HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 03-01-01 , \,-~"./,4"/iI\ \ '.J\ ., SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, March 1,2001 2:00 P.M. City Council Chambers 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California Robert G. Saer, General Manager Richard Solbrig, Assistant Manager Z_:.' ;'-<":_:._".""I<_"""'''''~'' :.-,,,,,.,,,, ~" {.~:<. , ", ,"" . ..,. .'" '.""'}""X":'~ " ',.',.~' , ~~",.., ,....."",,,,,"-,...,.,:.,,,.-:,"",,.,._-,, ""."".::..,,,:.:,w...,,,......,,, Duane Wallace, Acting President BOARD MEMBERS Christopher H. Strohm, Director James Jones, Director . ",....., ..,.,."....~,.,"' ,....,......"..,......", ,," " " :.,~~~"..:.'w,..",',',',..-'>...,.,~_._., Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director '.~"W"""",'",,,''....''' "=.= ,,". '. .,m..,,"" Eric Schafer, Director "",_ 'c"_',',',_,,,,,',,,<<<<'..>'" .". ,.. .' '"''0'''-''-'''',''''':';'_''.-''''' 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ADMINISTER OATH OF OFFICE a. Director Schafer, Seat 5 3. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non-agenda items - 5 minute limit. No action will be taken.) 4. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR 5. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Approved by a single vote. Any item can be discussed and considered separately upon request.) 6. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION I DISCUSSION 7. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION a. Payment of Claims Approve Payment in the Amount of $583,019.35 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - MARCH 1, 2001 PAGE-2 8. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Executive Committee b. Finance Committee c. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee d. Planning Committee 9. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Special Litigation Ad Hoc Committee b. Federal Legislative Ad Hoc Committee c. Park Avenue Redevelopment Ad Hoc Committee d. Lakeside Park Ad Hoc Committee e. Sher Funding Ad Hoc Committee 10. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 11. GENERAL MANAGER I STAFF REPORTS 12. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS I EVENTS Past Meetinas I Events 02/21/01 - Special Board Meeting 02/26/01 - ACWA Conference 02/26/01 - Operations Committee Meeting Future Meetings I Events 03/06/01 - 9:00 a.m. - Alpine County Regular Board Meeting at Markleeville 03/12/01 - 4:00 p.m. - Operations Committee Meeting at District Office 03/13/01 3.BB ...II~. - Board Budget Workshop at District Office J .:60 - 5':00 03/14/01 - 8:00 a.m. - ECC (Employee Communications Committee)Meeting at District Office 03/14/01 - 7:30 p.m. - Lahontan Regular Board Meeting at Tahoe Truckee Sanitation District 03/15/01 - 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting in City Council Chambers 13. CLOSED SESSION (Please note Closed Sessions are not open to the public) a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel: Anticipated Litiaation (two cases) b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with LeQal Counsel Existina Litiaation: Mountain Cascade Inc.. and Valley Engineers. Inc. vs. STPUD Board of Directors and STPUD. County of EI Dorado. Superior Court Case No. SC20000050 c. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with leaal Counsel Existing Litigation: Schwake vs. STPUD. Federal Case No. CV.N.93.851.DWH d. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Leaal Counsel Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO. et al. San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - MARCH 1, 2001 PAGE-3 e. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Conference with Real Property NeQotiators . Negotiating Parties: Board of Directors, Bob Baer Under Negotiation: Consideration of Property Purchase Property Identification: APN 1-080-53, APN 1-080-54, APN 1-080-56, APN 1-080-60, APN 1-200-01,APN 1-200-10,APN 1-200-11 14. ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 15. ADJOURNMENT (The Board will adjourn to the next regular meeting, March 15, 2001 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified. Participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during "Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not included on agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting. Tape recordings are made of each Board meeting and these tapes are retained in the Board Clerk's office for two years. South Tahoe Public Utility District .1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150. Phone 530.544.6474. Facsimile 530.541.0614 ~ CONSENT CALENDAR MARCH 1, 2001 ITEMS 'p,p-', ,,'.., '-"""<<'-','''''''>0/i'''''''''_'' "-'.. ~""~'--,,.,', REQUESTED ACTION "",~.".'" """"",-.",:,,",,^,,,' ",",,,",,.,, -" Authorize Implementation of the Two- Week Disconnection Procedures for Delinquent Accounts Authorize Implementation of the Two- Week Disconnection Procedures on the Property Located at 2143 Eloise Ave, APN 23-201-60 Authorize Implementation of the Two- Week Disconnection Procedures on the Property Located at 3819 Saddle Road, APN 30-363-211 Approve Notice of Exemption Authorize Staff to Advertise for Construction Bids Authorize Staff to Advertise for Construction Bids Authorize Staff to Advertise for Construction Bids Approve Disclaimer of Interest South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150. Phone 530.544.6474. Facsimile 530.541-0614 a. Disconnection Procedures for Delinquent Sewer and/or Water Accounts (Christine Garcia) b. Water Disconnection Procedures: Failure to Perform Annual Backflow Assembly(ies) Test (Tim Rieger) Water Disconnection Procedures: Failure to Perform Annual Backflow Assembly(ies) Test (David Johnson) d. Park Avenue Redevelopment Phase 2 Waterline (Nick Zaninovich) e. Forest Mountain Tank Construction (John Thiel) f. Gardner Mountain Tank and Waterline Replacement (John Thiel) g. Henderson Well (John Thiel) h. Disclaimer of Interest of Defendant South Tahoe Public Utility District, Successor in Interest to Tahoe Southside Water Company (Diane Noble) SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Christine Garcia. Customer Service RE: BOARD MEETING: March 1. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: a. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR DELINQUENT SEWER AND/OR WATER ACCOUNTS REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize implementation of the two-week disconnection procedures for delinauent accounts DISCUSSION: The accounts on the accompanying list are all seriously delinauent. The appropriate parties have been sent a two (2) week notice of this meeting by certified mail in accordance with the District Administrative Code sections providing for payment and collection of water. sewer. and street lighting charaes. If some of the accounts are paid for prior to the Board meeting. staff will present a revised list to the Board on the day of the Board meeting. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: List of delinauent accounts ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTE:~ GENERAL MANAGER: YES 0 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES'f,f'r~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER X \., ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS March 1, 2001 ITEM ACCT # ACCT NAME SERVICE ADD AMT DUE 1 , , 22-082-06-009-01 Thorne Huck 350 Beach Dr $245.45 2 22-231-30-002-01 Steve Perry 448 Emerald Bav Rd $310.19 :3 ".., n..301~u..003~01 .,.. ZahraMikailli' ....... ,.,..2051-. Aloha'Ave..-.. --...--.----.---.$-205.1-7--...-,---,------..-.--_ -...4,,'---.23-ll-1-J.9-00(j 01 -Mel-v-in-Laub- 2O-26.bukins-Way --$ 5 23-141-11-002-01 Don Morris 664 Eloise Ave $231.68 6 23-141-25-002-01 Christian Brackett 618 Eloise Ave $294.54 7 23-161-20-001-01 Richard Munk 780 Eloise Ave $236.51 ~ 23-162..13-004-01 Lottie Linder 757 Glorene Ave $324.05 9 lJ 2J 1 Olj 001 01 50's Drive la 2199 Lake Tahoe Bhd $542.18 10 23-251-08-005-01 Leslie Castruita 2280 Lake Tahoe BLvd $386.68 11 23-311-52-005-01 Kenneth Wood 931 Third St $194.14 12 23-321..20-001-01 Tahoe Manor Guest Home 586 Glorene Ave $1211.74 13 23-341-19..001-01 Denise Rond 842 Glorene Ave $386.56 14 23-511-09-000-01 Robert Hindmarch 859 Clement St $198.96 15 23-561-19-004-01 Garv Lomba 701 Patricia Ln $231.68 16 23-573-07-004-01 Elaine Steohens 846 Patricia Ln $231.68 -l-7 23 692 14 997 91 An!da Repetto 774 .J sHe La $232.43 18 23-611-15..005-01 M Gra! 1860 Tenth St $362.14 . 19 23-653-11-006-01 Vivianne Sulezich 824 Tahoe Island Dr $210.95 ''''1 r 20 23-691-09-000-01 Georl!e Swett 610 Gardner St $182.17 \.., 23-694-24-003-01 Nina Tanner 726 Wentworth Ave $200.32 22 23-733-20-007-01 William Buell 2349 Orel!on Ave $199.19 ~ 23-743-21-004-01 Diane 0 Connor 2290 Utah Ave $375.70 p.~ 24 2 -763-06-003-01 Bill Ross 838 Tahoe Kevs Blvd $195.80 25 23-802-11-009-01 J ames Stokes 917 Gardner 8t $199.25 26 23-902-14-001-01 Merritt Johns 2304 Oreg:on Ave $182.28 27 23-903-13-001-01 Kurt Holobaug:h 2288 Washing:ton Ave $198.96 28 25-214-01-006-01 Harrv Winchell 1381 Walkup Rd $278.22 29 25-231-18-004-01 Noralvn Tumbag:a 1276 Herbert Ave $184.44 30 25-282-15-003-01 Gwendolvn Conant 3747 Woodbine $205.25 31 25-282-15-003-01 Albert Robello 2771 Hank Monk Ave $216.89 32 25-341-14-000-01 Fischer Revocable Trust 1339 Meadow Crest Dr $281.34 33 25-371-03-000-01 Ethel Tribe 1191 Jobs Peak Ave $205.25 34 25-372-07-009-01 Laurie Andriso 3245 Marlette Cir $308.66 35 25-372-24-004-01 Thomas Buiak 3309 Marlette Cir $198.96 3f 25-372-25-001-01 Richard Dickinson 3313 Marlette Ave $191.58 3'r 25-375-10-006-01 Peter Oliver 1200 Jobs Peak Dr $218.86 38 25-375-19-007-01 Georee Clark 1208 Jobs Peak Dr $227.23 39 25-375-26-002-01 Loren Maxwell 3353 Heavenlv Vallev Rd $198.96 40 25-394-08-001-01 Rosie Jones 3384 Bruce Dr $253.41 41 25-395-08-008-01 James Allan 3386 Janet Dr $223.41 42 25-4S1-U-Oa1~61 Pbil-Monos 2661 Cald-C-reek l'r $114.19 43 25-481-37-005-01 Laurv Olivas 1671 Glenwood Wv $225.53 44 2~-~41-2S-66t-61 J auu::l v-.'hil.: 3497 API it Dr $224.47 45 25-541-32-007-01 Nibour McKenna 3575 Bode Dr $227.56 46 25-542-03-006-01 Willard Wax 3473 Anne 8t $306.12 47 25-702-08-005-01 Blackman & Maxwell 1129 Herbert Ave #B $291.37 48 25- 734-17 -009-01 Joann Garcia 2400 Sutter Tr $350.44 49 25-744-13-007-01 John Barba 2298 Sutter Tr $208.33 -~ 25-762-01=004-01 --Natatie-~k 1449 FI ian-t Dr $208.4J ~ 25-821-10-009-01 Jane Buchbinder 2264 Wat!:on Train Tr $205.25 52 25-831-07-004-01 Tracv Lachapelle 2493 Lupine Tr $205.25 53 25-891-24-003-01 Maria Minelli 1410 Ski Run Blvd $390.48 54 26-025-12-002-01 Marilvn Keller 773 Merced Ave $349.54 55 26-046-11-000-01 Todd Griffith 980 Lakeview Ave $186.97 56 26-067-04-001-01 Dennis Sheehan 728 Tallac Ave $198.96 57 26-072-24-009-01 Scott Kirkman 3141 Sacramento Ave $195.26 58 26-073-27-000-01 Gordon Ito 889 Alameda Ave $184.25 59 26-092-18-009-01 Elizabeth Dorrell 720 San Francisco Ave $345.55 60 26-093-12-000-01 James McDonnel 3069 Fresno Ave $796.58 61 26-097-15-004-01 M.L. Slater 725 Stanford Ave $197.14 62 26-109-14-000-01 Helen Ebert 3025 Oakland Ave $211.39 63 %6-UJ-18-889~01 F-F-edffie-Mereado----6-9l-El-DoI:ado...Ave $184.62.._____,____________ \; 26-146-14-882-&1 William Tavlor 2926 Sllcramento-Ave $W6.31 65 %6-153-6"1-882-81 GAl. IIAI dl!l1l1 C 2886 OaltJaRd "'\ve $198.96 66 26-251-12-004-01 Harrv Pimenthal 969 Star Lake Ave $200.45 67 26-263-06-001-01 Robert Ormaas 2901 Freel Peak Ave $205.25 68 26-280-06-005-01 Kenneth J en!! 953 Lakeview Ave $227.23 69 TOTAL DUE $18279.48 \., ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS March 1. 2001 .rEM ACCT # ACCT NAME SERVICE ADD A1\1T DUE l 22-082-06-009-01 Thorne Huck 350 Beach Dr $245.45 2 22-231-30-002-01 Steve Perrv 448 Emerald Bav Rd $310.19 3 22-301-11-003-01 Zahra Mikailli 2051 Aloha Ave $205.77 4 23-111-39-006-01 Melvin Laub 2026 Lukins Wav $312.89 5 23-141-11-002-01 Don Morris 664 Eloise Ave $231.68 6 23-141-25-002-01 Christian Brackett 618 Eloise Ave $294.54 7 23-161-20-001-01 Richard Munk 780 Eloise Ave $236.51 8 23-162-13-004-01 Lottie Linder 757 Glorene Ave $324.05 9 23-231-06-001-01 50's Drive-In 2100 Lake Tahoe Blvd $542.10 10 23-251-08-005-01 Leslie Castruita 2280 Lake Tahoe BLvd $386.68 11 23-311-52-005-01 Kenneth Wood 931 Third St $194.14 12 23-321-20-001-01 Tahoe Manor Guest Home 586 Glorene Ave $1211.74 13 23-341-19-001-01 Denise Rond 842 Glorene Ave $386.56 14 23-511-09-000-01 Robert Hindmarch 859 Clement St $198.96 :'..5 23-561-19-004-01 Garv Lomba 701 Patricia Ln $231.68 :..6 23-573-07-004-01 Elaine Stephens 846 Patricia Ln $231.68 :..7 23-602-14-007-01 Anl!ela Repetto 774 Julie Ln $232.43 ~8 23-611-15-005-01 M Graf 1860 Tenth St $362.14 :"9 23-653-11-006-01 Vivianne Sulezich 824 Tahoe Island Dr $210.95 :.0 23-691-09-000-01 Georl!e Swett 610 Gardner St $182.17 :'1 23-694-24-003-01 Nina Tanner 726 Wentworth Ave $200.32 2 23-733-20-007-01 William Buell 2349 Orel!on Ave $199.19 '~ 23 23-743-21-004-01 Diane 0 Connor 2290 Utah Ave $375.70 24 23-763-06-003-01 Bill Ross 838 Tahoe Kevs Blvd $195.80 25 23-802-11-009-01 James Stokes 917 Gardner St $199.25 26 23-902-14-001-01 Merritt Johns 2304 Ore!!on Ave $182.28 27 23-903-13-001-01 Kurt Holobau!!h 2288 Washin!!ton Ave $198.96 28 25-214-01-006-01 Harrv Winchell 1381 Walkup Rd $278.22 29 25-231-18-004-01 N oralvn Tumba!!a 1276 Herbert Ave $184.44 30 25-282-15-003-01 Gwendolvn Conant 3747 Woodbine $205.25 31 25-282-15-003-01 Albert Robello 2771 Hank Monk Ave $216.89 32 25-341-14-000-01 Fischer Revocable Trust 1339 Meadow Crest Dr $281.34 33 25-371-03-000-01 Ethel Tribe 1191 Jobs Peak Ave $205.25 34 25-372-07-009-01 Laurie Andriso 3245 Marlette Cir $308.66 35 25-372-24-004-01 Thomas Buiak 3309 Marlette Cir $198.96 36 25-372-25-001-01 Richard Dickinson 3313 Marlette Ave $191.58 37 25-375-10-006-01 Peter Oliver 1200 Jobs Peak Dr $218.86 38 25-375-19-007-01 Geor!!e Clark 1208 Jobs Peak Dr $227.23 39 25-375-26-002-01 Loren Maxwell 3353 Heavenlv Vallev Rd $198.96 40 25-394-08-001-01 Rosie Jones 3384 Bruce Dr $253.41 41 25-395-08-008-01 J ames Allan 3386 Janet Dr $223.41 42 25-451-12-001-01 Phil Monos 2661 Cold Creek Tr $224.19 43 25-481-37-005-01 Laurv Olivas 1671 Glenwood Wv $225.53 44 25-541-25-001-01 James White 3497 April Dr $224.47 45 25-541-32-007-01 Nibour McKenna 3575 Bode Dr $227.56 46 25-542-03-006-01 Willard Wax 3473 Anne St $306.12 47 25-702-08-005-01 Blackman & Maxwell 1129 Herbert Ave #B $291.37 48 25-734-17-009-01 Joann Garcia 2400 Sutter Tr $350.44 49 25-744-13-007-01 John Barba 2298 Sutter Tr $208.33 50 25-762-01-004-01 Natalie Rokusek 1449 Friant Dr $208.43 51 25-821-10-009-01 Jane Buchbinder 2264 Wae:on Train Tr $205.25 52 25-831-07-004-01 Tracy Lachaoelle 2493 Luoine Tr $205.25 53 25-891-24-003-01 Maria Minelli 1410 Ski Run Blyd $390.48 54 26-025-12-002-01 Marilyn Keller 773 Merced Ave $349.54 55 26-046-11-000-01 Todd Griffith 980 Lakeview Ave $186.97 56 26-067-04-001-01 Dennis Sheehan 728 Tallac Ave $198.96 57 26-072-24-009-01 Scott Kirkman 3141 Sacramento Ave $195.26 58 26-073-27-000-01 Gordon Ito 889 Alameda Ave $184.25 59 26-092-18-009-01 Elizabeth Dorrell 720 San Francisco Ave $345.55 60 26-093-12-000-01 James McDonnel 3069 Fresno Ave $796.58 61 26-097-15-004-01 M.L. Slater 725 Stanford Ave $197.14 62 26-109-14-000-01 Helen Ebert 3025 Oakland Ave $211.39 63 26-123-10-009-01 Frederic Mercado 691 EI Dorado Ave $184.62 64 26-146-14-002-01 William Tavlor 2926 Sacramento Ave $196.31 65 26-153-07-002-01 Garv Harde:rave 2886 Oakland Ave $198.96 66 26-251-12-004-01 Harry Pimenthal 969 Star Lake Ave $200.45 67 26-263-06-001-01 Robert Ormaas 2901 Freel Peak Ave $205.25 68 26-280-06-005-01 Kenneth Jene: 953 Lakeview Ave $227.23 69 TOTAL DUE $18279.48 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Tim Rieger. Insoections Suoervisor RE: BOARD MEETING March 1. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: b. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: WATER DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES: FAILURE TO PERFORM ANNUAL BACKFLOW ASSEMBL Y(IES) TEST REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize implementation of the two-week disconnection orocedures on the oroperty located at 2143 Eloise Ave. APN 23-201-60 DISCUSSION: The prooertv owner has failed to oerform the annual test(s) on backflow orevention assemblv(ies). as required under State law and District Administrative Code 3.3.9 SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Letters of Correspondence ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~~ft.. ~ NO / CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~ 1J-1/~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER L..cK l11lliV lVLi-\.l1... ~'~ '~ ~ "', ~ '. -,;.:--... '. ..~.~-..' ")\>.')'" '\'. -',:,",- '\", / i' ~,~ " ~~ u February 9, 2001 South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530541-0614 Alan Moss PO Box 15360 South Lake Tahoe CA 96151-5360 Subject: 2143 Eloise Ave APN: 23-201-60 Dear Mr. Moss, You are in danger of having your water service disconnected. Please be advised that on March 1,2001 at 2:00 p.m. there will be a meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. The meeting is being held in the City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. At the meeting staff will make a request to the Board of Directors to authorize disconnection proceedings of your water service. On December 15, 2000, the District Inspectors notified you of the annual requirement to test approved backflow assembly(ies) on the water service line to your property. To my knowledge, this test has not been completed. If you have completed the test, please call the District Inspections Department immediately, because we show no record of it. To avoid disconnection proceedings, please have all required tests completed immediately and send the necessary test reports to our office. The annual tests ensure the proper operation of devices that protect the municipal water supply from potential sources of backflow contamination. No further extensions can be granted. As explained in your initial test due letter, the administrative costs of enforcement are now being assessed to your account. All enforcement costs will be added to your regular water account with the District. To avoid any further costs, your immediate attention is required. You may appeal your case to the Board of Directors by attending a scheduled Board meeting. If you plan to attend the meeting, please contact the Clerk of the Board no later than February 20,2001 at (530) 544-6474. Sincerely, ,-, d0J f-r--- Tim Rieger Inspections Supervisor TR:mm T:\Minister\CUSTSVC\ TIM\SDMTDIC. TR.wpd --' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRlCT 1950-2000 50 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe,California 96150 Phone (530) 544-6474' Fax (530) 541-0614 12/15/2000 Occupancy Type: INDUS Alan Moss 2143 Eloise Ave P.O. Box 15363 So. Lake Tahoe CA 96157-5360 Attention: Alan Moss Subject: ANNUAL TEST FOR BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES As a courtesy to customers, the District sends an annual reminder of testing requirements for backflow prevention assemblies. Please be informed that your backflow assembly described below is due for its perodic test as required by STPUD and California state law. I have enclosed a list of certified cross-connection control testers for your use. The tester you select will need to complete the necessary reports during the test and provide copies of the test results to you, the Health Department, and the Utility District, plus retain a copy for his files. If the test discloses that the assembly is not operating properly, please have the necessary repairs made and the assembly retested. The test ensures the proper operation of backflow assemblies that protect municipal water supplies from possible contamination. Please have all testing completed by the due date listed below. Failure to comply could result in interruption of water service and administrative costs. Thank you. ~. f~--.. Tlffi Rleger Inspector ============================================================================ Authority: South Tahoe Public Utility District Administrative Code 3.3.9 Test Due Date: 1/27/2001 Service Number: 23-201-601 Backflow Preventer Ty~e: RP Assembly Number: 240981 Meter: Y I SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: David Johnson. Insoector RE: BOARD MEETING March 1. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: c. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: WATER DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES: FAILURE TO PERFORM ANNUAL BACKFLOW ASSEMBL Y(lES) TEST REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize imolementation of the two-week disconnection procedures on the orooerty located at 3819 Saddle Rd. APN 30-363-211 DISCUSSION: The orooerty owner has failed to perform the annual tests on backflow prevention assembly(ies). as reauired under State law and District Administrative Code 3.3.9. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Letters of corresoondence ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUEST~ION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES '/"--' NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: . YE Lrr~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER / '~~~'. ~) January 31, 2001 South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530541-0614 Christiana Inn c/o Omnibus Group, Inc. P.O. Box 18298 So. Lake Tahoe, CA 96151-8298 Subject: 3819 Saddle / APN 30-363-211 Dear Customer: You are in danger of having your water service disconnected. Please be advised that on March 1, 2001 at 2:00 p.m. there will be a meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. The meeting is being held in the City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Blvd, South Lake Tahoe, California. At the meeting, staff will make a request to the Board of Directors to authorize disconnection proceedings of your water service. On December 1, 2000, the District Inspectors notified you of the annual requirement to test approved backflow assembly(ies) on the water service line to your property. To my knowledge, this test has not been completed. If you have completed the test, please call the District Inspections Department immediately, because we show no record of it. To avoid disconnection proceedings, please have all required tests completed immediately and send the necessary test reports to our office. The annual tests ensure the proper operation of devices that protect the municipal water supply from potential sources of backflow contamination. No further extensions can be granted. As explained in your initial test due letter, the administrative costs of enforcement are now being assessed to your account. All enforcement costs will be added to your regular water account with the District. To avoid any further costs, your immediate attention is required. You may appeal your case to the Board of Directors by attending a scheduled Board meeting. If you plan to attend the meeting, please contact the Clerk of the Board no later than February 20, 2001. Sincerely, ," -.;, ) )~?, ,~ /' L., , ,.. ~.cl/""'~! ~'-'/J.. '/-,r7 .. ~- ~/ David Johnson Inspector mm:dj T :\MinisterlCU STSVC\LARRY\8DMTDISC.LJ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1950-2000 50 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe, California 96150 Phone (530) 544-6474 · Fax (530) 541-0614 12/ 1/2000 Occupancy Type: ASM5: Christiana Inn c/o Omnibus Group,Inc 3819 Saddle Rd P.O. Box 18298 So. Lake Tahoe CA 96151-8298 Attention: Jerold Mershon Subject: ~uAL TEST FOR BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES As a courtesy to customers, the District sends an annual reminder of testin~ requirements for backflow prevention assemblies. Please be informed that your backflow assembly described below is due for its perodic test as required by STPUD and California state law. I have enclosed a list of certified cross-connection control testers for your use. The tester you select will need to complete the necessary reports during t2: test and provide copies of the test results to you, the Health Department, and the Utility District, plus retain a copy for his files. If the test discloses that the assembly is not operating properly, please have the necessary repairs made and the assembly retested. The test ensures the proper operation of backflow assemblies that protect municipal water supplies from possible contamination. Please have all testing completed by the due date listed below. Failure to comply could result in interruption of water service and administrative costs. Thank you. ,Y2v/;J~~ David Johnson Inspector ============================================================================ Authority: South Tahoe Public Utility District Administrative Code 3.3.9 \\,0 / Test Due Date: 1/14/2001 Service Number: 30-363-211 ' Backflow Preventer Type: RP Assembly Number: 1001Fl1 Meter: Y SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Nick Zaninovich. Associate Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING March 1.2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: d. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: PARK AVENUE REDEVELOPMENT PHASE 2 WATERLINE REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Notice of Exemption DISCUSSION: Staff requests the Board approve a Notice of Exemption as required bv CEQA. This proiect is a waterline replacement. which is categorically exempt bv CEQA 15302 (c) as a Class 2 exemption. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS Notice of Exemption 2029-7027/PKWTR2 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER:. YE~rk.". NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER NOTICE OF EXEMPTION TO: Office of Planning and Research 1 400 Tenth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 FROM: So. Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 --2L County Clerk County of EI Dorado 360 Fair Lane Placerville, CA 95667 Project Title: PARK AVENUE REDEVELOPMENT PHASE II UTILITIES Project Location - Specific: Replacement of waterlines in the Stateline area - Hwy 50, Laurel Ave., Poplar Ave. and Stateline Ave. All waterlines are in paved areas. Project includes ancillary service connections, fittings and the abandonment of the old lines. Project Location - City: South Lake Tahoe Project Location - County: EI Dorado Description of nature, purpose, and beneficiaries of project: This water replacement project involves the replacement of existing water lines. The new lines are required to accommodate existing system demands for existing customers and fire flow protection. As this is a replacement project, system capacity is essentially unchanged. Name of public agency approving project: South Tahoe Public Utility District Name of person or agency carrying out project: South Tahoe Public Utility District Exempt Status: CEQA 15302 (c) Class 2 exemption - Replacement of existing facilities. Reasons why project is exempt: Replacement of existing facilities. Contact person: Nick Zaninovich, P.E. South Tahoe Public Utility District Area Code/Telephone/Extensio n (530) 544-6474 ext. 267 Associate En ineer Title SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: John Thiel. Staff Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING March 1. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: e. " "~.,._".<,.,.,.,-,, .'i..'.'-y,.",._.<.,._....ii.-:-A.,.,'.H'~:'.'.,..,,, ',/ ',...".., ..". '~'.." .. ." .. ,. "~"~'.."','"...".,,..,',..,', "" .....-...." ,~,,,y,",,,,--"""'. "~ , ITEM-PROJECT NAME: FOREST MOUNTAIN TANK CONSTRUCTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to advertise for construction bids DISCUSSION: Staff olans to construct a new 160.000 gallon welded steel tank on the foundation that was completed last summer as part of the pump station reolacement proiect. The old Forest Mountain tank will be demolished after the new tank is placed on-line. The new tank. in coniunction with the new pump station and diesel-oowered fire pumo. will provide significant fire flow improvements to the Anaora Highlands area. Staff plans to let a single tank construction contract for both the Forest Mountain and Gardner Mountain tank proiects with a seoarate contract for the Gardner Mountain site work. foundation. and oioeline replacement work. The following proiect schedule is anticioated: Advertise for bids Pre-bid Bid Opening Board Award Notice To Proceed Contract Work 4/09/01 to 4/23/01 4/23/01 4/30/01 5/03/01 5/24/01 5/24/01 to 9/22/01 SCHEDULE: See above COSTS: $150.000 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: None ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8083 FRSTTK $72.626 (2000-2001). $100.000 (2001-2002) .......,'"_.,w",_,.. ....,.. .4,..' ,....'.,.......,..,',.., ,'..."*,..", ,..."..,,,..............,,....,......,, '......... ,<> ' , :,'~ .;~ r ',,"'.. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTErN: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE ~~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: John Thiel. Staff Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING ACTION ITEM NO: March 1.2001 AGENDA ITEM: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: f. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: GARDNER MOUNTAIN TANK AND WATERLINE REPLACEMENT REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to advertise for construction bids DISCUSSION: Staff plans to reolace an old bolted steel tank on Gardner Mountain with a welded steel tank of the same size (210.000 gallons) at the same location. The existing tank is in poor condition. has been patched numerous times. and does not meet seismic code reauirements. The proiect will include the replacement of 720 LF of 6-inch steel line with new 12- inch pipe from the tank to Gardner Street to meet existing fire flow reauirements on Gardner Mountain. Staff plans to let a single tank construction contract for both the Forest Mountain and Gardner Mountain tank proiects with a separate contract for the Gardner Mountain site work. foundation. and pipeline replacement work. The following proiect schedule is anticipated: Advertise for bids 4/10/01 to 4/24/01 Pre-bid 4/24/01 Bid Opening 5/01/01 Board Award 5/03/01 Notice To Proceed 5/25/01 Construction 5/25/01 to 7/13/01 SCHEDULE: See above COSTS: $375.000 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: None ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8157 GMTNK1 $200.000 (2000-2001). $150.000 (2001-2002) ',,,,,,,,., , "^",", ~^".""" "~",""^""^",,,,,,, ,.,j..,.:"""..........h. ,,', ^",' CONCURRENCE WITH REQUEST~~ GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: John Thiel. Staff Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING March 1. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: g. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: HENDERSON WELL Authorize staff to advertise for construction bids DISCUSSION: A test well was comoleted on our Henderson prooerty last summer. Test results indicate good water Quality and the District's Hydro-Geologist has estimated production at 300 to 400 gpm. Staff plans to design and construct a oroduction well this summer with a 12-inch casing and well screen installation from 135 to 175 feet deep. Design of the control building will follow well construction under separate contract. The well drilling is scheduled as follows: Advertise for bids 3/27/01 to 4/10/01 Pre-bid 4/10/01 Bid Ooening 4/17/01 Board Award 4/19/01 Notice To Proceed 5/03/01 Well Construction 5/03/01 to 5/31/01 SCHEDULE: See above COSTS: $300.000 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: None , d, . "..,," '....4'..'..'...."........K'..'.. . h CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTE~ GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES, NO ACCOUNT NO: $250.000 (2000-2001) 2029-8184 HENDWL CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Diane Noble. Customer Service Manager RE: BOARD MEETING ACTION ITEM NO: March 1. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: h. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: DISCLAIMER OF INTEREST OF DEFENDANT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO TAHOE SOUTHSIDE WATER COMPANY REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Disclaimer of Interest DISCUSSION: The District was named in an Eminent Domain action for gondola footings and an aerial easement over Van Sickle property. We have no interest since our lines and property easement are not affected. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Disclaimer of Interest. Exhibits ~.. nil "'J1 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUEST;~ GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE (~k NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER 02,. 22,. 01 11: 08 F~,( 805 56.165 j(j--- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ... 14 ~. : :;l ~ ~ ,., ~ 0- III < 15 0 '"' 'E u ~ a s' -2 16 - ~ O! i.. ~ ~ 1" :; 17 ~ '" ::: 18 19 Hatch and Parent 1 GARY M. KVISTAD (State BarNo. 121869) SARAH J. KNECHT (State BarNo. 138275) 2 HATCH AND PARENT 21 East Carrillo Street 3 P. O. Drawer 720 Santa Barbara, CA 93101-2782 4 Telephone: (805) 963-7000 Facsimile: (805) 965-4333 5 ~009 Attorneys for Defendants South Tahoe Public Utility District, a California Special District, Successor in Interest to Defendant Tahoe Southside Water Company. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTYOFELDORADO COl;"NTY OF EL DORADO ) ) Petitioners, ) ) v. ) ) V.'\N SICKlE ENTERPRISES; SIERRA ) PACIFIC POWER COMP ANY; PACIFIC ) TELEPHONE and TELEGRAPH ) COMPANY; TAHOE SOUTHSIDE WATER ) COMPANY; PATRICY FITZGERALD; ) DONNA FITZGERALD; DOES 1 through 20 ) inclusive; ALL PERSONS UNKNO'WN ) CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN TIlE ) PROPERTY, ) ) Respondents. ) ) CASE NO. SC20000131 DISCLAIMER OF INTEREST OF DEFENDANT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO TAHOE SOUTHSIDE WATER . COMPANY [CCP 91250.325] 20 /II 21 /II 22 /II 23 /II 24 11/ 25 11/ 26 III 27 III 28 /11 1 sa 2~9013 vi: 07627.0046 DlSCLAIMER OF INTEREST 02/22/01 11:08 FAX 805 56~ 6530 Hatch and Parent ~010 1 Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure ~ 1250.325, SOUTH T AROE PUBLIC UTILITY 2 DISTRICT, a California Special District, successor in interest to defendant TAHOE 3 SOUTHSIDE WATER COMPANY, claims no interest in the property described in plaintiffs 4 complaint in this action or in any compensation that may be awarded in the above-entitled 5 proceeding. 6 DATED: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY 7 DISTRICT, a California Special District 8 9 10 11 12 13 z - 14 to.: II = c:: ~ ~ ~ .~ 15 ~ ~ c.s ::: :c ~. :z .~ ;; ~ '" -€ 16 = ~ ~ -..; :: ~ ~ "" ~ ' ~ 17 - 18 19 20 21 ")") ~... 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 S13 2$9013 vI; 07627.0046 DISCLAIMER OP INTEREST _~/22:(Jl 11:07 FAX 805 56<1 6530 Hatch and Parent . . 4-2~-2e00 l' :59AM FROM, EXHIBIT 01 A II o In.O/GO 95241-4 DESCRlPTION . Parcel 3 - Van Sickle Holdings . -. All tPat real property situate in the CoUD;ty ofEl Dorado) State of California, .. described as follows: AIl that portion. of Sections 27 ~ 34 and 35, Township 13 No~ Range 18 . East, M.DM, more partictililrly described as follows: . . . An aerial easement for gondola lift purpOses. 60.00 feet in width over and. above that portion of said SectioiJs 27; 34 aJid S5~ the' centerline ofwblch'is . .~~ooo~fullim: . .. B~Tm;"Og at a point Which bears South 66050' 11" East 770.72 feetfrom the S6.utb.west comer of Lot 2) as shown on. the map of ~ont V SubdIyision, filed for record on March 23, 1962, in Bqok C, at Paocre 89 ~ thence South 48.~9'29n East 4,012.64 feet, more or less, to a poi;1t on . the East-West centf!rime of said Section 35; the bottom. plane ofthe'verticaJ. space ~ntai:n.ed. within said easement shall be (based on N.A1J., 1929 . 'Vertica1Datum.) from elevations 5.0 feet below the erlmngn.afu:ral grOtIIld.; and 1h.e top plane of the vertical spaCe of said easerp.ent sbaIl ~ 1 OO~OO feet above the existing natora1 ground... . The.side lines oftbis ~ desaiption sb.all belengthened or shorte0.e4 to meet the grantor's property lines. ' The Basis of~earin e for this" desairltion is me above referenced ~ V. Subdivision.. . - Note: . . . Refer tbis description to your title company befure . incorporating into. any legal document. Prepared by: Turner &. Associates:r Inc. Land S~ P.O. Box 5067 State1ine~ NV 89449 . . ~OO<1 P.37 ~ ();!:;!~/(Jl 11:08 FAX...805 564 ~530 Hatch and Parent 4..:..:24-2araa 12: raePt-i FRO: EXHIBIT waif DESCRIPTION Easement for Tower Footings Van Sickle All that real property situate in the Oty of South Lake Tahoe, County of El . Dorado, State of California, described as follows: - All that portion of Sections 27,34 and 35, TO\N11ship 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.M., more particularly described as follows: . . 30 foot squares for the construction and installation of tower footings, the center points of which bear the following course~ and distances from the Section comer .> commoD to Sections 27, 34 and 35, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.M.; Tower No.6, South 74043'04" West 642.2 feet; Tower No.7, South 35041'50" West 540.0 feet, Tower No.8, South 02002'52" East741.5feet~ Tower No.9, South 22003t15'" East 1.207.0 feet; Tower No. 10, South 25021'54" East, 1,368.2 feet; Tower No. 11, South 30043'08" East 1.760.4 feet; Tower No. 12, South 35033'46'" East 2.401.7 feet; and Tower No. 13, South 38020"41" East 3,05Q.2 feet The centerline of the abo've 30 foot squares is the bearing North ~8~9'2.9" West. The Basis of Be~rjng for this description 'ls the above referenced Crescent V Subdivision. . ~005 P.3B "7, 02:22/01 11:08 FAX 805 56~ 6530 Hatch an,q. Parent 4-24-2~~0 1 2 : 1210P~-1 FRC E~.IBIT veil 01120100 95241-5 '. DESCRlPTION 20' "Access Easement- Van Sickle Holdings All that real property situate 'in the County afEl DoradoJ State of Calif~ descnoed as follows: All that portion of Sections 27, 3{, and 3511 Township 13 NortlJ,.Range 18 Eas~ M.D.M.7 more particularly descnOed. as follows: " BeE?~T1mg at a point which bears South. 66~6~0072 East 768.56 feet from the Southwest cor.o.er ofLot'~'as shown on the tnzp o'fCr~ y Suh<IivisiOD, filed for record on March 23:, 1962, in Book ell at Page 89; thence along.~e centerline South 45040' 11" East 76.94 feci; . thence South 53030'2777 East216.76,f~t; thence South 78044'32" East 223.64 feet; thence South 67008'44" East 101.86 feet; thence South 24026'26" East 127.15 feet; thence South 02018'34" West 117.70 feet; thence Soufh '05000'321l1, West 231.67 feet; fuenCe.South.14016'2S" West 382.05 feet; thence Soutb.lso56'30" West 171.77 feet; thence South 07007'03" East 107.26 feet; thence SouthS6039'4r E3st267 .790!eet; thence South. 89059'41" East 68.78 feet; . thence South 29044'38~ East 84.43 feet; . thence SOri1h 11.059'42" East 16S~06 feet; thenCe South 70Q43'22"East340.0S teet; thence South 78013'15'" East 94.SS feet; thence North 7S~O'25" East 67.94 feet; thence North 42Q16'53" East 114.04 feet; . .' thence North 7'305T29" East 43018 feet; thence South 78Q30'23" East 50..37 feet; thence North. 67032)27" East 93.SS feet; thence South 651326'26" East 102.69 feet; thence South 461317'53" East 5,8.99 feet; thence South 241324'4.5" East 87.79 feet; '. ~006 P.39 '!" '? __H.' ..l.!"" ....' 1I J. __ J..l.; . \II) r .-\.\. I) lJ ~. ~ 0 ~i 0 ~ J U ttaccn ana rarent 4-24-2000 12:01PM H"r<4:Ib-~l!MIa lb .lU.) FR _U'I-C I s-t-LI t. lkl...\Jl"!l:: th~ South 36048.26- East U4.03 feet; thence North 1~16'5~ East 135.79 feet; theD.ce North 36053'01>>" East 44.70 feet; thence North 49023' 18'" East 76.61 feet; thence Norlh 38046'Sr East 8LS6 iWt; thence North 42~1 '09'" East 1\8.40 feet to the tennimls of'this d~do~ . The side lines of this easement description ~ be letJ.8thened or shortened to meet the grantor~s property lines. The Basis of Bearing for this descrlptkm is the above ld!;l~ced Crescent V Subdivision. Note: Refer this description to your title company before.. ~rporating intO er:r.y legal document. Pl~.tIiUed by: Tumer & Associates, mo. Land Surveying P.O.Bm:SOQ7 Stat~" NY 89449 '. ~007 P.40 ~.~/~ ., Tan:t. P. e2 02:22:01 11:08 FAX 805 56,1 653.0 .._.H~J;.ch and farent ~ ~~- ~ po ~SE T!~C_ 2,. ., j...::! 0 !"~f~ i Jih~~ ~ ~ ~ i ~~ 1!1 n Si _ !i . :z.: ).l I -"-' ;"J:;l -0 Jo.,,-" >::" r"lO . ... ~ C lJl ...., lJ1 h ~ /'l /~ -oj t;9 h/ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ >'. 0 0 ~~ h/ ~ ~ Vi I'.l ;;0 .bo", ViI'V UlC1 2 o ..... .....~ .... . 00 N }o.:7 no 'N ,4') r;:; 0'" ~~ -# ~~ -4.'1. ~~ -oj o ~ ;;0 z o t..< I'J t.o~ -...1-. .0 ON >:-:" nO . ..... .... : II 0 ~ <s IJt ' o o. 0'), ,J..^- 4- ~'y Q-<- ~ -I 0 ~ :z en ;;!; -0 VI Z 0 ;;0 .x ::0 r'l > z X C"'l ('T1 CXl I - fT'1 OJ > VI -! ---1 ~ ~ ~ ~ I4J 008 . . (J.... Vl .... n> >-1 ,..-[T\ JO ir~ >(') z> lJ)C ..., o ::0 ~ :> Action Item 7.a Payment of Claims March 1, 2001 Ck# Amount Name FOR APPROVAL MARCH 1,2001 Total Payroll 02121/01 Total Payroll Cost Containment IGI Total Vendor EFT Accounts Payable Checks Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks Self-funded Ins Accounts Payable Checks Grant Funds Total Accounts Payable PAYROLL RELATED CHECKS 02/21/01 EFT EFT EFT #36586 EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT #36587 #36588 #36589 EFT EFT URM & Dependent Care/AFLAC Employment Dev Dept Direct Deposit Child Support Collection Program The Hartford ManuLife Pension Loan Payments ManuLife Pension Orchard Trust Co. US Bank Stanislaus Co Family Support Div Stationary Engineers Local 39 Diane Noble Time Out Fitness United Way Net Payroll Adjustments Sub-total ACCT\DH\QPSPREAQ\PMTOFCLM. WB222.Feb-01 $297.412.76 $297,412.76 $31,687.11 52,559.24 $52,559.24 $149.413.74 72,613.82 0.00 11,019.79 $233,047.35 Grand Total $583,019.35 1,282.96 12,986.34 119,626.36 37.50 1,348.84 6,552.50 43,049.52 10,312.43 68,717.72 172.00 2,798.94 388.84 56.00 31.28 30,052.53 (1.00) $297,412.76 ;hu, FEE.: He, a.00l, Am Default Selectichi' Ch4ck 5ro„:1, IP AP , C.J. MO,HU. Vendor Name Ac,--cN.mt 4 Dvpavtmilt - I it T o2,'16/200I-03/01/2001 Page 1 L110-42 41257----proo. CKSO9 <1A06>--report CKRECSPC A P G ANALYTICAL PRODUCT GROUP 10-07-4760 LABORATORY LABORATORY SUPPLIES 20-07-4760 EABOI:ATONY LAII0PATOWY SUPPLIES Check A U DIRECT 10-11-8102 ONNEPI,RCONE NEP6IP ADVANCED POLYMER SYS INC 10-07-4760 LABORATORY ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE COMPANY 20•07-4760 LABORATORY 10-00-6520 GENERAL 4 ADMINISTRATION 20-00-65E0 CENEPAL ADMINISTRATION rot &1 N.! Amount ...Check 246.00 240.00 486.00 00046020 MW 44.4 366.54 . • 01,:k Total: 366.54 00046021 MW 0 ,■-..,k L7.1 LADOR(,,TORY SUPPLIEC 213.04 LABOI:ATORY SUPPLIES 137.39 Check Total: 350.43 00046022 MW ,,a) SUPPLIES 99.00 N",) I...! SUPPLIEI: 66.00 Check Total: 165. 00 . 00046023. ,mw ALPINE SANITARY SUPPLY 10-00-6520 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION SUPPLIES 20-00-6520 GENERAL 4 AOMIMISTRATION SUPPLiES 10-04-6071 HEAVY hAiN■LNANCE SNOP SUPPLIES Check Total: AMERIGAS - 60 LAKE TAHOE 10-28-6360 ALPINE COUNTY PROPANE Check Total: APPLEWOOD SEED CO 20-27-6660 DISTRICT INFORMATION WATER CONSFRvATION EXPENSE AVAYA FINANCIAL SERVICES 10-39-6709 FINANCE 10-7;9-6710 FINANCE AVISTA UTILITIES Check Total: LOAN PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS INTEREST EXPENs..E. Check Total; 10-00-6350 GENERAL 4 ADMINISTRATION NATURAL CAS 20-00-6350 GENERAL 4 ADMINISTRATION NATOF.AL GAS; B S P THERMAL SYSTEMS MCL. 10-06-E024 OERATIONS BACHELDER,.JON C 10-02-6200 PDMP$ 20-02-6200 'NNP'-. BAER, ROBERT G 20-21-6200 ADMINISTRATION BANK OF AMERICA 10-00-1506 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 20-00-1510 GENERAL 4 ADMINISTRATION BARNSTEAD/THERMOLYNE CORP 10-03-6022 ELECTRICAL SHOP Chcck Total' FURNACE 5L-41IPMNT Check Total: TRAVEL/MEETING:F5UCATION (PAVEL NEETINGSUCATIoN rhecl, Total: 79.44 ,A 79.,42 813_36 - .„ 972.22 00046024 MW 58.85 58.85 00046025 MW 11( 569.62 ' • 569.62 00046026 MW N' - 144, 562.24 127.74 , 689.98 00046027 MW 6,366.70 231.95, 6,598.65 00046028 MU 2,528.96 2,528.96 00046029 MW 1-N1 35.00 35.00 70.00 00046030 MW TRAAN2L/NEETINGS/EDUCATION 106.00 Check Total: 106.00 00046031 MW TRPA SECURITY OEPOSIT TRPA SECURITY DEPOSIT Check Total: SECONDARY EOUIPMENT Check Total: 30,000.00 15,000.00 45,000.00 00046032 MW •N; ■ • 146.66 .146.66 00046033 MW .A.' Page 2 too, rEE 200,, 10 33 Ali --feq DEURIF-- 1y ;L c110=la CKS09 (1A06>--report Id: CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stuck ID: AP , Check Ty;%,.:.- 1111,HO,R",VN Vendor Name Account 4 Deparimoot De:ecription BAY TOOL & SUPPLY INC 10-00-0421 GENERAL S ADMINISTRATION ':;110P SUPPLY INVENTORY 10-00-04:23 GENERAL 4 ADMINIBIRATION SHALL TOOLS INVENTORY Check Total: BERRY-HINCKLEY INDUSTRIES 10-00-0415 GENERAL 4 ADNINISTATION 10-00-0416 CENEPAL ADMINISTRATION BI STATE PROPANE GASOLINE INVENTORY DILSEL INVENTORY Check Total: 20-01--63(0 UNDERGROUND REPAIR PROPANE CALIF DEPT OF GENERAL SERVICES 10-01-8101 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-23-8124 ALPINE COMITY 10-01-8102 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20-01-8138 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-02-8155 PUMPS 10-02-8154 PUMPS CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT CAROLLO ENGINEERS CARSON PUMP CHEMEX LABS CHEMSEARCH INC CHEVRON USA CIBA SPECIALTY CHEMICALS 10-07-6110 LABORATOR',' 20-07-61Iv LABORATORY 20-E9-1::6.::4 ENGINEERING 20-29-7001 ENGINEERING 90-96-8947 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT 90-98-6S29 EFORT PIPELINE GRANT 90-98-8B2a EXPORT PIPELINE C.FINT 20-2-8067i ENGINEERING 10-29-7024 ENGINEERING Check Total: REPL TRUCK #20 REPLACE VEHICLE 42 REPL TRUCK #44 REPL TRUCK #35 REPL TRUCK 46 REPL TPUCI% 30 Check Total: MONITORING MONITORING WA1ER RE';OUECES PxPLORATION Check Tot.e.i: PUMP HOUSE, GARD MTN WELL A LINE MUIR TO UTPS BLINE PHAE. TI DIP TO END BLINE PW.) III LPPS-CAMPGROUN TANK, FORET MTN - REPLACE qEHAEg Dir.,;ESTER/SLUDG STRG TN Check Total: 20-02-7026 FUMES 1ENT1NEL WELL, APACHE 20-0-6050 EII.CTRICAL SHCP 10-07-6110 LABORATORY 10-f12-6071 ponF, 20-02-60T1 POOPS 10-01-4610 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20-01-4610 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-06-4720 OPERATIONS Check Total. Amount Check # __Type 19.16 52.64 71.80 00046034 MW f 2.24'2,35 3,413.45 5,655.80 00046035 MW 81.10 81.10 00046036 MW 224.40 224.40 265.56 270.02 144.56 179.58 . 1,308.52 00046037 MW 24.20 34.80 1. if 24.50 83.50 00046038 MW -154.43 1,314.10 940.00 5,576.98 67.00 3,202.00 10,945.65 00046039 MW 7E0.00 302.40 1,052.40 00046040 MW MONITORING 119.70 '_-:HOP SUPPLIES GASOLINE GA:)OLINE POLYMER check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 119.70 00046041 MW 106.63 106.68 213.31 00046042 MW • 8.99 8.98 17.97 00046043 MW 10,847.23 10,847.23 00046044 MW i..1; V I. i; RPOR J._/16,-:001-0_:,/01,2001 Page 3 THU, FEN 10.J3 AM --req LF:14,5;E- -lec! IL- .1o.. 21104c: 4J2S7----prog: CKL509 :1A06)--report id CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID' AP , Check T,ice.7, MU 11::,RV,V11 Vendor. Name COBRA PRO --_-_-_-_-_-_-_^ Account # DE•partcaiit,t 10-22-440E HUMAN RESOURCES -4107; HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR CUFVA6, BENITO A 20-01-6c:00 UNDYRCFC'uND EKAIR j DAVI LABORATORIES DELL COMPUTER CORP_ DICK'S FULLER - 20-29-80,81 ENC,INEERINC, FOOIPHENT REPAIR 10-03-8178 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10-01-6073 UNOERGROUND REPAIR 10-02-6040 ROMPS DIONEX CORP 10-07-4760 LABORATORY 20-07-4760 LAOORATORY E I N PUBLISHING 10-27-4830 CIITRICT INFORMATION 20-27-4030 111sTRICT INFORMATION EAGLE VALLEY FRAMES EL DORADO COUNTY Dec,cLpTicn CONTRACTHAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SEEVICES Check Total: Amount Check * .Type 24.00 16.00 40.00 00046045 MW 14-.AVEL,NEETINc,S/EDUCATION 32.00 Check Total: 32.00 00046046 MW OATER RESOURCES EXPLORATION 661.50 Check Total: 661.50 00046047 MW 1:LPL COMPUTER, IS SPARE rEFL COMP ELEC SHOP Check Total: 1,814.72 1,569.69 3,384.41 00046048 MW SMALL TOOLI5 41.94 LUTHER RASE- PUMP STATION 18.78 1+ ._, Check Total, _ 60.72 00046049. _MU______ LABORATORY SUPPLIES LAGOPATORY SUPPLIES Check Total: :41BSC,RIPTI0W, EXFENSE SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE Check Totz;l: 10-06-4820 OPERATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: 10-02-66E0 PUMPS OPERATING PERMITS Check Total EL DORADO COUNTY 20-29-7027 ENGINEERING ELECTRICAL SPECIALTY PARTS 20-01-e073 1INDEP6RCUND REPAIR EMED CO 10-0L-607'. OFFRA11oNF. -- FAST FABRICATORS INC. 10-02-29F,17 PUMR FEDEX 20-02-4816 PUMPS 10-27-4010 DITRICT INFORMATION 20-27-4810 DISTRICT INFORMATION 10-38-4810 CUSTOMER SERVICE 546.79 364.52 911.31 00046050 MW 162.00 108.00 270.00 00046051 MW 85.49 35.49 00046052 MW 848.00 848.00 00046053 MW WATERLINE, PARK AVE PHASE II 35.00 SMALL TOOLS Check Iota'. Ve-ador. Total: Check Total, SArElY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS Check Total: BIJOU 1'6; EQUIP UPGRADE Check Total POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPEW,ES 35.00 00046054 MW 883.00 187.69 187.69 00046055 MW 310,40 _ 310.40 00046056 MW 1;141.69 • 1,141.69 00046057 MW 18.03 8.30 5,53 .30.55 +.■ I 1u, ;72001, 10.3'2 ,01 --cea OWAit Default Selection. Check Siock ID: AP ; Check Tvr..,:,s. MW,HD,Rv,UH ___yendor Naffle, Account # Dep.artment FISHER SCIENTIFIC FRYE, WILLIAM GLOBAL DATA SPECIALISTS GOOD CHEVROLET GRAY, MARK 8 H F SCIENTIFIC INC H S I GEOTRANS HANSEN INFO TECHNOLOGIES HARDING ESE INC. HENDERSON, DEBBIE 20-36-4610 20-19-4620 10-21-4810 20-21-4610 10-27-4B10 20-37-4810 10-29-4810 20-29-4610 lo-2a-e168 JA-29-7021 LJO--JS-6G29 CIKTOMER SERVICE BoARD OF DIRECTORS ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION INfORMAT1uN SYSTEMS InFoRrinTioN SYSTEMS ENGINEERING ENC:INEERINt.; ALPINE COUNTY ENGINEE11Ni4 EXRCAT RIEELINE GRANT 10-07-4760 LABORATORy -o7-'1r0 LASONATOWV 10-27-6200 INFORMATIoN 20-77-6200 INFORMATION 5TENS 10-02-8987 PUMPS 10-02-8154 PUMPS lo-02-6200 PUMPS ie0-02-6200 PUMPS 10-06-6025 OPERATIONS 10-29-8170 ENGINEERING 10-29-6171 ENGINEEPINC, 20-01-8185 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20-36-8161 CO:IIOMER SERVICE 10-37-6260 :MFORMATION SYSTEMS 20-37-6200 1MFGPMATION -..;ysfEm5 10-02-6200 PUMPS 20-02-6400 PUMPS 20729-7027 EWflNEERING 10-79-6200 FINANCE • 2061-(3/01/261 4JLE-e----prog. CR509 (1A06)--report Id: 4 CKRECSPC Amount Check w Type - _ POSTAGE EXPENSES 0FF10E ':,UFPL1ES T'OslAGE: EPENES POS1'AGE C4I''ENSEs Puc,AACE ExPENSE', PCISTA6E EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES FOSTA, EXPF:N, 1CR STUDY PUMP MOUSE, GARD -1 WELL 01. 1116. PHASE 11 DTP IQ END Check Total: LABonATDRY SUPPLIES LABOVATONY %UrrLIES Ch(-I Total; TRAVEL/HEETIMW;;EEUCATION TRAVEL/MEET1NG3/EDUCATION Check Total: RIJOU PS EflUIP UPGRADE Gh&c.1: Total: OEPL. TRUCK 30 Checl; Total.) TRAVEL:MEETINCS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION Check Total; LABORATORY EOUIPMENT Check Total: APCVIEW METUORK ANALYST ARCVIEW SPATIAL ANALYST GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM GIS PILOT PROD Check Total: 26AvEL/ME!-FIN6/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL'MEETINGS/EDUCATION 11.16. Check Total: OKTERLINE, PARK AVE PHASE II check Total: TRAVEL:MEETINGS/EDUCATION 20.26 55.65 7.22 4.88 24.79 16.53 10.5? 10.52 22.72 58.26 309.26 00046058 MW 193,50 5.45 198.95 00046059 MW 38.40 25.60 64,00 00046060 M4 ?-j 3:1 k 5,875.00 .5,075_00 .00046061 M11 _ ).7; . 121 19,005.06 .19.005.06., 00046063 MW 66.42 66.42 00046064 MW 27.00 27.00 54.00 59.33 59.33 237.31 237.31 593.28 00046065 MW 39.00 26.00 32.50 32,50 130.00 5,544.00 5,544.00 26.40 00046066 MW 00046067 MW • • THO, FEb c.. o01, 1033 AM OW.L]t- - G1.509 (1A06--report id: CKRECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID AP , Check Tee. MW,HU,PV,vH Vendor Name 1". HEWLETT PACKARD HUGO BONDED LOCKSMITH HU,8SMANN, NANCY INSTY-FRINTS INTERSTATE SAFETY 4 SUPPLY L PRO KLEEN INC JOB'S PEAK PRIMARY CARE Account 11 Department 20-39-62)0 FINANCE 10-37-6030 INFORMAlICN SYSTEMS 20-.37-60710 INFORMATION SlkliS 20-02-6054 PUMPS 20-01-6071 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-22-6200 HUMAN RESOURCES 2o-a2-Ceo0 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 20-29-3100 ENGINEERING 10-00-0421 GENERAL 1 ADMINISTRATION 10-29-6077 FINANCE 107.1976074 FINANCE 20-39-0074 FINANCE 10-01-6075 UNDERGROUND REPAIR .20-01-6075 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-02-6075PUMPS 20-02-6075 PUMPS 10-02-6075 ELECTRICAL :-4-10P 20•02-6075_ELECT1ICAL SHOP 10-06-6075 OPERATIONS 10-29-6075 ENGINEERING 20-29-6075 ENGINEERING JOHNSON PERKINS AASSOC. INC_ 10-28-6285 ALPINE COUNT( JORDAN'S TRUCK & TRAILER EQUIP 10-01-6101 hNOIRGRoUND REPAIR 10-01-8102 UNDERGROUND REPAIR KRLT&KOWLRADIO 20-27-6660 DISTRICT INFORMATION KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS INC 10-28-sae5 ALPINE COUNTY 10-28-S168 ALPINE COUNTY De:5crip1 ioo TPAVEL/NEETINGS/COuCATION Check Total: ER■iIr:E CONTRACTS SLRVICE kONTRACTs Check Total REPAIR/HNTC WATER TANKS SHOP SUPPLIES Check Total: TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/HEETINGS/EDUCATION Check Total: WATERLINE, GARDNER MTN PHS I Check Total: SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY INVENTORY FREIGHT/DISCOUNTS Check Total: JANITORIAL SERVICES JANITORIAL SERVICES Check Total SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS SAFETY LQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS SAFETY ENUIPMENT/PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS SAFETY E0UIPMENT/PHYS1CALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS FAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS Check Total: ALPINE CNTY MASTER PLAN C.h,4ck Total: PEPL TKIJr:V REPL TRUCK 4q4 Check Total: WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE Check Total: ALPINE CNTY MASTER PLAN ICR STUDY Chuck Total: Amount Check W TYPe 17.60 44,00 00046068 MW 478.43 136 33 614.76 00046069 MW !1t 13,54 68.97 00046070 MW 44.51 29.67 74.18 00046071 MW 505.31 565.31 00046072 MW 788.91 31.94 820.85 00046073 MW 1,615.80 1,077.20 2,693.00 00046074 MW 390.00 200.00 252.50 252.50 95.00 95.00 _ 160.00 63.00 42.00 1,550.00 00046075 MW 2,058.90 2,058.90 00046076 MW 569.24 617.19 1,186.43 00046077 MW 1,240.00 1,240.00 00046078 MW 8,636.06 8,330.40 16,966.46 00046079 MW -1 1HU, FEB Ee, ao01, 10 33 .s;1 --ceq: 6L IL- loz. 01:4511E----j.D0 C1■509 t:1A06)--repo•t Id: CKRECSPC ... Default Selection: Check Stock TO AP ; Ch1. Type.7, MO,HU,RV,VH Vendor Mame Account # Oc,parttihent LILLY'S TIRE SERVICE INC. 10-0S-6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR LOOMIS FARGO & CO. M C I UORLDCOM t• MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO 10-31-4405 FINANCE 20-39-440S FINANCE 10-00-6310 GENERAL 4 ADMINISTRATION 10-21-6310 ADMINP:;TRATION 20-21-6710 ADMINISTRATION 10-07-6310 1..,n,DORATORy 20-07-6310 lAPORATORf 10-02-6310 PUMPS a0-0a-6310 PUMPS 10-02-60773 PUMPS 20-02-6073 PUMPS e0-oe-6n4 PUMPS 20-02-60S1 PUMPS Descriptico -• • Amount Check * :Type AUTOMOTIVE & GENERATORS 21.50 check Total: LoNTRAGTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL GERVICES Check Total: TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE. TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHoNF Check Total: SHALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS REPAIR/MNIC WATER TANKS PUMP STATIONS Check Total: JAI MID MOUNTAIN MOBILE COMM. 10-02-815S PUMPS._ REPL TRUCA4 46 643,07 ...I 10-02-8154 PUMPS REPL TRUCK 30 624.87 .j 10-03-6056 ELECTRICAL SHOP RADIO REPAIRS/REPLACEMENT 1,143.50 ,,1 , • Check. Total: 2,411.44 00046084 MW 21.50 .00046080 MW 245.86 163.90 409.76 00046081 MW 374.06 1.07 0.72 0.79 0.52 3.90 3.89 384.95 00046082 MW -■ 181.19 181.98 1 964.42 330.64 1,658.23 00046083 MW MILLER KAPLAN ARASE & CO. 10-39-4470 FINANCE 20-19-4470 FINANCE AUDITING - 41101 11 Check Total: 6,060.00 4,040.00 10,100.00 00046085 MW ' MISSION INDUSTRIES 10-00-2518 GENERAL 4 ADMINISTRATION UNIEQRN/RUGS/TOWELS PAYA5LE, 5,354.53 Check Total: E,354.53 00046086 MW MORAIDA, CHRIS 10-02-6200 PUMP? 2o-02-62oo Pump' TRAVEL/NEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION Check Total: MOUNTAIN CELLULAR 10-28-6310 ALPINE COUNTY TELEPHONE 10-38-6310 CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE 20-38-G310 C05:T0MER SERVICE TELEPHONE 10-21-6310 ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 20-21-6310 ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 14-29-6310 ENGINEERING TELEPHONE E'0-29-6310 ENGINEERING TELEPHONE 10-01-G310 UNDERGROUND REPAIR TELEPHONE 20-01-6310 UNDERGROUND REPAIR TELEPHONE 10-42-6310 PUMPS TELEPHONE 20-02-6310 PUMPS TELEPHONE 10-07-6110 LABORATORY TELEPHONE 27.00 27.00 54.00 00046087 MW 364.54 31.01 14.01 17.12 11.41 37.0E1 24.72 26.31 47,23 28.34 41.55 7.24 0 E. h 1 0 1= A ! 11 06P6R1- 02/16/2001-03/01/2001 Page 7 THU, FEB 22, 2001, 10-33 AM --FE-q: riN5 ITE.----1Lb 211042 41,1257----prog: CK509 <1A06,>--report id: CERECSPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID, AP ' Typ.ts- MU,HO,Pv,VH Vendor Name MUELLER, MARTY Account 4 DtepartmE,nt DE,scription i Amount. Check...11 Type _ ;,• 20-07-6310 LP,DORATOPY TELEPHONE 10-074-110 ELELTRIL'AL SHOP IELEPNONE 20-02-310 ELECTRICAL FiOP TELEPHoNE 10-03-3310 t..10 MEN] tozpAIR 20-01.-6,310 E.11.11Prii:N EFAIN E 20-39-6310 FINANCE 10-06-C200 OPEKWIION1= MUFFLER PALACE, THE 10-05-6011 EOUIPMENT REPAIR NATIONAL TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER 20-01-6200 UNDERGROUND REPAIR NELS TAHOE SUPPLY 10-02-60413 PUMPS 10-02-60S1 PUMPS 10-0a-c073 PUNEs ,0-02-6072 PUMP 10-02-6987 PUMPS 10-03-60e4 VLECTRICAL 5HOP 10-94-6041 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10-04-6071 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10-07-4760 LABORATOR E0-01-4760 LAP0P1AT0RY 20-01-6073 ONDEPt,ROOND REPAIR 20-61-8061 UNDERGROUND REPAIR NEVADA ENERGY SYTEMS INC 10-02-2.190 PUMPS P 1,1 NORTH COAST LABORATORIES 10-07-6110 LAPORATORY OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SERV DIV 10-21-4odo ADHINISTRATION 20-E:1-.1820 AONINI'•,1RAFION 10-39-482.0 FINANCE 20-39-4820 FINANCE 10-01-480 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20-01-48E0 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-2E-4820 HUNAN RESOURCES E0-22-4820 HUNAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 10-29-43E0 EN1-,1NEEINC 20-29-4820 ENGINEERING 10-01-6055 UNDERGROUND REPAIR IFLEPHONE TELEEHONE IELERHONE TELEPHONE Check _Total: 4 52 5,66 5.66 5.66 5.66 6.79 4.53 679.39 .00046088 _MI TRAVEL:NEETINGS/EDUCATION 74.00 Check Total: 74,00 00046089 MW AUTOMOTIVE CENERATORS 189.80 Check Total: 189.80 .00046090 MU._ TPAVET/MEETINGSIEDUCATION 395.00 I., Check TotaL: 395.00 0004609111W._ k LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION 17.79 PUMP STATIoNS SMALL TOOTS 7T:74 `;MALL 100L5 11.48 67jou PS EQUIP UPGRADE 14.61 r-] i FURNACE EQUIPNENT 2.03 :1! BUILDINGS SHOP SUPPLIES 1121:. LABORATORY SUPPLIES 12.57 1 LABORATORY SUPPLIES 8.38 i4 SMALL TOOLS . 8.32 VEHICLE TO REPL 1134 27.38 !71 Check Total: 200.18 00046092 MW i.71 ,...3 ,;ENERA TOR CONTROL KIVA PS 3,750.00 . . .. _ :•1 Check Total: 3,750.00 00046093 MW :.1 MONITORING 1,825.00 Check Total: 1,325.00 00046094 MW OFFICE ..UFPLIEs OFFICE ,-.;11PPL1F.'S OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE a.UPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES INFILTRATION S INFLOU Chack Total: 88.61 59.15 61.02 40.69 73.07 ' 73.03 30.19 20.14 40.54 27.04 122.47 635,95 00046095 MW L P.)1,T 04i16/001-03/01/20U1 Page 8 THU, FEB ea, 2001, 10:33 AN --re.q. L:110-12 CW509 (IA06)--report id: GKRECSPC Default Selection: ChecL ':“Jc-k ID; AP , 10 ,I0 ,PV,00 Vendor Name Account # Li cr - - P 0 If STEEL PACIFIC BELL 10-02-8:167 PutIrF BIJOU FS EQUIP UPGRADE Ch,..ck Total. 10-27-6310 1)131 P1-: INFORMATIOP 20-27-6310 011:JP1(.1 Iflf.OPMAfC-iN 10-0Z-6310 PUMPS 10-00-6310 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION PIP PRINTING 10-19-48Ln BOARD OF DIRECTORS 20-1 9-?20 BOARD CF DIRECTOW-, PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS RACK IT RACKS RADIO SHACK TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE check Total:_ OfFICE fOPPL1ES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: 10-22-6079 HUMAN RESOURCES SAFETY PROGRAMS CO-eF-6071 DUMFN VE'nUPCEs DIRECTOR 5A0ETY RROGRAM5 10-01-8101 UNDERGROUND REPAIR REPL TRUCK tin 10-37-48-10 INFORMATION S'STEFi3 20-37-4840 INFORMATION STE116 20-03-60-C1 P_ECTRIr_:AL SHOP 10-02-8987 PUMPS 10-01-4820 UNDERGROUND REPAIR REED ELECTRIC 10-07-6021 ELECTRICAL SHOP RIVERA, GEORGE M 10-06-6200 OPERATIONS RODERICK, GLENN 10-0L-6E00 20-02-6200 PUIIP5 SAFETY KLEEN CORP. 10-02-4630 PUMPS 20-02-4670 PUi-iP SCOTTYS HARDUARE 20-01-6071 UNnERGROOND REPAIR 10-03-6022 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10-02-6071 PUMPS 10-03-6071 ELECTRICAL SHOP SETON NAME PLATE CORP 10-02-6051 POMP::: Check Total; Check Total: DISTRIC1 COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES WPVLIES BIJOU PS EQUIP UPGRADE OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: Amount Check # _ . Type. 360.50 360.50 00046096 MW . 9.28 6.18 15.69 14.90 46,05 00046091_MO- 0 HH ;0.171 50.28 00046098 MW 111:i 518,40 345.60 864.00 00046099 MW 309.23 309.23 00046100 MW 11.16 7.44 25.66_ 4.16 19.24 67,66 00046101_ MW PRIMARY EQUIPMENT 1,505.35 Check Total: 1,505.35 00046102 MW TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION 128.00 Check Total: 1E8.00 00046103 MW TRAVEL/NEET(MGS:EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION Check Total: OIL A EUDRICANTS OIL i LUBRI3ANT3, Check Total: SHOP SUPPLIES 'ECONLIARf EQUIPMENT 0-ADP SHOP SUPPLIES Check lotal: 27.00 27.00 54.00 00046104 MW 69.00 69.00 138.00 00046105 MW 3.79 14.15 1.34 12.18 31 46 00046106 MW PUMP STATIONS 74.16 Check Total: 74.16 00046107 MW o. N 7 n r EPuRT 02/15/2001-03/01;2001 Page 9 itiO, FEE E:_101, 11 77 AM --vvg DEPuiE CL EI1A42 GKE09 (1A06)--Teport CKRECSPC Default Selection. Check S1, IA. AP : MW,NW.PV,VM Vendor Name SHARP, KATHY SHEET METAL SHOP, THE SIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL SIERRA PACIFIC POWER Account # henartmi Eescription Amount_Check it Type_ 10-21-6200 ADMINISTRATION 7RAWEL/MEF1INGS/EPOCATION 0-21-6200 ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/E5UCATION Check Total: 10-04-6041 MEAVi MAINTENANCE AMILIANGS Check Total: E0--39-8084 ENGINEERING WATER RESOURCES EXPLORATION_ Check Total: 10-00-6710 GENERAL, S. ADMINI.STRATION 10-00-6330 GENERAL a ADMINISTRATION 20-00-6336 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION INTEREST E,4PENSE ELECTRICITY ELECTRICITY Gheck Total: SIERRA SERVICES 10-04-6071 HEAVY MAINTENANCE SHOP SUPPLIER Check Tote,I. SOUTH LAKE TAHOE LODGING 10-21-6250 ADMINISTRATION DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 20-21-62S0 ADMINISTRATION DUES & MEMDERSHIPS Check Total: ' SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CITY OF 10-39-6200 FINANCE TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION 20-39-6200 FINANCE TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION Check Total: SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CITY OF 20-29-8864 ENGINEERING WATERLINE - IN-HOUSE RPLCMNT 20-01-6052 UNDERIAOUND REPAIR PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES 20-29-8100 ENGINEERING WATERLINE, GARDNER MTN PHS I 20-29-8082 ENGINEERING WATERLINE - PARK AVE Check Total: SOUTH SHORE MOTORS Vekldor Total 20-05-6011 EMMIRMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE: 4 GENERATORS Check Total: SOUTH TAHOE PLUMBING SUPPLY 10-04-6071 HErvy MAINTENANCE 10-38-6071 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20-36-6071 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10-0051_PUMPS 20-02-6050 POrIPS: SPEED PHOTO 10-21-6621 ADMINISTRATION 20-21-6621 ADMINISTRATION 20-02-4820 FUMPS 10-01-4820 UNDERGROUND REPAIR SHOP SUPPLIES sMOP SUPPLIES SMOP SUPPLIE5 rump STATIONS WELLS Check Total: 1NCENTIvE a RECOGNITION PRGR INCENTIVE. & RECOGNITION PRGR OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: 67.69 45.13 _ 112.82 00046108 MW 189.39 , ! 169.39 00046109 MW 336.00 . 336.00 00046110 MW 5.46 1,908.32 6,553.53 8,467.31 00046111_ MU_ 1,048.56 1048.56 00046112 30.00 ,20.00 50.00 00046113 MW 34.00 85.00 00046114 MW 1,926.60 10,587.11 1,522,24 768.43 14,804.38 00046115 MW 14,889.38 4,32 4.32 00046116 MU 130,02 28.41 18.94 165,21 44.19 386.79 00046117 MW 2.11 1.41 6.94 5.24 15.70 00046118 MW •.) hL U r CLAiMs RLHORT 02/16/2001-0d/01/01 Page 10 THU, FEB 22, 2001, 10-33 AN --peg: DEBBIE----'1: GL JL--loc: 0NS1JE----job: 211042 #J21717----prog: CK509 <1A06)--report id: CKRECSPC - Default Selection: Check Stock ID. AP Chec;: Tflipes. MW,MW,RV,VH Vendor- Name --------- Account # Department DeEcrtpticn SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL .1 20-01-440S UNDERGROUND REPAIR SUNGARD RI-TECH INC. 10-77-1070 INFORMATION SYSIEMS 20- 37-fV iI4FR11,kTION SYSIEMS T C M DIGITAL SOLUTIONS TRPA 10-21-6030 ADMINISTRATION e0-21-6o7o ADMINISTRATION Amount Check # CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Total: SERVICE CONTRACTS SERVICE CONTRACTS Check Total: SERVICE CONTRACTS SERVICE CONTRACTS Check Total: 90-98-8229 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT BLINE PHASE II DIP TO END Check Total: TAHOE BLUEPRINT 20-29-8100 ENGINEERING TAHOE OFFSET PRINTING INC 20-29-7027 ENGINEERING 10-02-4820 PUMPS 10-21-4920 ADMINISTRATION 20-02-4820 PUMPS 20-21-4920 ADMINISTRATION TAHOE PARADISE CHEVRON 10-01-4620 UNDERGROUND REPAIR ".0-01-4620 UNDERGROUND REPAIR TECH REPUBLIC 10-37-4840 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20-37-4840 INFORMATION SYSTEMS TEO'S ELECTRIC V W R CORPORATION VIKING FREIGHT SYSTEM - WFDCO INC 10-02-0073 PUMPS 20-02-6073 PUMPS 10-07-4760 LAMORATORY 20-07-4700 LABORATORY 20-01-6071 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20-29-8290 ENGINEERING 10-03-0073 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10-02-8987 PUMPS 10-03-604T ELECTRICAL OHOP 10-03-6071 ELECTRIOlL SHOP 20-03-6041 ELECTRICAL SHOP WAIERLINE, GARDNER MTM PHS I WATERLINE, PARK AVE PHASE II Check Total: OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING DIESEL DIESEL Check Total: Check Total: DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES Check Total: SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS Chch TOTal: LABORATORY ';UPPLIES 1,AE:OR01110Y SUPPLIES Check Total SHOP SUPPLIES TREATMENT, ARROWHEAD WE #3 Check Total: SMALL TOOLS BIJOU PS EQUIP UPGRADE BUILDINGS SHOP SUPPLIES BUILDINGS Check Total: 1,308.00 • 1,.308,00 520.83 347.22 868.05 00046120 MW 196.67 131.11 327.78 00046121 MW 3,000.00 3,000.00 00046122 MW 421.31 48.15 469.46 00046123 MU_. 9.10 10.91 9.09 7.28 36.38 00046124 MW 4nt 32.21 82.46 114.67 00046125 MW 56.37 37.58 93.95 00046126 MW 82.96 132.96 • 165.92 00046127 MW 7c;.52 50.32 125.84 00046128 MW 258 99 931.12 1,190.11 00046129 MW 188.54 613.74 172.22 133.25 85.20 1,152.95 00046130 •MW iroe F.U.D THU, FEE A0 DEBD1E--- Oefault Selection: Check Stock ID. AP , Ch..,?ck AGcociot # Oep4rtnent .. UEST GROUP ?0--E1-4A3O ADMINIIRNTION 10--Z1-43',I0 ADMINISTRATION E0-_01-60S2 MNOERLROUND 1;:EFAIR 1U-04-604E HEAV-( MAINTENANCE 20-.38-604E CUSTOMER SERVICE 20-3B-316S CUSTOMER SERVICE 09B--E,9A7 E.04 PIPELINE CRAM. 10-02-89S7 PUMPS 10-04-6624 HEAV1 MAINTENANCE 10-01 -6071 UNDERGROUND REPAIR vendpr Name _ _ ======== IL OEsTERN NEVADA E.OPPLt - WESTERN'TROCK PARTS WITHROW OXYGEN SERVICE ZYMAX ENVIROTECHNOLOGY 10-05-6011 EOUIPMENT EEPAIR 10-02-E,071 PUMPS 20-02-6071 PUMPS 20-027-.6OSI_PUNPS ED-01-8061 UNDERGROUND REPAIR En-in-6071 UNDERGROUND PLPAIE 10-0e-6024 HEAVY mAINTENANCE 10-D4-6071 HEAVY MAINTENANcF 10-4T-1760 LABORATORY "e0-07-147B0 LABORATORY ZO-07-E110 LAB0PATOTrf L A ! 1 ; R TPOPT 0e1IF.,1200i-03/04,'LOG1 J.11o4 CKS09 (1A0ei--rep0rt idl CKRECSPC ncroic,n .Amount CheckAt Type...—' ,..,..-,.,,..,.,,,,,.....,====== ==== == :-., ==================== ==== SUBSCEIPTIONF ExPEN3E 317.40 L . ::)UP,.-A:KIETIOW. E',:VENSE c“1$: Total: 211,60 529.00 00046131 MW , CO-JER.I., d MANHOLES GRIVAUL.-. • MAINTENANCE 4,::;:116; WATER METERS 2,583.87 NA1ER METERS-LAPGF 379,66 A LINE WW1,' TO UT1-5 130.45 120.12 FIJOU PS EOUIP UPGRADE SMALL TOOLS 516.72 34.14 FURNACE EQUIPMENT Check Total: 8,564.71 00046132 MW AUTOMOTIVE. & GENERATORS Check Total: SHOP $UPPLIES SHOP SOPPLIE PUMP STATIONS VEHICLE TO REEL #34 91-lOP SUPPLIES FURNACE EQUIPMENT SHOP 5orPLie.5 LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATOU SUPPLIES Check MONIIORING Total Check Total: Grand Total: 123.95 123.95 00046133 MW 55.66 6,37 11.24 32.44 28.32 689.27 26.80 19.20 926.96 00046134 MW 580.00 580.00 00046135 MW 233,047.35 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Saer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING March 1.2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13.a ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUEI>fE~: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Richard Solbrig. Assistant Manager I Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING March 1. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13.b ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM.PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: MOUNTAIN CASCADE. INC.. AND VALLEY ENGINEERS. INC. VS. STPUD BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND STPUD. COUNTY OF EL DORADO. SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. SC20000050 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel reaarding existing litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~~~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER:, YES F NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Saer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING March 1.2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13.c ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: SCHWAKE VS. STPUD. FEDERAL CASE NO. CV-N-93-851-DWH REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Closed Session may be held for conference with leaal counsel reaardina existing litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~ NO I CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: . YES :tvr ~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER X SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Saer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING March 1. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13.d ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: STPUD VS. ARCO. ET AL. SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. 999128 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel reaardinQ existing IitiQation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ACCOUNT NO: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER:. YE~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER , SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Saer. General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING March 1. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 13.e ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct neaotiators DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. Closed Session mav be held for conference reaarding property negotiations. Negotiating Parties: Soard of Directors. Robert Saer. General Manager Under Negotiation: Consideration of Property Purchase Property Identification: APN 1-080-53 APN 1-080-54 APN 1-080-56 APN 1-080-60 APN 1-200-01 APN 1-200-10 APN 1-200-11 SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~..-,...' NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES b-rk NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER