HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 09-04-08Q p O n) rn m v x 5 O CDU ► (Q < n 0 n <v 3 o 3 c, 0 3 3 3 CD v ,=3 m 74: CD ; CD cD ^ - o o 1 C- Cn Ej vC CD 0 CD CD cn � \� n 0 X v C 3 CD CD .� m CD m 7: 0 C CD Cl) n U) C 0 0 0 7J v m CO m z v 0 z m m m N N -p 0) U1 CO 0 W 0 CD 3 U) CD D 3 0 C 0 0) CD cn ED = CD v C) CD v z CD X r CD CD m cn m z —I 0 z v 0 z 0 O z m z --i D r m z D D CD C) v Cr CD Q C cn 0. 0) Q n O U) Q CD n. U) cD U Q C O O 5 - CD 0 m CD 0 m z N 0 m c m z rn C m • z O 7 v v U) ( a CD o = CD CD c a n CD CD Cn C a- CD C) N 01 CD A) 0. 0 n C v � A) < • tv cn m V) p ° o 0 A - CD I O CD CD A) O co CD A) 0 3 0 c /V w C 0 03 M �0 73 co o rnn 0 rn z � r o _� 0 —1 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - SEPTEMBER 4, 2008 PAGE - 2 9. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS a. City of South Lake Tahoe Issues Ad Hoc Committee (Mosbacher / Jones) 10. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPRESENTATIVES REPORT 11. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) 12. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Heavenly Future Water Supply Meeting b. Integrated Regional Water Management Plan & Proposition 84 13. STAFF I ATTORNEY REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Legislative Report (Dennis Cocking) 14. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS I EVENTS Past Meetinas I Events 08/28/08 - Planning Committee Meeting 09/02/08 - Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting 09/03/08 - Sewer Lateral Rehabilitation / Replacement Class 09/04/08 - Heavenly Future Water Supply Meeting Future Meetinas I Events 09/10/08 - 9:00 a.m. - EI Dorado County Water Agency Board Meeting in Shingle Springs 09/15/08 - 3:30 p.m. - Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting at District 09/16/08 - 9:00 a.m. - Alpine County Supervisors Regular Meeting in Alpine County 09/18/08 - 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at District 09/23/08 - ECC (Employee Communications Committee) Meeting at District Director Jones is Board representative 15. CLOSED SESSION (Closed Sessions are not open to the public) a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Pg.69 Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of CA 16. ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 17. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, September 18,2008,2:00 p.m.) CONSENT CALENDAR SEPTEMBER 4,2008 ITEMS , .. .. . a. Cold Creek Booster Station - Generator I Engine Pg. 1 (Randy Curtis) b. Pump Runs Service Truck Pg.7 (Randy Curtis) c. Forklift Pg.9 (Randy Curtis) d. Accounting Temporary Services Pg.11 (Debbie Henderson) e. Financial Transaction Authorization Pg.13 (Debbie Henderson) f. Stop Payment Transactions Pg.17 (Debbie Henderson) g. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Certificates Pg.21 (Debbie Henderson) REQUESTED ACTION (1) Waive Bidding Procedures, as Outlined in the District's Purchasing Policy, for Standardized Equipment from the Sole Area Supplier; and (2) Approve Purchase of One Katolight Generator (Model SD20GJ6T4) from Nevada Generator Systems, Inc., in the Amount of $18,952.55, Plus Tax and Shipping Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for One % Ton Pick-Up Truck Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for a 5,000-7,000 lb. Capacity All Terrain Forklift Authorize Contract with AccounTemps for Temporary Personnel through December 2008, in the Amount of $28,000 Adopt Resolution No. 2850-08 Authorizing Certain Staff to Conduct Financial Transactions, Superseding Resolution No. 2790-04 Adopt Resolution No. 2851-08 Authorizing Certain Staff to Initiate Stop Payment Transactions, Superseding Resolution No. 2791-04 Adopt Resolution No. 2852-08 Authorizing Certain Staff to Purchase and Redeem Certificates of Deposit Held for the TRPA, Superseding Resolution No. 2727-01 PAGE - 2 CONSENT CALENDAR - SEPTEMBER 4,2008 h. Pg.25 i. Pg. 29 j. Pg. 37 k. Pg.43 I. Pg.49 Arrowhead Well Arsenic Treatment Facility - Equipment Pre-Purchase (Ivo Bergsohn) Approve Change Order NO.1 to Severn Trent Water Purification, Inc., in the Credit Amount of <$41 ,300> South Upper Truckee Well No.3 Corrosion Control Treatment (Ivo Bergsohn) Approve Change Order NO.6 to Thomas Haen Company, Inc., in the Amount of $58,214 Indian Creek Reservoir (ICR) TMDL Mitigation Project; ICR Hydraulic Line Replacement Project (Ivo Bergsohn) Approve Proposal from Underwater Resources to Provide Commercial Diving Services to Complete Two Projects at ICR, and Authorize Staff to Negotiate Contract in an Amount Not to Exceed $175,475 Regular Board Meeting Minutes: August 7, 2008 (Kathy Sharp) Approve Minutes Regular Board Meeting Minutes: August 21, 2008 (Kathy Sharp) Approve Minutes The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after minutes of the meeting have been approved. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during "Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting. *Backup to agenda item(s) not included with the Board packet will be made available when finalized at the District office, at the Board meeting, and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations for the disabled are needed (i.e., disability-related aids, or other services), please contact the Clerk of the Board at 530.544.6474, extension 6203, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 · Facsimile 530.541.0614 · www.stpud.us South Tahoe Public Utility District DirectoNl Ernie Claudio J.ame$ R. JOt1ef; Mary Lou M0611.acher Dale ~5e Eric Schsfer General Manaq/lr Richard H. Soll:>rUj 1275 Meadow Creat Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 00150 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0014 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Randy Curtis, Manager of Field Operations MEETING DATE: September 4, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Cold Creek Booster Station - GeneratorlEngine REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Waive bidding procedures, as outlined in the District's Purchasing Policy, for standardized equipment from the sole area supplier; and (2) Approve purchase of one Katolight Generator (Model SD20GJ6T4) from Nevada Generator Systems, Inc., in the amount of $18,952.55, plus tax and shipping. DISCUSSION: The Cold Creek Booster station supplies water to thirty plus residences located above the Cold Creek Tank elevation. During power outages these residences lose water pressure instantly. Staff currently has a small manual start 10 KW generator, approximately twenty-five years old, that was installed when only a few residences were serviced from this station. A new gen-set located at the booster station site would allow instant start up and power transfer to the booster pumps to keep these residences and fire hydrants in water during power outages. Quote includes the following: 20 KW gen- set, Diesel fuel tank (70 gal), transfer switch (100 amp), muffler, and vibration isolation mounts. The District's Purchasing Agent has reviewed this item. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $18,952.55 (plus tax and shipping) ACCOUNT NO: 2005-8956 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $50,000.00 ATTACHMENTS: Quote from Nevada Generator Systems CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ' CATEGORY: Water NO NO -1- Nevada Generator Systems 1520 Glendale Avenue Sparks, Nevada 89431 775/356-8010 775/356-8017 (fax) Proposal August 25, 2008 Paul Carrion South Lake Tahoe P.U.D. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe CA 96150 530/544~7 4 (Phone) 530/~359(Fax) Nevada Generator submits the following proposal for the project: 20kW Diesel Fueled, Open Engine Generator Set with a 100 AMP Automatic Transfer SWitch KATOLlGHT MODEL: CQty -1) - SD20GJ6T4 (File #: 4n I Catalog #: 80020615) GENERATOR: 20 kW, 20 kVA VOLTAGE: 120/240 ACV 1-Phase 12 Wire (G) ENGINE: John Deere 4024TF281, Diesel Open Power. 60 Hz, 1800 RPM Standard Features Included: Microprocessor based, digital readout control system. Engine vitals monitored by LCD display: Oil pressure, Running time, Engine temperature, Safety shutdowns (I-MIT, DC, OS, OP, LWL), Battery voltage, Generator AC voltage, AC amperage, Frequency. Additional Features: Oil drain extension, Vibration isolation pads, Waler heater, Fuel solenoid valve. Selected Model Features Included: Isochronous Governor + /- .25% UL2200 and CSA Approved 2 (Two) Year /3000 Hour Basic Standby linited Warranty Emergency Stop Button Engine Run Relay - Mounted and Wired to a Terminal Strip in Outlet Box Engine Fail Relay - Mounted and Wired to a Terminal Strip in Outlet Box CONTROL PANEL: Katollght Microprocessor Control Panel (KDGC 2020 - Expanded) The expanded Katolight Digital Genset Controller (KDGC-2020) utilizes microprocessor based technology to provide a versatile system for genset control. protection, monitoring and event logging. The KDGC-2020 expanded model with standard LCD heater includes touch saeen password protected programming capabilities and a standard usa communications port for re-programming and simple loading of software upgrades. This version is equipped with generator metering. engine monitoring, genset control. engine protection, generator protection (27. 59. 810, 81U), BESTCOMSPIus PC software. automatic transfer switch control. suitable for use on rental genseI$ with tM.o I.. sensing or SIngle or three phase sensing override, SAE J1939 Engine ECU communications, multilingual capability, remote communications to the KRDP-110 Remote Annunciator. 16 programmable contact inputs, 15 contact outputs (3- 30Adc and 12 prograIM18bIe 2 Ado). UL 18COQI1ized, CSA certified, CEapproved, HALT (Highty AcQeIemted Life Tests) tested, IP 64 Front Panel rating with integrated gasket, NFPA110 Level Compatible. COOUNG SYSTEM: Unit Mourded Radiator CIRCUIT BREAKER: 90 AMP 1201UO Single - Mounted and Wired In a NEMA 1 Enclosure (Qty: 1) -3- Included Accessories: Shunt Trip Auxiliary Contact BATTERY: Lead Acid Battery 950 CCA @ 0 F BLOCK HEATER: Standard @ -20 F 1600 Watts (Mounted and Wired to Tennlnal Strip) VIBRATION ISOLATION: Vibration Pads BATTERY CHARGER: SP Series -12/6 (12 Volt, 6 Amp) Included Accessories: Mount Battery Charger and Wire AC & DC MUFFLER: Critical Muffler Mounted on OPU Units Standard mufflers are side inlet - end ouUet SUB BASE TANK: 24 Hour - 70 Gallon Capacity - For Open Powered Unit AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH: ASCO 300 Poles: 2 3002104C Amps: 104 (Qty: 1) Included Accessories: Test Switch Manual Bypass of Transfer to Normal TO ATS Switch Position Indicating Lights Source Available Indicating Lights Automatic Engine Exerciser with LoadINo Load Selector Switch ATS Position Indicating Contacts (1 Nonnal, 1 Emergency) Provisions for Remote Transfer Contact (Peak Shaved) bypassed if Emergency Fails In-Phase Monitor for Motor Load Control Selective Load Disconnect Provisions for Inhibiting Transfer to Emergency Time Delay Momentary Outage Ovenlde (Normal) Time Delay Momentafy Outage Override (Emergency) Time Delay Transfer to Emergency Time Delay Re-transfer to Normal Time Delay Engine Cool Down WARRANTY. Two (2) Year Basic A TS Standby United Warranty Voltage - 1201240 MISCELLANEOUS: Paint - Katolight Tan T osting - Standard Commercial Test Manual - One Instruction Manual Startup and Commissioning Exhaust Insulation NOTES: 1. This proposal Is our interpretation of your requirement and Includes only the ltems Ilsted. Should there be other requirements or specifications, we will requote accordingly. 2. Seller reserves the privilege of requoting upon receipt of written specifications and drawings. 3. Material is Invoiced on date of shipment from the manufacturer and payable In full 30 days afterward. All risk of loss passes to the buyer as soon as goods are loaded on the carrier. 1.5% per month will be added to past due accounts. 4. CUlT8nt estimated delivery schedule Is 8 to 12 weeks upon submittal approval ;md rellJue to production. This Is subject to change. We are not liable for Ios8es due to delays occasioned by any drcumetance that Is beyond our direct control. 5. Fees for cancelled, changed or returned items will be charged to the buyer based upon our costs. 6. Fuel for any purpose is not Included In this proposal and Is by others. 7. Offloading or installation of any equipment is by others, unless specifically Included In the bill of materials of this proposal. 8. Taxes, Pennits or Ucenses are not Included In this proposal and are by others. 9. Local regulatory agencies have final jurisdiction on approval of pennits at the time application is submitted. Any required equipment or control devices that are not Included in the biD of rnateriaI8 of this proposal, are not included In the quoted price and are by others. -4- 10. We take a general exception to competing manufacturer's proprietary components, methods of manufacture, methods of testing or methods of fabrication. This proposal is based upon providing a functional equal that is manufactured and tested to current industry standards. 11. FOB Destination AAA'" AA.,.A..." AI. A Ill""""""" A AAA A4A******************'A'**** Proposal Summary: TOTAL PROPOSAL PRICE: ***AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA44444A44444A444AAAA4AAAAAAAAA4A4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4 $ 18,952.55 Quoted prices do not Include Federal, State or Local taxes which may be applicable. Quoted prices include nonnal testing, packaging and instructional Ute,..ture. Special testing, pacMIJing, additional instructionallitef'atufe, parts, provisioning lists or prints are not included, and prices will be quoted separately. Quotation Finn For 30 O8y(s) Delivery Notes: BY: Nevada Generator David Bardelli -5- Gr:neral Manager Richard H SoHniq South Tahoe Public Utility District !)irl.lctol'!l1 Ernie Claudio Jamc!l R. JO!1tl6 Mary Lou M06bacher Dale Riae Eric Schafer 1275 M~dowCreat Drive. South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150 Phone 530 544-e474 · Fax 530 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Randy Curtis, Manager of Field Operations MEETING DATE: September 4, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Pump Runs Service Truck REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to advertise for bids for one % ton pick-up truck. DISCUSSION: This request is to replace Trk. #17, a 2000 Dodge, which is in poor condition. This vehicle is currently used as a part-time service truck by the pump crew. The pump crew is scheduled to have two service trucks replaced, and at this time staff will only be asking to replace one. This vehicle is on our replacement schedule. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: 2005-8957 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $30,000 ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: Water -7- General Mijnllgu Wicr,<l'd H So'britj South Tahoe Public Utility District Dwr.ct.ors Ernie CI,wdio Jameg R. ,)OM6 Mary Lou MOl!lb.acher OaleRil!le Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Creat Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Randy Curtis, Manager of Field Operations MEETING DATE: September 4, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Forklift REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to advertise for bids for a 5000-7000 Ib capacity all terrain forklift. DISCUSSION: The existing forklift was purchased in 1979, and does not meet EI Dorado County Tier 3 emission requirements. This forklift will be primarily used by the shipping and receiving department but is also utilized by other departments when needed. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: 1005-8916 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $100,000 ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES A?~J NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES--1l1:l- NO CATEGORY: Sewer -9- South Tahoe Public Utility District Dirt,ctOrf, Ernie Clauaio Jame!) R. JOM$ Mary Lou Mosbacher Dale Ri~ Eric Schafer General Manager .:ichard H SoibritJ 1275 Meaaow Creet Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 5W 541-0014 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Debbie Henderson, Interim Chief Financial Officer MEETING DATE: September 4, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Accounting Temporary Services REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize contract with AccounTemps for temporary personnel through December 2008, in the amount of $28,000. DISCUSSION: Contract is for temporary personnel for the FinancelAccounting Department through December 19, 2008. Continuation of temporary services of Michael Allgaier to assist during the Chief Financial Officer transition and then for maternity leave for Donielle Morse. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $28,000 ACCOUNT NO: 1039-2039-4405 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $90,557 ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES it/";"/ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES-A- NO CATEGORY: Sewer & Water -11- (JeMral Manager Richard H Solbriq South Tahoe Public Utility District [)inlctol~ Emit Claudio Jamc6 R. JO/lelS Mary Lou MO!:ivacher Dale Rjl>(l Eric Schafer 1275 M~adow Creat Drlv~ · South Lak~ Tahoe · CA 96150 Phon~ 5:30 544-6474 · fax 550 541-0014 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4e TO: Board of Directors FROM: Debbie Henderson, Interim Chief Financial Officer MEETING DATE: September 4, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: financial Transaction Authorization REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2850-08 authorizing certain staff to conduct financial transactions, superseding Resolution No. 2790-04. DISCUSSION: This resolution authorized the following staff to perform transfers between authorized bank accounts and wire transfers between authorized banks of US Bank, CAMP and Local Agency Investment Funds: Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager Theresa Sherman, Accounting Supervsior (conditions set forth in resolution) SCHEDULE: N/A COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: NIA BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: NIA ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2850-08 CATEGORY: General CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES IfJll NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO -13- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RESOLUTION NO. 2850-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUTHORIZING CERTAIN STAFF TO CONDUCT FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS, SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION NO. 2790-04 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors needs the District's financial staff to conduct business on behalf of the South Tahoe Public Utility District; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) authorizes Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer, and Deborah Henderson, Accounting Manager, following transactions: 1. Transfer funds between authorized bank accounts and investment pools. 2. Purchase or redeem investment instruments, as provided by the District's Investment Policy. Execute wire fund transfers between authorized District bank accounts. Establish wire fund transfers or approve electronic fund transfers to pay District obligations. 3. 4. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District authorizes Theresa Sherman, Accounting Supervisor, to perform the following financial transactions under the direction of or in the absence of either Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer, and Deborah Henderson, Accounting Manager. 1. Transfer funds between authorized bank accounts and investment pools. 2. Execute wire fund transfers between authorized District bank account. 3. Execute pre-established wire fund transfers to pay District obligations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this authorization will remain in full force until the Board gives written notice to the contrary. 28 /II 29 /II 30 /II -15- 1 Resolution No. 2850-08 2 September 4, 2008 Page 2 3 4 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing 6 Resolution was duly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regularly scheduled meeting held on the 4th day of September, 7 2008, by the following vote: 5 8 9 10 11 AYES: NOES: 12 ABSENT: 13 14 15 16 17 18 ATTEST: 19 20 Mary Lou Mosbacher, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board -16- General MaMger Richard y ~::io;briq South Tahoe Public Utility District Direct.ors Ernie Claudio Jilft1C9 R. ,JOI1% Mary Lou Mo~l:>achcr Dille Ri!>C Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Creat Drive. South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4f TO: Board of Directors FROM: Debbie Henderson, Interim Chief Financial Officer MEETING DATE: September 4, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Stop Payment Transactions REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2851-08 authorizing certain staff to initiate stop payment transactions, superseding Resolution No. 2791-04. DISCUSSION: This resolution authorizes the following staff to initiate stop payment orders on-line, by telephone or in person: Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager Theresa Sherman, Accounting Supervisor SCHEDULE: N/A COSTS: NI A ACCOUNT NO: NIA BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: NIA ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2851-08 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES d!.-i1I NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: General -17- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RESOLUTION NO. 2851-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUTHORIZING HUGHES, HENDERSON, AND/OR SHERMAN TO INSTITUTE STOP PAYMENT ORDERS SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION NO. 2791-04 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District that Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer, Deborah Henderson, Accounting Manager, andlor Theresa Sherman, Accounting Supervisor, are authorized to institute 10 Stop Payment Orders by telephone or in person. 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this authorization remain in full 12 force until the Board gives written notice to the contrary. 13 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing 14 Resolution was duly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regularly scheduled meeting held on the 4th day of September, 16 2008, by the following vote: 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ATTEST: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mary Lou Mosbacher, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District 28 29 30 Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board -19- C:iencrai M,anaqcr Richard H. So!britj South Tahoe Public Utility District Oirl'lctor<l Ern!e Claudio James R. JaMt; Mary Lou Mosbacher DaleRifltl Eric Schafer 1275 Meaaow Cree>t Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150 Phone 530544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0014 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 49 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Debbie Henderson, Interim Chief Financial Officer MEETING DATE: September 4, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) Certificates of Deposit REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2852-08 authorizing certain staff to purchase and redeem Certificates of Deposit held for the TRPA, superseding Resolution No. 2727-01. DISCUSSION: This resolution authorizes the following staff to initiate purchase and redemptions of Certificates of Deposit held by TRPA: Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager SCHEDULE: NIA COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: NIA ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2852-08 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~~..f CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES V1J. CATEGORY: General NO NO -21- 1 2 3 4 5 6 RESOLUTION NO. 2852-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUTHORIZING CERTAIN STAFF TO PURCHASE AND REDEEM CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT HELD FOR THE TAHOE REGIONAL PLANNING AGENY SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION NO. 2727-01 7 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors need the District's financial staff to conduct 8 business on behalf of the South Tahoe Public Utility District; and 9 10 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District 11 authorized Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer, and Deborah Henderson, Accounting 12 Manager, to perform in conjunction with the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA), 13 the purchase and redemptions of Certificates of Deposit held by the TRPA. 14 15 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this authorization remain in full force until the Board gives written notice to the contrary. 16 17 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regularly scheduled meeting held on the 4th day of September, 20 2008, by the following vote: 18 19 21 22 23 24 AYES: NOES: 25 ABSENT: 26 27 28 ATTEST: 29 30 Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board Mary Lou Mosbacher, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District -23- GCMral Manaqcr Rich.3r'd K Soibriq South Tahoe Public Utility District DirllctOni Entic ClaLldlo .lame5 R, .Jonc5 Mary Lou M05b.acher Oale Ri~ Ene Schafer 1275 Meadow Creat Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 550 541-0014 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4h TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ivo Bergsohn, Hydro-Geologist MEETING DATE: September 4, 2008 ITEM-PROJECT NAME: Arrowhead Well Arsenic Treatment Facility - Equipment Pre-Purchase REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order NO.1 to Severn Trent Water Purification, Inc., in the credit amount of <$41 ,300>. DISCUSSION: The itemized parts of Change Order NO.1 are as follows: Item 1, in the material credit amount of <$41 ,300>, to replace portions of the vessel internal equipment to include the upper manifold assemblage and filter underdrain system with a standard Severn Trent Water Purification Inc. (STWP) diffuser pipe as provided in the "Diffuser Pipe Detail" and a STWP standard and preferred underdrain for vessels 12 feet in diameter and over as proposed in STWP Drawing No. 22388-M1069 Rev. A (dated June 20, 2008). These substitutions were proposed as Bid Alternate B in the STWP bid dated April 25, 2008, and were accepted by the District and Carollo Engineers on July 14, 2008. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: <$41,300> ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8864/ARSNIC BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING:_ $1,055,967 ATTACHMENTS: Change Order NO.1 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES I/U-IA CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES -1)1..1 CATEGORY: Water NO NO -25- CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 1 Project ARROWHEAD WELL ARSENIC TREATMENT FACILITY -EQUIPMENT PREPURCHASE Contractor SEVERN TRENT WATER PURIFICATION, INC. Date 09.04.2008 PO # P20401 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: 1) Decrease $41,300.00 to replace portions of the vessel internal equipment to include the upper manifold assemblage and filter underdrain system with a standard Severn Trent Water Purification Inc. (STWP) diffuser pipe as provided in the "Diffuser Pipe Detail" and a STWP standard and preferred underdrain for vessels 12 feet in diameter and over as proposed in STWP Drawing No. 22388-M1069 Rev. A (dated June 20, 2008). These substitutions were proposed as Bid Alternate B in the STWP bid dated April 25, 2008 and were accepted by the District and Carollo Engineers on July 14,2008. $(41,300.00) TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NO.1, ITEM 11S: $(41,300.00) TOTAL FOR ITEM 1: hi;:,', " ,,"",,""!.,' ",.,.:':,.".!' .,,," ':,}'/:'....,,, '. ..m,ollar,Amounts ";':';",,:';.\;,':' , 1:Contracllmime'i):1;!,;:,:,1;"':;" Original Contract $347,033.00 Previous Change Order $0.00 Current Contract $347,033.00 THIS CHANGE ORDER $(41,300.00) New Contract Total $305,733.00 Contractor agrees to make the herein-described changes in accordance with the terms hereof. The change in contract price and/or contract time noted Is full settlement for costs incurred as a result of the change(s) described, unless specifically noted in individual description(s). Date: Authorized By STPUD Board President Date: ;?---:7;z'--~ Date: 8/2$")08 f , Reviewed By -27- 1 '< 10:_", r:' ~t:; I'~ . '.~'-,! . ': :;.:.-;.1.; ..;,.. ..11. -l ~<'-f,;~'~~-'+-.!~ Soutl1 T~ VIoe Rlcnarcl soLbrLg,~CjeV\.erClL MClV\.Clger Pub Ltc VlttLtttj Dtsbict Board Members GrVl-Le Cl.a ucEo jal'\o\.ls R..jov..tS Mt;lrlj U>U Mosbacher Dale RLse Gn.c scl1Clfer Me VVto yC! v\'~uVVt Date: July 14, 2008 To: Ed Kuchtjak, Severn Trent Water Purification From: Ivo Bergsohn ) . ~ . Re: Bid Alternate B As per our discussions and email communications, the District and Carollo Engineers will accept Bid Alternate B as proposed in the Severn Trent Water Purification, Inc. (STWP) bid dated April 25, 2008. It is our understanding that Bid Alternate B shall entail replacing portions of the vessel internal equipment to include the upper mainifiold assemblage and filter underdrain system as described in Section 11201, Part 2,2.02 A. 2. (11201-6) with the following: . Replace the upper manifold assemblage with a standard STWP diffuser pipe as provided in the "Diffuser Pipe Detail" attached to your July 8, 2008 email; and . Replace the filter underdrain system using the STWP standard and preferred underdrain for vessels 12 feet in diameter and over as proposed in the STWP "Arsenic Removal System LP Block Underdrain Installation" Drawing No. 22388- M1069 Rev. A (dated June 20,2008), attached to your June 26,2008 email. As per the April 25, 2008 STWP Bid, it is our understanding that acceptance of the prop.osed substitutions represents a deduct value of $41,300 from the total bid price. A change order reflecting this change of contract price shall be prepared for STWP acceptance. Cc: C. CLeveLall\,cl, carollo EV\.g~V\.teYs j. l111.el P. ScLuto F~Le South Tahoe Public Utility Dlstrlct · 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 · Facsimile 530.541.0614 · www.stpud.us -28- General Manager R,,~hard H. f:iolf:;ritj South Tahoe Public Utility District Owtlctors Ernie Claudio Jamefl R, JOMS Mary Lou Molil7,achcr Dale Ri!>C Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crefit Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150 Phone 530 544--6474 · Fax 530 541-0014 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4i TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ivo Bergsohn, Hydro Geologist MEETING DATE: September 4, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: South Upper Truckee Well NO.3 Corrosion Control Treatment REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order NO.6 to Thomas Haen Company Inc., in the amount of $58,214.00. DISCUSSION: The itemized parts of Change Order No.6 are as follows: Item 1, in the amount of $1 ,595.00, to paint the aerator piping in the Piping/Electrical Room (Room 102) and the exterior portion of the piping above the inlet and outlet chimneys. Painting of the aerator piping was not specified in the contract documents. Item 2, in the amount of $35,730.00, to complete all plumbing and heating changes specified in Information Bulletin #5B. These include omission of the through-wall heat pump and wall mounted exhaust fan (EF-2) and furnish and install a new in-line exhaust fan (EF-2) with ducting, new wall louver, filter rack and filters with intake air duct and new Reznor electric heater with thermostat. These requested changes are part of the added noise mitigation measures specified by the engineer and were not included in the original contract specifications. Item 3, in the amount of $1,112.00, to complete all masonry changes specified in Information Bulletin #5B, including enlargement of the existing wall penetration and infill a portion of the wall used for the omitted wall mounted exhaust fan (EF-2). These requested changes are part of the added noise mitigation measures specified by the engineer and were not included in the original contract specifications. -29- Bergsohn September 4, 2008 Page 2 Item 4, in the amount $2,178.00, to complete all carpentry changes specified in Information Bulletin #5B, including installation of plywood access platform for the omitted wall mounted exhaust fan (EF-2), frame the ceiling penetration and remove and replace insulation. These requested changes are part of the added noise mitigation measures specified by the engineer and were not included in the original contract specifications. Item 5, in the amount of $585.00, to insulate and drywall the interior of the roof access hatch, as directed in the field by Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist. This change was not included in the original contract documents. Item 6, in the credit amount of ($2,085.00), to remove material items from the plant schedule to match the TRPA-approved landscape plan. Item 7, in the amount $19,076.50, is for added electrical and control system work for the South Upper Truckee Well and Corrosion Control Facility including installation of an antenna chase; material credit for omission of a meter cabinet; addition of one(1) exterior light; material and labor credit to replace Fixture Type C with a Progress Fixture # P5770-31-EB; all electrical changes specified in Information Bulletin #5A; addition of a control switch for EF-1 and actuator circuit for the air inlet damper as specified in Information Bulletin #6; addition of a HOA on the RTU Panel, wiring controls and relays for chemical feed, wire limit switch on control valve and rewiring of high-level switches on aerators; and required changes to the control system. These changes were not included in the original contract documents. Item 8, in the amount of $1 ,467.00, to add remote set point feature to the well flow control valve and trouble shoot operation problems with the booster pump controller. These District-requested changes were not included in the original contract documents. Item 9, in the amount of $1,210.00, to omit the plaster finish coat and replace with an STO PowerLastic acrylic finish coat. Replacement of the specified finish coat with an acrylic coat was requested for added durability. Item 10, in the amount of $474.00, to transport and position five (5) granite boulders from the District plant to the site, to complete the TRPA-approved landscape plan. This change was not included in the original contract documents. Item 11, in the credit amount of ($1,800.00), to omit the calcium silicate insulation with a banded aluminum jacket on the overhead portion of the standby generator exhaust pipe. The portion of the exhaust pipe is above reachable height; therefore, an insulated cover was not required. Item 12, in the credit amount of ($1 ,000.00), to omit the hollow metal frame and replace using Socomi Lam-Rough-Sawn Fascia to frame the opening for Door #103. The material substitution was accepted for its cost savings and enhanced aesthetic appeal. -30- Bergsohn September 4, 2008 Page 3 Item 13, in the credit amount ($750.00), to omit the requirement for a manufacturer's representative to check the installation and oversee the start-up testing and adjustment of the standby generator. District equipment repair provided the installation and start-up testing and adjusting services as required in the contract documents. Item 14, in the amount of $421.50, is for construction plan reproduction costs. Having the Contractor order construction plans on an as-needed basis, saves the District excess plan reproduction costs based on inferred requirements at the beginning of the project. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $58,214.00 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8463/RWSUTR BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $56,256 ATTACHMENTS: Change Order NO.6. Additional backup can be reviewed upon request to the Clerk of the Board. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES d4f,J NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO -31- CATEGORY: Water '. '.J HU~t a:o-;'=. ,_ ' .;; '. ",-.' . "'( HOMFlS: .HHEtf CO . Lii: J "".' b305.41-1"153" '!f ",.' ,:';" f.,J,::J:' 'C", .". CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 6 Project SOUTH UPPER TRUCKEE Well No.3. CORROSION CONTROL TREATMENT Contractor THOMAS HAEN CO.. INC. Date 09.04.2008 PO # P19074 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: 1) Increase $1,595.00 for added work to paint the aerator piping in the Piping/Electrical Room (Room 102) and the exterior portion of the piping above the inlet and outlet chimneys as specified in the facsimile request from lvo Bergsohn to Tom Haen, dated May 7, 2008. Includes all added costs including labor, materials and subcontractor mark-up (Attachment A). TOTAL FOR ITEM 1: $1,595.00 I 2) Increase $35,730.00 for added work to complete all plumbing and heating changes specified in Infonnation Bulletin #5B. These include omission of the through-wall heat pump and wall mounted exhaust fan (EF-2) and furnish and install a new in-line exhaust fan (EF-2) with ducting, new wall louver, filter rack and filters with intake air duct and new Reznor electric heater with thermostat. Includes all added costs including labor, materials and subcontractor mark-up plus a material credit for omission of the through-wall heat pump and wall mounted exhaust fan (EF-2). (Attachment B). TOTAL FOR ITEM 2: $35,730.00 TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NO. 6,ITEMS 1-1418: Original Contract $2,091,455.00 359 Calendar Days Previous Change Order $90,508. 00 56 Calendar Days forfaclllty com letlon Current Contract $2,181 963.00 359 Calendar Days THIS CHANGE ORDER $58,214.00 New Contract Total $2,240,177.00 Contractor agrees to make the h9l"8in..cfescribed changes in accordance with the terms hereof. The change In contract price and/or contract time noted Is full settlement for costs Incurred as a result of the change{s) described, unless specifically noted In Individual descrlptlon(s). Date: Authorized By STPUD Board President -~d~ctor Date: B-eJS--08 Date: Reviewed By -33- <''',:',Al.lt''2&' 21/":,' + J 'foj T~..f(JMASf:HA'EN'.r~G'-, :q{C'.'." . ';:;;',:.'" 53GS'4 hl"rS3 <\'f.., ~f' Fr,. . -.' J\'p::i3":;,;>: ' '- 3) Increase $1,112.00 for added work to complete all masonry changes specified in Information Bulletin #5B, including enlargement of the existing wall penetration and infil1 a portion of the wall used for the omitted walI mounted exhaust fan (EF-2). Includes all added costs including labor, materials and subcontractor mark-up. (Attachment B). TOTAL FOR ITEM 3: $1,112.00 4) Increase $2,178.00 for added work to complete all carpentry changes specified in Information Bulletin #5B, including installation of plywood access platform for the omitted wall mOWlted exhaust fan (EF-2), frame the ceiling penetration and remove and replace insulation. Includes all added costs including labor, materials and subcontractor mark-up. (Attaclunent B). TOTAL FOR ITEM 4: $2,178.00 5) Increase $585.00 for added work to insulate and drywall the interior of the roof access hatch. Includes all added costs including materials, labor and subcontractor mark-up (Attachment C). TOTAL FOR ITEM 5: $585.00 6) Decrease $2,085.00 for a material credit to remove items from the plant schedule to match the landscape plan to include seven(7) I5-gallon trees and eleven (II) 5-gallon bushes not shown on the landscape plan (Attachment D). TOTAL FOR ITEM 6: ($2,085.00) 7) Increase $19.076.50 for added electrical and control system work for the South Upper Truckee Well and Corrosion Control Facility including installation of an antenna chase; material credit for omission ofa meter cabinet; addition ofone(l) exterior light; ml:iterial and labor credit to replace Fixture Type C with a Progress Fixture # P5770-31-EB; all electrical changes specified in Infonnation Bulletin #5A; addition of a control switch for EF-l and actuator circuit for the air inlet damper as specified in Information Bulletin #6; addition of a HOA on the RTU Panel, wiring controls and relays for chemical feed, wire limit switch on control valve and rewiring of high-level switches on aerators; and required changes to the control system. Includes all added costs including materials, labor, subcontractor mark-up, plus material credits (Attachment E). TOTAL FOR ITEM 7: $19,076.50 8) Increase $1,467.00 to add remote set point feature to the well flow control valve and trouble shoot operation problems with the booster pump controller. Includes all added costs including labor, travel and subcontractor mark-up (Attachment F). TOTAL FOR ITEM 8; $1,467.00 9) Increase $1.210.00 to omit the plaster finish coat and replace with an STO PowerLastic acrylic fInish coat. Includes all added material costs (Attachment G). TOTAL FOR ITEM 9: $1,210.00 -34- 111I '. i\'lALig 2$~'2;fH..8~"';"':,:.~.:;'0'.ii."!," lI-HH:tAS . HAl~~:N"C:catH.m{(; l!':;,,(:.~..;;;. ".:: S3bS;;fll 1 53 ""';';''''~1 ntH"' ".:',;,-.' ',- , ,.~..,;.. ':4- ~,", ,';, . 10) Increase $474.00 for added work to transport and position five (5) granite boulders from the District plant to the site, to complete the approved TRP A landscape plan. Includes alllabor and equipment costs (Attachment H). TOTAL FOR ITEM 10: $474.00 11) Decrease $1,800.00 for a material credit to omit the calcium silicate insulation with a banded aluininum jacket on the standby generator exhaust pipe, between the silencer and the wall flashing as specified in the construction plans (Sheet 28 - Detail lIe-510). Includes omitted material costs (Attachment I). TOTAL FOR ITEM 11: ($1,800.00) 12) Decrease $1,000.00 for a material credit to omit the hollow metal :frame specified in the construction plans (Sheet 14 - Details 5/A-601 and 6/A-601) and replace using 2 x 12 Socomi Lam- Rough-Sawn Fascia to frame the opening for Door #103. Includes omitted material costs (Attachment J). TOTAL FOR ITEM 12: ($1,000.00) 13) Decrease $750.00 for a labor credit to omit the requirement for a manufactuIer's representative to check the installation and oversee the start-up testing and adjustment oftbe standby generator as specified in Se<;tion 263212 Part 1 E. Includes omitted labor costs (Attachment K). TOTAL FOR ITEM 13: ($750.00) 14) Increase $421.50 for added construction plan reproduction costs. Includes all material and service costs (Attachment L). TOTAL FOR ITEM 14: $421.50 -35- South Tahoe Public Utility District Directon, Emit: Claudio Jart1t:6 R, JOMS Mary Lou Mosbacher Dale Ri~ Eric Schafer (;;Ilt'lcral Miil1aqer Ricrw,:! fi. Soit;.riq 1275 Meadow Cr65t Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150 Phone 530 544-6474 . Fax 5:30 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4j TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ivo Bergsohn, Hydro Geologist MEETING DATE: September 4, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Indian Creek Reservoir (lCR) TMDL Mitigation Project; ICR Hydraulic Line Replacement Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve proposal from Underwater Resources to provide commercial diving services to complete two projects at ICR, and authorize staff to negotiate contract in an amount not to exceed $175,475. DISCUSSION: In July 2008, District staff solicited a Request for Proposals (RFP) to qualified firms to provide commercial diving services at the Indian Creek Reservoir (ICR) site. The scope of work involved the underwater placement of an in-reservoir oxygenation system for the ICR Oxygenation Project and the inspection, construction planning and replacement of two underwater hydraulic valve actuator lines at the outlet structure of the main dam. The RFP was solicited to six (6) commercial diving firms. Proposals for commercial diving services were received from two (2) firms. District staff has reviewed and evaluated the submitted proposals. Please see the attached memo from staff dated August 28, 2008, for criteria and scoring process. SCHEDULE: September 2008 through November 2008 (anticipated) COSTS: Negotiate contract not to exceed $175,475 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8605/ICTMDL; 1028-8991 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $550,394; $25,000 ATTACHMENTS: Memo from staff dated August 28,2008 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ']41 NO -37- South Tahoe 'PubLtc IA.taLt~ DLsb{ct Ri.cl-'lGW~ S()LbrLg, CjevcerGlL MGlVoGlgev rsoa I'd Members lOrVoLe CLGlve~LD JGllM.es R. )oVoes MGlvtj Love MosbGlcl-'lev DGlLe RLse ErLc schGlfev Me V\,A.,O riA Vv~ uvv\, Date: August 28, 2008 To: Board of Directors / d From: Ivo Bergsohn ,Ii t . Subject: ICR Commercial Diving Services - Contractor Selection In July 2008, District staff solicited a Request for Proposals (RFP) to six (6) Contractors to provide commercial diving services at the Indian Creek Reservoir (lCR) site, Alpine County, California. Proposals for commercial diving services were received from the following firms: . Underwater Resources, Inc., San Francisco, CA (Lic. #: 639975 - Class A) . Big Valley Divers, Inc., Chico, CA (Lic. #: 757776 - Class A) Because commercial diving services require specialty knowledge, training and expertise, staff reviewed and evaluated submitted proposals using the following criteria: 1. Completeness 2. Qualifications 3. Firm Experience 4. Approach; and 5. Efficiency Cost proposals were provided in separate sealed envelopes and were not used as a basis for selection. Contractor proposals were carefully reviewed and evaluated by District staff. Each reviewer was required to separately score each proposal using the same selection criteria. Descriptions of these criteria and the resultant raw and weighted proposal evaluation scores are attached to this memorandum. Based on this review, staff recommends that the Board select Underwater Resources, Inc. to perform the commercial diving services as outlined in the District's Commercial Diving Services Request for Proposal, Dated July 23, 2008. South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474. Facsimile 530.541.0614. www.stpud.us -39- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ICR COMMERCIAL DIVING SERVICES PROJECT CODE: 1029.8605/1CTMDL RFP EVALUATION & SELECTION CRITERIA On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = weak to 10 = strong) rank the proposals using the following criteria and enter your scores on the accompanying scoring sheet. CRITERIA DESCRIPTION WEIGHTING 1 Rank the overall completeness of the submittal. Does it include all components requested in the RFP, including project organization chart, % time availability matrix and man. power loading matrix. 0.10 2 Rank the project team in terms of qualifications necessary to complete the work. 0.20 3 Rank the project team in terms of Firm's relevant Experience. 0.25 4 Rank the project team in terms of Firm's Approach. 0.35 5 From the man-power loading matrix, rate your confidence regarding the project teams ability to successfully address the project needs in an efficient manner. 0.10 1.00 DiveSrvcs.xls 1 -40- 8/15/2008 I III IUnderwater Resources Inc. II II II I Reviewer 111I 9 10 9.5 9 II 5 42.5 Reviewer 2111 8 II 7 II 6 II 7 II 7 35 I Reviewer 311I 6 II 9 II 8 II 8 II 7 38 Reviewer 4111 8 II 9 II 9 II 9 II 9 44 I Reviewer5I1EEEE5Ia~EIa 46 I URI T otalsl/ 40 45 41.5 42 37 205.5 Sio Vallev Divino Services I Reviewer 1/11 6 II 10 II 9.5 II 5 II 8 38.5 I Reviewer 211/ 7 II 7 II 6 II 6 II 6 32 I Reviewer 311I 5 II 8 II 6 II 6 II 6 31 I Reviewer 411I 8 II 8 II 8 II 8 II 9 41 Reviewer51lEEEIjEiaEE~ 40 I BVD Totalsll 35 42 36.5 33 36 182.5 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC IJTlLlTY DISTRICT ICR DIVING SERViCES SCORING SUMMARY FIRM 1 CRITERIA 2 3 4 5 FIRM 1 CRITERIA 234 5 I WEIGHTINGIII 0.10 II 0.20 II 0.25 II 0.35 II 0.10 II Underwater Resources Inc. /I Reviewer 1 I 0.90 II 2.00 II 2.38 1/ 3.15 1/ 0.50 II Reviewer 2 0.80 II 1.40 II 1.50 II 2.45 II 0.70 II Reviewer 3 0.60 II 1.80 /I 2.00 II 2.80 II 0.70 II Reviewer 4 0.80 II 1.80 " 2.25 II 3.15 II 0.90 II Reviewer 5 ~~~[JJ:D~I URITotals~~~~~ Big Valley Diving Services " Reviewer 111 0.60 II 2.00 II 2.38 1/ 1.75 II 0.80 Reviewer21l 0.70 II 1.40 II 1.50 1/ 2.10 II 0.60 Reviewer 311 0.50 II 1.60 II 1.50 II 2.10 II 0.60 I Reviewer 411I 0.80 II 1.60 II 2.00 II 2.80 /I 0.90 I Reviewer511~~~~~ I BVDTotalsll~~~[JJ}U~ D iveSrvcs .xls 1 -41- TOTAL SCORE- RAW TOTAL SCORE- WEIGHTED 1.00 8.93 6.85 7.90 8.90 9.20 41.78 7.53 6.30 6.30 8.10 7.95 36.18 8/28/2008 ',:l. " ~ ,~,," ~'\~ " ~~v .~tl ~~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT HBasic Services for a Complex WorldH Richard Solbril General ~~na~er ,., .~ Mary Lou Mosbacher, President , BOARD MEMBERS Paul Sciuto, Assist~nt .Manaier Dale Rise, Vice President James R. Jones, Director Eric W. Schafer, Director ~, '.~' '~<'.' .". .~., . . . . . .. ~ . Ernie Claudio, Director " ., .... . .....' REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 7, 2008 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, August 7,2008, 2:00 P.M., District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Mosbacher, Directors Rise, Claudio, Jones, Schafer ATTENDEES STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp, Sciuto, Henderson, Brown, W. Stanley, C. Stanley, Coyner, Van Gorden, Ryan, B.Cuevas, Levallee, Adams, R. Johnson, Hoggatt, Barnes, Curtis, Nolan, Bird, Attorney Herrema Julie Ryan led the pledge to the flag. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Peter Lavallee, who recently filled the Junior Engineer position, was introduced to the Board. Staff requested Action Item b. (Authorized Bidders: Sewer Line Spot Repair Services) be removed from the agenda as this item was satisfactorily resolved prior to the Board meeting. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Item b. (Liability Claim Against STPUD) was brought forward and moved to the Action Calendar as Item a., in order to allow for adjournment to Closed Session prior to Board action. Moved Schafer I Second Claudio I Passed Unanimously to approve the agenda with adjustments described above. -43- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 7, 2008 PAGE-2 Moved Rise I Second Claudio I Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended : CONSENT CALENDAR a. Unpaid Assessments - Adopted Resolution No. 2849-08, Authorizing Delinquent Accounts to be Added to the 2008/2009 EI Dorado County Tax Assessor's Roll; b. Moved to Action Calendar as Item a.; c. Plant GIS (Geographic Information System) - Approved proposal from Winzler & Kelly for Phase 1, Task 1, 2, and 3, for mapping of the District's wastewater treatment plant and emergency retention basin, in the amount not to exceed $56,404; d. Computerized Maintenance Management System - Approved Task Order No.7 to Arete Systems to provide consulting and support services, in the estimated amount of $6,520; e. Sewer Collection System Master Plan - Approved Task Order No.8 to Arete Systems for data management services, in the estimated amount of $4,200; f. Final/Secondary Effluent Pump Station - Approved proposal from Winzler & Kelly for additional construction-related professional services in the amount not to exceed $249,672; g. California Tahoe Conservancy Grant Funds for Water Quality BMP Upgrades at District Facilities - Extended Northwest Hydraulic Consultant, Inc., contract for consulting services by $215,000 to a total amount not to exceed $365,000; h. 2008 Construction Inspection and Material Testing - Approved amendment to Task Order No.1 for Stantec to provide additional construction inspection and testing services for the 2008 Construction season, in the amount of $79,817.50; i. Twin Peaks Booster Station and Waterline Replacement - Approved Task Order No. 01 A amendment to Carollo Engineers for additional professional services, in the amount of $71,678; J. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: July 3, 2008; k. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: July 17, 2008. -44- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 7,2008 PAGE-3 Paul Sciuto distributed copies of the site plan for the facility and reported the project being designed now, will go out to bid in early January, and construction will begin in May, 2009. A public meeting was held at the site, but no public attended. Comments on the project are due by August 12. PRESENTATION: PROJECT STATUS REPORT ON ARROW- HEAD WELL ARSENIC TREATMENT DESIGN FACILITY ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Pursuant to Section 54956.9(b) of the California Government Code, the Board adjourned to closed session at 2:25 p.m. to discuss the merits of the claim with legal counsel and staff. They reconvened to open session at 2:55 p.m. Moved Schafer I Second Claudio I Mosbacher Voted No I Passed to reject claim based on staff's recom- mendation. (Director Mosbacher voted no because she felt paying the claim would be less expensive.) Julie Ryan reported the Board previously approved Brown and Caldwell (B&C) design replacement of tanks at Angora and Country Club sites, and their initial pro- posal assumed that these two sites would be done in concurrence. Since then, the Angora tank project was delayed until 2009. Accordingly, B&C will incur additional costs for the design of the Angora Tank since the schedule was extended and the activities will not be streamlined with Country Club Tank. To preserve some of the economy of scale achieved by designing and constructing two tanks at a time, staff proposed to extend B&C's scope of work to include design of a replacement tank at the Echo View site, which is the next tank in line for replacement. Moved Jones I Second Schafer I Passed Unanimously to approve amendments to existing Task Order for tank design with Brown and Caldwell in the amount not to exceed $89,401.90. Staff noticed a vendor name was listed incorrectly and requested that payment be removed to allow additional time to fix the error. Moved Schafer I Second Claudio I Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the revised amount of $4,248,627.03. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met August 4. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Staff and committee members reviewed topics of discussion. -45- LIABILITY CLlAM AGAINST STPUD RECEIVED FROM JOHN A. BOMARITO REPLACEMENT OF ANGORA TANK AND ECHO VIEW TANK PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 7, 2008 PAGE-4 Finance Committee: The committee met July 31 in regards to the Grant Coordinator Position. (See General Manager report.) Planninq Committee: The committee met August 7 to discuss the Diamond Valley Master Plan. City of South Lake Tahoe Issues Ad Hoc Committee: The committee met August 1 to develop a list of topics for Richard Sol brig to discuss with the City Manager. Water agreements, paving, etc. will be part of the list. Lukins CPUD rate increase hearing will be August 22. The agency will meet at the District on August 13. Board members were encouraged to attend. 3:30 - 3:45 P.M. Director Jones reported on the Safe Drinking Water Sub- committee meeting he attended on August 1. He learned there is excess money left from a study ACWA did, and the District might be eligible for a refund. Director Claudio distributed a typed board report and reported on some of the items it contained: ethics training, Bown Act, and the 2008 water bond proposal. Director Rise brought up a citizen accusation that was made against an employee. Randy Curtis explained the situation; the citizen made an incorrect assumption. Director Mosbacher made a statement in response to the public who complain about the new administrative building and summarized its benefits. She also noted several employees were acknowledged for their professional and helpful assistance and requested they be filed in the personnel files for: Rex Marshall, Jeri Callian, Doug VanGorden, and Lynn Nolan. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS (continued) BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPRESENTATIVES REPORT MEETING BREAK BOARD MEMBER REPORTS General Manaqer: Richard Solbrig reported on six GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS items: 1) An emergency drill will be held in November; 2) He reported on the results of the recruitment for Chief Financial Officer interviews; 3) The shared grant coordinator position will be terminated by Alpine County and is expected to be retained full-time by the District; -46- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 7, 2008 PAGE-5 4) Utility relocation issues for erosion control projects and private sewer laterals relocations; 5) An update on the IRWMP (Integrated Regional Water Management Plan) and Proposition 84. The next meeting is August 20. Partners were ask to discuss this with the community who is invited to give input into the process. 6) The Lake Tahoe Summit will be held August 16. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS (continued) Assistant General Manaqer I Enqineer: Paul Sciuto reported STAFF REPORTS the District will host a sewer lateral class on September 3. Leqal Counsel: Brad Herrema gave an update on the State Water Resources Control Board's recycled policy. It does not include agricultural interests at this time. Clerk of the Board: Kathy Sharp reported on City Council candidates. 4:55 P.M. (There was nothing to discuss in Closed Session.) ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION AND RECONVENED TO OPEN SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reportable Board action. See Page 3 for action on this item. 4:55 P.M. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Liability Claim Against STPUD Received from John A. Bommarito ADJOURNMENT Mary Lou Mosbacher, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District -47- ~~~ ro) I'il ~ ". '" l" '~ ~')/i i/~; ,. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~',eJ "Basic Services for a Complex World" ~:<~:) ~':~0\\~~' ~\\.~"'~~~v , ~ ,~:~~~~ , ~~~' ,,' ~~ .!,':! Richard Solb.~~~, G_e"ner~I,,~"a"na~e_~ Mary Lou Mosbacher, President , ~ " " ~..,." .. BOARD MEMBERS Paul Sciuto, Assistant Mana~er Dale Rise, Vice President ,. James R. Jones, Director , "'r"'" .... .", " _ ",.. .. Eric W. Schafer, Director " ,,"~.."-~ ... .'." Ernie Claudio, Director ,. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 21, 2008 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, August 21, 2008, 2:00 P.M., District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Mosbacher, Directors Rise, Claudio, Jones. Director Schafer was excused for District business. ATTENDEES STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp, Sciuto, Henderson, W. Stanley, Whalen, C. Stanley, Adams, Coyner, Rasmussen, Barnes, Ryan, Nolan, Morse, Bird, Cocking, Curtis, Hoggatt, Brown, Frye, R. Johnson, Sherman, Eidam, Donovan, Bergsohn, Thiel, Attorney Kvistad. Julie Threewit led the pledge to the flag. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Julie Threewit read a letter she wrote to the editor of of the Tahoe Daily Tribune regarding her views on Director Claudio's performance since he was elected. President Mosbacher presented the Finance Department with a plaque for the annual CAFR report. District staff was thanked and recognized for their contributions to the report. PRESENTATION: Government Finance Officers Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reportinq FY 2006/07 Consent Item b. (Collection System Spot Repairs 2008) CONSENT CALENDAR was brought forward for discussion prior to Board action. -49- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 21, 2008 PAGE-2 Moved Jones I Second Claudio I Schafer Excused I Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: a. Arrowhead Well Arsenic Treatment Facility - Approved proposal from Hauge Brueck Associates to assist with completion of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency permitting requirements in the amount of $9,600; b. See Consent Items Brought Forward; c. Geographic Information Systems - Approved Task Order No.6 to Arete Systems to provide continued consulting and support services for 2008/09, in an amount not to exceed $47,183; d. Capital Outlay Accounts Rollover - Authorized staff to direct rollover funds budgeted in the 2007/2008 Fiscal Year to the 2008/2009 Fiscal Year. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR DISCUSSION / ACTION Linda Brown explained that although the lowest bidder, Hoffman SW Corp, based their bid on an ultraviolet curing process, they did not indicate so on the bid form. They agreed to utilize the ambient cure process as specified for the same cost. Moved Rise I Second Jones I Schafer Excused I Passed to award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Hoffman SW Corp (dba Pro Pipe) in the amount of $56,100. In the event the lowest bidder cannot perform according to bid specifications, approval was also given to then award the bid to the second lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, J.F. Pacific Liners, Inc., in the estimated amount of $66,450. COLLECTION SYSTEM SPOT REPAIRS 2008 (Consent Item b.) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION John Adamski came before the Board to request the District hold billing for sewer fees on new construction until a home is finaled and occupied. The sewer service credit, Ordinance No. 505-08, allows staff to delay the imposition of sewer service charges until six months after final sewer lateral connection inspection at the property line. However, the Ordinance became effective 05/03/08 and is not retroactive. It was the consensus of the Board that since the potential for use existed, and would be impossible to monitor, to adhere to the provisions of Ordinance No. 505-08. No Board action. -50- REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD RECEIVED FROM JOHN ADAMSKI REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 21, 2008 PAGE-3 The property owners sent a letter requesting the Board to authorize closure of their accounts since they can- not afford to pay the balances that have accrued and continue to accrue on their vacation home due to fore- closure. Lisa Coyner has been in contact with the property owner and has no record that this property was foreclosed on. She also reported there were no delinquent balances. Staff referred this customer to the Helping Hands program, and indicated Customer Service staff is willing to establish a payment plan, but no response to those offers has been received to date. Moved Rise I Second Claudio / Schafer Excused I Passed to deny request to close accounts. Veerkamp Engineering has nearly completed the water- line replacement project. Staff would like to add an additional 1,500-feet to replace undersize waterlines located on Panther Avenue. This addition would be broken down into two sections, so in the event of an early winter, the full 1,500-feet of trench would not be exposed to the elements. The Water and Wastewater Operations Committee discussed this item and recommended approval, in order to take advantage of low prices, and to provide upgraded fire protection in the area. Moved Jones I Second Rise ISchafer Excused I Passed to approve Change Order No.1 to Doug Veerkamp General Engineering, in the amount of $252,771.28. Staff and the Water and Wastewater Operations Committee recommended adding approximately 2,500-feet of waterline to the existing project in the AI Tahoe area, citing the same reasons listed above. Moved Jones I Second Claudio I Shafer Excused I Passed to approve Change Order No.1 to Cruz Excavating, in the amount of $534,988. Moved Rise I Second Claudio I Schafer Excused I Passed to approve payment in the amount of $1,244,854.51. Dennis Cocking informed the Board that District employee, Wanda Stanley, donated a signed lithograph to hang in Conference Room 1. The Board thanked Stanley for her generosity. Ivo Bergsohn gave a PowerPoint presentation that covered the costs and technical information associated with this grant-funded project. 3:45 - 4:05 p.m. -51- REQUEST PERTAINING TO THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1100 WILDWOOD AVENUE 2008 JULIE LANE WATERLINE REPLACEMENT 2008 AL TAHOE WATERLINE REPLACMENT PAYMENT OF CLAIMS STAFF REPORT PRESENTATION: SOUTH TAHOE GROUNDWATER MODEL DEVELOPMENT MEETING BREAK REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 21,2008 PAGE-4 Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met August 18. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. The September 15 meeting will include a tour of the Alpine County facilities. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS PlanninQ Committee: The committee will meet August 28 to continue discussion of the Diamond Valley Ranch Master Plan. City of South Lake Tahoe Issues Ad Hoc Committee: Richard Solbrig will meet with the City Manager August 28 to discuss a list of topics. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS The agency met at the District on August 13. The main EL DORADO COUNTY WATER topic of discussion was invasive species. The District will AGENCY PURVEYOR receive 75% of the tax revenue sent to the County, and REPRESENTATIVES REPORT sent a letter to the County Auditor reconfirming Policy NO.4. Director Jones reported on the Lake Tahoe Summit. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Director Claudio distributed a typed board report regarding invasive species and reported on same. Director Rise reported John Runnels complimented District staff for their prompt cleanup around the Iroquois Tank. John Cefalu thanked the District for the sewer service credit solutions. Director Mosbacher attended the Lake Tahoe Summit. She reminded Board members that per Board Policy, Board members should not contact staff to direct them. Any direction given to staff must be done with the approval of a majority of the Board, and then through the General Manager. General ManaQer: Richard Solbrig reported on the GENERAL MANAGER REPORT Integrated Regional Water Management Plan and Proposition 84 meeting held August 20 at Squaw Valley. Topics included public involvement, and encouraging new members to join so all areas are represented in the plan with no overlap. Boundaries will be defined in the next couple of months. State guidelines will be distributed in December; the group is included to pursue direct implementation dollars rather than planning grants. Another meeting will be held in September to discuss possible upgrades to the plan. -52- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 21, 2008 PAGE-5 District Information Officer: Dennis Cocking reported on the Lake Tahoe Summit, and the status of the state's budget crisis. Interim Chief Financial Officer: Debbie Henderson reported the final estimate for 2008/09 property tax revenue was higher than expected. 5:00 P.M. STAFF REPORTS ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION AND RECONVENED TO OPEN SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reportable Board action. 5:40 P.M. ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District -53- Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America VS. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. ADJOURNMENT Mary Lou Mosbacher, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL September 4,2008 Payroll 8/27/08 Total Payroll BNY Western Trust Company CDS-health care payments Brownstein/HyattlFarberlSchreck legal services LaSalle Bank Union Bank Total Vendor EFT Accounts Payable Checks-Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks-Self-funded Insurance Accounts Payable Checks-Grants Fund Total Accounts Payable Grand Total Pavroll EFTs & Checks EFT EFT EFT CHK EFT CHK EFT CHK EFT CHK AFLAC Medical & Dependent Care CA Employment Taxes & W/H Federal Employment Taxes & W/H CalPERS Contributions Great West Deferred Comp Stationary Engineers Union Dues United Way Contributions CA State Disbursement Unit Employee Direct Deposits Employee Paychecks Total -55- 8/27/08 428.56 16,437.96 96,435.34 26,781.78 16,826.65 2,291.63 82.00 460.15 199,280.02 26,425.05 385,449.14 385,449.14 385,449.14 0.00 68,340.19 24,110.60 0.00 0.00 92,450.79 944,144.93 695,748.17 18,747.34 29,340.00 1,687,980.44 2, 165,880.37 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type A -1 CHEMICAL INC GEN & ADMIN SHOP SUPPLY INV 1000 - 0421 115.29 Check Total: 115.29 AP 00070510 MW ACCOUNTEMPS FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 1039 - 4405 809.37 ACCOUNTEMPS FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 2039 - 4405 809.38 User: MICHAEL Page: 1 Current Date: 08;27'2008 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 17:00:31 Check Total: 1,618.75 AP 00070511 MW AFLAC GEN & ADMIN AFLAC FEE DED 1000 - 2538 130.00 Check Total: 130.00 AP 00070512 MW ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002 - 6051 3,065.78 Check Total: 3,065.78 AP 00070513 MW ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE FINANCE OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1039 - 6081 239.50 Check Total: 239.50 AP 00070514 MW AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVICES GEN & ADMIN UNIFORM PAYABLE 1000 - 2518 889.89 Check Total: 889.89 AP 00070515 MW ARETE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING - COLL SYS MASTER COLL SYS MST PLN 1029 - 8721 - CSMSPL 2,467.50 ARETE SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYS SOFTWARE, CMMS 2037 - 8982 1,207.50 rn Check Total: 3,675.00 AP 00070516 MW AT &T /CALNET 2 GEN & ADMIN TELEPHONE 1000 - 6310 8.50 AT &T /CALNET 2 PUMPS TELEPHONE 1002 - 6310 111.42 AT &T /CALNET 2 OPERATIONS TELEPHONE 1006 - 6310 29.78 AT &T /CALNET 2 INFORMATION SYS TELEPHONE 1037 - 6310 82.73 AT &T /CALNET 2 GEN & ADMIN TELEPHONE 2000 - 6310 8.49 AT &T /CALNET 2 PUMPS TELEPHONE 2002 - 6310 36.72 AT &T /CALNET 2 INFORMATION SYS TELEPHONE 2037 - 6310 82.73 Check Total: 360.37 AP MW AUERBACH ENGINEERING CORP ENGINEERING - WL,GRANITE /IRON WL,GRANITE MTN 2029 - 7069 - GRANWL 944.75 Check Total: 944.75 AP- 00070518 MW AWARDS OF TAHOE ADMINISTRATION INCNTV & RCGNTN 1021 - 6621 17.41 AWARDS OF TAHOE ADMINISTRATION INCNTV & RCGNTN 2021 - 6621 17.40 Check Total: 34.81 AP 00070519 MW AWWA PUMPS DUES /MEMB /CERT 1002 - 6250 35.50 AWWA PUMPS DUES /MEMB /CERT 2002 - 6250 35.50 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type Check Total: 71.00 AP 00070521 MW AWWA CAL -NEV SECTION ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2029 - 6200 100.00 Check Total: 100.00 AP 00070520 MW BARNES, SHELLY CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 112.31 Check Total: 112.31 AP 00070522 MW BB &H BENEFIT DESIGNS HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 1022 - 4405 624.50 BB &H BENEFIT DESIGNS HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 2022 - 4405 624.50 Check Total: 1,249.00 AP 00070523 MW BI STATE PROPANE GEN & ADMIN PROPANE 1000 - 6360 13.86 BI STATE PROPANE GEN & ADMIN PROPANE 2000 - 6360 13.85 Check Total: 27.71 AP 00070524 MW BING MATERIALS ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL 02SYS/TMDL,ICR 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL 385.02 Check Total: 385.02 AP 00070525 Mw BROWN & CALDWELL CONSULTANTS ENGINEERING - C CLUB TNK REPL TANK, COUNTRY CL 2029 - 7063 - CLUBTK 2,270.08 I Check Total: 2 270.08 AP 00070526 MW BSK %NALYTICAL LABS LABORATORY MONITORING 1007 - 6110 30.00 BSK ANALYTICAL LABS LABORATORY MONITORING 2007 - 6110 2,550.00 Check Total: 2 580.00 AP 00070527 MW BUCKMAN, AARON OPERATIONS TRAVEL /MEETINGS 1006 - 6200 990.75 Check Total: 990.75 AP 00070528 MW CALIF DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES PUMPS TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2002 - 6200 100.00 Check Total: 100.00 AP 00070529 MW CAPITOL WEBWORKS LLC DIO CONTRACT SERVICE 1027 - 4405 35.00 CAPITOL WEBWORKS LLC DIO CONTRACT SERVICE 2027 - 4405 35.00 Check Total: 70.00 AP 00070530 MW CAROLLO ENGINEERS ENGINEERING - TWIN PEAKS BS BSTR, TWN PEAKS 2029 - 7070 - TPBSTR 95,453.30 CAROLLO ENGINEERS ENGINEERING - ARSENIC STUDY ARSNC TRTMNT 2029 - 8864 - ARSNIC 35,130.37 Check Total: 130,583.67 AP 00070531 MW CARSON PUMP PUMPS PMP MTR, CHRIS 2002 - 7559 3,860.00 Check Total: 3,860.00 AP 00070532 MW CDS GROUP HEALTH SELF FUNDED INS PPO FEE 3000 - 6742 2,273.75 User: MICHAEL Page: 2 Current Date: 08/27/2008 Report: OH_PMT_C LAIM S_BK Current Time: 17:00:31 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type Check Total: 2 273.75 AP 00070533 MW CDW - G CORP ELECTRICAL SHOP OFFICE SUPPLIES 1003 - 4820 313.02 CDW - G CORP INFORMATION SYS DIST.COMP SPPLIS 1037 - 4840 259.44 CDW - G CORP ELECTRICAL SHOP OFFICE SUPPLIES 2003 - 4820 313.02 CDW - G CORP INFORMATION SYS DIST.COMP SPPLIS 2037 - 4840 259.45 Check Total: 1,144.93 AP 00070534 MW CITY NATIONAL BANK GEN & ADMIN - EFFLUENT EVAL CONST RETAINAGE 1000 - 2605 - EFFLEV 23,667.27 Check Total: _23 667.27 AP 00070535 MW CRUZ EXCAVATING INC GEN & ADMIN - WTRLN, TATA CONST RETAINAGE 2000 - 2605 - TATAWL - 12,049.07 CRUZ EXCAVATING INC ENGINEERING - WL,GRANITE /IRON WL,GRANITE MTN 2029 - 7069 - GRANWL 39,751.20 CRUZ EXCAVATING INC ENGINEERING - WTRLN,AL TAHOE WTLN, AL TAHOE 2029 - 8811 - ATWL08 88,296.13 CRUZ EXCAVATING INC ENGINEERING - WTRLN, TATA WTRLN, TATA LN 2029 - 8866 - TATAWL 120,490.76 Check Total: 236 489.02 AP 00070536 MW CWEA UNDERGROUND REP DUES /MEMB /CERT 1001 - 6250 132.00 CWEA OPERATIONS DUES /MEMB /CERT 1006 - 6250 132.00 1 u' Check Total: pp 264.00 AP 00070537 MW DAVI' LABORATORIES LABORATORY MONITORING 2007 - 6110 1,441.70 Check Total: 1,44,70 AP 00070538 MW DELL MARKETING L P INFORMATION SYS LAPTOP, IS 1037 - 8940 2,226.83 Check Total: 2 226.83 AP 00070539 MW DIAZ, ANTONIO I UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEUMEETINGS 1001 - 6200 106.00 Check Total: 106.00 AP 00070540 MW DICK'S FULLER - HEAVY MAINT GROUNDS & MNTC 1004 - 6042 114.68 DICK'S FULLER - PUMPS BUILDINGS 2002 - 6041 153.37 Check Total: 268.05 AP 00070541 MW DLT SOLUTIONS INC ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 1029 - 4820 213.34 DLT SOLUTIONS INC ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 2029 - 4820 213.35 Check Total: 426.69 AP 00070542 MW DOUG VEERKAMP GEN ENGINEERING GEN & ADMIN - WTRLN, JULIE LN CONST RETAINAGE 2000 - 2605 - JULIE7 - 3,098.35 DOUG VEERKAMP GEN ENGINEERING ENGINEERING - WTRLN, JULIE LN WTRLN, JULIE 2029 - 7067 - JULIE7 126,040.20 Check Total: 122941.85 AP-00070543 MW User: MICHAEL Page: 3 Current Date: 08,27 Report: OH_ PMT_ CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 17:00:31 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type DUCKS ON TH LAKE GEN & ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 2000 - 2002 4,056.90 Check Total: 4 056.90 AP- 00070544 MW ENS RESOURCES INC DIO CONTRACT SERVICE 1027 - 4405 3,115.85 ENS RESOURCES INC DIO CONTRACT SERVICE 2027 - 4405 3,115.85 Check Total: 6 231.70 AP 00070545 MW ENTRIX INC ENGINEERING - SUT WELL REDRILL SUT WELL REDRILL 2029 - 8463 - RWSUTR 545.08 Check Total: 545.08 AP 00070546 MW ETS LABORATORY MONITORING 1007 - 6110 735.00 Check Total: 735.00 AP- 00070547 MW FEDEX ENGINEERING POSTAGE EXPENSES 1029 - 4810 4.26 FEDEX ENGINEERING POSTAGE EXPENSES 2029 - 4810 4.25 Check Total: 8,51 AP 00070548 MW FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004 - 6071 13.33 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. UNDERGROUND REP PIPE /CVRS /MHLS 2001 - 6052 234.58 i Check Total: 247,91 AP 00070549 MW FISI -R SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 282.75 FISHER SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 182.26 Check Total: 465.01 AP 00070550 MW FOLEY, JOHN GEN & ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 2000 - 2002 1,402.00 FOLEY, JOHN GEN & ADMIN METER SALE 2000 - 3545 311.00 Check Total: 1 713.00 AP 00070551 MW FRYE, WILLIAM CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1038 - 6200 39.00 FRYE, WILLIAM CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2038 - 6200 39.00 Check Total: 78.00 AP 00070552 MW GB GENERAL ENG CONTRACTOR INC UNDERGROUND REP SUSPENSE 2001 - 2504 26,335.25 Check Total: 26 335.25 AP 00070553 MW GERBER LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY SELF FUNDED INS EXCESS INSURANCE 3000 - 6744 15,807.19 Check Total 15 8.07.19 AP 00070554 MW GFS CHEMICAL LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 30.10 GFS CHEMICAL LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 63.84 Check Total: 93.94 AP 00070555 MW User: MICHAEL Page: 4 Current Date: 08,27'2008 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 17:00:31 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Pro' Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type GROVE MADSEN INDUSTRIES INC ELECTRICAL SHOP WELLS 2003 - 6050 185.00 Check Total: 185.0 AP 00070556 MW HACH - GLI International LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 137.95 HACH - GLI International LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 122.00 Check Total: 259.95 AP 00070557 MW HANGTOWN GENERAL ENGINEER ENGINEERING - C CLUB TNK REPL TANK, COUNTRY CL 2029 - 7063 - CLUBTK 39,667.70 Check Total: 39 667.70 AP MW HARTFORD, THE GEN & ADMIN LIFE INS 1000 - 2512 1,978.19 HARTFORD, THE GEN & ADMIN LTD, UNION 1000 - 2539 1,782.45 Check Total: 3,760.64 AP 00070559 MW HENDERSON, JOEL CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG CONTRACT SERVICE 2038 - 4405 - WCPROG 401.90 HENDERSON, JOEL CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 60.00 Check Total: 461.90 AP 00070560 MW HOUSTON, JEFFREY GEN & ADMIN - T &M CASH BRD MISC INCOME 2000 - 3540 - TMCB 30.20 i Check Total: 30.20 AP 00070561 MW INTOSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY GEN & ADMIN SHOP SUPPLY INV 1000 - 0421 829.02 INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY GEN & ADMIN SAFETY INVENTORY 1000 - 0425 239.40 Check Total: 1,068_42 AP 00070562 MW J &L PRO KLEEN INC FINANCE JANITORIAL SERV 1039 - 6074 1,678.50 J &L PRO KLEEN INC FINANCE JANITORIAL SERV 2039 - 6074 1,678.50 Check Total: 3 357.00 AP 00070563 MW JONES, JAMES R BOARD OF DIR TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1019 - 6200 67.50 JONES, JAMES R BOARD OF DIR TRAVEL /MEETINGS 2019 - 6200 67.50 Check Total: 135.00 AP 00070564 MW JONES, MICHAEL OPERATIONS TRAVEL /MEETINGS 1006 - 6200 72.00 Check Total: 72.00 AP MW KEITH BOGER OPERATIONS TRAVEL /MEETINGS 1006 - 6200 900.00 Check Total: 900.00 AP 00070566 MW KELLEY EROSION CONTROL INC EXPORT PIPELINE - B LINE REVEG BLINE REVEG 9098 - 8736 - BLNVEG 29,340.00 Check Total: 29 340.00 AP 00070567 MW KINNEY'S CARPET CARE UNDERGROUND REP MISC LIAB CLAIMS 1001 - 4520 350.00 User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Page: 5 Current Date: 08,27'2008 Current Time: 1700 :31 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type Check Total: 350.00 AP- 00070568 MW KROLL INC. HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL EXPENS 1022 - 6670 52.90 KROLL INC. HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL EXPENS 2022 - 6670 52.90 Check Total: 105.80 AP- 00070569 MW Les Schwab Tires EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005 - 6011 1,735.21 Check Total: 1 735.21 AP- 00070570 MW LIQUIVISION TECHNOLOGY INC PUMPS RPR /MNTC WTR TKS 2002 - 6054 5,680.00 Check Total: 5 680.00 AP 00070571 MW LIVE WIRE MEDIA PARTNERS DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 168.00 LIVE WIRE MEDIA PARTNERS DIO - PR EXP - EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT 168.00 Check Total: 336.00 AP 00070572 MW LYNN M. SUTER ASSOCIATES DIO CONTRACT SERVICE 1027 - 4405 1,225.00 LYNN M. SUTER ASSOCIATES DIO CONTRACT SERVICE 2027 - 4405 1,225.00 Check Total: 2,450.00 AP 00070573 MW MAGGIORA, FRED GEN & ADMIN - T &M CASH BRD MISC INCOME 2000 - 3540 - TMCB 740.70 °,—' Check Total: 740.70 AP 00070574 MW MANNA CONSULTING FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 1039 - 4405 50.00 MANNA CONSULTING FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 2039 - 4405 50.00 Check Total: 100.00 AP 00070575 MW MANNING, HOWARD CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 800.00 Check Total: 800.00 AP 00070576 MW MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS WELLS 2002 - 6050 191.31 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002 - 6051 394.92 Check Total: 586.23 AP 00070577 MW MEEKS BUILDING CENTER UNDERGROUND REP SMALL TOOLS 1001 - 6073 88.03 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002 - 6051 136.28 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 1002 - 6071 65.63 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 1002 - 6073 239.18 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAVY MAINT SECONDARY EQUIP 1004 - 6022 7.85 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004 - 6071 211.38 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAVY MAINT SMALL TOOLS 1004 - 6073 44.43 User: MICHAEL Page: 6 Current Date: 08/27/2008 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 17:00:31 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type MEEKS BUILDING CENTER DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS & MNTC 1028 - 6042 16.63 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL O2SYSr MDL,ICR 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL 451.36 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER UNDERGROUND REP PIPE /CVRS /MHLS 2001 - 6052 29 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER UNDERGROUND REP SMALL TOOLS 2001 - 6073 177 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS BUILDINGS 2002 - 6041 51.76 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS GROUNDS & MNTC 2002 - 6042 2.78 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS WELLS 2002 - 6050 44.30 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002 - 6051 10.03 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS RPR/MNTC WTR TKS 2002 - 6054 1.78 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 2002 - 6071 65.63 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 2002 - 6073 239.17 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES 2003 - 6071 14.06 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAVY MAINTENANC BUILDINGS 2004 - 6041 346.12 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER CUSTOMER SERVICE SMALL TOOLS 2038 - 6073 69.54 Check Total: 2,313.01 AP 00070578 MW MIEFgS, DEAN CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG CONTRACT SERVICE 2038 - 4405 - WCPROG 549.90 N i Check Total: 549.90 AP 00070579 MW MWH LABORATORIES LABORATORY MONITORING 1007 - 6110 2,295.00 Check Total: 2295.00 AP 00070580 MW MY OFFICE PRODUCTS FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1039 - 4820 5.74 MY OFFICE PRODUCTS FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2039 - 4820 5.76 Check Total: 11.50 AP 00070581 MW NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS UNDERGROUND REP PIPE /CVRS /MHLS 1001 - 6052 2,363.73 Check Total: 2 3363.73 AP 00070582 MW NEXLEVEL INFORMATION TECH INC INFORMATION SYS - IT STRATEGC PLN CONTRACT SERVICE 1037 - 4405 - ITPLAN 1,400.00 NEXLEVEL INFORMATION TECH INC INFORMATION SYS - IT STRATEGC PLN CONTRACT SERVICE 2037 - 4405 - ITPLAN 1,400.00 Check Total: 2,800.0.0 AP 00070583 MW OFFICE MAX GEN & ADMIN OFFICE INVENTORY 1000 - 0428 157.81 OFFICE MAX ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 1029 - 4820 136.17 OFFICE MAX FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1039 - 4820 48.54 OFFICE MAX ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 2029 - 4820 136.20 OFFICE MAX FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2039 - 4820 48.51 User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Page: 7 Current Date: 08 27'2008 Current Time: 17:00:31 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type Check Total: 527.23 AP 00070584 MW OLIN CORPORATION OPERATIONS HYPOCHLORITE 1006 - 4755 3,844.84 Check Total: 3,844.84 AP 00070585 MW ONTRAC LABORATORY POSTAGE EXPENSES 1007 - 4810 33.75 ONTRAC LABORATORY POSTAGE EXPENSES 2007 - 4810 39.25 Check Total: 73.00 AP 00070586 MW PAC MACHINE CO HEAVY MAINT WST PUMP MTR UN 1004 - 7562 2,220.00 Check Total: 2,220.00 AP 00070587 MW PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORP GEN & ADMIN - EFFLUENT EVAL CONST RETAINAGE 1000 - 2605 - EFFLEV - 23,667.27 PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORP ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL REP EXP PUMPS 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV 776,714.00 Check Total: 753,046.73 AP 00070588 MW PDM STEEL ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL 02SYS/TMDL,ICR 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL 1,037.44 Check Total: 1,037.44 AP 00070589 MW PETTY CASH PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002 - 6051 10.00 PETTY CASH EQUIPMENT REP TRAVEL /MEETINGS 1005 - 6200 5.00 1 PETr' CASH BOARD OF DIR SUPPLIES 1019 - 6520 1.15 PETTY CASH HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL EXPENS 1022 - 6670 5.00 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 1029 - 4820 25.00 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 1029 - 6200 5.00 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING SUPPLIES 1029 - 6520 2.38 PETTY CASH EQUIPMENT REPAIR TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2005 - 6200 5.00 PETTY CASH HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL EXPENS 2022 - 6670 5.00 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 2029 - 4820 25.00 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING TRAVEL /MEETINGS 2029 - 6200 5.00 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING SUPPLIES 2029 - 6520 3.52 Check Total: 97,05 AP 00070590 MW PETTY, DON UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1001 - 6200 106.00 Check Total: 106.00 AP 00070591 MW PINE CONE ACRE MOTEL UNDERGROUND REP STANDBY ACCOMODA 1001 - 6083 344.00 PINE CONE ACRE MOTEL PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 1002 - 6083 36.75 PINE CONE ACRE MOTEL PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 2002 - 6083 36.75 User: MICHAEL Page: 8 Current Date: 08,27,'2008 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 17:00:31 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type Check Total: _ _417.50 AP 00070592 MW PINNOW. MARY CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 3,575.00 Check Total: 3,575.00 AP 00070593 MW POWERS, TIM CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG CONTRACT SERVICE 2038 - 4405 - WCPROG 544.05 POWERS, TIM CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 60.00 Check Total: 604.05 AP 00070594 MW PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 1002 - 6071 32.34 PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 1002 - 6073 26.67 PRAXAIR 174 LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 232.03 PRAXAIR 174 DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS & MNTC 1028 - 6042 44.52 PRAXAIR 174 UNDERGROUND REP SMALL TOOLS 2001 - 6073 56.98 PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 2002 - 6071 32.34 PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 2002 - 6073 26.67 PRAXAIR 174 LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 232.02 Check Total: 683.57 AP 00070595 MW PRO ADMINISTRATION INCNTV & RCGNTN 1021 - 6621 161.55 PRO LEISURE ADMINISTRATION INCNTV & RCGNTN 2021 - 6621 161.54 Check Total: 323.09 AP 00070596 MW RADIO SHACK INFORMATION SYS OFFICE SUPPLIES 1037 - 4820 6.45 RADIO SHACK INFORMATION SYS OFFICE SUPPLIES 2037 - 4820 6.45 Check Total: 12.90 AP 00070597 MW REXEL NORCAL VALLEY - SACRAMENTO INFORMATION SYS SERVICE CONTRACT 1037 - 6030 764.00 REXEL NORCAL VALLEY - SACRAMENTO INFORMATION SYS SERVICE CONTRACT 2037 - 6030 764.00 Check Total: 1 528 00 AP 00070598 MW RSN SPORTS NETWORK CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 2,087.00 Check Total: 2_087.00 AP 00070599 MW RUIZ, JOSE UNDERGROUND REP DUES /MEMB /CERT 1001 - 6250 34.00 Check Total: 34.00 AP 00070600 MW RYPINS, STEVEN GEN & ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 2000 - 2002 1,402.00 RYPINS, STEVEN GEN & ADMIN METER SALE 2000 - 3545 311.00 Check Total: _ 1,713.00 AP- 00070601 MW User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIM S_BK Page: 9 Current Date: 0 '27'2008 Current Time: 17:00:31 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type SCHLANGE, PAUL DIAMOND VLY RNCH TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1028 - 6200 36.27 Check Total: 3.6.27 AP 00070602 MW SCOTTYS HARDWARE DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS & MNTC 1028 - 6042 6.11 Check Total: 6.11 AP 00070603 MW SHEPPARD MULLIN HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL LEGAL 1022 - 4445 703.50 SHEPPARD MULLIN HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL LEGAL 2022 - 4445 703.50 Check Total: 1,407.00 AP 00070604 MW SIANO, CHRIS OPERATIONS TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1006 - 6200 149.20 Check Total: 149.20 AP 00070605 MW SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 74.25 SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 74.25 Check Total: 148.50 AP 00070606 MW SIERRA CHEMICAL CO OPERATIONS SODIUM HYDROXIDE 1006 - 4770 4,904.52 Check Total: 4,904.52 AP 00070607 MW SIERRA PACIFIC POWER GEN & ADMIN ELECTRICITY 1000 - 6330 15,774.15 SIE*A PACIFIC POWER GEN & ADMIN ELECTRICITY 2000 - 6330 53,919.30 i Check Total: 69,_693.45 AP 00070608 MW SIERRA SPRINGS GEN & ADMIN SAFETY INVENTORY 1000 - 0425 582.90 SIERRA SPRINGS UNDERGROUND REP SUPPLIES 1001 - 6520 58.95 SIERRA SPRINGS PUMPS SUPPLIES 1002 - 6520 3.92 SIERRA SPRINGS ELECTRICAL SHOP SUPPLIES 1003 - 6520 19.65 SIERRA SPRINGS HEAVY MAINT SUPPLIES 1004 - 6520 58.95 SIERRA SPRINGS EQUIPMENT REP SUPPLIES 1005 - 6520 19.65 SIERRA SPRINGS OPERATIONS SUPPLIES 1006 - 6520 58.95 SIERRA SPRINGS DIAMOND VLY RNCH SUPPLIES 1028 - 6520 19.65 SIERRA SPRINGS CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLIES 1038 - 6520 19.65 SIERRA SPRINGS UNDERGROUND REP SUPPLIES 2001 - 6520 58.95 SIERRA SPRINGS PUMPS SUPPLIES 2002 - 6520 15.71 SIERRA SPRINGS ELECTRICAL SHOP SUPPLIES 2003 - 6520 19.65 SIERRA SPRINGS EQUIPMENT REPAIR SUPPLIES 2005 - 6520 19.65 SIERRA SPRINGS CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLIES 2038 - 6520 19.65 SIERRA SPRINGS CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 83.99 User: MICHAEL Page: 10 Current Date: 08'27/2008 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 17:00:31 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type Check Total: 1,059.87 AP 00070609 MW SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE GEN & ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 1000 - 6370 1,373.70 Check Total: 1,373.70 AP 00070610 MW SOUTHWEST GAS GEN & ADMIN NATURAL GAS 1000 - 6350 25.85 SOUTHWEST GAS GEN & ADMIN NATURAL GAS 2000 - 6350 5.50 Check Total: 31_35 AP 0007061 I MW SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE INC INFORMATION SYS SFTWR,SPRNGBROOK 1037 - 7563 6,000.00 Check Total: 6,000.00 AP 00070612 MW STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY GEN & ADMIN LNG TRM DIS,MGMT 1000 - 2531 1,384.31 Check Total: 1,384.31 AP 00070613 MW STANTEC CONSULTING INC ENGINEERING - DVR EIR DIAM VLY MP /EIR 1029 - 8725 - DVREIR 41,121.00 Check Total: 41,12'1.00 AP 00070614 MW SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & GEN & ADMIN SUSPENSE 1000 - 2504 3,062.00 SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & UNDERGROUND REP CONTRACT SERVICE 1001 - 4405 4,778.00 SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & ENGINEERING SUSPENSE 1029 - 2504 697.15 SUBATITUTE PERSONNEL & UNDERGROUND REP CONTRACT SERVICE 2001 - 4405 4,093.63 SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG CONTRACT SERVICE 2038 - 4405 - WCPROG 3,918.78 Check Total: 16,549.56 AP 00070615 MW TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE OPERATIONS SLUDGE DISPOSAL 1006 - 6652 11,360.00 Check Total: 11360.00 AP 00070616 MW TAHOE BLUEPRINT ENGINEERING - DVR IRRIG FIELDS DVR ESB 1029 - 8836 - MEIK08 10.72 TAHOE BLUEPRINT ENGINEERING - WTRLN,AL TAHOE WTLN, AL TAHOE 2029 - 8811 - ATWL08 102.92 Check Total: 113.64 AP 00070617 Mw TAHOE MOUNTAIN NEWS DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 100.00 TAHOE MOUNTAIN NEWS DIO - PR EXP - EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT 100.00 Check Total: 200.00 AP 00070618 MW TAHOE SAND & GRAVEL UNDERGROUND REP PIPE /CVRS /MHLS 2001 - 6052 1,757.90 Check Total: 1,757.90 AP 00070619 MW TAHOE TRADING POST UNDERGROUND REP SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY 1001 - 6075 282.57 TAHOE TRADING POST HEAVY MAINT SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY 1004 - 6075 192.33 Check Total: 474.90 AP- 00070620 MW User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Page: 11 Current Date: 08'27 2008 Current Time: 17:00:31 Vendor Name TAHOE TRADING POST TANKNOLOGY INC TANKNOLOGY INC THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR TOPSAFETY TOPSAFETY TREE TRPA TRPA rn TRPA TRPA UNITED RENTALS INC UNIVERSAL HEALTH NETWORK USA BLUE BOOK VERIZON User: MICHAEL Department / Proi Name HEAVY MAINTENANC HEAVY MAINT DIAMOND VLY RNCH HEAVY MAINTENANC HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES ENGINEERING - TWIN PEAKS BS ENGINEERING - TWIN PEAKS BS ENGINEERING - TWIN PEAKS BS ENGINEERING - TWIN PEAKS BS EQUIPMENT REPAIR SELF FUNDED INS PUMPS DIAMOND VLY RNCH WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION ADMINISTRATION WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION ADMINISTRATION PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description BUILDINGS GROUNDS & MNTC GROUNDS & MNTC BUILDINGS SAFETY PROGRAMS SAFETY PROGRAMS CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE BSTR, TWN PEAKS BSTR, TWN PEAKS BSTR, TWN PEAKS BSTR, TWN PEAKS AUTOMOTIVE ADMIN FEE WELLS TELEPHONE DUES /MEMB /CERT DUES /MEMB /CERT Acct# / Proi Code 2004 - 6041 1004 - 6042 1028 - 6042 2004 - 6041 1022 - 6079 2022 - 6079 2005 - 6011 3000 - 6741 2002 - 6050 1028 - 6310 1021 - 6250 2021 - 6250 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG Check Total: 2029 - 7070 - TPBSTR Check Total: 2029 - 7070 - TPBSTR Check Total: 2029 - 7070 - TPBSTR Check Total: 2029 - 7070 - TPBSTR Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Page: 12 Current Date: 08'27 2008 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 17:00:31 Amount Check Num Type 20.48 20.48 AP 00070621 MW 785.10 607.60 1,392.70 AP 00070622 MW 2,603.53 2,6.03.53 AP 00070623 MW 79.96 79.95 159.91 AP 00070624 MW 100.00 100.00 AP 00070625 MW 459.00 459.00 AP 00070626 MW 459.00 459.00 AP 00070627 MW 644.00 644.00 AP 00070628 MW 644.00 644.00 AP 00070629 MW 150.95 150.95 AP 00070630 MW 666.40 666.40 AP 00070631 MW 510.64 510.64 AP 00070632 MW 214.10 214.10 AP 00070633 MW 96.00 96.00 192.00 AP- 00070634 MW Vendor Name WECO INDUSTRIES INC WEDCO INC WESTERN ENERGETIX INC WESTERN ENERGETIX INC WESTERN ENERGETIX INC WESTERN ENERGETIX INC WESTERN ENERGETIX INC WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WINZLER & KELLY CONSULT ENGRS rn co WOOD RODGERS INC User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name UNDERGROUND REP ELECTRICAL SHOP GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN EQUIPMENT REP DIAMOND VLY RNCH EQUIPMENT REPAIR ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL UNDERGROUND REP CUSTOMER SERVICE ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description PIPE /CVRS /MHLS BUILDINGS GASOLINE INV DIESEL INVENTORY OIL & LUBE GASOLINE OIL & LUBE O2SYS/TMDL,ICR PIPE /CVRS /MHLS WATER METERS REP EXP PUMPS DIAMOND VLY RNCH - DVR NUTRIENT MGl NUTR MGMT PLAN Page: 13 Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type 1001 - 6052 3,640.51 3,640.51 AP- 00070635 MW 1003 - 6041 243.38 243.38 AP- 00070636 MW 1000 - 0415 5,052.51 1000 - 0416 11,430.75 1005 - 4630 940.50 1028 - 4610 1,953.29 2005 - 4630 940.49 Check Total: 20 317.54 AP 00070637 MW 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL 81.89 2001 - 6052 1,355.01 2038 - 6045 15,476.07 Check Total: 16 912_97 AP 00070638 MW 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV 3,367.24 Check Total: 3,367.24 AP 00070639 MW 1028 - 8993 - DVRNUT 2,084.26 Check Total: 2 084,26 AP 00070640 MW 1,687,980.44 Check Total: Check Total: Grand Total: Current Date: 08-27'2008 Current Time: 17:00:31 (;~nerai MBna,~v:r. Richard Ii, Solbriq South Tahoe Public Utility District Directors Ernie Claudio .James R. Jones Mary Lou M~achcr Date Ri!>e Eric Schafer 1Zl5 Meadow Crefjt Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 15a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: September 4, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Meyers Landfill Site - United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CATEGORY: Sewer CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ;f2j/J' CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES 'w NO NO -69- STPUD Board Report from Ernie Claudio September 4,2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $9.3 billion November Water Bond. Funding SENATOR FEINSTEIN - GOVERNOR SCHWARZENEGGER WATER BOND PROPOSAL July 9, 2008 CHAPTER 6. WATER SUPPLY RELIABILITY 79722. (d) Eligible projects include all of the following: (1) Feasibility studies, technical assistance, education, and public outreach, and projects that result in water savings, increased in-stream flow, improved water quality, or increased energy efficiency. (2) Recycling, reclamation, water treatment for the recovery of water supplies, desalination, and associated facilities, including distributions systems. (3) Groundwater and surface storage projects, and conjunctive use and reservoir re-operations projects. (4) Groundwater contamination prevention, cleanup, and treatment, and other water quality projects necessary to protect existing or potential water supplies, to clean up or remediate, or otherwise treat, contaminated water. (5) Projects that reduce contributions to climate change from water management systems. (6) Projects that enhance the adaptability to climate change of water management systems. The North and South lahontan hydrologic regions shall be treated as one area for the purpose of allocating funds ( $75,000,000 ). John Watts in the Feinstein DC office, "We are looking into money for Tahoe. It looks like we will not be able to get the Water Bond on the November ballot. I will either be on the 2010 ballot or on a Special Election ballot". Page 1 .. STPUD Board Report from Ernie Claudio September 4,2008 ----------------------------------------------- 0 ri g i na I M essag e ------------------------------------ From: Greg Kester Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 Subject: Cross Media Checklist Hello everyone - An outcome of the biosolids cross media roundtable that was held on May 16th in Sacramento with Cal EPA and various Air Districts, Regional Water Boards, Cal Trans, and EPA was an agreement to develop a cross media checklist for use during the development of regulations. It has become clear that in order for this to become a viable reality, we need to develop it ourselves and present it to Cal EPA for their approval and use. Michele PIa (BACWA), John Pastore (SCAP), Stephanie Cheng (EBMUD) and I have formed a steering committee to direct this effort. We would like to solicit those of you who have interest, time, and knowledge to help us in the checklist development. Knowledge or expertise is needed in at least the following areas: Biosolids, compost processing, Recycled water, AB 32, CEQA, the Regulatory process, development of Basin Plans and WQ standards and regulations, and impact assessment to air, water, and land media. We would like to limit the working group to be less than ten people to maximize efficiency but would greatly appreciate hearing from any of you with an interest to work with us. Should we have more volunteers than we can use, we will select folks so that all needed areas are covered and so we have statewide representation. Since many new regulations are under development and AB 32 is moving toward implementation, we would like to pursue an aggressive schedule on this project. Once a checklist is developed we will field-test it with existing or proposed rules to ensure it will be an effective and instructive tool. Please respond to me as soon as you can if you have an interest in contributing to this effort. Your interest will be greatly appreciated! Please also, don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments. Thank you very much! Greg Kester California Association of Sanitation Agencies Biosolids Program Manager Page 2 STPUD Board Report from Ernie Claudio September 4,2008 GIFTS TO AN AGENCY The Fair Political Practices Commission has substantially revised Regulation 18944.2, which establishes the criteria under which a payment that would otherwise be considered a gift to a public official may be considered a gift to the official's agency instead. Effective July 1, 2008 agencies must disclose such gifts to the agency, including monetary payments, loans, gifts or other transfers, provisions of goods or services, or other benefits to the agency within 30 days of their use by the official. Payment that might otherwise be considered gifts to public officials can now be considered gifts to the agency under the following circumstances: 1. The gift must be made to the agency directly, and controlled by the agency; 2. The gift must be for official agency business; 3. The donor cannot designate the official, only the purpose, for which the gift is intended; 4. The agency must report the payment of the Form 801 to the filing officer within 30 days after the use of the payment; 5. The form must be posted on the filing officer's agency Web Site. 6. Payments to state or local elected officers for travel lodging and meals are excepted. Question: contact ACWA Senior Regulatory Advocate David Bolland at daveb@acwa.com or 916-441-4545 Page 3 STPUD Board Report from Ernie Claudio September 4,2008 TIME MAGAZINE Thursday, Aug. 14,2008 By Unmesh Kher Coastal Dead Zones Are Growing. "Biggest environmental problems of the 21 st century" says the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). Over the past two or three decades, scientists have noticed with growing alarm that vast stretches of coastal waters are turning into dead zones - patches of seabed so depleted of oxygen that few creatures, if any, can survive there. Which is caused in large part by aaricultural runoff. 400 known dead zones along coastlines around the world, covering roughly 95,000 sq. mi. of seabed. Dead zones are created when excess nitrogen and other pollutants in ocean water promote large blooms of algae and phytoplankton on the surface. When the algae die and sink to the ocean floor, bacteria there break them down, while consuming pretty much all of the available oxygen in the water. The bacteria also proliferate wildly, taking over the ecosystem and exacerbating the oxygen depletion. Can an over use of chemical fertilizers cause a "Dead Zone" in lake Tahoe? Turf Buy-Back Program From an environmental perspective, lawns tend to be over fertilized and over watered. With porous Tahoe soils, this combination can push nutrients intended for the lawn into the watershed where they eventually make their way into Lake Tahoe. Once there, they provide nutrients for algal growth that can affect the legendary clarity of the Lake. http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0.8599.1832905.OO.html http://www.stpud.us/turf-buy-back.html Page 4 STPUD Board Report from Ernie Claudio September 4,2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Sport & Adventure , n Ullf -~!t~~--""'''''"''''., 1,,,,, _&,"-' "'. ~;.,~.'f;--..---.')!~>':'f' ,.~~.r.1'.~~~ ~1~~~C;f~;~,1:1r: ~~_::1!7~~~}~Li~~~;~ ~_,~,. .~,'" .';-~,~~::.~~ August 29-31,2008 INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR By Doug Busey Water is very low and plenty of weeds around the shore. Fishing has been fair. Better fishing has been on the other side of the dam, where the weed beds are closer to shore. This allows you to get our father. In a near future report, I will tell you of the plans of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, which will knock your socks off. After you hear what they have planned and are doing, you will never refer to them as "STUPID" (no offense), Indian Creek Reservoir will rise again to one of the best fisheries around. Page 5 STPUD Board Report from Ernie Claudio September 4, 2008 ------------------------------------------------- 0 ri gin a I M essag e ------------------------------------------ From: Greg Kester Sent: Tuesday, September 2,2008 Subject: Pacific Southwest Organic Residuals Symposium ( paRS) Hell everyone - I hope you had a restful Labor Day weekend! I am attaching the latest agenda for the Pacific Southwest Organic Residuals Symposium (PaRS) to be held October 1 - 2 at UC Davis. I think this will be an excellent symposium and feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. Thanks - Greg Recycling of Organic Residuals: Achieving Net Environmental Benefits University of California, Davis October 1 - 2, 2008 The third annual Pacific Southwest Organic Residuals Symposium (PORS) brings together stakeholders to identify opportunities that provide the greatest ecological and municipal benefits for using manures, biosolids, food wastes, greenwastes, and other organic residuals. This year's theme is "Recycling of Organic Residuals: Achieving Net Environmental Benefits" and will include sessions addressing those options which best serve to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, provide local sources of fuels and fertilizers, help restore soils, ensure food safety, and protect public health and ecosystems. Some Topics from the Aaenda: Emerging Pathogen Issues in Manure. Thyroid hormone disruption by Triclosan. Antimicrobial Compounds in Consumer Products and Biosolids. Antimicrobials: Human Exposure and Health Effects. New Technologies and Funding Strategies. Fate and Transport of Biosolids-borne Triclocarbans. To register, visit https:/Iextension.ucdavis.edu/unitlenvironmental manaQementl or call 1-(800) 752-0881. Tuition is $165, which includes lunches and refreshments. Page 6