HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 490-05 - Section IV Superseded c \. ~ ORDINANCE NO. 490-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AMENDING ADMINISTRATIVE CODE SECTIONS 3.1.51 AND 3.1.52 TO DIVISION 3, ADDING NEW SECTION 3.1.44 TO DIVISION 3 AND ADDING NEW SECTIONS 1.1.40, 1.1.101 AND 1.1.107 TO DIVISION 1 Be it enacted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County ofEl Dorado, State of California, as follows: SECTION 1 - POLICY AND PURPOSE The purpose of this ordinance is to adopt certain amendments and additions to the Administrative Code regarding water service call charges. SECTION II - FINDINGS The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, El Dorado County, State of California, makes the following findings: A. Notice of Hearing ofthis Ordinance was duly given, authorized, posted, and published, as required by law and specifically, that said Notice fixing the time and place of hearing on said ordinance was duly give, posted, and published, as required by Government Code of California; B. Pursuant to said Notice of Hearing, a hearing by the South Tahoe Public Utility District on this proposed Ordinance was held on April 21, 2005, 2:30pm, at the place specified in said Notice of Hearing; C. The existing charges for providing water service calls do not exceed the cost of providing such service; SECTION III - ADDITIONS TO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE The following sections of the Administrative Code shall be added and shall read as follows: 1.1.40 "Customer Service Valve" shall mean a valve which controls all water supply outlets so that the water can be turned on or off to any individual or separate building. 1.1.101 "Regular Working Hours" shall be 7:30am to 5:30pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. c \., ~ 1.1.107 "Service Call" shall mean the disconnection or reconnection of a water service connection at a water user's request, or for non-payment of the water user's account, to prevent property damage in the event of broken pipes, or for a violation of any of the Ordinances, rules, and regulations of the District. 3.1.44 Customer Shutoff Valve. A customer shutoff valve shall be installed on new construction on the discharge side of each water meter and on each unmetered water supply. Water piping supplying more than one building on anyone premise shall be equipped with a separate customer shutoff valve to each building. Such shutoff valve shall be accessible at all times. In multi-dwelling units, one or more shutoff valves shall be provided for each dwelling unit so that the water supply to that dwelling unit can be shut off without stopping water supply to other dwelling units. These valves shall be accessible to every unit that they control. SECTION IV - AMENDMENT TO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE The following sections of the Administrative Code shall be amended in their entirety to read as follows: 3.1.51 SCHEDULE 4 - WATER SERVICE CHARGES DURING REGULAR WORKING HOURS Charges for each service call made during regular working hours shall not exceed the cost of providing such service. Service charges shall be updated annually to reflect the total cost of providing such service. Refer to Rate Schedule 4. If a customer shutoff val ve is installed at the time of the service call, a total of $75.00 shall be waived. Proof of installation of the customer shutoff valve is required and shall be provided by the customer. 3.1.52 SCHEDULE 5 - WATER SERVICE CHARGES AFTER REGULAR WORKING HOURS Charges for each service call made after regular working hours shall not exceed the cost of providing such service. Service charges shall be updated annually to reflect the total cost of providing such service. Refer to Rate Schedule 5. If a customer shutoff valve is installed at the time of the service call, a total of $75.00 shall be waived. Proof of installation of the customer shutoff valve is required and shall be provided by the customer. SECTION V - SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase ofthis Ordinance and its implementing rules and regulations is for any reason held c '-' ~ to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity ofthe remaining portions of this Ordinance or the Administrative Code. The Board of Directors declares and determines that it would have passed section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof ofthis Ordinance and its implementing rules and regulations and the Administrative Code irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases may be determined to be unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION VI - EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance, adding Administrative Code Sections 1.1.40, 1.1.101, 1.1.107 and 3.1.44 and amending Administrative Code Sections 3.1.51 and 3.1.52 shall be effective on May 22,2005. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at its duly held regular meeting on the 21 5t of April 2005 by the following vote: AYES: Directors Wallace, Jones, Schafer, Comte, Mosbacher NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ~l~fnA ~ Kat y Sha , ler of the Bda:rd +Tribune ~ Proof and Statement of Publ~cation 3079 Harrison Avenue, South lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone (775) 881-1201 Fax (775) 887-2408 ORDINANCE NO. 49CHl5 AN ORDINANCE OF ntE SOUTH TAHOE PUBUC UTILITY DISTRICT AMENDING ADMINlSTRAnvE CODE SEenONS 3.1.51 AND 3.1.52 TO DIVISION 3, ADDING NEW SEenON 3.1.44 TO DIVISION 3 AND ADDING NEW SEcnoNS 1.1.40,1.1.101 AND ~... .. 1.1.107 TO DIVISION 1 Account Number: #01100972 "'>.". '-~"".", Be it enacted by the Board of DIrectors of the South Ta- ho~ Pu~"c Utility District, County 01 EI [)orado. State of California, as follows: .... ...... . .,~~.....-",...,. . ".--,.~,.. ~ ....,. ',,.'" .... ': .;i':,'." ., ,. .,sECTION 1- ~OLICY AND PURPOSE .. The purpose pi this .ordlnance is to adopt certain amend- ments and additions to the Administrative Code regard- ing water service call charges. ., ' SECTION 11- FINDINGS The B~ard of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, EI Dorado County, State of Califomia, makes the fo~ng findings: "~""""",.,,.... . A. Notice of Hearing of this Ordinance was dulY given, authorized, posted. and ~hed, as required by law and specifically, that said Notice flxIpq the time and place of hearing on said ordinance wa'sduly give, post- ed,.and'publlshed. as required by Government Code of Cahloml~: . ' " .. "~.ti:;~~"'".;,,, __. ,.,.;. ..,~.,-.::;._. .'~. ~.' ';; .., ;-". -".. : ";;::trP" ' B. Pursuant to said Notice of Hearing.a'lI8arlrig by the South Tahoe Public Utility District on this P':opoSed Or- dinance was held on April 21. 2005. 2:30pm. at the . place specified in said Notice of Hearing; ". '. , 'i~ . ". C, The existing charges for providing water service calls do not exceeCt the cost of providing sue:" seryice; , SECTION 111- ADDITIONS TO ADMINISTRATIVE '.' .....' . CODE"'.:;' The'fOllOWing'Sections of the Adminlstrati~'Code shall be added and shall read as follows: . , . , -t~~':o~~r~ri~~::'so1:"~'= can ,be tur~. on or off to any individual or separate . byilcJlnlk;,;;::"'il'", . "'. .;,. j\ . 1~r:101f; ':~ular w~Ikinf,~Jours' .'~. to 5;3OPm. ~nClay.Itlr.,!fricflly. exttallllll.Jla) a:" :. 1~=~::::==~t~~ , user's request. or for non-payment of the water user's account, to prevent property damage In the event of broken pipes, or for a vlolatlon of any'of the Ordinan- ces,. rules, and regulations of the Dls~.. ; r 3.1044CUlltomer Shutoff V8tve. .. A cuStOmer Shutoff. , valve shalt be 1nstalled on- new CQnStruc:tton on 1h8 dis- charge side of each water meter and on.eaehunme- tered water lIUPPly. Water pipi"9 supplying more than one building on anyone premise shall be equipped with a separate customer shutoff valve to each build- ,ing. Such shutoff valve shall be acCessible. at all times. lit multl-dwemng units, one or more shutoff valves shall be provided for each dwelling unit ;so, thlll the water supply to that dwelling unit can be shuf 6ft WIthout stop- ping water supply to other dwelling units. These valves shall be accessible to every unit that they control. . SECTION IV - AMENDMENT TO ADMINISTRATIVE ",~,':' ';i','; Cq~E. ~d:' ., The following sections of..the AdminiStrative Code shall , . be. af1er~~: 1?:t!1e1~.rti~,!O}~~,~i~~'.~~t~ ;, 3.1.51 .SCHEDULE 4 - WATER SERVICE CHARGES DURING FlEGULAR WORKING HOURS .(",.~,.... j;6~:':~~~r':~;~~'ciiilc~1ii~~S ..~-...iErs~~no~:l;;crsh~:~la:~~ ',,'refl!lCt the total CO~!~!~~lrtg.suCh S8ryjCe~':~~fe~,to "'~al8i~~~ 4;,.1;~$\t" ''t7'.~;;' ~~~~. " n~:W;t~If~~ti.~'~, be W9JVed~i:~th; ~. inst8llation of the ciJstomer shutoff .., . ',' 'Ired. ........., <~~*!~a1. .!.~. ..~.d.ed. '...~ !f1.e","~. )9.,. . . ;.",,-. ~'""''''P~,'fI:l'''''''.!.''f '/" ".-,.._,i.t:"~'Y;I':~j\~J1'\, '~'~~ ' " ';3:1.52 SC~EDULE 's ~'WAi'ER'SER .~;A,~~'~7~~~fl!1rk~~~I~~U~. 'l'i!ll.fJ~';d; !!.; South Tahoe Public Utility District Attn: Linda Brown 1275 Meadow Crest Dr. South Lake Tahoe, CA. 96150 VICTORIA CRUMP says: That (s)he is a legal clerk of the TAHOE DAilY TRIBUNE, a daily newspaper published at South Lake Tahoe, in the State of California. Notice Ordinance No. 490-05 Ad# 03517475 of which a copy is hereto attached, was published in said newspaper for the full required period of 1 times commencing on April 29, 2005, and ending on April 29, 2005, all days inclusive. l4~( Signed: ~ STATEMENT: Date Amount Credit Balance 4/29/05 241 .57 241 .57 " ... -.\ ~ ~ . . . ;';",,' - Charges for each service Can made after regular worklng hoUIS shlIII' nat.exceed the coat CII prowicIng such serv- ,.,~~.~i~~~~~~~/:i j~'le~t'i~' U .;~'::t,_..,.,.",..'::',~, ; if a customer shutoff'vaIve . led at the time of the eerviI:e call. a total of $75.00 shan be waived. Proof of , Inetallation of the customer shutoff valve. Is required vbe provided bylhe,custo!n8t';~.f:'~.'.... - , 'f~SECitciN V ~S~ERAB'L1r/";' , If any section, subSection, subdivlston, paragraph, sen- tence. clause or phrase of this Ordinance and its Imple- menting rules anc,1 regulations Is for any reason held to be unconstitutIOnal or invalid, such decision sh(!1I not jffect the validity of the rarnallling portions of this Ordi. ,:.1\anceor,the Adi\:Ilnlsti'atlvflCoae;" . . ". '-:~:",,~,:e',~.l' .;~:'tif~. ~',f ~ ,.,,~; <p" The .Board of Directors c:Iedares and determines that It would have Puled seCtIon. subsection, subdivision, . i J)8ragraph.. sei'l1ehc8, cI8us8 or phrase thereof of this Ordinance and its Implementing rules and regulations and the Administrative Code irrespective of the fact that anjone or moreiiections, subeClctlons, subdivlslons, parapraphs. sentences, clauses or phrases may be de- termmed to be unconstnutional or invalid. SECTION VI- EFFECTIVE DATE ThIS':QrdlnahCO..-addlng Administrative Code Sections 1.UO,,~.1;101.1.UCl7and 3.1.44 and amending Ad- ministrative Code Sections 3.1.51 and 3.1.52 shall be effective on May 22. ~5. 'PASSED AND A~d~' " the E50ard of Directors of the SOuth TahOe f'Ubllc District 81 its duly held _ ... [egular, . . ~.the 21st AprIl, 2OO~by the follow- mg vote. J'!'i~; ',--. ,.x,.",. AYES: DirectolS tallace, Jones,. Schafer, Comte, Mosbac~er NOES: None ABSENT: None ':~, ,,:. ' c,.., _ {j Eric Schafer, Soard President - South Tahoe Public Utility District u~: [ ArrESt:Kafhy _Sharp, Clerk of the Board Pub: AprII2t, 2005 Adl103517475 '-' \r \. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING State of California ) )ss County of EI Dorado ) ""J ~AI\Q,Q G~~&'V\ being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That for and on behalf of the Clerk of Board of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, affiant posted copies of l - in form attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof, i~ ~UblicallY accessible locations in the District as follows: . ) 1. South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 2. AI Tahoe Post Office Station 1046 AI Tahoe Boulevard South Lake Tahoe, CA 3. City of South Lake Tahoe 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard South Lake Tahoe, CA 4. Bart Post Offjce~n --- 1698 B a Avenue Souttf(ake Taho , ..----"';.... l-hat said posting was completed on the 0- q day of ~ ('; \ 20~. ~~!['('HQ~ & g ~l,,^- ) S gned by: Subscribed and sworn to me this ~o,~ dayof~Ml 2065