HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 12-04-08 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, December 4, 2008 2:00 P.M. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South lake Tahoe, California Richard Sol brig, General Mana~er Mary Lou Mosbacher, President BOARD MEMBERS Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manaj!er Dale Rise, Vice President James R. Jones, Director -....<- Eric W. Schafer, Director _'00 .. .. .._..-.__ Ernie Claudio, Director >.-- .- 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. Five-minute limit. No action will be taken.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be discussed and considered separately upon request) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION I ACTION 6. PRESENTATION a. Report on the 2008 Fiscal Year Financial Statement Audit (Larry Mace, Partner, Grant Thornton, LLP) 7. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a Employee Benefits Plan 2009 Renewal Pg.27 (Nancy Hussmann, Paul Hughes) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION (1) Renew Excess Insurance Policy with Gerber Life Insurance Company with a Specific Deductible Level of $65,000; (2) Approve Funding Level for Plan in the Amount of $1,800 per Employee per Month; (3) Approve COBRA Rates for 2009 as Follows: Single Dental $80; Family Dental $225; Single Medical $900; Family Medical $2,200 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - DECEMBER 4, 2008 PAGE-2 b. Payment of Claims Pg.31 Approve Payment in the Amount of $2,005,598.22 8. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones / Claudio) b. Finance Committee (Schafer / Rise) c. Executive Committee (Mosbacher / Rise) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher / Schafer) 9. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS a. City of South Lake Tahoe Issues Ad Hoc Committee (Mosbacher / Jones) b. Management Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee (Schafer / Rise) 10. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPRESENTATIVES REPORT 11. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) 12. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Integrated Regional Water Management Plan & Proposition 84 b. Golden Guardian Emergency Drill Follow-up c. Heavenly Water Study 13. STAFF / ATTORNEY REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) 14. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS / EVENTS Past MeetinQs / Events 12/04/08 - Finance Committee Meeting 12/02/08 - 12/05/08 - ACW A Conference Future MeetinQs / Events 12/08/08 - 1 :00 p.m. - Ethics Training at Turtle Rock Park, Alpine County 12/10/08 - 9:00 a.m. - EI Dorado County Water Agency Meeting in Shingle Springs 12/15/08 - 12/18/08 - District Training Week at L TCC 12/15/08 - 3:30 p.m. - Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting at District 12/18/08 - 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at District Office 12/24/08 - Union Holiday (District Office Closed) 12/25/08 - Christmas Holiday (District Office Closed) 15. CLOSED SESSION (Closed Sessions are not open to the public) a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Pg.45 Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of CA b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Conference with Labor Pg. 47 Negotiators Agency Negotiators: General Manager, Board of Directors Employee Organization: STPUD Management Staff REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - DECEMBER 4, 2008 PAGE - 3 16. ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 17. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, December 18,2008,2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after minutes of the meeting have been approved. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during "Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting. *Backup to any agenda item(s) not included with the Board packet will be made available when finalized at the District office, at the Board meeting, and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations for the disabled are needed (Le., disability-related aids, or other services), please contact the Clerk of the Board at 530.544.6474, extension 6203, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR DECEMBER 4, 2008 ITEMS REQUESTED ACTION a. Managers' Short/Long-Term Disability & Life Pg. 1 Insurance Programs (Nancy Hussmann) (1) Approve Reliance Standard as the Insurance Carrier; and (2) Approve Life Insurance Benefit Level to One-Time Annual Salary b. Surplus Dump Truck and Bandsaw Pg.13 (Linda Brown) Authorize Baxtin Management Group to Auction District Surplus Equipment c. Twin Peaks Booster Station and Waterline Project Pg.17 (Jim Hoggatt) Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids d. Glen Road and Gardner Mountain Waterline Pg.19 Replacement (Jim Hoggatt) (1) Approve the Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for Marv McQueary Excavating; and (2) Authorize Staff to File a Notice of Completion with the EI Dorado County Clerk South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 · Facsimile 530.541.0614 · www.stpud.us ~I~ Richard H. 501brle South Tahoe Public Utility District D~ E.mIe CIawJIo J.tmae R. J<>nae Mary Lou Moet1JtCh4r D.le~ 1276 Moadaw Creat Orlv~ · 60uth Lag Tahoe · CA 00150 Phone 650544-6414' Fsx eao 641..0014 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Director MEETING DATE: December 4, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Managers' Short/Long-Term Disability & Life Insurance Programs REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Approve Reliance Standard as the carrier for the above insurance programs; and (2) Approve life insurance benefit level to one-time annual salary. DISCUSSION: 1. Currently the Management Group has Long-Term Disability Insurance through The Standard. The benefit amount is taxable, paid at 70% to a maximum of $5,000 and offsetting the benefit amount by amounts received by State Disability Insurance. BB&H Benefit Designs, Inc., was able to market this program and received a proposal for a combined short-term and long-term disability policy through Reliance Standard. The short-term disability policy will pay 20% of base salary to $1,000 after a 30 day waiting period. The long-term disability policy will then kick in and pay 60% to $10,500 after a 180 day waiting period. Estimated annual premium is $14,929.56, which is less than the current $15,575.20 annual premium with the existing plan. 2. The Management Group currently participates in the same life insurance policy as the Union - $70,000 benefit level through The Hartford. During management contract negotiations, a benefit level of one times annual earnings to a maximum of $200,000 was requested. Annual premium for this increase is estimated at $5,575.20, which is higher than the current $3,479.28 annual premium cost. The increase in cost for the Life Insurance program change is offset by the decrease in cost for the Management Group's Long-Term Disability program. The L TD insurance is reduced by approximately $2,659/year, and the Life Insurance is increased by $2,095 per year, with a net savings to the District of approximately $564. The new plans would be implemented effective January 1, 2009. -1- Nancy Hussmann December 4, 2008 Page 2 SCHEDULE: December 5, 2008 - Sign contract documents for January 1, 2009 effective date. COSTS: Savings of approximately $564/year. ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Long-Term Disability & Life Insurance Program Proposal documents CATEGORY: General CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO -2- South Tahoe Public Utility District Management LTD Taxable vs. Tax Free Benefit with SDI Options Marketing Results CURRENT Standard Ins. PROPOSED Hartford PROPOSED Reliance Standard PROPOSED PROPOSED Standard Ins. Reliance Standard STD Benefit (weekly) Elimination Period Benefit Duration SDI integration Maximum covered salary (annual) Premium Contributions Premium Rate per $10 Volume LTD Benefit (monthly Elimination Period Maximum Monthly Covered Salary Pre mium Contributions Rate per $ 100 Volume Est. mthly Cost Est. Annual Cost $ Difference % Difference 61 30/2008 70% to $5,000 60 days $7,143 Noncontributory $1.14 $128,574 $1,465.74 $17,588.92 70% to $2,300 30 days 5 weeks Yes $170,857 Non contributory $0.07 $28,375 1 70% to $5,000 60 days $7,143 Noncontributory $0.86 $128,574 $1,297.93 $15,575.20 - $2,013.73 -11.4% 20% to $1,000 30 days 22 weeks No $260,000 Non contributory $0.36 $8,132 70% to $10,500 180 days $15,000 Noncontributory $0.65 $176,184 $1,437.93 $17,255.19 4333.73 -1.9% 60% to $5,000 60 days $8,333 Contributory . $1.48 $146,119 $2,162.56 $25,950.73 $8,361.81 47.5% 20% to $1,000 30 days 22 weeks No $260,000 Contributory $0.36 $8,132 60% to $10,500 180 days $17,500 Contributory $0.54 $176,184 $1,244.13 $14,92936 - $2,659.36 -15.1% "al" wsIV t u .- ... 1;; c ~ .- s u .- 2i ~ A. j Q) a. . E co ~ t-w l I; Q :p : > ~ I- III c:: o ~ E 0) x 0) N IlO ~ .5 ~ .5 ~~ .c. c:: .... ... c:: :;, o .... E ~ 8 .5 , .9- o ~ ~ .S; .. ia. " Jj ~. c:: c:: ~ 0) I ('\0. c:: 0) ~ c:: c:: ~ .a 0) .8 0) So. eX c:: ~ "tl: .~ I ~ ~ :g ~ ~ 0), J ~ ) 0 ::i J N ~ ~ c; ~ j J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ co c:: tt ~ :f ~ +l ~ \1 0) ~ ~ j co w u: -4- SHORT TERM DISABILITY Plan Provisions Eligibility: California SDI Actively employed worker who has earned at least $300 from which SDI deductions were withheld during a previous period. Proposed Reliance Standard All active full time Management Employees working 30 hours or more per week. Employee Contribution: The State Disability Insurance (SDI) Withholding Rate for 2008 is 0.8 percent. The SDI taxable wage limit is $86,698 per employee for calendar year 2008. The maximum to withhold for each employee is $693.58. 100% employee paid (contributory plan). Tax free benefit Benefit: 55 percent of the earnings shown in the highest quarter of your base period. This base period covers 12 months and is divided into four consecutive quarters of three months each. The wages you were paid approximately 5 to 17 months before the SDI claim begins are included in the base period (they must have been subject to the SDI tax). $917 weekly maximum benefit. 20% of salary to a maximum of $1,000 per week. No CA SDI offset. Benefits Begin Accident: Sickness: 8 day 8 th day 31 day 31 day Benefit Duration: 52 weeks 22 weeks — meets LTD elimination period. Maximum Covered Annual Salary: $86,698.16 $260,000 Minimum Benefit: $50 per week TBD South Tahoe Public Utility District Disability Insurance Plan Comparison 3 SHORT TERM DISABILITY California SDI Proposed Reliance Standard Plan Provisions Occupational Coverage: Yes, however, benefits are not payable if Workers' Occupational Illness or injury not covered. Compensation Benefits exceed the DI rate. Earnings Definition: This base period covers 12 months and is divided Employee's gross weekly salary in effect just before the into four consecutive quarters of three months each. The wages you were paid approximately 5 to date of disability. Does not include commissions, bonuses, overtime pay, or any other extra 17 months before the SDI claim begins are included in the base period (they must have been subject to the SDI tax). compensation or income. Definition of Disability: DI benefits can be paid only after you meet all of Unable to perform the materials duties of his /her the following requirements: occupation, be under the regular care of a physician, and accept rehabilitation employment approval by RSL. • You must be unable to do your regular or customary work for at least eight consecutive days. • You must be employed or actively looking for work at the time you become disabled. • You must have lost wages because of your disability or, if unemployed, have been actively looking for work. • You must have earned at least $300 from which SDI deductions were withheld during a previous period. • You must be under the care and treatment of a licensed doctor or accredited religious practitioner during the first eight days of your disability. (The beginning date of a claim can be adjusted to meet this requirement.) You must remain under care South Tahoe Public Utility District Disability Insurance Plan Comparison 61$012008 4 South Tahoe Public Utility District Disability Insurance Plan Comparison SHORT TERM DISABILITY Plan Provisions California SDI Proposed Reliance Standard Residual Disability: Disabilities Covered: Pre - Existing Conditions: Premium Waiver: Benefits are not payable for the following: and treatment to continue receiving benefits. • You must complete and mail a claim form within 49 days of the date you became disabled or you may lose benefits. • Your doctor must complete the medical certification of your disability. Included Non - occupational illness or injury. None Yes You may not be eligible for SDI benefits if: • You are not suffering a loss of wages • You are claiming or receiving Unemployment Insurance or Paid Family Leave benefits. • You became disabled while committing a crime resulting in a felony conviction. • You are in jail, prison, recovery home, or any other place because you were convicted of a crime • You are receiving Workers' Compensation If the employee continues to meet the Definition of Disability, the elimination period may be satisfied during part-time employment. Non - occupational illness or injury. None Premium must be paid during a period of short-term disability. Benefits are not paid for any period of disability caused by: a. An intentionally self - inflicted injury, or b. An act of war, declared or undeclared, or c. The insured committing a felony, or d. Sickness which is covered by a Worker's Compensation Act, or other worker's disability law, or e. Injury that occurs out of or in the course of work for wage or profit. 6/308 5 LONG TERM DISABILITY Plan Provision Employee Eligibility: Current Standard Insurance Company A regular management employee of the Employer who works at least 17 % hours each week. Proposed Reliance Standard All active full time Management Employees working 30 hours or more per week. Employer Contribution: 100% Employer paid. No employee contribution. 100% employee paid, assumes 100% employee participation Elimination Period: 60 days 180 days Benefit Amount: 70% of earnings to a maximum of $5,000 60% of earnings to a maximum of $10,500 per month Maximum Covered Salary: $7,143 per month $17,500 per month Minimum Monthly Benefit: $100 $100 South Tahoe Public Utility District Disability Insurance Plan Comparison SHORT TERM DISABILITY California SDI Plan Provisions Proposed Reliance Standard Sick Pay Integration: Frequency of Benefit Payment: Rate Guarantee: W -2 Preparation and Payroll Tax Payments: benefits at a weekly rate equal to or greater than the DI rate. • You fail to have an independent medical examination when requested to do so. SDI integrates with employer sick pay plans. Weekly n/a n/a The STD benefit does integrate with employer -paid sick pay. Weekly 24 months Yes, prepare W -2's for disabled employees for benefits paid. FICA and Medicare match induded. 6/3A/2008 6 South Tahoe Public Utility District DbSability Insurance Plan Comparison LONG TERM DISABILITY Plan Provision Current Standard Insurance Company Proposed Reliance Standard Maximum Benefit Duration: Residual Disability: Break in Elimination Period: Integration: Definitions of Disability: Partial Disability Benefits: Incentive Partial Benefits: To age 65 Included, total disability not required during the elimination period An employee may return to work for up to 30 days. Full Family Social Security You are disabled from your Own Occupation if, as a result of Physical Disease, Injury, Pregnancy or Mental Disorder: 1. You are unable to perform with reasonable continuity the Material Duties of your Own Occupation; and 2. You suffer a loss of at least 20% in your Indexed Pre - disability Earnings when working in your Own Occupation. You may work in another occupation while you meet the Own Occupation Definition of Disability. However, you will no longer be Disabled when your Work Earnings from another occupation meet or exceed 80% of your Indexed Pre - disability Earnings. During the first 12 months, your Work Earnings will be Deductible income when the LTD benefit + Work Earnings is greater than 100% of Indexed Pre - disability Earnings. After 12 months, 50% of your Work Earnings will be Deductible Income. To age 65 Included, total disability not required during the elimination period An employee may return to work for up to 30 days. Full Family Social Security During the elimination period and the own occupation period, an insured must be disabled from his /her regular occupation. An insured is considered disabled from his /her own occupation if unable, as the result of sickness or injury, to perform the material duties of his /her regular occupation. If an employee is disabled as a result of an injury or sickness, RSL will consider him /her partially disabled if he /she is capable of performing the material duties of his /her occupation on a part-time basis or some of the material duties on a full -time basis. If the employee returns to work during the first 12 months of disability, RSL will deduct on the amount of earnings which, when added to the employee's LTD benefit, exceeds 100% of his /her pre - disability earnings. After 12 months, 50% of the return to work earnings received while the employee is still disabled will be 6/30/20D8 LONG TERM DISABILITY Plan Provision Current Standard Insurance Company Proposed Reliance Standard offset against the benefit. Recurrent Disability: 6 months or Tess 6 months or Tess Self Reported Symptoms: No limitation No limitation Survivor's Benefit: Must have been continuously Disabled for at least 180 days, then Survivor Benefit is paid, lump sum 3 times the LTD benefit without reduction by Deductible Income. Must have been continuously Disabled for at least 180 days, then Survivor Benefit is paid, lump sum 6 times the LTD benefit without reduction by Deductible Income. Pre- Existing Conditions: 6 months prior or covered after 24 months of insured. 3 months prior or covered after 12 months of insured. Mental Nervous Limits: 24 month of benefits. 24 month of benefits. Substance Abuse Limits: 24 month of benefits. 24 month of benefits. Waiver of Premium: Included Included W -2 preparation: Yes, prepare W -2's for disabled employees for benefits paid. Matching employer FICA and Medicare is also provided. Yes, prepare W -2's for disabled employees for benefits paid. Matching employer FICA and Medicare is also provided. Social Security Assistance: Included Included Other Special Features: Reasonable accommodation benefit Child Care, Specific Indemnity, Extended Disability, WorldNet Travel Assistance Rate Guarantee: 12 months 3 years South Tahoe Public Utility District Disability Insurance Plan Comparison 6/.30[2008 8 South Tahoe Public MI lity District Management LTD Taxable vs, Tax Free Benefit with 501 Options Manceting Results CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Lincoln Standard Ins. Reliance Standard Assurant Hartford Reliance Standard Lincoln Financial* Standard Ins. Met life Reliance Standard Financial* STD Benefit (wee*) Elinalnation Period 70% to 52,300 20% to 51,000 Benefit Duration 30 days 30 days 5 weeks 22 weeks SDI integration Yes No 5170,857 5260,000 Maximum covered salary (annual) Firemium Contributions Non contributory Non contributory Premium Rate per 510 50.07 50.36 Volume 528,375 58,132 LTD Benefit (month)y Elimination Period 70% to 55,000 70% to 510,500 70% to 510,000 70% to 55,000 70% to $10,500 67% to 510,500 60% to 55,000 67% to 510,000 60% to 510,500 67% to 510,500 60 days 60 days Maximum Monthly Covered Salary 57,143 515,000 60 days 60 days 180 days 90 days 60 days 60 days 180 days 90 days Premium Contributions 514,286 57,143 515,000 515,672 58,333 514,925 517,500 $15,672 Rate per 5100 Noncontributory Noncontributory Noncontributory Noncontributory Noncontributory Noncontributory 51.14 50.89 Contributory Contributory Contributory Contributory Volume S128,574 5176,184 $0.86 50.86 51165 50.83 51.48 51.01 50.54 $0.93 5175,703 5128,574 5176,184 5176,184 $146,119 5176,184 5176,184 5176,184 Est. Monthly Cost M. 51,465.74 51,568.04 51,5114)5 51,297.93 51,437.93 52,448.96 52,162.56 51.7116.51 51,244.13 52,625.14 E Annual Cost 517,5191.92 5111,816.45 518.132.55 515,575.20 517,255.19 529,387.49 525,950.73 521,436.07 514,929.56 531.502.70 Difference % Cdfference * Lincoln Financial STD rate is based on 5100 per covered payroll. 6/3012008 51,227.53 5543.63 42,0L1.73 -5333.73 sumasr 58,561.32 53,649.15 -sz,sssas 513,932.78 7.0% 3.1% -U.4% -1.9% 67.1% 47.5% 21.9% -15.1% 9 20% to $2,424 8 days 13 weeks No 5630,240 Contributory 50.56 5176,184 20% to 51,000 20% 10 3,424 30 days 8 days 22 weeks 13 weeks No No 5260,000 630,240.00 Contributory Contributory 50.36 0.56 58,132 5176,184 South Tahoe Pupbllc Utility District Comparison of Life and Dependent Life Premiums Exhibit 1 Cu rrent Proposed Coverage Hartford Reliance Standard Eligibility for Coverage Full time employees working a minimum of 20 hours per week, Basic LIfe Benefit Offered Flat $70,000 One times annual earnings to a maximum of $200,000 Basic Life Insurance $0.212 $0.205 Basic AD&D Insurance $0,020 $0.020 Total Rate per $1,000 $0.232 $0,225 Monthly Volume: $1,190,000 $1,971,540 Monthly Premiums $276,08 $443,60 Dependent LIfe Benefit Offered Spouse - $3,500 Spouse - $5,000 Child 14 days to 6 Child 14 days to 6 months - $500 months - $500 Child 6 months to 19 - Child 6 months to 19 - $2,500 $2,500 Rate per Unit: $0,99 $1.50 Monthly Volume: 14 14 Monthly Premiums $13.86 $21,00 Combined LIfe Premiums: $289,94 $464,60 Children may stay on plan until age 26 if in school on a full-time basis at an accredited university. Q.NWaJ 3L-tcC) :Z~ S-S 1 '5 _ 20 2' 0"9 S q'2. i C"\cr eMul STPUD 2008 Life and Dependent Life Proposal Revised Reliance Life Quote.xls -12- GtmMlllI M4n. Richara H, $oI~ South Tahoe Public Utility District DIrector-& EmIo Claudio JamtHl R. J()rl(lI6 Mary Lou MoeNchet Dale ~ "" 1216 Meadow C~ DHvct- South Lsk6 Tllh'ot: · CA 96150 Phona!530 544-3474. Fsx 500 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Linda Brown. Purchasing Agent MEETING DATE: December 4, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Surplus Dump Truck and Bandsaw REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize Baxtin Management Group to auction District surplus equipment. DISCUSSION: Staff would like to sell the following surplus equipment items (which were replaced by new equipment): (1) Truck 56 - 1990 Ford Dump Truck. VIN 6170. mileage .....44.000 (2) Bandsaw, metal cutting - Peerless Model HB-1116S, 230 Volt. 3 hp, 60 cycle, SIN 504184 Staff would like to utilize an auctioneer located closer to the District. The City of Reno has a contract with Baxtin Management Group which is located in Reno. The contract has been in effect since September 2007, and both parties are happy to have the District piggyback on the contract. The City of Reno has done business with Baxtin since 2003 and has been very pleased with their performance, Baxtin will pick up surplus equipment and complete required vehicle smog testing at no charge. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: 7.5% of gross sales price ACCOUNT NO: Various (income) BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: NIA ATTACHMENTS: Cost and Charges Listing CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: General -13- Cost Proposal in Response to RFP No. 030033 - Auctioneering Services Chareesto~: .SotIHt Ta..{O-L fJJ~/lv U+'/d-y DI:srrfcr: Fixed Price on All Auctions: 7.5% of gross sales price Removal of any offICial markings on vehicles and other properly No Cost to City Miscellaneous Property Removal from Reno area to Baxtin's facility No Cost to City Miscellaneous Property Removalfrom Outside Reno Case by case basis Towing of vehicles from Reno to the auction Facility in Reno' At cost to the City All costs for preparation of property for sale, such as cleaning and smog inspections No cost to City Painting of vehicles (:ase by case basis Transports of heavy equipment and other items requiring specialized treatment Case by case basis Storage of specialized items (i.e.aircraft, ice rink or perishable items) Case by case basis Auction expenses No cost to City Personnel expenses No cost to City 1 -15- Charlles to Buvers of Pronertv: Buyer's Premium on aU sales of Property 10% of sales price Vehicle DocumentlProcessing fee $28.25 Vehicle Smog Fee Light Duty gas Vehicles up to $35.00; Diesel vehicles up to $45.00 Credit Card Fee None Submitted By: ~-r~ William K. Austin, Secretaryffreasurer, Baxtin's Inc. tll2-~07 Date -16- 2 Gtm/ll"llll~ RIchtll"d H. Solllri9 South Tahoe Public Utility District Director& Emlo CI.Gt.fIo ~ It JOt* Mary Lou MotIbJlcher De RIel 1215 Msac:low Cmet Privet · South lskB Tahoe .. CA 96160 F'hOM 530 544-6474 · Fax 63(H541-oo14 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Hoggatt, Construction Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: December 4, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Twin Peaks Booster Station and Waterline Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to advertise for bids. DISCUSSION: Staff has completed the review of Carollo Engineers Plans and Spec for the above project and is seeking the Board's approval to start advertising for bids. The schedule for this project is as follows: . Advertise December 15,2008 to January 27,2009 . Mandatory Pre-bid Meeting January 6, 2009 . Open Bids January 27, 2009 . Board award contract to lowest responsive responsible bidder January 29, 2009 . Approximate Notice To Proceed February 23,2009 . Start construction May 1, 2009 SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $2,500,000 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-7070fTPBSTR BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $76,222 ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: Water -17- GtmM\tlI ~ RIchard H. 5011Hie South Tahoe Pubflc UtUityDietrict Dir<<:toni Emic Cl.ltutlo -'-R1l!l6. R. J()tl<<l. M.lIry Lou MoeI1.ccher Dafe F:Ieo 1Z16 Mssdow Cre6t Drive · South Lsk6 Tahoe. CA 96160 Phone 530 544-e474 · Fsx 5$0 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d TO: Board of Directors FROM: MEETING DATE: Jim Hoggatt, Construction Manager/Engineer December 4, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME:Glen Road and Gardner Mountain Waterline Replacement REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Approve the Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for Marv McQueary Excavating; and (2) Authorize staff to file Notice of Completion with the EI Dorado County Clerk, DISCUSSION: Marv McQueary completed all pavement mitigation the City of South Lake Tahoe required to accept the trench patching for this project. Staff recommends approval of the project Close out Agreement and Release of Claims, and the filing of the Notice of Completion with the EI Dorado County Clerk, SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8714/GLENWL & 2029-7065/GMWL07 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $23,913; $-0- ATTACHMENTS: Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims and Notice of Completion CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES-?2- NO CATEGORY: Water -19- CLOSEOUT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS THIS AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS (Agreement) is made in South Lake Tahoe, California, this _ day of November, 2008 by and between South Tahoe Public Utility District, (DISTRICT), and Marv McQueary Excavating, Inc. KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: 1. That the undersigned, as the authorized representative of CONTRACTOR, and for each of its successors, assigns and partners, for and in consideration of One Million Two Hundred Seventy-Four Thousand, Six Hundred Thirty-Eight Dollars and Zero Cents ($1,274,638,00), the original Contract amount, and the sum of Two Hundred Forty-Three, Three Hundred Sixty-Nine Dollars and Fifty-Four Cents ($243,369.54) for Contract Change Orders Nos, 1 and 2, receipt of which is acknowledged, does release and forever discharge the DISTRICT, and each of its successors, assigns, directors, officers, agents, servants, volunteers and employee~ from any and all rights, claims, causes of action, demands, debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, damages, costs and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys', paralegal and experts' fees, costs and expenses) and other claims, which may be asserted against DISTRICT by reason of any matter or thing which was the subject matter of or basis for: A. The performance of all terms and conditions of that certain agreement dated April 18, 2007 for Purchase Order No, P1888S, DISTRICT project described as GLEN ROAD and GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATERLINES REPLACEMENT 2007, B, Change Orders Nos, 1 and 2, as approved by the parties, pertaining to Purchase Order No, P1888S and shown in Payment Request No.8, dated March 6, 2008, 2. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall waive or alter the rights, privileges, and powers of the DISTRICT or the duties, liabilities and obligations of the CONTRACTOR and its surety(ies) in respect to any portions of the Contract Documents for Purchase Order No. P1888S, 3. The District has received the following claims from the Contractor: None, Except as expressly provided in this section, the DISTRICT has received no other claims from the CONTRACTOR. 4. Upon execution of this Agreement, the DISTRICT agrees to promptly record a NOTICE OF COMPLETION with the EI Dorado County Recorder, -21- 1 5. The current retention amount is Original Contract amount Total Change Order Amount Less: Amount Previously Paid (Request Nos, 1 through 8) Retainage BALANCE: $ 14,100.00 $1,274,638.00 $ 243,369.54 $1,503,907,54 $ 14,100.00 $ -0- The retainage will be released to the CONTRACTOR at the expiration of thirty-five (35) calendar days after date of recording a NOTICE OF COMPLETION by EI Dorado County Recorder or when all stop notices have been released, whichever last occurs, The release provided pursuant to this Agreement shall not apply to CONTRACTOR'S right to the retention amount until and to the extent such amounts are received by CONTRACTOR, 6, CONTRACTOR and DISTRICT agree that the total adjusted Contract price and time of performance for Purchase Order No, P18885, after the execution of change orders, is as follows: Original Contract Price Adjusted Contract Price $1,274,638,00 $1,518,007,54 7, It is understood and agreed by Contractor that the facts with respect to which the release provided pursuant to this Agreement is given may turn out to be other than or different from the facts as now known or believed to be, and Contractor expressly assumes the risk of the facts turning out to be different than they now appear, and agrees that the release provided pursuant to this Agreement shall be, in all respects, effective and not subject to termination or rescission by any such difference in facts and Contractor expressly waives any and all rights it has or may have under California Civil Code Section 1542, which provides as follows: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the Release which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor. II 8. The release made by the CONTRACTOR is not to be construed as an admission or admissions of liability and the Contractor denies any such liability. Contractor agrees that it will forever refrain and forebear from commencing, instituting or prosecuting any lawsuit, action or other proceeding against the District based on, arising out of, or in any way connected with the subject matter of this release, 9. The CONTRACTOR releases the DISTRICT from all claims, including but not limited to those of its Subcontractors for all delay and impact costs, if any. -22- 2 10. The CONTRACTOR represents and warrants to the DISTRICT that the CONTRACTOR has not assigned or transferred or purported to assign or transfer to any person, firm, corporation, association or entity any of the rights, claims, warranties, demands, debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, causes of action, damages, costs, expenses and other claims and the CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the DISTRICT, its successors, assigns, directors, officers, agents, servants, volunteers and employees, from and against, without limitation, any and all rights, claims, warranties, demands, debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, causes of action, damages, costs, expenses and other claims, including but not limited to attorneys', paralegal and experts' fees, costs and expenses arising out of or connected with any such assignment or transfer or purported assignment or transfer, 11. The parties acknowledge that they have been represented by counsel of their own choice in connection with the preparation and execution of this Agreement. The parties acknowledge and represent that they understand and voluntarily consent and agree to each and every provision contained in this Agreement. 12, The parties further acknowledge and represent that no promise, inducement or agreement, not expressed in this Agreement, have been made and that this Agreement contains the entire agreement among the parties and that the terms of the Agreement are contractual and not a mere recital. 13. The persons executing this Agreement represent and warrant to the other party that the execution and performance of the terms of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all corporate, partnership, individual, or other entity requirements and that said persons have the right, power, legal capacity and authority to execute and enter into this Agreement. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT RICHARD H. SOLBRIG, GENERAL MANAGER December 4,2008 BOARD APPROVAL DATE ATTEST: KATHY SHARP, CLERK OF BOARD DATED MARV McQUEARY EXCAVATING, INC. By: DEBORAH STARKS, VICE PRESIDENT DATED -23- 3 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Heidi C. Donovan South Tahoe Public Utility District WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: SOUTH TAHOE PUBUC UTlUTY DISTRICT 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe CA 96150 SPACE ABOVE THIS UNE FOR RECORDER'S USE APN: NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: 1. The undersigned is OWNER or agent of the OWNER of the interest or estate stated below in the property hereinafter described, 2. The FUll NAME of the OWNER is South Tahoe Public Utility District 3, The FUll ADDRESS of the OWNER is 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South lake Tahoe, CA 96150 4, The NATURE OF THE INTEREST or ESTATE of the undersigned is: In fee, (If other than fee, strike "in fee" and insert here, for example, "purchaser under contract of purchase," or "lessee," 5, The FUll NAMES and FUll ADDRESSES of ALL PERSONS, if any, WHO HOLD SUCH INTEREST or ESTATE with the undersigned as JOINT TENANTS or as TENANTS IN COMMON are: Name & Address Name & Address 6, The FUll NAMES of FULL ADDRESSES OF THE PREDECESSORS in INTEREST of the undersigned if the property was transferred subsequent to the commencement of the work of Improvement herein referred to: Name & Address Name & Address 7, A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was COMPLETED on 10/31/2008, 8, The work of improvement completed is described as follows: Glen Road and Gardner Mountain Waterlines Replacement 2007 Project, 9, The NAME OF THE ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR, if any, for such work of improvement is .Marv McQueary Excavating, Inc, 10, The street address of said property is See Exhibit A attached, 11, The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of South lake Tahoe, County of EI Dorado, State of Califomia, and is described as follows: As shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, and commonly known as DATE: n(>c-PlJJbE'r 4) ?on8 VERIACATION FOR INDIVIDUAL OWNER: I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I am the owner of the aforesaid interest or estate in the property described in the above notice; that I have read said notice, that I know and understand the contents thereof, and the facts stated therein are true and correct, SIGNAlURE OF OWNER OR AGENT OF OWNER MARY~LOU MOSBACHER, Board President DATE AND PLACE SIGNAlURE OF OWNER NAMED IN PARAGRAPH 2 VERIFICATION FOR NON-INDIVIDUAL OWNER: P I, the undersigned, dedare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I am the of the aforesaid interest or estate in the property described in the above notice; that I have read the said notice, that I know and understand the contents thereof, and that the facts stated therein are true and correct. December 4, 2008 at SOllt/1 'i1~P Tilhop, CA DATE AND PLACE SIGNAlURE OF PERSON SIGNING ON BEHALF OF OWNER MARY LOU MOSBACHER -24- Notice of Completion EXHIBIT "A" South Tahoe Public Utility District's GLEN ROAD and GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT Glen Road Portion: The site of the work is located on Glen Road from Pioneer Trail to Rocky Point Road, Rocky Point Road from Glen Road to Cellador Road, Cellador Road from Rocky Point Road to its end. Primrose Road from Glen Road to Rocky Point Road, Chonokis Road from Primrose Road to Rocky Point Road, The work to be performed consists of construction of approximately 3,500 lineal feet of new 8-inch waterline, services, fire hydrants, interties and appurtenant work, including paving, striping, erosion control and traffic control. Gardner Mountain Portion: The site of the work is located on Wentworth Lane beginning at the intersection of Gardner Street and Wentworth Lane and proceeding east along to Shady Lane; around the Shady Lane loop and south along Shady Lane, ending at the intersection of Shady Lane and Gardner Street. Then proceed east from intersection of Shady Lane and Taylor Way ending at the intersection of Taylor Way and Tenth Street. The work to be performed consists of construction of approximately 3,000 lineal feet of new 8" waterline, services, fire hydrants, interties and appurtenant work, including paving, striping, erosion control and traffic control. /II /II /II South Tahoe Public Utility District's GLEN ROAD and GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT EXHIBIT "A" -25- General Manager Richard H. Sol brig South Tahoe Public Utility District Directors Emie Claudio James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Dale Rise Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614. www.stpud,us CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of the Notice of Completion that was approved by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of EI Dorado, State of California, and executed by Board President, Mary Lou Mosbacher. Date Approved: Certified by: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board -26- ~..I~ Richard H. 501brig South Tahoe Public Utility District DlrtlGt<lr& Eml/$ ~w Jam~ It Jon.oe Mar:y Lou ~ oar" RhIo .. 12'16 M$idow C~ OM II 5c>uth Lake Tahoe · CA 96160 Phone 500 !54+6474' Fax e50 541~ BOARD AGENDA ITEM 7a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Director Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer MEETING DATE: December 4, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Employee Benefits Plan 2009 Renewal REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Renew Excess Insurance Policy with Gerber Life Insurance Company, with a specific deductible level of $65,000; (2) Approve funding level for plan in the amount of $1 ,800 per employee per month; (3) Approve COBRA rates for 2009 as follows: Single Dental $80; Family Dental $225; Single Medical $900; Family Medical $2200. DISCUSSION: BB&H Benefit Designs, Inc., the District's consultant for the self-insured Employee Benefits Plan, went out for proposal for the Excess Insurance Company and received only one other proposal, with the remaining carriers declining to quote due to the current insurance industry in combination with the District's demographics, The renewal proposal from Gerber Life Insurance Company was the most competitive renewal proposal. Staff met with the Finance Committee on NoVember 20,2008, to discuss all aspects of the renewal. The Finance Committee concurred with staff that renewing with Gerber, with a specific level of $65,000 is the best option for the District at this time, Fixed premium costs may be reduced even further by Gerber quoting a "15/12" policy rather than the "24/12" quote that was provided, A 15/12 policy covers claims incurred during the last three months of the plan year, but paid during the current 12 month plan year. Staff also discussed with the Finance Committee the appropriate funding level of $1 ,800 per employee per month and the Finance Committee concurred that this level of funding would cover anticipated fixed and claims liability costs. COBRA continuation coverage is offered to eligible participants per federal law, Participants electing COBRA continuation coverage pay the applicable COBRA rate plus a 2% administrative fee, Each year, (,;!~F?ticable COBRA rates are established Nancy Hussmann Paul Hughes December 4, 2008 Page 2 consistent with the prior year's actual claim experience, in conjunction with the current plan renewal issues, As required under COBRA regulations, a two-tier rate structure must be provided, and participants can elect to continue coverage for either medical or dental, or both, Based upon recommendation from BB&H Benefit Designs, and with the concurrence of the Finance Committee, the above COBRA rates will accurately cover actual COBRA costs, SCHEDULE: December 5, 2008 - Notify BB&H of Board Decision, Notify CDS of 2009 COBRA rates, COSTS: $1800 per employee/month ($2,548,800) ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Stop Loss Renewal- Exhibit 3 from BB&H Benefit Designs CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: General -28- . r South Tahoe Public Utility District Stop Loss Renewal - Effective January 1, 2009 Exhibit 3 Volume Gerber Gerber Gerber Gerber Current Renewal Option Option Specific Stop loss Med/Rx Med/Rx Med/Rx Med/Rx $65,000 $65,000 $70,000 $75,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 15/12 24/12 24/12 24/12 24 $57,16 $79.31 $74.19 $69,91 94 $139,55 $194.98 $182,26 $171.61 $14,489,54 $20,231,56 $18,913.00 $17,809,18 $173,874,48 $242,778,72 $226,956,00 $213,710.16 39.6% 30.5% 22.9% Med/Rx Med/Rx Med/Rx Med/Rx 125% 125% 125% 125% 15/12 24/12 24/12 24/12 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 118 $9,90 $10,88 $10,92 $10.96 $1,148.40 $1,262.08 $1,266,72 $1,271.36 $13,780.80 $15,144.96 $15,200,64 $15,256.32 9,9% 10.3% 10,7% $187,655.28 $257,923,68 $242,156.64 $228,966.48 Specific level Lifetime Maximum Contract Type Premiums Single Family Monthly Cost Annual Cost Aggregate Stop loss Margin Contract Type Monthly Cumulative Maximum Reimbursement Premium Single Monthly Cost Annual Cost Total Stop loss Annual Fixed Cost $ Difference $70,268.40 $54,501.36 $41,311.20 % Difference 37.4% 29,0% 22,0% Claims liability Aggregate Factor Single Family Monthly liability Annual liability 24 94 $563,30 $1,399,81 $145,101,34 $1,741,216,08 $935,34 $2,324,32 $240,934,24 $2,891,210.88 $944,70 $2,347,57 $243,344.38 $2,920,132,56 $951.24 $2,363,84 $245,030,72 $2,940,368,64 $ Difference $1,149,994.80 $1,178,916.48 $1,199,152.56 % Difference 66.0% 67.7% 68.9% Fixed plus Claims liability $1,928,871,36 $3,149,134.56 $3,162,289.20 $3,169,335,12 $ Difference $1,220,263.20 $1,233,417.84 $1,240,463.76 90 Difference 63.390 63.990 64.390 S. Tahoe PUD Stop Loss ApPendix stop Loss renewal.xls I ~~!~~.~,!~f.'. 9 -29- PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL December 4, 2008 Payroll 11/19/08 Total Payroll BNY Western Trust Company CDS-health care payments Brownstein/Hyatt/FarberlSchreck legal services LaSalle Bank Union Bank Total Vendor EFT Accounts Payable Checks-Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks-Self-funded Insurance Accounts Payable Checks-Grants Fund Total Accounts Payable Grand Total Pavroll EFTs & Checks EFT EFT EFT CHK EFT CHK EFT CHK EFT CHK AFLAC Medical & Dependent Care CA Employment Taxes & W/H Federal Employment Taxes & W/H CalPERS Contributions Great West Deferred Comp Stationary Engineers Union Dues United Way Contributions CA State Disbursement Unit Employee Direct Deposits Employee Paychecks Total -31- 11/19/08 1,414.31 14,969.85 87,017.71 27,183.01 17,613.83 2,331.04 87.00 460.15 203,225.20 15,532.51 369,834.61 369,834.61 369,834.61 279,651.00 86,108.22 40,720.85 156,572.80 0.00 563,052.87 869,560.44 183,160.90 19,989.40 0.00 1,072,710.74 2,005,598.22 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# 1 Proi Code Amount Check Num Type A -1 CHEMICAL INC GEN & ADMIN JANIT /SUPPLY INV 1000 - 0422 526.88 Check Total: 526.88 AP -00071306 MW ACCOUNTEMPS FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 1039 - 4405 2,192.96 ACCOUNTEMPS FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 2039 - 4405 2,192.96 Check Total: 4,385.92 AP -00071307 MW ACE HARDWARE OF SO LAKE TAHOE GEN & ADMIN SHOP SUPPLY INV 1000 - 0421 112.75 Check Total: 112.75 AP -00071308 MW ACWA BOARD OF DIR DUES /MEMB /CERT 2019 - 6250 16,475.00 Check Total: 16,475.00 AP -00071310 MW ACWA HEALTH BENEFITS AUTHORITY GEN & ADMIN VISION INS 1000 - 2530 2,587.06 Check Total: 2,587.06 AP- 00071309 MW ADAMS, MICHAEL UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEUMEETINGS 1001 - 6200 68.44 Check Total: 68.44 AP -00071311 MW ALLEGRINI, REGINA CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 800.00 ALPE COFFEE User: MICHAEL FINANCE Page: 1 Current Date: 11/24/2008 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 09:31:47 Check Total: 800.00 AP -00071312 MW OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1039 - 6081 276.75 Check Total: 276.75 AP -00071313 MW ALPINE COUNTY DIAMOND VLY RNCH LAND TAXES 1028 - 6651 29,083.58 Check Total: 29,083.58 AP- 00071314 MW AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY LABORATORY DUES/MEMB /CERT 1007 - 6250 73.50 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY LABORATORY DUES/MEMB /CERT 2007 - 6250 73.50 Check Total: 147.00 AP - 00071315 MW AMERIGAS DIAMOND VLY RNCH PROPANE 1028 - 6360 423.05 Check Total: 423.05 AP-00071316 MW AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVICES GEN & ADMIN UNIFORM PAYABLE 1000 - 2518 856.62 Check Total: 856.62 AP - 00071317 MW APOLLO PLUMBING & HTN,TERRY'S UNDERGROUND REP PIPE /CVRS /MHLS 1001 - 6052 1,683.07 Check Total: 1,683.07 AP - 00071318 MW AT &T /CALNET 2 GEN & ADMIN TELEPHONE 1000 - 6310 18.62 AT &T /CALNET 2 PUMPS TELEPHONE 1002 - 6310 26.79 AT &T /CALNET 2 OPERATIONS TELEPHONE 1006 - 6310 29.79 Vendor Name AT &T /CALNET 2 AT &T /CALNET 2 AT &T /CALNET 2 AT &T/CALNET 2 AT &T /CALNET 2 AT &T /CALNET 2 BAY AREA COATING CONSULTANTS BAY AREA COATING CONSULTANTS BENTLY AGROWDYNAMICS CALIF DEPT OF PESTICIDE CALIF WATER RESOURCES CTRL BD w CAROL() ENGINEERS CARRION, PAUL CARRION, PAUL CARSON PUMP CDS GROUP HEALTH CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE COMPULINK MANAGEMENT CENTER User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name INFORMATION SYS CUSTOMER SERVICE GEN & ADMIN PUMPS INFORMATION SYS CUSTOMER SERVICE ENGINEERING - ANGORA FIRE 07 G ENGINEERING - TANK,FOREST MT OPERATIONS UNDERGROUND REP ENGINEERING ENGINEERING - TWIN PEAKS BS EQUIPMENT REP EQUIPMENT REPAIR HEAVY MAINT SELF FUNDED INS INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS GEN & ADMIN - T &M CASH BRD ADMINISTRATION PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Page: 2 Description TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TNK COAT FRST MT TNK COAT FRST MT SLUDGE DISPOSAL DUES/MEMB /CERT OPERATING PERMIT BSTR, TWN PEAKS TRAVEUMEETINGS TRAVEL/MEETINGS SECONDARY EQUIP PPO FEE DIST.COMP SPPLIS DIST.COMP SPPLIS MISC INCOME TRAVEL/MEETINGS Acct# / Proi Code 1037 - 6310 1038 - 6310 2000 - 6310 2002 - 6310 2037 -6310 2038 - 6310 Amount Check Num Type 82.74 7.12 18.61 26.79 82.73 7.11 Check Total: 300.30 AP- 00071319 MW 2029 - 8995 - FANG07 3,900.00 2029 - 8995 - FMCOAT 1,900.00 Check Total: 5,800.00 AP- 00071320 MW 1006 - 6652 1,961.88 1,961.88 AP- 00071321 MW 2001 - 6250 60.00 Check Total: 60.00 AP- 00071322 MW 2029 - 6650 928.28 Check Total: 928.28 AP- 00071323 MW 2029 - 7070 - TPBSTR 36,587.93 Check Total: 36,587.93 AP- 00071324 MW 1005 - 6200 54.00 2005 - 6200 54.00 1021 - 6200 Check Total: Check Total: 108.00 AP- 00071325 MW 1004 - 6022 4,694.00 Check Total: 4,694.00 AP- 00071326 MW 3000 - 6742 2,773.75 Check Total: 2,773.75 AP- 00071327 MW 1037 - 4840 253.86 2037 - 4840 253.86 Check Total: 507.72 AP- 00071328 MW 2000 - 3540 - TMCB 54.49 Check Total: 54.49 AP 00071329 MW Current Date: 11/24/2008 Current Time: 09:31:47 211.78 Vendor Name COMPULINK MANAGEMENT CENTER COMPULINK MANAGEMENT CENTER COMPULINK MANAGEMENT CENTER COMPULINK MANAGEMENT CENTER COMPULINK MANAGEMENT CENTER COMPULINK MANAGEMENT CENTER COMPULINK MANAGEMENT CENTER CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CROSNO CONSTRUCTION INC CURTI, RANDY DATCO SERVICES CORP DATCO SERVICES CORP DIAZ, ANTONIO 1 DICK'S FULLER - DICK'S FULLER - E- FILLIATE CORP E- FILLIATE CORP EDDY, LAVERNE EDDY, LAVERNE User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Prol Name INFORMATION SYS CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION SYS CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE LABORATORY - ALP CO MTBE CONT LABORATORY - ARHD3 TRTMT EXP LABORATORY - BKRFLD TRTMT EXP LABORATORY - HERBST ENGINEERING - C CLUB TNK REPL ENGINEERING HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES UNDERGROUND REP ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL HEAVY MAINTENANC INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS FINANCE FINANCE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description TRAVEUMEETINGS TRAVEUMEETINGS TRAVEUMEETINGS TRAVEUMEETINGS TRAVEUMEETINGS TRAVEUMEETINGS TRAVEL/MEETINGS MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING TANK, COUNTRY CL DUES /MEMB /CERT SAFETY PROGRAMS SAFETY PROGRAMS DUES/MEMB /CERT O2SYSITMDL,ICR BUILDINGS DIST.COMP SPPLIS DIST.COMP SPPLIS TRAVEUMEETINGS TRAVEUMEETINGS Acct# I Proi Code 1037 - 6200 1038 - 6200 1039 - 6200 2021 - 6200 2037 - 6200 2038 - 6200 2039 - 6200 Check Total: 1007 - 6110 - ACMTBE 2007 - 6110 - AH3EXP 2007 - 6110 - BKRFLD 2007 - 6110 - HERBST Check Total: 2029 - 7063 - CLUBTK Check Total: 2029-6250 1022 - 6079 2022 - 6079 1001 - 6250 Check Total: 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL 2004 - 6041 1037 - 4840 2037 - 4840 1039 - 6200 2039 - 6200 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Page: 3 Current Date: 11/24/2008 Current Time: 09:31:47 Amount Check Num Tvae 211.79 635.37 423.58 211.79 211.78 635.35 423.56 2,965.00 AP -00071330 MW 340.00 190.00 340.00 190.00 1,060.00 AP -00071331 MW 14,058.50 14,058.50 AP- 00071332 MW 90.00 90.00 AP -00071333 MW 182.00 182.00 364.00 AP -00071334 MW 130.00 130.00 AP -00071335 MW 173.10 64.45 237.55 AP -00071336 MW 143.83 143.83 287.66 AP- 00071337 MW 9.00 9.00 18.00 AP- 00071338 MW PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Prol Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type EL DORADO COUNTY ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL REP EXP PUMPS 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV 318.00 Check Total: 318.00 AP- 00071339 MW EL DORADO COUNTY EQUIPMENT REPAIR GEN/TRF SW CC TK 2005 - 8956 318.00 Check Total: 318.00 AP- 00071340 MW ENS RESOURCES INC DIO CONTRACT SERVICE 1027 - 4405 4,049.00 ENS RESOURCES INC DIO CONTRACT SERVICE 2027 - 4405 4,049.00 Check Total: 8,098.00 AP- 00071341 MW FARR WEST ENGINEERING INC ENGINEERING - DVR IRRIG FIELDS DVR ESB 1029 - 8836 - MEIKO8 2,415.09 Check Total: 2,415.09 AP- 00071342 MW FEDEX ADMINISTRATION POSTAGE EXPENSES 1021 - 4810 3.87 FEDEX FINANCE POSTAGE EXPENSES 1039 - 4810 2.94 FEDEX ADMINISTRATION POSTAGE EXPENSES 2021 - 4810 3.87 FEDEX ENGINEERING - ARSENIC STUDY ARSNC TRTMNT 2029 - 8864 - ARSNIC 20.02 FEDEX FINANCE POSTAGE EXPENSES 2039 - 4810 2.93 Check Total: 33.63 AP -00071343 MW FISHEgt SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 226.83 FISHER SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 254.99 Check Total: 481.82 AP -00071344 MW GB GENERAL ENG CONTRACTOR INC UNDERGROUND REP PIPE /CVRS /MHLS 1001 - 6052 1,530.00 GB GENERAL ENG CONTRACTOR INC UNDERGROUND REP PIPE /CVRS /MHLS 2001 - 6052 28,839.75 Check Total: 30,369.75 AP- 00071345 MW GERBER LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY SELF FUNDED INS EXCESS INSURANCE 3000 - 6744 16,136.75 Check Total: 16,136.75 AP- 00071346 MW GFS CHEMICAL LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 62.00 GFS CHEMICAL LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 90.66 Check Total: 152.66 AP -00071347 MW GRAINGER ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL O2SYS/TMDL,ICR 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL 1,218.54 Check Total: 1,218.54 AP- 00071348 MW GRANITE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL O2SYS/TMDL,ICR 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL 4,046.45 Check Total: 4,046.45 AP -00071349 MW GRANT THORNTON LLP FINANCE AUDITING 1039 - 4470 218.75 User: MICHAEL Page: 4 Current Date: 11/24/2008 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 09:31:47 Vendor Name GRANT THORNTON LLP GREENWOOD, JAMES HARDY DIAGNOSTICS HARDY DIAGNOSTICS INFOSEND INC. User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name FINANCE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Tvpe AUDITING 2039 - 4470 218.75 Check Total: LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 33.34 LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 52.84 Check Total: 86.18 AP 00071352 MW HARTFORD, THE GEN & ADMIN LIFE INS 1000 - 2512 1,980.17 HARTFORD, THE GEN & ADMIN LTD, UNION 1000 - 2539 1,782.81 HARTFORD, THE GEN & ADMIN LIFE INSURANCE 1000 - 4311 0.99 HARTFORD, THE FINANCE LTD, UNION 1039 - 4314 -0.36 Check Total: 3,763.61 AP - 00071353 MW HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES LLC ENGINEERING - ANGORA TNK REPL TANK, ANGORA 2029 - 7064 - ANGOTK 3,640.00 Check Total: 3,640.00 AP -00071354 MW HENDERSON, DEBBIE ADMINISTRATION INCNTV & RCGNTN 1021 - 6621 36.37 HENDERSON, DEBBIE ADMINISTRATION INCNTV & RCGNTN 2021 - 6621 36.37 I Check Total: 72.74 AP -00071355 MW HOBBS ELECTRIC INC GEN & ADMIN - ICR TMDL CONST RETAINAGE 1000 - 2605 - ICTMDL - 1,500.30 HOBBS ELECTRIC INC ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL O2SYS/TMDL,ICR 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL 15,003.00 Check Total: 13,502.70 AP -00071356 MW HUGO BONDED LOCKSMITH PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002 - 6051 76.10 HUGO BONDED LOCKSMITH EQUIPMENT REP GENERATORS 1005 - 6013 19.39 HUGO BONDED LOCKSMITH PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002 - 6051 76.09 Check Total: 171.58 AP -00071357 MW HUSSMANN, NANCY HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVEUMEETINGS 1022 - 6200 177.26 HUSSMANN, NANCY HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVEUMEETINGS 2022 - 6200 177.25 Check Total: 354.51 AP -00071358 MW IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP. LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 393.11 IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP. LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 393.10 Check Total: 786.21 AP - 00071359 MW DIO PRINTING 1027 - 4920 857.59 Page: 5 Current Date: 11/24/2008 Current Time: 09:31:47 437.50 AP -00071350 MW 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 3,267.00 Check Total: 3,267.00 AP -00071351 MW Vendor Name INFOSEND INC. INFOSEND INC. INFOSEND INC. INFOSEND INC. INFOSEND INC. INSITE LAND SURVEYS INSITE LAND SURVEYS INTEGRITY LOCKSMITH INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY J &L KLEEN INC J &L PRO KLEEN INC JORDAN'S TRUCK & TRAILER EQUIP KEMP, JOHN KIMBALL MIDWEST KRLT & KOWL RADIO KRLT & KOWL RADIO LAKE TAHOE PLUMBING INC LIVE WIRE MEDIA PARTNERS LIVE WIRE MEDIA PARTNERS User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE DIO CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE ENGINEERING - C CLUB TNK REPL ENGINEERING - ECHO TANK REPL UNDERGROUND REP GEN & ADMIN GEN &ADMIN OPERATIONS FINANCE FINANCE EQUIPMENT'REP GEN & ADMIN - T &M CASH BRD EQUIPMENT REP DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL DIO - PR EXP - EXTERNAL UNDERGROUND REP DIO - PR EXP - EXTERNAL DIO - PR EXP - EXTERNAL PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description POSTAGE EXPENSES PRINTING PRINTING POSTAGE EXPENSES PRINTING TANK, COUNTRY CL TANK, ECHO SMALL TOOLS SHOP SUPPLY INV SAFETY INVENTORY SAFETY/EQUIP /PHY JANITORIAL SERV JANITORIAL SERV AUTOMOTIVE MISC INCOME SHOP SUPPLIES PUB RELATIONS PUB RELATIONS MISC LIAB CLAIMS PUB RELATIONS PUB RELATIONS Page: 6 Acct# / Proi Code 1038 -4810 1038 - 4920 2027 - 4920 2038 -4810 2038 - 4920 Check Total: 2029 - 7063 - CLUBTK 2029 - 8809 - ECHOTK Check Total: 1001 - 6073 1000 - 0421 1000 - 0425 1006 - 6075 1039 - 6074 2039 - 6074 1005-6011 1005 - 6071 2001-4520 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 2000 - 3540 - TMCB Check Total: Check Total: 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT Check Total: Check Total: 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT Current Date: 11/24/2008 Current Time: 09:31:47 Amount Check Num Tvpe 3,427.10 1,042.48 2,384.64 3,427.10 1,042.48 12,181.39 AP -00071360 MW 200.00 2,400.00 2,600.00 AP -00071361 MW 21.55 21.55 AP- 00071362 MW 302.82 93.68 322.89 719.39 AP- 00071363 MW 1,603.50 1,603.50 3,207.00 AP -00071364 MW 1,048.60 1,048.60 AP -00071365 MW 220.00 220.00 AP -00071366 MW 384.94 384.94 AP -00071367 MW 342.00 342.00 684.00 AP 00071368 MW 709.00 709.00 AP -00071369 MW 168.00 168.00 Vendor Name Department / Proi Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description Acct# / Proi Code LOOMIS FARGO & CO. FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 1039 - 4405 LOOMIS FARGO & CO. FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 2039 - 4405 User: MICHAEL Amount Check Num Type 336.00 AP -00071370 MW 290.71 290.71 Check Total: 581.42 AP -00071371 MW Check Total: LYNN M. SUTER ASSOCIATES DIO CONTRACT SERVICE 1027 - 4405 1,225.00 LYNN M. SUTER ASSOCIATES DIO CONTRACT SERVICE 2027 - 4405 1,225.00 Check Total: 2,450.00 AP -00071372 MW MARO, MIKE EQUIPMENT REP TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1005 - 6200 54.00 MARO, MIKE EQUIPMENT REPAIR TRAVEUMEETINGS 2005 - 6200 54.00 Check Total: 108.00 AP -00071373 MW MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS LUTHER PASS 1002 - 6048 908.57 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO OPERATIONS PMPS,FLTR CHEM 1006 - 8920 118.50 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO ENGINEERING ICR TMDL O2SYS/TMDL,ICR 1029 - 8605 ICTMDL 1,401.34 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS WELLS 2002 - 6050 767.96 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO ENGINEERING - FOREST MTN REHAB BS RHB,FRST MTN 2029 - 8968 - FOREST 1,287.87 w ao Check Total: 4,484.24 AP- 00071374 MW MCKthN, MICHAEL & LORI GEN & ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 1000 - 2002 11,354.24 MCKEEN, MICHAEL & LORI FINANCE INTEREST EXPENSE 1039 - 6710 1,078.66 MCKEEN, MICHAEL & LORI GEN & ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 2000 - 2002 2,239.00 MCKEEN, MICHAEL & LORI GEN & ADMIN METER SALE 2000 - 3545 132.00 MCKEEN, MICHAEL & LORI FINANCE INTEREST EXPENSE 2039 - 6710 22525 Check Total: 15,029.15 AP -00071375. MW MID MOUNTAIN COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT REP NW DUMP TRK DVR 1005 - 8887 153.94 Check Total: 153.94 AP -00071376 MW MUFFLER PALACE, THE EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005 - 6011 30.00 Check Total: 30.00 AP- 00071377 MW MWH LABORATORIES LABORATORY MONITORING 1007 - 6110 125.00 MWH LABORATORIES LABORATORY MONITORING 2007 - 6110 125.00 Check Total: 250,00 AP -00071378 MW MY OFFICE PRODUCTS GEN & ADMIN OFFICE INVENTORY 1000 - 0428 657.91 MY OFFICE PRODUCTS HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE SUPPLIES 1022 - 4820 37.72 Page: 7 Current Date: 11/24/2008 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 09:31:47 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Prot Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type MY OFFICE PRODUCTS ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 1029 - 4820 75.84 MY OFFICE PRODUCTS HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE SUPPLIES 2022 - 4820 37.72 MY OFFICE PRODUCTS ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 2029 - 4820 75.83 Check Total: 885.02 AP- 00071379 MW NEVADA GENERATOR SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT REPAIR GEN/TRF SW CC TK 2005 - 8956 18,952.55 Check Total: 18,952.55 AP- 00071380 MW NEWARK IN ONE ELECTRICAL SHOP SECONDARY EQUIP 1003 - 6022 141.89 NEWARK IN ONE ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES 1003 - 6071 500.31 Check Total: 6.42.20 AP- 00071381 MW O 1 CORP LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 51.64 O I CORP LABORATORY LABORATORY EQUIP 1007 - 6025 174.27 O 1 CORP LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 36.63 O 1 CORP LABORATORY LABORATORY EQUIP 2007 - 6025 174.26 Check Total: 436.80 AP- 00071382 MW OFFICE DEPOT GEN & ADMIN OFFICE INVENTORY 1000 - 0428 409.14 1 Check Total: 409.14 AP- 00071383 MW OFFICI MAX GEN & ADMIN OFFICE INVENTORY 1000 - 0428 633.08 OFFICE MAX HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE SUPPLIES 1022 - 4820 47.64 OFFICE MAX ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 1029 - 4820 64.68 OFFICE MAX FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1039 - 4820 37.33 OFFICE MAX HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE SUPPLIES 2022 - 4820 47.64 OFFICE MAX ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 2029 - 4820 64.68 OFFICE MAX FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2039 - 4820 37.32 Check Total: 932.37 AP- 00071384 MW OLIN CORPORATION OPERATIONS HYPOCHLORITE 1006 - 4755 3,802.44 Check Total: 3,802.44 AP- 00071385 MW ONTRAC LABORATORY POSTAGE EXPENSES 1007 - 4810 13.00 ONTRAC ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL REP EXP PUMPS 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV 10.00 ONTRAC LABORATORY POSTAGE EXPENSES 2007 - 4810 17.50 Check Total: 40.50 AP- 00071386 MW PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORP User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL REP EXP PUMPS 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV 505,567.22 Page: 8 Current Date: 11/24/2008 Current Time: 09:31:47 Vendor Name PDM STEEL PERRY-SMITH LLP PERRY -SMITH LLP PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PEWAG INC PLACER TITLE COMPANY PRAXA:IR 174 PRAXAIR 174 PRAXAIR 174 PRIETO, ANTONIO RADIO SHACK RADIO SHACK RALEY'S RALEY'S RODRIGUEZ, RICHARD RSN SPORTS NETWORK RSN SPORTS NETWORK User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL FINANCE FINANCE UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS HEAVY MAINT PUMPS UNDERGROUND REP ENGINEERING - TWIN PEAKS BS ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP ENGINEERING ENGINEERING HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL DIO - PR EXP - EXTERNAL PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description 02SYSRMDLICR CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE Acct# / Proi Code AUDITING 1039 - 4470 AUDITING 2039 - 4470 TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1001 - 6200 TRAVEUMEETINGS 1002 - 6200 TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1004 - 6200 TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2002 - 6200 SHOP SUPPLIES 2001 - 6071 BSTR, TWN PEAKS 2029 - 7070 - TPBSTR Check Total: 02SYS/TMDL,ICR 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL SHOP SUPPLIES 2001 - 6071 SMALL TOOLS 2001 - 6073 TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2001 - 6200 OFC EQUIP /REPAIR 1029 - 6027 OFC EQUIP/REPAIR 2029 - 6027 SAFETY PROGRAMS 1022-6079 SAFETY PROGRAMS 2022 - 6079 PUB RELATIONS PUB RELATIONS Page: 9 Check Total: 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG Check Total: 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT Current Date: 11/24/2008 Current Time: 09:31:47 Amount Check Num Type 505,567.22 AP - 00071387 MW 519.66 519.66 AP 00071388 MW 1,012.50 1,012.50 2,025.00 AP -00071389 MW 24.00 5.00 40.00 5.00 74.00 AP - 00071390 MW 1,604.36 1,604.36 AP - 00071391 MW 800.00 800.00 AP - 00071392 MW 106.58 275.15 119.16 500.89 AP - 00071393 MW 74.88 74.88 AP 00071394 MW 5.38 5.37 10.75 AP - 00071395 MW 1,430.75 1,430.75 2,861.50 AP - 00071396 MW 800.00 800.00 AP 00071397 MW 730.63 730.62 Vendor Name Department / Proi Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description Acct# / Proi Code Check Total: SCIUTO, PAUL ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 1029 - 6200 SCIUTO, PAUL ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 2029 - 6200 33.00 Check Total: 66.00 AP -00071399 MW SCOTTYS HARDWARE ENGINEERING SUPPLIES 1029 - 6520 19.63 SCOTTYS HARDWARE ENGINEERING SUPPLIES 2029 - 6520 19.62 Check Total: 39.25 AP- 00071400 MW SCP SCIENCE LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 48.00 SCP SCIENCE LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 33.00 Check Total: 81.00 AP- 00071401 MW SFP -B LIMITED PARTNERSHIP GEN & ADMIN - T &M CASH BRD MISC INCOME 2000 - 3540 - TMCB 823.02 Check Total: 823.02 AP -00071402 MW SIERRA FOOTHILL LABORATORY ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL O2SYSITMDL,ICR 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL 195.00 Check Total: 195.00 AP- 00071403 MW SIERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 452.81 SIERIt NEVADA MEDIA GROUP DIO - PR EXP - EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT 452.81 I Check Total: 905.62 AP- 00071404 MW SIERRA PACIFIC POWER GEN & ADMIN ELECTRICITY 1000 - 6330 55,005.89 SIERRA PACIFIC POWER GEN & ADMIN ST LIGHTING EXP 1000 - 6740 7.92 SIERRA PACIFIC POWER GEN & ADMIN ELECTRICITY 2000 - 6330 8,039.59 Check Total: 63,053.40 AP -00071405 MW SOUTH SHORE GLASS & DOOR INC HEAVY MAINT BUILDINGS 1004 - 6041 29.09 Check Total: 29.09 AP- 00071406 MW SOUTHWELL CONTROLS LABORATORY LABORATORY EQUIP 1007 - 6025 275.90 Check Total: 275.90 AP -00071407 MW SOUTHWEST GAS GEN & ADMIN NATURAL GAS 1000 - 6350 53.73 SOUTHWEST GAS GEN & ADMIN NATURAL GAS 2000 - 6350 5.50 Check Total: 59.23 AP -00071408 MW STANTEC CONSULTING INC ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL REP EXP PUMPS 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV 27,837.95 STANTEC CONSULTING INC ENGINEERING - WTRLN, JULIE LN WTRLN, JULIE 2029 - 7067 - JULIE7 680.00 STANTEC CONSULTING INC ENGINEERING - WTRLN, GLEN RD WTLN, GLEN RD 2029 - 8714 - GLENWL 1,646.80 User: MICHAEL Page: 10 Current Date: 11/24/2008 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 09:31:47 Amount Check Num Time 1,461.25 AP -00071398 MW 33.00 Vendor Name STANTEC CONSULTING INC STROBEL, NORM SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SWAIN, CAROL SWAIN, CAROL Tahoe Daily Tribune Taho Daily Tribune TAHOE FIRE CONTROL TAHOE FIRE CONTROL TAHOE MOUNTAIN NEWS TAHOE MOUNTAIN NEWS TAHOE TRADING POST TAHOE TRADING POST TAHOE TRADING POST TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name ENGINEERING - WTRLN,AL TAHOE CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE HUMAN RESOURCES ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL HUMAN RESOURCES ENGINEERING - WTRLN, JULIE LN ENGINEERING - WTRLN,AL TAHOE ENGINEERING - WTRLN, TATA INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION EQUIPMENT REP EQUIPMENT REPAIR DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PUMPS HEAVY MAINT PUMPS ELECTRICAL SHOP HEAVY MAINT ELECTRICAL SHOP PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description WTLN, AL TAHOE CONTRACT SERVICE REP EXP PUMPS CONTRACT SERVICE WTRLN, JULIE WTLN, AL TAHOE WTRLN, TATA LN TRAVEUMEETINGS 1037 - 6200 TRAVEUMEETINGS 2037 - 6200 1022 - 4405 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV 2022 - 4405 2029 - 7067 - JULIE7 2029 - 8811 - ATWL08 2029 - 8866 - TATAWL SUBSCRIPTIONS 1021 - 4830 SUBSCRIPTIONS 2021 - 4830 SAFETY /EQUIP/PHY 1005 - 6075 SAFETY /EQUIP/PHY 2005 - 6075 PUB RELATIONS PUB RELATIONS SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY 1002 - 6075 SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1004 - 6075 SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 2002 - 6075 BUILDINGS 1003 - 6041 SECONDARY EQUIP 1004 - 6022 SHOP SUPPLIES 2003 - 6071 Page: 11 Acct# / Proi Code 2029 - 8811 - ATWLO8 Check Total: 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT Check Total: Check Total: 1,414.72 AP- 00071411 MW 64.03 64.02 Check Total: 128.05 AP -00071412 MW 61.75 61.75 Check Total: Current Date: 11/24/2008 Current Time: 09:31:47 Amount Check Num Dm 1,050.00 31,214.75 AP -00071409 MW 800.00 800.00 AP -00071410 MW 476.00 149.42 476.00 33.74 67.48 212.08 123.50 AP- 00071413 MW 120.90 120.89 241.79 AP -00071414 MW 37.50 37.50 75.00 AP -00071415 MW 79.68 139.20 79.68 298.56 AP -00071416 MW 86.18 6.59 53.53 Check Total: 146.30 AP- 00071417 MW Vendor Name UNDERWATER RESOURCES INC UNDERWATER RESOURCES INC UNDERWATER RESOURCES INC UNDERWATER RESOURCES INC UNIVERSAL HEALTH NETWORK USA BLUEBOOK USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC VERIZON WEDCO INC WEDCO INC i WEDtp INC WEDdO INC WEDCO INC WESTERN ENERGETIX INC WESTERN ENERGETIX INC WESTERN ENERGETIX INC WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN TRUCK PARTS WHITE CAP User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name GEN & ADMIN - ICR TMDL GEN & ADMIN DIAMOND VLY RNCH ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL SELF FUNDED INS UNDERGROUND REP HEAVY MAINT DIAMOND VLY RNCH ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP GEN & ADMIN DIAMOND VLY RNCH DIAMOND VLY RNCH PUMPS PUMPS UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS EQUIPMENT REP ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description CONST RETAINAGE CONST RETAINAGE ICR VLV RBLD O2SYS/TMDL,ICR ADMIN FEE SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY TELEPHONE TELEPHONE BUILDINGS PUMP STATIONS 02SYS/TMDL,ICR WELLS SHOP SUPPLIES GASOLINE INV GASOLINE DIESEL SMALL TOOLS UPGR FLL ES6,7 &9 PIPE /CVRS /MHLS SMALL TOOLS NW DUMP TRK DVR 02SYS/TMDLICR Page: 12 Acct# / Proi Code 1000 - 2605 - ICTMDL 1000 -2605 1028 - 8991 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL Check Total: 3000 - 6741 1001 - 6075 1004 - 6310 1028 - 6310 1003 - 6041 1003 - 6051 1029 - 8605 ICTMDL 2003 - 6050 2003 - 6071 1000 - 0415 1028 - 4610 1028 - 4620 1002 - 6073 1002 - 8712 2001 - 6052 2002 - 6073 1005 - 8887 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Current Date: 11/24/2008 Current Time 09:31:47 Amount Check Num Type - 850.00 - 700.00 7,000.00 8,500.00 13,950.00 AP- 00071418 MW 1,078.90 1,078.90 AP- 00071419 MW 480.24 480.24 AP- 00071420 MW 10.76 10.76 AP- 00071421 MW 193.15 193.15 AP- 00071422 MW 265.03 91.00 171.89 1,021.83 554.95 2.104.70 AP- 00071423 MW 6,799.36 275.71 1,353.96 8,429.03 AP- 00071424 MW 10.23 268.79 32.31 10.23 321.56 AP- 00071425 MW 70,005.40 70,005.40 AP- 00071426 MW 213.66 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type Check Total: 213.66 AP 00071427 MW WINZLER & KELLY CONSULT ENGRS OPERATIONS - MAP UG UTILITIES PLANT GIS 1006 - 8921 - GISMAP 12,518.25 WINZLER & KELLY CONSULT ENGRS ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL REP EXP PUMPS 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV 55,751.86 Check Total: 68,270.11 AP- 00071428 MW Grand Total: 1,072,710.74 User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Page: 13 Current Date: 11/24/2008 Current Time: 09:31:47 Chmtlt'lll MaMfCll" Richsrd H. 501brie South Tahoe Public Utility District DI~ EmIIt Claualo Jamftlt ~ Mary Lou ~ D~~ 1215 M.-d<>w Crest DM · South Labs Tah06 · CAea,60 Phone 550 544-0474. rSX 630. 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 15a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H, Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: December 4, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956,9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Meyers Landfill Site - United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~ NO CATEGORY: Sewer -45- Gtln~1 ~ ~ich.ard H. solllrie South Tahoe Public Utility Dietrict Director'e EmIo Claudio Jillt1l!l& R. ~ Mat;:f Lou Moel:woIw D.tt& fI:IlH t216 MI.Idow ~Orfv8 .fiouth Lake r.hOB · CA 961f5O P'hO"8 5:30 544-6474 · Fsx 530 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 15b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard SOlbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: December 4, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Conference with Labor Negotiators REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct negotiators. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54957,6(1) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held regarding contract negotiations. Agency Negotiators: Richard Solbrig, Board of Directors Employee Organization: STPUD Management Staff SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO ATEGORY: General -47- STPUD Board Report from Ernie Claudio December 4, 2008 Sustainability Where does all the stuff we buy come from and where does it go? Extraction , , c... Prod uction ,. .Jl ~ _J ~' ,.. ..' .-<1 . AI . j 1:""'1\' ,. .. L_ Distribution .> '''-- Consum ption Disposal This system is in crisis because it is a linear system. We live on a finite planet and you cannot run a linear system on a finite planet indefinitely. (by Dr. Paul Connett is a full and tenured professor of chemistry at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, where he has taught for 15 years. He obtained his undergraduate degree in natural sciences from Cambridge University and his Ph.D. in chemistry from Dartmouth College.) Consumption Sustainability is about changing human behavior, We are a nation of consumers and unless we change our behavior we will jeopardize our ability to meet our future needs. Shortly after the World War 2, economist designed an economy making consumption a way of life, President Eisenhower's Council of Economic Advisors Chairman said, "The American economy's ultimate purpose is to produce more consumer goods," (Not provide health care, or education, or safe transportation, or sustainability or justice?)(47) After 9/11, when our country was in shock, President Bush suggested that people go shopping, Much has been written about Bush's statements encouraging people in the U,S, to go shopping in the aftermath of the 9/11 disaster. (43) The U.S, has 5% of the world's population but we're consuming 30% of the world's resources (13) and creating 30% of the world's waste, (14) If everybody consumed at U,S, rates, we would need 3 to 5 planets, (15) In the United States, we have less than 4% of our original forests left.(11) Forty percent of waterways have become undrinkable.(12) And our problem is not just that we're using too much stuff, but we're using more than our share, From: The Story of Stuff (http://www.storyofstufTcom/downloads.html) Page 1 STPUD Board Report from Ernie Claudio December 4, 2008 True: Costs vs, Externalizing Costs Annie Leonard from, The Story of Stuft,com writes: I popped into this Radio Shack to buy a radio. I found this cute little green radio for 4 dollars and 99 cents. I was wondering how $4,99 could possibly capture the costs of making this radio and getting it here, The metal was probably mined in South Africa, the petroleum was probably drilled in Iraq, the plastics were probably produced in China, and maybe the whole thing was assembled by some 15 year old in a maquiladora (40) in Mexico, $4.99 wouldn't even pay the rent for the shelf space it occupied until I came along, let alone part of the staff guy's salary that helped me pick it out, or the multiple ocean cruises and truck rides pieces of this radio went on. That's how I realized; I didn't pay for the radio, So, who did pay? Well, These people paid with the loss of their natural resource base, the loss of their clean air and diminishing health, They even have to cover their own health insurance (42). All along this system, people pitched in so I could get this radio for $4,99, And none of these contributions are recorded in any accounts book, The company owners externalize the true costs of production. From: The Story of Stuff (http://www.storyofstuff.com/downloads.html) Page 2 STPUD Board Report from Ernie Claudio December 4, 2008 Planned Obsolescence Planned obsolescence is another word for "designed for the dump" (50). It means they actually make stuff that is designed to be useless as quickly as possible so we will chuck it and go buy a new one, It's obvious with stuff like plastic bags and coffee cups, but now it's even big stuff: mops, DVDs, cameras and even barbeques (51), B The designers are open about it; they discuss how fast they can make stuff break and still leave the consumer with enough faith in the product to buy another one (53). Perceived Obsolescence Fashion is prime example of this, Have you ever wondered why women's shoe heels go from fat one year to skinny the next? It is not because there is some debate about which heel structure is the healthiest for women's feet. It's because wearing fat heels in a skinny heel year shows everyone that you are out of style or not cool, * - '..'~ ?l ~ .. ... Annie Leonard, "I've have had the same fat white computer monitor on my desk for 5 years. My co-worker just got a new computer. She has a flat shiny sleek flat screen monitor. It matches her computer, her phone and her pen stand, She looks like she is in space ship central and I look like I have a washing machine on my desk." From: The Story of Stuff (http://www.storyofstuff.com/downloads.html) Page 3 STPUD Board Report from Ernie Claudio December 4, 2008 99% Trash in 6 Months 99 percent of the stuff we run through this system is trashed within 6 months, This statement is not saying that 99 percent of the stuff we buy is trashed, The statement says 99% of the total material flow through the system, the stuff we harvest, mine, process and transport, is trashed within 6 months, For example, there is nearly 2 million tons of mining waste for every one ton of gold produced; that translates into about 20 tons of mine waste created to make one gold wedding ring. We cannot run a planet at this rate of material consumption, ~.... -. ~ ). "'., ,.. \.~ . i' t\\ .' ... l . Think beyond our households to the upstream waste created in the extraction of the raw materials, the production, the packaging, the transportation and selling of all the stuff we buy. The next business frontier is rethinking everything we consume; what is does, where it comes from, where it goes, and how we can keep on getting its service. (44) From: '{'he Story of Stutf (http://www.storyofstutf.com/downloads.html) Page 4 , STPUD Board Report from Ernie Claudio December 4,2008 References 11 Lester Brown, Michael Renner, Christopher Flavin, Vital Signs 1998, Worldwatch Institute, Washington, D.C. "Ninety five to ninety eight percent of forests in the continental United States have been logged at least once since settlement by Europeans." Also, see: "Can't See the Forest," by Josh Sevin, in GRIST, 1 March 2000. "1 to 2 percent of original forests in the U.S. remain undisturbed." 12 American Rivers, Americas Most Endangered Rivers of 1998 Report, Excerpt: "Today, 40 percent of our nation's rivers are un-fishable, un-swimmable, or undrinkable" Available at: http://www . americanrive rs. org/site/PageServer?pagename=AM R _ content_ e2a7 13 This figure is citied in many places. For example: John L Seitz: Global Issues: An Introduction, (2001). 14 Miller 1998, quoted in Global Environmental Issues by Frances Harris (2004). 15 Mathis Wackernagel and William Rees, Our Ecological Footprint: Reducing Human Impact on the Earth (1996) and Much Ado About Nothing, October 11,2006. http://www.buynothing.biz/blog/index. php?item id= 13 40 A maquiladora, also called a maquila is a factory contracted by corporations to perform the final assembly and packaging of products for export. http://www.stitchon line. org/ arch ives/maq u i la. asp 42 Wal-Mart shifts the cost of health insurance to taxpayers and other employers, driving up the health costs. http://www . ufcw. org/take _ action/wa I m a rt_ workers _ ca m pa ig n _info/facts _and _fig u res/wa I m a rton be nefit s.cfm 43 See: "Uncle Sam Wants You...to Go Shopping: A Consumer Society Responds to National Crisis," 1957-2001" by R.H. Zieger, in Canadian Review of American Studies, 2004, vol. 34; part 1, pages 83- 104. http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/09/08/911.overview/index.html 44 Paul Hawken, Natural Capitalism, (1999) p. 81 http://www.natcap.org/ 47 David Suzuki, "Economy needs a better goal than 'more.'" February 24, 2006 available from David Suzuki Foundation at: http://www . davidsuzuki. org/about_ us/Dr _ David_ Suzuki/Article _Arch ives/weekly0224060 1 . asp 50 See Vance Packard, The Waste Makers (1960), Giles Slade, Made to Break (2006). 51 Disposable barbeques: http://www.amazon.com/Grill-in-a-Box-Disposable-BBQ- Grill/dp/B0009NIOW8 53 Home Furnishing Daily, Retailing Daily and other journals quoted in Vance Packard, The Waste Makers in the chapter 10,"The Short, Sweet Life of Home Products," pp 87- 100. From: The Story of Stuff (http://www.storyofstuffcom/downloads.html) Page 5 0.6"P.74. LLL Grant Thornton South Tahoe Pu.. lc - . - Co rnmunications Related to th Grant Thornton Communications Related to the Audit 2 L. • Per an aLdit — An audit provides reasonable, not absolute assurance • Form and express an opinion about whet statements prepared by management, wit yoLr oversignt: — Are materially correct — Are fairly presented — Conform with generally accepted accounting principles CommLnicate specific matters to you An audit does not relieve you or management of your responsibilities. • • Read tne ot • Consider w statements ler information (we do not corroborate it) netner it is materially inconsistent with tne financial • Cal to management's attention identified material inconsistencies or misstatements of fact, if any Remember, our responsibility does not extend beyond our report. Preparing and fairly presenting tne financial statements Establishing and maintaining e internal control over financial reposing Providing us with written representations — A copy of tne representations is being provided to you GrantThornton Communications Related to the Audit • Understanding you • Using that Knowledge and understanding to analyze your financial statements • Determining materiality • Identifying areas more likely to be materially misstated • Focusing audit attention and effort on tnose areas r business and the environment you operate • MagnitLde of an omission or misstatement tat Ikely if1uences a reasonable person's judgment • Based on relevat financial statement benclmarK — We believe total assets is t appropriate benclmark for your District • Financial statement items > materiality are in scope • Other areas < materiality may be in scope if qualitative factors are preset (e.g,. related party transactionc, fraud risK) tL • Valuation of investments • Valuation of capital asset additions • impairment of long lived assets • Completeness in recording accrLa s ncluding retainage Grant Thornton 4 .•Az4f-* Communications Related to the Audit Misstatements identified during our audit • No misstatements were identified by us during t le audit • There were no uncorrected misstatements or omitted disclosures identified, Grant Thornton Communications Related to the Audit Overall quality of the District's accounting practices — Significant accounting policies used by the District are described in Note A to the financial statements. No accounting policies were initially adopted or clanged during the year. — No discussion with management regarding alternative accounting treatments related to material items. No transactions in controversial or emerging areas for which there is a lack of authoritative accounting guidance or consensus 141011 • Accounting estimates. based upon management's judgments. are an integral part of an entity's financia statements. Those judgments are normally based on kno\Ailedge and experience about past and current events and assumptions about future events. Certain accounting estimates are particular)/ sensitive because of their significance to tie financial statements and because of the possibility tat future events affecting tnem may di marKedly from management's current judgments. — Significant accounting estimates inc uce reserves for self insurance. — Tne estimate is calculated using nistorical trends and data adjusted for specific circumstances. There were no significant cnanges H methodology during tne year, GrantThornton Communications Related to the Audit Other significant findings from the audit — Vie are not aware of any relationships between GT and tele District tat vviou d nave a bearing on our independence. — We are not aware of any fraud or potential illegal acts nvoivng senior management. or tat causes a material misstatement of tne financial statements. — No significant di ties encountered in dealing wits management related to the audit. — No material wea -messes or other internal control weaKnesses were noted, — Management consulted witn otner accountants about auditing or accounting matters related to tele 401(0 plan.