HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953 02/12 - 1953 12/18~,fINUTES OF REGULAR ~¥EETI~G ~ SOU~}I TAHCE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT February 12, 1955 In the absence of President Crocker the meeting was called to order at 2:00 p. m. by President pro tern Johnston. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present: Directors Johnston, Young. Absent: Director Crocker. CORRE~0NUE~E: Letter from J. A. Stevenson requesting information regarding proposed sewage system at Stateline was read. NEW N3SINE~S: Moved by Young, seconded by Johnston, and unenimously 6ar~ied"'that'Director Johnston be authorized to go to ~finden for the h~ring of the Nevada District on February 20th, with ezpens es allowed. 5~oved by Young, seconded by JOhnston, and unani~ously carried that Ethel Clarke be ~irected to secure a Notary Commission, the District to pay cost of same. The secretary was directed to write to Attorney Wilson and request that he draw up a lease to cover rental of office spa ce for the District st Young's Bijou. Secretary was instructed to write to ~_~.r. Rodney Robertsc~ of ~r. Barneti~s office to reeuest a copy of the minutes cf the public meeting held at Conolley's on January 50th. CIAINS: Noved by Johnston, seconded by Young, and unsnims~sly carried tha~t the following claims be approved: Raymus Insurance Agency .~0.00 bonds- Cr oc ker-Young A. G. Robertson 58.15 exp~nses Dir. meet San Ethe 1 C la rke 5~. 40 salary & exp. Dec. & Jan. C. G. Johnston 148.50 exp. 11/13/52 to 2/12/55 Wm. A. Young 148.~5 l / /ss to /l /SZ Thjre ~ngno further business ...... mee~i~/aj~rned.~...%/~//~.~._zy~/<f~./at 4:10mpm. ~ ~' C ~r & ex-off~ s~c/~tary ...... esl ~en t pr/~ t em 35 MINUTES OF S]:ECI AL ~EET ~'~'.~ IN G OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 7, 1953 Special meeting- of South Tahoe Public Utility District was called to order at 2:00 p. m. at Bijou, California, by President pro tern C. O. Johnston. ROLL C;LL: On roll call there were present: Directors ~ohn~ton, Young. Absent: Director Crocker. G-~DII~NCE NO. 13 - AN ORDINANCE FIXING ENGINEER'S FEE was ~&~'d. On mo'tiUH by Director Young, sec~)nSed by Director Johnston, Ordinance No. 13 was duly carri~, ~.n~ the secretary instructed to post notices of the Ordinance an~ im ue a warrant in the sum of ~!~3,730.00 to L. Cedric ~,~scabee in full settlement of claims against South Tahoe Public Utility District. A DY 0~ hT~N T: ~'he~ meeting adj~rnment MD~UTES 0F R~R ~.~IifG 0F SOU~ TAHOE PUBIC U~LI~ DISTRICT March 1Z, 1953 There bei rgm no furth er business to ~me befo re was declared et Z:35 p. m. ~'CIe'rk and ¢~~se cr~ There being only one Director present, Director Young, there was no Quorum, therefore no mee$irg ?as held. , ~ C~e~Fd e~oTTf-c ~e~etary c.//w MIhlNfES OF REGULA~ ~."~TIWG OF SGITH TAHCE PTJBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 19, 1953 The meeting was celled to order st 2:00 p. m. by Director Johnston, Yresi~ent pro tern. ROLL~ALL: Present: Directors Young, Johnston. ~bsent: ])'i~ or Vrocker. NEW MJSINE$S: It was moved by Young, seconde~ by Johnston 'and~ hr~nimouslF csrried that a letter be written to Senators Collier and Berry, also Assemblyman Lindsay. stating the fact that e sewage systemis being set uo for South Lake Tahoe as wail as m~ny other improvements which add to the value of Highway 50. The letter also to register a strong protest because of the deletion of Highway 50 from Senate Bill -~776. CL~.IMS: The following claims were presented and on motion of ~ohnston, seconded by Young, and unanimously carried, ordered paid: Wm. Crocker 53.13 tale ohone " 169.44 E. Clarke 43.22 I~ay Rothman 17.33 Theakston 27.60 A DJ 0U tN MENT: P~nt pro t~ expert sea exp. -salary Not. supplies transcript THere being no further business, adjournment 5:15 P.m. MINUT~B OF PEGULAH .~?