HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 01-06-00 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, January 6, 2000 2:00 P.M. City Council Chambers 1900 lake Tahoe Boulevard, South lake Tahoe, California Robert G' Baer, General Manager Richard Sol brig, Assistant Manager Christopher . . Strohm, President BOARD MEMBERS Pembroke Gochnauer, Vice President James Jones, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director .. . ........,. ..~"... '~."A'^.~'...,,~_... .,'.0". ~.." .,,,,, ... .... "'''.' """. .,"......". ...,_...... ......"."............. '.....,.. .'" '0" ".0,." .....". Duane Wallace, Director . .. ...,-""....... . ..".. ..... 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non-agenda items - 5 minute limit.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR 4. CONSENT CALENDAR 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION I DISCUSSION 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION a. GARDNER MOUNTAIN TRANS- MISSION LINE PROJECT (Richard Solbrig) A)APPROVEAL TERNATIVE SOLUTION; AND B) DIRECT STAFF TO BEGIN FINAL DESIGN b. PAYMENT OF CI-AIMS APPROVE PAYMENT L'".i , ,'~8 -) i. LiCi'I REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - JANUARY 6, 2000 PAGE-2 7. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Executive Committee (Strohm/Gochnauer) b. Finance Committee (Wallace/Gochnauer) c. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones/Strohm) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher/Gochnauer) 8. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Special Litigation Ad Hoc Committee (StrohmlWallace) 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 10. GENERAL MANAGER I STAFF REPORTS a. Automatic Payment Option (Diane Noble) 11. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS I EVENTS Past Meetings I Events 12/22/99 - Executive Committee Meeting 12/30/99 - Special Litigation Ad Hoc Committee Meeting 01/03/00 - Operations Committee Meeting Future Meetings I Events 01/10/00 - 10:00 a.m. - Special Board Meeting at District Office 01/12/00 - 8:00 a.m. - ECC Meeting - Underground Repair (Strohm is Board Rep.) 01/12/00 - 7:30 p.m. - Lahontan Regular Board Meeting at Tahoe- Truckee Sanitation Agcy. 01/13/00 - 8:30 a.m. - Lahontan Regular Board Meeting Continued 01/17/00 - 4:00 p.m. - Operations Committee Meeting at District Office 01/18/00 - 9:00 a.m. - Alpine County Regular Board Meeting in Markleeville 01/20/00 - 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at City Council Chambers 12. CLOSED SESSION a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.95/Liability Claim: Sanders v. STPUD Superior Court. LTD. Civil Case No. SVM 2217 b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel Existing Litigation: Schwake v. STPUD. Federal Case No. CV-N-93-851-DWH c. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel Existing Litigation - STPUD v. ARCO. et al. San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 d. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Conference re: Real Property Neaotiations Negotiating Parties: District staff (Bob Baer, Richard Solbrig); District Board of Directors; U. S. Forest Service Under Negotiation: Property Terms Property Identification: APN 19-081-09 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - JANUARY 8. 2000 PAGE.3 e. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)&(c)/Conference with leaal Counsel re: PendinG Litigation (two cases} i . , I f. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.a/Conference with Labor NeGotiator Agency Negotiator: Robert Baer Unrepresented Employee Position: Human Resources Director 13. ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 14. ADJOURNMENT " South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150 . Phone 5301544-6474. Facsimile 5301541-Q614 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS JANUARY 6, 2000 REQUESTED ACTION , ~~~~~~ ~:t.U.''''~~~;5>'~ a. UNDERGROUND REPAIR - WATER: TEMPORARY HELP (Mike Rondoni) (5) REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: DECEMBER 2, 1999 (Kathy Sharp) AUTHORIZE PURCHASE ORDER TO THE BLUE RIBBON PERSONNEL SERVICE IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $30,000 APPROVE CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR CAROLLO ENGINEERS TO DESIGN ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS FOR THE WELL IN THE AMOUNT OF $33,200 APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO.2 FOR G. B. CONSTRUCTION IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,663.38 AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH LUKINS BROTHERS WATER CO. FOR USE OF LUKINS WELL NO.3 APPROVE MINUTES rt;) GARDNER MOUNTAIN WELL PUMP ~./ AND CONTROL BUILDING (Nick Zaninovich) c. HIGHWAY 50 I MIDWAY ROAD WATERLINE (Jim Hoggatt) PILOT PLANT STUDY - LICENSE AGREEMENT (Rick Hydrick) d. " South Tahoe Public Utility Distrlct -1275 MeadON Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150. Phone 5301544-6474 - Facsimile 5301541-Q614 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Mike Rondoni. Underaround Repair Supervisor- Water RE: BOARD MEETING January 6. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: 4. a "'~"---"-'~~"'-'""'_~"'_""'~"'~'W"""""~~_~,"~N""~'.."..."..."". ~",...",'~"....,' '. , , ". . .._........."._._.... '~,~'.'_,'"., ~"", "...' .'~.. ..".'""..".....,..,..', ITEM-PROJECT NAME: UNDERGROUND REPAIR - WATER: TEMPORARY HELP REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize purchase order to the Blue Ribbon personnel service in the total amount of $30.000 DISCUSSION: The Underground Repair - Water department has received the services of a temporary employee from Blue Ribbon since June. 1999 to fill in for a permanent employee who is on extended leave. The budgeted salary for the full time employee has been utilized to pay for these services. totalina $15.000 to date. It is anticipated that the temporary staffina needs will continue through the end of the budget year. at a cost of an additional $15.000. SCHEDULE: COSTS: $30.000 ACCT. NO: Transfer an additional $15.000 from 2001-4101 to 2001-4405 " BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: None '!l.-:='.;\,#.'W.p;;-~:::t;.~,l.:.."vO'l!lf,j;.:n\lf'.ol.'-\'U.~~~~~~I~~.g~1ft'1f'.Il!j$....~~~~~ _..I~~;:;' CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YEsl<JlIjf ~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~e~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Nick Zaninovich. Staff Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING January 6. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: 4. b ~~"'<);)'JVIX... ~x ITEM-PROJECT NAME: GARDNER MOUNTAIN WELL PUMP AND CONTROL BUILDING REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Aporove consultant services for Carollo Engineering to design electrical components for the well in the amount of $33.200. DISCUSSION: Staff has solicited a proposal from Carollo Engineers for the design of the electrical components of the Gardner Mountain Well. Design services under this prooosal shall include electrical oumo control. lighting. heating. backuo generator. and limited telemetry - related design. Staff recommends the Board aoorove the orooosal in the amount of $33.200. '. ...WX<<.....'-~~~~~*M~<<.<:V..... <X>y.NV<:!<-.<.>>^.N.0..>>>>.......x..V>>:-:<<..:*>>>>x..^~~~~x ~>>"..x,.:..x CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES fri~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER 12/2b/99 TUE 12:00 F~\ 916 565 4880 CAROLLO ENGINEERS-SACTO ~~~ STPUD ~002 ~ ~.!=!r;-~.!-.!-~ DI'dicrtlcd It) Cll!aLit'I', rlwjllllMi'vf, (flwlit,// sulllJ.iun.. Jrrr Ih!~W11J)1' ,>tm'c, December 28, 1999 300.84 South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, California 96150 Attention: Mr. Nick Zaninovich Subject: Gardner Mountain Water Well Electrical Design Assistance Dear Nick: Carollo Engineers (Carollo) Is pleased to submit this proposal to assist the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) with the electrical design and construction for the new Gardner Mountain Water Well. This proposal is based on our understanding of the engineering services requested by the District (as discussed with District staff and presented in our memorandum of December 20, 1999). The services to be provided by Carollo under this proposal are limited to the design of the electrical system for the new Gardner Mountain Water Well and emergency generator. The new generator is to be designed to run the 150 horsepower well pump and station appurtenances during power outage events. The system will be designed for a manual start, an automatic transfer switch is not included. Specifications will be developed for the electrical work undertaken as part of this design. The District will complete all other required drawings, specifications, and other related work for the remainder of the installation Including grading, paving, pipe identification and Installation. Carollo will provide shop drawing review for submittals on the electrical system as requested by the District. Our Scope of Work (Exhibit A, attached) is based upon our understanding of the project. The proposed engineering cost for the completion of the tasks contained in the Scope is $33,200. The development of this cost is detailed in the attached Labor Hour and Cost Estimate (Exhibit B). It is our understanding that this project will be administered under the '988 Master Agreement (as amended to allow the engineer to carry errors and omissions insurance not less than $5,000,000 aggregate with a deductible of not more than $500,000) between Carollo Engineers and the District. Engineering fees will be based on the current fee schedule (Exhibit C). The project team for the completion of this project will be Mr. Robert Gillette, Principal-in- charge, Mr. Jack Burnam, Project Manager and Mr. George Hughes, Project Engineer. H:\BD -'~AC\Slpud _ SAC\GardllllrLlr ,wpd 2500 VENTURE OAKS WAY. SUITE 320 . SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA 95833 . (9'6) 565-4888 . FAX (9'6) 565-48110 12/26/99 TUE 12:01 FAX 916 565 4680 CAROLLO ENGINEERS-SACTO ~~~ STPUD ~003 Mr. Nick Zaninovich South Tahoe Public Utility District December 28, 1999 Page No.2 Please review the material contained herein and, if acceptable, submit them to the Board of Directors for approval. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Sincerely, CAROLLO ENGINEERS, P.C. f);J-P. .~., Robert A. Gillette, Principal I.L~~ rJ Jack Burnam \I, P.E. RAG/JLB:kjp Attachments: Exhibit A - Scope of Work Exhibit B - Labor Hour and Cost Estimate Exhibit C - Fee Schedule H:\BO _ SAC\Slpucl_SAC\GardMrUr.wpd 2500 VENTURE OAKS WAY. SUITE 320 . SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA 958aa . (916) 565-488& . FAX (918) 565.4880 12/28/99 TUE 12:01 FAX 916 565 4880 CAROLLO ENGINEERS-SACTO ~~~ STPUD ~004 EXHIBIT A SOUTH TAHOe PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER WELL ELECTRICAL DESIGN Scope of Work The following describes the Scope of Work for the engineering effort to complete the design, bidding, and construction services associated with the electrical design for the new Gardner Mount~ln Water Well. These engineering services are to be provided by Carollo Engineers (Engineer) as requested by the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District). The District is to provide all required geotechnical, topograpt)ic survey and plan and profile drawings of the existing building that will house the new electrical system for the Gardner Mountain Water Well site. This proposal assumes that the District will develop the bidding documents for this project. Technical specifications will be provided by the engineer for the work included in the electrical design. Taak 1 - Deaign Electrical System for the ncaw Gardner Mountain Water Well Consultant shall develop plans for the complete electrical system for this water well pump station. District shall have the power dropped from the nearest power source and brought to the building. Consultants work shall begin here. All electrical equipment shall be installed In the existing building. District shall provide a plan of the building and shall indicate any areas that are not to be used in the electrical layout. It is the Intent of the District to run all conduit connecting the equipment to the controls under the new slab floor that is to be poured. This means that the electrical layout has to be completed before the slab can be poured. Electrical equipment shaUlnclude: 1. Well pump - Well pump motor is 150 horsepower. Well pump shall be operated by a VFD designed as part of this project. 2. PLC - PLC will be capable of accepting an automatic transfer switch at a later date If the District should so decide. No automatic transfer switch is to be installed as part of this project. Switching from land power to emergency power shall be done manually. 3. Emergency Generator - Consultant shall size the new emergency generator based on data supplied from the District on pump horsepower, fan motors, lighting, etc. The emergency generator shall be sized to operate all station components during a power outage Including: pump, lights, fans, building heater, etc. NOTE, the recommended emergency generator shall be capable of operating a VFD. Because the switch from land power to emergency power shall be manual there may be significant time between power loss and start up of the emergency generator. For this reason, the design shall also include a panel either in the main panel or separate from it that will allow a small portable generator to be plugged in to light 2 to 3 lights within the building and that can power up the block heater on the emergency generator. This will be used to warm the unit before starting after shutdown. Louvers shall bemanuaJly operated. H:IBD3lAC\StpUlCSAC\GardMrScopll.wpd 1 12/28/99 TuE 12:02 FAX 916 565 4880 CAROLLO ENGINEERS-SACTO ~~~ STPUD ~005 4. Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) - will not be provided as part of this proj&ct but a spot should be designated for its future installation and conduit between the PLC and the A TS location should be installed to ease Mure installation. 5. Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) - well pump shall be operated by a VFD that will be integrated into the system. 6. Other electrical controls to be included in the design include: block heater for the emergency generator, building (space) heater, battery charger. lighting . circuits, signals to and from the discharge flow meter, electronic pressure meter, draw down meter. chlorine feed (metering pumps), etc. 7. 'The District will coordinate with Sierra Pacific Power to have a power drop installed for the new pump station. However, the Consultant shall assist the District with the likely Installation of a pad mounted step down transformer on the outside of the new building and an electric meter inside the building. Sierra Pacific Power employees will be aJlowed access to the building to read the meter. 8. The design shall Include an "emergency power kill" button located within the building but accessible from a pedestrian door without requiring an employee to actually enter the building. 9. Power will also have to be provided to the District installed telemetry, this system will also have to be powered by the emergency power system. Partial list of signals that will be sent to the treatment plant via the telemetry system include: pump status, generator on/off. discharge flow, draw down meter, and any alarm signals. 10. NOTE: The well pump is located approximately 500 feet from the pump building and at a depth of approximately 300 feet. Overaillength of the wires to the pump from the pump building could be BOO feet for power and signal for the . down-hole sensor. This will have to be considered in the design of the system. The Engineer will make recommendations regarding the need to prepurchase long lead time electrical equipment based on the District's proposed construction completion schedule. Task 2 - Electrical Specifications Engineer shall develop technical specifications for the electrical work to be completed in this project. The District shall develop front end documents and any technical specifications required to complete work on other parts of the new well location. Ta.k 3 - Conatruction Servlcea Engineer shall review shop drawing submittals relating to the elfiCtrlcal system and standby power and respond to questions on an "es needed" basis, at District request. The Labor Hour and Cost estimate for this Item is based on review of 6 shop drawings at 8 hours per shop drawing and a total time of eight (8) hours responding to questions forwarded by the District. Effort exceeding that stated will be considered a change in scope. 1i:\BO _SAC'$pud_SAC\C3ardnerScope.wpd 2 12/28/99 TUE 12:03 F~\ 916 565 4880 CAROLLO ENGINEERS-SACTO 444 STPUD DISTRICT PROVIDED INfORMATION 1. Site plans and profiles for the existing building to house the new electrical equipment (profiles to include Inside waUs that the new electrical equipment Is to be attached to.) Data should be supplied in AutoCAD 14.0 format. 2. Shop drawings for review. 3. Questions from the District or forwarded by the District for response. CAROLLO ENGINEERS DELIVERABLES 1. CAD drawings {1 hard copy (stamped and signed) and electronic file In AutoCAD Release 14.0 li&Ch site) for the electrical design for the Gardner Mountain Water Well. 2. Specifications for the electrical equipment for the Gardner Mountain Water Well. 3. Written review comments on shop drawings submitted for review by the Contractor to the District ( and forwarded by the District to Carollo Engineers). SCHEDULE Board Approval of Contract Plans and Profiles of the existing well building Design Review with District Staff/Site Visit 100% Design Submittal January 6, 2000 January 6, 2000 January 10, 2000 January 24, 2000 H:\BO _8AC\S1p1lIUIAC\C38rdrwrSclape.wpd 3 @006 12/28/99 rUE 12:03 fAX 916 565 4880 CAROLLO ENGINEERS-SAcro ~~~ STPUD ~007 EXHIBIT B SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTlUTY DISTRICT GARDNER MOUNTAJN WATER WELL ELECTRICAL DESIGN Labor Hour and Colt Eatlmata Task No. Labor Hours Estimate Cost Estimate Rate Total T uk , - SectrlcaJ System Design Principal (P) engineer (EVl1I) Engineer (EV) Engineer Technician (ETVI) Word Processing 1 $180.00 $160.00 32 $174.50 $5.584.00 18 $133.00 $2,128.00 40 $88.50 $3,540.00 4 $67.50 $270.00 93 $11,702.00 Subtotal Task 1 Task 2 - SectrlcaI Specifications PrIncipal (P) Engineer (EVII1) Engineer (EV) engineer Technician (ETVl) Word Processing 1 $ HIO. 00 $180.00 32 $174.50 $5,584.00 24 $133.00 $3,192.00 0 $86.50 $0.00 16 $e7 .50 $1,080.00 73 $' 0,038.00 Subtotal Task 2 Task 3 - Construction Services Principal (P) EnglnHr (EVlII) Engineer (EV) Engineer Technician (ETV1) Word Processing 2 $180.00 $360.00 32 $'74.50 $5,584.00 24 $133.00 $3,192.00 4 $88.50 $354.00 4 $67 .50 $270.00 86 S9,7ao.00 $31,4Q8.00 Subtotal Task 5 Subtotal OTHER DIRECT COSTS Mileage - 2 trips at Reproduction Word Proceeeing Tlme@ CAD Processing Time@ Eng. Computer Time @ Subtotal Other Direct Costs $0.35 per mile 500 miles $115.00 $500.00 $228.00 $630.00 $1515.00 $' ,1589.00 $12.00 per hour $18.00 per hour $12.00 per hour 19.00 hours 35.00 hours 13.00 hours SUBTOTAl.. $33,187.00 USE , $33,200.00 H:\llIl_llAC\S1lUd_IIIICI~"'_ 12/2~/99 TUE 12:03 FAX 916 565 4880 CAROLLO ENGINEERS-SACTO ~4~ STPUD 141008 CAROLLO ENGINEERS, PC 2000 FEE SCHEDULE Engineers/Scientists (E/S) ElS I E/S II E/SIII E/S IV E/SV E/S VI E/S VII E/S VIII Principal Engineering Aides (EA) EAI EAII EA III EAIV EAV EAVI EA VII Engineering Technicians (ET) ETI ETII ETIII ETIV ETV ETVI ET VII Support Staff Office Aides Clerical Word Processors Computer Computer Equipment (PC) Word Processor (Processing Time) CAD (Processing Time) Travel and Subsistence Mileage Subconsultant Other Direct Costs \\S80-wp\DAT A\WP\KMANUAL\FEE\Pet\200l1.WPD Hourly Rate $78.75 88.50 , 02.50 116.50 133.00 142.50 158.00 , 74.50 180.00 35.00 67.50 73.75 87.50 98.50 110.75 121.00 42.25 48.25 55.00 61.50 76.25 88.50 101.50 35.25 54.25 67.50 12.00 12.00 18.00 at cost .35/mile Cost + 10% Cost + 10% SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Jim Hoggatt. Construction Manager RE: BOARD MEETING January 6. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: 4.c <~~~ ITEM-PROJECT NAME: HIGHWAY 50 / MIDWAY ROAD WATERLINE REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order No.2 for G. B. Construction in the amount of $6.663.38. DISCUSSION: The itemized parts of the Change Order NO.2 are as follows: 1. Part A was for the additional labor and fittings required to lower the new water main. due to conflicts with other utilities. in the amount of $4.688.38. 2. Part B was for the extra labor to relocate the existing fire hydrant at Highway 50 and Midway. due to lowering the new main in Item A. in the amount of $350.00. 3. Part C was due to conflicts with the existing utilities. while installing the new fire hydrant at Midway and Pioneer Trail. which resulted in relocating the new hydrant in the amount of $1.625.00. '. ~~~-;y~>>:<<<..;....v.tXW.< :<<-:><>>:<<<<~.;.c.x><x> CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ,w~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 2 Project HIGHWAY SO/MIDWAY ROAD WATER LINE Contractor G. B. CONSTRUCTION Date December 29, 1999 PO# 7872 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: SEE ATTACHED FOR COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE ORDER NO.2 Original Contract Previous Change Order Current Contract THIS CHANGE ORDER New Contract Total $ 128,490.00 $ 3,328.00 $131,818.00 $ 6,663.38 $ 138,481.38 60 Calendar Days 60 Calendar Days 60 Calendar Days This Change Order constitutes full and mutual accord and satisfaction for all time and all costs related to this change. By acceptance of this Change Order the contractor agrees that the Change Order represents an equitable adjustment to the contract price and time, and further agrees to waive all right to file a claim arising out of or as a result of this change. Date: Authorized By STPUD Board President Date: Accepted By Contractor Date: Reviewed By CHANGE ORDER NO.2 HIGHWAY 50/MIDWAY ROAD WATER LINE G. B. CONSTRUCTION A. At Highway 50 and Midway intertie, lower the new water main due to conflicts with existing utilities. Work performed on time and material for a total of $4,688.38. See Attachment "A" for breakdown of all cost. Total for Item "A" is $4,688.38. B. Additional labor required due to extra depth for the fire hydrant relocation at Highway 50 and Midway. Work performed on time and material for a total of $350.00. See Attachment "A" for breakdown of all cost. Total for Item "B" is $350.00 C . Due to conflict with existing utilities, abandon and backfill trench for new fire hydrant on west side of Midway at the intersection of Midway and Pioneer Trail and relocate to east side of Midway. Work performed on time and material for a total of $1,625.00. See Attachment" A" for breakdown of all cost. Total for Item "c" is $1,625.00 TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NO. 21S A+B+C = $6,663.38 GB Construction CA#651765-A CA # 651766-B-C21-HAZ General Engineering Contractors December 16, 1999 Attn; Jim Hoggett South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 (530) 544-6474 fax (530) 541-0614 Re: Highway 50/Midway Road Waterline Project Change Order Request (Revised) 530/541-3797 Fax 530/541-5308 Hwy 50 and Midway Road tie-in May 5, 1999. Unable to install new water line as per plan due to conflict with existing utilities. Lower elevation of new water line increased labor and materials used. Four labors @ 8 hrs overtime each (32 hrs. total)... $ 1,536.00 One operator @ 8 hrs. overtime (8 hrs total)... $ 520.00 Additional slurry due to depth of trench and overtime charges (Sierra Tahoe Ready-Mix)... 14" elbow 45 deg. with two megalug restraint kits... Overnight shipping charges... Overhead, profit and bond... TOTAL... $ 866.00 $ 828.70 $ n/c $ 937.68 $ 4,688.38 AdditionaIlabor at Hwy 50 and Midway Road fire hydrant relocation due to depth of new water line to avoid existing utilities. Includes installation of District supplied water line fittings. Two labors @ 4 hrs. each (8 hrs. total)... Overhead, profit and bond... TOTAL... $ 280.00 $ 70.00 $ 350.00 Fire hydrant at Pioneer Trail and Midway could not install as per plan due to conflict with existing utilities. Abandoned and backfilled trench and installed fire hydrant on east side of Midway Road as directed by District staff. Two labors @ 6 hrs each (12 hrs. total)... One operator @ 8 hrs... Equipment, Backhoe 8 hrs... Overhead, profit and bond... TOTAL... P.O. Box 7858 . So. Lake Tahoe, CA 96158 $ 420.00 $ 360.00 $ 520.00 $ 325.00 $ 1,625.00 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Rick Hydrick. Manager of Water Operations RE: BOARD MEETING January 6. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: 4 rf . X<'>~y.<<.>>>>"~~~~ ITEM-PROJECT NAME: PILOT PLANT STUDY - LICENSE AGREEMENT REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize execution of License Agreement with Lukins Brothers Water Co. for use of Lukins Well NO.3. DISCUSSION: This License Agreement will provide for the use of Lukins Well NO.3 and the well site to install and oDerate the MTBE Pilot Plant Treatment Studies approved by the Board at its December 16.1999 Board meeting. '. COSTS: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS The License Aqreement will be provided to the Board prior to the Board meeting. ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YEsR~,NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES fv ~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER :Dro-n + LICENSE AGREEMENT ~ This License Agreement (Agreement) is made and entered into on this _ day ofJanuary, 2000, by and between the South Tahoe Public Utility District, a California public agency formed in 1950 pursuant to the Public Utility District Act (District), and _ (Lukins), at South Lake Tahoe, California, with reference to the following facts and intentions: A. District owns and operates a municipal water distribution system for the purpose of supplying water for beneficial use by its customers within portions of the City of South Lake Tahoe and County ofEI Dorado, California; B. District's municipal water system has been severely compromised as a result ofMTBE contamination of ground water which has caused District to discontinue production from approximately one-third (1/3) of its water wells; C. District is developing an interim master plan to address the loss of its existing wells and future well sites caused by MTBE contamination of ground water supplies and includes the development of ground water remediation systems, such as well head treatment; D. Lukins is the owner of certain real property located in the City of South Lake Tahoe, California and more particularly described in the attached Exhibit A, which is incorporated by this reference (property). A water well is located on the Property (Well) and has been compromised as result ofMTBE contamination of ground water; and ~ E. District desires to obtain a license from Lukins and Lukins agrees to grant District a license, for the purpose of installing, testing, developing and operating remediation systems to remove MTBE from ground water extracted from the Well, all as more fully stated in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 1. Grant of License. Lukins grants to District an exclusive license for access to the Property and the Well to install, test, develop and operate remediation systems and other reasonably related activities necessary or convenient for District to assess remediation technologies for removal ofMTBE from ground water. 2. Term. This Agreement shall commence on the date ofthis Agreement and terminate on June 30, 2000 (Term). District shall have the right to extend the Term through September 30, 2000 by giving at least fifteen (15) days prior written notice to Lukins before expiration of the Term. 3. Use. 3.1 Description and Schedule. District has and/or shall develop a description and schedule of activities related to the purpose and scope of activities permitted under this Agreement. District shall keep Lukins informed regarding any modifications or adjustments to the planned activities and schedule. \." S8 223768 v 1 :07627.0078 -1- \., 3.2. General Requirements. District shall neither use nor permit any use of the Property for any purpose other than stated in this Agreement without the prior written consent of Lukins. District accepts the Property, including, without limitation, any improvements owned by Lukins, in their present condition and without any representation or warranty by Lukins as to the condition of such property and improvements. Lukins shall not be responsible for any defect or change of conditions on the Property or such improvements or any related damage or District's violation of any local, state or federal law, order, rule, regulation or ordinance. District shall not do or allow to be done in or upon the Property any act or thing which is or may be a nuisance. District shall not use or permit others to use the Property for any unlawful purposes. 4. Liens. District shall pay for all work and improvements performed by District or caused to be performed by District on the Property pursuant to this Agreement. District shall keep the Property free and clear of any lien resulting from any such work, construction or improvements performed by or for District. In the event a lien is recorded against the Property, District shall promptly cause it to be removed as a lien against the Property. 5. Inspection. Lukins shall have the right to access the Property and inspect District's activities on the Property for the purpose of verifying that District is complying with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 6. License Fee. The District shall pay all costs and expenses related to the District's activities on the Property whether related to the District's employees, consultants, or otherwise. The District shall provide Lukins with one (1) copy of all laboratory test results and treatment recommendations by Boyle Engineering. \., 7. Operations. District shall be responsible for the following related to its activities on the Property: 7.1 Utilities. Payment of all electrical power and other utilities related to or furnished in connection with District's activities on the Property. District shall cause the public utility furnishing electricity and other utilities to the District's facilities to separately invoice District for such costs. 7.2 Snow Removal. Maintain continuous access including snow removal. 7.3 Regulations. District shall comply with all rules, permit conditions, regulations, ordinances and laws applicable to District's activities and operations on the Property. 8. Damage to Property. District shall repair any damage to the Property which occurs as a result of District' s activities. To determine the existence of any damage, the parties shall jointly inspect and videotape the Property and compare the areas used for access and installation by District under this Agreement and areas of the Property not used by District. At the conclusion of the Term, District shall restore the Property to substantially the same or similar condition as it existed prior District's use of the Property. \... 9. Indemnification. District shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Lukins, its S6 223768 v 1 :07627.0078 -2- \., directors, officers, employees, agents and consultants, from and against, all damages, claims, actions, demands, costs and expenses including, but not limited to, costs and other investigations, lawsuits and other proceedings whether in equity or law, settlement costs, attorneys' fees and costs, penalties or violations of any kind, which arise from, relate to or result from the acts and omissions of District, its elected officials, directors, officers, employees, agents and consultants on the Property. 10. Insurance. District, including its agents, consultants and contractors shall, at their own expense, maintain in full force and effect during the Term of this license: commercial general liability insurance with a combined single limit of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; automobile liability insurance in an amount not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) per occurrence, and workers' compensation insurance in accordance with the provisions of the California Labor Code. The above insurance shall be obtained from a company(ies) admitted to transact business in the State of California with a Best's Rating of A-VII or better. District shall cause such insurance company(ies) to provide Lukins with a certificate of insurance showing Lukins as an additional insured and providing at least thirty (30) days prior written notice before cancellation of any of the insurance policies. 11. General Provisions. 11.1 Authorizations. Ail individuals executing this and other documents on behalf of the respective parties certify and warrant that they have the capacity and have been duly authorized to so execute the documents on behalf of the entity so indicated. Each signatory shall also indemnify the other parties to this Agreement, and hold them harmless, from any and all damages, costs, attorneys' fees, and other expenses, if the signatory is not so authorized. 4w 11.2 Cooperation. The parties shall, whenever and as often as reasonably requested to do so by the other party, execute, acknowledge and deliver or cause to be executed, acknowledged and delivered any and all documents and instruments as may be necessary, expedient or proper in the reasonable opinion ofthe requesting party to carry out the intent and purposes of this Agreement, provided that the requesting party shall bear the cost and expense of such further instruments or documents (except that each party shall bear its own attorneys' fees). 11.3 Construction. The provisions ofthis Agreement should be liberally construed to effectuate its purposes. The language of this Agreement shall be construed simply according to its plain meaning and shall not be construed for or against either party, as each party has participated in the drafting of this Agreement and had the opportunity to have their counsel review it. Whenever the context and construction so requires, all words used in the singular shall be deemed to be used in the plural, all masculine shall include the feminine and neuter, and vice versa. 11.4 Notices. All notices, approvals, acceptances, demands and other communica- tions required or permitted under this Agreement, to be effective shall be in writing and shall be delivered in person or by U.S. mails (postage prepaid, certified, return receipt requested) or by Federal Express or other similar overnight delivery service to the party to whom the notice is directed at the address of such party as follows: ~ DISTRICT: (}eneral~anager S8 223768 v 1 :07627.0078 -3- \.. South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 With Copy to: Gary M .K vistad Hatch and Parent 21 East Carrillo Street Santa Barbara, California 93101 LUKINS: Any written communication given by mail shall be deemed delivered two (2) business days after such mailing date and any written communication given by overnight delivery service shall be deemed delivered one (1) business day after the dispatch date. Either party may change its address by giving the other party written notice of its new address as provided above. -... 11.5 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and permitted assigns, except as restricted by this Agreement. 11.6 Severability. Ifanyterm, provision, covenant or condition of this Agreement shall be or become illegal, null, void or against public policy, or shall be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, null or void or against public policy, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected, impaired or invalidated thereby. The term, provision, covenant or condition that is so invalidated, voided or held to be unenforceable shall be modified or changed by the parties to the extent possible to carry out the intentions and directives stated in this Agreement. 11. 7 Counterparts and Facsimile Signatures. This document may be executed in any number of counterparts and by different parties on separate counterparts, each of which, when executed and delivered, shall be deemed to be an original, and all of which, when taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement. The parties anticipate executing this Agreement in counterparts in separate locations, delivering a copy of the executed counterpart signature pages to each other by facsimile, and subsequently delivering to each other originals of the executed signature pages. The parties agree that this document shall be deemed effective upon receipt of facsimile of a copy of the signature page executed by that party, and no subsequent delay or failure of any party to deliver to the other party such party's original signature page shall diminish the effectiveness of this Agreement. \. 11.8 Assignment. A party shall not voluntarily or by operation of law assign, hypothecate, give, transfer, mortgage, sublet, license, or otherwise transfer or encumber all or any 5B 223768 v 1 :07627.0078 -4- \.; part of its rights, duties, or other interests in this Agreement or the proceeds thereof (collectively, Assignment), without the other party's prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Any attempt to make an Assignment in violation of this provision shall be a material default under this Agreement and shall be null and void. 11.9 Waiver. No waiver of any provision or consent to any action shall constitute a waiver of any other provision or consent to any other action, whether or not similar. No waiver or consent shall constitute a continuing waiver or consent or commit a party to provide a waiver in the future except to the extent specifically stated in writing. Any waiver given by a party shall be null and void if the party requesting such waiver has not provided a full and complete disclosure of all material facts relevant to the waiver requested. No waiver shall be binding unless executed in writing by the party making the waiver. 11.10 Recitals. The recitals set forth at the beginning of this Agreement of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof and the terms and conditions stated in the recitals, if any, shall be deemed a part of this Agreement. 11.11 Applicable Law. The validity and interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without giving effect to the principles of conflict of laws, with venue for all purposes proper only in the County ofEI Dorado, State of California. \., 11.12 Attorneys' Fees. If any legal proceeding (lawsuit, arbitration, etc.), including an action for declaratory relief, is brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover actual attorneys' fees and costs, which may be determined by the court in the same action or in a separate action brought for that purpose. The attorneys' fees award shall be made as to fully reimburse for all attorneys' fees, paralegal fees, costs and expenses actually incurred in good faith, regardless of the size of the judgment, it being the intention of the parties to fully compensate for all attorneys' fees, paralegal fees, costs and expenses paid or incurred in good faith. 11.13 Entire Agreement and Amendment. This Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement of the parties and there have been no promises, representations, agree- ments, warranties or undertakings by any of the parties, either oral or written, of any character or nature binding except as stated in this Agreement. This Agreement may be altered, amended or modified only by an instrument in writing, executed by the parties to this Agreement and by no other means. Each party waives their future right to claim, contest or assert that this Agreement was modified, canceled, superseded or changed by any oral agreement, course of conduct, waiver or estoppel. \.. 5B 223768 v 1 :07627.0078 -5- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date and \., place first stated above. South Tahoe Public Utility District Lukins By J am,[.~ R. J lllKlI, PI Miasm Chrrs;Lpne--i-I. ~~ f3~ PrlE!S~ ATTEST: By Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board/ Executive Secretary \.. \.., 58223768 v 1 :07627.0078 -6- Consent item 4.e SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Rober"t Ba~r, General MCinager" -- - James Jones, President .Richard Solb~g, Assistctnt Mar1a~~r . . . " .' . -. .. ", -" . .' ' .' '- . - ,. " ',,-'., . '-- ,~, . BOARD MEMBERS Christopher Strohm, Vice President Duane Wallace, Director MCiry Lou Mosbacher, Director Pembroke Gochnauer, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT December 2, 1999 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session December 2, 1999, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Vice President Strohm, Directors Wallace, Mosbacher. Directors Jones and Gochnauer were away on District business. ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, SOlbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Noble, Alsbury, Reid, Ellis, Attorney Kvistad. GUESTS: Joyce Blackstone. Staff requested Consent Items a. and b. (water discon- nection procedures for APN 25-010-210 and APN 29-067-051 for failure to perform annual backflow assembly tests) be removed, as the situations have been satisfactorily resolved. Consent Item d. was brought for- ward for discussion prior to Board action. CORRECTION TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Jones and Gochnauer Absent/Passed to approve Consent Calendar as amended: CONSENT CALENDER ::r REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 2, 1999 PAGE-2 a. (Item Removed); CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) b. (Item Removed); c. Authorized purchase of publically bid Ion Chromato- graph from Dionex Corporation in the amount of $28,064, plus tax and shipping; d. (See Consent Items Brought Forward); e. Tata Lane and F Street Waterline - A) Approved Pro- ject Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for White Rock Construction; and B) Authorized staff to file a Notice of Completion with the EI Dorado County Clerk; f. Upper Truckee River Restoration and Erosion Control - A) Approved Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for C. B. Ebright Co., Inc.; and B) Authorized staff to file a Notice of Completion with the EI Dorado County Clerk; g. Various Projects: Testing and Inspection Services - Approved increase to Task Order No. 32 for Agra Earth and Environmental in the amount of $12,000; h. Restoration and Erosion Control Project - Approved Change Order No. 1 for R & K Lawn/Garden in the amount of $31 ,543.54; i. Upper Truckee Bank Protection Projects - Approved increase to Task Order for Northwest Hydraulic Con- sultants in the amount of $16,050; j. Lower Shop Paving - Approved Change Order No. 1 for Granite Construction Co. in the amount of $63,325.95; k. Flagpole Tank Sitework - A) Approved Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for C. B. Ebright Co. Inc., and; B) Authorized staff to file a Notice of Completion with the EI Dorado County Clerk; I. Lookout Tank Sitework - A) Approved Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for C. B. Ebright Co. Inc.; and B) Authorized staff to file a Notice of Completion with the EI Dorado County Clerk; REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 2, 1999 PAGE-3 m. Flagpole and Lookout Tanks - A) Approved Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for Advance Tank & Construction; and B) Authorized staff to file a Notice of Completion with the EI Dorado County Clerk; n. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: November 4,1999; o. Approved Special Board Meeting Minutes: November 19, 1999. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR DISCUSSION I BOARD ACTION Director Mosbacher received clarification that the installation of the f10wmeters would be permanent. Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Jones and Gochnauer Absent/Passed to approve purchase of four magnetic f10wmeters for Bijou and Johnson pump stations from Seltek (who provided the lowest competitive quote) in the total amount of $15,109.55. Rhonda McFarlane and Nona Reid made an oral and visual presentation covering the financial status of the export pipeline project. The presentation was outlined in a handout distributed at the meeting. Solbrig outlined the schedule for future phases of the pro- ject. Staff recommended accelerating the project since the funding is in place. The Operations Committee reviewed the schedule and recommended it be accelerated, contin- gent upon staffs workload. The Board directed staff to accelerate the schedule if it is feasible. The budget for Fiscal Year 1999-2000 and the Five-Year Plan will include yearly pipeline projects until the A & B Line project is completed. BIJOU PUMP STATION / FORCE MAIN STUDY (Consent Item d.) PRESENTATION: Export Pipeline Proiect Financial Report ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Rhonda McFarlane reported staff met with the Finance Committee on November 18, 1999 to discuss the self- insured medical plan's (Plan) January 1,2000 renewal. The Plan is entering its fourth year with reserves of EMPLOYEES' BENEFIT PLAN - SELF-INSURED MEDICAL PLAN RENEWAL REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 2, 1999 PAGE-4 approximately $623,000 (which includes $400,000 that was transferred into the Plan from the District's contin- gency fund in December, 1997). Claims audits of the claims administrator, Cost containment Concepts, have continued to improve and meet industry standards. Claims experience has increased approximately 22% over the 1998 Plan year. The District's insurance consul- tants, BB&H Benefit Designs, have reviewed the plan performance, and have received competitive quotes for insurance and administrative fees. Four components of the Plan renewal were reviewed and approval was recom- mended by the Finance Committee and staff. Moved Wallace/Second Strohm/Jones and Gochnauer Absent/Passed to approve January 1, 2000 renewal of self-insured medical plan, including: A) Administrative contracts/fees; B) Renewal of excess insurance (Specific & Aggregate) with Canada Life; C) Recommended funding plan; D) Repayment of $100,000 to Contingency Fund; and E) Authorize Board President and/or Plan Administrator to sign related renewal documents. Moved Wallace/Second Strohm/Jones and Gochnauer Absent/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $798,536.56. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met November 29. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. County Water AQencv I EDWPA / LAFCO COMMITTEE: Director Strohm reported he attended a November 19 purveyors meeting that was held to continue discussions with Supervisor Humphries and Neilson re: restructuring the governance of the County Water Agency. Lahontan/SWRCB Communications Ad Hoc Committee: Bob Baer met with Harold Singer November 29. Lahontan has reorganized staffing of their work groups. Director Mosbacher reported on her attendance at a December 1 meeting re: USFS Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest "road less" issues. She encouraged staff to monitor the progress because the "roadless" issue may impact the District in the future. EMPLOYEES' BENEFIT PLAN - SELF-INSURED MEDICAL PLAN RENEWAL (Continued) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 2, 1999 PAGE-5 General ManaQer: Bob Baer reported on three items: 1) Staff has requested EPA assistance for MTSE issues. 2) Assemblyman Oller's office has been working with District staff on the fire protection legislation for recycled water use within the basin. 3) Assemblyman Wildman's office will begin work on issues resulting from the Underground Storage Tanks audit. Richard Solbrig reported on the A-Line Phase III Project. Staff has received, and is reviewing, the good faith effort to obtain MSEIWSE participation documents from L.N. Craig. One written protest was received from Valley Engineers, and one verbal protest from Mountain Cascade re: the pipe supplier submitted by the apparent low bidder L.N. Craig, on the directional drilling section. The District has responded to both protests. After all bid and good faith effort documents have been reviewed by staff and are found to be in order, the bid award will be placed on the December 16 agenda for Soard approval. District General Counsel: Attorney Kvistad reported while he was at the ACWA fall conference, he met with a Washington State Senator who may help support the Lake Tahoe Restoration Act. 3:45 P.M. 3:50 P.M. 4:50 P.M. STAFF REPORTS MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED AND ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION Staff updated the Board regarding this item. No Board action Pursuant to Section 54956.95 of California Government Code/Liability Claim: Sanders v. STPUD, Superior Court. L TO. Civil Ct. Case No. 2217 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 2, 1999 PAGE - 6 This item was not discussed. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of California Government Code/Con- No Board action. ference with Legal Counsel Existing Litigation: Schwake v. STPUD, Federal Case No. CV -N-93-851-DWH Legal counsel and staff updated Board regarding this item. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of California Government Code/Con- No Board action. ference with Legal Counsel Existing Litigation - STPUD v. ARCO~ et ai, San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 Staff updated the Board regarding this item. Pursuant to Section 54956.8 of California Government Code/Con- No Board action. ference re: Real Property Negotiations - Negotiating Parties: District staff, Board of Directors; Under Negotiation: Property Terms; Property Identification: APN 19-081-09 4:50 P.M. ADJOURNMENT James R. Jones, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Richard Solbrig. Assistant Manager / Engineer; Jim Hoggatt. Construction Manager RE: BOARD MEETING January 6. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 6.a CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: .. .. . ..... ... ..... .. . ... ., ....... .............. '. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES P)/.ff~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES U"~ ~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER GARDNER MOUNTAIN TRUNK LINE PRO'S AND CON'S FOR OPTION 1 (HIGHWA y 89) PRO'S I) Designed for future water supply from Camp Rich area. 2) Provide fire flows along Highway 89 corridor. 3) New source of revenue, ie. new customers (the south side of Highway 89 is within our service area). 4) The new 8-inch line in 13th Street will increase the area for District crews to replace existing water mains. The area affected is Glorene Ave., Tata Ln., Clement, Julie Ln. from Tenth Street west to end of each street. 5) Replaces the following existing pipe line: a) 2-inch 803lf b) 4-inch 1,918lf c) 6-inch 1,3001f d) 8-inch 236lf CON'S I) Dealing with US Forest Service for another well. 2) Provide fire flows to non-customers. The east side of Highway 89 is in the Lukins Brothers service area. 3) Smallest benefit of old line replacement. 4) Limits ftre flow improvements to our customer. (The interior of Gardner Mountain Zone has limited ftre flows.) 5) The most expensive option: a) 6,700 If of 14"pipe@ $160/ft = $1,072,000 b) 1,300 If of 10" pipe @ $IIO/ft = $143,000 c) 2,600 If of 8" pipe @ $80/ft = $208,000 TOTAL $1,423,000 GARDNER MOUNTAIN TRUNK LINE PRO'S AND CONS FOR OPTION 2 (ROGER AVE) PRO'S 1) Provide fire flows to our customers along south side of Highway 89. 2) New source of revenue; new customers along south side of Highway 89. 3) The new 8-inch line in 13th Street will increase the area for District crews to replace existing water mains. The area affected is Glorene Ave., Tata Ln., Clement, Julie Ln. from Tenth Street west to end of each street. 4) Do not have to deal with US Forest Service as line is not designed for future water supply from Camp Richardson area. 5) Replaces the following existing pipe line: a) 2-inch 1,059lf b) 4-inch 3,4181f c) 6-inch 1,3001f d) 8-inch 236lf CON'S 1) Limits fire flow improvements to our customers. (The interior of Gardner Mountain Zone has limited fire flows.) 2) Limits our future water supply from Camp Richardson. 3) Limited benefit of old line replacement. 4) Provides limited fire flows to non-District customers. North side of Highway 89 is in Lukins Brothers service area. 5) Second most expensive option: a) 500 If of 14" pipe@ $ 160/ft =$80,000 b)1,300 lfof 10" pipe @ $110/ft =$143,000 c) 8,100 If of 8" pipe @$ 801ft =$648,000 TOTAL $871,000 GARDNER MOUNTAIN TRUNK LINE PRO'S AND CONS FOR OPTION 3 (JULIE LANE) PRO'S 1) Provides best tire flow for interior of Gardner Mountain Zone. 2) The new 8-inch line in 13th Street will increase the area for District crews to replace existing water mains. The area affected is Glorene Ave., Tata Ln., Clement, Julie Ln. from Tenth Street west to end of each street. 3) Replaces the following existing pipe lines: a) 2-inch 2,938lf b) 4-inch 1,750lf c) 6-inch 1,300lf d) 8-inch 236lf 4) Do not have to deal with US Forest Service as line is not designed for future water supply from Camp Richardson area. 5) Least expensive option: a) 500 If of 14" pipe @ $160/ft = $ 80,000 b) 1,300 lfof 10" pipe@ $110/ft =$143,000 c) 7,900 If of 8" pipe @ $80/ft =$632,000 TOTAL $855,000 CON'S 1) Limits our future water supply from Camp Richardson area. 2) Limits future new source of revenue as no lines along Highway 89 or Roger Ave. 3) Provides limited fire flows along Highway 89, tire hydrant installed at intersection of 13th Street and Roger Ave. GARDNER MOUNTAIN TRUNK LINE PRO'S AND CON'S FOR OPTION 3A ( JULIE PLUS TENTH STREE1) PRO'S 1) Provides best fire flow for interior of Gardner Mountain Zone and provides a fire hydrant on Roger Ave and 13th Street and Roger Ave and 10th Street - 2, 000 feet apart for Highway 89 fire flows. 2) The new 8-inch line in 10th Street will increase the area for District crews to replace existing water mains. The area affected is Glorene Ave., Tata Ln., Clement, Julie Ln. from Gardner Street west to end of each street. 3) Replaces additional 1,500 If of existing 4- inch pipe than option 3 : a) 2-inch 2,938lf b) 4-inch 3,2501f c) 6-inch 1,3001f d) 8-inch 236lf 4) Do not have to deal with US Forest Service as line is not designed for future water supply from Camp Richardson area. 5) Limited area for new source of revenue along Roger Ave. New pipe only 2,000 ft apart along Roger Ave. CON'S 1) Limits our future water supply from Camp Richardson. 2) Cost $120,000 more than option 3: a) 500 If of 14" pipe @ $160/ft = $80,000 b) 1,300 If of 10" pipe @ $11O/ft =$143,000 c) 7,900 Ifof8" pipe @ $80/ft = $632,000 d) 1,500 If of 8" pipe @ $80/ft = $120,000 TOTAL $975,000 -Ac+t~ L~ Q-~ -- (' ,j (j".. , I' ", Ii ", I .. ~ t) ~ ~ r/ )J ~.0::" ~\~~ ~ /. ~~ ~ ~" ~~?'\\ ~~/ ~~ ~ ~ ,~ ~~ ~ IJII' I~-!:.i GARDNER MOUNTAIN TRUNK LINE OPTION 1 ~ ----- _._.- --- -................- I; i' ,.J i'I" ,./ I '- I ',- ~ ',- , ~ ~ - a- "'''''II~''1 ~r II i ~~i ~~ill~i ~~i i II J, !idb llj ~ I ~"j "I! ~ i I 15 i; 5 ~ : is ~- " J I" ~~ 51 'i!! f'l I: " i " I "I J "i I, ~ ~I l~ a ~ 'e /1111 _IT I , ! )! W1J' I,.. V. '0- "- '- J I I 1111 II I ~~ J;J; - I I J,ljL,r --IL ~ ~ I :--1/;: ~ J' :cI- 'l!t =1- I---.+:--- --!- ~ J::!:::. I- - r _7--.::- Q --- :J- r:::::: - f- ~ 'fJ!J/:-.---- r:-:::::: t: ~ ~H_~ fJflf - I II I I '/ ~~ 1. # . - 1111 I I" 11 .,;; 7jjfJ/#l- ~ ~ ~ ~- I I il~)7~ -- I ""'" - == == ~ c= ~ - ~ f!: Tfj;;;~ ---- II ~ ~_. f-r- 'A Sf-- '~1 .1 :" F == := ~ ~ ':F tiP; - r I IT ~ ~ - - 0 A ~ ~ ~v = :'-..~ ~ ~-7-' r; y~ " -;::::- TI ,~," v -^ ~ ~ )Y',~ '::} ~~ ~ \ \\~ '/--"<'.....y ft"'--; ",,'" ~0~\\~ " 0... \~ ,\~ . 4>(,< ;{ ,~ ~ ~ (:;f; ~ ~~NyY' f '\., ,~I ~ fr- ~.:J- n y.. Y' " ~\ '" .,j" {H?f-.'1--Y~ ~~ I ( '-- J,,, /r ~'zr7m#-' 'i 1 ~ ~~71: ~~~~d ~ II"! I ~..!:.! GARDNER MOUNT~N TRUNK LINE OPTION 2 ~ ----- a.._._ .__ ----.-...-- I ; 111ii! I !!Hl~lii iji i ! ! 1I11 ! jlll !~Il! I' I i I ! i~ i I j: j; ;; 'i ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~; ~ 5 a i I · ~~ . i I! i~)" ~ '...... !' la 5a a I "'... I · ~Ln f[ '... III I II I II I I I ~1}j~1ffft .JI1 -I I II II II II ;g ~-;; r'1 'IJ!~ L.J.J.JI - I- '-~ r-J-.. "'---i_----- ~ ~~' f- -1 \ 11 Lt / 7!ir S --J "1 t J ._~ I Tl L \:11711 -~ :~Cfl1Jj _ J If = == (5;(Y'~ ~ ~P1 t&J:-ViJ-J~1 Ii -I- ~,~ ' If ~J; i; /L~ ~ IT -/ 'I-.. --:J...I _ I- 0\ ~ ~ -J t:: ~ - L40 :\ ..-. ( / ! ~ :1/,10</ ~J /~ 0,'r-".7jJ' ~I :::" I = 'l::/' //M~ ~l~ i S A~~~~ ~ -I:-t."~; 'I '= ~ A...."-....."YF"-... '" ..:::::-:/. ~ <:. 77'^" /~~f-....~''''':Y/--''-...~ ~" ... /\ ~ ' ~ f\ ~~y~~~ ~ ~' , " ~ ~:/A~n ~ ",' ri.. ~~ ~ ' ~ ~~>~> ". " h '/-.. '-. ~ IT~ , ' ~,/'-..."-...'X"-......... . " ,,' L- ~A' <,,' ;~<.~ (( ~ ~ '^ '-.i' b. ....: ........ \\ ~ ~ ( > ~ ~ I ~~~,~ ~ .y ~?;: J . ~~ >- fM., .;., .... fli:ffllL ~~ 1Jl:fj/ ~ 'RYi'f...Y" t--..:1Y.< )( If..'.l-l/y: vR<W /ATI --y.:y /..'f... YI.. 'f... y.",)t" (' ,J (J'" , I' " \!i I ~ t:',) I ~ h ,-..."1 ""\ : I~II' lu!lr1i ~ ----- ...._... .-- --.-~- GARDNER MOUNT~N TRUNK LINE OPTION 3 Gardner Mountain Trunk Options January 6, 2000 Richard Solbrig, Assistant Manager/Engineer Jim Hoggatt, Construction Manager/Engineer ~OUIH ,- A-~Oe.- PUe:>L-I? UilL-liY C/1~iF'1l?i ~....c ~ *>DlI ,... ..-....,&'~~':t,.: ~ :=,(~'- i ' ........ , '~"':~ ,""'", /.,. '", ., L-' '" . '-! <".' -~ -I~--!..~'~./ 7j-,--...:..~r;-,}.,~""'''N ~':~' \:/.~.<' ,A...~:.::_~'"... .'{'t..... '-,,- ) f ,- ... Ii'(- J ( 7-,...;'.t ' '-,,"-,..if' ;0.;...... 't..' ';-:, .. ),"~-'~;:V"'..c'"'... ',i"... ..... ..... " .( '~''''''~''' ~... ,L:,...... "-.......~', ,','"'" , .' , . ~. 'f .. ~ ~;............ -.t {, ." " ''''''., ~ .', ..... _--.__t -UJ.I.i....-~......... }~N'rq..;~~L.....;7....);,''' /",j,(.l.'-.~'~"'''''''./(^N> ..~. ... J - '-.~ -. .j "'. ...-..:;:.~,) r...."'" .(-~ .' 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I "...",,1.;/ '~,1 ""'I ...t, 1,' ,"<.' .' ___ f ("" ~'\ 'j,,~ "'1 ,1"'7 _...-'t>.....,J,)(///'/..~'/ '......'~.....(f/'.r_f./'"JIo.,J" .ol....'.......; "V, .:(...-,A ,. ~"''''''/'''. .);~~>( ).jj\',,-:.,:.:...-:...J(r' :,'...'<...~>,' ,-.:, ~., J.....l ..',. / t I ~.' _;'1',(", ~ y...... ,r...::?f.,' ,()"~.J ,J",. ......) },~ .....) (", ..-- ' /.')c -:.~~(.''-'" ~i"'/1..j(/ ~"':". ~')...,/ ' -'" '/","" ~\.. ~ '" ' , '-- ~>,( '~:'l':~.~~'/:<~4i>/ ~'...;~"::~ Ii,/-: ../. ~ ,/ ~.. '- 1 '." -', \,.. - .. ~"-r"~:.I .... (.:t : ~.;",~~: '~f<~'. 'r'" ..' "//\ :...~:... ~~" \ ,y""',.' "....... v- . . "\. _~,....., -lI iJ){{.,. .....~(,..' "'01r(".,..C-'" ,,'" ''Lv" '" "\ ~<;f\'::~~:l,~"..:...!/(')' .::,..:'.f.:y/.,..,........ ";...:':~ >-}~ '\..),} ;:''1 -~ ".i,,,. l",""...";'''.".,:..'''.^.A\';'~)..( _~ . v.. , .. A';:<..j''''',' ;"" y'/f..} ))/"..:.""\.;:....,A ........"( ~l r"'. L "I ...~., ....:........ ../",,;.:/: '':-....l.l:'::'z.:..-:''~'-:::._~''j,....:\... -/''''" '~' > ,---""1 v ..,.. rw l"-~ v~\", ,,-- TIT! "_ofr::L CJ:'::.::..-h ~T \_-, r-:~)""-r- " .... " ,~.~ \ ~.....,\ .... !-- " ~ " ,- .~'l: ___..._\ ....:....~', I , -........ / '. ~,,\.' L ", · ,', :~ "<0",\')' ,::'\\>. \\,~-~~' '~/:': " \- ..~",;::i\ \. \ ',~ \"-"" :,,',;: /.;;;;f~~~'<~~~'~:~ '. / ,. ( I ,./ O'_.~ o Gardner Mountain Trunk Line Pro's For Option 1 (Highway 89) ., ."..... . 1) Designed for future water supply from Camp Rich area. 2) Provide fire flows along Highway 89 corridor. 3) New source of revenue, ie. new customers (the south side of Highway 89 is within our service area). 4) The new 8-inch line in 13th Street will increase the area for District crews to replace existing water mains. The area affected is Glorene Ave., Tata Ln., Clement, Julie Ln. from Tenth Street west to end of each street. 5) Replaces the following existing pipe line: a) 2-inch 803 If b) 4-inch 1 ,918 If c) 6-inch 1,300 If d) 8-inch 236 If · Jii ~~ ~ ~OUIH- ,- A-H-Oe.- F'Ue:>L.-IC- UilL.-liY C7I-::oif"1lC- i Gardner Mountain Trunk Line Cons For Option 1 (Highway 89) 1) Dealing with US Forest Service for another well. 2) Provide fire flows to non-customers. The east side of Highway 89 is in the Lukins Brothers service area. 3) Smallest benefit of old line replacement. 4) Limits fire flow improvements to our customer. (The interior of Gardner Mountain Zone has limited fire flows.) 5) The most expensive option: a) 6,700 If of 14"pipe @ $1601ft = $1,072,000 b) 1,300 If of 10" pipe @ $110/ft = $143,000 c) 2,600 If of 8" pipe @ $801ft = $208,000 TOTAL $1,423,000 ~ ~""'_:~I J.-J'-,..,.. 1 (:';'-'~':1i.l(r;'I/<1 ;.'/,'/ ,- ::L-:. :/,'1- ' "-<' f" , =1-J~1ifr-ri'7(""-'J!ti-~iQ J T r-vj1!..:~~'!A:'~'~~';)?'?<~-:::~':i!iP7.:-i'" ,". ~"'''' 1< , L_ If I~Z'H:;"--l -1~~_J~!--./ ;(111<^!}/?,,~/,'/J'/ll./i.:!:-:.::.l.rv ~\j<!~(:<...~,-,~ '~"'" AR;:';-~ i.<dftl i"""?;',;; ,jfflJ.J-I-:r)'::/...( /1\.1 /./f(,';'.f.,'t'J~"':::~<~;::-;,(' :{", '.I:'~~' ~ ~ t 'r-71-_ ~'-Ml / t.4j.!-~, l-li.li...t1fj / A/'<"'//~'/':":"""./:"'-{:'1-~'~'';''/.l' ~(...." :..' 7 0;.--J.1/"!-;"';,:!">>rt. J.._. 'Fkl '-:!:,~=r/'-,Z.';-'':: ...... ',.;f/;'(; "i \,. '-(PI'" ,~t ';J.~/ ,^." '; ,"-, .".", ! ~ I:. .._frt"fl ""'-.. .,1__' J {1 /;, ...'1.....'/ y../..../y.. 'to -"Nt: ,r^'i.....I..... 1_1;,......',t~ ftoj' ..~" r~ ...._~J , J -:"I//, '.~' ,.'/ .,:Y/ ,e T-~ .::-:7"-'. ,./....J.4,I./.-.,;, . "v'.... . 'lL8~ r---.i...;ljt"J~ Jr-....,.._ ~--..._ /'....//./' /'''''/'&''/;-:'~>'~>~'r.r// r......J.r.)/&/.~.::I",\, r-__..Iv.,J'fJ ,..,...,,:~~_ '"r.,- ... "../ ,",~ \./~,'" Y.",' ~.' 'l~, ;:-l,.'/. "'j/'';,':.(/'1.!.''i~''''''''',/},::,<' L {i"",;.:.tttJ-i t"krp..,j,J'JI../-,.';:/'\ i. <>}>~;':'llH-:., ~ ;~V'~J'<~ .~ (/-'J;~'\<" ' I ~'j J';J')j' ~~'I:ti rJ...l(fy-1 \ / "':-/" /.f"';:(i-'".-/'!i/'i..,f,t.>=./;;-: '1)','':,.'"- 11'1', 'lIt" "':Lt' .\::-_ ./'.'.; 1".t.)-;J"......r..I.~<J I!', '.J" ....~' , ? '. t'j~i..1JjJi;ij'(,(r.-mt..L.li..:j7L....;..... "'" '~.;.<,:~ /'::, ."...;~.:?}i..:;?/{:-,~~:. /:,", " r/'n."lIir.)l.J,J'lIJ-"^' ,wl-J?"'-'" ,,/'.,,,,,Jr ./ iJ'(".'."":'J'J~.4:""J""~' ' iJIJ ,'('t:J'iJiJ')f."~T""L "'" ".' (~,r ,,;... " :!,'<:~'I,'J- }',(>'-!I,-, \:;', ~ 7Hl'itjf 'h-I_.J~ .(/(rl~_ /.,.....,//>:;;.' . ~ "" 'o,;" r,'.,r- f ? 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I J r-s.':1_'_}/A..'~' ,""P-"'......... 'nf'.~. ..--:::....~ ""~'. /' - ,\, :=- II illr-~iiltt:~,>/:/-./,.{(~ ,":<:~(-;:_.:~?:.l~\.... .Y.",/' -'-~l -_ -~;.;i.l::::::l,L~_'J 'L':.:. ." 'u.-"//"',,.,';\:,< \~ -. ,<"". ~1'7fl 1I,iTTT'TTII~'7"":";"~=::::":--...-.::,'-, '- <y~ \ ,..---... I 1 ".'~' .. '....,.......~ .,1 A r---_J'........ ','....."\" ~!~..r..... ,........ \ \...... < ::,' -~:\ - \;:~;ic:;~~--:- .,C .,'....':..~oLrrH- ,- A+-+Oe- F'Ue:'L-I? UilL-liY OI-:>iF"'ll?i , ,/ /,/ r' o.:~,......"'~ o Gardner Mountain Trunk Line Pro's For Option 2 (Roger Ave) 1) Provide fire flows to our customers along south side of Highway 89. 2) New source of revenue; new customers along south side of Highway 89. I 3) The new 8-inch line in 13th Street will increase the area for District crews to replace existing water mains. The area affected is Glorene Ave., Tata Ln., Clement, Julie Ln. from Tenth Street west to end of each street. I 14) Do not have to deal with US Forest Service as line is not designed for future : water supply from Camp Richardson area. I I 5) Replaces the following existing pipe line: I a) 2-inch 1 ,059 If I b) 4-inch3,418 If c) 6-inch 1,300 If I d) 8-inch 236 If i~~~'~' ' IUJf ~~ i Gardner Mountain Trunk Line Con's For Option 2 (Roger Ave) 1) Limits fire flow improvements to our customers. (The interior of Gardner Mountain Zone has limited fire flows.) 2) Limits our future water supply from Camp Richardson. 3) Limited benefit of old line replacement. I 4) Provides limited fire flows to non-District customers. North side of Highway 89 is in Lukins Brothers service area. 5) Second most expensive option: a) 500 If of 14" pipe @ $1601ft = $80,000 b)1,300 If of 10" pipe @ $1101ft = $143,000 c) 8,100 If of 8" pipe @ $ 80/ft = $648,000 TOTAL $871,000 ~OUII-r ,. A-I-rOe.- PUe?L-l? U"TIL-I'-rY [/!-:;,"TF1I?"T ::.~~:'WA~ ~,--,..,...~\~~~~: "-:-::;~ >::'~-~ .../ '/~''''''~-::,.'':':7-( rl'"';"'~ "'-.....~.. r\: ~'.''',Jt,J'r-.:.f:,J-lfJl ' K.,~."-",.,,,J',/,,,,;-~:-,'''''(','';'' " '. , ~1:"'"'-"''''-i,1 ..l,:..,...~ll__ ,^--_. '-I('I-;;~"'.'."-',"i /.....:v::.~.,)~JJ,....I/,...r...' "'_.' /W--_. f ~lHt jrt---...--Uf'..;.u'}?".......7:".) . } /";.;" ..." '), .., ....,,"!' . "".-/.. -.-.' ,{.." ...,~" .... ~ ~:;:":.!..4~ /--~- :::; __# I ".~cl ,~~.? i ~}, ,/1{( J "":. :/~~~.. :;~' ~. ~.: ~~?~~ :"~/>~',~J. ~~...;,-" . .:. ~J'~""''n>-~",,- .......~._"'._' " '." ,',"'.' >-"'""""'>~"/' .,,', .' "'u_, oV t:t{;;;: '_~('-- )--~-':...--,;:--~-..t:,;,;)~:',:, "~.~ ';. ~;" ~ ~ ;:.:.~~);~<':i);,,~~~:~::~~.:'.:,/<:: . 11. );~.:'" 11 i'--)-... ""...1 'VA /".../,~..;. ~'- "'..:--:'i)"'~.Jf.)::-': ",,I " ~~ljr~-L~frt-'~ [f'-...;~""'....,,"... ......"/ /':...:..y....J,).....,,':')_;~...(,.~...,..l/ ~..."';>~\ l'-_ (!l ~~...!.._(; ,..--.}~ f "; ,. 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'..,.,.-::---, ~~. .-.rf ~-.,: j"j"t, _~ ~, ,_ ........ ....- " I ' 'i' ,\~:- \,;--" ,'1 \ ,;:<'..,.\ i --~ "/", .., .t)!',/"~l -~ " '1,." _._.l::,~~~;;:'\;~li~~:: ~~ ~~_..... ~~~~~'l :::.-.".~~..: """ il'\f~'t;I ~""'-"~1t<.,._ ~}""~ 1:U.~11ll~...ll" I / / / ./ , / 0;'.... ...... o Gardner Mountain Trunk Line Pro's For Option 3 (Julie Lane) 1) Provides best fire flow for interior of Gardner Mountain Zone. 2) The new 8-inch line in 13th Street will increase the area for District crews to replace existing water mains. The area affected is Glorene Ave., Tata Ln., Clement, Julie Ln. from Tenth Street west to end of each street. 3) Replaces the following existing pipe lines: a} 2-inch2,938 If b) 4-inch 1,750 If c) 6-inch 1,300 If d) 8-inch 236 If ~OUIH- 'f ~H-oe.- PUe:>L-I? U ilL-liY OI~iF'll? i Gardner Mountain Trunk Line Pro's For Option 3 cant... (Julie Lane) . 4) Do not have to deal with US Forest Service as line is not designed for future water supply from Camp Richardson area. 5) Least expensive option: a) 500 If of 14" pipe @ $1601ft = b) 1,300 If of 10" pipe @ $11 Olft = c) 7,900 If of 8 II pipe @ $80/ft = $ 80,000 $143,000 $632,000 TOTAL $855,000 Gardner Mountain Trunk Line Cons For Option 3 (Julie Lane) 1) Limits our future water supply from Camp Richardson area. 2) Limits future new source of revenue as no lines along Highway 89 or Roger Ave. 3) Provides limited fire flows along Highway 89, fire hydrant installed at intersection of 13th Street and Roger Ave. ~OUIK IA-KOe- PUVL-I? uilL-liY [71~iF"1l?i =-~~-:~-.t.r- ..-r--...__.-: 1?.Jr~' ~~;;; ;~:~,'~~",..;-/ ...:~::~.~~~/' r);...~ ',,-' l' _.,)" ,-I r -~-"-.7J,' , i"""~,~.""" ,'".. 'V."~'.'" ...' '..~, " , '1--... L~ ( ..ll-':;~! I -~. """.1, r;/:~ ~. "t ',,...... ;:.:.::-....'l~J '::':~}...... ..... ... --_ f ~~J...,.,.I'l""-_....-~_Qf" -hlJ<'~'::':'.) , ) (~... /'i'/ ;.1,1'", " !' ~......-"-._-, '~l' ..... ~~"' '- j~~""-"'....!.._?!i r--1-I:'. ~I..':''':''~ (-j~':/',...J( ~.:" :'..'~' v..'::~~"'-'~J~~.,l:\.)i"'~',~", ..... c ;ll.::..,.-~....L. _I ~-~,:'t'1~, ~L ~)",:,,;-""', I ~ -,'0/ ..... "."".'.-.... .....,.......; ,!~<iI.,NJJ:~ ;'-.... ...., ~i.-.-:f-"'''' -.:':'........... ~- ,---....-.) X'to' .{., ./,\.' "'t:,.-.'x ...., 1'0... "t')"" ,..;' ... 1.:"l'. f.~J ~___-.... -. -(,.-... I r-..'>-':".'......;':. <, ':. .",', ...../:,=... '<'~"v ... ,,>A... '....,) ':. ;- ..'":' '1\ :AM,.......",'"';) "_ ..t~~., I '-"'-l-_ -___t , .~'< ,.\/).{ '/,x./~...-'. ,-..../..J.'1. ..J..K. /- 1....,.'"1 :i!,.!j.~.....{ I (\-,~..../. ........ ; ~'./.<'/'~~ ..~~..'r.r"/'J,..)./,.:.,,?-':~. , , r~I;(~li............'"_J .~.,..""," ...', ^ '. ,"j ~'t.,~~'...z.....'iJ ......... \ f,~-!...L-l..J(,..__.:...1 f''';'..... ",^,,,\/:,,"'-~'/~Z'..f-:;""+/~').""',,,>,;:.~~t.,.,,;,\ ~-!0." , I ---;,-Ll" ~ ...:~ ( '" <" '/,' 'f', .J~"" ...,...,~, .~". V,I '-' .'., , ~,,\"\1,7~1~ ,t !?rfd;-.;. _ 1- ,..,.' ',~ /,/~......,~~...~~~-~,~~..:,,~ ~.':~.):~:~:~';:>/ \.".... .. .~<,;."!)))!fm~"t:'-.~__,'J L "'-'- ,I ... " ., .. ", ','" :"', ,'", 'f.! ~ . n?;')~ lfl~lf ,-L, :\. .'~ '. ., :'\:,.....,"-...,...,. .."'.... ( ( ,!Il:::..... 1,1" j-t ,'" .(.. /, ,,', ....... '...f ,-;, ,...., ".'t.-.......l r....' ,... \ '1' .~..!,'Jrll)-J~4) , (/,." ,~ ... X ....v...,....'? ..~"",,) , 11);~M.L rf'Jj-'r- )11)1),.,,'......."".:.'.. .'... ;.... .; '":t/'".I",i'-. ,,:,. ''\ U,l "1 - (it.. '4.(Jli.J ~~;o'" .' ...~ ';';'. .,",,''',J,:,,;'(._,~-'-''''''''" '^\ _ '~)1J tl(iii"'k...r~"'l'l' l.//... "" ..;.', "./..;.-.I;.y:"i- '.....,-..... .... "', r1~:.~ -\..{.i I I tr-- M.. oj '1'1)" '/'< " 'J' .", '),,,; - ~ ./ ," ......._...~-'''''-~!rf ._.....i~ I '\. i,', " "J,'d, " , ..~ ,'"" .,.... ^ ," - 1,1{,1~'('~"""',\J_fd'(' f;,}~ '~.//'", /...~, ~ ~'jt~~.... ........, .........;:~, <' '"L ,..".' ~ - (I I (1J.1[:y... "'I..J,[/ l~..(.. <.,~)/.....' ;,J ,A....".....I-~'l...t..., }...; '':'/'"'' /-N""'''''~' . ~ - )1';'-J.~~J:J{"1'f"::'_"""':'-{;/,,, '" ':':;'''4'''. ~/ ~....:.." {.~(,.~....",......~; ./;. ....i-~,\ '3" { , "-:~'~l~ 11 .~( nth'> "~ ','~ I....~...'I ......'x ....,'......, I . ...,..,......., -~il~-....~--. /)"'1 ~ ,~.! ""Y."""-;'~'''''.(.''~ ',):....;, :~...~. '\,,'''-f: , ~f I~"""':~- "},',',;-,.,/;.,S<" :/f~,'''''G'! ;',-.~.;l '"..;./') .;. ,J,i I -.... X'" ....., EI3-~F!~~'/>f.-'/:';j,"''''~' /':",~<'. ,',1..~ (,"'.,,' ",l,^ ! . ~ ...,\ \n ]tiit' -=0".< ":.{(/f'';''''':t;"}(,!,.f,,, ~~,,',.. '~i,/,: '/......":::-1'- i. , ,.'. IftP . "--::.''}-;''; ,<~,'J".:."" ,,;J /"'~''4., ".-j.( ('0."4 'I .. 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',. # "~ 'I ' ."./ ) , ...1 I _ll""~~'"" ,..- ' '\ ;...,\ 1 ~J'~:~;< 0/- ~>'l ~;~~~:i5-:- ~ f~~M~'~:i." ~.!~~=..: .;,;.w,>.t''$''!..liI \1ffrn;:-~.- Gardner Mountain Trunk Line Pros For Option 3A (Julie Plus Tenth Street) 1) Provides best fire flow for interior of Gardner Mountain Zone and provides a fire hydrant on Roger Ave and 13th Street and Roger Ave and 10th Street - 2, 000 feet apart for Highway 89 fire flows. 2) The new 8-inch line in 10th Street will increase the area for District crews to replace existing water mains. The area affected is Glorene Ave., Tata Ln., Clement, Julie Ln. from Gardner Street west to end of each street. ~OUIH I' A-HOe.- PUE?L-I? U-rIL-I-rY [/1~-rF'1I?-r Gardner Mountain Trunk Line Pros For Option 3A cant... (Julie Plus Tenth Street) , 3) Replaces additional 1,500 If of existing 4-inch pipe than option 3 : a) 2-inch2,938 If b) 4-inch 3,250 If c) 6-inch 1,300 If d) 8-inch 236 If 4) Do not have to deal with US Forest Service as line is not designed for future water supply from Camp Richardson area. 5) Limited area for new source of revenue along Roger Ave. New pipe only 2,000 ft apart along Roger Ave. Gardner Mountain Trunk Line Cons For Option 3A ( Julie Plus Tenth Street) I I I 1) Limits our future water supply from Camp Richardson. I i 2) Cost $120,000 more than option 3: i a) 500 If of 14" pipe @ $160fft = $80,000 b) 1,300 If of 10" pipe @ $11 Offt = $143,000 c) 7,900 If of 8" pipe @ $80fft = $632,000 d) 1,500 If of 8" pipe @ $80fft = $120,000 TOTAL $975,000 ~~~~~~7 ' ..t.d' j".~.#- ~ . "'~.:!!r "'$-J;:r'" ~ ~OU"-K -,- A-KOB PUe>L-I? U"TIL-liY [/1~iPlI?i --.---- --------~/-/- - - --- -- .~- .-- ----- ~ ~ ~ ~1""1 '=l \ J t ir i~a.'~r '1;' .. \ ~ i\ ~\\~ii\ !';\ l J \1\ ~1Io\~%\ \ \ ~ \~\~;\ ~ ~ l i~i \ \ ~~\~\\a "' \ ~ i~ \ '" ,)\ - ....... '" ,I I ,\, II I \ I I "\ ~\'R~1E:i ~~I .-' :I \" \ \ 1\ 1" !=- =01- ~., 'r-Fr _ y -L --::::r:: fl ~ I - -j l- T: _ - _ SL !tt= .~ ~ I \~\ \'i ~flt_~~i:J1~ I;~ ::'\T \ U"AY -t- =FFiI ,- rTll=:: \ :-~~ It ,:::' '/~ ,::y / O::::::::-J ::dJ.:~ ,,"7};~', ~r~1fj I ::: 'J.:::j,-::j ~ f^-" v^- _ 'j:::F, . '-L .....; .....:"' I. '-/ · ",Jf. c:::t:J/-J'. ,~, - '-" ,~ ---J /:::/~ 122 y '- .... 'I t;: ~~ffj---.: a l- I 'N/, .,..a"'::-~ "-f. ~................ J:2jf...--..~ 2j~';;:::~1 c.lj1fi, ~ ~~'l~ IL-';::~ K ........'If--........... 7 ~ ~0\~ ~"l ~ (.. ..J () "f'-,- ) % ~~ ~~o ~~ ~ ~ ~ . ,- \ r(1 >J .If- -J.. --/, 11 ", II .... .,.. ....... ~t5 ./... y,lff '-/... 'i!L "-L 'I" ",y ,f1.h;.l _, '11 '--<.'41-<-<-:/ 1-/-, \ ,y-""-" , " Ifm' III tlJ?jj''JJ/J ~~~ GARONER MOUNi~N iRUN\( LINE OPi\ON 2 <r --~---~ .,..-.- ..--- ..._-...".~- (' ,) () ,"'",,, ~ \ , .., ... ) \ ~I 11....., \ ~ , I-' .~"' \ r--I ....~ ....... ... ,1 I' \ ~\I 1~\ 1'" =t::-'S · -'"IT .C:11\ II jl=S S ~ I c-- -<--" t:=S.:i ~ 1 f j:: _'-= 1 ===1 =F1/E : ~\ 1 \ ,T fit -~ ~ € ~ ri 81iF . "'. n \' \' liJ '- T mrR'-li-I~ '-' -! - -, ,1- -J);lJf~ ~ -11--I~-- i L ~ ~Yf ::::::::<-= :::::::t ~ /l ~rT\.\ll';~~ ~=r I _ T T \- \ yy" Y- "" ' , 1 ,,/p~'7/::::---- ~' ~ >y~'A--- 0: =, _ ~ :;f:#U//~~'Y' II '.:: li~;:' .(f/~k '-->- ' ~"f...----' ......."< t~ // := \~ ",-7' 'le'" Y /. - '!$;:t;::j~:::::" .... ~ 7(7 I ~ ~~l0!f:Jl::::::; Ij); rjr/"~ ) j ~ tllfi;'if" i ~ 'f/~ "1[::::-"'-{ I ,; v ~ y ., 1 ""^~ :\ ""-....:: ~~ C6 i ~ ~ j. ~'1$ ~~ 10 ~ b ~ ~ f -<~ . If jI/Ch."'--<'4. , ~...... ~ / ~/ p'''''''' "- ~ c \ l - ~f.E/:;~ ~~, . f'. · ~ I !:H H:!f'N' ~/>o , \ r ,i!ffilJ:!li:ip {"' I 1 I):!lli ~ ~ ::t--I/::f:. ~~~ifb 1 l i\Z, 'ii\"\ illl, ! r~'\i\'r ~ \ "\j ~~ ~ \~ !\ !O 11 ~I tll ~ ~~ III ~ III pi! \ II \ "\ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ "--\ G~Ol'lER MOUt{tA\l'l lRUl'l\< Lll'lE op1\ol'l , ----- ..~_.... ..--- ....~"/iI6tI!!!!- --- ------- <--..~- .. -" -----" ..----' - --------"..,;--_.. ---- ,.' --' - ------ 2 i . s I 'I . I I ). I I lnl~~ ~ I L-_~ I II ,'--- ~ y '---= I--..r ~-I- i"Ff1 ~ ';f:2. .:::t ::::: :t- ~ 'b/J t -1-- i-: I ~ .:::tt::. .~ ,;T:: ~Jrr~ ff~t/;,~~lr ...- ~"j '~ -~ 7"J 18t-:] I ~ $ 2Ih~~JI r- -~ ~..::::::::. ::::t-_~ ~ - IT i ~~ ~'----:..,~ _ ~ f-l... UI 'I-.. -; -r "t--J '- = J I C: \ \ ~ ">', '::2f-I-.I"1 r:t ! ~ _t-I~0-~~ y~\S' A)i'x:--;~_II s r:: ='r-,//,):~ >>? '- ~ ::: .~r:::::::: J I ~ -lJ~'-(J~~ ~~ ~ >J t ' rl 'I ~.J,0l'i~'~J:)""""<//~ ~~ l! 'f I - :--... 'J:. ~ . ' 1= ~~;~? ~/'f)~~ ~~ ~~v' ) / /' ft~ ^~" ~ A I ~ ~~~"Y~ ^" './ " >> \~ \""".........YA, > '0\~ ~~ \ ~ ., ~\? ~ ;> #p ~~V (' ,) (" ')1', " ~ " " "', I'.. ; ; ! ~Sii ! ~ Ui !~iilii ~ii i ~ i!h ! ;!I i1ldb i1l1 w i 'IE ~ i I i '1~ 'II i ~ : ;~ i 5 Ii Ii 5 I ~i ~ ~ !t~!l5 i i; a Ij;; !" i~ ; 5~ Il'l Is s I I I II 1\ \ II111 I 1 I- :: t:J ~ ~ '~i"n ""i ./ ~ ~ ~~/ 'X j '~7/ · i it I I ~ .. t . T I u..!:. ~ GARDNER MOUNTAIN TRUNK LINE OPTION 3 ~.. "-........; S( V 0 ,;zt\ I<:h 1:/!zi -Iii. ~WN f$3 c <~ ~J:(1 fh~;:~Y~ A 7f:;f:j /:2 y / "~' 'Y 0~ ~ _.~----::::. -......,.,.....-..- ~. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Accounts Payable RE: BOARD MEETING January 6. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: G.b CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Aporove payment. DISCUSSION: The Payment of Claims will be distributed prior to the Board meeting. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO CATEGORY: GENERAL X WATER SEWER Payment of Claims Enterprise Funds January 6,2000 Ac-h~ , '~ b. Ck# Amount Name FOR APPROVAL JANUARY 6, 2000 Total Payroll 12/15/99 Total Payroll 12/29/99 Total Payroll IGI Resources Wire Transfer Medical Claims-CCC Total Wire Transfers Accounts Payable Checks Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks Self-funded Ins Accounts Payable Checks Grant Funds Total Accounts Payable PAYROLL RELATED CHECKS 12/15/99 Grand Total EFT EFT EFT #35667 #35668 EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT #35669 #35670 EFT EFT URM & Dependent Carel AFLAC Employment Dev Dept Direct Deposit Child Support Collection Program El Paso Co District Court The Hartford ManuLife Pension Loan Payments ManuLife Pension The NPC Companies US Bank Stanislaus Co Family Support Div Stationary Eng Local 39 Time Out Fitness United Way Net Payroll Adjustments Sub-total T:\ACCT\DHIQPSPREADIPMTOFCLM,WB230-De<:,,99 266,594.44 219,764.74 $486,359.18 $7,604.50 37,667.80 $45,272.30 197,634.88 127,217.02 19.62 15,491.23 $340,362.75 $871,994.23 872.78 8,799.74 107,444.14 37.50 413.50 2,068.07 7,078.03 37,169.30 9,540.28 58,617.09 359.00 2,609.42 112.00 31.28 31,442.31 0.00 $266,594.44 Payment of Claims January 6, 2000 Page 2 PA YROLL RELATED CHECKS 12/29/99 EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT URM & Dependent Carel AFLAC Employment Dev Dept Direct Deposit Child Support Collection Program EI Paso Co District Court The Hartford ManuLife Pension Loan Payments ManuLife Pension The NPC Companies US Bank Stanislaus Co Family Support Div Stationary Eng Local 39 Time Out Fitness United Way Net Payroll Adjustments 878.93 7,982.06 103,168.36 0.00 0.00 2,068.07 10,717.76 0.00 9,540.28 53,963.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.28 31,414.25 0.00 Sub-total $219,764.74 T :\ACCT\DHIQPSPREADlPMTOFCLM, WB230-Dec-99 South Tahoe P . U . D . 12/30/99 P A Y M E N T O F C L. A I M ` R E P C R T 12:17,'1999 -Qi,0 2000 Fage 1 THU OFT 30, 1999, 11.17 AM - -rPrl nFRU F-- - -1 7 .L 1I - -loc' ON`TTF - - - -job 7.„9,7 1 ^ ^3 --- pr 9 CL'E99 iz CKRE-C -SP:: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP Check Types' MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name T & T Account # Department Description 10-PP-F.110 HUMAN RFSrIIRCFS 20- 22 -L310 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 10 -00 -6310 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION A W DIRECT 10 -04 -6012 HEAVY MAINTENANCE P0- 01 -A073 IINTIFRCRQtINI'l RFPATR 20 -01 -8061 UNDERGROUND REPAIR TFI FP1-lt jF TELEPHONE TELEPHONE Amount Check # Type MOBILE EQUIPMENT SMAL1 TnOLS VEHICLE TO REPL 1134 Check Tote CS 2.40 7.68 1' 60 90042117 t"1W 218.46 66 03 457.50 741 99 00042118 MW A W W A 20 -27 -6660 DISTRICT INFORMATION WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE 535.60 Check Tote 535.60 00042119 MW :9 112 111 112 119 n< 112 1- 110 120 21 22 2: .2= 12; ,22 12. A -1 CHEMICAL INC 10 -00 -0421 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY 100143 Check Tota 10£.48 00042120 MU A -1 GLASS SERVICE INC 10 -04 -6071 HEAVY MAINTENANCE SHOP SUPFLIES 30.63 Check Tota 80.83 00042121 MW ABCO APPLIANCE SALES & SRV 10- 01-6520 UNDERGROUND REPAY* SUPPLIES 202.70 Check Tota 202.70 00044122 MW ACCOUNTING RESEARCH ASSOC 10 -39 -6250 FINANCE 20 -39 -6250 FINANCE AERVOE-PACIFIC 10 -00 -0421 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 10 -39 -6077 FINANCE DUES & MEMBERSHIPS DUES & MEMBERSHIPS Check Tote SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY INVENTORY Y FPEICHT L 1SCOUNT:i Check Tota 69.00 46.00 115.00 00042123 M11 127.20 12.16 139.36 00042124 MU 32 3 3: 132 in 32 13i 1 12 14' !! 14, I 14 4' 14, 15. 10 -00 -2532 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION INSURANCE SUPPLEMENT Check Tote 772_.38 342.13 00042125 MW AGRA EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL INC 20 -29 -8078 ENGINEERING 20 -29 -8083 ENGINEERING TANK - RAILROAD TANK, FOREST MTN ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE COMPANY 10 -00 -6520 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION SUPPLIES -c 8863.36 659.65 1 .7-23.04 00:?421-24 MW AtPTNF SANITARY SUPPLY 10- 00 -04P2 GENERAL-4 ADMINIST- R -ATION 10 -00 -0421 GENERAL & ADMINISSTRATION 10 -04 -6071 HEAVY MAINTENANCE Check iota JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 1- 4V1-EPLT0? SHOP -- 5UPPL1' INVENTORY SHOP SUPPPLIES AMERICAS - SO LAKE TAHOE 10 -00 -6360 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION PROPANE Chock Tc`a C1wck T 142.35 94.90 237.25 00042127 MW 40 RE 89.83 702.22 0004212E MW 2422.39 z South Tahoe R.U.D. 12/30/99 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S F: E F R T 1 2.' i 7. ' 999 -01 E00i Page 2 THU, DEC 30., 1999. 11 ' 13 AM - -^eq DFBGIE-- - -lag. GL IL--lac ONSITE - - - -j 'b 174087 #J4=7 ,rod CKS09 :146'- -- report id CKRE-G-SP-C Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP , Check Types MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name APn! 1 n PI LIMB TNC: ARNOIn MACHTNFRY Account # Department ATKTNSIIN -ANDFI SnN- 1n- 01 -60c.2 UNDERGROUND RFRAIR ^n- nF -r,n11 FQJIPMENT PEPRTP Description Amount Chec4. # Type PIPE, rOVEPc & MrNioLFS 375 00 Check Tote 375.00 00042130 MW W!I_Om ^''I VE • cEPWSATOPc 79 33 10- ?? -444R HUMAN RESOUPCFS PERSONNEL LE=A! Check Tota 72.38 00042131 MW 20- 22-4445 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR PERSONNEL LEGAL Check Tote 16n 02 778.68 1.146.70 00042132 MW AUTO EXPOSURE 10-21 -6027 ADMINISTRATION 20 -21 -6027 ADMINISTRATION OFFICE EQUIPMENT PEPAIR OFFICE EQUIPMENT REPAIR rr,o rk Trrt 42.00 28.00 70 nn 00n4?137 Mu AVISTA UTILITIES 10 -00 -6350 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION NATURAL GAS 20 -00 -6350 GENERA: & ADMINISTRATION NATURAL GAS 3.313.93 411 19 AVISTA UTILITIES 20 -01 -4520 UNDERGROUND RFPATP Check Tota 3,725.12 00042134 MW MISC l LABILITY Cl ATMS SR AR Check Tota 56.68 00042135 MW Vandor Trta -.7 °T RO AWARDS OF TAHOE BARTELL, AMANDA 10 -19 -4820 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICE SUPPLIES 20 -19 -4820 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICE SUPPLIES 10 -39 -4820 FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Tota 20 -39 -4820 FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Tota 7.40 4 93 12.33 00042136 MW 15 CO 10.00 25.00 00042137 MW BARTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 10 -01 -6075 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -06 -6075 OPERATIONS 10 -04 -6075 HEAVY MAINTENANCE BAY TOOL & SUPPLY INC SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS Check Tote 159.20 159.20 79 60 398.00 00042138 MW 10 -00 -0423 GFILFQAL & ADMINISTRATION SMALL TOOLS INVENTORY 96 S3 10 -00 -0421 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY 59.72 Cneck Tote 156.25 00042139 MW BERRY - HINCKLEY INDUSTRIES 10 -02 -4630 PUMPS 20 -02 -4630 PUMPS 10 -00 -0415 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 10 -00 -0416 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION OIL & LUBRICANTS OIL & LUBRICANTS GASOLINE INVENTORY DIESEL INVENTORY Check Tote 4.44 4.43 2.692.133 1,518.33 4,220 03 00042140 MW BI STATE PROPANE 20 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20 -29 -8906 ENGINEERING AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS REPLACE TRUCK #25 Check Tota 7.50 173.73 181 PI 0004P141 MW South Tahoe P . U . D . 12/30!99 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M : R E F C: R T 12,'17/1999-01/0,--, ./ THU: DEC Q E999. 1113 AM - -r =a DERBIF - -- -leg: GI 3L- -lo:: ONSITF-- - -j.:^ 17 tfF:? 4T4- 7--- -n.-r, Page .,r -t i rI rkpFr Pr Default Selection. Check Stock ID- AP ; Check Types MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name Account # Department BI -TECH SOFTWARE INC 10- -77 -44Q5 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20 -37-4405 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10 -37 -6030 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Description Amount Check # Type CONTRACTIUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL E'ERVICES SERVICE CONTRACTS rh ,-k Tots �t9 6A 1 , 01 3 . 1 0 904.51 7,737 P7 00042142 MU BING MATERIALS 20 -01 -60522 UNDERGROUND REPAIR PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES 167.86 Check Tote 167.86 00042143 MW BLUE OCEAN SOFTWARE INC 10 -37 -6030 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20 -37 -6030 INFORMATION SYSTEMS C C P INDUSTRIES INC. SERVICE CONTRACTS SERVICE ON T RA,CTS Check Tote 10 -00 -0422 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION JANITORIAL CUPPLIES IN \'ENTOR 11;_40 79 60 199.00 00042144 MW 30r, O5 Check Tote 708.05 00042145 MW CALENDARS 10 -21 -4830 ADMINISTRATION SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE 78 87 20 -21 -4830 ADMINISTRATION SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE =2.38 Check Tote 130.95 00042146 MW CALIF DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES 20 -38 -6250 CUSTOMER SERVICE DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 36.00 Check Iota 36.00 00042112 HW CALIF DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES 10 -02 -6250 PUMPS DUES S MEMBERSHIPS 47.00 Check Tote 47.00 00042147 MW CALIF WATER RESOURCES CTRL BD 20 -29 -6650 ENGINEERING Vendor Tota 83.00 OPERATING PERMITS 200.00 CALIF WATER RESOURCES CTRL BD 20 -29 -6650 ENGINEERING Check Tote 200.00 00042148 MW OPERATING PERMITS 200.00 Check Tcta 200.00 00042149 MW Vendor Iota 400 -00 CANADA LIFE 10 -00 -2539 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION LONG TERM DISABILITY, UNION 2,024.12 Check Tote 2,024.12 000422150 MW CAPITOL ENGINEERING LAB INC 20 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE GENEPATORS 400.00 Check Tc.t +00.00 00042151 MW CAPITOL RUBBER 10 -04 -6023 HEAVY MAINTENANCE CAROLLO ENGINEERS 20 -29 -8077 ENGINEERING 20- 29-8865 ENGINEERING CAROLLO ENGINEERS FILTER EQUIP /BLDG 670.31 Check Tote 670.31 00042152 MW TANK - FLAGPOLE ROOF TANY. - GAPPNER MTN Check Tote 90 -98 -8947 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT A LINE WWTP TO UTPS 90 -98 -8828 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT B LINE LPPS TO CAMPGROUND 2,562 88 804.38 3,370.26 00042153 MW 9,945 SO 978.00 South Tahoe P . U . D . 12/30/99 P A M E h r ' T O F C L A I M S P2 P la:17/199'-i-0;/06jau Page 4 THU, DEC 30, L9'19, 11 1-7 AM - -red =L 1L - -IOc aNc 1 TE - -- -job - 1740r-"' #1453-- - -Frcg Ck :S:. : 1 A41- - -repo. t id CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID AP Check Types: MW;HW,RV,VH Vendor- Name Account # Department Description Amount Check # Type 90 -98 -8829 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT F LINE DIP TO END 90 -96 -8327 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT A LINE PHASE II Check Tota 1 "05.92 2,463.00 14,792 34 00042154 MW CENTI Ai RUSTNESS FOPMS INC 10 -3e -4320 CUSTOMER 5EPV3 -CE OFFICE 71.1°A4IEB 20- 38- 4820 CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE .SUPPLIES Vendor Tota 18,1662.64 C!-,eck Totes 6-01 67 401.12 1,002 79 00042155 MW CHISWICK 10 -39 -6073 FINANCE SMALL TOOLS 20 -39 -6073 FINANCE SMALL TOOLS 29.24 21.78 "Les -� c1 r� nnnd. 1 COBRA PRO 10 -22 -4405 HUMAN RESOURCES COCKING, DENNIS 20 -27 -6660 DISTRICT INFORMATION COMMUNICATION ADVANTAGE 20 -27 -6660 DISTRICT INFORMATION CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 40.00 `_'heck Totes 40.00 00042157 MW WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE 68.20 Check Tct 62.20 00042158 MW COPY MAN, THE WANT 1ARORATOPTFR DOUNFY OD TNC, ULI 1 LAM A nRTVFR CD TNC, ROREIZT F JATEF .0NSERvAT1 EXF' =N_E r.eo- T ct t 10 -21 -6030 ADMINISTRATION SERVICE CONTRACTS 20 - ?1 -6030 ADMLNIgTPATION SERVICE #ONTPeCTC an -07 -6110 LAB0PAT0PY P0- I11 -b0 -5 UNDEPaR_OU11 R�P�.IB I -4 MO'1_TGr.ING 75.00 275.00 00042159 NW Check Tote Check Tota FFrry FaUIPMFNT' '- ''-IC_Jv 5 81.33 54.22 135.55 00042160 MW 7EE8.00 728.00 00042161 MW Check Tct. 16P n0 168.00 00042162 MW F N S RFSnURf FS IJC 10 -21 -4405 ADMINISTRATI -ON FRRTrHT b rn TNf, C P0- 00 -2An5 GFNFPAL AD'"TNI'.TRPTTON 20 -29 -7099 ENGINEERING Check Totes 0LITITR4r7U4 2EA11LC.E rrrp,r, rCric- .:err, WELL - GARDNER MTN Check Tote Check Tots 261.33 00042163 MW d 16( Al', 4,166.07 00042164 MW 0.01 14,567.62 00042165 MW EL DORADO COUNTY 10 -02 -6650 PUMPS OFERATINa PERMITS 10 -06 -6650 OPERATIONS OPERATING PERMITS rtlarI• 'Lc *�, ELECTRICAL SPECIALTY PARTS 10 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 210.00 406.00 .4 00 00042166 Ml! AUTOMOTIVE S GENERATORS 413.85 Cha' k Totes 41''.05. 00042 -167 MU South Tahoe P.U.D. THU_ DFr 70, la le/_o/9 F A 7 M E N T 0 F L A 1 r C P T 1E. "17, i.'0i L000 Page - -- - - -- 06,- -r2Har- id CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID AP Check Types MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name FMFn CO ENVIRONMENTAL RFSn11RrF4 Account # Department io- or-An41 fPFRATTONB Des_ription P11I! nINMS Amount Check * Type Check Tote 10-07 -47r-0 1 AP.fRATOR" 1 1-4FfPFTflPv c;I!PP! TFO' 571 571.02 00042168 MW 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Tote 422.64 106.60 00042169 MW FEDEX FISHER RESEARCH LA8 INC 20 -27 -6660 DISTRICT INFORMATION 20 -02 -6520 PUMPS P0-07-4R10 1 ARf1RAT11RY 10 -21 -4810 ADMINISTRATION 20 -21 -4810 ADMINISTRATION 20 -27 -4810 OTSTRICT INFORMATION 20 -29 -4810 ENGINEERING 10 -29 -8948 ENGINEERING 20 -29 -7177 ENGINEERING 10-02-6042 PUMPS 90 -98 -8827 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT 90 -98 -8947 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE SUPPLIES PA'STArF PYPFN ^FS POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES P)STAEF FXPFNSFF POSTAGE EXPENSES REPAVE LOWER SHOP AREA TANV - XMAS. Vii 1 FY GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE A LINE PHASE II A 1 TNF WUTP TO 11TPS Check Tota 10 -38 -6073 CUSTOMER SERVICE SMALL TOOL c 7.07 10.12 1'44 11 7.18 4.78 is 41 11.73 10.12 10 12 10.12 11.73 4A 275.97 00042170 MW 10 97 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY Check Tote 10.97 00042171 MW LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Tate 701 50 549.56 1 , 251.06 000421 72 MW GRAHAM, MICHAEL R 10 -01 -6250 UNDERGROUND REPAIR DUES & MELIIIERSHIPS 34.00 Check Tote. 34.00 00042173 MW GUARDIAN, THE 10 -00 -2531 GENERAL G ADMINISTRATION 10 -27 -4312 DISTRICT INFORMATION 20 -27 -4312 DISTRICT INFORMATION H S I GEOTRANS 20-29-7099 ENGINEERING HUGO BONDED LOCKSMITH 10 -06 -6075 OPERATIONS LONG TERM DISABILITY, MGMT LONG TERM ul i',BIL:TY, MGIIT s ONG TEPM f I c.AB I L TTY . MGMT Check Tote WELL - 9ARDNER MTN 1,215 87 81 53 S4 34 1,355.74 00042174 MW 5.892 46 Check Tote. 5,892 46 00042175 MW SAFETY EGL.'IPMENT•P'HYSICALS 76 S9 I A P M 0 10 -38 -6250 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20 -38 -6250 CUSTOMER SERVICE Check Tote 76.58 00042176 MW UFS . I_i.E?SH ° 90.00 DUES S MEMBERSHIPS 60.00 Check Tote 150.00 00042177 MW IMPACT STRATEGIES 10 -21 -4405 ADMINISTRATION CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Iota 4,444.00 4,444.00 00042178 MW INACOM 20 -01 -4820 UNDERGROUND REPAIR OFFICE SUPPLIES 326.04 South Tahoe P . U . D . i 2 , _ C . P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M: R E P G 5. 12/17/199c-01s0/2000 Page 6 THUDEC 30, 1999, 11 .13 AM - -req' DEEEIE - -- -1140: GL .TL - -IO: ONSITE. - -- -job 1740 2.7 1V9 r. gFc Pr. Default Selection: Check Steck IC. AP Check Type=-.. F14,HW,RV, "H Vendor Name Account # Department Description 10 -37 -4840 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20 -37 -4840 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10 -03 -43220 ELECTRICAL SHOP 20 -03 -4820 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10 -37 -8055 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10 -37 -8053 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10 -05 -4820 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20 -05 -4820 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -39 -4.20 FINANCE 20 -39 -4820 FINANCE 10 -29 -8043 ENGINEERING DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES NETWORK SERVER /IFAS NETWORK. NETWORK SERVER FOR NETWORK OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE =UPPLYES REPLACE COMPUTER, AUTOCAD EN Check Tota Amount Check # Type 679 5 4 5,157 02 315 33 ?1� 71 9,937.78 6,707.41 92.73 92.76 111.33 74.21 3,847.33 27,357 34 00042179 MW 15 18 19 11: `: 11 .1t INDUSTRIAL SAFETY 10 -02 -6075 PUMPS 20-02 -6075 PUMPS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS ChecV Tote 312 99 312.99 627.98 00042180 MW INN BY THE LAKE 10 -22 -6670 HUMAN RESOURCES 20- 22-6670 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR I NSTY -PP, I NTS 20 -29 -7099 ENGINEERING 10 -07 -4820 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4820 LABORATORY PERSONNEL EXPENSE PERSONNEL EXPENSE Check Tote WELL - G ARDNER MTN OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 152 4G 101 .64 254 10 00042181 MW Check Tote 7.22 23.16 15.44 41.322 00042182 MW 1 11111 2( 12- z- 12 12 12C i3( 13' 13- i3: L 3` 13, ;3 13 14 is Ia INTERSTATE SAFETY d SUPPLY 10 -00 -0421 GENERAL 4 ADMINISTRATION SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY Check. Tote 5 3.16 523.16 00042 13 MW 14 J & L PRO KLEEN 10 -39 -6074 FINANCE 20 -39 -6074 FINANCE K R L T S K O W L RADIO 20 -27 -6660 DISTRICT INFORMATION JANITORIAL SERVICES JANITORIAL SERVICES Check. Teta WATER CONSERVATION _EXPENSE_ 1,615.80 1.077.20 2,693.00 00042184 MW 1.600 00 KIPLINGER WASHINGTON LETTER 10 -39 -4830 FINANCE 20 -39 -4330 FINANCE Check Tota SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE Check Tote 1,600.00 00042135 MW 4S 60 30 40 76 00 00042186 MW KLINE OD, STEVEN L 10 -37 -6075 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20 -37 -6075 INFORMATION SYSTEMS KROGH PUMP COMPANY 10 -02 -6051 PUMPS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS (Mork Tota PUMP STATIONS rhark Tr,t 19 77.40 51.60 1P9 00 00042127 MU 2,235.11 .23F 11 0004212P MU KRONICK MOSKOWITZ TIEDEMANN 10 -22 -4475 ALPINE COUNTY LEGAL - SPECIAL PROJECTS 1,258.97 ("hark TntA 1 =-=.P. 47 000421P.9 MU South Tahoe P . U . U . 12(30/92 P f , , M I N T O F C L A I M S F: E" O P T 12 25'9 -01'(_,I 2000 Page 7 THU, DEC 30, 1999. -11 13 AM - -req DE$t.E - -- -11'3 GL SL - -iuc• 0NSITE- = = _ --- rc�,ar: CKREC2rC Default Selection Check Stocb. ID. AP Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name Account # Department Description i aR SAFETY SIIPPI Y 10-06-6075 OPERATIONS _LTIIY•S TIRE CERVIC-E INC. 10 -05 -6011 EPUIPMTENT PE °CIR LUCENT TECHN0LflGIFS 10 -39 -6709 FINANCE 10 -39 -6710 FINANCE SIFE' 'Y EOUIPMENT%PHYFICALS Check Tota Amcun' Check # Type Cq C6 52.52 00042190 MW AUTO,IOT I vE : ;E':= RC.TORS 627.67 Check Tote 627.67 00042191 MW LOAN PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS INTEREST EXPENSE Check Tota 51r .03 171.95 689 98 00042192 MW M C I WORLDCOM M S C INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO 10 -00 -6310 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 318.51 10 -21 -6310 ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 3 76 ?0- 1 -611n ArIMTNISTRATTON TELEPHONE 2.51 10 -02 -6310 PUMPS TELEPHONE 4.84 20 -02 -6310 PUMPS TELEPHONE 4.84 Check Tota 334.46 00042193 Ml! 10 -04 -6073 HEAVY MAINTENANCE SMALL TOOLS 10- 04 -607t HEAVY MAINTENANCE '"OP SURE' -ES MARRI-I —Mr RTPNFY TNC 10 -01 -73-15 UL`IDcRGEOUND REPAIR 10 -01 -7336 UNDERGROUND REPAIR Check Tota FI 0" NCTEP Tom:. -11`- KrY': Pc= FLOW METER, UP TRKE PUMP STN Check Tota 70.87 449 43 520.30 00042194 MW 3,765.53 7,531.06 00042195 MW MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO 20 -01 -6073 UNDERGROUND REPAIR SMALL TOOLS 593.63 20 -03 -6051 ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS P1 05 10-04 -604? HEAVY MAIh1TEN NCE ,GRrLU"nc ; MAI NTENj'NCE 553. -Dc 20 -02 -6050 PUMPS WELLS 137.32 20 -02 -6051 PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 164.34 10- 01 -80U3 UNDERGROUND PPR -AIR EASE FNz. F_A1"I`dG EQUIP 136 67 10 -04 -6041 HEAVY MAINTENANCE BUILDINGS 6537 89 10 -02 -6071 PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 12.77 20 -02 -6.071 PUKPS SHOP _S'J°°LIES 12.75 10 -02 -6051 PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 25.81 20 -01 -8906 UNDERGROUND REPAIR REPLACE TRUCK #25 520.70 Check T-et- 2,266.12 00042196 MU MEDICAL TRAINING SERVICES 10 -22 -6.079 HUMAN RESOURCES SAFETY PROGRAMS 20 -2' -6.079 MUMAN REc0UPCE2 21RECTOP :!t=ET" P'Rtr^ -RAM Check Tota 342.00 22S.60 570.00 00042197 MW MFTROCALL 10 -22 -6310 ALPINE COUNTY TELEPHONE 3.26 MTNT.OFT Check Tote 3.26 00042198 MW 2A- 37 -484n ThLCORMATIOC SYSTEM"( DI TFICT CO11 °_ '.'F' SUPPLIES MISSInN TNnUSTR1ES 1n- nn -a518L C.NEP4L ADMINISTRATION Check Tota 4.1'82.45 4,098.65 00042199 MW UL'1 *FnPM %RUCS.'T0'IELS PAYABLE '- 4°4. 06 Check Tota 5,494.06 00042200 MW South Tahoe P . U . D . 12.30/99 P A M E N T O F C L A I M S FEPORT 12/17/1999-01/06/2:)0(.: THU, DFC 30, 1999, 11 13 AM - -T•eq IIFBB!E- - - -leo GL 3L - -lo. UNST- TE-- - - -jab '7,7093 1 3-- - -prog CKFO :1P, Page o Default Selection: Check Stock ID AP Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor t,dme Account # Department Description MOTE! 6 10- 0 ° -ED °' rUMP5 MnTTnN TNntISTRTFS ITN 10- n4 -F.0 ^1 H -n1TY MnTNTENANcE MOIINTATN CFI 1 111 AR 'Tnr1DBY AC0JIf ATI9N5 Amount Check # Type 37.39 Check Tote. 37 39 00042201 MW c(1 T.m.NT Check Tote 10- ?1 -A710 anMIN1'TRATION TF1FPNONc 20 -21 -6310 ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 10 -29 -6310 ENGINEERING TELEFH ONE FN Ir EFRTNC TC! cpi fl r 10 -01 -6310 UNDERGROUND REPAIR TELEPHONE 20 -01 -6310 UNDERGROUND REPAIR TELEPHONE 10-(1P-A710 PUMPS TFt FPHnNF 20- 02-6310 PUMPS TELEPHONE 10 -07 -6310 LABORATORY TELEPHONE 20-07-6110 L APnRATORY TF+ FQHOrNF 10 -05 -6310 EQUIPMENT REPAIR TELEPHONE 20 -05 -6310 EQUIPMENT REPAIR TELEPHONE 10-28-6310 ALPINE COUNTY TFLFPHfNF 10 -03 -6310 ELECTRICAL SHOP TELEPHONE 20-03-6310 ELECTRICAL SHOP TELEPHONE 10 -38 -6310 CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE 20 -38 -6310 CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE 10 -27 -6310 DISTRICT INFORMATION TELEPHONE 20 -27 -6310 DISTRICT INFORMATION TELEPHONE 10 -39 -6310 FINANCE TELEPHONE 20 -39 -6310 FINANCE TELEPHONE IA 382.14 00042202 MW 14 =9 _.=3 ?- 85 28.01 42.53 F.: 40 80.24 9 79 F S4 6.24 6.24 4c 70 Check TY :tE 5 66 5.66 1r. 07 10.06 6.79 4.53 6.79 4 53 E.00 01 00042203 MW N S I SOLUTIONS INC 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY NEVADA BLUE 10 -38 -4420 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20 -38 -4420 CUSTOMER SERVICE LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Tote MAPPING MAPPING 28.75 14.P0 43.25 00042204 MW Check Tote 9 -41 6.26 15.67 00042205 MW NEWARK ELECTRONICS 10 -03 -6023 ELECTRICAL SHOP FILTER EQUIP;BLDG 8.77 Check Tote 8 77 00042.206 MW NORTHERN CA BACKFLOW PREV ASSO 20-38-6250 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20 -38 -6200 CUSTOMER SERVICE DUES & MEMBERSHIPS TRAVEL!MEETINGSiEDUCATION Check Iota 57.00 17.00 74 00 00042207 MW NORTHWEST HYD. CONSULT INC 10 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-01-6042 UNDERGROUND REPAIR NORTON, LARRY B 10 -21 -6621 ADMINISTRATION PIPE, COVERS, 6 MANHOLES GROUNDS d MAINTENANCE Check Teta 920 46 492 4r 1,415.91 00042208 MW INCENTIVE S RECOGNITION PRGR 30.00 20-21-6621 ADMINISTRATION INCENTIVE 6 RECOGNITION PRGP 20.00 South Tahoe P . V . D . 12/30/99 F A M E I? T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 12/17/1999-01/06/2000 Page 9 THU, DEC 30, 1999, 11:13 AM --req. DEBSTE - -- -leg. GL JL - -loc: ONSTTF- - - -loh. ?snR3 4.T----- - -nrno 111 0n id Cx:EEC°pC Default Selection: Check Stock ID. AP , Check Types. MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name Account # Department Description Amount Check # Type Check Tote SO no 00042:09 MW i LI OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SERV DIV 10 -39 -4820 FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 203 43 l; 0- 39-48P0 FINANCE OFFICE SUPPi IFS, 'r. 6r; 1 10 -00 -0428 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY 663.65 10 -39 -6081 FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLY ISSUES 68.30 Check Tote 1.071 01 00042210 MW PACIFIC BELL 10-00-6320 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION SIGNAL CHARGES 27E.47 20 -00 -6320 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION SIGNAL CHARc.Es E.17 03 10 -00 -6310 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 423.98 10 -02 -6310 PUMPS TELEPHONE 125.23 20 -02 -6310 PUMPS TELEPHONE A4 92 10 -05 -6310 EQUIPMENT REPAIR TELEPHONE 7 71 20 -05 -6310 EQUIPMENT REPAIR TELEPHONE 7 70 10 -21 -6310 ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 9.93 20 -21 -6310 ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 6.63 10 -27 -6310 DISTRICT INFORMATION TELEPHONE 8.90 20 -27 -6310 DISTRICT INFORMATION TELEPHONE 5 94 10 -39 -6310 FINANCE TELEPHONE 8 87 20 -39 -6310 FINANCE TELEPHONE 5.92 Check TCie 1 ._EL5. 03 00042.2.71 MW 12 PACIFIC PIPELINE SURVEY CO INC 10 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES 8,665.00 Cork T__oL_a 8-6_6R 29 02042212 MW PARSONS HBA 20 -29 -8078 ENGINEERING 20 -29 -8083 ENGINEERING 20 -29 -7099 ENGINEERING TANK- - RAILROAD TANK. FOREST klIN WELL - GARDNER MTN Check Tota 395.73 1.099.93 2,170.77 4,666.43 00042213 MW PAYNE, LACEY 10 -39 -4820 FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 20 -39 -4820 FINANCE OFFICE :.UPPLIFS Chprk Tnta PDM STEEL 20 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -02 -6071 PUMPS 20 -02 -6071 PUMPS 10 -04 -6021 HEAVY MAINTENANCE PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES SHOP SUPPL IFS SHOP SUPPLIES PRIMARY EQUIPMENT Cho-k Testa 15.00 10.00 2F 20 0004P214 MW 1,634.34 ?1R 71 219.71 419.68 ''.c4T 44 On04P1c MW PERKS PLUMBING & HEAT INC, L A 10 -04 -6030 HEAVY MAINTENANCE SERVICE CONTRACTS 460 00 Check TQ.ia 4.6.0 0.0 0004 ?216 MU PERRY -SMITH & CO 10 -39 -4470 FINANCE 20 -39 -4470 FINANCE AUDITING A111)ITTNG PERSONAL REPORT 10 -21 -4510 ADMINISTRATION Check Tota 450.00 3_00 0.0 750.00 00042217 MW SUBSCRIPTIONS FYPFNSF 62 34 20 -21 -4830 ADMINISTRATION SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE 41 56 South Tahoe F . U . D . 12/30/99 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S PEP O R T 12 7: 1999 -01. 2000 THU. DEC 30, 1999. 11'17 AM - -rag . IL - -1oc 0N^ITE- - --ict 1740 ?3 UJ4-53 rrcg' CK909 Page 10 Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP , Check Types MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name Account # Department Description Amount Check # Type PLANET HOLLYWOOD /LAKE TAHOE POWERS, TERFn1OF H 10 -21 -6621 ADMINISTRATION T c.TRATIII.' 10 -07 -6110 LABORATORY 20 -07 -6110 LABORATORY Check Tota 103.9' 00042219 MW INCENTIVE & RECOGNITION PRGR INCENTIVE S P.ECCQNITION FRCP Check Tota MONITORING MONITORING Check Tote 1,574.54 I.C49.68 2,624.22 00042219 MW 61.2A 40.80 102.00 00042220 MW PREMIER FASTNER CO 10 -03 -6071 ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES 481.37 Check Tote 481.37 00042221 MW PRO LEISURE 10 -21 -6621 ADMINISTRATION 20 -21 -6621 ADMINISTRATION INCENTIVE & RECOGNITION PRGR INCENTIVE & RECOGNITION PRGR Check Te_a PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES 10 -00 -6310 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE QUENVOLD'S 20 -01 -6075 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10- 07-r'07E ELECTRICAL SHOP 20 -03 -6075 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10 -04 -6075 HEAVY MAINTENANCE RADIO SHACK ACCOUNTS REC. 10 -01 -6055 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -37 -4840 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20 -37 -4840 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10 -03 -6023 ELECTRICAL SHOP RANDYS LOCKSMITH RETD, NONA 10 -39 -6520 FINANCE 20- 39 -EE90 FINANCE 90 -90 -8947 EXPORT PIPELINE CRANT 1 -a 618.83 412.54 1 , ^31 . 3.7 00042222 mu 462.21 Check Tota 462.21 00042223 MW SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS Check Tcta INFILTRATION & INFLOW DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES FILTER EQUIP /BLDG Check Tota SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 169.46 42.34 42.33 169.46 423.E9 00042224 MW 1', 47 6.43 4.28 54.67 7-8.95 0004222E MW Check Tota A LINE WWTF TO 'JTPS Check Tata 9.00 6.00 15.00 00042226 MW 167.6 -6 167.66 00042227 MW Check Tata 71.57 00042228 MW SIERRA CHFMICAI 3;n aTFRR.P ELECTRONII=S 10 -06 -4750 OPERATIONS CHLORINE Check Tota 10-01 -6030 UNDERCROIlND REPAIR SERVICE CONTRACTS 10 -02 -6030 PUMPS Check Tota 5,081.49 00042111 HW 7,769.23 7,769.23 00042229 MW SERVICE CONTRACTS 90.05 43.47 South Tahoe P,U.D • • . • I . ' • • - • 4-- .2 • — Dult ",==lectton- CF SIoc, - Vendor Name Accf.o.int * - _ 10-0-30 HE' : r:•,INTENANCF EOLiIrENT C!DN 10-21-6030 AUn!NIETPATION :FRvICE 10-2b-6030 ALPINE COUNTY 0N'PA0T7 10-29-607n R";TNEFPTNG 0-37-6030 INFRMATION 10-79.-6020 f:U'70mER 1 162 :c3i-JTi;rACTI. 20-01-6030 UNDERGROUND REOOIP 20-0L-6030 20-03-6030 r:TRIPAL SHOR REPAI 20-07-6630 LAiflATOP'i ,T0-21-70 AnT%ISTRATTON 20-29-6030 ENGINEERING 20-37-6030 IN!=ORMATION 6STEMS 20-3F-6030 CUTOMER SERVICE 20-3-6030 EEPVICE 0O!'2TRA.E71 1:,ERVCE IFR1,i10E SEF1./ICE CERVICE CONIRACT' SERVICE EERvICP SIERRA FACIFIC POWER 10-00-6740 CENRRAL & ADMITPATION 10-0,)-63-2f) i;ENERAL & ADMINIETRATION 20-00-6330 ENEPAL & ADMINISTRATION EPEET ELECTF::7_7' FLECTRTCIT':' 77 18-.:.57 SIERRA SPRING WATER CO 19-91-60,a9 UNDEFGRC!;Nr FF' JO 20-01-6520 UNDERGROUND REPAIR V)--0-.?-6520 RUMPE 10-0"'.-65=10 ELECTRICAL F_-_1C 2-'03-'0000. JCL IHO 1C-04-6clo 10-06-6529 ORERAflONE 16-0P-6P,20 FrAIIPMENT REP:1IR 20-0E-6220 200IR11ENT REPAIR .f81 .u04023i 00 F Ly E 1o:3 00047,272 mw Cneck SIERRA-NET INC: INTE,PMATION SILVA, MONIOUE 10-79-4320 FINANCE c,FFT!-E '-00 00 00042233 MQ ir' FINANCE cJFFICE SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CITY OF 20-00-2605 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION ACCR F.ETNCE Check TOT:, L,E77 2,277.2E, 00042235 mw SOUTH LAKE TAHOE: CITY OF 20-00-2605 GENERAL ' 110T 101 S,Duth Tahue P t 7 - rHi; r3ci1 11-1-7.: AM - - - Pacle ,1-1RE,CFr Default Selection Chcck IStcz;. AF mt.J Vendor Name Account 4 Dep,F,rmer.T r;r:cr # Typ 12 .ZC i13E 11W_ . _ -7,, 94 SOUTH TAHOE BLOCK HEI1Vi mAINTENANCE 7!_:!?N,CE, E. LF Check Tc,ze 736.a8 0004E237 MW SPEED PHOTO 1 ENGINEEPIW, ,_INGINEEPIN; 1 0-_C (S' pMINTRAT1ON F:0-21-6621 ADMINI:7TRATION 34 ri4 Ir:CENTIVE r FEr77-,;1ITIO11 .RGF 4 19 '9 0n4E23a MO STANTON, ANNE AD"IINISTPiiTION SL-: 2fl 00.2239 PA! STRINGER BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC 10-38-6030 CUSTOMER SERVICE 27 SR Cnec ots 27 eca 00042240 MW STROHM. CHRIS E'7,4PD 0i-42241 SUB STATION DELI 20-I-C200 DOARD OF "TRECTORS rRAVEL'r,EFT1,.;:.:S"E5Or.:ATION 40 neck TerE. 39 40 00042242 MW SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL ,,LMITNI7M7-1,71N 20-2-44rJ: Ai)11,:at.; SUTER ASSOCIATES, LYNN M. 20-27-440F OIFTRICT INFOPMATION 10-27-4405 DISTRICT INPCPmATION S:727.22 711cr. MW 42a44 rifJ SWAIN, CAROL 10-37-620 INFORm1'r! 20-37-6200 INFORMAT:STt :-YSTEMS TFAVEL MELTIN7 :':=0C;,TION 7cti, 9'7. 00 0n042245 MW TAHOE DAILY TRIBUNE 90-9S-8947 EXPORT PIPELINE CRA L 1 (10 10-38-493C CUSTOMEP EPV: CE AL yr 7'0-3P-4930 TomPp 20-27-6660 DISTRICT INFORMATION WATER CNSE,7P,Til% CV:: OD :00,42246 MW TAHOE DIESEL SERVICE 10-01-6(}7, UNDEROND FEPJE SC F7 E0 S7 00042247 MO TAHOE MOUNTAIN NEWS 20-27-6660 DISTRICT INFORMATION WATER CONERVATIOZ, EXPENSE 200 00 Check TOTS! E.Of-2 00 00042248 MW TAHOE OFFSET PRINTING INC 10-38-4.920 CUSTOMER sEPvICE nF-7ICE South Tahoe P.U.D. 12/30/99 F ‘1 L N T 0 F cLAIr THU. DEC 30, 1999, 11.13 AM --req DEEPIE----Ieg 1;11_ 2t..ZIT0 1 .I. 1 Page :3 E-K1.E-00 1-1.1 Default Selection: Check Stock ID AP Typea- Vendor Name TAHOE VAIJ EY FI FrTR Tc suPFILY Account # Deoartment ---- - Et-3?-4920 CUSTOMER EEPVICE 10-413-60'1 ELECTRICAL FHOP 20-03-6071 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10-03-6041 ELECTRICAL SHOP THIEL, JOHN V W R CORPORATION 10-29-6200 ENGINEERING 20 7 10-22-4-0-79 HUMAN REOURCEF 1J,acrictec.r OFP1'".S. 1-"LIPP'__TES 7H0P SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES DUIL71INGS f‘mc,unt C1-tecI' Type F.:heck 76 47 00042248 MW Check TST, 4.402.00 00042250 MW TRAVE/MrETINGS/EDUCATION P.AVEL'MEETIP1C'Ii1=nATII::,N Check iota PPORAM:: 20-22-6079 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR SAFETY PF'OGRAMS 184 1-2 134 11 "0 '2-2-54- MU 374.89 1,458.14 00042252 MW Check Tota 30.38 87.S4 00042253 MW VIKING FREIGHT SYSTEM 10-38-4320 CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE E.UPPLIE5 20-38-420 CUSTOMER SERVICE OFF7CE SUPPLIES VOID 147.6"J 912 41 74"4 1 L Check "rota 0 00 00042113 VH WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION 10-01-62S:, UNDERGROUND REPAIR DUES & MEMBERSHI7--:. Check TCT.Z.: 16P.00 160.00 00042255 MI WECO INDUSTRIES INC 10-01-8003 UNDERGROUND REPAIR EASEMENT CLEANINf.; EQUIP -13,306.58 Check Tote -10,706.08 00042102 RV WECO INDUSTRIES INC 10-01-8003 UNDERQROUND I-ZEFAIP EC:UIF 10-01-60EE UNDEPt;ROUND FIPE. J,uVER, -'.HOLE,: Vendor Tc.T.. -4.04P 4! 0--2-S-6. MU WEDCO INC 10-03-6041 ELECTRICAL .HOP 10-03-6051 ELECTRICAL SHOP zi-1C.1p 10-03-6071 ELECTRICAL SHOP HOF SUPPLIES Checi, Tote 1E7n al 121.80 84 00042258 M-1 WEINTRAUB GENSHLEA & SPROUL 10-38-4480 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20-37-4480 CUSTOMER SERVICE WELLS FARGO BANK NEVADA 30-.00-6741 SELF FUNDED INSURANCE 878 60 T-- 000427'jE4-- MO ADMINISTRATION FEE 19.62 Tnti, IP II-2 0004aPG0 MU South Tahoe P.U.D. 12/30/99 PAYMENT 0 F 6 L A h = THU nFr 1.0, 1999 11:17 AM MFRRTF----1P0. (41 J1--Inr.,ONC:TT____J-,, Ihnr Default Selection: Check Stock ID- AP ; Check Types. MU,HU,RV,VH Vendor Name Account # Department WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY 20-38-6n4 c cus.TOMER SERVICE 20-01-6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20-29-8864 ENGINEERING 20-0-60F1 PUMPS Description WATER MPTFRP PIPE, COVERS.. & MANHOLES WATERLINE - IN-HOUSE PPLCMNT PUMP AMOL.:•! Cck Type POI 1,777:.20 17 20-38-6073 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20-01-6073 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-04-6022 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10-01-6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-38-6073 CUSTOMER SERVICE SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS SECONDARY EQUIPMENT PIPE ':OVERE r's,NFOLEF :MAL- f..-?-k 'Iota WHITE ROCK CONSTRUCTION 20-00-2605 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION ACCRD CONS"; RETNGE ChP-k Tota 170.08 5.36 70 47 13 q4 10,27c, OP On04_2.532 MW 11,997.92 17 997 92 00042263 MW WHOLESALE RESORT ACCESSORIES 10-21-4820 ADMINISTRATION 20-21-48E0 ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN INC 10-00-5010 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION LAND AND BUILDINGS Check Tota 30 00 al? Pc, 50.00 00042264 MW 41 6: WOLF ENVIRONMENTAL LINING SYS 10-06-6040 OPERATIONS Z D JOURNALS 10-37-4830 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20-37-4830 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10-37-4840 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20-37-4840 INFORMATION SYSTEMS ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 10-02-6075 PUMPS 20-02-6075 PUMPS • 10-05-6075 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20-05-6075 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10-06-6075 OPERATIONS 10-01-6075 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20-01-6075 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-04-6075 HEAVY MAINTENANCE Chec; Tota EMERGENCY RETENTION BASIN Check Tota 232.41 00042265 MW 346 2E. SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE SUBSCRIPTIONS E:,PENSE DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES PISTf%.IC7 COMFUTPF SUPPLIES Check Tota 346.25 00042266 MW 5AFETV L7IPMEN7SPHYICALS SAFFT7 E-QUiPMFNT:PMVSICALS SAPPT, 5'2U7RMENT/PHYSI6ALS Sf:FET F'UIPMENT/PHYSICALS SAFETY Ef-UIPMENT/PHYSICALS SAFETY ENUIPMENT/PHYSICALS SAFETY El.:UIPMENT/PHiSICALS SAFET: r.:eck. Tota 100.80 A7 .fl 12 3- , 185 40 00042267 MW 03 117.03 42 73 17 00 16.99 20.77 362.76 00042268 MW ZYMAX ENVIROTECHNOLOGY 10-07-6110 LABORATORY 20-07-6110 LABORATORY 10-04-7297 HEAVY MAINTENANCE MONITORING MONITOPING PLANT DIESEL TAP UPGRADES Check Tota 4,114.50 2.321.50 267.00 6.702 00 17;0042E69 MW Grand Tota 340.362 75 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Diane Noble. Manaoer of Customer Service RE: BOARD MEETING January 6. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 12. a ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ~~~~~~~~~t:<;.~~&!'Zllir.'~u;:,,-.Iir~~~s:.w;1.~~--.nP"I'IIUJ:~~~~ ~ ITEM-PROJECT NAME: LIABILITY CLAIM: SANDERS V. STPUD. SUPERIOR COURT. LTD. CIVIL CASE NO. SVM 2217 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.95 of the California Government Code. Closed Session may be held to discuss this liability claim. '. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: ~f:l\:o/~Y:~~""'~~~~oll.<t~l::;.r,.d~Y1~~"~~ ~~Ill"""f"'I'~"'1t',f.;;~{!:J'~iU;;!.;'ll.::'..,'.J.'" ".~~~;>J;~~~~ ,,~IiU/I[~~~~"ilf/JIL~~ ~ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~ ~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Bob Baer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING January 6. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 12.b ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: :3,\..=\.j;:.:h...!'';...,.{:L...,.J:;r_....x..'1l'.-=:''''-~~.:;'"':.;-:''''''!.:JiM':;:.r~~......,:~~~~~~v~~~~~~'1l'''..:tIG!..~~~_.~~ ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - SCHWAKE V. STPUD. FEDERAL CASE NO. CV-N-93-851-DWH REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of California Government Code. Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existina Iitiaation. " SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: iO..~K. .~w....".,Q.;WW!...~~\:!'.7~~''''i;;l:;(;J;o.\JA::S,.t.QtLl:N_~~t~_~ "..~_1;~'ott:l(;t.~'rG':..=,,~.],,"'~..'ia"W~~a<~;J;'.&.X~~~JJ.a2.!~>8l~ ~~"~~( CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YE~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES trr ~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATE~ SEWER X SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Bob Baer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING ACTION ITEM NO: January 6. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 12.c CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ~~~~~~~ ~""'UiC"l~ ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - STPUD V. ARCO. ET AL. SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. 999128 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of California Government Code. Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel reaarding existina litigation. '. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: .lr...,~:u.o..~_'1iU;.o.n~..\I;Z<bUjlU!,;~~~~l;<r;s:~~~vr..lJ<!'\':.l",,~~;;:u,iW"~.t.Y'::1:<;tia::lOt:tCt;U'.I4'l""...~ ~"-"~~:.:ll.fW.::u=I'liw:m.~ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YE~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Richard Solbria. Assistant Manager/Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING January 6. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 12.d ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: .--;';:~~,,"";:.&.'.1..~,~,"~'1:.,;\?~':"'~'l~'t~'i~ I ~-~--~,,-~ ~~r""":.~ J,( .,.~~ ,,-,'... ~ ~~~r.' .'[;<1_ '_'~'>W_"_~.^" ,._ .."'- __".~~ 'k _,v ,'w....~'. . ...",..____,...'.. '-._.~.~._,~....~,_ ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct negotiators. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.8 of California Government Code. Closed Session may be held for conference regardina property negotiations. Neaotiatina Parties: District staff. United States Forest Service Under Negotiation: Property terms Prooerty Identification: APN 19-081-09 " SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: ....w;.1....",,~"":i;"-. ~>;;l<Aj;,~~.. -.,l-a.... "'. ~ -t::l:'.~,z; '!W.l"'fl..':i:U..~,,!I"1!'" .~,~,.^." "In''l_.~ fu2l" \.I.' .....""" ~~~,.' 1. ,.Y-.;;"" "'=I1.~..~.t;'C;';;Y~U'X~::<.:'::'l':''"''~Jt'3nl;;<l<\..,,!~~l1Wl\;"'r.sr~~~~J'dir'>.w:~1I:~1~~~.~\~::t,;~~I'('iZr.''~m$< CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES /l~&~NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ ~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Bob Baer. General Manaoer RE: BOARD MEETING January 6. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 12.e ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ~..:l.~.....~~~~or.a~~~~~~ " SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: :$~.~~~^-!f~:;:.taf>MJ~~.....~:..Jm4...1ifu.:J.Ill,""~~ ~~~.:...s;:.~ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES r~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM -- TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Bob Baer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING January 6. 2000 AGENDA ITEM: 12.f ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: '".....~,_'~,,,.,, ~.',."""',,,' ',h'........"~...,,,.,, ,_,~..~,o,..,..,,,.g,..,,,,,,,.~.,,.,.....,.', ,/',." '..... '...",',..,..,.'. ",....,'.m....'. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct negotiator. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of the California Government Code. Closed Session may be held reaarding negotiations. Aaency Negotiator: Bob Baer Unreoresented Emolovee Position: Human Resources Director " SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES,({JlPf{~ 6..-. NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ fh.H... NO CATEGORY: GENERAL X WATER SEWER 6Bureaucracy' stalls well water progress STPUD, Forest Service miss crucial deadline By Andy Bourelle Tribune Staff Writer The Forest Service may be in danger of not having water for its South Shore recre- ation area this summer, and South Shore's pIimary water provider may have to aban- don completing a new well in which it has already spent more than $800,000. The reason, as one of the South Tahoe Public Utility District directors describes it, is "bureaucratic gobbledygook." After nearly six months of talks, STPUD and the Forest Service have been unable to come up wi th an agreement on water service for Camp Richardson Resort, the Tallac Historic Site, the Visitor Center at Taylor Creek and the camp- ground at Fallen Leaf Lake, Regardless of what happens next, based on action taken Thursday, at the least the potential for the Forest Service to receive domcsric wate,' for those areas will be in jeopardy during the first few weeks of June. "What troubles me h the constant lack of communication." Rick Hydrick, man- ager of water operations for STPUD, said at the board's meeting Thursday. "I think it bodes poorly for the future in dealing with the Forest Service," The situation is deja vu for the Forest Service, which nearly lost water service Progress Continued from Page 1 A with the plan that it would be on- line by June of this year. A temporary agreement that re- quires STPUD to serve water to the Forest Service area expires May 31- The problem coming to a climax now is that the Forest Service has been unable to provide a long-term permit for STPUD to use the well on which it has already spent nearly $1 million. District officials feel uncomfort- able continuing to spend money on the well without better assurance that STPUD will be able to use it. And ,because of the complexity of buIldmg a well and hooking piping up to It, STPUD's board needed to "What troubles me is the constant lack of communication." :~ /J .:20 J ohb--€- T';-~~ - Rick Hydrick on the eve of July Fourth weekend last year. A contract dispute between the Forest Service and its provider at the time, Lukins Brothers Water Co" had been ongoing for more than a year, After Lukins Brothers threatened to discontinue service, STPUD stepped into the fray and agreed to take the Forest Service as a customer if Lukins Brothers could continue its service until the end of the summer. STPUD - which supplies water to about 30,000 peo- ple normally and as many as 60.000 peo- ple in the summer - had mandatory water-usage restrictions in place at the timl;~ and didn't want to take on another significant--sized customer, STPUD, with its infrastructure severely depicted because of MTBE contamina- tion, wanted TO drill a new well on Forest Service land 11(;,:11" Camp Richardson. If the district could eil, that, it would be able to accept the Fores! Service as a customer permanently. Work on the wen started last summer, agree Thursday to continue with the next stage of work in order for the project to be finished by June. The board didn'tdo that, tabling a decision to spend $33,200 to have the electrical components of the well designed. "Without a special-use permit, we do not recommend spending an- other dime," said Chris Strohm president of STPUD's board of di~ rectors. Ed Gee, acting forest supervisor of the federal agency's Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit said what is keeping the Forest S~rvice from giving a special-use permit is the need for an appraisal of the well site's property value and that the agency doesn't often work with wa- ter rights. He said he needs direc- tion from the Washington office and would make telephone calls im- See Progress. Page 2A mediately to try to get some resolu- tion. "I apologize for the bureaucracy I work for," Gee told the board. "I wish I could cut through the red tap€ I have to deal with." Duane Wallace, STPUD board member, encouraged everyone in- volved to continue to work together to find a solution rather than blame ?ne another about why it isn't work" mg, "This is a long-term relation- ship," he said. "I would rather see us clear this up now rather than go through the next 20 years playing tit for tat." STPUD board member Mary Lou M?ssbacher ~aid she was "disap- pomted and dIsgusted with the For- est Service." "It's all a bunch of bureaucratic gobbledygook," she said. FR: Richard Solbri Assistant Mana SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM 8uQ/) d r'v\.Ju~A::S: PiQ~ ~ CO,rE~C_ir~'1'S b.aJd~ ineer' Jim Ho att Construction Mana TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS RE: BOARD MEETING January 6.2000 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 6.a CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ::!:!:i;i:i:i:i:i;i:j'i::':::':':::::::'::::::~:j:ij:i:i:i'i'tf.('r:::'i.:.ti:i:i:i:i'6'~:ijr':r:i'i:('\1:i'i':';g:.iiti:~:~t' '(I'(BI" .... j.....,(..~.'(. r;':':l"' ~:(}:. ;(IJ:'W'tif.ij':'" .., "':'j" .:.:.:. J' ':r~':' 'iT::::tij'i:i:i:i'w:L :(i'i:i.ti:i'~tij:c.i:i1liij:i'ijr':':':':':':':':':':':':'::i:C':':':':':.:.:.:.:.:::.t':':'~;'~:tjj):ij)lij:ij ITEM-PROJECT NAME: GARDNER MOUNTAIN TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: A) Approve alternative solution: and B) Direct staff to beain final design. DISCUSSION: The Gardner Mountain Nalhalla Rd.) well is proiected to have a capacity of 1.200 gpm. After USFS demand is met. approximately 1.000 gpm is available to deliver back into the Gardner Mountain Zone. Since the Gardner Mountain Zone eak demand is a roximatel 400 m there is an excess of 600 ro'ect consists of installin the necessa lar erwater mains to be able to deliver these incre ed flows u to the existin Gardner Mountain tanks and throu h the Gardner Mountain Zone Tahoe Boulevard at the Main Zone bounda . Three alternatives were develo ed to address these needs. end of the 10-inch USFS line behind the St. Francis to the current s stem 0 increase the size of the i eline to the Gardner Mountain tanks. The connec '0 the Main Zone I hU-lQl on Lake Tahoe Blvd. can be accomplished in three different routes (Alternatives): 1) J~fR ~_1.8 ~r.ld 10th Str~~t. 2) Roger Ave.. 3) WiQ......~\1 QQ ~I i p L~, \ 3 ~ Julie.... Ln. p~ b..j..L..S-I-. Key issues to be considered are: cost. fire protection for Highway 89 corridor and interior of Gardner Mountain Zone. future water service availability along Roger Ave.. replacing existing water mains. Note: Funds will be transferred from the Tahoe Paradise Waterline Acct. for this proiect. SCHEDULE: Construction season 2000 for completion. COSTS: Depends on alternative selected. ACCOUNT NO: 2029-7006. 2029-8153/ GMTRAN BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $500.000 in 99-00: $600,000 in 00-01 (proposed) ATTACHMENTS Pros and Cons chart w/Cost Estimates and maps. f.i~:ti'i'i;iJ:ijXj;i:i:i:ijj:ijJ:rti'tt1ti'c,:.:.:.:.~:ttt:. J:':' j' "M.((' '0;............................. 'C( ~J: ... Ii '(( 'if' '1" j'.................... ....... 'U(OJ'" j".......... :ttJJ:tI:.. ................. ':it'.....:........ r 'lJ"" j'.... 'tit.))':r":tiY.i' ':r':r:':' ':::':':j';':' ':'iJ: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES f<Jll!f&v."" NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES iJ" ro-t ~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WA TER X SEWER