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1958 01/09 - 1958 12/26
180 January 9, 1958 The Board of Directors of South Tatio¢ Public Utility District met in regular session at their office on January 9, 1958 at 2:00 p.m. ' i~0LL Ci~LL: Upon roll call there were present Directors 'G'oerin~&~, Gersick, Pankost. Also present were Inspector Lee l¥1iller an~ kr. A1 ],,'lullen of the U. $. Forest Service. ~NUTES: The minutes of the orevious meetin~ were rea¢~ and a pp r o~v~-d. ' R~:'0RT$: Director Pankost reports t~.~at tie presented the claim, ~Y the:~District, against idr. Baun, in person to the Industrial Indemnity Co. an~he spent the entire afternoon with them. A report that appears to be several pages long, will be prepared by the insurance company for Director Pankost's signature, but the report will be submitted to ~Cr. Hughes for approval before the signing. Director Goeringer reports that when his luggage was stolen, the list of 0uestions from the Chamber of Commerce was in one of the suits. Director Pankost reports that all members of the Board of Directors went to San Francisco and had a conference with If.r. Herrington an~ his associate ?~lr. l~ov:ley. L~r. Ken Brown of Brown an~ Caldwell was also present. Director t:ankost reports that the Dames & Moore test boring report has been received. Director Pankost reports that after considerable discussion with McGee Plumbing Co. regarding the Brookes Lodge job, ~.~cGee contacted Brookes and it appears that this matter will be settled by Brookes paying the bill. u0~HEoP0i,,]JElm~E:_ Letter dated January ~,'~ 1958, from 0rrick, Dahlquist, llerrington and ~utcliffe re legality of including in maintenance and operation tax amount to pay monthly light bill on street lights. Letter from Brown and Caldwell dated J~]nuary £, 1958, re sewer line to Silver Fir Trailer Park. Letter from Brown an5 Cal~well dated December 30, 1957, re report of Dames and ~'..ioore. Letter from i~ughes, l'~iaul and Fogerty dated December 12, 1957, re letter from -,~ttorney Franklin A. Dill. PET!TI 01,~S: None i',! E?f BL oL,~EoS: None OLD ~[oI~Ea~: A motion was made by Director P:'ankost and seconde~ by Director Gersick that we contact our attorney and request him to ~:;rite a letter to the Lake Valley ~'ire Commission- ers, askin~ them once a?ain for a clear title to the pumping plar:t propertv. 'orion passed. Director Pankost is to contact Attorney hughes in regard to · the above matter. payment: The follov.,in~ claims were presented and approved for Pacific Tel and Tel Sierrs Power The Time s Dir. of internal ~evenue C. S. Nicolas .Harold >{rabbenhoft Dietrich & Co. Dept. of Employment J. A. Salmens J ohns-f~'!anvi lle Rue & Snell ~iichelsen ~-lumbing Jeanne Tut jo Lee Miller $ 76.46 7.60 42.85 51.30 337.00 25.00 400.00 54.34 569.24 36.87 600.CO 26. O0 87.86 558.13 pDJOUP~,~,.~NT. As there was no further business before the Board, the meeting ad journed. NSrmah L. ~ '"' ' ~,oerlnger , President Clerk ~ E~-0fficio Secretary MINUTES OF R~GULAn ~;~',TI~G OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTP~ICT January 28, 1958 The Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at their office on ~anuary 28, 1958, at ~:00 p.m. ROLL ~T -~ ~: Upon roll Call there were present Directors Goeringer, ~rsick,-~'ankost. Also present were Inspector Lee Hiller, and Nr. Del Lucot, accountant. MINUTES: approved. The minutes of the previous meeting v;ere read and REPORTS: ~.' ~,.~r. Lucot made a preliminary report on the audit of the books, which is not yet completed. He reported that the transfer of funds on Resolution 40 was never made. As this was not entered in the books as a simple debit and credit, more reasearch will be reouired. The books are out of balance end will re.?~ire research back into ori~inal documents. !,,'ir. Lucot also reporte~_ that he had looked into the payroll tax situation. All payroll checks must deduct withholding ta~; boy. ever, F.I.C.~. an~ Calif. Unemployment Tax are elective coverage. In order for it to be necessary to deduct for the ta:,:es, 1/'3 of t!:~e employees must vote for coverage. ~'~s Lee ?,filler would like to be covered, it was decided that the positions of inspector and secretary would be deductible, but ~lirectors v,'ould stay on a straight fee. Nr. Lucot has sent for the forms a~d they will be ~r~ade o~t retroactive to January 1, 1959, covering the secretary and Lee L~.iller. A search was made in the ['iles and verified that er.:ployees are covered by State Uorkmen's Compensation to ~uly 12, 1958. Also on the audit report, charges to various funds do not agree with the warrants as written. 2el Lucot may have to go to ~lacervilte to check records to straighten it out. i~:eport on the zirectors' fees for 1957: ~,~o6~.00 through January Lee :Liller overpayed "~- ~ overpaif ,.$3.00. Thls wlll be a~]justed. Director Goeringer :[;1,030.00 Director P:ankost J;1,170.00 Director Bernhart ~:' 4~°7 50 ',ylie Director i'ankost reported that he contacted Industrial Inde~mity Co. regarding the claim for damage to the sewer lines by Baun. Director ):ar. kost reporte~ that the Directors, ?r. A1 _:ullin of the ~0. S. Forest Service, )~r. ~:arvey ~/ilts of ~rown and Caldwell met rith t~e ?.apartment :vf _~nterior Supervisor of Toyobe ~?.ational ~'orest in Reno, i.~evada, re~arding the piping of the effluent ~rom the sewage plant over ~.ag~ett tess ~r. ~.~hite of the l~.~evada Department of ~ealth, and [~r. Lyle Smith, District l~enger of Toyobe Forest were also present. ~fter the meeting all three Directors, i~angers ;,~ullin and Omith, and i~ir. Harvey b~_ilts drove to the Fritz l~uppel ?~anch near kinden and discussed with him the matter of running the water into Daggett Creek. Director Pankost reported that as he had been informed by Director Goeringer that the secretary was resigning, he had placed an ad in the Lake Tahoe ~ews for a new Secretary. During the meeting, a call came in that a meeting of the Planning Commission would be hel~ in Zlacervil!e. z.,irector ?ankost suggested that all should attend. This meeting was on the subject of the proposed emergency gas ~:.iping in the A1 Tahoe Area. Director ,~oer~nger reporte~ that he ha5 contacted :,Jr. Lilano, who is ~oin~ ..~ to .~rite to L:r.~,_axon in Carson Cit.,~, }ega~.in~... the cost of street lights at ~outh Tahoe. ~0RR~oP0~'~L~NC,,~: Letter dated Oanuary 16, 1958, from 0rrick-, Dah~iquist, Herrington and Sutcliffe, advising that the only way to get ~U Code Section 16455.1 amended this year would be to get a bill passed at the special session of the :,eglslature to be.hel~ in the spring. This is in regard to the street lighting. ?r. a elf ~uughes vms telephoned a~d it was as:ed that our assemblymen be contacted. i,etter from ilobert ',esley l:'hillips, ~ttorney at Law, Sacramento, asking? whether there are any taxes, assessments or charges against his property. A reply was dictated by ~irector ±~ankost, stating that at the present time the property, Lot 110, Rancho Bijou Subaivision, is not ::~ithin the boundary of S.T.t:~.U.D. Letter from State of California Dept. of Public i_ealth regardin~ the location of a water main within oewer ~vlanhole E-10, and stating this is a public health hazard. A reply was dictated by Director Pankost, stating that upon receipt of a 5efinite request that something be ~one abou't the situation, the o.T.P.U.D. would be able to justify the expense of such ~?ork. Letter from ~rown and Caldwell regardingthe charges from August i to December Sl, 1957. ~deply dictated by ~'irector Pankost requesting a breakdown of the costs because some of it is chargeable to Nevada. P~TITIONS: None NP,'~¥ BUSI": .... : . OLD U'~ ~ ~'' ~ B oI~Eoo: The survey was discussed an5 it was decided to start ~:!onda~f, February 3. It was also decided to make the S.T.P.U.D. coding system agree with the county assessors system. Director Pankost sent ~ copy of the proposed new boun~ary ~escription to Attorney Hughes instructing him to sen~ one copy to r~owley, and one copy to the County Boun~a~ ~ ~omm~slon for +heir approval. A letter v~as v~ritten to ~idelity ~nd Deposit So. requesting that they send back a form so t~hat we may give tkem a realease on the bon~] for Director · ranmost, as this bond h~s now been taken care of by the Clarke Agency. CLAIES: The following o~ims were presented and approved for pa ~ent: Warrant Director of Internal Revenue 5~6 Del Lucot 527 Dept. of Employment 525 Sierra Pacific Power Co. 524 Tahoe Office Supply 528 .[~ 95.62 100.00 69.73 233.20 13.52 ADJOU~NT: As there was no further business before the Bce rd meeting a5 journed. Clerk and ~ · ~x-0ff~ cio Secretary Norman L. President ~,[Ii'~]UTES OF REGULf~R i~HEETI[~.(G OF FLSLiC UTILITY DISTRICT FebruarY 13, 1958 The Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public 'otility District met in regular session at their office on ~Jt. View Ave., on ~ebruary 13,1958, at ~:00 p.m. · R_0LL CALL: Upon roll call there v~ere present Directors ~oeringer arid ]?ar. k0st. Also present were Inspector Lee ~:iiller and ~.~r. Del Lucot, Official Accountant. ~...L..USEo: The minutes of the previous meeting were read and a~proved. i:~EPORTS: Director Yankost reported that Lee Miller, lot [?[cCrea, ~sel~' had spent the last two days inspecting and cheCking for unit charges on the survey. The survey is about 1/~ completed, and Director ~ankost a~ticipated completing it next week. Director Pankost also reported that considerable discrepancies were found on who is connected to the sewer lines. ~urtt~er work will be needed to straighten this out before the new billing is put into effect. Director ~ankost reported that we now have a cost breakdown for putting the sewer pipe along Van Sickle ~-~oaS, which is a private road leading to the silver Fir Trailer i~ark. A letter has been written to the owner, ?!r. Jack Van Sickle, requesting payment of ~P~,~77.77, which is the cost of the line. Director l:ankost also contacted ~Fr. 7¥~artin, who is leasing the trailer park, and it appears ~ r. L_~artin may pay for the line. He Noes complain that the line is improperly laid, but the line was put ~own according to l~,~r. Van Sickle's orders, so ~3.T.P.U.D. is in the clear. ~'.~r. ?~fartin also mentioned that he wanted to enlar~e the trailer court an~ a seconc~ line ~c~.ld be necessary to the new area. Director ~:ankost reported that Jeff Highes contacted our senator, assemblyman, and ,Governor Knight regarding street lighting in the Oouth Tahoe Area. He has received a reply from oovernor Knight stating that if a special session of the legislature is ca!le~, he will try to incluSe changing the co~e in the agenda. Director ]imankost reporte¢~: that he has the paoers necessary for the filin~ of fm. omin~tion for Directors, and that he has put a notice of election in the Lake Tahoe News. ?irector }:ankost also caused an item to be put in the Lake '±tahoe l~ews explainina' to the public about the survey going on at present. Director tankost reported that the map of the new district boundary,: is not definite and is c~nfusing, zie has requested ~,,ir. Chadwic~ of inter-County Title Co. to change and correct the map, and has requested t?lat he include ~nox's property where the cabins are, and the Silver Fir Trailer Park. Director Pankost reported that while on the survey, he ~as talking to the ~ocking X Motel people. They are contemplating putting in a swimming pool, and were wondering if they find, during their excavation, that the sewer line is in the way, would we~ be willing to move the line if they do all excavation work. In exchange for ,moving the line, they are willing to give us a 4-foot easement. The matter ,sas discussed, and it was 5ecided to assure them we ~7ill move the line if they ~o the ~igging, and in exchange we will receive a 4' easement, but w,e must have the agreement settled in v:riting before they put a s~ovel in the groun~. Director Pankost moved that we agree to negotiate with the new owners of Rocking X Idotel for an agreement wherein we will agree to move the sewer line out of the way of their swimming pool in exchange for a 4' easement. ~irector Ooeringer seconde~ the motion and it was so ordered. The =:ocking X is to do all excavatin~ and the agreement papers are to be prepared by Jeff hughes. ?:r. Del Lucot reported that the books are posted up to ~,ate, aha balanceS, but so far not all of the ~etail is available. l~e is still tracking parts of it down. ~ie .still has to go back into the old claire an~ reconstruct. ir. ~ucot reported the balances in the various funds. Director i-ankost moved t:~t we close :~ccount 56-1 and pay the ~671.69 balance to _~r. 'Jilson, of ~irkbride, .~'ilson, tlarzfeld and ~,'allace. Director ~oeringer seconded the motion and it was so ordered. ~dr. Lucot reported that he has received the application for elective coverage for employees, and that .they will be made out and sent in. ~ny time the i~ irectors want to have coverage, the present coverage can be supplimented. CO~REoPOi~DEMCE: Letter from ~l/!r. Davis of Kirkbride, ~l~ilson, Itarzfel~ ~ Wallace, notifying us of the fact that the time is approaching for the filing of nominations for the Public Utility District. i~ copy of the letter was forwarded to Jeff Hughes, and he was requested to acknowledge the letter. Letter from LeGrange Construction, inc. stating they could not locate Lot $8 on the plans, and therefore could not inform us where the riser was located, r~eply dictated giving them the location where the riser in question should be located. Letter from Jeff Hughes, of Hu~hes, ~?~aul and Fogerty regarding E1 Dorado County Superior Court Action $80~ - Terhune vs S.T.P.U.D. reporting that Terhune was awarded a judgement of ~$Z00.00 and costs. A motion was made by Cirector Pankost that on receipt from Jeff Hughes of the full amount c~ing, a warrant be promptly ~rawn an8 the judgement paid in full. ~.~otion seconded by Director Goeringer and it v~'as so or~ered. ~' Letter from Brown and Caldwell advising us of the cost of the sewer line up the Van Sickle Road was $2,2~?.?~. A letter to Mr. Van Sickle requesting payment for the line. Letter from Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce forwarding a letter from 2~,Ir. Dan Powers, which requested a report on the South Tahoe i~'ublic Utility sewer. A reply was dictated asking what report he ha~ in mind. Letter from ~i~elity and Deposit Company enclosing a release to be si,,~.zne~ to close their file or~ ~irector Pankost's bond. .~elease was signed and returned. Letter from Brown and Calfwell, enclosing a copy of an ordinance est.ablishing a sewer charge at ounnyvale, and also ~iving other costs in other areas. ~Eb: BU~INES$: Director Pankost requested authority to check the Eos,.~er Cabins (Big Pine f'~,'.otel) to see if the back taxes have been paid, and if not, to collect the back taxes. It was discussed and agreed that Director Pankost should do so. it was also brought oat that there were other properties outside the district, which are connected to the sewer line, and which may have back taxes owing which shoul~ be collected. Director Goeringer brought out that we have to decide what to do about new hookups. He suggested that it should be our responsi- bility for making the hookups, because when it is left to the individual property ovmers, the responsibility is spread too many different ways and it is quite othen fetrimentel to the black top of the county roa~s. Inspector Miller a~ded that this is also true on the highway. It was thought tl~at a fair charge for the hook up service s!~ould be est~blished, sufficient to cover the u, ork on each hookup. It was also brought up that hereafter in each new sub- 'division a connection shoulf be put in for each lot at the time the subdivision is established, to prevent streets being cut up later, l~o decision was reached on this discussion, but n'irector Pankost was instructed to f_ind out what other utility ~istricts, arrangements, are when the connections are made. OLD BUSINESS: It was decided to authorize Jeff Hughes to start collecti'~n proceedings against .~;lobin for damage of pipe. Also decided to have Jeff Hu~ne~ ~,et hold of Gol~stein to tell him we have change5 our min~s and want 30 acres of lend instead of 100, at the sewage plant site. After discussion, it was Seci~ed to write ~ially '~hite an¢~ ask him how Nevada is comin? along with the Inter-State Compact Commission. As it had been 5eci~ed tto open up negotiations v,'ith ~'~evada some time ago, it was ~tecide~ to instract ~eff iiighes to start such negotiations, and to find out what is happening an~ if there is at present a Board that we r~sy meet with to revise our operating contract. ~illir:g cannot properly be ~one until we have a new contract. ~lso, it was brought out that our Engineers should have a bill prepared that we coul5 submi-t tO,~l;evada. Director Ooeringer brought out that part of the financial difficulties of S.T.P.U.D. is because of our inadequate contract with r:evada. Director Goeringer stated that he felt that the assistance of an accountant to help prepare an argument for a new contract might be necessary. The subject of the coming billing by the South Tahoe Public Utility District for sewer service was ~iscussed. Everyone in the District will be billed for sewer service, if they are not connected, they should be, an~ while we are doing everything possible to bring our records up to date, it appears that some properties may be connected to the sewer which are not listed as connected, inspector Lee ~iller plans to check through .the ~iles anU make sure that the information on who is hooked up to the sewer, and who is and is not paid, is listed complete in preparation for the coming billing. In connection with the billing, along with each bill there will be a letter explain- ing the new billing proceSure. As the survey has demonstrated the great turn-over of property owners in the ]iistrict, it was sug~este~ that we put an item in the newspaper requestin? the people to notify the District if there has been a~y change of ownership of property in the la st five years. It was also brought out that alon~,- with the billing procedure, we must set up a collection procedure. SLAI~,.iS: The following claims were presented and approved for payment: Warrant 550 531 55~o 555 554 535 556 557 538 539 oierra Pac. Power Co. $125.00 Sierra Pac. Power Co. 14.08 ~ierra Pac. Power Co. 4.64 Earle Pankost 8.92 Oeranlum Sept .Tank. ?1.25 The i~iountain Democrat 21.~7 Del Lucot 157.15 Kirkbride, :Jilson,etal 671.69 ~,-'at ~,'~cCrea 31.71 i.lughes, ~.aul & Fogerty 44.31 ADJ ~. .... CI,~d~,~NT: As there was no further business to Do before the Board, the meeting was a~journed. Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary Norman L. G~eringer Pre si dent i.~!t~UTE~ ,OF TL~E ~P'EC1AL i',~ETING 0F THE Bo~'b 05 Dii~ECTO~ OF 2~-tE $0UTii TAHOE -r~b~L1C UTILITY DiSThlCT February Z1 1958 A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District was held at their office on ~..(t. View Ave., on February ~1, 1958, at 4:00 p.m. EOLL CALL: Upon roll call there were present Directors Goeringer, I~ankost' and Gersick. i'...iII~UTES: Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was postponed until the next regular meeting. After being duly notified by the secretary £4 hours in advance of the meeting, the Directors met to discuss the public hearing to be held in t:lacerville on Monday, February 24, 1958, regarding putting in gas lines in the A1 Tahoe area. After a short discussion, Director Pankost made a motion that he be authorized to attend_ the meeting and protest a Certificate of Convenience being issue~ to the A1 Tahoe Gas Company because of the terrific additional cost it woul~ be to South Tahoe t:'ublic 'Utility District in laving sev~er lines around the gas lines. The motion was seconded by i'irector Gersick and carried unanimously. As there was no further special business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Norman L. Ooeringer / President E~rT~ F. t~mltos't~ Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary February ~7, 1958 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at their office on .~7t. View Ave., on Februsry ~, 1958, at R:g0 p.m. HOLL CALl.: Upon roll call there were present Directors Goeringer, Yar,'kost and Gersick, i.,~r. Lee 'If. iller, iv~r., Del Lucot, an~ i~r. John Lowe, Local Realtor. ~,II~UTEo: The minutes of the previous regular meeting and the special meeting were read and approved. f~E[C~TS: Director i:ankost reported on ~he survey that is now in progress, and stated that it is almost completed. Director Pankost reported that he had a lengthy conversation with [.Ir. iiugh Martin of the Silver Fir Trailer Park. [m./ir. l~artin stated that when Jack Van ~ickle received the o.T.P.U.D, bill for running the line up his private road, he telephoned Mr. Martin to discuss who was going to pay it. There appears to be no argument that they owe us the bill. ~,ir. Martin informed Mr. Pankost that jack Van Sickle will be in the Valley Sunday, lmrch 2, or Friday, March 7, to discuss this matter. Director Pankost reported that along v:ith many bad holes on Ski Run Blvd. he had notea a l~r?e hole in front of the Three Swiss !fotel and he bad telepho~:ed ?:r. Heath, reporting the hole and requesting that it be filled. This has been done. Director iankost reported that the ;:ievada pump had a twisted main drive shaft. As the pump failure was an emerEency, he instructed Mr. Lee ~<iller to take the necessary steps to have it repaired properly. Durin? the checking of the ~ump, it ~as found that undoubtedly part of the cause of the damage to the pump v;as ~ue to two pairs of ladies' unmentionables twisted around the runner of the pump. Director tankost reported that he had received two copies of the meets and bouts description of the new proposed district from Inter-County 1'itle Company, and also a letter from ~r. Chadwick statin~ that the ~escription of the Silver Fir Trailer lark was not on record, therefore he could not include the oilver Fir ~ark in the boundary of the 0istrict. Copies of the aurewation were sent to ::u~hes, ~:aul sn~ ~ogerty recuesti~'~ that kr. Hughes send the~ on to karrinMton's office, recuestin~ that the papers for the anne,<etlon be completed at the earliest possible moment. ou~,~',~',o~,.~,.~a'<~,.~, Letter from Brown and Caldwell stating that they h~d {¥r'itte~ to the necessary parties asking for application blank for federal aid. ,~U~±~.,o~: Director (;oeringer suggested that we ask Mr. Lowe what his interest was in the meetin~ so that he could be heard. ~.~.~r. Lowe stated that he was interested in having some property on the other side of County i~oad on Ski i.~un Blvd. connected to the sewer. The Directors explained to .Vr. Lowe the present activity of the District regarding annexation, and informe~ him that we could make no move to annex his property until the entire annexation proceedings now in process was completed, and aa~ his property would be included in the annexation automatically. Director lankost moved that ~r. ~.filler be instructed to manufacture at least 6 road signs on blocks, have them painte~ yellow, and cause to be painted on each sign "Danger, Open Trench.- South Tahoe i-'ublic otilitu District." There was considerable fiscussion as to whether the signs would be necessary, and it was agreed that there would be considerable danger to maintenance workers going in or out of the ~anholes without signs. Director Gersick oeconded the motion. Ayes: Goerin?er, Gersick, ~snkost ~oes: None Director >ankost was also authorized to i~urchase 6 kerosene torches. A If orion was mede by Director ):ankost, an~ after c~nsiferable ~iscussion second]ed by Director Gersick, that the Clerk make an appointment with our engineers and attorneys in San Francisco for Thursday, ifarch 6, a~d have all directors attend a meeting with them to c~-~plete our annexation program an~ work out the costs for the unit charge. Ayes: Ooerin~er, Gersick, l-an._iost z~OeS: none 189 It was brought up ti:at inspector Lee ~.iller is kept very busy going iistrict worx, a!:d ro£1oning a discussion, and after hearing a report by ~,r. [...iii_let as to the amount of work his position recuires, it was unanimously agreed to raise his sazarv from per month, retroactive to 0anuary I, 1958. Director i-ani~ost was instructe6 to write to Brown and Caldwe ~1 to clarify our asses~ent char~es on corner lots. payment: 'the follov:ing claims were presented an5 a~proved' for ,,arrant 539 ulerk of E1 Dorado Co. ;~360.87 540 hughes, ~,aul and ~'ogerty ,!:4.51 531 Lukins 132.50/ 542 inter-County 'litle Co. 1O0.00 543 oierra iacific ~ower Co. 127.40 544 'tahoe Office Sup,?ly 4.4~ 545 Del ~ucot 8~.50 546 i(irkbride, ',.ilson, et al 96.97 547 Earle Pankost 300.00 548 ~orman uoerinr~er 172.00 ~49 _,.ud ? Carsick 150.0O 55'0 Earle Pankos t 15.00 ADJOUi~,N¢SNT: As there was no further business before the t~e meetin~ was adjourned .../: /--/ / P/ ? · E~a~Ie- F% 'P kost-/~ l .... Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary Norman L. Ooeri'nger~ "" President ~ ........ ~,,~E E T I I,~ G OF T}TE · .O^,AND,-' OF D T~:'~'~'~"nt~~~,~ ~ ~ ~ OF THE o" ,q fmc,... .... TAHOE PUBLIC UTILZ%% LiSTRICT March 13, 195{~ The Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at their office on ~.,iarch 13, 1958, at Z:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call there were present Directors Ooeringer, Pank'o~, and Gersick, ivir. Lee ~'liller, Mr. Del Lucot, 2.,(r. i,let Beverly, and four Visitors: Mr. Victor Jonke and >,ir. Larry ourano, representing Pacific Lodges; and ,,.. ,,re,,, ilarootunian, and !iss Barbara Harootunian. !/iNUTF, S: The minutes of the previous meeting were read and a~:c~Pted as corrected. k~;P02TS: Director >:ankost reported that he had t¥:o conversations with }.r. Jack Van oickle and i',/ir. Hu~h L]artin regarding the billing in the amount of ~?,277.77 for the sewer line run up Van Sickle Rca5 to the Silver Fir Trailer i~ari. Ypon advice of his attorney, Lt. Van Sickle has agreed to pay the cost of the line. Rt. Van Sickle and >dr. ~...artin have decided to each pay half of the amount. Director Yankost has received a check for ~500 from hr. Martin, and a check for ,~500 should be in the mail from Mr. Van Sicle. Mr. iartin and Lit. Van Sickle have requested that they be allowed to pay i~l,000 of the amount due now, and the balance in the fall. They will also pay the District v~hat is ~ue for the use of the sewer. Director Pankost reported that there is a blank annexation petition, signed by Mr. Van Sicle, in the file as he had intended for the trailer park to be annexed to the District· This would have been done some time ago, except for the death of A1 Young, who was 190 taking care of the ,s~atter. After his ~eath the matter was overlooked and the anne×ation was not completed. Director Goeringer stated that ~;!r. Van Sickle would have to negotiate with the !fevada Board regarding what property he has on the ![evada side of the line. '~ Director i:ankost reported on the meetings which v:as hal6 in San Francisco on ~'riday, ~'~]arch 7, between the engineers and the Directors of S.T.P.U.~. Considerable progress was ~de. Details of the annexation were v~or'~ed out and the unit billing charges were tentatively set up. ~'~.,]r. Harrin~ton is at present causing all papers to be drawn up in ~reo ara ti on for the annexation. ~ '~ it was discovered that the boundary does not close, which is 6ua to an error in the description. [[r. Harvey lilts, of -Brown and Caldwell, spent the 8~v,~ at Inter-Count~,. Title Co. checkin~ t~ne ~escription of the boundary of the District. During? the meetin~ a phone call w~s received and the Directors ~'~ere notified that the discrepancy in the boundary has been found and the boundary of the ~iistrict will now close. The maps will be out within two days. Director Pankost reported that at the meeting ~.';ith the engineers, the Board had requested verbally that they proceed ~'~ith all work necessary to install the Beach Trunk Line. Inspector Lee ;~:~ller reported on the work he has been doing. He has the material for the signs in his shop an6 they will be together by the week-end. Director ~~~ankost reported that he had received Affidavit of Publication from the Lake Tahoe News showing the ~.~otice of Election was publishe~ according to law. All nomination papers have been filed with the clerk for I?irectors Goeringer and t~ankost. - C01~-~ESP0~ilELCE: Letter from ~.~evada State Department of I~ealth signed ¥','. ~. ~'~hite stating that he has no information regarding the California-Nevada Compact Commission; that the South Tahoe project has been presente6 to the necessary.?,~evada officials and there has so far been no opposition to the plan. Two letters from ?,~rs. Richard qo~man representing the Voters, LeaEue requestin~ several points of info~mation re~arding the coming election of Directors, and the msna~ement of S.T.P.U.D. President Goeringer stated theft while the public is entitled to know the information requested by i';lrs. Codman, it ~'~ould be impossible to sup?ly each person ~ith the information individually because of the terrific ext~ense. ~r. Beverly was instructed to an~.wer i~rs. Con, man's let~ter briefly. ~s ~r. Harootunian was mentioned in ~{rs. Codman's letter, he wanted it made clear that~ he had had no conversation ~vith i,lrs. Codman regarding this matter. ~'~.~r. Beverly read a carbon copy of a letter he had received from 0rrick, Dahlcuist, ~_~errington and ~tucliffe, ~ated i.~..~arch 11,1958, addressed to ~.T.P.U.D, regar~in~ annexation of the District. Original has not yet been received. ~ .... ~ ~BUS~2'..~Eoo: Director Pankost stated that he had requested ~'~. C~h~wicu~ of Inter-County Title Co. to send us a certificate to 0trick, Dahlquist, ,~err~n?ton an8 Sutcliffe that the boundary is correct. ]~dr. Harootunian asked if his 440 acres are included in the boundary of the lilistrict, or his lan~ adjoining the 'i'ahoeZSierra Tract. lie was informed that his land is not included in the ~tresent boundary, it u, ill have to be petitioned into the ~istrict, and this cannot be ~one until after the anne~:ation is completed as no ~:~ore petitioned lan~ will be accepted into the District until after the annexation. b!r. _'~[arootunian felt that he ~':ad requested to be in the ]~istrict, but it was e~plained that the survey ~vas done cuite some time ago. Je cs:nnoz change the boun?ar¥ now because time is of the esse;-..ce if the annezation is to be o,' the be[[lot this year. ?.,Ir. ~everly rea8 the suggested charges for the unit system. Director l-ankost moved that we adopt an ordinance setting up a unit system charge for the entire area. Director Oersick seconded the motion and it was so ordered. ~yes: Goeringer, Gersick, Pankost ~oes: none Beverly was instructed to draw up the ordinance. Director Pankost requested permission to write Brown and Coldwell confirming the verbal instructions given them to prepare all necessary papers for putting in the Beach ~runk Line. Permission vas ~rante~. l-resir~ent Ooeringer reported that our Engineers say that at the present time the bill,Test problem to the present sewage disoasal foci !tries are garbage disposal units, and that this problem will continue to be of major proportions until the new sewage disposal plant is built. This problem was discussed and it was felt that most of the problem is cc~ning from comr~'ercial users, as probably there are not many garbage disposal units in private hames in this area. It was decided to table the subject until next meetin~:~, i:ossibly if board members explain the problem zo the com~,~ercial users, they might be willin~ to teaporarily discontinue use of their garbage disposal units without any formal action of t~~ Board. Director l'~'ankost moved that S.T.P.U.D. agree to the terms re,~uested by ~[r. Van Sickle and L'r. Martin, that they will pay ~1,000 now, and the District will accept a .promisory note for the remainder, in the amountof ~1,177.77, due September 15, 1958. After that date interest will be charged at the rate of 61.~ per annum. Director Gersick seconded the motion. Aye S: i.~ Oe S: Goerin~er, Gersick, ian~.ost none Director Gersick moved that the District retain the firm of Oeverly and ~eidman, ~ttornies at Law, as general counsel for ~.T.P.U.D. ~Zr. Beverly is to attend all meetings and supply generallega! advice. 'z'he District will pay .~125 per month for the service. Any s'~ecial work 5one by the firm will be paid for in addition to the ;$1E5 per month, z~irector ~'ankost seconfed the motion, and it was so carried. ~yes: Goeringer,~;ersick,r~ankost. ~ se s: i: one Lirector Gersick moved that we buy furniture for office, to include a large table, end enough chairs for the [~irectors an~ any visitors to the office. Director Yankost seconded the motion. Ayes: Goeringer, Gersick, Pankost E 06 s: n one Director Pankost was instructed to write our Engineers and some arrangements to eliminate the bad odor coming from the pumping plant on Mt. View Avenue. 1 It was also decided that due to the great general interest in the work bein~ don~ by the S.T.?.U.D. hereafter the minutes of the meetin~ will be sent to the Lake Tahoe :~,~,~ ~ ...... ..~ for oublication. :~!: 2~ : S ..... ~:~oo Re olution 109 v~as si~ned, rescinding Resolution 40. pa ymen t. The following claims were ~oresented and approved for :;arrant 551 A. L :iller ~1ol.58 552 Del Lucot 77.50 553 Jierra }ac. Power Co. 9.20 554 t~ac. T. >_~ T. Co. 28.98 555 Tahoe Jupply Go. 3.93 556 Sierra iuachinery Co. ~:68.74 557 B. Tooker 11.00 558 Tahoe Office Oupply 3.59 559 E. Pankost 5.24 560 Pat McCrea 46.11 561 Lake Tahoe :ews 25.29 After all regular business before the Board was completed, the visitors were asked whether they had any remar,.'.s or ouestions. i(r. Jonke and .qr. Surano had brought a!on~ plans of the buil~in~ they plan to erect, and wante~ to know what they could ex~ect in the way of sewer service. They also stated that theTz were prepared to give S.T.P.U.[. all cooperation and assistance necessary. Director Goeringer informed them that $.T.P.U.D. could not give them any sewer service at the present time, and they could not expect any kind of sewer service until fall, 1958, at the earliest. The Board of Directors realize that the Lakeside area needs the sewer help very much, and the Beach Trunk Line will be ~ ut in as sson as possible after the plans and soecificatlons are prepared, probably in early fall, 1958. It was also explained to i.:essrs. Jonke and Surano that the iacific Lo~ges property had been petitioned out of the District by previous owners, an~ the only way they could re-enter the District would be by petition. Mr. Surano turned over the legal description of Pacific Lodges property to the Directors and a petition is to be prepared and sent down to them for signature. Mr. Harootunian then asked what is the situation now with 5.T.~-.U.L. and what is contemplated. ~lso, Mr. iuarootunian wanted to know if any of his lands would be needed for the proposed sewage disposal plant. The Board explained to Mr. Harootunian the corrent work going on in preparing ~or the coming annexation and construction of the proposed sewage treatment plant, and told him that at the present time none of his lands will be needed for the plant. As there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was ad journed. ,.:/':. A ....,:./ ~<--/f"f- ~ /~ / Clerk an5 Ex-Officio Secretary N6rman' L." soerlnger':: ' Pre s i de nt 193 ~T}~ll?Fp~m~-~' U~ TIlE kE~UL.an i'JEETI!~G~..}'-'' THE BOAhD ~i:: Di'''~ ~' ..... 'F ~"~:~ "" I~ FUBLIC UE'ELI~ DIST~:ICT I~[arch 27, 1958 The Board of Directors of ~outh Tahoe ~ublic Utility District met in regular session at their office on i',,!t. View Ave., on Yarch 2?, 1958, at 2:00 p.m. i~eLL r, ,Vt ~ .... .~: Upon roll call there v,'ere present Directors [}oeringer, Panko~t an~ Carsick, ~v~r. Lee N~iller, ~,;ir. Del Lucot, ~.:r. ~el Beverly, and ~ir. Oliver ~ahle. ¥INUTES: The minutes of the ~revious meetine v,,ere read and accepted as corrected. .iEI:0~'~T~: Director ]:'ankost reported that he had discussed ~,~ith kir. Knox. Johnson the possibility of moving the sewage disposal works to cheaper property on i.,:.r. Johnson's land, and also the possibility of the District planting clover and irrigating it in that area. Director PanKost also reported that ilfr. Johnson would be in the area, weather permitting, thc first part of the week of 12arch ~1. Director ~oeringer stated that v;e should get the engineers to check if it is feasible to move onto the new area, and that the engineers' recommendations should be in v,'ritin~ beffore such a move was made. The subject was discussed, and it was decided to ~'ait to see whether ?r. Johnson was agreeable to the move before the engineers were called in. Director iankost reported that he and ~irector Goeringer had to Sacramento, Wednesday, ~.~arch 26, an~ spent considerable ti~e with industrial ±nr~emnity Co. The? agreed to pay all of the ),(cGuire and Easter bill, an(~. a compromise was sug~.~:ested on the other charges. As there v,'ould be consider~ble costs and possible difficulty in collecting if o.T.P.U.D, had to go to court to collect, it was felt it woald be reasor:able to accept the compromise. After a discussion, Director ~ankost made m motion ~hat S.T.T.U.D. accept the settlement as submitted by Industrial Indemnity Co. in the amount o~F 36,120. Director Gersick seconded the motion. Ayes: Goeringer, Carsick, t~ankost Yoes: none Director isnkost reporte~ that the Lake Tahoe ~m.:ews is not interested in pr'intin~ the minutes of S.T.I':'.U.b. in the nev~spaper. It was ~.¢ci~ed b~ the ~oard to place occasional news releases in the newspaper instead of printin~ the minutes. Director (_;ersick v~as o?posed to not printing the minutes ia th~ Lake Tahoe ~ ews. President Ooeringer ret~orted on the meetin~ of the Kevada L~oard of Directors, ~hich he attended ~.,iarch 26. ~resent were ~,,~essrs. Bozes, Harvey Gross, Eldon Campbell, and mr. ~herman Davis, counsel for the ~,evada ooard. ~lso present were ~;~essrs. Oliver .~ahle, ~ill Ledbetter, oherman Davis and i~orm Goeringer. The purpose of the meeting was to settle the budget for the coming year and ~iscuss ins t~ lla ti on of the measuring v~eir for the Nevada pumping station. The I,ievada Board w~s also concerned about i4r. Kahle hooI. iine onto the sewer lines and they wanted to knov~ if ~.T.F.U.I~~. would accept the additional flow of approx. 40,000 gal. Outing the summer. Director ~oeringer pointed out that we have t~-~e problem of the recommendation of ~?]r. Leggett of the ~ater Polulion Control Board that ~.T.P.U.D. should take on no more flow until somethin~ ls ~one to lncrease the capsclty of the present facilities. j'~,r. Lucot reported on tho financial balance of the' istrict. 194 'O0±~LESY0~'~DEO~CE: Letter from iLcGuire and Hester re cher~:s fo~ ci. earin~ rock out of Letter from State of :i~alifornia Division of _;isd~w'ays, e~closin~ t:eir ~il! ~,,o. 5569-Ds for /~1,600.(0 coverin~ costs for aSjustin~ ma~'~hole fr~mes an~ covers to f~raSe, orion made by l. irector Yankost, seconSe~ by Director Gersick, that this be taRle5 until t?e District .has more funds. ~yes: Goeri~:,ger, Gerslc~, l:ankost Letter from ~iu~hes, H@ul and .~ogert.v e~closing their Final statement in connection with Terhune vs. o.T.P.U.i . action. i,(otion made bM Director !ankost, secomded bY liirector Gersick that this bill be ~aid. Aves: t;oerim~er, Gersick, ]ankost ., DeS: none Letter from Jack 'E. Ta?lor, Assoc. 'Sn~ineer of Oakland Sewer , apt., represent, in~- owners of property, [Lots 1 an~~ 2, Block 6, 2. ijou ~ark Addition, at present excluded from the L. istrict, and requestin? to hook o:~to the sewer lines. Letter from kizon, llowetl and ,estmoreland, Attorneys at Law, re~.resenting .~_r. aram ~iarootunian, directina'~ the District to refrain from trespassing upon land o~ned by i.~(r, l!arootunian. $opy of letter from Dames and ,.~.oore, addresse~ to Ci:~on, ~:owell and ;,estmor~:land in reply to their letter regardin~ trespass in~ uuon ).r. J!arootuniank land. Letter ~ ~ 19~t re~ardin~~ ~ro~. Brown and Caldwell, dated i'.'iarch 18, ..... , ~ the time schedule for the anne~ation, and stating it has had a setback, as additional d iscreuancies ~ave tuned up in the boundary descriution. Letter from LaGrance Construction, inc., dated March F~, 1958, statin~ that it has been over a year since t~e riser for Lot 32 wns installed. '~'his letter in reply to ovTM letter ~ated ,..arch 19, 195.f~. im~liTIt,i..$: Director Pankost made a motion that we accept the a~'ne:,:ation of the two parcels of property mentioned in the letter from Mr. Jack Taylor as long as it is accordin~ to the rules and ordinances of the District. .,~.~otion seconded by E~irector ~;ersick. Ayes: Ooerin~er, Fankost, L;ersick Noes: r[one ?.r. Beverly was imstructed to write i~,~:r. Taylor that they hook onto the District in the way that they reeuest as long as ~oo5 eneineerin~ practice can be use5 in ~oing so, and that in regarc~ to future assessments, they v;ill receive the same assurance as the rest of the people ~ho have paid into the I~istrict. OLD BUSIiLSO: The proposed ordlna~ce establishing a schedule of monthly charges for sewer services, as prepared by Mr. Beverly, was read and corrected by the Directors. Director Gersick moved that the corrected ordinance be accepted, seconded by Director I~ankos t. Ayes: Goeringer, Gersick, l~'ankost ?~ ocs; none [fr. Beverly was instructed to draw up the ordinance as corrected, and see that it is published in the newspapers conforming with law. i(E¥~ i~,USI!~SS: Mr. Oliver ![ehle discussed v;ith the Board the possibility of his hookin~l into the District. tie thinks he can get a rig!}t of way with Llr. Parks and the 4-H Camp. As soon as he gets the details sLraif~htened out, he will t~ave '~-hoever is ~oin!:~: to do his sewer work co:itact if~rown an~ Caldwell. Director Goeringer su?gested that a letter be written to the Board of Supervisors recuestin~ their cooperation in letting :S.T.P.U.I~. know in a~vance what is ~oin~7 on whenever it affects ¥.T.t:.U.L'., and that v;e wout~~ appreciate some advance notice ;':hen major repairs are to be ~one on ~ki ~un Blvd., so that we may ser~d out a letter to the o~.~mers of property along Ski t{un Blvd. requesting that they hook onto the sewer !.!~es before work is done on 'the street. This will prevent a great ~eal of cutting up of Ski ~,un Blvd. at a later ~ate. ,lso, a news release shoul8 be ussued to the newspaper regarding this letter to the !~oard of Supervis ors. ~',~r. Lucot as':~ed whether we should have a post office boz for the billing system, and should the box numbers be printed on the bills, lie was told t?',at there are no post office boxes available at Bijou at present. Mr. Beverly asked if the Listrict had a procedure for receiving bids for purchases, as required by law. lie was instructed by the Directors to set up a procedure. Director Gersick' moved that we do not allow anybody to hook onto the main line of Ski Run Blv~, but have them hook onto a lateral extendinc 60' each way from the center of the highway. i.~o action was taken on the motion,but it was discussed st length. It was felt that somethin~ should be done about the great damage to Ski Bun Blvd., because of individual hook-ups onto the line running down the middle of the road. ~urther stud~,~ of the problem will be mede by the Directors. oL=Imo: The followint~ claims were presented and approved for payment; ~,,arrant 55? 563 Pat McCrea 6~.65 564 l..:eu5 i ck 565 Hu~hes, ?.aul an~ Fo~erty 151.10 566 Del Lucot 9~.50 567 ?. Gersick 150.00 568 569 Beverl~z ~,, Yeifiman ~,~5.00 870~w. Pankost 298.~3 As there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Earl_e F. '~ankost' ' - Clerk and Ex-Officio oecretary I~orman L. Goeringer ;/ President ,~INUTES OF THE [-EGULAR }.~G~]:TI}.iG cd~' 17[E BOARD 0f DIi<EC'iOI:~S OF Ti!I~ SOUTII TAIiCE PUBLIC UTILITY IlSTPICT April 10, 1958 The Board of Directors of oouth Tahoe >'ub!ic 0tility District met in regular session at their of'fica on ~pril 10, 1~.)58, at 2:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call there were present Directors Goeringer, Pankost and Gersick, l_~r. Lee i:.~iller, Hr. Del Lucot, Fr. r~e 1 Beverly. F. iNNTES: The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted as corrected. ~,EPORTS: Mr. Beverly reported that he had ahecked into v:hat was necessary to get the boundar>~ for the annexation approved, and that the inter-County Title 3o. had told him that O.T.P.U.D. should have the certificate ~'~ithin the week. The Boundary Com~_ission cannot act until they receive the certificate. The matter of filing the certificate and boundary descriptions was d isc,~ssed, and it was decided the Directors would do all they could to rush the papers througi~ for approval; however, filing would have to be ~one in order, and it w~uld probably ta~e at least the full 2i0 days. Mr. Lucot reported on the new billing system. The information is now completely punched on i.B.~i~!, cards, and a ?tinting run for checkin~ purposes. The cards and printing v~ill be ~elivered the first part of the v~eek of April 14, and as soon as the?' are checked, the first billin~ u'ill be ready to run. Director iankost reported regardin8· the :~rooke's reepir work done by ~.,.!cGee and ~iylie. ne had visited the office of the District ~,ttorney several times, bmr so far had been unable to see him. Director ooeringer reported that he had talked to ~.,.r. Brookes, an~ [~(r. Brookes is prepare~ to pay the bill. 2irector rankost reported that he h~d talked with ,'.nox aohnson, but had nothin~ to report ~t this time. Director Yankost stated that !ne felt that the w~ole ,~tter of the use o~ the ,iohnson lan? could ~-~e settle~ wlthin the newt 60 ~ays. CONRESPONDENCE: Letter from Brown and Caldwell re 195~-1 assessments on corner Lots. Letter from Brown ~n~ Caldwell enclosing $0 copies of anne>~ation. Copy of a letter written by i~rown and Caldv,~e!l, addressed to Inter-County Title Co. enclosing a cop~ of tke revised description of the proposed annexation. Letter from Goldstein, Barceioux and ~oldstein, dated ~pril 7,1958, regarding o.T.P.U.D, vs ~ohnson. Letter from Dixon, ~iowell ~k ~estmoreland, dated April 1, 1958, written in really to a letter from Dem~es and ~,~oore, re trespassing on property owned by Aram x~rootunian. Two letters from ~.rkbride, i. ilson, k'arzfel~ an~ ~isllace, dated i~pril $, stating that u'e should get the Beach ~runk Llne in. ~ irector ~oerin~er stated that e letter shoul~ be ~,~ritten in reply tellin~ them that -'e agree wholehesrtedly with t~-~em reeer~ins oonst~'uction of the Beech Trunk Line. In re~srd to insts~tlation of the weir meter, it was suggested that we check the weir meter flow ~Tith previous reachings, an? charges to Levada adjusted. ~.z,, BUOI~,,,£SS: Director Gersic~ moved t~at we adopt [~esolution 110, and Z. irector ,.~oeringer seconded t[-~e motion. ~,yes: Gersick, :J oerii-~er, ~ankost Y ce s: N one It ?as geci~ed t~at S.T.P.U.}i'.. shoulf get a post office box and !.~r. Lee ?iller wml~ r~,ick u~. the ~r. ail each ~aF and bring it to the office. T~e office sec~etarF is to open the mail re~zularly, a~ imr~ediatelv contact t~-'~e )irectors on anFthing that re(uires i~crr:e~ ia te attention. .;)LD B;'S±~i?]SS: The bills submitted by i'cGee i-lumbinf:, and ~,ylie for work ~one repairi~;g the line on the Brookes p~.operty were discussed. ~.irector lankost stated that he ~_Tid not t~]ink we should pay the b/~lls, that they should be paid by Brookes. ~irector Goeringer and ~r. Beverly said that we s?;ould pay the bills because o.T.P.U.L, ha(] a~thorized the work to be done. £.irector aoeringer pointed out tibet the Listric~t's holding up paymei]t on zhe bills for 9 months was causi~:¢ a great deal o~ bitterness, ai~d is bad ?ublicity for ~.~i.?.U.D. Mr. Lucot was instructed to make out warrants to pap these two bills, and it was decided that a fefinite policF w ~ul¢ have to be set on ho?~ to han¢le similar situations in the future. ~irector Gersick moved th, at :r. Zeverly be instructe~ to prepare sn ordinance to state that in the event of an e~-l~':er?encF where ~ lateral line is 'broken for a'~y cause '~.~hatsoever, the ~istrict shall authorize a cualified person to repair sai~ 5amage. The Zistrict will pay for such repair, and the propert~ ovmer will be billed for the entire cost of the repair. If the property owner, after bein~: billed, does not pay the bill within ;~0 days, then interest shall be charged at the rate of V% from flue date, an~ legal means shall be used to collect, if necessary. ~irector Pankost seconQe5 ti~e mo~ion. Ayes: Gersick, [l:ankost, ~uoeringer Noes: ~one L:.irector ?ankost reported that the attorneys had comE. lete5 the agreement for S.T.F.U.E,. to receive a deed for 4-foot strip of land from Terhune of the ~ocki~ X Motel. [irector Gersick moved that the Clerk be instr~cted to ~et the contr~ct signed. [irector ~ankost seconge~, the motion. Ayes: Gersick, t~ar~kost, Goeringer ?~oes: None Director Gersick stated that in view of the fact ,~,'e had settled for less that the ?ull portion of the claim with ln¢]ustrial h':demnity Co., we should write .~,/.cGuire and iiester and ask them to absorb a portion of that loss. £;irector Gersick moved that a letter be written to ~.[cGuire and l[ester, asking them to absorb part of the loss. ~irector Goeringer seconded the motion. ;~ye s: Goeringer, ~ers~ ck Noes: None Not Voting: l~a nkos t A letter is to be written to Brown and Cald'~','ell to do the plans an~ specifications for runr~in~ lines from the main trunk line running ~,own Ski Run Blvd. a~t each street intersectior~, to prevent tearin~ up of the street or~ future se~,'er connections. oLAI~S. The follov;ing claims were presented ~-~n,~ approved for payment: Warrant 571 McGee Plumbing Co. ;~115.05 572 Don Wylie 42.00 573 l~at McCrea ~0.70 574 A. L. i',.(iller 212.13 575 Lel Lucot 66.50 576 Clarke Ins. Agency 5.84 577 Lake Tahoe ~ews 18.46 578 Clarke Ins. ~gency 70.19 579 o. P. Power Co. 11.06 580 ?. T. & T. Co. 47.14 581 _~ ir. of Int. Rev. 48.08 583 Dept. of Employment 46.46 As there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Earl~ 3. l~a~.~ost ~ ' Clerk and Ex-Officio oecretary Nor'man L. Goc~-i~er President BOARD OF I)IRECT0~S 0F ~HEo.~:-'0~*~'~' PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April ~4, 1958 The Boar~ of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at their office on April ~4, 1~5~, ~ ~ at 2:00 p.m. ~, ,.L CALL: Upon roll call there were present Directors ~oeringer, Pankost an5 Gersick, i.~r. Del Lucot, .~,r. Mel Beverly, and visiting were Mr. John Lowe, 2r. an~ ~drs. ~arl 0ppermann, and ~r Birmin~,ham !'.~IYUTES: approved. The minutes oF the previous meetinf.~ were rea~ and l~efore tekin~ up the regular business of the meeting, ~irector Goerin~er informed the guests that as the business meeting sometimes ran ouite lonfz, th~woul~ be ~',iven an opportunity to ta':e up their business with the ooard first. ~fr. Lowe stated ti~at ~e had s~?.e property on oki ;-~un olv~. and he, along with property owners adjoining his property ;~ould like to ~ave the sewer pipe layed up to their oroperty now so that when the new p~ving was layed along Ski hun Blvd. the sewer pipe would already be in an¢? no cutting up of the roadway v:ould be necessary. I',.!r. Lowe felt the pipe could be capped off until sewer service was available to his area. Director Goeringer informed i~':r. Lowe that the Directors have already instructed the ~:.ngineers to ~raw up ~lans for running lines off the centr~:~l line extending 5own Ski Run and that v~'ould ta~e care of the problem. ['rs. Karl 0ppermann then state~ that they inten~e~ to buil~~ a trailer park on their property on Ski Run Blvd. and .~err¥ Lake and would like to connect to the sewer rather than put in a septic tank. ~drs. 0ppermann stated they v, ould be willing to pay for t~.e cost of running the line to their property. The Board discussed the matter, and pointed out to ~}r. and .,~rs. oppermann the present inadecuate sewage disposal facilities for the District. !t was agree~ that if ~r. and [',.irs. 0ppermsnn were forced to put in a septic tank, it woul~ be a ~uplication of costs, because the sewer vgoul~ be rnn to their property within the next few ~.~esrs. i'~irector Ooerin~er state~ that the Board di~ not like to see anyone duplicate expense on somethinM like that, ~:ns as the trailer ~ark ~'onl~ not be in operation until September, ~:r~~' ~ o~ly 1~,~ rental s~aces~ ~,,aul~., be involved, the ~.istrict wo~ld allow J r. an8 ~l. rs f.mpermann to connect to the sewer orovided they were willin~ to pau for the line, without recourse for payment. 199 · ,E?0RT~: Director ~ankost reported that he had not received official notice, but had read in the Lake T hoe i,ews that the boundary had been refused by the i~oundary uomm~ss~on because of the ~ierra [.,(eadows '~ract, an{] he had immediately phoned ],]r. i~arvey 2~ilts to request t~'mt he prepare a new boundary, excluding ~ierra Meadows, and get it in the mail the same evening. Director Pankost was prepared to take the new ooundary and description to ~!acerville as soon as he received it so there v.'ould be a minimum del~,v in getting the boundary approved. ~,~r. Beverly re~orte~ that he had received a call from ~r. Aram Harootunian, who stated that he v;ill not sue the District for trespassing on his property if the District ~ill ~iYe him a letter statin~ that his lan~ woul~ not be use~ for sewage ~isposal. 1he birec~ors im~e~iately refused to wrlte such a letter. ~.~r. Del Lucot gave a report on the finances, ~n~ brought the Board up to ~ate on w~at progress is bein~ made on the new billing system, i'he new bills have not yet arrived, but shoul~ be in h~n¢] by the next meeting. Director ?ankost reported that the sec-etary of the inter-State Compact Commission had told him they hadheard a lot of scuttlebutt on what the district ls ~oin~, and that they wished to be ~otified on all t~at is ?sin? on. Also, when the line is run from the propose~ sewage disposal plant, csrryimo~ the treate6 effluent to Feva~a, the ]~.istrict will have to meter all water received from ~evada, and ell water put into Levada, so that Califor.-ia can be repayed for a~v C~lifor~ia water theft is run into C0~RESPOI~DET~CE: Letter from Geoffrey Hughes, of i-~ughes, ~[aul and Fogerty, dated April 9, re o.T.P.U.L, vs Johnson, stating Zhat they ~,'ould lixe to be advised when a meeting might be held bet.~l~een ~,~essrs. Dill and ~ohnson' and the ~irectors. ~,eply dictated stating that the ~'irectors ¥~ould be agreeable to a meeting at any time which would be convenient to l.,.~essrs. Dill and eohnson. Letter from Geoffrey i[ughes, hughes ~aul and ~'ogerty, dated ~.pril 9, 1958, statin~; that the a~£ndment of the lublic gtilities Code to include street li~ting would not be included in the special session of Legislature. Certificate of correctness of boundary received from I~ter-County Title Co., dated April 10, 1958. Letter from [(en Zrown, Brown an~! Caldwell, dated ,~pril 16, 1958, giving information regardin~ facilities recuired for the 1958 sea SOn. Letter from ~)rrick, Dahlquist, llerrin~ton .k Sutcliffe, signed Frank L. oprague, ~ated ~pril 18, 195~, regarding the present snne:~',a tion proceedings. Le'tter from the South~'~±~hoe~ '~hamber of Commerce, signed Pare oodcock, dated ~pril ll, 1958, stated that at a regular meetin~ of the Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce a resolution v,,as unanimo~sly passed that they reouest o.T.P.U.i/, accept the responsibility of putting in amd billing for street li?hting in this area. PETiTiO!(~: none '~E~ ~U~iNESS: Yr. Burlin~l~am of Tahoe _.lays wanted to consult the bisi:rlCtre~,a~dinf~--, ~ .. some sort of small sewage disposal system to serve t~e 'llahoe i(eys area only. ±he f]isposal system to be financed by i..r. Burlingham. mt was decided that the District could not give l~r. Burlingham much assistance at the present time, and he was advised that the best thing to do is to follow along with whatever is the most economical way to do it. Director Gersick moved that .o.T.t-~.U.. ?o into the street light- ~ng business in accordance with the letter froal the South Tahoe Chamber of Commerce. Director Pankost seconded the motion. Ayes: Goeringer, Gersick, Pankost Noes: None Mr. Beverly was instructe~ to check into whether the District could legally go ahead and authorize the Sierra Pacific Power Co. to go ahead with installing the 57 lights on the highway. Director Goeringer stated that he felt it ?mul5 be necessary to hire a manager for running the District, an~. t~e Board of Directors v~'oul~ not spend so much time in attending to the business matters of the District, but '~;oul~ meet to ~eci~e policy etc. Also, the District woul~ need two men, one for sewage ' matters, o~e for water. ~ OLD BboZ~E~oo: Director Goeringer brought up the subject of reeking a ~ecision on charging on corner lots. After some discussion as to the best methoc7 of charging, Director Yankost moved that the District adopt a policy on new assessments, that in determinin£~ the amount of foot,ge to be assessed to corner lots, where lines are run on both streets, no charge will be made for a footage e0ual to the narrow side of the lot or lOO-feet, whichever is the lesser. Seconded by Director Gersick. Ayes: Goerin~er, '~.