HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2255 RESOLUTION NO. -1255 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ACCEPT- ING COMPLETION AND FILING THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION:' Repair of Luther Pass Pipeline by Replacing Approximately 613 LF of 24 inch diameter pipe. WUNSCHEL & SMALL INC RESOLVED, by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, El Dorado County, California, that: WHEREAS, the District Engineer of said District has accepted completion of the PROJECT - REPAIR OF LUTHER PASS PIPELINE BY REPLACING APPROXIMATELY 613 LF OF 24 INCH DIA2=ER PIPE, and that same was completed on JUNE 25, 1952, by the contractor, namely: WUNSCHEL AND SMALL, INC P.O. BOX 799 FAIR OARS, CALIFORNIA 95628. THAT THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, P.O. BOX A U, SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA 95705, El Dorado County, California, is the owner of sai rk. J~~`4`j~ngs R. Jones, ,,r sident iXTH TAHOE PU _ C UTILITY DISTRICT t ATTEST: Mary D. Ambrose, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct coov of RESOLUTION 1\10. 2255, duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the SOUTP TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT on the lst day of JUL'-,' 1982, by the following vote: AYES: Directors Jones, Olson, Kashuba, Padden, Wynn NOES: None ABSENT: None r r1a y brose, erk of Board SOU'_E T HOE' PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Attachment (1) WENNNS t RECORDING REQUESTED BY F AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO r Name 000 000, Street Address City b LIU" SPACE ABOVE THIS NOTICE OF COMPLETION Notice pursuant to Section 3093, Code of Civil Procedure, must be filed within 10 days after completion. (See reverse side for Complete requirements.) Notice is hereby given that.. 1. The undersigned is owner or-corporate officer of the owner of the interest or estate stated below in the property hereinafter described: _ Z The full name of the owner is South Tahoe Public Utility District 3. The full address of the owner is 1275 Meadowcrest Dr.; Post Office Box AU South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 r 4. The nature of the interest or estate. ofthe owner is; In fee. (If other than fee, strike "in fee" and Insert, for example, "purchaser under contract of purchase," or "he L The full names and full addresses of all persons, if any,who hold title with the undersigned as joint tenants or as tenants in common are: NAMES ADDRESSES None 6. A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was completed on June 25, 1982 The work done was: Repair of the Luther Pass Pipeline by replacing approx. 613 lin. feet of 24-inch diameter pipe. Wunschel & Small, Inc.; Post Office 7. The name of the contractor, if any, for such work of improvement was Box 799; Fair Oaks, CA 95628; March 20, 1982 (if no contractor for work of improvement as a whole, insert "none".) (Date of Contract) B. The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the city of N/A County of El Dorado , State of California, and is described as follows: (see attached rider) 9. The street address of said property is Easement west of Fountain Ave. & Beecher Ave. So. Lake Tahoe, CA (If no street address has been officially assigned, insert "none"a July 1, 1982 Dsted: Verification for Individual Owner Signature of owner or corporate officer of owner named in paragraph 2 or his agent V FICATION I, the undersigned, say: I am the 1-1i'dl 6n 4 the dadewl I e1*sforegoing ("President of", "Manager of", "A partner of", Owner of", etc.) notice of completion; 1 have read said notice of completion and know the contents thereof; the same is true of IIN eess katowledgL i 1 declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. 4) J , . Exacutad ,19 , at CafimiL. (Date of sj nature.) (City whero stg J .v . ( - contents 17 lmbert G. Baer, Asst. Dist.. Engr. btio~car ) So. Tahoe Public Utility District w C NOTICK OF COMFL[T10N - WOLCOTTS PORM 1114 - R[V. s-is PL type or larger i DO NOT RECORD s " REQUIREMENTS AS TO NOTICE OF COMPLETION A notice of completion must be filed for record WITHIN 10 DAYS after completion of the work of improvement (to be computed exclusive of the day of completion), as provided in section 3093, Code of Civil Procedure. The "owner" who mud file for record a notice of completion of a building or other work of improvement means the owner (or bill successor in-interest at the date the notice is filed) on whose behalf the work was done, though his ownership is less than the fee title. For example, U A L the owner in fee, and B, lessee under a lease, causes a building to be constructed, then B,or whoever has succeeded to his interest at the date the notice is filed, must file the notice. If the ownership is in two or more persons as joint tenants or tenants in common, the notice may be signed by any one of the co-owners (in fact, the foregoing form is designed for giving of the notice -by only one cotenant), but the names and addresses of the other co-owners must be stated in paragraph S of the form. Note that any Notice of Completion signed by a successor in intered shall recite the names and addresses of his tnnderor or tranderora. In paragraphs 3 and S, the full address called for should include street number, city, county and state. As to paragraphs 6 and 7, this form should be used only where the notice of completion coven the work of improvement as a whole. If the notice is to be given only of completion of a particular contract, where the work of improvement is made pursuant to two or more original contracts, then this form mud be modified as follows: (1) Strike the words "A work of improvement" from paragraph 6 and insert a general statement of the kind of work done or materials furnished pursuant to such contract (e.g., "The foundations for -the improvements"); (2) Insert the name of the contractor under the particular contract in paragraph 7. In paragraph 7 of the notice, insert the -name of the contractor for the work of improvement as a whole. No contractor's name need be given if them is no general contractor, e.g., on so-called "owner-builder jobs." In paragraph 8, insert the full, legal description, not merely a sheet address or tax description. Refer to deed a policy of title insurance. If the space provided for description is not sufficient, a rider may be attached. In paragraph 9, show the street address, if any, assigned to the property by any competent public or governmental authority. This standard form coven most usual problems In the ~ field indicated. Before you sign, read It, fill in all blanks, and make changes proper to your transaction. Consult a lawyer If you doubt the form's fitness for your purpose. I Sh SK s 2,633-C L4 5.20 Con t:' • ,..a NOTES Attention is directed to the fact that this report does not cover any t... i+ w information as to taxes or special district assessments. } ~Y [ T ~ . -Y ~ -.•.-.III' . '~t' •~7 a~M!'4'•~,y'h7ip" Z~ M4+> >~At^WWN `1. -147f nF1P+:y,, .•r rt ;ta'7!Y DESCRIPTION 1 A portion of Lot 9 and a portion of the West half of the Southwest 1A of Section a . 3, and a_' port! on of the Ea nt half of the Southeast 1A of Section 1i, Township 12 North, Ran.;e 1R East, MDMM.; El Dorado County, California. A 25 foot wide utility easement lyin:; 5 feet Northerly and Westerly and 20 feet Southerly and Easterly of the following desciibed line: COMMENCING at the Northeast corner of Aram Subdivision Unit No. 11 as shown on that Map recorded in Map Book "B" at Page 93, El Dorado County Records; thence, using California Grid Zone 2 bearings and distances the following courses; South W 271 50" West, 2395.09 feet North 41' 321 10" west, 153.00 feet; to the point „r• of t-eginning of this line description; thence, from said point of teginning, North 41' 321 10" West, 131.89 feet; thence, South 48' 271 50" West, h3h.83 feet; thence, South 511° h3' L7" :West 927.80 feet more or less to the point of termination.. The side lines to be lengthened or shortened to meet adjoining property lines. Also a 25 foot wide temporary working easement lying immediately adjacent to and Southerly and Easterly of said Utility Easement. THIS REPORT DOES NOT INCLUDE AN EXAMINATION OF. AND THE POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE IN THE USUAL FORM WILL NOT INSURE AGAINST L089 BY REASON OF: 1. EASEMENTS OR LIENS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THE COUNTY, OR OF THE CITY. IN WHICH SAID LAND OR ANY PART THEREOF 19 SITUATED. 2. RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PERSONS IN POSSESSION OF SAID LAND WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THOSE PUBLIC RECORDS WHICH IMPART CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE. 3. ANY FACTS. RIGHTS. INTERESTS. OR CLAIMS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THOSE PUBLIC RECORDS WHICH IMPART CON- STRUCTIVE NOTICE. BUT WHICH COULD BE ASCERTAINED BY AN INSPECTION OF SAID LAND. OR BY MAKING INQUIRY OF PERSONS IN POSSESSION THEREOF. OR BY A CORRECT SURVEY. , 4. MINING CLAIMS. RESERVATIONS IN PATENTS. WATER RIGHTS. CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER. S. ANY GOVERNMENTAL ACTS OR REGULATIONS RESTRICTING. REGULATING OR PROHIBITING THE OCCUPANCY OR USE OF SAID LAND OR ANY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE THEREON. 6. THE PLAT WHICH ACCOMPANIES THIS REPORT IS NOT A SURVEY. AND THEREFORE THE PLAT IS NOT A PART OF THIS REPORT. SILVERADO TITLE COMPANY I 4GCJVUL'V /ip- V-r EL:kfn - ° -2. BY'Waltiir 'D. Sumiiiers; "'Vice• Pr`esiderit"' ~ PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JAMES R. JONES Sewer . 1950 . Water A PUBLIC AGENCY DIRECTORS P.O. Box AU South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 Phone (916) 544-6474 WALTER "NEAL" OLSON LORRENEKASHUBA 1275 Meadow Crest Drive MICKEY MADDEN JOHN WYNN July 8, 1982 E1 Dorado County Recorders Office 330 Fair Lane Placerville, CA 95667 Gentlemen: Please record the attached RESOLUTION NO. 2255 and the NOTICE of COMPLETION and return to this office. Thank you. Very truly yours, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Mary %of ose CleBoard mda Attachment: Notice of Completion Repair of Luther Pass Pipeline Wunschel and Small, Inc. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT M E M O R A N D U M DT: August 12, 1982 TO: Barrie Fisher FR: Pat Mamath RE: NOTICE OF COMPLETION: Wunschell and Small Barrie I discovered today that the Notice of Completion for Wunschell and Small which Mary sent to the County Recorder's office on July 8th was lost in the mail. They told me over the phone that they could not send a second copy without a payment of $1. The 35/day waiting period will be up on August 16th. Would it be possible to get a check for that retention amount-of $5,054.69 to be able to mail it by the 17th? I need two checks: one for $1. one for $5,054.69. E1 Dorado County Recorder's Office 330 Fair Lane Wunschell & Small Book 2088 at 462 RECORDING REQUESTED EY QP£'Citt .CftDS EIDOR,,0cr f i+-GAU/. RECOF' ~~tS BY AND WHEN RECOROEO MAIL TO qWW T pUiLIC SLIV JUL I 1 ~Q a5 AM 1982 DORr't~' CdNR 1 1 COUNTY RECORDER h. RU son. Address krt ► ctty Late _I 0101 ABOVE THIS Im FOR ROOM NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOUN WrnMt to section 3003, Code of Civil Procedure, ft" M filed wimsm 10 dps after CaeplotloN. 60 mWW lido f« Complete retluieemonts.) No** is hereby porn that: 1. TM ulidersi6led is Owner, of cmporm officer of On otswer of tM interma m some steted below in The property Mr noon daerlbe l: { T1efu6neneofTheosrlleris South Tahoe Public Utility District i ! 3. ThefulieddresoftMownera 17" `Meadowcrest Dr.; post office Box AC South Lake Tahoe, CA ?5705 d. TM Nature of the interest or eetete of the owner h; In in. Of other than fur, strike "in tee" and (roan, for ewNnpie. "Pia .Mohr under contract of purd4M." r "lases") r r~ L The full nema and full addrasss of ep persons, it my,v*o held title vft Ohs un0eriyl►ed a WN DOW M a t mm% In COMMON see: ~ NAMES ADDRESSES C Notre W 6. A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was con iplotM art June ' ` , 1 B2 . The wok dons twer Fe ;air of 'ti; Luthor Kass Pit~eline by rej,Jacimc, ar>prox. 613 lin. feet of 24-inch diametor ; if(- 7. The nemeof thecontrrcmr,it",for much work of itn4twomentw. Vrunschel & Small, Inc.; Pcst Office Rox 7^17; Fair CA 135(.,28: 'larch 20, 1932 fif no contractor for work of Improvement a a whole, inert "wore".) (Doe of Contracts 6. The proparty on which aid work of improvement na completed is in the Clty of NSA Colsaty E;I lion<rcln StetsofCalifornia, endisdescribed afollows: (see attaci ecl rider) 0 The rirataddrerof mid propertyis Easement rest of "ountairn i=.ve, & Beecher ,Ave.; Co. Lake Tahoe, Ci (if no street address has been officially assigned, Insert '.none...) July 1, 1982 Oeted: / Verification for indwiduat Owner J^ 34..~L 1 Sipneturr of owner or corporate *"law of owner named in pate rape 2 or his spent j ,VFICATION The dadarom of the If 1, the undwri/red, say: I am the no i"Pteeilteni ofi" "Marleper ail' "A peftner of", Owner of", ax.) ✓ Notice of completion: 1 have reed aid notice of completion and know the contents thereof; the seine is true of my own knowla ip. I dedam under perw ty of pwpuy ohm The facepin is eve red comet Ewscuted ! .19 . E at 4 r r ~r t t _ California. H (Oats of yore) (City whore ) i r ADbert G, Baef, Asst. Dist. E7►gr. So. Tahoe Public Utility District Lien AWS."NW4"" - W"Am"" 400am t 1 IA - Riv- a-re 6 pt, 41WP*f M SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY 'DISTRICT M E M O R A N D U M DT: August 12, 1982 TO: Barrie Fisher FR: Pat Mamath RE: NOTICE OF COMPLETION: Wunschell and Small Barrie I discovered today that the Notice of Completion for Wunschell and Small which Mary sent to the County Recorder's Office on July 8th was lost in the mail. They told me over the phone that they could not send a second copy without a payment of $1. The 35/day waiting period will be up on August 16th. Would it be possible to get a check for that retention amount of $5,054.69 to be able to mail it by the l7th? I need two checks: one for $1. one for $5,054.69. E1 Dorado County Recorder's Office 330 Fair Lane Wunschell & Small Book 2088 at 462 i