HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2248 RESOLUTION NO. 22490 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ACCEPTING AND FILING A NOTICE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION FOR THE WASTEWATER RECLAMATION PLANT, HEADSTART IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE I, TENTATIVE CERTIFICATE FOR CLOSED VEHICLE STORAGE, LARGE OPEN VEHICLE, STORAGE A14D EXISTING MAINTENANCE BUILDINGS..... W. R. THOMASON, INC. P.O. BOX 2249 MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA 94553 RESOLVED by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, El Dorado County, California, that: WHEREAS, the District Consulting Engineer, William F. Ettlich, Culp/lVesner/Gulp, has filed with the Clerk of said District, his TENTATIVE CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COP?PLFTION for the: Closed Vehicle Storage, Large Open Vehicle Storage, ' and Existing Maintenance Buildings contractor: W. R. Thomas. Inc. P.O. Box 2249 Martinez, California 94553, and WHEREAS, it appears to the satisfaction of the Board of Directors that said work under said contract has been substantially completed as of MARCH 18, 1982, (copy of Tentative Certificate of Substantial Completion attached.) NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED: (1) That acceptance of substantial completion of said work be, and it is hereby made and ordered, above mentioned contract, is substantially completed. (2) That the Clerk of Board of said District is directed to execute and file with the County of El Dorado, T.,Totice of Substantial Completion, as reguie~ y law. J R. Tones, Pr dent / th Tahoe Publ!J tility District ATE S, ja D. rse, Cerk of Boar uth. Ta e Public Utility District BOOK 2073 m685 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of RESOLUTION NO. 2248, duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, E1 Dorado County, California, at a meeting thereof_ duly held on the ^6tth~ day of '!AY 1982, by the follow- ing vote: AYES: Directors ?ones, Madden and Wynn NOES: None ABSENT: Directors Kashuba and Olson Clerk of/ oard and Ex-Officio Secretary SOUTH T.. OE PUBLIC UTILITY DIS'T'RICT C1F~~t;lh r ~Cu SOtl1'N TWP BI Lit: MAY 8 36 AM 1982 COUNTY R c :+JRBER . cJ V jo Bn2073 PAGE686 ENS W cocuAAuNT, CERTIFICATE PROJECT C-06-1414-210-02 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION . OW DATE April 2, 1982 Owner South Tahoe Public Utility District Contractor W. R. Thomason, Inc. P.O. Box 2249, Martinez, CA 94553 Contract Headstart Program Improvements - Phase I The work performed under this contract has been reviewed and found to be sub- stantially complete. The date of substantial completion is designated as March 18, 1982 The designated area or scope of work is Closed Vehicle Storage, Large Dan V 'hi ri t, st-orageRuilrli ng and existing Maintenance Building. This date represents the commencement of any warranties or guarantees under the conditions of the contract that are connected with the above portion.of the project only. The Date of Substantial Completion of the work is the date certified by the Engineer and approved by the Resident Engineer when construction is sufficiently complete in accordance with the contract documents to allow for the uninter- rupted start and completion of subsequent subsystems in accordance with the Construction Schedule. A list of items to be completed or corrected, prepared by the Resident Engineer and verified and amended by the Engineer, is attached. The failure to include any items on such list does not alter the responsibility of the Contractor to complete all work in accordance with the Contract Documents. REMARKS REFERENCE DOCUMENTS List of items to be completed or corrected, compiled on March 18, 1982. U1 LA Attachments .Signature Signature Si atur r Resident Engineer gineer ner Culp/Wesner/Culp Culp/Wesner/Culp South Tahoe Public Utility Date Date Date District 4- 2- $2 30 ' 8Z_ BmK PwA 75 HEADSTART IMPRO%TEI. ENTS - PHASE I LIST Or ITEMS TO BE COMPLETED OR CORRECTED COMPILED: MARCH 18, 1982 CLOSED VEHICLE STORAGE BUILDING 1. Remove snap tie plastic cone from inside face of north end of colored concrete lintel over roller doors and fill the hole with colored mortar. 2. Chip concrete floor level around conduits under power panel. 3. Remove nails and mortar up holes in inside face of concrete block near 2nd and 3rd rear windows from north end. 4. Sandblast concrete masonry units at north end of colored lintel over roller doors. 5. Remove concrete runs from outside face of concrete masonry units below lst and 4th window from north end. 6. Patch and smooth down concrete overpour over concrete blocks at south end of colored roller door lintel. 7. Plug temporary electric light cable hole to contractor's trailer in north wall concrete masonry units. 8. Sandblast and clean off concrete runs on outside concrete block faces around all rear windows. . 9. Remove temporary plywood partition between south bay and all three other bays. 10. Top up caulk in both floor contraction joints, especially the one under the temporary plywood partition. 11. Install drip cap and head and jamb weather stripping at small north door. 12. Install weather stripping on roller door frame. 13. Cut off excess length of roller door frame holddown bolt on LHS of second door from the north end of the building. 14. Check and reset upper limit switch on second roller door from the north and lower limit switch on third roller door from the north end of the building. 15. Install rubber weather seal flap inside roller door housing on third roller door from north end of building. 16. Supply 2 keys for small north door. 17. Clean glass in small north door after it has been painted. 18. Clean green numbering off of outside face of second window frame from north end of building. w2073 PAGE076 2- CLOSED VEHICLE STORAGE BUILDING (CONTINUED) 19. Paint inside of all roller doors and housing with minimum of two coats. 20. Paint door and frame of small north door. 21. Paint vent fan housing and louver frame. 22. Paint all electrical panels, conduits and brackets. 23. Paint inside of roller door guide and threshold angle. 24. Paint inside of oil interception tank two coats of medium consistency coal tar. 25. Paint ceiling. 26. Apply liquid waterproofing to inside walls. 27. Clean green paint off of blockwork around roller door opening.' 28. Clean overspray off light panel L--4 label. 29. Spray hardener on floor of fourth bay from north end of building. 30. Install sink drain and water pipe with isolating stops at north wall and check to see if floor drains are unplugged. 31. Install valve box in outside concrete pavement over main outside building isolating valve. 32. Bracket both freezeproof hydrants to block wall behind them. 33. Remove tape from valve box cover. 34. Vent thermostat is missing and exhaust and inlet louver motor are not interconnected to it. 35. Wire up safety stop on bottom of roller door and check and tighten up all gear cog key setscrews. 36. Conduit wall clamp on north wall is not in proper position and another conduit clamp is required higher up same wall. 37. Two outside low pressure sodium lights do not work. 38. Remove cable reels and unused electrical panels from north bay. 39. Supply 100% replacement light bulbs. BON2073 =677 SMALL OPE'% VEHICLE STORAGE BUILDING 23. Supply six spare 16" wide low pressure sodium outside wall lights equipped with photoelectric cells (which were delivered to site but not mounted on 12" wide front columns) into District storage (as per Change Order No. 13). 24. Supply 100% replacement light bulbs. LARGE OPEN VEHICLE STORAGE BUILDING 1. Remove nail from base of northeast column on outside stem wall, east side of north doorway and base of third column from north side. 2. Sandblast lower inside face of north concrete block wall to remove concrete splatter. 3. Remove efflorescence from inside face of west block wall and top inside face of south block wall. 4. Paint mortar in lintel block joints over south doorway and wire brush efflorescence in previous painting work done in this vicinity. 5. Remove excess mortar at base of block wall at west side of south doorway. 6. Finish off by plastering top of inside north and south block walls, just under metal decking, to a smooth straight surface cut flush at the top or cover top of wall with a painted timber trim strip. 7. Replace missing sole plates under metal decking at the top of the west wall. 8. Remove excess mortar on top of inside concrete stem wall under fourth window from north end of the building. 9. Remove and repaint cracked mortar on inside wall face between concrete masonry blocks under third and fourth windows from north end of the building. 10. Plug holes in concrete block behind lighting panel on north wall. 11. Blow off hydromulch blobs off of outside west wall. 12. Sandblast outside face of block wall around third and fourth windows from north end of building to remove concrete splatter from window eyebrow pour. 13. Top up caulk in floor contraction joints and remove surplus* spill at east end of contraction joints. 14. Remove surplus caulk spill on outside concrete walkway joint at southwest corner of building. 15. Clean outside window frames. Boox2073 PAGE678 LARGE OB'E.. '.•_HICLE STO.'RACE BUILDING (CONTINUED) 16. Paint unpainted and too thinly painted column bumper and threshold angle iron strips (coating thickness of painted bumper guards is 2--3 mil. while 5 mil. minimum is required). 17. Paint all electrical panels, conduits and brackets. 18. Touch up stain in areas of eaves soffits which were stained white by overspraying block moisture sealer. 19. Touch up thin stain spots along eaves soffits. 20. Apply liquid waterproofing to inside walls. 21. Eliminate bird baths from new A/C pavement between vehicle storage buildings and maintenance buildings. 22. Outlet receptacle cover on inside west wall is missing. 23. Condulet cover in northeast part of ceiling is missing. 24. Panel locking key and cover plate bolt are missing from light panel on north wall. 25. Two outside low pressure sodium lights do not work. 26. Remove electrical panels, emergency generator, automatic transfer switch panel and pvc conduit stockpile from first and second bays from north end of building. 27. Supply 100% replacement light bulbs. EXISTING T~LAINTENANCE BUILDING MODIFICATIONS 1. Install insect screening around conduit entrance through eaves soffit at southwest corner of building. 2. Remove temporary telephone wires from eaves and replace any missing shingles in eaves. 3. Paint new conduit installed at southwest corner of building. 4. Touch up thin stain spots along eaves soffit. 5. Touch up thin trim stain spots along eaves and stain trim in northeast corner with two coats of stain. 6. Paint new vent grill in eaves soffit on east side of building. 7. Obtain price for light sandblasting and painting (two coats) both existing roller doors and both small doors and frames on west side of building. 8. Remove debris from behind east side of building, including former contractor's trailer pvc sewer connection pipe, etc. 9. Pump down and make good broken in new maintenance building sewer interconnection at new sewer P•101. m2o?3 FAA79 E`:ISTIN^ r AINT~.' n SCE BUILDING MODI PI CATI ONS (CONTINUED) 10. Remove existing incoming power and telephone conduits on outside west wall and plug conduit at ground level and where it penetrates the block wall. 11. Remove temporary power transformer in northwest corner of north bay. EE:evn 4--6-82 m2073 QaWO CERTIFICATE PROJECT: C-06-1414-210-02 OF OCCUPANCY DATE : March 18, 1982 Owner: South Tahoe Public Utility District, South Lake Tahoe, CA Contractor: W. R. Thomason, Inc., Martinez, CA Contracti Headstart Program Improvements - Phase I It is mutually agreed between the Owner and the Contractor to divide the responsibilities for said partially utilized portion of the project in the following manner, commencing on the date of occupancy or utilization, which shall be taken as the date of definitive substantial completion. The designated portion of the project utilized is the Closed Vehicle Storage Building and the Large Open Vehicle Storage Building. The Owner's responsibilities will be (a) to operate heating and ventil- ating systems in above facility, (b) assume responsibility for power requirements to above facility, (c) assume responsibility for property insurance on occupied areas, (e) maintenance of the above facility in regard to normal operations, (f) safety of District's personnel, and, (g) shall allow Contractor reasonable access to the above facility to complete or correct items on tentative correction list attached to Substantial Completion Certificate. The Contractor's responsibilities will be (a) allow access for owner's personnel, (b) allow access for public, if applicable, (c) allow operation of subservient heating, ventilating and electrical systems even if outside occupied areas, (d) obtain the necessary endorsements on their property insurance policy as set out in Paragraph 5.06 A of the General Conditions, (e) safety of Contractor's personnel, and, (f) warranties as outlined in the contract documents for the above specific items to commence on the definitive substantial completion date. None of the above releases the Contractor of any of his obligations to perform the work in accordance with the contract documents. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, and so inform the Engineer prior to the issuing of the definitive Certificate of Substantial Completion, the above division of responsibilities on the designated partially utilized portions of the project will be binding on the Owner and the Contractor until final payment. Signature Engin illiam F. Ettlich Culp/Wesner/Gulp DATE:-4 - 2 S 2 t DATED: 4/30/82 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss COUNTY OF EL DORADO ) On 4/30/82 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared WILLIAM F. ETTLICH known to me to be the person(s) whose name(s) is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M L/4 L i fir" Notary/ Piiblic in and for the State'of California, County of El Dorado My Commission Expires 11/19/82 AIMINL #*ARY ORMA AM9 ROTA" KMC U DOFADo CO. CAN/OMA My Cortwhsto++ Expires Mm 19, 1"2 60DK2073 FAA82 DATED: 4/2/82 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss COUNTY OF EL DORADO ) On 4/2/82 before me, the s undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared EDUARD EUYEN known to me to be the person(s) whose name(s) is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NotarryPublic in and for the State of California, County of E1 Dorado My Comm'ssion Expires 11/19/82 AkMy D"" AM~p NOTAW P1ALK EL DORADO OO., CAIJ~OOE~ MY Can~sle:toos'xp~ras tdry.. 19, fi4g? BOOK2073 PAGE683 DATED: 5/6/82 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF EL DORADO ) On 5/6/82 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared JAMES R. JONES known to me to be the person(s) whose name(s) is V"` subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public in and for the State of California, County of El Dorado Co . 5 11 Z1-9,14 2 . NARY MWA AMOt'C M y~ ~N~O/~T/I~t~~Yy~P W iK U DORADO WY ~19, 1~ mrnm2073 ~ fi84 PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JAMES R JONES Sewer . 1950. Water A PUBLIC AGENCY DIRECTORS P.O. Box AU South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 Phone (916) 544-6474 WALTER "NEAL" OLSON LORRENEKASHUBA 1275 Meadow Crest Drive MICKEY MADDEN JOHN WYNN i May 6, 1982 E1 Dorado County Recorders Office 330 Fairlane Placerville, CA 95667 Gentlemen: Attached please find the following documents with attachments for recording, and please return to this office. RESOLUTION NO. 2248 Certificate Substantial Completion w/attachments Certificate of Occupancy Notary for all signatures Thank you. Very truly yours, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Mary I~. Ambrose Clerk, of Board mda Attachments W.R. Thomason, Inc Box 2249 Martinez, CA 94553 (Closed Vehicle Storage, Large Open Vehicle Storage and Existing Maintenance Bldgs.)