HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 05-17-01 {JQ;ftt l SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT &lBasic Services for a Complex World" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, May 17, 2001 2:00 P.M. City Council Chambers 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California RobertG.Bae~G~~rn~~~~~!~__=N==_==N=N===N_=_====N=~===~=N_=~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .........................................................................................J........".........................................................................................1'.............................................................. 'J''/!'" ',' ......................................A"........."..J.v...................................v.........................................................................'.1'............................................1'...................................."............, Duane Wallace, President BOARD MEMBERS James R. Jones, Vice President .:2::~:2::~:~g~I::::~::::~;::::2:~.~g~:T::::.:.g~:~::~:~g:~::::::::::::::~::::.~;::::::::::::::::::::;;;::;;;~~:2'~::::g:~:::~~g~:~:~:::~~::f::\:~~:~;::~:~L:.::::::::::::::~:::::>::::::::;::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::2::~:..~;::::.~g~::t:L:::::g:~::~;g2g~:::: 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. PRESENTATIONS a. CWEA Plant of the Year Award (Ross Johnson) b. Twin Peaks Tank Removal Project (Ken Schroeder) 3. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non-agenda items - 5 minute limit. No action will be taken.) 4. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR 5. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Approved by a single vote. Any item can be discussed and considered separately upon request.) 6. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION I DISCUSSION 7. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION a. Henderson Well Drilling (John Thiel) Reject All Bids b. AI Tahoe Well NO.2 Variable Frequency Drive (Rick Hydrick) (1) Reject Low Bid as Not Responsive; (2) Waive Irregularities in Bid; (3) Award to Second Lowest Bidder, Wedco, Inc., in the Amount of $53,841.32 :';"<~ REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - MAY 17,2001 PAGE-2 c. Employee Self-Funded Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 401 (h) Benefit (Mike Adams, Rhonda McFarlane) d. Pension Plan Amendment (Rhonda McFarlane) e. Rate Amendment Ordinance (Rhonda McFarlane, Diane Noble) f. EI Dorado County Redistricting (President Wallace) g. Payment of Claims Adopt Resolution No. 2791-01 Adding an Employee Self-Funded IRC Section 401 (h) Benefit into the Existing District Pension Plan, Subject to Prior Approval by the District Employees (1) Authorize Plan Trustees to Change the Waiting Period for Joining the Pension Plan to One Year Beginning July 1, 2002; (2) Authorize Plan Trustees to Change the Pension Vesting Schedule to 20% Per Year of Employment Beginning July 1, 2002 Enact Ordinance No. 478-01, Amending Ordinance No. 464 Administrative Code Sections 3.1.49, 3.1.50, and 4.5.12, Superceding Ordinance No. 475-00 in its Entirety, and Deleting Sections 3.1.32, 3.1.36, 3.1.53, and 3.1.54 Provide Direction Approve Payment in the Amount of $2,057,625.18 8. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Executive Committee (Wallace / Jones) b. Finance Committee (Wallace / Strohm) c. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones / Strohm) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher / Schafer) 9. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Federal Legislative Ad Hoc Committee (Wallace / Jones) c. Park Avenue Redevelopment Ad Hoc Committee (Jones / Schafer) d. Lakeside Park Ad Hoc Committee (Jones / Strohm) e. Sher Funding Ad Hoc Committee (Jones / Strohm) f. Labor Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee (Wallace/Strohm) 10. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 11. GENERAL MANAGER / STAFF REPORTS 12. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS / EVENTS Past MeetinQs / Events 05/04/01 - Planning Committee Meeting 05/07/01 - Finance Committee Meeting 05/08-11/01 - ACWA Spring Conference at Caesar's Tahoe 05/08/01 - Public Hearing re: Budget 05/09/01 - ECC (Employee Communications Committee) Meeting REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - MAY 17,2001 PAGE-3 Past Meetinas I Events (continued) 05/10/01 - Lahontan Regional Board Workshop 05/14/01 - Operations Committee Meeting 05/16/01 - Board Workshop Future Meetinas I Events 05/18/01 - 8:00 a.m. - WateReuse Meeting at Sorenson's Resort in Hope Valley OS/24/01 - 9:00 a.m. - Board Workshop OS/28/01 - Memorial Day Holiday 05/31/01 -10:00 a.m. - Lahontan Bi-weekly LUFT Meeting at District Office 06/04-05/01 - National Groundwater Association Conference in Baltimore, MD 06/04/01 - 4:00 p.m. - Operations Committee Meeting at District Office 06/05/01 - 9:00 a.m. - Alpine County Regular Board Meeting in Mark/eeville 06/07/01 - 2:00 p.m. - District Regular Board Meeting at City Council Chambers 06/13/01 - 8:00 a.m. - ECC Meeting at District Office (Strohm is Board Representative) 06/13/01 - 7:30 p.m. - Lahontan Regular Board Meeting 13. CLOSED SESSION (Please note Closed Sessions are not open to the public) a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with leaal Counsel: Anticipated Litiaation (one case) b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with leaal Counsel Existina Litiaation: Mountain Cascade Inc., and Valley Enaineers, Inc. vs. STPUD Board of Directors and STPUD, County of EI Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20000050 C. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel Existin~ Litiaation: Schwake vs. STPUD. Federal Case No. CV-N-93-851-DWH d. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Conference with Real Property Neaotiators Negotiating Parties: Board of Directors, Robert Baer / General Manager Under Negotiation: Consideration of Property Purchase Property Identification: APN 1-080-53, APN 1-080-54, APN 1-080-56, APN 1-080-60, APN 1-200-01, APN 1-200-10, APN 1-200-11 e. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with leaal Counsel Existina Litiaation: STPUD vs. ARCO. et al. San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 f. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Conference with labor Neaotiators Agency Negotiators: Board of Directors, Robert Baer/General Manager Employee Organization: Represented and Unrepresented Employees g. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 (a)/Conference with labor Neaotiators Agency Negotiators: Labor Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee, Robert Baer/Gen. Mgr. Unrepresented Employee Position: Human Resources Director REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - MAY 17,2001 PAGE-4 14. ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 15. ADJOURNMENT (The Board will adjourn to the next regular meeting, June 7, 2001, 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified. Participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during "Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not included on agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting. Tape recordings are made of each Board meeting and these tapes are retained in the Board Clerk's office for two years. 7(~': b.:;; cl ~C(J<;;;:9:~f\ ~ f1'7C~ /7 .. ~CJ-/)cl ~~. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Bob Baer Eric Sapirstein, Jeff Fedorchak, David R. French May 17, 2001 Federal Activities On May 16, STPUD's federal advocates met to discuss next steps concerning the District's federal priorities for 2001. The following is a brief overview of items discussed and recommended actions. Tahoe Restoration Act . Schedule meetings with House and Senate Agriculture and Interior Appropriations staff (ENS/JF) . Contact Congressman Doolittle's staffand ask them to speak with the Department of Agriculture regarding the appropriation . Determine if Secretary Veneman provided a written response to the 2/16/01 correspondence from (JF) . Arrange for Congressman Doolittle to speak with: Rep. Joe Skeen, Chairman, Appropriations/Interior Subcommittee, following the announcement of302b allocations (JF) Rep. Bonilla, Chair of AG Appropriations Subcommittee on $lm for MTBE remediation . Follow-up Doolittle contacts with staff meetings (ENS/JF) . Meet with Warren Weinstein from Senator Feinstein's office (ENS) Energy Proposal . Discuss, in detail, the energy generation proposal with Pete Evich and David Lopez. (JFIENS) . Meet with House and Senate Energy and Water Development Appropriations staff (ENS/JF) . Meet with staff from Senator's Feinstein, Boxer, Ensign and Reid and Representative Gibbons (ENS/JF) - Arrange for "Dear Colleague" letter in support of project (ENS/JF) Coordinate some of these meetings with Jim Jones being in Washington on June 6? (3) CONSENT CALENDAR MAY 17, 2000 ITEMS REQUESTED ACTION .~::.:.:~.::{:.~~~..., :..:....:~~r~;.~~~:.:~:.:.)~:r...:.. "." '...... .;. '::(':")':':'J'" .;. '.';...... .;................................... '.~"'::"'~"""""" .;.. .;.. .;. . .;.,... ,:.;. .;... '."......................................... .;.......... .;.;.;.;.... ""......... .;... .;.;.;.. .;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;... ':':':":':'::t...... '." '.,.. a. Delinquent Assessments: Fallen Leaf Lake ( Kay Taylor) Authorize Legal Counsel to Begin For- closure Proceedings on Ten Fallen Leaf Lake Assessment District Properties in Arrears on their Assessments, as Provided by Resolution No. 2536, Adopted Ju/y 16, 1990 2001 Materials Testing and Inspection Services Approve Amendment to Task Order (Jim Hoggatt) No. 37 for AMEC Earth and Environmen- tal, Inc., in the Amount of $100,000 c. Alpine County Office and Equipment Storage Building (Nick Zaninovich) Approve Change Order NO.1 for Thomas Haen Company, Inc., in the Amount of $719.07 d. Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget: Fiscal Year 2001-02 (Rhonda McFarlane) Adopt Resolution No. 2717-01, Adopting the Budget for the Sewer Enterprise Fund e. Water Enterprise Fund Budget: Fiscal Year 2001-02 (Rhonda McFarlane) Adopt Resolution No. 2718-01, Adopting the Budget for the Water Enterprise Fund f. Regular Board Meeting Minutes: April 19, 2001 Approve Minutes g. Regular Board Meeting Minutes: May 3, 2001 Approve Minutes South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 . Phone 530.544.6474 . Facsimile 530.541-0614 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Kay Tavlor. Accounting Manager RE: BOARD MEETING ACTION ITEM NO: May 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: a. 4,,<,>'.,'.' ~,,",~,'N"'.;<<"i>lW''''''''*,-- -.F' ,., '_, ,., ' ",.' ,'W"""-t'&-n"''' ""'''''I.jI;.,~."..... ,. ~,'>>, '"" v^~' ~..' "',i,,'~""'~"'.'_~'''' __"'",""". ..,'1',." ,~,' ^<-"'," -, .. :"t',;,.jX~X:,"~;y,"_,;_,.'i'7 (' o' ITEM-PROJECT NAME: DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS: FALLEN LEAF LAKE REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize Legal Counsel to begin foreclosure proceedings on ten Fallen Leaf Lake Assessment District orooerties in arrears on their assessments. as orovided by Resolution No. 2536. adooted July 16. 1990 DISCUSSION: In order to comply with the Fallen Leaf Lake Assessment District Bond covenant. the District is required to commence foreclosure proceedings within 150 days following delinquency of any assessment or installment thereof. Failure to comoly with this covenant could make the District liable for unoaid assessments. SCHEDULE: Action must commence within 150 days of delinquency (bY 5/9/01 for Installment No.1 due 12/10/00: by 9/7/01 for Installment No.2 due 4/10/01) COSTS: $2.000 (estimated) ACCOUNT NO: 1039-4480 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $2.696 ATTACHMENTS Resolution No. 2536. Article V. Section 5.02: List of Unoaid Parcels: Copy of reoresentative letter sent to the oroperty owners ,.,," '^ _,_,.. : _,:"".j''''_'" "",,'," ...... ',~,,^,, _,_ "M """','o<'"""",,,,,,,,",,,,,,,)\,,-:-,,,,,,.:---X.-:--,o, ," "."""""<<W,";)W'-:",X'-'..-.-:-:-:-:-:-:-<W. L._,_,.,_.,., '<<"4."; '.: 0.""", CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~O CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES'YlL ~h.,gClt~O CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER X 29012'20 JlIlr~;lJl'''\:("1.''' 7/;';/SO ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- RESOLUTION NO. 2536 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF BONDS WITH RESPECT TO FALLEN LEAF LAKE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1990-1 Adopted July 16, 1990 ----------------------------------------~----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ARTICLE V COVENANTS OF THE DISTRICT, TAX COVENANTS Section 5.01. COLLECTION OF UNPAID ASSESSMENTS. The unpaid assessments as set forth on the list thereof on file with the Treasurer together with the interest thereto, shall be payable in annual series corresponding in number to the number of serial maturities of the Bonds issued. An annual proportion of each unpaid assessment shall be payable in each year preceding the date of maturity of each of the several series of Bonds issued, sufficient to pay the Bonds when due and such proportion of each unpaid assessment corning due in any year, together with the annual interest thereon, shall be payable in the same manner and at the same time and in the same installments as the general taxes on real property are payable, and become delinquent at the same times and in the same proportionate amounts and bear the same proportionate penalties and interests after delinquency as do the general taxes on real property. All sums received from the collection of said unpaid assessments and of the interest and penalties thereon shall be placed in the Redemption Fund. Section 5.02. FORECLOSURE. The District hereby covenants with and for the benefit of the Owners of the Bonds that it will order, and cause to be commenced within 150 days following the date of delinquency, and thereafter diligently prosecuted, an action in the superior court to foreclose the lien of any . assessment or installment thereof not paid when due, pursuant to Resolution No. 2536 Page 25 and as provided in sections 8830 through 8835, inclusive, of the Bond Law. Section 5.03. NO ADVANCES FROM AVAILABLE SURPLUS FUNDS. The District shall not be obligated to advance available surplus funds of the District to cure any deficiency which may occur in the Redemption Fund, and the Resolution of Intention to make Acquisitions and Improvements No. 2517 is hereby amended to correct a statement of intention of the Board to the contrary. However, the foregoing determination shall not prevent the District, in its sole discretion, from so-advancing funds.' Section 5.04. PUNCTUAL PAYMENT, COMPLIANCE WITH DOCUMENTS. The District shall punctually payor cause to be paid the interest and principal to become due with respect to all of the Bonds in strict conformity with the terms of the Bonds and of this Resolution, and will faithfully observe and perform all of the conditions, cove"nants and requirements of this Resolution and all Supplemental Resolutions. Section 5.05. NO PRIORITY FOR ADDITIONAL OBLIGATIONS. The District covenants that no additional bonds or other obligations shall be issued or incurred having any priority over the Bonds in payment of principal or interest out of the Assessments. Nothing in this Resolution shall prohibit or impair the authority of the District to issue bonds or other obligations secured by and payable from Assessments which are on a parity with the Bonds, upon such terms and in such principal' amounts as the District may determine. Resolution No. 2536 Page 26 SCJ OL SCL1090,' PARCEL NUtigER ' t'•;TAX'±'•RATE-Aft Ek"-' BILL, NUMBER .; COUNTY OF EL DORADO - AUDITORS DEPARTMENT SECURED/UNSECURED TAX COLLECTION SYSTEM .7 7,7 L I N0yENT CuRR ENT 'YEA R SECURED ROLL' 'ASSES SMENTS ;17- " - • ••• ,• ;' •• • ' , •••:, ' • - NANE AND 'ADORES S AR EA T INSTALLMENT SECONO-"'l NS TAX PENALTY PENALTY TAX • PENALTY • RUN DATE: D4/17/2001 CUTOFF DATE: 04/17/2001 r-r-7"---.7 PAGE "Ail 009 r*- P"l'e UNPAT0 AMOUNT CLASS s'r 021:717045-200 ..-•••■77tT.:": BUDD E " SANDRA- :CIA IR E777--,---.'rr- 0115 •!*O66::•• • r:?,: .THOHAS TERRI, LYNN '„ • .• • ,„ STANFORD F LF 021-18074117.200.-r277:"..1- ONG- V IRGINI 075-006 0 :UPLAND •-RD '• • m •,* • BILL ‘....GREENWICH *CT' 06831 • • "•-• o r 26 • • • FALLEN LF „1.• ' 021-201-04-100 HTTT TRUST ,9075.7-006-t47.'-tr77•777-.7•777-" X - TH OMA S • ,•."-••:•""7":...77,.:-717":77.74.77-1. )ILC-1,*:60463:.:107....50 Ii4iN6YilLVD.':::: el 11.3 • r.':'''';'..14'''''':.:::1:.I.:1: 1.'s.r11'...." 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'777'7 7'7 ' 7.* r . 0 u •7. ". • n 222. SE SPOKANE ST • • PORTLAND OR 97202 • • . . ' . •• " .• ,., • • . • • CLASS 20,732 .83 SEC 13 12 17 • . CLARK: NANCY c,-.:Jg . 264•451;, CLARK 'TRUST OF'.14./I6/8 . . - 296541:47::;„ 40732-:• 1.41/2 LOT 3 LDGE AT FALLEN -720732-i,-•:CLASS TOTAL. THERE ARE -7777 '10' P,ARCELS7;77!r.