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AP 08-30-01 Special
� ��� . t 5 °vTH TaH° —�..� , ......�. ,..:_ -- .. �. .. �� S . . �."' :� � Ve� 19 5 0 `S ���G �1TILITY 0 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Comp/ex World" NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOARD MEETING Thursday, August 30, 2001 3:0� - 4:00 P.M. District Office 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Robert G. Baer, General Man Richard Solbriq, Assi stant M anaqer -... ----- � Duane Wallace, President BOARD MEMBER James R. Jones, Vice President Christo her H. Strohm, Director Ma Lou Mosbacher, Director Eric W. Schafer, Director AGENDA 1. CALL SPECIAL MEETING TO ORDER 2. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION 3. CLOSED SESSION (Please note Closed Sessions are not open to the public) a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO. et al, San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 4. RECONVENE TO fJPEN SESSION 5. ACTION / REPORT ON ITEM DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION a. Arrowhead Well No. 3: Construction (1) Waive the Public Contract Bidding of Wellhead Treatment for MTBE Requirements; and (2) Authorize Staff to Removal Enter into a Series of Negotiated (Richard Solbrig) Contracts to Complete the Underground and Site Work Portions of the Project Prior to October 15, 2001 �t - SPECIAL BOARD MEETING AGENDA - AUGUST 30, 2001 PAGE - 2 b. Arrowhead Well No. 3: Construction Authorize Entering into a Seven Year of Wellhead Treatment for MTBE Agreement with BOC Gases for Oxygen Removal Services in the Estimated Annual (Richard Solbrig) Amount of $10,720, with an Initial On- Site Set Up Fee in the Amount of $2,500 c. Arrowhead Well No. 3: Easement Approve Easement on District Property (Richard Solbrig) for Sierra Pacific Power Company to Introduce Electric Service 7. ADJOURNMENT South Tahoe Public Utility District • 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 • Phone 530.544.6474 • Facsimile 530.541.0614 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ` BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Richard Solbriq, Assistant Manager / Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING August 30. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 6 a. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: Arrowhead Well No. 3: Construction of Welihead Treatment for MTBE Removal REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: A) Waive the public contract bidding requirements� and B) Authorize staff to enter into a series of neaotiated contracts to complete the underqround and site work qortions of the project prior to October 15 2001 DISCUSSION: The installation proiect for the well treatment system was bid on Auqust 21 with the District receivinq no bids for the work This was after the District had delayed the bid openinq bv one week to allow pipe suppliers to complete their costinq of the project The short time frame to complete the underqround portion of the job as well as current work loads were cited by local contractors as reasons for not bidding the entire project In order to have the treatment system operational by next summer the onlv option the District has is to neqotiate a series of aqreements with contractors and suppliers to complete various sitework portions of the project. In essence the District would act as the general contractor and purchase or contract out such items as pipe valves asphalt concrete and electrical duct banks In mid-October. District staff will reevaluate how to accomplish the above ground portion of the proiect. SCHEDULE:_ Underqround/sitework to be completed by October 15 COSTS: $150,000 ACCUUNT NO: 20-29-8290-AH3TRT BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING:� 946,860 ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES!II�����iw�.NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES[_Yic����,,Dl�p WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT � _ BOARD AGENDA ITEM T0: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Richard Solbriq, Assistant Manaqer / Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING _ Auqust 30. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 6 b. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM N0: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: ARROWHEAD WELL NO. 3: CONSTRUCTION OF WELLHEAD TREATMENT FOR MTBE REMOVAL REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize enterinq into a seven (7) year aqreement with BOC Gases for oxvqen services in the estimated annual amount of $10 720 with an initial on-site set up fee in the amount of $2.500 DISCUSSION: The Arrowhead Well treatment project will require an on-site oxyqen supply to be converted to ozone throuqh an on-site ozone generator Applied Process Technology (APT) the supqlier of the advanced oxidation treatment system for this project anticipates that the svstem will use approximately 6 000 qallons of liquid oxyqen per year Staff is proposina that a 1 500 gallon bulk oxyaen storage tank be used which is the smallest bulk tank available. The tank will require refills approximately every three months Staff recommends that the District lease a tank for the following