HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 07-17-08 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT IIBasic Services for a Complex World" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, July 17, 2008 2:00 P.M. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Sol brig, General Manager Mary Lou Mosbacher, President BOARD MEMBERS Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Mana~er Dale Rise, Vice President James R. Jones, Director Eric W. Schafer, Director Ernie Claudio, Director 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. Five-minute limit. No action will be taken.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be discussed and considered separately upon request) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE ACTION 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION .....,..~~.) a. Indian Creek Reservoir TMDL Mitigation ~- Pg. 37 Project bid ~.k :2.1 (Ivo Bergsohn) Award Bid to the Lowest Respon- sive, Responsible Bidder (*Results ofthe July 15 bid opening, along with a staff recommendation, will be presented prior to, and at the Board meeting) b. Temporary Electrician I Pg.39 (Ross Johnson) Authorize a Full Time, Temporary Electrician I Position for a Period of One Year c. Payment of Claims Pg.41 Approve Payment (*Payment of Claims will be presented prior to, and at the Board meeting) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - JULY 17, 2008 PAGE - 2 7. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken> a. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones / Claudio) b. Finance Committee (Schafer / Rise) c. Executive Committee (Mosbacher / Rise) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher / Schafer) 8. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Management Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee (Schafer/Rise) b. City of South Lake Tahoe Issues Ad Hoc Committee (Mosbacher/Jones) 9. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPRESENTATIVE REPORT 10. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken> 11. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken> a. 4th-of-July Holiday Sewage Flows to the Treatment Plant b. 4th-of-July Holiday Water Usage c. Integrated Regional Water Management Plan & Proposition 84 12. STAFF I ATTORNEY REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken> a. SWRCB Recycled Water Policy (Brad Herrema) 13. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS I EVENTS Past Meetinas I Events 07/14/08 - Finance Committee Meeting 07/14/08 - Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting Future Meetinas I Events 07/18/08 -2:00 p.m. - Ethics Training at EI Dorado LAFCO in Placerville 08/04/08 - 3:30 p.m. - Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting at District 08/05/08 - 9:00 a.m. - Alpine County Supervisors Regular Meeting in Markleeville 08/07/08 - 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at District 08/13/08 - 9:00 a.m. - EI Dorado County Water Agency Regular Meeting at District 14. CLOSED SESSION (Closed Sessions are not open to the public) a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Pg. 43 Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of CA 15. ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 16. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, August 7, 2008, 2:00 p.m.) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - JULY 17, 2008 PAGE - 3 The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup infonnation is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after minutes of the meeting have been approved. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during .Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting. *Backup to agenda item(s) not included with the Board packet will be made available when finalized at the District office, at the Board meeting, and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations for the disabled are needed (i.e., disability-related aids, or other services), please contact the Clerk of the Board at 530.544.6474, extension 6203, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR JULY 17, 2008 ITEMS REQUESTED ACTION a. Surplus Vehicles and Generator Authorize First Capitol Auction, Inc., Pg. 1 (Linda Brown, Randy Curtis) to Sell District Surplus Equipment at Public Auction ~3 Bidders List (Sewer Line Spot Repair Authorize Staff to Remove Hydro- Services) Tech Incorporated from District Bid (Linda Brown, Mike Adams) Lists c. EI Dorado County Erosion Control Invoices - Approve Payment to EI Dorado Pg. 7 Apalachee Phase I County, in the Amount of $14,801.55 (Jim Hoggatt) d. Final and Secondary Effluent Pump Station Approve Change Order No. 1 to Pg. 15 (Julie Ryan) Pacific Mechanical Corporation, in the Amount of $11,759.56 ~ Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Program- Authorize Execution of Amendment I .25 Memorandum of Understanding with EI Dorado County (Dennis Cocking) ~ Regular Board Meeting Minutes: Approve Minutes . 1 June 19, 2008 (Kathy Sharp) South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 · Facsimile 530.541.0614 · www.stpud.us ~I MII"'F' Rich.ra H. SoIllrie South Tahoe Public Utility District Directorli EmIe CIJIudIo ';'moe ~. ~ Mary Lou MotW.tchIr O~ fi:IN 1ZJ6 MtlIlltJow Craet DrIw · South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150 PhoM 530 544-6474 · Fsx 530 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent Randy Curtis, Manager of Field Operations MEETING DATE: July 17, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT: Surplus Vehicles and Generator REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize First Capitol Auction Inc. to sell District surplus equipment at public auction. DISCUSSION: This would be our second sale with First Capitol Auction which is located in Vallejo. They have an excellent reputation, and offers terms similar to its competitors. The surplus equipment (which has been replaced by new equipment) includes: (1) Truck 11 -1995 GMC Pickup, VIN 6740, mileage -71,000 (2) Truck 16 - 1999 Dodge Ram Pickup, VIN 5611, mileage .....92,000 (3) Truck 18 -1994 GMC ~ ton Pickup, VIN 9330, mileage -98,000 (4) Truck 77 - 2001 Ford Cab & Chassis, VIN 7554, mileage .....124,000 (5) Generator - Onan V8 75KV, SIN 126C911290, 859 hours First Capitol Auction will complete required vehicle smog testing, and perform minor vehicle repairs with District approval. A vehicle which cannot pass smog certification without substantial repairs will be sold to dealers only. Staff believes that selling through a professional auctioneer is the best option for the sale of this surplus equipment. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: Income less 8% commission for vehicles & 20% for equipment ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE Wl1H RIQUESTED ~c.TJN: GENERAL MANAGER: YES tfGH ~ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES 7J1/ CATEOORY: General NO NO -1- ~I~ RIchard H. 501l1rie South Tahoe Public Utility Diatrict ~ ErnIe Claudio Jam. It JoMtt Maly Lou Mo6bM::her D.C'~ 1275 MMdow CI'8et PM . South LakB Tllho. · CA 96160 Phone 530 !544-e414' F* t'53O 541-0014 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent Mike Adams, Underground Repair - Sewer Supervisor MEETING DATE: July 17, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Bidders List (Sewerline Spot Repair Services) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to remove HydroTech Incorporated from District bid lists. DISCUSSION: In July 2007, the Board awarded the Sewerline Spot Repair Services bid to HydroTech Incorporated. During the execution of the contract, staff found HydroTech Inc. to be sub-par in their administrative preparation, in scheduling and follow-through, in preparation and quality of equipment for the work, in their completion time, and in the quality and representation of the work. (See the attached letter for specific details.) Staff believes that HydroTech does not fit the Public Contract Code's definition of a responsible bidder ("a bidder who has demonstrated the attribute of trustworthiness, as well as quality, fitness, capacity, and experience to satisfactorily perform the public works contract") and recommends barring HydroTech Incorporated from future bidding opportunities. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: None ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Letter to HydroTech Incorporated CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: Sewer -3- General Manager Richard H. 501111ig South Tahoe Public Utility District Directors Ernie Claudio James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosl1acher Dale Ri511 Eric Schafer July 8, 2008 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614. www.5tpud.us Mr. Kevin Brazell, VP Hydro Tech Inc 155 Lyon Drive Fernley NV 89408 by certified mail Dear Mr. Brazell, Staff of the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) intends to ask its Board of Directors to disallow Hydro Tech Inc. (HT) for future bidding opportunities. This action is precipitated by the following which arose in the course of the Sewerline Spot Repair Services bid awarded to HT in 2007: . Staff was required to request insurance certificates multiple times . Staff was required to request references multiple times . Staffs multiple phone calls and messages were not returned until staff wrote to HT to schedule the work (2 % months after bid award) . HT scheduled the work but did not show . On another day, HT showed up without scheduling or notification to the District . HT was ill-prepared to begin the work: -HT did not have confined space equipment on site initially -HT had insufficient cable to perform the work (the District provided rope as a backup) -Tag line was twine not rope -The District needed to manufacture a crank handle for HI's winch and supply other needed tools -HI's fuel draw for their generator was not installed properly which caused HT to run out of fuel during an instal,lation -HT did not have 8" material on hand until the end of the project (the District's priority of repair sites was not considered) . HI's operation took approximately twice as long as other contractors utilized by the District for similar projects (and which causes additional District time requirements) . One patch failed . Two patches require re-work . Re-work & failure rate (at 13%) is higher than other contractors utilized by the District for simitar projects . There was poor representation of repajrs completed in HI's DVDs -5- HydroTech has not demonstrated the quality, fitness, or trustworthiness necessary to be considered a "responsible" bidder. District staff will ask the Board of Directors to decide on this matter at its regularly scheduled public meeting on July 17, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. HydroTech is welcome to attend. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT cf~~' Linda Brown Purchasing Agent -6- 07/16/2008 10:19 775-575-6894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 02/21 c 0 "\.Je~'t 4 b 7.. f 7" of (j 01</) ~2.5 TECH INC.~ 155 LYON DR. FERNLEY, NV 89408 (775) 575.4100 (775) 575-6894 FAX July 15, 2008 South Tahoe Public Utility District 1215 Meadow Crest Drive South lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Sent Via Fax (530) 541-0814 and via USPS Csltrans DBE Certified Hub Zone and 8(a) cart. CA Cant. Lie 288504 Re(llrding: Spot Repair ServlceA I ::ontract Subject: Notice of Intent to Debar HydroTech, Inc. 7..a..2008 Dear Ms. Brown, This letter is in response to your 7 -8-2nOa letter wherein you state your intentions of barring HydroTeeh from fUture work with STPllD (District). HydroTech objects and proffers this response. First to lay a foundation for other readt1r8, this contract Brose from a solicitation the District sent on 6-18-2007 with a date for sealed bids of 7-9-2007. Hydro Tech was the apparent low bidder with a bid that was 19% lower than the next bidder, saving the District a considerable amount of money. To save costs the District optEd to share responsibilities and perform some of the work themselves (cleanlhg, tag line installatl'ons, and traffic control) rather than to have a fully induslve bid. The following is a list of the District's a~leged grievances and our responses to the same. DlstHct assertions and HydroTech'. responses 1 Staff was required to request insurance certificates multiple times. .T1te ''project'' bid on 7-9-2007, w~ were told on 7-JO-2007the District would issue a PO when and if the contract Waf awal'ded b;,1 the Board. HydtoTech was not notified by the District 03 to award until we inquired by phone '1bout a week and a hal/ laler. After learning we we,.e being awarded the contract, the insurance certificates were sent and on 7-26-2007. On 7..26.2007 HydroTech received a callfi'om tht Di,UI'/ct thot a change from our .,tandard in"uranceform was needed The modified in.,urance c, rrtificate was received from our insurcmce company and time{v sent to the District on 8-/-2007. J.rydroTechjinally received an executed PO from the District on .8-/3-2007 in response to our wrin~n request. We do not.'ree any issue here. 2 Staff was required to request references multiple times. This is on odd complaint Q.f t1l1.1d.1"e references required were included with the submined bid pat:/rage and l1Q additional 1'efenm.-:es \UP'S ~r requested from HydroTech, Inc. PIPELINE CLEANING · PIF ELINE RELINING · MANHOLE COATINGS 07/16/2008 10:19 775-575-6894 HYDROTECH, INC. PAGE 03/21 3 Staff's multiple phone calls and messages were not returned until staff wrote to HT to schedule the work (2 % months after bid award). HydroTech did return the District ~I phone call as evidenced by oW' phone bills. The contract award/issuance of the PO was not unti/8-J 3-2007 and Hydro Tech did have other contract commitment.'i to complete. The allowed contract lime way until "June 30.2008". HydroTech had a precol1.ftruction meeting on J 0-5..2008 and began work on J 0-19-2007 and completed the spot repair installs on J 1-27-2007(1es8 ~han 30 days) including numerous District caused delays to be discu.'.'led later In this document. 4 HT scheduled the work but did I lot show. HydroTech called and delayed our start with the District due to an equipment repair issue which we completed and then rescheduled our start date. 5 On another day, HT showed up without scheduling or notification to the District. Hydro Tech !JDd clearlll.fcheduled ,.,ith the DiStrict and the District was aware we were working on the project but the oversight mGnager for the District was off on per. 'tonal leave and nobody else seemed to mow what they we,e supposed to provide contractually. S HT was ill-prepared to begin we rk: HT did not have confined space, equipment on site initially. HydroTech doe., not generally ent.,., the manhole" during the installation ofspot repairs, it is not needed When lmer it became neCr~sary to enlel', all confined space entry ~Jipment needed was provided by Hydro Tech onslte. 7 HT had Insufficient cable to peronn the work (the District provided rope as a backup) In' had not been provided any '''IQpS or plans that showed the lengths of pipes until we an-wed on .fite. It is tnJe we di,' not have s"!/Jicient length of cable on our winches, but only because we were unaware of the exi.rting lengths. The district at no time provided rope (Hyd1-oTech purchased additional rope on 10/30, the second day of the job) we have receipts .fhowing we purcha.ted rope at the time we needed it. Arguably thi., was a District ,.e.'Iponsihility. e Tag line was twine not rope It shouldjirst be noted that the specifications state "Distric:t crew$ will clean and tag lines as requIred" This would make it the District '$ "esponsibility for providing and installing tag lines, not HydroTech '.If. Our successful methods,for over t4lenty years. are to pull in a high strength twine and then use it to install a rope (fneeded So yes. our tagline was twine not rope. woo, udng rope as 0 tagline a COIlt1"t1Ct requirement,' there was nl) specification requiring rope Instead o/twine. We would have been htzppy to use ,.ope if it was .'tpecifled 2 B7/16/2008 10:19 775-575-6894 HYDRO TECH , INC. PAGE B4/21 9 The District needed to manufacture a crank handle for HT's Winch and supply other needed tools The district at no time mamifacture:J any crankfor our winch. some adju.9tments had to be made to the crank hut we made the.,#! ttt!il'lstments using a 3imple hammer. 10 HT's fuel draw for their generate r was not Installed properly which caused HT to run out of fuel during installation 111e fuel draw was installed by Me vehicle manufacturer, and set to ,ftop picking up at 3/8 ofa tank. At the time of bid we 141ere unaware that the easement that we would be worldng in would have such sloped groundfor the /ruc/c. At the time we had % of a tank offuel hut it was on an extreme ,rlant, when we attempted to start the generator it would not pick up fuel, we did not run fJUt offuel while in the process 0/ spot repair installation. HydroTech sent our accompany:'ng pic/cup over 10 get a can of go., fueled up and continued with our work. This i r all a non-issue and does not Involve the District. 11 HT did not have 8" material on hand until the end of the project (the District's priority of repair sites was not considered) ']'hi,; is factually incor1'ect, as direc ted by the District we began on their priority repairs those being the 6" lines Cathedral and Washoe. We did have 8" equipment and materials onsite at the beginning of the project however our new 8" packer blew on J J .8.2007 and we had to get it repaired which did talce a bit of time. This did not talce us away from timely completing the balance of the w,rk. HydroTech specifically followed the District's direction of order for repair in.' ~allations. 12 HT's operation took approximately twice as long as other contractors utilized by the District for similar projects (and which causes additional District time requirements). Hydro Tech cannot comment on ho ~ long ollre,. contractors talee to perform work and the District has not produced any .,ubstantlatitg document(ltion to confirm this claim. There was not a particular time for each repair ins,'QllaJion inclttded in fhi, hid. There are many 1n..9tances wherein the District delayed and/or prolonged our work. Each has been iden'jfied however we have "" yet sent a Notice of Potential Claimp ,hi., extra work, and have not made demand/or paymeT'tfor the same, e.g.,. I112108-District was UMble to l:omplete/y remove/clean roots and HydroTech had to wait several hours for approval from Jim to install the repair over the remaining roots. III210B-While pre inspecting the designated repair at Lookout Dr. wefound no lateral at the location and footage design ~ted by the District, the paperwork provided .,howed a repair needed at J 65' meQsure~' downstream. upon hi.~ arrival Jim was able to determine rhat there was a problem wI tlls District '.t logs they gave u., and that the lateral to be repaired was actually at 200'. .Oelay of several hours. 3 07/16/2008 10:19 775-575-6894 HYDROTECH, INC. PAGE OS/21 11/5/2008-HydroTech attemptea to install repair by Ujh over roots but was fmable to find defect at the location indica.'ed, we were able to find a portion which was rusted and Don Petty gave approval to insttrll at that spot instead. Delay of several hour.~. 11/6/08-HydroTech spent over 2 hours time at Tata St. attempting toftnd deterioration in pipe where indicated by the Dial ~;ct. Don Petty came to trUck and also found no defect, and directed no .'(pot repair to be' in.dolled. During our scheduled worA; the DLftrict would not allow HydroTech to work on Monday through Wednesday prior to Tht!nksgiving because they said they "did not have enough personnel to work". This was n"t listed as non working days. Delay of three days. J 1/27/08-012 highway 50 Hymo rech was instructed thai there Wa.f a defect in Ont! line which was to be repaired HydroTech crawled our equipment through the pipe and could Hotfind the defect. After ca/lin8 and discussing with the District we found that the District's logs and/or /ist were r.d,dobeled and the problem to be repaired was actually in a line across the .ftreet. Delay ({(several hOur.f. All of this information should bE confirmed with Jim Hammond and Don Petty. 13 One patch failed. Two patches r'equire re-work. Re-work & failure rate (at 13%) Is higher than other contractors utHized by the District for similar projects. I1ydl'oTecll will repair these three ".ea.~, it should be noted thatlhe two "re..work patches" (1I'e o"ly for .fome minor wrinkling. wh:'ch we will grind smooth. As to the patch that hos "failed", it will be replaced os per the co7J/:ra( t. We O1'e l'Iot aware of any faUure rate of any other contractors, and the District ha3 n.,t provided tmy documentation to substantiate thi& claim. Once repaired the patches are no longer failed Since the contract incl1Jde..'l defect.~ being corrected it obviou."y contemplates thai their ,.,ay be some problem.' to be corrected. so there can be no breach of contract here. 14 There was poor representation of repairs completed in HT's DVD's. This is the first we have het11'd of tl us issue and do not understand what standard they ore using. The,.e is no substantiating docwne ~talion to support this allegation. HydroTech provided an adequate post "ideo to the DL'ltrict and It was accepted by the Di..':trlct. The contract allows ten days from receipt for the District'~ inspection and conformance and to addre.y.'i arry and all deficiencies. .There were "ever ~ V comments or questions aIJout quality or quantity of work. At no time during this project has HydroTtlCh ever violated or not perfonn all requirements of this connet. To now move to get us deba1Ted from future work for the above petty and unsubstantiated non~ contract reasons is certainly against good flUblio policy and California Public Works Code. and slanders our good name and reputation. which we ~annot anow. Since the conception of this contract there have been many spuriou.q comments to and about us that we have had to answer to. lfthe District wishes to discriminate and exclude U8 from bidding and use their preferred, but more expensive contractor, .Nhy are they not intellectually honest enough to state their intentions and only use a sote source bid instead of all these trumped up accusations against HydroTech1 Why has HydroTech been singled out for. :his special treatment? Is this retaliation because we would not 4 07/16/2008 10:19 775-575-6894 HYDRDTECH, INC. PAGE 06/21 agree to provide at a free demonstration U" light cured spot repair for the District? You have in the past bragged to HydroTech about Mr. Adams al)i1ity to "get lots offree stulffor the District7t. The District claims they want to see a UV liner demonstration however they have twice dec:lined to attend a UV spot repair and/or top hat demonstration in Cars on City. The Districts actions belie their words. In summary, there has not. been presented t~ the District any contract violations or sufficient cause to tenninate or disbar only slander and innuerJdo even questioning our '''trustWorthiness''. HydroTech would request the Board reject this action. If any form of debarment is to move forward, HydroTeeh would request a hearing to review the contract se(tion particulars that were violated anellor a court action to decide the same. Our good work with STPUD goes back over 15 years, has been exempllU)', and we have also bailed them out in a few emergencies; we will strenuously defend ourselves to clear our good name. A 1\ rights are reserved. If you have any questions or comments ple!Se contact me at your earliest convenience. ~~~ L. KEW1n Brazell Vice President, HydroTech, Inc. 00: Mike Springer, counsel for Hydro1'ech, Inc. Mary Lou Mosbacher, President of the STPUD Board via fax (530) 541-0614 Richard Solbrig. General Manager, STPUD via fax (530) 541-0614 Enclosures: 7~ I t -2008 letter for debanllent, Invitation to Bid. Bid Results, Purchase Order, and Letter Requesting a Free uV Ligllt Spot Repairrrop hat Demonstration 5 07/16/2008 10:19 775-575-6894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 07/21 Gtlne'-/ill M.1)t'.i1~~" RlDhll1'lll H. 5Q1"'"1 ~;'F~ South Tahoe J'::=.;~ ~~....-" ~ Public Utility District "'''''"E:!~~~ ~"=':."i.___.~.. _.--=:..:-~~..-:=::-'':='~~-~''~~.:'.:.="~,~~~:~~':::=.::~~~~~~:===_.._--~ -..-.. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive - South L21ke Taho$ e CA 96150~ 7401 JUly 8,2008 Phone 530 544-6474- Fax 5:30 541-0614ewww.stpud.us Mr. Kevin Brazell, VP Hydro Tech Inc 155 Lyon Orive Fernley NV 89408 by certified mall Dear Mr. Brazell, Staff of the South Tahoe Public Utilit~ District (District) intends to ask its Board of Directors to disallow Hydro Tech Inc. (HT) for future bidding opportunities. This action is precipitated by the fofloNing which arose in the course of the SewerUne Spot Repair Services bid awarded to HT in 2007: . Staff was required to request i 1surance certificates multiple times . Staff was required to request references multiple times . Staff's multiple phone calls an,j messages were not retumed until staff wrote to HT to schedule the work (2 % months after bid award) . HT scheduled the work but die! not show . On another day, HT showed LP without scheduling or notification to the District . HT was iIIwprepsred to begin tl,e work: -HT did not have confir ed space equipment on site initially -HT had insufficient cahle to perform the work (the District provided rope as a backup) . w Tag line was twine not rope -The Distrid needed to manufacture a crank handle for HT's winch and supply other needed tools ~HT's fuel draw for thei' generator was not installed properly which caused HT to run out of fuel during an installation -HT did not have a" material on hand until the end of the project (the District's priority of repair sites was not considered) . HT's operation took approxim ataly twice as long as other contractors utilized by the District for similar projects (and which causes additional District time requirements) . One patch failed . Two patches require re-work . Re-work & failure rate (at 13~D) is higher than other contractors utilized by the District for similar projects . There was poor representaticn of repairs completed in HT's DVDs 07/16/2008 10:19 775-575-6894 HYDROTECH, INC. PAGE 08/21 HydroTech has not demonstrated the quality, fitness, or trustworthiness necessary to be considered a "responsible" bidder, Di:;trict staff will ask the Board of Directors to decide on this matter at its regularly scheduled public meeting on July 17. 