HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 04-20-00 . SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT lIBasic Services for a Complex World" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, April 20, 2000 2:00 P.M. City Council Chambers 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California Robert G. Baer, General Manager Richard Solbrig, Assistant Manager ,~~::~~~'.:::'::::::::'::':::~::;~~::;:::::::;:::::~~:::::~::::'~~~~~~:k~.~~~~~::::~"""'" ...........~~~:::~::....... ...........~~:~~~~:~..... .................~~.:::::~:.................:.:.:.i...~:~~~............~.......... ..~'~~~:::~~~:l~~.:~.::~:::::.:::::::t.x..~~Q~::;:::::~:.:::::::::%::.:::~.:::.......:::::.:::::::::~:~~:.:.:.:A:~:~:;::::::::::.:~. Christopher H. Strohm, President BOARD MEMBERS Pembroke Gochnauer, Vice President ,.. ~.~,~~~, ~,~,~.~~~., ~,i.r.~.~!,~,r", ,.. ,... ,...",.",., ,. ,."" ,."" ,...", ,..~~~"'~.~,~, ,~?~,~,~.~~,~,r.", ,l?i.r~~t?r.,."" ,.... .."""".. ,. ,......".,.", ~,~,~,~~. .VY~.II.a.~~.~, ,~.i.r.~?!,?,r. .. .:.:.::~~ .~: :;..:~. ~::'.~'{::~::.:~~:.:.~' '~.:.:::.::.:::::~:.:~.::: :;.::::::.~':::::~::~';"':::: '.~~' '~~:::.' '~~:.~~~'~'::: 0" ~~.: ........ .~: ~~.: '~~'.~~'i:.~'":': .~:~"~ :~.:~.::~; :~:: '<<:':::.::.:.~~:~.:.::i::.::.:::'" ".::"' .:~. .:~"" ~-;.~: :::~.:.:.~~:")i.:.:.:.:.:.:~.."1:~:"::.::.~.~' ':~.::.::::.:.~".~. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non-agenda items - 5 minute limit.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR 4. CONSENT CALENDAR 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION I DISCUSSION 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. U,S. FOREST SERVICE SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR GARDNER MOUNTAIN WELL (Richard Solbrig) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION DIRECT STAFF b, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WELL PUMP HOUSE ELECTRICAL PANEL (Richard Sol brig) AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR A MAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL WITH TRANSFER SWITCH c. GARDNER MOUNTAIN WELL PUMP HOUSE VFD/PUMP PACKAGE (Richard Solbrig) AUTHORIZE STAFF TO SOLICIT BIDS ;.,~1"";~;k, , ' ~."""_." .. \ - Ii REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - APRIL 20, 2000 PAGE-2 d. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS APPROVE PAYMENT IN THE AMOUNT $854,215.88 7. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Executive Committee (Strohm/Gochnauer) b. Finance Committee (Wallace/Gochnauer) c. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones/Strohm) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher/Gochnauer) 8. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Special Litigation Ad Hoc Committee (StrohmlWallace) b. Federal Legislative Ad Hoc Committee (Wallace/Jones) c. U.S. Forest Service Special Use Permit Ad Hoc Committee (StrohmlWallace) d. Park Avenue Redevelopment Ad Hoc Committee (Gochnauer/Jones) 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 10. GENERAL MANAGER/ STAFF REPORTS 11. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS I EVENTS Past Meetinas I Events 04/07/00 - EI Dorado Water Purveyors Association 04/11/00 - Planning Committee Meeting 04/12/00 - Employee Communications Meeting 04/14/00 - Caltrans Partnering Meeting 04/14/00 - Meeting with Bill Newson, Lahontan Regional Board Member 04/17/00 - Operations Committee Meeting 04/19/00 - Alpine County Agreements Meeting 04/20/00 - Board Workshop Future Meetinas I Events 04/21/00 - 1 :00 p,m, - County Water Agency Quarterly Meeting at Placerville 04/25/00 - 3:00 p.m, - Bi-weekly Lahontan Underground Storage Tank Mtg, at Lahontan 04/28/00 - 11 :00 a.m. - Alpine County Trout Programs Annual Meeting at Sorenson's 05/01/00 - 4:00 p,m. - Operations Committee Meeting at District Office 05/02/00 - 9:00 a,m, - Alpine County Regular Board Meeting at Markleeville 05/02/00 - 6:00 p.m. - City Council Regular Meeting at City Council Chambers 05/04/00 - 2:00 p,m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at City Council Chambers including Public Hearing re: Heavenly Valley Annexation (LAFCO) 05/04/00 - 7:00 p,m, - Public Hearing re: STPUD Budget at City Council Chambers 05/10/00 - 10:00 a.m, - Employee Communications Committee Mtg, at District (Mosbacher is Board rep,) 05/09/00 - 8:30 a.m. - ACWA TMDL Workshop at Monterey 05/09-12/00 - ACWA 2000 Spring Conference at Monterey 05/10/00 - 7:30 p.m, - Lahontan Regional Board Meeting at Palmdale 05/11/00 - 8:00 a,m. - Mealey's MTBE Conference at Marina Del Rey . REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - APRIL 20, 2000 PAGE-3 12. CLOSED SESSION a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956. 9( a)/Conference with Legal Counsel Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. SIERRA CAL Lodae. U.S. Bankruptcv Court, Sacramento Division, Case No. 96-25693-C-11 b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956,9(a)/Conference with Leaal Counsel Existina Litiaation: Mountain Cascade Inc., and Valley Enaineers.lnc. vs. STPUD Board of Directors and STPUD. County of EI Dorado. Superior Court Case No. SC20000050 c. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956. 9( a)/Conference with Leaal Counsel Existina Litiqation: Schwake vs. STPUD. Federal Case No. CV-N-93-851-DWH d. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Leaal Counsel Existina Litigation - STPUD vs. ARCO. et ai, San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 e. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Conference re: Real Property Negotiations Negotiating Parties: District staff (Bob Baer, Richard Solbrig); District Board of Directors; U. S. Forest Service Under Negotiation: Property Terms Property Identification: APN 19-081-09 f, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956, 9(b )/Conference with Leaal Counsel - Anticipated Litiqation (one case) g, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 (a)/Conference with Labor Neaotiators Agency Negotiators: Robert Baer, Board of Directors Unrepresented Employee Position: District General Counsel 13. ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 14. ADJOURNMENT South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 . Phone 530,544.6474 . Facsimile 530.541,0614 G .. ITEMS CONSENT CALENDAR APRIL 20, 2000 REQUESTED ACTION ...:...."..:.:.:0::.:.:.:-:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.''1".:.:.:'{""i':"":':-:-:':':'j'j'i'i"{'i'i':':':":':-:':':':':':':.:.'y'.r.;o::.:o:.:..... .........:-:.:.:.:<<.:-:.:0::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.1.1.;1.).11.(.(.1.1.1.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:......1"1'1..1'1'1......."...,...............-......1"......1...............1"1'1'1'1'1"....1.1.i.i.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.j.j.j.j"i"i"i"i'i'i.........:.:.:.:.:.:..:':"':':O:':':':"i"i'i'j'i"i'i'i"i'!'i'il'j'i'i"i"i'j'j' a. DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR DELINQUENT SEWER AND/OR WATER ACCOUNTS (Christene Garcia) AUTHORIZE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TWO-WEEK DISCONNECTION PRO- CEDURES FOR DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS b. FOREST MOUNTAIN PUMP STATION REPLACEMENT PROJECT (John Thiel) RAILROAD TANK REPLACEMENT AND FOREST MOUNTAIN PUMP STATION AND TANK REPLACEMENT PROJECT (John Thiel) AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR A DIESEL DRIVEN FIRE PUMP AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ADVERTISE FOR CONSTRUCTION BIDS c. d. BIJOU PUMP STATION (Nick Zaninovich) AWARD PUMP PURCHASE TO WATER TECHNOLOGIES IN THE AMOUNT OF $38,502.15 APPROVE TASK ORDER NO, 3 FOR WARD-YOUNG IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,000 APPROVE MINUTES e. ALPINE COUNTY STORAGE BUILDING (Richard Solbrig) f. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES: MARCH 16, 2000 (Kathy Sharp) REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: MARCH 16, 2000 (Kathy Sharp) SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES: APRIL 6, 2000 (Kathy Sharp) REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: APRIL 6, 2000 (Kathy Sharp) APPROVE MINUTES g. APPROVE MINUTES h. APPROVE MINUTES South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150. Phone 530,544,6474. Facsimile 530.541.0614 ..: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Christene Garcia. Customer Service Representative RE: BOARD MEETING Aoril 20. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: 4.a ACTION ITEM NO: ... ....... ........ ......... .... ....... . ... ...... ..... ....... ..... ..... ..,. ..... ," ITEM-PROJECT NAME: DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR DELINQUENT SEWER AND/OR WATER ACCOUNTS REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize imolementation of the two-week disconnection procedures for delinauent accounts. DISCUSSION: The accounts on the accomoanving list are all seriouslv delinauent. The aoorooriate oarties have been sent a five (5) dav notice of this meeting bv certified mail in accordance with the District Administrative Code sections oroviding for pavment and collection of water. sewer. and street lighting charges. If some of the accounts are oaid prior to the Board meeting. staff will oresent a revised list to the Board on the dav of the Board meeting. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: List of delinauent accounts. .............................................. ....... ... ........... ... . . .... ..... ....... . ...... ................................................................. .....................................". CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES,{(, 1/..JIIn&.-.. NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YEmL1Fc---tc~O x x ;0 " /) V-CJ-r--,..... J I ") k l REVISED LIST CONSENT ITEM A April 20, 2000 BOARD MEETING ~ ACCOUNTS SUBl.\1ITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS ADril 20. 2000 ITEM ACCT. # NAME SERVo ADDRESS AMT. DUE 1 21-191 12 aa4 al Mild1cd Lo.ig"l". 28),81."."."" Cl $14J.JJ 2 22-321-35-000-01 Roger Hardin 1628 Venice Dr $361.88 J 22421 61 99g 91 Thamas Bames 189 Taftee Keys BIni ff~3 $283..48 4 23-221-23-007-01 Jose Manuel Gonzalez 2284 Eloise Ave $333.59 5 23-351-03-004-01 Steve Cook 928 Glorene Ave $370.10 6 23-472-13-007 -01 David Robberson 876 Tata Lane $333,59 7 23-644-19-008-01 James McLeod 759 Anita Dr $219.54 ~ 23-651-03-007-01 Sandra Branton 793 Tahoe Island Dr $219.54 9 23-654-14-008-01 Linda Hale 817 Hazel Dr $200.34 19 23 ~~1 12 G91 91 Ela.ine '),TinlES 2197 Rig PiA8 $159,25 11 2373196 e99 91 Delll Khlt) Mfti 2316 Califemia .\'18 $333.59 12 23-741-04-004-01 Emil Pedersen 2275 Idaho Ave $381.36 13 23-772-09-008-01 Julianne Kohn 889 Rainbow Dr $286.65 14 23 783 91 e92 91 h.uG& AI",,," 936 Lapham Dr $228.58 .1::> ..::,,-~02-11-00~-(H J,uu~O) Slvl",,, 917 Gargu~r 5t ~111 59 16 23-821-39-000-01 Paul Ramirez 2319 Sky Meadows Ct $333.60 17 25-272-03-000-01 Jeannie Dallas 1488 Black Bart Ave $333.59 18 25-313-05-007 -01 Wayne Carlson 2801 Hank Monk Ave $348,55 19 25-J5J.87.889.81 CUll;! f ul vv a"'l 2696 OW"1l A.e $317.23 r fA "'0 25-371-03-000-01 Ethel Tribe 1191 Jobs Peak Ave $381.36 \., .. ~ "1 25-371-14-007-01 Vincent De Tarr 1234 Johnson Blvd $333.52 ~ 22 25-375-10-006-01 Peter Oliver 1200 Jobs Peak Dr $379.27 /,,j 23-41 ~-1 J-M4-61 Rit...hcua \F all Dt1!1cirk 1399 GleR-'''QQd ~T)' ~1fi7 Ofi 24 25-541-32-007-01 Nibour McKenna 3575 Bode Dr $381.36 25 25-551-04-005-01 John Heath 3541 April Dr $333.59 26 25-764-04-004-01 Rosalio Ancheta 1363 Matheson Dr $370.13 27 25-821-08-003-01 Rickey Freeman 2276 Wagon Train Tr $333.59 28 25 831 97 094 91 Traer Lashal'slle 2493 Ltll'mc: Tr $J81.J6 29 36-024-11-007-01 Honorio Schinzing 3157 Berkeley Ave $333,59 30 26-046-15-001-01 Rauch c/o Moore 976 Lakeview $333.59 31 26-075-22-006-01 Renato Palaroan 3109 Sacramento Ave $331.34 11 lei Og4 01 002 01 RW98R "aleMUela 896 Alameaa Aye $3.51.2~ 33 26-094-11-000-01 Larry Welton 688 Modesto Ave $339.85 ~ 26-094-33-004-01 Timothy Stephens 733 Los Angeles Ave $333.59 35 26-109-18-001-01 Ernest Milici 873 Stanford Ave $333,59 36 27-074-23-006-01 Gary Berner 3713 Paradise Ave $884.78 37 27-076-08-002-01 Anthony Fontes 1061 Sonora Ave $638.95 38 27-082-14-008-01 Leif Koskin 3805 Paradise Ave $1056.94 39 27-090-06-007 -01 William Barboni 3438 Lake Tahoe Blvd $981.11 40 27-101-32-008-01 Lynn Dix 1045 Ham Ln $333,59 41 27-221-17-005-01 John Murphy 3343 Deer Park Ave $333.59 42 27-312-04-000-01 Stephen Van Zandt 1161 Bowers Ave $333,59 43 27-341-18-009-01 Lynda Ryall 1124 Glenwood Way $343.50 44 28-280-08-009-01 William Noonberg 1363 Wildwood Ave $333.59 45 28-280-11-003-01 Jonathan Warner 1327 Wildwood Ave $352,29 46 29-041-30-008-01 Pacifica Resort Holding 921 Pine Blvd $2050.23 '-t7 29-041-40-007-01 Green Lantern Motel 4100 Pine Blvd $992,00 -. $ '~ 29-041-52-002-01 Green Lantern Motel 4097 Manzanita Ave $1537.59 \., 49 29-403-15-001-0 I Cornelio Hernandez 3813 Steven Lane $333,59 50 30-361-03-004-0 I Rudolph Manzo 1474 June Way $333.59 51 30-521-14-000-01 Mike Gorman 3861 Saddle Rd $333.59 52 30-541-11-004-01 Carlos Isolica 1439 Ski Run Blvd #C-l $333,59 53 31-085-06-001-0 I Enrique Ortiz 1048 Martin Ave $333.59 54 31-143-08-004-01 Frederick Mitchell 1125 Lodi Ave $333.59 55 31-145-01-004-01 Robert Poell 2504 Bertha Ave $333.59 56 31-186-13-003-01 Manuel Lastimosa 2525 Rose Ave $333.59 57 31-192-01-006-01 McConnack/W eber 2622 Osborne Ave $333.59 58 31-212-10-003-01 Mitchell & Martin 1225 Stockton Ave $333.59 59 31-216-06-002-01 Albert Wilhelm 2524 Fountain Ave $333.59 66 )1-22)-18888-81 Lcoftll1 all Plltllina 1213 SieNa Bl.t! $33~.85 ~ 21 221 11 ggQ Ql K,-v;'u C~ll~Y 2617 fuulll,,~ A.G $333.5~ 62 31-262-08-002-01 Michael Sanders 1137 Lindberg Ave $332.55 63 31 299 11 Q9191 Ja1m N 8l't:BfuJ3 gg3 ~\iR!J8t Dr $3&7.~2 64 )2178 1788881 Ju","}Jh Ncu.cu 1157 ~IGJ.5a,l\;..L AVI; $661.61 65 32-283-28-005-01 Tim Boten 1901 F St $305.66 66 33-233-21-004-01 Richard Mathews 1547 Tamoshanter Dr $333.59 "7 ~3 '~5 07 003 01 TQAllQgAU&: 11 ~Q CQ)'gte Ridge Cir $:349.72 TOTAL DUE $27.945.37 \. ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS ADril 20. 2000 E:M ACCT. # NAME SERVo ADDRESS AMT. DUE 1 22-192-12-004-01 Mildred Longaker 2078 Traverse Ct $143.33 2 22-321-35-000-01 Roger Hardin 1628 Venice Dr $361.88 3 22-421-64-008-01 Thomas Barnes 489 Tahoe Keys Blvd #63 $283.48 4 23-221-23-007-01 Jose Manuel Gonzalez 2284 Eloise Ave $333,59 5 23-351-03-004-01 Steve Cook 928 Glorene Ave $370.10 6 23-472-13-007-01 David Robberson 876 Tata Lane $333.59 7 23-644-19-008-01 James McLeod 759 Anita Dr $219.54 8 23-651-03-007-01 Sandra Branton 793 Tahoe Island Dr $219.54 9 23-654-14-008-01 Linda Hale 817 Hazel Dr $200,34 10 23-664-12-001-01 Elaine Winks 2197 Big Pine $150,25 Ll 23-731-06-000-01 Dora Khayami 2346 California Ave $333.59 1.2 23- 7 41-04-004-01 Emil Pedersen 2275 Idaho Ave $381.36 13 23-772-09-008-01 Julianne Kohn 889 Rainbow Dr $286,65 14 23-783-01-002-01 James Alex 936 Lapham Dr $228.58 is 23-802-11-009-01 James Stokes 917 Gardner St $333,59 16 23-821-39-000-01 Paul Ramirez 2319 Sky Meadows Ct $333.60 L7 25-272-03-000-01 Jeannie Dallas 1488 Black Bart Ave $333.59 18 25-313-05-007-01 Wayne Carlson 2801 Hank Monk Ave $348.55 1.9 25-353-07-009-01 Curtis Fulwiler 2696 Genoa Ave $317,23 ~O 25-371-03-000-01 Ethel Tribe 1191 Jobs Peak Ave $381.36 21 25-371-14-007-01 Vincent De Tarr 1234 Johnson Blvd $333.52 22 25-375-10-006-01 Peter Oliver 1200 Jobs Peak Dr $379,27 23 25-413-15-004-01 Richard Van Buskirk 1390 G1enwood Wy $362,06 24 25-541-32-007-01 Nibour McKenna 3575 Bode Dr $381,36 25 25-551-04-005-01 John Heath 3541 April Dr $333.59 26 25-764-04-004-01 Rosa1io Ancheta 1363 Matheson Dr $370,13 27 25-821-08-003-01 Rickey Freeman 2276 Wagon Train Tr $333,59 28 25-831-07 -004-01 Tracy Lachapelle 2493 Lupine Tr $381,36 29 36-024-11-007-01 Honorio Schinzing 3157 Berkeley Ave $333,59 30 26-046-15-001-01 Rauch c/o Moore 976 Lakeview $333,59 31 26-075-22-006-01 Renato Pa1aroan 3109 Sacramento Ave $331.34 32 26-084-01-002-01 Ruben Valenzuela 896 Alameda Ave $352.29 33 26-094-11-000-01 Larry Welton 688 Modesto Ave $339.85 34 26-094- 33 -004-0 1 Timothy Stephens 733 Los Angeles Ave $333.59 35 26-109-18-001-01 Ernest Milici 873 Stanford Ave $333.59 36 27-074-23-006-01 Gary Berner 3713 Paradise Ave $884.78 37 27-076-08-002-01 Anthony Fontes 1061 Sonora Ave $638,95 38 27 -082-14-008-01 Leif Koskin 3805 Paradise Ave $1056,94 39 27 -090-06-007 -01 William Barboni 3438 Lake Tahoe Blvd $981.11 40 27 -101-32-008-01 Lynn Dix 1045 Ham Ln $333,59 41 27-221-17-005-01 John Murphy 3343 Deer Park Ave $333.59 42 27-312-04-000-01 Stephen Van Zandt 1161 Bowers Ave $333.59 43 27 -341-18-009-01 Lynda Ryall 1124 G1enwood Way $343.50 44 28-280-08-009-01 William Noonberg 1363 Wildwood Ave $333.59 45 28-280-11-003-01 Jonathan Warner 1327 Wildwood Ave $352.29 46 29-041-30-008-01 Pacifica Resort Holding 921 Pine Blvd $2050.23 47 29-041-40-007 -01 Green Lantern Motel 4100 Pine Blvd $992.00 48 29-041-52-002-01 Green Lantern Motel 4097 Manzanita Ave $1537.59 49 29-403-15-001-01 Cornelio Hernandez 3813 Steven Lane $333.59 50 30-361-03-004-01 Rudolph Manzo 1474 June Way $333.59 51 30-521-14-000-01 Mike Gorman 3861 Saddle Rd $333.59 52 30-541-11-004-01 Carlos Isolica 1439 Ski Run Blvd #C-l $333.59 53 31-085-06-001-01 Enrique Ortiz 1048 Martin Ave $333,59 54 31-143-08-004-01 Frederick Mitchell 1125 Lodi Ave $333.59 55 31-145-01-004-01 Robert Poell 2504 Bertha Ave $333,59 56 31-186-13-003-01 Manuel Lastimosa 2525 Rose Ave $333.59 57 31-192-01-006-01 McCormack/W eber 2622 Osborne Ave $333,59 58 31-212-10-003-01 Mitchell & Martin 1225 Stockton Ave $333.59 59 31-216-06-002-01 Albert Wilhelm 2524 Fountain Ave $333.59 60 31-223-10-000-01 Leonardo Paulino 1243 Sierra Blvd $339,85 61 31-224-14-000-01 Kevin Carney 2617 Fountain Ave $333.59 62 31-262-08-002-01 Michael Sanders 1137 Lindberg Ave $332,55 63 31-290-11-007-01 John Northrup 885 Sunset Dr $387.62 64 32-278-17 -008-01 Joseph Nazar 1157 Margaret Ave $601.02 65 32-283-28-005-01 Tim Boten 1901FSt $305.66 66 33-233-21-004-01 Richard Mathews 1547 Tamoshanter Dr $333.59 67 33-285-07 -003-01 Tom Loomis 1160 Coyote Ridge Cir $349,72 TOTAL DUE $27.945.37 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: John Thiel. Staff Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING: April 20. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: 4.b ..... ....................... ..................... .... . '" .... .............. ..... ............. ... . ....... .. .... .. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: FOREST MOUNTAIN PUMP STATION REPLACEMENT PROJECT REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to advertise for bids for a diesel driven fire pump. DISCUSSION: The pump station replacement includes a diesel driven fire pump which will provide UP to 1.500 gpm to the Angora Highlands Zone. Delivery time on the fire pump could be UP to 10 weeks. Therefore. the District needs to pre-purchase the pump for installation by the sitework contractor. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YESI.JlA(-r~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YEtnLt:'"~/,,~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: John Thiel. Staff Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING: April 20. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: 4.c ACTION ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: RAILROAD TANK REPLACEMENT AND FOREST MOUNTAIN PUMP STATION AND TANK REPLACEMENT PROJECT REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to advertise for construction bids DISCUSSION: The Railroad Tank reolacement proiect involves the demolition of the existing 65.000 gallon elevated water storage tank and the construction of a 220.000 gallon welded steel storage tank. The oroiect will also include the removal of the existing valve house. The design of the new tank eliminates the need for altitude control valves. The Forest Mountain proiect includes the construction of a new pumo building with a diesel driven fire pump. and a 150,000 gallon welded steel storage tank. The existing tank and pump station will be removed after the new facilities are brought into service. The proiects also include access imorovements. BMP and pipe installations. The District plans to contract with one sitework contractor for both proiects for grading. slope protection. foundations. pumo building construction. pipe installations. etc. The tanks will be constructed under seoarate contracts with a specialty contractor. one contract for Iroauois this summer and another for Forest Mountain next summer. Each oroiect will reouire some final BMP installations and revegetation work. Staff olans to contract with a landscaping contractor to comolete such work at multiple sites at the end of each construction season. SCHEDULE: Begin construction in June COSTS: Est. $370.000 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8078: 2029-8083: 2029-8092 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: 99/00: $41,190: $22.416: $39.989 (Prooosed) 00/01: $325.000: $260.000: $120.000 ATTACHMENTS: None ,............................ .................... "........ .. ........ ...... ........ ........". ... ...... .......... ................................................................................... ................ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES 1?1Llf.j,.&-... NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES t'Y\L~~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Nick Zaninovich. Associate Engineer: Rick Hydrick. Manager of Water Operations RE: BOARD MEETING April 20. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: 4.d ... . .... . .... ..... ..... . ...., .... .. ....... .. ..... ....... ..... ....... .... ...... ..... ...... ............ ........... . ....... ITEM-PROJECT NAME: BIJOU PUMP STATION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award Dump Durchase to Water Technologies in the amount of $38.502.15 DISCUSSION: Three pumps atthe Biiou Pump Station will be replaced. Fourteen suppliers were contacted and invited to bid. Bids were opened ADril11. 2000. Two suppliers submitted bid: 1) Water Technologies $38.502.15 2) G3 Engineering $41.819.88 Staff recommends awarding contract to Water Technologies in the amount of $38.502.15 to sUDply 3 Cornell pumps with USEM motors. District staff will perform installation work. SCHEDULE: Installation in SeDtember COSTS: $38.502.15 ACCOUNT NO: 1002-8987 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $108.479 ATTACHMENTS Bid result summary ...................................................................... . . .............. ....................... ..................................... ..................................................................................... CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YEsJlJJJf/.n B~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER X BID RESULTS BID # 99-00-10 FOR Bijou Pumps & Motors OPENING DATE April 11, 2000 Water Technologies $ 38,502.15 Cornell Pumps, USEM Motors 83% electric efficiency Also offered 1 % cash discount if paid within 10 days G3 Engineering Yeomans Pumps, Reliance Motors 75% electrical efficiency 41,819.88 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Richard Solbrig. Assistant Manager/Engineer: Nick Zaninovich. Associate Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING April 20. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: 4.e ITEM-PROJECT NAME: ALPINE COUNTY STORAGE BUILDING REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Aporove Task Order NO.3 for Ward-Young in the amount of $5.000 DISCUSSION: District staff has compiled a design-build specification for the proiect. After discussions with our attorney. and several other utility districts which have also utilized the design- build methodology, we have identified additional needed design work. By expanding details of finishes and building interior specs. District staff can then issue the design-build content. with an award based uoon cost only. The additional design details are architectural type items which Ward-Young could assist in preoaring very efficiently. Staff recommends aoproving this contract to Ward-Young. SCHEDULE: Bid in June COSTS: $5.000 ACCOUNT NO: 1028-8036/ACBARN BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $88.411 ATTACHMENTS Prooosal/ Agreement letter from Ward-Young: Task Order NO.3 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YEs~J))f","k NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER X Apr-1Z-Z000 14:30 from-WARD YOUNG ARCHITECTS +1-530-5BT-BUOB T-153 P.OOI f-UUZ WARD -YOUNG IIIIIiIII 4! l'l.-(OO 10. Of PAGES: ~ 2 3 4 5 (i"JuJi"9 oauer pogtI) CD 7 B 9 10 oIh.,. .::.Rl HITECTLJRE 6. PLANtJING WAI/DoU.WCi AROIrEC1S. ^ CiIIl'DIriI 0IIp:nI:b I transmitta ATTENTlDI: ~ 5'o1.'i:t'"2l6 --------------------------------------------------- __~~~~~__~~~_____________~_________$&!:~1~_______ FROM: ~'f '-LOtHJ" -----------_._-------------_.~--------------------- SUBJECT: ~ cmtJT't ~~~/tft;ct. ~6. ----------------------------------~---------------- G 0 1,1 ill E fl T S p~~At,/ ~wr ~, ~\)flJb OFtiM.JM,{ \(fir NJrtL ~ . CO'.Ji:, Mi:.. A- c,+u.. StitwW '<Iv 'AA~ Q\J~~ I C!>>NA&J!j . if ;n<<mtpl.t" Qr ilJ.giU" 71'-_0 .n 530.587..385(), D,.I_ 530.581.8f)08. Apr-1Z-ZDDD 14:3D From-WARD YOUNG ARCHITECTS +1-53D-5B7-BQDB T-153 P.DDZ/DD7 F-QQZ WARD.YOUNG ARCHITH TURI:: /I. PLANNING \wAIlO.YOUNG A/lCnITECTS, 1\ ClIhlOmll eorpar..."" April 12, 2000 Mr. Richard Solbrig, Assistant General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District nw \IIAlID. N~ ^'^ ~ 1275 Meadow Crest Drive ::'~ArcMm.^'1\. South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 ~.T 1olGOC. AIeMM:t A.'I\. ~ tlON~NcnIlea.^'1\. Re: Consulting Services for the Alpine County Storage/Office Building AslcclD Dear Richard, Nick Zaninovich, Associates Engineer, met with me at my office on April 6 to discuss your proposed building construction project and the scope of consulting services that the District may need. I understand the District intends to have a steel storage building of approximately 2400 sq. ft. constructed this summer. The District intends to competitively bid the construction as a "design/build" project. The primary use of the building is for parking vehicles. Ancillary uses will include storage areas for parts and equipment, a restroom, an office, and a conference room. These uses are depicted in drawings Mr. Zaninovich prepared, dated 15 February 2000. It is also my understanding that the District seeks consulting services to advise the District staff on preparation of the drawings, specifications, and bid documents necessary for bidding this "design/build" project. Ward-Young has experience in preparing construction documents for "design/build" bidding. As an example of this experience, I have provided the District drawings of the Tahoe City Public Utility District's Parks Resource Management Facility, which included two steel buildings, which were constructed on a "design/build" basis. Ward-Young Is able to assist the STPUD by providing consulting services for the project. It is my understanding that the District will prepare the drawings, specifications, and bidding instructions. Ward~Young's consulting services will be for reviewing and advising the District in regards to the documents prepared by the District. Ward-Young will not be the Architect or Engineer of record. T~E/I1lI.JOCEE AREA '20' 0 0a'Inet Pass Rd. Sl.mI: :20 I Tn.Qee. CA96161 530 587-3BS9 530 sa'~.I\X SMl FRANCISCO AREA 343S Mr, P13C1o BlVd. SulCe 200 Lafiiye<<e, ~ 94549 '125 263-3278 <;I25283-1663/FAX Mr. Zaninovich and I discussed the involvement of consulting mechanical and electrical engineers, under contract with Ward-Young, to provide similar consulting services for their respective disciplines. The scope of these engineering consultants' services will include advising the District in regards to the District's preparation of systems performance specifications. , . Apr-1Z-Z000 14:30 From-WARD YOUNG ARCHITECTS +1-530-5S7-Sg0S T-153 P.003/007 F-ggZ Mr. Richard Sol brig April 12, 2000 Page 2 In estimating our fee for services, I am anticipating one meeting at my office in Truckee with the design consulting team and District representatives in the design phase, as well as follow-up time after the meeting to provide information, identified during the meeting, to the District. During the District's preparation of the bidding documents (including the drawings and specifications) I am estimating eight hours of time from each design team member. I propose that Ward-Young provide the consulting services described above on a Time and Expense Basis. I estimate that our fees through the completion of the bidding documents will be approximately $5000. Obviously, the fees will be dependent on the scope of services and resulting time necessary, as the District may request. Mr. Zaninovich indicated that the schedule is for the project to be put out to bid in June. The bidding documents will need to be completed by the end of May. We will need authorization to proceed by April 19 in order to allocate the necessary time in our schedules. We look forward in assisting you and your staff with this project. Sincerely, WARD-YOUNG ARCHITECTS, A California Corporation L~txA Principal, C-9285 LY: tm enclosures WARD'YOUNG Apr-1Z-Z000 14:30 From-WARD YOUNG ARCHITECTS +1-530-587-m8 T-153 P,004/007 F-99Z Mr. Richard Sol brig April 12, 2000 Page 3 Ward-Young Architects is authorized to proceed the consulting services described above for the South Lake P.U.D.'s Alpine County Storage/Office Building in accordance with the rates, terms, and conditions outlined herein and in the accompanying Fee Schedule and General Conditions. For South Tahoe Public Utility District date WARD'YOUNG . Apr-1Z-ZDDD 14:31 From-WARD YOUNG ARCHITECTS +1-53D-5B7-B8DB T-153 P.DD5/DD7 F-UUZ WARD-YOUNG ARCHITECTS, A CAUFORNlA CORPORATION FEE SCHEDULE aad CENERAL CONDITIONS Page 1 of3 Owner/Client South Tahoe P~blic Utility District Projcct Conslolltinll Servicell for the Alpine County Storaee/Offiee Buildinl? FEE SCHEDULE: All scrvices performed on a Time and Expense ("hourly") basis will be charaed as Indicated b~low. These hourly rates are subject to adjustment in accordance with Ward- Y ou~ Arcbitects' annual salary and wage review practices. Services by: Charge to Owner/Client: Principal $135.00 Associate $11.5.00 Sr. Project Manager $ 9.5.00 Project Mgr.lStati Architect $ 80.00 Landscape ArchitectfPlanner $ 85.00 Sr. Desi;nerlDrafter $ 65.00 Int. DesignertDrafter $ 5.5.00 lr. Desig,nerlDrafter $ 45,00 Clerical $ 35.00 EXPENSES CHARGED TO OWNER/CLIENT: Reimbursable expenses will be charged at direct cost times a 1.1 multiplier including services performed and expenses incurred in thc intereST of tile project by professional consultants. These expenses include the following: 1) Secretarial taSks, such as typing of Specifications and reports. 2) Expense ofrransportation and livini cxpenscs beyond a 30-mile radius of the office in connection with out-of-town travel authorized by the Owner. 3) Long-distance communications. 4) Fees paid for securing approval ofaumorities having jurisdiction over the Project. S) Reproductions. 6) Postage and handling of Ora wings. Specifications, and other materials rtlated to the Project. 7) Expense ofovl!rtime work requiring higher than regular rates, if authorized by the Owner. 8) Renderin&s and models requested by the Owner. 9) Expense ofadditional insurance coverage or limits, including professionalliabiJiI)' insLU'8nce, requested by the Owncr in excess of that normally clUTied by the Architect and Architect's consultants, P A VMENTS: Statements will be presented monthly, and are due and payable 15 days from statement date, unless other mangemenu have been made in advance. Amounts not received 30 days from the statement date will be subject to a charge of 1.5% per month (armual percentage rate of 18%). Necesslll)' costs anel expenses of collection, including reasonable anomey', fees, shall be borne by the Client. No dcductions shall be made from the Architect's compensation on account of penalty, liquidated damages or other sums withheld from payments to contractors, or on account of the COst of changes in the Work other than those for which the Arc.hitect has been found to be liable, OWNERS' RESPONSIBILITIES: The Owner shall provide tull information, including a pro~ which shaH set forth the Owner's objcctives, schedule, constraints, bUdict with reasonable contilliencies, and criteria. The Owner shall iUmish surveys describing physical characteristics, legal limitations and utility locations for the site of the Project. The surveys and legal infonnation shall include, as applicnbk, rightswof-w8Y, restrictions, easements. encroachments, zoning, and deed restrictions, boundaries and contours of the site; locations, dimensions and necesSllI)' data pertaining to existing buildings, other improvements and trees; and infonnation concerning available utility services and lines, both public and private, above and below grade including inverts and depths. All the information on the survey shall be referenced to a project benchmark, INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE Drawings, Specifications. and other documents, inclucUng those in electronic form, prepared by the Architect and the Architect's con~ultants, lSI'e InstrLlments ofServic:c for use solely with respect to this Project. The Architect and the Architect's consultants shall be deemed the authors and owners of their rcspective Instruments of Service and shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved ritllts, including copyrightS. Apr-12-Z000 14:31 From-WARD YOUNG ARCHITECTS +1-530-587-8&08 T-153 P,OOB/007 F-&&Z Page 2 on Upon execution of this Agre~t, the Architect 4tl'ants to the Owner a non-exclusive license to reproduce the Architect's Instnuncmrs of Service solely for pl!rposes of constructing, using and maintaining the Project, provided that the Owner shall comply with all obligations, including prompt payment of all sums when due, under this Agreement. However, the Owner shall be permitted to authorize the Contractor, Subcontractors, Sub~subcontractor!l and material or equipment suppliers to reproduce ponions of the tnstruments of Service appropriate to and for u.se in their execution of the Work by license granted in the previous sentence. The Owner shall not assi~, delegate, sublicense, pledge, or otherwise transfer any license graated herein to another p~ without the prior written agreement of the Architect. Any unauthorized use of the 1t\strwnents of Service shall be at the Owner's sole risk and without liability to the Architect and the Architect's consultants. TERM1NA TION: 1) This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon not less than seven days wrinen notice, should tbe other party fail substantially to perform in accordance with the terms of this Agreement throush no fault of tile party initiating the tennination. 2) lfth!} Project is suspended by the Owner for more than 30 consecutive days, the Archir~ct shall be compensated for services perfortned prior to notice of such suspension. When th!} Project is resumed, the Architect's compensation shall be equitably adjusted to provide for expenses incurred in the interruption and resumption of the Architect's services. 3) This Agreement may be terminated by the Owner upon not less than seven days' wrinen nOlice to the Architect in the event that the Project is pennanently abandoned. If the Project is suspended by the Owner for more than 90 consecutive days. the Architect may terminale this Agreement by giving written notice. 4) Failure of the Owner to make payments to the Architect in accordance with this Agreement shall be considered substAntial non-performance and cause for termination, 5) lfthe Owner fails to make payment when du!} to the Architect for services and expenses. the Architect may, upon seven days written notice to the Owner, suspend performance of services unckr this Agreement. Unless payment in full is received by the Architect within seven days of the dare of the nOtice, the suspension shall take effect without fLl1'ther notice, In the event of a suspension of services, the Architect shall have no liability to the Owner for delay or damage caused the Owner beeause of such suspension of services. 6) In the event oftennination not the fault of the Architect, the Architect shall be compensatod for services perfonned prior to termination. together with Reimbursable Expenses then du~_ MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS: 1) The Owner and Architect, respectively, bind thems~lves, their partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other parry to this Agreement and to the pArtners, successors, assigns and legal representatives of such other parry with r~spect to all covenants of this Agreement. Neither Owner nor Architect shall assign this Agreement without the wrinen consem of the otber. 2) This Agreement represems the entire and integrated agreement between the Owner and Architect and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or a~ements, either wrinen or oral. This Asreemem may be amended only by wrinen instrum~nt sign~d by both Owner and Architect. 3) The Owner aGrees to indemnify, defend and hold the Architect harmless from and against any and all claims. liabilities, suits, demands, losses, costs and expenses, including reasonllble attorneys' fees, a~cruin& or resulting to any and all persons, filmS or any other legal entities on account of lUly dllmage to property or persons, including death. arising OUt of the performance or non-performance of obligations under this Agreement, exc~pt where the Architect is found to be solely liable for such damages or losses by a court or forum of competent jUlisdiction. 4) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement to the contrary, nothing herein containec1 shall be constrUed as: a) Constituting a guarante~, warranty or assurance, either express or implied, thal the Architectural S"rvices will yield or aceomplish a perfect outcome for the project; or b) Obl~atin~ the Architect to exercise professional skill or judgment greater than that which can reasonably be expected from other architects under like circumstances; or c) An assumption by the Architect of the liability of any other party; or d) Requiring the Architect to issue certificates or certifications which extend the Architect's liability beyond that undertak~n in this Agreement. MEDIATION/ARBITRA TION~ Any claim, dispute or other maneI' in question arising out of or related to this Agreem~t shall be subject to mediation as a coudition precedent to binding arbitration or the institution of legal or equitable proceedings by either party. The Owner and Architect shall endea\lor to resolve clairns, disputes and other rnaners in question b6tween them by mediation which shall be in accordance with the ConstrUction Industry Mediation Rules of the American Arbitration Association, , Apr-12-2000 14:31 From-WARD YOUNG ARCHITECTS +1-530-587-8&08 T-153 P.007/007 F-&S2 Page 3 00 unltss the panies mutUllly agree otherwise. The request for mediation may be made concurrenrly with the filing of a demand for arbitration but mediation shall proceed in advance of arbitration or leaa! or equitable proceedings. The patties shall share the me4iator's fCI;l and llny flling fees equally. Agretments reached in mediation shall be enforceable as settlement agretnlents in any eolUt having jurisdiction thereof. ATTORNEY'S FEES: In the ev~nt oflegal proceedings, including arbitration, to settle any dispute arising from this Agreement, the pTevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of attorney's fees and court COSts. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The Owner agrees to limit the Architect's liabilit)! to the Owner and to all construction Contractors and Subcontractors on the project, due to the Architect's negligent acts, errors or omissions, such that the total aggregate liabiIftY of the Architect to all those named shall not exceed $50,000 Or the Architect's compensation, whichever is greater. Owner's Initials The Owner reco;nizes that it is neither practical nor customary for the Architect to include all construction details in Drawings and Specifications, creating a nted for interpretation in the field by the Architect or an individual who is under the Architect's supervision, The Owner also recognizes that customary Construction Phase services permits the Architect to identify and corr~ct quickly and at comparatively low cost professional errors or omissions that are rC'iealed through construction, Or errorS Or omissions committed by others due to misinterpretation of desi~ documents, or dijc to other c:auses. :For the foregoing re~on$, Construction Phase services are generaUy considered an essential element ot a complete design professional service, Accordingly, If the Owner directs the Architect to not provide Construction Phase services or limits the customary scope of such services by the Architect, the Architect shall not be responsible for the consequences of any afme Architect's acts, errors, or omissions, except for those conseqijences which, if reasonably concluded. the Architect's review services would not have prevented or mitigated. ADDITIONAL SERVICES: Services beyond the scope oElhis Agreement are considered Additional Services, Additional Services may be requested by the Owner and provided by the Architect, Such services shall be paid for on a Time and Expense Basis, unless another compensation basis has been agreed upon in advance. The Architect shall notify the Owner prior to commencins such services. If the Owner de~ms sucb services are not required, the Owner shall give prompt written notice to the Arc:hitect. If the Owner indicates in writing that all or part of such services are nor required, the Architect shall have no obli;ation to provide these services. Additional Services include, but are not limited to: I} Making revisions in Drawings, Specjfications or other documents when such revisions are: a} inconsistent with approvals or instructions previously given by the Owner, including revisions nmde necl!ssary by adjustments in the Owner's program or Project budget; b) required by the enactment or revision of codes, laws or regulations subsequent to the preparation of such documents; or c) due to chanses required as a result of the Ow~r's failure to render decisions in a timely manner. 2) Providing services required because of significllllt changes in the Project including, but not limited to, size, quality, complexitY, tbe Owner's schedule, Or the method of bidding or negotiating and contracting for construction, 3) Preparing Drawings, Sptcifications and other documentation and supponing data, evaluating Conrractor's proposals, and providing other services in connection with Change Orders and Consrruction Change Oirective$, 4) Providing services in connection with evaluating sLlbstitutions proposed by the Contractor and making subsequent revisions to Drawings, Specifications and other documentation resulting therefrom. 5) Providina: consultation concernin~ replacem~nt of Work damaged by fire or other cause during constnlction, and furnishing services required in connection with the replacemem of such Work. 6) Providing services made necessary by the default of the Contractor, by major defects or ddiciencies in the Work of the Contractor, or by failure ofperfonnance of either the Owner or Contractor under the Contract for Construction. 7) Providins services in evaluating an extensive number ot c: laims submitted by the Contractor or others in connection with the Work. 8} Providing services in connection with a public hearing, arbitration proc~eding or legal proceeding except where the Architect is party thereto. 9) Preparing c!ocuments for alt~matc, separate or seqllential bids or providing services in connection with biddin~, negotiation or conslTllction prior to the completion of the Construction Documents Phase. WARD-YOUNG ARCHITECTS, A California Corporation TASK ORDER NO.3 CONSULTING SERVICES This Agreement is made and entered into as of the 20th day of April, 2000 by and between South Tahoe Public Utility District, hereinafter referred toas "DISTRICT" and WARD-YOUNG ARCHITECTS, A California Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Consultant". In consideration ofthe mutual prom ises, covenants, and conditions as addressed in the Master Agreement dated May 8, 1998 and as specifically hereinafter set forth, the parties do hereby agree as follows: I. PURPOSE Assist the District in the preparation of design/build specifications for the Alpine County Storage/Office Building by reviewing and advising the District in regards to the documents prepared by them. 2. SCOPE OF WORK Consultant's scope of services are contained in their proposal letter to Richard Solbrig, Assistant General Manager, dated April 12, 2000and becomes a part of this Task Order by reference herein. 3. STAFFING Staffing will be under the direction of Lawrence P. Young, Architect, A. I. A. , Principal. CONSULTANT may utilize the services of consulting mechanical and electrical engineers, under contract with them. CONSULTANT shall not change staffing without approval by DISTRICT. Any changes shall provide for equivalent qualifications as far as possible and practical. 4. TIME OF PERFORMANCE It is anticipated that services forthis Task Orderwill begin immediately upon execution of this agreement. Services will continue through the completion of the bidding documents. It is anticipated the project will be put out to bid in June, 2000. 5. PAYMENT Payment to CONSULTANT for services performed under this Task Order shall be in accordance with CONSULTANT's fee schedule for the person assigned to the project task, pursuant to Exhibit A attached to the Master Agreement. The cost ceiling for this Task Order, on a time and expense basis (hourly), is $5,000.00 and will not be exceeded except as provided in the Master Agreement. 6. LABOR CODE REQUIREMENTS All State of California prevailing wage laws must be complied with in the performance of work related to this Task Order. These include, but are not limited to, Labor Code Sections 1720 through 1860. 7. EFFECTIVE DATE This Task Order No.3 will become effective upon execution by both parties and shall serve as a Notice to Proceed upon execution by District. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed by the General Manager and Clerk of the Board of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, and ENGINEER has caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. ROBERT G. BAER, GENERAL MANAGER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April 20. 2000 Board Approval Date ATTEST: KATHY SHARP, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT LARRY YOUNG, ARCHITECT, A.I.A. WARD-YOUNG ARCHITECTS, A California Corporation ~~'" ""l.>> ., ~,~~"'\\;~ . ~~,~ ~\~ ~,~~ ~~ flY}) ~lV~~~ ',.,/U ,r. " '" ~D . ''''# Ii i(,/;t.ft !",'/'/f.. j>." "I JJ'~ ~ .,' ,. ~" ,., ...... ..',4:1..' "jY'_..~ .,,~.- '/ 7 ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT v~'j'~~"It^ IISasic Services for a Complex World" Consent item 4.f Robert Saer, General Manager Richard Solbrig, Assistant Manager jii"iiij'U1"t. '1'1'............... r""1"1" '(...... Wil.(.....tr....t'I't.(.(. '1'1'1' '1"1""1"' "1"1'1)'" 'I'" yt"t')'('J'U(I;Uf.Y.... '1'1" '1'1"1'1'('('('('1'1'1'11'(1'1'1"(1' ...... .U((..(I'....I.... 'ftyt.!.l't't.t'I)'1't'1'1'U....(((w.i.t:i.il;:e)"(((((i.(it))"iiim.:tiiii>>:iii.,(J;(((((J).ti.l'((((i((((t.il)).'t'(((iiii.(iJ:'ij,X(it.(O:tffi~((t)t.Q:~ Christopher H. Strohm, President BOARD MEMBERS Pembroke Gochnauer, Vice President James Jones, Director Marv Lou Mosbacher, Director Duane Wallace, Director .......................................................................................................................................................................................:~.....................................................................................................................................................................................................,..............................................................'..,.........................,',',',..',.... SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 16, 2000 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in Special Session on March 16,2000,12:00 P,M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ROLL CALL President Strohm, Directors Wallace, Jones, Gochnauer, Mosbacher, STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Sharp, Cocking. 12:00 P.M, ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION 1 :50 P.M, RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No Board action, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956,9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: Mountain Cascade Inc., and Valley Engineers, Inc. vs. STPUD, County of EI Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20000050 Legal counsel and staff updated the Board and received direction regarding this item. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 16, 2000 PAGE-2 There was nothing new to report regarding this item, No Board action. Legal counsel and staff updated the Board regarding this item, No Board action, The Board directed negotiators regarding this item. No Board action, There was nothing new to report regarding this item, No Board action. This item was not discussed. No Board action, Legal counsel and staff updated the Board regarding this item. No Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956,9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: Schwake ys. STPUD, Federal Case CV-N-93-851-DWH Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD Ys. ARCO, et. ai, San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956,8/Conference re: Real Property Negotiations: Agency Negotiators - District Staff (Robert Baer, Richard Solbrig, General Counsel), Board of Direc- tors Under Negotiation-Property Terms Property 10 - APN 19-081-09 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956, 9(b )/Conference with Legal Counsel re: Pending Litiaation (one case) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957, 6( a )/Conference with Labor Negotiators Agency Negotiators: Robert Baer, Board of Directors Unrepresented Employee Position: District General Counsel Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957,6(a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators Agency Negotiators: Robert Baer, Board of Directors Employee Organization: Interna- tional Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers Local 39. AFL-CIO SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 16,2000 PAGE-3 (Action on this item was taken during the Regular Board meeting of March 16, 2000,) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators Agency Negotiator: Robert Baer Employee Organization: STPUD Management Staff This item was not discussed during this closed session. 1 :55 P,M. ADJOURNMENT Christopher H, Strohm, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District "'~'" ~~..~ ~ ~.~'~'\, ~..~.. ~..;.:'\\ "~.' It,...."...., ~:>-'..~ ,.'\. ~~~ ,\~~ ~ ~ ~'SOUTH ~90Pl& < 'lJ 1~!.!1 # !)Z~/tA '1/> tI" t: l. / . ~A . ~ Ii'" ~i II TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 4~. Consent item 4.g IISasic Services for a Complex World" Robert Saer, General Manager Richard Solbrig, Assistant Manager .l':l.l':'f....'..'.."'....'..'..".:."...'.""..'..."'..',.,."(:I:'Jjj'~:l~:'>:~rsrn'f:'ff!."'."...~:.!.!'!l'iff~.""",...,.."."..." :::'.'.""'.""""..'.."""",";':.(.j(:'!'j""""":":"':: ,."':.':::'.:~~iH:...'.,.'::~:::~:;1.:!:ll.:m::>~;':::':'::;::?:!:ll.:. Christopher H. Strohm, President BOARD MEMBERS Pembroke Gochnauer, Vice President James Jones, Director Ma'1 Lou Mosbacher, Director Duane Wallace, Director fj,J.(iiJ.'.. '1'....... 'I' 'UO'iJiiiiJ'(II'jiiJiii.ljj)" ...t't"t'((tl'1'....iiifJ.~iiiimn...i.WJ:i.tJ.'(I.lr .t't'((..I.(t'lyt'I't"l.l.t'1'I.1"fI...tii.tJ'ii.ij...ln.(fJ:(1...iiiJI~)yl.I'(((l.iiij,:e...t'I'1'1'f1'a....~.fJ.((((((tit..(((..(~:~Xti(((tt(tt:tJ*(I;j))))):((~!t!:!~~:!:!:!~:~~(f.!:f.!))))X((t(lx!:!:!:!:~~~~!:!i:!X(((t(.)))));(e)))). REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 16, 2000 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, March 16, 2000,2:00 P,M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Strohm, Directors Wallace, Jones, Gochnauer, Mosbacher. ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Noble, Brown, Reid, Swain, Rieger, Johnson, Cocking, Hoggatt, Zaninovich, Attorney Kvistad, GUESTS: Judy Brown/City Council Liaison, Colin West/U.S. Forest Service, Lew Feldman/Park Avenue Redevelopment Project, Stan Hansen/American Ski Company, Judith Von Klug/City of South Lake Tahoe Redevelopment Agency, David Kelly, Joyce Blackstone, Roy Hampson. Judy Brown distributed a copy of the resolution the City COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE will consider for adoption at their next meeting, The resolu- tion supports EI Dorado County's ordinance to ban the sale of MTBE in gasoline in the county portion of the Lake Tahoe Basin. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 16, 2000 PAGE-2 None, Moved Gochnauer/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: a. Authorized implementation of the two-week discon- nection procedures for delinquent sewer and/or water accounts; b, Alpine County's Summer 2000 Fish Purchases - Authorized payment to Alpine County in the amount of $28,750; c. Sher Funding for MTBE Contamination - Adopted Resolution No, 2704-00 authorizing a claim for financial assistance from the California Drinking Water Treatment and Research Fund and further authorizing certain officers of the District to act on behalf of the District for all fiduciary and administrative requirements thereof; d, Bijou Pump Station Equipment Upgrade - Authorized staff to advertise for bids for purchase of pumps and motors; e, Administrative Assistant Position: Temporary Help - Authorized purchase order to the Substitute Personnel Service in the total amount of $20,400; f, Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: February 3,2000, Roy Hampson distributed a copy of a lawsuit filed against owners of a local gas station. He encouraged Board members to review it and to also watch actions before the local courts. Due to a potential conflict of interest, President Strohm disqualified himself from participating in the discussion of this item. Diane Noble reported the Finance Committee met with the project proponents on February 14,2000. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD: Lewis Feldman, on behalf of Park Avenue Development Proponents REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 16. 2000 PAGE-3 Lewis Feldman came before the Board to discuss the project's proponents' request to relocate sewer capacity within the project area without the District imposing transfer conditions and fees as set forth in Section 4,8 of the District's Administrative Code. He requested the Board determine the relocation of sewer capacity within the project area is the functional equivalent of use within a legal parcel for the purpose of determin- ing transfer fees. Construction on Phase 1 of the project will commence May, 2000, and includes construction of the Heavenly gondola and the Grand Summit Resort Hotel. The hotel is a 195-unit hotel replacing approximately 300 old motel rooms. Additional sewer units will be needed as the rooms will have multiple bathrooms, kitchen facilities, Jacuzzi, steam showers, etc, It is the proponents belief that the concept of "legal parcel" as referred to in the District's ordinance, is somewhat inconsistent for a project of this magnitude - the project area is approximately 34-acres. They consider it to be one project area, deed restricted as to coverage, density and all land use elements, Even though the project is large and involves multiple parcels, all of which will be acquired by the Redevelop- ment Agency, he encouraged the Board to view the project as the equivalent of one parcel. Feldman noted the Park Avenue Development will require several hundred additional sewer units and the proponents recognize those costs and are not seeking relief from District ordinances, Diane Noble stated staff does not recommend that all parcels be considered as one, The District's criterial conditions of transfer clearly define the "parcel" as one boundary over which sewer capacity can be transferred, The District's sewer transfer provisions of the Administrative Code already gives a very sub- stantial consideration to redevelopment. The Project 1 Redevelopment Sites: Embassy Suites Hotel, Marina Village, EVR & the EVR southwest corner, were all handled in accordance with the "parcel" as the boundary for each project. Additionally, the original sewer REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD: Lewis Feldman, on behalf of Park Avenue Development Proponents (continued) REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 16, 2000 PAGE-4 capacity permits for parcels being demolished were issued in the 1950's and 1960's, were issued prior to any connections fees ever being collected. Noble listed the significant contributions the District has already made on behalf of redevelopment efforts, A lengthy discussion of the pros and cons of the request were discussed, Comments were also received from Judy Brown, Judith Von Klug, and Stan Hansen, The Board requested additional time to consider this issue prior to taking any Board action, Vice President Gochnauer directed an ad hoc committee to review this item and make a recommendation to the full Board, No Board action, REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD: Lewis Feldman, on behalf of Park Avenue Development Proponents ( continued) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Both ENS Resources and Impact Strategies represented the District's needs in Washington D,C, during the last year. With their assistance, the District obtained $1 million for completion of the export pipeline replace- ment project, funding for MTBE cleanup activities was included in the Tahoe Restoration Act, and they also assisted the District with contacts at the federal level of EPA and the U.S. Forest Service, The Federal Legislative Ad Hoc Committee has met twice to review the proposals. Additionally, Directors Wallace and Jones have met with both firms to review the District's needs for this upcoming year, The District requires assist- ance in several areas, including: 1) Ensuring passage of the Lake Tahoe Restoration Act, including an appropriation for MTBE cleanup activities, 2) Advocating assistance to support groundwater modeling needs. 3) Identifying assist- ance for energy production from hydroelectric power on the export pipeline. Staff believes that this combination of representation gives the District the best chance of con- tinued success in Washington D,C. Moved Wallace/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to: A) Authorize proposal from ENS Resources in the amount of $54,404; and B) Authorize proposal from Impact Strategies in the amount of $60,000, plus expenses, CONTINUED WASHINGTON D,C, REPRESENTATION REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 16, 2000 PAGE-5 Richard Solbrig reviewed that at the March 2, 2000 Board meeting, the Board approved a Special Use Permit that was acceptable to District staff and general counsel. District general counsel has been in contact with the USFS general counsel and are working out the details of several clauses contained in the draft permit. District and USFS staff reviewed the USFS proposed well site location to ensure the distance from the District's well was sufficient enough to avoid well interference. The District's electrical engineer provided a list of key equipment and bidding directions, Some of the equipment must be pre-purchased to ensure the project schedule is met. Colin West, USFS, reported their well driller will begin work the week of March 27. The USFS will approach the District regarding their need for fire and emergency cover- age in the near future, Gary Kvistad identified a number of items that must be completed before the Special Use Permit can be finalized. No Board action, (4:30 p,m. - Director Wallace left the meeting at this point.) Ross Johnson gave an oral and visual presentation re- garding biosolids disposal. He reviewed the available disposal methods - incineration and hauling, The economic evaluation revealed that hauling will save money, Several other advantages in hauling include: a significant reduction in air emissions and energy usage, increased handling capacity, reductions in plant recycle flows, and reduced operational complexity and maintenance, Johnson recommended the District convert to hauling in the fall of 2001. U,S, FOREST SERVICE SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR GARDNER MOUNTAIN WELL PRESENTATION: Biosolids Disposal Sludoe Transport vs. Incineration ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Richard Solbrig reported discussion of this item will be tabled to the next Regular Board meeting. No Board action, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WELL PUMP AND CONTROL BUILDING REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 16, 2000 PAGE - 6 Bob Baer reported there are many important issues facing BOARD WORKSHOPS the District that require Board involvement. Staff recom- mends scheduling workshops in order to focus on one issue at a time, Workshops are needed for the following: the Groundwater Management Plan, Special Districts Board Institute update, and Alpine County Agreements update. Board members provided staff with suggested dates for each workshop. No Board action, Moved Gochnauer/Second JoneslWallace AbsenUPassed to approve payment in the amount of $427,032.17, PAYMENT OF CLAIMS 3:45 P.M. MEETING BREAK 4:00 P,M, MEETING RESUMED Plannino Committee: The committee met March 13 to begin reviewing the status of District-owned properties, BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met March 13. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Federal LeQislative Ad Hoc Committee: Director Jones reported on his meetings with several legislative represen- tatives during his recent trip to Washington D.C, GENERAL MANAGER / STAFF REPORTS General Manaoer: Bob Baer reported on six items: 1) Governor Davis appointed Jack Clarke to serve on the Lahontan Regional Board, 2) As part of an overall budget reduction, EPA cut grant programs by 5%, which included the District's $1 million appropriation, 3) He attended the EI Dorado County Agricultural Com- mission meeting on March 8. The main topic of the meeting was to decide if the commission should be involved in County Water Agency issues. 4) The Budget Workshop is scheduled for March 21. 5) Staff met with a group of Canadian broadcasters who are doing a story about MTBE. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 16, 2000 PAGE - 7 6) The District Information Officer has developed a "position statement" pertaining biosolids disposal. He will continue to develop these statements to provide an in- depth focus on various important issues facing the District. District General Counsel: Attorney Kvistad reported he sent a letter to Lahontan regarding the District's Special Discharge Permit requirements for remediation at the Tahoe Tom's site, 5:50 P.M. 6:00 P,M. GENERAL MANAGER I STAFF REPORTS (continued) ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION Bya unanimous vote of the four directors present (Director Wallace was absent), the Board approved the 2000 Manager's Incentive Program and directed Manager Baer to implement the program, (All other items listed on the agenda for Closed Session were discussed during the Special Board Meeting held prior to the Regular Board Meeting.) 6:00 P,M, Pursuant to Section 54957,6(a) of California Government Code/Con- ference with Labor Negotiators: Agency Negotiator: Robert Baer Employee Organization: STPUD Management Staff ADJOURNMENT Christopher H, Strohm, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ~~ ~.y ~~ ~~ ~~.. ~ ~ . SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT IISasic Services for a Complex World" Consent item 4.h ~ ~,b4Dlh (!1J I Q ,'~ I",~; 1';<:. i 'JM:{~~"'. .. ~(f.., ~ .ct P (~} Robert Baer, General Manager Richard Solbrig, Assistant Manager ....(........"1'... '1'1' ...1.1'1'....tiiJJi.H.....1'u..........!.l.........Ul.UI...tYt.I't"(t't'I.!.I.."t'..!.!.(..t't'l'l'1'1'~"t' .u..a..u......).Ul.!.!.U .iii.ill'iii..iUfj.... 'HaUl'... 'Ii 'Ji: 't'... 'i't"I.1'1'I'1'1'1'........ij"UU '~"'I'''' 'I' .... YIYiiliiJ,iiiij't>>'i.tJ.'jJ.'Ul'i.(UU( 'B'BYt"!' '1'1' '~:t!X!:!:!t.!mX(tt((1):O:((((I)))):tttt(~(((ta)"(:Q:!:!;.:!. Christopher H. Strohm, President BOARD MEMBERS Pembroke Gochnauer, Vice President '~::~'~'~~~~'j'i~~'~"~';:\':~'~:~;:~?:[;:::::::~':'~:":~:.(~~(::.:::::~;::tX;';::;:::;:;:::',~,,:::::,~~~::~,:~~,~.:.:~~;g~,;:~;::~~::::~:~:~:::~gf::::::::::::::::.:::::::'::::::::,:':::::':::::'::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::,::~:,:::~:~::g:::::~:~::~:~:~:~=:~:.g~:f:::::~g~ SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 6, 2000 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in Special Session on April 6, 2000, 12:00 P,M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California, BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ROLL CALL President Strohm, Directors Wallace, Jones, Gochnauer, Mosbacher. STAFF: Baer, SOlbrig, Sharp, Taylor, Attorney Kvistad, Miller/Miller, Sher & Sawyer, 12:00 P.M, ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION 1 :55 P,M, RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION Legal counsel and staff updated the Board regarding this item, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO, et. ai, San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 6, 2000 PAGE-2 The Board directed negotiators regarding this item, No Board action, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956,8/Conference re: Real Property Negotiations: Agency Negotiators - District Staff (Robert Baer, Richard SOlbrig, General Counsel), Board of Directors Under Negotiation-Property Terms Propertv ID - APN 19-081-09 1 :55 P,M, ADJOURNMENT Christopher H, Strohm, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ~'~ ~..~.~ ,~~ /~ ... ~.~~~~~~. ,~ rtJ'iI~' . ~~1~ 'It ' " '4f"~A ~ ~ ',\ ,~', " ~ l(~~.~ Cil:'jii~ ,.;tfJ~. ~.... ~\<v.. ;,' -'''';(' ~~OUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICit"~~!l "Basic Services for a Complex World" ,~~ Consent item 4. i .":.~,?,~~.~..~~,~,~,t,~~:~f.:~-;~,~.~~~;.~",,.:.:.:.:.:':':',,'jj'i""':r:'7~t!K"""""""""""'~Hi"""""., ,(.".""",.,.,.',.,.\":'i'{""""""",.....,",:.,.,.,"""",..,.,.~..i~~~.r?,~.?,I,~~iQ..~,..~~~':'~~'~'~i~i:~.~,~.~g~f.i'i :! . . . . C~:[! .... . . .. .~..Et:~:w.:: ::.~.::::.: ... 1~~::[:!:!J..~.!t!:!.!.:.kJ.-:.:.:.;>;>:.:.:.:.:.::.::!t!.:.u.:.:.!.!~..~!...!.!.!.:.:.;.:-:.:.:.:.:.~~!.!.!.~<<.:-:.~.:i~.::~.!.:.!.?:i.......:..t!.;.M..;";'!';" Christopher H. Strohm, President BOARD MEMBERS Pembroke Gochnauer, Vice President James Jones, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director Duane Wallace, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 6, 2000 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, April 6, 2000,2:00 P.M" City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California, BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Strohm, Directors Wallace, Jones, Gochnauer, Mosbacher. ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Sharp, Taylor, Noble, Hussmann, Hydrick, Brown, Johnson, Hrbacek, Hoggatt, Schroeder, Swain, Bird, Attorney Kvistad. GUESTS: Lewis Feldman/Park Avenue Redevelopment, Colin West! U,S, Forest Service, David Kelly, Joyce Blackstone, Roy Hampson, None, CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Item b, was brought forward for discussion prior to Board action, CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Items e, and m. were brought forward for separate votes. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 6, 2000 PAGE-2 Moved Mosbacher/Second Gochnauer/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: CONSENT CALENDAR ( continued) a. Trench Paving - Awarded bid to Peterson Underground Paving for all trench paving in an estimated amount of $22,000; b, Asphalt Patch Paving - See Consent Items Brought Forward; c. 2000 - 2001 Polymer Contract - Authorized contract with CIBA Specialty Chemicals in the estimated amount of $64,521,60; d. Alpine County Storage Building and Office Project - Authorized increase to Purchase Order No. 8999 for additional costs of $5,800 incurred for building pad construction inspection; e. Park Avenue Redevelopment - See Consent Items Brought Forward; f. Railroad Tank Replacement - A) Approved the findings and certified the Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact; and B) Authorized the filing of the Notice of Determination and De Minimis Impact finding; g. Forest Mountain Tank and Pump Station Replacement- A) Approved the findings and certified the Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact; and B) Authorized the filing of the Notice of Determination and De Minimis Impact finding; h. Approved purchase of two Panasonic FP-D250 digital copiers in the total amount of $16,860; I. Authorized staff to advertise for bids for sludge disposal; J. Authorized staff to advertise for bids to haul sludge; k. Land Application Guideline Study - Approved environmental planning services for Harding Lawson Associates to develop domestic wastewater application guidelines in an amount not to exceed $25,000; REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES. APRIL 6, 2000 PAGE. 3 I. Bijou Pump Station Equipment Upgrade: VFD's- Authorized staff to advertise for bids to purchase three VFD's; m, Park Avenue Redevelopment Waterline Replacement - See Consent Items Brought Forward;. n. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: February 17, 2000; o. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: March 2, 2000, CONSENT CALENDAR ( continued) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR DISCUSSION / BOARD ACTION Ken Schroeder clarified that this item is for patching needs, not street paving, Moved Gochnauer/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, G. B, Construction, for all asphalt patch paving for calendar year 2000, in an estimated amount of $110,000. (Consent Items e. and m, were combined for the purpose of this vote - President Strohm abstained from voting due to a potential conflict of interest.) Moved Wallace/Second Jones/Strohm Abstained/Passed to: 1) Approve Task Order No, 18 with Boyle Engineers in an amount not to exceed $7,000; and 2) Approve the reimbursement agreement with the City of South Lake Tahoe, ASPHALT PATCH PAVING (Consent Item b.) PARK AVENUE REDEVELOPMENT (Consent Item e.) PARK AVENUE REDEVELOPMENT WATERLINE REPLACEMENT (Consent Item m.) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Richard Sol brig reported in order to meet the project schedule, it is necessary to proceed with the electrical design portions of the proposal (Tasks 1 and 2). The Operations Committee reviewed this item and recom- mended approval. Moved Jones/Second Gochnauer/Mosbacher Voted No/ Passed to approve Tasks 1 and 2 of Carollo Engineer's proposal (electrical design) in the amount of $22,000, (Director Mosbacher voted no due to her objection to committing additional funds until the Special Use Permit has been approved.) GARDNER MOUNTAIN WELL PUMP AND CONTROL BUILDING REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 6, 2000 PAGE-4 Richard Sol brig recommended that consideration of this item be tabled to a future Board meeting. Moved Gochnauer/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to table this item to a future Board meeting, Due to a potential conflict of interest, President Strohm disqualified himself from participating in the discussion of this item. Diane Noble reported as a result of the Park Avenue Redevelopment Project's representatives appearance at the March 16, 2000 Board meeting, an Ad Hoc com- mittee of the Board met with the representatives to d discuss waiver of the sewer capacity transfer fees. The committee would like to consider exploring a general Administrative Code amendment to provide an exception to the transfer fees under certain prescribed circum- stances, rather than a specific waiver as requested by the project proponents. Consideration of this item was assigned to the Board's Planning Committee, Director Jones will replace Director Gochnauer on the committee until the FPPC issues an opinion regarding Gochnauer's potential conflict of interest related to transfer fees, No Board action, 3:00 P,M, 3:10 P,M, Moved Wallace/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to authorized execution of agreement. Moved Jones/Second Gochnauer/Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $674,140,73, Executive Committee: The committee met April 5 regard- ing the District's general counsel contract. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met April 3. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Planning Committee: The committee will review District- owned properties, as time allows, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WELL PUMP HOUSE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE AMENDMENT MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT FOR HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 6, 2000 PAGE-5 Director Wallace reported on the Lake Tahoe Transpor- tation and Water Quality Coalition meeting. He sug- gested the coalition needs to have more accountability. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Director Gochnauer reported the South Tahoe Alliance for Recreation will hold a special election in 1\lovel"beF, ~I General Manaoer: Bob Baer reported on four items: 1) The purveyors will meet April 7 to discuss governance of the County Water Agency. 2) Sierra Pacific Power Company filed a lawsuit in Nevada to declare deregulation in Nevada as unconstitutional. 3) Lahontan is moving forward with defining the TMDL for Indian Creek Reservoir. They are preparing an environ- mental document and plan to adopt regulations at their Regional Board meeting in July, 4) The procedure for referring customer contacts to Board members was clarified, Since the terms of the Special Use Permit have not been finalized, consideration of this item was tabled to the next Regular Board meeting. No Board action. 3:50 P.M, 4:05 P.M, 6:30 P.M. GENERAL MANAGER / STAFF REPORTS U,S, FOREST SERVICE SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR GARDNER MOUNTAIN WELL MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED AND ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION Legal counsel and staff updated the Board regarding No Board action, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956,8/Conference re: Real Property Negotiations: Agency Negotiators - District Staff (Robert Saer, Richard Solbrig, General Counsel), Board of Directors Under Negotiation - Property Terms Property ID - APN 19-081-09 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 6, 2000 PAGE-6 Legal counsel updated the Board regarding this item, No Board action. Legal counsel updated the Board regarding this item, No Board action, Legal counsel updated the Board regarding this item, (Due to a potential conflict of interest, Director Wallace disqualified himselffrom participating the discussion of this item, No Board action. The Board directed staff regarding this item. No Board action, (All other items listed on the agenda for Closed Session were discussed during the Special Board Meeting held prior to the Regular Board Meeting,) 6:35 P.M, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel, Existing Litigation: Mountain Cascade Inc., and Valley Engineers, Inc. vs. STPUD Board of Directors and STPUD, County of EI Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20000050 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel, Existing Litigation: Schwake vs. STPUD, Federal Case No. CV-N-93-851-DWH Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel re: Pending Litigation (one case) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators Agency Negotiators: Robert Baer, Board of Directors Unrepresented Employee Position: District General Counsel ADJOURNMENT Christopher H. Strohm, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Richard SOlbrig, Assistant Manager/Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING April 20. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM, NO: 6.a CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ........... ............................. . .......... ., .......... ............ ........ .......................... ......... .... ................. ........... ......................................................... SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS Draft permit not available at the time of aaenda publishing. If available, copies will be distributed prior to the Board meeting. ACCOUNT NO: :"",.,.,.,"',.,"""',.,',.,.,.,.,"""",.,.....""""..,.,'."".,...........,'.'"",.."",,<'<',..,...,.,....,.,.."".",,,..,,,......,,.,,.,._...,...u,,,."",...",...""...""".,..,.,..."."..,.""","..........,....,...,..,.....,..."."",.....,.,...,...,..,....,. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~"""'-NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ ~ Qc-.--NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Richard Solbrig. Assistant General Manager/Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING April 20. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 6.b CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: '..............L........................................................................................................................................"................................................................................................................... CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YEs.I{'}j..//~8~NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YEst"0I- \=,c:vJ.,.>~O CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Richard Solbrig. Assistant General Manager/Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING April 20. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 6.c CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ................................................................ .......................... ....................... ......................... ........ ..................................................................... ............................ ITEM-PROJECT NAME: GARDNER MOUNTAIN WELL PUMP HOUSE VFD/PUMP PACKAGE REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to solicit bids. DISCUSSION: Due to the special design required by the 750 feet of electrical cable between the VFD and the submersible electric pump. the VFD and oump need to be ourchased as a package. Three VFD manufacturers have been identified as being able to manufacture the special design: Robicon, Cutler Hammer. and Toshiba. Staff proooses to pre-ourchase the eouipment package from one of the three manufacturers based upon a competitive bid. Pre-purchasing will also save aooroximately one month on the construction schedule. Staff request authorization to issue bid package for the VFD/pumo combination. SCHEDULE: Installation in August 2000, at the earliest. COSTS: $50,000 (estimate) ACCOUNT NO: 2029-7021/GMPUMP BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $191,839 ATTACHMENTS ....................................................................................... .... ......................................................... ...... ............................. ....................................... .................. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ",Ill{(.. ~NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YESfI%.,Qc., _1. . NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER Action item 6.d Payment of Claims Enterprise Funds April 20, 2000 Ck# Name Amount FOR APPROVAL APRIL 20, 2000 Total Payroll 04/05/00 Total Payroll 213,142.69 $213,142.69 IGI Resources EFT Medical Claims-CCC T otal Vendor EFT $0.00 114,924.95 $114,924,95 Accounts Payable Checks Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks Self-funded Ins Accounts Payable Checks Grant Funds Total Accounts Payable 405,665,18 119,313 .46 410.00 759.60 $526,148.24 Grand Total $854,215.88 PAYROLL RELATED CHECKS 04/05100 EFT EFT EFT #35996 EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT #35997 # EFT EFT URM & Dependent Carel AFLAC Employment Dev Dept Direct Deposit Child Support Collection Program The Hartford ManuLife Pension Loan Payments ManuLife Pension Orchard Trust Co. US Bank Stanislaus Co Family Support Div Stationary Engineers Local 39 Time Out Fitness United Way Net Payroll Adjustments 2,387.19 8,772.70 96,914.39 37.50 1,768.07 6,328.31 0.00 10,894.14 54,554.24 359,00 0,00 0,00 31.28 31,095.87 0,00 Sub-total $213,142.69 r.\ACCTlOHlQPSPREAOIPMTO FCLM. WB213-Apr-OO P.U.O. ah l`3 2000, 10:Z1 "fo ��uct� THU � APR Check Default Selection. Vendor Name SERVICES CORPLASC1 0 f P A Y M E�+a„ SL__ioc: _ _Ie9• DEBBIE - AM _ reQ MW.Hw,RV,VH TYPE ADM GENERAL CUSTOMER CUSTOMER 04j13100 1 t1 182410 11S3p19_ _P, CL p _ob: 182 Description -_- VISION 2, Stock ID: AP Accounts:_ C 0 A PRODUCT GROUP 20'07_4760 A P G ANALYTICAL. Check Department 3A_ 10 -38 4304 20_38_4304 AGRA EARTH EN SIERRA COff EE COMPANY ALP ALPHA ANALYTICAL INC. ALPINE METALS ALPINE SANITARY SUPPLY .. $0 LAKE TAHOE AMERICAS APEX ENVIROTECH INC SPECIALISTS 10-03-6021 AUTOMATION CONTROL 00 635 20 AVISTA UTILITIES 8 B & H BENEFIT DESIGNS ENGINEERING INC 0 GENERAL & MINISTRATION 20 00•^6520 GENERAL 20'07 -6j10 LABORATORY 10_06 -T349 OPERATIONS 4 -6p71 HEAVY MAINTENANCE j0 0 10 -28 -6042 ALPINE COUNTY STRATTON & ADMINISTRATION j0'00_g503 GENERAL ELECTRICAL. ADMINISTRATION DMINISTRAI{ION 10_00 -6350 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 2_4405 HUMAN RESOURCES 10-22-4405 & ENVIRONMENTAL ADMINISTRATION SERVICE SERVICE LABORATORY 20-29-8018 0- 29 -g083 ENGINEERING 2 Type Amount Check = _ _ 0_29-8° ADMINISTRATION SHOP EMPLOYEE VISION VISION -___= s- ' 88 B � O ,6 _ss 2, 41 4s� =,y = =y4° 18.27 p0043016 DN INS 109.36 00043017 MW Check Iota Y SUPPLIES heck Iota LABORAIOR D - REPLAC ACE. TANK. RAAMTTI -� eck Iota TANK' FOREST SUPPLI SUPPLIES MONITORING GRIT BUGGIES -2 SHOP SUPPLIES - 0`'- 2 BAY TOOL & SUPPLY INC BERRY- HINCKLEY INDUSTRIES B Check Iota Check Iota Check Iota' Check Iota GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE Iota ISC ACCOUNTS REC Che kLlot a M PRIMARY EQUIPMENT Check Iota 0 -22'44 GENERAL b ADMINISTRATION 10_00 -0422 MINISTRATION 10-00-041S GENERAL pINTENANCE HEAVY 10-04-6022 20_02 -g630 PUMPS NATURAL GAS NATURAL GA CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Tot CO TRACTUAL SERVICES a TORIAE SUPPEIE Check lot a 3pNI GASOLINE overt-owl SECONDARY EQUIPMENT OIL & BRICANTS Check Iota Check Iota 48.p0 48.00 116.60 116.60 00pg3p18 MV 233.20 189.90 Mw 316.50 00043p19 10, 0•p0 00043020 Mw 10'0090 00 601.83 p0043p21 MU 6p1,83 MU /24.69 00043022 724.69 MW 258.g6 00p43p23 258 g6 66 •25 Qp043024 MW 92.68 Q0043025 MU g2.68 201.460 95 pp043026 MU 201,476 /8 /50.00 r14 Sp0.00 00043027 1,250.00 4644.09 0004302 S C 60.55 00043029 2,478.18 MW South Tahoe P . U . D . 04/13/00 P A Y M E N 1 O F C L A I M S R E P 0 R 1 04/07/2000- 04/20/2000 Page 2. THU, APR 13, 2000, 10:27 AM - -req: DEBBIE - -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE-- - -job: 182410 *J3019 -- -prog: CK509 (1A06) -- report id: CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name _____ =' BI STATE PROPANE BING MATERIALS BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL BOYLE ENGINEERING CORP C C P INDUSTRIES INC. C S R M A C W E A CAL SOUTH INDUSTRIES Account * Department Description Amount Check * Type = = = ___ ______ ______ = 10 -02 -6051 PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 3.96 20 -02 -6051 PUMPS PUMP STATIONS - 3.96 Check Tota 7.92 00043030 MW 20 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20 -01 -4405 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20 -02 -8076 PUMPS 20 -02 -4405 PUMPS 20 -29 -4405 ENGINEERING PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES Check Tota CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Tota BOYLE STUDY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Tota 10 -00 -0425 GENERAL 4 ADMINISTRATION SAFETY SUPPLIES INVENTORY Check Tota 20 -01 -4521 UNDERGROUND REPAIR CSRMA LIABILITY CLAIMS Check Tota 10 -01 -6250 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-02 -6250 PUMPS DUES & MEMBERSHIPS DUES 6 MEMBERSHIPS Check Tota 10 -04 -6023 HEAVY MAINTENANCE FILTER EQUIP /BLDG CALIF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 10 -39 -6520 FINANCE 20 -39 -6520 FINANCE CALIF SOCIETY OF CPA'S 10 -39 -6250 FINANCE 20 -39 -6250 FINANCE CALIF WATER RESOURCES CTRL BD 10 -06 -6250 OPERATIONS 10 -02 -6250 PUMPS 20 -02 -6250 PUMPS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Check Tota Check Tota DUES & MEMBERSHIPS DUES & MEMBERSHIPS Check Tota DUES & MEMBERSHIPS DUES & MEMBERSHIPS DUES & MEMBERSHIPS Check Tota CALIF WATER RESOURCES CTRL BD 10 -06 -6650 OPERATIONS OPERATING PERMITS CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT CANADA LIFE 20 -39 -4810 FINANCE POSTAGE EXPENSES Check Tota Vendor Tota Check Tota 65.67 65.67 00043031 MW 1,740.40 1,740.40 00043032 MW 671.36 2,548.73 6,707.88 9,927.97 00043033 MW 89.02 89.02 00043034 MW 8,688.99 8,688.99 00043035 MW 55.00 55.00 110.00 00043036 MW 351.75 351.75 00043037 MW 18.00 12.00 30.00 00043038 MW 165.00 110.00 275.00 00043039 MW 180.00 45.00 45.00 270.00 00043040 MW 250.00 250.00 00043041 MW 520.00 16.45 16.45 00043042 MW 10 -00 -2539 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION LONG TERM DISABILITY, UNION 2,133.71 South Tahoe P.U.D. 04/13/00 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 04/07/2000 - 04/20/2000 Pa!,: 3 THU, APR 13, 2000, 10:27 AM - -req: DEBBIE - -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE - -- -job: 182410 #J3019-- -prog: CK509 (1A06> -- report id: CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name Account # Department Description Amount Check # Type CARBON ACTIVATED CORPORATION 10 -06 -4740 OPERATIONS CASTLE & CO, A M 10 -06 -7349 OPERATIONS COBRA PRO 10 -22 -4405 HUMAN RESOURCES COCKING, DENNIS 20 -27 -6200 DISTRICT INFORMATION 10 -27 -6200 DISTRICT INFORMATION CARBON GRIT BUGGIES -2 Check Tote Check Tota Check Tota 2,133.71 00043043 MW 14,910.00 14,910.00 00043044 MW 117.12 117.12 00043045 MW CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 74.00 Check Tota 74.00 00043046 MW TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION Check Tota 102.60 42.90 145.50 00043047 MW CONNELL, MARK E 20-01 -6200 UNDERGROUND REPAIR TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION 112.00 Check Tote 112.00 00043048 MW CONTRACTORS STATE LIC BOARD 10 -38 -6250 CUSTOMER SERVICE DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 180.00 20 -38 -6250 CUSTOMER SERVICE DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 120.00 Check Tote 300.00 00043049 MW CREDIT BUREAU TAHOE TRUCKEE 10 -22 -6520 HUMAN RESOURCES SUPPLIES 10.20 20 -22 -6520 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR SUPPLIES 6.80 Check Tota 17.00 00043050 MW CUEVAS, SIMON A 20 -01 -6200 UNDERGROUND REPAIR TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION 112.00 Check Tota 112.00 00043051 MW DAVI LABORATORIES 20 -07 -6110 LABORATORY MONITORING 255.00 Check Tota 255.00 00043052 MW DELTA TECH SERVICE INC 20 -02 -4405 PUMPS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,572.00 Check Tote 2,572.00 00043053 MW DICK'S FULLER - 20 -02 -6051 PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 167.93 10 -04 -6041 HEAVY MAINTENANCE BUILDINGS 67.01 Check Tota 234.94 00043054 MW DOUGLAS DISPOSAL 10 -00 -6370 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION REFUSE DISPOSAL 75.00 Check Tote 75.00 00043055 MW DOWNTOWN FORD 10 -29 -8045 ENGINEERING VEHICLE TO REP VEHICLE 3 33,013.74 Check Tota 33,013.74 00043056 MW E N S RESOURCES INC 10 -21 -4405 ADMINISTRATION CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,651.14 20 -21 -4405 ADMINISTRATION CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,476.71 Check Tota 4,127.85 00043057 MW EAGLE PICHER 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY LABORATORY SUPPLIES 35.93 South Tahoe P.U.D. r' A . u F C L A . if n v i u R T' J4i':7:� 04i_0. '0 +i Pag:, • THU, APR 13, 2000, 10:27 AM - -req: DEBBIE - -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE - -- -job: 182410 *J3019-- -prog: CK509 <1A06 > -- report id: CKRECSPC' Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name ECKENRODE, BARBEE ELECTRICAL SPECIALTY PARTS FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMM FEDEX FISHER SCIENTIFIC FREEMANS CRAFTSMEN SHOP G C S WESTERN POWER & EQUIP GILLESPIE ENTERPRISES INC GOCHNAUER, PEMBROKE GRAINGER INC, W. W. GRANT THORNTON GREAT LAKES INSTRUMENTS INC Account * Department _ _ 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 10 -38 -6200 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20 -38 -6200 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10 -05 -4820 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -03 -6051 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10 -07 -6650 LABORATORY 20 -07 -6650 LABORATORY 10 -07 -4810 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4810 LABORATORY 90 -98 -8947 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT 20 -29 -4810 ENGINEERING 10 -07 -6110 LABORATORY 20 -07 -6110 LABORATORY 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 10 -29 -8047 ENGINEERING 10 -29 -4820 ENGINEERING 10 -29 -7344 ENGINEERING 20 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20-02-6050 PUMPS 20 -19 -6200 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 10 -03 -6073 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10 -39 -4440 FINANCE 20 -39 -4440 FINANCE 10- 03-6022 ELECTRICAL SHOP Description = == == =__= _ = = = = = == = __ = = == ____ LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Tota Amount Check * Type TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION Check Tota OFFICE SUPPLIES PUMP STATIONS Check Tota Check Tota OPERATING PERMITS OPERATING PERMITS POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES A LINE WWTP TO UTPS POSTAGE EXPENSES MONITORING MONITORING Check Tota LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Tota ADMIN BLDG IMPROVEMENTS OFFICE SUPPLIES WORKSTATION -THEIL Check Tota AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS Check Tota WELLS Check Tota TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION Check Tota Check Tota Check Tota SMALL TOOLS ADVISORY ADVISORY SECONDARY EQUIPMENT 16.02 51.95 00043058 MW 33.89 22.59 56.48 00043059 MW 308.88 308.88 00043060 MW 80.00 80.00 00043061 MW 7.96 5.31 32.29 31.61 58.63 10.42 29.11 101.21 276.54 00043062 MW 106.57 67.51 174.08 00043063 MW 3,695.00 360.00 2,614.94 6,669.94 00043064 MW 199.82 199.82 00043065 MW 750.00 750.00 00043066 MW 74.00 74.00 00043067 MW 118.40 118.40 00043068 MW 111.00 74.00 185.00 00043069 MW 878.68 Check Tota 878.68 00043070 MW 04113/00 South Tahoe ,P P.U.D. 10 :27 AN __reA: Stock I Default Selection' Check -- Vendor Name GUARD IAN, THE HARDING LAWSON ASSOC HUGO BONDED LOCKSMITH 0 F P A I M E N 5L_ -lac: DEBBIE----leg: C L A I M S ONSITE' _ _job: x# 1824j0 #53019 -- -prop: Types: MW,HW,RV,VH D AP Check Qepar ment TIDE Account # A GENERAL 3 ADMINISTRA lo_0o -253 £0_29 -8482 ENGINEERING 10_21 -4820 ADMINISTRATION 20-214820 20_02 -6200 PUMPS A0-01-6200 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 620 10--02-6083 PUMPS 10-06- 620 OPERATIONS ON 10-21 -4830 ADMINISTRATION j0_ 6200 ADMINISTRATION lo-21-60o 0 -21 6520 ADMINISTRATION i0 22 -4830 HUMAN RESOURCES INFORMATION 110_22 6204 HOMAN OOMATION 10_27 -b200 DISTRICT LINTY j0 -28 -4405 ALPINE INE COUNTY 10 -28- 6042 ALPINE oUTY 10 -28 -6200 ALPINE COUNTY 10 28 -1345 ALPINE COUNTY 10 -28 -8030 ENGINEERING ENGINEERING �0-2q 4820 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS 10-29-6200 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10_37 -4820 INFORMATION CUSTOMER AO-38-6011 0-3$ 6 70 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10- 38-4830 FINANCE E 10 39 -6200 FINANCE 20-02-6050 PUMPS 20 02 -8070 2p8ORATOR LABORATORY 20- 07 -b2Q0 BOARD f DIRECTORS 20 -i9- 4830 ADMINISTRATION 20 -21- 6200 ADMINISTRATION !RECTOR 20_21 -6520 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 20- 22-6079 HUMAN RESOURCES HYDRICK, RICK M P A C GOVERNMENT SERVICES I Type Amount Ch ac ___= 1+310`10 p0043071 MW tion 1,370.10 Qe�criPY = = = == =_"= MGMT MW LONG TERM DISAPITICecx Iota 2tOi.iS p0043072 15 2, PARK AVE Iota 25 49 RUNE Check 0 73 M WATE OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Iota TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION RAVEL /MEETINGS /ED CATxOTote TION TRAVEL /MEET pMaDp / ONS STANDBY ACC EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS L RAVE NGS /ED TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION RAVEL! SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE TION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION / ETINGS /EDUCA TRAVELIME SUPPLIES SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE SUBSTYIPROGRAMSIEDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS ES OFF VEL /MEETING /EDUCATI0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES S OFFICE SUPPLIES GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION GROVEL /MERE PpSTUR£ STORA POSTAGE P FENCE HARVEY BUILDING, EXPENSES OFFICE SUPPLIES TIES / EDUCATION OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION SHOP SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION SUBSCRIPTIONS SHOP EXPENSE CAT TRAVEL/MEET NGS /EDU IO WELLS ACCOMODATI4N5 STANDBY STUDY BOYLE OFFICE SUPPLIES /EDUCATION FETING SE SUBSCRIPTIONS UBS RIPTION EX EXPENSE TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION RAVETIMEETI SUPPLIES EXPENSE SAFETY PROGRAMS W 17.0 000430 11 90.00 p0043p74 MU 90.00 250.25 37.39 66.00 60.55 414.22 97.17 179.05 48.4/ 30.00 10.28 1,394.92 0 177.67 400.94 32,73 653.88 87.93 258.71 624.64 31.00 410.59 12.88 136 90 596.26 318.51 37.39 25.22 2,760.78 11.3/ 27.4 64.78 119.37 32.31 South Tahoe P . U . D . 04/13/00 P A ( M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 04/07/_.) -)4, THU, APR 13, 2000, 10:27 AM - -req: DEBBIE - -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE - -- -job: 182410 *J3019-- -prog: CK509 (1A06 > -- report id: CKRECSPC ' Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name IMPACT STRATEGIES = Account q Department 20- 22-6200 20 -27 -4820 20 -27 -6200 20 -27 -6620 20 -29 -4810 20 -29 -4820 20 -29 -6200 20 -29 -7021 20 -37 -4820 20 -37 -6200 20 -38 -6071 20 -38 -6200 20 -39 -4830 20 -39 -6200 Description Amount Check * Type ============================ ========,========== ======.== = = = = HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR DISTRICT INFORMATION DISTRICT INFORMATION DISTRICT INFORMATION ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE FINANCE 10 -21 -4405 ADMINISTRATION 20 -21 -4405 ADMINISTRATION INDUSTRIAL SUPPORT TECH INC 20 -01 -4405 UNDERGROUND REPAIR INSTY- PRINTS INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY ITA J & L PRO KLEEN JOB'S PEAK PRIMARY CARE 90 -98 -8947 10 -38 -4920 20 -38 -4920 10 -07 -4820 20 -07 -4820 10 -27 -4920 20 -27 -4920 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE LABORATORY LABORATORY DISTRICT INFORMATION DISTRICT INFORMATION 10 -00 -0421 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 10 -03 -6051 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -06 -6075 OPERATIONS 10 -38 -6075 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20 -38 -6075 CUSTOMER SERVICE KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN 30 -00 -6745 SELF FUNDED INSURANCE KRONICK MOSKOWITZ TIEDEMANN 10 -28 -4476 ALPINE COUNTY TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION PUBLIC RELATIONS EXPENSE POSTAGE EXPENSES OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION PUMP HOUSE, GARD MTN WELL OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION SHOP SUPPLIES TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION SUBSCRIPTI.NS EXPENSE TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION Check Tota CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Tota CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Tota A LINE WWTP TO UTPS PRINTING PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING PRINTING Check Tota SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY Check Tota PUMP STATIONS Check Tota PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES Check Tota SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS Check Tota CLAIMS SELF INS MEDICAL PLAN Check Tota LEGAL LITIGATION CONFIDENTIA 20.00 6.86 929.94 25.78 5.28 172.47 421.71 43.37 20.67 273.72 8.58 11.27 87.40 397.51 12,367.34 00043075 MW 4,241.56 6,000.00 10,241.56 00043076 MW 380.00 380.00 00043077 MW 306.58 268.51 179.01 36.23 24.16 732.27 214.38 1,761.14 00043078 MW 282.56 282.56 00043079 MW 500.00 500.00 00043080 MW 200.00 200.00 00043081 MW 190.00 30.00 20.00 240.00 00043082 MW 410.00 410.00 00043083 MW 19.47 South Tahoe P . U . D . 04/13/00 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 04/07/2000 - 04/20 /2000 Page 7 THU, APR 13, 2000, 10:27 AM - -req: DEBBIE - -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE - -- -job: 182410 #J3019-- -prog: CK509 (1A06) -- report id: CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name Account * Department Description LAKESIDE NAPA AUTO PARTS LARSON, IVONE LILLY'S TIRE SERVICE INC. M C I WORLDCOM MARSH -MC BIRNEY INC MARTIN, DONALD L & MARJORIE 20 -39 -6709 FINANCE 20 -39 -6710 FINANCE 10 -04 -6012 10 -04 -6022 10 -04 -6042 10 -04 -6073 20 -01 -6520 20 -01 -6073 10 -05 -6071 20 -05 -6071 20 -02 -6041 20 -02 -6050 10 -02 -6051 20 -02 -6051 10 -05 -6011 20 -05 -6011 10 -02 -6071 20- 02-6071 HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE UNDERGROUND REPAIR UNDERGROUND REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR PUMPS PUMPS 10 -00 -2002 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 20 -01 -6012 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -00 -6310 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 10 -01 -7347 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -01 -7348 UNDERGROUND REPAIR MARTIN, GERALD E & THELMA V 20-39-6709 FINANCE 20 -39 -6710 FINANCE MARTIN - KOBELLAS, LOUISE MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO 20 -39 -6709 FINANCE 20 -39 -6710 FINANCE 10 -04 -6041 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -04 -6042 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 20 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR Check Tota MOBILE EQUIPMENT SECONDARY EQUIPMENT GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE SMALL TOOLS SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES BUILDINGS WELLS PUMP STATIONS PUMP STATIONS AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES Check Tota UTILITY BILLING SUSPENSE Check Tota MOBILE EQUIPMENT AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS Check Tota TELEPHONE Check Tota FLOWMETER, TROUT CREEK SPS FLOWMETER, BELLVIEW SPS Check Tota LOAN PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS INTEREST EXPENSE Check Tota LOAN PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS INTEREST EXPENSE Check Tota LOAN PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS INTEREST EXPENSE Check Tota BUILDINGS GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE PIPE, COVERS, E MANHOLES Amount Check * Type 19.47 00043084 MW 8.17 20.03 12.85 126.73 5.89 13.61 219.42 219.42 15.65 128.16 7.81 29.82 666.55 1,122.14 11.73 11.72 2,619.70 608.42 608.42 81.25 520.77 164.61 766.63 1.30 1.30 3,779.67 3,748.89 7,528.56 3,364.77 4,277.80 7,642.57 3,364.77 4,277.80 7,642.57 1,562.15 1,986.04 3,548.19 226.00 462.23 39.02 00043085 MW 00043086 MW 00043087 MW 00043088 MW 00043089 MW 00043090 MW 00043091 MW 00043092 MW South Tahoe P . U . D . 04/13/00 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E r' 0 R T U4 /07/2000 - 04/:0,_000 Page THU, APR 13, 2000, 10:27 AM - -req: DEBBIE - -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE - -- -job: 182410 *J3019 -- -prog: CK509 <1A06 > -- report id: CKRECSPC` Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name __ Account * Department MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MID MOUNTAIN MOBILE COMM. MINISTER, MELANIE MISSION INDUSTRIES MOORE CORPORATION MOTEL 6 MOTION INDUSTRIES INC MOUNTAIN CELLULAR 10 -04 -6021 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -02 -6041 PUMPS 20 -02 -6041 PUMPS 20 -02 -6051 PUMPS 10 -02 -6071 PUMPS 20 -02 -6071 PUMPS 10 -02 -6073 PUMPS 20 -02 -6073 PUMPS 10 -03 -6041 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10 -04 -6021 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -04 -6022 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -04 -6023 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -04 -6042 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -04 -6071 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 20 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20 -02 -8068 PUMPS 10 -03 -6051 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10 -38 -6200 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20 -38 -6200 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10 -00 -2518 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 10 -39 -6030 FINANCE 20 -39 -6030 FINANCE 10 -02 -6083 PUMPS 20 -02 -6083 PUMPS 10 -04 -6024 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -04 -6023 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -04 -6021 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 20 -01 -6027 UNDERGROUND REPAIR MOVABLE FEAST, A 10 -22 -6079 HUMAN RESOURCES 20 -22 -6079 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR Description Amount Check * Type ____■== ====== •■■= === ■■=_____ = = = = == = == == == PRIMARY EQUIPMENT Check Tota PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES BUILDINGS BUILDINGS PUMP STATIONS SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS BUILDINGS PRIMARY EQUIPMENT SECONDARY EQUIPMENT FILTER EQUIP /BLDG GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE SHOP SUPPLIES PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES Check Tota VEHICLE TO REP 1117 PUMP STATIONS Check Tota TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION Check Tota UNIFORM /RUGS /TOWELS PAYABLE Check Tota SERVICE CONTRACTS SERVICE CONTRACTS Check Tota STANDBY ACCOMODATIONS STANDBY ACCOMODATIONS Check Tota FURNACE EQUIPMENT FILTER EQUIP /BLDG PRIMARY EQUIPMENT Check Tota OFFICE EQUIPMENT REPAIR Check Tota SAFETY PROGRAMS SAFETY PROGRAMS Check Tota 521.13 1,248.38 00043093 MW 60.93 363.54 40.25 30.43 14.42 14.42 20.59 20.60 11.82 42.57 19.97 70.50 229.15 12.07 21.89 973.15 00043094 MW 140.27 120.00 260.27 00043095 MW 221.85 147.90 369.75 00043096 MW 4,443.29 4,443.29 00043097 MW 156.00 104.00 260.00 00043098 MW 18.69 18.70 37.39 00043099 MW 438.34 311.22 190.23 939.79 00043100 MW 32.18 32.18 00043101 MW 154.44 102.96 257.40 00043102 MW South Tahoe P . U . D . 04/13/00 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 04/07/2000 - 04/20/2000 Page 9 THU, APR 13, 2000, 10:27 AM - -req: DEBBIE - -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE-- - -job: 182410 #J3019-- -prog: CK509 <1A06 > -- report id: CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name Account # Department MUFFLER PALACE, THE NASCO WEST NELS TAHOE SUPPLY NEWARK ELECTRONICS NORTHERN HYDRAULICS INC Description 10 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 10 -01 -6073 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -02 -6041 PUMPS 20 -02 -6051 PUMPS 10 -02 -6051 PUMPS 10 -02 -6073 PUMPS 20 -02 -6073 PUMPS 10 -02 -8987 PUMPS 10 -04 -6042 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 20 -03 -6051 ELECTRICAL SHOP 90 -98 -8947 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT 10 -28 -6051 ALPINE COUNTY OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SERV DIV 10 -39 -6081 FINANCE PACIFIC BELL QUENVOLD'S R SUPPLY RADIO SHACK ACCOUNTS REC. 10 -00 -6310 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 10 -01 -6310 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20 -01 -6310 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -02 -6310 PUMPS 20 -02 -6310 PUMPS 10 -06 -6310 OPERATIONS 10 -07 -6310 LABORATORY 20 -07 -6310 LABORATORY 10 -22 -6310 HUMAN RESOURCES 20 -22 -6310 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 10 -37 -6310 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20 -37 -6310 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10 -06 -6075 OPERATIONS 20 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -02 -6051 PUMPS 20 -02 -6051 PUMPS AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS Check Tota LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Tota SMALL TOOLS BUILDINGS PUMP STATIONS PUMP STATIONS SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS UPGRADE EQUIPMENT @ BIJOU PS GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE Check Tota PUMP STATIONS A LINE WWTP TO UTPS Check Tota PUMP STATIONS Check Tota OFFICE SUPPLY ISSUES Check Tota TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE Check Tota SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS Check Tota PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES Check Tota PUMP STATIONS PUMP STATIONS Amount Check # Type 88.35 58.90 147.25 00043103 MW 19.02 12.68 31.70 00043104 MW 121.42 58.23 32.78 60.28 26.41 26.40 2.82 11.07 339.41 00043105 MW 534.55 394.39 928.94 00043106 MW 1,139.69 1,139.69 00043107 MW 194.97 194.97 00043108 MW 731.66 7.58 7.58 17.80 17.79 16.27 9.25 6.18 9.10 6.07 34.47 22.98 886.73 00043109 MW 289.58 289.58 00043110 MW 669.56 669.56 00043111 MW 21.45 21.44 South Tahoe P . U . D . u-. /13/00 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T u4 /ui /Z000 04i._,,.._G•.., ag.> to THU, APR 13, 2000, 10:27 AM - -req: DEBBIE - -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE - -- -job: 182410 *J3019 -- -prog: CK509 <1A06 > -- report id: CKRECSPC' Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name Account * Department Description =_ RANDYS LOCKSMITH RED WING SHOE STORE RITE AID PHARMACY RONDONI, MIKE SANTA CRUZ MEDICAL CLINIC SCOTTYS HARDWARE SHEET METAL SHOP, THE SHEHADI MOTORS SHELL OIL CO SIERRA CHEMICAL CO SIERRA PACIFIC POWER SIERRA SPRING WATER CO 10 -03 -4820 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10 -01 -6055 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -01 -6071 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -05 -6075 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20 -05 -6075 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -01 -6200 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -38 -6075 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20 -38 -6075 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10 -02 -6051 PUMPS 20- 02-6051 PUMPS 10 -02 -6071 PUMPS 20 -02 -6071 PUMPS 20 -03 -6071 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -28 -4610 ALPINE COUNTY 20 -02 -4750 PUMPS 10 -06 -4750 OPERATIONS 10 -00 -6740 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 10 -00 -6330 GENERAL 3 ADMINISTRATION 20 -00 -6330 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 10 -01 -6520 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20 -01 -6520 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -02 -6520 PUMPS OFFICE SUPPLIES INFILTRATION & INFLOW Check Tota SHOP SUPPLIES Check Tota SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS Check Tota LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Tota TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION Check Tota SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS Check Tota PUMP STATIONS PUMP STATIONS SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES Check Tota PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES Check Tota AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS Check Tota Check Tota Check Tota GASOLINE CHLORINE CHLORINE STREET LIGHTING EXPENSE ELECTRICITY ELECTRICITY SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Check Tota _ Amount Check * Type 35.36 21.41 99.66 00043112 MW 107.21 107.21 00043113 MW 118.15 78.76 196.91 00043114 MW 19.06 12.70 31.76 00043115 MW 112.00 112.00 00043116 MW 59.40 39.60 99.00 00043117 MW 2.67 6.32 28.27 28.26 9.43 74.95 00043118 MW 150.00 150.00 00043119 MW 4.08 4.08 00043120 MW 144.25 144.25 00043121 MW 230.60 1,076.92 1,307.52 00043122 MW 1,262.56 48,801.81 14,542.47 64,606.84 00043123 MW 28.50 28.50 18.99 South Tahoe P.U.D. THU, APR Al, 2000, Default Selection - Vendor Name - 0 P A Y M E N 1 F L__la F 0411300 DEBBIE--''leg _ -re' j0:27 AM q MU,HW,RV,VH Check Types: Check Stock ID: Account Department = _- __,=___ -___: G = = = =_ _ _= ECTRICAL SHOP 10-03 -b520 ELECTRICAL SHOP 03-6`'20 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 0 2 10-06-6520 O RATI PEONS EPAIR 20 0 _b520 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10-3 _ INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20- 37 -g405 INFORMATION SYSTEMS C L A I M S ONSITE- _ _iab: SIERRA-NET INC. SILVER STATE COURIERS SOUTH LAKE TAHOE FLORIST SOUTH SHORE MOTORS SOUTH TAHOE PLUMBING SUPPLY SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE SPEED PHOTO STATELINE OFFICE SUPPLY 20- 07 -61j0 LABORATORY ADMINISTRATION 10-21-6520 0 21 -6520 ADMINISTRATION 10- 05 -60j1 EQUIPMENT REPAIR HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10-04-6021 UMPS 10 03 -6p41 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10_00 -6370 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 20 -00 -6370 10- 28'6042 PUMPS COUNTY 10 -2I -6621 ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION 10 -21 -_6051 PUMPS 20_02 -6051 PUMPS ROUND REPAIR 10-01 -4820 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20 -p7 47 0 LABORATORY _ gT60 CORY 20_07_4860 LABORATORY N 10-21-4820 2021_$ 0 ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION 10 -27 -4820 DISTRICT INFORM 10-29-4820 ENGINEERING RING 20- 29'4820 R E P O R T pro9' CK50� 1824y0 #.3019- -- Description+ =` -`__�_ - SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check jOta ChecK Tota 0- ADMINISTRATION MONIT o1IING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS Check Iota FILTER EQUIP/BLDG WELLS TIONS PUMP BUILDINGS REFUSE p1SP SAL REFUSE DISPOSA Check Tota ChecK Iota Check Tote Check Tota GROUNDS 3 MAINTENANCE 5UPPL RECOGNITION PRGR OFFICE IIION PRGR INCENTIVE 6 RECOGN INCENTIVE PUMP STATIONS PUMP STATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Y SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LA @ORATOR OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Tota Amount shack_¢ == __ 9.50 9.50 37.99 39 50 189.97 pQ041124 MW 240.00 400.00 00043125 pIW 3p0.000 0p043126 MW 22.S2 17.54 p0043121 MW 15.02 TYPe 3.69 3.69 p0p43128 MW S1 .19 151.55 g01.36 549.22 p0043129 MW 1,443.53 49.85 00043130 MW 1,493.38 9,96 7.50 2.05 1.37 8.73 38.33 p0043t31 MW 41 .24 8289 1,93 10168 67 .7 8 24.93 16.62 90.02 60.01 APR .z. 200027 --reek: DEBB IE_' - -1e9 GL onto Beni'' F.U.D., 10: AM Check Types Stork ID= AP , Tent 410 X33019 -- pru' 3L_'loc� ONSITE"-'_Iob� 182 MW,HW,RV,VH Depart _ =z ====== De {ault ion: - Account s�= s = -- NATION SYSTEMS Name _ __ === 2= 37_4820 INFORMATION Vendor N =ms == -s'r 20- 17-4820 CUSTOMER ===== - 20-38-4820 FINANCE 10 -39 -4820 FINANCE 20- 39-4820 FIN CUSTOMER SERVICE 20-38 -6030 CUSTOMER SERVICE ADMINISTRATION 1021_4405 ADMINISTRATION 20-21 -4405 FINANCE 10-39 -4405 eo -39 -4405 FINANCE 6050 PUMPS 10 -02 -6071 PUMPS 20- 02-6071 HEAVY j0- 04-6042 _4405 DISTR Select Check STRINGER BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUPPLY ONE SYSTEMS SERVICE SERVI CE SUTER ASSOCIATES, LYNN M. SWIFT AUTO WORLD TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE TAHOE BLUEPRINT TAHOE DAILY TRIBUNE MAINTENANCE ICI INFORMATION 20-27-4405 DISTRI 10- 02 -8p04 PUMPS y6370 GENERAL 3 ADMINISTRATION 1 o_o0 SERVICE CUSTOMER 10- 38'4420 CUSTOMER SERVICE EP REPAIR 20_08 -4820 UNDERGROUND NDERGROUND REPAIR 20 -01 -4820 ENGINEERING o-00-02-4820 e29-1083 PUMPS 12_02 -4820 PUMPS 20-29-4820 ELEC RICALG SHOP 1003'6011 ROUND REPAIR 20- 02-6052 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 10 -22-4930 6620 DISTRICTS INFORMATION j0 -27 CT INFORMATION Description OFa SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE PLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE OFFICE SUPPLIES SERVICE CONTRACTS SERVICE CONTRACTS Amount Chock mma Type 2.21 41.48 78.76 52.50 36.99 24.66 789.56 12.69 21.16 00043133 528.99 352.66 234.00 156.00 1,271.65 122.55 11.79 11.79 24.1 Check Tota Check rota CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES SERVICES CONTRACTUAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Tote WELLS SHOP SUFPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES b GROUNDS MA NTENANCE 2;necx Iota CONTRA CD CTUAL SERVICES Check Iota VEHICLE TO REP N59 Check Tots REFUSE DISPOSAL Check Iota MAPPING MAPPING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES - REPLACE OFFICE FOREST MTN TANK, SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES SHOP OFFICE SUPPLIES PIPE, COVERS, 3 MANHOLES ADS /LEGAL NOTICES ADS /LEGAL NOTICES PUBLIC RELATIONS EXPENSE Check Iota 00p43132 MW MN 00043134 MW 5 00043138 MU 170•Z8 1,587.10 3,079.56 00043136 MW 4,666.66 18,315.69 18,315.69 00043131 MW 1,176.00 00043138 MW 1,176.00 386.27 251.50 321.89 321.8$ 28.15 114.96 114.95 137.98 91.96 1,T97.51 p0043139 MW 26.43 96.90 64.60 25`x'.00 South Tahoe P . U . D . 04/13/00 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 04/07/2000- 04/20/2000 Page 13 THU, APR 13, 2000, 10:27 AM - -req: DEBBIE - -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE - -- -job: 182410 #33019 -- -prog: CK509 <1A06 > -- report id: CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name Account # Department TAHOE FIRE CONTROL TAHOE PARADISE CHEVRON TED'S ELECTRIC TRANSCAT U S A BLUE BOOK U S POSTMASTER U S POSTMASTER UNITED RENTALS UTILITIES SAFETY SERVICES ✓ W R CORPORATION VOID WATER SPECIALTIES CORP 20 -27 -6620 DISTRICT INFORMATION 10 -02 -6075 PUMPS 20 -02 -6075 PUMPS 20 -01 -4620 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20 -02 -6050 PUMPS 10 -29 -6520 ENGINEERING 20 -29 -6520 ENGINEERING 20 -02 -6075 PUMPS 10 -38 -4810 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20 -38 -4810 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10 -38 -4810 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20 -38 -4810 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10 -28 -8036 ALPINE COUNTY 10 -06 -6200 OPERATIONS 10 -02 -6200 PUMPS 20 -02 -6200 PUMPS 10 -04 -6200 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -01 -6200 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -02 -7350 PUMPS WECO INDUSTRIES INC 10 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR Description == == ===== a xC == = == PUBLIC RELATIONS EXPENSE — Check Tota SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS Check Tota DIESEL WELLS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Check Tota Check Tota Check Tota SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS Check Tota POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES - -- -- - - -- Check Tota POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES Check Tota - Vendor Tota BUILDING, OFFICE /EQUIP STORA - - - -- - - - -- Check - .._Tot a- - - - - -- TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION - TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION Check Tota LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Tota Check Tota FLOWMETER, MARTIN AVE WELL Check Tota PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES Amount Check It Type a == === =a =aa= = =aC 170.00 612.93 00043140 MW 620.42 620.41 1,240.83 00043141 MW 69.14 69.14 00043142 MW 50.73 50.73 00043143 MW 84.94 56.63 141.57 197.20 00043144 MW 197.20 00043145 MW 00043146 MW 00043147 MW 1,500.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 7,500.00 5,815.94 5,815.94 00043148 MW 567.55 233.46 200.45 266.86 333.68 1,602.00 00043149 MW 411.99 274.66 686.65 00043150 MW 0.00 00043012 VH 1,476.18 1,476.18 00043151 MW 135.30 04/11/00 Tahoe P.U.D. AM -11/00 APR 13, 2000, 10.2/ South THUS E P T 0 182910 #J3� 9 _pr °9; GK5 0 F _ lob p A M £ GL 1L ON51£_ - l eg' nEnBIE - -- .. Selection: Check Stock ID: AP Account 4 Default _s- y = =ycss Vendor Name - sy =y == __ _ - =syyy C L A I M S Description AmOU= it Check * -Type s == =`$_- =s - ssc= s = = =o- - -cs -= �¢y =cm scan Check I ota 135 .30 0 0043152M 115.29 -- 487.94 - - 1524 2,875.94 183.g9 MW 1,78 .68 00043153 Check TYpg5: MW,HW,RV,VH Department WEDCO INC WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WITHROW OXYGEN SERVICE XEROX CORP CAL SHOP 10-03 -6021 ELECTRI SHOP OP 10-03-60E4 ELECTRICAL SH 10-01-6041 ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP 20_03 -6p71 ELECTRICAL SHOP OUND REPAIR 6052 UNDERGR 20 _ 02-6050 PUMPS MAINTENANCE 10 -04 -6023 HEAVY MAINTENANCE _ 6022 REPAIR 20_02 -6051 UNDERGROUND IR 10-01-60/1 0 -01 -_6520 ENGINEERING 20 29 -6520 HEAVY A MAINTEN NCE j0 -04 -6073 10-07 -4760 LAABORATORY 20..04 -4760 PUMPS 10-02 -6073 20 -02 -6 073 PPS 20-02-6051 0 -02- 60 ?UMPS _ 1 PUMPS 20 -01 -6520 HNpE R GROUND REPAIR 2002 -6071 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -04 -6071 ELECTRICAL 10-01-6071 - 1 HEAVY MAINTENANCE GROUND REPAIR 10-01-6030 20_01_6030 UNDERGROUND REPAIR FINANCE 20 -39 -6030 FINANCE 10- 07-6110 LABORATORY 20- p7_6110 L ZYMAX ENVIROTECHNOLOGY PRIMARY EQUIPMENT PUMP STATIONS FURNACE EQUIPMENT BUILDINGS BUILDINGS O SUPPLIES Check Tota g MANHOLES - PIPE, COVERS, FILTER EQUIP /BLDG WELLS SECONDARY EQUIPMENT PUMP STATIONS SHOP SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TpOLg SMALL —_ LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS PU MP STATIONS PUMP SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES SUPPLIES _ SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES PRIMARY EQUIPMENT SERVICE CONTRACTS SERVICE CONTRACTS CTS SERVICE CONTRACTS SERVICE MONITORING MONITORING Check Iota Check Iota Check Iota Check Iota Grand Iota 2,203.58 -- - 772.54 209.82 66.5$ 38.42 23 9 158 • MW 191.Q1 00043154 3,528.87 240.58 160.39 14.95 14.96 9.39 35.98 35.98 - - 18.g4 206.00 105.12 1,137.22 00043/55 MW 53.09 51.09 110.10 289.68 00043156 MW 3,944.50 MW 11,290.50 00043t57 15,235.00 526,148.24 ,. r t . SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Diane Noble. Manager of Customer Service RE: BOARD MEETING April 20, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 12.a ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ,.." ,..,.. . ..,,,.,......~., ......,...",w..,....w."..'w........',.........., ..~"" ",".", w" ^ '" '" "..,.. '. .",.... ......,..,...........,.,.,.......,.,',..... .... "..,.....,.".."",....,..,..",...,........,..,',',.........'...,.....,..............,.",....,...,',.,',........,..,........ ...',',','.. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION STPUD (CLAIMANT) VS. SIERRA-CAL LODGE (DEBTOR), U.S. BANKRUPTCY COURT, SACRAMENTO DIVISION, CASE NO. 96-25693-C-11 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regardina existino litigation, SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: ~t:",.,',.,..,w.,',....~,','..,',',...,.:'...':....,.':'....,...,...."..'.:". ..".":,.......e:':"."""',.,',.......:...:.,..,'.,. ,'.'...,..', ,.,'......." ,':.:.n........ ,','.., "';',"['1':'[':" ..,.,.,' ,,',., ,',.:'..:...l;...:t:t:.'..' . ,',',.'....;.:.[.;'...'t:':':':.".,',....'.....:'....:~...:",'~,'.',', ,'."'.:~..[".....":':".:.:'...':..,..:...'......'..,',...'::...:.:':':",',...,.....':':"., ,....,.,;,'.:"':.;';' CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YEStyv-~~ ~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER X .. i' t . SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Richard Solbria, Assistant Manaoer I Enoineer RE: BOARD MEETING April 20, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 12.b ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ."..0.'............ ..............,..,.".,.,.,.",...... .......,............ ..........,..,......, ",no w...... ..""....,..",..",.",."".,.,..........".......,... .,....."....,..... ..."..",..,................."..",.,.,.,.""",.,',.,..",..,.,"".....,.............,...",."." ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: MOUNTAIN CASCADE. INC.. AND VALLEY ENGINEERS. INC, VS. STPUD BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND STPUD. COUNTY OF EL DORADO, SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO, SC20000050 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel reoardino existino litioation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: ~"'" ............ ......... .... ............. ............. ...... .................... ... ....... ....... T' .'. .'. ..................~.. ......................................... .... .. .... ...... .. .................. ...... .......... .... .......... ...... ~~~ .. .........:.i...:. .....:...~:.~............:.....~:&:.~.. '1' ':'~'~'" :.............. .........~ .....,' CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YE~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES00.. ~~ f),- ,,~O CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER "" f" t .. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Bob Baer. General Manaoer RE: BOARD MEETING April 20. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 12.c ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ..,....." ..'.,... .... ...",.....,......,.".""..., ...... .,.,.".,...,.,..."'-,,,.,.,...., wu ,,,..,..,"',.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..... ,,','m" ""..." .".... . .." ..."".".""""...,.... .""'."'......'........""'.'....'!.' ,... .....""".,.,.",..,......." "".",.,.,.." ".,.,.",. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - SCHWAKE V. STPUD, FEDERAL CASE NO. CV-N-93-851-DWH REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regardino existing litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: ~~.~.~~.:.:.:...:.:.:...:.:.:.:.:.j.~..................:.:.:.:.:{i::!i;.:.............. "~"""'''''''''' ...0:........ ........................ .....................~............................................. ......:.........................:~~..............:..................................~.~ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~~~~~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER X Jta ~\)' .. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Bob Baer, General Manaoer RE: BOARD MEETING April 20, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 12.d ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: "".,...,.."',..,........,.,..,.......".. ."...,.".....,..,..,...,.".,.,....."',.."., "',..,~..'w',.....",w.". ",.",...,.,....,.,...",."","'",""',..."...".",.",.",."""............""".""",....".",.,.,.,.",.""""",.,.,.,.........., """.;."",.,.,.,."", ",.,.""""""""",.,." ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: STPUD V. ARCO, ET AL. SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO, 999128 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regardino existino Iitioation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: :.:.:.:.:...:.:.:.:.:.:.:.........:.:.:.:..:.............................:...:.:.:...:...:.:.:.:................ ............................ ..... ........ ............................................ ..................................................,.,...................:~l......................:.......................,..... CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES'(Y\"~Ov'-.C"'.,.."..NQ )0 ... ~ .. . SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Richard Solbrio. Assistant Manager/Enoineer RE: BOARD MEETING April 20. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 12.e ACTION ITEM NO: . CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: w,...'.. '.' ,..... .' ...........v.....,,',........................................' . ...."...., .. ...".,.",..,.", "'. ....,..,.......,. ...,. '...."., ........','....,.....,v.'"",.,..'",...,'...,. .,............."",.",'...'...'.v,......,'........',.,',.."",..,'...'..,..'..,'...........,'..,..,'......,',' ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct negotiators. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8, Closed Session may be held for conference recarding property neootiations. Neootiating Parties: District staff, United States Forest Service Under Necotiation: Property terms Property Identification: APN 19-081-09 SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: ::'" .....:.:...:.:...:... .....:...:.....:.:.:...:.....:.......:.....L.:":J.:.:...:.:...:.......:............ '1'.,. ,'...... ......... .', ... ,',.......................... ....... . ..... ,'..... ,',................. ,',.............. ...... ... ,', ...,'....... .',.., ",..... ......... ..........~.............:.:... ...... ,',. ...... ........ ..... ..... .,'::1...:5:;;.'4:::........:. ,', ,', ,.t CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES 1<..')lJ~~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES'l )L.TC~'~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER ~ 'I' .. #.. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Bob Baer, General Manaaer RE: BOARD MEETING April 20, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 12.f ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ,."."....."...,..",..",...,...,..., "..,.,.,.,.",....... ."...,.....,..""".,.,.,.",,,,,,....,,.,..,....,.....,,,,",..".w.."..,..."..",.,',...,.".,,"..,..."'.,.......".,.........".".",..""..,......",...,.""....,..,.,...."".,.,..,.."........."."....,...""" SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: ~............:.:.:.:...:.:...:.:.:...:.:.:.:.~....:.~.......:...::.:...:.:.:.~.:.:.:.:............:...:.:.:.:.:............................................................................................:.:...........'.{.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.....L.:................~):~~:.:.:...:.:.:.:.:...:...:.:...:.:...:.....:...i.:...:.:.:.~...:...............................:.::~ti:i CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE$Y\~c..~ o. .~ . . .... ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Bob Baer, General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING April 20, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 12.g ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: W,' ..,. ...,......ow .,..,.."........ ,',..,.,......., .'. .,..",'..,., w.....",..','............, .,.,..,..w......on. , ,........".." . '. ,...........,.ow... ...., '...,','.. ......,..........,..,...........,......,... ..'.....!'..',.'..y'.,'('.........' ..'.on...,.,...........',',',','.'...,w. ...... ,..'..............,on....,','...'.' ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct negotiators, DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957, Closed Session may be held regardino neootiations. Aoencv Neootiators: Bob Baer. Board of Directors Unrepresented Employee Position: District General Counsel SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: ... ......". ............~.. ....... ......... ... ........ ......... ............ ......... ........... ......... ..... ....... ...... ....... ........................... ............ .......... .........: ........... ..... .'. ...... ..... ........ ......... .(. '.~"""""":""" .... ........ ...... .~:x:.:.:.:~ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES {?')}J/~'\~NO I CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~~Cv'-'2~ . CATEGORY: GENERAL X WATER SEWER