HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout161102_Kokanee_Water District_LOI-Signed170119_Kokanee_Option Land Lease Agreement-DRAFT170710_Kokanee_TRPA_Linear_Public_Service_Project_Application170710_Kokanee_TRPA_Linear_Public_Service_Project_Application - Rev1170711_Kokanee_Special Use Permit ApplicationA-1.1 Overall Site PlanEmail 5-28-2020Email 5-28-2020 10Email 5-28-2020 11Email 5-28-2020 12Email 5-28-2020 13Email 5-28-2020 14Email 5-28-2020 15Email 5-28-2020 15 AttachmentEmail 5-28-2020 16Email 5-28-2020 17Email 5-28-2020 18Email 5-28-2020 19Email 5-28-2020 2Email 5-28-2020 20Email 5-28-2020 3Email 5-28-2020 4Email 5-28-2020 5Email 5-28-2020 6Email 5-28-2020 7Email 5-28-2020 8Email 5-28-2020 9Email 5-29-2020Final Executable - Memorandum of Lease - Kokanee (48963392v1)Final Executable - Option and Land Lease - Kokanee (48963388v1)FW_ CVL02132 CC - Lease RedlinesKokanee - Redline v3 to v4 (48464006v1)Land_Capability_Verification_ApplicationOps Daily Log 05-28-20Option and Lease Agreements STPUD Signed 20181018Permit Applicaitons STPUD Signed 20181018RE_ CVL02132 CC - Lease RedlinesRE_ CVL02132 CC - Lease Redlines(1)RE_ CVL02132 CC - Lease Redlines(2)RE_ CVL02132 CC - Lease Redlines(3)RE_ CVL02132 CC - Lease Redlines(4)RE_ CVL02132 CC - Lease Redlines(5)RE_ CVL02132 CC - Lease Redlines(6)STPUD Verizon Cell Lease Term Sheet with Comments_20171215STPUD Verizon Cell Lease Term Sheet with Comments_20180108STPUD Draft Verizon Option and Lease Agreement (03 08 18 Redlined Draft)_(16595170_1)STPUD Final Draft Verizon Redlined Option and Lease Agreement (06 12 18)_(16906981_1) SDC Revisons 20160626STPUD Final Draft Verizon Redlined Option and Lease Agreement (06 12 18)_(16906981_1) SDC Revisons 20160626 (2)STPUD Verizon Cell Lease Term Sheet_(15980180_1)STPUD 2 Final Draft Verizon Redlined Option and Lease Agreement (06 12 18)_(16906981_1) SDC Revisons 20160626STPUD Verizon Contract Markups 20180626STPUD Verizon Contract Markups 20180626 - track changes removed for comparisonTRPA Cover Letter 2018 1217v5 STPUD Draft Option Land Lease - Kokanee - VZW Revised v5 (08.28.18) (48857346v1)Verizon construction site project manager