HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 06-15-00 ---- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, June 15, 2000 2:00 P,M, City Council Chambers 1900 lake Tahoe Boulevard, South lake Tahoe, California Robert G. Saer, General Manager Richard Solbrig, Assistant Manager . ~.!,_,JI.'~~....~~~~a'..,a;:~~~~~~~"",- ~~ Christopher H. Strohm, President BOARD MEMBERS Pembroke Gochnauer, Vice President o. J'!~~:,~~~~,!:~!2~!~~~" ,,_,,_.,,~.",~.."_'~"""" ~~!X~~~ .~,?s~~?~.~~~,r~~~~~~ 0' 0'. '.'0.' .."0", '. '.," '?~~~~o ~~I~~~:..l?~!~~~o. 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non-agenda items - 5 minute limit. No aCtion will be taken.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Approved by a single vote. Any item can be discussed and considered separately upon request.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION I DISCUSSION 6. PRESENTATIONS a. Government Finance Officers Association Award (President Strohm) b. Proposal for Sale of Electric Power (Western Power Investments, Inc.) a. GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATERLINE REPLACEMENT: PHASE 1 AND 2 (Nick Zaninovich) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION AWARD CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE, RESPONSIBLE BIDDER 7. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION ( - ~-'--~ REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - JUNE 15, 2000 PAGE-2 b. RAILROAD TANK REPLACEMENT (John Thiel) RECYCLED WATER DISCHARGE PERMIT FOR NEVADA (Bob Baer) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS AWARD CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE, RESPONSIBLE BIDDER DIRECT STAFF c. d. APPROVE PAYMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $625,996.77 8. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS a, Executive Committee (Strohm/Gochnauer) b. Finance Committee (Wallace/Gochnauer) c. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones/Strohm) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher/Gochnauer) 9. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Special Litigation Ad Hoc Committee (StrohmlWallace) b. Federal Legislative Ad Hoc Committee (Wallace/Jones) c. Park Avenue Redevelopment Ad Hoc Committee (Gochnauer/Jones) d. Lakeside Park Ad Hoc Committee (Strohm/Gochnauer) 10. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 11. GENERAL MANAGER I STAFF REPORTS 12. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS I EVENTS Past Meetings I Events 06/02/00 - Interview with John Weidman 06/12/00 - Meeting w/Lahontan re: Monitoring tor Indian Creek Reservoir 06/12/00 - Operations Committee Meeting 06/13/00 - Meeting w/Lahontan re: MTBE Plume 06/14/00 - Annual Employee Recognition Picnic Future Meetings I Events 06/20/00 - 9:00 a.m. - Alpine County Regular Board Meeting at Markleeville 06/20/00 - 6:00 p.m. - City ot SL T Regular Board Meeting at City Council Chambers 06/21/00 - 1 :30 p.m. - Alpine County Agreements Meeting at Turtle Rock Park 07/03/00 - 4:00 p.m. - Operations Committee Meeting at District Office 07/04/00 - 4th-ot-July Holiday (District Office Closed) 07/06/00 - 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at City Council Chambers 13. CLOSED SESSION r Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel Existing Litigation: South Tahoe Redevelopment Agency vs. STPUD. EI Dorado County Superior Court. Case No. SC20000090 PAGE.3 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA. JUNE 15, 2000 ~ 'b., 4~, 3'<t ). -e, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9{b)/Conference with Leaal Counsel: Anticipated Litiaation (one casel Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956,9{a)/Conference with Legal Counsel Existina Litigation: Mountain Cascade Inc.. and Valley Engineers, Inc. vs. STPUD Board of Directors and STPUD. County of EI Dorado. Superior Court Case No. SC20000050 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956,9{a)/Conference with Legal Counsel Existing Litigation: Schwake vs. STPUD, Federal Case No. CV-N-93-851-DWH Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956,9{a)/Conference with Legal Counsel Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO, et ai, San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 14. ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 15. ADJOURNMENT (The Board will adjourn to the next regular meeting, July 6.2000 p.m.) / . . .... .... The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. Agendas are available for review at the District office. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public hearings will not be calle~ to order prior to the time specified. . Participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during .Comments from the Audience;- however. action cannot be taken on items not included on agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting. Tape recordings are made of each Board meeting and these tapes are retained in the Board Clerk's office for two years. South Tahoe Public Utility District -1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 - Phone 530.544.6474. Facsimile 530.541.0614 6-08-20005:12PM FROM SB GEO. INC. 775 852 1807 P.l Western Power Investments, Inc. Makjng Green Power Possible JWlC 8, 2000 Mr. Ross Johnson, Operations Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District t 275 Meadow Crest Drive South Tahoe, California 961 SO Subject: Proposal "r Sale of EIedrk PoMr Dear Mr. Johnson: Western Power Investments. Inc. (WPI) is pleased to subn1it this propoSal to provide elcctrical power to the South Tahoe Public Utility District (STPUD). This electricity is produced from renewable geothermal resources. The geothennal resource and generating plant are located near Reno, Nevada. Reliable .Energy Resource WPl is affiliated with the three existing geothmnal power plants located at Steamboat. Nevada (nine miles south of Reno, NV). A new plant is being added. This plant uses a new working tluid that has better recuperative properties. The result will be a more efficient. less costly operation. WPI has received a grant from the Federal Government to help fund the geothennal project. The Steamboat Plants total existing net production averages 34 megawatts annually. The total energy produced in 1999 was 301,000 MWh with a plant availability of 99.7 %. The new plant will add 6.S MW's of capacity and 55,000 MWbs annually. The Steamboat plants are interconnected directly into Sierra Pacific Power CO.'s (SPPC) J 20 k V transmission system. SPPC has reported to the Federal Energy Regu1atol)' Commission (FERC) that energy gcnera!cd witbi.n its control area can be delivered to any existing customer in the control area. STPUP RCQ,WrCUlet!ts It is our understanding that the STPUD aggregated electric load requirements amoWlt to approximately 3.0 MW average. Peak requirements occur in the summer and amount to 3.5 MW. STPUD's current electrical supplier is SPPC. SPPC is currently ma1cin.8 plans to divesting all generation and purchase power contracts. Further, they have announced that they will continue in lhe electric utility business as a ''wires only" company. They will not sell electrical energy once deregulation is fully implemented in Nevada. The result will require STPUD to contract with another energy provider(s) to meet its needs for eleca'icity. 1010 Power Plant Drive . P.O. Box 18199 · Reno, Nevada 89511 . OffICe: (715) 8S~I444 . FlU.: (775) 8!2-1807 6-08-20005:13PM FROM 58 GEO. INC. 775 852 1807 P.2 STPUD Power Proposal June 7, 2000, Page 2of2 The purchase of enelb'Y from a renewable resource, AKA "green power" compliments the Districts support of environmental concerns in the Tahoe Basin. Clean, green power is a great public benefit that your customers will appreciate and support. Service WPI Will Provide WPI proposes to execute a three-year contract with STPUD to provide 3.5 MWs of peak load capacity and 26,280 MWhs of energy annually. The electrical energy will be provided during the summer of 200 1 at a price of 4.5 cents per kilowatt.hour. This price includes cnergy only and win not escalatc during the tbrec.year tenn of the contract. WPI will assist STPUD with making contractual arrangements with SPPC for delivery of electrical energy. In the event that STPUD prefers not to contract with SPPC fur delivery setvices, WPI will undertake this responsibility. The cost of losses, ancilla1y services, and transmission and distribution service will pa.l;S directly to STPUD. These costs are regulated and established tariffs exist. As an added benefit, STPUD may qualifY for renewable energy resource credjts from the State of California. WPT will assist STPUD in preparing the necessary applications. Lower Rates WPI will provide STPUD with a superior. reliable electrical resource at a cost saving. Further, this rate will not increase for the duration of the three-year contract. Contracting for electrical power from an independent producer will protect STPUD against service curtailments expect in Northern Nevada. It is well known that Northern Nevada's fast growing requirements for electrical SCIVice exceed transmission import and generation supply capabilities during peak periods. Assuming this proposal meets your requirements, we propose an immediate start on drafting a fonnal agreement and preparing the necessary SPPC applications for delivery setvice. This proposal is contingent upon definitive docwnents sucb as a power purchase agreement and is being offered for 60 Days. If the proposal is not accepted within 60 days it is automatically withdrawn. Please sign this proposal as an indication of your interest in contracting for renewable electricity produced from by WPJ. In summary, WPI is eager to work with STPUD to help provide your electrical power needs. We are looking forward to forging a strong business partnership that will benefit your customers in South Tahoe. Sincerely, Western Power Investments, Inc. JJ~~ South Tahoe Public Utility District William G. Price Vice President Ross Johnson Operations Manager 1010 Power Plant Drive. P.O. 80s 11199 . Reno. Nevada 89Stl . Off'1al: (775) 152-1444 . Fax: (775) 852.1801 ITEMS CONSENT CALENDAR JUNE 15, 2000 REQUESTED ACTION ac:,...,~_....,~ ".,,~_ _,,,,~.~,;o'''.JV~,,,",,.lJ4l'~.:4.(;j.1:.'':''',=~i:lj,.~c:,..:~I.~;/,, c.:....o.~"':.q:&r.ll~.~W..l~~~~~~~'"'~w~~~~~ a. WATER DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES: AUTHORIZE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FAILURE TO PERFORM ANNUAL BACK- TWO-WEEK DISCONNECTION PRO- FLOW ASSEMBL Y(IES} TEST CEDURES ON THE PROPERTY (Tim Rieger) LOCATED AT 3284 LAKE TAHOE BLVD., APN 27-170-021 b. 2000-2001 CHLORINE SUPPLIES AWARD CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST (Linda Brown) RESPONSIVE, RESPONSIBLE BIDDER, SIERRA CHEMICAL COMPANY, IN THE AMOUNT OF $48,868.52* (*ACTUALQUAN- TITlES USED AND GRAND TOTAL MAY VARY, ACCORDINGL Y, BUT UNIT PRICES ARE FIRM.) c. SURPLUS PROPERTY AUTHORIZE CONTRACT WITH EWE (Linda Brown) SALVAGE POOL&AUTOAUCTION INC. TO SELL SURPLUS VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT AT PUBLIC AUCTION d. LAKE TAHOE CLEAN CITIES COALITION AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF MEMO- (Linda Brown) RANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING EFFECTIVELY JOINING THE COALITION e. SIERRA PACIFIC POWER SERVICE AGREE- AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AGREE- MENT FOR GARDNER MOUNTAIN WELL MENT WITH SIERRA PACIFIC POWER (Nick Zaninovich) COMPANY f. A-LINE PHASE 2 REVEGETATION APPROVE PROPOSAL FROM KELLEY (Jim Hoggatt) EROSION CONTROL IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,460 g. PARK AVENUE PROJECT: PHASE 1 APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO.1 TO (Jim Hoggatt) THE CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE FOR WHITE ROCK CONSTRUCTION IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,482.64 CONSENT CALENDAR - JUNE 15, 2000 PAGE.2 h, SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES: APPROVE MINUTES MAY 18, 2000 i. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: APPROVE MINUTES MAY 18, 2000 j, SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES: APPROVE MINUTES MAY 25, 2000 k, SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES: APPROVE MINUTES JUNE 1, 2000 ) ,. .:.... South Tahce Public Utmty District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South lake Tahoe, CA 96150. Phone 530.544.6474. Facslml1e 530.541-oe14 .. ".' . SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Tim Rieger. Inspections Suoervisor RE: BOARD MEETING June 15. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: 4, a ........... ........ ..... .... ....... .. ... '.. ........ . ,', ........ ...... ...................................................... ..........................................;0....... ............................................................................... ITEM-PROJECT NAME: WATER DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES: FAILURE TO PERFORM ANNUAL BACKFLOW ASSEMBL YlIES) TEST REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize implementation of the two-week disconnection procedures on the property located at 3284 Lake Tahoe Blvd.. APN 27-170-021 DISCUSSION: The property owner has failed to oerform the annual test on the backflow prevention assembly (iest as required under State law and District Administrative Code 3.3.9. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: A 1T ACHMENTS: Letters of Corresoondence ,.,....,.,.......,w".......,..........)j"'..........................................,.,.. ......'m...."'...,.....w....,.w,.. ..._._......_._..w.._. ..._'.'m.....'....,..".,......m.....'.'...'...........w,.,w..........,.......................w......,'..,....w..........,...................,........................,...........................................m.'............"., CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES IJL/~~NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~Te',^" ....~ .- ... CERTIFIED MAIL SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1950-2000 50 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe,California 96150 Phone (530) 544-6474 · Fax (530) 541-0614 May 31, 2000 Pizza Hut Pac Pizza LLC 220 Porter Drive 1 00 San Ramon, CA 94583-1589 Subject: 3284 Lake Tahoe Blvd./27-170-021 Dear Customer: You are in danger of having your water service disconnected, Please be advised that on June 15, 2000, at 2:00 p.m. there will be a meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. The meeting is being held in the City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. At the meeting, staff will make a request to the Board of Directors to authorize disconnection proceedings of your water service, On April 14, 2000, the District Inspectors notified you of the annual requirement to test approved backflow assembly(ies) on the water service line to your property, To my knowledge, this test has not been completed. If you have completed the test, please call the District Inspections Department immediately, because we show no record of it. To avoid disconnection proceedings, please have all required tests completed immediately and send the necessary test reports to our office. The annual tests ensure the proper operation of devices that protect the municipal supply from potential sources of backflow contamination. No further extensions can be granted. You may appeal your case to the Board of Directors by attending a scbeduled Board meeting. If you plan to attend the meeting, please contact the Clerk of the Board no later than June 8, 2000, at (530)544-6474. Sincerely, '7' .. (&~ t/1?-- Tim Rieger Inspections Supervisor TR:mm -' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRtCT 1950-2000 50 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe,California 96150 Phone (530) 544-6474. Fax (530) 541-0614 4/14/2000 Occupancy Type: ASMBL Pizza Hut Pac Pizza LLC 3284 Lake Tahoe Blvd 220 Porter Dr San Ramon CA 94583 Attention: Customer Subject: ANNUAL TEST FOR BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES As a courtesy to customers, the District sends an annual reminder of testing requirements for backflow prevention 'assemblies. Please be informed that your backflow assembly described below is due for its perodic test as required by STPUD and California state law. I have enclosed a list of certified cross-connection control testers for your use. The tester you select will need to complete the necessary reports during the test and provide copies of the test results to you, the Health Department, and the Utility District, plus retain a copy for his files. If the test discloses that the assembly is not operating properly, please have the necessary repairs made and the assembly retested. The test ensures the proper operation of backflow assemblies that protect municipal water supplies from possible contaminati9n. Please have all testing completed by the due date listed below. Failure to comply could result in interruption of water service and administrative costs. Thank you. !Zt~ f ~-' Tim Rieger Inspector ============:=============================================================== Authority: South Tahoe Public Utility District Administrative Code 3.3.9 Test Due Date: 5/14/2000 Service Number: 27-170-021 Eackflow Preventer Type: PVB Assembly Number: 20385 Meter: Y SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Linda Brown. Purchasing Agent: Ross Johnson. Manager of Wastewater Operations RE: BOARD MEETING June 15. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: 4.b ITEM-PROJECT NAME: 2000-2001 CHLORINE SUPPLIES REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award contract to the lowest resoonsive. resoonsible bidder. Sierra Chemical Company in the amount of $48.868.52* DISCUSSION: Bids were opened June 6th. with three bidders responding: Sierra Chemical Co. $48.868.52 Pioneer Americas Inc. 73.575.00 Thatcher Co. 81.423.00 The low bid reflects a price increase of 21% from last year's orices. * The total dollar amount is based upon an estimated quantity that the District will use during fiscal year 2000-2001, The actual quantity and orand total may varv. but unit orices are firm. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YEsi.JiJ.fA~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YEsrnc=-~~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER X SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Linda Brown. Purchasing Agent RE: BOARD MEETING June 15. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: 4.c ITEM-PROJECT NAME: SURPLUS PROPERTY REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize contract with EWE Salvage Pool & Auto Auction Inc. to sell surplus vehicles and equipment at public auction, DISCUSSION: As of January 2000. California auction companies must be licensed vehicle dealers. This requires that District vehicles must pass smog checks and safety inspections before they can be sold by a California auctioneer.. Costs for the test and insoection run approximately $120 for each vehicle. Maintenance costs to correct any deficiencies in the vehicles would vary. but likely be required of all surplus vehicles. Staff contacted three Nevada auction companies for a comparison of costs and requirements. EWE Salvage was the most promising firm offering smog tests. minor reoairs. and detailing at no charge. They charge for the pickup of vehicles but at similar or less cost than the new California test reauirements. Their commission rate is three percent less than we were oaying to Nationwide for vehicle sales. They received an excellent recommendation from the City of Reno. To maintain the maximum return for surplus property. staff recommends a new contract with EWE Salvage Pool & Auto Auction Inc. · Exceotions include: Can be sold to other licensed dealers or auto dismantlers. or be sold to anyone with a "salvage only" title (greatly reduces marketability and/or market value). An auctioneer can be hired to conduct a sale on our site but they can only do the "verbal part" of the sale (greatly increases staff labor time and site liability. but likely to result in a reduced audience and reduced income). SCHEDULE: As soon as oossible - sale scheduled for Seotember 2000 COSTS: Income (less commission & transportation costs) ACCOUNT NO: Various BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS Surplus orooerty listing CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YESI1JI1.j.f-.Ad.~NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES'v1L~~J~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER X ~OUIH ,- A-HO~ PlJe'L..l? uilUlY t?I~iP'>l?i SURPLUS INVENTORY MFG" MODEL, SERIAL # COND ASSET I,D. SOURCE & ITEM DESCRIPTION MILEAGE if vehicle * & PART # LOCATION 91 FORD PICKUP 1 FTEF14NOMPA84611 A S-11053 Hill 109,108 miles 91 DODGE RAM 350 CAB & 1 B6KM3657MS290303 B S-11054 Hill CHASSIS 82,353 miles needs battery 90 FORD F250 4X4 PICKUP IFTEF26H8LPA79975 A W-34025 Hill 153,367 miles 87 CHEVY SUBURBAN 1 GMEV16KXHF131605 A S-11040 Hill 167,500 miles 86 FORD PICKUP 1 FTHF26L6GPB02760 A S-11033 Hill 110,563 miles 88 FORD F800 HYDRO 1FDRF82K7JVA10415 A S-11 041 Hill 95,216 miles 77 GMC STEP VAN TPL3563600599 A W-34027 Hill 32,352 miles 85 CHEVY STEP VAN 1GCGP32MOF3312077 A S-11016 Hill 90,018 miles 81-82 ROLLER CASE WIZI A 29-011- Filter Bldg GAS ENGINE 02 80-81 ENGINE WITH CATERPILLER 3306NG A+ from Open CLUTCH PACK 6 Cylinder Propane Airport Storage Bldg 7Y356 Well 70s POWER PLANT WITH FORD 300 6 cylinder A from Old Barn HYDRAULIC PUMP 2809-T-8HL weed eater * ft., = Operable B = Needs Repair C = Salvage for parts or material value SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Linda Brown. Purchasing Agent RE: BOARD MEETING: June 15, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: 4,d ........................................................ ,', ... .......... ...... .... ............. ...................................................................................... ... .... ....... ............................................. ................................................. . CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YEsjJjl/~ 6~NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES(n::~c,^" P. ~ CATEGORY: GENERAL X WATER SEWER LAKE TAHOE CLEAN CITIES COALITION F onnally established to create a more efficient, domestically secure, environmentally harmonious, sustainable and safe American energy transportation sector. Memorandum of Understanding The United States Department of Energy (DOE) is committed to energy use in the American transportation sector that is more efficient, less dependent on foreign sources, less environmentally disruptive, sustainable and safe. The Energy Policy Act of 1992, supplemented by the 1993 Executive Order 12844: Federal Use of Alternative Fuel Vehicles, and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 all establish guidelines for effecting a favorable energy and environmental situation in the transportation sector. The DOE Clean Cities program is an wnbrella to structure and achieve Energy Policy Act program goals and to coordinate objectives of governments and other Federal directives, such as the Clean Air Act. The Lake Tahoe Clean Cities Coalition is seeking designation through the submission of an updated program plan. We, the undersigned, are a stakeholder in the Lake Tahoe Clean Cities Coalition and are committed to helping achieve the organization's goals and objectives. Our commitments are voluntary, and will be achieved as outlined in the attached program plan. Signature Name (please print clearly) Title (please print clearly) Company (please print clearly) GOALS as identified in the Lake Tahoe Clean Cities Coalition Program Plan Increase the Number of AFVs Operating in the Lake Tahoe basin by 194% by 2004. Increase the quantity of alternative fuel used in existing vehicles. Increase the number of alternative fueling stations to 4 by 2004, using the temporary station as a catalyst for developing vehicle use which make permanent stations economically viable. Increase the number of Clean Cities Coalitions stakeholders to 20 by 2004, obtaining 30% of membership from private fleets. Monitor and support federal and state legislation that will affect Clean Cities and/or the use of alternative fuels and vehicles. Educate government officials, private fleet operators, schools and the general public about the benefits of Clean Cities and alternative fuels. Make Application for and receive adequate funding for Clean Cities activities. TABLE OF CONTENTS What is Clean Cities and Why Is It Important to Lake Tahoe? .. , , . . , , , . , . . . . . . . . . . , 1 Why is the U.S. Department of Energy Involved? , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 How Does Clean Cities Work? . . , . . . , . . , . . . . . . , . , , . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 1 Why Should Lake Tahoe Be One of the Clean Cities? .".".......,.,..,.,..,., 2 Local Background . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Area Description/Coalition Snapshot ..".,..........,...................... 4 Clean Air Act Amendments and Energy Policy Act .....,......................8 Local and State Laws and Incentives ....."..,...."....,."............... 8 Grants and Funding ..,."........,...,.............."..........,...... 9 Current AFV and Infrastructure Situation, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Goals, Objectives, Timelines and Monitoring ............,.......,.......,....,. 18 Organizational Structure and Contact Information ....,.................,....... 24 Clean Cities Coalition Home Base ....",.............,........".,....,.. 24 Organizational Structure ,..,........,......,..........,........,...,... 24 Signed Memorandum of Understanding .,.,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 26 Official Members (Contact List) . . . . , , . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , 32 Stakeholder Roster (Contact List) .""...................,..........,.... 36 lake Tahoe Clean Cities Coalition WHAT IS CLEAN CITIES AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO LAKE TAHOE? Today, more than half of the oil used for transportation in the United States is imported. Every year, we increase our dependence on imported oil-which increases the trade deficit, costs us jobs and undermines our national security. In addition, vehicle emissions are the single largest contributor to air pollution in many communities-including Lake Tahoe-making our air unhealthy to breathe, increasing our health care costs-even deteriorating the water quality of the lake. To help address those problems, Congress passed the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct). EPAct included a goal of reducing America's dependence on foreign oil by 30 percent by 2010. One of the resulting programs to help achieve that goal was the establishment of the Clean Cities Program. Clean Cities is a locally-based, voluntary government/industry partnership coordinated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to expand the use of alternatives to gasoline and diesel fuel. The current list of alternative fuels under EP Act includes electricity, ethano~ methanol, natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (propane). 'Why is DOE Involved? DOE is committed to energy use in America's transportation sector that is more efficient, less dependent on foreign sources, environmentally-friendly, sustainable and safe. DOE's Clean Cities program is designed as an umbrella to structure the approach used to achieve the objectives established by both EP Act and the Clean Air Act Amendments. The structure and format 0 f the Clean Cities Program provide a forum for local coalitions to network nationwide. How Does Clean Cities Work? Clean Cities is founded on the principle that our nation's objectives are best accomplished by motivated individuals working together to reach a common goal. That's why Clean Cities is voluntary and encourages teamwork. Although the program is voluntary, communities like Lake Tahoe that wish to become an official member of the Clean Cities network must meet certain requirements. These requirements provide a format that ties the activities of the many local coalitions into a cohesive national program with the ability to achieve national goals. By combining local decision-making with the voluntary action of partners, the "grass-roots" approach of Clean Cities departs from traditional "top-down" federal programs. It creates effective programs carried out at the local level-the building blocks of DOE's goal to create a sustainable nationwide alternative fuels market. Building on local initiative, Clean Cities serves to focus and coordinate the activities of both public and private sector proponents of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) by providing them with a forum to discover commonalities, collaborate on public policy, investigate opportunities for joint projects, avoid unnecessary conflicts, leverage scarce resources and cooperate on promoting the benefits of AFV s in their communities. As the Clean Cities program has matured and expanded, the program has become "local market places" where people can gather to learn what's required, what's available, how to purchase an Lake Tahoe Clean Cities Coalition 2 AFV, and where to fuel it-in other words, all the transactions necessary for a market to develop. In the program's first five years, more than 80 communities have become "Clean Cities," enabling the deployment of more than 240,000 AFV s in both public and private fleets and helping build more than 4,000 alternative fueling stations. These vehicles will have reduced oil use by an estimated 100 million gallons per year and emissions by an estimated 40,000 metric tons through 2005. While Clean Cities provides communities with tools, such as training, publications, a national program web site and networking opportunities, the overall success of the Clean Cities Program lies with the local coalition. Each local coalition is responsible for building its own group of stakeholders, holding meetings, identifying a coordinator, detennining goals and developing and implementing an action plan to achieve those goals. Why Should Lake Tahoe Be One of the Clean Cities? Lake Tahoe-with its major industry of tourism-is part of the ever-expanding increase in the use of imported oil and the increased air pollution associated with vehicles. Vehicle emissions are the single largest contributor to air and water pollution in Lake Tahoe-making our air unhealthy to breathe, increasing our health care costs and deteriorating the water quality of the lake. The national and local problems associated with using imported oil for transportation can be addressed by expanding the use of alternative fuels in local communities like Lake Tahoe. By participating in a national network designed to develop long-term, sustainable markets for alternative fuels and vehicles, members of the Lake Tahoe Clean Cities Coalition will obtain several benefits, including: · Help Improve Air and Water Quality and Protect Tourism Unlike other metropolitan planning agencies in the U.S., the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRP A) was formed by and receives its authority through the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact ratified by the U.S. Congress in the 1960's. The main goal of Congress in helping form the TRP A was to protect and preserve both Lake Tahoe and the land in the Tahoe Basin. TRP A's Environmental Improvement Plan (EIP), is the dynamic document created to chart a path for the improvement of environmental quality within the Lake Tahoe Basin. It includes provisions for improving lake clarity, water quality, air quality and the general improvement of the "Lake Tahoe experience," The use of alternative transportation fuels playa major role in achieving this goal. The EIP also contains specific provisions regarding transportation, including: seeking, recognizing, and rewarding the use of alternative fuels through coordination with private sector and other pubic agencies to promote their use; and pursuing projects, programs, and investment strategies consistent with noise reduction, air quality, and water quality objectives. By participating in the Clean Cities program, Lake Tahoe Clean Cities stakeholders can help ensure a continued, robust tourism and convention business. As momentum among AFV users increases, emissions reductions also will increase and the entire community will benefit. Lake Tahoe Clean Cities Coalition . . 3 . Facilitate alternative fuel vehicle availability and purchase Clean Cities stakeholders can work together to communicate AFV needs to manufacturers so that the vehicles they need will be available. Clean Cities members also can work together to obtain the best prices, standardize contracts and purchasing, and other measures to assist them in the vehicle purchase process. . Expand fueling infrastructure Expanding AFV fueling infrastructure is one key to increasing the number of AFV s operating in the Lake Tahoe area and making them more convenient to operate. By working in concert, Clean Cities stakeholders can help ensure that fueling stations are properly located and sized, provide adequate fueling pressures and are "customer friendly." Participating in Clean Cities also will help ensure that fueling is more cost- effective and convenient. . Create new jobs and commercial opportunities In each of the Clean Cities, the use of AFVs creates new jobs and business opportunities for vehicle dealers, vehicle service organizations, community colleges and technical schools, fuel retailers and others. This helps keep the economy of Lake Tahoe healthy and thriving. . Receive national recognition for Lake Tahoe Well-documented success stories for Clean Cities, like the Coachella Valley Coalition in Southern California, create national recognition for the area, which in turn, leads to increased federal and other funding for alternative fuel projects. With Lake Tahoe's high- profile recognition by the President of the U.S. and Congress, success with Clean Cities can provide similar national recognition. . Obtain special eligibility for DOE funding and grants As a member of the Clean Cities network, the Lake Tahoe Clean Cities Coalition is eligible to compete for funds under DOE's State Energy Program Special Projects grants. These funds can be utilized to help pay for vehicle purchases, fueling station upgrades or additions and other related projects. In addition, special consideration is given to Clean Cities in certain DOE and other federal grant programs on a regular basis. Therefore, by being a member of Clean Cities, the community will have access to potential funding to help fleet operators continue to purchase and fuel AFV s and therefore comply with-or exceed-legislative and regulatory requirements. Clean Cities can bring many benefits to the Lake Tahoe region-benefits to be enjoyed by industry, government, residents and visitors. lake Tahoe Clean Cities Coalition . . SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Nick Zaninovich, Associate Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING June 15. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: 4. e SCHEDULE: COSTS: $115 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-7021/GMPUMP BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $178.390 + $15.000 (2001 budget) ATTACHMENTS Sierra Pacific Power Comoany Agreement .......... .................... ..........................".............. ................ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YESlY1<..;:-~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER 4J~ Sierra Pacific TM www.sierrapacific.com 933 Eloise Avenue. South Lake Tahoe, California 96150.530.544.5775' Fax 530.544.4811 . 1.800.782.2498 May 23, 2000 South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA. 96150 Attn. Richard Solbrig Re: Electric Service To: Gardner Mountain Well South Lake Tahoe, California Contract 00-21178-5 Work Order 00-21178-55 Dear Mr. Solbrig: To provide service at the above referenced location will require the installation of approximately 95' 3-1/0 underground primary, 1-I50kVA padmounted 14.4kV Delta, 277/480V transformer, and approximately 15' 350QX underground service to feed one (1) 400A panel. See Exhibit "A" enclosed. Also enclosed please find the necessary Rule #15 Line Extension Agreement to provide the electric service. The cost to Sierra Pacific Power Company to provide service to your facilities is $15,244.00. Under the terms of this agreement, you will be granted a "construction allowance" equal to 2.5 times your projected annual revenues. Your "construction allowance" is calculated in the amount of $15,244.00. Therefore, a refundable cash advance is not required at this time. Also under the terms of the agreement you will be responsible for any non-refundable cost associated with this electric extension. The non-refundable cost is the tax on the trench and substructure installation cost that will become Sierra Pacific Power Company property once the job is complete, as mandated by the California Public Service Commission. This non-refundable cost is $115.00. If the enclosed agreement meets with your approval, please sign and return with a check in the amount of $115.00 to this office to my attention. A copy of the executed agreement will be returned to you for your files. If you have any questions, please call me at (530)541-1949. Thank You. Sincerely, ~~~~ Jeff Matthews Senior Utility Designer South Tahoe Enclosures 1198-00 16 (REV. 5/99) ~ ;:i1f" )J?: ~ls.