HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957 01/10 - 1957 12/12138 January i0, he "!oc:'f of !it'cctc:.s _:,f thc couth t-h:,'-icc, :-ut,lie 'U~ilitv District "~lif~-rnia, on ..... uarv 10 19<7,~. ¢'h the hour of '~:..c"'" o'clock i" * ' iiChL ~-. Upon roll call, ..~e~'e were z ....... ~ ~ ~ to rs :!e r~ha Fd t and 3oerinc'er, Ins~:cctor a.e ~.;liller, and Secretary 2yon. Also ~2?esent ~.8s :if. t}]arle F. Pankost, ~nd ;'r ~fen ",atkins, lot 72, ·.~cnu ij:}u Subdivisi ox. ~,i:t'(.II Ti.!3i:T LF LI: ..... TOil ~,-~..~uST: / -. ;: uluon out:hr and flue con- - :~r~ sf Flre?,t~,s ~ +~,~ ~outn Tahoe Yubllc Utlllty D:L~trict recj_Fa~ -'cc ailcoint Tr. E'arle F. ~'snk~: t to the uosilion .,,lc~. an.f E~: officio Gec:'e~a~y, ~,~:ich position !588 vsoatcd ]):r t]'i6 d~-'~t:h of ~'~' l.m. A ~ ,~ Ln - '-~- , ..... z oun~. ~ moti on of ])ir~ctor Coerin:xer and s~condcd by Eir~ctor 2ernhardt and unanimously Director.Carried' i..'r. Earla 7. iankost was accointed~, to the office of l:resident '?¢rnh~}'dt executed t:b~ :~e~t~ficate f Ail:ointment and }'nkost took the {ath of elf ice. Secretary ~':~,~ , ~.o~n ~'as instruct~ to o c t a i ri '~ _,o**o for T':P. renkost froEl our insurance ~'irector ~- . ...... ~ ~ .... :~.~,::.: Upon motion by ,~er~nc~r, secant}ed b9 Director ' :a~nharot an~ unanimous 1,~ carried , Xesslu%isn 'CO, ~-~oL~tin{T Nr. }aakost as 2lark and E2-Officio Secretary of ~e N~ rd, was ~- ~ ~ ~o unanimously RE~Oi~TS: Readin~i of correspondence was d~lsy~d until th~ Nad c'on'sidared ~h". i:atkin,s report, lie is vary much interested in consolidatinc~ the entire ~nchs~ ~'~jou area and'wishes to obtain th~ names and addresses of the people xho ar~ not in the District in that Subdivision so ~het he may contact them and ur?e them to join. 3ecreta~'v~ is Lo ~rnish }.ir. ~.~tkins -~ v~t~' ..... ~s' informstion. Director Goerin~ler reported that on the ~nd of January he ~alked '~.~ith Uau~hn l!olfelt, Head Ran{~.ler, at ll~yers Ranger Station, re 'ards to the Forestry land and he informed Director Ooerincer that liP. ~/m. Tisher is :oin? {o contact the man in Los Angeles who owns land that we ,oul~ like to buy for the purpose of exchanring same for tho required 2orestrv }resi,!ent lernhardt further ur:zed the 7?oard to formally file for tile ~,-n,'~ '- ~ eS ~ - - ~ Fresident Eernhardt further reported that i',r. and Nrs. Ov:ynn, on Ski run Blvd. had contacted him re: their assessments, and S~::::retary,. !::/ar~.. ,_,is inst:'J, cx~, ~ ' '- *'-c~ ,.,rite '~r:~v.n c:.' Coldwell, callind; to t:~ei'r atl. a;:,_ion cn: sale of some.~-~ their .-r *'-rtv and -',~ a~c er}S]?e~ses Of the BeW ov,Iler8. Director Coeringer further reporter~ on the break in 'tlne main on l[ichway 60, near Fairy:ay Avenue, .,'hera const2uction of the ney. 3ijou Sho~ ~.inc Center is going on, by i[r. Carl iloffmen v;hile in the er~plol .... ~ ir. z~ran:~" o,~zooih.' ' ~ I'Jr. Ooeringer has since o~cc~ed'-' ~ short lcn;:'ths of 2ile vith slil. collars to have bn hand at the pump station for future emer?ncy rq'sirs to our force main. They rare ~ot available at the time of this break, an~ the re, sir v/ork done al this time must ba considered tc:':porary. Secretary i?an is instructed to v:rite i'r. Carl l{offman and Lit. ' .... ' ,~:lls e t }'* re?istered mail aris call *~ · ~.~,.~ Clobin to ...... ffec , .... . .... sir atte~:~ion to thc fact that the District nov: has ~crmancnt ra~,air r:"at,trial on hand v,:hzcn they may purchases, ~.,~ make a ....... 139 r~:~:ir~., on t;~is ~line. . ~ ~ tfat ?~r -~,l~stein, o~ ~l~stein, .... c .~ol~s i~, ou'c a~torn~es in ~.he Stella Johnson suit called ~ ,ira, an~ stated that he ~.,ds m~cc - ~ ~ small increase on our security b.:,ne, f':c¢.~ :>5,000 to~:~26,400, at a hearing on~er'~--ember.~ ~_~1, 1956. ca cdCitions1 Further ~iscss~_i~;m 7:as held about bil!i,n,-~ the Nevada District for their portic, n of :~aint~.nance, etc, and it vms su£T:este~l that this problem be broucht before Nr. Snell, our CPA, u'hen he comes to the la<e during the week of January 14th. oerin/~er an~ ::ernhardt further reNorte¢ that in connection with the ~_ rhxne vs ~T ~ suit, ~"e . ~:' pnr they saw ~,(r. Terhune in h~Fes of but did not arrive at any satisfactory reechinc some set~leh.ent, conclusion. -% ?resieent '~rnhardt furt~er re~orted that "~r '~ . ~ b~!l t:eck of NcGuire an~ Xester inquire~ as to hov: the fir:ute of 93887.30 was arrive5 at as final 'payment of their contract, an4 after much 5iscussion, IT. ?ernhardt called Nr. ]'eck and £;avs him the breakdown of same. ~.. ~ther discussion wes held 2ith rc:,~qs ~..~ Uua%~es of n ?he's, 1Teul L Fo?arty , position in the the case of St-ella ~ ~ -~ ~, OIINSON VS. ~:~ ~; ~,~ Board feels 7ith the hiring; of ~7r. Goldst{~in on this case, it .:ould be aclvisa~le to 7rite C::unssl to il n~ out just uho · ' ....h ~ ~a:'~z~d a lit'tls hired }~r Nu{'hes, aha is ~,osition au ht to be a~- ~ I,~,~.~a: ~.,i:,ut, es of slecial meetinr' of ilar tuber ~ , 1956 Dece~'~-er l'l, 1956 and. r ....... ~ ' ' .... o,. ~ msetinc of 7e'3e~ber 1S, 1956, ..... :. , a.:provaj es read, ~",ith the e.;~c~,~,~ion :;,f minutes for meetinc of - ~" ::+'ich were correcte~ and ac,.;g~.:tci es co:Proofed. ilo'~,'cmbcr ~:~, 1956, ,,~ . . ,f=- "1'~/'14/55, 'in vx' ' -t)i %5.00 in c:.cess. ~,~e~:' su{"[:ested u'e issue check direct and i~;~;uzse Nr. ~-,,' for th r-oho tacos ~' l~'a ~' a ckeck in ~ ~ · ~-~- ~is amo~t. s,_ t"~e:' (,~teO 12 17/56, .~ '~ ~ ' f h~ ~cunsel t:i ,ilks ~, Sapunor attornies, for .,,. L. 7cod, re: ~rojcct 1956-1, an? pT'otter of i..r. llood was read. Lett::~r Coted 12/17" .... /co from Counsel to thc 'Soard, reques~.=nFi seal on J::c~olution '~88, he :,'as teaC, an,-' i7;ircctc,;r h~C rctur:acd same ~:ith Seal on it. h e t '* .... c ' ~':. ~ da ted o,/ " ~'e ' ~ /,-~'~ 7~ r, ..... .. ' ~ ....~ t'~ . letter to .... c ¢ ct ..... c this 0;,n~~:' sui? 1;c "¢lcased cuc* .......¢8."% ~}ie ]'.ir ?ou~,q,. '~o lo~ ..... ~ r oo:~u_pieg ~h¢ ...... r, oc ition .;~ Clcrk an Ex-officio Scc:'a'~' ..... thc a~z',.~,,. 3ccrcta:'.. ' ....... ' ~ ' , .~ ,. ON V,/aS IhS to, 7;rite such a letter. Letter frc.~, 7nf'inecrs N':'ov:n S: Catd'.,ell, dat£? 1£/21/55, ¢ncI_sslr:,~ c:)27 c)f letter and S c;:'ies of "tilitics ,,i{-'rccacnt 'Ut. S85, aC':isir:; ,',~¢ s i-'r} an' rs'turn 2 copies -":: DivisSo;i ~f Xi{-'hv:ays, in re, ards to road work xlanxed in 'hhs s!/rint' of 1957 anti the raisinl c.f certain manholes. Director Ooerinc'sr anti isrnhardt sis;ned and Secretary lyon v?as instructed t:~ return as indicated. .... i-'~ of letter .... ,Counsel to County ..sa, es~:c,r,. ,..:ut¢.r~__ ix:/,:O" 56 , re: 3TIU'D Annex ...... 1956-1, an;. f.u, rva.~rdinc coi~ .... u, Resolution ..'.:o8. .... ~o~.a' of letter from Counsel to County ~:ccorder, <:ated 12/c==/,,/~-06, re: .,,~tU/! ,tonex. 1956-1, and for~,va~a~ Coiy of letter from Counsel to I,Js. Ooidstein, ;,e: STTUD vs. Johnson, dated ix/~ '~-~:~/56, and fc:.:-,ardin' .... aerial photo{Traphs, was rea~ 140 }~otices to Pa[' A~essment, Project 1956-1, from Counsel, for our files, was res~, end .:~,r~ere~ filed. ~illaw St., and secretary ?.yon was instructed to urite ~.~:~F= ex'i~alninc a little ~are ~ .out ti:air as~ess~ent. from Soul, scl d:~%ed 1/~/57, re: any sicned petitions that ~ ..... ~= i~clu.led in this last c around s'tiil, ~ .... that a?e to . ~,,~n was instyucte~ to rite Couns~l .... ~'~'-d~,~ they had ~11 ~hc i~cst ~f oL!r kR~,,~ ~ . ~:~,INIoHEL ....:' ;."T~''%~' '~.~O~: Re : the ~,ea, tinf'., s. tern for the puF. p station Xi'. Ooerin{;er celled ~uildim~ Sheet }/etal for his bid on same, and it uas '~'710.00. The Soard had . ~.. e.~usly received a bid from Rupert Crawl,~_,~ t74~.00~ . The Board will teke this further in+-~. cansiderat ion. CLAN.iS: The foltc)win:~ claims were read end apl:,roved fey i:aymer~t; Sie L~ra }acific lac, Tel., & Tel, ~ijou rark Variety Lakeside Theater Ci,ristine ?yen N. L. Ooeringer L. S. 2alp Luther Xulse '~ 9.60 G.L6 25.00 146.05 (net) 120.00 508.1~ (i.. clu~in~ ell over ~ine :.]Lie ~, expanses) 57.47 Uotal - ADJOURI'.$iEI~: There l~einc no furthe:r ' .... siness before ~,~ ?oard, the meeting was adjourned. · 11~ Inlt~i (] t t:residant Norman L. GO~rln?{er February 1, 1957 r.~i~c, hereb[,; consent t:? the hol,<in{: of a S':ecial '[ a~:tin~ on February 1, 19o7, at the ~,,ur of ~:00 o'clock at thc re:~ulgr mcetin? place, and hereby v;sive notice thereof. ~ne ~urpose of saiC meetin,~ is to consider and proceedinn~s in t:roject Ilo. Z6-1, and ANNexation ~ e u~ ual.,j 1, m~.e 13card e rirect:ors of tl-ts ........ ~ ~°~' utzl Dist:.ict mst in s!:ecia.! session at the re~lar msetin{;l place, 'Last Front Cf fica of tl~e ~'- '~ ' ~_~a:~es~ce Theater 3uildinc, Stateline, ~al~a~ nia, ~ a~,ur of _:OO o'clock i.Li. in acu~.,:ance with the fore~"oing consent and v;eiver. ~:~,..L ,~I,L. Cn roll c~}ll there v:er¢ present Directors ~ernhardt hh'd 0O'eri'n,~er. Also p~'esent was Secretary ~!yan and Cle:'k and Ex-officio Secretary }~ankost. i-::eadin{-~ of the minutes of tJ~e-~e~ul~r.- ~, meetinc of January was postponed until the ref'ular February raeetin{:'. r:,uJ~ N'O. 56-1: :~-'solution No. 89 of intention to ?!aka Ch~niles 'and ? odifications, Sa~}itary :£ev,,era;;e Troject ?70. 55-1, v:as read to the !;card 0n motion of Director ncerin~er, · _~ secor:Jed 1;'-; l)irect :.r Per::l.ardt, said r~s::Iution nas unanimou~- ~v~ ad~ d on roll call vats. Aii'i~iAUi:'i: 1957-1: The Secretary prescnte¢ -to th{~ Noard a petition ~.~ch haJ been si{me< ~v the recuired number of electors and. owners of real troperty vi'thin the area proposed to be anne;~ed, requestin{? that the particular area desidmate~ "A~nexation 19~7-1-, be annexed to the 3~uth Tahoe Zublic rtility District. T e 3ecreta~:'v presented a certificate t - , . ~:~t the required number of si~'n::.tu,~es__ v.;ere on t~e ~netition aha tl~e ccrtiFica~-'-~, and -the petition were ordered filed. Discussion ~,,-.~ nad c:::ncernim?,, the ao.,zsebil. ~,v of annexin{} the partic~l~r ~;ro?er~., t-, the ~"~-"~ ~ ~ ~ . ~' . .... ~ ..... itt a'L t}~is time. All Directors prese:.t ~, -fi e re of the ot. inion 'that it ~ould be for the advanta-~e of the ~"'' ~ne~lted b' the a::}}:}e:::a~ on. (::Li"Pi'?'r/ .... 29: An OrdiNance Describi~f-i.Territorv Tro¥osed To and i)eclarinq In~{_ 'tion b -'~-'~ .......... ',.' 1957-1, was hresented. The d}rdinence u;as read to thc 2card and discuss ion follow.e2 ther'eon. ~"~:~ ~:s'kior~ of l'ii'eCtlL' ;:~Innardt, seconded by an~ unani~ously carried, sa iJ Crdi~ance ~, 29 -~}'as adopted. clerk v:s:~ directed to oat three certifi~.d colics of the Ordinance ,:itbzn 'tlts ooundaries of' the S~ul,~, _folios l:ublic ~ .... , uility ~,x~trict,~o,-,d~: also t:;-::oat three certifi~td copies of the Ordinance within the boundaries of the area pk?oi:osef to l',e annexe~. iiearin~:i on the Ordinance was set ~ '~ ........... th ..... l'uil?'¥h~{,2, S~.~ teli:'~, .... ~-~i~_.~ ec:se~,ent, and pendin:.' f~il~'!~]'~er i:': ....... .,~s ..i "a i: :[~;:n, aL-~,! ~,~ {.J_l. proof is 142' U [ F · 144 ~ $ 1,77:c:. i" C,. r'S CT i 'r! ".' I ? ! q 'C f' c · 17 (n(:~) I'~ ('3 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC TUILITY DISTRICT HOARD OF DIRECTORS February 18, 1957 The adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, was called to order at 2:00 P. M., February 18, 1957, at the regular meeting place, East Front Office, Lakeside Theatre Building, Stateline, California. ~0LL CALL: Upon roll call there were present Director Bernhardt Director Goeringer and Clerk Pankost. ' SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 56-1: The President of the Board announced that this was tee time and place for hearing on Resolution of Intention to Make Changes and ~odifications. The Secretary pre- sented and Affidavit of Publication indicating that the Resolution of Intention to Make Changes and Modifications had been published within the timeand in the manner required by law. The Affidavit of Publication was ordered filed. All written protests were read by the Secretary and ordered filed. The President asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. All those desiring to speak were given the opportunity and all written and oral protests were considered by the Board and the hearing ordered closed. Resolution No. 91 ~rdering Changes and Modifications, Sanitary Sewerage No. 56-1, was read. On motion of Director Goeringer, seconded by Director Bernhardt, and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, meeting was adjourned ~n~til''' next 'regular meeting. M~. Bernhardt President ~E~.rl~- ~. ~Pan~ostTM ~ ' Clerk & Ex-Officio Secretary MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 1, 1957 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in spe~sl session, pursuant to call of the President at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M., at the East Front Office of the Lakeside Theatre Building, the regular meeting place of the Board, on March l, 1957. 