HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956 01/09 - 1956 12/139O President pro-tem ~4INUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIP~CTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 9, 1956 The Board of Directors of the South Ts~oe Public Utility District met in special session at the hour of 11:00 o'clock A.b~., at the regular meeting place, on January 9, 1956. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Johnston, Yotmg and Goeringer. SPECIAL ?~EETI~G CALL: The President reported t~at he had personally deliver'ed or mailed written notice of this special meeting to each memeber of the Board of Directors at least twenty-four hours before the time of ~is meeting, which notice read as follows: ,Notice is hereby given that a Special meeting of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, will be held at the regular meeting place, on January $~, 1956. The Business to be transacted will be to consider the annexation of terri- tory to the District pursuant to petition and consent for the annexation of unincorporated territory filed with the Secretary and the setting of the heari~5 on the proposed annexation." A~NEXATION 1955-1: The Secretary reported that a petition and consent for the annexation of unincorporated territory to the South Tahoe Public Utility District had been filed with him; that he haa made an examination of said petition and compared the signatures with the affidavits of registration in the County Clerk's office and determined ii' the petitioners are the owners of territory by the records of the County Assessor; and that he had executed a certificate to the effect that the petition was signed by a sufficient number of registered voters and property owners. He presented the petition and certificate to the Board. Ordinance No. 25, An Ordinm~ce Describing Territory Proposed to be Annezed, Determinir~ that no Terms and Cond~-tions are Necessary, and Declaring In- tention to'Approve Such Action, Annexation No. 1955-1, was read. On motion of Director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer, and unanimously carried said Ordinance was adopted. The Secretary was instructed to post copies of the Ordinance in three public places in the District at least ten days bc~fore the date set for hearing. AD JO URN~,~E~ T: There being no further business, on motion by Director Goeringer, seconded 0y Director Young, and unanimously' carried, the meeting was adjourned to January 12, 1956 at 2:00 o 'clock P.i'~., in the r~gular meeting place, East Front office, Lakeside Theater Bldg., S tateline, .~alifo~rnia. -o fi · o Secretly President ~I~UTES OF T?~ R~UL~d~ ~'~TING OF THE BO~D OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 12, 1956 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in REPORTS(cont'd) Ordinance on Sewer Regulations di~;cassed and it was decided to call Counsel and have it rev~itten with modifications as discussed, primarily with refer- ence to all of Section 8, and Section 7:10. On motion by Director G :erin~er, secmded by Director Young, and unanimously carried, it was decided to mail a copy of Ordinance # 23 to property owners affected by same. On motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer, and unanimously carried, L uther Hulse is to be hired as Dist. Inspector; salary to be left open for review by both parties until such time as a tentative plan is received from the Engineer. CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Ethel Parsons with check for $700.00 for her assessment also postcard a~king that check be returned as Standard Oil is paying assess- ment. PETITIONS: none. CI,AIb~S: none. J~: D JO URiqi'~IEN Tb 5:00 p.m. President There beir~ no fur;%her business, m:~.etirg was adjourned at ' ~Cl'erk & ~.-off~c~o~r~tarY/.~ /. MINUTES OF THE CONTINUED REGUL~, ?~EETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TI~ SOUTH TMIOE P~BLIC UTILITY DISTP~CT December $, 19~ The continued regular meeting of the Board was cslled to order on December 8, 1955, at 2:30 p.m., at the regular meeting place, East Front Office, Lakeside Theater Bldg., Stateline~ California. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Young and Goeringer; absent: Director Johnston. Also present was Luther Hulse. PRESIDENT PRO-T~I: On motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer, it was ~manimously agreed that Director Goeringer act as President Pro,tom in the absence of Director Johnston. The reading of minutes of the previous meetings was postposed until the next regular meeting. COR/tESPONDENCE: Letter from Engineer re: suggested operating procedure £or maintenance man~ was read. NEW BUSINESS: On motion by Director Yo~, seconded by Director Goerin2~.~r, it was agreed that Luther .Hulse is to be inspector. His salary is as follows: (a) Tt~ ~ay to October: ~120.00 Nov. thru April 160.00 for duties outlined (b) Additional, he is to receive 1/2 half of all fees in otu- proposed Ord. 2A, Section S; this is to become effective January 1st, 1956. Mr. Hulse was present and accepted same. Claims: The following claims were presented for payment: Lakeside Theater - rent ~,~cGuire & Hester, Nov. '55 TWA gas for Standly H.P. Remus Ins. Co. for Director Young ~s bond Pac. Tel & Tel W. A. You~ Norman Goeringer ..S25.00 7143.86 13 7. O0 15.00 21.78 150.00 140.00 adjourned regular session at the hour of 3:15 o'clock p.m., at the regular meeting place, on January 12, 1956. ROLL CftC: On roll call there were present Directors Johnston, young and Goeringer. Also present was Mrs. Rivers and Mrs. Guest. i~INUTES: Minutes of the regular ~,~eeting of September 16th were read and approved. Minutes of a special meeting of January 9th were read and approved. REPORTS: Director Young reported that Ludwig and Sons gave up the job of finishing the p~,uping station. McGuire & Hester are going to take over and will finnish the p~ping station in about 2 weeks. Director Young reported that ~r. Hughes advised that the trial of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and Mrs. Johnson had been taken off the calendar. There is to be a meeting between ~r. Hughes and Mrs. ~'ohn- son to discuss a settlement. CORRESPOND~CE: A letter of January 6~ from Mr. L. S. Rapp was read regarding the approxima~.e cost of his asses~nent and how it will be payable. A letter of Decemoer 23, 1955 from Mr. C. B. Bull was read in which he states he still does not desire to annex with the South T~oe Public District. A letter from Mr. Thomas G. Morton, Western Title Insurance and Guaranty Company, requesting the description of the property referred to in our letter to them of Dec~uber 5th in connection with Ordinance No. 23. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. E. Sabin dated December 19th was read in which they stated they still do not wish to annex with the South Tahoe Public Utility District. A letter from the South Tahoe Public Utility District to George Franga- dakis, Helen Frangadakis, Peter Pavlos and Nick Pagonis was returned to writer marked unclaimed. A copy of a letter from Hughes, Maul & Fogerty to Honorable Robert E. Roberts, Judge of the Superior Court dated December 13th was read regarding El Dorado Superior Court Action # 7528~ South Tahoe P.U.D. vs. Johnson. A letter from Brown & Calawell dated December i7th, regarding the plumbing contract was read. A letter irom Mr. Gene Morrison dated December 9th was read in which he stated that he still does not wish to join the Utility District. A letter from Brown & Caldwell dated December 13th was read in which they enclosed 2 copies of the "Final Schedule of Sewer Connections". A letter from McGuire & Hester to Brown and Cadlwell dated January 5th was read in whdh they request that the retnetion on the sewer contract be reduced to $10,000.00. This letter was referred to new ousiness. N~W BUSINESS: With further regard to the letter mentioned in correspondence from McGuire & Hester to Brown & Caldwell it was agreed unanimously that the December bill from Brown & Caldwell in the amount of $23,~87.28 be paid as it stands. Brown & C~dwell's recommendation that ~e retention be reduced to $10,000.00 and the difference paid to the contractor as part of the Decemoer payment which would have amount to $70,238.66 was acknowledged. A t this time the Board is not in a position to either accept or reject the above recommendation. We see that, in general, we can expect to have $150,000.00 with expenditures of approximately $145,000.00. It appears from the discussion that we are not going to a~end anything that isn't vitally important to the District. OLD BUSINESS: We have had no reply from our council regarding Ordinance No. 2A, our copies of papers from our file on the Keller-Littman case, the Enox- Johnson or Tahoe .Meadows matter which we have requested be returned to us for our file. PETITIONS: A petition for annexation of the property covered by Assesa~ent No. 52, Mr. H. J. Harlow and Hattie E. Harlowe was presented. Also, a petition of the property covered by Assessment No. 59, Mr. Robert & Rosemary Mattison was received. On a motion by Director young and seconded by Director Goe- ringer, and unanimously carried the above properties are to be annexed ~.~'ithout cost as their petitions were received before December 25, 1955 but not in time to be included in official description. CLAIMS: The following claims were presented and passed for payment: Lake Tahoe News $1.50 Pac. Tel. & Tel 45.16 Jean Rivers 26.00 McGuire & Hester 23,~87.28 ADJOURN[~ENT: There being no further business, on motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer, and unanim~..usly carried, the meeting was adjourned to Janua~ 23, 1956, at 2:00 o'clock p.m., in the regular meeting place East Front office, Lakeside Theater Building, Stateline, California. Pre sident MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIST14%CT January 23, 1956 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in special session on ~onUay Jam~ary 23, 1956, at the hour of 2:00 p.m., in the regular meeting place, East Front office, Lakeside Theater Building, Stateline, California. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Young and Johnston; Absent: Director Geeri~er. Also present was Secretary Ryan. SPECIAL MEETING CALL: Director Young reports that he did post legal notices following the adoption of our Ordinance No. 25 on January 12th, 1956, and it is further noted that no protestant appeared at tP~s meeting. The Secretar~~ is hereby handed the Affidavits of Posting, one of which is to be filed and two to be returned to our Counsel. At this meeting, therefore RESOLUTION # 62 A Resolution & Oraer Approving Proposed Annexation and Changing Boundaries of District, is, there having been no protestant, pa~sedand approved with the following restraint: (1) Director Young has informed Counsel of a change in the boundaries set nut on the Annexation Map 1955-1 having to do with Parcel #'6. The map presently shows all of the Van Sickle property annexed and should have sho~, as Young informed Wilson, only the highway frontage back to and including the boundary line-of-record, and Mr. Wilson was advised to provide a new map fat transmittal in accordance with Mr. Assof's letter of January 2Otb; (2) Additionally, it now comes to our attention that the piece of property referred to as 5-A on the Annex. Map is also in error and there should be excladed therefrom the first 130 feet of the piece referred to as 5-A on the Annex. Map; the backhalf of 5-A remaining within the anney~tion area. The Secretary was instructed to communicate this additiona% change to ~r. Wilson. The letters of transmittal and the forwarding of certified copies of the Resolution will be held up pending the receipt of the new Annexation 1955-1 m~. The Board realizes the map and transmittal letter must be in the appropriate hands prior to February 1st. Because of the urgency of this special meeting no minutes or other correspondence was read. D JO URNi'~N T: meeting, the ~eeting was adjourned. President There bei~g no fnrther business to attend to in this special ./ ~INUTES OF T~ ~~ ,',~EETING OF T~ BO~ OF DIRECTORS OF THE ~UTH T~OE P~BLIC ~ILITY DIST~CT February 9, 1956 The Board of Directors of the South T~oe Public Utility District met in regular session at 2:30 p.m., Thursday, February 9, 1956, at the regular meeting place, East Front office, Lakeside Theater, Stateline~ California. ROLI, CALL: On roll call there were present Directors G,~ing~r and Young. Director Johnston. Also present was Secretary Ryan. Absent: PRESID~T PRO-T~: On motion of Director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer and unanimously carried, Director Goeringer was appointed temporary Chairman. READING OF MINUTES: Minutes of regular meeting of January 12, 1956 and special session of January 23, 1956, were read and approved as corrected. REPORTS: Director Young reported that Mr. Charles Aldridge of McGuire & Hester, Mr. Richard Aberley, Mr. Roger Wilcox, and Mr. Ted Gerlishe of Brown & Caldwell our engineers, were at Lake Tahoe last weekend and went through extensive checkups of the pumping station and the plant in general, getting it all in operating condition. The mechanical work is primarily completed except for the several minor adjustments that the engineers called to the Contractor's attention. Mr. Aberley informed Director Young that he would re6ommend that we put Mr. Hulse on our payroll as of February 6, 1956. He also stated that people could start hooking up to the sewer system at any time. Relative to ~:e Nevada District, their system is comp. lete and hooked up to our system. The engineers did nmt have an opportunity to run a test on the Nevada system but hope to run-a test in the very near future at which time they will give our system a final check. COMMUNICATIONS: Change order # 8, dated February 7, 1956, from Engineers Brown & Caldwelll, providing ~ grating cover for sump in p~np station; providing intermediate support bracket for ladder in pm:~p station was read. A copy of a letter dated February 7, 1956~ from Brown & Caldwell, to McGuire & Hester, listing the items to be corrected before final acceptance of their contract was read. A letter, undated from Norman L. Langruss, to the So. Tahoe PUD was read, regarding his lots # 20, 21 and 22 of Bijou Park, Block 23. A letter dated January 21, 1956, from C. B. Bull to the So. Tahoe PUD was read and filed. It was regarding our ordinance # 23, and subsequent letter to C. B. Bull. A copy of a letter dated January 2~, 1956, from Brown & Caldwell to Eirk- bride, Wilson, Harzfeld & Wallace, regarding Resolution of Intention and final construction costs for the project was read and file~ 94¸ A letter f~m the State Bd. of Equalization, dated February 7, 1956, acknowledging receipt of a copy of Resolution # 62, annexin~ territory to the So. T~oe PUD; a legal description of the annexed area contained in the resolution; and a m~ delineating ~e boundaries of -~lis annexation was read and filed CO~'~[;~UNICATIONS (cond 'td) A rider # UT 37540 was also received i'rom the Div. of Highways, dated January 17, 1956, eztending the completion date of work on the Highway ~ight-of-way to August 3, 1956. This was attached to the original permit. A letter to the So. Ts~oe PUD, dated January 20, 1956, from Louis Bartlett was read regarding his assessment. PETITIONS: none. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that the secretary write to Mr. Wilson and inform him that al~io we had filed all the necessary p~ers with the E1 Dorado County we had not as yet received $1500 in Chapter 27 money, and would he please advise us fLu~ther on this ~matter. NEW BUSINESS: Upon motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Goeri~er and unanimously carried, Mrs. Christine Ryan was hired as secretary to replace Mrs. Jean Rivers, w[m is no longer able to do the work. Upon motion ~ade, seconded and unanimously carried, the secretary was instructed to write a letter in reply to No~.~an L. Langruss, advising him that it is our intention to mSXe service available to Ski Run Blvd. whic~ could also service his adjourning lots; where he may make application to the District to join; service might be available to his lots some time this year, and that the cost for inclusion and service wouikd be to as~m~-~e his share of the GO bonds at · 90 per handred dollars assessed valuation, plus .26 per hundred dollar:~ for maintenance and operating expense, making a total tax of $1.16 per hundred dollars of a~sessed valuation. Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the secretary was instructed to write a letter in repl~ to Louis Barlett's letter of January 20, 1956, advisirg him that the assessment bills should be forthcoming within the next few weeks and he will be given an opportunity to pay it off in a 15-year period if he so desires, or they can be paid in cash. Interest on the assessment bonds cannot be greater than 6%. Upon motion, made, seconded and unanimously carried, the secretary was instructed to write to Counsel relative to the election of officers for this coming year, pointing out that Director Johnston's term expires soon and to please send us information on t~kis at this time. Upon motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer and unanimously carried, Luther Hulse was put on the payroll of the STPUD as of ~onmay, February 6, 1956. Upon motion by Director Yo:~ng, seconded by Director Goeringer and unanimously carried, Director Young was requested to get adequate fire insurance coverage on the p~ station from Harry P. Raymus Insurance A~ency. Upon motion by Director Young, :seconded by Director Goeringer and unanimously carried, the secretary was instructed to write to Brown & Caldwell to get an estimate of the co st of running adequate collection lines to service Ski Run Blvd. and also what the appro~imate cost per front foot to the taxpayer would be. CLAIMS: The following claims were presented and unanimously passed for ~ay~ent: J. A~ Taylor Bookkeeping Serv. $67.56 Ark Johns 30.00 D. H. Wylie 14.00 4.50 6.50 25.oo Christine Ryan 30.67 Pac. Tel & Tel. 22.00 Dept. of Highway 6.00 Lakeside Theater (2 mons) 50.00 9 5 CLAI~,[S (cont 'd) ~cGuir~ & Hester Wm. A. Young 90.00 N. L. Goeringer 40.00 ADJOURN!'~IENT: There being no further busine~;s the meeting was adjourned it 5;05 p.m. President pro-tom N~UTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS March 8, 1~56 The regula~ meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District was called to order by President lohnstca, at 2:30 p.m., March 8, 15~6, at the regular meeting place, East Front Office, Lakeside, Theat~ Building Stateliae, Californtm. ROLL C~,~'J,: On roll call there were present Directors Johnston, Goeringer, and Young. Also present was Secretary Ryan. MINUffES: Minutes of November 10, 1555, November 25, 1955, December 2, 1~55, Decenber 8, 15~5, and February ~, 1956, to bring the ]iinute Book up to date; upon motioh by Director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer, and unanimously carried, the minutes were passed and approved. Secretary Ryan was instructed to send a copy of these minutes and all future minut es to Counsel fo~ his approval. REPORTS: Director Goeringer reported that he and Director Young met in Sacra- meato on February 16th, at Mr. Devlin~s office, with Stella and Knox ~ohu~en,( their attorneys, Mr. DiLl amd Mr. Devlin, and counsel for the South Tahoe Pub.~ Utility District, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Hughes. This meeting was in response to a call from Mr. Wilson, our counsel. Purpose of the meeting was to try to negotiate on our disposal site. No con- clusions were read, ed at this meeting on a positive positio~ for selling or purchasing the property. Subsequently, Mr. Goeringer had a private conversation with Mrs. ~ohnson wherein Mrs. lohnson indicated that the value of the purchase of the 20.~ acres and the adjacent damage was in the neighborhood of $200,000.00 COMMUNICATIONS~ Letter dated 2/21/~6 from the Standard 0il Co. of California, to STPUD, regarding the Ethel Parsons property in Bijou and the Erickson property in Stateline, was read and the Secretary was instr~cted to write an answer advising them that the assessment statements were out already and to contact these people direct. Copy of letter dated 2/17/56 to Kirkbride, Wilson, ttarzfeld & Wallace from Brown & Caldwell, enclosing six copies of the latest assessment roll, and map, was read. Letter dated 3/2/56 from Brown & Caldwell to STPUD, regarding February estimate for McGuire & Hester, roms read. Letter dated 2/8/56, from Brown & Caldwell to ~StPUD, regarding inspectio$ of main pump station, and their finds, ~was read. Copy of letter dated 2/13/56, from Brown & Caldwell to State of California, Dept of Public Works, Div. of Hwys, Dist III, regarding damage to Snogo, was read, and letter to McGuire & Hester, from Brown & Caldwell, regarding same, dated 2/13/56, was read. Copy of letter to Karl A. Hess, dated 2/15/56, from Brown & Caldwell, regarding sewerage of his proposed subdivision at Bijou, was read. Also received, for the District's files, were 2 copies of a ,~otice to Pay Assessments", Sanitary Sewerage project No. 52-1. Copy of letter from Counsel ~o Elmer Kent, County Surveyor, Placerville, dated 3/1/56, was read. A certified copy of Resolution No. 62, a Resolution and Order Approving Pro- posed Annexation and Changing Boundaries of District, Annexation 1955-1, was received from the County Recorderts office. Letter enclosing 4 Grant Deeds of Eas~nent secured in September and October, 1955, from Counsel, dated 3/5/56, was read, and Secretary was instructed to execute these, obtain signatures, and forward them to the County Recorderts office, Placerville, California. Letter from Brown & Caldwell, dated 2/15/56, to STPUD, regarding various adjust- ments and information requested by Inspector Hulse, was read. PETITIONS: none I~IFINISHED BUSINESS: Director Johnston raised the question as to whether the fire insurance had been issued and was advised by Director Young that a cover binder was issued over the phone, but that we awaiting word from the Engineers as to exact amount they would advise we get. Director Johaston also raised the question whether it would be advisable to have ~a definite arrangement with Mr. Luther Hulse, and in connection therewit~ he desires to go on record as to being of the opinion that we should definitely define Mr. Hulse,s responsibilities and obligations to the STPUD Board of Directors, and specifically "spell out,' these situations under which Mr. Hulse may excercise his own initiative in performing for the District c~ incurring bills for the District, making particular reference to the minutes of Febr- uary 9, 1956, wherein Mr. ttulse is on our payroll as of February 6th, 19~6. Director Goeringer and Director Young concur. Director Johnston further suggests we comaunicate this particular attitude to our Counsel as a matter of urgent business and ask him to give us something in writing to have acknowledged by Mr. ttulse so that this is a matter of record. Re~arding the case of Job-eon vs. STPUD, Director Young reports that after the meetings discussed above, he is of the opinion that we should hire one of the best condemnation lawyers we can get and then we should imuedtately after hiring him, let him get together with the parties concerned, let him learn all the facts and let him take the situation in hand. The. other directors are withholding their acquiescence until March the 9th, at which time they will put their opin- ions on record. Making reference to the minutes of February 9th, Director Johnston indicate~ that he would not run for re-election. NEW BUSINESS: Resolution No. 61 (in four parts) Accepting Deed of Easement on the following properties: William J. Townsend and Philip H. Empey; Western Title Ins. & ~uaranty Company; Charles G. Job-.~ton and Pauline L. lohnston; Walter N. 01scm end Patrieia G. Olson; and Chester W. Mayfiel~ and Chester Jewel Mayfie~l, was read; on motion by Director'Goeringer, seconded by Director Young, the resolution was unanimously adopted. OLAIMS: payment · The following clai~ were presented amd unanimously passed for Lakeside Theater Luther Hulse Christine Ryan Charles G. Jo~n,~ton Pac. Tel & Tel Co· Sierra Pac. Power Co. Harry P. Neymus Ins. Agene~ $25.00 160.00 170.00 42·~0 ~2.~0 AD~OUR~T: adjourned until 1:00 p.m., March 9th, 1956. President motion duly made, seconded and carried, this meeting was 97 MINUTES OF A ~ECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUtM TAHOE PUBLIE D~ILITY DISTRICT March The s~ecial meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe PUblic Utility District was called to order at You~gts Bijou, Bijou, California, at 1:00 p.m., March ~, 1~56. RDLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors $ohaston aud Goeri~ger; absent: Director Young. Also present was Secretary Ryam. M~: Reading of minutes of previous meetings was postponed because of the urgency of this meeting. PURPO~ OF ~PECIAL MEETING: After being duly notified by the Secretary 24 hours in advance of the meeting, the Directors met to discuss the matter of the jeopardy that exists for the S~D, in the case of the STPUD vs. Stella ~ohaso~, since it appears that Counsel for the District has beau either unwilling or unable to locate am attorney specializing in condemnation proceedings. The Board further made telephone calls to Brown & Caldwell, in an effort to deten~iae their technical data with respect to ~he potential dsm~ge to Mrs. Johmsonts acreage lyiug adjacent to the Utility District disposal site, and also questions regarding the ultimate peak, or capacity, of qur present system. Bro~n & Caldwell stated that everything was designed for ultimate in population amd at the present time the seepage area is servatively estimated to be able to take care of 5,300 but can be doubled and could accomodate 10,600 including mew force main, at least 3 more furrows. They suggested it would be a good idea to "lay low. and let the system operate a year or more to see how coarse the sand is, etc. Further discussion with Mr. Hazfeld of Coumselts office, of two attorneys spect-lizimg in doademmation work: Eall~way Jones Russ Building San Franc i soo ~GARFr~ 17400 revealed the ~mes N. Mitchell B0u~quim 620 Market St., San Francisco D0~LAS Z35~0 and phone calls were made to these two men, b~t these calls were without results since neither attorney was available. At the conclusion of the meeting the Board unanimously felt that it was not yet represented by an Attorney of suitable stature in the specialized cohdemnation field to effectively fight Mrs. ~ohmson, s effort to extract U~reasonable perimeter damage from this District. ALL COMM~NICATI~NS, NE~ BUSINESS AND CLAIMS: wer~ postponed until the next regular meeting of t~e District. On motion unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at /.-/ -- BO~ OF DI~~ OF ~ ~ T~OE P~LI~ :30 p.m. President March 16, 1~6 The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District was called to order at the regular meeting place, Front OiTice, ~eside :~ate~. Buildd~.g, StatelLue, Oa!iT~rni~, ~t !O:00 a.~., Narch 16, ROLL C~T.?.: On roll call there were present Directors Johnston, Young and Goeringer. Absent: None. Also present was Secretary Ryan. MINU2ES: Re~ding of minutes of the previous meeting was postponed until the next regular meeting. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The purpose of the meeting was to pass a resolution calling and providing for notice of election of Director at Large ~ 3, for the District, to be held Tuesday, May l, 1956. After being duly notified by Secret~ry 24 hours in advance of the meeting, the Directors met to discuss the resolution, with the following results; RESOLUTION ~ 63 CALLING AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF ELECTION OF DIRECTOR AT LARGE NO. ) FOR THE SOUTH TAPDE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, was read; and on motion by D~-rector Young, seconded by Director Goeringer,"was unanimously adopted. C0~ffUNICATIONS: Request f~om our broker, Harry Rmymus Insurance Agency, for more ~-~ormation re: number of sewage line miles in connection with obtaining liability insurance for the District, was read and the secretary was instructed to write the Engineers to obtain this infomation for Mr. Raymus. Invoice f~om LaGrange Construction Co., in the amount of $85.27, was read, and Secretary was instructed to forward same to Engineers for payment since we did not feel we were responsible f~r this bill. ALL 0TME. R NEW BUSINESS, CLAll~.~, etc, were postponed until the next regular meeting of the District. A.1iTOURNN~I': 11:15 a.m. President On motion unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at BOARD OF DIRECTORS Aprill2, 1956 The regmlar meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Util. District was called to order ht 2:10 p.m., April 12, 1556, at the regular meeting place, East Front Office, Lakeside Theater Building, Statelihe, California. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Goeringer and Young; Absent: Director ~ohnston. Also present was Inspector Hulse, Dr. N. Walters, and Secretary Ryan. PRESID~I~T PR0-T~: Upon motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer and unanimously carried, Director Goeringer became President Pro-tern in the absence of Director ~ohnston, MINUTES: Minutes of meetings of 3/$/56 end 3/16/56 were read and approved. Secretary Rya~ was instructed to compose additional minutes for meeting of March ~, 1956. from available notes. REPORTS: Director Goeringer reported that ~ Morrison of the Lakeland Village, Bijou, reported to him that the contractors while repairing the force main damaged one of his rock piers at the front of his building, and Director Goeringer will call this to the attention of the contractor when he is at Lake Tahoe a~ain. Director Goeringer also reported on his meeting with the accountant who was here for the pt~rpose of establishing our books and bookkeeping system, and bring- ing them up to date. The procuring of a post-office Dc~ for the District was dis- cussed at this point. COMMI~ ICATIONS: Letter dated 3/10/56, from Anderson, s Motel and Apts., Bijou, was read re: his assessment and his request that his protest against a 6~ rate of interest in our assessment be put into the minutes of this meeting; this was decided to be a mis- understanding on his part. Letter from Fidelity & Casualty Co. of New York dated 4/5/56, re: McGuire & Hesterts contract and portion completed. Secretary was instructed to answer and furnish the necessary information. Copy of letter from Brown & Caldwell, dated April 4, 1556, re: Assessment ~ 121 to Counsel was read. Copy of letter from Brova~ & Caldwell, dated April 5, 1~56, re: copy of latest Sewage Collection and Disposal project Assessment roll sent to Thorns S. Bruton accountant, with Rue and SneLl, per our request was read. Copy of letter from Brown & Caldwell, dated March 15, 1~56, re: assessments ~120 and 121, to Co,~el was read. Card from F. Milton Neff, of Long Beach, dated March 20, 1556, re: his assess- ment ~105, amd answer dated 3/26/56 from STPUD, advising him that this was the first notice of assessment for payment seat to him, was read. Letter from Olive M. Daube, dated 3/1~/56, re: her assessment, was read; a~swer from STPUD, was read. Copy of letter dated 2/20/56 from Brown & CaldweLl to Karl A. Hess, re: various questions, was read. Letter dated 3/16/56, from You:g's Bijou, re: damage to grounds of resort by sewer contractors was read. C6py of letter from Brown & Caldwell, dated 3/27/56, re: assessment ~ 74, and re-billing of same, per request from STPUD, to Co,,-~el was reade Letter written by A1 Young STPUD, dated 3/26/56, to Brown & Caldwell re: enclosing statement f~om Brown-Milbery, Inc., amd requesting possible time for ContrActor to come up to Lake amd finish things, otc, was read. Four copies of four parts of Resolution ~ 61, Accepting Deed of Easement from C.G. ~okuston, and Pauline L. Yohnston, Walter N. Olson and Patricia G. Olsca; Western Title Ins. & Guar. Co., Wm. ~. Townsend amd Philip H. Empey, and D. W. Mayfleld and C. ~. Mayfield, was received back from County Recorder~s office; Secretary was instrUcted to return one certified copy of each part of this resolution to Counsel, per their request of 3/5/56. Letter dated 3/27/56, from Mr. S~ell, of Rue and Snell, C.P.A., re: request for written authorization of certain accouuting work to be done by Mr. Thomas E. Bruton, such work to include setting up of an accounting syste~ for the District, was read; Secretary Ryan was instructed to write such letter to Mr. S~ell, and to als0 ask th~m to advise us just what is being done re: Nevada District budget and also date we have to submit this infoEmation. Letter from A. A. McE~on, .Health Officer E1 Dorado County, dated 3/8/56, re: SANITAi~£ S~ER PROJECT ~ 52-1, was read. I~IFIN ISHED BUSINESS: Re: invoice from Harry P. Raymus Insurance Agency, showing issuance of Compre. General Liability policy ~ 8725667, Secretary was instructed to write Mr. Raymus that to date we have not received this policy. Upon motion by director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer, ORDINANCE ~ 24_ An 0r~t~nce Re~Alatim~ the Use of Public ~nd Private Sewers~ the Installation of Sewer Later~!~ and ~ublic Sewer M~fn Extensi0~~ p~oviding for the Employment. of a ~nitary T~spector~ ProvidinE Pox-mits and ~ixing Fees for the Inst~l~tio~ of Sanitary Sewer Laterals and Regulating Plumbing, Draina~e__a.nd Sewert-g ~ the South Tahoe Public ~;¥i~iyy~ ~)~Syr'i~C~t' '('c'°-P~~ ~'~e~-e-~-~ ~-~ ~am~°~lY adopted. Upon motion by Director Young, and seconded by Director Goering~',~'~it~-.~as unanimously decided that all future purchases of material and labor purchased by employees of the STPUD be covered by a purchase order, signed by two. Directors of the Board, with the exception of minor office supplies~ It was also pointed out at this~time that no answer was received by STPUD from Brown & Caldwell regarding the ~,mount of miles or feet of sewer lines we do have in connection with obtaining liability insurance policy. Secretary Ryan was instructed to inquire of Brown and Caldwell if this infonaation had been forwarded directly to our insurance agent. 100 ' Also in connection with the insurance situation, it was pointed out that no answer had been received in connection with our request for their opinion in re: to fire insurance and Secretary was instructed to ask for ~his informa- tioh also. We currently have a binder for $10,000.00. ~ It was pointed out too that we have not received word from Counsel re: applications and pexm~its and an outline re: the handling of monies received from permits. Secretary was instructed to write Counsel and t ell them we urgently request a~ain that they flu-nish us with a recommended application and permit form for people wishing to hook up to the sewer and information as to how to handle monies received. We are currently holding s~ue money and are wonder- ing what to do with it. Regarding our condemnation suit against Stella Johnson; Director Young made a motion~ seconded by Director Goeringer, and unanimously carried that we write a letter to Co,,n.~el requesting that the Board be advised of any and all plans in regards to our condemnation action against Stella Johnson. We feel it imperative that the Board be advised of this situation at all times. Secretary Ryan was advised to write such a letter. It was also pointed out at this time that no more had been heard from Counsel re: Chapter 47 money and Secretary was instructed to write to co,m~el again. NEW BUSE~ESS: Secretary Ryan was instructed to'write a letter to Counsel requesting that the Nevada District pass an Ordinance similar to our Ordinance. ~4, A~ Ordinance Regulating the Use of Public and Private Sewers, the Installati$n of Sewer Laterals and Public Sewer Main Extensions, providing for the Employment of a Sanitary Inspector, Providing Permits and Fixing Fees for the installation of Sanitary Sewer Laterals and Regulating Pltm~bing Drainag? and Sewering in the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Also by motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, it was decided that we continue to receive payments for assessments indefinitely; these were supposed to be deadlined on April ~, 19~6. Secretary was instructed to write Counsel calling attention t~ this item in the minutes of this meeting; Bank has already been notified to this effect. Director Young also suggested at this time that Secretary make a list of expendable items owned by the District, such as typewriter, desk, chair and ~all tools. Secretary was also instructed to obtain information from previous Secretary Rivers re: obtaining a notary public office and seal. AlSo Secretary was instructed to writs Engineers with copy to Counsel, re: cost of putting laterals (4 to 6 inch) to property line. At previous meeting, Board assumed this cost would be included in the assessment, but Just whet can be done about th'ese additional costs now that the asses~m~uts are OUt. There will be mo election for the office of Director at Large No. 3 since only one applicant has been nominated and therefo~re a letter is to be written to the Board of Supervisors, E1 Dorado County, Placerville, California asking for the appointment 6f Philip M. Bernhardt for this position. Director Young made reference at this time to the tremendous amount of trouble the North Tahoe Public Utility District is having in regards to infiltra- tion which is necessitating them to go to great trouble and expense to correct and the Directors of this Board feel they should "bend over back- wards" to enforce Ordinance ~ 24 in regards to proper hookups, thus possibly eliminating future trouble. The following claims were presented and unanimously passed for CLAIMS: payment: William A. Young $129.1~ N. L. Goeringer l~O.O0 M~R Motor Supply 70.30 Luther Hulse( reimburse 80.11 for small tools purcimsed) Tahoe Supply Co. 6.~0 Pet e Hidondo 2 ~. 00 The Times 12.~7 Christine Ryan 48.70 INDEX ORDINANCE NO. 24 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SEWERS, THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER LATERALS AND PUBLIC SEWER MAIN EXTENSIONS, PROVIDING FOR THE EMPLOYMENT OF A SANITARY INSPECTOR, PROVIDING PERMITS AND FIXING FEES FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SEI~R LATERALS AND REGULATING PLUBMING, DRAINAGE AND SEWERING IN THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Pa~e ARTICLE I. DEFINITIONS Sec. 1.1. Definitions .............. 1.2. District ................ 1.3. Board ................. 1.4. Clerk ................. 1.5. County ................. 1.6. Engineer .............. 1.7. District Inspector ........... 1.8. Person ................. 1.9. Permit ................. 1.10. Building .............. 1.11. Applicant ............... 1.12. Contractor ............... 1.13. Street ................ _ 1.14. Sewage WOrks .............. 1.15. Sewage. . ~ .............. 1.16. Industrial Wastes ........... 1.17. Sewer ................. 1.18. Public Sewer .............. 1.19. Side Sewer .... ........... 1.20. House Sewer .............. 1.21. Lateral Sewer ............. 1.22. Outside Sewer ............. 1.23. Private Sewer ............. 1.24. Plumbing System ............ 1.25. Garbage ................ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ARTICLE II. GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. Rules and Regulations ......... Purpose ................ Short Title ............... Posting ................ Violation Unlawful ........... Relief on Application ......... Relief on Own Motion .......... Plumbing, Inspection, Compensation. . 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 ARTICLE III. USE OF PUBLIC SEWERS REQUIRED Sec. 3.1. Disposal of Wastes ........... ~ 3.2. Treatment of Wastes Required ...... 3.3. Unlawful Disposal .......... 3.4. Occupancy Prohibited .......... 3.5. Sewer Required ............. 3 4 4 4 4 Sec. 4.1. Sewer Not Available ........... 4.2. Permit Required ............ 4.3. Inspection Required ........... 4.4. Design Requirements ........... 4.5. Abandonment of Facilities ........ 4.6. Cost of Maintenance by Owner .... 4.7. Additional Requirements ......... 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 ARTICLE V. BUILDING SEWERS, LATERAL SEWERS AND CONNECTIONS Sec. 5.1. Permit Required .............. 5.2. Construction Requirements ......... 5.3. Sewer Materials ........... 5.4. Minimum Size and Slope ........... 5,5. 5.6. 5.7. 5.8. 5.9. 5.10. 5.11. 5.12. Building Drain .......... Joints and Connections .......... Connection to Public Sewer ......... Separate Sewers ........... Old Building Sewers ........... Sewer Too Low .............. Protection of Excavation ......... Maintenance of Side Sewer ....... 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 ARTICLE VI. PUBLIC SEWER CONSTRUCTION Sec. 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. 6.7. 6.8. 6.9. Permit Required ............. 6 Plans, Profiles and Specifications Required ............... 7 Subdivisions ............... 7 Easements or Rights of Way ........ 7 Persons Authorized to Perform Work .... 7 Grade Stakes ............... 7 Compliance With Local Regulations .... · 7 Protection of Excavation ......... 8 Design and Construction Standards .... 8 ARTICLE VII. USE OF PUBLIC SEWERS Sec. 7.1. Drainage Into Sanitary Sewers Pro- hibited ............... 8 7.2. Types of Wastes Prohibited ....... 8 7.3. Interceptors Required .......... 9 7.4. Maintenance of Interceptors ....... 9 7.5. Preliminary Treatment of Wastes ..... 9 7.6. Maintenance of Pretreatment Facilities. . 10 7.7. Control Manholes ............. 10 7.8. Measurements and Tests .......... 10 7.9. Special Agreements ........... 10 7.10. Swimming Pools .............. 10 ARTICLE VIII. PERMITS AND FEES Sec. 8.1. Permit Required ............. 10 8.2. Application for Permit .......... 10 8.3. Compliance With Permit .......... 11 8.4. Agreement ............. 11 8..5. Classes of Permits ............ 11 '8.6. Fees - Connection Charges ..... 11 -ii- Residential Building Sewer ...... Fees and Bond - Multi-family Residential, Commercial or Industrial Connection ........ 8°9. Fees and Bond - Public Sewer Construction ........ 8.10. Fees - Private Sewage Disposal ..... 8.11. Disposition of Fees .......... 8.1P. All Work to be Inspected ........ 8.13. Notification .............. 8.14. 8.15. 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8 .PO 8 .Pl Condemned Work. All Costs Paid b~ ~w~e~ i i i i i [ i ] Permits for Outside Sewers ....... Permit Optional .......... Special Outside Agreements ...... Street Excavation Permit ........ Liabi li ty ............... Time Limit on Permits ......... ARTICLE IX. ENFORCEMENT Sec. 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 9.5. 9.6. Violation ............... Public Nuisance ............ Disconnection ............. Public Nuisance - Abatement ...... Means of Enforcement Only ....... Liability for Violation ........ ARTICLE X. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Sec. 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. Protection From Damage ......... Powers and Authorities of Inspectors. . Separability ............. 11 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 -iii - AN OPd)INANCE REGULATING THE USE OF PUBLIC AND PRIVAT~ SE!~RS, THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER LATERALS AND PUBLIC SEWER MAIN EXTENSIONS, PROVIDING FOR THE EMPLOYMENT OF A SANITARY INSPECTOR, PROVIDING PERMITS AND FIXING FEES FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SE!,~R LATEt~LS AND REGULATING PLUMBING, DRAINAGE AND SE~RING IN THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BE IT ENACTED, by the Board of Directors of th~ South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, as follows: ARTICLE I. DEFINITIONS Sec. 1.1. Definitions. For the purpose of this ordinance the terms used herein are defined as follows: Sec. 1.~. District is the South Tahoe Public Utility Dist- rict, E1 Dorado County, California. Sec. 1.3. Board is the Board of Directors of said District. Sec. 1.4. the Board. Clerk is the Clerk and ex-officio Secretary of Sec. 1.5. Co.unty is the County of E1 Dorado. Sec. 1.6. Engineer is the Engineer appointed by and acting for the Board and shall be a Registered Civil Engineer. Sec. 1.7. District Inspector is the Inspector acting for the Board and may b& a Member of the Board, the Manager, the District Engineer or Inspector appointed by the Board. Sec. 1.8. Person is any human being, firm, company, part- nership, association, and private, public or municipal corporations, the United States of America, the State of California, districts and all political subdivisions, governmental agencies and mandatories thereof. Sec. 1.9. Permit is any written authorization required pur- suant to this or any other rule, regulation or ordinance of Dist- rict for the installation of any sewage works. Sec. 1.10. Building is any structure used for human habita- tion or a place of business, recreation or other purpose containing sanitary facilities. Sec. 1.11. Applicant is the person making application for a permit for a sewer installation and shall be the owner of pre- mises to be served by the sewer for which a permit is requested or his authorized agent. Sec. 1.1~. Contractor is an individual, firm, corporation, partnership or association duly licensed by the State of California to perform the type of work to be done under the permit and shall be the owner or his agent. avenue, alley, y, easement or right of way° Sec. 1.14. Sewage Works are all facilities for collection, pumping, treating an~ disposing of sewage. Sec. 1.15. Sewage is a combination of water-carried wastes from buildings and industrial establishments connected to sewage works of district or from any private sewer. Sec. 1.16. Industrial Wastes are the liquid wastes from industrial processes as distinct from sewage. Sec. 1.17. Sewer is a pipe or conduit which carries sewage and/or industrial wastes to which storm, surface and ground waters are not intentionally admitted. Sec. 1.18. Public Sewer is a sewer lying within a street and which is controlled by or under the jurisdiction of the Dist- rict. Sec. 1.19. Side Sewer is the part of the horizontal piping beginning at the fohn'da ti on wall of any building and terminating ~n the main sewer, or septic tank. Sec. 1.20. House Sewer is any sewer or drain beginning at 'the plumbing or drainage outlets of any buildings and running to the property line. Sec. 1.21. Lateral Sewer is the portion of the side sewer within a public street. Sec. 1.22. Outside Sewer is a private sewer beyond the limits of the District. Sec. 1.23. Private Sewer is one which has an independent sewage disposal not connected with a public sewer and which accom- modates one or more houses. Sec. 1.24. Plumbing System includes all plumbing fixtures and traps, or soil, waste, special waste and vent pipes, and all sanitary sewage pipes within the property lines of the premises. Sec. 1.25. Garbage is solid wastes from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of food, and from the handling, storage and sale of produce. ARTICLE II. GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 2.1. Rules and Regulations. The following rules and regulations respec~-ing sewer construction and disposal of sewage and drainage of buildings and connection to the sewage works of said District are herebY adopted, and all work in respect thereto shall be performed as herein required and not otherwise. Sec. 2.2. ~.urpose. This ordinance is intended to provide certain minimum standards, provisions and requirements for design, methods of construction and use of materials in sanitary sewage facilities in lateral sewers hereafter installed, altered or re- paired. This ordinance shall not apply retroactively and, in the -2- Sec. 2.3. Short Title. This ordinance shall be known as the South Tahoe Public Utility District Sewer Regulation Ordinance. Sec. P.4. Posting. Upon adoption this ordinance shall be posted in three pub'lic places in the District at least one week prior to the expiration of 30 days from the date of its passage, there being no newspaper of general circulation printed and pub- lished in the District, and shall take effect upon the expiration of thirty days from the date of adoption. Sec. 2.5. Violation Unlawful. Following the effective date of this ordinance it Jhall be Unlawful for any person to connect to, construct, install or provide, maintain and use any other means of sewage disposal from any building in said District except by connection to a public sewer in the manner as in this ordinance ]provided. Sec. 2.6. Relief on J. pplication. When any person by reason of special circumstances, is of the'Opinion that any provision of this ordinance is unjust or inequitable as applied to his premises, he may make written application to the Board, stating the special circumstances, citing the provision complained of, and requesting suspension or modification of that provision as applied to his premises. If such application be approved, the Board may, by resolution, suspend or modify the provision complained of, as applied to such premises, to be effective as of the date of the .application and continuing during the period of the special circum- stances. Sec. ~.7. Relief on Own Motion. The Board may, on its own motion, find that By reason of special circumstances any provision of this regulation and ordinance should be suspended or modified as applied to a particular premise and may, by resolution, order such suspension or modification for such premises during the period of such special circumstances~ or any part thereof. Sec. 2.8. Plumbing, Inspection, Compensation. The Board of said District shall emplOY the bi'strl'ct Engineer or such other person as may be designated by the Board to perform the duties of inspecting the installation, connection, maintenance and use of all lateral sewers and plumbing~ sewerage, sanitary drainage work and facilities in connection therewith in said District, to be known as the Sanitary Inspector. He shall receive as compensation for his services for making inspections required to be made by the ordinances, and orders and regulations from time to time enacted and ordered by said Board, a sum to be fixed by the Board. He shall serve during the pleasure of said Board. ARTICLE III. USE OF PUBLIC SE~RS REQUIRED Sec. 3.1. D.i.s. posal of Wastes. It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit, or permit to be deposited in an insanitary manner upon public or private property within the District, or ~in any area under the jurisdiction of said District, any human or animal excrement, garbage, or other objectionable waste. -3- treatment has been provi~e~ Zn accordance wznL~ ordinance. Sec. 3.3. Unlawful Disposal. Except as herein provided, it shall be unlawful to construct or maintain any privy, privy vault, septic tank, cesspool, seepage.pit or other facility in- 'tended or used for the disposal of Sec. 3.4. Occupancy Prohibited. No building, industrial facility or othe~ structure shall ~ occupied until the Owner of the premises has complied with all rules and regulations of District. Sec. 3.5. Sewer Required. The Owner of any building situated within th~ District requzrzng sewage disposal and abutting on any street in which there is now located or may in the future be located a public sewer of the District, is hereby required at his expense to connect said building directly with the proper pub- lic sewer in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, within ninety (90) days after date of official notice to do so, provided that said public sewer is within three hundred (300) feet of the building. ARTICLE IV. PRIVATE SE~'~GE DISPOSAL Sec. 4.1. Sewer Mot Available. Where a public sewer is not available unde~ the provisions o~ Section 3.5, the building sewer shall be connected to a private sewage disposal system complying with the rules, regulations and ordinances of the District. Sec. 4.2. Permit Required. Before commencement of construc- tion of a private sewage disposal system the owner shall first obtain a written permit signed by the District Inspector. The application for such permit shall be made on a form furnished by the District, which the applicant shall supplement by any p~ns, specifications and other information as are deemed necessary by the District. A permit and inspection fee shall be paid to the District at the time application is filed in accordance with the provisions of Article VIII of this ordinance. Sec. 4.3. Inspection Required. A permit for a private sewage disposal system shall not become effective until the in- stallation is completed to the satisfaction of the District Inspec- tor. He shall be allowed to inspect the work at any stage of con- struction and, in any event, the applicant for the permit shall notify the District Inspector when the work is ready for final inspection, and before any underground portions are covered. The inspectio~ ~hall be made within forty-eight (48) hours, Sundays and Holidays excluded, of the receipt of the notice by the District Inspector. Sec. 4.4. Design Requirements° The type, capacities, loca- tion and layout of a private sewage ~isposal system shall comply with all recommendations of the Department of Public Health of the State of California° No permit shall be issued for any private sewage disposal system employing subsurface soil absorption faci- lities where the area of the lot is determined to be inadequate by the Board of District. No septic tank or cesspool shall be -4- permitted to discharge to any public sewer or any stream or water- course. Sec. 4.5. Abandonment of Facilities. At such time as a public sewer becomes available to a property served by a private sewage disposal system, as provided in Section 3.5, a direct connection shall be made to the public sewer in compliance with 'the ordinances, rules and regulations of District, and any septic tanks, cesspools, and similar private sewage disposal facilities shall be abandoned and filled v~ith suitable material as determined by the District Inspector. Sec. 4.6,. Cost of Maintenance by Owner. The owner shall operate and maintain the private sewage disposal facilities in a sanitary mgnner at all times, at no expense to the District. Sec. 4.7. Additional Requirements. No statement contained in this .Article shall be construed to interfere with any additional requirements that may be imposed by any law, ordinance, rule or regulation or by the Health Officer of the County. ARTICLE V. BUILDING SEWERS, LATERAL SE~IERS AND CONNECTIONS Sec. 5.1. Permit Required. In accordance with Article X of this ordinance no person shall construct a building sewer, lateral sewer or make a connection with any public sewer without first obtaining a written permit from the District and paying all fees and connection charges as required herein. Sec. 5.2_ Construction R~quirements. Construction and inspection 'Of building sewers and 'lateral sewers shall be in accor- dance with the requirements of the County of E1 Dorado and the requirements of the District. Sec. 5.3. Sewer Materials. The building sewer shall be cast iron soil pipe,' ASTM specification (A74-42) or equal; vitri- fied clay sewer pipe, ASTM specification (C13-44T) or equal; or other suitable material approved by the Inspector. Joints shall be tight and waterproof. Sec. 5.4. Minimum Size and Slope. The size and slope of the building sewer shall be subject to the approval of the Inspector, but in no event shall the diameter be less than four (4) inches. The slope of such 4-inch pipe shall be not less than one-fourth (1/4) inch per foot. Sec. 5.5. Build%ng Drain. Whenever possible the building drain shall be brought to the bUilding at an elevation below the basement floor. No building drain shall be laid parallel to or within three (3) feet of any bearin~ wall, which might thereby be weakened. The depth shall be sufficient to afford protection from frost. The building drain shall be laid at uniform grade and in straight alignment in so far as possible. Changes in direction shall be made only with properly curved pipe and fittings. Sec. 5.6. Joints and Connections, Ail excavations re- quired for the installation of'a b6ilding'drain shall be open trench work unless otherwise approved by the Inspector. Pipe laying and backfill shall be performed in accordance with ASTM specification (C12-19) except that no backfill shall be placed until~the work has been inspected. -5- £agera£ or "~" or '"f" orancn~ z~ such £acerai or "x" or '"l" branch is available at a suitable location. ~There no properly located I'Y'~ or '~T'~ branch is available, a neat hole may be cut into the public sewer to receive the building or lateral sewer, with entry in the downstream direction at an angle of about forty-five degress (45°). A wye saddle shall be used for the connection and in no case shall the pipe protrude inside the main sewer. The invert of the building or lateral sewer at the point of connection shall be at a higher elevation than the invert of the public sewer. A smo6~h neat joint shall be made and the connection made secure and watertight. The connection to the public sewer shall be made in the presence of the District Inspector and under his supervision and direction and in accordance with the rules, regu- lations and ordinances of the District. Any damage to the public sewer shall be repaired at the cost of the applicant to the satis- faction of the District Inspector. Sec. 5.8. Separate Sewers. No two adjacent lots fronting on the same street Shall be permitted to join in the use of the same side sewer. Every building or industrial facility must be separately connected with a public sewer if such public sewer exists in the street upon which the property abuts or in an ease- ment which will serve said property. However, one or more build- ings located on property belonging to the same owner may be served with the same side sewer during the period of said owner- ship. Upon the subsequent subdivision and sale of a portion of said lot the portion not directly connected with such public sewer shall be separately so connected with a public sewer, and it shall be unlawful for the owner thereof to continue to use or maintain such indirect connection. Sec. 5.9. Old Buildin$ Sewers. Old building sewers may be used in connection'wi'~h'"'ne~ buildings only when they are found, ,upon examination and test by the District Inspector, .to meet all requirements of District. Sec. 5.10. Sewer Too Low. In all buildings in which any building sewer is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer, sanitary sewage carried by such building sewer shall be lifted by artificial means, approved by the District Inspector, and discharged to the public sewer at the expense of the owner. Sec. 5.11. Protection of Excavation. Ail excavations for side sewer installa~i0d Shall be 'adequately guarded with barricades or lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, side- walks, parkways and other property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the District and the city, county or any other person having jurisdiction thereover. Sec. 5.12. Maintenance of Side Sewer. Side sewers shall be maintained by the owner of the property served thereby. ARTICLE VI. PUBLIC SEWER CONSTRUCTIObl See. 6.1. Permit Required. In accordance with Article VIII of this ordinance, no person shall construct, extend or connect to any public sewer without first obtaining a written -6- permit from the District and paying all fees and connection charges and furnishing bonds as required therein. The provisions of this Section requiring permits shall not be construed to apply to con- tractors constructing sewers and appurtenances under contracts awarded and entered into by the District. Sec. 6.~. P.!ans~ Profiles and Specifications Required. The application for a permit for pUblic sewer construction shall be accompanied by complete plans, profiles and specifications, complying with all applicable ordinances, rules and regulations of District, prepared 'by a Registered Civil Engineer showing all de- tails of the proposed work based on an accurate survey of the ground. The application, together with the plans, profiles and specifications shall be examined by the District Engineer who shall approve them as filed or require them to be modified as he deems necessary for proper installation. After examination by the Dist- rict Engineer, the application, plans, profiles and specifications shall be submitted to the Board at its next regular meeting for its consideration~ When the Board is. ~atisfied. that the proposed work is proper and the plans, profiles and specifications are suf- ficient and correct, it shall order the issuance of a permit pre- dicated upon the payment of all connection charges, fees and furnishing bonds as required by the District. The permit shall prescribe such terms and conditions as the Board finds necessary in the public interest. Sec. 6.3. Subdivisions. The requirements of Section 6.1 and 6.2 of this ordinance Shall be fully complied with before any final subdivision map shall be approved by the Board. The final subdivision map shall provide for the dedication for public use. of all streets, easements or rights of way in which public sewer lines are to be constructed. If a final subdivision map of a tract is recorded and the work of constructing sewers to serve the tract is not completed within the time limit alloWed in the permit, the Board may extend the time limit or may complete the work and take appropriate steps to enforce the provisions of the bond fur- nished by the subdivider. Sec. 6.4. Easements or Rights of !~aM. In the event that an easement is required for the extension of the public sewer or the making of connections, the applicant shall procure and have accept- ed by the Board a proper easement or grant of right of way suffi- cient in law to allow the laying and maintenance of such extension or connection. Sec. 6.5. Persons Authorized to Perform Work. Only pro- perly licensed contractors shall be auth~riz&d to perform the work of public sewer construction within the District. Ail terms and conditions of the permit issued by the District to the applicant shall be binding on the contractor. The requirements of this Section shall apply to side sewers installed concurrently with public sewer construction. Sec. 6.6. Grade Stakes. Grade and line stakes shall be set by a Registered'Civil Engineer prior to the start of work on any public sewer construction. The contractor shall be responsible for accurately transferring grades to grade bars and sewer invert. Sec. 6.7. Co.mpliance With Local Regulation..s. Any person constructing a sewer within a street shall comply with all state and county laws, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to the cutting of pavement, opening, barricading, lighting and -7- District. Sec. 6.8. Protection of Excavation. The applicant shall · maintain such barriers~ lights and signs as are necessary to give warning to the public at all times that a sewer is under construc- tion and of each dangerous condition to be encountered as a result thereof. He shall also likewise protect the public in the use of the sidewalk against any such conditions in connection with the construction of the sewer. Streets~ sidewalks, parkways and other property disturbed in the course of the work shall be reinstalled in a manner satisfactory to the District and the County or any other person having jurisdiction thereover. Sec. 6.9. Design and Construction Standards. Minimum standards for the design and construction of sewers within the District shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of the ordinances, rules, regulations and with the SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEI~.rER CONSTRUCTION heretofore or hereafter adopted by District, copies of which are on file in the District office. The District or the District Engineer may permit modifications or may require higher standards where unusual conditions are encountered. ;'As-built" drawings showing the actual location of all mains, structures, Ys, Ts, laterals and cleanouts shall be filed with the District before final acceptance of the work. ARTICLE VII. USE OF PUBLIC SEI.~RS Sec. 7.1. Drainage Into Sanitary Sewers Prohibited. No leaders from roofs and no ~urface drain~ f6r"'rain 'wat&r Shall be connected to any sanitary sewer. No surface or sub-surface drain- age, rain water, storm water, seepage, cooling water or unpolluted industrial process waters shall be permitted to enter any sanitary sewer by any device or method whatsoever. Sec. 7.2. Types of Wastes Prohibited. Except as herein- after provided, no person shall'discharge or cause to be discharged any of the following described waters or wastes to any public sewer: than 150° F. (a) Any liquid or vapor having a temperature higher (b) Any water or waste which may contain more than 100 parts per million, by weight, of fat, oil or grease. (c) Any gasoline, benzene, naptha, fuel oil, or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid or gas. (d) Any garbage that has not been properly shredded. Properly shredded garbage shall mean the wastes from the prepara- tion, cooking and dispensing of food that has been shredded to such degree that all particles will be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers, with no particle greater than one-half inch in any dimension. (e) Any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, paunch manure, or any other solid or viscous substance capable of causing obstruction to the flow in sewers or other interference with the proper operation of the sewage works. (f) Any waters or wastes having a pH lower than 5.5 or higher than 9.0 or having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment and personnel of the sewage works. (g) Any waters or wastes containing a toxic or poisonous substance in sufficient quantity to injure or interfere with any sewage treatment process, constitute a hazard to human or animals, or create any hazard in the receiving waters of the sewage treatment plant. (h) Any waters or wastes containing suspended solids or dissolved matter of such character and quantity that unusual attention or expense is required to handle such materials at the sewage treatment plant. (i) Any noxious or malodorous gas or substance cap- able of creating a public nuisance. (j) Any septic tank sludge. Sec. 7.3. Intercep.tors Required. Grease, oil and sand in- terceptors shall be provided when, in the opinioD of the District Inspector, they are necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease in excessive amounts, or any flan~nable wastes, sand and other harmful ingredients; except that such in- terceptors shall not be required for buildings used for re~siden- rial purposes. Ail interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the District Inspector and shall be located as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection. Sec. 7.4. Maintenance of Interceptors. Ail grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be maintained by the owner, at his expense, in continuously efficient operation at all times. Sec. 7.5. preliminary Treatment of Wastes. The admission into the public sewers of' any waters or wastes hiving (a) a 5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand greater than 300 parts per million by weight, or (b) containing more than 350 parts per million ]by weight of suspended solids, or (c) containing any quantity of substance having the characteristics described in Section 7.Z, or (d) having an average daily flow greater than two per cent of the average daily sewage flow of the District, shall be subject to the review and approval of the District Inspector. Where necessary in the opinion of the District Inspector, the owner shall provide, at his expense, such preliminary treatment as may be necessary to (a) reduce the Biochemical Oxygen Demand to 300 parts per million and the suspended solids to 350 parts per million by weight, or (b) reduce objectionable characteristics or constituents to within the maximum limits provided for in Section 7.~, or (c) control the quantities and rates of discharge of such waters or wastes. Plans, specifications and any other pertinent infor- mation relating to proposed preliminary treatment facilities shall be submitted for the approval of the District Inspector and of the Water Pollution Control Commission of the State of California and no construction of such facilities shall be commenced until said approvals are obtained in writing. sna££ De maae in ~ne ,oca~lon or Erie sewer~ the graae, materla£s or other details from those described in the permit or as shown on the plans and specifications for which the permit was issued except with written permission from the District, the District Inspector or other authorized representative. Sec. 8.4. Agreement. The applicant's signature on an application for any permit as set forth in Sec. 8.5 hereof, shall constitute an agreement to comply with all of the provisions, terms and requirements of the ordinances, rules and regulations of the District, and with the plans and specifications he has filed with his application, if any, together with such corrections or modifications as may be made or permitted by the District, if any. Such agreement shall be binding upon the applicant and may be altered only by the District upon the written request for the alteration from the applicant. Sec. 8.5. Classes of Permits. There shall be four classes of permits, as foll0~s: (a) Single family residential building sewer permit. (b) Multi-family residential, commercial or industrial building sewer connec- tion permit. (c) Public sewer construction permit. (d) Private sewage disposal permit. Sec. 8.6. Fees - Connection Charges. Ail connection charges, fees and other charges in the District and in areas annexed thereto, rules and regulations as set forth in the ordi- nances, rules and regulations of the District as heretofore or hereafter fixed shall be paid and complied with in the manner provided in said ordinances, rules and regulations. Sec. 8.7. ing Sewer. Fees and Bond - Single Family Residential Build- (a) A connection charge as fixed by the rules, regu- lations and ordinances of the District shall be paid to the Dist- rict by the person desiring connection to the District sewer system. (b) A fee of FIVE dollars ($ 5.O0 shall be paid to the District for issuing a permit to connect and inspecting each single family residential building sewer installa- tion. (c) A deposit of not more than $100.00, to be fixed by the Dist. rict as the estimated cost thereof, shall be made with said District to guarantee faithful performance of the provisions herein with reference to the construction of a lateral sewer, the whole of which shall be returned upon the completion of the work, when the work is done other than by said District. When said work is done by said District only the balance above the cost thereof shall be returned. -11- and effective operation by the owner at his expense. Sec. 7.7. Control Manholes. When required by the District the owner of any property served by a side sewer carrying indus- trial wastes shall install a suitable control manhole in the side sewer to facilitate observation, sampling and measurement of wastes. Such manhole, when required~ shall be accessibly and safely located~ and shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the District Engineer. The manhole shall be installed by the owner at his expense, and shall be maintained by him so as to be safe and accessible at all times. Sec. 7.8. Measurements and Tests. All measurements, tests and analyses of the characteristics of waters and wastes to which reference is made in Sections 7.2 and 7.5 shall be determined in accordance with standard methods and shall be determined at the control manhole provided for in Section 7.7, or upon suitable samples taken at said control manhole. In the event that no special manhole has been required, the control manhole shall be considered to be the nearest downstream manhole in the public sewer to the point at which the side sewer is connected. Sec. 7.9. SpeCial Agreemea~.. No statement contained in this article shall be construed as preventing any special agree- ment or arrangement between the District and any industrial con- cern whereby an industrial waste of unusual strength or character may be accepted by the District for treatment, subject to payment therefor by the industrial concern and subject to such terms and conditions as might be required by District. Sec. 7.10. Swimming Pools. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge the contents of a swimming pool into a sani- tary sewer, without first giving notice to and receiving written permission from the District Inspector. ARTICLE VIII. PERMITS AND FEES Sec. 8.1. Permit Required. No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connections with or opening into, use, alter or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance or perform any work on any sewer or drainage system without first obtaining a writ- ten permit from the District. Sec. 8.2. ~pplication for Permit. Any person, legally en- titled to apply for and receive a permit shall make such applica- tion on forms provided by the District for that purpose. He shall give a description of the character of the work proposed to be done and the location, ownership, occupancy and use of the premises in connection therewith. The District may require plans, speci- fications or drawings and such other information as may be deemed necessary. If the District determines that the plans, specifica- tions, drawings, descriptions or information furnished by the ap- plicant is in compliance with the ordinances, rules and regula- tions of the District, it shall issue the permit applied for upon payment of the required fees as hereinafter fixed. -10- Sec. 8.8. Fees and Bond - Mu.l. ti-family Residential, Commercial or Industrial Sewer Connection. (a) A connection charge as fixed by the rules, re- gulations and ordinances of the District shall be paid to the District by the person desiring connection to the District sewer system. (b) A fee of TEN dollars ($10.00 shall be paid to the District for issuing a permit to connect and inspecting each multi,family residential, commercial or industrial building sewer installation. (c) The applicant for a multi-family residential, commercial or industrial sewer connection permit shall, in addi- tion to all other fees and charges payable pursuant to the rules, regulations and ordinances of the District, pay all engineering, in- spection and other costs deemed by the District to be necessary, if any, to insure compliance with the terms of the permit and the rules, regulations and ordinances of the District. (d) A deposit of not more than $100.00, to be fixed by the District as the estimated cost thereof, shall be made with said District to guarantee faithful performance of the provisions herein with reference to the construction of a lateral sewer, the whole of which shall be returned upon the completion of the work, when the work is done other than by said District. When said work is done by said District only the balance above the cost thereof shall be returned. Sec. 8.9. Fees and Bond - Public Sewer Construction. (a) A fee in an amount deemed necessary by the District to pay all engineering, inspection and other costs requir- ed to insure compliance with the terms of the permit and with the rules, regulations and ordinances of the District shall be paid to the District prior to the time the permit is~issued, for viewing plans and specifications, issuing a permit and inspecting the installation of public sewer mains, laterals and all appurten- ances thereto. If the fee fixed by the District is in excess of the actual cost to the District, any surplus over the cost shall be refunded to the person obtaining the permit. If the fee fixed by the District is less than the actual cost to the District, the person obtaining the permit shall be liable for the excess cost to the District. (b) Prior to the issuance of a permit for public sewer construction the applicant shall furnish to the District a faithful performance bond or cash in the amount of the total esti- mated cost of the work. Said bond to be secured by a surety or sureties satisfactory to the District. The cash deposit or faith- ful performance bond shall be conditioned upon the performance of the terms and conditions of the permit and shall guarantee the correction of faulty workmanship and the replacement of defective materials for a period of one (1) year after the date of acceptance of the work. Sec. 8.10. Fees - Private Sew~se Disposal. A fee of FIVE dollars ($ ~.00 ~'i'"~' shall be paid to the District 'f~ reviewing plans and specifications, issuing a permit and inspecting the installation of a private sewage disposal system. Sec. 8.11. Disposition of Fees Ail fees collected on behalf of the DistriC'~ Shall be deposited with the proper authority provided by the District to receive such funds. Sec. 8.12. All Work to be Inspected. Ail sewer construc- tion work shall be inspected by an inspector acting for the Dist- rict to insure compliance with all requirements of the District. No sewer shall be covered at any point until it has been inspected and passed for acceptance. No sewer shall be connected to the District's public sewer until the work covered by the permit has been completed, inspected and approved by the District Inspector. If the test proves satisfactory, the Inspector shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion. Sec. 8.13. Notification. It shall be the duty of the per- son doing the work authorized'by permit to notify the office of the District in writing that said work is ready for inspection. Such notification shall be given not less than twenty-four (24) hours before the work is to be inspected. It shall be the duty of the person doing the work to make sure that the work will stand the tests required by the District before giving the abo~e notifi- cation. Sec. 8.14. Condemned Work. When any work has been inspect- ed and the work condemned and no certification of satisfactory com- pletion given, a written .notice to tbJa.~ effect shall be given in- structing the owner of the premises, or the agent of such owner, to repair the sewer or other work authorized by the permit in accordance with the ordinances, rules and regulations of the Dist- rict. SeC, 8,15. All C0s~S Paid by Owner. All costs and expenses incident to the installation'~ ~d cohnec'ti0n of any sewer or. other work for WhiCh a permit has been issued shall be bothe by the owner~ The OWner shall indemnify the District frOm Rhy loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the Work. Sec. 8.16. Permits fOr Outside Sewers. PermissiOn shall not be granted to connect any 10t or parcel of land outside the District to any public sewer in or under the jurisdiction of the District unless a permit therefor is obtained. The applicant shall first enter into a contract in writing whereby he shall bind himself, his heirs~ successors and assigns to abide by all ordinances, rules and regulations in regard to the manner in which such sewer shall be used, the manner of connecting therewith and drainage in connection therewith, and also shall agree to pay in advance all fees required for securing the permit and a monthly or annual fee in the amount set by the District for the privilege of using such sewer. Sec. 8.17. Permit Optional. The granting of such permis- sion in any event sha'll be optional with the Board. Sec. 8.18. Special Outside Agreements. Where special con- ditions exist relating to an outside sewer, they shall be the subject of a special contract between the applicant and the District. Sec. 8.19. Street Excavation Permit. A separate permit must be secured from the State, County or any other person having jurisdiction thereover by owners or contractors intending to ex- cavate in a public street for the purpose of installing sewers or making sewer connections. -13- Sec. 8.20. Liability. The District and its officers, agents and employees shall not be answerable for any liability or injury or death to any person or damage to any property arising during or growing out of the performance of any work by any such applicant. The applicant shall be answerable for, and shall save the District and its officers, agents and employees harmless from any liability imposed by law upon the District or its officers, agents or employees, including all costs, expenses, fees and interest incurred in defending same or in seeking to enforce this provision. Applicant shall be solely liable for any defects in the performance of his work or any failure which may develop therein. Sec. 8.21. Time Limit on Permits. If work under a permit be not commenced within' six (6) months from the date of issuance or if after partial completion, the work be discontinued for a period of one year, the permit shall thereupon become void and no further work shall be done until a new permit shall have been secured. A new fee shall be paid upon the issuance of said new p ermi t. ARTICLE IX. ENFORCEMENT Sec. 9.1. Violation. Any person found to be violating any provision of this or any other ordinance, rule or regulation of the District, except Section 10.1 hereof, shall be served by the District Inspector or other authorized person with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. Said time limit shall not be less than two nor more than seven working days. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cease all violations. All persons shall be held strictly responsible for any and all acts of agents or em- ployees done under the provisions of this or any other ordinance, rule or regulation of the District. Upon being notified by the District Inspector of any defect arising in any sewer or of any violation of the ordinances, rules or regulations of the District, the person or persons having charge of said work shall i~m~ediately correct the same. Sec. 9.~. Public Nuisance. Continued habitation of any building or continued operatibn of any industrial facility in violation of the provisions of this or any other ordinance, rule or regulation of the District is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. The District may cause proceedings to be brought for the abatement of the occupancy of the building or industrial facility during the period of such violation. Sec. 9.3. Disconnection. As an alternative method of en- forcing the provisions of this or any other ordinance, rule or regulation of the District, the District Inspector shall have the power to disconnect the user or subdivision sewer system from the sewer mains of the District. Upon disconnection the District In- spector shall estimate the cost of disconnection from and recon- nection to the system, and such user shall deposit the cost, as estimated, of disconnection and reconnection before such user is reconnected to the system. The District Inspector shall refund any part of the deposit remaining after payment of all costs of disconnection and reconnection. -14- cause proceedings to be brought for the abatement for the occu- pancy of said premises by human beings during the period of such disconnection. In such event, and as a condition of reconnection, there is to be paid to the District a reasonable attorney's fee and cost of suit arising in said action. Sec. 9.5. Means of Enforcement Only. The District hereby declares that the foregoing procedures are established as a means of enforcement of the terms and conditions of its ordinances, rules and regulations, and not as a penalty. Sec. 9.6. Liability for Violation. Any person violating any of the provisions of the ordinances, rules or regulations of the District shall become liable to the District for any expense., loss or damage occasioned by the District by reason of such violation. ARTICLE X. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Sec. 10.1. Protection from Damage. No unauthorized person shall maliciously, wilfully or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with any structure, appurtenance or equipment which is a part of the District's sewage works. Any person violating this provision shall be subject to the penalties provided by law. Sec. 10.2. Powers and Authorities of Inspectors. The officers, inspectors and any duly authoriZed employees of the District shall wear or carry an official badge of office or other evidence establishing his position as such and upon exhibiting the proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter in and upon any and all buildings, industrial facilities and properties for the purposes of inspection, reinspection, observa- tion, measurement, sampling, testing or otherwise performing such duties as may be necessary in the enforcement of the provisions of the ordinances, rules and regulations of the District. Sec. 10.3. Separability. If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not. affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or '6he appli- cation of such provision to other persons or circumstances. The Board hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance or any section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase hereof ir- respective of the fact that any one or more sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared to be unconstitutional. ATTEST: /s/ C.G. Johnston - Presiden~ .. /.s/ William A. Young Clerk and ex-officio Secretary (Seal) -15- I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District held on the day of 1956~ by the following vote: AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors: Goeringer, Johnston, Young NOES, Directors: None ABSENT, Directors: None Isl William A. Young Clerk (Seal) -16- CLAINS( cont, d) Luther HUlse (wages) 1~6.00 (net) Lakeside Theater 25.00 Nevada Lumber Co. 1.65 Pac. Tel & Tel Co. 51.04 Sierra Pac. Power 120 Harry P. Raymus Ins. L17.98 ADI0~IT: On motion duly made, was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. ~resident Pzo--t em seconded and carried, this meeting " ' ~0Ie~rk & Ex.b~ffl~ te6ret~ MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEET~G OF ~E B)ARD PUBLIC UTILITY DISTR_IE T April 24, 1956 The special meeting of the Beard of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District was called to order at the regular meeting place, East Front office, Lakeside Theater Building, Statelime, California, at 8:00 'p.m., April 24, 1956. RDLL CALL: 0n roll call there were present Directors Goeringer smd Young; Absent: Director ~ohnston. PRESID~tT PRO-T]~: Upon m~tion by Director Young, seconded by Director Goeriager and unanimously carried, DireCtor Goe~inger became President Pr~- tern in the absence of Director $ohnston. MINUTES: Reading of minutes of the previous meeting was postponed until the next regular meeting. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: After being duly notified by the Secretary 2~ hours in advance of the meeting, the Directors met to discuss the matter of the case of the South~ Tahoe Public Utility District vs. Stella ~ohnscm, and after much discussion, upon motion by Director Young, seconded by Dimector Goeringer and unanimously carried, it was decided that the Board make the following offer to the defendants: (1) That the District will buy the 20.6 acres in question for $2,000.00 per acres; -. (2) That the District will buy an additional 20 acres, at $2,000.00 per acre; choice of these acres to be at the defendants, discretion; (3) That the District will leave the 20 ac~es referred to in ite~ (2) as is, as a buffer zone; (4) That the District will pay $~0,000.00, or a lesser amount as a down payment, and the balance at $2,000.00 per year plus interest; (5) That the Defendant will give the District an access easement on road and in return we will a~ree ~o free ~-~ eT hookup for o-uhmson Acres, 8 acres. All of the above is subject to the approval of our Counsel, and a copy of these minutes Shall be forwarded to him immediately. By motion it was also further moved by Director Young, that our Counsel be advised that we feel it is necessary to move ahead as if we are going to trail, and if agreeable with Counsel that an expert in the field of condemnation be hired to act on our behalf since Counsel feels he doesn,t have the time to devote to this matter. ALL COMI~ICATION~, NEW BUSINESS AND CLAIMS, were postponed until the next regular meeting of the District. AD$0UI~W/~T: 9:00 p.m. President Pr~-t ~{ ~ ~ On mot i0m uhanimously carried the meeting was adjourned at '.,'> ,'/i/ ~,,-' 102 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUUH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRE~TORS HELD ON May 10, 1956 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public U~ility District was called to orderat 2:10 p.m., ~ 10, 1~56, at the regular meeting place, East Front Office, Iakeside Theater Building, Stateline, California. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Goeringer, and Young; Absent: Director ~ohnston. Also present was DirectOr-to-be Max Bernhardt Whe will take Director ~ohnstonts place in the future, Inspector ttulse, and Secretary R~an. PRESIDENT PRO-TEN: UDOa motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Goeriager and unanimously carried, Director Goeringer, became President Pro-tam ia the absence of Director Johnston. MINUTES: Minutes of meetings of 4/12/56 and 4/24/55 were read and approved. Secretary Ryan co~m~a~ted that to date she had not been able to contact Director Jokuston amd obtain the necessary info~-~tion to compose minutes of March 9, 1956, but w3uld do s3 ~mmediately. DISCUSSION; Before other business was attended to, it was brought to the attention of the Board that a most serious situation existed re~arding the ranoval of debris and slush around the pump station. Amd after much dis- cussion it was decided that the Board should obtain bids frcm barious garbage disposal outfits in town sumd award the task of removing said debris daily from in and around the pump station, to the lowest bidder. Should they bid the ss~e, the Board would decide upon the nest reliable, or alternate outfit s so that there was no favortism shown. Secretary Ryan was instructed to write to all such outfits in town and ask them for bids. REPC~TS: Director Goeri~ger brought u~ the question as to whether or no~ anyone else had heard any more from the CPAs handliag our bookkeeping system, and Secretary Ryan was imstracted to contact Rue smd Smell, amd let them k~ow how anxious we are to get our systan started because we are getting behind. It was also pointed out that regarding the Nevada District, Mr. Sherrod Davis had emetered our proposed budget for the Nevada operations into their annual budget in time to get an alletmemt set aside for same. 00MMUNICATIONS: Notice dated 5/9/5 6 from E1 Dorado County Auditor to the STPUD showing tax apportionme~ts made to our account, and a balance as of hay l, 1956 of $26,9 7.21. Letter from the Calif. State Chamber of Co~nerce, giving facts about a 1-day conference oh May 24, 1956, in San Francisco, covering water quality and water pollution c ont fol. Copy of letter dated 4/10/56 from COunsel to Franklin A. Dill, re: STPUD vs. ~ohmson, stating the authority with which Counsel says the STPUD can enter into a contract of sale for the purchase of real property with ;~chn s3n. Copy of letter dated 4/18/56 to Arthur C. Devlin, from Counsel, tx~m~ittimg to him a copy of the above-referred-to letter to Mr. Dill, regarding S~PUD VSo ~obnsone Letter dated ~/19/56 from Brown & Caldwell to STPUD re: billing procedure, for house sewers installed from the maias to the proper~y limes; number of sewer limes for ins. purposes; and fire insurance on pump station. It was pointed out at this time that Director Toung has taken care of the liability insurance ~n~omatioa and fi~e iamrance. He has discussed same with Mr. Davis of Cou~selts office and had not heard anymore from him as of this meeting. Copy of letter dated 4/20/56 to Engineers from Dept of Finance re: Chap. monies, requiring additional info~ation before approval. Letter to STPUD from E1 Dorado County Board of S~e~visors dated 4/24/56 appoint- ing Philip M. Bernhardt as a Director of the District; also enclosing Certificate of Appointments, original of which has been returned to his office. T~o copies of same are to be forwarded to Mr. Davis of Conn~elts office. Copy of letter dated 4/30/56 to Mr. Brown of the Engineerts office from Dept of Finance re: Chapter 47 money. Copy of letter from Hughes, Maul & Fogerty, dated 5/1/56 to Arthur C. Devli~, Att~As~ey, re: STPUD, vs. Jokmson, offerimg proposal set out in mimutes of meeting of April 24, 1956. Letter to the STPUD from Health, Educ. & Welfare, Social Security Admin. requesting a more detailed description of our activities. Secretary Ryan was told to answer stating we are a sewer district. Copy of letter dated 5/8/56 to Mr. Wilson, Counsel, from Hughes, Maul & Fogerty, re: STPUD vs. Johnson, again covering ~ar offer as set forth in minutes of our meeting of Al~il 24th, 1956. Letter dated 5/8/56 from Counsel to STPUD re: reorganization of the District. ~IIFINISHED BUSINESS: Regarding the fire insurance, Director Young was in- structed to check with Engineer Caldwell and get a more definite amount. NEW BUSINESS: By motion from Director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer, and umani~ously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 64~ APPOINTING A PRESID~2~T AND G~NERAL MANAGER, A GLE1E AND EX-OFFICIo SECRETARY AND AN AUDITOR AND ACCOUNTANT OF ~ -BOARD OF THE SDUTH TAHOE PUBLIE UTILITY DISTRICT: RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, as follows: 1. Philip M. Bernhardt, is hereby appointed President and General Manager. 2. William A. Young, is hereby appointed Clerk and Ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Directors. 3. Norman L. Goeringer is hereby appointed Auditor and Accountamt. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolutian was passed by the Board of Director of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a meeting thereof held on the 10~h day of May, 1956, by the following vote: AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors: Bernhardt, Goeringer, Young. NOES, Directors: None. ABSENT: Directors: none. ATTEST: /s/ William A. Young /s/ Norman L. ?oeringer ' P/esidaut" Pro-~ of the BOard' Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Clerk and Ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Directors Further NEW BUSINESS: Director Young brought forth the fact that Patrolis installed a 4" line and he is willing to give this to the District at the same price that McGuire and Hester cha~ged for approximately $3.50 per foot. There is 70 feet in question on Patrolist property and G~uber~s property. Director Young feels that we should write him that he must take into consider- ation that the price McGuire and Hester quoted was regardless of conditions McGuire and Hester would have to work on; and that in this instance there was no paving, no hand digging, etc, to contend with and therefore we feel a fair offer would be approximately 70~ @ $2.50 per foot. Secretary Ryan is instructed to write such a letter to Patrolis and state the above facts. Secretary Ryan was also instructed to write to local sceptic tamk drainage- outfits that there will be no dumping of debri in any portion of the sewerage system except by Board action, which will consider any reasonable d~a~d, should a situation arise similar to the one experienced last winter. Also Secretary Ryan was instructed to write to Jack Van Sickle, State- line, CaLifornia, and invite him to meet with the Board at their mex~ regular meeting, June lath, 1556. We would appreciate his presence. Secretary Ryan was also instructed to.write to Dick Aberley of the Engineer, s office re: assessment ~ 50, assessors ~ 27:35-12, listed to George Frangadakis, et ux, Helen Frangud~_kis, Peter Pavlos, et ux and Nick Pagonis, address unkown. This property has 200t frontage and the first 100t starting from the West ~ing East was sold to W. L. Hood, 3512 53th St., Sacramento, California, ami he should be re-billed in view of the fact that the above-referred-to assess- nest is still open and he is willing to pay it. The last 100, West to East was sold to Louis.Mercurio, Bijou, California; he too is to be billed and the Bank is to be notified of the change. By motion of Director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer, and unanimously carried, the purchase of an electric hoist was authorized. It is to lift approximately 1/2 ton with a.capacity of raising 251. Also the purchase of two large garbage cans of heavy weight, 26 gallons or more, and a sling and hook. After making proper investigation, and choice, the Board will issu. e a purchase order to cover same. Also Inspector Hulse was instructed to procure bids on the heating unit for the pump station, and let the Board know of his success. Secretary Ryan was instructed to write letter to Bask of America re: con- nection charges by the properSy owners to the. Utility District. We wish to have a transfer of funds monthly to the County Treasurer, E1 Dorado County, to be credited to our General Fund. CLAIMS: payment: The following cla!.rm- were presented and unanimously approved for Lakeside Theater Luther Hulse Christine Ryan Nevada Lumber Pacific Tel & Tel $25.00 160.00 35.~0 8.81 ~0.~ AIIT0~: By motion, properly seconded and unanimously passed, meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m. 0F 0F A special meeting of the Board of Directors of South T~hoe Public Utility District was called to order at the regular meeting place, East Front Office Lakeside Theater Building, Stateline, California, at 8:00 otclock p.m., May 2~, 1~6. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present: Directors Young and Goeringer; Absent: Director Bernhardt. PRESIDENT PRO T~: Upon motion by Director Young, seconded by DLrector Goeriager, and ~tmously carried, Director Goeringer became President Pro- tern in the absence of Director Bernhardt. MIN1YffES: The reading of the minutes of previous meetings was postponed until the next regular meeting. PURPOSE OF SP~EIAL MEETING: After being duly notified by the Secretary at least twenty-four hours in advance of the hour set for the meeting, the Directors met to discuss the pending action of STPUD vs. Stella Yohnson, an action in eminent domain, and in particular the discussion cf the offer recently made by counsel for the District to purchase from Mrs. $olmson the sewage disposal site and the acquisition of an easement across the lands of Mrs. ~ohnson for the existing f~rce main. After discussion and upon motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer, and unanimously carried, the Board ratified, approved and confirmed the said offer made by Counsel for the District, which offer was as follows: (1) That the District offer to Mrs. Johnson, through her counsel, the sum of $80,000.00 for the 20.6 acre disposal site, with the excess of said sum of $80,000.00 over the sum of $2,000.00 per acre for said site to be dee~ed to be considered as severance damaged. (2) That the inital payment therefor be the sum of $30,000.00, with the balance being payable at the rate of $2,000.00 per year plus interest. (3) That Mrs. Johnson give the District the easement for the force main, access ~oad, power and telephone lines, in return for the right to connect Johnson Acres, a tract of land consiting of app~ximately 8 acres, to the force maim without charge to Mrs. Johnson. (4) Upon mot ion by Director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer, and unani- mously carried, it was resolved by the Board of Directors that the compliant in the pending action ia eminent domain be amended to include as Parcel 2 the easement for the presently existing force main, together with access road and power and telephone poles and lines, all as set forth in said resolution so adopted by the Board of Directors, being Resolution No. 65. All communications, new business and claims were postponed until the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors. AIiTOURNMENT: On motion unamimously adopted, the meeting was adjourned at ~:00 otclock p.m. MINUTES OF ~q E REGULA~ LY;ETING 0F THE sOUrH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Presidea t !~-'2~~ June 14, 1956 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District was called to order at 2:00 p.m., June 14th, 1956, at the regular meeting place, East Front office, Lakeside Theatre Building, Stateline, California. ROLL ~'~ ~=~: On roll call there v;ere present Directors Bernhardt, Young, and Ooeringer; also present was Inspector Luther Hulse, Sec. Ryan, ~[r. Jack Van Sickle, and Yr. Nate Wilson. ,,~, ',o: ~;inutes of meeting held ~darch 9, 195~, an~ ~,;ay 10, 19~, were read and approved by the Boarf; also minutes of ~fay ZT, 1956 were read 'and accepted. ' ~o: It was noted at this time that no one had heard any further from the accountants, and that they should again be notified that we are most anxious to have our bookkeeping system set up. Reference fire insurance on the pump station, Mr. Raymus of the Raymus Ins. Agency is up at the Lake, but the rate is still unestablished. However, the ~10,000 binder is still in effect temporarily. ~ 0I',]~U: .: ICA TI ONS: Letter from Conrad Elec. Co. dated 5/14/56 enclosing copy of letter to Federal Facific Elec. Co. ~ate~, 5/14/56; regardin? replacement of defective selector switches on pu~.:p station, w,~s rea~. Letter date~ 5/14/56 fr:)~!': e×-dire~t.~=~ c "~ Chuc'~ Johnston enclosing? Bell system cre. dit car~ ~ 6UC 8£750, w~.s read an~ :~ecretary ?yah was instructed to forwar~ same to tacific Tel and Tel for cancellation and ask for a new car~ to be issuer to ~. ?. merhhart, new Director. letter fro,,m '?',urich Insurance Co. date~? 5/15//55 recuesti~: finsl ~/ 85 11 767 was read; Director Youn~ says this inform- audit on policy ,,,, ation has b~en sure,lied.. 106 Copy of let!e~' from C~?~ms~'l (~ate~ 5,~"1~/'56 ts ~r. Geoffrey A. i-lu~Thes, ~.~aul and Fogert~, attorney, re: STiUD vs. Johnson, and relocated easement, ~as rea~. ~ ~)/ froiT~ Stella Johnston , to the ~?~=m Letter fiat(tr~ ~ 1 56, reque~tin~ certain repairs alon~' th~ force main easement, at Johnson Acres, was rea~. Copy of le~-t'er ~ats~ 5/18/56 to A. C. Devdin, attorney for Stella Johnso~ , re: STi"UD vs. Johnson, an~ settin[~ forth pro- posal conta!ne~ in minutes of si~ecia! meeting dated ~[ay 27, 1956. 5~' /~ ta Counsel from Prown ~t Coldwell of letter (~ated ~/~±/~5, the George Frangadakis assessment, and re-billing af same, 6a~ · Letter dated 5/22/50, fr~)m Counsel Huches, re: ST};UD vs. Johnson to SIYUD, and enclosinf~ a reply to his letter to ~fr. Devlin, attorney for Ers. Johnson was read. Copy of letter dater 5/2~/56 from Brown &, Coldwell, to Counsel and enclosing 2 easement descriptions which were prepared for a sewer line to serve the Pentagon Tract at Bijou, was reae, and fil~d in the ,,suspense-file. Letter dote5 6/1/56, from Mrs. James Patrolis, re: STPUD offer to purchase some, setting forth their refusal of said offer, was read and filed in ,,suspense" file. Letter dated 5/28/56, from Mrs. Stella Johnson, requesting that repair work be done to her paved road prior to June 4th or she will let contract'to Mr. Winkle for $2040.00, was read and filed in "sus pen se". Copy of letter dated 5/29/56, frc. m 2rown & Coldwell, to ~r. Wm. ~. Bozes, pr~:sident, County Improvements District ~ 1, Stateline, Neva~a, outlining the need for a grate to eliminate the problem of clogging 5ua to rags, towels an~ similar items, etc, was road. It was pointed out by Inspector Hulse, that the District had already installed the ~rate as requested. Letter c~ated 6/~/56, from Thos. H. Armstrong, of armstrong Real~, requesting repairs for damage done by sewer contractors, was read. Letter from Brown ~ Coldwell, dated 6/5/56, to the 5T]fUD, re: propose sewerage system e~tension into Rancho Bijou Subdivision was read. Letter from 2rown & coldwell, dated 6/6/56, to the STPUD, re: final inspection of the pump station was reef. Letter dated 6/3/56, ['rom N. L. Langness, re: sewer service to lot ~, Block ~3, of Bijou Park Addn. was read. Letter dated 5/2t/56, from accountants P~ue & Snell regarding bookkeeping system was read. Letter dated 6/8/56 from Attorney Horace T. Beverly, re: condemnation attorneys was read. Copy of letter dated 6/8/56 to ~[r. lfau~'hn Burlingham from Brown & Cadlwell, engineers, regarding sev.~erage f~r his subdivision, was read, and letter f~om Edgineers to STPUD, dated June 11, 1956, regarding same, was read. The (]10,000 binder for the fire insurance on the pump station was also received and filed. NEW BUS~(E.!~S: Mr. Note Wilson came before the Board to state that he has only 109' frontage instead of the 114' billed to him; he is going to discuss this further with Mr. [~rtlett, and share the assessment. Mr. Jack Van Sickle of Stateline, appeared before the Board to discuss the annexation of his property, and it was ~ecided, after much discussion, to proviae him with a petition for annexation for parcels ir ~ 1 and ~//~ 2, on his ~p. ~(r. Van Sickle provided a r.~p to be forwarded to Counsel so that e~act size and location may be not e d. Upon motion by Director Young, sec.m~ea by Director Goeringer, and unanimously approved, the following Resolution was carried: RESOLUTI C1¥ # 5~ CALLING FOR BIDS 0N 2TIE SALE OF IMYROVEM~,~T BCNDS SANITARY SET;E;AGE t¥i0JECT NO. 5~-1 Resolved, by the Boarf of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, that 1. The Clerk of said District be, an~ he is hereby, directed to call for bi(Is for the sale of improvement bon~s to be issued pursuant to Suppleme~;tal l:{esolution of Intention No. 47, adopted by the Board of Directors of sai5 District on September 3, 1955, said bias to be received by said Clerk at or before the house of ~:00 o,clock T.~f. of the l~th day of July, 1956, and to be. publicly opened, examined, ~_:nd declared at said time in the regular meeting place of sai5 Beard, East Front office, Lakeside Theatre, Stateline, California; sai~ notice, in form to be prepared by Kirkbride, Uilson, Harzfela & Yallace, shall be given be the Clerk causing to be mailed copies of said notice, to the various banks and bong houses interested in the purchase of such bon5s, said mailing to be at least ten days before said date. 2. The Boarf will furnish the legal opinion of the law firm of Kirk- bride, Wilson, l~arzfeld and :2allace, San Ifateo, California, unqualifiedly approvin'~ the legality of the proceedin?s and the issuance of said b on ~s. ATTEST: /s/ William A. Young~ C~' ~n~ ex-officio Secretary /s/ ?. ~(. Bernhardt Presid ant I hereby certify that the foregoin? resolution was duly passed, and adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a meetinf, thereof held on the 14th day of June, 1~56, by the following vote: AY:~:S: and in favor thereof, Directors: Bernhardt, and Ooeringer. NOES: ~]0NE ABS~JfT: .t[on e Young, /s/ William A. Young. Clerk an~ E~"officio S'e'c'retary Reference letters from Stella Johnson, Director Young called Counsel ~nd discussed same; Counsel said he woul5 ~et in touch wil. h Mrs. Joh~-.son re:~ardin,~ the requested repairs immediately. Reference letter from Langness, it was decided to answer his letter with a petition, but no definite action could be taken without first consutling our engineers on the matter. }]eference letter from ~everly re: condemnation attornies, it v;as suggested we v,Tite him sma thank him. Reference 0rf. ~ 23, excluding certa~'n parties from the District, lots 10Z and 104 of Bijou t-ark have changed hands, and the new owners: Bernard R~cAbee, Donnie Kay l~cAbee, Betty V. ~/~cAbee, Norman IfcAbee, all of Bijou, wish to know the costs to come into the District at this time. Secretary t{yan is to convey this information to Sherrod Davis and ask him to contact these people regarding same. Also re: Assessment F 98 - to Clifford B. Bull, Box 207, Stateline; he has never been in and hah asker for exclusion when the District v,~as formed, but now desires to knov~ how and what fees are involved to ~Tet into the District. Further new business it v~as decided, after much discussion, that , the District v.~as in need of a good used pickup for hauling debris to the site, etc, an~] the varizus Directors and Mr. iIulSe decided that each of them should keep on th~~. lookout for a good deal, along this line. CLA]~:!S: The following claims were presented and passe~ for payment: Christine ?~v~n Sec. and ~otarv Pac. Tel f~: 'ia!. Co. ~d&R Motor Supply Bijou Auto Service Sierra ~ac. ~ower Company The Time s Office rent- Lakeside Theater Luther Hulse (wages) [~aymus Ins. Agency Brown & Cal~we~ Luther Hulse (1/~ of apFlication) 2,~ount ain Democrat ~,55.44 11.83 32. (0 3. 36 171.08 11.00 25. S0 12 0.00 10.40 85~.9.44 255.00 3.50 ADJOURh~ELT. Upon motion unanimously carrie5, this meeting was ~--djourned al 5:00 p.m. Clerk & Ex-officio Secretary !~resi d cnt~ · MIN~ES 0F THE REGU~t~ T~IOE ~H~LIC UTILI~Z '~ ~ ..... ~ 0~?D July 12, 1956 The regular meetin~ of the Board of Directors~of the South Tahoe t~ublic Utility District was called to order at ~:15 p.m., July 12, 1956, at the regular meetinc place, East Front office, Lakeside Theater Building, Stateline, California. ROlL CAI~: On roll call there were present Directors Ooeringer, Youn~-~ and Bernhardt; also present w~:s secretary ];,yan and Inspector Hulse. MI~ES: ~dinutes of meeting of June 14, 195~, were read and approved as corrected. limEliGhTS: secretary Ryan repc~ted on a meeting with Mr. Snell, cfi Rue and Snell, Accountants, and rep~ ted that the bookkeeping system for the District was now set up. Director Goeringer reported on a meeting he ha~ with ~.,.[rs. Stella Johnson, but she made no definite commitments on our offer in connec- tion with the STPUD vs. Johnson case. Director Young reported that on ~-~ ednesday of this previous week, he an~ rest of the Directors me2 with ~r. Aberley of the Engineer's office an~ Yr. ',Tilliam Yack of ~cGuire an~ Hester, Contractors, and they all made an inspection tour of the work done under their contract. Ail work seemed to he satisfactory except for the matter of repaying 450 s.f. of highway in front of the Associated Station on Hwy. 50 and t?ark Avenue, and piece entering ~drs. iRay's property. Also re- moval of trees on .Johnson property and Lippman property. Purpose of this inspection tour was to check and see everything called for in the contract was complete and satisfactory. 109 C OM~RIN I ~.nTI 0,', S: Letter dated 7/9/56 from Y. alcom },~errill, ..~ , ~ijou California, re: sewer service was read. Letter dated 6/Z3/=~ ' uo, from h. Il. Dozier, Bijou, California, re: sewer service was read. Letter from the Controller of the State of California, dated 6/18/56 regarding financial report due Oct. 1, 1956, was read and is to b£ forwarded to Rue am~ Snell, otto accountants. Letter from Bd. of Supervisors, E! DCiAD0 County, re: employment of Certified Yublic A ccountant, ~,fr. ~jilton E. Willeford, u'as read, an~ Secretary was tol~ to reply that v;e have our own accounting firm handling this. Letter date'd 6/2.~t/56, from A. Somerville, ~.~anager, Bank of America, re: opening of account, wes read and Secretary told to reply to same, asking that funds in account be trans- ferred monthly to County Auditor's office. Letter dated 7/11/56 from Horace T. Beverly, attorney, re: several condemnation attornies v,~as read. Copy of letter dated 6/13/56 from Counsel Dill to Geoffrey A. Hugh,:s, Attorney, re: STIUD vs. Johnson was read. Copy of 1 attar fram Geoffrey A. Hughes to Franklin A. Dill, re: STtbU2 vs. Johnson was read, dated 6/14/56. r,-,~,~,.,...~., of letter to Counsel Wilsan from G. Hughes,~ re: vs. Johnson was read and filed. STPUD Copy of letter dated 6/19/56, re: SqTUD vs. Johnson, from E. A. Wilson, to G. A. Hughes, was read. Copy of letter dated 6/20/56, re: STtUD vs. Johnson, from E. A. "',~lson, to G. S. Hughes,. was read. Copy of letter dated 6/Z6/56 from G. A. Hughes, to E. A. Wilson, re: SqYUD vs. Johnson was read. UNFII'm(ISHED BUSINESS: Invoice from l.fcC.uire and Hester still held in abeyance until meeting with Engineers and Contractors. Heating system for the I~ump Station is still in abeyance, but Inspector Hulse has re,,~ived one bid from Bur ch an~ ~oletti, ~le¢. Contractors. FiE: James Iatrolis' refusal of our offer of 5/2_7/56, after some discussion it was decided it would be better to talk to Counsel about this. RE: purchase of pickup of truck for the District, upon motion by Director Young, and seconded by Director Goeringer, this motion was set aside temporarily until further discussion with Dr. Geld- well of Brown and Cald~'~ell, and Mr. Aberley, re: method s of dis- posing of this waste. Mr. Aberley thought it could be worked through the ~:rating, taking out the ra~s and sticks, and forcing the paper on through. After much more discussion it was thought it might be practical to purch~se a ,,barminuter'. ~fr. Aberley will discuss this with Dr. Caldwell, of ~rown & Caldwell, our engineer, and give us a decision. ~oIN~So: Secretary was instructed to v~Tite to Dave Caldwell and ask him ta discuss the matter of th= "bar~inuter,, with kfr. Aberley and let us know their decision. 110 Also in letter to },,Tr. Caldwell, it was to be pointed out that the growth in this area is very rapid, and at present we are still negotiating with l:_'rs. Johnson re: the disposal site, and we would like t:> know if, in his opini, oh we should contemplate more land or if we ahould convert our present system to a treat- ment plant that we could dural: into natural streams. Would we ever be allowed to dump into natural streams, under any circum- stances? CLAIMS: The following claims ¥~,ere presented and passed for payment: W. A. Young., P. ~!. Be rnha r d t ~.L. Go.ringer Kendalls, I nc. Christine Ryan Lakeside Theater Pac. Tel & Tel Tahoe Supply $74.73 30.00 70.00 14.16 56.11 25.00 50.36 10.?? Sierra t~ac. ~ower 106.10 Tahoe Supply 8.65 },(&R ~fot or Supply 9 2.50 ADJdIRL7~,%~F: There beinF no further business this meeting was e, djourned at 4:30 p.m. l~reside~t - . ...... - clerk & Ex-'0'f'ficio Secretary R'[IKrUTES CF SP TM n.~tAL ?~)ZTING E~LD ,UY T!~ SOUTH ~' ~ iA~{~:~ PUB!,IC UTILITY DISTRICT CF DIR~ ~0~,,S JulF 13, 1956 This meeting of the B card of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, was held at the regular meeting place East Frant office, Lakeside Theater Building, Stat.line, California, on July 13, 1956. ALL FINUTES, Communications, anU other business was postponed until the next regular meeting. ~.' ....... ~ ~n Directors ~e~'nhard_.t, Young and Go, ringer n~.k,~, C~:--..,: ,.. roll call, were present; also present vms Secretary Nyan. The Yresident announced that this was the time and pla ce set for publicly opening, examining and declaring sealed proposals for the sale of improvement bonds, Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 52-1. The Secretary announced that there was on file an Affidavit as to the mailing of notices inviting sealed proposals. The following sealed proposals were publicly opened, examined and declared: S .~,~ :~ of the principal amount thereof) v,,ithout accured interest, plus a premium of ~19.00 for such bonSs to bear interest at the following rat~s per annu~: Bonds maturinf~ ?/2/5? to 7/2/67, incl. Bonds maturing 7/2/68 to 7/2/71, incl. ! ,,, ,Vx,:, "2'~L, ,,/lv~ (tT.O0) ,o!l~rs ouoje to the bonds b~caring interest as follows: All of the bonCs maturinc in 'l;he 7ears 1957 to 1967, incl. shall bear interest represented by coupons attached at'the ~.E,n f~'~I) Cite HALF ~ C]~ from their date of issue to their respective dates of maturity; and shall also bear interest represent.5 by detachable coupons at the rate of ONE AL~, C~iE iiA~ FER CE!'~ from their date of issue to July2, 1959, or to their rasp,crib's dates of maturity, whichever is s0 3ncr. ~11 of the bon~s maturinC in the years 196S to 1971, incl. shall bear interest represente~ by co~q;ons at!ached at the rate of FOJR AIfD TH},~hE ¼UAiiTEES per cent per annum from their date of issue to their respective dates of maturity; and shall also bear interest represented by detachable coupons at the rate of ?I'[E AHD f'I[E ~?A!<TEE per cent per annum from their date of issue to July £, 1959. ~.h. EASTERLING & CO. bid par plus NINETEEN D0~ ~'~,o for b0~ds bearinc......e ~upon rate of FIVE AI[D ONE FCL~{ t:E}~ ~',~ maturing 7/Z/57 to ~d incl. 7/~/V0 and FI~ PER CENT for bonds maturing 4. MASON B}:,0~IERS bid par plus a total premium of $150.00 for said bonds with interest at the rate of 5 3/4% per annum. 111.11 CROWELL, WEEDON & CO. bid of par plus a premium of ~ without accrued interest, for 4 ~/4~ per annum, interest pay- able semi-annually, bonds maturing July ~nd, 1957 to July ~, 1971, incl. and dated August 2, 1956. These bids were related to Attorney Wilson by phone, and after checking all bids, it was reporte~ that Stone & Youngberg was the best bi~. RESOLUTION F 67, A~,AEDL~G SALE OF BT'I,~S, Sanitary Sewerage Project sa-1 was read, and on motion by Director Young, and seconded by Director Go.ringer, an~ unanimously csrrie~, sai~ ?.solution f ~7 was a~opted. EESOLUTION # 58, DETEt~2IIfING UNPAID AZSEOS_UENTS A~D FROV~IDIlfO I~SUA?,]C~ OF B0}fDS, SANITARY SE?,ERACE'Fi{OJECT NO. 52-1 v:as also read, an~ upon motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Coeringer, and unanimously carried, said Eesolution /}~ 68, was also adopted. A DJ wL R~ LEfT: adjourn, d. There being no further business the meeting was clerk' &: Ek-of~-icio ° oecretary lil.:c, Calil.~..:.~, ::.,~: July 50th, lOBe,. Roll Call: On roll call there w~ere present Directors Bern- hare]t, Goarinfler, anf Young; absent: none. Also present Secretary f~ya~ and Irish, actor Hulse. [/II;UT?iS, C'?["Ui?}ilC/~0I'~S, and other routine business ',,,.'~s post- ported until the next regular ~eeting of the ~oard. ~U[~0SE: The purpose of the special meeting was to report on a meeting between the Directors of the Board, an~ the Engineers, and a meeting between the Directors and the Con- tractors in regard to final completion and acce~tance of the v,~ork under their contract. ~',EP0~.T: Director Young reported on a meeting between the Directors and the Engineers, regarding final completion and acceotance o? the work un,er their contract; the various bill- ings, and extras were discussed. It was pointed out at this time that the paving of the road~ showing 28,000 s.f. ~ .157,500 and on which Winkle had bid ~-~5,000.00, but the Contractor said was too high, was actually the same per foot. After lunch, the directors also met with the Contractors, and all o~her bills were agree~ upon, except for one item of filling by the fire house and pump station and ~$1Z~.00 w~s deducted because the contractor had previously agreed to do same. Contractor agreed to repair ~1 and ~2 furrows at t~e disposal site. Mr. Aberley is to check on this and it is to be done under his supervision. The Subcontractor is to remove all trees and such, as ~greed and to stack all small brush. All other bills as charged were approved and agreed upon and. the Directors agreed to pay ~$24, 000. 00 to the Contractors out of the Construction fund,, ar~ ~)5,~99.25, to the Contractors out of the C~neral fund. 24 Warrant // 263~ dated ?/30/56, in the amount of ,000.00 and Warrant ~? 264, dated 7/Z0/56, in the amount 0-~?.2~, were issued. OLD, BUSINESS: At this time, it was also discussed with Counsel regarding an appointment with~Mr. Goldstein, condemnation attar'ney re: STFUD vs. Johnson. ADJOURI~%~NT: There being no further business, meeting was adjou:rned at 4:00 p.m. C][erk & Ex-'bfficio Secretary MIEUTES OF SPECIAL ~C£ETING OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT August 3, 1956 The soecial meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by ~:resident ?ernhardt at ~:00 p.m., at the regular meeting place, East Front office, Lakeside Theater Building, Stateline, Cali- fornia, on August $, 1956. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors ~oung, Bern- hardt, and Goeringer; absent: none. Also present was'Secretary Pya n. PURt:0SE OF ,LmTING: After being duly notified by the Secretary £4 hours in advance of the meeting, the Board met for the purpose of discussing and passing on Resolution ~ 69, with the follow- ing results: Resolution /i 69, was read and on motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Ooeringer, was unanimously adopted; said resolution reads as follows: ~{ESOLUTION NO. 69 INTEI~TION TO }~A}<E CHAYGES A~D' MODIFICATIONS SANITAf{Y SEWERAGE ~ROJECT NO. 5~-1 2~ESOLV~D, by the Board of Directors of the ~3outh Tahoe ?ublic Utility District,. ill Dorado County, California, that the public interest, convenier~ce and necessity requine, and that it is the intention of said Board to make changes and modifications in the proceedings had pursuant to S uoolemental Resolution of Intention No. 47 adopte~~ by this Board on September >~, 1955, as follows: 1. Increase the total amount of the assessment' from i~86,474.10 to ~91,46Z.6~, to provide for the construction of sewer laterals, and by distributing said increase in the assess- ment according to benefits. Said changes shall~ be made by the Engineer on the face of the assessment, 2. The installation and construction of vitrified clay pipe sewer mains with standard risers and manholes, wye branches and laterals, opposite-improved lots or parcels in the following ese- rr~en t s: ($) In an easement to be acquired from s point in the sewer to be constructed in U. S. Highway 50,. approximately 400 feet southwesterly from Stateline Avenue, across the lands now or formerly owned 'by Jack Van Sickle to the District boundary. (b) In an easement to be acquired from the southwesterly terminus of Tahoe Avenue and running generally in a southwesterly direction ~o the 01d County ~oad. NOTICE IS HEr(EBY GIVEN that 5~.onday, the '20th day of August, 1956, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.Y~., in the regular meeting place of said ?card, ~!]ast Front office, Lakeside Theater, Stateline, California, are hereby fixed as the time and place when and ~:;here said ~oard will consider the matter of making said changes and modific~tions and hearing all persons inter- est~-d therein. ~ The Clerk and ex-officio /secretary of said ~oard shall cause a copy of this resolution to be published once in the ?lacerville Times, a nev;spaper of general circulation published in said county there being no nev;spaper published in said District, and the paper in which the ~otice of Improvem<mt under'said Suoplemental 2esolution of Intention '~.~as published, said publication to be at les~st ten days befo~ the day of hearing. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly pas.sad and ado~ted by the Board of Directors .~f the South Tahoe l~ublic Utility District at c mectinf~ thereof held on the'Ord day of Aufmst, 1956, by the following vote: A~S: F 0 ,S: A BSEI'! T: and in favor thereof, Directors: ,~,oeringer and Bernhardt Directors: none none Young /s/ William A. Young Clerk'"gnd Ex-officio :Secretary All other business was pcs tponed until the regular m,:eting of Au~s%)9th,/'~1956, and this meetin~ wes a~journed at 3:30 p.m. Au gust 8, 19 56 The unfe:'si~'~ned h~-reby cot:sent to the holding of a special meeting on August 8, 1956, at the hour of 7:00 o,clock ~f.~.~., at the regular meeting place, and hereby z'aive notice thereof. The t~:urpose of said meeting is to consider and undertake pro- ceedin~s in t-roject No. 56-1. B~INUTES 0F SPE~.~IAL ~EETING~_:"F THE BOARD ''~ ~ DIP, ECT0 x '"S qF THE SOUTH man.^w ~PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT The .~oard c.f Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utilit? District met in special session at the regular meeting place, Bijou Theater Bijou, California, on August 8, 1956, at the hour of 7:00 O'clock P.M., in accordance with the foregoing consent and waiver. ROLL CALL: On roll call there 1were present Directors Young, Bern- hardt, and Goeringer. PROJECT NO. 56-1: ~h--e' YreS'iden"t announced that the purpose of the meeting was to consider and take action in connection with P-roject No. 56-1. Resolution No. ?0 of Preliminary Determination Under Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code, was read. On motion of Director Bernhardt, seconded by Director Ooerin!ifer, and unanimously carried said resolution w~s adopted. Resolution No. 71, Directing Preparation of Investigation Report under Division 4 of the Streets and Hi~j~ways Cole. was read. On motion of Director Goeringer, seconSed by Director Bernhardt, and unanimously carrie~, said resolution was adopted. Resolution No. 72. i]esolution of Intention, was read. On motion of Director Goeringer, seconUed by Director Young, and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. The Secretary announced that he had received from Brown & caldwell plans and specifications for the project together with an estimate of costs, the diagram and assessment, and the Report Under Division 4 of the Streets and Highv~ays Code. These documcnts were examined and considered by the Board 'and ordered filed. Resolution No. 73, Preliminarily Approving Engineer's Reoort, and Fixing time and Place of Hearing Thereon, Under Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code, was rea~. On motion of Director Bernhardt, seconded by Director Ooeringer and unanimously carried said Resolution was adopted. Resolution No. 74, Of Prelirn!n~rv~ Apnroval. of v'~i'-.eer,s:.~. _.. Report v.,a~:~ rear~. On motion of ["i~ector Ocarina:er,. secon~e~ bTM,'' Director 'ppoi::tir:r" Time ar',~ l:l:,ce :of i~_earin? Protests carried, said resolution was adopted iesolu, ion Fo. lC, lecucstlng Th;~t the llaalth Officer of UZ !oraj..::~ Csunty an~] E::-0ffLcio Health Office? oF the Eistrict lecom~,end }roceedia{,..s Un,-'cr Apfropriatc ,Special i~sessment and rector XcrnharT+., seconSed bv,~ Firec+ar~ Gocrinr.:er,.. cs,-:, unanimously carri{d, saifi resolution ~':es. eSopted.. ' ~,:solution Lo. ~o Pso,~estinf. ........ t "f t ' ~ ~,_~n$~l ~, t!6 OO!'S ',n SupcF- ~'isc, PS, C,P Xi ~-'oz'a dO ~ .~' t",~ to .~u~ .... stluc L' ' ~ Sewers' by SS~:' sial ASSESS- e':,:nt Procccdincs end to e~c l~cl'oise of Extra,Territorial Juris- diction ~'or a tart The~'~:o~, ;,.as read. s.sconFe(~ by l'irecto:r-2crr:kardt, ~xF u:.:ani~.;,:~slv ca~'ricd, saifi resolution ,.'~as er:opted. ' -'~ L': . .... .~: .:!~ [-.I: L: T Ths-.'c"b'einp,_ no further busine~ .... to cor,'~: !:-:~'forc.. tko.. ~".:...._.~:',"~ the r, r'etL~;,c,' was adjourned. · ~ '. ,.~' ' ~=~1 2i ~ C~ Au~::ust 9, 1955 "r., roll call th~'rc vcrc present l)irectors Your:.7', ~nd fiocrinccr. Absent: none, .. ;u~,~;: t. inutcs of meeti.nq'a, held July z2th, July, 1~-~-:'',,u~, July, ,.~%~th and Au;'ust Zr~, 1956, v:ere rear], and al'.prove¢? ~,s reafi. ~-, , --IF /?, , ,.,a iC&~. t:ETi TI :i'FS: ~ctitions for annexatior: t::: 'th£ Listrict I'rc;r:: th~: Following individuals ware received and ~ccc~:tcO: V. . Srrico Jack hut ch Giles ?,,:. Corday Ethel W. Brsy Pan Doyle J. Blaine Wines Franklin Rahbech V. L. Plimptan V. L. Lagano A. J } xcinko Evans Halley ,, Adams H a r Am~'ri~a De Lulio Virgil Bernard' #174 and 175 #35 and 36 ]133A, 129 ~nd !30 (~131 fi':: 5 #23 an~ 24 ~44 ~eilov,· ?. j. J. Charles !~itbert G. ,A. Buck V. E. Sullivan R. T. t:lim0ton ,,. $. Meneley Phillit: A. ~(. Francellini ~ . Harikian Secretary was instructe~J to forv?ar5 sag~e to Counsel. CLAI!(S: Following claims ~.,ere accent,'c] ~n~ approve5 for' payment: l:hoenix Iron Wks .~53.04 County l~ecorder 2.80 Calif. Flee. S~ly Co. ~8.0~ Luther Hulse net 114.40 t~acific Tel &. Tel 29.87 christine Ryan 40.45 Armstrong I<ealty Lake si de Theater J. A. Salmons Sierra I:ac. Power F&R ~otor Supply W. A. Young .:~ 45 25.00 ~2.50 138.68 27.25 123.96 There being n~ further business to consifler the n~eetiug was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. ~4~ ~4~ 'Cl'erk & Exofficio secretary August 20, 1956 The Bo:: rd of Directors of the South Tahoe ~ublic Utility District met in special session at the regular meeting place, ],mst Front office, Lakeside Theater Building, Stateline, calif. in accordance with Resolution .: 69 which set August 20. 1956, as the date of hearin? for incressin? the assessment to cover the cost of sewer loterals. I'~OiL ')Ali,: Present were Directors Young an~ Goeringer: absent Director Bernhardt; also r~resent was Secretary. Ryan. All Iv!inutes, correspondence and other business was set aside m~til the n<~-xt regular meetin~ of the Boar~. ~-'~'~ .~RO-T~ff: Upon motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Goerin~er, it w~s unanir~:ously passed that Director Goerin~:er act as President Pro-tern in the absence of President Pernhardt. The President announced that this is the time and t~lace set for hearing any protests on the changes proposed by P. esolution /? 69. There being no protests, the ]~e so iu ti on 0r~ering the Changes was adopted, as i~-llows: On motion by Director Youn~, secon0ed by Director Goeringer, and unanimously carried the following iiesolution // 81 was also read an~? adopted. >.ESOLUTION # 81 DI ~CTIE O ill':DUC TIOF /~.Ytl i'IVIS!0Y .OF ASSESS- i~imt~lS RE: CE~TAIY ASSE2.S~.~YTS UNI:t;R SUt~PL~.~ TAL ~,E~.. LUTI 0N # 4?. ~DJ CUi~N?JEYT: There being no 'further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned. :"' [[ .~..~.~.. Clerk & Ex-officio secretary ~fINUTES CFo~' ~l~T AL ~fEETIYG OF ~:[~ UT~i LI Tv DI o~I~T August 27, 1956 The special meeting of the south Tahoe Fubllc Utility District came to order at ~:10 p.m., August ~7, 1956, at the regular meeting place, East Front office, Lakeside Theater Building, Stateline, California. Present were Directors Young and Bernhardt; absent: Director GoerinMer. Also present was Secretary Ryan. Minut£s of meetings of 8/8/56, ~/9/56, and 8/~!0/56, were read and approved. C0f~ESPONDECCE: Letter from Bank of America re: h' tter received from Victor Davis, Assessment //ZO, in the a~:ount of ~48.75, was reed; secretary was instructed to write lette~r to ~.,!r. David stating this is an error and it will be corrected, v:ith copy to Brown &. C aldwell, asking the~ to proceed to have this corrected. PURP0~ OF ~IS SPECIAL ~./!!ETING: After being duly notified by the secretary 24 hours in advance, the Board met to adopt ordinance Yo. 26, AN 01iDI~AVCE FIY.?~G qHE ~]CESSARv TO ~Z P, AISV. D BY TAXATI0Y 1956-57. After much dis- cussion, the above-referred-to Ordinance was unamimously carrle~ es follows: OP, DI~,'A~'~CE Iq0. ~6 A~ 0r-~DII'.]A'fCE~-' ~)~TG ~[E AL~.,%,,'~ ()F ~"O~.vv iV:~ .... o~,' TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION 1956-57 BE IT EFACTED by_the Hoard, of Directors of the Sou th T~oe Public Utility D;strict, E1 Dorado County, California, as fo 11 ay: s: 1. It is hereby deter~ained thc t funds are needed to pay the annual principal of and interest on the bonded indebtedness of thc District s.m~ to carry out the obj~.cts and purposes of the District which cannot be provided for out of revenues; and, there- fore, taxes shall be and are hereby levicol the:r~:fore; ~. The amount of mo ey nscessar~ to ne raised b~,',, taxation for Lay~nt of said principal an~ interest of bonded indebtedness for the fixcal year 1956-57 ls ~;~. 5.?~, .~}nd th~ ~ate of taxa- tion for said~ purpose is hereby fixe~ ~t--74¢ pe'r :-~1 0 of assess- able property in the District. 3. The amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation [~or payment of said oper~ ting expense's for the fixcal year 1956-57 is ?6030.36, an~, the rate of taxation for said purpose is hereby fixed at 3'~, per :$100 of assessable property in the District; 4. Copies of this Ordinance shall be i:~osted v~'ithin twenty- one days after the date of its adoption; 5. Certified copies ,_.:f this Ordinance shall be forwarded to the County Auditor and to the Country Treasurer af E1 Dorado County upon its adoption. I hereby certify that the fore:.goin~ is a f~ll, true an5 correct copy of an Ordinance whici-~ was adopted ~ t ~ mc..etinc, of the Board of Directors of the: South Tahoe ~:ublic Utility District duly held on August 27 1956 by the foltowin~ vote: ~;~ and in favor thereof, Dire'~ctors: Bernhar~it, and ¥oun~ Y0ES, Directors: none ~l~ , Directors: ~oerin~er ATTEST: /s/ 7111ism A. Young C1 ark /s/ ~. ~.[. ~crnhardt tresi~!ent of the South Tahoe 5'ublic Utility [istrict There being ~o further business in connection with this special m~:cting call, this meeting was adjourn~:-d at 5:30 !::.m. CIerk& Ex-of~fT~'io Secretars~ September 10, 1956 The undersigned hereby con:-ent to the ?[ ldin,~z of a Special ~./eetin~? on September t0, 1956, at the hour o~ ~:00 o'clock at the regular ~'~eetin~, place, and hereby waive ~-.otice thereof. ~,IINUi"ES ?F St~7.~ICiAL !7~ET!~G f'F TI~' BOA?D :F DII~ECT0[~S r~F ']~E S0~.~H TA~(0E ?UBJ,IC UTI LIT][ DISTRICT September 10, 1956 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Fublic Utility District ~t in special session at the regular meetin~ place, Lakesi~:e Theater Building, East Front office of the Lakesi~e Theater Building, State- line, California, on September 10, 1956, at'the hour of 2:00 O'clock p.m., in accordance with the foregoing consent and waiver. R01L ~.LL: On roll call the~r¢ v:ere present Directors Young:, ernhar~t, and Go,~rinf~:r. Als0 present were ~secretary Ryan, ~c[r. Ab~rley from ~ '~' 7'ilson tKarzfel~ [Srow~ & ~aldwell and ~.Tr. Davis from ~rkbrid~, ~, , an d '/,a 1 la c e. PI{0JECT NO. 56-1: The Presid'~nt announced that this was the time anf place of hearing on the Engineer's report, pursuant to Division 4. The report was read. except as to the ma~:, plat, or diagram on the assessed vatu~tions and true valuations of, and assessments and estims~ted assessments upon individual parcels of land. All written protests were ready by the Cl~:rk and orderk'd filed. The President asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. All those desiring to si;ask were given the opportunity, eno all written and oral protests wer~: considered by the Board. On motion of Director Goeringer, seconded by Director Young. and unanimously carried, it was ordered that the he:~ring be continued until the next regular rrreting of the Board inasmuch as the question regarding extra terri- torial Jurisdiction has not been acted upon by the County. The President armounced that this was the time and plaice of hearin~ on the Engineer's report, pursuant to the ~(unicioal Improve- ~nt Act of 1913, and Eesolution of Intention Y,o. ?~. Al. 1 written protests 'a,e~'e ready by the Clerk and ordered filed. The President then asked if anyone was present desirin~7 to be heard. uijou Park, ?~.!r. A. R. Powers, of Ski Run Boulevard, lot 1.L, ~ spoke from the floor to say he had no objection to the sewer line being run up the Boulevard. However, he must' ask to be excluded from the District for personal and financial reasons. Mr. Cooley of cooley's Idle Hour ~,~otel spoke from the floor ta ask regarding bids and specifications, how deep the line is ~oing_ to be in front of the house, an~ whether it will be in the c enter of the street and other ~etails of the sev~.~er line. Director Young suggested Mr. Ab~crley of the Engineer's office ansv.~er ~.:~r. Cooley. ).(r. Aberley showe~ him briefly what the specifications v:ere, state:d that the line is now ulanned to run up the center of the str~et, and it will be a single 8- 1 ine. b~r. Zents, of the Trails b~otel, Ski Pun Boulevard, --" is it ?oin? to be one single line goin~ up on Ski Run Boulevard?" Director Young stated that it is the feeling of the Directors of the Board at this time, ~s well as people owning lots Ski Run Boulevard and Counsel, that the purpose of the line mi~t be better served by two lines running parallel to the Boulevard, thus elimi~ating the cost to the individuals of a long house lateral, cutting of the street for every hookup, and it ~ight ~rove to be a cheaper method of construction. The Engineers seem in favor of a sin~le 8" line running down the center of the Boulevard. Director Young went on to explain the purpose of the Engineer's original estimate and the wated footage of the streets not repre- sented by property owners. Zents v:ar~ted to ~.o on record as saying he is very much favor of two parallel lines. ~,.,[r. Steury of o ~ Run Boulevard_ wanted to know if hc v:ou[d be compelled to join in ~e Sewer District when he has al~ady asked to be excluded, since his residence is closed 8 months out of the ~ar. Yr. Young answered him by stating that, "we have no l.e~al authority to come, el him to join. The County unfer Ordinance 2.58 does require you ?et a p~?r~::it before y~u can pu~-~!p a septic tank, or do anything to it, and they might say if ~.h~re is a public'utility within 300 fee:t ~.~ou might !::e compelled to hook up to it". Jack Gwyn of Ski lqun Cottages, inquired ~ s to how far the line will come in c;nnection with bis property, since he is on the end of thc line. ~,fr. Aberley of the Engineer's office answere¢] !h~t the line would com~ u~:, far ~nough to pick u.~ t!-'c last hou:~ an~ lot. ?fr. Huggins of Ski Run Boulevar~, lots 11 an~ 12, Block 5, Bijou Park: "When the time comes for the sif!e roads to join into t~e main trunk line on Boulevard, will costs be equalized? Do~s the sewer district now have a disposal site in operation?" ~,fr. ~,berley: ,,Yes, ~/,,'e do and very definitely in operation,'. Huggins: "Is a future treatment ~:lant going to be necessa~..~1'' Yr. Aberley: %Ir. Hu~;gins, of course that would depend on the growth of the co.mmu~:ity". 120 Director Young: "To better answer your question, ~<r. ltuf:Tgins, ;,%'hell it is ::ecessary ?o into primary, s~c:_mCary or comf:lete treatment, it would have to b~: brougjnt up to a bond issue to the i;istrict ~:s whole, and a majority vote to pass :)n that. '['he v~.le District w;ulF pay for it, ~'"d! if something benefits the individual, the individual pays for it". Huggin s: le SS?" "If yOU run a dual line would cxt::ense be greater or Director Bernhardt: "This is still under discussion but ',?e feel that a g ual line will save the cost of repavinf~ the road, etc., although the ?~ngin~ers assure us that it will be cheaper to run down the mi6dle and pave.', Aberley of Engineer,s office: "We definitely feel it will cost ~ .... ~OU evar~ , ~ . more to ru~ ~,..,~ iin~s parallel to the ~ 1 arproximatelv i!~, 10,0 0 0 mo re ,,. Hudgins: "Wouldn't it be wise to annex additionsiproperties at this time to make the coat less per individual,,? Abcrle.v: "~,,?r. Huggins, time was of the essence, in this case, ~:;d thcs're was not enoua~a time to contact ~veryone,,. Huggins: "What prevents these exclusiojs fr~'_ coming7 in and t eking advanta?e of the benefits we others have paid for". Davis: "This Board has ::.ade provisions fox' those ~:eople. First they r'~us~t I~ctiti:~n to a~ne): and then a~:~ly for h:'.kui:; there would be hooku~ and other charges which would ~dd up to quite a sum .of w · v go toward then?,, .:UgglnS: "What would this' mone~,. .. Davis: "This mor'..ev~, w:.uld probably be dei:osited int:v a special fund for ~.ain ue_~c,,~C 6 USE Uti ly". I{u,Tgins: "What would be the yearly charge?,, Director ¥oun:u: "At the: l;resent time-::e ?~sed ~}ur bud?ct for the ~'o:~in; .... ,,.c-ar, ar;'n levie~ ~::~.74. ~:~:r ,::l,,~ ~,~se .;~ ~:, prot~erty in thc District for }:'a':ent of ssi/' i:rir, cii;cl ~nd interest of bonfire' in~(~btc~-ass for the f~scal year 1956-57, an5 f.36 p~r ::,'~120 for payment of o~eratin~ e~enses. Last year it ~-.,as ~t.90~ to service g.o. bond an~ S.~6 for ~alntenance. has trie~ ta k,::ep jobs at a minimum, ~ '~ one e×cept for S~'cretarv~. hired on an, hourly_ basis, an{7 the pump station main- *here are no other emt:lcy~s" Director Young: then ~:,-ave a brief run-dorm of how the District t~;as forme~, the purpose of the District, anf the' present state of the District. Dr. A. ?. /.owers: "jhen the se-er is installed and cost com- ~;leted, ~er what perio5 .of time do~s an individual have to pay this assessment?,, Young:. "You. have 15 .,years t::: i:,ay this asse,:sme~t.~'',~- ~-, The first notice you receive is a primary notice, and after we g~'t a firm contract, and then bii~l you. interest carmot be f~reater than 6~ and you have 15 years to pay". "Our last assessmen't bond issue was sold for 4-1/2 and 4-o/4',~ which v:e felt was vs~:r,y ~[ood in a resort area,,. Director Bernhardt: "In other words, 15 equal paynmnts would be ode d unto your taxx bill for the ne~:t fifteen years,,. Huggins: "The people in f~ancho Bijou now want to come in, and there have been people who have b~:en tad'ed since 1950, how are you ~=oing to equalize this?" Davis: "They are ~oi~~ to eff~ct a lowering[ of your ta~ rate". Director Young: ,%.ir.Hudgins, we ca:~not penalize people if they've never been ss~d to join in the District". ~,~r. Jorger, Lot 12, Bijou Park: "Do you have an estimate of what it is going to cost each individual?" Director Young: "It depends on the contractor's ?rice received today ". Jorger: ,,?,~¢ still have to i'ay for the lat~;rals?'' Young: ,,yes,'. Mr. Zents: "What is the depth of' the ditch at As~en Avenue?" ~!r. Aberley: ,,A'cproxim~tely 11' deep". Mr. cooley: "Is th ~e a Plan for a simultaneous connection of the si~e rca(Is n~t this time?" ii~irector Young: ,,That is ~?~at is bein~ ~lsnned and the bigser the job, the better bids and the ~_orc competition". ~r. Hood, of Beverly Lodge, Highway 50: "How did you arrive at my assessment of more ~han S1800.00"? Mr. young pointed out that }~[r. Hood already has ~wer service on Highway 50, but is now being assessed for some addition8l lots facin~ another street on the back of his property. ?~[r. iqood ~:a~ted to go on record as filing ~otast of this 8sse~s- m~nt. There bein¢~ no ~rther protests or discu~sion, this he, erin,s was udjo~ned until S~Dtembar 15, 195~, a~t 2:00 o'clock p.m., at th~ r~gular me~tin~ place on motion of Director Young. secoz~ded by Director Goerin~[er an~ u~animously carried. irasident ~.~erni~ardt a~:ounccd that this was the time and place act for th~ bid ope~-~in~ of i'r~jcct ~f~-l, and if all bids had been recciw~d by the secrctary. There being no ~rther bids at this ~'~ime, the followin~ ~ids were received ~n.d [~,ublicly op~ned and d eclered: pyramid Construction Co., 29 East First jr., [Heno, Nevada Item 1. Item 2. Item 3. Item 4. Item 5. Item 6. :~5.15 oer lin. ft. 4.18 per lin. ft. 1.50 [~er lin. ft. ~95.00 each 55.00 each 7.80 each 567 75 . ~.:TcOuire &. Hester, 796 66th .&venue, 0akland, California Item 1. Ite m 2. Item ~. Item 4. I te:~ 5. Item 6. ~$10.20 ~er lin ft. 7.95 per 1i~ ft. 4.00 per lin ft. 275.00 each 75. O0 each lO.''~,~ each GRA[~D TOTAL ,828. O0 ~:rounc Construction Co., 807 75th St., 08klanS, 3alif. Item 1. 5~13.64 per lin. ft. Item 2. 13.40 per lin. ft. Ite m :5. 5 ~ · ~ per lln. ft. Item 4. 398.00 each Item 5. 50.00 each Item 6. 6.00 each GR~J~TD T0~ ' ' 7~3 00 Stockton Constr~tion Co., Inc., Y.O. Box 2087, ~tookton, Cali~ Item 1. Item 2. Item 3. item 4. Item 5. Item 6. J. A. Salmans I tern 1. Item 2. I tern 3. Item 4. Item 5. Item 5. ~8 85 ocr lin. ft 5.00 per lin. ft. 4.85 per lin. ft. 300.00 each 60.00 e ach 10.00 each GF~[D TOTAL , Tahoe Vellcy, California ~;5.10 ~er lin. ft. 4.80 per. lin. ft. 4.40 per lin. ft. 461.Z0 e-ach 150.00 each 18.00 each Harlans Construction Co., GI-~A~,~ £ T :TAL d;acramento, <]ali fornia ~79,825.75 I rlE~ 7 1. Item 2. Item 3. Item 4. Item 5. Item 6. ~6.75 per lin. ft. 4.60 per tin. ft. 3.38 per lin. ft. 146.99 each 43.33 ea ch 11.05 each :i369,978.60 ,,r:~i D TOTAL :~59,290.00 It ',as ~nnotunced thct PYI~AVtD ~ t',m ' ~0.~S~P2I,~TIOY C0.. was the low bidder, an~ no ~rther action eoul~ be taken until we had receive~ extra-territorial jurisdiction from the Co~ty. ~here being no further business the meetin~ was ac~joume8. /~ ..... Cl~r:< & Ex'offlclo Sec.eta= WII~VJTES 0 F 5J!:GUL"~ R ,V ~I~;'.TING CF BOAP, D .(:F DIiIECTORS OF ~E o~,DTH T.~JTOE }U2LIC UTILITY DISTRICT September 13, 1956 The Boerd of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at 2:E0 p.m., September t. 3, 1956 at the regular meetin~: place .~? the Board. ROLL ~A~.L Upon rolI call, _~resent were Directors Youn~, Goeringer and aernharSt; also .crescent was Secreta~ Ryan. ~:I©JECT N0. 56-1 - continued hearings. Director Young reported that nothing further had b~,en ]~¢ard from the County and th~r~ofore, the business of the s~ecial ,meeting of S e~tember 10, 1956 re: t~.roject 6601 v;ould have to be continued. He an? Director Goeringcr will make a trip to t-:lacervill¢ ~f~n{~ay to meet with the County offi ci al s. Director Young re?oread reg~rdinc~ ~rotest ~f ~.r. Hood, that after ~ore ~iscussion and he reduction in cost after the bi~ oi~er~ing, r. Hood with~raws his protest. 0n motion of Director Young, Seconded by Director Goeringsr and unanim~usly carried, the hearings were ordered continued until Tues~av, September t$, 1956, st the hour of 7~:00 p.m., at the regular meeting place ~.f the Board. I(IYUTES: Liinutas of ~eetings of August 27th and Septemb~:r 10th ~;~::re ot r~:a~, but will be r ad t next regular m~:~eting. CCi [~ ESSO ? Z' ~ ~SE: Re: ~roject 56~1, letter dated iSeptcmb':r 3, 1950, from Ach~lle Van Henlan, lots 11 and 12, Block 1, ~ijou lark ~ddit(~:n, stating that he wished to b~ {xcluded fr~.,m the District. Director Young made motion, seconde~ b~ Dir,~ctor Go,ringer, that his r~quest be denieU because his property is becoming]: commercial an~ zhe valuation is going up. Undated letter fra. m ~ary and Ja~s Bianchi, re: lots 92 '~nd 93 in ~:ancho ?ijou Subdivision, filing prote~ts ~gainst assessm~t was rea~ ~nd filed in ~suspense file". Lett~r ~ate~ ~eptamb r 7, 1950 from ?ij~:u ~'ark yrot~:rties, Inc., filing a protest on ~11 properties owned by L~r. Keller in whol~ .' ' te~ ~:tensio~' of th~ system. or in Imrt v;itn~n +~c in ~e? ~ Letter ~at~ A~Tust [9, 1956 from Ski [~un Cottages regarding the sale of certain yortions of their property to ~,~r. and ?rs. Curry, ~.:~r. and ~.(rs. Koenig was read and filed. Letter dated August ~:t4, 1956 from ~[r. Bliss of Tahoe Yeado'ws A~societion Re: ~amage ~ their property by sewer contractor was read an~: it was the feeling of ~e Boar~~ that the sev~er contractor should pay this. CoDy of ~is letter to be Forwarde0 to Brown ~ Csldwell for them to forward to scwe:r contractor. Letter dated August 20, 19~, from ~f~r. Caldwell of Brown & ...... ~m_~ ~ ssible Caldwell re: clo~gino: of i~ump station ~ ~:o treatment of Letter f~ate5 August 17, 1956 from [~,(r. Aberley of 2rown ~ Caidwcll r~;~: his plans for bi~] opening a~d enclosing copies of operating instructions for the pumping station was read. Co~y of letter dated Au~ust 28, 1956 From Counsel to Do~r~ of Supervisors requestin7 consent to begin work on additional sanitary sewer facilities v, as read. Copy of letter datc'~: August [[9, 1956 f'.'om Counsel to A. A. ~dcKinnon, County Health officer re: Project 56-1 was read. Copy of letter dated A~[ust 17, 1956 from Engineers to ~Yr. 2ruce [~[cGinnis ~: assessment and his lateral sewer was read. ~arv of letter date5 August 24, 1956 from 'Engineers to state of Ca:ifornia, Department of ~ublic works, requestin? copies of all utilities encroachment pam~i"~s issuer] within 5 years was read. Letter to Board from A. Carlisle & ~ompa~y, {~ated September 11, 1956~ re: Series A. Improvement Bonds was r,~:a~ and Director Young reported that said b:mds had be:eh receive~ ~nd he would deliver them to I"lacerville Monday. 124 Co~oy of letter 0atari September 10, 1~56 from Counsel to ~ ~ou~.ty Auditor Re: Auditor,s Recor~ for South~'a~ hoe- ~'ublic Utility ~.lstrict v.,as rest. A~",tEEXATIn'~?,,,, FETITTm'~S:~,,~,~, The followin~ peiitions wer~ read aEid accep'~cd~ by--~e Board in connection ~¥ith Project Floyd H. Rilm.; lot 5, Block ~4, . .... ~ Bijou Eark Aden Clench' ~ S. Johnson, lots $ ~nd 4, Block 24, Bijou Perk Addn. Y L .Langress, lots 20 and ot, ..... , . · · .... ~lock >~ Bijou Park AdUn Julia Ann Cloud, etc, lot ';2 - , Block 23, of Bijou Park AUdn. Petition from Charles an~! f>liv~ Goss, lot 9, Block 6, Bijou ~rk Addition was read but held in abeyance because District Boundaries do not come to that ;~3int. ~.r. Goss should be so ~dvised. I~iE~0RTS: Director Young further report~d that after much discussion and a personal inspection tour by [~r. ~berley of Brown &~ Caldwell,s office, ~fr. Aberley said he would give ~:_ore thought to the two line system instead of the one main 8,, line down the center of Ski Run Boulevard. Director Young ~lso ~eported thor he e.~:d TM _ ~ ..- ~,.r. Aberley met v~ith Eanger ;fan Holfeldt ~ith the purpose of familiarizing '~hcmselves an~ lookin~ over ~e possibilities o~ other lands for ~uture expansion, adjacent to and in the irmmediate area of our present sewer ~isposat plant· CLAIMS: The following claims were presented and accepted hy the Board for payment: E. L. Winkle N. L. Ooerin~r Christine Ryan Tahoe Redwood Pacific q'el & Tel Sierra Pacific Yower Lakesiee Theater Conrad Electric P. I'.~. Bernhardt ~250.00 116.08 41.66 88.00 29.70 159.18 25. O0 33.32 123.28 There being no Ibrther business to discuss, the m~:eting was adjouz'n~d to Tuesday, september 18, 1956, at the hour of 3:00 o'clock p.m., at t~,,e regular ,?.:etin~ !laca' of said Board, on motion of Director Young, seconded by/Director Goeringer and unanimously carried. ,/ l~r(: s id ent ' -~lark i E'x-offi~i'o Secretary ~ ptember i8, 1956 The Boar.: of [)ir¢ctc:~s ::f' the J~outh Tahoa~ Fublic Utility Dis- trict rr:et in 3djourn¢. _~ regular se;~_sion at the. regular m~:eting ~lace, E':st Front office.' 0¢ the I,akesi~e Theater >;uil~in~, 3tate:lin~, California, at the ho'ar of 3:00 o'clock p.m. 125 ROLL 3ALL: On rolt cai there were present rip croPs voun~ end Oocrin~r Absent w~:s !.~ircctor ~ernhar~t. Also ~resent w?s Attorney Paris. was duly apt~o~ntsO ss }resident irc-tern. ....~r :J ~q~ ~i0. 56-1: Director ,.~,o~:ring~:r announ~ that this was a meetinc r¢~ul~rly adjourned for the Lurrose of continuin~; the hearing on the Engineer's report under ~ ~v~s~on 4 and under the ~,3~n~cipal Improvement Act of 191~. Director Young reported that ~t the meetinc of the Boer~ of Supervisors of ~1 Dorado County >n september 17, 1956, tl~e Bo~rd had ?ranted extra territorial jurisdiction to the South Takoe }-ublic }tility i',istrict as rc:~uested except for the properties a,n ski i-,un Boulevard. No. additional v;ritten !_rote~ts v~;ere r~:'ceived :~nd no ~ersons '~,~e~s present to c-iscuss the t~r~ject. ~ttorney [:.avis :~Svised ~-:st thc Board coul~ not adopt the Nesolution oF la:termination to ~rocced Under Division 4, until the ful.[ poard was ~resent. ~:lre. tot Goerin~er, On m.ntion of Director Young, seconded by ~" 'c end unanimously carried, the hearings were ordered continued until September 20, 1956, at the h--.ur off 4:00 o'clock ?.m., at the r~cgular mae[in? ~lace o'/ said Board. ANNEXATION 1956-1: Director Young ~:rescnted to the Board a ~Y['tion ~d 0een si~ned by the required number of electors and ov.;ners of real rro~rty within the area proposed to be annexed requesting that the [~.rticular srea known as -portion :~f ?ancho Bijou subdivision", be annexed to thc Sou~ ?ahue l'ublic l~t;lity lis [ri ct. Director Young presented his certificat~- that the re ~uired number o? si~atu~'es v~¢re on the t:¢tition ~md the c~rtificat~ pctltion were order'cd Filed. Discussion v. es hsd concernin¥ the advisali!itv of annexJn~ the particular pro~:erty to th~ [,is[riot at this time. Ail Pir~ctcrs t_~:,~:,se:nt v,e~'c ::f the uLinion tl at it v~',"id h,~': f'or the a~vantag~ of l.h~: District zn~ that the ::,rea to be annexea would be bencfit~? by the annexation. (..,~,LIN~.'r~' "~r'.,~E ?0. 27: An :?r~inancc I)escribinc territory. , trot:osed To 2e lnnex~'~', teter~'.in[n~ that No. '['er~'s and ,:~]on~i~ ions ~:ecess.ar)', zna I~scl r~z?' Inte~tion to ..p[r;~w: such next[ion, ~nnex:~tiof 19~6-1, v:as t.re~t~'c~ ihs "~-~inan~e ~' '~ ~,=a.~ to the '-o~rd by .ttornay Pay'is ,:~nd di:r:cussion fstlov;ed i~crson. 0n ~.~tion :~f Nirec+~''~ v ~. scconocd b~, Director O.~:rin~cr and Unanimously carried., sai~ 0rdinsnce No. 27 was ~:dopted. The clerk was directed to post three certified copia's of the Ordinance witA~in the boundaries of thc South Tahoe Iub!ic Utility District, and ~lso to post three certified copies of the Ordinance v;ithin tko bound~ri~s of the area lt:ro~oscd to he annexed. Attorney Davis a,Frced to take s: certifies copy of the Ordinance to the p:~i:~r an~ recuest that they publish accordin~i to low. Nearin~ on th~ 0rdinancc v,ms ~et ?or Tues©a.v, the 30th ,:ay of October 19o6, at the hour of 4:00 o,clock pm. at__the regular meet~n,- i::lace of said ,~o~rd, Esot Front o: fz~e, Lakeside Theater Building, Stat¢line, California. I26 There being no further business the meetin? was adjourned to Thursday,. oeptemb.~:r~ ~:~, 1956, at the hour of ~:00_ o'clock p.m. at the; regular meetinc place of said :oard. and ex-bfficio Secretary OF ~:E 0~,-, ~D OF DIf:iECT.?,NS OF THE SOUTH TAT. I~ 1 LBLI~ UTI LI r:ISTRI ~..,~ September £0, 1956 The B~rd of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility ~ trier met in adjourned regular session at the regular meeting plac~ :}f the Board, on September 20 1956 at the hour of 4:00 , , O'clock p.P.. ROLT~. .... ~-~ '~: ~: On roll call there were present Pirectors Young, Pernh2rdt, ~nd Ooerin~ar. PROJECT NO. 56-1: The President announced that this was the time 8n~' place I"Yked for the conti:~ued hearin: on the Engineer's report tursuant to Division 4 sn~ ordere5 the continued he, ring o~ened. No written protests were received, and no persons appeared to protest orally. All prior protests, written and oral were con- sifered by the Boar~ an~ the hearin~ or~ere~ h,'.oOLUTIO.. NO. 82 of DETE[e!NA~TOW ....... , un, er Division 4 'of the Streets and Highways Code, to Proceed with Proceedings.. for Imorovements, was read. On motion of Director Young, seconded by Director Goering~r, and unanimously carried, sei~ :~esotution was The President then announced that this was the time and place for contir_uation of the hearin: on the Engineer,s report pursuant to ~.'unicipal Improvement Act of 1913, and Resolution of Intention 7~, and declared the hearing opened. No new written protests were presented, an5 no p~rsons appeared to protest orally. The Board considered all prior :ritten and .oral protests, and the hearing ~:as ordered closed. RESOLUTION NO. 83 Overruling Protests on Nesolution of Intention I1.[ O. 72, vms read. On motion of Director Coeringer second~:d by Zirector Young, and u~animously carried, said P. esolution was adopted. RESOLUTIOY NO. 84, Ordering Reduction of Assessments, was read. On 65'tion of [iY~ctor Goerin:{}r, seconded by Director Young, and unanim.~usly carried, said r,~'solution was adopted. ~ on- 2ESOI,UTION NO. 85, An order .~doptin? thc Engineer's Eeoort, ,. ~n: the Assessment and Orderin.-. the ~;ork, was read. On motion of Director Young, seconded by Dircctor Goeringer, and unanimously carrie~, sai~ Resolution wes a~opte~. ~RDIN~,,~ L~. ~8,. of Award of ~ontract, vms read. ..n~ motion of Director' Young, seconr?~d bv Director Coerin~-~ ~nd ,~-.eni~'ously carrie~~, said Ordinance was adopted. The .clerk was direct::d to see that the Ordinance was posted in three public places :.ithin th~ boun~ari:s of the District within 23 days altair its adoption. }{ESOLUTION No 86 Desi:nating Collection ~.~ff~er, as read. On motion ofa~"rector Goerin~er,. second~.d by Director Young, ~nd un@hi- 2'7 mously carried, said i{e so lu ti on was adopted. ADJ..~ i,>.,~T. ~? ~?'~'~w~' · There ?ein~ ..~o further bdsin:~:s, th~ meetin~ was adjourned. C%erk and ~x-offiCio secret~'~'y BOAi~D OF DIn~CTOno OF THE SO?TH TAHOE P'UBLI C UTI LITY D I STRI CT October 11, 1956 The regular mcatin¢ of.the south qahoe ~ublic Utility District Board of Directors was ca!lee t3 order ,-t 2:00 p.m., October 11, 1956, at the regul~r meeting place:, Lake- side Theater Building, Stateline, California. bOLL CALL: Upon roll call there were pre:sent Directors. Bernhar~ft, Ooering~r and Young; also It:resent was secretary ~d steffani, resident Engin~er for Brown & Caldwell I~yan, ~ - and ol~n l:. ~assmore. 1,,'/I~'ES: Minutes of meetings of September loth, 13th, 18th, end 20th t.:er:: reed amc apt~roved, vl:ith thc fol~o~zn~.:, amenCm~nt: Regarding the ~tward of the contract to thc Pyramid Construction Company, careful consideration was ivan by the [.ir~cto':s to '~'n }21vd instead the rur~nin~:~ of two parallel lines ~n ski ~u ., of th~ one center sewer line as bid, but it was'pointed out that cost ~ould be a~proximately ~9,513.00 more, and there would be a considerable loss of tim~, so contract was awarded cs b~d to the lowest bidder. NEW BUSIeSt'SS'. ~:r. Glen H . Passmorc, owner of lots ~ thru 18, Block ~8, Bijml Park Addition, .pr~scnted the Board with his probl,em, which is that asp. rin~ runs through his ::roperty ,ond t~ereby makin: the sceptic tar;l~ drainage very v:_ry poor and he is most anxious to have th~: se;:er line run to this property. After :uch discussioi~, it ~:os decifad to call :r ~[c2ride, ~f }:.cBride's C':~.ttag<s, and discuss th~ r:tatter 1-ith him since: there: v;omld be sn additional assessment invJlved ~or him sinc~ he owns lot 19, which vould hove to be serviced too. ~b Mr R~c$~d agreed to accept the assessment, ~nd I:r. Voun~ made thc motion, secon¢cd by ~{r. Ooeringer, to approve the extension oF th~ linc on ,~illow Street to 5' inside of lot i3 from the ?.:est, when ~%r. J:assmore hsd Furnished us with signed petitiohs. Iv'orion ~as unanimously carried but work w~-s not to proceed until the signed petitions v;ere in our possession. . was in- ~:r. oteffani, resident Engine:er for :~ra,:,n,, _,, ~-Cal?w~lt, struc~ted accordingly, and secretary Ryan was also instructed to advise Brown & Caldwell of tha~ir d~cision re:ardin~ this ru=ttcr, and also point out t at it would ~ffect lots 3 ond 4, Block 30, whick ,;r~ already in the District. The District is to stand any additional co~t over and above: :::ur normal assessment ?f ~6.55 p~r foot. Director young made a motion that ar~ ordinanc~ be adopted similar ~o Ordinance :?. 23 'AN ORD. I~~CE 3. EGULfTIEC T:E ~ow~q~'cTTOF CF i~g the ski l::~uri 'Blvd. properties and changi~ the figures fro~: (:3.50 end ~7.00~ .:er foot to ;$6.55. Director Gcerin,~'e~_ ~ seconded the motion end it w,~s unanimously caFrled theft the Counsel be so ~dvisxr], ~nd that they t_rovid~ us ,/:ith 15 extra copies of t2te Ordin:~nc¢ so ?ye car; forv;ard it with petitions to people listed in letter to ,Counrel from Prawn a _]aldwell, dated 9/13/56, listin? the prople on Ski Run Blvd. ~xclu~ed from the DisZrict. and pointing out to them that they can pay f~ this assessment o~er a fifteen y~ar period. Upon motion by Director YoUng, seconded by Director Goe rin;?e~ and unanimously carried the following resolution was passed and adopted: Co}~,y of letter ~ate~ 9/13/55 from ,,Counsel to County ?reesurer, re: Assessment Ban~s - STN~D. was read. Letter dated 9/14/'56 from Wilk,e & Sapunor, ~:,tt~rneys at Law. re: :.. I,. ho d z,r~, crest on ~:'r~'ject ~ 55-1; cop~¢ of this 1,~ttcr to b(< sent t~ our Counsel for his reply. Letter dat~:~~ 9/18/56 from Albert W. Fray, County Treasurer re;: bonds, end their trane?lite! to Counsel, ',.~s rea~ an? filch. ~ounsel to Tyremi~ Construction ~ ~o~~ of letter from .... 9/17/56, re: o~.,..[ Project 56-1 end awardins of contract. Confirms;rich f::,r,ci from St~me ;~.-Youngb¢~ d~:t~d 9/19/56 re: nurchase of OTYUL Imp. series "A" bonds was reef and filed. Copy of Eesolution from the Board of Supervisors, C01':, i'*: OF T~,[, N;gA?D f'F :!:;IUiU-'VIE0i:3 T? S;'il~i TAii~'E IUBLIC UTI iZ Ti PISTRi,3; T,2 C0}'STN!TCT PUBLIC I},,!!: m"i,2i~TS AND T0 }E~{T BOND ACTS, s%i1413 7'n EX2RCi...)E E TfA-TERRITONIAT JUNISDIC- TIOI~ IN LEG..ii-L' i!"!{i}ETO PROJECT NO. 56-1. C3~:y of letter from Coansel to the.~'ountain ~¢,,,ocra '" .... t ~::t.,'nrN'r, Annex. 56-1 and lcEal ~ublic~:tion date:d 9/21/56, re: ..... of Ord. p 27, was read and Letter dated 9 ~2* /~" ./ 5/~o from ; row~ & Coldwell ,:nclosing check in the amount of .71,500.00, from the State of Caiifor.;ia, Dept o~ Finance, under Chapter 47, Statutes of 1944, was read, and Seor~tsry w,~s instructed to ee[osit creek in our Construction account. Copy o~' letter to Counsel from Prown & Coldwell, dated 9/13/56. listing properties fronting on Ski Run Blvd. which are excluded from the Utility District, was re?~ and further discussed under "new business". Copy of letter from Brown & Caldv:ell, to Contractor ~"cOuire & ~est(;r re: Furrow :' 1 et STrUD s~wage dis~,osal plant and the billim~ o¢ ~:~;~ Shinn, was rea~, ~,n¢ it uss the feeling' of the Board of Directors th~:t h~:5 this job been done right in the first ylace, there would not t:ava been this hiring ~"r. Shinn to ;_;e:rform this work. Secretary v;as in- structed to .,,rite l,~r. Abcrley and !:oint out the f~elings oF the Boar5 in this case. Cci_7 of letter dated 9/£9,/56 from Counsel to 3urton J. Gold- st~in, re: STHID vs. Ct¢lla Johnson, was read. Copy of letter dstcd 10 1/56 from Counsel to Engine:ers re: Anne~:;tions to ~':I[D and EX.~LUS!0NS i ,~:E~RO'.~.:, 'cas rfiad and file~. Co.f:y of letter dst, d lu/.~:/56 from .~oun~e to Ceoffrev A. Hu~he:s,~ttornev· at law, re: ~:,T]UD vs JoTnson ~,as r~-d.~ Copy of. l~:tt:r ,-~ate6~.. 1~.,,.~.~/~o .~::m ounsel to Franklin Dill, re: S,I'iUL vs. Johnsbn was read. CoDy of 1~ ttcr 'ravin Intar-~ountv Titl~ Co., dated 10/4/56 to Counsel re?ardin:: the t~ro-ration of assessments, was read. opy sf !~tter from Engineers dated 1~/~/56 t~ Counsel re: revisions to Assessm~:nt 55-1, u, as read· PETI TI0YS: The following petitions w~re ~ckn~wleU,--~ed sn~] unanimously approve d: Glen H and ~' o ~a , · ~,,rm~ ssmore For annexot~on of lots 13, ~ ' ~ijou '[:ark A~.n' 14, 1~ 16 17 ~-~r~ 1S, c, locK 2'8, C. ,..~ YcBri¢~e and Iv:rs. C. L. ?~';cBri~e: lot 19, Block 28, Bijou t:~ a .. · , for anne ?.a ti '~ r: of Jack Leue, Yacific States Land Corp·, :for annexation of lot 158, Rancho Bijou; ' :' Bi L. S. t.lobinson, for annexation of lot 169, ::ancho jou, an5 lot. 170, iancho b~jou; Petition from F. J. Sh~:'ridan, on lots ll end i2, Bloc:{ 6 was held in abeyance, in "suspense fils.". I~spector Luther Hulse brought up a condition ,her,:as he felt it would be desirable to have it mec~sssry to obtain a [.ermit any tim~ it is necessary for exc~vatin~, gradings, p~ving, ~tc., to be done in t~e vicinity of a s~wer installation or manhole, an~ theft the person post a 3100 bon~, and there be a 210.00 in- s[.cction char~-~-. Secretary was told to car:tact Counsel in regards to this. secretary wt~s ,:lso instructe6 to ~;,rite Engineers refL, srdinf: the issuance of correcte~ assessments as soon as Lossible ~s we ers anxious to start the 60-df~y grace period, and also call attention to :~:700 assessment on lots 127, 128 Bijou i~srk--- I~:acAbc~, and tl:~re should b~ some a~ition assessments in Rancho ~ijou, an~ hif. hwav frontage that v:sre n~ver included anc~ shoul~ be taken care of a.~...o: The follow'in~ claims were ack.nov, led?eU and approved for paym~:nt: I:upe~ Crowl Bijou Auto Serv. ~J&R Motor Supply T@hoc Sup~:ly Luther Hu sierra ~ac. t~ower ~:ac. Tel Christine R!oun rein Dem. ~!~' 9.75 7.99 38.95 .91 12 C. 00 173.38 42.08 £5.30 70.00 Lakssi~ e Thester Luther Hulse Coll. of Internal Dept of Employ. :yramid Construc. ?25.00 110.00 25.00 20.40 IZ .32 8411.4:2 ADJ~"T~v'm..~,,.:~;.~: There being no further business, meeting was ~c?journed ~_.~t 5:~ p.m. Ex-officio :::ecrctary 130 NNETiNG OF 7'}{Y B,"AiiL 'F !'li~{'~C'P?i~S ~-'F THE SOUTN T:\i~0N I'U~LI0 UTII~ITY DISTSIST ¢ctober 30, 1956 The. Bodrr~ of iiractors of the :Ocuth Tab;~e iubtic Utility District met in adj.t, urm;d rc[*ul~:r session ~t the hour of 4:00 O'clock t:.m., ot the 'East Frozt offic~ of the ] aka:side Theater, the r~l~:r :~etin~ ~lace of the Bo~rd on October 30, 1956. ROLL ~ A ~L ~ .: On roll call th'~.~':re were present Director~ Young Gocrin:~er, and 5erhhardt. nN?'.i~4ATION No. 1956-1: The I:resident armounced that this was the time and' flac~: set for he:.~rin~, o~ t~e ]:etit~ on and 2onsent for the Ann ex:: t ion ::~f Unincorporated T~rritory to the South Tahoe ]~ublic Ufility [istrict, Annexation 1956-1. The Secretary presente~ an Affidavit of rostinc Ordinance No. ~7, entitle~ "gn ai. dinsnce Describing Territory Pro}-ase~ to. b~ Annexed, D~ter~ ing tNat nc Tern~s ar5 Conditions arc Fec~ssary, ~n~~ Decldrin~~ IntcF. tion to ipprove such ~tiar,_~ .nnex~ ti ,-~..~ Fo. 1956-1", to.~tnsr'-~ ~ ~'~ with Foti~..~._ of mime a~n¢ rla~ca of N~arin~: :un the (!r~inancE nhich affidavit stated that s::id Ordinance an~ Notice ho5 b~.:en posted in three public ]..laces in the District. The Secretary also a similar affidavit of postinf~ of the 0r?inance and Fotice statins that the Fotice and 0r~inance had been post~.d in three public ~lsces within the territory pr~:osed to be annexe~ at least thrity days prior to the date of hearing. The Secretary also presented an Affidavit of Yublication showing' that the 0rdinanc~ and Fotice ha~ b~,en published in a ne'w~paper of r*eneral circul tion f:rinie~ one published in the C~unty, ther~ bein~ no nev,,spaper of <~eneral circulution printed and published in the District. The Affidavits of I-oaring an5 th~ Affidavit of }'ublication were orderc~ filed. The hearing w~s held and evident-' was taken. There 'being ~o one present to protest the annexation, the hearinn, was ordered closed on motion of Director Goeringev, seconded by Director ]Bernhardt, and unanimously carried. RESOLUTI~; NO. 88, A resolution and Order Aoproving Proposed Annexat~-6~N and Changing Boundaries o~--the Di§~}i~-t, Annexa- tion No. I~'1 was read. On motion .::f bireci0r Young, secon~e~ by Li.Fector Coerin~,-er and unanimously carried said Resolution was adopttd. ' :~DJO! RN}v~NT: There b~ing no further business the m~:~ting was ~journed at 4:45 p.m. Secretary November 8, 1956 The Board of Directors of the S uth Tahoe Public Utility District called the regular meeting !'o or¢cr at ~:00 p.m. at the East Front office of the Lakeside Theater, the regular n~etinF L'lace of the B$:~rd, on November 8, 1956. LOLi. Ci~hL: 0n roll call th~-re ..'.ere i res~:nt Directors Young, ~ernhardt, an~~ Oocringer; Secre~.~ry .:{~(a'a and Inspector Hu 1 se. }dILIIU'!<~3: i~iinut~s of me~tinf~[s held October llth, c:~ 0ctobcr .~."~ h~t , 1956, w~rc read an~ ~:pprova~ ,.~s read. ::'~':k:~TS: Director Young reported ths~ t the I:<~sid~nt Engineer ~d Stef~ani h~.~d ba~n approache~ ~ hila ~:orking on Ski y~un Blvd. by John Keller who told them to cease Work since they were trespassinf~ zn his ~roperty. After viewinf~ %he situation Director Youn~ told 5teffani to proceed ~;~Ithout r~gard to Keller. K~ller also spoke to i~dr. ?ernba~rdt, who explain~:~ the situation to him a little mor~ fully, a~w~ h~: seemed to be pacified allowed the work to proceed wi2hout further interruption. Director Young furthest reported that on 0ctob~r Z4th, the sherriff's office served yr. young, as s~cretary to th~ STPUD ~ith s su~mons on the c~.plaint ~f I~Ir. end ~.irs. Terhune, of Bijou, California, for trespassin~ on their i:roperty. 0n 0ctob~r 25th, ~ir. Betie, Superintendent for Yyramid Const. Company, ~,ir. Ed Steffani, i~esident Engineer, Director Youn~ an~ o. cretary !yen met anS made a list of pertinent facts in connection with this injunction, and' pointin~ out that Terhun~ gev~ v~rbal agreement to allow the sewer to ~:o across his property to b~)th Mrs. Ryen, R~r. younf~:, and ~v~n sto~ by the c~ay the ~'en worked on his property an~ direct~d them as cea'rain trees he v~ante~ ~.emova~ as part of this agreement to allow the say:er sn eesem~t, mn5 even moved lumb~r that was in the way of ~he ~quipme~t; this infor~ation and th~ su~r~ons was sent to Hugh,:s, I,[aul & Fogerty, aztornies, in l:lacervi 1~, so that they ~my ~_repar~ a reply. This wes done on advic~ from Counsel an5 co~aent of th~ Board. Ail Directors m~t with Ranger Vaughn Holfeldt durin2 the previous week an~7 th~ purpose :..f the ;~ting wes to find out thc procedure: of obtainin~ Forestry l~d from th~ Forestry servic~ for the ~utur~ enlargement of our ~isposa! sit~. i~an~r Holfel5t was ~:~ry cooperative, an~ th~ n~xt st~p is to talk 'to the engin~rs and try to determine the ['uture naomi in regards to added acreage to adequately take c.:-re of our disI:.osal silo, bearing in ~';-ind that the Board would som~ day like to be oble to ~ive se~rvice u~ to the Truckee River. C 0ld,!~NI CA TI 0NS: Letter d~ted yove. mb~z' 6, 1956, frusta Hugh,:s, b~aul ~: Fog~rty, ~ ~'hun~ w~. S~:UD, an~ re~:'uestin~ r~tainar of :?~ plus ~o.~10' ~ ~?~r_ ~'-unty Clef~ for filin?, the a}.:pear~:~nce~ of ~ef~noa.~s. o~cretary wes instructed to pay this v::ith other .~laims rec~iv~'d this month. Letter ~t~:d "ctober 17, 1956, fro~ ',.Tilke a~. Sa~-u~or, attorni~s far W. L. ![ood, re: previous letter and }:rotests, was read and ae:cretary v;as instructed to forward c:::.p} to Coun~l with r~quest theft he tend to this m~ tt~:r. Cop}~ of '[~:tter dated ?ctob~:r 18, 1956, from Brown ~ to Counsel, r~: r~visions to assessments, was read and filed. ~-~-.~ of letter dated October 18, 1956, from E ~ne~rs to counsel, with coii~a:s of letters to f~',ap~, ~d l. lcGinnis, corrected assessments, vas read and fit~d. Lett~r from Continen{al ~'~ susltv Comps; y re: McGuire a H~<-ster, ~d coml..i~tion of their contract, was read~ and zacr~tary v:cs instructed to fi [1 in necessary information L~tter ~'r~.m ~:ept of Employment re: use of our ~:~ffict so that they ma~ conduct em[::lo?~e::t service for the a~rea, was read and secr~tc~~,~ in~tru~t .~ ~ to execut~ a~re~ment~_ and to th~m. Letter from atsr Iollution Control Boar~, dated October 31, 1956, re: a~Sitionat acreaf~c for futu'~_~c expansion af dis~osai sit~, ~as read. Sacratar~~ wa~ ]nstructe:~ to write latter to t-!~a~f t?.anf(~'r, ~lative to rec~nt inq~iry by ~oar~] of Directors as to ?roc~::~Sur~ to r~btain lan~, and ~zlso inf::.rm hi?~ that v;e contem~lat, c ~ mceti, n~c' v;it!-~ the Engineers to ascertain amount of land necessary for us to a]~!:ly for ~d after stroh me~tin~, ~'c will ~a~a formal requ~rst. 3opm of l~tter dated ?:~ovemb~-:r 7, 1956, ~'ro::~ the State of 3alif., lily. of l-~i~h','.~ys, }¥~r. J. S. Trask, Disirict Engineer, r~: n~w fo~-len~ ~i~j:v~ay, ,~ritt~n t:~ our Engin~rs, and ~.or~ sp~-cifically relative ~, the raising to grade of a~proximat~ly 29 manhol{s when the new high'.-ay comets in. Director Young furth~:r rcport~'d that a~-cut a week or ten ~ays a~o he had ben a~:.proach~' 5 on this subject b~ ~'r. Ebbing~r fr~m the 1jary~ville office :of the. Div. of Hi~?~waT~s, who stat~:d chat ~hey were makins~ a preliminarT~~ surve'y prior to the start of thz actual work in the sprin~ of '57 asa he ~vised ~r. vou~:C that these mabholes w~ld h~sve to be raised 3" to !1"; ~[r. Young told him we woul8 b~ happy to cooperate if they woul¢ a?vise us in ~ou¢~h ~ime. V'oun.~ suggest~:d that they c:m~i.~¢ p~:ve over them anc~ ye could dig them up later. 'm~ ~'"'S ietition$ were receive~, ai~~ a~:proved from the following individuals: ~ ~ ~.r~~ Fra~-k ~;.. Gates, lot ~ -Bijou ~ark Addn. and Mrs. F?ank R. G~tes, lot ~(/- Block 30 .Bijou ya'rk Addn. ~]~ [jUSiU SS: ilarol(: ?fonahan talkc¢~ to Director youn[: this summer about h~:ving s~wer s~rvice to his propriety ~:xt to th~ i~laylan~] Motei, approx. 150, on Hwy 50, and now he has Dan Eevis, contractor, building ~ motel there, a~ he is most anxious to join. Director Youns~ told him v~e wool~] consi~er it nor wh~l~ we have the s~v~er contractors u~~ here. Director young thinks 4[ or 50 f~et of line v~:~u]_d a. cc omodate him, and he tol~ the contractor to sub~:it his [~l~;s and such to the District for their consi~ration. ,,rSer !,! 1 in con:,5:ction with Yroject 56-1 -'-~s ad Cha n~e ~ ~::nd s~:prov:~:d, ihw:.lving various additional sevmrs, cost of chanf~e is :~'5,,810.00. ~FIL~LE~ B~o~EoS: Re: cost ~f jsinin~ the s~er ~)istrict no~? for C. B. Bull ~ ][a~die 'Durk~le, we h~ve rcques~a~ ~.:.~nd ~:ft~:r ~uch discussion this information several tiaa'es, ~ th~ Direct~s arriva~ at an sli~roximate figur~ and Director Goeringer is to ~ntact ~r. Bull and aUvis~ him of sa~:~. C~IMS: Th~ loll'~'' f7 laims were ~res~nte? amd ~pro~d for ~a ymen ~: christine t~yan Lakesi de The star Luther Huls¢ County of E1 Dorado County i~e co ~-'~ ¢r Taho~ Supply Co. ~c. Tel ~ T~i I~.~:R ~Jotor Supply ~40.38 ~5. O0 1~0.00 (gross) ~ .80 8.49 ~8.93 3.70 J. A. salmons 155.00 Hughe s, ].!aul &: Fog~:rty P~08.00 sierra ~ac. yower 108.86 Y. yr~mi~ Construction 20000.00 There being no further business, the until th~ ne:t re::ular pre §if'Ye r:t Se crc: tory November 26, The .~:,:-:rd of Pireators of the South Tahoe rublic Utility District met in spec%al session at the reg:lar r::~tinc :l~-:ce E~st Front office of the Lakeside Theater BuildEn~, star,line, Califorr~ia, on Novsmb~tr 26, O, ~ · ' ~'~L: U .... n roll call, ..- . NOL: ,.~. ,2~ , ,r~sre .':ere :>resenl Directors 5~oung, Goeri~:sr, ~-md 3ernhardt; also present Secretary Nyan. PLT~POSE OF SN~CIAL [~TING: After being duly ~°tifisd by the Sscrst~ry twsnty-fo~ hours in advanc~ the Board mat for the ::ur[_.ose of hiring thc firm of Goldstsin, Barcsloux, and Goldstein, 625 N%rket Street, San Francisco, California, to represent them in the is:al action of ST~UD vs. Stella Van Dyke Johnson. Upon motion by Director Ooerin:er, seconded by D. ir~ctor Young, ~n~ unanimously carried, th~ above-referred-to firm w~s hired, for ~ reasonable UDon ~rther :'notion by Director Gosringer, seconded by Director YouthS, an~ unanimously carried, a warrant for ~S'.2,5Z0.00 was issue~ to be fsrwarde~ t~ them on account, and ~or ~xtensas. Also, the Board decided that Yr. Luth~tr tIulss should bo' replaced ss inspector Cor the District, and bscretsry was advised tO writs him a lettar notifying him that his services would bc os of Ney:ember 5, 1956, thc end ~f }:is ir~:.~snt ,.ayroll The Board decided to hire l:r. ~e :ilN:r to re~lac~ [.'r. llulse, with the sa~:e ~/a~c scale an~ . orkin{~: conditions. Vr. Hiller is to start sa of Dec~:'ber 6, 1956. .,~1! furtt~er business, corresLond..n~¢ an:: rec.:din:: of .~_~ut. s v. as pstponcd until the next reguh~r ::: ti~:C, :n~ this s~:¢ciai session was djourned at 3:30 p.m. ~ re~'si~ ant , , Se cry tery December il, 1956 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utili .fy District met in s~ecisl session ~:t the re~7~lar meeting place, East Frc~nt qalif~nia, on o ['fic,.e of th~ Lskesid~ Theater ?uildinu, Statstins, December 11, 1956, at 2:00 p.m. FuLL'~' CALh:' Upon roll ~11..,~ thatre ,::c~re preser:t ])irectors Ooerin~¢r. end ]"resiaent ~ernhordt. No. ~cv: director had ~:s y: t by-eh appointed ts fill the vacancy left by ~he death --~ l)irector =~ I resent was ~ecrCt~ry ~an. 134 th: lresi:en't, tv:e_ntv-fo~~~ _,~n ~.~,~ in a~vance, the fur th ~:ur~::ose ::,f 'ccettance of the c::ntraet ::ith thc ]yramid., ~onstructi:m. '".ofa}-anv, ,9~. '.~st First ,~t. , ?-:ergo, ~:eva:a. I:attcr from :.ur end:in:ers_, :ro~-n &. -~l?v:cl~ :,: ?atsd Lecembcr 7, 1956 was read. It st~t~:~ that-',.~. R. ,C. .,':bcrlev~ k~~. r:~c rlnal in- :l~ecti:~n .~f tke job ~:n~ t~,-t.~: .... he fa. un~ ~he v. ork to be satisfactorily com~let:~. ~t furtk:r stated that ~,:r. J. LaOran~e re:ali:os~ his res~lOr~sibilit~ Of rs~ sirin~ any c~La~e ~ ~a~vemsnt or settle ri:ant so' trenches aL:~ he he s pro'~ise¢~ t:a return in the si:ring Coumtv ~,oad '~o[[~nissi:::~ r. /:ts c. enclosure] v:,~s c ~'- of /Lel:t~r t: '~oun::el u.c~visin~ hiu of the final c~r:t:l~tion~ ::f this e~ntyact. Also read was coi_y of tett:r frou~ ~:r. LsGrang¢ of Pyramid gan- struction Co., to Or. :obert Lo~mer, Supt. of i{oads, E1 Dorado ~ounty, ]lacsrv~iic, statin: that this contriver was com~:lets :<nd th?l in t!-.~- s~ri~.~~ of 1957, Contractor vou].~ r(~turn and :,s hereby :-c'<::,owledgs receipt of Y~intenance Bon6 : 598886 now ~ate~ Decemt:er 11, 1956, c:t, vere~ by our cuntruct d~:te6 thc ::lst :,f ~:~ptcmbsr, 1956, b~ttv,'~en th~ South Tahoe tub!lc Utility iis[rict, an~ t he Iyran:i:~ Construction r'omt:er:y~ . . , en:~, L'ev::.<::a, as complete, ~<-:n~:n:' the return of th<:: Contractor in ti: sl.rin~ of 1957 t~: check Ui::L s<ttlem¢nt Of th: [:avsmsnt anf lay: soots. a::~ .t~ .:no~ ney: bus: :-:<:ss :,,:as --o tponsd until the next a:j'-, rne~ v 3:30 L. ecsmb~r 13, 1956 The Bocrd of Directors of the South Tahoe lublic Utility District ::::'t for ': :ir recul::r :om tin: :~: the E::st fr,:nt _ ~.-, '~ ~ Stateline, Cali for::~io, of th: :.~keside Theater Builc..::~', 2:00 ::.::., I?ccsmber 13, 1~56. j!'~:' ~ ' .... rc :':crc :.rcser:t ].?i::ecisrs hardt ~,,3, ,~ALL: 0:: r~ll call +:"~' eTM and Coerce:s:'; no new director had as yet bee:i: apt. oil:t~:d to fill the vacancy left by ihs death of Director ':. A. :dung; also present was Secret~ry Ryan. },.:ir. utes of med.'ting datec] I<ovembsr O, 1956, apprc, vsd. Due ts~ t:hs untimely dc~th~ of "'.,. A. Youn.q on 11/°6/56~ at at:proximvt~ly 7:00 p.m., Director Gosrino'~':':~. v::~ appointe5 as ~:~ctin~ Secretary until such tim~ as a n<w director is ._,>:oznt:~ ,os Cts~: and Eeo-officio Sscrsterv ! 3'5 D%Pectcr 2ernhardt reported that ha had -P(ct~ivcd !~h~ n,; cessary }tape;rs f~..m Counsel to a}.i;:oint a~ ne.:,, Director in th~' Fh~ce of Director Ysur~r", but that the: Dir~:ctor's fsel that of time an? ca>nsid~ration sh;uld ~-'~ ?i,:en. t;) the- r:;an ~a~,Nointed ~or tk, is job. Direct{)r Goerinser rep~)rte{? that our ~ttorney, Nr. Goldstein, had ~u~ested ,,~: obtain several local realtors to evaluate thc land in qu¢~:tion in connection with --ur suit :~gainst ~rs. St~lla Van Dyke Johnson, an~ :t.n i~/i1/56, r)irecto:y Go,ringer r%.orteF that ?. R. }~.{artin and Larry Hail, t~.,.o local realtors w;~:::rt taka~: to thc site. fir. Tom Armstron~ was familiar e~:ough with t~e l:rop~:rty since he has several s~fodivisi~ns n~ar it to be ~bl<: to evaluate it wi ti~out seeing it again. 0n 12~12/56 Director God, ringer report~.d that approximately ~4' of S" ~-~ev:er line~ an~ approxima~t~ly 12' of ~" s~war lin~: v,,~':"e torn up by th~ County Road Department, while remov~,g tr,:es, 3n L~ur~l Street, n~ar Aspen, .'~n th~ n.w. side: of the '~igh~~ v:ere the line anFles off to th~ Nevada ~ide. secr~ta~, N)~n is to ;;'rite to ?~r. Downer, Supt of Roads, E1 Dorado Coun~ to ask hi~r~ if he .ants to tsk~ care of it by payina' us, or for th~: '~cF~irs ~irect. Director Goeringer also reported that l,[r. VTitson, our Counsel, and ~/r. Ooldstein, had come up thc latter part of ~ove~r to look at the dis?osal, sitc in connection with the case of the S~UD vs. St~_!la ~:~an Dyke Johns~m. C 0t~.RESFONDEbE E: Letter '~at%'d 'il/30/56 from our Engineers Prown ~ Cald~:;¢ll, in ~ns,/,~r to our inuiry as to hm~ much ~d~iti~mal ~ould require for cN-~ansion of o~ ~isposalsile, Pr. Cold- well recommen~c~ a purch~se of 100 acres additional to our present site, if a red,sortable p~c~ can be pr.:~:sent ar~a, or [ossibly the acquisition of at ~--crcs of Fcr~stry Se. rvice: land. Secretary Ny~n w~s instr~mtad ts v~ritc frontier Holfel~t, of the U. S. Forestry Service, with c3}~y to Y.r. Leg~ett of th~ Uat~r ~ollution ~., and ~{r. F. ¥orley, r:ublic Health officer, stating our Engineers estimst~ 300 acr~s of Forest s~rvice land ws. uld ~,~ recruited. ~o_,.5 of letter date6 11/9,,"56 fro~;'; };~r J. T. Leggett, z,f the Water Yotiution 'i:~osrd, to. Dr. A. A. ~(cKinnon, Health Officer was r~a5 an~ filed. Co~y of l~tter (]ated 11/'~:,/55 fro~ c. ur Engineers to Fairbanks- kfors~ & Co. r~': trash pumps at pump station, and r~ruesting' ~ service m~ com~ and check th~m, v;as read, and Director goerin~er reported that to data th~ man hsd not come. L~t't~r dated D~c~mber 7, 1956, from c~ur E~:incers r~: file cabinet so ~i~t v;e might set u~ an individual card file on each ass~ss~mnt, was read, and Secret~ry Ryan was instructed to go to iienn t~ purchas~ ~me of these file csbine:ts, so th{rt we may h.~}ve ~. mor~. efficient vmy of hal:riling th~se ass~ssmenis. Cop. y of letter dated November 16, 1956, fro~r, our .~ust~::¢nt of the to th~ Fo~boro Cdmpany. . , re: ~¢pairs ~,n~ ,.'~d~ flow-meter installation at th~ [~ump slat;!on, was read. Letter dated ?.ovember 16, 1956,' from the -(in~-T(night Co., re: d~ff~culties v:ith t!~e sta:~db.v engin~ unit at he i~um~, station :as r~ad, and Director Goerinf~r reported theft :~ m~ had b~er out t:) fix it. 1'36 l~:tter t~ F::xboro ,~o., ~tt~t~ Div. of ~ighv,'~s, ~ng-~ni~t letter an~ i~r. Cal~well's r~c~:'~menda~[on :~n the f~orestrv w.~:~ r~~ ~,. anf filed. Bit? dated i;ove.?:b~r 14, fr::m [-iuy~rt Cz'owl, on h~atin~ s~stem for tkq Pumt. station v:~it~n~ for anoth~r bid from ~ldin~ before; m~king ~ dccisisn. '~ ~ :~:~ghways from our Engineers .~opv of letter t'~ t~e Div. of ~' ~ated L:ov. 16, 1950, re: fin~ncisl rcsponsibilit~ for raising '~ ' , ~;~o, WC~S rca~. ~; manh:~l~:~, mention~:~ in letter of l'ovemb~r 7, 1 Letter d,~:ted ~}ovcmb~r 19, 1~'' fr . Soo, u~:': Div of }:[igh',~a}?s, ~rr. J. '-."rask, District Engineer, re: proi~osed highwa? improvement ~nd thc reFlacinr: ,z~f~9 manholsscoverc~ to ~=?ade ':.ms read. Letter from Hu(~hes, M~ul & 'Fog~rty, ~atc-d 11/16/56, re: Terhune vs. ST~UD, snc~ recucsti~g ~ll y~pcrs [_crtai~:in~x to the ccse be sen1 to their o?fic~, but Directors : ~vis~~ $ccret:~r? to ~'ritc Courssl sk¢ v~'ould forwar~ th~m when ~ claim h~,~ ~:~en ~l~d v;ith the Listrict ~n~~ t?ct vo ~at~ we h~:.d h~ar~ nothing furtha:c ~rom c ith~r Tarhune or his ct~orney. Invoice from H~rry F. Raymus Ins. Agency w s to be z'etur~:ad since it covered bond For :',. A. ¥ouh&_, who wes kitl,c~ il/26/,'56. ~]ec. ~"~r ~-as instruct,ad to :,;rite i:iaymus to this ~ffect Form from thc State of Cs!ifor:~ia, ~-ranc!~ise Ts× '~o~-'r~, wu, s read .:'.n~ ~jecr~t.~ry ~yan .,~os instructe~ to forward this to Accountant for hi~ attention, ~ ..~lso request he ~:/vis~~ us when he e:~t~ccts to be ~t the ]~akc u~'ain. Lett~r from United Air Lincg~, dated 11/'12/'56; re: Air q~ravel ]lan crcc~it s,,o1~m w~s read and Sec'~t~:r,/ :-van instructed to ~1~ s~rvic~ at this time. Let;ret From Hu(Th s, M~ul & Focerty, d~tcd 11/1,5/56, re: Terhune vs. UTTUD, ,un~ statin;' thst the con:71sin had 'e:en ~ismiss~:~ because '!'erhunc,s attorney ha~ not fila~ a claim :,i th thc ~.$oard .~ ~;z~ ~,~to~:'~; ':~£ the :istrict fir~:t Div. of ~Ti~hv,'~ys z~: financial r~s?::nsib!lity for ~aisi;:? ~q'9 manholes in ca::nnection witL pro~.ose~, im~:r~ve:::c'nt ,,~-f i[wv~ _~,..~n:.~,~:. ED_ll_~4, fro?; [,ays Junc- tion to t.~cv. ~'~a .~tst~: lin, in v:~:ic~. it v:as ?zint~:d :~ut that l,etter from Engineers dated ltec ~, 1956, forw@rdin~r Chancre Or,er..~'/ Z, monthly estimate for pavmcnt~ ~or Yyramid Construction C:o., other-rating7 irocedur~s for ~istr'~ 1,_,t maintenance man, and as- built drawings for sewerage system extensions, wes read. Assignm-cnt of ;..Zoni,~s form from tyramid Construction Co., to the First I<ational Ba.,~ of ~evads v;:us reed, sn~ t:resi~ent ::::ernhar~t, :..c~-~...,lcd~:d re;ceipt of same ,ss indicate5 YETI TI '~.~S: ~--f~,~'ing Lctitions were read and .sccepted: i,,?r. Chester S. Gianelli an? Jerry Fr~.:shour Lakeside Lod~'e Sub. n.c. T:or. lot 74 Elin I~oitz r,'~' ~,,c Charles S. Olson pot SE 1;/4 z,f Sec ~3 tv.u: 1Z no., i:sng~ 18 l!. ~. Iia:rlow, S r. 27:04-8 con t'd ) 27:35-6 Josc'ph 6 Lyman ~r and L'rs. Frank ~. Gates still had not cont~cte~ thc District uith the:ir i. ro[~c'~tv dc~cription ss acrct~rv Nyan vms instructed t , a f~ ~ i n. to '.':rite Lem Secretary Ryan was instructed to ',:,;rite the County Auditor to transfer funds in th~ amount of ~4,000.$0 ~ra~;~: our General Account to sur ~o struction Account so th?t we could pay ~'cGuir~ and Hr star their fib:al check. UNFIiflS iP]D Bi}SiN NSS: S{~cr~tary w?s instructed to v;rit~ ~e'tter to Counsel p~inting out that to date vm hav,~' not he~rd anv r'.tor¢, in cc,nnection wi~ thc protest of ';. L. llood, re: project Secretary w~s instructe~d to write to Counsel r~: the James Patroiis linc, an~ get his o~_inion a:s to whether or not this autbmatically becom~cs the: District's pr$.pcrty sinc~ it is on County St., ~?.d v:c would like further information in this r~gar~ so we may d:isc:~r~ i~ fr.~m ~_;ur "suspense" file. CLII h(S: It w::s unan i :: .m sly decided ta issue a check in thc amount ~f ,'3,8S7.30 to FcGuir~ & Heater ,~s final t:o?cnt; tkis figure was :~rriv.:d ,;,t From their billinf~ of :~6,000 ].e_ss the Ed Shinn invaic~ and the inv ice frm Noyes &-. Arthur. This check was s~nt to ~./r. ~.b~rley ,~ith an e;xt_lanation as to how this fim~e was arrived at. Latter from Chas O. K~ehncr, Treas. of the Tahoe '~eadows Assn. billin:' the I.~istrict fz'~ '16.44 for 're ~irs ts, the. ir fenc~~ w~s rcsfl ~nd ~pprov~ d {'or ~ayt;ent. L~tter from Hughes, }~laul & Fo?erty, dated 11/16/56, billing the District for 2~6.50 for ion6~ distance tel~}~hone calls in c.snn~ction with the S~UD vs. Jol~nsc. n c~se, w~:s read an,-~ approw~d for !~ayment. ~Towevcr,~. l~tter dat:~ d 1i/27/'56, fro;'.,~. ~[u~h~'s.. =: ... ~'aul ~: Fo~ertv ,_. . re: STIIJD vs. Jt:~hnszr,, a:n:~ reuucstinf~ a warrant in ~he amount of ~$ZSo0 similar to the one issued to Goldstein, B~rcelou}: and Goldst~in, ~,.a~s read aP.d the Directo~Ts d~cided to write lo Nughes, !~aul &. F~g~rty, ~;nd ask them to send ~n itemized state- ment for their consideration at the ne~t re~uler n~cvting. Other claims sfz?rove:d for ~tay;.ent were: W. A. Young Lut her Huls~ P~c. ~'el & Tel. Christie Ny~n Lakesi de Theater Kin~?]fni~:~h t Co. F. L. Goer~r t;. N. ~en;hgrdt :5136.22 164.28 146.00 (net) 34.3 8 41.63 25. O0 15 ? .56 351 .£8 164.25 ;,DJ OURN }'El T: There beinc no further busin~ass mectin? was adjourr:~:d until the