HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 08-16-01 � v' � � rq' <��; •4 . t '}'••: � —.�.�r1... -�-��.Mra:r. .a— �— S lq � ' ''J �. ..� r.h;:;:� � �( , - �I�, � e �• 19 5 0•`�'� ai ��+ ♦ � UTILITY ��� SOUTH TAHCJE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT , "Basic Services for a Complex Worid" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, August 16, 2A01 2:00 P.M. City Council Chambers 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tah+�e, Caiifornia Robert G. Baer, General Mana er Richard Solbri , Assistant Mana er Duane Wallace, President BOARD MEMBERS James R. Jones, Vice President Christopher H. Strohm, Director Ma Lou Mosbacher, Director Eric W. Schafer, Director ... ..:::. r...... n � ............................... ......:..:::.:::::::,:::::::::,. ::::: �:.�.—.�.—�::.�,..?.�......:::::. ............................:.:......:..........::......: :.....:....:......:............. :............:.........:.......:.:....:... 1. CALL TO �RDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non-agenda items - 5 minute limit. No action will be taken.) 3. PRESENTATION a. Award of Excellence in Information Technology Practices (Ron Kaetzel, MISAC) 4. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CQNSENT CALENDAR 5. ADOPTION OF Ct�NSENT CALENDAR (Approved by a single vote. Any item can be discussed and considered separately upon request.) 6. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTI4N / DISCUSSION 7. ITEMS F(�R BOARD ACTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION � Arrowhead Well No. 3: Construction Award Contract to Lowest Responsive, of Wellhead Treatment for MTBE Responsible Bidder RP,I11oVal (Bid Results to be Presented at Board Meeting) (Nick Zaninovich) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - AUGUST 16, 2001 PAGE - 2 � Arrowhead Well No. 3: Construction Authorize Entering into a Seven Year of Wellhead Treatment for MTBE Agreement with BOC Gases for Oxygen Removal � Services in the Estimated Annual Amount (Nick Zaninovich) of $10,720, with an Initial On-Site Set Up Fee in the Amount of $2,500 c. Tallac Pump Station Force Main Repair Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for (Richard Solbrig) Construction d. Payment of Claims Approve Payment in the Amount of $2, 386, 746.67 8. BOARD MEMBER COMMiTTEE REPORTS a. Executive Committee (Wallace / Jones) b. Finance Committee (Wallace / Schafer) c. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones / Strohm) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher / Schafer) 9. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Federal Legislative Ad Hoc Committee (Wallace / Jones) b. Park Avenue Redevelopment Ad Hoc Committee (Jones / Schafer) c. Lakeside Park Ad Hoc Committee (Jones / Strohm) d. Sher Funding Ad Hoc Committee (Jones / Strohm) e. Special Litigation Ad Hoc Cammittee (Strohm/Jones) 10. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 11. GENERAL MANAGER / STAFF REPORTS Assistant Manager 1 Engineer a. Tallac Pump Station Force Main Repair Emergency of 7/5/01 12. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS / EVENTS Past Meetings / Events 08/07/01 - Lahontan Bi-Weekly LUFT Meeting 08/09/01 - Special Board Meeting 08/09/01 - Finance Committee Meeting 08/13/01 - Operations Committee Mesting 08/15/01 - ECC (Employee Communications Committee) Meeting 08/15/01 - STPUD Recycled Water Master Plan Public Meeting . Future Meetings / Events 08/21 /01 - 9:00 a.m. - Alpine County Regular Board Meeting in Markleeville 08/21/01 -11:30 a.m. - Lake Tahoe Basin Restoration Summit at Zephyr Cove Resort 08/21/01 - 3:00 p.m. - STPUD Recycled Water Master Plan Open House at Harvey Place- Reservoir, Alpine County, CA 08/22/01 - 9:00 a.m. - STPUD Recycled Water Master Plan Board Workshop at District's Tahoe Paradise Field Office REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - AUGUST 16, 2001 PAGE - 3 Future Meetings / Events (con't.) 08/22/01- 4:00 p.m. - STPUD Recycled Water Master Plan Open House at Carson Valiey Inn, Minden, NV 09/03/01 - Holiday - District Office Closed in Recognition of Labor Day 09/04/01 - 9:00 a.m. - Alpine County Regular Board Meeting in Markleeville 09/04/01 - 4:00 p.m. - Operations Committee Meeting at District Office 09/06/01 - 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at City Council Chambers 13. CLOSED SESSI�N (Please note Closed Sessions are not open to the public) a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel Existinq Litiqation: Mountain Cascade Inc., and Valley Enqineers, Inc vs STPUD Board of Directors and STPUD, County of EI Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20000050 b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/ with Legal Counsel Existinq Liti�pation: Schwake vs. STPUD, Federal Case No. CV-N-93-851-DWH c. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel Existinq Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO, et al, San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 d. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Conference with Real Propertv Negotiators Negotiating Parties: Board of Directors, Robert Baer / General Manager Under Negotiation: Consideration of Property Purchase Property Identification: APN 1-080-80, APN 1-080-81, APN 1-080-82, APN 1-080-56, APN 1-080-60, APN 1-200-01, APN 1-200-10, APN 1-200-11 e. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existinq Litigation: STPUD vs. LAKESIDE PARK ASSOCIATION, et al, Countv of EI Dorado, Superior Gourt Case No. SC20010165 14. ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSIQN 15. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, September 6, 2001 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public hearinc�s will not be called to order prior to the time specified. Participation is encouraged. Pubfic comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the �agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during "Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not included on agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting. � Tape recordings are made of each Board meeting and these tapes are retained in the Board Clerk's office for two years. South Tahoe Public Utility Oistrict • 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 • Phone 530.544.6474 � Facsimile 530.541.0614 � - ,� � � �„ 3 ��.�� 5 � ������ �� �,; AS�t��I�'l►T��N. � .��' _ : C.t�t��'�R;�'� Good afternoon, President Wallace and Board Members. It is my pleasure to be here this afternoon to present the South Tahoe Public Utility District with MISAC's Award for Excellence in Information Technology Practices. I am Ron Kaetzel, Technology Services Manager for the City of Santa Rosa, and currently serve as the state President of MISAC. MISAC is the Municipal Information Systems Association of California, the technolog,y affiliate organization of the League of California Cities. The membership in this statewide organization represents over 100 cities and special districts. The members are the key information technology professionals from each agency, such as Carol Swain from your agency. The primary goal of MISAC is to share best technology practices and procedures among our members. With the certification program, MISAC is recognizing the technology staff of those agencies who meet or surpass local government standards. The review process includes ten categories as they relate specifically to technology: base levels of service, budgeting, purchasing, operations, internet, training, customer satisfaction, project management, policies and procedures, and disaster preparation and recovery. There are two Award levels, Achievement and Excellence. To receive an Award for Achievement, an agency needed to be judged proficient or outstanding in eight of the ten categories. To receive the Award for Excellence, your agency needed to be judged outstanding in at least six of the ten categories and proficient in the other four categories. The South Tahoe Public Utilities District is one of only two agencies receiving the Award for Ezcellence this year. In addition to peer recognition, Carol received a peer review of the certification application and suggestions for continued improvement. On behalf of MISAC, I congratulate Carol and her staff for their efforts, and the management and the Board for your support of technology. I am pleased to present the South Tahoe Public Utilities District with MISAC's 2000-2001 Award for Ezcellence in Information Technology Practices. � ;; „ , �, ,. s � ; 5 ,-. z �;;, ��: f ,. � .;�''�� Y �, � 14�F�T�CIP : ` . , �, 4 �'�� , : � �'� .� Y �S. ,,, r���.��I�."�T�I'�; . ��.;' ��I. ,�',�TI� May 17, 2001 Roger G. Baer General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Dr So. Lake Tahoe CA 96150 Dear Mr. Baer, Congratula#ions on your agency's award of `Excellence in Information Technology Practices'. On behalf of the Municipal Information Systems Association of California we are proud to honor agencies for Information Technology praetices that excel in creative and e�cient uses of resources in local government. The award signifies that your agency met or exceeded MISAC standards in the areas of Budget, Purchasing, Operations, Customer Satisfaction, Internet, Project Management, Plans, Policies and Procedures, Training, Disaster Preparation and Recovery, and a Base Level of Services. We look forward to presenting this award to you and we hope that your efforts continu� into the future. A press release regarding your agency's award is attached. Sincerely, �'1 Ron Kaetzel President Attachment 05/17/O1 � g�,,.; ��::�. �_ , ,, �� �rl�T��i � f � { 'I'��0! �S �, .��SC��I.ATIaQI"� �'�� �lF ` �C�LIF�.11�+I�.� �., . . FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTAGT: Ron Kaetzel 707.543.3097 DATE: 17, 2001 HEADLINE: Municipal Information Systems Association of California Announces 2000/2001 Excelience in I�ormation Technol Practice Awards BODY: Sacramento, California — The Municipal Information Systems Association of California (MISAC) is proud to announce the results of the 2000/2001 Information Technology Practices Awards. The awards honor agencies for Information Technology practices that excel in creative and efficient uses of resources in local government, and signify that the recipient agency met or exceeded MISAC standards in the areas of Budget, Purchasing, Operations, Customer Satisfaction, Internet, Project Management, Plans, Policies and Procedures, Training, Disaster Preparation and Recovery, and a Base Level of Services. The 2000/2001 honorees are: Excellence in Information Technology Pracfices — South Tahoe Public Utility District Information Systems Excellence in Information Technology Practices —�ty of Fairfield Information Technology Division Achievement in Information Technology Practic� — City of Moreno Valley Technology Services, Administrative Services Department Achievement in Information Technology Practices — Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority Data Processing and Information Services Division Achievement in Information Technology Practices — City of Vacaville Information Systems Division Achievement in Information Technology Pracdces — City of Mountain View Finance and Administrative Services Department MISAC ecsttablished the Excellence in Information Technology Practices certification program to recognize exemplary Information Technology (IT) practices and foster peer recognition of achievements in IT practices. Agencies eligible ta participate in the Certification Program include local municipal governments and special districts. Agencies must submit a program application for review. Three qualified reviewers who have extensive e�cperience in local government and technology evaluate each application. There are two levels of awards. To receive "Excellence in Information Technology Practices", the agency must earn a rating of Outstanding in 6 of the 10 subject areas and ratings of Proficient in all other subject areas. For the "Achievement in Information Technology Prectices" award, agencies must receive a rating of Proficient in 8 of the 10 subject areas and the mandatory questions that correspond to those subject areas. ��uTH TqN -..,�....,� _._.,�,::, .r � � �.... .. ..,�:,:. '�-"` �j .'.�•'�.'��.. • � � � • 1850 • W� ♦ e ��� �n�mr o��` CONSENT CALENDAR AUGUST 16, 2001 ITEMS REQUESTED ACTION a. Disconnection Procedures for Delinquent Authorize Implementation of the Sewer and/or Water Accounts Two-Week Disconnection Procedures (Christene Garcia) for Delinquent Accounts b. SCADA Moscad RTU's (Remote Terminal (1) Waive Bidding Procedures, as Units) Outlined in the Purchasing Policy, for (John Boyson, Linda Brown) Standardized Equipment Requiring Compatibility with Existing Equipment and to be Purchased from the Existing Supplier; and (2) Approve the Purchase of Five Moscad RTU's from Global Data . Specialists, Inc., in the Amount of $24,586 Plus Shipping c. Purchase of Hydro Truck Award Bid to Lowest Responsive, (Ken Schroeder) Responsible Bidder, Weco Industries, Inc., in the amount of $100,989.77 d. Alpine County Office and Equipment (1) Approve Project Closeout Agreement Storage Buifding and Release of Claims; and (2) Authorize (Nick Zaninovich) Staff to File a Notice of Completion with the Alpine County Clerk e. Temporary Help Authorize Agreement with The Substitute (Ross Johnson) Personnel & Business Services in the Amount of $25,000 f. Revised Pension Plan Document (1) Adopt Resolution No. 2723-01, (Rhonda McFarlane) Approving the Revised Pension Plan Document; and (2) Approve Submission of the Plan Document to the Internal Revenue Service for a Determination Letter in the Amount of $700 CONSENT CALENDAR - AUGUST 16, 2001 PAGE - 2 g. Capital Outlay Accounts Rollover Authorize Staff to Rollover Funds (Richard Solbrig) Budgeted in 2000-2001 Fiscal Year to 2001-2002 Fiscal Year h. QualServe Review Approve QualServe Participating Utility (R. Baer, R. Hydrick) Agreement in the Amount of $27,040 South Tahoe Public Utility District • 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 • Phone 530/5446474 • Facsimile 530/541-0614 f SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Christene Garcias Customer Service RE: BOARD MEETING: Auqust 16. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: a• ITEM-PROJECT NAME: DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR DELINQUENT SEWER AND/OR WATER ACCOUNTS REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize implementation of the finro-week disconnection procedures for delinquent accounts DISCUSSION: The accounts on the accompanying list are all seriously delinquent. The appropriate parties have been sent a finro (2) week notice of this meeting bvi certified mail in accordance with the District Administrative Code sections providing for pavment and collection of water, sewer, and street lighting charges. If some of the accounts are paid for prior to the Board meeting, staff will present a revised list to the Board on the day of the Board meeting. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: List of delinquent accounts. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERALMANAGER: YES NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES O WATER X SEWER X Ret•-�ised Meeting , August 16, 2001 • Consent Item#a ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDIPIGS August 16, 2001 ITM ACCT # ACCT NAME SERVICE ADD AMT DU 1 33-231-04-004-01 Jason Hughes 1512 Meadow Vale Dr $204.16 z »��t 00? T1,.,,,,�5-�ad°c� PP T 7 7 �� �� �^^ @ �$��@" �i' ��_7._� 3 33-233 �m-004-01 R.ichard Matthews 1547 Tamoshanter Dr $197.48 4 33-242-14-000-01 Gilda Taylor 970 Boulder Mountain Dr $224.19 5 33-243-01-005-01 Mario Hill 892 Mule Deer Cir $213.14 6 33-275-17-003-01 Patrick Lavallee 773 Elk Point Dr $205.25 -- �, 33 �8� 0� 00 �. A 3 ��'��re�se� } � �A-Ee . a --o---�=s� �4 BA�� 9� 3er�,a�-�4er-g�s�� ���,,.�.: ��xb�d.�lr �20 25 � 33-344-04-005-01 John Kiehn 675 Shoshone St $208.34 10 33-353-14-005-01 Terry Domnick 768 Zuni St $270.43 --�-�--�----3�-3-54-���-0(l8- a-�t --��93�.z ` , --1-3----�-"-�--�-�$i-A��-AA3-4 r--�t��.-n-A�aFeeti- . ---�`-'r9-Setieea-D� ---- a205: 14 �3-383-07-006-01 Michael Marley 643 Seneca Dr $196.31 ___� � z:_�i �_ns_nm_ni ��P++r�3� Win�erd 8"'� Kiowa Dr $2 86 16 33-414-OS-003-01 Edward Eikenberry 760 Seneca Dr $196.31 • 17 33-422-23-009-01 Robert Talbot 723 Kiowa Dr $224.43 � ^ _. 19 33-47�-08-008-4}_- 'z�}q-�etit�tai�-- . _..._-- 2 0 33-492-12-00�-01 Kirk Lebsock 1�86 Grizzly Mountain Dr $182.42 - _ � �e�FT'- �3-�$:�9 2� 33-623-20-008-01 Rosalie Svare 1075 Lamor Crt $205.25 �3—�3-643 A6 AA•'� 8� �da�-A4�x�sl�evir� ,'" ^ T��ec x� S� �?-0�'3 �-4� 33-644- en�on —1=7-�9-�l�pa-�-1� ��18-9.0� 2 5 33-412-16-007-01 Thomas Lusi 1844 Apalachee Dr $205.25 2 6----- 33 733-a1--003-4�1--- -S�ewart-Mor-rov�--------- 1-55-5-�Boea-R-�to�-�) $ r 6:�' 2 7 ;;-752-12-002-01 Jerry Hirsch 1451 Thunderbird Dr $218.31 2 8 33-812-01-007-01 Tom Cragg 1649 Ponca St $246.36 2 9 33-851-06-004-01 Peter Johnlce 889 Panka St $196.31 – �v--�86�A�- ° o ^ v'r °�;— "� "�e�c�i Dr $191.09 31 33-863-23-004-01 Cara Moraan 1921 Brule St $369.49 3 2 33-863-23-004-01 Thomas Fucci 1899 Hunkpapa St $196.31 � � �z_4��_n�_nn4_ni �o�g��l�� ��7_5..�l��e��� $� $��6 �6 � 7� o.� o0 0�0 0� � � 3 4 34-123-OS-009-01 Patricia Deschler-Griffm 1543 Sitka Cir $199.29 3 5 34-133-OS-008-01 Jerry Hirsch 1798 Narragansett Cir $222.90 3 6 34-221-24-002-01 Jeff Scott 1612 Choctaw St $315.43 �� . � �� �� 3 9 34-283-19-002-01 Michele Monchatre 1124 Modoc Wy $180.42 4 0 34-284-15-008-01 Judy Clot 1192 Apache Ave $362.14 � =a �". 3�� A4-��-8�-3a�rs ''��e�-�-�— �8�4-�e��k�ea� �Ye $��-3� 43 34-321-�7-004� Oz— 3se�ve� "'_ ��sr.�iz--- 44 34-321-25-015-01 Robert Hansen 3200 Highway 50 $191.90 45 34-372-01-004-01 Michael Glover 18�7 Bakersfield Ave $202.48 4 6 34-423-03-008-01 Glenn Fink 677 Tehama Dr $341.91 4 7 34-473-12-004-01 Justin Child 568 Wintoon Dr $205?5 '�"S'S TT 7Z7�'I� l7V''1�PI T,,.... e ,!'__...�..._ 1 l�'O���F'LIY! T.. .�'�4o.GJ�'�.7 4TLIII � 34-534-01-006-01 Fred Aden 2004 Mewuk Dr $362.14 5 0 34-542-09-002-01 Jack Kelley 195� Kickapoo St $229.49 -r :l' 1�� --- 51 �---34-�-0�40�-9-1 ---��neea�Rc�►a� �063-I4ic-�c-a�oe-,�� Q'?n�-�� 52 34-562-07-004-01 M C Del Portillo 2100 Mewuk Dr $196.31 53 34-593-02-000-01 Leslie Gay 2180 Shawnee St $235.59 54 34-693-13-005-01 Del La Fountain 15�2 Ojibwa St $199.05 55 34-712-22-004-01 Roger Harris 1766 Saponi St $357.64 -�-6---�4�1-3-A3-AA�-6�------�e�oel� ---t'�69-�a-�o�� --�-1-�A-:4-5 57 34-754-11-009-01 Siegfried Bruruier 1806 Crystal Air Dr $205.25 ---5 A �zd_���_m_nnn_ni 7 rt;.,r.,., 1 R(15 4k� line nr �196 '� 1 5 9 34-792-04-004-01 Jeffrey Hailey 1690 Bakersfield Ave $199.05 � 88 Ob 61 34-825-01-008-01 Ransom Burford 1988 Hopi Ave $196.60 62 34-825-09-001-01 Danny Maxey 1026 Crow St $321.86 �'� �5_ia�_ni_nm_ni �Prr� �3-36��u1be�3-� �'AAA3 64 35-151-08-003-01 Del La Fountain 2374 Taos Ct $199.90 65 35-162-13-000-01 Daniel Prieto 2156 Chiapa Dr $324.01 6�0 3�-i ��-�� �-� R �i� �� _- �.7'-F7.J'F 67 35-285-09-007-01 CandriaJohnson 2685 Elati St $199.05 68 36-422-07-009-01_ Thexes�Callahan .--_283'�_Sai�t�iiicic �N�� $1�-9..3,3 6 9 36-475-03-006-01 Richard Firkins 3503 E River Park Dr $205.25 7 0 36-475-10-001-01 Paul John 3465 River Park Dr $362.11 71 36-541-07-006-01 Cristi Egenolf 3352 W River Park Dr $205.25 72 36-542-07-004-01 Lori Huff 3376 River Park Dr $196.56 � � ^ � S ���i i � n ] i.a� r.s A�-m�le�:d. }33 � � � �pp�F-��kIE��P, � �� $ � �4 77 74 36-600-06-002-01 David Leal 2895 S Upper Truckee Rd $362.14 7� 36-�4i-^���'-�^�-^'�-A� R � , _" '� T �-1-�:-2,° ___.._ '�-� $fl-A�-1-�-40� ��--�� � ' Q66�--J�i�a��l�a �lr �-�9�:� � �---8A-A�-I�-�-08�-f� � .�rl � °�����an — '-�-l�icar-il�a-Dr ------�?'?�1:4-3 ��-�84 "-�---��-V� � � 8� 9-�}a�ila-� Q'_ � � .z 9 79 80-104-10-002-01 Wilson Scarbrough 1129 Aravaipa St $196.31 8 0 80-121-10-006-01 Bruce Da�erty 1527 Plateau Cir $224.19 81 80-143-11-008-01 John Fidak 2887 Lodgepole Tr $199.05 82 80-144-06-006-01 John Corey 1037 Tumback Tr $199.30 ____8-3 —av-i-��--1�-l1(ln ni T,,��� *^as ��1�� �-�--1-� �u�d�.wn Tr �.20�25 —8�4-- 80-��4-0�-04�-0�--------RyatrFar �$B�--Be� __--- �2Ds.25 ------ 8 5 80-162-02-007-01 Judy Celeste 1133 Golden Bear Tr $196.52 � �do�rgk-'�� $21-6..13__ _.... .._.. ___.....__ _ ..__. .____ g��. � � �Rc�£�Se�o ---iYti(3-G�ler�-�agles-I�d-------��r2-r- — -- 8 8 81-064-09-009-01 Joseph Silva 1463 Crystal Air Dr $205.25 . _ ���•� ��+Q� ac R�� ���.f�S�&1-�� DF-- -- _ ., g� o��-e�o��-�.� ,-,-� a �zta����------�-�-�� �s�:s� _____.._ — _ _ 91 81-131-10-004-01 Tom Lundquist 1624 Player Dr $205.25 _.__92_.____.._..._ �.8�1-t-51 2�-0Q7=01 __.__Ro�erAitrarado -------i2�9�-C-�ien-Eagles-Rd---.___._� $-�2-� - 93 TOTAL DUE $22,817.48 �� I ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTIOl�1 PROCEEDINGS August 16, 2001 ITM ACCT # ACCT NAME SERVICE ADD AMT DU 1 33-231-04-004-01 Jason Hujhes 1�12 Meadow Vale Dr $204.16 2 ;3-232-04-002-01 Thomas Krueger 1487 Apple Valley Dr $227.25 3 33-233-10-004-01 Richard Matthews 1547 Tamoshanter Dr �$197.48 4 33-242-14-000-01 Gilda Taylor 970 Boulder Mountain Dr $224.19 5 33-243-01-005-01 Mario Hill 892 Mule Deer Cir $213.14 6 33-275-17-003-01 Patrick Lavallee 773 Elk Point Dr $205.25 7 ;3-285-08-001-01 David Sorensen 1170 Coyote Rid;e Cir $199.32 8 33 � 12-14-001-01 3ordan Morgenstern 1603 Thunderbird Dr $205.25 9 33-344-04-005-01 John Kiehn 675 Shoshone St $208.34 10 33 �53-14-005-01 Terry Domnick 768 Zuni St $270.43 11 33 �54-21-008-01 Robert Lincoln 774 Cayuga St $205.25 12 33-363-24-003-01 Cynthia Juhl 642 Cayuga Cir $198?4 13 33-381-01-003-01 Ruben Alarcon 570 Seneca Dr $205.25 14 33 �83-07-006-01 Michael Marley 643 Seneca Dr $196.31 15 33-412-OS-007-01 Wendy Winford 830 Kiowa Dr $297.86 16 33-414-OS-003-01 Edward Eikenberry 760 Seneca Dr $196.31 � 17 3�-422-23-009-01 Robert Talbot 723 Kiowa Dr $224.43 18 33-433-03-003-01 Gale Schroeder 1817 Nez Perce Dr $197.02 19 33-47�-08-008-01 Linda Kam 1541 Griuly Mountain Dr $317.b8 2 0 33-492-12-005-Oi Kirk Lebsock 1�86 Grizzly Mountain Dr $18?.42 21 33-�24-01-008-01 Pat Hennessy 7�0 Angora Creek Dr $318.39 22 33-623-20-QQ8-01 Rosalie Svaze 1075 Lamor Crt $205?5 2 3 33-643-06-007-01 Adam Muskovitz 1214 Tokochi St $205.25 2� 3�-644-O.i-000-01 Robert Levenson 1779 Hekpa Dr $189.02 2 S 3.i-412-16-007-01 Thomas Lusi 1844 Apalachee Dr $20�.25 2 6 33-733-01-005-01 Stewart Morrow 15» Boca Raton Dr $196.31 2 7 33-752-12-002-01 Jerry Hirsch 14� 1 Thunderbird Dr $21831 ' 2 8 33-812-01-007-01 Tom Cragg 1649 Ponca St $246.36 2 9 3�-851-06-004-01 Peter Johnke 889 Panka St $196.31 " 3 0 33-861-07-001-01 Ronald Azevedo 1912 Koyukon Dr $191.09 31 33-863-23-004-01 Cara Mor�an 1921 Brule St $369.49 32 33-863-23-004-01 Thomas Fucci 1899 Hunkpapa St $196.31 3 3 33-873-06-008-01 Rodjer Flint 1175 Kulow St $196.56 3? ;4-123-OS-009-01 Patricia Deschler-Griffin 1543 Sitka Cir $199.29 3 5 34-133-OS-008-01 Jerry Hirsch 1798 Narragansett Cir $222.90 3 6 34-221-24-002-01 Jeff Scott 1612 Choctaw St $315.43 3 7 ;4-252-19-007-01 Maria Gannon 1805 Arrowhead Ave $196.31 3 8 34-270-52-000-01 Yanks Sterlin� Villa�e 1961 Apache Ave "dorm" $1789.94 3 9 3d-233-19-002-01 Michele Monchatre 1124 Modoc Wy $180.42 4 0 34-284-1�-008-01 Judy Clot 1192 Apache Ave $362.14 S 1 34-313-03-001-01 Wanda Pelkey 1020 Mohawk St $362.14 ' S 2 34-321-04-002-01 Jayson Corbin 2029 Arrowhead Ave $197.21 � 3 3�-321-17-004-01 Joe Tveten 3214 Highway 50 $>>5.81 =? 3�-321-2�-015-01 Robert Hansen 3200 HiQhway 50 $191.90 '� 5 3�3-372-01-004-01 Michael Glover 18�7 Bakersfield Ave $202.48 � 5 3�1-423-0�-008-01 Glenn Fink 677 Tehama Dr $341.91 4 7 ;4-473-12-004-01 Justin Child 568 Wintoon Dr $20�.2� � 8 34-515-12-002-01 Joanne Graden 1946 Mewuk Dr $20�?� ^—_ ° 3�-534-01-006-01 Fred Aden 2004 Mewuk Dr $362.14 � 0 3�-542-09-002-01 Jack Kelley 1955 Kickapoo St $229.49 51 34-561-02-00�-01 Vincent Roman 2065 Kickapoo St $20525 52 34-562-07-004-01 M C Del Portillo 2100 Mewuk Dr $196.31 53 34-593-02-�00-01 Leslie Gay 2180 Shawnee St $23�.59 54 34-693-13-005-01 Del La Fountain 1552 Ojibwa St $199.05 55 34-712-22-004-01 Roger Harris 1766 Saponi St $357.64 56 34-713-OS-007-01 Fred Hoehn 17b9 Saponi St $199.05 57 34-754-11-009-01 Siegfried Brunner 1806 Crystal Air Dr $205:?5 5 8 34-772-02-000-01 Joyce Clinton 1805 Skyline Dr $196.31 5 9 34-792-04-004-01 Jeffrey Hailey 1690 Bakersfield Ave $199.05 60 34-823-02-001-01 Edgar Pyer 2051 Arrowhead Ave $188.06 61 34-825-01-008-01 Ransom Burford 1988 Hopi Ave $196.60 62 34-825-09-001-01 Danny Maxey 1026 Crow St $321.86 63 35-142-01-007-01 Gerry Deyoung I 136 Mulberry Dr $200.02 64 35-151-08-003-01 Del La Fountain 2374 Taos Ct $199.90 65 35-162-13-000-01 Daniel Prieto 2156 Chiapa Dr $324.01 6 6 35-233-03-000-01 Ruben Alazcon 2282 Blitzen Rd $349.54 67 35-285-09-007-01 Candria Johnson 2685 Elati St $199.05 68 36-422-07-009-01 Theresa Callahan 2837 SaintNick Wy $199.33 69 36-475-03-006-01 Richard Firkins 3503 E River Park Dr $205.25 70 36-475-10-001-01 Paul John 3465 River Park Dr $362.11 71 36-541-07-006-01 Cristi Egenolf 3352 W River Park Dr $205.25 7 2 36-�42-07-004-01 Lori Huff 3376 River Park Dr $196.56 73 36-�73-11-001-01 Lauren Cloud 3221 S. Upper Truckee Rd $184.77 74 36-600-06-002-01 David Leal 2895 S Upper Truckee Rd $362.14 75 36-6�11-03-003-01 Robert Montgomery 302� Hiahway 89 $199:Z9 76 80-061-1�-003-01 Richard Copra 1866 Jicarilla Dr $196.31 "17 80-071-22-008-01 Julie Schwindeman 18� 1 Jicazilla Dr $224.43 78 80-071-24-004-01 Alan Vano 1839 Jicarilla Dr �213:?0 79 80-104-10-002-01 Wilson Scarbrough 1129 Aravaipa St $196.31 8 0 80-121-10-006-01 Bruce Dagherty 1527 Plateau Cir $224.19 - 81 80-143-11-008-01 John Fidak 2887 Lod�epole Tr $199.05 82 80-144-06-006-01 John Corey 1037 Turnback Tr $199.30 83 80-151-12-009-01 Thomas Mac CAlla 1113 Sundown Tr $205.25 84 80-154-03-002-01 Ryan Ford 3084 Deer Tr $205.25 8 5 80-162-02-007-01 Judy Celeste 1133 Golden Bear Tr $196.52 8 E 80-175-09-004-01 Christopher Kynett 3090 Sourdou�h Tr $216.13 8 7 81-042-18-006-01 Bud De Soto 1480 Glen Ea�les Rd $205.25 8 8 81-064-09-009-01 Joseph Silva 1463 Crystal Air Dr $205.25 8 9 81-102-35-002-01 Thomas Borek 1740 Crystal Air Dr $205.25 9 G 81-082-OS-009-01 Clifford Wamsley 1529 Lunn Ct $196.56 � 1 81-131-10-004-01 Tom Lundquist 1624 Player Dr $20�.25 92 81-151-22-007-01 Rojer Alvarado 1291 Glen Ea�les Rd $227.25 g 3 TOTAL DUE $ 2 2, 817 . 4 8 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: John Boyson, Electrical Supervisor: Linda Brown. Purchasing Aqent RE: BOARD MEETING August 16. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: b• ITEM-PROJECT NAME: SCADA MOSCAD RTUs (REMOTE TERMINAL UNITS) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (11 Waive biddingprocedures, as outlined in the Purchasinq Policy, for standardized equipment requiring compatibility with existing equipment and to be purchased from the existing su�plier: and (� A�.prove purchase of five Moscad RTU's from Global Data Specialists. Inc.. in the amount of $24.586 plus shipping DISCUSSION: The District uses System Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) equipment to monitor and control all District wells, tanks, and pum� stations. Global Data Specialists, Inc., is one of the few Motorola Certified Moscad Solution Providers in the nation, and the largest supplier of Motorola products in the United States. They wrote the customized software programs used � the Operations Department, and provide valuable support service when needed. The Moscad units can bepurchased from other Motorola dealers. but those dealers may not have the abilitv and/or would have difficulty in connectinq to our current computer program, and in their ability to troubleshoot system problems. All five Moscad units will all be used in monitoring sewer pump stations. Global Data Specialists' prices include an approximate ten percent discount. Staff believes their prices are fair and recommends purchase of five Moscad RTU's from Global Data �ecialists, Inc. SChlEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $24,586 plus shippina ACCOUNT NO: 1003-8207 to 8211 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $30.000 ATTACHMENTS: Quote from Global Data Specialists. Inc.. Purchasing Policy excerpts CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED A ION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO GENERAL � CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE NO WATER SEWER X �FROM : PR IfJTTOPI_EfISE FAi( N0. : 6e^'57�3085 .Ju 1. 10 2a01 11:17PM P2 [s� �. ` L � � J� . .L �j ° ��c Global Date Speci�fista, Jrtc., 3707 E. Broafirvay Rd., Sui1e 2, Phoernx, AZ 85a40 p� �,� PhD�iC: 602-�i37-�337 FAX' 6U2-437-185ff �, ;:w QUOT�: JAS00971A Juiy 11, 2001 by Jim Sharp 602�37-d33' �xt. 20.�.. Expires 09-0ct-01 Quoted To: John Boyson South Tahoa Public Uplity Di�trice 1275 Meadow Crest Oriv� Sauth Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 - Phanc: 530�446474 FAX: 530-544�359 O+escription - Providc Moscad RTU and assaaatc� cquipment. QTY Part Na DesQiotior� Unit Price E.�ctended 0002 F8873 MO&CAD W/20W t3�f?4 MCS2000 CONV ................ ........ ,. .....,.....,...,,...,........... ,...,....... ... ................,,...,. S 3,900.00 ..... ......._.. .... .......... S 7,SOL Model contains n convantional I35-1 T4 MH1 �iCS:OJO (HiS,I ZU watt ratiio wish I�SIC interfttce and S ump P.S OoD2 V370 ALT• FSKTO pP5K COMM IN7ERFAC� ....................................... ......................................................s o.00 .......................................a o Itepia�ce FSK with DP5K �adio iaterinu;. l�rcompa:ihlc with F69('re) a�xl any mndel contauung tba OPSK intw. face. 0002 v2a5 ADD� MIXED I!O 4-20 3ML+1 Ee NACI7ULE ................. . . ...............................,...................$ �95.00.,,........... ................5 1,190 .. ............ ................... . .. o0C�2 V2ia ALT: LG HSG TC 3 S�OT SM HSG ....... ................................. . ... ......... .......... ........................... ( - � zoa_oo) . ......................._ � . a as2) lteplacas lsrge housin� snd b slot ntc�therboard with �mall housits� aitd i slnr moch�erbvard. 0002 V328 ALT: 1M-H BAT"ERY .. ........... ........................_............... ...... .......................... . S 85.OD ............ _......, ............... S 19D .,� .............. 0003 V113 A(�: 18O! MODULE ....................... ...... ........................................ ........�--�•- -................... $ 33Q.00 ................................... $ 990 d002 FG16S3 ANTENNl,, 168-174 M'rIZ 3 CB FIEERG!..'.SS Oa1N( BASE STATION 68" I.EiVGTH .. . ............................... .�............_....5 1oG.00 ..,................,...... ........� 300 ......... ........................................... OQ02 FM2 AN7EMVA MOUNTIAtG BRACI�'T' ............ ...............................................................................................s ss.00 ....... ....,............... ........s ss DOC� FS.J15d�1 6�J FT. COAX CABLE. 1/4" Sl1PERFLEX ._.._.. ..................................................................................................... $ 98_00 ....$ 198 .. ............................ Op08 �1 PNEr1-� CONNEC70R, N-�,1ALE FOR 1/4" SU�FRFLEX ............ ....................................................................... ... 5 25.00 ..,...... S 232 ..................... . ... ....,.............. 0002 BSDUJC2 PQLYPHASOR COAX PROTECTOR, 125-1Q00 MNZ BULKHEAO MOUNT LO PO�"JF� ............. ........... ............................ ................................................. ... S 8: .00 .. ..................... .......... S 184 OOG1 G�7'7336 11P8 Ground {Standara) ............ ............................................................................................. $ 125.00 ,,..,.�.,..,.,,,.,.,,.,,....,....., $ 125 �laterials Sub-Total $ 10,831 Materi�ls $ 10,831 Materials nis�ount ( - � 1, Q85) ToTa� � �,�� rF�GM : PR I NTTOF..EA:� FA?i hJO. : 6?�572368= Ju 1. 10 2a01 11:17PM P4 t31:��' l�Kl'� � �� ��� ��r Global Data Specialists, lnc., 3707 F. Braadway Rd., Suite 2, Phnenix, AZ 85040 p� • T Pnone. d02-�33l-4331 FAX: 6C2•��?7-?856 � � '�,' f ; QUOTE: JAS00172A Jaiy 11, 2007 by Jim Sharp 602�3T-d331 Ext. 2C2. Ezpir�s 09-Oct-d1 Quotec� Ta: Jahn 8oyson South Tahoe Pubtic Utility DistriCt 1275 Meedow Crest Orive South Lake Tahoe, CA �150 - Phone. 530�44-6�17�i FAX: 530-6�iA-6359 Description - Provide ?�Wscad R7`Ll's and associ�ted uy�ipmenr. C�TY Part No O�scrlption Unit Price Extended 0003 F6873 Mosc.a0 W�2ow 1�s•T�4 nncsa000 c��v .,..• .............................................................. .•••..........,..,.......... ...... S 3,9CO.q0 .......-•-�---............ .. S 1'f,700 !��a��4 contains a canv entioaat 136-174 MHz MCS200i1(t13S) 2� wau radio wiin FSK irnrrfnce and 8 amp P.5. 00O3 V370 ALT' FSK TO OPSK COMM INTERFAGE ................................... .... .... ............................ ......... .................... S G.GO ......,....,,... ,. ................., S Q R:.-plaex FSF: wit'ri DI'3K radu: intcrP�Ce fnccxnpatiblc wi!!t �'6900 and nny mndel contaimn� ihe DPSK intetface. 4CO3 V2d5 ADD: MIXEO VO 4-20 31U1L+1 EE MODULE .................... . ......................................,,,. .......: 696.00 .. ,............................ � � ,785 .......... ... ........,,...,,... .. .. COa'' V214 ALT: LG HSG TC 3 SLOT SM HSG ..........................,......._............................... .....,.�,�......._.........._.... ( - S 2(i6.00) ......_...--•..._....... ... ( - � 818) Rrpla�cs L3rgr hvusi;,x wnd 6 slor motherbeard wiTh smal: Fousin� and 3 slut mothci�b�,u�d. In�:a��patible witl� rac�;mot�nt o�tiens a,nd wich aL vther hous�f�a ornions e.�ccept V4�5. OCL`3 V328 ALT: �OA-H BATT�RY .....:. .... .................... ................... ............................ ......................... S 95.O+D .............................,.,...$ 285 o0C3 Y1303 ANTENNA, 150-174 MrtZ 3=LEMENT 7.1 D6 GOLD ANdfl12ED YAGI ........... ................ .............................................................. ............. S 1'IO.Ca ................. ................ 3 330 �C3 F&J9�A 50 FT. Ct�AX CA9LE, iJd" SUPE�tFLSX .......................................... ................................................................. S 98.00 ....... S 294 ........ .. ................ 0092 Ff PNM-H CONNECTOR. M-MALE FOR 1/d" SUf�ERFLEX .............................................. ................................... ......................... S 29.00 . ..... $ 3d8 00�3 B50LAlC� POLYPI-iASOR COA?C PROTE�TOR. 125-1000 MHZ BUI,KHP.AL MOLNi LO �."..,.�..�.,.. ...•. . ? n � ' Pc7WER . . .. ..... . ..... ...... .... ................. ............... .......•S 82.OG ...._. .- --..... . ............._. S 248 ....... ................ ... . .. .. ��`G1 GD733�o UPS Ground (Standard) ... ..:.... ................ .................... ........................... ..... ....... ........... . $ 190.00 .......... .. ........... .......... S 19Q Materials Sub-Tatai S 14,�60 � Material5 $ 14,560 Matari�ls Giscount_ ( - $ 1,3481 TOTAL $ 13,212 PURCHASES OF 515,000.00 AND ABOVE Public bidding procedures will be followed as outlined in the Public Contracts Code. Participating in or matching other government contracts, which are active or have recently been bid, qualifies as having met this requirement. For budgeted capital outlay purchases or unbudgeted purchases, the Program Manager in conjunction with the Purchasing Agent will request authorization to call for bids from the Board of Directors. The Program Manager will submit to the Purchasing Agent a set of completed specifications for the goods or services to be bid. Upon request, the Purchasing Agent will assist the Program Manager in developing specifications. The Purchasing Agent will conduct the bidding procedures in all cases except those that are conducted by the Engineering Division or outside consulting firms. Those bids opened by the Purchasing Agent will be evaluated with the assistance of the Program Manager, prior to submitting the bids to the Board of Directors for award. E3CCE�T�ONS TO BIDDING In any of the following instances, the requirements of bidding may be dispensed with if decided by a majority vote by the Board of Directors: �.: ;�,, ���. 1. When the commodity can be obtained from only one vendor. i'. `' �,x� 2. When the commodity being purchased is required to match or be compatible with other furnishings, materials or equipment presently on hand and the purchase is made from the manufacturer or supplier who supplied other such furnishings, ���"` materials or equipment. 3. When a particular type or make of commodity or furnishing, type of material, or equipment has been standardized by the District by order of the Board of Directors. 4. When the Board of Directors determines that due to special circumstances, it is in the District's best interest to purchase a commodity or enter into a contract without compliance with the bidding procedures. 5. Whe:� con�racting for services such as those provided through an emplovment ac�ency. 6. When all bids are considered unsatisfactory or excessive and are reiected by the Board of Directors. 7. Wh�n the Board of Directors declares an emercaencv after finding that conditions will not permit a delay resulting from a competitive solicitation for bids. All actions thereafter taken wili be reported to the Board until the emergency action is terminate� (at the earliest possible date that conditions warrant). eoard Author?zatien 1/99 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Ken Schroeder. Maintenance Manager RE: BOARD MEETING August 16. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: c. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: PURCHASE OF HYDRO TRUCK REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award bid to lowest, responsive, responsible bidder. Weco Industries. Inc.. in the amount of $100.989.77 DISCUSSION: Bids were opened on July 24, 2001. The lowest responsive, responsible bidder was Weco Industries, Inc. The new Hydro truck will replace truck 58, which is ten years old. Tnack 58 will be disposed of through a commercial auction disposal company. The purchase of a new hydro truck is part of the 2001 - 2002 budget. SCHEDULE: 180 davs COSTS: $100.484.77 ACCOUNT NO: 1001-8200 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $110,000 ATTACHMENTS: Bid results CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GEiVERAL MANAGER: YES NO GENERAL CNIEP FfNANCIAL OFFICER: YE NO WATER SEWER X HYDRO TRUCK BID RESULTS Bid Opening 7/24/01 Weco Industries Inc $ 100,484.77 180 Day Delivery 2002 or 2001 Ford F-750 2001 Sreco HV2000TM/H/P 12 month warranty Exceptions: access openings made of 14 guage steel, footage counter is mechanical digital vs electronic digital, drip tray change, couple equipment placement changes Municipal Maintenance Equip 103,074.49 120-150 Day Delivery with optional hydrostatic drive 112,576.09 2002 GMC C7H042 C7422 C-Series 2001 Pipe Hunter 160326TM PTO Drive 12 month warranty, 2 year fo� auxiliary engine & pump, 5 year tank & hose reel Exceptions: substituted FMC L14 water pump vs. Myers D65-20, cleaning unit designed for mounting on 12" C.A. vs. 84" C.A, wheel and tire change, equipment placement change GCS Western Power & Equip 105,882.92 120 Day Delivery Alternate: 2002 GMC C7H042 2002 Sterling L7501, Vactor P6520 108,070.00 12 month warranty, 10 year for water tanks Exceptions: To meet weight laws: 90" C.A., wheel base 159", GVWR 33,OOOIbs, direct PTO drive shaft, counter not digital, 4 exceptions to control panel, also additional exceptions to Sterling chassis 3-T Equipment Company 106,995.26 180-210 Day Delivery with a!I offered options 119,529.24 2002 Ford F-750, 2001 SECA 800-H 12 month warranty on sewer cleaner, 3 yr/36,000 miles on Ford chassis, 10 years on water tank Exce�tions: Footage counter is not digital & mounted on side of hose reel, tires radial not bias & different size U.S. Jetting LLC 129,022.74 100 Day Delivery i Isuzu, USJ 2065-1500 12 month warranty Stated t�ey met or exceeded all specifications - little information provided with bid SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Nick Zaninovich. Senior Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING August 16. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: d• ITEM-PROJECT NAME: ALPINE COUNTY OFFICE AND EQUIPMENT STORAGE BUILDING REQUESTED BOARD ACTION:�1) Approve Project Closeout Aqreement and Release of Claims: and �2) Authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion with the Alpine County Clerk � DISCUSSION: Staff has performed a final inspection of the project and has found that the Thomas Haen Company. Inc., has met the requirements of the project plans and specifications. Staff recommends approval of the Qroiect Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims, and the filing of a Notice of Completion with the Alpine County Clerk. SCHEDULE: 100% Complete COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: 1028-8036/ACBARN BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims: Notice of Completion CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE O WATER SEWER X CLOSEOUT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS THIS AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS (Agreement)is made in South Lake Tahoe, California, this 16th day of August, 2001, by and between South Tahoe Public Utility District,(DISTRICT), and THOMAS HAEN COMPANY, INC., (CONTRACTOR). KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: 1. That the undersigned, as the authorized representative of CONTRACTOR, and for each of its successors, assigns and partners, for and in consideration of Three Hundred Twenty Four Thousand, Six Hundred Dollars and zero cents ($324,600.00), the original Contract amount, and the sum of Three Thousand, Seven Hundred and Twenty-four pollars and seven cents ($3,724.07) for Contract Change Orders Nos. 1 through 2, receipt of which is acknowledged, does release and forever discharge the DISTRICT, and each of its successors, assigns, directors, officers, agents, servants, volunteers and employees, from any and all rights, claims, causes of action, demands, debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, damages, costs and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys', paralegal and experts' fees, costs and expenses) and other claims, which may be asserted against DISTRICT by reason of any matter or thing which was the subject matter of or basis for: A. The performance of all terms and conditions of that certain agreement dated October 2, 2000 for Purchase Order No. 10082, DISTRICT project described as DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF ALPINE COUNTY STORAGE/OFFICE BUILDING. B. Change Orders Nos. 1 through 2, as approved by the parties, pertaining to Purchase Order No. 10082 and shown in Payment Request No. 6, dated August 16, 2001. 2. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall waive or alter the rights, privileges, and powers of the DISTRICT or the duties, liabilities and obligations of the CONTRACTOR and its surety(ies) in respect to any portions of the Contract Documents for Purchase Order No. 10082. 3. The District has received the following claims from the Contractor: NONE. Except as expressly provided in this section, the DISTRICT has received no other claims from the CONTRACTOR. _ 4. Upon execution of this Agreement, the DISTRICT agrees to promptly record a NOTICE OF COMPLETION with the Alpine County Recorder. 5. The current retention amount is $ 16,416.20 Original Contract amount $ 324,600.00 Total Change Order Amount $ 3,724.07 Less: Amount Previously Paid (Request Nos. 1 through 6) $(311,907.87) Retainage $( 16,416.20) , BALANCE: $ 0.00 The retainage will be released to the CONTRACTOR at the expiration of thirty-five (35)calendar days after date of recording a NOTICE OF COMPLETION by Alpine County Recorder or when all stop notices have been released, whichever last occurs. The release provided pursuant to this Agreement shall not apply to CONTRACTOR'S right to the retention amount until and to the extent such amounts are received by CONTRACTOR. 6. CONTRACTOR and DISTRICT agree that the total adjusted Contract price and time of performance for Purchase Order No. 10082, after the execution of change orders, is as follows: Original Contract Price $324,600.00 Original Calendar Days Before July 1, 2001 Adjusted Contract Price $328,324.07 Adjusted Calendar Days Before July 1, 2001 7. It is understood and agreed by Contractor that the facts with respect to which the release provided pursuant to this Agreement is given may turn out to be other than or different from the facts as now known or believed to be, and Contractor expressly assumes the risk of the facts turning out to be different than they now appear, and agrees that the release provided pursuant to this Agreement shall be, in all respects, effective and not subject to termination or recission by any such difference in facts and Contractor expressly waives any and all rights it has or may have under California Civil Code Section 1542, which provides as follows: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the Release which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor." 8. The release made by the CONTRACTOR is not to be construed as an admission or admissions of liability and the Contractor denies any such liability. Contractor agrees that it will forever refrain and forebear from commencing, instituting or prosecuting any lawsuit, action or other proceeding against the District based on, arising out of, or in any way connected with the subject matter of this release. 9. The CONTRACTOR releases the DISTRICT from all claims, including but not limited to those of its Subcontractors for all delay and impact costs, if any. 10. The CONTRACTOR represents and warrants to the DISTRICT that the CONTRACTOR has not assigned or transferred or purported to assign or transfer to any person, firm, corporation, association or entity any of the rights, claims, warranties, The CONTRACTOR represents and warrants to the DISTRICT that the CONTRACTOR has not assigned or transferred or purported to assign or transfer to any person, firm, corporation, association or entity any of the rights, claims, warranties, demands, debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, causes of action, damages, costs, expenses and other claims and the CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the DISTRICT, its successors, assigns, directors, officers, agents, servants, volunteers and employees, from and against, without limitation, any and all rights, claims, warranties, demands, debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, causes of action, damages, costs, expenses and other claims, including but not limited to attorneys', paralegal and experts' fees, costs and expenses arising out of or connected with any such assignment or transfer or purported assignment or transfer. 11. The parties acknowledge that they have been represented by counsel of their own choice in connection with the preparation and execution of this Agreement. The parties acknowledge and represent that they understand and voluntarily consent and agree to each and every provision contained in this Agreement . 12. The parties further acknowledge and represent that no promise, inducement or agreement, not expressed in this Agreement, have been made and that this Agreement contains the entire agreement among the parties and that the terms of the Agreement are contractual and not a mere recital. 13. The persons executing this Agreement represent and warrant to the other party that the execution and performance of the terms of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all corporate, partnership, , individual, or other entity requirements and that said persons have the right, power, legal capacity and authority to execute and enter into this Agreement. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DUANE WALLACE, BOARD PRESIDENT BOARD APPROVAL DATE ATTEST: KATHY SHARP, CLERK OF BOARD DATED APPROVED AS TO FORM THOMAS HAEN COMPANY INC. (Name of Contractor) DATED By: DATED (Title) DATED � 1�1��'�C� C�f ���1�l.��'�C�f� � Notice pursuant ta C+v+l Code Section 3093, must be filed within 10 days aiter completi4n. (See reverse side for Compfete requirements.l Notice is hereby given that: � 1. The undersigned is ow�er or corporate officer of the owner of the interest ar estate stated below in the property hereinafter described: 2. The fuil name of the owner is SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT � 3. The full address of the owner is 1275 Meadow Crest Qri ve South Lake Tahoe CA 96150 4. The nature of the interest or estate of the owner is; In fee. (If other than fee, strike "In fee" and insert, tor ezamp�e. "purchaser under contract ot purchase," or "tessee") 5. The fuil names and ful! addresses of all persons, if any, who hoid title with the undersigned as jgint tenants or as tenants in common are: NAMES AOQRESSES 6. A work of impravement on the property hereinafter described was completed on �ul.y 20, 2001 The work done was: des�gn & construction of storage/office building; water well, septic system, sto d aina$e fac�l�tie�s ar�d AC paver�ent. 7. I�e name t the contrac'or, i any, or such r�orx o improvement was October 20, 2000 Uf na contractor far work of impravement as a w�ole, insert "none".) (Date of Coniractl 8. The property on whicn said work of improvement was camPleted is in the city of Woodfnr�ic,_("q . County ci A1 pi t1e , State of California, and is descri6ed as follows: Des ign and Construction of Alpine County Storage/Office Building 9. The str?e� address �f said praper is Harvey P1 ace Reservoi r near Woodfords CA (!t no street addre:s has heen oificially assigned, insert "nane".) Dated: August 16, 2001 Verification for Indiv�dual Owner Signature of owner or corporate officer af owner named ia paragraph 2 or his agent VE�IFIC�TI��1 !, the undersigne say: ! am the President of Board of Directors the declarant of the foregoing ("President of", "Manager af", "A partner of", "Owner of"; etc.J natice of compietion; I have read said• notice of completion and know the contents thereof; the same is ttue of my own knowiedge. � I deciare under pena(ty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Ezecuted on _ August 16 .� 2001 a t South Lake Tahoe , California. (Oate of signature.) (City where signed.) (Personal signature of the individual who is swearing that the contents af the notice of compietion are true.) t;^Y;CE OF GD!API.,E':ION-;YOLCCT['5 FORM 1114-RCV. 6-74 8 pi. type or larger SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Ross Johnson, Manager of Wastewater Operations RE: BOARD MEETING August 16. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: e• ITEM-PROJECT NAME: TEMPORARY HELP REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize agreement with The Substitute Personnel & Business Services in the amount of $25,000 DISCUSSION: "Contractual Services" currentl r�consists of one full time employee hired in the summer months to assist with maintenance projects which include cleaning the ERB, paintin4 plant eguipment qrounds work assisting with process dewatering and cleaning, and other liqht maintenance tasks. As listed in the Purchasin4 Policy, services provided through an employment aaency are not subject to the biddinqprocedures. SCHEDULE: COSTS: $25.000 ACCOUNT NO: 1006-4405 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $12,347 ATTACHMENTS: Agreement CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED A TION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE � O WATER SEWER X � � ��� Substitute Personnel � �Business:�5ervices � � � � � �� - �'� . .� � � . � - � , � . � EMPtOYER/AGENCY . PLACEMENT AGREEMENT � , � • , - , � . � � >.., . . � , : �• .;: � . ' • : . .:;..,` : .. , _ _ . . � � � SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL d� . BUSINESS SERVICES hereinaffer called AGENCY, agrees to� fumisfi fuii or � part-fime temporor� empbyees, or appilcant� for revtew and consideratlon for fuA or pa�t-time direct � _, • htre, to So. Tahoe Publlc Utility Dist., herefnafter cail EMPLOYER. . � � ?emporary Rates and Direct Hire Fees. Dlrect hire fees are posted Iri the offlce of AGENC�! and are . wailabte to its cltents. EMPLOYER has the opiion to pay all or none of the direct h(re fee with �x without the possibNfty ot relmbursing a portion of that fee to the employee offer a probationary period. .,An EMPLOYER may also choose to spllt the fee with the employee. Appflcabie rafies for temporary help . pnd/or fees for dlrect hfre wili be determined by the quallflcarions required by EMPLOYER and quoted at ❑ locccion the time an order is placed with AGENCY or a quote is requested by a client. If EMPLOYER ot AGENCY defiermines that once employee beg(ns work, additiQnal sWlls will be utllfzed, the quoted rate SUB t to �s�e +� T�,� etie change. Rates and fees on new orde�s may be changed from time to tlme as necessary. EMPLOYER agrees to pay tmmediately upon receipt of an invoice from AGENCY whfch includes va�d charges for ��¢ Q servlces rendered. " . . s. �e T�. ca�r�o Refumds. On any direct hire )ob which terminates prior to the seventh day, the entir�i shail become Qb �� nJ8 �ui; crt� voici; �:� � ii aiic�cdy paid, wiil t�e fepaic9 tv Ei�1?LCYER by AGEfVCY. li the employe t lasts seven or more days, but (ess tfi�an 90 days, the fee charged wilf be 1/� of fihe direct hire fee�each �,«,z 9,eis��� �a��dar day employed however, it will not exceed the total gross salory paid for that posliion. A refund, when due, shail be made witt�in ten work(ng days affer wrftten request ts received from EMPLOYER � u� o,a,s�4000, who piaced the applicable order and paid the fee or part of the fee to be refunded. ffiX.916 ;s��-s»o .. F2�fes and Responsiblity. For services renderad by temporory employees contracted through AC-cNCY, EMPLOYER agrees to pay for each quarter hour of servlce rendered at AGENCY'S standard - rate with a two hour mfnlmum charge. EMPLOYER also understands that overtime rates will be applied at one and one-half tfines the hourly rate for any time worked over e(ght hours fn one day or forty hou�s in cne week. it is understood thafi AGENCY )s responslbie for all payroll records and reports, as well as payment of appro�xfate taxes and Insurance for temporary empioyees sent to EMPLOYER as a result of a temporary pfacement order. EMPLOYER Is responsible fo��including employees referred by AGENCY (n ��,;ces ���� �nJury and Illness Prevention Program (OSHA) although they are covered by AGENCY'S worice�s' . compensation insurance. . Ten�croM . _ ' FlccerrQnt . . Conve�ston to Rirect Nire Status. �puld EMPtOYER want to direct hire a temporary empioyee, ali c�«,-c �,�e5 conditions of this agreement conceming direct hire and dlrect hlre fees wlll take effect as if a dkect hire � � crder had been made, with the exception that If an employee has worked as a temporary empioyee �������� ' cn a full-time continuous basis for 90 dcrys or more, the d(rect hire fee wlll be wa(ved. ��`��''ng Call BGCkS. �EMPLOYER agrees �not to back temporary employees sent to them through AGENCY for_ � six months from the last dote of the prevlous assfgnme�t, unless it is through placement of a temparary T � P "' g order with AGENCY at the time sald employee !s required again, or uniess approp�fate arrangements ��� �, have been made with AGENCY.for direct hire af tt�at employee. �; Our 6uarantee. EMPIOYER understa�ds that if they are not satistied wii�h the service of a temporary empioyee sent to them by AGNECY, they may request that another emp�oyee be sent to flU the position for ttie duration of the asslgnment. Compcny Name: � So. T oe Pubilc Ufl!( Dlst. �_ �: Authcrized Signafure: > Pdnted Name & Tit1e:. Robert G. Baer , Genera_l Manager Fhyslcal Address: 1275 Meadow Crest Drive ��--�(� ' . . ' s�/: �UZ.�LICC..r+'7 a Mailing Address: 1275 Meadow Crest Dr. . South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Printed Name: Debi Hamel �• _. � Fhcne: ( 91 F�� 5 4 4- 6 d_ 7 d �- �_ Titfe: Generai Partner � � ' . � -. Date: 1 / 2 0 / 9 4 � • Date: / - 2 �-/ � 9 y ` � . SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Rhonda McFarlane Chief Financial Officer RE: BOARD MEETING: August 16, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: f• ITEM-PROJECT NAME: REVISED PENSION PLAN DOCUMENT REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1� Adopt Resolution No. 2723-01. Approvinq the revised Pension Plan Document• and (� Approve submission of the Plan Document to the Intemal Revenue Service for a Determination Letter in the amount of $700 DISCUSSION: The South Tahoe Public Utility District Pension Plan (the Plan� Document has been revised to comQlv with the most current Internal Revenue Code and Reaulations. In addition the Plan vesting and the eligibility waiting period has been changed aer the Board of Director's direction on May 17 2001 As such emeloyees vest at 20% per vear of emplovment and the waiting..period forjoininc�the Plan is one year. The Plan document will be submitted to the Internal Revenue Service for a determination letter. The determination letter will provide the District assurance that the Plan is indeed in compliance with the Internal Revenue Code and Requlations — ' The Plan Document is being finalized and will be distributed prior to the Board meetina. SCHEDULE: The new Plan Document was effective July 1, 2001 COSTS: $700 for IRS Determination Letter ACCOUNT NO: 1039/2039-4440 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $24 402 ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2723-01 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED TION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO GENERAL X CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE � WATER , SEWER 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2723-01 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 3 OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APPROVING THE PENSION PLAN DOCUMENT 4 5 BE IT RESOLVED, bythe Board of Directors ofthe South Tahoe Public Utility District, 6 County of EI Dorado, State of California, as follows: 7 WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District Pension Plan, hereinafter referred 8 to as the Plan, has been established for the benefit of the South Tahoe Public Utility District 9 employees; and 10 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors desires the Plan to be in conformance with Section 11 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. 12 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe 13 Public Utility District, a public agency in the County of EI Dorado, State of California, as 14 follows: 15 Effective July 1, 2001, the Board of Directors adopted the attached Plan Document 16 to comply with the most current Internal Revenue Codes and Regulations; and 17 To revise Plan eligibility and vesting as directed by the Board of Directors on May 16, 18 2001;and 19 The attached Plan Document restates and supersedes all previous Plan Documents 20 since the Plan's inception on July 1, 1968 as amended. 21 The Board of Directors authorizes the Plan Trustees to prepare a Summary Plan 22 Description in a form consistent with the new Plan Document. 23 The Board of Directors also authorizes the Plan Trustees to submit the Document to 24 the Intemal Revenue Service for the purpose of receiving a determination letter. 25 For the purposes of the limitations on contributions and benefits under the Plan, � 26 prescribed by Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended, the "limitation 27 year" shall be the Plan year. � 28 The Board of Directors further authorizes the Board President and Plan Trustees to Resolution 2723-01 Page 2 1 to execute the Plan Document. 2 The Plan Trustees of the District shali act as soon as possible to notify the employees 3 of the District of the adoption of the revised Plan Document by delivery to each employee a 4 copy of the summary plan description. 5 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certifythatthe above and foregoing Resolution 6 was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public 7 Utility District at a regular meeting held on the 16` day of August, 2001, by the following 8 vote: 9 AYES: 10 NOES: 11 ABSENT: 12 13 DUANE WALLACE, BOARD PRESIDENT 14 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 15 AT7EST: 16 1 � KATHY SHARP, CLERK OF THE BOARD l� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 19 20 21 22 �; 24 25 26 27 28 i���� �outh T� hoe T°: f ublic Utility DiStrict 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive South Lake Tahoe CA 96150 From 5u5an f�a5mu55en f'hone 530/544-6474 ext. 220 Finance Admin. A55i5tant FacSimile 530/541-0614 Date: $��y�0( Number o� page5 including cover: Me55age: c'S I� �-�`�-� i � � C�l � , . ' �� -f-o ��.�.�. �' � --✓r�a,�' �. � -� - gQ UTH TqH� R ���'�r•1950•�'�� � Robert G. Baer, General Manager ��� " °�� Richard 5olbrig, Assietant Manager Rhonda McFariane, Chief Financial Officer BOARD MEMBERS JameS JoneS Mary Lou Mosbacher Eric 5chafer Christopher H. 5trohm Duane Wallace "P>a5ic 5ervice5 for a Complex Worid" PUBLIC AGENCY RETIREMENT PLANNING, INC. 5777 W. CENTURY BLVD. SUITE 1620 LOS ANGELES, CA 90045 310 497 5002 ���,�, = � MARGADY @AOL.COM TO: Rhonda MmcFarlane <rhondamc@sierra.net> FROM: Myles Margady <margady@aol.com> ATTACH: Pension Plan.doc SUBJECT: Pension Plan Documents Attached is the Pension Plan document as amended and restated effective July,2001 as PensionAMD.l. The following rhanges as requested, were made: l. All references to ERISA have been removed. 2. The amendment on borrowing was added as sections 6.2(e) and 7.4. Spousal consent is required for any loan irrespective of the amount. 3. The requirement for participation was changed to one year of service. Section 3.1. 4. Vesting is now 20o per year of service. 5. Specific names have been removed. 6. A number of technical changes were made (e.g., deleting the family aggregation rules). Next week I will send the booklet and the forms for submitting the plan to the IRS for qualification. If you have any questions please ca11 me. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Richard Solbrig. Assistant Manager/Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING August 16, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: �• ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCOUNTS ROLLOVER REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to rollover funds budgeted in 2000-2001 fiscal year to 2001-2002 fiscal year DISCUSSION: Each year budgeted funds that were not expended on ca�ital projects, and which will be needed to complete those projects in the new fiscal year, are transferred (or rolled over) from the old budget to the new one. S�HEDULE: Capital projects to be completed bv June 30 2002 COSTS: As listed on accorri�anying table ACCOUNT NO: Various BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: Various ATTACHMENTS: C�ital Outlav Rollover Tables CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE �r...Psv�.r JalO WATER X SEWER X � WATER CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCOUNT ROLLOVERS From 2000-2001 to 2001-2002 Fiscal Year DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NO. Pumps 20-02-8076 Boyle Master Plan (Study) $131,010 Pumps 20-02-8141 VFD, AI Tahoe P.S. $ 65,000 Pumps 20-02-8195 Paloma Well Sampling $ 10,000 Equipment Pumps 20-02-8851 Clement Barn Foundation $ 10,000 Underground 20-01-8287 Waterline, Santa Claus $ 24,280 Repair Engineering 20-29-7031 Iroquois Tank Rehabilitation $ 79,400 Engineering 20-29-8083 Forest Mountain Tank $ 79,222 Replacement � Engineering 20-29-8084 Water Resources Exploration $ 13,277 Engineering 20-29-8157 Gardner Mountain Tank #1 $ 18,182 Replacement Engineering 20-29-8184 Henderson Well - Transfer to $246,860 20-29-8290 Arrowhead Well #3 Treatment Info Systems 20-37-8160 Software, Firewal) $ 8,000 � � SEWER CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCOUNT ROLLOVERS From 2000-2001 to 2001-2002 Fiscal Year DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NO. Pumps 10-02-7394 Baldwin Roof PS $ 6,000 Pumps 10-02-8106 Security at LPPS $ 2,500 Pumps 10-02 8197 Generator Set, FLL PS $ 32,010 Pumps 10-02-8806 Kiva Roof $ 6,000 Engineering 10-29-8130 Administration Master Plan, $ 75,000 Road/Headquarters Export Pipeline 90-98-8828 B-Line Phase I11 - LPPS to $137,000 Grant Campground Export Pipeline 90-98-8829 B-Line Phase II - DIP to End $385,700 Grant Export Pipeline 90-98-8947 A-Line WWTP to UTPS $ 20,000 � Grant Operations 10-06-8122 ERB Telemetry & Meters $ 15,000 Operations 10-06-8112 Continuous Emissions $120,320 Monitoring � P�Sue\Solbrig\Capital Rollovers 2001-2002.wpd SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer. General Manager; Rick Hydrick. Manager of Water Operations RE: BOARD MEETING August 16. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: h. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: QUALSERVE REVIEW REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve QualServe Participating Utility Agreement DISCUSSION: The QualServe program was jointly developed by the American Water Works Association and the Water Environment Federation to help utilities improve their performance. The program is based on processes used by others such as colleges, hoseital accreditation proqrams, and the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award. In all. fourteen separate approaches to excellence were studied as the QualServe program was beinct developed. The common element of these programs is a process of self-assessment followed by external review. Self-Assessment: More than three hundred best practices make up the full employee survey, and all (or a large) sample of the employees participate. This is an o�portunity to learn what our employees are thinking. Peer Review: Peer review allows a team of trained senior staff from four other utilities to study the District's operations. interview the staff. and visit our facilities. At the end of their visit. thev will offer their collective view of what the District does well and identify opportunities for improvement. Continued on Page 2: SCHEDULE: Self Assessment November 2001. Peer Review April 2002 COSTS: $27,040 ACCOUNT NO: 1021/2021-4440 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: See attached BudQet Analysis ATTACHMENTS: Agreement. Budget CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED T10N: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO GENERAL X CHI�F FiNANCIAL OFFICER: YE O WATER SEWER Continued from Paae 1: The assessments examine finrenty-six business systems in five major categories: Water Operations Wastewater Operations Customer Relations Business Operations Organizational Management The QualServe proaram is an impo�tant tool to continue to imqrove service to our customers. The funding for the Qual Serve review wili come from transferring money from the foliowing accounts (6200 = training & 4440 = advisory). Budget Transfer to De t Ob'ect Balance 1021-4440 2021 1001 6200 $9,500 $1,100 1002 6200 $3,798 $400 1003 6200 $2,076 $200 1004 6200 $9,870 $1,100 1005 6200 $1,524 $200 1006 6200 $15,134 $1,700 1007 6200 $5,320 $600 1019 6200 $3,994 $450 1021 6200 $6,900 $820 1022 6200 $1,500 $200 1027 6200 $1,500 $200 1028 6200 $2,409 $300 1029 6200 $6,594 $700 1037 6200 $9,181 $1,000 1038 6200 $4,000 $400 1039 4440 $13,500 $5,000 2001 6200 $7,393 $800 2002 6200 $9,798 $1,100 2003 6200 $2,325 $300 2005 6200 $1,524 $200 2007 6200 $5,745 $600 2019 6200 $20,000 $2,250 2021 6200 $4,600 $520 2022 6200 $1,000 $100 2027 6200 $1,000 $100 2029 6200 $4,423 $500 2037 6200 $6,121 $700 2038 6200 $4,775 $500 2039 4440 $10,902 $5,000 $176,406 $14,370 $12,670 ;x_ -- , � QualServeTM Self-Assessment and Peer Review Participating Utility Agreement I. General The SOUtIl �ah0e PUb11C Utlil� D1Str1Ct (the utility) has requested materials and services for both a self-assessment and a peer review; to be conducted in accordance with current QualServe program guidance and procedures. QualServe is a copyrighted program offered jointly by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Water Environment Federation (WEF). QualServe provides tools to assist water and wastewater utilities with improving performance and increasing customer satisfaction. This Agreement sets forth the full expectations of the utility and the terms and conditions by which AWWA, as program administrator, will provide these services. _ II. Utilitv Profile The information shown on Attachment 1 has been submitted by the utility and contributes to the design of services and reports. II�. Pricinb and Payment Based upon the information in the profile, AWWA agrees to provide the requested services for the total fees of �4.000. 00 (USl for the self-assessment and $24.000. 00 ([TSl for the peer review (before discounts). Tnese fees are based upon factors such as AWWA and WEF membership status, and utility size. This pricing is based also upon a maximum of 100 utility employees participating in the self- assessment, and a review team of four peers and one peer team facilitator on s;te for a maximum of 4_5 days. Fees are premised upon the following payment schedule. A. An initial payment of $ is due by as prepayment in full for the self- ass�ssment. B. A second payment of $ is due by to defray up-front costs for preparation and travel in conjunction with the peer review. C. A final payment of $ is due within 30 days following completion of the peer re•�iew. D. Discounts for earlv pavment will be allowed as follows: 1. If a single payment is made in full, for both the self-assessment and peer review, and prior to shipment of self-assessment materials by AWWA, a four- percent discount will be allowed or� the total fee for the peer review. This will save the utility �960.00. 2. If the f:nal payment is made in the time frame specified for the second payment, a four percer.t discount of $ will be allowed on the amount of the final payment. E. Payments can be made by check payable to "The American Water Works Association (for QualServe). Send all payments to the AWWA QualServe Program, 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235. IT�. Pra`�•a�r: i�3R#erials Page 1 of 10 r+ �� IV. Program Materials The following program materials are needed by the utility to plan and participate in QualServe. Two copies aze provided to utilities when they begin negotiating for services. Additional copies are provided at appropriate times. If additional copies are needed for the utility's own use, they can be photocopied, or call AWWA to request additional copies. A. The QualServe Program Brochure provides basic, overview information. B. Guidance for Participating Utilities provides information the utility will need for preparing and conducting the self-assessment and peer review. It also provides basic background information on QualServe and suggests how results might be used. C. Complete Self-Assessment Survey Options is used for negotiating the content of the actual survey which will be custom printed by AWWA and provided in the appropriate numbers and time frames shown elsewhere in this Agreement. D. Guidance for Peer Reviewers outlines the preparations and process followed by the peer review team. It, along with the Guidance for Peer Team Facilitators, is provided to the utility so they unders:and how others are preparing for and will conduct the peer review at their utility. E. Guidance for Peer Team Facilitators is used as reference by the AWWA employees who serve as process keepers for each peer review. F. A Co!nmunications Guide is provided with basic tools to help the utility communicate its participation in QualServe. Included are items such as sample notices, press releases and logos in both hsrd copy and electronic formats. V. Schedule AWWA will ship guidance and survey materials the week of September 17-21. 2001. The utility will conduct the survey the week of November 5-9. 2001, and retum the completed surveys to AWWA using a 2-day delivery service such as UPS or FedEx. AWWA will process the survey and return reports to the utiliry within 30 days of receipt. The utility choices for the peer review are the weeks of April 14-18. 2002 (preferred), or Apri121-25. 2002 (altemate). See the Guidance for Participating Utilities for a typical schedule of preparatory and on- site activities important to a successful peer review. AWWA will work with the utility to identify a peer team and confirm final the dates for the review by November 16, 2001. Page 2 of 10 „ ,, VI. Participating Utility Commitments A. The following individual will serve as the key utility contact with AWWA throughout the self- assessment and is authorized to make decisions on behalf of the utility throughout the process: Name: Ric?c Hydrick Title: Water Operations Manager Phone: 530-544-6474 Fax: 530-541-0615 E-mail: rickh@sierra.net B. If diffezent than the person named in pazagraph VI.A., the following individual will serve as the key utility contact with AWWA throughout the peer review and is authorized to make decisions on behalf of the utiliry throughout that process: � Name: Title: Mail Address: (If Different than Atch 1) P:�one: Fax: E-mail: C. The utility aarees to participate in the QualServe program consistent with the terms of this A�ee�ent and other written and oral guidance provided by AWWA. D. The utili[y a�;rees to use the names and Iogos associated with the QualServe program only as autr.orized by AWWA in guidance, implementation tools, and other products -- that is, as outward siQns of an intemal commitment to vigorously pursue conti.nuous improvement and customer satisfaction in aII work of the utility. Under no circumstances will participation in QualServe be represented as compliance with a set of standards, or as indication of certification, a high level of achieveme�t, or superior performance except as spec�cally authorized. AWWA reserves the right to anthorize sll usage of QualServe materials. Unauthorized sale or distribution of QualServe materials, without the prior written consent of the QualServe Program Manager, is not allowed. E. The utility aarees that the self-assessment report and data will not be used to purposefully identify individuals and that the self-assessment will not be used to initiate an adverse action against any employe�. F. The utility r:,cognizes the importance of having as many as possible of its executive, management and other key staff available during the course of the peer team visit, and will strive to have these kecple uvailable for active participation throughout the peer review process. G. The utility understands that the QualServe peer review program is staffed largely by volunteers from water and wastewater utilities and agrees to support this program by naming a volunteer peer candidate from its own staff for each of the peer team positions consistent with the services it provides. Multiple copies of Attachment 2 can be used for these nominations. When called upon by A`VtiVA for training and to serve as a peer, the utility agrees to provide each volunteer time to participaie in peer training and to perform at least two peer reviews within the two-year period f�llowing that training. The utility will not be required to support more than two peers trained and avaiiable for reviews at any one time. AWWA will reimburse each peer for expenses, consistent with t:zose authorized in the AW'4VA volunteer travel policy, while attending peer training and Paae 3 of 10 while traveling in support of a QualServe peer review. H. The utility agrees to evaluate its participation in the QualServe program using materials provided by AWWA. The evaluation typically consists of a one and one-half hour oral and written session scheduled to follow the peer review out-briefmg. The session will be conducted by the Peer Team Facilitator. The evaluation will focus on the substance and process of the self-assessment and peer review programs, and on AWWA service and support for the utility during the course of its participation in the QualServe program. Key members of the utility staff involved with conduct of the self-assessment and peer review, utility executives, and senior managers will participate in the evaluation. I. The utility recognizes that it will bear incidental costs of program participation not included in the fees, primarily to support of the peer team while at utility facilities. Included are: space for the team to meet privately during the day; use of phones, copiers and fax machines incidental to the visit; lunches delivered to the utility for the peer team each day; and costs associated with hosting the peers at all events such as a tour of utility facilities and a post in-briefmg social. VII. A`VWA Commitments A. Seli-Ass2ssment 1. Before the Self-Assessment Survey: AWWA will: (a) assist the udlity with determining the demographics for the sample of employees who will be respondents, (b) help the utility decide on the appropriate best practice topics to be included in the survey, (c) compile and print the appr�priate numbers of the survey, and (d) ship the sur�ey to the utility in time frames consistent with the schedule. 2. SVhile the Utility Prepares for and Conducts the Self-Assessment: AWWA will be available to answer questions throughout the process. If the utility trains survey respondents beforehand, AWWA can assist by providing a representative to assist utility staff by phone and answer questions or otherwise participate in that session. Demographics consistent with the AWWA analyses and report will be collected as part of the survey. These will be limited to major organizational unit of assignment, manager / non-manager status, and whether employed by the utility for more or less than 3 years. Accuracy is essential and can be enhanced if the utility closely follows recommendations in the guidance. 3. Processing Survey Data and Narrative Comments: AWWA will process each individual survey, prepare a standard report for the appropriate business processes, and provide the utility with 5 bound copies of the report and one each color and black and white copy suitable for photocopying. The analyses and report will be completed within 30 days of receipt of the surveys by AWWA. Legible narrative comments will be typed verbatim, organized by business process category, and included as an appendix to the report, provided that they are in good taste. Comments containing attacks against individuals and/or vulgarities will be purged, or edited by AWWA if in its judgement, the message may be helpful to the utility and the meaning can be retai.ned while removing such characteristics. A�VWA will process best practice data in the following way: a. Each utility will be assigned a number that will allow data to be preserved during Page 4 of 10 � analysis and for entry into the multi-utility database. b. Each individual survey will be randomly assigned a number useful for distinguishing that survey for quality control and for analysis. c. Demographic information and responses to each best practice statement will be entered into the database for each respondent. d. Reports will be generated using standazd analyses. Tables and histograms @ar charts), along with brief written observations by the analyst, will include: Primary Analvses Usi� Data from All Respondents (1) Overall results with frequency distribution of responses by business process category (2) Adjusted composite scores by business process category (3) Standard deviations of adjusted composite scores by business process category (4) Percentages of "No response" by business process category (5) Adjusted overall mean scores for each best practice statement (6) Individual best practice statements indicating strengths (one point or more greater than average scores for that business process category) (7) Individual best practice statements indicating opportunities for improvement (one point or more less than average scores for that business process category) (8) Overall percentage of "no response" for each best practice statemeat Secondarv Analvses Using Subsets of the Survey Data (9) Labor / Management comparison of adjusted scores " (10) Labor / Management comparison of "no response" rates (11) Tenure comparison of adjusted scores (12) Tenure comparison of "no response" rates (13) Departmental comparison of adjusted scores (14) Departmental comparison of "no response" rates (15) Adjusted mean scores for each best practice statement with separate presentations for management, labor, tenure less than 3 years, tenure more than 3 years, and for each department (16) Percenta�e of "no response" for each best practice statement with sepazate presentations for management, labor, tenure less than 3 years, tenure more than 3 years, and for each department Page 5 of 10 4. Upon Completion of the Survey: AWWA will respond to questions from the utility relative to the report. Completed survey booklets will be retained by AWWA for a period of six months after the completion of the self-assessment report. They will then be destroyed. 5. Multi-Utility Summary of Self-Assessment Surveys: Once self-assessment data is available from at least 20 utilities with similar profiles, AWWA will prepaze a composite report, that may be useful as an assessment tool, using a format similar to that in paragraph VII.A.3.d. above. This composite will be updated periodically to reflect data from the most recent 20 or more self-assessment surveys completed by utilities. A copy of the latest report will be provided to each participant at the time their survey results are retumed. Utilities participating in the program before there is sufficient data to construct this report will be subsequently sent a copy of the first composite report. - B. Peer Revie�v 1. Team Size and Review Period: AWWA will provide a team consisting of four trained peers plus one facilitator to conduct the on-site review beginning with a tour of utility facilities (usually scheduled for Sunday moming) and ending with an out-briefing the moming of the final day. 2. Utility Role in Peer Team Selection: The utility will be consulted on the team make-up. If the utility shows cause why a member of the team proposed by AWWA will be unable to effectively function in that capacity, AWWA will seek an altemate. 3. Pee: Pr�-visit Preparations: The peer team will amve on-site prepared for the visit, having reviewed and discussed documentation provided by the utility, and with team member r�sponsinilities assigned. The peer term will facilitate and lead both the in and out briefings. �. The On-Site Revietiv: The review will consist primarily of interviews with utility managers and some staff, and may include facilities visits and reviews of utility processes, information management systems, etc. These activities will normally be scheduled between the hours of 8:00 A:VI and 5:00 PM, unless other times are agreed to by the peer team and utility staff. 5. Availability of Peers `Vhile On-Site: The peer review process is time-intensive. With the exception of the evening of day one (Sunday), peers will use evenings for team meetings and preparation of the final report. b. T�e Peer Team Report: Copies of the final draft report will be available for review by utility senior managers on the afternoon of the day before the outbriefmg. The utility CEO and the peer team leader will meet adaround 4:00 PM to discuss team findings and to identify errors in fact and wording that may be inappropriate. The peer team will consider these in a fmal me�ting and make such changes as the team deems appropriate. The utility will be provided with a final report, ready for photocopying and distribution to utility staff, prior to the outbriefing. Five copies of cover and binding materials will also be provided for the utility to assemble formal copies. The peer team report will be based on a"Strengths" and "Opportunities for Improvement" model, with primary focus on identifying a few of the key strengths and a few key opportunities for improvement for each business process category, and for overall utility operations. At its discretion, the team may aggregate reports for related business process cate�ories, especially when they have few comments for these related review topics. Pa�e 6 of 10 7. Pesr Team Availability Following the Review: Peers will retain a copy of the final report for three months following each review. Documentation provided by the utility for use by peers will be left with the utility at the out briefing, or discazded by each peer within these three months. Peers will be available by phone to answer questions from the utility about the final report throughout this three-month period. 8. Confidentiality: AWWA and the peer team will hold the substance of both the self- assessment and the peer review in confidence except as authorized by the utility. If inquiries are received, AWWA and peers will screen those inquiries, and if deemed appropriate, refer the inquirer to the utility self-assessment or peer review contact. AWWA encourages utilities to share information from QualServe openly with its customers and the public. AWWA may, at its discretion, report basic information such as participation by the utility, dates of participation, and key utility participants. VIiI.Other Terms and Conditions A. The seif-assessment and peer review will be conducted in accordance with processes described in current program guidance materials. As administrator of the QualServe program, A`�IWA reserves the right to modify these processes and materials and will be the final authority on interpretation and use of all QualServe processes and materials. B. AWtiVA member utilities and �VEF corporate members will receive preference to participate when capacity is at issue. However, once an Agreement has been signed by both the utility and A���IWA, utilities will have access to the services covered in chronological order based upon date of acceptance of Agreements by AWWA. , C. ��tiVtiVA c:�pacity for enrolling participants, processing self-assessments, selecting and tra:r�ing peQrs, and assembling peer teams is limited. AWWA will make a good faith effort to mee: the dates committed to in this agreement; however, the uncertainties listed here and unforeseen events may create delays. If such delays are unacceptable to the utility, the following shall constitute its exclusive remedies: 1. If the seif-assessment process has not progressed to the point of shipment of materials to the utility, the utility may elect to reschedule or ask for a full refund of all fees paid to date for the self-assessment. If a refund is requested, and a self-assessment has not been conducted within the past 12 months, the peer review will also be canceled and any fees prepaid for it will be refunded as well. 2. If materials for the self-assessment have been shipped, whether or not the survey has been conducted by the utility, no refund for the self-assessment will be allowed, but AWWA will work with the utility to reschedule the survey for another time. �. If the utility fails to complete portions of its self-assessment in accordance with dates in this a�reement, or in concert with program guidance, AWWA reserves the right to delay pr�cessing the survey analyses and report until other surveys that are proceeding according to schedule have been processed. 4. If AWWA fails to agree to dates and provide a peer team within 60 days prior to the later of the review periods requested in this agreement, the utility shall have the option of rescheduling the review for a different time frame or receive a full refund of all fees paid to date for the peer review. 5. P,;ers are volunteers contributing their time and experience for the good of QualServe and Page 7 of 10 participating utilities. From time to time, emergencies may arise that make it impossible for a peer to follow through and participate in a review for which he or she is scheduled. Under such circumstances, AWWA will notify the utility immediately and work to reach an acceptable resolution. Remedies include: (a) the remaining members of the peer team will conduct the review if they believe they can do a credible job for all business process categories within the scheduled time frame or by adding one day to the site visit; (b) AWWA will add a peer to the team and the review will proceed as scheduled; (c) the peer review will be rescheduled. The utility agrees to cooperate with AWWA towazd reaching a solution that provides a quality review for the utility while minimizing loss of sunk costs and added expenditures experienced by the QualServe program. Cancellations and refunds will be avoided if at all possible. 6. If one or more members of the peer team must withdraw once the team has initiated travel to the utility, the review shall proceed as planned. If remaining members of the peer team can � remain on site for one extra day, they will do so and there will be no adjustment of fees. If the remaining peers can not extend their stay, and the utility believes that the value of the review has been significantly diminished, AWWA will reimburse a percentage of the peer review fee equal to the reduction in the size of the peer team as defined in paragraph VII.B.1. 7. In no event shall AVWVA be liable to the utility for its performance or non-performance of any terms or conditions of the Agreement in an amount exceeding fees paid by the utility for that service under this Agreement. D. Emergencies interrupting availability of the utility will be accommodated to the estent feasible. If an emergency arises that is outside control of the utility, and participation in the self- assessment and/or peer review must be delayed, AVV`VA will work with the utility to reschedule and make adjustments as follows: 1. If administration of the self-assessment must be delayed, it will be rescheduled for completion within three months of the original schedule. 2. If the schedule for the peer review must be changed from the dates shown in paragraph V. of this Aa eement, and a peer team has not been assigned, there will be no additional fee. 3. If the peer review is rescheduled after the peer team has been accepted by the utility, AWWA will recover any non-refundable costs associated with planning for the review (travel expenses, hotel deposits, etc.) and a fee of $2,500 shall be paid by the utility to cover additional administrative costs. E. Cance�la#ians by the Utility: 1. If the utility elects to cancel the self-assessment, a cancellation fee of $1,000.00 shall be paid or will be deducted from any refund due the utility. If materials for the self-assessment have been shipped to the utility, no refund will be allowed. If no self-assessment has been completed by the utility within the previous twelve months, the peer review will also be canceled. 2. If the peer review is canceled by the utility under any circumstance, including that necessitated by paragraph VIII.E.1., and it is not rescheduled as described in paragraph VIII. D., AWWA will recover all costs associated with the review plus a cancellation fee of $1,000.00. 3. Fe�s prepaid by the utility will be returned to the utility less the total amount of any costs Page S of 10 accrued by AWWA and other fees set forth in this Agreement. F. Indemni�cation and Liability Insurance 1. The Utility, AWWA, and WEF each agrees that it is responsible for its own actions under this Agreement and agrees to mutually indemnify and hold the other parties, their elected officials, officers, employees, and agents harmless. 2. Each party agrees to defend the other parties against any claim or asserted liability arising out of its own acts or omissions, either willful or negligent, in implementing the Program. 3. Each party agrees to maintain a policy of general liability insurance sufficient in amount and scope to protect against the risks and harms reasonabty associated with the Program and fulfill the obIigations each party incurs under this Agreement. G. �mpioyment Status of QualServe Peer Team The services of this Agreement shall be performed by AWWA or under its supervision. It is the express intention of the parties that AWWA, its staff, and its volunteers aze not employees, agents, joint venturers, or partners of the host Utility. Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to create the relationship of employer and employee between the host Utility and AWWA, its staff, a�d its volunteers. Further, the members of the peer team participate in the peer review as volunteers and receive no compensation from AWWA or the host Utility for this volunteer activitv. I3. Chan�es to the Agreement All cl�an,es to this agreement will be in writing and acknowledged by botl� parfies. We agree to euickly notify each other of circumstances that are likely to result in a change using telephone, E-mail, maQfa.�c, or express mail services as soon as those conditions are recognized. Contact with the utiIity will be through the key contact shown in paragraph V.A. of this Agreement. Contact wi[h AWWA will be at the following address, telephone and fax: QualServe Program Manager AWWA 6666 West Quincy Avenue Denver, CO 80235 Phone: 303-794-7711 Fax: 303-794-6303 Pa�e 9 of 14 IX. Agreement The Utility and AWWA have read, understand and agree to all of the foregoing, and the individual signing for each is authorized to commit his or her organization to this Agreement. For the Utility: Printed Name: Signature: - Date: For the American Water Works Association: Printed Name: Jac . Hof u r P.E., EE utive Director Signature: Date: � 0 v X. AttacL�ents Attachment 1 - Utility Profile Attachmznt 2- Peer Nomination Form Page 10 of 10 Attachment 1 to Agreement QualServe Participating Utility Profile Utility Name: South Tahoe Public Utility District Name of CEO: Robert Baer, P.E. General Manager Mailing Address: 127� Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150-7401 Phone: (5301544-6474 Fax: (5301542-7073 E-mail: bbaer�a�.sierra.net O�xnership: Investor X Public _ Other (specify) Services: x Water X Wastewater Other (specify) Ivlembership Status: AWWA Member No. 087525 WEF Member No. 0321702 Population Served: 30.000 Water Connections: 13.000 MGD Wastewater (ave. flow): GMGD Wate: Characteristics _ Surface Water X Ground Water _ Purchased ,_, Wholesaler _Other ���stewater Character�stics: X Collect and Treat Collect Only Intercept and Treat Only ��iployee BrQakdown: Nlwjor Organizational Unit Total Employees Total Managers in Unit in Unit � Plannina 18 S - Managers " Finance 19 9 " Field Operations 21 4 Field 1Vlaintenance 23 4 Plar.t Operations/Maintenance 31 g Totals for Utilitv 112 33 Profil.doc Attachment 2 to Agreement QualServe� Peer Nomination American Water Works Association Prepared by: Phone: Date: Nor�inee Biographical Information: Name: Title: Utility: Mailing Address: Street Address: (If different) Phone: Fa,Y: E-Mail: Member Nur.iber: AWWA WEF PeQr P�siti�n ��.��ated For (circle all that apply): Business Operations Customer Relations Water OperationsWastewater Operations '��hat Size d,Ti:�itv Do You Work for and/or Would You Like to Review? Larbe Greater than 25,000 accounts and/or staff of 150 persons and greater 11�did-Size Roughly 5,000 to 25,000 accounts and/or staff size in 25 to 150 range Small Staff of 25 or less persons and/or less than 5,000 accounts Z�Iould Ya� �e int�r�ster� in Serving As a Team Leader? Yes No �Va:��aili�y iflr ��'aining: _Next six month period _Six to twelve months from now ���sti��s /�ol�l�nts pe�r candidate has at this time: �'��as� a��a�11 a current resume and a brief narrative explaining how your interests and q�aalifications anatch those for a QualSe�ve peer reviewer. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Nick Zaninovich, Senior Enqineer RE: BOARD MEETING August 16, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 7. a ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: ARROWHEAD WELL NO. 3: CONSTRUCTION OF WELLHEAD TREATMENT FOR MTBE REMOVAL REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award contract to lowest responsive, responsible bidder DISCUSSION: Bids will be opened on August 14, 2001. A summary of all bids, along with staff recommendation for award will be distributed prior to Board Meeting. SCHEDULE: Issue Notice to Proceed September 10. 2001 COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: 2029-7379/AH3TRT BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: , ATTACHMENTS Summary to be provided erior to Board Meeting CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED TION: CATEGORY: ,. GENERALMANAGER: YES NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE O WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ` BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Nick Zaninovich Senior- Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING August 16, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: �• b ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: ARROWHEAD WELL NO. 3: CONSTRUCTION OF WELLHEAD TREATMENT FOR MTBE REMOVAL REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize entering into a seven (7) year agreement with BOC Gases for oxygen services in the estimated annual amount of $10,720, with an initial on-site set up fee in the amount of $2 500 DISCUSSION: The Arrowhead Well treatment pro�ect will require an on-site oxvaen supplv to be converted to ozone through an on-site ozone generator Applied Process Technoloav (APT), the su�.plier of the advanced oxidation treatment system for this proiect, anticipates that the svstem will use approximately 6 000 gallons of liquid oxygen per year. Staff is �roposina that a 1 500 qallon bulk oxx,aen�. storaae tank be used, which is the smallest bulk tank available The tank will rec�uire refills approximatelv everv three months. Staff recommends that the District lease a tank for the following reasons: 1) BOC Gases will deliver and set u� the tank on-site� 2� Maintenance for the tank will be the responsibility of BOC Gases and wilt not require staff time to maintain the system as other alternatives would� __ 3) Contractinq this service to BOC Gases will eliminate the reauirement of saecialized knowledc�e of staff to operate the tank and therefore will help reduce liabilitv: Continued on Page 2• SCHEDULE: Immediate COSTS: Annual equipment rental� $6 720� Annual bulk 02 consumption (estimated) $4.000: Initial on-site set up fee $2 500 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8290/AH3TRT BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $145 430 ATTACHMENTS Agreement to be distributed prior to Board Meetina CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED TION: � CATEGORY: GENERALMANAGER: YES NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE O WATER X SEWER (Continued from Page 1) 4� BOC Gases will monitor the tank via telemetry and will automaticallv dispatch refills as necessary to the site. The standard term of the aqreement is seven (7) years but it does not preclude the relocation of , the treatment plant and the tank Should the treatment plant be relocated to a different site in the future BOC Gases will provide relocation to the new site for a fee. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS ,. . FR: Richard Solbrig: Assistant Manager/Engineer � RE: BOARD MEETING Auaust 16. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 7. c ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: TALLAC PUMP STATION FORCE MAIN REPAIR REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to solicit bids for construction DISCUSSION: Staff has prepared construction documents for the repair of the Tallac force main. utilizinqpre-purchased materials where the delivery times would not allow the contractor topurchase them after an award of a construction contract. Award date forthe contract may need to be discussed, with a Special Board Meeting possibly being required. SCHEDULE: Constructed in Sept-October 15, with revegetation completed by Oct 20 COSTS: $300,000 ACCOUNT NO: 1002-7395-TALLAC BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING:�To be paid out of capital outlay reserves) $<16,626> - ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED A TION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES O WATER SEWER X � Action Item 7.d Payment of Claims August 18, 2001 Ck# Name AmouM FOR APPROVAL AUGUST 16, 2001 Total Payroli 8-8-01 $239,046.64 Total Payroll $239,046.84 Cost Conffiinmer�t �37,410.99 IGI Resources $0.00 USBank 1,689,224.94 Totai Vendor EFT $1,706,635.93 Accou�s Payable Checks Sewer Fund $131,189.96 Axourtts Payable Checl� Water Fund 261,489.38 Accourds Payable Checks Self-funded Ins 12,043.21 Accounts Payabie Checks Grarrt Funds 36,347.55 TotalAccounts Payable �441,064.10 Grand Total $2,38B,746.B7 PAYROLL RELATED CHECKS 08/08/01 EFT URM 8 Depende�t Care/AFLAC 1,430.61 EFT Employment Dev Dept 11,421.43 EPT Direct Deposit 112,651.35 EFT' The Hartford 1,358.84 EFT ManuLife Pension 0.00 EFT AManuLife Penaion Loan Payments 6,864.53 EFT Orchard Trust Co. 10,349.58 EFT US Bank 65,312.32 EFT Time Out Fitness 0.00 EFT United Way 77.18 #36629 Chifd Suppott Collection Program 37.50 #38630 Stanislaua Co Family Support Div 172.00 � # Stationary Engineers Locai 39 0.00 Net Payroll � 29,371.30 Adjustments 0.00 5ub-total $239,046.84 �1r,ccn��+avnenrnvMroFCUe.wazoa�o� t) 0 w 69•0S'a'b SV5 1V81l1VN NOI1VUISINIWOV V 1Va3N39 05£9 -00 -01 S3I1I1I111 VISIAV u ,.L Mil °6171.k.-0-00 IG' b: t 16' tr i t : Ielcl Sia�JO WOI IVIS dWld SSVd ;i3Hlfll - SdWfld Sb09 -20 -0 t Ad3SaftN M0110H N3d3V - al ri s� �si r" el s Ctl 36 00 -- -LS' 1t=tr 6S' ltrb . '4-e4-0-1 -x - 43-- S3iiddfl5 331dd0 AJN003 3NId1V 028fr -82 -01 ONI 1Nf1035IQ SV1S MOdIV 4444 4444 -- -- Libtbl00 00 "Z£�!`i 00 Z£9`! 39 • CSb' 1 l 00'000`1. 00' 005' t 00'01 : ;e ;�,l �t'+3 -- 318VAVd S13f10J, /S5l8/Wi0dINfi -= 1- v-=- 0f-- %t?a'-F3-- 11VM32iId `AdOSIA05 AaOSIAQV - 4444— NOI1V J.SINIWQV 1V213N39 SW31SAS NOUVWHOANI SW31SAS NOIiVWaOdNI tJOI±VRSO- ANi- 8tS2 -00 -01 S3OFAa3'3 Wa0. Itdfl i1JVWVatl 091.9 -L£ -02 017tr7-LE -02 Ok6b -L£ -C i — SNi- itJ ;t6f't13At- t3W'tt#=Si79istV -- 00Z5- t0-0-4 0029 -10-01 3NVf 'NOSa3ONV 44- _ ____ �a Pi28'056`8 �SS MU 9:,#L�- 0.88 -- Ins le s- MW 56bL5'000 HOSIAO: t 10.I a4s - 00-14--'V3R63/v3tii133Wri3•Aii311 NOI1V3M031S5NI133W /13AVS1 _4P4al gzau t17WJ1SAS 2lIVJ3d a0 flJS3i3GNf1 JIVd3a ONMONOS3ONM zs g 6% 00 5 WS •05 E� 1 MW 3-b& 4. 8 -1.s t -E Z0•$65' -.t 00'552`L - -3- Qi'J3 01 diQ II 3s'VHd 3WI19 G8 3IV1 SSVii9 S1NVIQAH l 1Ntl2i9 3NI13dId 12i0dX3 6Zo'o'- %36 -06 1NVa9 3NI13dId 1a0dX3 820L -86 -06 -S l-d-56 E - Z-O-tr ONIa33NI.9N3. OO113 -6Z 02 A.Nl03.3NI.d1V 2009 -82 -01 ONI 1V1N3WN0iIAN3 9 H1MV3 33WV - ti 7.+ 4 4-040 9 £ - 00'26£'01 00'0 0 1 S-frVd -N9 I 1 V 1S JWlJ l l. I Slid a3NOHV5. .`3NI1I131VM 3ONVN3INIVW 1' SONfDao u> ; MW E6tL7000 v8-ESt'6 98'£S1'6 :Ie101 1DaND 9t4I801INOW A1Nl03 3NId1V Ct19 -8Z -01 AO A1Nl03 '3NId1V ;91. ,c K MW 26tr1.b0O0 Otr"LZ Otr• 12 :;e101 13eH3 NVld S31SVW )143 3NId1V A.Nl03 3NId1V S829 -82-01 112!313 ALN003 3NId1V zc u 09 1m MW 1601.0000 00 -1E1 OP-SS :IQ1oi 1DeQO S3llddOS NOilV1IiSINIWQV S 1Vei3N30 NOI1+1-N- 1- &1141WOV 3-- 9V13N33 NOI WILLS I N I WQV 3' 1ki- N-3N3J 0 ?S9- 00 -03 - Vtta'33s —N W -- ma MW OGOLtr000 09'3L 90'386 53I1JJtlS :Ie101 HDa43 0259 -00 0 t A-NVt#W03 334.303 .E -S8 -0 -$fit --3-V • 0 -99--t0-44-- -aN" ttV1s rao- t- • 5?$1- > =0 5209 -L0 -01 ASS 9 S31V5 33NVIlddV 038V zz :Z MW G317L17000 9t-6 00•£l£ '£ -IN41431,1,103-- 3044- V -Zfncm i :Ie?o1 4DaU3 es i t i MW Ss?trLb000 00 56'Ltr it:-I 1 V J ]-&O :Ie1o1. ��ayO A 210-1 V-S V l J1 90 151 FL!. 0 1 C. 1 LL'82 f4J34: -d ;0.3-- A1.f01V214t}V -1-- 1N3WdIn03 ASOIVa08tl i Jl:101V1i& ISO1V608V1 „i i`- lai nu L817-Lb000 84.84 4 2b "801. ------;-4-8-4-0+ - 33w3 Aa01N3ANI AlddtlS dOHS NOI1Va1SINIWOV 9 1VS3N39 t2tr0 -00 -01. ONI 1V3IW3H3 t -V a1-1z4u÷+-e8au -it- iuna {t- - a N .lcpuaA wdA4_ -it tl-F'JO 1IIn0mV uoTIAT336eQ - HA`AW'MH'MW : -adA1 An340 ' dV :01 In01S %i�a43 :uOFloateS line4a0 FA F � ,\ - _ 3dS338113 :PI 1.todea__49OVti 605M3 :6uad--- GL29f# :3909cc : ?o[--- -31I6 0 19 :661---- 3I883Q :bad -- Wd SO:E '1.003 '6 9OV 'OHI L abed 1002/91./90 -- 1.002/£0/30 1 8 0 d 3 8 3 W I V 1 0 d 0 1 N 3 W A V d 10/60/80 a'n'd aayel 41noS South Tahoe P . U . D . OS/09/01 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M 5 R E P O R T 08:03/2001 - 08/16/2001 Page 2 THU, AUG 9, 2001, 3:05 PM - -req: DEBBIE-- - -1e9: GL SL - -loc: ONSITE - -- -job 226062 ;t„6279-- -prog: C..509 <1A06> -- report id: CKRECSPC riz rl l Default Selection: Check. Stock ID: AP , Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH b. Vendor -Na-me- Account 1 -- Depar-c-mwrr -- 3 Ll`tpt -tr 7ii60unr Check V— 1 yps----i °1 Check Total: 4,535.09 00047500 MW AWARDS OF TAHOE 10 -21 -6621 ADMINISTRATION INCENTIVE 3 RECOGNITION PRGR 20.78 f '4 -1 20 -21 -6621 ADMINISTRATION INCENTIVE t RECOGNITION PRGR 13.85 5 R - C h e - c i t Total- -3-4.-6-1 u 0 u * ( -1 AXELSON IRON SHOP 10-:02 -6071 PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 40.13 '" p 20 02 6071 rumrs- SHOP -Ot3-PPLIE8 0. T2 -) Check Fatal: 80.25 00047502 MW 1 ±!--- 8 8 1 14 BENEFIT 13£ fGR}S i 0 22A HUMA -N-RE e►+.?eE- CONTRACTUAL sERv-i-eEs 750.00 's' 20 -22 -4405 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 500.00 Check Total: 1,250.00 00047503 MW e7 ?1j 29 B 5 N U G REGISTRATION 10 -39 -6200 FINANCE TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION 171.00 23. 20 -39 -6200 FINANCE TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION 114.00 Cllrck Total • it8S.00 0004784 1 MW �, Ffi BACHELDER, JON ,C 10 -02 -6200 PUMPS TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION 5.00 -5=0-0 20 02 6200 rum t'S 7R : . fif8N Check Total: 10.00 00047505 M11 " n- BANK AMERICA OF 10 29 6200 C" TIN&. , TRAVEL /HEET.INDS /EDti-GATION 148. i3 -` 20- 29-6200 ENGINEERING TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION 99.14 42 ,, Check Total: 247.87 000475062 MW -` a m 45 -, BARTLE WELLS ASSOCIATES 20-00 -1605 GENERAL :i ADMINISTRATION 01 REFI COSTS DEFERRED 40,000.00 45 Check Total: 40, 000.00 00047507 MW 47 36 48 9 BERGSOHN, IVO 10 -02 -6200 PUMPS TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION 86.62 32 20 -02 -6200 PUMPS TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION 86.61 C1trc.k Yt,lal • 1T3.E3 C0047 0° MW BERRY- HINCKLEY INDUSTRIES 10 -00 -0416 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION DIESEL INVENTORY 3,472.75 4 i0 00 0415 GttIERAL & ADMINISTRATION I�ASOLINE INVENTORY' 1,613.99 2 07 10 -04 -4630 HEAVY MAINTENANCE OIL & LUBRICANTS 183.93 59 Check Total: 5,270.67 00047509 MW e 4> n BING MATERIALS 20 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR PIPE, COVERS, 4 MANHOLES 622.17 77, Check Total: 622.17 00047510 MW 52 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL 10 -38 -4405 CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,475.72 M V 20 -38 -4405 CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 177.43 7 1 E 1 0 32 4405 t INANCC C @NTRACTUAL -ER-' EB 1, +?43. Y .611 -J Check Total: 2,696.90 00047511 MW El 1 5< BORCESS- 4- „AHONEY INC 10 00 0416 -6- ENCRAL & ADMINISTRATION DIESEL INVENTORY' - 3,47E.75 ---1 " Check Total: - -3,478::75 00047400 R,,, 74 5E ;' 74 75° v- vo -ov,e vrcrtn,aw10 South Tahoe P . U . D . 08/09/01 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 08/03/2001-08/16/2001 Page 3 THU, AUG 9, 2001, 3:05 PM - -req: DEBBIE - -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE - -- -job: 226062 #J6279-- -prog: CK509 <1A06 > -- report id: CKRECSPC 1 121 -I Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH 15 n Amuuitt Check s Type Vendor NaKr Ae..nu,ti 11 Deparlme„t Dasc,•aF,t iu5, YF N 0 110 Irl 2� BCRINC BUSINESS, THE 01141 BOYLE ENCIN i:al c'1 Z S C Check Total: 278.49 00047512 MW 1 1 1 20 -02- -4405 PUMPS Vendor Total: - 3,194.26 NT-SANTA etAuc IN11BU Check Total: BO1'LE STUDY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Total: 22,524.11 00047513 MW 599.43 2,086.06 00047514 MW :0 20 I_5 C W E A 10 -01 -6250 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10- 04-6250 HEAVY MAINTENANCE DUES b MEMBERSHIPS -DUES b MEMBERSHIPS CALGON CARBON CORP i241 0l =1 CALIF WATER RESOURCES CTRL BD 20 -29 -6650 ENGINEERING 20 -02 -4405 PUMPS 201 -5I ro( CANADA LIFE [ 351 4 ) iszl GI 1 1 Iti CIRCLE E SYSTEMS 30 00.67 -44 SELF FUNDED 2N�URANCC, 1U -00 -2512 GENERAL d ADMINISTRATION 10 -00 -2525 GENERAL &""ADMINISTRATION CONTRACTUAL SERVICES -6hec - 'faTai OPERATING PERMITS ING fCRMITS Check Total: CxCC" INS CL► IN ,BRED MgD LIFE INSURANCE LIFE 'INSURANCE -MGMT 20-02-6051 PUMPS 1•71 N CONNELL, MARK E CONTROLCO AUTOMATION INC. 431 0 145! Elie PUMP STATIONS ?Lh IVtat Totdi 20 -01 -6200 UNDERGROUND REPAIR TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION Cheek Tot 10 -03 -6021 ELECTRICAL. SHOP PRIMARY EQUIPMENT COST CONTAINMENT CONCEPTS INC 30 -00 -6741 SELF FUNDED INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION FEE 20 40-- 6-7-42 SELF FUNDED INSURANCE rPO '—EC-- ri CUES INCORPORATED 1501 DAVI - ABOR.AIORIES '20-07-6110 LP. 0RAA -8 — 1'-a i DE t MARKETING L P 1.0- 37 -82V -7 4- NF7.°,MATION SYSTEMS ffcPt -£ PL+T�Ft 455! 9 140.00 350.00 4, .00 5 r1W 898.80 89+1.84 0Q04T310 MW 200.00 400.00 00047517 MW 1, 417.01 674,34 358.78 4 t3W 489.96 439. MW N 10.00 144.62 -1 44- 62-- e-0-o- 75e 1 MW G 1,842.20 k • chetl: Total: 2:175.20 00047522 MW 1-0-04- 6055 UNIBERGROUND REPAI -R-- INI- ILTRATIJN -4 -INFLOW MONITORING--- 5il DE' L - MARKEx x t4 L P 20 27 =8255 ^I- S- TP.ICT- INFORMATT-ON F.EFL 09?WrS ER O-I- -6-0-0-700 Check Total: 600.00 00047523 MW Check Total: U —t-, Lj °9 . QO 1,029.00 0t 0.1752 4 MW Check Total: 2,2377-0 2:239.07 00047525 MW 2,241.0 South Tahoe P . U . D . 08/09/01 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 08/03/E001-08/16/2001 Page 4 THU, AUG 9, 2001, 3:05 PM - -req: DEBBIE - -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE-- - -job: 226062 4.16279 -- -prog: CX509 (1A06)--report id: CKRECSPC il _. s - Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types; MW,HW,RV,VH F'i Vendor fcc-ea+m *-4- Dcp --p-t -o>r- -A{me t— -may i A,,,,u,,l Ctu ct- W---fl e-- ; 10 -27 -4820 DISTRICT INFORMATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 130.84 g 20 -27 9824 {H- 44iR-ICT - 3N6FOR -MATI N- O1'F'ZCC 54J Lt-E5- -3 .e- 3 %GI _, Check Total; 2,459.70 00047526 MW t : DELL MARKETING L P 823-1- CNGTNCCRINC REPLACE- —44--2-9 -- C4r PIIT-Ew 4,203.95 3, • Check Total: 4,203.95 00047527 MW lai 14 -1 �I V -r. ,r T-otai • r_., C. 72 i i is 1 u � 2 DICK'S FULLER - 10 -06 -6041 OPERATIONS PUILDINGS 964.41 f°i 18DICK'S 2A „1 - -C1=re ci -- TO'Y8�• 2y -. 26 =°--: DOUGLAS DISPOSAL 10 -00 -6370 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION REFUSE DISPOSAL 75.00 '- r-; 2a -T- et- p5t.1:- tt-s-I -. 75.00 00047527 MW -. DOW DIVERSIFIED INC 10 -29 -8047 ENGINEERING ADMIT: BLDG IMPROVEMENTS 4,679.(4 31 "1 =Fvt CI,ec .- -a-1-1- 4, 079 . G4 0-0-047530 MW `=. EL DORADO COUNTY 10 -06 -6650 OPERATIONS OPERATING PERMITS 683.00 — Fh-e- Tot�sl �, , - c-k- • 083.00 0004753: MU j —' '21 EMPIRE INSTRUMENT CO. 10-03-8213 ELECTRICAL SHOP 4 CHART RECORDERS 11,589.2.0 }�� 3" 33 fs T — Cheek--Tat`aI. i-l-�589.?0 000 -17532 MW J :Ts: tt, ENVIRO -TECH 20-02-4820 PUMPS .OFFICE SUPPLIES 109,75 '"]� ..', Ch- e:rk- -To't- -ice 1 09.75 ,-80�4�533_MW- 4 3.i FAST FABRICATORS INC. 10 -02 -7395 PUMPS TALLAC PUMP STATION BYPASS L 1,877.85 71 <� -C-heck---f—at—al; -1 , 077 . 85 -8 fr49-53-4 —MW t aj _1 FEDEX 20 -29 -7031 ENGINEERING IROQUOIS TANK REHAB 47.12 'II "!--- -29 -8083_ ENGIP,EERINS -REELACC 220 TANK, -K,-FOR---Mr- t--- '- 47:-i1- *I X53 - 20 -02 -4810 PUMPS POSTAGE EXPENSES 36.62 1g ro -+ 20 -29 -4810 ENGINEERING POSTAGE EXPENSES 24.16 it e 4- 0--3-? 181 O- FI-NANC --E- POSTAGE-EXPENSES- i-.0. 07 20 -39 -4810 FINANCE POSTAGE EXPENSES 13.37 use; i4' 20 -02 -4820 PUMPS OFFICE SUPPLIES 10.37 i 9-44-650 LABORATORY M Of CRATING !'CRM3iS 6. 4T E. - 20 -07 -6650 LABORATORY OPERATING PERMITS 5.64 52 --+ 20 -29 -8290 ENGINEERING TREATMENT, ARROWHEAD WL 43 178.54 'i s` 2-9 0270- ENG- INEERING WATER ---a4 RES &UREE-5 -f3 Pi-OR- 2081— --13- -0---- y1• Check Total: 404.89 00047535 MW Iiii '4 --E& -E� WILLIAM - 1- 0- 37 --bc40 INFORMATION SYSTEMS TRAVEL • H /MCCTi-NBSVED+}G&'fION 59.4 -0 IT D 20 -37 -6200 INFORMATION SYSTEMS TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION 39.60 I1r Check Total: 99.00 00047536 MW ' 1 M 73 15-1 G B GENERAL ENG CONTRACTOR INC 20 -38 -8269 CUSTOMER SERVICE . WATER METERS, LARGE 224450.00 Check Total: 2,450.00 00047537 MW -751 Li C. 0 Q a c L, L 0 0 South Tahoe P.U.D. 08/09/01 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 08/03/2001-08/16/2001 THU, AUG 9, 2001, 3:05 PM - -req: DEBBIE - -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE - -- -job' 226062 4J6279-- -prog: CK509 <1A06 >-- report id: CKREGSPC Page 5 0 JAMES, CREC PEAK PRIMARY CARE LL-i ' >1 50 ruwrc 10 04 6075 11CAV 10 -06 -6075 OPERATIONS 20-01-6075 UNDERGROUND REPAIR . 1 0 02 6075 rUMPS 20 -02 -6075 PUMPS Check, Total: 8 1EttBER..H3Pg Check Total: `3A1"ETY CR' SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS 1,094.59 1 SAFETY EQUIPMENT / PHYSICALS Check Total- 30. 00047548 MW 30.00 00047549 MW 10..0u 55.00 55.00 52.50 320.00 00047550 MW KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN 30 -00 -6745 SELF FUNDED INSURANCE CLAIMS SELF INS MEDICAL PLAN 451.00 Check Total: 451.00 00047551 MW 5' �Ien Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Deetr °ip -rlon WTRLN, SANTA CLAUS- INHOUSE - ANOUnt 450.00 45u. 00 732.00 874.19 , 4.11 1,6 1.39 1,681.31 70.00 ru.uu 3,005.00 - 15v.5 Check tt u01T47'»a OOO�ITSs9 0004 t5 +1r 000475.17— vvv..(P.r2 1 1Pe riW nW NW nod r!w I IlYhhh 11 d rj Or a,,,e rlcwuiri # Depariman t = == ____ =_ GILLESPIE ENTERPRISES INC 20 -01 -8287 UNDERGROUND REPAIR w vz GLOBAL DATA SPECIALISTS 20 -03 -6051 ELECTRICAL SHOP CtieLk Tuta1 • PUMP STATIONS - -�tt'ati; ��..aa�� r', l GRATING PACIFIC INC 10 -04 -6021 HEAVY MAINTENANCE T PRIMARY EQUIPMENT k ����� GUARDIAN, THE 10 -00 -2531 GENERAL 8 ADMINISTRATION Cleetle—tL+TvI • LONG TERM DISABILITY, MGMT I Eu 4 GUNSCH, CLAUDE 20 -02 -6250 PUMPS Clletit Tut aI • DUES & MEMBERSHIPS C etR T.J 1. BUILDING, OFFICE /EQUIP STORA HAEN CO INC, THOMAS 10 -28 -8036 ALPINE COUNTY 41 g3 El L� y rI 10 00 2605 6CNCRAL & ADMINISTRATION AGCRD CO Check Total: 2,$54.75 t28.3T 00047543 M4# i - S4-ERIRA Et'_'--8INESS 8;'S- TzPfi —T AD =4 °2- GUSTOHCR SCRVICC 20 -38 -4820 CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE RUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check. Total: 85.58 213.95 00047544 MW HOBAN CO, DON 20- 01-8287 UNDERGROUND REPAIR WTRLN, SANTA CLAUS- INHOUSE Check Total: 267.50 267.50 00047545• MW 9: 55 9 -_, 9' INDUSTRIAL SCIENTIFIC 10 -01 -6075 UNDERGROUND REPAIR SAFETT EQUIPMENT /PHYSICAL$ Check Total: 734.73 734.73 00047546 M•1 INSTY- PRINTS 10 -28 -8285 ALPINE COUNTY ALPINE CNTY MASTER PLAN Check Total: 124.00 124.00 00047547 MW Fr 'j ` INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY 10-00 -0421 GENERAL 8 ADMINISTRATION 10 -00 -0425 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 10 -49 f.n77 r7 SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY SAFETY SUPPLIES INVENTORY _ 374.46 705.13 15.00 . 0 JAMES, CREC PEAK PRIMARY CARE LL-i ' >1 50 ruwrc 10 04 6075 11CAV 10 -06 -6075 OPERATIONS 20-01-6075 UNDERGROUND REPAIR . 1 0 02 6075 rUMPS 20 -02 -6075 PUMPS Check, Total: 8 1EttBER..H3Pg Check Total: `3A1"ETY CR' SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS 1,094.59 1 SAFETY EQUIPMENT / PHYSICALS Check Total- 30. 00047548 MW 30.00 00047549 MW 10..0u 55.00 55.00 52.50 320.00 00047550 MW KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN 30 -00 -6745 SELF FUNDED INSURANCE CLAIMS SELF INS MEDICAL PLAN 451.00 Check Total: 451.00 00047551 MW South Tahoe P . U . Q . 08/09/01 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 08/03/222001- 00/16/2001 Page 6 THU, AUG 9, 2001, 3:05 PM - -req: DEBBIE - -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: ONSITE---- job: 226062 *J6279-- -prog: CKS09 <1A06) -- report id: CKRECSPC ij ft 9. LI; Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,V11 1 Vendor AI]IRP Account # DeQaT t,tte„1 DtS 1 iltCivtl AI punt CrieZK-11' Type L1 �! KOMATSU EQUIPMENT CO 20 -01 -8287 UNDERGROUND REPAIR WTRLN, SANTA CLAUS- INHOUSE 3,521.25 J€IIe4 k Total. 3,Sct _ u ' -' LAKESIDE NAPA 10 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE.& GENERATORS 412.50 15 :2i 18 CO -Rc:rAIR OS GO11 EGtUIt'tiCNT- 191 AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS- 469.44 17 -1 . 10 -04 -6012 HEAVY MAINTENANCE MOBILE EQUIPMENT 152.08 s -' 10 -02 -6071 PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 25.62 r 20 OC 071 -„ 6 f UMT'S Sitf3P-- -°tUP-ft-I 2-62 6 2 21 10 -02 -6051 PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 57.52 22 10 -02 -6073 PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 31.82 r= 16', 2: 20 OC 6073 - -113 PUMPS— 3t4At :, 31-8 s '11 20-02-6050 PUMPS WELLS 6.75 E 10 -05 -6073 EQUIPMENT REPAIR SMALL TOOLS 17.94 iii 1O 0 ^c ('UMI'S 6040 LUTHER rAsS t'VIIP STATIOtt 3.22 1421 10 -38 -6073 CUSTOMER SERVICE SMALL TOOLS 45.09 ti ;1 20 -38 -6073 CUSTOMER SERVICE SMALL TOOLS 30.05 `1 25j uz 4-- -01 `07• UNDERGROUND i — RCPAIR SHOP SUPPLIES 12.7-0- 10 -04 -6071 HEAVY MAINTENANCE SHOP SUPPLIES 6.55 x 10-04-6073 HEAVY MAINTENANCE SMALL TOOLS 25.70, ae - • MOB-ILC CQUIPMENT 21 .3s- a7 144 -- - Check Total: 1,380.79 00047553 MW 3e fai '0! LILL S TIRE SERVI INC.. 20 05J3-0-14 -&-S -GE EQ -I -PMENI RCPAIR - _ AUTOMOTI.VE N R TORS 1 0&3.83 t Check Total: 1,- 053.-83 •00047554 MW- -38 6030 CUSTOMER LOGIS 19- CERVICE 9-0.00 C ERVICC CONTRACTS 1 Check Total: 938.00 00047555 MW o A7 271 LOOMIS FARGO 4--GO. 10 39 1405 FINANCE CONTRACTUAL 'E ;,ER-VICCC i CGS.05 a, 7 20 -39 -4405 FINANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 177.23 s1 -7� Check Total: 443.08 00047556 MW r ,-:! r 4 MAC LEAN, RODERICK c -t 10- 05 -b�00 OPERATION TRAVEL. MEETINGS /EDUCATION 136.00 j� az� Check Total: 136.00 00047557 MW 6 65 7 MARTIN, DONALD L & MARJORIE 20 -39 -6709 FINANCE LOAN PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS 3,868.05 �6_ nv.! 20 -39 -6710 FINANCE INTEREST EXPENSE 3,774.52 Check. Total. 7,G4C. 5 57 00047=0 fit 46; T7/ 69 MARTIN, GERALD E & THELMA V 20 -39 -6709 FINANCE LOAN PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS 3,868.05 20-3'3-4410 FINANCE INTEREST CXPEN -SE- 3-;774. A Check Total: 7,642.57 00047559 MW a `4 MARTIN - KOBELLAS, LOUIEE 20 -39 -6709 FINANCE LOAN IN£ - P -iPAL PAYMCNF6 1-,775.01 DD 20 -39 -6710 FINANCE INTEREST EXPENSE 1,752.38 ,c Check Total. 3,548.19 '00047560 MW 171 J MC MASTER PARR SUPPLY CO . 10 -Q4 -6021 HEAVY MAINTENANCE - _, PRIMARY EQUIPMENT '223.44 i74 51; Check Total.:.. 223.44 00047561- MW sl South Tahoe P . U . D . 08/09/01 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 08/03/2001 -08/16 /2001 Page 7 THU, AUG 9, 2001, 3:05 PM - -req: DEBBIE - -- -leg: GL JL --1oc: ONSITE - -- -job: 226062 #J6279 -- -prog: CK509 <1A06 > -- report id: CKRECSPC { I Default Selection: Check Stock oI ID: MEEIGS BUILDING CENTER 4 1- 119-I • 1I i I Q;i 'z.. 1 H • - MI�kNICS kl MORSE CONa'' T- I- 0N- GR-Q"�° 4 -N-G --E-0= 2-9 -° ENGINEERING 0 AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH count # ►e -Past �reti t -- 10 -28 -6042 ALPINE COUNTY 10 -02 -6041 10 -21 -6520 10 -04 0024 10 -04 -6073 10- 04-6021 20 -84-6 012 20 -01 -6073 20 -01 -6052 10 02 b nom+ PUMPS ADMINISTRATION HEAVY MAINTCNANCC HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE UNDER-GR-O UNDERGROUND RFPAIR UNDERGROUND REPAIR 075 PU 20- 02-6075 PUMPS 10 -02 -6071 PUMPS -c4 -80_.1 PUMPS 20-02 -6050 PUMPS 20 -02 -6042 PUMPS 20 3-8 8269 CUSTOMER-SE RVICC 10 -04 -6071 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -04 -6022 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 1- 0- 0=1 --60 -- HNDER-GR -6UND- R t r A I R 10 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-01-6071 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -02 -6073 PUMPS 20 -02 -6073 PUMPS -1-0 -84-60 41-I iCAVY 1,1A4-NT-ENAN -G-E- 4-Q-0-- -8212 -ELECTF I-GA • SHOP p GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE TALLAG 1'UMr CTATIt?N D BUILDINGS SUPPLIES rURNACE EQUirNENI SMALL TOOLS PRIMARY EQUIPMENT OtIILC CQUIrMCT:T SMALL TOOLS PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES SArCTY C4UIrMCN�ff`H'8feALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SHOP SUPPLIES - R- E *iR-79 NI- 8- C'ATCR TANY.S WELLS GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE WATER MCTE ,- -L SHOP SUPPLIES SECONDARY EQUIPMENT 3r1ALt -?e0L = PIPE, COVER:, h MANHOLES SHOP SUPPLIES LUTHER PP.SS PUMP 6,ATIE*N SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS DUIL -D-1 Check Total: titbit Ch fC1 k- Types -1 670.34 4-fr7 11.92 4.11 43.74 93.24 12.54 56.37 35.64 9.54 13.07 13.86 1.28 68.34 10.19 35.69 tc.v� 23.94 192.72 24.80 26.64 1.27 22.68 22.67 57.78 -- 1,785.65 00047562 MW ---- TRASON e- LEVEL- BEfiE -T'9R DC -- - - -- 739 6g - Check Total: 2,730.68 00047563 MW 20 -29 -7031 ENGINEERING ;4,' 20 -00 -2605 GENERAL 4 ADMINISTRATION MOSBACHER, MARY LOU 151: • I -i L. NOLAN, LYNN 10 -19 -6200 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 9�R=-C -T-0R S 60- LABORATOR : - 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY TANK,- FOi2EST -MT# itCrLACC 44,278:75-0- IROQUOIS TANK REHAB 50,2250.00 ACCRD CONST RETNGE -9,452.85 - Check -fvtai . 85, 07 - 61 000475&4 M+,t TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION ----T-RA:,EL-/- MECTI,IGS/ t►°A1'1O --- Check Total: -E-A -81 -A7O+ Y- 4UrrL1 -ES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Total: 10 -28 -8285 ALPINE COUNTY 45.06 =0.04 75.10 00047565 MW 26.88 68.20 00047566 MW ALPINE CNTY MASTER PLAN 990.00 Check Total: 890.00 00047567 MW NORTHWEST PUMP & EQUIPMENT CO 10 -03 -6051 ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS Check Total: 44.58 44.58 00047568 MW , : su South Tahoe P.U.D. 08/09/01 P A Y M E N T 0 F C L A I M S R E P O R T 08/03/2001- 08/16/2001 Page 8 THU, AUG 9, 2001, 3:05 PM - -req: DEBBIE - -- -leg: GL ONSITE - -- -job: 226062 #J6279-- -prop, CY5O9 (1A06) -- report id: C1:RECSPC rz F4 1 I. - Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Type-: MU,HW,RV,VH 5 -61 -V err io r-fa M --be -p -t-m Q A c u u en t D e s E r i tion _' c_= === __ °____' 1� Tiiounr -neck 11- rype 6 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SERV DIV 10 -21 -4820 ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 51.79 .2 20-- -I - -- 21--48 21/- A-011 I S T RAi I - lr?FfiTCE- eair Pt-I E 5 .2A.5.5 a 10 -06 -4820 OPERATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 9.73 10 -29 -4820 ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 84.46 II ENG I NCCR I-NG 0-if-FIDE -S i-PF- i-ES- 15-6-.1-0- -4i 10 -28 -4820 ALPINE COUNTY OFFICE SUPPLIES 704.79 -�,;, 10-02 -4820 PUMPS OFFICE SUPPLIES 89.17 %9 20 -0-22 4020 21 rurP a i:;l fLIE•_ 89. tT _� - 10 -37 -4820 INFORMATION SYSTEMS OFFICE SUPPLIES 16.95 ' 20 -37 -4820 INFORMATION SYSTEMS OFFICE SUPPLIES 11.30 2d t4 ;s Tara l • -T, 148.19 v004 "/569 PW zs El ill P D M STEEL 20 -02 -6042 PUMPS GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE 147.52 10 02 6071 l's PUMPS 3MOP --S1 85.28 za --i 20 -02 -6071 PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 85.29 20 '1 Check Total: 318.10 00047570 MW -` PACIFIC BELL 10 -00 -6310 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 651.33 M J 10-01-6310 UNDERGROUND REPAIR TELEPHONE 7.62 20 O1 6310 UNDCRGROUND `7 RCf AIR TELEPI:Of1E --F--.1M lal 57 10 -02 -6310 PUMPS TELEPHONE 47.17 :a 0 20 -02 -6310 PUMPS TELEPHONE 16.96 A -4-: : - 41 R- TELEPHONE 7 . S8 , ,�II 20 -05 -6310 EQUIPMENT REPAIR TELEPHONE 7.54 42 � 171 10- 06-631.0 OPERATIONS: TELEPHONE 15,09 E :> 10 O7 G310'LkDORATCRY TELEPHONE 9:42 4s "� Jae 20 -07 -'6310 LABORATORY TELEPHONE 6.28 46 10 -22 -6310 HUMAN RESOURCES TELEPHONE 9.54 47 20 9 4 6310 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR TELEPHONE : 63G d9 221 10 -21 -6310 ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 9.61 so 20 -21 -6310 ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 6.41' 51 39L- 1'C 39 6310 rINANCE TCLCrUtONE w 8.89 20 -39 -6310 FINANCE TELEPHONE 5.93 M 431 10 -37 -6310 INFORMATION SYSTEMS TELEPHONE 27.23 5 20 37 6310 INI I;RMATION SY•�TCMS TELEPHONE 18. ib sr 31 Check Total: $68.70 00047571 MW M4 `p 45 PARSONS HBA - - _ .. ,- Q a6 ti , .r 16,168._,3 J Check Total: 16:463.53 00047572 MW -a PETTY CASH 61 61 sxi 0 m iii 67 69 m 74 7s 10 01 6200 -tN ERG -RODUD REPAIR TRAVEL:ttEETINGBIERUCATiON 10.00 e� 60, 10 -19 -6200 BOARD OF DIRECTORS . TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION 17.12 L,1 20 -00 -1605 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 01 REFI,COSTS DEFERRED 43.00 20 _2 _--_ rwi-P SUR ttES 47 S-.-] 10 -21 -6520 ADMINISTRATION SUPPLIES 4.61 -i 20 -21 -6520 ADMINISTRATION SUPPLIES 3.08 641 s! 1 0 -C 6.,20 IIUPIAN RESOURCES - SUPPLIES 5.98 u 20- 22- 6520_HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR SUPPLIES ' 4:00 10 -37 -4840. INFORMATION" SYSTEMS DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES 6.57 P z7 , ...r .... .:�1 avC'TCMC D- BTRICT t0 ,t7 r w..E_ • South Tahoe P.U.D. 08/09/01 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 08/03 /2001- 08/16/2001 Page 9 :OS Ptl - -req: DEBBIE - -- -leg: GL JL- -loc: ONSITE - -- -job: 226062 *J6279 -- -prog: CK509 <1A06)--report id: CKRECSPC �z Check Total: Inc. �v vvv't,_vv 1'i �i Default Selection: Check �� Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH FINANCE FINAN... FINANCE EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT DeLI'L t iurr p POSTAGE EXPENSES SUPPLIES BLINE PHASE II DIP TO END 'fatal. timount 5.32 16.00 20.00 - 1:46.14 3,957.50 3,1:57.50 144.69 -96-46 241.15 �nectt w vy0't�5r.z vv�47 =E�i 00047575 � YPe nW n43 - MW , , r' I, fl2 li �- Vender #apre 10 -39 -4810 "J ;zl 20 3-9 4010 10- 39-6520 90- 9 ° -8 °29 �, h PIONEER AMERICAS INC 10 -06 -4750 OPERATIONS ;.11eLk CHLORINE _ C, se PRO LEISURE 10 -21 -6621 ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION CtreLk Tute1. INCENTIVE & RECOGNITION PRGR It* ENTIVE & RECOGNIT >gRGR- Check Total: /N Y0IeAt -S- '� -I M1 10 -01 -6071 UNDERGROUND 20 21 6621 6 17 °.4• 175.48 246._94 188.34 437.28 00047576 00047577 MW MW 9 12 - i. L r� [31 rs� QU€N�t81=D'S 19 OC C075 OPERATIONC SA ~ETY CQUil';1ENT Check Total: , coVCR..,, & MPrN1totE - PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES Check Total: �, 2s 61 R SUPPLY -20. 01 6052 10 -01 -6052 UND ' _ UNDERGROUND REPAIR zs RASMUSSEN, SUSAN 10 -39 -6200 20 -39 -6200 FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE, � ° _ TRAVEL /MEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION 4r! iCE 3urrLIES OFF_I CE StJPPL_ IES Check Total 34.57 23.05 �' $4 74.73 0004757$ MW a ,1 a21 -�.}1 10 39 98 -0 20-39 -4820 2''i RED WING SHOE STORE 10 -04 -6075 HEAVY MAINTENANCE SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS Check Total: C 270.52 270.52 00047579 MW 'a1 371 REED ELECTRIC 10 -04 -6024 HEAVY MAINTENANCE FURNACE EQUIPMENT 162.50 [I Check Total: Inc. �v vvv't,_vv urg FE L G E Pi 11 "� 42. RITE AID PHARMACY 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY LABORATORY SUPPLIES . LABORATORY SUPPLIES 9.60 6.39 1 5. y-g-- 6tY0-4'fi4-`sl MW r i-; SCOTTYS HARDWARE 10 -01 -6071 UNDERGROUND REPAIR SHOP SUPPLIES 2.33 14e ;�;; -I1a�� . 03 '4z' --1-0-02-60 -11 - P+�Mt' C 10 -02 -6042 PUMPS GROUNDS 3 MAINTENANCE 6.08 r, i'1 10 -02 -6051 PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 16.56 'a1 - - -fifi 37 1 20 02-4050 PUMP-8- 10 -02 -6075 PUMPS bICLL�s - SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS 4.06 1501 20 -02 -6075 PUMPS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS 4.65 -- C k 'Fc+t � 1--'- 53.50 00047582 Pitt-. c c sa J SHIELDS HARPER & CO INC SHEHADI MOTORS 10 -03 -8279 ELECTRICAL SHOP REPLACE TRUCK 28 10-03-6021 ELECTRICAL SHOP ck T- o-ta1-• PRIMARY EQUIPMENT -the C1 -fot- i- 104.43 .43 77.79 77.79 - 00471184 MU South Tahoe P . U . D . 06/09/01 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 08/03/2001 - 08/16/2001 Page 11 THU, AUG 9, 2001, 3:05 PM --red: DEBBIE - -- -leg: GL 7L - -loc: ONSITE - -- -job: 226062 #36279 -- -prog: CK509 '1A06) -- report id: CKRECSPC ii 2 zl 4� Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH r. F; -- +ender- Name A c-cuuirt -- Dep-artme,rt- �i r4� I. �! 1, " TAHOE CARSON AREA NEWS 20 -29 -8290 ENGINEERING TREATMENT, ARROWHEAD WL #3 Ilei C11eck Total. iui rte? I0 TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 10 -03 -6041 ELECTRICAL SHOP 1_-_. h— A PI Descri -pt10 S— -1N0uni l.hetK iF TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE 10 -00 -6370 GENERAL 3 ADMINISTRATION REFUSE DISPOSAL TAHOE BLUEPRINT rype 1,865.00 Check Total. 1', .vv v0v4 7.,, 20 -29 -8290 ENGINEERING TREATMENT, ARROWHEAD WL #3 Ctfr� k i Tr a l . C: 0 i) V 0 • TREASE, TERENCE BUILDINGS thet Tat a'1* 10 -00 -0500 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION UB CUSTOMER RECEIVABLE C1�e�Y focal. 1,276.65 1, CT 6 -85 rI 103.20 113.71 113.!1 v0U4r:,7J nw 168.06 rbr,Ob UUU4i3UU MU --I TRENCH PLATE RENTAL 20 -01 -8287 UNDERGROUND REPAIR WTRLN, SANTA CLAUS - INHOUSE 22,726.00 00047601 id Che 2,rce.00 rtW P TRUCK PARTS 4 EQUIPMENT 10 -0S -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS 3E1.00 P. Ciser_k Tuiilr: 32 i . vv vUU4 (GUW 114 r� I— TURNER & ASSOCIATES INC 10 -02 -7395 PUMPS TALLAC PUMP 5TATTON BYPASS L 1,500.00 za' . . 7 60, I_ Gheck 4.Aci • , >500 . 00 Ovv rill L3` F U S POSTMASTER 10 -38 -4810 CUSTOMER SERVICE POSTAGE EXPENSES 60.00 SERVICE POSTAGE E;CFF_td�•ES 40.03 ml 3i' Check Total: 100.00 000.17604 MW #I-TED RENTALS 1 0 04 G321 IICAVY MAINTENANC 3. E all 13 T5 Check Total: 133.75 00047605 MW sai 9L---41- �° E C CONSTRUCT -I -ON INC 1 OUNfl 2EPAIR WTRLN, SANTA CLAUS -IN L' . 300.00 Check Total: 300.00 00047606 11W h1; 1 V W R C0R-PORA4 ON 10 07 47G0- LADORATORY LABORATORY SUPPLIES 117.63 �-3; 20- 07'-4760 LABORATORY LABORATORY SUPPLIES 71.73 i 10 -06 -6025 OPERATIONS LABORATORY EQUIPMENT 88.33 1-431 . 1 #7i 46 WECO INDUSTRIES INC 10 -01 -6071 UNDERGROUND REPAIR SHOP SUPPLIES ,g; azi sc1 al ul WEDCO INC 210 -03 -6041 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10 03 6051 —Ei_ WEST VALLEY CONSTRUCT- I- 3f: -ii�F - 2605 -GENER WESTERN NEVADA SUr'r'LY 10 04 G071- BUILDINGS ClieL 1t —ToTa1 . 943.14 128.29 VUVS1 : Check Total: 162.62 00047609 MW u — RE'fNE SHOP SUPPtt Check Total: 15,662.00 00047610 MW South Tahoe P.U.D. 08/09/01 P A Y M E N T O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 08/03/2001 - 08/16/2001 Page 10 THU, AUG 9, 2001, 3:05 PM - -req: DEBBIE - -- -leg: GL SL - -loc: ONSITE - -- -job: 226062 406279-- -prag: CK509 (1A06)---report id: CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH V- eRd.,^ -N'me--- s a =c =ac 3 SIERRA FOOTHILL LABORATORY" Acc u it # DERSPt1RE1'1C m 10 -07 -6110 LABORATORY OesCr 1pt i0„ - MONITORING Mmuunz catec-a- e i ype 150.00 '3- •=:0 188.50 00047585 MW 1,257.13 36,971.94 29,149.67 --67,. 586 tit -. 1,1 01 ;'_ '?! 1s ;7 el ti .:oi - I ;I 20 07 61 1 Q 1_ADOisATORY —H iliiGR3TtG Check Total: ;TRCCT LIGHT -MG C?`fEN;E ELECTRICITY ELECTRICITY Check Tot-at. SIERRA PACIFIC POWER -I • W -I 10 -40-4 0- ENERAL v ADMINISTRATION 10 -00 -6330 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 20 - 400 -6330 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION La '- I SIERRA TAHOE READY MIX .el 20 -01 -8287 UNDERGROUND REPAIR WTRLN, SANTA CLAUS- INHOUSE . 3,659.40 56.69 4,010.09 '00047587 MW 73..54 r 4 se 47 s 01 � M -- 29-3-8- 826:9 -&1 T- OM= R- SERVI&-E-- -- WA-T -E R P9CTCRS, LARGE Check Total: EQUIPMENT -VE ni SOUTH S- IDS --AUTO BLzD -Y— ., - `-4 ` 20-05-6011 REPAIR - AUTOt1+0T- S GENERATORS Check Total: 61201FN$C & Mir- I"NT- ENAt4Ef- Check Total: -OSAL-- 730.54 00047588 MW 21.13 21.13 00047589 MW 8 1 3J 3z 34 e: SOUTH TAHOE BLOCK 2731 -j- -2-0- 00-2 -- 6042- -P-UMrO SOUTH TAHOE REF -USE- 3i Ail 1-0 -00 -6370 &ENER- A6-F-ADf 141- 1-STRATI N- --R €FUG( 20 -00 -6370 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION REFUSE DI:POSAL Check Total: 99.70 1,379.70 00047590 MW '' H J STATELINE OFFICE SUPPLY ix 10 -07 -4820 LABORATORY 24-07 -4820 LABORATORY 14-0 -1' ROUND- REPAIR 20 -01 -4820 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -39 -4820 FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OrrIC OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Orr I CC :1118811 -E3 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Orr-Fe -= -= -IES- Check Total: -TUAL SC RV -I- ,. 65.28 43 -51, 3fi �" 31.29 11.18 -7 = � 45 K aiii xI j '-'J AA BO 39 4 0-- FINANCC 10- 38 -48 20 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20 -38 -4820 CUSTOMER SERVICE -44 141.4E 94.30 625.44 1,051.20 00047591/ MW -1,565. 50 <91 6 53 r 95 Ss SF. ``l ul H '` 10 06 1820 OPERATIONS �� -' F SUJ I-TU-T€_ ER$ONl`JE1= S a -1 1-0 ---01- 44-05 UNDERGROUNB REPAIR- 10 -06 -4405 OPERATIONS 10 -28 -4405 ALPINE COUNTY CONTRAS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,030.05 727.20 3 6 C @ 75 - --0-Of}#T`5-9C-- --Mti- id '''l SURF CONTROL '' 10 -37 -6030 INFORMATION SYSTEMS - -Chre- - Tot-a-1�- SERVICE CONTRACTS , . 13.65 C- 10 ei I-, ;;.1 >l--T -4--643-0- _ 1 NF-ORMA-TION SYSTCMSS-- -SER-VICE C@NT eT-S Check Total: -- -- — 22.75 00447593 MW –S6.06 M es se iii G -#4-D4 -1 L- SF>L-UTTONS -- J - 10 21--- 60- 3�-- A9MINIST F- - -- 20 -21 -6030 ADMINISTRATION OCR VICE C-HNTR*C� SERVICE CONTRACTS Check Total: 52.74 138.80 00047594 MW .0 T ?2 n T R P A JI 10 -29 -8130 ENGINEERING ADMIN MSTR PLAN,ROAD /HDQRTRS Check Total: 150.00 150.00 00047595 MW 73 7< t1 South Tahoe P.U.D. 08/09/01 PAYMENT 0 F CLAIMS REPORT 08/03/2001-08/16/2001 Page 12 THU, AUG 9, 2001, 3:05 PM --Peg: DEBBIE----leg: GL ONSITE----job: 226062 #.36279---prog: CK509 (1A06>--report id: CKRECSPC 1; 2 : Si , r-7 f-1:‘ 31 7'. 'I Default Selection: Veildal- rame Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types! MW,HW,RV,VH ALugll rp.d, Lwiit 10-04-6022 HEAVY MAINTENANCE .ipi ion SECONDARY EQUIPMENT GROUNDS & PtA-PrrElttE--- SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES /Mount 79.61 24.2.2 23.22 600.36 15.43 15.42 ,. 7.49 7.49 -6-5-7t 567.46 .9 291 Lilac,: ' ,00047612 Type MW I: Ho RP 12 114 --i-il -Ci 171i .7:3 22 1 1-2-A r 26 1-2--B Ili m 3 13i ID g si -I - :61 10 0-4 6042 HEAVY--MA-I-NTEN-A-NOE 10-1-6520 ADMINISTRATION 10-01-6071 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 7-r- 14. 0: L*--01--605e-ONDEROROUND-RE 10-02-6073 PUMPS 20-02-6073 PUMPS 6011 r—contrits, 4 AmNHuLES SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS UTOM to.-ATa ... SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES WELLS.. PRIMARY EQUIPMENT WATER METERS, LARGE ust "I II 10 05 CQUIrMENT-REPATR- 10-02-6071 PUMPS 20-02-6071 PUMPS 11-6-65-0-PU-MP' , A 72.1' riI — 10-04-6021 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 20-38-8269 CUSTOMER S ERVICE 4 .1 -1 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 10-28-6075 ALPINE COUNTY SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS 2,019.98 202.23 80. t8 262.51 zs! --I le! 20 , fWfP-S --Vett-7S-- Check Total: ..! g M Grand Total: 441,064.10 9 G 39 .,3 II. ...! . . . , , 41 M M 44 MI -I MI - 4 V! 45 46 VI W m 9 -..i . 49 I-i. -3' -1 A 1 I2 5:•24 154 P,T I-41. '5' "31 ,51 _FI E '6I 61 §VI :51 -I M • 56 M 63 1 i'll 69 71 d .! , . . . . _ . , _ . . —., � . SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Richard Solbrig. Assistant Mana�er / Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING August 16. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 13.a CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: MOUNTAIN CASCADE INC.. AND VALLEY ENGINEERS. INC. VS. STPUD BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND STPUD. COUNTY OF EL DORADO. SUPERIOR GOURT CASE NO. _ SC20000050 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel reg„arding existing litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: � ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: • ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED TION: CATEGORY: - GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE �-,,�.Q WATER X SEWER . SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer. General Manager - RE: BOARD MEETING August 16. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 13. b CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: SCHWAKE VS. STPUD FEDERAL CASE NO. CV-N-93-851-DWH REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existinqlitigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: � ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ION: CATEGORY: � GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE WATER SEWER X . SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer. General I�anager � - RE: BOARD MEETING August16, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 13. c CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: STPUD VS. ARCO ETAL SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. 999128 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: , ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: - GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE WATER X SEWER . SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer, General Manag.er � RE: BOARD MEETING Auqust 16. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 13. a CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct negotiators DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. Closed Session may be held for conference regardingpro�erty negotiations. Negotiating Parties: Board of Directors. Robert Baer / General Manaaer Under Negotiation: Consideration of Property Purchase Property Identification� APN 1-080-80 APN 1-080-81 APN 1-080-82 APN 1-080-56 APN 1-200-60 APN 1-200-01 APN 1-200-10 APN 1-200-11 SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: - ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED CTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE Mc�O WATER � SEWER X , SOUTH TAH�E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRiCT BOARD AGENDA tTEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING August 16, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 13 . e CONSENT CALENDAR iTEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION• STPUD VS. LAKESIDE PARK ASSOCIATI4N SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. SC20010165 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuantto Government Code Section 54956 9(a) Closed Session may be held for conference with leaal counsel regarding existing litigation SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAtNING: • ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: � GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE WATER SEWER