--t-7-7267.-00 :70 -7-.73 *0 33 o-52 „ • . . , ,• •.• •■ •• , • , ' • ; . South Tahoe Public Utility District CERTIFIED MAIL 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150 Phone 530 544~6474. Fax 530541-0614 April 25, 2001 Jennie M. & Arlene M. Maderious PO Box 36 Rodeo CA 94572 RE: APN 021-210-06 Dear Customer: The subject of your non-payment of Secured Taxes, which include an assessment to pay the Annual Charge on the Special Assessment District Bonds secured by your property, will be on the South Tahoe Public Utility District's Agenda, for the public meeting on May 17, 2001. At that time the Attorney for the Utility District will ask the Board of Directors for authorization to take whatever legal action is necessary to guarantee payment of these assessments. If this is necessary, we will also seek to recover all Attorney's fees, administrative fees, and other costs incurred. In lieu of these costs, it is suggested, that you contact the EI Dorado County Auditor's office to determine what the proper payment should be. If they have already been paid, please notify us, as the most recent records we have from the County Auditor's Office, indicate otherwise. Sincerely, Kh/ly--...,,,Lt-. r-v-I (. ~ ?~"v'~"'<- Rhonda McFarlane Chief Financial Officer cc: EI Dorado County, Auditor-Controller, Luella Roenfeldt Gary Kvistad, Attorney for South Tahoe Public Utility District SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Jim Hoggatt. Construction Manager I Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING May 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: b. ACTION ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: 2001 MATERIALS TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve amendment to Task Order No. 37 for AMEC Earth and Environmentallnc.. in the amount of $100.000 DISCUSSION: As of January 1. 2001. the District is required to pay the California Prevailing Wage rate for all Inspections. Field Surveying and Soil Testings (see attached letter from Department of Industrial Relations.) In AMEC's original contract the fee for an InspectorlTestinq Technician was $48/hour for straight time and $60/hour for overtime. Under the California Prevailing Wage rate. AMEC's fee for InspectorlTesting Technician increased to $80/hour for straight time and $100/hour for overtime. This rate increase results in a $100.000 increase to their task order. Staff had the District's legal counsel review the Department of Industrial Relations letter and were informed that the District is required to pay the California Prevailing Wage rate. Staff has reviewed AMEC's request and found it to be in order and recommend the Board approve the amendment to AMEC's Task Order No. 37 in the amount $100.000. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $100.000 ACCOUNT NO: 2029/8100: 2029/8157: 2029/8083: 2029/8082-2029/7379: and 9098/8829 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: See attachment ATTACHMENTS: AMEC letter. Department of Industrial Relations letter. 2001 Material Testing and Inspection Services Budget ,,,.:""",,,.AVi'."'-c\<"""'.'.3:'" " , """" _"""_",, ,..-'" "', ,___,_~,__""'_,', ,-0"" "'",,,,,, "" "" "" "'"'''"'''' ,,,, ' ,,"', "",,'," ,,' '" F', CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YE~ ~o CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE (., P-i,..po CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER / South Tahoe Robert G. Saer, General Manager Pub-Ua Utmty Die;trict Board Members Christopher H. Strohm James R, Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer Memorandum Date: May 17, 2001 To: Board Members From: Jim Hoggatt ~ Subject: 2001 Materials Testing and Inspection Services Item b on Consent Calendar Operations Committee requested we look for some alternatives to reduce the impact of the $100,000.00 increase to AMEC's Task Order. The following are a few alternatives: 1) Staff requested AMEC to provide two full time inspectors/soils testing technicians for the 2001 construction season due to the Redevelopment Phase II project moving from a Fall 2001 schedule to a Spring of 2001 schedule. We did not have the staff to cover all projects. If the Board does not add or an Emergency does not add a project to our schedule, I believe we could eliminate one of their inspectors about mid July. Please keep in mind we have not had that happen in the past few years we have always had something occur. AMEC's task order with the proposed amendment totals $272,000.00 (see agenda back up). If we eliminate one inspector on July 23, that would be 58 working days and we would eliminate the inspector on B Line Phase II. 58 days @ 8hours/day ($80.00/hour)= $37,120.00 58 days @ 2hours/day (1 OO.OO/hour)= $11,600.00 Total = $48,720.00 From the AMEC Proposal, the total for the B Line Inspector/tester from April 30 to October 19 is $115,320.00. The difference is $115,320.00 - $48,720.00= $66,600.00 amec!1. April 11 ,2001 AMEC Proposal No. 1-410-000216, Revision No.1 AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 780 Vista Boulevard. Suite 100 Sparks, Nevada USA 89434-6656 Tel + 1 (775) 331-2375 Fax + 1 (775) 331-4153 www.amec.com South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Attention: Mr. J 1m Hoggatt Re= 2001 MATERIALS TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES B-Llne Replacement Phase 2 Project Waterline and Tank Inspection South Lake Tahoe, California Dear Mr. Hoggatt: AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. (AMEC), is pleased to present our proposal to provide materials and testing services for the referenced projects. Our cost estimates are based upon the plans and specifications for B-Line Replacement Phase 2, conversations between Rob Valceschini, P.E. and Mr. Mike Magee (AMEC), and you, and our experience with similar, past projects for the South Tahoe Public Utility District (STPUD). It is our understanding that the STPUD is requesting that AMEC provide Mr. Magee to perform materials testing and inspection services for various waterline and tank projects for the 2001 construction season. The STPUD has requested that Mr. Magee be available from April 23 to November 2, 2001, and work an average of 55 hours per week. It is also our understanding that the STPUD is requesting that AMEC provide an additional materials technician to provide materials testing and inspection services for the B-Line Replacement Phase 2 Project. The B-Line Replacement technician will work five 1 O-hour days per week from the period of April 23 to October 19, 2001, providing testing and inspection for the replacement of approximately 10,000 lineal feet of 24-inch-diameter pipeline. The B-Line technician will be responsible for the sampling and testing of native soils. import backfill, and aggregate base during pipe placement and the sampling, testing, and placement inspection of asphalt concrete during patching and paving operations. Laboratory testing costs for compressive strength testing of concrete has not been included in this cost estimate, as no concrete testing has been requested. South Tahoe Public Utility District AMEC Proposal No. 1-410-000216, Revision No.1 2001 Materials Testing and Inspection Services Waterline and Tank Inspection, South Lake Tahoe, Califomia April 11 , 2001 amecf!1. COST ESTIMATE WATERLINE AND TANK INSPECTION April 23 to November 2,2001 (139 days, Monday through Friday) Senior Materials Technician - Mike Magee 139 days at 8 hours RT at $80.00/hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . $88,960.00 139 days at 3 hours OT at $1 OO.OO/hOlJr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $41,700.00 139 days at 190 miles at $0.50/mile ............................... $13,205.00 Total for Senior Materials Technician ...",...,........,.",.." $143,865.00 Laboratory Testing ~ Four moisture/density curves at $150.00/each ......................... $600.00 Concrete Five sets of 5 PCC cylinders at $77.00/set ............................ $385.00 Total for Laboratory Testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $985.00 Project Management 28 weeks at 1 hour per week at $73.00/hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,044.00 Total for Project Management ..........,........................ $2,044.00 Estimated Total Cost for Waterline and Tank Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . $146.894.00 B-LINE REPLACEMENT PHASE 2 PROJECT April 30 to October 19, 2001 (124 days, Monday through Friday) Materials Technician 124 days at 8 hours RT at $80.00/hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $79,360.00 124 days at 2 hours OT at $100.00/hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,800.00 124 days at 180 miles at $0.50/mile ............................... $11,160.00 Total for MaterIals Technician ....,.............,.............. $115,320.00 Laboratory Testing Soils 15 moisture/density curves for native soils at $150.00/each .............. $2,250.00 Two moisture/density curves for aggregate base at $150.00/each .......... $300.00 South Tahoe Public Utility District AMEC Proposal No. 1-410-000216. Revision No.1 2001 Materials Testing and Inspection Services WaterlIne and Tank Inspection, South Lake Tahoe, California April 11, 2001 amecf1. Asphalt Concrete Five samples for full Marshall Series at $490.00/sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,450.00 Total for Laboratory Testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000.00 Project Management 25 weeks at 1 hour per week at $73.00/hour . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,825.00 Total for Project Management ................................... $1,825.00 Clerical 25 weeks at 2 hours per week at $40.00/hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000.00 Total for Clerical .............................................. $2,000.00 Total for B-Line Replacement Phase 2 .......................... 5124.145.00 Total Cost Estimate for 2001 Materials Testing and Inspection Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J271.039.00 Additionally, it appears that we will be required to comply with the Union apprenticeship requirements. These requirements entail providing 1 hour of apprenticeship for every 5 hours (20 percent) of technician work, or to pay to the Union the cash equivalent. This can result in additional charges of $28,770.00, for the senior materials technician and $23,060.00, for the materials technician. We are currently working to determine if we need to comply with this requirement. · Services and fees not listed will be quoted on request. · Overtime rates will be charged for services performed in excess of 8 hours per day I Monday through Friday; and on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays at the rate of 1.25 times the technician rate. · AMEC assumes no work will be performed on the following dates: July 4.2001 (Independence Day) September 3,2001 (Labor Day) We trust this information suits your current needs. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact either of the undersigned at (775) 331-2375. Respectfully submitted, AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. d'r"4 Arthur C. Legg . Field Services Supervisor ACURBVlmm J:\Marl<elinglpro01.lab\ 141 ??oo216 _Rav1"'pro, wpd Reviewed b~. / /' ~~"'-'f. Robert B. Valceschini, P.E. Materials Department Manager STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS O~c;E OF THE DIRECTOR ~~ ~~~~fv~f8~ 10th Floor GRAY DAVIS, GOVERNOR San Francisco ADDRESS REPLY TO: P.O. Box 420603 CA 94142-0603 ~ December 29, 2000 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO AWARDING BODIES AND OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES CONCERNING INSPECTION, FIELD SURVEYING AND SOILS TESTING The passage of Senate Bill 1999 (Chapter 881), effective January 1,2001, codifies existing Department of Industrial Relations administrative decisions, determinatioDS and regulations concerning the above referenced work.. This work when done on or in the execution ofa "Public Works" project requires the payment of prevailing wages. In accordance with SB 1999, Inspection and Testing determinations will be strictly enforced for all public works projects advertised for bids on or after January 1, 200 1. Field surveying detenninations have been and will continue to be enforced tor all public works projects. The classifications that perfonn this work have been published in the Director's General Prevailing Wage Determinations for over 20 years and can be found on the Basic Trades pages (Building lnspet:tion, Soils Testing) and on the individual county sheets (Field Surveying). For the basic trades. please use the following determinations: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA OPERATING ENGINEER, Group 2 (Soils Field Technician), page 7 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR (OPERATING ENGINEER), page IOE SAN DIEGO COUNTY OPERATING ENGINEER, Group 2 (Sails Field Teclmician), page 25 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR (OPERATING ENGINEER), page IOE NORTHERN CALll"ORNIA OPERATING ENGINEER (Heavy and Highway Work): Group 6 (Soils and Materials Tester), page 39 OPERATING ENGINEER (Building Construction): Group 6 (Soils and Materials Tester), page 40A Advisory scope of work covered by each of these classifications has been posted on the Internet at httn:/lwww.dir.ca.2ovIDLSRlPWD.This information may also be requested from the Division of Labor Statistics and Research, Prevailing Wage Unit by ca11ing (415) 703-4774, by faxing a request to (415) 703-4771 or by writing tu: California DepartII1CDt of Induslrial RclauOJlS Diviaion of Labor Statistics and Rcsem.'ci1 Prevailing Wage Unit P.O. Box 420603 San Francisco. CA 94142 In addition, Director' a precedential Public Warks coverage determinations concerning inapcction and testing work will be enforced for all public worlc.s projects advertised for bids on or after the dates the precedential decisions were designated as such. For determinations o{1he applicability of prevailing wage requirements to other work covered by SB 1999, please contact the Division either via fax number or by mailing your request to the address indicated above. Requests of this nature should include all of the relevant documents including, but not limited to, the contract for the work and a detailed description of the work to be perfonned. Future clarifications regarding the scope and application of Senate Bill 1999, if needed, will be posted on the DLSR website and mailed to those on the Prevailing Wage mailing list. 2001 MATERIALS TESTI NG AND INSPECTION SERVICES ACCOUNT NO. BUDGET REMAINING 2002 BUDGETED AMOUNT 2029-8100 ($55,069) (Gardner Mountain Waterline) o 2029-8157 18,230 (Gardner Mountain Tank) $ 150,000 2029-8083 73,866 (Forest Mountain Tank) 100,000 2029-8082 88,496 (Park Avenue Waterline) 100,000 2029-7379 1 (Arrowhead Well Treatment) 700,000 9098-8829 (1,538,515) (Export Pipeline Grant) 1,900,000 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Nick Zaninovich. Senior Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING May 17.2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: c. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: ALPINE COUNTY OFFICE AND EQUIPMENT STORAGE BUILDING REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order NO.1 for Thomas Haen Company.lnc.. in the amount of $ 719.07 DISCUSSION: Fiber-mesh reinforcement was reouired in the concrete by to help provide additional strength and durability to the floor for heavy equipment that will be parked inside. SCHEDULE: COSTS: $719.07 ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: <$201.286> ATTACHMENTS Change Order No.1. Budget Analysis 1028-8036/ ACBARN CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YEs.(lJJJ~L NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YESh1c~~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER .:1-1 Q-1995 0: 25At1 FRO'I THOtlAS HAEi,.J co. HIC. 5,30 5.:11 1 15~ ;:',2 THOMAS HAEN COMPANY. INC. General Engin6er-ins & Building C:ontract:or CONTRACTOR'S L1C CA 11447064 NV It0014331A p,o BOX e998 1012 INDUSTRIAL AVE SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 9515t (530) 541-4700 FAX (530) 541.1153 April 17, 2001 South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Mcadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, Ca. 96150 Attn: Jim Hoggit Re: Alpine County Storage/Office Building Concrete Pour This bill represents the x-tra fib~r-mesh that was required by S,TPT,D, ro complete the concrete pour at the .AJpine Storage! Office Building, 106 yards @ S5, 5 0 includes tax, .. .. .... ..... Prorit - 15% ."." ..,..,...,.. ... . , . ... , .. .. .. .. .. .. $6:5 28 ....".. ..S93.79 TOT_~L DUE........ .............. ........ ..... _....................... ..S719.0i Thank You, ~-;:j~ -t~ For the Thomas Haen Co, Inc RMc 10-May-01 ALPINE COUNTY: BUILDING & EQUIPMENT STORAGE PAVING & UTILITIES (1028-8036 to 8042) BUDGET REMAINING ANALYSIS: All Years 00/01 Spent to date 303,519 265,044 Outstanding Purchase Orders- AMEC Earth & Environmental 0 0 Thomas Haen Co. Inc. 62,250 62,250 Ward-Young Architecture 1,392 1,392 TME Testing and Inspection 0 Total Purchase Orders 63,642 63,642 Total Spent & Encumbered 367,160 328,686 Budget 165,874 127,400 Budgeted Amount Remaining -201,286 -201,286 Estimated Additional Spending From Budget Process 184,060 184,060 Amount Exceeding Forecast/Budget -17,226 -17,226 Note: Amount exceeding the budget reduces Capital Outlay Reserve, R:\Private\Rhonda \Budget\Agenda SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Rhonda McFarlane. Chief Financial Officer RE: BOARD MEETING May 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: d. . ~~~~:}~~ ITEM-PROJECT NAME: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGET: FISCAL YEAR 2001-02 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adoot Resolution No. 2717-01. adooting the budget for the Sewer Enterorise Fund DISCUSSION: The 2001-02 orooosed budget is fully funded and was reviewed in a Public Hearing on May 8.2001. The proposed budget includes increased revenue of$212.000 from rate adiustments. Revenue from rates increase 2%. The increase is needed to continue with the District's capital improvement projects. The overall rate change is consistent with the 2000-01 Financial Plan despite impacts from higher energy costs. SCHEDULE: Must be adopted by July 1. 2001 COSTS: $23.649.584 ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 2717-01. Sewer Budget Summary Various ","""",,~" '" ,',,'" ,......,...""'.. fl'....M_""'M_~'......, .' F'''.."__.._....'""~''''''~..,"'',..._.." """"""''''''''"'''', '. ~'''''''"'","'''''' .,.."....,.."...".""......,.,. """"",,, '." CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER X 1 2 3 4 5 6 RESOLUTION NO. 2717-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2001-02 7 WHEREAS, on May 8,2001, the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public 8 Utility District held a Public Hearing and exhibits of the Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget for 9 the Fiscal Year 2001-02 were made public. 10 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors that: 11 The attached budget in the amount of $23,649,584 is adopted for the Fiscal Year 12 beginning July 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2002. 13 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a duly held Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors 14 of the South Tahoe Public Utility District on the 1 yth day of May, 2001, by the following 26 27 28 Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board and Ex-officio Secretary to the Board of Directors M- A.Ppl -v� 1997 -98 ACTUAL P is 1997 -98 ACTUAL SvuTl I Tas-1 -toC, Pue,LAG uTIL 1TY vISTp�IGT SEWER BUDGET SUMMARY 1998 -99 ACTUAL BOOS CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVE 1998 -99 ACTUAL 1999 -2000 ACTUAL 1999 -2000 ACTUAL 2000 -01 ESTIMATE CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVE TPRI$E CAPITAL OUTLAY FUNr "' RESERVE ISE, 2000 -01 ESTIMATE CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVE 2001 -02 BUDGET x ENT €f ;i lr' ^; 2001 -02 BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVE BEGINNING CASH BALANCES (1) REVENUES (2) BORROWINGS AVAILABLE FUNDS 6,573,087 7,479,216 ;; 4 906 250 19,690,430 840,000 21166; ^ 8# 14;02 0;8611 16,390,695 ,*14; 303684 22,310,570 414 ;228.338': 20,530,430 SALARIES (3) BENEFITS (3) MAINTENANCE & OPERATION (3) CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE (4) TOTAL CASH OUTLAY 327,143 77,555 62,915 4,509,760 78,265 5,055,637 310,397 46 88,821 64 30,560 3 155, 4,937 000< 782,613 '212,852 6,149,390 41, x „8;391;064 ,819 0,243,6163 220,020 63,495 54,366 2,386,034 476,663 , , 3,200,578 44409- 038,6671 258,100 81,525 70,072 5,564,133 1,474,000 7,447,830 314,424 107,175 80,935 6,703,9001 2,469,800 9,676,234 BALANCE BEFORE TRANSFERS TRANSFER (TO) /FROM CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND ACCRUAL TO CASH ADJUSTMENT ENDING CASH BALANCES •42Q ;507 2,298,540 2,767,598 1,506,949 6,573,087 1;678;001$ 12,809,163 2,097,961 - 1,029,593 13,877,531 5,635807 4 ;20 p 0 1,428;266 13,190,117 4,209,540 - 49,088 17,350,570 AMORTIZATION (NON -CASH ITEM) DEPRECIATION (NON -CASH ITEM) O.00 83,993 9,�10Q1 ,282,4594 9,4099 654364 05,000 iu,1 532,3381 00 ;0o0: 14,862,740 3,654,364 1,173,327 19,690,430 4; 01Tj-0• 10,854,196 2. J,� 86 2,253,088 *odb 0 ;768;897:: 13,107,284 4 ���• ,800,0001 NOTES: (1) A cash reserve equal to two months of costs is maintained for operations. The remaining cash is available for Capital Outlay projects. (2) Enterprise Fund revenue is from customer service charges and property taxes, and the Capital Outlay Reserve revenue is from connection fees, and government grants. (3) Capital Outlay spending includes the Engineering Dept. Enterprise Fund contains all other dept. (4) Interest expense is paid from the Enterprise Fund. Principal is paid from the Capital Outlay Reserve. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Rhonda McFarlane. Chief Financial Officer RE: BOARD MEETING May 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: e. SCHEDULE: Must be adopted bv July 1. 2001 COSTS: $11.059.422 ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 2718-01. Water Budget Summary Various _1!IE CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YEslt)}j/~~o CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE~~~_~~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 WHEREAS, on May 8,2001, the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public RESOLUTION NO. 2718-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE WATER ENTERPRISE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2001-02 8 Utility District held a Public Hearing and exhibits of the Water Enterprise Fund Budget for 9 the Fiscal Year 2001-02 were made public. 10 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors that: 11 The attached budget in the amount of $11 ,059,422 is adopted for the Fiscal Year 12 beginning July 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2002. 13 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a duly held Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors 14 of the South Tahoe Public Utility District on the 1 yth day of May, 2001, by the following Duane Wallace, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board and Ex-officio Secretary to the Board of Directors 27 28 11- Apr -01 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT WATER BUDGET SUMMARY RMc CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVE 1998 -99 ACTUAL CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVE BEGINNING CASH BALANCES (1) REVENUES (2) BORROWINGS AVAILABLE FUNDS 7 F) 4,249,399 03,'57 4,038,126 1,077,045 4,965,000 62,514 10,080,171 SALARIES (3) BENEFITS (3) MAINTENANCE & OPERATION (3) CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE (4) 'TOTAL CASH OUTLAYS BALANCE BEFORE TRANSFERS CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND TRANSFERS ACCRUAL TO CASH ADJUSTMENT ENDING CASH BALANCES 197,187 50,948 35,057 914,000 387,600 1,584,792 8 e,.12 2,664,607 1,259,967 113,552 03;0571 4,038,126 '696520 4,753,6181 916;033 258,146 64,194 45,731 1,969,088 374,508 2,711,667 7,368,504 1,492,863 252,591 9,113,958 1999 X200 r • ACTUAL''; ENTERPRISE FUND^s. 916,033 1 r 1�20f 017;239) 68 .639 X82,859 52:9824 ,M X5■020,558; S$ 0;601 $ 1 981855 ,014,826$ 1999 -2000 ACTUAL CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVE 9,113,958 1,942,268 11,056,226 336,870 80,709 105,497 3,526,195 545,319 4,594,590 6,461,636 1,981,855 - 876,534 7,566,957 ;..200r4 ESTIMATE ENTERPRISE f.o1 ,8 8 9,705021 00,6..6 327 884,400. t - 5 708;213: 6000k„,0 0,108 - ,- 06,7001 X120,000i 2000 -01 ESTIMATE CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVE 200102 2001 -02 BUDGET„' BUDGET NTERPRISE ' CAPITAL OUTLAY �.. etc FUND... RESERVE 7,566,957 1,753,500 0 9,320,457 307,350 89,275 28,750 4,177,819 584,700 5,187,894 5,081,026 25;900 892,000 t 1 0 8,845,000s 5,973,026 A974`.9 2-479i' 209,675 37,1 69,800 , 3 50,050 2,789,400 838, . 662,325 3,781,250 5' 925°37 4,132,564 770,108 178,354 5,081,026 2,191,776 725,127 197,000 3,113,903 AMORTIZATION (NON CASH ITEM) t0 DEPRECIATION (NON CASH ITEM) , 82,373 4'1;197;741 NOTES: (1) A cash reserve equal to two months of costs is maintained for operations. The remaining cash is designated for Capital Outlay projects. (2) Enterprise Fund revenue is from customer service charges and Capital Outlay Reserve revenue is from connection fees, Capital Improvement Charge, grants, and borrowings. A portion of the Capital Improvement Charge designated to pay interest expense in the Enterprise Fund. (3) Capital Outlay includes the Engineering Dept. Enterprise Fund contains all other deptments. (4) Interest expense is paid from the Enterprise Fund. Principal is paid from the Capital Outlay Reserve. 2j800' '1,259 :2711 800 00 ;000a ;350;u00 Consent Item f. DRAFT DRAf'f SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT IIBasic Services for a Complex World" ~obert G: Baer! G.eneral Manager . .. ..... .. ..... Richard SolbriQ,. Assistantl\i1anage~ !:!i!:!i!:!:!i!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:l:!:!:!:~:!:!:!:f.!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:~:!:!:f.!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!~:f.!i:!:!:~~:~:!:!)Xi!~:!:!:f.!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:~:!:!:!:!:!:!i!:!)Xf.!i:~:~'''~.1)':,*,W!~,~J.:!::<:::!:!:!:f.!i:~:!:!:!:!:~:!:!:!:::!:!:!i!:!~:!:!~:!:~:!.t!:!:!:::!:!:~~:!:~:~:!it!i.M:!:f.!!.!.:!:!:!:~~!:!:!:!:!M;~!:~!:f.!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:f.!i:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:::!:!:::!:!:!:!:~:~:!:!:!:~!:!:!:!:!:!:!:;:;:!: Duane Wallace, President BOARD MEMBER James R. Jones, Vice President g~~i~!?p~~~~.,:....~.!.~?~.~..!...~i.~~?!.?..~..............................,........,.......~~.2:....~?.~....~"?,:,~,~,?~.~r~.,g,~E,~~!.?E.........,,...,",.........,.,.,..."..,."..".,.,.",.,.~E~.?"Y.Y..:..~.?~~r~~~~iE~?!?E ....................................................u......",..........................................................................................................................N.........................~.............y.............................................................^.............,........!'....~......"-.....................................................................................;,0..............."............................................................................................... REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 19, 2001 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, April 19, 2001,2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California, BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Wallace, Directors Schafer, Jones, Strohm, Mosbacher. ROLL CALL STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Adams, Noble, Zaninovich, Attorney Kvistad. GUESTS: Judy Brown, City Council Liaison. Staff requested Action Item a. (Henderson Well Drilling), be removed and placed on the next regular Board meeting agenda. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Staff requested Consent Item a. (water disconnection procedures) be removed, as the situation has been satisfactorily resolved. Consent Items b., e., and g. were brought forward for discussion prior to Board action. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 19, 2001 . PAGE-2 Moved Strohm/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar, as amended: a. Item removed; b, See Consent Items Brought Forward for Discussion; c, Gardner Mountain Well Equipment and Control Building - Approved Change Order NO.5 for White Rock Construction in the amount of $1,077.69; d, Gardner Mountain Tank and Waterline Replacement- (1) Determined that project is exempt from CEQA; and, (2) Authorized filing a Notice of Exemption with the EI Dorado County Clerk; e, See Consent Items Brought Forward for Discussion; f, Grant of Easement Agreement to EI Dorado County Department of Transportation for their Pioneer Trail Erosion Control project - Authorized execution of agreement granting an easement on District property; g, See Consent Items Brought Forward for Discussion; h, Approved Special Board Meeting Minutes: April 5, 2001 ; I. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: April 5, 2001, CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR DISCUSSION / ACTION Richard Sol brig reported the correct total of the Change Order is $445 (not $1,145 as shown). Moved Schafer/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve Change Order NO.4 for White Rock Construction in the amount of $445. Diane Noble distributed a new Page 2 to the Lease AgreemenUhat showed the language to be deleted from the agreement. GARDNER MOUNTAIN WELL EQUIPMENT AND CONTROL BUILDING (Consent Item b,) U.S. POSTAL SERVICE: FIVE- YEAR GROUND LEASE AGREEMENT (Consent Item e,) REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 19, 2001 PAGE - 3 Moved Strohm/Second Wallace/Mosbacher Voted No/ Passed to authorize execution of agreement to allow the Postal Service to lease a portion of District-owned property, APN 25-091-15, in the annual amount of $3,500. Director Schafer reported that Seat #5 is incorrectly listed as Seat #3. Staff will contact EI Dorado County Elections Department to make that correction. Moved Schafer/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 2716-01 Declaring an Election be Held in its Jurisdiction, Consolidation with Other Districts; Requesting Election Services. U.S. POSTAL SERVICE: FIVE- YEAR GROUND LEASE AGREEMENT (Consent Item e. con't.) NOVEMBER 2, 2001 CONSOLIDATED DISTRICTS ELECTIONS (Consent Item g,) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved Strohm/Second Schafer/Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to: (1) Refinance the 1994 LaSalle Sank Installment Sale Agreement; and (2) Engage the appropriate services to execute a new borrowing. Moved Strohm/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $622,274.37. Finance Committee: The committee met April 16 to discuss the proposed Employee Self-Funded Benefit Plan, Rhonda McFarlane and Mike Adams gave an overview of the program. Director Strohm reported employees have developed a retirement program at no cost to the District. The Finance Committee did not reach a conclusion and has no recommendation to make at this time. This manda- tory program will require Board action for approval since it would be an amendment to the existing pension plan. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met April 16, A tour of the Sijou Pump Station project was included, as part of the meeting, Director Jones and Strohm thanked staff for their successful completion of several difficult projects, including Twin Peaks water tank removal and Gardner Mountain Pump Station. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. REFINANCING OF 1994 LASALLE BANK INSTALLMENT SALE AGREEMENT PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 19, 2001 PAGE-4 Director Mosbacher reported on Alpine County issues between the Carson Water Subconservancy District and the U,S, Forest Service, Director Strohm reported on three items: 1 ) Strohm, Bob Baer, and Gary Kvistad, attended a hearing in Sacramento in support of a bill carried by Assemblyman Oller that would amend the County Water Agency Act to allow two water purveyors to sit as County Water Agency Board members with three County Supervisors. 2) While in Sacramento, District representatives also met with staff from the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to discuss proposed changes to the draft Enforcement Policy, 3) He represented the Board's Labor Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee at the April 11 Employee Forum, He helped explain the management negotiations process. Director Jones reported he will attend the upcoming ACWA Conference, and will be involved with the Water Quality Committee. Judy Brown shared her dismay regarding legislation that was recently enacted that mandates Cities and Special Districts within EI Dorado County to annually fund the operations of LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Com- mission), City officials plan to protest this unfunded, annual fee, Chief Financial Officer: Rhonda McFarlane reported on two items: 1) The District was rejected grant money for TMDL assistance under Proposition 13. 2) Grant Thornton, District auditors, will be on site beginning next week. District General Counsel: Attorney Kvistad reported on three items: 1) He added to Director Strohm's comments regarding the SWRCB's draft Enforcement Policy meeting. 2) Kennedy Jenks met with Alpine County Fish and Game to determine fishery needs at Indian Creek Reservoir, 3) He outlined the next steps of the Alpine County Master Plan, BOARD MEMBER REPORTS STAFF REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 19, 2001 PAGE-5 3:15p.M, 3:30 P.M, 4:25 P,M, MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED AND ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION Legal counsel updated the Board and received direction regarding this case, No Board action. Legal counsel updated the Board and received direction regarding one case, Legal counsel updated the Board on the status of this case, No Board action. There was nothing new to report on this case, No Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO, et. a/., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956. 9(b )/Conference with legal Counsel re: Pending Litiaation (two cases) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956, 9( a )/Conference with legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: Mountain Cascade, Inc., and Valley Engineers, Inc. vs. STPUD Board of Directors and STPUD, County of EI Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20000050 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: Schwake vs. STPUD, Federal Case No. CV-N-93-851- DWH REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 19, 2001 PAG'E - 6 Negotiators were directed regarding this item. No Board action. 4:25 P,M, ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956,8/Conference with Real Property Negotiators - Negotiating Parties: Board of Directors, Robert Baer/General Manager. Under Negotiation: Consideration of Property Purchase; Property Identification: APN 1 :,080-53, APN 1-080-54, APN 1-080-56, APN 1-080-60, APN 1-200-01, APN 1-200-10, APN 1-200-11 ADJOURNMENT Duane Wallace, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District Consent Item g. DRAFT DRAFT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" ~()b~~ G: Ba.er! c;eneral Manager.. .... ...... .... . . .. . . .... . . ., . .. . R.ichard .~olbri\:l, A~s.i~t~nt Man.~9~r.. ~,~:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:::::,:::::,:,::":::!:i!i!:!:!:!:i!:!:!~:!:!:!:!:!:~!:!:!:!:~:~~:!:~!:~:~X::!:!:::~!t<:i!Vf.!tf.!:~<<:!:~:::t;!:~~~i!:~:itmi!:i!i!'iw.~:!t'.:im:!))v.:im!:v.:!:!:~;:<':.;mwJ.:!:!~:!:!:it!#!~:t!i.~#!i.i!vX!i!Zlii!~~~~i. :~il)~'(i .i;ii~.i-~;~:,!:[,f!)))J.:!~:tiIit<,f,@lg;>>.:!:~:!v}.i.itW)>>':!:~~;: :::,:,:.:::!:!:::,:,:,::: Duane Wallace, President BOARD MEMBER James R. Jones, Vice President C h ri~t?p'h er ~. .~tr? ~.1!1}..[:) i.r~?t? r.........,........... ............~.~ ry. ~?~. ~?~.~.~.~~~r~.g.i.~.~~t?r..................................... ..~ri~,!!: ~~,~.~!.er, D ir.e cto r ................................................................................................................y..........................................................................................;,0.....;,0........................................................................................................;/'.........0;.>..............J'..........................................-...................................................................................................................................................... REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 3, 2001 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, May 3,2001, 2:00 P,M'I City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California, BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Wallace, Directors Schafer, Jones, Strohm, Mosbacher. ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Sharp, Taylor, Hussmann, Noble, Brown, D, Johnson, Garcia, Thiel, Cocking, Bergsohn, Attorney Kvistad, GUESTS: Judy Brown/City Council Liaison, Dave Kurtzman/ EI Dorado County Redistricting Commission, Joyce Blackstone, Dave Kurtzman came before the Board, on behalf of COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE the EI Dorado County Redistricting Commission, to present several redistricting plans for redrawing county district lines, Using maps, he showed the territory included with each proposal. One of the proposals, if selected, would have many negative impacts to South Lake Tahoe. The EI Dorado County Board of Supervisors will hold two public hearings and is expected to adopt a plan after the June 15 deadline for final recommendations. Kurtzman urged the Board's participation. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 3, 2001 PAGE-2 President Wallace stated this item should be placed on a future agenda for Board consideration. Consent Item d. was brought forward for discussion prior to Board action. Moved Mosbacher/Second Strohm /Passed Unanimouslv to approve the Consent Calendar, as amended: a, Authorized implementation of the two-week discon- nection procedures for delinquent sewer and/or water accounts; b, Authorized implementation of the two-week water disconnection procedures on the property located at 3434, 3436, and 3438 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, APN 27-090-06, for failure to perform annual backflow assembly(ies) test; c, Surplus Vehicles - Authorized contract with Nationwide Auction Systems to sell five District surplus vehicles; d, See Consent Items Brought Forward for Discussion; e, Continued Sacramento Representation - Authorized proposal from Lynn M, Suter and Associates in the amount of $28,000; COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ( continued) CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR DISCUSSION / ACTION Director Mosbacher received clarification regarding personnel and budget needed for this project. Moved Strohm/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve proposal from Zonge Geosciences in the amount of $17,400, GROUNDWATER EXPLORATION GRAVITY SURVEY (Consent Item d,) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION John Thiel requested this item be deferred to the next Regular Board meeting in order to allow staff time to review the maganese problem at the well. No Board action, HENDERSON WELL DRILLING REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 3,2001 PAG"E - 3 Director Strohm disqualified himself from participation in this item due to a potential conflict of interest. Diane Noble reported there are currently seven properties identified by the South Tahoe Redevelop- ment Agency (STRA) that will be demolished after the Grand Summit Hotel has begun construction. The STRA wishes to assign the 140 sewer units associated with these seven properties to the developers of the Grand Summit Hotel to satisfy a portion of the sewer capacity requirements that must be acquired during plan review. The sewer permit for the 140 sewer units that are pending demolition will be issued subject to compliance with all transfer conditions as provided by the District Adminis- trative Code no later than June 30, 2002, This item was reviewed by the Board's Park Avenue Redevelopment Ad Hoc Committee on April 26. Approval of this item is recommended, Moved Jones/Second Schafer/Strohm Abstained/ Passed to waive District Administrative Code Provisions, Sections 4,8,14(f), (g), (h), and (i) to facilitate transfer. Linda Brown reported Aramark was the low bidder of four companies that responded to the invitation to bid. Aramark did not fill in the "depreciation rate" on the proposal form, but remained low bidder without con- sideration of it in the bid totals, Staff has since obtained Aramark's depreciation rate which is their standard and matches the rate of two of the other bidders. It will be included as a part of the contract because it was intended and will reduce uniform replacement costs, The irregularity in the bid is immaterial because it did not affect the bid outcome and did not give Aramark an unfair competitive advantage. References rated their service as very good to excellent. Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to: (1) Waive minor bid irregularity; and (2) Award contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Aramark Uniform Services, in the estimated weekly amount of $521,60, Moved Jones/Second Strohm/Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $1,059,129.76. SOUTH TAHOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: TRANSFER SEWER CAPACITY UNIFORM / LINEN RENTAL AND SERVICE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 3, 2001 PAGI:-4 Finance Committee: The committee will meet May 7. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met April 30, Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Plannino Committee: The committee will meet May 4. Federal Leoislative Ad Hoc Committee: President Bush included $14 million in the budget for the Lake Tahoe Restoration Act and Environmental Improvement Projects, Director Jones reported he will be in Washington D. C. the first week of June, then travel to Baltimore where he will attend a National Groundwater Association conference. Labor Neootiations Ad Hoc Committee: The committee met to discuss the Human Resources Director's contract. Director Mosbacher reported Alpine County Counsel, BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Dennis Crabb, is doing a good job organizing, educating, and bringing the County up to speed, President Wallace reported there may be a provision in the Sierra Nevada Framework that would allow the U,S, Forest Service to renege on previous agreements with ski areas, General Manaoer: Bob Baer reported on two items: GENERAL MANAGER/STAFF REPORTS 1) In response to Director Mosbacher's question asked at the April 5 Board meeting, the agreement with McDonald's for Bijou Pump Station was finalized long ago, Everything is going well. 2) A Public Hearing on the proposed budget will be held May 8, Accountant: Kay Taylor reported on two items: 1) The District received $670,000 from EPA for export pipeline work from 10/1/00 - 12/31/00. 2) Auditors are coming from the Inspector General's office to audit the EPA Grant procurement procedures, REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 3, 2001 PAGE:-5 District Information Officer: Dennis Cocking reported on three items: 1) Tahoe Daily Tribune will run an article about the District's CWEA Plant of the Year Award. 2) The Government Finance Officers Association presented the District with its sixth consecutive Certificate of Achievement for the CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) for Fiscal Year 2000. 3) A Guide to District Finances will be included as an insert to the Tahoe Daily Tribune. 3:00 P.M, 3:25 P,M, 6:10 P,M, GENERAL MANAGER/STAFF REPORTS (continued) MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED AND ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION Legal counsel updated the Board and received direction regarding this item. No Board action, There was nothing to report regarding this case. No Board action. Legal counsel updated the Board on the status of this case, No Board action, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956. 9(b )/Conference with Legal Counsel re: Pending Litigation (one case) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: Mountain Cascade, Inc., and Valley Engineers, Inc. vs. STPUD Board of Directors and STPUD, County of EI Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20000050 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: Schwake VS. STPUD, Federal Case No. CV-N-93-851- DWH REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 3, 2001 PAGl: - 6 Legal counsel updated the Board and received direction regarding this case. No Board action. Negotiators were directed regarding this item. No Board action, Negotiators were directed regarding this item. No Board action, Negotiators were directed regarding this item, No Board action, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conterence with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO, et. a/., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956,8/Conterence with Real Property Negotiators - Negotiating Parties: Board of Directors, Robert Baer/General Manager. Under Negotiation: Consideration of Property Purchase; Property Identification: APN 1-080-53, APN 1-080-54, APN 1-080-56, APN 1-080-60, APN 1-200-01, APN 1-200-10, APN 1-200-11 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957,6(a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators - Agency Negotiators: Board of Directors, Robert Baer/General Manager. Employee Organization: Represented and Unrepresented Employees Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957,6(a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators - Agency Negotiators: Labor Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee, Robert Baer/General Manager. Unrepresented Employee Position: Human Resources Director REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 3, 2001 PAG'E - 7 6:15p,M, ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ADJOURNMENT Duane Wallace, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: John Thiel. Senior Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING May 3. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 7.a CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: HENDERSON WELL DRILLING REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Reject all bids DISCUSSION: A mandatory pre-bid meeting was held on April 1 O. 2001. Bids were opened on April 18. 2001. Three bids were received: Beylick $138.650.00 Zim Industries $177.945.00 Lang $210.287.50 After repeated testing of the test well drilled last year. staff is confident that manganese levels in a production well would exceed 50 ppb. The latest test results came in at about 75 ppb. The DHS (Department of Health Services) has indicated thatthe well would require a manganese removal system. These ion exchange systems are expensive to construct and operate. Staff believes that such a system is prohibitively expensive for a well of this size. Staff recommends the reiection of all bids. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: $250.000 (2000-2001) 2029-8184 HENDWL u"""'';-'"", .. -.,..,.-.-.....-..,...." '''" """ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YESrnt F~~~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Rick Hydrick. Manager of Water Operations RE: BOARD MEETING May 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: l.b CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: AL TAHOE WELL NO.2 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE (VFD) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Reiect low bid as not responsive: (2) Waive irregularities in bid: and (3) Award to second lowest bidder. Wedco Inc.. in the amount of $53.841.32 DISCUSSION: The AI Tahoe Well No.2 and its service area will benefit greatly with a VFD. The operational flexibility provided by VFD's has proven to be a great asset for all wells driven by them. This maior water supply well will be operated more efficiently and effectively with a VFD. The irregularities will be resolved when the vendor provides the necessary warranties and drawings that were not supplied with the bid. prior to issuing the purchase order. SCHEDULE: 12-16 week delivery: installation in the fall COSTS: $54.841.32 ACCOUNT NO: 2002-8141 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $65.000.00 ATTACHMENTS: Bid results from Linda Brown. Purchasing Agent *""_:'X"_"_"_'~_'__~___<-_'_;-__'_'''.__''''__' "Ui".^.'^'''''"" CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE~~ South Tahoe Public Utility District BID RE8UL T8 BID # 00-01-07 FOR Variable Frequency Drive OPENING DATE April 24, 2001 Note: No bidders met District size dimension specs, but submitted dimensions are workable. No bidders enclosed all of the paperwork submittals requested - they will be obtained from the bidder suggested for award prior to award. Grove Madsen Industries $ 35,631.00 Allen Bradley 18 pulse unit, 24 month warranty spare parts, & Multilin 269 not included in bid not rated for constant torque does not have 3 years experience with units exceeds size dimensions 24"d x 90"h x 70"w (spec'd 60"w) did not enclose a complete layout drawing, warranty copy, or written 72 hour repair guarantee Wedco Inc 53,841.32 Cutler-Hammer SV9000, 36 month warranty 25"d (spec'd 24") x 90"h x 76"w (spec'd 60"w) will provide "50ft start" motor bypass (extra-not spec'd) layout drawing, warranty & 72 hr repair guarantee not enclosed Robicon Corp 59,209.10 250 hp Robicon ID454GT, 24 month warranty 30"d (spec'd 24") x 90"h x 96"w (spec'd 60"w) they limited their liability to purchase price and workmanship & materials only references, layout drawing, warranty & 72 hr repair guarantee not enclosed SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Mike Adams. Sewer Underground Repair Supervisor. Rhonda McFarlane. Chief Financial Officer representing District Emo[oyees RE: BOARD MEETING May 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 7.e CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: " '-",", '^"~, "..-",.,.,""". .,,,,,,^,,,", " '", - " ,""'",,', '~'M<'i ""'i"."X~Olf#'~,,'.'_'''''''""''''''''''; _, "'"", ,.',;',.;.'":,/i/;_',,~",,,,'"~.i,{",' CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES01{-t.c""QJ:......J<<> CATEGORY: GENERAL X WATER SEWER July 25. 2001 August 2001 Continued from Paae 1: Committee members represented by both union and management employees developed the Employee Self-funded IRC Code Section 401(h) Benefit proposal (Proposal). Bill Todd. Executive Director of the Joint Powers Employee Benefit Authority. helped the committee develop the Proposal and is attending this Board Meeting to be of further assistance. Finalization of the Proposal was done after receiving input from all District employees. The Board's Finance Committee has met to review the Proposal and concluded that the Proposal indeed is at no cost to the District. The Finance Committee recommends support as long as the employee vote shows strong support. Details of the Proposal will be included in a presentation at the Board Meeting. The schedule is as follows: May 17. 2001 Board to consider Proposal May 17. 2001 Union and management bargaining units to vote on Proposal May 18 to June 18.2001 Pension Plan Document revised May 18 to June 18. 2001 Employee MOUs amended with side letter May 18 to June 18.2001 Complete set up of new feature with Manulife Financial June 21.2001 Board approval of new Pension Plan Document and MOU changes June 27. 2001 First transfer of sick leave accrual to 401 (h) plan Julv 11. 2001 Begin contribution of 1 % of each full-time employees salary to the 401(h) plan. Concurrent reduction in employee salaries. Second transfer of sick leave accrual to 401 (h) plan Retirement Benefit Committee to work with BB&H Benefit Designs to identify a variety of health insurance offerings Increase contribution from 1 % to 2% of each full-time employees salary to the 401 (h) plan. Reduce employees salaries another 1 % Julv 10. 2002 1 2 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2719-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 4 AUTHORIZING THE ADDITION OF AN EMPLOYEE SELF-FUNDED IRC SECTION 401 (h) BENEFIT INTO THE DISTRICT'S PENSION PLAN 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WHEREAS, District employees wish to self-fund a tax deferred savings program to be used for paying health insurance premiums after retirement as provided for in Internal Revenue Code Section 401 (h). WHEREAS, the District employees propose to give up 1 % of their salary in July 2001 and another 1 % of their salary in July 2002 in exchange for an equal amount of contributions to the 401 (h) tax deferred savings program. WHEREAS, the District employees propose to give up approximately 16% of their accrued sick leave balance in exchange for an equal amount of contributions to the 401 (h) tax deferred savings program. 12 13 14 15 16 WHEREAS, the Employee Self-Funded IRC Section 401 (h) Benefit is a defined contribution program that will only provide money for post-retirement health insurance premiums only to the extent of the balance each employee accumulates for that purpose. WHEREAS, the payroll tax savings and savings in pension contributions will enable the District to administer the benefit at no net cost of the District. 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is willing to provide the Employee Self-Funded IRC Section 401 (h) Benefit as long as the benefit is at no cost to the District now and in the future, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of EI Dorado, State of California that the South Tahoe Public Utility District Pension Plan be amended to add the IRC Section 401 (h) benefit for District full-time employees as long as all funding for the program is provided from employees giving up salary and accrued sick leave. . . 1 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a duly held Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors 2 of the South Tahoe Public Utility District on the 1 yth day of May, 2001, by the following 3 vote: 4 AYES: 5 NOES: 6 ABSENT: 7 8 9 10 Duane Wallace, Board President 11 South Tahoe Public Utility District 12 ATTEST: 13 14 Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board and Ex-officio Secretary to the Board of Directors 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 7'"' -,) 24 25 26 27 28 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Rhonda McFarlane. Chief Financial Officer RE: BOARD MEETING May 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: I.d CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: F"'" '. ,,'~F...""...M", '...ww_...~.. .__, Y"_:0":0 '....>h"'~"'-,.""<,~.'M,.~.:','" ,",!U'<<'''''''''''':::':''':''~''~''"'' " ",,,<~w,,:,;;,:_:::,,::_"_'%":f!.' '^:~'""';;:'''''::::::'::''.:,:t"'''::I'",n~>^''''''*I"'~''''')\i'',:;<,,:':..AE.,......-_..'''., ,.-.,.,......-...."-^" , ........h" .d. ,,'yY, " ._......".,.......~._._... ..F............'.. ._"....,.... ,.',' '. ..... ". . ,., ..._... '- CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YESl"nc....t=u. ^'<... ",ffi CATEGORY: GENERAL X WATER SEWER Continued from Page 1 : may be leaving an employer that provides them with pension coverage. The Finance Committee recommends this change become effective July 1. 2002 to avoid impacting present employees. Consideration was also given to making the change effective July 1. 2001. Under the earlier option. four present employees would be able to ioin the Pension Plan a year ahead of schedule. The cost of adding the four employees July 1. 2001 would have been $14.000. The District presently has a vesting schedule of 0% with less than three years of service and vesting of 20% per vear thereafter. Employees are fully vested after seven years of service. Staff recommends that the pension plan vesting schedule be 20% per year of service. When a District employee is not fullv vested in the Pension Plan. and terminates employment with the District. unvested Pension Plan contributions and earnings forfeit back to the District. Over the last five years the District has averaged $2.435 per year in forfeitures. If the District were to change the vesting right away instead of waiting until 2002. eight employees would vest that are presently unvested. Private sector employers with pension plans must have employees fully vested after five years of service. Staff was unable to find any public sector employers vesting schedules longer than five years. Changing the vesting schedule to 20% per year of service will bring the District's Pension Plan in line with private employers and public sector employers. Again. this will enhance the District's ability to attract Quality employees. PENSION PLAN WAITING PERIOD SURVEY MAY 1, 2001 Question submitted to CSMFO List Serve: How long is your agency's waiting period for new employees to enter your Pension Plan? NUMBER OF RESPONDENTS (Note) RANKING LENGTH OF WAITING PERIOD 36 1 1 No waiting period 4 2 2 Six weeks to six months 2 3 3 One year 0 4 4 Two years TOTAL 42 The following agencies responded: Note 1: Cities of Bakersfield, Berkeley, Camarillo, Carson, Cathedral City, Ceres, Coalinga, Clearlake, Cotati, Fullerton, Gilroy, Grand Terrace, Huntington Beach, Lake Arrowhead, Lancaster, Lemon Grove, Millbrae, Napa, Pacifica, Paso Robles, Porterville, Rolling Hills Estates, San Luis Obispo, Santa Maria, Santa Monica, Shatter, Signal Hill, Sunnyville, Sutter Creek, Torrance, Ukiah, Vista, Waterford, EI Dorado Irrigation District, Sacramento Regional Transit District, Union Sanitary District, DSRSD, Note 2: Cities of Atwater, EI Monte, Waterford, Vetnura Regional Sanitation District. Note 3: City of Marina, Town of Danville. Note 4: None. p:\finance\retiresurvey0501.qpw SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Rhonda McFarlane. Chief Financial Officer: Diane Noble. Customer Service Manager RE: BOARD MEETING Mav 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 7.e CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: """",-"""""""-"~"""-"",,~,-,@-,,,,,,,, " .,~" ,'<< './., "'."^':<-"'''''':,<,'^,,''.'.,w"'< ",,,,,~,,.,,,,,-,'.' ITEM-PROJECT NAME: RATE AMENDMENT ORDINANCE REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Enact Ordinance No. 478-01. amending Ordinance No. 464 Administrative Code Sections 3.1.49. 3.1.50. and 4.5.12. superseding Ordinance No. 475-00 in its entirety. and deleting Sections 3.1.53. and 3.1.54 DISCUSSION: Ordinance No. 478-01 increases the Water Service Charges (Schedules 2 and 3). and increases water consumption charges to $1.83 per hundred cubic feet (Schedule 3). representing an overall 3.5% water rate adiustment. The Ordinance combines the capital improvement rate with the regular service charge rate. thereby making the District rates more "user friendly." However. the 2001/02 Capital Improvement Charge of$1.448.000 will still be set aside. restricted to capital expenditures only and any related debt expense. The Ordinance also increases the annual sewer rate (Schedule 6). ranging from 1.3% to 2.9% dependinq on customer class. with the adiustment for the single family home at 2%. The impact of the new Ordinance is to generate $200.000 in additional revenue for the 2001/02 proposed water and sewer budgets respectively. Typical residential customers will see a 2.7% overall rate increase. A Public Hearing concerning proposed Ordinance 478-01 was held on May 8.2001. SCHEDULE: Enact Ordinance No. 478-01. with rates to be effective 7/1/01 COSTS: $412.000 increase to present rates ACCOUNT NO: Various BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance No. 478-01 and 2001/02 proposed water rate table .j'N CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES(V'Lf7"'"'L-~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ORDINANCE NO. 478-01 AN AMENDMENT TO SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT'S ORDINANCE NO. 464 - ADMINlSTRATIVE CODE SECTIONS 3.1.49 AND 3.1.50 WATER RATE SCHEDULES, AND SECTION 4.5.12 SEWER RATE SCHEDULE, DELETING SECTIONS 3.1.53, AND 3.1.54, AND SUPERSEDING WATER AND SEWER RATE ORDINANCE NO. 475-00 IN ITS ENTIRETY The Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District, El Dorado County, State of California makes the following findings: 7 1. Notice of Hearing of this Ordinance was duly given, authorized, posted and 8 published, as required by law and specifically, that said Notice fixing the time and place of 9 hearing on said Ordinance was duly given, posted, and published, as required by Government 10 Code of California. 11 2. Pursuant to said Notice of Hearing, a hearing by the Board of Directors of South 12 Tahoe Public Utility District (the District) on this Ordinance was held at a public meeting of said 13 Board of Directors on May 8, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. at the place specified in said Notice of Hearing. 14 3. The Notice oftime and place of said meeting, including a general explanation ofthe 15 matters to be considered at said meeting was published on April 12, and May 4,2001. 16 4. At least ten (10) days prior to said public meeting, the data indicating the amount of 17 the cost or estimated cost required to provide water and sewer services for which service charges 18 are proposed for adoption pursuant to this ordinance, and the revenue source anticipated to 19 provide such service was available to the public. 20 WATER RATES 21 5. The water service charges in Schedules No.2 and 3 will be effective July 1,2001 22 and are for the following purposes: 23 24 25 26 27 28 a. Obtaining funds for capital projects necessary to maintain service for existing customers; b. Meeting debt service requirements; Meeting operating expenses; Purchasing or leasing equipment, supplies or materials; Meeting financial reserve needs and requirements. c. d. e. Ordinance No. 478-01, Page 2 1 6. The existing water service charges and the increase in the consumption charge are 2 necessary to meet the costs and expenses enumerated in paragraph 5 herein above, and are 3 included in the water budget adopted on May 17,2001. 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY 5 DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS THAT ORDINANCE NO. 475-00 IS SUPERSEDED 6 AND THAT WATER RATE SCHEDULES NUMBER 2 AND 3 PROVIDED BY 7 ORDINANCE NO. 464 - ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, SECTION 3.1.49 AND 3.1.50 ARE 8 HEREBY AMENDED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULES 2 AND 3: 9 ARTICLE VII 10 WATER RATE SCHEDULES 11 SCHEDULE 2 - ANNUAL FLAT SERVICE 12 A. Single dwelling unit 13 B. Duplex 14 C. Triplex 15 D. Fourplex 16 E. Each additional unit 17 F. Business establishment when serviced from: 18 3/4 inch connection $530.60 19 One inch connection $800.80 20 Where unmetered services are disconnected due to non-payment, the minimum metered 21 rate, representing fixed costs, shall apply according to line size. 22 SCHEDULE 3 - METERED SERVICE 23 Annual Minimum Rate 24 3/4 inch water connection 25 1 inch water connection 26 11'2 inch water connection 27 2 inch water connection 28 111111111111 $388.20 $739.00 $1,004.00 $1,278.60 $210.40 $220.40 $301.60 $463.80 $717.00 Ordinance No. 478-01, Page 3 1 SCHEDULE 3 - METERED SERVICE (Continued) 2 Annual Minimum Rate 3 3 inch water connection $1,434.40 4 4 inch water connection $2,151.40 5 6 inch water connection $2,873.60 6 8 inch water connection $3,853.40 7 10 inch water connection $5,138.80 8 All consumption will be charged at the rate of One Dollar Eighty-three Cents ($1.83) per 9 one hundred (100) cubic feet. 10 7. The Water Capital Improvement Charges, formerly in Schedules No.6 and 7, are 11 included in Rate Schedules 2 and 3 herein above and will be effective July 1,2001. The revenue 12 generated based on Schedules 2 and 3 include a Capital Improvement Charge in the amount of 13 $1,448,000. The Capital Improvement Charges are restricted in use to the following purposes: 14 a. Construction of purchase of capital improvements as designated in the 15 District's financial statements as "Property, Plant and Equipment"; 16 b. Debt service related to items referred to in 7a; 17 c. Reserves accumulated for future construction or purchase of Capital 18 Improvements as designated in. the District's financial statements as 19 "Property, Plant and Equipment." 20 8. The Capital Improvement Charge is necessary to meet the costs and expenses 21 enumerated in Paragraph 7 herein above and are included in the water budget adopted May 17, 22 2001. 23 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY 24 DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS THAT ORDINANCE NO. 475-00 IS SUPERSEDED 25 AND THAT WATER RATE SCHEDULES NUMBER 6 AND 7 PROVIDED BY 26 ORDINANCE NO. 464 - ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, SECTIONS 3.1.53 AND 3.1.54 ARE 27 HEREBY DELETED. 28 IIIIIIIIIIII Ordinance No. 478-01, Page 4 1 SEWER RATES 2 9. The sewer service charges in Schedule No.6 will be effective July 1,2001 and are 3 for the following purposes: 4 5 6 7 8 9 a. Obtaining funds for capital projects necessary to maintain service for d. existing customers; Meeting debt service requirements; Meeting operating expenses; Purchasing or leasing equipment, supplies or materials; Meeting financial reserve needs and requirements. b. c. e. 10 10. The increase in the sewer service charges are necessary to meet the costs and 11 expenses enumerated in Paragraph 9 herein above, and are included in the sewer budget adopted 12 May 17,2001. 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY 14 DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS THAT ORDINANCE NO. 478-00 IS SUPERSEDED 15 AND THAT SEWER RATE SCHEDULE NUMBER 6 PROVIDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 16 464 - ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, SECTION 4.5.12 IS HEREBY AMENDED AND 17 REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE 6: 18 19 ARTICLE XII SEWER RATE SCHEDULE 6 20 Annual service charges per sewer unit shall be as follows: 21 Type of Connection Annual Service Quarterly Service Minimum Service Charge per Unit Charge per Unit Charge per Unit 22 Homes and Apartments $94.69 $23.67 $7.89 23 MotelslHotels/Timeshares $92.64 $23.16 $7.72 24 Restaurants $97.76 $24.44 $8.15 25 Service Stations $97.76 $24.44 $8.15 26 Trailer/Mobile Home Parks $92.22 $23.06 $7.69 27 & Campgrounds 28 Laundromats $97.76 $24.44 $8.15 Ordinance No. 478-01, Page 5 1 SEWER RATE SCHEDULE 6 (Continued) 2 Type of Connection Annual Service Charge per Unit Quarterly Service Charge per Unit Minimum Service Charge per Unit 3 Automobile Service Garages $97.76 4 Taverns without Food $97.76 5 Facilities 6 All Other Commercial $97.76 Estab lishments 7 $24.44 $24.44 $8.15 $8.15 $24.44 $8.15 8 8. Delinquent charges, when recorded as provided in California Government Code 9 Section 54354.5, and the District's Administrative Code, shall constitute a lien upon the real 10 property served. 11 9. This Ordinance hereby supersedes Ordinance No. 475-00 in its entirety, and amends 12 Ordinance No. 464 - Administrative Code, Sections 3.1.49, 3.1.50, and 4.5.12; and deletes 13 Sections 3.1.53 and 3.1.54 . 14 PASSED AND ENACTED by the Board of Directors, South Tahoe Public Utility 15 District at its Regular Meeting on the 17th day of May, 2001 by the following vote: 16 17 AYES: 18 NOES: 19 ABSENT: 20 21 DATED: May 17,2001 22 23 24 25 26 Duane Wallace, President of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board and 27 Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors 28 (f) W l- e::( c:: c:: W l- e::( $ o w en o 0.. o c:: c.. 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Cl ~ ~ cn a5 E ...... 2~~t::E 0 , Q.)3;:o.::Jo ~ ~ ~uu 0. <( -- -- , 0 ..--N M.q- N SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Duane Wallace. Board President RE: BOARD MEETING May 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 7.f CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ~::::::':::::::::::':::':::~~:~:::::::::::'::~~:::~:::::;:.:.:::~:;;::::::::::;;;:::~~:::::;::::::::::::::.:;..~...::;.:.':':":";;:::::::~"":::;::~'::::;;;;::::::;;:::::~~~:::::::::::::'~';::;::.::::::::;;;..::::::::,,:,::::..::::;;;;;;;:,;;::::::::::;;;::::;.::::::::::::::::::::::,;::.;;;:::~:.:::::::::::::::::;;;::::::::;;::::::::::~.:;;.:;::::::::::;.~:::::::;::::::;::::.:;;::::;;.,;:~:.:::::.:::.:::;;;;::::::;:::::::::::~:::~~ ITEM-PROJECT NAME: EL DORADO COUNTY REDISTRICTING REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Provide direction. DISCUSSION: At the May 3.2001 Board meetino. a presentation was given reqarding several redistrictinq plans for redrawino county district lines. The Board should decide if a letter should be sent to the Redistrictinq Commission expressino em opinion on the matter. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: :~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::;:.::~::):~:~i~;:!:::;;'::~::::~~X:~:.:.:::!:::.~:.~:.~~~~~~:;;)~>>~~:.&J.~~~kM' ':'l~~:':::':;;>>~:))" ~~~;'::m~~::::~~4!~m:~:!:i" )~...::... ))"j#iii' Y:' ....~";);~~~';..j):.:::ii.jy4~~;:~... :.)~!:~~:.~#~~:.:':'::~::.:;i:i~~t~Xt:m>>:::4m~;;(.:j~:i~:~:~~~:~~::~~~:;~:~~:::::~:~ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO CATEGORY: GENERAL X WATER SEWER Action Item 7.g Payment of Claims May 17, 2001 Ck# Amount Name FOR APPROVAL MAY 17, 2001 Total Payroll 05/02101 Total Payroll $233,171,49 $233,171.49 Cost Containment US Bank IGI Total Vendor EFT $27,231,86 $1,242,382,60 0,00 $1,269,614,46 Accounts Payable Checks Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks Self-funded Ins Accounts Payable Checks Grant Funds Total Accounts Payable $427,531,11 112,049,63 12,091,04 3,167,45 $554,839,23 Grand Total $2,057,625.18 PAYROLL RELATED CHECKS 05/02/01 EFT EFT EFT #36604 EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT #36605 # EFT EFT URM & Dependent Care/AFLAC Employment Dev Dept Direct Deposit Child Support Collection Program The Hartford ManuLife Pension Loan Payments ManuLife Pension Orchard Trust Co, US Bank Stanislaus Co Family Support Div Stationary Engineers Local 39 Time Out Fitness United Way Net Payroll 1,119,61 10,810,96 110.229,33 37.50 1.373,84 6.805,80 0,00 10,623,56 62,327.48 172.00 0,00 0,00 77.18 29.594,23 0.00 Sub-total $233. 171.49 ,. \ACCT\DH\OPSPREAO\PMTOFCLM.W8210-M.y-01 - - ("L. - --- jot, 1-05/1(/Lo1; 4 . ,1746'.3 CK509 ()A06--report id: CKREL.PC :!___Default_ Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types; MW,HU,RV,VH 6 Vendor Name Account 4 Department Description . . . ACUASERVICES CORP CASCI Amount Check # Type L, 10-00-2530 GENERAL 5 ADMINISTRATION EMPLOYEE VISION INS Check Total: A P G ANALYTICAL PRODUCT GROUP 10-07-6200 LABORATORY 20-07-6200 LABORATORY 4_1'1 " A W W A 39 20-01-6200 UNDERGROUND REPAIR A-1 CHEMICAL INC i0-00-0422 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION ABB INSTRUMENTATION 10-03-6024 ELECTRICAL SHOP 2.3 AERVOE-PACIFIC ADVANCED POLYMER SYS INC 10-07-4760 LABORATORY .20-07-47.0_LABORATORY 20-01-6071 UNDERGROUND REPAIR ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE COMPANY 10-00-6520 GENERAL 5 ADMINISTRATION 20-00-6520 GENERAL 5 ADMINISTRATION Ks A ALPINE METALS 10-03-6022 ELECTRICAL SHOP ALDURY; MARY 10-37-6200 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 3si 20-37-6200 INFORMATION SYSTEMS IS AMADOR STAGE LINES INC 10--27-6620 DISTRICT INFORMATION 2 20-27-6620 DISTRICT INFORMATION AMEC EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL INC 10-28-6036 ALPINE COUNTY ,6 AMERICAN EXPRESS 10-22-6200 HUMAN RESOURCES ;33 20-22-6200 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 31! AVISTA UTILITIES 10-00-6350 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 20-00-6350 GENERAL 5 ADMINISTRATION 1-- .6 BARTLE WELLS ASSOCIATES 20-00-1605 GENERAL 5 ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAvEL/MEET1NGS/EDUCATION Check Total: TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION Check Total: JANITORIAL SUPPLIES INVENTOR Check Total: FURNACE EQUIPMENT Check Total LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES_ _ Check Total: SHOP SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Check Total: Check Total: SECONDARY EQUIPMENT Check Total: TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION Check. Total: PUBLIC RELATIONS EXPENSE PUBLIC RELATIONS EXPENSE Check Total: BUILDING, .OFFICE/EQUIP STORA Check Total: TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION Check Total: NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS Check Total; 01 REFI COSTS DEFERRED 2,274.80 2,274.80 00046680 NW 18.00 14 12.00 .30.00 00046681 MW ;s■ 58.75 5875 00046682 __NW 192.84 192.84 00046683 .MW 776.05 776.05 00046684. MW 149.54 19_69 249.23 00046685 MW .34 f 352..14. 00046686 MW - 1.11'k _78_60. 52.40 131.00 00046687 MW 262.45 262.45 00046688 MW 2 111.78 .._.1 "1 ?-' 74.52 . . 186_30 00046689 MW ,2J 559.13 4 _372:90. / 932.23 00046690 MW 5 1,160_75 1,m 1,160.75 00046691 MW 151, '.421 4.1 371.40 7,061.27 247.60 619.00 00046692 MW 5,205.83 ri;; 305.14 , I 5,,510,97 00046693_ NW. ' '; Default Selection: Check Stock !DI AP i Check Types; MW,HW,Rv,vh Vendor Name Account it Department BAY TOOL a. SUPPLY INC BEALES, TOM 10-00-0423 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 10-3S-6053 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10-01-6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR BERRY-HINCKLEY INDUSTRIES 10-00-0415 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 10-00-0416 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION BING MATERIALS 10-28-6042 ALPINE COUNTY 20-01-6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR __BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL 10-38-44015 CUSTOMER SERVICE BORGES a MAHONEY INC 10-04-7387 HEAVY MAINTENANCE BOYLE ENGINEERING CORP C C P INDUSTRIES INC. CWEA 20-02-4405 PUMPS 10-00-0422 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 10-06-1250 OPERATIONS C W E A EIERRA SECTION 1P-e1-62oo UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20-01-6200 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-04-6200 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 20-02-6200 PUMPS CALGON CARBON CORP CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT CANADA LIFE 20-02-4405 PUMPS 20-07-4810 LABORATORY 10-07-4810 LABORATORY 20-29-8184 ENGINEERING 10-19-4311 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 20-19-4311 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 30-00-6744 SELF FUNDED INSURANCE 10-00-2512 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION Description Check Total: SMALL, TOOLS INVENTORY Check Total: LATERALS PIPE, COvERS, 4 MANHOLES Check Total: GASOLINE INVENTORY DIESEL INVENTORY Check TOtaL: GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES Check Total; CONTRACTUAL SERVICES. Check Total: INJECTOR FOR FILTER EQUIP Check Total: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES_ Check Total: r,1 • Amount Check # Type 7,061.27 00046694 MW 582_25 11T 582.25 00046695 MW 141 --A 3,000_00 - IN 333.67 ,--,. ,- 3,333.67 00046696 MW 4‘ 2,839.79 7. I 3,660.00 731' 1,499_71 00046617 MW _ 2,420.42 .3,593_14 6,013.56 00046698 MW 1,004.15 1,004.15 .1,480.97 1,480.97 491.94 00046699 MW • _ 27' 00046700 MW 127,11 491.94 00046701 MW ' JANITORIAL SUPPLIES INVENTOR 149 ee Check Total: 149,80 00046702 MW DUES & MEMBERSHIPS Check Total: TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEET1NGS/EDUCATION Check Total: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Total: POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES WELL, HENDERSON Check Total: LIFE INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE EXCESS INS SELF INSURED MED LIFE INSURANCE 60.00 00046704 MW 1.65,.00 105.00 90.00 90.00 450.00 898.80 898.80 00046703 MW ;vs _ . 00046705 MW 24.10 29.90 8.00 12.00 001346706___MW,_ 17.99 11.99 9,464.84 674.83 • Default Selection: Check_Stock Ap ; Check TypeF,: MU,I114,RV,VH 10; CKREc.PC Vendor Name Account 4 Department Description Amount Check # Type , ----- - - 7 . 10-00-2525 GENERAL d ADMINISTRATION LIFE INSURANCE-MGMT 313.81 Check Total: 10,483.46 00046707 MW HA CANADA LIFE 10-00-2539 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATInN LONG TERM DISABILITY, UNION 8,122.69 Check Total: 8,122.69 00046708 MW L,4 Vendor Total: 18,606.15 CARSON PUMP 20-02-6050 PUMPS WELLS 1,97000 Check Total: 1,970.00 00046709 MW COCKING, DENNIS 10-39-6250 FINANCE DUES a MEMBERSHIPS 27.00 20-39-62E0 FINANCE DUES 4 MEMBERSHIPS 18.00 10-27-6200 DISTRICT INFORMATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION 122.85 1 20-27-6200,DI3TRICT INFORMATION .:, TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION _ . . ,.....,.... _ Check Total: 249.75 00046710 MW • COOK TREE SERVICE, ED 10-02-6042 PUMPS GROUNDS 4 MAINTENANCE 120.00 Check Total: 120.00 COST CONTAINMENT CONCEPTS INC 30-00-6741 SELF FUNDED INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION FEE 1,842.20. _. 30-00-6742 SELF FUNDED INSURANCE PPO FEE 333.00 , Check Total: 2,175.20 00046712 MW CUES INCORPORATED 10-01-6055 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 00046711 MW r DAVI LABORATORIES 20-29-8184 ENGINEERING DICK'S FULLER - 10-02-8987 PUMPS DOUGLAS DISPOSAL INFILTRATION & INFLOW 514.53 Check Total: 514.53 00046713 MW WELL, HENDERSON 147.00 Check Total: 147.00 00046714 MW BIJOU PS EQUIP UPGRADE 152.83 Check Total: 152.83 00046715 MW 10-00-6370 GENERAL 4 ADMINISTRATION REFUSE DISPOSAL Check Total: 75.00 75.00 00046716 MW E-FILLIATE CORP 20-03-4820 ELECTRICAL SHOP OFFICE SUPPLIES 83.31 Check Total: 83.31 00046717 MW EL DORADO COUNTY 10-02-66E0 PUMPS EMERALD BAY TOWING 10-05-6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20-05-6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR FEDEX 10-07-4810 LABORATORY 20-07-4810 LABORATORY 20-21-1810 ADMINISTRATION 10-39-4810 FINANCE OPERATING PERMITS 743.00 Check Total: 743.00 00046718 MW AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS AUTOMOTIVE 4 GENERATORS Check Total: POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES 35.00 35.00 70.00 00046719 MW - 11.71 7.80 21.28 12.33 DefaulT_Selet10,1:_.Che_ck_St_ock J.V_AP ; Check 4 Vendor Name 6 FRYE, WILLIAM a 9 Types: MW,NW,RV,VH Account # Department Description 20-39-4810 FINANCE 20-29-8184 ENGINEERING 20-29-8290 ENGINEERING 20-29-7027 ENGINEERING 90-98-8529 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT 10-37-6200 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20-37-6200__INFORMATION _SYSTEMS GARCIA„CHRISTENE 10-38-6200 20-38-6200 1 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFC ASSN 1 GRADY CO INC, KEN 9 GRAHAM, JOHN 4 CUSTOMER CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE 10-21-4830 ADMINISTRATION 20-21-4830 ADMINISTRATION 20-03-6050 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10-00-2002 GENERAL I ADMINISTRATION 10-39-6710 FINANCE GUARDIANTHE 10-00-2531 ._GENERAL A ADMINISTRATION 10-21-4312 ADMINISTRATION 20-21-4312 ADMINISTRATION 10-22-4312 HUMAN RESOURCES 20-22-4312 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 10-02-4312 PUMPS 20-02-4312 PUMPS 10-28-4312 ALPINE COUNTY 10-39-4312 FINANCE 20-39-4312_FINANCE 10-37-4312 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20-37-4312 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10-38-431.2 CUSTOM FR SERVICE 20-38-4312 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10-27-4312 DISTRICT INFORMATION 20-27-4312 DISTRICT INFORMATION 10-29-4312 ENGINEERING 20-29-4312 ENGINEERING 10-06-4312 OPERATIONS 10-01-4312 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20-01-4312 UNDERGROUND REPAIR GUNSCH, CLAUDE 10-02-6250 PUMPS Crov • port id: CKRECSPC Amount Check # Type POSTAGE EXPENSES WELL, HENDERSON TREATMENT, ARROWHEAD WL #3 WATERLINE, PARK AVE PHASE II BLINE PHASE II DIP TO END Check Total: TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION _ Check Total: TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION Check Total: SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE Check Total) WELLS Check Total: UTILITY BILLING SUSPENSE INTEREST EXPENSE. Check Total: LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG TERM TERM TERM TERM TERM TERM TERM TERM TERM TERM TERM TERM TERM TERM TERM TERM TERM TERM _TERM TERM TERM DISABILITY, DISABILITY, DISABILITY, DISABILITY, DISABILITY, DISABILITY, DISABILITY, DISABILITY, DISABILITY, DISABILITY, DISABILITY, DISABILITY, DISABILITY, DISABILITY, DISABILITY, DISABILITY, DISABILITY, DISABILITY, DISABILITY, DISABILITY, Check DUES I MEMBERSHIPS MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT__ MGMT MGMT MGMT_ MGMT MGMT MGMT _ MGMT MGMT MGMT_ MGMT MGMT Total) 8.21 19.51 11.96_ 11.96 11.00 115.76. 00046720 .MW -1- 151.95 _101.29 _ 253.24 00046721 MW k„! A4.30 29.53 73.83 00046722 33.00 22.00 MW ka 00046723 _MW 949.09 949.09....00046724 6,254.88 ',.ii ,_. 750_56 , _. 7,005.44 00046725 NW L. _4,110.10 23.1S 15.43 12.32 8.20 23.01 52.17 36.06 73.57 49.04 21.64 14.42 21_64_ 14.42 38.63 25.75 146.09 97.39 18,34. 19.17 19.17 4,359-91 00046726 MW' r 17.00 i) 14, 15'1 • 69 53 01 5.53 466 169 3; Default Selection: chcii_ Stock ID: AP Ctick Type$: MU, HU, RV , VH Vendor Name Account # Department ■ -• • • ---- - • _ HAEN CO INC, THOMAS HATCH AND PARENT HEWLETT-PACKARD DIRECT HIGH DESERT MICROGRAPHICS 2 20-0E-627.0 PUMPS 10-28-8036 ALPINE COUNTY 10-00-2605 GENERAL X ADMINISTRATION 10-00-2504 GENERAL 1 ADMINISTRATION 10-00-6081 GENERAL A. ADMINISTRATION 20-29-4820 ENGINEERING HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS 10-30-6030 CUSTOMER 20738-6030. CUSTOMER 10-38-4820 CUSTOMER 20-38-4820 CUSTOMER HUSSMANN, NANCY SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE 10-22-6200 HUMAN RESOURCES 20-22-6200 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR MPACGOVERNMENT SERVICES 10-01-6200 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-21-48E0 ADMINISTRATION 20-21-4820 ADMINISTRATION 10-21-6200 ADMINISTRATION. 20-21-6200 ADMINISTRATION 10-28-8285 ALPINE COUNTY 10-21-4610 ADMINISTRATION 20-21-4610 ADMINISTRATION 10-28-6200 ALPINE COUNTY 10-37-6200 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20-37-6200 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10-39-6200 FINANCE 20-38-6200 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20-39-6200 FINANCE 10-39-4820 FINANCE 20-39-4820 FINANCE 10-28-8036 ALPINE COUNTY 10-29-6200 ENGINEERING 20-29-6200 ENGINEERING 10-22-6200 HUMAN RESOURCES 20-22-6200 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 10-22-4930 HUMAN RESOURCES 20-22-4930 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 20-02-6200 PUMPS pro9. CK:2;09 KIA06i-report id, CKREc:PC Descript ion DUES & MEMBERHIPS Check Total: BUILDING, OFFICE/EQUIP STORA ACCRD CONST RETN(E Check Total: SUSPENSE Check Total;. OFFICE SUPPLY ISSUES Check Total: OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total.: SERVICE CONTRACTS SERVICE CONTRACTS OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION Check Total: TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION ALPINE CNTY MASTER PLAN GASOLINE GASOLINE TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES BUILDING, OFFICE/EQUIP STORA TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION ADS/LEGAL NOTICES ADS/LEGAL NOTICES TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION Amount Check # Type 34.00 0004672T MW 26,783.00 26..783,00 00046729 17.00 186,420.00 -8,637.00 177,783.00 203.31 203.31 00046730 .MW _ 1,347.79 1,47-79 00046731 MW 225.00 150.00 3:11 159.00 106.00 _640,00_00046732_ C L. 193.96 ittL 4,3! 129.31 618,25 48.45 32.30 80.75 00046733 MW 412.19 100.41 A7,52 11.69 113.49 616.52 715.74 319.93 146.03 46.23 30.81 28.94 1,823.70 242.73 161.83 203.70 135.80 26 .36 1 3 DefAillt Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; CheCk.TYnee: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name 'PC IMPACT STRATEGIES INSTY-PRINTS INTER-COUNTY TITLE CO. INTERNATIONAL BRONZE Account # Department - - - - - - - 10-06-6200 OPERATIONS 20-19-6200 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 10-19-6200 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 10-38-6027 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20-38-6027 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10-29-8130 ENGINEERING 10-38-4820 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20-38-4820 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10-07-6200 LABORATORY 20-07-6200 LABORATORY 10-07-4760 LABORATORY 20-07-4760 LABORATORY 20-02-4820 PUMPS 10-02-4820 PUMPS 10-38-4420 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20-38-4420 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10-01-6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20-01-6071 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-29-6520 ENGINEERING 20-29-6520 ENGINEERING 10-21-,4830 ADMINISTRATION 20-21-4830 ADMINISTRATION 10-29-4820 ENGINEERING 20-29-48E0 ENGINEERING 10-02-6083 PUMPS 20-02-6083 PUMPS 10-06-4820 OPERATIONS 20-29-8290 ENGINEERING 20-27-4820 DISTRICT INFORMATION 10-37-4840 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20-37-4840 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10-21-4405 ADMINISTRATION 20-02-4820 PUMPS 10-28-8285 ALPINE COUNTY 10-19-4820 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 20-19-4820 BOARD OF DIRECTORS KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN 30-00-6745 SELF FUNDED INSURANCE Deacript lon TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION OFFICE EQUIPMENT REPAIR OFFICE EQUIPMENT REPAIR ADMIN MSTR PLAN,ROAD/HDORTRS OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES MAPPING MAPPING PIPE, COVERS, a MANHOLES SHOP SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES STANDBY ACCOMODATIONS STANDBY ACCOMODATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES TREATMENT, ARROWHEAD WL #3 OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES Check Total: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Total: OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: ALPINE CNTY MASTER PLAN Check Total: OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: CLAIMS SELF INS MEDICAL PLAN Check Total: - iu CKREC SRL. Amount Check It Type 310.62 911.00 _ 23.13 60.90 40.60 21.08 44.91 29.95 97-37 _ 64.92 154.88 390.98 28.65 143.04 95.36 143.01 85.82 38.14 28.60 58.20 38.80 95.95 36.30 74.78 74.78 -213.98 53.23 25.66 11,350.25 00046736 MW _ 120.00 80.00 200.00 00046737 MW 10,141.25 10,141.25 00046738 MW 46.23 46.23 00046739 MW 1,037.45 1,037.45 00046740 MW 41.31 27.54 68.85 00046741 MW 451.00 451.00 00046742 MW Dgfaiits StLecti0D; Checll StOCk ID. AP Check Chec Tps 1W.HWR'J,VH Vendor Name Account 4 Department KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS INC 10-28-4475 ALPINE COUNTY 0 KLINE OD, STEVEN L 10-37-6075 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20-37-6075 INFORMATION SYSTEMS: LAKE TAHOE COMMUNITY COLLEGE 20-27-6660 DISTRICT INFORMATION lI • LAKESIDE NAPA 10-05-6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10-01-6012 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-01-6071 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-02-6048 PUMPS 10-02-6012 pumps 2 10-02-6051 PUMPS 10-04-6071 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10-04-6012 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10-04-6042 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 20-01-6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20-016012 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 8 20-01-6071 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20-01-6073 UNDERGROUND REPAIR g0-05-6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10,,05-6071 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20-05-6071 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10-02-6071 PUMPS 41 20-02-6071 PUMPS 10-02-6073 PUMPS 20-02-6073 PUMPS 5 9 LILLY'S TIRE SERVICE INC. 10-014776 OPERATIONS 10-05-6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20-05-6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR • LOOMIS FARGO 4 CO. 10-39-4405 FINANCE 20-39-4405 FINANCE _ MARTINI DONALD L & MARJORIE 20-39-6709 FINANCE 20-39-6710 FINANCE • MARTIN, GERALD E & THELMA V 20-39-6709 FINANCE 20-39-6710 FINANCE d MARTIN-KOBELLAS, LOIJISE 20-39-6709 FINANCE Description CO 'j iiA06>--report id: CKRE-PC Amount Check 11 Type LEGAL-SPEcIAL PROJECTS Check Total: SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS Check Total: WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE Check Total: AUTOMOTIVE S GENERATORS MOBILE EOUIFMENT SHOP SUPPLIES LUTHER PASS PUMP MOBILE EQUIPMENT PUMP STATIONS SHOP SUPPLIES MOBILE EQUIPMENT GROUNDS ' MAINTENANCE PIPE, COVERS, s& MANHOLES MOBILE. EQUIPMENT SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS AUTOMOTIVE 4 GENERATORS SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS STATION Check Total: MOBILE EQUIPMENT AUTOMOTIVE & GENEPATORS AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS Check Total: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Total: LOAN PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS INTEREST EXPENSE Check Total: LOAN PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS INTEREST EXPENSE Check Total: LOAF.! PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS 11,945.00 11,945.00 00046743 MW 103.20 68.80 172.00 00046744 _MW 1,500.00 1,600.00_A00416745 881.30 35.30 8.53 8.75 19.24 83.42 11.9_51 48.76 90.94 _1.92 10.34 24.14 277,68 148.42 148.42 8.,81 8.80 4.31 4•30_ 2,022.97 13..00 65.25 65.25 143.50 260.26 173,50 433.76 3,76B„26 , 7,642.57 ?'1 24 ■ .77 ;112 00046746 MW HY 00046747 MW 00046748 MW 3874.31 00046749 MW 3,768.26 3,874.31 7,642.57 00046750 .111e_ 1,749.49 f4ult_Sele_cti_on.;_. Check III_ AP Ctiech Typfrs MW.UW.RV,VH Vendor Name MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO Account 4 Departiaent 20-39-6710 FINANCE 10-0E-60E1 PUMPS - • MEEKS BUILDING CENTER 10-02-6071 PUMPS 20-02-6071 PUMPS 10-02-6048 PUMPS 10-02-6051 PUMPS 20-01-6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIP 10-04-6041 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10-02-6073 PUMPS 20-02-6073 PUMPS .2.070?_77.6.054,..P.MMES 10-04-Sort HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10-E3-6042 ALPINE COUNTY 10-04-6042 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 20-01-6071 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-04-6024 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10-29-6520 ENGINEERING 20-29-6520 ENGINEERING METROCALL MICRO WAREHOUSE MILLIPORE 10-29-6310 ENGINEERING 20-29-6310 ENGINEERING 10-37-6310 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20-37-6310 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10-28-6310 ALPINE COUNTY 10-07-4820 LABORATORY 20-07-4820 LABORATORY 10-07-4760 LABORATORY 20-07-4760 LABORATORY MISSION INDUSTRIES 10-00-2518 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION NOP UASHOE NURSERY 10-28-6042 ALPINE COUNTY NELS TAHOE SUPPLY 10-02-6051 PUMPS 10-04-6023 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10-05-6071 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20-05-6071 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10-05-6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR Description INTEREST EXPENSE Check Total: PUMP STATIONS Check Total: SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION PUMP STATIONS PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES BUILDINGS SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS REPAIR/MNTC WATER TANKS_ SHOP SUPPLIES GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE SHOP SUPPLIES FURNACE EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE AO CERECSPC 16 Amount Check # Type Check Total: Check Total: OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Total: UNIFORM/RUGS/TOUELS PAYABLE Check Total: GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE Check Total: PUMP STATIONS FILTER EQUIP/BLDG SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS 1,798.70 3,548.19 00046751 MW 242.75 242.75 00046752 MU 27.50 27.48 228 71 55.68 13.63 114.07. 45.92 45.91 3o.ea 43.40 53,19 48.21 34.07 69,17 46.12 903.32 00046753 MW 3.92 2.62 66 03 •,•= i 4 • :t• 1E1 4-2 44.02 4.36 120.95 81.59 54.10 135.99 00046754 NW. 00046755 MW ••Y - • 4.,•5 , !0, 41.65 27.77 69.42 00046756 MW 5,092.25 5,092.25 00046757 MW 280.00 280.00 00046758 MW 25.93 11.66 2.53 2.52 12.14 . .:1A06>--report id: CKREL;7.,PC 11 Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check TipC,--;;: MW,NW,RV,VN • Vendor Name Account # Department Description Amount Check # Type 10-01-6073 UNDERGROUND REPAIR SMALL TOOLS Check Total: NEV/CAL INDUSTRIES 10-28-6042 ALPINE COUNTY GROUNDs MrINTENANCE Check Total: NEVADA ENERGY SYSTEMS INC 10-2,-8431 ENGINEERING 16 NEVADA SOCIETY OF CPA'S 10-39-6250 FINANCE DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 20-39-6250 FINANCE DUES & MEMBERSHIPS Check Total NORTH SAFETY PRODUCTS 20-02-6054 PUMPS REPAIR/MN-1T WATER TANKS Check Total: ERB STANDBY POWER Check Total: ?'31 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SERV DIV 10-38-4820 CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES Nt.._ 20-38-4820 CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 151 10-39-4820 FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 33.07 20-39-4820 FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 22.05 !7 10-29-4320 ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 54.32 !4 20-29-4820 ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 36.20 10-00-04E8 GENERAL 41- ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY 991.16 10-21-4820 ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 28.45 4 20-21-4320 ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 18.96 2 10-37-4840 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES 55.24 20-37-4840 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES _36,82 4 10-06-4820 OPERATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 108 88 6 Check Total: 1,430.72 00046764 MW 7.45 62.23 00046759 MW 193.00 193.90 00046760 MW 27,336.00 27,336.00 00046761 MW 11 45,00 30.00 75.00 00046762 MW 920.00 920.00 00046763 MW 27.35 18.22 ,r P D M STEEL 20-01-6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES 513.60 Check Total: 513.60 00046765 MW o) PACIFIC DELL 10-00-6310 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 10-01-6310 UNDERGROUND REPAIR TELEPHONE 20-01-6310 UNDERGROUND REPAIR TELEPHONE 10-02-6310 PUMPS TELEPHONE 20-02-6310 PUMPS TELEPHONE 10-05-6310 EQUIPMENT REPAIR TELEPHONE 20-06-6310 EQUIPMENT REPAIR TELEPHONE 10-06-6310 OPERATIONS TELEPHONE 10-07-6310 LABORATORY TELEPHONE 20-07-6310 LABORATORY TELEPHONE 10-21-6310 ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 20-21-6310 ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 20-22-6310 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR TELEPHONE 1 0-39-631 0 FINANCE TELEPHONE 20-39-6310 FINANCE TELEPHONE 1 0-37-631 0 INFORMATION SYSTEMS TELEPHONE 20-37-6310 INFORMATION SYSTEMS TELEPHONE 621.80 7.32 7.31 54.62 15.83 7.44 7.43 14.77 9.17 6.12 9.39 • 6.26 6.22 8.72 5.81_ 27.95 18.63 Vendor Name StoCk ID: AP ;. Check MW,HW.RV.VH Account # Department __ PARSONS NPA 90-98-8528 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT PETTY casH _ 10-01-6200 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-02-6200 PUMPS 20-02-6200 PUMPS 1 o-o4-no0 BEAVY.MAINTENANCE 10-05-6200 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10-07-6200 LABORATORY 10-19-4820 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 20-19-4ez0 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 20-19-6200 VOARD OF DIRECTORS 10-E1748E0 ADMINISTRATION 20-21-4820 ADMINISTRATION 10-21-6200 ADMINISTRATION 20-21-6200 AMIINI5TRATION 10-21-6520 ADMINISTRATION 20-21-6520 ADMINISTRATION 10-21-66E1 ADMINISTRATION 20-21-6621 ADMINISTRATION 10-22-6079 HUMAN RESOURCES 20-22-6079 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 10-22-6670 HUMAN RESOURCES 20-22-6670 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 10-29-6200 ENGINEERING 20-29-6200 ENGINEERING 10-37-4820 INFORMATION SYSTEMS E0-37-4820 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10-37-6200 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20-37-6200 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10-38-6520 CUSTOMER SERVICE . 20-38-6520 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20-38-6200 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10-39-4820 FINANCE 20-39-4820 FINANCE 10-39-6200 FINANCE 20-39-6200 FINANCE 10-07-4760 LABORATORY 20-07-4760 LABORATORY _247Q1-A101 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20-01-6200 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 90-98-7028 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT PITNEY BOWES INC 10-38-4820 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20-38-4820 CUSTOMER SERVICE Description Check Total: BLINE PHS III LPPS-CAMPGROUN Check Total: TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION OFFICE surFues OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION, SUPPLIES SUPPLIES INCENTIVE 6 RECOGNITION PRGR__ _ INCENTIVE & RECOGNITION PRGR SAFETY PROGRAMS SAFETY PROGRAMS PERSONNEL EXPENSE PERSONNEL EXPENSE TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION SUPPLIES. SUPPLIES TRAVEL/NEETINGS/EDUCATION OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES REGULAR SALARIES/WAGES TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION HYDRANTS GRASS LAKE RD Check Total: OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: Amount Check 0 Type 834.79 00046766 MW 3,051.24 3,051.24 30.00 46.74 15.00 18.00 30.00 20.00 6.67 4.45 4.00 12,82 8.54 20.47 14.73 9.82 _ e4.00 16.00 4.79 3.19 7.65 172 5.10 00046767 MW i ' tT Ct 15.80 7.20 4.49 2.99 13.96 9.30 25.20 16.80 30.00 8.23 5.49 15.34 10..22 3.83 2.55 1.50 20.00 5.34 .511.85 16.05 10.70 26.75 te;5. :61 00046769 MW. it.9! 00046770 MW ;7, Default Selction: Check. PTA1-7k ID: AP Check Types- MW,UW,PV,VH Vendor Name PLUG-IT-PRODUCTS isjc:0e0---prog. CK509 <1A06i--report id. CKRECSPC Account # Departmor DEcription Amount Check # Type --------- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__ -------------- 10-02-7388 PUMPS INFLATABLE PLUG RADIO SHACK 10-29-4820 ENGINEERING 20-29-4320 ENGINEERING RIVERA, GEORGE N Check Total: OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: 10-06-6200 OPERATIONS TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION 1,387.15 1,387.15 00046771 MW 104.76 59_83 174.59 54.45 00046772, MW on !!' i47! Check _Total: 54-45 _00046773_ r22 117.18 SANI-HUT CO INC 20-02-6054 PUMPS REPAIR/MNTC WATER TANKS CheckTta1 117.18 00046774_Mk— SCOTTYS HARDWARE 10-01-6073 UNDERGROUND REPAIR SMALL TOOLS 11.43 i-. !o! 20-03-6054 ELECTRICAL SHOP REPAIR/MMTC WATER TANKS ---11-01171- 10-03-6051 ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS 10-02--6048 PUMPS LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION 2.93 10-03-6024 ELECTRICAL FURNACE EQUIPMENT 17.15 Lz , ------i 1 ,.,! - 10-05-6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 4 GENERATORS 1.59 ! Check Total: 60.67 00046775 MW ! SIERRA CHEMICAL CO 10-06-4750 OPERATIONS CHLORINE 7,508.84 Lv - 20-0E-4750 PUMPS CHLORINE -5,794.89 k Check Total: 1,.7.1.,95_00.0.46.77,6 MI4- r . r-) SIERRA ELECTRONICS 10-03-8175 ELECTRICAL SHOP SCADA BASE STN 675.00 Check Total: ...675-46 .00046777 MW .4.! SIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL 20-29-8184 ENGINEERING WELL, HENDERSON 104.00 .■7 --- Check Toll _ 104,00_ 00046776 MW. SIERRA FOOTHILL LABORATORY 10-07-6110 LABORATORY MONITORING 1 20-07-6110 LABORATORY , MONITORING . 7l8Itg V -V- Check Total: 188.50 00046779 MU !s4 1,257.1.3 SIERRA PACIFIC POWER 10-00-6740 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION STREET LIGHTING EXPENSE 10-00-6330 GENERAL 4 ADMINISTRATION ELECTRICITY 73,645.68 ■ ,•1, - 20-00-6330 GENERAL .1 ADMINISTRATION ELECTRICITY 22,760.37 !'7!— Check Total 97,66.3.18 00046780 ...1W,. _n •,:l SIERRA SERVICES 10-04-6071 HEAVY MAINTENANCE SHOP SUPPLIES 446.73 Check Tptal: 446.73 00046781 .MW lo; SIERRA-NET INC. 10-37-4405 INFORMATION SYSTEMS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 240.00 20-37-4405 INFORMATION SYSTEMS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES _ , 160.00 Check Total: 400.00 00046782 MW !- ! ! SOLINST CANADA LTD WELLS 20702-6050 PUMPS 7,068.22 . --, - id Check Total: 7,068.22 00046783 MW !,-4! !..! i Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP i Check Typos: MU,HU,RV,VH Vendor Name SOUTH TAHOE PLUMBING SUPPLY Account # Derartment 10-03-6021 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10-04-6042 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10-02-6051 PUMPS 10-02-6071 PUMPS 20-02-6071 PUMPS a SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE 10-00-6370 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 20-00-6370 GENERAL & ADMINISTPATION STATELINE OFFICE SUPPLY 10-01-4820 UNDERGROUND REPAIR _ 20-01-4820 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-06-4760 OPERATIONS 10-21-4820 ADMINISTRATION 20-a1-4820 ADMINISTRATION 10-07-4320 LABORATORY 20-07-4320 LABORATORY 10-38-4820 CUSTOMER SERVICE SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & • SUNGARD BI-TECH INC. 20-38-4820 10-05-4820 10-04-4820 10-39-4820 20-39-4820 20-03-4820 CUSTOMER SERVICE EQUIPMENT REPAIR HEAVY MAINTENANCE FINANCE FINANCE ELECTRICAL SHOP 20-01-4405 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-37-6200 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20-37-6200 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1 SUTER ASSOCIATES, LYNN M. 10-27-4405 DISTRICT INFORMATION - 20-27-4405 DISTRICT INFORMATION ! TRPA 10-29-8047 ENGINEERING T R P A 20-29-8100 ENGINEERING TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE 10-00-6370 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION r TAHOE BLUEPRINT 20-02-4820 PUMPS Description CKS09 (1Au--report id: OKREGSPC PRIMARY EQUIPMENT GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE PUMP STATION SHOP SUPPLIES TROP SUPPLIES Check Total: REFUSE DISPOSAL REFUSE DISPOSAL Check Total: OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFIC UPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Total.: TRAVELIMEETINCS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION Check Total: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Total: ADMIN BLDG IMPROVEMENTS Check Total: WATERLINE, GARDNER MTN PHS I Check Total: REFUSE DISPOSAL OFFICE SUPPLIES Vendor Total: Check Total: Amount Check # Type 118.30 4.17 78.0 48.63 48.62 298.02 00046784 1,866.15 49,85 1,916.00 00046785 MW 47.71 46.58 162.75 i21 12.68 8.46 11.48 7.65 74.21 49.47 31.95 . 116.11 48.71 32.48 18.75 668.99 00046786 MW 1,283.48 1,283.48 60.00 40.00 100.00 4,199.99 2,800.00 6,999.99 00046787 MW 00046788 _MU_ 00046789 MW -140.00 -140.00 00045443 RV -140.00 -140.00 00045444 RV "280.00 1,568.00 1,569.00 00046814 MW 983.06 11. • ~ "iLnao--pron cns99 C/Aoo)--report id: oxnsc::pc ^_-_Dorauu_5.uJg'01_00; check _5tucxID: m.;-checx Types. nu.xu.nv.vx . Vendor Name Account * Department ' TAHOE CARSON AREA NEWS 10-02-48e0 PUMPS 10-3:-4420 CUSTOMER SERVICE 2*-38-44a0 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10-01-6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20-01-6071 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-29-6520 ENGINEERING 20-e9-65e0 ENGINEERING 10-02-6051 PUMPS e0-0e-60s1 PUMPS 10-01-4820 UNDERGROUND REPAIR |o-w-wuzo OPERATIONS eo-eo-o1s7 ENGINEERING 10-2e-4910 xVMAN,pESouncso e0-2e-4930 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 10-39-4930 FINANCE 20-39-4930 FINANCE r*noc MOUNTAIN _NEWS 20-27-6_ao0DISTRICT ,INFORMATION TAHOE OFFSET PRINTING mC__-_--l0-c5-4oz»ENGINEERING 20-29-*820 Ews/mscnrms TAHOE PARADISE CHEVRON 20-01-*620 UNDERGROUND REPAIR TAHOE SAND & GRAVEL 10-02-6042 PUMPS L � TED'S ELECTRIC 10-0*-6073 HEAVY MAINTENANCE o s o * ponsor SERVICE 90-98-8829 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT 20-29-7099 ENGINEERING U S. DISTRICT COURT ✓ W R CORPORATION 10-28-6650 ALPINE COUNTY 10-07-4760 LABORATORY 20-07-4760 LABORATORY VALLEY RUBBER & GASKET -_-_----)V-D0-V4ci_ GENERAL &ADMINISTRATION 10-39-6077 FINANCE Description Amount Check � Type �moun� c�ecx � rvne OFFICE SUPPLIES 65 ,52 ' MAPPING 353.95 MAPPING -uzs-yz i. PIPE, COVERS, « MANHOLES 359.40 � SHOP SUPPLIES 230 .42 �' SUPPLIES .78 .70 '--_,� SUPPLIES 5e.4e ' PUMP STATIONS 65.54 '^ ` �( - PUMP STATIONS as.se____- --� OFFICE SUPPLIES 131 .08 OFFICE SUPPLIES 131.05 TANK, GARDNER nTw �� REPLAC 24_08 ' ' -_-_ --__,� Check Total: e'776.66 00046815 MW ai: ADS/LEGAL NOTICES ADS/LEGAL NOTICES ADS/LEGAL NOTICES ADS/LEGAL NOTICES Check Total: WATER CONSERVATION sxpsmns_ Check Total: OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES DIESEL Check Total: Check Total: GROUNDS a MAINTENANCE Check Total: SMALL TOOLS Check Total: BLINE PHASE z/ DIP TO END WELL - Gannwsn MTN Check Tntal . OPERATING PERMITS Check Total: LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Total: SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY INVENTORY FREIGHT/DISCOUNTS Check Total: 1^034-54 '____'-_____-__� 689.69 78.48 _se.su 1^855.03 0004681.6 MW �' `^~ ^~ 00046817 ~ 145.00 """~"°'' "° 10.92 __' 7.27 18.19 00046818 MW 23.00 23.00 000*6819 MW 260.41 =�� ~ e60.*1 00046820 MW : ' - ----------------- 291.47 291.47 00046821 MW �. . � �u 99.87 a5'sao.00 '25.659_87- 0004682e -mw 356 .12 356-12 00o46e23 Mw_-_� 737.49 /m1-7n a*7.on 46.13 293.81 000463e4 MW 00046825 MW Reffiult Selgction: Check SIOCk Check Types; MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name VERIBANC INC VOSS TECHNOLOGY Account # Department 10-39-4440 FINANCE 20-39-4440 FINANCE 10-07-4760 LABORATORY 20-07-4760 LABORATORY wATER ENVIRONMENT_FEaERATION.. _10701-62.50AJNUERGROUND REPAIR 20-07-6250 LABORATORY WECO INDUSTRIES INC •- 10-01-6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR WEDCO INC 10-02-8987 PUMPS WESTCOAST ROTOR WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY 10-03-6041 ELECTRICAL SHOP 20-03-6041 ELECTRICAL sHOP 20-03-6050 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10-05-6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20-05-6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10-04-6021 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 20-01-6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-04-6023 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10-02-6051 PUMPS 10-04-6042 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10-02-6073 PUMPS 20-02-6073 PUMPS WESTERN POWER & EQUIP 10-05-6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20-05-6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR WESTERN TRACTION CO 10-05-6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR WINGERT CO., J. L. 20-02-6050 PUMPS WITHROW OXYGEN SERVICE 10-00-0425 GENERAL 4 ADMINISTRATION 10-04-6071 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10-02-6071 PUMPS 20-02-6071 PUMPS 10-02-6075 PUMPS 20-02-6075 PUMPS Descripticol ADVISORY ADV/SORY Check Total: LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Total: DUES & MEMBERSHIPS DUES 4 MEMBERSHIPS Check Total: PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES Check Total: BIJOU P5 EQUIP UPGRADE BUILDINGS BuILDINGs WELLS AUTOMOTIVE 4 GENERATORS AUTOMOTIVE 4 GENERATORS Check Total: PRIMARY EQUIPmENT Check Total: PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES FILTER EQUIP/BLDG PUMP STATIONS GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS Check Total: AUTOMOTIVE S GENERATORS AUTOMOTIVE 4 GENERATORS Check Total: AUTOMOTIVE A. GENERATORS Check Total: WELLS Check Total: SAFETY SUPPLIES INVENTORY SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS ,IfY3;--)port ClICSPC Amount Check # Type 76.80 51.20 las_co. .00046826 - 113.53 f 75 . 69 189.22 00046827 MW 138 00 213.00 351.00 00046828 MW 101.18 101.18 00046829 MW 130.11 (5, 372.31 ,• 4W,15. 393.93 • 155.7 •fs4 , 155.5E1 3ti 12it 1,255.65 00046830 MW 1,Q2.70 1,032.70 00046831 MW 3.6E2,46 -140.13 -140.13 467.01 4 ! 326.26 1,834.60 33.19 4.23 4.E3 5,82.4_97 0004683e—MW_____ 70.07 ' .70.06 • 140.13 00046833 MW 00046676 RV 467.01 00046834 MW 238.82 785.28 35.72 35,71 32.50 32.50 __Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP.i Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Name Account # Department Description 10-07-4760 LABORATORY 20-07-4760 LABORATORY 20-02-6054 PUMPS ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 10-02-6075 PUMPS ZYMAX ENVIROTECHNOLOGY 20-02-607S PUMPS 10-07-6110 LABORATORY 20-07-6110 LABORATORY CKS09 (1/06'i—report id: CKRECSFC Amount Check # Type LABORATORY SUPPLIES 223.64 LABORATORY SUPPLIES REPAIR/MN-IC WATER TANKS Check Total: 1,818.72 00046835 MW SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS 4i.69 - SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS 44.69 Check Total: 89.38 00046836 MU 11, Grand Total: 554,839.23 ;2,1 : '11q MONITORING MONITORING Check Total: 907.50 1,094.00 2,001.50 00046837 MW _ ■ • SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING May 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13.a ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (ONE CASE) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (b). Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding pending litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YEsf"Y')L.~'/~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Richard Solbrig. Assistant Manager / Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING ACTION ITEM NO: May 17.2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13.b CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: MOUNTAIN CASCADE. INC.. AND VALLEY ENGINEERS. INC. VS. STPUD BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND STPUD. COUNTY OF EL DORADO. SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. SC20000050 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Closed Session may be held for conference with leoal counsel regarding existing litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~l..~ ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING May 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13.c ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: SCHWAKE VS. STPUD. FEDERAL CASE NO. CV-N-93-851-DWH REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: ~~~d(:;:~,,!i.'W@i8;,,~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER X CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YESrnQ:L.^'("...bLQ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTiliTY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING ACTION ITEM NO: Mav 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13.d CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct negotiators DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. Closed Session may be held for conference regarding orooerty negotiations. Negotiating Parties: Board of Directors. Robert Baer / General Manager Under Negotiation: Consideration of Prooerty Purchase Prooerty Identification: APN 1-080-53 APN 1-080-54 APN 1-080-56 APN 1-080-60 APN 1-200-01 APN 1-200-10 APN 1-200-11 SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES rn l...+:~..~Q CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING May 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13.e ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: STPUD VS. ARCO. ET AL. SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. 999128 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YEStv'<..~e-...JJ.......,..NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING May 17, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13. f ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: -:,:,:~:;;':;::::::':;;:::::.~::::::::;;-:;.:;;.:;.:::.~;-:::.:-:::::....:...,....;.............::..:~..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................~....................n..........................;:;:;::;:,...............................................:. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct neootiators _DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54957,6 (a) of the California Government Code. closed session may be held regardino labor neootiations, Agency Neootiators: Board of Directors, Robert Baer/General Manaoer Employee Oroanization: Represented and Unrepresented Employees SCHEDULE: . COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: !ii!:!i:!:~!~:!:ij;i:i:iW~;:!im:!i:~)tM;;i;i'i"".""""L'i'i.i.!Wi'i.i.!'i'~."""""""....,......"'...'...'i"""""""!ii!'!'f!"!""'."'."'..."'~:""""'i.'i...~..:.n:y_~:!:!i.!:li!i:;;;il:i!:i:!:~m:~~:r"".M'f!'(i.'.."".,.,..,.."".\ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~~..,^~O CATEGORY: GENERAL X WATER SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTiliTY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING ACTION ITEM NO: May 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13.g CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct negotiators DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54957.6 (a) of the California Government Code. closed session may be held regarding labor negotiations. Agency Negotiators: Labor Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee. Robert Baer/General Manager Unrepresented Employee Position: Human Resources Director SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES{'N-~ c.........N..O CATEGORY: GENERAL X WATER SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING May 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13.a ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ,s)EOm'Hm~' ~m;:J'.riillM;l'*.!;~~~ ~l!. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (ONE CASE) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (b). Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding oending litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: 'c,,,'m,, "'_"', c""''''"'''''' ""W"''''''''''', cm_c~'MMW",,,,,,,c,,_~,,,,,",,,,w,,_"m""',,,""" "",,,, CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE~~/~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Richard Solbrig. Assistant Manager / Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING May 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13.b ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: MOUNTAIN CASCADE. INC.. AND VALLEY ENGINEERS. INC. VS. STPUD BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND STPUD. COUNTY OF EL DORADO. SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. SC20000050 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: , uP '~"u' ,"~~" "h" "'AYY',,'#'~M,,"_w"_~"~'_"" ""_"__",""', n, "_'_"""" , CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~L~ ~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING May 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13.c ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: SCHWAKE VS. STPUD. FEDERAL CASE NO. CV-N-93-851-DWH REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: ""_._,~""",,,_e_...~',,,_,,"'~'~~""'" ''''''''''''''''"'_'''''''''''' "~"~em ,'.", ,," ., ",-", " ' "",' ",., CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER X CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES)-n~L.~,~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Saer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING ACTION ITEM NO: May 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: l3.d CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct negotiators DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. Closed Session may be held for conference regarding property negotiations. Negotiating Parties: Soard of Directors. Robert Saer I General Manager Under Negotiation: Consideration of Property Purchase Property Identification: APN 1-080-53 APN 1-080-54 APN 1-080-56 APN 1-080-60 APN 1-200-01 APN 1-200-10 APN 1-200-11 SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: '. .'. ~M...,,,.... . . ..._........ ............. ......... .'. ,., ..... ...~.""" , .,,,"'.,, "M' ",.,.""".. '.....",>,. "". "M.."".", """"".". '..,' .'''','"..' '.,,,, ...,M,..' ,.",,,,,,.., . CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YEStn(...t=~ ~Cl.. CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING May 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13.e ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ~~~"';X . ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: STPUD VS. ARCO. ET AL. SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. 999128 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: ,~d"" "" ,....: ""J,.:',>>" ,~ "<-,.'-;'fi",'i,.,.,-,.o.,'-1'*"''')''!;.''-'-O; .."7'",~,'i0."-I'"Ji_." _N".. &-'.. .,.: ,"'-;.:0'." ,.... .........m-....,,*"" ,:M .-,c. ',., CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YESIY'L~~--O,.~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER ......... ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer. General Manaaer RE: BOARD MEETING Mav 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13.f ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ~;;::;':~:'::::;':::;;;;::;~~::~:;:;;-";:,;;::~;;:":;::;;-:;;;:';;::~~::::~~'$.'."":";;;,;;::-:::;~-::;,""""r-'~~""""""""..............~~~......................................................~~.........................................................:......................................................................................~........................................-::;.-:::;..:;:;.:~;::;.:~-::....................................... ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct neaotiators _DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54957.6 (a) of the California Government Code. closed session may be held reaardino labor neaotiations. Aoencv Neootiators: Board of Directors. Robert Baer/General Manaaer Emplovee Oroanization: Represented and Unrepresented Emplovees SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: !:Y.~m:!:!i!~:!i#.,;~)m:<:~:.~;;jk.!i}.~:Mml:!t!i';.:!:!:!~~~;~m.i!;it!:I;iith:1mf"!(.,.............'im......:~~............!IIiJ'.....i...!#!~~z{!t!m:~l~:~:!:!#!:M:!:!:!$!~~:9~:~:.:.~:~:w.~);:.:<Ii(~)~ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YESrn...~..,^~O CA TEGORY: GENERAL X WATER SEWER -,.,----.,. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD,OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING ACTION ITEM NO: May 17. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13.9 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: '" ,. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct negotiators DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54957.6 (a) of the California Government Code. closed session may be held regarding labor negotiations. Agency Negotiators: Labor Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee. Robert Saer/General Manager Unrepresented Employee Position: Human Resources Director SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: A TT ACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: c,. .,.".~..~,-- """_~'~'''-~-'-'-._.,.,-,.~.~>~",....,~ ,..,,,,,..',,' ",.~."...,~~.. .,,~,_..... ,--.- "~""\ ' ..'.'_...... CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YESt'N-~Q.._. .N..O CATEGORY: GENERAL X WATER SEWER