1 ROLL C ALL: Bern~'ardt. On roll call there were present Directors Goeringer and Also present were Clerk Pankost and H. E. Kirkbride. SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 56-1: The President announced that this was the time and place fixed for opening bids for the sale of the improvement bonds to be issued on the unpaid assessments for Project No. 56-1. The Clerk opened and read the bids that were received as follows: J. B. Hanauer & Co., Beverly Hills, California, bid par plus a premium of $20.00, bonds to bear a coupon rate of 5-1/4% and in addition thereto, all bonds to bear separate detachable coupons at the rate of 5/4% from the date of the bonds to July 2, 1960, or to the respective maturity dates of the bonds, whichever is sooner. Stone & Youngberg, Russ Building, San Francisco, bid 97 and 1/8~ of par for bonds bearing a coupon rate of 5-1/~%. Bailey & Co., ~'resno, California, bid par, bonds maturing July in the years 1958 to 1961, inclusive, to bear a coupon rate of 5-1/4% and bonds maturing on July ~ in the years 1962 to 1972, inclusive, to bear a coupon rate of L. H. Easterling & Co. and First California Company, L. H. Easterling & Co., Managers, San Francisco, bid par plus a premium of ~19.00, bonds maturing on July 2 in the years 1958 to 1962, in- clusive, to bear a coupon rate of 5%, bonds maturing on July 2 in the years 1963 to 1967, inclusive, to bear a coupon rate of 5-1/4% and bonds maturing on July 2 in the years 1968 to 197~, inclusive, to bear a coupon rate of 5-1/2%. The bids were referred to Mr. Kirkbrlde for recommendation and following computation of the bids, he announced that L. H. Easterling & C~. was the low bidder. i~ESOLUTION NO. 94, San.i.ta..r~ Sew'era6e Project No. 56-1, was read. Determining Unpaid Assessments and Providing for Issuance of Bonds, On Motion of Director Goeringer, seconded by Director Bernhardt and unanimously carried, said resolution was adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 30, An Ordinance Awarding Sale of Bonds, Sanitary Sewerage P~o"~ec~.No. 56-1, to L. H. Easterlin~. & Co., was read. On motion of Director Goeringer, seconded by Director Bernhardt and unanimously carried, said ordinance was adopted. SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 52-1: RESOLUq'ION NO. 95, Directing the District Engineer to ~ake Changes in the Assessment and Diagram and Ordering Partial Refund of Certain Assessments~ Sanitary Sewerage PrOject No.. 52-!., was read. On motion of Director Goeringer, seconded by Director Bernhardt and unanimously carried, said resolution was adopted. ~ESOLUTION NO. 96, A Resolution Zmendin$. hesolution No. 68 Determining Un~.aid Assessments and' PrOviding for Issuance of Bonds~ Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 52-1, was read. On motion of Director Goeringer, seconded by Director Bernhardt and unanimously carried, said resolution was adopted. ADJ 0URNMENT: a~ 3:58 O'clock ~.E. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned ~c~t a r ~ ~-~ ' ' AP~ OVED: P]~esidefit MINUTES OF A SPECIAL M~TING OF THE BOARD 0F DIRECTORS OF '±~.E SOUTH TAHOE PUBLI~ UTILITY DISTRICT March 7, 1957 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in special session at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M., at the East Front Office of the Lakeside Theatre, Stateline,California, the regular meeting place of the Board, on March 7, 1957, pursuant to call of the President._ ROLL CALL: Goeringer. On roll call there were present Directors Bernhardt and Also present was Clerk Pankost. The meeting was called to discuss the progress of Acti-Zyme and the director drove to the plant and inspected it. It was generally accepted that this chemical was doing the job. Several hours were spent in discussion and planning for future developments and annexation. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 o'clock P.M. A'!?PR OVED: MINUTES OF THE REGULAE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 14, 1957 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M., at the East Front Office of the Lakeside Theatre, the regular m~ting place of the Board, on March 14, 1957. ROLL CALL: h~'nha rd t. On roll call there were present ~irectors Goeringer and APPOINT~v~ENT OF ACTING CLERK: On motion of Director Bernhard~ and se¢'0h~ed by Director Go'cringer, and unanimously carriee, Director Goeringer was appointed Acting C~rk and Ex-officio Secretary. 148 ANNEXATION NO. 1957-1: The President announced that this was the time ahd' ~lece set for hearing on the Petition and Consent for the Annexation of Unincorporated Territory to the South Tahoe Public Utility District, Annexation No. 1957-1. The Acting Clerk pre- sented an Affidavit of Posting Ordinance No. ~9 entitled "An 0rdi- , nance Describing Territory Proposed to be Annexed, Determining that No Terms and Conditions are Necessary, and Declaring Intention to Approve Such Annexation, Annexation No. 1957-1,,, together with Notice of Time and Place of Hearing on the Ordinance, which af- fidavit stated that said Ordinance and Notice had been pcs ted in three public places in the District. The Acting Clerk also pre- sented a similar Affidavit Of Pcating of said Ordinance and Notice stating that said Ordinance and Notice had been posted in three public places within the territory proposed to be annexed, et least thirty days prior to the date of hearing. The Acting Clerk also presented an Affidavit of Publication showing that the 0rdi- nance and Notice had been published in a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the County, there being no newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the District. The Affidavits of Posting end the Affidavit of Publication were ordered filed. The hearing was held and evidence taken. There being no one pre- sent to protest the annexation, the hearing was ordered closed on motion of Director. Goeringer, seconded by Director Bernhardt, and unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 97, A Resolution and Order Approving Proposed ~n~exation" and Chan6ihg Boundaries ~f the District, Annexation No. I957-1~"~as read. On motion Of Director Goeringer, seconded by Director Bernhardt, and unanimously carried, said resolution was adopted. SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 1956-1: Resolution No. 98, a Resol ~tion Amendin6 Resolution No.' '94', Determining Unl0ai~ Assessments and P'rovidin~ f'or IsSuance' of Bonds", sanitary Sewerage Pr0~ec9 N~. 56-1i was read to the Board.' I~ was expYained that it was necessary to adopt this Resolution inasmuch as some of the assess- ments had been pa id off, thus lessening the amount on the unpaid list. On motion of Director Goeringer, seconded by Director Bern- hardt, and unanimously carried, said resolution was adopted. Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary Pankcst arrived at 4:~0 P.M. REPORTS: President Bernhardt reported that on or about Narch 6 Mr. KnOx-Johnson acquired entrance to STPUD's office by telling Mrs. Buchanan that Mr. Pankost had authorized him to do so. He spent considerable tim~ alone in the office. Clerk Pankost reported that this is not true as he did not authorize Johnson, nor anyone else, to enter this office. President Bernhardt reported an agreement was entered into with the Acti-Zyme Company regarding treating Disposal Plant; letter attached and to become a part of these minutes. The Secretary was instructed to send a copy of this letter to Attorney Goldstein, and also to report to him about Knox Johnson entering office of STPUD. The Secretary was also insl~ucted to write a letter to the Clarke Insurance Agency authorizing them to handle STPUD's public liability insurance. After general discussion by the ~irectors it was brought ou~ that they felt that certain chemicals and caustics put into the system by Stateline Clubs must be eliminated as this is causing trouble in the system. A report was made by Director Bernhardt regarding damage to Terhune property by sewer overflow. He reported that our insurance adjuster stated the District was not responsible for the sewer damage. The following bills presented and approved for payment; Foxboro - for engineering services - A, L. Miller - labor A. L. Miller - repairs, parts P. M. Bernhardt - Director Fees Norm Goeringer - " " Earle Pankost - Clerk's Fees Harry P. Raymus Insurance Agency Pankost Bon~ A. Carlisle Co. - printing bonds Sierra Pacific Power Co. - Stateline pump " " " " - Main pump Pacific Tel & Tel Co. - phone bill Lakeside Theatre - rent Tahoe Supply - repairs Armanko - office supplies Christine Ryan - secretarial work 165.55 140.00 17.82 110.00 60. O0 8O.OO 15.00 298.82 14.62 208.60 32.18 25.00 30.83 41.66 49.58 It was ~oved by Director Bernhardt, seconded by Director Goeringer, and unanimously carried, that ~,Ir. Ed Senior be appointed Assistant Inspector for STPUD. ADJOUN~,~NT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:'4'5 o"clock P.M. ¢t~'rk ~ {x~GTficio S~cretary APF ROVED: President MINUTES OF A SPECIAL }~EETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTGRS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 21, 1957 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in special session at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. at the East Front Office of the Lakeside Theatre, the regular meeting place of the Board, on March 21, 1957. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Bernhardt amd Gd~ringer. Also present was Clerk Pankost. RESOLUTIONS NOS. 94~ 97 and 98 were all properly signed, our seal affixed' thereto and made r~ady to mail to the attorneys. Clerk Pankost was instructed to measure the distance from our sewer line to the new Bank of America property and submit the information to Norman Bailiff. The secretary was instructed to write Messrs. Rue & Snell and request that our books be returned to this office. 150 There was considerable discussion regarding proposed laundries and new laundromats. Clerk Pankost was instructed to get the STPUD files in order. ADJ 0UN~N T: 'j'ourned at 5:45 o'clock P.M. There being no furt!'~er business, the meeting was ad- 6~lerRf & ER~zof-flc'id Secr~etary A]:~PR 0VED: MI}~UTES CF THE ADJOUhl~ED REGUL~R OF THE B0~RD 0F DIhECTORS OF TAHOE IUBLIC UTILITY L'iSTi~iCT April ~5, 1957 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe fublic Utility District met in adjourned session at their regular meeting place, , ~ ~ 'East Front Office, Lakeside Theatre Building, Stateline, California, on April 25, 1957, at 2:00 I:iOLL ~:LL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer, Bernhardt, and Pankost. i~::II~UTE$: Due to the fact the previous secretary has the Minutes of the last meeting, the reading of those minutes is postponed until the next regular meeting. ,REPORTS: Due to a great deal of confusion and not being able to agree, between Zurich Insurance and Clark Insurance Agencies, we are transferring our Insurance business from Zurich to Queens Insurance Company. Director Goeringer reported that Mr. Hum, from the Sanitation Dept., was up and Mr. Hum and Director Ooerin:er went out to the Disposal site and answered all questions and they also went to the ~umping Station to check on the flow for the past three (Z) months. Director Bernhardt reports he had a considerable discussion ~;ith~ a representative from Safeway Stores about procuring a line down to the Schullar - Bland property. Clerk Pankost also reported, this representative, Mr. Paterson, telephoned this office this morning and he is sending us a letter to confirm above conversation and would like a return letter advising of costs and anne~ation proceeSings. Mr. Paterson also stated he talk to Bank of America Property man-to see if they would go along on the cost of this Se:,'er Line. Director Bernhardt reports there is a man who ovens one hundred sixty (160) acres of land about 3/4 of a mile from our disposal site. They are asking ~ q~50.00 and acre if they log it off, and ~350.00 an acre if we do the log:lng. They do not want cash. They will take a down payment and terms. This matter is most assuredly being looke~ into. Clerk Pankost reports that he spent all day with Mr. Aberly, ~4r. Batie of Pyramid Construction Co., }:~r. Dov~-ner, County Road Commissioner, ~nd Rufus Allan, Road Foreman. They checked on roads that had been damaged by the 56-1 Construction Project. Everybody agreed on how the roads will be, repaired. Downer reports he will present this matter to the 2or:rd of Supervisors, Ivionday, the 29th, and also discuss it with the District Attorney in Placerville. Pyramid Construction is sending a copy of the Bond to the District Attorney in order to get this ?'istrict cleared, so we can pay Pyramid Const. Clerk Pankost further discussed the matter with ~r. Hughes, of Hughes, ~aul and Fogerty, Attornies, in }~lacerville, and Lr.~ Hughes will also contact the District Attorney and the Supervisors. ~r. Hug~aes will then advise us when we can pay Pyramid Consty'uction Co., since we now have the funds available. Director Bernhardt reports that in conferring with Mr. Aberly at the disposal site, ~Zr. Aberly agreed that the Enzyme product we are now using is doing a ~ood job for us out there and we would have been in serious trouble if we had not used it. Mr. Aberly e×pressed this same opinion to Clerk Pankost. Clerk Pankost reports he talked to ~,.%r. Aberly about putting in a pump in the sludge lagoon and pumping water to the first section of the Digestion Tank, from the lagoon. CORRESPONDENC~: None ~[EW BUSINESS: Clerk Pankost is authorized to submit to ~.ir. Hughes, ]~ftorney in l:lacerville, Annexation Petitions of Knox Johnson, Schullar-Bland and the half ~[/~) of Lot 94, on Park Avenue. Foregoing motioned by Director Goeringer and seconded by Director Bernhardt. ~Iotion carried unanimously, for Clerk Pankost to carry out above mo t i on. Clerk Pankost was instructed to see that a letter is written to }~ir. A1 Yarren advising him not to put into operation the Launderette in the Bijou Shopping Center, until he receives written permission from the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Clerk Pankost was asked to see that a letter is written to ~r. Goldstein, Attorney, asking about results on Condemnation Suit. Clerk Pankost was also instructed to see that a bill and a letter is sent to ~r. Frank Globin, Tahoe-Southsi~e ¥~ater Utility, in regard to damage done to our force main by Mr. Carl Hoffman, last fall. CLAIMS: The following claims were presented for payment, and approved as presented; Jeanne Turja Sierra Pacific Power A. L. Miller A. L. Miller Dick Arthur, Sr. Elmer Royse Donald H. Wylie ~ ~5.00 95.60 120.75 ~1.50 189.00 77.00 $68.25 ADJOURN~ENT: There being ~djou~rned until Thursday, no further bus, ness, the meet~ing was May /I~I_.~. -~.,'/~'6s 1~ ' ' Clerk and Ex-officio Secretary P. I~5'. Bernhardt President ]'fI?,TUTES_ OF T:~ F~1F~.~,TM,~_v_.=~, ~.-~mETI~G OF T~ BOA~ID OF Di~TORS OF ~'~ SOUTH TAHOE ~UBLIC UTILITY DISTt:iICT ~ay 9, 195~ The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe i-ublic Utility District met in regular session at their regular meeting place, East Front Office, Lakeside Theatre Building, Stateline, California, on May 9, 1957, at 2:00 P. M. ROLL C~LL: Upon roll call, there were present, Directors Bernhardt, Goeringer and Pankost. i',~INLFi'ES: The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and apProve~-. ' REPORTS: Clerk Pankost reports that we made contact v.,ith the Engineer about the line to the Safeway Store. Tentative information reveals that a survey will run betwe(~n ~00.00/~500.00. Safeway is going to send us a letter in the near future. Clerk Pankost reports that Bert Hughes called and he wanl~ to put in sewers in the new subdivision and the Engineers say to hook onto the force main. Clerk Pankost went over the ground with Director Goeringer on Wednesday, May 8, 195~. Director Bernhardt had a talk with Hughes and his associates and Director Bernhardt mentioned that perhaps it would be less expensive to come down to the Highway. If all the people in that area would come in and pay, it would be cheaper. Director Bernhardt reoorts that he went out with Mr. Robinson and looked at the 160 acres, mentioned in the previous minutes; it is farther out than he was led to believe and the property has a considerable rise to it and is also heavily wooded. This matter will be looked into further. C~rk ?ankost reports that Attorney Hughes, of Hughes, Maul and Fogerty, wrote a letter to the U. S. Forest Service and they answered his letter immediately and advised him/us to go over the land with the new Forest Service man here and get an idea of the land we wanted. Director Goeringer reports that Snell, of Rue and Snell, returned our books and has completed our Audit for two (2) years, 195~-~, 1905-56. Director Goeringer was in Placervil~ Monday, May 8, 1957, and gave a cody of each to the County Auditor. Clerk Pankost reports that over in E1 Rancho Bijou, in front of Dan Doyles house, a 4-inch riser was broken when the 1ranch was back filled. Clerk Pankost reports that a letter from the Dept. of Commerce was received, for the 19~ Census, and this letter was turned over to Auditor Goeringer to give to the bookkeeper. Clerk ~ankost reports that he contacted a Mrs. Mercurio, a property owner on Ski Run Boulevard, and notified her of the approximate cost and anne~'~ation and connection charges to again become part of the District. She informed Clerk Pankost that she had alrea~.y contacted her Attorney and that she would not pay any hookup charges, as suggested by Clerk Pankost, as set forth in Ordinance ~. Clerk ~ankost and Director Goeringer report that they were out with Ed Shinn at the Disposal site and they ~ecided to recommend to the Boar~ that E~ Shinn get his carry-all and start to work as discussed. COR~ESPONDEKCE: Letter from Brown and Ca/dwell showing the balance '~hat-N~vad[~ owes us. Letter from Mrs. Margaret R. Blake, owner of Lot 1, Block 6, Bijou Park Addition. Letter dated May 2, 1957, from County ~uditor giving balance of monies on hand. 153 Letter from Lakeside Theatre, regarding a raise in rent. Letter from Carlisle and Co., enclosed with their bill. Letter from Pyramid Construction Co., dated April 24, 1957, they also sent a duplicate copy of their Main Bond. Letter from Safeway Stores, regarding sewer connection on new construction site. A copy of a letter was received from ~obert Sheldon, Co. Auditor, written to Kirkbride, ~;ilson, Harzfeld & Wallace. Letter was dated April 29, 1957, content was in regard to Resolution, etc. Copy of letter, dated April 19, 1957, from Dick Aberly of Brown and Caldwell to ~obert Downer, E1 Dorado Count y Road Commissioner, regarding meeting of Mr. Downer an~ Mr. Aberly at Utility District office, Lakeside Theatre, Tuesday, A~ril 23, 1957 at 11:00 A.M. Copy of letter from Klrkbride, ~Vilson, Harzfeld and Wallace to Mr. Jack Winkler, dated' April 22, 19~?, regarding South Tahoe Public Utility District vs. Stella Johnson. CoI:y of letter from Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld and Wallace to ~r. Albert Frey, E1 Dorado County Treasurer, dated April 24, 1957, regarding Project 52-1. Copy of letter from Klrkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld and ]~atlace, to Bailey & Co., dated April 30, 1957, regarding Project 56-1, Sale of Assessment Bonds. Copy of letter from Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld and Wallace, to Br~n & Caldwell, dated April 30, 1957, regarding Terhune vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District, et al. Letter dated April (?), attention of E. F. Pankost, from Board of Supervisors regarding repairs to Ski Run Boulevard. PETITIONS: None N]~ BUSI.~.YESS: Pyramid Construction has requested some money on account`, so Clerk Pankost telephone Attorney Hughes and it was de- cided by Attorney Hughes that it would be all right to pay them ~14,000.00 on account and hold the balance. A motion was made by Director Goeringer to pay ~14,000.00 to Pyramid Cons~uction on account, motion was seconded by Clerk Pankost. The warrant is to be made payable through the First National' Bank of Nevada. On the motion, Clerk Pankost stated that Attorney Hughes told him, after ~iscussing it with the District Attorney and County Road Commissioner, that~oart of the ~:~9~ ,000.00 plus is sufficient to protect the District both on the roa~s and the Terhune matter. ~otion passed unanimously. Referring to the letter from Brown & Caldwell, the secretary has answered same. A letter is to be written to Wry. Margaret Blake regarding assessment. Secretary is instructed to do so. The Directors have agreed to have a special meeting on Thursday May 16, 1957, to decide about a new office for the District. A letter was received from the Lakeside Theatre in regard to raising our rent to :~85.00 per month. Director Goeringer moved that E~ Shinn be put to work with his carry-all. Clerk Pankost seconded the motion. ~'~otion was carried unanimously. 154 OLD BUSINESS: Director Goeringer moved that Resolution //96 be passed on. Clerk Pankost seconded the motion. R~otion passed unanimously. CLAIMS: The following claims were presented for payment, and approved as presented; Pyramid Construction Co. Clarke Ins. Agency N. L. Goeringer E. F. lankost P. M. Bernhardt E. F. Pankost Jeanne Turja A. L. Miller Sleeper Stamp & Stationery Capital Stationery & Typewriter Co. A. Carlisle & Co. ~14,000.00 70.19 80.00 200.00 80.00 20.05 75.00 140.00 48.99 30.09 161.61 ADJOURNM~T: There being no further bdsiness, the meeting was ad']ourned until the next regular meeting onj~hursday, ~ay 23 1957 / ' · Cl&rk and Ex-officio Secretary President MINUTES OF Si~ECIAL ~v~ETING OF ~i]~E S~JTH PU:~LIC UTILITY DISTAICT B0~RD OF DIRECTORS May 16, 1957 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in special Session at the regular meeting place, East Front Office, Lakeside Theatre BuilSing, Stateline, California, on May 16, 1957, at 2:00 P. ~. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call, there were present Directors Goeringer a~d pankust. Director Goeringer was appoinzec~cna~rman for the meeting on motion of Director Fankost and seconded by Director Goeringer. t~URt0SE OF SPECIAL !~ETII~G: After being duly notified by the Sec- retary twenty-four hours in advance the Board met for the purpose of discussing the purchase, building, or renting ~ new office for the South Tahoe i~ublic Utility District. ~irector Goeringer reported that at a Fire District meeting, Director Bernhardt received verbal permission to put our new office on the property behind the firehouse. This would be subject to a Six Month Removal Notice. Also in return for the use of the property, the Fire District would be able to use said office for their Fire Dis t~'ict meetings. This plen was met with consideralbe opposition, as when the Fire District was to have it's meeting, all v~ork in the Utility office must be put away to leave desks clear for the Fire District meeting. ~his would sometimes be an inconvenience as work is left on desk for continuation on the folL~'ing day and would take twice the time to set back u]: again. Director Goeringer made the suggestion that we pay them a little more per year, and keep the office strictly for the use of the Utility D strict. Tentative plans were drawn for building an ina×pensive office and Director Goeringer and ~,_erk P~snkost are going to look into the matter of costs and so forth. As there was no further ~iscussion to be done on this matter, Director Goeringer an5 Clerk Pankost adjourned the meeting to the Firehouse to look the ..... -~rty over and talk with someone in charge The next regular meeting of the South Tahoe Publlc Utility District will be held on ~Tay ~$, 1957, at ~:00 ?. M. ~ier.~ an,~E~--of'f~ cio se crc ta ry Presi~dent MINUTES OF THE P~Gb%AR 2~EETING 0F T~E BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 23, 1957 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at their regular meeting place, East Front office, Lakeside Theatre Building, Stateline, California, on ~Z, 19~, at a:00 P.M. APPOINTMENT OF Pi~,ESIDENT Pi~0 ~%M: Director Goeringer was appointed President Pro Tern on motion of Director Pankost, seconded by Director Goeringer and unanimously carried. f~,]ESIGNATION OF DIP~ECTOR BEP~HARDT: The resignation of President Bernh~'rd~t' was considered. On motion of Director ~ankost, seconded by Director Goeringer and unanimously carried, the resignation was accepted. ~ ' P,E~0P. TS: Director Goeringer and Clerk port tha ~'£th~' t~e head Forest Ranger, A1 Mullen, and went over our present Disposal Site and showe~ him our immediate need for more land for disposal use. ~r. Mullen then gave an outline of steps to take to acouire a~]ditional land for this operation. Director Goeringer reports that the Form from the ~ept. of Commerce has been filled out an8 returned. Director Goeringer reports that conditions at the disposal site in- dicate the work on increasing the disposal facilities were started none too soon; that by the time the new furrows are ready for use, the ~.resent furrows will be at 90% of capacity. Director Pankost reports it was decided there is adequate room on our present pumping plant site for an office and possibly a future storage room. Plans will b~ drawn up and submitted to various contractors in the area for bids. CORRESPONDENCE: Letter fro~ Mr. H. V. Phelps dated May 21, 1957, re opening of his Laundromat. I~ttCr from Brown and Caldwell, dated May ~0, 1957, re Verifax Agreement between Brown and Caldwell and South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1957 from Mr. James W. Case, of Safeway Stores, Letter dated ~ay 8, , re sewer situation for new store. Letter dated M~y 17, 1957,~of Safeway Stores, re petitions for Extension of Sewer Line, Bijou, California. Letter dated ~.,~ay 14, 19:~7, from Hughes, ~v[aul and Fogerty, re Terhune vs. ~TPUD, E1 Dorado County Superior Court No. 8544. Letter from Brown ~ Caldwell dated May 9, 1957, re prints of Gravity sewers to be used by Lee Miller. Copy of letter from Brown & Caldwell to Tahoe Vil~e t:'roperties, Inc., dated May ~0, 1957, re desire to obtain cap. ecity in the dist'ricts sewerage system. Copy of letter from Brown & Caldwell to Sounty Auditor dated ~ay ~0, 1959, re Status of Assessment Districts 1952-1 and 1956-1. NEW BUSINESS: Letter written to Co. Auditor, sending a copy of R~solUtion No. 96. Letter to County Treasurer, sending copy of Resolution No. 96. A letter was written to Mr. George Wolf, asking him to fill out Payroll I{eport and send it in. Letter was written to ~r. H. V. thelps regarding the opening of his Laundromat. ~ Letter to ~r. Frank Globin, sending a bill to him that was sent to us in error. Letter to Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld and Wallace, sending copies of Ordinance No. ~0, and Affidavit of ?os~ing. Letter to Pyramid Construction Co., re bill from Mr. Wm. Wolthuis for damage done to fence by Pyramid. OLD BUSINESS: None PETITIONS: f~om: Petit ions for Annexation were turned into the office Robert ~cDonald Lot 21, Block 7 Bijou:'Park Addition Victor Cretti Lot 10, Block 1 Bijou Park Addition Stanley Jilevet (?) Lot ~0, Block 1 Bijou ~lark A~dition (Sub.) A Permit for Connection to Sewer Line was turned in by - Robert D. Christoferson Lots 164, 165, 166 Bijou Park Addition CLA I~S: The following claims were read and approved: Sierra Pacific Power Ed Shinn Lake Tahoe l~ews Bob Wa~eman Jeanne Turja N. L. Goeringer E. F. Pankost $ 114.80 962.50 1.40 5.O0 90.00 110.00 2?.O0 130.00 47.00 ADJOURNMENT: ~journed. There being no further N. L. Goeringer Actin~ ~.ha irman business the meet'lng was !.5 7: ~GINUTES OF THE REG~?LAR ~fEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF T~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 13, 1957 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at a temporary meeting place, Room~38 ~ , Fond du Lac Lodge, on June 13, 1957, at 2:00 P. M. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call there were present Director Goeringer and clerk pa~ikOst. Also tresent was Mr. Rudolph Gersick. ~INIFrES: The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and stan~" approved. REPORTS: Clerk Pankost reports that we have made considerable pro- gress wi~h the Forest Service re land acquisition. See letter from Brown and Caldwell in re?~ard to this also. Clerk Pankost reports that there are three (3) pipes from Furrow No. I to the new leeching field. Director Goeringer reports that Knox Johnson an~ their attorney, Mr. Dill, came by an~ Director Goeringer went with them to the office as they wanted to check our minutes for further information regarding the Stalls Johnson vs. South Tahoe ~-ublic Otility District. Director Goeringer reports that ~r. Hum was up again for the purpose of checking on the flow from the pumping plant. He has all the charts up to date. Clerk Pankost reports that a meeting was called Friday, May 7, 1957, at the Circus Room, with the Directors of Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1. The only member of their Board present was Mr. Beecher. Property o~ners of the adjacent area were also present. The Nevada Board will petition this District for a million gallons a day. Mr. Pankost recom~ended to them to make arrangements to put up approximately $150,000.00 between now an5 this fall,~ to install a beach trunk line. Also they were informed that approx- imately $200,000.00 would be their share toward a Treatment Elant. They said this money could be raised when necessary. Clerk Pan,cst reports that due to the fact that we were informed by Mrm. Buchanan, our previous landlady, that they were going to remodel the office at Stateline and also raise the rent to ~85.00 per month, we vacated the premises so that they could get on with their re- modeling plans. We have obtained temporary Guarters, through the courtesy of Mr. Goeringer, at Fond du Lac Lodge, until the office for the District is completed on the site of the Pumping Station. C0~REo~ONDEhCE. Letter ~rom Bijou Park Properties, Inc., dated Ma'y 1I, '].'957, re owners and contract holders on lots fronting ~'~ild- wood Avenue. Le,tter 'from Hughes, Maul and Fogerty, dated May 22~ 1957, by means of which the Demurrer of the defendant, Stella Van Dyke Johnson, to the Supplemental and SeCond Amended Complaint in the condemnation action. Letter from Hughes, Maul and Fogerty, dated May 24, 1957, re South Tahoe Public Utility District vs. Johnson, also that the Forest Service is displaying a receptive and cordial interest in our inquiry about Federal land. Letter from Hughes, ~,iaul and Fogerty, dated May 24, 1957, re South Tahoe Public Utility District, vs. Johnson. Demurrer of Defendant. Letter from Kirkbride, Wilson, Ha~zfeld and Wallace, Dated May 27, 1957, re Project No. 52-1 and 56-1. Enclosed was a Resolution Directing the Filing of an Amended Record of Assessments with the County Auditor for Project 52-1. Letter from Brown and Caldwell, dated May 31, 1957, re South Tahoe Public Utility District vs. Johnson, Copies of maps enclosed also. Letter dated June 6, 1957, from E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors re damage done to roads in Lake Tahoe area from installation of sewer lines has been corrected to the satisfaction of the County. Letter dated June 1O, 1957 from Brown and Caldwell, re Certificate of Completion for Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 56-1. PETITIONS: None NEW BUSIhE~o: A letter was written to Harry p. Raymus, Insurance Agency tan'caViling p. M. Bernhardt,s Bond. ~,~r. Bernhardt,s re- signation was effective May 17, 1957. A letter was written cancelling p..M. Bernhardt,s Telephone Credit Card. Mr. Bernhardt said he destroyed the card. Letter was written to Kirkbri~e, Jilson, Harzfeld and ~allace, re missing Resolutions in our files. Secretary was instructed to write to State Compensation Board to refer to our letter of February 14, 1957, requesting information about Compensation Insurance. Clerk Pankost contacted the Telephone Co. and had our 'telephone service at Stateline cancelled and put in an order for our new phone at our new office on Friday, June ~l, 195~. Resolution No. 101 was read and passed upon unanimously. A Certificate of Completion was received from our District Engineer, Kenneth W. Brown, and was accepted by the Board of Directors, considering that Mr. Vic Batie agreed to raise the manholes. Resolution No. 10~ was read and passed upon unanimously. The Board of Directors are requesting a Resolution of Intention to acquire Government land to serve entire South end of Lake Tahoe. A letter was written to l~r. Sherrod Davis, Of Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld and ';¥alL~.~ce, asking that this l~esolution be made up. A letter wes written to R~r. Sherrod Davis, of Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld and Wallace, asking if he would draw up a contract for the people who are outside the ~i:istrict so that they can have Sewer service. Lines would be paid for in cash by the property owners. Refer to Ordinance No. ~4, Article 8, Section 8.16. Clerk Pankost moved that we pay Brown and Caldwell in full for Project No. 56-1. ?.,lotion passed. A letter is to be written to Sherrod Davis, of Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld and i~allace, asking them to refer to Ordinance No. ~3, ~nd para:(iraph, under "C", as the Board of Directors feel that this 0rdiance must be changed to say that they would pay the same Assessment for all property in the same vicinity. Also in the same Ordinance under "A" which states, "All taxes for which said property , would have otherwise been liable from the time of the Formation of the District.,, The Board of Directors want a termination date on taxes. ~ir. Davis is so requested to take care of this matter as soon as possible. APPOINT~,,~ENT OF I~ DIRECTOR: Due to the resignation of Max Bernhardt on May 1¥", 1957, Clerk Pankost moved that the Board accept the resignation and appoint Mr. Rudolph S. Gersick as Director and Auditor/Accountant. The motion was seconded by Director Goeringer and unanimously carried. The secretary was instructed to write a letter to oh..rrod Davis of Kirkbride, ;~ilson, Harzfeld and Wallace, reeuesting the papers be drawn up appointing Mr. Gersick as Director'~and Auditor/Accountant and also appointing Mr. N. L. Goeringer as President of the Board. A letter was written to Brown and Caldwell re the meeting with Nsvada. Nevada is at present reaching their maximum flow under their present contract with us. ?his Board feels that it will be necessary for Nevada to put up a sizeable amount for the construction of a Treatment Plant, which this Board feels will be necessary under Plan A. Brown anS, Caldwell are instructed to prepare Nevada that they will have to go to Plan A, also that s beach line v~ill have to be constructed. Er. Marion L. Ruthrauff, General Contractor, came to the meeting and gave the Board the bid of $1995.00 for construction of the office on the Pumping Plant site. The Board approved the bid and I~r. ~uthrauff was instructed to start work immediately. OLD BUSIi~ESS: A letter from K. W. Bro-~m, re Forest Service land, is to be forwarded to Geoffrey Hughes, of Hughes, ~aul and Fogerty, for his use in composing a letter to the District requesting Government land for Disposal use. MEETING PLACE: Because the Lakeside Theatre Building is undergoing repairs the District Board will meet at the Fond du Lac Lodge until such time as the regular meeting place is in order. Clerk Pankost was directed to post a notice to this effect on the door of the East ~'ront office of the Lakeside Theatre. CLAIMS: The following claims were read and approved: N. L. Goeringer E. F. Pankost E. E. Pankost (expenses) Jeanne Turja Lee Mills r Pac. Tel. and Tel. Sierra Pac. Power Mr. Hugo Capital Stationery & Typewriter Martin & Goodloe EQuip. Co. Sierra Machinery Co., Inc. Lakeside Theatre a motion~by Director 130 00 . 160.00 1~. O0 173.00 161.00 32.45 25.28 53.80 56.39 8.8~ 85.83 50.00 Due to time getting late, ~ankost, second ed by Director Goeringer, and passed unanimously, to adjourn this meeting until tomorrow, Friday, June 14, 1957, at 4:30 P.M., at Room ~/36, Fond du Lac Lodge. Meeting adjourned a.t...Z~L45 ~.M. -" Clerk and Ex-officio Secretary N L. Goer-in~& r MINUTES OF ADJOUi{~ED REGULAR I~flEETING OF June 14, 1957 June 14, 1957 I~0LL CALL: Upon roll call there were present Director Goeringer an~ Clerk l~'ankost, also ~[r. Rudolph Gersick. MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of June 13, 1957, were read and stand approved. id~?0~iTS: Clerk Pankost reports that he talked with the gentlemen on the Iot behind the Associated Service Station and he informed Clerk Pankost that he has a permit and that Mr. Jess Salmons hooked him to the sewer line. After Clerk Pankost explained to him the 160 necessity of bain? a part of the Dist ~ict and paying service and connection charges as F~roclaimed by Ordinance No. 23, he agreed that he would take care of said charges after they w~?re submitted to him and would siam the necessary papers when they too were sub- mitted to him. Clerk Pankost reports that he and Director Goerin~er went out to the disoosal site and posted "DANGER-KEEP OUT" signs around the area. The signs were posted fifty (50) feet apart, to the best of their knowledge. Clerk Pankost reports that he has contacted Mr. Lynn Nelson and requested him to find the lease between the Fire District and the South Tahoe Public Utility District for the pumping station land. Clerk Pankost reports that he stopped in at Monahans Lakeside Lodge to see him~C~ing~..~ illegal hookup (this is the Zrd visit) and was informed that Mr. Monahan will back Sunday or Monday night. C[erk Pankost will see him then. . ~. ~ ..... ~ il s on KEW ~oINEoo: A letter has been written to Kirkbride, , Harzfeld and" Wallace , re inspectors time spent on connection inspec- tion and a possible .~$0.00 charge for inspection fee,~. ADJ0b~N~[T: As there ~vas no further business to go before the Board, '"the meeting was adjourned. Clerk and ~.~-off~c~o Secretary N~ L.'~ Goeringer Acting President ~.,.(I~']UTES O? T~ t~EO~U~AR t,~EqI~.,O 0F THE BOAP, D OF DI~.ECT0t~S OF TI-iE 50UTH T~d{0E tUBLIC UTILITY DI~T?~:IC T June 27, 1957 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in ret;~ular session at their new office at the i-umping Plant Wire on june 27, 19 57, at 2:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call there were present ~irector Goeringer and Clerk Pankost. Also present was Mr. Rudy Gersick. ~,~INUTES: The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. REPORTS: Clerk Pankost reports that we have received, a letter from Kirkbride, ¥ilson, Harzfeld and ',~'allace re~arding the missin~:~ ilesolutions and Ordinance Yo. 10. This letter is stapled in Lesolution folder numbered 79 to 100. Clerk Pankost roports that we have or~,ered and received the pipe to repair our flush line at the Disposal oite and to connect Furrow ~3 to Furrow Director Gersick reports that he end A1 Mullah went to the Disposal Site ~nd ~.~r. ~ullen e~.~laineB~ ~.hat the Forestry woul~ not consider eivin? lan~ until we had a treatment plant and a better set up than we have now. Director Goerin~er reports that he contacted Bill Bozes of the Nevada Board of. Directors in resards to our shared ope~-~+ional.~,~ cost, and was informed that ~ ,~ their ._. o~ bills aha so forth have to be a??ro~ed b, attorneys. Clerk tankost reports that Lit. Fitch was u~ an~ presented plans for Safeway and B~nk of America. He also sent a cody of these 7,1aris to Bra'n eno Caldv, e!l. l:r. Jack Meyn has ex?ressea his ?esire to annex to ~;he District at the sar£ time ~afeway and ~ank of ~merica do. Director ©oeringer re?orts the orate hn?inaer, f~ike billets, su~ceszed that Zha District contact those th.at are not connected to thc sewer system on the Hi~.ff~way, to urge that they do so before the new hi~h~ay is comvleted. C~rk Pankost also bro:;cht this matter to the attenlion of the i/fealty Board at their last meeting. Director Ooerin,~er reports that the Tahoe Yews was contacte~ to ~ut a ~'o~ice to all hi~wa~ ~ro?ert? OTherS '~itkin the Distv'ict to comply with Vr. .'i!lats s~astion. Also to be !~.rinte~ vith the above Eotice, we have ask¢~ the CountF }~oaa forema:c not. to issue any Count7 Encroach- ment perr~its unless t]~¢ propert? owner can show a connection permit iz.ued by the District. Clerk Pankost r_~o~ts~f · that he discussed the Beach Trunk Line with ~.?. Hu~hes, our attorney, ana~ the descrin, tion has been receive5 from · . ~aldwell, therefore letter will be ~t~rit'~en tz. Tahoe ~,[eadov;s askinf- for an Ease~. ..ant or i.:i~ht of '/:ay thro,~r heir Ci~":k~ 7ankost ren. orts~ +~at~, he has asked L[r. Geoffrey. ~:u~.~es~ ~ to come up with an A~Teement to be si~ne5 bF the people out:~:iSe the bounflaries of the [i. ist-~'ict, so !hey can connect to the sev~er. CORF. F, OlO::i;ENCE: Letter c?ate(~ June £5, 1957, from the ]ompensation Fund has been receive5 pl~]s a cory of the letter 2/27/57, written to us in answer to our latter of inquiry of ]february ~ ' t.~,em rec~uestinc the Id, 1957. ,~ letter has been wrzt!cn back to ~ ' a~'~licatLon farms the7 ne(~lecte~ to send us in the late letter. Copy of ~e'tter dated june 13, 1957, ~ from ]iro',',n an(~ Calfiw¢ll to t'vramifl ~onstru.::tion re aamage_ ~cne ts raaf~.s ,,'~urin~x construction., and. t'-.e,, E1 [o~'afio County Board of Sus'.¢rvisors have ac?.epted the repairs as sutta r~l~. ~:ate ~Tune 1._~, ~.,:~ from ant: Ca!dwell soha~u~ of ~o. ~he cit7 of Los Altos sev,'er service Let ~'r ?rom ~ ...... ' ....... ' "ala-,:eil, 3: ..... I artr~ map for a 20 foot eas~tz::ent in ~?,sa~'' t:oa5 Tahoe ?4eadows L:.vi::~, of ili~'kt>ri:~e, ' ilson, Har~:feld an.~ ,,al_lace re F~otice o'f Com?l~tion and a coly of i;otice h~s been s~ni to E1 Dora¢o County Lccorder. This i~otice of Completion is for ~anitary Sewerage i-'roject ~,]o. 50-I. .~o~.: o letter oared June 21, 1957 ~'-~'- ~ .... ~ :,obert bhclcOon, Cbunty Auditor to iLlrkbride, ',;ilson, H~rzf~id anF ::,allace re l~esolution iio. 96. 057 ~ ~ ~ ~ Letter dated June 28, l,. , ~om~ontr.~er of the b~ate ~r.. re ~e~.o~t for :isca! year 1956-57. ~,lifornia None out our 1956-57 i~uait, to be pvese.t¢¢ 'fo L_colas. A ~3ill h'as been t)resented ~ ;':i:,:k~', .... 1.~¢ o,.a s imraeaiate p~rtial payment on what ~:c-vada ov;es their l~:ro 7ate share ofo~eratio~ of the ~,¢~s ,.66.~ .. .... ~ ,.eh to ,:;ol,?stein, b.'.¢rcc].oux and Ooldstein (forCing condemnation suit. U; .iq6 S re",a~'0inFour inquiry for Forestr7 I.,~:r:c~, ~L. JOli~,,i;2~.~i: There beth/~' no fu;:~ther business, th~ mect, in~f v;as ad- o~ 57 , journed until ~ n~;~t rc~::~ular meetings, Lu?_'sdav, Ju~y, il, 19 at 2:00 i:.M. / ,. ,/ /~' ~Clark an~ Ex-officio Secretary N. L. Goerin~er President Pro Tem FKNUTES OF THE RECgLAR MEETING OF !71E BOJ~J) OF DIRECTORS OF T>~ SOUTH TAHOE PU~&IC UTILI?Z DISTPSCT J~o_ly tl, 1957 To_e Hoard of Directors of the South Tahoe ~blic Utility District met in regular session at their new office at the Pumping Plant Site, on July ll, 19~7, at 2:00 P.M. ROI.L C/\LL' ,,n~n roll call there were present Directors Ooeringer, Gersick and Pankost. Also present, were Mr. John LaGrange, Mr. Ham, Mr. Fitch, Mr. Macabee, Mr. Lee Miller and Mr. H. Ryan. MINUTES: The minutes of the last meeting were read and stand approved. REPORTS: Director Pankost reports that a letter from the State Sanitarian was received with reference to the water line of a private water utility district going through one of our manholes. A letter has been written to Brown and Caldwell asking why this was al2m~ed to be set up this way. Director Pankost reports that he spent all morning ~ th Mr Hum, of the Health and Ssnitation Dept., and Mr. Hum took numerous samples from Heavenly Valley Meadow and put dye in the seepage. Also M~. Hum suggested that he will come up ~th a way to chlorinate the seepage. Director Pankost reports that on J~_!y 3~ 1957, the contractor on the highway plugged up four (4) manholes, but they were cleaned out and the line started r~nning again around 8:00 P.M. However the manholes have not been completely cleared of rock. Director Pankost informed Mr. Baun that we expect him to clear all our highway lines that they have dropped rocks into. Director Pankost reports the Forest Service man discussed the letter sent to his office (from us) and he thoughb they wou2d give us permission to m~d~e tests on the property; but that definitely the Forest Service would not let S.T.P.U.D. have any property until there was a better set up for disposal and so forth. Mr. Ham and Mr. Fitch~ two gentlemen who attended our meeting, were concerned +h~t there was no manhole on the highway to service their tract and it was de- cided that it would be to their advantage to ~it until Rancho Bijou was com- pleted and they connect, to the line at the corner of Fawn Way and Glenwood. Mr. Macabee, Engineer: was also at our meeting~ to give us his impartial opinions on disposal sites, relocation~ etc. Director l>ankost reports that he will not be at our next regular meeting on July 25, 1957. 163 Director Paukost reports that manhole E-lO, that the State grader accidently filled ~_th .dirts discovered '~,~i. le he ~ removing this dirts that an 8-inch water line is go~_ng through the center of the marahole. A letter is expected from the State demanding relocation of the District's sewer manhole and that due to the present highway construction this Ooard feels that upon receipt of this letters immediate action v~ll be necessa~ in making this correct. CORRESPOL~ENCE: Letter dated June 27~ 1957: from Kirkbride~ Wilson~ Harzfeld and Wallace, re Amendments to Ordinance's 23 and ORDINANCE No. 31; an ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 23 was read to the Board. motion of D±'rector Pankosts seconded by Director dersick and unanimous~r carried said Ordinance was adopted. On Copy of letter dated July 2, 1957 from Hughes, ~.ul and Fogerty to Division of Highways re a contractor working on Highway 50 who filled a number of manholes from the sewer line thereby causing sewage to back up into various motels and homes. Letter dated July 8s 1957 from Hu~ess Maul and Foger%r~ re Notice of Claim filed by Mr. Hoseit for Mr.