~ersick, Pankost ~oes: None Director Gersick reporte~ that Mr. Alders of ~¢cGuire and ~ester ha~ visite~ him and they ~iscussea ?'cGuire and Hester dis- countin? a portion of their bill. Later, [,:Ir. Hester phoned Director Gersick and informe~ him that the bill woul6 have to be paid in full. ~r. Lucot was in structe~ to draw a warrant for the full amount of the bill. Mr. Beverly stated that he has been reaeing the California-Nevada contract, an~] wishes to study it further before giving any opinion to the Doard on that subject. ' Director Gersick moved that we adopt Ordinance 35. Director Pankost seconded the motion. Ayes: Goeringer, ~ersick, Pankost Noes; None pay'meh t; The following claims were presented and approved for Via rran t 584 Pat McCrea ~ 52.72 585 Del Lucot 60.00 586 Beverly & Weidman 125.00 58? McOuire and !fester 5,570.16 As there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary Norman t:'re sis ent 2'0'1 ~,~:ay 8, 1958 The Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public 'Utility District met in regular session at their office on ;.~ay 8, 1958, at 2:00 p.m. h0LL CALL: Uoon roll call there were present Directors ~oeringsr, I~ankost, an8 Gersick, L~r. Del Lucot, ~2r. ~,f¢l Beverly, and visitin~ :-~ Harvey itilts and i~r ~(en Brown of Brown were ivirs. 0ppermann, and Coldwell, and ?.:ir. Les Negey. MIKUTES: The minutes were read and approved. REPORTS: Director Pankost reported that he had talked to fdr. tiolmes ~f the California Dept. of Public Health, and L~r. l~.,.~orely of E1 Dorado County Board of ~ealth. Luring the course of their con- versation, they had discussed the matter of ~.~.rs. Oppermann hooking onto the District sewer line. it was the feeling of Xessrs. l~olmes and ~!orely that in view of the small amount of water that wouldbe use~ by the trailer park, and the amount of benefit to the sewer 6istrict that w'ould come through ?ir. and Mrs. <?ppermann paying for runnin~ the line to their property, it '~as their recommendation that we accept .V,r. and ?~!rs. ©ppermann's property into the District. l,iessrs, l:olmes and .... orely stated that they thought that on hard- ship cases they shoul5 be accepted into the District, and that every case outsiSe the District should be 'considered on its own merits. l~rs. 0ppermann was informed that attorney for tt~e i:istrict would prepare a contract for her to sign, and arrangements were made for Mr. Harvey milts to consult with her to check whether their property would provide the proper fall for the line. Director t'ankost reported that tt~e levee on the main sludge pond ha~ broken. Director i-ankost reported that a check for S500 had been received from Jack Van Sickle. Director r~n:<ost reports(] that ~isssrs ~olmes and horelv had requested that representatives from S.T.t-.U.]~.. stop in at Sacramento to see hr. Stewart an~ report on what is goin~ on. Director Ooeringer reoorted on the'meeting regardin~ using garbage disposals at Stateline, during which a tour of Harrah's Club kitchen was made. ne reported that there is not as much as was ori~%nally thought going through the grinder. '~nly what comes off the plates returne~ from the dining room go into the grinder. It was debated whether the sewage from ~evada would be stronger than that of C~lifornia with the high amount of solids entering the se'~?er from the ?rind ers. ?..ir. Ken Brown stmted that the strength of the Nevada sewaMe coul~ be checked thro~gh the manholes, iirector Goeringer state~ that if the businesses at Statelins were to pay extra for what is going throu:~h the F. rin~ers, it v~oul~ be pai~ to the i~evada Boar8 as a service c:-arge and woul~ not be ae~itional revenue for California. Also, it was felt that the way the kitchen was sst up at ~arrah's Club, it ~,~ould be a hardship if they had to haul all ~ar'~-.age out. 2O2 service. Letter o~~ reply dictated statin6 that the Snack aback is not a part o? the District, aha that ]Yr. Seagrave must get right of u~ay before severer line can be run to ~ot ~61. CLD ~ ., -r-~'~oo ~,~ BJ~I~.:~oo: ~.~r. Lucot reported that the system for billing is c~mplete, and all listings ~re complete. Director Gersick moved that ~r~,inance ,56 be accepte~. Goeringer seconde~ the motion. · ~yes: Gersick, Goerin~er i~ ce s: Kone Absent: t-ankost 1) ire ctor idr Beverly informed t~,e members of the proper procedure for calling a special meeting. All members of the Board must be notified ~4 hours in advance in v~riting, and notice must be ?ivan to newsoapers and radio stations if they t~ave requested such information be supplie~; however, s meetin~ may be adjourned to a soecified time an~ place in the future v:ithout it being c~msidere~ a special meeting, it wm~ld then be a c~ntinuation of the e×istinp meeting. iTE,~~ BU~II, YESS: Director Pankost phoned ]V!r. Knox ~ohnson to get h'i's approval for a ri~ht of v~ay across the ~ohnson property ,,r electric lines to the sewage v]orks. . Johnson will be in the Tahoe area Saturday morning, ~f..ay 10 to discuss the ~atter. An emer~iency was d~'eclared regarding the broken levee in the main sludge pon0. Director i'ankost ~as directed to get prices on a new pump such as was recommendedby Mr. Ken ~rown. ~LAii,(S: The following claims were presented and approved for payment: Warrant 588 oir. of int. )~ev. ~ 80.68 589 Y;estern Service Agency 590 Del ~.ucot 591 C. ~,(arshman 59~ S. ~. ~ower ~ 59~ P. T. & Tel. 594 Lake Tahoe ~'.ews 595 inter-County Title Co. 596 Sierra i.'acific Power 59~ Tahoe ,~:ffice Supply 598 ~at 1,,icOrea 599 i~ee idiller 600 ~udy ~ersick 601 Korms:: ~oerin~,~er 60~ Earle tankost 114.50 265.00 5.00 15.66 17.44 85.05 50.00 142.80 8.27 $1.44 Z07.41 300.00 250.00 37~.00 As there was no further business before the Board, Director Gersick moved that the meeting be adjourned until Saturday at ~ p.m. in the >it. vier; office. Director t>ankost seconfed the Ayes: moti on. Norman m. Ooeringer · resident 203' i. ay 8, 1958 The Boar~ of directors of South '~ahoe Public Utility District met in continuation of their meeting of !fay 8, 19~8, at their o~'fice on ?iay 10, 19~8, at 2:00 p.m. ROLL Ci~LL: Upon roll call there were present Directors Goeringer ahd ~ra~kost. No minutes were read. Director Pankost reported on the cost of pump, pipe, fittings, etc. Thc best bi~ was from T-!untz Pump Co~anv Sacramento. Director Pankost was instructe~ and authorize8 to purchase pump from '~2untz Pump Company for ~isposal plant. Director tankost moved that he be appointe8 General Wanager of the District, at a salary of ~$00.00 per month less what he receives as Director. Director Goeringer seconded the motion. Ayes: Panko st, ~oeringer Noes; None Absent: Gersick Director Pankost moved that he be authorized to purchase necessary materials and acquire labor and equipment to getthe disposal plant in order to take care of the sewage flow for the next two years, working with the engineers. Ayes: Pankost, Goeringer Noes: None Absent: Gersick Lee Miller was authorized to hire e man to assist him in cleaning up the plant and to work on necessary repairs. Director Pankost was instructed to write a letter to the Yevada District to arrange a joint meeting ?~ithin ten days to discuss revision of present contract. Director Pankost moved that ~.T.P.U.D. authorize Stone and Youngberg, financial consultants, to make a survey to submit to the Board for the necessary bonding and financing of the District. Director Pankost moved that the District rent 10 acres of land from Johnson for spray irrigation at ~10.00 per acre per month and $~5.00 per pole for the poles to be installed on gohnson property by Sierra Power ,~om any brin,~inf~ power to new spray irrigation pump. There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was a d j ou rne d. >'resident ~a~l~ F ,/P~hko s t '~lerk and Ex-Officio Secretary MINUTES OF REGUL~R ~,~ETI}iG OF BOARD · ~m,~0~ 0F S TAHOE ~UBLIC UTILITY May 22, 1958 The Board of Directors of Oouth Tahoe Public otility District met in regular session at their office on may 2~, 1958, at 2:00 p.m. ~0LL CALL: Upon roll call there were present Directors G'oeringer and Pankost, ~¥ir. Del Lucot, and ~'.:ir. Mel Beverly. k!INU'TES: No minutes were read, ~ue to the illness of the secretary. :~EFOP~TS: L~r. Beverly reported on -the preparation of ordinance for the establishing of a bank account· At the present time no authority for anyone but Treasurer to dra',~ on otility District funds. Director Pankost reported that the new pump had been installed and is operating and is spraying about ~2B gpm with one pipeline. Also, all breaks in the levee have been repaired. Director ~ankost reported that due to the emergency that exists at thei disposal plant, the circulation of petitions has been neglected. C0~RESPOI~H)E~,.]CE: Letter from Sprague recuesting copy of letter from ~oard of Directors re~ar~in~ county ~ ~ oou.~_arv information and copy of certificate from title company. Letter from Nathan B. Siegel re lots 127 an~ 128,Bijou ]ark. Letter from Douglas County Sewer Improvement District /~1. i'~,[eeting is to be,held at the [~it. view Office on June 4, 1958. OLD BUSIiEsO: Director Pankost reported that the Engineers had estimated the new pump would cost over 03,000 and ,~2 000 , to install. Total cost of pump was ~1,600, plus tax. b!r. Lucot stated that he should have a list of dates of regular and special meetings ~or vresent discal year, ar'd also a record of meetings and '~r .. ~.~ ectors present each time. ~ r~ ~[r. H~rr-..~,. Campbell brought· in receiot~ on Assessment n~.~, Lots 1, ~ ant TM z~ He is still bein~ billed on Assessment 49. Ire is payin~ ~>f88.59 per 7.rear. :.,~r. Campbell was referred to the County Audi tor. NEW BUSI~_~ESS: None pa ymen t: The following claims were presente5 and approved for. Warrant 603 Pat McCrea ,~ 22.19 604 A. L. L,~iller lOO.O0 605 Del Lucot 189.50 606 H. Ark Johns 70.33 607 H. Ark Johns 55.67 608 Lukin Bros. 37.50 There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary ~resident 205 June 4, 1958 The Board of Directors of oouth Tahoe Public Utility District met in special session at their office on June 4, 1958, at 2:00 p.m. This meeting was called by the Directors of O.T.P.U'.D. by sending certified registered letters to tile Directors of Douglas County Sewer Improvement District .,~l and to their attornies requesting a joint meeting between the two districts. ~0LL CALL: Upon roll call there were present Directors Goeringer, Psnkost, Gersick; ?r. Mel Beverly, attorney for S.T.P.U.D.: t~r. Ken Brown, Engineer; L(r. Bill sozes an~ Mr. El~on Campbell, members of the Douglas County Sewer i~provement District ~l; h~r. Bill Ledbetter, of the ~agon ~;heel. i. INUTES: No minutes were rea~. Director Pankost explained to the guests that the meeting had been called to discuss the contract between Nevada and O.T.t:'.U.D. and that the Directors and the attornies who drew up the contract do not fully understand it. ~,.. Bozes informed the Directors that he understood the contract in its entirety. There was a discussion regarding possible changes of the contract between the two ~istricts. No ~ecision was reached. Director !:snkost reouested the Nevada ~oard give S.T.P.U.D. permission to install a larger pump in Nevada, ewplainin!~ that the present pump is not a~ecuate to take care of Levada's increased flow. This request was refused. There being no further business to bring up at this special meet" l~g, the meeting was adjourne~. --'Eg~le ~ Y Pdnk0st ' ' Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary Norman L. Goer'inge~ }~resi~ent ' June 12, 1958 The Board. of Directors of Oouth Tahoe Zublic Utility District met in regular session at their office on ~,it. View Ave. on June l~, i958, at ,2:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call th'ere were present L'irectors Goeringer, Yankost, and Gersic~, i+!r. ;~el Beverly and Nr. ~.~el Lucot, and Er. Bill Friedman of Ennz-troducts. 206 ~ Ii'~U'i'ES: i~iinutes of previous m~:.etin~{ rea~ and accepted as corrected. .-Et~CnTG: Director i-ankost reported on the wor;< ~eing done at the sev~er pla::t. ~'he new pump is installed, and drain lines :;ave been dug. ~,irector i:ankost reported that ~,,,ir. Burlingham of Tahoe ~eys has affered to take over the work in re~ard to the petitions at no charge and obzain the necessary 200 signatures. The directors agreed to accept ~r. Burlingham's services. iirector I~snkost reported that ~(en Brown had telephoned him Thursday morning, June 10, in regard to prep~,ring the report and estimate on bon~ issue, which shou!~ be comM:leted in c-o months. ~rov;n ann Cald~ell expenses on this will be 10-~0 thousand dollars en 2, rown wanted to know if the Directors wanted rown and Caldwetl to apply to the ~overnment for ~0,000. It was brou~Mht out that this is not possible until all territory is annexed to the District. ~ETITI0: S: None :Ti.db L!Uoli,ESS: I[one ~ ~,~., UOI!fESS: ~r ]m co Z ~ ~ .... . orou~/,~t in the proposed for for l]?plication for Service for approval by the Directors. Each I?irector individuall~ inspected an~ approved the form. i~r. Lucot reporte~] that he had a check from idrs. Dickers on for :~28i.40, which was money not owed to O.T.'2.U.. but to a private party who had financed sewer line in the area in which ~,rs. ~-ickerso~-: owned property. ..r. Beverly recommended that the money should not go through the books, and that the check be returned to Mrs. Dickerson. o.T.P.U.L, should not act in the position of collection agent for private agreements. Iirector Gersick moved that ~.T.F.U.L. adopt as a policy that we do not act as collection agent for private agreements on the financing of sewer lines. The motion died for lack of a second. ~fr. Lucot was instructef! to return the check to }:Ir s. Dickerson. The matter of the coming audit was brought up. Xicols has presented an estimate. Director Pankost moved that b[r. Lucot ~ making . check with other auditors re~ardin~z the audit Director Gersick seconded the motion. AMes: Gersick, }ankost, Goeringer i,Toes: None Xr. Lucot asked where Director Pankost's salary should be allocated, as manager of 5.T.~.U.D. Mr. Beverly stated that allocation is an accounting job, and is not governed by any law or co~'Itract. Sirector ]ankost ~resented his prot~osed budeet for the coming year. As there v:as disagree.~mnt on allocations, it was agreed to ?iscuss the budget more fullM before approval by the Board. Sirector 'fankost received aut?,.orization by the Board to speak for ~.T.P.U.k. at the comina Board of oupervisors meeting re~arding settin~ regulation size of lots to be sold in the valley. CL_,.~i},IS: The following claims '~ere presented an6 approved for payment: ,~:~rrant 609 Bob" ' 61C' ~,. ~. ~'~iller ~1.55 611 ~ureau of I~t. Rev. 7 61E Lake Tahoe t.,~ews 40.30 613 Del Lucot 312.50 614 ¥/estern Truck 19.62 615 3acramento r~ubber Co. 14.13 616 Tahoe Supply 137.65 617 S. P. Power 19.50 ',610 ~. Carlisle Co. 7.09 619 Clarke Ins. 6.00 620 Void 621 Howard Fisher 80.44 622 ~ ~a~.~ Hov:ar6 139.91 6~3 ~:~ A.L. Miller 473.82 624 ~ . m. F. Pankost Z56 625 Unite5 ]:~ipe 224.64 As there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary Nbz;r~an '~'. 'G'Oe"r£nge~ ~' ' Pre s id en t !{iNUTES OF TN~ n~t,U~,~R r,,,~5oTtNG OF THE BOARD OF DINECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBL',n UTILITY DISTRICT ~une ~6, 1958 The Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at their office on ~une ~6, 1958, at 2:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call there v;ere present Directors Gersick and PankSst, Wr. Del Lucot and Mr. Wel Beverly. ~,TT '?.'rTTrmI?' q.N O .., ~,,_~.~ .... minutes were read due to the illness of the Secretary. REPORTS: Director Gersick reported that he bad purchase5 furniture fsr '~he office, six folfin~ chairs an~ two stuSio couches. Director Y'ankost reporte~ that ,.,'yMal ]Bros. is the low bid on buil6ing the tank at the ~isposal site. CORREST 0NDENCE: None OLD BU~EiES$: The proposed budget was read by ~,~,,,r. Beverly. Director Gersick moved 'that the budget be a~,opted. Motion seconded by Director Pankost. Ayes: Gersick, ~ankost Noes: None Mr. Lucot reported on the operation of the new unit charge. N!'/,'~' BU$I!.(ESS: Director Gersick moved that S.T.P.U.D. accept Irvine and Duce bid of i~300 for our June 30, 19~f~, audit. Director ?ankost seconded the motion. Ayes: Gersick, Pankost ti oes: None Absent: Ooeringer Director Gersick moved that a letter be sent to ~al Brown to ~et 8rag-line for ten Says to clean ponds. L'~otion seconded by Director ~ ankost. Ayes: Gersick, ~.an kost NoeS; ~one Absent: Ooeringer Director Pankost moved that S.T.P.U.D. transfer the balance of its account from the county treasury to Bank of America. Director Gersick seconded the motion. A~s: Gersick, ~ankost i". ce S: ~,Torl e Absent: Goerin~er CLAI~dS: The following claims were presented an~ approved for p'a?me nt: Warrant 6~6 Clarke Insurance ~$ 6.00 6£7 Del Lucot £80.00 628 ~ierra l~ac. ~"ower 295.60 629 Beverly & Weidman 321.94 630 Del Lucot 10.00 631 A. L. Miller 467.86 652 ~.~]unz Bros. 1,690.16 633 Bank of America 111.11 There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary No,man L. G'o~r{n'ger ..... ~']) President , ~ k~tYUTES OF T!~ ?EGL~LAR ?..'IEETII<'G THE BOARD OF DI}iECTOB'S CF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT July 10, 1958 The Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular sessi on at their office on i'.ft. View .~ve. on July 10, 195~, at ~:00 p.m. i~0LL O~LL: Upon roil call there were present Directors Goeringer, Gersick and iankost, ,~r. Del Lucot, Mr. Pl¢i Beverly, ..~,,r. Harvey Milts of crown and Caldwell, and i,<r. Oliver 2ahle. ~;iILUTES: Minutes of the last two meetings were read and not approved. They are to be re-typed. iiEP0hTO: Director Pankost reported that the disposal plant is working very satisfactorily. ~he balance of pipe should be delivere~ in a d~y or so, anS-the new tank sho,~ld be in operation by the end of next week. · , 209 Diredtor i:ankost reported that a drag line is needed to clean out the tank at the site. I~io water is ~oing into the ~round, and seepage is very slow. Director iankost reported that he felt enzymes alone v:oul? not 2o any goo5 in clearing the tanks, as the pack ls too great; however, it was his recommendation that after the tanks are cleaned, enzymes be ac~ded to prevent the ~olids from ysckin~ again. Director ian<ost recuested authorization to do whatever work is necessary to obt~in a ~rag line and clear: the tanks an~ aut~orization to spend whatever necessary to do the work as the allocation of .$1,000 now allowed will not be sufficient. qhere 'sas some ~!scussion on obt~inin~ a drag line and v:hst it would cost, and how the District .,';ou]d p-~)z s~cb c~st. it was feei?ec~ to ~et more in~or~':atio~ on this matter an~ meet Thursday, July 17, to 5eciSe what sho~l~ be s one. Director ]:ankost reported that the objections to the unit system billing are surprisin?ly small. [.(r. Lucot reporte5 that ~e ha~, transferred o.T.?.U.L, money out of county treasur? an(" opene~ a bank account at the .Bijou ~.tranch of ~.ank of America. The balance on hand after bills are paid is j617.0£. L:ore money :;;ill be coming from the county in November. k~r. Lucot also reporte6 that o..~.'~ t°.~.~.,.: may not obtain an advance on ta~ money. T~is can only be done if the county handles the money. ~,,~r. ~everly suggested that if a¢~ditional fun~s are necessary, the only ?:ay ~.T.P.U.['. can ~o it is to go to the Board of Supervisors and ask them to lend S.T.!.U.b. the money. ?f_r. Lucot gave instructions on how to use the new iB?,,~ reference sheets, which are now bound and inde×e~. ~ ~:hEoPu~] Ei'~CE: Letter from Brown and Csldwel 1, ~ated 7-7-5~, regar~inV plans and specifications for sewer line property. t~ETITIOi.~J: Director iankost reporte~ ~hat i',lr, and i~(rs. Louis 2.]ecurrio have tol~:l him they were quite anzious to connect to the sewer line an~, that a petition for anne×etlon had been ma~e out by them some time ago. Director ?ankost told ~,rs. ~:.~ecurrio that the Board of ~.~irectors woul¢ not act on the petition unless all reouired fees were paid. Director 7ankost moved theft _~.T.P.,.,.~'. accept the petition of ],ouis ?Jecurrio sm5 ~ive him a permit to hook up, permit not to be issue~ until all c]lar~es, in accorc~ance with ~:r~inance ~4, are paid_. ~:irector O~erin~er,.~_ seconde~ the motion. .~es: t>ankost, Goerin~er ~'~ ce s; Gersick. =:LD BUOiI'.JESS: ,.r. iai~le state(] that he is no-,; ready to begin putting in sewer lines from his property to connect to o.T.[.U.2, lines. The Directors read copies of th~'ee letters written by Brown and Cald~'ell, givin~o their recommendations on construction. £irectcrs discussed the plans and specifications supplied by Brown and Caldweil. L'irector Ysnkost moved that S.T.P.U.L. accept the installation ss recommended by Brown and Csl~well. Director Gersick seconded the motion. Ayes: Psnkost, Goeringer, Gersick ~oe s: n on e 210' Mr. Lucot asked if the Bosrd of E. irectors wante5 him to set up a listin~ of ~:~evada users in our infex. He wes tol~ that it would not be necessary, as :~evsda is getting a list together at present. NE%~ BUS!~.~ SS: None ~.~I~.o: The following claims were present¢~ an5 approve~ for payment: 7 Check 1 Jack Howar~ ? 89 ~ Pacific 1el and Tel 117[17 3 ,; orkmen's Compensation 30.00 4 Geo. Ericksen 5 ~el Lucot 196.00~ 6 Sierra Engineering Co. 4.88,~ 7 %~unz ~umps 65. 8 Sun~ance ,~. 105.00z 9 Fat YcCrea 18.$5 / 10 Jay Barker Co. 38.52 11 Sierra Facific Power 70.80/ 1~ Tahoe Supply 75 04~ 1Z Sierra Pacific >ower ~4[74[ 14 Geo. E. Ericksen 70.00/ As there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned until ~uly 17, at Z:00 p.m. in the [¥]t. View Office. Ea ~le ]~. !~an~st Clerk an~ Ex-Officio Secretary ire siden t / PUBLIC UTILITY II~2RiCT JULY 17, 1958 The Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District met at their office on .!t. View Ave. on July 19, 1958, at 2:00 p.m. in continuation of their meetin~.~ of July 10, 1958. CALL: Upon roll call there were present Directors ~Jersick, Goeringer, anf iankost, an~ l:!r. Les i'.ia~M. ]~EPORTd: Director Yankost reoorted tbst the secret~rT? v.~ould be at the office on .~onSavs 10-12 and Thursdays 10-12 and 1:$0 - ~:,Z0 an~ if these hours were agreeable to all birectors, it would be publicized that the office wnuld be open at these times. This was spproved by the Lirectors. it was sls o understood that the work load of the secretary might possibly recuire more wo~'king time than the estaOlished hours the office 1,~ili be ~ept open. Director Pankost reported that the petitions will be completed [ionday, 7-£1-58. ~irector Pankost will check the signatures on the petitions ?]on,ay, then see the ~ttornies to pick up resDlution which will be prepsre~ and waiting, it was decide~ a meeting should be hal5 on .i!on~ay to approve the resolution. tETITi01.S: None OLD BUbli(EbS: Director ~ankost moved that a new Dump be purchased at a cost of ,~495 plus tax and cost of hose. [irector Gersick seconded. Ayes: Goerin+~er, Oersick, Pankost ;'ocs: None Director Yankost reported that the Division of tIigb?.ays has recueste~ tv~o a~itional lights be installe~ in the new street li~htin~ .ro~r .... L"irector ~an:~o~t move~ that ~ve ~cce~t the ~isc~ates of ~ivision off-'l~' ~ ..... w~e .~ ~.a.s on ~ re an~ how many lights are to be placec~. !.irector Oersick secon?e~ the motion. Ayes: Goeringer, '~ersick, i:ankost Hoes: None Director Pankost reported that ken Br~,'~n had telephoned him july 16 that the b.T.~.U.L. ~pplication of the U. S. oovernment for 660 money has been rated 36.6, for ~50,000. Brov;n and Saldwell will send up the form which is required for o.T.P.U.ii, to ma~e up ahd sign. The forthcoming voting on the new sewer annexation was discussed. It wes decided to sen~ out cards to the people who have signed the petition reminding them to vote. it was felt that some of the people who had signed the petition might think that was all that v~as necessary, an5 that they need not vote. Director lankost moved that we notify Brown an~ .Caldw'ell to 5raw ui~ plans for new treatment plant. Seconde~ b,~ i_irector Gersick. AMes: Goeringer, Gersick, ?ankost i.~ ce s: None Director iankost move~ that the Board give him authority to disconnect Hamburger ~ieaven an~ the (;lenwood ~.(otel if they not pay fees for being connected to the sewer. Director Gersick seconded the motion. Ayes: Goering_er, Gersick, tankost ?. ocs: None There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned until ~ ' - July ~1 19~n . o~, at ~:30 p.m. at the [,ft. View Office. Norman L. Goeringer President Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary MIiiUTES ";' ~dsLTI~,~ OF BOARD OF I~I~,~,u~o OF o0b%~ TAHOE PUBLIC UTILI2~f DISTRICT July Si, 1958 The Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District met at their office on July P~i, 1958, at 4:30 p.m. in continuation of their regular masting of July 10, 1958, an~ a~journe~ meetinc of July 17, 1958. i~0LL CAhL: Upon roll call there were present l~irectors Goeringer, Gersick, an5 ~'ankost. Director ]ankost v:as instructc~ by t?m other kirectors to continue e~forts to csllect p~yment from ]]~mbur~er Heaven, Lots 1~, an~ l~S, nijou Yark, an~ to ~isconnect them if not pai~ by July ~:6, 1c~ [Director t~ankost presenter .2:rdinance 07 to the ~.ooard, and moved ~that it be accepted. Director Gersick seconded the motion. ~yes: Ooeri~ger, Gersick, iankost ibfoc s: iione. There being no further business before the Board, the meeting ?;as adjourned. Norman L. G'0erln~er ~ President ~arI~ F. ~ankSst ' Clerk and ~x-Officio Secretary ~,.~..I.~Ui~o OF REGUL~-, MEETLiG OF B0~t{D 0F DII~ECTORS 0F SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT July g4, 1958 The Board of Directors of South T~hoe !ublic tJtility District met in regular session at their office on July,. ~°n, 195c~$, at P~:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call there were present Directors t:ankost, Oersick, and Ooeringer; i~!r. i.,'.el Beverly; [.,(r. Del Lucot; ~fr. Fred ~dorely of the E1 Dorado Dept. of Public health and i,,(r, oigvard J. Nielsen, oenior oanitarian of i;evada ~tate Department of health. IiQUTES: Minutes of the meetings of June 12, 1955, and july 1~, 1958, were read and accepted as corrected. ~(EP0~S: Director Pankost reported on the work at the disposal site. At the present time pipes are being installed to connect the new septic tank. This should be completed by this v~eek so that the new septic tank can be used. Director Pankost reported that the pump purchased from Sierra ,.,f~achinery is doing a wonderful job and has cleaned over 100 yards of solids an~ is pumpin~ it around the new tank. Director ~ankost reported that he made a trip to Sacramento re~arding valves for the new tank. The cheapest price v;as ~.196 each. After considerable scouting he v:as able to locate ~ valves at ~45 each Director t~'ankost reoorted th;_~t Tuesday the lightening hit the transformer at the disposal site and blew out ali fuses. As a result, the pump has been running continuously and if the electricity v~ill stay on, will catch up on the flow. C0f, i'~ESP0?~'k£?~CE: Letter from Lrown an(? Csldweil, dated 7-22-58, 'Statin):.~ the ,~i'eter a't the main pumping station is malfunctioning. il.attar From State of Oalifornia Division of i[if~hv~a.vs, dated enclosin~ a~Drint o~_ a ~ubli~it? ~mr.,~ ~ coverin?l prop~sed rou~)~..es for freeway development on U. ,~. ~ighv;ay. ..... = .... ~: ~,[rs. ::.~eed :~,f ~:amburger saran phoned to d lSCUSS · t~e bill a~;ainst her property. ~0irsctor Carsick e~,:p!ained to her that she was not si~gled out for collection, but that the ~ irectors had adopted a policy of collections of overdue accounts. ~:~rs. ~eed ~-~as informed that she c~uld ezpect no further con- sideration, and her property would be disconnected from the sewer line if payment was not forthcoming. ~ir ~.,'orel'? and ['.}r Z'eilsen stated that they were present to discuss the revamping of the contract betv:een 5.7'.P.U.D. and Douglas County Sewer District /~!1. The members of the Board explained thorou6~hty the i:ievada situation to the tv.~o ~entlemen, and explained the difficulties they had in Fiscussing a new contract with Nevada. The Directors also explained the difficulties they were having in collecting payment for sewer service from Nevada, and stated that the Board has adopted a firm polic? on collections or disconnects here in California, and that in all fairness th~ same must be ~_]one to Xevada. The Board informed the visitors that if payment in full was not received from Levada, they would be 6isconnected from the sewer line. ~,fr. Lielsen expressed a hope that his office v~oulf be notified before such action v'as taken. ]:irector Pankost stated that S.T.P.U.U'. will give leg~l notice before Nevada is disconnected and 'that Zr. ~./.~ally '.~hite, l,.{r. '~forely, i':[r. ~]ielsen as well as members of the Douglas County Sewer District #1 Board, will receive a copy of this notice. [:irector Gersick moved that we serve Nevada a 24 hour notice after August 1, 1958, that service ~:~ill be disconnected if payment is not received. Director ?ankost seconded the motion. Ayes: Goeringer, Gersick, ]~ankost i,~oes: None ?.