HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-15-08 Public Meeting \., SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Richard Solbri , General Mana er Mary Lou Mosbacher, President BOARD MEMBERS Paul Sciuto, Assistant Mana er Dale Rise, Vice President James R. Jones, Director Eric W. Schafer, Director ~. . . Ernie Claudio, Director . " '~ .' ., PUBLIC MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 15,2008 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District held a Public Meeting on May 15, 2008, 6:00 P.M., District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. \., BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Vice President Rise, Claudio, Jones, Schafer. President Mosbacher was absent. ATTENDEES STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Sciuto, Frye, Cocking, Marshall, Sherman, Henderson. GUESTS: John Runnels/Citizens Alliance for Responsible Government, Marion Hale, John Cefalu, Pat Martin, Vernon Dennis. Rhonda McFarlane and Paul Sciuto gave a PowerPoint presentation of the 2008/09 Fiscal Year Budgets for the Sewer and Water Enterprise Funds, both of which include a rate increase of 4%. 2008/09 FISCAL YEAR BUDGETS: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND AND WA TER ENTERPRISE FUND Staff and Board members received and responded to several comments from the public pertaining to: the future connections plan, solar improvements, redevelopment amounts, the water conservation program and grant, and the need for a rate increase. ~ No Board action was taken. \., ~ \.-, PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES - MAY 15, 2008 PAGE - 2 8:05 P.M. ADJOURNMENT M~~ South Tahoe Public Utility District \... \" ... May 15, 2008 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT WELCOME A SOUND DISTRICT BUDGET I PROVIDES FINANCIAL I MEANS TO: i . Operate Safe and Reliable Water and Wastewater Systems . Protect Lake Tahoe's Environment . Allocate District Resources Prudently . Be Accountable to District Customers I i SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT --+--""."""'.".-.,--.. 2008/09 BUDGET Presented by Rhonda McFarlane, Chief Financial Officer Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager Wastewater Treatment Facilities - South Lake Tahoe 1 I SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND I 2008/09 Budget Proposal Revenue: $22 Million . Rate Adjustment: 4% Operating Costs: $15 Million Depreciation: $5 Million Infrastructure Projects: $12 Million Debt Service: $2 Million SEWER BUDGET 2008/09 Funding Sources Gr."ts 2.... s.mc. _ 45'1\0 P"'perty r__ 33'1\0 .J ~.. REVEN~!=_ DiaIl1Of1<l Valley Ranch - Alpine County .."J -t-~~~~~~,-ERPRISE FUND Revenue $22 Million . Up in Total $1.3 Million . Service Charges Up $404,000 . Capacity Fees Up $798,000 . Property Taxes Up $493,000 . Grants Down ($125,000) . Interest Down ($209,000) ,.J 2 \. ~ \. ~__~P~_~i_t:yFees . 103 Single Family Homes . Large Commercial Projects . Chateau: Convention Center Building A . Van Sickle Bi-State Park Phase I f SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND I Revenue . Grant Funding . State Non-Point Source Protection Grant . Indian Creek TMDL $304,000 . California Tahoe Conservancy . Best Management Practice (BMP) Grant $70,000 11 I SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND I Revenue . Property Taxes . LAO Proposal to Shift Water District Property Taxes to Counties . Requires 2/3 Vote of the State Legislature . District Customer Rates will be Cushioned by the Rate Stabilization Reserve 10 , SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND T Revenue . Interest . Rate lowered 100 basis points from 2008 fiscal year 12 3 _+-:!:Y!,!,~!:_~E.~IDENTIAL CUSTOMER Sewer Rate . $85.53 Per Quarter . Change $4.08 Per Quarter . Based on Cost of Service Model 13 I CUSTOMER RATES f . The Water and Wastewater Industry Have Generally Accepted Rate Setting Techniques . As a Public Entity All Rates Are Cost- Based . Equitable . Meet Revenue Requirements . Stable IS t TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER ! Service Charges . Customer Assistance Program . Instituted Quarter 3 FY 2008 . 20% Discount to Low-Income Customers . 189 Customers Enrolled . Funded by Property Taxes " ! ANGORA FIRE HOMES DESTROYED : Service Charge Revenue . 250 Customers . 803 Sewer Units . $272,000 Decrease in Annual Revenue . End Date Scheduled for April 2010 ,. .J .J ...J 4 \. t.., , 2008/09",QUARTERL Y SEWER SERVICE FEES _..._.".~..._._...w_ $170 c" ~-- - $155.25 / $150 / _ $130- $110"'-/ $85.53 $10 r/ $70'- $50"- $30. $10/ -$10 South Incline TahOll CIty North Kingsbury Tahoe Village Tahoe Note: Rates as of April!, 2008, ... 4-~EWER ENTERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Proposed Spending Debt Servlal 7% Operations . MalntenarlCle 24% ... Capital 43% 2008/09 QUARTERLY SEWER SERVICE FEES South Tahoe P.U.D. Compared to State Averages $110 . $100/ $90' $80- $70' $60' $50' $40< $30"- $20' $10' $0 17 South Tahoe 18 California -L SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND i Debt Service . Total $2 Million . Interest $1.1 Million . Principal $900,000 . 2007 Union Bank Installment Sale Agreement . 2004 Certificates of Participation " 20 5 ~~ER ENTERPRISE FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS Presented by Paul Sciuto Assistant General Manager/Engineer 21 SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Capital Outlay $12 Million . WWTP Final Export Pumps $6 Million . Rehab Secondary & Filter $300,000 . WWTP SCADA System & GIS Plant $300,000 23 ..J ~ ADVANCED ASSET MANAGEMENT . District-wide methodology used to determine the Capital Projects and effectively allocate Capital Improvement dollars . MM minimizes the total cost of buying, operating, maintaining, replacing, and dIsposing of capital assets during their life cycles . Combines technolo9Y and planning to create a database to predict asset failure and establishes optimal replacement schedules to achieve service goals 22 J I SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND ! 2008/09 Capital Outlay $12 Million . Collection System Master Plan $400,000 . WWTP TRPA Coverage Fee $225,000 . WWTP Future Connections Plan $225,000 24 J 6 \. \., ... ~ SEWER ~~TERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Capital Outlay $12 Million . Luther Pass Pump Station Generator Replacement $200,000 . Luther Pass Pump Station Transformers $100,000 . B-Line Re-vegetation $120,000 . C-Line Evaluation $100,000 25 t?~~~~NTERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Capital Outlay $12 Million . Engineering Staff & Expenses $1 Million . New Junior Engineering Position (50% Sewer) . Cost about $50,000 . Less Savings in Construction Inspection Costs 27 i-~~~_~~~TERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Capital Outlay $12 Million . Diamond Valley Ranch (DVR) Irrigation Fields $1 Million . Indian Creek Oxygen System/TMDL $700,000 . Nutrient Management Plan $200,000 . Monitoring Wells DVR/Alpine Co $100,000 . DVR Master Plan $50,000 26 ~~~~ENTERPRISE FUND Labor Costs $6.9 Million . New Finance Position (50% Sewer) . One-half Grant Administration . One-half Accounting Position . Cost about $35,000 . Less Reimbursements from Grant Programs 28 7 ~i S~~_~__E~,-ERPRISE FUND Labor Costs $6.9 Million . Impacted by Union Salary Survey Implementation & Health Benefit Costs . Salaries Up $374,000 . Benefits Up $371,000 29 t SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND I Operations & Maintenance Costs $7 Million . UP $168,000 . Offsets to the Increases . Power ($80,000) . Refuse Disposal ($31,000) . DVR Monitoring Fees ($45,000) 31 ." -t-_~~~~_~~,-_E~PRISE FUND Operations & Maintenance Costs $7 Million . UP $168,000 . RDA Tax Transfer $90,000 . as Mitigation $30,000 . Erosion Control $20,000 . Finance Advisory $38,600 . Legal Fees for DVR Contracts $20,000 30 ..J ~- SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND 2000 to 2009 Operating Costs Per Million Gallons of Wastewater Excluding Depreciation $12,000 /-~ ~"$1ii;244 ,,//- $7,561 $10,000 ' A$s5H- $8,000 /' " ' $6,000 /-; --- $4,000./ , $2,000 ./ $0 .oot 2000 CPI Ad tod ,DOG 32 ..J 8 \. \.., \. I SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND I District Reserve Policy . Maintaining Reserves are for: . Future Capital Obligations . Local Disasters or Catastrophic Events . Establishing Credit Worthiness . Insuring Against Significant Revenue Losses . Cash Row Requirements . Economic Uncertainties and Financial Hardships . Unfunded Mandates l3 +~~I.~~~~"fERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Budget Proposal . Revenue: $16 Million . Rate Adjustment: 4% . Operating Costs: $8.5 Million . Depreciation: $2 Million . Infrastructure Projects: $9 Million . Debt Service: $1 Million 35 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND ~:_ REY~~Y~ J4 36 9 ~; WA~~.~ ENTERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Revenue Grants 25% Interest & Other 7% Service Fees 56% " ~~~~~ITY FEES . 101 Single Family Homes . Large Commercial Projects . Chateau: Convention Center Building A . Van Sickle Bi-State Park Phase I . Embassy Vacation Resort - Phase 4 Supplemental Fees 39 v.J ~WA~~~_~NTERPRISE FUND Revenue $16 Million . Up $2.9 Million . Service Charges up $479,000 . Capacity Fees up $963,000 . Interest Income down ($568,000) . Grants up $2 Million 38 ~ WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Grant Funding . California Proposition 50 . Water Conservation $250,000 . AI Tahoe Water1lnes $2 Million . California Tahoe Conservancy $250,000 . BMP . Tahoe Restoration Act . Erosion Control $154,000 . Water1lnes $1 Million . County Water Agency $280,000 '10 J 10 \. \., \., I WATER ENTERPRISE FUND ! Water Rate . $116.22 Per Quarter . $4.82 Change Per Quarter . Rate Model Work in Progress <, , 2008/09 QUARTERLY WATER SERVICE FEES -r _______m_ " , Incline South T.hoe Kingsbury North ClIve V111_ T.hoe CIty T.tloe Rock Note: Rates as r:I April!, 2008. OJ I ANGORA FIRE HOMES DESTROYED ! Service Charge Revenue . 250 Customers . $114,000 Decrease in Annual Revenue . End Date Scheduled for April 2010 ., I 2008/09 QUARTERLY WATER SERVICE FEES .-I..-......-..-H....-........-.-..-........... South Tahoe P.U.D. Compared to State Averages South T._ CilIIfomIa .. 11 ~... WATE~_E.~TERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Proposed Spending Debt Senrice 60/0 Operations. Maintenance 21 Of. Paloma Well - AI Tahoe Ivea Capital 49% .J ~.' W~T~~ENTERPRISE FUND Debt Service . Total $1.2 Million . Interest $408,000 . Principal $770,000 . 2001 Refunding . 1999 LaSalle Loan 45 46 ..J ~ '. W~TE.~~NTERPRISE FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS 2008/09 More From Paul Sciuto Assistant General Manager/Engineer 47 48 '..J 12 \. '-' \.. 4-~~!~~.~r-4:r~RPRISE FUND 2008/09 Capital Outlay $9 Million . Waterlines $3.4 Million . AI Tahoe . Tata Lane . Julie Lane . Granite/Iron Mountain . In-house .. WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Capital Outlay $9 Million . Water Tanks $1.4 Million . Angora Tank . Country Club Tank . Forest Mountain Recoating 51 I WATER ENTERPRISE FUND '"'1----.. 2008/09 Capital Outlay $9 Million . Wells $1.6 Million . Arsenic Treatment System . Booster Stations $900,000 . Twin Peaks . Iroquois . Forest Mountain Rehab 50 I T WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 2008/09 Capital Outlay $9 Million . CMMS Software $200,000 . BMP Pump Station Erosion Control $110,000 . Engineering Staff & Expenses $1,060,000 . New Junior Engineering Position (50% Water) . Cost about $50,000 . Less Savings In Construction Inspection Costs 52 13 +~~"!ER_~~IERPRISE FUND Labor Costs $4.6 Million . New Finance Position (50% Water) . One-half Grant Administration . One-half Accounting Position . Cost About $35,000 . Less Reimbursements from Grant Programs 53 I WATER ENTERPRISE FUND ! Operations & Maintenance Costs $4 Million . O&M Up $308,000 . Meter Retrofits $250,000 . Customer Service Water Conservation $64,275 . Asset Management Consultant $45,000 . Power $39,000 . Operating Pennits $30,000 . UR Contractual Services $30,000 . Finance Advisory $20,400 55 ..J -t WATE~_~~TERPRISE FUND Labor Costs $4.6 Million . Impacted by Union Salary Survey Implementation & Health Benefit Costs . Salaries Up $196,000 . Benefits UP $191,000 " ..J --1-- W~I~~~NTERPRISE FUND Operations & Maintenance Costs $4 Million . O&M Up $308,000 . Offsets to the Increases . Well Destruction Completion ($135,000) . Erosion Projects Reduced ($125,000) 56 ...J 14 \. WATER ENTERPRISE FUND ~~., %.#[ > 2000 to 2009 Operating Costs ii .i, Per-f.1iIHon Gallons of Water Production Excluding Depreciation Statellne Tank - Stateline, CA .... ....CPI ..... 57 58 ~ -t- OUT o~~~~gAMAGES $40,000,000 $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 f~ !~.~!BE . Recap Litigation . Settlements . Legal fees/costs . Net to District $69 Million $28 Million $41 Million 2005 2006 2007 2008 59 60 \. 15 I 2008/09 PROPOSED BUDGET I Sewer & Water Combined . Revenue: $38.5 Million . Rate Adjustment: 4% . Operating Costs: $23 Million . Depreciation: $7 Million . Infrastructure Projects: $18 Million . Debt Service: $3 Million ., The End ..,., ., ..J ..J 16 ~ OoJ '-'0' S" , +,J 11) ~ \ V) Iii J ....'-" <~ c S 0;:.. -.. 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