, 1960. The meeting was called to order at 8~35 P.M. by the President. I~0LL C~I.L: Upon call of the roll, there were present: Directors Goeringer, Pankost, Wall, Souza, and Wakeman. AB~: None. Also present werez District Engineer- 'Manager Russell; Engineers Aberley, Steffani, Rustigian and' Kenneth W. Brown, all of Brown and Caldwell, San Francisco; Don Richardson of the Sacramento Bee, and Zane Miles of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune; and Attorney Weidman. MIBUTES: The Minutes of the regular meeting of June 2, 1960, were suhaitted. REPORrS: Director Pankost reported that he had been unable to complete negotia- tions relative to street lighting in Rancho Bijou but will have a further report at the next regular meeting on June 16, 1960. With regard to water, Director Pankost as Chairman of the Water Committee, reported that the Co~nittee had a tentative appointment with Mr. E. A. Wilson, Mr. Cecil Caple, and Mr. Nelson for Saturday but that this appointment had been canceled and another set for Monday, June 13, at 6:00 P.M., at which time a contract with the owners of the Pinewood Water Compar~y ~ill be discussed and that a Board meeting may be necessary on Tuesday to go over the proposed contract between the District andPinewood Water Company. Also pertaining to the foregoing matter, Director Pankost read a telegram which was as follows: "BASED UPON AVAILABLE DATA OUR PROJECT ENGINEER BRINK KUKUK FEEL~ THAT A THOROUGH APPRklSAL OF THE PINE~00D WATER COMPANY INVOLVING C0MPLErE INVE.h~r01~ AND WATER SYSTEMS ~ MAX BE C0NCLU]]ED IN 30 D~¥S FI~0M DATE OF APPROVAL BY YOUR BOARD TOTAL COST WILL NOT EXCEED THHEE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAI~ ~TAIKER OF FIFTEEN HUNDRED UPON 0~ BAIAN~ UPON COMPLETION. 'SIGNED: I/AY ENTERPRISES~ ~HAI~.~ KLOR" Director Pankost then stated that the Water Con~fittee has investigated Klor and Ku~ and find their reputation favorable, but the Pinewood Company objected to the cost of appraisal. Attorney ~eidman reported that he had obtained a description on the proposed area to be annexed, from the Inter-County Title Company, and would sul~nit it to the Distr ict Engineer for the preparation of a map. Director Pankost stated that the annexation will take in all the territory con- tiguous to our present District from Stateline down to the foot of Meyers Grade and down to the Forest Service lands at Pope Beach. Attorney Weidman advised that the District not include excluded parcels on the annexation towards Meyers but that a second annexation include these formerly excluded parcels. Attorney Weidman further reported that the Performance Bond for 1960-1 Special Assessment District had been delivered by the Insurance Company and forwarded to Downer, the E1 Dorado County Road Co~ssioner, who will issue an Encroachment Per~it for the District to install sewer lines on county r~ads when the contractor, Geo. E. Miller Co., Inco, agrees in the writing to the special conditions i~posed by ]:)oilier. COP, I~ONDENCE: None. PETITI 0NS = None OLD BUSINESS= Reeolution No. 195 ~A RESOLUTION 01~NG CI~NGESANDMODIFICATIONS~ SANITAI~f SEWEI1AGE PP~JECT 1959-1 was read by Director Pankost, who moved that the Board approve s~ne for adoption. On second by Director Wall, ~aid l~esolution was ~m~nimously adopted. Director Pankost stated that he and Mr. l~nssell reviewed some of the applications received for position of Treatment Plant Operator. Director 6oeringer asked Mr. Aberley the status of the plans and specifications for the disposal site required to be sul~eitted to the U. S. Forest Service for Forest Service approval. Mr. Aberley stated that he will have a report at the meeting of June 16, 1960. Director Pankost moved that Clair A. Hill &Associates be e~ployed to engineer the 1960-2 Special Assessment District. After no second to the motion, President Goeringer asked Attorney Weidman for an opinion as to whether or not the Board could go into Executive Session. Attorney Weidman stated that, since there was no contract for professional services'of engineers, this could come under personnel matters and that the Board could go into Executive Session. Director Wall stated that he was not ready to n~ a decision until he had made an inspection of their existing facilities and proposed engineering plans for Various District projects. The motion died for lack of a second, and the Board did not go into Executive Session. NEW BUSINESS= DireCtor Pankost suggested that theBoard purchase another pick-up or an automobile, perhaps a compact car, for the District En~neer and General Manager and officials of the District. Attorney Weidman advised that the purchase be accon~lished in the new fiscal year budget. Director Wall moved, and 'Director Souza seconded~ that the Clerk and Attorney report at the next regular meeting as to the purchase or lease of an automobile for the District Engineer and officials. Motion wa~ carried unanimously. Director Pankost reported'on the problem of computing back charges for owners of property previously excluded, from the District and, in particular,'the difficulty in computing the exact amount due. Director Souza moved, and Director Wall seconded, that the matter be referred to the Co~nittee on Annexation. Director Pankost reported on'the opening of bids for construction of a portion of Force 12in TV-22, Tahoe Keys to U. S. Highway 50, Force Main TV-23, ~ Station No 4 to Treatment Plant, Portinn of Force Main B-20, Johnson Road,1959 Sewer Bond Project, Contract No. 4. He rec~ended that an award not be made at this time because the necessary easements have not yet been acquired. Mr. Brown, of Brown and Cald~ell, stated that it would be'satisfactory with his firm if the District performed the inspec}ion on 60-1 Special Assessment District. Mr. Brown further stated that, although the District had already contracted for Brown and Caldwell to perform the inspection function, Brown and Caldwell would have no objection to modi~iaying the agreement with respect to the Districtts performing the inspections. Director Wall moved that the ~[inutes of May 19, 1960, be corrected to show that Ordinance No. ~6 --AN ORDINANCE OF AWARD OF C01~r~AcT -- ~ANITA~ ~E~GE PI~JECT NO. 1960-1 was adopted. The motion was seconded by Director Souza and unanimously carried. ADJ~0~~T: There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the President at 10=00 P.M. until Tuesday, June 14, 1960, at ~n at the ~st~_Offices. ~n L. ~oeri~er, President. MINUTES OF THE AIkIO~ REG~ ~{K3~rING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 14, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session of the regular meeting of June 2, 1960, at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on June 14, 1960. The meeting~as called to order by the President at 12~45 P.M. · OLL C~T~.~ On call of the roll, there were present~ Directors Goeringer, Pankost, Wa~e~n, Wall, and Souza. ABSENT: none. Also present were Attorney Weidman of Beve~!y and Weidmn, and Attorney Wilson of Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld and Wallace. None were read as this ~as an adjourned meeting. REPORTS~ None. CORRESPONDENCE~ None. PETITI0~: None. OLD BUSI~ESS: None. NEW BUSINESS~ Director Pankost stated that the Miller Construction Co., Inc., used the Districtts equipment today to clean out a sewer line, and it was his feeling that District Engineer and General Manager Russell should be given authority to order clean-out of a line. Director Wakeman concurred. After discussion, decision in the n~tterwas postponed until the next Regular Meeting. Director Goeringer stated that the Board should have a policy to incur indebtedness in so~e cases for cleaning out of sewer lines. Director Goeringer further stated that if work is required through the fault of the owner, the owner should be billed~ and if the difficulty in the sewer line is caused by faulty construction or in the main lines attributable to the District~ the District should be liable. Director Pankost reported that there had been two conferences on June 13~ 1960 with the owners of the Pinewood Water Company. Attorney Wilson advised the Board that the Pinewood Water Company could be acqu~ed pursuant to a lease-option provided it was determined the revenues of the Water Company would be sufficient to meet the payments required pursuant to the lease and thereafter to retire the bonded indebtedness in the event the option to purchase were exercised. Attorney Wilson further advised the Board that there were two methods of procedure to finance the purchase of the Water Company through revenue bonds. Under the Public Utility District Act, a two-thirds vote would be required and all of the property of the District could be taxed in the event the revenues from the Water Company proved insufficient to discharge the bonded indebtedness. The second alternative was the Revenue Bond Act of 1941 under which revenue bonds for the purchase of the~water system could be voted by a mjority vote of the qualified voters of the District and the bonds retired solely from the revenues of the Water Company. Attorney Wilson further reported that he had ex~nined the reports of the Pinewood Water Company filed with the Public Utilities Co~u.~ssion of the State of California for the years 1957, 1958, and 1959. Be further advised the Board that, on analysis of said reports, the net operating revenue of the Water Company available to satisfy lease payments or bonded indebtedness would equal approximately $10,000 per year, eliminating some engineering, legal, and accounting e~enses that were incurred by the Pinewood Water Company, and that this amount would be sufficient for the discharge of the principal and interest on a 29-year revenue bond. Attorney Wilson further advised that the rate base of the Public Utilities Co~nission of the State of California for the Pinewood Water Company was in excess of $143,000 and that the principal stockholders thereof had agreed to lease the Water Company to the District for the sum of $10,000 a year~ with an option to purchase in the ~nount of $137,500, providing the District called a revenue bond election within one year and further provided that the owners thereof accept six (6%) percent par revenue bonds for the purchase price thereof in the event that public sale of said bonds was not effectuated and, further, that any rental paid by the District would be first applied on the interest rate and then on the principal. Director Pankost moved, and Director Wall seconded, that the District enter into a lease with option to purchase the Pinewood Water Co~pany on the terms above set forth, which were negotiated with the owners of said Water Company, and that the attorneys be instructed to prepare the necessary lease-purchase agreement. The motion was carried byunanimous vote. Director Pankost moved:that Clair A. Hill & Associates of Bedding, California, be authorized to draw plans and specifications and prepare for bids on Special Assessment District 1960-2. Director Goeringer turned the gavel over to Director Wall and seconded the motion. Director Wall thereupon moved that action on this motion be postponed to the Regular Meeting at 8:00 otclock on Thursday, June 16, 1960. The motion for postponement was seconded by Director Wakeman and carried by the following vote: AYES: Directors Wall, Wakeman and Souza NOES: Directors Pankostm NOT VOTING: Director Goeringero Director Pankost moved that the President, Manager Russell, and the Clerk be authority to negotiate with the principals of Heavenly Valley Terrace Subdivision and Lakeview Heights Subdivision on an agreement with respect to furnishing water to said areas. Director Souza seconded the motion which was unanimously carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. F~rle F. Pankost, Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary .... -. ~ .. /...~/.. il , ..! ?~,f ~. ','-~ ..... --,~ · Norman L. Goeringer, President ,/~/' 'f MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 0FTHESOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 16, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on June 16, 1960. The meeting was called to order at 9:10 P.M. by the President. ROLL C~!J.: Upon call of the roll, there were present: Directors Goeringer, Pankost, Wall, Souza, and Wakeman. ABSENT: None. Also present were District Engineer and General Manager Russell, Engineers Aberley, Steffani~ and Rustigian of Brown and Caldwell, Attorney Weidman, ~o Zane M/les of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune, and Mr. Don Richardson of the Sacramento Bee, Mr. and Mrs. Don Clarke, homeowners in Bijou. MINUTES: The Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of June 9, 1960 were approved. REPORTS: Director Pankost reported that the balance of $138,000 of the 1959-1 Special Assessment District Bonds will be delivered in Placerville on Monday, June 20, 1960 and that interest payable upon delivery will amount to $2,376.66, together with the premi~n agreed to be paid in the amount of $158.00. Director Pankost further reported that the District lighting program in Rancho Bijou is progressing and that it is possible the lights will be ordered in July and installed byAugust, 1960. Attorney Weidman and District Engineer Russell advised the purchase of a four-door standard-size sedan as an additional vehicle for the District. Attorney Weidm~n reported that the descriptions on the proposed annexation towards the Meyers arc,are expected from the Title Company next week. Director Pankost reported that on June 29, 1960, the Lahontan Regional Water PollUtion Control Board of the State of California will hold a public meeting in the Tahoe Yalley Firehouse, at which time one of the subjects on the agenda will be the disposal by South Tahoe Public Utility District of its effluent by spray irrigation. Director Pankost reported that an E~cavation Permit for 1960-1 Special Assessment District has been secured from the County and that the.'contractor on said project had comenced construction. CORRESI~)NIIENCE: Director Wakeman read a letter which he had received from~. Aram Harootunian in which he expressed the desire that Brown and Caldwell be retained as engineers of the District. PETITIONS: Director Pankost reported that petitions, properly signed, for Lots 4 and 5 of Block 91, A1 Tahoe Subdivision; Lots 13 and 14 of Harlow~Acres Subdivision; Lot 5, BloCk 29, A1 Tahoe Subdivision; Lots 3 and 4, Block 29, A1 Tahoe Subdi- vision; Lot 12, Block 20, A1 Tahoe Subdivision; a portion of Lot 27 in I C eliot 5-Acre Tract; Lot 11, Block 4, Bijou Park Addition; Lots 1, 2, 3, 14, 15, and 16 of Block 108, Bijou Park Acres; Lot 2, Block C, Ladeside Park; Lot 20 of Harlow Acres; the northeast half of Lot 19, Block Ir Tamarack Subdivision; east 50 feet of Lot 1, Block E, Lakeside Park Subdivision; Lot 65, Lakeside Lodge. Director Pankost moved that these peititions be tabled until the District's next annexation. This motion was secOnded by Director Wakeman and unanimously.carried. OLD BUSINF~S: Director Pankost reported on Plan#2, contained in a letter from Griffinha~en, Kroeger &Associates for the selection of a qualified applicant as Treatment Plant Operator. Director Wall moved that the Directors authorize the District Engineer and General ~nager, Mr. ttussell, to employ Griffinhagen, Kroeger &Associates in the selection of qualified applicants in accordance with Plan No. 2 of their proposal for selecting a Chief Plant Operator. Director Souza seconded the motion which was unanimously carried. Director Wall moved that the District satisfy the obligatiOn::in connection with cleaning out a sewer line at the Starlite Motel. Director Pankost seconded the motion, which was unanimously carried. Director Wall moved that District Engineer and General ~nager Russell be authorized t~ take the necessary steps to correct the Lakeland Village sewage overflow problem. N]~¥ BUSINESS: Director Wall moved that District Engineer and General Manager Russell prepare a new proposed agenda for the Board Meetings and that he also investigate a radio co~nunication system for the District. -The motion was seconded by Director Pankosto Director Wall then amended the motion to read that Mr. Russell report as soon as possible on the agenda and con~nunication alrSt~o The amendment ~as seconded by Director Souza and unanimously carried. The motion itself was thereupon unanimously carried. The subject of the employment of Clair Ao Bill & Associates of Redding to draw plans and specifications and prepare bids for 1960-2 Special Assessment District and~ in particular, the motion of Director Pankost, seconded by Director Goeringer, at the-Adjourned Meeting of June 14, 1960, was discussed. 'Upon a roll call vote, the motion was adopted as follows: AIRES: Directors Goeringer, Pankost, and Souza'; NOES: Directors Wakeman and Wall; ABSENT: Eone. Director Wakeman moved that Attorneys Ernest A. Wilson and John C. Weidman be authorized to prepare, with respect to 1960-2 Special Assessment District, the following Resolutions: 1o A Resolution requesting consent of the Board of Supervisors of the County of E1 Dorado to undertake proceeding~ for the acquisition and construction of sanitary sewers' and to provide that the costs shall be assessed upon the district benefited, under appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts, Assessment District 1960-2~ 2. A Resolution requesting that the County Bealth Officer of E1 Dorado County recon~nend proceedings under appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts~ or other appropriate proceedings, for the acquisition and construction of a ~an~tary Sewerage System and Appurtenances, as necessary, as a health measure ~ Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1960-2; 3. A Resolution of Intention to Acquire and Construct Improvements ~ Assess- ment District 1960-2; and that the boundaries of 1960-2 Special Assessment District be the same as those boundaries previously submitted by Brown and Cald~ell to this Board and, further, that if possible, construction start this year on as large a portion as possible of the Special Assessment District, specifically including that area surrounding the new Lake Tahoe Unified School at Tahoe Valley, subject~ to revision of the boundaries and stages of construction upon recon~nendation of Clair A. Hill & Associates and the District Engineer; 4. A Resolution appointing Engineers and designating as Engineers the firm of Clair A. Hill & Associates and appointing as Attorneys the firms of Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld and Wallace; Beverly and Weidman; and Hughes, ~laul and Fogerty to perform services upon the same terms and conditions as their services were rendered in connection with the 1959-1 and 1960-1 Special Assessment Districts. Director Wall seconded the motion and it~as unanimously carried. District Engineer and General Manager Russell was instructed by the Board to get in touch with prospective ConstruCtion Inspectors after discussion of the need of the District for such an Inspector. Mr. and Mrs. Don Clarke~:!asked whether their home at Lot 9 of the Keller 5-Acre Tract is in the Utility District and in which Special Assessment District collection sewage lines would be available to said property and when. CLAIMS: Checks: The following claims were presented and approved as follows: 1166 - M. G. Hart 1167 - A. L. Miller 1168 - Robert It. Russell 1169 -Marjorie J. Thomas 1170 - V 0 I D 1171 -Mary Serp~ 1172 - V 0 I D 1173 - Belle Bender 1174 - Editha Beseler 1175 - V 0 I D 1176 -Norman L. Goeringer 1177 - Vernon J. Wall 1178 -P&bert Wakeman 1179 -Frank Co Souza 1180 - Beverly &Weidman 1181 - Clarke Building 1182 - Pacific TelePhone 1183 - Pitney-Bowes, Inc. 1184 - Gordon H. Hubert Inc. 1185 - Irvine and Duce 1186'.- Tahoe Supply Co., Inc. 1187 - Hugo, Locksmith - Design Associates, Inc. - Tahoe Office Supply - VOID - VOID - Federal Reserve Bank - Johnsonts Service Center -Tidewater 0il Company - VOID - Reederts Saw & Tool Service - Tahoe Title ~uaranty Company - Lagrange Construction, Inc. - The Foxboro Compa~ -Sierra Pacific Power Company - Tahoe Valley Insurance Agency - Earle F. Pankost - Nelson Flying Service - Tahoe Sierra Tribune - Business Systems, Inc. Belle Bender (Advance) - VOID - Atwood Insurance Agency - Postmaster, Bi jou 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 CANCELED $ 11.65 192.73 325.47 58.71 127.00 153.43 113.32 225.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 658.38 260.00 121.60 18.00 220.33 1,125.00 16.11 6.00 4.68 29.76 447.86 27.50 141.05 9.73 1.50 82.50 7.93 898.87 364.23 200.00 25.00 22.50 488.71 50.00 100.00 4.50 1210 - V 0 I D - 1211 - V 0 I D - 1212 - Clarke Building (Rent) $ 260.00 WARRANTS None. ADJO~: There being no objection, the meeting ~as adjourned by the President at 11:35 P.M. until Thursday, June 23, 1960 at 8:00 .o'clock P.M. / .. Earle F. Pankost, Clerk & Exa0fficio Secy. .~ ~ _/ ~' // Norman L. uoerxnger, rreslaen MINUTES OF THE ADJO~ R]~ULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECT01~ OF TBE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June ~, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session of the regular meeting of June 16, 1960 at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on June 23, 1960. The meeting was called to order at.8:00 P.M. by the President. ROLL C~T.I.: Upon call of the roll, there were present: Directors Goeringer, Pankost, Wall, Souza, and Wakeman. ABSENT: None. Also present were District Engip~er and General Manager Russell, Attorney John Weidmau, Engineers Aberley and Steffani of Brown and Caldwell; Mr. Don Richardson of the Sacramento BEE, Mr. 6. Gibson of C. M. Gibson & Associates, Mrs. Arlene Thomas, Mrs. Ruth Wordell, Mrs. Mary Case, and Mrs. Thblma Thalmay. MINUTES: None read as this was an adjourned meeting. REPORTS: None. CORR~0NDENCE: None. PETITIONS: None, 0LDBUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: Director Pankost moved that Ordinance No. 57, AN ORDINANCE FOR AWARD 0F CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A PORTION OF FORCE MAIN TV-22, TAHOE KEYS TO U. S. HIGHWAY 50, FORCE MAIN TV-23, trdMP STATION NO. 4 TO TILFATMENT PIANT, PORTION OF FORCE MAIN B-20 - JOHNSON ROAD, 1959-1 SEWER BOND PROJECT NO. 4 be adopted providing for the award of said contract to the lowest responsible bidder A. M. VAN YALI/I2/BURGH & CO. at the unit price named in said bid, with the proviso that Van Valkenburghwi11 not ponalize the District for any delay caused by the District not securing easements and the District viii not penalize Van Valkenbur~h for any delay caused by the District not securing easements. The move to adopt Ordinance No. 57 was seconded by Director Wall and said Ordinance was adopted unanimously; Attorney Weidman reported that the descriptions on annexation from the InterCounty Title Company had been received and he would prepare a colry of the Petition for Annexation, together with the description and map for prompt submission to the Boundary Connission. Director Souza, Chairman of the Recreation Committee, reported that he had the plans prepared for sul~nission to Miss Alva Barton for the purpose of securing land for a recreational development of the District. Director Wall reported that a Chamber of Co~nerce Con~nittee, Utility District C~nittee~ Supervisor Chism, had discussed the proposed Building Code for the Lake Valley Fire District. Director Wall moved that the Building Code Committee of Director Wake~an and Attorney Wei&nan be authorized to seek modification of the proposed B~ilding Code as presented to the Board of Supervisors of E1Derado County to carry out the previously expressed position of the Utility District Board and the Chamber of Con~nerce and l~alty Board provi~ing~ however, that any modification of said Besolution would not endanger the possibility of securing the Building Code in Lake Valley this year. Director Wake~an seconded the motion which was unanimously carried. Mrs. Arlene Thomas~ Legislative Chairman of the Business and Professional Women's Association, acted as spokesman for a group of women regarding the employment of Clair A. Hill &Associates as Engineers on the 1960-2 Special Assessment District. In connection with said discussion, Mr. Aberley of Brown and Caldwell, presented a bill for services of Brown and Caldwell for said District in the amount of $7,780.50 Director Pan[cost, therefore, moved that Brown and Caldwell be requested to send an itemized statement. Discussion was had by various members of the Board and Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Wordell, Mrs. Chase, and Mrs. Thalmay with respect to the feasibility of employing Clair A. Hill and Associates for engineering the 1960-2 District rather than the engineer- lng firm of Brown and Caldwell. Mr. C. M. Gibson, of Gibson &Associates, reported on his insurance evaluation of the Districtts current insurance policies and stated that an insurance engineer would further evaluate the matter within the next ten days. Director Wall moved that a letter be written authorizing C. M. Gibson &Associates, naming them as the Districtts insurance brokers~ to contact the Board of Fire Underwriters for further assistance in evaluating the Districtts insurance problems with the proviso that the appointme~ of said firm was without obligation of the District to purchase insurance from their companies. ~fotion was seconded by Director Souza and unanimously carried. Mr. Gibson further rec~nded that the existing District insurance policy coverages be extended pursuant to a letter submitted by him. Director Wall moved that the existing insurance policy coverage be extended as recm~nended by Mr. Gibson. The motion was seconded by Director Souza and unanimously adopted. ADJ0~: There being no.objection~ the meeting was adjourned by the President at 10:50 P.M. until Thursday, June 30, 1960 at 8~00 P.M. .""Norman L. Goeringer, President Earle F. Pankost, Clerk&E~-Officil Secy. ~ffNUTES OF TI~E ADJ0~D l~EG~ MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECT01~S OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 30, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session of the regular meeting of June 16, 1960 at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on June 30, 1960. In the absence of President Goeringer, Director Wall was elected as Acting President. The meeting was called to order at 8:15 P.M. ROLL CALL: On call of the Roll, there were present Directors Pankost, Wakeman, Wall, and Souza. ABSENT~ Director Goeringer. Also present were District Engineer and General Manager Russell, Attorney Weidman of Beverly and Weidman, and Engineers Aberley~a~d Steffani of Brown and Caldwell. MINUTES: None were read as this was an adjourned meeting. None. C0P~PONI~CE~ None. PETITIONS: l~one o OLD BUSINESS: None. N~? BUSINESS: On motion of Director Souza, seconded by Director Wakeman, and as submitted by Director Pankost, authorizing Brown and Cald~ell to perform inspection on the '~ygal Job" at cost plus 85~, was approved and Director Pankost authorized to forward the letter to Brown and Caldwell. Director Pankost moved and Director Souza seconded that the financial statement prepared by Irgine and Duce for the close of the fiscal year 59-60 be approved and the motion carried unanimously. Attorney Weidman presented Ordinance No. 58 - AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE OFFICE OF DISTRICT ENGINEER OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILIT~ DISTRICT VACANT. On motion of Director Souza, seconded by Director ~Vakeman, the Ordinance was unanimously adopted. Attorney Weidman presented Ordinance No. 59 - AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION FOR THE GENERAL MANAGER OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT and setting the compensation at $811o00 per month. Director Souza moved, seconded by Director Pankost, that Ordinance No. 59 be adopted and the Ordinance was thereupon unanimously adopted. Director Souza, Chairman of the Recreation Co~nittee, reported on the progress of the Committee and submitted a tentative map of a proposed recreational development on the Alva Barton property in A1 Tahoe. Director Wakeman moved and D. irector Pankost seconded that the report and map of Director Souza be approved and that Director Souza, as Chairman of the Recreation Committee, present the tentative plans to Miss Barton. CLAIUS Checks The following claims vere presented and approved: 1213 -Earle F. Pankost Warrants: $ 1,030.56 772 - E. Bearce et ux (refund) 773 Ella Hamilton (refund) 90.00 774 -Peter J. Perinati et ux (refund) 90.00 90.00 775 - Walter J. Hildegard, S & Frederick 0. Hinz (Refund) 90.00 776 - Ray J. Wilkins et ux (Refund) 777 - Florence F. Pound (Refund) 90.00 778 - Leroy H. Weibe.1 et ux (refund) 90.00 779 - ~orace E. Beales et ux (refund) 90.00 780 - rank Globin et ux (refund) 90.00 781 - Helge & Jens P. Harms '(refund) 90.00 782 -Karl 0ppermann (refund) 90.00 783 - Hughes, Maul &Fogerty 90.00 784 - H.R. Reeves 297.22 851.27 785 - Construction Fund - Trsfr. from General Fund 2,682.91 786 - Construction Fund - Trsfr. Spec. Asst. Constr. 38,672.75 787 - General Fund - Trs£r. from G.0. 59-1 12,676.18 788 - Spec. Assessment Constr. fram G.O.B. & I. 60,118.40 789 - Robert P. Brorby, Attorney for R. N. Marriner 50.00 790 - Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld & Wallace 21,248.25 791 - Beverly &Weidman 5,222.79 ADJ0~: There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned by the Acting President at 9500 P.M. ernon J. Wal~- A~cting 'President Earle F. Pankost, Clerk & Ex-Officio Secy.