~[r. Beverly stated t~at he does not v;~ant the notice sent, but delivered by a Director. it was agreed that this would be done. ;dr. lqielsen stated that he would do everything in his power to assist S.T.P.U.D. in their present difficulties with i,~evada. Director Goeri.uger informed him that if a letter is not sent to ,vt I~eilsen before the Board disconnects i',[evada from the sev;er line, the Directors ~ill phone ~,,[r. l~ielsen before such action is ta ~en. ~dr. Kielsen was assured that this Board appreciates the assistance that ]/r. W~:llM Uhite and his office has always given. The matter of the oresent sewage disposal site ¥~as discussed, and ~'!r. ~...(ore!y was informed that the District is ~;:oin~ to an~. necessary expense 'to keep seepage from going off the property. ~fr. Morely informed the Directors that E1 Dorado County board of Health is in full support of what o.T.P.U ..... is doing, and he thanked the Board of Directors for allowing him to come to the meeting, a~,,d for the information supplied him. [~r. Beverly told the Directors that Director t~ankost had calleo] him ar~ recueste(~ that he r. rite Stone and Youngberg to notify them that O.T.P.U.D. v~ants them to show some evi- dence that work is being done on behalf of ~.T.P.U.D. or notify the District so that other consultants may be contacted. ~'.,~r. Beverly requested authorization from the i'~oard to write such a letter. The Board instructed mr. Beva:rly to write the letter, and also to notify Stone and Youngbert in the letter that o.T.P.U.D. is under no liability to them and reserves the right to contact other consultants. Director Pankost reported that the Honorable Board of Directors has seen fit to lend to the District ~!5,000.00 which is to be used to pay necessary bills and the ~700-plus for the bond redemption. The Board of Directors expects the money to be paid back at 6[{ interest as soon as money is receive~ from ~ievada or any other source. Lirector Goeringer stated that because of the current negotiations with Nevada it is very essentie! that the meter ~t the main pumping station be absolutely correct. In view of the letter from Brown and Caldwell stating that it was malfunctioning, Director Goeringer felt it should be checked and repaired if necessary. Director Yankost moved that he be authorized to call Foxboro OD. to send a representative to repair the meter. Director Gersick seconded the motion. Ayes: Goeringer, Gersick, ~ankost Noes: None Mr. Lucot brought up the matter of payment being made to the Directors. !~e stated that bills For payment are incmnplete, which presents an accounting problem in regard to distribution of these charges. 'lhis was ~iscussed by the Directors, and ~.i:r. Beverly stated that before a warrant is issued, an itemized list of what v;ork is done should be presented. t~ir. Lucot requested instructions or authority regarding the Globin bill. This was discussed, but no decision was reached. CLAIi~: The following claims were presented en~ approve~ for payment: Check 16 Director of internal ~evenue 17 Dept. of Employment 74.60 18 Treasurer of E1 Dorado Co. 700.00 19 Unite5 Pipe and ~dach. 140.40,,, ~0 John Manville Co. 407.71/ £1 Jygal Dros. 2,772.00' 22 Del Lucot lf~9.50. 23 ~.[evada Lumber Co. 1 66v,, 24 Sierra Pac. Z--ower Co. 179]20/ 25 Mrs. P. '~oodcock 9.00~ 26 Lake Tahoe News 18.20~ 27 Cope Electric Co. 13.36~ 28 Pat McCrea 42.28 29 Bank of ~merica 5,016.66 There bein~ no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ~orman '~oe"r zn'ge r -~ ~residcnt Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary 2t5 OF ~LE ZO~:~D OF L, ihECTO~"~O 0~' ~OU'i~ ~UBLIC UTILITY DioThiCT Au~]ust 14, 19.58 The Board of L. irectors of the South Tahoe Public utility District met in regular session at their office on ~>,.~t. View Ave., on August 1x 1958 at 2:~0 p.m. ROLL CALL: Upon roll cell there were present Directors Goeringer, k~'nlo'st and Gersick, [~.ir. i(el Beverly and !!r. Del Lucot, Inspector Lee I'.filler, ?~rs. 0ppermann and .~,.[rs. CoSman. kE~0RTS: Director ~ankost reported that everythin~~ is going well at the"plant. AIl of the drain field is built, and the seepage pool is deepened and enlarged. The catch basin for sand has been enlarged. The sewage handling is beinf' held within the ten acres of Johnson land, Director t:ankost reported that a test veil has been dug. At ~2 feet they hit clay and there is still clay at 140 feet. The test well will be abandone~. Director ?ankost reported that the knowledge gained from this test v:ell will be of great use at a later date. Director Gersick asked who had authorized the cost of such a well. Director ]ankost stated th,rot he haU authorized it. ?4r. Beverly reported that the assessa~nt value on property in the District is~,,~72,'~ 010, and the ~ublic Utilit~ assessment is .,.~,5,9o~, or a total of-~,427~.,~ ,940 for the District. There has been set up a 46~/~. ~:1~0 q taz for i:' ~ 0, and! 4Od/";.j;100. tax for retirement of bond s. b'.r. Lucot reported that the ~istrict has collected all except ~600 for the unit charge. Director ~ankost stated that Mr. Dick ~berly and he had met with the California State ?~ater }olution Board at Sacrar~nto, and as a result of that meeting, this District is now 4th and 5th place for government money. C0r~RESP01~DENCE: Letter from Douglas County Sewer District /'~1, stating that they are paying the~bill under protest. Letter from Hughes, 2:aul and 3'ogerty, dated July 23, 195S, enclosing letter from Crocker-An~lo Hational Bank re ~tella Johnson property. Letter from E1 Dorado County, Mr. .dobert Co. Downer, l:~oad ~ommissioner, requesting map of sewer rmains of Director Pankost stated that he thinks we should have the ~'~ 'u pr map of the sewer lines ~,ng~eers _ epare a · Letter from Brown and Caldwell sug?esting several remedies for the control of the o~or from the pumping plant. 'FE TI TI OF. S: If one ~,E 3b'S~,~ESS: it was decided to have Brown and Caldwell make a mai.: of the sewer lines in the area. Lirs. 0pperman presente~ an agreement that she had draYm up and tried to get the people owninf property along the sewer line she had run to her trailer to sign. i~irs. 0pperman had been unable to get all of the people to sign. There was considerable discussion as to the status and the amount of sea':er charges to these property or,mars when t~iey did want to connect to the sewer tine. Director Pankost moved that the ~.~tter be tabled until next meeting so that the attorney could take it under consideration and ~ive an opinion. ?orion seconded by Director Gersick. Ayes: Ooerin~er·, Gerslck, Pankost ~,,i oes: N one The Directors decided to notify Jeff Hughes to notify the executors of the Stella Johnson estate that they had set on about 16 acres. Director Goeringer felt that we shoul~ act fast to get the land necessary. In order to ~et the money from the government, we must own the land for the treatment plant site. Director Gersick moved that we go ahead on the land and accept the recommendations of the engineers, but go for 20 acres. Director Pankost seconded the motion. Ayes: Goeringer, Gersick, Pankost Director Pankost moved that the Directors ~o out and look at the acreage. It was discussed and Director t:ankost withdrew his motion. The letter from the Douglas County Sewer Dlstrict [[~1 was ~iscussed, an~ it was felt that they should not be allowed an indefinite period to audit the books. The attorney was instructed to write a letter to the Douglas County Sewer District, givin~ them 15 days to come up with an audit. Director Gersick moved that such a letter be sent; Director Pankost seconded the motion. Ayes: Goeringer, Gersick, Pankost Noes: None The coming meeting to receive protests on the new annexation was discussed, an~ the Directors decided to meet for lunch the day of the meeting in order to get organized. Mrs. Codm~n stated that she was opposed to the proposed annexation and had discussed the matter with several neig~bors who agreed with her. ~..[r. Beverly informed ~l~[rs. Codman that she was out of order, that there wuuld be a meeting to present such objections on August ?t, and warned her that all objections must be in writing. Director Gersick moved that we pay the :~12.000 to Brown and Caldwell. This was discussed end the motion died for lack of a second. Director }'ankost moved that we re?eel the addition to Ordinance No. ~3, as it is very ambiguous. ~iotion died for lack of a second. Beverly presented Resolution 11~ to the Board. Director Ooeringer moved that it be adopted. Director Gersick seconded. Ayes: Ooeringer, Gersick, Pankost Noes: None Director Pankost moved that we a~opt ~esol~tion 113; Director Oersick seconder the motion. Ayes: Goerin~-er, Gersick, Yankost Noes: None 217 Director Gerslck moved that we a¢~opt (~rd, inance 3~ l:ankost secon~e~ the motion. ~yes: Ooerin~-~er, ~ersick, ~ankost Eoes: i~i one wirector Director Pankost stated that we need enzymes for the new tank at the sewage site. It has been provera that we nee~ enzymes, and with our v;ork load for the ne:~t two months, they are necessary. It was agreed to order enzymes from Bob Wakeman. Director Pankost stated that the ~rease coming from the clubs at State Line is a great problem. ~.T.i~.U.D. has no control over sewer lines in Nevada, but c~oes have control o~:er grease traps. It was stated that a~most all material goin~ throumh grinders at Harrah's is fats. Director Gersick felt that ~arba~e Uisposal units snoul~~, not be allowed until the new sewage treatment plant is in operation. Comparative costs on garbage disposal units as compared with hauling it away was discussed. ?,]o ~ecision was reached. ~,,i.',',~ BU'SII, iESS: Director Gersick questioned the Inspector's salary. .~2~0 is L'ee' ~liller's base salary, plus extra charge for e:~tra work. It was pointed out that Lee i~,~iller is on duty 24 hours per day, and never leaves the Valley without first z~otifying ]~irector Pankost. It v:.as pointe~ out also that there ~as been a ~reat ~]eal of extra work at the sewer plant site. .~¥[r. ~'.,,~iller was told that his inspector's salary is unusually high, a,od it was st~geste~ that he watch his working hours carefully. The follo,win~ claims v;e presented an5 approved for payment: Check 30 31 3Z 33 34 A. L. lvlillcr ,.)621 48, Pat ~,~,lcCrea ~ 47/ Tahoe Office ~upply 12.53~ Tahoe Office ~upply 55.33. State of Calif.Div. Of Howys 1,600.00~' 35 .estern k'ruck 35 Curley Lang 37 American Checkwriter Co. Lake Tahoe News Del Lucot 40 Tshoe Sup!fly 41 Sierra Pacific Power Beverly & Weidman 43 Rmy's Buil('ing Supply 44 Tahoe Re~wood ~o. 45 ~:iupe rt Crov~L 47 ~evada Lumber Co. 48 ?.oberts m Brune 50 P. T. &T. 51 :(nob's 1,~ursery Gen. Pet. Corp. 53 hobt. Eplett 54 £. M. ~,,/!arlin 55 C. P. ~[lausner 56 Earle ~ankos t 3.63/ 639.90~ 161 . 60 ~ 143.55v 147. O0/ 9.75/ 29.70' 13 ~. 87 / 162.00/ 45.00' 154.78/' ~0.84 ~ 515.97~ l.6OJ 3.84 9.4~'/ 15.00 10.00 2~3.51, 300.00 the matting As there was no further business before the l, oard, ~ was adjourned. ~Ea~le F. ~P~[nkost ~ Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary ~.!orman L. Oo~inger President i-',0ARD 'i:~' D Ii-ECT,'.'?,RS OF 5 0UTH TA!i0E PUlOL I C UTILITY II'.'. C0;i'i;I~.;UATIOI; OF i{EAFI],C OF AUGUST 21, 1958 August SS, 1958 The 'Board of Directors of South Tahoe ~ublic Utility District met at 2:00 p.m. in their office on August 28, in continuation of hearing of ~ugust 21, 1958. ?:CLL C_.~LL: Upon roll call there were present [:irectors Goeri;tger, Gersick, and ~:ankost, [.~!r. Del Lucot and i~,r. i~'~¢l Beverly. Also present were ~.Lessrs. ~,~arvey i,lilts and Dick Aberly of Brown and Caldwell, ~.ir. i~iay Chism, ifr. And rJ, rs. J. Van ~aedenburg, L~rs. Dorothy Dike, ~,~r. ~ienry Butler, i'~r. Arthur Westlund, Captain A. T. 0strander and ].~(r. F. F. Janney, l~rs. Richard Codman', an~' ?r. and L'_rs. Yhi!liber. As this meeting was a cnntinuation of the meetin~ of August 21, held for the purpose of receivins petitions to be e:~cluded from the District anS objectio::s to the proposed anne~:ation, and to answer any ot~estiot-..s regarfiin~z the annexation, Director ~ankost read the protests and petitions of Alfred Z'. Donald, l-~oward It. ?;Jason, and A. T. an~ L'arguerite Cstrander, and iv'.rs. Lausche. Director t~ankost then displayed a map of the area of the proposed annexation on which the property which had petitioned out of the District had been marked. Director Psi:lost pointed out than in comparison with the large area to be an~exed, very few had requested to be e~cluded. Director t~ankost also informed the visitors that the map is not officia£ and is not guaranteed to b~, absolutely correct, but was done by the engineers for information purposes. ?~.'rs. Dike stated that the lack of protests does not necessarily mean consent to enter the District, an5 that a great number of peonle ~o not know that there is an annexation proa:raa co:~:ing up. Director >ankost informe5 her that $.T.P.U.D. is in every way comp!yin~ with ~he law, and that it is absolutely imI~ossible to send a notice to every property o~ner in the area, an(] that if they ~'ant to kee~ track, they shoul~ subscribe to the Lake Tahoe There v;as some discussion relative to whet~er notices should have been mailed out realtive to the anne:~ation. [,;ir. Padden- burg stated that he felt th;~t if a person was interested in the property he owns, he v..'itl keep track of t~at property without s~ecial notices bain?: moiled to him. Director ©oeri~ger sai~ tl~at there are many smart peo?le ~ho have made surve.vs of 7 this area an~ tell us about the growth we may e~pect here, an~ that the ~oard of Directors of o.T.P.U.D. csn~ot sit bM and watch the procress come up witch, out doing so~ethin~ about sewa~e dist.,cea! in the area. ;,)irector ]:ankost moved that: ail a~oplications for e:.',clt~sion from the proposed district be denied. ~irector Gersick secor-;ded the mot i on. Ayes: Ooeringer, Gersick, i:ar:!iost ~Oe S: ~ one '.~:r. ~everly said that he woul~ prepare a resolution for the ~:oard, and after it has been si~ned by the Directors, it would be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors along with the petitions. 219 ],~r. outlsr asked if there would be a sr~ecial voting on this, or ~'ould the annexation be on the re~?ular ballot in i.,ovember. [ir. Beverly stated that it cannot be on the re~!~r ballot because the propose~, annexation does not ir_clues ~11 of the precinct. The elect~on~ date w~ll~ ~el~n~ on the action of the ~oar~. of Supervisors. .;e can holc~ the election in about Z-i,,,Z months. It was aske~ if all the ~-o~,le .,ho had ~reviouslv been e×clu~,ed from the District are now inclucOed. ['r. Beverly stated that they are. It was brought out that this mi,!~ht '~'~ossib!y cause law suits, and Eirector Goeringer stated that we have had them before and will have them again, they are a part of progress. ~;{rs. Codman stated that today the Zirectors have stated that the I>resent facilities can take care of ~11 t~:e people who rant to come into the District. At the last meetin~ it had. been stated that the present plant v:oul~ not handle people in the r~roposed area, and is this not a conlradiction. Director l~ankost explaine~ that the ~iscussion fas about tv~o different thin~s. The present pumping plant will take care of the entire propose5 area. birector Yankost suggested ?~irs. Codman was confusing the pumping plant with the sewage plant. ~,r. Van ~addenburg asked if it is not true that the people may either pay cash for the sewer assessment or may allow it to go to bond. ils was informed that this is correct. ?,~r. Van t:addenburg stated that last year he had come up to Tahoe to build a nice home, but did not because of-lac[~ of say, age disposal facilities. This year again his home building plans are postponed because of no sewers. He felt that there are many people like himself who will c~nstruct nice homes in this area once say, age disposal is available. Iqrs. Codman asked if the gambling houses have pa i~ up all of their share for sewer service. She was told that they have paid all except '<~15,000 which is still ~ue, arid this will be pai~ after a ~!evada eudit next v;eek. ~Zrs. Co, man asked how much the Sands paid to get into the District, an~ was informed they ha~ paid the sa:~:e rates as anyone else. As tkere was no further discussion, the s,~ecial meeting was a~'!journed. /' Earl~ F. ~enkost Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary i<orman L. Oo~?inger ~" President -X %-X- × -X- X y~ -~ M -~--~--X~ ~{-X ~'/~ × '? ~ "~ x: ~, ..~ ;-', ~< × -~. ×~.% ~ %-~-)~ ~)ctober 9, 1958 The 'Board of Sirecoors~ of z~" Uouth Tahoe ~?ublic Ut!l'*l Dy Dis trict met in regular session at the District office on Mountain View Avenue at 2:00 p.m. on October 9, 1958. .{OLZ CALL: and ~ankost. Del Lucot. i. .U~-~+ Directors Goeringer Upon rD.1 call, there were .......... Also present were Attorney Melvin Beverly and Accountant :.L.~u=~. ~uues {)if' ~6!le .previous rte, etln6 ,',ere not evai!abJe for read.inS_.. ..:.., ti',5 ~; -true. iiP0i{TS: kP. Lucot reported !;!~at the barfK: balance pr~lor to the ~"- .12 ~,e~,t~n~,~ stood at !}~2,.pp . Director Punkost reported that ~r. John Ha?rah, receat~y on~'.ointed.. 'to .... u~e Do,.~gl~s County hewer imorovement~ District N'o. 1 Board., called ~t his office erie 'icy t;h~s week an~. ~nr~;:~-~ne ~ for ::~bout_ three hours "']'~'P-~ ~'o which time they had quite a d~son, ss{on '-~bout the 0i~st:Pict. MT. Harrah stated that be wou. td very much !J~ke to see the Beach Truck Line installed .a ~ ~" ' ~' '~ ' - ~ ~ -' ~ -'t Ee ~{~,lso s~/.,i'le~ste] t'h~rt they ?alt that ]{iarPah's Club maintenance man sh{,u!i take c~.Pe of Lbe lP pumpin~i station and }ireotor ' ~ve to put mope grease iL::.nkost informed h:~m h:.,.xt th~y '.vou.!'i_ ~' t?u.?s in all the Clubs, so :alu:ich ~,P. Ha:Prah a?reed :nd st ted 1.hr}t th,~y wcu].d 2ay :'o:r their share or the equipment. -* .... = ...... ~ '~ e Distriot ou~ht to unec~ up }iPector Goeringer :s,~L;~ud ~ ..... ~ '~ " ' on some of the things not bainS b:[lled--such as those .places }~av.i.rT g,'3}rba((:e disposals and two or more rest rooms not now reported. {",lis s~ibjecS was Jtisoussed at length relative to the amount o? char'gas, etc. Di .....-'-or ~ ~ -' 'S aid ~ 't _ ~.~ ,~-o~rmn~:er s' ~r:a the District will am'o ©o have to charge ~t~.te~ine on P~o., .... meteor ~.nd Vine dessity as ~.ak=n by a sample by the South _Ta!loe Pub!: c Util:ity District. Attorney 3everly propesed that a 2esolution be made that all restuarants having a gaPbase disposal be charged double the number_, of units set forth in Ordinance No. ~4. i)J..2echor Pankost made a motion t}~at this proposal be adopted. Mot:ion -.,.,:~s second, ed by Director Goeringer and thus unanimously passed. Director ~an~ost '.~hen suggested that he and 0irector Go .... inger ~m.s~ 1ca and Ua['eway. go out and make inspection of the Bank of" ~' ' i)i::'ector P:Ankost asked if copies of 0rlinance No. 37 and i%esolutions dening protests to annexation should be sent 'to )3arnett & .lobertson as they 'had requested. Attorney Beverly replied that the District had no authority to do so but could send t:.:~em .and let Barnett & Robertson pay the expense of the prepa:ration of such copies. Accountanz Lucot r,.:~ported that he had sent out no billings and is awaiting the computation for -t_i:e b~!Is for the electric l~ghts. It will be at least ten (10) days before tNey can ,t'o out. P, cccuntant Lucot .said '~-~ ' ........ ~_., ~laxt one mo:re point zor viz.~ ",,Va sent a bill to Narlow who was set up in our records at the time as the owner of the .property. N'ow .he finds th. at ]',iF. :~,':~r_,.ow does not own the prop,.,rty ln%Ue8%!,:}n 8,nd Weldgen does. I cannot 'sit on the records~ to see who has sold and who has not. On -the firs% o~~ ~he month~ I sent the new bill to Weldalen. :~{ill 27ou please tell me wh~t we should do in regard to obe penalty in this c Attorney ~.~:.~.=~'~ stated on.at, legally, we ,~id not bill him until we ~ct,~sll~.. ._ ~.~ y sent the bi]~._ to We!dgen so that there is no penalty. Director i':~.nkost reported th,':t Nra. H,.~rlow sa.i.d they had re- ceived no bill and asked that we please send her one. She is in. ~he District. Director i-ankost repo,..'t'ed that ;~ou'r' p::~rcels of land billed to t~e '?Ie::t~,,'_:ern Title Insurance 'nave been sold to private oarties COPiESPONDENCE: Letter dated September 26, 1958, from the C:Pocker-:~ng!o~.~'~'~+iom~.l_~..,, . . J~ank Pe bill from Johnson ~.~st'ate for ;)1200.00 i'or arraying of 10 acres oF land. Dirt;.ct. or Pankost stated hbis was Jn el'PoP as there was a verbal a~reement re. ado "i 9") t, :]'-'o,_. cpi r~J on, +,~-:,,: ju~geeent ,,,~o'uli not h.:{tve tb~ e['f'ect c.f' exal'ading '" ...... ' ~" ~ ...... then ked by Sirector Penkost :~f Jt ',zoep. Id be 'ires.~l f'o~:' this -~N?:~.cd I:o ~o ~t~ ret. Pal by reso]ution~ , o:.~P ~...,F, t~.~::t ~ny excluded pro~erty ...... ~>ed any undue exoense would h.- ~- .... ~:~v~ s'~ch ex-cerise char~ed to ~he ~>wner_ o:6 the property. : in qu~-~,~tion~,~,, if he ew~-~ '.-,..,~.~"+~' to come into the Disc-:~ '" ~,~ ,~[ed t ......t ii' the cwner ever ' r'ctr Attorney Bev~..~r!y .... ~ ~ ..... it%ed %o the lD~otrio~ after he, n~..mu,:~.~, excluded '~'~ st saJ. J . P~_.::.~rt0 is s~_ch -',~operty._ and~ upend. }njs.~ Pe~. e , .... , .... included, it shot~-}d be a matter o~ record that connection c?}arges would equal the back taxes~ plus 676 intePest~ ~:::.s oep Ordinance 23. P~(0ITi ON'$: None. OLD BUSIN.~ZSS: Director Pankost st:~rted tk:'.~.t a bill i'c'r :}60,556.63 had been sent to the Douglas County Sewer Improvement Dfistr'ict No. 1. They, in turn, paid us ;5,000 ahd later sent :~0,000 with the stat~:.ment--"Paid Under protest." it ~s my opinion that we should write them a letter shying{ tm.~t the balance of 815,~56.53 is considers, bly overdue and refer them to their letter of August6, 1958. p~r. Lucot said that we sho~:.l_d be hearing from th.:;,ir auiit and Director 2ankost told him to write a letter t;o read: "Our books 'have 'been examined by your auditors and we must request that all paymenoo be made wjtl}in thirty (30) days from date." Nr. Lucot said that he h~,d a bill '{'o:.~ :}20.00 from Chuck Katthews which had not yet 'been approved. Nr. I..ucot >~sked_. the fo!low:ing nn~li~_,~ ~ .,no. Director Goe.r:nge~ Peptied that it w~,o~ his ocinion that this account had been completely settled. .?2 - If a ].hPge map o? the area can be obtained to include 'the area proposed lfor annexation and a port,{on beyond that? fie said t'hat we ~re talking about property not prope~'ly cha~'gei for con- necti{:n and ~ t is not now in the 0isi~r:i. ct. in the ensuin[:j discussion, Director .... ' ~ . .,;oer:n.oer s{,:a, te.J that we can ~!'et maps from the Coanty and Attorney Beverly said that we can get cot3ies o[' ma2s from t} e County Assessor. - +' that Accountant bucot be a.~t,_ornzed 0i~ector ?ankost made a .acumen .,- ~-, " to buy maps and ~et necessary in['orma, tion from tZe Office cz t~:e County Assessor. Motion w:::~.s seconded by 0irector Goerin~er and so ordered. [DJ rector Pankost parcel o:f property, they tel. ephone us to see ii' ther:e is anything ~:~{ainst such parcel. At[;orney Beverly st>:!ted tP:~t he does not see now ta,~-~ could be done since there is no charge due until the parcel of property is to behooked up. ,.,,ttorney Beverly suggeste{t tN ~,t ~%esotutions 116, 117 and 118 be approved. Notion ?or apr:reval was made by :Director Pankost. and seconded by Director Goeringer and so unanimeus!y ~pp~oved. BUS '~:-,'~' ~'' · ±!~.:zoo. Accountant Lucot read a letter written by him to Nessrs. Beverly 'amd i:Ieidman, dr~ted October 9, ]958, relative to obtai, nf:ng the JPr~ncbise Director Pankost moved that we pass on this business if it can be legally done. :.~t~orne~ '!N}ver!y. oo~- ~,te,2~, that we nave sew~ral questions to be ~"~',. ~' - ' '~ ~".+ such a.r':~swered before, t,~ matter ,~o~._s~x be ou, t ,!ed~ aS 1 - Can we operate outside of !,he District? - ~ .... n we make ;~ nrivat~ deal and take over' the franchise or must we [ss~e invitations to bid, or have someone come in and offer it '~o us? If we ~eceive bids and Serv-U- is not low bidder, they ,ill not execute contract. Att~rney i~=ver'l s~ ..... y ated that before givin~S an answer, he has con. siderable research to make ~.h~.~ _ s resolved to hand the letter to the Attorneys for study· Accoun.!~ant Lucot stated that we now have 13,578 feet set up for billing of street lights at a total of ~3358.15 per month. It will cost 27¢ per foot without the additional sign-ups. He said that he cannot ...';o ahead ~i~n billing until authorized what to inc}~de and what not 'to include on those '.~arcels outside el? the Di strict. fkceountaat Lucot stated ~ ~ t..'}ao the a~'~ount of un2aid service charges due as oY this date is ~}485.00 2'or the period ending June 30, 1958· Director !].oeringer asked Attorney Beverly if i.t: would be in line to remind persons now hooked up to {;he Utility District 'to recal- culate and advise ua or any units not already reported and also remind them o? 'the 10~ penalty? Attorney Beverly answered "Yes" to the question. Accountant Lucot asked who wou.]d be the ~thority f~-~r the number- ing of Ncu~;es in. an area such. as we have here and Attorney Beverly replied that the Post OL'ffice '.)epaFtment now has the autho.uity and, if ever a mail. delivery service is institnted, ~t will then be the d-qty o~' 12e 2est Office to number houses. ~ hat 10ad received. [;he drawings rrom [)~reci~":c P',~nkost st::.t,,~, h he Brown a~d Caldwell fop the reconstruction of manhole S-10 but that he believes the number is incorrect and shou.]d be E-12. He stated that h~ had given his blue prints to John LaGrange and to Su.ndance ~?or bidding. Accountant asked how soon he could ,set the i n~.'orm,~.tion for the ,~ew billin~u of t?,e lights and Oirector ~ ~' ~ , ~oel ih?er answered -- ''Tory shortly." a.!?p ~"o'ved: The ~'~,1 q ~,.~ claims were nr{~sented C!leck No. 91 - ]'~ijou Park Variety .ii: 4.00 ~ 92 - Sierra Pacific Power Co. 276.00/ 93 Sierra ........ ' . - ~.c.~_..lC Power Co 211.607 94 - ~ierra i-'aci fic i'ower Co. 35.74? 95 - Pac. Tel.& Tel. C~ . 41.31,~ 96- .Del Lucot 178.00~ 97 - Beverly and Weidman 125· 55' 98 - Design Ass:~ciates, Inc. 3.~3~ 99 - Sierra Nach. inerv Co ,Inc 2 09,' 100 - Norman L. Goeringer 525.00/ meeting w:}.s adjourned ?_t ~.:00 p.m. 1958, at 2:00 .:~_)JOil'q¥~,'''¥m:,_.~.~...~. There. b.eing no furt?:er business, be:fore the Board, until Pr$fiay, October 17, ~.~r! e ,.~~- Clerk and Bx-Offfic~o ~Sec. ''[~orman L. Gberinger // President. ~/ 223 t:r~ t:-e ~.stFiet i?ffice, ...... , , October 77, q958 ?or t>:o pu..r'nose of onenint' of bids and c~l!ed to or,er ~::t 2:t;,; -o.r:. ~n e.m,:~nu.t~t~on of Oct. 9th keeting. -~r A1 Tahoe, South tahoe, C~]. :~eno :Pbere were three bids rocei-ved %nd ?;!-ese were opened s.t 2:15 p.m. , .~e..~o follows: ~827.00 ~50 no After t, he ...... read2nS of the bids, ',)inector Pankost ..... ~.:,~ea a motion t ,'~t the 5id of the La" .... ,,rutn~se Construction Company wfth the low bi.d of :$1476.00 be accepted. }ir'eetof ,:t.o, rtEf.:'e-[' seconded the moti,::,n {~nd eont;ra, c% w.,s so aw rded checks s.s li:',ted below Check No. 101- =~_. !7. Niller 102 - Bob '/akeman 103 - _lupert Crowl 11.04 -.'fest, e~n EJC 3er',~,:~e 105 -Lake Tahoe News 106 - Del Lucot 107 - Nu.nz -Pumps, Inc. ~>273.59 ~69.72" 30.t8~ 333.72" 1.56/ t75.00~ 2145.35~ iDJOUi{NN~N~: There 'beJn?' no f'urtb-~' business be:for,::-: . '" ~' ' ,~-' at the meet::]ng ...,a:~ ~djourne:~ by .D~rector ,~o~r2n,~er ....... ...... t5 on October 25, 1958 Clerk d- Sx-O?i'icio 3ecrot.;,ry 224 P'{Ji:~T.~!C UTI [~I"t) Y ,)!,;I 'dUT October 23, !9~8 The Bo;~mt oi' 0q r'ectors of the Set, th T~hoe Pub!it UtilJty Distr'~ot .... ,.o"t' ~rt ~x~'~ ~Eu~ "'~,~' ses~:~'q, n &t ~"p~,: .. ;)istixlot ,., ~.:oun.!;~in Yiew Avenue, 5ijou, California, on ()ctober 2p, 1958, uCL.L,¢" :. , ~ ,:;,re './ci'e .:)Fe~;o'r]t DilFe. otors urin?er ::~n:~ Pankost Also kttorney Nelvin Beverly, In:;pector 2. I~. i'.il].er, :::.nd four visitors ~ viz: Yessrs J r?e~t:i_n,~ of Oct',ber 17, 1958 were read Af'tcr I-~,=~.,. re_adinc; u~"L the i',';inutes, the represent::-t;ives of the they wished to :io so at this t:~me. i.r. Ho:tton then stu. ted th-t t?'.,ey were bui]ding the Lodge on ?roperty for which they had signed a long lease and, when they ap?lJed for' pemnit to hook up to the sewers o g the ~.:.~t Lot 7--one o~:' t~eiv tn_see District, h~_d be.m told ~" ' lots-- was not J.n the L)istrict and~ tl,',erefo~'e, could not be con- ~ected. ]'.ir. ieaton furtht-~r stated t?at they 8:'e very anxious to be allowed to hook up and asked what t}:ey cottl, d do to accor:Lplish this as they bad a L?oat deal of :r:oney tied up in the Lodge. 