HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2472 ........ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 ... RESOLUTION NO. 2472 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADOPT!NG FINDINGS AND DETERMINATION DECISION OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT IN RE EPA PROJECT NO. C-06-1414-12 EMERGENCY RETENTION BASIN SEALING PROJECT - 1988 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District as follows: 1. The Board of Directors of South Tahoe PUblic utili ty District has reviewed all relevant MBE/WBE compliance informati on I incl uding Ford Construction Company, Inc.' s (IIFORD") positive efforts toward utilization of MBE/WBE businesses in South Tahoe Public utility District EPA Project No. C-06-1414-12, Emergency Retention Basin Sealing Project _ 1988, to determine if FORD can meet, or make good faith efforts to meet, the District MBE/WBE goals and satiSfy the EPA MBE/WBE policy. 2. The Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public utility District adopts the Findings and Determin5tion Decision of the South Tahoe PUblic Utility District Upon Remand from the Regional Administrator, Region IX, U. s. Environmental Protec- tion Agency in re EPA Project No. C-06-1414-12, Emergency Retention Basin Sealing Project submitted. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe PUblic Utility District at a duly held adjourned regular meeting on the 13th day of October, 1988 by the followinq vote: 1 ....... 9 10 11 12 13 ~ 14 15 16 . 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 ..... 1 AYES: Directors Mason, Jones, Olson, Walker, Sinclair 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NOES: None ABSENT: None ~~ ROBERT MASON, Chairman of Board, South Tahoe PUblic Utility District ATTEST: /) - //;/1 ' Y;~,d:- a: F~l.--n~ PAT A. MAMATH, Cl rk of Board South Tahoe PUblic Utility District 2 '~"',,~r,,;:-,",r':,--.~"'":' - '.....-"... '-"7'-P~" ......,.- '.....'-.. _...~.~..-_.... ...-,....,.., .__....~.""."......""""'...'_A.'....~...,' " p __.,. . ~... ",:'0.... ::. ,;. . -....... SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1275 MEADOW CREST DRIVE P. o. BOX 70542 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA 95705 In re ) ) EPA PROJECT NO. C-06-1414-12 ) ) EMERGENCY RETENT!ON BASIN ) SEALING PROJECT ) FINDINGS AND DETERMINATION DECISION OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT UPON REMAND FROM THE REGIONAL ADMINISTRATOR, REGION IX, U. s. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ... I . BACKGBQ1JHD A . B.lJlS South Tahoe Public utility District ("District") solicited bids for the above project which were opened on June 2, 1988. The bidders and bid amounts were as follows: "'-" 1. Ford Construction Company, Inc. 2. Alta Pacific Constructors, Ino. 3. Thomas Haen Company, Inc. 4. Dutra Construotion Company, Inc. B. P~O~iS~S TO DISTRICT Al ta Paci f 1c Constructors, Inc. ( It Al ta Pact f ic II ) protested an award to Ford Construction Company, Inc. (I'Ford") on the grounds that Ford's bid was non-responsive for failure to in~ clude Attachment 18, Form 4700-5, with its 8id Documents. Thomas Haen Company, Inc. (IIHaen") protested an award to Ford on the same ground. Haen also protested any award to Alta Pacific for failure to obtain MBE/W8E goals as stated in the Bid Specifica- tions and not submittinq its "positive Effort" requirements with its bid. $1,239,000.00 1,282,825.00 1,397,925.00 1,577,675.00 ...... c. DISTRICT DETERMINATION The District Board of Directors, after a pUblio hearing of the bid protests on June 24, 1988, determined that Ford sub~ mitted 8 non-responsive bid, that Alta Paoifio was the low..t, responsive, responsible bidder, and awarded the oontract to Alta Pacific at its bid price of $1,282,825.00 without Bid Alternate A. 1 ........ D. PROTEST TO U. S. ENVIRON~~NTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Ford timely protested to the Reqional Administrator, Region IX, U. S. Environmental protection Agency (EPA). Haen did not protest the award to EPA. '--' E. D~T~RHlHATION OF ErA The Regional Administrator determined on September 21, 1988 that Ford's failure to submit Attachment 18, Form 4700-5, il a matter or bid responsibility, not responsiveness, and the defect can, therefore, be corrected after the bid opening. The Regional Administrator remanded the matter to the District to determine whether Ford is a responsible bidder. Exhibit No. 42. II. CRITER1~ FOR DETERHI~tNO fQRD'S REijPQNS~8ILITY The Regional Administrator's determination provided that the District should review all relevant MBE/WBE compliance information, including Ford's pertormance and post-bid documenta- tion of its positive efforts toward utilization of MBE/WBE businesses in light of his decision. Speoifically, the District is to determine whether Ford is or is not a responsible bidder, i.e., whether Ford can meet, or make good faith efforts to meet, the District MBE/WBE goals and satisfy the EPA MBE/WBE policy. The Regional Administrator noted that the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) BUlletin 113-A implements EPA MBE/WBE regulations found at 40 erR 33.240. Exhibit No. 42. Responsibility may be cured by substantial compliance, post-bid documentation, or waiver of non-material irregularities. Exhibit No. 42 III. REspa~~~B.~~~Y OF FO~D A. POSITIV~ EFFOR1 POGUM~NT~T!ON TH~T fQRD INCLUDED OUALIFIEO ~SE/WBE ~V~l~~SSES ON SOLIC1T~T~QN LISTS Ford decided to bid the project at a time when the ap- parent bid date precluded requesting assistance of the Small Business Administration and Office of Minority Business En- terprise at least five working days prior to the need tor refer- rals. Ford prepared and updated a list of qualified M8E/W8E sub- contractors for its bid jobs during the past three years and used this list as one solicitation list. Ford also used the State of .... California Department of Transportation ("Cal-Trans") certified 2 '-" MBE/WBE soliciation list. This list is the most oomplete list available for Ford's type and area of work. Exhibit Nos. 21, and 22. The Regional Administrator found that the requirement to contact the MBE/W8E assistance centers is a matter of bidder responsibility. Exhibit No. 42. 1. FINPtNQ Ford's use of the Cal-Trans list and its own in-house list is an appropriate effective alternative to the list required by the SWRCB, BUlletin 113"A. Ford, therefore, substantially complied with Requirements A., Positive Effort Documentation, 1., SWRCB BUlletin 113-A and the use of these lists constituted good faith efforts and positive efforts to meet grantee MBE/WBE goals and satisfy the EPA MBE/WBE policy. 2 . WAIV,R Any irregularities in complianoe by Ford not includinq qualified MBE/WBE businesses on solicitation lists pursuant to said BUlletin 11J-A are waived. ........ B. pOSITIVE i[FORT DOCUMENTATION T~T FORD AS~VRSP THA~ MBE/WBE BUijI~i~IJS ARE SOLICITED ~HENEVER TijEY ai~ fPTENT~~t SOURCES Ford advertised its intent to bid in the two most widely used publications in the industry. Ford oontacted 13 potential sub-contractors for bid quotes, 9 of which were MBE/WBE sub-contractors. Ford' a deoision to bid the project preoluded sol lei tation at least seven working days prior to the need for sub-contractors for Ford to meet the bid on the apparent bid date. Ford sent invitations to those sub-contractors and sup- pliers who, in Ford's experience from its own MBE/WBE list and the eel-Trans list, had the oapability and would be interested in bidding on the above project 1n the area of work. The invita- tions and responses are documented. Exhibit Nos. 21 and 22. 1. flNDING Ford substantially complied with Requirements A., Posi- tive Effort Documentation, 2., SWRCB BUlletin 113-A a. evidenced by documentation submitted and its efforts constituted qood faith and positive efforts to meet qrantee MBE/WBE goals and satisfy the EPA MBE/WBE policy. ..... 2 . WAIVER Any irregularities in compliance by Ford of Require- ments A., Positive Effort Documentation, 2., SWRCB, Bulletin 113" 3 '-'" A are waived. c. POSITIVE EFFORT DOCY~E~T~T+QN THAT FO~P DIV1PED TOTAL ~iQU1~~~~~S TO P~RHIT MAXtHUH PART~G1PAT+ON OF MBE/WeE BUSINESSES Ford divided the project into categories. Given the relati ve simple nature and construction needs of the project, this division was reasonable, logical, and economically feasible. Exhibi t No. 43. 1. FINDING Ford's division of the total work requirements substan- tially complied with Requirements A., Positive Effort Documenta- tion, 3., SWRCB Bulletin 113-A and constituted good faith and posi tive efforts to meet grantee MBE/WBi goals and satisfy the EPA MBE/WBE policy. 2 . WAIVEj. Any irregularities of compliance by Ford of Require- ments A., positive Effort Documentation, 3., SWRCS Bulletin 113-A are waived. '-" D. postT1YE EFFORT DOCUMENTATION THAT F08D ESTABLISHED D~~~VERY SCHEpUwle WH~~E THE REOUIREMENr~ Qf T~~ ~O~~ P~RM~T. ijHICij Wl~ ENCOURAGE PARTICIPATION BY MBE/WBE BUSINESSES sections 01009, 010025, and Contract Time, Page 1B-9 of the Bid Specifications and Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Permit, Pages 1B-C~1 established strict construction schedule guidelines. The location of copies of the Bid Speoifioations was identified in Ford's solicitation to the MBE/WBE firms. Exhibit Nos. 2, 21, and 22. 1. FINDING Requirement 4 is inapplicable since the Bid Specitica- tions themselves establish the relevant delivery schedules. E. PO~~TIVE ~FFORT DOCUH~~~ATtON TijAT FORD USED THE SERVICES AND ASSISTANCE OF THE SMALL BUSI~ESS APM+NIS~~T+QN ~p QfFI~ Of ~.~ORIT~ aUSlij~&S ~T~RPRIS~ Of THi U, S. O~p~TMENT Of 90MMERCE, AS APP~OPRlATE The Regional Administratoi found that the requirement to contact the MaE/WBE assistance centers is a matter of bidder ~ responsibility. Exhibit No. 42. 4 --- 1. FIHCIHw The posi ti ve effort documentation that Ford included qualified MBE/WBE businesses on solicitation lists, III. A., supra evidenoes substantial compliance with Requirements A., positive Effort Documentation, 5., SWRCB BUlletin 113.A and con- stituted good faith and positive efforts to meet grantee MBE/WBE goals and satisfy the EPA MBE/WBE policy. 2 . WAIVEli Any irregularities in compliance by Ford ot Require- ments A., Positive Effort Documentation, 5., SWRCB Bulletin 11J-A are waived. F. POSITIVE EFFO~T DQCUMENT~T+O~ THAT rORD TIMELY SUBM~TTED DOC~ENTATiQH OF POSITIVE tFFORTS Ford submitted documentation on June 3, 1988, June 6, 1988, and June 10, 1988 which evidenced that, prior to bid open- ing, all required positive effort. were made. This documentation was received by the oistrict within ten working day. tOllowinq ~ bid opening. Exhibit Noe. 21, 23, and 44. Ford did not submit Attaohment 1-B, Form 4700-5, with its bid. Ford submitted Attachment 1.B, Form 4700-5, on June 3, 1988, the day following bid opening. Exhibit No. 44. The Regional Administrator determined that the require- ment to timely submit documentation of po8itive ettorts is a mat- ter of responsibility. Exhibit No. 42. ....... 1 . FItiDnlG Ford substantially oomplied with Requirements B., other Requirements, 1., SWRCB Bulletin 113.A, that all positive efforts were made prior to bid opening and documentation was received by the District within ten working days following bid opening. Ford aub.tantially complied with Positive Effort Requirements B., Other Requirements, 1., SWRCB Bulletin 113-A and ita pertormanoe constituted good faith and positive eftorts to meet grantee MBE/WBE goals and satiSfy the EPA MBE/WBE policy. 2 . W~tVg Any irregulari tie. in the compl iance by Ford of Requirements B., Other Requirements, 1., SWRC8 Bulletin llJ-A, are waived. 5 ,...,. G. POS~TIVE EFFORT DOC~~NT~rIQH THAT FORD COMPLIED WlT~ fIVE AfF~RHATIVE STEPS PRIOR TO BID OPENI~G ~HQ SUBMITTED ATTAC~~T 1-~ FO~ 470p-~ WITH ITS ~ID Ford sUbstantially performed the five affirmative steps, Requirements A., Positive Effort Documentation, 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., where applicable under the circumstances of the Bid Specifications. Exhibit Nos. 16, 21, and 22. Ford submitted Attachment 1-6, Form 4700-5 on JUne 3, 1988, the day following its bid. ~xhibit No. 44. The Regional Administrator faunl1 that the requirement to perform five affirmative steps is a matter of responsibility. Exhibit No. 42. '-' 1. FINDING Ford substantially complied with Requirements B., 7., SWRCB BUlletin 113-A, by documenting that five affirmative steps, where applicable, were substantially complied with prior to bid openinq and submitted Attachment 1-B, Form 4700-5, on June 3, 1988, the day following the bid opening, and its performance con- stituted good faith and positive efforts to meet grantee Ma~/WBE goals and satisfy the EPA MBB/WBE policy. 2 . WAIV~j. Any irregularities in complianoe by Ford of Require- ments B., Other Requirements, 7., SWRCB Bulletin 113-A, are waived. H. POS1T!VE EFFORT DOqUMENTATIO~ TH~T FQRQ COMPLIED WITH LOC~~ GOALS FOR MBE/WBE PARTICIPAT1QH The qrantee established a goal of 4.4' of the total bid dollar amount of this contract for the utilization ot MBE en- terprises. Ford's actual MBE participation was 5.2'. Exhibit No. :2. The grantee established a qoal of 2\ of the total bid dollar amount of this contract for the utilization of WBE en- terprises. Ford's actual WBE participation was 36%. Exhibit No. 2. 1 . FINDn,G Ford attained the grantee established goals for utilization of MBE and WBE business enterprises. ..... 6 . , . "-" ..... '-" '_I ;J . _, _' IV. pETERM~N~T~QN A. Ford is a responsible bidder. B. Ford is the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder. Dated: October 13, 1988 ATTEST: l /I~ ' '/if V. '')(~~7/~a)ti PAT A. MAMATH, Cler of Board South Tahoe PUblic utility Distriot ~~ ROBERT HASON, chaIrman of Board, South Tahoe Public utility DiBtrict 7