2008 at 2:00 p.m. HydroTech is welcome to attend. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIHTRICT a(~~- Linda Brown Purchasing Agent 07/16/2008 10:19 775-575-6894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 09/21 Gct'1Cr;11 M""lll~r' Rlehlll'd H. 5olln1e South Tahoe Public Utility District OIre:C;f:0r9 K.R1*IICCfl Fllrrc!ll Jaml!l91i:. JCF'tltl Mary Lou M~I:>"chc!r ~I'IO W"UltU Erfc $chllfl:r ..------..-,----......-.- June 18t 2007 ~;t 0 M,,01 iYtJQ.. 1 ,j.f . 1275 Metilelow Crest DrIve- South Lake Tahoc.CA 96150-7401 Phone 5~O 544-6474- Fax 530 541..0614- www.stpuel.ua INVITATION TO BID The South Tahoe Public Utllit~' District is accepting bids for ~EWERLI~E SeOI BEPAIR eeB.VICES. Enclosed are the bid specfficatit)ns, terms and conditions and proposal fonns. Each section of the propose I form mut~t t>e completed In fUll in order for your proposal to be considered by the District. Each sealed bid shall be marked on the enveJooe a8 such and sent to the attention of thE! P'Jrchasing Agent. Qmy sealed bids will be accepted by the District untIl2:0Q,p.m. on July' 9. 2007, at which time all bIds duly received at 12'r5 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, Califomla 96150, will be publicly opened and read aloud. The South Tahoe Public Utility [)istrict reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to award the bid to rh.~oompsny or firm which the District deems most responsible and in the best interE:st of the District. Sincerely. South Tahoe Public Utility Distric: d~~ Linda Brown PurchasIng Agent '-.' 07/16/2008 10:19 775-575-6894 HYDROTECH, INC. ""LA v.. 't:4I'VU PAGE 10/21 Public Wlity DiGtrlct S.ewERLlNE SPOT REPAIRS MW~MUM BID SPE~laCa!.IQNS The SOuth Tahoe Public Utility Oistid (District) ts requesting bids for spot repairs on sewer mains located In the District's service a"'a located In the City of South Lake Tahoe and/or EI Dorado County, Callfomla. Materlal/OoeraUon: The repaIrs vfill be performed on 6H, 8". or 10" pipe consisting of asbestos cement (Ae) or clay (VCP) pipe. (f~e attached listing for possible repair sites.) Spot repairs will begin 1 foot above the upstream jol rlt and end 1 fool below the downstream Joint on any clay pipe with length.-wise cracks. . A full-circle fiberglass amblent-cun.d..ln-place material shall be used for the spot repairs. Flow through plugs will be used in order to keep the sewer line active. If 8 full pipe plugging Is needed, It must be pre-.ipproved and schedl'lled by a District representative. District crews will clean and tag fine; as required. The District will provide f1aggers if required. All material and methods shall meet the requirements of Federal, State and local regulations. Contractor shalf fumish material SBfuty data sheets for any and all materials that may affect those that work in the areas. ]Jibe con,g&ints: Work will corrmence on or after July 1, 2007. and be completed before December 31, 2007. If severe 'M!ather and/or cold temperatures delay the completion of the project, 811 work must be completed no later than June 30, 2008. Delays must be discussed and agreed upon with the District's repre sentatlve. . Raoul.toN Reaulretnaots~ All \Ntlrk will b8 subject to prevailing wages (see sectfon 7 of the General Conditions). Any licenses, permits, or Inapeotic ns needed for the work shall be the responsibility of the contractor to obtain. A City of Sautt, Lake Tahoe business license will be required for work to be conducted within cfty limits. Contractor must hold an appropriate state contractor's license, which is current and active. Insi)8dlon: Contractor will provide the DI~trlct with 8 clear visual recording (VHSlCD/DVD) of repairs completed that shows the betJlnning and ending mark/measurement of the repair. The DIstrict will have ten (10) days from receipt of the recording, to inspect product for workmanship, appearance, proper functioning and t:onformance to all other requirements of this speclflcatfon. If deficiencies are detected, the product will be teJected and the vendor will be required to make netessary repairs, adjustments or rel,)lacements. Payment will not be made until the defects are corrected and the produQ r~lnspectfK:f and accepted. The District 8.180 reserves the right to stop the work If safety Is Jeopardized or m'lterials or workmanship is sub-par. WamJn.tv: Contractor shall supply tf' e manufacturer's standard form of commercial warranty for the material, end a minimum of one-)ear warranty coverage for on..site material application and workmanship. Quality and length 0" varranty may be a factor In the award of contract. A,sslanabllltv: The Contractor shall :10t assign contract, or any part thereof, or any monies due or to became due herein without prior consent of the District. Referehces: Bidders shall provide tt"ree or more references of customers with three or more years experience using their propose'~ cured..in..place. material/servIces. See the Reference LIstIng page for more information. CURRENT REPAIR SITES Gtarene Glorene Post Stateline Post Stateline Post Stateline Specie! Projects 62 Spada! Projects UT1163- UT1762 Pre Sierra Angora 3A Angora 3A Angora 3A Angora 3A Ponderosa PIS Ponderosa P/S Ponderosa PIS Ponderosa P/S Ponderosa P/S Ponderosa PIS Ponderosa PIS Ponderosa PIS Ponderosa PIS Ponderosa PIS Ponderosa PIS Ponderosa P/6 Ponderosa P/6 Ponderosa P/S Ponderosa PIS Spills Note: The District does not guarantee contracting for repairs of any site an this list. Additions and deletions of repair sites may be made to the list and/or prioritizattan changes, and budget constraints are possible. sus Pine Tyne, Pine Size Len 8 AC 6 4 K27 TK715 -TK622 18 AC 8 2 K27 TK781 -TK780 2 AC 6 4 3* AC 8 2 19 AC 6 2 7 Clay 6 4 15 Clay 6 4 19 Clay 6 4 22 Clay 6 2 PD99 -84 AC 8 2 PD95 -94 AC 6 2 P096 -912 AC 6 2 PD80 -71 AC 6 2 PD71 -84 AC 6 2 P070-64 AC 6 2 PD70 -64 AC 6 _ 2 PD70-64 AC 6 2 PD61 -80 AC 6 2 PD92 -86 AC 8 2 PD94-86 AC 8 2 P051 -49 AC 6 2 P03-2 Clay 8 2 PD57-56 AC 6 2 PD5B-59 AC 8 2 020 BJ255 -BJ254 020 9J254 -BJ253 021 BJ414 -BJ413 AC 8 2 M22 13V124-13V105 AC , 6 2 K38 UT1183- UT1162 Mat Dlstancelrt Reza Tata 189 Deterioration 10th 382 Roots Ferri 91.4 Deterioration Fern 2771 Roots Rocky Pt 74.4 Roots Alameda 21.1 Hole Yakima 35.4 Crack 18 AC 6 2 N25 AT2OI -AT200 Osbaume 88.4 134 UJT1548- UT1331 134 UT456 -UT455 134 UT883 -UT455 135 UT675 -U1874 N26 PD99 -PD94 N26 PD96 -PD94 1426 PD86 PD92 M25 PD80 -P071 M28 P071 -PD64 M26 P070 -PD64 M26 PD70•PD64 M26 PD7D -PD64 M26 PD61 -PD60 1426 PD92 -PD86 1426 Pd94 -PD86 M25 PD51 -PO49 M25 PD3 -PD2 M25 PD57 -PD56 M26 PD58 -PD59 LTB Dixie Mtn Dude Mtn NUT Lodi Alma Kubel Chris Sockton William William Wigiam Patmlra Kubel Lodi Sprtngwood Sunset Hwy 50 Hwy 50 8J319 -276 AC 6 2 P21 BJ319 -BJ276 Alder 191 273 271 77 145 357 5 316 85.3 49 122 189 333 98.6 103 11.8 159 631 48.1 Hole Crack Crack Crack Joint 181 Crack Crack Crack Crack Crack Deterioration Fracture Crack Crack Crack Hole Crack Roots/Lateral Hole Hole 39.3 Roots/Lateral 07/16/2008 10:19 775-575-6894 HYDROTECH, INC. PAGE 12/21 South Tahoe Public Utility Oietrict REQUEST FOR BID/PROPOSAL GENERAL CONtunONS 1. PREPARA nON OF PROPQSAL: A. All infonnatlon requested of the bidder shall be entered In the appropriate space on the bid fonn. Fanure to do so may disqualify four bid. B. All Information shall be entered In Ink or typewritten. Mistakes may be crossed out and corrections inserted before submission of your bid. Corrections shan be Initialed In ink by the person signing the bid. C. Corrections and/or modlflcatlcm9. received aRar the closing tlrmt will not be accepted. Any exceptions to specifications must be stated on the bid.' D. Prices will be considered as ne'; if no cash discount Is shown. E. Bids must be submitted by or pl10r to the date and time specified and received at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lalte Tahoe, C8llfomia 96150 to be considered. No late bids, no faxed, telegraphic or telephC1ne bids will be accepted. F. All bids shall be signed by an 8'Jthorized officer or employee of the bidder. G. Submit bids In a sealed envelol19 marked clearty with the bid number. ~ANGES IN .WOBQING: The contractor shall not change anl' wording in the documents. Any explanation or alternatives offered shall be submitted In the Ex.~ptlons section or in a letter 'attached to the bidding documents. Alternatives which do not substantially comply with the Oistrict's specifications will not be considered. Language of negation or limitation of any rights, remedies, or warranties provided by law will not be considered part of the bid. Bids offered that are subject to conditions or Iimlt~tlons may be rejected. 3. WITHDRAWAL Of BID: Arly bidder may withdraw his bid, either personally, by telephone or written request received by the District at any time poor to tbe ag,es;luled oloslnc time for receipt of bids. A bidder may wlthdraw his bid ~ the ooenlOQ of bids providing he can establish to the Districts satisfaction that a mistake was madn in preparing the bid. As outlined by Sectlons 5100 at seq., of the public contracts code of CaMe m;a MA bidder desiring to withdraw shalf give written notice to the District within five days after ope nlng of bids specifying in detail how the mistake occurred and how the mistake made the bid materially different than it wes intended to be". Withdrawal will be permitted for mists~es made in filling out the bid and will not be permitted for mistakes resulting from errors in Juc:lgment or carelessness in Inspecting the site of Work or In reading the Plans and Specifications. 07/16/2008 10:19 775-575-6894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 13/21 4. BRAND NAMES: A. Brand names and part number ~ Will be used for reference to indicate the character of quality desired. 8. Equal Items will be considered. provided your offer clearly descr1bes the articles and how they differ from the referenCed brarufs. C. When brand, number or level of quality Is not stated by the bidder, it is understood the offer Is exactly as cited In the specifications. 5. TaxeS: A. The District Is subject to sales tax (current rate is 7.75%); include sales tax in your bid price where applicable. 8. Do not include Federal excise Tax in your bid; the District is exempt. C. If requested. exemption certificutes will be furnished when Federal Excise Tax Is exempted. 6. INSURANCE & I:fQLD HARMLESS A. Contractor agrees to furnish employer's. Liability and Comprehensive General Liability Insurance. B. Contractor agrees to Jturchase ,and maintain during the life of the contract Public Liability and Property Damage insurance. and shall niame as coinsured. the District. its elective board, officers, agents, and emr>loyees. Contractor's Insurs:nce shall cover same coinsured entities from any claims for damage which may arise from ContradC r'a or sny Subcontractors operations under this contract, whether such operations are by Contractor or by any Subcontractor, or by anyone directly or Indirectly employed by either the Contractor or Subcontractor. Contractor agrees to name all Insured parties In the polley and provide copies of the certlf1cate to each of those named parties. C. The Ifmlts of liability for Contrac:or's Insurance shalf not beles8 than: 1. California Worker's Compenraation: Statutory 2. Employer's liability: $2,000, aoo each person (injury or disease) 3. Comprehensive General Ushlllty a. Bodily injury: $~ ,000.000 each person $2,000,000 per occurrence b. Property damage: $2,000,000 each oeeurrence $2,000.000 aggregate c. Person~llnJury: $2,000.000 per occurrence 4. Comprehensive Automobile l.iabillty a. Bodily injury: $2,000,000 each person $2,000,000 per occurrence b. Property Damage: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2.000,000 aggregate D. At the option of the Contractor, Etvldence of coverage and limits may be fumlshed by an umbrella liability policy certificate in additi':m'to cert)flcates for workmen's compensation and employer'S liability, and comprehensive automobfle ,arid general fiability policies. Contractor'shall submit documentation s~lng exad limits of coverage llnd exclusions, if any. E. For any claims related to this work, the Contractor's insurance coverage shall be RdmSN to the Dlatrict's Insurance and shall so slate on the endorsements. Any insurance or self..lnsurance maintained by the District shall bfl excess of the Contracto~8 Insurance and shall not contribute with It. 07/16/2008 10:19 775-575-6894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 14/21 F. Any failure to comply with repo'rting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provic ed to the District. G. The Contractor's insurance shill apply separately to each Insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought. except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. H. E8d1 Insurance polley required by this cfause shall be endol'$ed to state that coverage shalt not be suspcJnded, voided, cancefed b'l either party (Contractor or Insurance Company), reduced in coverage or In 11mb except afttlr thirty (30) days' prior written notice by Certified Mail, retum receipt roquested, has been given to C istrict. I. Contractor shall fLlmilh to Di~ct original endorsements offecting cov,rage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be sl"ned by a person authorized by that Insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. An endorsements are tel be receIved and approved by District before work commences. The Contractor's insurer may proVid'9 complete. certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements effeCtIng the ecverage required by these specifications. J. It Is the responsibility of COntra(~or to include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or assure each subcontractot maitltalns Its own Insurance coverage subject to all of the requirements stated herein. K. To the fuflest extent permitted b V law, Contnlctor shall indemnify and hold hennlass the Dlsttlct and their agents and employees from and against all claims, damages. losses and expenses Including but nOt limited to Attomeys' fees arir~lng out of or resulting from the perfonnance of the work, provided that any such cfaim, damage. 10 59 or expense (8) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to Injury to or destructi on of tangIble property (other than the Work itself) including the loss of use resulting therefrom and 0.) Is caused in whole or in part by any act or omission of Contractor, Subcantt8ctor, anyone Indlrectl)' or dlr8Ctly employed by any of them ot anyone for whose ads any of them may be liable, regardless of wh~er or not it is cause in part by a party Indemnified hereunder. 7. CALlf'ORNIA LABOR cone Contractors WOrking for the South Taho'9 Public UtIlity District are required to comply with the Califomla Labor COde. Article 2. SectIon 1770 through 1780 fnduslve and Article 5, Section 1810 through 1861 Inclusive. (Laws and Regulations governing the payment of prevailing wages.) The Contractor and each subcontractor shall keep an acaJrate payroll record showing the name, address, social security number, work ela'8Ificatit)n~ straight time and overtime hours worked each day and week, and the actual per diem wages paid 'to eac::h f"umeyman, apprentice, worker, or other employee emploYed. The payroll records shalf be certified, a~ailable for inspection, and copies thereof furnished with the payment requests as prescribed fn Section 1ne ,'Jf the Labor Code. The Contractor shall keep the District Informed as to the location of the records and shs II be responsible for the compliance with these requirements by all subc:Ontnlctors. PenalUes for noncompl~ance include 8 forfeiture of $25/per day per worker which may be deducted from any moneys due the Cor tractor. Contractor wlrl post a copy of the detemlination of prevailing rates at the Jobslt&/s; and will promptly notify the District In writing of any cfa8slficatior'Is of labor not listed in the prevailing wage detennlnatfon but necessary for the perfonnance of the wtlrk. Copies of the prevailing rate of per diem wages are available at the following site httD:/I'o.YY(W.dir.ca.aov/OLSRlstatistics researc::h,tltro.l or may be accessed via a CD file at the Dlstrtd office. 07/16/2008 10:19 775-575-6894 HYDROTECH, INC. PAGE 15/21 8. SAFETY AND PROTECTION A. Contractor !Ihall be I'espon8lbl~ tor initiating, maintaining. and supervi~lng all safety precautions and programs in connection with the' Work. Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety 0' and the necessary protect/on to orevent damage, Injury or 108S to: 1. All employees on the Wort< 0" other persons who may be affected thereby; 2. all the WOrk and materials or equipment to be incorporated therein; 3. other property at the site or a ~jaoent thereto, ineludlng ~e8, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, stNctUres and utilitie!1 not designated for removal, relocation, or replacement In the course ( the constrUction. B. Contractor shall supply to the OJ ~trfct proof of confined space training for each employee scheduled to eliter a confined space prior to I tartlng the work. C. All general work procedures and precautions, will conform to Califomla OSHA regulations. ~. DEFAUL1 BY BIDDER: In the case of default by the Contractor; the District may procure services and/or artJcles from other sources and may deduct from any tn6nies due, ,( lr that thereafter become due, to Contractor, the difference between thE price named hi the contract or the purct.'sse order and .the actual cost thereof to the Disfrict. If no monies thereafter become due, Contractor shall pay to the District said price difference. Prices paid by the District shall be considered the prevailing markc.t price at the time such purchase is made. Periods of perfonnance may be extended If the facts as to the cause of delay justify such extensIon in the opinion of the District. OIstttct at Its sole option may terminate ':he contract In the case of default by the Contractor, upon written notio to the Contractor snd Contraetor shan h Bve no claim against the District, except for monies due for services performed before said termination, less any difference provided above. 10. AWARDrrERMI~A TION OF COJ:JTRACT/PVRCHASe ORDER: A. The following factors In combIne Uon will be considered In awarding or terminating the contraCt/purchase order, not listfld necessarily in their order of importance. 1. Prices 2. Bidders previous record of pEtfformance and service to'the District. 3. Ability of bidder to render S8~sfactory service/goods ~n this il')stsnce. , 4 _resentsUves to call upc.')n aod to col'!sult With the District's using departments. 5. Quality and conformance to [,)istricfs specifications.. , . B. The South Tahoe Public Utility ['istrict reselVes the right: 1. to award bid received on the l,asis of individual items, or groups of items, or on the entire list of Items; 2. to reject any or all bids or any part thereof; 3. to waive any infonnality in the bids; and 4. to accept the bid that is In the I;Jsst interest of the District. The Districts decision shall be fi-,al. C. In all purchases by the DIstrict, (,vallablllty and accessibility of warranty service and service after wstT8nty may be considered In (:etennlning the low bidder. 9. CHArtGES IN PURCHASg ORDERl~QNTRAOT: No changes may be made In the PUrch'ISS orderlcontl'Bct withOut written 8uthor1Zatlon of the District Purchasing Agent 07/16/2008 10:19 775-575-6894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 16/21 PROPOSAL TO South rshoe Pu~ UtII~ DI6tr!ct The undersigned bidder, having familiarized himself with the work required by the Bid Specifications, ..- General Conditions and other documents; and understanding the constraints imposed by site and lima, and all other factors affecting pM')rmance of the work for. the Jawed''''' SDot--8!palr "d. dOes hereby propose to provide th~ speC#ied. work for the following priCes~ Priess. are all-inclusive (eg. includes mobilization and per..diem .If apl')lIeable): . BID # 07..()8..08A i>,"". ."" ";'",,,,;;;\,'';::,'',,; "~ '\"1 "':I\''''.I'~t'i''I':'l\'\''\Ii''i:'';'''''';''''lil'';\;''I';"~"" "Ii','- 'I"'" :',;t>>,:; II',!. '::, :,,~~'\';iV'n{:'.';',', ''':' , :',",;:,; \p,;:./,::,.:',I',;' I':>,' 'i;.~':',;",'. ',.'\.,~..I.;'I:-' '" /;,".: ~'4\'" . ,I; (~If'~ "\,;~,b'f,tJ~';:>' " ,;"'1, 1."1,"",' j\f.,l;'~l:;;",':-ii ,':,.d' ,~;]~ ~~'~~':r,'f"'1 k'.,1i\".': ;i~;\;,,~l ~JiiJ ,j/.,. r.., rl"",~ '(~ ~I., '1:.I~~"'" 'II I Il.'" ~~~ ::J, ,~~Jf~; (~.( ,:\{,,~t L,;.~.i;'''',. II ,\.i\'-\~;J\'qJ;1; ~,~j~\: :J 1,,"rl'J\J.<'~ll~ ~.'~~\,};-;\".,'J""\'I'I':r!') 'f.;y. ~...f',:.,r'i~""/'1 ,t\l_f' "'llIJ;'~~,..I" 'I' I,', {~:y;~:r,~~'~\"" r"" ,., ..,,,,, ... ."jl:, ,,,,,,,,,, ,0" -,,",,' ,,'''' ..c.;' , '..' "JII. " ", .0, "" '..".. ,.,,"Y,,,... 2 ft. . llgL, ;2-5" $ 'cr75: t)~ $ ~/I,.z..,S@ 3 ft. ~qo~ .ZS: .;l. I (, ~ . ;t;.S'" .;L30~' 2-> 4ft. ~3l . z.S' ;:7~7_$ '7.S0 .;< t.l-S"(), 00 5 ft. .;2..15-".. z...> ;::2- 3 ,,8. 7 &:" ~317> 6ft. .;1..~ g' J ' ~ :;1....s-00,oC' .?. 7..5 7. s-o If over 6 ft. indicate costs per foot (to be "c ' . . ~ ,;l. J~~ lper foot .;;..J.J.S'. Iper foot ~ ~,!;". lper foot added to the 6' cost) Estimated project completion date:----:;:SO DA i:S Warranty infonnation:~ '1 eA r-:- Any exceptionls to this bid must be noter.j here: . '131'0 ~Prl . (~~r r~/J.~~T~r-- The undersigned Bidder hereby certifies (8) that this Bid is genuine and is not made in the interest of, or in the behalf of, any undiscfosed persl)n, firm, or corporation, and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, as.,ociation, organization, or corporation; (b) that he has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited imy other Bidder to put in a false or sham Bid; (0) that he has not solicited or induced any person, firm, or corporation to refrain from bidding; and (d) that he has not sought by collusion to obtain for himself any advantage over any' other Bidder or over the OWner. If this bid is accepted within forty (40) days from the date of the opening of the bid. the undersigned hereby Irrevocably agrees to enter into cpntract and further agrees to complete all work covered by the Bid, in accordance with specified requirements, and within the time prescribed. The acceptance of this offer shall becorre effective upon the District issuing a purchase order to the und$rslgned. Contractors License'# Classification: ~ - t:;;~-!:A I &t~1 t\eeC'1 y\Q Company Name: a. c . -;; T '-' Address: s- t1l e. - \" n eJJPr:J? A . Representative Signature: a Date: ,'7- &, - (:I 7 , "" Print Name & Title: jG=.VI 13r~aL.-Vlc,~"~..s ~;;T ~ Phone 1;( "J?S' I ~~-LfIOO ?~#:(.z?S _ I .::i:25-&;Rifi 07/16/2008 10:19 775-575-6894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 1 7/21 South Tahoe Public Utility Dletriat . Jl~FERENCES LISD~.G. Provide three or more references of customers (other than the District) with three or more years experience using you . proposed cured~ln-place material and services. Similar types of jobs with agencle s located In Califomia or Nevada are preferred. The DIstrict may contact any of the references provided and other ageneles or companies for references, and may consider responses In deciding the bid awardee. Explanation of JOb~Q.l Y) (9 tJ.~ Cax(~ rt ,{)jf}>t v1t ....sq footage , . Dates of servlce~()?J Name of BUSiness_M tv\, ,c" . . AddresS, 1-\o~ ~ ~~. Rd ) ~Qvt'A UAIj V~~l'JV MO?)')' I Contact Person {Q~}L l.ookLu1 Phone # 1o~ - eq6- v>~1~ explanation of Job/s e.,\ fP s.pot Ye~~lY~ I ~V\cl ~\ Y\\ ~ -sq foOtage Dates of servlce~i. ~ 04- Name of Business ~PU.LVl ~JJJ ( lUI\~e Address~6~' ~. 0 Contact person] \ \\l ~lS Explanation of Job/s ~~ C\y \ (\\ Y\ -sq footage II Dates of Service ~ Nama of Business tQ ~~vL .~tvV\('jL~ AddressjJj?- N. '{11dV) ~ ~ \(..t u:ru- : '-\1 \\t CDntact PllISOIl \Z.l\ ~ (t l Y\"- PhDne # 'l1> \,. ~k %1'1 , Explanation of Job/s ~r~~ t?; pot. ye)2-av~ y \ u..nd lA Y\. \ Y\M\ -sq footage . Dates of Serviee~ 00"04- Name of Business Q. " ~~~() =::~t) 0 i~~~~ ~N. ~~~= COMPLETE & RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL 07/16/2008 10:19 775-575-6894 HYDROTECH, INC. PAGE 18/21 e,auth T shoe PIJbllo Utlllty,Diatrict Re!:.&.RENCES LISTING ProVide three or more references 0' customers (other than the District) with three or more years experi~nce u~;ng y~ur proposed, cured..jn-place material and $8rvlces. Similar types of jObs with agencies located in' Callfomia or Nevada are ,preferred. The District may contact ~ny of the re~el~nQes provided and other agencies or companies for references. and may consider "'Isponses in deciding the bid awardee. Explanation of Job rei \\\oYUt ~~ P\,\D':= ~ ~Xi ~(\ ~ ~& -sq footage Dates of Service (L ~ NameOfBU~C~~ tiJ.~n~. ...... .. Address ~1\~1~\~-J~ , Contact person_j~ 1i1t~~ Phone #j1~-~1J\.. \\10/11'5..- "q,89'J;-j., ( explanation of J,ob~~ ftai ~.~ O~-A~~' ' ~ . ' t,~\d' ~VQt ~W( -sq foOtage ~. " , ., " .,.,. ;'.''l._J;)ate~ Or SeivleeJdll'" ~b?J Name of Business," PcttJ'l \'(l I(" tIr6\Yu\'K}On . Address-A ~o?Jt- .~lU'\(\n ~(t)'1. ) J~M"~ NV ~'\-'?1?f " Contact Person~l( ~ MtrlAt';o Phone .,. 11" -~ ,. ~~ , ' Explanstton OfJObIs (;{ U.~l~ ~~...., ,ploW 0~t!L ~(Li\,\ ...sq footage. Dates of Servlee-W-~ t;}ob'Y Name of Business G.... 11 ~\fiJti1o Y) " Address-" \O~ ~~ ~\&r \\m.t1_- S~ ll'\4--?/ Contactpers~~n , ... Jphon~#,-n'7-1&1,,:g,n{:D=z">02~v..D3 Explanation of Job/s -sq footage .. Name of Business . Address Contact Person Dates of Service ,':Phone# COMPLETE & RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL 07/15/2008 10:19 775-575-5894 HYDROTECH, INC. PAGE 19/21 081 ~3/20D7 HON 13122 p~ S30 SU 4306 S!1'PUt Pinance DJ.V.Le..i.C?fl., 21002/002 South Tahoe 1275 Meadow Crest Drive 5outl11.8ke Tsho8 CA 96150 5:30 644-6414600 541-0614 Pu blic Utility Di$trlct CONFIRMING PURCHASE ORDE'R I~URCHASE NO mJDAY DEUVERlES ORDER NO. NO DEUVERlI$S AFTER:I P.M. P19217 I ThIt P.O. NUl'I\bef MUST eppellt on II pllCklng LIItt, Invo!go8 and ColT8SJlOlldetlC8 veNDOR: V40.397 ftiDROTECH INC 155 LYON DRIVE FBRNLEY, NV 89408 SALESPERSON: KEVIN BRAZSLL PHONE: oRDER ,: O~ROA~ OS/01/07 DELIVERY DATE: SHIP VIA: F.O.B.: .~. QUANtITY CATALOG NlWIBl Rand DliSORPTlON UNIT PRICE 00. PRICE . . 01 ~1,900 SBWERLINE SPOT REPAIRS PBR BID 1.00 1,.90Q.00 #07-0e..08A PO 'total 51,900.00 TERMS: L REOUESU.:R019S73 REQUESlED BY: ADAMS/BOAR ORDERED BY: !tHIS ~~ 07/16/2008 10:19 775-575-6894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 20/21 ,- '-, SC)UTH TAHOE PUf~L1C UTILITY DI5TRICf BID RESULTS BID# FOR 07..oS-OBA Sewerline Spot Repair Services OPENING DATE July9,2OC17 Hydrotech J.F Pacific Linerslno Professional Pi~. Seal $ 61,900.00 61,646.00 72,500.00 ....- DIscl8imer. The total dollar arT ount is based upon expected repair sites and ft1eir estimated sizes. The oontract':otal may vary, but. unit prices are finn. ~: h1~ ~~go1z~ .1JtPa/c.!>aoJ 7/li ! [)~~~~I ~f4~~~' eW ~~ ~ L II.JR- I wa...t. ~ 1)-' fD i ~~! I , Too/TODij--.....,' UO':'TATCI' pOU.U-ri OMoIiS9'oh nSi OE9 xv. tSiIOl In~ LOOC/OT/LO 07/16/2008 10:19 775-575-6894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 21/21 Ocr1onal Mtll'li!lgBr ~Ie"'rd H. $olbrtg DINilC~ I<.:ltl1l6c" Fllmlll Jame, F?. JorlC9 MI'~ LoIJ M",l1achcr DUll"' W.II.~ Eric: $cMfc,. ~ -=~....::.: =--=-==--==~~.=::~.. ....-.-. ~~ 1275 Me.adow Creet Drive · South Lake Taho/3. CA 96150~ 7401 Phone 630 544"6474" Fax 530 541-0614. www.etpud.ue South Tahoe Public Utility District July 24, 2007 To Whom It May Concem: The South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) is interested in co-sponsoring a demonstration of a ultra-violet I ght, cured-in-place sewer line spot repair. The District will provide the site or sites and the installer will provide the material and labor. The installer will have thn option to invite other Interested parties to observe the installation/s. "-.. The District will not be respons'ble for lodging and or meals. The date for the demonstration will be mutually agreed upon by the installer and the District. If the District receives multiple responses. the order in which responses are received will be a consideratiorl in the agreementls to co-sponsor. If you have any questions, plee,se call. Sincerely, -rY4d~ ~~, Michael Adams Underground Repair Sewer SLpervlsor 530-543~a253 '-~.. Ge~al t.Uln... I&hara H. ~ South Tahoe Public Utility District Dl~ Emle Claudio JMMe R. ~ M.try Lou t.4oeacher D.~ 1215 M.aow er.t DrIw · South labs iahoe . CA 9616C PhoM 550 544-64-74 · Fsx 530 t541-06~ BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: FROM: Board of Directors Jim Hoggatt, Construction Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: July 17, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: EI Dorado County Erosion Control Invoices - Apalachee Phase I REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve payment to EI Dorado County, in the amount of $14,801.55. DISCUSSION: District staff has received two (2) invoices requesting reimbursement for relocating or adjusting our sewer or water lines due to conflicts with the EI Dorado County Apalachee Phase I Erosion Control Project. The District will submit the charges to be reimbursed 2/3 of this amount from a grant with the Forest Service. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8865 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $300,000 (2007/08) ATTACHMENTS: EI Dorado County Invoices CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: Sewer & Water -7- / COUNTY OF EL DORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION . .()~~~~~Ol':-~~Go.:;'\~ u: Vb.:.. :~:: . e.l ',' . '\ ;r~. .., 'c.'... ~;~ ~,,/ -i.YFOll~ ,. TAHOE ENGINEERING RICHARD W. SHEPARD, P.E. 924B Emerald Bay Road Director of Transportation South Lake Tahoe, CA96150 Phone: (530) 573-7900 Internet Web Site: Fax: (530) 541-7049 http://co.el-dorado.ca.us/dot MAIN OFFICE 2850 Falrlane Court Placervllle CA 95667 Phone: (530) 621-5900 Fax: (530) 626"0387 ,(.,.J""-___.:': .) r mI1J[ . -: ..== // (,= f" . ____ _r ... - -....- J .. /-''-.... ~ .~-'_/ June 16. 2008 Mr. Jim Hoggatt South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Dear Jim, Subject: Apalachee Erosion Control Project Invoices for Project Nos. 95185 and 95154 This letter is in response to the letter dated May 5, 2008, regarding the above-referenced subject matter. Thank you for your time in reviewing the invoices submitted by EI Dorado County Department ofTransportation (EDOT) and providing a status update. EDOT reviewed the letter and would Hke to address the items mentioned. · Invoice 07-1: No comment. This invoice has been paid, thank you. · Invoice 06-1: Contract Change Order (CCO) #1 was the price difference between the bid price amount and the force account calculation to install the cast-in-place Drainage Inlet (DI) box at STA 25+95 RT Washoan Blvd (see attached Record Drawing Plan Sheet and CCO #1). The base map from the utility grid sheets provided by the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) and the USA markings indicated that there were no conflicts with the 6-inch sewer line. However, upon excavation for the 01 box, it was detennined that the sewer line was located approximately one-foot above the designed base elevation of the prefabricated 01 box. The conflict required the DI box be cast-in-place and the outlet pipe invert elevation be raised approximately 1.25 feet. The DI bid price was $3,000.00 and the force account calculation for the labor, tltnt, and materials used for the cast-in-place 01 box totaled $3,235.06. The additional cost of he requested reimbursement amount, therefore, please honor the amount and submit payment wi ou urrin9 interest on said un-paid amount. · Invoice 06-1: Regarding the Apalachee Phase 1 Erosion Control Project (95154), the sewer lateral which was installed as part of the original subdivision sewer improvements from the main to the property line, is still within public right-of-way and therefore EDOT's opinion that the cost to abandon these District-owned facilities should be bome by District up to the right-of-wa . Therefore, the District may elect to short pay Invoice 06-1 the un-contested amount in the amount hout incurring interest. However, ~ the unpaid amount within 30 da s 0 f this letter unless the District can / provide EDOT with a defensible legal position on lateral ownership (private easements for said laterals) /' within the County owned Right-Of-Way which is other than the responsibility of the District to said Right-Of- Way line. If you have a questions on this matter, please contact me at (530) 573-7910. ~ 7:~ an P.E. j~ Engineer res pc: Bob Slater, County (letter only) Dick Bird, County (letter only) Donaldo Palaroan (letter only) Ruth Young, County (letter only) '..aA,S.c!uto, District (letter only) Richard H. SOlbrig, District (letter only) Penny Stewart, CTC (letter only) Barbara Shanley, USFS (letter only) -9- c:.\4f:CMt""ICQ\QTDlln'^ft..............""'" 1..........:...__ __..._ .. It.... "''' ..,.. ^" ""__ COUNTY OF EL DORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RICHARD W. SHEPARD, P.E. Director of Transportation Internet Web Site: http://co.el-dorado.ca.us/dot MAIN OFFICE: 2850 Falrlane Court Placervllle CA 95667 Phone: (530) 621-5900 Fax: (530) 626-0387 March 11, 2008 3 rd Notice Cort t~~V~~~B:7)4 hU~~'JlIrL South Tahoe Public Utility District Richard Solbring 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Subject: Apalachee Phase 2 Erosion Control Project (95185) Following, please find our invoice for charges in the amount of $6,601.55 relating to the construction of the above referenced project. INVOICE 06-1 WO 95185 Pay Estimate #1 08/05-09/09/2005 Curb Warp for Utility Covers plus Valves Concrete Encasement Retention $ 1,000.00 1,000.00 (200.00) 1,800.00 $ Pay Estimate #2 09/09-10/14/2005 Curb Warp for Utility Covers plus Valves Adjust SMH Rim to Grade Concrete Encasement $ 1,500.00 700.00 1,000.00 ~\$ ~C~ !)~ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE WON ':::85 $ Pay Estimate #3 10/1 5-24/2005 Adjust SMH Rim to Grade Adjust Water Valve to Grade Retention $ 1,400.00 500.00 (190.00) 1,710.00 Pay estimates were submitted with original invoice. -10- STPUD Invoice Page 2 PAYMENT IS DUE IN 30 DAYS OR INVOICE WILL BE SENT TO COLLECTIONS. Please remit payment to: EI Dorado County Department of Transportation Attn: Jenny Hassler 2850 Fairlane Court Placerville CA 95667 If you require additional information, please contact me at (530) 621-5917 or bye-mail at ihassler@co.el-dorado.ca.us -11- COUNTYOFELDORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MAINTENANCE DIVISION 2441 Headington Road Placervllle CA 95667 Phone: (530) 642-4909 Fax: (530) 642.9238 Internet Web Site: http://co.el-clorado.ca.us/dot RICHARD W. SHEPARD, P.E. Director of Transportation MAIN OFFICE: 2850 Falrlane Court Placervllle CA 95667 Phone: (530) 621.5900 Fax: (530) 626-0387 3rd Notice ~tlP.1 &t~ A'~.JJ 7 j,~ Aeav~.i7S ?~I4i;rL~ ~ L'F ~~fA1A. L March II, 2008 South Tahoe Public Utility District Richard Solbring 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Subject: Apalachee Drive Erosion Control Project (95154) Following, please find our invoice for charges in the amount of $1 0,600 relating to the construction of the above referenced project. INVOICE 06-1 WO 95154 Pay Estimate #3 09/24-11/10/2004 Adjust SMH Rim to Grade Adjust Sewer Clean Out to Grade Adjust Water Valve to Grade Rotate manhole Cone Retention Pay Estimate #4 11/11/2004-01/31/2005 Abandon Existing Water Service -...... ~ 1.Jl~,dS l.hlHuiea 8uifJtiftg ~. ~... Llt.~"ftt1 Retention Release Pay Estimate #5 07/06-08/30/2005 Adjust SMH Rim to Grade Adjust Water Valve to Grade $ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE WO# 95154 Pay estimates were submitted with original invoice. t8t.'-' . ~ --. ~C; ,'f-" ' 2- ~~ $ 2,100.00 900.00 900.00 700.00 (230.00) 4,370.00 $ $ 1,700.00 2,400 (\fL- 230.00 4,330.00 $ $ 700.00 1,200.00 1,900.00 $ 10,600.00 ~ E/zr;o~oo STPUD Invoice .Page 2 PAYMENT IS DUE IN 30 DAYS OR INVOICE WILL BE SENT TO COLLECTIONS. Please remit payment to: EI Dorado County Department of Transportation Attn: Jenny Hassler 2850 Fairlane Court Placerville CA 95667 If you require additional information, please contact me at (530) 621-5917 or bye-mail at ihassler@co.el-dorado.ca.us -13- Get'ltll"Bl M.n.,- R~chara H. 501brie South Tahoe Public Utility Dietrict Director& ErnIo Cl.tUlAIo Jam". R. JoMtt M.ry Lou ~AIChIIr Dale tl:Jee 1275 Meadow Cr8st Drfv6 · South la~ Tahoe · CA 96100 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d TO: Board of Directors FROM: MEETING DATE: Julie Ryan, Senior Engineer July 17, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Final and Secondary Effluent Pump Station REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order NO.1 to Pacific Mechanical Corporation, in the amount of $11,759.56. DISCUSSION: Change Order NO.1 addresses three items that are beyond the scope of the Contract. 1. While drilling the dewatering wells and soldier beams for the shoring system at the future pump station, unforeseen subsurface conditions emerged which required additional work. Unstable subsurface conditions required the Contractor to use a starter casing. They encountered a boulder that had to be removed to proceed with construction. This additional work was performed on a Time and Materials Basis for an additional cost of $9,630.94. 2. The project called to use a 35TA pullbox at location DPB-1-480. However, due to the number of conduits that enter this pull box from the electric/generator building side, the 35TA pullbox would be undersized. A larger pullbox was purchased and has been installed. The difference in cost between the smaller and larger pullboxes is $1,758.17. 3. At the chlorine contact basin a pipe was indicated on the plans as 20" welded steel, but was found to be ductile iron during construction. Ductile iron pipe requires a different, more expensive cap to abandon the pipe. The difference in price is $370.45. Staff recommends approval of Change Order No.1. -15- Julie Ryan July 17,2008 Page 2 SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $11,759.56 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8676/EFFLEV BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: <$75,402.29> 2007/08; $1,504,159 2008/09 ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No.1 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ,tHJ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES "}J.J.. CATEGORY: Sewer NO NO -16- "" ~t'"'~__'-;-.,,,,....v~.... ,...-,.....~. ... ~,. - .... ..... ..~'!'~~~~..,..-' :~"'~'.......~v.""'-- '..-.-- .-..,......- ...~'''''T'. ..,.....-....'.,.'_,_~. '...........~ . .-1'0,_.". -'... CHANGE ORDER NUMBER ..1 Project Final and Secondary Effluent Pump Station Contractor PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORPORATION Date: Julv 17. 2008 PO # P19831 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: A. Add Bid Item 26, C01A Unforeseen Conditions During Drilling, to include labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs necessary to address unforeseen conditions encountered while drilling the dewatering wells and soldier beams for the shoring system at the future pump station at an additional cost of $9,630.94. This Bid Item includes those charges incurred to address in full Item 6 of Construction Memorandum #7, dated April 28, 2008, as detailed on Change Order Quote No. 00006, dated 6/10/2008 (attached). TOTAL FOR ITEM A IS $9,630.94 TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 11S A + B + C = $11,759.56 Uaj'~.. .'Cohtractfl'.. Ori inal Contract $ 6,011,817.00 Previous Chan e Orders $ 0.00 Current Contract $ 6,011,817.00 THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 11,759.56 New Contract Total $ 6,023,576.56 Contractor agrees to make the hereln-descrlbed changes In accordance with the terms hereof. The change In contract price and/or contract time noted Is full settlement for costs Incurred as a result of the change(s) described, unless specifically noted In Individual descriptlon(s). Date: Authorized By STPUD Board President Date: Accepted By Contractor Date: Reviewed By -17- 1 B. Amend Sid Item 23 to include all labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs necessary to install a 557SP pullbox instead of a 35TA pullbox at location DPB-1-480. The net difference in cost for this item is $1,758.17 as detailed in Change Order Quote No. 00002 (attached). TOTAL FOR ITEM B IS $1,758.17 C. Amend Bid Item 10 to include all labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs necessary to install a ductile MJ cap instead of a welded steel cap at the 20-inch pipe at the Chlorine Contact Basin. The net difference in cost for this item is $370.45 as detailed in Change Order Quote No. 00003 (attached). TOTAL FOR ITEM C IS $370.45 -18- 2 - -.......-.,-,...,.:'.<~,..'..~..,-' '-_.v-..-.....~......."... , .... . .' _. ',. ~ ~.~~,. Pacific Mechanical Co'rporation ~ ~~.041'" 2501 Annalisa Drive, Concord, CA 94520 ~ Phone: (925) 827-4940 Fax: (925) 827-0519 CA License No. 138920 * NY License No. 6244 1 ~ ~ ",,_..' ..,~. '-' .'V"- "".,,:10'" ,-" '.1-..'1'..... ~...;..,.'fIli""-.". "..."....... Change Order Quote No. 00006 Page 1 of2 Unforseen Conditions Drilling Beams Filial & Secondary Effluent Pump Sta Heidi Donovan S~lic Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone: (530) 544-6474 Fax: (530) 541-0614 Title: Project: To: Date: 6/1 0/2008 Job: 5060 Contract No: 00001 PMC CM No.: 19008 RE: Number: To: From: ._~.._~~~- ~~.. . This proposal includes labor, equipment, and subcontractor costs foc unforeseen conditions experienced while drilling the dewatering wells and soldier beams for the shoring system at the future pump station. Direct Labor: Carpenter Foremen (Drill to remove boulder on 4/29/08) Laborer (Drill to remove boulder- on 4/29/08) Carpenter (Drill to remove boulder on 4/29/08) Carpenter Foremen (Use Starter Casing on 4/22/08) Operator Ray (Use Starter Casing on 4/22/08) Laborer (Use Starter Casing on 4/22/08) Operator Paul (Use Starter Casing on 4/22/08) Carpenter Foremen (Use Starter Casing on 4/25/08) Operator Ray (Use Starter Casing on 4/25/08) Operator Paul (Use Starter Casing on 4/25/08) Laborer (Use Starter Casing on 4/25/08) Carpenter (Use Starter Casing on 4/25/09) Carpenter Foremen (Use Starter Casing on 4/28/08) Operator Paul (Use Starter Casing on 4/28/08) Carpenter (Use Starter Casing on 4/28/08) Laborer (Use Starter Casing on 4/28/08) Eouipment: Waterttuck (Use Starter Casing on 4/22/08) 2.00 fIR $61.45 2.00 fIR $46.08 2.00 fIR $54.70 2.00 fIR $61.45 2.00 fIR $66.27 2.00 fIR $46.08 2.00 fIR $64.34 2.00 fIR $54.70 1.00 HR $66.27 1.00 fIR $64.34 2.00 fIR $46.08 2.00 fIR $54.70 1.00 HR $61.45 1.00 HR $64.34 1.00 HR $54.70 1.00 HR $46.08 $122.90 $92.16 $109.40 $122.90 $ 132.54 $92.16 $128.68 $109.40 $66.27 $64.34 $92.16 $109.40 $61.45 $64.34 $54.70 $46.08 Labor Subtotal: $1,468.88 $109.44 4.00 fIR - fil.36 ~~1L~ . ,Pacific M:echanicaIC(;tpora'ti()~ ~ ~ ljJ W 2501 Annalisa Drive. Concord. CA 94520 ~ Phone: (925) 827-4940 Fax: (925) 827-0519 CA License No. 138920 * NY License No. 6244 , Change Order Quote No. 00006 Page 2 of2 Equipment: . Backhoe (Use Starter Casing on 4/22/08) Backhoe (Use Starter Casing on 4/25/08) Watertrock (Use Starter Casing on 4/25/08) Backhoe (Use Starter Casing on 4/28/08 Subcontract: Additional Drilling to remove . boulder on 4/29/08 (Viking Drillers) Use Starter Casing on 4/22/08 (Viking Drillers) . Use Starter.casing on 4/25/08 (Viking Drillers Use Starter Casing on 4/28/08 (Viking Drillers) Sincerely, Fernando Lopez Project Engineer cc: PMC Office File PMC Field File 2.00 HR $46.00 $92.00 1.00 HR $46.00 $46.00 1.00 HR $27.36 $27.36 1.00 HR $46.00 $46.00 Equipment Subtotal: $320.80 2.00 HR $650.00 $1,300.00 $3,000.00 $1,500.00 4.00HR $750.00 2.00 HR $750.00, 1.00 HR $750.00 $750.00 Subcontract Subtotal: $6,550.00 Cost: $8,339.68 Subtotal: Markup on Labor @ 25%: Markup on Material @ 25%: Markup on Equipment @ 25%: Markup on Subcontractor @ 10%: SUBTOTAL Bond @ 2%: Total: $8,339.68 $367.22 $0.00 $80.20 $655.00 $9,442.10 $188.84 $9,630.94 -20- :"1 ":,1!':-~.iJ,."""~~~,"'~~...-v.~~.- '-"'-',_ ...... .~. ~ . ,. . ."W,,(~~-:--...~ o'(#llIIIIlt."",,'Io~"Y"''''''..,-r--.:' ;"'.."..~ . ....~~.....r~...~'.;~~~~.;- 't.:", ~'" ' Pacific Mechanical Corporation ~:J' ... 250 I Anrnllisa DriveConcord, CA 94520 . Phone: (925) 827-4940 Fax: (925) 827-0519 CA License No. 138920 . NY Ucense No. 6244 CHANGE IN CONTRACT Notification No. 00001 AI . L-t tvn?J ... TITLE: Pullbox DPB-I-480 PROJECT: Final & Secondary Effluent Pump Sta TO: Attn: Heidi Donovan South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone: (530) 544-6474 Fax: (530) 541-0614 DATE: 4/2412008 JOB: 5060 ~,"" CONT ACTOR REQUEST: Due to the number of conduits that enter pullbox DPB-I-480 from the elec I gen building side, we believe a 35TA pullbox is undersized. A 35TA pullbox is 3' deep without the 12" riser extension. The inside dimensions are 3' x 5' . The 3' dimension does not provide enough room ifwe are to run more than 4 conduits in a row. 4 conduits in a row is a minimum of 30". A 557SP pullbox is a good solution. Overall it is I' deeper than a 3 5T A including the spring loaded cover. It is I' wider and 1'-6" longer. There is no extension, so it allows for a bigger window at both ends of the pullbox. Jensen precast bas confirmed that they are able to customize these pullboxes with specific layouts to accodate conduit layouts. Attached are puDboxes specs and a layout for 5578P. Please advise. Potential Cost Impact: Yes ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: 1. Provide 5578P pullbox as indicated in RFI. 2. Arrange conduits in rows of 8 starting approx 12" above box floor to minimize height of conduit penetration. 3. Stagger penetration heights at box for end and side entries. PMC believes the engineer's response to the RFI is a "Change in Condition" to the original scope of work. Please find attached the costs related to the changes described in RFl1I23. Reported By:Pacific Mechanical Corporation Signed: cr; tt: PMC Office F' e PMC Field File -21- ".' , ",........'....1',>J'''' ",~\ ..._..,~.' ..... '~r . :'v...'_..... -...~..,~,... _.~..._. - '." ~~ Pacific Mechanical Corporation 250 I AnnaJisa Drive, Concord, CA 94520 Phone: (925) 827,,(940 Fax: (925) 827-0519 CA LicalBe NO. 13&920 . NY Uceme No. 6244 Change Order Quote No. 00002 Page 1 of I Title: Project: To: RFI #23, Pullbox DPB-I-480 Final & Secondary Effluent Pump Sta Heidi Donovan South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone: (530) 544-6474 Fax: (530) 541-0614 Date: 4/24/2008 Job: 5060 Contract No: ??oo1 PMC CM No.: 19005 RE: Number: To: From: ... '.Pl!SCapij~ft c:~.ltit*Y~:;l.t~H/:~'VilitPii:te. .' Subcoatract: Pricing difference in cost between a 1.00 LS $1,567.00 35TA Pullbox and a 557SP PuJJbox ~itt~telA~.ulif :\N~i~1II:Jrilnt $1,567.00 Subcontract Subtotal: Cost: $1,567.00 $1,567.00 cc: PMC Office File PMC Field File Subtotal: ~ 011 Labor@ 25%: Markup 011 Material @ 25-.4.: Markup em Equipment @ 25%: Marlcup 00 Suboootntctor @ 10%: SUBTOTAL Bmd@ 2%: Total: $1,567.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $156.70 $1.713.70 $34.47 $1.758.17 -22- - ,.~" .', ......'.. .....""'...... ~,""~~-, ~~ . Pacific Mechanical Corporation 4 ~ 'I'. f S. '" ~~ 250 I Annalisa Drive, Concord, CA 94520 ~ Phone: (925) 827-4940 Fax: (925) 827-05'19 CA License No. 138920 '* NY License No. 6244 .'.-.,. .".-...- ,,- .#.--.,' '~If""Or-' .".,.......,.-...~ Change Order Quote No. 00003 ~G Title: Project: To: Provide 20" MJ Cap Final & Secondary Effluent Pump Sta Heidi Donovan South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone: (530) 544-6474 Fax: (530) 541-0614 Date: 4/28/2008 Job: 5060 Contract No: 00001 PMC eM No.: 15061 RE: Number: To: From: The following is a Proposed Change Order to provide a 20" MJ Cap for the 20" line at the Chlorine Contact Basin. The line was shown as a 20" WSP and was discovered to be ductile iron. The proposed cost is the difference between a ductile MJ cap and a welded steel cap. Material: 20" or MJ Cap 20" Diameter Welded Steel Plate 1.00 ea -1.00 ea $462.21 $195.04 8.75% $40.44 8.75% ($17.07) Material Subtotal: Cost: Tax: Subtotal: Markup on Labor @ 25%: Markup on Material @ 25%: Markup on Equipment @ 25%: Markup on Subcontractor @ I ()oAl: SUBTOTAL Bond @ 2%: Total: Sincerel , (f cc: PMC Office File PMC Field File -23- Page I of I $462.21 (SI95.04) S290.55 S267.17 S23.38 S290.55 SO.OO S72.64 $0.00 $0.00 $363.19 $7.26 $370.45 Gelwal ~ Ricn.rd H. 5011:1rfe South Tahoe Public Utility District Dir'l!lCtor& Ernie Claudio Jam_It ~ Mary Lou MoetJ..cher D.tfo ~ 1215 M.aow Cmet Drive · 60uth L.s~ r..hOtJ · CA 96U50 PhOt18 5:30 544-0474 · Fax 530 641-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4e TO: Board of Directors FROM: Dennis Cocking, District Information Officer MEETING DATE: July 17,2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Program - Memorandum of Understanding REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize execution of Amendment I with EI Dorado County. DISCUSSION: The District and EI Dorado County Department of Human Services have administered the District's Helping Hands Outreach Program under the current Memorandum of Understand (MOU) since March 24, 1998. The proposed amendment to the MOU includes some minor clerical changes and an adjusted client screening and evaluation fee. This program has been very successful and reflects an effective partnership between the District and EI Dorado County. SCHEDULE: COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Proposed MOU Amendment I CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES I4JI CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES :IN- CATEGORY: Sewer & Water NO NO -25- EL DORADO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Doug Nowka Director June 23, 2008 South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Attn: General Manager Dear General Manager: Enclosed are two originals of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) #001-DH5-M0811- STPUD with El Dorado County that sets forth the roles and responsibilities of South Tahoe Public Utility District and the Department of Human Services relative to the Helping Hands Outreach (H2O) Program. The MOU is perpetual and increases the compensation paid to the Department of Human Services from $9.37 to $15.00 for each applicant screened and evaluated. Please have the Board President sign and date both MOUs. Also, have the Clerk of the Board{Executive Secretary sign and date both MOUs and return both to me in the enclosed envelope at your earliest convenience. Once the MOUs have been formally executed by the County, I will send your copy to you. If you have any questions about the contents of the Agreement, please contact me at (530) 642- 7268. S' Y I. C. Hodgson Administrative Technician Enclosureslnoted <- 3057 Briw Ridge Road, Suite A + Placerville, CA 95667 <- (530) 642-7268 <- FAX (530) 626-7734+ +Shirley.Hodgsoneedcgov.us + The HUmAn Services Department provides a range of programs to assist persons in attaining or nuzintaining their self sufficiency, independmce MId well-being. Our mission is to respectfully serve all persons in a manner that improws the overall quaJity of life in El Dorado County. -27- MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 001-DHS-M0811-STPUD REGARDING THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT HELPING HANDS OUTREACH (H20) PROGRAM AMENDMENT I This Amendment I to that Memorandum of Understanding dated March 24, 1998 made and entered into by and between the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District), a California public agency fonned in 1950 pursuant to the Public Utility District Act, and the County of EI Dorado, a political subdivision of the State of California, (hereinafter referred to as County), for its Department of Human Services; WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the purpose of the Memorandum of Understanding dated March 24, 1998 incorporated herein and made a part hereof is to set forth District's and County's roles and responsibilities relative to the Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Program; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto have mutually agreed to amend Article 1. Obligations of District, Paragraph c. to increase the amount of compensation paid to County; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto have mutually agreed to amend Article 7. General Provisions, Paragraph L Notices; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto have mutually agreed to add Article 7. General Provisions, Paragraph p. Contract Administrator to Article 7. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do hereby agree that Memorandum of Understanding dated March 24, 1998 shall be amended a first time as follows: 1. Obligations of District c. District shall compensate County for County's administrative processing fees from the Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Account in the amount of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) for each applicant who is processed and approved as eligible by Department. -28- 7. I. Notices. To District General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 With a Copy to: Gary K vistad Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP 21 East Carrillo Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 To: County Doug Nowka, Director EI Dorado County Department of Human Services Community Services Division 3057 Briw Road, Suite A Placerville, CA 95667 With Copy to: Michelle Hunter, Program Manager EI Dorado County Department of Human Services 937 Spring Street Placerville, CA 95667 7. p. Contract Administrator. The County Officer or employee with responsibility for administering this Agreement is Michelle Hunter, Program Manager, Department of Human Services, or successor. Requesting Contract Administrator Concurrence: By: (nA'~)uj LA. J ~ Dated: h J IE / DK Michelle Hunter, Program Manager I I Department of Human Services Requesting Department Head Concurrence: By: 'b. -=::> - Q J Doug Nowka, Director Department of Human Services Dated: b/'2..'b/o~ -29- The signature block for Amendment #1 should include a date for the signature of the District's President and the District's Executive Secretary and reflect that it will be signed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of EI Dorado County as follows: South Tahoe Public Utility District Dated: By: President ATTEST By: Clerk of the Board! Executive Secretary EI Dorado County Dated: By: Chairman Board of Supervisors County" ATTEST: Cindy Keck Clerk of the Board of Supervisors By: Dated: Deputy Clerk -30- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Richard Solbrig, General Manager Mary Lou Mosbacher, President BOARD MEMBERS Paul Sciuto, Assistant Mana~ Dale Rise, Vice President James R. Jones, Director Eric W. Schafer, Director Ernie Claudio, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 19, 2008 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, June 19, 2008, 2:00 P.M., District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Mosbacher, Directors Rise, Claudio, Jones, Schafer ATTENDEES STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp, Sciuto, Henderson, W. Stanley, Cocking, C. Stanley, Van Gorden, T. Powers, Adams, Hoggatt, Curtis, Frye, Swain, Hussmann, R. Johnson, Attorney Herrema GUESTS: Dave Galicia/G.B. General Engineering, Cathy Monaghanl EI Dorado County Water Agency, John Runnels Nancy Hussmann led the pledge to the flag. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE John Runnels reported he will send a registered letter COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE to the District documenting the condition of the District-owned lot on Iroquois Circle. It needs fuel reduction work and maintenance. Consent Items b. (Information Tech. Strategic Plan), CONSENT CALENDAR e. (Julie Lane Waterline Replacement), f. (Tata Lane I Granite Mountain Waterline Replacement), and g. (2008 Asphalt Patching and Paving Services), were brought forward for discussion prior to Board action. -31- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 19, 2008 PAGE-2 Director Jones noted the costs associated with Consent CONSENT CALENDAR Item h. (Sodium Hypochlorite Supplies) increased 41 % (continued) since last year. Moved Jones I Second Schafer I Passed Unanimously to appr.ove the Consent Calendar as amended: a. Laboratory Information Management Systems - Authorized staff to develop and send request for proposals to providers, b. See Consent Items Brought Forward; c. Annual Software Support Costs for Utility Billing Software - Approved payment to Spring brook Software, Inc., for software support, in the amount of $18,133.55; d. Purchase of Computers for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 - Authorized purchase of budgeted computers, in the estimated amount of $93,400 (including tax); e. See Consent Items Brought Forward; f. See Consent Items Brought Forward; g. See Consent Items Brought Forward; h. 2008-2009 Sodium Hypochlorite Supplies - Awarded bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Sierra Chemical Co., in the estimated amount of $34,969.25; i. Accounting Temporary Services - Authorized contract with AccounTemps for temporary personnel through August 2008, in the amount of $1 7,000; j. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: May 15, 2008; k. Approved Public Meeting Minutes: May 15, 2008. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR DISCUSSION I BOARD ACTION (Note: Consent Items e. and f. were combined for the purpose of discussion. Motions and votes are recorded separately and listed below.) JULIE LANE WATER LINE REPLACEMENT (Consent Item e.) Director Jones led a discussion related to the significant fee increases imposed by the City of South Lake Tahoe across the board for encroachment fees, paving and patches, inspections, permit fees, etc. TATA LANE/GRANITE MOUNTAIN WATERLINE REPLACEMENT (Consent Item f.) -32- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 19, 2008 PAGE-3 Jones recommended approval of these projects to avoid construction delays; however, it was the consensus of the Board that an Ad Hoc Committee will be appointed by the Board President to meet with city managers andlor council members to discuss the impacts of such huge increases. Moved Schafer / Second Rise I Passed Unanimouslv to approve payment to the City of South Lake Tahoe for the encroachment permit fee for the Julie Lane Waterline Replacement project, in the amount of $7,475. Moved Jones / Second Schafer I Passed Unanimouslv to approve payment to the City of South Lake Tahoe - for the encroachment permit fee for the Tata Lanel Granite Mountain Waterline Replacement project, in the amount of $12,210.23 In response to a question from Director Rise, staff recapped the history as to why the District did not per- form patching and paving services in-house. Moved Jones I Second Rise I Passed Unanimouslv to award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, G.B. General Engineering, Inc., in the estimated amount of $255,127.83. Director Mosbacher expressed her opinion that this work could be done in-house by staff. Carol Swain explained it was part of the technology direction assessment and strategic plan development project. It is necessary to finalize the GIS portion, but during the process it became clear that there is need for additional services to determine how to best leverage GIS technologies and what initiatives and projects should be included in the strategic plan. Moved Schafer I Second Jones I Passed Unanimous Iv to authorize increase to Purchase Order No. P19827 for added consulting services required to expand and complete the GIS Assessment and Planning, in the amount of $8,750. CONSENT ITEMS E. AND F. (continued) 2008 ASPHALT PATCHING AND PAVING SERVICES (Consent Item g.) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY STRA TEGIC PLAN (Consent Item b.) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION After the Angora Fire, the City of South Lake Tahoe (CSL T) has pursued the purchase of a Qeospatial data based notification system to mass communicate via telephone emergency and other important messages to selected geographic areas. For the District, this would be water shutoffs, construction project notices, water quality alerts, etc. The CSL T selected a system with the most capabilities. Their research also revealed that the -33- REVERSE 911 NOTIFICATION SYSTEM REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 19, 2008 PAGE-4 costs per customer would be greatly reduced if the system was applied county-wide. Thus, a partnership with the District, EI Dorado County, the City of Placer- ville, and the EI Dorado Irrigation District has been formed utilizing a MOU (Memorandum of Understand- ing). A Homeland Security Grant is expected to pay for most if not all of the initial purchase price of the system, as well as ongoing operation and main- tenance costs in future years. The MOU is written committing the various agencies to a maximum of the amount of funds they had budgeted for such a system. For the District, this is $20,000 for the 2008-09 fiscal year. Future year operation and maintenance costs will be shared equally between the partners, if not grant funded, and will be $2,844 per year per agency for the five-year agreement. The CSL T has already approved the purchase of this system and in the event the grant does not come through, will pay approximately half the associated costs. Discussions took place regarding the system's operation- al features and various uses, bid selection procedures, the fact that Lake Valley Fire Department and the Lake Tahoe Unified School District already have separate systems in place, and the procedure for programming information into the database. Moved Jones I Second Rise I Mosbacher Voted No I Passed to authorize execution of the Memorandum of Understanding for a county-wide reverse 911 System upon final approval by staff and legal counsel. Director Mosbacher voted no and stated Lake Valley Fire Department and the lake Tahoe Unified School District should have been contacted to see if all systems could be combined to save money and be more efficient. If that was not feasible, she would be in favor of moving forward. Moved Schafer I Second Rise I Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $1,001,075.12. 3: 15 - 3:30 P.M. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met June 16. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Director Jones reported the costs for all the projects planned had gone up significantly, and hoped a 4% rate increase would be adequate. Director Schafer reported on four items: 1) Staff will bring the Board calendar to the next meeting so an alternate date can be selected since the New Year's holiday falls on a regular Board meeting day. -34- REVERSE 911 NOTIFICATION SYSTEM (continued) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS MEETING BREAK BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 19, 2008 PAGE-5 2) The Governor's edict declaring a drought should be sent to the newspaper. 3) Referring to the Information Technology Strategic Plan consent item that was brought forward earlier in the meeting, he stated a consultant would be more aware of the various technologies available and also know more about the big picture than in-house staff would. He reminded board members that staffs recommendations are considered carefully before being brought to the Board. Sometimes the use of consultants, while not desirable, is necessary in many cases. Director Claudio reported on three items: 1) He distributed a handout and talked about the use of biosolids to remove lead from soil. He stated this could .,. impact Nevada. He was reminded that this was not applicable to the District since biosolids are sold to Bently Agrodynamics and used to make compost. 2) Lake Valley Fire Department responded to the fire in Paradise, outside of Chico. 3) A bill (AB 32) states that sludge ponds are not considered navigable waters of the U.S. Director Rise reported on two items: 1) He met with staff regarding Proposition 84 and the plans to meet with two EI Dorado County supervisors to discuss the county's involvement. 2) The Carson River Subconservancy group will take a bus tour of Alpine County. District staff will give a presentation about the District's master plan in Alpine County. President Mosbacher reported on two items: 1) She attended the Lake Valley Fire Department's board meeting and their staff was very appreciative of the ordinance that the District passed that will help with fire protection. 2) She reminded board members that as members of the board, they represent the District through their actions. Unless they have been assigned as liaisons to other agencies, they should not imply that through their individual attendance, that they represent the entire Board. General Manaoer: Richard Solbrig reported on three items: 1) Meetings will be held with EI Dorado County and the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan group to discuss grant funding from Proposition 84 (a water bond passed by voters). -35- BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (continued) p.e-~ ~ S~~ -,S')M ~ ~~~ d~d~ GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 19, 2008 PAGE.6 . 2) He requested Board ad hoc committees be assigned to assist with management negotiations, and issues with the City of South Lake Tahoe. 3) Producing hypochlorite on-site would be more costly than going to bid, and would take years to payback. Assistant General Manager/Engineer: Paul Sciuto reported he attended the AWWA national conference. Topics in the forefront included: asset management, retirement of the baby boomer generation and the need to recruit and retain qualified employees, and how infrastructure was in a state of neglect across the nation. He also gave a presentation on the "lessons learned" from the Angora fire. District Information Officer: Dennis Cocking reported on three items: the Governor's drought declaration and water conservation programs, federal funding for fuel reduction and defensible space, and the property tax 4:35 P.M. 4:36 P.M. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS (continued) STAFF REPORTS ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION ACTION' REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. 4:36 P.M. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Liability Claim against District received from Smith Design Group ADJOURNMENT Mary Lou Mosbacher, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District..36- GernsrAl' Ms~ Richard H. SoIPrit South Tahoe Public Utility Dietrict Directonl Ernie Cl.IudIo J.amO/J R. JOlWlIt Msry Lou MosNcIw D..le RItk\l 1215 MMdow Cnset Drfve · South Lsk8 Tahoe · CA 96U50 P'ho~ 530 544-6474 · Fax 630 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6a TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: Board of Directors Ivo Bergsohn, Hydro-Geologist July 17, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Indian Creek Reservoir (lCR) TMDL Mitigation Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. DISCUSSION: On June 23,2008, nine (9) general contractors attended the mandatory pre-bid conference. Bids will be opened on July 15, 2008. A summary of all bids, along with staff recommendation for award will be provided prior to, and at the Board meeting. SCHEDULE: August - November, 2008 COSTS: $106,590 (Engineer's estimate) ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8605/1CTMDL BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $536,620 (2007/08); $674,821 (2008/09) ATTACHMENTS: Bid Summary (to be provided prior to, and at the Board meeting CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: Sewer -37- South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Telephone: (530)544-6474 Fax: (530)541-4319 A~ ~~ 7 -I)-O~ (\()..,~ \VI,) Memorandum Date: July 16, 2008 To: Board Members, Richard H. Solbrig, Paul A. Sciuto From: Heidi Donovan, Contracts Administrator Subject: Indian Creek Reservoir Oxygenation Project At 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon on July 15, 2008 we received and opened two (2) sealed bids for the above-referenced project. Bids ranged from $115,000 to $116,519. The engineer's estimate was $106,590. A careful review and analysis of each bid showed one minor deviation. See attached spreadsheet for full breakdown of each bid. Hobbs Electric is the apparent low bidder. Hobbs Electric's bid had one minor deviation. I contacted the Contractors License Board and was given the following information: License Number 853000 is current and active and expires 1/31/09. The company is a partnership. Hobbs Electric holds a Class C1 0 - Electrical Contractor license. C-C-: J~w.. Hoggatt IVO BergsoVtV\, UV\,da f'.rowV\, South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474. Facsimile 530.541.4319 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT'S INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR OXYGENATION PROJECT BID SUMMARY (Tuesday, July 15, 2008) Hobbs Electric took their bid book apart and only submitted the Bid Forms section. Engineer's Estimate Hobbs Electric Sierra Valley Electric, Inc. Item Description Unit QTY Unit price Amount Unit Price Amount Unit Price Amount 1 Mobilization and demobilization, inclg. Bonds, insurance, and cleanup LS 1 $ 8,800.00 $8,800.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $65,519.00 $49,000.00 $116,519.00 2 Furnish all labor and equipment for all electrical facilities LS 1 $ 79,090.00 $79,090.00 $62,000.00 $62,000.00 $65,519.00 $49,000.00 3 Furnish all labor and equipment for all local controls LS 1 $ 18,700.00 $18,700.00 $51,000.00 $51,000.00 PROJECT TOTAL: $106,590.00 $115,000.00 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT'S INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR OXYGENATION PROJECT BID SUMMARY (Tuesday, July 15, 2008) Hobbs Electric took their bid book apart and only submitted the Bid Forms section. 4;~ .' t 1217/17/21211218 11:57 ! i~.. , ~; ,: ~ t" i 111 .. - ....., " NO. 411 ' ,~~fl :~' . ~ . I I July 17, 2008 .ELECTRIC, INC. South Tahoe Public UtihtYDlstnct 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 RE: Indian Creek Reservoir (ICR) Oxygenation Project Bid Opening, July 15,2008, 2:00pm Ivo Bergsolm, Project Manager: Sierra Valley Electric would like to fonnally protest the bid of the apparent low bidder for the Jndian Creek Reservoir (ICR) Oxygenation Project. We would like to protest based on the following items: The apparent low bidder, Hobbs Electric failed to follow the proper procedure for entering a bid by not twning in the complete bid book for this project. Hobbs Electric disassembled the book and only turned in bid item pages. As noted in the specification book. Section 00 20 00 Part 2.03 - A States that "No bid will be considered unless it is made upon such Section 0041 00 forms and submitted with this book on Contract Documents containing the specifications" Part 2.03 - F States the "The Book containing a portion of the Contract Documents shall not be disassembled," Also, we would ask the board to look at the experience level of Hobbs Electric. As stated in their bid, they have only completed projects in the size of $ 15,000.00, $ 18,000.00 and $ 75,000.00. Hobbs Electric has never completed a project of the size that they have bid, Sierra Valley Electric, Inc is a local contractor who has been in business in South Lake Tahoe 1br 33 years and has been working for the district for decades. We have successfully completed numerous jobs over the years for the South TahoePubHc Utility District. Our largest project completed within the last few years was the Bayview Well project, a,s stated in OUT bid. That project was 7 to 8 times the size of the project in question, theretbre we feel confident in our a.bility to complete this project. Thank you for your time and consideration: r\7~ . A" 1\,/ \\ n,~o~y ;' '(\, ~.,,\ 1 \ " . "- Plug into qualitv! III CA # 391090 . NV # 19409 Post Office Box 8900. South LakeTahoe, CA 96158. (530) 544-6500' Fax (530) 544.2486 ~~ VP / Secretary 1, .,. ,. TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: ITEM - PROJECT: General Ma~ RIcl18"~ H. 50ltrrie South Tahoe Public Utility District Dir~ Ernie C'-udfo J.Il1~ R. JOIW t.U1y W:lu Mosbacher D_RIee 1275 Maaow Cmet Drive · South. Lake Tahoe. CA 96160 Phone !530 644-6474 · FS)( 630 641-0014 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6b Board of Directors Ross Johnson, Manager of Plant Operations July 17, 2008 Temporary Electrician I REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize a full time, temporary Electrician I position for a period of one year. DISCUSSION: The four person electrical department has been running without one Electrician II for three months due to a medical leave of absence. It is unknown when the absent employee will be able to return to work. Additionally, another employee in the electrical department has given notice of future medical leave requirements. Preventative maintenance projects have slipped and what could have been in-house improvements have had to be outsourced. The authorization of a temporary Electrician I position will allow the department to keep up with the current workload. Should the employee on medical leave of absence return to work, the department would have an opportunity to catch up on differed projects. A one year term is recommended to maximize the return on the training effort required to orientate a new employee to District facilities. Recruitment will be done by the District with The Substitute handling payroll. Temporary employees are not paid benefits other than PERS retirement after 1000 hours on the job. SCHEDULE: Recruitment process to start as soon as possible COSTS: $99,806 (not including PERS, uniforms, personal protective equipment, incidentals) ACCOUNT NO: 1003/2003-4405 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $0 Contingency transfer requested ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES fLlA4I NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~9~O CATEGORY: Sewer South Tahoe Richard Solbrig, General Manager Public Utility Di6trict Board Members Ernie Claudio James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Dale Rise Eric Schafer Memorandum Date: July 16,2008 To: Board of Directors From: Ross Johnson, Manager of Plant Operations Re: Agenda Item 6b - July 17, 2008 Board Meeting Last minute changes to Action Item 6b, "Temporary Electrician I": After discussions with Local 39 staff recommends the following changes to the original agenda item. These changes are to facilitate hiring the best possible candidate. Change type of position from "Temporary" to "Limited Term" with full benefits and the District handling payroll. Change the position to Electrician I or Electrician /I depending on qualifications. The maximum cost based on the requested changes is: $104,100. South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474. Facsimile 530.541.0614 · www.stpud.us General Marl~ Richard H. 9oI1ni4 South Tahoe Public Utility District D1rl!lC1:<.n Ernie Claudio Jam" R. Jonee MMy Lou Moeb.achcr D.Ll:~ 1Z16 MBSdow Cr5t Drive · South Lake Taho<<s . CA 9616C Phone 630 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-oe~ BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Accounts Payable MEETING DATE: July 17, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Payment of Claims REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Payment DISCUSSION: To facilitate an accurate year-end expense cut-off, Accounts Payable has extended the deadline for submitting invoices to Friday, July 11. As such, the Payment of Claims report was not available when this agenda was published and will be delivered on or about Tuesday, July 15. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Payment of Claims to be distributed prior to, and at the Board meeting. CONCURRENCE WITH RIQUESTED ACTION: GENERAl MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES---11U- NO CATEGORY: General -41- PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL July 17, 2008 Payroll 7/2/08 Payroll 7/11/08 Total Payroll 353,418.23 25,782.00 379,200.23 BNY Western Trust Company CDS-health care payments Brownstein/HyattlF arberlSchreck legal services LaSalle Bank Union Bank Total Vendor EFT 0.00 145,017.88 23,130.93 0.00 0.00 168,148.81 Accounts Payable Checks-Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks-Self-funded Insurance Accounts Payable Checks-Grants Fund Total Accounts Payable 1,364,292.80 337,369.94 639.00 4,212.00 1,706,513.74 Grand Total 2,253,862.78 Pavroll EFTs & Checks 7/2108 07/11/08 EFT AFLAC Medical & Dependent Care 656.37 EFT CA Employment Taxes & W/H 14,160.20 79.55 EFT Federal Employment Taxes & W/H 87,959.74 3,958.34 CHK CalPERS Contributions 26,531.96 EFT Great West Deferred Comp 16,306.05 19,800.00 CHK Stationary Engineers Union Dues 2,095.80 EFT United Way Contributions 82.00 CHK CA State Disbursement Unit 460.15 EFT Employee Direct Deposits 193,272.41 1,944.11 CHK Employee Paychecks 11,893.55 Total 353,418.23 25,782.00 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num RN ACCOUNTEMPS FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 1039 - 4405 2,231.56 ACCOUNTEMPS FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 2039 - 4405 2,231.57 Check Total: 4,463.13 AP- 00070034 MW AFLAC GEN & ADMIN SUPP INS W/H 1000 - 2532 863.78 AFLAC GEN & ADMIN AFLAC FEE DED 1000 - 2538 135.00 ALLEGRA PRINT & IMAGING ALLEGRA PRINT & IMAGING AT &T MOBILITY AT &T MOBILITY AT &T MOBILITY AT &T MOBILITY User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Check Total: 998.78 AP -00070035 MW FINANCE PRINTING 1039 - 4920 377.83 FINANCE PRINTING 2039 - 4920 377.55 Check Total: 755.38 AP -00070036 MW ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES GEN & ADMIN INSURANCE PPD 1000 - 0301 2,361.57 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES GEN & ADMIN INSURANCE PPD 2000 - 0301 2,361.56 Check Total: _ 4,723.13 AP -00070037 MW ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE FINANCE OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1039 - 6081 308.00 Check Total: 308.00 AP- 00070038 MW ALPINE METALS HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004 - 6071 224.60 Check Total: 224,60 AP -00070039 MW AMERICAN PAYROLL ASSN FINANCE DUES /MEMB /CERT 1039 - 6250 97.50 AMERICAN PAYROLL ASSN FINANCE DUES /MEMB /CERT 2039 - 6250 97.50 Check Total: 195.00 AP -00070040 MW AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVICES GEN & ADMIN UNIFORM PAYABLE 1000 - 2518 698.72 Check Total: 698.72 AP- 00070041 MW ARETE SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYS - GIS SOFTWARE GIS IMPLEMENT 1037 - 8893 - GISSFT 13,585.00 Check Total: 13,585.00 AP -00070042 MW ARROW CONSTRUCTION GEN & ADMIN HYDRANT PERMITS 2000 - 3529 818.33 Check Total: 818.33 AP- 00070043 MW ARTRAGEOUS FINE FRAMING ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 2021 - 4820 388.62 Check Total: 388.62 AP -00070044 MW UNDERGROUND REP TELEPHONE ELECTRICAL SHOP TELEPHONE HEAVY MAINT TELEPHONE LABORATORY TELEPHONE Page: 1 1001 - 6310 1003 - 6310 1004 - 6310 1007 - 6310 Current Date: 07/15/2008 Current Time: 14:29:36 8.33 5.79 1.84 9.12 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Pro[ Code Amoun Check Num Tvoe AT &T MOBILITY ENGINEERING TELEPHONE 1029 - 6310 13.96 AT &T MOBILITY CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE 1038 - 6310 2.73 AT &T MOBILITY UNDERGROUND REP TELEPHONE 2001 - 6310 8.33 AT &T MOBILITY ELECTRICAL SHOP TELEPHONE 2003 - 6310 5.79 AT &T MOBILITY LABORATORY TELEPHONE 2007 - 6310 9.12 AT &T MOBILITY ENGINEERING TELEPHONE 2029 - 6310 13.95 Check Total: 78.96 AP -00070045 MW AT &T /CALNET 2 GEN & ADMIN TELEPHONE 1000 - 6310 482.05 AT &T /CALNET 2 GEN & ADMIN SIGNAL CHARGES 1000 - 6320 32.27 AT &T /CALNET 2 PUMPS TELEPHONE 1002 - 6310 105.15 AT &T /CALNET 2 GEN & ADMIN TELEPHONE 2000 - 6310 482.05 AT &T /CALNET 2 PUMPS TELEPHONE 2002 - 6310 103.38 Check Total: _ 1,204.90 AP- 00070046 MW AT &T /MCI GEN & ADMIN TELEPHONE 1000 - 6310 0.94 AT &T /MCI GEN & ADMIN TELEPHONE 2000 - 6310 0.93 Check Total: 1.87 AP-00070047 MW AUERBACH ENGINEERING CORP ENGINEERING - DVR IRRIG FIELDS DVR ESB 1029 - 8836 - MEIKO8 532.50 Check Total: 532.50 AP-00070048 MW AWWA OPERATIONS DUES/MEMB /CERT 1006 - 6250 71.00 Check Total: 71.00 AP- 00070050 MW AWWA CAL -NEV SECTION LABORATORY DUES /MEMB /CERT 2007 - 6250 50.00 Check Total: 50.00 AP- 00070049 MW BANK OF AMERICA ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 1029 - 6200 224.50 BANK OF AMERICA ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 2029 - 6200 224.50 Check Total: 449.00 AP -00070051 MW BANK OF AMERICA OPERATIONS HYPOCHLORITE 1006 - 4755 7,850.98 Check Total: 7,850.98 AP- 00070052 MW BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM UNDERGROUND REP SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY 1001 - 6075 367.42 BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM FINANCE SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY 1039 - 6075 53.42 BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM FINANCE SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY 2039 - 6075 53.42 Check Total: 474.26 AP- 00070053 MW User: MICHAEL Page: 2 Current Date: 07/15/2008 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Tine: 14:29:36 Vendor Name BENTLY AGROWDYNAMICS Best Best & Krieger Best Best & Krieger BING MATERIALS BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL BOYLE ENGINEERING CORP BOYLE ENGINEERING CORP BROWN & CALDWELL CONSULTANTS BROWN & CALDWELL CONSULTANTS BROWN & CALDWELL CONSULTANTS BSK ANALYTICAL LABS BUCKMAN AARON BUCKMAN AARON CALIF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION CALIF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION CALIF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION CALIF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION CALIF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION CALIF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION CALIF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Deoartment / Proi Name OPERATIONS BOARD OF DIR BOARD OF DIR UNDERGROUND REP LABORATORY OPERATIONS OPERATIONS GEN & ADMIN ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP HEAVY MAINT LABORATORY ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description SLUDGE DISPOSAL TRAVEL/MEETINGS TRAVEL/MEETINGS PIPE /CVRS /MHLS FINANCE - ANGORA FIRE 07 G CONTRACT SERVICE FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE FINANCE - ANGORA FIRE 07 G CONTRACT SERVICE FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE FINANCE - WATER FUND BOND CONTRACT SERVICE ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL O2SYS/TMDL,ICR ENGINEERING - SUT WELL REDRILL SUT WELL REDRILL ENGINEERING - COLL SYS MASTER COLL SYS MST PLN GEN & ADMIN SUSPENSE ENGINEERING - C CLUB TNK REPL TANK, COUNTRY CL MONITORING TRAVEL/MEETINGS DUES /MEMB /CERT SHOP SUPPLY INV PRIMARY EQUIP PUMP STATIONS BIOSOL EQUP /BLDG LAB SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES REP EXP PUMPS Page: 3 Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Tvoe 1006 - 6652 2,447.74 Check Total: 2 447,74 AP -00070054 MW 1019 - 6200 12.33 2019 - 6200 12.33 Check Total: 24.66 AP- 00070031 MW 2001 - 6052 317.83 Check Total: 317.83 AP -00070055 MW 1039 - 4405 - FANG07 13.67 1039 - 4405 1,503.70 2039 - 4405 - FANG07 13.67 2039 - 4405 1,503.70 2039 - 4405 - PROP84 27.34 Check Total: 3,062.08 AP- 00070056 MW 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL 4,995.00 2029 - 8463 - RWSUTR 9,650.21 Check Total: 14,645.21 AP- 00070057 MW 1029 - 8721 - CSMSPL 32,433.21 2000 - 2504 17,614.96 2029 - 7063 - CLUBTK 10,827.41 Check Total: 60,875.58 AP -00070058 MW 2007 - 6110 420.00 Check Total: 1006 - 6200 1006 - 6250 1000 - 0421 1003 -6021 1003 -6051 1004 - 6653 1007 - 4760 1021 - 4820 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV Check Total: Current Date: 07/15/2008 Current Tune: 14:29:36 420.00 AP- 00070059 MW 192.55 95.00 287.55 AP - 00070060 MW 13.58 126.17 269.27 12.23 99.84 2.88 155.00 Vendor Name CALIF BOARD OF CALIF BOARD OF CALIF BOARD OF CALIF BOARD OF CALIF BOARD OF CALIF BOARD OF CALIF BOARD OF CALIF BOARD OF CALIF BOARD OF CALIF BOARD OF CALIF BOARD OF CALIF BOARD OF CALIF BOARD OF CALIF BOARD OF CAROLLO ENGINEERS CAROLLO ENGINEERS CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP EQUALIZATION EQUALIZATION EQUALIZATION EQUALIZATION EQUALIZATION EQUALIZATION EQUALIZATION EQUALIZATION EQUALIZATION EQUALIZATION EQUALIZATION EQUALIZATION EQUALIZATION EQUALIZATION CALIF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION CALIF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE FINANCE PUMPS PUMPS ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP LABORATORY ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING - C CLUB TNK REPL CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE CALIF DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES UNDERGROUND REP CALIF DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES PUMPS CALIF DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES UNDERGROUND REP ENGINEERING - TWIN PEAKS BS ENGINEERING - ARSENIC STUDY ENGINEERING INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS ENGINEERING INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description SHOP SUPPLIES REPL COPIER CS OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY PUMP MTR HELEN W BUILDINGS WELLS LAB SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES TANK, COUNTRY CL SHOP SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES DUES/MEMB /CERT DUES/MEMB /CERT DUES /MEMB /CERT BSTR, TWN PEAKS ARSNC TRTMNT OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES DIST.COMP SPPLIS OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES DIST.COMP SPPLIS Page: 4 Acct# / Proi Code 1038 -6071 1038 - 8843 1039 - 4820 1039 - 4920 2002 - 6075 2002 - 7557 2003 - 6041 2003 - 6050 2007 - 4760 2021 - 4820 2029 - 7063 - CLUBTK 2038 - 6071 2039 - 4820 2039 - 4920 1039 - 6520 2039 - 6520 2001 - 6250 2002 - 6250 2001 - 6250 1029 - 4820 1037 - 4820 1037 - 4840 2029 - 4820 2037 - 4820 2037 - 4840 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 2029 - 7070 - TPBSTR 2029 - 8864 - ARSNIC Check Total: Current Date: 07/15/2008 Current Time: 14:29:36 Amount Check Num 20.22 1,065.16 2.88 29.28 6.51 241.80 68.20 84.83 99.82 2.87 162.22 20.24 2.87 29.28 2,515.15 AP -00070062 MW 17.50 17.50 Tim 35.00 AP-00070063 MW 55.00 425.00 480.00 80.00 80.00 91,682.54 27,373.00 AP -00070064 MW AP -00070065 MW 119,055.54 AP -00070066 MW 63.70 79.39 318.33 63.70 79.39 318.29 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type Check Total: 922.80 AP- 00070067 MW CHARTER MEDIA - RENO CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 1,000.00 Check Total: L000.00 AP- 00070068 MW CHASE, PETER GEN & ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 1000 - 2002 3,191.00 Check Total: 3,191.00 AP -00070069 MW COCKING, DENNIS DIO TRAVEUMEETINGS 1027 - 6200 204.33 COCKING, DENNIS DIO TRAVEUMEETINGS 2027 - 6200 204.32 Check Total: 408.65 AP -00070070 MW CPI INTERNATIONAL LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 31.25 CPI INTERNATIONAL LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 46.25 Check Total: W 77.50 AP- 00070071 M CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS LABORATORY - BEACON CONTAM MONITORING 2007 - 6110 - BEACON 210.84 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS LABORATORY - BKRFLD TRTMT EXP MONITORING 2007 - 6110 - BKRFLD 210.84 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS LABORATORY MONITORING 2007 - 6110 1,413.32 Check Total: 1,835.00 AP- 00070072 MW CSRMA GEN & ADMIN INSURANCE PPD 1000 - 0301 13,924.66 CSRMA GEN & ADMIN WORK COMP PPD 1000 - 0305 205,744.00 CSRMA GEN & ADMIN - PREVIOUS YEAR WORKER'S COMP 1000 - 2516 PREVYR - 73,633.00 CSRMA GEN & ADMIN INS EXPENSE 1000 - 4510 2,607.51 CSRMA GEN & ADMIN INSURANCE PPD 2000 - 0301 13,924.65 CSRMA GEN & ADMIN INS EXPENSE 2000 - 4510 2,607.50 Check Total: 165,175.32 AP-00070073 MW CWEA ELECTRICAL SHOP DUES /MEMB /CERT 1003 - 6250 61.00 Check Total: 61.00 AP- 00070074 MW DELL MARKETING L P INFORMATION SYS DELL MARKETING L P INFORMATION SYS DICK'S FULLER - PUMPS DICK'S FULLER - PUMPS DOUGLAS DISPOSAL GEN & ADMIN User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK SERVER, CMMS SERVER, CMMS 1037 - 8962 1037 - 8963 Check Total: 5,843.18 5,884.25 BUILDINGS 2002 - 6041 24.73 RPR/MNTC WTR TKS 2002 - 6054 196.18 REFUSE DISPOSAL Page: 5 1000 - 6370 Check Total: Current Date: 07/15/2008 Current Time: 14:29:36 11,727.43 AP -00070075 MW 220.91 AP-00070076 MW 25.15 Vendor Name EL DORADO COUNTY EL DORADO COUNTY EL DORADO COUNTY EL DORADO COUNTY ENTRIX INC FEDEX FEDEX FEDEX FEDEX FEDEX FEDEX FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FISHER SCIENTIFIC FISHER SCIENTIFIC GFS CHEMICAL GFS CHEMICAL GRAINGER User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Department / Proi Name Description ENGINEERING - WL,GRANITE/IRON WL,GRANITE MTN ENGINEERING - APALACHEE 1 EC OPERATING PERMIT ENGINEERING - APALACHEE 2B ECP OPERATING PERMIT ENGINEERING - APALACHEE 2B ECP OPERATING PERMIT ENGINEERING - ANGORA TNK REPL TANK, ANGORA LABORATORY HUMAN RESOURCES CUSTOMER SERVICE LABORATORY HUMAN RESOURCES CUSTOMER SERVICE PUMPS PUMPS HEAVY MAINT ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY HEAVY MAINTENANC POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES LUTHER PASS PUMP STATIONS BUILDINGS O2SYS/TMDL,ICR PIPE/CVRS /MHLS RPR/MNTC WTR TKS LAB SUPPLIES LAB SUPPLIES LAB SUPPLIES LAB SUPPLIES BUILDINGS Page: 6 Acct# / Proi Code 1007 - 4810 1022 - 4810 1038 - 4810 2007 - 4810 2022 - 4810 2038 -4810 1002 - 6048 1002 - 6051 1004 - 6041 1029 - 8605 2001 - 6052 2002 - 6054 1007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 1007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 2004 - 6041 Check Total: 2029 - 7069 - GRANWL Check Total: 1029 - 6650 - ECAPAL Check Total: 1029 - 6650 - ECAPLB 2029 - 6650 - ECAPLB Check Total: 2029 - 7064 - ANGOTK Check Total: Check Total: ICTMDL Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Current Date: 07/15/2008 Current Time: 14:29:36 Am unt 25.15 68.00 68.00 8,200.00 8,200.00 3,300.78 3,300.77 6.601.55 2,964.00 2964.00 93.57 14.38 3.87 93.56 14.38 3.87 223.63 5.63 420.99 47.35 254.31 5,042.81 33.65 5,804.74 1,178.98 Check Num IYRQ AP -00070077 MW AP- 00070078 MW AP- 00070079 MW AP -00070080 MW AP- 00070081 MW AP- 00070082 MW AP- 00070083 MW 330.56 245.11 575.67 AP- 00070084 MW 164.24 116.35 280.59 AP- 00070085 MW Vendor Name HAEN ENGINEERING HASLER FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC HASLER FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC HELPING HANDS OUTREACH HENDERSON, JOEL HENDERSON, JOEL HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HUGO BONDED LOCKSMITH HUGO BONDED LOCKSMITH HUGO BONDED LOCKSMITH INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY JENSEN PRECAST JORDAN'S TRUCK & TRAILER EQUIP KAISER PERMANENTE KOFF & ASSOCIATES INC KOFF & ASSOCIATES INC User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE GEN & ADMIN HUMAN RESOURCES CUSTOMER SERVICE HUMAN RESOURCES CUSTOMER SERVICE OPERATIONS FINANCE FINANCE GEN & ADMIN ENGINEERING - C CLUB TNK REPL EQUIPMENT REPAIR SELF FUNDED INS ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description O2SYS/TMDL, ICR EQUIP RENT /LEASE EQUIP RENT /LEASE H2O PY DED CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG CONTRACT SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SMALL TOOLS OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLY INV TANK, COUNTRY CL REPL VEH 32 CLAIMS CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE Page: 7 Acct# / Proi Code 1038 - 5020 2038 - 5020 1000 - 2524 Check Total: 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 2038 - 4405 - WCPROG 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG Check Total: 1022 - 6030 1038 - 6030 2022 - 6030 2038 - 6030 1006 - 6073 1039 - 4820 2039 - 4820 1000 - 0421 2005 - 8857 3000 - 6745 1021 - 4405 2021 - 4405 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 2029 - 7063 - CLUBTK Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Current Date: 07/15/2008 Current Time: 14:29:36 Amount Check Num Tym 1,178.98 AP -00070086 MW 1,000.00 1000.00 AP- 00070087 MW 122.57 122.57 245.14 AP -00070088 MW 287.50 287.50 AP -00070089 MW 305.96 317.65 623.61 AP- 00070090 MW 26.89 33.00 26.89 32.99 119.77 AP- 00070091 MW 58.99 9.67 9.67 78.33 AP- 00070092 MW 64.82 64.82 AP -00070093 MW 5,026.55 5,026.55 AP-00070094 MW 2,348.65 2,348.65 AP- 00070095 MW 639.00 639.00 AP -00070096 MW 1,407.05 1,407.05 2,814.10 AP- 00070097 MW Vendor Name KRLT & KOWL RADIO KRLT & KOWL RADIO KRLT & KOWL RADIO LAKE TAHOE PLUMBING INC LAKE TAHOE PLUMBING INC LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LANDAUER INC LANDAUER INC User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS PUMPS ELECTRICAL SHOP HEAVY MAINT EQUIPMENT REP EQUIPMENT REP EQUIPMENT REP EQUIPMENT REP LABORATORY DIAMOND VLY RNCH UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS PUMPS HEAVY MAINTENANC EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR LABORATORY ENGINEERING ENGINEERING PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Page: Description PUB RELATIONS PUB RELATIONS WTR CONS EXPENSE MISC LIAB CLAIMS MISC LIAB CLAIMS SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES AUTOMOTIVE GENERATORS SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS LAB SUPPLIES GROUNDS & MNTC SMALL TOOLS SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS BUILDINGS AUTOMOTIVE SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS LAB SUPPLIES SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY 8 Acct# / Prol Code 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG Check Total: 1001 - 4520 2001 - 4520 1001 - 6071 1002 - 6071 1002 - 6073 1003 - 6071 1004 - 6071 1005 -6011 1005 -6013 1005 - 6071 1005 - 6073 1007 - 4760 1028 - 6042 2001 - 6073 2002 - 6071 2002 - 6073 2004 - 6041 2005 - 6011 2005 - 6071 2005 - 6073 2007 - 4760 1029 - 6075 2029 - 6075 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Current Date: 07/15/2008 Current Time: 14:29:36 Amount Check Num 502.50 502.50 1,500.00 2,505.00 AP- 00070098 MW 810.00 403.00 1,213.00 AP -00070100 MW 22.19 21.73 11.95 21.43 52.35 790.21 1,155.89 8.28 2.34 21.54 375.18 4.30 21.74 11.97 12.26 1,706.72 8.29 2.32 21.54 4,272.23 AP -00070101 MW 512.33 512.32 1,024.65 AP-00070102 MW Vendor Name LONG, WES LOOMIS FARGO & CO. LOOMIS FARGO & CO. MALISKA, ERIC MALISKA, ERIC MALISKA, ERIC MALISKA, ERIC MALISKA, ERIC MANNA CONSULTING MANNA CONSULTING MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name DIAMOND VLY RNCH FINANCE FINANCE GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN FINANCE INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS PUMPS UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS HEAVY MAINT HEAVY MAINT HEAVY MAINT HEAVY MAINT OPERATIONS ENGINEERING ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description TRAVEUMEETINGS CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE UB SUSPENSE INT /PENALTY CHGS UB SUSPENSE METER SALE INTEREST EXPENSE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS BUILDINGS LUTHER PASS PUMP STATIONS SMALL TOOLS BUILDINGS GROUNDS & MNTC PUMP STATIONS SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES O2SYS/TMDL,ICR OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PIPE/CVRS/MHLS BUILDINGS Page: 9 Acct# / Proi Code 1028 - 6200 1039 - 4405 2039 - 4405 1000 - 2002 1000 - 3523 2000 - 2002 2000 - 3545 2039 - 6710 1037 -4405 2037 - 4405 2002 - 6071 1001 - 6073 1002 - 6041 1002 - 6048 1002 - 6051 1002 - 6073 1004 - 6041 1004 - 6042 1004 - 6051 1004 - 6071 1006 - 6071 1029 - 6071 1029 - 8605 ICTMDL 1038 - 4820 1039 - 4820 2001 - 6052 2002 - 6041 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Current Date: 07/15/2008 Current Time: 14:29:36 Amount Check Num 30.30 "RN 30.30 AP-00070103 MW 304.04 304.02 608.06 AP -00070104 MW 15,279.80 908.60 2,578.92 132.00 156.02 Check Total: 19,055.34 AP- 00070105 MW 162.50 162.50 325.00 480.66 480.66 19.62 4.14 20.28 49.47 8.48 224.80 64.84 36.75 42.75 10.40 19.33 1,465.60 9.10 100.96 10.96 6.30 AP -00070106 MW AP- 00070107 MW Vendor Name MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MIERAS, DEAN MONTOYA, TALA MONTOYA, TALA MOUNTAIN TERMITE CONTROL MY OFFICE PRODUCTS MY OFFICE PRODUCTS NELS TAHOE HARDWARE NELS TAHOE HARDWARE NELS TAHOE HARDWARE NELS TAHOE HARDWARE NELS TAHOE HARDWARE NELS TAHOE HARDWARE NELS TAHOE HARDWARE NEWARK IN ONE NEWSPAPERS IN EDUCATION NEWSPAPERS IN EDUCATION User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS HEAVY MAINTENANC ENGINEERING ENGINEERING - C CLUB TNK REPL ENGINEERING - SUT WELL REDRILL CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG CONTRACT SERVICE GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN HEAVY MAINT ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS ELECTRICAL SHOP HEAVY MAINT HEAVY MAINT HEAVY MAINT ELECTRICAL SHOP DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description WELLS PUMP STATIONS SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS BUILDINGS SHOP SUPPLIES TANK, COUNTRY CL SUT WELL REDRILL SHOP SUPPLIES UB SUSPENSE UB SUSPENSE BUILDINGS OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS PUMP STATIONS SHOP SUPPLIES BUILDINGS GROUNDS & MNTC SHOP SUPPLIES PUMP STATIONS PUB RELATIONS PUB RELATIONS Page: 10 Acct# / Proi Code 2002 - 6050 2002 - 6051 2002 - 6071 2002 - 6073 2004 - 6041 2029 - 6071 2029 - 7063 - CLUBTK 2029 - 8463 - RWSUTR 2038 - 6071 1000 - 2002 2000 - 2002 1004 - 6041 1021 - 4820 2021 - 4820 1001 - 6071 1001 - 6073 1002 - 6051 1003 - 6071 1004 - 6041 1004 - 6042 1004 - 6071 2003 - 6051 Check Total: 2038 - 4405 - WCPROG Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT Current Date: 07/15/2008 Current Time: 14:29:36 Amo unt Check Num 19.33 47.25 17.82 8.48 120.56 19.32 49.92 57.00 27.40 2,460.86 725.73 725.73 81.45 90.30 171.75 490.00 Type AP- 00070108 MW AP -00070109 MW AP- 00070110 MW 490.00 AP -00070111 MW 2.67 2.67 5.34 AP -00070112 MW 25.84 9.78 7.53 34.44 10.21 101.22 43.06 232.08 AP -00070113 MW 708.41 708.41 AP -00070114 MW 125.00 125.00 Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num RN Check Total: 250.00 AP-00070115 MW NEXLEVEL INFORMATION TECH INC INFORMATION SYS - IT STRATEGC PLN CONTRACT SERVICE 1037 - 4405 - ITPLAN 2,387.50 NEXLEVEL INFORMATION TECH INC INFORMATION SYS - IT STRATEGC PLN CONTRACT SERVICE 2037 - 4405 - ITPLAN 2,387.50 Check Total: 4,775.00 AP -00070116 MW NORTHWEST HYD. CONSULT INC ENGINEERING - CTC GRNT -BMPs BMP PROJECTS 1029 - 8737 - CTCBMP 5,650.35 NORTHWEST HYD. CONSULT INC ENGINEERING - CTC GRNT -BMPs BMP PROJECTS 2029 - 8745 - CTCBMP 5,650.35 Check Total: 11.300.70 AP -00070117 MW NUMARA SOFTWARE INC INFORMATION SYS DIST.COMP SPPLIS 1037 - 4840 249.20 NUMARA SOFTWARE INC INFORMATION SYS DIST.COMP SPPLIS 2037 - 4840 249.19 Check Total: 498.39 AP -00070118 MW OFFICE MAX GEN & ADMIN OFFICE INVENTORY 1000 - 0428 1,411.65 OFFICE MAX ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 1021 - 4820 6.23 OFFICE MAX ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 1029 - 4820 43.66 OFFICE MAX FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1039 - 4820 -10.82 OFFICE MAX ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 2021 - 4820 6.21 OFFICE MAX ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 2029 - 4820 51.90 OFFICE MAX FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2039 - 4820 -19.05 OLMSTEAD, CLIFFORD & LOU CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 2,676.00 Check Total: 2_ AP -00070120 MW ONTRAC LABORATORY POSTAGE EXPENSES 1007 - 4810 20.50 ONTRAC LABORATORY - IND CRK RES MONT MONITORING 1007 - 6110 - INDIAN 14.00 ONTRAC LABORATORY POSTAGE EXPENSES 2007 - 4810 70.00 Check Total: 104.50 AP- 00070121 MW ORCHARD TRUST COMPANY LLC GEN & ADMIN SUSPENSE 1000 - 2504 35,835.79 Check Total: 35.835.79 AP- 00070122 MW PENCHECKS GEN & ADMIN SUSPENSE 1000 - 2504 - 632,890.66 REVERSED Check Total: -632M0.66 AP -00070033 RV PENCHECKS GEN & ADMIN SUSPENSE 1000 - 2504 632,890.66 Check Total: 632,890.66 AP- 00070123 MW ELECTRICAL SHOP TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1003 - 6200 360.00 PETTY CASH User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Page: I I Check Total: 1,489.78 AP - 00070119 MW Current Date: 07/15/2008 Current Time: 14:29:36 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Prof Code Amount Check Num Type Check Total: 360.00 AP- 00070032 MW PETTY CASH UNDERGROUND REP OFFICE SUPPLIES 1001 - 4820 3.22 PETTY CASH PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002 - 6051 20.00 PETTY CASH PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 1002 - 6083 19.15 PETTY CASH ADMINISTRATION INCNTV & RCGNTN 1021 - 6621 29.05 PETTY CASH HUMAN RESOURCES SUPPLIES 1022 - 6520 11.48 PETTY CASH HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL EXPENS 1022 - 6670 8.25 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 1029 - 6200 8.74 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING SUPPLIES 1029 - 6520 22.37 PETTY CASH INFORMATION SYS TRAVEUMEETINGS 1037 - 6200 24.55 PETTY CASH FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1039 - 4820 0.75 PETTY CASH FINANCE OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1039 - 6081 4.19 PETTY CASH FINANCE TRAVEUMEETINGS 1039 - 6200 39.34 PETTY CASH PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002 - 6051 20.00 PETTY CASH PUMPS RPR/MNTC WTR TKS 2002 - 6054 10.00 PETTY CASH PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 2002 - 6083 19.14 PETTY CASH EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005 - 6011 20.00 PETTY CASH ADMINISTRATION INCNTV & RCGNTN 2021 - 6621 29.04 PETTY CASH HUMAN RESOURCES SUPPLIES 2022 - 6520 11.47 PETTY CASH HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL EXPENS 2022 - 6670 8.25 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 2029 - 6200 20.23 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING SUPPLIES 2029 - 6520 22.34 PETTY CASH INFORMATION SYS TRAVEUMEETINGS 2037 - 6200 24.54 PETTY CASH CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 35.22 PETTY CASH FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2039 - 4820 0.75 PETTY CASH FINANCE TRAVEUMEETINGS 2039 - 6200 27.81 Check Total: 439.88 AP- 00070124 MW POLYDYNE INC OPERATIONS POLYMER 1006 - 4720 18,239.92 Check Total: _18,239.92 AP -00070125 MW POWERS, TERENCE H LABORATORY TRAVEUMEETINGS 1007 - 6200 7.43 POWERS, TERENCE H ADMINISTRATION INCNTV & RCGNTN 1021 - 6621 87.50 POWERS, TERENCE H LABORATORY TRAVEUMEETINGS 2007 - 6200 7.42 User: MICHAEL. Page: 12 Current Date: 07/15/2008 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 14:29:36 Vendor Name POWERS, TERENCE H POWERS, TIM PRAXAIR 174 PRAXAIR 174 PRAXAIR 174 PRAXAIR 174 PROTOFAB INC RADIO SHACK RADIO SHACK RADIO SHACK RADIO SHACK RAE SYSTEMS INC REDWOOD PRINTING REDWOOD PRINTING RENNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY RICH, MIKE & RIKA RSN SPORTS NETWORK RUTHERDALE, JEREMY SAFETY CENTER INC SAFETY CENTER INC User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name ADMINISTRATION CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG CONTRACT SERVICE PUMPS HEAVY MAINT OPERATIONS PUMPS ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL PUMPS ENGINEERING PUMPS ENGINEERING PUMPS LABORATORY LABORATORY DIAMOND VLY RNCH CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG PUMPS HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Page: Description INCNTV & RCGNTN SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES O2SYS/TMDL,ICR SHOP SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES GROUNDS & MNTC WTR CONS EXPENSE WTR CONS EXPENSE DUES /MEMB /CERT DUES /MEMB /CERT DUES /MEMB /CERT 13 Acct# / Proi Code 2021 - 6621 2038 - 4405 - WCPROG Check Total: 1002 -6071 1004 - 6071 1006 - 6071 2002 - 6071 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL Check Total: 1002 -6071 1029 - 4820 2002 - 6071 2029 - 4820 1002 - 6075 1007 - 4820 2007 - 4820 1028 - 6042 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG Check Total: 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG Check Total: 2002 - 6250 1022 - 6250 2022 - 6250 Check Total: Current Date: 07/15/2008 Current Time: 14:29:36 Amount 87.50 189.85 711.75 711.75 31.99 142.06 485.81 31.99 691.85 3,471.79 3,471.79 AP- 00070129 MW 48.48 53.87 48.48 53.86 204.69 AP- 00070130 MW 610.62 610.62 AP -00070131 MW 210.77 210.77 421.54 AP -00070132 MW 538.64 538.64 AP -00070133 MW 1,066.40 1,066.40 AP -00070134 MW 2,088.00 2,088.00 AP- 00070135 MW 60.00 60.00 AP -00070136 MW 154.55 154.55 Check Num Type AP- 00070126 MW AP-00070127 MW AP -00070128 MW Vendor Name SCHLANGE, PAUL SCIUTO, PAUL SCIUTO, PAUL SCOTTYS HARDWARE SCOTTYS HARDWARE SCOTTYS HARDWARE SCOTTYS HARDWARE SCOTTYS HARDWARE SIANO, CHRIS SIERRA CHEMICAL CO SIERRA FOOTHILL LABORATORY SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS SIERRA PACIFIC POWER SIERRA PACIFIC POWER SIERRA PACIFIC POWER User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name DIAMOND VLY RNCH ENGINEERING ENGINEERING PUMPS ELECTRICAL SHOP UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP ELECTRICAL SHOP OPERATIONS PUMPS ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL HUMAN RESOURCES DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE HUMAN RESOURCES DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG FINANCE GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description TRAVEUMEETINGS TRAVEUMEETINGS TRAVEUMEETINGS PUMP STATIONS PUMP STATIONS PIPE /CVRS /MHLS SHOP SUPPLIES PUMP STATIONS TRAVEUMEETINGS HYPOCHLORITE O2SYS/TMDL,ICR ADS /LGL NOTICES PUB RELATIONS O2SYS/TMDL,ICR ADS /LGL NOTICES ADS /LGL NOTICES ADS /LGL NOTICES PUB RELATIONS ADS /LGL NOTICES WTR CONS EXPENSE ADS/LGL NOTICES ELECTRICITY ST LIGHTING EXP ELECTRICITY Page: 14 Acct# / Proi Code 1028 - 6200 1029 - 6200 2029 - 6200 1002 - 6051 1003 - 6051 2001 - 6052 2001 - 6071 2003 - 6051 1006 - 6200 2002-4755 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL Check Total: 1022 - 4930 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL 1038 - 4930 1039 - 4930 2022 - 4930 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT 2038 - 4930 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 2039 - 4930 1000 - 6330 1000 - 6740 2000 - 6330 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Current Date: 07/15/2008 Current Time: 14:29:36 Amount Check Num TvPe 309.10 AP -00070137 MW 67.58 67.58 AP- 00070138 MW 6.50 6.50 13.00 AP -00070139 MW 9.50 2.04 11.95 16.36 2.04 41.89 AP-00070140 MW 171.00 171.00 AP- 00070141 MW 3,500.70 3,500.70 AP -00070142 MW 390.00 390.00 AP -00070143 MW 267.02 1,009.12 186.28 209.48 351.00 267.02 1,009.12 540.20 2,889.90 351.00 7,080.14 AP- 00070144 MW 88,903.53 1,492.50 31,592.72 User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num TYPe Check Total: 121,988.75 AP- 00070145 MW SNEED, CHRIS UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2001 - 6200 34.34 Check Total: 34.34 AP- 00070146 MW SOUND STRATEGIES /OFC INC. DIO CONTRACT SERVICE 1027 - 4405 49.00 SOUND STRATEGIES /OFC INC. DIO CONTRACT SERVICE 2027 - 4405 49.00 Check Total: 98.00 AP -00070147 MW SOUTH SHORE MOTORS EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005 - 6011 123.14 SOUTH SHORE MOTORS EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005 - 6011 123.14 Check Total: 246.28 AP -00070148 MW SOUTH TAHOE NEWSPAPER AGENCY ADMINISTRATION SUBSCRIPTIONS 1021 - 4830 57.12 SOUTH TAHOE NEWSPAPER AGENCY ADMINISTRATION SUBSCRIPTIONS 2021 - 4830 57.10 Check Total: 114.22 AP -00070149 MW SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE GEN & ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 1000 - 6370 3,012.50 SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE GEN & ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 2000 - 6370 198.84 SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE PUMPS GROUNDS & MNTC 2002 - 6042 18.90 Check Total: 3,230.24 AP -00070150 MW SOUTHWEST GAS GEN & ADMIN NATURAL GAS 1000 - 6350 4,291.86 SOUTHWEST GAS GEN & ADMIN NATURAL GAS 2000 - 6350 222.16 Check Total: 4,514.02 AP- 00070151 MW SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE INC INFORMATION SYS SERVICE CONTRACT 1037 - 6030 8,728.55 SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE INC INFORMATION SYS SERVICE CONTRACT 2037 - 6030 8,728.54 Check Total: 17,457.09 AP -00070152 MW STANDARD TEL NETWORKS LLC INFORMATION SYS OFFICE SUPPLIES 1037 - 4820 488.03 STANDARD TEL NETWORKS LLC INFORMATION SYS OFFICE SUPPLIES 2037 - 4820 488.03 Check Total: 976.06 AP- 00070153 MW STANLEY, WANDA ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1029 - 6200 37.50 STANLEY, WANDA ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2029 - 6200 37.50 Check Total: 75.00 AP- 00070154 MW STANTEC CONSULTING INC ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL O2SYS/TMDL,ICR 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL 77.00 STANTEC CONSULTING INC ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL REP EXP PUMPS 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV 40,553.03 STANTEC CONSULTING INC ENGINEERING - DVR EIR DIAM VLY MP /EIR 1029 - 8725 - DVREIR 56,332.75 Page: 15 Current Date: 07/15/2008 Current Time: 14 :29:36 Vendor Name STANTEC CONSULTING INC STANTEC CONSULTING INC STANTEC CONSULTING INC STANTEC CONSULTING INC STANTEC CONSULTING INC STANTEC CONSULTING INC SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUNGARD BI -TECH INC. SUNGARD BI -TECH INC. TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE TAHOE BLUEPRINT TAHOE BLUEPRINT Tahoe Daily Tribune Tahoe Daily Tribune Tahoe Daily Tribune Tahoe Daily Tribune TAHOE MOUNTAIN NEWS TAHOE MOUNTAIN NEWS TAHOE MOUNTAIN NEWS TAHOE PARADISE CHEVRON User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name ENGINEERING - C CLUB TNK REPL ENGINEERING - WTRLN,GRD MTN ENGINEERING - SUT WELL REDRILL ENGINEERING - WTRLN, GLEN RD ENGINEERING - WTRLN,AL TAHOE ENGINEERING - ARSENIC STUDY GEN & ADMIN UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS GEN & ADMIN OPERATIONS ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description TANK, COUNTRY CL WTRLN, GARD MTN SUT WELL REDRILL WTLN, GLEN RD WTLN, AL TAHOE ARSNC TRTMNT SUSPENSE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT REFUSE DISPOSAL SLUDGE DISPOSAL O2SYS/TMDL,ICR REP EXP PUMPS DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS CUSTOMER SERVICE ADS/LGL NOTICES CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS DIO - PR EXP - EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE UNDERGROUND REP DIESEL Page: 16 Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num L22 2029 - 7063 - CLUBTK 15,004.97 2029 - 7065 - GMWL07 441.45 2029 - 8463 - RWSUTR 3,638.36 2029 - 8714 - GLENWL 441.45 2029 - 8811 - ATWL08 294.00 2029 - 8864 - ARSNIC 1,663.20 Check Total: 118,446.21 AP -00070155 MW 1000 - 2504 2,664.40 1001 - 4405 6,556.75 2001 - 4405 1,932.00 2038 - 4405 - WCPROG 7,153.63 Check Total: 1037 - 6030 2037 - 6030 1000 - 6370 1006 - 6652 2001 - 4620 Check Total: Check Total: 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV Check Total: 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT 2038 - 4930 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG Check Total: 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG Check Total: Check Total: Current Date: 07/15/2008 Current Time: 14:29:36 18,306.78 AP -00070156 MW 82.50 82.50 165.00 AP- 00070157 MW 292.99 8,697.50 8,990.49 AP- 00070158 MW 921.26 18.80 940.06 AP-00070159 MW 2,697.80 175.00 331.22 2,421.90 5,625.92 AP- 00070160 MW 350.00 350.00 250.00 950.00 AP- 00070161 MW 135.80 135.80 AP-00070162 MW Vendor Name TAHOE PRINTING TAHOE PRINTING TAHOE PRINTING TAHOE SAND & GRAVEL TAHOE TRADING POST TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY TRPA U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name UNDERGROUND REP ENGINEERING ENGINEERING UNDERGROUND REP ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL GEN & ADMIN UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS PUMPS ELECTRICAL SHOP HEAVY MAINT EQUIPMENT REP OPERATIONS OPERATIONS OPERATIONS LABORATORY BOARD OF DIR ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES DIO DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL DIAMOND VLY RNCH PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Descript OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Acct# /Proi Code 1001 - 4820 1029 - 4820 2029 - 4820 PIPE/CVRS /MHLS 2001 - 6052 O2SYS/TMDL,ICR O2SYS/TMDLICR PIPE/CVRS /MHLS TRAVEUMEETINGS OFFICE SUPPLIES STANDBY ACCOMODA TRAVEUMEETINGS GROUNDS & MNTC AUTOMOTIVE OFFICE SUPPLIES GROUNDS & MNTC TRAVEUMEETINGS LAB SUPPLIES TRAVEUMEETINGS OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEUMEETINGS INCNTV & RCGNTN ADS/LGL NOTICES PERSONNEL EXPENS TRAVEUMEETINGS TRAVEUMEETINGS TRAVEUMEETINGS Page: 17 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL TRANS MITIGATION 1000 - 2606 1001 - 6052 1001 - 6200 1002 - 4820 1002 - 6083 1003 - 6200 1004 - 6042 1005 - 6011 1006 - 4820 1006 - 6042 1006 - 6200 1007 - 4760 1019 - 6200 1021 - 4820 1021 - 6200 1021 - 6621 1022 - 4930 1022 - 6670 1027 - 6200 1027 - 6200 - PREEXT 1028 - 6200 Check Total: Current Date: 07/15/2008 Current Time: 14:29:36 Amount Check Num Tvoe 23.44 9.43 9.42 42.29 AP 00070163 MW 1,921.20 Check Total: A 921.20 AP -00070164 MW 12.80 Check Total: 12.80 AP - 00070165 MW 867.49 Check Total: 867.49 AP -00070166 MW 59,368.45 Check Total: 59,368.45 AP- 00070167 MW 206.32 554.40 70.79 113.24 1,224.78 415.22 609.94 23.60 618.54 1,157.36 8.07 568.63 290.79 47.54 339.22 375.00 81.92 5.25 7.53 21.54 Vendor Name U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE User: MICHAEL Department / Proi Name ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE FINANCE UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS PUMPS ELECTRICAL SHOP EQUIPMENT REPAIR LABORATORY BOARD OF DIR ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES DIO DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING - WTRLN, JULIE LN ENGINEERING - SUT WELL REDRILL INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description Acct# / Proi Code OFFICE SUPPLIES 1029 - 4820 TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1029 - 6200 O2SYS/TMDL,ICR 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL OFFICE SUPPLIES 1037 - 4820 DIST.COMP SPPLIS 1037 - 4840 TRAVEUMEETINGS 1037 - 6200 TELEPHONE 1037 - 6310 SHOP SUPPLIES 1038 - 6071 SUPPLIES 1038 - 6520 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1039 - 4820 TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1039 - 6200 TRAVEUMEETINGS 2001 - 6200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2002 - 4820 STANDBY ACCOMODA 2002 - 6083 TRAVEUMEETINGS 2003 - 6200 AUTOMOTIVE 2005 - 6011 LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 TRAVEUMEETINGS 2019 - 6200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2021 - 4820 TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2021 - 6200 INCNTV & RCGNTN 2021 - 6621 ADS /LGL NOTICES 2022 - 4930 PERSONNEL EXPENS 2022 - 6670 TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2027 - 6200 TRAVEUMEETINGS 2027 - 6200 - PREEXT OFFICE SUPPLIES 2029 - 4820 GROUNDS & MNTC 2029 - 6042 TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2029 - 6200 WTRLN. JULIE 2029 - 7067 - JULIE7 SUT WELL REDRILL 2029 - 8463 - RWSUTR OFFICE SUPPLIES 2037 - 4820 DIST.COMP SPPLIS 2037 - 4840 Page: 18 Current Date: 07/15/2008 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 14:29:36 Amou 134.65 905.81 567.83 766.66 1,794.57 294.90 2.50 56.42 10.82 12.43 60.04 24.33 70.78 113.23 34.28 609.93 8.07 568.62 290.78 47.54 339.20 375.00 81.92 5.25 7.53 134.65 338.50 978.03 321.63 8.58 766.66 1,794.56 Check Num Vendor Name U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE US POSTMASTER US POSTMASTER USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC VALLEY POWER SYSTEMS NORTH VWR INTERNATIONAL VWR INTERNATIONAL WECO INDUSTRIES INC WECO INDUSTRIES INC WEDCO INC WEDCO INC User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE - FINANCE FINANCE DIO DIO ELECTRICAL SHOP HEAVY MAINT EQUIPMENT REP DIAMOND VLY RNCH ENGINEERING ELECTRICAL SHOP EQUIPMENT REPAIR ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT REP LABORATORY LABORATORY UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL ELECTRICAL SHOP PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description TRAVEUMEETINGS TELEPHONE SHOP SUPPLIES TRAVEUMEETINGS SUPPLIES WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEUMEETINGS POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE GENERATORS LAB SUPPLIES LAB SUPPLIES PIPE /CVRS /MHLS INFILTRTN /INFLOW O2SYS/TMDL,ICR PUMP STATIONS Page: 19 Acct# / Proi Code 2037 - 6200 2037 - 6310 2038 - 6071 2038 - 6200 2038 - 6520 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 2039 - 4820 2039 - 6200 1005 -6013 1007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 1001 - 6052 1001 - 6055 Check Total: Check Total: 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL 2003 - 6051 Check Total: Current Date: 07/15/2008 Current Time: 14:29:36 Amoun 294.90 2.50 56.42 569.25 10.82 8.60 12.43 60.04 Check Num Type Check Total: 19 280.34 AP- 00070170 MW 1027 - 4810 90.00 2027 - 4810 90.00 Check Total: 180.00 AP -00070171 MW 1003 - 6310 194.55 1004 - 6310 113.21 1005 - 6310 161.19 1028 - 6310 102.21 1029 - 6310 51.08 2003 - 6310 194.55 2005 - 6310 161.20 2029 - 6310 51.08 Check Total: Check Total: 1,029.07 AP -00070172 MW 442.37 442.37 AP- 00070173 MW 53.28 63.65 116.93 AP -00070174 MW 382.69 841.66 1,224.35 AP- 00070175 MW 65.58 33.85 99.43 AP- 00070176 MW Vendor Name WESTERN BOTANICAL SERVICES WESTERN ENERGETIX INC WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTFALIA SEPARATOR INC WHALEN, CHRIS WHALEN, CHRIS User: MICHAEL Report: OH_PMr MS_BK Department / Proi Name EXPORT PIPELINE - B LINE REVEG GEN & ADMIN UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS DIAMOND VLY RNCH UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS HEAVY MAINTENANC HEAVY MAINT ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION WHITE CAP ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL WILLIS, DONALD & DIANNE WILSON, ERIC WINZLER & KELLY CONSULT ENGRS ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL WONDER METALS CORPORATION ENGINEERING - WELL, BAYVIEW PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description BLINE REVEG GASOLINE INV PIPE /CVRS /MHLS SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS DITCH MTR SYS PIPE/CVRS/MHLS SMALL TOOLS BUILDINGS BIOSOL EQUP/BLDG TRAVEL/MEETINGS TRAVEL/MEETINGS O2SYS/TMDL,ICR CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE Page: REP EXP PUMPS WEL LK 70c33 );)• P Ncq ec E4 — 0 J1 11 i 1 .) , j i• /4 r Acct# 1 Prof Code 9098 - 8736 - BLNVEG Check Total: 1000 - 0415 1001 - 6052 1001 - 6071 1001 - 6073 1002 - 6073 1028 - 8821 2001 - 6052 2002 - 6073 2004 - 6041 1004 - 6653 1021 - 6200 2021 - 6200 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV 4.212.00 AP- 00070177 MV 4,148.66 Check Total: 4,148.66 AP- 00070178 MV 461.83 952.55 77.41 66.28 719.57 967.99 66.27 161.56 Check Total: 3,473.46 AP- 00070179 MV 10,775.80 Check Total: 10.775.80 AP- 00070180 MV 6.32 6.31 Check Total: -- 12.63 AP- 00070181 MV 175.15 Check Total: 175 AP- 00070182 MV 800.00 Check Total: Check Total: 2,980,00 AP- 00070184 MV Check Total: 61,641.35 AP-00070185 MV U • * 574 - BAYWEL 884.34 Check Total: Grand Total: Current Date: 07/15/2008 Current Time: 14:29:36 Amount Check Num 4,212.00 2,980.00 61,641.35 800.00 AP- 00070183 MV 884.34 AP- 00070186 MV 1,074,397.17 Ty,Qg wased■•••■ Scuth Tahoe P.U.D. 07/07/08 VOID, TYPED & REVERSED CHECK IZEMSIER — MN, JUL 07, 2008, 8:57 PM l 11T eg: ----leg: GL 3L---1�: CNSTIE----jg 413342 #J006----pgn: Ef200 <1.19). Check Payee ID. Payee Nam AP00069952 V44396 EL rcpAro IAF3D GRAND TOTALS: Tbtal Void Maohire Written Tbtal Void Hand Written Total Machirn Written. Tbtal Hand Written Tbtal Reversals Tbtal Cancelled GRAND TOTAL Date Check ?mount 'Iyice Subs 12 el ib Note 07/03/08 24.66 RV TR Reversed 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.66 0.00 24.66 /Inter of Checks Processed: Number of Checks Pr:messed: linter of Checks Processed. IsLuter cf Checks Processed: tinter of Checits Prccessed: Nutter of Checks Processed: 1 /to J 7/1/4 0 0 0 0 1 Crecic Payee ID. AP00070000 V21701 AP00070014 V24215 SKRAMENR) EEE, TAME PRINI'Il� GRAND TOTALS: 'lbtal Void Machine Written 'Ibtal Void Hand Written 'Ibtal Nacir a Written Total Hand Written 'Ibta1 Reversals lbtal Cancelled GRAND TOTAL South Tree P.U.D. 07/13/08 VOID, TYRO & REVERSED AO GE.R REGLSIER StN, JUL 13, 2008, 4:38 AK - - -req: --- -1erg: CNSI E--- -job: 414076 #J037 - -- pgn: 200 <1.19> Late Check Amu& lype Subs Rel 'lb N:te 07/03/08 07/03/08 707.14 RV 'IR 42.29 RV 7R 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 749.43 0.00 749.43 Reversed Reversed Natter of checks Processed: N.xnber of ( lecks Processed: 1&r±er of Checks Processed: linter of Checks Processed: linter of Checks Processed: Narter of checks Processed: L rpt id: G - 0 0 0 0 2 0 ","" GtllWal M.llnaeer Rk:h.arc:l H. 50lbrig South Tahoe Public Utility Dietrict OIrect:0r6 ErrtIit Cl.audlo .hlmfe R. .)oneIe M.IIry Lou ~ D~ RJee 1215 Msatlow CrNt DM . South Lake "ah~ · CA 96160 Ph()M 550 544-6474. F8X 530 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 13a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: July 17,2008 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Meyers Landfill Site - United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~.J CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES CATEGORY: Sewer NO NO -43- General Marlaf. Richard H 5oll:>r South Tahoe Public Utility District Director Ernie Cl.IIudl Jam05 R. JaM Mal}llou M06~ache Dale RkJ lie 5chafe 1275 Meadow Greet Drive · South lake Tahoe. CA 9615 Phone 5:30 544-6474. Fax 550 541-061 Bob King Sierra Valley Electric, Inc. P.O. Box 8900 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96158 Re: Response to Bid Protest, Indian Creek Reservoir Oxygenation Project Dear Mr. King, This letter will serve as the South Tahoe Public Utility District's ("District") response to your July 17, 2008 letter protesting the District's award of the Indian Creek Reservoir Oxygenation Project ("Project") to Hobbs Electric ("Hobbs"). As you are aware, at its July 17, 2008 regular meeting, the District's Board of Directors found and waived minor irregularities in Hobbs' bid and awarded the Project to Hobbs as the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder. As noted in both the District staffs memorandum on the agenda item (attached hereto) and in your July 17, 2008 letter, Hobbs' bid contained a deviation from the bid specifications in that Hobbs dissembled the bid booklet and the Section 00 41 00 bid forms were submitted without the bid booklet. Under California public contract law, it is within the District's discretion to waive minor irregularities in submitted bids. Irregularities are considered to be minor, such that they may be waived, if they are not material, meaning that waiver of the irregularity would not constitute favoritism and would not give an advantage to the "irregular" bidder. (See Menefee v. County of Fresno (1985) 163 Cal.App.3d 1175.) The District's bid booklet for the Project expressly provides that the District reserves its right to waive any informality in a bid (Section 00 1000). In this case, the District's Board found that Hobbs' disassembly of the bid booklet and failure to return the entire bid booklet along with the Section 00 41 00 bid forms did not give its bid any advantage over Sierra Valley Electric, Inc. 's bid. Accordingly, Hobbs was found to be the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. Your July 17, 2008 letter additionally asked the Board to consider the experience level of Hobbs vis-a-vis the experience level of Sierra Valley Electric Inc., in its determination as to the award of the Project contract. An entity awarding a contract through California competitive bidding procedures may reject a bid based on a finding that the bidder is not a responsible bidder, but it may not make an award based on its determination that one bidder is more responsible .'i~~tl!~:;."1c1~,~~~"!;,, ~ Response to Bid Protest Indian Creek Reservoir Oxygenation Project Page 2 July 21,2008 than another. (See City of Ingle wood Los Angeles County Civic Center Authority v. Superior Court (1972) 7 Cal.3d 861,867.) We regret that you feel you were in any way prejudiced by the Board's decision. We have been pleased with your work for the District in the past and hope that the Board's decision in this matter will not prevent you from bidding on District projects in the future. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sinrerjfh ~ Ivo Bergsohn (C HydrogeologistlProject Manager Cc: B. Herrema, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP Board Members v"R. Solbrig File 07/17/20B8 11:57 t().41B [;112I1 8itmz1r~ .....CTRIC. INC. South Tahoe Public UtilitYli\stnct 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Late Tahoe, CA 96150 RE: Indian Creek Reservoir (ICR) Oxygenati~ Project Bid Openin&, luly 1 S, 2008, 2:00pm Mary Lou Mosbacher, Board President: July 17, 2008 Sierra Valley Electric would like to formally protest the bid of the apparent low bidder for the Indian Creek Reservoir (leR) Oxygenation Project. We would like to protest bued on the following items: The apparent low bidder, Hobbs Electric railed to follow the proper procedure for entering a bid by not turning in the complete bid book for this project. Hobbs Electric disassembled the book and only turned in bid item pages. As noted in the specification book. Section 00 20 00 Part 2.03 - A States that "No bid wiU be considered unless it is made upon such Section 00 41 00 forms and submitted with this book on Contract Documents containing the specifications" Part 2.03 - F States the ''The Book containing a pOrtioo of the Contract Documents shall oot be disassembled:' Abo, we would ask the board to look at the experience level of Hobbs Electric. As stated in their bid, they have only completed projects in the size of S 1 S,OOO.OO, S 18,000.00 and S 75,000.00. Hobbs Electric has never completed a project of the size that they have bid. Sierra Valley Electric, me is a local contrldor who has been in business in South Lake Tahoe for 33 )'ears and has been working for the district for decades. We have sua:essfully completed numerous jobs over the years for the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Our largest project completed within the last few yean was the Bayvicw Well project, as stated in Our bid. That prOject was 7 to 8 times the size of the project in question, therefore we feel confident in our ability to complete this project. Thank you for your time and consideration: ~i~ A"' 1\')'\\ oruey , r" ~ V' '" 1 \ "- . .. Plug intD quality! . CA , 391090 · NV' 19409 Post Office Box 8900. South LakeTehoe, CA 96168' (530) 544-6600 . Fax (530) 544-2486 Sandy Horback VP I Secretary {{, , II ~c.~ ~b /5? General Manager Richard H. Sol brig South Tahoe Public Utility District Directors Ernie Claudio James K Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Dale R.lse Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive - South Lake Tahoe - CA 96150-7401 Phone 530544-6474- Fax 530 541-0614- www.stpud.us July 18, 2008 Mr. Kevin Brazell, VP Hydro Tech Inc 155 Lyon Drive Fernley NV 89408 by certified mail Dear Mr. Brazell, As neither you nor your representative could attend yesterday afternoon's meeting of the District's Board of Directors, District staff asked that staff's agenda item requesting that the Board authorize the removal of Hydro Tech Incorporated from District bid lists, be removed from the Board's agenda. Staff now intends to have the request placed on the Board's agenda for its August 7, 2008 regular meeting. We hope that, given the three weeks time before the August 7, 2008 meeting, you or your representative can make yourselves available to attend that meeting. If for any reason that is not possible, the Board will rely on your July 15, 2008 letter, as well a,s any further written materials you may submit before the August 7, 2008 meeting, as representing your position on staff's request. In your preparation to attend the August 7 meeting or your preparation of any written materials, the District will make available to you staff's files supporting its request for your review at our offices in South Lake Tahoe (an appointment is suggested). As you stated during your July 16, 2008 telephone conversation with General Manager Solbrig, the Board need not determine whether to remove HydroTech from its bidders lists ifHydroTech will agree not to bid on District public works contracts. The District's agenda for its August 7, 2008 Board meeting will be finalized on August 1. If, before August 1, the District receives a letter from HydroTech indicating that it will not bid on District public works contracts, the staff request for the removal of Hydro Tech from the District's bidders lists will not be placed on the August 7, 2008 agenda. After receipt of such a letter, the District will then expect that HydroTech will not bid on any District public works contracts. In the event HydroTech were to bid on any District projects, District staff would then ask the Board to find HydroTech not to be a responsible bidder, as defined in California Public Contract Code section 1103, and to reject HydroTech's bid on that basis. HydroTech Letter. doc ~ ~ The District regrets that these measures have become necessary and hopes that HydroTech will avail itself of the options described above. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, C7/~~ Linda Brown Purchasing Agent cc: STPUD Board of Directors Brad Herrema, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck HydroTech Letter. doc 07/15/2008 10:19 775-575-5894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 01/21 " . '. '. :,'.. .' . .. .' . . . .. .. ..F>'.":"imi1.~'~.. e.. T' ..;.'rans'........ -.:..nu......... ..ttat; .....:..' . '.a.cs...' ........... .. ,H' ::. ", .' I....' .,' . ': ". ,~: .. ' ... . ..".. . I. .. . . . . . . . , . . . . .'" . . ...., To: President of the STPUD Boa~'d Fax: (530) 541-0614 From: Kevin Brazell Date; 07/16/08 Attn: Mary Lou MClsbacher Pages: 21 If applicable, letter dated: Regarding: Spot Repair Services Contract SUbject Notice of Intent to Debar HydroTech, Inc. 1..a..2008 if ,,,.i nt IIIEI'Ult rUls.' tiii'l F..Sliiill'. ,nail IlllltJ5J 515-CI.' lilIltli..tllY . .. .. 4. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · . · . · · . . . 07/15/2008 10:34 775-575-5894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 01/21 .--.-.-.....' HYDRO 155I..YQN DR. FERNLEY. NV 89408 (115J 515-41(JO (116) 516--1J394 FAX FdiI.~~1e" r-n~~d~~~l"'" .' aCSlIlm' . .t:LWW.l.lUl.WJ. .... To: South Tahol~ PUD Fax: (530) 541..0614 FAX-ED Date: 07/16/08 From: Kevin Brazl~1I Attn: Richard Solbrig, General Manager Pages: 21 If applicable, letter dated: Regarding: Spot Rep:lir ServiceS Connet Subject Notice of Intent to Debar HydroTech, Inc.. 7-8-2008 IF t.. ii.lI~t il'E;" lill .U,.f.t.11 FlcaitiuE ,l.Utl.u thi. 515;..111 liiilt.,.,rn " . /I.............. : ................ 07/15/2008 10:34 775-575-58'34 HYDROTECH, INC. PAGE 02/21 TECH INC.~ COli j -t: 0 I' Y -fJV1' Q l~ (OV1).g---.~ Y,b 7-1;- 00 a,f{ if'^!., 08 (775) 575-6894 FAX JUly 15, 2008 South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Sent Via Fax (530) 541-0614 and via JSPS Caltrans DBE Certified Hub Zone and 8(a) cert. CA Cont. Lie 288504 Regarding: Subject: spot Repair Services Contract Notice of Intent to De'i)ar HydroTech, Inc. 7-8-2008 Dear Ms. Brown, This lett~r is in response to your 7...a~~008Ietter wherein you state your intentions of barring HydroTech from future work with STPUD (District). HydroTech objects and proffers this response. First to lay a foundation for other read~rs, this contract arose from a solicitation the District sent on 6-18-2007 with a date for sealed b ds of 7-9--2007. HydroTech was the apparent low bidder with a bid that was 19% lower than th9 next bidder, saving the District a considerable amount of money. To save costs the District opled to share responsibilities and perform some of the work themselves (cleaning, tag line installaitions, and traffic control) rather than to have a fully inclusive bid. The following is a list of the District's ulleged grievances and our responses to the same. District assertions and HydroTech'lS responses 1 Staff was required to request insurance certificates multiple times. The "project" bid on 7-9-2007, )lIe were told on 7-10-2007 the District would i$sue a PO when and if the contract Was' awarded ~y the Board. HydroTech was not notified by the District as 10 award fmtil we inquired by phonl' abOfJt a weelc and a half later. After learning we were being awarded the contract, the imurallCO certificates were sent and on 7-26~2007. On 7-26..2007 HydroTech received a callfrom the District that a changefrom our "randaI'd insuranceform was needed The modified insurance oertificate was received from our i'fSuranc:e company and timely sent t() the District on 8..}-2007. HydroTechfinally received em executed PO from the District on 8~13-2007 in 1't!tlponse to our wrtrten request. We do not .'u~e any issue here. 2 Staff was required to request I 'eferences multiple times. Thi.... is an odd complaint as all 0; rlhe refe,.~ce.rr required were included with the submined bid paclcage and l!!! additional referEnces were eve,. requestedfrom HydroTech, Inc. PIPELINE CLEANING · P;PELlNE RELINING · MANHOLE COATINGS 07/16/2008 10:34 775-575-6894 HYDROTECH, INC. PAGE 03/21 3 Staff's multiple phone calls and llessages were not retumed until staff wrote to HT to schedule the work (2 Y2 months after bid award). HydroTech did return the District 'I' phone call as evidenced by our phone bill.,. The contract award/issuance of the PO was not mti18r 13.2007 and Hydro Tech did have other contract commitments to complete. The all(l'wed contract lime was until"'June 30,2008". /fydroTech had a preconstruction meeting on 10-5.2008 and began work on 10-29-2007 and completed the spot repair installs on 11 ~27.2007(1ess ,'han 30 days) including numerous Di.~trict caused delays to be disc"".41ed later in this document. 4 HT scheduled the work bUt did I lot show. HydroTech coiled and delayed OUT start with the District due to an equipment repair issue which we completed and then re.llchedulel i oW' start date. 5 On another day, HT showed up without scheduling or notification to the District. HydroTech had clearh scheduled 'o1Iith the Distri<Jt and the District was (l'Warr! we were working on the project but the oversight mtrnager fo7' the Di.'ltrict wa.~ off on personal leave and nobody else seemed to know what they wel'e supposed to provide contractually. 6 HT was ill-prepared to begin work: Hi" did not have confined spactl equipment on site initially. HydroTech does not generally ent~,. the manholes during the installation of.41pot repairs, it is not needed When lat~r it became ne,e.41.'Jary to e1lter, all confined space l;rntry equipnumt needed was provided by [/ydroTech onsite. 7 HT had insufficient cable to pel form the wort< (the District provided rope as a backup) HT had not been provided arty l1taps or plans that showed the lengths o/pipes until we arrived on site. It is tn.l.e we dii not have sufficient length of cable on our winches, but only because we were unawarE of the existing lengths. '/he di.41trict at no tim~provided rope (Hydrol'ech purchased additional rope on 10130, the second day of the job) we have receipts showing we purchased rope at tht' time we needed it. Arguably thi.v was a District respon.dbility. 8 Tag line was twine not rope It .,houJdfirst be noted that the specifications state "D;.~trict crews will clean and tag lines as required." This would make it lh,~ District '8 re.41pon.'iibilityfor p,.ovlding and installing tag lines. not HydroTech's. Our successful methods, for over twenty years, are to pull in a high strength twine and then use it to install a rope ifneeded. So yel', our tagline was twine not rope, was u(jing rope as a tagline a contract requirement; there was j'O .'/pecification requiring rope instead of twine. We would have been happy to ""e rope if it was ., pecijied 2 07/16/2008 10:34 775-575-6894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 04/21 9 The District needed to manufacture a crank handle for HT's winch and supply other needed too's The district at no time manufacturEd any crankfor our winch. some adj'L.~tme1'1ls had to be made to tM cra11k but we made these adj IStments using a simple hammer. 10 HT's fuel draw for their generator was not installed properly which caused HT to run out of fuel during installation The fuel dr(1W was in..'italled by t~e vehicle manufacturer, and set to stop picking up at 318 of a tank. At the time of bid we were unaware that the easement that we would be working in would have such sloi,ed groundfor the truck. At the time we had % of a tank of fuel but it was on an exft'eme slant, when we attempted to start the generator it would not pick up fuel, we did not run out offuel while in the process of spot repair installation. HydroTech sent our accompanying pickup over to get a can of gas fueled up and continued with our work. This 's all a non-issue and does not involve the District. 11 HT did not have B" material on hand until the end of the project (the District's priority of repair sites was not considered) Thi.'1 is factually incorrect, as dire, :ted by the District we began on. their priority repairs those being the 6" lines Cathedral and Washoe. We did have 8" equipment and materials onsite at the beginning of the project j fowever our new 8" packer blew on I J -8-2007 and we had to get it repaired which dit r take a bit of time. This did not take us away from timely completing the balance of the ,,'ork. HydroTech specifically followed the District's direction of o,.der for repair in ltallations. 12 HT's operation took approximately twice as long as other contractors utilized by the District for similar projects (and which causes additional District time requirements). HydroTech cannot comment on h,w long other contractors take to perform work and the Di."trict has not produced any .~ubstantiali ng documentation to confirm this c/aim. There was not a particular lime for each repair imtal/atfon included in this bid. There are many instances where; 11he District delayed and/or prolonged our work. Each has been identified however we have ~ol yet sent a Notice ~f Potentim Claim for this extra work, and have not made demandfor payml'ntfor the .~ame. e.g.; J I/2108-Disft'ict waS' unable to completely remove/clean roots and HydroTech had to wait several hours for approvl,l from Jim to install the repair ()ver the remaining roots. 1 1/2/08-While pre inspecting lhe designated repair at Lookout Dr. we found no lateral at the location andfootage desigraated by the District, the paperwork p1'()vided showed a repair needed at 165' measurEd downstream, upon his arrival Jim was able to determine that there wa.\' a problem wi t}'.t District's logs they gave us and that the lateral I() be repaired was actually at 200'. Delay of several hours. 3 07/15/2008 10:34 775-575-5894 HYDROTECH, INC. PAGE OS/21 J J/5/2008-HydroTech attempterl to install repair by JO'h over roots but was unable to find defect al the location indicfl/ed. we were able to find a portion which was rusted and Don Petry gave approval to ins, '0// at that spot instead. Delay of several hours. 11/6/08-HydroTech spent over ,l hours time at Tata St. attempting to find deterioration in pipe where indicated by the DiJtrict. Don Petty came to truck and also found no defect, and directed no spot repair to he installed. During our scheduled work, the District would not allow liydroTech to work on Monday through Wednesday prior to Th.:mksgiving because they said they "did not have enough personnel to work "'. Thill wa.\' 1: 01 listed as non working days. Delay ~f three days. J 1/27/08-On highway 50 HydrG Tech was instructed that there was a deftct in one line which was to be repaired HydJ'oTech crawled our equipment through the pipe and could notfind the defect. After calling and discussing with the District wefound that the District 's Jogs and/or list were J nislaheled and the problem to be repaired was actually in a line across the street. Delay l if several hours. All of this information should bl t confirmed with .Jim Hammond and Don Petty. 13 One patch failed. Two patches'eQuire r&WOrk. Re-work & failure rate (at 13%) is higher than other contradors utilized by the District for similar projects. HydroTech will repair these three 7rea,'l, it should be noted that the two Ure-work patches" ate only for some minor wt;nkling. wh leh we will grind smooth. As 10 Ihe patch that has ''failed'', it will be replaced as per the contmc t. We are not aware of any failure rate of any other contractors, and the District ha" n,)t provided any documentation to SUh.f;tantiate this c/aim. Once repaired the patches art no longer failed Since the contract includes defects being corrected it obv;ou.dy contemplates that their t. ~ay be "ome problems to be co,.,.ected, !;o there can be no breach qf contract here. 14 There was poor representation of repairs completed in HT's OVD's. This is theflr,d we have heard of Ii tis issue and do not rmderstandwhat.ftandard they are using. There is no substantiating docume. .tation to support this allegation. Hydro Tech provided an adequate po.,t video to the Di.'ltrict and it was accepted by the District. The contract allows ten days from receipt for the Di.drict's inspection and conformance and to address any and all deficiencies. There were never 01t1/ comments or questions about quality or quantity of work. At no time during this project has HydroTEch ever violated or not perfonn all requirements of this contract. To now move to get us debarred 11'0m future work for the above petty and unsubstantiated non- contract reasons is certainly against good public policy and California Public Wolks Code, and slanders our good name and reputation. which we c: mnot allow. Since the conception of this contract there 18ve been many spurious comments to and about us that we have had to answer to. If the District wishus to discriminate and exclude UR from bidding and use their preferred, but more expensive contractor, .. Ihy are they not intellectually honest enough to state their intentiohs and only use a sole source bid in stead of aU these tTUmped up accusations against HydroTech? Why has HydroTech been singled out for his special treatment? (s this retaliation because we would not 4 07/15/2008 10:34 775-575-5894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE OS/21 agree to provide at a free demonstration ~, light curoo spot repair for the District? You have in the past bragged to HydroTech about Mr. Adams ahility to "get lots of free stuff for the District". The District claims they want to gee B UV liner demons ration however they have twice declined to attend a UV spot repair andlor top hat demonstration in Cars:1O City. The Districts actions belie their words. In summary, there has not been presented l~ the District any contract violations or sufficient cause to tenninate or disbar only slander and innuerdo even questioning our "trustworthiness". HydroTcch would request the Board reject this action. If any fonn of debarment is to move forward, HydroTeeh would request R hearing to review the contract section particulars that were violated and/or a court action to decide dle same. Our good work with STP un goes back over 15 years, has been exemplary. and we have also bailed them out in a few emergencies; we will strenuously defend ourselves to clear our good name. All rights are reserved. If you have any questions or comments please contact me at your earliest cOh\'enienoo. ~incerel .~ 2-'-, )~Jr '/ .. L. Ke\'tn Bt'87;e1l Vice President, HydroTech, Inc. cc: Mike Springer, counsel for Hydro' ~ech, Inc. Mary Lou Mosbacher. President o~the STPUD Board via fax (530) 541-0614 Richard Solbrig, General Manager, STPUD via fax (530) 541-0614 Enclosures: 7-11-2008 letter for debannent, Invitation to Bid. Bid Results, Purchase Order, and Letter Requesting a Free UV Lig ht Spot Repair/rop hat Demonstration 5 07/15/2008 10:34 775-575-5894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 07/21 QCI'~r7oll M:In;;Jge:r Rlc"Il.....I-I.$"II:J~I!! .---.-.---., -----,. July 8, 2008 1275 Me:adowCree.t Drive- 50uth Lake Tahoe- CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. F~x 530 541-0614. www.e.tpud.ue Mr, Ksvin Brazell, VP Hydro Tech Inc 155 Lyon Drive Fernley NV 89408 by certified mail Dear Mr. Brazell, Staff of the South Tahoe Public Utilit) , District (District) intends to ask its Board of Directors to disallow Hydro Tech Inc. (HT) for future bidding opportunities, This action is precipitated by the follcwing which arose in the course of the Sewerline Spot Repair Services bid awarded to HT in 2007: . Staff was required to request Insurance certificates multiple times . Staff was required to request I 'eferences multiple times . Staff's multiple phone calls and messages were not returned until staff wrote to HT to schedule the work (2 % months after bid award) . HT scheduled the work but did not show . On another day, HT showed lip without scheduling or notification to the District . HT was ill-prepared to begin t:,e work: ..HT did not have confined space equipment on site initially -HT had insufficient cal)le to perform the work (the District provided rope as a backup) -Tag line was twine no': rope -The District needed tc manufacture a crank handle for HT's winch and supply other needed' :0015 -HT'~ fuel draw for their generator was not installed properly which caused HT to run out of fuel d Jring an installation ~HT did not have 8" m~lterial on hand until the end of the project (the District's priority of repair sites was not considered) . HT's operation took approxirr ataly twice as long as other contractors utilized by the District for similar project!, (and which causes additional District time requirements) . One patch failed . Two patches require re-work . Re-worl< & failure rate (at 13~fO) is higher than other contractors utilized by the District for similar projects . There was poor representation of repairs completed in HT's DVDs 07/16/2008 10:34 775-575-6894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 08/21 HydroTech has not demonstrated the :tuality. fitness, or trustworthiness necessary to be considered a "responsible" bidder. Di!;trict staff will ask the Board of Directors to decide on this matter at its regularly scheduled public meeting on July 17, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. HydroTech is welcome to attend. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY OIBTRICT o(~~- Linda Brown Purchasing Agent 07/15/2008 10:34 775-575-5894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 09/21 Gener'l;lJ Manager- ~chal'd H. 501~ Sc)uth Tahoe Pub ic Utility District Ofrec'tOr's Knhleen F<lrrell Jl'mtl9 Ro. Jonce. Mllry Lou MO~llCher Du.nll W.lIlLace Eric Schill"'" June 18. 2007 ~.:f 0 V/-t/o1 iY'fP'" ~--- 1275 Meadow.Crc$t Drive - South Lake fahoe. CA 96150-7401 Phone 5~O 544-6474. Fax 530541-0614- www.etpud.U$ INVITATION "[0 BID ... The South Tahoe Public Utilit~ District is accepting bids for SEWERLINE SPOT REPAIR SERVICES. Enclosed are the bid specfficatiClns, terms and conditions and proposaJ forms. Each section of the proposal form mu~t be completed in full in order for your proposal to be considsred by the Distrid. Each sealed bid shall be marked_on the envelope as such and sent to the attention of the Ptlrchasing Agent. Ohly sealed bids will be accepted by the District until 2:00 p.rn. onJulv 9..29OZ.. at which time all bids duly received at 12i'5 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, Califomia 96150, will be publicly opened an.oj read aloud. The South T shoe Public Utility [Astrict reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and fo award the bid to t,e 'company or firm which the District deems most responsible and in the best intere~f of the District. Sinceraly. South Tahoe Publio Utility District d~~' Linda Brown Purchasing Agent -., 07/15/2008 10:34 775-575-5894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 10/21 .....'"'~~. I I c::41 IV~ Public UtIlity DfG'tt'ict EIEWERLlNE SPOT REPAIRS .M!tIlMUM al"O SPECIFICATIONS The South Tahoe Public Utility Dis trict (District) is requesting bids for spot repairs on sewer mains located In the District's service a~ ea located in the City of South Lake Tahoe and/or 1:1 Dorado County, Callfomla. MaterlaI/ODe[aUott; The repairs 'Nill be performed on 8", 8", or 10" pipe consisting of asbestos cement CAC) or clay (VCP) pipe. (See attached listing for possible repair sites.) Spot repairs will begin 1 foot above the upstream jcint and end 1 foot below the downstream joint on any clay pipe with length-wise cracks. A full.;.circle fiberglass amblent-cured-In-place material shall be used for the spot repairs. Flow through plugs will be uaed in order to keep the sewer line active. If a full pipe plugging is needed, It must be pre-approved and sched!Jled by a District representative. District crews will clean and tag Iin..,s as required. The District will provide f1aggers if required. All material and methOds shall meet the requirements of Federal, State and local regulations. ContraCtor shall furnish material saif~ty data sheets for any and all materials that may affect those that work in the areas. Time constraints: Work will conmence on or after July 1, 2007. and be completed before December 31, 2007. If severe wltather anellor cold temperatures delay the completion of the proJe~ all work must be completecl no later than June 30, 2008. Delays must be discussed and agreed upon with the Distri~s rapmsentative. , ReaulatolV Reaulremen~; All W)rk will be subject to prevailing wages (see section 7 of the General Conditions). Any licenses, permits. or InspectJ!)Ms needed for the work shall be the responsibility of the contl1Jetor to oblain. A City of Sout, Lake Tahoe business license will be requlrad for work to be conducted within city limits. Contractor must hold an appropriate state contractor's license, which is current and active. In~f?8CtlqD: Contractor will provide the Di~trlct with a clear visual recording (VHSlCDIDVD) of repairs completed that showS the beginning and ending mark/measurement of the repair. The District will have ten (10) days from I "8Celpt of the recording, to fnspect product for workmanship, appearance, proper functioning and conformance to an other requirements of this speciflcation. If deficlencles are detected, the produ!~ will be rejected and the vendor will be required to make neces&ary repairs, adjustments or replacements. Payment will not be made until the defects are corrected and the produd ra-inspect'ad and accepted. The District 8.lso reserves the right to stop the work if safety is Jeopardized or rraterials or wOrkmanship is sub-par. Warranty: Contractor shall supply ttle manufacturer's standard form of commercial walTanty for the material, and a minimum of ona-: ,ear warranty coverage for onftsite material application and workmanship. Quality and length of warranty may be a factor In the award of contract. Asslanabilltv: The Contrador shalf not assign contract, or any part thereof, or any monies due or to become due herein without prlo r consent of the District References: Bidders shall provide three or more references of customers with three or more years experience using their proposedcured-in-place. material/services. See the Reference LIsting page for more intormaUon. CURRENT REPAIR SITES Pro Grorene Glorene Post Stateline Post Stateline Post Stateline Pre Slerra Angora 3A Angora 3A Angora 3A Angora 3A Ponderosa P/S Ponderosa P/S Ponderosa P18 Ponderosa P/S Ponderosa PIS Ponderosa PIS Ponderosa PIS Ponderosa PIS Ponderosa P1S Ponderosa NS Ponderosa P/S Ponderosa PIS Ponderosa P/S Ponderosa P/S Ponderosa PIS 8 18 2 3 19 Special Projects 62 Special Projects UT1163- UT1162 18 7 15 19 22 PD99 -94 P095 -94 P096 -92 PD80 -71- P071 -64 PD70 -64 PD70-64 PD70 -64 PD61.60 PD92 86 PD94 -86 PD51 -49 PD3-2 PD57-56 PDS8-59 Spills BJ319 -276 AC Note: The District does not guarantee contracting for repairs of any site on this list. Additions and deletions of repair sites may be made to the list, andfor prioritization changes, and budget constraints are possible. §Itg Maim Nos Size Lenath /at AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC Clay Clay Clay Clay AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC Clay AC AC 6 4 8 2 6 4 6 2 6 2 g1'i K27 TK715 -TK822 Tata K27 TK781 -TK780 10th Q2011.1255-W254 020 BJ254 -BJ253 Q21 BJ414 -BJ413 6 2 M22 BV124 -BV105 6 2 K38 UT1163- UT1162 8 2 N25 AT201 -AT200 Osboume 86.4 6 4 134 UT1548- UT1331 6 4 134 UT4584JT455 6 4 134 UT683 -UT455 6 2 135 UT675 -UT674 6 2 N26 PD99 -PD94 6 2 N26 PD95-PD94 6 2 N26 P096 -PD92 6 2 M25 P080 -P071 6 2 M26 P071 -PD64 6 2 M26 PD70 -PD64 6 2 M26 PD70 -P064 6 2 M26 PD7D -PD64 6 2 M26 PD81 -PD60 8 2 N26 P092 -P086 8 2 N26 Pd94 -PD86 6 2 M25 P051 -PD49 8 2 M25 P03 -PO2 6 2 M25 PD57 -PD56 8 2 M26 PD58 -PD59 6 2 P21 BJ319 -BJ276 Dittimatt 0e Fern Fem Rocky Pt Alameda Yakima 91.4 271 74.4 LT9 191 Dixie Mtn 273 Mier Mtn 271 NUT 77 Lodi 146 Alma 357 Kubel 5 Chris 316 Sockton 85.3 William 49 William 122 William 189 Palmira 333 Kubet 98.6 Lodi 103 Springwood 11.8 Sunset 159 Hwy 50 631 Hwy 50 48.1 189 Deterioration 382 Roots Deterioration Roots Roots 21.1 Hole 35.4 Crack Hole Crack Crack Crack Joint 18,1 Crack Crack Crack Crack Crack Deterioration Fracture Crack Crack Crack Hole Crack Roots/lateral Hole Hole Alder 39.3 Roots/Lateral 07/15/2008 10:34 775-575-5894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 12/21 South Tahoe Public Utility Diei'trict REQUEST FOR BID/PROPOSAL ~~ENERAL CONDITIONS 1. PREeARATION OF PROPOSAL: A. AlIlnfonnatlon requested of thE bidder shall be entered in the appropriate space on the bid fonn. Failure to do so may diSQualtfy your bid. B. All infonnation shall be entered in ink or typewritten. Mistakes may be crossed out and corrections inserted before sub mission of your bid. Corrections shall be initialed in ink by the person signing the bid. C. CorreCtions andlor modifications received after the closing time will not be accepted. Any exceptions to specifications must be stated on the bid. D. Prices will be considered as net if no cash discount is shown. E. Bids must be submitted by or p ior to the date and tlme specified and received at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lalce Tahoe, Callfomia 96150 to be considered. No late bids, no faxed, telegraphic or telephc1ne bids will be accepted. F. All bids shall be signed by an authorized officer or employee of th.8 bidder. G. Submit bids in a sealed envelope marked clearly with the bid number. 2. CH~NGES IN WORDING: The contractor shall not change anl' wording in the dOaJments. Any explanation or alternatives offered Shall be submitted in the Ex :eptions section or in a letter attached to the bidding documents. Alternatives which do not' substantially comply with the District's specifications will not be considered. Language. of neQation or limitation of any rights, remedies, or warranties provided by law wlll not be considered part of the bid. Bids offered that are SUbject to conditions or Iimitstlons may be rejected. 3. WITHDRAWAL OF BID: Any bidder may withdraw his bid, either personally, by tel~phone or written request received by the District at any time prior to the sooeduled closing time for receipt of bids. A bidder may withdraw his bid after~lle oDeni09 of bids providing he can establish to the District's satiSfaction that a mistake was modo in preparing the bid. As outlined by Sections 5100 et seq., of the public contracts code of California "A bidder desiring to withdraw shall give written notice to the District within five days after ope ,Ing of bids specifying in detail how the mistake occurred and how the ri1lst~ke made the bid materially different than it was Intended to be", Withdrawal will be pennitted for mistakes made in filling out the bid and will not be permitted for mistakes resulting from errors In Jut: gment or carelessness In inspecting the site of Work or in reading the Plans and Specification s. 07/15/2008 10:34 775-575-5894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 13/21 4. BRAND NAMES: A. Brand names and part number s will be used for reference to Indicate the Character of quality desired. B. Equal items wtll be considered, provided your offer clearly describes the articles end how they differ from the referenced branl js. C. When brand, number or level 0 f quality Is not stated by the bidder, it is understood the offer Is exactly as cited in the specifics tions. 5--, TAXES: A. The District is subject to sales tax (current rate is 7.75%); include sales tax in your bid price where applicable. B. Do not include Federal excise uax in your bid; the District is exempt C. If requested, exemption certlflcutes will be furnished when Federal Excise Tax Is exempted. 6. INSURANCE & HOLD HARMLESS A. Contractor agrees to fumish Employer's. Liability and Comprehensive General Liability Insurance. B. Contractor agrees to purchase Ilnd maintain during the life of the contract Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance, and shall nume as coinsured. the District. Its electfve board, officers, agents, and employees. Contractors Insura nee shall cover sarna coinsured entities from any claims for damage which may arise from Contraetofs or any Subcontractor's operations under this contra~ whether such operations are by Contrac,or or by any Subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either the Contrac or or Subcontractor. Contractor agrees to name all Insured parties in the policy and provide copies of the certificate to each of those named parties. C. The Iirrilts of liability for Contractor's Insurance shall not be ' less than: 1. Califomia Worker's Compem:ation: Statutory 2. Employer's liability: $2,000,1)00 each person (Injury or disease) 3. Comprehensive General L1atllllty a. Bodily injury: $2,000,000 each person $2,000,000 per occurrence b. Property damage: $2,000,000 each ocaJrrence $2,000,000 aggregate c. Personal Injury: $2,000.000 per occurrence 4. Comprehensive Automobile LIability a. Bodily injury: $2.000,000 each person $2000,000 per occurrence b. Property Damage: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate D. At the option of the Contractor, evidence of coverage and limits may be fuml~hed by an umbrella liability policy certificate in addition'to certlficates for workmen's compensation and employer'S liability, and comprehensive automobile ~lnd general liability policies. Contractof'shall submit documentation stating exact limits of coverage and exclusions, If any. E. For any claims related to this wo''k, the Contractorts Insurance coverage shall be Drimacc to the DIstrict's insurance and shall so Sj :ate on the endorsements. Any insurance or self-Insurance maintained by the DIstrict shall be excess of the Contractors Insurance and shall not contribute with It. 07/15/2008 10:34 775-575-5894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 14/21 F. Any failure to comply with reporUng or other provisions of the policies Including breaches of warranties aha" not affect coverage provld1Ki to the District. G. The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to ead1 insured against whom claim is made or suit Is brought, except with respeet 10 the limits of the insurer's lIabllfty. H. EaCh Insurance polley t9qulred )y this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled b~ r either party (Contractor or Insurance Company), reduced In coverage or In limits except afte r thirty (30) days' prior written notice by Certified Mail. retum receipt requested, has been given to District. I. contractor shall fumish to DistOt~ original endorsemenb effeCtinQ .coverage requlJ'Eld by this cJause. The endorsements are to be slg ned by 8 person authorized by that Insurer to bind coverage on its beharf. All endorsements are to be received and approved by District before work commences. The Contractor's insurer may providu complete, certJfled copies of all required Insurance policies, including endorsements effecting the covurage required by these specifications. J. It Is the responsibility of CClOtrac:tor to include all subcontractors as Insureds under Its policies or 8!lSUre each subcontractor maintains its own Insurance coverage subject to all of the requirements stated herein. , . K. To the fullest extent permittedb:f law, Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the District and their agents and employees fron' and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses Including but not limited to Attorneys' fees arifling out of or resulting from the perfonnance of the work. provided that any such claim, damage, lOllS or expense (a) is attributable to bodily injr,uy, sickness, disease or death. or to injury to or deatructil)t1 of tangible property (other than the Work itself) including the loss of use resulting therefrom and (tl) is caused in whole or in part by any act or omission of Contractor, Subcontractor, anyone Indire~ or dlrectJy employed by any of them ot anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless (If whether or not it is cause in part by a party indemntfied hereunder. 7. CAttIFORNIAJ..ABOR CODe Contractors working for the South Taho~ Public Utility District are required to comply with the Calffomla Labor Code. Article 2, section 1710 through 1'rao Inclusive and Article 5, Section 1810 through 1861 inclusive. (Laws and Regulations goveming the pnyment of prevailing wages.) The Contractor and each subcontractor shall keep an accurate payroll record showing the name, address, social seeurity number, work classlficatit)nt straight time and overtime hours worked each day and week, and the actual per diem wages paid to each l<.tumeyman, apprentice, worker, or other employee employed. The payroll records shall be certified, a\lailable ror inspection, and copies thereof fumishad with the payment requests 89 prescribed In Section 1776,)1 the labOr Code. The Contrllctor &hall keep the District infonnad as to the loCatIon of the records and shs II be responsible for the compliance with these requirements by all subcontractors. Penaltfes for noncompliance Indude II forfeiture of $25Jper day per worker which may be deducted from any moneys due the CO" tractor. Contractor will post a ropy of the detem'llnation of prevailing rates at the job site/s; and will promptly notify the District in writing of any c1assificatiors of labor not listed In the prevailing wage determInation but necessary for the performance of the we Irk. Copies of the prevailing rate of per diem wages are available at the following site http://\W.IW.dir,ca.aov/DLSR/statistics research.html or may be accessed via a CO file at the District offiee. 07/15/2008 10:34 775-575-5894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 15/21 (3. SAFElY AND PROTECTION A. Contractor shall be reaponsibl". ':or initiating, maintaining. and supervis,lng all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. Contractor shall take all nee&ssary precautions for the safety O' and the necessary protection to prevent damage, Injury or loss to: 1. All employees on the Work 0 r other persons who may be affected thereby; 2. all the Work and materials or equipment to be Incorporated therein; 3. other property at the site Dr B djacent thereto, including t1$8S, shnJbs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, struc:tures and utilities not designated for removal, relocation, or replacement in the course ( the construction. S. COntractor shall supply to the 01 strfct proOf of confined space training for each employee scheduled to enter a confined spaea prior to 1;tartlng the work. C. All general work procedures and precautions. will conform to Califomia OSHA regulations. 9. DEFAULT BY BIDDER: In the case of default by the Contractor the District may procure services and/or articles from other sources and may deduct from any monies due, . or that thereafter become due. to Contnlctof, the difference between thE price named In the contract or the purchase order and .the actual cost thereof to the Dlsttict. If no monies thereafter become due, Contractor shall pay to the District said price difference. Prices paid by the Disbict shall be considered the prevailing market price at the time such purchase is made. Periods of perfonnance may be extended if the facts as to the cause of delay justify such extension In the opinion Of the District. District at its sole optiOn may tenninate the contract in the case of default by the Contractor, upon written notio to the Contractor and ContractOr shall have no claim against the District, except for monies due for services perfonned before said tennlnation. leB~ any difference provld~ above. 10. AWAROrrEBMINATION OF CON'.RACTLf'URCHASe ORDER: A. The following factors In comblnution will be considered In awarding or terminating the contract/purchase order, not listed necessarily in their order of importance. 1. Priees 2. Bidders previous record of p'arformance and selVice to.the District. 3. Ability of bidder to render sa' jsfactory service/goods !n this instance. . 4 .pl8S8ntatlves to call upo.n ~od to consult with the Districts using departments. 5. Quality and conformance to District's specifications. 8. The South Tahoe Public Utility I )istrict reaerves the right: 1. to award bid received on the basis of individual items, or groups of items, or on the entire list of items; 2. to reject any or all bids or an:' part thereof; 3. to waive any informality In th,. bids; and 4. to accept the bid that Is in thEl /Jest interest at the District. The Districts decision shall be tinal. c. In all purchases by the District, availability and accessibility of warranty service and servies after warranty may be considered In determining the low bidder. 9. CHANGES IN PURCHASE ORDEF,:ICONTRACT: No changes may be made in the purct1 ase order/contract WithOut written authorization of the Distl1et PurchasIng Agent . 07/15/2008 10:34 775-575-5894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 16/21 BID# 07-08-08A PROPOSAL TO South Tahoe Public UtIltb,y DIetrIct The undersigned bidder, having familia'iized himself with the work required by the Bid Specifications. _ General Conditions and other docume nts; and understanding the constraints imposed by site and time, and all other factors affecting performance of the work for the I_wadlna Soot RaDal[ Bid does hereby propose to provide the spe~fiEd work for the following prices~ Prices are alt-inclusive (eg. includes mobilization and per.cliem if ap'plicable): . . l~'.~ :'~ ~ '~II',,.1 ,:,r ; ',. \', rj.i~l~ .~' j~t~~r dt.~ }~.. \~< ;, ~I / j \ ~.; '1 ': i I l,f~;-;~;, /' {I' ,," : ~"-':!~lj;:\\Jf~~I.t,,,.trll,\~f:Jt: .it,,;!I, .'},,:l(\ U'>'~~l:'L. ",.'11, ,>..,,11'1 i''''\I~~ (1.,,"'1;').,\)/,"""7" ->IT r.1~(.f!.l.T'~'!,"::-' ,"'_ ~.~ "14~'L' :hJ"\:.r"~..r.~, '!'JI'";, \"'~li,:.ll;,\":I'i( 11 ),'''i;'-''")~' J"~\.~r\(v'~~~l'''~';\' , ".1" ~\\I~: '\I.~r:,\I,)~,~~;.\ 14J';~ } fi~I.'~~~ ~l't,.f/,:jlt:>-~lt'::~I: III'.""""''''''';'''''{ ,,,;,.'.~,<-A- ~!.'J,\. ,'".:\.,.,,,,,,~, ,;.2...;tl ,:z-G'" $ 1475". ()O $ .;l. fl, 2-. ST3 ,.2.~ .:J- I"" . ;z.S" ...?-~~. ~ , z..S' ~_7-3 i .SO ';<'46"0, 00 ..,~ ~3 ~8, 75'" ~3, 7S- ~ J . z..s;- ,/l..5"OO, 0&:/ ~ 7.3 7,.>0 " " s:. t:'e> "" ?-- ~ . !per foot - lper foot .;z..~, 'per foot 2 ft. 3 ft. 4 ft. 5 ft. 6 ft. If over S ft. indicate costs per foot (to be added to the 6' cost $ 1 'Bt ~qo~ ~:3 ~151 cP. Is-:. Estimated project completion date:_~ DA 1$ Warranty infOrTnation:~ Any exception/s to this bid must be not(ld here: 13['0 .pl2Pt:>.$ ~ ) . Ie. ,~l r~t.-le6T~r- , ~ The undersigned Bidder hereby certiflel a' (a) that this Bid is genuine and is not made in the interest of, or in the behalf of. any undisclosed pemon, firm, or corporation. and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group. 81 ~sociation, organization, or corporation; (b) that he has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to put in a false or sham Bid; (c) that he has not solicited or induced sny person, timl, or corporation to refrain from bidding; and (d) that he has not sought by collusion to obtain for himsel' ~ any advantage over any' other Bidder or over the Owner. If this bid is accepted within forty (40) days from the date of the opening of the bid, the undersigned hereby irrevocably agrees to enter into contract and further agrees to complete all work covered by the Bid, in accordance with specified requir'ements, and within the time prescribed. The acceptance of this offer shall become effective upon the District issuing a purchase order to the undersigned. Contractors License '# Company Name: .,() c ' Address: :zS ~ f Y\ \ <;.1 Representative Signature: X .- Print Name & Title: _~VI n 13r~i.\ l t Phone#:( <115" l~S--L..f.IOO Classification: G - a~...f'AI €.Il31 /'\eel'l V\C1 "'-" . . n e.cJPr-DA . Date: :;Z-" &, - 0 1 lbc,~.~.s~~rD: 1 - ax#:(7?S- ) SJ5-~'gqi 07/15/2008 10:34 775-575-5894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 17/21 South TahoB Public Utility Di5ttict . B'EFERENCES LiStiNG Provide three or more references of customers (other than the District) with three or more yesrs experience using YOL r proposed cured..in-place material and services. Similar types of jobs with agenciE's located in California or Nevada are preferred. The Dlstri~ may contact any of the rererenc9s provided and other agencies or companies for references, and may consider responses in decldlng the bid awardee. Explanation of JOb~Ot Repo..l Y) @ ~CCaxr'Q), ()J(~ft -sq footage . Dates of service~')-90?J Name of Business U M- c." . . Address 1.\o~ f:'~ ,~~. Rd j NOvfu \,.o.lJ VQItjOJ )NV ~00'r . Contact Person (pd.cL tookllY1 Phone #, 1 O~ - e.~6... \o~1l? Explanation of Job/s ~ f. C\? ~ \ (\\ V\ -sq footage .. Dates of Service ~ ,00 Name of BUainess~~ . ~tVV\~. . ... AddressJrlI) N. ~Ii) tiL_~JJJJjt~t01l1 ) u:r: ~l\1\Y . Contact Parson \<..l\ \~ C\.L y:\<-. Phone # 'i'D 1- ~k %~ ExplanatiOn of Job/s U?~ .? 1~0l Ye~ ~~ y ~ u.~ L-\ Y\ i ~ -sq footage , ' Dates of Service~ g..o 4- Name of Business Q ., ~ CO. () Address \O~~_t~7\" 1I5 \-J\/. q'-0 Contact Perea. q "'" COMPLETE n RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL 07/15/2008 10:34 775-575-5894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 18/21 e,outh T shoe PI Jblic Utility pI atti ct B&I::~ERENCES LISTING Provide three or more references ot' customers (other than the District) with three or more years experience u~ing your proposed cured-In-place material and services. Similar types of j()bs with agendes .ocaled in' California or Nevada are preferred. The District may contact ~ny of the re~elenc:es provided and other agencies or companies for references, and may consider rE:lsponses In deciding the bid awardee. ~Y' ~ ~~ Phone #1J'j...e,,\.. \\~O/116""u~l.:l~~ ( ExplanationOfJOb~~----<L~~ ~.~.(}\_RU'\O,.'". .~1b\~ ~~ot ~W{ -sq footage' . :'" ' "".:' .~. ..' ".....~.~..~_~_..J)ate$ 0l'Setvl~4 0. y~ ~b'?J Name of Busines9~PtL\N\f1'L, Lt~~'\yu~Oy) Address ~'Jb'r \...tlX\<. \V1 U(~^~ ) Jpt..X,\U NV' 'b"\-?7'7f Contael Personj)j\( ~ M'lllAtv~ Phone # 116 --1;6C1.. ~t>~ , . " .' ExplanElti~n of'Job/s'f1l( U~'l)\ l~..'".~ \P:~\'Y ~~~ YLPc.V.v-\ -sq footage , ' Dates of Servloe-W~ ~bry Name of Business G..' I 'D ~ L\JJ.ili> V) Address \06b ~~ ~\~.~ \\tn.x1 - SfaX\('\ N\f 0'\l01 Contad pecscn~~LY') . . 'Phona #~""'<7 .151.. u.n[:n2'JJjl-~l,.?03 Explanation of Job/s -sq fodtage--.. Name of Business Addre.ss Contaet Person Dates of Service .'.Phone # COMPLETE & RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL 07/15/2008 10:34 775-575-5894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 19/21 081l3/Z0C7 MON 13122 FAX 530 541 4306 STPUI) Pinance DivisiC?lI.. I1J002/002 1 South Tahoe 12'75 McarJow Creet Driv6 6olJ't.h Lake Tanoe CA 96150 500 544-64145:3054"-0614 Public Utility D j!;trict CONFIRMING PURCHASE ORDER ~URCHASE NO FRIDA Y DEUVERJES ORDER NO. NO DEUVERIES AFTEFf 3 P.M. P19217 J ... This P.O. Number MUST If)IlCllf rm Id Paoklng UsIS, Involce8 and COmllpondence VENDOR: V40397 ORDERDATE: Oa/Ol/07 KYDRO'l'ECH INC lSS LYON DRIVE FERNLBY, NV 89408 SALESPERSON: KEVIN BRAZELL PHONE: ORDER 11: D!UVERY DATE: SHIP VIA: F.O.B.: I~ QUANTTTV CATALOG NUMBER and OE;SCRIPT1ON UNIT PRICE EXT. PRlC& 01 :;1/900 SEWBRLINE SPOT REPAIHS PER BID 1.00 1,900.00 #07-0B-08A PO Total ;1/900.00 TERMS: \.. REQUEST': R019573 REQUESTED BY: ADAMS I BOAR ORDERED BY: L~:B ~.,~ ~ SING AGeNTJOA=ICER 07/15/2008 10:34 775-575-5894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 20/21 ,-- _. S()UTH r AHOE PU,L1C UTlLl1Y DI6r~ICT BID RESUL T9 810# FOR 07 -OB..oSJ I Sewerflne Spot Repair Services OPENING DATE July 9, 201>7 Professionsl Plpt~ Seal $ 61,900.00 61,645.00 72,500.00 Hydrotech J. F Pacific Liner$ Inc Disclaimer: The total dollar anlOunt is based upon expected repair sites and their estimated sizes. The contract lotal may vary. but,unit prices are firm. A-:~-. Y1A . ~. 'f(~ ~ ~ go 12fn^- .lJtPv"0~ 7 jli [)~~J~~ ~J4~~~ ~ ~!4n:- ~ IJJfI- I V I. I w.a...e. ~ tJ--' f 0 I C5Jj~! I TOD/tooili .~.." , .. uo';St^lO oou"ti1.~ onauiiftt U5 OES XVii t~ lOT an.!: LOOZ/Ot/LO 07/15/2008 10:34 775-575-5894 HVDROTECH, INC. PAGE 21/21 GtlnClr'81 M3na~CI" Rlc:l1l1rd H. Sol!7ri~ OI~Ct;Or6 ~thltlcn FIlI'I".,1I Jame5 R.. JanC!) Mill)' Lou Mo9/;ls..hcr Duane Wall.1CC1 IOrtc 9chafer JUly 24, 2007 To Whom It May Concern: The South Tahoe Public Utility :>istrlct (District) is interested in co-sponsoring a demonstration of a ultra-violet Ight, cured~in-place sewer line spot repair. The District will provide the site or sites and the installer will provide the material and labor. The installer will have thE! option to invite other interested parties to observe the installation/s. ". The District will not be respons ble for lodging and or meals. The date for the demonstration will be mutually ~greed upon by the installer and the District. If the District receives multiple ra sponses, the order in which responses are received will be a consideratlorl in the agreementJs to co-sponsor. If you have any questions, pler:se call. Sincerely, "Y/1.L~ aL.d~~' Michael Adams Underground Repair Sewer SLpervisor 530~543-6253 '"-...,, , .. STPUD Board Report from Ernie Claudio July 17, 2008 1) CASA "Spring Conference Report" April 2008 a. From Greg Kester, Biosolids Program Manager: CASA's Biosolids Program continues to work with research at Utah, the University of Washington, and EPA Regions 8 and 9, as well as representatives from the U.S. Forest Service in California, EPA, several CASA members, and other on a research proposal to study the benefits of biosolids and biosolids comoost for the ouroose of reclaimina fire ravaaed land. http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/non-hw/g reen/pubs/compost-uw. pdf b. From Eric Sapirstein, Federal Legislative Advocate: CASA was informed that congress would continue to work to provide adequate infrastructure assistance to wastewater and water supply operations despite the Administration's effort to curtail spending commitments. Two potential funding sources are being discussed: I. Private Activity Bonds: tax-exemot financina that would provide funding through public-private partnerships. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ppp/private_activity_bonds.htm ii. Clean Water Trust Fund: similar to the highway trust fund concept that provides billions of dollars in annual assistance. Legislation is expected to be introduced in the near future providing for a trust fund. Contact Janine Benner with Representative Earl Blumenauer at 202-225-4811 and Ryan C. Seiger, with the House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment at 202-225-0060 2) Lahontan Presentation at City Council Meetina Julv 1. 2008 a. Lake Tahoe TMDL and Storm Water Permitting Requirements. i. Develop Water Quality Crediting and Tracking programs. ii. Update storm water permits to include TMDL load reduction requirements. iii. The City will develop a comprehensive grading and storm water pollution control ordinance. iv. The City will conduct required construction site inspections and facilities inspections. Page 1 .. , , STPUD Board Report from Ernie Claudio July 17, 2008 Nova Water Technologies LLC 7310 Annapolis Lane, Parkland, FL 33067 Contact: Peter Wood, 813-287-0709 peterwood@novawt.com Dirty water ~. "- " ''''- " -', Stainless Steel Wire Mesh " Dirt particle, Zl o cr: o :i Zl 0 0 - cr: 0 1- :i I 0 -, 1 - I I L -, Page 2 ~ ~ ~ +~ ~f/Q.Cl- M \ 'X ~c/ h,.Q.j lCIA By ft(-h-c~~. j1 .L...tthJ,!)P.-+ ; 6\..0\ . STPUD Board Report from Ernie Claudio July 17, 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pacific Southwest Organic Residuals Symposium 2008 Organic Residuals: Establishing Net Environmental Benefits The Pacific Southwest Organic Residuals Symposium brings together organic residuals industry professionals, municipalities, regulators, researchers, and other stakeholders to identify and help realize options that provide the greatest ecological and municipal benefits for manures, biosolids, food wastes, greenwastes and other organic residuals. Discover the options that best serve to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, provide local sources of fuels and fertilizers, help restore soils, and protect public health and ecosystems. Learn about coordinating cross-media regulatory activities between the air, land, and water media by listening to panel discussions. Hear from experts on salinity and emerging pathogen issues relating to use of organic residuals. Examine new technologies, life cycle assessments, developments in applied research, public acceptance and funding strategies. Attend special sessions on anti-microbial compounds, especially those found in conswner products such as triclosan and triclocarban. At these special sessions, speakers will present on the latest research on the environmental occurrence of these anti-microbial compounds, and on the impacts and strategies for their management. Who should attend: Representatives from municipal and agricultural organic waste treatment facilities; manufacturers of products, including renewable energy, from organic residual solids; consultants; engineers; agronomists; farmers; extension service professionals; nutrient managers; laboratory staff; regulators; and research organizations. Sample from Agenda: Antimicrobials Moderators: Antonia Calafat, CDC - Triclosan in human urine. Mike DeVito, US EPA - "Thyroid hormone disruption by Triclosan: Potential for developmental neurotoxicities. Bruce Hammock, UC Davis - Triclocarban and triclosan enzymatic assays. Bill Lasley, UC Davis - Triclocarban androgen- and estrogen-receptor assays. Isaac Pessah, UC Davis - Triclosan neurotransmitter-receptor assay. Colleen Rogers, FDA - "Regulatory Status of Triclosan and Triclocarban in Nonprescription Products. When: Oct. 1-2,2008, Wed.-Thurs., 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (Upon enrollment, receive details about an optional field trip of organic residuals projects at Jepson Prairie Landfill on Sept. 30. Where: UC Davis: Activities & Recreation Center (ARC), Orchard Rd and LaRue Rd. Page 3 - STPUD Board Report from Ernie Claudio July 17, 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Brown Act Legislation to Go Into Effect July 1 Are You Ready? Tuesday, 24 June 2008 Senate Bill 343 (Negrete McLeod), passed last year, is set to go into effect July 1, 2008. This law requires writings subject to the Public Records Act to be available for public inspection at the time the writing is distributed to the members of the legislative body. Key provisions: . If a writing that is a public record is distributed less than 72 hours prior to an open meeting, the writing must be made available for public inspection at a public office or location that the agency shall designate for that purpose. . Requires each local agency to list the address of the above-mentioned office or location on the agenda. . Authorize a local agency that has a website to post the documents on that website. CSDA supported this bill after our clarifying language was adopted to minimize additional burdens or to reflect common practices in use now. CSDA was also able to delay the implementation of the law (new laws adopted are implemented January 1 of the following year) to give districts time to learn about the new regulations. California Special Districts Association 916.442.7887 fax: 916.442.7889 Page 4