0irector Pankost then explaine'i hb.~t he had contactet the .:,.'nors o~ the X:~o~jd~.~r.w ~od~'e~ ,~at morn~.ng at which time he had in?or~r:ef them that the District does not believe it c;~n accept a hook-up f'or Lot 7, Block J, Lakeside ]'ark, a't ,., ~_~,te as ~.~id lot ;.s not withJn tbs: b ,~aaarzes of the Diso~]ct. In reply to thejr question as to wh:/.t they can do about .c'ettin~~, hooked up~ the owners of the Lodge were told t~at they must b~:ve a petition signed by the property owner requesting to come ~nto the :)J. strict ~Lnd a zoom ~'()r this p~trpose was given to them. They were very glad to get the form which they agreed to h.':~ve completed ~nd signed by the '.>.,¢ner of the pr~t:?rty in questS_on. Nessrs. Fe:.t<m and ~O.~o.'.ert st:~.ted tS_~t they wou~d be glai.t° asnist i~ any ,,,,~.y possib!e to get -tho lodge '~ncluded J n the H strict so 't%'nh tho lot Jn que, tion cou].'i be hot::ked up :ani then took t: e'ir der ~rture. L%SPUi_{TS: Director iMnkost recorted ..... , o 'q ...ad at;tended ............... e on Oc+o~;e~ P0 ~u~,mztted to the District for. exclusion from i;}':e new annexa- ........ ,~ z Cv.a by the ......... d of Sur}erv~sors and that, ,, n~,,, :',roceeded to cantact the' owne~u of the i~:;1 ]d~2/ Lodge ,r~:: so ?~d.v_~se t em that, .... t:~c District to '~-' _. Block J~ L~zkeside lark, .... coot tPe hook-u', of ~ ~,0 e 7 ~ Pi_,',:cto~... .... 2ttr'.kost ,~'e";octed. z t!!:'t '~ .... r~:~o puccr~. . 'ed a new l)~recto? .....,~,;~.-:z"itr:?/er reported ti:at, wit?: reguc,l to sign-ups the rrF~.~O~'Jl.t~r '.'7i1] gO 8,Ion/.! ",'it, h the 'ayment of tl'eir ;-'.to t~, them t'¢'~:tt he believes !;?::,t ,'e will! h. vet,': f'igure tho. t ntore or 225 ~:.or~tr ct '~o::!d b:~.ve to be ?,4 :v. de~ to tha ] ow bffd!er. .dso, we '.,'<'.,!d h~.:ve ~oo !2r'~? .'i:n .:r'e.s o:ttslde of the O:i.::trict tc be ~}1 e r V e d. .,nly 1550' oi' t}~_e 0reposed sl :'~p:~inS ceister are now in the ,list:riot :,hi we do not r~o'.,~ bare ~.dequ(~te [?aeil. J t]es t}~erefop ~,~;[ o. dvisJ_n{ Lhem 'to contact the Ooun't3~ 3 ~'i[l,~tio! )ep,'r'tr:ent ~,s to cequ. Jre- ::',?,nts fop seotic tanks. This }-;r,s beet-~ !(}ne. CCD .B;iPSI!:,.,i~(J: &ttorney Beverlyo~',+~.~,_,_,.,,.,_ +:~',,~ ,:~-l~ ..he has o_ ~l~:,~..~ o',it b:,,u,, the exclusions ::md w~x,~]d ?.ave to txlk ,::t~reet w~th the Diot~.tct Attorney re!:~tive to L~kes:tqe ~ ..... k. F'3,'? '!3[rSI}T:~S ~: [{::~. fucot asked what action we wo':!d take ~i~'ter t~:e first quarterly bJt!i-a~S, we find th:ih we do not h~ve eno~gh to pay for electricity? iJe aisc war'.fei %o know h~w many days c',~,n users rem&in de!i',r2%uen~ wJ-t',':o~t begnC ~.iscon::Lected? Director Goeringer replied that the ~e'r'ior~s ~oz de!:nquency fr~r bet propenty excluded, from will derive no benefit from be:lng hoc}ed 'cO t:o ,,~e sewers. .'~ttorney Beverly advised },e ' , ,. . .... ztkr~t she did n~t get her ::rotest - ~'~:'~!y' it is too late t,", fJ.!e ~o t.~ e Distz'iot Jn 1,~P.e :~nd~ ~e~,_ ~ ~ such 2ro~es~. Director Pankost ir:f~:r_r,.ed }'er 'that si;e can. file a.:;'a:in ~fte:r. tY:~- (']eot~on. u.l~.:,,ll(S: The followin: claims were :,O,"?oved {~or ,, ....... ent Checks ns l~ , ~ · ~,ued were fi~stiei: 108 - Jewel] Ne~:xhts i, ctel !09 - Thorsen Cons'truct;~on IlO - V 0 i 0 211 -Uirectox' uf !nterna.! 112 - St::.te C m~per~s3tion Pund - ~ierra Pacific Po,.:er 0o. 114 - Sierra Industrial C~. 115 o' r~' ~ '~::"' c - ~le ~ 4~,c,,ifi Power bo. 116 - 0e! Lucot Ill mhe Poxboro u~. ] i8 - V (i I D ]20 - Belle 121 - 0ept. of ~k:~p] oyx~.ert 122 - Cr(:cker-Sn~lo Natl. Bank 125 - Earle P. i:~,nkost $ 10.00 5 · 0() 271.14 49.67~ 158.40/ 512.24~' !_98.00/ 206.00~' ]0.71/' 69.4!" 64 65.91 ~7~0~ 00/ 440.9O MINUTES 0F THE REGULAR MEETING O~~ THE BOA]~D 07 DI~L~CTORS 0F Tm SOUTH TAHOE ?UBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT November 13, 1958 The Board of Directors of the ~outh Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District Office, Mountain View Avenue, Bijou, California, on Novembe~13, 1958 at 2:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, present were Directors Goeringer and Pankost; absent, Director Gersick. Also present were: Accountant Lucot, Attorney Melvin Beverly, Inspector A. L. Miller, and Mr. Basil B. Benedict, Editor of the Tahoe Sierra Tribune. MINUTES: Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved as corrected. ~PORTS: Director Pankost reported that, on Monday,November 10, he attended a meeting of the State Water Control Board at which the letter written by STPUD to Mr. Remke,,State of California Health Department, dated October 24, 1958, with copy to F~. Harvey 0. Banks, State Department of Water Resources, was read at the meeting by a member of the Board. The letter was compli- mented by the Board, stating that it gave them considerable information regarding the District and its purpose and intent. Director Pankost reported that a check, covering half of the balance due of $2277.77 on the 8" main line running up his road, had been received from I~. Van Sickle who stated that ~. Hugh ~¥~artin would pay the other half of the amount due. Attorney Beverly reported that he had received a Resolution from the Board of Supervisors, reading as follows, together with the return of protests filed for exclusion: "WHE~AS, the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, County of E1 Dorado, referred the written protests to the proposed annexation of contiguous territory to ~aid District to the Board of Supervisors of the County of E1 Dorado pursuant to Section 17314 of the Public Utilities Code; and "WHE~AS, on October 20, 1958, the Board of Supervisors of the County of E1 Dorado held a hearing on said protests, after notice given inthe manner required by law; "NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED That the Board of Supervisors of tk~e County of E1 Dorado, State of California, hereby finds and determines that the land described in all of the valid written protests attached hereto should not be annexed to the South Tahoe Public Utility District, and said Board of Directors shall take the necessary steps to exclude the property from the territory proposed to be annexed." Attorney Beverly reported that, relative to Lakeside Park, only those owners who had already sent in written protests are to be considered. He also reported that the property owners in Tahoe Meadows are in a different position as the Association has authority to bind all of its members. Attorney Beverly reported that he had prepared a Resolution (No.ll9) approving the property to be annexed. Director Pankost reported that a copy of the Certified Public Accountants' Report on the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District ~l had been received and thereupon made a motion that Attorney Beverly and Accountant Lucot contact the Nevada District to arrange a meeting to discuss this report. Motion was seconded by Director Goeringer and it was so ordered. .Director Pankost asked how would it be to have I~. Laxalt con- tacted by our Attorney to ascertain why they have not made any reply to ou~· letter of October 27, 1958 and requested that Mr. Beverly write to ~. Laxalt and ask why they have completely ignored us. Director Pankost reported that he had ordered, from Fairbanks, Morse & Co., a runner fox.ce plate and ~ad for the pump which is getting in very bad shape. Cost of new parts $351.57. After receiving the new one, old pa~.t will be repaired. Mr. Miller stated that the electric pump at Nevada had to be sent in for repair. Director Pankost ~eported that there was some discmssion that portions of the Tahoe Valley Area need sewer service at the earliest possible date. After making this report, Director Pankost was directed by President Goeringer to notify our Engineers to give Tahoe Valley Area priority for construction of pumping station and force main from their area to our disposal site. Director Pankost read Resolution No. ll7--A Resolution Directing Changes in the Aud~tor'~ Record and made a motion t~at said Resolution be adopted. Director Goeringer seconded the motion and Resolution No. ll7 was ~nanimously adopted. Director Pankost read Affidavits of Publication of' Resolutions Nos. ll6 and ll8 in the LAKE TAHOE NEWS. Director Goeringer asked if there were any objections or protests to these Resolutions. There being no protests, Director Pankost made a motion that Resolutions Nos. ll6 and ll8 be adopted. Motion seconded by Director Goeringer and unanimously adopted. CORRESPONDE~CE: Letter from Brown and Caldwell, dated October 25, 1958, re negotiation of contract between South Tahoe Public Utility District and Douglas County Sewer Improvement District ~l, and a letter to Douglas County SID #l transmitting Brown and Caldwell's letter. PETITIONS: Director Pankost read a Petition for Inclusion of Lot 7, Block "J" Lakeside Tract, in the District and requested that this , petition be tabled until next meeting in order to give time to study the exclusions made by the Board of Supervisors, and it was so ordered. Director Pankost asked if he could go ahead and gather all the dope for inclusions. No reply was given. OLD B~SINESS: Attorney Beverly presented the written protests to annexation returned by the Board of Supervisors and: 1. Resolution No. ll9.--A Resolution aporoving proposed annexa- tion of territory to ~ · .~ .... ~outh Tahoe Public Utmlmty D~strmct was read ~nd motion for adoption was made by Director Pankost and seconded by Director Goeringer and motion was passed by unanimous approval. 2. Attorney Beverly presented Ordinance No. 40--An Ordinance calling for an Election for the Annexation of Territory to South Tahoe Public Utility District. Director made a motion that Ordinance No. 40 be approved and motion was seconded by Director Goeringer, thus ~opting Ordinance No. 40 by unanimous approval. Director Pankost stated t~at it wo~.~ld be necessary to have the follow- ing representatives for the Election on December 16, 1~58 and made recommendations therefor as follows: Jud§e Clerk Inspector Mr. Del Lucot Y~s. Ethel M. Clarke Mr. Vincent Nemeth After no objections were made to these recommendations, Director Pankost moved that these appointments be made. Motion was seconded by Director ~oeringer and passed by unanimous approval. Director Goeringer instructed Director Pankost to prepare, post and publish Notice of said Election. Director Pankost stated that as the plant must have almost daily care, sooner or later, the District must purchase a new truck for that purpose and proposed that a 4-wheel drive truck be purchased. Director Goeringer voted down this proposal stating that, at this time, he did not feel we are in a position to put out such an outlay of funds. Director Pankost asked Attorney Beverly how much he thought it would cost for a pa~'cel of property to be brought into the District--attorney's fees, ordinance, etc. Attorney Beverly replied that, as close as he could figure offhand, it would cost between $250 and $500. CLAIMS: F~. Lucot asked what should be done about Ed ~chinn's bill which is still being held as there are several gaps in the statement. Director Pankost replied that he will check the records as he is of the opinion that ~. Schinn was paid in full. Director Goeringer concurs in this opinion. Claims oaid ag follows: Check 124 - Federal Reserve Bank- :$121.54 125 - A. L. Miller - 372.88 126 - County of E1 Dorado - 21.004 127 - Belle Bender - 131.62- 128 - Howard J. Fisher - 5.00' 129 - Beverly M. Cola - 20.00/ 130 - Tahoe Office Supply - 9.70~ 131 - Pacific T.& T. Co. - 53.85~v 132 - Sierra Pac. Power - 24.70/ 133 - Sierra Pac. Power - 238.57~ 134 - Lake Tahoe News - 65.25~ 135 - Co. of E1 Dorado - 1.25~ 136 - Dcy Chemical Prod. - 499.20,~ 137 - Tahoe Office Supply - 5.9~ 138 - Del Lucot - 6.00 · 139 - Del Lucot - 424.00 140 - Inter-Co. Title Co. - 400.00~ 141 - N. L. Goeringer - 40.00 AD~OURNF~NT: There being no further business before the Meeting, Motion was made by Director Pankost that the meeting be adjourned. Director Goeringer seconded the motion arid meeting was adjournedat 5:00 p.m. until Friday, November 28, 1958 at 2:00 p.m. (Thursday, November 27, 1958 being a Holiday.) ~ 'a ~-~ .... EarI~ F. ~'Pank'os t Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary /{ ' , :' ~.%.. ~ ~'U - -- Norman L. Goeringe~, President MINUTES OF THE .REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOAHD OiF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT November 28, 1958 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District Office, Mountain View Avenue, Bijou, California, on November 28, 1958, at 2:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Gersick and Pankost; absent, Director Goeringer. Also present was Attorney Beverly. i'~iINUT~S: Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. ~POidTS: Director Pankost reported that ballots and absentee ballots and applications would be here on Eonday December 1. 229 Attorney Beverly stated that absentee ballots should be availa- ble in this office and it should be published in the papers and stating that the last day they may be issued is December 6,1958. Director Pankost then telephoned to Radio St~.tion EiOWL and requested that announcements be made over the radio stating that applications: for absentee ballots will be available in the District Office, Mountain View Avenue, from December 2 through December 6 daily from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with the exception of the lunch hour--12:00 to l:00 p.m.--for the election for annexation to the District on December 16, 1958. KOWL agreed to make said spot announcements. Director Pankost reported that ~. Hughes, of the firm of Hughes, Maul & Fogarty, received a letter from Attorney Dill on November ]7 in which Mr. Dill asked for an elaboration on the cutting down of septic tanks and would the District guarantee that there will be no odor on this property? Mr. Hughes, in his reply to ~. Dill, stated that the District will ~emove septic tanks and wood and then referred them to Brown and Caldwell for plans and a reply regarding the odor. Brown and Caldwell will send their letter for us to check before posting to Dill. Director Pankost then directed Attorney Beverly to check on this matter. Affidavits of voters and exclusions were discussed in order to bning Director Gersick up to date on this matter. CORRESPONDENCE: None. PETITIONS: None. OLD BUoINESo: Director Gersick made a motion that discussions on the Holiday Motel be tabled until the December 26th meeting. Motion was seconded by Director Pankost and so ordered. NEW BUSINESS: None. CLAIMS: Following claims were approved and paid: Check No. 142 - Belle Bender 143 - Del Lucot 144 - VOID 145 - Belle Bender 146 - E. S. Bottomly Col 147- Tahoe Office Supply 148 - Tahoe Auto Parts 149 - Beverly & Weidman 150 - Del Lucot $ 53.87 125.00 ~0ID 43.87~ 25.53~ 14.98/ 8.71~ 575.00~' 144.50~ ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business before the meeting, Director Ee~rsick made a motion for adjournment which was seconded by Director Pankost, and meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m. Clerk and Ex-C~fficio Secretary ~orman L. Goeringer,-?resident 23O MINUTES OF SPECIAL ~IEETING OF TtTE BOARD OF DIRECTOt~S OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT December ]0, 1958 The Board of Directors of the ~outh Tahoe Public Utility District met in special session at the District Office, Mountain View Avenue, Bijou, California, at lO:O0 a.m. December 10, 1958, pursuant to call of the President. PURPOSE OF ~ETING: Meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the possibility of apoointing a 5-man Board of Directors should the annexation be approved. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer and Gersick, Director Pankost not being available due to his absence from town. MINUTES: Reading of the minutes was postponed until the next regular meeting. After considerable discussion, Director Gersick made a motion that the Board adopt a policy of setting up five areas within the enlarged District and having one Director for each area, thus creating a 5-man Board of Directors. Motion was seconded by Director Goeringer and unanimously carried. Director Goeringer stated that it was thereby resolved that this Board take the steps necessary to create a Board of five Directors-- one from each area so created within the enlarged District if the annexation is aporoved. ADJOURNMENT': There being no further business before the Board in this Special Meeting, adjournment was accomplished by a Motion from Director Gersick, seconded by Director Goeringer, at 10:30 a.m. ~ ~~~ Zua2 Gersick Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary, Pro Tem. Norman L. ~oeringer, President 231 ~4Ii~0TES 0P THE ~GUL~){ i'..EETiNG OP Tile StUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOAi~ OF DI~i~CTOi~S December 11, 1958 The Board of Directors of the South ~ahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the District Office, Mountain View Avenue, Bijou Park, California, cn December ll, 1958 at 2:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer, Panko~t and Gez. sick. Also present were Accountant Lucot, Attorney Beverly, Attorney Alvin Landis and ~. ~qelvin Springmeyer. MINUTES: Minutes of the last regular meeting and those of the Special Meeting of December 10 were read and approved. REPORTS: Director Pankost reported that everything for the election seemed to be coming alOng satisfactorily. Attorney Beverly reported that he and Accountant Lucot met and discussed the audit report from Nevada and found that the net reduction should be $4,922.04 as against some $19,000 claimed by the Nevada Attorneys. A discussion of the report of findings followed. Director Goeringer said that this office must control the flow meters at Nevada and he wants to know the decision in this respect and directed Attorney Beverly to check on this matter. He also stated that flow meters must be checked by us daily. After the reading and discussion of the report, motion was made by Director Pankost and seconded by Director Gersick that Attorney ~everly and Accountant Lucot be given a vote of confidence, with voting as follows: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Gersick, Goeringer, Pankost. None. None. COiIEESP0~YDENCE: Copy of letter of December 8, 1958 from T. J. Leggett, Executive Officer, California State Water P~ol~tion Board, to Brown & Coldwell relative to completion of Dhus in order to obtain 660 Grant. Letter from Aram Harootunian re exclusion of property. PETITION'S: None. OLD BUSINESS: None. }iFEW BUSINESS: Attorney Beverly stated that he had a listing of eight persons who have filed objections to t]~e annexation and threatened to bring proceedings to obtain an injunction to prevent the election on December 16, whereupon he had drawn up a Resolution for consideration by the Board of Directors. [{ASOLUTION NO. 120. A Resolution of South Tahoe Public Utility District Respecting Settlement of Controversy over 1958-1 Annexation. Motion was made by Director Pankost and seconded by 0irector Gersisk that Resolution No. 120 be adopted and all those persons listed therein be excluded and voted as follows: A~ES: Directors Gersick, Goeringer, Pankost NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Following claims were ?resented and approved for payment: Checks No. 151 - E. F. Pankost $182.57 152 - Tahoe ;~ierra Tribune 325.00 153 - E. E. ?ankost 290.90 154 - k. L. Miller 548.25 155 - Sierra Power Co. 358.15 156 - Tahoe Office Supply 9.14 157 - Belle Bender 95.72 158 - Fairbanks, Morse & Co. 9.29 159 - Rupert Crowl 7.99 160 - Sierra Eower Co. 169.60 161 - Sierra Power Co. 204.00 162 - Sierra >ower Co. 31.26 163 - Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. 64.79 164 - Geo. N. Hanmond, Typewriters-- 247.89 165 - Del Lucot 196.00 166 - Western Services, Inc. 167 - Howard J. Fisher 168 - Southwest Sewer Tool Co. 169 - Clarke Insurance Agency 170 - Harold Krobbenho££ 171 - Design Associates, Inc. 172 - Federal Reserve Bank 173 - Lake Tahoe News 174 - Rudy Gersick 175 - Lance Bishop 176 - Belle Bender 177 - Del Lucot 178 - Earle F. 2ankost 128.35 20.00 123.24 6.00 134.05 3.75 116.02 5.72 240.00 5OO.OO 43.87 235.00 290.90 ~JOUR~]NT: There being no further business before the Board, meeting was adjourned until December 22, 1958 for the pUrm~OSe of canvassin~i'~ the ballot. Clerk & Ex-Officio Secretary ~orman L. Goeringer, J?residen~ ~/ MINUTES OF T~FE ~DJOURNED R:~GbUL:k~ i~ETING OF T~ B0~L!~0 0P DI~CTOR$ 08' T;r:o SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT December 22, 1958 The Board of Directors o.Z the i~outh Tahoe i%~'blic Utility District met in the D~strict Office, ~oun,:~,mn View Avenue, Bijou, California, -~ ~ the December 16, 1958 Fo.r the purpose of canvassing t.~. votes of glectjon, l'~leeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. in co}-~.tinuation of the December llth meeting. t~,~,~-'e wepe .::,resent Directors ~{OLL CiLL: Upon roll call, ~, Goeringer and Gersick. i',TI~TOTES: ~<!inutes of the previous meeting wel;.e dispensed with until the next r~gu~ar meeting. ADJCURI~.,~NT: It was agreed to canvass votes at the regular ~n.e,~ ~t ~'-,~ng- on .~ecember 26, 19~,'~,. ~'~'~.d meetiz¥~ was adj?urned at o.~ g ,. b~- mot~o~ duly ~.~ ~eocr. ded smd ca:cried .............. /~udy ~ get s~-~ .... C:erk and' Ex-.~f~iicio Secretary BOARD OF DI;~ECTOR~ OF THE 30UTH TAHOE ~UBI, IC UTILITY DISTRIC~ December 26, 1958 The Board of. Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility Distr~ct met in regular sesa~ion at the District Office, Mountain View Avenue, Bijou, California, on December 26, 1958 at 2:00 ~.m. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were 'pre~;ent Jirectors Goeringer, Gers~_ck and Pankost. Also oresent were Attorney Beverly, Accountant Lucot,~Inspector Lee biiq. ler, Sanitarian '.4m. Mortensen, and Mr. McAskel, ~ewerage Contractor. F. IRqlTES: ]dinutes of the ~ ~ -, .' ,.mev.~.oa. ~.neeting and its adjourned meeting were read and approved as corrected. b~TPORTS: Director Pankost reported that difficulty is being encountered with a local..contractor diggimg a ditch ~.cross th~ s'treet. He had been given a permit to connect to the sewer line about six or eight weeks ago. It is his opinion that a statement should be shown on all future permits lilaiting the vaq~dity thereo~ to ten (10) days from date of issue. We wrote to the County asking for cooperation and requesting that they issue ~ per-mit to cut into the highway and submit it to us or authorize the District to issue such permit. However, Attorney Bewer!y ststed thav tq:e proper way to handle such matters is to require the builder to show us an encroach~r~ent permit before we issue our pea'mit for the sewer hookup. Director goeringer instructe~ the 3ecreta:cy to write to the County to have something done about the street for which, it is our understanding they have withheld S!.O0 per fogt as guarantee. CORR,~)rON_OmNCE: Letter of .:)ecember 9, 195fi ±rom Crocker-Anglo National Bank addressed to i~ir. Albert Mitchell re Stella Johnson Estate. Letters of December 17 and 22, 1958, :from Edward L. Burton and Company re preparations for selling of bonds. PETITIONS: Director Pankost read petition from Genevieve Hawley inclusion of p~rtion of Lot 7, Block J, ~rchibaId et al for ' ~' ~ Lakeside 2~ark Tract. On condition that the ~etiti~ners submit to the Board a map show- ing t~e boundaries of the District as changed by the inclusion of said property, Director ankost moved that ~aid petition be ;~ranted and motion was seconded by Director Gersick and carried to a vote: AYES: NOES: Directors Gersick, Goeringer and ~ankost. None. The Secretary was then directed by ?resident Goeringer to write s ]_etter so notifying the Holiday Lodge of this action. Petition from the Tahoe ~ands Flotel for connection of laundry to sewer line. After co~siderable discussion, the Secretary was directed by the President to write a letter advising the Motel that the Board is inclined to accept Lot 20 of Harlow Acres into the District. Howemer, the sewer line will either have to be run down Lloyd Avenue to Herbert Avenue or, if the Sands Motel so wishes, they may run an 8" line in back of the Laundry and connect to the line on Highway 50 ~rovided that the District is given a 10' easement on the property of the Tahoe Sands Motel. Attorney Beverly advised that we shall also state that it will be necessary for their engineers to submit a map showing the boundaries of the District and the location of Lot 20, Harlow .Acres, for the purpose of annexation. None. N.E.,'~ BUSII~o~: Mm'. I~IcAskel was called upon to make his sta. tment ~t this time. He stated that he would like -to see the .District take over all the sanitary -facilities in this area. Director ?ankost stated that he had received a letter asking him to attend a meeting of the Interstate Compact Connnission in Sacramento on Monday, December 29, 1958. It was moved by Director Gersick and seconded by Director Goeringer and so ordered that Director Pankost attend said meeting. At the direction of the President, the Secretary opened the Tally List of the Ballots wl~lch showed votes as follows: YES -- 214 NO -- 75 Absentee Ballots received totaled six (6) in number and were as follows: NO -- 3 There was a total of 295 votes cast at said Annexation Election of December 16, 1958 and were as follows: YES -- 217 NO -- 78 Director Gersick moved that the votes be accepted and motion was seconded by 0irector Goeringer and unanimously carried. RESOLUTION No. 121. A R~solution and Order changing the boundaries of South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, was read by Attorney Beverly and Director ~ankost made a motion that said Resolution be approved. i';iotion was seconded by Director Goeringer and approval voted as follows: AYES: -- Directors Gersick, Goeringer and Pankost. NOD~: -- None. RESOLUTION No. 121 was thereby adopted unanimously and reads as follows: 235 ~JoO~JU~].~N NO. 121 ~SOLU'TION A.~'t'3 O&0ER ~:!~i~IN~ ~ BOUNDARIES SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY 0ISTRICT BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Pub- lic ~?tility District, County of E1 Dorado, otate of California, as follows: WHEREAS, upon a petition duly filed ~,~ith the Clerk of this Board, proceedings were indituted for the anz~exation of territory to this District pursuant to the provisions of Article 1, Chapter 9, Division 7, of the ~'ublic Utilities Code of the State of Cali- fornia; and ,~HE[~A$, after proceedings held pursuant to law, the annexa- tion of certain proiierty to this District was approved by a majority vote of the electors residing within the territory pro- posed to Se'annexed, registered as such at the time of the pre- sentation of the petition, and who at the time of the election were still electors residing in-the territory; now therefore: 1. That the property described in Aii~pendix A, attached hereto, be, and the same hereby is, annexed to South Tahoe I~blic Utility District, and s~all hereafter be a part of ~outh Tahoe Public Utility District as fully and to every intent and purpose as if said land had been included in the District at its original organization. 2. That the exterior boundaries of ~')outh Tahoe Public Utility District .... all hereafter be as described in Appendix A, attached hereto. 3. That said annexation of said territory shall be subject to t~e following terms and co~:ditJ~ons: That suid territory shall a~::sume a pro-rata share of the existing indebtedness of the Dis- trict, in the proportio.~ that the assessed valuation of the orooe~'ty s~bject to t ~xa~mon by the i)istrict in the said territory during each fiscal year begim~!ing with 'the fiscal year 1958-1959 bears to the assessed valuation of all property in the District (inc!uding the a~:sessed valuation of said property in said terri- tory) subject to taxation by the District. The ~kppendix attached hereto, z, eferred to he~.'ein, and marked "A~pendix. A", is incorporated herein as if ~et forth at large in the body of this resolution and order. 5. The Secretary of this Board is instructed to cause a copy of this Resolution and Order to be certified by the President and Sec~etary and to be filed for record in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, the county in this State in which the terriDory annexed is situated; and after such filing with such County Recorder, the Secretary is instructed to cause this Resolution and Order to be set forth nt large upon the minutes of the Board. 6. The Secretary of this Board ds f~rther instructed to file or cause to be filed, a statement of the change of boundaries of the District, together with a map or plat indicating the boundaries, with the County Assessor of the County of E1 Dorado, State of Cati.~ornia, and with the Board of Equalization of the State of California, as required by Chapter 3.5, Division 1, Title 6, Government Code of the State of California. Passed and Adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe i~blic Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, held December 26, 1958, by the following vote: Ayes: Directors Goeringer, Gersick, Pankost. Noes: None Absent:None President of fHe B~ard of /~ Directors Attest: $~]:e rX'~'~d E~cr e't ary. The foregoing Resolution 121 is recorded in the Office o£ the County Recorder of E1 10orado County, State of California, being the County and State in which the property annexed is situated, on the 5th day o£ January 1959, as Document 67 in Book 454 of Assessor's Records o£ E1 Dorado County, at Page No. 147. Attorney Beverly was directed to order a map showing the boundaries of the enlarged District from the Inter-County Title Company. Director Goeringer also directed Attorney Beverly to look into the ways anm means of how and when we can increase the sdze of the Board of Directors to five (5) members. Director Gersick made a motion that the Attorney be instructed to draw up a resolution for a special election for a 5-man Board of .Directors. Motion was seconded by Director Pankost and voted as follows: AYES: NOES: Directors Gersick, Goeringer, Pankost. None. Director Goeringer stated that the~matter of additional or new office had been looked into. Space in the Clarke Building had been investigated and it is possible to obtain the necessary space at the price of $250.00 per month for a two-year period, plus utilities. Accountant Lucot gave the reasons for the needed expansion at an early date. Director Gersick made a motion t~at the two year lease be ac- cepted with an option for a two year renewal and that the Owners be requested to submit a lease to the District for approval. Motion seconded by Director Pankost and voted as follows: AYES: NOES: Directors Gersick, Goeringer, Pankost. None. The question of taking over the garbage collection was dis- cussed at length and it was decided to study the proposition and make a decision at a later date. STREET LIGHTS: Relative to street lighting, Director Pankost stated that he had told Mr. Hansen if he would bring in a petition of about 25% of residents to the District, the 237 Board would take action. Accountant Lucot s ..... ~ t?~at, s!l.~Je %be temporary a[~pointment of l'..r. William ~,~ort~nsen, he has been workin!( on the ~'~'~atter and one out of every 25 contacted refused to pay for them. i~'k~. Mortensen st~:~ted that the number of those who did ..~.gree to pay for the ~ights was 4 to 5 and Accountant Lucot stated that this figure wo~ld appro:~imate a ci¼arge of .09~ per month. Attorney Beverly said th.~.s would halve to be a separate district as, by law, we ca~not supply services by taxation. Following a gen~ral d2. s~..~.s~on rega~:"ding ?~rmits, Director ~at he believed it sho~ld be checked into to Goeringer said ...... ascertain the power of the Board to issue ~ermits, etc. Director Pankost moved that no permits be issued for any sewer connection until such time as an encroachment permit is obtained ~:'rom the proper a![ency. Motion was seconded by Director Goeringer and unanimously approved. Accountant Lucot asked Attorney Beverly whether, i.n connection with street lighting, will each street 0e acted upon separately with the contemplation that Highway 50 ends where it now is? Also, can 'the County Campgrounds be billed? Attorney Beverly replied t~'~at he did not know but will 'try to find out. Director Pankost stated that, on reco~m~endation of ~kccountant Lucot, he moved that we accept the Audit Report of Irving & Duce. Motion seconded by Director Goerin~:;'er and voted as follows: AYES: NOES: Directors Ger~:ick, Goeringer and Pankost. None. CLAIMS: Following claims were ~resented, ap ?roved an.~ raid as fell ows: ~ Check No. 179 - Ch~s. Wedeking, refund - 180 - Andrew Clausen, refund 18] - C. E. Swift, refund 182 - Norman Andrews, refund 183 - Doud-Rightmeir, refund 184 - Del Lucot 185 - Sierra Pacific Power Co. 186 - Sierrra Pacific Power Co. R87 - The ~right Line 188 - Irvine & [Duce 189 - American Legion ;Building Co~m~ittee --- 190 - La Grange Construction Co. 191 - ~estern ESC 192 - ?elle l~ender ....... 193 - William ~.;ortensen 194 - N. L. Goeringer $ 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 196.50 304.00 135.89 20.34 3OO.OO 10.00 1476.00 92.90~ 48.53 382.16 120.00 ~DJOU~Nt~iENT: There being no further business before the Board, by ~otion duly made amconded and carried, meeting v~'as adjourned at 4:30 p.m. until next regular meeting on ~aziuary 8, 1959. ,~rle F. P~nk~6s t - Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary. ~Norman '~. Goering'~r, Preside~-- APPENDIX A Description of Annexation, 1958-1 South Tahoe Public Utility District BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the south shore of Lake Tahoe and the boundary line between the States of Nevada and California as said lines exist in 1958, thence along said State boundary South 48° 21' East 3024.40 feet, more or less, to an angle point on the East side of Stateline Avenue as shown on the Map of Lakeside Park, filed May 8, 1912 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book. A, Page A of Maps; thence continuing Southeasterly along said state' boundary line 635 feet more or less to the most Easterly corner of land .described in deed to Clyde W. Beecher, et ux, recorded November 17, ~1950 under Recorders Serial No. 4851; thence Southwesterly along the Southeasterly line of said Beecher .land, 45 feet more or less to the Northeasterly line of la~d described in Parcel No. 2 in deed. to Donald~ 0. Nosker, et al, recorded March 29, 195~, in Book 3~0 of Official Records of E1 Dorado County, at Page 84; thence Southeasterly along the Northeasterly line of said Nosker Parcel No. 2, to the Northeasterly corner of said Parcel No. 2; thence continuing along the exterior boundaries of Parcels No. 1 and 2 of said Nosker land the following .~ courses and distances: South 1° 15' East 46.95 feet, North 83° 37' West 31.07 feet, North 80° 26t West 351.64 feet to a line drawn parallel to the Southeasterly line of U. S. Highway No. 50 as said Southerly line exists in 1958, and distant Southeasterly 297 feet measured at right angles from the Southeasterly line of said U. S. Highway No. 50; thence South- westerly along said parallel line 1800 feet, more or less, to the Northeasterly line of Pinewood Park, as per map filed July 19, 1926 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records Book A, Page 9 of Maps; thence Southeasterly to the most Easterly corner of Block 3 in said Pinewood Park Subdivision; thence Southwesterly 720 feet, more or less, to the Pinewood Park Subdivision; thence South- most Southerly corner of said westerly 174.89 feet, more or less, along the Easterly boundary of Pinewood Terrace, as per map filed March 2, 19[~3, in E1 Dorado Count"y, California, Records, Book A, Page 30 of Maps, to the most Southerly corner of Lot 5 of Block 6, and the Northeasterly side of Chinokis Road as both are shown in said Pinewood Terrace Subdivision; thence Southeasterly al,on~ the Northeasterly side of Chinokis Road as shown on Map of Block A of Tahoe Terrace, filed July 29, 1929, in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, Page 12 of Maps, to a point 25 feet Northerly measured at right angles from the intersection of Alder Road and maid Chinokis Road; thence continuing along the Northerly line of the extension of Chinokis Road, and the Easterly line of Glen Road to an angle point on the Easterly line of Lot 3~ of the Lakeview Lodge Subdivision, as per map filed October 8, 1956, in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book B, Page 67 of Maps; thence South to the inter- section of a line which bears South 89e 40' East from the center of Township . ' Section 3~, 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M. thence Easterly along s aid line to the East boundary of said Section 34, thence South 8'9~ 50t 20" East 1308.41 feet to a point; thence South to the North line of Lot 22 of Section 1, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& Me, thence East to the Northeast corner of Lot 22 of said Section 1; thence South to the South boundary of Lot 25 of said Section 1; thence West along the South line of said Lot 25 and 23% of said Section to the Southwest corner of said Lot 24; thence South along the Easterly line of Lot 3 of Section 1, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., to the Southeast corner of said Lot 3; thence West to the Northeast corner of the West half of Lot 13, Section 2, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, MD.B&M.,; thence South 2635o41 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of the West half of Lot 12, Section 2, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, MoD.Bo& M.; thence North 89° 43t 45" West 813o56 feet, North 8° 29~ East 748o57 feet, North 0° 55~ 20" East 587.66 feet, South 86° 06~ 30" West _~71.10 feet~ North 18° 15~ 30" West 91o36 feet, North 77e 34' 30" West 219o~2 feet, North 54° 30' 30" West 338°45 feet, North 89° 58' 15" West 425o18 feet, North 62° 13~ West 242.60 feet, North 35° 41~ 30" West 394.50 feet, North 57e 139 West 266.28 feet, North 48o 27~ West 263.35 feet, North 12e 24~ 30" West 254°56 feet, North 31° 34~ 15" West 617o18 feet; thence North 0° 41~ 15" East to a point on the South boundary of Lot 4 of Section 2, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, MoD oB.& Mo; thenc$ West along the South boundary of said Lot 4 to the Southeast corner of Lot 1 of Section 3, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.Bo& M., thence West along the South boundary of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of said Section 3 to the intersection of a line drawn parallel tqAnd 350 feet at right angles from the Easterly side of U. So Highway No. 50, as said highway exists in 1958; thence South- westerly on a curve to the right, which is parallel and 350 feet Easterly from the Easterly side of said Uo S. Highway Nco 50, to the-intersection of the Northeasterly boundary of the Johnson Acres No. 2, as per map filed June 12, 1946, in the E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, Page 44 of Maps; thence Southeasterly along the Northeasterly line of said ~ohnson Acres Nco 2 to the Southeast corner of Lot 15, Block 5, of said Subdivision; thence North 89° 44~ East 165o75 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of the Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No° 3, as per map filed July 5, 1946, in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, Page 45 of Maps; thence Southerly along the Easterly boundary of said Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 3 South 0° 259 East 1317o97 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of Lot 32, Block 57 of said Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No° 3; thence North 89° 14~ East 320 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of Lot 38, Block 57, of said Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No° 3; thence Southerly to the Southeast corner of Lot 49, Block 57, of said last mentioned subdivision; thence Southwesterly to the most Southerly corner of Lot 49, Block 57, of said last mentioned subdivision; thence Southwesterly to the most Easterly corner of Lot 1, Block 56, of said Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No° 3; thence South 49° 38' West 2545°59 feet, more or leas, to the most Southerly corner of Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 5, as per map filed June 12, 1952 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book B, Page 8 of Maps; thence Northwesterly along the Southwesterly boundary thereof and along the Southwesterly boundary of Tahoe Sierra Sub- division No° 4, as per map filed March 26, 1951 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, Page 101 of Maps, and of Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 1, as per map filed October 3~ 1945, in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, Page 33 of Maps, to a point on a line which is 350 feet Southea/~erly from and at right angles to and parallel with the Southeasterly side of Uo So Highway No° 50, as said highway exists in 1958; thence Southwesterly along a line which is 350 feet from and parallel with said Uo So Highway No° 50 to the Easterly boundary of the Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No° 2, as per map filed February 28, 1946, in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, Page 39 of Maps; thence Southerly along the Easterly boundary of said Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 2 to the Southeast corner thereof; thence South 89° ~3~ West 190 feet, more or less, to the Easterly boundary of the Tamarack Subdivision Addition Nco 1, as per _re_ap filed September 17, 19~6 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, Page 57 of Maps; thence along.the Easterly boundary subdivision South 0° 12t 30 East 1331o36 feet, of said last named more or less, to the Southeast corner thereof.° thence along the Southerly boundary of said last named subdivision North 89e 59t West 1952o~J$ feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner thereof; thence South to the most Northerly corner of the W. Do Barton Tract, as per map filed July 31, 1946 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, Page [~8 of Maps; thence along the Northeasterly boundary of said W. Do Barton Tract South 26° 20~ East 2115.46 feet, South ~J~e 29~ East 564°92 feet, South 41° 20~ East 294.94 feet, South 66° 30~ 30~ East 472.27 feet, South 1~e 32' East 156o52 feet, South 23e 29' 30~ West 374°56 feet to the, mo?~ Southerly corner of Block 2 of said W. D. Barton Tract; thence mor~n 66e 30' 30~ West ~J~0o99 feet, and North 63e 14~ 30~ East 63.79 feet to the intersection of the Southerly side of the Old Uo So Highway NCo 50, as shown on said Wo Do Barton Tract; thence Southwesterly along the South side of Old Highway No. 50 to its intersection with the Easterly side of U. So Highway No° 50, as said highway exists in 1958; thence in a Northwesterly direction 200 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of Lot 20 of Block 1 of said Wo D. Barton Tract; thence Southerly along the Westerly side of U° So Highway No. 50 to the Southeast corner of Lot 6, Block 4, of the aforementioned W. Do Barton Tract; thence North 89° 55t West [~18o59 feet, more or less,'to the Southwest corner of said Lot 6; thence Northerly along the Northwesterly line of Block 4 of said Wo D. Barton Tract to the Southeast corner of Leb 67 of said tract; thence North 72° 20~ West 2J~9 feet and North 17° 40' East 259°33 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 67; thence in a Westerly direction to the Southwest' corner of theW° Do Barton Tract No. 2, as pe~ map filed October 21, 1952 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book B, Page 10 of Maps; thence Northeasterly along the Northwesterly bound- ary of said W. Do. Barton Tract No° 2 to the intersection of the South- easterly boundary of the Armstrong Subdivision No. 7, as per map filed June 29, 195~, in the E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book B, Page 39 of Maps; thence Southwesterly to the most Southerly corner of said Armstrong Subdivision; thence North 26° 20~ West 2980.60 feet, more or less, to the Most Westerly corner of said Armstrong Subdivision; thence North 63° [~0~ East 869.00 feet, more or less, to the most Northerly corner of said Armstrong Subdivia~ on; thence Northerly to the Southwest corner of land described in deed to Charles Jo Fisher and Wife, recorded Nay 28, 1947 u~derRecorder's Serial No° 2157; thence North along the Westerly boundary of said Fisher land to the inter-' section of the Easterly extension of the Southerly boundary of the Tamarack Subdivision Addition No° 2, as per mp filed January 13, 19~7 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, Page 59 of Maps; thence in a Westerly direction to the Southwest corner of Block ~ of Gardner ~ountain Subdivision Addition No° 1, as per map filed May 27, 1952, in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book B, Page 7 of Maps; thence ~orthwesterly along the Southwesterly line of said Block of Gardner Mountain Subdivision Addition ~ to the most Easterly corner No. 2, as per map filed December 2~, 1952 in E1 Dorado County, Calif- ornia, Records, Book B, Page 13 of Maps; thence ~outh 3~° 32~ West to -3- the most Northerly corner of Lot 56 of Gardner Mountain Subdivision Addition NCo 3, as per map filed June 16, 1954 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book B, Page 37 of Maps; thence South 552~ 28~ East 120o00 feet, South 3~° 32~ West 200.00 feet, South 55· ~ East 400o8~ feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 65 of said Gardner Mountain Subdivision Addition NCo 3; thence South 89° 40~ West to the South- west corner of the Gardner Mountain Subdivision Addition NCo 5, as per map filed June 13, 1956 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book B, at Page 63 of Maps; thence Northerly along the Westerly boundary of said subdivision to the Northwest corner of Lot 29 of the Lukins Tract Addition NCo 1, as per map filed July 3, 1947 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, Pa~e 66 of Maps; thence Northerly along the Westerly boundary of Lots and 5, Section 5, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, MoDoB.& Mo, to the Northwest corner of said Lot 5; thence Easterly along the Northerly boundary of said Lot 5 to the Southwest corner of Lot 3, Section 5, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.Bo& Mo, thence along the Westerly boundary of said Lot 3 Northerly to the intersection with the South shore of Lake Tahoe, as it exists in 1958; thence Easterly along said South shore to the Northwest corner of Lot C of Block 1 of the A1 Tahoe Subdivision, as shown on the amended map of A1 Tahoe, filed November 21, 1917 in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, Page 3-A of Maps; thence continuing Easterly along said South shore to the Northeast corner of Lot 9 of Block 8 of etd amended subdivision; thence continuing East- erly and Northerly along said South shore to the boundary line between the States of Nevada and California, the point of beginning. The present and existing boundaries of said South Tahoe Public Utility District as recorded in the E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book 283, Page 313; Book 319, Page 85; Book 376, Page 56; Book 396, Page 585; and Book 402, page 353, are included in the boundaries of the above description but are not a part of the area re- questing annexationo In the foregoing description the reference to Lots 3, 22 and 25, Section 1, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.Bo& M.~ Lots 4, 12 and 13, Section 2, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, MDoB°& Mo, Lots 1 and 2 Section 3, Township 12 Northo Range 18 East, MoD.Bo& Mo, and Lots 3, 6 and 5 Section 5, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, ~,DoBo& Mo, are as shown on the Government Land Survey Maps as filed in the office of the Bureau of Land Management, Washington, Do C° The original map being filed on November 9, 1866, by L.. Upson and the supplemental map which shows the actual lotting of the sections filed by Jo ~tratton on July 8, 1875. Excepting therefrom the followin~ exclusions therefrom: DESCRIPTIONS A~i ~hat certain real property situate in the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, more particularly described as follows: PARCEL N0o 1: All that portion of Lot 1, Block E, First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, E1 Dorado County, California, as more particularly described as follows: C0;~NENCING at a point on the Southerly line of Poplar Street distant thereon 50 feet Northwesterly from its intersection with the Westerly line of Cedar Avenue, running thence Northwesterly along said line of Poplar Street 100 feet; thence at a right angle Southwesterly 140 feet; tl~nce at a right angle Southeasterly 100 feet; thence at a right angle Northeasterly 140 feet to the point of commencement° PARCEL N0o 2~ That certain Lot, piece, or parcel of land, situate in Lakeside Park, E1 Dorado County, California, and designated aa Lot Nco West half of Lot No° 1 in Block No° E as same are delineated and so designated on a map entitled "First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, E1 Dorado County, California" which map was recorded in office of County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, California, on October 5, 1909; which said parcel of land is further particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at Southwest corner of Poplar Street and Manzanita Avenue running thence 140 feet South along East line of Manzanita Avenue, thence 150 feet Easterly, tl~nce 140 feet Northerly, thence~150 feet Westerly to the point of beginning° ,, PARCEL NO. 3: Ail that portion of Lot 1, Block F, Lakeside Pg~k Sub- division, as said Lot and Block are designated a~d numbered on the map entitled "First Subdivision of Lakeside Park,. E1 Dorado County, Califo~ia", which Map was recorded in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of Califo~ia, on'. October 5, 1909, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block F, First Subdivision'-. of Lakeside Park, said corner being identical with the intersection of the Easterly line of Manzanita Avenue and of the Southerly line of Aspen Street; thence from said point of beginning 100 feet along said Southerly line of Aspen Street to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 1; thence 98°5 feet Southerly along the Westerly line of said Lot 1, thence Westerly 104 feet, more or less, to a point q~n the Easterly line of Manzanita Avenue, which point bears Southerly from point q~ beginning along said Easterly line of Manzanita Avenue, a distance of 100 feet; thence Northerly along said Easterly line of Manzanita Avenue 100 feet to the point of beginning° PARCEL NO. 4: All that portion of Lot 2, Block C of Lakeside Park Sub- division, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Map entitled "First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, E1 Dorado County California~, which Map was recorded in the -ffice of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County , State of California, on October 5~ 1909, more particularly described as follows: C0~MENCING on the Southeasterly line of Pine Boulevard at the point where it intersects the common boundary between Lots 1 and 2 of Block C running thence Southeasterly along said common boundary 126o6 feet; thence Bouthwesterl2 to a j~oint on the common boundary between' Lots 2 and 3 of said Bl®ck~.~£eet distant along said line from the South- easterly line of Pine ]~o-~-~vard; thence Northwesterly along said divid- - I - lng line between Lots 2 and 3 of said Block, 128o8 feet to the South- easterly line of Pine Boulevard; thence Northeasterly along said Southeasterly line of Pine Boulevard 100 feet to the point of commence- ment, being the Westerly one-half of Lot 2, Block "C" of said Sub- division° PARCEL N0o 5: Loot 12 and all that portion of Lot 11 in Block C, Lakeside Park Subdivision, as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Map entitled "First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, E1 Dorado County, California", which Map was retarded in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of California, on October 5, 1909, more particularly described as foIbws: COMMENCING at the Southwesterly corner of said Lot NCo 11, and running thence Northerly along the Westerly line of said Lot a distance of 50 feet; thence Easterly along a line equidistant from the Northerly line and the Southerly line of said L~t a distance of 147o35 feet; thence Southerly 50°05 feet, more or less, to a point in the Southerly line of said Lot distant thereon lh8o~5 feet Easterly from the point of commencement; thence Westerly along said Southerly line 148oh5 feet to the point of commencement° PARCEL N0o 6: The East one-half (measured by a line drawn parallel to the East line thereof) of Lot 11, Block "C" First , Subdivision of Lakeside Park, E1 Dorado County, State of California, according to the Official Map thereof° EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following~described portion thereof: BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of said Lot 11, said point being situate on the Westerly boundary of Manzanita Avenue as said point is delineated on the map of the First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, said point being distant thereon 1072.2 feet Southwesterly from the intersection of the Westerly boundary of Manzanita Avenue and the Southerly boundary of Stateline Avenue; thence leaving said point of beginning and running Northwesterly along the Northerly line of said Lot 11, a distance of 146o25 feet; thence Southwesterly parallel with the Westerly boundary of Manzanita Avenue, a distance of 15o0 feet; thence Southeasterly and parallel with the Northerly boundary c.f said Lot 11, to a point on the Westerly boundary of said Manzanita Avenue; thence Northeasterly along the Westerly boundary of said Manzanita Avenue, a distance of 15.0 feet to the point of beginning° PARCEL NO. 7: B~$~NNING at the point of intersection of the Northerly line of Park Avenue with the Westerly line of Tamarack Avenue running thence North 61© West 385 feet; North 19© 45~ Ea~st ' thence S~uth 78o 25~ East 160o7~ feet; 500 feet to point of beginning, North 16© 15~ East 49°65 feet; North 78o 25~ West 157o72 feet; South 19© 45~ West 50 feet, to point of beginningo Being a portion of Block A, as said Block is delineated on that certain Map of the First Subdivision of Lake side Park, filed October 5, 1909, in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, California° .. PARCEL NO° 8: Ail that portion of Lot 51 of the Katherine Smith Hill Resubdivision of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Block A, First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, as said Lots are marked on the filed for Official Map of said Katherine Smith Hill Resubdivision, record with the Recorder ~f E1 Dorado County, on April 10, 1937, in B~ok A of Maps, at Page 24, particularly described as follows: -- 2 COMMENCING at a point in the Southerly line of said Lot 51 distant South 87° 15~ East 4.0 feet fr~m the Southwest c. orner of said Lot 51; thence South 87~ 15~ East 46o0 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 51; thence, along the Easterly boundary of said Lot 51~ North 16° 15t East 96.20 feet to the Northeast corner; thence North 85° 45~ West ;!;! feet along the Northerly line ~of said Lot 51 to a point; thence Southerly 97o5 feet, more or less, in a straight line, to the point of beginning° PARCEL N0o 9: Lots 27, 28 and 3~ of Katherine So Hill Resubdivision of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, of Block A of the First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, as said Lots are designated and numbered on the Official Map of said Resubdivision filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on April 10, 1937, in Map Book A, at Page 24° PARCEL NO. 10: Lot 11 of "Katherine Smith Hill Resubdivision of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Block "A", First Subdivision of Lakeside Park", as said Lots are designated and numbered on the Official Map of said Lakeside Park Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on April 10, 1937, in Book A of Maps, at Page 24~ PARCEL N0o 11: Lot 22, as said Lot is delineated and designated upon that certain Map entitled Katherine Smith Hill Re- subdivision of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Block A, First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, filed April 10, 1937, in Book A of Maps, at Page 24, in the Office of the Recorder of E1 Dorado County, California° PARCEL NO o 12: Lot 14 'and all that portion of Lot 13, as said Lots are delineated and so designated upon that certain Map entitled "Katherine Smith Hill Re-Subdivision of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Block "A" First Subdivision of Lakeside Park" filed April 10, 1937, in Book A, at Page 24 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northwest corner of said Lot 13, said point being situate on the East boundary of Greenwood Road; thence leaving the East boundary of Greenwood Road and running South 76° 31' East 100.12 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 13, said point being situate on the Westerly boundary of Tamarack Road; thence along the Westerly boundary of Tamarack Road, South 16° 15~ West 25.00 feet; thence leav- in,~ the Westerly boundary of Tamarack Road and running North 75° 56~ 30 West 100o08 feet to a point on the Easterly boundary of Greenwood Road; thence along the Easterly boundary of Greenwood Road North 16° 15~ East, 24.00 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL N0o 13: Lot 4, Block 22, of A1 Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3o PARCEL NO o 14: follows: All that portion of Section 27, 28, 33 and 34 Township 13 North, Range 18 East, MoD.Bo& M., described as BEGINNING at a point of beginning described as follows, to-wit, commenc- -3- ing at the point of intersection of the Southern line of Park Avenue with the Easterly line of Pine Boulevard extended Southerly as said Park Avenue and Pine Boulevard are delineated and so designated on that certain map entitled "First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, E1 Dorado County, C~lifornia", filed in the office of the County Recorder of said E1 Dorado County, October 5, 1909, and running thence North 60° 05~ West a distance of 102.52 feet; thence South 17° 07~ West, a distance of 190.6 feet to a point which is the said point of beginn- ing: Running thence North 45° 00~ West, 68803 feet; thence North 57~ 33~ West a distance of 472°65 feet; thence North 57° 33' West to the low water line of Lake Tahoe; thence Southwesterly along the said low water line of Lake Tahoe a distance of 3370 feet, more or less, to the point where said low water line intersects a line bearing North 0° 30~ West from a point which bears North 89° 30' West from and is 1369o20 feet distant from the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.Bo& M., thence leaving said low water line of Lake Tahoe and running South 0° 30t East to said point last above described, thence South U9~ 30' East, a distance of 1369.20 feet to said Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 33, thence South 89~ 30~ East a distance of 15~o85 feet to a point on the Northwesterly line of the County Road leading to Bijou as the same existed on or before the 9th day of October, 1928, thence along sai8 line of said County Road the following courses and distances, to-wit, North 60° ~6' East, a distance of 390.72 feet, ~hence North 55~ 41' East, a distance of 346 feet; thence North 63~ 12~' East a distance of 100 feet; thence North 66° 32~~ East, a distance of 200 feet; thence North 62° 10~ East, a distance of 200 feet; thence North 59~ 01½' East, a distance of 299.90 feet; thence North 55' 03½' East, a distance of 200°2 feet; thence North 56* 41' East a ~istance of 99°8 feet, thence North 60° 06~.~ East a distance of 200.61 feet; thence North 59~ 37~ East a distance ~.181.1~ feet: thence leaving the Northwesterly line of said Road to o~jou and running North 44~ I5~ West, a distance of 835 feet more or less to a point which bears South 30~ 28~ West, from the point of intersection first above mentioned~ namely the point of intersection of said Southern line of said Park Avenue with said Easterly line of said Pine Boulevard extended Southerly, thence North 30° 28½' East a distance of 395 feet more or less to a point bearing South 45* 00~ East from said point of beginning as above described, thence North 45* 00~ West to said point of beginning° EXCEPTING THEREFROM such portions of the land above described as have been conveyed by "Tahoe Meadows", a corporation, and others, respectively, to the State of California, by Deed or Deeds heretofore recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said County of E1 Dorado, since January 1, 1927. PARCEL NO. 15: Lots 18, 19, 20 and 21, in Block 16, of A1 Tahoe, as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Official Amended Map of A1 Tahoe filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. ~PARCEL NO. 16: Lots 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17) in Block 16, of A1 Tahoe, as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Official Amended Map of A1 Tahoe filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, November 21~ 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3o ~PARCEL NOo 17: Lots 40, 41 and 42 of Bijou Pines, as said Lots are designated and numbered on the Official Map of said Bijou Pines, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of ElDorado, State of California, on September 12, 1929, in Map Book A, at Page 13o PARCEL NO. 18: Ail that portion of Lot 4, Section 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in a curve to the right on the Northerly side of the California State Highway, U. S. Route 50, from wh~h point the Southwest corner of Section 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, MoDoBo& M., bears the following courses and distances: South 07* 16t 30" East, 150o19 feet and South 22~ 14t 30" West 2342ol feet, thence from said point of beginning along the Northerly side of the said State Highway along the said curve to the right with a radius of 1540.00 feet, the chord of which bears South 80° 13v 10" East 104.60 feet; thence leaving said State Highway and running North 07° 16~ 30" West 52°40 feet to a point in a fence line, thence along said fence line South 77° 37v 00" West 100.41 feet; thence leaving said fence line and running South 07* 16~ 30" East 12.76 feet to the point of beginning and containing an area of 0°075 acres, more or less. ~PARCEL NO. 19: A portion of Lot 4, Section 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner, identical with the Southeast corner of the land of John Meyn and wife, a pipe, 1 inch in diameter, 4 feet long, stamped on cap "JM2" and set 3-3/4 feet deep in the ground; from which the Southwest corner of said Section 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.DoB.& M., bears South 24° 00' 30" West 2414.7 feet; thence East 75°93 feet to the Southeast corner identical with the Southwest corner of the East half of the residual tract formerly belonging to Mrs. Fannie M. Barton and Flora To Dickey, a point in the State Highway; thence North 3e 10~ West 35907 feet to the Northeast corner identical with the Northwest corner of said East half of said residual tract, a point on the approximate high water line of Lake Tahoe, from which an iron pipe 3/4 inches in diameter 3 inches above ground, the Northeast corner of said East half of said residual tract, bears North 63* 46' East 106.93 feet; thence South 63° 46~ West 106o93 feet to the Northwest corner, a galvanized pipe, 13 inches in diameter 3 feet long stamped "JM3" and set 2~ feet deep in the ground, on the approximate high water line of Lake Tahoe; thence South 7* 16~ 30" East the point of beginning, containing 314.4 feet to the Southwest corner 678/1000 acres, more or less . SAVINGtAND EXCEPTING T~EREFROM all that portion of the above described proper y±ylng Souther±y of the Northerly line of U. S. Highway No° 50. ~PARCEL NO° 20: A portion of Lot 4, Section 33, Township 13 North Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner, a point on the State Highway; from which the Southeast corner of the tract of land heretofore deeded by Fannie M. Barton and Flora To Dickey to John Meyn, a Ripe, I inch diameter, 4 feet long, stamped on cap "JM2", and set 3 3/~ feet deep in the ground, bears West, 75°93 feet; and the Southwest corner of said Section 33, Township 13 North, Rangel8 East, MoD.B.& M., bears South 25° 38t West P~!~6o5 feet, then East, 75°93 feet to the Southeast corner, a point in the said State Highway; thence North, at 58.~9 feet, a galvanized pipe, 2 feet long, 3/~ inch diameter set full length in the ground on the l~ortherly boundary of said State Highway; from which the concrete monument on the Northerly boundary of said State High.way, opposite StSc 183 + 42.7 bears South 78° 04' East 50o8 feet; 171.~1 feet to a pipe, 3/4 inch diameter, 4 inches above ground, at the Southwest corner of the land heretofore deeded by W. Do Rantz to Jo Eo Jewell, as of record in Book 102 of Deeds, Page 246, Records of E1 Dorado County, California, thence, along the Westerly boundary of said land of said Jo E. Jewell, North 0° 02t East, 235.0 feet to a pipe, 3/4 inch diameter, 3 inches above ground at approximate high- water line of Lake Tahoe; thence South 63° 46' West 106.93 feet to the Northwest oormer; from which a galvanized pipe, 1 1/[~ inchel diameter feet long, stamped "Jld 3" and set 2~ feet deep in the ground at tl~e a3pproximate highwater line of said Lake bears South 63° ~6' West 106.93 feet; thence So~th 3° 10' East 359.7 feet to the Southwest corner, the place of beginning, containing 760/1000 corec AZ~50 the following: Ail that portion of said Lot 4, Section 33, Town- ship 13 North, Range 18 East,' M.D.B.& M., lying North of the above described t~act, and bounded upon the East by the East boundary of tract projected North 0° 02~ East from its Northeast corner and said the West boundary of said tract p~oJeeted l~orth 3° 10' West from the Northwest co, er thereof, each respectively to its intersection with the Iow water line of Lake Tahoe; and bounded upon the l~orth by the low water line of said Lake. ~PARCEL NO. 21: Parcel No. 1: Lot 37 and the North half of Lot 36, of the Katherine Smith Hill Resubdivision of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Block A, First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, E1 Dorado County, Calif- ornia, according to the Official Map of said Resubdivision filed in the office of the County Recorder of said E1 DorAdo County, California, on April 10, 1937 in Book "A" of Maps, at Page 21~ thereof. ~Paroel No. ~-: Portion of Lot 54, as said Lot is sho~n on the Map of UKatherine ~mith Hill Resubdivision of Lots 2, 3, ~, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block SA" Lakeside Park, E1 Dorado County, California", filed April 10, 1937, in Book "A" of Maps, Page 24, in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Southeastern line of said Lot 54, distant thereon North 19° ~5' East 217.80 feet from the most Southern corner of said Lots and running thence along the Southeastern line of said Lot 5~, North 19° ~5' East 72.60 feet; thence Northwesterly in a direct line 101 feet, more or less, to a point on the Northwestern line of said Lot, distant .thereon 1~e 1~5' East 268o1~ feet fr~ the most Western of said Lot 5~; thence along said Northwestern line 5~th 19° ~5s West 6700~ feet; a~ t~noe S~theaste~12 in a direct line 100 feet, mo~ or less, to the poimt of PARCEL NO. 22: "Ail that portion of Lot 5, Block D of Lakeside Park Subdivision, as said Lot and Block are designated and marked on the Map entitled, First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, E1 Dorado County, California, which Map was recorded in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of Califo~ia", October 5, 1909, more particularly described as follows: COHNENCING at a point in the Northerly boundary line of Poplar Avenue, distant 100 feet from the intersection of said Northerly line of Poplar Argue and the Westerly line of Cedar Avenue, 100 feet; thence along said Northerly line of Poplar Avenue and parallel with the 1/ortherly bou~iax-2 of said Lot 5, 50 feet; thence leaving sa~ d Northerly line of Poplar Avenue and parallel with the Easterly boundary of said L&t 5, and Northwesterly 150 feet to a point on the Northerly boundar~j line of said Lot 5, thence along said Northerly boundary Southeasterly 50 feet; thence leaving said Northerly bouada~y line of Lot 5, and parallel with Easterly boundary of Lot 5, Southwesterly 150 feet to the point of begimningo CONMENCING at the Northeast corner of Poplar Street and Manzanita Avenue, aa shorn on that certain map entitled, Rap of First Subidivision of Lakeside Pa~k, E1 Dorado Coumty, California"; ths nce Easterly and alomg the North lime of said Poplar Street 150 feet; thence Northerly 150 ~eet; thence Westerly 150 feet to the East line of said Manzanita Avenue, thence Southerly and along the East line of said Manzamita Avenue 150 feet to the place of beginning, amd being the West half of.Lot 5, Block D, of said Lakeside Park° .. Block C, PAROEL NO. 231 The Easterly half of Lot 13/of First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, as designated and numbered on the 0ffioti Map of said First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, filed in the office of the Count'~ Recorder of the County of E1 Do~ado, State of California, on May O, 1912. PARCEL NO. 2l~ The Southerly 50 feet of the Westerly half of Lot 10, Block ~B" of the l~irst Subditision of Lakeside Park, as said Lot 10 a~d Block ~B~ are designated and numbered on the Official Map of said First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on 0~teber 5, 1909. ~PARCEL NO. 2~: COHRENCING on the Southeasterly line of Tamarack Avenue at its point of intersection with the line dividing Lots 9 and 10 of Block B in First Subdivision of Lakeside Park,running thence Southeasterly along said dividing line 125 feet, thence at a right angle Northeasterly 50 feet, thence at a right angle North- westerly 125 feet to said line of Tamarack Avenue, thence Southwesterly along said line of Tamarack Avenue 50 feet to the point of c~,encement. ×PARCEL NO. 26: East half of Lot 2, Block "B' of Pirst Subdivision of Lakeside Park, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the 0ffiolal Map of said Pirst Subdivision of Lakeside ~Park, filed in the 0ffie~a~f the County Recorder ef the County of E1 Dorado, State of California on October 5, 1909o ~PARCEL NO. 27~ The N~rtherly half of Lot 2, Block G, of First Sub- division of Lakeside Pa~k, as said Lot and Block a~e designated ami m~abe~ed on the 0ffioial Map of said First Sub- division of Lakeside Park, filed in the office of the County Recorder ' 7 ' .of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on October 5, 1909, more particularly described as follows~ COMMENCING at a point on the Southerly line of Willow Street, located Easterly 114.5 feet from the intersection of-the Easterly line of Manzanita Avenue with the Southerly lime of Willow Street; running thence Easterly 114.5 feet along the Southerly line of said Willow Street and the Northerly line of said Lot 2; to the Northeast corner of said Lot 2; thence Southerly 89.1 feet along the Easterly line of said Lot 2 to a point; thence Westerly 112 feet to a point, on the West line of said Lot 2, located Southerly 74.1 feet from the North- west corner of said Lot 2; thence Northerly 74ol feet along the Westerly line of said Lot 2, to the point of beginning. PARCEL NO. 28: Lot 1, Block G, First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official Map of said First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on October 5, 1909o '?ARCEL NOo 29: Lot 7 of Lakeside Lodge Subdivision, as said Lot is designated and numbered on the Official Map of said Lakeside Lodge Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on August 7, 1945, in Map Book A, at Page 31. PARCEL NO. 30: Lot 14, in Lakeside Lodge Subdivision, as said Lot is designated and numbered on the Official Map of said Lakeside Lodge Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on AUgust 7, 1945, in Map Book A, at Page 31o PARCEL NO. 31: Lot 16, in Lakeside Lodge Subdivision, as said Lot is designated and numbered on the Official Map of said Lakeside Lodge Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Reeorder of the Count~A,of E1 Dorado, State of Califor~ia, on August 7, 1945, in Map Book at ~age 31o PARCEL NO. 32: Lot 19, Lakeside Lodge Subdivision, as said Lot is designated and numbered on the Official Map cf said Lakeside Lodge Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Re- corder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on August 7, 1945, in Map Book A, at Page 31o ~PARCEL NO. 33: Lots 5, 6, 7 and 26, aa said Lots are delineated and so designated upon that certain map entitled "Katherine Smith Hill Resubdivialon"of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Block ~A" First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, filed April 10, 1937, in Book A of Maps, at Page 24, in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of California. /PARCEL NO. 34: Lot 22 as amid Lot is delineated and designated upon that certain map entitled Katherine Smith Hill Re- subdivision of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Block A, First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, filed April 10, 1937 in Book A of Maps, at Page 24, in the office of the County Recorder of the Coumty of E1 Dorado, State of Califo~ia. -8- PARCEL NO. 355 Lots 15 and 16 as said Lots are delineated and designated upon that certain map entitled "Katherine Smith Hill Resubdivision"of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , of Block ~A" First Subdivision of Lakeside Park, filed for record on April 10, 1937, in Book A of Maps, at Page 24, in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California. PARCEL NO. 36: Lot 7 in Block 5 of Johnson Acres Subdivision NCo 2, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official Map of said Johnson Acres Subdivison Nco 2, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on June 12, 1946, in Map Book A, at Page 44. PARCEL NO. 37: Lots 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14, 1~5, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 36. 38. 39. 43. 63, 64, 67, ~ 69, A and B, in Country Cross Roads Village Subdivision aa said L~ts are designated and n~bered on the Official Map of said Country C~osa Roads Village Subdivision, filed in the Office cf the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on July 2, 1956, in Map Book B, at Page 64. PARCEL NO. 38: All that portion of Lot 12 of Section 4, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., described as follows: BEGINNING at the moat Northerly corner of Lot 39 of Country Cross Roads Village Subdivision, as said Lot is designated and mumbered on the Official Map of said Crountry Cross Roads Village Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on July 2, 1956, in Map Book B, at Page 64, said point also being on the Southeasterly line of Cascade Street as shown on said Subdivision Map, running thence along said Southeasterly line, North 49° 38~ East, 150 feet more or less to the Southwesterly line of E1 Dorado Avenue as shown on said Subdivision Map; thence along the said Southwesterly line, South 24° 20~ East, 26~.18 feet to the Northwesterly line of Ponderosa Street as shown on said Subdivision Map; thence alomg the Northwesterly line of Ponderosa Street, South 49° 38' West 85 feet, more or less, to the most Easterly corner of Lot 40 of said Subdivision, thence along the Ncrthe'asterly line of Lots 40 and 39 of said Subdivision, 253.9 feet to the point of beginn- ing o PARCEL NO. 39~ That portion of Lot 12, Section 4, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., described aa follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast corner cf the tract herein described, a one inch diameter ca~ped pipe from which the Northeast corner of said Lot 12, bears North 89· 23' 30" East, 541.67 feet; thence from the point of beginning South 35° 42' East 596°56 feet to the Southeast eox~me~ thereof in the North boundary of Highway No. 5~0.; thence along said boundary South 49e 38' West, 454.03 feet to a 3/, inch diameter pipe at the Southwest corner thereof and in the East line of E1 Dc~ado Avenue of Country Cross Roads Village Subdivision; thence along said line North 24° 20. West ~50.93 feet to a similar pipe at the Northwest corner thereof; thence North 89° 28' 40" East 348.42 feet to the point of beginning. -9- ~ PARCEL NO. 40: All that portion of the Northeast quarter of the North- west quarter of Section 34, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Southeasterly line of the State Highway leading to Bijou where same is intersected by the Southerly line of Lakeside Lodge property extended Easterly, said point bearing South 4;? 15' East a distance of 88.70 feet from the most Southerly corner of said Lakeside Lodge property and running thence South 44° 15' East a distance of 61.101 feet to the Westerly line of Lincoln Highway; thence South 27° 23' West along said last named line a distance of 222.?6 feet; thence North 45° 56~ West a distance of 162o96 feet to a point on the Southeasterly line of said highway leading to Bijou, said line of highway being on a curve having a radius of 2240 feet concave to the Northwest and tangent to a line passing through the last named point which line bears North 56e 56~ East; thence along said curve in a Northeasterly direction through an angle of 5o 34' 30" a distance of 217.96 feet to the point of beginning, said point of beginning bearing South 42~o 15' East 40.08 feet f~om Engineer,s ~tation 252 + 48.00 feet as shown in the plans of Road District III, E1 Dorado County, Route 11, Section K, State ltighway Layout Number 871 of the Department of Public Works Division of Highways, said parcel of land containing 0°53 acres, more or less. The bearings of this description are based on the plans of the above State Highway Layout Number 871. EXCEPTING ANY portion of the above described land which may lie within the exterior boundaries of the present State Highway. /.'PARCEL NO. 41: Lot 11 Block 84, Lots 9 and 10, Block 35, as said Lots and Blocks are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County l~ecorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3° ~' PARCEL N0o 42: Lots 1 and 2, Block 2~, A1 Tahoe, as thesaid Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Official 'Amended Nap of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on Novehber 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3° PARCEL NO° 43: Lot 4, Block 84, of A1 Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Nap of Al-Tahoe" filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3o PARCEL NO. 44: All of Lot 4, in Block 86, of A1 Tahoe, as said lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3~ '~ . 'PARffEL NO. 45: The East 2 feet of Lot 3, in Blo~ck 86~of A1 Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County orE1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3~ being the exception in that - 10 - certain deed dated August 9, 1948, recorded August 13, 1948, in Book 256 of Official Records of E1 Dorado County, at Page 374, executed by Dan Ac Nevis, to Fred Perrott, Jr°, and Clairedene Eo Perrott, his wife° ~RCEL NO. 46: The Westerly 4 feet of Lot 5, in Block 86 of A1 Tahoe as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of California, on November ~,21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3, said 4 feet measured along the Northerly and soeutherly lines of said Lot and Easterly from the Westerly boundary thereof. ~PARCEL N0o 47: Let 5, Block 86, of A1 Tahoe, aa the said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. SAVING AND EXCEPTING the Westerly 4 feet of Lot 5, in Block 86, of A1 Tahoe, said 4 feet measured along the Northerly and Southerly lines of said Lot and Easterly from the Westerly boundary thereof, as conveyed by the deed dated October 27, 1947, recorded November 12, 1947, in Book 249 of Official Records of E1 Dorado County, at Page 192, executed by Aram Harootunian and Stalls Harootunian, Husband and Wife, to Luella M. Naris, a married woman. · ALSO BA~NG AND EXCEPTING THEREFROM all that portion of L~ ~, Block 86 of A1 Tahoe, described as: COMMENCING at the Northeast corner of said Lot 5, said point being the intersection of the Southerly boundary of Capiatrano Avenue with the Westerly boundary of Oakland Avenue; thence leaving said point of beginning and running Bouth 82© 554 West 90.9 feet to the Northwest corner of the parcel herein des- cribed; thence South 7° 05~ East 60 feet to a point on the Southerly Boundary of said Lot 5; thence along the Southerly boundary of said Lot 5, North 82© 55' East 83.5 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 5; thence along the Westerly boundary of Oakland Avenue, North 60.45 feet to the point of beginning° ~PARCEL NO. 48: Lot 6, Block 86, of A1 Tahoe, as the said lot and block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. SAVING AND EXCEPTING THEREFROM all that portion of Lot 6, Block 86, of A1 Tahoe, described as: COMMENCING at the Northeast corner of said Lot 6, on the Westerly boundary of Oakland Avenue and running along the Northerly boundary of said Lot 6, South 82° 55~ West 83o~ feet, thence South 7° 05' East 60.0 feet to a point on the Southerly boundary of said Lot 6; thence along the Southerly boundary of said Lot 6 North 82© 55' East 76ol feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 6; thence along the Westerly boundary of Oakland· Avenue, North 60.45 feet to the point of beginningo ~PARCEL NO. 49. Lot 7, Block 86, of A1 Tahoe, as the said Lot and Block are designated amd numbered on the Official "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3° - 11 - PARCEL NO. 50: Lot 3 and 14, Block 39, of A1 Tahoe, as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County,. of E! Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3o PARCEL NO. 51: Lots 7, 8, 9, l0 and ll, Block 27, A1 Tahoe, as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of said Al-Tahoe", filed in the offic~ of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of Celifornia, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. ,"PARCEL NO. 52: Lot 4, Block 16, of A1 Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3° ?~ PARCEL NO. 53: Lots 5, 6, ll and 12, Block 2, of A1 Tahoe Subdivision as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, on November 21,1917, in Map Book A, .at page 3. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion of said Lots 11 and 12 included within the bounda~es of the so-called "Fred Irwin Lowry Lot", said lot des- cribed as follows: That certain lot and tract of land situated in Lake Valley in the County of E1 Dorado on the Southern shore of' Lake Bigler, sometimes eAled Lake Tahoe, being a portion of Section 32, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at two pine trees, standing near together, and each being about 12 inches in diameter, upon the edge of the bluff banks of said Lake about 50 or 60 feet in a Northeasterly direction from a small frame house built by and belonging to said party of the first part, that is to say, at the tree, of the two mentioned, which stands next to the edge of said bluff bank, running thence along the shore of said Lake in a direction a little North of East 100 feet; thence at right angles with the general course of the shore of the Lake, at that point Southerly 150 feet, thence at right angles Easterly in.a line parallel to the said general course of the shore of the Lake 100 feet, and thence in a direct line 150 feet to the place of beginning° PARCEL NO. 54: Lot 4, Block 42, of A1 Tahoe, as said Lot a~d Block are designated and numbered on the official "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3° PARCEL NO. 55: Lots 1, 2 and 16, in Block 10, of A1 Tahoe, as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, $~ate of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3° ~ PARCE~ NO. 56: All that portion of Section 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, MoD.B.& M., described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast corner, a point on the Northerly side of the State Highway, Route II, E1 Dorado County, California, at a point from which the East quarter corner of Section 33, Township 14 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., bears South 80° 50' East, 1743o4 feet distant and the Southeast corner of the masonry fence post at the Southeast corner of the tract bears North 0.1 feet distanto Thence, along the North boundary of said highway, curving to the right with a radius of 2960 feet, 252.4 feet to the concrete highway monument on the North side of said highway opposite Sra. 206 plus 22.8 of the center- line survey thereof; which said monument bears South 66° 45' 30" West 252.4 feet from said Southeast corner of said tract° Thence, continuing along said highway, South 69° 12~ West 778°0 feet to the Southwest corner, a galvanized pipe, 3/4 inch diameter 2-1/2 feet long, set full length in the ground, with cap marked "M-I"; from which the Southwest corner of the masonry gate post on the West side the Westerly entrance to said trac~ bears North 23° 40' West 1/94 feet distant. Thence leaving said highway, North 22° 00' West 14.0 feet to a similar pipe, marked "M-2"; from which a yellow pine, 2 feet diameter bears North 2° 08' East 10o5 feet distant marked "M-2BT", thence North 15° 00~ 30" East 112.5 feet to a similar pipe set to a depth of 2 inches below the surface and stamped "COR 9"; from which a yellow pine, 2.4 feet diameter bears South 20° 51' East 53.5 feet and a yellow pine, 2 feet diameter bears South 71° 50' East 71.75 feet distant each blazed and scribed "COR 9 BT": thence North 0° 06' East 181.0 feet to a large spike, set 6 inches below the surface Of the~roundo Thence North 0° 39' West 384.7 feet to a galvanized pipe 1-1/2 inches diameter. 6 inches above ground in a concrete bo~ 6 inches square, with cap marked with a cross, and set on the approximate high water line of Lake Tahoe, said post being a witness corner to the Northwest cornsr of said tract herein described; said Northwest corner being located North 0° 39' West 50 feet, more or less from said witness corner, on the low-water line of said Lake. Thence, ~rom said witness corner North 56° 49' East 925.5 feet to a galvanized pipe, 3/4 inches diameter, six inches above ground, on the approximate high- water line of said Lake, set in the ground in the East boundary~fence of said tract for a witness corner to the Northeast corner thereof, located on the iow-water line of said lake, and which bears North 0° 08, West 60 feet, more or less, from said witness corner. Thence from said witness corner, following said fence line, South-0° 0§~ East 105.7 feet to a white stake, 1 inch square, 6 inches above.ground, at the point of intersection of said fence and a fence exta~ding'~asterlyo Thence,. along said fence, North 89~ 44' East 161.7 feet to i~galvamized .pipe 3/4 inches diameter, 4 inches above ground, set in the ground the intersection of said fence and a fence extending SoutherlyJ~Then~, along said fence, South 0° 13' 30" East 712.9 feet to the Southeast '' corner, the place of beginning, containing 16.806 acres, more o~_ less~ measured within the monuments above described, besides the~rea of the beach of ~id Lake Tahoe, between the high-water and low-wate~-k lines thereof. ~'PARCEL.. NO. 57~ Being a portion of Section 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., described.as follows: BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of the tract herein described, marked on the ground by a galvanized pipe from which the East quarter corner of Section 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M.. bears South 89° 28' East 2656.40 feet; thence North 0° 10' East 1~1o00 feet to the Northeast corner thereof, an iron spike set below the surface in - 13 - the Old Public Highway; thence along the Old Public Highway South 85° 19' West, 214o90 feet to the Northwest corner, marked on the ground by a pipe; thence South 214o30 feet to the So~hwest corner; thence North 76° 37' East 219o64 feet to the Southeast corner the place of commencement. Containing 0.99 of an acre or 43,124 square feet, more or less. PARCEL NO. 58: Being a portion of SectiOn 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of the parcel herein described, a galvanized pipe set 21 inches below the surface of the ground, with cap stamped Corner 9, from which the East quarter corner of said Section 33 bears South 89° 28~ East 2656°40 feet; thence from the point of beginning South 15° 00. 30" We,t 112o50 feet to a 3/4 inch diameter capped iron pipe, 30 inches long, set 29 inches deep in the ground, with cap marked M-2, from which a yellow pine 2 feet in diameter, blazed and scribed "M-2-BT" bears North 2° 08' East 10.5 feet distant; thence South 22°OOt East 14.00 feet to the Southeast corner of the parcel herein described, located in the Northerly boundary of Highway NOo~50, a similar pipe set full length in the ground marked on cap M-I, from which the Southwest corner of the masonry gate post on the West side of the entrance to Lake Land Village bears North 23° 40' West 1.94 feet; thence along the Northerly boundary of said Highway South 69~ 23t West 202.76 feet (recorded South 69° 12' West) to the Southwest corner thereof, a similar pipe; thence leaving the North boundary of said highway North 142o20 feet to a similar pipe at the Northwest corner thereof; thence North 76° 37' East 219.64 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.583 acres, or 25,407°50 square feet, more or less. PARCEL NO. 59: The West one-half of that certain parcel of real property situate in the County of E1 Do~ado, State of California, particularlyldescribed as follows, to-wit: COMMENCING at the Southeast corner, a point on the East boundary Of Lot 4, Section 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& Mi, from which the Southeast corner of said Lot4 ~a~$ South 891.34 feet; theme North 255.56 feet to the Northeast corner, a buried cobble stone, identical with the Southeast corner of the tract deeded by W. Do Rantz to J. E. Jewell, May 19, 1925, aa of record in Book 102 of Deeds,'~at Page 246, Records of E1 Dorado County, thence along the Southerly boundary of said Jewell land, South 66° 59' West 201.39 feet to the Northwest corner, identical with the Southwest corner of said Jewell land, an iron pipe, 3/4 inch in diameter; thence South 176.82feet the Southwest corner, located on the North beumdary of the tract of land heretofore deeded by Fannie M. Barton et al to Wilton R. Young, et al, November 8, 1~28, as of record in Book 110 of Deeds, at Page 319, Records of E1 Dorado, from which the Bcutheast corner of the land heretofore deeded by Flora To Dickey et al to John Meyn et ux August 13, 1928, as of record in Book 109 o~ Deeds, at Page 409, Records of E1 Dorado Codnty, bears. West 145.52 feet, thence East 185o3~ feet to the Southeast corner, the point of beginning, containing 46/100 of an acre, more or less. - 14 - ,.~ PARCEL NO. 60: Lots 8, 9 and the East half of Lot 10 in Block 11, A1 Tahoe, as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. PARCEL NO. 61: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,~ 6, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16; the West 20 feet of Lot 7 and the West 15 feet of Lot 11, all in Block 28 of A1 Tahoe, as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Do, ado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. PARCEL NO. 62: Lot 220 of Bijou Pines Subdivision, as said Lot is designated and numbered on the Official Map of said Bijou Pines Subdivision, filed in the office of the County ~ecorder of the County of E1 'Dorado, State of California, on September 12, 1929, in Map Book A, at Page 13. PARCEL NO. 63: Ail that portion of Lot 1 of Section 2, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., described as follows: BEGINNING at a 3/4 inch iron pipe on Bijou Park Boulevard, f~om which the Northeast corner of Section 2, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.S.& M., bears North 15' 34~' East, 1097.9 feet distant; thence South 29* 50' East 330 feet; thence South 60° 18' West 660 feet; thence North 29* 50t West, 330 feet; thence North 60* 18' East, 660 feet to the place of beginning, containing 5 acres, more or less. PARCEL NO. 645 Lot 1, Block 54, A1 Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are ~esignated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3o PARCEL NO. 65: Lot 4 and the Westerly 50 feet of Lot 5, Block 91 of A1 Tahoe, as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe" filed in the office of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at~ Page 3. · ~PARCEL NO.i 66: Lot 15, Lakeview Heights Subdivision, as said Lot is designated and numbered on the Official Map of said Lakeview Heights Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California on September 3, 1947, in Map Book A, at Page 70. ?/PAR0EL NOo 67: Lots 143 and 144 of Bijou Pines Subdivision, as said. Lots a~ designated and numbered on the Official Map of said Bijou l~nes Subdivisiom, filed in the office of the Cotl~t2 Recorder of the Count2 of E1 Dorado, State of California, on September 12, 1929, in Map Book A, at Page 13. PAROEL NO. 68: Lot 17, in Lakeview Heights Subdivision, as said Lot is designated and numbered on the Official Map of said Lakeview Heights Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Re- corder of the County of ElDorado, State of California, on September 3, 1947, in Map Book A, at Page 70. - 15 - ~ .~-PARCEL N0o 69: Lot 16, .in Lak.evi~ew H~eights Subdivision. as said Lot is cesigna~ec ant numbered on the Official Map of said Lakeview Heights Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California on September 3, 1947, in Map Book A, at Page 70° .. PARCEL .NO. 70: Lots 7 ~nd 8 in Block 4; Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in Block 13; Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1.2 and 13 in Block 20; Lots 3 through 16, both inclusive, in Block 29; Lots 9 and 10 in Block ~0; Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 35; Lots 1 to 16 both inclusive, in Block 36; Block 37; Lots 9 and 10 in Block 42; Lots 1.., 2, 3, 16 and the West 40 feet of Lot 15 in Block I.~;,~; Lots 1, 2 and 16 in Block 46; Lots 1, 2, 3, 8, 14, 15 and 16, in Block 55 all as designated and numbered on the Official "Amended l~ap of Al- Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County E1 Do~ado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A w at Page 3. PARCEL ~0. ~'~: A portion .of San Jose Avenue, formerly k~own aa Street, ~as said Avenue is des'~gnated o~ the Offi-~eig~ Amended Plat offAl Tahoe ~ubdivision filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado , State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3, more particularly described as follows: That portion of San Jose Avenue lying between Lots 9 and 10, Block 20 on the North and Lots 7 and 8, Block 29 on the South, and West of the West line of Sacramento Avenue ex~ended across San Jose Avenue, ar~ East of the West line of Lot 10, Block 20 extended South across San Jose Avenue and being a ~parcel of ]~d 40 feet by 100 feet. PARCEL NO. 72: Ail that Portion of Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 40, A1 Tahoe Subdivision, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, more particularly described as follows: ........ BEGINNING~at the Southeast corner ~f said Block 40, identical with the Southeast corner.of the herein described parcel of land, a 1 inch capped iron pipe, thence from point of beginning and along the East line of said Block 40, North 55°50 feet, the Northeast corner of the herein described parcel of land, a 1 inch papped iron pipe; thence leaving said East line of Block 40, South 53e 22' West, 116.95 feet,. - 16 - a 1 inch capped iron pipe; thence continuing South 83° 22' West, 47.63 feet, the Northwest corner, a 1 inch capped iron pipe set in the West line of said Lot 9; thence along said line South 7° 05' East, 56°37 feet, the Southwest corner of said Lot 9; thence along the South line of said Lots 7, 8 and 9, North 82~ 55' East, 157.72 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0°207 of an acre, mo~.e or less. PARCEL NO. 73: Lots 1, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 15 in Block 45, as 'said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the 'Official "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", fi]ed in the office of the County Recorder of the Couuty of E1 Dorado, State of California, on Novembe~. 21,. 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. i .~. EXCEPTING from said Lots 9 and 10 the following described p~tions there of: / Ail that portion of Block 45, of A1 Tahoe, as said Block i-s designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", filed i~.'~ the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of'~'~ :- California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3, more ~',~i~ particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point on the Northerly line of San F~ancisco Avenue ar~ the intersection of the Westerly line of Sacramento Avenue, thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said San Francisco Avenue, 100 feet to the Southwest corner of the parcel herein described; thence leaving the Northerly boundary of said San Francisco Avenue, Northerly at right amgles for a distance of 50 feet to the Northwest corner of the parcel herein described; thence Easterly at right angles and parallel with said San Francisco Avenue a distance of 100 feet to the Northeast corner of the parcel herein described, thence Southerly on the Westerly line of Sacramento Avenue for a distance of 50 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL NO. ?$: Lot 16 in Block 45 of A1 Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official .~A~aended Map of Al-Tahoe," filed in the office of the Comnty of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3, EXCEPTING THEREFROM the Northerly 30 feet thereof° ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following described portion thereof: That certain parcel of real property 20' x 40' in area upon which is situate a certain pit type well, 5~ x 5' square, being a 'portion of Lot 16, Block 45 of "Amended Map of A1 Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A at Page 3. PARCEL NO. 75: All that portion of Alameda Street lying between the South line of Block 29, the North line of Block 36, the West. line of Sacramento Street and the East line of Nevada Street, as said Blocks and Streets are desigr~ed on the OffiCial "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. PARCEL NO. ?~: Lot 11 in Block 18 of A1 Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Offic~l "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. - 17 - PARCEL NO. ?~: Lot numbered 217 of "Bijou Pines", according t~ the Official Plat thereof recorded in the office of the Recorder of the said County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on September 12, 1929, in Book "A" of Maps, at Page No~ 13o PARCEL NO. 78: Lots 40 and 41 in Keller Park Subdivision, as said Lots are designated and numbered on the Official Map of said Keller Park Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on July 19, 1951, in Map Book A, at Page 102. PARCEL NO. '~9: Lots 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 74, ?5, 76, 77, 78, ?9, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, and 85 of Bijou Park Subdivision, as said Lots are desiSnated on the Official Map of said Bijou Park Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on September 2 1927, in Map Book A, at Page 10. ' PARCEL NO. 80: Lots 68 and 69 of Bijou Pines, as said Lots are designated and numbered on the Official Map of said Bijou Pines, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Do~ado, State of California, on September 12, 1929, in Map Book A, at Page 13o ~PARCEL NO. $Z: Lot 11 and the West one-half of Lot 10, in Block 11, of A1 Tahoe, as the said lots and block are designated a~d numbered on the Official "Amended Map cf Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3o PAROEL NO. 82: Lots 1 and 2, and the West 10 feet of Lot 3, in Block' 21, of A1 Tahoe, as designated and numbered on the Official "Amended ){ap of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 2~, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. PARCEL NO. 8~: Lot 3, Block 10, of A1 Tahoe, as said Lot a~d Block are designated and numbered on the Official Map of '~ said "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado , State of California, on ~ovemB'er 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. " PARCEL NO. 8~:' Lot 3, Block 72; Lots 11 and 12, Block 80, of A1 TahOe aa said Lots and Blocks are designated amd numbered on the Official "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California,~ on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 30 PARCEL NO. 8~ Lot 1, Block 3 in Johnson Acres Subdivision,No 2, aa said Lot and Block are designated and numbered on the Official Map of said Johnson Acres Subdivision No. 2, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado~ State of Califo~ia, o~ June 12, 1946, in Map Book A, at Page ~J~. .%PARCEL NO. E~E,: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 14, 15 and 16 of Tract 108, Bijou Park Acres, aa sai~ Lots amd Tx, act are designated a~d numbered on the Official Map of said Bijou Park - 18- -19- Acres, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on May 15, 1951, in Map Book A, at rage 96. ~, PARCEL NO. 8~: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 11, of A1 Tahoe as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Official #Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the 0ounty Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at rake 3. -' PARCEL N0o 8~: C0~ENCING at the Bouthwest corner of Section 27, Town- ship 13 North,. Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., thence Westerly on a line with the South boundary line of said Se.orion extemded a distance of 259 feet; thence South 38° 35' West 400 feet, thence South 42~ 03' West 400 feet; thence South 460 27' West 600 feet to the point of .commencement of the herein described lot; thence South 460 27' West 100 feet; thence South 57° 27' East 195 feet; thence l~orth 46° 27' East 100 feet; thence North 57° 27t West 195 feet to the point of cemaweneement. PARCEL NO. ~ C0~ING at a point of commencement described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast corner .of~the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 33, Townah~ip 13 Nel-th, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., and run, inK thence South 89e 30~ EaSt a-distance of 15~.85 feet to the Northwest line of the CoUntY Road leading to Bijou, thence North 60° 56~ East alon~ said last named line a distance of 390.72 feet; thence North 55~ 41' East' a dista,ee of 346.00 feet; thence North 63e 12~e East 100 feet; thence North 66e 32~ East 200 feet; thence North 62° 10~' East 200 feet the,es North 59° 01~ East 299.91 feet; thence North 55° 03~'~Ea~t 200.2 feet; the,ce North 56° 41' East 100 feet; thence North 33e 37~' .~est ~62.73 feet; thence North 56° 22~t East. ~27o8~0 feet; thence south ~e 15' East 290°74 feet; thence North 44° 1~' West, 2~0.74 feet?.mor® or leas to the point of co, me,cement; themce f~om point of beginning South 56° 22~' West 15400 feet more or less; thence No~th 33e 37~ West, 145.0 feet m~e or less, to tl~e Southeasterly boundary line'.of the land described in that certain deed from John H. Kimbell, et/al, to Renira Butler dated October 10, 1928, and recorded October 1528, in the office of City Recorder of said City of Placerville, in Beck 110 of Deeds, at Page 182, Records of E1 Derado CountF,thence along said boundary and the direct projection thereof North 5~8 2~ East, 127o60 feet more or less to a line drawn North 44° 15' .West ~om said point ef beginning; thence South ~.~? 15' East, 148.0 feet more or less to the point of beginning. PA~RCEL NO. 90: Blocks 4, 9 and 10 of Pinewood Park Subdivision, as said Blocks are designated and numbered on the official Map of said Pinewood Park Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California on July 19, 1926, in Map Book A, at Page 9. PARCEL NO. 91: Lots 1 and 16, Block 7, of A1 Tahoe, as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the Official "Amended Map of Al-Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. PARCEL NO. 9~: Lots 51,54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 112, 127 and 128, of Bijou Park Subdivision, as said Lots are designated amd numbered on the 0ffic ial Map of said Bijou Park Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of~ California, on September 2, 1927, in Map BOok A, at Page 10. PARCEL NO. 9~: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 33, thence North 0a 41' 30" West 139.4 feet to the Northeast corner of the parcel herein described on the shore of Lake Tahoe; thence along the shore of said Lake Tahoe South 52e 09' 30" West 208.00 feet to the Northwest corner of the realty herein described; thence leaving said ~ake shore and running South 0° 54' 30" West 365°05 feet to the Southwest corner of the realty herein described said point being the Northwest e~oef Lot 262 of Bijou Park Subdivision as said lot is delineated and designated on the Official Map of said Bijou Park Sub- division, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County erE1 Dorado,C$%mt~ of California, on September 24, 1927, in Map Book A, at Page 10, thence alcn$ the Northeasterly boundary of said Sub- division, North 57~ 03' 30" East, 208.35 feet to the Southeast corner of t~e realty herein described; thence along the Westerly boundary of said Subdivision North O* 41' 30" West, 240.56 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL' NO. 9~: All that portion of Lot 2, Section 33, Township 13 North,' Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., more particu~ described in deeds from V. H. Benson and Wife to Naaman A. Swingle and Margaret Sater in Book 118 of Official Records of E1 Dorado County, at Page 287 and 288. PARCEL N0. ~$ The ~following four parcels: PARCEL NO. l: Lot i of Section 3 and West half of Lot 4 of Section 2, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M. EXCEPTING THEREFROM all that portion of said Lot I described in that certain deed dated August 28, 1956, recorded September 14, 1956, in Book 389 of Official Records of E1 Dorado County, at Page 478, from Stella Van Dyke Johnson, a widow to Norman M. Hodkln, a married man, described as follows: All that portion of Lot l, Section 3, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in Township line between Townships 12 and 13, Range 13 East, M.D.B.& M., from which point the Section corner of the township line between Sections 2 and 3, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., marked by a I 1/2 inch diameter iron pipe set in the ground, bears South 89° 54' East, a distance of 278.0 feet and running thence South 89° 31' 30" West, 1043.89 feet along township llne to the Northwest corner of tract; thence South 0° 24' East, 1099.63 feet to the Southwest corner of tract on Lot line between Lots I and 2 of Section 3, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.Bo& Me thence North 89° ~!, East, 604.51 feet to the SOutheast corner of tract, which is at the Westerly eel~e of the old logging railroad embankment; thence North 21° 18, East 1186.? feet to the point of beginning and containing 20 acres, more or less. ALSO EXCEFI~ING T~L~REFRoM all that portion of LOt l, Section 3, Town- ship 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point which bears South 27° 34' 30" West of the Northeast cerner of Section 3, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., a distance of 803.50 feet; thence South ll° 51' West a distance of 486.33 feet; thence North 68° 29' West a distance of 213.14 feet; thence North 21° 39' East a distance of 475.64 feet; thence South ?0e 09' East a distance of 130o~0 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.90 acres more or less. PARCEL NO. 2: All that portion of the East half of Lots 5 and 6 of Section 3, TOwnship 12 North, Range 18 East, M. D.B.& M., lying Easterly of U. S. Highway No. 50. EXCEPTING THERE- FROM all that portion thereof lying within the exterior boundaries of Johnson Acres Subdivieion No. 2, as per Map recorded in Book A of Maps, Map No. 44. PARCEL NO. 3: All that portion of Lot 3 and the Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter and West half of Southeast quarter of Section 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., lying South of a line described as follows: COMMENCING AT a granite rock on the West line of said Lot 3, 33' rods (5!~;~.~ feet) more or less South of Northwest corner of said Lot 3; thence running East 120 rods (1980 feet) to a granite rock on the East boundary of West half of Northwest Quarter of said Southeast quarter of Section 33, and 37 ro~s (610.5 feet) mope or less South of the Northeast corner of said West half of Northwest quarter of said Southeast quarter of Section 33. SAVING AND E~CEPTING, all that portion of the Southeast quarter of Section 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., more particularly described in Deed to Karl A. Hess and Marian G. Hess, recorded March 30. 1956, in Book. 279 of Official Records of E1 Do~do County, at Page 116, as follows. ' ' - 21-~i BEGINNING at the Southeasterly corner of the herein described parcel, a 2 inch capped iron pipe, identical with the Southwesterly corner of Lot 56~ of Rancho Bijou Subdivision; thence from point of beginning North 89° 2~o' 50" West, ~2.01 feet; the Southwesterly corner; thence North 40° 17' 30" E~st, 67.16 feet, the Northeasterly corner; thence South 9° 25' East, 52.44 feet to the point of begin- ning, containing 0.051 of an acre, more or less. ALSO SAVING AND EXCEPTING all that portion which lles within the exterior boundaries of Rancho Bijou Subdivision, as the same is shown on the Official Map of Rancho Bijou Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of California on July l, 19~5, in Map Book B, at Page 20. ALSO SAVING AND E.~CEPTI~'~C~ therefrom all that portion which lies with- in the exterior boundaries of Johnson Acres Subdivision, as the same is shown on the Official Map of Johnson Acres Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California~ on August 22, 1941, in Map Book A, at Page 28. PARCEL NO. 4: All that portion of the East half of Lot 4, of Section 2, Township 12 ~orth, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., more particularly described as follows: BEGINi~II~G at the South quarter corner of Section 33 of Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.]~.& M., thence along the North line of said Lot 4, South 89° 26, 50" East 3~3.24 feet; thence leaving said line South 400 17' 30" West, 52.01 feet; thence North 89° 26' 30" West 520.27 feet; thence South 46° 03' hO" West 358.15 feet; thence North 0° 12' West 290.50~feet, a i 1/4 inch capped iron pipe, the Northwest corner of the E. ast half of said Lot 4; thence along the North line thereof South 89° 33' 30" East 259.58 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1.292 acres, more or less. 22 - PARCEL NO. 9~: All that portion of Lot 4 of Section 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B.& M., described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of the land herein described, located on the Northerly boundary of the State' Highway, a galvanized pipe, 3 feet long, 3/4 inch diameter, stamped on cap "J X I" and set full length in the ground; from which the Southwest corner of said Section 33 bears South 19~ 49' 20" West 2467.4 feet; a yellow pine, 15 inches diameter bears North 5811~ 02' West 5.79 feet; a y&low pine, 9 inches diameter, bears South '35~ East 13.26 feet, each blazed and scribed "J I BT"; and the concrete monument on the South side of said Highway opposite Station 181+38o6 E. Co Road III E.Do II K bears South 50° 41~ East 160.1 feet; thence North 7~ 16~ 30" West 158.65 feet to a galvanized pipe, 1 stamped on cap "J X 2" and set 207 feet in inch diameter, 3 feet long, the grc~und at t~,e approximate highwater line of Lake Tahoe, thence 16~ 30 West 50 feet, more or less, to the iow water line cf N°rt.h_7_ ~ .... ,A_. the low water line of said Lake, Eas?er.l.y, .30 said L ' .............. ~ .... er of the land of Jonn ~eyn, t more or less, Do ~fle 9ox'~lwem~ fee .......... -- --- ~.. -~ arv of said land of John Meyn, S. outh. th g vanized i e, 1~ inches ,o 16~ ~0" East, 50 feet more or less,~to a.~al . ~ ~ P.__. which said pipe stamped-"J x 2" bears South 71° 22~ West 30.61 feet; thence along the Weat~y boundary of said land of said John Me~, So~h 7° 16~ 30" East 172.5 feet to the Southeast corner, located on the Northerly bou~ary of said State Highway; a ~alvanized pipe 3/4 inch diameter, 3 feet long, stamped on cap J X 4 and set full length in the ~ound from which the Southwest corner of said land of said John Me~ bears South 7° 16~ 30" East 15006 feet; thence curving to the left with radius of 1540 feet to the Southwest corner ~ich bears North 82e ~ 30" West 31o00 feet, a~ is the point of beginning. , PARCEL N0. ~: Lot 15 of Trout Creek Tract, as said Lot is designated and n~bered on the Official Mgp of said Trout Creek ~act, filed in ~e office of the County Recorder of the County cf'-E1 Dorado, State of California, on September 22, 1947, in Map Book A, at Page 720 . p~ N0. 981 Lots 2, 7, 10 and 19, Johnson Acres, as said Lots are deai~ated and n~bered on the Official Map of said Johnson Acres, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on Aurar 22, 1941, in Map Book A, at Page 280 > P~C~ N0o '~: Lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12, Block 1; Lots 1 and 3, Block 2; Lots 2, 6, 8, 9 and 11, Block 3; Lots 1, 2 and 17, Block 4, Lots 1, 9 and 11, Block 5 of Johnson Acres Subdivision No. 2, as said Lots and Blocks are designated and n~bered on the Official Map of Johnson Acres Su~ivision :No. 2, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of Califo~ia, °n June 12, 1946, in Map Book A, at Page ~. "PARC~ N0. 10~: Lot 43 of Rancho Bijou, as said Lot is designated and n~bered on the Official Map of said Rancho Bijou, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, ~tate of California, on July 1~ 1953, in Map Book B, at Page 20. - 23 - '"