HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2500 \." \. ~ RESOLUTION NO. 2500 2 3 4 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADOPTING A STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY IN ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 53646 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of t e South 6 Tahoe Public Utility District, County of El Dorado, 7 California, as follows: 8 WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility Distric enters 9 into various investments from time to time on behalf of the 10 District; and 11 WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public utility Distri t staff 12 wish to establish policies and procedures that enh nce the 13 South Tahoe Public Utility District's oportunitie for a 14 prudent and systematic investment policy in accorda ce with 15 California Government Code section 53646. 16 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of D'rectors 17 of South Tahoe Public utility District that: 18 The attached STA~EMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY i hereby 19 adopted .and becomes a part of this Resolution by r ference 20 herein. 21 22 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors f South 23 Tahoe Public utility District at a duly held regular me ting on 24 the 7 th day of December, 1989, by the following vote: 25 26 27 28 NOES: None AYES: Directors Mason, Walker, Sinclair, Onysko, ierini ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None \.., \., RESOLUTION NO. 2500 Page "wo 2 3 4 ~~ ROBERT MASON, CHAIRMAN OF 30ARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 5 6 ATTEST, .w a :e:%~4 PAT A. MAMATH, eLERK OF BOARD 7 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2] 22 23 24 25 26 \.r 27 28 ~ STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY (California Government Code Section 53646) I. Introduction: II. ~ The purpose of this document is to identify various policie and procedures that enhance the South Tahoe Public Utility District's (District) opportunities for a prudent and syste atic investment policy. Activities which comprise good cash man ge- ment include, but are not limited to: the expeditious collection of revenue, the control of disbursements, and co t- effective banking relations. In concert with these requir - ments are the many facets of an appropriate and secure shor - term investment program. Scope: It is intended that this policy cover all funds and investm nt activities under the direct authority of the District. III. Objectives: A. Safety: It is the primary duty and responsibility of t e ~ Finance Department to protect, preserve and maintain ca h and investments placed in their trust on behalf of the citizens of the community. B. Liquidity: An adequate percentage of the portfolio sho ld be maintained in liquid short-term securities which can be ments. Since all cash requirements cannot be anticipat d, converted to cash if necessary to meet disbursement req ire- investments in securities with active secondary or resa e Emphasis is on marketabte I markets is highly recommended. securities with low sensitivity to market risk. \. ... "" , . c. Yield: Yield should become a consideration only after he basic requirements of safety and liquidity have been me . D. Diversification: The investment portfolio will be dive sified to avoid incurring unreasonable and avoidable risks reg specific security types or individual financial institu ions. E. Prudence: The District adheres to the guidance provide by the "prudent man rule", which obligates a fiduciary to 'nsure that: "...investments shall be made with the exercise 0 that degree of judgment and care, under circumstances then p e- vailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and inte ligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not fo speculation but for investment considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income 0 be derived." (Civil Code #2261) F. Public Trust: All participants in the investment proce s shall act as custodians of the public trust. Investmen officials shall recognize that the investment portfolio is subject to public review and evaluation. The overall p ogram shall be designed and managed with a degree of professi inevitable, and must be considered within the context that is worthy of the public trust. In a diversified p it must be recognized that occasional measured losses a e the overall portfolio's investment return, provided that ad diversification has been implemented. ~ I~ Delegation of Authority: Government Code #53607 - Refer to Resolution #2304 dated 8-4-83. Resolution #2412 dated 9-4-86. v. Reporting: A. Monthly: The Finance Department shall submit a monthly investment report to the Board of Directors. This report will incl de all required elements of the monthly report as prescribe by Government Code Section 53646. Required elements of the monthly report: a) b) ~ c) d) e) Type of investment Institution Date of maturity Amount of deposit or cost of the security Current market value of securities with maturity in excess of 12 months f) Rate of interest g) Statement relating the report to the Statement of Investment Policy h) Statement that there are sufficient funds to meet the next 30 days' obligations. i) Effective January 1, 1991, Accrued Interest as prescribed by the California Code Section 53646, if required by the Legislative Body. ~ Additional information may be included in the monthly re ort, I but it is not required by the Government Code. I VT. \r '-' ~ Unlimited 5 Unlimited 5 30% 5 40% days 30% days 10MM*** " . ~ Investment Limitations and Maturities: Security purchases a holdings should be maintained within statutory limits impose by the Government Code. Current limits are: PERMITTED INVESTMENTS/ PERCENTAGES DEPOSITS Securities of the U.S. Govt. Certificates of Deposits Negotiable Certificates of Deposit Bankers Acceptances Commercial Paper LAIF Passbook deposits Repurchase agreement Reverse Repurchase agreements Mutual Funds 15% Medium Term Notes 30% County Pooled Funds Unlimited 1 ear 1 ear** 5 ears* *Maximum term unless expressly authorized by Governing Body nd within the prescribed time frame for said approval. **Governing Body approval is required. Further, it is sugge ted that the final maturity of the underlying investment secur'ty be less than or equal to the maturity of the reverse repur hase agreement. ***Limit set by L.A.I.F. Governing Board, not Government Cod. . , VII. ~ Banks and Securities Dealers: In selecting Financial instit for the deposit or investment of District funds, the Finance Department shall consider the credit worthiness of instituti The Finance Department shall continue to monitor financial. institutions' credit characteristics and financial history throughout the period in which agency funds are deposited or invested. VIII. Risk Tolerance: The District recognizes that investment risks technical complications leading to temporary illiquidity. can result from issuer defaults, market price changes or va Portfolio diversification is employed as a way to control Investment Managers are expected to display prudence in the selection of securities, as a way to minimize default risk. No ~ individual investment transaction shall be undertaken which jeopardizes the total capital position of the overall portf The Finance Department shall periodically establish guide Ii and strategies to control risks of default, market price ch and illiquidity. IX. Statement of Investment Policy: Government Code 53646 - T e Statement of Investment Policy shall be reviewed and submit ed annually to the Governing Body. ~