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1952 03/03 - 1952 12/22
MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 3, 1952 The meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility D:str~ct was called to order by President Crocker at the hour of 3:00 P.M., March 3, 1952, at the office of Kirk- bride, Wilson, Harzfeld and Wallace, San Mateo, California. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Johnston, Crocker and Young. Also present was ~ttorney Ernest A. Wilson and Engineers Ken Brown and Milo Lacey. ENGINEER: The contract for hiring Brown and Caldwell of San Franc~sco, as consulting engineers, was read. RESOLUTION NO. 15 Authorizing Execution of Contract, was read. On motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Johnston, and unan- imously carried, said resolution was adopted. The contract was duly signed and delivered. POSTING ORDINANCE: The Secretary reported to the Board that copies of Ordinance No. ~8 had been duly posted in three public places within the District and it was so ordered. NEVADA IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT: The formation of a Nevada Improvement District was discussed at great length, and it was decided that Johnston, Brown and Wilson would meet in Reno or Carson City to dis- cuss the matter and arrange for a reliable Title Company in Nevada to prepare a legal description of the proposed District. ADJOURNMENT: st 6:~'0 P.M. There being no further business the meeting adjourned APPROVED: ~" President MINUTES OF SPECIAL ~I~ETING OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 13, 1~52 The meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District was called to order at 4:00 o'clock P.M. by Director Johnston. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Young and Johnston. Absent Director Crocker. MINUTY~iS: The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. COMMUNICATIONS: Letters to Crocker relative to Mr. Macabee and the abandonment proceedings and to Raymus Insurance Agency were read. BILLS: Statement from Raymus Insurance Agency for $30.00 for bonds for Directors Young and Crocker, was read and ordered paid. RESOLUTION NO. 16 Calling and Providin~ for Notice of Elec- tion of Director at Large No. ~ for South Tahoe Public U~ility District, was read. On motion by Director Johnston, seconded by Director Young, and unanimously carried, said resolution was adopted. ~DJOURNMENT: 5:00 o~clock P.M. There being no further business the meeting .adjqurned at - ~rk- and ~×-officio S~retary~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC U~£ILITY DISTRICT April 10, 1952 T~e regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tshoe Public Utility District was called to order by President Crocker at 2:05 P.M., April 10, 1952, at Young's, Bijou, Cslifornia. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Young, Crocker and Johnston. REPORTS: Director Johnston reported on the meeting of April 2nd in the office of Mr. White, State of Nevada Sanitation Engineer. Pre- sent were: Caldwell~ Lacey, Wilson and Johnston. Mr. Armstrong was not present. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss the best method of handling the Nevada situation and obligating them for funds. Mr. Wilson's opinion, agreed to by Mr. White, was that a bond issue could not be sold in Nevada. The amount of $125,000 was suggested as the probable initial figure to be paid by Nevada interests, plus $~0,000 connecting fees, all of which would have to be paid in cash to the South Tahoe Public Utility District. It was also agreed that the cost of getting the sewer system from Tahoe Village and Sky Harbor would be borne entirely by them, it being their own problem to reach the line. It...was agreed that there are eight specific people at State- line who wou'ld be included in the group, as well as a ninth unit com- posed of a few houses below the trailer court. It was further agreed that a chart outlining estimated cost snd percentage of assessment be prepared and submitted to the nine units, and their permissinn and deposit obtained. On motion by D~rector Crocker, seconded by Director Young, and unanimously carried, the procedure as outlined is to be handled by Johnston subject to approval of Counsel. Director Crocker reported on compensation for the Board of Directors, citing figures used by other Boards and the legal limi- tations. After discussion it was moved by Director Crocker, seconded by Director Young, and unanimously carried, that the following schedule of compensation be accepted: Mileage Phone calls Out of town expenses (meals, hotels, etc.) Regular meetings Special meetings District work 10¢ per mile Using credit card Actual cost I10. per meeting 10. per meeting 20. per day ORDINANCE NO. 9 Approvin$ Compensation, was read. On mo- tion by Director Young, seconded by Director Johnston, and unanimous- ly carried, said ordinance was adopted. WARRANTS: Director Young reported on the printing of warrants for the District, and the copy as presented was approved with the de- letion of the word "Lake" Five hundred warrants are to be purchased, subject to price. DISPOSAL SITE.: Director Young made a detailed report on the matter of acquiring land for a disposal site, and the Board of Directors agreed that Parcel ~2 of the Stella Johnson land would be their fi. rst choice and Parcel #3 second choice. Director Young was re- quested to make further contact with Stella Johnson, and endeavor to secure an option on one of these Parcels of land. COMMUNICATIONS: Letters from Lydia J. Clark and Dr. ~llan Powers were read and Director Johnson was requested to answer same. SEWAGE TRUCK: It was moved by Director Crocker, seconded by Direc- tor Young, and unanimously carried, that the District advertise for bids on a vacuum pump, 1000-gallon, t-wheel drive, sewage removal truck. Ad to appear in the Mmuntain Democrat for five days. BILLS: On motion by Director Crocker, seconded by Director Young, and unanimously carried, Ethel Clarke is to be paid ten cents a mile for trip to San Meteo and $10.00 per day for two days work in San Msteo and Burlingame. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meetlng was ad- journed at"6:00 P.M. A P PROVED: - f/~ president MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April 26, 1952 A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District was called to order at 3:00 o'clock P.M. at Young's Bi. jou, on April 26, 1952. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Crocker, Young and Johnston. Also present were Mrs. Stella Johnson, Kno× Johnson and D~ve Caldwelt. MINUTES. Reading of ~nutes of 'previous meetin~ was postponed PLANT SITE: The meeting was devoted to discussion of the possibility of purchasing land from Mrs. Johnson. POSTING OF ORDINANCE: The Secretary reported that copies of Ordinance No. 9 had been duly posted in three public places within the District and it was so ordered. AD JOURNMENT: at 6:30 P.M. There being no further business the meeting adjourned '~ ~ ~i'~erk and ex-offic~ Secreta~" MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL b~ETING OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April 27, 1952 The meeting was called to order by President William J. Crocker at Young's, Bijou at 11:30 A.M., April 27, 1952. ROLL CALL: C.~ldwell. Present Directors Young, Crocker and Johnston, and Dave MINUTES: Minutes of the previous meetingwere read and approved. PLANT SITE: Young reported that he had contacted Stella Johnston relative to land to be used for disposal plant and had offered her $400.00 per acre. Mrs. Johnston stated her price would be $1,000. per acre unless a much larger portion of land would be purchased, in which case the price would be $800.00 per acre. Young increased his original offer from $400.00 to $600.00 per acre which Mrs. Johnson refused. Further discussion was had on the subject of ac- quiring land from Stella Johnson. Young offered the following Resolutinn for consideration: RESOLUTION NO. 17. That we take an option on approximate- ly ninety-five [95) acres from Ste!la Van Dyke Johnson, as per map attached, at a ma×imum price of $800. per acre, this price to in- clude not less than ninety-five acres; to include a forty-foot ease- ment from Pioneer Trail to property described on attached map; and also to include an easement for force main from Lincoln Highway ~ 50 at the intersection of Lincoln Highway #50 and th~ private road leading into the Johnson Lazy J Ranch along the railroad r~ght-of- way and thence through the shortest route area to the property described on attached map; that this option be subject to the ap- proval of the Utility Distr~ct engineers and the Regional Water Pollution Control Board. This option to be in effect until July 1, 1952. President Crocker called for discussion on the proposed resolution. Johnston stated that he was in favor of the proposed option provided it would jeopardize the D~strict for no more than the $100.00 consideration. He also stated that if the option were accepted he considered it the duty of the Board to examine every possible means, legal and consideration of other property, to locate a site which would more nearly meet the needs of the District, inas- much as ninety-five acres was considerably in excess of the require- ments, and no effort should be spared in an endeavor to buy for less money acreage that would serve the purposes of the District. He stated that the option should be taken up only when it was finally determined that the property in question was the only means by which the sewer system could be implemented. Crocker and Young concurred in Johnston's solution was unanimously adopted. remarks. The re- The Board unanimously decided to delay action on the pre- sentation of the option until advice from counsel was obtained. SEWAGE TRUCK: The Board decided unanimously that in view of the fact that no answers to call for b~ds were received on the vacuum pump, 1000-gallon, 4-wheel drlve sewage removal truck, that such a truck be purchased on the open market. CLAIMS: Mountain Democrat, call for bids two issues, $3.00. Placer- ville Times, two issues, publication of Notice of' Election Director at-large #3, $24.50. paid. Moved.by Young, seconded by Crocker that these claims be Carried. SECRETARY: Moved by Young, seconded by Crocker that the Executive Secretary be paid at the rate of $2.00 per hour, claim to be pre- sented at the regular monthly meeting. Carried. TYPEWRITER: Moved by Young, seconded by Crocker that the Secretary be authorized to purchase a typewriter from the Carpenter Typewriter Company in Placerville. Carried. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 2:00 P.M. APPROVED: - ~ PresSdent' Clgr~ ~n~"ex~offic~o S~e~retary~ :11., MINUTES OF THE M~.ETING OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 12, 1~52 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District was called to order by President Crocker at 3:00 o'clock P.M., May 12, 1952, at Young's Bijou. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Crocker, Young and Johnston. Also present was George Canon and Nick Sahati. MINUTES: The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. COMMUNICATIONS: Director Young read communication from V. H. Benson, County Clerk, and it was agreed that Director Johnson would answer same thanking him for listof voters and his coopera- tion. SEWAGE TRUCK: In discussing the disposal truck, it was decided that. an ad be placed in the Sacramento Bee. CANVASS OF VOTE. S: RESOLUTION NO. 18 Canvassin6 Returns and Declarin$ the Result of the General District Election held in South Tahoe Pub- lic Utility District on Tuesday May 6., 1952, for the Office of Director at Large Number Three, was read. On motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Johnston, and unanimously carried, said resolution was adopted. Votes of the election for delegate-at-large #3 were can- vassed. Total votes cast - 23. Votes for Charles Johnston - 23. EXPENSE ACCOUNTS: Expense accounts for Crocker, Young and Johnston and Clarke were submitted. On motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Crocker, and unanimously carried, said accounts were approved. /," '~ , The possibility of using the new County Building for future meetings of the District was discussed. Tabled. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was ad- Journed to a special meeting to be had at 2:30 P.M., Friday, May 16th at the Wagon Wheel. A P PROVED: /President MINUTES OF SPECIAL ~.ETING OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 16, 1752 A special meeting of the Bo~:rd of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District was called to order by President Crocker at the Sage Room of the Wagon Wheel, Stateline, Nevada, on May 16, 1952, at 2:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Crocker, Young, Johnston. Also present were Harvey Gross, George Canon, Bob Hughes, Bud Beecher, W~lly White, Milo Lacey, Ernest Wilson, William Bozes, Moe Neef, Norman Rheinberg. NEVADA: D~rector Johnston explained that the purpose of the meet- ing was to advise the Nevada representatives that the South Tahoe Public Utility District must have an immediate expression of their decision as to whether or not they would join the District, and that their share of the cost of the disposal set-up would be $125,000. Wally White explained what they would receive for their $125,ooo. Director Johnston explained the percentage system by which the individual shares of the $125,000. would be assessed. Harvey Gross asked how the percentages would be pro-rated. ~f'ter considerable discussion it was announced that Wally White would have the percentages by the following w~ek. George Canon asked how the money would be raised. Lrnest Wilson advised that a District would first have to be formed, re- gardless of whether the money will be raised in cash or by bond issue. Director Johnston requested that the Nevada group pro- vide the D~strict with something in writing to prove the District justified in spending money to make preliminary arrangements for fox' their participation. Wally White stated that st a previous meet- ins, held at George's G~teway, expenses of engineers and counsel had been authorized by the group. This was verified by the Nevada repre- sentatives present. ADJOURN~,.~T: There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:30 P.M. A P PROVED: / President ~C~:erY. ~in~ 8k'6ff-icio ~¥cret~Yry MINUTES OF SPECIAL ~ETING OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTZLITY DISTRICT May 17', 1,752 A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Ut.~lity District was called to order by President Crocker at Young's Bijou, at 10:30 A.M., May 17, 1~52. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors, Crocker, Johnston and Young. Also present was Attorney Ernest Wilson and Milo Lacey. PUMP SITE: Director Young brought up the subject, of Lot ,~85, and was instructed to contact Harvey West to investigate the possibility of acquiring this lot. ANNEXATION: Attorney Wilson. discussed the details of the annexa- tion of Young's Bijou. ORDINANCE NO. 10, Providing for ~.nnexation of Certain Propert.y, was read. On motion by Director Young, seconded by Di- rector Crocker and unanimously carried, said Ordinance was a~opted. PUMPING STATION: Plans for the' pumping station were examined and the flat top design submitted was accepted. EL~:CTION BOARD: On motion by Director Crocker, seconded by D~_rector Young, and unanimously carried, compensation for the election board was fixed at the rate of $8.00 per day. OFFICE: On motion by Director Crocker, seconded by Director Johnston, and unanimously' carried, it was ordered that the office space formerly occupied by the Western Union, in Young's Bijou, be rented for the sum of $250.00 per year, including electricity. BILLS: On motion by Director Johnston, seconded by Director Young, and unanimously carried, the following bills were ordered paid: Election Board Members: Ed Smith Gloria Funk Jean Buchanan 8.00 8.00 8.00 Election Supplies: A. Carlisle & Co. $19.31 Liability Policies: R~:~ymus Insurance Agency $26,20 22,70 Total ADJ0~R.~I· There being no further business APPROVED: $))2.21 m~e/ti~Fdjourned.~t 1~:00 noor ~r~-~--cv ex 'or, cio fcretsry MIhUJTES OF N~ETING OF TPE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UT ILITY DISTRICT July 10, 1952 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District was called to order at 3:15 p. m. by President Wm. Crocker. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Crocker, Young,Johnston. PUMP SITE: On motion mede by Crocker, seconded by Youngand unanimously ~a'rried, it was ordered that the Board of Directors have a conference with the Utility District's attorneys and engineers in connection with new lnfor~ tion regarding possible pumping station site on North Bijou Bgulevard. MINUTES: The secretary was instructed to write to the District's attorneys regardihg copies of minutes in their files, and requesting that copses of any such minutes be se~t to the District to complete District files. TAHOE MEADOWS: On motion by Johnston, secnnded by Young and unanimously carried, it was ordered that a meeting be held with representatives of the Tahoe Meadows Association on July 26th regarding the possibility of pur- chasing a pumping station site fr~m the Association. AUDIT: On motion by Young, seconded by Crocker, and unanimously carried, an audit of the District books was ordered, and the Secretary instructed to turn over all necessary records to the auditor. CLAIMS: were ordered paid: On motion by Johnston, seconded by Young, the following claims Mt. Democrat adver tisi n g Sacrament o Bee adver tlsing Nichols Supply desk-typewriter Ethel Clarke salary- ex pense May and June 14.06 9.90 311.32 54.91 $ 390.19 Total ADJOURNMENT: There being no further APPROVED: ~ f~P~resl den't incas t~he meeting adjourned at 4:30pm...~ MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT July 26, 1952 A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the oouth Tahoe Public Utility District was held on July 26th at 2:00 p. m. in the headquarters of the Tahoe Meadows Association. ROLL CALL: On roll call directors present were: Crocker, Johnston, Young. Also present representatives 'of Tahoe Meadows Association. DISCUSSION: Two and one-half hours were devoted to discussion of the possibility of obtaining right-of-way privileges and site for a pumping station for the South T~hoe Public Utility District. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business th9 me%et~l~ adjourned at 4:15~.m, ,298 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF SOU~H TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITT DISTRICT July 27, 1952 A special meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District was held at the headquarters of the Tahoe Meadows Association on July 27, 1952, and was called to order st 9:30 a. m. by President Crocke~. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Crocker,Young,Johnston PUMP SITE: Discussion of pumping site and right-of-way privileges was 'C'satinued from previous meeting, and plans were finalized for the acquisition of a pumping site and right-of-way from the Association. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business meeting.adjourned at 12:3¢ MINUTES OF M~ETING OF SOUTH ~/' TAHOE YUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT August lA, 1952 The regular meeting of the South Tahoe Public Utility District was heid at the District office on August lA, 1952, and was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Direc~r Johnston in the absence of the President. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Young and Johnston. MINUTES: Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. TAHOE MEADOWS: Moved by Young, seconded by Johnston and unanimously carried "~hat a special meeting with the Tahoe Meadows Association be held on August 17th at 2:00 p. m. CLAIMS: On motion by Young, seconded by Johnston and unanimously carried the following bills were ordered paid: ~lerk and ex-officio Secretary APPROVED: Insurane ® Raymus Insurance Agency OfFice Supplies Bijou Park Variety Painting office C. Matthews $396.06 21.A0 21.00 ~pre's'i~'eht pro tea MINUTES OF SPECIAL M~TING OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UT ILITY DISTRICT August 17, 1952 A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District wes called to order at 2:30 p. re. on August 17th at Tahoe Meadows Association' headquarters, ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Crocker,Young,Johnston Also present were reprssentatives of the Association and Harvey West. AGREEMENTS: Agreements were signed by representatives of the Tahoe Meadows Association and Directors of the District for the acquisition of a pumping site. Agreements were also signed by Directors and b~arvey West to co~er right-of-way privileges on West's property. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further businas, s ~t~e/~eetlng adjourned at 5:25 p.m. ~/ ~/Y'~/ /~ /J~6-~ ~///~./////; ~ /~,, ~/~ APPR0$ED: tary * RE~0LUTION: Resolution No. 18A AUqHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT ~0R RICHT OF ~Y WITH HARVEY WEST et ux was adopted. ADJOURNM~NT: There bein~,~= no further business the meeting adjourned at 12:00 noon. APPROVED ': President Clerk aN{ e-×-officie.~$%creta~~~ ~ MINUTES 0F SPRC~_AL MYi~ING 0E THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT September 2, 1952 The meeting was call. ed to order at 2:30 P.M. by President Crocker. ROLL CALL: Present there were Directors Crocker, Young and Johnston. POSTING ORDINANCE: The Secretary reported that copies of Ordinance No. 10 had been duly posted in three public places w%_thin the Dis- trict and it was so ordered. ORDINANCE NO. 11, Fix]_n$ the Amount of Money Necessary. to be Raised by Taxation in 1952-53, was discussed. On motion by Director Crocker, seconded by Director Young, and unanimously carried, said ordinance was adopted. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was ad- journed at '4:15 P.M. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT September 11, 1952 The meeting was called to order at 9:00 A.M. in the offices of Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld & Wallace, San Mateo. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were pre~ent Directors Crocker, Young, Johnston. Also present were Dave Ca!dwe!l of the engineering firm of Brown & Caldwell, and Ernest A. Wilson, attorney. MINUTES: Reading of the m~nutes of the previous meeting was deferred to the next meeting. POSTING ORDINANCE: The Secretary' reported that copies of 0rdinsnce No. 11 had been duly posted in three public places within the District and. it was so ordered. PUMP SITE: First order of business was discussion of the type of fence to be used on the Tahoe Meadows property to enclose the pump- ing station site. A four-foot cyclone-safeguard, chain link, 9- gauge galvanized fence with top rail was unanimously approved by the Directors, and the engineer was instructed to forward specifics- tion of such type of fence to the Tahoe Meadows Association for their approval. N~VADA: Following discussion of the Nevada situation, Directors agreed uns~nimously that the attorney should be instructed to proceed immediately with the formation of the Nevada District in compliance with the expressed wish of the Nevada group. STAT~ HIGHWAY: The Secretary was instructed to write a letter to the Department of Public Works, Division of Highweys, at M~rys- ville, stating that due to the impossibility of completing work under Permit #36023, that an extens~.on of such permit be reques- ted until November 15, 1953. Engineer was instructed to stipulate in contracts that no work will be done on Highway-50 during the period from July 1, 1953 to September 5, 1953. Secretary was instructed to write a letter to Road Com- missioner, Abell, to the effect that the Distr~ct anticipates some construction work will be done on County Roads starting in the late Fall and being completed by next Fall, and the District would appreciate cooperation in planning such~work to avoid con- flict with County work on these roads. Discussion of pavement replacement resulted in decision of D~rectors that contractors would be asked to take care of all necessary pavement replacement. ~ EMINENT D0~IN: RESOLUTION No. 19 Determinin$ that public Interest and Necessit~ Require the Acquisition of Lsn~s and Easements and the Taking of Immediate Possessio~ Thereof, and Directin~ the Filin$ of Eminent Domain Proceedinss, was read. On motion by Director Young, seconded by Director ~ohnston, and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. NEVADA: Attorney Wilson stated that public hearing for the for- mation of the Nevada District should be held within two weeks. ANNY~XATI0~: Discussion of annexation was deferred because any time up to February 1st will get them on the tax rolls. ADJOURN~NT: There being no further business the meeting was ad- journed at 5:30 P.M. A P PROVED: - President MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT October 6, 1~52 The meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District duly convened at the regular meeting place of the District in the office of the District, Bijou, California, on October 6, 1952, at the hour of 3:00 o'clock P.M. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Young and Johnston. Director Crocker was absent. President Crocker being absent, Director Johnston was appointed President pro tem. RESOLUTION NO. 20 Requesting that County Health Officer Recommend Proceedin.gs Under Appropriate Special Assessment and Assess. ment Bond A.CtS for the Acquisition and Construction of a S~nitary Sewerage Project as Necessary as s Health Measure Under Section 2~0~ of the Streets and Hish~ays Code, was read. On mo- tion by Director Johnston~ seconded by Director Young, and unani- mously carried, said resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 21 Requesting Consent of the Board of Supervisors of E1 Dorado County to Undertake Appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Proceedings to Acquire and Con- struct a Sanitary Sewerage System and to the Exercise of Extra Territorial Jurisdiction Therein, was read. On motion by Direc- tor Young, seconded by D~rector Johnston, and unanimously carried, said resolution was adopted. ADJOURNMENT: journed at '6:00 p.m. There being no further business the meeting was ad- A P PR OYE~/ ,. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT acS~er~ ~5~d~2-Sffic io ~.~t~c~e-ta-ry/.- ' October 22, 1952 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in special session at 9:00 o'clock A.M. on October 22, 1952. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Young, Crocker and Johnston. Also present were Engineer Caldwell and Attorney Wilson. SANITARY SEWERAGE PRO~]CT NO. 52-1: The President announced that ~his was the time for discussion and action on the above project. The Clerk read the letter from the County Health Officer, and on motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Johnston and unanimously carried, it was ordered that said letter be spread on the minutes of this meeting. "Honorable Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Bijou, California Re: Sanitary Sewerage Project Gentlemen: "I am acquainted with the sanitary sewerage pro- ject which you propose to undertake pursuant to special assessment and assessment bond proceed- ings, or other appropriate proceedings, which pro- ject is more particularly set forth in your Resolu- tion Requesting Recommendation of Health Officer. "I recommend, as necessary as a health measure, that you undertake proceedings pursuant to ap- propriate special assessment and assessment bond acts of this State, or other appropriate proceed- ings, as you shall determine, for the acquisition and construction of said improvements and for assess- lng or taxing the properties to be benefited thereby. Yours respectfully, /s/ A. A. McKinnon Health Officer of E1 Dorado County." RESOLUTION NO. 22 Determining to Undertake Proceedings Pursuant to Appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts for the.~cquisition. and Construction of a Sanitar~ ..... Sewerage Project Without Proceedings Under Division ~ of the Streets and Hishways Code, was read. On motion by Director Johnston, seconded by Director Young and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. PROJECT NO. 52-1: RESOLUTION NO. 23 Of Intention to Acquire and Construct a Ssnltary Sewerage System, was read. On motion by Director Johnston, seconded by Director Crocker and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. Engineers Brown & Caldwell presented their report to the Board, which report consisted of maps and descriptions of easements to be acquired, estimate of costs, and diagram and assessment. Upon full explanation of said Report to the Board and due consideration thereof by the Board, said Report was ordered filed. RESOLUTION NO. 24 of Preliminary Approval of Engineer's Report, was read. On motion by Director Young, seconded by Di- rector Crocker and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adop- ted. RESOLUTION NO. 25 Establishing Prevailing Wage Scale, was read. On motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Johnston and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 26 Appointing Time and Place of Haaring Protests in Relation to Proposed Acquisitions and Improvements and Directing Notice, was ~read. On motion by Director Johnston, seconded by Director Young and unan%mously carried, said Resolu- tion was adopted. PROJECT NO. 52-2: RESOLUTION NO. 27 Of intention to Acquire and Construct a Sanitary Sewerage System, was read. On motion by Director Young and seconded by D~rector Johnston, and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. Engineers Brown & Caldwell present~d their report to the Board, which report consisted of maps and descriptions of easements to be acquired, estimate of costs, and diagram and assessment. Upon full explanation of said Report to the Board and due consideration thereof by the Board, said Report was ordered filed. RESOLUTION NO. 28 of PreliminarY Approval of Engineer's Report, was read. On motion by Director Johnston and seconded b~ Director Young, and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 29 Establishing Prevailing Wa~e Scale, was read. On motion by Director Young, seconded by Director Johnston and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 30 Appointin~ Time and Place of Hearing Protests in Relation to Proposed Acquisitions and Improvements and Directing Notice, was read. On motion by Director JOhnston and seconded by Director Young and unanimously carried, said Resolu- tion was adopted. BROJECT NO. 5~-3: RESOLUPION NO. 31' of Intention to Acquire and Construct a Sanitary Sewerage System, was read. On motion by Directo~ Joh'nston second'ed by DireCtc~ Youn~ and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. Engineers Brown and Caldwell presented their report to the Board, which report consisted of maps and descriptions of easements to be acquired, estimate of costs, and diagram and assessment. Upon full explanation of said Report to the Board and due consideration thereof by the Board, said Report was ordered filed. RESOLUTION NO. 32 of Preliminary Approval of Engineer's ~, wa's res'cl, on motion 'by Director ~ou~, se'conded 9y Director Johnston and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. RESOLUTI ON NO. 33 Establishing prevailing Wage Scale, was read. On motion by Director Young, seconde'd by Director johh'ston and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 34 Appoin ting Time and Place of Hearin$ Pr ores ts ih~'' Rel~t'ion 'tO Pr opos.e~'..Acqui slti OhS an d imprbvemen~ s an d 'Di~ec'tlng Notice, was read. On motion by Director Johnston, seconded by Dlrec~or Young, and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. BID CALL: RESOLUTION NO. 35 Callin~ for Sealed Proposals, was read. On motion bY Director" Jo'hnston, seconded b~ Director Young and unan- imously carried, said Resolution was adopted. ADJGJRN~NT: There being no . further b~Asine~ss, the meeting adJourneed APPR 0VED: ~ ~ ~/ Presi'dent MINUTES OF ~H E REGULA~ M~ETING OF SOJTH TAHOE PUBLIC USYLITY DISTRICT 0ctober 9, 1952 In the absence of President William Crocker the meeting was called to order by Acting President Chsrles G. Johnston at 2:00 p.m. BOLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Johnston, Young. ~,~INUTES: Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from County Hoed Commissioner, Herbert Abell was read by Director Young, also letter from Kirkbrid$,Wilson, Harmfeld & Wallace enclosing Resolutions No. 22 and No. 23 for Directors' signatures. NEW BUSINEBS: On motion of Young, seconded by Johnston and unanim- ously car~led, a letter w~s ordered wri t~en to ~(irkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld & Wallace, with copies to Director Crocker, and engineers Brown & Caldwell, asking what steps, if any, have been taken with regard to the hearing and formation of the Nevada District, also on the matter of bringing suit for condemnation proceedings on the Stella Johnson property, and advising them that the engineers have informed the District that plans and specifications are ready for bid. CLAIMS: Moved by Young, sec~nded by Johnston and unanimously carried that following claims be paid: Earned premium on Lester lqagy Bond $9.65; $15.00 for Charles Johnston Bond; $24.65, total to Raymus Insurance Agency. $200.28 expenses Wm. A. Young, May 1st to October 1st. $130.00 expenses Charles Johnston, Yay 13th to October 13th. Expenses and salary Ethel Clarke, $50.77, July 1st to October 1st. ADJOURNMENT: There beiDg no further business the meeting 'adjourned at 3:45 p.m. -- -Pr~ent-l~ro tem/ ~ ~MINUTES 0F THE ME~TING OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLI C UTILITY DISTRICT l~ovember 20, 1952 In the absemce of President crocker the meeting was called to order by President pro tern Johnston at 2:00 p. m. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present Directors Johnston, Young~ PETITION: The petition in Annexation No. 1952-1 was presented 'and considered by the Board and ordered filed with the Secretary. ORDINANCE N0. 12 An Ordinance Describing Territory Proposed to be Annexed, Determining'That No Terms and Conditions are i~'ece~Sary, an.~ De.cl~i..n~ .Int ~..tion to i~rov~ sU'"~ in~'exati on, Was_ read~ On motion by Director Young, sechnded by Director Johnst~n and unanimously carried, said Ordinance was adopted. CLAIMS.: On motion of Johnston, seconded by Young, the following claim was ordered paid: George Anderson- posting Notices of Improvement - $6.00. ADJ CU RNMEI~T: adjourned at 3:00 p. m. APP There being no further business the meeting ~Bs · py tern MINUTES OF SPECIAL ~EETII~ OF SOUTH TAHOE Y:UBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT tWovember ~8, 1952 The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p. m. at Conolley's by President William Crocker. Present: Directors Crocker, Johnston, Young; Attorney E. Wilsc~; Engineers Stewart and Caldwell; large group of citizens. President Crocker announced bids would be opened and then protests heard. Attorney Barnett requested that protests be heard first. Attorney Wilson suggested bbs be opened first in accordance with usual procedure, and the following bids were opened and read: 1. Waterbury & Chapek, 605 Fremont Way, Sacramento. ~r. Wilson stated the bid would be considered, including the stipulation typed on the outside of' the bid. The bid was accompanied by bond of the Massachusetts Bonding Company for 10% of the bid. Schedule A - Pumping Station $106,594.00; sewage disposal plant $63,642.00. Schedule B - Item A - 8.45; B- 8.43; C- 8.96; D-.234.30; E 470.00. Schedul~ C - Item A- 18.40; B- 18.17; C-15.20; D-7523; E 345.00; F- 57.5~); G- 5.56. Schedule D - Item A - 15.19; B- 10.46; C- 345.00; D- 57.50; E- 5.56 Sehedule E - Item ~ - 12.29; B- 8.~8; C- 345.00; D - 57.50; E - 5.56. 2. ~cGuire &Hester, Oakland, accompanied by bond of Federal Casualty Company of New York for 10% of the bid, and letter of explanation. Schedule A - $60,000.00 pumping station; $22,500 treatment plant. Schedule B- Item A - 8.00; B- 7.80; C- 8.70; D- 325.00; E- l~0O.00. Schedule C - Item A - 19.0O; B- 18.00; C - 12.50; D- 12.00; E- 300.00; F- 50.00; - G - 10.00. Schedule D - Item A - 15.60; B- 9.50; C- 300.00; D- 50.00; E - 10.00. Schedule E- Item A - 10.50; B- 6.30; C -275.00; D- 50.00; E- 10.00. i¥~r. Wilson suggested the bids be ref'erred to the engineers for computation. Mir. Wilson read letters of protest from property owners Baglione; Cameron; Collier; Hewitt; Nilham; Erickson; protest presented by Attorney Barnett on behalf of property owners was read by Mr. ~'~'ilson and ~:r. Johnston. ~ttorney Shern~n Wilke of Sacrament~ presented protest for c~ners Daum, Milliman, Van Sickle and Fingado. John Kenwood entered a protest. Nate Wilson protested on the grounds he did not receive notice of hearing. Erna Worland protested on sa~' grounds as other protestants. Phil Seagrave protested and asked that his letter of protest be made a part of these minutes. Attorney Wilke asked if verbal protests will be given the same cs~sideration as written protests. Mr. Wilson stated full consideration would be given all protests, whether oral or written. Answering question asked from grs~p it was stated that Mr. Wilson is not a member of ~he ~oard, but counsel for the Board, retained as required by law. Earl Livingston, Jr. protested not receiving notice of hearing. Attorney Wilke stated that Grover B. Dull, Sacramento County Judge, and Tahoe Meadows property owner, did not receive notice of hearing and-was unaware of whether ~ not him property had been included, and protested if his property is included. District Attorney Bob Roberts stated he was present only as an observer, and would not take any part in the proceedings or corer_ant on same. Also that he had not been called on for legal opinion. Rodney Robertson of Attorney Barnett's office, also a property owner in the District, asked for the assessed value of property in South Tahoe Public Utility District. l~r. Wilson emtimated Si,100,000.00 c~ ali ttle more. Robertson asked if theft figure included property to be annexed in December, 195~. Wilson replied in negative. Robertson asked what indebtedness was contemplated. Wilson stated 20% or less if ~0% not needed, also that District is in bad shape because of exclusions granted after boundaries formed. The District needs all property included in original bcundaries. As is makes work harder for representatives of District in trying to protect all owners equally. Robertson asked how much of the bonded indebtedness would be applied to schedule A, B C and D. Wilson stated that ordinarily it is policy in the matters to recommend that the bond issue be used as a in the assessment project end there be from elsewhere of adjustment between the two. Usually it is desirable to finance this type of improvement ~l G. 0. bonds. The reason is that as District expands the rate of taxation is self-adjusting, and as people come in and improve the District they assume greater share to pay off. It was realized that the balance of bond issue had to be retained until taxes would be able to construct line throagh Tahoe ~eadows to service upper end of~)istrict and below the Highway. It was concluded that the cell on the ~. ~. bonds be limited in this project to the 3 mentioned. f~r. kobertscm asked if it were possible the G. 0. bonds could exceed 20%. Wilson stated people outside of District have nothing to do with 0ond s. Mr. Morrison asked what he w~uld get for $4000.00 assessment. Wilson stated he would get his share of sewage collection system. Also he could use it on permit from Board of Directors of the District and upon paying something towards general obligations of District. In District ~axation on G. ©. bonds it is not intended that Board of Directors will deny to those outside District the right to use the facilities for ~hich ~heyare assessed. The ~oard has done its duty and will continue to do so, and certainly it is their duty to deal fairly with all. mr. Morrison asked about a map and what basis was used to arrive at percentage of assessment. ~,~r. Wilson stated it was based on front footage - so many feet of line, so many feet of frontage. Attorney Wilke asked if prope~.ty inside and outside of District was assessed on same basis. Wilson replied in affirmative. In response to question k~r. Wilson stated that before project was started a letter was obtained from the County Health Officer as to necessity of disposal or drainage system. Attorney Barnett stated theft land area has no bad effect as far as protests are concerned. Wilson stated only effect land area has is wheth,:r majority of 4/5. Statement of law. Sir. Wilson stated theft protests will be considered, although it is possible to overrule as high as 100%. Mr. Robertson asked if the the sewer system is d~signed to handle over and above present needs, if so wh$ excess gallonage is it de-~igned to hand lc. l,~r. Caldwell stated it would be necessary to go into ~e background to answer the question. In the beginning a certain District was laid out which has to be sewered. T~t is common practice, and good engineering practice to make a topographical map. From this map the sewage system was laid out to serve every lot. This of course would mean a much larger system than is desired. Than the system is pared down to trunks east and west on the highway. Pumping station site was selected because it was the lowest part of the area and anywhere else vould required deeper cuts. It could be moved farther south or west. He stated his previous remark that other locations could be used he meant any site within that general low water area. Anywhere else would run into difficulties. Plans are based on thorough analysis. Selection of a disposal site was carefully studied, and the site selected will serve the system. Twenty acres of sandy soil, sufficiently elevated and well drained. ~ievada was considered in the design. Primary facilities to serve Nevada are in tie plan. Trunk line for Nevada so-called Beach trunk. Robertson asked if the plan allows for expansion. Caldwell sai5 yes, plans call for reasonable e_xpansion for period of five to ten years. Robertson asked if the assumption is that the Bijou Park area might require lO0,O00 gallons tz~day, is the system designed roughly to accomo~ate more than lO0,O00. Caldwell stated in system of this kind account is taken of contribution on per capita basis and ground water infiltration. Robertson asked present maximum capacity. Caldwell stated it varies but provision for enlargement had been made in building structure- space for a second pump. Wilke asked capacity. Caldwell stated 1,O00,O00, to ihclude infiltration. Robertson asked pres~nt requirement. Caldwell replied about 300,000, based on average. Robertson asked if system designed to handle Nevada. Caldwell stated designed to handle ~- evada in base trunk and pumping station. Yevada and surrounding District. N~r. ~,~orrison asked about financing. },~r. Wilson stated District cannot afford to build Beach trunk without Nevada. I~orrison stated he paid 14% of taxes in the District. Wilson stated Bpard gave same con-~ideration to large and small taxpayers. All negotiations were on the basis of aiding the District. wa $ Mr. Wilson/asked why ~evada did not have their own system. He replied because the lay of the land is such that it ~oesn't lend itself to adequate disposal. Also it is i~variably to the advantage of adjacent communities to combine their sewage problems. ,.~.ttorney Barrett suggested binding contracts be ~de with i~evaSa, Wilson stated that was the intention. He also stated Lakeside so cut up by exclnsions it is not servable condition at this time. Robertson asked about additional facilities for ~:evada. Caldwell stated nothing additional in designs except pumping station. Caldwell stated pumping station is 18' by ~0', to accomo~ate anything from ~00 to 1000 gallons a minute. Station would be same size. Robertson asked if any effort hsd been made to negotiate for right-of way ~r easements through these areas. Wilson stated not yeti. In reponse to ~:,~r. Robertson's question Wilson stated that it is usual practice to open bids and then revise cost figures. No work being anticipated until next spring-this winter will be used to work out such details. Robertson referred to the Johnston l~roperty and stated map indicates a $~400.00 saving on the t~o lines. ~.r. Stewart stated one line is outside District. Mr. Ronzone suggested an alternate course for the line which he estimated would save $10,000 in assessment. Stewart stated County Engineer had no contour map of area and that B. ~ C. had to make their o~n. Ronzone asked what fall per foot from Stateline to Bijou Park Blvd. Stewart stated depends on size. Nrs. Worland asked size of pipe on Laurel Ave. 8 Inch, said Stewart, minimum of seven feet per 1000 on 8" pipe. l0 inch- 5~ feet. Mrs. Terry asked if it would be possible to protest later if assessment goes higher. Wilson replied only natural if new property is eliminated from present assessment higher rate would have to be used to provide same money. Law does not provide other hearing but protests would be considered seriously. ~rs. Perry stated if rate goes abo~e $0.00 she wishes to protest. Wilson stated if rate goes higher will only be done on notice of public hearing. Nra. Nilliman asked why Tahoe Meadows which has a lot of highway frontage was not assessed. Stewart said because they cannot use the sewer, l~rs. Milliman stated thc. t answer applies to her but she was assessed. Stewart stated she can use it. ~rs. tv~illiman said she could not see why she should be assessed where she would ~eceive no benefit. Also that she would like to be property advised when another meeting is held. Robertson asked if Tahoe ~,.,teadows should come in the District in the ~uture if they would have to reimburse the District for previous ex- penditures. Stewart stated Tahoe ~,~eadows ca~not come in because of the contour and the State Highway would not permit the necessary individual crossings. Wilson stated there is no line in front of Tahoe t~eadows, and no assessment of Tahoe Meadows as they will be sewered entirely internally. Nra. ~illiman .stated there is a double line at Perrys. Ronzon~e. stated line goes through lower pert of Morrison,s property. Wilson stated assessment will only be on frontage regardless of whether or not there are two lines. Wilke asked if the contract with Tahoe ~Teadows gave T. ~.~. advantages. Wilson stated that the line through Tahoe ~eadows is not a collecting line - just a transmission line. Property owners along the Lake front will have to put in their s~n lines. It is correct that T.N. will not be assessed because the line is not usable as a collecting line. Ronzone asked if the statement had been ma~e the line was not usable but could be used. Wilson stated line on Beach not collecting line only tra~asmission line. Owners will be required to put in their own collecting lines. Robertson asked if there is a contract with T. M. Wilson said yes, by which we are provided with pumping station site. Morrison asked at what cost. Wilson replied, the cost of constructing a fence. They are, in effect, giving us perpetual right to locate pumping station on property in consideration for construction of fence. Robertson asked if Tahoe ~eadows was included in the original petition to form the District. Wilson sai~ it was not in the boundaries of the petition. Wilson read the agreement between the District and Tahoe Meadows. oarnett asked ifthere are any other agreements. Wilson replied only other cont ~act is with Harvey West allowing a fifteen-foot access to Bijou Park Boulevard. I~r. Lippman asked if everything ~r. Wilson said had 100% backing of t}.e Board. Crocker stated Wilson is the Board's counsel and is dealing with counsel at this meeting, that Board members ar~~ just people endeavoring to buuild a sewer. Barnett re~arked that the Directors have personal liability for malfeasance of office. Suggested they confer with District Attorney, and that is is t!-~eir duty to devise some other system. Crocker stated the Board is co n sd ier lng everything, having only one thought in mind as a ~oard. First, a desire to build a sewer, and as harmoniously as possible. Seco.nd, every Board member is a taxpayer and suffers the same as other taxpayers. Third, any assistance or information will be gratefully received by the Board. Wilson stated in reply to question of his stand on ~oard's possible action in view of a 97% protest that he would make no recommendation, he was only stating the law. For clarification, he stated the Board makes it a l~'adtice to inform themselves fully on all matters, legal and otherwise, and that it has long been known that theere is flagrant violation of pollution in the area. i¥~orrison asked where McAbee fitted into the picture. Wilson replied that all contracts with McAbee had been cancelled ~ung stated the letters supporting this were in the office file, ~s w&'ll as corres- pondence pertaining to ~cAbee's fee. Andy Robertson asked how the assessment was determined on extra- territorial property, and how ~he following figures became available: Milliman 150 foot front - $750.00 assessmen$; Erickssn 150 foot 750.00; Daum 200 foot $500.00; Morrison $3900; Young $2500; Conolly,s 1900. Stated he could find~ no relation of number of feet to amount of assessment. Stewart stated the error, if any, is strictly on a front footage basis, as the highway rate is $5.00 per foot. Wilson stated there seems to be confusion between the meaning of commercial end residential property. What is actually meant is commercial area. Stewart stated Bijou Park is c omercial area. ~rs. Milliman asked whey he~ 150 feet of commercial property should be assessed at $750.00 while Daum's 200 feet of commsrcial propert~ should be $500.00. Stewart stated he made his report on footage basis entirely, and he had not seen notices. Mr. Moody asked what the figures are on Daum's property. ~orrison asked Andy Robertson after he appeared before Supervisors and asked for exclusion why he he been thrown into assessment District without notice. Andy Robertson stated he had told ~r. Wilson and ~r. Eorrison that he was under the impression ~ was recommending the extra-territorial resolution that it was a resolution authorizing the formation of an assessment District, and that he had t~ admit he was stupid in not studying the resolution. The Supervisors assumed, on his statement, that the resolution ~llowed the formation of three districts. It was &lso his tm~erstanding that when the District was formed certain n~jor external portions were excluded and not be changed. It was stated that based on the statement that the disposal system was a necessity, the Board. of Supervisors could have done nothing but pass the resolution. Wilke stated that was not a correct statement of law - that it was still up to the d iscretic~ of the Supervisors - they were not legally bound to pass it. Barnett asked if the Health certificate was solicited. Wilson said yes. Barnett asked if condition was so violent that it was needed. Crocker stated that the Lake ~zs polluted 25 feet from shore. Ronzone said there was no pollution. M~rrison asked who solicited the h~alth staten~ent. Wilson stated the procedure used in this project w~s the same as used throughout the State. What is done is to obtain from the County Health Officer, with whom conferences hsd previously been held, and who fully understands the situation, a statement of the conditions. ~e is also sent a copy of the resolution passed by t?~e Board. Morrison asked if anyone would buy District bonds under present situalion. Wilson stated that quarrelling within a District hurts price of bonds but doesn't prevent their sale. Robertsc~ stated he understood two firms of engineers refected the project, considering the Distri.~t too small to ~ccomo~ate sewer system. Mrs. ~illimau aksed if everything is up to the ooard with advise from their attorney. Wilson: that is a point of law, aud the point is that in the matters involving the conduct of the afl'airs of this District this Board si ts in equal dignity to the Superior Court in its trial of cases, and in eo~ual dignity to the Board of Su~ervisor~ in conduct of affairs of the County, subject to such statutes, cc~tracts, etc. as are in existence. Mrs. ~illiman: The Board has the power. Wilson: They are the legislative body. The law says the Board of Directors of this District, a sanitary district, or a City Council, would sit in equal manner. Morrison: When do you intend to pass on. these protests? Wilson: I want all property owners to get the fullest end fairest hearing possible, and expect the Bpard ~o do this. I am o~posed to giving decisions tonight, out want to give people every opportunity to express their wishes. What ~ should do is eliminate the chaff, ill,feeling, ill tempers, and decide everything in manner which will most benefit Lake Tahoe. I think every member of this Board should state fully what they have done to date regarding the project and its history. gorrison said we should have s legal meeting. Wilke asked if affidavits of posting and notices could be pr~uced. Wilson stated engineers provided li~t of names to his office and notices were mailed on the 17th. Moody stated there were two errors that he knew of in the assessment. He requested they be corrected b~fore the next meeting and a list of assessments be posted. Robertson asked if there is a map on file. Wilson stated it is customary to figure on engineers map. Brown & Caldwell work from a work sheet in their office~. Robertson stated he had been advised b~ engineering firms that a map is required by law. Wilson stated it is usually the practice to follow results of engineers computation. The diagram is reproduction of every parcel of property in District. Notices typed from work sheet in engineer's office that contain the number of feet used to determine assessment. Crocker stated there are two or three g~oups in the District and the Board would like to know what each of these groups want from the Board. The Bpaard is in existence for the purpose of serving the pople of Lake Tahoe. Mor~ison stated he was not opposed to sewers, just wanted to k~ow what he was paying for. Crocker asked if Morrison would be willing to come into the District. Morrison stated he would if he go~ a good deal. Wilson asked engineers why they think Tahoe Meadows should not be assessed. Robertss~ stated T. ~. ~asmore landthan the whole district. Stewart stated it was about 40%. Ronzone asked how much Tahoe Meadows would have to pay other than inspection fee and hook-up charges. Caldwell stated in the first plac~ the Beach road trunk is not a part of the contract. The easement that is given by T~hoe 5~eadows is an easement to put in the trunk and the right to connect with property affected. They will pay their share of the rest of the system. Robertson: Will they pay you X number of dollars to reimburse you? Caldw¢ll: If recommendations are acdepted they will. The fees that would be worked out for parcels outside the district will proper~y reflect not only original cost of facilities but will reflect cost of interest c~harges on the bonds. Barnett asked what Nevada would be charged if a contract is made with them. Wilson stated there is no contract, written, at present, but a petition has been drawn up for formation of a district in Nevada, and the estimated cost to them will be $140,000.00. Barnett asked what kind of an understanding. Wilson replied word of mouth. Barnett asked if the Board is ccmmitted to the present plan, stating his clients are not opposed to sewers, just cost and location. C~cker stated Board is not committed, and would like to place the Board in position to satisfy everyone. Caldwell: This plan you refer to as the McAbee plan is not McAbee plan at all. This plan, as well as we could deterlne involved a number of pumping stations, at least two, with many areas left without any feasible means of sewering. Not $12,000, but $20,000. This is the third si~e considered, and the engineers would be ~ery happy to show you why it is located here, and examine any other possibility. Crocker: That leaves the door open to these gentlemen to come in with e~ny suggestions. Wilson: Where are these three locations. Caldwell: AbOut 150 feet apart. Wilson: We had thought to get property nearer the BouleVard and further fram the Lippman home. Barnett asked what was basis for prediction of ~/~ population increase, and what was the~ idea of three different projects. Wilson: To make bonds more salable. Wilke entered protest of Ray C. and Helen L. Perry, Lots 81 and 8~, assessment list, and Earl D. S~thard and ~j. ildred R. Sothard, Lot #1 Block L, First subdivision Lakeside Park. George Eric kson entered his protest. The meeting adjourned at ?:00 p. m. with th~ time and place of next meeting set for lkO0 p. m. December l~th, at Conolley's. APPROVED: Presi de~ Respectfully suomi~ ted r?---crfer~ and ex-o4'f~c~cretary MINUTES (~,F SFECIAL ~EETING 0F S 0UTH TAtlOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT December 12, 1952 In the absence of the President of the Board of Directors the meeting was called to order at 2:35 p. m. in Conolley's by member William A. Young, who announced that due to the lack of a quorum no business could be transacted during the meeting. Directors Crocker and Johnsion were absent. ~.r. Stewart of the Engineering Firm of Brown & caldwell, also E. R. Wilsoh, counsel for the District, were present. The minutes of the previous meeting we re read. Mr. Wilscm stated 1hat a portion ~f the engineers' report did not get in the files, and that notices of public hearing were sent out ~n the basis of a complete report having been filed, and that mailing of notices is a purely clerical matter. He also stated the necessary information for mai ling notices did not reach his office until November 19th, nine days short ~f the proper time. ~ir. Wilke asked if notices and proceedings ha5 been insufficient and proceedings would have ~o be started over. Mr. Wilson stated legal notices should be n~iled and a full report on file. '.~'ilson stated it had been his understanding that money from G.0. bonds could only be used for disposal facilities and the balance of this money would be held until the Nevada proceedings were completed, after which this balance would be used to construct a trunk line on Beach Road. ]Ee stated the District was divided into three parcels for better marketing of the bonds. ~nswering q~.estion regarding bids, Wilson stated: Project 52-1 involves cost of $7~.000.00. Low bi~ was $6~,373. The engineers' estimate was within $~00 or ~00 of the cost, in this as in all three projects, being $63.500. ~roject 52-~, engineer's estisSte $35,500. Low bid $32,~40. Total cost $38,688.00. Project 52-3, engineer's estimate $61,900. Low bid $60,475. Total shortage of all three projects $114,084. schedule A, engineer's esti~ te $72,100. Low bid $82,500. $10,400. over engineer's estimate, schedule B, engineer's estimate $99,~O0. Low bid, $99,9G~. .$49~o over estimate. Total project cost of Schedules A & ~, with incidentals, and leaving nothing for contingent~es, $~0~,075. Total project cost in excess of assessments Excess over $265,000 voted. If it could all be sold there would be a shortage of $75,159. However, can only sell $220,000 therefore we are faced with shortage of $102,159. ~.r. Ronzone asked Mr. Wilson's opinion of the firm of waterbury & Chapek. He answered he was unfamiliar with the firm. Mr. stewart stated they operated around sacramento mostly. Mr. Robertson asked for a statement of position dollar-wise. Wilson answered, $102,159 sh~rt, exclusive of providing for contingencies for which something should be supplied, and that we certainly should have $115,000. Ronzone .:sked if thi~ included easements. Wilson said no~ Ronzone aske~ if there had been an estimate of those costs, stewart stated would not exceed $20,000. Morrison stated property owners are terrifically assesses in Lake Valley especially in view of School ~ond issue to come up in the near future, and with only approximately 100 days a year to earn money. Wilson stated North Tahoe had manage5 and if they are to survive at all it will probably be because they have a sewer system. i~obertson stated the Board feels there must be assessment - his clients feel it should be eliminated, and if the people can know exactly what the system will cost them, the ooard would be surprised how many would want to come in. young stated no official action could be taken because of lack of quorum. Er. Robertson stated he suggested the meeting be terminated and a date for another meeting be set, st which plans with, or without assessment be submitted, with detailed information available on the ~evsda situation. He also stated he felt absent Board members had been grossly inconsiderate in not being present, and he recommended, without stigma attached, th~.t the Board consider resignation of a ~oard member to be replaced by someone from the so-called opposition, which would provide e cooperative ~oard. Wi!k~ stated he felt no legitimate reason for Board members being absent. Young stated he w~s only acting as Chairmen and it was up to the absent members to make their own excuses. He stated he had ms~e every endeavor to maintain harmony in the District and for his pert any plans submitted to the Board would receive impartial consideration. He stated he was acting to the best of his ability st all tises and wished only to serve the people honestly and according to their wishes. He would welcome suggestions, and as to a member resigning he su~ested named of possible Board members ~e submitted, preferably someone in residence all year. ~orrison asked if it would be legally possible to add to the Board. Young stated the Board can be increased to five by dividing the District. As it is members can be elected at large. With a five-men ~oard they would have to be elected from each District. ~rs. Perry stated most of the people realized ~r. Young he8 been the recipient of much criticism because of hl~ accessibility, but she felt he deserved c vote of thanks for his efforts. Young stated he had tried only to do what the people want and to bring a ~wage system to South Tahoe. A~so that s community is no better than the people in it. Ron~one asked if financing could not be figured out with present plans why the District should not be dissolved and started l0 years hence. ~,~r. sothard stated only about ~0% needed sewer system - others going in to help them. Young stated that was endeavor of Board, and to wait ten years when we are already behind ten years would put us twenty years back. He also stated it would be unwise to ask for further bids, as they nearly always came in 1§% to E~% higher. He stated the District hs~ a contract with Brown & Caldwell and they have fulfilled their part of the agreement, and already earned pert of their fee and it would be foolish to throw that money away. That is why every endeavor should be made to use present plans. ~orrison stated the State cannot force people to accept sewer system. Stewart stated the law says individuals or groups of indiviSuals. Wilson said Pollution Act would permit injunctions against the District. Eorrison stated could not be done in unincorporated area. Wilson said they act on a District basis. Wilson state8 there had been treatment site difficulties, due to the fact that every time contact was made the story wes different, and that due to the fact $800 per sere had been asked for Z~ acres, eminent domaain proceedings had been decided on for twenty acres. Ronzone asked about a settlement with ~eAbee. Wils~u stated no settlement as yet but ~cAbee had asked for $?~00.00 and it was assumed he would take less. Robertson asked if the SZZ?,000 figure contemplated legal and engineering fees. ¥ilson stated ~he use~ for inxidentals in Schedules A & ~ 15~%. Robertson asked if $$0,000 could be considered ss a rought figure and sUggested $~$~,000 as cost, $~0,000 fees end $~0,000 for right-of-way, totalling $~07,000 Wilson stated theft would be $1Z~,000 short. Ronzone asked the fee for eminent domain proceedings. ~ilson said it mig~ take s day and might b~ longer. Explained acreage demands and acre demand. Said it was policy not to goto trial unless it was to protect public funds ~rom being given away, and that in years of experience he he~ found it necessary on one or two parcels of land only. Ronzone asked if the Board hsd considered settling for less. Wilson stated Board would consider $~00 a fair price and it might be necessary to pay $800 an acre for twenty acres, but certainly not for thirty-five acres. Robertson aske~ if any estimate of cost of operation hsd been made. Stewart stated about $1~00 per year. ~eller asked about e~ployees, etc. Stewart repeated ~1500 s year end possibly under, for power and maintenance. Eeller sske~ about manpower. Stewart stated a part-time employee would do or the services of a pri~ate contractor. Robertson asked if the ~l~O0 included personnel. Stewart stated it would include power, part-time employment for periodic check, and that it is difficult to estimate maintenance for breakage, etc. Wilson stated 10~ on taxes would raise ~100, and that type of con- struction contemplated would make operation very simple. ~rs. ~illiman asked how pumping plant would be run. Stewart stated by electri,city. ~.rs. ~;.illiman asked if it would require maintenance man 24 hours a day. Stewart stated probably once a day or every two or three days. Robertson asked if the $1500 was low for operation for year. Stewart stated it would cover cost of pumping and disposal. ~ard to figure on obstructions, etc., out probably a couple of hours a day. Keller stated he thought it w~'~uld be necessary to increase taxes to cover all expenses. Young stated administrative cost not much - one meeting a month for which directors were paid $10, secretary hired on hourly basis. $500 a year should cover. Keller asked if contact had been made with po~er company relative to supplying power for the 40 h.p. motor. Young said no rate established. Ronzone suggested someone should check with power company on cost of bringing in power. Mr. Perry stated power company usually makes charge for transformer to bring in 440, also poles. Robertson asked if the engineer could give a figure on operating for one year. Stewart s~id he could n~ guess on obstructions, but plant would be in good shape and shoul~ need only minimum of repair. a figure he picked out of the air. Keller stated that would be 50~ tax. Stewart stated he w~s of the opinion that would be in excess. Wilson stated that exclusive of levies for retiring bonds 50~ would raise $5500. Keller said 80~ for retiring bonds and 50~ for m~inten- ance would be $1.~0. Wilson said no reason why system could not be operated within 50~ Stewart guessed it would be under that. Asked about a power shortage Stewart stated a gasoline motor would provide power. Everything would be automatic, with all mechanical features considered. Wilson stated based on storage batteries. Nits. Nilliman stated she still felt it Would take a man on duty ~4 hours. Stewart stated cities of 40 to 50,000 had systems with no one in c~arge. orrison asked about disposal. Wilson stated terraced channels for ffluent and ordinary redwood septic tank for disposal, to be cleaned ~nce a year. ~?rison asked if disposa~ wouldn't take some manpower. Wilson said a very small amount. Stewart said it would be controlled by gates. Stewart asked that for the record it be stated he had answered the question on operating cost, and he still considered $1500 would do ~it, in response to remark of Nr. Lippmsn. N~r. Wilson explained varies types of sewer systems, and stated if South Tahoe ~ad same system as N~rth Tahoe it would be necessary to have ab~,ut four pumping stations~to lift water 200 feet for primary treatment, and it would be a m~ch more complicated system. He men t i one d sun trea tment. N~rs. Piedemont asked about the winter, l~ilson said float there was dilution. Second there would be a small fraction of sewage to dispose of in the winter. Stewart stated not only sun but bacteria action was involved, and possibly there would be some cleaning to do in the spring. Morrison asked that in the event the proposed 20 acres would not be enosgh if it might not force the community into a disposal plant, which would mean real money. ~r. Sothard asked about the odor. Stewart stated solids would be in septic tank and water would be taken away to furrows. Odor from water only. Robertson asked if it were likely that abatement of nuisance pro- ceedings might ensue if the 20 acres in question were used. Wilson stated consideration had been given to this problem and that the Pollution Board had bee~ fully advised of the program. Robertson said ~r. 5~orrison's point was that if such litigation did occur might it not create the necessity for an expensive treatment plant. Wilson said he thought not, alth~gh the time might come when there is enough growth in population that a primary tank should be lo~ated nearer town. Stewart stated p~esent plans had called for increase for l0 years, possibly up to 1~ or 14,000. Mrs. Milliman asked where the water in the trenches would go durLng the spring run-off. Young stated no sign whatever of run-off in that area, it all goes in the ground, k~rs. Milliman sa/~d ground would absorb only so much. In reply to the question as to the final site decided on Young stated Northwest of Heavenly Valley - along the old rail$oad right-of-way. Wilson stated site selected for three things. 1. Isolation. ~.. Contour. 3. i,~ature of ground, whihh is rotten granite - very porous. ~.~r. Ball asked what p.lans had been made for raising ~100,000. Wilson stated could go ahead with present plan and abandon sewering any other part of District at this time. Could complete the Nevada proceedings and use that $140,000 to make up the difference. Could depart from County rule and increase assessed valuation of District in or~ter to sell more bonds. Can ln~:rease ~ssessed valuation but not ~0%. Or it would be possible to go through and skimp the entire system, which would increase operative cost. ~/r. Rpbertson outlined a suggested plan which would probably eliminate the necessity for litigation on the pert of his clients, and state~ although the plan is not perfect, and would of comrse have to be submitted to the D. A. for some points. Wilson stated this Ms a people's project and the ~oard was interested in building a system in a manner to make everyone happy during con- struction as well as during its use. Robertson stated if present plans are followed every legal step will be taken to stop building and injunctions will be filed. Wilson stated District would prefer no law suites, and if the pumping station could be located elsewhere it would be fine. Ronzone asked if Beach line would have to be eliminated for lack of money. Wilson said this Line would have to be given up. Ronzone stated if Beach line given up no need of pumping station in pt~esent location. Wilson stated that information was not correct. ~r. Wilke asked for a statement as to ~hether District woul& abide b~ decision of Supervisors regarding his clients outside the District. Wilson stated thosd outside the District could not be assessed without permission of Bpard of Supervisors. He said after careful consideration the conclusion had been reached that the fair method was to assess those outside the District as they too w_~uld benefit by the system. Wilke asked then if he could assume without Supervisors consent those outside the District would not be included. Wilson stated thst was ccrrecto Wilke stated his clients were all reasonable people sn~ he felt that when a reasonable plan is submitted they may be persuaded to come into the District. Wilson stated excluded property is a very serious problen. Ger~ral discussion regarding the Lakeside District situation. Norrison asked what other ways might be used to raise money. V~ilson stated could go to own rule and sell full $265,000 in bonds. Otherwise to go ahead and get Mevada site completed before starting. ~rs. Perry stated she felt if everyone had been included in the original plans with no one excluded the cost would have beex much less and people would have been glad to come in. Wilson asked how it would be possible to make people get along with each other, l~r. Wilke and ~.r. Keller stated they felt if people could see an acceptable plan they would come in to the District. ~¥]r. Bull asked why the assessment was $5 per foot regardless of depth of lot. i~,~r. Wilson stated practice and experience had developed this ne thod. Wilson stated if everyone came in financing could be d~ne entirely by G.0. bonds. He s~id if the ~,'ork started with financing by bonds, and couldn't be oompleted without additional bonds it would be impossible to get people to vote more bonds. * to * 33 Wilson stated the Nevada petition for Distric~t does not yet have enough signatures, as soon as it does the. DistriCt can be voted and then bonds can be sold. Mr. Bull asked why some had not received notice of hearing. stated re,~ords had been taken from Assesor's rolls. Stewart Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p. m. to convene at l:00 p. m. at Conolley,s on January 30, 1953. APPROVED: MINUTES ~F SPECIAL M~ETI!~ OF S GJTH TAHOE PUB LI C UT ILI T Y DI STRI CT December 22, 1952 A special meeting of South Tahoe Public Utility District was held on Monday, December 22, 1952 at the office of Charles G. Johnston, Bijou. ~eeting was called to order at 2:00 p. m. by C. G. Johnston, President pro tern. ROLL CALL: On roll call Directors Johnston ~nd ~oung were present. Absent, Director Crocker. Due to the fact this was a specia 1 mseting minutes of the previous meeting were not read. PROTEST: President Johnston opened the meeting for written or '0'ra~" 'pro tests on Annexation No. 1952-1. There being no written or oral protests the hearing was ordered closed, and proceedings were continued to next regular meeting January 8, 1953 for adoption of order annexing this territory. CLAIM. S: Moved by Johnston, seconded by young and unanimously carried 'that' the following claims be paid: Murray' s - Earle Pankost - Wm. YOung - Ethel clarke - W. J. Crocker - $3.00 -repairing typewriter 1.50 Notary fee on Affidavit of Posting Improves ent Noti cas 121.50 Expense Oct. 21 to Dec. ll 38.50 " October and November 1S0.90 - 5/12 to 11/28/52 62.75 Telephone 5/16 to 11/1/52 ADJGJRNMENT: T~re being no fUrther business the meeting adjourned · /I MIllES OF REGULAR M~ETING OF SOUTH TAHOE Y:UBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 8, 1953 The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p. m. by President pro tern Johnston. ROLL CALL: ON roll call there were present Directors Johnston, Young. MINUTES'.- Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. CORRESP0hDEhUE: Letter from J.T. Leggett, Executive Officer of Water Pol'lutioh 'O'ohtrol Board was read, stating the Board will review the South Tahoe situation and make recommendations rome time in March. Letter from Chester Lipman concerning Lots 51 and 54 read and ordered filed, RESOLUTION NO. ~$: A ~esolution and Order Approvin$ P.rol0osed Annexation AYD Changing Bokudaries of the South Tahoe Public Utility District was re_~d' and discusse~. ' bn motion by'Young', second'ed by J'ohnsto~, the R~solution was unanimously adopted. ADJ 0URN~ENT: st 3:4~ p. hi. There being no further business the meeting adjourned MINUTES OF RE~JLAR ~..~EETING CF SOU~H TAHCE PUBLIC UTILITT DISTRICT February 12, 1953 In the absence of Y'resident Crocker the meeting was called to order at 2:00 p. m. by President pro tern Johnston. ROLL CALL: On roll call there were present: Directors Johnston, Young. Absent: Director Crocker. COERESTONDE~EE: Letter from J. A. Stevenson requesting information regarding proposed sewage system at Stateline was read. N~.., ~JSINESS: Moved by Young, seconded by Johnston, and unanimously 6ar~i~d'"that'Director Johnston be authorized to go to .Vin5en for the h~ring of the Nevada District on February 20th, with e~pens es allowed. R~oved by Young, seconded by J~hnston, and unanimously carried that Ethel Clarke be 5irected to secure a Notary Commission, the District to pay cost of same. The secretary was directed to write to Attorney Wilson and request that he draw up a lease to cover rental of office spa ce for the District at Young's Bijou. Secretary was instructed to write to ~r. Re, ney Robertscn of Mr. Barnett, s office to reeuest a copy of the minutes c~ the public meeting held at Conolley's on January 30th. CIAIMS: Moved by Johnston, seconded by Young, and unanimously carried tha~ the following claims be approved: Raymus Insurance Agency bonds- Cr oc ker-Young A. G. Robertson expenses Dir. meet San ~,~eteo Ethe 1 C La rke salary & exp. Dec. & Jan. C. G. Johnston exp. 11/13/52 to ~/12/53 Wm. A. You~4~ exp. to aI1 153 Thjre ~ng no further esi c~en ~ prp t em .$30. O0 38.15 56.40 148.50 148.35