~g~s. Terhune. Letter dated J~y 1~ 19~7, from Hank Reeves stating Mr. L. Cedric Macabee would be in to see us. Letter dated Ju2y 1t, 1957 from Mr. Ham and Mr. Fitch re Sewerage - Ham Tract. ~f ~3$INESS: An Ordinance for a Change of Meeting Place is being asked fori~om our Attornies and ~en said Ordinance is ready we also asked them to see that it is published in the local paper. Budget for STPUD has been ~rafted and sent. v~th a letter to Kirkbride, ~%.filsons Har~feld and aallace~ for thei~ approva2. A motion was made by Director Pankost and seconded by Director Goerin~er that we pay P~%mid Construction Co. $9s892.17: as per the bill submitted by ~ihem. Motion passed. OLD 5USI}~SS: Letter has been written to Kirkbride~ Wilsoo~ Harzfeld and Wallace ~P. eso~rtion cancel]i~f Resolution No. ~0s because the County Auditor has novc. r ~a~e this t~an,~ =.. ,~I~I~.~~" ~: ~ne fo~,.].ov,:mg' "claims were ,r-~resonted and approved; E±hel C]arke T~£q ce Supply Co Rue L Snell Sleeper St~mmp & Stationery Co. Hughes~ Ma-~! and Foger~y Pac. Tel. & Tel. Design Associates~ ~o~an Ooeringer Earle Pankost Jeaome ~rja A. L. Miller ~r~mmid Const~maction 36,00 ~0.0o 41.81 4.90 31.~8 !!o.!? !oo .$o 180 .O0 ?~.oo 236°00 9,892.17 ~ JOUR~N T: · .?'~....~_% ?. ~Pa~,ost .... Clerk and Ex-officio Sccretary Ju~ 31, 1957 'N~e Board n~.L ~irectors .... of +~. f. outh T~oe Pmbli. c ni.-Llity District. ~+. in special n~,~+in ±~e Plant. site, on Mi.. View St.~ on session at. their new ....... g place at. ~mmping July 31, 1957 at 2:00 P. M., pursuant to call of the President. ROLL CALL: Upo~ roll call there were present Directors Ooeringer, Oersiek and Par&: o s t, PINUPS: The reading of ~he minutes is postponed until our'next regular ~eeting, REPORTS: Director Pankost reports that he talked %f±th 'Mr. ?ro',m of ~ro~,~m and Ca!~We~!, and ±hey %rill send a man up here for a preliminary survey. Director Goeringer reports that he and ~r. Aberly, of Bro%m and Ca!dwe!l, looked at the land in %uestion and they both feel that borings %~.11 have to be made to ~ .... er or not the land would be right for use as a dis~osa! site. determine ~+~'~ Fir. Aberly told Director Goeringer that we would be very likely to receive 660 Federsl Aid. ~aerefore with Federal help and Nevadas' share the cost to the California side would not. be too great° Director Pankost made a motion that we call Brown & Caldwell and have them send the surveyor up for th e purpose of stud~ing vith the Board the pew proposed boundaries. Director Oersick seconded, the motion. Motion passed. CORRESPO;~)ENCE: Letter fram. Broom & Caldwell dated ~,~ly 26, 1957, re pre]iminaz-y cost estimates. Letter from Kirkbride~ Wilson, Harzfeld and Wallace dated June 27, 1957, re pay- ment of claim presented from South Tahoe Public Utility District for items con- cerning maintenance and operation and other work. Letter from Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld and Wallace dated June 28, 1957 re Computation of amounts owing South Tahoe P~olic Utility District by Douglas County Sewer Improvement District. No. 1 for maintenance and operation and other items under the joint contract. Copy of letter from Kirkbride~ Wilson, Harzfeld and Wallace to Geoffrey Hughes, of Hughes, Maul and Fogerty re South Tahoe Public Utility District - Documents Re Annexation Proceediogs, Letter dated July 3, 1957 from Gilbert A. Fitch, Civil Engineer~ re proposal for the engineering for installation of sewers in your proposed sYbdivision immediately south of bijou Pines, South Tahoe Area, California. Letter dated July 16, 1957 from Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld and Wallace re Miscellaneous Matters pertaining to minutes, Resolutions and Ordinances. Letter dated July 16, 1957 from Harry P. Rain, us, Ins,~rance, re bonds Phillip M. Bernhardt, #7190265~ Norman L.~ Goeringer, #7079821. Letter from Hrown and Caldwell dated July 17, 1957 re water line going through BTPL~ manhole. Letter dated July 19, 1957 from Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld and Wallace re Official Bond of Director Cersick. Letter dated July l9, 1957 from Water Pollution Control Board re disposal site. Letter date July 19, 1957 from State Compensation Insurance Fund re policy for workmen's Compensation. Letter ~ated July 23, 1957 from Goldstein, [arcel~x and Ooldstein re South Tahoe Public t~!ity District, etc. v. Johnson, No. 7528, Superior Court, E1 Dorado Oo~Uni~y. !~tter dated July 31, ].957 from Kirkbride, %Jilson, Harzfeld and Wallace re South Tahoe Public Utility District - Budget and Tsxation for Fiscal year 1957-58. PE TX TIOI,%: .~Tor:e NE~..[ BUSIneSS: A letter has bees written to Ero~-m 3md Celdwel! re Changing Nevada's s~.'~e of capit~ cos[~. A copy of said !etler was also sent ton~.r.~.'*~'~'~,4.-~.~.~ ~4~on~ ..... i!arzfe!d an~ ~.7~2~,¢ce. OLD ~UEIf,~SS D,~-eenf, or Pankost ~¢,'~ !~ ±ho 'aotion t.;.=~, we notify 5ir. ~;'.¢i'+*¢~s~ cf ;.~ ....~ ...... ely,let to ~,h'. O!obin regar~ng his bill. Dira'ctor nersink seoonded ~he motion, ~{otion passed. ~e letter has been written. Director Ooeringcr saw Mr. %~gal~ th~~ ,:~ntlemen who is ~n~,+t~g....__ in the new Trailer Collrt~ and ~ ~eormed him that. ~econ'ting to the pla,ns of '~'~di: Distr~ ct ail mro~erty. . from Pioneer ~rai! to existing manholes in ~he Pentagon Tractz has to be engineered. A letter has been m'itten to Nr. Hu.~hes re a form to be signed by the property o~merm who are comnec ted ±o the sewer lines~ but whose property is outsi~e the boundaries oF the CLAIMS: lite ¢ollovring e~sims were p~sen~¢r] and AD JOL~N~,~ T: } Norma~ L. 'G°ertia[~er ' President Pro Tern State Compensation Ins. ~und ~ 30.00 Bro,,m & Coldwell 9~603 Kirkb~d% Wilson~ Harzfeld & W~]aee 1,416.53 ~%ere bef~ng no fuji,her busmness, the ~inE-Was ~urn~~ ~"~ ~F. P~ ..... Clerk a.n~ Ex-officio Secre~ .I~!NUTES OF THE REGULAR ~"?'n CF i.;.:~, TiNG THE OF DIRECTORS OF ITIE~.~,.°n~,_a TAHOE. PUBLIC UTILITY D!S~/RICT Auamst 7, 19~7 The 5oard of Directors of the South Tahoe Diblic Utility District ~et in regular session at their new meeting place at the Pumping plant si re, on Mt,. View Street, on Au~lst 7, 1957, at 2:OO P.M. ROLL CALL: Upon roll. call there were present Directors Goeringer~ Oersick and pank°s~.-- Also present were Mr. LaOrange of the LaGrange Construction Company. MINUTES: ~lhe minutes of the last reEular ~neeting and the special meeting of July 31',' 1'?'~'7 were read and approved. R~.PO~.TS: Dize~.or Pankost reoorts that after inquiring and checking he finds the Jack' Van Sickle property has'~ot been annexed into the District. A general discussion and. reports on the plan to buy a 1OOO feet of pipe plus sprinklers, was had by the Directors. The total amount wo~uld be around $1P~O.OO to $]J.OO.OO. The Board of Directors feel that Nevada should stand 60~ of this cost. Director Pankost made a motf on that we purchase the above mentioned pipe and sprinklers. Director Oersick seconded the motion. Motion passed. Director Pankost report also in regard to the above matter that. we have been ordered 'to s top this seepage and therefore 'it would be necessary for us to in a sprinkling system. CORRESPOhqDENCE: Letter dated August 1, 1957 from Water Pollution Control Board re c!ar~fmcatmon relative to expansion of the District. Letter dated August 2~ 1957, from Dept. of Public Health re investigatiou of problems of sewage disposa~ for the South Tahoe Publf.c Utility District. Letter dated August 2, 1957 from Hughes, Maul and Fogerty re Terhune vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District~ etal. Civil .~g~n~er~ re sewer e~'~ension to Clerk ?ankost made a P.'?.l.~: ,,,'.. a ,'r '~e :-.~:'it~*~,",~ to LaOrange Construction Co. :~e--cr:'~an~~ "'~+::~ ..... T:r. Firths' ].et.t. er~ ~.~a,rqq,:~_ ~ xnat s::dr! ....... extension has oe~n ?ETi %~ONS: None FU,: ZLSINES2', A ]et'heP has boron v;ritt,.:n i:,o Nr. Desmond Eae'tavish re his proposed ~ubdJ vision. O~ i'USI~SS: A letter was w::qtlen ?o h:i~'kb~'i,:b~ k'ilson~ Harzfe!d and :2a!lace in- fo~'~ng: the?: thai copir, s of the minutes from the first of i~ .... y'e'~r to ds{e per :,,...2u~ r: t~ were enclosed. C,?ies of Or~i~,ance No. ~]. and copies of Hr. !;dolph Gersick~s Official /cnd were ~;~::~'~ ~o i{irk~ ~i,~ ~/.i. lsorb Harzfeld and Na!lace~ ~!on~ ~f~ %h a letter of fransmi%.tal. CLAIMS: T:~e fo]l. owJng~:~i~s 'xere pr~ nt~,,-i and ad j ou rned. Sierr's~ P:mific Pacific me!. and Tel. T~ ....... ~,~ D~t. Btore Clarke In?. Ageocy J~a~ne ~ur~a P~eific Cor~.tated Ct:!~mrt ~o. Super. or Horn~ i improvnmer:,fi Co. Norman L. Goerinr2er President :,,':ars ~:f D~','¢c±nrs of t'~,,,~ South Tahoe }'ut'lJc F, tility DJ..stric~ _met in spec?~l ~essi. oo a~ their new ?t,~; [ir~L place at th~ r'umpins ~lan+. Site~ on i<t. View St..~ on ~PPOST CF }XETP~O: ~{s ,',~>e~ing :~s ~-~].].ed for {h~ nuroose of discussing the ai{~:,r,~nf,~d :~et%]_amen{ o~ ?he Sir-,q!~ Jd nson vs. Sou{h mahoe i"u~:lic iJiility Dis-trier ROLL CAI,L: Upon roll call theFe uere prcsen~ DiPec{oP~s Ooerin~er~ Oersick and -,{ekost. Also put'?mt !,~as Nr. OeorfFrey Hughes: of Huhhes~ Haul and Fcgerty~ R~PC,RTS: i,{r. [?:shes read a letter fro~ Mr. Dil].~ ~ttorney for siella Johnson. ~is ]efter was in 2qlard to th~' a~an:]~n~rF'_ ,. _ ~ oF. the oreser~t dis~, osal site und to tettl~' ::,r-se~t ease, Co2ies of ~!,:we mentioned ]etteP t.~eP~' ~ent. -.p~ ? .onsi~::~-~.b!~ :7:c.~:s?to~ a mci.ion ,,;,s ?ado Ly Dir:~c'[':;r Cots!ok and socond?d by 16'7 -_ .u..!.,~. or ~he or Directors _t .as deezded 'r:o mea'ues% you the ~ttorney for +~," 5t~l.!~, r ,:~: ,- ~ t,:,o, q-~et.e advis~S. them t .... ~t eossib~ e : ..... ..,:, P a'n(] %0 S?-m'~',[ ~ ?~ ' ~ ~o for ............. t.~ote.~:, - the~ their cor:'i<erati,:m~ ~s 1~ 000 / ;,,.,, , *o oro't',-,?t t~-,,- r'~,~-.,.,, - - ~ ............ ~.-~ ..... wouJd sussest C:c r::,:o,,.~.~d~.te of Octo~-er l~ ].c~O. ~b~ District f~' ~ .... ~in{,'m~,~r: to ac.m~r~ property and cuild a new sJtc at the earl. Zest pos?ible date.  comp]~ ':~t.h the e presen~ site to be us~ for so .... ~__~__.~ ...... - ad~c_~g th~ ~+~-~ ~ ..... Z. ~. '~ '~ ~-~-s~un ams? ~a~ o., ,~epage water ohm ,a~!o,~,..,o [,o co]leaf on +he -,,trace Clerk and Ex-of~Lc:N, Seore~a~r +r. ,I ~, '7, l':~- ?.[ / :: "~::(.[, OC ~,'7'-~'~ odd ~';:~,q~S 01] ~.- ::7.: ,~,.~m.-,-,~ ~-t~. ~r.--] '~ r;rc>:~Oq,'.r: 168 '.,r;,C.! }e no el*An made until the entire job ~s f.]?ished. . ~_~ ..... ~ o,,nson ;and Hr, D,:m{..~ in~:yonLed ouP :?d?~osa] si'U, ~nd be appeared pleased wt~:~,t we had 4 nsta!!ed ~'~'i'q-'~qng S~,S'~nm 'fo ~4snose o~ seep~Se ~:'~e~. Aisc n:':es,:~n% was I'..i'. ::c~'(n ?': ~ .... A! ilu].] ,'.~ +he Fn~,s%,~ Se~,ice~ the ~ores{. Service soil -~esli'tg A ~hone nnll ,,m.s received t.y Director Pamcos . C~om :] Kullen s+-sting that t,b letter [,jivinS us p~r,J, ssion to rrta],:e %nsL borings on ~ores% Sec'ice pti, petty is a'[, ePes~D{, On }ir. OOF,:]O~l F?.].iS~ 4~s . }~i~ ~, i+. has bern report,ed thai +:':,:~ Joe }',~m,r~ pump insL'~]led by Le~ )':~].?.er~ pt,:roping has nroved ve~~ sa%!.s'~ac{o~ b~% an at, to, at. Sc e].ec~ric p'm'~p is nenesse~r %o compie!:e]y han~e tae seepase. ~,zrect. or ?at, costre:,.;-" a ].nt!.er ¢~on lrevm and Caldwe!l regarding manhole E-10. HavinS receipted no correspondence fro? ~e State or County in rezard i.o 'th. is ' l~C S ~a,,.,.cp~ 3.% has beon mo~,~(t · ' econded ~y the ioard {,o let ~his mailer res+ ~til out in case of inju~r. $oL~ th Tahoe .~t-;~-..T- +er ...at' ¢~a ....... ~__?¢, 8~ 3757 froP Ct?. .....:,-:r.~ .~.* Pitch ~ <~stimated cost of installation -- J' ~,,.4 R~an ]!:]vd..~ East on Aa,:en &venue. o~ an 8-fYv.:h s~v,sr from N. ~i. p,:C-P on ..~:~,._ to~ro~r~a.'he cost woulr~ be ~' ~ , n ~:2:O0.,~O includingengzn,:~erzng~ and :insm~r,+-ion, _'~,o~, ..... ,:Sated _t?tsust 8~ ].?~:7 Crom Lnke "/~l !eU FiPe TOSs%rio% re our request:. ' ~ '~ OW ....... ~;,,-.'tn.:' r:!,,.-t :h:. located on. (On Nt. .'i S'L.; ~-nT*~(IF1.9~,r: gFOgf Fr~'' , J_lq ~. ~ . ,~ ~ .... :'.~-' wn: f<, 5c the .'ff~ov? :,'~-nt.~oned gent.]..er,~e~ and nr)t~ Fy +hem , ,~ ...... ,:o,-,.~. Letter ~,,~'~$ ',mitten, ~Jn ro~ ....... C'rJ';.n~mce Amending An Ordinance "' -~ - · '~,~e and F'~:v-,~-: 'For tl~e 2egular I{eefi. ngs x'll.a hS ._ . ..... o? the ~oard or ....... ~- ~d,'l~cs~ e.r,d ~ot~:~ .... ''- the Order ,-)? 7., ~ne~ .._o_,.:,_ ?~ roi] (,~t]~ vote, O?£'iFANflE NC,. '~ - Ot'd~nr~;;o,~, Nc. :!2 ~...r:~s cead t.o the 2-oard. On n '' . _ · '- ,, "" - ~.o,].on of DJrect, np cer~;ick an,:! ~con4e4 by Director Pankost~ O~tinance No. 33 - An C, rdim~ace Fixing ~e A~t~ount of I',bn%r !'Ieeossa~ I:o l~e Raised by Taxation ]c~:7_~n. was tmani~ously ad~,~lea on roi? c~l! ~,..',' EUS!},~SS: :':one P. N. 2errP.~.;rdt Pacific Tel, & Tel, J ........ ne '~2rj a ~ept. of in+ems] ]Tot:;:? :?. C:er,::~ing e)'. E, F. ??.!! 220 o00 tz.o0 32.72. 3OO.00 pc'(,, "C'~ -.2 ,- e L-'~, i~,~ii~UTES 0E E~.E Z~GULa~-~ f¥~ETiI.,G 0F B0i~nD 0~~ Di~-~ECTORS 0F SOU~£H TAHOE ~LUBLIC UTILI~i~' DI,sTRICT September 1~, 195~ The Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the regular meeting place on ~t. View Ave., on September 1Z, 195~, at ~:00 p.m. ~'~0LL CALL: Upon roll call there were present Dire6tors ~oeringer, Gersick and Pankost. Also present was inspector Lee REPORTS: Director Pankost reported that i~(r. Geoffrey ~ughes telephoned that he had a conference with ~'~;~r. Dill, attorney for the Stella Johnson Estate, and it was said we should show som~ action in regard to this suit, such as having test borings made as soon as possible. ~:~r. !Iughes called Bro'..vn and Caldwell and asked them about someone to do soil testing. ~ Mr. Merwin called on September ?, 1957, and said he ~ould do test borings and that there would have 'to be around 90 borings made. In regard to cost, ~r. Merwin said there had been two test borings ma~e in Squaw Valley in the snow and the two holes had cost S9,000.00. He sai~ our tests, he figured approximately would run aroun~ '~ 500.00 to~,000 00 if we start before the snow flies· ~ 1957, from Brown and Caldwell C0~:d~ESF01~DEECE: Letter dated August ~.6, ~ ~ September ~1, 1957, at re receip~ of our letter regar~in~ ~,~eet~ng on .. ~ ~' T.~' U.i'. office. Letter dated August ~28, ~957, from Safeway ~tores re sewer extension, Store /~584, Bijou,Calif. Copy of letter dated oeptember 5, 1957, from C. S. Nicolas & Co. to Brov~n and Caldwell re annual audit. Letter dated Oeptember 11, 1957, from Brown and Caldwell re check from ~eanne N. Perkins for ~399.55. They did not receive it. Letter dated September 11, 1957, from Brown and Caldwell re soil tests. PETITI 0NS: N one NE'~ BUSI2~SS: Director Gersick moved, seconded by Director ~'ankost, to reouest srown and Caldwell to have the test borings made and when the work is completed to have the bill presented to Brown and Caldwell for their approval an{~ payment. ?:otion carried. Director }:ankost celled Brown and Caldwell on the above motion and they agreed to have the test borings made and accept the bill for payment. Director Gersick moved, seconded by Director l~ankost, that O.T.P.U.D. write a letter for legal advice regarding where the liability fells in the event a lateral is destroyed by the contractor working on Highway 50. i-~ecently we have had several collection laterals broken by the contractor working on Highway 50 and we would like to know who should stand the cost of repairing these damaged laterals. ~,,~oti on ca~ried · (iLl,: BUoI~Eoo: None CLAI?~.~S: The following claims were presented and a?proved: Jeanne Turja ~ 68.00 Lee Miller ~80.00 ~DJoU~:,~T: :~s there was no further business before the Board, the ~'eting v;as adjourned. E~le F. P~n~Cost Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary Normal L: Ooe~ger ~Z, re sid ent :II:UTES 2:F St:ECIAL i'~:ETIE'G OF BOARD OF DIi~ECTORS OF S©UTH %'~H©E PU,~LIC UTILI?f IWL){iCT September 21, 1957 The Board of Directors met in special session at their regular meeting place at the office on :t. View Ave., September 21, 1957, at l:00 p.m. pursuant to call of the President. PUt~POSE OF !,f~]ETING: This meeting was called for the purpose of ~iscussing fha 19~'3 contract between the :evade and California districts, and a proposed new contract. As Nevada is contributing 60% of the flow, South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of I'~irectors feel that it is only fair that Nevada's share of the cost (~'~ & 0) be paid to the extent of 60>. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call there were present Directors Goeringer, Gersick,-and Pankost. Also present were Mr. Brown and Mr;Milts of Brown and Caldwell; Mr. Campbell, ttarrah's Club, in place of :r. Bill Bozes; Mr. Volpi, Harrah's club; ~,~:r. Bill Ledbetter of ~Tagon Wheel, in place of Mr. Harvey Gross; ~]r. Geoffrey Hughes, of hughes ~aul and FoEerty, Attorneys. · IYUTES: meeting. Reading of the minutes was postponed until the next regular As this meeting was calle~ for discussion purposes, the balance of the meetin~ was turned into a ~eneral discussion and regular procedure was waived. A general discussion was held on expenses for next year. It was stated that we know that we cannot move from our present disposal site until next summer. >~Ir. Brown remarked that we will have to show that we can finance our new disposal site,' but what we are considering now is our present sewage flow and the maintenance and operation of the District at the present time. The gentlemen from l~ievada asked how Nevada's exact flo~ was figured, and it was explained that l~r. Aberley measured the flow of effluent by determining the amount of electricity that is used by the pump. This has been foun~] to be ~ satisfactory method of ~etermi::ing the amount of liquid displaced by the centrifugal pump. At our pumping station at klt. View Ave. we have a recording meter which determines the amount of liouids pumped from the station. Mr. Aberley's figures showed that 60:~ of the flow handled by the I,,(t. View station pump ,,vas comim~ from the Nevada pump. There was a discussion on the present 5isposal plant. ?,.!r. LeSbetter, asked why we have to move from our present disposal site. Mr. Hughes and o.T.t~:.U.D. Directors explaine5 to him that ~ght now the present sit is not adequate to carry the increasing load. The seepage water is overflowing into Heavenly Valley Creek and 5tare and County tlealth officials are protesting. This overflov has baden te::porarily correcte~ by a ditch, but this correction will not last indefinitely. Director ~oeringer su~gested that Brown and Caldwell draw up te~'~tative plans for expansion so that we can have something to work on by ne~<t spring and as i.~evada will have to pay their share of this plan, it would be best to know what we will have to be prepared to pay. ~lso, we cannot e×pand until we have better facilities at the ~isposal site, such as septic tanks, sprinkling system, etc. ~ttorney itughes brought the discussion around to the contract that is now in effect between Yevada and o.T.P.U.D. I¥~r. Hughes stated he feels that we should forget the past and think about the present and future; ~ith these opening remarks, )~{r. Hughes went on to explain the details of the present contract and went on also to say that serious thought should be given to the consideraltion of changing this contract in view of the present day expenses of maintenance and operation as they have increased since the present contract ~as drawn up. Mr. Hughes also brought up land acquisition, as more lan8 must be acquired for the purpose of a new dispos-o! site. A discussion was held of the cost of such land. In regard to the above, and also our moving from the present disoosal site, the case of Stella Johnson vs. $.T.P.U.D. came up and Mr. Hughes gave the details of the court action and hearings in this case, and the length of time and money involved in this action. As the representatives from Nevada were unfamiliar with the above mentioned case, it cast some light on the exoenses that are incurred in the operation of the District. Mr. Brown took the discussion from there and went on '~ith more explanation of the contract in re~ard to the capacity flow. ~;!r. Brown read Para. 8 of the contract which more fully explained the capacity flow. Also, Para. 4.,in regard to l~evada's share of capital costs was rea~, an~ more fully discussed. Under the present contract the peak capacity flow, per day, for Nevada is ~00,000 gallons. ~t present ~evada is pumping around $~0,000 gallons a day, which, though it does not reach the agreed capacity, is 60[~ of what California is pumping, A few times this s~mmer Z8~,O00 gallons per day was reachec by Nevada. After more general discussion about the preceeding items, i~r. Led- better made the statement that the contract drawn in 19OZ was fine for then, but now he though it has to be brou:ht up to date, financially and otherwise, and that he felt that the Nevada people and this District could get together on this for the mutual benefit of all involved. ADJOURN~'.~T: As all points of interest snd importance ha~ been d~'~'scussed and there was nothing more to ad~, the meeting--~a~journed. Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary Presid ant ~ ~ r.x~I; OF D Iz~z~vlOr~o OF ~0UTH TAHOE PUBLIC USILITY D September S7, 19~ PEEoENT: }':~ one ABSEI~T: Directors Ooeringer, Gersick an~ Pankost Because of the absence of a cuorum, no meeting was held this 5etc. Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary Norman L. Goerlnger President ~:']Ii4UTES 0F iiEG.UL~h ~vLETI2QG OF B0~HD OF D1EECT0h& 0£ SOU2~I T~0E PUBLIC UTILI2Y LISTEICT October 10, 1957 The Board of Directors of South Tahoe ?ublic Utility District met in regular session at their office at the Pumping Plant Site, on i~:t. View Ave. October 10, 1957, at ~:00 p.m. EOLL CALL: Upon roll call there were present Directors Ooeringer, Pankost and Inspector nee ~iller. Also present was Yr. t{amseir, Sanitary an8 Hydraulic Engineer. ~,~:I1.4IYl'ES: ~inutes of the previous meeting were rea~ and approved. hEP0i~TS: Director Pankost reports that he and inspector Lee l, liller met wi-th !',~r. Baun ~,iednesday, and after due discussion ~,:r. ~aun agree~ to give ~,,:r. l~iller two men and also put l?,r. ~::iller on the payroll in an attempt to clean the rocks out of our main collection lines. These lines were filled in ~urlng the recent high-~'ay construction. Director ?ankost reports that we have received a report from the U. $. Department of >'ublic Health. Director I~ankost reports there was a stoppage in the, main line near the E1 Rancho ~,,,?otel. The line was cleared of the rocks creating the stoppage. o(~.~l!~o]~u.,~l~I.~.,~CEi I~eceive~, a cancellation of i::ollcy ~o. CH 205196 from 'lndd'st~'lal ±nSemnity Co. Letter date~ ~{ugust 15, 1957, '[~rom Controller of the Jtate of Celifornia along ~ith mimiographed copy of Section ~6909 Oovernment Code as amended by Chapter 1967, Statutes of 1957. Copy of letter dated nugust '~15, 1957, from ~r, Gordon Ellis re stipulations re~Tardi~_~,g permission to make test borings on Gernment land. Letter from Brown and Calewell dated Sept. 13, 1957, re our letter asking them to review the changes which have been made by Douglas County Sewer Improvement District. 1i4 Letter dated Sept. 18, 1957, from ~.irkbride, ';iilson, Harzfeld and ?~allace re Cfficial Bond of Director Gersick. Letter Crom Brown and Caldwell dated oept ~_~ 1957 re revie~· of the operation of the ~ewa~e i:lant and proposed spray irrl~ation. Letter dated Sept. ?4, 1957, from L. Cedric ~,Zacabee re Engineering. Letter dated Sept. 25, 1957, from Roy Edwin Ramsier re his qualifi- cations as a Sanitary Engineer. Letter dated October 1, 1957, from Brown and Caldwell re table prepared by them showing the final distribution of construction costs. Letter dated Cctober 1, 195~, from Brown and Caldwell re computing Nevada share of operation and maintenance costs. , ~ ~' ewage to letter dated October 5, 19F,~ from David ~. Gil.:o.e re s . Tahoe !