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January 13, 1955
The meeting ~,,as c~ll~d to order at 2:25 P.M.
ROLL C~^LL: On roll call there were present Directors Johnston, Young
and Goerin~er. Also present was Mr. Sven Pederson of the Johns-Manville Co.
MINUTES: The minutes of the regular meeting of Dec. 10th were read and
a~or~r 0 ved.
RE~0RTS: Director Young reoorted regarding Chapter 47 money that two
other ~istricts are now interested in this money, theE1 Dorado County
Irrigation District and the Georgetown Water District. The Board of
Supervisors is writing to ask Jif other counties have a surplus available
to be transferred to this county.
At this point Director Johnston was called away from the meeting, and on
motion by Director Young, seconded by Director"Goeringer, it was unani-
mously passed that Director Goeringer act as Fresident Pro Tern for the
balance of the meeting.
COMMUNIC^TIONS: ~ letter from Hughes snd Maul to Director Young dated
Dec. 15th was read, in ~hich was enclosed an affidavit in support of a
motion to dissolw~ the temporary, restraining order in the action brought
be Lioman et ~l; Director Youn~ asvised thst this was sign~d, notarized
and ~et~rned immediately upon receipt.
A co~.v of a letter from Brown and Caldwell to counsel dated Dec. 15th
wa~ read, re~arding their dissatisfaction with the continued delays and
their inability to receive payments on their work while these delays continue
A letter of Dec. ~Tth from counsel tm Director Young was ready regarding the
motion for dissolution of fi~_e injunction, advising that the hearing is set
for Jan. 14th.
A letter of Dec. 28th was read from counsel in which the new arrangement
for handling the m'nutes was ~Oproved by counsel, and Director Johnston's
bond and rider ~ere returned, and advising that there is no need for
filing the official bond, A nco the filing of the rider includes the
bond bw bond number reference.
A cooy of a letter of D~:c. 29th was read from counsel to Mr. Rodney
Robertson, reprimanding him for communication directly with people on
the other side of ~he case, rather than through their counsel.
A coo.w of counsel's reply to Brown and Caldwell, to their letter of the
15th ~,a~ read, advising present status on the injunction.
~ coo~ of ~ letter of D~c. 7th from counsel to Mr. Geoffrey Hughes was
read, discussing oossible courses of action on the injunction.
A tax aoportionment statement of Jan. lOth was read, ~dvis~g secured
aoDertiQnm_ents have been m~de to our account in amount of $4,06V.37,
an8 the bslance as of Jan. 1st, 19.55 was $15, 397.80 .
A note from K. w. Brown of Brown and Caldwell to DirL~ctor Young was read,
with fu~ thor regard to their distress over the continuing delays, and th~
secretary was directe~ to write a reply to Nr. Brown, advising that the
District is extremely sorry also about the .nresent situation and is anxious
to reimburse them ~s soon as it is oossible to do so.
' N,~'
Pk-TIPIO . . None
SUSPENSE: The letter of Dec. Vth from counsel to Geoffrey Hughes re-
forte2 to sus~en~e at the last meeting was again brought up and it was
the unanimous ~ecision of t?e Directors that it was now taken care cf
and the letter was referred to file.
The letter of Nov. 16th from R. H. Robertaon tothe District was again
referred to suspense for furt?,er discussion when Director Johnston can
be pre sent.
Director Young suggested that a list be sent to the engineers and to
counsel for their files, giving the present Board of Directors for the
District, to,ether with their current addresses. The secretary was
directed to prepare such a list ac~ rdinSy.
Dir~ctor Young suggested that a letter be sent to Ho~. Senator Swift
Berry, ll5 Canal St., Wl~cerville, expres.4 ng the feeling of the Board
wit~ reference to the desirability and need of the completion of the
Emerald B~.v Bri.d~e before 1960 in the event the 1960 Winter Olympics
and held at Squaw V~lley. The Board was unanimous in their approval of
the suggestion, ~nd the secretary was directed to prepare such a letter.
The ~ollowing claims were presented:
Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
Rent-Lakeside theater
Broaden mad C~ldwell
Brown and Caldwell
Jean Rivers
All of the claims w Lth the exception of the Brown ~nd Caldwell bills
were unanimously approved and ordered paid; the Brown and Caldwell bills
were ordered held in ~beyance as the present restraining order prevents
their payment at this time.
at 3:30 P.~
February 10, 1955
'~eetin? was called to order at 2:20 P.~.
There being no further business, the meeting was adJourne~
Cier~ & ~-O~cio Secr~a~
ROLL CALL: On roll call there was present Director Young.
Directors Johnston and Goeringer.
Ab sen t:
Director Young acted as President Pro-tern; however, no official business
could be transacted due to the fact that a quorum was not present.
COM~'~NIC~Tt0NS: A letter of February 2nd from Kirkbride, Wils n, Harzfel~
and wallace, to,et?er with a copy of their letter of the 2nd to Geoffrey
~ Hu~es, and a letter to the district of Feb. 4 from Geoffrey Hughes,
were read, regarding the Notice of Motion for Trial Based on Reporter's
Transcript snd Evidence previously submitted, and a copy of ~illiam A.
Youn~'s Affidavit in supoort of this motion was enclosed foF the District's
files. Dir~-ctor Young reported the original ~ffadavit was signed ~nd
notarized and returned to Mr. Hughes on Feb. 9th. Director Young sug-
~e,~t~ t~e ore~ar~tion of ~n article for the newspaper informing the
public of this latest ~tt~npt of the District to resolve the current
liti~at ion.
A letter of Jan. 26th was read from counsel requesting information as to
~,hether the Board of Supervisors of E1 Dorado County were successful in
their attemot to have available Chapter 47 surpluses transferred to this
county. Director Young prepared a letter to the Board of Supervisors
requestin~ further information on t~his subject.
CLAIMS: The following claims were presented, and Referred until a quorum
could be ore sent to approve them:
~n. ~. Youn~ $85.78
Pacific Telephone 19.64
L~kesideTheater 2~ .00
Jean Rivers 23.98
Director Youn~ declared the ~bove matters tabled and the meeting con-
tinued until ~turday, Feb. l~th, when Diroctor Johnston can also be
Dre~ent, and the above matters can be acted upon.
The meetin~ ,~as adjourned at 3:15 P.M.
· - ]Pre sident ~d-tem ~ /
Feb~ary 12, 1955
The meeting wa~ called to order at 3:00 P.M.
ROLL CALL: On roll call t~ere were present Directors Johnston and
Young. ~bsent: Director Goeringer.
I t ~as unanim~usly decided by the Directors that this meeting was to
be considered a continuation of the meeti~ng of Feb. 10th, and as the
first order of business the matters considered at that meeting, and
tabled until a quorum could be present, were again gone over and
unanimousl.v a~proved in total.
SUSPENSE: The letter of Nov. 16th from H. H. Rcb ertson to the District,
referred to sz~soense a~: the meeting cf Jan. 13th, was again brought up,
~nd the 'Directors informally discussed the values that might accrue
from a meetin~ between just one of the Directors and Rodney Robertsom,
~,herein som~ compromise might be reached. The feeling of the Directors
was that the exoense of ~uch a trip was probably warranted.
NE~~ BUSINESS: The Dir~ctors disc~ssed the attitude they intend to take
as a Board from here on out, i.e., that the Board in the past has been
allowing things to rock along and they do not feel they have given
sufficient information tothe public with respect to the curremt liti-
gation and to the nature of the obstacles that face us, and in the future,
they are determined to be extremely aggressive, and Counsel advises this
is quite appropriate.
In line with this decision, the secretary was instructed to. compile a
mailing list from ,~hich information can be mailed to the taxpa[ers of
the District. The secretary was directed to write a letter to the county
assessor, Mr. Sigwart, a~ ing if he c~n fhrnish the names and addresses
of the tax~ayer~ preseutly within t~e District.
The ~ecretarv was also directed to make up a file on press releases, and
and the Dir~ctor~ unanimously agreed upon periodical releases to the
local ~a~er~, the first of which was ~pproved regarding the Notice of
Motion for T~ial Ba~ed on Re~ort~r's Transcript and Evidenco Previously
Subm tted and the secret~ry ~as directed to s~bmit th. is release to each
of t~.e local oaoer~, together ~ith a covering letter advising the Editors
of the B-~ard's plan? for keeping the public better informed, and advising
them this is the first of a ~eries of such releases.
CLaimS: In addition to the claims brought up at tY~e meeting of the 10th
~hich ~,~ere a~roved, the £ollowin? claim was also approved for payment:
Chas G. Johnston
~:10 P.M.
There being no fu~,ther business, the meeting was adjourne~ at
' GIerk an~ E~-'Oi'l'iclo $~etary
March ll, 1955
The meetin~ ~,as called to order at 2:25 P.M.
Go cringer.
On roll call there were present Directors Johnston, Young ~nd
~b~ent: None.
MINUTES: Minutes of the s?ecial meeting of Feb. 12th read and approved.
REPORT~: No~e.
C0~.MUNICATIONS: A letter from V. H. Benson, E1 Dorado County Clerk, date4
M~r. l~t, was read, ~.dvising that the Board of Supervisors has inquired
of every. County which they were informed might have available some Chap- :~
ter 47 funds, and the unanimous response was that if there were any balances
remaining, they would make use of such funds themselves. The secretary ·,
was directed to forward a copy of this letter to c~ unsel~
A letter of Feb. 25 from counsel was read, ~dvising the motion to try the
case on the transcript would be heard om ~ar. 5rd, and requesting that
the District secure another letter from the County Auditor showing t~e
assessed valuation in the District of real and personal property en the
secured and unsecured roll, and on the public utility r~ll, beth as of the
first Monday of March, 1954, and the first ~ond~y of ~arch, 1955. Director
John~n reported that a letter to the County Auditor went out requesting
this information on ~mr. 5th, but to date no reply has bee~ received. This
letter was referred to suspense pending reply.
The list of names and addresses of the taxpayers presently within the
District was received from Mr. Si~wart, as requested in our letter of
Feb. l~th. I, ~?as noted that this list i~ only ef the taxpayers within
the district, ~nd Director Young advised he will t~ke care of obtaining
~ ~u~olement~.l list of those within the boundaries of the district,
but not m o~rt of the district itself.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Director Johnston reported that counsel advises
the motion to hold the case on the transcript was heard, and the judge
has taken it under advisement.
The Directors informally discussed the position of the District relative
to the contract with ~cGuire and Hester whenever the injunction is
lifted and work can be re, med.
With further reference to tre letter of Nov. 16th from ~. H. Robertson,
Director Johnston reported a letter in reply had ~een written ~ar. Sth
requestin~ that Mr. R~ ertson set out in detail the current position
taken with respect to possible grounds for compromise between his clients
and the District. No reply having been received te date, the letter was
referred to suspense.
CLAIMS: Claims from Raymus Insurance Agency in ~mount of $353.60 Were
~resented but were referred to s~s~ense as our rebate has not ~et come
through. The following claims were presented and unanimously pa~sed
for payme~ t:
Lake side Theater $25.00
Pac. Tel. and Tel. 41.64
Jean Rivers 26.24
There being,no~urther business, the meeting, was adjourned at 3:00 P.M.
Pre §idemt (
~'q~l~¥k~ a~ Ex-O,f~f~f~"ibn Sec, yetary
April 14, 1955
The regular meeting of the Boara was called to order by President Johnston
at 2:45 P.d. at the regular meeting place, East Front Office, Lakeside
Theater, Stateline, Calif., April i4th, 1955.
ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Johnston, Young and
Goeri~%er, Absent: NONE. Also present was Secretary Riverm.
Minutes of the regular meeting of Mar 11 were read and approved.
COi~'~UNICATIONS: Two letters from the Dept of ~nployment were read, from
the Sacramento and Placerviile offices, expressing thanks to the District
for the use of their office during the past winter.
A letter of ~ar. ii from Raymus Insurance Agency was read, asking that the
district aavise where the audit is to be ma~e. Director Young reported
he had replied to the ltter, advising the audit was to be made at the
attorneys office.
~o t-~x apportionment notices from E1 Dorado Comnty were read, secured
$A49.54 and tax redemptions $6~.18. Fund balance Mar. l, 1955 was $19,538. al.
A copy of a letter of April 13 from co~nsel to ~r. Robertson was read re-
Earding an m~endment to the stipulation and corrected judgment~ since it
was noted lot 50 was erroniously excluded, since it belongs to Ar~;~strong,
and should remain in the District.
A letter copy of April 13th from counsel to ~r. Hughes was read, advising
i~r. H~hes of the correction on lot 50, and requesting that ~r. Hu~hes
draw up the corrected papers.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Director Young reported Mr. Sigwart will make up the
list of additional taxpayers within the district, but not part of it.
Director Johnston reported the infonnation requested in our letter of ~ar.
5th to Mr. Robertson had been received and the letter was therefore sent
to file.
The Directors met with Dave Caldwell and Mr. Harzfeld, representative of the
engineers and attorneys for the District, and the representatives of the
plaintiff on Monday, April llth, at w~ch time the litigation was con-
cluded by compromise and the arrang~nents commenced to lift the restraining
order so work of t~e District could proceed. However, the Board, as of
this meeting~ does not have the official confirmation based on the com-
promise and the unofficial conclusion of the litigation. The engineers
are bringing their work up to date so t~at ~e Board may ask for new bids,
which was the reco~nendation of ~r. Caldwell, and the attorneys are pre-
paring such papers as are necessa~ to put the Dist~ct in a position
to let the bids, sell the bon~s, and proceed with the sanitation system.
A general discussion was held regarding the sale of bonds which stand at
$265,000 maximmn and the conclusion that appears is that the direct
a~sessment and the Nevada contribution will necessitate the sale of only
approximately $210,000 in bonds.
The letter of Mar. 5th to the County Auditor was pulled from suspense and
sent to file as it was the unanimous decision of the Directors that the
information requested was no longer necessary.
CLaimS: The following claims were presented and unanimously passed for
Raymus Insnrance $15.00
N. L. Goering~er 50.00
Wm. A. Young 53.50
Lakeside Theater 25.00
no further business~ the meeting, was adjo~rned
/ -~ ~) .... ~ Clerk &
President ~ / / / / ~ '~ "
~ ,~¥., ~:./.~ / :- ~ ~ ~-Ofiicio Sec.
May 12, 1955
The regular ~eting of the Board was called to order by President Johnston
at 2:35 P.M. at the regular meeting place, East Front Office, Lakeside
Theater, Stateline, Ca=if., May 12, 1955.
ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Johnston, Young and
Goerin~er. Absent: None. Also present was Secretary Rivers.
MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of April lath were read and
CO[v~UNCATIONS: A letter of April 22nd from Sherrod Davis was read re-
garding corrections to the minutes of April lath, with recommendations
for changes in future minutes. The secretary was directed to prepare
the minutes for this meeting in accordance with this letter, and in
the future to follow these recommendations. The secretary was further
directed to correct the minutes of April lath to comply with these
directives and to accept the suggestion of ~r. Davis and communicate
our desire to have a sample copy of each of the types of meetings for
the secretary's guidance.
~ttention was called to the article in the April 21st edition of the
Mountain Democrat wherein John Keller states in part "promised opposition
to any plan of the STPUD to obtain extraterritorial assessment privileges
against property excluded irom the District".
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: It was the unanimous decision of the Directors to
go on record in writing to Brown and Caldwell aut~orizing them to pro-
ceed with their work, and that a copy be sent to counsel.
Director Johnston called counsel to question progress of the District
and was advised that Mr. Wilson will be here on Friday, ~ay 13th.
~r. Wilson reported that delay to date has been due to not placing the
Nevada Bonds. He further reported that ~r. Caldwell was going ahead as
rapidly a~ possible wi~ plans and that McGuire and Hester will stand
aside for new bid if we would reimburs~ them for their losses, but if
the engineer and attorney could work them in, there would ~e no com-
pensation for their stand-by period.
Director Young reported Mr. Caldwell will be here Sunday or Monaay,
~ay 15th or 16th, to go over possible changes, etc. Mr. Caldwell
reported he had gone over tlm legality of the McGuire and Hester con-
tract with counsel, and that if the contract was cancelled, the District
would be subject to dmnages of 10%, or about $33,000, so he must de-
termine if the District could save that much by new bids; if not,
it would 'be b~tter to negotiate with ~cGuire and Hester.
CLAIMS: The following claims were presented and unanimously passed for
Lakeside Theater
PacLfic Tel. & Tel.
Jean Rivers
There being no fur~ner business, the meeting was aajourned
Clerk an~ Ex-Offzc~Secreta~y
June ~th, 1955
The Secretary being present for the regular meeting of the
Board at 2:00 P.M. AT the regular meeting place,
East Front Office, Lakeside Theater, Stateline, California,
June 9th, 1955, and none of the Directors being present,
the meeting was adjourned until the following day, June
10th, same time and place.
___ /s/ Jean Rivers
June 10, 1955
The adjourned regular meeting of the Baard was called to order by President
Johnston at 2:35 P.M. (Caliibrnia Daylight Saving Time)at the Regular
meeting place, East Front Office, Lakeside Theater, Stateline, Ca_fir.,
June loth, 1955.
ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Johnston, Young and
Goeringer. Absent: None.
MINUTES: ~inutes of the previous meeting were dispensed with until a
later meeting.
REPORTS: Directors Young and Goerinjer reported that they had met with ~rs.
Johnson for the purpose of discussing the need of acquiring property for the
disposal site and right of way into same and they had presented her with
an offer of $35,000 for 35 acres and would build her a road into the dis-
posal area for our mutual use in exchange for a right of way. She refused
this offer but advises she will submit her proposal this Saturday.
COmmUNICATIONS: A letter was read from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
to the effect that $2,500 is possibly available in Chapter A7 money. It was
unanimously decided that inasmuch as the Directors are to meet with counsel
the first of next week, they would hold this for discussion at that meeting.
NEW BUSINESS: Resolution No. A4 callin~ for bids on bonds, was read. On
motion of Director Goeringer, seconded by ~irector Young, the resolution
was unanimously adopted.
CLAIMS : The following claims were presented and unanim~usly passed for
Lakeside Theater
Pac. Tel and Tel.
Wm. A. Young
Ct~s. Johnston
Norman Goering er
Jean Rivers
An additional claim of May 28 from C. Bernard White for appraisal services
in ~953 in amount of $1027.25 was presented, with a notation from Mr. ~tite
that a discount of 10% woud.d be allowed if paid by the 15th. This claim
was also held in abeyance pending disuussion with counsel.
ADJOUR~Ii~iENT: On aotAon duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was
adjourned to Thursday, June 30, 1955, at 2:00 P..~. (Ca.~ifornia Daylight
Sa.ving Time) at ~ reg~zlar meeting place of~ said Board.
Jzme 16, 1955
The special meetir~ of the Board was called to order by President Jo!mston
at 3:00 P.~'I. at the regular meeti~ place, East Front Oil ice, Lakeside
Theater, Stateiine, Calif., June 16th, 1955.
ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Johnston, Young and
Goeri~g er; ABSENT: None.
PCRPO~;E: The purpose of the meetirg was to pa~s .a resolution requesting
the county of E1 Dorado assign Chapter 47 money to the District.
After being duly notified by the secretary on June 15th, 2~ hou~'s in advance
of the meetly, the Directors met to discuss the resolution, with the
followir~ results:
Resolution ~!45 was read, and on ~r, otion by Director Young, seconded by Director
Goeri~ier, was unanimously ado]/ted; said resolution reads as follows:
~%SOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe P~olic Utility,~ District,
E1 Dorado County, California, that
WI~iq!_;AS, the State of Gaiifor~[a, under Chapte~ 47, Statutes of 19~/+, (4~th
extra, session) b~s appropriated funds for allotment to local agencies,
defined therein as cities, counties or cities and counties for the purpose
of defraying not to exceed one-half of the cost of prepari~ engineering
field surveys, engineeri~ or architectura~ designs and wor~ng and Jetailed
drawings and specifications, for postwar public works projects in whic[:~ there
is a Staie interest (as qualified by the .Act) all as set forti~ in said Act;
WHEiUIS, the Co'anty of El, Dorado has baa allocated to it by said Act an
ii ,£ r ,'-- ?
a&location for PLAN PR~:PAPd:~I±ON whi&h con.ins a s~ffficient balance to permit
the assig~ent therefrom of ~O0 to the South Tahoe ~blic Utility District;
W~...EAS, in order to collect sewage from the area witkin the South Tahoe
Public Utility District and provide a treatment plant therefor adequate to meet
the requirements of the State Board of Health and the Regio~ml Pollution
Control Board, it is necessary for the South Tahoe Public Utility District
to finance and construct a sanita~%' sewer collection, treatment, and disposaI
system at an estimated cost of SgOO,OOO; and
'~}~t(i~S, the fir~ncing of such systen will create a heavy btu~en on the in-
habitants of said South Tahoe Public Utility District maless financial
assistance is obtained from other sources;
NOW, THEREFORE, the CoUnty of E1 Dorado is respectfully requested to assign
to the South Tahoe Public Utility District for the uses and purposes above
mentioned, ~2,500 Plan Preparation money, under Chapted g7~ Statutes of 19Z4.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed by the Board of
Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a meeting thereof
held on the 16th day of Jm~e, 1955, by the follgwing vote:
AYES, and in favor thereof, Director~r~ston,/Yo' ung, Goeringer
NOES, Directors: None
ABSENT, Directors: None
~ South ~hoe Public Utility District
Clerk and .Ex-Officio Secretary
tkm Board of Directors
5:15 P.i~.
There bei~ no further business, the meetin~ was adjourned at
.. / ,: '~,,.- ' . ..... .'. ~.~
/ : Glerk & Ex-Offici~Se~'~etary
June 28, 1955
The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the SouthTahoe
Public Utility District was called to order by President Chas.
Johnston on June 28th, 1955, at 3:00 P.M. at the Young's Bijou
Office, Bijou, California.
'ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Johnston,
Young and Goeri~ger. Absent: None.
PURPOSE:. The special m:.eti~g was for the purpose of passing
a resolution authorizing filimg plans application under Chapter
~7, Stat. 19Z.~ (4 E.S.).
RESULT: On motion by Director Goeringer, seconded by Director
Young, Resolution 46 Authorizing Filing Plans Application Under
Chapter g7, Stat. 19~ (~ E.S.), was unanimously passed.
ADJOUREi~E~T: There being no further business, the meeting Was
adjourned at 3:30 P.:~.
~' ~61er~ & ~-O~l~c~-~cretary
June 30, 1955
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility
District duly met in adjourned regular session on June 30, 1955
at the hour of two o~clock P.~. in the regular meeting place of
said Board.
On roll call there were present Directors Johnston, Young and
Goeringer. Also present were Secretary Rivers and Attorney Ernest
A. Wilson.
Attorney Wilson reported to the Board t~t he had had extensive con-
ferences with repre~entatives of the engineering office of Brown and
Caldwell, and had agreed upon a sufl~icient description of the work and
of the proposed assessment district that the prelimina~7 steps in the
assessment proceedings couim be undertaken. He pointed out t[mt since it was
proposed to levy assessments outside the bounmaries of the District, it was
necessary to obtain the consent of the Board of Supervisors before adopting
the Resolution of Intention. It was therefore essential that this step
be underts~en.
Mr. Wilson also stated that he did not consider that a letter from the
County Health Officer was reqtuired. However, since some benefit would
arise from obtaining a new letter he reco~nended that it be applied
Attorney Wilson presented a document entitled Resolution No. 4~
A Supplemental Resolutio~ of Intention to Acquire and ConstrUct a
Sanitary Sewerage Project, which was read and considered by the
Board. On motion by Director Goeringer, seconded by Director Young,
and unanimously' carried, the proposed resolution was adopted as
the S-~pplemental Resolution of Intention to be used in said project.
Resolution No. _~_~_ A Supplemental Resolution Requesting Consent
of the Board of Supervisors of E1 Dorado County td Undertake Appro-
priate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Proceedings to Acquire and
Construct a Sanitary Sewerage System and to the Exercise of Extra
Territorial Jurisdiction Therein, was read. On motion by Director
Goeringer, seconded by Director Young and unanimously carried, said
resolution was adopted.
Resolution No._ 49_~A Supplemental Resolution Requesting ttmt
County Health Officer Recommend Proceedings Under Appropriate
Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts for the Acquisition
and Construction of a Sanitary Sewerage Project as Necessary as a
Health Measure Under Section 2808 of the Streets and Highways Code, was read.
On motion by Director Goeringer, seconded by Director Young, and
unanimously carried, said resolution was adopted.
There being no furt[~r business the meeting was adjourned.
. _/~. ~.~ ~: / ~.~.~,.
June 30, 1955
The Bo~rd of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Duly
met in_special session on June 30, 1955, at the hotu- of 2:00 P.M. O'clock
in the regular meeting place of said Board.
0~ ~o~ call there were present Directors Johnston, Yo~mg and Goeringer.
Also present were Secretary Rivers and. Attorney Ernest A. Wilson.
The President announced that this was the time ~d place set for publicly
opening, exami~ing and deciari~ sealed proposals for the sale of ~62,000
General Obligation Bonds designated South Tahoe Public Utility District
Sewer Bonds of 1951.
The S~:~cretary announced that there was on file an ftffidavit as to the
maili~ of notices inviting sealed proposals.
The following sealed proposals were publicly opened, ex.°znined and
de ctared:
1. HANNAFORD.& TAL.Bp~T~_J._UY~IN,.. Aj~PP_D.?. _INC__~-.%-A-YLOR'AND CO~iPANY bid
par, plus a premium of ~26.20 for bonds bearing interest and
maturing as foilows:
For bonds maturi~ in the years 1956 tt~ough 1994,
inclusive, interest at the rate of 4 1/4[~ per annum;
and in addition thereto all bonds to bear interest
at the rate of 3/4 of 1% per annum from January l, 1956,
to and incl~ding January 1, 1958, such interest to be re-
presented by detachable coupons.
2. BANK OF ~E~J~jA~A_ N.T. & S.A. bid par, plus a premium of
~199.00 for bonds bearir~ interest and maturing as
For bonds maturing in the years 1956 to 1967, inclusive,
interest at the rate of 4 1/2% per annum;
For bonds maturing in the years 1968 to 1983, inclusive,
interest at the rate of ~% per annum;
For bonds maturing in the years 1983 to 199g, inclusive,
interest at the rate of 3 3/~% per annum.
Follo~ng checking of the bids by Attorney Wilson, it was re-
ported that the best bid was the bid of Bank of ~erica.
Ordinance No. 19, Awarding Sale of Bonds, was read. On motion
by Director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer, and unanimously
carried, said Ordinance was adopted.
There being no further business the meeting w~s a,ajou~'ned.
July 14, 1955
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Sou~ Tahoe Public
Utility District was cs~l].ed to order by President Chas. G. Johnston at
2:30 P.M. July 14th at the regular meeting place, East Front Office,
L~eside Theater building.
ROLL CALL: On roll c~_t there were present Directors Johnston, Youmg
and Goeringer. Absent: None.
MINUTe;S: ~inutes of the previous regular meeting were not read, but
tabled until a future meeting. Minutes of the special meetings of
June 3Oth were read and approved.
REPORTS: Director Goerirger reported that Knox Jo~son had run the sur-
veyors off the private road, which they were surveyi~ for a new descrio-
tion of right of way into the disposal site~ and advised he had called
Attorney Hughes on this matter and he said that a cotu't order wou/d be'
necessary. Director Goerirger also reported on a meeting wi~ Director
Young at which it was decided to leave the forced main in the original
position due to the time that would be necessary to get a court order
a.llow{~ access to the private road. After discussion, it was decided
~o reconsider this possibility of going down the private road and it was
decided to take ~e matter up wi~ Mr. Wilson.
Directors Goeringer and Young reported on a discussion of assessments with
dr. Aber!y of Brown & Caidwell, and it was tentatively decided that the
rate of assessment should be $7.00 per lineal foot for commercial property
and $3.50 per lineal foot for residential property7, except for gores where
special consideration would be given.
CO~SPOMDENCE: A letter of July 1st to Director Young from the Bank of
~erica was read wherein the Bank requested a certified transcript of
the proceedings in the matter of the bonds be sent to their attorneys.
Director Young cali~:d Mr. Wiison's office on this and talked to Mr. Davis
~Lo informc~ t~,~ ne ~am a co~y of ti~e letter £'ro~,~ the bal~, anu the trans~
cript was fo~arded July' 8th.
A letter of July 8th from McGuire and Hester was read in which they advised
they could start work on the pumping plant on July 18th, 1955, provided that
prior to the start of any work (1) they are a~arded a contract for the
plete project and (2) an agreement can be worked out on adjusted prices;
Director Young reported he had talked with Mr. Hester of ~cGuire and Hester
who stated that generally they had in mind about $1~,500 more for in-
creased cost in salarys; however, there would be no increase in cost of
material. They also woui[d expect approximately $6,000 for the work and
expenses they have already been sujbect to. Director Yotmg advised he
reported this to Mr. Wilson on July 10th and he said he would check into
the legality of ~lis and advise. Director Johnston contacted Mr. W±lson
at Eureka Inn in E~areka on the regular meeting date and he informed the
Board he felt we co,~d not legally do this and reco~aended noticing for
new bids. It was finally decided that all Directors go down to Mr. Wilson's
office for a conference with all parties concerned.
A letter of June 23 from counsel was read req. uestir~ more information as to
which of the original papers are missing from the files which were used
in the Injumction proceedings. The secretary was directed to ch~ck into
this and advise Sherrod Davis.
A letter of June 29th, copy, from coumsel to State of Calif., Department
of Finance, was read regarding the application for plan preparation moneys
pursuant to Chapter ~7, %~ich was a covering letter fozw~arded with the
A copy of a letter of July 6 from counsel to the Co'anty Clerk was read
regarding copies of the Stipulation and Judgment in Action #7641 re-
questing they be certified amd returned to counsel.
A copy of a letter of July 7th to Mr. C. Bernard ~hite from Geoffrey Hughes
was resd advising Mr. White that the injunction is no longer in effect
ana~ the Board has advised he and Mr. Lantz to begin work again as soon as
possible, and requesting a statement be sent to the Board despite the
fact such a statement has hertofore been Presented.
NEW BUSIltESS: none.
SUSPE~SE: none.
CLAIMS: The following claims were presented and unanimously passed for
~ountain Democrat
Paci£ic Tel. & Tel.
Lakeside Theater
Wm. A. Young
No,nan Goerir~er
C. G. Joimston
Hughes, Maul & Fogerty
$ 3.50
.. e~n Rivers 16.15
~0~?~T: ~]~ere being no fu~t~.::r business, the meeting was a.djo~ned,
Cl~k & ~-Offic~o ~re~ary /'
August 1i~, 1955
The reg~ar meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public
Utility District was called to order at 2:A5 P.i,'[. Au~ llth 1955, at
the regular me,ting place, East Front Office, Lakeside Theater Bldg.,
Stateline, Cali~ornia-
ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Youmg and Goerir~er~
Absent: Director Johnston. Also present were Secretary P~vers and
~r. Alan Livingston, County Sanitarian.
On motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer, it was unani-
mously passed %hat Director Goeri~,~er act as president pro-tern in the
absence of Director Johnston.
i~INUTES: ~inutes of the regular meeting of ~ay 12, Adjourned regular
meeting of June 9%h, Adjourned regular meeting of June lOth, Special meeting
of Jume 16%h, Special meetin~ of June 28%h, and Regular meeting of
J~Lly lath, were read and correction made in July lath minutes in regard
to the fact that the private road. runs to the disposal site, and'minutes
otherwise approved as read.
REPORTS: Director Young reported that after discussion with the other
Board members and ~r. ~ilson, it was finally decided to follow the pri-
vate road o£ Ste£ia Johnson as a means of access to the disposal plant
and that counsel and the engineers were verbally notified to that effect,
and to p~ceed on that basis.
Director Young reported that all the Board met in San Francisco in July
26th with the engineers and attorney, ~r. Wilson, and ~r. Hester and ~r.
~cWaiters of McGuire and Hester, after ~r. Wilson poihted out that the
contract co~Y[d not legally be awarded to McGuire and Hester with any
increase over 12~e original bid on Schedule A and B already awarded, and
Schedules C, D, and E, to be awarded, so i~cGuire and Hester, presented with
these facts and to~d they could only have the contract on the original
basis, without increase, agreed they would go ahead on that basis. The
Board, the e~ineers, and counsel, all felt thav ~cGuire and Hester were
entitled to extras for movi:~ in and out of the job due to litigation,
and requested that they present a statement s~owing this cost.
CORRESPOND~CE: A letter of June iA from counsel was read which was
a covering letter sent with copies of the Resolution Calling for Bids
on Bonds, and minutes for adoption thereof.
A copy of a letter from the District to Geoffrey Hughes, dated July 1st
was read, a~vising the bonds had been sold, and authorizing the appraisers
to proceed.
A copy of a letter of J~ly 1st from the District to Broom and Caldwell was
them to proceed with
re~m, auvising the bonds had been sold, and aavising
the project.
The covering letter of June 14th from cou~sel sent with the co2ies of the
resolution requesting assigmnent to ~e District of Chapter A7 moneys was read.
A copy of a letter from counsel to the County Assessor in i~inden, Nev, was
rea.d regarding aproposed a~naexation to Douglas County Improvement Dist. #1.
A copy of a letter was read from co~.~asel to the Board of Supervis~rs re-
garding the request of the District for assignment of Chapter A7 moneys.
A cooY of a letter of July 13 was read from A. Carlisle & Co. to the
County Treasurer requesting a specimen signature to be imprinted on the bonds.
A copy oi' a letter of June 11 was read from ~r. V~ilson to ~r. J~es N.
Nelson the Tahoe Village proposed annexation description.
A copy of a letter of J~iy 8 from counsel to the County Recorder was read,
requestir~g recording data on Annexation No. 1952-1 of the District.
A copy of letter of July 13 from Brown & Caldwell to fvIr. Hughes was read,
setting out the main points of the operation of the proposed system.
An acknowledgment dated July 13 was re~d from A. Carlisle and Co. on the
Sewer Bond printing.
A letter from ~e Controller of the State of Calif., dated J~une 23, was
read, aa~isi~ ~e report of the annual financial transactions of the.
District will be due not later than Oct. 1, 1955. This letter was refer-red.
to the suspense file.
A letter of July ii from counsel to the District was read advising the
minutes of Oct 8th, 1953 were ~issing and requesting information on them.
Director Young advised that counsel has now located these and has sent
the District a copy.
A copy of a letter of July 15th was read from co~msel to the County Clerk
regarding Validation of Bond Proceedings.
A copy of a letter of July 18th was read from counsel to County Assessor
requesting statement that requirements of govermuent code have been complied
with regarding Judgment # 76~1.
A copy of a letter of July 18th from counsel to State Board of Equalization
was read, requesting a like statement.
A copy of a letter of July 18th from counsel to County Recorder was read,
requesting a certification that the enclosed copy of judgsent 76~1 has been
A copy of a letter of July 18th from Brown and Caldweli to counsel was read,
regarding the assessment roll.
A letter of July lSth fro2 Brown and Caldwell to the District was read,
regarding progress on engineering, and advising that changes in decisions
are causing costs of engineering to mount unduly.
A letter of July 18th to the District from C. Bernard White was read re-
garding appraisal work, and adviaing data needed before proceeding.
A copy of a letter from Brown and Caidwell to ~r. White, dated July 21,
was read, enclosing the required documents.
A letter of July 22 from Brown and Caldwell to the District was read ad-
vising the State has agreed to permit laying the sewers in the 8 ft. parking
A' letter of July 2~th from Mr. Lantz was read a~vising he will proceed with
the appraisal. This letter was referred to claims as it also represents
a statement for services to date.
A letter of July 25th from ~r. White was read, requesting fur~er infor~aation
on the location of the force main. Director Young advised this information
has been given to ~r. White.
A copy of a letter of July 27th from ~r. Wilson to ~r. Downer, County Road
Commissioner, was read, requesting information on the status of the "old
county road" as to whether it is now a public county road.
A copy of a letter of July 27 from ~r. Wilson to Dr. ~cKinnon was read,
requesting a certificate of necessity.
A copy of a letter of July 27 to the Board of Supervisors from Mr. Wilson was
read, presenting arguments for front footage basis of assessment and re-
questing pro,apt and favorable action on same.
A copy of a letter of July 27 from Mr. Wilson to the office of the County
Assessor was read, in which was enclosed $10.00 for statement of the 15th
to Hughes, Maul and Fogerty.
A copy of a letter of J~uly 27 to I~r. White from Brown and C~ldwell was read,
advising relocation of the force main to the private roa.d of ~rs. Jo~mson
and asking him to cease work until they can send needed information on the
revised route.
A copy of a letter of July 27 to ~r. Wilson from Brown and Caldwell was
read, restating pertinent points of ~e m~eting of July 26th.
A copy of a letter of July 28 from ~r. Wilson to Inter-County Title Co.
was re~'~d, requesting a litigation report.
A colby of a letter of Aug. i from ~r. Wilson to the County Clerk was read,
asking if the Board met the following ~ond~y, and if so, if the District's
petition could be heard.
A copy of a letter of July 29 from counsel to County Auditor was read
regarding certificates re-assessed valuation for the District for years
195A-55 and 1955-56.
A copy of .~_ letter of Aug. 5 from Brown and Caldwell to ~'~r. Wilson was z-'ead,
regarding assessment systems.
A letter of Aug. 5 from ~lr. Wilson to the District was read, advising the
Supervisors have set I~{onday, Aug. 22, at 2:O0 p.m., for the hearing on
request for consent.
A copy of a letter of Aug. 5 from i~r. }~ilson to Geoffrey Hughes w~s read,
regarding legal procedures in establishing the new proposed route to which
the force main is to be moved.
A cOpY of a letter of Aug. 5 from counsel to i~r. D. E. Gilmore was r~d
regarding the easement on Beach Ro~.d on Tahoe ~eadows Corp.
A copy of a letter of A~. 5 from Brown and Caldwell to the District was
read regarding method of assessment.
11EW BUSINESS: A Registered letter dated Aug. 7th from Brit. ton's Cottages
requesting $650.00 cash settlement for damages because of pumping plmut
construction abutting their property was read and discussed, and it was
decided to acknowledge the letter and forward it to }lr. Wilson for his
recommendations and interpretation.
County Sanitarian, l~r. Livingston reported that he needs maps of the
project fo.~' stmdy before i~suing a certificate of necessity. Director Young
stated he would loan him his set of plans and specifications.
OLD BUSIIqESS: The Utilities Encroachment Per,alt from the Dept. of .Public
Works in l~ary~,ville was received, for work along Highway 50.
It was the unanimous decision of the Board to m-ite a letter to itcG'oiz'e &
Hester authorizing them to go ahead wi~h the work in accordance with the
meeting in San Francisco on July 26th, .and the Secretary was instructed to
write such a letter, i.e,, proceed in accordance with original contract.
After discussioh, a motion was made by Director Young, seconded by Director
Goeringer, and unanimously passed that assessment be based on front footage
basis, on $.7.00 for type A assessment and $3.50 for type B assess.:~ent,
except on small or odd sB~ped lots which will be assessed at the ratio of
their area to that of a standard 50 x 100 lot, except it sNall not be less
than 1/2 the rate for a 50 x 100 front foot lot. Class A assessment shall
include all property fronting Highway 50 and Ski Run Blvd., and Class B
all other property within the District.
PETITIONS: Three petitions were presented, and for~arded to sounsel for
completion as follows: Fay H. Nosker, Bk. 29, Page 19, Parcel 2; Edward
E. mhd June I Hegarty, bk. 29, page 067, parcel ~; and L. H. and Gertrude
E. Weibel, lots 29, 30 and 31, H~rlow Acres. The secretary was directed
to fo~wzard these to counsel, together with covering letter.
CLAI!~S: The following claims were unanimously passed for payment:
Pac. Tel & Tel.
Lyman L' antz
Raymus Insurance
$52.53 Lakeside Theater $25.O0
700.00 C. Bernard White 924.53
15.00 W~. Young 151.28
Two statements from Broom & Caldwell, $2,623.17 and $15,913.97 were referred
to suspense until ~r. Wilson can be present.
ADJOURI~ENT: There being no further business, the meeting v~s adjourned
at 5:15 P.~. until Sept. l, 1955 at 21:00 P~ at which time the meeting will
be continued for passing of budget and setting tax rate for year 1955-56,
and for transmitting other business.
· President Pro-Tem ~/
September 3, 1955
The Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District met in
regular mession at the hour of ll o~clockA.M, at the regular
meeting place, on September 3, 1955.
On roll call, there were present Directors Johnston, Young
and Goeringer. Also present were attorney Wilson, engineer
Aberley and Secretary Young.
Discussion was h~d with reference to the sewer project. It was
conCLuded that in view of the shortness of the building season,
that it would be necessary to undertake the assessment proceedings
prior to the action of the Board of Supervisors so that time will
be running while .a~Liting their decision.
Resolution No. 47, A Supplemental Resolution of Intention to Acquire
and Construct a Sanitary Sewermge System, Project No. 52-1 was read.
On motion by Director Goeringer, seconded by Director Young, and
unanmmously carried, the resolution was adopted.
Mr. WilsonandMr. Aberley presented to the Board the engineer's
report consisting of amended plans and specifications for the pro-
posed improvement, amended maps and description of easements to be
acquired, the revised estimate of cost, and a diagram ~nd assessment.
These were examined and considered by the members of the Board, and
discussions were had concerning them. The report was ordered filed.
Resolution No. 50, of Preliminary Approval of Engineer's Report,
was read. Upon motion by Director Goeringer, seconded by Director
Young, and unanimously carried, the resolution was adopted.
Resolution No. 5~, Establishing Prevailing Wage Scale, was read. On
motion by Director Goeringer, seconded by Director Young, ~and unanimously
carried, the resolution was adopted.
Resolution No...~5~, Appointing Time and Place of Hearing Protests in
Relation to Proposed Acquisitions and Improvements, and Directing
Notice, was read. On motion by Director Young, seconded by Director
Goeringer, and unanimously carried, the resolutionwas adopted.
Resolution No. ~, Calling for Sealed Proposals, was read. 0 n
~otion by Director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer, and un-
animously carried, the resolution was adopted.
The budget levy for this year was discussed. Attorney Wilson
reported that the net assessed vsluation of the District was
$1,465,660, and that after a five per cent discount for contingencies
the net amount was $1,392,377. He informed the Board that bond service
for the year would be $11,582.50, which would require a tax of $0.8319.
It was pointed out that the District would probably have one-half
year of operation within the fiscal year, but that the District would
have to operate for a whole calendar year from the money because
there would be no money available from the 1956-57 taxes until the
first of 1957. It was finally concluded that a minim~n of $3,620.18
should be raised for general district purposes. It was therefore agreed
that the tax levy for 1955-56 would be $.90 for bond service and $.26
for operating purposes.
Ordinauce No. 2~0, An Ordinance Fixing the Amount of Money Necessary
to be Raised by Taxation - 1955-56, was read. On motion by Director
Goeringer, seconded by Director Young, and unanimously carried, said
Ordinance was adopted.
Attorney Wilson reported that the Board of Directors of the Nevada
District met on September 2, 1955, 2~00 o'clock P.M. at the Colonial
Attorney Wilson also reported that the plans and specifications were
approved and bids called for the Nevada work, and also for the sale
of the Nevada bonds and for the levy of this year's annual assessment.
Attorney Wilson also reported t~t the prospectus for the sale of the
Nevada bonds was about completed.
The subject of house laterals was discussed. It was concluded that
their cost be included in the assessment. The engineer and attorney
were instructed to determine a price to be include for a six inch
and for a four inch lateral, and that there be no other variance.
Attorney Wilson was instructed to prepare a separate notice and request
for laterals to be signed by the owners.
Petitions for annexation, signed by Fay H. Norsker, Mr. and Mrs. L. H.
Weibel and ~r. and [~rs. E. E. Hegarty were presented. It was ordered
that notice be published for a hearing on September 30.
AD JO UR~ENT: j' ~
There being no~f~irth~r~ business, the meeting a~jo~n~d.
Sept 15, 1955
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe
Public Utility District was called to order at 2:30 P.M., Sept 15, 1955,
at the regular meeting place, East Front Office, Lakeside Theater Bldg.,
Stateline, California.
ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Young and Goeringer.
Absent: Director Jo~n~ston. Also present was Mr. H. R. Reeves, right
of way aEent, was also. present, hired by Mr. Wilson to represent the
On motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer, it was
unanimously passed that Director Goeringer mct ~s present pro-tem
in the absence of Director Johnston.
~INUTES: Minutes of the regulsm meetirg of August llth were read
and a correction w~s made ~t ~e end reg&rding the meeting being
adjourned to Sept l, the words "and for transmitting other business"
being added; the minutes being othel~ise approved as read.
REPORTS: Director Young stated that a meeting was held Sept l0
between Director Johnston and ~r. Wilson with members of the Tahoe
Meadows Assocation for the p~rpose of renewing the contract with them.
Director Goeringer reported that the request for extraterritorial
assessment was denied by the Board of Superviors but the request for
special assessment was granted.
CORP~ESPONDENCE: A copy of a letter to ~r. Wilson from the County Road
Commissioner dated A~ 4th was read replying to our request for infor-
mation on the status of the Old County Road, and a~vising~that said
status is in dispute. The letter refers the District to the County
District Attorney for a more definite ~nswer.
A copy of a letter of Aug 8th from Geoffrey Hughes to Eh~nest Wilson was
read regarding an amended order of possession in the Stella Johnson matter.
A copy of a letter of Aug. loth to Brown and C~ldwell from Ernest Wilson
was read, in whcih was enclosed the letter from the Road commissioner read
mbove, and recommending obtaining easements or bringing eminent domain..
A copy of Mr. Hughes letter from ~r. Wilson was read, dated Aug 8th,
acknowledging Mr. Hughes' letter of the 8th.
A letter of A~g llth from Geoffrey Hughes to Director Young was read in
which was enclosed an affidavit for Mr.' Aberly's signature before a
nots.ry for use in obtaining an order of Court permitting the survey.
A notice of assessed vmluation from the County Auditor, dated Aug 22, was
read, advising the assessed valuation for the District for the 19~5-56
fiscal year is as follows: Secured $1,~33,230, Public Utility $29,880
and Unsecured $2,550.
A copy of a letter to Mr. Wilson from Brown and Caldwell, dated Aug 22,
was read, enclosing two sets of descriptions of the 12 sewer easements.
~ copy of a letter of August 23 to Ernest Wilson from Geoffrey Hughes
was read, regarding his belief that a qualified Sanitary and ~ivil Engineer
be secured to give a qualified expert opinion in the Johnson case, and
suggesting Mr. Randolph H. Dev~nte.
A copy of a letter of Aug. 24 to ~r. Hughes from Brown and Caldwell in
which were enclosed corrected sewer easement drawings, together with
acquisition diagram for sewer easements, was read.
A copy of a letter was read f¥om Brown and Caldwell to Mr. Wilson in
which were enclosed assessment roll, assessment District map, cost
estimate, contract specifications and photostat prints.
A copy of a letter of Aug 24 was read from BrOwn ~nd Cmldwell to ~r.
Nilson explaining when th~ want to start work on various parts of the
A copy of a letter of A~ 24 was read from Mr. Wilson to Brown and
Caldwell requesting two more sets of prints for the easement and map of
general route.
CORR~ESPONDENCE (cont 'd) A rider to Calif. High~ay Encroachment permit
UT 37540 was rea~d, dated A~. 24, stati~ "All pavement cut in placing
any pipe shall be replaced in kind."
A copy of a letter of Aug. 24 from Bro~na and Caidwell to Division of
Highways was read, ~equesting certain revision on Utility Encroachment
Permit Number UT 37540.
A copy of a letter of AUg 25 to McG~ire and Hester from Brown and Caldwell
was read, enclosing c?~ange order # 2 and supplementary drawing # 1.
A letter to the District from Dean S. ~ingman was read, dated A~g. 29,
regarding incorporation of privately-o wned water systems ~ithin the District
into a water works. The secretary was directed to reply, acknowledging
the letter, and advising would hear further after the Board had had time
to discuss the matter more fully.
A copy of a letter of Aug. 29th was read to Mr. Wallace White from
Mr. Wilson, enclosing notice of special meeting of the Douglas County
Sewer Improvement District.
A. copy of a letter ~f Aug. 29 to the ~ffice of Brown and Caldwell from
Richard Aberley was read regarding s~ggested charges by the Board to the
Assessment roll.
A copy of a letter of Sept i was ~ead from counSel~to the County Auditor
regarding Certificate of Assessed Valuation.
A letter of Sept. 6 to the District from A. Carlisle & Co. was read,
advising the Bonds were shipped that date.
A letter of Sept 8 was read from Mr. Wilson to the District enclosing
revised proposed form of easement.
A copy of a letter of Sept 9 to Mr. wilson from Brown and Caldwell was
read regarding revisions on easements 8 thru 12 together with corrected
drawing on #8 and revised Acquisition Diagram for Sewer easements.
A letter of Sept 12 to the District from counsel was read regarding the
Gene~-al Obligation S ewer Bonds of l~S1.
A letter of Sept. 13 from Hughes Maul and Fogerty was read, regarding ~rs.
Johnson,s concern whether her road would be restored to good condition.
The secretary was directed to reply quoting from the contract documents.
NEW BUSINESS: It was moved by Director Goeringer, seconded by Director
You~4g and unanimously passed that a letter be forwarded to the Board of
Supervisors regarding their action regarding extraterritorial taxation
aud the hardship to the District caused by their diaallowance of same,
the letter to be published in the newspaper also.
The matter was discussed of an ordinance regarding those who could be served
by present lines but have refused to come in, and it was suggested that a
30-day notice be give:~ to them that they may do so with no penalty and assmme
their share of the b~rden within that time, and that if they do' not, if and
when they do come in, they will be penalized by paying all back costs.
Director Young moved, Director Goerirger seconded, and it was unanimously
approved that this matter be taken up at an adjourned meeting Sept. 18,
when all members could be present.
OLD BUSINESS: It was noted that no remarks have been received from I~r.
Wilson regarding the letter from Britton's Cottages.
It was noted that the documents filed with the County as exhibits for
~rial have not been returned. The secretary was directed to write
another letter to counsel in t~ds regard, advising counsel that the copy
of the contract was also in these papers.
PETITIONS: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graber and Mr. W. J. Townsend presented
the District with petitions to joi~ the District; the petitions were
forwarded to counsel.
CLAIMS: The following claims were presented and unanimously passed
f~r payment:
McGuire and Hester
Brown and Caldwell 2,623.17
Pac. Tel and Tel.
N. Goeringer
Wm. Young
Lakeside Theater
Jean Rivers
130. GO
ADJOURNMENT: There being no fur~er business, the meetir~ was
adjourned at 4:15 P.M. until 2:30 P.M. on Sept 18th'for the consider-
ation of the above mentioned ordinance when all members could be present,
plus any other pertinent business before the.Boa~d at that date.
President '' - ~ -~
October 7, 1955
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met
in adjourned regular session on October 7, 1955, at the hour of 2:00
O'clock p.m. in the regular meeting place ~ said Board.
On roll call there were present Directors Goeringer and Young.
Director Johnston absent. Also present ~as Rttorney Wilson, Engineers
Wilcox and Aberley and Right of Way Agent H. R. Reeves.
On motion of Director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer and
unanimously carried, Director Goeringer was appointed temporary
Chainuan Goerirger m~nounced that this was the time and place set for
the hearing on the Engineer's report pursuant to Supplemental Resolution
of Intention No. 47.
The Secretary reported that no 'written protests had been received.
A letter from T. Fanton Ha~ was read as to Assessment No. 57, asking
that the roadway be recognized in computi~ the assessment. On motion
by Director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer, and unanimously
carried, it was ordered that the assessment be reduced to $147, this being
a one-half rate assessment on 18 feet of the property frontage.
Mae Palmnbo, who also had a triangular parcel, spoke orally with refer-
ence to Assessmeat No. 20. After discussion it was determined that the
assessment would be at the rate of $7.00 per foot for ll5 feet and $3.50
per foot for 85 feet. On motion of Director Young, seconded by Director
Goerin~er, and unanimously carried, the assessment was reduced from
$1,400 to $1,100.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark B. Stroud addressed the Board with reference to A~sess-
ment No. 139- They were in favor of the sanitary district but inquired
as to its activities and the project. Secret~.ry Yo,~n¥ explained to their
satisfaction the lmistory of the district and its activities.
A letter ~as read from E. B. Oppenheimer as to Asse:~sment No. 19. Secretary
Young reported that he had ioreviously explained the ~m~tter to him and that
he was satisfied.
A letter wms read from ~ilo L. Hewitt ~s to Assessment No. 18. Secretary
Young reported that he had previously explained the matter to him and
theft he had requested one A-inch lateral. On motion of Director Goeringer,
seconded by Director Young and unanimously carried, it was so ordered.
A letter was read from I. W. ~oody as to A~sessment No. 81. Secretary
Young reported taat he h~d previously discussed the matter with ~r.
~oody. After discussion it wa~s ordered that the assessment be reduced
from $1,750 to $1,400 and that he be provided with one 6-inch lateral.
A letter was read from Olive Dobbie as to Assessment No. 7A. They re-
quested that they be assessed $175 for the front 1/2 and th~it the back
1/2 be assessed far $175 and billed to Wm. E. Dunst~n, Bijou, California,
who had purchased it from them. On motion by Director Goerir~er, seconded
by Director Young, and Unanimously carried it was so ordered.
A petition for annexation of the pro~0erty covered by Assessment Nos. 10,
ll and 12 was presented.
~r. Reeves states that ~r. Empey and ~r. Townsend had written on their
easement an agreement to be assessed a tots~ of $1,108. He will talk to
them about ~ssuming the additional amount. On a line for about 530 feet
at $3.50 per foot, ~he assessment should be $1,855. On motion by Director
Young, seconded by Director Goeringer, and unanimously carried, it was
ordered that the parcel be assessed $1,855, or as the engineer shall
compute ·
Discussions were had with reference to other assessments. The engineer
explained tJuat in Assessment ~o. I the property was charged for frontage
on both sides. The frontage was changed from 3AO to ~02 feet and the
assessment change from $1,1?O to $1,A07.
On assessment No. 2 the fron -tage was changed from 960 to 1020 feet and
the assessment was changed to be computed accordi~gly.
It was agreed that Assessment No. 15 owned by Ed Christian and Robert
Vance be assessed 173.63 feet, and that Assessment No. 13 owned by Ed
Christain only be assessed for 721. feet.
On motion duly made, seconded and carried the assessments designated
numbers lA and 1~5~ owned by Seagraves, were ordered cancelled, for the
reason that they would not abut on any sewer lines.
The oa~er ~f Assessment No. 55 has petitioned for annexation ~ud should
be assessed.
Pmrcels Nos. 58 and 5~- It was agreed that these will be assessed for
for the full frontage at the full rate.
It was reported that Assessments Nos. 79, 126 and 129 had signed petitions
for annexation and should be assessed.
Assessment ~o. llA is ordered corrected to conform to the map.
At this time the Secreta~~ announced th~%t bids would be opened for the
laterals in accordnace with the call therefor. The bid of ~cGui~e
and Hester was publicly opened, examined and declared. The ~Gount
thereof was $3.75 per foot for A inch diameter laterals and SA.OO per
foot for 6 inch diameter laterals.
Resolution No. 5~, Overruling Protests on Supplemental Resolution of In-
tention No. AT, was read. On motion of Director Young, seconded by Director
GoerirA~er, and unanimously carried, the resolution was adopted.
Resolution No. 55, And Order Adopting Engineer's Report, Confirming the
Assessment and Ordering the Work~ was Read. On motion of Director Young,
seconded by Director Goeri~er, and unanimously carried, the resolution
was adopted.
Ordinance No. 21, of Award of Contract for Schedules C, D and E, 'Nas read.
On motion of D'i~ector Young, seconded by Director Goeringer, and unanimously
carried, the ordinance was introduced and ordered adopted.
Ordinance No. 22, Of Award of Contract for Sewer Laterals, ,Nas read.
On motion of DireCtor You~, seconded by Director Goeringer, and unanimously
carried, the ordinance was introduced ~uld ordered adopte~.
Re.solu~tion No. ~_, Designating Place of Office for District Er~inser for
Recording Assessment, was read. On motion of Director Young, seconded
by Director Goerirger~ ~nd unanimously carried, the resolution was adopted.
Resolution NQ. 57~ Providing for Collection of Assessments, was read.
On motion of Director Young, seconded by Dissector Goeringer, and unani-
mously carried, the resolution was adopted.
Resolution No._~8~. Determinin~.~ that Public Interest and Necessity Require
the Acquisition of Easements 'and Directing the Filing of Eminent Domain
Proceedings, ,Nas read. On motion of Director Young, seconded by Director
Goeringer, and unanimously carried, the resolution was adopted.
Resolution .N~o._~_~, Accepting Deed of Easement from John E. ~orrison~ et
al, was read. On motion of Director Young, seconded by Director
Goerir~er, and unanimously carried, the re~olution was adopted.
Resolution No. 60., Accepting Certain Deeds of F~sement, was read. On
~otion of Director Goeringer, seconded by Director Young, and unanimously
· carried, the resolution was adopted.
There being no further business the meeting waS~.~ad..io~zrned. .~ ~
, :?:? .: _.,-"/
President Pro-tern ~ ...'
Oct. 13, 1955
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe
Public Utility District was called to order at 2:30 P.~. Oct. 13, 1955
by President C. G. Johnston at the regular meeting place, East Front
office, L~eside The~ter Building. Also present was Secretary Rivers.
~INUTES: ~inutes of the regul~r :~eeting of September 15th were read and
RFPORTS: Director Young reported that on Oct. 7th the Directors were
served by Tahoe South Side Water Utility with action 81A9 which is a
ple~ of restraint, which was forwarded to I~r. Wilson that same day.
Director Young reported a discussion wit~- Cora Hardi~g regarding her
water system.
Director Johnston reported there has been a public hearing by the Board
of Supervisors with respect to the alleged old couty road. On Oct. 13
the Board met at Lake Tahoe ~nd inspected t~%is road and on the 17th the
question referred to in the minutes of Sept. 15th will be answered at a
regular meeting of the Board of S ~pervisors at which ti~e they will for-
really acknowledge what, if any, responsibility they have in that road.
Director Young ~-eported that on or about Oct. i the Bonds of the Nevada
District, in the muount of $165,O~O, were sold to Hannaford Talbot and Taylor,
a bonding house, and the construction work was awarded to LaGrange Con-
struction Co. of Reno and wor~ will begin as of this date.
Correspondence: A copy of a title report was read from Inter-County Title
to counsel, dated Sept. 7th, pertaining to property in which title is
vested in Stella Van [~yke Johnson, regardt~ the road between se~,~er
syste~,~ and the disposal site, together with covering letter from Title
Co. dated Sept. 30th.
A copy of a letter of Sept. 9 to Brown and Caldwell from Louis Bartlett
was read regarding the reque~,~ted right-of-way in Tahoe ~eadows.
A copy of a letter was read from Brown and Caldwell to ~cGuire and Hester
regarding latest approved constr~ction drawings.
A letter of Sept. 15 from Brown and Caldwell to Director Young was read,
enclosing Exhibits II, III and IV for our public file, at the office of
the Secretary of the District Board.
A letter of Sept. 15th from the Board of Supervisors was read, enclosing
A copy of a letter of Sept. 19 was read from Mr. Wilcox of Brown and
Caldwell to Geoffrey Hughes, in which were enclosed five duplicate copies
of the revised easement description and ~.~ap on the force main.
A copy of a letter of Se~t. 30 from Brown and Caldwell to [~. Wilson
was read, in which were enclosed various estimates, ,,naps and specifications.
A letter to Director Young was read dated Sept. 17 from Phil Empey, for
Empey & Townsend regarding the crossing of property by the District for
sewer lines, on property they are purchasing.
A copy of a letter of Sept. 13 from Dick Aberley to the Brown & Caldwell
office was read, regarding assessment roll and map, and house lateral
s ewer s ·
A letter of Sept. lA to Mr. Young from Brown and Caldwell was read,
regarding comm~uuication they had receiVed from Louis Ba-,~lett on the Tahoe
~eadows subdivision.
A copy of a letter of Sept. lA from Brown and Caldwell to Geoffrey Hughes
was read regarding revised easement description and map for the sewage
force main.
A letter copy of Sept. 20 from Geoffrey Hughes to Ernest Wilson was
read regarding the new force main easement location and the South Tahoe
PUD vs. Johnson case.
.~ copy of a letter dated Sept. 21 from counsel to Orrick, Dahlquist,
Harrin~ton & Sutcliffe was read in which was enclosed a certificate
of the county Auditor re: the filing of Ordinance # 4 and a certificate
re: the assessed valuation of the District.
Copies of change orders 3 and A from Brown and Caldwell were read. The
secretary ,~as directed to make up a speci~ file on these change orders.
A copy of a letter of Sept. 26 to Brown and Caldwell from ~cGutre &
Hester was read, setting out scheduled completion dates on various
phases of their contract.
A letter of Sept. 26 to the District from counsel was read regarding
the .~orrision easement.
A copy of a letter to the Co~mty Recorder i'rom counsel was read regarding
the 'l~orrison easement.
A letter dated Sept. 27 from the County Auditor to the District was read,
requesting all checks drawn on the Sewer Construction Fund to be cleared
and identified as such.
A letter of Oct. 10th to the District was read from ~rs. Dukelle with
respect to her assessment.
A letter of Sept. 22 was read £r~m Louis Barlett aavising assessment
No. 103 should have been sent to N. J. Wilson and Helen Wilson, J. S.
Larsen and Claire Larsen, and a letter of Oct. 6 was read from N. J. Wilson
also advising of this fact.
NEW BUSI[IESS: A motion was made and unanimously passed that in the
future the correspondence be co ndensed by reading only those letters
giving info~%ation or requiring action, and not reading letters of
transmittal ·
Wi~ further regard to ~rs. Dukelle's letter mentioned in correspondence,
the secretary was directed to reply to her advising that $560.00 is
the amount o f assessment for her property only, known as Jones Cottages,
based on 80 foot frontage at $7.00 per front foot under Class A
assessment, and was further directed to return her notice to her, and
advise her that in the future she would be billed direct.
A motion was ~de, seconded and unanimously carried that a letter be
written to the county Health Officer, Placervilte, advising that
tentative completion date on the sewer system wo~ld be No¥. 15, and
encouraging his wholehearted cooperation in making it as effective as
possible by denying in the ground permits in areas where the sewer
is co'~pl eted.
The matter was brought up for discussiou that Knox Johnson has requested
annexation of a 30 foot right of way abutting the District. He offers
to particip'~te in the cost of ~%mning the line through the excused pro-
perty (300 feet) to reach his requested annexation. The matter was
referred to counsel for decision.
A motion was made by Director Yo~ to allow the contractor to pile the
burnable trees 10" and under on the disposal area, whic~ trees were
removed from the right-of-way, and which would be properly stacked for
later burning. The motion died for lack of a second.
OLD BUSINESS: It was unanimously decided to ~Tite cotulset indicating
the essence of previous discussion that the Directors wish to notice
the public with respect to obligations and cost if they do not now annex
themselves if they are not within the District, and request that the
p~per papers be prepared.
The secretary was directed to write a letter to Brown & Caldwell
requesting an up to date map of the District.
The secretary was directed to ~Tite counsel as no reply has been received
to our inquiry on the Britton Cottage letter, nor on the letter requesting
the return of the papers from the District's original file used in the
recent injunction proceedings.
PETITIONS: The following petitions were received and forwarded to
L. S. Rapp, assessment # 125
Elmer Frick, assessment #
Thomas H. Armstrong, Assessment # 99
Herbert Poole, no assessment number.
With reference to the Herbert Poole ~etition, a motion w~s made by
Director Young, seconded by Director Goeringer that it be accepted
on the basis of approximately 38 feet of Class A rate, plus 50 feet
additional at Class A. The motion was passed with a vote of two
myes and one hoe.
CLAImerS: The following claims were presented and passed for payment:
~cGuire & Heater $7A,O66.65 (replacement on
warrant # 170 passed Oct. 3 which has been lost)
CLAI~.~S (cont 'd)
[~cGuire & Heater
Pac. Tel & Tel.
Lakeside Theater
Lake Tahoe News
C. G. Johnston
Jean Rivers
A. Carlisle
William A. Young
$114,10 8.02
adjourne~ ~a~:30 P.i'~.
There being no further business, the meeti~ was
cler~-~Lb fficio ,$ecre~ :
November 10, 1955
Regular neetir~: of' the South Tahoe Board of Directors was called at
2:00 p.m., November 10, 1955, at the regular meetirgj place, East
Front office~ Lakeside Theater Bld~., Stateline, California.
6~or~'n not present so ~e ~eeti~ was adjoined ~til November 25,
1955, at 2:00 p.m., st~n~ time, same place.
Clerk & Ex-Offi~o~:eta:~::
Presider ~.,"
November 25, 1955
The adjoua'ned regula, r :~eetiog of the Board was called to order at 2:00 p.m.
November 25~ 1955 at the regular meeting place, East F~ont Office, Lake-
side Theater Bldg., S tateline, California.
ROLL CKLL: On roll call there were present Director Goeringer and Young;
Absent: Director Johnston. Also present was Wm. Peck of McGuire &Hester.
On motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Goering~:r, it was unani-
mously pa;:sed that Director Goeringer act as President pro-tern in the
absence of Director Johnson.
MINUTES: [~.~inutes of Sept. 3, 1955, and October 7, 1955, were read and
CO~P~ESPONDENCE: Letter dated Nov. 14, 1955, from the E1 Dorado County
Auditors, covering receipt for ~i;105,000.00, from the Douglas County Sewer
Impr. Dist #1.
Copy of letter from counsel to Brown & Caldwell, dated October 27, 1955,
was read.
Copy of letter from Counsel to ~,~r. Thomas J. Swigart, Jr., Comaty Assessor,
dated November 1, 1955 was read.
Copy of letter from Co~n:.el to John T. Eenv~ard re: I.~orrison Easement,
dated October 27, 1955, was read.
Copy of letter from Broom a Ca!d~ell to Cotmsel, dated September 23, 1955,
was read.
Copy of letter from Hughes to Counsel; re: STPUD vs. Johnson suuit, dated
October 18, 1955, was read.
Copy of letter from H~ghes to F. A. Dill, Esq. re: ~PUD vs. Johnson suit,
dated October 27, 19~5, was read.
Copy of letter from Hughes to Bro~?n & Ca!dwell re: STPUD vs. Johnson dated
October 27, 19~' .
~ ~, was ~-.~ ad
Copy of letter from Fra~flclin A. Dill to H~hes re: STPSD vs. Johnson dated
was read.
Copy of letter from Counsel to ~,~r. W. W. Hite, Director Public Health State
was read.
Letter fro~.~. Hughes to Dist. re: STPUD vs Johnson relative to ~.~ount of funds
~et aside for land acquisition~ also large~t ~aount of money which will be
available to Dist. for land acquisition, was read.
Letter from Sec. J~an Rivers dated Nov. 3, 1955, tending resignation a~;
of November 15, 1955, was read.
Copy of letter from Co~mnsel to ilar. and ~_~. Frank Britton, re: damage claim
dated October 27, 1955, was read.
Letter from Calif. 'State Dept of ~uployment to STPUD re: use of office
for '.~.inter, dated October 27, 1955, was read.
Copy of letter from Bro~m & Caldwell to Mr. F. A. Dill re: STPUD vs
Johnson, dated. November 8 , 1955, was read.
Copy of letter from Brown & Caldwell to Counsel Re: corrected assessments,
dated November 14, 19~5, was read.
Letter from Louis Barlei. t to STPUD re: lot #1, Block ~., Lakeside Park,
dated November 7, 1955, was read.
Letter from GeorFge F. Clark to the STPUD re: lot ~;20, Pentoyas Tract,
dated October 31, 1955, was read.
Claims: The following claims were presented 'for pa~uent:
Kirkbride, Wilson, Harz£eld, Wallace
LakesiGe Theater
Pac. Tel & Tel Co.
McGuire & Hester
McGuire & Hester - lateral contract
State of Ney., Dept of Hwys
All were approved, e×cept McGuire & Hester - Lateral contract, in ~e amount
of ~,916.22, which is to be held in "Suspense" file.
~$etzng adjourned until December 2, 1955, at 2:00 P.~., at which time Ordi-
nance on Sev/er Regulation will be considered; and such other business as may
be pending.
president P~-tem
Deeenber 2, 1955
The adjourned regular meeti~ of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe
Public Utility District, was called to order at 2:30 p.m., December 2, 1955,
at the regular meeting place, East Front Office, Lakeside Theater Bldg.,
Sta±etine, California.
ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Johnston~ Goeringer and Young; also ?resent
was Richard Abereley, resident Engineer.
REPORTS: Director Your4~ reported that Jim Taylor, accountant, stated that we
could use his secretary, and it was agreed that Secretary Young go along on this
Ordinsmce on Sewer Regulations discussed and it was decided to call Counsel
and have it rewTitten with modifications as discussed, primarily with refer-
ence to all of Section 8, and Section 7:10.
On motion by Director G ~erinj~ar, seconded by Director Young, and unanimously
carried, it was decided to mail a copy of Ordinance # 23 to property owners
affected by same.
On motion by Director Yours, seconded by Director Goeringer, and unanimously
carried, L uth~r Hulse is to be hired as Dist. Inspector; salary to be left
open for review by both parties until such time as a tentative plan is received
from the Engineer.
Letter from Ethel Parsons with check rcm $700.O0 for her assessment #31;
also postcard a:.~kir4 that check be returned as Standard 0il is paying assess-
~: D JO UPd~i~EI~ TS
5:00 p.m.
There being no further business, m~etir4~ was adjourned at
December 8, 19~
The continued regular meeting of the Board was called to order on
December 8, 1955, at 2:30 p.m., at the regular meeting place, East Front.
Office, Lakeside Theater Bldg., Stateline, Califarnia.
ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Young and Goeringer;
absent: Director Johnston. Also present was Luther Hulse.
PRESIDENT PRO-TE~I: On motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Goerir~er,
it was ~manimously agreed that Director Goeringer act as President Pro~tem in
the absence of Director Johnston.
The reading of minutes of the previous meetings was postposed until the next
regular meeting.
CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Engineer re: suggested operating procedure
i'or maintenance man, was read.
On motion by Director Yo~, seconded by Director Goerinjer, it was 'agreed
that Luther .Hulse is to be inspector. His salary is as follows:
(a) Ttn~ .~ay to October: ~.120.00
Nov. thru April 160.00
for duties outlined
(b) Additional, he is to receive 1/2 half of all
fees in our proposed Ord. 24, Section S; this is
to become effective January 1st, 1956.
~.~r. Huise was present and accepted same.
Claims: The following claims were presented for pa~v~ent:
Lakeside Theater - rent
r.~cGuire & Hester, Nov. '55
TWA gas for Standly
H.P. Remus Ins. Co. for
Director Young's bond
Pac. Tel & Tel
W. A. You~
Norman Goeringer
CLAIi?[S: (cont 'd)
i..~cGuire & Hester ~2092.58
Ali were approved except for [~cGuire & Hester ih the m~aount of $2,092.58,
to be "held".
ADJOUP~I~IENT: There beir~ no further business, t-~e meeting was adjourned.
~r~ sident pro-tern