reasons� 1) BOC Gases will deliver and set up the tank on-site� _ 21 Maintenance for the tank will be the responsibility of BOC Gases and will not require staff time to maintain the system as other alternatives would� 31 Contractinq this service to BOC Gases will eliminate the requirement of specialized knowledge of staff to operate the tank and therefore will help reduce liability� Continued on Paqe 2: SCHEDULE: Immediate COSTS: Annual eauiqment rental: $6 720� Annual bulk 02 consumption (estimated) $4 000• Initial on-site set up fee $2,500 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8290/AH3TRT BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $145,430 ATTACHMENTS Aqreement CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO WATER X SEWER (Continued from Page 1) 4) BOC Gases will monitor the tank via telemetry and will automaticallv dispatch refilis as necessary to the site. The standard term of the agreement is seven (7) years, but it does not preclude the relocation of the treatment plant and the tank. Should the treatment plant be relocated to a different site in the future, BOC Gases will provide relocation to the new site for a fee. - �� a�, �-(�-�� �_ /%�'/%% BO C GAS E S BOC Gases 100 Corporate Drive ' P.O. Box 700 I.ebanon NJ 08833-0700 PRODUCT AGREEMENT BOC GASES, a division of The BOC Group, Inc., (hereinafter called "BOC'� and South Tahoe Public Utility Distrid (hereinafter called "Purchaser�, having a facility or facilities in South Lake Tahoe, CA (hereinafter collectively called the "Consuming Locations'�, hereby agree as follows: 1.0 PURCHASE AND SALE OF PRODUCTlTERM - BOC shall sell to Purchaser and Purchaser shall buy from BOC, under the following pravisions, Purchaser's present and future liquid and gaseous requirements of whatever quantity, for each of the following listed products as hereafter marked: () nitrogen; (X ) oxygen; () argon; () helium; () hydrogen (each of the products so marked is hereafter individually referred to as the "ProducY'), for use in connection with Purchaser's operations now or hereafter conducted at the Consuming Loca�ons, or at any other location to which any such operation may subsequenUy be moved while this Agreement is in effect, for an iniGal term ending s�ven(7) years after First Fill or after the first delivery to the last storage tank installed by BOC under Paragraph 2 or 3 her�of, whichever is later, and for a renewal term equal to the initial term and for successive renewal terms thereafter until terminated by either party at the end of such initial term or any renewal term upon not less than twelve (12) months prior written notice. Purchaser shall not purchase nor commit to purchase any gaseous Product delivered by pipeline from the plant where it is produced (or any other gas in replacement of any Product such as the replacement of niUogen Product with carbon dioxide), nor shall Purchaser purchase or lease nor commit to purctiase or lease any equipment which enables Purchaser to produce any Product (whether of equivalent or of lesser purity), from any third Party while this agreement is in effect unless BOC has first refused to match a single offer to purchase, or lease, the same from BOC st a price and upon terms no more favorable to Purchaser than those then offered to Purchaser by such third Party as evidenced by the re�aipt by BOC of a bona fide firm written offer from such third party supplier. 2.0 DELlVERY AND STORAGE SiTE - Purchaser shall promptly fumish at each Consuming Location an accessible, secure site satisfactory for de!ivery and storage of all Product (the "Site'�, including all foundations, lighting, telephone lines, extended fill lines, fences, pipelines, and o:her equipment necessary for the safe distribution of Product from said Site to all points of consumption. Purcl�aser shall maintain all of the fcr�going in good repair and safe operating condition and shall also provide at the Site all electricity and steam required for power and lighting as �vell as all licenses, permits, and site drawings required in connection with such use of the Site, all at its sole cost. 2.1 60C and Purcf�aser shall have access at all times to the Site, but Purchaser shall deny access to all others. Purchaser shall not alter, rapair, adjust or tamper with any equipment installed by BOC. Purchaser shall be responsible for any damage to or loss of any equipment fLmished by BOC, unless caused by BOC's negligence. 2.2 If the Site shall become unsatisfactory to BOC because of any change of conditions, or to Purchaser for any reason, BOC at the expense of Purchaser, shall move its equipment to a substitute Site to be then fumished by Purchaser and satisfactory to BOC. The provisions of this P,gresment shall apply to any such substitute Site. ' 3.�J BOC'S EQUIPMEtJT - BOC shall provide, and install when necessary, on each site all equipment needed for the storage, control and vaporization of Product. Purchaser shall pay BOC's standard freight charges for the equipment from the point of manufacture or storage to the Consuming Location, and Purchaser shall pay BOC's standard rigging costs associated with the installation. Purchaser shall reimburse BOC for all excess costs arising out of local conditions that are incurred by BOC in the perfoRnance of any such installation or other construciion' �vcrk hereunder. BOC shall maintain all of said equipment in good repair and operating condition hereof at BOC's standard rates which shall �e billed to Purchaser. Title to the equipment shall be and remain in BOC. In the event Purchaser requires that any of BOC's storage vessels be moved to another location at the Consuming Location, BOC shall, at its cost, move such vessel and the term of this Agreement shall be extended for a period equal to the initial term. 3.1 If any equipment installed by BOC shall become inadequate, in the judgment of BOC, because of any substan6al change in Purchaser's rcuirzments cf Product, BOC shall have the right, at its own expense, to substitute equipment of a different size or type, and the service char�� sat forth in Paragraph 8 hereof (the "Service Charge") shall be adjusted to reflect such substitution and the term hereof shall be extanded for a period equal to the initial term commencing on the date of such installation. 3.2 BOC shall have the right to remove all equipment installed by it within ninety (90) days after the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 3.3 Upon Purchaser requiring BOC to remove any of its equipment from the Site, or upon any expiration or termination of this Agreement, Purcfiaser shall pay to BOC its then unrecovered cost of installing and removing all equipment then removed, based on BOC's amortization of such cost over a seven (� year period commencing on the date of the first delivery hereunder. No such removal during the term hereof shall afrect Purchaser's obligation to purchase its requirements of Product from BOC hereunder, and after such removal BOC shall continue to make deliveries of such Product hereunder to such suitable equipment as Purchaser may then provide. _�, A division of The BOC Group, Inc. qyy A Delaware Corporation �� , . 4.0 DEUVERIES - All deliveries shall be made by BOC to the Site, but BOC shall nof be obligated to make any deliveries of less than seventy-five (75%) of the capacity of the storage equipment located thereon. Deliveries may be made at any time, 24 hours per day, seven days per wesk. Purchaser may request that deliveries be made at specified times, and if BOC is abie to do so Purchaser shall then pay all additional expenses incurred by BOC as a result. In the event BOC's delivery vehicle is denied access to the storage equipment, the Purchaser shall be responsible for all delay costs incurred by BOC.. , , . 4.1 Deliveries which may be made during a strike or other labor disturbances affecting Purchaser shall be at Purchasers sole risk, and Purchaser hereby indemnifies and holds BOC harmless from and against all of those costs, damages, liabilities or claims directly or indirectly arising aut of, or associated with, any such delivery which are not regularly incurred by BOC in the ordinary course of normal deliveries hereunder. 4.2 Product shall be measured by BOC when it is delivered to the storage equipment on the Site. Billings shall be made in cubic feet of gas at 70� F and one atmosphere pressure using standard conversion tables, as necessary. - 5.0 WARRANTY - All Produd delivered under this Agreement shall not be less than 99.5 % pure. Any quantity of Product shown by a recognized standard test to be of lesser purity may be rejected by Purchaser, in its discretion, but BOC reserves the right to confiRn test results of all Product rejected. THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXFRESSED OR IMPLIED, THAT EXTEND BEYOND THIS STANDARD OF PURITY. 6.4 CLAIMS - All claims by Purchaser having anything to do with the Produd sold or delivered by BOC (or not delivered) shall be made in writing within ten (10) days after delivery thereof (or after the same should have been delivered), and failure by Purchaser to give such written nctice shall constitute a complete defense for BOC against all such claims. 7.0 EXCUSE� NON-PERFORMANCE - Either party's perFormance hereunder (except the obligation to pay money when due) shall be subject to floods, strikes or other labor disturbances, fires, accidents, wars, delays of carriers, inability to obtain power or fuel, machinery bre�Rdowns, abnormal demand, failure of normal sources of supply, restraints of govemment, or any other similar or dissimilar cause beyond such party's reasonable control. In the event BOC's current production network cannot reasonably meet the demands of all its customers, thEn BOC may divida the available produciion among its various customers. BOC shall attempt to obtain replacement Produd from other sourcrs, e':ther within or s�parate from BOC, on a temporary basis until sufficient production from such networlc is again available. Purchaser sha;l be promptly notified of the foregoing and shall have the right to decline any such temporary replacement Product to the extent that Frodu� is so unavailable, but shall pay any surcharges assoaated with any such replacement Produci which it accepts, provided that the prcvisions of Parasraph 9 belo�v shall not apply to any such surcharge. 8.0 FRICElPAYMENT - The price(s) of Product delivered hereunder shall consist of a unit price and monthly Service Charge set forth below: Estimated Monthly Price Per Service Charge Product Quantity (scfl 100 Cu. Ft. Per Month Liquid Oxygen 58,000 $0.55 Ecuioment: 1500 gal Storage Vessel $510.00 TelEmetry Unit $50.00 Freight and Rigging $2,500.00 (1 time charge) 8.1 The Service Charge shall be effective when the equipment is installed and ready for operation and billed at BOC's standard published rate. 8.2 .Payment shall be made net ten (10) days, plus, in the case of any payment not made when due, interest at the highest rate permitted by law calculated from and excluding the due date thereof to and including the date of payment, if payment is made after it is due. Any tax, assessment oc excise imposed by any present or future law or by any govemment authority in connection with any Product sold or delivered hereunder, or any item of BOC's equipment (including real or personal property tau) located on any Site, if paid, or to be paid, by BOC as a result of its performance under this Agreement shall be added to BOC's billing and paid by Purchaser, unless Purchaser provides BOC �n applicable tax exemption cerUficate. Purchaser shall also reimburse BOC for increases in the cost of power and feedstock used in the production of Product, the cost of fuel required for the delivery of Product sold hereunder and the cost to comply with govemmental regulations appiicable to production, distribution and storage of Product, as set forth in BOC's regulatory service or hazmat charge. The provisions of FGragraph 9 below shall not apply to any such reimbursement. 9.0 PRICE CHANGES - From time to time, BOG shali have the,right to increase the price(s) then appiicabie hereunder by giving PurchaseF wriiten notice. Such increased price(s) shall become effective fifteen (1b) days afterfhe date of said notice and this Agreement shall otherwise � remain in full force; provided, however that (i) if Purchaser, within fifteen (15) days after the date of said notice, fumishes BOC with a copy of a bona fide, firm written offer from a responsible seller offering to sell Purchaser comparable Product in like quantities, under similar conditions and at a lower price, and (i� if within fifteen (15) days thereafter, BOC shall not agree either (a) to meet said lower price, or (b) to reinstate the price{s) in effect at the time of said notice of revision, whichever is higher, Purchaser shall have the right to cancel this Agreement only with respect to such Product by giving BOC written notice of its election to do so within twenty (20) days after the effective date of said increased price provided that upon such cancellation the cost to remove the storage equipment from the Site shall be bome by the Purchaser, not withstanding the provisions of Paragraph 3.3, but if BOC does agree to meet said lower price, BOC shall have the right to extend the term of this agreement until the end of the contract term provided for in such written offer or for a term of seven (� years whichever is greater, provided that such extension shall not modify the requirements for notice of termination provided for in Paragraph 1 herein. 10.0 ALLOCATIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY - Final determination of the suitability of the Product for any use contemplated by Purchaser is tha Sole responsibility of Purchaser, and BOC shall have no responsibility in connection therewith. Purchaser shall avail itself of testing devicas to determine the purity of the Produd before Purchaser uses such Product, as it sees fit, but no error in or failure to make, any such tas: shall impair any right on the part of the Purchaser to obtain a refund or replacement as provided in Paragraph 10.3. 1 Q.1 Neitt�er party shall be liable to the other for special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages under any circumstances, including without limitation, consequential damages caused by or arising out of, in whole or in part, any negligent ad or omission or related strid liabil'ity. 10.2 Purchasers exclusive remedy for each unexcused failure on the part of BOC to deliver Product to Purchaser when required hereunder, whether or not such failure was caused in whole or in part, by any negligence, shall be to obtain from BOC, at no charge, a cuantity of Produci equal to the quantity that BOC so failed to deliver. 10.3 Purchasers exclusive remedy for each unexcused failure or act on the part of BOC whereby Product of a purity less than that stated in Paragraph 5 hereof is delivered to Purchaser, whether or not such failure or act was, in whole or in part, negligent, or could be the basis of a c!aim on the grounds of strici liability, shall be to �eceive a refund in price of such quantity of non-conforming Product, or the replacement Ltiereofwith Product mesting said level of purity at no additional charge to Purchaser. 1 J.4 Purchaser acicnowledges that it has (� full knowledge of the hazards associated with the storage, distribution and use of Produd and Furchaser hereby assumes all responsibility for waming its personne! and any third parties on its premises of such hazards and (ii) has read and understands the provisions of this Agreement, including the provisions of Paragraphs 10.1 -10.3 above. 10.5 It is a responsibility of the Purchaser to comply with all relevant reporting obligations under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (SARA Titte III) and any other statutes and regulations conceming the storage, handling or use of Product or resulting from the presence of the Product supplied under this Agreement. Further, it is the responsibility of the Purchaser to wam and protect his empfoyees and others exposed to the hazards posed by the Purchasers storage and use of the Product. By execution of this Agreement, Purchaser acknowledges receipt of the Material Safety Data Sheet (s) which describe the Product (s). Upon Purchase�s request and BOC's approval, BOC will assist with Haz-OP training for Purchaser's employees at BOC's standard charge therefor. 11.0 CONTRACTUAL - This Agreement shall not be binding upon BOC until it is accepted by one of its duly authorized representatives. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between BOC and Purchaser relating to the purchase and sale of Product at the Consuming Locations. No change, modification, discharge or waiver of or addition to any of said provisions shall be binding upon BOC, unless set forth in writing, specifically identified as such and accepted by a duly authorized representative of BOC, and no such change, modification, discharge er waiver of or addition to any of said provisions shall be effected by any acknowledgment or acceptance by BOC of any purchase orcler, acicnowledgment or other form submitted by Purchaser specifying dates, quantities or locations and also containing different or additional provisions. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon BOC and Purchaser and their respective successors and ass�gns, including any entity (i) with which Purchaser may merge or consolidate or (ii) to which Purchaser may transfer assets comprising the Censuming Location. Purchaser acknowledges that it has (a) read and understands the provisions of this Agresment and has had an opportunity to have the same reviewed by an attomey of its choice and (b) the person executing this Agreement on behalf of the Purchaser has the full authority to do so. (Purchaser) BOC GASES, a division of The BOC Group, Inc. Ey: By: _ ... Joe Clark Title: Date: TiUe: VP/GM - West Date: Submitted by: Clarence Gaten SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT � BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Richard Solbrig, Assistant Manager/Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING Auqust 30. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 6 c. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: ARROWHEAD WELL NO 3 TREATMENT: EASEMENT REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: AeProve Easement on District property for SPPCo (Sierra Pacific Power CompanY) to introduce electric service DISCUSSION: In order to power the new facilities, a new, larger electrical service is required. The new service agreement with SPPCo has previously been approved. SPPCo is requestinq an easement on the subject qroperty in order to install the new electrical cables. SCHEDULE: Work to be done in September COSTS: None ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Letter and Easement Aqreement from SPPCo CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE�'l��i� •�w�•FV0 WATER X SEWER . ��� Sierra Pacific�' wwwsiertapacific.com 6100 Neil Road, P.O. Box I0100, Reno, Nevada 89520-0024 • 775.834.4011 DATE: August 1, 2001 RE: Work Order # 000023660E I have enclosed an original and a copy of a Grant of Easement that wiil be necessary for Sierra Pacific Power Company to introduce electric service to Your Property. This Easement will permit SPPCo. access to the property within the confines of the easement for installation, maintenance and/or repair of the facilities. Please review the document and if you concur please sign the original and notarize and return in the envelope provided. The "copy" is for your files. Your assistance is greatly appreciated, and should you have any questions please contact me at 834-4748 Sincerely, James Cain Right of Way Agent Encl. p9&1988 (Re�•. 2/00) After Recordation Return To: A.P.N. 034-294-041 ' SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY Land Operations Department P.O. Box 10100 Work Order Number 000023660E Reno, Nevada 89520 GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR UTILITY FACILITIES THIS Ii�1DENTURE, made and entered into this day of , 20_, by and bet�veen SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC LTTILITY DISTRICT, a Public Corporation,hereinafter referred to as "Grantor, and SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY, a Nevada corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Grante�". WITNESSETH Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00), in hand paid by Grantee, ' and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby ackno�vledged, does hereby grant to Grantee, its successors, assigns and agents, permanent and eYC(usive easements and rights of �vay to construct, alter, maintain, inspect, repair, reconstruct and operate one or more underground electric, gas and wate: distribution and communication facilities, consisting of one or more circuits, lines or pipes, together �vith the appropriate underground foundations, markers, conduits, pull bo�es, vaults, surface- mounted transformers, switchgear, pipes, valve bo�es, meters, fistures, and other necessary or convenient appurtenances connected there�vith, (hereinafter called "Utility Facilities"), across, over, under, and through the followin� �described property situate in the County of El Dorado, State of California, to-�vit: SEE EYHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. With respect to all underground utility facilities as described herein, after installation of said underground utility facilities, the easement(s) and right(s)-of-way as herein granted will be deemed to be a strip of land ten (10) feet in width, being five (5) feet on either side of the centerline of said underground utility facilities as installed on the above-described premises. tiVith rzspezt to all surface mounted transformers and/or switchboxes as described herein, after installation of t�e transformers and/or switchboxes, said easement(s) and right(s)-of-way as herein granted wilf be deemed to encompass an area around said transformers and/or switchboxes of Yhre� (3) feet estending in all directions from the perimeter of the transformers and/or switchboxes as install�� on the above-described premises. IT IS FURTI�R AGREED: 1. Grantee shall have at all times ingress and egress to the above-described land for the purpose of constructing, altering, maintaining, inspecting, repairing, reconstructing and operating said Utility Facilities. 1 2. Grantee will at all times save and hold harmless Grantor with respect to any and all loss, damage or liability suffered or sustained by reason of any injury or damage to any person or property, caused by the constructing, altering, maintaining, inspecting, repairing, reconstructing and operating of the Utility Facilities by Grantee. 3. Grantor shall not erect or construct, nor permit to be erected or constructed any buildings, or structures, nor permit any activity which, in the reasonable judgment of Grantee, is inconsistent with Grantee's use of said easement. 4. Grantee shall have the right to remove or clear any and all buildings, fences, structures, combustible materials, trees, brush, debris, or any other obstruction from or adjacent to said easement, which in the reasonable judgment of Grantee may interfere with or endanger the constructing, altering, mainta.ining, inspecting, repairing, reconstructing and operating of the Utility Facilities. THIS GR.ANT OF EASEMENT and the terms contained herein shall be binding upon the successors, agents and assigns of Grantor and Grantee, and all rights herein granted may be assigned. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the said premises, granted together �i�ith the appurtenances, unto said Grantee, its successors, agents and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused these presents duly to be esecuted the day and year first above written. GRANTOR SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, a Public Corporation By: Print Name: Its: Date: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF EL DORADO ) This instrument was acknowledged before me a Notary Public on 2001 By, as, of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, a Public Corporation Notary Public (seal) 2 ' 0 i/20/O1 1� :�8 FrL3,.5a,0_ 622 0897 IVTER-COT.iNTY TITLE C0. �100� .•��:�'� ' :'.•. ... ' ��R-�@]9.g' �'TIi.� � Q • `• '' ' ,'-i � � , , • • , .' • • , , � . �;� � Oft�R �� � �j�� "' . . D.. Z' t �� . • ' , '• : 'e..;; �. , . . , . �� . � 7�' ADtl�. � ',• .1�; I•, �� , ;' , • ...' . ' . , . , . � . . 'Jii V • 4 _� I � T0 . . .'C�: • � ' ' �' • ' � � . • ' • • �•� � � .1�� �7�`� r • • . �• �:•111::�1)�l� ..��:,�.� :� . {:�: . �; `� . _ � . . _ . � . , � � , . ��a��� , � - . .�.�. „ ; :' �� �•,, ; • • - ' R..L..'n:� F.r .: _. _ "_••: ; . . . . . . , ,. . . � ��: ��, �'��<r:�_; ��,�-:.::. ,: . : . . . . � . . .b ' � . _ "� :T :•'� _ ' � :,�:. _ :�t�'3' • • . .' 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' .• '_'!' _�.. .�.� al ... • :.,� a r�, Y1 , ' . ^�= --: ,_.,_ - , :�?,. „ -`: . � 3 r. �,'�;.��. i. ,�;.:, ....��-- � ---. ..�.. >> ��'rv. a� �'_.,. �^..,�'.• .:� ��,:x.�;:��.�it.�:�'�: � SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRtCT , BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Bob Baer General Mana er RE: BOARD MEETiNG August 30, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: . ...... . .. .... . .........................:: .... :...:::.... . .: .........: ......... ... ....... . � � �::;;;; �:.; . . � �; .. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: STPUD VS. ARCO ETAL SAN FRANCISC4 COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE N0. 999128 REQUESTED B4ARD ACTfON: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956 9(a) Ciosed Session mav be held for conference with leg,al counsel reaardinq existinq litiqation SCHEDULE: C�STS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACT{ON: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES��� NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YESP�'7.�i..,.�.s,...�-NO WATER X SEWER