~eadows. A letter has been ~,~tten in answer to ~r. Gilmore, this date, re sewage connection. ~E~ TI OI~iS: None I~EW BUSINESS: Director Pankost received authority to set up a meeting between California and I~evada and to contact Mr. Stafford of the U. S. Public Health Service in regard to this meeting. OLD BJ~INESS: None CLAII~[S: The following claims-were presented and approved for payment; Lee )Jlller Jeanne Turja Placerville Pump Shp. Harry Raymus P. M. Bernhardt Tidewater 0il Co. Bob ~Takeman Tallac Bldrs. Supply Clarke Ins. LaGrange Construction Co. Tahoe Supply Sierra Pac. Power Sierra Pac. Power Pac. Tel and Tel. Superior Home Improvement $581.50 120.00 600.00 82.54 1.90 118.40 52. O0 6.16 6.00 82.50 383.76 334.40 42.20 135.91 460.00 ADJOURNk~NT: As there was no further business before the Board, the mae tin~ ~d journed. E~rIe F. ~amR~ost Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary President !75 L~INUTES 0F ~EGULAR ME~TING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS 0F ~0UTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT October 24, 1957 PRESENT: Director Pankost Directors Coeringer and Gersick Because of the absence of a quorum, no meeting was held this date· Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary N'~rman L. Goerlnger President MINUTES OF REGUI2~R ~ETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT November 14, 1957 The Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at their office on ~t View Ave., November 14, 1957, at ~:00 p.m. LOLL CAI~E: Upon roll call there were present Directors ~oeringer, Gersic~2~ and Pankost. Also present was inspector Lee :iller. Il.lUTES: The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. ~-gPORTS: Director Pankost reports that neither :r. Baun nor his men 'sh'0wed up to clean the rocks out of the sewer line. L, irector Pankost contacted the insurance company and the insurance co. wated us to get bids to do the job. Director ?ankost also celled :rown and Caldwell and they recommended that we obt~in theservices of :cGuire and ICester for the job. Director }~ankost conferred with Director [;oeringer and received the authority to have the work proceed, with :cGuire and Hester doing the work. Director Pankost reports that it has been brought to his attention that the Tahoe Sands, without permission, connected to the sewer line on Herbert Avenue. Director ~-ankost asked for authority to inquire about legal action. The above connection was made without a permit. In regard to the first report of :~irector Pankost, he wishes to further reoort that :cGuire and Hester have been up here a clea~.ing the rocks out of the sewer lines. A letter ¥.~as written to zndustrial Indemnity 3o. in re~,ard to this. Director ~'ankost reports that the annexation p~pers are complete~ and we are working to get the signatures required and Brown and Caldwell are at present compiling information and drawing plans for the new disposal site. Director ~ankost reports that he has talked ~ith L_r. i~ostan regarding the U. ~. Department of Public :ealth, ca~ling a meeting bet~.~een Douglas County, i.:evada and E1 Dorado County, California, confirming their conversation by letter which is now on file. 176 Director Goeringer reports that Walter Brown contacted him in regard to servicing the Lakeside Tract or if we are not, that they be dropped from the ta:~ roll. Director Goeringer told Mr. Brown that we will do some- thing definitely in regard to service or tax adjustment. CORRESPONDENCE: funds. A memo from County Auditor re deposits and transfer of A letter from the Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, dated 0ct.51,1957, re meeting on ~isposal of sewage between Nevada and California. Letter from Kirkbride, Uilson, Harzfeld and '~..~allace dated 0ct.29,1957, re amended assessment - Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 5~-1. Letter from Brown and Caldwell dated October ~3, 1957, re bill from Da~s and ~',~ioore for sbil investigation at th¢' sewage disposa~l area. Letter from Brown and Caldwell dated October 4, 1957, re changes, requested by us, of assessment rolls of the ~outh Tahoe P~ublic Utility District. Bill from Dept. of Employment re penelty and interest charged for being late with our ouarterly return. '~fe have sent this on down to C. S. Nicolas in Z:lacerville to be hanSle5 by them.. PETITIONS: None NLi¥ BUSi~ESS: The following resolutions were a~opted by the Board, signed and'~ealed and returned to Kirkbride, 'i~ilson, Harzfeld and Wallace: Resolution ~os. 105, 106, 107 Director Yankost has been authorized to advertise in the local paper a Notice of Hearing, before the hearing date of December l~, 1957, on ~esolution Lo. 107. This Notice of Hearing is to be published twice before the above mentioned 5. ate. A Mr. Shaw built an apartment house outsi8e the District, but a local realtor hsd represente~ the property to be within the District. ~fr. Shaw has approximately ~$~0,000 invested, which he cannot use without sewerage. Director Pankost recommends that the Directors of this District permit him to connect his apartment buil~ing to the District's lines, with the understanding that he v~ill not construct any new units until permitted to ~o so by the Directors of the District. A letter has been written to the lawyer requestin~ him to tell ~i~r. Shaw that he has the permission of the Board of Directors to connect to the sewer line. CLD BUSINESS: A letter from ~rown and Caldwell has been received in regard 'to the statement sent by Dames and ~'loore in regar5 to the test borings made at the disposal area. This statement is in the amount of .:~1,610.23, which Brown and Caldwell is going to pay for the District and charge to our account. Director ~:ankost was instructe~ to arrange preliminary negotiations -for a co~tract with b~r. Bur!in,ham an~ Tahoe Keys. birector ~ankost moved that we notify our lawyer, Mr. Hughes, to inform Mr. ~;ilson an5 the l~:evada Board that we consider the present contract unfair and that we wish a new ~ntract drawn up. ~dotion seconded by Director Gersick. ~otion passed unanimously. The above mentioned latter'has been .~ritten and will be mailed to Mr. Hughes. 177 A letter has been ~;ritten to srovln and Csldwell in ref~ard to what facilities v~ill be necessary to increase our disposal plent for the coming year, and for operation instructions, etc. CLA I!,/.S: None ADJSURN?,.!ENT: It was moved and seconded and carried that the meeting be adjourned. ~a~rI~ F. Pa~_~JYos~t'~''' Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary N" L. G0er"inger President l{T~nr~'~'~,~.L ~.~ OF REGULAR l,am~rI!,,G OF BOARD OF Di~sCTCRo OF ~0UTn TAHOE ?UBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT November ~8, 1957 Director Pankost ABS}~{T: Directors eoeringer and Gersick i~ecause of the absence of a quorum, no meeting was held this date. Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary / }:;orm~h L. eo~inger' ~:resident L:iINUTES 0F ~GLrL:~ ;:iEsTI!.:G OF BOARD OF DINECTONS,..,~-~. SOUTH TAHOE RJBL!C UTILITY LISTNICT December 12, 1957 The Board,of Directors of South Tahoe }:ublic 0tility District met in regular session at their office on Mt. View Ave., December 12,19~7 at ~:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call there were present Directors Ooeringer, Gersick, and Pankost. The visitors present were !irs. l~ferle Brooke, I./r. Arthur Trumbull, Mr. Frank I~iiano, and L~lr. Pete ',¥oodcock. These people were all members of the Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce. Present also was l~r. Del Lucot, accountant. The above mentioned Chamber of Commerce members attende~ the meeting in regard to the hearing set for this date and also to learn more about the new proposed annexation, what this annexation will do for the ~outh ~hore Area, cost to them, how long before these new plans will go into effect. The aforementioned Hearing was called for this date, Dec. 12, 1957, by P-resident Goeringer and this hearing v;as duly noticef by two (£) publications in the Lake Tahoe l~i~ews. The first notice was published 15 days before this hearing. Director t:'ankost, Clerk and mz-t, ff~cio Secretary, presented an Affidavit of ~:'ublication from the Lake Tahoe ~[ews, substan- tiating the above mentioned two publications. President Goeringer declared the hearin~ open on the Amended Assessment for Sanitary Sewera2e ~-roject i.~o. 5~°-1. I[o one v;as present to protest or object to this Amended Assessment, so therefore Zresi~ent Goeringer declared the hearing closed an~ offered the resolution for adoption. L~irector iankost moved that i~esolution ?[o. 108 be adopted. ~irector Gersick seconded the motion. Upon vote the motion passed unanimously and ~esolution~ '~?o. 108 was adopted by the Board of Directors. Director i~ankost reports that the ~,~ork by McGuire a~d~2ester, cleaning our lines of debris, has been completed. Director t~:ankost reports that the Board of Directors of S.T.P.U.D. aztended the trial in z~iacerville re Terhune vs. ~.T.?.U.D. Director ~ankost reports at a recent m~eting of the Chamber of Commerce our proposed annexation was mentioned and that the Chamber of Commerce is interested and vmnts to know more about it and might help. ~J~IC~TIuL$: A letter from Aram '~aarootunian date8 N-ovember 5, 1~i-::,57, re request for annexation of several hunt, red acres. Letter from Fidelity and ~ ~eposit ~o. dated Dec. 4, 1957, re bonds of P. fl. Bernhardt and ~. L. Ooeringer, and 70 79 8~1. A letter has been sent to the ~bove in regard to these bonds, along with copies of a letter that was ~ritten April 4, 1957. Letter from '.!elson was read. A copy of this letter is to be sent to Br~n and Caldwell and LaGran~e. Letter ~]ated December Z, 1957 (this is a copy of l~tter sent to li~r. Geoffrey ~tu~es, attorney) re South Tahoe ~ublic ~tility District) from ~tirkbride, .'Jilson, Harzfel~ and ;=~?,llace. Letter signed by ~herrod Davis. Letter dated i~iovember 26, 1957, from St. Paul Fire and if. arine ~nsurance ~o. re claim filed against S.T.~.o.~. ~ z~aclfic Properties. Agreement from i~r. Ocott Ohav~ dated November 23, 1957, re connecting to sewer lines with units now constructed, but agreeing not to attempt any further conf-~ections until receiving written permission from the S.T.P.U.D. Board of Directors. ~mTI~ ~o. None ?lEiS; BUot~:Eoo: ~1~ letter is to be written to Brov;n and Caldwe!l requeSqing estimate on cost of pumps and lines to pump our effluent over Dagger ~-ass from ou~r present disposal site. Also cost per 1,000 gallons to pump this distance, l~e'tter has been written. motion made by Director Gersick and secon{~ed by ~lil'ector Pankost that ,::e start immediately to make collections on all monies due the District by illegal connections, blotion passed. 179' Director ~ankost suthorized ts make arrangements to collect the money due the District. Director ?ankost moved that the services of .~.~r. ~eorge -,~olf be ~ispe~sed with as accountant, iZecon~ed by Director Gersick. blotion passed. ~irector Pankost move~d that the services of blr. De]. Lucot be obtained as accountant for the District. Seconded by Director Gersick. Ziotion passed. Mr. Lucot has been informed that he is now accountant for the district and that the Directors would like him to be present at least one meeting a month. Also have the books up to date and ready for such meetings he attends. A letter has been v~'ritten to ~aymus Ins~mrance Agency re Directors' Bonds. CLAI~[S: The following claims were presented and approved for payment: Sierra Pacific Power Co. Pacific ~'elephone an~ Telegraph k~. S. Heath Placerville Pump Shop Bob Wakemen Ed Shinn Rupert Crowl A. L. Miller Jeanne Turja :8117.20 30.R0 50.00 658.67 5~.00 1,763.00 2~. ll 810.01 135.00 As there was no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned. Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary N. L. GOERINGER ~ Pre s ident MIR~UTES 0F ?,EGULAR )~fEETI~(G OF B 0ARD OF ~ .~,-~ ~ ~ RS~ ~0 ~TH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT December ~6, 195V Pi-~ESE~T: None ABSENT: Directors Goeringer, Gersick, Pankost Because of the absence of a quorum, no meeting was hei~ this date. Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary Norman 'L-',~ ~G~eri~ger Pres ident