[EETING OF SOUTH TAHCE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April 9, 1953 the There being only one Director present, Director Young, meeting was postponed to 3:00 p. m. Anril 10, 1953. S OF ~ULAR ~' }~NG 0F MINUTE ~ S~E TAH~ t:~U~IC U~TY DI$~ APril 10, 1953 The meeting was called to order st 3:00 p. m. by Director Johnston, Presi den t pro tern. ROLL CALL: On roll cell there were present: ~ohnSton, Young. Absent: Direct or Crod<er. Directors RESOLUTION NO. 37: A Resolution DETERMINING TH_eT PUBLIC Ih~fEREST AND h.q~CESSITY YE~iUIRE THE ACCUISITION OF EASEMENTS A~ND DIRECTING THE FILING OF EMINF~f D0~IN PROCEEDINGS was read. On motion by Director Young, seo,onded by Director Johnston, and unanimously carried, the Resolution was adopted. Director Young reported that Ordinance Fixing~ Engineer 's Fee had been posted and Certificate of Posting executed, and copy forwarded to counsel. CLAIMS: Moved by Director Young, s~conded by Director Johnston, ~ unanimously carried, that a warrant in the sum of $5000.00 be made to the County Clerk of E1 Dorado County, as an Eminent Domain Deposit in the Stella Johnson proceedings. Foll~ing general discussion of Distrlct activities to date, also progress report on adj ourne~d ~4:~0 p. m. t'Pro tern' the Nevada District, the meeting MINUTES OF REGULAR },~ETING OF SOUTH TA~ICE PUBLIC U~LI~ DISTPICT Ma~ 14, 1953 There being only one Director, Director Young, present, the meeting was The meeting was called to order at ~:30 p. m. by President pro tern Johnston. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present: Directors Johnston, Yodhg. Absent: Director Crocker. MIhUJTES: Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. 3¸7 NEVADA DISTRICT: General discussion and progress reoort ~c~i~ities oi'-~2~--e Nevada District to date. DISCUSSION: Detailed discussion on f~ture olans for the bistrlct', also ms. etlng schedules. on CLAIMS: Follov~ing c]aims were oresented and George Anders on to replace warrsmt 11/20/52 lost of e ppr ova d: $6.00 W. A. Young expenses 2/13/55-5/28/5 3 E. Clarke salary 3/1~/ 53 -5 /28 /53 L. Cedric Macabee set tlement in full Mt. Democrat-subscription Young' s Bijou rent 6/1~52-6/1/53 ADJ was adjourned at 3?40 p. 114.02 20.80 3,730.00 3.00 250.00 There being no further business the meeting MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SOUTH FAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June ll, 1953 There being the meeting ~s only one Director present. Director Young, postD oned to June 2~ ~/i 9~ ~ MINUTm 0F ~EGULAR MEETING ~ ] SOUTH TAHOE YU~L1 C UTILITY Di~,T~.OaT,. ,.~ ~, June 23~ 1953 The meeting was called to order at 2:30 p. m. by President pro tern Johnston. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present: ~0hns'ton. Absent: Director Crocker. Directo rs Young, NEW, ADA DIS[fRICT: Progress report on Nevada. District was given ~y Director Jbhnston. DISCU~ION: General discussion of District business. CLAIm, S: Following claims were presented ~nd ordered paid: C. C. Johns ton - expense v $68.52 ~]aymus Ins. Agency 49.93 Young's Bijou - rent to replace warrant not pa id 250.00 ADJ 0URNME 1WT: There adjourned at 3:30 p. m. -pr o~ t em being no further business the meeting MIk~U~S 0F ~ G313. R ?~TING OF SOUTH Tf~H 0E }'UBLI C UTI II TY DISTRI ~T July 9, 1953 There being only one director present, Director Young, the meeting was postponed to fu/ly/~l~,~l 953 at~.~_~:00b m. TE~ MI~J ~.'~o OF REUJIAR ~fEETING OF SOUTH TAHOE I~JBLI C UTILITY DISTRICT July 2 1, 1953 The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p. m. by President William crocker. Prese~.. Directors Crocker, Johnston, Young. Also present Engineer Dave Celdv,~ll. NEVADA CONTRACT: The Board considered the report on proposed ~'c~uisitions a~[ improvements prepared by Engineer Caldwell and Attorney Wilson for the Nevada District, and particularly the joint contract contained therein, copies of which were furnished to each ~mber of the Board by Mr- V~[lson on July 10; 1953. It was also agreed ~that each member had received from Attorney Wilson a letter from him to Mr. Caldwell dated July 6. 1953, reporting that Nevada Health Engineer Wallace White had recommended that the Nevada District enter into a contract wilh this District on the basis of Plan B, and reporting the change~ desired to be made by Mr. White in the proposed Resolution Formulating General Plan of Proposed 0 oerations of the Nevada District, and in the proposed agreement for Join sewage disposal of sanitary sewage as originally contained in the report on Proposed Aceuisitions and Improvements. After discussion ~t was agreed by both Boards that the report in its final form was satisfactory. The Board of Directors of the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. I adopted its Resolution No. 5 authorizing the execution of the joint contract and its Resolution No. 6 adopting the general plan as contained in said report as changed by Mr. White and agreed to by ~r. Caldwell. RESOLUTION N0. 38, Authorizing Execution of Agreement for Join Dispo.~al of Sa~L~fary Sewerage, was read. On motion by Director Johnston, seconded by Director Young, and unanimously carried, the r~solution was adopted. There being no further business Aoproved~ the~ me e/ti ng~, -~as adjourned. MINUTES (F SPECIAL ~,,~EETING OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT August 6, 19 53 The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p. m. by President 7~illiam Crocksr. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present: Directors Crocker, Young. Absent: Director Johns ton. MINUTES: ~{inutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Director Young reported balance on hand according to Mr. Sheldon as of June SOth, was ~12,651.00. C0~RESPONDENCE: Letter from Brown & Coldwell dated August 3rd was read, end' 'the ~cretary instructed to write to Brown ~ Coldwell quoting excerpts from letter of counsel. Moved by Director Young, seconded by Director Crocker and unanimously carried that Brown & Coldwell be paid '.~6000.00 on account. Moved by Director Young, seconded b-~ Director Crocker that the District rent offioespace from the Lakeside Theatre for the sum of $300.00 per year, this space to be the Southeast corner of the lobby of the Lakeside Theatre and to include heat and lights - rent to be payable monthly in advance, beginning with August 10, 1953. Carried unanimously. C LA I~S: None. Secretary was authorized to pay up to ~10.00 for removal of office ecuipment from Young's Bijou to Lakeside Theatre. Move~ by Director Young, seconded by Director Crocker. and unanimously carried that the secretary be authorized to make arrangements to have a telephone installe~ in the new office, also that the secretary be authorized to spend up to $100.00 for office chairs, signs, etc. Moved by Young, seconded by Crocker that counsel be advised to have prooer paners in to District for soecial meeting to be held on August 2~0th in the matter of preparing budget for 1903-B~. Carried unanimously. NEETINGS: After discussion it was agreed that meetings will be held on the second Thursday of each month at 2:00 ~. m. in the District 0ffice~ at Lakesid~ Theatre, Stateline. and that after proper posting of an 0rdin~nce changing same. the new time and place for meetings will become effective. ADJOURN~RT: There being no furth~e~ ~bus~iz~ez~s. adjou~rnment~ 3~z0 p.m. MI~S 0F ~:EC~L MEETING 0F' S~TH T~0E ~BLIC UTILI~ DISTRICT September 1. 1953 The meeting was called to order at 2:30 p. m. in the District Office by President Crocker. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present: Directors Crocker and Young. Absent: Director Johnston. Also present: Sherrod Davis of the office of KirkbriSe. Wilson, Harzfeld and Wallace. SEWER SYSTEN: The Board further ~iscussed the letter of August' ~6, 1953 from R. H. Robertson, attorney for certain protestants. Directors Crocker and Young reported on their conference on ~ugust ~, 1953 with Attorney ~?!ilson and ~gineer Coldwell. Particularly, it was reported that Mr. ~Jc~.~/alters of ~cGuire & baster, who fixad the lowest bid for the sewer project, had advised Mr. ¥:~ilson on August 31, 1953, that he v~ould accent an award pursuan to his letter of February 13, 1953. The Board considered the fact that interest rates h~ gone up very materially ~uring the year an~ that their general trend was to go higher. Nr. VTilson reported tha~ they had increased more than one per cent (1%1. It ha~ been the judgment of this Boar8 that the bonds should be sold before this increase, but it had delayed in an effort to satisfy minority interests in the District. The same period of time is taken to service the bonds, so it is immaterial whenmthey start. It was concluded that it was their duty to the District as a whole to ~iscontinue further loss to the District by not postponing the sale of bonds any longer. They also considered the fact that there was a recent 10% increase in labor costs for the job. Mr. Coldwell reported that the index had increased from 580 on ~arch 28, 1952, ~hen the McGuire & Hester bid was received, to 611 at the present time, The last increase in labor ~as 10%. He also said that the full scope of ~his last raise was not fully felt because it had not filtered Oat into material costs. It was concl~ded that the economy of the District could best be preserved by making an immediate award on schedules ;~ and B. Mr. Caldw~ll also reporte~ that these were separate and severable from the collection system and are to be financed entirely from the ~roceeds of gene.?sl obligation bonus which had been voted by the people. ~r. Davis reoorted that the contract between this District and the Nevada District had been execute~ by both sides. This is for providing the Nevada District shall have a disposal capacity for an average daily flow of Z00,000 gallons for a cost of $108.000 in accordance with Brown and Coldwell emtimate. It was also reported that wallace White~ Nevada State Sanitary Engineer. had concluded that that csoacity was adequate and that any excess was not economically advisable. Mr. Davis also reported that the Nevada Boa'.-d of Directors had adopted a general ~lan of procedure and that it had been approved by the Nevada Irrigation District's Bond Commission, and that the Nevada Board had called a bond election for of bonds to be held on October 8, 1955, all in conformity ~ith the Nevada Improvement District Act. AWAt~,D OF CONTRACT~ SCHEDULES A and B: 0rdinat'~ce No. 15. of A~ard of Contra'ct. Schedules A an~ B, to ~.cG ~re and ttester, was read. On motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Crocker, and unanimously carried, the Ordinance was adopted. ~ . 39, CALI~ING OF BIDS FOR B0hDS: Resolution No calling of Bid"s f~r Bonds, was rea~ .... On motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Crocker, and unanimously carried, the Ras.~lution was adopted. 0i~.DINANCE NO. L6: Amending Ordinance No. 3 Fixing Time and Place for 'the R'~gular ~eeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. and Providing the ~anner in which Special Meetings of such Boated may be called. Desig- nating an Official Mailing Address, and Establishing the O~der of Business. was read. On motion by Director Young, seconded by Director ~rocker, and unanimously carried, the Ordinance was adopted. ANNEXATION, NO. 53-1: Several annexation petitions were presented to and donsidered by the Board, Ordinance No. 17, an Ordinance Describing Territory Proposed to be Annexed, Deter- mining That N~ Terms and Conditio.,:~s are Necessary, an'd Declaring Intention to Approve Such Annexation, Annexation No;' 53-1, was read. On motion by Director Young, secauded, by'~Director Crocker~ and un~imously carried, the 0rdinance...~a~'. adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 40: Resolution No. 40 directing creation of sewer constructi'o'h-funds and transferring monies thereo, was read. On motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Crocker, and unanimously carried, the R~solution was adooted. RESOLUTICN NO. 41: Resolution No. 41, Authorizing Execution ~-f'~oint Cd--ruction Agreement z'as read. On motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Crocker, and unanimously carried, thc Resolution was adopted. A~'PROVED: ~ ~ ~res~nt - - ~ ~ ADJOUR1W-ME~.~T: There being no further business the meeting was ~'~ourhed a~ 4:30 p. m. MIRrdTES OF THE REGULAR ~ETING OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT September 10, 1953 Meeting postponed - no quorum. MINUTES OF THE REGJLAR .~...~ETI~fG OF SOUTH. TAHCE ~?UBLIC UTI LITY DISTRICT October 8, 1953 ~,~eeting postponed - no ~uorum. MINUTES OF SPECIAL ~FETI RU, 0F SOUTH TAHCE YUBLIC 'UTILITY I)ISTRICT October 1 5, 1953 The ~,zeting-.,as called to order at 2:45 p. m. by President pro tam Johnston. ROLL CALL: Johnst ch,' Young. On roll call there were present Directors Absent Director Crocker. DISCUSSION: Detailed discussion of progres to date, including progress of Nevada District in relation to South Tahoe Public Utility District. CE AZ ~S: ordered pa id: The following, claims were presented and P~e si d ~ Pac. Tel. & Tel. h~i ckel, s (furniture) Mt. Democrat Lakeside Theatre rent 9/10-10/10 E. Clerks 5/28-1G~8 17.19 62.42 64.00 25.00 115.10 There being no further business the 4:00 p. m. / 42 A MINUTES OF SPEC IAL ~.~TING OF SOUTH TAHOE ?UBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Nay 1, 1 95 3 The South Tahoe Public Utility District met in public session on ~,~ay 1, 1903 at a:~0 o'clock Ii. I~., in the lo~by of the Conolley's ~ijou Hotel, in the District. On roll cell there were present Directors Crocker, Johnston an~ Young, and Attorney Ernest A. Wild, on. Also present were Attorneys Barnett ~nd Robertson, Supervisor Roberts on, an~ interested !roperty owners. SEi~>~ }}~0JECT: Discussion v~as had as to the representations at the protest hearing in the assess~snt proceedings as to what the Board would do. Attorney Robertsc~ stated that it was his understanding that no action would be taken as to anyEqing un%il the financing is worked out. Mr. Wilson stated that it was his understanding that no further action woul~ be taken in the proeeedings then being heard without the financin~~ being worked out and the proceedings being re-noticed and a new hearing had. Mr. Wilson also stated that in his opinion the Board had no euthority to f~rther ect in the assessment m~tter since the Supervisors have withdrawn their consent. ~r. Wilson also state~ thst the Board has jurisdiction to sell the bonds ~hich are voted by the p~ople and to construct work with it even though it is only a part of the entire project. After public ~iscussion, Director Jo~mston suggested the following it ems: 1. Hold ~ction on sale of bonds and work u~til have firm ~,ievada contract. Z. Yotice immediately a new assesmnent proceeding for thirty days hence; 5. Board require of ~rotestants and their counsel their coordination; 4. Recuire expression of confidence from 7rotestants and counsel; 5. Agree that it be accelerated and completed in forty- five d ay s. Attorney Robertson consented to the foregoing pro.~ram. On motion ~..~ Director Johnston, seconded by Director Young, and unanimously carried, the five-point pr~rsm ~as approved. Director Johnston moved that l~rotestants and their counsel express their confidence in a coordinated progrsm, and that they appoint a committee to ~ork with the Board in the spread of the assessment, that the District enter intca firm contract with the I'~evsda District, that proceedings for the sale of bonds and award of contract be held up until the pro~ram is worked out, ~n~ that the program be expedited for consummation and noticing of assessment proceedings within forty-five deys. The motion was seconded by Director Young and omanimously carried. Attorney }~obertson said that the program was satisfactory to his cli~nts, Howard Keller smd Cheste~r Lipmzn, an d himself. It w~s agreed that the Board an8 its attorney w~ld meet at the ~ffice of Brown & Caldwell i~ Sen Fr~ncisco with a Committee of the property owners and their attorney, for the puroose of going over the spread of the assessment. There being no further business,.the meeting adjournea. HT;,~TTrm~q OF MEETING OF BOARD ON~...~,nT:~';::'m':~ !~..~,., 0F SOUTH T~HOE PUBLIC UTILITY D'rgTN-T<'T <.. ~ u_p..Z} The Board of Directors of the South Taho::? Pd}iic Utility - ~ "~r::.':~ at the hour District met in public session on Octobc, r ~,, ..... . .... , of 2:00 o'clo~ ~oM., in the East F~,o"~t ~i't"fffcr':' 02 ti~e ~ ~,~zo.c Theater; Ln the Distr:~ Roll Call; On Roll uall theI'e ?~oPe :, ..... s~nb Directors Da.,/1,:~ CPom tl:~ Ic~: off!co of Johnston and Young, and Attorney ' ' '~ KirkbPide, Wilson, Harzfeld & Wallace~ Bills, The following bills Rmount liD o jr:' t.., ..... !lam Croc}.:eP William Crocker n,~q district work, ogbcP district expen · ~ 5~ to ~0-i-~3 -.~-.. : o o no 66 Oi~ ~otion ?,': DirectoF ',~m:, seca ..... ~ ..... .~c~,o~ Johnston, the bills were unanimously approved and ?d. eP,::: v?i':, ^ ~ ---~-' NCo n3-;: The meetil!s was ~-,'' "' open for one .~v,~' ..... '" uff~~' ~!o6i:... P ~':~_. at '.,~"~ "~,...~,~ ti. uu~ ~ ., ..,~ ', ,,, ,,:. no o~e had appeared at the.. ".~ma.~' ~"!IIO'~ fOP ai'l~oxatio:! ~tl'ld fi, i i~i:: i11;' ~,~i t u o protest hsd been received by the Board of Dir, wtoPs, iqeso!ution NO. ~ ~' a R~:oO=l, olC~ asa and Changing Boundaries of the South Tal~oa Pub!'.c U%iilty DistPic was road to the Board by Attorney Davis. On ;jot!on by Director Young, seconded by DiPoctoP Johnston, and uno. n!i:~o:~:'iiy carried, Resolution No~ 1~2 ~.~ss adopted. Tlze Resolution ;,~a.s '!_ri words ann _:. ,_S,:P'.~..s : i o..lox.',rs: A .,{,~,jODU.:.IOL ~..,..~D OI~DPiR APPROVING ..... k'..:.~'~) AlfN:,~ATI,,..I.~ AND Ct~,LG!LG ~- Z" ~,'mz~ TT~: DiE3 :.~ i .... AIIN~ ..... .~T_.ON NOo ].?~c,-1 ci' ' ~--,t'-?, Tahoe R:,,bOLv!:,.,), by the ........ '~:~ Del?ado County, Ca~::/'oPnia~ tliat Public Ut$].it3~ -n~e-,.,~et~ WHEREAS, petitions sis:ted by all of th,? ,,::nors of the territory t,d'licb ts un-inhabited and h,~ a majorit .... of the sua!'~fioa electors of those parcels of land which arc inl~'i';ited in certain , ~i ...... ~' ,:~i:: "nn',,n~, Pul)lie unincorporated territory conu_~uou.., to th,':. S Utility District, arid. being in the ssmc :3ountl, :::: :::;:;.i6 Dir3trict, asking that such terr-.'ttor?' be annexed to sail ~.L~tr:tct and con- oe.~tl~o to o~oh annexaU, on without an e~ octi~ ~-4 ~..~d~out nn7 s~cc~al ~' ~ and condition, s, ~.~.~ ............... ~ecr~t,-~z.7 of the ])Lstr~.ct, on the Directors and filed vt!th tt~e o , ~, . ' 1st day of oep~ember~ 1953, in accordance oectzon 5ia o.~ "The Public Uti].ity District qc o? ti~e ~:~t~ of 0alifornia; V, HER.h ~o, the~,..id oecPeta, ry !m ~:; ~, omp8 r,~:-.~ t~:~ si -ms t~:res on sa-id petitions of those parcels of la'ad v~hL,':h ape inl~abited with the affidavits of registration on ~tl.e w:tth the County Clerk of t~ r,~:~, z.a v.rh:Lch the terrftory ~,zuoo~:,e~ situate~ and has determine6 from the F{:~cords essor, as to those parcels of land which} are ~t.~Lnhabited, that the potitione?s are the owners of the unitd-~abLt:)d parcels propo .... d to be annexed and bas found and cert~,f'i ::d tO ti}.'LS '~ '~ that said petition has been sisned by the req~.liF(:'.C _ -~,-(',~-'~ ~ number of the territory which is inhabEted arid by ti:~ ~: ~ Fen .... P ; ~c: has attached ovmers in the territory which is unzn!~aozt~::,x, his signature to the oaza oetition, and oPes~,::,.t :J to this ' ~' ~.m';e%%q on 'the Ist day of oepte~} adopted its Ozd~.nan~ ~ ~ 'r,~:: ~Io~ 17 entailed, ~.a Ord'~t~:Inn Desorib!n.s Territory Proposed to be Annexed~ Detcrmi. ntLnS t, li.?t no Terms and Conditions are Necessary~ and DeclarinE~ int~:~ntf.on to Approve Such ..... c. descrY.be the 'b"'rw~-bom~ }-)reposed to be Annexation~ wherein it ,'~ ~ .. .t~. intention of approvLng 3u(:l~. , ne~at ._L with- annexed, declare .... ~' out any special terms a~d conditi, ons~ and Sire notice fixing the t~ .....ted in, - · -~. ...... or th. at may be affected by' the ...... - ~.~:,~' annexation o~ said territory within the District, to appear x:t .~.~cl, meeting and show cause, tn writing, if any they have, wNy said territory any part thereo,, should i~ot be ~' m .... '~ .... ~ :'~is~_ ~.,.t as . posed in said petition; WHEREAS, said Ordinance and notice ~¢ere ";~ en v,.~,,1, the o o -- ~'~r ,. S:cr~.ta.z, of the District and publ'Lshec] O.n,d and in the manner provided by law} and v~Hu,REAo, no persons ~nterested filed w~.u:~ the Board written protests to Annexation No, i953-1, or {:o the approval of no terms and condit$ons therefor, and no ovrnePs of taxable prop- ..... r: b7 Annexation 1953-1 erty in tP, e territory proposed to be filed written protests to be the proposed ann exa t 'L on or to the approval of no terms and conditions; NO?/~ THEREFORE, !T IS FOUND~ Di!iTERN!NEO ,'i~'D ORDRRED, as follows: ..... ~ ti. on will be 1. That the territory described in substantially benefited by annexation to said lDl. shrguo~ and that said D'lstPiot will be substantially benefited b? a~lneRirls said territory to sag. d DEstrio%~ 20 That tn. t0oundaries of <,~.Ld -'~ ~'-. ',- .- =, ~. '~-- change~ by including therein the territory described i'n ~.:,~d netition. 3. ~n~t the territory so annexeo an4 tho exterior bound- aries thereof are mor~ ~artzcular!y def~nex.and established as set forth in Exhibit "A:' hereto attach~o, aha b':/ reference made a part hereof. - 2 - . I :.,~o~ ~,~on and order 4. That a certified copy o£ this ~e~-~ ~ .... shall be filed for record in the offices of t]~e ~ounty Recorder of E1 Dorado County, California. ATTEST: Wmo A Clerk and ~2o'f-Pl~i-6 Secretary South Tahoe Pub]_ic Utility District I hereby certify that the ~ ~ '~ reso_l~.tton was a~,y and regularly passed b~ the Board o£ D.=r~to~.~, o the oouth Tahoe Public Utility Dtstr.ict at a meeu~n,~ vnezeo, held on the 26th day of October, 195~, by the followln~ vote of 'the members there, of. 6!. ' s~ ~o. resolution, and in favor of ~' Young, Jol-'mst,un NOES, Directorst None ABSENT, Directorst Crocker Tahoe Publ~c Utii ,_o,,~ District PARCEL 1 PARCEL 2 EXitlBiT 'A i~ DN, SCRIPTION OF UNINCORPeRA ±ED .d!,h~..~ ~ OR.~. TO BE ANNEXED ~0 ~ ~ c~ m~ 'r F~tl'~ oOUS. tt TAHOE PUBLIC UTiI.ITY ' '"~"' ANNEXATION 1953-1 ~8 of ' ' ac,-ordins to the Lots 27 and ~ Harlow Acres , - official plat thereof filed, in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of Cali- fornia, on September 23, 19113 in itoo'k A of Maps at page 29, E! Dorado County Records. The S-~ of Lots 2~ and 25 'Harlow ~tcres~, according to the off%cial plat thereof filed i'~ the office of the County Recorder of El ~,,orado Cou~:/, otat~ of .... a on oeptembe ~:~, ~o in ~3ook A of t~alz fo~z ~ - Maps at page 29, E1 Dorado County Records. PARCEI, 3 PARCEL 5 PARCEL 7 PARCEL ~ ;: ~ o :: accord- The N~- of Lots ~ and °~5 of Itaxl .,, £~cres mn~ to the official plat thereof filed in the F~ Dorado County, office of the County Recorder, State of California, on September ~.~, ~ol~3~.,. ~n Book A of Maps at p._,.oa 29, E! '''~ ~.s~ ",',~",t? Records Lot 96 of :'Harlow Acres~ , ac<~ordi, nj t~, the of~zcial plat thereof filed in the off$ce of t~e County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of California, on September e3, 19~3 in Book k of N. aps at page 99, E1 Dorado County Records. Lots ~o _ ~ om and %~, in Lakeside Lodge S~bdSvision, as said lots are designated and numbered on the . oubd~_v :~ ....... on, Official Map of said ~ · -~ riled in the Office of the County Recoxde. Dorado, State of California., on ,%..~ ~, 7, ~n Hap Book A, at Page 31. Recorded 0ct~ 27, 1952 in i}ook 315, p~Se 510 - Doc. ~{8765 ~ Lot 71, of Lakeside Lodge Subdiviu~ion, a.s said lot and block are designated and numbered on the O~f]~c'~_a Map of said Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recor.~e~: of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, o~ i.~,oi~st..~.~. 7, 19l~5,~ in Map Book A, at Page 31, as mope ps rtic~larlN described as follows: Conm~encins at the Southwesterly coruer of the parcel herein described, identical with the Southwesterly corner of lot 71 of Lakeside Lodge Subdivision, a pipe, 1 inch in dia~neter; thence from the place of conm~encement; North 29°~%'::~'~ _,._.~,.~'ost %6~ .00 feet to the Northwesterly corner thereof, a pipe 3/4- of an 'inch in diameter; thence South 50° 27' 20~' East 271.31~ feet to the Northeasterly corner thereof, a 3/4 inch pipe; thence South '%~%~'~ ~.~'~:. West, 2.60 feet to a pipe, one inch in diameter.; thence South 1~3~ 50' 30'~ West ~7.66 feet to the Southeasterly corner, identical with the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 71; thence North ~9° 16' 4-3" West, ~56~36 feet to the place of com:mtn~cement, ontaining 0.285 acres more or less and hay%ns a frontage of 50.~6 feet on Highway 50~ Recorded May e5, .~s ~ ..... ~ Doc, ~?~359. Lot 3 of ~Harlow Acres~, according to the official plat thereof filed An the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of California, on September ~3, 19~3 in Book A of .~,lns at page ~9, E1 Dorado County Records~ Beginning at the NE corner, a point on the E boundary of the tract of land a portion of the ~r 1/% of the SE 1/t~ of Sec 33-13-15, heretofore deeded by C. P~ Young~ et a! to R~ F~ Bull. et al, whence the NE corner of said. tract deeded to R~ P. Bull et al, a granite monument marked ~K~'', bears ~ '~ bears N ft; & the E 1/l~ corner of said ~..ec~ 87° 45' E 1891o~ ft; thence ~$ 0° 2C~' E 50 ft to the SE corner; thence S 89° ~' W ~ ~,.~,~ ft; thence N 0° ~_6' 15:: W 50 ft; to the ]~,.r corner; thence N 89~ 3~' E 89o9~C] ft to the ~.;?, cor~er, the plaoe of be~inningo ~ Ad~u~mme~t: There being no further ~-~ ~o~ the meet- ing was'~a~Journed at 3:30 o'clock P. Mo Clerk and ~.~-o]-~fmu ~_c, ~ ::,~ ev, ary APPROVED: president P~'Tem. The Sou th Tahoe Public Utility District met in public session on June 10, 1953, at 8:00 o'clock p. m. in the lobby of C.onolly,s Bijou, in the District. ROIJ, CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Johns~-oh~-y~ an~ Crocker. and Attorney Ernest A. Wilson. Also present w~re Directors Clyde Beecher an8 }iarvey Gross of the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1. Attorney Wllsau presented each member with a copy of a Beport on Proposed Aceuisitions an~ Imorovements for the Douglas County Sewer Imorovement District No. 1. This report was based upon two plans. Plan A provided that the Neveda District wo~ld pay the California District $187,280, based on an ultimate peak contribution from ~,~evada of~ 1,O00,O00 gallons per day, e~d contemplated the eventual construction of the Lake trunk as originally laid out. Plan B orovided that the Nevada District would pay the California District ~108,000 and was based on a present estimated peak Nevada contribution of .35 million gallons per day, or roughly one-third of the estimated ultimate flow. Attorney Wilson pointed out that it would take a bond issue of about ~232,000 to provide for Plan A. including financing the $41,410 of contemplated work on the Nevada side. Attorney Wwilson explained to those present the various exhibits in the report, pointi~ out the annual payments for each division of property within the District, based upon Plan A. After c~mplete discussion of the report, and mutual expressions of approval from both Boards, it was concluded that copies of the report be submitted to Wallace ¥~. White. Nevada State Sanitary Engineer, and to Brown & Ca'dwell, engineers for both Districts, for their approval. There being no further bu sine ss, t~he~meeting ad journed. Pres~ent ' SOUTH TAHOE FUBI[C UTILI~ DISTRICT ~ovemb~r 1~, 1953 The meguler m~ting of the Boar8 of Di~ctors of the South ~ehoe Pubic Utility District was call~8 to oraer at ~:15 p. m. by President l~.,.ro tern, C. G. Johnston, ~fovember 1~, 1953 ROLL CALL: 0n rSll cell there were present Di~ctors Johnston and Young. Absent: Di~ ctor Crc ok ~. ~ '~1'' ~ PPG JECT: Dist'rict activities end progress were discussed in 5etail, 44 ' ' with plans and suggestions for future activites being consi dared. BILLS: On motion by Director Young, seconded by Directors ~ohnston and ur~animously carried, the following bills were ordered paid: Pay e e Lake s ~--~-l~ne atr e Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Amount ,Purpose 25'.00 ' rent 10/'1'0-~3 to 11/10/55 25.00 " ll/lO-SS to 12/13/5S 5.46 telepho~ $55.46 There~being no further business the meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.~ Respectfully submitted, MI~;S OF THE ~GU~R~,;~:~NG aF SOUTH T~;OE ~BLIC UTII2TY DISTRICT Decem~r 10, 1953 The ~meting was called to order at 2~0 p. m. December 10th in the office of the Utility District at Lakeside Theatre. ROLL CALL: On ~Oll call there were present: Absent: Director Crocker. Directors Young, Johnston. ~INUTES: Minutes of the previous meetinE were read and approved. ~¥]oved by Young, seconded by Johnston and unanimously carried, that due to the fact the fortY, coming trial might change any action taken at this time, that the meeting be adjourned until the conclusion of the trial. There ~eir~g no other business to come before the meet~~urnment was at ~:~0 p. m. Rasp ect fu~ty~sjjlbmi tted, _) 'MIRTHS 2F SP[~I~L [',';EETINO OF S~UTH TAH~..E ].~BLIC ~TILI~ DISTRIGT December 18, 195~. The meetin~ was c91~ d to order ~ g:O0 a. m. December 18th 195~ in the office or ~e Dis~rl c~ by Pres1 ~en t Crock ROL L C ~-~.LL. On roll call there were present: Directors Crocker, Johnston, Young. Absent: ~one. mi NUTES: --~tes of the previous meeting were read and approved. after detailed discussion it was decided unanimously that it will be advisable to have the Nevada District sell their bonds and place in escrow the amount due the District as per Agreement before proceed~u~ with District work. The Board was in tuuanimous agreement th~:t additional information should be obtained from the engineers regarding the spread of assessment, and thst immediately upon receipt of such information the Board should expedite a meeting v,,ith protestants. CLA ]]~ S: The follov~ng bills were presanted and ordered paid: C. E. JOHNston -e×~penses 6/23 to 12/18 W. A. Young - 10/26 to 1/218 W. J. Crocker - 10/9 to ll/16 Lakeside Theatre rent 12/10 to 1/10~54 Raymus Ins. Agency bond-Young Pac. Tel. & Tel. phone to 11/16/53 E. Clarke sal.exp. 10/9 to 12/18 ~50.00 174.9~ 188.88 ~5.00 15. O0 1~ .34 41.40 There being no further business the meeting adjourned at ll:0~ a. m. ?resiRent Respectful~%y submit ted, and ex-of fi~ g ecr e.~ry