HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 06-05-08 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT IIBasic Services for a Complex World" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, June 5, 2008 2:00 P.M. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbrig, General Manaier Mary Lou Mosbacher, President BOARD MEMBERS Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager Dale Rise, Vice President James R. Jones, Director - Eric W. Schafer, Director - ' Ernie Claudio, Director ,. " 'M .' " 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. Five-minute limit. No action will be taken.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be discussed and considered separately upon request) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE ACTION 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION a. Ordinance No. 509-08: Water Capacity Pg. 37 Charge for Private Fire Protection Service (Lisa Coyner) Enact Ordinance No. 509-08 to Amend Administrative Code Regarding Water Capacity Charges for Private Fire Protection b. Country Club Tank Replacement Pg.43 (Julie Ryan) Award Bid to the Lowest Responsive, Responsible Bidder (Bid results & staff recommendation will be made available prior to, and at the Board meeting) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - JUNE 5, 2008 PAGE - 2 c. Julie Lane Waterline Replacement Pg.45 (Jim Hoggatt) Award Bid to the Lowest Responsive, Responsible Bidder (Bid results & staff recommendation will be made available prior to, and at the Board meeting) d. Tata LanelGranite Mountain Waterline Pg.47 Replacement (Jim Hoggatt) Award Bid to the Lowest Responsive, Responsible Bidder (Bid results & staff recommendation will be made available prior to, and at the Board meeting) e. Payment of Claims Pg.49 Approve Payment in the Amount of $2,670,081.44 7. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones 1 Claudio) b. Finance Committee (Schafer 1 Rise) c. Executive Committee (Mosbacher 1 Rise) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher 1 Schafer) 8. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPRESENTATIVE REPORT 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) 10. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Washington D.C. Representation Contract Termination for Crosspointe Partners b. Utility Relocation for County Erosion Control Projects 11. STAFF I ATTORNEY REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) 12. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS I EVENTS Past Meetinas I Events 05/15/08 - Public Meeting re: Budget 05/29/08 - Special Board Meeting & Public Hearing 06/04/08 - EI Dorado County Water Agency Board Meeting 06/04/08 - Meeting w/County re: Utility Relocation for Erosion Control Projects Future Meetinas I Events 06/16/08 - 3:30 p.m. - Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Mtg. at District Office 06/17108 - 9:00 a.m. - Alpine County Supervisors Regular Meeting in Markleeville 06/17/08 - Noon - Gathering for Employee Recognition & Longevity Awards at District 06/19/08 - 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at District Office 13. CLOSED SESSION (Closed Sessions are not open to the public) a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Pg. 67 Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of CA b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b )/Conference with Legal Counsel- Pg. 69 Liability Claim Against District Received from Smith Design Group REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - JUNE 5, 2008 PAGE - 3 14. ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 15. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, June 19, 2008, 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after minutes of the meeting have been approved. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during .Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting. Backup to agenda item(s) not included with the Board packet will be made available when finalized at the District office, at the Board meeting, and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations for the disabled are needed (Le., disability-related aids, or other services), please contact the Clerk of the Board at 530.544.6474, extension 6203, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR JUNE 5, 2008 ITEMS REQUESTED ACTION a. Computerized Maintenance Management System Pg. 1 Software Replacement (Michele Pinkel, Paul Sciuto) Authorize Staff to Negotiate and Execute a Contract with Maintenance Connection for Soft- ware Purchase and Installation, Conversion, Integration with ArcGIS, Springbrook, SCADA and IFAS, and Training Services, in an Amount Not to Exceed $155,000 b. Indian Creek Reservoir TMDL Mitigation Pg.9 (Ivo Bergsohn) Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids to Complete the Electrical and Process Control Work c. South Upper Truckee Well NO.3 Controls Pg. 11 Building/Corrosion Control Treatment Facility (Ivo Bergsohn) Authorize Increase to Purchase Order No. P16097-Task Order 24F to Boyle Engineering for Added Engineering Work Required to Complete the Design of the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HV AC) Modifications, in the Amount of $8,900 d. Diamond Valley Ranch Master Plan and EIR Pg. 15 (Jim Hoggatt) Approve Amendment NO.2 to to Stantec Consulting, Inc., Task Order NO.4 to Perform Additional Task, in the Amount of $147,112 Adopt Resolution No. 2847-08 Setting the Limitation on Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2008-09 e. Sewer Enterprise 2008-09 Appropriations Pg. 23 Subject to Limitation (Debbie Henderson) f. Regular Board Meeting Minutes: Pg. 29 May 1, 2008 (Kathy Sharp) Approve Minutes South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 · Facsimile 530.541.0614. www.stpud.us South Tahoe Public Utility District DirdCtor& Ernie CI..~1o J.lIme6 R. JOM& Mary Lou Mosl1ach<< Dale Ri6e tic General Ma~ Richard H. 501l1r1f t275 Meadow Cr8et Driw · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150 Phone 550 544-E3474. Fsx 5ao 541-0014 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Michele Pinkel, Preventive Maintenance Coordinator Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager MEETING DATE: June 5, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Computerized Maintenance Management System Software Replacement REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to negotiate and execute a contract with Maintenance Connection for software purchase and installation, conversion, integration with ArcGIS, Springbrook, SCADA, and IFAS, and training services, in an amount not to exceed $155,000. DISCUSSION: A Request for Proposal (RFP) to replace the District's Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) software, was sent to ten software vendors. Of the three vendors who responded, three were considered by staff to meet District requirements. These three vendors were invited to demonstrate the features of their software to District staff for evaluation, first remotely using webex meeting internet technology, and secondly at the District's boardroom. Staff also held telephone interviews with each software vendors' references to determine user satisfaction with the product and with vendor responsiveness to user needs. Upon completion of the preliminary evaluation process, staff narrowed the field to two vendors: Mainsaver and Maintenance Connection. Upon completion of final evaluation of the remaining two vendors' proposals, staff is requesting authorization to negotiate and execute a contract with Maintenance Connection for software and professional services for installation, conversion, integration, training, and maintenance services and to proceed with details of contract negotiation with input and approval from District counsel. -1- Michele Pinkel Paul Sciuto June 5, 2008 Page 2 SCHEDULE: Negotiation of contract by July 01; Complete needs assessment by July 18; Conversion, Integration, Implementation and training by January 2009 COSTS: Not to exceed $155,000 ACCOUNT NO: 2037-8982 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $200,000 2008/09 ATTACHMENTS: Vendor Proposal CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED A~~lp~: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES--1ll!:- NO -2- CATEGORY: Water Project Costs for South Tahoe Public Utility CMMS RFP Appendix A - Project Cost Sheet At a minimum, when costing professional services please include number of days and cost per day required in each category for this project in the ' Description' column and totaled in the 'Cost' column. Total all required costs. Enclose this form in a separate sealed envelope marked 'Project Costs' and deliver with your response to this RFP. MS Sql Server Cost Sheet Product/Services Category Product/Services Description Cost Software Cost CMMS system for 15 concurrent users Concurrent software licenses for all $37,425 modules within MRO WorkCenter, Technician WorkCenter and access to Reporter application. Modules include asset tracking, PM scheduling, work order tracking, parts inventory management, tool check-in/ check-out, configurable access groups, and much more. Maintenance Cost Year 1 $8,086.32 1 sl Year maintenance cost Same as above Upgrade cost Professional Service Costs Professional services to provide $3,600 documentation and custom forms to match business process Product Installation Software installation and testing $1200 Data Conversion $3,600 User Training 15 Days $18,000 Project Management 5 Days $6,000 Other Costs - Please List Service Requester - Allow unlimited end- $2,500 users to submit maintenance requests electronically to the maintenance department for review. Service requesters can also check the status of these requests with a web browser. -3- 'f Agent / Rules Manager - Automated $4,999 rules-based email notification and labor . assignments. Create rules to automate business processes. Schedule any base report or custom report to be sent automatically on a schedule via email. Develop automatic notifications based upon overall maintenance performance metrics, and receive notifications when metrics are outside of a predeftned range. Total cost of system as described above $85,410.32 Additional Cost Information Product/Service Description Cost Cost of additional concurrent users Per user $2,495 Maintenance Costs 2nd Year Per year $8/086.32 3rd Year Per year $8,086.32 Please see attached Cost Proposal for more information. Integration Cost Sheet - Off-the-Shelf Please complete the following integration cost sheets. The cost should be based on the installation costs and the cost per user. If you price integration requirements in a different way please include costs and description of how cost is derived. Product/Services Description Per User Installation Product/Services Category Cost Cost CMMS/GIS $12,999 CMMS/IFAS No off the shelf integration CMMS/SPRINGBROOK No off the shelf integration CMMS/SCADA $4,999 CMMS/ GRANITE XP No off the shelf integration CMMS/LASERFICHE Integration is not necessary as Maintenance Connections document management system can handle attachments and links -4- I CMMS/LIMS I No off the shelf integration Integration Cost Sheet - Custom Built Please complete the following integration cost sheets. The cost should be based on the installation costs and the cost per user. If you price integration requirements in a different way please include costs and description of how cost is derived. Product/Services Description Per User Installation Product/Services Category Cost Cost CMMS/GIS CMMS/IFAS $10,000 CMMS/SPRINGBROOK $6,500 CMMS/SCADA CMMS/ GRANITE XP $6,500 CMMS/LASERFICHE No Interface required CMMS/LIMS $6,500 -5- Me Proposal - Purchased Option Quote # 11282007-A Maintenance Connection, Inc. 1477 Drew Ave, Suite 103 Davis, CA 95616 888-567-3434 fax 775-255-6324 Maintenance 41Connection- SOFTWARE/SERVICE QUOTE - Customer Sales Conf4ct Cary Yocum 888-567-3434 ex!. 85 ~.com Dates Date Issued Valid Until 28-Nov-07 ....-..-...-..........-.........-...-........ 28-Dec-07 STPUD Soft,','are Licensing Oty Unit Price TOT,4.L ".!"":""", =~~:r=':MR~_.. :::'::, 1 $24,950.00 1:1""",: $ 24,950.00 I"",,: indude assel tracking, PM scheduling, work order tradcfng, parts inventory management, tool d'leck-inlcheck-out, configtJfable access groups, and much more. Addltlon.IConcumontAdmln_Ucenses I 5 . $ 2,495.00 I $ 12,475.00 I Software Add-Ons I Options j j I j ..-...-.-..-.............-..-..-...-..-..-..-.......-.-.--...-..-.-..--......--.--..-..-....-..-..-........-..-..........."'-"-"-'r-...-..-..-.t"-'-'-"-'-"-"-'-"-'roo,--"-.............-.......-..-.-....1 Service Requester Application i 1 i $ 2,500.00 I $ 2,500.00 I Allow end-users to submit maintenance requests electronically to the maintenance! i ! ! department for review. SeMee requesters can also check l1e status of these requests i l i i will bbf i! , ! awe owser. I! I ! ~ j j I Agent I Rules Manager (Windows Service) ! 1 ! $ 2,999.00! $ 4,999.00 ! Automated rules-based en\ail notification and labor assignments. Create rules to ., . . automate business processes. Schedule any base report or rostom report to be sent =~~~::~~ III I KPI Dashboard I Reporting Engine ! 1 ! $ 2,999.00, Included , Reporting engine is delivered with 150+ standard reports, plus customtzable repOfting I i I i .:~.::..:._:::.~.::.::.:.:~..:..:::.::..~_::..:::==_:::~....J....._.._....._......L................_........_........................I..........................................................j Software Ucensing - Total $ 44,924.00 I ........._._................................................_........._........._....................._....................__.._............._.._._........................................................................................._..._........_.........................._..............._...................-.......-..........-..--..-1 Continued on next page -6- Professional Services' Ot;,' Daily Rate TOTAL i;'.-'n') Enhanced Setup Package , __..__....mm............_..__m__""""',,'''''''''''..m...__._.m__.mm.m.......m.m.m...__.m...__...m'''______'''''_____._____..__...m......--..--........-....T...-..m-m.-.".m.-.-.---.........m.._--.---'''---T-...--.--.-m'...--..--.m..m---..~...~ Instanatlon I System Configuration I Data Migration I 7 1 $1,200 I day I $ 8,400.00 I If system is to be installed OI'I8ite, remote instslJation will be sch6du1ed. OthelWise! i database will be crested online. Assigned implementation conaultant will guide I I ! process (or importing or entering data such as assetAocations, PAIs, inwmte>>y. Iii This time will al80 be used for wslking through general business processes and' I i helping customer ptOject team understand best practices with implementing and I I, utilizing Maintenance Connection. , End-UserTralning-Main Users 15 I $1.200/day 1$ 18,000.00 Training can be done online via 1mb conference or ensite with key project staff. " I,' The primSf)' users will receive training on all necessary aspect~ of Maintenance Connection. Training win be tailored to walk customer through step-by-step how I each primary function is performed within Maintenance Connection. I . I I Project Management I Documentation (Custom Manuals) 5 I $1.200 I day I $ 6.000.00 Overall project management involvement ranging from kick-off meetings to onsite i I visits for general Q&A, and implementation support throughout project. ,I I ..................-........-................................._.......................................m.__............_...._............_............................................_........_...........m..1..._..........m..l............................m__................._.I..................'''''.'''.'''''''''''''''_. Professional Services - Total 26.5 Days $ 32,400.00 .._........._....................._..............._..._.........n..............................................................._._......._..........._............................._............_..._................._....................._........................................................._.................._............_........._............................. . NOTE: Custoalet" wit be r~ fOf" any tIddiIiooaI trevet expenses (airfare. hotea, OM. meals) inc:un'ed eOO ere not incloded in this proposal Travef can be lHTanged by eaher the Customer or Maintenance Connection. If seNices ere performed remotely vie web conference. travel days aOO addltional ~ donot~. . NOTE: The way each of these services days are used may change. The __ Isted above are deaigned to provide a bes.ic assumption of how this bloc:II of days oan be used, however these days can be ut.iized in whatevef" way the ~ would pretef'. Platinum Level Support (18% of license fee) Support indudea unlimited loU-free technk:af support, sollware matmenance and quart8f1y upgrades. SUppoft is renewable annually, and Is an optional SeMce contrad pnMded by Maintenance Connedion. 8,086.32 I I I ,. , I' ..............m....................._...................m....m........... ... ......m................ ............m....m....... mm...._ .... .. .............mm.._.......... ..... .........m..............L............. ...m..! ........m.......m.....m....._ .. .. . . ....1. ...... .. .... ....... ........................ Totat Annual Support Contract $ 8,086.32 ......-....--........................................--..............................................-......................-......-.......................-..................................................................................-......................................................-....-.......................- ...-..............-...............--.... Software Licensing Costs: Implementation Costs: Annual Support Contract: Grand Total: $44,924.00 $ 32,400.00 $ 8,086.32 $85,410.32 .........-.........................-.................................-....-..........................--......................................................-.....................-............-...............................-......................................................................-.....................................-..............-..........-..... 1) ProfeaaClAal serrices days ~ be used in way for lnMalIation and setup, ~, design, 1I..._Itatiol., training or custom programming (interfacela). Travef not incfuded IW on-sAe seNices. 2) Source code fOf" ~ Connection wil be pOVidecI upon purctlase. Upon each new release, if CVstomef' is under support contract. _ce code fOf" new ...-..- wil be provided as wet. 3) Payment __ will be NeT 30. Invoice wit reflect sollwarelicemling + ~ aerrices and first yew recurring tees. f agree to the __ of'" proposal, and agree to pey fNs __ IW ~ ConnediDo software and aeNices to i(,,,,,,,,-_lt the solution: SignatUfe Date PO -7- Gcmeral ~n.,- Richard H. SolPrfe South Tahoe Public Utility District Dirt:at.ol"& Emle Clawllo J,..". R. J~ M.ry Lou ~hl!lr o.Je ~ 1215 M&ldow Creet Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150 Phone 530 544-6474 -Fax 530 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ivo Bergsohn, Hydro-Geologist MEETING DATE: June 5, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Indian Creek Reservoir (lCR) TMDL Mitigation Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to advertise for bids to complete the electrical and process control work. DISCUSSION: The work to be performed will consist of furnishing and installing all required electrical and process control equipment, including but not limited to: 230-volt rotary phase converter, electrical panels, service meter, wires and cables, conduits, lighting and miscellaneous electrical equipment within a new ICR equipment room for the operation of a District-supplied oxygen generation system and in-reservoir oxygen injection system. The District needs to sub-contract ~his portion of the construction work due to current electrical staff work requirements. The electrical portion of the ICR faCility construction is anticipated to extend from August through September, 2008. The schedule for the bid phase of this project is proposed, as follows: . Advertise for Bids . Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting . Bid Opening . Award Contract (Board) . Notice to Proceed June 10 - 23, 2008 June 23, 2008 July 2, 2008 July 3, 2008 July 18, 2008 SCHEDULE: As above COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8605/1CTMDL BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $537,8452007-08; $700,000 2008-09 ATTACHMENTS: None -9- Ivo Bergsohn June 5, 2008 Page 2 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO -10- CATEGORY: Sewer Getltrsl Mlll1~ Richard H. 5ol~ South Tahoe Public Utility District D!rect.<lnt Ernie Claudio JamH K Jonee Mary Lou Mo~cher Dale R1ee 1215 Meadow Cmet Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 00150 Phone 5~ 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ivo Bergsohn, Hydro-Geologist MEETING DATE: June 5, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: South Upper Truckee Well NO.3 Controls Building/Corrosion Control Treatment Facility REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize increase to Purchase Order No. P16097 - Task Order 24F to Boyle Engineering for added engineering work required to complete the design of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) modifications, in the amount of $8,900. DISCUSSION: In October 2007 the Board approved a proposal from Boyle Engineering to provide engineering services for the design of the HVAC modifications to reduce low- level noise at the facility. During the course of this work, it was found that the rough open area constructed for the installation of the specified gable vent louvers were insufficient to provide adequate cooling of the equipment housed within the pipinglelectrical room. Additional engineering services are required to investigate alternate solutions that could provide added ventilation area without increasing low-level noise. Revised mechanical and electrical plans are needed to redirect the attic exhaust flow through the east wall of the well controls building. SCHEDULE: June 2008 COSTS: $8,900.00 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8463/RWSUTR BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $27,958 ATTACHMENTS: HVAC/Sound Mitigation Extra Services, Boyle Engineering Corporation, May 9, 2008. CATEGORY: Water ,CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO 'CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES--#- NO -11- BOI"ILE Engineering Excellence Since 1942 1360 E. Spruce Avenue, Suite 101 Fresno, CA 93720 TEL: (559)448-8222 FAX: (559)448-8233 www.boyleengineering.com Employee Owned Mr. Ivo Bergsohn SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1275 Meadow C~st Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 May 9, 2008 16642.00 BY AC/Sound Mitie:ation Extra Services for the South Upper Truckee Well No.3 and Corrosion Control Treatment Proiect The purpose of this letter is to describe extra engineering services that Boyle has performed during the construction phase of the South Upper Tl11ckee Well No.3 and Corrosion Control Treatment Project and to request a corresponding amendment to the not-to-exceed fee amount in our engineering services contract. - On October 18,2007, the South Tahoe PUD (District) approved Task Order 24F authorizing Boyle to prepare a technical memorandum and contract documents modifying the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning design at the South Upper Truckee well site. The technical memorandum was issued on November 17,2007 followed by Informational Bulletin No.5, on January 2,2008. The modifications described in the technical memorandum and bulletin relied on the building attic ventilation area conforming to the project plans and specifications. It was subsequently discovered by the District that the attic vents installed by the contractor were significantly smaller than specified, and were too small to adequately vent the exhaust flow produced by the exhaust fan specified in ill 5. In order to resolve the ventilation issue described above, it was necessary for Boyle to research and coordinate with STPDD regarding possible solutions to the attic ventilation issue. It was ultimately determined that the ventilation design would need to be modified to direct the exhaust flow out through the wall of the building instead of the attic as originally planned. These changes were incorporated into Informational Bulletin No. 5B dated February 12,2008. We have estimated the cost for the additional design services to be $8,900, including additional charges from the architectural and mechanical sub-consultants. We are requesting your written authorization to amend our agreement for engineering services to increase the overall project budget by $8,900. Thank you for your consideration with this request. Boyle Engineering Corporation ~ ~n~O Kevin Berry~i~l~ ~g -- Project Engineer -13- BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION Q '"'--........."--.... Gc!l~1 MIl"... Richard H. Sof~ South Tahoe Public Utility District Dlrector"l; Emle CIaw:lIo J~ It .)on(J& Mary Lou ~acher Dale ~ Sc: (If' 1215 Meadow Cnset Driv6 · 60uth Lake Tahoe. CA 96150 PhOM 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 5+1-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Hoggatt, Construction ManagerlEngineer MEETING DATE: June 5, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Diamond Valley Ranch Master Plan and EIR REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Amendment No.2 to Stantec Consulting, Inc. Task Order NO.4 to perform additional task, in the amount of $147,112. DISCUSSION: As staff has proceeded with the Diamond Valley Master Plan (originally started in 2002), staff and consultants have found it necessary to make more modifications to the old master plan than originally intended. Staff has requested Stantec Consulting, and their sub-consultant Hauge Brueck and Associates, to expand their scope of work to include additional meetings and edits to the original master plan to meet new requirements. The attached letter from Stantec Consulting outlines the scope of work, schedule and budget amendments. SCHEDULE: See attachment COSTS: $147,112 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8725/DVREIR BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: <$70,541> 2007108; $50,0002008/09 ATTACHMENTS: Stantec Letter dated May 21, 2008 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: Sewer -15- 5tantec Consulting Inc. 6980 Sierra Center Palkway SUite 100 Reno NV 895 11 Tel: (775) 850-0m Fax: (775) 850-0787 stanlec May 21, 2008 Project No. 180101070 Mr. Jim Hoggatt SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1275 Meadow Crest Lane South Lake Tahoe, Califomia 96150-7401 RE: Diamond Valley Master Plan Stantec Task Order No.4 - Amendment No.2 Dear Jim: This letter presents the details and supporting documents for Amendment NO.2 to Stantec Task Order No. 4 which covers the preparation of the Diamond Valley Master Plan and Environmental Impact Report. Scope of Work Amendment No. 2 covers the expanded scope of work and extra services provided by Stantec and our subconsultant Hauge Brueck and Associates. Information regarding the expanded scope of work is presented In the two attached documents including a labor' hour detail for Stantec services and the services by Hauge Brueck. Schedule An ~pdated schedule for the completion of the master plan and EIR Is provided in Table 1. Table 1 - Master Plan and EIR Completion Schedule Item TIme Frame SUbmission of 4'" Draft of Master Plan 817/2008 District and Legal Review of 4'" Draft MP 8/812008 - 812212008 STPUD Planning Committee Workshop 8129/2008 Clarification Memo Submission 9/5/08 STPUD Board Workshop 9/16/08 Final Draft Master Plan Submission 10/2/08 Prepare Draft EIR 8/8108 - 8/2/08 District Review of Draft EIR 8129/08 - 1 0/2/08 Pregare Draft EIR for CirC(Jlation 10/3/08 - 10/16/08 Draft EI~ Circulation (:45 dayS:) and Public Workshop In Alpine County 10/17108 - 1213108 Administrative Final ErR 1214/08 - 12/31/08 District Review of Administrative Final ErR 1/1/09 - 1/14/09 Prepare Final EIR 1/15/09 - 1121/08 Board Receives Board Package - - 1/22/09 Board Certification of EIR 1/30/09 LC'K2al Challenae Review Period 212109 - 2/27/09 Preoare Final Master Plan Based on Board Certified ErR 312109 - 3/20/09 -17- 5tantec Mr. Jim Hoggatt SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 21, 2008 Page 2 of 2 Budget The budget components of Amendment NO.2 are presented in Table 2. Table 2 - Amendment No.2 Budget Components Service Provider Budget Hauoe Brueck and Associates $38,970.00 Stantec Consultino, Inc. $108,142.00 Stantec Mark-up (0%> $0.00 Amendment NO.2 Total $147,112.00 The updated Task Order No.4 contract amount is presented in Table 3. Table 3 - Contract Amount Including Proposed Amendment No.2 Item Amount Original Contract Amount $191,077.00 Amendment No. 1 $48,994.00 Proposed Amendment NO.2 $147,112.00 Proposed Contract Amount $387,084.00 If you have any questions or care to discuss any aspect of proposed Amendment No.2 please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, ST ANTEC CONSULTING INC. ~~4 Eric McGrath, PE Project Manager EM:dd Attachments (1) Stan tee Task Order No.4 - Amendment NO.2 - Stantec Labor Hour Detail (2) Hauge Brueck Associates - Estimated Fee V:\528011adiYe\11101010701c0rre1p0ndence\Amendmenl No. 2 LeIter.doc -18- Applicable Task No. Item Description Principal $185 Senior Associate Engineer $179 Associate Engineer $152 Project Engineer $96 Cad Technician $81 Admin / Word Proc. $66 Expenses Total Hourly Rate 9 Review of existing permits and agreements and preparation of a summary table for inclusion in the master plan 0 4 8 24 0 0 $0 $4,236 9 Creation of a decision tree for recycled water project implementation and associated summary discussion for inclusion in the master plan. 0 2 4 12 0 0 $0 $2,118 9 Updating /correcting /modifying master plan figures especially those pertaining to HPR bypass system, for inclusion in the 0 4 8 16 8 0 $0 $4,116 9 Updating population, flow quantity and flow quality projections for inclusion in the master plan. 0 4 16 0 0 0 $0 $3,148 g Re- evaluation of component/project/altemative relationships and updating the corresponding discussion sections and preparation of an alternatives matrix for inclusion in the master plan 0 8 8 16 0 0 $0 $4,184 9 Re- evaluation of estimated project costs and revision of cost sheets as presented in the master plan. 0 0 16 16 0 0 $0 $3,968 9 Development of discussion of relationships between final master plan projects and purpose and need statements for inclusion in the master plan 0 4 4 12 0 0 $0 $2,476 9 Development of temporary and permanent freshwater transfers summary for inclusion in the master plan 0 0 0 12 0 0 $0 $1,152 9 Development of, and discussion of summary of recommendations in master plan. 0 8 8 0 0 0 $0 $2,648 9 • Preparation of a modifed executive summary and master plan conclusions. 0 24 8 0 0 0 $0 $5,512 4 An additional four meetings beyond that identified in the scope of work, one conference call and additional site visits. 0 48 16 0 0 0 $200 $11,224 9 Preparation and submission of three extra drafts of the master plan 0 120 80 40 0 0 $500 $37,980 New Master plan technical memorandum review and updating 0 80 40 0 0 0 $0 $20,400 New Figure preparation for inclusion in EIR 0 4 0 16 16 0 $0 $3,548 New Planning Committee workshop 0 8 0 0 0 0 $0 $1,432 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 Subtotal (Stantec Work) 0 318 216 164 24 0 $700 $108,142 South Tahoe Public Utility District Diamond Valley Master Plan and EIR Stantec Task Order No. 4 Amendment No. 2 - Stantec Labor Hour Detail May 21, 2008 HAUG~ BRU~CK ASSOCIATJ;S Estimated Fee 11- ~ -- - - .:='.. - "..., .- - I.IW CoIl _.... Task "50 '135 $10 S40 'uk 1 Document Review . 2 . $2.100 "05 '" T..k 2 Prajocl Descrlpllon for NOP . 18 18 $3.100 "55 "8 T..... N_ of p............. . 2 18 . $2.300 "15 '12 T..k. Scap6ng 20 2 2. 18 '5.800 '290 m T..k5 Adm__DrIllElR Introduction and Summary 2 2 8 ".300 S65 $7 Amend..... 1 Meetings (. ...budgotod) 25 10 ".800 $230 $23 Amendment 1 Culural . .0 10 $8.800 '300 n. ~2~ 30 11 45 ,ri.l'lll! ~ $!ill $8.250 ~t~~'R~.~'.~ 50 5 181 1$1 25,1 ~ $1.000 $~I $24.300 I '--'2~ 30 301 84 $1._ $500 t20 $8,420 "'-1 ,," 1 I Significane. Criteril 2 2 2 $700 $35 $4 _g. I~_. & Mitigltion land Use, Populnon. and Housing 8 2 2 $1.800 $80 $8 G.oIogy, SotII. and Seismiely 2 2 18 2 $l.llOO $95 $10 Water Resources 2 2 18 2 'l.llOO $95 $10 Public Health and Safety 2 4 S800 $30 $3 Bdogk:al R..ourws 2 2 18 2 $l.llOO $V> $10 Transpor1ation 2 4 HOD $010 .. A. CUlIity 2 4 $800 $010 .. Noise 2 4 $800 $010 $4 Visual Resources 2 8 2 $1.500 $75 $8 Culural R.~ 2 8 2 $1.000 S50 $5 Pubtie s.rvicfl, utilibK. and Recr..1on 2 4 S800 $30 $3 CEQA Required Sections Cumutativlll"1** 2 4 8 1 $1.500 $75 $8 ~ lnd\lelmlnl 8 2 1 $1.500 $75 $8 AlernatiYn M\&lysis 8 4 18 4 $3.200 "80 $18 OuIlily Auurance 2 to ",700 $V> $1 ADEIR Prod<H:1ion (15 capill) 1 4 8 $800 $880 $68 - 15 101 32ll 88 $68.400 ".120 $382 T.... _CMRondDrotlEIR Rotpond to DiItrIc:t C.....-ls 8 12 24 8 $5.100 '255 S28 SawIn C..... 0..8 E1R (5 copIoo) 2 4 8 ,llOO $845 S85 0..8 EIR _ (100 copies) . 4 18 8 '2.700 ".000 $400 su_ 14 18 << 24 $8.700 ".llOO "lID T..k7 DrotlEIRC_ , Publtc Hearing 10 8 $2.100 $106 $11 SUnmllry Ust of Conments Rec:efved 4 2 8 2 $1.800 $80 $8 su_ 14 2 18 13.700 $185 $11 THI<. A__olive FlnoI EIR Respond to Comments 18 8 32 12 $8.500 '325 '33 Quality Assurlnce 2 8 $1.400 '70 $7 AFEIR F'Joduetion (15 coplll) 2 8 2 ,llOO $3lIO $3Il s._ 2( 18 38 14 $8.800 '785 '71 T..k. FlnoI EIR $0 Respond to 0iItrict Comments 10 2 18 2 $3.100 '310 $31 FEIR P,odudion (tOO copies) 2 8 4 $1.100 $2.110 $211 s....... 12 2 2. 8 ".200 12.420 $2" 'Ilk 10 eo.cI CeItIftcMIon ofEIR Pr__ ofF.......... 8 4 4 1 $2.100 1106 III Board HNrtng 12 4 1 $2.200 1220 S22 - 20 4 . 2 $4.300 1325 133 TOTAL 271 147 123 110 $10',400 $13,400 $1,310 ITPUD DUMOND VALLIY 8[" -20- Diamond Valley EIR Task Duration Start End 2007 • 1.3 1113.1-0(nunwnt Revier:C0nta.wrern wn h 7n3 1[2.7 /0 I 2!:1:;!0',, 1!13 1 - 1.). , un)( R4,:.:ev, ( rent wsth M31/ter Plan Lpdate • 1?.;; ;W,2 Descnpoon l';.1' Ne-,tiu 0) rtoti 7;3,/tli .rit0l0;' 1313.2. P(ojkaDescrIption For Nonce of Preparauen • 31 1 of Preparat:or, -117n ; w 11-Nr.3t;ce o', 1 .i • 4) HB.4-Scoping 22d 4420/07 522 NBA Scopind • S) H11.5 - AnEllt '317d 5,23:07 • 5,1; irw0if Draft AlH1(1. ti /71 ii.)7 • ;;,.7` Draft Ma)ter Plan '5 /1'J 1 1 1i • 3.3) Cornpler, ACtEW • 3.41 0ltanr.1R,(.., ; :l n 1 3113 !,:), • 5.5) Stantec completion of Master Plan 58d 5/20/08 8/7/08 • 6) HB.6-Draft EIR 50d 8/8/08 10/16/08 • 6.1) Prepare DEIR 15d 8/8/08 8/28/08 • 6.2) District Review of DEIR 25d 8/29/08 10/2/08 • 6.3) Prepare Draft EIR for circulation 10d 10/3/08 10/16/08 • 7) H8.7-Draft FIR Circulation (45 days) 34d 10/17/08 12/3/08 • 8) HB.8-Administrative Final EIR 20d 12/4/08 12/31/08 • 9) MSS-Final EIR 16d 1/1/09 1122/09 • 9.1) District review 10d 1/1/09 1/14/09 • 9.2) Prepare Final EIR Sd 1/15/09 1/21/09 • 9.3) Board receives board package ld 1/22/09 1/22/09 • 10) H8.10-Board Certification of EIR ld 1/30/09 1/30/09 • 11) H8.11-Legal Challenge Review Period 20d 2/2/09 2/27/09 irlirt"'35" 2008 12 ;0 51 .i• ; tee ),e3 :3;ttrt,rte 3 03.5 A111.:R Stantec completion of Mastei HB.6-Draft EIR re DEIR strict Review of DE Prepare Draft EIR f HB.7-Draft HB.8-A HB.' Distr Prer Boa H8 5/21/08 Page 1 of 1 Gel'lersl M.Iln~ Richard H. 501~ South Tahoe Public Utility District Dj~ Ernie Claudio JIIlmoe R. j()l1tl& Mary Lou Moel7acher D..1e ~tle 5 lH' 1275 Meadow Creet Drive · South Lake Tahoo · CA 96150 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 630 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4e TO: FROM: Board of Directors Debbie Henderson, Interim Chief Financial Officer MEETING DATE: June 5, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Sewer Enterprise 2008-09 Appropriations Subject To Limitation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2847-08 setting the limitation on appropriations for fiscal year 2008-09. DISCUSSION: This is the District's annual resolution called for by Constitutional Amendment XIIIB. The limitation on Appropriations for fiscal year 2008-09 is $55,679,511. The Sewer Enterprise fund budget for fiscal year 2008-09 appropriates $34,002,425. As such, the District is $21,677,086 below the state mandated spending limit. SCHEDULE: Adopt resolution June 5, 2008 COSTS: NIA ACCOUNT NO: NIA BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: NIA ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2847-08; Calculation of the permitted appropriation growth rate CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES---12U:- NO CATEGORY: Sewer -23- 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2847-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADOPTING THE SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND APPROPRIATIONS SUBJECT TO LIMITATION AND PROCEEDS OF TAXES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 WHEREAS, the people of the State of California have elected to approve 7 Constitutional Amendment XIIB, and the Legislature of the State of California has voted 8 to adopt Senate Bill No. 1352, which implements Constitutional Amendment XIIB, 9 setting the method of computing annual appropriations subject to limitation of local non- 10 residential construction and population; and WHEREAS, the Directors selected the change in per capita personal income; 6 11 and 12 WHEREAS, such legislation sets the base year for this computation as Fiscal 13 Year 1978-79; and WHEREAS, such legislation required documentation setting such appropriation 15 limitations shall be available to the public fifteen days prior to the adoption of this 16 resolution; and 17 14 WHEREAS, on May 7, 2008, such documentation was made public: 18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the South 19 Tahoe Public Utility District does find and declare that the appropriations subject to 20 limitation for Fiscal Year 2008-09 are: $34,002,425; and that for Fiscal Year 2008-09, the proceeds of taxes are defined in the enabling statues are: $7,105,001; and that the 22 increase in proceeds of taxes over the appropriations subject to limitations is: $-0. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a duly held regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District on the 5th day of June, 2008, by the 24 following vote: 25 21 23 AYES: NOES: 27 ABSENT: 28 /1/ 29 /1/ 30 /1/ 26 -25- 1 Resolution No. 2847-08 2 June 5, 2008 Page 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 ATTEST: 11 12 13 Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 -26- Mary Lou Mosbacher, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Permitted Growth Rate in Appropriations for 2008-09 Appropriation Limitation 2007-08 $52,811,829 Increase In CA Per Capita Personal Income 4.29 + 100.00= 100 1.0429 Increase In Population EI Dorado County 1.1 + 100.00= 1.011 100 Change Ratio 1.0429 x 1.011 x 1.0543 Appropriations Limitation for 2008-09 Actual Appropriations 2008-09 Limitation Exceeding Actual Appropriations 2008-09 $55,679,511 $34,002,425 $21,677,086 Historical Appropriations Limitations & Proceeds Of Taxes I-+- Appropriation Limitation - Actual Appropriations I $60 $50 ~ $40 .2 = $30 ~ .5 $20 $10 $0 Fiscal Year 2008-09 Actual Appropriations: Cash Expenditures $29,088,400 Depreciation ~ Total nditures ~ -27- ~~~ ~-~ ~~ ~~, /;-~TH TAllO V..y..f.l) ~~ (J:.. ~,," ?'~ ~". , -. --- \ f1b~ ~~~ ~ ~~~.;~ <q ~ ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~ "Basic Services for a Complex World" Richard Solbri!i' General Manager Mary Lou Mosbacher, President BOARD MEMBERS Paul Sciuto, Assistant Manag:. Dale Rise, Vice President James R. Jones, Director Eric W. Schafer, Director Ernie Claudio, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 1, 2008 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, May 1, 2008, 2:00 P.M., District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Mosbacher, Directors Rise, Claudio, Jones. Director Schafer was absent. ATTENDEES STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Sciuto, Coyner, Eidam, Barnes, Ryan, C. Stanley, Carrion, Cocking, Gray, Curtis, Attorney Herrema. GUESTS: Cathy Kope/City of South Lake Tahoe Loan Program Specialist, Michael Boettger & Bucky FonglPAM Companies (Evergreen Apartments), Dale Smithl Smith Design Group, Janet MurphylTahoe Douglas Utility District, Ed SeniorlSenior Plumbing, Jake JacobslJacobs Ent., Marvin Neubauer, Wada Vogt, Joe Garcia, Chris Lucas, John Adamski. Paul Sciuto led the pledge to the flag. PLEDGE OF ALLlGIANCE An additional agenda item was received subsequent to ADDENDUM TO THE AGENDA the regular Board meeting agenda being posted. The TRPA permit for the Country Club Tank and Waterline Replacement Sitework project was received sooner than expected. Due to the short duration of the construction -29- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 1, 2008 PAGE - 2 season, the start date for this project can now be moved up. The timely completion of this sitework contract directly impacts the start date for the tank construction portion of the work. Additionally, steel prices have gone up and its availability has gone down in the past month or so. Moved Rise 1 Second Claudio 1 Schafer Absent 1 Passed to add the Country Club Tank and Waterline Replace- ment Sitework bid award to the agenda as Action Item e. ADDENDUM TO THE AGENDA (continued) Moved Claudio 1 Second Rise 1 Schafer Absent 1 Passed CONSENT CALENDAR to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: a. Cui De Sac Holdings, LLC, Water Main Extension - Authorized execution of a Water Main Extension Agreement and the upsizing of a water main exten- sion in the amount of $4,680, with final terms subject to approval by staff and legal counsel; b. Cui De Sac Holdings, LLC, Sewer Main Extension - Authorized execution of a sewer main extension agreement, with final terms subject to approval by staff and legal counsel; c. South Upper Truckee Well No.3 Controls Buildingl Corrosion Control Treatment Facility - Approved Change Order No.5 to Thomas Haen Company, Inc., providing a no-cost time extension of fifty-six (56) days for facility completion; d. Sierra Tract Erosion Control: Phase 1 a - Approved payment to the City of South Lake Tahoe for water- line relocation in the amount of $35,800. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION On April 17, representatives from Evergreen Tahoe Partners appeared before the Board to request waiver or re-evaluation of the additional water capacity fee ($24,825) assessed after their completion of the District's two-year monitoring program at their low- income housing project. This item was tabled to allow Legal Counsel time to research the legalities related to this issue. Lisa Coyner reported Legal Counsel determined the capacity charges cannot be waived. The high water consumption was a result of landscape irrigation during the summer months. Staff proposed that the District's Water Conservation Specialist work with the owners to suggest methods to lower water use, including use of -30- REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD RECEIVED FROM EVERGREEN TAHOE PARTNERS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 1, 2008 PAGE - 3 the turf buy-back program and implementing other water conservation measures, and to extend the monitoring period for two more years. At the end of two years, the consumption would be re-evaluated. Moved Claudio 1 Second Rise / Schafer Absent 1 Passed to extend the monitoring period for the capacity charge by two years, and directed staff to work with project representatives to minimize water use. The necessary treatment of waters introduced into the District's collection facilities by inflow and infiltration creates a burden on the District including increased cost of operations, which result in increased costs to those served by the District. To mitigate these costs, additional efforts to minimize or eliminate inflow and infiltration are necessary and appropriate including this ordinance modifying maintenance, testing, and repair procedures for sewer laterals. These changes to the Administrative Code would result in the District's assumption of additional responsibility for the repair of sewer laterals. This includes both financial and legal responsibility for such repairs, and may result in the District incurring additional costs. Lisa Coyner reported air testing issues have been before the Board several times. She noted the changes brought about by this ordinance would not affect ownership of the laterals - the property owner is still responsible from the house to the main. It will, however, change the definitions of the lower and upper laterals, and will make the District responsible for blockages and damages to the lower lateral for new construction and remodels. Doing this will assist District customers by taking care of the lower lateral portion where it is buried the deepest and where it is in the public right-of-way. Members of the public, Jake Jacobs, Chris Lucas, John Adamski, and Scott Swift addressed the Board regarding the ordinance. They stated the District should assume full ownership of the lateral beyond the property line to the main since they consider it to be a part of the sewer system. Director Jones stated he would like to wait until CASA (California Association of Sanitation Agencies) pub- lishes information regarding what the industry standard is in relation to sewer laterals. He was reminded of the study done by Kennedy/Jenks that determined the District's practice will be in-line with industry standards. It was the consensus of most of the Board that this ordinance offers an improvement over what was in -31- REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD RECEIVED FROM EVERGREEN TAHOE PARTNERS (continued) ORDINANCE NO. 507-08: SEWER LATERAL TESTING AND REPAIR REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 1, 2008 place before, and if CASA comes up with new information, can be reconsidered when it becomes available to the industry. Moved Rise 1 Second Claudio 1 Jones Voted No 1 Schafer Absent 1 Passed to enact Ordinance No. 507-08 amending Administrative Code regarding sewer lateral testing and repair. The District received a request for extra compensation, in the amount of $53,233.74, from the Smith Design Group resulting from construction and post-construction services. The District's position is that the extra costs were largely due to poor design services that resulted in cost overruns during construction. The District made an offer of settlement under which it was willing to waive the right to cost recovery for the overruns depen- dant on Smith Design Group's willingness to provide the electronic contract documents as agreed to in the Master Services Agreement, and waiving the claim. The settle- ment offer was rejected by Mr. Smith and he has filed a "Claim Against Public Entity." Dale Smith reported to the Board the overruns were a result of providing additional services and modifica- tions requested by the District that were not covered in the Task Order. He received copies of related change orders and disagrees with how they were computed. He acknowledged his poor design resulted in 2.1 % of the construction bid amount in change orders. 3:30 - 3:40 P.M. (Pursuant to Section 54956.9(b) of the California Government Code, the Board adjourned to closed session at 3:40 p.m. to discuss the merits of the claim with legal counsel, and reconvened to open session at 4: 1 0 p.m.) Moved Rise 1 Second Claudio 1 Schafer Absent 1 Passed to reject the claim. Mr. Smith was encouraged to meet with staff to present information to justify his claim. PAGE - 4 ORDINANCE NO. 507-08: SEWER LATERAL TESTING AND REPAIR (continued) CLAIM AGAINST STPUD RECEIVED FROM SMITH DESIGN GROUP MEETING BREAK AND ADJOURN- MENT TO CLOSED SESSION Moved Claudio 1 Second Rise 1 Schafer Absent 1 Passed PAYMENT OF CLAIMS to approve payment in the amount of $1,648,655.50. (Note: This item was added to the agenda after approval COUNTRY CLUB TANK AND by the Board at the beginning of the Board meeting.) WATERLINE REPLACEMENT SITEWORK Eight bids were received at the April 29 bid opening. A careful review and analysis showed one very minor deviation on the part of the apparent low bidder, -32- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 1, 2008 PAGE - 5 Hangtown General Engineering - they made a mistake in their addition that was less than one dollar. Moved Claudio 1 Second Jones 1 Schafer Absent 1 Passed to award project to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Hangtown General Engineering, in the amount of $195,759.43, and to waive the minor bid deviation. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met April 28. Staff will be kept very busy this summer, with at least six major projects going on simultaneously. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Director Claudio reported on three items: 1) He attended a CASA (California Association of Sanitation Agencies) conference and distributed handouts from the meeting. 2) Local law enforcement is asking the community for help with gang activity. The District can help by reporting graffiti. 3) A public member suggested board meetings be televised. After some discussion regarding the City's web link system, it was the consensus of the Board to direct staff to look into various options and costs. General Manager: Richard Sol brig reported on three items: 1) He reported that property line locations for the residen- tial backflow devices is not practical in Tahoe due the freezing weather. The District will require a second backflow device for hydronic heating systems. The device on the domestic service line will be required to be within two feet of where it enters the house. This is in addition to the backflow device that is required by the building department at the boiler. (5:00 p.m. - Director Claudio left the meeting at this point.) 2) A meeting will be held with the CTC (California Tahoe Conservancy) on May 12 to discuss grant programs. All of the projects in the EIP (Environmental Improvement Projects) pertain to erosion control. Water and sewer projects should be included in order to comply with the IRWMP (Integrated Regional Water Management Plan). 3) A meeting has been scheduled with David Jinkens, City Manager, to discuss numerous items, including water conservation, redevelopment issues, etc. -33- COUNTRY CLUB TANK AND WATERLINE REPLACEMENT SITEWORK (continued) BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORTS GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 1, 2008 PAGE - 6 Chief Financial Officer: Rhonda McFarlane reported on STAFF REPORTS two items: 1) She summarized the pension plan liquidation process and timeline. 2) Per the existing Administration Code, starting this year, new customers are no longer being charged a flat fee for their physical connection costs. Customers are now being charged the actual labor and materials. Customer Service is collecting $2,000 as a pre-payment for the physical connection costs from all new water services in the City. No pre-payment is being collected from new water services in the County. This is being done this way because most County parcels have a water lateral in place. In the City they are usually missing. The difference between actual costs and the pre-payment (if any) is either invoiced or refunded depending on the actual costs. The original Ordinance called for a flat fee to phase in the charge with 2008 going to full cost. District Information Officer: Dennis Cocking reported on two items: 1) Efforts are underway to prevent another property tax take-away by the state. 2) The District's Washington D.C. representatives suggested the District put together a tour of the Angora Fire area so legislators can learn what has been accomplished with grant funds. Assistant General Manger 1 Enoineer: Paul Sciuto reported on the presentation he made to various agencies around the lake regarding the District's response to the Angora Fire. He also reported the emergency retention basin liner was damaged in a windstorm. Quotes for repair have been received and will take two to three days to complete. ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reoortable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. -34- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 1,2008 PAGE - 7 (Action taken in Open Session, see Pg. 4) 5:54 P.M. ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District -35- Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Liability Claim against District received from Smith Design Group ADJOURNMENT Mary Lou Mosbacher, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District GtlfItlr;a1 Man.tgtir ~icl1ara H. 501brie South Tahoe Public Utility District Director'& Ernie ClItuflo Jame6 ~ J~ Mary Lou Motllw:her Daltl ~ee E 1275 M&tdow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96160 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6a TO: Board of Directors FROM: MEETING DATE: Lisa Coyner, Manager of Customer Service June 5, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Ordinance No. 509-08 - Water Capacity Charge for Private Fire Protection Service REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Enact Ordinance No. 509-08 to amend Administrative Code regarding water capacity charges for private fire protection. DISCUSSION: The South Tahoe Public Utility District's ("District") water system was designed to provide water at pressures appropriate for residential use. Many areas within the District's distribution system were constructed by private water companies and have been acquired by the District since its formation. Accordingly, there are areas within the District's distribution system where water pressure is lower than desirable for fire suppression purposes. The adoption of the 2001 edition of the California Fire Code by the local fire department jurisdictions, requiring residential fire sprinkler systems due to reduced flows from the nearest fire hydrant, became effective on February 1, 2006. In areas where a sprinkler system is required or a larger fire line is required solely because of low flows due to low water pressure, a sprinkler system or upsized line should not use any more water than would have been used through properly-sized facilities, where pressures are sufficient to deliver the flows required by the sprinkler system. As, in situations of low water pressure, no additional water capacity will be necessary to serve the additional or upsized fire line, the District desires to amend the Administrative Code to waive water capacity charges for private fire protection service when the lack of requested flow from the nearest fire hydrant due to low water pressure, is the sole reason for the requirement of a fire sprinkler system or an upsized fire service line. -37- Lisa Coyner June 5, 2008 Page 2 SCHEDULE: COSTS: Approximately $50,000 ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance No. 509-08 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES IlUJ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO -38- CATEGORY: Water ORDINANCE NO. 509-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGARDING WATER CAPACITY CAHRGES FOR PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION BY AMENDING ADMINISTRATIVE CODE SECTION 3.1.49 (8) AND SUPERSEDING ORDINANCE NO. 497-06 Be it enacted by the Board of Directors ofthe South Tahoe Public Utility District, County ofEl Dorado, State of Calif ami a, as follows: SECTION I - POLICY AND PURPOSE The purpose ofthis Ordinance is to adopt certain amendments to the Administrative Code regarding water capacity charges for private fire protection. SECTION II - FINDINGS The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, El Dorado County, State of California, makes the following findings: A. The South Tahoe Public Utility District's ("District") water system was designed to provide water at pressures appropriate for residential use. Many areas within the District's distribution system were constructed by private water companies and have been acquired by the District since its formation. Accordingly, there are areas within the District's distribution system where water pressure is lower than desirable for fire suppression purposes. B. In recent years, to serve the public interest, the District has increased the size of replacement water lines in an effort to provide water at pressures sufficient for fire suppression purposes. The District's efforts in this regard are ongoing. C. The adoption of the 2001 edition of the California Fire Code by the local fire department jurisdictions, requiring residential fire sprinkler systems due to reduced flows from the nearest fire hydrant became effective on February 1, 2006. D. Residential fire sprinkler systems are hydraulically designed, with adequate fire flows ensured based on assumptions as to water pressure. A reduction in pressure, all other things held constant, reduces flow. In areas oflow water pressure, the diameter of a fire sprinkler line connection to the water main must be increased to overcome the friction loss of smaller diameter lines. When a water distribution system cannot achieve the requisite pressure, a fire sprinkler system may be required that would not have been required had there been higher water pressure in the water distribution system, or a larger-sized fire line may be required than would have otherwise been required had there been higher water pressure in the water distribution system. -39- E. In areas where a sprinkler system is required or a larger fire line is required solely because oflow flows due to low water pressure, a sprinkler system or up sized line should not use any more water than would have been used through properly- sized facilities, were pressures sufficient to deliver the flows required by the sprinkler system. F. As, in situations oflow water pressure, no additional water capacity will be necessary to serve the additional or upsized fire line, the District desires to amend the Administrative Code to waive water capacity charges for private fire protection service when the lack of requested flow from the nearest fire hydrant due to low water pressure is the sole reason for the requirement a fire sprinkler system or an upsized fire service line. G. The Board of Directors has determined that it is in the best interest ofthe District and the community to allow for these changes to the Administrative Code. SECTION III-AMENDMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE CODE The following section of the Administrative Code shall be amended to read as follows: 3.1.49 (b) Private Fire Protection Service. There shall be no water capacity charge for providing private fire protection service when the requirement for a fire service connection is based solely upon the lack of requested flow from the nearest fire hydrant. Ifa fire service connection is required due to the square footage of the structure, the water capacity charge for private fire protection will be based on a fire connection with a water system of pressure sufficient for fire suppression purposes. SECTION IV - SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance and its implementing rules and regulations is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or the Administrative Code. The Board of Directors declares and determines that it would have passed section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof of this Ordinance and its implementing rules and regulations and the Administrative Code irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases may be determined to be unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION V - EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance Amending Administrative Code Section 3.1.49 (b) is retroactive to February 1, 2006. Ordinance No. 509-08 Water Capacity Charges for Private Fire Protection Page 2 -40- PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at its duly held regular meeting on the 5th day of June, 2008 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mary Lou Mosbacher, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board Ordinance No. 509-08 Water Capacity Charges for Private Fire Protection Page 3 -41- Gerttral MI.II"'fer Ricl1ard H. Sol~ South Tahoe Public Utility District Dlrl!lC'tOn!l Ernie Claudio Jamee K JOl1H Mary Lou Mo6l:1..cher Dale RiM 5dlafM 1275 Me.adow Creet DrIv~ · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Julie Ryan, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: June 5, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Country Club Tank Replacement REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. DISCUSSION: On May 20,2008, three (3) general contractors attended the mandatory pre-bid meeting for the above project. The work included in this contract will include manufacture and installation of Country Club tank, coatings and cathodic protection for Country Club Tank, and re-coating the exterior of Forest Mountain Tank. Bids will be opened at the District offices on May 29,2008, at 2:00 p.m. A summary of all bids, along with staff recommendation for award will be provided prior to, and at the Board meeting. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: Engineer's estimate $630,000 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-7063/CLUBTK BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $104,9332007108; $670,0002008/09 ATTACHMENTS: Bid Summary (to be provided prior to, and at the Board meeting) CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES 1A1 NO CATEGORY: Sewer -43- South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Telephone: (530)544-6474 Fax: (530)541-0614 p :J-t:' ~jV1 }~ ~ (, \0 ~ -S-o? UV\ ~ Memorandum Date: May 30, 2008 To: Board Members, Richard H. Solbrig, Paul A. Sciuto From: Heidi Donovan, Contracts Administrator Subject: Country Club Tank Replacement Project At 2:00 o'clock yesterday afternoon we received and opened one (1) sealed bid for the above-referenced project. The bid amount is $653,000. Engineer's estimate is $630,000. A careful review and analysis of the bid showed one minor deviation. The minor irregularity was that the signed and notarized Certification By Contractor's Insurance Broker was sent under separate cover (received prior to bid closing). Crosno Construction Inc. is the apparent low bidder. I contacted the Contractors License Board and was given the following information: License Number 835288 is current and active and expires 6/30/10. The company is a corporation. Crosno Construction Inc. holds a Class A - General Engineering Contractor license. cc: L~V'vdCl lSVOWV'v J~V'v\. HoggCltt South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474. Facsimile 530.541.0614 Bid Irregularities from Low Bidder: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT'S COUNTRY CLUB TANK REPLACEMENT PROJECT BID SUMMARY (5/29/08) 1 Crosno Construction, Inc.: Certification by contractor's insurance broker was received timely under separate cover. Engineer's Estimate Crosno Construction, Inc. Item Description Unit QTY Unit Price Amount Unit Price Amount 1 345,000 gallon steel tank in place by Sept 30, 2008. LS 1 $600,000.00 $600,000.00 $451,000.00 $451,000.00 2 Forest Mountain Tank Coating, complete and in place LS 1 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $202,000.00 $202,000.00 Alt. A 345 Gallon steel tank in place by Dec. 15, 2008. LS 1 $532,000.00 $532,000.00 $471,000.00 $471,000.00 PROJECT TOTAL: $630,000.00 $653,000.00 Bid Irregularities from Low Bidder: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT'S COUNTRY CLUB TANK REPLACEMENT PROJECT BID SUMMARY (5/29/08) 1 Crosno Construction, Inc.: Certification by contractor's insurance broker was received timely under separate cover. South Tahoe Public Utility District General Ma".r Richard H. 601~ DJ~ Ernie Claudio Jamt61t J~ Mary Lou ~cher Dale RIee 1275 Meadow Cns6t Drive · South La~ Tahoe · CA 96t60 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Hoggatt, Construction ManagerlEngineer MEETING DATE: June 5, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Julie Lane Waterline Replacement REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. DISCUSSION: Staff held a mandatory pre-bid conference on May 23, 2008, at 10:00 a.m., in which seventeen (17) general contractors attended. Bids for the project will be opened on June 3, 2008, at 4:00 p.m. A summary of all bids, along with staff recommendation for award will be provided prior to, and at the Board meeting. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: Engineers estimate $1,000,000 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-7067/JULlE7 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $96,849 2007108; $500,000 2008/09 ATTACHMENTS: Bid Summary (to be provided prior to, and at the Board meeting) CATEGORY: Water CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO -45- South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Telephone: (530)544-6474 Fax: (530)541-0614 Memorandum Date: June 3, 2008 To: Board Members, Richard H. Solbrig, Paul A. Sciuto From: Heidi Donovan, Contracts Administrator Subject: 2008 Julie Lane Waterline Replacement Project At 4:00 o'clock this afternoon we received and opened nine (9) sealed bids for the above-referenced project. Bids ranged from "four hundred fifty-four and ninety-four dollars no/100" to $799,000. The engineer's estimate was $1,000,000. A careful review and analysis of the three low bids showed a serious irregularity to the apparent low bid, and only minor, if any, to the other two low bids. See attached memo explaining bid irregularities in the three low bids, and spreadsheet for full breakdown of each bid. District's legal counsel has advised that the District likely cannot accept the bid as the controlling bid price is unintelligible. On that basis, the contract should be awarded to the next low bidder. Doug Veerkamp General Engineering, Inc. is the next low bidder. Doug Veerkamp General Engineering, Inc.'s bid had no irregularities. I contacted the Contractors License Board and was given the following information: License Number 440233 is current and active and expires 7/31/08. The company is a corporation. Doug Veerkamp General Engineering, Inc. holds a Class A - General Engineering license. cc: Jim Hoggatt Linda Brown South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474. Facsimile 530.541.0614 South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Telephone: (530)544-6474 Fax: (530)541-0614 Memorandum Date: June 3, 2008 To: Board Members, Richard H. Solbrig, Paul A. Sciuto From: Heidi Donovan, Contracts Administrator Subject: Bid Irregularities of three low bids of 2008 Julie Lane Waterline Replacement Project With respect to the irregularities regarding the three low bids from the above-referenced project, it has been noted: Delta Excavating Inc.: Low bid, ? . Their bid was turned in showing a handwritten amount of $452,094 in numbers and a written bid in words of "four hundred fifty-four and ninety-four dollars no/100". . District spreadsheet totaled the bid at $452,094. Doug Veerkamp General Engineering Inc.: Second Low bid, $498,333. . No irregularities. Cruz Excavating, Inc.: Third low bid, $539,897. · Failed to write in the unit prices (in words) for bid items 1,2 and 3. South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474. Facsimile 530.541.0614 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC 2008 JULIE LANE WATERLINE BID SUM' Enalneer's Estimate Delta Excavatlna, Inc. Doua VeerkamD Gen'l Ena. Cruz Excavating, Inc. White ROck Item Description Unit QTY Unit price Amount Unit Price Amount Unit Price Amount Unit Price Amount Unit Price 1 Mobilization and demobil ization LS 1 207,295 $207,295.00 $35 000.00 $35,000.00 $26 000.00 $26 000.00 $40000.00 $40,000.00 $30 000.00 2 Provide & install traffic control LS 1 75 000 $75 000.00 $10,000.00 $10000.00 $27000.00 $27,000.00 $25,000.00 $25000.00 $12 500.00 Provide install and 3 maintain erosion control measures and other I reouired BMPs LS 1 40,000 $40 000.00 $6000.00 $6,000.00 $4 000.00 $4000.00 $4,300.00 $4 300.00 $8,000.00 Provide and install 1 " 4 thick asphall trench loatch SF 1,200 3 $3600.00 $4.50 $5,400.00 $5.48 $6,576.00 $2.50 $3,000.00 $2.50 Provide and install 3" 5 thick asphall trench I patch SF 16050 8 $128400.00 $4.50 $72,225.00 $5.52 $88 596.00 $6.00 $96 300.00 $5.75 6 Provide and install 2" mill and overlay asphalt ! oavement restoration SF 6,450 6 $38 700.00 $3.50 $22 575.00 $3.68 $23,736.00 $5.00 $32 250.00 $4.55 Contractor Shall Only Bid One Type of Pipe Material for ITEM 7. , Provide and install 8" 7A. DIP Class 350 Water Main LF 3332 90 $299 880.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Provide and install 8" 7B. PVC C900 (DR14) water main LF 187 90 $16830.00 $42.00 $7,854.00 $53.00 $9,911.00 $56.00 $10,472.00 $65.00 Provide and install 8" 7C. PVC C900 (DR18) water main LF 3145 90 $283 050.00 $52.00 $163,540.00 $48.00 $150960.00 $51.00 $160 395.00 $60.00 Bid lIems 8-15 shall be for transfer of water service connections to the new water main, per std Detail Drawings, incl new valve boxes and covers, meters, tapping saddles, piping fittings, new corp stops, new curb stops, tracer wire, excavation (including trenchless method). bedding, backfill, compaction and testing, abandoning existing services, et at 8 Provide and install 3/4" sinale water service EA 16 2,000 $32000.00 $1,625.00 $26000.00 $1,330.00 $21 280.00 $1,500.00 $24 000.00 $1,500.00 9 Provide and installl.5" sinale water service EA 1 2,500 $2 500.00 $1 700.00 $1.700.00 $1 670.00 $1.670.00 $1 700.00 $1,700.00 $2,300.00 10 Provide and install 2" sinale water service EA 1 3500 $3,500.00 $1 900.00 $1 900.00 $1 810.00 $1,810.00 $2 000.00 $2,000.00 $2 550.00 11 Provide and install 4" sinale water service EA 1 5.000 $5000.00 $2,700.00 $2 700.00 $3900.00 $3 900.00 $4,250.00 $4250.00 $5500.00 12 Provide and install 6" sinale water service EA 2 8,000 $16000.00 $3000.00 $6,000.00 $4 300.00 $8600.00 $5,100.00 $10200.00 $7000.00 13 Provide and install 3/4" double water service EA 9 3000 $27000.00 $1 700.00 $15,300.00 $1 800.00 $16,200.00 $2 000.00 $18,000.00 $2 700.00 14 Provide and install 1.5" double water service EA 1 4000 $4000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $1 840.00 $1,840.00 $2,200.00 $2,200.00 $2,500.00 15 Provide and install 1 " meter EA 1 2,000 $2 000.00 $1 200.00 $1,200.00 $1,700.00 $1,700.00 $1 850.00 $1,850.00 $2,900.00 Bid lIems 16-20 shall be for valve assemblv install on new 8" water main -- 16 Sta 1+00 valve assembly LS 1 10,000 $10000.00 $4 000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 $3,750.00 17 Sta 7+97 valve assemblY LS 1 12,000 $12000.00 $6,000.00 $6000.00 $13000.00 $13000.00 $10,000.00 $10000.00 $10000.00 18 Sta 10+25 valve assemblv LS 1 10,000 $10000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $13,000.00 $13 000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 19 Sta 21+50 valve assemblY LS 1 10,000 $10000.00 $4000.00 $4000.00 $16,000.00 $16,000.00 $15,000.00 $15000.00 $13,000.00 20 Sta 34+32 valve assemblv LS 1 10,000 $10,000.00 $3 500.00 $3500.00 $6000.00 $6,000.00 $6500.00 $6,500.00 $5,250.00 Provide and install fire 21 hydrant, valve, and I piping EA 8 6.000 $48 000.00 $4 700.00 $37,600.00 $5 300.00 $42400.00 $6,000.00 $48 000.00 $5,900.00 Abandn and remove 22 existing fire hydrants and retum to District Yds EA 6 1,000 $6.000.00 $800.00 $4 800.00 $800.00 $4,800.00 $500.00 $3,000.00 $500.00 -- 23 Cut, cap and abandon existing water mains EA 5 1000 $5000.00 $500.00 $2500.00 $490.00 $2,450.00 $1,000.00 $5,000.00 $550.00 Replace concrete rolled .- 24 curb and gutter to match existing LF 33 125 $4 125.00 $100.00 $3300.00 $88.00 $2 904.00 $60.00 $1 980.00 $110.00 PROJECT TOTAL: $1,000,000.00 $452,094.00 $498,333.00 $539,897.00 T1L1TY DISTRICT'S EPLACEMENT PROJECT ~RY .nstructlon Inc. Wolin and Sons Hanatown Gen'l Ena. Burdick Excavatin" MKD Construction L.N.Cralg Construction Amount Unit Price Amount Unit Price Amount Unit Price Amount Unit Price Amount Unit Price Amount $30,000.00 $40 000.00 $40000.00 $44,799.04 $44,799.04 $57,000.00 $57,000.00 $46 526.00 $46 526.00 $14435.50 $14435.50 $12,500.00 $30 000.00 $30 000.00 $60 089.00 $60 089.00 $18000.00 $18,000.00 $50 000.00 $50,000.00 $91 080.00 $91,080.00 $8 000.00 $12220.00 $12220.00 $7500.00 $7500.00 1$24,000.00 $24000.00 $5,000.00 $5000.00 $3000.00 $3 000.00 $3 000.00 $3.00 $3,600.00 $6.46 $7 752.00 $5.20 $6240.00 $4.00 $4800.00 $4.67 $5,604.00 $92 287.50 $5.50 $88 275.00 $4.70 $75435.00 $5.50 $88,275.00 $6.00 $96,300.00 $4.95 $79,447.50 $29 347.50 $5.00 $32,250.00 S6.05 $39 022.50 $3.75 $24187.50 $5.00 $32 250.00 $6.49 $41 860.50 , $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0. OIl $0.00 $0.00 $12,155.00 $59.00 $11,033.00 $62.56 $11,698.72 $64.00 $11,968.00 $75.00 $14,025.00 $121.05 $22 636.35 $188 700.00 $59.00 $185,555.00 $59.63 $187,536.35 $60.00 $188700.00 85.00 $267,325.00 $119.07 $374475.15 $24,000.00 $1,575.00 $25 200.00 $1 818.21 $29091.36 $1 500.00 $24,000.00 $1,500.00 $24,000.00 $1,201.00 $19,216.00 $2300.00 $1 893.00 $1,893.00 $2,279.00 $2 279.00 $1,850.00 $1 850.00 $1,999.99 $1,999.99 $1,400.00 $1 400.00 $2,550.00 $2290.00 $2,290.00 $2 466.00 $2,466.00 $2 200.00 $2,200.00 $2500.00 $2,500.00 $1 752.00 $1 752.00 $5 500.00 $3365.00 $3,365.00 $4441.00 $4441.00 $4,150.00 $4,150.00 $3500.00 $3,500.00 $5,916.00 $5 916.00 $14 000.00 $4,073.00 $8,146.00 $4 803.00 $9 606.00 $4,250.00 $8500.00 $5000.00 $10,000.00 $7,817.00 $15634.00 $24 300.00 $2240.00 $20 160.00 $2 049.00 $18441.00 $1 725.00 $15,525.00 $2 032.89 $18,296.01 $1,540.00 $13860.00 $2,500.00 $2 444.00 $2,444.00 $2 357.00 $2,357.00 $2 000.00 $2,000.00 $2,077.00 $2,077.00 $2 256.00 $2 256.00 $2,900.00 $1 518.00 $1,518.00 $2 256.00 $2 256.00 $2400.00 $2,400.00 $1,654.00 $1,654.00 $1,075.00 $1 075.00 i 1$3,750.00 $2695.00 $2,695.00 $2 505.00 $2,505.00 $2500.00 $2,500.00 $1 338.00 $1,338.00 $1,800.00 $1 800.00 1$10 000.00 $9 108.00 $9,108.00 $6 315.00 $6,315.00 $6650.00 $6650.00 $7 371 .00 $7 371.00 $8 791.00 $8 791.00 I $11 700.00 $11,700.00 $6315.00 $6,315.00 $6650.00 $6650.00 $7,171.00 $7 171.00 $8,791.00 $8 791.00 ,$10000.00 1$13,000.00 $16,414.00 $16,414.00 $8931.00 $8931.00 $9 000.00 $9000.00 $10000.00 $10000.00 $15637.00 $15637.00 i $4,947.00 $4,947.00 $3,184.00 $3184.00 $3250.00 $3,250.00 $4,000.00 $4000.00 $3 604.00 $3 604.00 ,$5,250.00 I 1$47200.00 $5 379.00 $43,032.00 $3 893.50 $31,148.00 $6000.00 $48 000.00 $6000.00 $48,000.00 $6,513.00 $52,104.00 , $3000.00 $726.00 $4356.00 $700.00 $4,200.00 $950.00 $5,700.00 $1,000.00 $6 000.00 $1 200.00 $7200.00 $2 750.00 $500 00 $2,500.00 $650.00 $3,250.00 $1 800.00 $9,000.00 $1,650.00 $8,250.00 $1,155.00 $5,775.00 $3 630.00 $177.00 $5,841.00 $42.91 $1 416.03 $130.00 $4290.00 $49.00 $1 617.00 $50.00 $1 650.00 $552,620.00 $568,542.00 $572,034.00 $574,035.50 $674,000.00 $799,000.00 General M.t~ Richard H. SolVrlf South Tahoe Public Utility District Dlrcctof'lp Ernie Claudio JStl1e6 R. .JtlMit Mary Lou Motrh.aclw Dale ~ ric Schafer 1275 Meaaow CrBSt Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96160 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0014 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6d TO: Board of Directors FROM: MEETING DATE: Jim Hoggatt, Construction Manager/Engineer June 5, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Tata LanelGranite Mountain Waterline Replacement REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. DISCUSSION: Staff held a mandatory pre-bid conference on May 23,2008, at 10:00 a.m., in which seventeen (17) general contractors attended. Bids for the project will be opened on June 3, 2008, at 2:00 p.m. A summary of all bids, along with staff recommendation for award will be provided prior to, and at the Board meeting. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: Engineers Estimate $1,100,000 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8866fTATAWL & 2029-7069/GRANWL BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $396,157 2007108, $1,200,000 2008/09; <$3,077> 2007/08, $50,000 2008109 ATTACHMENTS: Bid Summary (to be provided prior to, and at the Board meeting) CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES--1l.U::.- NO CATEGORY: Water -47- " ' \. ~ \.., .Ii South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Telephone: (530)544-6474 Fax: (530)541-0614 Memorandum Date: June 3, 2008 To: Board Members, Richard H. Sol brig, Paul A. Sciuto From: Heidi Donovan, Contracts Administrator Subject: 2008 Tata Lane / Granite Mountain Waterline Replacement Project At 2:00 o'clock this afternoon we received and opened seven (7) sealed bids for the above-referenced project. Bids ranged from $755,020 to $1,410,933. The engineer's estimate was $1,234,625. A careful review and analysis of the three low bids showed only minor deviations. See attached memo explaining bid irregularities in the three low bids, and spreadsheet for full breakdown of each bid. Delta Excavating, Inc. is the apparent low bidder. Delta Excavating, Inc.'s bid contained two minor irregularities. I contacted the Contractors License Board and was given the following information: License Number 575524 is current and active and expires 8/31/09. The company is a corporation. Delta Excavating, Inc. holds a Class A - General Engineering license. cc: JLVIA f-toggCltt Li,^,dCl lSt'ow,^, South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474. Facsimile 530.541.0614 \.., \.. \. ~ South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Telephone: (530)544-6474 Fax: (530)541-0614 Memorandum Date: June 3, 2008 To: Board Members, Richard H. Sol brig, Paul A. Sciuto From: Heidi Donovan, Contracts Administrator Subject: Bid Irregularities of three low bids for 2008 Tata Lane / Granite Mountain Waterline Replacement Project With respect to the irregularities regarding ttle three low bids from the above-referenced project, it has been noted: Delta Excavating Inc.: Low bid, $755,020. · Their bid was turned in showing a written amount of (both in words and numbers) $755,020. However, when I entered their unit prices into the summary spreadsheet the total shows $754,520. This was due to the fact that Delta Excavating entered a unit price of $500 for Bid Item 26. However, Bid Item 26 had been deleted in Addendum 2. · Delta Excavating Inc. failed to handwrite (in words) Bid Item 7B. Cruz Excavating, Inc.: Second Low bid, $897,655. · Failed to handwrite (in words) the words "five hundred" for Bid Item 2. Doug Veerkamp General Engineering Inc.: Third low bid, $913,965. . Their bid was turned in showing a written amount of (both in words and numbers) $913,965. However when their bid unit prices were entered into the summary spreadsheet, the total showed $913,065. This was due to the fact that Doug Veerkamp General Engineering entered a unit price of $900 for Bid Item 26. However, Bid Item 26 had been deleted by Addendum 2. South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474. Facsimile 530.541.0614 .:oVU 1" "'"\' 2008 TATA LANE I GRANITE Me It. 3.50 5.000.00 6.00 70 .LF IF 70 47.00 $1 (l045.( 70 _,: ~_ tc _~' I ~ 1,11 .~k-_ Sid items 8-12 shaH be for transfer of water servlGe connecllons to the new water main. per std Detail Drawings, loci new valve boxes and cove/$, metet'S, tapping saddles. piping fittings, rrI1W corp stops. new curb stoPS. lnlcer wile. ellcavation (lnoludlng trenohless method). bedding. backfin, comp.action and testing, abandoning existing services. at at 78 2000 $117000.00 1 475.00 115 050;0 4 2200 000.00 1 $50.00 200.0 3500 1 625.00 26 3000 EA 8 4OO.0l EA 3 6000 7 500.00 22 5OO.()( EA 1000 500.00 500.0( 6 7 147 60.00 820.00 15000 5 000.00 .00 2000 3 000.00 3QOO.OO 1 2500 1 000.00 0 8 6.00 570 .00 .00 IF 570. 80 $25080..00 52.00 $29 640;00 5000 4 000.00 000.00 S 1 5000 on new 8" water main 1 3 1 3. 1 3 1 3000 OTAl: 'VaLl\; v IILII Tun; 1 KI\; I ':) .TAlN WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT DSUMMARY *J... ~t! .,. II~J t t.}~ ^.... '! 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' 7 .00 !J ,00.00. il.1M. 150.00 $5.. .' 7,J !.OO .00. $9200. 9200.00 $5.. 7 250.00 1 2 .00 693.00 .' . $927$.00 9.275.00 $922.775.G(1 $9$5,917.50 $1,047,l!O1." $1.410.933.90 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APiROVAL June 2008 Payroll 5/21/08 Payroll 5/22/08 Total Payroll 353,698.95 33,268.10 386,967.05 BNY Western Trust Company CDS-health care payments Brownstein/HyatUFarber/Schreck legal services LaSalle Bank Union Bank Total Vendor EFT 869,447.67 91,960.59 31,451.70 156,572.80 0.00 1,149,432.76 Accounts Payable Checks-Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks-Self-funded Insurance Accounts Payable Checks-Grants Fund Total Accounts Payable 681,691.91 432,500.36 19,489.36 0.00 1,133,681.63 Grand Total 2, 670,O{J1.44 Pavroll EFTs & Checks 5/21/08 OS/22/08 EFT AFLAC Medical & Dependent Care 2,336.76 EFT CA Employment Taxes & W/H 14,038.17 2,080.72 EFT Federal Employment Taxes & W/H 86,202.44 11,639.61 CHK CalPERS Contributions 26,159.64 EFT John Hancock Pension Loan Pmts 1,092.70 EFT Great West Deferred Comp 16,241.05 CHK Stationary Engineers Union Dues 2,093.95 EFT United Way Contributions 86.00 CHK CA State Disbursement Unit 460.15 EFT Employee Direct Deposits 194,329.01 CHK Employee Paychecks 10,659.08 19,547.77 Total 353,698.95 33,268.10 -49- PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type A -1 CHEMICAL INC GEN & ADMIN JANIT /SUPPLY INV 1000 - 0422 1,531.03 A -1 CHEMICAL INC GEN & ADMIN OFFICE INVENTORY 1000 - 0428 178.83 Check Total: 1,709.86 AP- 00069642 MW AEAP ADMINISTRATION SUBSCRIPTIONS 1021 - 4830 20.50 AEAP ADMINISTRATION SUBSCRIPTIONS 2021 - 4830 20.50 Check Total: 41.00 AP- 00069643 MW AERVOE- PACIFIC GEN & ADMIN SHOP SUPPLY INV 1000 - 0421 191.08 AERVOE- PACIFIC CUSTOMER SERVICE SHOP SUPPLIES 1038 - 6071 314.70 AERVOE- PACIFIC CUSTOMER SERVICE SHOP SUPPLIES 2038 - 6071 261.00 Check Total: 766.78 AP- 00069644 MW AFLAC GEN & ADMIN AFLAC FEE DED 1000 - 2538 135.00 Check Total: 135.00 AP- 00069645 MW ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC PUMPS LUTHER PASS 1002 - 6048 2,261.34 Check Total: 2_261.34 AP- 00069646 MW ALLEGRA PRINT & IMAGING ENGINEERING - WTRLN, JULIE LN WTRLN, JULIE 2029 - 7067 - JULIE7 1,062.61 V' Check Total: — 1,062.61 AP-04497547 MW 0 ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE FINANCE OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1039 - 6081 232.50 Check Total: 232.50 AP- 00069648 MW ALPINE EYECARE LLC UNDERGROUND REP SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 2001 - 6075 286.00 Check Total: 286.00 AP- 00069649 MW ALSBURY, MARY INFORMATION SYS TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1037 - 6200 61.11 ALSBURY, MARY INFORMATION SYS TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2037 - 6200 61.10 Check Total: 122.21 AP- 00069650 MW APG ANALYTICAL PRODUCT GROUP LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 465.00 APG ANALYTICAL PRODUCT GROUP LABORATORY MONITORING 1007 - 6110 15.00 APG ANALYTICAL PRODUCT GROUP LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 405.00 APG ANALYTICAL PRODUCT GROUP LABORATORY MONITORING 2007 - 6110 15.00 Check Total: 900.00 AP- 00069651 MW APOLLO PLUMBING & HTN,TERRY'S UNDERGROUND REP PIPE /CVRS /MHLS 1001 - 6052 1,025.87 Check Total: 1,025.87 AP- 00069652 MW ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES GEN & ADMIN UNIFORM PAYABLE 1000 - 2518 1,965.79 User: THERESA Page: 1 Current Date: 05/28/2008 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 18:19:23 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type Check Total: 1 965.79 AP- 00069653 MW ARETE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING - COLL SYS MASTER COLL SYS MST PLN 1029 - 8721 - CSMSPL 1,155.00 Check Total: 1,155.00 AP- 00069654 MW ASSOCIATED LABORATORIES LABORATORY MONITORING 1007 - 6110 , 490.00 Check Total: 490.00 AP- 00069655 MW AT &T GEN & ADMIN SIGNAL CHARGES 1000 - 6320 1.06 Check Total: _ 1.06 AP- 00069657 MW AT &T GEN & ADMIN TELEPHONE 1000 - 6310 294.50 AT &T GEN & ADMIN TELEPHONE 2000 - 6310 294.50 Check Total: 589.00 AP- 00069658 MW AT &T /CALNET 2 GEN & ADMIN TELEPHONE 1000 - 6310 503.33 AT &T /CALNET 2 PUMPS TELEPHONE 1002 - 6310 198.83 AT &T /CALNET 2 OPERATIONS TELEPHONE 1006 - 6310 22.00 AT &T /CALNET 2 INFORMATION SYS TELEPHONE 1037 - 6310 82.81 AT &T /CALNET 2 CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE 1038 - 6310 7.17 AT&rCALNET 2 GEN & ADMIN TELEPHONE 2000 - 6310 503.32 AT &f /CALNET 2 PUMPS TELEPHONE 2002 - 6310 143.54 AT &T /CALNET 2 INFORMATION SYS TELEPHONE 2037 - 6310 82.81 AT &T /CALNET 2 CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE 2038 - 6310 7.17 Check Total: 1,550.98 AP- 00069656 MW BANK OF AMERICA OPERATIONS HYPOCHLORITE 1006 - 4755 7,981.29 Check Total: 7,981.29 AP -00069659 MW BAY TOOL & SUPPLY INC GEN & ADMIN SHOP SUPPLY INV 1000 - 0421 174.44 BAY TOOL & SUPPLY INC GEN & ADMIN SMALL TOOLS INV 1000 - 0423 377.02 Check Total: 551.46 AP- 00069660 MW BENTLY AGROWDYNAMICS OPERATIONS SLUDGE DISPOSAL 1006 - 6652 2,196.34 Check Total: 2,196.34 AP -00069661 MW BLAKE'S FLORAL DESIGN ADMINISTRATION SUPPLIES 1021 - 6520 25.00 BLAKE'S FLORAL DESIGN ADMINISTRATION SUPPLIES 2021 - 6520 24.99 Check Total: 49.99 AP- 00069662 MW BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL FINANCE - LT WTRTRT PTSHP CONTRACT SERVICE 1039 - 4405 - LTWWIP 27.34 User: THERESA Page: 2 Current Date: 05/28/2008 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 18:19:23 Vendor Name BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL BUTZ, GARTH CALIF DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES CALIF DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES CALIF DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES CALIF DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES CALIF WATER RESOURCES CTRL BD N CAROLLO ENGINEERS CAROLLO ENGINEERS CDS GROUP HEALTH CHIEFFO, MIKE CITY NATIONAL BANK COCKING, DENNIS COCKING, DENNIS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name FINANCE ENGINEERING - WL,GRANITE /IRON ENGINEERING - WTRLN,AL TAHOE FINANCE FINANCE - WTR CONS PROG UNDERGROUND REP LABORATORY LABORATORY OPERATIONS PUMPS PUMPS ENGINEERING - TWIN PEAKS BS ENGINEERING - ARSENIC STUDY SELF FUNDED INS HEAVY MAINT GEN & ADMIN - EFFLUENT EVAL DIO DIO LABORATORY LABORATORY - ARHD3 TRTMT EXP LABORATORY - BKRFLD TRTMT EXP PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description CONTRACT SERVICE WL,GRANJTE MTN WTLN, AL TAHOE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE TRAVEUMEETINGS OPERATING PERMIT OPERATING PERMIT DUES /MEMB /CERT DUES /MEMB /CERT DUES /MEMB /CERT BSTR, TWN PEAKS ARSNC TRTMNT PPO FEE TRAVEUMEETINGS CONST RETAINAGE TRAVEUMEETINGS TRAVEUMEETINGS MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING Acct# / Proi Code 1039 - 4405 2029 - 7069 - GRANWL 2029 - 8811 - ATWL08 2039 - 4405 2039 - 4405 - WCPROG Check Total: 2001 - 6200 1007 - 6650 2007 - 6650 1006 - 6250 2002 - 6250 1002-6250 1007 - 6110 2007 - 6110 - AH3EXP 2007 - 6110 - BKRFLD Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 2029 - 7070 - TPBSTR 2029 - 8864 - ARSNIC Check Total: 13,393.82 3000 - 6742 2,296.64 Check Total: 2.296.64 1004 - 6200 28.28 Check Total: 28.28 1000 - 2605 - EFFLEV 44,723.00 Check Total: 44,723.00 1027 - 6200 259.53 2027 - 6200 259.53 Check Total: Page: 3 Current Date: 05/28/2008 Current Time: 18:19:23 Amount Check Num Type 956.90 82.02 54.68 956.90 109.36 2,187.20 AP- 00069663 65.00 65.00 AP -00069664 1,857.50 1,857.50 3,715.00 AP -00069665 140.00 90.00 230.00 AP -00069666 170.00 170.00 AP -00069667 6,364.57 7,029.25 AP -00069668 AP -00069669 AP- 00069670 AP -00069671 MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW 519.06 AP -00069672 MW 540.00 265.00 265.00 Vendor Name CRUZ EXCAVATING INC CRUZ EXCAVATING INC CUES INCORPORATED CWEA CWEA CWEA CWEA CWEA CWEA DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELEMARKETING L P DICK'S FULLER - ED COOK TREE SERVICE EMPIRE SAFETY & SUPPLY EMPIRE SAFETY & SUPPLY EMPIRE SAFETY & SUPPLY ENS RESOURCES INC ENS RESOURCES INC ENTRIX INC ENVIRONMENTAL EXPRESS User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name GEN & ADMIN - WTRLN,AL TAHOE ENGINEERING - WTRLN,AL TAHOE UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS LABORATORY DIAMOND VLY RNCH UNDERGROUND REP LABORATORY INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS GEN & ADMIN UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP DIO DIO ENGINEERING - AIRPORT WL EVAL LABORATORY PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Page: 4 Description Acct# / Proi Code Check Total: CONST RETAINAGE 2000 - 2605 - ATWL08 WTLN, AL TAHOE 2029 - 8811 - ATWL08 Check Total: INFILTRTN /INFLOW 1001 - 6055 DUES /MEMB /CERT 1001 - 6250 DUES /MEMB /CERT 1002 - 6250 DUES /MEMB /CERT 1007 - 6250 DUES /MEMB /CERT 1028 - 6250 DUES /MEMB /CERT 2001 - 6250 DUES /MEMB /CERT 2007 - 6250 DIST.COMP SPPLIS 1037 - 4840 DIST.COMP SPPLIS 2037 - 4840 REPL LPTP UGW 2037 - 8870 SMALL TOOLS 1001 - 6073 GROUNDS & MNTC 2002 - 6042 SAFETY INVENTORY 1000 -0425 P I PE/CVRS/MHLS 1001 - 6052 PIPE /CVRS /MHLS 2001 - 6052 CONTRACT SERVICE 1027 - 4405 CONTRACT SERVICE 2027 - 4405 AIRPORT WL EVAL LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 2029 - 7068 - AIRWLI Check Total: Current Date: 05/28/2008 Current Time: 18:19:23 Amount Check Num I Q 1,070.00 AP- 00069673 MW - 14,869.60 148,696.05 133,826.45 1,400.00 1.400.00 300.00 61.00 118.50 166.00 222.00 184.50 1 052.00 725.56 725.53 2,467.11 3,918.20 391.84 AP- 00069677 MW 391.84 AP -00069678 MW AP- 00069679 MW AP -00069680 MW AP -00069681 MW AP- 00069682 MW 680.00 680.00 412.35 2,215.61 2,215.61 4,843.57 3,127.85 3,127.85 6 255.70 3,390.40 3,390.40 47.50 AP- 00069674 MW AP- 00069675 MW AP- 00069676 MW Vendor Name ENVIRONMENTAL EXPRESS ETS FAST FABRICATORS LLC FAST FABRICATORS LLC FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. to FISHER SCIENTIFIC FISHER SCIENTIFIC FISHER SCIENTIFIC FISHER SCIENTIFIC FRYE, WILLIAM FRYE, WILLIAM GEOTEST GEOTEST GERBER LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY GESSFORD MFT MAC, PAUL GESSFORD MFT MAC, PAUL User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Deoartment / Proi Name LABORATORY LABORATORY UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS HEAVY MAINT HEAVY MAINT UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS PUMPS LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS LABORATORY LABORATORY SELF FUNDED INS HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description LAB SUPPLIES MONITORING PIPE /CVRS/MHLS PUMP STATIONS LUTHER PASS SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS SECONDARY EQUIP SHOP SUPPLIES PIPE /CVRS /MHLS SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS LAB SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES LAB SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEUMEETINGS TRAVEL/MEETINGS LAB SUPPLIES LAB SUPPLIES EXCESS INSURANCE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE Page: 5 Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Tyne 2007 - 4760 56.51 104.01 AP -00069683 MW 1007 - 6110 735.00 735.00 AP -00069684 MW 2001 - 6052 1,950.28 2002 - 6051 592.15 2 542.43 AP -00069685 MW 1002 - 6048 13.19 1002 - 6071 2.87 1002 - 6073 26.29 1004 - 6022 58.15 1004 - 6071 28.96 2001 -6052 2,478.72 2002 - 6071 2.87 2002 - 6073 26.29 Check Total: _ 2,637.34 AP -00069686 MW 1007 - 4760 445.72 1007 - 4820 402.91 2007 - 4760 415.71 2007 - 4820 485.83 Check Total: 1,750.17 AP- 00069687 MW 1037 - 6200 2037 - 6200 1007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 3000 - 6744 1022 - 4405 2022 - 4405 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Current Date: 05/28/2008 Current Time: 18:19:23 188.56 188.55 377.11 AP -00069688 MW 96.80 83.00 179.80 AP -00069689 MW 15,822.52 15,822.52 AP- 00069690 MW 208.75 208.75 GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER HACH - GLI International HACH - GLI International HARTFORD, THE HARTFORD, THE HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES LLC HEMPHILL, JAY HEII ANDEZ, LAZARO HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS INFOSEND INFOSEND INFOSEND INFOSEND INFOSEND INFOSEND INFOSEND INFOSEND User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name HEAVY MAINT HEAVY MAINT PUMPS LABORATORY LABORATORY GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL GEN & ADMIN UNDERGROUND REP HUMAN RESOURCES CUSTOMER SERVICE HUMAN RESOURCES CUSTOMER SERVICE DIO CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE DIO CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description SECONDARY EQUIP SHOP SUPPLIES WELLS LAB SUPPLIES LAB SUPPLIES LIFE INS LTD, UNION O2SYS/TMDL,ICR UB SUSPENSE TRAVEL/MEETINGS SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT PRINTING CONTRACT SERVICE POSTAGE EXPENSES PRINTING PRINTING CONTRACT SERVICE POSTAGE EXPENSES PRINTING Page: 6 Acct# / Proi Code 1004 - 6022 1004 - 6071 2002 - 6050 1007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 1000 - 2512 1000 - 2539 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL Check Total: 2000 - 2002 Check Total: 2001 - 6200 Check Total: 1022 - 6030 1038 - 6030 2022 - 6030 2038 - 6030 1027 - 4920 1038 - 4405 1038 - 4810 1038 - 4920 2027 - 4920 2038 - 4405 2038 - 4810 2038 - 4920 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 299.66 AP -00069697 MW 918.88 165.73 3,694.16 2,672.62 918.88 165.75 3,694.16 2,672.63 Check Total: 14,902.81 AP- 00069698 MW Current Date: 05/28/2008 Current Time: 18:19:23 Amount Check Num RN 417.50 AP -00069691 MW 86.62 133.70 328.75 549.07 AP- 00069692 MW 20.13 32.96 53.09 1,962.09 1,758.62 3,_720.71 400.00 400.00 600.00 600.00 45.00 45.00 72.65 77.19 72.64 77.18 AP -00069693 MW AP- 00069694 MW AP -00069695 MW AP- 00069640 MW AP- 00069696 MW Vendor Name INTEGRATED ASSET SERVICES INTEGRATED ASSET SERVICES INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY J &L PRO KLEEN INC J &L PRO KLEEN INC JENSEN PRECAST JONES, MICHAEL LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKPSIDE NAPA LAKE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA Les Schwab LIVE WIRE MEDIA PARTNERS User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN FINANCE FINANCE UNDERGROUND REP OPERATIONS EQUIPMENT REP DIO - PR EXP - EXTERNAL PUMPS PUMPS HEAVY MAINT EQUIPMENT REP EQUIPMENT REP EQUIPMENT REP DIAMOND VLY RNCH ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS PUMPS EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description UB SUSPENSE UB SUSPENSE SHOP SUPPLY INV SAFETY INVENTORY JANITORIAL SERV JANITORIAL SERV PIPE /CVRS /MHLS DUES /MEMB /CERT PUMP STATIONS SMALL TOOLS SHOP SUPPLIES AUTOMOTIVE GENERATORS SMALL TOOLS GROUNDS & MNTC REP EXP PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES PUMP STATIONS SMALL TOOLS AUTOMOTIVE MOBILE EQUIP GENERATORS SMALL TOOLS AUTOMOTIVE PUB RELATIONS Page: 7 Acct# / Proi Code 1000 - 2002 2000 - 2002 1000 - 0421 1000 - 0425 1039 - 6074 2039 - 6074 1001 - 6052 1006 - 6250 1002 - 6051 1002 - 6073 1004 - 6071 1005 -6011 1005 - 6013 1005 - 6073 1028 - 6042 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV 2001 - 6071 2002 - 6051 2002 - 6073 2005 - 6011 2005 - 6012 2005 - 6013 2005 - 6073 1005-6011 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT Current Date: 05/28/2008 Current Time: 18:19:23 Amount 237.79 340.76 578.55 603.65 332.74 936.39 1,603.50 1,603.50 3K:17.00 719.78 71 130.00 130.00 35.39 6.00 139.49 614.76 111.37 39.09 326.67 93.80 82.16 42.92 6.00 834.01 464.79 187.20 39.09 3,022.74 112.32 112.32 336.00 Check Num Type AP- 00069699 MW AP- 00069700 MW AP- 00069701 MW AP- 00069702 MW AP- 00069703 MW AP- 00069704 MW AP- 00069705 MW PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Type Check Total: 336.00 AP- 00069706 MW LOOMIS FARGO & CO. FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 1039 - 4405 289.50 LOOMIS FARGO & CO. FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 2039 - 4405 289.49 Check Total: 578.99 AP 00069707 MW MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS LUTHER PASS 1002 - 6048 686.79 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO HEAVY MAINT PRIMARY EQUIP 1004 - 6021 369.24 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002 - 6051 330.24 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO ENGINEERING - SUT WELL REDRILL SUT WELL REDRILL 2029 - 8463 - RWSUTR 148.68 Check Total: 1,534.95 AP- 00069708 MW MENGORE, JOSEPH OPERATIONS DUES /MEMB /CERT 1006 - 6250 170.00 Check Total: 170.00 AP- 00069709 MW MICHAELS CYCLE WORKS INC EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005 - 6011 4.29 MICHAELS CYCLE WORKS INC EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005 - 6011 4.29 Check Total: 8.58 AP 00069710 MW MICROCHECK INC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 348.66 MICROCHECK INC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 299.54 Check Total: 648.20 AP- 00069711 MW MID MOUNTAIN COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005 - 6011 67.50 MID MOUNTAIN COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005 - 6011 67.49 MID MOUNTAIN COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT REPAIR RADIO - RPRS /RPLCM 2005 - 6056 75.00 Check Total: 209.99 AP 00069712 MW MUELLER, MARTY OPERATIONS DUES /MEMB /CERT 1006 - 6250 170.00 Check Total: 170.00 AP - 00069713 MW MWH LABORATORIES LABORATORY MONITORING 2007 - 6110 180.00 Check Total: 180.00 AP - 00069714 MW MY OFFICE PRODUCTS ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 1029 - 4820 3.80 MY OFFICE PRODUCTS FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1039 - 4820 64.11 MY OFFICE PRODUCTS ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 2029 - 4820 3.80 MY OFFICE PRODUCTS FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2039 - 4820 64.11 Check Total: 135.82 AP 00069715 MW NEXLEVEL INFORMATION TECH INC INFORMATION SYS - IT STRATEGC PLN CONTRACT SERVICE 1037 - 4405 - ITPLAN 930.00 User: THERESA Page: 8 Current Date: 05/28/2008 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 18:19:23 User: THERESA PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Acct# / Prof Code NEXLEVEL INFORMATION TECH INC INFORMATION SYS - IT STRATEGC PLN CONTRACT SERVICE 2037 - 4405 - ITPLAN 930.00 Check Total: 1,860.00 AP- 00069716 MW O I CORP LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 134.69 O I CORP LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 144.69 Check Total: 279.38 AP- 00069717 MW OFFICE MAX GEN & ADMIN OFFICE INVENTORY 1000 - 0428 1,395.43 OFFICE MAX OPERATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 1006 - 4820 57.28 OFFICE MAX ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 1029 - 4820 0.41 OFFICE MAX INFORMATION SYS OFFICE SUPPLIES 1037 - 4820 25.48 OFFICE MAX FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1039 - 4820 7.17 OFFICE MAX ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 2029 - 4820 0.41 OFFICE MAX INFORMATION SYS OFFICE SUPPLIES 2037 - 4820 25.47 OFFICE MAX FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2039 - 4820 7.15 Check Total: 1,518.80 AP- 00069718 MW ONTRAC LABORATORY POSTAGE EXPENSES 1007 - 4810 6.00 ONTRAC LABORATORY POSTAGE EXPENSES 2007 - 4810 5.00 m i Department / Prof Name Description PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORP GEN & ADMIN - EFFLUENT EVAL CONST RETAINAGE 1000 - 2605 - EFFLEV - 44,723.00 PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORP ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL REP EXP PUMPS 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV 447,230.00 Check Total: 402,507.00 AP- 00069720 MW PARKER, KENNETH OR CHARLOTTE GEN & ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 2000 - 2002 300.00 Check Total: 11.00 AP- 00069719 MW Page: 9 Check Total: 300.00 AP- 00069641 MW PETTY CASH PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 1002 - 6083 38.85 PETTY CASH BOARD OF DIR TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1019 - 6200 9.41 PETTY CASH ADMINISTRATION SUPPLIES 1021 - 6520 1.34 PETTY CASH HUMAN RESOURCES SUPPLIES 1022 - 6520 10.17 PETTY CASH FINANCE TRAVEUMEETINGS 1039 - 6200 33.54 PETTY CASH FINANCE SUPPLIES 1039 - 6520 4.29 PETTY CASH PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 2002 - 6083 38.85 PETTY CASH EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005 - 6011 10.00 PETTY CASH BOARD OF DIR TRAVEUMEETINGS 2019 - 6200 9.40 PETTY CASH ADMINISTRATION SUPPLIES 2021 - 6520 1.35 Current Date: 05/28/2008 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 18:19:23 Amount Check Num ho Vendor Name PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PINKEL,MICHELE PINKEL,MICHELE PRAXAIR 174 PRAXAIR 174 PUBLIC AGENCY RETIREMENT PUBLIC AGENCY RETIREMENT QUALITY CONTROL SERVICES QUALITY CONTROL SERVICES In RACK -IT TRUCK RACKS RACK -IT TRUCK RACKS RADIO SHACK REDWOOD PRINTING REDWOOD PRINTING REDWOOD PRINTING REDWOOD PRINTING REDWOOD PRINTING REDWOOD PRINTING REDWOOD PRINTING REDWOOD PRINTING REDWOOD PRINTING REDWOOD PRINTING REDWOOD PRINTING User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Deoartment / Proi Name HUMAN RESOURCES FINANCE FINANCE ENGINEERING ENGINEERING HEAVY MAINT UNDERGROUND REP FINANCE - MANULIFE ADMIN FINANCE - MANULIFE ADMIN LABORATORY LABORATORY EQUIPMENT REP EQUIPMENT REPAIR UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS PUMPS OPERATIONS ENGINEERING CUSTOMER SERVICE UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS PUMPS ENGINEERING ENGINEERING - WTRLN,AL TAHOE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS TRAVEL/MEETINGS SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS ADVISORY ADVISORY LABORATORY EQUIP LABORATORY EQUIP AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PUMP STATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PUMP STATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES WTLN, AL TAHOE Page: 10 Acct# / Proi Code 2022 - 6520 2039 - 6200 2039 - 6520 1029 - 6200 2029 - 6200 1004 -6071 2001 - 6073 1007 -6025 2007 - 6025 1005 - 6011 2005 - 6011 2001 - 6071 1001 - 6071 1002 - 4820 1002 - 6051 1006 - 4820 1029 - 4820 1038-4820 2001 - 6071 2002 - 4820 2002 - 6051 2029 - 4820 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 1039 - 4440 - MANULF 2039 - 4440 - MANULF Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 2029 - 8811 - ATWLO8 0.00 Current Date: 05/28/2008 Current Time: 18:19:23 Amount Check Num Type 10.17 33.53 4.28 205.18 AP 00069721 MW 51.28 51.27 102.55 AP 00069722 MW 146.99 282.74 429.73 AP - 00069723 MW 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 AP MW 204.00 204.00 408.00 AP 00069725 MW 10.78 10.77 21.55 AP- 00069726 MW 19.34 19.34 AP- 00069727 MW 316.35 76.47 79.09 132.23 395.44 276.81 212.57 64.44 106.28 265.71 Vendor Name REDWOOD PRINTING RENO GAZETTE- JOURNAL RENO GAZETTE- JOURNAL ROYCE TECHNOLOGIES RYAN, JULIE SACRAMENTO BEE, THE SACRAMENTO BEE, THE SAFETY KLEEN CORP. SAFETY KLEEN CORP. SCHgFER, ERIC SCHAFER, ERIC SCHLANGE, PAUL SCIUTO, PAUL SCIUTO, PAUL SIERRA CHEMICAL CO SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS SIERRA PACIFIC POWER SIERRA PACIFIC POWER User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proi Name CUSTOMER SERVICE ENGINEERING - C CLUB TNK REPL ENGINEERING - WTRLN, JULIE LN PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description OFFICE SUPPLIES TANK, COUNTRY CL WTRLN, JULIE ELECTRICAL SHOP ENGINEERING - C CLUB TNK REPL TANK, COUNTRY CL ENGINEERING - C CLUB TNK REPL ENGINEERING - WTRLN, JULIE LN PUMPS PUMPS BOARD OF DIR BOARD OF DIR DIAMOND VLY RNCH ENGINEERING ENGINEERING PUMPS HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN TANK, COUNTRY CL WTRLN, JULIE ADS /LGL NOTICES ADS /LGL NOTICES PUB RELATIONS Page: 11 Acct# / Proi Code 2038 - 4820 PRIMARY EQUIP 1003 - 6021 OIL & LUBE 1002 - 4630 OIL & LUBE 2002 - 4630 TRAVEUMEETINGS 1019 - 6200 TRAVEUMEETINGS 2019 - 6200 TRAVEUMEETINGS 1028 - 6200 DUES/MEMB /CERT 1029 - 6250 DUES /MEMB /CERT 2029 - 6250 HYPOCHLORITE 2002 - 4755 ELECTRICITY 1000 - 6330 ST LIGHTING EXP 1000 - 6740 Check Total: 2029 - 7063 - CLUBTK 2029 - 7067 - JULIE7 Check Total: Check Total: 2029 - 7063 - CLUBTK Check Total: 2029 - 7063 - CLUBTK 2029 - 7067 - JULIE7 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 1022 - 4930 2022 - 4930 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT Check Total: Current Date: 05/28/2008 Current Time: 18:19:23 Amount Check Num Type 186.00 2,111.39 AP- 00069728 MW 129.91 121.81 251.72 404.62 404.62 76.00 76.00 692.11 651.88 AP -00069729 MW AP -00069730 MW AP -00069731 MW 1,343.99 AP- 00069732 MW 127.89 127.89 255.78 AP- 00069733 MW 17.17 17.17 34.34 AP -00069734 MW 123.22 123.22 AP -00069735 MW 62.50 62.50 125.00 AP -00069736 MW 1,220.23 1,220.23 AP- 00069737 MW 754.37 754.36 6,295.66 7 804.39 AP -00069738 MW 72,624.84 27.79 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Prol Name Description Acct# / Prof Code Amount Check Num TvPe SIERRA PACIFIC POWER GEN & ADMIN ELECTRICITY 2000 - 6330 42,775.83 Check Total: 115.428.46 AP- 00069740 MW SIERRA PACIFIC POWER CO ENGINEERING - ICR TMDL O2SYS/TMDL,ICR 1029 - 8605 - ICTMDL 1,000.00 Check Total: 1,000.00 AP- 00069739 MW SIERRA SAFETY UNDERGROUND REP SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY 1001 - 6075 1,894.55 Check Total: 1,894.55 AP- 00069741 MW SIERRA SPRINGS GEN & ADMIN SAFETY INVENTORY 1000 - 0425 964.80 SIERRA SPRINGS UNDERGROUND REP SUPPLIES 1001 - 6520 26.73 SIERRA SPRINGS PUMPS SUPPLIES 1002 - 6520 1.79 SIERRA SPRINGS ELECTRICAL SHOP SUPPLIES 1003 - 6520 8.91 SIERRA SPRINGS HEAVY MAINT SUPPLIES 1004 - 6520 26.73 SIERRA SPRINGS EQUIPMENT REP SUPPLIES 1005 - 6520 8.91 SIERRA SPRINGS OPERATIONS SUPPLIES 1006 - 6520 26.73 SIERRA SPRINGS DIAMOND VLY RNCH SUPPLIES 1028 - 6520 8.91 SIERRA SPRINGS CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLIES 1038 - 6520 8.91 SIERRA SPRINGS UNDERGROUND REP SUPPLIES 2001 - 6520 26.73 SIERRA SPRINGS PUMPS SUPPLIES 2002 - 6520 7.14 SIERRA SPRINGS ELECTRICAL SHOP SUPPLIES 2003 - 6520 8.91 SIERRA SPRINGS EQUIPMENT REPAIR SUPPLIES 2005 - 6520 8.91 SIERRA SPRINGS CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLIES 2038 - 6520 8.91 Check Total: 1,143.02 AP- 00069742 MW SKELLY, CHRIS INFORMATION SYS OFFICE SUPPLIES 1037 - 4820 79.13 SKELLY, CHRIS INFORMATION SYS TRAVEUMEETINGS 1037 - 6200 61.56 SKELLY, CHRIS INFORMATION SYS OFFICE SUPPLIES 2037 - 4820 79.12 SKELLY, CHRIS INFORMATION SYS TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2037 - 6200 61.56 Check Total: 281.37 AP- 00069743 MW SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CITY OF UNDERGROUND REP PIPE /CVRS /MHLS 2001 - 6052 1,160.00 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CITY OF PUMPS - AIRPORT WL EVAL PUMP STATIONS 2002 - 6051 - AIRWLI 700.00 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CITY OF ENGINEERING - WTRLN, GLEN RD WTLN, GLEN RD 2029 - 8714 - GLENWL 3,487.50 Check Total: 5,347.50 AP- 00069744 MW SOUTH TAHOE NEWSPAPER AGENCY ADMINISTRATION SUBSCRIPTIONS 1021 - 4830 80.82 SOUTH TAHOE NEWSPAPER AGENCY ADMINISTRATION SUBSCRIPTIONS 2021 - 4830 80.81 User: THERESA Page: 12 Current Date: 05/28/2008 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 18:19:23 Vendor Name SOUTHWEST GAS SOUTHWEST GAS SOUTHWEST VALVE LLC SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE INC SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE INC SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE INC SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE INC STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY STANTEC CONSULTING INC STANTEC CONSULTING INC STAgTEC CONSULTING INC STArSTEC CONSULTING INC SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUTER ASSOCIATES, LYNN M. SUTER ASSOCIATES, LYNN M. TAHOE BLUEPRINT TAHOE BLUEPRINT TAHOE BLUEPRINT TAHOE BLUEPRINT Tahoe Daily Tribune Tahoe Daily Tribune User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS BK Deaartment / Prof Name GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN PUMPS INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS GEN & ADMIN ENGINEERING - ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING - COLL SYS MASTER UNDERGROUND REP DIO DIO ENGINEERING - ENGINEERING - ENGINEERING ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL - DVR EIR W - TRLN,AL TAHOE - ARSENIC STUDY SEWER LN,D ST W TR MN,D ST - WTRLN, JULIE LN WTRLN, TATA DIO - PR EXP - EXTERNAL DIO - PR EXP - EXTERNAL PAYMENT OF CLAIMS NATURAL GAS 1000 - 6350 NATURAL GAS 2000 - 6350 ALT VLV, STLN TK 2002 - 7555 CONTRACT SERVICE 1037 - 4405 SERVICE CONTRACT 1037 - 6030 CONTRACT SERVICE 2037 - 4405 SERVICE CONTRACT 2037 - 6030 LNG TRM DIS,MGMT 1000 - 2531 REP EXP PUMPS DIAM VLY MP /EIR WTLN, AL TAHOE ARSNC TRTMNT COLL SYS MST PLN CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE 1027 - 4405 CONTRACT SERVICE 2027 - 4405 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES WTRLN, JULIE WTRLN, TATA LN PUB RELATIONS PUB RELATIONS Page: 13 Pescrintion Acct# / Proi Code Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV 1029 - 8725 - DVREIR 2029 - 8811 - ATWL08 2029 - 8864 - ARSNIC Check Total: 1029 - 8721 - CSMSPL 2001 - 4405 Check Total: Check Total: 1029 - 4820 - HAENSL 2029 - 4820 - HAENWL 2029 - 7067 - JULIE7 2029 - 8866 - TATAWL Check Total: 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT Current Date: 05/28/2008 Current Time: 18:19:23 Amount Check Num Do 161.63 AP- 00069745 MW 68.24 340.16 408.40 AP- 00069746 MW 14,011.81 14,011.81 AP -00069747 MW 562.50 24.35 562.50 24.35 1,173.70 AP -00069748 MW 1,465.74 1465.74 AP -00069749 MW 36,657.00 16,207.40 445.00 5,748.40 59,057.80 AP- 00069750 MW 548.40 1,986.38 2,534.78 AP -00069751 MW 1,225.00 1,225.00 2,450.00 AP -00069752 MW 5.36 5.36 1,171.78 515.58 1698.08 AP- 00069753 MW 2,275.00 5,460.00 Vendor Name Department / Pro' Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Amount Check Num Type 7,735.00 AP- 00069754 MW TAHOE FIRE CONTROL HEAVY MAINT FILTER EQ/BLDG 1004 - 6023 643.00 TAHOE FIRE CONTROL EQUIPMENT REP SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY 1005 - 6075 335.53 TAHOE FIRE CONTROL EQUIPMENT REPAIR SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY 2005 - 6075 335.53 Check Total: 1,314.06 AP- 00069755 MW TAHOE MOUNTAIN NEWS CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 250.00 Check Total: 250.00 AP- 00069756 MW TAHOE TRADING POST HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004 - 6071 27 Check Total: 27.69 AP -00069757 MW TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILDINGS 2003 - 6041 184.P7 Check Total: 184.27 AP -00069758 MW THOMAS HAEN CO INC ENGINEERING - SUT WELL REDRILL SUT WELL REDRILL 2029 - 8463 - RWSUTR 117,481.01 Check Total: 117481.01 AP- 00069759 MW THOMSON -WEST ENGINEERING DUES /MEMB /CERT 1029 - 6250 53.50 THOMSON -WEST ENGINEERING DUES /MEMB /CERT 2029 - 6250 53.50 rn L.) Check Total: 107.00 AP- 00069760 MW i TOURNEY, ROBERT HEAVY MAINT TRAVEUMEETINGS 1004 - 6200 24.75 Check Total: 24.75 AP -00069761 MW TURNER & ASSOCIATES INC ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL REP EXP PUMPS 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV 2,531.25 Check Total: 2.531.25 AP- 00069762 MW UNITED PARCEL SERVICE GEN & ADMIN POSTAGE EXPENSES 1000 - 4810 1,000.00 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE GEN & ADMIN POSTAGE EXPENSES 2000 - 4810 1,000.00 Check Total: 2 000,00 AP- 00069763 MW UNITED RENTALS INC DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS & MNTC 1028 - 6042 8,010.20 UNITED RENTALS INC EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005 - 6011 293.60 Check Total: 8,303.80 AP- 00069764 MW UNIVERSAL HEALTH NETWORK SELF FUNDED INS ADMIN FEE 3000 - 6741 1,370.20 Check Total: 1,370.20 AP -00069765 MW USA BLUE BOOK ENGINEERING - EFFLUENT EVAL REP EXP PUMPS 1029 - 8676 - EFFLEV 2,000.00 Check Total: 2,000.00 AP- 00069766 MW UTC SPECTRUM SERVICES ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILDINGS 1003 - 6041 525.00 User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT CLAIMS_BK Page: 14 Description Acct# / Prol Code Check Total: Current Date: 05/28/2008 Current Time: 18:19:23 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Prol Name Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num Dm Check Total: 525.00 AP- 00069767 MW VERIZON DIAMOND VLY RNCH TELEPHONE 1028 - 6310 190.46 Check Total: 190.46 AP- 00069768 MW WEDCO INC PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002 - 6051 28.04 WEDCO INC PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 1002 - 6073 38.94 WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILDINGS 1003 - 6041 107.59 WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES 1003 - 6071 188.05 WEDCO INC PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002 - 6051 28.04 WEDCO INC PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 2002 - 6073 38.93 WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES 2003 - 6071 364.80 Check Total: 794.39 AP- 00069769 MW WESTERN ENERGETIX INC GEN & ADMIN GASOLINE INV 1000 - 0415 9,388.23 Check Total: 9,388.23 AP- 00069770 MW WESTERN ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY MONITORING 1007 - 6110 175.00 Check Total: 175.00 AP 00069771 MW WETERN NEVADA SUPPLY UNDERGROUND REP PIPE /CVRS /MHLS 1001 - 6052 245.05 WES 'rERN NEVADA SUPPLY HEAVY MAINT SECONDARY EQUIP 1004 - 6022 21.63 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY UNDERGROUND REP PIPE /CVRS /MHLS 2001 - 6052 10,052.03 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY UNDERGROUND REP SMALL TOOLS 2001 - 6073 4.81 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY PUMPS RPR/MNTC WTR TKS 2002 - 6054 47.68 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY CUSTOMER SERVICE WATER METERS 2038 - 6045 17,455.50 Check Total: 27,826.70 AP- 00069772 MW WILLIAM A DOWNEY OD INC FINANCE SAFETY /EQUIP/PHY 1039 - 6075 114.50 WILLIAM A DOWNEY OD INC FINANCE SAFETY /EQUIP /PHY 2039 - 6075 114.50 Check Total: 229.00 AP- 00069773 MW WOLF ENVIRONMENTAL LINING SYS OPERATIONS EMRGNCY RET /BAS 1006 - 6040 4,828.00 Check Total: 4,828.00 AP- 00069774 MW ZELLMER, DAVE DIAMOND VLY RNCH CONTRACT SERVICE 1028 - 4405 4,960.00 Check Total: 4 960.00 AP- 00069775 MW ZION, LLOYD & ANN CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 2,920.00 Check Total: 2,920.00 AP- 00069776 MW User: THERESA Page: 15 Current Date: 05/28/2008 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 18:19:23 User: THERESA Department / Prof Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description Acct# / Proi Code Grand Total: Page: 16 Current Date: 05/28/2008 Report: OH_PMT CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 18:19:23 Amount Check Num Type 1,133,681.63 South Tahoe Public Utility District Direct.or5 Ernie Claudio Jllm~ R. JOl1eI'i Mal')llou Moel7scMr Dale Rlee nG Gel'leral Man~ Richard II. 501~ 1216 M~ow Creet Drive. South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150 Phone 550 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 13a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: June 5,2008 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Meyers Landfill Site - United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Califomia. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED AC1.:19N: GENERAL MANAGER: YES rfl:J:I..J NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES---1tll:..-- NO CATEGORY: Sewer -67- G~I MAn.tgei- Richart! H. 501i:1rl4l South Tahoe Public Utility District Director& Ernie Claudio Jame6 It JOMlt t.Ulry Lou MMDacher Dille (ijee rk; Schafer f275 MeatAow Cre5t Drive · South l.8kB Tahoe. CA 96150 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fsx 530 541-0614 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 13b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard SOlbrig, General Manager, Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: June 5, 2008 ITEM - PROJECT: Liability Claim Against STPUD received from Smith Design Group REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Reject Claim. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(b) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES-1f1JJL NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES--.14d:.- NO CATEGORY: -69- ~-- South Tahoe Public Utility District ro s - & Board of Directors ~Ut/1/) VV\-\- Speaker Comment Card J (One card per item) Please print. Fill out completely and return to the Board Clerk. Agenda Item No. or Subject as Listed on Agenda: lJ; ~ ~ 0 Title I Affiliation: Q.. 0 \I" ~\~C1.-\.AJ(~,,". 'Of:: c,A G- x.c.cJ. :)G- .""-' tAL., pr.~ ;'c~L.... Address: t!~;!_;~~~L- ~-- Phone: c~.}~-"" f'+~ - ((900 ~.. I am available to respond to questions. o I wish to testify on this agenda item. o I am in favor of the proposed item. o I am opposed to the proposed item. o Other comments: South Tahoe Public Utility District ~~ ~J ULrv t ~1 J- lo c.. G, -~ . os-. C"*,,) Vf\~1 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614. www.stpud.us June 5, 2008 Ron Bianchni, President Delta Excavating, Inc. P.O. Box 400 Antioch, CA 94509 Via Fax: 925-778-1001 Re: 2008 Julie Lane Waterline Replacement Project Dear Ron: This will confirm our phone conversation on June 4,2008 pertaining to the Delta Excavating, Inc. Bid for the 2008 Julie Lane Waterline Replacement Project. On the advice of the District's legal counsel, Staff will recommend to the District Board of Directors at the 2 p.m. June 5, 2008 meeting to reject Delta Excavating, Inc.'s Bid due to the major irregularity as the controlling bid price is unintelligible, and award the contract to next low bidder. The controlling bid price is described in Section 00 20 00 Instruction to Bidders; Part 2 Procedures; Paragraph 2.03.D in part states that "In the event of a difference between prices shown in words and numerically, the amount stated in written words shall govern." I provided your firm a copy of the bid you submitted in which the total bid amount was written as "four hundred fifty four and ninety four dollars no/100." You are more than welcome to attend the Board Meeting to present your side. Please let me know ASAP if you intend to attend. Sincerel~ ..f'I A <Al---- Jibog~\ Engineering Department Manager cc: Doug Veerkamp General Engineering Inc. .06/05/2008 09:53 9257781001 DELTA EXC PAGE 01/05 DELTA EXCAVATING. INC. 307 FULTON SHIPYARD ROAD POST OFFICE BOX <<Kl ANTIOCH. CAUFORNIA 94509 (925) nS-l000 FAX (925) 778-1001 To: Jl~ l-\o ~ Fax: ~O 6. LY Phone: 6~O 6t..\<-\-LPLQg Re: ittal ~t I' From: _ L' __lU:lC,VW'U Pages: ~ Date: Vf')_ O~ (J Urgent 0 For P.eoJiew 0 Please Comnent 0 Please Reply o Plense Recycle . CommentS .06/05/2008 09:53 9257781001 DELTA EXC PAGE 02/05 June 5, 2008 South Tahoe Public utifrties Disbict 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South lake Tahoe, California 96150 Attn: Board of Directors Subj: Tam Lane/Granite Mountain Water1ine Project Replacement Julie Lane Water1ine Replacement project Dear Board Members, On Tuesday June 3, 2008 Della Excavating bid and was the apparent low bidder for both the above referenced projects. Per our discussion with Mr. Jim Hoggatt, Engineering Dept. Manager, we have determined that Delta Excavating, Inc made a series of clerical efTO\"S on both projects, To the best of my knowledge, they are as follows. Tala Lane 1. In the Total Bid, we wrote in words "Seven hundred fifty five thousand and twenty dollars" in the section requiring the numerical total. In the line reserved for the Total Bid written in words, we did not write words, but rather "'$755,020" . 2. Bid item 26 was eliminated in Addendum 2. We incorrectly induded Item 26 for a cost of $500. 3. Bid item 78 we incorrectly made a clerical error in a unit price of $42/LF rather than the $72/LF we had calculated for our bid. In addition we did not write in the unit price for item 7B. 4. Our bid runner then carried the numerical error on from items 2 and 3 above and incorrectly calculated the bid total as $755,020. The correct total should have been $851,570 per the attached. Julie Lane 1. The total numerical amount was "$452,094"'. The total hand written amount appears to be "four hundred fifty four and ninety four dollarsJl. The hand written varies from the numerics I in that the 3n1 digit is a "2" in the numerical and a "'four" for the hand written amount. Plus the hand written amount does not have the word "thousand" in it where it could have been placed to have made it clearer. The sum of these 8IT01S is embarrasSing to Delta Excavating and I would like tQ apologize on behalf of 0eltB1 Excavating to the Distlict Board and staff for this confusion. ",is morning we received Mr. Hoggatt's letter and Della Excavating disputes that the Julie Lane bid has a major irregularity whoe being silent on the Tala Lane project. Our revieW of the speetficatIons is stated below and given the fact that there is no categorization for irregularities with regards to major or minor cIassiflcationS. Rather, the Board has full disaetion to waive irregularities In the interest of the pubfrc good. DElTA EXCAVAl1NG, INC., P.O. BOX <4OO,ANTJOCH, CA 94509 (925) 778-1000 FAX (925) 778--1001 .06/05/2008 09:53 9257781001 DELT A EXC PAGE 03/05 June 5, 2008 The specffications anticipate that clerical eITOI'S can occur and the Invitation to Bid last paragmph of Section 00 10 00 states "The South Tahoe Public Utility Distnct reserves the right to reject any or aU bids, to waive any informality in a bid, and to make awards to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder in the best interest of the District. M In furtherance of this principle of District abt1ities to waive irregularities, Section 00 20 00 2.07A sIa1es II The District reseNeS the right to accept or reject any or all Bids when deemed best for the public good, and to waive any Bid informality, irregularity, and nonconformity when deemed best for the pubrlC good." We acknowledge Paragraph 2.030 of Section 00 20 00 which states "The amounts for prices shall be shoYm numerically unless requested to also be stated in writing. In the event of a differenCe between prices shown in words and numericaUy, the amount stated in written words shall govern. In the event of a diJference in the'totaI amount of the Bid items and the total amount of the Bid, the total amount of the Bid shaI govem.M However Paragraph 3.06A of Section 0020 00 states Ihe bidder's toeal price shaM be based on the follo\Ning, as applicable: 1. Total of 1ump sum items for constn.lction of the entire work depicted... 2. The sum of unit prices applied to the specific quantities. . . .. The net of these specifications' intent is cIeaf1y to allow the true intent of the Bidder to be dete1Tnined by the Distrlct and not a cleriml error fD detennine the \I3lidlty of a bid. If we had fiUed in evefYthing correctly, our bid forTata Lane would have been $851,570 and our bid for Julie Lane would have been $452,094. Delta is willing in the interest of the District's rats payers to complete the Tata Lane project for Ihe amount of $755,020 and the Julie Lane project fer the amount of $452,094. These are the amounts that were numerically written for the \'Ml projects. However, we can not hold the Tata laIe bid pries Individually based on the dericaI error submitted. If the Dis1rict is not able to waive the irregularities in the Julie Lane bid then DeItB will either proceed with Tata Lane for the $851,570 amount or Delta will be forced to withdrawn our bid due to the clerical error. Again, I apologize for the confusion caused by Delta and we await the District's decision. I Wll be present at tDday's Board meeting should you have any questions. Thank you in adVance fa' your consideration. R Ily'l - -D~~. Roo Biandlini President .'Delta Excavating, Inc. Co: Jim Hoggatt, Engineering Department Manager Enclosure . Page 2 .06/05/2008 09:53 TO: ATTN: EMAIL: r PROJECT: SPECIFICATIONS; DATED:: SCOPE OF WORK: ncM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7A 78 7C 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 DELTA EXC ~r;.LIA I:;A~AVAIINb. INl,. 307 FULTON SHIPYARD RD. P.O. BOX 400 ANllOCH. CA 94509 OFACE 925-778-1000 EXT 3DS FAX 925-178-1001 -PROPOSAL 1- South Tahoe Public Utility Dl9trtet 9257781001 TATA TAHOe WATER LINE PER PLANS AND SPECS BY DATE: TIME: PROPOSAL NO: PHONE: FAX: r PAGE 04/05 03.Jun-oe 01 :38PM 08205 RECErJED: DELTA EXCAVATING, INC. PROpOSE TO JNSTALL, BACKFILL AND TEST ALL UNDERGROUND WET UTILITIES IN STRICT ACCORDANCE TO PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. A SOILS REPORT HAS BEEN REVIEWED. JOB: TATA TAHOE WATERLINE REPLACEMENT QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE DESCRIPTION Mobilization and Demobilization -see Bid Fonn for Definition- Provide traffic control Provide. install and maintain erosion control. Asphalt Trench Patch in City Intersection Provide and Install 3" thick trench pavement restoration, complete and in place. 2"mill & 2"asphalt overlay for intersections complete & in place Provide and Install 8" DIP Class 350 Waterline Provide and Install 8" PVC C900 (DR 14) Waterline Provide and Install 8" PVC C900 (DR 18) Waterline Provide and Install 3/4" single water service Provide and Install 1" single water service Provide and Install 1.5" single water service Provide and Install 3/4" Double water service Provide and Install a 1" meter Station 1+00 valve assembly Station 14+17 valve assembly Station 30+40 valve assembly Station 49+92 valve assembly Provide and Install Fire Hydrant, Valve, and Piping Provide and Install Fire Hydrant, we" main Valve. and Piping Abandon and Remove Existing fire hydrants and return to District yards Cut, Cap and abandon existing Water main DELTA EXCAVATING, INC. Confidential 1,200 23,250 12,200 4,900 3,235 1,665 78 26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LS LS 1 LS SF SF SF LF LF LF EA 4 EA EA EA EA LS LS LS LS 1 8 EA 3 EA 1 EA 6 EA $65,000.00 $10,000.00 $6,500.00 $4.00 $4.00 $3.5Q AMOUNT $65,000.00 $10,000.00 $6,500.00 $4,800.00 $93,000.00 $42,700.00 Not Used this bid $72.00 . $3B.oo $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,800.00 $1,700.00 $1,200.00 $4,400.00 $5,600.00 $5,400.00 $5,600.00 $4,700.00 $4,800.00 $800.00 5700.00 $232,920.00 $63,270.00 $117,000.00 $6,000.00 $1,600.00 $44,200.00 $1,200.00 $4,400.00 $5,800.00 55,400.00 $5,600.00 $37,600.00 $14,400.00 $800.00 $4.200.00 Page 1 of 2 ,06/05/2008 09:53 9257781001 DELTA EXC PAGE 05/05 Abandon and Remove Existing blow-offs and return to complete & 21 in place 7 EA $800.00 $5,600.00 Replace and concrete roller curb 22 and gutter to match existing 147 LF $100.00 $14,700.00 Granite Mountain Portion of Waterline Replacement Project Mobilization and Demobilization 23 "'See Bid Form for Oefinition- 1 lS $6,000.00 $6,000.00 24 Provide traffic control 1 LS $4,000.00 $4,000.00 Provide. install and maintain 25 erosion control. 1 LS $4,000.00 $4,000.00 Installation and Maintenance of shoring and soil stabilization for worker safety in accordance with 26 OSHA and District 1 LS $500.00 $500.00 Provide and Install 3" thick trench pavement restoration, complete 27 and in place. 500 SF $4.00 $2,000.00 Provide and Instan 8" DIP Class 2BA 350 Waterline 570 LF Not Used this bid Provide and Install 8" PVC C900 288 (DR 18) Waterline . 570 LF $44.00 $25,080.00 Provide and Install Temp by-pass 29 Forest Dr. & Granite Circle 1 LS $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Provide and Install Temp by-paSS 30 Granite Circle & Iron Circle 1 LS $1,500.00 $1,500.00 31 Station 1+00 valve assembly 1 LS $4,400.00 $4,400.00 32 Station A3+95 valve assembly 1 ' LS $5,600.00 $5,600.00 33 Station 81 +00 valve assembly 1 LS $5,600.00 $5,600.00 34 station B3+69 valve assembly 1 LS $5,400.00 $5,400.00 TOTAL TATA TAHOE WATeRLINE REPLACEMENT $862,070.00 DELTA EXCAVATING, INC. ConfidenIIal Page 2 of2