HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 495-06 - Superseded ORDINANCE NO. 495-06 ~ AN AMENDMENT TO THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT'S ORDINANCE NO. 464 - ADMINISTRATIVE CODE SECTIONS 3.1.49 AND 3.1.50 WATER RATE SCHEDULES, AND SECTION 4.5.12 SEWER RATE SCHEDULE, AND SUPERSEDING ORDINANCE NO. 491-05 IN ITS ENTIRETY The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, El Dorado County, State of California, makes the following findings: 1. Public Meeting of this Ordinance was duly given, authorized, posted and published, as required by law and specifically, that said Notice fixing the time and place of the hearing on said Ordinance was duly given, posted, and published, as required by Government Code of California. 2. Pursuant to said Public Meeting, a meeting was held by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) on this Ordinance for the public by the Board of Directors on May 4, 2006, at 6:00pm at the place specified in said Notice of Public Meeting. 3. The Notice of time and place of said meeting, including a general explanation of the matters to be considered at said meeting was published on April 12, '-' 2006 and April 24, 2006. 4. At least ten (10) days prior to said public meeting, the data indicating the amount of the cost or estimated cost required to provide water and sewer services for which service charges are proposed for adoption pursuant to this Ordinance, and the revenue source(s) anticipated to provide such service was available to the public. WATER RATES 5. The water service charges in Schedules No.2 and 3 will be effective July 1, 2006 and are for the following purposes: a. Obtaining funds for capital projects necessary to maintain service for existing customers; b. Meeting debt service requirements; c. Meeting operating expenses; d. Purchasing or leasing equipment, supplies or materials; e. Meeting financial reserve needs and requirements. 6w ~ ~ ~ 6. The existing water service charges and the increase in the consumption charge are necessary to meet the costs and expenses enumerated in paragraph 5 herein above, and are included in the water budget adopted on May 18, 2006. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS THAT ORDINANCE NO. 491-05 IS SUPERSEDED AND THAT WATER RATE SCHEDULES NUMBER 2 AND 3 PROVIDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 464 - ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, SECTION 3.1.49 AND 3.1.50 ARE HEREBY AMENDED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULES 2 AND 3: WATER RATE SCHEDULES SCHEDULE 2 - ANNUAL FLAT SERVICE a. b. Single dwelling unit Duplex Triplex Fourplex Each additional unit Business establishment when serviced from: $426.32 $803.44 $1,091.48 $1,405.16 $233.72 c. d. e. f. % inch connection One inch connection $588.36 $887.84 SCHEDULE 3 - METERED SERVICE Annual Minimum Rate % inch water connection 1 inch water connection 1 Y:z inch water connection 2 inch water connection 3 inch water connection 4 inch water connection 6 inch water connection 8 inch water connection 10 inch water connection $239.64 $327.92 $514.32 $795.04 $1,590.32 $2,385.32 $3,185.96 $4,272.24 $5,697.40 All consumption will be charged at the rate of Two Dollars ($2.00) per one hundred (100) cubic feet. '-' \.,. \" 7. The Water Capital Improvement Charges in the amount of $1,448,000, formerly in Schedules No.6 and 7, are combined and included in Rate Schedules 2 and 3 herein above and will be effective July 1, 2006. The Capital Improvement Charges are restricted in use to the following purposes: a. Construction of purchase of capital improvements as designated in the District's financial statements as "Capital Assets"; b. Debt service related to items referred to in 7a; c. Reserves accumulated for future construction or purchase of Capital Improvements as designated in the District's financial statements as "Capital Assets." SEWER RATES 8. The sewer service charges in Schedule No.6 will be effective July 1, 2006 and are for the following purposes: a. Obtaining funds for capital projects necessary to maintain service for existing customers; b. Meeting debt service requirements; c. Meeting operating expenses; d. Purchasing or leasing equipment, supplies or materials; e. Meeting financial reserve needs and requirements. 9. The increase in sewer service charges are necessary to meet the costs and expenses enumerated in Paragraph 7 herein above, and are included in the sewer budget adopted May 18, 2006. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS THAT ORDINANCE NO. 491-05 IS SUPERSEDED AND THAT SEWER RATE SCHEDULE NUMBER 6 PROVIDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 464 - ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, SECTION 4.5.12 IS HEREBY AMENDED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE 6: SEWER RATE SCHEDULE 6 Annual service charges per sewer unit shall be as follows: Type of Connection Annual Service Charge per Unit Quarterly Service Charge per Unit Minimum Charge Per Unit Homes and Apartments $103.96 $25.99 $8.67 MotelslHotels/Timeshares $99.00 $24.75 $8.25 Restaurants $111.88 $27.97 $9.33 \., Service Stations $111.88 $27.97 $9.33 Trailer/Mobile Home Parks $98.12 $24.53 $8.18 & Campgrounds Laundromats $111.88 $27.97 $9.33 Automobile Service Garage $111.88 $27.97 $9.33 Taverns without Food Facilities $111.88 $27.97 $9.33 All Other Commercial Establishments $111.88 $27.97 $9.33 10. Delinquent charges, when recorded as provided in California Government Code Section 54354.5, and the District's Administrative Code, shall constitute a lien upon the real property served. -... 11. This Ordinance hereby supersedes Ordinance No. 491-05 in its entirety, and amended Ordinance No. 464 - Administrative Code, Sections 3.1.49, 3.1.50 and 4.5.12. PASSED AND ENACTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at its Regular Board Meeting on the 18th day of May, 2006 by the following vote: AYES: Directors Jones, Schafer, Comte, Mosbacher NOES: None ABSENT: Director Wallace DATED: May 18, 2006 '-' ~~Slv~ Kathy Sh , lerk of the B rd ~bune I 3079 Harrison Avenue, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone (775) 881.1201 Fax (775) 887-2408 ~~ :Account Number: #01100972 Legal/Sierra South Tahoe Public Utility District Attn: Linda Brown 1275 Meadow Crest Dr. South Lake Tahoe, CA. 96150 Michele Brackley says: That (s)he is a legal clerk of the TAHOE CAllY TRIBUNE, a daily newspaper published at South Lake Tahoe, in the State of California. Ordinance No. 495-06 An Amendment to the South Tahoe Public Utility District's Ordinance No. 464 Ad #01516968 of which a copy is hereto attached, was published in said newspaper for the full required period of 1 time commencing on May 29, 2006, and ending on May 29, 2006, all days inclusive. Signed: Yf)~ PAL ~~R!J,\.' .,. , I / ~ '" ...." STATEMENT: Date Credit Balance Amount OS/29/06 418.86 418.86 Proof and Statement 0 Publication ORDINANCE NO. 495-06 AN AMENDMENT TO THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICTS ORDI- NANCE NO. 464 - ADMINISTRATIVE CODE SECTIONS 3.1.49 AND 3.1.50 WA- TER RATE SCHEDULES, AND SECTION 4.5.12 SEWER RATE SCHEDULE, AND SlJPERSEDING ORDINANCE NO. 491-05 IN ITS ENTIRETY The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, EI Dorado County, State of California, makes the following findings: 1. Public Meeting of this Ordinance was duly given, authorized, posted and publish- ed, as require<! by law and specifically, that said Notice fixing the time and place of the hearing on said Ordinance was duly given, posted, and published, as required by Government Code of Galifomia. 2. Pursuant to said Public Meeting, a meeting was held by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) on this Ordinance for the public by the Board of Directors on May 4, 2006, at 6:00pm at the place specified in said No- tica of Public Meeting. 3. The Notice of time and place of said meeting, including a general explanation of the matters to be considered at said meeting was published on April 12, 2006 and April 24, 2006. . 4. At least ten (10) days prior to said public meeting, the data indicating the .amount of the cost or estimated cost required to provlda waler and sewer services for which service charges ars proposed for adoption pursuant to this Ordinance, and the revenue source(s) anticipated to provide such service was available to the public. . WATER RATES 5. The water service charges in Schedules NO.2 and 3 will be effective July 1, 2006 and are for the following purposes: a. Obtaining funds for capital projects necessary to maintain 'service for existing customers; b. Meeting dabt service requirements; c. Meeting operating expenses; d. Purchasing or leasing equipment, supplies or materials; e. Meeting financial reserve needs and requirements. 6. The existing water service charges and the increase in the consumption chal'lle are necessary to meet the costs and expenses enumerated In paragraph 5 herein above, and are included in the water budget adopted on May 18, 2006. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS THAT ORDINANCE NO. 491-05 IS SUPER- SEDED AND THAT WATER RATE SCHEDULES NUMBER 2 AND 3 PROVIDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 464 - ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, SECTION 3.1.49 AND 3.1.50 ARE HEREBY AMENDED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULES 2 AND 3: WATER RATE SCHEDULES SCHEDULE 2 - ANNUAL FLAT SERVICE a. Single dwelling unit ~ Du~ex- c. Triplex d. Fourplex e. Each additional unit f.Business establishment when serviced from: $426.32 $803.44 $1,091.48 $1,405.16 $233.72 _ inch connection One inch connection $588.36 $88:7 .84 SCHEDULE 3 - METERED SERVICE Annual Minimum Rate inch water connection "fInch water connection 1 inch water connection 2 inch water connection 3 inch water connection -l inch water connection 6 inch water connection 8 inch water connection 1 0 Inch water connection $239.84 $327.92 ' $514.32 $795.04 $1,590.32 $2,385.32 $3,185.96 $4,272.24 $5,697.40 All consumption will be charged at the rate of Two Dollars ($2.00) per one hundred (100) cubic feet.. ~ 7. The Waler Capltallmprovemant Charges In the amount of $1,448,000, fonnerly In Schedules NO.6 and 7, are combined and il1Cluded In Rate Schedules 2 and 3 herein above and will be effective July 1,.2006. The Caplt8llmprovement Charges are restricted in use to the following purposes: ' a. Construction of purchase of capital improvements as designated in the District's , financial statements as "Capital Assets"; . .. . I b. Debt service related to items referred to in 7a; I c. Reserves accumulated for future construction or purchase of Capital Improve- ments as designated In the District's financial statements as "Capital Assets. ~ I. I ", , ,;.,' . SEWER RATES ....,..,,;,,: .. \ C ". 8. The sewer service ch8rgea 10 Schedule, No. 8 wtn be eflectlve July 1, 2006 ~ ,~~ljfori~ ~~ ~888: , .' ',. , .', .. .'" ." a. obtaining lunda for capital prOjectI neceuaryto maintain service for eldetlng customers;. , ." ,. . b, Meetlllg debt service requirements; ,; , c. MeetInli operating expenses; . , ' , d. PunDllng or leasing equlpmenl; supplies Or matertals;,' , a. .~~ NI8fV8 ~ and requirements. -,..... ~,":.~_4 ...._, " 1 . .' . , 9. The IricniUe In sewer servICe charlI8s are necessary to meet the .costs and ax- e:;:.:,= ~8~=~~ 7 ,herein ~Ye, and are '.ooUded I~ the sewer .~.h.., "..;'*1.:....1.: IW,~"':;.. ....k 'j.,;_ ;:' :..,;-.:;.:.::: ~\~'f.',","; '_'~~' L :..o~~'::v;" , NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT ENAcTED BY THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS THAT ,ORDINANCE NO. 491.0518 SUPER- SEDED AND THAT SEWER' RATE SCHEDULE NUMBER 8 PROVIDED BY OR- DINANCE NO. 464 - ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, SECTION 4.5.1218 HEREBY AMENDED ~D REPLACED8Y~ Fa..LOWING SCHEDULE 8: .- , c " "'''''- ,', ,i'.;'" ;, ..", ",S~ RATE SCHEDULE II AnnUlI *YJQe charges per sewer unll,ah811 be 88 follows: . "" :' :1";'" . TyJle of Connection ... MnualServlce, Quarterly Service . :i"'i':i:;'~'i;j:;' . ~" C~ ~ Unit" ChaqJs oerUnII , Homes end Apaltn1enti $103.96 $25.99 MoteIsIHotelsl11nieshares ' . $99.00 $24.75 Restaurantl".... '. ,,, ' $111.88 $27.97 serYk:8:~;; ; $111;&8. $27.97 TrallerIMOblIe Home Perks . $98.'2 ,. $24.53 ~~;,~~ .., ~";c"~i ,.... ' . ...',. .' ~ /.:,,"'; t~l11.l!i "". :r:' $27.97 :, . ~. ~Mc8. G8~ge,:;'1111.:118"~':'i. ';\7;;"';, $27:07 ' t '"-:':', . '. ~. ,', Tavems without Fool:l '111.88 FacHll1e8 ' Minimum Charge .br..UnIl ::., ,.$8.87 ,$8.25 " $9.33 ,.,$9.33 $8.18 $27.97 $9.33 $9.33 $9.33 All OIher Commercial EaIabIIshrnentI ' 8111.88, $27.97 $9.33 .,~" . ' . ." I . 10. DeHnquenl charQ8s, when f8COI'd8d 88 provided In California GCMlmment Code SecUon 54354.5, and the DIstrict's, Administrative Code, shall constitute a lien upon the reaI.P~ served. .. . 11. ThIs o'rdi~ hereby supersedes OriiInance No. 491.05 In Its antlrety, and amended O~ No. 464 - Admlnlslrallve Code, SecIlons 3.1.49,3.1.50 and 4.5.12. . ., . . PASSED AND ENACTED bY the Board of DIr8ctors of the South Tahoe Public Utili- ty DIstrlc:t stlts Regular Board Meeting on the 18th day of May, 2006 by the follow- Ingvote: '" , AYE8: Dlractors Jones, Schafer. Comte. Moabacher NQE.S;; ~'~_'~,'.:'''; ;' I j ;., ., : ABSEt\IT: DIr8ctor Wallace . . DATED: May 18. 2006 IstErIe ,Schafer. President of the Board Pub. May 28, 2008 , IslKathy Sharp, Clerk of the 8o&rd Adt01&18968 t \., \" ~ State of California ) )ss County of EI Dorado ) I, ~('~5 l,,)ku ,\e\/\, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That for and on behalf of the Clerk of Board of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, affiant posted copies of ~LftS. O{P in form attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof, in three (3) public places in the District as follows: 1. City of South Lake Tahoe Administration Building South Lake Tahoe, CA 2. AI Tahoe Post Office Station South Lake Tahoe, CA 3. Government Center 1360 Johnson Boulevard South Lake Tahoe, CA That said posting was completed on the 30 ~ay of VV\ a LA , 200~. ~ CL (A)lL -- , Signed by: Subscribed and sworn to me this: :9\ ~ day of ~ 200b ~~ SOUTH T OE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT