HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 12-06-01 �� . ; `! � . , �'-e�- m g °v? y° -.. �-- . . ---,�...,.. ,.r _.--. _ :�..: . ��� •1850•d'��� t �C �I77LITY O� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Senrices for a Complex World" REGULAR B�ARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, December 6, 2001 2:00 P.M. City Council Chambers 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California Robert G. Baer General Mana er Richarci Solbri Assistant Mana er Duane Wailace, Presiderrt BOARD MEMBERS James R. Jones, Vice Presiderrt Christo her H. Strohm, Diredor Ma Lou Mosbacher, Diredor Eric W. Schafer, Director 1. CALL T� ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non-agenda items - 5 minute limit. No action will be taken.) . 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Approved by a single vote. Any item can be discussed ; and considered separately upon request.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION / DISCUSSION , 6. �RESENTATION a. 200012001 Financial Statement Audit by Larry Mace, Partner, Grant Thomton, LLC 7. ITEAAS FOR BOARD ACTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION a. Resolution Honoring Christopher H. Adopt Resolution No. 2728-01 Strohm for Eight Years of Outstanding Service to the South Tahoe Public Utility District ; ..�'�"'� . � REGULAR BOARD MEETING AQENDA - DECEMBER 6, 2001 PAGE - 2 b. 2:30 P.M. Public Hearinq Resolution of Necessity for Acquisition of (1) Open Hearing 1,442.92 Acres of Real Property Owned by (2) Staff Report Heise Land & Livestock Company, Inc. by (3) Public Comments Eminent Domain for Use in Connection with (4) Board Member Questions Recycled Water Facilities (5) Close Hearing (APNs 01-080-56, 01-080-80, 01-080-81, (6) Consider Adoption of 01-OSO-82, 01-080-60, 01-200-01, Resolution No. 2729-01 01-200-10, 01-200-11) c. Grant Coordination Services Authorize the Board President to Execute a (Rhonda McFarlane) Contract with Lynn Nolan in the Amount of $27,000 for Grant Coordination Services through December 21, 2002 d. Employee Self-Insured Benefit Plan (1) Approve Renewal of Aggregate Stop Renewal for 2002 Loss Insurance with Canada Life Insurance (N. Hussmann, R. McFarlane) Company, with Specific Insurance Deducti- ble of $60,000; (2) Approve 2002 Plan Year Funding at $690 per Employee per Month e. 2002 COBRA Rates for Self-Insured Approve the 2002 COBRA Rates at Employee Benefit Plan $511.22 for Single Medical, $876.72 for (N. Hussmann, R. McFarlane) Family Medical, $49.97 for Single Dental, and $110.38 for Family Dental f. Payment of Claims Approve Payment in the Amount of $2,563,826.84 8. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Executive Committee (Wallace / Jones) b. Finance Committee (Wallace / Schafer) c. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones / Strohm) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher / Schafer) 9. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Federal Legislative Ad Hoc Committee (Wallace / Jones) b. Park Avenue Redevelopment Ad Hoc Committee (Jones / Schafer) c. Lakeside Park Ad Hoc Committee (Jones / Strohm) d. Special Litigation Ad Hoc Committee (Jones / Wallace) 10. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 11. GENERAL MANAGER / STAFF REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - DECEMBER 6, 2001 PAGE - 8 12. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS / EVENTS Past Meetings / Events 11/19/01 - Lakeside Park Ad Hoc Committee Meeting with City Council Representatives 12/02/01 - Services for Robert F. Mason, Director, Seat #5, 1984-1997 12/03/01 - Operations Committee Meeting 12/05/01 - Planning Committee Meeting re: Recycled Water Master Plan Meeting with Alpine Co. Ranchers Future Meetings / Events 12/07/01 - 1:00 p.m. - Califomia Wilderness Coalition Meeting at District Office 12/07/01 - 6:00 p.m. - District Christmas Party , 12/12/01 - 8:00 a.m. - Employee Communications Committee (ECC) Meeting at District Office (Director Mosbacher is Board representative) 12/13/01 -11:00 a.m. - EI Dorado Water Purveyors Association (EDWPA) Meeting at St. Pauli's Inn re: County Water Agency Representation 12/17/01 - 4:00 p.m. - Operations Committee Meeting at District Office 12/18/01 - 9:00 a.m. - Alpine County Regular Board Meeting in Markleeville 12/19/01 -10:00 a.m. - Christmas Angel Program to Barton Skilled Nursing Facility 12/20/01 - 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at City Council Chambers 13. CLOSED SESSION (Please note Closed Sessions are not open to the public) a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Le�al Counsel Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO, et al, San Francisco Countv Suaerior Court Case No. 999128 b. Pursuant to Govemment Code Section 54956.9(c)/Cor�ference with Legal Counsel: Anticipated Litigation (one case) c. Pursuant to Govemment Code Section 54956.8/Conference with Real Propertv Negotiators Negotiating Parties: Board of Directors, Robert Baer / General Manager Under Negotiation: Consideration of Property Purchase Property Identification: APN 01-080-80, APN 01-080-81, APN 01-080-82, APN 01-080-56, APN 01-080-60, APN 01-200-01, APN 01-200-10, APN 01-200-11 d. Pursuant to Govemment Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Association, et al, County of EI Dorado, Sueerior Court Case No. SC20010165 14. ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 15. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, December 20, 2001 2:00 p.m.) South Tahoe Public Utility D� • 1275 M�daw Crest Dfire, South Lake Tahce, CA 96150 • Phone 530.544.6474 • Facsimile 530.541.0814 w � South Tahoe Public Utility Dlstrict Evaluation of Real Property Needs for District Operations in Alpine County, California Presented by Kennedy/Jenks Consuitants 8 December 2001 Presentation ■ Overview of District Operations ■ Existing Conditions ■ Master Plan ■ Existing and Future Needs ■ Property Criteria and Evaluation ■ Heise Property ■ Conclusion z Overview of District Operations ■ Porter-Cologne Act • History ■ Recycled Water Facilities ■ Fresh Water Facilities ■ Agreements ■ Regulatory Agencies ■ Conditions in Alpine County 3 1 . � �"�ISt01')/ • January 1988 secondary treated water enters Harvey Place Reservoir. • 19691ndfan Creek Reservoir dreined and reftlled with fresh water • 1988 Indian Creek Reservoi� winter flushing flows secured by contract. • 1988 Recycled water irrigators changed to Ace Hereford Ranch, Bruns, Gansberg, Neddenriep, Dressler and Celio. • 2000 Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board proposed a Draft TMDL for ICR. � Recycled Water Facilities ■ C-Line Export Pipeline ■ Harvey Place Reservoir (HPR) ■ Conveyance Ditches ■ On-Farm Emergency Disposal Site ■ Contract Irrigator Application Areas 8 I � I Recycled �'' i ' ��, M' Water Facilities �; �i 'I,I'' � � I� � i � �! �' e 9 3 � Fresh Water Facilities ■ Indian Creek Reservoir (ICR) ■ Snowshoe Thompson No. 1 Ditch and Upper Dressler Ditch � Indian Creek �o Fresh Water Facilities � 11 � � !I �,�, I � R ,�, i ' Agreements ■ Private — Application Contracts - Diamond Dilch Agreement — Flushing Flows for ICR ■ County — Recycled WalerOperations — ICR minimum pool elevations — Fish stocking • State — Davis-Grunsky Acl — ICR campground — Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board ■ Federal — U.S. Distnct Court Water MastedAlpine Decree — BLM - Land/Campground �_ 4 Regulatory Agencies • county — Alpine Counry 6oard of Supervisors — Alpine Counry Contract Commission — Alpine County Fish and Game — Alpine Counry Health Department — Alpine County Planning DepaAment • State —Lahontan Regional WaterQualityControl8oard — Califomia Department of Health Services — Califomia DepaRment of Fish and Game — Califomia Ofvision of Safety of Dams — Nevada Department of Environmental Proteclion ■ Federal — U.S. Dislnct Court Water Master �� Conditions in Alpine County Recvcled WaterA�al(cation ■ Presently recycled water is reaching and are exceeding the maximum appiication rate for the lands under contract. ■ Difficulty meeting regulatory requirements. ■ Rancher irrigation contracts may expire in 2008. ■ Threat of ground water contamination. Conditions in Alpine County Recvcled Water Aaplication • The District and ranchers need flexibility in the delivery of recycfed water (timing, location and quantity). • Ranch lands are being subdivided. ■ Ranches are being split between multiple owners. ■ Ranches being handed down to multiple family members. IS 5 Conditions in Alpine County Diamond Ditch � Owned by the Diamond Ditch Association. ■ District has a contract for use and maintenance of ditch. ■ Diamond Ditch flows at maximum capacity. • District currently can not currently meet the contractual stipulations. ■ Capacity of the ditch controls the operation of HPR and leaves no room for flexibility in the operation of the reservoir. • Diamond Ditch provides the only outlet for Harvey Place Reservoir 16 Diamond Ditch pppyyy ;,�. � „ � k. ♦ .,.�„.::'... Nn,.... ' "� k" ' � ,:'. . . ..�.. .' . 1) Conditions in Alpine County On•Farm Emeraencv Disuosal Site • Emergency Disposal area (On-Farm) dces not meet needs. • Limited capacity as an emergency disposal area. ■ District does not own the land and may loose control in 2008. • Multiple changes in ownership. ■ During past emergencfes the On-Farm was not able to be used and also became a part of the emergency. ■ The On-Farm is located in an area that Is not conducive to emergency disposal. „ 6 , x ,'�ti4 kt t z a �� ta r ,�$'�yr �''.. . � �'� � "�' �•�� n � C f� a ,1 _ ,;:, �: .,. On-Farm Emergency Disposal Site zo Conditions in Alpine County On•Farm Emeraencv Disoosal Site • On-Farm site is 6.5 miles from C-Line outlet. ■ HPR and Diamond Ditch must be tntact to convey emergency flows to On-Farm. � Emergency disposal method fs by inflltration trenches. ■ Local runoff fllls inflitration ditches during storm events ■ Adjacent drainage area fiils the disposal trenches with runoff. • Topography is not conducive to Inflitratton. z� 7 Conditions in Alpine County On-Farm Emergency Disposal Site • SCS soil ciassiflcatlons b9 and c2, consolidated clay and rock. • Poor soil infiltration rating, average 0.24 feet/day. • High mineraltzation (Caliche) below ground surface. ■ Existing emergency disposal system and site are inadequate. zz Conditions in Alpine County Indian Creek Reservoir • Llsted as an lmpaired water body (303d list) ■ 2000 Lahontan Water Quality Control Board staff has proposed a TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) on Indian Creek Reservoir. ■ Reduce Reservoir Phosphorus levels. • Increase Dissolved Oxygen Concentration. • Improve Water Ctarity. • Mintmfze External Phosphorus Loadfng. ■ Support beneflcia! uses and co)d water flshery. n Conditions in Alpine County Indian Creek Reservoir • The District can not reliabiy meet current minimum contract water elevations. � Current flushing water flows for the reservoi� are inadequate to sustain water quality. ■ The flushing flow water contract may expire in 2008. ■ Flushing prompts concern for downstream water quality. �. 8 Facilities Map � ��;, � � Recycled Water `�w�� � Harvey ,*,� Irrigated Land _. Place ` `': Reservoir ' , 4 'rtt �II �.' Woodfords � ", �... �.� � � " Indian GLine �� � � � �s`�.�,a? Reservoir Outfall ., "�,; � :5 Indian Creek Reservoir � District Actions • District retained Kennedy/Jenks Consultants to develop a master plan for District operations in Alpine County. • District retained Parsons for an environmental analysis of master plan components. z, 9 Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Engineers & Scientist Matthew Setty Sr. Deslgner/Hydrologist Project Manager za Master Plan Development ■ Reason for Master Planning ■ Purpose Statement ■ Master Planning Process ■ Goals of the Master Plan ■ Timing and Status of Planning Process � Reasons for Master Planning ■ Inadequate Existing Facilities — HPR will have inadequate storage in 2021. — Emergency disposal facilities do not meet District needs. — Health and safety concerns. • Changing Conditions in Alpine County — Loss of land to development. — Possible expiration of existing contracts. ao 10 Purpose of Master Plan "Work cooperatively to develop a plan that provides maximum flexibility and reliability to meet future operational, environmental and regulatory cequirements for recycled water management at optimai cost to the District's customers." �� Master Planning Process ■ Investigation and Evaluation of Existing System • Determine District Current and Future Needs ■ Formulated of Pro)ect Components ■ Created ARernatives to Existing Operations ■ Evaluated of Environmental Impacts ■ Develop Consensus to Select an Alternative ■ Adopt Selected Alternative • Create an Implementation Plan for Adopted Master Plan �z Goals of the Master Plan ■ Plan for use of All Recycled Water for a Minimum of 20 Years ■ Comply with Local, State and Federal Regulations • Plan for Reliable and flexible Recycled Water Operations » 11 Timing and Status of Master Plan • Analyzed existing system — January-April 2001. ■ Projected future needs — Aprli,lune 2001. • Evaluated potential system components. • Formulated alternatives conflgurations for the future — July-Present. ■ Conduct and Environmental review of alternatives -July-Present. ■ District to consider adoption of Program EIR. ■ Master Plan completion is scheduled for April 2002. I4 District Needs ■ Meet regulatory requlrements • Honor contractual obligations ■ Reliable emergency storage for 120 days ■ More land for current and future recycled water application �s District Needs ■ Long-term application sites ■ Greater reliabiltty and flexibility in conveyance systems • Flexibilfty for alternative application methods ■ Additional freshwater for ICR —TMDL obligations —Support minimum pool J6 12 Master Planning Highlighted the Need for Land • Identified need for more land. • Defined characteristics of suitable properties. • Search for suitable properties. • Selected several properties for evaluation. • Application of property evaluation criteria. �, Property Evaluation Criteria • Adequate size for District needs. ■ Proximity to water conveyance and storage facilitles. ■ Water rights. • Adequate emergency disposal/Impoundment site. ■ Sultability of entire property for District uses. • Topography and. landform slope is suitable for application areas. ■ Soil characteristics for recycled water use �8 Property Evaluation Criteria ■ Property Size — Enough land to utilize curtent and projected 20-year flows — Emergency Impoundment (minimum 340 ac.) ■ Property Location — Proximity to GLine — Proximity to Harvey Place Reservoir • Water Rights — West Fork — Diversion Paint — location of right — Pnority date of water nght ■ Landform — Slope (0-5 % slope for useable land) — Soils (suitable for recycled water application) " 13 Property � ' Location Ma % w Gansberg Property ■ Location would require pumping to utilize property for emergency storage or applicatton from HPR. ■ More than �,000 feet from C-Line. ■ Too smali for Distrtct needs. • No West Fork water rights. ■ ICR Freshwater application requires pumping. ■ Topography limits land use poter�al. 41 Ace Hereford Property ■ More than 1,000 feet from C-Lir� and HPR. • Too smatl far District needs. ■ West Fork water rights would require change in Point of Diversion. • ICR Freshwater applicaUon requires major (nfrastructure to reapply. ■ Topography Ilmits land use potenkial. �a 14 District Property (Schwake) • Too smalt for District needs. ■ West Fork water rights currently used in Indtan Creek Reservoir. ■ !CR Freshwater appUcatlon requlres major infrastructure to reapply. ■ Topography limits land use potential. ■ Limited suitability for emergency storage. � Locatlon wo�ld requlre pumping to utllize for emergency storage or application from HPR. .� On-Farm • Too smail for District needs. ■ No water rights. ■ Topography limits land use potential. ■ Poor suitability for emergency storage. ■ 6.5 Ditch miles from C-Line or HPR. ,. Heise Property • Located near C-Line and Harvey Place Reservoir. • Adequate size for District current and future needs. • West Fork water rights substantial enough to support ICR requirements. • Soils accornmodate recycled water application. • Topography is suitable for desired uses. ,� 15 ry;= d water (340 „� - =„ 2001) F of r1erapP%C cle 00 A application t �) v,+ateraPp ._--- able of tan X11 g 6',400 AF °_�._ ---ca aci in-year 2021 _._.._...- Gap w_..�-- ----_� Gapable of hen o additi_ona :ty year 2021 Capable of handling 20 / District Needs bey p�stnct N Capable of handling all Gap /0 Slope - - - Useable land ...- 1 e to 63 g °. p -" • to infi ra water application soils conducwe to recycled. Soils conducive W e s- Fo r k ■W ae t Rie - no lr- e e-_ d rsion cha 9 e quir e b Y C o Decree Se meat 4 - _ " ✓ " FMeltwater ditches compat ith delivery Multiple use of diverted freshwater minimal ... infrastructure fraN s-. tr_. - c tu re - ---- -` - Proximate x i ._ t_ o NPR< 1,000 -m Feet PrO m eeto 1,000 e e c ontig uous District lands ° _ _ - - - , _--_ - � ~ - Receive tGR water for treatment and return to r e e k b y 9 r ________ NPR - _ • --- Capable of n y r�ninfraructuM Capable of return to HPR with minim as ��fraStructure 46 Evaluation Matrix _ __ _ __ _ _ ___ __ ._.. r, � , � � Property Evaluation Conclusion • Heise Property meets most of these requirements. • Other properties are too small for District needs. • Other propertles are not as ideally located as the Heise Property. • No other properties offer the water rights requlred for lCR. ., Map of Heise Property II I I f � �Il���ipa�?a ', ,� u i � il�, � � Ili4� I II �i' ' i ; >; ;��� . . ., _ w 16 Heise Features � Capable of utilizing all recycled water to year 2021. ■ Long term application site. • Water for Indian Creek Reservoir (ICR). • Buffers between recycled water and public. ■ Suitabte soils and topography. ■ Bounded largely by non-developable. ■ Ideally situated for emergency disposal. l9 Heise Features ■ Able to receive water from C-Line. ■ Can take water from HPR. • Large enough for emergency dlsposai. ■ Slopes and soils suitable for irrigatlon. • Slopes and soil suitable for infiltration. • Has water rights for ICR. so Heise Location/Proximity ■ Adjacent to Harvey Place Reservolr so that maJor storage and management features are consolidated. ■ C-Line export pipellne is less than 1,000' west. ■ Exlsting conveyances can transport water directly from C-Lfne to Heise lands. • Can provide emergency storage during interrupted operation in HPR, Dlamond Ditch or application sites. s� 17 Heise Property Topography • 87% of the Heise Ranch has slopes of 0-5°/., suitable for irrigation. • Flat slopes are suitable for constructed wetlands and inflitrotion basins. � All of the area could receive water directly from GUne. • Most of the property can receive water from HPR by gravity. • Most of the area could receive water under pressure from HPR in a new pipe. • Up gradient of other ranches, water could be stored on the Heise, then released to other recycling sites. „ Heise Slope Map .� � k, kS *, �'' ,, r 5_ 50� .�' "^ - b 0-5% � .'t � � +� r _ ! � I `i �� 5� Heise Soils ■ SCS Soil Classiflcation A and B type loamy soils with some type C Granitic Loam. � Moderate infiltration ratings of 0.30 - 0.60 feeUday. ■ Alluvfum and decomposed grenite in western portion of the ranch is desirable for inftitration basins and emergency disposal. • Historic nitrogen loading lower than other sites. ■ Crop type and irrigatlon rate can be managed for optimum nitrogen uptake and water consumption. s. 1g SCS Soil Classification Map „ Usability of Heise Property � � � � � 36 Heise Property Summary ■ Satisfles most identifted needs. • Provides management and growth flexibillty. ■ Conducive to multiple uses. • Offers natural buffers from restdentlal areas. • Locatfon is accommodating of varlous management alternatives and emergency operat(ons. Sl 19 Conclusion ■ The Heise property is the only property that meets all of the DistrlcYs requirements for slope, locatfon, soils and water rights. - Long term application site - Large enough for emergency storage - Water for Indian Creek Reservoir (ICR) - Can accommodate future growth - KennedylJenks recommends the acquis(tton of the Hefse property for recycled water operations. 58 2� gO VT Aly�� -...� _ ..:- . - ---� :,:�a� � �� w �� • 1850 •V'���it un�mr o� CONSENT CALENDAR DECEMBER 6, 2001 ITEMS REQUESTED ACTION a. Disconnection Procedures for Delinquent Authorize Implementation of the Two- Sewer and/or Water Accounts Week Disconnection Procedures for (Christene Garcia) Delinquent Accounts b. Tallac Pump Station Force Main Repair (1) Approve Project Closeout Agreement (Jim Hoggatt) and Release of Claims for ARB, Inc.; (2) Authorize Staff to File a Notice of Completion with the EI Dorado County Clerk c. Regular Board Meeting Minutes: Approve Minutes October 18, 2001 (Kathy Sharp) d. Special Board Meeting Minutes: Approve Minutes October 19, 2001 (Kathy Sharp) South TaFae Public UdIRy Distrlct • 1275 AAeedaw C�est DNve, South Lalae Tahoe, CA 96150 • Phone 53N544�6474 • Fa�slmile 53Q/541-0614 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Christene Garcia Customer Service RE: BOARD MEETING: December 6. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: �. _ ITEM-PROJECT NAME: DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR DELINQUENT SEWER AND/OR WATER ACCOUNTS REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize implementation of the finro-week disconnection procedures for delinquent accounts DISCUSSION: The accounts on the accompanyina list are all seriously delinquent. The appropriate parties have been sent a two (2) week notice of this meeting by certified mail in accordance with the District Administrative Code sections providing for payment and collection of water, sewer, and street liqhting charges. If some of the accounts are paid for prior to the Board meeting, staff will present a revised list to the Board on the day of the Board meeting. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: List of delinquent accounts. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES'���� NO GENERAL � CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YESa�(�� NO WATER X SEWER X ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS December 6.2001 ITM ACCT # AMT DUE 1 21-261-16-009-01 $244.24 2 22-061-55-000-01 $259.76 3 22-322-60-006-01 $234.75 4 22-481-64-008-01 $202.27 5 23-161-33-004-01 $2118.12 6 23-341-19-001-01 $474.36 7 23-351-28-001-01 $800.03 8 23-372-14-007-01 $664.06 9 23-461-20-005-01 $333.41 10 23-471-13-009-01 $367.29 11 23-501-11-007-01 $354.84 12 23-511-16-005-01 $265.02 13 23-531-08-000-01 $234.75 14 23-613-02-009-01 $184.87 15 23-644-19-008-01 $244.57 1 6 23-733-17-003-01 $206.12 17 23-902-22-004-01 $239.87 18 25-032-08-007-01 $664.06 19 25-353-06-001-01 $210.90 2 0 25-375-10-006-01 $213.35 21 25-433-02-000-01 $369.74 , 22 25-481-18-005-01 $201.67 2 3 25-520-17-002-01 $238.06 24 25-541-32-007-01 $210.90 2 5 25-542-03-006-01 $204.39 2 6 25-591-OS-008-01 $292.52 2 7 25-722-01-008-01 $49133 2 8 25-732-21-005-01 $236.94 2 9 25-766-OS-006-01 $200.92 3 0 25-831-21-005-01 $367.29 3 1 25-901-12-005-01 $320.96 3 2 26-037-01-000-01 $314.84 3 3 26-075-22-006-01 $366.04 34 26-087-17-001-01 $286.63 3 5 26-092-18-009-01 $290.73 3 6 26-093-12-000-01 $545.47 37 26-106-24-005-01 $359.45 38 26-108-01-009-01 $201.05 3 9 26-114-28-000-01 $664.06 4 0 26-114-29-008-01 $664.06 41 26-125-10-004-01 $208.35 42 26-135-08-007-01 $1052.81 43 26-136-17-006-01 $210.90 4 4 26-280-06-005-01 $232.97 4 5 27-151-22-004-01 $599.95 - 4 6 27-205-08-007-01 $1479.89 47 27-221-32-004-01 $262.98 4 8 27-223-18-009-01 $218.75 � 49 27-312-08-001-01 $359.45 5 0 27-313-08-009-01 $358.94 � SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Jim Hog„Qatt, Construction Manager/Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING December 6. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: b. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: TALLAC PUMP STATION FORCE MAIN REPAIR REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: �) Approve proiect Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for ARB, Inc.; and (2) Authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion with the EI Dorado County Clerk DISCUSSION: Staff held a final inspection for the project and determined that ARB Inc., has met the requirements of the project plans and specifications. Staff recommends the Board approve the project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims and authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion with the EI Dorado County Clerlc. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims. Notice of Completion CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES���7���. NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES� i21T1G NO WATER SEWER X CLOSEOUT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS THIS AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS (Agreement)is made in South Lake Tahoe, California, this 6th day of December, 2001, by and between South Tahoe Public Utility District,{DISTRICT), and ARB, INC. , (CONTRACTOR) . KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: 1. That the undersigned, as the authorized representative of CONTRACTOR, and for each of its successors, assigns and partners, for and in consideration of THREE HUNDRED ELEVEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($311,900), the original Contract amount, and the sum of TEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX DOLLARS AND SEVENTY CENTS ($10,966.70) for Contract Change Order No. 1, receipt of which is acknow- ledged, does release and forever discharge the DISTRICT, and each of its successors, assigns, directors, officers, agents, servants, volunteers and employees, from any and all rights, claims, causes of action, demands, debts, obliga- tions, liabilities, actions, damages, costs and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys', paralegal and experts` fees, costs and expenses) and other claims, which may be asserted against DISTRICT by reason of any matter or thing which was the subject matter of or basis for: A. The performance of all terms and conditions of that certain agreement dated September 7, 2001 for Purchase Order No. 11293, DISTRICT project described as Tallac Pump Station Force Main Repairs project. B. Change Order No. l, as approved by the parties, pertaining to Purchase Order No. 11293 and shown in Pa1rment Request No. 3, dated December 6, 2001. 2. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall waive or alter the rights, privileges, and powers of the DISTRICT or the duties, liabilities and obligations of the CONTRACTOR and its surety(ies) in respect to any portions of the Contract Documents for Purchase Order No. 11293. 3. The District has received the following claims from the Contractor: NONE. Except as expressly provided in this section, the DISTRICT has received no other claims from the CONTRACTOR. 1 4. Upon execution of this Agreement, the DISTRICT agrees to promptly record a NOTICE OF COMPLETION with the El Dorado County Recorder. 5. The current retention amount is $ 16,143.33 Original Contract amount $311,900.00 Total Change Order Amount $ 10,966.70 Less: Amount Previously Paid (Request Nos. 1 through 3) $(306,723.37) Retainage $ (16,143.33) BALANCE: $ Zero The retainage will be released to the CONTRACTOR at the expira- = tion of thirty-five (35) calendar days after date of recording a NOTICE OF COMPLETION by El Dorado County Recorder or when all stop notices have been released, whichever last occurs. The release provided pursuant to this Agreement shall not apply to CONTRACTOR'S right to the retention amount until and to the extent such amounts are received by CONTRACTOR. 6. CONTRACTOR and DISTRICT agree that the total adjusted Contract price and time of performance for Purchase Order No. 11293, after the execution of change orders, is as follows: Original Contract Price $311,900.00 Original Calendar Days 27 Adjusted Contract Price $322,866.70 Adjusted Calendar Days -0- 7. It is understood and agreed by Contractor that the facts with respect to which the release provided pursuant to this Agreement is given may turn out to be other than or different from the facts as now known or believed to be, and Contractor expressly assumes the risk of the facts turning out to be different than they now appear, and agrees that the release provided pursuant to this Agreement shall be, in all respects, effective and not subject to termination or rescission by any such difference in facts and Contractor expressly waives any and all rights it has or may have under California Civil Code Section 1542, which provides as follows: 2 "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the Release which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor." 8. The release made by the CONTRACTOR is not to be construed as an admission or admissions of liability and the Contractor denies any such liability. Contractor agrees that it will forever refrain and forebear from commencing, instituting or prosecuting any lawsuit, action or other proceeding against the District based on, arising out of, or in any way connected with the subject matter of this release. 9. The CONTRACTOR releases the DISTRICT from all claims, including but not limited to those of its Subcontractors for all delay and impact costs, if any. 10. The CONTRACTOR represents and warrants to the DISTRICT that the CONTRACTOR has not assigned or transferred or purported to assign or transfer to any person, firm, corporation, association or entity any of the rights, claims, warranties, demands, debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, causes of action, damages, costs, expenses and other claims and the CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the DISTRICT, its successors, assigns, directors, officers, agents, servants, volunteers and employees, from and against, without limitation, any and all rights, claims, warranties, demands, debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, causes of action, damages, costs, expenses and other claims, including but not limited to attorneys', paralegal and experts' fees, costs and expenses arising out of or connected with any such assignment or transfer or purported assignment or transfer. 11. The parties acknowledge that they have been represented by counsel of their own choice in connection with the prepara- tion and execution of this Agreement. The parties acknow- ledge and represent that they understand and voluntarily consent and agree to each and every provision contained in this Agreement. 12. The parties further acknowledge and represent that no promise, inducement or agreement, not expressed in this Agreement, have been made and that this Agreement contains the entire agreement among the parties and that the terms of the Agreement are contractual and not a mere recital. 3 1 13. The persons executing this Agreement represent and warrant to the other party that the execution and performance of the terms of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all corporate, partnership, individual, or other entity requirements and that said persons have the right, power, legal capacity and authority to execute and enter into this Agreement. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ROBERT G. BAER, GENERAL MANAGER BOARD APPROVAL DATE ATTEST: KATHY SHARP, CLERK OF BOARD DATED (Name of Contractor) By: . DATED TITLE: 4 Recording Requested By: Heidi Donovan SOUTN TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT P.nd When Recorded Mail to: ._. South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96158 SPAC : ABO� �riIS LINE RESr.�V'c7 FOA �ZECC.�^-' S QSc TITLE(S) NOIICE OF C0�1PLEiION k � � NOTICE OF COMPLETION Notice pursuant to Civii Code Section 3093, must be filed within 10 days after completion. (See reverse side for Compiete requirements.) _ Notice is hereby given that: 1. The undersigned is owner or corporate officer of the awner of the interest or estate stated below in the property hereinafter described: 2. The full name of the owner is SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT � 3. The full address of the owner is 1275 Meadow Crest Qrive . ' South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 4. The r�ature of the interest or estate of the owner is; In fee. (If other than (ee, strike "In fee" and insert, for ezample, "purchaser under contract af purchase," or "tessee") 5. The full names and full addresses of all persons, if any, who hoid titie with the undersigned as joint tenants or as tenants in common are: NAMES ADDRESSES 6. A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was completed on DeC. 5, 2001 . The work done was: for �he project known as Tallac �Rump Station Force Main Repair 7. The name of the contractor, if any, for such wark of improvement was ARB, INC (If no contractor for work of improvement as a whole, �nsert "none".1 (�ate of Contracq 8. The praperty on which said work of improvement was compie!ed is in the city of South Lake Tahoe Count of E1 Dorado S1 i 1 i ne 2400' of exi sti n 18" Y , State of California, and is described as follows: P g dia. steel pipe w/ 16" SDR26 HDPE pipe, incl. all excavations or egree en s, e c., slipl�ne one r� ge , . p i p i n g-Ee�c-�-i-e n� 9. Thestreetaddressofsaidpropertyis located on Venice Drive in the City of South Lake Tahoe. (If no street address has been officiaily assigned,insert "none".) Dated: December � , Z001 Verificatfon for Individual Owner Signature of owner ar corporate afiicer o( owner named in paragraph 2 or his agent DUA WALLACE, Board President � YERIFlCAT10N (, the undersigned, say: I am the Pres i dent the deciarant ot the foregoing ("President of", "Manager af", "A partner of", "Owner of', etc,) notice of compietion; I have read said• notice of completion and know the contents thereof; the same is true af my own knowledge. I decfare under penatty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on December 7� 2001 ,19 , at South Lake Tahoe , California. (Date af signature.) (City where signed.) (Persona( signature af the individua( wha is swearing that the corttertts o( the notice of completion are true.► DUANE WALLACE, Board President NOTICE OF COMPLETION-WOLCCTTS FORM >> �a—RC+. e-�a . 8 pt. type or iarger — � �i8�' �S. 'U'1?YSys:t. ,, � � � � � V , ,'Y ' n .�;✓ ����� � � 1�ublic Utility DiStrict ,\ :.��..- \ 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive � 5outh Lake Tahoe � CA 96150 Phone 530 544-6474 • Fax 530 541-0614 December 7, 2001 I HEREBY CERTIFY on December 7, 2001, before me, the undersigned Clerk of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, personally appeared Duane Wallace, Board President, known to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledge that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board � ,�e�' ��� Consen t I tem c. N 1'� � j "� �; . -,�'_;� �� �, . ���;"'; ",�,,� � T A �� �l H �� :<�[ �,�� y O � F � � � � • _ ' .$,.,..,._.."""" '�= t � se . � � �� �`�� K' e r �;`o , Y�1 a� e '(�'� �:� � i0 rig� fC • � s 5 D, ��� ���;����,�� �,����� UTILfTY �� ��F ,y 5 , � x� :� : �� ���,;� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Robert G. Baer, General Mana er Richard Solbri , Assistant Mana er -- �.r� �:,:. ,, : . .. ..---� .... .. ... .... .... :.. .... . ..,.. ,. ... ........ ........ Duane Waliace, President BOARD MEMBER James R. Jones, Vice President Christopher H Strohm, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher Director Eric W. Schafer, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 18, 2001 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regu{ar session, October 18, 2001 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, Ca{ifornia. BOARD OF DlRECTORS ROLL CALL President Wa4lace, Directors Schafer, .fones, Strohm, Mosbacher STAFF: Baer, Sharp, McFarlane, Cocking, Rieger, Hoggatt, Coyner, S. Gray, Henderson, Garcia, Attorney Kvistad GUESTS: David Keily, Rick Madden, Jerry Lynch Rick Madden, owner of 1116 Bonanza, and Jerry Lynch COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE restated their position ofi October 4, 2001, when Mr. Madden appeared before the Board regarding the illegal water connection his property shared with the adjacent property. President Wallace directed staff to continue working on this issue. No Board action. : REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 18, 2001 PAGE - 2 Staff requested Consent Item b. (water disconnection CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA procedures for APN 30-370-041) be removed, as the OR CONSENT CALENDAR situation has been satisfactorily resolved. Consent Item a. was brought forward for discussion prior to Board action. Moved Mosbacher / Second Schafer / Strohm Absent / CONSENT CALENDAR Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: a. See Consent Items Brought Forward for Discussion; b. Item removed; c. Authorized payment of District's Annual Impact / Mitigation / Compensation Fee to Alpine County in the amount of $108,600; d. Gardner Mountain Waterline Replacement: Phase 3- Approved Change Order No. 3 for White Rock Construction in the amount of $12,308.62; e. Gardner Mountain Site Work Waterline Replacement - & Forest Mountain Site Work - Approved Change Order No. 1 for C. B. Ebright Company, Inc., in the amount of $16,168.88; f. Gardner Mountain Well Equipment & Control Building - Approved Change Order No. 7 for White Rock Con- struction in the amount of $2,348; g. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: October 4, 2001. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR DISCUSSION / ACTION Director Mosbacher questioned why the disconnection DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES list no longer identified the owners of the delinquent FOR DELINQUENT SEWER AND/ parcels. Staff explained the names are omitted due to OR WATER ACCOUNTS confidentiality issues. Director Mosbacher objected, (Consent Item b.) i stating it is inconsistent with how it has been done in the past. President Wallace directed staff to provide Board members with the background and reasons for the switch, and stated if any member felt strongly, they should agendize this item for Board action. REGULAR BOARD MEETfNG MfNUTES - OCTOBER 18, 2001 PAGE - 3 Moved Strohm / Second Jones / Mosbacher Voted No / DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES Passed to authorize implementation of the two-week FOR DELINQUENT SEWER AND/ disconnection procedures for delinquent sewer and/or OR WATER ACCOUNTS water accounts. (Consent Item b. - con't.) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved Strohm / Second Jones / Passed Unanimouslv PAYMENT OF CLAiMS to approve payment in the amount of $1,189,288.31. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The BOARD MEMBER STANDING committee met October 15. Minutes of the meeting are COMMITTEE REPORTS available upon request. Director Mosbacher reported on her attendance at the BOARD MEMBER REPORTS October 16 Alpine County Board of Supervisors meeting. Topics of discussion included Senator Boxer's wilderness coalition, and the District's environmental impact report. Director Jones reported he attended one day of the MTBE litigation trial (STPUD vs. ARCO et al.) in San Francisco. General Mana ecLr�. Robert Baer reported on three items: GENERAL MANAGER / STAFF REPORTS 1) He updated the Board on District security measures; 2) The Employee Communications Committee will sponsor a candidates forum on October 30. He encouraged Board members to attend; 3) The Alpine County Contracts Commission will meet October 25. At 4east two Board members are encouraged to attend. Construction Manaqer / Enqineer: Jim Hoggatt reported on the status of the following construction projects: B-Line Phase 2, Gardner Mountain Phase 3, Ta11ac Pump Station, and Arrowhead Weil No. 3 Treatment. Tallac Pump Station Force Main Repair Emerpencv of STATUS OF EMERGENCY 7l5/01: Jim Hoggatt reported this project has been PROJECT comp{eted. A report wilf be made at the next Board meeting on the final costs for the emergency portion of the project. 2:40 P.M. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION : REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 18, 2001 PAGE - 4 3:50 P.M. RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION Legal Counsel reported the District prevailed in the Pursuant to Government Code court case. This case is closed. Section 54956.9(a)/Conference � with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: Mountain Cascade, Inc., and Valley Engineers, Inc. vs. STPUD Board of Directors and STPUD, County of EI Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20000050 No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO, et. al., ' San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (one case) No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Conference with Real Property Negotiators - Negotiating Parties: Board of Directors, Robert Baer/General Manager. Under Negotiation: Consideration of Property Purchase; Property Identification: APN 1-080-80, APN 1-08Q-81, APN 1-080-82, APN 1-080-56, APN 1-080-60, APN 1-200-01, APN 1-200-10. APN 1-200-11 No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Associa- tion, et al, County of EI Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 18, 2001 PAGE - 5 3:50 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Duane Wallace, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Consent Item d. VTH Tq�y ��'/� ��� y O O� �'�,•"� t . �. �' , �' '.'� � . �,�'.' � � �(,,'" . � ; �b� --�....� .. -.—.,�,:, �..� • �� ,������ s � " '� � �p, t°y, ' �0� � � �� Ve� e r 1g5p.Wa �E��� .� � C UTIL�i"Y 0� - �� , �� �'��� M� �� �� . ��� �� � � � SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Robert G. Baer, General Mana er Richard Solbri , Assistant Mana er ..........,..... .,..... ,,... . .. .. . ,. ,-- �• - - - • . � . _. �-•- - :,:,•-: ::::,_.:::,_..,,..�:.:.:::::�.: :::::::..� :.. :::.,.. ::::.::::. Duane Wallace, President BOARD MEMBERS James R. Jones, Vice President Christo her H. Strohm, Director Ma Lou Mosbacher, Director Eric W. Schafer, Director SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 19, 2001 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Special Session at 10:05 a.m. on October 19, 2001, Tahoe Paradise Field Office, 1834 Santa Fe Road, Tahoe Paradise, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROLL CALL President Wallace, Directors Schafer, Strohm. Director Jones arrived at the meeting at 10:30 a.m. and left the meeting at 11:50 a.m. Director Mosbacher was absent. STAFF: Baer, Sharp, McFarlane, Solbrig, Hydrick, Cocking, Attorney Kvistad, and Attorney Miller. Solbrig and Attorney Sher participated via teleconference. 10:05 A.M. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION 12:20 P.M. RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO, et. al, San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 19, 2001 PAGE - 2 12:20 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Duane Wallace, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer General ManaQer RE: BOARD MEETING December 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: a. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: Resolution Honoring Christopher H. Strohm for Eight Years of Outstanding Service to the South Tahoe Public Utility District � REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution 2728-01 DISCUSSION: SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 2728-01 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED AC�'�: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES!���� NO GENERAL X CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES�},� �_ WATER SEWER 1 ����� RESOLUTION NO. 2728-01 2 3 HONORING CHRISTOPHER H. STROHM FOR EIGHT YEARS OF OUTSTANDING SERVICE 4 TO THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 5 6 WHEREAS, Director Strohm was elected in 1993 with the goal of moving forward 7 with District infrastructure improvements; and 8 WHEREAS, Director Strohm participated in and contributed significantly to the 9 affairs of this District in a consistent, predictable, and fair manner; and 10 WHEREAS, during his tenure, was instrumental in obtaining funding for the A& 11 B sections of the export pipeline, changing the governance of the County Water 12 Agency, calling for an audit of the Regional Board, and tirelessly pursuing the third bath 13 issue; and 14 WHEREAS, this desperate man from a desperate District also helped to protect 15 this community's environment and groundwater supply from MTBE contamination, and 16 helped to protect ratepayers from bearing the burden by recovering expenses from 17 those responsible; and 18 WHEREAS, Director Strohm lent his common sense, stability and direction in 19 providing guidance in the complex operation of the water and sewer utilities by serving 20 as Board President, Vice President, and senring on the Board's Finance Committee 21 and Operations Committee; and 22 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the South Tahoe Public Utility 23 District does hereby express its deep appreciation to Directo Strohm for his many hours 24 of public service to the people of South Lake Tahoe, to the District, Board, and 25 employees; and 26 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this District does hereby wish Chris every 27 happiness and all the best in his new endeavors. 28 //////////////////// £ Resolution 2728-01 Page 2 1 PASSED AND UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the 2 South Tahoe Public Utility District, this 6 day of December, 2001. 3 4 AYES: 5 NOES: 6 ABSENT: 7 � 8 9 Duane Wallace, Board President ' 10 South Tahoe Public Utility District 11 12 ATTEST: 13 Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board and Ex-officio Secretary to the Board of Directors 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ' 28 � SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILIT1( DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Hal Bird / Land Application Manager. Gary Kvistad / District Counsel RE: BOARD MEETING December 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: b. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: 2:30 P.M. TIME ALLOCATION ITEM-PROJECT NAME: Public Hearing: Resolution of Necessity for Acquisition of 1.442.92 Acres of Real Property Owned by Heise Land & Livestock Company. Inc. By Eminent Domain for Use in Connection with Recycled Water Facilities LAPNs 01-080-56, 01-080-80. 01-080-81. 01-080-82. 01-080-60. 01-200-01. 01-200-10, 01-200-11,� REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2729-01 DISCUSSION: The South Tahoe Public Utility District ("District") is preearing a Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan ("Master Plan"Z The Master Plan has indicated that in orderfor the District to meet its future needs for the disposal of recycled water and for the provision of water to Indian Creek Reservoir, it must acquire additional water-righted property. Because the District must export all waste water out of the Lake Tahoe watershed, any property suitable for the District's needs must be located outside the District's boundaries. Also because the District currently transports recycled water to Alpine County, the proQerty souaht to be acquired by the Distri�t must be located in Alpine County. The District has identified land encompassing_approximately 1.442.92 acres located in Alpine County. Califomia, on both sides of Diamond Valley Road east of State Highway 89. Continued on Page Two: SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2729-01 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE3�1�� NO WATER SEWER X Continued from Page One: directly north of Harvey Place Reservoir ("Heise Property") that satisfies all of the District's requirements The pro,perty is owned by F. Heise Land & Livestock Company, Inc. Neaotiations with thepropertv owner while continuinq have, to date, not been successful. Thus, it mav be necessary for the District to exercise its�ower of eminent domain to acquire the proQertv. Before the District may do so however it must make certain findings of fact regardinq the public use and necessity for the pro�erty and adopt the attached resolution of necessity. 1'1 R"� �,• 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2729-01 �� �� y 2 RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY 3 OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTII.,ITY DISTRICT 4 FOR ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY BY EMINENT DOMAIN FOR USE IN CONNECTION 5 WITH RECYCLED WATER FACILITIES 6 RECITALS � WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) is preparing a Recycled Water g Facilities Master Plan (Master Plan) for its recycled water operations located in Alpine County, 9 California; 10 wgEREAS, the District has determined that there is a pressing current need for additional land 11 to provide for the management of recycled water because: (i) existing recycled water use contracts may 12 expire as soon as 2008, (u) recycled water flows will continue to increase, (iu) a reliable and effective 13 emergency disposal site is needed to replace the existing emergency disposal site, and (iv) semi-urban 14 development is encroaching on land currently receiving recycled water; 15 wgEREAS, the District needs additional surface water rights to support beneficial uses ofIndian 16 Creek Reservoir and to comply with the Phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Load proposed by the 1 � Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region; i 8 WHEREAS, the District has surveyed and considered several properties in the direct vicinity of 19 its e�sting recycled water facilities to determine which property(ies) satisfies the needs of the District 20 identified in the Master Plan; 21 WHEREAS, the property that best satisfies the needs of the District for its recycled water 22 operations is generally described as approximately 1,442.92 acres of real property owned by F. Heise 23 Land & Livestock Company, Inc., and located on both sides of Diamond Va11ey Road east of State 24 Highway 89, directly north of Harvey Place Reservoir, in Alpine County, California. The legal 25 description and a map of the property are attached hereto as Exhibits A and B, respectively, and 26 incorporated herein by this reference (Property); 27 WHEREAS, The District is a public utility district formed under the provisions of the Public 28 Utility District Act. (Pubic Utilities Code § 15501 et se�.) Public Utilities Code § 16404 provides that a district may exercise the right of eminent domain to take any property necessary or convenient to the Resolu�ion No. 2729-01 Page 2 1 exercise of the powers granted in this division; 2 WHEREAS, the District has the statutory power to acquire, construct, own, operate, control, ' 3 or use, within or without ... the District, works for supplying its inhabitant with light, water, power... 4 or means for the disposal of garbage, sewage, or refuse matter, and may do all things necessary or 5 convenient to the full exercise of such powers (Pub. Util. Code § 16461.). Furthermore, the Porter- 6 Cologne Water Quality Control Act (Water Code section.13000, et se�c .) § 13951 requires the District 7 to transport its treated wastewater outside the Lake Tahoe water shed which is also outside of the 8 District's boundaries. Therefore, in accordance with California Code of Civil Procedure § 1240.050, the 9 District has the power and legal authority to acquire extratemtorial property by eminent domain because 10 such power is necessarily implied as an incident of the District's statutory powers; 11 WHEREAS, in accordance with California Code of Civil Procedure § 1240.125 the District has 12 the power and legal authority to acquire e�rtraterritorial property by eminent domain for water, drainage 13 or sewer purposes because it is authorized to acquire property by eminent domain for the such purposes; 14 WHEREAS, the Property is sought to be acquired for use in connection with the District's 15 authorized activity of exporting treated wastewater; 16 WHEREAS, the District has found that acquisition of the Property will not have a significant 17 effect on the environment and accordingly, in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act 18 ("CEQA"), on November 1, 2001 adopted a negative declaration with respect to acquisition of the 19 Property; 20 WHEREAS, on November 16, 2001, the District mailed a Notice of Intention to adopt a 21 Resolution of Necessity for acquisition by eminent domain of the Property to a11 persons whose names 22 appear on the last Equalized Alpine County Assessment Roll as having an interest in the Property and to 23 the agriculturallessee of the Property advising those persons of the right to appear and be heard on the 24 matters referred to in the notice on the date and at the time and place stated in the Notice. Copies of the 25 notices are attached as Exhibits C and D, respectively, and incorporated by this reference; and, 26 WHEREAS, on December 6, 2001, the Board of Directors of the District (Board of Directors) 27 conducted a public hearing to consider adoption of the Resolution of Necessity to authorize acquiring 28 the Property by eminent doma.in pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure § 1245.220, et se�c . NOW, THEREFORE, it is found, determined and resolved as follows: Resolution No. 2729-01 Page 3 1 1. The recitals set forth above are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this 2 reference as though set forth in full. 3 2. The offer to purchase the Property required by Government Code § 7267.2 was made to 4 the owner of record in full compliance of the requirements of this code section. 5 3. The District sent proper and timely notice of this hearing to the owner of record in 6 accordance with Code of Civil Procedure § 1245.23 5. A similar notice was also sent to the holder of the 7 agricultural lease for the Property. The owner and lessee di id not] file a written timely request to 8 appear and be heard by the Board of Directors at the hearing. 9 4. The Board of Directors of the District allowed all interested persons to appeaz and be 10 heard, weighed and considered all oral and written statements, writings and other information submitted 11 by those persons having a right to be appear and be heard and from the District staff, consultants and 12 legal counsel. 13 5. The District intends to acquire the Properry for use in connection with its recycled water 14 operations located in Alpine Counry, California. 15 6. The District has authority to acquire the Property by eminent domain pursuant to Article 16 I, § 19 ofthe California Constitution, California Public Utility Code § 16404, and California Code of Civil 17 Procedure §§ 1240.050 and 1240.125. 1 S 7. The District has the statutory authority to acquire, construct, own, operate, control, or 19 use, within or without ...the District, works for supplying its inhabitants with light, water, power ...or 20 means for the disposal of gazbage, sewage, or refuse matter, and may do all things necessary or 21 convenient to the full exercise of its powers. Furthermore, the District must transport its treated 22 wastewater outside the Lake Tahoe watershed which is also outside of the District's boundaries. 23 Therefore, the District has the implied power and legal authority to acquire by eminent domain 24 e�raterritorial property for such purposes. 25 8. The Property includes surface water rights which are needed by the District to support 26 beneficial uses of Indian Creek Reservoir and to comply with the Pho sphorus Tota1 M�imum Daily Load 27 proposed by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region. Therefore, the District has 28 the power and legal authority to acquire by eminent domain extraterritorial property for such purposes. 9. The District has fully complied with a.11 provisions of the California Environmental Quality Resolution No. 2729-01 Page 4 1 Act ("CEQA") for acquisition of the Property. , 2 10. The District has fully complied with all conditions and statutory requirements necessary 3 to exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire the Properry. 4 11. The Property is being acquired by eminent domain for public uses to provide for 5 emergency and non-emergency recycled water disposal in Alpine County including, but not limited to, 6 artificial wetlands, enhanced wetlands with return pumping to Harvey Place Reservoir, infiltration basins 7 and flood/sprinkler irrigated crops and to provide water rights transferable to Indian Creek Reservoir to 8 improve beneficial uses of the reservoir. 9 12. The public interest and necessity require the Property to satisfy the District's current and 10 future needs for emergency and non-emergency recycled water disposal in Alpine County including, but 11 not limited to, artificial wetlands, enhanced wetlands with return pumping to Harvey Place Reservoir, 12 infiltration basins and flood/sprinkler irrigated crops and to provide water rights transferable to Indian 13 Creek Reservoir to improve beneficial uses of the reservoir. 14 13. The Property is necessary because the District must provide for its cunent and future 15 needs for additional capacity for emergency and non-emergency recycled water disposal in Alpine County 16 including, but not limited to, artificial wetlands, enhanced wetlands with return pumping to Harvey Place 17 Reservoir, infiltration basins and floodJsprinkler irrigated crops and to provide water rights transferable 18 to Indian Creek Reservoir to improve beneficial uses of the reservoir. 19 14. The District cunently transports recycled water through its existing pipeline facilities into 20 Alpine County and into District facilities which are adjacent to the Property. Therefore, the Property can 21 be utilized by the District with the least disruption and public expense. Additionally, the slope and soil 22 characteristics of the Property are ideally suited for the District needs. The property meets the needs of 23 the District better than the alternative properties considered by the District. Therefore, acquisition ofthe 24 Property for public use is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest 25 public good and the least private injury. 26 15. The District's legal counsel, Hatch and Parent, is authorized and empowered: 27 a. To acquire in the name of the District, by eminent domain, the Property in 28 accordance with the provisions ofthe California Eminent Domain Law and the Constitution of California; b. To acquire the Property in fee simple absolute; Resolution No. 2729-01 Page 5 1 c. To prepare and prosecute in the name of the District such proceedings in the Z proper couR as are necessary for acquisition of the Property; and 3 d. To perform and take all other actions as reasonable or necessary to acquire the 4 Property by eminent domain. 5 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution 6 was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility 7 District at a regulaz meeting held on December 6, 2001, by the following vote: 8 AYES: 9 NOES: 10 ABSENT: 11 Duane Wallace, President South Tahoe Public Utility District 12 13 ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board/ 14 Executive Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District 15 16 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 17 HATCH and PARENT 18 19 By Gary M. Kvistad, General Counsel 20 21 Attachments: E�ibit A- Lega1 Description of Properry Exhibit B- Map of Property 22 Exhibit C- Letter to F. Heise Land and Livestock Company, Inc., and E�ibit D- Letter to William Weaver and Eddie R. Snyder 23 24 25 26 27 28 �; ' i � . i LEGAL DESCRIPTION f • 'r, c Parcel �. ., Parcels;A, B, and C as shown on that certain Parcel Ma.p filed 7une 21, 1983 in the Office of the County�ftecarder of Alpine County, Califomia in Baok 2 of Maps, at Page 14, as modified by a Reco�d�f Survey for a Lot Line Adjustrnent filed December 21, 2000 in the Office of the County . Record�r of Alpi.ne County, Californi� in. Book 4 of Maps, at Page 191. �4 Parcel l� is currently identified by Assessor's Parcel Numbers 01-080-56, 01-080-80, Q1-080-81 and 01-080-82. � �� Parcel � ; Southea¢t quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 25, and all of said Sectian 36 in Township 11 North, Range 19 East, M,D,B.&M. � � Exceptir'g from said Section 36, the South half of the Southwest quarter. , Excepti�g from Pazce12 any portian within Pazcels A, B, and C as shown on that ceriain Parcel Map filed Jun 21, 19$3, in the 4ffice of the County Recorder of Alpine County, Cali.fornia in Book Z Qf�Patcel Maps, at Page 14. . Also exc$pting from Parcel2, that portion acqui.red by the South'Tahoe Public Utility Disrtcict by Final Or�er of Condemnation entered in Case No. 77480, in the Superior Court of Placer County, State of' �alifornia, a certi.fied copy of which was recorded August 1, 1990 in Baok 69 at Page 500, Offi�ial Records, F Also exc ' ting from said Parcel, the Paxcel conveyed to t}ae Coun.ty of Alpine by Rnad Deed in Book G�Official Records at Page 30Q, said Road Deed contai.ns a reversionazy clause. ;; . . � � (Aesessor"s Parcel Numb�r O1-080-60) , Parcel3.; �; _ • Lot 4, the��outheast quarter of'the Soufihwest quarter and the Southwest quarter of the Sontheast quarter of!�ection 30 of Towns,hip 11 North, Range 20 East, MD_B.&M., Alpine County, Califomia� i� r (Assessor' Parcel Number 01-240-01) �; , ` , SB 28t590 v1:OQ�627.0099 ` EXNIBITA 1.i rU� 41 11.�/1 :11 ��]J �`� - n�CCIT 8tlu rai eu� �� �� � I1 . �' h • M I'arce�4 :� �� . All of �ection 31, excepting therefrom the South half of the Southeast quarter, in Township 11 North,?{tande 20 East, M.D.B.&M. � , Also e 1 �tcepting from Parcel4, that portion acquired by the South Tahoe UtilityDistrict hy Final Order c�f' Condemnation entered in Case Na. 77484, in the Superior Court.of Placer County, State of Califpmia, a certified copy of which was recorded August 1, 1990 in Book 69 at Page 500, Official� Records. i Also ex�epting fmm Pazcel 4, the Parcel conveyed to the County of Alpine by Road Deed in Book Gof O�cial Records at Page 300, said Road Deerl contains a reversionary clause. 1 (AssesSbz�'s Parcel Number 01-200-11) � Parcel � ,� Northwe�, quarter of Section 32, ToR�nship 11 North, Raage 20 East, M.D.B,&M. ; ; Also ex�Ppting from Parcel5, that portion acquired hy the South Tahoe UtilityDistrict by Final Order ofCondemnation entered in Case No. ?1480, in the Superior Court of Placer County, State of Califo;�nia, a certified copy of which was recorded August 1, 1990 in Book 69 at Page 500, Official I�ecords. . ; Also exc�pting from Parcel S, the Patcel conve�ed to the County of Alpine by Road Deed in. Book G� O�cial Records at Pa�e 30Q, said Road Deed contains a reversionary clause. (Assessor�s Parcel Number O1-200-10) . � . � � � i� . �� •f A �! � i �I i '� � SB 281390 vl: 0079(i7.7.0099 ., ;� : , r . �d � 1' ' 1 •� ti '� •h � . � 'y 4 �s � � �► ~ , � �! ��► � g : �Cp � . ;�� � . � � - �� �' , L .•/ � N � �, .rr"' � _ � � x . Sn �5� P �U ., � � � ��� ` � � rn � ' � � �� YMy Q� �` I • � �� -v 10 � • �� , � � . :, r � � � Y4; � T .y+ � ' y�� � . �� � . � � . . ���� _� � � :,;. i �' �, � �� � � . . �' � , ���• � �� � � � •g � � ���� � . ,� � �, o `., � �'�F �� : � � . . , �� � � , � � � �-4 9 "yr �� � •t � � � a �„'�"� p� C � . " � 7 �p � � ��,...rr � � � d . �� � ' � ' ' r ' �.-^ �- , ���- • .• � ,, y � ' ~r• ! � O . ;, , ~ � � �� � �'� r� .. .� , . .`� �j � ' t � ` , � ' • ' � . � r1 .. ''% ' �� . �� 1Z .r� •..,��\+ � �4��•,�,',,,���+... ,� �-'b i � ' = � � • • � 'G. ,,.,� 1 0 p � � , _ -- � . �-. ,, � � � _-- . . , , � ��? t � � � T a �� . . � -`""'� 1� � � m . -- 6� ' . �� �� �.� ,. ,i � •• p � :, �� � � . . ;: . ��' �. - a � . � � :... �`. . • I:l ���� � . .; . �.x� .! � a L 0.L Gll l. T� "' I� - . • '' • • • U,W OFFICES • '' HATCH AND PARENT W54NGElfS sruu.Er G �u'rtH ;, 1M01,€r E wNOCaFn 1191 1 SAN VICEME BLVO. GEAA�04MAFNT ; OE8pMM1,MARTIN A PAOfE5510NAL C00.Y0RAT10N Q«+�� SUITE35� S. TNOTHY WV1uK �. MIGhF11.E l FlCK£TT C1�N�S FiIAHM LOS ANCELES CA 9�049 MAILlNG ADORE55: qR�C�t,WILSON �-�HONE: (310�44G-9996 SUSAMF.PETRO�ICFI ^ !10&NLlEWlS PQST OFFICE DfiAWER 720 S7p�El�/LNOp� PEfffiN.INOWN TiMOTNYG� SANTA SnR9AliA, C.►LIFORNIA 93102•0720 SAN DIECO S►�N�EY H. IWDEN , Cw�Ar M, LYONS . G �� � 110 WEST C STitEET, SUfTE 2200 xorrs. surEa ' MrcrwE�r. M� 1�^� � ca�a�a 5aN DIEGO, U 92� oi �� 27 EA$T CARRILLO STNEET — TELEPHONE f6191702�6100 S�p+'��1AEAIK+W�t MwovwwOLFE SANTA BARBAt[A. CAIIfORNIA 93101•Z7B2 KEypjNf6R C�Rr►1KnSr�o �� GIIOLYN�Trto�r TELEPHONE: (805) 963-7000 SOUTHIAKETaFIOE � ���'� 1954•1999 f�CS1ucLE: (605) 965•4383 TMESUMr�� 1EFff1EY�.DINpN � iUSSAIM.NdLQ7NUN WWW•NATCMYARENT.COM S�UTHLAKETAHOECA%150 � TELEPNONE: 453�) Sd2•7800 hf�xrH.S�CM STEVENwJUNG W�ERTJ, SnPfRSTF1114,� TfNA WIWJ9 �ow �tvns vmar Tp..vis rAwr�wa ouR Fl�E • 7627.99 �vo,nousxn � qucw.TOKUr�.w oiaFCrow�a (805) 852-1414 S�AAHI.YNELM ' I(6VNETHl N6rNIDSON IP(TERNET Gkvistad sr�vwv.,� os� ws�wv November 16 , 2001 �HetchParen�com � ;, ' Mr. Cla.�ence Burr, President Via Express 11�a1 F. Heis� Land and Livestock Company, Inc. P.o. B g4� �Z 7a �� � 9 c�ac. us Minden: NV 89423 ° Re: Nofice of �ntention of the South Tahoe Pub13c Utility District to Adopt ': Resolrttion of Necessity f Deax N1�� Butr: ' ; ' �'his firm represents the South Tzhoe Public Utilitybistrict (District). The Board of Director� of the District intends to consider adoption of a Resolution of Necessity on December 6, 200I, �at a meeting of the DistricYs Board of Directors. If the Resolutian of Necessity is adopted;!it will authorize the District to acquire the property described below (Property) by eminen: �domai.n. The Property is being considered for aequisition in connection with the District'� recycled water operations which are located adjacent to the Property in Alpine County California (Project). Our Preliminary Title Report and the records of the Alpine County Assesso�'s Office show you to be the owner ofrecord of the Property. ; T�:he Property is generally located on both sides of Diamond Valley Road, approximately 500 feet �ast of State Highway 89 in Alpine County, California. The Property consists of eight contiguo��us parcels described as Assessor Parcel Numbers 01-080-56, 01-080-60, 01-080-80, O1- • OSO-81, �1-080-82, 01-200-01, 01-200-10 and 01-20o-11 and encampasses approximately 1,422.9�!acres. The legal description and a map identifjring the Property aze attached to this letter. a ;' . � �ou are hereby notified that the Board of Directors of the District, at a regvlar meeting to be held a� Thursday, December 6, 2001 at 2:30p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter ma.y be heard, at`�he City of South� Lake Tahoe City Council Chaznbers located at 1900 Lake Tahae • Boulevat'd, South Lake Tahoe, California, will hold a hearing on whether such a Resolution of Necessit� should be adopted as required by Califomia Code of Civil Procedure, section 1245.220 for cornn�encement of an eminent domain proceeding to acquire the Progerty. ., � SH 281515 v1:yb07fi27.0106 �� �' EXN1BlYC ,, t i : Ivir. Clar� ce Burr, President Novemb�r 16, 2001 • Page 2 " �, �; Y�bu ue fu,rther hereby notified that you have the right to appear and. be heazd before the � $oard of�irectors of the District at the above scheduled hearing on the following matters: ,� ,, 1.� Whether the Qublic interest and necessity require tlze Proiect; 4 2�' Whether the Proiect is planned or located in the mas�er that will be most '. compatible with the e�eat�st public �ood and the least �rivate injurv' 3.� Whether the Prop.erty is necessarv for the Praiect• and � . 4.'� Whether the offer required by sectian 7fi27 2 of die Government Code has been ; made to the owner(s� of Tecord. A�opy of the Resolution of Necessity will be available, upon your request, for inspection at the offi't^e of the Clerk of the Boazd at the below described address se�ven (7) days after this notice is mailed and prior to the hearing at tha place of the hearing. If �ou wish to appear and be heard on any of the above listed matters, you must ffie a writtea ret�uest to apgeaz and be beaxd on or before 5:00 p.m. on December 1, 2001, by filing or delivering;a written request ta: ' � � „ Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board , South Tahoe Public Utility District ' 1275 Meadow Crest Dave ' South Lake Tahoe, Ca 96150 Y� failure ta file a written repuest to appear and be heacd bv 5 p.m. on December 1. ' 2001 will;�esult b�ot�eration of law i.n a waiver o�your rieht to a�pear and be heard at the above described �eazing on this matter Should vou elect to mai� ro�..._ur re�uest to appear and be heard. it �nust be ac�uall received by the Clerk of the Baazd far the District b_y the above described date. .� . ; . a � � �I ;; ,a �, ' Iti �4 M '1 k S$ Zb�515 V{:007�Z�.O1V11 i I� 1; , �� . -- - „_ ,._. ..... ..., v� uvv L.a� 1 lU CtxL '�'-i�v� i � . � K ' Mr, Cla�ence Buir, President Novem�er 16, 2001 • Page 3 � , ,, xtus notice is not intended to fareclose further negotiations between you and the District for the c►�mpensation and other terms for a.cquisition of the Property. The Distriot cantinues its intent tdimake every reasonable effort to acquire the Praperty by negotiation rather than by litigatiofa in the foma of an eminent domain proceeding. , � ? SincereIy, � ,� . ; ��� ' Gary M. Kvistad ' For HATCH AND PARENT GMK:aar ; cc: R:obert G. Baer, General Manager � I�al Bud, Land Application Manager ✓ �. David Robertson, Esq, � t � . Enclosu�e: Map of Pmperty and Iegal description � . � , i u 1 i i .; i ,t z � : �'; � �` • 1 � . a 1 SB 2fl1515 vl: �07627.0106 �� . � � �; a �. , � d . � � � � � '� PROOF OF SERVTCE � •; , „ . � asn a reside�t of the State of California, over the age of eighteen yeazs, and not a party to the witl�'in action. Mybusiness address is 21 East Carrillo Street, Santa Barbara, California 93101. �n November 16, 2001, I served the within doct:ments: � f 1�lotice of Intention of the South Tahoe Public YJtility District to Adopt Resolution of �Tecessity � ,� by transmitting via facsimile tlie document(s) listed above to the fax number(s) .; set fotth below on this date before 5:00 p,m. '� by placing the document(s) listed above in a sealed envelope vvith postage ? thereon fullyprepaid, in the United States mail at Sa.nta Bazbaza, California ' addressed a5 set forth below. ,� , - X by causing delivery by Express Mail of the documeat(s) listed above to the ' person(s) at the address(es) set forth below. �` � . � by personally deli�ering the document(s) listed above to the person(s) at the : address(es) set forthbelow at approxi.mately 12 noon ; � Mr. Clarence Burr, President Via Express Mail � F, Heise I.and and Livestock Company, Inc. ` P.O. Box 941 � � Minden, NV 89423 � � � x (State) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Califomia that the above is ttue and correct. �� '` Executed on Navembez 16, 2001, at Santa Barbara, Califoraia. .; � A TORRBS ; : • �� ; � �� , . � . � � , , � �� :, �; t a , Y �. . Y .� i � �� • C� i� » � h ►J � ln li " � R' � ^ �'� i � 4+ '�` � 1 �i � „ R � , �{ � � �'{ Q� Y � , � � � � ' .� � �� } _ �p �� � ' � �� � � $ '� " ia '; r� ��,j� � � yyM-}- � yt ,� � �4 � � ..,...-.w'�. � � i 1 � ° � �� �� , � ' � '� . t � � � � „w+��'"" � 1 �� A � . � �, ... s � � �_ � �_ _ �, ; . � : `� �' �'� �j �- � � i � '�'° � `� ��,�� � . �,� , , +�,A $ �� ,� �`•�� g r � . ' � 4 1 � � $ M . �, x � �� ��� � � . ��� , � � � . . �� . - _ � w � � • • � �" O � �'i � = r . � r � ,,,.� r _ � � r"'a. - " ' y ._.- —" � � .. � � � .. � . ----��-- ,..' o :, ^ � �� � ' j . . �� � �� � � `� ;; '� � x � L ' � ri � ,p � � x .. ; �, , � ; .-'_ �1 3� +.' y �.'t"..`'t. �. �� 7° .'• �� . . . � //. + • � � —..� � " �...'°J - . / . � , �_,,,.— . � �. •` r. .: : L ; , 1 t � , � .,� � �.�- � � � � � W ;� r. � � � �� � M � .. N p ' 1 . . '� �. � . a � : ' � x �� . 't �; � _ • � :,� � . x n � . ,� r: • , . ' ,t �� ',i �:+a �..... � n 4 . Y j • . n f M (� � LEGAL DESCRYPTZON . ; N h � Parcel i�l � Parcels;.A, B, and C as shown on tha.t ceztain Pazcel Map filed June 21,1983 i.n the Office of the Count}�Recordex of Alpine County, California in Book 2 of Maps, at Page 14, as modified by a Recard�f Survey for a Lat L'ine Adjurtment filed December 21, 2000 in the Office of the County Record�r of Alpine County, California, in Book 4 o£Maps, at Page 191. :, . Parcel � is currently identified by Assessor's Parcel Numbers 01-080-56, O1-OSO-80, 01-080-81 and O1-;�80-82. � � Parcel � k Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 25, and all of sa.id Section 36 in Township 11 Nor�, Range 19 East, M.D.B.&M. i Except'�g frorn said Section 36, the South half of the Southwest quarter. , , .i Excepii�g from Parcel2 any portion within Parcels A, B, and C as shown on that certain Parcel Map fil�d 7un 21, 1983, in the Office of the CountyRecorder of .Alpine County, Ca]ifomia in Book 2�f Pazcel Maps, at Page 14, � � Also ex�epting from Parcel2, that portion acquired by the South Tahoe Public Utility District by Final Or,der of Condemnation entered in Case No. 77480, in the Superior Court of Placer Counry, State of��Califomia, a certified copy of which was recorded August 1, 1990 in Book 69 at Page 500, Of�icial Records. � Also ex�epting from said Parcel, the Parcel conveyed to the County of Alpine by Road Deed in Book G�f Official Records at Page 300, said Road Deed contains a reversionary clause. � (Assessar's Pazcel Number 01-080-60) , ! F Parcel � � Lot 4, t3i� Southeast quarter of fihe Southwest quarter and the Southwest quarter of the Southeast � quazter �f Section 30 of Township 11 North, Range 20 East, M,D,B.&M., Alpine County, California. � (Assess�'s Parcel Number O1 -aoaol� � ,; 1 , � SB 281540 v1�007627.0099 a i 4 b ' a ��..• 1 C1L � y� V 11 i� il � � � Parcel � ,�� All of �ection 31, excepting therefrorn the South half af the Southeast quarter, in Township 11 North, ; Range 20 East, M.D.$.&M, • ' V Also eX�epting &om Parcel4, that portion acquired by the South Tahoe Utility District by Final Order Condernnation entered in Case No. 77480, in the Superior Court ofPlacer County, State of Cali�rnia, a certified copy of which was recorded August 1,1990 in Bvok 69 at Page 500, Official�Records. ; Also ex�epting from Parcel4, the Parcel conveyed to the County of Alpine by Road Aeed in Book C�of Official Records at Page 300, said Road Deed contains a reversionary cla.use. � (Assessbr's Parcel Nwnber 01-200-11) . .� Y Parcel5 i � Northw�st quarter of Section 32, Township 11 North, Kange 20 East, M,D.B.&M. ;; Also exrepiing from Parcel5, that pordon acquired by the South Tahoe Utility District by Final Order or Condemnation entered in Case No. 77480, in the Superior Court of Placer County, State of Calif`vmia, a eertified copy of which was recorded Augt�st 1, 1990 in Book 69 at Page 500, Official�.tecords, � Also exeepting from Pazce15, the Parcel conveyed to the County of Alpine by Road Deed in Book G�.of Official Records at Page 300, said Road Deed coniains a reverszonary clause. i ,� (Assessor's Pazcel Number 01-200-10) � . . ;; . '� . i � . , i • • �' • �� :, �` � 1 �I ' I � Y � 1 sB2Sls90 Yy } �! I� 4 � , . . � � F. • � Uw OFPi[ES ' . � ST�NIEV C, WtTCH �` tllaOtEY E uwoCREN I�i�iT CH AND PARENT 11911 S N VICENTE BLVD. c�uoe.P�aF�+T '; o�uN�wuriN APROPESSIONALCORiOAATION «��� .SU�TE35o � ctia�s ca.u+u l05 aNGE�FS, C� 40049 S, TiMOTHYIUYMAK � MKlIELLELPICKlTT' TELEPHONE(370)4�6-9996 SuS�N I./ETAOvICN � I�OaN L t8v�s M � 1 L I N G A D D Il E3 5: KI1�K R vn�fOn i POST OfFICE DRAWEA 720 STEVEN�HOp� ►ETE0. M. �pQWN • T1YQ'�IV G W�LE SAN DIEG� � SANTA BAitBARA, CALIFORNIA 93 1 02-072 0 �EORGEShiORT e srautFr k 11ooPN GMI(AM M. LTOIb 110 WEST C STR�ET. SUITE 2I00 SCOrTS AATflt � MIQIAEL T. R/[ �"'� �� �N O�EGO, G4 91101 21 EAST CAltRILLO 5T0.EET - TEiEPi10NE: i619) 702�100 srtvEN�.�uwF�u�uw�t wuoYwwOlF� SANTA 9ARBA0.A, �q{,Ii0RN1A 93101•2782 �N , cnAVM,�mST� � WtO�YN�Taor.�r TELEPHONE: (BOS) 963-7090 �959��999 50lJ'rNIAKETAHOE cHwsrpv�nay�t0a1 w4vSApETM.lqiSti FACSIMILE; 1805) 965�4333 TNESUMMiT JEFFREYADINKIN .� Al13Sd1M.MtCLQiHLIN WWW.l1ATCMPA0.ENT.COM SOUTHLAKFTAHOE TELEPHONE: (530J 54=-7800 JEFFERr H. SrEICt� j STtvQI A,JUNG ��xr�. s�v�x�aar�! mw w+�un �oa �ms rriar ; Tr�,va v.w.,�oes oua ��F s 7627.99 �os�co.wo�s� ,� aucwTOwv.�,� DIIIECTDIALA (305)882-1414 S�Wfl�+ECHt �� KfNNEfNJ.��+R�� Gkvistad nQww,EOS,Fn„��KCS November 16 , 2001 ��"�� @HatchPatent.cam C� � Williar� Weaver � Via �xnress Mail Eddie l�. Snyder 2535Si�teRoute338 EL72y`�796�DUS Wellin�ton, NV 89444 .� ' Re: Notice of Intention of the South Tahoe Public YTtiliiy District to Adopt �� Resolution of Necessity .� Dear Mi. Weaver and Mr. Snyder: y 'i'bis firm represents the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District). The Board of DirectoFS of the District intends to consider adoption of a Resolution of Necessity on December 6, 2001 � at a meeting of the District's Board of Directors. If the Resolution of Necessity is adopted� it will authorize the Distcict to acquire the property described below (Properiy) by .eminenC� domain. The Property is being considered for acquisition in connection with the District`�s recycled water operations which are located adjacent to the Property in Alpine County California (Project). Our appraisal of the property indicates that a lease exists on all or a portion of the P�operty and that you are the lessees under the lease. ,� y The Property is generally located on both sides of Diarnond Valley Road, approximately 500 fee�east of State Hig�way 89 in Alpine County, Califosnia. The Property consists vf eight contigu�us parcels described as ASSessor Pazcel Numbers 01-080=56, 01-080-60, 01-080-80, O1- 080-81,�D1-080-82, 01-200-01, 01-200-10 a.nd 01-200-11 and encompasses approxi.mately 1,422.9a acres_ Thc legal description and a map identifying the Property are attached to this letter. � r .� � '}''ou are hereby notified that the Board of Directors of the District, at a regular meeting to be held �n Thu.rsday, Decernber 6, 2001 at 2;30p,m., or as sooa thereafter as the rnatter may be heard, a� the �ty of South Lake Tahoe City Council Chambers located at 1900 Lake Tahoe Bouleva�rd, South Lake Tahoe, California, will hold a hearing on whether such a Resolution of Necessi�Y shouId be adopted as reqwred by California Code of Civil Procedure, section 1245.220 for com�nencement of an erninent domain proceeding to acquire the Property. ' � 1 ss za�shs �r� oo�6s�.00s� E � � E�CHIBIT a �� . .� ., , . 1L �ul� Y � \� 1 � y Wi ' Weaver � Eddie � Snyder • � November 16, 2001 � Page 2 ; , �, � a �ou are further hereby notified that you have the right to appeaz and be heard before the Board o;�Directors of the District at the above scheduled hearing on the following matters: . �f �. Whether the p,ublic ir�terest and necessiiv reauire the Proiect; i �. Whether the Project is glanned. or located in the manner that will be most �� comQ,atible with the greatest public �ood and the least privata iniurv: �. Whe er the Properiv is necessary far the Project; and. ,; �. Whethex the offer required b�► section 7627.2 of the Government Code has been ' ,� made to the owner(slof record. � 1 ' �i oopy of the Resolution of Necessity will be available, upon your request, for inspec�on at the office of the Clerk of the Boazd at the below described address seven (7) days after this notice i{ mailed and prior to the hearing at the place of the heari.ng. 1#'you wislt to appeaz and be heaxd on, any of the above listed matters, you must file a written r�equest to appear and be heaird on�ar before 5:00 p.m. on Decembez 1, 2001, by filing or deliveri�ig a written request to: � M � Kathy Sharp, Clezk of the Board � South Tahoe Public Utility District ; 1275 Meadow Crest Drive � South Lake Tahae, Ca 96150 ► � �'our failwre to file a written rec�uest to appear and be heard by 5:00 p.m. on December l, 2001, vv�l result bx,operation of law in a waiver of your ri�ht to a�pear and be heard at the aboye describe�l. heazin�on this matter. Should vou elect to mail your request to appear and be heard, it must be �.ctuall� received bv the Clerk of the Board for the District bv the above descn�ed date. � •t � �f k . � ' � R ;I L � 1; 5 • SB 281565 v1�007627.0099 7 i �1 . �� � k ` + u� A . �Williarr� Weavet . � Eddie I�;. Snyder ' Novem�er 16, 2001 page 3 � ' A �� L e District continues its iatent to make every reasonable effort to acquire the Property by nega�ation rather than by litigation in the form of an eminent domain proceeding. i • ' � Sincerely, ! • . � ., 1 � Gary M, Kvistad � For HATCH AND PARfiNT ,� GMI�:aar i cc: i�obert G. 8aer, General Manager '� Hal Bird, Land Application Manager '� } Enclosu�es: Map of Property and legal description � � � �; � ; � � e � • .� i i 4 t . ,, �i � � 4 .' :I H � f� a � ., ,I G SH 281565 Y1�007Gt7.0099 . i. � 4 �i 1: � �� .. � ��. ..z., .v� av� YJJJ �� Iid��ll ll1 YaCtAC �U1J v� a � � [ Willi� Weaver Eddie R Snyder . • � Novemt�er 16, 2001 . Page 4 � •! 4r � � �ROOF OF SERVICE i r am a resident of the State of California, over the age of eighteen years, and not a paifiy to the with�n action. My business address i.s 21 East Carrillo Street, Santa Barbara, Califomia 93101. ;Dn November 16, 2001, I served the �within documents: � ' Noiice of Intention of the South Tahoe Public Y]tility District to Adopt `' Resolution of Neceseity � ; . a � � by transmitting via facsimile the document(s) listed above to the fax number(s) � set forth below on this date before 5:00 p.m, '� by placing the document(s) listed above in. a sealed eavelope with postage �: thereon fully prepaid, in the United States mail at Santa Bazbara, California � arldtessed as set forth below. i • :� by causing delivery hy Express Mail of the document(s) listed above to the ' person(s) at the address(es)'set forth belotiv. a ;� by personally delivering the document(s) listed above to the person(s) at the i address(es) set forth below zt approximately 12 noon � J Wiliiam Weaver + Eddie R. Snyder � 2535 State Route 338 . ; Wellington, NV 89444 �� i ' � y x r, (State) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Califomia that the above is true and correct. �� . y . . .� , if `' Executed on November 16, 2001, at Santa Bazbara, California. • � � . � '; renda Torres � i . SB 281?6S vt �627A�99 � ;i . . I� 9 �i „ ' .j #� r � • �� � - � ; • t,+ 4 t� � • c„� ,� - p . cn � .i 1•� � ,� li � PP a 1 y 1 �� i 4+ i � � "�y t � 4� ' t� G+ 3L ` � r+ � � � � . �' ,a "'� } '��� � � � '►� �. � �� � � � y �� � � t � y � y,+ yl ” � • S1 M+ � � • W1rt ° . � � � '�'� ,�,e,,, .� � �; r� « �� � . ; � � m • . , � ,. y X�W — �I ��. � . � � � � !�� � � �'p - '+� ' a •� • . �' � ���� � � i +:� � . �! � , C�'-� , �;�,• g �� . . o � r � � � r � �, � �� ��� � � � � � . . ; ;�� . � � , � 4 • �� ' ! � • � i l� ` � 1 • � � � � � s (�- � , • , � is_ ,_.,_ ..� � � C � �', �' ' J .-.'"' � � r ' �i • . !' •�,.. , � � M M ..'� r^ , ,, � O . � �t� 4 � 1 . ;, x" _, '° ' �,� iO '';:\' \ � �' ' i i � . ,�,� , _ A � � �' ' �` . ' � 1 �"�. • �'1, T� �. r�` _ , l� � � r' • • � � � • ` � � "� ✓ O '"' �.:✓ � � 1 � f'ry � . ..,,, — i �, � ' ► � "" � ,; �. �i � " 1'� 3 i. ,� � : d ^, • a _..._---' � ' R a � �. .��M ap �� � M , 1� Y �� � n .. t � � o ,' � �� , . M � i� � � _ � . � "a. �. �t . .� ��` �, � 5 . '» '1� ` , 11 ` �� _ ..... ,�� ..�.. :...,v ..a.,.... a�;u ra,cu� -- " _ ` .� t ' � . � ` I i . � M , � LEGAL DESCRII'TION , . . 1 Parce! � „ Parcels �4., B, and C as shown on that certain Parcel Map filed 7une 21, 1983 in. the Office of the County�ecorder of Alpine Couniy, Califomia in Book 2 of Maps, at Page 1�, as modified by a Record vf Survey far a Lot Line Adji�stmerrt filed December 21, 2000 in the Office of the County . Recorde� of Alpine County, California, in Book 4 of Maps, at Page 191. � � Parcel l�is cuir�ntly identified by Assessar's Parcel Numbers 01-080-56, 01-0$0-80, 01-080-81 and O1-Q80-32, � ; �; Parcel � ; Southeaat quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 25, and all of said Section 36 in Township 11 Nortt� Range 19 East, M,D.B.&M. � Exceptin�; from said Section 36, the South half of the Southwest quarter. � a Exceptiag from Parcel2 any porCion witbin Pazcels A, B, and C as shown on that certai.n Parcel Map filec� Jun 21, 1983, in the Office of the County Recorder of Alpine County, Calif`arnia in ' Book 2 c��Parcel Maps, at Page 14. ; Also esc�pting from Parcel2, that portion acquized by the South Tahoe Public Utility District by Fi.nal Orc�er of Condeauiation entered nz Case Na. 77480, in the Superior Court of Placer County, State af California, a certified copy of which was recorded August 1, 1990 in Book 69 at Page 500, Offi'�ial Records. L Also exc � tulg from said Parcel, the Parcel conveyed to the County of Alpine by Road Deed i.n Book G�Official R�cords at Page 300, said Road Deed contains a reversionary clause. n . � (Assesso�s Pazcel Number 01-0$0-b0) � , Parcel3 � r ' Lot 4, thef.�Southeast quarter of'the Southwest quartex and the Southwest quarter 6f the Southeast � quarter of;Section 30 of Township 11 North, Range 20 East, M.D.B.&M., Alpine County, Califozn.i� . �� ,, (Assessor�s Parcel. Number 01-240-01) � 1� ,� • � F R • • 11 SB 281590 vl: OI�7627.0099 n a < { . Y i� i. 1 . �1 � ; 3 . �� � � � Parcel��{ :t All of �ection 31, excepting therefrom the South half of the Southeast quarter, in Township 11 North, �ange 20 East, M.D.B.&M. Also e� epting from Patcel4, that ortian ac uired h the South Tahoe �Ttility District by Final P q Y Qrder Coz�demnation entered in Case No. 77480, in the Superior Court of Placer County, State of Ca]ifl,�rnia, a certified copy of which was recorded August 1, 1990 in Book 69 at Page 500, Official�Records. r� �� Also ex�epting from Parcel 4, the Parcel conveyed to the Caunty of Alpine by R.oad Deed in _ Book G"of Official Records at Pa;e 300, said Road Deed contains a reversionary clause. ,1 � (Assessc�r's Parcel Nunber 41-204-11) � � Parcel5� .i � Northwe�t quarter af Section 32, Township 11 North, Range 20 East, M.D.B.&M. Also exc tYng from Parcel5, that portion acquired by the South Tahoe Utility District byFinal Order of; ondemnation entered in Case No. 77480, in the Superior Court of Placer County, State of Califoi�nia, a certified copy of which was recorded August 1,1990 in. Book 69 at Page 500, Of�'icial �ecords, . G Also e:cc ��ting from Parcel5, the Parcel conveyed to the County o�Alpine by Road Deed in Book G af Official Records at Page 300, said Road Deed contains a reversionary clause, V (Assessor' Parcel Number 01-200-10) . k • � a �i � � � u . i i . ' �l .; I� � �i i � � a n i' � ,1 , • q ,� 1 � SH 287590 vl: 007�27.009J If ,� r � . --, _ � , , 4 , ._ , ' � �- r�; �--�--� !� , ���a.�.,,�y� ' l' - : c . �+ :. :�.. • ` t'Sr f �'(.n�t�1 C 0 V E R S H E E T � ° i� Robertson & Benevento ' L � -�-` �-� ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW G. DAVID ROBER7SON (NV. & CA.) BANK OF AMERICA PLAZA LAS VEGAS OFFlCE: SAM BENEVENTO (NV., CA. & AZ.) 50 W. LIBERTY ST. SUITE 600 1945 EAST WARM SPRINGS ROAD RENO, NEVADA 89501 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89119 TELEPHONE: (7751 329�5600 TELEPHQNE; (702� 433-2�0� KIAK C. JOHNSON (NV., A2. & C0.) FACSIMILE: (775) 348-8300 FACSIMILE: (702) 269-8139 JARRAD C. MILLER (NV.) E-MAIL; GQavid@NVLAWYERS.COM E-MAIL: BEN@NEVLAWYERS.COM To: Mr. Mark Neddenriep From: Lisa Newman, Secretary to G. David Robertson, Esq. Fax #: (775) 782-8665 � Client #: 762-01 Subject: Heise/Diamond Valley Property Date: August 20, 2001 Pages: 7, including this cover sheet. Please call (775) 329-5600 if all pages are not received. COMMENTS: The attached offer generally sets for the proposed terms and conditions. The current ofFer is $5.309 million. THE FOLLOW ING PA GES ARE A CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATION INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PERSON NAMED ABOVE. IF YOU ARE NOT TAAT PERSON, PLEASE DO NOT READ THE FOLLOW ING PAGES. IF TH� PERSON NAMED ABOVE IS NOT AT YOUR ADDRESS, PLEAS� NOTIFY US TMMEDIAT�LY BY TELEPHON� AND R�TURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US BY MAIL. W� WILL GLADLI' R�IMBURSE YOUR TEL�PHON� AND POSTAG� �XP�NS�. THANK YOU. .� t �i������G�1�/?i �%� � ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW G. DAVID ROBERTSON INV. & CA.) BANK OF AMERICA PLAZA LAS VEGAS OFFICE: SAM BENEVENTO (NV., CA. & AZ.) 50 W. LIBERTY ST. SUITE 600 1945 EAST WARM SPRINGS ROAD RENO, NEVADA 69501 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 8917 9 TELEPHONE: I776) 329-5600 TELEPHONE: f702) 433-2000 KIRK C. JOHNSON INV., AZ. & C0.) FACSIMILE: (775) 348-8300 FACSIMILE; (702) 269-8139 JARRAD C. MILLER (NV. & CA.) E-MAIL: GDavid@NVLAWYERS.COM EMAIL; BEN@NEVLAWYERS.COM August 24, 2001 VIA U.S. MAIL Robert S. Pelcyger, Esq. FREDERICKS, PELCYGER & HESTER, LLC 1075 South Boulder Road, Suite 305 Louisville, CO �0027 Re: F. Heise Land & Live Stock Co., Inc. Diamond Valley Property Dear Mx. Pelcyger: Thank you for traveling to my office yesterday on short notice to discuss the terms of a sale and gift of water rights and land from my client, F. Heise Land a11d Live Stocic Co., Inc. ("Heise") to the Pyramid Lalce Paiute Tribe ("Tribe"). This letter will confirm our discussions and lay the groundworlc for the next step in the sale/gift process. For bacicground, our interest in t,his transaction arises from a long-standing feud between Heise and the Sout�1 Tahoe Public Utilities �istrict (wllose ironic acronym is STPUD). The origins of the feud are irrelevant, but the current discord arises from a threat by STPUD to condeinn 1442 acres of Heise's property in Alpine County, California, along with 4,500 acre/ft of Heise's senior- priority Alpine Decree water rights ("Property"). STPUD intends to utilize the Property to generate additional capacity and meet environinental sta��dards for its effluent disposal system. Although sorne negotiations to purchase tlie Property have occurred, STPUD's final offer substantially under-valued the Property. Essentially, STPUD has offered $5.3 �nillion for both the land and water, whereas we value the water at about $3 million aild the land at over $6 million. At the beginning of the purchase negotiations we were assured by STPUD t11at a condemnation wauld not occur even if we were unable to reach an agreeineiit on price. Quite Lulfortunately, however, they have now reneged on that promise and threatened to condemn us if we refuse their latest offer. As you can imagine, this has infuriated my client beyond belief, and he has now stated that he will do whatever it talces to prevent STPUD's condemnation of l�is property. F:IWPDOCS\Heise\Diamond Valley\Letters\2001\Pelcyger 0824D7..wpd f ' r Robert S. Pelcyger, Esq. August 24, 2001 Page 2 Our proposal is thus simple — we would like to sell a small portioii of the water and land to the Tribe to establish value, and then gift all (or substantially all) of the remainder of the water and land to obtain a large charitable contribution that we can then use to offset capital gains from sales of Heise parcels in Nevada. The primary issue that requires resolution before this transaction can occur, however, relates to the Tribe's ability to prevent a condemnation of the water and land. As we discussed, the gift would be conditioned upon the Trib� holding the property, i.e., the Tribe would not be able to sell, encumber, lease, exchange, transfer or allow the condemnation of the properiy for some period of time, perhaps 10 years. If that occurred, the consideration for the sa1e, encumbrance, lease, exchange, transfer or condemnation would then be due from the Tribe to Heise. Once this deed restriction expired, however, the Tribe would be free to use the property for any purpose. Since we are concerned about preventing a condemnation, we need to know what defenses the Tribe could utilize to blocic that effort. In this regard, we understand that you are authorized to conduct research on this issue to determine if the Tribe could prevail against STPUD in a condemnation action. While I agree that some of the ideas we kiciced axound yesterday may be successful in this regard, my client would lilce to feel certain that his gift will produce the desixed result before committing further. Accordingly, we would like to talce advantage of your offer to research this issue. If the Tribe cannot prevent a condemnation, then my client will have to explore other options, such as a gift to a governmental agency. If, on tlie other hand, it appears that the Tribe can prevent a condemnation, then we can further explore the funding and gift issues that we discussed yesterday. If you require any additional information to conduct your research, please do not hesitate to contact me at once. Otherwise, we will simply loolc forward to receiving the results of your research within 10 days. We can tllen malce a more informed decisioil regarding how to proceed. Once again, thanlc you for meeting with us yesterday. We loolc forward to worlcing with you on this most interesting transaction, and possibly other issues that may arise in the future. Sincerely yours, ROBERTSON & BENEVENTO �--=° •�G �-..�.w G. David Robertson gdr/hs cc: F. Heise Land & Live Stock Co., Inc. F:\WPDOCS\Heiae\Dlemond Valley\Letters\2001\Pelcygez U82401.wpd � ' ,���V 11 •� � LLhRCK rKUTtR 1 1 CJ ��1 FROM � `., l ra,rrrr^ � nc� n+� ... .:... , �. . _ . r f"fJ '�i7C '(1C7 t''. k'J3 :.; ;;,�'. � F.. . ... , wGwMSG�na.wu�w tAND PURCHA5E AGR�EMEN7 � , Y:: ` �, � D�FINtTIQNS BROitiR includes eoo�aratinp brokars and oR wlse persons. DAYS meana aelentlar daYS, midnt9ht to midnipht, unlsaa othanvite sp�eitied. Ht1$HYE&S OAV exeludes Batu rdays, Scendays arid ieepal hol;dayc. DATE OF ACLIEP7ANCE meana Nis elm SeNer.reeepy tAa 4lfer Dr the Buylr �epts tha countrr o.Yer. OELlY�RFA moans percanally dolivered, tranamitted till fatiimile macbirte, hy s .� nx;onally rocopnfzed w�rnipYe �ouripr, or hy depasit in the iJ.S. Mai1, peetap� preoaid. In the event of msiiinq, the daa�ment witl ... bc desmed drliverod thres t3f businass days a�ksr daporR; fn !he woM of owrnfght cowiar, ono (1► bueiMSS day aRor depoclt; and H by fses�mi4a, et tims oF transmiaswn providat� �az a transmission repurt is penerated snd retained by the aandar nrflociinQ ' �` C�aoour�e uansmic�ion ofthe doeumant, lfnless othnrwiee pro�ided in tb;a Apre+ms�t er by taw, doliwry to the aganfwili com ._ ' atitutq delivery to the p�ineipal. Da7E OF GLdSIIMfi` moet►t elfe data iitk is trenoforrad. TfAM1R1N/IrMIG TII4E qCsl1EE�MEM' meanc � Shar 6oth partiss sm niievnd of th�ir obl;gationr 8nd a1f dapoaka wiil 6s rcturned R� BuYe� leso ex0�+ses inaurred by or an .. aacaun� of 6uyar ta da:m of 1�orminatinn. PROOER7Ymeans th� r�af properly ind sny ponen!! propdRy Ineluded in tf1� ssla, AdENCY RElAT10ni5►aP Cdw�sLTlCN. The Fnlfowrr� agancy ni�ticruchip is rereby eonflrmed for thia ttensact+on ertd supenstfss a�ry p�ior agQncy �Isetion: • LiS11NG �GEM1tT: ff the Agem Of (phnek o�: imM e.w n�rw `- �i tik 8�tb� �oeelusiwly; er C� both the Buyer md Eatlu. , '.' ;� SELLING AGENT: � R �-��.t.Q.�..�.�..�..Iif nei4110 iii110 aS d19 LICRI�� Adl11[� fAS1U A9�M Qf (ChiCK Of1O1: Mrtiim�w�� �.f , � f�] tM auyK e�edusivafy: or r="? tl+e S�ker exek+sire�y: or O botb tM BuYer end SAlar. llbtr. Tihic opnfrm�ation W9L6 IVO7 Nlrt fbe pfies of the A6iANC1' DISCLOSURE forr» fl!P. Foim 7lQR CALI eNquirod 6V law. - �p, rr S �a. � �.t.J' u. n Ky�,�L..AS�2'�� '�T�? � �M1--='sr' . � h�rsinsf[ord�+gnated �rs BU�'ER, oNars to pur�hase ths rool proPercY situefled in ' d County af ..�IL.�,:-�+.�, Catifomia. acnsi4tiqq Qf� �ppronimetaN �1�1 acrot, C� sq. tL, tom• moniykno,..^.� �rvaatT�e.ri n,F �q1fd��_t_�4c r_rs r4 � .�-s�-_•�4�,lL �iv �+.2w'?af.�..f-z F4RTHEPU(iCHA5�1°RICEOfS��.Tee�,. ( "���SC�',(Fv+OA��ii 'r'�••� Ti/�5�!'4M�0 doilats). on the kllowSng terma and conditions: ,. �xcu�� r�u� . a s �.�Q; DEPOStT widenerd by I� sheek, C other. hald uneashad urm� sae nee a d � a,t�t r than throe t3) businras days thswoiesr doposhed cowxd the purcF�aae pr+ca wYh: �L'Q r,�iG�� B. S ADDITNDNAI. CASH bEPQS1T m M placad in �acrow Ci rvithin ._...__.,. day� M aeaptaneg, C'.a upen � rpmoval ata!! canditions, 0. l.�..�,.._,_.. BA[ANC£ OF CASH PA'VM6M needed to closa, not ie,cfudinq desing aoeu. D. S 80NOS dR AS9ESSMEN7S o} rocard if asaumad hy BuYrr. - ' � S�_.,. OTtiER RNAAIClN6 rER�AS: „�...... ..�..,_......_.. • F � p°"P T4T{ll PURCNASE PRtG� (not ipdudFng elosing aasta). 2, IE![ANtiNAflON OF 7'lTLE. !n additioe+ ta any eneux�brancas assummd or taken "subject ta." Ssfler wil� nonvey tieie u tha qropany sub��et on�y ta: ii1 reel aaes�e vne�e n� �,os dua: and �11 cevenentS, eandidons, ra4vlet�ans, nghts af way and eosements of rswsd, i! ony, which do not meteristiy affeec tho vslw er intendad vae c+EtMe P►ePartV• , Wkhin fhros 13f days akar aouepcsnoo, 8uy+r un'1! ordar a Preliminary Title Repett and eopies ef CC&Rs antl asMSr documents af reoord t� appl"webls• �hin i'iw 481 doys afker reaeipt, Buyer will rsport to Soll�r in writi�g aery �alid obiettions to tiMe eontsined ' in wch raport (other �han monetary lians to be paid upon elou of escrowl. If duY�� Object9 t4 a�Y amCeptiorfs tq thd thla, 3oHer w711 vso due diliyensc to romave sueh s+eesptivnt st his or her ow� eYva++as twlae afssa of sferow B such ��sptiona cannot be rcmoved baFere dose at eacrow, thia Agreeman! will t�rmieata. unlaso BuYg� e�eeh9 to qurohs�e the prepeAy oubjset t4 tueh • rzapcfona. If $olle� cano�udaa ht or she is in good ta�th unabie to rernove sucfi oAjecrionf, St�ier w;N neeify Buyar w►thin tsn R1CI _ r�.ys sftar roeapt oi oaid objacfiaris. tn tha� avent Buver may tsrminaoe this Aq�eemaht, 3. OPTI NA! d7NMT10N� Proviaions ?-A throuph 3-G, if lnitialod bslew by Bu�wr, ara intluded +n thls Apreemertl: � .. � (�1 A. �OR TES'f5. Upen ae�epcanca of this Ag�eameni, 2uyer w�tl have Lhe ►igNt to 90 nn the properLy to canduet soil teslS, � fncluding p.�aelatio.+ ieaes. to asoe�tain wh�eher x+a propar,y ia suitab�e 4ar tive imp�owattamc which 6uyer propoees to make. Atl asp�nars ef auch tests w+7� be horn� by tho � Buyer. C� SaUer. 6w4r wiN bo ►asPontiblo kr tl�i ' rapai� snd resto�ation of arty dama�e to r6� propertY wh ieh m�y ba caus�d by such swses. If in the rassonab{a opinion of tho soil� •nginarr. amptayed by 6uyer, the rlrop•rty is nae ouitabie 4or the propaaed d�vstopmenL 6u� may sen min�sa thls Ayreement. k�b �ox lntonded:har the soita tests will inCluCe casts tor toxic conteminetian u�lesa atha� agread In wrltinp by the parties. BuMer win opprove or disapprove the resuits oi tho teaes in wrking wP�hin days aF �trMqs. �W« r`� ��.t �nd BaMer C.—� t......._1 Y+rva ►erd this pag�. GtR10N:7'Ye c�rriph Iwn ef �hs UnlKd 91�ta la�litM �tiudYaieetl rerroduc� of �ii�s torm sy mry rneens indu6wj saaNag a. ae�paAzad fwMa�s. n�➢a t .( 6 o�ou �PldclSCIOItILL rortMnwb ltRLt11� WMFI6NSp�4A.ilIYBYNIOlLt9l�AL►U�WIC.71fBd.NNYPYClNMB�Wi.tUREtb,NOYI►qCRNIMlI PUYLIliIU�C ...:. •�: . ��uv � e/YJl 11 � YJO ' t �� . � � �,� � . , , ... ._ _ ��ru�c►t I I 1 t5 t, �1 . �r�r� �ra� �ra.� P. � _ Prauer�N� A� . ...._. _._ • -° -• . ° - — -- -• • -- ( J7" '! 8. SURVEY. Upqn acc�e� otanea of �his Agreemem th@ p►OpAI'ty wiN bd iUNCYBd by A 1I,�M99d iUNeyor sf sha erpanRa 01 G-� the Ci�r 8uvsr, �.7 Sei;er. The aurveyor will sat �nd Nag afl proparty Onas, io b►approved in w�tina by Buve� peior to clo=e of sscrow. �,._.� C. PR10E bASED ON At1EA. The purchqse price 'rs b�sed uAon � .... C� psr aere, C7 par apvare toot, and � C wi�l, � wt11 rat bo adjussed in aecordance +vith the area sos faRh ih t�e sunroy undsr Pro�is�on 9-B. ` L..__) D. GEaLOCi1Cw1 REPOf� Upo� aeeepcanee of this Agreemerr[, Buyer will have t1*e riqht �o obtai� o gsolopioal re�vrt `: from a� reqi�tered �eolapist at ths axpensc of Q Buyer O SeUer. $uyrer wi1J be qeomed to hava approv�d smid � repcxt unlass w�iteen natea tu the contterv is dalivorotl ta Sel�er or h7s ar her Sroker within . drys of aoo�p- tanes.ln ihe avaot of disapprava�, 6uyer may terminate zhis Apreemern. ; 1.�1 E. WELL REPORL Upon �ccepsance of this AgreamaM, Buyrr wilt ohta�n e well repott from a liansed wedl drillt+rQ con- � i G• sractor at the expe o� Buvar, �7 geller. Baver wiu approve or di�approve the reeuhs of ths taase in wr�oing vJEtAin tlsys W seceptance_ tn tha av��K of disapprovai, B�:yer rnay termi�au thisAgrsertunt _. � ( ,. i f, C&RTfFrCA:TE Oi CGMPI.i4NCE. This cffe* ia �onditfonod Gpon obtsining a Cornlieianal CertlflCau of Gompli8nao� from et tKe QYponsa ei O Buvsr O Sellsr whhin days ef accsptanee. � fUnqer Gwernmkei Cods 56f+d94.35, a buysr or aelle� may App4y xa the ioeal aganey for s certiFios/a that sU ef tM �� sutidivisian laws applicable w ther inc hava bsen sMisfrod.) t YV�71 G. TRX OEPEAAED EXCNAMGE fINV�Ti�RENT PRaPERTVI. ln tftie ovent Shcer wishes to anter i�to a tax defKnd � G� sxehan�ra for tha properry, or Buyar wishas m sntsr inee a tax defsned axchanqe with respent 1a property ouvnad bY him pr h!r in C4��'tEGSiOM1 w�th t�ia tra�Sgctiorl, sach of the parrias a�}nas ro eooporata wifh ths other pany in conneo- • iion wich aueh awchanpo, Ineludina sh0 execution of sueh docurrtenca as an�+ 6s rtasonabhr n'ces,eary to wmpiete tha e�echanqo, prCVidetl th�G (s{ thd Other Apr(y will pot be Obligt�ted ta dolxy 1he d�inp: ip1 all addldonel costs in oon- naction with the exehAnge will ba borna hy the party ►aquestinp ►he a,rehsngec; (c1 the tnher yarty wilt rtot ba ohlipatsd m ax�cuto any nbta. eancraet, d�ad or other doeumsnt provid'rhg ior any personpl ;iabilityr whieh w�OulA survi+r� the ' a�rchar,9e; and Id1 the other party wifl nosuks sitla to cny p►aparry athe► tj+an the proDarty deacribod in this ' Agroemans. Th9 ethsr paRy w;ll Fa6 indemnifieo and held harmkss again�t a1+V liability which ar�aes or is claimed m � hav�e ariaen nn aacuns ot the exehanpa. `?.:. 4, iORDS IWD ASS�S$MENTS. All banda and aseea3mCnts whieh aw patt o! or poid with ths propeAy tax bill will be aslummd by � the Buyor. M sha ovsnc thera aro other Dands or acsassm�nee wh�ch have an outatsnding prineipal bolanca and are a liea upon the •• proparty, tM Curr�rtt instellm�rrt will ha prorata<i bnwasn BuYar and Sallsr os of the dirM oF dasing. Future inttsNm9nm wiA b4 , arsumad by Buyer W.?HOUT CFtEDIT toward the purehsae price. EXCEPT A5 FOlLOWB: 7his Agreemenc ia condiaonad upan batk paKies wrffyin8 and approving in writir!g the amount eF amr ba�d or aiYaessmpnt m bs - �sumod nr paid wkhin tsn (14) tlsya atsar w�esipc of s�e prelPminary titl� roport. In the ewrnt of disappfOVAt, th0 d'napproving - psrty mey xrminate this Aprcem@nt, /� 8, 6VIDERCa TRt�E. �n t f r of a CLTA or ALTa poliry n4 TMo fnsuraneo, iasuad by��' �!.� uj- �'�- ���Q L� , asiei by �OTE: �n atld'etidn m cov�r�go untl�r 6 CLTA paficy, the ALTA polioy maY ofle� atlqltiot�l eavsr• sps for r number unrecorded mastrn. Buyer shoula diseun the shoiee of e CLTA c atTA po}♦oy wieh th* 1if1� aompany of hia ar h6r CNOic� at tha tims ssarow ia opsnetl. , B. YESTED TlTl.i. ?he mann�r e� takiny ticlo may tuiva aiqntficant lagal and tsx toncnquenco5, 9uyer sh4ulA obtai� aqviea from hie - ar her lapaf or tax counset ragardinp this matter. 7. PI[OPERTY MY'�, Tbi$ ,b,g�eement ia contSngerrt upon @uye�g indep�rtdent investiaaUOn ol LAa tollow�ng wnd�lons tNai�ng to the property. A. Zoning and iand use deoiqnaAOns and repuiremence. 8. Avaitabit$y of u[iiKiec and caata bt dav9lo�iment. C. Toxic conqmSnatian. 9u�rer will he deem�d tra treve approv�d thes� eanditiona u�loss wrin�n rm:iea ta th■ aontra.v is detivarrd No Saller or hia or ' her 8roker witliin �_ dayp af woeepta�ea In the Rvrnt of d'aepprovsl, Buyar msy termioato this Agreamor�t, . E. CHiFil1LT� LIpt11pJ1TED D1NI�IW6i. ' # 8uyer lails to oomplste the purahase of the p�roperty boquse af a dalault by Buye� Seller may puesue smf ronesdy in law ar ee}u6t�r that it may have aga�nst Buyer an aceonrn of the dtFau�t; prwidod, Mawever, that by _ placinp tfisi� initisis in tha spaces below "t.� G�14.00-'t BWa sqrasa i..._..,J 1_�J euyer dosc netagraa - . L..�.JI ISelleragrees I...,.....w)I_._...._7 Sede�doeanotag�e th8t d o a. S an a�ourrt not to irxcMrd tl�e mo++e�y d«poaii.d !ty �uyor undsr this co�eaet, w�tf oonsti- tvtv IFqu'ulat►d damages psyable ta SeHer if Buyer teils to con�pJet�e the ptfrehaee of the praperty b�oause oP e cfefanit by Buyer. b, The payment af zueh liquidatad damagea to SN1er wilt aortstituse ths exalusive temedy af Se1le� or� accourK of eny d+e�sult fiy �uysr. a Liquidstad d�r++*gra wtlt b. peyable to SRll�r out of Buyer's dwpot�ts toward pv�ehase of the proper'ty according ta the foliowiny prooedwe� (1? The Sall�r will give wri#tan .wtico t"SeJlar'a notiee end dsmand"), in the manatr presptlbfd by 6Wer L��1 �1 v+d Satkr L..� L�.i hava road this oaq�r. CAIRtON: TRr apMri�i qwa N�he uehae Sass ta0ta m� rea+nAaris�d r�elueY� sf rhix (an1 by iny ee�ns i�aluiinp swnnin� er cnm}rte�had lurmatr_ ror�ars,�� ����taM�. - - IdRM10l tOw��ttp +�aerprtnrwnwu.rueuaw�e.�cSOC+,+u�uNrEVauvn,aurr�ron,uwaro,e�wNO tns�ewru y�,�qAC . ':�p�� , , � �,uv ,�rj' 11 � k7J �rwr� . �.�...... .,_. C;LF�K PRDPERTIES C�� ' 775 ?82 �165 P.O� • Pa. �¢,,,—+�,� a.� v- • • ?ro0ar�y AtlWess ._. . . ' ._., iC. � �"' y" y► � J '"� ,�I �.�1L._ i4a,.,c�•+,�r aC. f �. �,. 3F11B.3'4d of the Code nf Ctv� Procedues for sen�ica 1n a srrwa! c�atn� ssii�o,,, :o ascraw holde► and tn .' SWer tl��t BuY�+ �s � deFsuk ur►dar this Agrwrnenf and titiat Sette. is damandir►g that th� eseraw �. � holdar r�enit the at4resaid arnou►n irtrsn the depo�sits tc SeNer as tiquidat�d clamagss uales�, hrithlp � . twenty i20� days, BuWer givec !he +d�a�ow l�older Buyer's wrreten objwction to disbursaMetlt oi saie! depocita as fiquidatati dam��es ("Bnyer's abjection"?. .: {2} guyw wiU have a pariod o4 2� daya from ti+� data of newipt of Seller's notiCa and deml�nei in which tn g� the estrow hMsier Buyer's oi�jacEion. � t81 1f Buyer ft+As to give tha �ssrovy holder 6uyre� objection uuit6in 2Q days firom the dpts �f raceipt oI SNler^a notias and demand ta! aaerow holder wi11 promptly rqmit tl,a amount demanded t�o Selfer; : and tbf Setier is reiessad frorn any abtiqation te setl the pKoperty to Buy�; ; {41 If Suyer qlvas esctow hotder Buyer's ob}actlon within 2D daya frorn tl.e dste of .ecvipt of Settar�s natiee �nd domand, tl►en rthe datarminatlen as ta whether Sefies is entilled to 11+r digburser�ent of ih�e � daposils as1u� uidaeed darnages, and every arther asuas af scteo» that has srisan betwasn Buysr and � Seller onder thia Aproetnertt, wli( be settlad by arbitraEion ia aceordanae with tlna provisions of {tem � it. ARBRRATiON Of flISPUTES. i�f If U►a da�tsm+i�atiaK +et to whether fieller is entitlad Ra disbursema+t of'Rt�s dsposit as Kqua�ialed dam- ages is re[erreci ta a�ttration, anY'�ae to inkiate arbiEr�tion wHl be paid by SeNer, but ths cast af arbi- tration wiR uftin►atety bs borns a� determined by tha arbluator. ti. O�[1LT, ih the e,ro�st 8vyn el�fsc,lee in ika parlermanae eF lhla Apreeenent (unt�es Buysr and Sei+er r,ave agreed to )Yquid6taut dsmagssl. Seqer rnay. tubject ta any rlghts of the Broker, ►ctsin 9uyar'r deposrt to che rrctsnt af dernegar supainpd �rn! rnay tske sueh aetione ae ha a she deems apprepriats eo e�hoa rueh addieiona� darnagas as nsay have been aatually ��prai+wd.8uyar wiu � hsve the Aght ta lake �euoh action aa he or aY,o desms �pr4priau m rocover such poRien ai the r[st+os�t as mny be a�llowad 8y -. 1aw. In tha event cNat Buyat daieuho (unFese Buyor and S�Ilor hava a9r0ad to Iiquidatatl darhaglasi �uytrr �gr�as te pay the . Broke�ts) any oon+missia+ ehat wavld be payabie ay Sdkr in ehe aEse�ce oi cueh dotautt :. � . '10, NIEAJATION bF 01SP11T6S. N a dispuee a.ises out W or rota[tis co thic Agnarnont vr ite breaaM, by initialing inttie "8gret" apeaes bRlow ths paniea agrce m first try In gomf feith to settk the diapute bv valuntsrv mediation batore resortinp to cnurt �ction er 'ir tiun, unleac •Iw ditpuus u a matnr exeludad under hem t i.�..AR8tTR11T10pt. t�uv+tr sgrass ( J t,__._1 Bwer doas not agrat . L L Seliar eprees fr._...,11 15e1tardoas nat spnee ' , t1. ARBITR/I�ION OF i1�SPtfTRS. Any �oute w claim in law br e�uily arising out oF N+ir Agra�mb�rt w1J( be decided bY neutral bind� ,' ieig ubthation in aqcerdanee with th� CalEfem;a 4rbitrsfion Act (C,C.P, 51280 at aati.). and net by oeurt aet�un mca�pt ae pMVided by Califamia laa► for judieiat rw:�rw ot acbtt�tion pTat�edi�gs. Ju+dgment upon tha awa►d rendered by ths �r6te�xtoNal nray Jw eeiterad in any oourt hsving juriadOMton. TAe pa,rtias will hsw the rigM to disoevory in sasordaROS wieh Cads of Ctvt! PraetJwe � i1283,d5. Tha parsias ��na tl�at the I`ollowMp pwaeCk�R witl gavrm Iho r+wking vf the award by the atbitra�: (�t � TaeKattve Aw+ud wlll be nMde bY tlrs a.brtrstor wiehin 30 days fo4owing suhmimeien ef th. matew ea the atbitrator, 1b1 ths TaMieiw �ward wdl mrplain th� lrewal and te0r1 Wsia for the eebitrrriora deeietov as to ssaA of tl�s pri�d'ipsl wntroverted �Swes: (rJ tha Yentatiw Aursrd wU! 6e w+ wrKino unle�s th� psRies ayno athawise: providsd, bawsver, tlni if tht hwring ia aoxeiadad witAin ontr dry. ' ths 7eh�otiw AwarB rr►ay be m�de o.dly �t the f+erring in Ihe preeence of the psrtiea. Within 14 days ah�er tha Ts�e�ttw Ilw�rrd has bMn ss►wd �s► snnounded, sny perty may ssrw objeeeiont te !hs T�adire >vnnd, Upen ebjaet5qes bring timOty eeewct, the arbltribn. may rall for additioi+s! svid�nea, orat er wrritt�n a►ytmtent o� bath. ]i i►e obyretia�re ar� Kled. tM te�►raiivs Award wiU haetoma flna! wftlqu[ tuRfies �efSo� by tfiie psrKas or artsitrett+r. W�thin SO days aiter tfie 1iliiny et abjastians, ths wrbi#rslor Wi(1 aiUsev nuke !ha 7aitntiw Award t�nti or mod�y ar eorroat tAo Tanbtiva Arwrc{, whiNh wfll tMn b�aon�a Rn�! ar ma�fiod or oor• � nefi�d. TIr pravlsiom o1 GC.P. 1128.6 ewthorizing the imvosition of ssnet7a�ns ac a rasult of brd (aith ai�n�s ertaolliea w1A apqhrt+o . the arbitntiert ��opedings. A pMVailing party will rlsp pd antlttetl to �e aation lor.nshe:eus p�mecvCpr+ il the elen+anh ot sucl� eausp a1 aclion are met� , iM iaGawiAg wutMra rre wmluded 4rort� srb�tra�len: (a0 a judiciwl o/ non��udieial leroalasu►s er ethu� aeYrolt or procoedm8 ta Mto.ae a desd of Must, mcittpa0s, or wa1 �noperty salw �enu�et r+s �rwd in Civil Cede 929i85: (b! sn unlawiui deMi�sr �tioe�; le) th� filiag or snfera�mant el� a rnrehrnit�s Ikn; (d} any m�tEpr whleh is wkhin tKe Juripdkttan of a probaer eourt, w smsR ' ctaimH eoue� a fel rn action la bac4Ny Injury or wrongful dosth. er fer Istrnt x pa�writ d�f�cts to whiei+ Code of Ciuil Proeaduro Si=7.7 ar �337.45 «ppiiss. Tke �Flinp d a l�a�l �eeon to anaqle tri0 raeewd(ng bf d notics ef pendfng aation. !ar ortlrr eE ettaek� • a�aM, rocoivaeship, inj4nation, or ofhdr pror�sinnsl remodiet„ wd) npt aonstltuta a v.afiver bi sIM right m m�lmfarte und�� 1Ms p►o. ' visibn. ,': 1110'C1Crc: By initialing i�n the 7C�C6 bC10W yOtl ifC g1V�ltg {7p y4U/ jU�0�i1 TIg41tS t6 L��904V0ty iMld �?pCpl, unless thasa rigNts are ,apseifcalty Fncluded in the "Arbihatiari af Di�put�s" pravision. tf you refusr to aub�it ta arbetrelio» � agreeing to tht� provision, yau mey be rernpadlsd fo rrbKraRe under th+s authorky of the Gslilornia Code oF Cwi! Proeedure, Your agreom�nt tb tbix erltiitra'tion proVisian xs volun#ary. � We havt raad and uad4rsxand the faregoinp a�d ogree ta sutsmit disputes arisiwg vu1� ot the �natfiars inoluded in the '"A►bitratio�n aF qisp�etes" provision ��1 sutral mrbitration, .. • .. . {,.- [�,.� �4� 89►An �� IL�iL.�� �4�JW dOQi flOC 9gfM i�3 i.-_.,..,..7 SeHer mg�s�s (_._,...J L_,_....,,� SsHor daea �ot sgree 1L At74e111Ey FE�S. In any aaion or proteed�n41 ��vo�vinp� a disp�ee beiwean 8uyer and 9e1)er erlainq out ot tl�s a�pcutwn af this Itqr6iment nr the �als, whecher fc+ [ort or }a� breach of cont►ect, and whather er nc; brougb! tb tr'�l o� fin�l judgmaM, the prevail- ie0 parcy w11t f� enYRlpd iD reeaive f�om tne 8ehe�r porty a rnasonabt� atsqrney fxTO Ire qaterMined Ey the court or arb�tntartli. �� � , 9uyer r�_ [.�1 snR 6Ntar (.,..., ..�1 f.—�1 hawa raad ehis pvga . Cftlifi0k: T3e mprri�M 1awsA� thc Uaiuf SIMUS /ei41tl �e un�ulAomed Mprodatli�q dI Mi3 firk� 6y snpmaano inaladlnp sw�ain� or ewnrulpi�ad (om�M�. . vasateesµ�pw �ItAM!!�'l�IONMr1 Fownr�w-u5G1K��t CDYVRIf�NtAl!!i!W►�OFR'dS1:NJLLPUBLIS!Nr'i:YtSOELWRINr61'39iYD..S1!{TEI'A.N6VATO.CAf1W1 h1S!M11'l16i �PYSUSYfMC ;:.r';. . ,"i _ • • �.�,.,� i � • ,�,� ��..hrer�, rrwrcr< � � �� �. ,� • • �'�QM . b i tCU'Y• l � rt�:.i in, �,� �.... .. _. . '.� �.� �' ` �rr� •ra� •ra.b� r. t� :: �roPerty Aaweas 1 `�° �a.r�'ta r„/ o,r�' 1,vr'I' „�'Y a. ,/"'�, A,�' rf� �ma,�oow'�Y ..� c.!� _ �--�-�s-- ' t3. AODENOA. TF+e Eoltuwing addonda are aitachad and made a psrt qf th;s Agroemen!• Q Farm 1Dt-2,A.71, AOD�NDUM, TO LpND PUACHASE At3REEMEN7;S�bprdinetion, Panisl Raeonvayaneesl . � Farm 'I tQ.90•92 CAL, S7ANDARD DISCLOSUAES ANO DISCUtiMERS • G'� 07NER: ._... „ , 7L CLO'a1NG. fuit pttrchese priee to be paid and deed ta bs teao�dai C� on or before _.,.._..�.�.,� oe w7thin�� asya • ot rceeplance. Heth pa�t�as witi depo�it Wnh att suthari�ed 6�tetow holdar, ta be sotected by Bvyer, ali Punds and instrt�menta n»a �:. sssary ta complste the sale in accordsnee with ti+e ta�ms af t1►ix Agrepment Cj Where custam8 si od oscrow inerccuei;ans , � wili ��ialivsrsd eo swow hel8ar within�y�- eiays of aeesptane�. �SCROW FEE to b� paid C , TRAR&FER TAXIE81. tf any, to be psed by -�`= �'C �'' ►�5 •r' TN($ P'l1RCHA8� AGREEMEIH'1"'ftIAETHER WITH 3WY ACDENOA WILL CQN5T1TlJYE JOWI" fi QW �1STRt1C11qNS TO TEl� � �nw ya�.oe�. 15. �41RYWAi.. The ornisslon hais� eACrow �nstructions of sr►Y provis�on in �his Agraamo�t will net waive the rtght oi �ny ptrt�r, AFI rep• resentetiona or warrartti0s wiU survive tfii olosb of eseraw. • ig. EI(A�tltJ►'IIt1R flF OPFiR. This r wf1F oxpiro unkae e �t ee is delivered to�� er . t , o 19uy�srs �roka�} o� or before td�tel ���. tNmo) � Li�J. Q s. .`. �' S�d p.m.� •. .. 17. OdtfNTdRP�I[fS. This agroema�rr mey be e�ecutad in one or rnarc paunterpaRS, each of whi�h iz deomed to br an o�iginsl. ' T8. I1NIE. YSme is of the asee,nee oE this Agreement; ptavided, howevar, that if either party faHa w comply w�th anytonrineency in �i4 Agraoinant within the time limit speaif�ed, shis Ag�+earr►en2 wiH ne2 serminarte ur+til tha othar party deliv�rs wrrtt9�n notirc 10 tt�e •• dafwfting party raquiriny eompllanes widifn Z4 hourz aftar nsooip! of notiee. If the perty raceivin9 tha nptiCe faiis ca compfy rue�hin � �4 2r twun.lhe non-dsieultirg perty maY tarminale thix Agreem+ne w)thoutlurfher natitt�. � 79. COItlD17'IONS WlTt84�fE0/WJWpD iN WR{TIN0. EAEh �pnd'qio� o� contingan .ryr, covendnt, approval a� disapprovsl w+�i bc satisfieC • aecard�ng ao itc terms o� waiv+d qywrFecen nouce dNtvered to the other pertyr ar his ar her �roker. Z4, �NTIRE �GRR°L�I�'NTl�SStGNIN6M Yl41t1�ITL��?. Thia documeac eontain9 the entiro bgreem�nt of � pe�tins and srpersesdas all . prior agwsments or rapresenYStiono wkh respet! to the praplrty whieh ar9 not axpressly sa! to�!►, This Agroa�++ent rtviy ba ee�adi- _ t�d onty in wridng signed and datad by bsth parfi.s. 9oth p�rtfoe mcknowlael�a that they bava naR rrliod en anv ststemarils of tM nd es6�te /lg�nc ar 8rolar whiNe sn naR �qfr�sad irt tfiia Agr��anf. Buyer may not sssiQn sny right und� thia apraemerrt . wifho,�t ehs prio� w►inon conavnt ot Setter. Any aueh as9ignn+ant wilt 6e vaitF and unlnfarapabla. . 31. JiDDR10NAL'�'�RMS AND CS�NDRIQ0�15. � � y � , Q. ,' a. ._ ...�..._... --�-^ ---..-,.......�..��. , ... .......—.....�....,�._.�....._. ';;.'; .._.�.�........, _ _ __ ....—.......,._... ; ._.�.,............_.. r..,,.......,....._._.....r... .�........-.�-,..,. 8ath perties �Ic�owladQ� Yhst'they have na'C relisd oa trny statamerrts of ihr ros! astnte ABawt 4r Brolaer whieh aro hot �xprsatad in thic �gtaomant, liM1TAT10N GF A�iENI:'Y 4 reni e�e brnkar ar agsnt is qwWiad to s+lvise on resl eab�te. H you have e�Y questions eoncm»ing the taq�{ su(���w�y, �� effeet ir,suranea, or tax eonasquonc�s a1 this dooument or the related tra�nsactiR+ns, oonsutt widv rcro� sttovnex � atcauM�nk, a inwwYit�oe brbkAr. � .� ... , 'fLe unabrsig�ed Svy�r ukndw�adg+s �ks! ►�o er she has [horayhty rnd �nd �pxeved r�aeh af tfic pravisions aonasinsd fiswin and a�rws m ; pwohsse ths p�o1�rly far �hp pviee a�d ow !f►tl� ternns snd eendkians SpaCtY'�rd. 8uy�r �oknowladga �rorps ei a d�►V of thie CfM. 8uyer �"""""'�'^' �' Darte � '.. 'Z"J ""' �' � ._....� Tima ..�a.:,'� f�/'7► BuYe� .. �_ Ctate ��.�'"`.!«+a� _... TiMe �' �..�� . Seller L....--J L—..----1 hss te�d this page. , .•: CAUnON: Th� repryi/►t Mw� e1u�e 4nh�8 9fat�e [abid �he anwherieed rayreiue�iee e� tlus rorm hy a� aram i�eludira aea�ninp u ea+rpubl'ite+klaemrts. r,�.et5 sm•r �j. ►R01�65/ONA�. :i:.�';., . .: . ro�ryM�ta.�CAL17t�g► C09MIBNT�1iiS�03�YA80FblSIONaI►t9ilISH1RG�3GS931UARiU[[YISI.tiA.d'uRE1m,N0 QQP4I�ISItINa _ r�uv 11 � 1� C:LHh'K t'RlJf'EJ2l !� (;; ��, h t0.u•� • m � nw u, .,.._. �� ... ._ . . . . . �t `T�J (8� �f'��7J� �.81 ' . FrapMy Address _,,(�d A,.rt' 17 � �.,a` Tf .f � � � 'A'1� J�E�G„ �`�/d"O N„�' �L.- � ..f�,,, -----� -�-^�--a— A��PT� ; ti' . . �Ari' aoOWb th� abova OIf�K snd a0n�s ts aNt tlts p�q�e4r !o� eh� oelee+�nd on Ms Irnas and mndleians soraYiad. riDTK�: The snw�ont or rat� of reN � a�nmirsions dr wnt M�d by la�r. Tho�► are �rt yr arch 8rakor Indlvldual� tind nay I�e � esgela6N la�lwwn th� �Yrr and brak�r. , �t COM1�14SIOIN. Se1Nlr eD�liM W ikal �n essh ths ItliBOwiirg rml atate qarani�sian Ior serviaAa ranAerwq. �rirCh �ama�i0lt Sat{er Asrabp irraroc�bty asaiDas tn Brok�(:y troen ascrar. � _____ � a�n� �ee.aae a�ee, a s. �_, , w��+e r�a�� e�: � . d ,a � X, or me seoept�d nr6ar, a s . tc the ad�inp eroker, urikhout ngerd ho 4F+� rpenqy reiiatianahiq. Etrrow i►ritwclions with rqqp�let ta �insioos may eat t+s M+endea ar reMdiad witl►ar.t ehe ' wtit3�n ooa�rrt ot � Btokee(s1. If Sella rw�ivas Oquirl�led ar oU+r Es�o�s u0�+ dNa�1! by 9uyer� SWMx �gre� to peY Brokwr(s) thb lw�x aF the ann�nt Wo- . vided ta aGave a ak� !p� cE tlis �,nuipes aRa da�dueMig a�y oosts oF edCeetioe induding re�so.�iote attaney las. Caaunilsi0n wiN tltf0 be p1�yJlRii up01t anry deleaR by Shcer. or fhe mutWl rvesCi�aiort by euy�t ard SWtar �tha�t tM vrril#w� cbfi- �,s o� ��. s►ar.►ce>. ��n p..� �� � n,.,wr�.. �,�s aa,�..��c �r� .�c r�r tt�e rto� � s� �ro sona a�+rrese ... for in any �eoasti�p iyWry� e�cesr�.k. , ;� !n ery setian fa eanntission Et+n prtvAiftnA i�Y wiN ba atUkd to reaaa�ahle attor�y feoa, wt,at►,er or not �ha rraiort �e tuanp�ht , to aia o� n►►� �,w�rn.�. ., xs. atbDltmlaNS '1!f 86 8�1lru►LE0.11+a 1a►wri�q, ;+smc muat x^,qrsad ee• by eott� pr�ti.e so b. b�nding, an a'tMe� p.rq. �a ths a�.r! a �e�x�wrt. SMIr ahouM aria! a oount�t eil�r. , te.� a. uatnat'rea rr�u�c��s; k«e, to. u�eurnpu aF c�s�tn'�� roe,. y�. �ae��u oF ws��� � ;. �i9ir rCtc�aMHodpw� rroript Of i capy oP this JWara�nt, Jlutbor7saRfoa � h�rrbg plwn !h� 9rokar(f� In Rhd tra►tisaakfan te d+NW� a • ,, signed eady W 8tryor and to dMtbas srio tar+es oi pu�et� to mwnbers ef e �InM�ls 1.l'ditg !�►r1e�. 8etlyd er lwaeiation a� REIILTt�ttB� at elon of e�erow�. - . ID1. tF CHECKEII 0 ACC�RTAN�,1S Si�C4' TOIl7TACHEO CQ[iN7'ER OEFEIt bATED: �,,,, Selte► ti�te ' 71rr�A (glgwturp " ,'y" Selter ' . lF�ro P+in a�m►� , ' - , 8l411� DetB ='i���,,,,,��, •i.':, . {S��roturel ' ' •>;' y: . ' ` • •.. . , . �� � ' �� " {PIMt�M�M Win�Y . . . . •� -y:� ' .i1 : . CxUTiO►�e TM� eopyrlgM laws eF 1ha UeiMd St�to� terb�d tlw unautha�snd rfpraWetlon af thts form by any m�ms ine�r+d�ny aeae+ninq ar eamput�xli�d (o.ma4w. �M . D�r : Paqe i a1 s pap�s , . , , RtrRM1�!-tA.SCAL� fv MOfB�IDwLM1MJSIN�4 �!6 iF1111WNiB'SftiR. ifk►ital MOMM G� }IOIC YWY+QMf 71b �wa YeYY Ir /�f�'�'aw.r1 �p.i14+� . .;��;'�,;';,;,., a. • - � ;�u'�—.s@-20@1 31 � 12 C�pF2K pRDPERT I E5 C 23 rrcw•� . .:��,.�,., .,._.... _ : 775 782 ?165 P.�B . ����,^���.� o�sckosur� �ca��n�c � REAL �S7'ATE ACENCY REkiA'1''r�N'SHiP �Aa required by the Civil tt�e — CoMirntstian Seya�pse) •:"' � When you e»fer into a d+6cuss�on with e reaf estata bgnttt regarding a rea� esu►ta IranseGtion. you thould iram the oumt urtdsrstsnd what . type ot �lgertey reietiansriip or rspresentatio� you wish to have with che agartt in rAe tnnsa�tlon. SEt.L�t'S AGEN7 A SeDer's tg4n[ undee a lieting �greement whh the Seiler eCm as tho 89eM 1'or tke 5e►ilfr dnly. a. gai�ers aflam ar e sutra�ant of shas ageex . hasthe foilowing effirn►adve obligations: � � To tAa Soilsr: ' �`� Afdueiary duey of uimost e�r�, inte�inty, honesty, and [oyahy in dsalingtr w��h the SaElar. 7o fAs 9uysr pnd th@ SCNer. � Iat 4ilig�rm Axsrc�se of reayprable skill snd care in performancs oitha aganE's duiies. '' ib) A duty af honest end fair deaNnq and gacd iaith. �eT A duty to discinse etl Gcss rnown co the sflent rnrterialty affgcting •.hm va lue or dasirablfity at the prpperty sRmt a►g nat kne�wn m, . or with}� tha diliqs�n aaentidn and absorvstion of, tl►e parii� :.:: : An agenc is noc oblipasod ta re�eai :o erthor oarty any eonfidsnNal inEqrmarian obtained from �he a��+er paRV �+•t does� nat %mro�ve the bflir• mative dutia aet foKh above. .� BUYER'S MCMEIUT A ss�NDp agent wn, w�th a BuYar's tonsant, aQree roo act as 0pant fer tha fluyer only. fn these stturGons. the ag6nt is not ehe Se11er's agen� even if by agreomCnt tfir qpb�t may rocaive compenaition �or servicx� ro�dared @iShE� iA filll Df iA pdit ftOfN th4 Sfl fer. An agtru acting ,, Dnly tor a Buy9r has ZhQ i0l4pwing affirmat��e o6ligacior�Y " T4 the 8uyl1: A fiduciary duty ot u[rnpst rare, lneegri�y, honesty, a�d tqVSItY in tlta►i�pa wfth ths Buyer. To tlu Buyer anQ ehs Se11or. ' '' ' fai 4iltgsnt exercise af rbasonabta ekill anct sara in performnnte ot�ita aaenNa dutic+�. Ibl Q duty at hoews[ and tafr daalina and goad faith. • tr.! A dutv to dir�close eR f�cts knawn to the agent mauaria0y aflQCting �ha va�ua or da,sire�ility aF tha proAerly thss are na�t known oa, or wi!hin the diligan*. aasnsion and obar�v,asien oS, th� panics. An oger+t is not obligated tb r0ve81 to eiiher p2�rty eny eonfidaMisl � , inFprtnstion ohtained fram cht other pBKy thAi does not it�votvo fh0 aRirrnative duFies tet io�'th ebove. AGENT �iF�REtENtINO BOTN SELLER AND gIJY'4:N A roml estate agerR, eisher aciing direcdy or throygh one or mcre assaGiecB li+�nas�s, ean leg�lly be thr a�ent ef both the Se�le• and the BuVOr in a varuatriav, bus only with ths kvwwledg�e and co++�e�t v1 both the Sette� end the @uyor. In a dualBpenW s'auation. tht agent hba tM fotlowing effirmative obl�go�,ans so bcthlh� Sellerand the Buycr. .. isf A tidueiarv dutv oi utmost earo, irtteqr�ty, honeaty and loyaltu in the tleafings with eithar Seller or the $uyet. ... tb) 4thet dutiea tp thb Slfler q�td ehe 8uyer as asated obov�e in thoir raspeDtive teesions, � tn ropresentir+g 6oth Selier and Buyer, tl+� e9enc mav noG wit�auc the eupresa permission at ihe ►esOgctiva party, tlisclo�w to the other � parry tF+af the S�1ter will pCCept a prioe iess than tha liating 7xiea or ih�: ihe Buver will pay a ptiae prl8tgr titrn tF►t priee efEeted. • The abave duties of the �gent in a re�►I esteTe trinsl�ction d4 not rslievo s Sefter ar 8uyar frem the rsspc+nsibllity m prp�aut hi9 or be� awrt • SMerosea.YCU sheuld ca�efuliy rerbd elt agrsdments to aasure titat tf+ey t�dequa�eiv �+xpross yaur under6tan8ing �f tri6 transaciion, A reai '. astita ag�rtt ix a parao� qualified iq attvise a6out ►�al eatete. lf Ise,�l or tax aaviea i9 desired, caneutt a e�dmqatent profa8sionaL ll+roughoet your reat propertv trar+smetian ypu may reeeivp rt�ore then one di�closure Ecr+», dependinp upon tht nurn.t�t o4 etpsrKS aksist• Ing in the tnlnsrctiOn, ThC �sw reqvlrea� bech abaM with whor+n you have rrtior� th an a crsual ralacionehip w prasoM yov w'rth this diocWsure Form.Yau Rhauld rn�d iYx eohCpnls e� time it'ro pres�ntedle ya�u, r.nnxidnr)ng the refatio�snl+ip E�etwser Vou and tne re� estata ac,�ant in your specit,c cransection. This �iulosure Totm inotud+a tha prwisiOns o# Ssdicr�s 2079.13 to 2079,24, inotusivm, of tive Civil Code sta lorth an ths revaexe Ferebf. • � Read k earafully- � 1/We hsvt r�etl this dieelostlnt and aolanowlyd8s rsasipc ef m r.opy. : -�' 8uyer,SstlQr Dala ; uYer Uar ±�,= �� Dmte l��..s*'"� C�„T : } .:. � EuyerJ5btlAr bafa BuyeTlBellet Oate Agent i�s.rlw�x oNa , BY date �s� 'J Awr.pv,.,�„___,_, W«airai �w+�a.+�►orww� bate . CdU1t01k ZAr copyripbt lavus e1 tl1e Untqd �tqes for4it bhs vnwtl+ais�sd repraluoGon �t dfiy Wnn Yy �ey m��ns inelu0i�y • sariniig a+ eenadra�d (amts. �PIlOi�S/d11AL � aoPMiloa7CALtW9! GN'rittGNT��90�879Ypq;Fi�4c�Oru�lusuBluK6�755g£tMARWkavRatvG.SWTG7pD,kar��f0,G9w4 �aS�eeiiei MOBLi7f111N� :f•' Ti IF� � 2� . - Gt-flRK gF`�R 3� �` ��''� 2 �, �.� � � cuA� • �d�'a �' p �8t� ��� �� pU �� �' �� � � �, ,6 t� .���ac�s ,� � �o��Q�� �u►� � , � te'N �`�+ � � ap � ��� af �� � ��, a�Rt�r°x` � � t�R`°n� � �� sa�'��n � 4p p�' a�! � � � �, alo�9 ' tia�d � �,� t�+� 9a�' � �ro,�' po�� ,�� �� � V �� C� . 4 �, adia�`'�' � o� �'�� 5 ' k e � y dit� � ��rs� b `'S ��n�3 �'� � so o ��g t� ���,: . ; ;:; . ' "ft�+e 4�"� �� � hed a'r��" �r n`�P . � � �5 �� � . � ����� �� . ,��� .. a� � � r. ^. . �,da .;., r ... �' r : : ' , '� : . ,:; . ';: �:i1 , �'`f ;`� '( W.�'..� �: . i .. ���""" � � SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM � TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Rhonda McFarlane Chief Financial Officer RE: BOARD MEETING December 6 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: c. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: GRANT COORDINATION SERVICES REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the Board President to execute a contract with Lynn Nolan in the amount $27.000 for Grant Coordination Services throuQh December 31. 2002 DISCUSSION: Presently the District's grant work is being done by Kay Taylor, Special Projects Manager. Ka�will be retiring on January 25, 2002, and therefore the District needs to consider how to have the grant work done after Kay's retirement. The present Qrant workload is about 70 hours �er month. District staff has identified a local provider of grant coordination services, Lvnn Nolan. Ms. Nolan is willing to serve the District's grant requirements for the upcoming year. She presentlyprovides similar services to various qovemmental and not-for-profit a�encies throuahout the state Ms. Nolan has done a limited amount of grant work for the District durinQ past several months and I have found her skills to be excellent. The contract with Ms. Nolan will be entered into instead of hirinp an emplovee to fill the presently budgeted position of Grant Financial Administrator. For bud,qetin"g purposes, the funding for the contract will be transferred from reqular salaries and wapes to contractual services Continued on Page 2 SCHEDULE: The contra�t is effective December 10, 2001 to allow some overlap between Ms. Nolan and Ms. Taylor. COSTS: $27,000 ACCOUNT NO: 1039/2039-4405 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $12,510 (after budget transfer from regular salaries and wages $27 210) ATTACHMENTS: Contract for Grant Coordination Services CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES � NO GENERAL X CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES� �11t0 WATER SEWER Continued from Paae 1: Ms. Nolan's work will include not onlv administering the District's present EPA grant but also securina new arant fundin4 for eligible District projects At the end of the contract the District can assess continuina the contract or if new grants generate a fult-time workload consider refillinq the emplovee position. AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES OF GRANT COORDINATOR This Agreement for Services (Agreement) is made as of December 7, 2001, by and between the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) and Lynn Nolan, Grant Coordinator and Researcher, (Contractor) at South Lake Tahoe, California, with reference to the following facts and intentions: A. Whereas the District presently has a grant with the Environmental Protection Agency, which has specific record keeping and reporting requirements associated with the Environmental Protection Agency grant; B. Whereas the District desires to benefit its customers by obtaining additional grants funding, which requires submission of applications and/or proposals and which will require specific record keeping and reporting; C. Whereas Contractor has special skills and experience in grant coordination and research which the District desires to retain on an independent contractor basis, Now therefore, the parties agree retain Contractor according to the following terms and conditions: 1. Services by Contractor. Contractor agrees to perform the following in a professional manner: a. Recommend grants appropriate for the District to apply for based on periodic research. b. Upon approval of recommendation by the District, prepare, write, submit, and monitor the grant application to the granting agency in accordance with the granting agency's requirements. c. Administers all District grants to final close-out including: appeals, amendments, grant agreements, and reporting requirements. d. Maintain District grant records including copies of reports filed, materials used for proposals, and various grant documents. As completed, these records will be kept on the District's premises. e. Maintains the District's grant accounting system in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and in compliance with the granting agencies' requirements, including developing appropriate general ledger and job ledger accounts. f. Educate appropriate District employees of all grant requirements and costs eligible for reimbursement. Apprise appropriate District employees of all grant related issues and the information needed to maximize funding. g. Instruct District accounting personnel in the use of the grant accounting system and proper coding and documentation for eligible disbursements, eligible labor costs, and grant proceeds. h. Develop and update annually the indirect cost rates for certification by the District's Chief Financial Officer and grant reimbursement. i. Calculate direct labor costs including wages, benefits, and non-productive pay for grant reimbursement. j. Prepare grant budgets and grant increase requests for the granting agencies. Provide District accounting personnel with grant related information needed for the District's annual budget preparation. k. Prepare, submit, and follow-up on grant payment requests in accordance with regulations of the granting agencies. l. Assist the District's auditors in their annual audit as it relates to grants, including federal single audit act requirements. m. Prepare and submit all required reports to the granting agencies, and the Single Audit Clearing House. n. Advise the District on all regulations, developments, changes and legislation, and compliance issues related to grants and other financial assistance. o. Meet with the District management at least monthly to brief them on the status of the agreed upon work. 2. District's Obligations. The District shall provide Contractor with access to all necessary information needed to complete the contracted services above, including providing staff time as needed for interviews and document review. 3. Compensation. Contractor shall keep accurate records of the hours expended for services performed under this Agreement. The Contractor service fees will be paid by the District at a rate of $30 per hour. The District will have no obligation to pay Contractor services fees in excess of 210 hours per calendar quarter unless prior written approval is obtained from the District's Chief Financial Officer. Contractor shall submit invoices for payment on a monthly basis. 4. Methods and Materials. Contractor shall furnish, at Contractor's own expense, all materials, labor and services necessary for the accomplishment of the Services to be performed under this Agreement; and shall have the sole and absolute discretion to determine the methods, details and means of performing the Services to be performed under this Agreement which shall only be subject to review by the District to the extent necessary to ensure that the Services contracted for aze being provided. 5. Non Exclusive Contract. Contractor shall have the right to perform services similar to those provided under this Agreement to any other person or entity Contractor may desire. 6. Licenses and Insurance. The Contractor shall maintain all licenses and insurance required by applicable law and state insurance statutes and regulations as they may apply. 7. Independent Conractor. Said Contractor shall be an independent contractor, and as such, shall have no authorization, express or implied, to bind the District in any agreement, settlement, liability, or understanding whatsoever, and shall not perform any acts as agent for the District except as herein expressly set forth. It is the express intention of the parties that Contractor is an independent contractor and not a District employee, that any employees of Contractor are not District employees, and that neither Contractor nor Contractor's employees are entitled to any of the rights, benefits, or privileges applicable to District employees. 8. Term and Termination. This Agreement shall be effective on December 10, 2001, and run through December 31. 2002. a. Termination Upon Notice. Either party may terminate this contract prior to expiration of the term for any reason by giving the other party at least ninety days prior written notice of such termination. Termination by either party shall not relieve either of them from their responsibilities under this contract until the termination date. Such termination may take place at a date earlier than ninety days if mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties. b. Termination for Cause. The District may terminate this Agreement, effective immediately upon written notice of such termination to Contractor, based upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (1) Material breach of this Agreement; (2) Failure of Contractor to substantially comply with any applicable federal, state or local law or regulation; and (3) Filing of a criminal complaint against Contractor for any crime, other than minor traffic offenses. 9. Ownership of Work Product. All work product produced as a result of the rendering of Services pursuant to this Agreement are the property of the District. In the event of termination or completion of the Services under this Agreement or any Contractor shall, at District's request, promptly surrender to District all completed work and work in progress and all materials, records and notes developed, procured, or produced pursuant to this Agreement. Contractor may retain copies of such work product as a part of its record of professional activity. 10. Interests of Contractor. Contractor represents and warrants to District that it presently has no interests, and covenants that it shall not acquire any interests, direct or indirect, financial or otherwise, which would conflict with the performance of the Services to be provided by Contractor under this Agreement. Contractor further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement, no subcontractor or employee having such an interest shall be employed by Contractor. Contractor certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest under this Agreement or within Contractor is an officer or employee of District. 11. General Provisions. a. Authority to Contract. The individuals executing this contract represent and warrant that they have the authority to enter into this contract and to perform all acts required by this contract, and that the consent, approval or execution of or by any third party is not required to legally bind either party to the terms and conditions of this contract. b. Construction. The provisions of this contract should be liberally construed to effectuate its purposes. The language of all parts of this contract shall be construed simply according to its plain meaning and shall not be construed for or against either party, as each party has participated in the drafting of this document and had the opportunity to have their counsel review it. Whenever the context and construction so requires, all words used in the singular shall be deemed to be used in the plural, all masculine shall include the feminine and neuter, and vice versa. c. Notices. All notices, approvals, acceptances, demands, and other communications required or permitted hereunder, to be effective shall be in writing and shall be delivered either in person or by mailing the same by United States mail (postage prepaid, registered or certified, return receipt requested) or by Federal Express or other similar overnight delivery service to the party to whom the notice is directed at the address of such party as follows: TO DISTRICT: Chief Financial Officer South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 With Copy To: Gary Kvistad Hatch & Parent 21 East Carrillo Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 TO CONTRACTOR: Lynn Nolan P.O. Box 612914 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96152 Any written communication given by mail shall be deemed delivered two (2) business days after such mailing date and any written communication given by overnight delivery service shall be deemed delivered one (1) business day after the dispatch date. Either party may change its address by giving the other party written notice of its new address as herein provided. d. Governin�Law. The validity and interpretation of this contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, with venue for all purposes to be proper only in the County of El Dorado, State of California. e. Severabilitv. If any term, provision, covenant or condition of this contract is determined to be unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction it is the parties' intent that the remaining provisions of this contract shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected, impaired or invalidated by such a determination. f. Attorneys' Fees. If any action at law or equity, including an action for declaratory relief, is brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of this contract, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover actual attorneys' fees which may be determined by the court in the same action or in a separate action brought for that purpose. The attorneys' fees to be awarded shall be made to fully reimburse for all attorneys' fees, paralegal fees, costs and expenses actually incurred in good faith, regardless of the size of the judgment, it being the intention of the parties to fully compensate for all attorneys' fees, paralegal fees, costs and expenses paid or incurred in good faith. g. Counterparts. This contract may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. h. Good Faith. The parties agree to exercise their best efforts and utmost good faith to effectuate all the terms and conditions of this contract and to execute such further instruments and documents as are necessary or appropriate to effectuate all of the terms and conditions of this contract. i. Assignment. No party shall have the right to assign its rights or delegate any of its obligations or duties under this contract without the express written consent of the other party. j. Waiver. The waiver of any breach of any provision of this contract by any paxty to this contract shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any proceeding or subsequent breach under the contract, nor shall any waiver constitute a continuing waiver. No waiver shall be binding unless executed in writing by the party making the waiver. k. Entire Agreement. This contract contains the entire understanding and agreement of the parties and there have been no promises, representations, agreements, warranties or undertakings by any of the parties, either oral or written, of any character or nature binding except as stated in this contract. This contract may be altered, amended or modified only by an instrument in writing, executed by the parties to this contract and by no other means. Each party waives their future right to claim, contest or assert that this contract was modified, canceled, superseded or changed by any oral agreement, course of conduct, waiver or estoppel. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE PARTIES HAVE EXECUTED THIS contract as of the date first stated above. DISTRICT South Tahoe Public Utility District Date: By: Title: CONTRACTOR Lynn Nolan Date: By: Title: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT � BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Nancv HussmanNHuman Resources Director. Rhonda McFarlane/Chief Financial Officer RE: BOARD MEETING December 6. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: d. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: EMPLOYEE SELF-INSURED BENEFIT PLAN RENEWAL FOR 2002 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Approve renewai of Ag„aregate Stop Loss Insurance with Canada Life Insurance Company, with Specific Insurance deductible of $60,000: L) Approve 2002 Plan Year Fundin4 at $690 per employee per month DISCUSSION: Staff met with the Finance Committee on November 1 2001 to discuss renewal issues for the 2002 Plan Year. The Committee directed staff to obtain more information reQardina Specific Stop Loss claims experience, in orderto determine the appropriate deductible level for the renewal. Based on prior Specific Stop Loss claims experience. staff recommended. and obtained Finance Committee member approval to increase the Specific Stop Loss deductible level from $50.000 to $60.000 per plan particieant. A summary of Specific Stop Loss claims history and deductible level analysis is attached. One aspect of the Plan renewal is determining the appropriate funding level per employee per month. The attached Funding Levels History summarizes the Plan's claims experience since its inception in 1997 and provides an analysis of the appropriate funding level for the 2002 Plan Year. With the concurrence of the Finance Committee members. staff recommends fundinq an additional 4.2°r6 of the Averaae Cost / Funding per employee per month ($28 per employee per Continued on Paqe 2 SCHEDULE: 12/7/01 Notify Canada Life and Cost Containment Concepts reaarding 2002 Aqpre4ate & Specific insurance. and renewal funding levels. Implement effective 1/1/02 COSTS: $910,800 estimated (includes $142.501 for insurance ) ACCOUNT NO: Various - 4302 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $881.025 ATTACHMENTS: Specific Stop Loss Insurance, Funding Level Analysis CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES��� �b NO GENERAL X � CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES��j 0 G NO WATER SEWER Continued from Pa4e 1 month) toward rebuildina the Plan reserves. which decreased substantially in the 2001 Plan Year Fundin4 at $690 per employee per month results in a 5.8°� increase in Total Average Costs from the 2001 Plan Year, which is well below insured health plan industry. Specific Stop Loss Insurance � Funding Level Analysis S�ecific Stop Loss Insurance A. Specific Stop Loss Insurance limits the District's claims liability on an individual participant's claims to $50,000. Once an individual's paid claims reach $50,000 in the Plan Year, Canada Life pays the remaining claims costs for that person for the remainder of the Plan Year. The District has insured these individuallarge claim experiences at the $SO,OOO level since the inception of the self-insured plan in 1997. B. S ecific Claims Histo Plan Year Specific Claim History 1997 1 claim @$105,357; 1 claim @$66,056; 1 claim @ 111,692 Total amount of Specific = $133,105 1998 No claims over $50,000 1999 No claims over $50,000 2000 1 claim @$154,413; 1 claim @$71,981 Tota1 amount over the Specific =$126,395 2001 No claims over $50,000 C. S�ecific Level Analysis If the District were to change to a$60,000 Specific Stop Loss Level, the Plan would realize $19,349 in Premium Savings, while increasing Claims Liability by $23,550. Since the Plan has experienced an average of one claim per year where the Specific Stop Loss Level was exceeded, staffrecommends Plan Renewal at the $60,000 Stop Loss Level. Funding Level (per employee per month� A. Claims Liability History The following "Analysis for Funding Recommendation" , which includes a"Claims Liability Histor�' chart. This chart shows that over the 5 years of the Plan, Average Claims Costs per employee per month are $544.00. Plan Year Total Paid Claims 1997 $811,939 1998 $586,652 1999 $575,460 2000 $855,771 2001 (projected) $825,081 Average Cla.ims Costs $730,981 Average Claims per Employee per Month $544.00/emp/mo B. 2002 Plan & Claims Liabili ,t�� Costs Single Coverage Family Coverage Fixed Administrative Costs 20.08 20.08 Aggregate Stop Loss Insurance 10.62 10.62 Specific Stop Loss Insurance 59.71 115.02 ($60,000 Deductible) Funding for Average Claims Liability 544.00 544.00 Total Costs & Claims Liability Funding 634.41 689.72 Total Funding Recommendation $690.00 Average Cost & Claims Liability Funding 662.00 Amount per Emp/mo toward rebuilding reserves $ 28.00 (4.2% of Avg Costs/Funding) B. Fundin� Level Analysis If the District funded only the Average Claims Liability, the Average Funding Cost would be $662.00 per employee per month. Funding at this level would result in a 1.85% increase over the 2001 Plan Year. Over the five years since Plan inception, the Plan has experienced an average increase of 5.8% per year. If the District funded $690.00 per employee per month, the Plan Reserves could be increased by approximately $37,632 in the 2002 Plan Year. The second page of the "Analysis for Funding Recommendation" summarizes all Plan (and ancillary benefits) costs since Plan inception in 1997. A Funding Level of $690.00 per employee per month results in a 5.8% increase in Tota1 Average Costs from the 2001 Plan Year, which is still well below insured health plan industry increases.. Fundin Levels Histo (Monthl Costs) Item 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Cost Containment Medical TPA Fee 11.00 11.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 COBRA 1.00 1.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- Dental TPA Fee 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 Repricing -0- 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 Total TPA Fee 14.50 16.22 15.22 16.72 16.72 16.72 COBRA Pro -0- -0- .36 .36 .36 .36 (actual is $40/mo) PPO Fee (HHP) 3.10 2.00 2.25 2.75 3.00 3.00 Total Fixed Admin Costs 17.60 18.22 17.83 19.83 20.08 20.08 Specific ($60k ded) Single 20.17 25.35 20.54 24.65 47.78 59.71 Family 44.96 63.35 41.37 49.65 95.61 115.02 Aggregate 6.25 8.07 7.20 7.81 9.09 10.62 Total Fixed/Premiums Single 44.02 51.64 45.57 52.29 76.95 90.41 Family 68.81 89.64 66.40 77.29 124.78 145.72 Funding Single 455.98 598.36 604.43 572.71 573.05 599.59 Family 437.44 560.36 583.60 547.71 525.22 544.28 Total Cost/Emp/Mo 500.00 650.00 650.00 625.00 650.00 690.00 Life Union-Single comp 6.00 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 Union-Family 9.35 6.49 6.29 6.29 6.29 6.29 Mgmt-Single 6.00 +Princ 20.30 20.30 20.30 20.30 Mgmt-Family Prem 21.28 21.28 21.28 21.28 6.49 +Princ Prem Vision 20.68 20.68 20.68 20.68 20.68 20.68 Total Med/LifeNision 530.03 Union-Single 676.68 676.48 541.48 676.48 716.48 , Union Family 677.17 676.97 651.97 676.97 716.97 Mgmt Single 690.98 665.98 690.98 ?30.98 Mgmt Family 691.96 666.96 691.96 731.96 Total Average Costs 530.03 676.93 684.10 631.60 684.10 724.10 � SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: N. Hussmann I Human Resources Director. R. McFarlane / Chief Financial Officer RE: BOARD MEETING December 6. 2001 AGENDA iTEM: ACTION ITEM NO: e CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ' ITEM-PROJECT NAME: 2002 COBRA RATES FOR SELF-INSURED EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve the 2002 COBRA rates at $511.22 for Single Medical. $876.72 for Family Medical, $49.97 for Single Dental, and $110.38 for Family Dentai DISCUSSION: The Self-Insured Employee Benefit Plan�rovides, as required by federal law, for continuation of coverage in the event of termination, or loss of dependent status. Participants electing COBRA continuation coveraqe pay the applicable COBRA rate plus a 2°� administrative fee. Each year, applicable COBRA rates are established consistent with the erior year's actual claim experience. As required under COBRA regulations. a finro-tier rate structure must be provided; and participants can elect to continue coverage for either medical or dental, or both. The attached COBRA Rate Calculation summarizes the methodoloqy that has been used since 1998 for determining appropriate COBRA rates. The above recommended rates do not include the 2% Administrative fee retained � COBRA Pro, the District's COBRA administrator SCHEDULE: 12/7/01 Notify COBRA Pro of 2002 rates and direct them to notify COBRA particiqants COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: 3000-2536 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: COBRA Rate Calculation CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO GENERAL X CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES�F�Ic NO WATER 0 SEWER 2002 COBRA Rate Calculation Employee Dependents , ; ,;, , Me��cal 11/00-10/01 Average Claims Costs per Participant $383.22 $261.18 Plus 15% Trending Factor 57.48 39.18 2002 Expected Claims Costs $440.70 300.36 - ; ; �00� CpBRiA ,, ' Single Coverage Family Coverage 2002 Expected Claims Costs 440.70 741.06 (440.70+300.36) Specific Insurance Premiums 59.71 115.02 Composite Fixed Costs 10.80 $20.64 2002 COBRA Medical $511.21 $876.72 Employee Dependents <: , . De��al 11/00-10/01 Average Claims Costs per Participant $42.43 $51.60 Plus 15% Trending Factor 6.37 7.74 2002 Expected Claims Costs $48.80 59.34 , , ' 20tI� CQBRA Single Coverage Family Coverage 2002 Expected Claims Costs 48.80 108.14 (48.80 +59.34) Composite Fixed Costs 1.17 2.24 2002 COBRA Dental $49.97 $110.38 f I I � I i , � ! I i ACtion Item f. Payment of Claims Payment of Claims December 6, 2001 Ck# Name Amount FOR APPROVAL December 6, 2001 Payroll 11 /28/01 $ 285,245.90 Total Payroll $ 285,245.90 Cost Containment - health care payments $ 25,459.68 IGI Resources - natural gas $ 6,866.27 LaSalle Bank - fund transfers $ 1,359,409.02 Total Vendor EFT $ 1,391,734.97 Accounts Payable Checks Sewer Fund $ 276,000.78 Accounts Payable Checks Water Fund $ 584.423.67 Accounts Payable Checks Self-funded Ins $ 11,294.05 Accounts Payable Checks Grant Funds $ 15,127.47 Total Accounts Payable $ 886,845.97 Grand Tota/ S 2,563,826.84 PAYROLL RELATED CHECKS 11/28/01 EFT URM & Dependent Care/AFLAC $ 262.51 EFT Employment Dev Dept $ 10,459.93 EFT Direct Deposit $ 113,107.99 EFT The Hartford $ 1,358.84 EFT ManuLife Pension $ 44,052.66 EFT ManuLife Pension Loan Payments $ 6,383.83 EFT Orchard Trust Co. $ 10,421.01 EFT US Bank $ 62,722.50 EFT Time Out Fitness $ 28.00 EFT United Way $ 77,�g Child Support Collection Program $ 37.50 . Stanislaus Co Family Support Div $ 134.50 Stationary Engineers Local 39 $ 2,749.93 Net Payroll $ 33,449.52 Adjustments Sub-total $ 285,245.90 T:UCCTDugWPSPREAD�PMTOFCLM.W82 2g-NOV-01 � ACtion Item f. Payment of Claims Payment of Claims December 6, 2001 Ck# Name Amount � FOR APPROVAL December 6, 2001 Payrollll/28/01 $ 285,245.90 Total Payroll � $ 285,245.90 �� Cost Containment - health care pa ents �� $ 25,459.68 IGI Resources - natural gas ,�� $ 6,866.27 LaSalle Bank - fund transfers � $ 1,359,409.02 Total Vendor EFT i $ 1,391,734.97 � f Accounts Payable Checks Sewer Fund $ 276,000.78 Accounts Payable Checks Water Fund $ 584,423.67 Accounts Payable Checks Self-funded Ins $ 11,294.05 Accounts Payable Checks Grant Funds $ 15,127.47 Totai Accounts Payable $ 886,845.97 Grand Tota/ a 2,563,826.84 PAYROLL RELATED CHECKS 11/28/01 EFT URM & Dependent Care/AFLAC $ 262.51 EFT Employment Dev Dept $ 10,459.93 EFT Direct Deposit $ 113,107.99 EFT The Hartford $ 1,358.84 EFT ManuLife Pension $ 44,052.66 EFT ManuLife Pension Loan Payments $ 6,383.83 EFT Orchard Trust Co. $ 10,421.01 EFT US Bank 62,722.50 EFT Time Out Fitness 28.00 EFT United Way $ 77.18 Child Support Collection Program $ 37.50 - Stanislaus Co Family Support Div $ 134.50 Stationary Engineers Local 39 $ 2,749.93 Net Payroll $ 33,449.52 Adjustments Sub-total $ 285,245.90 T:V CCT\DUp1�PSPREAD�PMTOFCLM.W82 Z&1�1a�-�� South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/29/01 PAYMENT 0 F CLAIMS REPORT 11/16/2001-12/06/2001 Page 1 THU, NOV 29, 2001, 1:44 PM --req: DOUGLAS---leg: GL JL--loc: ONSITE----job: 236485 #J2517---prog: CK509 <1.07)--report id: CKRECSPC a t;-:' AO Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH A -el Vendor Name AccoypI_# Department ====- ========== A & E OFFICE SOLUTIONS' •I 10-29-4820 ENGINEERING 20-29-4820 ENGINEERING 10! stl ACWASERVICES CORP (ABC) 10-00-2530 ARBINc CONSTRUCTORS 10-02-7395 10-00-2605 wAWWA 10-22-4830 • 20-22-4830 - A-1 CHEMICAL INC 10-00-0422 10-00-0421 6 10-02-6042 20-02-6042 ;; 10-04-6042 10-06-6042 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION PUMPS GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION PUMPS PUMPS HEAVY MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS Description =============== === ■====. -OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: EMPLOYEE VISION INS Check Total: • Amount Check # Type ......... ==== 42.00 _28.00 70.00 00048486 MW 2,274.80 24274.80 00048487 MW TALLAC PUMP STATION BYPASS L 12,091.70 ACCRD CONST RETNGE -548.33 Check Total: 11.543.37 00048488 MW SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE Check Total: 122.40 81.60 204.00 00048489 MW JANITORIAL SUPPLIES INVENTOR SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE Check Total: 163.08 117.06 60.59 60.59 117.61 117.61 636.54 00048490 MW I, ADVANCED POLYMER SYS INC 3 10-07-4760 LABORATORY 20-07-4760 LABORATORY 5 ADVANCED THERMAL PRODUCTS 10-02-8197 PUMPS LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Total: 158.03 00048491 MW GENERATOR SET, FLL PS Check Total: 399.94 399.94 00048492 MW a r AFLAC a 10-00-2532 GENERAL 10-00-2538 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION & ADMINISTRATION 2 ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE COMPANY 10-00-6520 GENERAL 3 4 20-00-6520 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION & ADMINISTRATION INSURANCE SUPPLEMENT AFLAC FEE DEDUCTION Check Total: SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Check Total: ALSBURY, MARY 10-21-6621 ADMINISTRATION 20-21-6621 ADMINISTRATION INCENTIVE INCENTIVE & RECOGNITION PRGR & RECOGNITION PRGR Check Total: AMERICAN EXPRESS 10-06-6200 OPERATIONS 10-06-4820 OPERATIONS 963.98 125.00 1,088.98 00048493 MW 277.80 185.20 463.00 00048494 MW 30.00 20.00 50.00 00048495 MW TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 2 3 AMERICAS - SO LAKE TAHOE • 10-28-6360 ALPINE COUNTY 10-00-6360 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION PROPANE PROPANE Check Total: Check Total: 106.07 42.77 148.84 00048496 MW 468.53 •1,849.18 2'317.71 00048497 MW South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/29/01 P A Y M E N T OF C L A I M S R E P O R T 11/16/2001- 12/06/2001 Page 2 THU, NOV 29, 2001, 1:44 PM - -req: DOUGLAS -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE - -- -job: 236485 #J2517-- -prog: CK509 <1.07 > - -- report id: CKRECSPC El '3�' 8 IU Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW, HW, RV, VH l Vendor Name Account # Department Description Amount Check # Type 8 = = _ == = = = ==__ = _ _ == === =__ = = = =__ = == = == = == - CO APOLLO PLUMBING & HEATING INC 10 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES 395.00 m Check Total: 395.00 00048498 MW Jl APPLIED PROCESS TECHNOLOGY INC 20 -02 -4405 PUMPS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,700.00 12. 20 -29 -8290 ENGINEERING TREATMENT, ARROWHEAD WL #3 486,850.00 El ,J Check Total: 492,550.00 00048499 MW 14 M is ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 10 -00 -2518 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION UNIFORM /RUGS /TOWELS PAYABLE 1,277.39 ,6 ;7 Check Total: 1,277.39 00048500 MW i p a ARTRAGEOUS FINE FRAMING 10 -37 -6520 INFORMATION SYSTEMS SUPPLIES 42.41 ,e 20 -37 -6520 INFORMATION SYSTEMS SUPPLIES 28.26 0 20 21 Check Total: 70.67 00048501 . -.B MW M n AVAYA FINANCIAL SERVICES 10 -39 -6709 FINANCE LOAN PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS 592.64 El u 10 -39 -6710 FINANCE INTEREST EXPENSE 97.34 31 N Check Total: 689.98 00048502 MW B s m AVISTA UTILITIES 10 -00 -6350 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION NATURAL GAS 101.61 `m n 20 -00 -6350 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION NATURAL GAS 94.71 s Check Total: 196.32 00048503 MW a AWARDS OF TAHOE 10 -21 -6621 ADMINISTRATION INCENTIVE & RECOGNITION PRGR 90.36 1 20 -21 -6621 ADMINISTRATION INCENTIVE & RECOGNITION PRGR c ..:60 24..x:. - -. G Check Total - 150 60 ".00048504 MW *�. ®L :M Al B M H OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE 10 -06 -6075 OPERATIONS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS 25.00 Check Total: 25.00 00048505 MW M , BARBIERI, ROMOLO 10 -00 -2002 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION UTILITY BILLING SUSPENSE 6,000.00 M s 10 -00 -6710 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION INTEREST EXPENSE 960.00 e Check Total: 6,960.00 00048506 MW B BARTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 10 -06 -6075 OPERATIONS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS 74.00 2 Check Total: 74.00 00048507 MW 8 3 M •I BAY TOOL & SUPPLY INC 10 -00 -0423 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION SMALL TOOLS INVENTORY 23.54 s 10 -00 -0421 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY 633.72 _ Check Total: 657.26 00048508 MW 1 M il BERRY— HINCKLEY INDUSTRIES 10 -00 -0415 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GASOLINE INVENTORY 3,431.28 8 i 10 -02 -4630 PUMPS OIL & LUBRICANTS 132.68 , 10 -00 -0416 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION DIESEL INVENTORY -. 3,098.25 M Check Total: 6,662.21 00048509 MW 1 BING MATERIALS 20 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES Check Total: 525.76 525.76 00048510 MW m + BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL 10 -39 -4405 FINANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,230.63 m 1 10 -38 -4405 CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 620.16 South Tahoe P.U.D. THU. NOV 29, 2001, 11/29/01 P A Y M E N T OF C L A I M S R E P O R T 11/16/2001 - 12/06/2001 Page 3 1:44 PM - -req: DOUGLAS -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE-- - -job: 236485 #J2517-- -prog: CK509 <1.07 > -- report id: CKRECSPC .J, Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP s Check Types: MW.HW,RV,VH '�. Vendor Name Account #. Department I/1 11 c, BOLE ENGINEERING CORP C C P INDUSTRIES INC. C W E A 20 -02 -4405 PUMPS 20 -29 -8290 ENGINEERING 10 -00 -0425 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 10 -04 -6250 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -01 -6250 UNDERGROUND REPAIR CALIF DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES 10 -06 -6250 OPERATIONS • • 10 -02 -6250 PUMPS CALIF DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES 90 -98 -7028 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT CALIFORNIA WATER AWARENESS CAL T ,- JERALEE -. n CANADA LIFE 4 CAPITANI, JAMES T 10-07-4810 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4810 LABORATORY 20 -27 -6660 DISTRICT INFORMATION 10 -21 -6200 ADMINISTRATION 20 -21 -6200 ADMINISTRATION 10 -00 -2539 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 30 -00 -6744 SELF FUNDED INSURANCE 10 -00 -2512 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 10 -00 -2525 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 10 -06 -6200 OPERATIONS CAPPO Conference Registration 10 -39 -6200 FINANCE 20 -39 -6200 FINANCE 1 CAREER ASSOCIATES INC 51 Description _ ____ Check Total: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TREATMENT, ARROWHEAD WL #3 Check Total: SAFETY SUPPLIES INVENTORY Check Total: DUES & MEMBERSHIPS DUES & MEMBERSHIPS Check Total: DUES & MEMBERSHIPS DUES & MEMBERSHIPS Check Total: HYDRANTS GRASS LAKE RD Check Total: Vendor Total:- POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES Check Total: WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE Check Total: TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION Check Total: LONG TERM DISABILITY, UNION EXCESS INS SELF INSURED MED LIFE INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE -MGMT Check Total: TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION Check Total: TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION Check Total: === = = == === = == == == == == == 1.850.79 00048511 MW 739.95 1.396.57 . 2, .136..52 00048512 . MW 77.04 .77..04, 00048513 MW 66.00 103. OP 169.00 00048514 MW 80,00. 120.00 200.00 00048515 MW 1,421.92 1,421.92 00048516 MW 1,621.92 23.30_._ 67.70 91.00 00048517 MW 1,500.00 1,500.00 00048518 MW 35.61 23.73 59.34 00048519 MW 2,616.49 9. 178.01 655.96 358.78 12,809.24 00048520 MW 134.55 134.55 00048521 MW 43 44 45 a8 47 195.00 130.00 325.00 00048522 MW 10 -22 -6670 HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL EXPENSE 252_00 20 -22 -6670 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR PERSONNEL EXPENSE 168.00 Check Total: 420.00 00048523 MW LthNOV 29. UO 2- U, 11/29/01 1:44 PM --req: _ '....Check TYPeS� M, HW, R AP 11 /ib12001^12 /pnr " REPORT __prop: C11.509 (1.07)--report i • 236485 #J2517- P A Y M E� NT JL- 'Ioc� ONSITE --- .►ab' DOUGLAS---leg: DOUGLAS' -_- RING efault Selection_ Check "toc Accaunt 0 - Department = ndor Name^_______ 20-2-8290 ENGINES 10 -00 -0425 GENERAL & AD 0-04-6250 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 01 -6250 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 6250 OPERATIONS 10-02 -6250 PUMPS EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT 8405 PUMPS DOYLE ENGINbERING CORP i .... . C C P INDUSTRIES INC . C W E A HEALTH SERVICES CALIF -DEPT OF- •r. - qp; =98 -702' ,., raERVICES C L A I M S MW jAM�.nt Check MINISTRATION CALIFORNIA _OVERNIGHT... - - CALIFORNIA Ir1AT£Ft AWAREN'285 CANADA LIFE CAP 1fpNl, JAMES 10 -06 -6200 OPERATIONS CAPPO Conference Registration 10- 39- 6200 FINANCE 10- 07-4810 LABORATORY, TOR 60- 07-'4610 27-660 DISTRICT INFORMATION • •2Q 6200 ADMINISTRATION 20 -21 -6200 ADMINISTRATION 10 -0"-25.5_39 GENERAL R � -- A ISTR AT I O N 30_00 -6744 SELF FUN _ INSURANCE , &pD MINISTRATION _ =m =' BMW ==== == __=_ - 00048511 °"- 1,850.74 i tiara De��� pheck Total 719.95 1,396.57 00048512 8t1?6.52 77.04. 00048513 CONTRACTUAL T REATMET , ARROWHEAD WL 03 Check Total: SAFETY SUPPLIES INVENTORY Check DUES & MEMBERSHIPS DUES & MEM►9ERSHI Check DUES & MEMBERSHIPS DUES & MEMBERSHIPS heck Total: Total: HYDRANTS GRASS LAKE RD Check V otal: r Total: POSTAGE EXPE S SAGE EXP SESCheck Total. WAT VATION EXPENSE CON Check Total: TION 10 -QO -2525 .ERAL & ADM INISTRA T I ON 10 =00 12 - G EN ._ 20- 39- 6200FINANCE_ CAREER ASSOCIATES INC TRAVEL/MEETINGS/ED TRAVEL- MEETINGS /EDUCA Check LONG DISABILITY, UNION TERMS SELF INSURED MED.. EXCESS IN LIFE INSURANCE GMT LIFE INSURANCE - pL Check Total: to-ea-boo HUMAN RR- .SOURCES DIRECTOR . - 2Q- 22 -6b7Q 1-NMAb� Tota TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION Check..... _ -_ -- - - - - -. /EDUCATION _ TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION_ _. -- __.TRAVEL /MEE�IN... Check Total: 66.00 103.00 _ 169.00 $0.00 .120.00 200.00 MW 0048514 MW - 1,421-92 0p48516 1�, 421.92 0 _-1, 621.92 67.70 91.00 1,500.00 00048518 1,500.00 59,34-.._00048519 2.616.49 9,,•178. -OS._ 699.96 358.78 flOp44352- 134.55 MW pQ048517 MW _ -r_ 55`_.Y- 004$521 _ Mai --'-'• 195.00 p0448522 MW 325.00 252.00 -- -- 4-66 523 MW 16 ._ -- 420.0- 00042 PERSONNEL. EXPENSE-- _ - EXPENSCheck Total: - PERSONNEL South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/29/01 PAYMENT 0 F CLAIMS REPORT 11/16/2001-12/06/2001 Page 4 THU, NOV 29, 2001, 1:44 PM --req: DOUGLAS---leg: GL JL--1oc: ONSITE----job: 236485 #J2517---prog: CK509 <1.07)---report id: CKRECSPC _ • •--- ^-•- --•• ^ 7iL Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH -J Vendor Name Account # Department Descriptkgn Amount Check # Type __ ============ = === ==== ======= ========================== ================== ========= ==== a CAROLLO ENGINEERS 90-98-8829 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT 90-98-8828 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT :0 10-29-8235 ENGINEERING 11 ._• +.2 13 CARSON CITY SANITARY LANDFILL 20-01-6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 16 CHEVRON USA 19 7' 22 BLINE PHASE II DIP TO END BLINE PHS III LPPS—CAMPGROUN SLUDGE HANDLING FACILITY Check Total: 952.00 11,575.50 11,079.24 23,606.74 00048524 MW PIPE. COVERS. & MANHOLES 916.17 Check Total: 916.17 00048525 MW 10-04-4610 HEAVY MAINTENANCE GASOLINE 34.74 Check Total: 34.74 00048526 MW CHILD SUPPORT COLLECTION PROG 10-00-2502 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION WAGE GARNISHMENTS 37.50 Check Total: 37.50 00048527 MW 10-00-2502 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION WAGE GARNISHMENTS —37.50 * Check Total: —37.50 00048527 RV 24 •6 4 2 3 CIRCLE E SYSTEMS 20-02-6051 PUMPS CODRA PRO 10-22-4405 HUMAN RESOURCES CONCIERGE. OPERA PLAZA PUMP STATIONS 458.58 Check Total: 458.58 00048528 MW CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 114.80 Check Total: 114.80 00048529 MW 20-19-6200 BOARD OF DIRECTORS TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION 130.00 Check Total: 00048530 MW s CONNELL, MARK E 20-01-6200 UNDERGROUND REPAIR TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION 41.00 6 Check Total: 41.00 00048531 MW 7 8 COST CONTAINMENT CONCEPTS INC 30-00-6742 SELF FUNDED INSURANCE PPO FEE 324.00 30-00-6741 SELF FUNDED INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION FEE 1.792.04 9 2 DELL MARKETING L P 20-01-8249 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-21-13269 ADMINISTRATION Check Total: 2,116.04 00048532 MW REPLACE SECTY COMPUTER REPL COMPUTER ADMIN Check Total: 1.931.35 2,150.70 4,082.05 00048533 MW C S 10-22-6670 HUMAN RESOURCES 20-22-6670 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR PERSONNEL EXPENSE PERSONNEL EXPENSE Check Total: 45.00 30.00 75.00 00048535 MW DOUGLAS RADIATOR E N 8 RESOURCES INC 10-05-6013 EQUIPMENT REPAIR GENERATORS 891.36 Check Total: 891.36 00048536 MW 10-21-4405 ADMINISTRATION CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 20-21-4405 ADMINISTRATION CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,712.84 ' 1,808.56 South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/29/01 P A Y M E N T OF C L A I M S R E P O R T 11/16/2001 - 12/06/2001 Page 5 THU, NOV 29, 2001, 1:44 PM - -req: DOUGLAS -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE-- - -fob: 236485 #J2517-- -prog: CK509 <1.07 > -- report id: CKRECSPC iil B m L Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW, HW, RV, VH — to Vendor Name Account # Department Descripti Check_ Type ...... _ = axa =vxaa ax =a �s-1 Check Total: 4, 521.40 00048537 MW o EBRIGHT & CO INC, C B 20 -29 -8290 ENGINEERING TREATMENT, ARROWHEAD WL #3 288.90 '" Check Total: 288.90 00048538 MW r 13 EDDY. LAVERNE 10 -21 -4440 ADMINISTRATION ADVISORY 5.80 It 20 -21 -4440 ADMINISTRATION ADVISORY 3.86 is Check Total: 9.66 00048539 MW 16 n EL DORADO COUNTY 20 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES 68.00 /e Check Total: 68.00 00048540 MW 18 n EL DORADO COUNTY 20 -29 -8290 ENGINEERING TREATMENT, ARROWHEAD WL #3 68.00 Check Total: 68.00 00048541 MW n 3' 31 E "` Vendor Total: 136.00 2° =1 FEDEX 10 -38 -4810 CUSTOMER SERVICE 13 POSTAGE EXPENSES 13.76 _ 20 -38 -4810 CUSTOMER SERVICE POSTAGE EXPENSES .,,9.16 10 -06 -4810 OPERATIONS POSTAGE EXPENSES 13.70 26 20 -02 -4810 PUMPS POSTAGE EXPENSES 32.11 30 20 -39 -4810 FINANCE POSTAGE EXPENSES 19,66 1 10 -39 -4810 FINANCE POSTAGE EXPENSES 29.50 EI EI � iii M ?3z Check Total 117 89 00048542 MW I FISHER ' SCIENTIFIC 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY LABORATORY SUPPLIES rrt 29y,gi -''© I 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY LABORATORY SUPPLIES 191.45 3, Check Total: 478.66 00048543 MW 33 n G B GENERAL ENG CONTRACTOR INC 20 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES 9,826.54 n 10 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES 700 :00 . n Check Total: 10, 526.54 00048544 MW m 8 © 40 .7..-Ti .7..-Ti L I INTERNATIONAL INC 10 -03 -7408 ELECTRICAL SHOP DISSOLVED OXYGEN SENSOR 4,026.44 42 Check Total: 4.026.44 00048545 MW °3 1 GEOTRANS INC 10 -37 -8262 INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE, GIS 4.877.82 — Check Total: 4,877.82 00048546 MW CZ1 0 8 E m p ©El m ,a GOLDEN STATE CELLULAR 10 -28 -6310 ALPINE COUNTY TELEPHONE 193.17 ,el Check Total: 193.17 00048547 MW ae soI GRAINGER INC, W. W. 10 -04 -6041 HEAVY MAINTENANCE BUILDING5 146.49 Check Total: -• 146.49 00048548 MW s n HELPING HANDS OUTREACH 10 -00 -2524 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION HELPING HANDS PY DEDUCTION 325.00 i4 Check Total: 325.00 00048549 MW 5 HENDERSON, DEBBIE 10 -39 -6200 FINANCE TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION .20.60 `•,; ;;Am S7 20 -39 -6200 FINANCE TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION . 13.73 7: South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/29/01 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 11/16/2001-12/06/2001 Page 6 THU, NOV 29, 2001, 1:44 PM --req: DOUGLAS—leg: GL JL--loc: ONSITE----Job: 236485 #J2517---prog: CK509 <1.07>--report id: CKRECSPC L.L.1 2 HI 4_ Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH 161 Vendor Name Account # Department Description L:■1 1 HEWLETT PACKARD 10-37-6030 INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICE CONTRACTS 20-37-6030 INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICE CONTRACTS Amount Ch.a_c_k_ # Type Check Total: 14. HOLMGREN'S TREE SERVICE 10-01-6042 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 16 17 HOME DEPOT 18 :A HUGO BONDED LOCKSMITH 21 10-28-6042 ALPINE COUNTY Check Total: GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE Check Total: == ========= ==== 34.33 00048550 MW 435.31 159.43 594.74 00048551 JMW 1,065.00 1,065.00 0QQ4855g MW GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE Check Total: 10-02-6051 PUMPS 20-29-8290 ENGINEERING 2.21 24 1 A P M 0 IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP. 1 0 0 116.19 116.19 00048553 MW PUMP STATIONS TREATMENT, ARROWHEAD WL #3 Check Total: 10-38-6250 CUSTOMER SERVICE DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 20-38-6250 CUSTOMER SERVICE DUES & MEMBERSHIPS Check Total: 10-07-4760 LABORATORY 20-07-4760 LABORATORY a IMPACT STRATEGIES a :s INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY 10-21-4405 ADMINISTRATION 10-00-0421 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 10-39-6077 FINANCE 17 6 J & L PRO KLEEN INC -11 10-39-6074 FINANCE 20-39-6074 FINANCE 8.24 8.91 17.15 00048554 MW 90.00 .60.00. :.: 150.00 00048555 MW LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Total: 836.37 557.58 1,393.95 00048556 MW , - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES S.O00.O0 , . Check Total: ,'5,-000.00 00048557 MW SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY INVENTORY FREIGHT/DISCOUNTS Check Total: JANITORIAL SERVICES JANITORIAL SERVICES Check Total: JOHNSON PERKINg–I-ASSOC. INC 10-28-8285 ALPINE COUNTY ALPINE CNTY MASTER PLAN Check Total: sKRLT& K–ErTri_ ITOTEr 20-27-6660 DISTRICT INFORMATION WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE 10-27-6620 DISTRICT INFORMATION PUBLIC RELATIONS EXPENSE 81 1 KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES 10-04-6022 HEAVY MAINTENANCE SECONDARY EQUIPMENT 2SI 10-03-6021 ELECTRICAL SHOP PRIMARY EQUIPMENT 20-03-6050 ELECTRICAL SHOP WELLS 20-03-6051 ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS 20-27-6620 DISTRICT INFORMATION PUBLIC RELATIONS EXPENSE 764.95 33.00 797.95 00048558 MW 1,648.20 1,098.80 2,747.00 00048560 MW 4,981.79 4,981.79 00048561 MW Check Total: Check Total: KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS INC 10-28-8285 ALPINE COUNTY ALPINE CNTY MASTER PLAN 560.00 254.91 169.93 984.84 00048562 MW 45.53 530.92 95.77 335.98 1,008.20 00048563. MW 36,670.77 16 17 p ron: cK 5o9 =o =r~~-^-^'' - 7, - -repo.- 11/29/01 PAYMENT OV CLAIMS REPORT Description 16'670.77 __ _ Check `"~~- ` ' � xo°.. - _ _ - '- -_�_- - _ 4- � LABORATORY 92 LABORATORY HACH CO 10-07-6025 _ - "~- mov`~-' __---_- - Accv"Stvcx ^.. "- .v Check ypes. , _ 000==~= ==~- .���� == =__ ■ . ^ efault Check / LAB SAFETY SUPPLY endor Name L`- INSTRUMENTS #e ARNE AYETN JEFF 20 INC' MW LILLY'S T1R SERVICE 22 r - Check Total: Check Total: -~ m*9*\�------- '- __----' Check 441.09 _opo4857.0. e.el v * * ° o _~~~ - .-_ --_._ INFORMATION --_M --�-.- LITIGATION LEGAL ^.- 10-19-4405 FINANCE --- --CONTRACI:OAL. SEEN-ICES 11:so -^" �to''� �o� - - piles - -' '..mm -~-' w'~- o'�� ___ .e5 ..- --_ '- - ^- ~' �p "^'- 20-17-611 ��� BOARD _- DIRECTOR ``__ - .~.. -- _ .^ ... -_....-.-- -.~ TELEPHONE `-_ ^- rn�m �����^�� A"..- "~' ____- ~-__- ^. REPAIR TELEPHONE ___- 20-01-6110 UNDERGROUND 10-02-6110 PUMPS _ TELEPHONE �*�^^ eo-oe-oto PUMPS 10-22-6110 o~er��� ��n+w RESOURCES �- ___�_-���� SUPPL-E �s�~ssa-p~~- _=,��F�----- - `LtTv �IL I�~o*-�~� ADMINISTRATION ~ '— �fwn^' _ _-___ GENERAL _~___~- _ ______ C 14,6U -TRIAL SUPPLY CO - al.49 0604-857e � �an 0¢ r,. _- ___ South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/29/01 P A Y M E N T OF C L A I M S R E P O R T 11/16/2001- 12/06/2001 Page 8 THU, NOV 29. 2001. 1:44 PM - -req: DOUGLAS -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE - -- -job: 236485 #J2517-- -prog: CK509 <1.07) -- report id: CKRECSPC r � 8 L. Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW, HW. RV, VH L IFe Vendor Name Account # Department Description Amosint ChecJLJL___Type 8 a MC FARLANE, RHONDA 20 -19 -6200 BOARD OF DIRECTORS TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION 133.74 s Check Total: 133.74 00048574_ MW (-7 u MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO 10 -03 -6073 ELECTRICAL SHOP SMALL TOOLS 97.69 I 10 -04 -6071 HEAVY MAINTENANCE SHOP SUPPLIES 49.6_ 20 -02 -6051 PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 219.61 l++ 10 -02 -6051 PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 311.38 10 -04 -6041 HEAVY MAINTENANCE BUILDINGS 149.45 1:15! 10 -04 -6022 HEAVY MAINTENANCE SECONDARY EQUIPMENT 20.21 'L Check Total: 847.96 00048575 MW 19 METROCALL 10 -29 -6310 ENGINEERING TELEPHONE 3.00 Check Total: 3.00 00048576 MW m METZ, DOUGLAS 10 -39 -6200 FINANCE TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION 90.27 m 20 -39 -6200 FINANCE TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION 60.18 31 24 Check Total: 150.45 00048577 MW 1 MID MOUNTAIN MOBILE COMM. 10 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS 217.48 p n Check Total: 217.48 00048578 MW 26 8 29 MORAIDA, CHRIS 10 -02 -6250 PUMPS DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 17.00 p 30 20 -02 -6250 PUMPS DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 17.00 °+ Check Total: • 34:00 _ 00048579 MW '8 M MOUNTAIN CELLULAR 10 -38 -6310 CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE - 21.77 3. 20 -38 -6310 CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE 14.51 m J 10 -02 -6310 PUMPS TELEPHONE 110.58 m 34 20 -02 -6310 PUMPS TELEPHONE 122.04 37 10 -21 -6310 ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 78.55 3e 20 -21 -6310 ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 52.36 , 39 10 -29 -6310 ENGINEERING TELEPHONE 113.60 8 .0 20 -29 -6310 ENGINEERING TELEPHONE 75.73 51 10 -01 -6310 UNDERGROUND REPAIR TELEPHONE 32.85 i2 20 -01 -6310 UNDERGROUND REPAIR TELEPHONE 45.81 B +3 10 -27 -6310 DISTRICT INFORMATION TELEPHONE 6.88 .. 0 20 -27 -6310 DISTRICT INFORMATION TELEPHONE 4:59 m 10 -07 -6310 LABORATORY TELEPHONE 7.14 B .,. 20 -07 -6310 LABORATORY TELEPHONE 4.76 10 -05 -6310 EQUIPMENT REPAIR TELEPHONE 5.66 0 .9 20 -05 -6310 EQUIPMENT REPAIR TELEPHONE 5.66 .0 .10 -03 -6310 ELECTRICAL SHOP TELEPHONE 5.79 20 -03 -6310 ELECTRICAL SHOP TELEPHONE 5.79 CI CI ., 10 -28 -6310 ALPINE COUNTY TELEPHONE 21.39 8 1 2� 10 -39 -6310 FINANCE TELEPHONE 6.79 m 3 20 -39 -6310 FINANCE TELEPHONE 4.53 „ a Check Total: 746.78 00048580 MW J N S I SOLUTIONS INC 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY LABORATORY SUPPLIES 25.20 7 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY LABORATORY SUPPLIES 16.80 _ South Tahoe P.V.D. 11/29/01 P A Y M E N T OF C L A I M S R E P O R T 11/16/2001 - 12/06/2001 Page 9 THU, NOV 29, 2001, 1:44 PM - -req: DOUGLAS -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE--- -,job: 236485 #J2517-- -prog: CK509 <1.07> -- report id: CKRECSPC Ii Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW, HW, RV, VH ie Vendor Name Account # Department 18- 18 NEVADA ENERGY SYSTEMS INC 10 -02 -8197 PUMPS 1== 10 -05 -6013 EQUIPMENT REPAIR Description Amount Ches_k # Type 3' ===== C.Z. CCC-- "== == - - -S -= C- CC-- ===== =- C -C -•.3 ========= ==== .14 NEW PIG CORPORATION ,8 re 10 -28 -6042 ALPINE COUNTY NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS 10 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR i OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SERV DIV 2, 72 24 z, 28 30 r8 -3 vi as PACIFIC BELL w 38 19 w „ 12 33 10 -22 -4820 20 -22 -4820 10 -29 -4820 20 -29 -4820 10 -38 -4820 20 -38 -4820 10 -39 -4820 20 -39 -4820 10 -06 -4820 10 -21 -4820 20 -21 -48 10 -07 -4820 20 -07 -4820 HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR ENGINEERING ENGINEERING CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE FINANCE OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATION 20 ADMINISTRATION LABORATORY LABORATORY 20 -19 -6200 10 -00 -6310 10 -02 -6310 20 -02 -6310 10 -27 -6310 20 -27 -6310 10 -39 -6310 20 -39 -6310 10 -00 -6320 20 -00 -6320 I6 PACIFIC UNION CO. BOARD OF DIRECTORS GENERAL & ADMINISTRATIUN PUMPS PUMPS DISTRICT INFORMATION DISTRICT INFORMATION FINANCE FINANCE GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION m PARSONS HBA it .20 -19 -6200 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 90 -98 -8828 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT 10 -28 -8285 ALPINE COUNTY 90 -98 -8829 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT PERKS PLUMBING & HEAT INC, L A 10 -02 -6051 PUMPS Check Total: 42.00 00048581 MW GENERATOR SET, FLL PS GENERATORS Check Total: GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE Check Total: PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES Check Total: OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,561.00 187.06 2,74E1.06 00048582 MW 484.82 484.82 00048583 MW 915.00 915.00 00048584 MW Check Total: TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE SIGNAL CHARGES SIGNAL CHARGES Check Total: 74.07 49.39 5.69 3.79 16.03 10.68 14.40 9.60 94.99 22.10 14.72 36.97 24.64 377.07,00048585 MW TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION Check Total: BLINE PHS III LPPS- CAMPGROUN ALPINE CNTY MASTER PLAN BLINE PHASE II DIP TO END Check Total: PUMP STATIONS 51.61 161.81 74.01 42.12 9.00 6.00 9.05 6.03 285.13 676.59 1,558.22 00048586 MW 2,800.00 00048587 MW 386.66 77, 219.61 791.39 78,397.66 00048588 MW 700.00 south Tahoe P.U.D. 11/29/01 PAYMENT 0 F CLAIMS REPORT 11/16/2001-12/06/2001 Page 10 THU, NOV 29, 2001, 1:44 PM --req: DOUGLAS---leg: GL JL--loc: ONSITE----job: 236485 #J2517---prog: CK509 <1.07>--report id: CKRECSPC 4! 0 Vendor Name Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW.RV,VH 1. 0 Account # Department Description Amount Check # Type = ■================= ========= ==== Check Total: 700.00 00048589 MW iirrtiFttiAiitWiTra§±i.C-------- ---- .4 12 16:66-06b - OPtIRiiTioks CHLORINE Check Total: 5,611.50 5,611.50 000485 n PIP PRINTING 14 m 10-22-4920 HUMAN RESOURCES 20-22-4920 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR PRINTING PRINTING Check Total: 20.48 13.64 34.12 000485 16 QUILOGY 10-37-6200 INFORMATION SYSTEMS TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION 954.00 m 20-37-6200 INFORMATION SYSTEMS TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION 636.00 16 m n R DX CORP - 10-07-8223 LABORATORY Check Total: REPLACE AUTOMATIC SAMPLER 1,590.00 6,008.57 000485 Check Total: 6,008.57 000485 m R SUPPLY 20-01-6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES 518.31 15 _ 20-29-8290 ENGINEERING TREATMENT, ARROWHEAD WL #3 125.68 2 Check Total: • 643.99 000485 2 RADIO SHACK _ 1C7-739-4820 FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 10.26 q 20-39-4820 FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 6.84 2- Check Total: 17.10 000485 1 2 RAVEN BIOLOGICAL -LABS ' . 10-07-4760 LABORATORY LABORATORY SUPPLIES . ' ,-..-,;k,:,'i, 53.02 3 20-07-4760 LABORATORY LABORATORY SUPPLIES ,', ,,;.':::-. 35.35 4 Check Total: 88.37 000485 5 a REED ELECTRIC 10-04-6022 HEAVY MAINTENANCE SECONDARY EQUIPMENT 195.00 7 a Check.Total: 195.00 000485 ; RENO GAZETTE-JOURNAL 10-29-8235 ENGINEERING SLUDGE HANDLING FACILITY 112.60 u 10-02-7395 PUMPS TALLAC PUMP STATION BYPASS L 96.80 Check Total: 209.40 000485 2 3 ROSS, HEATHER 10-06-6200 OPERATIONS TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION 63.54 4 ii Check Total: 63.54 000485 1-EPOrTMII-EIVITIC 20-29-8290 ENGINEERING TREATMENT, ARROWHEAD WL #3 104.76 I Check Total: 104.76 000486 ,4 SfRSUSTECHOLOGIES INC. .10-37-6030 INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICE CONTRACTS 481.51 20-37-6030 INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICE CONTRACTS - 321.00 i Check Total: , 802.51 000485 ■ SETON NAME PLATE CORP 10-06-6042 OPERATIONS GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE 666.29 Check Total: 666.29 000486 j SHARP, KATHY 10-21-6621 ADMINISTRATION INCENTIVE & RECOGNITION PROR . '30.00-. 90 MW 91 MW 92 MW 93 MW. 94 MW 95 MW 96 MW 97 MW 98 MW 99 MW 00 MW 59 MW 01 MW South Tahoe P.U.D. THU, NOV 29, 2001, Page 11 R E P O R T 11/16/2001-12/06/2001 ort id: CKRECSPC PAYMENT Q F C L A I ob: 236485 #J2517-- -Prop: CK509 <1.077MS i1J29/O1 GL JL - -loc: QNSITE- --.i 1:44 PM - -req: DOUGLAS---leg: ' 1e9: __- Default Selection: Check Stock Vendor Name = ^= = =_ns= 7 T SIERRA CHEMICAL CO 12 SIERRA FOOTHILL LABORATORY • 14 ,8 19 17 18 ,9 zz SIERRA PACIFIC POWER 22 SNELL & CO INC, J 24 is SOUTH TAHOE NEWSPAPER AGENCY ze n STANISLAUS CO FAM SUPP DIV ID: AP eck Types: MW, HW, RV, VH Descr o —n =========================== = _= sa= _ ^ =s>= = == = = = =s= Check Total: Account it De artment 20- 02-4750 20-07-6110 10 -07 -6110 10 -00 -6330 20-00-6130 10 -00 -6740 10-38-6036-CUSTOMER CO TN RACTS . --- SERVICE CHLORINE PUMPS MONITORING LABORATORY ARO TORY MONITORING LABORATORY GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION Check Total: S=9O 50..00 == =s== = ====am =0 = 00048602" MW 00 857.08 857.08 00048603 MW 38.50 342.50 Check Tote 1. 31, 882.84 5.46. 51,940.33 00048605 MW - 148.11 ELECTRICITY ELECTRICITY LIGHTING EXPENSE Check Total: 98.74 — SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACTS 246.85 00048606 MW ._. Check Total: 20 -38 -6030 CUSTOMER SERVICE 7q,17 . SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE 1 ._EXPENSE 131.43 00048607 MW 10 -21 -4830 ADMINISTRATION 20 -21 -4830 ADMINISTRATION 10 -Opp2 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 10.00 72502 GENERAL & ADMINISTRA ADMINISTRATION__ s STATELINE VIDEO PRODUCTIONS 9 STATIONARY ENGINEERS LOCAL 39 __ s! SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL � el SUNQARD BI -TECH INC. l 5UTER ASSOCIATES, LYNN M• z' . TAHOE ASPHA� LT INC TAHOE FENCJ C INC 1010_27 -4920 DISTRICT INFORMATION _ UNION DUES PAYA8LE Total: 10 -00 -2526 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ____UNION D UESPAYARCheck Check SUBSCRIPTIONS Check Total: WAG_ E GARNISHMENTS Total: WAGE GARNISHMENTChec- o Total: PRINTING Check Total: 10 -00 -2526 GENERAL & 10 -0 1-4405- 10-37-6030 10 -27 74405 20-01 -605 UNDERGROUND REPAIR_,_____.. -_ INFORMATION SYSTEMS DISTRICT .INFORMATION`___.__.__ DUNDREPAIR _CONTRACTUAL SERvIcxe Check Total: 2 UNDERGR 10 -28 -8284 ALPINE.._ COUNTY.^ SERVICE CO NTRACTSCheck Total: . CONTIWTUAL _SERVICES Check Total: PIPE. COVERS, = Check Total: FENCING -'-A34:50 00048608 M - 134.50 00048608 197.00 . 197.00 00048604 MW RV 2, 749 93 2,749,93 00048610 MW -2,749.93 _...... _ - 2,749.93 00048610 RV 1,962 00 1,462.00 00048611 MW 949.60 449.60 00048615 MW 2,333 33 2,333.33 00048613 MW 2,200.00 _ .- -- 2,200.00 00048614 MW 4,898.00 South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/29/01 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 11/16/2001-12/06/2001 Page 12 THU, NOV 29, 2001, 1:44 PM --req: DOUGLAS---leg: GL JL--loc: ONSITE----job: 236485 #J2517---prog: CK509 <1.07>--report id: CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH 6 Vendor Name r--- ==== Account # Department Description Avrtaunt_Citec k . # Type g 1 4 _ • TAHOE MOUNTAIN NEWS 20-29-8290 ENGINEERING 20-27-6660 DISTRICT INFORMATION _■___ _•- -•- I., TAHOE PARADISE CHEVRON 17 TAHOE SAND & GRAVEL TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY n TED'S ELECTRIC U S A BLUE BOOK O ULTIMATE OFFICE 7 WEDCO INC V W R CORPORATION WECO INDUSTRIES INC • WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WITHROW.OXYGEN SERVICE 20-01-4620 20-01-6052 10-03-6041 10-02-6073 20-02-6073 10-04-6022 10-01-4820 20-01-4820 10-07-4760 20-07-4760 10-01-6071 UNDERGROUND REPAIR UNDERGROUND REPAIR ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMPS PUMPS HEAVY MAINTENANCE UNDERGROUND REPAIR UNDERGROUND REPAIR LABORATORY LABORATORY UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20-03-6050 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10-03-6051 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10-03-6041 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10-03-6022 ELECTRICAL SHOP 20-38-6045 20-01-6052 10-28-6042 10-02-6051 20-29-8290 10-04-6022 20-02-6051 10-02-6071 20-02-6071 CUSTOMER SERVICE UNDERGROUND REPAIR ALPINE COUNTY PUMPS ENGINEERING HEAVY MAINTENANCE PUMPS TREATMENT, ARROWHEAD WL #3 Check Total: WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE Check Total: DIESEL Check Total: PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES Check Total: BUILDINGS ======== ======== ==== 200.00 00048615 MW 225.00 225.00 00048616 MW 33.48 33.48 00048617 MW 2,377.05 __et.177.0 00048618 MW 360.88 Check Total: 360.88. 00048619 MW SMALL TOOLS 28.86 SMALL TOOLS 28.85 Check Total: 57.71 00048620 MW SECONDARY EQUIPMENT 4,475.91 Check Total: 4,475.91 00048621 MW OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Total: SHOP SUPPLIES 48.99 43.99 92.98 00048622 MW 114.59 76.39 190.98 00048623 MW 230.46 Check Total: 230.46 00048624 MW WELLS 266.88 PUMP STATIONS 22.95 BUILDINGS 817.91 SECONDARY EQUIPMENT 127.97 Check Total: 1,235.71 00048625 MW WATER METERS PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE PUMP STATIONS TREATMENT, ARROWHEAD WL #3 SECONDARY EQUIPMENT PUMP STATIONS PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 9,407.76 2,448.71 182.01 22.05 20.72 27.78 13.18 Check Total: 12,122.21 00048626 MW 76.56 76.55 South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/29/01 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 11/16/2001-12/06/2001 Page 13 THU, NOV 29, 2001, 1:44 PM --req: DOUGLAS—leg: GL JL--loc: ONSITE----job: 236485 #J2517---prog: CK509 <1.07>--report id: CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH 6 Vendor Name Account # Department Description Amount Check # _Type -1 1, . .-.= 6, 10-02-6073 PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 246.10 7 20-02-6073 PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 246.10 10-04-6071 HEAVY MAINTENANCE SHOP SUPPLIES 340.37 10-04-6073 HEAVY MAINTENANCE SMALL TOOLS 38.94 10-07-4760 LABORATORY LABORATORY SUPPLIES 554.54 Check Total: 1,579.16 00048627 MW 10 12' 13 ZELLMER, DAVE. 20 21 10-28-6042 ALPINE COUNTY GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE ZYMAX ENVIROTECHNOLOGY 20-07-6110 LABORATORY 2,000.00 Check Total: 2,000.00 00048628 MW MONITORING 837.00 Check Total: 837.00 00048629 MW 22 23 24 Grand Total: 886,845.97 pJ1 14 15 IT 80 12 A 1 a 2 4 � SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer. General Manaaer RE: BOARD MEETING December 6. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13 . a. ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: STPUD VS. ARCO ET AL SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO 999128 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a�. Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel re arding existing litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: � BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATECiORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES����� NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO WATER X SEWER � SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM � TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer. General ManaQer RE: BOARD MEETING _ December 6. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13. b. ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION �ONE CASE) . REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (c). Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding pending litigation. 3 SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES�� NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO WATER SEWER � SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING December 6. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13. c ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct negotiators DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Govemment Code Section 54956.8. Closed Session may be held for conference regarding property negotiations. Negotiating Parties: Board of Directors. Robert Baer / General Manager Under Negotiation: Consideration of Property Purchase Property Identification: APN 1-080-80 APN 1-080-81 APN 1-080-82 APN 1-080-56 APN 1-080-60 APN 1-200-01 APN 1-200-10 APN 1-200-11 SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES�����_ NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO WATER SEWER X "�� �,; T � SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer. Generaf Manaaer RE: BOARD MEETING December 6. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13. d. ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: STPUD VS. LAKESIDE PARK ASSOCIATION. SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. SC20010165 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a�, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation. � SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES�P���� NO GENERAL ,V CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO WATER X SEWER