HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 493-05 \., ~ ~ ORDINANCE NO. 493-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PROVIDING FOR DETERMINATION OF THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE, RESPONSIBLE BIDDER; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 429 AND AMENDING ADMNISTRATIVE CODE SECTION NO. 2.6.2 TITLED LOCAL SALES TAX REVENUE The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District finds: (1) Ordinance No. 429, which allows for a local tax adjustment is based upon a local sales tax revenue rate of one percent (1 %); and (2) The local sales tax rate has changed to one and one-half percent (1%%). THEREFORE, be it enacted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District as follows: Any reference to a percentage in the previous Ordinance No. 429 and the Administrative Code Section No. 2.6.2, is changed to one and one-half percent (1%%). PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at its duly held regular meeting on the ih day of July, 2005, by the following vote: AYES: Directors Wallace, Jones, Schafer, Comte, Mosbacher NOES: None ABSENT: NONE ATTEST. -At ..nJ.... .RU 2005 Out- I back, well. eguipped, _ 2500 miles, $21,900. n5-225-4500 SUBARU'S WANTED Peed or alive, ~I Outback only. PIIrfa Ii.. 10 .V11I1. 113N41-4188 ~ SUZUKI'''' SIdeIdcIr - 4WD, 4dr, red, roof rack I, 3O+m~~cOnd. 775-588-1931. TOYOTA 1988 picku~, ;!eo" . $2500 obo 77H~-0.4 6 new ,[..or '23fJ.4399~ ~'''0~~;','f~~t ~ T~~?~~~S:, 14J1~n~ I obo runs aoocI. $3200. .. SUBARU 1995 Legacy, r-with wagon, AWD, auto. 159k ml. run good. $3200., J on re-CaIl77s:885-8672,~;.:; o. ~ ,TOYOTA 1992 4-runner. 'v.:e, 1401< '..m~;needs trans, $1800'" 530-401-051~. .' TOYOTA 1887 Rlv 4, 5 spd., '4x4.88k ml., exc. ~~~eatl $7,500. TOYOTA 1997Rav 4, only 4SK miles. 5 apeecI, red, greII condition. 81c. pow- ~~~~,"C~I ........ . on new totaf mi. rentfII. fa- .1t8rter & ';D ampIIft- oOter, ski TOYOTA 1998 Rav 4, 4x4, 'Ill l stud- ~<"wtIk 80k mLl ru", ~- iL $5.200 or. <~ lbCC. c:and.. vD.;. ~1~' i82-7016>,~f7ea. .. f,~ . TOYOTA 1998 Tacoma slngI8, cab, 5 spd, shell. cld, eiccel condo oversize tires, custom rima 83k 1111. ~roo 775-248-~74:r ..JOYOTA 1999 .:!4R'-. .... '. .......... .-. .;O:.~......".._.- I >". ".....111I -.""" aI '" .'.",." ......- ' 'nd " .,... ex..... . co ',.11~.' orIaInaI owner ,$1~. 530-:~3700 ,TOYOTA .,1999 Tacoma ..ExtCab. 'VI, eII...~er. -,'Iota ',of eX1ra8. "'13500 ;,obo;.aso-S77-6S11t.-, . '-' '" (ee. sll- l IOUfld -.= :-3451 U: ;00. obo ~S3HOe f., . :'tf,.-o. ,~c ~and Chero- ;4WD. HOk Jrvice, aoocI Call "530- 'lerokee >ly43k 'ditlon 'yer, vI., 'Y. \.,; ()9 .;;'.-~ ~~ ,I. ,;' '. . . 4. T Y fA 2001 RdV4 " I J ,\ r 'I \ / . Now 51" 99') C.lI SOil City Toyot.l Used Cd' S 775 885 9995 ",r .~~ F("J ~h~ / ~ PfA~ I; ( ~/i\t\ Od~ '"'\1 '3 ,,,,",,, .,.; 10 bi; 18186 . "- ,Ilty of a c;IIrl'le)". ,..!if....... - - ,r.,~ . . "~~,...;,' ~.c..t thIS 1 bu!lIDIss'fi' p," .. .... ....... lIt. name sta . .... 'QlIP I/fICM .. fIctlIIous ,. ~t sta . ~lt~lboYt!oq'~. In~~.A__1ICtifIOui .~:' ~II.~.=. ;.; businesS riiII8.8faiIrnerd' l.ltJ KtiiIo. . mustbe'_~...1hl! that . =~: lime. The fII/lGorttlit. " . . .' . statement _. not qlltt:..~.'...; ';'M. e::. a:1'~'=- ~".Itll . faIee name i~ ~"1hie~I'"'" ~ "'., ~:.~.~~ . .' ~~ /. ~ law (see t:J '"1Nit ~~ ET $Ea~ . .0' ~ Protesilona t". tt~ --" -M'l:=~' ~'.IIIIf; .!l~,,'':, Find, "";'-_"fIr.d~~." . :.~~ .,-~t.- ."",," ".,,~llIInt of lhie. five If.... from lhNa, ,~,.y, b~does nolollt-; .Thia-.ment ....., ,'Iooid.. . tell authoriZe' the useJn~: .10 ~~~ g 'f this state of a 1lctIlIoue... "'_'-_. ~~ ;14;:'\ . . name in violation Of. the'. --. 1llImI_ ,-i:Zi.." ,ii'l~:JI~htsPt~~ rr::.~J,.~~= statement does. not 01 it- I8Il authorizelhe UI8 ill ~, , this 8fate 01 . fIc:IIIIow'.., . name in violation 0I1he 1 i. rights of II10ther under ' fl!MraI, state, or OOlI'ftlClItt . law (tee ~ 1.441..f . DISTRICT 1'R0000000FOR 'ETsca.. Bulln_.."",,' '. DETER ;nQN OF ntE LOWESTflIIPONSIVE,. Pl.-f. nlone CCldeJ."I;' ,:~~~~~-iiIl' The Board Of ~ of the $ou!hr.!lOeP.ubl~ iJ@Hiv'~ . OFFICI; ,.,1'.1;' . ..Dtstrlcl fIndI'I'l'-" .. . ...."... " . -. )- By. WIIlIam:e. SctluIIa'- . f=m::.=n-:~~'r:.~;==~\~~=-~oo; oIonepe~(1%);and. . ... ..ft "'-~' 28,1;1;~. . (2) The 1qcaI'" tax rate has changed to onfJ and';'. . H', ~1: one-hall pen:ent (1 1/2%).~. .. '. " ..... B . . . ,,' .. , . NAME srATE THEREFORE, be It enacted by the Board of Directors of ; '. . the South T~ Public Utility District ~ follows: , ;THE B~JJ~Sr:' \ .Any reference to a ~ge In the previous OrdInance. Bruce Hemande! . No. 429 ai1d the Adll1lnlstratlve Code Section No. 2.6.2,. ConatrucIIon ,,.. Is c:hanged to one and one-half percent (1 112%). ' "LOCATEI),A'I': ,;.,." .. ~ PASSED AND ADOPTED by the~rd 01 DirectOrs 01 S ~ ~~Jr~~~ the South Tahoe Public Utility District at its duly held IS (ARE) HEREBY REQ..:: regular meeting,9fI the 7th day of Jl!Iy, 2Q05, by ~ foJ- ISTEREO BY THE FOL. Jpwing vote:. , .f, ,,' ... . . LOWING OWNER(S) , .. -, -, t1 Bruce Wayne........... AYES: Directors Wallace; Jones, Schafer, Comte,,' .' _ :,r'i'-~;~;;~ .~ i ,.. s~:=?b'r~ NOES:' 'None.. f2 c.rta ttern.1dIIII " AB~E;NT: ..None ; , ~~1r=' :,""'"'' , ....". '. Eric W. Schafer, Board President" CONDUctED BY: . .' ., do <'I South Tahoe Publ~, ~Ity DIstrict " Indlvldull . 'Huabllnd ATTeST: KathY Sharp, CI~~gfthe Board ...,. ....~I=t cOm- Pub: July 12, 2005 .~~1830t !. " ....:.' , Lec;.iI and PubliC Notices 1000 >i'/I >~? \. State of California AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ) )ss ) County of EI Dorado ~A\Q.Q (i; \~ being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That for and on behalf of the Clerk of Board of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, affiant posted copies of ~\Y\(XV\(Q L~ form attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof, in four (4) publically accessible locations in the District as follows: 1. South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 2. AI Tahoe Post Office Station 1046 AI Tahoe Boulevard South Lake Tahoe, CA ...., 3. City of South Lake Tahoe 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard South Lake Tahoe, CA 4. Black Bart Post Office Substation 1698 Black Bart Avenue South Lake Tahoe, CA That said posting was completed on the \ \ 20 I.:f:. day of '-~\&/1 \ ~ ~ Subscribed and sworn tomethis J~ day of.- --r7-~ J;j 20g- ~~flU~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT