HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959 01/03 - 1959 12/30MINUTES OF TP~E SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOAi~D OF DIRECTOiRS OF T~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 3, 1959 The Board ¢ Directors of the South Tahoe £~blic Utility District m t in Special Session at the D~str~c.t Office, Mountain View Avenue, BijOu Park, California, at 4.00 p.m. on January 3, 1959, pursuant t~the call of the President. PURPOSE OF ~,'~ETING: .Meeting was called for the purpose of deciding wkether to instruct Manager Pankost to issue a per- mit to Mr. Herb Poole, Tahoe Sands Motel, to connect their laundry on Lot No. 20 of Harlow Acres. ROLL CALL .~ :~Upon roll call, there were oresent Directors Gersick, Goeringer ~d Pankost. MINUTES: Rqading of minutes of ~revious meeting was postponed until the ~ext regular meeting· BUSINESS: ~After discussion, it was decided to permit a tem- porary Cbn~ection between the present Tahoe Sands Motel system into Lot 2~, Harlow Acres· In consideration of this permit, Mr. Poole agrees that the Tahoe Sands Motel will change the connection and connect to the line running down the street as soon as said line is installed. Also, it is agreed that the owners of the Tahoe Sands Motel will ~ive the District a 10' easement across the Tahoe Sands property through the driveway which now exists between their buildings and the Brenzel property· Motion was Made by Director Gersick, seconded by Director Pankost, to accept ~h.e foregoing. Motion was approved by the following vote: ~ AYES:~ Directors Gersick, Goeringer and Pankost. NOES:: None. ABSENt: None. ADJOURNMENt: There being no further business before the Board, the 'meeting Was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. ~E~I-e ~F./Pa~ost Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary ~Norman~L. Goerin~er, Presi~nt. MINUTES OF THE R~GULAR F~ETING 0F THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS January 8, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public UtiIity District met in regular session at the District Office, Mountain View Avenue, Bijou Park, California, on January 8, 1959 at 2:15 p.m. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present DirectPrs Gersick, Goeri'nger and Pankost. Also present were Accodntant Lucot, Attorney Beverly, Inspector Miller, Sanitarian ~ortensen, and Mrs. Julia Opperman. MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of December 26, 1958, and of fhe Special Meeting of January 3, 1959, were read and approved as corrected. REPORTS: Director Pankost reported that a 4" pump used for spraying at the plant broke down and, upon inspection by Munz Pumps, Inc., it was found that the pump had to be repaired which has been done. Director Pankost reported that, due to the fact the District spent nearly $2,000 this summer to remove sand from the collection pond by a dragline and, within 90 days, the sand was back, he had designed a sand pump--a 4" centrifugal pump driven by a Plymouth or Dodge motor--to ~ constructed by Munz Pumps, Inc. This will remove more sand with the present employees than a dragline ever could. Motion was made by Director Gersick, seconded by Director Pankost, that Director Pankost be authorized to purchase a sand pump at a cost not to exceed $750.00. Motion was approved by the following vote: AYES: Directors Goeringer, Gersick, Pankost. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Director Pankost reported that an inspection was made by Sanitarian Mortensen of all of the restaurants, both on California and Nevada sides of the Stateline, and all property found lacking in either services or equipment, or both, with the exception of Ski Run Lodge. - Attorney Becerly reported that all papers on the recent annexation are now completed and will be sent to Orrick, Dahlquist, Herrington & Sutcliffe. Resolution No. 121, adopted at the Regular Meeting held on December 26, 1958, has been recorded at a cost of $26.00. Notice has been prepared and as soon as map is received, notice will be recorded by February l, 1959, in time for taxation in the new ~. Discussion of Street Lighting Survey Repol't o~ Ski ~un Boulevard No action was taken. · CORRESPONDENCE: Letter of eanuary 2, 1959 to Douglas County Sewer Improvement District #1 requesting a joint meeting to be arranged between them and the South Tahoe 3ublic Utility District. Letters to Oliver's Club, Circus Room, Wagon Wheel, Do-Nut Den, South Shore Coffee Shop, Donut Shop, Pancake House, Kontiki, and Ski Run Lodge relative to grease traT~s. Let%er to Aram Harootunian, all dated ~anuary 2, 1959. Letter January 7, 1959, to Robert Downer, Road Commissioner, E1 .Dorado County, re issuance of encroachment permits. PETITIONS: None. OLD BUSINESS: Letter of Agreement, dated ~anuary 6, 1959, between Tahoe Sands Motel and South Tahoe Public Utility District read and discussed. Motion was made b~ Director Gersick, seconded by Director Goeringer, that paragraph pertaining to maintaining and replacing of the pavement be deleted a~ letter of agreement approved as corrected. Motion was approved by the following vote: AYES: Directors Gersick and Goeringer NOES: None NOT VOTING: ~irector Pankost. ABSENT: Non~. Lease for new office space in Clarke Building read and discussed. graph number 17 was added as follows: Para- "Lessees'shall have the option to renew this lease for an additional two years commencing January 15, 1961 and ending January 15, 1963, at the same terms and conditibns as herein stated, provided, however, that Notice of Intent to Renew shall be given to the Lessor on or before December 15, 1960." Motion was made by Director Gersick and seconded by Director Pankost that Lease as corrected be adopted and voted as follows: AYES: DireCtors Gersick, Goeringer and Pankost. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Accountant Lucot brought up the subject of office furniture and equip- ment for the new office space. Director Gersickimade a motion, seconded by Director Pankost, that the Accountant be authorized to purchase such office furniture and equip- ment as necessary, with the understanding that payment is not to be made until FY 1960. Motion was carried to vote and approved as follows: AYES: Directors Gersick, Goeringer, Pankost. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Motinn was ma. de by Director Pankost that the Attorney we instructed to prepare an Ordinance setting forth the rules and regulations for annexa- tions to the District. Motion was seconded by Director Goeringer and approved by the following vote: AYES: Directors Gersick, Goeringer, Pankost. NOES: None. ABSENT:None. Attorney Beverly was so instructed to prepare the Ordinance. NEW BUSINESS: None. CLAIMS: Following claims were approved and paid as follows: Checks Nos.' 195 - A. S. Darpinian, refund -- 196 - A. S. Darpinian, refund -- 197 - A. S. Darpinian, refund -- 198 - Rudy Gersick, refund -- 199 - A. Van Ballen, refund -- 200 - Geo. Hickey, refund -- 201 - 0. F. Evans, refund -- 20~ - F. K. Rahbeck, refund -- 203 - M. Souza, refund -- 204 - ~. G. Gannon, refund -- 205 - Edward Silvera, refund -- 206 - M. Pippert & H. Hooper, refund -- 207 - E. Clemmer, refund -- 208 - Hilda Montgomery, refund -- 209 - H. Gould, refund -- 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 210 - D. Talbot, refund -- 211 - Del Lucot -- 212 - VOID 213 - ~. L. FUller -- 214 - Belle Bender -- 215 - Belle ~ender -- 216 - Tahoe Office Supply -- 217 - £. F. Pankost -- 218 - Western Truck Lines -- 219 - Western Truck Lines -- 220 - Lake Tahoe News 221 - A. L. FUller -- 222 - Sierra Power Co. -- 223 - Sierra Pow er Co. -- 224 - Ed Shinn -- 225 - A. Carlisle & Co. -- 226 - Service Bureau Corp. -- 227 - Don Clarke -- 228 - Belle Bender (Office suplolies) $ 3.OO 187.50 618.70 43.75 43.75 8.82 75.40 lO.16 13.97 948.15 1.O0 23.26 358.15 1400.00 95.39 385.36 75O.OO 29.00 ADJ~.URNMENT: There being no further ~usiness before the Board, motion was made by Director Pankost, seconded by Director Gersick, th~at meeting be adjourned until Thursday, January 15, 1959, and motion being unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. /c ~e ~F. P~nkost ~ j Clerk and Ex-Officio ~ecretary. /NOrman L. Goe~lnger, Fresiden~ J MINUTES OF T~E ADJO~,EN£D tt.~GULAE I~£TING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 15, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met at 2:30 p.m. on January 15, 1959, at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, in an adjourned s~ession of the regular meeting of January 8, 1959. Meeting was called to order by the President at 2:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Pankost and Goeringer. Also present Accountant Lucot, Inspector Miller and ~anitarianMortensen. I~INUTES: Reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of January 8, 1959, was postponed until the next regular meeting. ~PORTS: Director Pankost reported that one of the property owners in Rancho Bijou is having sewer difficulty. Director Pankost made a motion, seconded by Director Goeringer, that he (Director Pankost) check Rancho Bijou, Nagy Tract, about the forming of an Assessment District and have ~¢r. Nagy see if people want t,o sign petitions to install sewer lines, and it was so ordered. C 0RRES PONDENCE: None. PETI TI 0NS: None. OLD BUSINESS: Paragraph 17 of the Lease for the new offices was discussed and rewritten to rea~ as follows: "SEVENTEENTH: That the Lessees shall have the option to renew this lease for an addi- tional two years commencing January 15, 1961 and terminating January 14, 1963, at th$ same terms and conditions as herein stated wi{h the exception of the rent and that, for such renewal, shall be a reasonable rent under the then existing conditions. Provided, however, that the Notice of Intention to renew shall be given to the Lessors on or before December l, 1960." NEW BUSINESS: Director Pankost stated that one of the office regulations'to go into effect immediately should be that when any person desires to take any papers out of this office, he must leave a receipt therefor. Director Goeringer instructed Director Pankost to contact the Sierra Power Company and instruct them to go ahead ~ith the Ski ~un Lighting and to direct Attorney De~rly to make up an Ordinance setting forth the charges for the street lights on the Boulevard. CLAIM~: Following claims were presented and approved for payment: Check No. 229 - Belle Bender -- 230 - Del Lucot -- 231 - Beverly & Weidman -- ~32 - Wm. Mortensen -- $43.75 119.50 275.00 332.20 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business before the Board, motion was made by Director Pankost, seconded by Director Goeringer, that the meeting be adjourned until the next regu- lar meeting~ Adoption by unanimous vote, and meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary //No~m'a'n L. Goerin, ge~, President. MINUTES 01~ TIlE REGULAR ~ETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 0E Tm SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 22, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the new quarters of the District Office, Clarke Building, Highway 50 and Beach Boulevard, Tahoe Valley, Cali£ornia~ on January 22, 1959. Meeting was called to order by the President at 2:20 p.m. ~OLL CAEL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer and Pankost. Absent, Director Gersick. Also present were Accountant Lucot and Attorney Beverly, Inspector Lee Miller and Sanitarian Mortensen. MINUTES: Minutes of the previous regular meeting of January 8 and its adjourned meeting of January 15, 1959, were read and approved as corrected. REPORTS: Accountant Lucot reported zhat another bill, which can- not be understood, was received from Ed. Shinn. Attorney Beverly suggested that i~. Shinn be required to submit a bill showing charges and credits and dates therefor in detail as his bills are so confused that we cannot act on them. Director Pankost reported that the South Tahoe Public Utility District had moved into the new offices in the Clarke Building on January 17, 1959. Attorney Beverly reported that he and Accountant Lucot met with ~. John Laxalt and ~M. Cartilage, Attorney and Auditor respectively for the Douglas County Sewerage Improvement District No. l, at which time various agreements were reached. There was considerable discussion on this report and the proposed new contract to be entered into with Nevada, suggesting and setting forth eliminations of certain existing clauses in the present contract and new clauses to be inserted into the new contract. The Eeport was tabled until next meeting when it would be more complete. The report relati'~e to the assessment district for the Nagy Tract was brought up but Attorney Beverly stated that he cannot make a report on this without a description of the properties to be included. Director Goeringer said that the Board would instruct the engineers to prepare a boundary map and furnish us with suf- ficient information so that we may proceed with the assessment district in question. Director Pankost reported that he had talked with ~. Aberley, of Brown and Caldwell, relative to the installation of the sewer lines before the widening of the Highway. Director Pankost reported that the Engineers have advised him that the bond election would be held during the latter part of March, 1959. Director Pankost reported that Attorneys Hughes, Maul and Fogerty had received a letter from ~r. Franklin Dill in reply to their letter and Mr. Dill wanted to know when and where the plant would be located and whether the~'e would be any odors therefrom. CO~RESPQNDENCE: Letter January 20, 1959, to the Sierra Pacific Power Company relative to installation of lights on Ski Run Boulevard. Letter of Agreement, dated January 22, 1959, for signature of the owners of Holiday Lodge. PETITI I~NS: None. OLD BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: Director Pankost brought up the question of chargin~ persons who are only "stubbed in" and who do not have facilities for use of sewers. This was discussed at length and Director Pankost made a motion, seconded by Director Goeringer, that all persons having sewer~line available but who have no need therefor because of lack of facilities for its use, shall not be charged for such service as provided by Ordinance 34, and any charges so made in the past to such persons a~e to be refunded. Upon being carried to vote, motion was passed as follows: AYEs: Directors Goeringer and Pankost. NOES: None. ABSENT: Director Gersick. Ordinance No. 36, setting forth charges for street lighting, was discussed and Attorney Beverly was directed to prepare a new one wherein each new area comi~ up will automatically become a part of the whole District without the necessity for a new ordinance to be drawn up each time. Relative to the posting of documents, Attorney Beverly said that all documents requiring posting in three public places are to be posted at the following locations: Stateline Post Office Bijou Post Office Tahoe Valley Post Office. Director ~ankost asked Attorney Beverly if Ordinance No. 23 applies to the new District. Attorney Beverly replied that it does not apply, whereupon Director Panko~t made a motion that the Attorney be instructed to correct said Ordinance 23 to include~ the annexed portion--or the entire new District. Motion was seconded by Director Goeringer and voted as follows: AYES: Directors Goeringer and Pankost NOES: None. ABSENT: Director Gersick. CLAIMS: payment: The following claims were presented and approved for Checks No. 233 - Tahoe bffice Supply -- 234 - Western Truck Lines -- 235 - Del Lucot -- 236 - Jack Holbaugh -- 237 - Harry Day -- 238 - Western E.S.C. Services -- 239 - Lake Tahoe News -- 240 - Fairbanks-Morse Co. -- 241 - E1 Dorado County -- 242 - Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. -- 243 - Earl Hanson -- 244 - Sierra P~cific Power Co. -- 245 - Tahoe Broadcasters (KOWL) -- 245 - Weaks Ind. Equipment Co. -- 246 - Rupert Crowl -- 247 - Moore Business Forms -- 249 - Tahoe Sierra Tribune -- 250 - Belle Bender -- 251 - Norman Goeringer -- 252 - Howard J. Fisher -- 253 - Geoffrey Hughes -- 254 - Del Lucot $$ 255 - Belle Bender -- 256 - Earle F. ~ankost -- 257 - Vincent Nemeth -- $ 7.72 5.10 171.00 43.00 45.OO 92.70 · .78 357.38 63.40 63.09 32.00 172.00 49.70 23.00 44.93 160.42 288.00 41.45 100.00 10.O0 500.00 129.50 41.45 290.20 15.00 258 - Ethel Clarke -- 15.00 259 - Director of Internal Revenue -- 308.66 260 - Department of Employment -- 77.78 261 - Earle F. Pankost -- 174.20 262 - Belle Bender -- 41.45 263 - A. L. Miller -- 569.58 264 - Del Lucot ~- 124.00 ADJOURNMENT: Director Pankost made a motion that, due to the fact that the next regular meeting Gay falls on February 12, 1959, which is a legal Holiday, meeting be held on Friday, February 13, 1959, and that the Secretary be instructed ~o notify all members. Motion was seconded by Director Goeringer and so unanimously approved. There 0eing no further business before the Board, the meeting w~s adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary '/Norman L. Goeringer;~ ?resident.~ MINUTES 0F THE ~EGUIJ~R ~ETING OF THE BOARD 0F DIRECTORS OF TEE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT February 13, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe ~blic Utility District met in r~gular session at the District Office, Clarke Building, Tahoe Va lley, California. The meeting was called to order by President Goeringer at 2:15 p.m. i~0LL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer, and Gersick with Director Pankost being absent. Also present were Accountant Lucot and Attorneys Beverly and Weidman. Director Goeringer was designated Acting Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary for t~e ~eeting. MINUTES: Mintues of the previous meeting of January 22, 1959 were read and, upon motion of Director Gersick, seconded by Director Goeringer, unanimously passed as corrected. iQEPORTS: Director Goeringer reported that Director Pankost was unable to attend the meeting but had reported to him that the Sand Pump is working out satisfactorily. Attorney Beverly reported that, in regard to the letter from the Bonding Attorneys, 0rrick, Dahlquist, Herrington and Sutcliffe, the additional matters requested to be forwarded to the said Bonding Attorneys were being forwarded, including Certificate of the Engineers which will be sent directly by the Engineers. Attorney Weidman reported upon the status of legislation now pending in the California State Legislature in so far as it affects Public Utility districts. Discussion was held with the Attorneys with regard to legal details of the Bond Election. Election Envelope No. 5 for the Special Annexation of the South Tahoe Public Utility District was ordered opened and two unused Ballots (Nos. 401 a nd 402) were removed and canceled. ~hese ballots are-to be sent to ~. Sprague, of 0trick, Dahlquist, Herrington and Sutcliffe, by Attorney Beverly pursuant to Mr. Sprague's request. The package was then signed by President Goeringer and resealed. Attorney Beverly reported that, in his opinion, said Ordinance No. 23 is applicable to all annexed territory whether within the perimeter of the original District or not. Since the Directors stated that this was not the intent, Attorney Beverly was instructed to redraft the Ordinance. ~0RRESPONDENCE: Letter from Kirkbride, Wilson, ~arzfeld & ~allace, dated Janu~ry 29, 1959, enclosing Resolutions Nos. 122 and ~23 and requesting that a certified copy of each be returned to them. Letter Janumry 22, 1959, from Edward L. Burton & Company, Salt Lake City, Utah. ~ Letter dated January 26, 1959, from Hughes, Maul & Fogerty, Placerville, re Heavenly Valley (View) Terrace, was read and dis- cussed and the Secretary instructed to write in reply stating that this subdivision is within the District and that sewage facilities wil~ ~e sup?lied as soon as facilities for t~e dis- posal of sewage there±~rom are available. The letter in reply to be addressed TO ~HOM IT ~Y CONCERN and sent under cover letter to Hughes, Maul and Fogerty, stating that we have written the enclosed letter as we are not in a position to say when such facilities will be available until after the Bond Election. Letter from Brown and Caldwell, dated January 23, 1959, re assess- ment areas~ Copy of letter dated January 26, 1959, from Beverly and Weidman to the State Board of Eqwalization, Sacramento, by ~hich a Notice of Change of Boundaries Was forwarded. PETITIONS: None. .OLD BUSINESS: Attorney Beverly displayed a sample copy of an "OUT-DISTRICT SEWAGE CONTRACT" form which was read and discussed, after which Director Gersick made a motion, seconded by Director Goeringer, that this contract form be approved which was done by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Gersick and Goeringer. None. Director Pankost. A co!~y of ~his contract form is inserted in the Minute Book, fol- lowing these ~nutes, and is thereby incorporated in the Minutes of this Meeting. Accountant Lucot advised that the Directors had requested informa- tion on garbage service and that he had written to the attorney for the present garbage service company (the SERV-U-GA~BAGE) and he had replied that they should like to get together with the Board and discuss further future possibilities. A proposed Ordinance, entitled AN 0~INANCE ESTABLIS}iING A SCHEDULE OF M©NTHLY CHA~GES FOR ST~ET LIG--HTING SERVI'~ES was read an~ dis- cussed~ ~' -- Attorney Beverly was directed to amend the sewarage charge as set forth in Ordinance No. 34 to show "thirty (30) days from date of mailing" and to make the same amendment to the proposed Ordinance (No. 42) regarding Street Light charges. ~SOLUTION NO. 122. A RESOLUTION C01fFI~:~.iING Ai~iENDED ASSESSI~'~ENT S~NITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 52-1~ RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the ~outh Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, almforn~a, that 0 ' ' WHEREAS, said Board did on the 9th day of October, 1958, adopt its Resolution ordering the District Engineer to make and file with ~aid Board an amended assessment of all parcels of prope_~ty the former assessments which, under Supplemental Resolu- tion of Intention No. 47 adopted by aaid Board on September 3, 1~55, are designated upon the original assessment and diagram and confirmed by said Board on October 7, 1955, and recorded in the office of the County Surveyor o±~ said County as Diagram and Assessment Numbers 81 and 59; WITE~EAS, aaid District Engineer did on the 13th day of November, 1958, pursuant to resolution ordering same, file with the Clerk and Amended ~ssessment and Diagram; WHEREAS, said Board fixed the 13th day of November, 1958, as the time for hearing said Amended Assessment and caused notice of ~aid hearing to be published twice in the Lake Tahoe News, the first publication being fifteen days before said hearing, as appears from the a£i~idavit on file in the office of the Clerk of said District; and WHE~AS, at the time and place fixed for said hearing, no protests or objections wez'e made or presented to the proposed amended assessment, and all matters and things pertaining to said amended assessment were duly heard and considered by said Board; NOW, Tt~i~F0~, IT IS G~DERED that said Amended Assessment and Diagram filed with the Clerk of Said District pursuant to resolution ordering same, be, and the same is hereby, ratified, approved and confirmed. IT Ii~ FURTHER ORDERED, that the Clerk of said District shall deliver said amended assessment to the District Engineer, together with a certified cooy of this resolution thereto attached, and said District Engineer shall thereupon record such amended assessment with a certificate at the end thereof by the Clerk of said District that it is the amended assessment approved by the said Board on November 13, 1958. The District Engineer shall note opposite the several assess- ments in said original Diagram and Assessment that it has been displaced by said amended assessment, giving its date, and shall credit upon such amended assessments all payments theretofore made upon such original assessment. ~hen said Amended Assessment has been recorded the District E~ineer shall cause the original assessment involved to be cancelled. (S) Norman L. Goeringe~ President, South Tahoe P~blic Utility District ATTEST: (S) Earle F. Pankost Clerk and ex-officio Secretary After the reading and discussion o~~ the foregoing Resolution No. 122, upon motion made by Director Gersick and seconded by Director Goeringer, said Resolution was approved by the follow- ing vote: AYES: Directors Goeringer and Gersick. N0~S: None. ABSENT: Director Pankost. 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 OUT-DISTRICT SEI~AGE CONTilACT THIS AGILEEMENT, made this____~day of between SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, COUNTY OF EL DORADO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, a public corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, here- inafter designated as District, and hereinafter designated as User, WITNESSE%M: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WHEREAS, the sewage facilities of the District are not now being used or employed to the fullest capacity for the benefit or requirements of the District or its inhabitants; and ~'/HEREAS, User desires to connect the hereinafter de- scribed property to the sewage lines of the Dist~ict, now there- fore: IT IS AGREED BEIS~EEN TIlE PAR%IEo HEt~TO AS }OLLOWo: 1. Upon Pasanent to the District of the sum of Dollars ($ _), plus the usual and ordinary inspection and connection fees of the District, User shall be permitted to connect to the sewage system of the District in compliance with all of the ordinances, rules and regulations of the District. 2. In consideration of the District supplying sewage disposal to said property, ~8ser shall pay to District the service charges set by District ordinance, plus a sum equal to the taxes which would be assessed against said property if the same were in- cluded within the boundaries of the District. Said sum shall be due and payable on or before thirty (30) days after billing by the District to the User. 3. The obligation of District to s~pply sewerage shall cease upon the failure of User to pay any sums due District from User w' ~' ztaln the time provided herein. 1 ? 8 10 11 12 15 14 1§ 18 2O 21 22 2~ 24 2§ 28 ~0 $1 ~2 4 5 6 4. T~is agreement may be terminated by either party 'upon ninety (90) days written notice to the other. 5. The property hereinabove referred to bears the County of E1 Dorado Assessor's Code No. _, and is more par- ticularly described as: IN ~'~ITNESS %~'~EREOF, we have set our hands the day, month and year first above written. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT A ? TTEST: ecretary (EAL) DISTRICT. UoER. 2 ~.QESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, that I#HE~EAS, said ~oard did on the 9th day of October, 1958, adopt its Resolution ordering the District Engineer to make and file w~th s&id Bca rd an amended assessment of all parcels of pro- perty t_~e former assessments which, under Resolution of Intention N'o. 72 adopted by said Board on August 8, 1956, are designated upon tlhe original assessment and diagram and confirmed by said .Board on September 20, 1956, and recorded in the office of the County Surveyor of said County as $iagram and Assessment Number 143; W~EAS, said District Engineer did on the 13th day of November, 1958, pursuant to Resolution ordering same, file with the Clerk an Amended Assessment and Diagram; ~HEEEAS, said Board fixed the 13th day of November, 1958 as the time for hearing said Amended Assessment and caused notice of said hearing to Oe published ~ice in the Lake Tahoe News, the first publiOation being fifteen days before said hearing, as appe~rs from the affidavit on file in the office of the Clerk of said District; and WHE!~EAS, at the time and place fixed for said hearing, no protests, or objections were made or presented to the proposed amended assessment, and all matters and things pertaining to said amended assessment were duly heard and considered by said Board; NOW,THEreFORE, IT IS ~DERED that said Amended Assess- ment a nd Diagram filed with the Clerk of said District pursuant to resolution ordering ~ame, be, and the same is hereby, ratified, approved and confirmed. IT IS ~RT~R ORDEREO, that the Clerk of said District shall deliver ssid amended assessment to the District Engineer, to- gether with a certified copy of t~is Resolution thereto attached, and said District Engineer shall thereupon record such amended assessment with a certificate at the end thereof by the Clerk of said District that it is the amended assessment aporoved by the said Board on November 13, 1958. · The District Engineer shall note opposite the several assess- ments in aaid original Diagram and Assessment th.t it has been displaced by said amended assessment, giving its date, and shall credit upon such amended assessments all payments theretofore made upon such original assessment. ~.en said Amended Assessment has been recorded the District Engineer shall cause the original assessment involved to be cancelled. ATTEST: ~S) Norman L. Goeringer Presidmnt, South Tahoe Public Ntility District (S) Earle F. ~ankost Clerk and ex-officio Secretary. After the reading and discussion of the foregoing Resolution No. 123, upon motion by Director Gersick, seconded by Director Goeringer, said Resolution was approved an.i adopted by the following vote: AYES: Directors Goeringer and Gersick. NOES: None. ABSENT: Director Pankost. ORDINANCE NO. 41. AN ORDINANCE Pi{OVIDING ~'OR TI~ AND PLACE OF MEETIN.3S , i{ULSS 0~__1' PROCEDDINGS ~ ~%ND FOR C..~LLING OF- S~IAL ~E~'~NGS · BE IT ENACTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTOiQS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY BISTRICT, COUNTY OF EL DO~RADO, STATE OF CALIFOi~NIA, as follows: Section 1. DEFINITIONS. Unless the context requires otherwise, the following terms shall have the following meanings: "District" shall mean South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, St~te of ~alifornia. "Board" shall mean the Board of directors of the District. "President" shall mean the president of the Board. "Secretary" shall mean the clerk and ex officio Secretary of the Board. Section 2. MEETING PLACE. All regular meetings of the Board shall be held'""at the general offices of the District, lo- cated at the corner of U.S. Highway No. 50 and Beach Boulevard, within the District. Section 3? TIME OF MEETINGS. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the second and fourth Thursdays of every month, commencing at 2:00 o'clock P.M.; provided~ however~ that should said day fall upon a legal holiday, then said meeting shall be held at the same time on the next day thereafter ensuing which is not a legal holiday. Section 4. SPECIAL i~ETINGS. Special meetings of.the Board may be called'"at any time by the president, or by a majority of the Board. Written notice of the time and place of such special meeting shall be delivered personally or by mail to each member of the Board and to each local newspaper of general circulation, Radio or television station requesting notice in writing at least twenty- four (24) hours before the time of such meeting as specified in the notice. The call and notice shall specify the time and place of the special meeting and the business to be transacted. No other b~siness shall be considered at such meetings by the Board. Such written notice may be dispensed with as to any member of the Board who at, or prior to the tithe the meeting convenes, files with the Secretary a written waiver of notice. Such waiver may be given by telegram. Such written notice may also be dispensed with as to any member who is actually present at the meetin~ at the time it convenes. Section 5. ADJOURNED M~ETINGS. The Board may adjourn any regular, adj~.~ur~ed regular, special or adjourned special meet- lng to a time and plaice specified in the order of adjournment. Less than a quorum may so adjourn from time to time. If all member's are a~sent from any regular or adjourned regular meeting, the clerk or secretary of the Board may declare the meeting ad- journed to a stated time and place and he shall cause a written notice of the adjournment to be given in the same manner as pro- vided in Section 4 hereof for special meetings, unless such notice is waived, asprovided for special meetings. When a regular or adjourned regular meeting is adjourned as provided in this section, the r~sulting adjourned regular meeting is a regular meet- ing for all purposes. When an order of adjournment of any meeting fails to state the hour at which the adjourned meeting is to be held, it shall be held at the hour specified for regular meetings by this ordinance. Section 6. PUBLIC MEETINGS. All meetings of the Board shall be open and p6'blic, and all persons shall be permitted to attend any meeting of the Board except as provided in Section 54957 of the Government Code of the State of California. Section 7. ORDER OF ~USINESS. The order of business of the meetings of the Board shall ~be as follows: Roll Call Reading of Minutes Reports Correspondence Petitions 01d Business New Business Claims Ad j ournment 2rovided~ however, that the Board may, at any time, in its dis- ~retion, -t~ke an~ ma tter under monsideration out of order. Section 8. SEYERABILITY. If any article, section, sub- section, sentence,-clause or phrase of this ordinance, or the ap- plication thoreof to any person or circumstance, is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or the application of ~uch ~rovisions to other persons or circum- stances. The Board hereby ~eclares that it would have !~assed this ordinance, or any article, section, su~-section, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more articles, sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or ~hrases be declared to ce unconstitutional. .~ection 9. REPEALS. with are hereby re~ealed. All ordinances in conflict here- Section lC. POST~NG, P~BLICATION AND E~F~CTI~E DATE. Upon adoption, t~is ordinance shall be posted in t~ree (3) public places in the District, at least seven (7) days prior to the ex- piration of thirty (30) days from the d ate of its passage, a nd shall be published in the LA~ TAHOE ~EWS, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the District, at lease seven (7) days prior to thirty (30) days from the date of its passage, and sh~ll take effect upon the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its adoption. Adopted February 13th, 1959, ~y the following vote: AYES: Directors Gersick and Goeringer. NOES: None. AH~ENT: Director Pankost. ATTEST: (S) Norman L. Goeringer President of Board of ~Directors of~ South !?ahoe Public Utility District (S) Earle F. P~nkost ~lerk and''E~-0ffmcmo Secretary of South Tahoe ?oblic ~tility District. The foregoing Ordinance w~; read and discussed and, upon motion by Director Gersick and seconded by Director Goeringer, ~aid Ordinance No. 41 was approved and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Directors Goeringer and Gersick. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: Director :'ankost. NE~ 2~SINESo: Accountant Lucot advisedthat the District [~ffice is · ~ ne,§d of ~some sort of duplicating machine. He also requested an order to have signs made and hung. An increase in the salary of the Directors was discussed and tmbled for the t~me being. Accountant Lucot reported that Check No. 238, the last one issued to the Western E.S.C. Service, Inc., in the amount of $92.70 had been returned with the satement that the payee had checked further and determined that the District's position was correct and the amount had been previously paid. CLAI~: The following claims were presented and paid as follows: Checks Nos. 265 -William Mortensen -- 266 - Dept. of Internal Revenue -- 267 - Belle Bender -- 268 - Del Lucot -- 269 - Beverly and ~eidman -- 270 - Rupert Crowl -- 271 - County of E1 Dorado -- 272 - Lake Tahoe Typswriter Co. -- 273 - Nevada Lumber Co. -- 274 - Pac. Tel. & Te~. Co. -- 275 - Tahoe Office Supply QQ 276 - Curley Lang -- 277 - Murray's Stationery -- 278 - Sierra Pac. Power Co. -- 279 - Sierra Pac. Power Co. -- 280 - Sierra Pac. Power Co. -- 281 - Don Clarke -- $334.14 121.O0 41.45 127.00 610.48 35.24 51.00 18.00~i~ 43.93 84.65 58.81 66.00 280.54 311.20 28.50 358.15 25O.OO 8 -. A. er~ick-- ~ . 284 r.D~ ~UQ~-~ -r ~ ADJOURNMENT: upon mormon ox D~rec~or ~ersick, seconded by Director Goeringer, the meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m. until Monday morning at 9:00 a.m., February 16, 1959, for discussion of further business. t~. S. Gers~ck, Clerk and Ex-Officio Sec. Pro Tern. N~rman L. Goerin~er, Presi~nt. MINUTES 0_:' T~ ADJOURNED ~GULAR ~;ETING OF TH~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. February 16, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met a t 9:00 a.m. on February 16, 1959, in an adjourned session of the regular meeting of February 13, 1959, at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley. The meeting was called to order by President Goeringer at 9:00 a.m. ~OLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Gersick and Director Goeringer. Director Pankost was absent. Director Goeringer appointed Director Gersick as Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary Pro Tem. MINUTES: Reading of the ~inutes of the regular meeting of the 13th of February was postponed for reading at the next regular meeting. REPORTS: Director Goeringer reDorted tba. t the Resolutions and Ordinances necessary for the coming Bond Election and Increase in the number of Directors would be ready for submission to and ado~tion by the Board of Directors on Friday, February 20, 1959. Upon motion of Director Gersick, seconded by Director Goeringer, it was passed that the adjourned regular meeting, held at the above date and ~ime, be further adjourned until Friday, February 20, 1959, at 2:00 o'clock p.m. at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Yalley, California. ~JOURN~NT: On aporoval of the above motion, duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 o'clock a.m. to February 20, 1959, at 2:00 o'clock p.m. at the District Offices, for discussion of further business with regard to said election and other matters. R. S. G£RSiCK, Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary, Pro Tem. Norman L. Goerin~er, PresidentY ,.~~ Es[r~e'- F: ~Pank6~t Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary. MINUTES OF THE SECOND ADJOURNED ~GULAR ~JETING 0P THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 0P TH~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT February 20, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in the District Office, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, Cali- fornia, in the second adjourned regular meeting of February 13, 1959, which regular meeting was previously adjourned to February 16, 1959, at 9:00 a.m. and said first adjourned meeting of said regular meeting was adjourned to February 20, 1959. PURPOSE OF ~ETING: The meeting was held to act on the Resolutions and Ordinances necessary for the calling of a Bond Election and Election for an increase in number of Directors on March 24, 1959 ani other matters. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer and Pank6st. Director Gersick was absent. Atao present were Attorney John Weidman and Accountant Del Lucot. MINUTES: Reading oi~ the regular meeting an~ the adjourned regular meeting was postponed for reading at the next regular meeting. 'SOUTH TA~0E'-~%-'~ UTTLI TY SI S~ CT-D~~~-~ IF£EREST-~D' NECESSITY 0P S'bUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTIL--~ D-~TRICT DEFEND THE ACQUISITION, CONSTR~T~ND C~ O~L~TION BY SAID DISTRICT OF A PUBLIC UTILITY, TO WIT: Ii~R0¥~NT 0~ TY2~ SANITARY ~EWAGE DI~"~0~AL BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District as follows: 1. ~hat the public interest and necessity of Oouth Tahoe Pu61ic Utility District demand the acquisition, construction and completion by said District of the following public utility, to wit: Improvement of the sanitary sewage disposal system, including the ~cq~isition and construction of trunk sewers, force mains, pumping stations, sewage effluent disposal facilities, a new treatment plant, manholes, lands, easements, rights of way, equipment, pipes, valves, fittings and other works, property, or structures necessary or convenient for the improvement of the sanitary sewage disposal system of South Tahoe Public Utility District. 2. That the acquisition, construction and completion of said public utility are necessary and convenient to carry out the objects, purposes and powers of said District. PASSED AMD A~0PTED this 20th day of February, 1959, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Goeringer and Pankost. None. Director Gersick. Attest: ($) Norman L. Goeringer President of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District. (S) Earle F. P~mkost Secretary of said Board of Directors The foregoing Resolution was read by Director Pankost and, upon motion duly made by Director Pankost and seconded by Director Goeringer, was approved and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Goeringer and Pankost. None. Director Gersick. RESOLUTION NO. 12~._A RESOLUTION 0F THE BOAZ~D OF DI~CTORS OF SO~TH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DETERMINING THAT TH~ COST OF PUBLIC UTILITY WORKS PROPOSED TO BE ACQUIRED~ CONSTRUCTED AND COMPL~TED CANNOT BE PAID FROM ~VENUES OF THE DISTRICT FR0~-~HE OPERATION OF ANY ~-~BL-~ UTILITY. ' ~ ' WHEREAS, this Board of Directors has determined that the public interest and necessity of South T~hoe Public Utility ~istrict demand the acquisition, construction and completion by said District of a public utility, to wit: Improvement of t~e sanitary sewage disposal system of said District; and 'WHEREAS, the existing sanitary sewage disposal system of South Tahoe Public Utility District (the only public utility operated by said District) produces insufficient revenues to enable it to acquire improvements to said sanitary sewage disposal system, and in order to acquire, construct and complete improvements to said sanitary sewage disposal system said District must incur a bonded indebtedness therefor; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District as follows: The cost of said public utility, to wit: Improvement of the sanitary sewage disposal system of said District, cannot be paid from revenues of said District and said District has no revenues from the operation of its existing public utilities su~icien~ ~o enable it ~o acquire improvements ~o the sanitary sewage disposal system and in order to acquire, construct and complete said improvements it is necessary for South Tahoe Public Utility District to incur a bonded indebtedness. PAS~ED Ah~D ADOPTED this 20th day of February, 1959, by the following vote: AYES: EOES: ABSENT: Directors Goeringer and Pankost. None. Director Gersick. ATTEST: (S) Norman L. Goerin~er President of Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District (S) Earle F. Pankost Secretary of said Board of Directors The foregoing Resolution was read by Director Pankost and, upon motion by Director Pankost, seconded by Director Goeringer, said Resolution No. 125 was approved and adopted by the following vote: &YE~: ~irectors Goeringer and Pankost. NOES: None. ABSENT: Director Gersick. ~SOLUTION NO. 126. ~SOLUTiON 0F THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ~E PUBLIC ILI~Y DISTRIC~ APPR-~G ~LANS AND ES~MATES ~_STS~__P THE ~OQbISITION." CONS'TRUCTION A__ND~iPLET[0-N OF PUBLIC UT'~IT-~COMioRISiNG K~ IkPROVEMEi~ UP THE-SANITARy DISPOSAL SYS'~EM 0F SAID ~I~RI'CT, ANO ~0a~~NG ~ASU~ ~UBMIS~ION T0 ]~L~T~. WHEREAS, the Bca rd of Directors of South Tahoe ~ublic Utility District on the 20th day of February, 1959, duly passed and adopted its resolution determining ths~t the public interest and necessity of South Tahoe Public Utility District require the acquisition, construction and completion by said District of a public utility, to wit: Improvement of the ~anitary sewage dis- posal system; and ~HEREAS, this Board of Directors has ~orocured plans and estimates of the costs of the acquisition, construction and com- pletion of said public utility and estimates of the revenues that can be expected to be derived from said public utility; which plans and estimates of costs and expected revenues were placed on file with thi~ Board of Directors within Iess than sixty (60) days before February 20, 1959, to wit, on January 20, 1959; and W~EAS, the existing sanitary sewage disposal system (the o~ly ~ubllc utility operated by said District) produces in- sufficient revenues to enable it to acquire improvements to said sanitary sewage disposal system, and in order to acquire, con- struct and complete improvements to said sanitary sewage disposal system said District must inc:~r a bonded indebtedness therefor; and WHEREAS, this Board of Directors finds and ~termines that there is no necessity for negotiating for offers for the sale to said District of any existing utilities for the reason that there is no existing utility or utility works of the character herein described within the boundaries of said District and none suffi- ciently near thereto to be useful to said District; NO~,TH_EREFORE, BE IT ~SOLV~ by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe ~ublic Utility District as follows: 1. ~he plans and estimates of cost for the acquisition, construction and completion by said District of the following public utility, to wit: Improvement of the sanitary sewage disposal system, including the acquisition and construction of new sewage lines, the extension, realignment and replacement of existing sewage lines, bridge crossings, manholes, lands, easements, rights of way, equip- ment, pipes, valves, fittings and other works, properties or struc- tures necessary or convenient for the improvement of the sanitary sewage disposal system of the ~outh Tahoe ii~blic Utility District, procured by said Board o£ Directors, be and they are herevy adopted and approved as the plans and estimates of said District. 2. There is hereby formulated for submission to the electors of South Tahoe l~blic Utility District the following, measure, to wit: MEASU~: Shall the South Tahoe Public Utility (Improvement of District incur a bonded indebtedness Sanitary Sewage in the principal amount of $2,500,000 Disposal System) bearing interest at a rate not exceed- ing 6% per annum, payable annually the first year and semi-annually thereafter, for the acqui- sition, construction and completion of the following public utility, to wit: Improvement of the sanitary sewage disposal system, including the acquisition and construction of trunk sewers, force mains, pumping stations, sewage effluent facilities, a new treatment plant, manholes, lands, easements, rights of way, equipment, pipesl valves, fittings and other works, property, or structures necessary or con- venient for the improvement of the sanitary sewage disposal system of South Tahoe Public Utility District? PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of February, 1959, by the following vote: AYES: Directors Goeringer and Pankost. NOES: None. ABSENT: Director Gersick. ATTEST: (S) Norman L. Goeringer President o£ the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District Earle F. Pankost Secret~ry of said ~oard of Directors The foregoing Resolution No. 126 was read and upon motion by Director Pankost, seconded by Director Goeringer, said Resolution No. 126 was approved and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Goeringer and ?ankost. None. Director Gersick. RESOLUTIONmNO' 127. RESOLUTION CAI~ING FOR NOTICE O3 SPECIAL ELECTION, INSTRUCTING CLERK TO P~PAP~ FOR SPECIAL ELECTION ~ND ASTHORIZING EXPENDITU~S F--~R--~LECTiON EXPENSES. BE IT RESOLVED BY T~ BOARD OF DIi~ECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILIT-~ D--~STRICT, Cou'-~ty of E1 Dorado, State of 'C~rnia, as follows: WHEREAS, the Board has adopted Ordinance No. 44 entitled "An Ordinance Calling for an Election on the Issue of Increasing the Number of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility ~istrict"; and WHEREAS, this Board must make provision for said election; now, therefore; IT IS O]~DE~ED: 1. That the Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary oz' this District shall cause to be published Ordinance No. 44 in the Lake Tahoe News in the manner specified in said Ordinance 44. 2. The Clerk is further authorized and directed to take all steps necessary or convenient for the preparation of said election and the Board hereby authorizes the expesditure of funds to pay the necessary and proper election expenses. Passed and adopted this 20th day of ~ebruary, 1959, at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Director Goeringer and Pankost None Director Gersick Attest: (S) Norman L. Goeringer Pre~ent of the Board of Director~ of South Tahoe Public Utility District. (S) Earle F. ~ankost ~lerk and Ex-Officio Secretary, South Tahoe Public Utility District. (SEAL) m~****** The foregoing Resolution No. 127 was read and upon motion by Director Pankost, seconded by Director Goeringer, said Resolution was a?oroved and adopted by the following vote: AYES:. Directors Goeringer and Pankost. NOES: None. ABSE~: Director Gersick. .ORDINANCE NO. 43. AN ORDINANCE CALLING A .~PECIAL ELECTION IN SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS O~ SAID DISTRICT A MEASURE AS TO WHETHER A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS 0~ SAID DISTRICT SHALL BE INCURRED ~OR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION A~D COM~IETION OF I~OVE~ENTS OF THE SANITARY SEWAGE ISPOSA~. SYSTEM; DECLARING THE ESTIMATED COST 0~ SAID I~IPROVEMENT, THE METHOD AND MAN~R OF PAY~TENT THEREFOR, .THE AMOUNT OF THE PRINCIPAL OF SAID BONDED INDEBTEDNESS TO BE INSURRED THEREFOR, AND THE MAXIMU~ RATE OE INTEREST TO BE PAID THEREON: PRESCRIBING FORM OF BONDS AND COUPONS: MAKING PROVISION FOR THE ~.EVY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES; FIXING T~tE DATE OF ELECTION, THE MANNER OF HOLDING SAM~, ESTABLISHING AN ELECTION PRECINCT AND POLLING 2LACE ~OR SAID ELECTION; APPOINTING A BOARD OF ELECTION T~FOR AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE THEREOE. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District, on the 20th day of February, 1959, duly passed and adopted a resolution determining that the public interest and necessity of said District demand the acquisition, construction and comoletion of the following public utility, to wit: Improve- ment of the sanitary sewage disposal system, including the acqui- sition and construction of trunk sewers, force mains, pumping stations, sewage effluent disposal facilities, a new treatment plant, manholes, lands, easements, rights of way, equipment, pipes, valves, fittings and other works, property, or structures necessary or convenient for the improvement of the sanitary sewage disposal system of South T~hoe Public Utility District; and thereafter duly caused plans and estimates of cost of said improvement of the sanitary sewage disposal system to be procured; and determined that there are no existing utilities or utility works of the ~ame character ~n said District, so sa~d Board cf Directors could not negotiate for offers for the sale to said District of an existing public utility or utility works, and determined that the cost of said improvement of the sanitary sewage disposal system proposed to be acquired, constructed and completed so far exceeds the revenues of said District to be derived from the operation of any public utility as to render it necessary to incur a bonded indebtedness therefor; and duly £ormulated for submission to the electors of said District a measure for lhe incurring of a bonded indebtedness for the acquisition, construction and completion of said improvement of the sanitary sewage disposal system; NOW, TItEEEFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Direc- tors of South Tahoe Public Utility District: Section 1. A special district election shall be and is hereby ordered to be held in South Tahoe Public Utility District on Tuesday, the 24th day of l~rch, 1959, at which election there shall be submitted to all persons possessing all the requirements of electors ~ under the general election laws of the State of C~lifor~ia, and who are duly qualified electors residing within said District, the question of incurring a bonded indebtedness of said District for the objects and purposes set forth in the following measure, to wit: MEASURE: Shall the South Tahoe Public (Improvement of Utility District incur a bonded Sanitary Sewage indebtedness in the principal Disposal System) amount of $2,500,000 bearing interest at a rate not exceeding 6% per annum, payable annually the first year and semiannually thereafter, for the acquisition, con- struction and completion of the following public utility, to wit: Improvement of the sanitary sewage disposal s,~-stem, including the acquisition and con- struction of trunk sewers, force mains, pumping sta- tions, sewage effluent disposal facilities, a new treatment plant, manholes, lands, easements, rights of way, equipment, pipes, valves, fittings and other works, pr~perty or structures necessary or convenient for the i~provement of the sanitary sewage disposal system of South Tahoe Public Utility District? Section 2. The estimated co~t of the acquisition, construction and' completion by said District of said public utility is $2,500,000. Section 3. The proposed method and manner of pay- ment for the acquisition, construction and completion of said improvement of the s~nitary sewage disposal system by said District is $2,500,000 from the proceeds of sale of said bonds of said District to be issued, if said bonds in the amount set forth in said measure are duly authorized by the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the electors votir~ at said election upon said measure for ~he issuance of said bonds as set forth in Se ction i he~eof. Section 4. The sum of $2,500,000 is the amount of bonded indebtedness necesaary for the acquisition, construc- tion and completion of said improve~ent of the sanitary sewage disposal system named in said measure set forth in Section 1 hereof, and the rate of interest to be paid on said bonds shall not exceed six pe~ cent (6%) per annum. Said bonds shall be known as "South Tahoe Public Utility District 1959 Sewer Bonds," and shal~ be sold in accordance with law by said Board of Directors at ouch time and at such time and in such manner as they shall determine, but shall not be sold at less than par and accrued interest. Said bonds shall be negotiable in form and of the character know~ as serial, and shall be 2500 in number, numbered consecutively from i to 2500, both inclusive, of the den~.mination of $1,000 each. All'of said bonds shall bear interest from their date until paid at the rate or rates designated by said Board of Directors at the time of the sale of said bonds, but not to exceed~six per cent (6%) per annum, payable annually the first year and semiannually thereafter. Such interest shall be evidenced by coupons attached to each bond and each of said coupons shall represent six months' inter~st on th~ bond to which it is~a ttached, except that the first coupon shall repre- sent one year's interest. Both the principal of and interest on said bonds shall ~e payable in lawful money of the United States of A~erica at the office of the County Treasurer of E1 Dorado County, the ~reasurer of South Tahoe Public Utility ~.strict, at Placerville, E1 Dorado County, California, or (if hereafter authorized by this Board of DirecTors prior to the sale of said bonds), at the Option of the holder, at the office of any duly appointed paying agent of said District. Said bonds shall bear such date as may be fixed by said Board of Directors and shall mature and be payable in con- secutive numerical order, from lower to higher, as follows: $ 20,000 principal amount in the third year after their date; and 25,000 principal amount in the fourth and fifth years after their date; and 30,000 principal amount in the sixth and seventh years after their date; and 35,000 principal amount in the eighth year after their date; and 40,000 principal amount in the ninth year after their date; and 45,~00 principal ~ount in the tenth year after their da~e; and 50,000 principal amount in the eleventh year after their date; and 55,000 principal a~ount in the twelfth year after their date; and 60,000 principal amount in the thirteenth year after their date; and 65,000 principal amount in the fourteenth year after their date~ and 70,000 pr~nczpal amount in the fiftee~2h year after their Cate; and 75,000 principal amount in the sixteenth year after their date; and 80,000 principal amount in the seventeenth year after their date; and 90,000 principal amount in the eighteenth year after their date; and 95,000 pr~nczpal amount in the nineteenth year after their date; and lO0,000 pr~nczpal sm~ount in the 2Wentieth year after their date; and ll0,000 principal amount in the twenty-first year after their date; and 120,000 principal amount in the twenty-second year after their date; and 125,000 princzpal amount in the twenty-third year after their date; and 135,000 principal amount in the twenty-fourth year after their ~ate; and 145,000 principal amount in the twenty-fifth year after their date; and 155,000 principal amount in the twenty-sixth year after their date; and 165,000 principal amount in the twenty-seventh year after their date; and 175,000 princ~oal amount in the twenty-eighth year after their date; and 185,000 princzpal amount in the twenty-ninth year Cft~r thei? date; and 195,000 pr~nc~oa± amount in the thirtieth year a~ter their date. Section 5. Said bonds shall be substantially in the following form, t?~e blanks in said form and in the form of coupon set ~orth below to be filled with ap~oropriate words or figures, name ly; UNIT~ STATES STATE OF CALiFORNI~ EL DO,dAD0 COUNTY SOUTH TA~OE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1959 SE~ER BOND No., $1,000 SOUTH TAHOE ?UBLIC UTILITY DIST~ICT, a public utility district duly organized and existing under the Con- svitution and laws of the State o£ California, hereby acknow- ledges itself indebted and for value received·promises to pay to the bearer (or if this bond be registered, to the regis- tered holder hez'eof) on the day of ., 19~, OhrE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000) together with interest thereon at the rate of per cent ( %) per annum, until payment of said principal sum in full, payable semiannually on the day of , and the day of of each year (except interest for ~he first year which is payable in one installment at the end of said year). Unless this bond is registered, such interest prior to maturity shall be ~ayable only on presentation and sur- ~render of the proper interest coupons hereto attached as they respec- tively become due. Both the principal of an interest on tlhis bond are [~ayable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the County Treasurer of E1 Dorado County, the Treasurer of said Public Utility District, at Placerville, E1 Dorado County, California, or . This bond is one of a duly authorized issue of bonds of South Tahoe Public Utility District aggregating $2,500,000 in principal amount, all of like tenor and date (except for such Variations, if any, as may be required to designate varying num- bers a nd maturities), and is issued under and pursuant to the ~rdinances and proceedings of said District duly adopted and taken and a vote and assent of more than two-thirds of all the quali- fied electors residing in said District voting at a special district election duly called and held for that purpose. It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, conditions and 'thi~s required by law to exist, happen and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have existed, happened and been performed in d~e time, form and manner as required by law, and that the amount of this bond, together with all other indebtedness of said District, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the Constitution or statutes of said State, and that provision has been made, a~ required by the Constitution and statutes of said State, for the collection of an annual tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on this bond as the same become due. The full faith and credit of said District are hereby pledged for the punctual payment of the principal and interest of this bond. This bond may be registered in t~e manner provided by law and thereafter the principal hereof and interest hereon shall be payable only to such registered owner. IN ~ITNESS WHEi~OF, THE Board of Directors of South Tahoe ~ublic Utility District has caused this bond to be signed b~? the President of the Board of Directors of the District and countersigned by the Secretary, and has caused the seal of said District to be attached hereto and the interest coupons attached hez'eto to be signed by the facsimile signature of its Treasurer ann this bond to be dated the day of 1959. Countersigned: P~'e~ident oi~ ti~e Board of Directors of South Tahoe .~blic Utility District Secretary of the Board of Direct-0~-~T. South Tahoe Public Utility District The interest coupons shall ~be substantially in the following form: Coupon No. On the day of , 19__, South Tahoe P~blic Utility Distric~will (un- less the within mentioned bond be registered) pay to the bearer at the office of the County Treasurer of E1 Dorado County, Placerville, E1 Dorado County, C~if~rnia,o Dollars, in lawful money of the United States of America, ~eing months' interest then dueon its So~th Tahoe Public Utility Dis- trict 1959 Sewer Bond, No.~ dated , 1959. TREASU~R South Tahoe Public Utility District Section 6. The Board of Directors (unless funds are otherwise ~orovided from revenues) shall annually levy and col- lect a tax sufficient to pay the annual interost on such bonds and also to pay such part of the principal as will fall due within the succeeding year and as may be necessary to provide for the sinking fund payments of the next succeeding fiscal year. Section 7. S~id special election shall ~e held and conducted ~nd the votes thereof canvassed, and the returns the~eof made, and the results thereof ascertained and deter- mined as herein p~ovided; and in all particulars not prescribed by this ordinance said election shall be held according to the provisions of law govern~l~g elections in the District. Section 8. The polls at the polling place he~einafter designated shall be opened at l:O0 o'clock P.M. (P.S.T.) of said day of eledtion and shall be ke~t open continuously thereafter until 6:00 o'clock P.M. (?.S.T.) off,said day o£~election, when the polls shall be closed (except as~provi~ed i~ Section 5734 of the Elections Code), and the election offi~e~s shall there- upon proceed to canvass the ballots ~ast thereat. Section 9. For t~e conduct of said special district election, South Tahoe Public Utility District shall constitute one special election precinct comprising all of the territory in said District. The polling place therefor and the election officers appointed to conduct said election thereat are as follows: ?0LLING PLACE: American Le~ion Hall East side of U. S. 50, i mi~ West of A1 Tahoe, California ELECTION OFFICERS: Inspector Judge Clerk Vincent Nemeth Del Lucot Ethel Clarke Section 10. The ballots to be used at said special district e~ection shall be substantially in the following form, to wit: $ : No. : (This number shall be : ~RK C~OSS (X) ON BALLOT : : torn off by Inspector : ONLY WITH RU~BE~ ST~; : : and handed to the voter): ~£VER '~,~ITH PEN OR PE~IL : : : (ABSENTEE ~LLLOTS MAY BE : : No. : MARKED ~ITH PEN AND INK : : : OE PENCIL.) : : :: (Fold ballot to this per- : : : forated line, leaving top: : : margin exposed.) : : OFFICIAL BALLOT : : SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT : : E1 Dorado County, ~alifornia : : : : SPECIAL BO~D ELECTION : : TUESDAY, MA~QCH 24, 1959 : : INST~UCTtONS TO VOTERS: To vote on any measure, stamp a : : cross (X) in the voting square :: : after the word "YES" or after the : : word "NO". : : All marks, exceot the cross (X) are forbidden. All dis- : : tinguising m~rks or erasures are forbidden and make the : : ballot void. If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface this bal-: : lot, return it to the Inspector of Election and obtain an- : : other. On absent voters' b~lots mark a cross (X) with pen : : or pencil. : ~ASU.~E: Shall the ~outh Tahoe Public : ~Improvement of Utility District incur a bonded : Sanitary Sewage indebtedness in the principal : Disposal System) amount of $2,500,000 heari~ :YES interest at a rate not exceeding: 6% per annum, payable armually the first year and : semiannually thereafter, for the acquisition, con- : struction and completion of the following public : utility, to wit: Improvement of the ~anitary sewage : disposal system, incljding the acquisition and con- : struction of trunk sewers, force mains, pumping sta-: tions, sewage effluent disposal facilities, a new :NO treatment plant, manholes, lands, easements, rights : of way, equipment, pipes, valves, fittings and other: works, property or structures necessary or con- : venient for the improvement of the sanitary sewage : disposal system of South Tahoe Public Utility Dis- : trict? : $ Section ll. Each voter to vote for said measure hereby submitted and for incurring said b¢~nded indebtedness set forth in said measure shall stamp a cross (X) in the blank space opposite the word "YES" on the ballot to the right of said measure, and to vote against said measure and against incurring said indebtedness sh~ll stamp a cross (X) in the blank space opposite the word "NO" on the ballot to the r~ght of said measure. Section 12. The returns of said election shall be directed to the Secretary of said District and shall be immedi- rely delivered by the Inspector or by some other safe and responsible carrier designated by said Inspector to said Sec- ret~ry, and the ballots shall be kept unopened for at least six months. This Boa~'d of Directors sh~l meet at its usual place of meeting on March 30, 1959, being the first Monday after said election, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. (P.S.T.) to canvass the returns and declare the results of said election. Section 13. The Secretary of South ~ahoe Public Utility District is he~eby directed, upon the ?assage and adop- tion of this ordinance, to publish the same once a week for two successive weeks in ~he LARUE TAHOE NEWS, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circulated in said District. Said Secretary is I~rther directed to post copies of said ordinance at three (3) public places in said District at least one week before the expiration of thirty (30) days after the passage of ~is ordinance. Nc.other notice of the election hereby called need be given. Section 14. This ordinance shall ~ake effect as an ordinance thirty ~ays after its passage, but prior thereto shall constitute notice of ~aid special election hero, by called. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of February, 1~59, at a regular meeting of ~he Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Goeringer and ?~nkost. None. Director Gersick. Attest: (S) Non'man L. Goeringer --President of th~~ ]~0ar---~ ~--f Dir~ctor~-- of South Tahoe Public Utility District ~) Earle F. Pankost Secretary of South Tahoe Public Utility D~str~ct After the readin.~i~ of the foregoin~ Ordinance No. 43 by Director P~nkost and motion d~ly make by Director Pankost and seconded by Director Goeringer, the Ordinance was approved and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Directors Goeringer and Pankost. NOES: None. ABSENT: Director Gersick. The proposed Ordinance establishing a schedule of monthly charges for street lighting services was read. After re~ding and a lengthy discussion, this Ordinance was tabled until the next meeting. OIQDINANCE NO. 44. AN ORDINANCE CALLING FOR AN EL~C~ION.~ ~ '~ ON THE ISSUE OF INCREASING ~'~[E NUMB~ OF DIRECTO~QS OF SOUTH T~H~-~ ~UBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. BE iT ENACTED BY THE BOAt~D O2 DIi{ECTOi~S OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIST~ICT, County of E1 Dorado, State of C~liforr~ia, as follow~: Section 1. A special election is he~'eby c~lled for the purpose of determining whether the Board of Directors of this District sh~uld be increased from three to five members, pursuant to Section 15972 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of C~.lifornia. Section 2. Said election shall -be held on Tuesday, the 24th day of M~rch, 19~-9. Section 3. Said election shall be co~'iducte~:~ oetween the hours oi' l:O0 P.~. and 6:00 P. ~i. of said day, and shall be held as provided for holding elections in Zhis District. ~ection 4. There shall be one election ~recinct, comprising the entire South Tahoe Public Utility District. The election officers shall be one Inspector, one Oudge, and one Clerk. 3ection [. The American Legion Hall, A1 Tahoe, Calm ornia, is designated as the polling place Z'oz' said election. Section 6. Notice of said election shall be posted in three public places wiZhin the district and shall be published in the Lake Tahoe News, a newspaper of general publication, printed and published within the district, at least ten ~ays before the date set for the election. Section 7. The proposition to 'be submitted to the electors shall be: "Shall the number of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District be increased from three (3) to five (5) members?" Section 8. The special election hereby called shall be and is hereby consolidated with 1:he Special Bond Election to be held in the South Tahoe Public Utility District pursuant to Ordinance No. 43 passed an:~ adopted the 20th day of February, 1959, at a regular meeting of She Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District. Section ~. The election precincts, polling places and officials of election for the special election hereby called shall be the same as those so designated by the Board of Directors of said S~uth Tahoe ~blic Utility District. Section lC. Only one form of ballot shall be used at said Special Bond Election and the election hereby consolidated herewith on which shall appear the following: : PROPOSITION: : ~Increase of : number of directors) : : $ Shall the number of the Board :YES of Directors of South Tahoe : Public Utility District be : increased from three (3) to : five (5) members? : : NO Section ll. Each qualified elector of said South Tahoe Public Utility District shall be eligible to vote at said election. Section 12. The Board of Directors of said South Tahoe Public U-~i~f~~trict shall meet on M~rch 30, 1959, a t its usual meeting place at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. and publicly canvass the election. Section 13. Each voter to vote for said proposition hereby sdbmitted for increasing the number of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District from three (3) to five (5) set forth in said Proposition, shal'l~, stamp a cross (~) in the blank space opposite the word "Yes" on the ballot to t,he right of said Proposition, an~.~ to vote ag~in~t said Proposition and against increasing said numbor of Directors, shall stamp a cross (X) in the blank space opposite tho word "NO" on the ballot to the right of the Proposition. Section 14. The returns of said election shall be directed to the Secretary of said Di~trict and shall be immediately delivered by the Inspector, or some other safe and r~s-~,onsible carrier designated by said Inspector, to said Secretary and the ballots sba ll be kept unopened for at least six (6) months. Section 15. The Secretary of South Tahoe Public Utility D~strict is hereb~ directed u~on the passage and adoption of this Ordinance to pu~01ish the same once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in ~he ~ake Tahoe News, a weekly newspaper o±~ general circulation, printed, published and circulated in said District. Said Secretary is further directed to post copies of said Ordinance at three (3) public places in said District at least one week before the expiration of thirty (30) days after the passage of this Ordinance. No other notice of this election he~eby called need be given. Section 16. This Ordinance sh~ll take effect as an Ordinance thirty-(~O) days after its passaye but prior thereto shall constitute notice of said Special Election hereby called. ? Passed and ~opted February 20, 1959, a t a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District by ~he follo~ving vote: AYES: Directors Goeringer and Pankost. NOES: None. ABSENT: Director Gersick. Attest: ~ Norman L. Goering~r President of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe ~blic Utility District. IS).Earle P~nkost Clerk and ~x-~£ficio Secretary, South Tahoe BUblic Utility District. After reading of the foregoing Ordinance, Director Pankost made a motion, seconded by Director Goeringer, that said Ordinance No. 44, as corrected, was approved and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Goeringer and P~kost. None. Director Gersick. ~ccountant Lucot asked clarification concerning the mailing of the sample ballots for the special elections and was advised by Attorney Weidman that all qualified voters who have a postoffice address which said postoffice includes territory within South Tahoe Public Utility District should be sent sample ballots. However, the Attorney further advised that those qualified voters who actUally reside within the District can vote at the special election. Upon motion of Director Pankost, seconded by Director Goeringer, the F~nager of South ~ahoe Public Utility District, was autho- rized to purchase a Postage Meter for said District. _ADJ___O~hYMEN~: There being no further business before the Board, it was moved by Director Pankost and seconded by Director Goeringer, that the second adjourned meeting of '~he regular February 13, 1959 meetin~ be adjourned. Meeting was therefore adjourned at 5;30 p.m. ~.~z. ~an~Q~, Oler~ and Ek-Officio Secretary. ~' d~orman L-~- Goerl~---~ ~'~nger, P--~id~~-~ MIhVJTES OF THE ~GULAR ~ETING OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS February 26, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public ~tility District met in regular session at the District Office, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California. The meeting was called to order by President Goeringer at 2:00 p. m. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer, Gersick ~nd Pankost. Also present were Accountant Lucot, Attorneys Beverly and Weidman, Sanitarian Mortensen, Inspector Lee Mille~~, and Mr. Brandi, o~ the Lake Tahoe News, and Mr. Woodcock of the Chamber of Commerce. MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of February 13, and its adjourned meotings of February 16 and 20, 1959, were all read, corrected and approved as corrected. REPORTS: Director Pankost reported that the timetable for the Specia i Election is moving along in accordance with the schedule set up by Mr. Sprague, of ©rrick, Dahlquist, Herrington and Sutcliffe, and that on or about March 3, 1959, we should have a report on ou~ present and future expansion of the District. Mr. Brandi inquired about publicity releases and Director Pa nkost replied that Mr. Smith, of Edward L. Burton & Company, Salt LakeeCity, Utah, will be on ~,he scene in so far as the bond election is concerned. Attorney ~eidman reported that th~re will be a consolidated election for the Bond i~sue and for the 5-man Board increase. Ordinance No. 44 in connection with the increase of t~e number of Directors will ~e published in the Lake Tahoe News March 5 and 12;,1959. Notices, required by the Bond issue Ordinance No. 4 3, were oosted and will be published February 26 and March 5, 1959. Director Pankost reported on the grease problems at the Stateline Clubs and, if we do not get rid of it, lines will be plugged. He r~ad Inspector Miller's report on ~he inspection at the Stateline Clubs at 8:00 A.M. on Tuesday, February 2~, where sewer stoppage had been caused by approximately 4' of solid grease between the 10" line and the Stateline Clubs. Director Pankost read Sanitarian ~ortensen's report on his inspec- tion and recommendations on the matter, a s given in the dated February 24, 1959, stating that both Earrah's and ~agon ~heel Clubs are quite concerned ~bout the situation of the stopped up sewers. Harrah's Club has issued written orders to the employees to the effect that grease traps must ~e cleaned every two da ys. Wagon ~heel Club stated that they will see to it that t~eir grease trapi~is maintained. Mr. Mortensen's report covered Oliver's Club, Circus Room, $~nds ~otel, and Hamburger Heaven, in addition to Harvey's igagon Wheel Saloon and Harrah's Club. Director Pankost rer~orted t~at ?~,. Armstrong assured him tb~t a grease trap will be installed immediately in the Do-Nut Den. ~m. Miller's report shows that the total flow for one day this week was 144,800 gallons at the main plant and the flow at Harrah's Club, due to grease, w~s 203,000 gallons. Accountant Lucot reported on the proces~ing of records. He will soon have all of the newly annexed owners on records. With regard to the addressing of the sample ballots, we have a list of voters on the Great~Register which will be matched against the accounting records for name, address and ~roperty t'rom which we should be able to complete the reEistration file to determine the voters as registered. Mr. Lucot forther reported t~at there are 1,414 registered voters in the Lake Valley precinct. Mrs. Lang said there are a few more last minute changes which will be given to us. 't A torney ~eidman reported he has been workim~ with Carlisle & Co. on sample ballots for the Bond issue and Director increase election. The sample ballots will ar~ive prior to March 13 and, in addition, a map of the district to accompany the sample b~llots will be available. Director Pankost asked if voters shoutd be allowed to vote where they slept or worked. Attorney Weidman stated that a voter must reside, live and sleeo in the district to be qualified. Director Pankost reported that a new impeller had been installed on the pump at the plant and it is running silently. He will send the old one to Sa cramento for repair. 0RRESP ONDENCE: None. PETIT IONS: None. OLD BUSINESS: Director Pankost suggested thaV the A~torneys write to M~,. Sprague, of Oz'rick, Dahlquist, Herrington and Sutcliffe, to ask to c~ange his opinion on who is excluded from and who is included in tae newly annexed territory. Attorney Beverly recommended that the delinquency be from the last day of ~he month following the date on which the bills were sent ou~. Director Gersick made a motion, seconded by Director Pankost, that the penalty be 5% per month for delinquency and be charged from the last day of the month following that month in which bills were mailed out. The motion was approved by the following ~ote$ AYES: Directors Gersick, Goeringer and Pankost. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Attorney Beverly suggested that proposed Ordinance No. 42 be made effective on July l, 1959. Upon motion by Dir~ctor Pankost, seconded by Director Gersick, it was agreed that said proposed Ordinance be effective July l, 1959. NEW BUSINESS: Director Pankost read a petition for exclusion of Aram Harootunian,s property and a hearing on said exclusion was set for March 19, 1959, at this office. Director Pankost introduced Mm~. Pete Woodcock, Manager of the ChamOer of Co~mnerce, who discussed with the Boa rd of Directors the furnishing of recreation and convention facilities in South Lake Tahoe. Mr. Woodcock stated that ~he Boa rd of DirectOrs of the Chamber of Commerce went on record in favor of having the South Tahoe Public Utility District construct such facilities. He also stated that ~otels are capable of housing but there are no auditorium facilities for conventions. The Chamber Board feels that the promotion of conventions for this area is imperative to the economic well-being of the community in order to make this a truly year-round recreational area. The question as to whether the facilities wo~]d be self-sup~orting wa s generally discussed, and Mr. W~odcock said that the Chamber would :30 like to have the Utility District act favorably on this suggestion, a nd wh~t they most wanted now from the Utility District is whether the District would consider the construction of such facilities. Director Goeringer directed the Attorneys to investigate and report on the legal aspects of the Chamber's request. Director Pankost said that the Chamber should take first thought for the need of recreation building for young people and that he like to have the Chamber Board of Directors go on record to have some one to work with them on this project. Director Goeringer stated that the Chamber should come up with what is wanted and how much money it will take to accomplish those aims. Director Pankost m~.de a motion, seconded by Director Gersick, that we go on record that the Utility District is definitely in favor of recreational and other f~cilities and ask the Chamber of Commerce to have its committee do some research work and ~resent us with facts and figures before fu~'ther action is taken. This motion was approved by the following vote: AYES: Directors Gersick, Goeringer and Pankost. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Director Pankost informed the Board that the insurance policy covering the ?umping Station in the amount of $10,O00--premium $40.50 for three years, will expire March 9, 1959. ~ie was instructed by the Boa rd to contact the Fessler Insurance Agency to inquire about renewal. CLAIm, S: The following claims were ap~oroved and paid as listed: Checks No. 285 - Lake Tahoe News -- 286 - Belle Bender -- 287 - Del Lucot -- 288 - Tahoe Office Supply -- 289 - ~ierra Pac. ?ower Co. -- 290 - Sierra Pac. Power Co. -- 291 - Sierra Pac. Power Co. -- 292 - Earle F. Pankost -- 293 - Earle F. Pankost -- 294 - Tahoe Supply -- 295 - Munz Pumps, Inc. -- 296 - N. L. Goeringer -- 297 - Belle Bender -- 298 - A. L. Miller -- 299 - Del Lucot -- $ 20.28 41.45 ll2.00 3.18 166.80 2.64 344.80 283.75 290.20 23.69 1287.17 181.50 41.45 446.01 147.50 ADJOURN~,~T: Director Gersick made a motion, seconaed by Director Goeringer, tfzat the meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting on Maz'ch 12, 1959. ~eeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Es~r~e-~.,,. pa~T~st - - ,~, Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary /Norman L. Goeringer, Presid~t. MINUTES OF THE REGUI~R MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRIC~ March 12, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular seswion at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, and the meeting was called to order by Director Gersick at 2:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Gersick and Pankost. Also present were Accountant Lucot, Attorney Weidman, Inspector Miller, and Engineer Richard C. Aberley, of Brown and Caldwell. Mr. Benedict, of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune, was also present during the meeting. In the absence of the President, Director Pankost made a motion, seconded by Director Gersick and unanimously approved, that Director Gersick serve as Acting President. MINUTES: Minutes of the previous meeting of February 26, 1959, were read and approved as corrected. REPORTS: Director Pankost read report from Inspector Miller in regard to stoppage of sewage in the McTavish Tract, due to damage during construction last July and August, which required two men six hours each to repair. Director Pankost reported that sample ballots were mailed to voters om March l0 a nd ll, 1959. Accountant Lucot reported that he had just received another shipment of tax roll tapes from the Assessor's Office and it appears that there are about 40% more to go on the Tax Rolls. The total registered voters listed was 1485 on record. The report of 1414 registered voters as given at the last meeting was by measurement but his list is by actual count and the total is 1485 voters as followS: Republicans ....... 618 Democrats ..... 828 Declined to state ....... 29 Non-Partisan ...... 9 Independent ...... i Director Pankost directed the stenographer to go through the records and pull out envelopes corresponding to those already returned containing sample ballot. Director Pan,cst reported that Engineer Aberley has been here two days going over the information sent in by Edward L. Burton & Company to make up a brochure to be mailed to voters. Director Pankost said that the brochures can go out with a 3¢ stamp and that there will be 1,O00 extra copies to be put on all counters in public places. Attorney Weidman suggested that the brochure state: not printed and distributed at Taxpayers' expense.', "This is Director Pankost reported that we received 48 copies of the Report on the South Tahoe Sewerage Survey from Brown and Caldwell and the Stenographer had been instructed to number all copies and keep a record of their distribution. Attorney Weidman reported relative to the question of eminent domain with regard to the Johnson Property and Director Pankost stated that Attorney Hughes ahd amended the original complaint. Director Pankost reported that Director Gersick had been presented with a summons and complaint in E1 Dorado Superior Court Action No. 9247: THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE 0F CALIFORNIA, ACTING AND THROUGH THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, PLAINTIFFS vs. ALVA BARTON, THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO, A POLICTICAL SUBDIVISION, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, ET AL. Attorney Weidman reported that he had conferred with the Dis- trict ~ttorney and that, in his opinion, little if anything could be accomplished by answering and appearing for the reason that the property involved was exceedingly small in area nd the benefits of answering to secure tax liens, if necessary for collection, would not justify the cost of appearance. CORRESPONDENCE: Reading of correspondence was postponed until the next regular meeting. .PETITIONS: Director Pankost read a petition for the exelusiom of real property from the District on behalf of Alva Barton, Melvin Springmeyer, Harvey H. Chinnock and Hazel F. Chinnock, Vincent J. Halsey and Katherine M. Halsey, Antone J. Duarte and Dorothy I. Duarte, Albert Lausche, Marjorie Johnson Springmeyer, G. M. Anderson and Knox Johnson, and set the time for hearing of said petition at the regular meeting on April 9, 1959. OLD BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: None. CLAIMS: The following claims were approved and paid as listed: Checks No. 300 - Federal Reserve Bank ..... $258.48 301 - Del Lucot ..... 136.50 302 - Belle Bender ............. 41.45 303 .... VOID ...... 304 - William Mortensen ........ 355.10 305 - D. Clarke ..... 250.00 306 - Murray's Stationery Store- 516.29 307 - Beverl~ and ~eidman ...... 696.27 308 - Tahoe Supply .............. 23.69~. 309 - Tahoe Office Supply ...... 1.54 310 - Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.--- 204.27 311 - Sierra Pacific Power Co.-- 358.15 312 - Sierra Pacific Power Co.-- 34.78 ADJOURNMENT: It was moved by Director ~Pankost and seconded by Director G~rsick that meeting be adjourned until l:O0 p.m. on March 19, 1959. There being no further business before the. Board, meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m. R. S. Gersick, Director Acting President. ~rl~' F. Pa~kostY~ r ~ ~, ~ Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 19, 1959 The Board of DireCtors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in Special Session at the $istrict Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, ~alifornia, at 2~00 p.m. pursuant to the call of Director Gersick. PURPOSE OF mETING: Meeting was called for the purpose of hearing the petition oS AramHarootunian ~ud Stella Harootunian for exclu- sion of property from the District in accordance with the notice of time and place for hearing of the Clerk-and Ex-Officio Secre- tary as provided by law. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Gersick, G6e~ringer, and Pankost. Also present was Attorney Weidm~. MINUTES: The reading of the minutes of previous meetings was postponed until the next regular meeting. REPORTS: Director Pankost reported that he had received a telephone call from Mr. Harootunian saying that he could not be present at the meeting. The Directors discussed the petition of Aram and Stella Harootunian, andlconsidered whether the e~usion thereof would be in the best interests of the District and if the land shown to be excluded would not be benefited by continued inclusion in the District. Upon motion of Director Pankost, seconded by Director Gersick, Resolution No. 128, entitled: RESOLUTION .OP THE BOARD~ OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT' ORDERING EXCLUSION TORY PURsUA~'I; T'O S.ECTIONS' 17501 THROUGH 17~lO OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES CODE OF TH~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, a petition of ARAM HAROOTUNIAN and STELLA HAROOTUNIAN to have excluded from the South Tahoe Public Utility District that certain parcel of real property situate within the said District and the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, and more particu- larly described as Lots i to 24, Block 49, A1 Tahoe Tract, was ~eceived by said South Tahoe Public U~ility District on February 17, 1959, and filed in the office of said District on February 18, 1959; and WHEREAS, the Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, at its regular meeting on February 26, 1959, set a time and place for the hearing of said petition as the 19th day of March, 1959, at 2 o'clock p.m., at the regular meeting place of the Board of Directors of said District in said District Offices at the Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, E1 Dorado County, California; and WHEREAS, the Clerk and ~x-Officio Secretary of the South Tahoe Public Utility District caused to be publishedin a news- paper of general circulation within said utility district and the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, to wit: "The Lake Tahoe News", a notice of filing said petition for exclusion of territory and including therein a notice of~the time and place for hearing said petition; and WHEREAS, an affidavit of publication of said notice of filing petition for exclusion of territory was filed with the South Tahoe Public Utility District on F~rch 19, 1959, by said Clerk and Ex- Officio Secre%ary of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, sh~wing publication of said notice in said newspaper on March 5th and March 12, 1~59S and WHEREAS,-a hearing has been held in accordance with said notice upon said petition of s aid ARAM ~OOTUNIAN and STELLA HAROOTUNIAN at 2 o'clock p.m. on March 19, 1~59, at the regular meeting place of said Board of Directors in said District offices at the Clarke Buildihg, Tahoe Valley, E1 Dorado COunty, California; now therefore, HE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District, as follows: 1. That the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public UtiIhity District~determines that~it is for the best interests of the said District that all of the land mentioned in said petition of ARAMHAROOTUNIAN and STELLA HAROOTUNIAN be excluded from the South Tahoe P~blic Utility District, and that it appears that all of such land described in s~id petition will not be benefited ~y continued inclusion in the South Tahoe Public Utility District, 2. That the land so described in said petition of ARAM HAROCTUNIANand STELLAHAROOTUNIAN is ordered excluded from the South Tahoe Public Utility District; 3. That the real property, land and territory so ex- cluded is described as follows: All that certain parcel of real property situate in the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, and more particularly described as Lots i to 24, Block 49, A1 Tahoe Tract; ~d 4. That the Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary of the South Tahoe Public Utility District be, and he hereby is, instructed to enter this Resolution ordering exclusion of said real property in the minutes of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District as an order excluding said real property, and said Clerk and Ex-Officdo Secretary be, and he hereby is, further instructad to record a copy of this resolution ordering said ex- clusion of said real property, certified by said Clerk and Ex- Officio Secretary, in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, the county in which said South Tahoe Public Utility District is situate. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 19th day of March, 1959, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Goeringer, Pankost and Gersick Directors: None Directors: None (S) Norman L. Goeringer President of the BoardOf Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. (S) Earle F. PanEost Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary''' of Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District. (SEAL) After the foregoing Resolution No. 128 was read by Attorney Weidman, Director Pankost made ~ motion, seconded by Director Gersick, that said Resolution No. 128 be approved and upon being carried to vote was adopted by the following: AYES: NCES: ABSENT: Directors Goeringer, Gersick, and Paz~kost. None None. The purpose for which the meeting was called having been accomplished, upon motion by Director Pankost, seconded by Director Gersick, meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGUI~ MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 19, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session of the regular meeting of March 12, 1959, at the District Offices, Clerks Building, Tahoe Valley, California, at l:O0 p.m. The meeting was called to order by the President at l:15 p.m. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer, Gersick and Pankost. Also present was Attorney Weidman. MINUTES: Reading of the minutes of the regular meeting was postponed until the next regular meeting. REPORTS: Attorney Weidman reported that there was a meeting between Director Pankost, Accountant Lucot, and ~. Smith, of Edward L. Burton and Company, of Salt Lake City, Utah, and that he had received a copy of a letter to Mr. Sprague, dated ~rch 16, 1959, from Mr. Smith relative to requirements and procedures for sal® of bonds if the special election is successful. Director Pankost reported that a meeting was set up for the heirs, administrators, and attorneys of the Johnson Estate and the Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District for March 21, 1959, but said meeting has been postponed by the heirs, adminis- trators, and attorneys of said estate to the 27th day of March, 1959. Mr. John Harrah came up from Arizona to attend the meeting of March 21 but will be present at the meeting on March 27th. The meeting in question will be held in the Trust Depart~en~ of the Crocker-Anglo National Bank, Seventh and "J" Streets, Sacramento, California, at 3:00 p.m. Motion was made by Director Pankost, seconded by Director Gersick, that this meeting be adjourned until conclusion of the Haaring on the Harootunian Exclusion Petition. Meeting was reconvened following the hearing of the Harootunian Petition, at 3:00 p.m. Director Pankost reported that he attended the Planning Commission Meeting at Oliver's Club on March 18, 1959, and one of prinOipal topic~ of conversation was the Brown and Caldwell Report of Survey. He further reported that the Planning Commission cf Douglas County has expressed a desire to meet with the South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors in the future. Attorney Weidmanreported that we have received Minute Book No. 2 and one for Resolutions and one for Ordinances. ,C 0RRESPONDENCE: None. PETIT IONS: None. OLD BUSINESS: Director Pankost made a motion, seconded by Director Goeringer, that an Ordinance to raise the fees of the Directors not be drawn up at present and motion was approved by the following vote: AYES: N~ES: ABSENT: Directors Goeringer and Pankost Director Gersick None. ,NE~ BUSINESS: None. CLAIMS: The following claims were presented and approved for payment: Checks No. 313 -Sel Lucot 314 - ~elle Bender ......... 315 Lake Tahoe News ...... 316 - Sierra Pacific Power - 317 - Fesler Ins. Agency --- 318 - Editha Beseler ....... $123.00 41.45 174.18 64.00 55.90 98.40 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business before the Board, motion was made by Director Gersick, seconded by Director Pankost, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion being unanimous, meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Clerk & Ex-Officio Seoretary MINU~ES OF THE ~GULAR MEETING O~ THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ~E SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTI~.,TY DISTRICT March 26, 1959 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District was set for March 26, 1959, in the usual meeting place, the Offices of the District, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California. ROLL CALL.: Upon roll call, there was present Directo~ Gersick; absent, Directors Goeringer and Pankost. ADJOURNMENT: As there was no quorum present, meeting was adjourned by Director Gersick at 2:10 p.m. /~.~ ~ ATTEST,' : .~r R.S. Gersick, Director ..~le P. ~st Clerk ~ Ex-Officio Secretary. MINUTES OP THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OP THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 30, 1959 The Boa rd of Directors of the ~outh Tahoe Public Utility District met in special session a t its regular meeting place, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, E1 Dorado County, California, on Monday, March 30, 1959. PURPOSE OF MEETING: The purpose of the meeting was to canvass the special election returns of March 24, 1959, pursuant to Ordinances Nos. 43 and 44. ROI~ CAT, T,: Upon the calling of the roll, there were present Directors Gersick and Pankost. Absent, Director Goeringer. On motion by Director Pankost, seconded by Director Gersick, Director Gersick was named President Pro Tem for the purpose of conducting said meeting only. RESOLUTION NO. 12~. A Resolution of the District Board of ~outh Tahoe Public Utility District Declaring Canvass of Returns and Result of Special Bond Election Held on March 24, 1959. WHEREAS, the District Board of South Tahoe Public Utility District duly called and ordered held in said District a special bond election on the 24th day of March, 1959, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors thereof the measure herein- after set forth; and WHEREAS, said special bond election was held on Tuesday, March 24, 1959, in accordance with ~mw, and the votes thereat received and canvassed, and the returns thereof ascertained, determined and declared in all respects as required by law; NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE DISTRICT BOARD OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, As follows: 1. That the Secretary of South Tahoe Public Utility District be and is hereby instructed to enter this Resolution in the Minutes of this District Board as a statement of the result of said election. 2. That the whole number of votes cast in said District at said special bond election was 37 votes. 3. That at said election the following measure for incurring bonded indebtedness was submitted to the electors of said District and that the number of Votes given in said District for and against said measure (including absentee votes) was as follows: Total Total Vote Vote ,,~YES'~ "NO" Total Ballots Spoiled and ~Not Counted MEASURE Shall the South ~ement of Tahoe Public Utility Sanitary Sewage District incur a Disposal System) bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of $2,500,000 bearing interest at a rate not exceeding 6% per annum, payable annually the first year and semiannually thereafter, for the ac- quis~ion, construction and completion of the following public utility, to wit: improvement of the sanitary sewage disposal system, including the acquisition and construction of tru~k sewers, force mains, pumping stations, sewage effluent disposal facilities, a new treatment plant, manholes, lands, easements, rights of way, equipment, pipes, val~es, fittings a~d other works, property or structures neces- sary or convenient for the improvement of the sanitary sewage disposal system of South Tahoe Public Utility District? 3~5 38 One 4. That by said resolution calling said special bond election it was provided that for the purpose of said election said South Tahoe Public Utility District was constituted one (1) special elec- tion precinct comprising all of the territory in said District, and that the number of votes cast in said precinct for and against said measure was as follows: Consolidated Precinct A t~o.__Er A~ainst 318 38 One Ballots Spoiled and Not Counted 5. That all absent voters' ballots have been duly received and canvassed in time, form and m~uer as required by law, and the result of the absentee vote for and against said measure submitted at said special bond election is as follows: ABSENTEE VOTE Absentee applications filed Ballots returned (total vote cast) Votes rejected (ineligible) Spoiled ballots Ballots counted (regular) Absentee votes "YE~" Absentee ~otes "NO" Total absentee votes 19 18 O 0 18 17 o 17 The votes cast at said special election on said measure were in favor of said measure and authorized the incurring of a bon~ed indebtedness for the purposes set forth in said measure and that said measure was approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 30th day of March, 1959, by the following vote: AYES: Directors Gersick and Pankost NOES: None ABSENT: Director Goeringer Attest: (S) Norman L. Goeringer President of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District (9) Earle F. Pankost Secretary of t~e ~outh Tahoe Public Utility District. RESOLUTION NO. 130. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC~IL~'~ DISTRICT DECLARING CANVASS OF RESULT OF SPECIAL ELECTION ON THE ISSUE 0F INCREASING THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT duly called and ordered held in said District a special election on the issue of increasing the number of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility Dis trict on the 24th day of March, 1959, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors thereof the measure hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, said special election on the issue of increasing the number of Directors of South Tahoe Public U~ility District was held on Tuesday, March 24, 1959, in accordance with law and the votes thereat received and canvassed, and the returns thereof ascer- tained, determined and declared in all respects as required by law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, as follows: 1. That the Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary of South ~ahoe Public Utility District be and he is hereby instructed to enter this resolution in the minutessof the District Board as a statement of the results of the election. 2. That the whole number of votes cast in said special election was 363 votes. That I ballot was spoiled and not counted. 3. That at said election the following measure of in- creasing the number of directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District was submitted to the electors of said District and that the number of votes given in said District for and against said measure, (including absentee votes) was as follows: MEASURE: ~sing of Number of Directors) Shall the number of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District be increased from three (3) to five (5) members? Total Total Vote Vote .".YES" _"NO" 319 44 1 Total Ballots Spoiled and ...~ot Counted 4. That by said resolution calling said special election on the issue of increasing the number of directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District it was provided that for the purpose of said election said South Tahoe Public Utility District was consti- tuted one (1) special election precinct comprising all of the territory in said district, and that the number of votes cast in said precinct for and against said measure was as follows: Ballots Spoiled Por AE~inst .aD.d Not Counted Consolidated Precinct A 308 37 . 1 5. That all absentee voters' ball~ts have been duly received and canvassed in time, form and manner as required by law, and the result of the absentee vote for and against said measure in said special election is as follows: ABSENTEE VOTE Absentee Application filed l~ Ballots returned (Total Vote Cast) 18 Votes rejected (ineligible) ----U-- Ballots Counted (regular) 18 Absentee votes "YES" ll Absentee votes "N0"~ Not voting ~ TOTAL absentee votes --/-8-- The votes cast in said special election on said measure were in favor of said measure and authorized the increase of the number of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District from three (3) to five (5) member's as set forth in said measure and the said measure passed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 30th day of March, 1959, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Gersick and Pankost None Director Goeringer ATTEST: (S) Rudolph S. Gersick Acting President of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. (S) Earle F. Pankost Clerk and Ex-Officio Sec'~eta~y-of South Tahoe Public Utility District. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business before the Board, upon motion by Director Pankost, meet/ing was adjourned. President Pro-Tem Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary ~N. L. Soeringer, Fresi~ent ,~ · MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIEECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April 9, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District Offices, Clark Building, Tahoe Valley, California, and meeting was called to erder by the President at 2:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost, and Gersick; also, Accountant Lucot, Attorney Weidman and Inspector Lee Miller. There were also present Miss Alva Barton, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Springmeyer, Messrs. Lausche, Antone Duarte, and Vincent J. Halsey, petitioners for exclusion of certain properties as listed in such petition dated March 7, 1959. MINUTES: Minutes of the previous meetings of March 12, 19, 26, and 30 were read and approved as corrected. REPORTS: Director Pankost reported that he had two meetings with the State Water Pollution Control Board and one with the California-Nevada Interstate Compact Commission; also a meeting with the D~uglas County Planning Commission at Oliver's Club, and two meetings with the engineer and attorney of the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. l, and one meeting with our Attorney and the Attorney of the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1. Director Pankost reported that he had areceived a telephone call from Mr. Richard C. Aberley after he had contacted the Water Pollution Control Board who told him that before the South Tahoe Public Utility District can. qualify for the "660 Grant", we must have a reasonable facsimile of where we are going to dispose of our effluent. The Board states that invitations for bids cannot be issued until that point is settled. We must make a contract for a disposal site within 30 days. This problem wa s discussed at length with Director Pankost stating that there are three possibilities: Obtain a letter from the Forest Service permitting the use of 300 Acres of land for spraying. From F~. Wally White, Nevada Health Department, obtain approval of our putting w~ter over Daggett Pass into Daggett Creek. Exercise our right of eminent domain on 400 or 500 acres of Harootunian land, and probably the quickest way would be to file on Harootunian land. However, we can arrange a meeting with the Nevada Board of Health and the U.S. FOrest Service within l0 days. Director Pankost further reported that, after considerable inves- ~ . tigation, he finds that we would not be disposing of any effluent into Daggett Creek above the Diversion Dam where water will be taken for domestic use but will put it below the Dam where the water is not used for domestic purposes. Director Goeringer and Director Gersick instructed the Manager to proceed on the matter of obtaining permission to pump the effluent over-Daggett Pass. Director Pankost reported that, at a meeting in this office, Attorney John Laxalt submitted to him the following propositicn: 1. That South Tahoe Public Utility District give Nevada the right of unrestricted flow of sewage and California float bonds and finance 100% of the cost of supolying sewers to both C~lifornia and Nevada. He informed At'~orney Laxalt that he felt it to be a definite reflection on the intelligence of the Board and himself that such a proposition should be submitted to this Board of Directors. Director Pankost further reported that Brown and Caldwell's Survey Report give8 an'erroneous statement of gross receipts for the Bijou Post 0ffic® for 1956 and 1957. The error was brought to his attention that the gross receipts were in error, being 50% less than should be and we have a copy of a letter of August 14, signed by the ~cting Postmaster, Mr. Clark, submitting the figures to Brown and Caldwell. Mr. Clark stated the he was new on the job at the time and did not know how to compile the figures. Director Pankost reported that the District will have to purchase another 1,000 feet of aluminum pipe and maybe additional sprinkler heads for which he would like the authorization of the Board so t~at, when the time comes, he may obtain informal bids for the pipe and sprinkler heads. Motion was made by Director Gersick, seconded by Director Goeringer and passed unanimously that the Manager be authorized to purchase pipe and sprinkler heads when required, 8fter approval of bids. ~OR~ESPONDENCE: Letter o2 March 30, 1959,from Edward L. Burton & Company, Salt Lake City, relath~e to the maturity of Bonds, was read by Director Pankost who made a motion that this letter be approved as to the maturity of the Bonds from 1960 through 1989. Motion was seconded by Director Gersick and aporoved by the following vote: ~ AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Goeringer, Pankost, and Gersick. None None. Copy of letter from Brown and Caldwell, dated April 3, 1959, re- ~orting that they sent three copies of contract agreement with Edward L. Burton and Company to Mr. R. F. Poston, U. S Public Health Service. ' Copy of letter of March 30, 1959, to Paul R. Bonderson, State Water Pollution Control Boa rd from Brown and Caldwell submitti~ the required documents to accompany Part A application of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. ~ Letter of March 25, 1959, from Lake Tahoe Area Council requesting the South Tahoe Public Utility District to join the Council and transmit the membership of $50.00. Motion was made by Director Gersick tha~ said request not be accepted Motion died for lack of a second. ' Letter, dated March 25, 1959, from Brown and Caldwell to Edward L. Burton & Company re obligation of bonds was read by Director Pankost and discussed. PETITIONS: Letter of October 17, 1958, from E1 Dorado County transmitting letter of petition dated October 15, 1958, in con- nection with a Shopping Center at Stateline and our ~'eply thereto under date of October 30, 1958. Lengthy discussion on the matter followed, after which Director Gersick made a motion, seconded by Director Pankost, that since it appears that the Lesse~s on the Van Sickle property do not have authority to do so, and consider- 'ing that the Silver Fir also desires construction, the Clerk and Manager be and hereby is instructed to cause petition to be made for the entire property of Van Sickle to be annexed or refus~ petition for any portion thereof for annexation. The question was voted as follows: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Goeringer, Gersick and Pankost None None. Letter from Harry McCall Kincaid and Jeanette Kincaid petitioning for annexation o~' Lots l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and a portion of Lot ll, Block 28, A1 Tahoe Subdivision, A1 Tahoe, CaliI'ornia, all of whic~ are not now in the District but we under- stand have been leased by Stanton Meyers to the Eincaids for 99 years. In the following discussion, Director Pankost stated that, if this petition is granted, it will leave Lot 6 and a portion ef Lot l~ out of the District at the present time. Upon motion by Director Gersick, seconded by ~irector Pankost, t~at F~nager Pankost be instructed by this motion to ~nform Stan Meyer and the Kinkaids that the whole block must be annexed in order to grant t~'~eir petition for annexation. Motion was passed to vote as follows: AYES: Directors Gersick, Goeringer and P~nkost NOES: None ABSh~T: None Letter of ~rch 17, 1959, from J. P. Seagrave requesting that a light be installed at the junction of Hartman's property line and Lot 258, Bijou Park Subdivision, on Ski Run Boulevard. Letter of March 17, 1959, from Raymond H. Anderson petitioning that Lots 63 and 6~, Lakeside Lodge Subdivision, be taken into the District. Request from Stan Meyer for inclusion in the District Director Pankost suggested that these be tabled and made amotion to that effect, seconded by Director Gersick and approved by the following vote: ATES: Directors Gersick, Goeringer and Pankostt NOES: None ABSENT: None Petition for exclusion of pro,ties of Alva Barton, Melvin Springmeyer, Harvey H. Chinnock and Hazel F. Chinnock, Vincent J. Halsey and Katherine M. Halsey, ~ntone J. Duarte and Dorothy I. Duarte, Albert Lausche, Marjorie Johnson Springmeyer, G. M. Anderson and Enox Johnson. Due to its length, petition was not read at this meeting. During the discus~on which followed the introduction of this petition, ~s. Springmeyer, ~. Springmeyer, and Mr. Halsey asked why it was that a petition under one Section of the Code required ~ayment of expenses while under another Section, such payment is not required. To which query, Attorney Weidman made reply that, since Attorney Landis elected to proceed under two Sections, expenses were required to be paid by the Petitioner. Petition of Ma~ch 25, 1959 for Block 5, Lot 23, Tahoe 50 Subdivi- sion, from Pearl E. and Jack L. Miller, who purchased said lot from the Spri~gmeyers ~nd which said lot is included in the above- mentioned petition on Page 3, ~or exclusion, petitioning that said lot not be excluded from the District. Upon question to Attorney Weidman, he stated that this lot may be excluded from the Springmeyer et al petition ~nd requested that he be instructed that said property be included in the District by Resolution. Director Pankost stated that the District is being threatened With lawsuits from persons who h~ve been excluded without their request. He further stated that, therefore, he believes the roll should be called on the petitioners named in the above request for exclusion. To which Mr. Springmeyer replied that he verified that all who signed the Petion for Exclusion in question wanted to Be excluded. Mr. Pankost replied that this is technically a verification by one of the petitioners, namely Mr. Springmeyer, who went around to show them the petition and obtain their signatures. Director Goeringer said that perhaps the calling of the roll would be a good t~i~ and, upon roll call, those answering present were: Mr. and ~s. Melvin Springmeyer Miss Alva Barton Mr. Vincent J. Halsey Mr. Albe~t Lausche, and Mr. Antone J. Duarte. Attorney Weidman stated ~at he had sent a letter to Attorney Landis, giving the facts as related by Director Pankost, with the request that either the husband or wife, or both, or a representative of the heirs be present at this meeting. Upon referral to the President, Director Pankost move~, seconded by Director Gersick, That our Attorney be instructed to prepare a Resolution to exclude all property described in the petition and stating further that, at the present time, it would not be bene- fited and that the Chinnocks be present at the next meeting on April 23, 1959, or send in a notarized petition to be excluded, excepting, however, Lot 23, Block 5, Tahoe 50 Subdivision, purchased by Pearl E. and Jack L. Miller from the Springmeyers and Chinnocks. The motion was passed to vote an~ ap~?oved as follows: AYES: Directors Goeringer, Gersick and 7~an~ost NOES: None ABSENT: None The meeting was adjourned for a 10-minute recess for business with Miss Barton at 3:20 P.M. By order of the President, the meeting was re-convened at 3:30 P.M. OLD BUSINESS: None. h~W BUSINESS: Director Pankost s~ated that there will be two or three directors who will hold office until next year and any bills which they submit to this office for expenses, we have no right, as he sees it, to contest. It is, t~e~'efore, his belief that the District should go on record, by Ordinance or otherwise, to control expenses of'that type to meetings attended by Directors and that such avtendance should be authorized by t~e Directors in Session. Director Pankost made a motion, seconded by Director Gersick, that the Attorney be instructed to present at the next meeting, on April 23, an opinion as to the legality of the payment of $300.00 per month being paid to Director Pankost as ~nager; also, the expenses incurred without the instructions therefor from the Board in Session. Motion was approved by the following vote: AYES: Directors Pankost, Goeringer, and Gersick. NOES: None ABSENT: None CLAIMS: The following claims were approved an~ paid as listed: Check No. 319 - Estel ~. Pike 320 - Belle Bender 321 - Earle F. Pankost 322 - Earle F. Pankost 323 - Del Lucot 324 - F. R. Gates 325 - M. S. Palumba 326 - Belle Bender 327 - Del Lucot 328 - D. Clarke 329 - Pacific Telephone Company 330 - Sierra Pacific Power Co. 331 - Beverly Cola 332 - Chas. Bruning Co. 333 - A. Carlisle & Co. 334 - Tahoe Office Supply 335 - Editha Beseler 336 - Del Lucot 337 - Del Lucot 338 - Service Bureau Corp. 339 - Vince Nemeth 340 - Ethel Clarke 341 - A. L. ~i±ler 342 - Curley Lang 343 - ~urray's Stationery Store 344 - R. S. Gersick 345 - V 0 I D 346 - Belle Bender 347 - Del Lucot 348 - Beverly and Weidman 349 - ~ich~rd Ray $ 13.88 43.75 258.70 290.20 265.59 8.00 8.O0 48.52 162.00 265.00 131.51 613.61 5O.OO 37.39 191.21 1.56 84.01 3O.OO 5.95 1782.73 15.00 15.00 449.65 102.00 18.31 258.00 43.75 119.40 632.59 3.00 Check No. 350 - E. L. Roberts 351 - i.i.i.i. Roffelt, Sr. 352 - L. Bartlett 353 - H. McKenzie 354 - Lake Tahoe News 355 - Calvert and Barnes 356 - Del Lucot 357 - Belle Bender 358 - Tahoe J~nitorial Services 359 - Editha Beseler 360 - E. F. Pankost 3.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 38.35 35.00 52.50 42.95 18.00 98.40 3OO.OO Following checks voided by the Accountant: 238 - $92.70 entered in lv~nutes of 1-22-59 2?2 - 18.00 ~' " " " 2-13-59 308 - 23.69 " " " " 3-12-59 ADJOUR~v~NT: There being no ±hrther business before the Board, meeting was adjourned by the ~esident, meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.N. Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary /Norman L. ~oe~inger, President// MINUTES 0F THE SPECIAL I~ETING 0F THE BOAiQD OF DIi.~CTORS 0P THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April 20, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in ~pecial Session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, at 8:00 A.M. on April 20, 1959, pursuant to the call of the President. PURPOSE OP F~ETING: Meeting was called for the puz'pose of acting on ]~esolution for acceptance of Federal Grant under P.L. 466. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present .Directors Goeringer, Pankost and Gersick. MINUTES: This being a Special Meeting, no minutes were read. BUSINESS: Director Pankost introduced the following Resolution: RESOLU!!ION NO. 131 RESOLUTION 0F THE BOAiO OF DIRECT01~S OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER OF FEDERAL FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS UNDER 33 U.S.C. 466 et seq.. WHEREAS, this Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public 'Utility District has determined that the public interest and necessity of the South Tahoe Public Utility District demand the acquisition, construction and completion by said District of a public utility, to wit: Improvement of the sanitary sewage disposal system of said District as said system existed on February 20, 1959; and ~VHEREAS, the voters of said South Tahoe Public Utility District on March 24, 1959, have'approved the incurrence of a $2,500,000 bonded indebtedness in connection with said improve- ment; and WHE~AS, the project initially contemplated in connection with said improvement provides for construction of a new 2.5 mgd (million gallons per day) secondary treatment plant including an automatic bar screen, preaeration and grit removal tank, primary sedimentation, activated sludge aeration tanks, secondary sedi- mentation, separate sludge digestion and drying beds, chlorination facilities, and operations building at a total estimated project cost of $1,247,000, of which the estimated project cost for Federal participation is $1,215,000; and W~iiEAS, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, in connection with said proposed project numbered in ~aid Public Health Service Files as Project No. WPC-CAL-48, has offered a Federal Grant to the South Tahoe Public Utility District in the amount of $250,000, subject to terms and conditions set forth in said offer received by said District on April 17, 1959, a copy of said offer at~:ached hereto and incorporated herein by re~erence; NOW, TJ~.~..:EF0~, BE IT i~ESOLVED by the Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District as follows: 1. That said offer of a Federal Grant by th'e Department pf Health, Education, and Welfare, t~blic health ~ervice, in the amount of $250,000 received by said District on April 17, 1959, for construction o~.' a new 2.5 mgd secondary t~eatment plant including an automatic bar screen, preaeration and grit removal tank, primary sedimentation, activated sludge aeration tanks, secondary sedimentation, seoarate sludge digestion and drying beds, chlorination facilities, and operations building be accepted according to the terms and condit:~.ons set forth in said offer attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2. That the President of the Board of Directors of the ~outh Tahoe Public Utility District be authorized to accept said offer on behalf of said .District. PASSED A~i.9 ADOPTED this 20th day of April, 1959, by the following vote: AYE S: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Goeringer, Gersick and Fankost None None ATTEST: (S) Norman L. Goeringer~ Norman L. Goeringer, President of South Tahoe Public Utility District _(S) Earle F. Pankost Earle F. Pankost Clerk and ~x-Officio Secretary of said Board of Directors. After reading and discussion of the foregoing Resolution No. 131, motion was made by Director Pankost, seconded by Director Goeringer, that Resolution numbered 131 be approved and passed ~o vote as follows: AYES: Directors Gersick, Goeringer and Pankost NOES: None ABSENT: None ADJOURN~NT: There being no further businessbefore the Board for this Special 6ession, meeting was adjourned by the President at 10:00 A.M. ....... ~Clerk and Ex-Ofr'icio Secretary Norman L. Goeringe~,-Presidentz~/-~?~~ MINUTES OF T~ ~GULAR t~ETING 0F THE BOARD 0F DIEECT0~S OF T~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April 23, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in Regular Session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, U.S. Highway 50 and Beach Boulevard, Tahoe Valley, on April 23, 1959. Meeting was called to order by the President at 2:10 P.M. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there we.re present Directors Pankost, Gersick, and Goeringer; also present were Attorney Weidman, Mr. Benedict, and Accountant Lucot, the last three having arrived later. MINUTES: Minutes of the meetings of April 9, and April 20, 1959, were read and approved as corrected. i~EP~TS: Directors Pankost reported on his negotiations with the Johnson Estate, stating -that he feels it is progressing favorably. He stated t~mt he had received a letter from the ~rocker-Anglo Nation,al Bank saying that one of the things presently holdi~ up the deal is that they have just realized that Stella Johnson is not living and that the action must ~e changed from Stella Johnson to "the heirs of Stella Johnson", after which action, we will pay them $150,000 for a clear title to the 20-acres of land bordering the Johnson Road. Knox Johnson inSisted, by telephone, that we run one or two trips to slope off the two deep pits so that they can get in there. I told M~. Knox Johnson that is is practically impossible to put into writing all we will do but we will turn over a tractor to him, or a bulldozer, for not to exceed one day. Director Pankost reported theft he had a meeting with ~. Wally White, of Nevada, and ~. Sack, of the Toiyabe National Forest, and the latter '..~as very agreeable to giving the District a Right-of-Way through the forest lands, especially if we ~ut in a couple of fire plugs for fire protection, and I~ir. Wally ~hite stated that he would agree to this and will give us a letter in this connection. Director Pankost reported that I~M. Reinke, Chief of the Public Health Service, State of Calik'oz.~:ia, contacted Mz.. Kenneth Brown, of Brown a nd Caldwell, and requested that ~. Brown and Mr. Pankost meet with him on Friday, April 24th. By the issuance of Resolution No. 131 accepting the "660 Money", we jumped all hurdles but one, wi:ich is ~hat we have no idea as to where we may dispose of our effluent for 50 years. F~. White said that it will eventually ~ind its way into the Carson River and the ~orest Service says there is no problem az~d that private residents are not a problem. Director _Uankost talked with F~. A1 Mullen, of the Forest Service last week and told him we would like to have a temporary permit from him for five years. Director Pankost re~oorted that he had a discussion with Mr. i~lullen, ~. Lyle Smith, Fritz Rupple, and Dick Aberley, regarding the possibility of making an aerial survey of the mountains to seet~e water surplus area. After a general discussion of this report, Director Pankost stated that he has the utmost confidence in all the parties concerned. Director Pankost further reported that the Specificati~ns for the construction, of the ~ewage Treatment Plant had l~een received and Notice to Bidders issued, setting t~e time limit for sealed proposals to be received in this office until 8:00 P.~. on Monday, May 25, 1959, at which time all bids will be opened and read. Director .ankost '..~tated that the Oouth Tahoe Public Utility District should decide how it can get some interest from-the money, some $10,000 or ,$15,000 in Placervilie, plus some ~[;30,000 or more coming in later. Attorney Weidman talked with ~,... Frey who said that we can get out'selves into a ~osition whereby we may collect CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Crocker-Anglo National Bank re Stella Johnson Estate in connection with the condemnation action on 100 Acres. Telegram re grant of $250,000, from Harold "Bizz" Johnson, Member of Congress. Letter dated April 17, 1959, from State Department of Water Resources re survey of feasibility of monitoring waste discharges and request- ing that they obtain samples of water from our treatment plant. Director Goeringer directed that we send for the necessary bottles as mentioned in the letter. Letter from Brown and Caldwell, April l~, 1959, re the water sup- ply situations in the South Tahoe Area and enclosing, f or con- sideration,copies of Agreement covering the necessary engineering studies. Comments on this by Director Pankost were that it would take them 18 months at a cost of $20,000 to make a proper water survey in this area and he would like to table this Agreement until new bonds are sold or the possible discussion of a Resolution for Water, Recreation, and Scavenger Service. Letter from Allen Thomas re rental of Spraying Area. Director Pankost says that, within the next few weeks, we will need 20 Acres or mo~e and wants to go out and measure acreage so that we may have a definite knowledge of how many acres we are using at present. Director Goeringer said that all we need to do is to notify them. PETITIONS: Petition from ~. and Mrs. E. C. Reed was read and tabled until next regular meeting with Attorney Weidman being di- rected to prepare an ordinance for annexation. OLD BUSINESS: An Inter-Office Memorandum from Sanitarian Mortensen, stating t~i~need for a joint meeting of the Sanitarians from the Nevada Territory, adjacent to Stateline, with Mr. Marsden and himself for the purpose of setting up an a~reement for grease trap instal- lations as there appears to be a wide difference of opinion on this procedure. This memorandum was read and discussed. No action taken. Director Pankost suggested that a letter be written to all restau- rants stating that coffee grounds must be dumped into cans and removed from the property. Resolution No. 132, RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 0F SOUTH P--~~T TO SECTIONS ~"~ROUGH 17510""0~ THE P~-'~LIC UTILITIES CODE O_EF T~ ~TATE 0_~PA.~ORNIA, Was~-~ro-~uce-'~ by Director 'Pan~ost. Motion was made by Director Gersick, seconded by Director Pankost, that Resolution No. 132 be approved and said Resolution was adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Goeringer, Gersick and Pankost. None. None. A copy of Resolution is attached hereto as Attachment No. I and is made a part of these Minutes. Director Pankost reported that, after considerable investigation, Dr. Vernon J. Wall, Box 754, Tahoe Valley, with residence in A1 Tahoe, California, and Mr. Robert Wakem~n, Box l, Tahoe Valley, with residence in Tahoe Valley, California, had been selected and he thereby nominated them for the two added members of the Board of Directors. Upon approval of ~hese nominees, Director Pankost made a motion that these two gentlemen be appointed to fill the vacancies the vacancies established by the recent electia~o Resolution .No. 133, RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHGE PUBLIC UTILITY D'IST~'~C~---APPI-~I~ NEW DIRECT~S~'~as · n-~d~a~ read'""by Director Pankost. Motion was made by Director Gersick, seconded by Director Pankost, was approved by the following vote: AYES: Directors Gersick, Goeringer and Pankost. NOES: None.. ABSENT: None. A copy of this Resolution No. 133 is attached hereto as Attachment No. 2 and made a part of these Minutes. Resolution No. 134, RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 0F THE BOA D 0P DI ECTORS .~R~T~ p~, was int~u~~irector Pankos~a~ mo~ion for its ~ccept~cm was made by Director Gersick ~d seconded by Director Pankost. Said Resolution was approved a~ ~opted by the followi~ vote: AYES: Directors Gersick, Goeringer and Pankost. NOES: N~ne. ABSENT: None. Accountant Lucot obtained confirmation of approval to purchase a Verifax Copying Machine. Accountant Lucot suggested that, in view of the fact that he has received so many inquiries as to where votes may be registered, arrangem®nts be made to have Belle Bender made a Deputy Registrar. Director Pankost stated he thought this was a good idea and he would obtain the forms immediately. Accountant Lucot reported that, as of today, the District has only $600.00 in the Bank, with Accounts ~eceivable in the amount of $6900.00 and only 500 bills having been paid within the last two days. Checks issued today total $1760.00 and he suggested that the District issue a warrant in the amount of $2500.00 to be deposited in the Bank of America. Director Pankost made a motion that Warrant No. 635 be issued in the sum of $2500.00 as above suggested, seconded by Director Gersick, a nd approved by the following vote: AYES: Directors Gersick, Goeringer, and Pankost NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Accountant Lucot further suggested that, in order to obtain a Lake Yalley Census count of our own, we send out a post-car~ questionnaire, to which suggestion Director Pankost replie~ that ~ thought it an excellent idea but would like to postpone the start of this publicity for thirty (30) days and wait until the full quota of five directors are present. N~.!~ BUSINESS: Director £~ankost advised that the District is set- 'ting up" an "Open House" meeting for each Tuesday from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M., beginning May 5, 1959, at which time the engineer and, at least, one member of the Board of Direc::ors will be present for the purpose of discussing the people's problems as to when service will be available, why, the possibility of temporary hook-ups, etc. CLAIM~: iisted: The following claims have been approved and paid as Check No. 361 - Belle Be~er 362 - Editha $eseler 363 - Del Lucot 364 - Sierra Pacific P~er Co. 365 - Sierra Pacific Power Co. 366 - Sierra Pacific Power Co. 367 - Wm. Mortensen 368 -Cla rko InsuranceAgency 369 - Curley Lang 370 - County of E1 Dorado 371 - Bacon-Faulk Welding Co. 372 - Nevada Lumber Co. $ 41.45 49.20 147.00 39.20 48.00 168.40 357.20 82.19 140.00 1.50 7.50 22.29 Check ~o. 373 - Tahoe ~ierr~ Tribune 374 - Dr:¢ C}~e~ica _ ~- 1 Paci.~'ic 375 Tahoe Office Supply 376 - Norman L. Goeringer 377- Director of Internal Revenue 378 - Department of Employment 379 - Earle F. Pankost 380 - Belle Bender 381 - Editha Beseler 382- A. L. Miller 383 - Del Lucot 384 - V 0 ID 385 - Earle F. Pankost 386 - V 0 I D 387 - Don Clarke 388 - Noz'man L. Goeringer 389 - Bode Martin 390 - Rooert Maro 391 - Editha Beseler 392 - Belle Bender 393 - Del Lucot $104.00 499.20 52.96 7O. 0o 255 .ll 146.37 290.20 41.45 49.20 505.08 98.5O 143.63 265.00 lO.00 500.00 10.00 39.92 41.45 276.50 ~ADJOURNMENT: The~,e being no further business before the Board, meeting ~a~- adjourned by l~he President at 5:15 P.i,~. CLERK & EX-OFFICIO SECRETARY ' ~orman L. ~G~ing~r,~ ~esi~nt~ ' ~fINUTF~ OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF ThE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TNE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 6, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in Special Session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California~ at 6:00 p.m. pursuant to the call of the President. PURPOSE OF THEMEETING: To determine whether to purchase site for pumping plantnNo. 4; to discuss the petition for annexation from Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Reed; to hear report of Director Pankost relative to the budget submitted to the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1; and to discuss resolution for authorizing Director Pankost to call for bids on Sewer Bond Contract No. 2. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Pankost, Goeringer, Directors Elect Wakefield and Wall. Director Elect Wall, Mr. Benedict and Mr. Little, the latter two representing the Tahoe Sierra Tribune and Lake Tahoe News respectively, came in later. BUSINESS: The items of business discussed were as follows: 1. Director Pankost reported that there is a piece of property (increased in size today without raise in price) which can be purchased by the District for $6,000 with $500.00 down and the balance on sale of bonds. He requested the extra number of feet because we will not build for another year and he wanted to be certain that we would have the necessary space. Director Panko~t made a motion, seconded by Director Goeringer, that he be authorized to make the down payment on the specific property, and unanimously approved. 2. Petition of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Reed for annexation of Lot 4, Block Lakeside Park, was brought up for action. Director Pankost stated that, when they first started to negotiate for this property, he advised Mrs. Reed that she should make application for annexation at once but ~he did not accept his suggestion. Director Pankost further stated that he had written to the County Auditor, requesting information as to how much money they owe for connection charges. Director Pankost asked whether annexation and hook-up should be granted. Director Goeringer replied that, if the treatment plant is large enough to handle any more hook-ups, it will be all right to do so. Director Pankost suggested that the petition be tabled so that we may ascertain what will be the nature of the business to be erected on the property in order to determine whether service may be rendered at the present time. 3. Director Pankost reported that our Attorneys told us that we do not have to submit our budget to Nevada until July but the County Clerk at Minden, Nevada, advised him by telephone that Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 was preparing its budget today. Therefore, our budget was prepared and delivered to ~. Gross and Mr. Ledbetter at approximately 3:50 p.m. today, May 6, 1959, by Direc~r Pankost, together with a letter of explanation dated May 6, 1959. Director Pankost further reported that he had quite a lengthy discussion with Mr. Downer, County Engineer, today and that Mr. Downer suggested that the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT handle the issuance of all encroachment permits in this area, taking the applicant's check or payment to the contractor and holding same until work is completed and accepted as satisfactory to the District, at which time the payment will be made to the contractor. 4. Director l~ankost asked for approval of a resulution to authorize the District to advertise for bids for the laying of portions of force main and trunk sewers on U.S. Highway 50 from First Stree~ to Johnson Avenue, consisting of approximately 2,235 feet of 15-inch trunk sewers and miscellaneous connecting sewers and appur- tenances, with bids to be opened in this office at a Special Meeting on May 21, 1959, at 4:00 p.m. Director Pankost made a motion that the Attorney be instructed to prepare a Resolution (No. 135) authorizing the call for bids for the foregoing work and directing that sealed bids be received at this office until 4:00 p.m. (PI)T) on May 21, 1959, at which time a Special Meeting has been called to open all bids received. Motion was seconded by Directr Goeringer and unanimously approved. ADJOURNMENT: ;Meeting was adjourned by the President at 7:00 p.m. F. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 14, 1959 The Board of Directors of the ~outh Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District 0ffice~, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on May 14, 1959. Meeting was called to order by the President at 2:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer, Gersick, Pankost, Wakeman and Wall. Also present were Attorney Weidman, Accountant Lucot, and Mr. Benedict of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune. MINUTES: Minutes for the regular meeting of April 23 and the special meeting of May 6, 1959, were read and approved as corrected. REPORTS: Director Pankost reported that he had a meeting in San Francisco with Mr. Reinke, of the State ttealth Department, and Mr. Kenneth Brown, of our engineers, Brown and Caldwell. Director Pankost reported that he and Mr. Downer, County En~ineer~ had quite a discussion and ~{r. Ray Chism~ County Supervisor, telephoned him that 51 the Board of Supervisors had approved a letter written by Mr. Downer to the District, asking that we take over the responsibility of issuin~ encroachment nermist and suggesting that we not allow any contra~ts' if a previous ,job has not been approved. At. lerner Weidraan reported that the Supervisors had added a quali- fication to the effedt that the South Tahoe Public Utility District, in addition to' securing a bond from the Contractor, also give a bond to the County. ~Ir. Benedict stated that another qualification or provision had been added to the letter to the effect that the South Tahoe Public Utility District be required to make repairs and restore any damanged streets or roads. Director Pankost rep-lied that, in his opinion, this is not acceptable and stated that the County would be called to inspect and accept all jobs. Director Pankost reported as to tho n~nnber of delinquent payments of sewer and ?i~:h! tills and requested a~,t!,,orit:¥ For him and the Accot, ntan~ to pemfil, them to settle disputes on the merits of ~ach case. MotiOn was thereupon m~de by Director Pa~;ost, seconded by Director Gersick, that the Secretaw and the Accountant be authorized to make any legitimate adjnsi.- ments of disputed bills on the merits of each case. ~{otion was carried by the following vote~ AYF~q: h;0F.S: ABSENT: Directors Gersick. Goeringer. Pankost, Wakeman and Wall None. ~ ~ '* None. ~irector Pankost reported that be had sent out letters to Wiley's Hot Dogs and to the I)o-Nut Den in which each was advised that service may be discontinued if grease traps are not installed within 10 days. Also, a letter was sent to Neal 01sen. of Ken Tiki. Director Pankost reported that the petitioned property of the E.C. P~eds for annexation will contain a dress shon. real caste office, jewelry shop, cleaning shop, and a Fabric (or Knit.) Shop. lM. rector Pankost reported that the District had received 990 feet of pipe and Mr. Miller and Mr. Mortensen were at the plant at the moment extending the pipe from the saturated land. CORPESPONDENCE: Letter of May 8, 1959~ from California-Nevada Interstate Compact Commission, .~{r. Parvev 0. Bard, s, Chat rman: Lake Tahoe Water Probl ems Co~nittee, inviting a representative to the meeting on Friday~ Sacramento. The Board directed Mr. Pankost attend sat d meeting. PETITIONS: None. OLD BUSINESS: The existing problem of ~reases in the sewer lines was dis- c~ssed and motion made by Director Pa~fl;0st to direct the Attorney to amend Ordinance No. 24 to prohibit tbe disposal of bones, fats, and other greases through garbage disposals w · ~ · ~ . ..... .,ot~on died for lack of a ~econd. Director Pa~¢ost made a motion that the Reed Property, Block Lot 4, Lakeside Park. upon the charges computed by the Secret, aw and collected in cash, proper annexation papers signed and all inspections and agreements favorable to the District, executed, be permitted to connect to the sewer and such annexation completed in December. Motion was seconded by Director Gersick and approved by the follo~dng vote: AYF~: Directors Goeringer, Gersick, Pankost, Wakeman and ~gall NOES: None. ' ABSENT: ~one Attorney Weidman brought before the Board the matter of Mr. Chinnock's non-appearance at the hearing for exclusion and motion was made by Director Wakeman. seconded by Director 6ersick, to allow additional time for the Chi nnock"s appearance in the matter of their petition for exclhsion from the District. Motion was approved ~v the follo;dn? vote: AYES: Directors Goeringer, Gersick, Pankost, and Waleman. NOES: None. ABSENT: Director Wall (who had to leave the meeting for a short time~. Upon motion made by Director Wakeman, seconded by I)irector Gersick~ and unanimously carried~ Envelope No. 5 of the Election Returns of March 24, 1959, was opened and unused Ballot No. 1101 was removed by Attorney Weidman to send to the Attorneys 0rrick~ Dahlquist, Herrington and Sutcliffe~ attention of Mr. Sprague. Director Pankos£ made a motion~ seconded by Director Gersick, that Ordinance No. 42, AN 0RDINANCEF~TABLISHING A SCHEDULE OF MONTf~Y ~tlAI~fiES FOR STREET LIGHTING SERVICES be approved. Motion was unanimously carried by the following vote: AYES: Directors fiersick, Goeringer, Pa~(ost, and Wakeman. NOES: Hone. ABSENT: Director Wall. N~¥ BUSINESS: Accountant Lucot presented Mr. Bob Rankin, of the I.B.M. CompaNy? to the Directors in order that he might explain the accounting system set-up. He stated that there are approximately 35,000'cards at prdsent and back expenses to date have been rechecked and verified, and he and Mr. Lucot had decided that a punch card machine in the District Office is justified. He further stated that the rental price on a lease basis would be $60.00 per month for the IBM-f6 Printing and Card Punch. After discussing the possibilities, etc., of the machine and reading literature, motion was made by Director Pankost that the District lease the machine for a trial of 90 days. Motion was seconded by Director Wakeman and approved by the ~ollowing vote: AYES: Directors Goeringer~ Gersick~ Pankost, Wakeman~ and Wall. NOES: Hone. ABSENT: Hone. CLAIMS: THe following claims were presented for approval and paid as follows: Check No. 394 - Belle Bender 395 - Editha Bessler 396 - Pat McCrea 397 - Del Lucot 398 - Link's Photo Studio 399 - Design Associates~ Inc. 400 - Tahoe Office Supply 401 - Chas. Bruning Company 402 - Chas. Bruning Company 403 - Clarke Insurance Agency 404 - Pac. Tel. & Tel. 405 - Sierra Pacific Power Co. 406 - Sierra Pacific Power Co. 407 - ~ggie Musso 408 - Beverly and Weidman 409 - Pitney-Bowes 410 - Murray-s Stationery Store 411 - Service Bureau 412 - Crocker-Anglo National Bank 413 - Rudolph Gersick 414 - N. L. Goeringer 415 - Robert Wakeman 4~6 - Vernon J. Wall 417 - R. S. Gersick 418 - Federal Reserve Bank 419 - Wm. Mortensen 420 - Editha Beseler 421 - Belle Bender 422 - Del Lucot $ 51.31 50.05 19.00 47.00 70.72 5.99 6.03 42.54 153.92 56.41 186.40 35.06 358.15 295.00 572.00 63.65 689.19 1,562.56 600.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 100,00 297.14 358.50 49.20 51.31 22.00 AIXIOURNMENT: There being no further business before the Board~ the meeting was ~l~rle F. ~a~%, Clerk & ~-Officio Secy. 'moman L. Goeri~er~ Presldent. ~ ~ MINUTES OF TItE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 21,1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in Special Session at the District 0ffices~ Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, May 21, 1959. Meeting was called to order by the President at 4:00 p.m. PURPOSE: Meeting was called for the purpose of opening sealed bids on the 1959 Sewer Bond Project~ Contract No. 2. ROLL CALL: Upon the calling of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer, Gersick, Pankos~i, and Director Wall came in later. Also present were Engineer Aberley, ~. Benedict, of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune~ Messrs. Faulkner~ of Faulkner~s, Inc.; ~es Steinhauer, U~I, ~Oo Pipe, Azusa; John Lagrange, of Lagran~e Construction, Inc., Ren0~ Nevada; Elmer T. Royce, Sundanc~ Co.; and Attorney Beverly and a representative from the Nevada Concrete Company arrived la(ero Bids were received, opened and read by Director Pankost as follows: Faulkner's, Inc., Kings Beach Lagrange Construction, Inc., Reno McGuire & Hester, 0akland Stockton Construction Co., Azusa Engineer's Estimate $67~900.00 89,057.91 138,000.00 164,163.00 $118,000.00 $69,400.00 91,057.91 138,000.00 164,163.00 After reading of the Bids, the Contractors were advised that the award of contract was deferred until 7:00 p.m., Monday, May 25, 1959, in order to allow time for bids to be examihed as to legal sufficiency and compli- ance with specifications and plans. AILIOUI~: Meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m. Norman L. Goeringer, Presid~ent ~ - ~ff- k~ MINI~ES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECT0tt~ OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC I~II.ITY DISTRICT May 21, 1959 The Board of Directrs of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in Special Session at the District 0fficqs, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on May 21, 1959. Meeting was called to order by the President at 5:00 p.m. PURPOSE: The purpose of the meeting was to acquaint the new Directors with the operation and aims of the District and to authorize the issuance of a warrant in the amount of $3600.00 to be taken to Placerville by Director Pankost as a deposit to obtain i~nediate possession of 20.132 acres of land of the.,of the Stella Johnson Estate. ROIL CALl.: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost, Wakeman, and Wall. Absent, Director Gersick. Director Pankost reported that he had just received a telep~ne call from Attorney Hughes~ of Hughes, Maul and Fogerty, advising him that the District would be able to obtain i~nediate possession of the 20.132 acre parcel of landfor which we had been negotiating upon the deposit of $3600.00. Director Pankost made a motion, seconded by Director Wall, that a Warrant be drawn in the amount of $3600.00, payable to E1 Dorado County Superior Court for deposit in order to obtain an in~nediate right of entry on the 20.132 acres and that Director Pankost deliver said warrant ~ersonally to Attorney Hughes on Friday, ~y 22, 1959. Motion was unanimously approved. Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. ~fF~ Pa~erk &~Ex-0ff£cio Secy. /Norman L. Go'ringer, l~reside~t,v --~-% MINFrES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF TIlE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY BOARD OF DIRECT0tkq. ~y 25, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility DiStrict met in Special Session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on ~y 25, 1959. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by the President. PURPOSE: The meeting was called for the purpose of awarding the 1959 Sewer Bond Contract, Contract No. 2, for the portions of Force ~in TV-22 and Trunk Sewers TV-7 and TV-8. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost, Wakeman, and Wall. Director;Gersick arrived at 7:15 p.m. Also present were Attorney Weidman and representatives of the companies listed below: Floor Covering Service, Tahoe Valley Lagrange Construction, Inc., Reno Lagrange Construction, Inc., Reno Lagran~e Construction, Inc.~ ~eno ~erle Goodner, Tahoe Valley Roots - fionnersvi]le Blower, S.F. ,Iohns~,~nville Co., San Francisco Grave Corporation? San Francisco Process E~ineers, San C. Norman Peterson, Inc., Berkeley Brown and Caldwell, San Francisco Brown and Caldwell, San Francisco Brown and Caldwell, San Francisco Nomellini Construction, Stockton Nomellini Construction, Stockton MacSween ~sonry, Tahoe Valley ~almans, Pipe Line Contractor, Tahoe Valley dohnLagrange Victor Batie Harold R. Imelli Merle Goodner A. E. Caudle Snead Petersen W. A. Walton John Becker B. M. Gates T. V. Lutge D. H. Caldwell R. ~. Aberley Ray Callistro Doneux A. G. Warner g. A. Salmans After the calling of the Roll, Director Pad, est proceeded to the ~rpo~e of the meeting and stored tha~ th~ lc~ hid as presented by the Fanlkner~. T~c.~ Kings Beach, was found to he incomplete with no background shown thereon. 5~oti. on wa~ ~hen made ha- rirect, or Pankost. and seconded by Director Wall Lhat~ ~pon examin&tion of the bid of Faulkner's. Inc.? the t}oard of Directors ecund that this bidder failed to set forth the e×perionce and business as req~xired h¥ gection 1-06 of the General] Conditions of the 2pecifi- cations and, be.~n~ ~,nable to determine the de~.ree of responsibility to be creditec] to ~ai d Bi dder and wei~:h andy evidence that said Bidder' has peroformed other contracts of like nature or ma~ni~ure, the Board finds that Faulkner's, Inc., is not the lowest responsible bidder and thereby rejects said bid from further consideration on such grounds. The question on being brought to vote was approved as AYEq: Directors Goeringer~ Pankost~ Wakeman, and Wall NOES: None · ABSENT: Director Gersi ck. Director Pankost made a motion that the lowest bidder meeting the qualifications, namely~, Lagrange Construction, inc., Reno~ Nevada, with the recon~nendation of our Engineers, be awarded the contract. Motion ~as seconded by Director Gersick and approved by the following vote: kYES: Directors Goeringer, Gersick. Pankost, Wakeman, and Wall NOF~q: None ABSENT: None Therefore, upon recon~nendation of the Engineers, the bid of Lagrange Construction~ Inc., on Asbestos Cement Pipe, in the amount of $89,013.36 was awarded the contract. The Engineers advised that the agreement must be executed within ten (10) days from date. Attorney Weld man explained to Mr. John Lagrange that the earliest date our bonds can be sold would be at least another month or a little longer to get a favorable sale and therefore there will be no progress pay- ments. The District Rngineer ~i11, once each month, inform him as to how much he is entitled and on delayed payments~ the District will be required to give 4~ interest thereon. ADJ0[~: There being no further business to be brought before the Board at this meeting, Director Goeringer adjourned (.he meeting at 7:30 P.~!. Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary.. ~orman L. Goeringer, President. ~%x ~NT~ER OF THE SPECIAL HEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TIlE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~y 25, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in Special Session at the District Office~, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, and meeting was called to order by the President at 8:00 p.m. on May 25, 1959. PURPOSE: Meeting was set for this date and hour at the last regular meeting for the purpose of opening of bids on the construction~f the Sewage Treatment Plant. ROLL CALL: Upon calling of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer, Gersick, Pankost, Wakeman and Wall. Also present were Attorney Weidman and representatives of the following firms: 56 Floor Covering Service, Tahoe Valley, Lagrange Construction, Inc., Reno, Nevada Lagrange Construction, Inc., do. Lagrange Construction , Inc., do. Roots-Connersville Blower Div., S.F. Johns-Manville Co., San Francisco Bravo Corporation, San Francisco Process Engineers, San Mateo Ct Norman Peterson, Berkeley Nomellini Construction, Stockton Nomellini Construction, Stockton MacSweenMasonry? Tahoe Valley MacSween ~sonry, Tahoe Valley John DeLagrange Harold Imelli Victor Batie Merle Goodner A. E. Caudle Snead Petersen W. A. Walton John Becket R.M. Gates Ray Callistro Doneux Ian MacSween A. fi. Warner J. A. Salmans Pipe, Genl. Contr., Tahoe Valley~J. A. Salmans BROWN AND CALIMELL~ San Francisco D.H. Caldwell Broom and Caldwell, San Francisco T.V. Lu%ge Brown and Caldwell, San Francisco R.C. Aberley After the roll call, Director Pankost proceeded to open the bids. bids were submitted and there were as follows: Two 1 - C. Norman Peterson, Inc., 2830 - 9th Street, Berkeley, Calif. 81,576,000. O0 2 - Nomellini Construction Co. P. 0. Box 1528, Stockton, Calif. Engineers' Estimate 81,666,000.00 $1,290,000.00 A request was made that the sub-contractors on the low bid be read and this was done by Director Pankost. Director Gersick made a motion that the meeting be adjourned to next Thursday~ May 28, 1959. Upon second by Director Wakeman, motion was carried by the following vote{ to further discuss bid and estimate. NOES: ~SENT: Directors Goeringer, Gersick, Pankost, Wak~man and Wall. None. None, Director Gersick then made a motion that this meeting be adjourned and there being no objection, motion was carried. AIXIOUR~IENT: Meeting was adjourned at 8:11 p.m. Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary. er. . g , f~j x MINl~gq OF THE F~GUL~R MEETING 0F THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE S0tVrH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. May 28. 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on ~y 28, 1959. Meeting was called to order by the President at 2:10 p.m. ROLL CALl.: Upon calling of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost and Wakeman. Absent, Directors Gersick and Wall. Also present were Accountant Lucot and Mr. Benedict, of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune. Director Gersick arrived at 2:20 p.m. and Attorney Weidman sometime later. MINUTe: ~finutes of the regular meeting of ~y 14 and of the Special Meetings of May 25, 1959, were read and approved as corrected. " ~ REPORTS: Director Pankost reported that the meeting with the Forest Service, represented by Messrs. Guerdon Ellis, West, ~llen, and others--an approximate total of 25--was called to order at 11:40 a.m. in Sacramento on ~y 22, 1959, and adjourned about 5:20 P.M. and that, in his opinion, the meeting was very, very favorable to the District. At this meeting, it was brought out that the District is taking care of the sewage at South Tahoe after a fashion. One of the gentlemen asked why did not the District discontinue the permitting of new connections, to which Director Panko~t answered by asking the following? If a person had a sewage problem, should we say to .him that none can come in or should we like the problem? The gentlemen agreed that we should sewer all. Director Pankost reported that, with the laying of the 1,000 feet of pipe recently, we now have 3,000 feet installed and need an additional 1,000 feet. The good part about this factor is that the District can use this pipe on the new Spray Field. Director Wakeman reported that several persons had asked him w~ the District does not pump the effluent over the hill and he would like to have an answer to this question for himself. Director Pankost replied that there would be ~ifficultv in going over the Kingsbury for a year or two as they are forming a drainage district there now. A motion was made by Director Gersick, seconded by Director Wakeman, that the Board authorize Director Pankost to purchase the needed 1,000 feet of pipe. Motion was approved by the following vote: AYES: Directors Gersick, Goeringer, Pankost and Wakeman NOES : None. ABSENT:. Director Wall. I motion was made by Director Gersick, seconded by Director Wakeman, that the District allow no new annexations to people now out of the District and that no new construction starting as of this date be allowed to connect to the sewer until our treatment plant is completed and in operation; also, that a letter of reco~nendation by the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE~UBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT be written to the DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER IMPROVI~ DISTRICT No. 1 requesting their cooperation in this matter by exercising the same resolution in that District for the mutual benefit of both Districts. This motion was discussed at length and Director Wakeman stated that he would like to a~end the present motion to make it effective when the District has forwarded written notifications to the County Assessor, the Planning Commission, and the County Health Department. This motion was further discussed and Director Wakeman then made a motion, seconded by Director Gersick, that the decision on the motion by Director Gersick to stop any new connections be postponed until the ~pecial Meeting called for June 1, 1959, in order to get an opinion from the lttorne~. This motion was carried to vote and the results were as follows: AY~: Directors Gersick and Wakeman NOES: Director Pankost NOT VOTING: ]}irector Goeringer. 'ABSENT: Director Wall. Attorney Weidman reported that Mr. Sigward, County Assessor, told him that the District will have the assessment information for Edward L. Burton & Company and that if Mr. Weidman would come by his office tomorrow, he will give it to him. Attorney Weidman stated that this means that we want to be in a position to move and must notify Mr. Sprague, of Orrick, Dahl~uist, Herrington and Sutcliffe, to prepare the Notice of Sale of the Bonds. CORRF~POND-r~N. CE: Letter from John Laxalt, Attorney for the Douglas County ~e~-~'m~-~ent District No. 1, and a rough draft of the District's reply to that letter. Director Pankost was directed by the Board to reply to Mr. Laxalt as per the rough draft read to them. PETITIONS: None. OLD BUSINESS: Director Pankost brought up the matter of the proposed agreement between Brown and Caldwell and the South Tahoe Public l~ility District for the furnishing of the water supply of the Area. Discussion followed and it was decided that the agreement be brought up at the next regular meeting on June 11, 1959. With regard to the Serv-U-Garba~e deal, Director Pankost stated that it is his believe that they are trying to ~t on a "squeeze". Attorney Weidman said that it is his opinion, based on a good bit of research, that the District can go into the garbage business regardless of the franchise of the County. The Election returns of March 24, 1959, were opened and canceled Ballot No. 1102 ordered to be removed and canceled to send to Edward L. Burton and ~ompany~ Salt Lake City, Utah. Special Meeting was set by the President for June 1, 1959 at 8:00 p.m. for the p~rpose of awarding the contract for the construction of the Sewage Treatment Plant. CLAIMS: The following claims were presented and approved for payment: Check No. 423 - Del Lucot 424 - Service Bureau Corporation 425 - Johnson's Service Center 426 - Lake Tahoe News 427 - Lake Tahoe News 428 - Lake Tahoe News -- 429 - Rupert Crowl 430 - Tahoe Sierra Tribune 431 - Tahoe Supply 432 - Editha Beseler 433 - Belle Bender 434 - Sierra Pacific Power 435 - Sierra Pacific Power 436 - Tahoe Office Supplyh 437 - Western Truck Lines 438 - Chas. Bruning Co. 439 -Earle F. Pad(ost 440 - R. S. Gersick 441 - N. L. Goeringer 442 - Robert Wakeman 443 - V 0 1 D 444 - Dr. Vernon Wall 445 - Tahoe Sierra Water 446 - A. L. Miller 447 - Don Clarke 448 - Belle Bender 449 - Editha Beseler 450 - Del Lucot $ 79.50 1~079.01 20.00 102.00 98.18 11.48 5.41 19.12 4.89 40.56 51.31 357.60 192.80 6.24 2.15 62.21 290.20 40.00 50.OO 40.00 40.00 45.00 495.96 265.00 51.31 49.20 97.00 AIXIOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned by the President at 6:00 p.m. Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary .... No rman L. 6o eringer,' rr-e-~.n~- .... --f--~'- MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL 5~EETiNG OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 1, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in Special Session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, on June l, 1959, at 8:00 p.m. Meeting was called to order by the President at 8:25 p.m. ROLL CALL: Upon calling of the roll, there were present Direct~s Goeringer, Pankoat, Gersick, and Wall. Also present were: Attorney Weidman; Charles Link and Engineer Aberley, of Brown and Caldwell! George Stalls, of Acme Electric Company$ Mr. Benedict, of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune; Mr. Little.~ of the Lake Tahoe News; Mr. C. Norman Peterson, of C. Norman Peterson, Inc.; Arthur Trumbull, Dewey Brown, King Monroe, and John Lowe. Director Wskeman came in about 9:30 p.m. PURPOSE: This Special Meeting was set for the purpose of making the award or rejecting the bids for the Sewage Treatment Plant. Engineer Aberley stated that Messrs. Caldwell, ~ztge, and he went over the bids submitted for this work and found that the low bid of C. Norman Peterson, Inc., Berkeley, California, in the amount of $1,576,000, was a legitimate bid and that the Engineers were in error in their estimate due to their inexperience in this area. Mr. Aberley explained that the differential between the Contractors' bids and the estimate of the Engineers was due to the fact that everything is so much higher in this area than in the Bay Area. The contractor figures on one or two complete shut-downs during the life of the oontract because of the severe winters; local sub-contractors are much higher than in other areas; and whey they (the Engineers) make an estimate, it is based on past experience of other jobs of similar magnitude and nature but areas, such as Lake Tahoe,are some- thing entirely different than any other part of California and, though they tried to take that factor into account, apparently they did not. If these factors had been taken into consideration, the Engineers' Eatimate would have been brought up to somewhere around $1,329,000 at least. Mr. Aberley also said that probably one of the reasons that no more bids were received was that other contractors were unable to get MechaniC Sub- Contractors and, therefore, could not bid on the job. Engineer Aberley further stated that there are two alternatives in this connection--re-advertise at once or reject all bids already sub- mitted and re-advertise in January or February when you would normally feel that there wou.].d be more bids submitted. Mr. Aberley said that he feels nothing would be gained by deferring the award for further adver- tising for bids. After going into all the factors, the Engineers have reached the conclusion that the bid of C. Norman Peterson, Inc., is a valid bid, with no padding or cushioning, and they feel that it is a good bid. The Engineers, Brown and Caldwell, therefore recommend that the District award the contract for the construction of the Sewage Treatment Plant to C. Norman Peterson, /nc., of 2830 Ninth Street, Berkeley, 2, California. Mr. Aberley stated that he worked all the week-end in an effort to obtain permission from the Health Department to award this contract. He found that C. Norman Peterson, Inc., is one of the best of their kind in the business and has an excellent reputation and is highly recommended by Brown and Caldwell. Mr. Peterson rose to say a few words and thanked Mr. Aberley for his kind words. He stated that he has been in the bmsiness of con- tracting and constructing sewage plants for many years and would not like to be in the position of Brown and Caldwell in presenting eatimates as they are all individual jobs with no two being alike. It is a specialized business and they have learned the hard way that it is best to do their own mechanical work and not relay one sub-contractors. Director Ooeringer said that, as soon as this job can get into action and completed, the better it would suit the Utility District. The Contractor ~eplied that it would mean much to them to get it and get the job done. Following some discussion, Director Gersick said that he cannot quite see it and that Brown and Caldwell knows the District's condition and he, personally~ is not in favor of this award. There is a lot of talk about the urgency of this work in the area but he feels the urgency is not sufficient to "Pay through the nose to get the sewers." He is, therefore, in favor of rejectin~ all bids and advertising for new submittals if we could do this in two weeks or so. Director Goeringer called a recess of the meeting until lO:O0 p.m. to allow time for the arrival of Director Wakeman who telephoned from E1 Dorado and requested that the meeting be recessed until he arrived as, due to reasons beyond his control, he could not be present at 8:00 p.m. As there was no objection on the part of those members of the Board present, the meeting wa~Jrecessed until 10:00 p.m. Director Wakeman arrived at 9:30 p.m. and the meeting was resumed at 10:O0 p.m. at the call of the President. Director Pankost made a motion, seconded by Director Wall, that the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT award the contract for the construction of the Sewage Treatment Plant to the low bidder~ C. Norman Peterson~ Inc., of Berkeley, California. Notion was carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors~ Wall, Wakeman, Pankost, and Goeringer. Director Gersick. None. Following is a list of the Major Equipment Items in the Sewage Contract: Installed Item Description Manufacturer Price 1. Effluent Pumps Fairbanks-Morse Co. $ 11,295.00 2. Air Diffusion Equipment Walker Process Eq..Co. 13,520.00 3. Air Blowers Spencer Turbine Co. 32,404.00 4. Steam Boilers Fitzgibbon Boiler Co. 12,040.00 5. Primary Sludge Collector Jeffrey Mfg. Co. 9,995.00 6. Secondary Sludge Collector Chain Belt Co. 12,718.00 7. Digester Floating Cover Pacific Flush Tank Co. 25,648.00 8. Chlorination Equipment Wallace & Tiernan, Inc. 8,047.00 9. Inst. Panels & Instn. Minneapolis-Honeywell 24~000.00 10. Electric Panels Cutler-Hammer 39,000.00 ll. Emergency Generator Fairbanks-Morse 21,982.00 It was brought to the attention of the Board by Director Pankost that the Notice of Sale of Bonds must be filed and a Special Meeting should be called for Tuesday, June 9~ at 8:00 p.m. at Which time Attorney Weidman stated that he hopes to have all papers in readiness. The President therefore called a Special Meeting for 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, ,Tune 9, 1959, for the purpose of preparing for the filing of the Notice of Sale of Bonds and to discuss the matter of the local distribution of gas. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by the Presideni~at 10:20 p.m. ~ ~a~e F. I~t Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary · l~orman ~.. ~oerlnger, ~resl~en~ // *******~/ MINDTI~ OF THE SPECIAL ~ING OF THE BOAItD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRIC~ June 9, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in Special Session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, at 8:00 p.m. on June 9, 1959. Meeting was called to order by the President at 8:15 ROLL CALLs Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost~ Gersick, Wakeman and Wall. Also present were Attorney Weidman, and Mr. Walter Little of the Lake Tahoe News. PURPOSE OF TtIE t.~ING~ tieeting was called by the President for the purpose of preparing all papers for the sale of the Bonds. Director stated that, unfortunately, the papers did not arrive this afternoon nor did we learn that fact until too late to postpone the meeting. We are assured that they will be here in time for Thursday's meeting. He did not call off the meeting also because he felt that the subject of local gas distribution by the District would or could be discussed at this time. Attorney Weidman stated that there has been some difficulty with the pros- pectus as ~ar as E. L. Burton was concerned, and he felt that they should be given another week to start the sale of the bonds in order to insure that a proper prospectus is prepared. He talked with the Burton Company for a long time as did Director Pankost. As a result of this conversation, the sale date of the bonds was moved from the 9th to the 16th of July to insure a better prospectus for this sale of bonds. AttorneyWeidman further stated that, subject to the Boardts approval, preparations are being made at prsent for the sale of $1,250,000. A lengthy discussion followed and decision was reached to sell this $1,250,000 in bonds. Director Pankost stated that the m~tter of the "660" money is all behind us and he read a letter of authorization for the award of the contract for the construction of the sewage plant and setting forth their further requirements. This letter was not received in time for presentation at the last meeting. Director Pankost then brought up the matter of the request for installation of a gas tknk in the area, saying that the area, stating that the Board of Directors Tent on record against this two years ago at which time they requested him to attend a meeting at the Fair Grounds in this connection. Considerable discussion followed as to whether the Utility District should be interested and whether it should send a representative to the meeting of the Plannin~ Comlssion relative to a franchise for installation of a 1~000 gallon tank. It was the opinion of Attorney Weidman that the District should show some interest in the matter. Director Pankost made a motion that the Board send a member to the meeting of the Planning Co~nissionwith the request that more study be given to the subject before a permit is issued to the A1 Tahoe Gas Company to install a gas tank. Motion was seoonded by Director Walk, and a further discussion ensued. After some discussion, Director Goeringer bronght up the question for vote and motion approved by the following vote: AYES~ Directors Goeringer, Pankost, Wakeman, and Wall. NOES~ None. A.B~EITI'~ None. NOT VOTING~ Director Gersick. ADJ0~T~ President at 9~20 P.M. There being no objection thereto, meeting was adjourned by the ~ ~I~e~?. ~kost, CIerk and Ex-Officio Secy. ~orman L. Goeringer, President ~' ' MINUTES OF T~E t~ULAR HEETING OF THE S0UT~/ TAHOE PUBLIC IJTILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIBECT01~S. June 11, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on June 11, 1959, at 2:00 P.li. ~feeting ~as called to order by the President at 2~10 p.m. ROLL CALLs Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost, Wakeman and Wall. Also present were Attorney Weidman, Accountant Lucot, King Monroe, Raymond ti. Anderson, and DJ:rector Gersick arrived :.at 2130 p.m. .MINIY£ES~_ ¥inutes of the regular meeting of May 28, 1959, Special ~feeting of June 1, and the Special Meeting of June 9, 1959, were read and approved as cor- rected. After reading of the ~finutes, The President stated that the order of business would be chan~ed to permit the reading of Resolution No. 139 pro- riding for the issuance of $2,500,000 Principal Amount of "South Tahoe Public Utility District 1959 Sewer Bonds"; Fixing the maximum rate of interest on said bonds and prescribing the maturities thereof; authorizing the execution of said bonds and the coupons appurtenant thereto; providing for the levy of a tax to pay the principal and interest thereof; and directing Notice of ~ale of $1,250,000 of said bonds to be given. This waiver of the order of business was permitted in order that Resolution No. 139 might be read and discussed and all business pertaining to the sale of the Bonds might be taken care of. Reso- lution was introduced by Director Pankost. A recess of fifteen (15) minutes was called by the President at 3~00 p.m. for discussion of this Resolution and its portent. Meetingwas resumed by order of the President at 3~15 p.m. and motion was made by Director Pankost, seconded by Director Gersick, that said Resolution No. 139 be approved and adopted, and motionwas voted as follows~ NOES ABSENT Director Goeringer, Gersick, Pankost, Wakeman and Wall. None. None. REPOBTS~ Director Pankost stated that our Engineers had received a letter, from the Engineers of the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 ~hich he proceeded to read to the Board, together with the reply by Brown and Caldwell suggesting a meeting within two or three weeks in order to clarify or change the existing contract. 2. Director Pankost attended the meeting in Placerville relative to the issuance of permit to the Placer Gas Company to install two 1,000 gallon tanks. Everyone seemed quite favorable but there were about seven objections. Iiowever, after it was explained what is actually happening, practically all objections were withdrawn. Director Pankost told those present at the meeting-'~"~h: =c;~i~ that the main interest of the South Tahoe Public Utility D/strict was to ascertain what they intend to do, as rumor had it that the plan was to lay their pipes in the District ditches and put their tanks in our plant site. That point was also cleared. He suggested to the Co~ission that the Sou~h Tahoe Public Utility District would like more time for consideration but that this District had no objection as long as the transaction was "clean." Their franchise is for A1 Tahoe and adjacent territory. Attorney Weidman added what he had overheard of a conversation and stated tha$, perhaps, if more of the Planning Board Members had bean present, the permit might not have been granted. 3. Trees~ bushes, brush, etc., are being~ed at the Disposal Plant site in preparation for additional construction and additional pump and pipes will be needed to prevent a breakdown which will cause contamination of the Lake. 4. Director Pankost reported that the contratt between Lagrange Construction Co., Inc., and the South Tahoe Public Utility Distritt has been found in order and signed for construction of the Project 1959 Contract 2-- Force Mains and Lines of U. S. High~ay 50. 5. Accountant Lucot reported that he has just ascertained that the Utility District is exempt from Excise Tax whichwill mean that the District should receive a refund from the Telephone Company and the Pitney-Bowes, Inc., on the rental of the postage meter. C01~tESPONDENCE~ Letter from the California Department of Water Resources, Lake Tahoe Water Problems Con,nlttee, dated June 8, 1959, advising of a meeting of this Committee in Sacramento on Tuesday, June 16, 1959, at 1215 "0" Street, at 10530 a.m. Director Pankost stated that,if there were no objections, he would be present at that meeting as Item No. 5 on the Agenda is titled~ "Report on recent meetings concerning South Tahoe Public Utility District plans for sewage disposal." Letter from State Department of Public Health, Water Pollution Control Board, M. E. Stewart, District Engineer, Sacramento, reconznending an increase in the Districtts spray facilities at the Disposal Site. Letter from Goldstein, Barcelous & Goldstein, San Francisco, re matter of South Tahoe Public Utility District vs. Johnson. Director Pankost comnented that he believes this is a job for Mr. Geoffrey Hughes and letter will be referred to that office for reply. PETITIONS~ Petition from Mr. Raymond Anderson for annexation of his Lots 63 and 64, LakeSide Lodge Subdivision. This petition brought up the question of future annexations which was postponed from the last regular meeting. Director Pankost stated that we shDuld postpone this question until the present matter ~as settled. He further stated that, if there were no buildings on this property, he would not oppose the refusal to annex but Mro Anderson has a motel which needs connection to the sewers and he thereupon made a motion, seconded by Director Gersick, that this petition be accepted for annexation and that a permit be issued therefor. Upon the question, it was approved by the follow- ing vote~ AYIIS~ Directors Gersick, Goeringer, Pankost and Wall. NOES~ None NOT VOTIN6~ Director Wakeman. OLD BUSINESS~ The business of allowing no new annexations as shown on Page 2 of the Minutes of May 28, 1959, wherein Motion was made by Director Gersick and seconded by Director Wakem~_n that the District allow no new annexations to people now out of the District and that no new construction starting as of this date be allowed to connect to the sewer until the Sewer Treatment Plant is completed and in operation. Director Gersick stated that, after thinking it over, he felt that Ms expression of "no new construction" is a large order. He feels that persons, whose property is included within the boundaries of the District and have been excluded therefrom, should be made to ~it, but those people who are in the District, we cannot morally cut off. Director Goeringer said that we know we need the assessed valuation in order to go "over the hill." Director Pankost said that he would like to make this definite statement. Two years ago, our treatment plant was in trouble and he feels that, whether our flow stays as is or increases to 750,000 gallons per day, we shall have to spend $3,000 or $4,000 to buy another pump and rent more land for spray irri- gation. Construction preliminaries on our new plant have been started and he feels that Co Norman Petersonms office will be in trouble if we do not keep water from running to the new plant site. Whether we take on new connections or not, we shall have to spend this money. There was considerable discussion pro and con on the question of accepting new annexations and permitting new connections. Director Pankost stated that he feels that each case should be considered on its own merita~ discussed and examined before a decision is made, in order to keep sewage out of the Lake. After a very lengthy discussion, a motion was made that each case be considered on its own individual merit and acted upon accordingly. Upon the Presidentts call for the question, it was unanimously approved and passed. NE~ BUSINESS~ Accountant Lucot brought up the fact that, anticipating future requirements of the District, he wants to know if a problem comes up, will the District be prepared to take care of it. He mentioned the matter of Purchase Orders and the issuance of checks, the list of wMch is growing more and more lengthy as the weeks go by. The Law ~rovides that, if a Resolution or order is issued to show that an item is listed in the Budget, it my be taken care of by the Comptroller writing a check without having to "track down" the Directors to get it signed, tie suggests tlmt a motion be made that the South Tahoe Public Utility District adopt a Besolution, as required by law, to budget accounting and administration and, particularly, to authorize the Comptroller to write checks for such items which are specifically listed in the Budget; also, for miscellaneous iten~ sho~n in a blank capacity; for example, office supplies up to $5,000 per year or, upon special order of the Board~ to issue a check for an item not specifically listed in the Budget, but which will be paid out of the "Unappropriated Reserves., For this purpose~ the Comptroller must be bonded. Director Pankost stated tl~t he believes that this Board is in favor of Accountant Lucotts suggestion and further suggests that~ in order not to go off "half cocked',, Attorney We£dman prepare the necessary papers arid, at the next meeting~ Accountant Lucot be appointed Comptroller and this will be put on the Agenda for June 25. Director Pankost stated that the District must have a new pump and some 6" or 8" pipe and~ between now and next sun~ner, mu~t have at least a couple of thousand feet of pipe other than that now on order. The flow of the pipe line from No. 1 l~np will be changed to No. 2 Pump and back to No. 1 at the west end of the Plant. There is an irrigation ditch which the 0~ner would like to receive our watery and he, Director Pankost, would like the Boardts authorization to obtain bids for pump and pipes~ etc.~ in the amount of something between $3~000 and $4,000. ~CLAI~ The following claims were presented and approved for payment, and checks issued therefor as listed hereinafter~ Check No.451 - Orville Chandler 452 - Federal Reserve Bank 453 - Beverly and Weidman 454 - Belle Bender 455 - Editha Beseler 456 - Clarke Insurance Agency 457 - Tahoe Office Supply 458 - Sierra Pacific Power Co. 459 - Pacific Telephone 460 - Office ~achine Co. 461 - Chas. Bruning Co. 462 - ~artyr & Shine 463 - Tahoe Supply Co. 464 - Pernau-~alsh Printing Co. 465 - VOID 466 - Del Lucot 467 - William Mortensen ~ 468 - Pitney-Bowes, Inc. 469 - VOID 470 - l~bert Wakeman 471 - Vernon Wall 472 - Norman L. Goeringer 473 -R. S. ~ersick 474 - Belle Bender 475 - Editha Beseler 476 - Del Lucot 5:05 p.m. ~;' NOP~N L. GOERINGER~ $ 83.85 1~4.46 709.24 51.31 41.70 6.00 26.77 435.89 141.87 156.00 17.43 29.98 12.06 36.24 87.50 353.40 14.85 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 44.09 128.50 There being no objection, the Presi~d~nt adjou~.d~n~eeting at Clerk and ~-0fficio Secreta~ ~e~i ~ilI~UTF~ OF THE .~G~ HEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIHECTOR~ OF THE SOUTH TAJt0E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 25, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley~ California~ on June 25, 1959. tteeting~as called to order by the President at 2~15 p.mo ROLL CALL~ Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer~ Gersick~ Pankost, ~¥akeman and Wall~ also present were Engineer Aberley, and Accountant Lucot, with Attorney Weidman arriving at 2520 p.m. MI1COTES~ ~ffnutes of the regular meeting of June 11, 1959~ were read and approved as corrected. /{EPORTS~ Director Pankost reported as follows on the meeting of the Lake ~fater Problems Co~mission held in Sacramento on June 16, 1959~ Ray L. Knisley presented a Resolution, which was ~ell read, in which it ~as stated that the South Tahoe would be penaitted to pump water out of the Lake Tahoe Basin ~where necessary for the protection of public health and welfare .... , subject to exchange agreements being negotiated." South Tahoe Public Utility District went on record that any problem relative thereto would be between the Co~issions. Engineer Aberly gave the Progress lteport to date as follows~ S~IAGE TBEAT~/ENT PLANT~ Clearing completed in main work area. Excavation completed for Digesters. Embankments begun. First concrete will probably be poured within two weeks (Digester slabs). FOIICE ~i~IN & TRUNK I)E~I~I OF A/~ES~iE~T DISTIiICT 1959-1~ C0~;ECTION LINES ~ Lagrange Construction started June 17 at l~eno Avenue. Laid about ~80 feet of 15" trunk sewer (averaging about 60 feet per day). Surveying completed for all areas except A1 Tahoe. Preliminary sewer layout complete in Pinewood Park, Pinewood IIeights, T~loe Terrace, Pinewood Terrace, Lakeview Lodge, Triangle Tract~ and Bijou Park Addition. Final design 90% complete for Bijou Park Addition. Final Assessment District boundaries determined. Assessment 11o11 work just begun. ~r. Aberley explained the Assessment Districts to the Directors; those sewers that they hope to have designed and out bySeptember~ starting as of today on the Assessment ltolls which will be read for bid by early fall, he hopes, and explained the planning. The President stated that he is inclined to believe all planning for the ~ District should be included in the present plans. Mr. Aberley said that, on a front footage basis, assessment would be too inequitable and they will probably spread on a benefit basis. This is a matter for the Board's approval and his office will work up the plan and present to the Board for approval. Director Pankost reported that 1~o Aberley had received a letter from Elmer D*Angelo, requesting a meetingwith him. This meeting was held on June 17, 1959, at which time they had a discussion relative to the contract the ~evada and California Sewer Districts and the possibility of negotiating a new co~tracto Director Pankost then read ~. Aberley*s letter of June 18 to Broom and Caldwell~ setting forth the items on ~hich agreement was reached. A discussion of these items ensued. Director Pankost reported that the Brochures for the Bond Sales were in the hands of 0trick, Dahlquist, t~rrington and Sutcliffe and that both Director Pankost and Attorney Weidman had been advised that they will be printed in the very near future and sent ~ut. CORRESPONDENCE: None. I~ITIONS~ None. OLD BUSINESS: Director Pankost stated that the Johnson Road is quite Iow and that there is quite aheavy rrm-off and, if we move dirt do~n to raise the road, at a later date we shall have to dig a ~libch and put in a big pipe. Harms will do this ~hile here at a figure somewhere between $500.00 and $1,000.00. Johnson will have to do sometldng about the road which is now private. Director Pankost would like to have Harms Bros. improve the road. Attorney Weidman was consulted as to whether we have the right to Spend money on private property and a lengthy discussion followed on raising the level of the road two to three feet. Attorney Weidman replied: "Off the cuff, if the District has an easement, then money can be spent for its pro rata share of expense. If that be the case, and there is some real advantage-- not quite an emergency need--that we can justify, we can do it. Will look into it." Motion was made by Director Pankost that Attorney Weidman bd instructed to find out i~nediately if that road can be raised and if money therefor can be taken out of construction money. ~otion was seconded by Director Gersick and unanimously approved. Director Pankost made a motion that,~ if the Attorney reports to the ~nager that it is legal to do so, he be authorized to have Harms do the work at the quoted price of between $500 and $1000. Motion was secondedby Director Wall and passed to discussion. Director Oersick made a motion to amend the previous motion to the effect that, if the road is raised, a culvert be installed at the same time. This motion ~as seconded by Director Wakeman. A second a~endment was made by Director Wall and seconded by Director Pankost, that the worBs "at the same time" be stricken out and the words "before next winter" be substituted in the original motion. The motion was rephrased as follows~ "If found legal to raise a portion of the Johnson Road, authoriza- tion be given to the Mananger and Ex-Officio Secretary to have the named contractor make the fill." Motion was then seconded by Director Oersick and unanimously approved and passed. Director Pankost stated that, at the last meeting, he was given permission to get prices on pumps and equipment which are as followst T~o bids were received--the Iow being $1,035.00 for a new pump with 40 HPmotor. Pipe therefor -- $1,350.00. He further stated that it has been recon~nended that the District use "double dip, 12 g~uge , 6" pipe at $1.35 per foot and then, ~ather than connect pipe by welding, Dressler Couplings be used. We need approximately 1,000 feet of 6" pipe and required Dressler fittings. If this pipe is used, it is antici- pated that we will not have to buy any more aluminum pipe. Total equipment and installation will cost approximately ~3500.00. Director Wall made a motion, seconded by Director Wakeman, that authorization be given for the expenditure of the necessary moneys for repairing the present plant, includin~ pump, pipe, and necessary fittings and equipment therefor ..... Motion was approved and passedby unanimods vote. Director Pankost stated that, yesterday, the pip~ leading into the pumping station plant was ~thin 4" of being completely plugged and he therefore made a motion at this time that the Board go on record to outlaw any garbage grinders for, if we do not stop the accumulation of greaser"we are licked." A lengthy discussion ensued, during which Director Pankost read a report from ~anitarian Mortensen. Director Gersick made a motion, seconded by Director Pankost? that garbage disposals in private homes be charged at the rate of ten (10) ,~nlts per month and that commercial garbage disposals shall be removed. A rather lengthy discussion followed this motion and Director Panko2t stated that~ if approved, the Secretary or the Attorney would write to Brown and~Caldwell to dete~nine the experience in other treatment plants similar to this and give us a report thereon. ~otion was made by Director Wall and seconded by Director ~¥akeman to table the foregoing motion until such report is received. NE~ BUSINESS: Director Pankost stated that ~. Kermit Lincoln and Mr. Turner were here wanting a signed letter stating that we anticipate the completion of our sewer treatment plant in the late 1960 and completion of .ppm. ping ~%ation in the vicinit~ of Tahoe Island Park No. 4 next fall. Attorney Weidman advised that the District will be out of money for U~0 by June 30, 1959, and tax money will not be in until October. If we get a letterito the Comptroller, we can borrow money on our future taxes to meet~ur current M&0 n~eds. The Law permits the Treasurer to deposit his funds with other moneys and not separately for us, but he needs a Writ of Waiver. Director Pankost made a motion~ seconded by Director Wakeman, that we become a "participating district" under E1 Dorado County Ordinance No. 320 and the'Secretary be empowered to execute the Waiver necessary to permit the South Tahoe Public Utility District a "Participating District" as defined in the aforementioned Ordinance No. 320. Motion was carried by the following vote~ Directors Wakeman, Pankost, Wall, Oersick and Goeringer. None None. It was then added that Accountant Lucot be authorized to submit a list of expenditures for the month of July and state that we have no funds to cover said expenditures until tax moneys are received and ask the County Auditor and Board of Supervisors for an advance or loan for the amount of said expenditures. Director Pankost suggested that~ instead of asking for any money from E1 Dorado County~ he would like permission to get the necessary funds needed by the District on an advance from Nevada~ which action was approved. Director Pankost asked that our Attorney be authorized to prepare an Ordinance to establish the office of Comptroller. Accountant Lucot asked authorization to engage Irvine and Duce as AuditOrs to make the annual audit of the records and was so authorized. Accountant Lucot asked on what date char~es for services should cease when the District is not notified of change in ownership? The reply was~ "B'nen Notified." There was a discussion relative to obtaining a right-of-way for Pacific Telephone and Sierra P~cific Power Company across the Sewage Treatment Plant ~ite and Director Pankost was authorized by the Board to sign this document. CLAI~ The following claims were presented and approved for payment as follows~ Check No. 47? - Chas. M. Berry $ 478 - Western Truck Lines 479i- Del Lucot 480 - Sierra Pacific Power Co. 481 - Sierra Pacific Power Co. 482 - Sierra Pacific Power Co. 483 - Belle Bender 484 - Editha Beseler 485 - Budloph Gersick 486 - Robert Wakeman 10.00 32.30 98.00 35.36 206.40 345.60 51.31 49.20 10.00 10.00 6b 487 -Vernon Wall 488 -Norman L. Goeringer 489 - Earle F. Pankost 490 - William Beseler 491 - Editha Beseler 492 - Belle Bender 493 - Del Lucot $ 10.00 10.00 290.20 61.17 83.77 51.31 78.50 494-A. L. Miller 515.25 AIXI0~: There being no objections, meeting was adjourne4 by the ~~erk & ~-0ffi~io Secreta~ Norman L. Goerin~ger, l~esident'- ~ MINUTES OF TIIE P~EGULIR ~, ~[~IETING 0F TI~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TI~ S01ffflI TAit0E FJBLIC b~fILITY DISTRICT July 9, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on July 9~ 1959. Meeting was called to order by the President at 2:30 p.m. ..R.0LL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer, Gersihk~ · ankost, Wakeman and Wall. Also present were Attorney Weidman and Accountant Lucot and also Mr. Ben Benedict of Tahoe Sierra Tribune. MI~S: Minutes of the regular meeting of June 25, 1959, were read and approved as corrected. I~PORTS: Director Pa~cost reported that the pipe and fittings had been received and the pump should be set ~ next week. Director Pankost reported that he~:called Mr. John iIarrah and was assured by him that we could get the 310,000 check whenever someone crone to pick it up. Director Pankost reported that the Ground Breaking Ceremonies went off very well on Tuesday, July 7, 1959, and it is his feeling and that of Attorney Weidman that it created a very favorable impression on those present. Iie also reported that the Superintendent of the job informed him that, barring unforeseen difficulties, the plant, though not completed, will be ready for operation by Augnst of 1960. " Director Pa~ost further reported that there ~as a meeting held in San Francisco between our Engineers and those of Nevada and that, while he was in Reno that day, he telephoned Mr. Aberley, our ,,ng~neer~ and instructed ilim that, under no circ~unstances, should lie con, nit the District to anything and reminded him that no one had the power to co,nit the District until the subject in question crone before the Board of Directors. Director PanI~ost reported that .~,[r. ?.'~rsden, of the State Department of Public ~,ealtn~ states that lie is now considering peiquitting tile builders to install a temporar~.~ septic tank if the property is witllin the boundaries o£ tile District. Said tanks~ lie feels, will last at least five uears in which time the sewers will be connected. " Attorney ~?ei&:',an reported that he had telephoned Smith, of Edw. L. Burton ¢~ Company~ to l)e certain that the prospectus and ' ~ ,. oon(is ~zere out. Ill 69¸ the course of tile conversation~ ;ir. Smith stated that he will be at South Tahoe on Wednesday~ Thursday~ and Friday of next ~eek. Atto~q~ey Wei~uan stated that lie thought the Grotu~d Breaking Ceremonies ~ere of real benefit in pointing up the ~ork being accomplished and ~ery favorable co.n~.aents have bem~ received and two persous have reported very favorable reception from the ~oard o~ ,~upe~isors with regard to the District. 'Director Pa~ost reported that~ ever since he has been on the job~ the ~as enf~ine at ~m:~p Station ~fo. 2 has not been workin~ properly. He called !u~:~gn~ uompany lo inspect it. ~uother serions problem is that~ when Director Goerin~er was livir~g near there~ there was always someone to take care o£ it as he could hear when the p~unp alar~ sounded. Director Pankost lhen suggested that the District Board find out about the use of the alarm at the plant which will include a central alarm s~stem. ~tfter considerable discussion~ Director Wakeman was dele~ated to t~lk ~,~ith the Fire District to see how they handle ala~ns. Director ?ankost reported that the .District's bid for the plant called for a power driven machine to clean out se~age pipelines and he requested the Engineers to have contractor order stone. Director Pamkost also reported that a meetinf~ is to be held in Placerville relative to the forming of a Service District ~hich~ he learned~ the public has been informed that the said district is being formed by Mr. Chism to help the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Director Pankost said he -~ould like the authorization of the Board of Directors to attend tnxs meeting and fi~:~nt it. The possibilities of this meetin~ were then explained Attorney ?[eichnan and discussed at length. The Attorney was theu directed to look into 'the fact as to whether they can supersede the Utility District. CORP:~Y~P0i~CE: Director Pankost read a very nice letter from the State Treasurer~ ~,!r. Betts~ stati~g that the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District should be complimented on building the type of plant now being constructed. PETITIONS: Lakeside Park is now quite active and some residents want to get up a petition to come into the District and have said case tried in the Courts. OLD BUSINGS: !teport from ~ineer Aberley relative to Garbage Grinders was read and discussed. By a motion,.~ Director Pankost requested that the reports on grease traps be postponed indefinitely. Upon second by Director Gersick~ :notion was unanimously carried. Director Pankost made a motion that~ in vie~ of the fact that the Board did not reach an agreement '~ith Lit. Johnson relative to the raising of the Johnson Road~ said road not be raised by the District. On second of the motion by Director Gersick~ motion was unanimously carried. lxrff,'l BUSIN~SS: Director Pankost requested that authorization be given to obtain a sealed motor and wench and hoist for Pumping Station No. 2. I.[otinn was made by Director Wakeman~ that the District purchase and install an electric~ explosion-proof Hoist and the necessary equipment for the removing of debris from the wet ',veil in Pumping Station No. 2. Upon second by Director Wall~ motion was m~animously carried. .~,Iotion was made by Director Wall that the time of Meetings of the Doard be changed to the first and third Thursdays of each month at 7:00 P.M. and authorization be given to the Attorney to take the necessary legal steps to effect this change. Upon second }xy Director Pankost~ the motion was unanimously carried. By Unanimous vote, Director Pankost was authorized to attend the Water Works Convention in San Francisco during July 19 and 26~ 1959. Director Wakeman made a motion that our Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary l~solution authori~.ing the Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary to enter into a cpniract with Bro~n and Caldwell to make a Water 7O Survey. Upon presentation of the question, Director Wakeman said he ~zould li_",:e to know if there is anyone else interested in doing this? ~Jr. Benedict of the Tahoe Sierra robune replied that one else can do so. ,";!otion was T ' then seconded }~r Director Gersick anti unanimously approved. CLA_~I~.__~_: The following claicas were presented and paid as follows: Check No. 495 - Del Lucot ~ 13,t.75 496 - Beverly and ~Teidman 710.03 497 - Ski Run Lodge 111.06 498 - Belle Bender 52.31 499 - Sierra Pacific Power Co. 42.18 500 - Sierra Pacific ]~ower Co. 358.1.5 701 - Belle Bender (Stamps) 4.00 702 - ?;estern Truck Lines 5.17 703 - Clarke Building 265.00 704 - Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. 103.13 705 - Co. of E1 Dorado 3.00 706 -Lake Tahoe News 45.90 707 -Lake Tahoe Office Supply 27.88 708 - Editha Beseler 65.86 709 - Rudolph Gersi.~k 10.00 710 Dr. V~rnon Wall 10.00 711 - !lobert ~akeman 10. O0 712 - Noman 6oeringer 10.00 713 - Murray's Stationery Store31~619.65 71,t - Earle F. Pankost 139.00 715 - Editha Beseler 716 - Belle Bender 717 - ?Im. Mortensen 718 - Postmaster~ Bijou 719 - Del Lucot 720 -Earle F. Pa~¢ost 60.85 53.27 861.74 200.00 165.50 184.10 Director Pankost made a motion that this meetiug be adjourned tmtil July 16~ 1959 at 1:00 p.m. for the pm~pose of preparing the Ordinance for change in meeting date and bour~ for opening of Bond Bids~ and other business conrnenced at this Session. ~LIXIOLq~\v~gT: There being no objection, meeting was adjourned at 5:30 P.~. until 1:30 Pd~.I. on Thursday~ July 16~ 1959. Clerk and Ex~.0Tt~icio Secreta~,~ ~oman L. Goeri~ger~ l~re~sident' ' ~ff~;~-x~. MINUTES OF ?I~ ADJOUiL~E2D ;CEGUI~kR I,~ETINfi OF Tile BOAPd) OF DI1LECTORS OF TI~ SOUrlI 'rAI!O~: Fc~LIC UTILITY DISTRICT July 16~ 1959 Tile Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility DistriCt met in an adjourned session of the Reg~lar l, leeting of July 9~ 1959~ at the District Offices Clarke Building~ Tahoe Valley~ California. '~ · Acting President Gersick at 1:35 P.M. ~-,,eetxng was called to order by R~0LL CXLL: Upon roll call~ there were present Directors Gersick~ Pankost, ?/akeman~ and :,'lall. Also present were Attorney I'/eidman~and },ir. '~' ~cholas Smith of Edw. L. Burton & Company~ Salt Lake City~ Utah. In the absence of the President, Director Gersick was elected to serve as Acting President. MINIYr~: Due to the limited time prior to the Special Meeting to be held at 2:00 p.:~j.~ minutes of the previous meeting were not read. 71 i! F~IPO K?o: None. COPd[I~SPu:~I~ CE: None. PDt IT I 0NS: ~Ione. OLD BUSIRrESS: At the last meeting~ the Attorney was directed to prepare an Ordinance changing the days and hour o£ meetin~ of the Board of Directors to the firs:t and third Thursdays of each month at 7:00 P.:,,I. Ordinance No. 45 -- AN OPJ)II~L~CE PROVIDING FOB TtIE TE,~ 2~"~q3 PLACE OF ~,~,~,~TINGS, RULES OF PROCEEDINGS AND FOR CALLING OF SPEC~tL ~,~TI~-~GS~ was presented by Director Pa~2fost~ copy,,~f whicii is attached hereto and made a part of these ~Jinutes as Attaclunent No. 1. ,,otxon was made by Director ',"/all, seconded by Director Wakeman, that Ordinance No. 45 be approved and adopted. Upon being carried to voter was approved by the voting as follows: Di rectors Gersi ck ~ Pa~Hcost, ',;~mman and "Jal 1. None. Di rector Goeringer. 7~solution No. 140 -- F'~SOLUTION OF TI~ BOAteD OF DIIiECTOi~S OF SOL. ii T~iOZ ~LIC L~rILI~' DISTRICT DETEi]~IINING TILkT Ti~ ~LIC IWf~'~T .U.~ N~C~Si~ OF SO, ii T~IOE ~LIC b~ILI~f DISTRICT D~,L~ Ti~ ,renu T ,. ~ ISI ION~ CONSTRUCTION~ fdfD CO},~ETiON OF A ~LIC UfILI~ TO WIT: WATER WO~ CONSISTING OF A SLaY OF GOOD~ F~ YfAT~t ~N'D DISTI~IBUfION TI~EOF FOR TiiE SOLFCII T~MIOE ~_~LIC ~iLI~~ DISTRICT -- was read and a co~ attached hereto (as Attaclrnent No. 2) and made a part of these ~,Snutes. This was follm~ed ~- the presen- tation of l~esolution No. 141 -- I~OLL~ION OF Tile DOAI~ OF DII~CTOi~ OF SO~rrii TYdIOE ~rSLIC !~'ILI~I DISTRICT AL~HOiIIZING PROCLq~,~ OF ~fS ~L~D ~TI:~T~ i~,~ COST OF 0TM ::IC i:FILIT: DIST2ICT OF A F_:]LIC L~ILI::, T0 WIT: ::T:i: WOE~ CO}~SISTING OF 0'~''''~ '~'w'~ ~-~: SIOUX OF G00Dj PI~ WATEi: F011 SAIl,: DISTRICT 22~ THE DISTiIIDI~ION Tlfi]l~OF~ ~:D DET~II[INI:gG Ti~ COST OF OR CONSTIIUCTION ~ CO!~ION Ff SAID DISTRICT OF SiC, fiLeR Motion was made by Director Pard:ost, seconded by Director Wall, that the foregoing l~solutions Nos. 140 and 1,tl,(co~ of each of which is attached to and made a part of these :linutes as Attacluuents 2 and 3 respectively)~ be approved. On the question~ said ilesolutions were approved and adopted by the fo!lo~,~ng vote: NOF£: Directors Gersi. ck~ Panlcost, :?akeman, and Wall. 2~ono, Director Goeringer. IJirector Gersick presented the ouestion of hecreation and Garbage within the District and it was the consens,Js that the District should f~o on record as to this. At the suggestion of Director :Tall ~ ii, was decided tlmt this matter would rest until we receive a letter pertaininf~ thereto from the Cha~nber of Con~nerce. ~' T Eirector ',,m:eman moved that the order of business be :-~ ..... ' c.....nge~ to pen:~it Eire~tor .Pad,cost to report relative to the contract with the Douf~las Cotmty Sewer Improvement District ::o. 1. L[otion vms seconded by ~irect~r Wall and ~animousiy carried. Director Pa,~d{ost reported that the En4:~ineers had come up with a reasonably clear contract which~ although it has considerable "buffs" in it, both sides al:tee that~ within the next few months~ ~evada will b~y rights to the extent of half a million sallons per day in the Plant. This contract also specifi- cally states that Nevada can ask for additional capacity or purchase additional capacity on notice of 30 or 40 d~-s. Director Pad, est stated that he ~zill not vote to give them additional capacity on demand. This brought on a discus- sion of Nevada's present flow~ etc. >~;'; BI~IN~S: Director Pankost presented to tile Board the fact that the District now has a l~rge n~mber of posts which are belin:; e ~ -' ~-. ._ r-movoc, from the present, disposal site ;tm', he desires c,~[hori ..... - z,,.~,io~ to declare these posts as "Surplus" and dispose of them by sale. The Board was unanimous in i:jreein~ that this should be (lone. ~ .... :~10Ul~q~,.[~fI': There being no ful ~ne~ business to be taken up at this adjourned meetin:z~ meeti, n~ was adjourned at 2:00 p.n:. by the Acting th'esident. t}. S. Gersick~ Acting President Clerk and F~x-0fficio Secreta~D- SPECIAL ~0~, , . ~.~,~ING OF TIIE BOAYJ) OF DiP~CT01~ OF THE S0bq'lI TAiIOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. July 16, 1959 The Board of i)irectors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in Special Session at 2:00 P...~. on July 16, 1959~ at the I)istrict Offices, Clarke Building~ Tahoe Valley, California. Meeting was called, to order by the Acting President Gersick at 2:00 It0LL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present I)irectors Ger~ick, Pankost, Wakeman, and Wall. Also present were AttOrney Wei~uan~ Accountant Lucot~ Hr. Nicholas Smith of Edw. L. Burton & Company~ Salt Lake City, Utah; Mr. Ben Benedict of Tahoe Sierra Tribune; ?Jrs. Thalmay of the Bank of .'hnerica~ Bijou~ :~,ir. James Sorenson of the First California Company~ I~no~ Nevada, and }Jr. James Guerin of Schwabacher Co. ~ representing John Nravine & Co. I~POSE OF },~ETING: J.leetinff was called for the purpose of opening of Bids for the sale of Bonds in the sum of $1,250,000 par value and awarding the contract to the successful bidder. OPENING OF BIDS: Director Par~kost opened and read the bids as follows: 1. Bar~r of ~hnerica NT&SA - ~1,250,000 plus ~309.00 premimn; Int. 4.76fi6}~ o. Taylor and Company, Beverly ilills~ Int. t.936o/o 3. Jolm Nuvine & Co.; ...... Int. 4.838G~ ).;eeting was recessed for a short period to permit the Attorney and Accountant to go over the bids and determine the low bidder. Attorney Wei~imn thereupon read Resolution No. 1.t2 (COl~. of which is attached hereto and made a part of these }.[inutes as Attaclnnent No. 1) settir~ forth the facts that, whereas the said bid of the Bank of Y~erica NT&SA et al~ in the sma .~1,250,000, plus a premium of ~309.00 with an interest rate of ~.7666/~, lhis Bid should be accepted. I)irector Wall made a motion that ,Sesolution No. 142 as presented by Attorney Weieman be accepted. Upon second by I)irector Wakeman, ~Sesolution No. 142 was approved and adopted by the following vote: AY~: NOES: ABS~,[£: Directors Gersick,PaM~ost, W~eman and Wall. None. Director Goeringer. A]~ff0UI~.dF~.~T: There being no further business before tim Board, meeting was adjourned ]~y the Acting ~esident at 4:30 P.M. ~.~ ..... -~ " -.. k. S. Gersick, Actin~ ~esident f~.gtf~.e:?~en~ :70. I 1 3 4 ORDINANCE NO. 45 AN O I NCE P OVI INC FOR AND OF OF PROc fS FO -- Lr= -- ~'~F-'~P~CIAL _MEE?INL~~- ~----- BE IT =' -~%hCTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, COLqN'TY OF EL DORADO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS: 8 Section 1. DEFINITIONS. Unless the context required ~ otherwise, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 10 "District" shall mean South Tahoe Public Utility District, 11 County of E1 Dorado, State of California. 12 "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the District. 13 "President" shall ~ean the President of the Board. 14 "Secretary" shall mean the Clerk and Ex-officio Secretary 15 of the Boa rd. 10 Section 2. MEETING PLACE. All regular meetings of the 17 Board shall be held at the general offices of the District, located 18 at the corner of U. S. Highway No. 50 and Beach Boulevard within 19 the District. Section 3. TIME OF MEETINGS. Regular meetings of the Zl Board shall be held on the first and third Thursdays of every g,~ month, conm~encing at 7:00 o'clock P.M.; ]~rovided, however, that 9.3 should any such day fall upon a legal holiday, then said meeting ~4 shall be held at the same time on the next day thereafter ensuing ~J5 which is not a legal holiday. Section 4. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings of the Board may be ordered at any time by the President or by a majority of the Board. Written notice of the time and place of such special meetings shall be delivered personally or by mail to each member of the Board, and to each local newspaper of general circulation, radio or television station, requesting notice in writing, at least twenty-four (24) hours before the time of such meeting, as specifie in the notice 2~e order and notic~, shall ~ ~ · sp_c~fy Lhe tim~ and place of special meetings and the Ousine~ss to be transacted. No other business shall be considered at such ~neetings by the Board. Such written notice may be dispensed with as to any member of the Board who, at or prior to the time the meeting conven,cs, files with the Secretary a written waiver of notice. Such waiver ~may be given by telegram· Such notice may also be dispensed with as to an) m~mber who is actually present at the meeting at the tin~. it con- vene s. Section 5. ADJOURNED MEETINGS. The Board may adjourn any regular, adjourned regular, special, or adjourned special meeting to a tinge and place specified in the order of adjournment. Less than a quorum may adjourn from time to time. If all rmemJ~ers are absen~ from any regular or adjourned regular meeting, the Cieri~ or Secretary of the Board may declare the meeting adjourned to a stated tim~ and place, and he shall cause a written notice of the sdJournment to b~ given in the samm manner as provided in Section ~ hereof for special meetings, unless such notice is waived, as pro- · id~d for special meetings. When a regular or adjourned regular ~eting is adjourr~d, as provided in this section, th.~ r~sulting adjourned regular meeting is a regular meeting for all purposes. ~en an order of adjournn~nt of any meeting fails to state ~he ho~r st which the adjourned meeting is to be held, it shall be helO at the hour specified for regular meetings by this Ordinance. Section 6. PUBLIC MEETINGS. Ail meetings of the Board shall be open and public, and all persons shall be pe~-mitted to at- tend any ~etings of the Board, except as provided in Section 54957 of the Goverrm~nt Code of the State of California. Section 7. ORDER OF BUSINESS. The order of business of the meetings of the Board shall be as follows: Roll call Reading o f Minute s Reports Correspondence Petitions Old Business New Business Claims Adj ournmen t ~revi. de~, however, that the Board may, at any time, in its dis- cretion,' take any matter under consideratio,~ out ~f order. Section 8. SEVERABILIT¥. It any ar~ici~:~, section, section, sentence, clause or phrase of the order, or %he appi~ca- tion thereof to any person or ¢ircnumstance, is ~or any reason he~d to be unconstitutional or invalid, such deci~io~ shall not al~e~t the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or the plication of such provisions to other persons or circumstan~es. The Board hereby declares that it would have pass~d thi% Ord~r~ance or any article, section, sub-section, sentence, clause cr hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or ~re article,s, sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be deciar~.d to be unconstitutional. Section 9. REPEAl.. All ordinances in conl![c[ are hereby repealed. Section i0. POSTING, FUBLICATION Ai~D EFFECTIV!~2 DATE. Upon adoption, this Ordinance shall be posted in three (3) p~i places ~n the District, at least seven (7) days prio.!~ ~o ~be piration of thirty (30) days from the date of its passage, ~,hall be published in the LAKE TAIIOE NEWS, a newspaper of gener,~l circulation printed and published in the District, at least (7) days prior to thirty (30) days from the date of its pass, age, and shall, take effect upon the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its adoption. 3 1 2 5 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 22 ~4 26 27 28 29 $0 $1 32 IEYI:RLY AND WI[II)MAN ADOPTED July 16, 1959, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Gersick, Pankost, Wakeman and Wall Directors - None Director Goeri~:er. ~tin~ ?r~s~dent 6f thc board of Directors of ~outh Tahoe Public Utilit) District. SOU '~ ' t.~, :ah~),~ Public Utility District. 4 ).iIl~%~ OF Tt~ I~Gb/~ ~,E~'ETING OF TI~ BOAPJ) OF DiP[ECTOI'~ OF Tt~ SOL~tt TAtlOE PhalLIC b~ILITY DISTi:ICT July 23, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on July 23, 1959. Meeting was called to order by the President at 2:10 ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer, Gersick, Pankost, Wakeman, and Wall. Also present were Attorney Wei~nan and Accountant Lucot. MIN%WES: },linutes of the reg"alar meeting of July 9, Adjourned l:Mg~lar },~eting of July 9, and Special Meeting of July 16 were read and approved as corrected. ~EP0~TS: Director Pankost reported that the new pump has arrived and, before being set up, was set in the place of the old pump which has been running a long time and has been sent to Sacramento for an overhaul job. We should not have to touch the ptunp for a long time. We are going to have to have the pond lowered for 2 or e feet as we are not picking up all run-off with the pump and quite a problem will be created for the contractors and, therefore, we have been negotiating with the contraCtor to go over and lower the ditch. Director Pa~ost reported that there is to be a meeting of thc Tahoe Water Problems Committee in Sacramento which he will attend. Director Pankost reported that the ~uestionnaires (Census) were brought in today fr°m the printers and the money paid to the Bijou Post Office to mail them out as "Bul~ Llail", second class. CORRESPOND~CE: None. PETITIONS: None. OLD BUSINESS: Attorney Weidman reported that, with regard to the surplus posts~ if the entire Board is in agreement that the net worth of these posts is under .$75.00, they can be sold without advertising for beings by being declared "Surplus." Director PanI[ost made a motion that these posts be declared "Surplus" and less than $75.00 and that he be authorized to dispose of s~ne. On second of the motion by Director Gersick, it was carried by- the following vote: AYES: Direc~rs Goerin~er, Gersick, Pankost, Wakeman, and Wall. N0~: None. ~LBS~Fi': None. Attorney stated that, relative to the Encroaclunent Permit for the property back of 01son and Johnson, he ca,mot find where an easement to this property was given to the District. The Owner was, at that time, the President of the Board of Directors and gave the easement to the Di~;trict. ].Ir. Wilson had hired ~..[r. Iteeves (itight-of-¥fay Specialist) and .~,[r. Weidman says he will write to ~,[r. Wilson to find out about it. Motion was made by Director Wall that the Attor~y be authorized to secure all the information possible with regard to other Districts and ~.[unicipal Areas which could affect the SOIYFit TAIiOE I~o]]LIC b~rILITY DISTRICT in order that the Board may be informed of the respective laws and so better serve the District. On second by Director Gersick, motion was approved and carried by the fol- lowing vote: AYES: Directors Goerin~er, Gersick PanI.:ost ~ Wakeman,and :';all. NOES: None ABS~'~T: None. BUSINGS: None. The follo~inf~ claims were presented for approval and paid: Ci~eck No.721 - E(litha Beseler 722 - Sierra Pacific Power Company 723 Sierra ac~x~c Power Company 72,i - ~elle Bender 725 - ~Testern Truck Lines 726 - Lioore Business Po~s 727 - Postmaster~ Bijou, P.O. 72S -State Compensation Ins. ~kmd 729 - ~e Peterson 730 - Lake Tahoe ~fews 731 - Tahoe Sierra ~ribune 732 - ?evada L~ber Co::~pa~v 733 - ~1 Lucot ,~4 - VOID 735 - ~fm. Deseler 736 - ~k~dolph Gersick 737 - Vernm~ Wall 738 - ;~bert ~Yakeman 739 - ~{o~an Goerin~er 740 - Beverly Cola 7.i1 - 2arle ~. Pa~:ost 742 - VOID 743 - ~rtment of ~lo~ent 744 - Director of Internal I~venue 745 - Editha Beseler 746 - Belle Bender 717 - Wm. Beseler ~2.50 13 337.00 51.31 59. S7 95.69 100.00 S0.00 35.00 50.10 1.OO 3.7,1 139.50 111.14 20.00 20. O0 20. O0 20.00 100.00 200.20 197.50 438,90 71.50 51,31 60.21 ADJOU]~2;.~,{T: There being no objection, meeti~ was adjourned by the th'esident at 3:15 ~ ~ Clerk and ~x-0fficio Secreta~ August O~ 1959 · ne ~o~.,-u of Directors of the South Tahoe Iktblic Utility Dis'tric,~ n~et in Special Session at' the District Offices, Clarke Duilding~ Tahoe Valley~ California~ AuL~st 6~ 1959, pursuan% to the call of %he Clerk and ..... ~x-0~f~ czo Secretacf' -~eet~ng was called to oruer by the President at 7:50 ~,~IIi~G: Heeting was called for the purpose o£ approvin~T the type of assessments as set up ~ the .Zngineers for the various Assessment Districts. }~OLL Cf~LL: Upon' call of the roll, there vere present Directors Goeringer, Pankost, Gersick~ and ;'fall. Director Wakeman arrived at 9:00 P.~.i. Also present were Attorney Weichman, ~ineers Aberley and Steffani of Brmm and Cald~ell~ Accountant Lucot, and Lb-. Zane Liiles of the N'evada State Journal. 1]UoL~rF2~S: Director Pankost read a letter £rom Broom and Caldwell enclosir~g a list of reco~m, mndations and a tentative timetable for Assessments for South Tahoe I~blic UtiliSy District Assessment District 1959-1. l:tules were discussed and explained after which En,,~ineer ' ~, ,. ~d)c '. 1 ey ~as directed to prepare the ~zording for notices to be posted in order Lha% a cox? maI be ~iven to the printers as soon as possible. En~%ineer Aberley stated that they would work closely with Attorney Weichnan on these notices and other mat~ers pertaining% to the Assessment District in order to insure the legality thereof. Director Wall made a motion that tlte Sngineers' method of assessments be accepted. Uu socond by Director Pard(ost, motion was carried by the follow- lng vote: NOES Directors Gersick, Goerin~er, P~cos~, Wakeman, and Wall. None. None. No further business being scheduled for presentation at this Special Session, meetin~ was adjourned by tile President at 9:35 Clerk and Ex-Officio SecretaIT ~omm~n ~; Go~ringeiZ~ Pres~ident. ,'~fINIYrES OF Tile I~GULAR [,IEETING OF Ti~ BOAteD OF DIRECTOIkS OF TI~ SOUTH TAIIOE PUBLIC LrI~ILITY DISTRICT August 13, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California, on August 13~ 1959. Meeting was called to order at 3:00 P.~[. by the President. itOLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost, and '.?all. Director Wakeman arrived a few minutes later and Director Gersick was absent, being in the hospital. Also present were Attorneys Weidman of Beverly and Weidman, and Wilson of Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld & Wallace, Accountant Lucot, and ).Ir. Benedict of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune. :dlRKYrEs: ~Iinutes of the regular meeting of July 23 and the Special Meeting held on August 6 were read and approved as corrected. RKPORTS: Director Pankost reported that the E~ineers had presented their Time Table in tentative fona for the formation of the Assessment District 1959-1 and that he, together with Attorney Weidman~ had studied it at length and presented it to the Attorneys in San Francisco. The Attorneys--Messrs. 0rrick~ Dahlquist, llerrington & Sutcliffe--said that it would be late October or November before they could complete the necessary work. Upon this advice, Director Pankost took it upon himself to call ~. E. A. Wilson~ of the firm of I~rkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld & Wallace~ San Marco, who flew here via Reno. Before taking this action,' however, Director Pankost contacted the only two available members of the Board~ namely DirecZors Wakeman and Wall~ for their approval. Director Pankost further reported that, regarding the Easement mentioned in the Minutes of July 28~ 1959~ he found that we do have such an Easement recorded~ the wording of which is being acquired by the Tahoe Title G~mranty Company. lie then reported that an apartment house is being built above the sewer line and the wall is within inches of the manhole which means that it ~ould be impossible to get equipment in to clean the line if it should become clogged, lie further reported that, on his desk, he has a petition from 'the contractor on this apartment house and has withheld action thereon for connection until such time as we can ascertain what lep;al action can be taken on the cost f(Jr this sewer line to be rerouted around this 7b property. A rough estimate of the cost for this work is approximately 3207000 and it is ids suggestion that no action be taken on this petition until our F~ngineers |lave ~iven us a letter of reco~,.~nendation. Attorney Weidman reported that~ with regard to the possibility of' %he Listrict's taking over the mattel, of aBuilding Code~ the housinv, man was ill and they had been ~mable to discuss the matter. IIowever~ tl~ey are snpposed to get together on Wednesday and complete the code requirements to see if they can come up with a workable proposition. Discussion of the fores~oing report followed. Accountant Lucot reported that~ for the info]xaation of the Directors~ questionuaires had been mailed to 27 states~ including California~ and to Guam~ 0kinawa and Sau~ii Arabia~ but all have not yet been sent out as some are being held for personal discussion or letters. Director Pankost added that tile Directors would be surprised at the man! telephone calls which have come in with regard to them. COR~2ZSPOND~CE: None. PL~f I T IONS: None. OLD BL~IfF~JS: ~lone. N~5' BUSIN'~S: The Engineers presented their Timetable on the 1959-1 Assess- ment District which takes care of 2001 parcels of land and~ upon contacting our present Attorneys--0rrick~ Dahlquist~ IIerrin,gton & Sutcliffee of San ~ranc~sco--we found that they will not be able to handle the business and get it out before sometime late in October or November. Director Pankost there- fore contacted the finn of Kirkbride~ ?;ilson~ IIarzfeld & Wallace~ of San ~:ateo~ anti ;ir. Wilson agreed to come to Lake Tahoe to check the papers and~ upon doing so~ stated that he will have them ready at the next meeting on Thursday~~u~ust' ~ 20~ 1959~ at 7:00 ?.iq. '- Xotion was made by Director Wakeman~ seconded by Director Wall~ that the firm of Kirkbride~ ".'~ilson~ IIarzfeld & Wallace~ together with the firm of Beverly and V;eidman~ be employed to hanalle the special assessment proceedings of the District (1959-1) with the compensation being fixed at 2-~; of the cost of the project to be set up by I',esolution~ exclusive of P. ight of 'Yay~ 'ISninent Domain litigation~ and subvention of work. Upon presentation of the question by the President~ motiou was carried by the following vote: :iA%ES: Directors fioeringer~ Pankost, Wakeman, and Wall. .'{OKS: None. ~L~S~IT: Director Gersick. CI~'tl~kS: The following claims were presented and approved for paynnent: Checks Nos. 748 - Del Lucot 749 -A. L. 7:iller 750 - U.S.Postmaster~ P~ijeu 501 -D. C. Basolo o0,~, - ~n. Beseler 503 .... -.~(~ ~eseler 504 - !]elle Bender 505 - Del Lucot O0G - D. Clarke 507 - }lndy Gersick 50S - ~. L. Goerinffer 509 - Dr. V. J. 'Jail 510 - l{obt. Wakeman 511 - Vfm. Beseler 512 - Editha Deseler 513 - 2elle Eender 51,1 - Willi~u ~,lortensen 515 - l~everly and 51~ - Deposi t 517 - Del Lucot 518 - }lobt. ~.Takeman 519 - Vernon J. ?,'n, ll 520 - llonnan L. (;oerin~er 521 - 7~arle 137.10 512.95 t25.00 508.20 59. G4 ,qS.1t 51.32 185. O0 265. O0 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 51.79 50.19 3.51.3O u o 2. 49(;. 0G 30.i.50 10.00 10.00 10.00 290.00 ......... ...... ,. T]~ere bein;; no oojec'cnon~ meelin[; ~;-FS¢ adjo~r~~the President , '~~P~ ~ost ' ~'~~ :r '~ Clerk and ~-Officio Secreta~. ~. (~oe,-~ , 77 A~V.9~ s t o uo~t{, o£ Directors of the So,dt}l Tahoe ~blic Utility ]JistrJct met in re2:~lar session at the District Offices in the Clarke }X~ildinf~ Tahoe Valley~ Cali. fornia~ on August 20 1959. Heetiw,' was called to order by the r'es~ (~ent I¥o ",'-~ · ~ " ..... a at 7:t5 P...~. POLL CALL: Upon call of the r'oll, there were m'esent Directors Panlcost~ 17~tke;:ian~ and Wall. Xbsent: larectors Oers~ck and Goerin~er. Also present were ~,otor.~eis ~o~:n C. 7/eidh, m and q. ~. "/il o n , ,, .... S rl~ ~Ol.11~) Treasurer Fre}-~ En%ineers l)avid .... ~. ', ?' .. ~,zldwello,..t, ;~. C. Al.,erley of ~ro~m and Caldwell. Director 7/all was appointed P '' res~aent Pro Tern in the absence of Director Goerin,;er. ....and~-~:a-~-rove'lop ~ln'uteSas recorded.el tile re:~ular, meetin~ o:? ,,~t.,.~,ot 13 ~ ].959 were read /'-ilP0,d~o. P, ttorney ;';eidmmn reported that the 7Jon(ls~ in the amount of ~1~250~000 will be ready for si~'nino-~: o in San ~'r,~nc~scoa ' on Tuesday~ August 25~ 1959~ at which time we can set the money needed to pay the contractors. u,-.~'u:'~.._~ui~: Lette,' from :.ir. Sprasue of Orrick~ L~ahlquist~ IIerrington outcllfie~ statin~ that~ accordin[~,, to ural '~ "nance No. 40~ the District has accepted the fact that all parcels of property previouslye--cluaeu~ ~ fror.~ the original District should be excluded from the new District. OLD B%~INESS: None. · ~n',~ Bb~IN~.~SS: Attorney Wilson presented Lesolutions~os'T · 143 tnroujh' ~ 150~ pertainins to Assessment District 1959-1, as follows and explained each in detail: II~SOLI~ION NO. 143, A k,'~o0Ll,~I0~i~ APPOINTING ATTOP~N~'S~ was read. 0n ,notion by Director Pankost~ seconded by Director 7falceman and unaniraously carried~ said [resolution xras adopted. I~SOLi~'ION NO. 14-t~ A PJ~0LD~ION REQUF~STtNG Ti[iT Tile C0b~ I~'~TIt 0~IC~t OF ~ l)0I'a~ OOl~~ RECOLP~fD ~OC~DINGS ~IDER ~tO~tlATE SECL% ~2S$S- };~ ~ ~SF~,~ B01CD ACTS~ 0R 0Tt~R A~%0~IATE ~C~!)INGS F0R TI~ CONSTRUCTION 0F A S~MYIT~{Y S~E ~ST~i ~fD ~q~f~C~ ~ NEC~S~IY ~ A I~LTti ),~~ ~ms read. 0n motion of Director Pa~ost~ seconded by Director Wakeman and unanimously carried~ said P~solution vms adopted. IW~SOLUTION NO. 1_45, A ItESOLU?ION REQUESTING CONS~T OF Tile BOAPJ) OF SUI~,_Jl- VISOF~S OF TirR COUN~Df 0F EL D0lbkD0 ~TI)EI{TAKE PROCEEDINGS F0R TI~ ACQUISITION ARq) CONSTNUCTION OF S~{ITAI~ SB',~i~ AND TO PROVIDE TiL%T TI~ COSTS Slbl,l, BE ASSESSED UPON Ti~ DISTRICT B~NEFITED~ UNDER APP~,;0PRIATE SPECIAL 2~SSES~.I]~fT ~tMD ASSESSI~ BOND ACTS, was read. On Motion of Director Wakeman, seconded by Director Pankost and unanimously carried, said Resolution ~ms adopted. RESOLUI'ION NO. 146~ A PJ~SOLL~rlON OF INT,k~N.~I'ION TO ACQUII~ ~E{D CONSTRUCT I.~P,0VI~,ll~S~ Was read. On motion of Director Pankost, seconded by Director ?/akenmn, and unanimously carried~ said Resolution was adopted. Tile Clerk stated that the Engineer had filed his report ptwsuant to said P~solution of Intention and the llunicipal Improvement Act of 1913. Tile report was considered by the Board and ordered to be filed. RESOLUrION NO. 147, A IW~SOLUrlON OF Prtl~I}JINAiIY APP,~0VAL OF ~R'GIRrEERS, IIEPORT~ ~as read. On motion of Director Wakeman, seconded by Director Pankost and unanimously carried, said F~solution ~ms adopted. RESOLL~rION NO. 148~. A t~?~0L%~ION ~TABLISIIING WAGE SCM,E~ was read. 0n motion of Director Pa~¢ost~ seconded by Director Wake~n and una~mously carried~ said ~solution ~s ~dopted. R~0L~ION N0. 149~ A R~0LITfION ~0II~iNG TI~ .L~D ~kCE 0F I~ING ~%0T~TS IN I~%TION T0 PI~POSED ACQL~SITIONS ~t~ I~.~(0~.~TS~ ~ DIitECTING NOTICE~ ~s read. 0n ~.[otion of Director Pa~{ost~ seconded by Director ?/akeman and unanimously cari'ied~ said ~solution ~s adopted. I~0LL'rION N0. 150, A I~SOLUrION C~ULING F0R S~ED ~.0POS.~S~ ~s read. 0n motion of Director Pa~ost~ seconded by Director Wakeman and unanimously carried~ said ~solution ~s adopted. " 0P~IN~4CE N0. 46~ YuM 0RDIN~%NCE FIXING Tt~ ~,~0~ 0F }~i0~ ~C~ T0 BE iGkISED ~ T~kTION 1959-60~ was read. This 0rdinance~ setting the money necessa~'- to be raised for the ~en% of princi~l and interest of bonded indebtedness for the Fiscal Year 1959~0 at $64~415.00 and the rate of taxes at 38~ per $100.00 of assessable property in the District and the ~ount of money necessa~ to be raised by taxation for ~a~ent of ex en ~ ~ =. . _ ~ ~ ~ p scs ior the ~scal Year ~n the amour of $1,i4~6o0 and the rate of taxes for said s~ fixed at 48~ per $100.00 of Assessable property in the District~ was discussed and motion was made by Director Pa~ost~ seconded by Director Wakeman and unanimously approved. ~rector Pa~os% mentioned that a }.~. Jack Claar wants to start a business of renti~ Che~cal Toilets and~ after discussion on the subject~ Director Pa~ost made a motion~ seconded by Director Wakeman~ that the Board direct the E~ineers to investigate the Che~cal Toilet business and also to give [Ir. Claar permission to do so unless they find it will be detrimental %o the ~strict~ providi~ the toilets would be ooerated within the bo~mdary of the District. ~ter presentation of the ques{ion~ President Pro Tern Wall asked, for a vote which ~s as follows: AYES: Directors Pa~cost and Wall. NOES: None. ABS~qT: Directors Gersick and Goerin~ger. NOT VOTING: Director Wakeman. .qotion ~ms made by Director Pankost~and seconded by Director Wakeman and unanimously carried, that the l~'esident~ Clerk & ~-0fficio Secreta~.~9 County Treasurer, County Auditor, and the Atto~ney for the District~ be authorized to go to San Francisco on Tuesday, August 25~ 1959~ to sign and place the Seal of the District on tile first issue of 1959-1 G.0. Bonds and all available funds to be picked up by the Treasurer. ?Jotion was carried to vote and unanimously approved. The Budget for the Fiscal Year 1959-60 was presented to theBoard and, after reading~ Director Pa~g(ost made a motion that the proposed budget be adopted. ~.[otion was seconded by Director Wakeman and ~manimously carried and the proposed Budget for the Fiscal Year 59-60 was adopted. Progress Payments to ¢. Norman Peterson, Inc. and to Lagrange Construction, Inc. were approved by the Engineers and submitted to the Board by Director Pankost who then made a motion~ seconded by Director Wakeman and unanimously carried, that authorization be given for the payment of ~210~252.13 to C. l~orman Peterson, Inc.~ representing Progress t~ayment estimated pursuant to his contract for construction of the Sewage Treatment Plant up to and incl~iding July 31, 1959; and ~%~5~405.74 to Lagrange Construction, Inc.~ representing estinmted Progress Payment under his contract for construction of Force ~qains and Lines on U.S. tIighway 50 as of July 31, 1959; and $50~000 to Brown and Caldwell~ representing partial pay~nent on their account. CI~%i~JS: The follo~ing claims were presented and approved for payment: Check No. 522 - A. L. }Jiller $ 1.28 523 - 1Mbert Wakeman 10.00 524 - Vernon J. 'Jail 10.00 525 - Del Lucot 176.50 526 - California Line & Letter Co. 5.18 527 - Tahoe Office Supply 41.44 528 - If/~-If~ight 179.23 529 - V 0 I D -_ 530 - Lake Tahoe Ne~s 23.20 531 - Tahoe Supply 532 - ].~artyr & Shine 533 - Sierra Pac. Power Co. 53,I - Chas. Bruning Co. 535 - Design Associates 536 - Pacific Telephone 537 - V0 I D 538 - Editha Deseler 539 - Belle Bender 540 - ]~illimn Beseler '541 - Del Lucot *542 - Editha Eeseler *543 - Belle Bender 10.66 1 ~179.47 53.63 8.98 13,t.76 5S.03 51.31 16.37 183.70 65.73 63.73 · ,~ objection~ meeting ~ms adjourned by the AI~JOUi~,U~4T: ?here be~n~ no President Pro Tern at 10:30  Clerk and 2x-0fficio Secreta~ Vernon J. ~,Vall~ Presiuent Pro Tern. .~ ..... Ii,G OF BOAP~D OF DIIIECT0]~ OF ~"~,~ S0Uri! Tf~IOE PV.~LIC UI~ILITY DIST?~:!CT September 3 ~ 1957) The l)oard of Directors of the ooutn Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District 0ffices~ Clarke Building~ Tahoe Valley~ California~ on Se~ember 3~ 1359. .!,leering ~ms called to order by tile President at 7:20 ROLL CALL: Upon roll call,there were present Directors Goeringer~ Gersick~ Pankost~ ¥~all~ and 7/ake~aan. Also present were Attorney ?;ei~an~ Accom~tan~ Lucot~ .~n~neer k])erley~ and [~.[r. Zane 7Jiles of the Nevada State Journal. : .... :~: ~,~nutes of the regular meetin~ of 2u~,,st. ~.. 20~ 1959 were read and apl)roved as recorded. iIiiPOiVfS: Director Pa~Hcost reported tllat the spray area at the Disposal Plant is completely under water and the line has been moved back that it is on the other side of the water shed and the v~ter rmls the other ~{ext week~ the new p~lp will be set up and additional spray area system provided~ which tie feels will completely take care of the area durin~ the wi nter. Director Pankost reported that hey together with Director Goerir~er~ Attorney %'ei~hnan~ County Auditor ~,~c2%a~ally~ and County Treasurer Frey~ went to San Francisco where they proceeded to sign the Bonds~ paid the estimated progress pa)qnent for July to~ ~. ~orman Peterson~ Inc. and Lagra~ge Constru6tion Inc. ~ as reco~muended by the Engineers Bro-~n and Caldwell~ and a partial pa}mment on acco~mt to Broom and Caldwell in the amount of .~50~000. Director Pa~[ost stated that they were "royally" treated by the Bax~ of ~%nerica~ the purchaser of the bonds. Attorney Lucot reported that the posti~ of notices had been accomplished and the Notices to Property Owners will be mailed tomorrow--September 4~ 1959. C0?dIF~POND,~dCE: Letter fr~n the Lake Tahoe South Shore Cha:f)er of Commerce~ dated September 3~ 1959~ notifying the Directors that the Board of Directors of the Chamber formally adopted a motion requesting that the South Tahoe Public Utility conduct a survey of possible sites which can be acquired by the District for the extension of Public Beaches in tile South Tahoe Area and that ?,h'. A1 Somerville has been nmmed as Chairman of a special co'~nittee of theChannber of Copmnerce to work with the South Tahoe Pablic Utility District on this Project. Pi]TITI01.~-S: Petition o£ Joseph and -~,[ary Bacicusy Stateliney California~ ~ras read and--discussed and Director Parf~ost made a motion that said Petition be accepted and property be annexed at the next regular annexation. was seconded by Director Gersick and ul~animously carried. ~ ~I~%rP~SS. ,'.r~Izneers were asked about tile report on the acceptance of -the request from Jack Claar to enter into the business of renting chemical toiletsy but they had not had the timey due to more urgent mattersy to ptu-sue this ~C~i~,' BUSIR~S: The matter of dumpir~j of sewage into the District's sewerage system was brought up and discussed. Director Pamkost suggested that our A!%orney prepare a resulution ~hereby the District may make a contract with the local "IIoney Wagons"y outlini~%~ the requirements that an affidavit be given to the Soutl~ Tahoe Public Utility D~strict stating where each load was received. If tile load was picked up from the property within the boundaries of the Districty it may be dmnped into our plant for the price of $2.00 per tal~ of 1500 gallons, zkn,y sewage picked up in excluded territol-y or territory outside of the DistriCt bo[mdariesy the charge therefor ~,rill be .~20.00 per 1500 gallon load. It was further sug~;ested that a proper form be preparedy which the operators of tile "i-Ioney %~,'agons" would be required to sign stating from: what parcel of property such load was pmuped. In tile event that it is discovered that airy operator of a "iloney ~agon" gave the wrong information regarding a pick-upy the operator in question would be barred from using an), of the District facilities for a period of one year. Discussion followedy but no action was taken. Director laard~ost related that he had been advised by ],Ir. Ke~qnit Lincoln that Tahoe ~(eys is haviI~ difficulty with local companies with regard to water supply. It was suggested that the Tahoe Keys development install tile water and gas lines and the system be, immediately acquired by the South Tahoe Public Utility District. This would put the Distriot in a very advantageous pbsition to extend lines into further areas without having to hire additional help and ~rithout paying Tahoe Keys a large interest unless it were a profit to the District. Mr. Sherrod Davisy of Kirkbridey Wilsony iiarzfeld ~ ~allace~ will send up a draft of a contract for this venture. Director Pa~kost would like to have the Board of Directors give him and Attorney Weidman authority to proceed't0 ',v~ke further progress on this deal /d%h Tahoe Keys and, if it is good businessy for contract to be made and presented for approval. Dis- cussion followed at lend, th and Director ?fall made a motion that authorization be given tb l)irector Pankost and Attorney ~.~eidman to negotiate ~ith T~hoe I~eys andy if they find it favorable to do soy they go ahead with the propo- sition. Motion was seconded hg~- Director Gersick and unanimously carried. :.lotion ~as made by Director Pa~ost that the District have the Bard~ of ~nerica make cash collections of 1959-1 Bond Assessments. }~otion was seconded by Director Gersick and mlanimously carried. 7~ith regard to the letter from the ehamber of Con~aerce requestir~ a survey for possible sites for recreational purposesy Director PanI~ost stated that the only piece of property left at this date is Lakeland Village which can be bought for ~l~500y000. He suggested that a firm who understands that business ~mke a survey as to the value of a parcel of property for recreational purposes. Director Pankost stated he would like to see an expenditurey to be used out of surplus funds~ not to exceed ,~ly000y to make a survey and reco- mendations of any parcels of property andy if acquired by the Districty how revenue would be derived to l~y off the cost of the bonds. Discussion was held on the subject and Director Gersick made a motion that a firm be autho- rized to give the District a feasibility report on the acquisition o~ lands suitable for recreation purposes as requested by the September 3y 19o9 letter from the Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Co~nerce to the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility Districty and that tile Clerk and the Accountant be authorized to obtain tile services of a proper firm to n~ke an investigation into the feasibility of land that maj- be acquired in this District for recreational purposesy cost of such services not to exceed (~1 ~000. ,',lotion ~as seconded by Director ~'~all and unanimously carried. Director Pankost read l~esolution No. 151y A I~0LUTION DETEr. lINING T~T I~b~LIC I-k~£EIIMST Ai~q) NECESSITY RE~UIIL~ TI~ AC~UISITION OF F~LSF~FS ~k~lD DII~IMCTI~G T~ FILING 0P ~,ilN~NT D0~,LkIN PP~0CEEDINGS. On motion by Director 7lall~ seconded by Director ?~akeman and unanimously carriedy said hesolution was adopted. Director Pardcost read the Tentative Timetable for the Assess~lent District 1959-1 and pointed out that all items have been completed as s~heduled. On motion b! Director 'Jakeman~ seconded by Director Pa~¢ost~ that the ~istrict make inspection of septic tank installations~ followed by a discussion and unanimously carried~ Director ~;'akemau and Attorney ~;eichnan were authorized t~ ascertain i£ it is possible for this District to inspect septic tanks goin~ into its o~m District· Fmgineer Aberley presented the specifications and plans for Assessment Districts 1, 2, and 3, 1959-1. follows: The following claims were p esenteu for approval and paid as Check X~o. ~544 - Zlerlin ilart *545 -A. L. ~Jiller *540 - Clifford J. Bergen 547 - Western Truck Lines ~5,i8 - Tlillimn :.lortensen '5,19 - Editha Deseler '~550 - Del Lucot '551 - ~elle Bender ~552 - ~arbara Ik~f~an *553 - ;;k~. ~eseler 557 558 559 ~500 501 502 '55t - tLathy Baldwin 555 - L'o~-.aan L. Goerin~er 550- ~. S. Gersick - P~bert ?[akeman - Vernon J. ?~all - F~nrle F. Pm~mst - Pacific Telephone - ~everlv & 7ei(kmm 553 - Sera, ice Em'eau 564 - Pitney-Bowes 5G5 -Tahoe Office Supply 5~G - Tahoe Supply o.~, - Clarke 5G~ - Office ~chines Co. 569 - Office L[achines Co, 570 - I.DdZ. 22S. O0 551.29 23.16 23. G9 363.25 63.78 252 · O0 58.19 11 32.07 2~. 1G 23.25 lO.O0 10.00 !0.00 290.20 178.10 182. 270.50 1G .50 28.,16 1,5.50 2G5.00 ,t10.80 197. O0 571 - Tahoe Medical Center 10.00 572 - Lagrange Construction~Inc.~l,680.OO 573 - Chas. ~rm~ing Co. 33.S2 574 - Sierra Pac. Power Co. 575 - N. L. Goeringcr 570 - ~elle Bender 577 - 15%ria !.leals 578 - Del Lucot 579 - YCditha ~ese!er 580- V 0 I D 581 - 7;m. L'-ortensen 582 - V 0 I L 583 - ~;ra. 2esl. er 58t - Federal ~sem'e Da~: 805.23 20. O0 03.E2 24.12 !OO.O0 71 oa 122.05 17.9,t O3S - Bro,,m and Caldwell 50,000.00 G39 - C. }.;or.man Peterson~ Inc.210,252.13 0,10 - La~;ran~;e Constructi on ~ 45 %105.7,! - ~ca~I (.~ L. Burton Co. ,=0 ~ 009. O0 O~t2 " .... 7aul & - ~ - -t,L+ms ~ Fozerty 7 ~500. O0 ,~'~ ~**~.~, General Fnnd 500.00 &t,t - Tahoe Title Guar.Compa. ny 040 - Do (La~ro..n~¢e) 1T,249.93 0,!7 - C. >Tonnan Peterson,Inc. r. ~o ~ r~ ,-~eneral Fund O,19 - Deverly and '.Teid:aa, n 050 " ' - vrmc.:.~ahlquist~ etal 051 - Collins Auto Parts 052 - 5~000.00 475.00 2,500.00 98.00 oo~ was issned to replace in part or whole those checlcs listed al)ore c, nd Arkl0kq2L~,,~.. rne~e bex~.: no oboectxon, meeti~ w~s~d~at . 10.30 p.m. Ly the Presl. uent. -~ ~.,~. ~ ~epten~oer 15 ~ 1959 ,', fJpecial meeting: of the i']oa, rd of Directors of the South Tahoe tk~blic Utility District was called by the President by the ~esident by the mailim~; of Notices at least twenty-four hours prior to this time~ readi~ as follows: '5'fotice is hereby Given that a special meetin5 is hereby called and ordered to be held on Septen~)er 15~ 1959~ for the purpose of considering and actin2; upon i[esolution of Intention to LLat.:e Cha~es and lfodifica- tions in Assessment Distri ct 1959-1 ." [10LL CALL: 0n roll call Directors Goeringer~ Gersick~ Wakeman~ ?/all and ~s-{-~we r e present. I~0LUTI0'q N0. 152, A P~"a'""~ CATIONS~ ~s read· 0n motion by Director Pa~ost~ seconded by Director Gersick and ~animouslv carried by the members present~ said l~solution was adopted· " ~,C~ ~.~__. nj:~ . ....... -er ~,uslness, ~!~e meetzng was adjourned by /~? ~~ ,~ ~ ~~_~ Clerk and ~fl'icio Secretary. ~o~an ~. ~oer~n[~er~ ~sident. ~ ~ ~ i.[IRrUT~'~ OF TIIE ~'~'~UI~Ii ~,~TING 0F T!~ BOAPJ) OF DIP, F, CTOP~S 07 Ti~ SOL~fli T PL~LIC L~ILITY DIST~[iCT September 17~ 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe tk~blic Utility District met in rea;u- lar session at the District 0ffices~ Clarke Buildin~ Ta.hoe Valley~ Califor~ia~ on September i7~ 1959. Meeting ~s called to order by the President at 7:15 RO~ C~: Upon roll call~ there were present Directors Goerin,,~er~ Gersick~ Pa~ff¢ost~ Wakeman~ and Wall. Also present were Acconntant Lucot~and ~,[r. Zane Iii les who arrived about 7:40 p.m. - ~,[IN%~: ~,[inutes of the t~lar Meetinf~ of September 3~ 1959, were read. and approved as co~rected. ),iinutes of the Special ~,Ieeting of September 15, 1959 were read and approved as written. I~0I'~FS: Director Pa~cost reported that ~solution No. 152--A P~solution of Intention to Make Changes and Modifications~Assessment District 1959-1~ was published in the Lake Tahoe '~ Director Pa~{os% reported ~ha~ a% ~he present m~en%~ ~he seepage pond a~ ~he field is lower %hah i~ has ever been. The new p~p will s~art oper~ion ~omorro~ afternoon. Director Pa~ost read the South Tahoe Sewerage Project Progress Report as prepared by the Engineers on September 17~ 1959~ a copy of ~hich is attached hereto as Attaclm~ent No. 1 and made a part of these [[inures by reference. Director Pankost reported that Knox Johnson will not give the District easement until the iIighway 1)ivision closes the drains and~ in due time~ the District may have to conde,,m~ this easement. Director Pankost read the report from Br~wn and Caldwell on Ptunp Station No. 5--Location Stud --Sta~,~e 1 construction~ a copy of which is attached hereto as Attacl~ent No 2 and made a part of these · ,~,,xnutes by reference. 2~'ter discussion~ Director Gersick made a motion that this report be tabled mltil complete infonuation is obtained. ~.~otion was seconded I-W Director l¥'akeman and tmanimously carried. Director Pankost reported that the District is gettin~ an Encroact~nent Permit from the County of E1 Dorado~ at a cost of i~600.00~ for puttin,~ the sewer lines in the Street. The District is to give the County of ~1 Dorado a bond of ~10~000 to guarantee the perfo~unance of these lines in the streets but so far we have been unable to find a Bonding Company who will issue a bond as they say that~ if there is a non-performance~ what could the bonding con~pany [~et fron~ the South Tahoe Public Utility District that the taxpayers would not have to pay? Director Pankost reported that he was called by the Bijou Pines t¥operty 0hmers Association last Saturdav~ night and arrang;ed fei' a mee~xn,' ' fr at 9:30 A.]J. on September 6. lie stated that they asked mnnerous questions but~ as a whole~were very happy with conditions as stated and gave the District a vote ,/of thanks for what they are doing although they do not agree with it all. The only protest was that some have two lots and do not want to pay for two laterals. Accountant Lucot reported that they annual audit is under way since the beginning of this week and will take all of this week and half of the next to complete. Director PanI~ost anti Accountant Lucot reported receipt of two checks t~ying assessment charges and they had decided to hold and deposit it in tl~e bank acoutmt~ keeping a record thereof and make a refund~ if necessal-V. Accountant Lucot reported that~ in regard to the Recreation ,~'ea, Louis J. Kroe~er of Louis J. Kroeger & Associates~ visited him and gave information relative to his Associates and Clients~ ~I1 of which was very impressive. ~[r. Kroeger has a duplex in Bijou Pines. The District engaged his services and as he~ Accountant Lucot~ will be spending a day and a half with th-oeger on fJaturd~v next~ if there are any questions or recon~nendations~ please give them to him to go into with :.ir. !~-oeger at that time. Dis- cussion of County Co,rp Grounds as being a nucleus for a recreation area followsd. CO?d~POND~{CE: None. PETITIONS: None. OLD BUSI':~SS: At the last meetir~g~ the matter of '~'~oney Dumpers" was brought up and Director Pad, est stated he would like to make a motion that the District enter into a contract with them and have them supply us with an affidavit as to the Lot and olock O~m~ber of the subdivision from which the load was picked up. X charge of ~2.00 would be levied per each 1500 gallons~ except that~ any load picked up on property outside of the District~ or property which has been excluded from theDistrict~ the charge will be ~{20.00 for d~ping into our lines and~ further~ a~ ta~{ load of sewage on which it is found that the operator gives wron,~ infection regartanr,..o the pickup so as to avoid pa~aent of then~', 'one~,~ ' fee~ that opera- tor's truck will be barred from d~ing for a year. ~dotion was seconded ~' Director Gersick aud unanimously carried. Accountant Lucot stated that the Auditors had asked for the statements paid and amounts as sho~m by check stubs for the month o~ ~:epter:~ber 195S but~ as we have no minu~es for that month~ due to the fact that the ~ecreta~ of that period has been tmable to locate them~ they would like to~. ,.,.have them reapproved by the Board of Directors for the purpose of the ~,uu~ now in pro,~3-ess. Director Gersick made a motion that~ as a matter record~ the followinlj list of claims and checks in pa2anent thereof be eutered in these ~:inutes as ~ ' ,~ n,~vxn~; been hereby reapproved. :~'otion was seconded by Director Pa~ost and m~animously carried: · ChecI:s lfos. ~5- .~arle'"' ~2. Pan.iosz~' ,~, -- I~/.~ '~l-O-~ 59 -2ierra Pac Power Co O0 - Del Lucot - ,,esuern Truck Lines Ga - Harold l~'abbenhofr ~arle ?. Para, est 115- '~bqBd ih'os. Builders 07 - Sundance ~ · G8 - Sierra Engineerir~ 69 - Del Lucot 70 - Xevada Lmnber Conpany 71- V0!D 7~- VOID 78 - PaciFic ~elepnone 7~ - ~erra P~eific Power Co. el .80 36.50 300. O0 lO0.00 1~9.00 37.71 0 I. 60 30. 75 - La;;rtt,~e Construction, Inc.1 ~GSO.9O 7G - Tidewater Oil Co. iOG.~O 77 - Bob ?;ake~.um Lmaber Co. ~ ~ T- '" ~ 0 79 - ?/eslern ~.S.C.~e~ice G0 - Pacific Zloc. ~nsl. Lab. 31 -The Foxboro Co. ~, - ~urle7 Lan~; .... Beverle~ & 7ici&nan 31 - Pat ;fcCrea 85 Ba~ of ;hnerica~V;,~Il o- Lance l~i shop .~rle F. Pa~iost Pat ~ ~cCrea O0 - Del Lucot $7.42 t-~.,~0 lO .35 305.57 17. ~3 211.0.~ .[38.12 500. O0 ,~O0. ~0 15. O0 250. O0 Director PmH~Ost brouc~ht up the matter of the !3uildln; Code and stated that he would like to see the District responsible therefor~ but want the people to sa': it. ~irector ','/all then stated that the Cha~:~er of Conm~erce wanted to know wi~at type of Code we could lei;ally establish which will be part of a letter ~o follow. Accountant Lucot has petitions from contractors therefor and State J~encies have as:cet~ us to do somethin;~ about it and he ..... t that tl~e National Building Code is best by reference as sug~lested by the o~ate TM .... ' ~ Inspector· ~%lso~ Acceptant Lucol stated that he has been asked by about 75;; of ~is clients and 2o/~ of the business people if he would not do somethin;I about bringing the matter before the ;,oa~d of l~irectors of the District. As far as 6he le~;~al aspect and red tape is concerned~ Lit. Jamison has been "nagged" for three raonths to t~, to &~e6 the ~fi~lic Utility 'District to do somethinv; a,~ou~ it. .ar. Pere Woodcock~ of the Chamber of Cmmnerce~ has also requested him to do whatever he could. The Directors say that the matter was brou&~ht before the Chamber of Cormaerce aml there was no objection; also~ the llealty ~oard has approved, k lengthy discussion followed and Director Wakeman made a motion that the National Building Code~ by reference~ be accepted by the. District. Motion was seconded by Director Gersick and carried by a 4/5 vote. Director Pad, est made a motion that the matter of theBuildin~; Code be tabled until the next re~ular meeting. ;..,ot~on died for lack o~ a second. Accountant Lucot stated that the small building in back oF this is For lease and contains two offices. The Clarke's have several offers but are holding off on giving an answer until tomorrow to pe~nit the matter to be presented 6o the Board for a lease on the building at a rental of ~125.00 per u~onth. Accountant Lucot was authorized by the Directors to negotiate a lease on the building-- Offices Nos. 15 and 17. ~.{~,'~ BLI~I>~S: Director Pad, est recmmnended that the Board authorize the Clerk to instruct the e~ineers to proceed with the 1960-1 Assessment District as sho~ on the ]!ap therefor anti which Map is included in these Minutes(by reFeren¢e) as Attac}nnent No. 3. !lotion was made by Director Gersick that the Clerk be so authorized. Upon second of 6he motion by Director Wakeman~ it was unanimously carried. Checks Nos. 585 - Wm. Mortensen 586 - State Comp. Ins. I,\md 587 - Belle Bender 588 - Del Lucot 589 - Editha Beseler 500 - llerlin G. Hart 501 - Western Truck Lines 592 -WeeJ~s Ind. Equip. Sales Co. Warrants; 053 -So.Tahoe PLR) (G.F.) 654 -So.Tahoe FJD (C.F.) 655 - Brom~ and Caldwell Checks o9o - i:. C-ersi ck ,~ 21.20 157.41 51.79 19t.00 07 .G9 197.92 14.15 7.66 3,600.00 500.00 20 ~ 000. O0 20. O0 20.00 Ci~'gc[:s 505 - 7. obt. 'Ta::eman ) fi0.00 500 - Er. V. ",'all 20.00 507 - l~el L~a~ot 227.50 00S - ~]elle Eeader 35..13 ~3U,~.,,.~,: There being no objection~ meetin~; was adjourned by the President at 10:00 P.~2. - ;~om~an L. Goeringer, Presiden~ :,IIL~fT~ OF 0P~ilNG OF BIDS DISTRICT 1959-1 - S.T.P.U.D. September 23, 1959 Pursuant 'to duly published Notice and Calls for Bids for contruction of the Sewage Collectinn System--Assessment District 1959-1, at ,o.:01 lq:2, the Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary opened bids for the construction of the Sewage Collection System of said Assessment District. ROLL CM~L: %;pon call of the roll, there were present Director Par~ost, Accountant Lucot, = ~' ~n~=~neers Xberley and Steffani of Brown and Caldwell, ~.[r. Benedict of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune, and the follo~zing representatives of the various construetiou contractors and sub-contractors as sho~m: John Laffranze W. P. Reagan Ken IIoward I.l. Ledderman D. C. Glanv, ille D. H. Rogers · ~[i ke Boyle Svend Pedersen Geo. Conley ~.[athew B. Dorfman E. T. ?rise E. J. Blockhourak J. A. Salmans Sam k. Faulkner F. W. 'Jones~ Jr. La,range Construction, Inc., ]~no, Nevada Valley Engineers, Inc., Fresno, Calif. Stockton Construction, Stockton, Calif. Gladdi ng-McBean Glanville Pltu~bing Co., i%icim~ond, Calif. Brighton Sand & Gravel, Sacramento, Calif. [~[cGuire and Hester Johns~dansvi 1 t e Johns-,qansvi 1 le Dorfman Constr. Co., North Holly~ood, Calif. Nevada Concrete Pipe Co. Nevada Concrete Pipe Co. J. A. Salmans, Tahoe Valley, Calif. Faulkner~s, Inc., Lake Tahoe Stockton Constructi on, Sro ckton, Cai i fornia. 0P~ING OF BIDS: Bids were opened and read by Director Pankost and were as fo 11 ows: C 0NTI:hkCT OR ~tDDi;:~S ~J.[0L-R~i' I TE',~ "¢alley "~ngineers, Lagrange Construction, Inc. Stockton Construction, Inc. Dorfman Construction Co. GlanvilIe Plumbin~ Co. McGuire & Hester Brighton Sand & Gravel Co. Faulkner ~ s, Inc. J. A. Salmans Fresno, Calif. $7G4,529.55 tleno, Nevada 945,130. O0 Stockton, Calif. 923,191.47 No. Holl)~ood,Cal. 954,~02.00 i~.i clm~ond, Calif. 993,958.60 Oakland, Calif. 1,143,435.30 Sacramento, Cai. 1,177,481.25 ICings Beach, Cai. 331,816.50 Tahoe Valley, Cal. 27,786.60 All or none Various* All or none All or none All or none All or none All or none "A" only "D, E, & F" * If total bid received by,, Lagrange~ bid would be ~o9~,8,3.50¢~'° - ~ All ,0,~,000.00. After opening and reading of all bids, ]3irector Pankost stated that said bids would be read at the next session of the Directors' meeting. ,~/// _~/~_~ \ Clerk & E~x-Officio Secretary :~or~:~n L. Goerxn~er, 80 . September 2. t~ 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility ])istrict met in adjourned session of the I~egular I.[eeting of September 17~ 1959 in the District 0ffices~ Clarke Buildim~ Tahoe Valley~ California~ on September 24~ 1~59. L[eeting was called to order by the ~esident at 1~:40 P.~. L0~ C2~: 0n roll call~ there were present Directors Goeringer~ Gersick~ Pa~ost~ '.Takeman~ and ?~all. Also present were Attorneys Wilson and ' t and ]~ineers Aberley and Steffani. ~mcountan Lucot ~ ~C[~0SE: T o show that this Board finds that the 59-1 Assessment proceedi~s are necessa~- as a Health l,[easure for which a 4/5 vote is needed. Director Gersick made a motion that the 3oard approve the Hinute l~esolution setting forth the foregoing proceedings. Upon second by Director Yh~keman~ approval was carried unanimously. Director Pa~H:ost read a letter received from the ~1 Dorado County iiealth 0fficer~ ~h~gus A. ~dcI~nnon ~',LD. ~ dated August 31~ 1959~ recon~ending that proceedings be undertaken as necessa~ as a health measure. The letter is as follows: "Honorable Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District ~' ion ~ ~ Califor~ia Gentlemen: P~: Xssessment ~istrict 1059-1 Augmst 31 1959 Im~, acquainted with the sanita~T sewerage project w~_.'.ich you propose to nndertake pursuant to special assessment and assessment bond proceedin;~s~ or othee appropriate proceedings~ which pEoject is r~ore particularly set forth in your '-:esolution Reciuestin;~ lleco~nendation of Health Officer. I reco::rmend, as nocessa~,' as a health measure~ Chat ?ou u~derta]:o procee~xnSs pursuant to appropr~a~.e special assessment and ~r, ut bond ac~s o:[' t]~is State~ or other appropria<:e proceedinf:~s~ as you shall dete~uine~ for the consi, ruct]on of said improvements and for assessing or taxi'v~ the properties to be l~enefited i.hm'ehv. This recommendation e~[tends to such chan[~es and ~odifi cations therein as you shall find to be proper or advisable~ in the numner provided by Law. Yours Respectfully, (~), An;v~s A. L'cKinnon~ ],;.D. ;m~l~.n O.,fice of ZI lTorado CountY" ~irector Pa~cost also read P~solution which rea. d~; as follows: the Lkmici. pal Imm'o'vcmcnt Act of 1939 to establish within its boundaries J~ssess- :~ent Listrict 5OL1 for the purpose of constructin:,: sector m:'tius and laterals ..... .~,,o Section ~-~,-of ~' · California Streets and Code re(mired the ,~ '- ~,o,~, o~ 2upervisors of ?,1 Y:orado County to sa~d proceedin2s; of :1 ;~ox.~,do that said Bo~rd hereb~~ consen'ts t,o the proceedini;s to estat~lish Assessment ~istrict oo-l~ ~ ....... ~,I.~T;~I.~ in Z1 ~or'aoo Coun't-v~ and to the ac:misi't,i-on end cons- Lruction of s~nitai9' sewers in so, id ~,ssessi:tent District 59-1 as set forth in i~solution No. 1,15 oF thc ~oard of ' ~ ......... '~ I._,~LIu !~ll, I~f , -.' be authorized by ~,~_~ and such chan~,:es am~ ~nodifications thereof vA~ich may , Sai~- l~O~tl'a Of t~lrec~ol S ill ti~e manner provided by las; subject to full pliance with all state laws and county ordinances applicable to said improve- ments~ includia~.~ but not limited to compliance with E1 Dorado oounty ~xx_xnanc No. 359. P~ IT ler,~ of this Board deliver to the .,~ FLqlTIEIi RF~SOL~r~2D that the C ~oard of Directors of the SOUTtl TAtlOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTINCT a certified copy of this Resolution. PASSED 2~ND ADOPTED by tile Board of Supervisors of the County of E1 Dorado at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21st day of September, 1959, by the following vote of the members of said Board: NOES ABSF~NT Supervisors John M. Caswell, Jack M. Wallace, Il. F. Walker and R. G. Chism Supervisor Eugene A. Chappie No ne. JOIrq M. CAS~,~LL Chai~mmn of the Board of Supervisors ATT~T: RU?H L/u~G, Comity Clerk By BAI~3AILk L. COOK Deputy (S~L) (Certification Stamp) The £oregoin~ instrt~nent is a correct copy of the original on file in this office. ATTEST: RUTII LAN~ County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California. BARi3Ai~k L. COOK Deputy Clerk P~solution No. 158, A RESOLUTION D]~E~,IINING TO UNDEI~AI~ PROCEF~)INGS PL~kSU~t~T TO APPROPRIATE SPECI~kL ASSKSS~'ENT AND ASSESS},fk~T BOND ACTS 0R 0TKEi% 3~PROPRIATE PROCEEDINGS, FOR TIE C0NSTRUCTION 0F A S~MITAI~' S~,~EF~¢GE SYSTEM ~LN-D APPU/~TE~NCES :'~ITtlOL~ PI%0C~DINGS UNDER DIVISION 4 0F TIE STI~ETS fuN]) HIGIETAYS CODE, was read. 0n motion of Director Gersick, seconded by Director Pankost and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. The Clerk advised that the following bids for the various sections of the work in this project had been publicly opened, examined and declared, and referred to the District Engineer: ~.mne Addre s s Amount Valley Engineers * Lagrange Construction ~ Stockton Construction * Dorfman Construction * Glanville Plumbing Co. * McGuire'& ilester * Brighton Sand & Gravel * Faulkners, Inc. (Sche.A) J. A. Salmons (Sch. D) J. A. Salmons (Sch. E ) J. A. Salmons {Sca. J. A. Salmons (TOT;~ BID) Fresno, California P~no, Nevada Stockton, California No. }~llywood, Calif. t~clunond, California Oakland, California Sacramento, CalifOrnia I~ngs Beach, California Tahoe Valley, California Tahoe Valley, California Tahoe Valley, California Tahoe Valley, CalifOrnia 764~529.55 945,130.00 923,191.47 964,602.00 993,958.60 1,143,435.30 1,177,481.25 332,697.73 15~165.25 7,810.00 4,811.35 27,786.60 * Conditional on award of all or none. # 5~ reduction if awarded all, or $897,873.50. k~r. Aberley announced that after making a correction to quantities in Schedule K to Items 1 13~ 1 14, Item 2 7760~ Item 3 362 and Item 4 60, the net amount of this bid was $839,224.75. TheBistrict Engineer reported to the Board on the effects said bids would have on the assessment. The President stated that this was tile time and place for the hearin~ on Resolution of Intention No. 146 and the Engineers' report. All written Protests were read by the Clerk and ordered filed. The President asked if there was ~one present desiri~ ~o be he~rd. All ~hose sig~fyi~ a desire %o spe~ were given ~he opor~uni%y. All oral and written pro- tests were considered b~ ~he Board and the he,ring closed. ~0~T: There being no objec~ion~ mee~i~ was adjourned un%il 8:30 P.M. ~' "/~" ~ ~ Earl~-F;- ~a~ost Clerk and ex-officio Secre%a~ //~~~ X ~ '~~~ ~ ~ , ,, //~." · - · .e % Noman L. Goeri~er~ ~es~d n MD~JTES OF Tim AI~0DTCNED REGUI2H% ~TING OF SEPT~,~EB 17, 1959 OF TI~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TIRE, SOUTII TAtlOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT September 24, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in adjourned session of the Regular Meeting of September 17~ 1959, at the Offices of the District~ Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley~ California, on September 24, 1959. 5~eting was called to order by the President at 8:30 P.M. PUllPOSE 0F ~[EETING: To discuss the bids and meet with the low bidders~ representatives of the Valley Engineering~ Inc., Fresno, California~ and to read a form of document which, in event property om~ners are granted relief from multiple laterals not needed~ said owners will be expected to sign. 5Mtion was made by Director Pankost that this form be adopted in substance and form. Upon second by Director Gersick, motion was carried unanimously. ROLL CALL: Upon call of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost, Gersick~ and Wall. ABSENT: Director Wakeman. Also present were Engineers Aberley and Steffani, ~. Benedict of Tahoe Sierra Tribune ~[r. Zane 5~les of the Nevada State Journal~ Accountant Lucot~ Attorney Wilson, Attorney Weidman, and Messrs. Pricey Regan~ and Fly~n of the Yalley Engineers, Inc. Engineer Aberley stated that the low bidder was the the Valley Engineers, Inc. with a bid of $764,529.55 ~ all or none~ Lagrange Construction~ Inc., was second with a bid of ~945~130.00 for any items of Schedules A through K, less 5~ for entire schedule or a bid of $897~878.50 for tile entire job. The third low bidder was the Stockton ConstruCtion Company with a bid of $928~191.47 -- all or none. There were six other bidders oUt'~of contention to the award whose bids may be returned to them tomorrow. In addition to the paving omission on the part of the Valley Engineers~ there was an omission of 50¢ per foot on 6" pipe amounting to approximately $10,000 which~ according to their figures, would make the total amount $800,000. As I see it~ said Mr. Aberley~ there are several alternatives which the Board can tM~e--force the Yalley Engineers t~ t~[e this bid on the low bid~ or, second~ have them withdraw and award to second low bidder, or third, reject all bids and request new bids. This was discussed at some length with the Valley Engineers stating that they would write shortly after their arrival in Fresno, and took their departure. Resolution No. 154~ A RESOLUTION 0VERRULING PROTESTS 0N KESOLUrION OF INTENTION NO. 146, was read. 0n motion~f Director Gersick, seconded by Director Wall and unanimously carried~ Said resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 155, I P~SOLbTION ORDERING REDUCTION 0FASSES~JE~frS, was read. On motion of Director Wall~ seconded by Director Pankost and unanimously carried~ said resolution was adopted. RESOLL~ION NO. 156, A t~ESOLUTIONAND ORDER ADOPTING ENGINq~ERS' REPORT~ CONFIrgIING TttEASSESS%tENT JLN]) ORDERING Ti~ WORKANDACQUISITIONS~ was read. On motion of Director Gersi'dk, seconded by Director Wall and unanimously carried~ said resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 157~ A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DISTRICT OFFICE AS OFFICE OF DISTRICT ENGINIIER FOR RECORDING ASSES~JENTS, was read. On motion of Director Wall and seconded by Director Gersick and unanimously carried~ said resolution was adopted. I~ESOLUTION NO. 158~ A RESOLb'rION DESIGNATING COLLECTION OFFICER, was read. On motion of Director Gersick, seconded by Director Wall and unanimously carried, said resolution was adopted. ~J)J0~'~NT: There being no objection, meeting was adjourned by the President' until September 29~ 1959~ at 8:00 / . ~erk and ~-0fficio Secreta~ MINUTES OF TItE ADJOURNED REGUL~ ~,~,,TETING OF SEPTemBER 17~ 1959~ OF TIIE BOARD OF DIRECTOI~ OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC IrrlLITY DISTRICT September 29, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in adjourned session of the regular meeting of September 17, 1959~ at the District 0ffices~ Clarke Building~ Tahoe Valley~ California~ on September 29~ 1959. ~eting was called to order by the President at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CAIJ,: Upon call of the roll, there were present Directors Gersick~ Goeringer~ Pa~ost. Absent: Directors Wakeman and Wall. Also present were lir. Zane Hiles of the Nevada State Journal~ Mr. SvendPedersen of Johns4iansville~ John DeLagrange of Lagrange Construction~ Inc.~ Benedict of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune~ and Engineer Steffani. Directo~ Pankost read a letter from the Valley Engineers, Inc., copy of which is made a l~%rt//of these minutes by reference as Attac.hment No. 1~ and a letter from Mr. Wilson~ of Kirkbride~ Wilson~ Harzfeld and '.¥allace~ with regard to the letter from Valley Fa~gineers~ Inc.~ which is made a part of these llinutes by reference as Attact~nent No. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 47~ ~%~ 0]iDIN~%MCE OF AWAt~ OF C0NT~%CT~ SANITAIrf S~'~IL~,GE PROJECT N0. 1959-1~ was read. On motion by Director Pa~(ost~ seconded by Director Gersick and ~lanimously carried~ said Ordinance was approved and adopted and is hereby made a part of these 55nutes by reference as Attachment No. 3. Contract was thereh9, officially awarded to the second low bidder~ Lagrange Construction~ Inc., I~no~ Nevada. ADJOUI:~i~-NT: There being no objection~ meeting was adjourned by the President at 8:20 P.M. Clerk and F~-Officio Secretary Norman L. Goering~r, Presi-dent 9O ],[INUTES OF T!IE ]IEGULMt ~,'~ffrING OF Ti~ BOAI~ OF DIFd~CT0iLS OF TIlE SOUTH TAilOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT October 1, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular Session in the District 0ffices~ Clarke Building~ Tahoe Valley~ California~ on October 1~ 1959. Meeting was called to order by the President at 7:50 ll0LL CALL: Upon call of the roll~ there were present Directors Goeringer~ Gersick~ Pa~(ost~ and Wall. Absent: Director Wakeman. Also present were Attorney Weidman~ Accountant Lucot~ Zane Miles of the Nevada State Journal~ and ~. Benedict of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune came in about 8:00 MINUTES: ~,~nutes of the regular meeting of September 17~ 1959~ were read and approved as corrected; Minutes of the Special Meeting of September 23~ 1959~ were read and approved as corrected; Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meetings of September 24~ 1959~were read and approved as corrected~ with the exception of the Protest Hearing on September 24~ 1959~ which was recorded [~y Mr. Krabbenhoft~ Court Reporter~ Placerville. ~nutes of the Adjourned Regular ~[eeting on September 29~ 1959~ were approved as read. REPOETS: Director Pa~cost reported that he understands the pumping station in Nevada is not working properly and remarked tl~t it is our job to maintain same. lie further reported that the Engineers of the Nevada Board stated that the Nevada Board will come up with their ~500~000 and will insist on the installation of the Beach TrunkLine. Director Pa~ost stated that he asked ~. De Lallo~ one memember of the firm of engineers working for the Douglas County District~ what does t~rrah's Club do with the grease? Discussion followed after which Director Pankost made a motion that the Board authorize him to take over and operate this condition as he sees fit and uotif~ the Neva¢~ Board accordingly. On second of the motion by Director Gersick~ it was m~animously carried. The Board of Directors instructed Attorney Weidman to ascertain from the Nevada Board how many meetings they have per year. Attorney Wei&nan reported that two weeks ago~ he attended a meeting of the Water F~som'ces Board and Attorney Landis' proposition was that the Board of Health and the Division of Water Resources w~nt to get something through the California-Neva¢~ Inter-2~tate Compact Con~nission regarding water rights of South Tahoe. Director Pa~cost made a motion that the District's Counsel be authorized to pre- pare a letter for the Clerk to send to the Compact Con~ission relative to sewage effluents. ~otion was seconded by Director Wall and unanimously carried. Director Director ~Tall stated that he thi~s the District Board should further instruct its Attorney to write whatever letters he feels are necessary. Director Pa~ost stated he will have a report as to Water and Gas about the 15th~the next regular meeting date. Director Pankost reported that~ inasmuch as no persons appeared to make Protest against ~esolution No. 152 - A resolution of Intention to make changes and modi~ fications in Assessment District 59-4~ ~solution No. 159-A was presented for approval. I~ESOLUTIONN0. 159-A - A IkESOLUPION 0P~EItING CI~NGES ANDMODIFICATIONS~ S~LNITA]~ ~'/ERAGE PROJECT 1959-1 was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Directors Goerin~er~ Pankost~ Wall~ and Gersick. NOES: None. ABSENt: Director Wakeman. COR}~SPONDENCE: Director Pa~ost read a letter from the Chamber of Con~erce~ dated October 1~ 1959~ relative to the Building Code. Director Pankost made a motion that the Attoru~ey be directed to reply to this letter. Director Pankost then stated that~ inasmuch as the Board of Supervisors had trouble~ if passed by us it will have to be a law of the people and we do not intend to pass a law unless the people request it. Director Goeringer said that the Minutes of the last meetin~ in this connection would have to be amended as Attorney Weidman stated that the District cannot adopt the National Code by reference. Accountant Lucot stated tl~t ~,~. Jamison~s idea was to set up a Fire Prevention District and the Attorney be instructed to proceed with adoption of the Building Code as suggested. Director Wall stated that the Chamber of Con~,erce is not going to approve of asking us to establish a Building Code until they know what we can legally put into that Building Code. Discussion of the letter from the Chamber of Con~nerce followed. Director Pankost again made the motion that the Attorney be instructed to answer the letter. On second by Director Wall~ motion was unanimously carried. Mr. Zane Miles said that~ as a suggestion from a public relations standpoint~ the District keep contractors and unions out of it as much as possible. Mr. Benedict related that his impression of what the Chamber desires is an explanation as to what the District can do in regard to a Building Code~not ti~e code itself. With this information~ t~ will write a second letter to the Utility District asking that the District go ahead and approve the code. Director Pankost said that the District must go on record and. authorize the Clerk to give Lagrange Construction~ Inc. ~ a 45 or 60 day extension of time because we do not have the easement across the Johnson Property. Director Pankost ihen made the motion that this extension of time be granted to Lagran~e Construction~ Inc. Motion was seconded by ~)irector Wall and unanimously carried. Attorney Weidman stated that he would like authority to pay ~;lr. Ted Atwood ~100.00 to obtain a Bond for the Encroaclunent Permit in order to authorize the President and Secretary o~ the Board to si~ Performance Bond which can be filed with the P~ad Con~issioner. ~,{otion to this effect was made by Director Pankost and on second by Director Wall~ was carried unanimously. ,Pi]TIT! 0NS: None. OLD BUSIN~2~S: Director Pan/~ost stated that C. Norman Peterson, Inc., has earned $532~733.10~ of which we have paid to (late ~376~610.40 and owe ~I102~849.39~ according to the re con~nendati on of our Project ~ngineer~ and it is n~y feeling that we should issue a warrant to pay this amount due. Also~ we owe our Engineers somewhat over $100~000 and are floating into an Assessment District on which we may have to make a payment of approximately ~100~000 on the first of November or December. It will be impossible to get money on our bonds in time and have to borrow money from the Construction Fund and pay Lagrange. I would~ therefore~ like to have permission from this Board to contact our financial consultants and advise them to start pro- cedure to sell 'Bonds as soon as possible after the first of the year. I might add that we have ~63~000 coming on "660 Money". Director Gersick made a motion that the Clerk and Ex-0fficio Secretary contact the Bonding Attorneys and financial consultants and order them to sell the balance of the Bonds in January 1960. Motion was seconded by Director Pan/cost and unanimously carried. ~ -.~Y BUSINESS: Attorney Weidman brought up the matter of the Lease for the building in back of this one and Director Wall asked is there any provision in this Lease by which the District can sub-lease? Attorney Weidman stated that it can be sub-leased with the consent of the Clarkes. Inasmuch as the Board authorized Accountant Lucot to proceed~ we should sign the Lease. Director Wall said he would like to see if we can find a way out ~f the Lease without causing a loss thereby. Director Gersick made a motion that the Board sign the Lease~ provided the owners accept~ur corrections. On second of the motion by Director Wall~ it was carried by the following vote: AYES: Directors Goerir~er~ Gersick~ and Wall. NOF~: None. ABs~r: I)i rector Wakeman. NOT VOTING: Director Pankost. CI~'~IMS: The f~llowing claims were presented for approval and paid as sho~n below: CI~CifS NOS. 600 - V 0 I D 601 - A. L. Miller 602 - A. L. ~ller 603 - Del Lucot 604 - Belle Bender 665 - ~arle F. Pankost 606 - Editha Beseler 607 - Barbara ~IcCarty 608 - Don Clarke 609 - V 0 I D 610 - ~I. G. tlart 532.87 12.19 186.85 70.85 290.20 52.36 40.40 250.00 215.03 92 ~311 - Nevada Lumber Co. 612 - Curley Lang 613 - Service Bureau Corporation 614 - Lake Tahoe News 615 - PaCific Telephone 616 - Sierra Pacific Power 617 - Dry Chemical Pacific 618 - R. S. Gersick 619 - N. L. Goeringer 620 - Bob W~ceman 621 - Vernon Wall 622 - Munz Pumps, Inc. 623 - ~tunz Pumps, Inc. 624 - ~nz Pumps, Inc. 625 - Lagrange Construction, Inc. 626 - Belle Bender~ Stamps 627 - Cash - Stamps and Post Cards (59-1) 628 - Barbara McCarty 629 - Belle Bender 630 - A. L. ~ller 631 - M. G. ilart 632 - M. C. ~eller 633 - Del Lucot 634 - Editha Beseler 260.00 96.00 66.00 122.41 159.61 1,208.97 499.70 50.00 50.00 20.00 3O.0O 752.90 984.83 1,227.15 1~205.50 4.00 10.00 50.06 65.43 139.72 118.01 111.80 188.50 117.46 ~VAtlr~NT NO. 659 - C. Norman Peberson~ Inc. 660 - V 0 I D 102~849.39 ADJOUI~,~: There being no objection, meeting wa/s~, adjourned by the President at 11:20 P.M. ' ....... :'- Clerk and ~x-0fficio Secretaw /~°~n L~ Goeringer, ~resident ~.II,Vd~ES OF TI~ REGUI~%R ).FE~i~ING OF Tt~E BOARD OF DII~CT0t~ OF TI~ SOUTH TAIIOE PUBLIC U~ILITY DISTRICT October 15, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tat~oe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District Offices, Clarke Building, To. hoe Valley, California~ on October 15~ 1959. l~leeting was called to order at 7:40 by the President. t~:0LL CALL: Upon call of the roll, there were present ~rec~ors Goeringer, Gersick, ;?~{eman, :~'all, and Pankost. Also present were Attorney '/Ieidman, Accotm5ant Lucot~ Zane }~[iles of the Nevada State Journal, and ~lr. Benedict of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune c,mme in later. ~iI~fl~: }~Iinutes of the regular meeting of October 1, 1959, were read and approved with a minor correct,on. I*~0~'~TS: Director Pankost reported that the work of Lagrange Construetion~ ~t~c.~ is proceeding very satisfactorily and they are laying ~up~ to 1500 feet of pipe per (lay. The Sewage Treatment Plant is somewhat over 3o~ complete and~ barring a few beefs", work is progressing~ very satisft~ctorily. ~'e will shortly have prepared the necessary information to hand to the United SSates Forest Service to complete our nego~ziations wiLh them for lease on sor::e 1~0 acres of land to start plans for se~age disposal as soon as the Sewage Treatment Plant is completed. ~uit=Claim Deed has been signed by !~nox Johnson for an easement across the Truckee .~iver ~.~eadows. 'This easement could not. be obtained from }.ir. Johnson until such time as we caused four culverts to be closed and we have tentative ~nwa~ s for this permission frm~ the Division of IIi~' ~ to be done and now Iinox Johnson has si~ned the 2uit-Claim Deed and a£ter ~Jiss '~ Barton si~=~ns this docmaent, it will be presented to }Ir. Huf~hes Who will then present it to the Superior Court in Placefville for approval. · ~le~ e ~,,ein;:;; no o!L]ection) ,~eetilL~; ~'~s ad.journed b'~ the P ' ~ I'OS1 (~ent at f):,15 P.ij. and Jsirectors proceeded to L~J{eland Villa~e to clea]~ Clerk and F-x-Officio ~ecret, a~p,- · ,o~ ..... n L. ,~ocr~nger~ President. BO~d!D OF DI!IECTOP~ OF TI~ SOUl, ii i~LIC LTILI97' DISTRICT October 20~ 1959 The L'oard of Directors of the South Tahoe Public ~tilit,, District met in Special Sess~ion ~%t the District 0fflces~ Clarke Buildirgg) Tahoe Valley) California) on C'ctober 20~ 1959 p . , · ~ueetlnZ was calIed to order by the res~aent at 5:10 lqOLL C~ji: Upon roll call) there were present Directors Gersick) Goerin~?;er) Pankost) and V;Mceman. ~%lso present were: Il. C. Aber]ev~ Ed Steffani~ and Geor,%e '~' · ~' ~ t~ustx~an--all of Bro~n] and Caldwell; Ih-. Benedict of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune; !~. Zane ~Jiles of the Nevada State Journal; lit. ?;alt Little of the Lake Tahoe News; !ir. Glen Smith~ %Ir. ~iilt I(~aisa~ and ~.Irs iIelen ]~'ilson all of the Lake Tahoe U~vied School istrict ' ~ ~q~0SE 0F t~ING: ~,~eeting was called by the Clerk and ~x-0fficio Secreta~ primarily to ~ss the possibility of ~etti~ the p~uping stations constr~cted so that the schools may obtain sewer se~ice in the Tailoe Island Park Area. Director Pa~ost read a letter~ dated October 20~ 1959~ from Broom and Caldwell to which there was attached two sketches of Plans "i" and "B"~ indicatin~ facilities needed for ~npin~ Station at Tahoe Keys and ~pia~ Station at the new school tQ be used for comparison. The letter stated that the total esti- mired constr~ction cost fo~ Plan "A" is :~21~700.00 and for Plan "B" it is $25 ~ 000. 00 ~ and recon~endi~ Plan "i" for location ~pi]~ Station No. 5 at the Tahoe ~{eys site since the land for said site would be donated by Tahoe Keys. The ~gineers further reco~m~end tiiat consideration be given by the Directors for the inclusion of Tahoe Island Park id~tions N[~nbers 3 and 4 into Assessment District 1960-1 with the specificationa~, reguirin~ completion of the line from the School to the p~pi%~ station by Septem~er~ 1960. Director Pa~ost asked E~ineer iberley if he tiiought that tlle South Tahoe ~blic Utility District should ass~ie any liability for ~hoe I{eys~ to which !~-. ~U)erley replied that~ if the line will car~ se~ge from other portions~ then tiie ~istrict would defi~telw have a liability. He also stated that action upon these recon~endations req~res the Board's i~ediate attention as a¢5- delays will result in the loss/tf design time. Director Pa~ost then asked if we flare s~ficient money for that~ to which ih-. Aberley replied that some of it can be financed through the assessment proceedings~ and some ~'~11 have to be financed b? the Bond. Both Director Pa~:ost and :qr. ~kberley then said that Tahoe !~ys should be called npon to pay its just share. Director Gersick asked w!%~ could the District not run sewers to the School and not bother about Tahoe Keys or others now? Director Goeringer replied: "Because the cheaper plan warrants doing both and further stated that it seems that it will cause less and~ therefore~ seems to be the only location." Director Gersick then made a motion that we accept Plan "A". l[otion died for lack of a second. Director Pa~ost said that he would like to have the Board l,[embers "beat the subject arom~d" a little bi6 before a~ decision is made. Director Goeringer asked ~2r. Aberley what is the tentative schedule for the second sta~e of construction? Director Pankost stated that he is mainly interested in getting the sewers in for the school and he would like to have some word from the taxpayers present. ~,~. ~,IITII: "Dicky~Y°u said that Lukins' waste would be com~n:~'-' ~ over Plan "A". There is no pumping involved in that~ is there?" Hi{,. S':J. ITH: "If the p~aping station were on the school property~ would it have to go into the Tahoe Keys?" ~,a~..kBFJkLI~": '"file gully is the deciding factor." elevation. DIRECTOrl PANKOST: mJhat is the ' ')" "About 25 feet above the level of the Lake." Director Goeringer said that~ if you txly to save the School District about (~15~000~ the Utility District will have to pay $33~000 and Director Pankost said that the District will have to get the .~580~000 owin~q from Nevada in order to be sure of the money to pay costs. Director Gersick again made the motion that the Board of Directors adopt Plan "A". Director Goerin~er seconded the motion and the vote was tied as follows: AY~: NO~: ABSF2~T: Directors Goeri~er and Gersick. Directors Pankost and Wakeman. Director Wall. ]Jr. Benedict asked: "What is the urgency of this $120~000 line if you do not have to construct to serve the school by next September? The difference in time elemeut as a~ainst the school district putting in the school leach system?" Director Pankost said that he would like to add a thought--the leach line~ when the Lake is high, will be completely under ;rater. Thc people will be putting ten to twelve million more dollars into the Valley to keep the sewage from ru,ming into the Lake. ilow can the District sewer private homes on the Lake if it lets the School District use septic ta,~s and thus contmainate the Lake waters? Director 'Jakeman said that this is a "red hot potato" in the political field~ and he would like to have an opinion from some one else as he would like to "protect his skin because he likes the due he has." Director Pankost f~u%her stated that he ~mld like the School Board 'to~:~r"O on record as [~ivinf~ us a quarter of an acre at least if we adopt Plan "B". E~inecr Aberley stated that a rather hast? sm",'ey had to be ~uade by !lis crew in order to :hake thisstuqy' ', . Director Gersick left a.t 6:05 p.m. in order to keep a prior appointment. .... .. ::,~'mr*'~'~,~IC~t: "?,2~y does +hi,~. s decision have to be made l;y ..... o. Oa P.;.[. t~omorrow?" [,i~,l. idZ~'2tlfJA said that lie favors leavin::~ the prnnpin?, station for Tahoe l,[eys off. 2't+~rne~' /eidman came in at ():15 p.m. DT!~Ef, TOR,~U~'"""":~: "I .... should l:,ke to have kir. Aberle~ c:;plain exactly what these costs are and who pays the.m?" ;ir. genedict said that ~ as to i]irectors Pai~;ost and %ktkem~;n's feeling that a politict:~l hazard ,aav~ ].c 'touched off by ~he ~ccepiance of ~)lan "A"~ it seems to ,~im t~,ut~' ~ntts~.:tuch' as m_,~.:~ou~ ~ ~ie','s, ~,, is in i..he ()istric%~ it has not alternative. will i:e .:m, uc 'to setLle ~'-' que3tion. 97 Directorg (],ers.i c,': ,a',d ,'all. ]fove:'nber 15~ 1950 The Doard of Directors of the South Tahoe Utility District met i.n re~F~lar session aL the District Offices, ~lar~ce ~uildin~ Tahoe Valley, California~ on i,~ovember 5~ 195f). :~eetin,% ~ms called to order by the President at ~"- '~ o.03 P.:.~. [.LOLL CTdLL: 0n roll call~ there were presont Directors PapJ:ost~ Goerinf~er~ 7/akel. aan and Tall. Absent: Director Gersick. Also present were Accountant Lucot~ Attorney 'Tfei(hnan~ !h-.. 7mce of Irvine and L~tce~ Auditors~ 7,h". ureuner of the South Tahoe Gas Company~ ilobert 7.~son of Desi[~n Associates~ and ~h'. Zane iiiles of the Nevada State Journal. i,[r. Frank Souza arrived at S:15 P.U. Lue to heav>- personal strain~ the Prnsident turned the ?avel over to Director ?fall to conduct the meeting as President Pro Tern. ~.~:~z~: As the !,/inures of the ilegjular ;Ceetinf_~ of October 15 and of the Special iiee'tin[~ of October 20, 1959 were .-tot prepared for readi~, they were postponed to be read at the next regular .,meetin~; on November 19~1959. ,~iPOltr~. Directot' Pa~;ost attendee the iIeetinf~ of the Interstate Compact Co,~Mssion on November 4 in Sacramento~ California. lie reported that it appears that the ConuMssion has awakened to the fact that the ~d~lic Utility ~tr~ct has a problem in the Valley in connection with the disposin:~ of effluent. !ir. ',7a11¥ Whi'te~ )~evada Health Department, was in Berkeley last week where he had meetin.~s '~th all the iiealth Departments~ including Lake Tahoe~ and was quite pleasantly surprised when they all adopted his resolutions and opinions. It seems that the State of Nevada is rou~lher on septic ta~f~s than California and they are~o~ ~'~_~,~ to tifshten up and do some work relative to treatment of effluent and have come up ~'ith a suggestion that~ if adopted~ there will never be any sewage effluent {h~ped into the Lake. They are waking up to the fact that we have our problems at Lake Tahoe and need help with the Forest Service~ and they are backing us. Director Panf~ost reported that he spent quite a few hours with the South Tahoe Gas Company and a map submitted by Project Er~%ineer Aberley where it see:us that it might be quite feasible and favorable to enter into the contract ~ith the South Tahoe Gas Company. CO}~{ESPOix~D~{CE: ~7one. PETITI0)fS: Director Pa~f~ost stated that he had received a petition from Chuck lh~ight and Stan llisley for annexation of portion of Lot 1~ Block E~ Lakeside Subdivision~ and requested that this be held over until next regular meeting to enable him to study and give a complete analysis. Director ?;all asked if there were any other petitions for presentation and was informed that there were none. 98 ;~,.~o~: ~rec~or ~o~ ~A~d he wouI~ l~ke ~o b~i~g u~ ~he ~ter o~ the a~d L~. AberIey who ~e~ ~ha~,6ur pre~e~ ~pecJfic~ions caII ~o~ ~ iGlOO0 ~Al'io~ ta~ ~t the pl~n~ si~e. ~urM~er~ he s~a~ed~ sizeable supply of gas always on hand in the t~. Under tl~is a~greement with the South Tahoe Gas Co~npany, if the ~istric~ gives them space to place the ~a~(s, they would maintain the correct n~ber of ~_~allons of gas ~ all times and would supply it to the District ~t cost at ~¥ time it was needed. The main interest to him, said L[r. Pa~ost~ is ~l~ the l]oard become ~cquainted with this negotiation and, if they approve~ we can M~en continue to ne{5otiate with the Gas Comp~n-~ and submit their proposition to the Board. l)irector Goeringer asked ~.!r. Greuner to give us sor~e information as to what he feels would be saving if the District entered into a contract with them? ~n~ineer Aberle¥ replied to this question by aaying that he had checked with the contractor and he has come up with a figure of ~11~500 and is still goin~ along with the notion that he is going to double this. This poiflts up the need for prompt action and suggests that such a decision be made quickly in order to avoid having a ta~ fabricated if we are not going 6o use. i.~nutact~er has been advised to begin the ~abrication which includes pipe line 6rom the ta~( to the first .point o~ takeoff~ the vaporizer~ etc. Director Pa~ost asked if we could co;ne to some sort of an agreement with Mr. Greuner as he feels it might be a pretty good move for the District to enter into negotiation as it ~11 not cost the District a~thin~. The contract must state that~ in the event ~ur insurance is increased by the installation of those three 30~000 gallon ta~:s~ the Gas Company will pick up the tab for the additional premiX, i'~rther~ 21r. Pa~ost said~ if the Contractor has already given the order for the ta~ manuFacture~ the District should telephone him and ask that the fabrication be put off. Attorney ',','ei(hnan asked ~,fr. Greuner several questions as to the nature of the Con,panics represented by the South Tahoe Gas Compan? and ascertained that th South Tahoe Gas Company of California and the South Tahoe Gas Core. ny of Nevada are both strictly utility operations and the Placer Gas Co,any is strictly a distributor of bottled ~as and all three are being handled by a ;Iole~ng Company. If they use the District property~ they will al~ys have gas ~or the District's use and be a central leg of distribution for this area and all so arranged that they can take care of the entire area individually. Attorney Wei~an asked 2~r. Greuner if Attorney Jack [,!onti~ome~ had given him an opi~on as to the legality of this move? He further suggested that perhaps he and I:[r. fireuner should get together with ;Jr. ;.iontgomm~ to accomplish this and so enable Lir. Y/clean to determine the legality of the Board's acceptance. Director Goeringer made a motion that the Board~ through the Attorney and the Clerk~ proceed with negotiations and attempt to come up with a contract~ if at all possible~ at the next re~dlar meeting on November 19. ~,[otion was seconded by Director Pa~ost and unanimously approved by the i]oard that nef4otiations be undertaken regardi~ the installation on our plant site of South Tahoe Gas taffies and bring the contract to the next meetint; for approval of the ~]oard of Directors. Director Pa~:ost also s~4~ested that the location of the ptn~p No. 5 be postponed until the next meetim~ as the Engineers have brought some info~tion and he would like to know what it is. ;ir. Steffani of ~t'om~ and Caldwell presented to the Board ~[embers a picture of Plan "A" and Plan "I]" which he explaiued and discussed with the TM ~t, er this was explained~ Director ~a~ost asked how ~ould the raentioned siphon be cleaned out if it nhv~,','ed up and Director Goerin~er asked ii nave L;~e estinm~e:i cost thereof. ~h', Xberley replied ~ha~ Lhe~~ had not buL i+ is not a prol)te~.~ of cos[ bu'[ vould no2 coal more Lhan L~e p~np staMon~ ~'hereupou a discussion between ¢.~r, Aberley and Director Goerin1:~er f'ollowed. Lir'ector Pa~qmst said: '[.[r. Chai~?::an~ I thi~: we can ~i)ut t]~e squeeze' on [.':e en[~[neers as it is ~," Feeli. n~[; ileal ~,he~.- can Craw up t, he plans in three t~oul, hs instea, t~ of a year and a half.. I appreciate t~e]r dov,n~ -[oni,[[~t ?,,~t would like Lo pos%pone Ibis until se ~el, more info.na- tion Which can he had I~y November 19th." Director. Pa~io;~t then made motion that this decision be postponed for a special meetinS or m~til next regular meeting on ][ovember 19. Liotion vtas seconded by ~irector Goerin~.;er. President Pro Tern ','fall stated "- ' - discussion be posil)OUed until a, specia! meelinq is called or u~L. il the present~,.-Lion of i. he quest.ion~ motion was carried un~ni:nously. Luco[~ and wiZh persons concorncd &tnJ ~'-,~ ' _ ~.<. conclti~iori ';nzs roacheu ~ ,') 0 1 ' " . "/ilson, u'e will show tht:t parcel of prot)crtl ............ ,,~,l,mcc due which will :o i,o bond. Tho ...... ~ .... t ~'und ~ ~oino~ will have to tell us into / the n;oiiey should [_1o and frola wharf ftill([ it ;ocs/out. Xccountaat Lucot s {.ated .... ' ' ¢.lav no has 'tv~o probiei:~s: "I have '~ ~' _ , of~ sa~' )50.00~ with a monthly pa}m!ent of ~10.O0~ is that a legal acceptance oiF the contract or are we open to civil lu, w suit? ,k'ttornev ~/eidn~an said t:i,~ Il, will be able to secure tim answer to this question by ~ionday~ he believes. ka) - To who~i~ Jo I send thc money received under ~kssessment 59-17 Is this to be deposited in a separate accomlt and do [ write warrants for refunds?" Director ':';all said let Attorney tfei&::an stut~: this and give i:r. Lucot an answer to flive to t::u~,o,~u. .'lotion was then maoc by Director Goerin,,~er that authorization be ~,~iven to ,~ttorney ',,'eiQnan 'to study and (give Accountant Lucot an answer irmmediately. ['lotion w~s seconded by Director ;/aheman and unani:,~ously approved. Attorney Jaidman stated ~"~,',a~ lie am,, ' :.h'. J~miison~ of the State "~,ousin,.;' Division~ ~ot to%ether,, and set a target date to have a Code zeao_,- '2' for operation on ~,[arch 1 and this Board would then have a policy to make as to wl~ether they would like to work out this buildino~ code and they would need the cooperation of the Fire Department or whether tliey would rather submit it to the vote of the people. Attorney ?felr~nan £',u'tlier stated, that lie is in the prelimina~~ sta,,.~es of dra£tinj..' a code. l)irector Goeringer then said: "V/hat i _c'ather is tile fact that. at present~ the State does not have the man-power t~ go into inspection on'conmiercial bui!di~s~ such as L_r, rocei~- stores and service stations aud home inspection and the only thinf_~s riley have been inspections are multiple units, so tim thought is 'tha~ the District work out what they t!ii~k and submit it to the general public~ then we can inspect all buildin[;s and give better serw-ice which is not available at this time. iff. :,'/ei&na~ said: "Jalaison and I had several ,, ' ~eetings earlier in the stui~ner and fairly clarified it at that time in !lis own mind that tiler, are a few things lie wants to miderstand and a rather wide discussion ensued. ~.[r. Frank Souza said that they are very much concerned ~dth this but are certainly tL?-in~ to work ~4th the Planning Commission and the Suit-visors to get somethinl:~ done o,i this. Director Pankost sait that lie would like to explain that his thought on this situation .is that he is 100~ for some kind of protection to the i~uilders in this Valley. [lowever~ he is a little d_isapppointed as he himself appeared before the Realty Board as a member~ suggesting that they take some action and also the Chamber of Co~,~nerce for action in our behalf and several 'other people to get petitions signed and there is only one person who si~ied a petition that he ever heard of. ii, said, "I want the people to instruct the District as to what kind of 'dictation' they want. :Jr. Greuner said tlmt the Gas Company would certainly cooperate and Attorney '/teitk~an ~'cill send in a report as to how far we can ~2~o on the Code itself. Director PanI:ost st~gested that the Board instruct the Attorney to send a letter to the Chamber of 6o~,~nerce stati~z~ in f_]eneral~ what we cau do. He £urther said: "I am of the opinion that we can come up with a Code that will protect one a~[~ainst a 'fire trap' beinF; built next door to him but one which will not dictate what you can and cannot do." Director '//aken,.an said: "I would like to ask :.Ir. Souza a question and maize a staten~ent As a builder and. ' ~' ' ' · suoc,lvxaer~ exactly what kind of Code clo you thil~k the people ~¢ant in this V~lley? One to completely eliminate the 'Do it yourself-er' or a ~uiuimtm~ Code? :.ir. ¢" · ~ot, za: "in reply to that~ as an expression frola the people~ we were not ing to make a hardship on anyone (the 'do-it-yourself-er' or any other type)~ only for protection and to co~fo~n~ and qualify for financing corporations who will recognize it as a protection and so get into the area Insurance 'Companies and a The Chairman requested :2r. Souza to ~et the P~alty Board to write a letter to the District so expressinf~ itself and Mr. fJouza said that he would do so. Director Palq~ost said that lie would like to ask ]~irector ~Takeman how the Alarm System is coming aloe%? Director ?iakeman replied that the Fire Con~.~issioners are in favor but the Attorney wanted the District to have a contract dra~m up that we may use it and service at our expense. Director Pa~ost: "I make a motion that we proceed and install this Alarm System in the Sheriff's Office and have them taI:e care of the system for us and instruct the Fa~gineers on this Project to get the equipment in there. L:otion seconded by I)irector Goeri~er who then asked if anyone can come up with a cost? ~k lengthy discussion followed and~ Upon presentation of the question~ the vote ~ms as follows: AYF~: Director Pankost. NOES: Directors Goeringer and ~S?,,~T: Director Gersick. Director Pankost then made a motion ihat our Attorney be instructed to contact the Attorney for the Fire Department and draw/~p a draft of a contract· Motion was lost for lack of a second. N~,%~ BL~IN?,SS: Director Pankost told Engineer Aberley that ::h'. Frard~ Souza has 210 feet alon~ the Ilighway~ Lakeview Pines Subdivision and that~ after installation of lines and pa~uent~ '.,icTavish sold the property to l,[r. Souza and ~,~r. Gasler~ representing to them that they had sewer lines installed on their property mdiich the), conld use. Director Goerins!;er asked Director Pal~ost hom~ the District is handling the .'.IcTavish lines that are already installed and paid for? Engineer Aberley said that this is the only piece of property of L[cTavish on which they put an assessment and that~ in effect~ the District purchased one-half of the line and. assessed the property for the other. There followed a discussion as to why lines were put on that side of the street. ?,Ir. Souza explained and Director Goeringer said that~ in essence~ ~,.~r. Souza would pay for it. ]~lr. Souza then read a letter from '.,icTavis!; releasin~ them from construction costs~ etc. Director Pankost: ":~r._,~ Chaim~n, I should like to have i,.:r. Aberle~,, ~,rive his opinion." :.:r. Aberley: "1. Do not reftmd any money to" ' ' 2. Eli~nate assessments that would be payable for land fronting on ~each E~ad~ but keep assess;aents for land xrontxn~ on ,x~=mmS. 50." Director Pal~ost ~m~de a motiou of three points: 1. F, liminate the ~{,I100+ refund to !2cTavish; 2. i'lelieve Souza et al from payment o£ any assessments on property fronting on Beach ZTalk and the four-plex involved; 3. Assess gouza et al for the front footage on ili~,h, xmy 50. 0n second b~-~ l)irector' Goerxn~el' -~ motion ~,ras carried unanimously. .,a'.'~' I~lce~ of Irvine and ~ce~ upon beinr~,, called upon~ stated as foiling's: "?,% have completed the audit of thc financial transactions of thc ~istrict for the fiscal year en(l. in~] June 30~ !t)59~ vJ~ich he would like to ~resent now. l{e then proceeded !o present the Audit l;eport and interjected co~;{enLs thereon~ and these were essentially as shmm in the bound copy of the I~port in the files of the District. 2uestions aml auswera followed rel~tive to thc i'eport a~nd :,ir. Lq.~ce faa(lc certain reco¢:~:~enda-L, i oim amd ;::,sYnod if the 2oard wante~l to atu~, ihe repoi-t.." ~xrector Goerin,~j~er: "[ wo~',ld l~x~,, to ask il~ :!r. :race would e:~:press :~:nself on our i01 '"¥...~. Duce said: Il, is ve~9, difficult to ama"~"o and I woul~, ' think that it would be for such a ,,,st gro~dng business. ~.,o,,~,er~ i would not have used it prior to this point but that is only an opinion." Director Goerin~er asked: "Is there some 'rule o£ themb' by ~-hich this Board can check as to whether we are out of proportion az 5o billings? One ~nore ~.ues,~.on~ does th~s sav~m~ ~'~ctually reflect in a savin:~ ~.o thc 3card?" ~irecior .:all stated that the Chair .... ,;o,_,1,~,~ like to ente:'i, ain a motim~, for acceptance o~ the .'mdit ' ' ~pon a %: ~irecLo7 '~' '- motion ~s c,,~r~ea"~ · "' ' unani:nous!v. ~e accepled. ~ ' second Liscussion '~- ...... · ~olto~c~ aCtei .... ~lici~' .... ~Ctl I, 1 ea~c for the buildin:; in C, ae rear of the Clarke Duildim- by takinG ii, over as a whole and~ in 'turn~ the office dw, mstairs would be available For use iP desired by theDistrict. I should like vexw,, -much to make a "svmjf' as the District doe:; nol need as much area as that in the rear building%." .',:otion was made % Director P,~m.,os~ and seconded bt, Director' ....... accept cancellation 02 %he lea, se £or 'the buildinil 'in question if there would be no penalty f'or so doia;~ and ;nttion :,'as ul~xnimously carried. Accountant Lucot said: "This is a preliminary report on the Recreation and sho~,ld be used as such"and he presented the bound reoort of Kroeger and Xssociates which sho;,;s that a plan can be worked to inst~qate a I~ecreation Proj;ram~ tile anticipated income, expenses~ and cost of acquirinG can be handled, without a skati~ ri!fo and without a convention hall~ with a ~)7~000.00 surplus. The pros and cons of leasing% on a lo:r~-tem~ basis were discussed. Director Palest ira%de a motion that Direc{or Goerinqer be anthorized to f;o to ~,P~-sville to see the o~mer of LaXeland Viliaym (lit. i[orrison) for the purpose of obtainial a lease with a 90-day option to buy. ',';e are excluded by Law to ~o in bonds beyond 20~ of our resources and Irish that ~,[r. Lucot would submit our present bonded indebte~mss and our present bond revenue and ask him for an explanation of it. On second by Director Wakeman~ the vote ~ms unanimous. Director am~ost moved that the Attorney write to the Bondin:% Fi~n of Orrick~ Dahlquist~ Herrinston and Sutcliffe and instruct them to proceeed with the (~2~250~000 in Bonds authorized on the 14th of January 1950. L[otion was seconded b? Director Goerin[~er and carried unanimously. Checks - The following claims were approved and paid as listed: 075 - Crocker-~'mglo ~ank 676 - Del Lucot (;77 - Louis J. Kr'oe[~,er & :kssociates G7S - Tahoe Office Supply ~79 -Tahoe Sierra Tribmne GS0 - Pacific Telephone OS1 -N. L. Goeringer 582 - II. 7fo~ker~n GS3 - Vernon 7fall OS4- Z. F. Pa~mst 6S5 - Sierra ~cific Power Co. GS6 - Sea, ice Bureau Co~oration OS7 - Don Clarke 88 - Office lktchines Co. ~89 - Lake Tahoe News G90 - Sierra Pacific Po-~er Co. 691 - Chas. Drunin;~ Co. 692 - ],[urray's Statione~y~ Store G93 - lio~rd J. Fisher 691 - 7;eaks Industrial a Equipment Sales 505 - Belle Bender 598 - 007 -11. G. ilar~ 698 - Barbara .licCarty o00.00 194.00 750.00 50.60 155.00 212 70.00 i2.-t-0 10.00 290.20 0,6.00 265.00 290. 10.40 ,t09 .,t0 29.03 3 .-t3 t0.1,I 5, t..19 92.49 102.32 50.06 Ci~[I),2S_~Cont i nued 699 - Editha Beseler 700 -A. L. Hiller 751 - Ed's tLichfield Sero, ice 752 - V 0 t D 753 - Atwood Insurance &~ency 754 - Postmaster, Bijou, 755 - Barbara IIcCart? 756 - Editha Beseler 757 - Belle Bender 758 - Del Lucot 759 - Postrmaster 760 -A. L. Hiller 761 -ii. G. Ifart 762 - ,'Z. C. Mueller 763 - Director of Internal P~veuue 52.30 150.30 19.71 100.00 4.84 50.0g 52.36 72.75 170.50 8.00 227.95 102.32 9,t.58 6,il.96 06,~ -V 0 I D G69 - C. Nonnan Peterson GTO- Carpenter's Typweriter Service 671 - Sharon Stowe 072 - Dorothy Stowe 673 - Y~th Willis G7,l - Inter-Co,ntv Title Co. G75 - Inter-Co~ty~Title Co. G76 - Dorothy Stowe G77 - Laurange Construction~ Inc. GTS - County Auditor 223,893.78 30.70 35.00 35.00 10.00 ,t65.00 40.00 15.00 152,955.55 5,000.00 7/arrant No. 069 to be issued aud held in abeyance for from two t.o three weeks; also a Note due next Tuesday in the amount of ~154,000. .".lotion was made by Director Pankost that all these be paid except C. Nomnan Peterson which is to be held until November 19th. Motion was secomied by Director Goerin~er and unanimously carried. ,here bein,~5 no objection, meeting Clerk and Zx-Officio Secretary Vernon J.'Oa~rl~f,' presi'dent Pro Tern. ::ove'.,nber 13 ~ 1059. ' 3pecial :,'ee£i:~:; of [lie ~"" ,,- , ~oa~'t, o£ Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility 2istrict was duly called by the ~]'e~ident by the mailinf:j of notices on ..... c, 1C59 readin:'; as follows: "I{otice is hereby !);iven thai, a Special Y,.eeti~% is hereby calleJ, i~y order of the ~esi. dent~ to be held in the Disbrict Cffice~ .... ' ~, y i;ovember 1,t~ 1959, rot the l)uroose at 10:00 ,,.:,.. on oatnu,~.~ . . , of cm:q)letin~ "'~ 'ohs ~ ourchase of []evra[j;e '" ...... ,~ t'lant Si~c." ,.tiLL C7J2_,: On cai. lin;.; of the roll~ C':ere :'~ere present Lirectors 'Yuf:os't~ U;.,ll~ and .ia,,.:eman. ,,tl)S(211L*- Lirectors~'oerinf~er~' ' and Gersick. In the absence of 103 ~.. IYesi dent, ~i re. Col 71~Ii ~as ~:~.ppointed President Pro Te,,~l~ ant ueetin2 v,-~s calle~: io order at 1~,.00 TM" P~solution 15o. 1G0~ A !t~0Lb~I0)[ .'~L~qI0YffZ!!fG TfUZ ~(3CP~I0}f 0P A C0]~[LICT 011. ~v~.~.T A,~iI01, i:0. 73,>S~ ~.~I:.,~ A P~'~?.I:.G ~C.i0.., .~-, ~:I~'~~.. .~.,~ L0~,~[~ was read. f~%er discussion and approval~fmotion was made by Director Palg.mst~ seconded by DJ rector ~Jakeman by the members present~ said I~esolution adopted. There bein.:: no further business ,. and no objection, race--as adjourned at 12:00 P.:~. ~ ~'~ ,~' / '.~ T; . c /' ' - ' Clerk ~ ~-Officio SecreCaiT V~rn°n d. ~Ta~ ~resi~e'n~ ~ro Tern. i{ovember 19 ~ 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in l"e,~ular ~' ' ~. oessxon at the District Offices, Clarke Duildi~ Tahoe Valley, California~ on >fovember 19~ 1959. :leering was called to order by the President at S:05 Pdd. LOLL C~3~L: On call of the roll~ there were present Directors Pa]~ost, ?/all~ and Goeringer. Absent: Directors Oersick and Wa!ceman. Also present were Attorney John Vfei&mn~ Attorney E. k. 7filson~ Accomitant Del Lucot~ !ir. ~hil Gre~er anti ~h~. Dill :,ioore of the South Tahoe Gas Company~ fir. Fl'ai~: Souza~ ih~. Benedict~ lit. Bob :~2ason~ :.~. Eave Gay~ :.ir. Ed Steffani~ 2ir. Jamison of the State iiousing Division~ and 2.Ir. A1 },[ullen of the United States ?orest Se~wice. ih'. and ~,{rs. ~an :Larsden creme in about 9:10 :.iI}~JrES: :.limltes were distributed for readin:~ by the Directors for approval and/or colTection but, due to the press of business, this was postponed ,until next ref:~llar raeetin~. t~'~'~')01Vt'S: :~[r. A1 2[ullen, of the United States Forest Service, reported on :neeting held during the week at tim Pm.nger Station, lieyers, to discuss some of the properties ~ith regard to their use for the disposal of effluent water by the South Tahoe l~ablic Utility I)istrict. There were present at that meeti~1~;, in addition 'to :2r. ].!ullen, :.ir. Leggett, representative of the Water Pollution Board, Bishop, Califom~ia; ],Ir. i~arsden~ State Department of Health; John West, U. S. Forest Sea, ice, Placerville. Various problems pre- sented themselves relative to the proposed use and one very lars;e problem in particular, said :.Ir. Mullen~ was that one as to whether the lands could be used ~thout char!~e. ~h~ action progrmu was developed later in the meeting whereby the Forest Sea,'ice ~ras to have an answer by tonight if the lower 40 acres would be available. The second problem was to decide ~'hat would be charged a~d~ on working it out, it was found that for the particular land desired, the charge would be somewhere in the vicinity of ~30~000 per anntm~ for the use of the land. The third problem, a point which ]J.r. :Jullen said he felt we should face right now, is whehter it would be practical for the Forest Service to issue a permit for this use--we are talkin[~ about a five year period--which, rmmded out would be $25,000 for the use of the land per anmm~ alone or $150,000 for the five year period for the use of the land. !Ir. iiullen stated that this is not just his thin,kin?; but the opinion of the Forest Se]~ice as a whole prinuarily and it is qflestion that they are ~oing to have to `ans~mr wheu the `application comes in for the use of these lands ,as it would be so expensive to the Utility District. As you will rocall~ in the_ investi~ation stage, of a*~ ~empt~'_~:,-q~¥ to acquire land~ we asked that you not i ' nclu(~e a 40-Acre section of land at the fo~t of the hill and stated ~hat this land wonld be extremely necessary to the Department ill its Exchar~e ProIwaa as the Service now has some 25 land exchanges in pro~]ress and the ,'{o. 1 priority is involved ~,rith this ,10 Acres about which we are talkinp; no~. It is~ of course~ possible that some ot"aer acreage could be substituted for this 40 ' · ~cres and he would look into it to see if this would be acceptable. ;,~r. ~,lullen went on to state ~t~at the reauirement for exchanzes is that the land of the ¢' ' ae~-v~ce is readil? adapted to subdivision for property not so adaptable and thus release such valuable lands for conm~ercial sale. lie went on to demonstrate how~ by using the oomputation of 3~, lots per acre~ they find that at a use fee of from 360.00 per lot~you will see where we raake some- thinl; in excess of ~25~000 and thus you can see how the value goes. Then tlr. ,~lullen went on to demonstrate the value of land and land exci~an,?jes. lie further stated that there is no Fl}~ USE of land--if a permit is issued. Director Goerin?~er asked if this charge ~ms knoxm to him and~ if so~ how long had he knmm there would be a charge'~ 'h~. :,k~!len replied: '":,;~e have kno~m this all alert,%. Director Goeri~er: "For three years or more~ the District has been ne~otia- ting and there was never any indication of a charge in the past~ prior to this year. Ilas there ever been a cllar!~e of this nature before and collected? ?,'e are talkin~ of a period of five years in which land will increase in value and therefore you cannot claim an injury." 25-. :/,ullen answered: "]fot on the land alone~ but in the value to us in ex chan(~e." Director Pal~¢ost stated: "The people in South Tahoe and the Valle)- are going to spend~ in the uext three or four years~ several millious or more 'to keep sewage out of the Lake and~ if you go and subdivide as you say~ and it is a knmm fact that the algae and phosphorous does not filter out of the water and this ~;ill get into the Lake. I might a(Id~ ,~Jr. Chainnan~ that we are filing application with the Water Pollution Board to damp our effluent into the Lake. L[r. L[ullen: "I am talkim~ about the physical da~m~ge to the property." Director Pa~,I;ost: "The State of California will not pe~ait the Forest ~e~ice lands to be subdivided because they would not have water available." ~.~r. Xullen: "It is cry responsibility to brin;; these points before you at this iime." i)irector Pankost: ";'lc have been tm-iww_ ,0 to find ways and raeans to go over the hillw~."~-'~;~ /our vmter for the last xew' years." Director ~oerinf!;er: "IIow loa,~ does it take for a land excham~e to be const~nated?" !~r'. :.lullen: "2~bout ta~,o years ~ ' ,,n¢~ this has been in the n~ill for about a year al rea c~F.. L, irector Pankost: "Do you ever sell land?" -~.[r ~.,:ullen: "ifc it must be a trade." Lirector ' ' ~ ..... , uoemn~;er: "Can we introduce a deal ami i:r. :~/ullen: "Ue are still in the business of' exm:finin,: 'tile prospect's offer." .,~;';rector (;oerino;er: "In the your ..... ~,na~ ~,~'e cut the ti:ae~ would t!;ere be any possibility., of c:~t. tin:~, dram the rate?" ;i'r. i5~llen: "No, IL :is ba~;ed on the val;ie oF the land ~ . ,.,ppro,c¢~ ~,~,'.~ 'the To:~ ...... ? ,, ~,:.°" Director Go,tint;er: "On the for:~er basis~ ~e had discussed ~oin-' 'to this 105 where land wa~ available "'-* ~.,nxs we would ,, .~Ol'Vl CO, which would '}o poi .... ~o ~...,,..~m'~ ~o,,,,..,,a .... of locat:ion a:,,i value to ua;," made ~t the Ziux<;ement le;-e!~ one 02 which ia ~a Lo 'the char:~.;e or foe v, ml whether iL is fe~sible to issue the pu~:~'i'g and readon;~ u'hT/. To tie ~': ' ' ];~c~ t,r~'~de~ we ~,,il~ ~ ~ ' to ' ' '~ ])v t~:e proponent Pot thc iZ~). ',/c have until 9ecembcr 5. "(a) T ,o ....... - ' ' .:o.c; ......ezvxcc ;n. ll reiw;es%igate Lbo land ;;iflua-Lion and see z~~' it can ~e~- -~ free land ,.m, will have an <t;lawer ]3v. ~ecoinber 17. ,.~0 ~00(} ?ce. ~ot oou~ Tahoe 1Afl:~lic Utility' District will prepare an actxon projram. This doe~ not oblif;ate the PU£ nor should it. I'eel oblif~ated }~? the Lece'.~er 19 date as v;e .,u~ you to write us a letter and 'tell us you ~rill do. '"2'- do we need this? iour ,m/,ine=rs have said ~ om,t they need this permit wi'thin six weeks. That/~)uts 'the application complete~ with a detailed piatUre of ~hat you plan to (Io iu the lon~ run and how you plan-to use the land and for what period of time,by 5ecember 19~ am~ that will help as and you and if we do not have this infonuation~ we cmmot ,.<et a letter ~n'itten in ansi~'er and submit our long ran;ge plan. "This is not an insuzm~mmtable ti,.in~ and i cam~ot say that the per-nit will not be issued but I :mst cau'tion you that it may not be." :,ir. ?/ilson: "Is there an,y priority for public use over private use?" l.:r. iiullen: "I cammt say its I do sot kno;~'." lit. t.:ilson: "i[ay we ass~n~e from your a,nswer that~ if' the District and the Yorest Service could ~ ~' - ? '~ !fo. 3 ~;-ould ;~e~ together on an exc;~an~.~e basis~ not apply°''. . :.ir. i.[ullen: "I cannot answer that :['or I would be obligatinz the Forest oe r'vl ce. Director Goeringer: "It seem:~ senseless to :uM.:e the people of the Valle? go to a 2;rest expense." Lb-. ?]tllen left the meetinfj at 9:15 CO.,~,oPO~..~,.,C~.,. Letter from the Lake Tahoe Area Council aclcno~dedL~in[~ application for membership from the PEt I OLD SUOllll tte~! to MJ~,l:~.~o: Director Pa:~ost presented the contract ' ' " the District relative to ~as. Dirtctor Goeringer: "Do you re:nember that we are ,7oing to put sufficient pavement around our plaut to carry neav3~ trucks`) ,,r. otef~an~ says that there is uo~ roon on our plant site (as set up) for these ta~f~s." Director Panhost said that he would like to discuss -this. Dave Caldwell said they are "nuts" quite frar~ly, Trot what I would like to say is that our ~gineers are out of line as we were told by !lessrs. Aberley and Steffani that there is a possibility oft;'m plant, when it first starts our or durin~ extremely cold weather, usinfg as high as 20,000 gallons per month and, usin~i 'that as a ~,~uage, a gas tank holdinS 15~000 ~allons would be empty if the hi~in~ay should be closed for three weeks and the South Tai~oe Public Utility District would be out of business. When the time comes, i a~n [~oin;~ to ;~mke a motion that we request our en[~ineers to make a chan~e and substitute a 30,000 ?;allon ta]C~ in lieu of the 15,000 2;allons and in the ;ueantime we v/ill have time to discuss this with the South Tahoe Gas Compauy and, if we find it totem interest of this District, we can dispose of the large tank. Director Pa~ost made a motion to postpone the de2ision until next 105 atu:!e !r;uisac'tion when you szigfjest, e(i t}l~tt 7fou col,i~ possibly tell where land was ava~ht[,!e th~i. we i.~i.fiit like. 0n ,3~.ii~ basis~ we would .... ~'~ec ei:~ber 17 if it c~,:l :~e~,~'~ free land aml will have &n aris;vet u~,. . · ~o) Sou't]~ Tahoe l~g/)lic Utility' i)istrict will prepare &n action i)ro;l[[ram. ?his does no-t obli2ate the PUL nor should it ?eel oblif,;ated ~y the Lecemi',er 19 date as we ,,~ you to write us & le't'~er and Jell us what you will do. "~/hy do we ]teed this? Your ]]~gineers have said that they need this pen,~it wi'thin six weeks. That/{)uts the application complete, with a detailed pidture of ~hat you plan to do in the long run ~%nd how you plan-'to use the land and for what period o£ time~bi December 19~ and that ',',-ill help as and you and if we do not have this infonUation~ we emmet ,q:et a letter ~n'itten iu answer and submit our long tangle plan. ,:us is nol, an ~nsun.~aunbaole thini~ and i camxot say that the pendt will not be issued bu-b I ::mst cau'bion you that it may not be." Lit. '.filson: "Is there any priority for public use over private use'7" i,[r. 7.:ullen: "I cam~ot say as I do ~zot kno;~'." ;.ir. ?/ilson: "l:ay we ass~mm from year ansv;er that~ if the District and the Forest Service could :let to,gerber on an excham~e basis~ !(o. 3 would not apply?" Lit. i2ullen: "I cannot answer that :For I ~ould be obli[~atinz the Forest Servi ce." Director Ooeringer: "It seems senseless to mal~e the people of the Valley go to a ;Great expense." l,:r. "'_'ullen left the :neetinf; at 9:15 P.Li. uv,,,,~rv~,u~: Letter from the Lake Tahoe Area Council acknowleurin:_ application £or membership from the Pzi I i I 0,,,o: >!one. ~IJoh,~oo. i)irector Pa:~cost presented i, he coutract sub,,nitted to tho District relative to i~as. Diractor Ooeringer: "Do you remember that we are :~oing to put sufficient pavement around our plant to carrsj hea~9' trucks? l,:r. Stef£ani says that there is uot roo~n on our plant site (as set ,,tp) for these tmf~s." '~rector Para,est said that he would like to discuss this. Dave Caldwell said the! are "nuts" quite frankly~ lint ;dmt I would like to say is that our lh~gineers are out of line as we were told by !Jessrs. Aberley and Steffani that there is a possibility oft~im plant~ when it first starts our or during extremely cold weather~ usinfI as high as 20~000 gallons per month and~ usini; 'that as a fluage~ a [~as tank holdin;I 15~000 5allons would be empty if the higln~ay should be closed for three weeks and the South Tahoe Public Utility District would be out of business. 7;hen the time comes, i a~n [Ioin~,~ to make a motion that we request our enf~ineers to make a chan:fe and substitute a 30~000 f%allon tank in lien of the 15~000 gallons and in the meanti;ne we will have time to discuss this wi'th the South Tahoe Gas Company and~ if we find it totf~e interest of this District~ we can dispose of the lar~le taM~. Director Pa~H~ost made a motion to postpone the de2ision until next :~eetir~t; when all the Directors will be present. L/all~ motion was m. nanimous!y carried. 0n second by Director · ~ave Gay said that~ on the question of our ta~g:~ he thinks the 30~000 gallon tamk a ~ood investment as they use 20~000 ,~allon tanks. Direcla- Panhost ~made a motion that we recuest the engineers to get written consent from ~. Norton Peterson to delete delivery of the 15~000 gallon tank without penalty~ subject to two-thirds vote of the Board~ and~ as soon as received~ authorize the e.',~ineers to alter the plans and specifications accordingly. On second of the motion by Director ?!all~ the vo~e carried as follows: ~I~Cr0I~ ;;?all, Goeringer, and Pad, cost. l'~one. Directors Gersick and , a~{eman. iiECRF~,kTION: ,'.,Ir. Framk Souza stated that he and .'dr. Lucot visited in ',,~rysville last week end to see fir. }Zorrison about Lakeland Village which is one of the areas being considered for the recreation project and~ as it has one o%¢ner~ the District may be able to work this out with him as the District has no money. An option of a year could not be [~iven to us as others are working on it but he would give the District a 00-day option as he would like to see so;ne civic project it. As far as the price was concerned~ he indicated he would go along ¥,ith us on te~s and would be agreeable~ but the price %~ould not change. ACCountant Lucot said: "Gentle~nen~ the whole problem is: Can the District acquire a piece of property for recreation if the Board so desires? Part of the problem to be presented to the Board~ assuning that the one of acquiring has been presented~ is in re,~ard to cost and revenue. It is ve~Q- feasible to lease 200 feet depth for coranercial purposes at the discretion of the Board. It is estir,~ted that the lea.,xn~, of the Highway frontage would take care of approximately one-third of the cost of the land. Another part is the motel. Lit. !iorrison says that the motel is built with block and any part can be moved. This could then be reused as an office~ convention hall or/other offices. The Boat Ilarbor anticipates that one-half of the slips would be covered for year-round usage. Lease of these slips has been indicated would be an easy matter as it would raise a large sum of money before slips are even built. On paper~ we could sell the entire cost of these slips before they are built. Attorneys would have 'to tell us what we can do. Service stations can be installed~ free of c.,m~'? ~,~:~_~e~ and leased on a percentage· ~_ basis by oil companies. Stands could be installed by vendors/~r by the District for operation by renters· Coast Guard being here~ we would not have to worry about hiring guards; also~ a heliport would be used to considerable advanta~e. Boiling it all doYa~ into a few points~ from a business standpoint~ after we had a firm option on the property~ we could sell leases and obtain money to carry on the major l~rt o£ construction. The other point is~ can the attomieys tell the Board if it cau be done and how and then the P~oard of Directors can say if they want it to be donee" Director Pankost: "LLr. Chair~n~ L[r. Souza ~',-ould lke to make one more point and we tnougn~ ilr. De, ye would be presented; "1 - Can the District ~lo it" "'2 - Does the District want to do it'?" Director Goerin~er said this puts us in a spot~ as we just learned toni,~ht ±,hat the District is limited to 201;~ of assessed valuation~ to which Attorney L'eithuan added that the bondi~ caI~city at our present disposal remains at a,pproximately .... ~c)~3,I0~ and there is au oTerlappiu~ o~ bonds because of the ~' ~ ~c~lool District. ,Lttorney :Tilson stated that he is of the opinion that a revenue bond could be issued with enough work but they would have to h~e l'~'oe~er and 3~ssociates in here to prove this out. The ~strict would have to :?;et a,n e~]ergeucy act and call an olect, ion~ so it would see::~ ~ hir.~ 'abet the Districi would have to be balkin[j al)ou-~ next spritu~ lo do ii. I? i~. iforrison would take r'oYen:~e l~onds for the properly~ we could probably deliver them to him a]>oul [.~n,y I ~ 1900. Direc[,or Goerin~,;er,. sai.~ that t::zs' ' would tahe the Lcutd off the ~ouu~,3, ..... ['ax ]~11. Di ..... '" s~;~ ~(.,, were going Lo use 7!ew2n-e Jlm~ds~ the I,aw would Nave to be ,u:~emi~t[ to include l:ecreation by gettin;z,(m the "Governer~s Cai!" in h',' '¥ and could wait u~ll a )'ear from Januar~ if no:: in a , ,.~: ~ · ,'*:' - i't ; ' '~ · would lite Lo acc 'ti:is ~oard c:::ll a. special ::acLi::': ~or ::ove;::ber 1)0 Lo Lirector Pa~f:oat s::id tl:at~ in vie;'~' oi' the fact that ti:ere is considerablc ::iisu::de:'siandin_; l~utvreen tl:e 2i:::: of :town and Caldwell and ::ill:self and lie ALtol':tes's tel:arC, il:L: in'opos<:(l contro, c'[, LTte District has wit:: lh'o:m and Caldwe}i for a "faDer Survey :-:~pOl':j lie ::l~dO a ::lotion 6:u.:'L tile ,t:~:~iu, iize .:ii: bo .,ii~.e a ~e~ to Ii'own and C~ld~,:ell and. ask :::;U' cancel the con'l:,ract and pay tkem for any l:ioneys whic:: they have e~:pendcdj provided they v-ill supply us with a:U' infor,::ation fl.;arboreal for the expendure, t,e were under tim impression that ti:e7 were ::':oin:: to :'ire us SOl,lO i:.:fo:~m~tion.) There were three water reports ~o,,n~, almut the availability of the list and Dick we:r( dram to Sacramento to see 't~e Division of Jater i~sources but tl:e'y ~;eI'e not able to Eive him a:~/ information. 0n second b7 Director Wall~ the motion to authorize theClerk to write a letter askinz Ermm and Caldwell to cancel their .... ~:t~,~ Valley to make contract for a L:ater ~urve" :~Dork and ,:ct so::mone in *' 'o . a quick repori was unanimously approved. (letter was written next daT.) Director Pan'lost reported on what is 1oci:~.,':~ done with i~evada, lie stated ' ' wi.erco? il was ,~f.,~ eec~ that they would he had a talk i';ith :,ir. John Im, rran ~,e~ toi;e'tl:er and come up with a contract 'that ~fill be acceptable to both parties. Accountant Lucot said:"I have two questions. At the last meeting~ I asked you ~d~ere do I send the money fo]- overpoom~ents on 59-1 Assessments? Do I write a 7/arrant for the excess a~nount of payments? Does the acceptance of a dorm pa>~nent bind us to a contract?" At(om%' :;ilson replied that on all moneys received prior to the hearinZ should be deposited in the Construction :Mhd and when you know that the check has cleared~ refund the excess. Do the smae tl:inf5 on any assess- u;en'ts received and deposit in the Dar2;. ]'~en it comes to checks~ do not make any refund m~til you know that the check has cleared and ~it at least twenty (20) (lays. L~!y refund to be paid out of Assessment lVm~d. Zccom~tant Lucot said that~ on December 9, he will find out what assess- ~:ents' have been paid and what balance will 2;0 to bond. They may continue to make pa3quents until bonds are sold. Director Papa:est said tha't there are several people who have put itt their oum sewer lines for which ti. icy paid cash and the District is to refur, d the money they paid and they will then pay for their assessments. "Can the District issue warrants to them?" Attorney ;Tei tk~an replied b~ .... ~"; ..... ........... ,:~ or supposin~ that the amom~t of the re£mxd is in excess o£ thc assessment~ to which he was .~iven the answer tha5 it should not be in e:~cess and 5he~- c~-~ only get a re£m~d £or the basic amount. Director Pa~coa,t presented I~solution ]7o. 1Gl~ A P~;~0LL'I'I0:I'>~VJ~H0tLIZI]IG TiE] CLZI~( T0 XCC~f ~EfD CONS~ T0 D~DS OF GI~fTS C0i~rlNG T0 SOb~ii T~IOE ~LiC b~ILI~~ DISTP. ICT IIiTEP~T IN 01~ ~'~,~TS L~OI7 I~'~ i~STATE. i)irector l.)a(te a motion that the Doard approve llesolution 1Gl and upon second by 5irector Pal~ost~ I~esolution 101 was adopted. CLkI:.~: Checks ifos. The followinf~ claims were approved and paid as sho:m below: 7~,t - Lei Lucot ~ oo - Chas. Drm~i nf~ Co. 766 - 3everly and ?;ei~nan ~u, - I~wine and ~ ,o - Sierra Pac. Power Co. 709 - Service Dureau Corporation 770- l(. L. Ooering%er 771 - V. ?72 - Sierra Pac. Power Co. 773 - Desi~ Y~sociates 77,t - Darbara !IcCarty 775 - Zditha Beseler 776 - Belle Bender 777 -A. L. ~.~ller 778- :J. G. 77~ - 11. C. Liueller 780 - Ii. C. !2ueller 781 - ~elle Bender 782 - V 0 I :~ 783 - V0 I 9 78.i - Zdi~hd Beseler 786 - ~ditha Beseler 787 - Belle Bender 788 -X. L. 789- M. G. 790 - L!. C. 2lueller 791 - 2el Lucot 792 - 1,t8.00 9.26 225.00 ,i3.64 252~25 10.00 10.00 393.73 515.62 50.06 71 .~P, 14,i. 05 82.70 85.53 59.00 50.00 50.00 50,OO 5.i. 11 28. 185.35 81.28 9.1G 100. O0 6.I6 679 - Service Bureau Corporation ()80 - So. Tahoe i~UD - to Ba~ Account 081 - ~rold I~abbe~oft 682 - i~ IMeves 683 - D. C. Basolo 221.,t5 10~000.00 34.60 250.00 2~193.80 hP. JOU;~,u.~: lhe~ e bexn. no ob,]ectxon~ mee ~, ~,as ad,om n~ t_~e President ,ee~ a~ 11:3~ p.~n. until Nov;tuber 30, 1959. .. ~lerk ~nd ~Of~ie~o Seere~U~ !IIi~JTES OF Ti~ ~U3JOUFA~D REGbI~lt~ ?m~TING OF Ti~ BOXIID 0F DIiiECT0P. S OF TI~ SOUTiI TAIIOE I'b~'LIC UTILITY DISTiIICT L~ovember 30 ~ 1959 The Board of Directors of tile South Tahoe iAfl-~lic Utility District met in an adjourned session of the re,?alar raeetin(~ of }~ovember 19~ 1059~ at the District Offiees~ Clark g~lding~ Tahoe 55~lley~ California~ on November 30~ 1959. l,[eeting was called to order by the President at 8:00 P.ii. 169 F. OIiL C2~: On call o£ the roll~ there were present Directors Goerinf;er~ Pankost~ and ?,"a!ceman. Also present was },;r. i~bert l[ason~ of Desir~ 2~sociates ~ Inc, ilI>~: P~adi]!? of minutes postponed until next rezular l,leeting on ..... 1959. ~>ecembel 3 ~ ][~OPffS: Director Paniost reported that about two years ago~ the I)istrict purchased 33 spri~-:ler heads and paid for them~ after which it was believed that they did not work. Upon complaint to lhe seller~ 33 new spri~:ler were sent to replace the old ones which were supposed ~o be returned. However~ this ~s not done as it ~s discovered that the orisinal ones were workin[~ and we therefore owe for them. 'o~rv, T ~,m T fY~TQ OLD BUSIXESS: Director Pa~ost presented Ordinance ~o. e 48 Director' Pan!est thereupon made a motion that 0ra~nanc be approved and on second of Director ',fakenmn~ Ordinance }~o. 48 was adopted· ~,r ,~,~r~ooe. Director Pa~iost addressed the Chair and said that there are several persons ~ho have installed their/mm/c llection lines and they have refm~ds due 'them. At the present moment, this District does not have the money to pay all of these people. 17e have approximately ({50~000 in the Treasm~~ from 59-1 aollection~ and it is estimated at this time that we ~11 have to pay C. ]{o~m~an Peterson~ Inc. ~ something 6vet a',100~00 and between $150~0()0 gna /~lO0~000 to pay Lagra~%e ~onstruction~ Inc., between now and the first of the [fear· At this time~ we have about (~250,000 in the County Treasu~'~ includi~u~ the ~{50~000 we have received in this office~ and the 3a~. These people who have refua~ds flue thom are: ilanuel Seima~ ilerbert X~enue .h~drew Clausen~ Glem~ood '/fay ]~arl 0pp~muann~ Ter~z Lane Cnarkes ,.,. .,ede~ng~ ~rle F. ~[~ost~ TmLarack Avenue G. ?~. i~erth~ Xspen :kvenue ,)ath .a. ~a/e~ ~ Pentagon Y~oad ~[arvcy '~Z. Gross~ Fern Iload L. C. i) asolo~ Echo [load I(line~ Pioneer Trail 4 ~,t32. O0 l~91.O0* 2)100.00 1 ~GGS.50 700.00 2,103.80 ~,,O,!],~m as SOl;lO Of them are illcor- There are a £ew adjustments 0'4 these .... · .... rect as sho~m above. :{ow~ :,:r. Ck~i~clan~ we would kayo put. that line in at a rough estimate of j35~000. Affter 'the 0th of Decem!)er~ ].959~ e~tc:'~ ol~e will o~'m an assessment so v~c will make a t)aper credit and T~ou!d lihe authoriza't, ion of Director i,'ake::ian made a ;ioCion lhai we so show credits ¢)n -[2~e pmva ,el.. flnancm~ lines ~ tim 59-1 Direcl[or Pan,:cst made a motio;~ -tha-~' lhe Cler;; and :~-3ffici. o Uecretac¢ be inst]"uc~ed to ~n-i. te Brmm and Caldwell t,o clarify the ~,o,,~ ~i~d notify 3rmm and Caldwoll ...... :,- are not the District ~t~ineers for the ~ *' Tahoe ~:l)lic Uti. liLy h'oject ~t;;ineers on ~he 5~-I Assessment and on the the Sewa,;e '~ .... t ,-,-~" l~ian't. '~"'" ' 21~ldwe!l are h'oject Eu,_:inccrs o~ i:~e 50-1 cox~structio:~ au:J. Lisiric6. This lotto:' is bein:.: ;,-ritLcn Lo specifically correct misundersta:~di.n;; Lha~ Drovm gild Caldwoll are District or Z;if]ineers fei' 27:e Sout~i Tahoe Public '.%iliiy Lis'ti'icL. kiO wi 011 ' ~ ~ .li'~er considerable discussioll~ ' ~' ~;'~tS seco,i~ou o5- Director ',:al:eman and :.uia~mousl'j/ carried. £he Loa]d of Directors of the" - m , , ~out,~l ,anoe '!\~blic Ubitity District met in re<ular session in the i)is'gric't _ ~l,zces~ olar,:e 13uildinf%~ Tahoe Valley~ 1950 !:eetin/.~ was called to order b;,' the Ca!iFo~ia on _9ecem~,er 8~ . Prmaident at 3:00 iDLL C/J-L: b~]on call of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer, Pa~;ost~ Uakeman~ aml ?[all. Also present were Attorney Ueit~uan~ Accountant Lucot~ En,qineer Aberles-~ Bob ilason of Desi[~n kssociates~ f;a;fitarian ],~arsden and [irs. 15~rsden~ Zane ililes of the Hevada State ,Ioum~al~ !Ir. Denedict of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune and 7fr. ],[or~.;an gte;~art of the grate Department of ~ ~ ' ,. doll C Health who ca;ne in about 0:20 P.L:. Absent: Director Gersick. .,I.,,~i,~: i.[inut, es of the Xeetin,%s of October 15~ October riO, l,~ovember 5, i{ovember 13~ November 1O~ and ];ovember 30~ 1950, were approved as corrected. l?~01'C£S: Director Pankost reported that lie had made a trip to Placerville, ~oLetner with ~2essrs '" ' ~'~ ~ ..... trs~,en~ Legett~ ~tevmrt~ .,o,,rle~ and ilullen to discuss ~ith theTM ~ ~' ' zores'~ oerv~ce land for disposal field and the meetiw~, o was~ on the whole~ quite saLisfac'to~- to him. ~epo, ~uv~ that "Antb~'s iIotel" had paid up and been cozmected to the Dzs~c~ sm~'cr lines. C0~a~P0~D~,,C~. Letter £ro:n C. ;~oll.~a~l Peterson, inc. ~ dated November ~o ~ ~ 1050 confimffng their willinfio~ess to omit the conaplete low pressure ;~as system 2rmn this Project. Letter £ro:u Brom~ and Caldwell~ dated December 3~ 1959, submitti~ ProL_wess iLeport for L~ ~" ~' ac,~ange Constructions, Inc., £or the month o£ lfovember 1950, in the amount of 3142 ~8G0.70. Letter from E1 Dorado Count)- Health Department~ dated December 3~ 1959~ recom- mendin[I procedure to be £ollowed relative to correspondence pertaining to ~w, ter pollution and public health matters~ ~ich Director Pan!:ost made a motion be adopted. On second by Director '.Tall~ it was unani~aously carried that the procedure outlined be adopted. Letter from Lb'. John Y. Le~aett~ Water Pollution ~'' ~ .ooar(, at ]]ishop~ California~ to fir. Evan :.,%rsden~ Sanitarian~ re additional lands for the South Tahoe ~ED disposal and requestin.% certain info~aation relative thereto. t~ZTITI0:f: Petition for a]mexation from Chuck i~'~ight and Stan itisle? again held over until property can be inspected. Petition £ro:u Alva Barton for annexation to the District--not acted upon as yet. OLD Bi~Ii~SS: Director Pa,~ost made a :aotion that the Project E~%ineers be instructed to contact the Contractor~ C. Norman Peterson, Inc., to ~et a cmn- mitment on the cost of the 30}000 gallon ~%as tanX for the plant. On second by Director '.fall, Director fioeriuKer stated that he would like to bring out this point. If the ~;isirict is ?in;4 to let somebody come in and nsc our property and we are not ~oin~j into business with mk,'one or lease the land, I thifi¢ ~e are pretty well bound %o ,,jo ~,- our enTineers' reco~:~nen;~tim~ on the 15~000 ~';allon ta~. 7.k~ only reason for entertain- iai] the idea 6f ~ 30~000 gallon ta~ is %ha~~ i~ ~,~ould appeM to sonmbo(~ like the South Tahoe Gas Coapa~v. After some discussion as to wlky it is no~ possible to l.n~~ Z~s from the conpany across %l~e stree~ %o se~e the District until such time as the di~jesters take off and the fact that, even after the digesters are in se~wice. ,e~ hard ~dnters ~:~y make it neces- sad- to have propane [~as as a st~ndby~ the motion ~ms ~%nimously carried ~o have the en~ineers contact the contractor and ~jet ;a coi:~itment on the cost of the 30~000 gallon talc. ~'~ Attorney ¥;eidman ~s directed by the Doard of Directors to muend Ordinance No. 45, Section 3, Tirae of '' ~' ,- :,~eeb~s, 'to change the time of neetinf;s fr~2 7:00 o'clock P.:,[. to ~:00 P.;.L, pttrsuant to motion by Director :?all, seconded by Director Panlcost~ and unanimously carried to make this change in the hour of neetinlj of the Board of IJirectors. Director Goeringer asked the status of the District's Contract with the Douglas County Sewer In~provement District No. 1 and Director Para, est asked that a special m,eetin~ be called on Thursday, December 12, 3:00 P.M. to discuss t.~is contract, and show the need for a new contract and obtain a piece of paper which would give a ~aore clear understanding] and interpretation~ and sho~ a much better £onn of accountinZ procedure and Director Goeringer stated '.,,.e thinks that is the only part that needs to be reva~aped. Engineer Aberley said that ti~e draft presented b.y t]'.em was not intended to be a final contract. ~x,~ri~ the follo~'rin[~ discussion, Attorney -Ueidraan stated that the pr'esent contract was nmde, by necessity~ at a 'ti~:m when s~;,.all shacks and motels were in existence but the picture has now chanf~ed considerably. This v,~s follow, ed by considerable discussion. Director ~,~'all asf~ed if we are ~oing to do anything about the Buildin,_7 Code tonight? Chamber of Co,,-~aerce meeting todc~ directed, that the FO]J proceed to establish a code eased upon the ~'~ational .~u~ld~rr. Code with support for the "13o it yourself er" and ~ith special attention to snow conditions and present to various interested a~encies, sucl', as tl.m Chamber of Conwaerce and other inter~sted parties. Director PmHcost said also it should be set for the vote of the people and~ if approved, proceed to put it tn~ou, on as soon as possible. Attorney !Teidman stated that he believes a time schedule for hearing in late JannaL~- in the fens of an 0~dinance and publishin~:~ in the newst~per for 30 days ihead of time as there must be a waiting period of 30 days before Ordinance can become effective. ;~mother alternative would be to submit to the referen~k~z~ of the people for ~'~ick we ~'ould need additional ~ i m e. birector Goerinf~er said ......~:,,t*~,~ as soon as bne ~,oara decides, Zttorney ,;e~ca2an snot.l~ imm;- at once so that he can:_._o',~t to ~ror!c on the ordinance, etc. .Dr. 7all said that the 'action of the Cha.,:fl)er of Cozmerce was1)am:e(~' ' by the llealt~.- [3oard and Director Goerin~er replied . somethiuf] must be worked out as soon as possible. .... with the bakcin,-~ of the Chomber of Co;:~:mrce, 5irector ?/all: "I th~:u~ that~ , and other organizations~ would be better than submittin~ 6o -the people." Benedict stated that it is his feelin:~ that, to subnit to 'the people, ~ould be doin~ [,he District a dissect'ice as we already,, have tho people's :i. dea as sho~m by 'the previous election. ii~rp, ey L~e]~i:mn said thai it can proha~lN '~e s~g~mii[ed nnder Id~e VtiliL7 Zct anJ ~c feels "~ ..... if w'e do s~fi~:~n.-t, '~' to a liit!e Id.i," and birec",..o;' -~o--';..c,...~.~-" replied: '"'., cra lervinq il all up .iL~Oi'RO'~' .01 ~:.:a;l t,.l:Ol: ,:~ ..... c _ ~_!~ .............. ;,eLk. el ~,.Ok) t i~ ~0 L'irec<or Ooori~gcr said that we will have 2irecLor Yack:oat: "That is L,t,~ppenin;; to our 2.1;ri'n: ~"j ~ .... ~" the contract il;'. l~enedic~ ::~eutio:~ed~ 5':.~b si::ce tlze people of l~:.::cho l;]joa ~,sl.ed fo.r 't!'e..~ he uould lil:e to see a hearin.'[; held to ~scertain ~7l~a'b the !)eople ~nt wi'th re-dard Lo {lie 7~i.<~hwa,y li,~h{-in,i~. The Sierra Pacific Power Co ~pi~:E- shofild '.ave thc repo:'t A dis('.~msio.~'~ of the proposc, l to liilh't, tko i',iTlnm,j,' and the petition of l~zncl:o ~or~ inst.~l!aLzon' ' of li?:'hLs,~ , ollo~,-ed" and birector a:fzos6 i:~a{ie a, ~notior~ ~','~..~ :.icc'.ix[7 i:~ [.his office and so advertise ~t leas'i, two weeks prior in both papers. On second of this motio:~ l)y Director ',/a!l~ -Lbo ~_~olion was carried unani:::o~a ly. ....... ~ ........ ~: birector ~uf:ost~ refcrril:.-:: Lo t:,e letter of Nove:nber ' L+ bo '" ' i.r. ~e<<:::e ~ :h'. :,-~,,~ s~.en~ asked lit. i.l%rs(ien 'Lo 3hat does t:~t?o list of 2;,.ciliLies v,'hich :.ii ~,..~ cause pollution or nuisance to the reslc~enLs refer'? Lees i't mean t,mae properties which have l}een exc!u~e(.:: 'r. ilarsden replied gha'L it also refers Lo zmltiple and co:::~uercial mnits. ih'. Aberley stated t~a't Ed Cid no~, have that infor:'xbtion and Zr. !araden replied thai he did not want the::: Lo ;? out ~t:ld call :['rom door i,o door but this infonaa- Lion is so:ne'thins iT:at the Wager Pollution Doard wants to have in its file for .... z4s~lc~ applies for financial aid in tke future reforonco~ i~ cum when ti:e '" *" ~ construction of new facilities. ~.,li-ec, b )1' Pamm,!;L ~tt~eu %hat he feels certain .... the District ~411 be able to :get 'the needed info~:~ation for 7, h-..,~.rs(:,en as requeste~. ~,~Ollle.) ,,eltnm~II starer,, tna~ he received a very important letter relative to the bond sale and he proceeded to read Lite letter to tl:e~oard. The letter fro~ iix'. Spra!~m stated t:~ the vends ;rill h~ve to be dated July 1) 1050 and they will demand that this fim~ncinz comes from funds outside of the frolz ]mdc;et aha there is a s~_l so;,:e ,~.~,~o~,. spen~ apart ~.resen_ ' ( , i "~e _ _ ~u]Let items. .: also ino~uired as Lo when we are qoin~:; to sell our Assess- meh~ 3on(:s ~hlch fib;ute, will ~,~.,'o in'to the brochure. 2irector C-oerinf%er then acknowledsed the presence of i[or~jan Stewart of the ....... '" ile would like to orate ilea, iCh ~et)artmcn~ and asked if he had say. ]ir. Stewart said: "I c~:i..~::!au ~o be ~'~'~ Lo listen in our your 'board of ]3irectors' mee6]np,'. ,ts ilr. :?a~:os~ said) we have been word:in< £or the most of Lhe daN in an a!te;::i)t 'to persuade the Forest Seiwice to pal:nit 'the ~ ~:stric{ to uso ::ore of its land a:.~C_ we £cel U~at some proTrcss LirecLor Paaf:ost said: "As you know~ :,ir. Chainuan~ I a:: stron~Ely opposed to makin2; 'deals'~ but this is the lon;~est easement we haYe ever atte:~pted to acquire peacably and I told iJiss l]arton that I believed the I)oard of Directors would a,Tree to annex the first 100 feet alon,7 the easement ;~-ithout nenalt-v. IF there are no objections, we will proceed, aloni~ those lt,[tea. '.Te have an easement across the Johnson Gold Course for which we are payin,u 3100.00. ]Jo ob3ection was voiced. The followin~-~, clai::m were approved and 7paid as s~.',o~m: 703 - Darb~ra L'cCarthy 79-i - l)elle 795 - Del Lucot 795 - F~rle Pa~mst 797 -A. L. Ziller 703 -A. L. Hiller 700 -);. C. :1ueller S00- 7.1. G. iiart S01 - Tahoe J.~edical Center o0~ - Lake ~anoe ]Jess 803 - Weaks Industrial & Equip. Sales S04 - 7.Iurray~s Stationc~.T Store S05 - Clarke Duildi~E~ S06 - o~erra Pacific Power Co. S07 - Pacific Telephone SOS - State Compensation l~nd S09 - Chas. 3runing Co. S 10 - Dob ?;akeman Sll - Vernon :'/all 812 - if. L. Goeringer olo - :i~z ~p~ Inc. SI-I - Federal i'~se~we S15 - Del Lucot S1G - :~. C. ~[ueller S17- ][. G. Hart SIS -A. L. :Iiller S19 - Editha Deseler 820 - Barbara :[cCarty S21 - Belle Bender 50.0,5 78..t0 157.50 290.20 70.00 102.01 79.80 102.01 5.00 12.26 4.00 25.95 205. O0 ,1.21.10 106.63 10.83 5.59 30.00 20.00 20.00 2,197.S2 -153.88 220. O0 83. ,i3 106.25 150.25 53.89 51.0G 7S.40 "/;arrant ;;o. GS.t - La¢;raaze Construction, Inc. tt2,800.70 nom~an L. Goerin~e-r, Pr~esldent. .LUOOu:..~:,~:.::: There bein¢?; no objection~ meetinZ :~::s adjourned b7 the President at. 10:30 Clerk and Ex~0£ficio Secreta~D-. MINI3TES OF TIlE ADJ0~ ltE~ HEETING OF DECtMBER 3~ 1959, OF TIlE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. December 10, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned Session of the Regular Meeting of December 3, 1959~ in the District Offices, Clarke Building~ Tahoe Valley, California, on December 10, 1959. Meeting was called to order by the President at 8~00 o~clock P.M. ROLL CALL: On call of the roll,there were present I)irectrs Gersick, Pankost, Wall~ and Goeringer. Absent: Director Wakeman. Also present Iii were Engineers Aberley and Steffani of Brown and Cald~ell, Attorney Weidman, Accountant Lucot, Right-of-Way Agent H. Reeves~ Zane Miles of the Nevad~ State Journal, and Mr. and Mrs. Evan Marsden, County Health Department, came later. lrORPOSE OF MEETING: Meeting was adjourned from last week for the purpose of discussing the District*s contract with the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1. Prior to the discussion of the. status of the contract between Nevada and California, the location of l~ing,Plant No. 5 was briefly discussed, after whichDirector Gersickmade a motion that the Engineers be instructed to pro- ceed with plans for location of Pump Station No. 5 at the end of Firet and the Clerk be instructed to acquire the land for a sum not to exceed $1.00. On second by Director Wall, motion was unanimously carried. Director Pankost stated that the Board has two contracts, in addition to the old or original one, to consider and discuss. As these forms are drafted for this purpose, they are not yet signed. Also, the existing contract be- tween the two Districts is to be considered and compared. Attorney Weidman read the existing contract of Agreement for Joint Disposal of Sanitary Sewage, made on the 21st day of July, 1958~ between SOUTH TAHOE lrOBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT and DOUBLAS COUNTY S~ER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1. This Agreement was signed for the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT by, Wm. J. Crocker, President~ and Attested by William A. Young, Secretary; Wm. M. Bozes, Presient of Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, and Attested by tI~rvey A. Gross, Secretary. Each paragraph was read, dis- cussed and explained, as were the draft of a new Agreement by Brown and Caldwell, entitled'- AGI~3,~I,17r---JOINT CONVEYANCE, TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL OF SL~¥AGE--SOUTtt TAHOE lrOI~IC UTILITY DISTRICT and DOUGLAS COUNTY S~¥ER IMPROVE- ~NT DISTRICT NO. 1. Following these, a draft of an Agreement between the two parties by Director Pankost was read and all were thoroughly and lengthily discussed. No decision was made but matter w~s postponed to next meeting on December 17, 1959. ADJO~~ There being no objection, meeting w~s adjourned.~mj~e President at 11:35 o~clock P.M. Ex-Of fi cio Secretary. ~l~orman L. Goeringer, President. i[II~bWES OF Ti~ D.SGULAiI ~,~L~rING OF Ti~ BOAltD OF DII~CTO?~ OF TI~] soLri'}I T~IOE PLq]LIC UTILITY DISTRICT December 17, 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session in the District Offices, Clarke Buildins, Tahoe Valley, California, on December 17~ 1959. ~.~eetin[~; was called to order by the President at 7:10 i~OLL CALL: On call of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer, Gersick, Pankost, Wakeman~ and ':'fall. Absent: :gone. Also present were Accountant Lucot, ::[essrs. Robert :,,~son of Desi~,~n Associates~ Bob l~mn and J. P. ¥ilson of the Cedar Grove Gas and the California Liquid Gas Companies respectively~ i.[essrs. Zayre ~[iles of the Nevada State Journal, and ~,[r. Benedict of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune who arrived at approximately 8:00 P.~[. ~,[I~ES: .~,[inutes of the adjourned i~e[;ular ~'.leetin~; of December 10, 1950 were distributed to the I)ire~tors and approved as recorded. UJ~POIiTS: Director Pankost reported on his trip to Apple Valley, California, for the purpose of attendance at the 39th Res~lar ~,ieetin[~ of the Lahontan Re_gional ~'fater Pollution Control Board held in -the Apple Valley Inn on ]Secember 15~ 1059. ¥;e have been asking for an additional 40 acres of land from the U.S. Forest Service and feel that, if we could acquire this 40 Acres below the County P~ad on an interim basis, we would be in pretty good shape 115 for four or five years or until such time as vre would be in better position to dispose of our reclaimed water. ~irector Pa~q~ost then read ih'. Lesget's letter of December 15~ 1959, addressed t, 9 the i~oard i~e:nbers of the La~onton Xei~i_onal ~fa'ter Pollution Control~ and asked lhat the approval for divertinz Lbo water into Heavenly Valley Creek Im deferred until our District sulaaiLs maps and various s~u-veys and lhen a ;'Jl)ecial ;[eetin?; will be called. ~n;~i. neers will prcparc~ in Lbo - .... weo~c o. cor':i)]oto si;troy o~ w~:s ~'~ ~ memos to dispose of our ~ater. Zr. Le~;~?t,l is writing to the : ..... irea Zouncil asking the;t Lo r~.ssist with the survey and money tuaCters. IF neces- sary~ Lbo Tater Pollwtiou ~]oard will also endeavor to ,m+. some ..,o~., nssist ' -',~ otr[ lhat j~ we _tau to we would ~'~ the District fn "'s "over the hill." After Janua~7 1, !9{31~ ..... c~ .~ is a ¢,. [.:mi, thia It wes Pur't,her reporCod b,~ Z'irecLor Pankc, s[. tT'tftlzfTb'. John ;[arrab telephoned and left a mess~7~e for ;,i:', that he (~fr." - ' back at ti~e lake and that *in~ of the Dom;las ke ~,an[~d ~:irector Pad, est to kno~' it:ere ~,~ill be a mee ,~ , ~,~s,,mct 7o. 1 tomorrow (12-!8-59) ;d; ~' Countv Sewer Improvement "' ~ ' i:he Con~rac beLween ihaL 72.istric~ and Lhe ,~m, bn ~a,oe would he gone over ant! 'we will hec, r fro::: him. Liscuss~on o? !!:ese rel)ori~ fo!lotted. ........ ,.~n.-,.~z.~. Di-','-,l',' Pac,:oat rea, d ~. letter ? ..... ','like ~]em-v and ;;~ptmor ~ d~.cec: i)ecemb.or 1 ~ 1959 ~ :s ~ ~,..~ ~;~at. ~ as his 2.t.tornevs ~ before propcr,i ~ LZe',' ~ ' ......... ' <m~slderation lo bc ::;ivcn in tek, urn for said LasomenL. ,'anon:; oilier -i ':in,Ts i;r. .~l:,:c apeclC.tec:: -: :91ol)in shall !.t~ve the rl:rkt~frec of chcu'rt~e~ to ch, el h,i,, houses a, lon7 ~]ucrazlento j.vcnuc connect "o }'our ia, c lilies arlv of the ~' "j c:ccludi:q;, howevcr~ the ZoLe!~ itestuara, nC~ .... z~ a,nd kitchen." Liscusaion i)ollo',:'ed (,.his as Lo why it is necessary 'Lo 1:;o doinl 'this 3i:reel: and ]~[I'CC[,Oi' ..el'Sic,. !.titc:.e (t i:iot,,ion tha, L Cie Eii,-;ineers bo l:m~;l'ucteu t,o ch(m~e the ~ ~ ., ,.. '~ "' ~O [%'O~ O!1 which we :mist l'(?:lkt[l'e [II1 Ii[ilO ~,C b'ViJLLi;8 ;];,11~)' pt'()pO1'l,:,rO~ ,:~ftCl(i,:~:O~t, - , ilo ease:lent from Franc ']lobin. On second b':; i)i rector "fall ~ motion was u.n;mimously L::,,~ the ;,oaru recess For five carried. Director Ptu~:os~ requesLed '"* at 7:30 ~ '" to '~ .... that the Clerk ~)e instruc't, ed ...... ' ~.:~,.t~ in l[e'u oF !lie lc;al aescr~p~,~o~s 'obta~net~ in f;ettim:{ tho next %e;jular Teetin'-., deleting airy lines that ~u;:~y :.;o ,.,rough disputed areas or excluded proper-Lies. Ori secm.u by i)irec, tor Gersick~ :notion was unanjiuoualy (';trriod. ~a~:~v.,o: Director Iali,~o,,~ read a !)etition t'ro:n :r. ,.J;ic~ Van Sickle in w',ic1~ ':,e re(mes~s '[Itak some 215 acres~ more or less~ be annexed (,o bho 5istr'ic(. Director Pa.~4cost, Cmn made c. mot:ton l, ha~ the Pe4. iU on be accepted as a whole. '3n second by 5irector ',/all~ mo~ion was carried unanimously. cai 1 :),,~l:,,~o. Direct,or Pal~OSt slated t,hat he i, ad received a telephone fron ~ir. l]ric 2h"eytaj who info,ruled him that he will supply to the District a 30~000 f~:allon ta~-~ for ;[~11~870.00 f.o.b, piers at our plant or will lease said Ilia: at a rate of ;~150.00 per month. The l~n%ineers expect to be here aL p.m. with a letter from C. Herman Peterson~ Inc. ~ail~ornia Liquid Gas Company of oacra:~cn~ Director Pa~iost stated that the r .... ~ *o ,mo ~uarantee to deliver trill lease the District a ta~fi~ for 31.50.00 per month ' out flas~a, fter whick .... len,~tb:v discussion in which it was brou~ht that~ if ~he 9istrict ge~s the 30~000 ~allon ta~ Cedar Grove and South Tahoe Gas Co~panies would like to lease that ta~. If we ~et bhe big ta~(~ ye will have somethinz we can talk to all of them who want it. Director Pa,~:ost made a motion that the Attorney be instructed to prepare a i;esolution to call for a bid on a 30~000 2;allon ta~. LIotion was seconded by ]~irector 7a11. 0n the (luestion~ Director Gersick asked what is the wholesale price and was told it is approximately .09232~ pe~'gall°n delivered here. ~r. Wilson said the only thi~ ffhich could affect their delive~ of the ta~ tn~n~s rather unsatisfactory'. A 30~000 is bhe steel strike which has made '' ~ · 117 CLiIiIS: (Continue d) 855 -A. L. ililler 856 - Editha Beseler 857 - Barbara !lcCarty 858 -i. L. Hiller 859 - ::. C. },lueller 860- }I. G. ilart 861 - Belle Bender 862 - Del Lucot 154.50 52.36 50.06 134.00 72.75 $1.75 81.50 9.t.50 NO. 685 - C. No,nan Peterson~ Inc. 133 ~177.38 AIIIOUP2~iEN~: There being no objection~ meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.:.I. until 5:30 P.!,I. on IJonday~ December 21~ 1959. / December 21~ 1959 ~ne Doard oF Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session of the regular meeting of December 17~ 19GO~ on i~cember 21~ 1959. L;eeting ~'as called to order by Acti~ President Gersick~ at 5:45 i;OLL ~I.. On call oF ~nc roll~ there were present Directors Gersick~ ~a,ll,iOSo~ alli[ ,,&}.eLiltn. kbsent: Direclors Gocrin~er and 'Tall. ,~-,,, m~',T--~'~ ~:~50LL~I0,~ N0 16_~ A ~%SOLLrfI0~f DIIACCTIi!G S2~L 0F ~1~250~000 ~,0.,~,o OP ~.~l . ~.~ ~.~LI** ~.~ was read. 0n motion of Di rector Pazf:ost~ seconded by Director ";akeman~ and llllallilllOltS!y ' d ~ ' · adopted. carrte ~ said z~solutloa ~'¢Rs ~kI~IT.U'::Y ,.~.~.,-.~ '~0 "~ On .~otion of Director ~ard;ost',~ o=,,~.'.-:,.,¢- Pi,..¢EC~ NO. 1959-1~ was read. . - - · seconded by Lireelor ,,a~.mnln and unani, mously carried~ said ~osolution was adopted. ~.~,~.on of Director Pa~cost ~ seconde(l by Direc't:or ','/~]:eman~ an~! unani;uo,.~slv .... t~r~ .o,:~ he authorized to transfer ,;o0~900 from Assessmeni 59-! i'~und, s !o Construction ,_9-~ Pund Xccmmt ~ seconded ~;,v i~,ireci, or .~a;~m.mn~ mo!:ion r/i~s unanimously carried. .... ~e a mo,_.~on ,.~,..~t the meetin, c be ac~jom'ne,~ Lo l'~cember i,i rector Pa~.f,;:ost .... , .... ' 1959~ aL 7:00 o~clock ~.7,~. On second b'F. ~irector fa. keman~ mo!ion was unan i mous !y ca, rri e (:',, T~ lo ~o '.~xTaT*~",,~"~.'T: : , hc:in~::: no oi)[ection~ mee'tinlr was ~djourned bv ,~c~,.n~¢ President Je~s~clc ~[t ():30 P.3. to December 30~ !959~ at 7:00 Pd[. o'clock. [:udolph S. Gersick~ AcLing ~ ' ~e ~ 1 19 oaru~ the Sanibarian would bc able -bo ~ive them assistance and answer the the specifiC, questions which they need answered and which ca~mot be obtained £ro~.n the personnel now employed by ~he D} sift cL.. 7'fo~v, as you knm;', the District submit, ted a report, on g proposal to discharge waste into Hca'verily Valley Creel and this was just about a "bombshell" to ~hem and his Board has delaFed action on this reporl and requested the ~oard of Direct, ors o7 t~e South Tahe ~blic Utilii,y l~istrict to have its en[~ineers~or whoever ~he Board wani, s~ ia :rake a ve~T e~:tensive stud~ o~ this entire area for land disposal~ axplorinf~ eve~5" po.~sibilii,y of where !and can be o?~tained for ].and disposal other 't~:r:.~ :~nt, o 7eavenly Creek~ plus the fact -"~ .... a little narc exi~lorat:i, on should be made on [.he possibili~2: of pttnpin7 ser;a,:);e oul of soon as i;: i;:; gompleledand ti;er ',','J!l~ in burn~ %irc it dist. rib~:tion [o the ,,~t,.cr Po!!ution~ i~.,, .... + ...... 't ., -e.d th Z. epart;aeni. 0:~e ~onLi: ~ - i, hi ,'~ ~e ~i. 7?oard proposes to ~oltl ~;n open meet, in; or i~or;m~.l hec.,rin;:~ hero to be sure that thc pcople of this area are ~:ppri:~ed o[ proble:ns :/hich which t. he District [k)~trd is faced~ · Lo hire a priw~te en(~i~:eerin; ?Jrn: v/ho is r, bsolut, ely unassociat, ed ..:ith this problem here Lo t'eviex¢ all the :caLl:nonT presented p.t. tkis hearthZ. ZP[,er has reviewed Ii:is ~;iih t:~' 13oard~ then a decision will have i.o be made as to whe't, lmr to allmv discharqe to be made in this area. I ::izht, add ihat.~ if' rny Boar'{[ allowed a di. scharD~e into fha l,~.~ze~ in a :n~i,ter of a monlh or less, 'fa, hoe City would come to us w{i~: a si.t.;ila, r proposal to discharge into the Lake and 7orth Tahoe would come with a proposal to disc!'m,r[~e and~ in subsequent years~ the residents of ibc entire perimeter would l-equest to dischar,?;e inio Lake Tahoe. I talked wot ~fal]y ';trite (of the Utatc of )fcvada) who informed me (tiffs is infonuat) hc wojld aitemp! a,n iniiuuciion a.(;ainst the dischar[.~inf; into Lake Tahoe. This would ~hen beconm a prob]e:::: for the U. g. ~ablic Health Service ~;!~o would kave come in and decide. :..~rcc[or ".'all sai~_ t,haL ~.'[, is obvious -i':.~[ r.'e n,_ect a Sanitarian and I ma!:e a ~,,,,~,,. ,,,. 4 ,~,,, 7;-;~-+,,io-~ ',~,..o ~l,-. ':arsden on a nart-tirac basis to Lake over this 30;) 101' lisa/ z,ll'OCLor l'4.t!l~OSb ~uuu.~l~e~ .,.,~ ,a~xu~. vii ~:~¢ :lava , ~ :~,ers~ci; sa~d ~::4ttt ~t ~s [t~s op~n~on :;,at the mM.~c~ should nave one ,n,m who could be a combination of the two--X Sanitarian and a, Sanitation [~n~ineer-- instead of incnrrinZ the extra expense of two salaries. Director Pankost asked fir. Le,~xett if such a man exists but there was no direct ans~ver~ and Director ~,r,~,,;..xe~uan said that this looks ll!~e a pretty %ood-sizcd ,,~°b-- would ~lr. Harsd.en l)e <~i.)le ia do i t. Director Goeringer replied that Zr. fill!er would be an assistant aml Director Gersick asked what are the qualifications of a 5]anitarian? ].ir. 2[arsden replied that, he must have an Fab degree and the State prefers that he have a ,',[aster's degree. .',ir. Leuf5ett said that~ as he remembers~ Brovm and Caldwell's report reco,~nended that this District employ a registered Civil Enl]inner t.o ts,kc charge and your man could be manager. Director ','fall stated that he also would be interested if there were such a man who was a Civil En.zineer and also a Sanitarian but as vm need someone now as a, ~anitarfan~ I do not think that the hiring of such a man would interfere with our motion -to employ Lir. L[arsden on a part-time basis. ;ir. ilarsden said that ir the District has a problem, he is as close as his office on the lower floor and~ although he cannot make hilnself a. vailable 2,t hours per day to the l)istrict (as it must he understood that he is an employee of the State of California), he does l:ave cez~tain time and rif~hts of his own in off-time when, if the District had a problem~ he could be o1' help~ such as an Iuter-State nroblem with Nevada~ perhaps he and ~[r. >feilsen~ Nevada State Sanitarian~ on ~hich they could probably reach a conclusion which would prevent the U. S. tktblic Peal-th Service having to step in and -take action. Lb-. ]t[arsden said that complaints are comin~j in to them as ia what and what Lee !tiller is--they want to know what his back~4rotmd is~ what he does~ why can he do this and. that9 lie says, he has no answer to these questions~ l~t sooner or later theBoard that takes care of the licensinp~ within the State of Cali£ornia Tho. ;Joard of Zirec-Lors o, the SonU.~ Tahoe ihablic I!tility Dis:ricE. ~...c~. in reo-t~lar session Jn <,he 3[s'br'~ct OiTfices~ ...... ]l~ildEn~-~ ~.'no~ V~lley~ CaliFornia~ JanuaC,- '", ~ Im"'~vov. "..~ee''~,~ n _ was c;~1ted to order I:)T, i, he President at L~-0:5. ,,. i';OLL ~J=L: Upon cpll oS Lie roll~ there i~ere present Directors Gers:ck~ GoerinTer~ ~a~f~os~ ,.tkomLm.~ and /;%11. /.l~so presen'[, were mmjineers M~erle¥ and,~ _~teffani /~CCOllllt<tttL Lllco b ~ .'2L'bOI'!IO}: ':,/ei&nan ~ Lit. Grem~er from ~' ' ..... ~ ~.,,~m ~v~s~ n of llousing, Lb'. :'" ~: "':' ' f'ro::~ the ~" ........ +o Lb'. Jamison fro;a the ............ ' 'o ~;ee~ Tr. 'fa. It Li Ltle fro::: 'El:to L~C:c '~:hoe :Tews~ ~[r. ~ane ii les f~n the J-ournr:,l~ :md [:r. l]enedic< From the '["~oc 'J[err~: Tr[imne~ ::nd. 'h'. ik~sou o "ZP.3''"": .,i~'e~',):" i"~::.,o,:-:~,'- ' ~,p,. ...... )-.',,.', .... <':,Z :~ t; broe~u:'es for ;,t~c_ '~,,, ..... ' /5::.1,, ' '" ' "' John T. ., .... ' '~ '-~4 ~ relr~-i,ive lo ,H;~l)o~;ii;o~, t OL: IJU~!:'7:d,;S: i::~l nccr Zber!ev :al!cd o r::. Eon-'. :on '"" ;'or :)S ~ ?iFC J ' C~[ ;f C< ~' i ' . -. ~ ' ' ' ' ..... ::;' ' :) ?'.3' ,~,;z :[ (::: SucO:::'. '::' '_.i:'e(''Oi' ,';:].].~ ']:c ::::';:::~':.:clt'. l:' :.i:'ec~o:' ci:ru'J.u<". '.:nd ':7:(:: lh'a;:;idcn~ :/:o:: c; ll..:J 7:~i' ~';.o,;c J.n ;'::,'(~:' of ': ' '-'. <o .:::.:;::?:' l):; ~::,V:i'::':j .-,,, ~ ......... , :.I()LiO:k ,,']i~.C}i ':;t:6; ," ' :,':i::]: -,:-..,, 't ...... ' '' <.i:.:c o7 .~:c ,';';u'c'.n:'~~ " ..... ".,,, :.'o'_.:o:~ of Direc[o:' '"'% .... ::':'; ' - T ~ ; :,Li;I:-!~:::() L;}~~ ' ;::ii~' .(C!'a;LC~.~ _~t ~ ,0;! ',,,'.S ,. .':~. :.omo'/ .;el. (J:;:;'?~ ' ' ' ::' C~ ., ;3~:I [:j - · t{'.ilZ:E~ll~ : :::'.5'C O:!O O'::]:C!' ~: x=c,-,4 T:-::c:: ,,..o .... o~ /~ 7 ,, 3 . ;: .:'.osol::Lio:~ -{o ;'tccep~ kids :.,:~e:,efor. .Disc:_:ssio:: o:mue(: ..... :'+,~,- :::ich :)ir'et[or ?, ,,,u..,:,,*-": ' * m;'.it:'(' ;t :'.to:ion that :.eso].::L.: o:~_ 1{35 c;::llin:::.. ?or Llid~; ?o;' 2uruishins:: suc:t eq. uipi:m:~L i.)e approved. 0u secoml i.),:.' i)irec'Lor [}cr,sicJ:j ::():ion was ::n~:ni:::ot:slv carri i, irector P:,.::ff:o,sL :ur:de ; :~ot}on '~ha't. ~" · ....",,,-'i,:, ricers, to ta,:e .... :.::e ,~': rig,': ,.qa11°:: propa::e ':a;:, Lo:fi:. On ;:;eco:::: :)'. :3i:,ecLor 2ersic:::~ mo-bio:~ :'m.s :.]il::tl[:.:o11;:;~7f ':7]'/ v,:,~'r,:':,-~,.~,..o~:,:,,..,. ?~laLive i:o "~,e,.:,.. bills sene Lo the iHsi. rJct~ ~irector Pan!:ost said ~o,~ ~ should inspec~ them and ~irec'tor ~ .... ..,,.e a motion to the: effect. On second b:f Director ',Iake;:n~n~ motion was unani:nously carried wiLh '~ ~ '' ~" ~nc a, uaena~na tha~ chec:: :~e prepared and a'~tached to b:i]l so i G. :3 .[ 7'I! MINIYffE~ OF TIIE A]XIOUIINED REGUIAll MEETING OF BOARD OF DIt~ECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILI'I"f DISTRICT January 12, 1960 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session of the regular meeting of January 7, 1960 at the District Offices, Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley, California~ on January 12, 1960. The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:05 P.M. ROLL CALL: Upon call of the roll, there were present Directors Goeringer~ Pankost, 6ersick~ Wakeman. ABS~rr: Director ~Vall. Also present were Attorney Weidman, Engineers Aberley, Steffani, and Rustigian, all of Brown and Caldwell. MINUTES: This being an adjourned meeting~ no minutes were read. ItEPORTS: Mone. CORRESPONDENCE: None. OLD BUSINESS: Director Pankost stated that, inasmuch as we had to make certain Progress Payments and payments for Right-of-~fay (Easement) Acquisitions, he made a motion that the Board approve the transfer of $100,000 from the 59-1 Special Assessment Fund to Construction 59-1 Fund. On secondly Director Gersick, motion was unanimously approved, and ~(arrant No. 687 was issued in the amount of $100~000. Director Pankost made a motion that a ~¥arrant be issued to the Langrange Construttion, Inc. in the amount of $68,113.01 for December Progress Payment and one to C. Norman Peterson, Inc. in the amount of $99~109.34 for December Progress Payment; also a ~Varrant to H. R. Reeves in the amount of $300.00 for Easement acquisition. Motion was seconded by Director Gersick and unanimously carried and ~arrants Nos. 688, 689, and 690 written in the stated amounts. Director Pan~ost then stated that the first thing he would like to bring up was to authorize Brown and Caldwell to draw up plans and designs for the 1960-1 Assessment District. Engineer Aberley replied that the first thing he thought they should have answered is the question as to what the District has in mind for them to do and what will be done by the District Engineer. Director Pankost replied that Brown and Cald~ell will do everything up to the date when construction begins at which time the District Engineer will take over the construction supervision, etc. Mr. Aberley asked if the District Engineer will do this and never go to them for advice or assistance? Director Pankost stated that he did not say that he will not consult with you or ask for advice or assistance. Mr. Aberley said that he feels that they can save the District money by per- mitting Brown and Caldwell to do all the work. Excerpts from their Agree- ment with the District were read and Director Gersick asked where the District would save and discussion/ensued wherein Mr. Aberley stated that the designer has control of construction, and errors are therefore sometimes prevented. Director Pankost suggested that this decision be held until we ascertain what we can get in the way of an Engineer and let this design business "hang fire" until that time. Discussion fokbwed as to the trouble with the contractors and engineers and Director ~fakeman said: "This is what I want to know. Let Brown and Cald~ell tell us how our engineer would fit in their plans. If we have him, will we be able to use him and they be able to use him to the benefit of the District?" Engineer Aberley replied that, if the man is to be "En~ineer-~nager"~ he directs and supervises all the operations of the DistriCt and day to day tahks, thereby relieving the Directors. ;]ess lon be!';rns~ wherc~:j)ou ..:r J~iso:~ of ~o ~:'-~ '~,", iiousin2{ lUiv~ton~ brou,}ht info~na~ion and several )'ears a;~o some 708 buildi~r~ codes ..... .... " ''' "' e uuestion. ,?~torne'v 5'cich:tan said ........ cl:e would li' ~ ~.~zs phase of tn~ . problem does noa seem to be a lei;a! one l)u~ ;n~cv~e~ Il ia a praciicai code. Janas , su;-5:;esi, ed that they pick up the Unifor:n Codes and DirecLor '/all staled 6ha'o we should ;:%()'o some ghin:-~ which 'rze could present -go .... Chm:f)er o2 Co:':~,!erce For discussion. The i'll%~ said 'h'. Janison~ deals with k~';o and tlwee dwel!tn~s. J.s 'Lo the maLLer of rea(.O'-,Jull~ ]nfi!F_inj,;s as Klei'ltlOnC(_ b? Director ,,oJceman~ Attorney ':/ei(bnan asked if '~"~ ~ ' -' ~ ,' ' ~ ~:,e .,,n~,or:u Code ~ %/here would i. g leave chose read.y-bui] 6 lllll LS · ].h' JaMson replied that it would he entirely up to om' building>: ' · '~ = ,. inspector. Director-,'iakeu, m said thai if we can 2;e6 more zznancznl ~,~zo,z~;n bbc ..m~on:: i]uzlaztt24 Code~ [,hen I say let's ac.op~ il.a . ~tLorney ,,e~(~mm said ~n,:.~,~ lef?.!t)-~ i~ does not ~%~ sheaf o2 ~lS ~ ( papers Lo ~+:el. ~'"' throu~h. !;irecc)r :Jail said t;:ai. 'b.e 'rhinos il rte snoula come up vri~:' i .... · ... s~ar6er~ i, hen we could put it up to tho public for discus- _ c · ~Ouli2 ~!1113 ~tS sion and we can 2;et some more react, ion. fir. J~:~lison sug::~es~e: that the Press be ' ' ' derin:~ usina standards empowered to state that l.~:e Uiility Distrlc~ is consi ' "~ similar Lo Ciie }[a~[ona! Eleciric 0o6c ~ Unifonu Buil6in;:: Code ~ etc. Attorney '.':ei danan su~estcd that .ilr. J~nison come up here with 'three brand new Dui ldir~% Codes aha he~ ih'. Je~ison and Lb'. 1Take,:mn si% down 'LoT~eLher ~m(x ~:~o in-to %he mallet in deLai]. Direc6or %tall said i~r. Chninnan~ i make ..... ,~, · ~... .v, .... ~ ~ Jamison to .?~ tof.~ei, her and come up with ~:;.~ ihey feel would l,e./~;el-;' nractical buildim~ code by the ne:ct meetinU. On second of the motion by Direc~or Pa~;ost~ motion was mtanimously carried. _~. 0~1£~ 012 second ~31rector T/all imde a motion ghat the Press be aui. horlzed to usc this '' ~ by D:lrector Gersick~ motion was unanimously carried. .'.L this 9oint~ Director Goerin.Ter s6ated ~nc~, the ilea, rd l'iaS ~'Oill[~ into execu~zv sossion and hoped it would not be too lon~;~ after which they will re~urn '[,o c o nti hue bus i ne s s. /~ttornev .'/eid::mn then read Lhe Law re[e;az'dilrz the nolain~, of 2:cecutlve Sessions ", ~ ~" e Session convened a~ a:,!3 P.;i. and at 10:55 P.i;.~ the Doard re$mmed Thc a. zecu~lv. ..... m-ttcrs s"g forth in this s ~,ateu that were z,~ re<ular session when the Attorney 3essi'0n according to Code delaiail with persmmel~ employees~ etc. The purpose was i,o hear co,nplaints al~ainst an a~ployee and an officer of the Doard. Directo~ Goerinf;er Said: "I might add that~ let the chips lay wherever they land~ this 7oard fully feels that it as Lhis happened because off the laxit? of the []oard of Dircclors~ they will in the future be more fin'.~ and rigid on operations of the District." 9i recto r ~ ' c, ers~ck said that~ as a Director~ he will have to a~free with ~m~ President as lo what he said in esseace and he feels that the decision of the Board will be unanimous and !,i~c purpose is ~o i.~f lo jet tS~e Li. sCrict opera[in2; efficien'tly and cffec ti vel>-. ~ ~ vms his opinion that~ when we have Direc'Lor '.;all addressed the President ,urn said it an acl, in2; i:iana~_{er and as Ion;: as we keep him as such~ i':e should s[and i.w him with regard to employees and he~ '[i:crefore~ [nade a motion that iii the matter of Del Luco[~ AccounLan"c~ we authorize our Clerk and Ex-Officio Seci'etal2~ 'to_ Cake actio:~ ;:s he deems necessary, l. iol. ion was secont]ed b'~, ~r ctor '//akeii~an an~ in the ensuiu~< discussion on Lhc q. uestion~ Attorney ;ei~nan said that he ~eels this mhould be <:, i;oa, rd action on this particular ::ia-t,'ter~ to wliich 7irector Jail ~dded ilxzL iF there is a 2,/3 vote~ ho ~ill v;].ihdravr his motion providiml ",;ha't Direc[,or Palfios!. as Acting ikmager providing.; Zirector Pa~H~os'[ ~ as ,lc'ting 7,~a. nager~ .... ,~ ~:~otion as he sees fit i)irec~or Ja7ge:uan seconded ihe motion to withdraw [he previous motion and the vote Ifpou ~.eco-.:il:ii, ion b! t.;ie C:m'ir, i)ii'ec't~or P;. t~.o.~.., saii. d ...... ' in view he :.lade a t:ioLion ~'~ '~ r,.- , i '" - tlut~ i.]l~ ~lS~r c:, disi)enso i/iLl '[.]~e seiwices o2 [2:0 9resent ' , ~ 'ir. ~>c] L~:col. 0n secoild of t;ie :~olion bv Director .;;,.kei::au~ Lirector Df. rec tot '.,':~11 ~ motion v'as ~maninmusly cai'ri (and they have mmabers who do nothin?_; but check on just this sort o~ Lhing) will catch ~O up with you and~ also~ if he ever has to ~ to Court as a wi6ness~ the ~istrict is "dead". This subject I'll leave to John. In answer to Director~fiersick's inquirT as to how can a nan help us on weekends? V,a~at we need is a man who is ~,oing to be there whan a Joe Blow makes a sewer con- nection~ he is going to have to have an inspection~ Director Pankost replied that i,ir. Miller can do that trader ,~Jr. ~[arsden's super~ision. Then Lirector Gersick said that ~ir. Y, iller is not a qualified inspector accordin~ to ~[r. ,t~!arsden's statement. Director L'all then reiterated Director Pankost's statement that !:.iller is qualified Lo inspect under the supervision of a Registered Sanitarian which we will have in .~h~. ~iarsden. su!=~=e stl oils I)irector Pankost then asked for Mr. I)uce's report and ~ ' . :,,'r. Z"~ce then stat, ed that~ at the time o~ the audit~ records were noL kept in such a maimer ~hat a s~atemen~ could be dete~Mned. He further stated that the District needs a General Led~er and~ upm~ Director '~fake:uan's question as to the coL::~ent in the ~ee relative to control~ ~,lr. Duce said that what they call "Internal ConCrol" is an adequate record and he proceeded to state that re(lui- sitions should be made and purchase orders issued and approved by someone who is authorized therefor and an employee should be desi~ated to receive and si~ for the material when received. The subject was opened for discussion after which Accountant Lucot was called upon to say whether the District had a General Ledf~er and he replied that it had. Director Goerins;er then asked if this Led~er had been kept up to date and it was developed that it had not been. 9ireetor %fall :nade a motion that the Auditors~ Irvine and ]Yace~ investigate and make recoi;~uendation relative to a ~j;ood bool~eepinf4 system and report back to this Board. 0n second by Director ?iakeman~ motion was unanimously carried. Discussion. Director Pa.~ost said~ ~[r. Luco~ you were hired by this Board on December 12~ 1957 and what we are interested in is obtaininf; a certified report stating whether our booI~s are correct. I ~,amt a con~plete su~ey on the system so t.m,~ we can that evec~thim~ is 0.K. Director Gersick asI:ed if the IBi.: charfles to the District are excessive and ~J:irector L'akeman asked how much does the District's bookkeepin~ cost. this last question~ ih'. Lucot replied that he would take on a con'tract basis at a ra~ o[~ about 25d per accomlt of w~c:~ there are approximately 250. Y;irector '::atceman asked how mucl~ does the i;istrict's present system cost and how much should i~ cost? ~,[r. Lucot s, ~:~ in reply to ~&'. ~me's question as to what the 9istrict wants hime to do~ if I may suni{est it~ the 3istrict Board would like to have the comparison of thc machine costs and another syste~:~ costs and the cost of transferring bac!c to a syste~a that can handle a large volt,me of business. ~irector ?;all said that the Board also ~mnts [~Ir. ~ce's reco~endations as to the type of lcd~;er~ etc. ~ so that they may have soi:~ethi~?; to talI{ abon~ and co:nparc. Lirector aoerin:~er then asked 5ir. ~lce Yfiletl did he feel that he could ,, first have this~ to '' : _,w. ~me replied that he felt it would be rea(h~ b'~- the reeular iaeetim~j in ?ebrua~f (Februa~' 1~ 1960). 0n motion of Director ";all~ seconded })y ~0irector WaI{e:na, n and unanimously carried~ Lirector Pa~ost ~'~as authorized to write up specifications for +,he a [tuck for the ~i~''" a~llC~, ~,~;O'0~.,~ .....~: There beim~ no objection~ meeting ~,~'as adjourned by the President at 10:30 ~a~I~-F.-Pam~oSt; Ci~Ifk ~?:~x-0fficio Secy //)lorman L. Goer'i.n~-~er~ l'resiiient,~ ].[Ii%nO=~ES 07 Till] A~DJOLqICED ~,~FING OF TflE BOAI~D 0F i)IFLECT0?~S 017 I).ECVf,~EI,' 177 19507 0F TIlE S0~Jfi! T~'HIOE I~rBLIC 'L,~ILI~if DIST[tICT. December 307 1959 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session of the '.ie:lular Lleeti~ of December 17~ 1959~ in the District 0ffices~ Clarke Building, Tahoe Valley7 California7 on ~)ecember 307 1959. lSeeting was called to order by the President at 8:12 P..~,!. o'clock. P,~LL C~kLL: On call of the roll~ there were present Directors Goerin~er~ Gersick, Pankost7 Wakeman} and Wall. Absent: None. Also present were Attorney Well. an} Accountant Lucot~ Auditor G. tlarold I~]ce7 ?/alt Little of Lake News7 ;,ir. Benedict of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune, Mr. I)on ~']ichardson of the Sacramento Bee} l'Jr. J. T. Le,~gett of the California ','/ater Polljtion Control Board7 Lahontan District7 and .~dr. Evan .",larsden7 State Ilealth Department. ].,~.,',~ BUSI'i~ESS: Director Pamkoststated that the first thin[~ on the .~genda was to submit to the Board a motion for the emplo)nnent of a ]resident :'~n~ineer. On second by Director :',~all7 the subject was opened for discussion as to qualifications~ salary7 duties~ classification~ etc. Director Panlcost stated that we need a registered licensed en,~ineer ou the job to take over some of the duties now bein~ handled by Bro~na and Caldwell in connection with construction and endeavor to keep us out of a "spot" with the County and keep us out of a bind in ,zeneral and handle anything pertaining to engineering, together with other duties which may be assigned from time to time as required. 2irector Goeringer stated that it is apparent that the District will always be in the process of some construction program~ due to the rapid growth of the area~ and this applicant would not take the place of a Sanitarian~ to which Director Pankost replied "No". The subject of the necessity and duties of a Registered and licensed Engineer was thoroughly discussed~ after which ~irector Parff~ost made a motion that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for a Resident Engineer for the District and obtain the information necessa~ to enable him to advertise intelligently for applicants for a Resident Engineer for the South Tahoe Public Utility District· ~otion was seconded by Director Gersick and the President called for the vote which was unanimous for the advertisi~f~. Mr. Leggett said that if the District intends to obtain an ~'~cineer to check the work of such a large finn as Bro~n and Caldwell, he should be a registered Civil Engineer and~ since we are talking of salaries~ the easiest way to deter~uine the salary., which is current would be to contact the Personnel Boa~d of the State of California as ii, is his understanding that the lowest rating of a~:Fegistered Engineer is $750.00 to ~)S31.00 per month~ ~zhile the salary of the Senior Engineer goes as high as ~950.00. ~';' ,,Er · ~xrector Pa~ost said that the second thin~ on the Agenda is the report of ~' I[,~ce but he requested permission to move that over as something had come up which he believed could be taken care of in about two minutes. "I had a little bit of a 'bomb shell' lowered on me last by :,~r..',[arsden who informed me that we are break- ing the law by the fact that we do not have a registered sanitarian making our inspections"and it places us in a good position in that we have a Sanitarian in the Building whom we can hire on a part-time basis. ~dr. L[arsden is able to work with the District over and above his time with the State of Calii~.-nia~ so it will save us several h~rndred dollars per month and I should like to have :~ir. ]-.[arsden elaborate on that. }.[r. ),[arsden then stated that it specifies in the Health and Saftey Codes that £oods~ water supplies and waste disposal~ housing~ and in an.ythinf~ in this order that comes in the iIealth and Safety Code comes under the jurisdiction of the State and the State insists that you have registered sanitarians to do tkis ~ork or you can have a registered sanitarian and a full time assistant who can work under the direct supervision of the registered sanitarian. Director Par~kost here interposed that we have Lee ~.[iller working no full time and he could work under :,;r. L!arsden a~d could continue to work under him for two years,after which period may be the District will be big enough to have a full-time Sanitarian. 51rector Goerin[~er said that perl~aps ;,.ir. Le~.~oe~,~ could explain the advanta[~es o£ the District's havir~(~ a full-time Sanitarian. To which ).ir. Leggett replied that there are many but some of which were that relative to the problems of his !~allon tank could be ma, de available now but if the Distr[c( is not able to tie ii up now~ it will probably be June or July before another can be had. The California Liquid Gas Company would bring this up and place it on our piers and put a meter on that tank and the Zistrict would be billed at the so.me price which they pay provided that the Gas Company- m~v use the tan]{ as a reservoir. At S:00 P.~,I., E~ineer !?&chard Aberley brought in a letter from Brown and Caldwell, in accordance with the District's request~ in which they stated that they had obtained a finn price increase of $9~451.- from C. Nom~an PeLerson~ Inc.~ for increasing the size of the propane tan]c £rom the specified capacity of 12~000 to 30~000 gallons. After the reading and discussion of Broom and Caldwell's letter and the attached copy of letter from C. Norman Peterson~ Inc.~ dated December 11~ 1959~ I~irector Pankost made a motion to reword the previous motion to instruct the Attorney to prepare a Resolution for action at the next regular meeting to submit to bid for the acquisition of i~as at the new plant and~ also if found necessaL~ to do so~ for the acquisition of a 30~000 gallon tank. On second by Director ~?all~ motion was tmanimously carried. There followed a discussion in which Mr. Dunn said that a lot of [~as is being used and they must have a truck per day and that~ upon calling for gas the other day~ he was told that they are 24 trucks behind and have had them at a rate of~ say~ 45 or 50 per day. A potential drivers' strike would put them out Of gas and practically result in disaster. Engineer Aberley stated that they only emergency as to gas at the plant is in the case of an electrical failure which~ he feels~ would not be of sufficient duration to permit the digesters to cool enough to cause trouble. ~,a,~ BUSINESS: ~ngxneer kberley stated that he had a few things to brin~o up and the first is that they have never received a letter of authorization for the 19G0-1 Assessment and Pumping Stations. ~h~other matter is that they are having quite a problem with the County paving over ma~oles without notifying the District and~ consequently~ they have received a claim from the Contractor for locating a flushing inlet which had been covered by a G" County paving and the Contractor spent a whole day in locating it. If there is some way for the District to make some arrangement with the Comity to get them to advise the Engineers when they are going to pave~ they could cooperate with them. This is a ve~-y serious problem. Idr. Aberley then asked if the Board would write a letter to the Co~mty asking for some cooperation when they raise the streets or pave them. Cl.~kIlkS: Following claims were presented and approved for paym~ent as follows: Checks Nos. 822 -Z. F. Pankost 823 -~. F. Pankost 824 -E. F. Pankost S25 - Del Lucot 826- R. S. Gersick 827 - N. L. Goeri~,ger 828 - R. Wakeman 829 - V 0 I 9 830 - V. J. b'all 831 - Fairhan]~s~ Morese & Co. 832 - Tahoe 0if ice Supply 833 - Lake Tahoe News 834 - Rupert Crowl 835 - Tahoe Sierra Tribune 836 - Curley Lang 837 - Nevada Lumber Co. 838 - V0 I D 839 -U. S. Postmaster (Stamps) 840 - Pitney-Bowes~ Inc. 841 - "I[UG0" - (Field Supplies -Keys) 842 - Bridgeford Flying Service 843 - A. L. lliller S44 -S. P. Power 845 - Service Bureau Corporation 8,i6 - I. B. 847 - Service Bureau Corporation 848 - Tahoe Supply 849 - Zditha Beseler 850 - Barbara ~lcCarty 851 - Belle Bender oo,~--~, G. llart 853 -M. G. llart 854 - M. C. klue~ler 290.20 299.71 169.92 238.00 30.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 15.22 42.94 17.50 1.98 66.67 36.00 3.48 12.00 16.50 10.40 17.50 2.96 451.57 66.00 1.80 255.92 135.33 52.36 57.92 101.20 102.01 1.95 S4. O1 Director Gersick stated that the District has been run very loosely. If we hire a qualified engineer~ he would, in turn, report to the Board. If Director Pankost had one job, it would be finer but he is combining two businesses. We must notify Brown and Caldwell what they are going to do. Discussion continued with Engineer Aberley insisting that the District would save money by permitting Brown and Caldwell to have entire charge of the construction, take all the responsibility, and so relieve the Board of Directors of such responsibilities. Director Pankost stated that he reiterated that he would like to hold construc- tion in abeyance until the engineer is hired. Mr. Aberley said that Brown and Caldwell must have formal authorization to design the 60-1 Assessment District. tie further stated that there are several points involved in the District's taking over and employing an Engineer: 1. Engineer to oversee all inspection; 2. Ilire all inspectors (at least 10); 3. Job of making decisions involved in relocations and determine just what it is, monthly estimates, stake-out by survey crews, etc. 4. Inspect personally every manhole on the job and the interior of sewers, and measure final quantities~ etc. for the "as built" drawings. Director Gersick stated that he thinks it is foolish to bring in a newman to do this. Mr. Aberley stated that there were two additional publications to which he thinks the advertisement for an engineer should be mailed, viz., Western City, San Francisco Daily Pacific Building, San Francisco Director Pankost made a motion that the Board give Brown and Caldwell a letter authorizin~ them to proceed with the design of the 1960-1 Assessment District. On second by Director ~¥akeman, motion was unanimously carried. Engineer Aberley pointed out and explained the map for the next Assessment District. After detailed surveys were made, it was found that certain portions of the Tahoe Sierra Subdivision cannot go into the pump station as now being designed so the Board will have to make a decision as to whether they want to include or exclude it and, if included~ it will entail a lot of %thor decisions and considerable more cost. tlow is this to be financed? There are advantages both ways. General Obligation bonds should pay for it. There are no provisions in this $2,500~000 for this. Director Pa~ost said that the Board is trying to see if the financing gan be split between GO and Assessment proceedings. Something should be paid by those now out of the District for future annexation. Other Districts have annexation fees from $50.00 to $1000.00 per acre. Mr. Aberley said that the alternatives~ if it is decided to include these por- tions~ are: 1. Obviously you are to finance by 60-1 Assessments. 2. Bonds and Assessments. 3. Bonds and annexation fees and G. O. Bonds. 4. We could include a portion of the '~" Area in 60-1 and finance the trunk by assessment or assessment plus bonds or annexation fees. 5. ~ke a split assessment district and call it 60-2 and then finance by assessments on the other participating portions and by bonds. The District is m~e or less obligated to serve the school w~th sea-ers by this fall. We hope the pump station will be built by September. Anyone of the locations will be satisfactory. The best way to serve the school is by 8" lines for collection line. This cpuld be done in two ways which we astimate at $1500.00 and require the school to put up the entire amount similar to 59-1. ~tion was made by Director Gersick that 60-1 assessment include Cora l~rding and the Ski Run area up to about Forest View Heights. ~otion died for lack of a second.