HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 05-15-08 Public Meeting SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTR CT "Basic Services for a Complex World" NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Thursday, May 15, 2008 6:00 P.M. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbri , General Mana er Mary Lou Mosbacher, President BOARD MEMBERS James R. Jones, Director Eric W. Schafer, Director This meeting is being held to gather public input. While a quorum of the South Ta oe Public Utility District Board of Directors will attend, there will be no action taking place 0 their behalf. The final budget is expected to be adopted at a Special Board Meeting on hursday, May 29, at 2:00 p.m. AGENDA 1. CALL PUBLIC MEETING TO ORDER 2. 2008/09 PROPOSED BUDGET 3. COMMENTS 4. ADJOURNMENT Public participation is encouraged. The meeting location is accessible to people with disa ilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the Di trict's public meetings. If particular accommodations for the disabled are needed (Le., hearing aids or other dis bility-related aids), please contact the Clerk of the Board at (530) 544-6474, extension 6203, at least 24 hou s in advance of the meeting. South Tahoe Public Utility District · 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530/544-6474. Facsimile 530/541-0614. www.stpud.us SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT WELCOME May 15, 2008 , i I SOUTH TAHOE PUBUC UTJUTY D~CT 2008/09 , , BUDGET I Presented by i I Rhonda McFarlane, Chief Financial Offi er Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manag r 1 2 A SOUND DISTRICT BUDGET t ...p.. ROVIDES FINANCIAL -f MEANS TO: . Operate Safe and Reliable Water and Wastewater Systems . Protect Lake Tahoe's Environment . Allocate District Resources Prudently . Be Accountable to District Customers SEWER ENTERPRISE FUN Wastewater TlelItment Fad~ios - SoutI1 Ul~ Tahoe 1 ~~~_~~~!ERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Budget Proposal Revenue: $22 Million . Rate Adjustment: 4% Operating Costs: $15 Million Depreciation: $5 Million Infrastructure Projects: $12 Million Debt Service: $2 Million SEWER BUDGET 2008/09 Funding Sources Grona :zollo SenIk:e F_ 45'11I ,,,,petty To_ 33'11I ~ REVENUE.. Diamond Valley Ranch ~ Alpine County ~__~~!~_~~T~RPRISE FUND Revenue $22 Million . Up in Total $1.3 Million . Service Charges Up $404,000 . Capacity Fees Up $798,000 . Property Taxes Up $493,000 . Grants Down ($125,000) . Interest Down ($209,000) 2 t Cap~_<:it:y. Fees . 103 Single Family Homes . Large Commercial Projects . Chateau: Convention Center Building A . Van Sickle Bi-State Park Phase I t~~~~~ ENTERPRISE FUND Revenue . Grant Funding . State Non-Point Source Protection Grant . Indian Creek TMDL $304,000 . California Tahoe Conservancy . Best Management Practice (BMP) Grant $70,000 11 I SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND I Revenue . Property Taxes . LAO Proposal to Shift Water District! Property Taxes to Counties . . Requires 2/3 Vote of the State Legi~lature . District Customer Rates will be Cus~ioned by the Rate Stabilization Reserve ! 10 ~_ SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND I Revenue j . Interest . Rate lowered 100 basis points from 008 fiscal year 12 3 I TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER I Sewer Rate . $85.53 Per Quarter . Change $4.08 Per Quarter . Based on Cost of Service Model " I CUSTOMER RATES I . The Water and Wastewater Industry Have Generally Accepted Rate Setting Techniques . As a Public Entity All Rates Are Cost- Based . Equitable . Meet Revenue Requirements . Stable 15 I TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER ._~t-~.._^ .- u ~_...__.._..~..... Service Charges . Customer Assistance Program . Instituted Quarter 3 FY 2008 . 20% Discount to Low-Income Customers . 189 Customers Enrolled . Funded by Property Taxes 14 I ANGORA FIRE HOMES DESTROYED Service Charge Revenue . 250 Customers . 803 Sewer Units . $272,000 Decrease in Annual Revenue . End Date Scheduled for April 2010 16 4 ~,"'. 2008/09 ,QUARTERLY SEWER SERVICE FEES $170/ .- . - ------'15Us $150 V . __ $12U~~- $130/ m $100,89 $110 V $S5.S3 . $10 ~- --- $70 $50 I $30 $10 -$10 Souttl Incline T.hoe CIty ....... Klnpbury T.hoe Vii.... T.h_ Note: Rall!s as rA April I, 2008, ~E~~~~NTERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Proposed Spending Debt Servkle 7% Oper8t1ons . M11lnteftllllClll 24% Capital 43% , 2008/09 QUARTERLY SEWER +?~~Y~~_~~~ES South Tahoe P.U.D. Compared to State Averages $110/ $100/ $90'/. $80' $70/ $60< $50/ $40/ $30/ $20/ $10/ $0 17 South Tahoe 18 California t?~~ER ENTERPRISE FUND Debt Service . Total $2 Million . Interest $1.1 Million . Principal $900,000 . 2007 Union Bank Installment Sale Agreement . 2004 Certificates of Participation 19 20 5 :t-~~"YE~ ENTERPRISE FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS Presented by Paul Sciuto Assistant General Manager/Engineer 21 ~__~~WER ENTERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Capital Outlay $12 Million . WWTP Final Export Pumps $6 Million . Rehab Secondary & Filter $300,000 . WWTP SCADA System & GIS Plant $300,000 23 ~~_~,?_~?SET MANAGEMENT . . District-wide methodology used to determine the Capital Projects and effectively allocate Capital Improvement dollars . AAM minimizes the total cost of buying, operating, maintaining, replacing, and disposing of capital assets during their life cycles . Combines technolC?SlY and planning to create a database to predict asset failure and establishes optimal replacement schedules to achieve service goals 22 J_..~~"YER ENTERPRISE FUND i 2008/09 Capital Outlay $12 Million . Collection System Master Plan $400,000 . WWTP TRPA Coverage Fee $225,000 . WWTP Future Connections Plan $225,000 2< 6 t SEWER E~-rERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Capital Outlay $12 Million . Luther Pass Pump Station Generator Replacement $200,000 . Luther Pass Pump Station Transformers $100,000 . B-Line Re-vegetation $120,000 . CoLine Evaluation $100,000 25 t SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND f 2008/09 Capital Outlay $12 Million . Engineering Staff & Expenses $1 Million . New Junior Engineering Position (50% Sewer) . Cost about $50,000 . less Savings in Construction Inspection Costs 27 i I I I I I I I 1 I -f SEW~~~~TERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Capital Outlay $12 Million I, . Diamond Valley Ranch (DVR) Irrigation Fields $1 Million I . Indian Creek Oxygen System/TMDL i $700,000 I . Nutrient Management Plan $200,000 1 . Monitoring Wells DVR/Alpine Co $100,OOt . DVR Master Plan $50,000 , I 26 ~~;=:s: ~~:n . . New Finance Position (50% sewerJ . One-half Grant Administration . One-half Accounting Position . Cost about $35,000 i . Less Reimbursements from Grant Progrars , 28 7 ,~ SE~~~~NTERPRISE FUND Labor Costs $6.9 Million . Impacted by Union Salary Survey Implementation & Health Benefit Costs . Salaries Up $374,000 . Benefits Up $371,000 29 I t~~~~~ENTERPRISE FUND Operations & Maintenance Costs $7 Million . UP $168,000 . Offsets to the Increases . Power ($80,000) . Refuse Disposal ($31,000) . DVR Monitoring Fees ($45,000) 11 t~~~~~~1"ERPRISE FUND Operations & Maintenance Costs $7 Million . UP $168,000 . RDA Tax Transfer $90,000 . CTS Mitigation $30,000 . Erosion Control $20,000 . Finance Advisory $38,600 . Legal Fees for DVR Contracts $20,000 30 ~- SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND 2000 to 2009 Operating Costs Per Million Gallons of Wastewater Excluding Depreciation $12,000 ./r----- --~ $10,244-' -- - $7,561 $10,000 . / $5,511 $8,000'" .c ... $6,000 >' $4,000 ... $2,000 ./ -, $0 2000 2000 CPr 20ft Ad .... 32 8 SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND , I WATER ENTERPRISE FUNq> I I i i i District Reserve Policy . Maintaining Reserves are for: . Future Capital Obligations . Local Disasters or Catastrophic Events . Establishing Credit Worthiness . Insuring Against Significant Revenue Losses . Cash Row Requirements . Economic Uncertainties and Financial Hardships . Unfunded Mandates 33 I WATER ENTERPRISE FUND I REVENUE 2008/09 Budget Proposal . Revenue: $16 Million . Rate Adjustment: 4% . Operating Costs: $8.5 Million . Depreciation: $2 Million . Infrastructure Projects: $9 Million . Debt Service: $1 Million 35 34 36 9 ~.. WA~~.~ENTERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Revenue Grants 25% Senrice Fees 56% Interest . Other 7% CapacIty Fees 12% )7 -f I CAPACITY FEES . 101 Single Family Homes . Large Commercial Projects . Chateau: Convention Center Building A . Van Sickle Bi-State Park Phase I . Embassy Vacation Resort - Phase 4 Supplemental Fees J' ~' WA!~~ENTERPRISE FUND Revenue $16 Million . Up $2.9 Million . Service Charges up $479,000 . Capacity Fees up $963,000 . Interest Income down ($568,000) . Grants up $2 Million J8 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Grant Funding . California Proposition 50 . Water Conservation $250,000 . AI Tahoe Waterlines $2 Million . California Tahoe Conservancy $250,000 . BMP . Tahoe Restoration Act . Erosion Control $154,000 . Waterlines $1 Million . County Water Agency $280,000 "" 10 t W~T~R ENTERPRISE FUND Water Rate . $116.22 Per Quarter . $4.82 Change Per Quarter . Rate Model Work in Progress 41 _f.}008!09gYARTERLY WATER SERVICE FEES -- ..- $405,84 Incline South T.hoe ICIng.bury North Cave Village T.hoe CIty Tahoe RDck Note: Rates as d ApriIl, 2008. 43 ~NGORA~!RE HOMES DESTROYED Service Charge Revenue . 250 Customers I . $114,000 Decrease in Annual Reverue . End Date Scheduled for April 2010 i 42 I 2008/09 QUARTERLY WATER SERVICE FEES --+............ ..................-........... , South Tahoe P.U.D. Compared to State Averages South Tahoe California .... 11 ~ WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Proposed Spending Debt Service 6% Operetlons . Malnten811C11l 21% ~__CA!'!!"~~m~~OJECTS Paloma Well - AI Tahoe Area capiul 49% ~.... WATER..~~TERPRISE FUND Debt Service . Total $1.2 Million . Interest $408,000 . Principal $770,000 . 2001 Refunding . 1999 laSalle Loan ., '16 ~i WA!~~~~TERPRISE FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS 2008/09 More From Paul Sciuto Assistant General Manager/Engineer 47 '8 12 4- WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Capital Outlay $9 Million . Waterlines $3.4 Million . AI Tahoe . Tata Lane . Julie Lane . Granite/Iron Mountain . In-house 49 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Capital Outlay $9 Million . Water Tanks $1.4 Million . Angora Tank . Country Club Tank . Forest Mountain Recoating 51 ~ WATE~!~IERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Capital Outlay $9 Million . Wells $1.6 Million . Arsenic Treatment System . Booster Stations $900,000 . Twin Peaks . Iroquois . Forest Mountain Rehab 50 I I WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Capital Outlay $9 Million , I . CMMS Software $200,000 : . BMP Pump Station Erosion Control $Ito,ooo . Engineering Staff & Expenses $11060,~00 . New Junior Engineering Position (50% W~ter) . Cost about $50,000 ! . Less Savings In Construction Inspection Costs 1 52 13 I WATER ENTERPRISE FUND I Labor Costs $4.6 Million . New Finance Position (50% Water) . One-half Grant Administration . One-half Accounting Position . Cost About $35,000 . Less Reimbursements from Grant Programs 53 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Operations & Maintenance Costs $4 Million . O&M Up $308,000 . Meter Retrofits $250,000 . Customer Service Water Conservation $64,275 . Asset Management Consultant $45,000 . Power $39,000 . Operating Permits $30,000 . UR Contractual Services $30,000 . Finance Advisory $20,400 55 t WATER ENTERPRISE FUND I Labor Costs $4.6 Million . Impacted by Union Salary Survey Implementation & Health Benefit Costs . Salaries Up $196,000 . Benefits UP $191,000 .. __l_.~~T~R ENTERPRISE FUND Operations & Maintenance Costs $4 Million . O&M Up $308,000 . Offsets to the Increases . Well Destruction Completion ($135,000) . Erosion Projects Reduced ($125,000) 56 14 WATER ENTERPRISE fUND .f WA!~~ENTERPRISE fUND 2000 to 2009 Operating Costs PElrMiII,ori Gallons of Water Production Excluding Depreciation Stateline Tank - Statellne, CA :zollO :zollOCPI .... 57 .. I OUT Of POCKET DAMAGES (CUMULATIVE) !~, ~t:1T~~ $40,000,000 $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 . Recap Litigation . Settlements . Legal fees/costs . Net to District $69 Million $28 Million $41 Million 2005 2006 2007 2008 5' 60 15 J_J~~~/09~~gPOSED BUDGET I Sewer & Water Combined . Revenue: $38.5 Million . Rate Adjustment: 4% . Operating Costs: $23 Million . Depreciation: $7 Million . Infrastructure Projects: $18 Million . Debt Service: $3 Million " tTHANK y~.. The End .. .2 16