- xl. ~rra Pacific UTILITY FACILITY AGREEMENT 'lJER COMPANY AGREEMENT #: 00-21178-5 3 AGREEMENT is entered into this _ day of ~, 20...QQ, by and between SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY .'iTa Pacific"), a Nevada corporation, PO Box 10100, Reno, Nevada 89520 and South Tahoe Public Utility District ("Applicant"). :icant desires electric service for 1 unit(s) at the following location(s): Gardner Mountain Well, South Lake Tahoe hereinafter referred to as ("Project"). ',ovide the requested service, it is necessary for Sierra Pacific to extend and/or modify its facilities as described in Exhibit zttached hereto. Now THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties ~ as follows: I. LlCANT'S REFUNDABLE & NON.REFUNDABLE COST RESPONSIBILITY, APPLICANT CREDITS AND BASE DATA: :: # DESCRIPTION =UNDABLE ADVANCE: COST FREE ALLOWANCE TAXABLE TOTAL (Line 1 plus 2) TAX GROSS UP ON TAXABLE TOTAL (Line 3) TOTAL REFUNDABLE ELECTRIC $15,244.00 $15,244.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 '/V. REFUNDABLE ADVANCE NON-TAXABLE COST TAXABLE TAX GROSS UP ON TAXABLE COST (Line 7) TAX GROSS UP ON CONTRIBUTED FACILITIES (Line 20) TOTAL NON-REFUNDABLE TOTAL APPLICANT COST (Lines 5 plus 10) $ $ $ $ 115.00 $ 115.00 $ 115.00 PLlCANT CREDITS APPLICANT INSTALLED FACILITIES OVERSIZED FACILITIES SERVICE REIMBURSEMENTS TOTAL CREDITS TOTAL ADVANCE/CREDIT DUE (Line 11 plus 15) $ $ $ $ $ 115.00 ',SF. DATA USED IN CALCULATIONS TAX LIABILITY FACTOR PROJECTED ANNUAL REVENUE REVENUE MULTIPLE VALUE OF CONTRIBUTED FACILITIES 31% $6,098.00 2.5 $ 372.00 -1- :CO.WPW Temp. form II. TAL COST (Section I, Line 1 plus Lines 6 & 7) The total cost for which Applicant is liable, shall be Sierra Pacific's estimated cost, refundable and non-refundable, to lide the requested service. Sierra's estimate includes all costs associated with providing the requested service eunder and shall include all regulatory, environmental and other fees, engineering, inspection, material, labor, 'lsportation, costs for removal of existing facilities less their salvage value, associated overheads arid other charges ch are related to the installation or alteration of the required facilities. III. )TAL ADVANCE/CREDIT DUE (Section I, Line 16) Applicant agrees to pay Sierra Pacific's total estimated cost for which the Applicant is liable (Section I, Line 1 plus ,es 6 & 7). Less any applicable free allowance (Section I, Line 2) as determined by Sierra Pacific for the Project. Plus Tax Liability (Section I, Lines 4, 8, & 9). Less the estimated cost of the facilities, provided and installed by Applicant, inclusive of facilities oversized at Sierra's request (Section t, Lines 12 & 13). Less the estimated cost of the service(s) provided by Applicant, that is Sierra Pacific's cost responsibility (Section I, Line 14). This cost will be adjusted to actual installed footages upon project completion, and Applicant will be billed or refunded the difference. Applicant agrees to pay, at the time of the execution of this Agreement, the amount(s) set forth hereunder (Section I, 1e 16) or to provide an acceptable surety bond or letter of credit. The bond or letter of credit is to be replaced with cash ;t less than thirty (30) days prior to construction. However, the cost of materials not normally stocked by Sierra Pacific in e type and quantity required shall be paid for in cash, prior to the ordering of such materials. If the total due (Section I, Line 16) is a credit due Applicant, Sierra requires that a performance bond for that amount, s Sierra's project costs and the federal tax credit, be collected prior to issuing a check. Applicant may elect to take Iment upon completion and acceptance of the installation of the facilities and eliminate the requirement for a .formance bond. If the total estimated cost of construction to extend the line(s) and/or main(s) to the project exceeds $5,000, the cash lance/credit in Section I, Line 16 will be adjusted to reflect Sierra Pacific's actual cost of construction. The adjustment is ited to that portion of the total cost of the main/line extension pertaining to facilities installed by Sierra Pacific. The cost those facilities installed by Applicant will not be adjusted. Sierra Pacific shall review its actual cost of construction within Jr (4) months of completion of said facilities and shall either bill or refund Applicant the difference between the total timated cash advance/credit and the adjusted cash advance/credit. If such adjustment results in an increased total cash Jvance requirement, Applicant agrees to pay Sierra Pacific such difference within thirty (30) days of written notice. If at any time after twelve (12) months following the date of this Agreement there has been no construction activity on '; electric facilities by the Applicant for a period of six (6) months, Sierra Pacific shall not be held to the provisions of this 'reement. Sierra Pacific may return all advanced dollars not required to cover Sierra Pacific's expenditures on the aject. To reinstate the project, a new Agreement will be required with updated costs. -2- 'S-OOOO,WPW Temp. form IV. ,:=E ALLOWANCES The free allowance is calculated on the projected annual revenue and the revenue multiples in Section I, Lines 18 & Y. The projected annual revenue will include only the revenue from monthly billings for basic service, excluding balancing ;count adjustments, late charges, and tax adjustments. Should actual revenues fall substantially short of the projected 'Ienue used for the free allowance granted, the customer may be required to pay to Sierra Pacific in cash any portion of 'S free allowance granted but not justified by actual revenues. Such payment will be increased by the tax liability factor Jted in Section I, Line 17. The payment shall be made within 30 days of written notification of the revenue deficiency and ;quest for payment by Sierra Pacific. V. :rUNDS (Section \, Line 5) .. ELECTRIC EXTENSIONS 1. All advances and/or contributions made by Applicant under the provIsions of this Agreement, which are not classified as a non-refundable by Sierra Pacific, shall be subject to refund, to the party or parties entitled thereto as set forth in this section. (a) Except as indicated in Section V.A.1 (b) of this Agreement, all refunds shall be made without interest. (b) Refunds based on estimated usage levels shall be paid by the utility within ninety (90) days of the date service is initiated. In the event that refunds are not paid in accordance with this section, Sierra Pacific shall pay interest for the period the refund is delayed at the rate currently specified in Section 704.655 of NRS. (c) Refunds hereunder shall be made for new customer connections during the period not to exceed ten (10) years after the date of this Agreement. (d) Except for refunds from customer connections made within ten (10) years of the date of this Agreement, any portion of the advance which remains unrefunded ten (10) years after the date of this Agreement, will be forfeited by Applicant and become the property of Sierra Pacific. 2. Refunding will be based on revenues in excess of the level used as the basis for determining free allowance, derived from the following customers, who initiate service within ten (10) years of the date of this Agreement. (a) Those served directly from the subject extension or alteration, as long as subject extension or alteration is the first in a series from the original point of supply for which a portion of an advance remains refundable. (b) Those served from subsequent extensions of or additions to the original extension. Refunds based on revenues in this section shall be made to the Applicant having the first extension in series from the original point of supply, for which a portion of an advance remains refundable. 3. The following provisions apply to the refunding process. -3- -3-0000.WPW Temp. form (a) In those cases where two or more parties make a joint advance/contribution on the same extension, Sierra Pacific shall distribute refundable amounts to such parties in the same proportion as their individual advance/contribution bear to the joint refundable total, unless otherwise directed by all parties. (b) Refundable amounts may be accumulated before refunding to twenty-five dollars ($25.00) minimum or to a total refundable balance if less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00). (c) The total amount refunded hereunder shall not exceed the total amount subject to refund (Sectio-n I, Line 5). VI. : GROSS UP \11 applicable Applicant costs, cost adjustments and refunds will be increased to reflect the appropriate tax liability or indicated in Section I, Line 17. VII. 3CELLANEOUS This Agreement has been made by Sierra Pacific pursuant to its rules and regulations governing all matters contained herein, filed with and approved by the Public Service Commission of California, and this Agreement is subject to any ,hanges or modifications by the Public Service Commission of California as said Commission may from time to time direct in the exercise of its jurisdiction. All facilities constructed hereunder shall become property owned, maintained, and controlled by Sierra Pacific. The parties agree and understand that Applicant is not in any way an agent, representative, employee, or contractor of Sierra Pacific during the installation of facilities required hereunder, and Applicant agrees to indemnify and save harmless Sierra Pacific from any and all claims which are a result of, or arise out of, construction activities including, but not limited to, trenching and backfill undertaken by Applicant in accordance with this Agreement. Applicant agrees that it will grant, or if not the owner, represents that the owner will grant and execute, to and in favor of Sierra Pacific, all necessary easements, conveyances, deeds, rights-of-way, or other documents required or relating in any faction to the placement, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of facilities required hereunder or any portion thereof. If any portion of said facilities will be located on property other than that owned by Applicant, Sierra Pacific shall not be obligated to commence construction unless and until permanent rights-of-way therefore are granted to Sierra Pacific that are satisfactory to Sierra Pacific both as to location of easement and form document. All rights-of-way shall be obtained without cost to Sierra Pacific. All facilities installed by Applicant shall be in accordance with Sierra Pacific Construction Standards, as contained in the "Electric Distribution System Guide," and details as shown on the work order drawings, and applicable local, state, and federal laws and/or regulations. All work performed and all material furnished by the Applicant and his contractor shall be guaranteed against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year following final acceptance of work by Sierra Pacific. Applicant agrees that Sierra Pacific may, at its option and upon written notice to Applicant, either (1) repair any defect in materials or workmanship which may develop during the one-year period, or (2) require Applicant to make good any -4- 8-0000.WPW Temp, form defect in materials or workmanship which may develop during said one-year period. The option and obligation to repair shall extend to any damage to facilities or work caused by the subject defects in materials or workmanship or the repairing of same. All repairs hereunder, whether undertaken by Sierra Pacific or Applicant, shall be done solely at Applicant's expense. Applicant also assumes all responsibilities and liabilities for ten (10) years for facilities installed by the Applicant or facilities installed by Sierra Pacific based on survey and staking provided by the Applicant or Applicant's engineer that are found to be located outside the recorded easement or right-of-way granted for such facilities. j=. For Applicant installation of facilities in addition to those normally provided at no expense to Sierra Pacific: 1. Applicant shall provide public liability and property damage insurance coverage in amounts satisfactory to Sierra Pacific and naming Sierra Pacific as an additional insured. 2. Applicant shall provide worker's compensation and unemployment compensation insurance in the form and amounts required by the State of California. 3. Applicant shall perform in accordance with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, standards, and codes applicable to the types of installation being undertaken. G. Applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless Sierra Pacific from and against Applicant's failure to conform in any respect to the requirements set forth in Sections E and F above. H. Applicant may assign its right to receive a refund under this Agreement only upon written notification of the assignment to Sierra Pacific. Written notification shall consist of a document transferring the right to receive refunds, signed and notarized by the Assignor and the Assignee. Sierra Pacific may refuse to accept an assignment that is not signed and notarized by the Assignor and the Assignee. No obligation or duty owed by the Applicant to Sierra Pacific may be assigned unless Sierra Pacific consents to such assignment in writing. Under no circumstances shall Sierra Pacific be liable under any contract between the Applicant or Assignor and any Assignee. I. Notices or inquiries concerning this Agreement should be directed to: SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY Attn. Plant Accounting PO Box 10100 Reno, NV 89520 -5- '''98-0000. WPW Temp. form :N WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto execute this Agreement (Pages 1 through 6 inclusive plus Exhibit A) the and year first above written. :lpLlCANT{S) /' -intedlTyped :::me: SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY By: Typed Name: Jeff Matthews Title: Senior Utility Designer 'intedlTyped ame: 'ailing Address: 3X Identification Number (Required) ndividual) Social Security Number 3usiness) TIN 'US. Type: Corporation Tax Exempt Partnership Governmental Agency _ Other "'ease be advised that we have selected NOTE: We request your Tax Identification Number and nature of your organization. Due to IRS regulations and under certain situations, if we do not have this information, we are required to withhold 20% of any refund due you. as our Applicant Installed Contractor. -=OR OFFICE USE ONLY: ::xcess revenues generated from this project shall be subject to refund under previous agreement number .Jlanner: Jeff Matthews -6- #98-QQQQ,WPW Temp. form BIKE PATH ~ BARRIER POSTS REQ. o 4( o cr. ~ ~ ...J ~ ~SOURCE 34-00CKT 1 B. R. MEYERS TO EMERALD BAY HWY 89 TO CAMP RICHARDSON SPPCO TO PROVIDE: (j) APPROX 95' 3-1/0 1 C4-. (2) , -150KVA PDMT TRANSFORMER, 14-.4-KV DELTA. 277 /4BOV. STK#BS-3312. ~ APPROX 15' 4/0aX TEMPORARY U/G SERVICE TO 1-200A PANEL @) APPROX 15' 350aX TO FEED PERM. 400A SWITCHBOARD IN BLDG. STPUD TO PROVIDE: @ 1 TRANSFORMER PAD, STK#24-0694. <EP ALL 4-" PRIMARY AND SERVICE CONDUIT INCLUDING RISER MATERIAL <0 ALL TRENCH AND BACKFILL PER SPPCO SPECS. OPEN POINT TO BE DECIDED IN FIELD. SEE STRIP MAP #34-00-19. EXHiBIT J. ELECTRIC PLANNER: JEFF MATTHEWS 541-1949 ~ VALHALLA PUMP-COMM-STPUD OWN 8Y: CHK'D APP'D DATE INIT1A ,SCALE: 1 "=50' -'~A. TAX CODE: 0207501800 ...... Sierra Pacific PawIIl' CampaDJ --- SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY W.O. NUM8ER...Q0-211I.ft-5.L-__ 36-13-17A X ..: ~.::~.::'~~~~ - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Jim Hoggatt. Construction Manager RE: BOARD MEETING: June 15, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: 4.f ITEM-PROJECT NAME: A-LINE PHASE 2 REVEGETATION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve proposal from Kelley Erosion Control in the amount of $8.460. DISCUSSION: In mid-May. staff requested Julie Etra. Western Botanical Services. to review the plants and trees that were planted as part of A-Line Phase 2 revegetation. and make a recommendation of what is reauired to ensure their survival. She dug up a couple of the tree seedlings that had turned brown to see what was causing them to die. The seedlings were sent to the Nevada Deoartment of Forestry to look at. They informed her that the seedlings were still alive. but were suffering from lack of water. Her recommendation is that all the trees and plants be watered for one more summer, Staff requested Kelly Erosion Control to orovide the District with a proposal to cover this cost. Staff recommends approval of the Kelly Erosion Control proposal to water the trees and plants that were planted as part of the erosion control for A-Line Phase 2 in the amount of $8.460. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $8.460 ACCOUNT NO: 9098-8827 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ($25.529) + $10.000 (2001 budget) ATTACHMENTS: Kelley Erosion Control Proposal CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YEslJlJg..~Ali\.NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~~/vJ ~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER MAY-25-00 THU 03:31 PM KELLEY'EROSION FAX:7023226606 PAGE 1 KELLEY EROSION CONTROL, INC. Bid Date: 5/25/00 Time Sent:4:30 PM Page 1 of 1 FROM: Claudia 1. Zachreson CPESC Kelley Erosion Control, foe, 2395 B Tampa Street Reno, NV 89512 Fax (775) 322-6606 Phone (775) 322-77SS TO: Name: Jim Hoggatt Company: South Lake Tahoe PUD Address: 1275 Meadow Crest Dr, City: South Lake Tahoe State: CA 96150 Fax: (530)541-0614 Phone: (530)541-6474 JOB NAME: Water Once Per Week-A./..ineANHD Bid Item Unit Estimated Unit Price Total Estimated Price Quantity JlUle -- October 2000 $8,460.00 .....-- ..., Grand Total- Sales Tax Iocluded $8,460.00 - . SPECIAL INSTRUCJ10NS: WBE, NOD-Union Firm. &cludes: Traffic control, bonding or guarantees. Water to be supplied and paid for by STPUD. Water hydrant to be made avialable at the same place we used last year. No charge for inspection or pennit for water. Work expected JW1e 1 - October 2000. Quotation valid for 2 weeks without confirmation. We require a written purchase order prior to starting maintenance. TemLS: We will invoice at the end of each month (5 times). Net 30. Payment in full for each invoice with no retention withheld. Prevailing wage rates to be paid and certified payroll to be mailed at you're request. Weare aware there are some trees that are dying. Out of this group of trees we will water those that appear to be all right. AU healthy trees to receive water weekly. CA Contractors License # 703012 WBE Cert.# CTOO.1390 JolE: --1415 j))(!.l,.l/'De? "2A#f'5 tilt! f/wy'50 ALSO.1 Co,vFtiZ.M@ 11~ Ullf?... K1""'; J.. KeGJ,':t' ~ ~UdlA:, !);.! ;=e,JA'f ~/Z{CI) . ---~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Jim Hoggatt. Construction Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING: June 15. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: 4.g ITEM-PROJECT NAME: PARK AVENUE PROJECT: PHASE 1 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order NO.1 to the City of South Lake Tahoe for White Rock Construction in the amount of $7.482.64 DISCUSSION: The itemized parts of Change Order NO.1 are as follows: 1. Part "A" for $2.749.38 covers the extra cost White Rock Construction encountered when the existing 14-inch valve that they were to tie into was leaking. The 14-inch valve that was leaking was installed last year by G B Construction and is still under warrantee. Staff has notified G B Construction that they will be invoiced to cover this cost (see attached letter). 2. Part "B" for $1830.60 is to cover the cost of locating the existing 6-inch water main and gate valve at Highway 50 and Park Avenue. This intersection had so many underground utilities. our locating equipment did not work. Staff had to rely on as-built drawings which did not show the existing 6-inch line in the proper location. 3. Part "C" for $1.618.66 is to cover the cost of furnishing and installing two 14-inch 45 degree elbows and Meg a lugs at station 29 + 62 on Highway 50 to eliminate a conflict with an existing electrical duct bank. 4. Part "0" for $1.284.00 is to cover the District's share of the cost for the rental of the 320 L Excavator with hydraulic rock breaker to remove a sign footing that was 15-feet long by 12 feet deep by 4-feet thick that was not shown on the plans. The old footing was hidden below the asphalt and the 14-inch waterline and electrical duct bank could not be installed as designed nor could they be relocated to eliminate the conflict. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible. COSTS: $7.482.64 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8082/8151 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ($16.850> + $230.000 (2001 budget) ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No.1: Letter to G B Construction: Budget analysis CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YESJt)l4/f.~~vNO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YESlY1L'f~ ~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WA TER SEWER x x CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 1 Project PARK AVENUE PROJECT PHASE I Contractor City of South lake Tahoe Date June 7, 2000 PO # 9408 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: SEE ATTACHED SHEET FOR COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE ORDER I ..................... ..,--.. ". .. ......, .. ..... ... ... ....--..... -..--, I ....................... ...j...P91IatAmQlIHt~';.. ...................cohH~ctTiml!l... ...........-.......... Original Co ntract $ 3 9 1 , 5 8 7 .24 Previous Change Order $ 0.00 Current Contra ct $ 3 9 1 , 58 7 .24 TH IS CHANGE ORDER $ 7 .482 64 New Contract Total $ 3 99 ,0 69 .8 8 This Change Order constitutes full and mutual accord and satisfaction for all time and all costs related to this change. By acceptance of this Change Order the contractor agrees that the Change Order represents an equitable adjustment to the contract price and time, and further agrees to waive all right to file a claim arising out of or as a result of this change. Date: Authorized By STPUD Board President Date: Accepted By City South lake Tahoe Date: Accepted By White Rock Construction Date: Reviewed By CHANGE ORDER NO.1 CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE PARK AVENUE PROJECT PHASE I June 7, 2000 A) Extra cost for work performed due to existing 14-inch leaking gate valve for the tie-in at Pioneer Trail and Echo Road. Work performed on a time and material basis for a total of $2,749.38. See attached item" A" for a break down of all costs. Total for item "A" is $2,749.38 B) Extra cost for work performed in locating the existing 6-inch water main and gate valve at Highway 50 and Park Avenue. Work performed on a time and material basis for a total of $1,830.60. See attached item "B" for a break down of all costs. Total for item "B" is $1,830.60 C) Furnish and install additional fittings required for the new 14-inch water main at Sta 29 + 62 on Highway 50 to eliminate a conflict with existing electrical duct bank for a lump sum amount not to exceed $1,618.66. See attached item "C" for a break down of all costs. Total for Item "C" is $1,618.66 D) South Tahoe Public Utility District's share of the equipment rental for a 320L excavator to remove sign foundation not shown on the Plans which conflicted with the installation of the new 14-inch water main and electric duct bank for a lump sum amount of $1,284.00. See attachment" 0" for break down of all costs. Total for item "0" is $1,284.00 TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NO.1 IS A+B+C+D= $7,482.64 NOIldkI0S30 0 .9 m 1 0 O m 3 m 23 0 idOd3U d0 31VO 0 0 z 0 -a Z 0 0 0 0 Z D 0 1 0 0 1 z 0 0 Z 0 O D A 0 m -4 0 0 z 0 $ 37:1f111ON3dX3 Sf1OIA32ld D X 0 C z C O m 0 •0 O Z 0 m 0 z 0 ACCEPTED-FOR PROGRESS PAYMENT { !.. . TOTAL COST OF EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND WORK r r. t }}. . / DESCRIPTION MATERIAL AND /OR WORK DONE BY SPECIALISTS Z m „,..-,.- i ri -4 slit ' _L.: :, Si', f.F EQUIPMENT f~ — Ft z Z 4 t HOURS ti. 1. HOURLY RATE UNIT COST V A ' " ).-^ L- b_ i '..r. 0 -- D EXTENDED AMOUNTS ,. cs ,....,_,„:„. .7‘,..!.., 1 SUB -TOTAL Z70 9 73 _ .5';,==. F ^. ^ 6 4 r, R• tm i •. f .- r.' _ fir a r r� %` l'!.. y ,t,' ' r V;. - r.. ..k r' LABOR 11 0 0 [REG. 0 • al 0 0 IREG. 0 A 0 r O.T. O.T. REG. 4 10 0 0 c1 Pi 0 0 HOURS .,,..: ... `. +(r= P .F 2.-. -_ HOURLY RATE CO C. C r, J L• ` ( � L' r• ct , EXTEf AMO ts: _T ..� C•' >.� --- •-� r� '(✓ L NOIldkI0S30 0 .9 m 1 0 O m 3 m 23 0 idOd3U d0 31VO 0 0 z 0 -a Z 0 0 0 0 Z D 0 1 0 0 1 z 0 0 Z 0 O D A 0 m -4 0 0 z 0 $ 37:1f111ON3dX3 Sf1OIA32ld D X 0 C z C O m 0 •0 O Z 0 m 0 z 0 In o o\, O A �' 0 o N 011 z, 0 v CI 0 Z m 71 zI m \N z N - 1 1 { m m Z -4 0 m n 0 0 0 m z °1+ 71 0 -4 z 0 0 11 o 0 ^ z m ►_ s 833NION3 LN3,3) 3L1 0 m 1 O 2 0 m 0 7 Ii 0 m m 0 3 0 0 —r 6- } 1 4- laod3a 40 31V0 sj r i I • 0 0 0 z 0 m v O 1 2 O 0 z 0 0 L 0 z O cr. e• Cpu opt z • O3WLIO4Ld3d 31V0 'ON 17VLIiNO0 J tD - 4 0i -40 0 0 m 00 D .< O Z C -� D C X I 2 xi O m C z H M M M 0 0 O 2 0 ON 1LlOd32! co HOURLY I RATE 0 2 0 11 0 O.T. REG. z REG. O.T. C m N HOUF RAT j- o¢ ,tz. t,;, D X 0m C 2 am C.'.• \ cr=.. I 0 0 m 1 O 2 0 m 0 7 Ii 0 m m 0 3 0 0 —r 6- } 1 4- laod3a 40 31V0 sj r i I • 0 0 0 z 0 m v O 1 2 O 0 z 0 0 L 0 z O cr. e• Cpu opt z • O3WLIO4Ld3d 31V0 'ON 17VLIiNO0 J tD - 4 0i -40 0 0 m 00 D .< O Z C -� D C X I 2 xi O m C z H M M M 0 0 O 2 0 ON 1LlOd32! co Jun -05 -O0 07:55A City of South Lake Tahoe 530 541 7524 P..02 n n 0 2 n 1 O z m 0 Z 0 n 2 0 00 < z A m -4 0 0 ID 2 0 3MIlhIQN3dX3 SIlOIA3Nd 3 0 2 { i z 0 N m 0 N N N n n 2 0 iUOd]ti HUG/ VU1X A1JVS/ LTh TOTAL COST OF EQUIPMENT. MATERIALS AND WORK DESCRIPTION MATERIAL AND /OR WORK DONE BY SPECIALISTS , I ■ m zo PS o r ..Y EQUIPMENT o c z to c O 0 -� n U; UNIT COST e ° D 0 o 0 IRLY TE a o 0 0 �J 0 o LI TRAVEL EXPENSE NO t n a LABOR O.T. ACM o n oz m O z m 0 i A m 7.1 O 1 1 m 0 z m 0 1 m m 0' 14 • VC.A 6'. OCa N fsQ --g „ O T v G C n 0 2 n 1 O z m 0 Z 0 n 2 0 00 < z A m -4 0 0 ID 2 0 3MIlhIQN3dX3 SIlOIA3Nd 3 0 2 { i z 0 N m 0 N N N n n 2 0 iUOd]ti HUG/ VU1X A1JVS/ ~O{_~-n...+ I "t--.l--+OB PUe'/L...le'- U-r;L-n'(' DI~-rf"-,Ir:.,:-'-r 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone: (530) 544-6474. Facsimile: (530) 541-0614 Robert G. Baer, General Manager r:-.~+-"..,r/- t0e-"-.irf;';::Z~~7 Christopher H. Strohm James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Pembroke Gochnauer June 5, 2000 Mr. Dave Galicia G.B. Construction P.O. Box 7858 South Lake Tahoe CA 96158 Re: Highway SO/Midway Road Waterline Project Leaking 14 inch valve Dear Dave: White Rock Construction Company has submitted a request of $2,749.38 to cover the extra work they had to perform because the existing 14-inch valve your firm installed for us last year atthe intersection of Echo and Pioneer was leaking. See White Rock Construction Company's Daily Extra Work Report attached for a breakdown of costs. Please notice that the District's representative, Rich Vonderscher, has signed and agrees with the time and cost involved. District staff will recommend to our Board at their next regular meeting, June 15, 2000, that they approve a change order to White Rock Construction to cover these costs and that we invoice G.B. Construction the same amount. As you are aware, this valve was still under warranty. If your firm does not agree with District staff's recommendation, you are invited to attend this meeting to present your response. The meeting will be held at 2 PM at the City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Blvd. For your information, White Rock Construction is having problems in passing a hydrostatic test on the new 14-inch line which they installed and is connected to the 14-inch valve you replaced. They have informed the District they think this same valve is not holding pressure. They have not proved this to the District as of this date. We wi II keep you informed if any additional costs are involved. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours trul:~~ ~~' Construction Manager/ Engineer JRH/esh enclosure \hwy 50 mid'NaY pioneer\misc correspondence to GB RMc 08-Jun-00 PARK AVENUE PROJECTS BUDGET REMAINING ANALYSIS: Spent to date Outstanding Purchase Orders- City of South Lake Tahoe Total Spent & Encumbered 99/00 25,304 391,545 416,850 Budget (8082 & 8151) FY 2000 Estimated Additional Spending from budget process Total Budget & Estimate 200,000 200,000 400,000 Amount Exceeding Forecast/Budget (16,850) Note 1: The Estimated aditional spending was factored into the 5 yr financial plan. Note 2: FY 2001 budget includes $230,000 for this project. R:\Private\Rhonda\Budget\Agenda ~~". ~';\ "J ~".,<~ ..~'. .. ""'.~~"~~. /' .._~::"~1/ ~~.",\.".:."", ~ 'i{;''''' rJ~ ~ .~ Consent Item 4,h t~ ~.Ia~ -, 1'1':~n (qJJ "tt 't:~~.~. "~I~ J 'I!:.:.~'!" ~ </'j.e'.;" , .'.!Il... f./..- . .,.... SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 'i~~~ "Basic Services for a Complex World" Christopher H. Strohm, President Robert Baer, General Manager Richard SolbriQ, Assistant Manager BOARD MEMBERS Pembroke Gochnauer, Vice President James Jones, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director Duane Wallace, Director .{ff:' ....u..tJijjJ;... ....... ..... "~:~~~$f~:~:!:!:!:~~::X!:!:!i::!:!:!t~'~:::!1:1jj~((((f(t'(.tt:~~~J.:~~!~~!:!:~:!:!:!:!:!ffl:!:!:!:!:!:~::"::::' :::::. ',' ::::::)))'''(Q:!:!:!:!:f.!::~:::!:::::!:!:f.!:~:::::::;:!J.:::;J.:::::::::::!:::::!:!:::::::f.!:!:!::::::::::~:::::':':':"(I)X~:::!:f:!:::!~::~:::!:!:!:::::::::::::::::::::;:::;:;:;:!:!. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 18, 2000 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in Special Session on May 18,2000,12:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ROLL CALL President Strohm, Directors Wallace, Jones, Gochnauer. Director Mosbacher was absent. STAFF: Saer, Solbrig, Sharp, Noble, Cocking, Attorney Kvistad. 12:00 P.M. 12:50 P.M. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION J REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Conference re: Real Property Negotiations: Agency Negotiators - District Staff (Robert Baer, Richard Solbrig, General Counsel), Board of Direc- tors; Under Negotiation: Property Terms: Property: APN 19-081-09 The Board directed negotiators regarding this item. The remainder of this closed session was continued to later in the day. (Board Members left the meeting to join U.S. Forest Service representatives at the well site. The U.S. Forest Service agreed to the terms and conditions contained in the Special Use Permit as presented.) SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 18, 2000 PAGE-2 1 :35 P.M. CONTINUED CLOSED SESSION RESUMED 1 :50 P.M. RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION Moved Strohm/Second Wallace/Mosbacher Absent! Passed to accept the terms and conditions contained in the Special Use Permit and Gardner Mountain Well. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Conference re: Real Property Negotiations: Agency Negotiators - District Staff (Robert Baer, Richard Sol brig, General Counsel), Board of Direc- tors; Under Negotiation: Property Terms; Property: APN 19-081-09 1 :50 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Christopher H. Strohm, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ~~. ~ .~ '~~'" 't~V ~'4~ ,\~"}j) 'II/) tt. ~,~<t4;.~'~'<> ,. YrllD 1.:.(1.", ~'v f&,.,{l', ..,.~ ~10UTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRIC;"J<:2 "Basic Services for a Complex World" Consent Item 4, i Robert B~er, General Manager ~... Richard Sol brig, Assistant Manager -~,."- ~,.~..~.-:...-- . ~~ . ~'- ' '-' '-M~~"~~:- '-.:..; II~~ BOARD MEMBERS Pembroke Gochnauer, Vice President Christopher H. Strohm, President '.. . .. '. "",-," -~-:m"'l_._ :-.. Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director. Duane Wallace, Director ...- ~.;.t:"';;':1lI ......,~~~~-~~~.~"W: '.PL!l;_~.'.II:'!"- ..........._~ James Jones, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 18,2000 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Regular Session, May 18, 2000,2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ROLL CALL President Strohm, Directors Wallace, Jones, Gochnauer. Director Mosbacher was absent. STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Sharp, Henderson, Reid, Noble, Hoggatt, Zaninovich, Thiel, Brown, Cocking, Attorney Kvistad. GUESTS: AI Wokas, P.E., Manette Flynn, Joseph Flynn, David Kelly, Joyce Blackstone. Manette Flynn requested a breakdown of costs to prepare COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE the annual CAFR, and the presentation regarding Ward- Young's recommendations for an administration building. AI Wokas distributed a copy of an article regarding leaking COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE fuel storage systems. The article supports Mr. Wokas' concept that MTSE in gasoline is not a problem, it is the leaking storage and dispensing systems used for gasoline that are the real culprits. He has invented a solution to ground pollution: a dispensing system that does not re- quire the use of underground piping. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 18, 2000 PAGE-2 Three items for Board action (pertaining to the Gardner Mountain Well) were added by an addendum to the agenda. All noticing requirements were met. Consent Items b., c., and d., were brought forward for discussion prior to Board action. Moved Jones/Second Gochnauer/Mosbacher Absent! Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: a. Liability Claim: Quick - Rejected claim; b. Rate Amendment Ordinance - See Consent Items Brought Forward; c. Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget: Fiscal Year 2000-01 - See Consent Items Brought Forward; d. Water Enterprise Fund Budget: - Fiscal Year 2000-01 - See Consent Items Brought Forward; e. Echo View Well: Well Abandonment Agreement - Authorized execution of agreement; f. Approved Special Board Meeting Minutes: May 5, 2000. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR DISCUSSION I BOARD ACTION (Consent Items b., c., and d., were combined for the purpose of this discussion and vote.) David Kelly opposed the rate increases for the segment of the community he represents. He encouraged the Board to consider funding fire protection for Hwy. 89. Joyce Blackstone commended the Board and staff for keeping the rate increases to a minimum. Manette Flvnn relayed two ideas for the Board to consider: 1) Creating two shifts for employees who use the adminis- tration building may eliminate the need for a new building; 2) In addition to sending bills to landlords, send duplicate bills to tenants to make them more aware of sewer/water costs. (Deborah Henderson, Accounting Tech., responded the District currently offers that service upon request.) RATE AMENDMENT ORDINANCE (Consent Item b.) SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGET: FISCAL YEAR 2000-01 (Consent Item c.) WATER ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGET: FISCAL YEAR 2000-01 (Consent Item d.) REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES. MAY 18, 2000 PAGE. 3 Moved Gochnauer/Second Jones/Mosbacher Absent! Consent Items b., c., and d. (con't.) Passed to: 1) Enact Ordinance No. 475-00, amending Ordinance No. 464, Administrative Code Sections 3.1.49, 3.1.50, 3.1.53, 3.1.54 and 4.5.12 and superseding Ordinance Nos. 468-99 and 470-99 in their entirety; 2) Adopt Resolution No. 2705-00 adopting the budget for the Sewer Enterprise Fund; and 3) Adopt Resolution No. 2706-00 adopting the budget for the Water Enterprise Fund. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION John Thiel reported three bids were received for this project at the May 17 bid opening. Moved Strohm/Second Gochnauer/Mosbacher Absent/ Passed to award contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Thomas Haen Company, Inc., in the amount of $296,070.00. RAILROAD TANK SITEWORK AND FOREST MOUNTAIN TANK SITE- WORK AND PUMP STATION John Thiel reported two bids were received for this project FOREST MOUNTAIN FIRE PUMP at the May 16 bid opening. Moved Gochnauer/Second Jones/Mosbacher Absent/ Passed to award contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Wm. A. Barron Co., in the amount of $32,057.71. Linda Brown, on behalf of Rick Hydrick, reported requests for bids were sent to 21 firms; four proposals were received from three bidders. She recommended the lowest bid, received from Grove Madsen Industries, be rejected as non-responsive (the bid was for a 6-pulse VFD unit, not the 18-pulse unit required in the specifica- tions). She also noted all bidders omitted information from their bids and were provided additional time to gather information. Moved Strohm/Second Jones/Mosbacher Absent/Passed to award the bid to the second lowest responsive, respon- sible bidder, Grove Madsen Industries, in the amount of $78,500, contingent that they provide references and verify that dimension specifications can be met. If the information does not check out or it is not forthcoming within five days, authorize an exception to the third lowest bidder, Robicon Corp., for the terms and condition changes and award bid to them. BIJOU SEWER PUMP STATION UPGRADE: VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES. MAY 18, 2000 PAGE-4 Brown clarified that the contingency motion does not pro~ vide a competitive advantage to any bidder. Moved Wallace/Second Jones/Mosbacher Absent/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $618,742.92. Nick Zaninovich reported staff is developing a plan to put the well on-line on a temporary basis until the permanent components can be installed under contract. Moved Jones/Second Gochnauer/Mosbacher Absent/ Passed to authorize staff to advertise for bids for well improvements. Nick Zaninovich reported staff is preparing plans, specific- ations, and contract documents for the permanent com- pletion of the well. In order to get the well on-line as soon as possible, staff proposes to pre-purchase equipment to enable crews to operate the well at an approximate output of 400 gpm until permanent improvements are completed by a contractor. Moved Strohm/Second Gochnauer/Mosbacher Absent/ Passed to authorize staff to pre-purchase equipment for temporary well operations. Moved Gochnauer/Second Strohm/Mosbacher Absent! Passed to approve Task Order No.8 to Western Botanical Services for the revegetation near the Red Barn in an estimated amount of $2,208. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met May 15. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Federal LeQislative Ad Hoc Committee: Director Wallace reported on his recent trip to Washington D. C. and his testimony on behalf of the Lake Tahoe Restoration Act. Director Jones reported on two items: 1) He reported on his attendance at the two~day Mealey's MTBE conference on May 11. BIJOU SEWER PUMP STATION UPGRADE: VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE (continued) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS GARDNER MOUNTAIN WELL IMPROVEMENTS GARDNER MOUNTAIN WELL OPERATIONAL EQUIPMENT GARDNER MOUNTAIN WELL REVEGETATION BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES. MAY 18, 2000 PAGE-5 2) A lawsuit has been filed by several agencies in an attempt to invalidate MTBE secondary MCLs. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (continued) Director Gochnauer reported on his attendance at the ACWA spring conference. Topics of interest included: conjunctive use (the concept that ground and surface waters should be considered as one issue, not separately), flaws in the Little Hoover Commission's report, TMDLs, and MTBE. GENERAL MANAGER I STAFF REPORTS General Manager: Bob Baer reported on seven items: 1) David French, ENS Resources, will attend the June 1 Board meeting to familiarize himself with District issues. 2) Senator Leslie will be in South Lake Tahoe on May 19. 3) Lahontan gave a TMDL to the Alpine County Board of Supervisors. 4) The Alpine School District is expanding their facilities and have expressed interest in District-owned property. 5) Scott Brooke sent the District a letter re: application of recycled water in Nevada. 6) A special Board meeting will be held during the week of May 22 re: a proposal for the District to receive water from other water companies. 7) He thanked the Board for the active support they have provided on various District issues. Assistant General Manager: Richard Solbrig reported that Phases 1 and 2 of Gardner Mountain Transmission line pro- ject will be advertised for bid the week of May 22. Design work on Phase 3 of the project is underway and will be ad- vertised for bid later this summer. General Counsel: Gary Kvistad reported on two items: 1) There are a number of opportunities to review Lahontan's decision to pursue the TMDL issue at Indian Creek Reservoir. A Senate bill is pending to require EPA to study the science of TMDLs further. 2) Work on the Groundwater Management Plan is continuing. A presentation will be made to the Stakeholders' Advisory Group. Their input will be incorporated into a workshop for the full Board. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 18, 2000 PAGE-6 Manager of Customer Service: Diane Noble reported the South lake Tahoe Redevelopment Agency has named the District in a "friendly" lawsuit in an eminent domain action they are taking on the VanSickle property (the District's easement is located on that property so the District had to be included). This issue will be scheduled for Closed Session on the next Regular Board meeting agenda. 4:00 P.M. 4:15 P,M. 5:10p.M. GENERAL MANAGER/STAFF REPORTS (continued) MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED AND ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION ( REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION Diane Noble reported the District prevailed in the court case, in the amount of $16,389. No Board action. legal counsel updated the Board regarding this item. No Board action. Legal counsel and staff updated the Board regarding this item. No Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel, Existing Litigation: STPUD VS, SIERRA CAL Lodge, u.S. Bankruptcy Court, Sacramento Division, Case No, 96-25693-C-11 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel re: Pending Litigation (one case) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel, Existing Litigation: Mountain Cascade Inc., and Valley Engineers, Inc. vs. STPUD Board of Directors and STPUD, County of EI Dorado, Superior Court Case No, SC20000050 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 18, 2000 PAGE-7 Legal counsel and staff updated the Board regarding this item. No Board action. Legal counsel and staff updated the Board regarding this item. No Board action. There was nothing new to report regarding this item. No Board action. 5:10p.M. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Conference re: Real Property Negotiations: Agency Negotiators - District Staff (Robert Baer, Richard Solbrig, General Counsel), Board of Directors Under Negotiation - Property Terms Property 10 - APN 19-081-09 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel, Existing Litigation: STPUD VS, ARCO, et. ai, San Francisco Superior Court Case No. 999128 P u rsua nt to Govern me n t Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel, Existing Litigation: Schwake VS, STPUD, Federal Case No. CV-N-93-851-DWH ADJOURNMENT Christopher H. Strohm, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ~ ~. ~. 4"1> .J ~~,.~\j' ~.~, ~;"., ~'''_.;; ~". ~' ~ ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~ Consent Item ~b4tJ~ Ith!.~, .~ W~:~ ,t ;:t-.~ ~Uy,' .'. "._ ...., -"J ~'~ "tl: 4,j "Basic Services for a Complex World" Christopher H. Strohm, President BOARD MEMBERS Rich_ard Sol~rig, Assistant ~anager Pembroke Gochnauer, Vice President Robert Baer, General Manager . '- . -""'.'" , .~... '-'.' .", "..- '-' .'. .. ..," '~,""-'-, .- . .. . James Jones. Director ^ " ..... ..", ~ ..," <_ ... _, .. h... ,_ " Ma.r.y.... ~ou,~osbach~r. ,?irector .. .' -,- . .'.. Duane Wallace, Director SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 25, 2000 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in Special Session on May 25, 2000, 3:30 P.M., District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ROLL CALL President Strohm, Directors Wallace, Jones, Gochnauer. Director Mosbacher was absent. STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Sharp, Cocking. Attorney John Bakker participated via speaker phone. GUESTS: Danny and Michelle Lukins/Lukins Brothers' Water Company. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Bob Baer reported in order to assist the District in providing a reliable water supply for the upcoming summer, the District contacted Lukins Brothers' Water Company to determine if they would sell wholesale water in excess of the water delivered to Lukins' customers. Through a series of meetings, a short-term agreement has been developed that is acceptable to District staff and Lukins Brothers'. LUKINS BROTHERS' WATER COMPANY I DISTRICT WHOLESALE WATER AGREEMENT . . . SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES. MAY 25, 2000 PAGE.2 The key points of the agreement are as follows: Term: June to September, with right to extend to December. Quantity: Water in excess of the needs of Lukins' customers (believed to be 300,000 to 400,000 gallons per day). System Modifications: At District expense. Cost: Minimum of $5,000 per month credited toward water purchases. LUKINS BROTHERS' WATER COMPANY I DISTRICT WHOLESALE WATER AGREEMENT ( continued) Moved Gochnauer/Second Jones/Mosbacher Absent Passed to authorize execution of agreement. 3:50 A.M. ADJOURNMENT Christopher H. Strohm, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Consent Item 4,k ~~~~ \~\) , ~~\~ ,~~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT r(,,4'~ ./~ q,~ "Basic Services for a Complex World" R()~e.~ ,E?ae.~,. Ge.neral fy1aniil.Qer. Christopher H. Strohm, President Rich~rd Sol brig, Assistant Manager BOARD MEMBERS Pembroke Gochnauer, Vice President James Jones, Director . , ".~'.". ." h~. r .. .' . . . Mary L.~~ Mosba~her, Director Duane Wallace, Director SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 1, 2000 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in Special Session on June 1, 2000, 1 :00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ROLL CALL President Strohm, Directors Wallace, Jones, Gochnauer, Mosbacher. STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Sharp, Noble, Attorney Kvistad. 1 :00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION 1 :35 P.M. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. SIERRA CAL Lodge, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Sacramento Division, Case No.96-25693-C-11 Legal counsel and staff updated the Board and received direction regarding this item. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 1, 2000 PAGE-2 Legal counsel and staff updated the Board and received direction regarding this item. No Board action. Legal counsel and staff updated the Board and received direction regarding this item. No Board action. There was nothing new to report regarding this item. No Board action. Legal counsel and staff updated the Board regarding this item. No Board action. Legal counsel and staff updated the Board regarding this item. No Board action. 1 :50 P.M. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: South Tahoe Rede- velopment Agency vs. STPUD, EI Dorado County Superior Court, Case No.SC20000090 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: Mountain Cascade Inc" and Valley Engineers, Inc. vs. STPUD, County of EI Dorado, Superior Court Case No, SC20000050 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: Schwake vs. STPUD, Federal Case CV-N-93-851-DWH Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO, et. ai, San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b )/Conference with Legal Counsel re: Pending Litigation (one case) ADJOURNMENT Christopher H. Strohm, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Nick Zaninovich. Associate Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING: June 15. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 7.a CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: .......................'.'........,.,..',.,',......................'...............................................................-.,..,..', ,', ,..................................... ...w,.........,.,......,....,.......,.,...........................................,.,..............,............................w..........,............................................,.........,.,.,','.','..,','............,...,...................................,.................................................. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $606.000 (Engineers estimate) ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8079 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $194.787 + 600.000 (2001 budget) A T1 ACHMENTS: Bid summarv & staff recommendation will be distributed priorto Board meeting. ...............:.........:...........y1"i:t'I~'J'..........................................................".................................................................................................................................................................... CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES (t)}.i/"'B~O CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES rYt~~.~ . CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER ~OUIH I A++Oe.. PUe::>L.-I? UilL.-liY l?16>iPlI?i "27~ '....'II::::..A-I?Ow ?Ple-~iI?Pllve- 6>OU-rH L-A-y,e- -r A-HOe- ?A- ':'~~O (~::;,O) fl'.?44-(P474 ~A-}( (~::;,O) ~4-1-0~4 Action Item #7a. fv1e-1v10P>AI'J[?UIv1 To: Board Members, Bob Baer, Gary Kvistad Fr: Richard Sol brig iA Re: Gardner Mountain Water Line Replacement Phase 1 & 2 Bid Results Date: June 15, 2000 ;';:':';';~}:~':'~~'~-:-:':':~'W":~"~-':':-}}:':':':':~'~';;:;:':':':':':':~~~~':<<-:<<<<~':':~~':':~':""'~:....~~...~~...: ..~...:.:.:...:'-:.....:.:.:...:.;...}:.:.:.x.w.::-:.:<<<<-:-.>>}..:.;.:.:..;:~~~-.:.:.:.:.y7.';;}}:.:.:.x.:<.:.:.:.:<<<<.:.:.:.:.::-::-x<.:.:.:.:.:~.~~:=:<.::-:.:.:<<.:.:<.:.:~.:<.:.:.:.:.::-:::::.:.:.:...;."x.:...:.:.';::--::<...<-...~......~<.:.:..;..::-..'::": ;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.'.;.;.;.;.;.;::.:.:::.:.:.:.:.:<.:::.:.::-:.:::::.~:::.::::::.:.:.:.;.:.:.... Bids were opened on June 13 th, Six bids were received (see attached bid summary). C B Ebright was the apparent low bidder at $494,494. On June 15th we received a letter from C B Ebright Co, (see attached) with supporting documentation that requested they be aI/owed to withdraw their bid and bid bond. The reason given was that they had omitted the price of the pipe from their bid which resulted in a $45,068 mistake. After reviewing the information provided by C B Ebright Co" staff recommends allowingthem to withdraw their bid without penalty, The second low bidder was White Rock Construction, whose bid was $644,700. The only discrepancy in their bid was that they failed to indicate the designation for their contractor's license, ie. Class "A", Their license has been checked (see attached memo) and it is in good standing. " C\ I) Co l.>-)~"\ ') C;3 +.,. t,_ iitA. t:l " i.., d ..; Staff recommend~waiving the minor bid irregularity and awarding the project to White Rock Construction in the amount of $644,700, cc: Jim Hoggatt Nick Zaninovich ' GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER LINE REPLACEMENT PHASE I & II - BID SUMMARY ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. ENG EST. ENG EST CB EBRIGHT CB EBRIGHT WHITE ROCK WHITE ROCK UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Mobilization /demobilization LS 1 42,000.00 42,000.00 27,294.00 27,294.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 2 Provide and install, per standard detail drawings: 2A 10" DIP or PVC water main LF 1400 54.00 75,600.00 33.00 46,200.00 48.50 67,900.00 2B 8" DIP or PVC water main LF 4800 42.00 201,600.00 32.50 156,000.00 45.00 216,000.00 3 Transfer water service connections to new water main 0.00 3A 3/4" water services EA 57 960.00 54,720.00 550.00 31,350.00 800.00 45,600.00 3B 1" water services EA 15 1,020.00 15,300.00 750.00 11,250.00 900.00 13,500.00 3C 2" water services EA 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 4 Provide and install fire hydrants EA 11 3,480.00 38,280.00 2,600.00 28,600.00 3,350.00 36,850.00 5 2W asphalt pavement SF 27,000 4.20 113,400.00 2.50 67,500.00 4.25 114,750.00 6 Sta 0 +00 (Julie & Gardner) LS 1 4,800.00 4,800.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,400.00 4,400.00 7 Sta 8 +02 (Julie & 13th) LS 1 4,800.00 4,800.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 11,100.00 11,100.00 8 Sta 21 +68 (Julie & 10th) LS 1 4,800.00 4,800.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 7,800.00 7,800.00 9 Sta 29 +65 (Julie & Agate) LS 1 4,800.00 4,800.00 13,600.00 13,600.00 12,750.00 12,750.00 10 Sta 32 +91 (Julie & Gardner) LS 1 4,800.00 4,800.00 6,300.00 6,300.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 11 Sta 38 +13 (Gardner & Clement) LS 1 4,800.00 4,800.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 7,800.00 7,800.00 12 Sta 11 +35 (10th & Clement) LS 1 4,800.00 4,800.00 15,400.00 15,400.00 12,750.00 12,750.00 13 Sta 16 +08 (10th & Tata) LS 1 4,800.00 4,800.00 14,900.00 14,900.00 11,150.00 11,150.00 14 Sta 29 +49 (10th & Glorene) LS 1 4,800.00 4,800.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 15 Sta 23 +15 (10th & Roger) LS 1 4,800.00 4,800.00 9,300.00 9,300.00 11,500.00 11,500.00 16 Sta 35 +86 to 36 +41 LS 1 4,800.00 4,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 17 Sta 39 +92 to 40 +19 LS 1 4,800.00 4,800.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 7,300.00 7,300.00 18 Sta 43 +15 to 43 +42 LS 1 4,800.00 4,800.00 5,400.00 5,400.00 5,200.00 5,200.00 19 Abandon existing water mains EA 11 480.00 5,280.00 300.00 3,300.00 650.00 7,150.00 TOTAL BID ITEMS 1 THRU 19 609,780.00 494,494.00 $644,700.00 West Valley Discrepancy: Bid Item #19 Unit Price of $9,900 was not multiplied bi 11 ea. Note: See attached sheet for complete listing of discrepancies. P: \SUE \Gardner Mtn WL Phase 1 &2 A.wb314- Jun -00 GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER LINE REPLACEMENT PHASE I & ll - BID SUMMARY ARIZONA PIPE ARIZONA PIPE THOMAS HAEN THOMAS HAEN WEST VALLEY WEST VALLEY BURDICK BURDICK UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 16,000.00 16,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 40,150.00 40,150.00 83,500.00 83,500.00 0.00 50.00 70,000.00 56.00 78,400.00 53.00 74,200.00 64.80 90,720.00 47.00 225,600.00 50.00 240,000.00 48.00 230,400.00 69.60 334,080.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 718.00 40,926.00 1,100.00 62,700.00 880.00 50,160.00 840.00 47,880.00 920.00 13,800.00 1,150.00 17,250.00 1,170.00 17,550.00 1,020.00 15,300.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 1,080.00 1,080.00 3,060.00 33,660.00 2,700.00 29,700.00 3,900.00 42,900.00 3,600.00 39,600.00 4.23 114,210.00 3.50 94,500.00 5.00 135,000.00 3.60 97,200.00 5,180.00 5,180.00 6,200.00 6,200.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 3,382.00 3,382.00 10,600.00 10,600.00 10,800.00 10,800.00 13,600.00 13,600.00 8,422.00 8,422.00 13,100.00 13,100.00 9,400.00 9,400.00 9,990.00 9,990.00 6,622.00 6,622.00 12,300.00 12,300.00 14,400.00 14,400.00 13,300.00 13,300.00 9,022.00 9,022.00 13,600.00 13,600.00 8,200.00 8,200.00 7,150.00 7,150.00 5,542.00 5,542.00 10,170.00 10,170.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 10,660.00 10,660.00 6,022.00 6,022.00 10, 600.00 10, 600.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 17, 885.00 17, 885.00 9,022.00 9,022.00 13,400.00 13,400.00 10,900.00 10,900.00 15,140.00 15,140.00 6,922.00 6,922.00 11,400.00 11,400.00 13,300.00 13,300.00 18,720.00 18,720.00 7,342.00 7,342.00 12,600.00 12,600.00 10,300.00 10,300.00 10,560.00 10,560.00 7,342.00 7,342.00 12,600.00 12,600.00 12,700.00 12,700.00 4,250.00 4,250.00 3,142.00 3,142.00 8,300.00 8,300.00 12,600.00 12,600.00 5,360.00 5,360.00 4,942.00 4,942.00 10,200.00 10,200.00 12,600.00 12,600.00 5,900.00 5,900.00 15,600.00 15,600.00 1,200.00 13,200.00 300.00 3,300.00 9,900.00 9,900.00 960.00 10,560.00 673,946.00 697,950.00 740,775.00 813,244.00 P: \SUE \Gardner Mtn WL Phase 1&2 A.wb314- Jun -00 BID SUMMARY GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER LINE REPLACEMENT PHASE 1 & 11 DISCREPANCIES C. B. Ebright: Bid Item #19 - Unit price is written in words as $3,300.00 and written in figure as $300.00; words prevail. Total bid calculates as $527,494.00 rather than bid amount submitted as $494,494.00. White Rock Construction: Contractor's License: primary classification not provided. Arizona Pipeline: No Equipment Material/Supplier listed for asphalt mixes and specials (page BD-4). Book has been taken apart and faxed copies of pages BD-9 and BD-l0 inserted. Original pages have been removed from the book Thomas Haen Company: Bid items 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4 and 5 - Unit prices written out in Description column are for Amount rather than Unit Price; words prevail. Bid items 6 through 18 -lump sum prices are written in figures in Approximate Quantity column rather than Unit Price column. Total Bid calculation of $3,817,627,750.00 is, therefore, an obvious error and not probable intent of contractor. West Valley Construction: Book has teen taken apart and several pages have been typed and some pages have been inserted into the book. Bid Item 19 - Extension of Unit Price written in words and figures not multiplied by "11" in Total column. Bid, therefore, calculates as $839,775.00 rather than $740,775,00 as submitted, Burdick Excavating: Page BD-5 Proposed Substitute Equipment/Material Supplier List shows four items; however, they are the same items shown on BD-4 Named Equipment/Material Supplier List. Noncollusion Affidavit is not stamped by the Notary. Bid Bond, Page BD-9, is sealed forthe Principal by Boulder Creek Enterprises. CB. EBRIGHT COMPANY, INC P. O. BOX 7585 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96158 (530) 544-2722 FAX (530) 544-4602 DATE: June 15,2000 TO: South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTENTION: Richard Solbrig Assistant Manager FROM: c.B. Ebright Company, Inc James P. Tigue Vice President The intent of this letter is, as per our conversation of June 14, 2000, to notify the District that a mistake was made in the Gardner Mountain Water Line Replacement Phase I & II bid submitted by this Company on June 13,2000. After reviewing bid notes it became evident that an omission was made. Bid items 2A (provide and install 1011 pvc watermain) and 2B (provide and install 811 pvc watermain) as submitted did not include the price of the 1011 and 8" pvc pipe. Although pipe prices were computed, a mistake was made and those computations were not included in the summary for items 2A and 2B. (See attached notes and bid summary). The incomplete summary was used for final bid preparation and the omission was not noted. The mistake of not including the price of pipe resulted in an unintentional lowering of our final bid price by approximately $45,068.00. Due to this error the C.B. Ebright Company respectfully requests that it be allowed to withdraw its bid and bid security. If any further documentation or clarification is needed, please contact our office. Submitted: / X- / - /- /- 'j/- - - James P. Tigue Vice President C.B. Ebright Company, Inc ~OU'lJ-t- 'I A-J-t-oe;, PUt:'l--I? U-rll--I-ry t716>-rPJI?-r 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South lake Tahoe CA 96150 (530) 544-6474 FAX (530) 541-0614 1v1e-1v10PiA-NI/UIv1 To: Jim Hoggatt, Richard Solbrig, Nick Zaninovich Fr: Sue Hrbacek Re: Gardner Mountain Water Line Replacement Phase I & II Project Date: June 14, 2000 :...:.....;.;.:.:.:.:.:...:.:.:.;.:.:.:...:.;.............. .. ~ Yesterday we received six bids for the above referenced project. I have checked the Contractor License Board for information on the licenses of C. B, Ebright and White Rock Construction. C. B. Ebright License Number: C234437 Current and active Type of company - Corporation Expiration date: May 31, 2002 Licensed for: A- General Engineering C-21 EI Dorado County White Rock Construction License Number: C640958 Current and active Type of company - Sole ownership Expiration date: March 31, 2002 Licensed for: A-General Engineering Out of state SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: John Thiel. Staff Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING June 15. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: l.b CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ................................................................................0"...........................................................................................................................................................................N:...J........., ITEM-PROJECT NAME: RAILROAD TANK REPLACEMENT REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award contract to lowest responsive. responsible bidder. DISCUSSION: A mandatory pre-bid meeting was held June 7,2000. Three contractors attended and are eligible to bid on the proiect. Bids will be opened on Wednesday. June 14. 2000. at 2:00 P.M. A summary of all bids. along with a staff recommendation for award. will be distributed prior to the Board meeting. SCHEDULE: COSTS: $125.000 (Engineer's estimate) ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8078/ RRTANK BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $39.262 + $325.000 (2001 budget) ATTACHMENTS Bid summary & staff recommendation will be distributed prior to Board Meeting. i:(fi@:ffil~Yfi.fjJ.""'" 'f' :~:(~:u~~......,..... ......... ................... ........0"... .............. .... ..... ... ............. ............. ........... .............. ...................... ..'1'iJ.............. ............ ............. .......... ............. ..... CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YE~NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES(Y)l.1="~j... ~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER ACT! ON ITEM 7b. ~OU"-J..+ .,- A-~Oe" PU~L-I? UilL-liY t:71-:::>iPJI?i 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe CA 96150 (530) 544-6474 FAX (530) 541-0614 1Vte,IVtOP1A-I'-JOUIVt To: Jim Hoggatt, Richard Solbrig, John Thiel, Board Members Fr: Sue Hrbace'1t A ..#-~ Y jXV" ../ Re: Railroad Tank Date: June 15, 2000 :.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.;.:.;.:.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.: :.:.:.:.~: Yesterday we received and opened three sealed bids for the above referenced project. Bids were as follows: .-,-~---"._.._---_....._.__._,....._... . Morse Tank Construction - $147,128.00 ..............._.___J ~b*~ t.o.~&'fo__k -$159,450.00 ~o,i- /' r. , "" , "'" ....-.,"'/"). ~ ,1./ ._ '-. ~: (, ."';, .; :,~~:... ," ,'"'~' ," / After some confusion regarding the contractor's license in California, I was able to determine '~.t)<l the following about it: ~ "" Q ( 40 ..,..,j" I '0;\. ,,.:.~., -...Je;: , ~...._). .. ." ~?? , l.'t ROC, Inc. ( Spiess Construction - $167,500.00 License No. 618814 is current and active Type of company - Corporation ") ..}) Expiration date: May 31, 2001 Licensed for A - General Engineering Address of licensee - Out of State (Everett, Washington) Mr. Phillip Whipkey from Morse was in attendance at the bid opening. He informed us that the pro forma endorsement forms for required insurance are already in the hands of their agent and he expected insurance submittal to run smoothly in the event the contract was awarded to them. cc: Linda Brown BIDS RECEIVED Ry OF Utility District SUMMA public South Tahoe BIDDER #3: SPIESS tt 1 BID OPENING DATE AND TIME: Book taken apart' Nevada License number giyen by mistake DE VIATIONS /OMISSIONS: Book taken apart .JUti-14-2000 14: 57 FRDr1: f'10R5E CONSTRUCTIOtJ 425-25'3-6355 TO:530 541 0614 F.001/001 MORSE CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. Phone; (4~51 258-2731 Sesttle; (4251485.7461 Fa~: 1425) 259.6355 5500 South Fir~t Avenue Ev~roll. WA 98203.4116 6/14/00 S. Tahoe Public Utility District Ann: SUE fax 530-541-0614 Re: Contractor License, Morse Construction Group, enc. California License Per our phone conversation, please be advised that the contractor license number for Morse written in our bid of this dare, was incorrectly entered. OUT correct California License No, is 618814, A copy of our license is attached with this fax. rry for any inconvenience caused by this erroneous contractor license number. ~ ,pen Genn .' Sales Admin. Asst. <A~. St t - . r~ CONJlil 0 e Of COlifomio @ Al&W. ACTOQS STA TE UCENSE 80AQO ACTIVE UCENSE \lttflll~I",,,,,618a14 " ,- . Ilotllltll/... MORSE CONSTRUCTIO fl'll~ CORP DBA MORSE TANK N GROUP rNC rNC CONSTRUCTION CUslllit&~Q A f,"""'IlJI! 05/31/2001 ~ BID SUMMARY RAILROAD TANK LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS Bid Received June 14, 2000 MORSE TANK CONSTRUCTION WORK TO BE SUBCONTRACTOR'S PERCENT OF SUBCONTRACTOR'S PERFORMED LICENSE NUMBER TOTAL CONTRACT NAME Painting 654061 15% Kelso Painting Co. RDC, INC. WORK TO BE SUBCONTRACTOR'S PERCENT OF SUBCONTRACTOR'S PERFORMED LICENSE NUMBER TOTAL CONTRACT NAME Coating 541270 20% J&S Painting SPIESS CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. WORK TO BE SUBCONTRACTOR'S PERCENT OF SUBCONTRACTOR'S PERFORMED LICENSE NUMBER TOTAL CONTRACT NAME Painting, Coating 416957 17% Robison-Prezioso, Inc. and Disinfection BID SUMMARY RAILROAD TANK NAMED EQUIPMENT/MATERIAL SUPPLIER LIST Bid Received June 13, 2000 MORSE TANK CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL SUPPLIER Protective Coating Devoe Protective Coating Substitute T nemec RDC,INC. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL SUPPLIER Protective Coating Carbol ine SPIESS CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL SUPPLIER Protective Coating Devoe SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Bob Baer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING June 15. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 7.c CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ,.,.........".....".....................................,......................-................,...,..........,.........................................".....,."................."",............................."'."...........'."...........;'....'....'.' ITEM-PROJECT NAME: RECYCLED WATER DISCHARGE PERMIT FOR NEVADA REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Four ranchers are pursuing discharge permits in Nevada. Subiect to Board approval. staff recommends the District split costs of obtaining the permits equally with the ranchers. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS Correspondence from/to Alpine County ranchers. ACCOUNT NO: );Y.r'.... '(' 'lXI' :r:r" '~a''iJ.' ,',.: ":r'o..,.. J'" ....... ",................ .... ",..................................... ...(..... ~'fIr"''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':':''':r'' Xti.IXfiii.iJ'RitJ"i!'tiifi(w'I'.......... r.......(.:1........ .~ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YESrncFC'-.Ao ~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WA TER SEWER X 11 May 2000 Mr. Robert G. Baer General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe CA 96150 Dear Bob: This letter constitutes a proposal by the undersigned four Alpine County ranchers and landowners who currently hold contracts with South Tahoe Public Utility District (the District) for land application of reclaimed water. This proposal is what we discussed at the recent District/Alpine County/landowner meeting of 19 April 2000. The intent of the parties, as discussed over the last several months, is to allow and obtain a wastewater discharge permit from the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection for the application by these landowners of water under the current District contract on Nevada lands which they own. There will be no change in the operation of the existing contracts; the pennit will merely allow the application, at the landowners discretion, of contract water on lands in Nevada. The benefits to both the District and the landowners is to allow for additional disposal lands, which are estimated to be up to approximately 950 acres, as well as ensure tailwater control. The landowners propose to contribute the amount of $1,000, for a total of $4,000, toward the cost of obtaining and maintaining the required NDEP and Douglas County permits. The proposal would merely add the identified Nevada lands to the current contracts, ana would not otherwise change or modify existing contracts. As we discussed, they currently extend through the year 2008, with renewal as mutually agreed, or as renegotiated. We would appreciate your presenting this proposal to your Board as appropriate for consideration, and advising whether it is acceptable. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1950-2000 50 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe,California 96150 Phone (530) 544-6474 . Fax (530) 541-0614 May 30, 2000 Mr. Donald E. Bently 1711 Orbit Way Minden, NV 89423 Mr. Chris Gansberg, Jr, 2277 Foothill Road Markleeville, CA 96120 Mr. Scott Brooke P,O. Box 2860 Minden, NV 89423 Mr, Kent Neddenriep 176 Highway 88 Gardnerville, NV 89410 Subject: Recvcled Water Discharoe Permit for Nevada Gentlemen: I am in receipt or your proposal of May 11, 2000, concerning the sharing in costs of obtaining and maintaining the required permits to allow STPUD recycled water to be used in Nevada. At our monthly meeting with the Alpine County representatives, I had the opportunity to further discuss the proposal with Scott Brooke. I told him that I could not determine if each ranch had equal value to the District for a recycled water application site, Scott agreed to provide the acreage available on each ranch. Earlier that day, I had met with Harding Lawson, the consultants who are doing a land application study for the District of ranch lands suitable for recycled water use in Alpine County, One of the conclusions of the meeting was that some of the information developed by the District's study could be used for the Nevada irrigation plans. May 30, 2000 Page 2 Waiting for the completion of the District's study could reduce the cost of the proposed price of $62,000 for development of the permits, Scott and I also discussed, that jf the District was to put a substantial investment into obtaining the permits, would the ranchers be willing to extend the term of the permits? Finally, I told Scott I would be willing to recommend to the District's Board of Directors that we split the cost of obtaining the permits equally with the ranchers. The ranchers could apportion their share of costs, since they are in a better position to determine their financial resources and the value of obtaining the right to use recycled water on their Nevada lands, If you have any questions or need further information, please contact me. Sincerely, L Robert G, Baer General Manager RGB/ks c: Board of Directors, STPUD Ross Johnson, STPUD Hal Bird, STPUD Gary Kvistad, STPUD General Counsel Herman Zellmer, Alpine County Supervisor Alan Turner, Alpine County Counsel Action Item 7.d Payment of Claims June 15, 2000 Ck# Name Amount FOR APPROVAL JUNE 15, 2000 Total Payroll 05/31/00 Total Payroll 225,234.86 $225,234.86 IGI Resources Cost Containment Total Vendor EFT $9,870.05 22,799,27 $32,669.32 Accounts Payable Checks Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks Self-funded Ins Accounts Payable Checks Grant Funds Total Accounts Payable 199,607.15 163,274.10 410.00 4,801.34 $368,092.59 PAYROLL RELATED CHECKS 05/31/00 Grand Total $625,996.77 EFT EFT EFT # EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT # # EFT EFT URM & Dependent Care/AFLAC Employment Dev Dept Direct Deposit Child Support Collection Program The Hartford ManuLife Pension Loan Payments ManuLife Pension Orchard Trost Co. US Bank Stanislaus Co Family Support Div Stationary Engineers Local 39 Time Out Fitness United Way Net Payroll Adjustments 1,449.01 9,499.77 102,432.92 0.00 1,768.07 5,860.56 0,00 10,894.14 58,898.80 0,00 0.00 0.00 31.28 34,400,31 0.00 Sub-total $225,234.86 T:II<CcnoHlQPSPREADlPMTOFCLM.WB2lJ8.Jun-OO South Tahoe P.U.D. 06/08/00 THU, JUN 8, 2000, 3:26 PM - -req: PAT P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 06/02/2000- 06/15/2000 Page 1 leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE - -- -job: 187273 #J5398 -- -prog: C15509 <1B06) -- report id: CRRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor_Name Act-aunt #— Department Description Amount Check # Type A C W A SERVICES CORP (ASC) 10 -00 -2530 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION A -1 CHEMICAL INC 10 -00 -0421 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNTEMPS 10 -39 -4405 FINANCE 24-19- 4405_FINANCE_ ADVANCED POLYMER _SYS INC -_ 10-07 -475_0 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY AGRA EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL INC 20 -29 -8082 ENGINEERING 90 -98 -8947 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT 20=29-700_4 ENGINEERING___.____..... 10 -29 -8948 ENGINEERING 20 -29 -8049 ENGINEERING ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE COMPANY 10 -00 -6520 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 20 -00 -6520 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION ALPINE SANITARY SUPPLY 12-00= 0422_SzENERAL &_ ADMINISTRATION 10 -00 -6520 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 20 -00 -6520 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION AMERICAN PAYROLL ASSN 10 -39 -6250 FINANCE 2Q-326254__FINANCE_ ___ AMUNDSON,_JAMES R 20-42= 452_t_PLMP_S__ AMUNDSON� PATRICIA 20- 42- 4521_FUMP_.S_. ASCOMHASLER_MA.I.LING u.YSINC 14-35= 5020___CUSTOt1ER__SERVICE 20 -38 -5020 CUSTOMER SERVICE ASSOCIATED PROCESS CONTROLS 20 -02 -6051 PUMPS 10 -03 -6051 ELECTRICAL SHOP AUTO EXPOSURE EMPLOYEE VISION INS Check Total: SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY Check Total: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Total: LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Total: WATERLINE - PARK AVE A LINE WWTP TO UTPS WATERLINE - TATA /F ST REPAVE LOWER SHOP AREA WATERLINE- STEVEN LANE Check Total: SUPPLIES _.SUPPLIES Check Total: JANITORIAL SUPPLIES INVENTOR SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Check Total: DUES & MEMBERSHIPS DUES -& MEMBERSHIPS Check Total: CSRMA LIABILITY CLAIMS Check Total: CSRMA LIABILITY CLAIMS Check Total: EQUIPMENT RENTAL /LEASE EQUIPMENT RENTAL /LEASE Check Total: PUMP STATIONS PUMP STATIONS Check Total: 10 -01 -6027 UNDERGROUND REPAIR OFFICE EQUIPMENT REPAIR 200 _1- -6_02/_UNDERGBOUND_REPAIR OFFICE.- EQUIPMENT REPAIR 2,398.88 2,398.88 00043549 MW 58.94 58.94 00043550 MW 1,031.18 687.46 1,718.64 00043551 MW 140.32 93.55 233.87 00043552 MW 42.00 4,067.25 193.50 43.00 107.50 4,453.25 00043553 MW 171.15 114.10 285.25 00043554 MW 69.34 107.15 107.14 283.63 00043555 MW 93.00 62.00 155.00 00043556 MW 5,000.00 5,000.00 00043557 MW 5,000.00 5,000.00 00043558 MW 328.19 218.79 546.98 00043559 MW 77.69 170.89 248.58 00043560 MW 35.00 _35.00 O R T vv� CK509 (it��"• O P CLAIMS y$7?3 #J5398___pro9' P A Y M E� 3L_ ^loc: ONS1 OGI48I00 PAT_------ leg -- Tahoe P.U.D. 3:2b - -re�t� Acao�nt Gh��� =�_= PM 43561 ,uth UN $� 8000 = 5= = = = = °=" 70.00 000 tion`_ DegcrlP ^--_`= ^�= check- To #al' 5,511.25 _ 5,596.32 00043562 MW NATURAL GAS ,� GAS Total ?50.00 NATURAL GAS Check MW 500.00 00043563 SERVICES 1,250.00 CONTRACTUAL VICES Total: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 32.05 21.37 `1 00043564 MW 17 53•2 SUPPLIES Total: Q0 SUPPLIES Check 34.000 00043565 MW _ _-`-- Check Types: Stock ID- AP ; fit__... - --!__ -_- Default Selection' Check C OU t` 0 =p=r=M'=_- == = "s= - == _ a=. V @n��yx z =s = == r �= n ` 50 GENERA ADMINISTRATION _ =============== °' 10 -00- 6350 GENERAL & _.._ 20-00_ �VI5TA UTILITIES ---__ ----- ~- 22 y4 405 HuMMAN E ODURCE$ DIRECTOR 2A, S B 6 H BENEFIT DESIGNS � - 6 520 --F -- --_ NANGE 20 -39 -6520 FINANCE B M H...00CUPATIONAL_ MEDICINE 100 PUMPS 40 -04 -6250 PUMPS BACHELDER, JON C �`- p ELECTRICAL BARtiSTEAOlTNERMOLYNE CORP & SUPPLY B Type MW DUES 6 MEMBERSHIP`' MEMBERSHIPS Total: DUES & Check EQUIPMENT Total: FURNACE Check 6024 EL - __�-. -SHO_ SMALL TOOLS INVENTORY 1 SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY Total: ADMINISTRATION 10-00'0423 GENERAL ENERAL- &-ADMINISTRATION _t -O=QO- -0421- DIESEL INVENTORY AY TOOL COUNTY- -- o RAT 10 -2B 6 GENERAL & ADMINI..T CKLE( INDUSTRIES -- 10-00-0415 042 OPERATIONS INTENANCE - $ERRY ^}tIN -.. -- -t 0rQ4 6.021.._HEA `- _-- -� --" -`- 0_INF.ORMAT.ION- SYSTEMS _ _ 11..0 =3� =603 .._--- `- COUNTY - -__ - - -- BI- TECH_SgFTWARE I 042 ALP -INE 1 0,,,86 UND_REP AIR-. �IQ -Q.1 --4521 PUMP5GRq 10- 02_4521 PUMPS 20- 02'4..21 L RY GASOLINE &I MAINTENANCE ION GROUNO� PRIMARY EQUIPMENT heck Total NC MINISTRATION r MATERIALS -- NERAL - &_A BIN: ,- _U1-40= 025-CE C C p.- INOUSTR.IES C g_.R.M_A OPERATIONS _ _. - J 10 -06� -- S FOUNDATION INC GROUND REPAIR C S U y 0- 0t =b250 �HDERGROUF7D REPAIR SERVICE CONTRACT Check Total' GROUNDS & MAINTE Gh CE Total: SAFETY SUPPLIES INVENTORY Check Total: BILITY CLAIMS CSRMA LIABILITY CSRMA LIABILITY CLAIMS CSRMA CLAIMS LIABILITY Check Total: TRAVEL /MEETINGSICheck ToFtal: DUES & MEMBER SHIPS DUES & MEMBER` 144.58 00043566 MW 144.52 216.86 MW 32.95 249.81 00043567 452.33 3,113.79 40.68 MW 91.19 3,697.99 00043568 804.51 00043569 MW 319.61 00043570 MW 132.34 00043571 MW 400.64 388.01 MW 1,76.67 pp043572 123.36 MW 123.16 000455 14a.0o 30,00 South Tahoe P . U . D . 06 /08/00 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 06/02/2000 - 06/15/2000 Page 3 THU, JUN 8, 2000, 3:26 PM - -req: PAT leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE - -- -job: 187273 #J5398 -- -prog: CK509 (1B06 )-- report id: CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check. Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name Account-4 Department Description Amount Check # Type 10-07-6250 LABORATORY 10 -28 -6250- ALP -INE_ COUNTY 10 -38 -6250 CUSTOMER SERVICE CANADA LIFE 10 -00 -2539 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION DUES & MEMBERSHIPS DUES & MEMBERSHIPS DUES & MEMBERSHIPS Check Total: 100.00 30.00 55.00 335.00 00043574 MU LONG TERM DISABILITY, UNION 2,203.37 Check Total: 2,203.37 00043575 MW CASTILLO, LEO 10 -00 -2002 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION UTILITY BILLING SUSPENSE 68.25 Check Total: 68.25 00043576 MW CHEMEX LABS 10 -07 -6110 LABORATORY MONITORING 124.95 Check Total: 124.95 00043577 MW CHEVRON USA 20 -01 -46.10 UNDERGROUND REPAIR GASOLINE 82.30 Check Total: 82.30 00043578 MW CITIBANK VISA 10 -29 -6200 ENGINEERING 20 -29 -6200 ENGINEERING CREDIT BUREAU TAHOE TRUCKEE 10 -39 -6520 FINANCE 2039- 6520_FIIIANCE TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION Check Total: SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Check Total: 1,319.83 879.88 2,199.71 00043579 MW -- 10.20 6.80 17.00 00043580 MW DAVI LABORATORIES - -20 0 7 -61, D LABDRATQPY MONITORING 481.00 Check Total: 481.00 00043581 MW DENZLER, STEVE 20- 02-4521 PUMPS CSRMA LIABILITY CLAIMS 5,000.00 Check Total: 5,000.00 00043582 MW DICK.'S_.FULLER_ _ -10 02 -6041 PUMPS .BUILDINGS 20.13 10 -04 -6073 HEAVY MAINTENANCE SMALL TOOLS 36.47 10 -06 -6041 OPERATIONS BUILDINGS 572.51 10 -02_- 605L_PUMES PUMP STATIONS 17.65 Check Total: 646.76 00043583 MW DIVERSIFIED_ CONCRETE CUTTING 10=14=602_1 HEAVY MAINTENANCE___ _______. PRIMARY EQUIPMENT 415.00 Check Total: 415.00 00043584 MU DOUGLAS DISPOSAL 10- 00=6370 GENERAL__& - ADMINISTRATION REFUSE DISPOSAL 75.00 Check Total: 75.00 00043585 MW E N R INC _10 -2t 4 30.ADMINISTRAT_I0N SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE 35.40 20 -21 -4830 ADMINISTRATION SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE 23.60 Check Total: 59.00 00043586 MW E N S RESOURCES INC 10 -21 -4405 ADMINISTRATION 20 -21 -4405 ADMINISTRATION CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Total: 1,759.42 2,490.00 4,249.42 00043587 MW 06/48/00 �� r.U.O• pM _ -req� iUi, 30N S, 200�:2� —_ J: Types: MW,H4l,R, VH AP Check Stock ID: ' Check •ta ar_tmen - pefaU't Selection: ccouns-- ¢ -De�p NT______ 10-05-6011 EQUI r (lame am= =���� 10 -05 Vendor-Name PARTS GYRATION ELECTRICAL 62Q0 ADMINI� TION REPAIR 10-21- 624 ADM IUISTRA ELLI S � NORA RENEE - _--- _.. -''_. 2g -89.^3 421_EDiGINEERING C L A I M Y 187273Ja398- - -Pro9 0 r ONSITE"- - -7ah' 7L P Fa -leg' r PAT t. ___ -- - -__- fEDEx ' -- ``- 0 4 =- }LO LAR ORA T P T __- - 8-98 -8847 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT 7021 ENGINEERING - _FAST_FABRICATORS= INC' -- 12= 2$= 8_036__A C G�EOUNTY- " 20 -29 -8082 E NEERING PINE COUNTY - -- 10- 77.WQ LABORAT0RY-.--- ]0- -8100 ENGINEERING x0-29- 20_02_8076 PUMPS 2s�07$_ENG"INEER_ING__ _ _ �0 8083 ENGINEERING __---- ---_" 24_29'" ATION -p0. -2002 GENERAL & ADMINISTR Amount sue_ 3:.49 .b 5 00043589 MW 400 ^00 Description 400.00 GENERATORS AUTOMOTIVE Check Total: AUTOMO TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION Check Total: PUMP HOUSE, GARD MTN WELL Check Total: NATIONAL TITLE CO 1 - - SYSTEMS FIDELITY NA INFORMATION SYSTEMS - - -37 -6200 ZION __- - q_37 -b240 INFORMA FRYE, WILLIAM �- REPAIR E0-01 -6052 UNDERGROUND G B CONSTRUCTION ------ - ---- - DANIEL AND THERESA N G I _._ __- -". -_ 0 0 GNOMON INC -- 20 -02 -451 PUMPS MRS E — _ 2 521 P ONG ---" 70 FINANCE - 4�I�ENEftAL�- ADMINISTRATION - 4- Q7-gZ6-g`"LABOR A'f S2RY_._"__ -•-- 20 -02 -4521 PUMPS 0550, - 024'105 PUMPS s S riCE COLS 10-3'I'44 N 1_3 -!1930 GRANT THORNTON ____ - Jam~ GUARDIAN, THE_--- MONITORING TO UTPS WELL A LINE GARD MIN STORA PUMP INN, HOUSE, FFICE /E BUILDING' - PARK AVE WATERLINE CONTRACTUAL SER VICES WATERL INE, GARDNER MIN PNS I MONITORING STUDY TANK, BOYLE - REPLACE TANK, RAILROAD - REPLACE FOREST Check Total' UTILITY BILLING SUSPEN�atal Check _E T1NGS /E pUCATION CATION /CDeCk Total: & MANHOL7ota1 Check PIPE, COVERS, CSRMA LIABILITY CLAIMSTotal Check ' CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Total: CSRMA L SABILITY CLAIMS Check Total' AUDITING AUDITING Check Total: LONG DISABILITY, MGMLONG Check Total: LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check * Type 00043588 MW 2,391.64 00043590 MW 168.30 29 7S 40.30 10.52 11.24 10.52 22.89 111 .16 11.24 39.27 MW 7,90 00043591 463.72 340.31 00043592 MW 340.31 66.33 110.55 00043593 MW 19,0B9.90 00043594 MW 19,0g9.90 5t, 000.00 00043595 MW 237 •0 23 7•50 8x043576 MW 5,000.00 00043597 MU 2,400.00 W 4,000.00 00043595 M- 1,,170.10 00043599 MW 1,573.97 South Tahoe P.U.D. 06/08/00 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 06/02/2000 - 06/15/2000 Page 5 THU, JUN 8, 2000, 3:26 PM - -req: PAT leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE-- - -job: 187273 *J5398-- -prog: CK509 (1B06) -- report id: CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor_.. Name Account # Department Description Amount Check # Type HANSEN, HOWARD C & CAROLINE U 20 -02 -4521 PUMPS HATCH AND PARENT Check Total: 1,573.97 00043600 MW CSRMA LIABILITY CLAIM' 5,000.00 Check Total: 5,000.00 00043601 MW 10 -00 -2504 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION SUSPENSE 59,233.52 Check Total: 59,233.52 00043602 MW HIGH DESERT MICROGRAPHICS t0 -21 -4820 ADMINISTRATION 20 -21 -4820 ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: 504.47 336.32 840.79 00043603 MW HUGO BONDED LOCKSMITH 10 -02 -6051 PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 124.33 20- 02- 6.05.1 PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 124.32 Check Total: 248.65 00043604 MW I _ M P_ A CGOVERNMENT__SERVICES ____20 19 -620- 0_BOARD_OF_DIRECTORS___ _ . 10 -19 -6200 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 10 -21 -6200 ADMINISTRATION 20.- 29- 7092ENGINEERING 10 -28 -6200 ALPINE COUNTY 10 -28 -6042 ALPINE COUNTY 10- 28- 7345_ALP_i NE__COUNTY 10 -28 -4820 ALPINE COUNTY 10-27 -6200 DISTRICT INFORMATION ?O -EZ -6 OO DISTRICT__INFORMATION.__. _.. 10 -27 -6620 DISTRICT INFORMATION 20 -27 -6620 DISTRICT INFORMATION 10- 37- 62.0 _0__INFORMATLON_SYSTEMS__._ 20 -37 -6200 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10 -39 -6200 FINANCE __20-39- 6200_F-I NANCE 90 -98 -8947 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT 10 -29 -6200 ENGINEERING 20 -29- 620_0-- ENG- INEERING 10 -22 -6520 HUMAN RESOURCES 20 -22 -6520 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 20-02 -4610 PUMPS 10 -02 -6200 PUMPS 20 -02 -6200 PUMPS 10- 02_4820_PUMPS __ 20-02 -4820 PUMPS 10-37 -4820 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20- 374820- INFORMA- T -I.ON- SYSTEMS 10 -38 -6200 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20-38-6200 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10- 21,6111 ADMINI -STRAT -ION 20 -21 -6621 ADMINISTRATION 10 -07 -6200 LABORATORY 20- 07- 62 -00- LABORATORY TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION WELL - GARDNER MTN TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE FENCE, HARVEY PASTURE OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL /MEETINGS / EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION PUBLIC RELATIONS EXPENSE PUBLIC RELATIONS EXPENSE .TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION A LINE WWTP TO UTPS TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION SUPPLIES SUPPLIES GASOLINE TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION INCENTIVE & RECOGNITION PRGR INCENTIVE & RECOGNITION PRGR TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION 2,265.48 1,420.39 245.38 11.21 18.55 43.89 307.95 77.89 766.04 510.70 26.62 17.75 874.18 582.78 337.08 224.72 64.13 88.80 95.25 11.17 7.44 30.63 11.37 322.91 80.62 80.62 36.25 24.29 210.61 134.22 59.93 39.95 486.67 324.45 pct ,00 AU, --rag: � ai,oz 2000, 3.26 P4)6/08/00 ____ ,uth JUN 8' _f Default Selection: GteCk Stock ID Vendor Name `- -- - A unt -_ D oPtlr ......-===z==== = == r= -w__: -_ °_" _ _ _'-= ; = = R -a_ = x - -. 20-01-6200 UNDERGR OUND R EPAIR __- _ _--- Z��$2- 0- 5.-OFDIRECTORS_- 453Z.0 0- 19-4820 BOARD DIRECTORS 10 -21 -4820 ADM �ISTRATION Orgl =� 820- ADMiNISTRA TIpN ADMINISTRATION 20-02 -5076 P`NFORI�ASIQ SYSTEMS Z _ q81 -0 I 20_ 4810 INFORMATION NFORMA 3� 6083 PUMPS 10-0Z-6083 0=42 60_53- P-11MP_S--'__..___ �- --.--..E- I -GAt- -SHOP - - "_ - _ -- 8B CT.R 10 -�3=�' O'.ELECTRIGAL SHOP �p EL RENEWAL --- 20- 03 -62� I__S A�EMBER"�HIF �- 4444 ` 0 F r LrL JL' -loc- FAT-------leg: ' -- P p C � C L A 1 r1 $ 1 &7873 $35348 - '-Frog ONSITE- joh 1W,HW,RV,VH i tion ===== AP Check Types: t CORPORATION 1. T FLYGT STRATEGIES TNG IMPACT --`'� 807$ ENGINEER 2p -29` T ION MINISTRA pRIr1T8 GEr1ERAt S AD TNSTY- "_- 10_g0 -0421 HUMpN_RE`uOU 0INI DIRECTOR �, SUPPLY X14 -22 -6079 OMAN RESOURCES t SAFETY EO-EE-6079 FINANCE INTERSTATE 10 -39 -6077 10 02 6051 PUMPS MINISTRATION 1200 -2 ,4405 ADKiNIS,TRATION DeacriF-= == _._= - 'pUCATlON _ =__- MEETINGS /E TRAVEL�SU ?PLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE E SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES ON FOYLE STUDY POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES STANDBY ACCOMOOATIONS STANDBY ACCOMODATIONS Check Total: Amount Check 1k`= TYPE ______- 569.56 20.63 13.58 gg8.59 27.47 3e.00 3.30 E•20 37.43 MW 42 Qp043605 11.03'.33 32.50 65.00 p0043606 1U 908.3x' p004360? MW 905.35 2,000.00 3,000•p0 00p43608 MU 5,004.00 6074 FINANCE 3 L PRO _20 -39 =60_7 - }(LEEIJ _. - -- °` —` yn- 02-45,'_1 p1lMQS. �, -DONALD -- gc�91 -r SIOMER_ Ru10E JNlSINy 3E- E- c INE_- ^ -20 29_7021 CUSTOE R_ CE 3Ef18Er1 PR CA'1T_- c UNDERGROUND REPAIR __.... p 01'607' OPERATION ?EAR PRIMA YR GARB 19 A' MPS JOB'S __ 20-02-6075 '— _ ----- - MEMBERSHIPS DUE,,. S & PS DUEL MEMBERSHIPS Total: PUMP STATIONS Check Total: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Total: TANK D REPLACE RAILROA Check Total: , SHOPSUPPLY INVENTORY TY PROGRAMS SAFETY PROGRAMS OUNTS SAFETY FREIGHT/DISC INVENTORY Check JANITORIAL SERVICES JANITORIAL Check Total` 258 $ILITY CLAIMS x14 LIA Gheck Total: p�MRRHQ��R,JGARDCheck Total: ENT/PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPME. T/PHYSICALS SAFETY E QUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY E UIPMENT Check Total SAFETY EQ 366.17 00pA3609 MW `40.32 571.92 566.06 21.56 00043610 MW 1,69`I.56 1,615.80 1,077.`0 1043542 0 2,693.00 0� ■ 50.00 00043611 M13 50.00 1,37.16 1,603 39 00043612 MU 95.00 50.00 47.50 240,00 00043613 MW South To P.U.U. 06 /08/00 THU, JUN 8, 2000, 3:26 PM - -req: PAT P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 06/02/2000- 06/15/2000 Page 7 lea: GL JL--locr ONS•ITE - -- -job: 187273 *J5398-- -prog: CK509 <1806 > -- report id: CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor._Name Account __# - _.Department JONES, J R Description 20 -19 -6200 BOARD OF DIRECTORS KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN 30 -00 -6745 SELF FUNDED INSURANCE KYLE, MURIEL R & JEFFREY M 20 -02 -4521 PUMPS LAKE TAHOE PLUMBING 20 -02 -4520 PUMPS LAKESIDE NAPA AUTO PARTS 20 -01 -6012 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20- 41- 6052 - UNDERGROUND__ REPAIR 10 -02 -6012 PUMPS 20 -02 -6012 PUMPS 1 0 -04 048_PIJMPS 10 -02 -6051 PUMPS 10 -02 -6071 PUMPS 40-4 - 607LPUMPS 20 -02 -6051 PUMPS 20 -02 -6050 PUMPS 10- OE -6073 PSJMPz 20 -02 -6073 PUMPS 10 -04 -6022 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10-04-6_041 HEAVY_ MAINTENANCE _ 10 -04 -6073 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -05 -6071 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20 -05 -6071 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 1 0- 5- 6073_EQitIPMENLREPA I R 20 -05 -6073 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10- 29-6520 ENGINEERING 2 4 -_29 f 5 .20 ET{ INEER_ING LILLY'S TIRE SERVICE INC. LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES 10- 04- 60L2JIEAYY_MAINTENANCE. 10-39_767_99 FINANCE 10 -39 -6710 FINANCE LUKINS BROTHERS WATER CO. INC. 20 -50 -6410 PURCHASED WATER MARTIN, DONALD L & MARJORIE 20 -39 -6709 FINANCE 20 -39 -6710 FINANCE Amount Check 11 Type TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION Check Total: CLAIMS SELF INS MEDICAL PLAN Check Total: CSRMA LIABILITY CLAIMS Check Total: MISC LIABILITY CLAIMS Check Total: MOBILE EQUIPMENT PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES MOBILE EQUIPMENT MOBILE EQUIPMENT LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION PUMP STATIONS SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES PUMP STATIONS WELLS SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS SECONDARY EQUIPMENT BUILDINGS SMALL TOOLS AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES SHALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MOBILE EQUIPMENT Check Total: Check Total: ..LOAN PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS INTEREST EXPENSE Check Total: PURCHASED WATER Check Total: LOAN PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS INTEREST EXPENSE Check Total: 32.55 32.55 00043614 MW 410.00 410.00 00043615 MW 10,000.00 10,000.00 00043616 MW 68.00 68.00 00043617 MW 162.38 15.00 49.13 49.12 19.33 228.27 45.26 45.24 40.18 66.94 12.06 12.06 26.58 39.82 205.09 559.84 557.84 87.81 87.80 8.26 8.25 28.56 19.04 2,373.86 00043618 MW 108.86 108.86 00043619 MW 533.41 156.57 689.98 00043620 MW 5,000.00 5,000.00 00043621 MW 3,423.91 4,218.66 7,642.57 00043622 MW _. 06lOSI00 Canoe P.U.D. 000, 5:26 PM --rag: Defaul Selection: �u, JUN � Ju $' Check TYP$s' MU }lW,RV,VH F Stock C L A I i S o F -fob` GL JL- -loc: ONSITE- _ "leg; _... - _ PAT' -` - Vendor- Na @e_s V MARTIN, GERALD E & THELMA 20 -39 -6710 FINANCE A8_� y L01.1IE_ CE MART 1N ^KOBELL -- - " "� 10-39 -6200 FINANCE 6200 FINANCE 20'39' ID A Check St Azcoun>�epartm =` == = - =-Q` . 20$31 -67g1 ELNIIN _2�3g���.0� `- 'RHONDA MC FARLANE, _ 10 -02 -6011 P0 UMPS- ...- "_'' MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO 2p 2 -6050 PUMPS -- ~� ?0- 02 -6051 PUMPS MAINTENANCE �0� g6074- HEAVY- TENANCE 10 p4 -6041 HEAVY MAIN 2 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING NG N ERING 9 6310 _ ING _ - 20- 29-6310 ENGINEERING !^ L f___I.0 -28 =6310 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10-05- EQUIPMENT REPAIR - 20 -05 -6310 UNDERGROUND REPAIR E CONN. 21- 6-056 UNDERGROUND REPAIR MID MOUtaTALN MOgtL ,�- --- __. - -- _ - 0 p 0 1$7273 13539$-- -ProB. Check # Type =3 5 = Amount ,_ =V___` - -- = ======= _ 3,423.91 Description PAYMENTS 7,,64$'_7 00043623 LOAN PRINCIPAL P EXPENSE Check Total' INTEREST 1,589.61 �8 LOAN PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS EXPENSE Check Total: INTEREST TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION RAIJELlMEET INGSlEOUCAT Tot a1: 1 Check C- MILLIN, ROBERT MET ROCAL MID- ATLANT.IC_CHEtII-CAL 1400RC_B15INE85-EOUIP MENT__ - 1 0'39 _480 F INANCE 20- 39-4820 F INANCE REPAIR... ---- O1 -E871 UNDERGROUND 10- 71 PUMPS 1 0 -02 -60 A2 PUMPS_._ -- _._-_-- _ -- - c TAHOE SUPPLY 0_ _GO- NEL� eo-o -6050 PUMPS -. 20 -02 -6051 PUMPS - -_ - L- 0- 42-G073 -PUMPS MAINTENANCE , �-' ~20 -02 -66041 HEAVY tENANC2 - 16`04_61142 - HEAVY -MAIN SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP .SUPP LIES PUMPS STATION SHOP SUPPLIES BUILDINGS Check Total: LT BILLING CheckNTota1: UTILITY TELEPHONE TELEPHONE - TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE Check Total.. IRS /REPLACEMENT RADIO REPAIRS/REPLACEMENT EPAIRS /RE Check Total: LABORATORY SUPPLIES eck Total: OFFICE SUPPL Cal OFFICE SUPPLIES Check To SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES AINTEtilANCE GRQUNOS WELLS STATIONS POMP SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS BUILDINGS MAINTENANCE GROUNDS `8. 000436g4 MU 1,9- 3,5q$.1`1 1,128.00 MU 1,8� .00 00043625 41.24 41•g0 100.g0 57.15 5/4.37 MW 1,0/7.59 00Q43626 MW 68.25 6$•25 0o043621 MW 21.ee 14.15 76.56 56.84 MW 56.84 p0Q43688 225.61 200.67 124.59 0004162,1 MW 3E5.26 1,350.00 00043630 MW 1,350.00 46•$0 /8.0o 00p43611 MW 6.25 3.41 12.42 43.84 46.49 20.20 20.19 45.89 38.53 South Tahoe P . U . D . 06/08/00 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 06/02/2000- 06/15/2000 Page 9 THU, JUN 8, 2000, 3:26 PM - -req: PAT leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE-- - -iob: 187273 #J5398-- -prog: CK509 <1B061 -- report id: CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor _Name Accoun #_t_ Depart nsnt 90 -98 -8947 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT 26- 05 -6_0L1 EQUIPMENT LREPAIR - _- . -._.. 10 -06 -6042 OPERATIONS 10 -29 -4820 ENGINEERING 20- 22=4$20- ENG_INEERI NG 20 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20 -01 -6073 UNDERGROUND REPAIR NOBIX INC 10 -37 -6030 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20-3Z6 03D INEORPIAS-ION _SYSTEMS - NOBLE,_DIANE 10= 3E- 620O__CUSTOMER_SERVICE 20 -38 -6200 CUSTOMER SERVICE NUROCK, DOUG 10 -06 -6250 OPERATIONS OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SERV DIV 10-00-0428 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION PACIFIC BELL 10 -02 -6310 PUMPS 10 -05 -6310 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PIf= 05= 6310- ES,lU1P MENLR EPA I R 10 -21 -6310 ADMINISTRATION 20 -21 -6310 ADMINISTRATION 10 -39 -6310 FINANCE 20 -39 -6310 FINANCE PAVING STONES "R" US 20 -01 -4520 UNDERGROUND REPAIR PETTY CASH 10 -00 -6520 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 20- 00-6520 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 1 0- 04-6.20D__HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -21 -6200 ADMINISTRATION 20 -21 -6200 ADMINISTRATION 1 0- 2-L-6_i21._ADMINIS.TRAT_ION_ - - -_ -..- - --._- -- - 20-21-6621 ADMINISTRATION 10 -22 -6079 HUMAN RESOURCES PO- P_E-- 6079_4iUMAN__RESOURCES_DIRECTOR _... 10 -27 -6620 DISTRICT INFORMATION 20 -27 -6620 DISTRICT INFORMATION 1 0- 28=6042_ALE INE_CO.UNTY 10 -37 -4840 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20 -37 -4840 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1 _0- 38=_620ij CUSTOMER __SERVICE------- _-__ - -- Description Amount Check # Type A LINE WWTP TO UTPS AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES SMALL TOOLS Check Total: SERVICE CONTRACTS SERVICE CONTRACTS Check Total: TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION Check Total: DUES & MEMBERSHIPS Check Total: OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY Check Total: TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE Check Total: MISC LIABILITY CLAIMS Check Total: SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION ..INCENTIVE & RECOGNITION PRGR INCENTIVE & RECOGNITION PRGR SAFETY PROGRAMS SAFETY PROGRAMS PUBLIC RELATIONS EXPENSE PUBLIC RELATIONS EXPENSE GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION 4.82 16.85 145.00 6.62 4.41 6.10 36.45 460.47 00043632 MW 424.71 283.14 707.85 00043633 MW 93.83 62.56 156.39 00043634 MW 110.00 110.00 00043635 MW 202.70 202.70 00043636 MW 30.25 7.72 7.71 10.93 7.30 8.90 5.94 78.75 00043637 MW 450.00 450.00 00043638 MW 2.39 1.60 10.00 5.01 3.34 14.12 9.41 8.32 5.54 5.08 3.39 15.02 10.28 6.86 6.00 uth Tahoe 000, 3:26 tU, JON 5, ` Defau_ lt ---Se lect ion= : =s Check Stock ID: _._A...P -- r =_� h c Types: .IIVANC e s : AW HW , RV VH = =s _ _- _ =s;s =FS= _ _ 20 -36 CUSTOMER SERVICE Vendor Name _-- _ Accoun�Qe¢art.ment xs 3q_5244 T10N -62p0 FINANCE INFORMATION 20 -39� 000 DISTRICT FORMA 06/0$/00 PM - -re4 4 F P A Y M E N T L - -IaC -leg' GL _- PAT-------leg: AT -- _ _ -- --_ L A 1 M j 81R 73 # j5 R T OHSITE-` '-Frog C job -- �1 EOIiPaQ REPA c UNDERGR IR SHOP ELECTRICAL _.-- 10- 43_60g1 10 -29 -6520 ENGINEERING REC . GINE,ERING ,'ACCOUNTS Eti RAOIO SHACK RITE AID PHARMACY SACRAMENTO BEE, THE SAFETY KLEEN CORP. E4.: E2.44T5_Eti INEERING. STEIIEM �_ - -- a..... SALTMAN - - - - --- �4�1 -P�MP� - 02 6051 PUMPS e0- O'e'b050 PUMP gCt�7TY5_FIE�RDWAREr 4 OE'6-4T3_ UMPS 20 -0a 6041 PUMPS NpORMAT -ION ~ 20 -02 -6041 PU STRICT INFORMATION 1 -27- 20 DISTRI REPAIR CT 0_2't -66 UNDERGROUND 20_01_6071 _ - -•"- =20-39 -4820 FINANCE'` 74 60 LABORATOR-Y �2� 07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -29 -8092 ENG EKING E RING - 10 -02.-4630 PUMPS - .. -- 2 4 - 0Z- 463 4� C14.501 Amount Check � Type 4 00 0e5criPt1_-== =s ='- `UCATI0N 4,74 ETINGS /ED TRAVEL /ME GS/ EDUCATION 1`_,. 2 TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION /EDUCATION 10.40 00043639 MW TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION IO 145.22 TRAVEL. /MEETINGS/ 6 Total' MW Check BUILDINGS ,SAFE EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY Check Total; PUMP HOUSE, GA S0 MTN n ELL MANFt PIPE, COVER' C Check Tota 1: Check Total: BUILDINGS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Check Total: SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Total: OFFICE Check LABORATORY SUPPLIES Total: LABORATORY ChecK PUMP SIN, FOREST Checks Total: OIL 6 LUBRICANTS OIL & LUBRICANTS cheCY. Total: LEGAL - SPECIAL PROJECTS Check STATIONS PUMP STATIONS PUM WELLS TOOLS SMALL TOOLS S1SALt -• PUBLIC RELATIONS PUBLIC RELATIONS SHOP SUPPLIES EXPENSE EXPENSE Chect Total; P1s2 00043640 2.00 00043641 MW 3,952.92 MW 4,569. 00043642 107.24 77.21 MW 1 .4 00043643 23 00 70.00 00043644 MU 17.59 45 MW 11._5 000436 29.3" 2 6' q4 00043646 MW 70'45 MW 70'45 00043647 140 90 1,676.00 00043648 MW 14.91 53.36 39 34 9.33 0.$4 7.33 4.559 10.15 142.81 00043649 MW South Tahoe P.U.D. 06/08/00 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 0G/02/2000- 06/15 /2000 Page 11 THU, JUN 8, 2000, 3:26 PM --red: PAT leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE - -- -job: 187273 #J5398-- -prog: Ck;509 (1806) -- report id: CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HU,RV,VH __Vendor Name Account - - #- Department Description Amount Check # Type SHELL OIL CO 10 -28 -4610 ALPINE COUNTY GASOLINE 40.28 Check Total: 40.28 00043650 MW SIERRA COMMUNITY CHURCH 20 -00 -3529 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION FIRE HYDRANT PERMITS 500.00 Check Total: 500.00 00043651 MW SIERRA PACIFIC POWER 10 -00 -6740 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION STREET LIGHTING EXPENSE 1,244.55 1_0- -0_0- 6330 - GENERAL ---& ADMINISTRATION - - -- ELECTRICITY 73,046.22 20 -00 -6330 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION ELECTRICITY 5,804.15 Check Total: 80,094.92 00043652 MW SIERRA PACIFIC POWER 20 -29 -7021 ENGINEERING SIERRA._SPRING_-tJATER -CO 10- 01 =652D UNDERGROUND- -REPAIR_ - - 20 -01 -6520 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -02 -6520 PUMPS 10- 03- 6520_ELEC TR -I- CAL --SHOP - 20 -03 -6520 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10 -04 -6520 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10-06-6520 OP_ERATI.ONS__._ 10 -05 -6520 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20- 05-6520 EQUIPMENT REPAIR SIERRA -NET INC. 10 -37 -4405 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20-37=4_405-INFORMATION SYSTEMS _SIERRA- TAHOE._READY -MIX 10- 02- 6051- P-UMP_S SILVER_ STATE _INTERNAL -LONAL_.INC._10 -05- 60.1_1- .EQUI.PMENT- REPAIR - _SOUTH_LAKE_ TAHOE _FLORIST LO-21-6S20J1DMIVISTRATION-------- 20 -21 -6520 ADMINISTRATION PUMP HOUSE, GARD MTN WELL 115.00 Check Total: 115.00 00043653 MW - SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Vendor Total: 80,209.92 Check Total: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Total: 32.23 32.23 21.49 10.75 10.74 42.97 42.97 10.75 10.74 214.87 00043654 MW 240.00 160.00 400.00 00043655 MW PUMP STATIONS 8.58 Check Total: 8.58 00043656 MU AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS 8.75 Check Total: 8.75 00043657 MW SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Check Total: 21.88 14.59 36.47 00043658 MW SOUTH TAHOE PUB UTILITY DIST 10 -00 -6740 GENERAL 3 ADMINISTRATION STREET LIGHTING EXPENSE 17.00 10 -00 -6340 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION WATER 3,484.33 ?0- 00- 638-0- GENERAL .h- ADMINISTRATION -- OTHER UTILITIES 138.48 Check Total: 3,639.81 00043659 MW _SOUTH_TAHOE_REFUSE 10-.02 =6042 PUMPS 20 -02 -6042 PUMPS 20 -00 -6370 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GROUNDS 3 MAINTENANCE GROUNDS h MAINTENANCE REFUSE DISPOSAL Check Total: 40.50 30.30 131.60 202.40 00043660 MW uu:08/60 THU, JUN 8, 2000, 3:26 PM - -req: PAT P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M R E P O R T 06/02/2000- 06/15/2000 Page 12 leg: GL JL- -loc: ONSITE - -- -job: 187273 #J5398-- -prog: CK509 <1506 > -- report id: CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor -Name Account -# Department - Description SPECTRONIC INSTRUMENT CO. 10 -07 -6025 LABORATORY 20 -47- 6025 -- LABORATORY_.._. -..... .STATELINE- OFEI.CE- SUPPLY 1-0- 0 14 52 0 UNDERGROUND- REPAIR-- - - - - -- 20 -01 -4820 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20 -03 -4820 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10-0T=476-0-LABORATORY 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 10 -21 -4820 ADMINISTRATION 24-2I 482A -ADMIN I STRAT I ON - - - - -- -- 10-22-4820 HUMAN RESOURCES 20 -22 -4820 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR L0- 27820- D.ISTRI-CT INFORMATION- - -___. 20 -27 -4820 DISTRICT INFORMATION 10 -29 -4820 ENGINEERING 20- 29- 4820_ENG.INEERING.- --- 10 -39 -4820 FINANCE 20 -39 -4820 FINANCE 10=39-6A8L_FINANC SUB __.STAT_ION _DELL_ 10.2:19-6200 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 20 -19 -6200 BOARD OF DIRECTORS SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & 10 -06 -4405 OPERATIONS 10 -21 -4405 ADMINISTRATION SUKKAR, ROGER 10 -00 -2002 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION SUPPLY ONE T R P A T R P A 10 -02 -6041 PUMPS _i2- 42. -6Q73 EUMP� 20 -02 -6073 PUMPS 10 -04 -6042 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 1.1- 24- 604LHEAVY MAINTENANCE 20 -29 -8078 ENGINEERING 20 -9 -8083 ENGINEERING Amount Check # Type LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Check Total: OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLY IS5UES Check Total: TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION Check Total: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Total: UTILITY BILLING SUSPENSE Check Total: BUILDINGS SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE BUILDINGS Check Total: TANK, RAILROAD - REPLACE Check Total: TANK, FOREST MTN - REPLACE Check Total: TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE 10 -00 -6370 GENERAL E ADMINISTRATION REFUSE DISPOSAL Vendor Total: 74.42 259.57 333.99 00043661 MW 79.41 114.77 78.28 7.57 5.04 52.31 34.88 15.21 10.14 15.64 10.42 91.84 43.54 23.88 15.92 48.53 647.38 00043662 MW 10.57 7.05 17.62 00043663 MW 2,502.60 887.38 3,389.98 00043664 MW 158.86 158.86 00043665 MW 47.17 27.32 27.32 113.51 46.40 261.72 00043666 MW 625.00 625.00 00043543 HW 425.00 425.00 00043544 HW 1,050.00 1,568.00 Check Total: 1,568.00 00043667 MW South Tahoe P.U.D. 06/03/00 THU, JUN 3, 2000, 3 :26 PM - -req: PAT P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 06/02/2000-06/15/2000 Page 13 leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE - -- -job: 187273 #JS398 -- -prog: CK509 <1806 > -- report id: CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH _Vendor_ Name Account _ #__Department TAHOE BLUEPRINT 20 -02 -4820 PUMPS 20- 29- 8082_ENGLNEERING_____ 20 -29 -7021 ENGINEERING 20 -29 -8100 ENGINEERING 20 -29 -8078_ ENGINEERING 20 -02 -7009 PUMPS TAHOE CARSON AREA NEWS TAHOE FIRE CONTROL 10- 22-4930 HUMAN RESOURCES 20 -22 -4930 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 10 -04 -6041 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -02 -6075 PUMPS 20 -02 -6075 PUMPS TAHOE OFFSET PRINTING INC 10 -02 -4820 PUMPS 20 -02 -4820 PUMPS 1 0-38 482.0_.CUSTOMER_SERV I CE__ 20 -38 -4820 CUSTOMER SERVICE TAHOE PARADISE CHEVRON 20 -01 -4620 UNDERGROUND REPAIR TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 20 -03 -6051 ELECTRICAL SHOP 20 -03 -6071 ELECTRICAL SHOP 20 -29 -7029 ENGINEER.ING._-_ TRIOLET SY.STEMS_INC. 14= 37- 6.030_INEORMATION__SYSTEMS_.._ 20 -37 -6030 INFORMATION SYSTEMS U 5 D A FOREST SERVICE 20 -29 -7099 ENGINEERING V W R CORPORATION 10 -06 -4760 OPERATIONS 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -0_7 -4754 LABORATORY _VOID WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION 10 -06 -6250 OPERATIONS WEDCO INC 20 -03 -6050 ELECTRICAL SHOP 94 -98 - &247 EXPERT PIPELINE__ GRANT Description Amount Check # Type OFFICE SUPPLIES WATERLINE - PARK AVE PUMP HOUSE, GARD MTN WELL WATERLINE, GARDNER MTN PHS I TANK, RAILROAD - REPLACE VFD- BAKERSFIELD WELL Check Total: ADS /LEGAL NOTICES ADS /LEGAL NOTICES Check Total: BUILDINGS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS Check Total: OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: DIESEL Check Total: PUMP STATIONS SHOP SUPPLIES WELL - GARDNER MTN Check Total: _.SERVICE CONTRACTS SERVICE CONTRACTS Check Total: WELL - GARDNER MTN Check Total: LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Total: Check Total: DUES & MEMBERSHIPS Check Total: WELLS A LINE WWTP TO UTPS -16.09 107.25 208.08 40.22 120.66 8.04 468.16 00043668 MU 106.50 71.00 177.50 00043669 MW 1,221.27 55.88 55.88 1,333.03 00043670 MW 9.12 9.11 9.33 6.22 33.78 00043671 MW 33.14 33.14 00043672 MW 81.20 11.83 31.06 124.09 00043673 MW 390.00 260.00 650.00 00043674 MW 12,729.00 12,729.00 00043675 MW 124.09 29.87 16.29 170.25 00043676 MW 0.00 00043545 VH 40.00 40.00 00043677 MW 286.94 635.36 South Tahoe P . U . D . 06/08/00 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 06/02/2000-06/15/2000 Page 14 THU, JUN 8, 2000, 3:26 PM - -req: PAT leg: GL JL- -loc: ONSITE - -- -job: 187273 #J5398-- -prog: CK509 <180G> -- report id: CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH ..._._Vendor__-Name Account-11-Department---- 10 -03 -6071 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10- 03- 6041- ELECIRI-CAL_SHOP 20 -29 -7099 ENGINEERING WESTERN BOTANICAL SERVICES 20 -29 -7021 ENGINEERING WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WITHROW__ OXYGEN _SERVICE 20 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20 -29 -7021 ENGINEERING 20-38 -8021 CUSTOMER- SERVICE__ -. 20 -02 -6050 PUMPS 10 -04 -6023 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10-114-6 0.41 HEAVX-MAINTENANCE- 10-01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -04 -6021 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -0 L-6071 UNDERGROUND_. REPAIR. 1.0- 07- 476.0_ LABORATORY 20-07 -4760 LABORATORY WOLF ENVIRONMENTAL LINING SYS 10 -06 -6040 OPERATIONS WOOD, KEN 20 -02 -4521 PUMPS ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE ZYMAX ENVIROTECHNOLOGY 10 -05 -6075 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20 -05 -6075 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -01- 6075- UNDERGROUND-REPAIR 20 -01 -6075 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -06 -6075 OPERATIONS 20 -07 -6110 LABORATORY 10- 07- 6 11..0--LABORATORY n O Th Description SHOP SUPPLIES BUILDINGS WELL - GARDNER MTN Check Total: PUMP HOUSE, GARD MTN WELL Check Total: PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES PUMP HOUSE, GARD MTN WELL WATER METERS, LARGE WELLS FILTER EQUIP /BLDG BUILDINGS PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES PRIMARY EQUIPMENT SHOP SUPPLIES Check Total: LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Total: EMERGENCY RETENTION BASIN Check Total: CSRMA LIABILITY CLAIMS Check Total: SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS Check Total: MONITORING MONITORING Check Total: Grand Total: Amount Check # Type 26.95 127.89 79.89 1,157.03 00043678 MW 600.00 600.00 00043679 MW 3,805.15 4,795.69 1,681.68 713.34 230.17 131.52 14.82 50.55 21.02 11,443.94 00043681 MW 839.56 559.71 1,399.27 00043682 MW 720.00 720.00 00043683 MW 10,000.00 10,000.00 00043684 MU 11.05 11.04 23.90 23.90 47.89 117.78 00043685 MW 1,097.00 2,099.00 3,196.00 00043686 MW 368,304.59 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Diane Noble. Manaaer of Customer Service RE: BOARD MEETING June 15. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 13.a ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ~:;"~&'_...;:. ....,"_,;,;u=,- _> ~."?("' .'_...>. .~'. ~~~__ b'__~ ',"':;'("'4"-O~' _ '. ,_,.-'<.{r.J<....:'~_~lh';;.;.;l.~~:;(-'.."",,""'.u~~..J........~,,_~;<..-1. ,,' ~ ~ '""......._~~~.~~,:-"':Jii;';..v.{'.""...~..;.:.:1;_7,~-M-!1;r;n"".=~":!;~..:;-"~~~...;;-"'''''~ ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: SOUTH TAHOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCYVS. STPUD. EL DORADO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT. CASE NO. SC20000090 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel reaardina existing Iitiaation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE?tl'l.. 'f-~ ~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Bob Baer. General Manaaer RE: BOARD MEETING June 15. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 13.b ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ....~_ ~ -"".,,,, ,.,-!.:1"_,~~;r........~<;.:",,, "-,,,',.~ '::..>IIIt.'~Jk>).t,;\;i...J,._ _ h ",,~.:v~. ~'" ~ ~~_..:c _'" "'..........w_(,;_..~ ~ w ,r;!.w .... ~ __""",~.. .' {'\~,",iFu.:i~ ~_,....>l\>-~" 1"" "'_.;:~~ ..Uli'::3;:,",:~~~U]1S~';:~"""...<'-,,"_~;.o..""'<..~'t..~-..'iO:U1l. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: <W.:.. <. '" <,., , ~ ~ '"l;t:-, ~ ~ t' "'" ~ . ~ ~ J, .,. _. 1.:~. J".., i! "" "'~ :_.';-~l"'ttu;.",,,=. ~J",~,-", :.l ~,IiO:U"" ,,-..i.I...C> ~-4. '<<.:;~~,~-~ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YESvtc.. Te:..-.J.l~O CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTiliTY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Richard Solbria. Assistant Manaaer I Enaineer RE: BOARD MEETING June 15. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 13.c ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: "'''"''' ~.. _ _,~, ~~ -:...L~~'l', ",,""'",":';:>d~~~~ _'....'-t _""...,z.-.;.;I.~':-w:;:...-...1:...,; ~\".~.\>i.;I.iY....~'"".a~""'H-~.::Z :r_~.-<""""~_U:~~'l.l'-...._,\~~-;r~.,;:I~Z].~",.;;;'~",';O:~-.....~_'t~,,,,~~~~~,~:.iW.$:.~~,:;u;.;l'.:oWJ.~""~~ ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: MOUNTAIN CASCADE. INC.. AND VALLEY ENGINEERS. INC. VS. STPUD BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND STPUD. COUNTY OF EL DORADO. SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. SC20000050 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Closed Session mav be held for conference with leaal counsel reaardina existina Iitiaation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES P.')JJII.,..8~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YEstYl~~'^^ ~O CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SewER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Sob Saer. General Manaaer RE: BOARD MEETING June 15. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 13.d ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ~~.~",..;;:oJt.:.",-z.~_:.. ~::-'\~~;;;<;S""""'ttl3;"-..,u"~0)~......~~~~:::"..J;.;>l'~<<l';J~,..c.~;l;'=-~...~ail'.",c.a~~,,,,~"",, =<.:lOk\:;~.Bo..:."" 'M:1~.,;;.._;>~_...~...f~~"";:;~~~.::t.h\"","""~...~~'Jil.~i!t:illi~~~"""'.U<"J"'''l<,,,,",,,..r~'::t~~. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: SCHWAKE VS. STPUD. FEDERAL CASE NO. CV-N-93-851-DWH REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Closed Session may be held for conference with leaal counsel regardina existing Iitiaation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: ""'~" M_' r..- :..c.~...~ ~ . _~.< ~~'.~ J........ ....""" _ . . ~ '\~ (" ... h "":". / '_',; 1'~^".:.lH T,......ce) ,_ ..( >0.' U!: ~~>. ,,':1: .t;.lO<~".!W--" "Xl,.W ~~;:JJi~" r _&~..,""""l7~.1..,...;ii~ .... ",,- ::.J :H.I:.:."", ,,;.z: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YEm~ 'r~..... MO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER X IF' , SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Bob Baer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING June 15. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 13.e ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: Jo!iJ.'i>.N"....\:'Ob....4CW;:;J..~~~~t:lJlll;:8lIlJ;j,~~~~t_..~~~~"'W ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: STPUD VS. ARCO. ET AL. SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. 999128 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Closed Session may be held for conference with leaal counsel reaardina existina litigation. 1 SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: "!>~=~"" ='.l;...~,J.D.t<~.~ ,~~..... ;w.~~x.m~';;4.:...:W~:l<~,'ill<~'UL:>-~. ,;c~~'r.:'~~J.,!;::-t.",,~ ''''~S'i;l. #4~'\i ~:....,....~\ ...,l;.~:\:.=r.=..lI::!;l.;r':',,~~~!.!:.l:~~~_~~~~IUi:6'N; CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YESl'v1LF~",_~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER